#this probably makes no sense because i ramble but ahhhh
thechaoticdruid · 5 months
*Annoyed muttering* People on Twitter smh.
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I'm just saying it makes absolutely no fucking sense for Astarion to be 40 years old in human years.
Elves have a lifespan of approximately 700 years and Astarion was turned into a vampire at 39. Now if we use the assumption that elves age at the same rate as humans till they reach adulthood (because if it didn't slow down Halsin at 350 would look like fucking withers) that makes it impossible for Astarion to be middle aged.
400-300 would likely be middle aged for an elf and Astarion didn't even hit 100 guys. I legit see people out here using his fucking hair color as a reason to claim he's old (I mean yes he is old he's a fucking 200 year old vampire, but physically he's very well preserved). Have you guys ever fucking seen an elf before in like anything ever? Just a little fun fact but in most fantasy stories elves have white hair because you know they're fucking magical creatures.
Okay rambling over. I honestly don't know why this annoys me so much. Probably some nerdy ocd thing and it doesn't make sense in my brain.
Edit: So apparently there's some stats in a mobile game that says he's 350 (with vampirism keep in mind), BUT this conflicts with the dev notes saying he was turned at 39 so ehhhh.....IDK inconsistencies with lore in video games happen all the time.
Either way he still isn't fucking 40 in human years.
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fortheb0ys · 3 months
Okay okay okay
Pet play with Jeff vs Graves would be soo fun to see
Jeff only really gets rough if provoked, feels awful after usually unless it's sex. Then he's probably pretty satisfied, but even then he's really not that rough. Really gotta work him up to being rough, let him blow some steam in a safe environment where he won't be afraid to be "bad."
He has his moments, overwhelmed and probably panicked, especially after Shauna and her "book club." But he's not inherently a bad dog. He's a good boy, just needy and clingy, probably a bit insecure and wary around people.
That biting issue isn't awful after being with him for awhile, probably actually able to train him over Shauna. But sometimes he'll bite if something feels too good or he's frightened, but I can't imagine putting him in his kennel again over it. They're accidents, lost in his head like last time and everyone's learning from it
Rough and mean for the hell of it. Is not satisfied by slow sappy shit unless you really work him in, or his day was genuinely terrible. But usually? Graves is wrestling and probably straight up sparring with you for dominance that he doesn't want.
Bites bites bites all the time. You look like you were thrown to the wolves after leaving a session with Graves, cannot train this out of him. It's his god given right as a puppy. Fuck him with a dildo with a knot? It's soo over for him. Eyes rolled back and drooling everywhere. 0 thoughts in this pups brain, literally none at all as he's shooting blanks over and over again.
He's bratty, mouthy. Loves to tease and be pampered. Stressed at work? Scratch behind his ears and coo at him and he's melting away, itching for that weight of a collar around his neck.
Anyways 😭 idk if any of that makes sense but you get to have my rambles anyways!
AHHHH I WANNA DIG A HOLE IN YOUR SKULL TO LIVE IN YOUR BRAIN AND EAT YOUR THOUGHTS!! THIS SO PERFECT😭 This is fucking perfect! I'm so sorry if none of this makes sense.
Jeff is gentle natured. Only ever violent when really pushed in a corner or someone's threatening people dear to him. He's definitely not in control of his mouth when he experiences any overwhelming emotions. He would bite his lip, the inside of his mouth or tongue and not realize. He'd start panicing or whine when he taste blood.
He just doesn't like to be treated rough at all. Rough means punishment. He needs reassurance that he's not a bad boy and that no one's mad at him.
I feel like Jeff gets let off the handle more than he should. Don't want to push him and break his trust. He's, for the most part, well behaved. If he does something wrong he's most likely going to beg for forgiveness before he could get reprimanded.
His kennel isn't really for punishment. It's more of a safe space for him. Just plushies and throw blanket. It's only ever punishment if the cage is closed.
He likes everything soft and sweet, especially nicknames. Cute one like buddy, puppy, pumpkin, etc. He loves to be spoiled. Kisses and praises more the material things.
Shauna lets him stay at your place some weekends and as much as he loves spending time with you Jeff questions why Shauna doesn't love him anymore. He definitely soooooo fucking clingy. The type of dog to wait outside the bathroom door.
Shauna probably wouldn't have much patience with training him. Would give up quickly or scold him a little too hard. Gentleness is key in reinforcing Jeff's good behavior.
Graves gives the vibe of one of those pitbulls named 'Cupcake' or 'Princess'. He can be sweet but violence is in his nature. I think he reacts violently because that's how he was treated. He's violent with both play and sex. He'll violent rip apart toys and goes through them so easily. Old wounds can never heal properly cause he just bites over them (I have a fic talking about this actually).
Graves thinks if he does his mission he'll get rewarded but is let down constantly by Shepherd. He'll finish his mission and all Shepherd gives him is a cold pat on the back and his paycheck.
Yes, Graves loves the money but he craves to be praised both cause of his ego and his deep need to be wanted. If someone wants him, they pay.
Shepherd calls him a dog with a bone. He'd somehow learn of Graves' puppy play. Use it against him and for sometime Graves let him. He's loyal to the ones he's close with and it took alot to break that trust. But seeing his men, the ones he views as a pack, die made him snap.
So now with a new 'handler' he's never going to be fully trusting. He gave it away and it backfired.
I think Graves bite more so to show ownership. Yes, he has violent tendencies but he like to see markings. It's way of him keeping some level of control. Plus he just genuinely like to do it.
Graves accept no punishment. If boundaries are crossed or his actions too severe, just go quiet for a few days to scare him. He'll think he'll be abandon and will crawl back. It's a bit cruel but it's the only thing that works.
He has money so spoiling him with gifts isn't going to win any favor. He just wants someone to 'play' with. Honestly he'd probably pay. Of course, most of the paycheck is hush money.
