#this post is also about cameron mitchel but not in a good way
circular-8 · 11 months
You know, it always bugs me when a show loses the actor of their main character (for whatever reason) the show casts a brand new person as a brand new main character and then acts like the audience should be interested in the show focusing on this new character instead of stories involving the characters that have been in the show for years.
Anyway, shout out to The Walking Dead for not doing that.
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rotschopf-thedrow · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤️
@dandenbo - you've also sent me this ask, so I'm answering yours here as well <3
I won't include any of my RPS or HP stories. Those are way in the past & quite problematic for known reasons. I'm still debating with myself if I should just delete them.
So, without further ado, here are five stories I'm rather proud of.
Change Of Perspective, set in the Stargate SG-1 fandom, in which Cameron Mitchell realises that his perception of his relationship with Daniel has shifted. A lot, and Daniel is right with him.
The Damage Done (Mass Effect, mShenko), which is the story that gave birth to Cameron Shepard, and in which Kaidan grabs the bull by the proverbial horns and smooches him into next week.
Two for Tragedy (Mass Effect, mShenko). I guess most of us mShenko lovers never thought about sending Kaidan to Hackett. But what if Shepard did? What if he regretted his choice and enlists Joker and EDI to rectify it?
Valid, flavour, tongue (Mass Effect, Alenkoats) in which Kaidan learns that his future hubby is quite good at making chocolate fudge. This is set in a verse I have yet to post, but: it will have a happy ending. That is a promise <3
Forever and a Day (Mass Effect, mShenko) in which Shepard accompanies Kaidan to the wine fair of Kaidan's parents to play his boyfriend. Also, there's only one bed. Oh. OH! And a whole pine wood. And eggs. There'd be eggs.
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BOOK 3: what in the fuckery is this? (From this post here, the final book):
Book 3 was a mess. Solrin was absolutely gobsmacked the entire time.
For chapters 1-5 she was just... Absolutely taken aback. She has to see BRIAN again? LIKE EW brother- and she has to deal with Hearst making her seem like a bitch? (Sure she is a bitch but like CMON???). Also she feels real bad having to see Jade & Tucker and all the other more chill people from Hearst have to deal with the Quartet/previous Quartet of mean assholes (Zoe & ??? (Her bf))
On the first day, she has to tour her failed talking stage (Brian), that pompous music guy (forgot his name I'm so sorry), and Zoe. (Who depending on the au was possibly her old crush, ouch). Then she has to deal with Brian being a douchebag asshole and storming off and having to reassure Tucker & Jade. Whew boy.
Then she has to deal with fuckin Kara & Max trying to Out-Campaign her and sway votes at the Mitchell party, but BABE. SHE DOESNT WANT THE CROWN!!!!!!!!!!. And after that, Kara & Zoe are being promzillas and being real rude about prom venues. like-
9-16 is when she can wind down... But then she finds out her dad booked a cruise and now she's away from her LI for 3 months straight...
6-8 is just... What the actual fuck? She can't even process anything because girlie Doesn't wanna be prom queen in all actuality, but Kara and Max and everyone else is framing her for shit and making sure she isn't any 'competition'? Like babe... Have the crown, she'll give it to you even!
She has to steal with borderline harassment notes, Emma trying to set up her mum with Sol's dad (like Emma I love you a lot but no), tryouts being sabotaged and her being framed for that shit, and then... I can't even concentrate dude. Book3 is a fucking MESSSSS.
She goes to prom, has a good time, Bethany and Ezra win the crown, it's all good, and then she finds out she's gonna be away from her LI? Her life? Her love... Oh no.
There truly isn't much to say. Book 3 is all over the place for her and even ME that I can't even make a good book post!
Have some memorable moments for Solrin though- ↓
Solrin totally got in between Kara & Max and tried to get them to chill out during their prom argument. She'd defend Kara though (only slightly) because Kara getting dumped right after Prom? And Max talking about how he'd rather go party with other girls at uni then be a decent loyal bf TO HER FACE? That pissed Solrin way the fuck off. She HAD to defend Kara, or even at best make sure they were standing WAY away from each other.
Solrin also would have made sure to get some nice gifts for Cameron & Bethany, Jade & Tucker, and Kieran! Mostly just jewellery but she also would've gotten them realllll flashy pens and even some other accessories.
Like a good ole baseball gloves for Jade
Some hair clips for Kieran! Since he has nice luscious hair that sometimes gets in his way when he's cheerleading
A small notebook for Tucker to write his best puns in and a mini microphone!
Cute little instrument pins for Cameron, like pins that show a saxophone, a keytar, a clarinet- and also some key polish even. Can't have Cameron's musical instruments not shiny!
She also got Bethany a handmade friendship bracelet of beads! She likes Bethany, she thinks Bethany is swaggy.
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tennesseetrekkie · 3 years
Stargate/Leverage Crossover Ideas
I’m surprised I never see more fics/ficlets/prompts/just plain posts about these two universes. They’re canonically connected! (There are Stargate symbols on the wall in Lattimer’s vault in “The Last Dam Job”, the producers confirm it too). It’s actually the main reason I started watching Leverage and my need for a crossover has only grown since. Here’s a few thoughts I’ve had:
I 100% believe that Eliot was a member of an SG team. When Aimee said “it’s like you dropped off the face of the earth”, well, he did. They only take the best of the best and that’s Eliot. He’s fully aware of the existence of the Stargate program and aliens, etc.
While serving there he got involved with Maybourne’s team, he thought it was in the best interest of his country. He was one of the very few who didn’t get caught. I like to think he still has a few souvenirs from his time off-world, several highly classified things he really shouldn’t have. I don’t believe he left the base empty-handed. It’d make sense if he had a Goa’uld healing device, but that would mean at some point he ended up with naquadah in his blood, which given all the crazy things that have happened to him in his life wouldn’t be too surprising, but that’s a whole different story...
Eliot never mentions any of this to the rest of the team, not only would this put them in danger but earth being at war with ancient, parasitical aliens is pretty heavy knowledge. This is a lot of fun when SG-1 shows up...
In a crossover with SG-1 and the OG Leverage for me it would have to consist of Cameron Mitchell (the timeline puts it after O’Neill was promoted), Samantha Carter, Daniel Jackson, and Teal’c. I can’t figure out a scenario where Vala is included and doesn’t let it slip to the Leverage crew that aliens and spae travel are a thing.
There are two scenarios in which I can think of where these two would meet: First, the Leverage crew uncover something in a job that Eliot recognizes as alien (either an artifact, or maybe even a Goa’uld, that’d be fascinating if he did have naquadah and was able to spot the Goa’uld), he tries to deal with it without letting the team know but finally has to tell Nate they need to call the Air Force, it takes a lot of convincing especially since he can’t actually say why. Second, SG-1 shows up to a job the Leverage crew is already doing. Eliot recognizes them, they recognize him. Sam might even pull her gun. He gets them away from the Leverage crew to see what’s going on, meanwhile Hardison is running their faces through one of his ID programs and now everyone is wondering why Eliot is talking to “two USAF colonels, some loser who should be on Ancient Aliens, and some guy who... doesn’t exist?”. 
Whatever the case, it’s inevitable that these two have to work together. Only thing is, the Leverage crew can’t know SG-1 is here because aliens and SG-1 can't know that the Leverage crew is here because crime. The only one who can and does know everything is Eliot, who is the constant go-between for both of these teams, and also very tired. He definitely knows the Goa’uld language and uses it to talk to Daniel and Teal’c about the more... classified details of the job when the others are around. Yet again Hardison is confused when he tries to figure out what they’re speaking only to find out that it doesn’t exist.
Parker is strangely good at guessing things. She immediately 100% believes that Teal’c is an alien. Nate, Sophie, and Hardison assure her he can’t be, even though they’re not completely sure themselves, this whole thing is too weird. 
I can’t really figure out the rest of it, which is why I’m writing it this way instead of in an actual fic, but this is... something. Not sure what. This is really the most realistic version I’ve thought up. Headcannon where the Leverage crew actually do find out include (this is not any specific sequence or headcannon, just ideas):
The crew ends up on a small ship (maybe Eliot used rings to get them out of a dangerous situation or something) and Hardison and Sophie are visibly and audibly freaking out. Nate is trying to remain calm and failing, it’s not as intense as Hardison and Sophie, but he’s definitely freaked out. Eliot, of course, just rolls his eyes and yells at them to calm down as he goes to figure out the controls. Space ain’t nothing when you’ve been there hundreds of times. Then there’s Parker... Her reaction is basically to look out a window, smile, and call it “Cool!”. Everyone is a little taken aback by how she can just be okay with this?
Upon finding out about aliens and space travel Hardison is excited, terrified, and absolutely furious at Eliot for never telling him about it. There’s a headcannon I have of those two somehow getting transported to another planet and not knowing it at first and trying to figure out where they are. It takes Eliot a while to convince Hardison that they’re on another planet, because “yeah, it looks like Canada, that’s just what alien planets look like!”. 
Sophie trying to grift aliens... The game has changed and she is loving it! A whole new universe of challenges. Seeing that would be a thing of beauty.
All of it just causes Nate to drink more, unfortunately. It’s a lot to take in. But if Eliot had to tell just one member of the team about it (both to stop them from asking him to explain what’s going on and why can’t he tell them? and to convince them of the amount of danger they’re all in) it’d be Nate. He’d come away from that conversation very visibly shaken and tell the crew that Eliot’s right, they don’t need to know, at which point they accept it and back off.
Parker handles any strange situation well, so aliens are no big deal. I bet at one point someone (not Eliot) brings up Atlantis and she theorizes that “it’s probably actually a spaceship that flew off to another galaxy!”. Nate, Sophie, and Hardison just rolls their eyes or shoot her a weird look or something because what a stretch! But Eliot nearly chokes on his drink! He has to regain his cool really quickly because now everyone is looking at him, but how can she possibly know that?? He wonders if she ever stole classified material, but nope, Parker just made the most random guess possible and nailed it because Parker.
OH! And one more thing! One night in Nate’s apartment when they’re all getting ready for dinner Hardison has it on this weird cheesy scifi show and  is all like “look at this garbage!”, Eliot takes a look and is like “wait, what??” and sits down and starts watching. Dinner is now going to be late because this is hilarious! It gets canceled after one episode but he makes sure to catch the TV movie as soon as it airs. This is how Eliot Spencer became a “Wormhole X-Treme” fan and no one has a clue why.
If anyone else has a Stargate/Leverage headcannon, please, please, please share it!! Charater interactions, different senarios, ANYTHING! And let’s all hope that, even though Stargate hasn’t been around for a while, Leverage Redemption will throw us fathful fans a bone with some kind of reference!
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drvcifers · 3 years
i am back again to cause a ruckus. since i have a little bit more free time coming up, i am going to try to pick up a couple more plots. i have listed below some really basic plots i’m looking for, faceclaims i’m wanting to use and some i’m wanting to play against. here is also a link to my current muses, and i am happy to plot with anyone listed as available.
**if we had plotted before, please feel free to message me if you would like to pick our plot back up!!
if you are interested in any of these (plots or fcs - i am always up for plotting something not on this list) you can message me (here or discord - thedrewdawg#1337). i will typically play a male or nonbinary, though i do have a few female muses i’d be interested in plotting with. i rp on both tumblr (via my mumu writing blog) or on discord.
i am also up for platonic/family relationships too! also very interested in 2x2 or 3x3 plots to allow for relationship development outside of just ships.
putting this under the cut because it got way too long :)
classic hateship. we hate each other for some reason or another but oops there’s also MASSIVE sexual tension and we can’t keep our hands off of each other. bonus points if they are both 'heartless’ but they are learning to trust each other with their hearts.
workplace angst. i have been watching too much greys tbh, but i love the dynamics of people who have demanding jobs and work a lot and the job and their coworkers are basically like all they really have going on. would be cool as a mumu, but fine as a solo plot too
angst avenue. something super angsty like this because i am a masochist. honestly anything super heartwrenching i’m probably all about.
ghosts. idk just haunting, maybe someone falls in love with a ghost. love a spooky romance. or like ghost hunters? i’ve been wanting to try out some more horror-esque stuff.
secret relationships. who doesn’t love a secret relationship? maybe you are my best friend’s ex that he’s still hung up on but we are really good together.
ASSASSINS. we love a good assassins plot. and they don’t kill each other because, well, they are in love. maybe they used to work on the same side and one of them defected?? ugh idk just give me some badasses with drama and lots of love.
post-apocalyptic. this has been on my wanted list for a while but ya know the basic there are zombies taking over the world stuff.
slice of life anything really. something that just explores dynamic relationships ya know.
FACES I WANT TO USE: winston duke, oscar isaac, alfonso herrera, elliot knight, michael evans behling. rahul kohli, aaron tveit, lakeith stanfield, ross butler, ryan reynolds, chris wood, avan jogia, charles melton, tom hardy, daniel kaluuya, robert pattinson, nick sagar, michael ealy, chris hemsworth, danny pino, theo james, rege jean page, henry cavill, sebastian stan, trevante rhodes, jack falahee, jordan calloway, leo dicaprio, matt czuchry, noah centineo, chris pine, manish dayal, and ALWAYS zac efron or dan stevens
FACES I WOULD LIKE AS OPPS: FLORENCE PUGH ALWAYS, samantha logan, gemma chan, candice patton, sarah michelle gellar, rachel weisz, aja naomi king, alexandra breckinridge, constance wu, dove cameron, kerry washington, aj cook, adelaide kane, aisha dee, odette annable, inbar lavi, lily james, camila mendes, issa rae, dakota johnson, phoebe tonkin, natasha liu bordizzo, lucy hale, nathalie kelley, laura harrier, halston sage, nina dobrev, tessa thompson, virginia gardner, shelley hennig, freema agyeman, hilary duff, jamie chung, meghan markle, madelaine petsch, lana condor, naomi scott, alicia vikander, shay mitchell, sydney park, maia mitchell, vanessa morgan, elizabeth lail, nicole beharie, becky g, chloe bennet, blake lively, sophia bush
OKAY THOSE ARE LOTS OF OPTIONS and tbh i’m not that picky, these are just the faces i’ve been wanting to use/have as opps for a long time.
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imalifegen89 · 3 years
A Legacy Left Behind - Chapter - 5 - The Gemmond Incident
Part 5 - Final
Stargate Command, Cheyenne Mountain - Colorado
As promised, Lieutenant Colonel Cameron Mitchell had shown up with SG-1, which had included himself, Teal'c, Vala Mal Doran, and Dr. Daniel Jackson. Sam Carter had not been available since she had been called away to the Daedalus for an urgent matter. Dr. Rodney McKay and Dr. Radek Zelenka had both shown up in her place to specifically study the two downed crafts and find a solution to free the trapped Gemmondians. SG-3, SG-8, and SG-9 had accompanied the Colonel in order to disperse around the city and help with the clean-up and whatever other tasks the citizens were in need of help with. Dr. Sandy Van Denson and Dr. Ian Carmichael along with three other medical staff had also shown up, bringing along the promised medical assistance for the traumatized Gemmondians.
Sheppard and the team had been upgraded to local celebrity levels and almost all of the people there in the city had wanted to catch a glimpse of the Tau'ri who had managed to successfully wipe out the Wraith. The locals had insisted on the feast they had somehow managed to prepare despite everything and made the SG-11 the guests of honor. The team had stayed for a few minutes, enjoyed a few local cuisines, and taken their leave in quiet relief when Mitchell and the other teams had finally shown up to take over.
"Fucking hell! Hearing about all this crap in the briefing and looking at nasty photos is one thing. But this, man - this is something else." Danny's voice was equal parts awe, fear, and incredulity.
"So, this telepathic attack basically had a domino effect on these creatures. Powerful as they are when they are mentally connected to each other, it can also be a major weakness. Too bad only the ATA gene carriers have this ability," Adam Noshimuri sounded wistful. He was fascinated by the footage they were all now going through of the day's operation.
