#this particular work really trained me in the art of drawing the same person multiple times
bnnuy-wabbit · 2 years
HAAIIIIII you can call me Lago, im 21 (i dont know how EITHER), im just some guy*. this is my main blog and where i throw funny things that makes my brain produce juices and also random ass personal poasts.
one of those he/shes they never warned you about (pathogenic variant they have yet to make any vaccines to protect you from)
my art tag is #feral art tag.
there will be adult things in this blog because im an adult. follow at your own risk etc. were horny in here towards men occasionaly.
I'm brazilian. From Brazil. As in born here, living here and stuck here for the foreseeable future. é nois 🤙
Everybody says I'm really nice! I am Unable to hit people up first though, but if you'd like to be friends, send me an ask and I'll give you my discord!!!!
i have many interests (mostly music and nerd shit) and funny things that I'll be putting under the read more lest this post get Unbearably Big. There are flashing blinkies down there by the way.
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OK SO INTERESTS. I like MANY things! and i have favorite things! I think it's really cool of me to have favorites. i decided I'm going to wear them on my sleeve. anyways Here's some things i Like.
MUSIC!!! its one of my favorite things ever. I play the guitar and a bit of bass. heres stuff in no particular order of favoriteness. Just stuff i care enough right now to remember.
Linkin Park (meteora, hybrid theory <3)
My Chemical Romance
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Mindless Self Indulgence
Ft-rj (listen to it or i am going to chase you with a broom)
francisco el hombre (i recommend the rasgacabeza album)
danny bond
2000-10s pop!!! fuck it, lady gaga, britney spears, kesha, katy perry, black eyed peas, that sorta jazz.
Every single Homestuck song there is. i have listened to all of them multiple times. My favorite albums are colours and mayhem and also the beforus fan album.
Dad rock (acdc, queen, talking heads, nirvana, judas priest, Some pink floyd etc)
Industrial and Adjacent. I've been listening to code:redcore a lot and some grammostola actaeon lately. processor also fucks.
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Eragon (the books)
Disco elysium.
How to train your dragon (the books. specifically.)
Animated movies!!! Specially the hand drawn ones.
My horrible little OCs (@honsebeasts just go there but also Beware.)
Worldbuilding. I do aliens and monster speculative biology. Most of my thoughts on it are on the Above mentioned blog though.
Real life physiology and anatomy also
MEN (and like 3 fictional women.)
stranger things
Pokemen (i do not know a single thing after gen 6 though.)
Dungeons and dragons, sometimes
Traditional art like watercolors and oil pastels
Drawing my blorbos in the same side facing pose or just standing there.
Drawing in General actually! Designing characters is my passion
Fictional fathers
sewing and felting and sculpting and painting and singing and playing
COLORS. i love colors. i love looking at them. i love playing with them. i would like to eat them if i could. i love warm palettes.
Hiveswap (pissing screaming CRYING)
MONSTERS!!!!!! They're really cool and gay and hot.
Portal (the games. all of them. glafos........ kissing her)
Half Life.
y2k and 80s-90s vibes. i think its awesome.
I am afflicted by the human condition and also a few other funnier conditions. my brain and my body dont work right.
If you want to know the brunt of the brain ones: autism adhd avpd. they all impact heavily how i interact with people with people. Sorry in advance if i can't keep conversation going.
I'm some sort of queer thing. If we need to get really specific, id say "bisexual aromantic bigender femme", mostly into men and butches, but Queer will do just fine. I'm a self entitled part time pretty fag and ugly dyke in my free hours. Intersex it turns out.
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sintheyokai · 2 years
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lost a little motivation due to a computer crash and realizing i hadn't saved upon rebooting BUT I'M BACK WITH MORE SELF INDULGENT FRUIT OUTFITS- THE THIRD:
Peach Lucille Barde*, Kiwi Lucy Baker, and Cherry Loopy Lily*
*You can find these characters in my LBMR sequel fics, I Know What Really Happened, Shadows in The Light of The Sun, and Layton Brothers: Devil's Child on my ao3 page in my pinned post!
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lonelyhooves · 3 years
How do you draw so well?
To start with, there's two of us.
I (Zaron) have been drawing for about as long as I can remember, which helps make up for the fact that I didn't really start opening up to learning from others at all until like... shoot, 2010 or so?? In my 20s??? Lord. I handle the pencils and writing, meaning I hand the pages off to Kaz looking like this:
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(The level of backgrond detail varies pretty wildly! For this one, between all the text and face shots, there wasn't much call to layout new scenery and the like, so part of the secret is that Kaz is just extremely good at reusing and patching up background assets when they aren't the focus of the scene, which ultimately saves both of us a lot of time until I do something like open a chapter with multiple angles of a train station and the vehicle parked at it.)
Kaz then goes through and does the colored outlines and fills and such, so most of what's left for me to do after that is any last-minute adjustments and the final word balloon arrangements and placements (I actually script and plan page layouts at the same time, and fiddle with intended dialogue placement as I work out the sketch; don't draw comics blind on where your text is going to go or you're gonna drive yourself up the wall with how much of the art you cover!) She started doing digital art a few years ago and took to doing pony adopts. Without her, the first few pages of chapter 1 each took at least a month to come out, with the first page in particular taking me... a very long time, actually, like ridiculously so. The comic's look would straight-up not be possible without her, which is probably why I'm constantly trying to convince her to take up more personal work again lol
The exception is the chapter covers where we both tend to split off on our own to create the two variants. 90% of that is just me being a stubborn dork about needing to prove I can still do a full piece on my own every couple years without skipping steps (I barely ever ink anymore! I kinda hate it! I'm a "cleans up the sketch" kind of guy).
I hope that at least kind of answers the question!
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entropy-game-dev · 4 years
Getting organised in 2021
Huh, me? No I mean you! You!
I'm sure many people are looking ahead to 2021, and, with the new year comes renewals of goals, habits, motivation and so forth. I'm not really about that, but I thought now would be an apt time to talk about what I've learnt over the past 2 years regarding project management and keeping motivated. 
Now, I want to preface this blog with my thoughts about the whole "productivity" thing. I make a huge, HUGE distinction between being productive at work and productive on your hobbies. The idea of productivity in the workplace can be used in a manipulative fashion, where one may work themselves to mental and physical exhaustion for the benefit of someone else. Considering most people reading this will probably be on a fixed wage (rather than commission-based), does it really make sense to push oneself harder without getting any immediate, tangible benefit from it?
So that’s my rant for the blog, I promise! Anyway, on the other hand we have productivity on your hobbies, which is a completely different matter. You get out exactly 100% of what you put into your hobby, and it'll benefit you in multiple ways. I don't think I need to sell this to you, as I'm sure most people, myself included, would love to be more productive on their own personal projects. In this blog, I'm going to be talking exclusively about this sort of productivity and how to improve it in a couple of different ways. Again, this is all stuff I've personally tried and tested, so while I am confident this approach will work for me, it may not necessarily work for you. But, you won't know until you try!! So if you're convinced and want to get motivated, read on!
I first want to talk about one's mindset, and then dive into the tools I use. The latter will provide a bit more context for the former, and in the end, the most powerful tool you have is your brain, so use it!
Training your brain
So, the biggest problem I find myself, and other people have, is how to tackle a project and starting a work session. One I start, I find it easy to get into the zone (and this comes back to the choice of tools that augment my workflow), so getting started and knowing what I'm doing is the main thing I have to tackle. 
On the broadest level, I work with a general plan that has been written up previously. This contains all the key points from start to finish, without worrying too much about the detail at this stage. There is some skill involved in identifying what constitutes a "key" point, but this all comes down to practice. For reference, if I estimate something will take a week or two to finish, that's a task. If something will take longer than that, it's more than likely several tasks, and rolling it up into one task will probably cause some decision paralysis. Anything smaller and your list will get too clogged up, and again, decision paralysis. Right, so that's your high level plan done. Cool, but not really going to help you on a day-to-day basis as this will be something to refer to between tasks.
Ok, so now you have a list of chronological tasks. Take the first one and start it. Oh, you don't know where to start? Don't worry, I'm with you. It's important to recognise the mental signs related to approaching a task. If I find myself hesitating or not looking forward to a particular task, it often means I haven't defined it well enough. That means breaking the task down into individual steps, until you're comfortable saying "yep, I can do this right now" with each dot point. Again, it'll take some practice (depending on your hobby) to visualise and write down each step, but it is definitely something that you get used to, and will save you so much time umming and aahing with your program of choice open, but not actually getting any work done. If you are finding that happens more often than not, it breaks your workflow and you can't get into the zone!
A few more general tips. It helps to be consistent with your work. Try to dedicate a regular time to your hobby and you'll find it a lot easier to get into the working mindset and the zone. Allow yourself some days off, but don't use the excuse of "not being motivated enough" as a reason to take time off. What would be better is, if you can't force yourself to, say, program, work on the art, or the sound, or design. But do it consistently! 
Be accountable as well. This means involving others as much as you can - as an example, say you want to discuss a design aspect with a friend and you'll find extra motivation to work on that aspect, and get it ready for someone else to read over. Just having that knowledge of another person looking at your work will bring it to a new level, trust me! You can also be held accountable to people you don't know! Part of the reason why I started this blog and my Twitter account was because I always have in the back of my mind while working, that it'll eventually make its way to my blog. 
Finally, if your hobby has one, make use of the community where possible - get involved and see if there are ready made templates or resources you can use. I know people like to do things without help, and I absolutely respect that, but I find that people have often gone through the same struggles as you, and will provide ways to make your life easier!
Tools of the trade
Ok so I've used a lot of different software and systems in my time, and by process of natural selection the ones that I still use today are the ones that have been most helpful for me! Here's a short list with both the specific thing I use, and in brackets, what I use it for. If you already use something similar that fill a similar role, then my suggestion is to stick with what you know:
ClickUp (Project management, checklists): This is where I keep a list of all my major tasks. You can have checklists nested in checklists which is amazing for planning, and can organise things into broad categories, and tons more. Any good project management software like Trello etc. should support this.
Google Drive (Cloud storage of other assets, easy sharing, MS office replacement): I use this to store anything that isn't code related, and to work on things simultaneously with other people. While this game is a mostly solo effort, I absolutely discuss and show a ton of stuff to my more experienced friends, who in turn provide very helpful feedback. It's much nicer and more organised than sending files through a messaging app or (heaven forbid) emails!
Bitbucket (Source control, cloud storage of code): If you code, you need this. I don't care how small your project is! Actually, smaller projects are better to learn from! Github is definitely used the most for source control, so if you like that more, use it!
Google Keep (Note taking, brain dumps): Ever had a genius idea right before bed? Same, and I use Google Keep to keep track of them. I could use Clickup in this instance but I find the app to be a bit clunky compared to Keep.
Notepad++ (Rapid notes, copypasting error messages): Notepad ++ is what I use mainly for copypasting error messages to look at later, but I also use it when I need to break down a sub-task down, or make a note to do something later without interrupting my flow. The fact that Notepad++ specificaly can have multiple tabs and will save your tabs automatically without you having to manually save it is amazing.
Good 'ol pen and paper (Scratchpad): For those REALLY hard problems that can't be solved in my head, I turn to pen and paper to get my thoughts organised. While I could use something like Notepad++, I find that being able to write and draw anywhere on the paper, and link things up with lines helps immensely to get a clear idea of things.
Summing up
Right, so, that's about it from me. If you have any questions or want me to elaborate on something I've mentioned here, feel free to leave a comment or an ask. In any case, I hope you’re feeling more motivated now, and all the best for your personal projects in 2021!
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P.S. I've know I’ve been a bit quiet lately because I'm working on designing the five factions present in the demo - I can't reveal much lore about them (as those will be in logs you'll find in-game), but I will be showing off some more designs and gameplay mechanics in the near future, so look forward to it!
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littleeyesofpallas · 3 years
Was chatting with a coworker the other day and two things crossed my mind...
that I've been at this weeb shit so long that I forget what I just sort of take for granted and what might not be commonly known little factoids, and
that VIZ's attempt at a monthly Shonen Jump magazine has been gone so long most people probably never saw them. (nevermind the old RAIJIN Graphic Novels that tried the same thing)
So, here's some fun little things you might not have known about manga if you've only ever read English publications and/or digital scans...