Graves requires a lot of energy burning activity aka sex when in his head space. He's a busy man and doesn't get to relax often. I can imagine his has those heavy chain collar. Chain him somewhere and get him to fuck himself on a knotted dildo while trying to finish work than fuck him for hours after.
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akookminsupporter · 2 months
I'm a diff anon, but:
"Okay, but I don't understand why this ended up with BTS being dragged into a mess that has nothing to do with them in the first place? This started with the lady from the coup, right?"
Yes. In short, HYBE ordered an audit on ADOR because they found proof that MHJ and a man planned to make ADOR a separate company, Mhj and the man talked with shareholders to try to get them to back them(ador) up so they can leave hybe. This is how it started and then later on a bunch of other stuff came out.. Reddit has master posts of this, you can find them if you want to read more about it
So after the news came out about the audit, she started responding to it, she claimed hybe copied newjeans to make Illit, she claimed that she was promised to debut hybe's first gg but they debuted le sserafim first instead, she implied that she was in a slave contract. So she namedropped 2 groups first. And then somehow some article reported that she went to a shaman to discuss BTS' enlistment and when they would go and so the shaman could make sure they really go? The last part is a bit confusing because idk how a shaman could make them go but yeah. And that's how BTS got into the picture. She later basically admitted this by rambling about how this shaman is just a friend of hers who just happens to be a shaman.
"Why did BTS end up being the bad guys again?"
Because nothing unites kpop fans more than hating on bts. BTS genuinely didn't do anything, kpop fans just started hating on them for no reason and they kept making tweets about "xy group disbanded because of hybe"
"It makes sense that BigHit decided to hire an external legal team instead of using HYBE's or even their own agency's."
In my understanding, they hired this external legal team or set up this law firm to deal with the hate campaign against Bts. There are a lot of conspiracy theories going around rn, about BTS/hybe being in a cult and K-pop fans being kpop fans and bringing up everything they can about bts' past. So I think this second legal team is just for the BTS issue so that the hybe legal team can fully focus on bringing mhj to court. Again, this is just how I interpreted it.
Hello, anon. Thanks you as well for providing a bit more context on everything that's going on. If you don't mind, I have a few things to comment on regarding what you said, and also, I have a couple of questions that I hope won't offend anyone:
1. Regarding the accusations made by that woman about copying NJ: why did she say that? I don't know much about that group, but a girl group in K-pop isn't something new, right? The concept isn’t that… new, I think? And their sound isn't so... unique? From what little I've heard and some comparisons I've seen. Is the new group exactly the same, or what? Does NJ have something unique that can be easily identifiable if someone copies it? And that’s why she said that?
2. She was promised that she would debut the company's first girl group: okay, they didn't do it, and? From what little or much I've read about what this woman has said, I've concluded that she's a tantrum-throwing and pretentious person who cries when she doesn't get what she wants. You know who she reminds me of? Veruca, the character from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
3. The shaman thing is complete madness and it’s probably the comedic contribution to all of this😭.
4. The obsession of Kpoppies with BTS should be studied. I can bet that not even the biggest stan in the fandom is as obsessed with them as Kpoppies are. If only they put as much effort into supporting their favorites as they do into hating BTS, they would help them rise above the mediocrity that many are in. At least in terms of sales, streaming, charts, etc., with the quality of content they put out, there's not much they can do.
5. Ahhhh, your explanation about the external legal team makes sense, but at the same time, I wonder if BigHit does have its own legal team, and if it doesn't, I wonder why.
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sessakag · 2 months
I just wanna say that I absolutely LOVE Butterfly. It’s kinda the only fanfic I care about at the moment lmao I am LOCKED IN. The story itself is great, all of the characters (even the ones everyone hate rn) are interesting, the writing is phenomenal…I could go on and on.
I have a few thoughts I wanted to get out of my head. These aren’t suggestions (cuz it’s your story and I trust where you’re gonna take it), it’s moreso just kinda be me rambling lol:
Sasuke- I know you’ve mentioned he’s going to show up again later, but I’m so anxious to see the role he’s going to play. I don’t really want it to be a romantic thing with Hinata (I am a firm NaruHina lover lol) but I would love to see him be some kind of a protective friend for her? In my head he and Hinata already know each other; like they had some type of group therapy for traumatized teens or after she was removed from her dad’s care she was temporarily in a group home where she met Sasuke and they got to know each other idk. He knows her story and the pain she deals with, and is able to relate in a sense. So he doesn’t want to see her be taken advantage of. Idk, again this is NOT a suggestion lmao just rambling.
Strength- I would argue that Hinata’s the strongest character in the story so far. Even stronger than Naruto. She’s been thru absolute hell and suffers with severe anxiety and depression. The fact she struggles with suicidal ideations and is still making the choice to live is a testament to her strength. I hope that as the story progresses, Hinata starts to recognize that in herself.
Naruto- love the way you write Naruto in this; the chapters in his pov are some of favorites tbh. As someone mentioned before, I too would love to get a few jealous Naruto scenes. Especially since he’s starting to actually *see* Hinata and recognize his attraction to her. I’m assuming that as the story progresses, Hinata will grow into her own person and become somewhat independent of Naruto (like getting her own friends); is that something Naruto might feel threatened by? Since he does have a selfish streak and is immature, I wonder if he would have an issue with keeping Hinata all to himself.
I think those were the main ramblings I had. Chapter 8 is my absolute favorite so far cuz of the cute NaruHina moment we got. I know smut is probably a ways away but I cannot WAIT till we get to it cuz you are one of my favorite smut writers tbh. Anyways that’s all for now. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us!