SEALs always went on ops with recording apparatus as a part of their standard kit. SG-11 had permission to keep this particular Special-Operator-trait for their operations, in keeping with the Navy standards, and it came in handy. They could always study the ops footage later to get more information and also it could be used to educate other teams whenever they went through something like this. Only a few of the team had body cams that day since they had been going to a party. But they had managed to team up to maximize the coverage and now they had mostly complete footage of the entire operation.
They had all gone for their post-Gate-Hop medical checkups once they had returned to the mountain. As promised, Colonel Mitchell had retrieved the rest of the SG-11 from the village near the jungle and they had returned to the mountain about 20 minutes later. They all had reunited in the infirmary during their medical checkups. Sheppard, Lorne, and Danny had garnered extra attention - the first two because of their dealings with the Wraith and Danny for getting partially stunned. But they had all been cleared without needing to spend the day in the infirmary once the doctors had been satisfied. They had all had early dinners in the mess hall and the two pilots had retired to the quarters since they had both been still suffering from headaches. The rest of the team had gathered in one of the smaller recreational rooms to go through the footage and get their AARs (After Action Reports) done for the debriefing the next day. They had already gone through the cam feeds from Steve, Bates, and Vega and now knew what each team had faced. They had exchanged praises, criticisms, and good-natured ribbing while watching different areas of footage with fascination. Now they were all at the part from the cam Lorne had been wearing.
"Yeah, that's the thing. These guys are rare enough as it is. When the Wraith find out about this, they’re going to start hunting them. The gene carriers are a real threat to Wraith. All they have to do is ask the Goa'uld to take care of the gene carriers while they deal with the non-gene carriers. We’re going to have to try and keep this stuff under wraps as long as we can," said Vega, after they had all finished watching the feed.
"Keep what under wraps?" asked Sheppard at the end of a huge yawn. He was leaning against the door of the rec room and was wearing a black t-shirt, loose sweats, and a pair of slippers. He still looked half asleep and Steve wondered what had made the man wake up and come looking for them.
"Ah, sleeping beauty, come take a seat. We were just talking about your horror show," said Danny, with his usual lack of tact.
They were using the TV screen in the room to watch the feeds and a few laptops and PDAs were scattered on the stool in front of them. Steve, Adam, and Kono were sitting on the long couch, Danny, Bates, and Vega had claimed sofas and Cadman was settled between Higgins' stretched-out legs on the floor. Sheppard pushed off from the door frame and walked into the room eyeing the seating arrangement. Then he huffed and went to settle on Steve's lap, who let out a quiet laugh and moved to accommodate the burden. John wriggled and shifted until he was sitting comfortably, resting sideways on Steve's chest with his head on Steve's shoulder, and let his long legs dangle off the armrest of their side of the couch. Steve wrapped his arms around the sleep-warmed body on his lap and closed his eyes. Then John looked at Danny expectantly. Danny keyed a few commands on the laptop closest to him and started the feed from Lorne's cam for John to have a look.
Steve felt him tensing up the moment John saw himself on the screen. It occurred to Steve then, that this was the first time John had seen himself going through the 'online experience.' The other time he had been alone and when he was discovered, he was already back to normal. Steve rubbed his back, offering silent comfort.
"Wow! That's... um... disturbing. My eyes - they look creepy - I look creepy..." said John. He was thoroughly disturbed at witnessing his physical transformation.
"I don't know brah, I was once involved in a raid at a meth factory. I've seen creepier-looking dudes running around, believe me," said Kono matter-of-factly from the middle of the sofa.
"And I know for a fact that you are a complete lunatic. One, because I've seen you fly and have had the misfortune to fly with you several times. Two, you are dating the other lunatic you are sitting on. So this little drama is nothing. I wasn't even that surprised," said Danny, his hand slicing away at the space in front of him, emphasizing his point. John and Steve both sent identical glares at Danny who just upped the wattage of his shit-eating grin.
John could clearly see the easy acceptance from his team of his rather weird ability, and That made it much easier for him to accept the fact himself. (He did remember how Lorne had looked during the change. Okay - he had looked like he was high on something - but not a full-on-mutant like John, though.)
"So the point we were discussing was, to keep this bit of intel from falling into the claws of the Wraith because that would lead to those fuckers declaring open-season on gene-carriers," said Bates, with a grimace. The others nodded in response.
"Dr. Carson is working on artificial gene therapy. He says his serum would have a 75% chance at activating junk DNA in a non-gene carrier to become ATA positive. I actually helped him to find some information he needed from the Alteran archives back in Antarctica. The way things are going, we are going to need him to deliver soon, so that we'll have enough people to deal with these assholes," said John thoughtfully, his mind drifting back to discussions he had with the Scottish doctor during his visits to the Defense Outpost in Antarctica.
"Yeah, and let's not forget the Snake-Heads. At least we have some sort of warning system against the Wraith. But the Goa'uld - do we even have a way of identifying them in advance?” The question was from Steve. he still had his eyes closed, enjoying the proximity to John.
"There are some medical scans that can spot them. Other than that, the Jaffa and some of the previous hosts, like Vala and Carter can sense them. Of course, the Tok'ra would know. But that's about it I think," said Cadman, remembering the facts from Daniel Jackson's lectures.
"Yeah, they've been quiet enough on earth for what, closer to two months now? But busy stirring trouble in other worlds? Whatever they are planning, we are not going to like it much when it happens. I really can do without these times of suspense, you know?" said Vega.
"I know it's tempting fate, but I do agree. By the way, did you guys hear? The word is, that the big boss is going to show up tomorrow. Probably for our briefing. He usually shows up when things are really going to get sent up the creek without paddles," informed Cadman conspiratorially.
"What big boss?" asked Sheppard at the same time Steve asked, "Where do you even hear this stuff from anyway, hah?"
"Oh, I've got my sources, Mr. Major, Mr. Lieutenant Commander," said Cadman, grinning from ear to ear.
"Awesome. Better get our paperwork and shit together then, yeah?" suggested Bates and grabbed the PDA closest to him.
Sheppard slid off the comfortable lap he was sitting on and settled on the floor between the Commander’s legs, then grabbed two PDAs - one for himself and one for Steve. They all then got busy with their respective reports on the day's events.
Early next morning, Sheppard was sitting inside the Jumper helping the Air Force Lt. Colonel Samantha Carter to extract the data pertaining to their jaunt in Gemmond. He was transferring the flight records, blueprints of the Darts and Wraith Dart Carrier, all details about hull compositions, weapons, and other data, the scans and the footage the Jumper had managed to capture to Carter's PDA. When the data transfer finished, Samantha Carter went away, letting Sheppard know that they'd be called in for the debrief later on.
He knew that Kono and Steve had also prepared a comprehensible version from all the cam feeds they had on themselves during the mission as well. They had all submitted their detailed AARs to the SGC server already and were now waiting to be called to the briefing room for a Q&A session with the General and whoever else was present.
The summons came via Sergeant Harriman who came to fetch the SG-11 team leaders, Sheppard and McGarrett, into the main Briefing Room just after breakfast.
Briefing Room, SGC, Cheyenne Mountain - Colorado
Entering the Briefing Room, Sheppard experienced a feeling of déjà vu, since the atmosphere held the same intensity as his first briefing at the same place, several weeks ago.
This time there were more participants. Even in his BDUs, the bald Major General had an imposing presence. Brigadier General Jack O'Neill was sitting to his right and Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell was to his left. Next to O'Neill were Dr. Daniel Jackson and Lt. Colonel Samantha Carter with Teal'c sitting beside Mitchell. Dr. Rodney McKay was also present, busily typing on the laptop in front of him while munching on what looked like a blueberry muffin. Dr. Zelenka was sitting next to him trying hard to look like he had absolutely no association with McKay. SG-11 leaders had the seats on the opposite side of the big conference table, facing everyone, completing the assembly. There were two projector screens, on opposite sides, so no one had to twist their necks to see the feeds or any other data that was projected onto the screens. They also had their own PDAs or laptops with them, so they had ready access to anything they needed at any moment.
"General, you wanted to meet the trouble magnets. Well, here they are. The team leaders of SG-11." General O'Neill made an unorthodox introduction as they both entered the room and gathered in front of the conference table.
"You shouldn't complain much O'Neill, when you were the one who was bugging me for a group of special operators in your ranks. Now you've got some, and if they’re bringing extra workload for you, well, you've got no one else to blame," said General Hammond pleasantly.
"You know, it was more like Marshall's wish, come to think of it," O'Neill informed General Hammond. Colonel Marshall Sumner who was at the Earth Alpha site on an inspection, was not there to defend himself.
General Hammond shook his head in amusement, already much used to General O'Neill's eccentric ways, and turned to address SG-11." Anyway, gentlemen, it's a pleasure to finally meet you two. I have seen your personal files and the files of everyone in your team, of course, but I always like to meet trouble magnets in person, whenever I can manage. Please sit and make yourselves comfortable. We’re going to be here for a while," he informed the Major and the Lt. Commander.
"Major Sheppard, if you can please give a brief report of what took place in Gemmond?" he looked to Sheppard once they were seated.
Sheppard recounted the mission as ordered. He started from the point where they had to force the connection to Gemmond via the Jumper's DHD and detailed their entry to the hot zone. Then he briefly described the recon they conducted and the subsequent entry to the Wraith Carrier. Then he recounted the rescue operations and the entanglement with Wraith. He then summarized blowing up the ship, how they split up to accompany the Gemmondians and how the rest of them returned to the gate to report back to SGC, followed by the handover to Lt. Colonel Mitchell who showed up to take over the clean up. Once he finished, General Hammond turned to Mitchell.
"Lt. Colonel Mitchell, will you tell us what happened next?"
"Yes Sir. I went to Gemmond with SG-1, SG-3, SG-8, and SG-9. SG-3 was sent with the medical staff to the city to provide medical help and SG-8 went with them to help with the clean-up. I dropped off the Doctors McKay and Zelenka at the Dart crash sites along with Teal'c and SG-9 and took the Jumper to orbit to run a scan in near space. There were no other Wraith Spaceships in the vicinity. Then I returned to the city and stayed there to coordinate with the city council. I also spoke to some of those travelers who were taking refuge in Gemmond. They were from Holdus, Aegis, some even from Charos. They all had similar stories about this 'Culling', as they called it. It seems that this started about two weeks ago and there seem to be few other worlds targeted as well. So far they've been avoiding the technologically advanced planets though," continued Mitchell. "Then I took a trip to the village near the jungle where the rescued Gemmondians gathered with a couple of medical staff. They were all okay and being taken care of by the Nasyans. We spent the whole day in the city and the clean-up was rather quick, seeing as SG-11 got there pretty quickly and the Wraith didn't have much time for a larger attack. Then I collected the Doctors from where they were camping near crash sites and returned to the mountain for the debrief."
The General then turned his attention towards the two scientists;
"So Dr. McKay, Dr. Zelenka - any luck extracting the people stuck in those Darts?" he asked.
"Hmm, we've scanned those two Wraith Darts and found a way to connect with their interfaces. Basically, we’ve gone over the controls that dematerialize people, store their information, and then rematerialize them again when commanded to. It's a very complex process and requires a lot of power. Now, the Dart I scanned has five life signs and Radek's one has eight life signs. But according to the power readings we've got, those darts don't have enough power to rematerialize people on their own. But we can hook up a Naquadah generator into each of them and give a bit of extra oomph to restart the controls and activate the beam. Sort of like jump-starting a car battery." Rodney looked quite proud at having managed a properly dumbed-down report for the academically challenged.
"Ano, Rodney, we discussed this. There is a chance that those generators might not be the best way to restart those controls. You mustn't forget the biological components in those Darts - they are not like normal batteries that we can jump-start." Dr. Radek Zelenka pushed his spectacles further up his nose and reminded Rodney.
"I know, but if we regulate the levels and write a subroutine to abort if it gets over the power levels we need, it'd be fine." Rodney turned to face the Czech scientist and gestured with his muffin.
"A subroutine that we need to translate to match the coding on the interface. Yes, yes! It might work. But then we need..." Zelenka had already started typing something fast and McKay was leaning over to watch his screen.
"Ah, wait, there," he interrupted and the Czech said something unintelligible in his own language, still typing away. Now Rodney had abandoned his muffin and was also busy on his PDA while talking to Zelenka about code.
The two scientists had forgotten about the rest of the assembly and were completely immersed in their planning, typing, and conversing in increasingly complex scientific jargon. General Hammond let it continue for a while and then decided to interrupt when the scientists showed no signs of returning to the briefing. Out of all of them, only Carter seemed to be able to follow the dialog between them with an amused look on her face.
"As riveting as it is to be listening to you two gentlemen, can you please tell us whether this venture is possible or not? We really don't need to know the exact process," Hammond asked them both with great patience.
"Yes, General. We can do this. Maybe by tomorrow evening, we should be done. We will need a Naquadah generator though," said McKay, without looking up or without stopping his typing.
"Jack, can you accommodate that?" asked the Major General.
"Yeah, I'm sure we have one or two of those lying around here, somewhere," General Jack O'Neil replied, looking pointedly at Sergeant Harriman who confirmed with a firm nod.
"Well, then," started General Hammond, but was interrupted by Dr. Zelenka. "Can we be excused? We need to clean this up and get a proper program before we need to return to the planet."
"Yes, please. You may both take your leaves, doctors." A rather relieved General excused the pair without further delay. They both got up with their PDAs and left the room, bickering about the code and power levels.
"Commander, I was informed you have the footage of the entire operation?" he then inquired of McGarrett, who confirmed. "Now, Jack, I think this is something we should get all our Gate teams to start practicing. There is always one team or another who runs into something unexpected whenever they conduct Gate operations." He turned to the General.
"Yeah, I agree. But there is a concern, you know? What with the IOA and all their crap about respecting the privacy of the natives and such. SG-11 has a bit of leeway on this because they are a joint ops team and we had agreed to keep up their SEAL standards. So all their Gate missions go under Special-Operations per that agreement with the Navy. I think it's about time we took a long hard look at those pesky civilian regulations, especially since it's starting to look like trouble's brewing," said Jack O'Neill, for once looking completely serious.
"Hmm, I have a meeting with the IOA in a few days. I'll speak to the President as well before I meet with them. The chances are that we are going to have to raise the threat levels and will have to change some protocols accordingly, very soon," replied the General. He was already thinking about reaching out to the other races with advanced technologies and capabilities the earth had connections with; about this latest threat and ways to defend against it.
He then turned to Samantha Carter. "Carter, I'd like to review that footage now please."
Lt. Colonel Carter projected the video onto the screens on either side while Harriman dimmed the lights in the conference room. For the next 90 minutes or so, the entire conference room was quiet except for the sounds coming from the footage of the mission.
General O'Neill took it upon himself to break the thick silence that had descended in the Briefing Room at the end of the mission footage. "You know, I remember I sent SG-6 last year to Gemmond for the harvest celebrations. They brought back cake - really nice cake - and even nicer wine," he said wistfully, and then turned to where Sergeant Harriman was seated. "Walter, remind me next year when the time comes around, yeah?"
"Of course, General," the Sergeant replied with an equally serious air.
"That was an excellent bit of soldiering. My compliments to your team. Well done." General Hammond said. He was extremely impressed with the way the team handled the situation. He had harbored some concerns about how well they could mesh a SEAL team with an SGC team and this incident proved that it could be done quite seamlessly. He could see that each and every member brought a unique and impressive skill set to the team.
"Jack, I need a copy of this footage and all other data collected in a summarized report so I can present this to the president and the IOA. I might call an extra-planetary meeting to discuss this too. So be ready. And keep me posted if you get news from other planets on any encounters like this," He informed O'Neill. "So far, is there anything on the surveillance on those satellites and the Goa'uld activity?" he inquired.
"Nothing, but I believe this explains why they are waiting for the Wraith to stock up on supplies before starting whatever they are planning on. I have a feeling this might include an armada or two of alien fleets by the way things are going," said Jack O'Neill thoughtfully.