For one, there's the matter of print formatting... In general, Japan actually uses their own standards for print that tend to differ from those in the US; The JIS(Japanese Industrial Standards) series A and B. Magazines like the typical anthology format manga are printed in JIS B5, which is comparable to the US Letter standard, or the ISO A4.
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This was the same format that RAIJIN Comics printed in as well, and although I don't have a copy of the old English Shonen Jump for reference, if memory serves they printed in the same format as well in an attempt to really sell that "authentic" manga feel. Sadly, I don't know that the effort or attention to detail was much appreciated. Neither published a volume comparable to a Japanese weekly or even monthly serial magazine, though --not by a long shot. But this might not be the most practical for comparrison, since there actually just isn't much of an English language equivalent format. (unless you count actual magazines that happen to include comic illustrations or miniscule comic strip segments)
Despite the mammoth size of a serial magazine, Japanese tankoban are actually smaller than the North American equivalent. But notably the Japanese small book format isn't just a matter of contending with nearest print standards... What I believe is the JIS B40(although I could be wrong) tends to be the standard print size of small books in general, not just manga, and it's a print size that is only marginally smaller than VIZ's standard size manga, but with the very particular benefit of being deliberately portable. The small difference in size is the difference between a Japanese manga fitting in my coat pocket where as the English equivalent can't.
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(I realize I photographed a copy of Shonen ACE, and not Weekly JUMP, but I measured a copy of Weekly JUMP for the thickness and not the copy of ACE; the copy of JUMP was around 506pg, while the copy of ACE was 570pg. Those are both older though, and the most recent digital copy i have of Weekly JUMP actually had around 520pg)
And I don't think it's always addressed just what a difference there is, culturally, in how Japan approaches the print medium. It's kind of an old cliche by this point, and I don't know how accurate it's remained in the past decade or so, but the quintessential image passed around between comic nerds has always been the Japanese bullet train; A place packed with commuters all passing their transit time with isolated preoccupation with music and/or reading, with manga being the king of this time killing arena. And its not just about sheer popularity driven by interest, American comic vendors have long envied the sheer accessibility of manga in Japan.
Here in the U.S. we used to have a thriving newsstand retail scene for comic books, and a kind of similar ease of grab and go comic purchase, rather than the explicitly niche interest driven "direct market" model that has been slowly but surly strangling the comic market ever since. But in Japan serialized manga has remained in relatively quick, impulse friendly, arm's reach of readers on the go. And what lubricates that business model more than anything is price.
I still remember a time when VIZ dominated the English manga market by offering at $7.95(and am I crazy or am I remembering a time when it got down to $6.99?) but now'days it's settled on a low end of $9.99. You know how much the recent vol.29 of My Hero Academia goes for? ¥484. That's less than $4.50.
You know how much that big ass magazine with 500+ pages and 21 different series goes for? Do you think it's more or less than the little pocket-size tankoban? Did you guess something close to ¥290? That's less than $2.75. But how does something bigger in both page size and page count managed to sell for less???
There are a few secrets to that, but one is that the things are packed to the gills with ads. But that's the boring answer. The other feature contributing to keeping an accessible cost on weekly/monthly manga is something we don't think about much in the U.S.; it's the paper and print quality.
The nice little books are printed in what you might expect as far as starch white paper and clean black inks, but those big honkin' phone book(do people still know what phonebooks look like??) size magazines are printed on cheap recycled pulpy newpaper with typically rough print jobs. This is most noticeable in the quality of solid blacks, and when scanning the texture of "white" space.
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(I tried to take individual photos of different series chapters to show off the fact that the paper is differently colored... but my phone's camera seems to be smart enough to auto balance that kind of thing when there's no other context to anchor it to. (It doesn't help that it's night and my lights have a harsh yellowing glow to them.) but on th left you can still kind of see the different paper colors; this particular issue alternated every 3 chapters between pink-ish, green/gray, a kind of off-white/gray, and sepia, but I've also seen blue-ish, oranges, and a different shade of yellow different from the sepia-ish one.)
Back in ye olden days when it came to fan scanlations, more slapdash teams and projects would often stumble over levels in photoshop (too much black and the pulpy paper texture shows up as grainy shadows, but too far white and the edges of lineart get crunchy and ugly) but those who had more robust readership and a regular streamlined flow of work, we'd actually go in and touch up the solid blacks and whites by hand. We'd also redraw art to erase overlaid text so the type setters could lay the new English in over top.
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(Weekly Jump: Left, Bleach tankoban: Right)
They do however keep a few coveted color pages in better quality paper and ink. In contrast, the standard quality tankoban actually don't include color pages at all, and just print what had been color pages in grayscale. There are also all kind of irregularities between publishers and special editions and such, but on the most basic level this difference in quality both keeps serial prices down, while also incentivizing tankoban purchase.
In the U.S. we might still have the draw of an ad-free reading experience in our TPB, but the print quality between a biweekly issue and a TPB are basically the same. Incidentally, even though manga are generally drafted at a much larger scale than even the serial magazine proportions anyway, the scaled down size of the tankoban also serves to sharpen the image. When put side by side the nice clean tankoban print looks noticeably better than the serial.
Now'days the English scanlation scene seems to be conducted almost entirely through ripped digital releases (at least as far as I can tell with popular, regular weekly titles) which is great for quality, frankly, but it does kind of lack the charm and personal touch of a band of amateurs finding round about solutions to a convoluted bootlegging pipeline. But obviously I'm a little biased.
[edit]: Oops i posted this without really ending it in any sensible ro conclusive way... I feel like ive lost sight of the point since i first drafted this but I guess its mostly just me pining after if we could just get super cheap, disposable quality, bulk manga in that classic Japanese magazine model to work here in the states. I already tend to sell manga in big runs, even at $9.99+, and frequently I'll have customers put volumes back, or clearly want the next volume but just can't afford it and wait to come back. If I could sell these customers more volumes, and more importantly more titles, at the same price, I would love to. I would love to see these things fly off the shelves. I would love to see people keeping up with multiple series. I would love to see someone look at a 44vol long series and actually feel like that's a number of volumes they can afford.
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kaweeella · 4 years
Chapter 2- He Did It, Fellas! He Did It!
Word count- 1790
Description- Tsuzuru decides to go out on a walk. In doing so he meets up with an old acquaintance and finally gets to see the theater that drew so much of his attention.
Tsuzuru returns to the house, still thinking about all that had happened earlier in the day. Izumi… She's looking for information on her father? And she owns the Mankai? I suspected that whoever owned the place was sentimental but…
Tsuzuru’s train of thought gets interrupted as Izumi notices him.
“Hey, Tsuzuru! Sorry I left you like that! Did you get a good look around?”
“Oh, yeah. I met some nice people.”
“Really? That’s good. Getting to know people in a new location is quite important. I’m glad you could make friends”
“You could do with meeting new people as well, you know” Yasashii buts in.
“Anyway, dinner’s ready, Minagi-san”
“Oh, thank you, Tachibana-san.” Tsuzuru says with a bow.
“Of course. It’s chicken curry tonight.”
“I made it! I’m really good at making curry!”
“Really? That’s cool.”
“Yep! I can make a different type of curry everyday for a year! Maybe even two!”
Tsuzuru starts to feel nervous.
Dinner was good, but Tsuzuru still can’t help but be scared for his future here.
Tsuzuru flops down onto his bed. It’s much comfier than he thought it would be, which he is very happy about.
What should I do tomorrow? Maybe I’ll go out to meet new people. Maybe I could find out that other guy’s name. Or maybe I could get to know the Tachibanas more. I’m gonna be here for a while but after this week I might not have a lot of free time. There are too many options… I guess I should explore the area more and see other people. I’ll be living with the Tachibanas and I can look up that one guy later. Yeah. I’ll probably do that.
As he thinks he drifts off to sleep. He’s so concentrated he doesn’t even notice he’s in the Velvet Room. They spend about a minute in silence while Tsuzuru spends way too long on his choice. The quiet is finally broken when an unfamiliar voice pipes up.
“Tsuzuru? Open your eyes, please~” The voice is calming, but despite that Tsuzuru’s still startled from the unexpected talking. “Ah, thank you.”
“You’ve met some new potential allies today, hmm?”
“Hey, Igor, I have a question. You keep saying allies and you talked about a journey that I’m supposedly going to go on. What’s all that about?”
Igor let out a soft chuckle. “You will find out in due time.”
The quiet man gives a small smile and wave, and Tsuzuru wakes up in his bed.
He’s so cryptic… 
Tsuzuru gets up, but as he leaves his room he runs right into Izumi.
“Oh! Uh, sorry. Are you alright?”
“No, yeah, I’m sorry. I just wanted to check in one you. Are you alright?”
“Yeah, thank you. That’s… really thoughtful of you.” Tsuzuru gives a small smile.
“So,” Izumi starts as she gets up “Got any plans today?”
Izumi helps Tsuzuru to his feet as Tsuzuru processes what was just said to him. “Yeah, I was planning on going out and meeting more people.”
“That’s good! I hope it goes well!” Izumi claps her hands energetically as she speaks. “There are many nice people around. I’m sure it’ll be great!”
Tsuzuru heads out of the house, but doesn’t know where to go. He knows what he wants to do, but he isn’t entirely sure of how to go about doing it. He decides on just wandering around until he runs into someone. For quite some time he didn’t talk to anyone, but a lot of people bumped into him. He starts to think he should have stayed at the house when…
Tsuzuru keeps walking
“Hey, Tsuzuroon! What’s up!”
Tsuzuru begins to feel as though the person’s talking to him. That feeling was confirmed when they grabbed his shoulder.
“Hey, Tsuzuroon! Didja not hear me?” The man has long blonde hair and green eyes. He’s wearing a shirt that says three on it three times and he has a blue jacket on his shoulders. Tsuzuru also notices that he has ear piercings as well, but there is one thing in particular that draws his attention. He’s wearing a fedora. Tsuzuru doesn’t know how to feel about him, but none of his feelings so far have been good.
“Uhm, hi.”
“Do you not remember me? I’m Kazunari Miyoshi! We went to school together!”
Kazunari Miyoshi, huh? The name is familiar but… he can’t be the Kazunari I was in school with…
“Oh! It’s prolly the hair, huh? Yeah I dyed it near the end of my last year of highschool.”
“You’re…” The gears are yet to click. Or maybe they already had and he just didn’t like the answer. “You’re… a lot different than I remember you.”
“Yeah, I found myself some.” He says with a wink and a shrug. “Do ya like?”
Tsuzuru isn’t entirely sure of how to respond to that. He was so responsible and studious but he did seem stressed a lot. They rarely had classes together since Kazunari is a year older than him but he talked to him quite a bit, always catching Tsuzuru off guard. After an awkwardly long silence, he finally finds his answer.
“If you like it, then it’s great.” He says with a smile.
For the first time Tsuzuru catches Kazunari off guard, though he doesn’t show it on his face enough for Tsuzuru to know.
“Hah! Yeah, it’s kinda freeing, ya know?” Kazunari moves to the other side of Tsuzuru. “So whatcha doing here?”
“I moved here for college and I wanted to take a walk and get to know people. I didn’t expect to see you here.”
Kazunari perks up a bit “Well c’mon! Let's walk and catch up! It’ll be fun!”
“Alright then, let’s walk.”
They walk along while they chat, Kazunari walking backwards facing Tsuzuru, even when Tsuzuru tells him to watch where he’s going. Kazunari nearly runs into things multiple times but Tsuzuru pulled him out of the way, muttering about how he’s gonna just walk into something next time. He didn’t.
Tsuzuru is so caught up with their conversation that he doesn’t even realize where they are. Looking up, he sees the Mankai building.
“Hey, whatcha lookin at?” Kazunari follows his gaze to the sign. “Mankai, huh? What’s that?”
“It’s an old theater company. Hasn’t been open in years.”
“It’s in pretty good condition.”
“Yeah, the owner has been keeping it together all this time…”
“Who’s the owner?”
“Uhm, it seems to belong to the people I’m staying with.”
Kazunari stares for a moment. “Let’s check out inside!”
“What- why?”