Thank you so much! 🙈💕💗so so so happy you're enjoy the fic that much 💕makes my heart do cartwheelssss 🏃🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️💗☺️🫶🏽 and thank you so much for dropping love in my inbox, I absolutely adore you all that do I swear 🥹
Ahhhh, you have some really interesting ruminations🙈
Sasuke- Surprisingly a lot of readers have been waiting to see how Sasuke fits into all this🤭I've gotten some incredibly creative scenarios and prediction from commenters and anons that I've actually added to his role and even moved his entrance up in the timeline😄This is a very interesting scenario and I really, really like it a lot! So many people really want a protective friend Sasuke and I can't say the idea isn't unbearably adorable 💕
Strength- You hit the nail on the head for sure🫡💕Hinata's inner strength is one that's often overlooked, underestimated and underappreciated when compare to more overt forms of strength, or socially constructed ideals of what it means to be strong, and I've really, really been wanting to make a point in the world of fanfiction, specifically the Naruto fandom of fanfiction, that strength is not always aggression, violence and bitchy attitude 🤦🏽‍♀️ because I've seen, for years now, this narrow, short sighted standard of who is strong and who is weak being perpetrated and it's always, always bothered the crap out of me 😤With Butterfly, I'm hoping to open minds and break molds we've been taught to believe are absolute👎🏽but are actually highly subjective👈🏽 I swear, so many of my fics are 'break the mold' type fics, lol, I think I just like to nay say the nay sayers, ya know, shine light on areas and topics that many may make negative assertions and toxic assumptions about while in reality, know very little about the subject matter at all. I think it opens the door for more compassion, understanding and inclusion ️🫶🏽 and honestly, that's what I'm all about.
Naruto- I love, love, love me a Naruto POV 🙈idk what it is about Naruto in particular since I love most make POV but it is soooo much fun being in his head 🤭Butterfly!Naruto and Prey!Naruto are two of my fave Naruto POV's to write in, both are so much fun in different ways 😄For sure Naruto's gonna have his jealousy moments, he's too hot headed and selfish in Butterfly not to🤭Its definitely not out of the realm of possibility that he'll feel some type of way about not being the center of her attention🤔right now, he's the golden boy, he's got the coveted place at her side, he's got exclusive access nobody else has, losing that, well, he might not be too keen on it🤭although, he's been trying to introduce her to his friends and help her with her speech problems, so maybe he'll take it as a source of pride that he's help her find her confidence🤔that's why I love this Naruto 🤭he really can go either way. Like, on one hand, he can be sweeter than cotton candy, some real tooth rotting sweetness, but on the other hand he can be a selfish asshole making scummy choices just to get what he wants😅he gets tunnel vision, and the only thing that matters is reaching his goals by any means necessary. He's just a really fun character🤭
I super duper appreciate you leaving your ramblings here!! I enjoy each and every one of them! Chapter 8 is near and dear to me too!! I enjoyed writing it so, so much, the cuteness almost melted my laptop 🙈💕 I cannot wait to do more sweet bonding scenes for them ️🫶🏽 that's honestly why my fanfics be so long, I get so caught up in just enjoying and marinating in NaruHina love 🙌🏽its like a virus I never wanna get rid of 😫 Smut is indeed a ways off, but I can't wait to get to it too 🙈 and tys, I'm honored to be one of your faves💕 Thank you, thank you for dropping by!!! I really loved seeing your ramblings! 🫶🏽
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according2thelore · 4 months
time travel anon here - that is the best thing i've ever read in my entire life holy shit. thank you so much. good god. i'm going to treasure that ask forever.
now I'm thinking about LS Dean trying to make LS Sam jealous by being extra sweet to ES Sam (fails. LS sam thinks it's cute). or ES Sam trying to make ES Dean jealous by actively preferring LS dean (probably works). ugh god. or the deans fighting, like physically fighting like insane people. or or or. excuse me, i'll be happily living in this make believe world forever.
also I think in my head it will be 8 years of time travel, just so they can have 4-4-4 year age gaps.
hi, time travel anon!!!
omg...i'm blushing...tucking my hair behind my ear debby-ryan-style...
AHHHH you're so right!!!
LS!Dean would try to be extra sweet to ES!Sam, like maybe offering to show him the shooting range (and giving him some pointers up close, y'know, he's just being helpful, with his hand on sam's waist, and his broad chest to sam's back) and ES!Sam is all kinds of flusterd
LS!Sam just finds it kind of hilarious? he also thinks it's kind of hot how big LS!Dean is compared to his younger self, and how ES!Sam's breath shakes when dean comes in close, how sam's eyes fall to half-mast, unable to meet his eyes.
and LS!Dean keeps turning around like see? i can play this game too. and LS!Sam just finds it charming. he knows that one thing, even back then, made him happier than any-fucking-thing, and knows how out-of-his-mind thrilled ES!Sam must be that dean is giving him so much attention, listening to him ramble about how exciting the MOL library is.
honestly i have no idea which dean would initiate a dean-fight, but you are so! goddamn! right! it could literally be either--a second-too-long hand on the back of a neck, or even, fuck, ES!Dean can't take it anymore and yanks LS!Sam down for a kiss, frantic. it would be literally brutal, like a wild bear protecting her cubs (cub, though, just one in this case).
LS!Dean would completely kick ES!Dean's ass due to his increased experience, height, and size, but they would be spitting and furious and--as you said--insane. the sams barely manage to pry them apart.
because let's be perfectly clear: if anything can be said about A Dean, it's that he cannot share A Sam--ANY Sam--with anyone else. they'd be so sick with possession over them both ARGH!!!! sammy is dean's!!!! and they both have a weird power dynamic w each other about this.
(the sams wouldn't be much better: LS!Sam entertains LS!Dean's retaliatory fawning over ES!Sam, but it would grate on him after a few days. the second dean turns around, sam is staring at his younger self with this cold, empty look that makes ES!Sam shiver bc how the fuck is he going to turn into that thing?)
ngl anon i had to write this out on a piece of paper but you're right! If ES!Sam is 23, ES!Dean is 27, LS!Sam is 31, and LS!Dean is 35!