"The work on Prometheus is nearly completed. She will undergo her space trials in the next month, bringing our fleet to six. We shall see if we can persuade our allies to contribute as well. This information might just be what we need to apply that persuasion," General Hammond reflected. "All right people, thank you for your time. I will be in touch." He stood up, bringing the briefing to an end.
With that, everyone stood up as General George Hammond took his leave.
It had been two days since the meeting with Major General George Hammond and SG-11 had just returned from a training session at the Alpha site, off-world. They had completed the medical checkups, cleaned themselves up, and were seated around a long table enjoying their dinner in the mess hall when Steve's phone started ringing.
The call came from a landline bearing a Hawaiian prefix. "Is this Mr. Steven McGarrett?" The voice was female. Steve winced at the 'Mr.' involuntarily, not used to being addressed as such.
"Yes, that's me. Who is this?" he asked.
"Sir, my name is Diana Curtis and I'm calling from Honolulu General Hospital. You’re listed as the next of kin for Captain John McGarrett. He was admitted to the hospital yesterday when he suffered a heart attack. Sir, his condition is stable for now. But we'd like you to be here and visit him if it is at all possible?” The professional no-nonsense voice delivered the news in such a calm manner, it took Steve a few seconds to register what the woman was saying and the seriousness of the situation.
"WHAT?" he barked into the phone, when he had recovered from the shock. The team sitting around him all stopped what they were doing and stared at Steve.
"Mr. McGarrett, please calm down. Your father's condition is stable for the moment. He was brought to the hospital on time. Are you able to make it here safely as soon as possible? Is there anyone who could bring you here?" The hospital admin on the line tried to placate the very agitated SEAL.
"Uh? Yes, yes. I'm not in Hawaii at the moment. But yes, I'll be there as soon as I can. Thank you for calling and letting me know," Steve collected himself enough to reply. His mind was still reeling at the shocking news he had just received. He had called his old man only two days ago and he had sounded fine on the phone - even happier at the fact that Steve was stationed somewhere in the mainland and could call home more or less on a regular basis.
"You’re welcome sir," the voice said crisply and disconnected the call. Steve stared at the phone in his hand dumbly, his mind refusing to cooperate and start being useful for the moment.
"Steve, what was that all about?" The touch on his arm and the concerned face of John - which was quite close to his - brought him back from the stupor he had got lost in. Steve stared at him for a moment and then found the words to reply.
"That was the Honolulu General. My dad, he's in the hospital, he had a heart attack," Steve said in a dull tone, still not able to believe that it was real. He felt John's grip tighten around his arm at the revelation.
"What? When? How?" Questions bombarded him incredulously. Steve took a couple of deep breaths in an attempt to bring his turbulent mind into some semblance of control and deal with the situation.
"I don't know, but I need to go there now," he said decisively, standing up.
"Hey, Steve, hey, they didn't say it's bad, did they? Just don't go by yourself." John was also standing with him and he realized John was holding him by the shoulders, shaking him slightly. He grabbed onto John automatically, his presence so close to him, helping Steve to ground himself. He concentrated on what John was saying to him and could hear the regret in his voice at not being able to go with Steve. They were the team leaders of SG-11 and one had to be at the mountain if the other was going to be unavailable.
"Don't worry man, I'll go with him," Danny was also standing up and looking worried. He also looked determined to follow the SEAL home no matter what Steve had to say about it.
"I need to go pack a bag, and yeah, Danny, you can come with," said Steve, starting to mentally list the things he needed to do in order to get moving.
"I'll help," Kono volunteered.
"Let me talk to Walter and contact Peterson AFB - there might be a transport or something going that way. It'd be quicker," Sheppard suggested, and was already moving towards the elevator to go to level 27. "I'll come back and see you in your quarters," he threw back over his shoulder as he entered the elevator.
"Shit, I need to apply for leave," said Steve, watching John disappear into the lift.
"Don't stress Commander, we'll take care of it." Bates patted him on the back and Cadman nodded along. "We will apply on behalf of you two. This is an emergency. So it'll be fine," said Vega. Then she and Bates both took off towards the HR offices to handle the paperwork for their Commander's emergency leave.
"Thanks, guys," Steve shouted after them. And then he hurried towards his own quarters with the rest of his team tagging along. He already had a duffel packed for emergencies and only needed to add a few more things. He tried calling his dad’s friend but the call went to voicemail. He figured that he could try contacting them once he reached the hospital. He wouldn't even think about calling his sister until he had the chance to see his father and knew more about his condition.
Within 20 minutes, Steve and Danny were both waiting by the exit at Cheyenne mountain for the vehicle that had been signed off for them to be delivered to Peterson AFB. Walter had made the arrangements. There was an army cargo plane making a training run to Hickam and he had managed to arrange transport for the two SEALs with it. They'd make their own way back after the visit to the hospital.
"Steve, listen, it's gonna be alright. You hear me? It'll be fine! Your dad's a tough guy, he'll be fine." Sheppard was holding his face in his hands and Steve found himself nodding along to the assurances pouring out of his boyfriend. Then John kissed him softly on the lips and Steve sighed, leaning into the comfort. He rested his forehead on John's and wished with all his heart to wake up and realize that this was all just a bad dream.
"And don't forget to call, yeah?" John implored as he straightened and very reluctantly let go of Steve.
"Sure John, I'll call," He promised as the SUV came to a stop in front of them. He and Danny both got in and seated themselves. He then gave a short wave to John who was still standing there by the exit watching them leave. Steve hoped what John had told him would be true, that his dad would be able to make it through. He was not ready to lose his only remaining parent. ‘God please, not again! Not so soon...' His mind was repeating the mantra as Steve let out a weary sigh and closed his eyes.
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thelordice · 4 years
In Their Shoes
Neither my finest written work (go figure, this is the first thing I’ve written in like seven years that didn’t have to do with phasers and photon torpedoes) nor my longest, this should be more of a... jumping-off point. I might write more later, but I also invite others to expand this AU as well. Assuming this rambling pile of sleep-deprived garbage inspires anybody. Might’ve also slipped in a few obscure references to other episodes here and there.
Paging @godwithwethands @min0uze. Reblog at will!
SG-1 Season 9 Episode 14.5
Previously, on Stargate SG-1: “Stronghold” happened. Go watch it. (also I got Stronghold and Off the Grid confused earlier, probably because I watched literally the entire last half of Season 9 for the first time last night and have yet to sleep lol)
A click, and the briefest hint of static, preceded the all-too-familiar wail of the base alert siren. Chief Harriman’s voice on the intercom, saying what everyone on the base had come to expect from the abrupt call to action. “Unscheduled offworld activation.” The Tau’ri in the commissary snapped to, leaving meals half eaten and chairs in disarray as they rushed off to their posts.
One among them, however, was more calm about the abrupt termination of his meal. Teal’c of Chulak rose calmly once the bustle had made its way out of the room and proceeded to the Control Center. His meatloaf would simply have to wait. As he rounded the corner into the nerve center of Stargate Command, he was joined by his commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel Cameron Mitchell. “Any idea what this is about?” Mitchell asked as they jogged up the stairs.
Teal’c replied in a slightly concerned tone, “None.” When they arrived, Sam Carter had beaten them there, hunched over a computer next to the Chief that had sounded the alert. General Landry stood to their right, slightly back from them, watching the gate.. But the men weren’t late, for before Sam could turn to speak to her teammates, brilliant blue light flashed from behind the gate’s iris. It was a tense moment, but then a hologram materialized on their side of the iris. It took none of the assembled officers any time to identify the caller:
Teal’c saw several of the guards in the Gate Room exchange looks. He, of course, was not surprised - Ba’al undoubtedly had access to a Sarcophagus, and likely used it after their last encounter. General Landry gripped the microphone for the intercom into the Gate Room and addressed their “visitor”. “What is it, Ba’al? I doubt this is a courtesy call.”
The hologram spoke, with the hollow yet echoing intonation of the Goa’uld: Oh, but it is, General. I have information that would concern you. I wish to speak to Teal’c.”
Landry turned to look at the former First Prime of a false god. They traded raised eyebrows, Mitchell glancing between them. “I suggest we tell him to shove it, sir,” Cameron finally said. He and Teal’c exchanged a knowing look. It had been less than a week since Ba’al had tried to brainwash Teal’c into following him, an event still fresh in both their memories. Teal’c looked back at Landry. “I agree with Colonel Mitchell. It is unlikely that Ba’al has any useful information, and whatever he offers us could well be a falsehood.”
Before Landry could reply, Sam interjected. “Yes, but Ba’al doesn’t do things like this very often. And the last time he did, he was… well, half-honest, at least. I think we should at least hear him out.”
Ever the optimist, Colonel Carter, Teal’c thought to himself. Landry raised both his eyebrows and simply said, “It’s your call, Teal’c. You don’t have to pick up if you don’t want to.” The Jaffa mulled it over for a moment before bowing slightly and starting his short walk to the Gate Room. He had weighed Ba’al’s most recent attempts at manipulation, subterfuge, and brainwashing against the possibility that just this once Ba’al might be genuinely helpful – or, at least, as “genuinely” helpful as he had been on Dakara. But with the Prior threat looming, and with Ba’al having as much to lose from defeat by the Ori as anyone else, Teal’c knew he couldn’t let his… distaste for false gods obstruct the chance at acquiring valuable intelligence.
Reaching the massive bulkhead sealing the Gate Room, Teal’c swiped his security card and opened the door. He paced slowly, deliberately into the room, as if a hunter stalking prey. Ba’al raised his arms wide in greeting, his red and black robe arms hanging from his limbs. That same hollow echo accompanied his words again, setting Teal’c subtly  into discomfort. “Ah, Teal’c. I hope there’s no hard feelings over what happened a few days ago.”
“What is it that you want, Ba’al?” Teal’c was having none of this flamboyance.
“I just thought you’d like to hear what one of my spies just reported to me. It concerns you most particularly.” Teal’c simply raised an eyebrow, goading the Goa’uld to get on with it. But Ba’al’s tone became slightly more… somber, serious. “I have just received word that a Prior of the Ori has arrived on Chulak.”
Teal’c’s gut twisted. At first in concern for those on Chulak, then in anger – Ba’al was clearly trying to deceive him. “And why are you telling us this? Why has word of this not come from Bra’tac?”
“You really believe any Jaffa could have learned such news before me? You underestimate me, Teal’c. But if you do not believe me… go to Chulak yourself and discover the truth.” Ba’al slowly grinned in that wicked, almost maniacal way, and the hologram rippled and faded. A moment later, the shriek and whoosh signaled the closing of the wormhole. Teal’c stood in the Gate Room for a moment, given pause by the brief interaction. If Ba’al was lying, this would surely be some kind of a trap. But if this were true… it was a risk Teal’c could not take. He proceeded back to the Control Room and briefed General Landry and the rest of SG-1, Daniel only having arrived in time to see the hologram fade. Ultimately, Teal’c decided it would be wise to first consult Bra’tac on this, and then perhaps bring his mentor with him to Chulak to investigate. General Landry offered to send SG-1 with him, but Teal’c declined. “If Ba’al’s claim is true, and I require assistance, I will signal the SGC.” By the time Teal’c returned to the Embarkation Chamber, Harriman had already dialed Dakara. He wasted no time proceeding up the ramp and through the event horizon.
It had not taken long to find Bra’tac. Indeed, he had been on his way to the Stargate himself, and they met just outside the council hall. “Teal’c,” Bra’tak said in surprise. “I was just coming to see you. We have received word tha-”
“That a Prior is on Chulak.”
Bra’tac seemed momentarily taken aback. “How did you know?”
“Stargate Command received a communique from Ba’al claiming as much. I came to seek your help in investigating this.”
Bra’tac’s brow furrowed. He was clearly as vexed by Ba’al’s actions as Teal’c was. But he did not mince words with this concern. “Then we must proceed to Chulak at once.” Teal’c bowed his head in assent, turned about face, and followed his friend back to the Stargate.
* * *
They arrived on Chulak at midday, the bright sun beating down upon them. The first sign to trouble them was that the Gate was entirely unguarded. There was, however, no signs of struggle. Thetwo wordlessly began to walk toward the city nearby. Not far from the gates, they were intercepted by a Jaffa. “Teal’c, Bra’tac, it is good you have come. The Prior is preaching in the city square.” He took them to the center of the town, where a Prior was indeed standing, shouting verses from the Book of Origin to a captive audience… of zero. The townspeople seemed to proceed with their daily routines as if he weren’t there, save to spare a condescending or angry glance in his direction. This did not seem to bother the Prior, the pale priest simply continued braying his scripture. He stopped, finally, as Teal’c and Bra’tac approached. The Jaffa that had led them brandished his staff and took a position to the right of the elder Jaffa. The Prior turned and asked, “Have you come seeking enlightenment?” The seemingly-frail man held his staff to his right side, seemingly (and undoubtedly) untroubled by the lethal plasma weapon leveled at him.
“We have come seeking answers as to why you are here,” Teal’c replied boldly.
“I have come to spread the truth of Origin to these unbelievers. We have heard that this was where your people started their rebellion against the parasitic false gods, and thought these people might be receptive to the word of the Ori.”
“They do not seem very receptive,” Bra’tac quipped. “Perhaps it is best if you go now, lest you wear out your throat preaching to deaf ears.”
The Prior smiled, his wilted and almost melting-looking skin giving an air of menace to the gesture. “Perhaps they will be more receptive to a demonstration of the power of the true gods to deal with the false.” He raised his staff and then jabbed it back into the ground, the large opal-like gem at its head glowing.
A moment later, a form flew out of a nearby alley. Their brown robes billowed as they were flung through the air by the Prior, wrapping their prone form as they hit the ground and rolled. They climbed hastily to their feet, but kept careful to leave their hood up to obscure their face. But the Prior was having none of that, and a wave of his hand cast down the hood.
It was Ba’al.
At the sight of the former System Lord, the Jaffa that had accompanied Bra’tac and Teal’c pivoted to bring his weapon to bear on the Goa’uld. Several other guards did likewise, and yet more leveled their weapons at the Prior. Thepriest raised his arms and his voice to the crowd. “Behold! The might and justice of the true gods!” His staff flashed again. Several staff weapons opened, ready to fire upon the Prior.
Instead, it was Ba’al who had felt the force of the Prior. He began screaming and convulsing, quickly falling to the ground. He gripped his gut with both hands as he writhed in agony. His eyes flashed yellow once, and then he lay still. Bra’tac moved to examine him. The eldest Jaffa raised his head. “He is alive.”
“What have you done to him?” Teal’c asked the Prior.
The Prior began walking out of the square, heading in the direction of the Gate. “Delivered him unto justice. As his kind did unto you… I have done unto him.” Shortly after he passed Teal’c, he turned back and cried, “I shall return in one day. When I do, I suspect many of you will be willing to follow the correct path.” He turned one final time and walked out of the city.
As he did, Ba’al stirred. As he woke, he groaned, clutching his stomach again. As Bra’tac looked on, Ba’al pushed aside his robes and lifted his shirt to examine what had pained him so much, still panting shallowly from the experience.
Four lines emanated from his belly button in a distinctive X pattern. No Jaffa would fail to recognize it.
It was a symbiote pouch. Just the same as they all had. It was that very distinction that separated them from humans.
It was what made them… and now, apparently, Ba’al, as well… Jaffa.
Bra’tac and Teal’c exchanged concerned looks as the crowd gathered to witniss Ori “justice”. And what a display of such they would get.