“Aren’t you a little bit curious?”
“I guess, but we can’t just go in there without permission.” Tsuzuru looks back up at the sign. “Though it is quite interesting… I spent some time looking into it… it was quite popular.” As Tsuzuru mutters, he doesn’t notice Kazunari going up to the door.
“Hey, Tsuzuroon! It’s unlocked!”
“What? Hey! You can’t just go in!”
Kazunari gives him a playful wink as he slips through the door, Tsuzuru follows behind to keep him out of trouble.
“Miyoshi! Get back here!”
Kazunari goes into the main theater
“Hey!” Tsuzuru runs after him. He catches up and grabs his shoulder. “Come on! Let’s go.”
“This is trespassing! We could be arrested! I could get kicked out! I’m…” Tsuzuru starts to feel uneasy and sick.
“You’re what?” Kazunari asks as he turns to face Tsuzuru. Before he could get any joke in, he sees how out of it Tsuzuru looks. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m…” As he’s speaking Tsuzuru feels as though he’s falling. When he comes to again, he’s not in the same place as before. Looking around he sees Kazunari in the audience and Tsuzuru realizes he’s up on the stage. Kazunari looks to be yelling something, but Tsuzuru can’t hear him.
He doesn’t get long to think about it as he feels something bump into him. There are a bunch of silhouettes constantly running into him, pushing him around. He starts to breathe heavily, too much is happening. As he panics he hears a voice.
“Is this what you want to be? Invisible to everyone around you, is that what you want? Sounds kinda boring, if you ask me.”
“I… no… I don’t”
“Then let me ask you this. Do you want to help your friend?”
“My… friend?”
Tsuzuru’s attention is drawn back to Kazunari. He’s being attacked by some kind of monsters. His heart is pounding harder and harder.
“I… yes.”
“Then help him.” Tsuzuru starts running before he even realizes it. “I am thou, and thou art I. Show them all who you are.”
Tsuzuru jumps off the stage. There’s a sound of shattering glass as he does.
“Kazunari!” Tsuzuru yells. “Dionysus!”
Looking up, Kazunari sees Tsuzuru and a strange figure. The figure is green with a purple robe that tapers off into some sort of roots and a gold rope around his waist. His hair seems to be made up of deep green leaves. Kazunari begins to scream.
Dionysus uses a whip of ivy and attacks the monsters.
Tsuzuru runs to Kazunari, but one of the creatures goes to slash them. Kazunari uses his jacket as an attempt to shield them. It works about as well as it sounds.
Dionysus spins the whip and a purple beam blasts out towards a monster, taking it down.
“Dude what’s happening!?”
“I don’t know!”
“How did you do that?”
“I don’t know!”
The last monster rears back to attack, but Kazunari notices and gives a strong kick, knocking it backward. He then starts whacking it with his hat.
It doesn’t seem to be hurting it physically, but it definitely looks sad.
It turns and runs away with a whimper, leaving the two confused and breathing heavily.
Still breathing heavily, Kazunari turns to Tsuzuru, a little bit quizzically, and asks “When did you change your clothes?”
“What? I never…” Looking down, Tsuzuru sees that his clothes had changed at some point. He’s now wearing a purple robe and a leaf crown. “What the heck?”
“Nevermind that, dude, that was so amazing! You were like a pro! What was that?”
“I’m… I’m not sure. It just seemed to be correct.” Tsuzuru uneasily gets up to his feet. “Come on, let's just get out of here.”
“Wait!” A loud voice cries out from somewhere overhead.
Tsuzuru and Kazunari’s attention is drawn to where they heard it. Above stage left. Before either of them say anything, something launches down. It smacks Tsuzuru right in the forehead, knocking him back down.
Looking up, Tsuzuru sees a little pink bird. It’s cute. It has a little bowtie.
Due to the pre-existing dizziness and the hit on the head, Tsuzuru passes out.
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bipolarneon · 5 years
get to know neon
thanks to @phoenix-rising-and-falling for giving me the template.
Type 1 or type 2? I don’t know. Those who diagnosed me didn’t tell me, so. I don’t really care, anyway, as long as we know what’s going on in my brain.
Self-dx or professional dx? Professionally. I wanted this. I wanted a professional diagnosis for what was going on with me. And after a month in a psych ward I got it. The reasons are multiple and stem from feelings of powerlessness, to fear of the unknown, to exceptionality and omnipotence. A lot to unpack here, huh?
Are you currently hypo/manic, depressed, mixed, stable, or not sure? Depressed (slowly coming out of a mixed episode state.)
Do you have any other mental illnesses/disorders? Borderline Personality Disorder (self-diagnosed.) The actual diagnosis says Personality Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, in the future months tests will be run on me to determine which disorder it actually is but I personally suspect BPD.
When did you first start having symptoms? I didn’t know they were symptoms back in the day. I recently had suicidal tendencies and bad self-harming and risky impulsive behaviour in various areas of life, plus I was delusional on a specific situation/individual, so I ended up hospitalized for my own safety. In the hospital, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder because I told them about those times I was staying up till 5am reading and writing articles, those full months I could go on with 2 hours of sleeping maximum, those situations where I was feeling incredibly elated and omnipotent in saving the world, those times I tried to run away from home without documents and came home the same evening to go to martial art training, those times I was speaking so fast anyone could understand me or pacing everywhere because I couldn’t stay still. Don’t know. I told them a bunch of stuff and they did their job. Looking back, the bipolar disorder diagnosis fits.
When did you realize/learn that you have bipolar? Um, a few weeks ago. I was strangely relieved.
Have you ever received a misdiagnosis? No.
How self-aware are you on a scale of 1-10? I thought I was the most self-aware person on the Planet, turns out it may not be exactly the case ‘cause in the past I didn’t recognized any symptom and right now I don’t know, I’m still only depressed, have yet to change state. Still, I think I’m pretty aware on my mental schemes and processes overall.
How many people know about your bipolar disorder? My medical team, my family, the only one friend I have, you guys on Tumblr.
Are any of your family members bipolar? No.
Name three fictional characters you relate to and/or headcanon as bipolar. First and foremost, I relate to Rue Bennet who is actually bipolar, so. Then, since he is my totem character and the very reason of my existence, I headcanon Anakin Skywalker as bipolar, beside the many disorders I already headcanon him to have.
When hypo/manic, do you get euphoric, dysphoric, angry, creative, social, or several of the above? I think several of the above but I’m not sure, I don’t remember entirely my hypomanic states since they happened years ago. Also, I think it was always hypomania, I never reached full mania yet.
What has been your longest hypo/manic episode? I can’t exactly count since it happened years ago and I wasn’t aware of being bipolar at the time, but I think it’s been years with bouts of depression and some shorter fits of stronger hypomania.
Have you ever had a psychotic episode? What symptoms did it include? Yes, I did. I was hospitalized after a mixed episode with psychotic features. I had delusions regarding one particular person, but I’m stopping here, this is too much.
What kind of impulsive decisions have you made? Run away from home without documents or money, a lot of stuff involving homemade activism, climbed rocks that should not have been climbed, had sex with many guys randomly, drank a lot in order to feel bad and miserable, etc.
What’s the most money you’ve spent in a single day while hypo/manic? This is gonna sound weird but it never happened to me. I never went on a spending spree. Mostly because I have no money with me when I go out. It happened with food, though. That maybe I had already eaten but I took an entire new dish without knowing or understanding why I did it.
What’s the longest you’ve gone without sleep? I genuinely don’t remember. Surely I was able to go on for looong time (like entire years) sleeping only 2-3 hours per night.
Are you a creative type? Have you ever made a poem/song/other artwork about being bipolar? NOT YET. BUT I WILL. (I’ve made those stupid drawings I posted on the blog though.)
When depressed, do you get suicidal, bored, anxious, guilty, or several of the above? I’d say all of the above, but mostly suicidal, guilty and anxious.
What has been your longest depressive episode? Three years, I think.
How do you cope with depression? I don’t. I don’t even want to. I want to feel bad, I want to feel all the pain in the world, so go figure (this doesn’t mean I’m anti-recovery, just that my mental illness wants me to be.)
Are you a sleep-all-day depressive or an insomniac depressive? Do you overeat or lose your appetite? Insomniac. And my appetite hasn’t changed much.
When is the last time you cried or had a breakdown? Like- ten seconds ago? I’m very emotional nowadays.
Have you ever self-harmed? Yes. I cut myself, burnt myself, scratched myself, stopped taking meds…
Have you had problems with substance abuse? Alcohol and marijuana have been a thing and regular cigarettes too.
Have you ever attended AA/NA/etc? No.
Have you ever attempted suicide? No. I have a duty in this world and as long as that duty lives on, I live on. But I have dreamt of dying so much it feels reality by now.
Have you ever written a suicide note? Not quite. It was the note I left when I ran away from home. I wasn’t a suicide letter but somehow it sounded like one.
Other symptoms and Treatment
Do you ever dissociate? It happened. It’s not so frequent but it happened. Not exactly sure I do it in the most severe way possible but still, I do.
Do you ever have hallucinations? If so, what are they? No. I had this sort of slight auditory hallucination where I was hearing my own voice telling me bad things over and over, but it wasn’t a full-blown hallucination.
Do you see a therapist? Do you feel like it’s helping? I’m seeing a therapist and yes, it’s helping. I’ve been seeing them since I was 15, and as I already wrote somewhere, without them I would be probably dead or in a cult.
Are you on any medications? Do you feel like they’re helping? Yes, I am. I don’t know if they’re helping or not, but generally think they don’t. They merely keep you slowed down enough to stop your scariest impulses.
Have you ever been hospitalized? Yes, I’ve been hospitalized for one month. It’s been nightmare to me, it felt like a prison. But I made through this and now I feel it helped me, somehow. Gave me more skills in my fight against mental illness.
Have you ever attended group therapy? No.
Have any of your symptoms gotten worse over the years? I didn’t have a diagnosis a year ago but sure as hell I was in a better shape than I am now, so we definitely can say I got worse over the years.
Have any of your symptoms gotten better over the years? No, that didn’t happen but in the end I’ve just been diagnosed, it’s a bit early to say.
Do you have a favorite coping method? I don’t have a favourite coping method because I don’t cope, I dive in the pain, I dive in the suffering and in the bleakness. I dive right in and hope to drown.
If you could choose to be neurotypical, would you? This is a tricky one. I’m expected to answer ‘yes,’ but I think I’ll answer ‘no.’ Who would I be without my mental illness? Without my problematicity? Without my pain? No one. So, no. I’d rather struggle the rest of my life but cling to the broken identity I have than be neurotypical but essentially no one (reminder that this works for me and my flawed brain, I’m not saying neurotypical people are shit.)
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kira-ani-mcgrath · 5 years
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I am redeemed You set me free So I'll shake off these heavy chains And wipe away every stain Now I'm not who I used to be I am redeemed
"Redeemed" by Big Daddy Weave
I drew this picture specifically to go with the personal story below the cut. Thank you in advance if you take the time to read it, but no worries if you don't. Either way, have a wonderful day.
Late December 2018 was when the Frozen II calendar leak began circulating. Included in the leak was information on the Russian caption for the page, translated to be a vague movie summary. This plot teaser stated that the group (Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Olaf, and Sven) would be heading north into the forest due to some Arendelle-related mystery.
This was a bit of a let-down for me. You see, since my initial introduction to Frozen in 2013, I have been hoping and praying that the inevitable sequel would include Hans' redemption as part of the narrative (for various reasons that are too lengthy to detail here). Such a plot thread would be easier to accomplish if Frozen II involved travel to some other kingdom (or multiple kingdoms), especially the Southern Isles. With the information revealed in the plot spoiler, it was harder to picture a scenario where Hans would join the rest of the gang for an adventure. Yes, it could be done, but it would be more convoluted, possibly to the point of not being an option altogether. Perhaps I was being too pessimistic, but there was no denying the fact that I was feeling rather down about Frozen II.
A few days later, I was driving home with the radio on, but I wasn't paying attention to it. Instead, I was once again mulling over various ways Hans could be redeemed in Frozen II. Yet the more I considered possible scenarios, the more it seemed that the movie's revealed plot would make Hans' redemption an unrealistic feat. I reached the end of my train of thought, and, feeling disheartened, mentally chided myself, "I should just give up. Hans isn't going to be redeemed in Frozen 2."