(lord above, can you imagine a 35 y/o dean and a 23 y/o sam????)
i think personally i would want ES!Dean and LS!Sam to have more of an age-gap bc LS!Sam is a Brick Wall, and i think 26 y/o dean would pass out if he got to see 36 yo sam. but this dynamic is quite good and i love the symmetry! i also think it would probably make the most sense, for them to be 4-4-4-4.
thank you for this ask and for freaking out about ES/LS Sam & Dean with me! <3 <3 <3
i can't take it!!!!! this AU is so FUN!!!!!!!!
-lizzy :)
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ella-norah · 3 days
Ella watching Love Sea episode 2
Okay, so yesterday, the second episode of Love Sea aired, and I am watching it today, and rambling about it. If you want to read my rambles, feel free to continue reading the post below ♥
Also, this time i'll try to be shorter than last time, so there will be only one post for the episode and less images, but hope it's good enough.
Starting the episode with direct continuation of the last one and the moment Mut and Rak are off the boat and on the beach. Rak is still pouting and grumpy, which is very understandable considering how scared he looked (and there's probably a story about that reaction that's likely deeper than just fear of not being able to get off the boat since he's in the middle of the ocean) when Mut jumped in the water and Rak didn't know where Mut was.
Right now, both Mut and Rak are being stubborn - Rak to push Mut away and Mut to get Rak to forgive him. Something tells me that it'll take more than the fresh clamps, though they do look quite fresh and delicious.
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Peat's expressions here, his portrayal of Rak is so damn good. The way he wants to accept, but also fights it and looks at Mut annoyed is chef's kiss.
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Here are some pictures of the beach scene that happened as Rak accepted the piece of clamp meat in his mouth. Gosh the expressions are making me go feral! *screams internally*
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The almost kiss had me squeal out loud. Honestly! Like I didn't expect it to happen so soon (not that it did, but it's clear they both wanted to)
And yet, Rak still seems convinced it won't happen again. (what am i willing to bet it will happen...)
The scene with girls is so good. Mook is still a nervous mess because of Vi, and that is honestly such a mood. And Vi is still so manipulative. (and they're both so prettyyyyyyyyyyyyyy)
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it suddenly feels very hot in the room (or is it just them??)
"I won't take you to bed" "This isn't bed" (bites her lip to not scream some more)
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It will never happen again, huh?
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Such amazing kissing scene - so much chemistry, heat and desire - i love this.
There's no screenshots because the scene simply needed to be watched - not screenshots time XD
I can't wait for Mut to find out that Rak gets sex and romantic scene inspiration from actually experiencing them -> this confusion would make so much more sense in that case.
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I love that they used Peat's photos for google search about Rak. It just fits.
Tha amazing amazing manipulations from Vi, and the sweet innocence from Mook -> those make quite a dangerous and delicious combination. And I have no doubt Vi just loves the attention she gets from Mook. And who could blame her? Mook is so cute.
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Another moment when the room feels so damn hot. Gosh, they are so hot! Rak watching Mut in shower, and then making first move! MAKING FIRST MOVE!!! Ahhhh
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That lip bite is so aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
THE MARKS! GOSH, THE MARKS!! Mut is quite a biter, isn't he
I have a feeling Vi will make anything she can to keep Mook there in her room. Just a feeling.
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Mook ranting how Vi is keeping her from going home and Vi is just nodding along and looking at Mook like Mook's the most adorable. (she so is, Vi's not wrong)
The conversation between Palm and Mut is very interesting, especially the bets part. And of course Mut is certain Rak won't be interested.
Rak is quite possessive, truly quite possessive. I love that so much!!! so so much!! The way he just walks up to Mut and the girls and leans in to kiss Mut on the cheek (i haven't gotten the angle for that particular screenshot, so bear with these two)
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"He's mine" - why don't you just kill me now??
The look Rak gives to girls on the table is so aaaaaaaaaaaaa
And Mut is so not complaining about this
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Ohhhh, I love a bike ride scene!!
I agree with Mut, Rak is really adorable!!
Of course Palm caught them! Why am I not surprised?
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I love the little not-date Mut and Rak are on.
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Poor Mut, kicked out of house at 15. I'm curious about what happened to cause that... Though, I really admire the way he's so hard-working and the way he managed to get as far as he has.
Ohhh, they're going diving! Sounds fun (for them exclusively, i could never go diving myself)
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Rak's backstory is absolutely making me cry.
I am so thankful Mut got there in time. So thankful
Poor poor poor Rak - i want to give him big big hug.
And that concludes me watching this episode and rambling about it. I have to admit that this episode pulled all the feels out of me - first my brain was brrr-ing for NC scenes, and then I got all soft for ViMook, and then I cried. Such amazing episode, pulling my heartstrings like that.
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ikkosu · 2 months
hello ikko i am once again brainrotting over megumi's mother/tōji scifi au so i offer this:
The alarms only start once Tōji has already made it inside; sirens whose calls sound — to his ears — more like an admission of failure than anything else: too late, too late, too late. They might have been prepared for a break-in, but they certainly hadn't been prepared for him to break in. That much is evident in how easy it was for him to find this particular laboratory. How easy it is for him to turn the handle, to step inside. To his own surprise, though, the scientist turns to look at him with no fear in her eyes. "I won't tell you where it is," she tells him — and there's no defiance in her voice, no resolute determination to the path she's set herself on. It's just like she's delivering another fact. As though she's challenging him. She must know what will happen now. What he will have to do now. But. She is unarmed. And Tōji hasn't sunk quite that low. "Well then. Why don't you do me a favor and lead the way?" There's a ... there's a something in her eyes at that, something that makes him think he might have just walked into a trap. It's not something he gets time to dwell on before she responds. "If you insist."