* * *
Back at Stargate Command, Teal’c and Bra’tac – joined by Landry and SG-1 -  watched from the observation room as Doctor Lam examined her impromptu patient. Lam crossed from the bed to the intercom to report. “If I didn’t know better,” she said, “I’d say he was born a Jaffa. Symbiote pouch – but, interestingly, no symbiote – plus the weakened immune system and hormonal differences. The only difference between him and a Jaffa is that he seems to also have his original Goa’uld DNA as well. This isn’t the host of Ba’al, it is Ba’al. Just… not a Goa’uld.” The assembled observers traded shocked glances before turning to again look upon the fallen false god. “What’s more,” Lam said, “it’s as if this were a Jaffa that has gone more than a day without a symbiote. If it weren’t for his Goa’uld DNA trying to stave the effects off, he’d be dead by now. I’ve taken the liberty of starting him on tretonin for now.”
“Is he able to speak?” Teal’c inquired.
“Aside from some slightly anomalous brain activity I can’t place yet, yes,” Lam said, “and it seems he wants a word with you and Bra’tac.” The Jaffa rose and moved to enter the medical lab. Ba’al lay on a hospital bed in a white gown, his normal tan appearing noticeably paler. He was still breathing shallowly, and slowly turned his head to look at his visitors. “Heh,” he chuckled weakly, “justice indeed. This… is what it is to be a Jaffa…” He turned his head again to face the ceiling. “I suppose it makes sense. Clever, really, a plan worthy of me. Turn me into a Jaffa to show the people of Chulak that they can cause us to suffer as you have. I would be greatly concerned if I were you, Teal’c – this might just win the hearts of your kinsmen.” He gasped suddenly, squinching his eyes shut and groaning for a moment, but whatever ailed him passed quickly.
“You underestimate our will, brother,” Bra’tac said, the last word dripping – no, soaking – in contemptuous sarcasm. “The minds of the Jaffa are not so easily swayed. Though I admit… seeing a Goa’uld brought so low does give me great satisfaction.”
“Indeed,” Teal’c said. “If it were not for the unique opportunity to study you, I would advise Doctor Lam to let you die.”
“Of course,” Ba’al demurred. “A more fitting punishment for your false gods I doubt you could have concocted yourself.” Another brief attack struck Ba’al, and when it passed he gasped. He shook his head as if to clear it. “So then, before I die, I assume you intend to torture me for information.”
“I believe your current situation to be torture enough,” Teal’c said. “But I will ask a question of you. How is it that you told us of this Prior?” Teal’c had noted that this Ba’al had not been wearing the same clothes as the hologram, and he did not hink Ba’al would have the time or reason to redress himself before he had arrived. Further, the hologram technology Ba’al had used was not present at the Gate on Chulak.
Ba’al chuckled. “Trade secret, Teal’c. Why should I tell you ho-” He was wracked by another convulsion, this one seeming to leave him dazed. Doctor Lam reenterd. “You’ll have to leave, at least until I identify what’s going on with his brain wave patterns.” Teal’c nodded, spared a final glance at Ba’al, and led Bra’tac out.
Back in the observation room, Teal’c confided in his friends. “I fear Ba’al may be correct. To see a false god made into one of us would seem to be true justice to many Jaffa, and the power it would take to affect such a transformation could sway still others.”
Sam commented first. “Well, we know the Priors can affect people’s physiologies – curing diseases, fixing impairments, even raising the dead. Honestly I’m surprised this idea never came to us.”
“And he’s still snake enough to survive until the Jaffa execute him,” Mitchell said. “And you know they will – this is a golden opportunity for a little payback.”
“That is correct, Colonel Mitchell,” Teal’c replied. “For that reason, I suggest we keep Ba’al here until we can find a way to reverse this.”
“Reverse it?” Daniel wondered out loud. “W-wh-why would you want to reverse this?”
“Because otherwise it would seem to be proof of the Ori’s claims,” Bra’tac said. “As much as I relish seeing a Goa’uld defeated so thoroughly… we cannot allow such a small victory to pave the way to a much greater defeat.”
Landry nodded. “Doctor Lam already has a team working on trying to find a way to do just that… but this is way beyond our current medical science. I’m going to contact the Tok’ra and the Asgard, see if they have anything that can help with this. Mitchell, I want you to take SG-3 back to Chulak. Take up positions around the gate, try to prevent the Prior from returning to the city. Sam, Daniel, I’d like you to help Doctor Lam’s team with their research, see if there’s any technology we’ve found – or any knowledge we’ve learned – that can fix this. Teal’c, I think-”
“I will remain here to observe our new… brother,” Teal’c said, cutting Landry off. Teal’c spoke bitterly, angrily, but also subtly… eager, as if excited at the chance to ply Ba’al for information in his compromised state. “Bra’tac return to Chulak with Colonel Mitchell. You must counsel the city leaders to be cautious about these events. Some Jaffa are, unfortunately, more easily convinced than others.” He remembered with sadness what had befallen Gerak only a few weeks before. With no more to be said, the group dispersed to their duties. Teal’c returned to the commissary, ate, and then returned to the medlab justin time for Lam to come to him. “I think we’ve found out what’s happening with Ba’al’s brain… and I think you’ll be interested in seeing this.” She led him to a computer. “Since you last left, he’s had four more convulsions, each longer than the last. His brain scan indicates a massive amount of anomalous activity in the memory centers of the brain, as if it’s trying to process an overload of memories. Of note, during the last convulsion, he started muttering Goa’uld word, things like “kree”. I couldn’t make out all of it, but it’s almost like he was giving orders to someone. But what tipped me off was this.” She tapped a few buttons and highlighted several parts of the brain scan. “These patterns are remarkably similar to those produced by a Galaran memory transfer when it splices new memories into another person.”
“What memories has he been given?”
“I can’t say,” Lam said. “He refuses to go into detail about what he’s seeing. The patterns are still intensifying, but the rate at which they do so is diminishing. I think he’s starting to integrate… whatever he’s remembering.”
The monitor showed another spike as Ba’al convulsed again. This time, he shouted a full phrase in Goa’uld. Lam certainly didn’t seem to understand, but Teal’c did. Ba’al had shouted, “Brothers! Fall back! They are too many!” This, naturally, piqued Teal’c’s curiosity. He approached Ba’al as the convulsion subsided, leaving him panting and disoriented. “To whom are you referring, Ba’al?”
“The forces of… of… what?” Ba’al seemed to be struggling to form coherent sentences. Finally, he sighed in frustration. “I do not understand, Teal’c,” he said. “It is as if I remember things that I have never experienced.”
“Tell me what you are seeing, brother.” Teal’c did not allow himself an upset tone this time. In order to understand what was happening to Ba’al, Teal’c knew he must be patient and suss out the truths.
But instead of mustering a snide remark, Ba’al muttered in a mixture of horror and disbelief. “Battles… bloody fighting… dead Jaffa… bearing the marks of Lord Yu… and Cronus… Of Apophis, Camulus, Heru-Ur, Setesh, Isis, Ba’al, so many… I remember as if it were yesterday, being shot by staff rifles…” He leaned toward Teal’c abruptly.  “Save us, brother, before-” he screamed and convulsed again, but when he finally came to again, it was once more Ba’al. But he seemed more subdued now. The careful air of easy superiority was gone, replaced by confusion and more than a small hint of fear. “It… it is as if I am remembering events from the perspective of Jaffa. It does not make sense. How could a Prior implant such memories?”
“I don’t think he did,” Lam interjected, sidling up to the bed. “I’ve been comparing your brain scans to those few we have on record of recently-taken Goa’uld hosts. At first I thought it was similar to the Galaran memory transfer, but now… it almost sounds like racial memory.” As Ba’al convulsed again, she turned to Teal’c and elaborated. “Every Goa’uld is born with the knowledge of all of their ancestors, memory rooted in their very DNA. From what he’s saying… it’s almost as if the Prior’s transformation of him caused his Goa’uld DNA to mix with Jaffa DNA. He may very well be reliving the memories of… generations of Jaffa, alongside a human brain trying to process the entire racial memory of the Goa’uld. Likely another part of the Prior’s “justice”, if I had my bet. I can’t even begin to guess what’s keeping his synapses from overloading from the strain.”
“To not only become a Jaffa, but to relive the generations of crimes perpetrated against us by the Goa’uld…” Teal’c’s mind raced. Surely nothing like this had happened in the past. Now, one of the false gods that had enslaved his people for thousands of years was reliving that enslavement from the eyes of the victims. It was a kind of justice Teal’c never even imagined could happen, and yet here it was.
Had he not known better, he might have momentarily considered thanking the Ori. Instead, this gave him an opportunity. “How long before this process is complete?”
“Based on current trends, his neural pathways should stabilize over the course of the next six hours. Who he’ll be after that… is anyone’s guess.”
Teal’c bowed his head respectfully and rose. “I will watch him from the observation post so that you may continue your work without interference, Doctor Lam.” Lam nodded, and Teal’c left the room.
* * *
Ba’al continued convulsing for four of those six hours, though during the last of those the convulsions seemed to finally weaken. The very last, however, had left Ba’al unconscious for the rest of the time. Teal’c had only just sat back down in the observation room with a mug of coffee from the commissary when Ba’al finally stirred. He reentered the medlab and sat beside the fallen Goa’uld. Ba’al seemed to be back to his usual self, quipping, “Have you enjoyed watching me suffer, Teal’c?”
“Immensely,” Teal’c replied, though this was more snark than truth. Then, in a strange gesture, he offered the coffee to Ba’al. Ba’al’s face wrinkled in confusion. “What is this?”
“A human beverage known as coffee. Many on this world find it helps order one’s mind, particularly after a period of unconsciousness.” Ba’al sniffed the contents of the mug, wrinkling his nose slightly, then sipped it. After he swallowed, he exhaled sharply. “You could have told me it was hot.”
“Extremely,” Teal’c replied. He smiled. “You present a unique opportunity, Ba’al.”
“Yes, I know, the study of such a unique specimen,” Ba’al retorted.
“That is not what I was referring to,” Teal’c replied calmly. “You alone are now in a position to recall the entirety of the Jaffa’s enslavement from both sides. It makes me wonder whether or not it has changed any of your beliefs.”
Ba’al scoffed. “And what makes you think that?”
“You carry the memories of generations of suffering. To the System Lords, we Jaffa were merely tools – expendable pawns to be discarded to suit your whims. Now you also see how the Jaffa felt during all this. Do you not feel their hopelessness, their despair? Are you not overcome by the miseries of millions that you yourself led to their deaths?”
He expected a glib answer, a tongue-in-cheek retort, even a spiteful jab. Instead, Ba’al said… nothing. He stared into the black depths of the mug in his hands, his expression contemplative. Teal’c even thought that for just a moment, regret crossed behind the eyes of the Jaffa before him. Finally, Ba’al sighed. “I would be lying if I said I did not. It is a most unsettling feeling.” He looked at Teal’c. “Why are you doing this? Why do you show this... kindness to me?”
“Because in you, Ba’al, there is hope,” said Teal’c. “you are the first opportunity the Goa’uld have ever had to know this sensation, to see the errors of the System Lords… and to do what you can to remedy the wrongs of the past.”
In truth, Teal’c wanted to hate Ba’al. To spit foul and angry diatribes at the false god, to condemn him for the deaths of so many innocents, to break Ba’al with his own hands. But those first hours watching the former Goa’uld writhing and screaming, however, had not brought him the satisfaction he had expected, and had instead mused at length about this situation. He knew that had this happened nine years prior, he would have gladly embraced Ba’al’s suffering for its own sake. But the Teal’c that had joined the SGC was not the same man that now sat beside Ba’al – he had grown, learned from the Tau’ri (both their fictions and their histories) of the path to true peace: forgiveness. And while he did not know if he could ever forgive a Goa’uld for what they had done to the Jaffa… he also knew that tormenting Ba’al with such things would benefit no one. And, indeed, Ba’al was no longer a Goa’uld, and so to inflict misery on him would not be justice – merely the torture of a fellow Jaffa. If there was to be a new and better future for the Free Jaffa Nation he had helped form, he understood that old wounds would have to be mended. Slowly, in time… but there would never be a better place to start.
Ba’al sat motionless, save to again sip the coffee Teal’c had given him – more cautious of its temperature now – before finally nodding. “There… is truth in what you say, Teal’c. As much as I desire to rail against the very idea, to mock you for proposing it… I remember the suffering. I have seen with my own eyes the kind of suffering I myself inflicted upon my followers, noble warriors that dedicated their lives to… an ultimately unworthy leader. That alone fills me with shame – a feeling no Goa’uld has known since before we took to the stars. The Jaffa have more than earned their freedom.” He shook his head solemnly.
“Then perhaps this time, when you tell the Jaffa of this, when you promise them their freedom… it will be genuine.”
“What do you mean?” Ba’al asked, puzzled.
“When you attempted to brainwash me into your service, you claimed that you would permit the Jaffa to retain their freedom. That was an obvious ruse to-”
“No,” Ba’al said, with more sincerity in his voice than Teal’c had ever heard from him. “That offer was genuine even then.”
This gave Teal’c pause. He had never even once considered that possibility. “What was your intention in doing that?”
Ba’al chuckled. “Not for any noble cause, certainly. It was simply the easiest way to get done what must be done to stop the Ori. Why would I want to waste my time fighting the Jaffa back into slavery while an infinitely more dangerous foe is at our very doorstep? Perhaps in a century or two I may have reneged on our agreement… but to fight the Priors, I could not risk time, effort, and lives subjugating a people that would rather die free.” He chuckled again. “Shal’kek nem’ron, indeed. Perhaps I will be the first Goa’uld… to die truly free.”
“Shal’kek nem’ron indeed… brother.” And for the first time, Teal’c actually meant the appelation.
“Might I ask a favor, Teal’c?”
Teal’c tilted his head.
“I could really rather do with some food, if it’s all the same.” He passed the mug of coffee back to Teal’c. “Though, if you would like to also bring me more of that… coffee, perhaps a bit cooler… I might enjoy that.”
Teal’c bowed, rose, and turned to leave. Just before he exited the room, however, Ba’al called out one last time. “And Teal’c!”
The Jaffa turned to face him.
“One of the memories that kept coming back… I saw Cronus kill your father, and what he did that brought about Cronus’s anger. I know it doesn’t mean much… but for what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”
Teal’c stood stunned for a moment before bowing and smiling. “Had Cronus not killed my father, I would never have met Bra’tac, and learned of the dream of free Jaffa. Perhaps… it was for the best.” With that, he turned back and left.
He was almost back to the medlab when he heard the alerts go off. He rushed in, placing the food tray on a nearby table as medics rushed past him to Ba’al. “What is happening?”
“His body is rejecting the tretonin,” Lam said frantically. “His immune system is failing.” The medics rushed to do what they could to stabilize the Jaffa, but it was clear they were fighting a losing battle. Finally, Ba’al yelled over the frantic voices for Teal’c, who came to his side.
“You must fight, brother. If you perish, the hope for real change will perish with you.”
“No, Teal’c,” Ba’al said weakly. He leaned up to Teal’c with much of the last of his strength and whispered in his ear.. “It… will not. This body… is not my original one. I did not… survive with a Sarcophagus. This… is but a clone. Like… the one you killed.  And because of… the Goa’uld memory, I am… linked to my other clones. I will… remember.” He drew a single final, raspy breath. “Shal’kek…”
Then the breath left him, and his vitals flatlined. The medics did everything Teal’c had seen them do dozens of times before, but Ba’al – this Ba’al – had passed. In memory of the Jaffa, Teal’c muttered, “nem’ron, brother.”
* * *
Teal’c had just finished his lunch the next day when the alerts balred again “Incoming wormhole,” reported the ever-faithful Chief over the comm. Teal’c, as usual, reported to the Control Room, and a moment later the wormhole flared into existence behind the iris. “Receiving a radio transmission, sir,” Walter reported. “It’s SG-3.” He clicked the comm open.
“SG-3, this is Stargate Command, go ahead,” Landry said.
“General, this is Colonel Mitchell. I think we’ve dealt with Chulak’s little Prior problem.”
“How’d you do that?” Landry asked, surprised.
“Well, sir, I noticed that the area around the gate was pretty rocky. Bra’tac got a band together to dig up a slab big enough to cover the Stargate, used it like an iris. Sure enough, when that Prior tried to come through… well, there wasn’t enough left of him for a matchbox.”