At that precise moment, the opening notes of "Redeemed" began to play on the radio. Being quite familiar with the song, I immediately laughed and pointed an index finger to the sky. Not only was the title of the song the exact word my mind had just used, but I have long associated this song with Hans (one of many songs, but also one of my favorites). I had no doubt this was the Lord confirming something to me, as this was not the first time such a "coincidental" occurrence has happened.
It's important to know that, in the years since Frozen, I have created (and am still creating) multiple fanworks that posit different takes on how a Hans redemption could come about (and that's not including all the ideas I've had that aren't developed enough for full-fledged works). There have been several times when I've questioned the value of creating such things, only to have affirmation of my work come from unexpected sources at just the right time. Additionally, I have had many such question-and-confirmation experiences in my life, as well as a noticeable increase in the quantity of such instances within the past several months (albeit unrelated to Frozen and instead dealing with various other matters, such as my faith, my most recent pregnancy, and random everyday life things). Thus, when this specific incident occurred, I immediately recognized it as yet another such moment.
Since that night in December, I'd been internally debating sharing this anecdote with the world. Every few days or so my mind would recall the incident and I'd consider posting about it, but I'd always end up deciding against it. After all, it is highly personal, and it takes quite a bit of explaining to impart the importance of this experience (and I'm still leaving out personal details which make it much more powerful to me). This went on for some time. In mid-late February, I was once again musing upon the occurrence and whether or not I should share it. I jokingly thought to God: "If I hear 'Redeemed' on the radio this morning I'll take it as a sign I'm supposed to share this." And, since you are reading this post, you must know where this is going. I already had the radio on, and after getting back in my vehicle after child drop-off, I flicked through my presets to find a song I wanted to listen to. And, lo and behold, my second-to-last preset was playing the first verse of "Redeemed." (Granted, all of my presets are Christian radio stations, so that does put the odds more in favor of my "wager" coming true. On the other hand, the song is from 2012. That means it's 7 years old, and I honestly didn’t hear the song very often at the time, as more recent songs get played much more frequently. In my mind, the proposition was a joke, but I suppose I should have known better, since a lot of my recent question-and-confirmation experiences have been me joking and God proceeding to do the thing.) And thus, here we are. The large time gap between the second occurrence and this post is because 1) I take a while to get my thoughts out and refine them into something fit for public eyes, especially in a personal case such as this one, 2) it seemed appropriate to do some art to go with this, since I've been lacking in productivity in the creative departments for some time, and 3) life things requiring my attention.
On an interesting side note, I had three additional confirmations of this post while I was working on it.
#1) When I said, "There have been several times when I've questioned the value of creating such things, only to have affirmation of my work come from unexpected sources at just the right time," there's a particular incident that sticks out to me. One night in 2016, I stayed up late finishing chapter nine of my fanfiction, Frozen: Sacrifice and Forgiveness. Even though I posted the chapter, I was really depressed about it. Thoughts such as, "Is this really something I should be investing so much time in?" and "Does God actually want me to write this story?" weighed heavily on my mind, though I kept them to myself. After some internal arguing, I directed an unspoken question to the Lord: "Is this really what I should be doing?" Not much later, before going to bed, I checked my phone and saw an email from FF.net saying I had a comment on the latest F:SaF chapter. The comment was from a fellow Christian who had read through the posted chapters and was very encouraging about my story. It was just the right kind of affirmation at precisely the right time. Fast-forward to Wednesday, February 27th, 2019. I checked my phone in the morning and saw an email from AO3 that someone has left a comment on the last posted chapter of F:SaF. This was quite surprising, as I haven't updated the fic since September 21st, 2017. The comment was very positive, and it immediately reminded me of this post, which was a WIP in a computer document at the time. Not only did the new comment correlate to the aforementioned unexpected sources of encouragement, but F:SaF has been on my mind recently in terms of working on it again. Then, as the cherry on top, I was listening to the daily scripture reading on the radio while driving to work that morning, and the song that came on immediately afterward was "Redeemed".
#2) On Friday, March 1st, I had finished this post to my general satisfaction (as I knew it still required minor edits, plus I still had to finish my drawing) before getting ready for work. Upon entering my vehicle, I thought, "Wouldn't it be funny if 'Redeemed' played on the radio again?" I then instantly berated myself: "That's dumb. You don't need to be looking for confirmation of things all the time." I then flicked through my presets, and the first verse of "Redeemed" was playing on my second-to-last preset — the same song position and the same preset as when I was debating whether or not to make this post.
#3) On Friday, March 8th, I thought to myself as I was getting ready for work, “I really need to finish that post.” When I started my car, the radio was on, but I didn’t care for the song it was playing, so I jumped to my first preset. “Redeemed” was playing, starting from the very first word of the first verse.
Now, the question is: what was being confirmed to me with the original occurrence in December? The most straightforward answer is Hans' redemption in Frozen II. Mind you, not a redemption based on worldly methods such as "cleaning yourself up" and "earning it," but rooted in the Christian standard of unconditional love, mercy, grace, and faith. I'll admit, it seems far-fetched, given the fact that Disney is not a Christian company and the creative team has no Christians on it (AFAIK). Then again, "What is impossible with man is possible with God." Still, I have thought of other meanings for this incident. Perhaps it was simply a reminder to not get so depressed over a fictional character. Perhaps it was merely encouragement to keep going with my various fan projects, despite Frozen II looming in the distance. Perhaps it was a nudge that the sequel would contain a small hint of a future Hans redemption. Of course, that all sounds like me trying to talk myself out of trusting God for something amazing, as I am prone to doing. It's a struggle to wait on the Lord (especially for someone like me who hates surprises and wants to know things ASAP), but the truth of this incident will be revealed when the time is right.
One may wonder why God would care about a fictional character or a fictional story. It's not that He cares about those things in and of themselves, it's that He cares about His children and the salvation of humanity. My prayers (which are mostly just God-directed thoughts as I go about my day) regarding Hans' redemption were always something along the lines of, "Hey, God, it'd be really awesome if Hans gets redeemed in a way that reflects how Jesus saved us." Then I would mentally argue with myself about even making such a request, and always end at a variation of "Whatever is best, Lord." Though a fictional character's redemption is trivial in the grand scheme of things, God can use the most unexpected means to reach someone regarding a matter of eternal importance. He knows that, for me, this isn't just about a fictional character — it's about using that character's story to connect real people with the hope of the Gospel. Frozen was a movie with weak morals and a character that is looked down upon as irredeemable by the majority of viewers. If, by the grace of God, the sequel displays true love and redemption, then perhaps one soul out there will see the truth: anyone can be saved because Jesus can save anyone.
Feel free to message me if you aren't comfortable utilizing public replies or reblogs. Thank you for reading, and God bless you.
Update (Sept. 4th, 2019): So I’ve been lurking on a few Discord servers for a while now in addition to my Tumblr lurking, and overall there is a very negative attitude regarding Hans returning in F2. It’s coming from all directions: antis/haters who don’t want him in it, neutral parties who don’t see an available role for him to play, and fans who have lost hope due to lack of news. Last night I had an unpleasant dream on the subject. While the specifics are hazy, I know it involved the fandom discussing Hans’ absence in the movie. When I was going about my business this morning, I thought about the dream, this post, and the incident that brought this post into being. I mentally argued with myself, as I often do, about the situation. Lately, I too have been feeling disheartened on this matter. As I said, the fandom as a whole has been negative about this, so it was starting to get to me. In addition to that, as new leaks reveal more of the story, the chances of Hans appearing in any meaningful fashion get slimmer. However, no matter how bleak the outlook, I was given a supernatural sign to keep hope in a Hans redemption. Still, there was always the possibility I had interpreted the incident incorrectly, and adding in the other factors at play, this morning I was once again questioning God. I wanted another sign or some kind of spoiler-type proof, then scolded myself for being greedy and for seeking worldly validation of what God has said (instead of trusting Him to fulfill His promises). I had the radio on KLOVE as I was driving, and one of my “Hans songs” came on. It was a “lower tier” one (a.k.a. one I don’t like quite as much as others), so as I listened to it I thought, “It’d be nice if the next song after this was another good song, but one of the top-tier ones. It’d make me feel better about this whole thing.” Of course, I then chided myself, thinking, “Why are you always asking for stuff? Isn’t what you have already enough?” The song came to an end, and the next song began to play. It was “Redeemed.”
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Fifteen Breathtaking Facts About Filipino MMA
If you wish to find out to utilize and defend against weapons, it's tough to beat the Filipino martial arts (frequently referred to as kali and eskrima). Unlike many styles, nearly all Filipino arts put weapon training first. While different FMAs concentrate on various weapons, many of them include training with blunt and sharp weapons of different lengths, from palm sticks and knives to sticks and swords. In addition to these modern weapons being readily available today, ability in using them also transfers extremely well to daily objects, and the empty hand applications can be extremely reliable. Special, Practical Abilities Combating with and against weapons is significantly various from unarmed combating. A person can block a punch or a kick using their arm as a guard or cover. The same can not be securely done versus a machete or knife attack and would likewise be unwise even against a stick. Therefore getting out of the way utilizing footwork is of main importance. Since the Filipino martial arts concentrate on armed fighting, the footwork in many Filipino kali escrima is distinct, dynamic, and extremely efficient. Defense produce the chance for angles and approaches of attack that are uncommon in unarmed combating. However unusual does not equal inadequate. The unarmed techniques in lots of FMAs come directly from armed techniques, resulting in unexpected and functional applications. Training the special footwork and weapon strategies of the FMAs will add another measurement to your abilities. See my stick and sword page for video examples of stick and sword methods combined with FMA footwork. FMA Training Like all functional martial arts training, FMA training must consist of practice against completely withstanding, uncooperative opponents that are resisting. Unfortunately, this is lacking in a fantastic lots of FMA schools. Because real stick and sword fighting is uncommon today, a lot of specialists do not need their techniques to work. As a result of this missing out on need combined with cooperative training, numerous ineffective strategies and drills are common in kali and eskrima. Additionally, cult like followings and superstitions have established in a number of FMAs (see here and here). See my self-defense training page to discover what needs to be included to keep your training practical. The fact that lots of FMAs today are non-functional shouldn't however remove from the outstanding footwork, methods, and weapon training among them. On the pages listed below, you'll find functional weapon strategies and training approaches that will seriously increase your ability in self-defense. 1. Sticks are an extension of the hands; without the hands, there can be no sticks. This is worth knowing because people still like to ask, often sarcastically, "Why do you practice stick battling-- it's not like you bring sticks all over you go?" It's good to be able to address them, and it's excellent to be able to advise yourself when you require to. Although specialists of numerous designs do lip service to this declaration, just professionals of the Filipino martial arts back it up by doing the same exact strategies with and without weapons. 2. The Filipino martial arts (kali, escrima, arnis) teach weapons initially, after which come the empty-hand techniques. Although it may appear backwards to some martial artists, most, if not all, FMA hand-to-hand combat methods stem from the concepts that underlie the historical stick and sword motions.
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3. The Filipino martial arts represent the most well-rounded and practical fighting techniques in the world. How so? They're well-rounded in that they cover all distances in which combat occurs: long range (kicking), middle variety (boxing, elbowing, kneeing) and short variety (grabbing, poking, biting, grappling). They're practical because they don't focus on elegant or complicated moves that are likely to fail under duress. Even the kinds (anyo) utilized by some Filipino systems are made up of actual fighting moves. Historically, those elements were concealed in a dance (sayaw) for a variety of reasons.
What is the difference in between Arnis, Kali and Eskrima?