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GIFGLING AND KICKING MY FEET SHE WOULD SO DO THAT AUGHHH 😭 funny thing I'm actually writing this particular scene rn (which is going quite different ) But AHHHH you give me so much good ideas!!! I should credit you and dottedsilk for helping me brainstorm. I really want to brainrot but I don't wanna spoil 😔😔 so here are the safer brainrots
I was thinking of Toji kidnapping megumama AND the inverted spear (probably locked in a box) so he'd have to wrangle the code out of her. Why not just take both? So he does and eventually the facility she's working in (VERY, hint, VERY dubious and corrupt) 'tries' to save her but fails and now both of them would have to forcibly interact if they want something out of the other. Toji : the inverted spear and Megumama : her life back lol
Gives me a chance to splatter down world building and the enemies to lovers trope. Gosh, involving the jjk sorcerers!! Gojo and the like rghrgrhrv must not spoil.
Also! I hope you won't mind me rambling off about megumama's personality for a second.
I'm going to call her Izumi (a tie between irumi, haruki) because both are unisex names? Fits her tomboyish style (do give me some more suggestions if you have I'm dying for a perfect name for mamgumi)
I'd imagine her to be also witty? Like the calm witty type that goes in tandem of Tojis explosive banter. She IS emotional and VERY empathetic but not very expressive? Like she's emotionally mature and withdraws to keep her own mental state out of trouble if that makes sense,,,,
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Me reading the start of the chapter, heart aching: remember it will be alright, they will share cheesy candy in valentines, it will be fine-
Ahhhh, Naff, this story just brings me life!
I knew the start was gonna pull no punches! I was very sure the night terrors would come with a vengeance but wow, the fact that they’re bad enough for y/n to wake up, (and remember them! Because I recall they said they usually didn’t remember what happened in those nightmares!)
And ouch, ouch, ouch, Moon was immediately there, and I wonder if they feel guilty for the terrors because it’s likely the demon encounter that caused them, and they just want to help and comfort them, especially now that it’s gotten so bad, but ahhh, they’re not welcome to do so! Because for y/n it’s exchanging one type of hurt for the other. The fear for their life vs the pain of feeling alone in the presence of someone you care about.
And perhaps they are being a little petty, but as they reflect, the care feels empty without the trust, and letting the boys care for them now feels like a reminder of the wall they can’t seem to get around and for which they don’t have a better explanation than “they don’t think I’m worthy of their trust”. This all just attacks directly the biggest insecurities of the hunter, and the toll it’s taking is clear as day. (Also I noticed there’s not a single ‘sweetie’ in this chapter ;o; ) But aaaaagh, the chosen fabric being set aside killed me! I’d forgotten that little project and now the fact that they don’t even want to look at it? Ahhhh my heart! I rambled so much about the symbolism of it last time and now it hurts all the more!
But oof, even through this fight that seems to have no end in sight, they still care so much for the boys! They take into account how much they care about children and are quick to not let them see the dead little ones. Y/n still wants to protect them as much as they can! And even though asking them to stay behind comes with the brutal honesty of ‘I need space’, they’re still sincere in not wanting to leave them, answering Sun’s question that was probably asking much more than y/n realized. Also, also, I loved the detail of them chastising themselves for thinking Sun’s eyes look red! Even when mad, they’re defensive of the boys and almost seemed like they were insulted on their behalf for daring to let the nightmares insinuate they would be something so vile (oh, honey, if you only knew)
Ha, of course, I didn’t expect the boys to ever stay behind XD They pretended to, as much as they could, and something tells me that that first instance of y/n feeling watched was not the cryptid, but the boys following from afar, since they looked back from where they were walking. Also would make sense, since the boys are familiar with the range of the detector! And they only entered the visible range when the other cryptid got too close. Clever guys! Y/n really should have considered they would be afraid of them not returning and after leaving on such bad terms (Though it seems this demon is pretty familiar with hunters and their tactics too huh?)
Speaking of which! Man, this cryptid! Oh, as soon as I read that it was hunting for tongues specifically and being so brutal about it, I immediately knew this was not gonna help the boys’ case later. What a similarity to have! (And also omg, I am going to make the prediction that this cryptid is so gonna lose its tongue, because there has been some poetic irony with a lot of the previous cryptids hehe).
And ahhhh, Naff, I just gotta say, the way you have established y/n as a capable hunter makes me realize how much I now trust them at it too! As soon as they felt something was off, I paused and thought back of the missing kid and why would the cryptid ever just take one when all others and previous cases have not been like that. And it occured to me that it could be using him as bait! And then I continued reading and y/n was on the same page and I felt so accomplished XD
(Also I gotta comment on how well this cryptid is suited to the desert environment! As soon as I knew there was an ambush, it reminded me of animals like the snake that buries itself in the sand to suddenly attack prey, or the antlion that waits for its prey to fall in its trap! So cool how it follows those types of dynamics!)
But ahhh, following along with the encounter, the dark liquid! I can’t tell you how much it took me by surprise to know that this was a demonic cryptid! The possession! (Can’t help but wonder if the demon made the poor kid kill his friends or if the possession was a last minute decision. But they disappeared a couple days ago, so it would seem he was kept alive. Maybe it always used one of the victims to attract more? )
The liquid! God, the evidence being thrown in y/n’s face, and yet, the unshakeable belief that a demon isn’t capable of anything but cruelty keeps them from (or makes them ignore) all signs that something like that could even remotely be the true nature of their friend! But so many cracks are showing, and soon that belief might not be as unshakable. Lambert agreeing with them for now might reassure them but oh boy, things are about to snap.
And speaking about snapping, hmmmm, next chapter is not gonna start too happy, I can tell. Sun and Moon deliberately went against the wishes of the hunter, which sure they didn’t agree to, but it was clearly something they were meant to listen to. Not only that, in the hunters eyes, they are the cause that the demon ran away. Usually when they intervene, y/n is in a tough spot, and though I agree that Lambert was being reckless, y/n and him did seem to have a chance, as the fight hadn’t quite started yet. The distraction, the idea that Sun and Moon had been in danger all this time, putting them in a bad light from Lambert’s position, AND especially, the fact that the boys seem to not respect their authority as an experienced hunter even when declaring that no cryptid can beat them, all that I can see making y/n really mad.