“A most ingenius plan, Colonel Mitchell.”
“Yeah, thought you might like that one, T. Listen, it’ll take us a while to get this big ol’ slab out of the way again, but we should be able to return to the SGC in a couple of hours. How’s our guest?”
“The Jaffa Ba’al is dead,” Landry said. “His body rejected the tretonin we gave him.”
“Shame. He could have been a wellspring of information.”
“Indeed he was, Colonel Mitchell.” In more ways than one, Teal’c added to himself.
“So, what do we tell the people here on Chulak?”
“That the Prior merely used an illusion to make us believe that Ba’al was Jaffa,” Teal’c suggested. He disliked lying to the Jaffa, but Daniel and Sam had proposed the idea and it had seemed prudent. “Between that and his failure to return, I suspect that Chulak will not welcome another Prior.”
“And then we just tell them that we executed Ba’al ourselves. I gotcha.”
“Actually,” Landry said, “I think it better to claim he died attempting to escape. I can imagine a few Jaffa on Chulak getting mighty angry if we were to take the privilege of his execution from them.”
“Yes, sir. Be home in a few hours. Ask the mess hall to have me some nice hot roast beef waiting when we get back, I’m starving.”
“I’ll see what I can do, Colonel. SGC out.” Landry cut the channel, and a moment later the light of the wormhole behind the iris winked out. Sam, who had been beside Daniel – with both behind Teal’c – mused, “I just wish we’d been able to find something to help Ba’al before he died. I doubt any Goa’uld has ever had that kind of insight on the Jaffa.”
“Or ever will again,” Daniel added.
“I am not so certain, Daniel Jackson,” Teal’c commented. “Perhaps… if this shoe fit, another Goa’uld may one day wear it again.”
Daniel raised his eyebrows and looked at Sam. A passable metaphor from Teal’c? Sam smiled. “Indeed,” she said in her amused way.
She had no idea how right they might be, however, for Teal’c had kept Ba’al’s revelations to himself.
It was, after all, the right way to honor a fallen brother. He wondered, however… how would Ba’al change now that he had experienced this? He doubted if Ba’al would ever fully outwardly express anything… but there was no doubt that there would be change.
As Teal’c left the Control Room to perform his usual duties, he smiled to himself. Their next meeting with Ba’al would be most interesting, indeed.
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jadesscrapbook · 4 years
Essence of the Musical
A musical, no matter its subject matter, is always inherently queer.  The act of breaking into song when the point could’ve easily been made in probably less words and time without it is inherently off-beat.  
Kids all over the country are accosted for being in Musical Theatre programs, even in the most liberal cities.  In my high school, I had a friend who was formerly a football player but left that behind to join our theatre program.  He always got made fun of by his former teammates for “switching sides”.  Luckily, he was able to brush them off and is now pursuing acting in college and is a phenomenal performer.  This exact situation was also presented to the world in High School Musical where Troy tried his best to hide his involvement and love for theatre from his athlete friends and teammates for fear of them thinking less of him.  In many places, theatre is seen as “gay” or a more feminine extra curricular activity in comparison to athletics.  For straight people, specifically straight men, participating in theatre, especially during the difficult years of high school, shows a certain comfortability with themselves despite social pressures of toxic masculinity and heteronormativity.  
In an essay posted to HowlRound by Ezra Brain titled, “Towards a Queer Reclamation”, the writer points out that while yes, there are a good few queer-centric plays, there are far too many barriers preventing them from being seen.  They suggest that in order to make queer stories more accessible, queer stories must be made into genres of theatre that are the most popular, musicals being one of them.  They state, “Queer artists should reclaim these genres as their own not just because queer art can exist in any genre, but because more popular genres are, by definition, more accessible to audiences. Through this reclamation, we can move from queer plays existing as a marginalized genre to a true mainstream theatrical culture.”  This is why queer representation in musical films is so important as well.  Film in our world today is so accessible, with a seemingly endless number of streaming platforms.  Musical films generally have a more family-centric audience, so that is just another way for younger queer kids to see themselves represented in the media they consume and for our world to be cultivated for those kids, so they don’t have to go through the same struggles most of us did.  
In terms of “Hedwig and the Angry Inch”, John Cameron Mitchell talks about how different it was for him at the time to be openly gay in the 2001 Chicago Tribune article, “Challenging Hollywood's identity crisis”. He states that in American culture the actor and the role they play are seen as synonymous, whereas in other places they’re wholly separate in the audience’s eyes.  Hearing this made me examine my own views of queer actors and their roles.  I first thought of Kristen Stewart and how I grew up obsessed with the Twilight films, but now I’m surprised when I see her in a heteronormative, non-outwardly-queer role.  I know I was never outwardly taught to think of an actor’s personal life in synchronicity with the characters they play, but it’s definitely something I have to learn to challenge and correct.
In the same article, Mitchell also discusses the power of drag.  He states, “Put on the super hero costume. It's like why does a crowd part for a nun? They don't really know the nun, but they have the power of God or something. And the same for a drag queen.”  Drag at its core is a major “f--- you” to all the systems that rule our world.  At it’s most basic level, it’s a feminine gay man embracing his femininity and dressing up in extravagant garments and performing musical numbers to get paid.  It’s a Trump supporter’s worst nightmare, and that’s precisely why we need more of it.
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psychic-refugee · 5 years
Sometimes I get basic and like to read gossip.
So, there’s this thread going about that mainly focuses on Dove Cameron.
I cannot and do not make any claims to the validity of the thread’s contents.
This is all internet gossip from an anonymous “set employee” who does not name themselves. Please take this with a grain of salt. I do not necessarily believe this gossip, and I write about it mostly for entertainment purposes. Remember, this is the internet, anyone can make up anything. Whatever you happen to believe is true is based solely on your own preconceptions and biases, as nothing is substantiated, and it all amounts to hearsay.
Please also remember that any anecdote is solely from one person’s point of view. A point of view they are expressing behind the back of said celebrity who is not given a chance to defend themselves nor have they put forth their version of events.  
It does not paint her in a flattering light. It literally goes on for 61 pages of mostly people ragging on her plastic surgery (“PS”). I am not a plastic surgeon, so I cannot 100% say what she has gotten done, but as a layperson and from my own opinion, I would suspect that she has had fillers (specifically for her lips), a nose job, and something done to her cheeks. I do agree with that she looks vastly different in each movie, with more work done as time progresses. I’ve also seen her stint on Shameless and bearing in mind that she was 15/16 vs 19/20, I still think she had a lot of work done. I don’t think her transformation can be brushed off as losing baby fat or growing into her looks.   
I’m not super offended by PS. There’s this notion that celebrities maintain this impossible standard, but I think it goes both ways. The public isn’t interested in flaws. They want and even demand perfection from their idols. Fans are quick to “cancel” people or they move on to the next hot new thing. It’s kind of a destructive co-dependent relationship. Like honestly, how many celebrities would you “stan” if you didn’t find them attractive? And what do we find attractive? How quick are people to point out flaws in candid photos? I’m not saying everyone does this, but it’s enough to be pervasive in celebrity culture and I think it’s unfair to try to say it doesn’t exist or to not acknowledge the extreme pressure celebrities are under. The thread itself is an example of it. It’s mostly people ragging on Dove about how bad they think she looks now.
No one is famous without our permission and I have yet to see anyone boost anyone who wasn’t at least conventionally good looking. If they are selling an impossible standard, we are the ones buying it.
So, no. I do not find PS all that problematic in itself. I will agree there is something disingenuous about going on about self-love while heavily filtering/photoshopping pictures on top of PS.
But I also find it disingenuous to talk about body dysmorphia or the mental health dangers of PS and then rag on someone and speculate about every PS they may have had.
Pot, meet kettle.
People bring up that young people look up to her and while I agree that she does have great influence, I just don’t know if it’s really her (or any celebrities’) responsibility to be a good role model. A human is a human, is a human, right? No one person is ever going to be perfect and while they may do something admirable in one part of their life, that doesn’t mean they have to be admirable in every part of their life. That’s another impossible standard fans put on celebrities. I think we should all critically think when giving our time, attention, energy, etc…to anyone. Learning how to critically think is a parent’s job. My mother specifically raised me without celebrity magazines and to take into account what they do and say, and to be skeptical of anything anyone tries to sell me.
Why is it a celebrities’ job to be a third parent?
They’re only responsible for what they do, you’re responsible for what you do.
Holding celebrities accountable for false things they say or try to hock is different. Example, if X celebrity says that this specific tea or vitamin is what they owe their beauty and success to when really it’s the lifestyle they can afford and genetics. Then yes, point out that what they’re selling is snake oil and a lie or just don’t buy it. At some point we have to take personal responsibility for what we consume. Or if these are impressionable young people, then hold their parents accountable as well. If they’re so young, then they’re not buying this stuff, their parents are. And we should take into account what celebrities associate themselves with. I think it’s telling if a person literally doesn’t care what they sell as long as they make money. If someone is willing to sell you dangerous laxatives and call it a diet, that should clue you in on how much they respect their fans and you should rethink giving them your money.
Again, the celebrity is just the spokesperson/seller. It’s up to us to actually research and determine if what they’re selling is worth it or safe. It’s also up to us to figure out if the celebrity uses their fame wisely. If no to either, then it’s also up to us to keep admiring them or not. Celebrities tend to change their tune if their money is threatened.    
I feel like Dove’s PS in itself is a non-issue. Whatever pic of herself that she posts on Insta or any surgery she admits to is her own business. How I react and what I spend my money on is my business. I do not buy into her proclamations of self-love, I do not buy into her vitamins, I do not buy into the highlight reel of the life she’s trying to portray. I see her for what she is: a celebrity. No more, no less.
I am interested in the reports of her diva behavior. Throwing fits, stealing from set, and yelling at set employees does give a bigger picture of her as a person. And it also helps shatter the illusion of a perfect, happy, person. I don’t want to demonize her, but it is good to humanize celebrities. I do think people should take into account how celebrities treat people that are their subordinates.
I don’t think anyone is so talented or famous that they should be given a pass to be a monster to people.
Dove is not so unique in looks or talent where she can’t be replaced.  
There were implications that she is struggling with an eating disorder, it kind of fed into why she may be getting all this PS and the types of photos she takes for Insta. I also wonder if it explains (not excuses) her behavior. She’s probably constantly hungry!
They also alleged that she had been taken “illegal” diet pills. The illegal part might be relative, because the commenter mentioned it may have been Hydroxycut. In the States, it’s an over the counter diet supplement that is mostly just a high dose of caffeine and some herbs. It’s not like an upper or some prescription. Hydroxycut is legal in the States and she probably just brought it over with her. I don’t think it’s a controlled substance, merely just banned for sale in Canada. I’d be more worried that she’s taking it with other stimulants like coffee and soda.
There’s also allegations that she had been cheating on her former fiancé with Thomas during filming of Descendant’s 2, while Thomas also was in another relationship. These things happen, they’re human. It’s a personal issue they should deal with. I wouldn’t want either as a significant other in light of it, but that’s about it. I would be weary of anyone who has an affair as potential mates. If they’ll cheat with you, chances are they’ll cheat on you. But I’m never going to date either of them, so it’s not really my place to judge.
Another tidbit that came from the thread that I’m interested in is Mitchell Hope’s alleged drug use. The comments didn’t specify what he was on, only that he seemed “strung out.” So, if I were making a bet, then it’d be on him to write a tell-all book. I’m pretty jaded on the fact that there are drug addled teen stars. I think it’s just par for the course. Disney makes sure they have a clean image while making and promoting the movies, they literally will protect and pay for good coverage. But once that protection is over then everything comes to light. Mitchell isn’t even really the most famous of the stars for Descendants. He hasn’t really done anything worth noting outside of Descendants. It looks like he has a role in a Netflix Christmas rom-com coming out, but again nothing to really be too impressed with.
I don’t see him lasting long if he’s already showing up to work high. Money goes quick between jobs, especially if you’re blowing it on drugs. There’s also an allegation of hooking up with a set employee. I don’t see anything wrong in terms of two consenting adults, but it’s bad form professional wise. It’s especially in poor taste if he’s 1) obvious about it and 2) makes it public knowledge that it’s just a hook up. Have your fun and all but be discreet and classy about it. Otherwise you’re burning bridges. I think she’ll have more issues than he would, which is why discretion should have been practiced. Like even if he had no intention of getting into a relationship with her, at least respect your partner enough to not endanger their livelihood. But I guess she’ll live and learn.
I was glad to see that Cameron really wasn’t mentioned, at least not in terms of anything bad like diva behavior. He was implicated in stealing items from the set (like costume pieces) but the commenter used the universal “everyone,” so they didn’t outright name him like with Dove and Sofia, so they may have been hyperbolic. Otherwise they said he was always nice, which is good to hear.
I saw a post from another blog asking their opinion about Cameron being friends with Dove despite the behavior alleged in the thread. I want to say that I think their friendship is over conflated. Most of their interactions have been for promos/BTS for Descendants. I don’t think I recall ever seeing them hang together on a purely platonic level, not like he did with Sophie and Karan.
I think people, mostly kids, want to see their movie best friends be best friends in real life. I feel like all the promo stuff insinuated that they all LOVED each other, and they all got along ALL THE TIME. I think most people know that there’s never an instance where literally every person in a large group gets along all the time. They might be cordial and polite to them to be professional, and I think we need to remember that the cast are co-workers.
We also have to remember that they’re young and want to do well in the industry. They won’t want to get a reputation of being difficult or even a snitch. So, while Cameron may or may not have liked Dove that deeply on a personal level, I’ve always felt he was the utmost professional. He’s not going to antagonize her or call her out unless she did something super egregious like hit someone (and maybe not even then, I did not know him personally). From the thread, Dove threw tantrums and yelled at people, none of that warrants risking his reputation for. Even the original poster of the thread wouldn’t give out their name for fear of reprimand and possible legal action. On some level, they too do not think it’s worth calling Dove out for any real consequences.
They’re willing to gossip about it, but they’re not willing to give actual credibility to their story.
When his manager was indicted, he immediately fired him. I think that speaks to his character and if Dove had done something truly heinous, he would have stood up to her.
We also have to remember that it’s possible that this entire thread in terms of Dove’s behavior might be completely made up. We have nothing to go on besides this one person’s account, and we have no idea who this person is. Literally anyone can create a username, open a thread account, and say “I work for X company and I had Y position with Z celebrity.” I can’t verify any of that. One person can also make dozens of accounts, say they’re different people, and try to tell the same story. Again, that doesn’t make any of it true. Even if we took their account as true, we only have their side of the story.
I would never judge Cameron or the others on who they’re friends with based on salacious gossip.
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momo-de-avis · 5 years
Do you have any recommendations of female artists (sculptors and painters)? (I went to a museum and now im salty lmao)
Off the top of my mind, I might remember someone else some time soon:
Sonia Delaunay. My girl LIVED and BREATHED art. She was the type to literally, and I mean wholly, surround herself with art to the point of living inside art. She sewed, made costumes for the theater, she made puppets, dolls, quilts, even furniture. She was an incredible, outstanding painter. She is at the centre of Orphism more so than Robert, her husband, who was more of a cubism guy. Now, from what I gather, a lot of what people say about Sonia in other countries is coupled with her husband, as if you can't talk about her without mentioning him. To a degree, that's correct because the two had a really secure partnership. They were both creators, and they pushed each other. It was incredibly inspiring tbh. But Sonia has her own merit, and in Portugal she is actually way more relevant than Robert bc of the influence she had on our modernist circle.
Lee Krasner. If only people sort of forgot she was Pollock's wife. Her method of creating is fascinating to me cause this girl just destroyed her past work completely, but instead of throwing it in the trash, she reused it to create new works. Art historians in the post modernist era weren't too kind to her, but she's being avenged. She's methodical and clearly puts so much thought into her composition her creative process is fascinating.