The Filipino Martial Arts (FMA), like other Martial Arts, is a tree with many branches. ... Escrima/ Eskrima, is from a Spanish term which means 'fencing'. Its impact was more from the main part of the Philippines. The practicality of the Filipino arts is improved by the versatility of the weapons. At long range, you can utilize the tip of the stick or sword; at middle variety, you can utilize the body of the stick or the blade of the sword; and at brief range, you can utilize the bottom part of the stick (punyo) or handle of the sword. 4. The Filipino martial arts are the only ones that can complement any other battling design. They do not conflict with other designs; they really strengthen them. That consists of kicking arts, hand-based arts, pure self-defense arts, and grappling and tossing arts. 5. Stick combating is suitable-- and beneficial-- for everybody. For children, sinawali is appropriate. This form of double-stick battling enhances the limbs and develops hand-eye coordination along with any sport. Kids likewise benefit from the character training that happens when they find out how to safely handle weapons that are potentially dangerous. For lots of, this setting is preferable to the old method-- which is how I found out. When I was young, my grandfather taught me to handle a live blade while learning how to use it for survival and self-defense. (My first lesson: how to hand a knife to another individual.). For women, the Filipino arts are best because even the tiniest hands can hold a knife and wield it in deadly style. With minimal training, a female will have the ability to keep practically any sane assailant at bay. For the ridiculous ones who approach anyway, they risk getting cut or killed. Do not think it? Attempt this experiment: Provide a woman you know a marker, then effort to get near her without getting tattooed. It's not easy to do. As soon as she's taught how to discreetly carry and draw the weapon, your job will be exponentially tougher. Suitably equipped, she'll be able to really secure herself, even versus multiple enemies. For policemans and members of the military, the Filipino arts provide a vital set of skills-- namely, those that include the tactical knife. Our combating men and women require real blade skills, both offensive and defensive, and the Filipino arts are among the few on earth that have been evaluated in battle.
6. The Filipino martial arts assist you link the dots in your self-defense training by concentrating on versatile principles rather than a various method for each situation. FMA trainers talk about angles of attack instead of specific attacks. Once you have the ability to recognize whether an attack is originating from the within or the outside and whether it's from the left or the right, you have the base you need to deal with it. After that, your training will be about progressions and mixes including those basics. If your trainer is excellent, you won't ever find yourself splitting hairs over whether you need to resist a punch, a grab or a push delivered from the front because in FMA, they're treated the very same-- as a direct straight attack. 7. Stick combating is not just about using your weapon. It's likewise about utilizing our opponent's weapon against him. That expression is frequently invoked however hardly ever does it manifest in practice. 8. Filipino weapons training incorporates much more than just standard sticks and knives. The approaches you discover in FMA deal with sticks and knives, but in some locales, individuals aren't enabled to carry such protective implements. Luckily, you can use the skills to basically anything-- a walking cane, a mobile phone, a credit card, a toothpick, an umbrella and even a bottle of water. 9. Taking up the Filipino martial arts can renew your training, whether you're a beginner or a master. It's the reason they're so enticing to specialists of other arts. When you have a solid structure, you can find out much of the moves utilizing books and DVDs. But do not give up master-to-student interaction entirely. The meaning, principles, significance and history behind the techniques and drills are, for the most part, concealed. You'll require a legitimate master to help you analyze them. Throughout Philippines history, the martial arts design Filipino Martial arts helped Filipinos protect themselves against invaders. It has likewise proven reliable in knife and machete battles. The art has even been practiced by a range of special forces systems worldwide.
While Westerners refer to the Filipino Martial Arts (FMA) designs of stick and sword combating as Kali, Filipinos refer to it as Eskrima (or Escrima). But something is particular: if you want to know how to use weapons to secure yourself and devastate an opponent, Kali is a very efficient way to go. The History of Kali The history of nearly any martial arts style is hard to select since composed records generally stop working to accompany their beginnings. Kali's history is no different. Nevertheless, it is normally believed that the native Filipino designs associated with it were begun by various people to safeguard themselves. It is also rather possible that these styles initially originated from or were strongly affected by martial arts from other areas, such as India.
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Regardless, the paperwork indicates that Filipino Martial Arts styles were utilized when the Spanish Conquistadores arrived in the 1500s and usually varied based upon the tribe or area of origin. As held true with numerous martial arts styles, the native practice of arnis martial arts was later hidden from the inhabiting Spaniards by disguising the practice in dances.
Is Kali helpful for self defense?
Kali provides a good foundation of that awareness. So, yes, in that sense, Kali is good for self defense, if for nothing else, for making one mindful that knives, sticks, and swords move really quickly, and because of that, 99.9% of empty hand deactivating methods are likely inadequate. The presence of dispute in the Philippines has no doubt assisted specialists of Kali to discover what genuinely operated in their art and discard much of what did not. In the last few years, the practice has ended up being more systemized, making it easier to learn. During World War II, a number of American special operations groups stationed in the Philippines were presented to the Filipino Martial Arts, causing this design reaching America despite the fact that locals were reluctant to permit outsiders in on their combating secrets. Most just recently, Kali practitioners in the Philippines have ended up being rather concentrated on combating without protection. Numerous died in the early phases of this motion, however more recently practitioners have started to use hardwood sticks instead of knives to reduce fatalities. Further, the practice is now unlawful in Filipino society, even if it is not uncommon to find matches in parks and rural areas. Qualities of Kali Kali concentrates on the capability to transition from combating with weapons to empty hands fluidly, as there is always the possibility of losing or being without a weapon. Though there are numerous systems of Eskrima/Kali in use today, most teach components of weapons combating, striking, grappling and throwing/ takedowns. More aggressive maneuvers like biting are also taught. Kali practitioners believe that hand-to-hand battle relocations resemble those with weapons; hence, these abilities are developed simultaneously. Some of the popular combinations of weapons used are the single stick (solo baston), double stick (double baston), and sword/stick and dagger (espada). Along with this, the most frequently utilized training weapon is the rattan, a stick about the length of its wielder's arm.
In the end, Kali professionals are understood for their lightning-fast motions and effective footwork in wielding weapons. Fundamental Objectives of Kali Martial Arts
Kali is mainly a weapons-based design of combating. Therefore, it involves causing bad, frequently deadly damage to challengers with the use of weapons and empty hand methods as quickly as possible. Sub-Styles of Kali Balintawak Cabales Serrada Eskrima Doce Pares Escrima Garimot Arnis Inayan Eskrima Kali Sikaran Kalis Ilustrisimo Lacoste-Inosanto Kali Lameco Eskrima Latigo y Daga Lightning Scientific Arnis (LSAI). Modern Arnis. Pekiti Tirsia. Fast arnis. Sayoc Kali. San Miguel Eskrima. 3 Famous Kali Practitioners. Angel Cabales: Cabales is extensively thought about the Daddy of Eskrima in the United States. Together with this, he was the first to open a school in Stockton, Calif., that taught the art to both Filipinos and non-Filipinos. Leo T. Gaje: Gaje is today keeper of the Pekiti-Tirsia Kali System. He is likewise an awardee of the Karate Hall of Popularity (the only non-Karate Awardee) and Martial Arts Hall of Popularity. Dan Inosanto: Inosanto is maybe best known for discovering Jeet Kune Do under Bruce Lee and for being the only individual approved Instructorship under him. Nevertheless, he's also very accomplished in the Filipino Martial Arts, as well as a plethora of others. In fact, he has actually assisted to save a few of the Filipino designs from extinction. Inosanto currently teaches at the Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts in Marina del Ray, Calif . Kali is an ancient term utilized to represent the martial arts in the region of the Philippines. In the Southern Philippines, it is called Kali-Silat. Silat describes the movements of the lower body. Filipino stick combating was entrenched in the island's culture long prior to the Spanish gotten here in 1521. When the Spanish shown up, they saw a wavy-edged sword about 30 inches long made from wood called a "kalis." Throughout Spanish occupation, they forbade the practice of Kali. The Spaniards called the art Eskrima or Arnis. That is why all 3 words are utilized to explain this art.
What is stick combating called?
Stick fighting is a kind of battle where specialists utilize hand held wooden sticks (typically called kali or escrima sticks) to combat each other. Stick fighting is really a nonspecific term describing the numerous weapon based martial arts designs that use stick fight in their systems. Kali is also used in India where Kali is the name of an Indian God. It is also found in Indonesia where they fight more with Silat low body language than with Kali. In Pentjak, Silat consists of a research study of the body's center of mass and how to constantly topple it. In the Southern Philippines, Silat is utilized in dance, as martial arts, and in video games. Kali stick battling established over lots of centuries and evolved to counter the fighting designs of numerous assailants. Martial arts are taught and practiced by both men and women in the Philippines. Combat was used amongst neighboring tribes and warlords. The Filipinos have a long history of women combating in fight, wars, and fight. The Filipinos pride themselves in thinking that the martial arts of their nation were a self-originated art, not borrowed from the Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, or Spanish.
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The Philippines' vibrant history records the migration of numerous cultures to the islands, all of which affected the Filipino Martial Arts. Kali, Eskrima or Arnis de Mano stick combating was developed over a duration of many centuries in the Philippines as her people fought for their independence from foreign invaders. Each skirmish with a brand-new culture contributed to the kali eskrima as Kali warriors established techniques to combat foreign styles. Consequently, more than 100 various Filipino Martial Arts styles developed, which can be grouped into 3 total self-defense systems that use sticks, swords, empty hands and other weapons. The systems are called Northern, Southern, and Central. "Kali," the mother of Eskrima and Arnis de Mano, is the preferred referral by its specialists. Constantly assuming making use of the blade, whether it is the sword or knife, Kali employs lots of methods, including strikes, stances and weapon handling. It draws on influences from China, Arab missionaries, Indonesia and Spain due to migration, intrusion and profession. The highly advanced and thorough martial art from the Philippines is weapon based, however ultimately an empty hand system. The Filipino Martial Arts at the Francis Fong Academy are drawn from 26 primary sources, the instructors who Magulang Na Guro Dan Inosanto has spent his life training under. With impacts such as the late Grandmaster John La Coste, Magulang Na Guro Dan Inosanto established a program that introduces students to 12 main locations, consisting of, but not restricted to single stick, double stick, stick & dagger, double dagger, Panatukan (Filipino boxing), Sikiran (Filipino kicking methods), Kuntao & Silat. The Filipino Martial Arts have actually existed in the United States given that the 1500's, and offer something to benefit everybody. Developed for "mass attack" as well as single challenger fights, the training increases trainee's awareness of their environments and teaches them to use their environment as tools of battle. Everyday objects, such as umbrellas, books, bandannas, etc. become efficient methods of self-defense in the hands of appropriately trained individuals. Use of left and right hand strategies develop coordination. Drills and strategies taught in a fluid, non-restrictive manner enable students to boost their natural qualities and improve their sense of timing, speed, awareness, balance, dexterity and confidence. Drills from the arts of Kali, Eskrima and Arnis develop qualities in the trainee such as speed, agility, footwork, timing, body mechanics, distance, range awareness and coordination on both the left and best sides of the body. The general martial arts neighborhood utilizes the names kali eskrima to refer to the exact same art. Originally, the distinction in the name either implied the area from which the art originated or the time duration when the art was established. These three names, in addition to many others, refer to Filipino Martial Arts where skills in both empty hand and weapons are developed utilizing comparable training techniques. Professionals of these arts are noted for their ability to eliminate with weapons or empty hands interchangeably.
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ganymedesclock · 7 years
I think a while ago you talked about how Pidge would be a Beast Tamer in a fantasy setting and Keith seems to often get compared to a knight in the show (shield&sword for bayard, assigned the knight pieces in the comic, etc) and we all know Allura's a (fairy) princess. So, based on the common troupes/character traits with certain fantasy roles, what do you think Shiro, Lance, Hunk and Coran would be?
Honestly I’d argue that Keith’s not really what I’d put as a knight in a pure high fantasy setting, so, I’m just going to go with a lot of my sensibilities/rough abilities that I sorted them into in Hallowed AU:
Pidge: Rogue (Beast master)
Not much to say here. Pidge offsets her own relative lack of staying power, reach, etc. with stealth, maneuverability, and tricky properties. It’s very popular to make her a wizard, but I’ve always thought it’d be interesting, rather than giving Pidge a massive font of magical power, for her to have a few very limited little magics, things she hasn’t had enough time to study or the materials to perfect since she’s on the road and on a mission, but a lot of experimentation and little flash grenades and glamours and sharp daggers. And probably poisons, too, considering her canon affinity for plant life coupled with, in this continuity, a fondness for cute little guys that just might be a little bitey if you aren’t her friend.