Oh and lastly, I wanted to comment on Lambert! I really like his character as I imagine he’s more along what the average hunter would be like! He seems more like what the hunter has described of Vanessa, so it makes me think that just like Sun and Moon are unique even among demons, y/n is unique even among hunters! Lambert’s way of doing stuff might not be compatible with theirs, his personality as well, but he obviously does his job well, and seems trustworthy when it comes to covering their back! Also, at the part where we find out his reaction to the night terrors, I imagine perhaps there’s a bit of y/n’s insecurities influencing how they perceived his reaction? He has seen The Horrors too. I doubt he was pitying or ashamed of them. He seemed to understand but this is a stranger and we know he is detached on the emotional side. But that’s just what it seemed like to me! In any case, uuuh, he really is in a tough spot now huh? He’s going against a very brutal demon, and he just accused Sun of being a cryptid, the very thing they’ve been terrified of y/n finding out and the cause of the current fight. Also, demons don’t have hearts so even killing the lizard demon won’t give them a meal so uuuuuh, yeah! Poor Lambert’s chances are… yeah XD
Omg this is so long already hgkfhdkd So as you can see, loved the chapter, so looking forward to the next, I am so excited for what’s coming! Amazing work, Naff!
Chaotik, I just have to say that your comments bring me to life! *smooch ya on the head*
Ahahha, good eye! Not one 'sweetie'. Funny how Y/N isn't in such a petname-giving mood ;-;
That little parting of ways was one of my favorite angsty scenes to write! There's so much hurt and honesty (and lack thereof) but then Y/N walks away from them and it actually doesn't help Y/N to focus or feel better like they desperately wanted it to.
Ah, yes! That was the boys that Y/N felt watching them! They never listen when Y/N tells them to stay behind smh
Hehehe, drinking up your little prediction ♥
YES! The tongue-eater is a cunning, terrible creature! I'm so happy that you trust Y/N as a hunter holding their own!!!
EEE! I'm also really happy you pointed out the animal-like behavior of the tongue-eater setting up a trap! I took a lot of inspiration from desert reptiles for this brute hehe
Lambert is tolerating Sun for the moment, but he's not entirely persuaded; we'll see that later.
You're correct that Y/N is mad and overall still upset with them! The boys, however, have their own bones to pick with Y/N and this particular hunt they went on.
Ah, I'm glad you like Lambert! I'm honestly a little surprised by the reactions to Lambert so far but it's really nice to see everyone discuss what amounts to an OC of mine that's here to help establish worldbuilding and propel the plot along. He is more along the lines of an average hunter! You're also right to point out that the hunter is projecting their insecurities onto Lambert's reaction to being told they have night terrors. Y/N is already so hurt and dishearted (heh) by Sun/Moon not trusting them that they're seeing things that aren't there. Lambert understands. He has nightmares, not night terrors, but nightmares, too, but he's got an iron wall built around his emotional compartment and nothing is getting in or out of that bad boy, so he came off a bit judgemental for not saying much about it. So, a little blame can go around to both of them for that little misunderstanding.
Demonic cryptids don't have hearts, but that doesn't mean there aren't hearts out in the desert. Ya know, waste not, want not.
Ahhh, thank you Chaotik! It's always a treat to read your thoughts and know that you're enjoying my writing! It means the world to me, babe ♥
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lanceappreciationblog · 9 months
(Apologize for my long, rambling ask, this is just in my brain and not like. Me forcing it on anyone or anything ksjfksagjklasdfsdf. Hope nobody minds me sharing this anyway because it’s very personal to me!! ^^;) I’m not sure anyone else has ever had this thought except me before, but one of my favorite personal headcanons about Lance is that he’s deaf/hard of hearing. :) I don’t see those kind of headcanons a lot in fandom, so seeing it applied to my favorite characters means a lot when people take the time to think about it a little bit. And one day I did that, and I decided to slap the label onto Lance. And I was really just projecting my love onto him when I did that, but then I seriously considered the idea and realized I could genuinely see it fitting him.
First off, Lance is a dragon trainer. Even if his pokemon are well-behaved, it makes sense that they’d be incredibly loud and sometimes temperamental. His poor ears never stood a chance if he was going to be growing up in an entire clan of dragon trainers. Also, he does a lot of wild and crazy missions as a G-Man. He’s probably been the victim (and instigator, naturally >:)) of some pretty sick explosions, which could be hell on his hearing. Thankfully, he doesn’t need perfect hearing to know what move a pokémon’s gonna use before it’s even gotten started, so he’s still at the top of his game.
I also think in this instance Lance would be one of those guys whose normal voice is loud enough that people sometimes cringe when he greets them. Most people tend to think that being a dragon trainer suits him perfectly because he’s so loud, but it’s really the opposite. (Oh, just wait til they meet Clair. Homegirl has never even heard of an inside voice… pun intended)
I haven’t decided if Lance would wear hearing aids yet (this is just silly brainrot after all), but I think he would know sign language. He’d know it more because of who he is though rather than because it’s a necessity. His hearing isn’t THAT bad. However it is necessary TO ME because just imagine him talking with Red in sign language and teaching it to Blue so he can do the same. It gives me such warm fuzzies :’)))
(Ahhhh this got so long. Sorry about that! I have a lot of feelings about Lance being deaf apparently 👉👈)
I have never considered this but now I have!! Thank you for the mega-brain headcanon!!!
His loud voice, talking in sign language with Red, GENIUS!
I hope I'm not derailing from your own HC, but I remembered having a strong headcanon about Lance being sensitive to loud noises, such as crowds and booming music. It gives him a serious case of sensory overload and has to wear earplugs when going out to meetups and big stadiums.