Julia Margaret Cameron. This woman is one of my favourite artists in the world. Cameron began taking photographs at 42 years old after she moved to the isle of Wight in England. She was gifted a camera by her daughter who just wanted her mother to be a bit less bored, and Cameron went on to create over 3000 astonishing photographs that are at the core of the pictorialist movement. She was also INCREDIBLY well acquainted of her society. I mean, literally every famous victorian person you can think of, she met them. The majority of famous photographs you can think of? She took them. She was very honest about her work too. Its really endearing because Cameron was so concerned about her own honesty in capturing beauty she didn't give a fuck about the actual mechanics, which resulted in a lot of photographers at the time labelling her "an amateur". She also refused to photograph high society folk that weren't her friends, and mostly photographed her maids. It must be said that Alfred Lord Tennyson absolutely DESPISED every single illustration made for his Idylls of the King, so much artists knew they were in for hell if they were commissioned the book's illustrations. Cameron was the only person Tennyson personally asked to illustrated, and he absolutely adored her work.
Hannah Hoch. I love Dada so it couldn't miss. Hannah Hoch was married to uhhhhh... Huesekbeck I think? I keep forgetting. Either way, she was part of the Berlin Dada group, and they gave her hell for being a woman. Yes, it's nothing short of that: they didn't want her to belong because she was a woman. Especially her husband, who she supported throughout his life and then he died and she was like "lmao maybe you should have made good art, my bitch". Hannah Hoch mostly makes collages, and it's incredible. Its a very poignant work about being a woman in post-Weimar Germany and the societal issues Germany faced after World War I.
Claude Cahun. There's a post I made about her going around so I wont prolong myself but essentially, though she used female pronouns throughout her life, she identified herself as androgynous and created an INCREDIBLE set of photographs. She was a surrealist who became the inspiration for Davie Bowie and Andre Breton lauded this woman breathless. She was also arrested for taking part in the resistance against the Nazis and lived her whole life with another woman who was her partner. Her work focuses tremendously on issues of gender and our perception of our own bodies.
Camille Claudel. Infamously, she is known as Rodin's lover. Camille's story is a very tragic one. She was a tremendously talented sculptor who accumulated patrons throughout her life, and though she had an a rough affair with Rodin (and he was a bit of a dick), he did praise her work and tried very hard to preserve her artwork. The issue was Camille's family, who scorned her and shamed her for being an artist and her life choices, and destroyed a lot of her art after sticking her in a mental institution where she died at like, 70. But Camille's work is... Well, it's beautiful. Its the kind of work you can see that conflict between being a woman in her society while desperate to liberate herself. Though she incorporates Rodin's language, she has her own mark, her own hand, and her own language.
Janet Sobel. She is actually the first person to coin, use and employ the technique of dripping. You know, the one Pollock gets all the praise for? Essentially, Janet Sobel was a grandmother by the time she picked up a paintbrush. She was also a ukranian emigrant with little to no english, and she engaged in art at her son's insistence. When her son Sol Sobel brought his mom's artwork to the major New York circles (she lived in New Jersey), she immediately caught the eye of Peggy Guggenheim, who put together a collective exhibition about female abstract expressionist painters. That exhibition was in 1946. Pollock was there, he msde a remark wbout Sobel's work, and in 1947 you have the first Pollock dripping painting. Do with that information what you will (and also, check for photos of how Sobel painted, it's so adorable and it just explains SO MUCH MORE THE CONCEPT OF ACTION PAINTING THAN POLLOCK). Eventualyl, Sobel stopped painting and disappeared, and there are several factors as to why we forgot her: Pollock was the CIA's bad boy, so yeah; she spoke little english (she befriended Marc Chagall and Mark Rothko bc they both spoke russian and they claimed that being with Sobel felt like being back home) and she developed an allergy to oil painting.
Maria Helena Vieira da Silva. We're moving to the french circle here, and yes she is portuguese but she belongs to the french post modernist circle. She's an abstract painter who draws a lot from cityscapes, and I think it's worth taking a look at her work.
Niki de Saint Phalle. Now Niki is incredible. She's mostly known for her Nanas, which are immense outdoors sculptures of women with thick bodies, defying the notion of slenderness imposed by fashion magazines that prevailed in the 50s. She also engages with her own trauma of sexual abuse and explores the notion of sexuality a lot, as well as women's bodies outside the realm of sexuality. At a given point, she collaborated with Jean Tingely a lot so she made a series of kinetic sculptures too.
Martha Rosler. I know you said painting and sculpture and I've already talked about collage lmao but Martha Rosler belongs to the first wave of feminist art and those mostly concern video art, though Rosler is very well known for her collages Bringing the War Home in which she literally brings the Vietnam war home. It's worth looking at her work.
Ana Mendieta. Another tragic story. Ana Mendieta was incredibly worried about the notion of the female body as perceived outside the realm of something sexual and nature. She works a lot with perishable material, works of art that are organic, that is, that will disappear with time. One of her most well known methods is leaving an imprint of her own body on natural surfaces, like a beach, or a field of grass, and then photographing it. Ironically, that was exactly how she died: she fell off I believe it was a 10th floor and onto the hood if a car. There is still speculation about it and everything points towards there having been a fight between her and her partner at the time, Carl Andre, who neighbours believe pushed her out the window. Carl Andre never saw justice and Ana Mendieta died at like 25 years old and at the prime of her career.
Kara Walker. She's a pretty young artist who's creating artworks as we speak and she confronts the notion of blackness with US history so blatantly it becomes monumental. She also makes large scale works to defy this message. If you ask me, she's one of the best artists living today.
Hilma af Klimt. She was a Swedish abstractionist and surrealist who was really focused on the occult, and made monumental paintings that engaged with things like the human psyche.
Lizzie Siddal. Now, Lizzie is better known as the Pre-Raphaelite muse, immortalised in Millais' famous Ophelia, but she was an artist of her own. And not just any artist. John Ruskin tutored her and praised her. In fact, he considered her biggest flaw being her love affair with Rossetti lmao she is very naive and honest about her work, and I would also recommend taking a look at her poetry.
Eleonor Fortescue-Brickdale. I know very little about her, but she was a post pre-raphaelite illustrator who, and this is just me, follows the trend of Julia Margaret Cameron. Her paintings are beautiful and seriously, look at both their work and try to see the similarities hah
Helen Frankenthaler and Joan Mitchell, two abstract expressionists who developed their own mode of painting and who border the Colour Field Painting (think Rothko).
Tamara de Lempicka. She's the glamour gal. She makes paintings about the glamorous life of high society and is very interesting because she depicts female nudes in a very intimate way. If I am not mistaken, Tamara de Lempicka had relationships with women, so that tells you a lot. She's very cubist in technique, more so than style.
Faith Ringgold. Oh my God, Faith Ringgold is fantastic. She is a black american woman who paints about the experience of being a black woman, but not just paint. She's best known for her Tar Beaches series, which as quilts she stitches while telling the story of a little girl who dreams about a world while spending time on her tar beach, which is the rooftops of the buildings in Harlem. Please do check her work, she is fantastic.
I'll leave well known names out because they are easy to search like Frida Kahlo, Artemisa Gentilleschi, Josefa d'Obidos, Sofonisba Anguissola (these three are located in the late renaissance period, so there's a lot of portraits, religious themes and still life), Mary Cassat, Berthe Morisot (both impressionists who focus on private female themes), Rosa Bonheur (naturalist who makes landscapes mostly), Evelyn de Morgan (post pre-raphaelite). Also check Zinaida Serebriakova, Georgia O'Keeffe, Lavinia Fontana, Louise Bourgeois, Angelika Kauffmann, Elisabetta Sirani, Romaine Brooks, Sophie Tauber-Arp, Varvara Stepanova, Paula Rego, Bridget Riley, Leonora Carrington, Vigée le Brun, Yayoi Kusama, Francesca Woodman. Etc. These are like .. top of my head with a quick google search to make sure I wrote the names right haha
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therandombanjo · 5 years
Songs From 2019 (one per artist)
Another mixed bag of stuff i either enjoyed a lot, thought was excellent or interesting (regardless of taste… sort of), emerging artists to maybe look out for, and generally music that for whatever reason connected with me in some way, including the odd earworm i just couldn’t shake. Some artists are left off just to vary a little more from some other popular lists. Hope you enjoy some of this too and find something new to be taken by. Please do buy their music if you can and hopefully from a local independent record store if possible to support their work. There’s a spotify playlist (below) for easier listening but I’ve also posted a few links to extra things on some of them if you want to check them out.  Spotify:
(As ever…. as i don’t tumblr or blog or anything (besides this list), this won’t be seen by many (if any?) people so if you like it or think it’s of any worth in any way, please do share this along)
In Alphabetical order:
A.A. Bondy - Killers 3 Abdallah Oumbadougou - Thingalene Alasdair Roberts - Common Clay Alex Rex - Latest Regret Andy Shauf - Try Again Angel Bat Dawid - We Are Starzz Angel Olsen - All Mirrors        bonus. her collab with Mark Ronson “True Blue” Anne Müller - Solo? Repeat! Antoinette Konan - Kokoloko Tani Arthur Russell - Words Of Love Asmâa Hamzaoui and Bnat Timbouktou - Sandia Baby Rose - All To Myself BCI - Grateful Bedouine - When You’re Gone Benny The Butcher - Crowns For Kings      ft. Black Thought Ben Walker - Afon Better Oblivion Community Center - Chesapeake Beverly Glenn-Copeland - A Little Talk     (from a reissue of her 2004 record Primal Prayer) Bibio - Curls The Big Moon - It’s Easy Then Big Thief - a. Not    b. Cattails    (from 2 excellent albums released in the same year: “U.F.O.F” and “Two Hands”) Bill Callahan - a. What Comes After Certainty    b. The Ballad Of The Hulk Bill Fay - Filled With Wonder Once Again Bill Orcutt - Odds Against Tomorrow billy woods - a. Spongebob w/ Kenny Segal     b. Western Education Is Forbidden    ft. Fielded        (From 2 excellent records this year: “Hiding Places” with Kenny Segal, and “Terror Management”) Black Country, New Road - Sunglasses Blu & Oh No - The Lost Angels Anthem    ft. Kezia Bon Iver - Hey, Ma Bonnie “Prince” Billy - Beast For Thee Bonny Light Horseman - Bonny Light Horseman      (”supergroup” of the great Anaïs Mitchell, Eric D Johnson & Josh Kaufman) Brent Cobb & Jade Bird - Feet Off The Ground Brighde Chaimbeul -  O Chiadain an Lo Brigyn - Oer Brittany Howard - Stay High    (the video for this, with Terry Crews, is a delight) Bruce Hornsby - Voyager One    ft. yMusic Burd Ellen - Sweet Lemany Caoimhín Ó Raghallaigh and Thomas Bartlett - Kestrel Caribou - You and I Caroline Polachek - Door Cate Le Bon - Daylight Matters Caterina Barbieri - Arrows Of Time Clairo - Bags Cochemea - Mitote comfort - Not Passing The Cool Greenhouse - Cardboard Man    (a pretty hilarious song about David Cameron) CRAC - You Can’t Turn Your Back On Me    (Unreleased old track from ‘76) Cross Record - PYSOL My Castle CZ Wang and Neo Image - Just Off Wave Damon Locks / Black Monument Ensemble - a. Rebuild a Nation   b. Power Daniel Norgren - The Flow Danny Brown - Dirty Laundry Daphni - Sizzling    ft. Paradise Daughter Of Swords - Fellows      (Mountain Man member Alexandra Sauser-Monnig’s 1st solo record) Dave - Psycho David Kilgour - Smoke You Right Out Of Here David Thomas Broughton - Ambiguity     (from the 15th anniversary reissue of his remarkable debut album, The Complete Guide To Insufficiency) Denzel Curry - RICKY Destroyer - Crimson Tide Dry Cleaning - Dog Proposal Dubi Dolczek - Do The Gloop Durand Jones & The Indications - Long Way Home Ela Orleans - The Season      (From 2012 but on a career retrospective, Movies For Ears, put out this year) Elkhorn - Song Of The Son Emile Mosseri - a. The Last Black Man In San Francisco b. San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Flowers In Your Hair)    ft. Mike Marshall         (both from the wonderful score for the wonderful film The Last Black Man In San Francisco, the latter a cover of an old song sung here by the guy who sang “I Got 5 On It”!!) Erland Cooper - Haar Ernest Hood - Saturday Morning Doze        (from a re-issue of his “self-released proto-ambient masterpiece” in ‘75) Fat White Family - Feet Faye Webster - Room Temperature Fennesz - In My Room Fernando Falcão -  As 7 Filhas Da Rainha Sumaia     (reissue from ‘87) FKA twigs - cellophane Florist - Shadow Bloom Flowdan - Welcome To London Fontaines D.C. - Roy’s Tune Four Tet / KH - Only Human French Vanilla - All The Time Gang Starr - Family and Loyalty   ft. J. Cole Georgia - About Work The Dancefloor Girl Band - Shoulderblades The Good Ones - Will You Be My Protector?   (of Rwanda) Grand Veymont - Les Rapides Bleus       (of France) Gyedu-Blay Ambolley - Sunkwa     (of Ghana) Hailaker - Not Much HAIM - Summer GIrl Hana Vu - Actress Hand Habits - placeholder Hannah Cohen - Get In Line The Harlem Gospel Travellers - If You Can’t Make It Through A Storm Hayden Thorpe - Diviner     (Former Wild Beasts frontman’s debut solo record) Helado Negro - Running The Highwomen - Redesigning Women Hiss Golden Messenger - I Need A Teacher Holly Herndon - Frontier Homeboy Sandman - Far Out Hoops - They Say Hotel Neon & Blurstem - Language Of Loss House and Land - Rainbow ‘Mid Life’s Willows Ibibio Sound Machine - Wanna Come Down IDER - Saddest Generation The Innocence Mission - On Your Side International Teachers Of Pop - I Stole Yer Plimsoles    ft. Jason Williamson (of Sleaford Mods) Jacken Elswyth - The Banks Of Green Williow Jaimie Branch - nuevo roquero estéreo Jake Xerxes Fussell - The River St. Johns Jamila Woods - ZORA Jayda G - Leave Room 2 Breathe Jenny Hval - Ashes To Ashes       Jenny Lewis - Red Bull and Hennessy Jesca Hoop - Outside of Eden     ft. Kate Stables (of This Is The Kit) and Jesca’s 12 year-old nephew Justis. This live performance is so sweet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUPmE_hU7Ss Jessica Pratt - As The World Turns Joanna Sternberg - This Is Not Who I Want To Be Joan Shelley - Cycle John Blek - North Star Lady Jordan Rakei - Say Something        bonus. under his DJ pseudonym: Dan Kye - Focus Jo Schornikow - Incomplete Joseph Shabason - West of Heaven Julianna Barwick - evening Junius Paul - Baker’s Dozen Kali Malone - Spectacle Of Ritual Kate Teague - Sweetheart Kate Tempest - a. Firesmoke    b. People’s Faces Kelly Moran - Halogen (Una Corda)       (from a record full of all the bare piano parts she played for her prior record before all the editing and processing) Kim Gordon - Air BnB Kindness - Hard To Believe     ft. Jazmine Sullivan KOKOKO! - Buka Dansa     (Congolese collective upcycling discarded materials to make their instruments) Konradsen - Baby Hallelujah     (of Norway) Lambchop - Everything For You Laura Cannell - a. Sing As The Crow Flies     b. Flaxen Fields Laura Stevenson - Lay Back, Arms Out Le Groupe Obscur -  Planète Ténèbres Leonard Cohen - Happens To The Heart Leo Svirsky - River Without Banks Little Simz - 101 FM Lizzo - Tempo   ft. Missy Elliot Loren Conors & Daniel Carter - Departing Lou Roy - Bite Low Chord - Walkk Lower Dens - Galapagos Mahalia - What You Did    ft. Ella Mai Majja - Black James Dean Maria Somerville - This Way Maria Usbeck - Amor Anciano Mary Halvorson & John Dieterich - Vega’s Array      (Mary the recipient of the MacArthur “Genius” Grant this year, because she is) Mary Lattimore & Mac McCaughan - IV Matana Roberts - As Far As The Eye Can See Meitei - Ike Melanie Charles - Trill Suite, No. 1 (Daydreaming/Skylark) The Menzingers - Anna Messiahs Of Glory - No Other Love      (from a collection of rare black gospel from the Midwest between ‘65-’78 put out on Tompkins Square) Mica Levi - a. Hosting     b. Lobo y Lady (from the excellent Colombian film Monos) Michael Abels - a. I Got 5 On It (Tethered Mix)    b. Pas De Deux (both from the terrific score to the excellent Jordan Peele film, Us) Michael Kiwanuka - Living In Denial Michael Nau - Poor Condition Mike Adams At His Honest Weight - Wonderful To Love Minor Pieces - Rothko      (duo of Ian William Craig & newcomer Missy Donaldson) Modern Nature - Footsteps Molly Sarlé - Twisted      (Mountain Man member’s 1st solo record) Moodymann - I’ll Provide Moon Duo - Stars Are The Light Moor Mother - After Images Moses Boyd - Stranger Than Fiction Moses Sumney - Polly Mount Eerie & Julie Doiron - Love Without Possession MSYLMA - Inqirad (Rihab-U Dhakir)     (Saudi Arabia) The Murder Capital - Don’t Cling To Life Nardeydey - Freefalling The National - Rylan   ft. Kate Stables (of This Is The Kit) The New Pornographers - Falling Down The Stairs Of Your Smile Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - a. Waiting For You   b. Bright Horses   c. Night Raid Nivhek - After Its Own Death: Side A    (Liz Harris of Grouper) Noname - Song 32 Octo Octa - Move Your Body ODD OKODDO - Auma      (Kenyan/German duo) Øyvind Torvund - Starry Night      (Norwegian composer) Pet Shop Boys - Burning The Heather Petter Eldh - Fanfarum for Komarum II Porridge Radio - Give/Take PREGOBLIN - Combustion Purple Mountains - a. Snow Is Falling In Manhattan    b. All My Happiness Is Gone   c. That’s Just The Way That I Feel Quelle Chris - Obamacare Quinie - Whas At The Windy Rapsody - Ibtihaj   ft. D’Angelo & GZA Reb Fountain - Faster Rian Treanor - ATAXIA_A1 Richard Dawson - Two Halves Robert Stillman - All Are Welcome Róisín Murphy - Incapable Rosalía - Milionària Rosenau & Sanborn - Saturday Rozi Plain - Symmetrical Ruth Garbus - Strash Sam Lee - The Moon Shines Bright   ft. Elizabeth Fraser (of Cocteau Twins) Sam Wilkes - Run Sandro Perri - Soft Landing SAULT - Smile and Go Seabuckthorn - To Which The Rest Were Dreamt serpentwithfeet - Receipts    ft. Ty Dolla $ign Sessa - Flor do Real         (of Brazil) Sheer Mag - Hardly To Blame Shit and Shine - No No No No Sinead O Brien - A Thing You Call Joy Siobhan Wilson - Plastic Grave Six Organs Of Admittance - Two Forms Moving Sleaford Mods - Kebab Spider Slow Meadow - Artificial Algorithm Snowy - EFFED    ft. Jason Williamson (of Sleaford Mods) SOAK - Knock Me Off My Feet Solange - Binz Sophie Crawford - A Miner’s Life Squid - Houseplants         bonus. Their cover of Robert Wyatt’s  “PIgs..... In There at End of the Road Festival) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DktZtQbo-YU Stella Donnelly - Old Man SUSS - Ursa Major Swamp Dogg - Sleeping Without You Is A Dragg   ft. Justin Vernon & Jenny Lewis Tami T - Birthday  Tenesha The Wordsmith - Why White Folks Can’t Call Me Nigga Theon Cross - Activate     ft. Moses Boyd & Nubya Garcia Thom Yorke - Dawn Chorus Tierra Whack - Wasteland Tim Hecker - That World Tiny Leaves - Respair Toya Delazy - Funani         (of South Africa) Twain - Death (Or S.F.?) Twin Peaks - Dance Through It Tyler Childers - All Your’n Vagabon - Water Me Down Vampire Weekend - This Life Vanishing Twin - Magicians Success Velvet Negroni - Confetti Vendredi Sur Mer - Chewing-Gum      (of France) Victoria Monét - Ass Like That Vieo Abiungo - Cobble Together Visible Cloaks - Stratum      ft. Yoshio Ojima & Satsuki Shibano Warmduscher - Midnight Dipper Weyes Blood - Andromeda Wilco - Love Is Everywhere (Beware) William Tyler - Our Lady Of The Desert Willie Scott & The Birmingham Spirituals - Keep Your Faith To The Sky     (from a collection of obscure 70′s era gospel on Luaka Bop, “The Time For Peace Is Now - Gospel Music About Us”) Xylouris White - Tree Song Ye Vagabonds - The Foggy Dew Zsela - Noise
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Featuring David Crosby, Jan Dance, James Raymond, Roger McGuinn, Chris Hillman, Henry Diltz, Enrico Merlin, Stephen Barncard, Cameron Crowe, AJ Eaton and archival footage of Graham Nash, Neil Young, Stephen Stills, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Jackson Browne, Paul Shaffer and Glenn Frey.
Directed by AJ Eaton.
Distributed by Sony Pictures Classics. 95 minutes. Rated R.
David Crosby is, and always has been, a very complicated guy. Equal parts charming and off-putting, smart and self-destructive, talented and overly aware of his talent, pithy and pointed, opinionated and thin-skinned, self-obsessed and self-loathing; he has fascinated people for decades and driven away many of the people he has worked closest with over his storied career.
A list of his past close associates who will not even talk to Crosby anymore includes Stephen Stills, Neil Young, Roger McGuinn and even Graham Nash, who would appear to be one of the friendliest, more open men in music. In fact, it took a lot to take the two men from chatting daily for over 45 years to having Nash yelling “Fuck you” into Crosby’s face – while onstage during a concert, no less.
When discussing his firing from the classic rock band The Byrds in another recent documentary on the Southern California music scene called Echo in the Canyon, Crosby acknowledged with a touch of regret, “I was an asshole.”
He is (and has been) an asshole, and yet he is a self-aware asshole. He acknowledges his many faults, but he hasn’t outgrown them. He has never learned not to poke the bear. He has strong opinions and refuses to hold them back. However, he has also always been a smart, well-spoken, rather charming asshole. (It’s not a coincidence that Crosby is a Twitter favorite for his irreverent opinions on music and current events.)
And he has never been afraid or unwilling to focus that cutting insight upon himself.
Which is a big part of the reason that David Crosby: Remember My Name is one of the most fascinating rock documentaries to come down the pike in quite some time. It’s much more elegiac and engaging than one may expect with such a potentially prickly subject.
Instead we meet an older man who has lived through some crazy times – and who has done some crazy things – and has come out on the other side. He has battled for decades against health and addiction problems. He’s sober now, more circumspect, and in the middle of a creative resurgence. Still, he remembers some of the many, many times that he gave in to his temptations.
“People ask me if I’ve got regrets,” Crosby said. “Yeah, I have huge regrets of the time I wasted being smashed…. I’m afraid. I’m afraid of dying. I’m real close. I don’t like it. I’d like to have more time. A lot more time.”
This kind of perceptive and personal insight comes from very thoughtful and well-researched interviews by director AJ Eaton and the film’s producer, rock critic-turned-filmmaker Cameron Crowe. They discuss all sorts of aspects of Crosby’s life; his childhood, time in The Byrds, Crosby Stills & Nash and Crosby Stills Nash & Young (Crosby insists here that the last two groups are very different as far as he is concerned), his trouble with addictions, politics and his anti-war stance, his love of sailing, the women in his life and his inability to commit to most, his relationships with his musical contemporaries (he seems to have particularly disliked Jim Morrison), performing at Woodstock, being sober, making music and touring as an aging man.
As Crosby points out, he is the only one of the members of Crosby Stills Nash & Young who never had a big solo hit. Also, it is rare that his songs were released as singles in the band. (His best known CSN songs were "Guinnevere," "Almost Cut My Hair," "Long Time Gone," "Delta" and “Wooden Ships,” a co-write with Stills and Jefferson Airplane/Starship member Paul Kantner. None of those were hits.) And yet, at this point he is as active in recording and making as memorable music as any of them.
But mostly, you get the feeling that Crosby’s greatest regret is losing some of his best friends.
The chasm is so wide that the filmmakers could only use archival footage of Graham Nash and Neil Young discussing their lives with Crosby – and there are no quotes at all from Stephen Stills. (In fact, Stills is barely even mentioned here, though he is shown in a good amount of the pictures and archival footage.) As four men who have meant so much in each other’s lives, it’s sad that the filmmakers could not get any new interviews with Crosby’s former bandmates. Roger McGuinn and Chris Hillman of the Byrds, who also have their share of bad blood with Crosby, were willing to talk about him on the record here.
In fairness, Crosby takes most of the blame for the rifts. He knows he has a temper. He knows he does and says bad things. He doesn’t blame them for being angry at him. “All of the main guys that I made music with won’t even talk to me,” he tells producer Crowe, who first interviewed Crosby in 1974. “All of them. One of them hating my guts could be an accident. McGuinn, Nash, Neil and Stephen all really dislike me strongly.”
He seems to want to try to patch things up but does not know how. Graham Nash, in an interview with Paul Shaffer for Sirius XM which is excerpted here, seems to feel the same way, but worries it may be too late. Crosby Stills Nash & Young were four voices in perfect harmony, but four men who were eventually out of synch.
David Crosby has done a lot of good and a lot of bad in his life. No one is perfect, and he has been particularly imperfect. However, that is what makes Remember My Name so fascinating. David Crosby doesn’t lie, doesn’t deflect, and obviously is trying to be a better man. That makes this warts-and-all bio rather inspirational.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2019 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: August 2, 2019.
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flintsjohn · 6 years
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LGBT+ BOOKS REC - part 1: Fiction
Alright so this is my very first book rec masterpost and I tried to fit all the information I can remember. I’ve started reading books with lgbt+ themes mainly in the last year and have found many of the titles in other recs so I’m sure that a lot of the books here are not new to anyone, but I’d like to share anyway! In bold are my personal favourites, and the authors with the * are (as far as I know) actually lgbt. If you’d like a peek of what’s on my tbr list here’s my goodreads! If you have more titles to share or recommend I’d love to hear about them! 
Aciman, A. – Call Me by Your Name (adult, m/m, contemporary)
bi mains
cw: underage relationship, cheating
Albertalli, B. / *Silvera, A. – What If It’s Us (ya, m/m, contemporary) 
gay mains
meet cute but a kinda bittersweet ending (bc Adam Silvera tbh)
Albertalli, B. – Simon Vs. The Homosapiens Agenda (ya, m/m, contemporary)
gay main, gay/black/jewish love interest, poc
simon is the definition of disaster gay and i love him
cw: homophobia, outing, blackmail
Albertalli, B. – Leah on the Offbeat (ya, f/f, contemporary) 
bi main, bi and black love interest
is part of the svtha ‘verse so the characters are the same!!
*Alire Sáenz, B. – Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe (ya, m/m, contemporary) 
gay mains, both latinos
a sequel is in the works!!
cw: homophobia
*Baldwin, J. – Giovanni’s Room (adult, m/m)
gay main
cw: internalized homophobia, homophobia, misogyny
Bardugo, L. – Six of Crows duology (ya, fantasy) 
there’s a m/m relationship in the second book (gay and bi mains) and a gay side char (also basically everyone can be read as non-straight)
there’s also a LOT of diversity as in poc and disabled people so!! 
cw: ableism, violence, death
Barry, S. – Days Without End (adult, m/m, historical) 
alright so i,,, loved this book but also it was fucking hard to read because it’s basically written how irish people speak english?? so it’s not the easiest thing to read but it’s good!!!
cw: war, death, racism
*Danforth, E. – The Miseducation of Cameron Post (ya, f/f, contemporary) 
lesbian main, lgbt minor chars, poc 
cw: homophobia, conversion therapy, self-harm
*Forster, E. M. – Maurice (adult, m/m, historical)
this is an absolute classic and i love this gay ass book
Goslee, S.J. – Whatever (ya, m/m, contemporary) 
bi main and gay love interest 
cw: internalized homophobia, (brief) homophobia
Gregorio, I.W. – None of the Above (ya, f/m, contemporary) 
intersex main 
cw: homophobia, transphobia, depression
*Isherwood, C. – A Single Man (adult, m/m)
gay main
i found this a little hard to read bc i’m not usually one for highly introspective writing, but i’m still glad i read it!
Jenkins Reid, T. – The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo (adult, f/f and f/m, historical) 
bi latina main, lesbian love interest, gay minor char 
i started this book thinking it would be dumb and by the end i was crying my eyes out 
cw: homophobia, death, abusive relationship, cheating
*LaCour, N. – Everything Leads to You (ya, f/f, contemporary)
lesbian main
if i have to be honest i found this a little underwhelming considering all the praise i heard, but it’s still very cute!!
Lee, M. – The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue (ya, m/m, historical) 
bi main, gay and biracial minor char 
this book is SO much fun honestly!!!
badass female character who’s the main in the sequel!!
cw: homopbhia, racism, child abuse, epilepsy
*Levithan, D. – Two Boys Kissing (ya, m/m, contemporary) 
gay and trans chars (it’s many different little stories that are somehow all connected)
*Levithan, D. – Boy Meets Boy (ya, m/m, contemporary)
gay main and minor chars, trans minor char
cw: homophobia, transphobia
Miller, M. – The Song of Achilles (adult, m/m, historical) 
listen i know yall know about this already but still,, probably one of my favourites ever.
cw: death
*Mitchell, S. (ed.) – All Out (ya, various, anthology) 
short stories, own-voices, various sexual/gender identities and genres
i loved every single one of these??? 
Nelson, J. – I’ll Give You the Sun (ya, m/m, contemporary) 
gay main (alternating pov)
this was so cute even though the character’s sexuality/relationship isn’t exactly central to the story!
*Ness, P. – Release (ya, m/m, contemporary/magical realism) 
gay main (adam is an icon and i love him)
this goes for every patrick ness book i ever read: i found it hard to follow the plot sometimes bc there are usually two different storylines going on at once and i can’t really connect them, but he has a way of writing characters that just sticks with me
cw: homophobia, sexual harassment
*Ness, P. – More Than This (ya, m/m, sci-fi) 
gay main 
cw: suicide, death, homophobia, outing
Ngan, N. - Girls of Paper and Fire (ya, f/f, fantasy)
lesbian main and love interest
the world is based on asian mythology/folklore!!
author’s working on the sequel!
cw: sex work, rape, slavery
Proulx, A. – Brokeback Mountain (adult, m/m, historical) 
short story
i saw the movie like a million times and i was still not ready for this 
cw: death, homophobia
*Renault, M. – The Last of the Wine (adult, m/m, historical) 
ancient greece setting!!! 
from what i gather this is not the gayest book you could possibly read by mary renault but it’s so good 
cw: death, violence, age difference
Rio, M. L. – If We Were Villains (adult, m/m, contemporary) 
3 gay/bi mains 
think the secret history but gayer and with shakespeare
i’m honestly still crying over this and the last few pages in particular killed me
cw: death, mentions of suicide, violence
*Russo, M. – If I Were Your Girl (ya, f/m, contemporary) 
trans main and bi minor char 
cw: suicide attempt, depression, transphobia, misgendering, rape attempt/mention, bullying, outing
Sharpe, T. – Far From You (ya, f/f, contemporary) 
bi main (lesbian love interest, she’s already dead when the story begins but it goes back and forth with flashbacks) 
cw: death, depression
*Silvera, A. – They Both Die at the End (ya, m/m, contemporary) 
gay and bi mains 
this goes for every single adam silvera book: i love them but i absolutely hate them bc they tear me apart every time
cw: death (duh)
*Silvera, A. – More Happy Than Not (ya, m/m, contemporary) 
gay main
cw: amnesia, suicide/suicide attempt, internalized homophobia
*Silvera, A. – History is All You Left Me (ya, m/m, contemporary) 
gay main and minor chars 
cw: death, depression, adhd, cheating
Soria, D. – Beneath the Citadel (ya, m/m, fantasy) 
bi, gay, ace mains (most are also poc) 
holy shit this was so good and i kinda,,, didnt expect it bc i had initially only picked it up bc of the cover (which is stunning btw)
cw: death, panic attacks.