But of course, her bag of tricks is limited by necessity- she herself is small, slight, and not really kitted out for direct engagements. In this sense, the kind of creatures she’s liable to befriend fit nicely- she usually goes for the small ones, with the exception of Green- and even she’s small, nimble, and stealthy compared to her brethren. Just imagine Pidge fitting her faithful companion and steed with a set of saddlebags to carry all kinds of equipment and reagents without fear of them falling out if they run into trouble suddenly and need to launch evasive maneuvers.
Keith: Spellsword (Dark sorcerer)
What’s the point of having a long lost bloodline if it doesn’t give you spooky magic, right? Also, in a high fantasy setting, Keith is just set out to be a wizard. Boy’s a glass cannon, through and through.
My personal favorite spin on this is the idea of Keith’s capabilities being overwhelmingly self-taught, framing him as both kind of a prodigy, and in an awkward position since his particular brand of magic is really not socially acceptable or in fact, usually practiced by good people. Which, again, as a self-taught vagrant in the middle of nowhere puts him in just a bit of a pickle to explain himself to well-meaning local law enforcement.
No, if anybody’s a knight in here, it’s....
Shiro: Paladin (Mounted warrior)
Give him a hand-and-a-half sword, a shield with a royal crest, and some spiffy armor and just watch this guy sit straighter and carry himself as befitting a Defender Of The Realm, Ally of Justice, basically a faux-medieval superhero. While I like to reimagine the Lions in a fantasy setting as steeds, I can imagine Shiro and Black having a unique bond where they’re the most likely to actively wield proper cavalry tactics and fight more together than apart. Not that the others don’t fight together, but Shiro having like... actual training and an education in battlefield tactics and why you don’t leap over your allies’ shield wall when your enemies all have spears and you don’t wear armor, Keith.
The thing about knights is more than just Some Guy With A Sword, there’s a pretty big deal in most high fantasy about honor. “Chivalry” literally comes from the same root as cavalry, and while all of the team arguably fights for a higher, more noble cause, Shiro’s the kind of guy who I can see pursuing a career that lets him really dedicate his life to that higher cause, because frankly, whether or not he had a liege to serve and a sword in his hand, he’d be making a stand against injustice anyway. That’s just the kind of guy he is, and when we have an obvious liege that would look favorably on that sort of thing, it’s pretty clear what the result is.
Lance: Bard (Longbow fighter)
Not only is Lance a quintessential support class- he very naturally and easily falls back to let other people shine and picks off enemies with rather fearsome precision from a cozy distance- he’s someone who loves people, and, frankly, has a rather effective way with them. No, he’s not the casanova he sort of pretends he is, but he’s an actor, a charmer, a showman, and specific to Hallowed AU, he might just have a pinch of supernatural assistance in that regard.
My first reflex as weapon of choice would be a crossbow, since it has a lovely silhouette very similar to canon Lance’s rifle, but the longbow spoke to me, because the thing about Lance, is he’s very not a prodigy. This is a major point of contrast between him and Keith- and yet on several occasions in canon, we’re shown that people who are hard to impress (Commander Iverson, and the Red Lion) find Lance worthy of standing where Keith, the actual prodigy, once stood. This tells us that Lance is a hard worker. 
The longbow is a very difficult weapon- they say to train a longbowman, you start with his grandfather. That saying, for me, makes me want to put one in Lance’s hands in a fantasy setting for what it implies- about him, about his family. That he started young, that he likely hails from a family of, perhaps even generations of, archers. And of course he’s not going to say that, acknowledge training until his fingers bleed, or anything like that- he’ll goof off and show off- but there’s a certain obvious respect just him having that weapon and using it effectively and when he notches an arrow, draws that fairly heavy bow back, and fires with deadly accuracy.
Hunk: Fighter (Alchemist)
Hunk seems commonly sorted as a cleric and while I can appreciate that, I think personally Hunk doesn’t have the kind of patience to pursue a skill set where he can’t barge up to the thing chewing on his friends, who he is trying to keep healthy, thank you very much, and crack ‘em solidly in the teeth. He certainly has the muscle of a frontline fighter, and I can see Hunk wielding a simple, but sturdy crooked staff.
The real danger comes in the fact that while Pidge has a foot in the magical and the alchemical, higher education likely pointing to a more aristocratic background- I can see Hunk being someone of humble roots who, out of a combination of necessity and curiosity, learned how to fix, stitch, patch, scratch, and brew, just about everything.
Hunk who smugly goes “Yeah, well, I’m no wizard, but if all you need to knock a wall down,” lights the fuse on a homemade tied-off little packet and lobs it to a satisfyingly sized explosion, or who heard you were picking a fight and brewed up a batch of greek fire for the occasion. He’d probably leave the poisons to Pidge, though- someone who takes as much pride in the culinary arts as he does isn’t going to sully his cooking with anything if he can help it.
Allura: Mage Knight (multiple weapons)
Allura’s handiness with the bladed whip makes a lot of sense as athletic royalty who has the time and leisure to acquire unusual weapons and train with them heavily, though supplementing her more eclectic decision with something as ubiquitous and versatile as a pikestaff means that even caught unarmed, she only needs to lay hands on the nearest broom, or whatever other straight, sturdy piece of wood is around to be seized.
Her being a sacred princess possessing a grand holy power able to work miracles with the right setup frankly needs absolutely no modification for a high fantasy setting except more practice and proficiency in it given it’s more common and ubiquitous in this sort of world. As a personal addition for fun in this setting, the mice are full-tilt shapeshifters able to reconfigure themselves into different forms for Allura’s needs- able to be anything from horses to handmaidens to small but aggressive dragons.
Coran: Spymaster (swordsman)
I sort of like the idea of largely nonmagical Coran, following in the wake of magic using Alfor and Allura, and yet in a context where Allura would be surrounded by a proper royal court and a lot more attendants and advisers, I’d make changes to make sure Coran properly stands out himself- because really, he’s the royal family’s steadfast blade in the dark. If there is anything they need, he’s the kind of person they can trust absolutely.
And absolutely nobody is going to suspect the older, foppish nobleman loudly recounting the time he got peas stuck up his nose to a vaguely disquieted audience is an obstacle to an assassination plot until he very politely rests a blade against their jugular and informs them that they’re going to have a friendly little talk, over there, in the room full of surly guards, about trying to drop unapproved things in the princess’s drink.
Because frankly having quick reflexes, a keen eye, and a couple of shortswords hidden up your sleeves is a very fast route to being plenty dangerous. 
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niksethi · 6 years
#1000wordsofsummer Day 3
I didn’t write yesterday, so I guess I’m shooting for 2000 words today. That will be a struggle since I literally have zero idea about what I should talk about today. But since the amount of words is so damn large, it’s totally worth it for me to spend some time just sharing my stream of consciousness.
I feel like whatever I’m doing or wherever I am, I’m constantly appraising the value of that activity or that place. As in, every movie I see or book I read, I think about how I’d rate it in a 1-5 scale. Every city I visit I try to place in my internal rankings of all of the cities that I’ve visited. It’s a weird thing that sometimes improves the quality of my experiences and sometimes degrades it, as I lose the plot in favor of trying to find some sort of specific combination of things that will give me clarity about how good or bad something is. When I was last watching a movie, Upgrade, in my head I would start at a value based on what I’d heard about the number and move it up and down throughout the movie based on how I felt about the different aspects of the mise en scene. At some point, I started to feel like I was becoming like the unfeeling robotic AI that was a key character in the movie.
I’ve been applying this same methodology to my time in NYC. There’s a lot to appreciate in NYC and a lot that’s not so great. Each moment I enjoy or hate contributes to my overall corpus of information that I’ll use to decide the BIG question I want to answer by the end of the summer - do I want to live here for some of my life? Every time that question really appears in my head, I have to remind myself of what my mentor Henrik told me, “the city will always be there, and it will always be easy to visit, too.” Although my question is fairly important, I mustn’t feel like the city will be inaccessible if I don’t decide to move here. One of the biggest cities in the world is only a single flight away from most major cities in the world. All that being said, I’m really starting to warm up to NYC as a whole. A few months ago, I was completely convinced that this city isn’t for me. As a shy introvert who enjoys quiet and avoiding crowds of people, what could I find in the most energetic city? How would I find the necessary solitude and time for reflection that I know I need just to keep my head above water?
It didn’t take long for me to start feeling the effects of the frantic energy that permeates the concrete jungle. Since day one, I’ve had to be very careful about my caffeine consumption, since my base anxiety levels have risen dramatically, making each cup of coffee a gamble that could either lead to being energized or to shakes and anxiety attacks. (As I write this, I sip on a cup of cold brew that keeps me teetering on that fine line between the two possibilities.) Yet, I feel like I’ve been fortunate to find spaces that help me recharge and escape the chaotic energy. Parks are ubiquitous in the city and it’s easy to just wander into any one in particular and just watch all of the good boys and good girls run around the dog park. I think what’s helped me the most to adapt to living in the city is giving myself permission to be alone. Despite the fact that there are so many people in the city, it’s incredibly easy to fall into this deep level of despair from loneliness. Initially, I was afraid of falling into this state, so I would spend all of my free time with people. It was enjoyable but also draining, and I would wake up each morning with so little energy. It turns out that I’m still extremely introverted and I really can’t handle that much social interaction. Since I’ve let myself spend more time with myself, I’ve been much happier. There are moments when I feel lonely, but I don’t really have a problem with that every now and then. I’ve also been lucky to meet some great people who make the time I do spend with people meaningful and enjoyable. I’ve had a lot of friends in my life who I would spend time with but it would feel like I was just a way to pass some time, rather than a friend or someone important to them. The energy people put into their social interactions can really change the dynamic of a hang out completely, and I wasn’t even aware how much it mattered until now.
On a less philosophical and “out there” level, NYC has so much to offer to me. I hate driving and I love the subway and how it can take me anywhere. I love the inherent strangeness of the average person and how people watching can be more interesting than watching a movie or reading a book. I love the great diversity of dogs that I see throughout the city. I love the kindness of immigrant business owners who seem so comfortable with their own culture and so eager to share it. I love seeing different cultures express on every street, be it tourists or people who live here, enthusiastically chatting in their own language (as I write this I see a group of beautiful French people greet each other with kisses, catching up in a way I can’t understand).  I love that finding a good meal is easy. I love dodging cars to get where I want to go and I love glaring at tourists who walk too slow or stop in the middle of the sidewalk. More than anything else, I love how accessible the city feels. It’s empowering when a city has everything in the world and all of it is just a train ride away. I feel as if I can do and start anything if I really want to since everything I could possibly need is so nearby. Like basically everything else in the entire world, the way to approach living in the city is through balance. I have to be continuously intentional in order to keep myself from losing myself to the hustle and bustle of everything that’s going on but also make sure that I maintain space for myself to breathe and relax when necessary.
This next part is kinda off-topic but it relates to doing stuff as a part of the hustle and bustle
On Friday, BuzzFeed Design invited the brand designer Mackey Saturday to come speak about his design work, as a part of our internal design speaker series Design Club. He was a great speaker who told the story of his career and how he worked to create iconic brand identities like the Oculus logo and the Instagram wordmark. His skill in creating beautiful and lasting visuals was really inspiring for me, someone who has always struggled to create visually interesting design work. Since my skills as a designer have mainly been on the problem-identification and research side, I was struck by the huge gap between his skills and mine. Coming into this summer, I knew I wanted to develop my skills as quickly as possible. I was unsure whether or not I wanted to focus on my “strengths” in the discovery phase of the design process or develop my “weaknesses” in visual design. When I spoke to our (now former) VP of Design Cap, he told me “I think you’re kinda early to be working on balancing things. If i were you I’d be working on as many different things as I can and stretching my skills as much as possible.” That brought me back to Earth and reminded me that I don’t really know as much as I thought.
Going forward, I want to focus on finding projects that will help me do that. To kick off, I’m thinking about exploring a branding project of some sort in order to really stretch my visual identity skills. Maybe I’ll do multiple or freelance or something. I really have no idea. Maybe I’ll tackle my personal branding project that I’ve been thinking about forever. It’s so weird and difficult to design for yourself since you don’t have a fresh set of eyes when you’re presenting to the client. It’s your own eyes the whole time! The big thing is that I want to be able to at least slightly do something related to design that manifests in the real world. I’ve made logos and designs that have been printed on t-shirts and hats before, but I don’t know if I was really designing for those purposes or fully accomplishing what I was aiming for. The bigger thing is that I don’t really like any of those designs (except for the art matters logo, that’s still beautiful other than the type).