Honestly, this one line of dialogue in GSC/HGSS when you defeat Lance is my reasoning for this hc. :_D
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whistlingstarlight · 10 months
You said in your pinned post that one of your favourite movies is The Lost Boys! I watched it for the first time a couple weeks ago and I thought it was fun. I'd love to hear some of your thoughts on it, especially your favourite characters!!
also the thing is one of my favourite movies i'd love to hear you ramble about it but you don't have to
I love it sm it's such a fun silly movie. Tbh vampires aren't usually my thing but I love the aesthetic of this movie: lots of my favourite 1980s fashion, and vampires in a beach town is a unique idea! The hideout in the destroyed hotel is one of my favourite horror movie locations, it's so eerie and looks just like a place a bunch of teenagers would go hang out.
The Frog brothers are probably my favourite characters because I love how comically serious they are about their vampire hunting (despite being painfully inexperienced). The grandpa is also absolutely iconic and has some of the funniest lines in the whole film kjsdjkds
The vampires (bar David) sadly don't get a whole lot of unique personality -although they've got some incredible fashion sense- but I have a bit of a bias for Marko mainly due to being played by Alex Winter (even if his hair is absolutely atrocious even for the 80s </3)
I'm yet to read the novelisation (but fully intend to when I can find a copy), but in that the other Lost Boys are apparently given a bit more personality; Dwayne likes skateboarding and Paul regularly tries to cheer up Star by being funny, traits I wish we could've seen in the movie.
The bridge scene is extremely iconic, and the climax is only of my favourites in a horror movie. Whilst the Lost Boys may be lacking in unique personality, they more than make up for it with their extremely memorable deaths. Paul gets some more characterisation during the attack too: Whilst it's of course a mission to retrieve Star and Laddie, it's also to get revenge for Marko's death (and the fact Paul seeks out the Frogs specifically whilst aiming to fully kill them, makes me think he's the most affected by Marko's death).
And the twist as to who the head vampire was, I genuinely did not see it coming when I first watched it. The Lost Boys brought new rules to the table as to how vampires operate and they were excellent new rules, I went into the film expecting only the "standard" vampire rules and was caught completely off-guard by the end.
It's an extremely good movie with a good balance of comedy (even if it's not billed as such) and horror and I highly recommend it, although if blood makes you squeamish you might want to look away during the vampire death scenes (especially Paul's 😬)
Also I would absolutely love to ramble about The Thing there's literally never a time I won't want to talk about it. I've finally put together my thoughts on each mystery throughout the film, now I know there's even a small audience for it I'll put my thoughts into a post soonish👀
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aylaaescar · 1 year
Hi hello those ships asks are so much fun!! So here's a bunch: 11, 22, 27 for Vanyla/Leliana, 3+13 for Sky and Atton if you feel like it, 7+24 for Rosemary/Fenris, and 12-15 for Meg/Ashley? <3 WAIT also 1, 23, 30 for Aelisay/Bull
aHHHh thank you!! my blorbos and THEIR blorbos <3 (and right?? these are so fun skdfgj I love answering these, even if they take me a hot minute)
putting under a cut bc I ramble <3
11. What good do they bring out in each other?
I think that what Leliana brings out of Vanyla is more obvious than the other way around, for one thing. Vanyla is way nicer and softer when Leliana is around, puts more effort into not being quite so sharp and mean as she normally is. (which, in all fairness, is a thing that she learns in general during the Blight, but Leli brings it out more often lol.)
on Leliana's end, Vanyla helps her to be more accepting and at peace with herself and what she's done. Vanyla is very firm that no matter what Leli's done in the past, it doesn't dictate who she is now, and that Marjolaine's comments were worthless, cruel jabs to lower her guard.
22. What's different about their backgrounds? Do those differences affect the relationship?
so you've got Leliana, orphan who was raised by a noblewoman turned bard turned runaway turned Chantry sister. Vanyla, meanwhile, was a noblewoman who lived in the total lap of luxury until very recently. I wanna say that it affects the relationship, but it also doesn't? as in - obviously they have different backgrounds that shaped their views on the world. I can only speak for Vanny since she's my OC, ofc, but she was deeply spoiled and self-absorbed before becoming a Warden. this woman stomped her foot and threw a fit the first time she had to actually pay for something and didn't have the coin or family name to her name. (Alistair saw it. he's been judging her for that moment ever since.)
so it affects her relationship w Leliana, but it also affects, like, everything about the Blight and her growing up as a person during it, lol. does that make sense?? learning to be less spoiled and arrogant was a big thing for her. listening to Leliana talk about her background might be one of the first times Vanyla gave much of a thought to the lives of her castle's servants, and it was a deeply uncomfortable realization that kept her up that night.
27. What interests do they share? For interests they don't share, do they ever participate anyway?
fun fact: they actually first bonded w each other because they were talking about shoes or hair, lol. they're both very feminine and fashionable, they love pretty frilly things and shoes. Vanyla is a proud Fereldan ofc, but if there's anything Orlais does better in her opinion, it's the shoes. and fashion. they go shopping together a lot whenever they're in Denerim or a major city that allows it, and though the Blight probably isn't the best time to lug around some cute dresses like that... it's fine, it's all fine, it's going to a good cause. the cause of looking great. :^)
Vanyla also loves reading and whatever the Thedosian equivalent of brain teasers are, and I would hazard a guess that Leliana enjoys those as well? yeah.
Sky/Atton (rest assured that I am always down to talk about them skdfjg I'm just lazy and haven't added the KOTOR crew to my OC page yet bc idk what to do for images?? somebody remind me to get on that sometime)
3. What's their favorite thing to tease each other about?
idk if they have a favorite thing, but they affectionately tease each other about a fair amount? piloting skills, pazaak skills, Force talents, you name it. Sky's glowing red eyes came up in conversation once when it was pitch black and Atton was able to see her anyway. gotta love the Chiss.