*Talley, R. – Lies We Tell Ourselves (ya, f/f, historical) 
lesbian mains 
this was not an easy read by any means but by the end i think it was really worth it!!
cw: racism, homophobia
*Waters, S. – Tipping the Velvet (adult, f/f, historical fiction) 
lesbian mains
cw: homophobia, prostitution
(i only read this one by sarah waters so far but all her books are gay so be sure to check the others as well lol)
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stainedglassgardens · 6 years
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Watched in January:
Like Father
Skate Kitchen
Never Been Kissed
The Black Balloon
Under the Silver Lake
6 Balloons
The Party’s Just Beginning 
The Rider
Touch of Evil 
The Miseducation of Cameron Post
Fyre: The Greatest Pary That Never Happened
Time Share (Tiempo Compartido)
The Stranger 
Abducted in Plain Sight
King of Thieves
And Breathe Normally (Andið Eðlilega)
Catwalk: Tales from the Cat Show Circuit 
Jane Fonda in Five Acts
Mademoiselle Paradis (Licht)
The B-Side: Elsa Dorfman's Portrait Photography
Did not finish
Inception (Christopher Nolan, 2010)
Tau (Federico D'Alessandro, 2018)
Laerte-se (Eliane Brum, Lygia Barbosa da Silva, 2017)
Struggle: The Life and Lost Art of Szukalski (Ireneusz Dobrowolski, 2018)
Never Goin’ Back (Augustine Frizzell, 2018)
Did not like
Like Father (Lauren Miller Rogen, 2018)
Never Been Kissed (Raja Gosnell, 1999)
Anomalisa (Charlie Kaufman and Duke Johnson, 2015)
Snowpiercer (Bong Joon-ho, 2013)
Malevolent (Olaf de Fleur, 2018)
Sort of okay, maybe
The Black Balloon (Elissa Down, 2008)
Under the Silver Lake (David Robert Mitchell, 2018)
Rosy (Jess Bond, 2018)
Fyre: The Greatest Pary That Never Happened (Chris Smith, 2019)
Time Share (Tiempo Compartido, Sebastián Hofmann, 2018)
King of Thieves (James Marsh, 2018): Fantastic actors, great dialogue... The second half of the film is really muddled though. Only recommended if you’re really into heist films (which I am, but like... sadly, it’s not that good)
Serena (Susanne Bier, 2014): I disagree with the people who didn’t understand Serena’s so-called change in character (she fuckin [spoiler spoiler spoiler], how the fuck isn’t that enough to change a person’s entire life???), also didn’t agree that the national park thing was a bad idea (in fact I thought it was one of the best things about the film). However, I also thought the killer guy character fell flat, the story had potential but was half-baked, and it didn’t make half as much of its setting as it could have. So. Watch Bird Box instead.
And Breathe Normally (Andið Eðlilega, Ísold Uggadóttir, 2018)
Catwalk: Tales from the Cat Show Circuit (Aaron Hancox and Michael McNamara, 2018)
The B-Side: Elsa Dorfman's Portrait Photography (Errol Morris, 2016)
Mademoiselle Paradis (Licht, Barbara Albert, 2017)
Fine fine films
Sadie (Megan Griffiths, 2018): Okay I did watch it because Melanie Lynskey is in it but it was pretty good, although it did feel like a first feature film a lot of the time, and I was a bit disappointed in Megan Griffiths when I learnt it wasn’t
The Miseducation of Cameron Post (Desiree Akhavan, 2018): Just a... good companion to the book, a great film for gay teenagers to have, but I did not think it was anything special in and of itself
Frida (Julie Taymor, 2002): Really puzzled at the choice of making an English-language film where everyone speaks with “Mexican accents,” whatever that means... It was fine though, and would make as good an introduction as any to Frida Kahlo’s life
Really enjoyed
Upgrade (Leigh Whannell, 2018): Like a cyberpunk Ex Machina
Skate Kitchen (Crystal Moselle, 2018): Great visuals, great setting, great acting... the only thing that makes it not an absolute favourite is the weak plot (I’m a plot person)
6 Balloons (Marja-Lewis Ryan, 2018): Just a very solid film about addiction and sibling love
The Rider (Chloé Zhao, 2017): It’s beautiful. It’s not trying to be any more than it is, not romanticising its subject, just showing matter-of-fact beauty (and heartbreaking drama)
Touch of Evil and The Stranger (Orson Welles, 1958 and 1946): I saw so many not-so-good old films last year that I almost forgot what I love about them. These were my second and third Orson Welles films, and I liked them a lot more than The Lady from Shanghai -- The Stranger particularly. What can I say? It’s Orson Welles
Thirteen (Catherine Hardwicke, 2003): Basically I feel that this should be the standard and the goal for everyone making a film about thirteen-year-olds
Abducted in Plain Sight (Skye Borgman, 2017): This month’s film that fucked me up. And it’s a documentary. And the new Ted Bundy Netflix series is like, nothing compared to how fucked up this is
Baise-moi (Virginie Despentes and Coralie Trinh Thi, 2000): It’s hard for me to dissociate the film from the book (which I love dearly). Mainly though, like a lot of Virginie Despentes’s early work (Trois Etoiles comes to mind), I thought it was slightly more laudable than enjoyable. I do wish there were more films like this, just... better ones, if that makes sense. Still very good though, and recommended
Santoalla (Andrew Becker and Daniel Mehrer, 2016): Jesus... just watch it without knowing anything about it if you want to be thoroughly spooked
Jane Fonda in Five Acts (Susan Lacy, 2018): I love Jane Fonda ten times as much as I did before I saw this. She is so incredibly self-aware, and the documentary is so well-researched and to the point. What a fantastic woman
Favourites of the month
Dick (Andrew Fleming, 1999): Why everyone still isn’t talking about a comedy in which teen-aged Kirsten Dunst and Michell Williams are responsible for the Watergate scandal is honestly beyond me
The Party’s Just Beginning (Karen Gillan, 2018): You ever see one of these films that make you think, wow, this is really what life is like? Not in a Debra-Granik, Kelly-Reichardt, giving-a-voice-to-those-etc. sort of way, just in a sort of... like, you nod along really hard because you feel like you get it and it gets you... you know? I’ve been trying to pinpoint what takes it from “very good” to “wow” and I think the soundtrack, the title, the assault scene and its aftermath are some elements, but mostly it really feels like Gillan decided to talk about what she knew with great tact and empathy... This is probably going into my favourites-of-the-year list, and it’s also one of those rare films I really want to rewatch again and again
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drvcifers · 4 years
currently  //  ON HIATUS
IMPORTANT NOTE: due to my current workload, my replying ability is much more limited. if you really need a writing partner who can give you more than 2-3 replies a week, we may not be compatible, at least for this season.
below you can find a list of some basic plot ideas i'm looking for, some face claims i am wanting to use, and some face claims i'm wanting to play against.
if you are interested in any of these (plots or fcs - i am always up for plotting something not on this list) you can message me (here or discord - thedrewdawg#1337). i will typically play a male or nonbinary - it's pretty rare that outside a mumu situation that i will pick up a female. i rp on both tumblr (via my mumu writing blog) or on discord.
i am also up for platonic/family relationships too!! 
putting this under the cut because it got way too long :)
celebrities. there are a few plots floating around about former coworkers or former 'we dated for the publicity and now we have to work together' plots that i'm SUPER interested in doing.
classic hateship. we hate each other for some reason or another but oops there's also MASSIVE sexual tension and we can't keep our hands off of each other. bonus points if they are both 'heartless' but they are learning to trust each other with their hearts.
workplace angst. i have been watching too much greys tbh, but i love the dynamics of people who have demanding jobs and work a lot and the job and their coworkers are basically like all they really have going on. would be cool as a mumu, but fine as a solo plot too
some more light/summer/fluffy stuff. one muse is home for the summer and meets someone working a summer job and they intend for it to only last until school is back in session but they don't want to stop? high school sweethearts who rekindle the old flame now that they are both older. a kid who has to take summer classes and thinks their tutor is nerdy but also kinda cute? honestly, any of these things.
angst avenue. something super angsty like this because i am a masochist. honestly anything super heartwrenching i'm probably all about.
ghosts. idk just haunting, maybe someone falls in love with a ghost. love a spooky romance. or like ghost hunters? i've been wanting to try out some more horror-esque stuff.
heroes/antiheroes/villains. would love to work out these dynamics. would also work well for a mumu *insert eyes emoji*
secret relationships. who doesn't love a secret relationship? maybe you are my best friend's ex that he's still hung up on but we are really good together.
ASSASSINS. we love a good assassins plot. and they don't kill each other because, well, they are in love. maybe they used to work on the same side and one of them defected?? ugh idk just give me some badasses with drama and lots of love.
post-apocalyptic. this has been on my wanted list for a while but ya know the basic there are zombies taking over the world stuff.
supernatural shit. i only really know/have interest in rping witches and vamps and maaaaybe human hunters. would literally love to do some kind of mumu with maybe 3-5 other people? idk i just haven't really had a legit spn plot in a million years.
FACES I WANT TO USE: oscar isaac, alfonso herrera, taron egerton, josh duhamel, elliot knight, michael evans behling, charlie hunnam, sean teale, casey deidrick, rahul kohli, aaron tveit, lakeith stanfield, nico tortorella, ross butler, ryan reynolds, chris wood, matthew daddario, avan jogia, charles melton, tom hardy, daniel kaluuya, robert pattinson, nick sagar, michael ealy, chris hemsworth, danny pino, theo james, henry cavill, sebastian stan, trevante rhodes, gavin leatherwood, jack falahee, jamie dornan, jordan calloway, leo dicaprio, matt czuchry, noah centineo, chris pine, john krasinski, manish dayal, tom hardy, and ALWAYS zac efron or dan stevens
FACES I WOULD LIKE AS OPPS: FLORENCE PUGH ALWAYS, samantha logan, gemma chan, candice patton, sarah michelle gellar, rachel weisz, aja naomi king, alexandra breckinridge, constance wu, dove cameron, kerry washington, aj cook, adelaide kane, aisha dee, odette annable, inbar lavi, lily james, camila mendes, issa rae, phoebe tonkin, natasha liu bordizzo, lucy hale, nathalie kelley, laura harrier, halston sage, nina dobrev, tessa thompson, virginia gardner, shelley hennig, freema agyeman, hilary duff, jamie chung, meghan markle, madelaine petsch, lana condor, naomi scott, alicia vikander, shay mitchell, sydney park, maia mitchell, vanessa morgan, elizabeth lail, nicole beharie, becky g, chloe bennet, blake lively, sophia bush
OKAY THOSE ARE LOTS OF OPTIONS and tbh i'm not that picky, these are just the faces i've been wanting to use/have as opps for a long time.
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furt1ve999 · 2 years
Post #8: All-NBA redux + awards
Revising my earlier post because my thoughts and opinions are even more perfect now.
All-NBA First Team: *G — Luka Doncic (Dallas) *G — Devin Booker (Phoenix) *F — Jayson Tatum (Boston) *F — Giannis Antetokounmpo (Milwaukee) *C — Nikola Jokic (Denver)
All-NBA Second Team: *G — Ja Morant (Memphis) *G — Chris Paul (Phoenix) *F — DeMar DeRozan (Chicago) *F — Kevin Durant (Brooklyn) *C — Joel Embiid (Philadelphia)
AThird Team: *G — Trae Young (Atlanta) *G — Steph Curry (Golden State) *F — LeBron James (LA Lakers) *F — Pascal Siakam (Toronto) *C — Rudy Gobert (Utah)
Notes: Atlanta did outperform Utah to the end of the season; Young led the league in total assists AND total points. Chris Paul led the league in assists per game and nearly in steals per game (trailing only Dejounte Murray.) Siakam over Butler because of more games, Toronto ended up surprisingly strong and... eye test. Gobert over Towns because I thought about defense and... well, is the play-in game part of the regular season, since it's not playoffs? Morant would be first team over Doncic if he had played more games.
MVP—Either Giannis or Jokic could get this and I wouldn't be mad. I don't think it should be Embiid, sue me. I dont trust Philadelphia.
COY—Monty Williams (Phoenix) easy. Runner ups Tyronn Lue and... Taylor Jenkins. Honorable mention Nick Nurse. (Yes runner ups, i dont really care for "runners up")
ROY—Evan Mobley (Cleveland), runner ups Cunningham and then Barnes, very close. Seems to me like people are punishing Mobley for the Cavs' injury misfortunes. No way man.
6MOY—Kevin Love (Cleveland). Close runner up Cameron Johnson (who started more games and played fewer total games). Love was great this year, remember the other night when he did 32/10 in 15 minutes? Tyler Herro is not eligible because he's not a sixth man. He's third in MPG and FIRST in total minutes for Miami this year smh my head. Fuck off
MIP—Dejounte Murray (San Antonio). You seen what this guy is doing? He tore his ACL and missed his third season a few years ago btw. Led the league in steals. Spurs overperformed based on their roster and it wasnt entirely due to Popovich's coaching. Close runner up Darius Garland, whos really good.
DPOY—Mikal Bridges (Phoenix). Most defensive miles traveled in the league this year, opponents hate him, so good at navigating screens and he played every game for the league's second best rated defense. He's so good dude. Runner up Marcus Smart (who played 11 fewer games for the league's best rated defense but had all-defense worthy partner in the frontcourt, who was probably the year's best help defender, in Robert Williams.)
For fun, I'll throw All-Defensive Teams and All-Rookie Teams out there:
All-Defensive First Team: —Marcus Smart (Boston), Matisse Thybulle (Philadelphia), Mikal Bridges (Phoenix), Jaren Jackson Jr (Memphis) , Rudy Gobert (Utah)
All-Defensive Second Team: —Chris Paul (Phoenix), Patrick Beverley (Minnesota), Herb Jones (New Orleans), Giannis Antetokounmpo (Milwaukee), Robert Williams (Boston)
Notes: Timelord edges Bam out for that second center spot because of an advantage in games played and team defensive record (with the caveat of Marcus Smart/Tatum etcs help, but note also Jimmy Butler, Kyle Lowry, etc, even if the Miami white guys aren't good at defense). Herb Jones is NICE. Honorable mention to Mobley for real. I wanted to find a way to fit Jrue Holiday on this list, he's phenomenal, but Milwaukee's defense wasn't great this season so it was him or Giannis. Draymond Green missed too many games.
All-Rookie First Team: —Cade Cunningham (Detroit), Franz Wagner (Orlando), Herb Jones (New Orleans), Scottie Barnes (Toronto), Evan Mobley (Cleveland)
All-Rookie Second Team: —Jalen Green (Houston), Josh Giddey (Oklahoma City), Bones Hyland (Denver), Ayo Dosunmu (Chicago), Jonathan Kuminga (Golden State)
Notes: Honorable mention to Sengun, Duarte, Davion Mitchell... Dosunmu gets the nod because he was kind of thrown into the fire, sink or swim, and he swum.
Final thoughts: EOTY—not fucking Darryl Morey, I'll tell you. Honestly, maybe Sean Marks deserves it.
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