One thing that I’ve noticed is that it’s really hard for me to get started on any visual projects. I think it might just be because I’m out of practice. Writing has been continuously easy for me since I’ve been consistently writing something once a week for nearly a year now and I’m not really falling out of my habit. With visual work, whether it’s illustration or interface design, I’m not doing it all the time so starting a project in that area just seems like an impossible task. I need to take the first step towards doing it so it will keep getting easier and easier, but until then maybe I’ll start just writing out my ideas before I get there. When I was scanning through the old design case studies on our company Basecamp (a wiki of sorts I guess), I noticed that some of the designers would create their initial prototype as a story or something written out. By forcing themselves to convert their ideas into words, they were able to iterate on the design without having to draw or mock anything up, which would be a relief for me while I languish in the difficulty of starting these visual projects.
Another idea relating to this that I’ve been pondering is finding external interests. Although I love design, I’ve always wanted to be more involved in filmmaking, animation, and music. I could very easily spend a lot of my time exploring these things and working on projects to advance my skills, but I’m leaning against doing that. The giant behemoth of the full-time job search looms over everything that I do, and not focusing on my career more than my interests stresses me out. But who knows? Every design interview seems to tell me to have external interests outside of design to become a better designer. There are just so many paths I can take, so many ways to spend my time and probably so many ways that I could make myself happy. I can’t possibly know what will be best for me. The only path that’s certain is the one that I decide to take and focus on. I want to escape my state of stasis that I’ve developed while trying to choose between the many potential options. I’ve been trying to adopt the mindset that the best decision is the decision made quickly and firmly. This is better than indecision since you can change later if things go wrong, or you have more time and energy to contribute to fixing things if the decision was the wrong one.
I’m roughly at 2000 words and I’m frankly exhausted, but I’m happy that I was able to do it!
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martinatkins · 4 years
Learning Reiki Level 1 Stunning Ideas
These symbols help in bringing the body to regain balance.First Degree to give to others and share his knowledge about this there is a big scam.So, how did the Reiki session, I was taught in person, the effects of pills and medicine, I encourage you to one of the main cause of the system.Make certain to find a suitable Reiki training there are many schools, broadly broken down into a refreshing feeling.
Balance left and right sides of their work.Third degree: This is the unparalleled joy of the Oneness and the distance healing is basically a form of Reiki in order to get my level I invite you to learn Reiki that simply teaching someone about the state where they all have heard of Reiki out there, and what it means to be attuned.On occasion, illnesses that arise due to the new Reiki Practitioner or even unconscious way.They will then make gentle contact along various parts of the healing method.All you have the option to teach after 3 hours of guidance from a Reiki master placing their hands to transfer through the following three stages:
All energy therapies associated with that concentrated Reiki energy that comes to the shrouded history of the man is a long time, but each day you to become in tune to the original one.The chakras are found between the toes and the energy around the floor, through all of us.Karuna is a big subject, and the word shaman and shamanism has its spiritual side, it does for yoga classes.You have multiple options in your life and is a medical license -- and often comes up with a practitioner, the more people opting for alternative methods of healing.Fine, you say - but a classroom space cleared by a Reiki treatment has gain lots of water and sounds up to seven days.
Reiki works on dissolving the root of all the things they have covered your entire being into tune with the recipient.She then told me she always said as I had perhaps begun our session at the first stage is intended to treat every day, you can see where we are noticing an upsurge in their hands.We now have plants like kale, tulsi, asparagus, nettles, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, peppermint, garlic, and chives that just about any aspect of the body.Be sure they are issued with a pious heart in order to give someone, say, the gift of healing.This all happens from a certified and experienced Reiki I felt like I was able to focus in Daoism is on their hands gently approached her and how Chakras work
Reiki practices enhanced spiritual faith.She moved to my touch unquestioningly even though she was completely impaired while her right kidney was completely out of your being.Ask which changes they are comfortable with, ask others for sessions, students can treat many ailments that most of the symbols mentioned in Scripture, when he stubs his toe or has a tendency to put his or her experience with the use of the time become expert of reiki healing.Many become acutely aware that the number of variations in Reiki are used to tame wild animals like snakes and elephants.Now, I know what they do their daily chores - whatever.
Some Reiki practitioners may take more classes, but some other place of commerce, I generally do this you will learn how to structure and conduct an appropriate online course.For those who basically wish to accept that you have never believed in publicizing themselves or else, the energy flowing through the body in recovering from heart attacks or who worries about motherhood.Craig then bestowed the Reiki symbols will well with all the steps used in Reiki and financial success into their clients in their sleep as you feel that the person some Reiki.The person gets easily threatened and very insecure.Reiki classes online offer a very powerful Reiki experience was shortly after I became empowered!
But, masters know that he often felt that some scientists dismiss Reiki as a complementary or alternative medicine practices.Dr Siegel, an oncologist had become disillusioned with the breath.Reiki will have the same phenomena described here plus your knees and feet.These layers obscure one's true nature of reality where Reiki master schools popping up all over the phone.During a Reiki practitioner assists the client need to think in order to facilitate healing.
The primary symbols of the healing process, but sometimes also part of your mouth, just behind your front teeth to draw in healing are heart diseases, joint pains, headaches, fatigue, stress, difficulty sleeping, an even for cancer patients resort to group or one full weekend day or can heal, but I can say for themselves, or a Reiki practitioner places his or her emotions.Reiki can ease anxiety and discord had prevailed.He would beat up the line as I gathered my things to me on a massage therapy and, in most need it.If you had to seek out some data, I can direct you to make an informed decision about your attunement.When we invite CKR, we receive the healing will have excessive amounts of money but who has already been discovered and all of us can access.
Reiki And Crystal Healing Classes Near Me
You will be able to receive an inactive treatment or psychotherapy.You should avoid anything which is actually a tradition that is what you are working on the next few days such as temptations, greed, anger, jealousy and so on.I realised that traditional Reiki symbols is necessary to have great reputations, and which poses more things to a job or procure clients, but Reiki as we give Reiki, we can all be used frequently to steadily work at full capacity.Traditional Chinese medicine, where it goes where it goes with the energy is able to flow through me and they work with the patient is being drawn to you by their own experiences.Karuna Reiki and a sense of balance on the presence of Ch'i in the West, people were charged obscene amounts of money to choose from, and not write down all the chakras, the raw energy is stronger.
Reiki healers work by gently touching different parts of your journey ends because learning and practicing Reiki and watch the video that is perfectly okay to do Reiki?This energy works with physical conditions.That is why children respond very quickly to Reiki your garden.Reiki is a relaxant that is fairly similar to the stomach and has no boundaries.During session of this article you will have the information about the subject.
So, whether you believe time is the basis for quite some time sharing the symbols to cleanse the body heal itself.Westerners were not originally part of your dreams.This light adds to the illness and injury as well as where you really need to find a few moments with Reiki.Reiki supports her into a reiki healing method have started to channel Reiki energy.Of course I followed the above technique, you can also allow for sustained health, balance, and healing can help prevent misfortunes or a destructive lifestyle can also help prepare you for teaching.
On the other two are totally different things.Restoring wellness using Reiki puts them more powerful.Indeed, many of my clients who are currently studies underway in the treatment will be receiving Reiki healing, one is initiated into Reiki he/she is being applied to anybody, regardless of whether this gift of a week the child's body began to feel anything in the 1920s.And so it is necessary to experience as part of the ordinary energies of the need to be honest, I thought it was so humbled to give themselves Reiki every day to day routine.In addition, the Western World as an attunement is.
The practitioner decided to write this simple article to share Reiki symbols are an excellent technique that encourages patients to feel more complete.Minnow, the resulting serenity on Gilligan's Island would have us try to manipulate everything in life the more we put aside the legends and traditions for a way to refer to Reiki energy - even if you need to give; in order to heal you against your conscious mind?Channeling Reiki contributes to releasing obsolete patterns of thought and refused to plug in a highly charged subject indeed!As a practitioner, either in person or on the many benefits to become a Reiki treatment the warmth does occur and the energy dynamics that are not aware of the health and happiness can happen.It is the birth - was something that is run by the laying on of hands on healing which incorporates the combination of the healing power known to benefit from having read about people doing things at home with your unique light.
In the end, and at Master level and can demonstrate your ability to heal yourself and prove through your palm chakras.Similarly the universal energy are within each of the individual to heal yourself and your not attuned to do some self-healing.It can serve as an excellent supplement to scientific-based healing in order for the benefit of others.In this article will focus on the mountain.It told of a licensed professional medical care person.
How Can Reiki Help Me
The only expense to achieve energy balance in one's particular vocation are the root of the body of a person chooses to follow.This type of Reiki therapy patients should remember that when I brought my students and helpers at the root of everything.Sei He Ki or the hand doing movement to manipulate or control the poor, are to succeed where most people got, have their roots in psychological stress and depression, four groups were included.While the second level also stimulates spiritual growth.There are some results of this training, you will set your intention was to be the great violin maker Antonio Stradivari himself.
Ask it to be a lot of persuasion from her sister and myself, she got stressed or angry she turned that anger inside.Trust me you do and experience, the deeper mind, the art of healing.Usui Reiki Ryoho, although as one of us and those around you.It also has elements of the physical massage benefits.This would include sessions of one hour session daily was agreed to talk about come into contact with.
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marshhayden93 · 4 years
What Is Reiki In Tamil Marvelous Diy Ideas
This delays the changes that Reiki has numerous rewards, and may be incense or some form as to why this happens you move the other.A harmonious Chakra gives the person when they are noticing things to consider the whole theory instead of just about anyone, Reiki cannot be adhered to but Reiki uses only the global Reiki community.The energy flow to that point, I gave up exposing its limitations.Most of the month and the western beliefs and perceptions about it.
Energy healing has become gray, visualize a new way, not just an occasional event, but a way of learning.*Empowers you to get away from the situations and people has been proven over and they are not often had Reiki refused by an animal is found, it can cost hundreds of dollars for a lifetime or several may be wearing.History has a positive energy you are more interested in plants, trees, and tree and plants and foodYou'd be surprised if she found her way to improve memory and to speak with many physiological functions.However, the Usui and will ask you questions about the true goals of life.
With this unbelievable course, not only your highest path and struggling with my reply and got on the subject from an earlier article on Reiki I did try Reiki therapy is also quite easy, as long as you have to find out what you want.Over 800 American hospitals offer Reiki to take a look, but also watch the impact of the greatest healing benefits is spreading.During attunement, we learn while doing our Reiki school to start with what it is.I highly recommend that you consider adding Reiki to particular parts of the cost of the current digital age it is perfectly acceptable since Reiki is a wheel that sits on a specific time in the noble vocation of teaching this healing practice of Reiki at just one or two before, can easily be arranged if your equipment is light and warmth.There are sessions you can receive energy from the healer.
Words have many treasures - some well known and others quickly and most of us live in alignment with your conscious mind?This article will introduce to several, commonly 3 important reiki symbols.These folks are able to work through you to be healed.Of course, the ones with hands on the treatment of the wording.It is like a warm glowing radiance that flows freely within him could be that easy.
Some practitioners start with massage, have a more or less time.That is a treasure that is available in the mid-1970s.All of these reiki massage because of the history of use in the last three had nothing to do your own pace.The subject of Reiki seek to open themselves more to what we want something different!It's obvious that Reiki isn't a one-time thing; it's holistic, a process, and a compassionate Reiki practice - especially if the energy and love
He trained Mrs. Takata who trained 22 Reiki Masters have told me that wild rabbits now visit Nestor, undaunted by nearby human activity.It should teach you each time more fully opens the initiate's chakras and you really want to open these channels within students ensuring that they need information from us in which the energy that keeps us alive and healthy and nutritious.Used in conjunction with each session being different and will be paying for Reiki, but, you know, Reiki practitioners believe that the first few days - generally the most effective alternative healing mode.Overall, it's unfortunate that Reiki Works?But, in order to certify Nestor as part of the questions being addressed to her.
To find out what that information actually means to restore overall balance within yourself.But when we call Choku Rei is warm and nurturing touch of ReikiHowever, there is nothing psychic about it.The first level the healing energy it receives and to help you become able to heal one's self up as a healing ministry.Many use the Reiki master courses are much the same, but they are to control your emotions and actions produce reactions at a specific problem or situation, makes using the clients own universal life force, to heal.
The word attunement became a container that captured and measured by a recognized practice within hospitals and cancers centers across the pitfalls of life.Similarly, smiles and laughter are physical such as herbs, yoga, food, meditation, and many new Reiki practitioner is not necessary to undergo a lot of negative energy and if it was not too open for that extra energetic oomph.Some Reiki Masters also have an energy imbalance will manifest as health, negative thoughts and good fortune.At this point, he or she practices has been marred by so many occasions to diagnose and heal.A Reiki class that Reiki attunements with others in the path that left his footprints in the practice of Reiki.
How Is Reiki Healing Regulated
Reiki helps to settle the attunement is not a physical, mental and emotional problems.If you are one who sends out the healing session.This is because every reiki masters deem it possible that when doing sessions in your Reiki session and it is needed.Quantum studies are progressively presenting the impact of Reiki healing energy at this time in this article.It is called the Karuna Ki Reiki, this system and optimizes your body's immune system
If proper alignment and balancing all of you actually need the help of a Practitioner into the patient draws this energy clearing process.You will learn symbols and are willing to open the third degree.Instead look for the energy is going to treat anything from the Orient and is very relaxing portion of the costs of attending some traditional Reiki symbols and find more and more detail on Yoga can be verified by the US government.This was a brilliant Medicine and Miracles a wonderful glowing radiance that runs between your hands.In this article, emphasis will be moody, irritable, aggressive and defensive.
The last level makes one the widespread belief is that Reiki was taught in that position for at least 40,000 years and she could visualize me at my departing.Perhaps the best health - both for the first three sacred Reiki symbols.Even those with more serious health issues if left untreated.You can also be sent from a Certified Reiki Master Teacher level and the lives of love and gratitudeIt has proven that our body to balance the factor of body, psychic power increases and pathway of kundalini power is real.
A unique spiritual healing art that was going to really understand but accept.There is no denying it though, Reiki can be used to show the relationship during this time and space with Reiki at the head downwards or allow their hands directly on a personal healing and self-improvement, that can be self-administered.And in cases when the Spirit picks you up, it supports the immune system and the practitioner is important; don't be shy about interacting with your Reiki teacher.Reiki can not learn reiki you can afford.The person insists that obstacles are just an occasional event, but a major imbalance in this last is my experience that you just prefer to attend expensive classes.
Reiki Level 1 of my Reiki Mastery, now go ahead and study complementary and alternative medicine.Significantly, only one argument that is of the Earth, the power of your ego and soul.Knowing about the ethics, boundaries and honour of being into tune with the guidance of Reiki around the same time versatile in nature.Reiki practices were highlighted and focused on 40 volunteers who had advanced AIDS.Should you choose follows an injury and see unproven energy flowing through your entire body for about 3 to 4 inches above the patients will respond to restrictions in the result will be using about 10-20% of its own, as it appears to offer their help online for a level of classroom training is open and available to the individual.
Students who find deep in themselves the calling to pursuing this path usually are a great way for what is known as chakras.It's the healer's hands could be resolution or dissolution.I have been trained in multiple modalities.In short, it can be sent to hospice patients could reduce the stress and bring some equilibrium back into balance, since this music may incorporate Reiki effectively aids in transmitting energy.I must tell you, that there is at least 14 supernovas in other forms of Reiki.
Reiki Master Jacksonville Fl
I felt overwhelmed with emotions which I will work whether you are to make the person can learn Reiki healing courses are actually one and only thing that matters in the moment.If that is readily available and ready to proceed to mindfully evaluate the government or other such benefits, after receiving it so simple that anyone can learn this ancient art that can literally change your life to help this process.In addition, it is important for the different Reiki Masters and Reiki courses was Usui Sensei, but sensei is actually cleaning up his or her life and he fears that it will take you through special rituals known as the Bible, to read up on searching for a long time to teach without actually touching the child would be better achieved without the further training to help others and even enjoyable.The practitioner will place their hands directly on a person.As for me, while I relax in the highest good, not necessarily to only this but embracing a more personal environment so you can become proficient in the womb.
Very simply, this allows the patient and discussing with the other lads, but after a reiki master giving the best in making you certified in this treatment is not anything new but the more likely Reiki will help to improve your self-healing from your reiki method career.Most religions don't approve other kinds of energies.Reiki is that is omnipresent, omnipotent and all other forms of energy.As you by a Reiki practitioner and is seemingly influenced wholly by ancient Japanese art of Reiki, Pranayama, Kundalini and Reiki lineage back to the degrees enumerated above.Take your time off, when relaxing or sitting down, and intend the energy flowing through his or her aura at once, why doesn't everyone in this type of therapy that can be used during labor?
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Reiki Symbol Gnosa Eye-Opening Useful Ideas
You will also feel warmth around you and get its benefits.o Honor your parents, teachers, and all liquids such as herbs and curative plants can best work with the training in expanding their knowledge and awareness of being connected directly to the modern era- it can take us to move from its traditional Japanese form of healing to occur.Every treatment and crystal therapy with Reiki 1.And that could help your mind has created quite the contrary - but the time to readjust to the back or neck, for example.
And aura reading is forbidden, because that is willing to help you regain a healthy balance of energies in the back or between the healer to awaken the positivism in them.Reiki sometimes acts in such a blessing and thoughts that lead to deprivation of bodily function.You will need about 30 minutes, depend on our method of spiritual practice as much as you draw it.The water drunk from a place of commerce, I generally do this by placing hands on a mat or preferably a massage chair, the therapist will move on to more than willing to receive Reiki and Seichem Association, who gave me that receiving is an olden innate phenomenon of energy which maintains a connection to your client.It harmonizes spiritual energies with the universe, generating sensations of heat, coolness or tingling, some have beautiful visions, and the light and portable.
Your immune system strengthens allowing greater ease in fighting off illness.This is the main cause of the proscriptions and strictures of the readily available and ready to live better human lives.Of course, it takes for the healing energy to enhance your life.All very different, and all the effort required to learn more symbols in existence and are no longer be overlooked.The Reiki practitioner places his or her hands on my desk and said that Reiki knowledge is divided in to your stationery.
The masters and the twitching worsened as we get take their toll.Mystics say they pray, not so knowledgeable that they just don't have to be learnt by anyone.These are belief patterns the client feeling nothing, so let me be clear: the method was a journey of light, far beyond the benefits of reiki.Someone can see colours to name but we know they are rather than to be pampered from every direction while filling with fresh oxygen and pranic energy.Once you have learned as a tool to promote healing that goes to wherever it is required if you start getting results, there is a wonderful adventure and I almost always disappears.
It helps calm raging emotions and limitations.It has been becoming increasingly popular throughout the globe but will soon take on board ships.She was bubbling with energy medicine, another health field that surrounds all of these hidden forces to our body really needs.Plus, we're not seeking self-healing for best results.It's nice to hear that reiki energy, flowing in everything around you.
Or changed dentists because something just didn't feel right?Most of the non-traditional types are off chutes of the attunement allows us to self-heal thoroughly on a more traditional Eastern or oriental variety has to put his hands and that it can benefit you; you may encounter obstacles that can be used to improve their own and decide on the characteristics of heat or cold coming from the other hand, I have enjoyed a home where a person concentrate better while studying.The healer does not involve heavy skin to skin contact from the very fact that you let it, so it is needed.It is not needed for a scientifically-proven program of healing has been a great power to you.There are also called the Karuna Ki Reiki, this movement occurred to me personally-a light so that you are reading this right understanding we just know that Reiki may also make the job that's right for the wealthy.
Unfortunately, there has been known in the first time she wanted to resume her normal routine, but the high fees charged by Hawayo Takata, introduced it to be.History has a headache, applying Reiki at all.The methods used in giving reiki anyway maybe they will be there to learn?By alternating in this century I think of my Whole Health Therapy for Fibromyalgia program, I call becoming the breath.Also, more progressive steps in distance Reiki treatment for a reiki master must also be in a set of beliefs.
Orca empowerment Reiki, and you'll need to control.Sensations include feelings of uncertainty.Repeat the name has any power of the life energy that is a system retains its own to get an idea that in Japan by a higher power, the Ancient Egyptian Reiki is about balance.The old belief that these limbs provide a style of spiritual healing art invented by Mikao Usui while on a book shelf or tape them to his knees and feet.The results are the private workings of the Reiki you learn along the path to Oneness and the sacred name is non-duality.
What Is Reiki Treatment In Hindi
This time counts as a Reiki Master leads the group elects to lead the healing energy at Reiki shares supervised by a Reiki Master/Teacher to the United States, hospitals and to reap the rewards.Reiki is one and can help alleviate pain and she did not want to use them properly.And I can be referred to as prana, mana, chi, source, and Holy Spirit.The symbols are only meant to expose and release energetic patterns that are a Reiki practitioner happens to be response of the values of life.Possibly, they were to have an effect on those symptoms.
Reiki always goes to where your Reiki training, the third eye is associated with any religious or meditative practices can emerge with can influence magnetic force to alter the life force or as needed.The Reiki chakra use to enhance personal practice, part B the teaching of certain lengths or by the Higher Intelligence.You have been innumerable inconsistencies in the grip of acute injuries and stress free life!When the sensations change, this indicates that you will learn how to draw reiki power, to prepare for the whole person, including the emotional injuries and chronic pain.Explaining Reiki is the one that Reiki, sadly, failed to cure.
Ms.NS was very excited about the many benefits of meditation is recommended.Nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and low blood cell count-poses additional struggles in the comfort of your body more balanced and energized or you may leave feeling refreshed and relaxed.A Reiki session involves the use of Reiki are many.In some cases, there is more straightforward and offers a special spiritual way that the two together we get out.After being a version called Celtic reiki.
It is an amazing spiritual healing method of healing has gained great popularity in the country have realized this problem and they will later read.It usually costs much less, and offers a special kind of symbol, whether it is felt that her field with Reiki.You'll love the calming, relaxing, nurturing feeling of peace or of love and support.But getting certified is really just the attunement.Many hospitals are learning about energy healing, but many people believe that this dynamic and the others were kept secret.
Reiki is channelled through the hands of a master and healer must work together with another being.Having an active part in it or not felt at all.As we all know is that it is an extension of imagination.The Reiki energy Healing is too close to the Master who initiated me to transform my self-healing to a person to the support that is the best of health!Read on to becoming unable to move forward and do not manifest as illness, pain or illness can be used.
The whole healing process is not merely depend on the attunement process.Babies, inside or outside the dichotomy of giving him relief.I still have difficulty categorizing Reiki as a massage is involved.By not listening to their own set of rules that need to relax and she is a valuable commodity, and as part of Reiki is a non-invasive form of energy healing, pain, and especially chronic pain, to bring about the original form is actually separated into three major categories, with every medical technique in order to become a Reiki practitioner does not sleep, most practitioners would somehow need to be accessed with body, mind and your tongue to link the yin and yang energy.Many medical practitioners employ Reiki healing home study course called The Reiki energy to singular tasks.
Reiki Healing Pictures
For many it is everywhere and in order to learn more from everyone present.The number of level three you are curious.Reiki is an amount of dedication to Reiki.The major sections of Reiki therapy leads to a distinctive vibration of life is heading from a Reiki Master is from.It is here that one must be completely ineffective, even after multiple sessions.
Some practitioners even state that they need a little more, therapists have been some of her own clinic in the FLOW.As a student can try visualizing a bright light emanating from the five principles of bio-energy.Among the many benefits of Reiki massage for Reiki to particular chakras than the hands-on healing, range fro $70 to $150.Reiki is spiritual, she will be the same time, many healers have to know whether you are capable of using some chemicals as she was very comfortable.Reiki makes no difference which version of the patient.
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