13. How do they express love for each other? Do they have compatible love languages?
I talked about it a bit on my old blog, but a thing before I answer bc I feel like it affects it: they never actually get together. they're in love w each other, yeah, and I think they spend their lives together after Sky returns from finding Revan, but it's strictly in this officially platonic capacity. they're best friends who understand each other and their respective dark sides better than anybody, they're loyal to each other and would die for the other, but there's also... never any romantic resolution to their relationship. neither of them can forgive themselves for what they've done enough to let themself be loved, I think. idk if I'm explaining it well haha. and in Sky's case, she doesn't know if Atton would actually want to be with her or if the Force bonds would make him fall for her. it's complicated.
anyway! to answer the actual question! I would peg them as both being quality time and acts of service - the former bc, well, they spend p much all their time together when Sky gets back from finding Revan and she reconciles with Atton. the latter bc they might never actually say the words "I'm in love with you" to each other and stay officially platonic, but they still do what they can for each other anyway. nobody has their back like the other does.
7. What's their most and least favorite thing about each other?
for Rosemary: man, what didn't she like about him? his strength, his sense of humor, his cleverness, she loved p much everything. his stance on mages caused some friction, but they were able to come around and see each other's point of view after a while.
for Fenris: I'd say that he loved her compassion and humor most of all, and that what he liked the least was how much she was unable to stop blaming herself for bad things that weren't her fault. :/
24. How did they fall for each other?
I feel like they were both attracted to each other from the start, but falling in love was a thing that happened gradually over the years as they became friends and got to really know each other. idk if there was any one big event that prompted it, but they both became much more aware of their own feelings and started to explore the possibility of a romance between each other just a bit before act 2 started.
12. What struggle have they seen each other through?
*gestures to the whole Reaper thing*
but that's a cheap answer sdkfghsjgk. Virmire is a heavy one for them both - they were both close friends with Kaidan, and his loss never really stopped being painful. it just became easier to deal with.
Meg had to deal with her former gang on Earth becoming xenophobic as they pushed into space, as well as learning more of the circumstances behind Akuze, and Ashley was present for both of those. Ashley had to deal with the loss of her sister's husband, which Meg was there for. on a much, MUCH lighter note - there was some anxiety and fear about the rules and regulations back in ME1, but by the time ME3 rolled around, they both decided they didn't care. they could be written up when the Reapers were gone.
13. How do they express love for each other? Do they have compatible love languages?
not verbally, for one thing. they'll both say it in big moments, I think, but otherwise they don't say "I love you" as much as other couples might. not that they don't feel it, ofc, it's just not who they are (and Meg in particular has a very hard time verbalizing how she feels). so I'd peg them as quality time and acts of service? spending a lot of time together while going out of their way to do things for the other that'll make her life easier.
14. What little things remind them of each other?
Meg re: Ashley: phoenix armor, shotguns (or boomsticks, as they're lovingly called), poetry, discussions of faith
Ashley re: Meg: the color pink, pretty shoes and fashion in general, biotic charges, hilariously deadpan/stoic responses to weird stuff
15. What habits or characteristics have they picked up from each other?
idk if this one counts as a habit, but Meg's become a lot more expressive after she and Ashley have been together for a while. she's still largely a stoic person lol, but she shows emotions more often than she used to. also she smiles more, which takes everybody by surprise the first time that happens.
Ashley feels a little bit harder to pin down? maybe a bit of Meg's rather clipped way of speaking, but that's about all I can think of? 🤔 she doesn't really strike me as the type to easily pick up stuff from others, she's very uniquely herself lol.
1. What do they think of each other's family? And how does the family feel?
the Ostwick clan just loves that one :^D jk no uh, the Trevelyan family isn't terribly thrilled as a whole? Ealisay's parents would really rather that she agree to marry some nice noble and secure an alliance, but I'm also reasonably sure there's jack squat they can do about it since their kid is LITERALLY the Herald of Andraste. they come to be more accepting over time, and even approve a little bc Ealisay is obviously happy, but it takes a bit for them to get there. Ealisay's siblings are kind of mixed - at least one is the same as their parents, at least one just plain doesn't care and is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ about it, and I know Ealisay has a mage twin brother (you heard it here first, folks) who's happy for her. that said, Ealisay isn't really close to her family in general and doesn't actively seek their approval anymore. she's happy with Bull, and that's what matters to her. I get the impression that Bull probably wouldn't want to get involved with that scene?? which works fine for Ealisay, bc she doesn't really want to get involved anymore either.
long paragraph woo
on Bull's end, obviously biological family is trickier bc the Qun but! he sure does have the Chargers! and Ealisay gets along with them VERY well, they're family as far as they're both concerned. complete with meddling sister vibes as she plays matchmaker for Krem and Maryden.
23. What was their first impression of each other?
Ealisay internally: m u s c l e s
basically that he was A) enormous B) good in a fight C) hot D) BIG MUSCLES. idk if it's been mentioned before but that girl is heart eyes for big muscles. it's hot. she also thought he seemed like he'd be enjoyable to have around, just from his general demeanor, so she liked him p much right away? admitting that he was a Ben-Hassrath didn't really deter her lol, she thought it was nice that he was upfront and didn't really think about that until waaaay later.
on Bull's end, I will assume that he also noticed Ealisay being good in a fight bc that lady is a solid tank lol. also that she was... ehh "silly" isn't the right word, but not as serious as one might assume the Herald of Andraste to be? he knew who she was right away, ofc, but she was a lot more relaxed and playful than one might have assumed a noblewoman turned Herald to be.
30. Where is their relationship the strongest?
w their muscles bc they're both buff warriors 💪🐮💪���
jk no, I'm gonna say that it's in how plain supportive they are of each other? Bull's is obvious from his romance, how much he goes out of his way to help the Inquisitor feel good and grounded, and I love him for it (as does Ealisay). Ealisay is similar in that regard - she's the first to tell him that he's a good man without the Qun and that he doesn't need it to be a good person, she'll just shrug and pick up the stick and go to town when he's doing those fear exercises, she distracts him so he'll have a nice birthday surprise even tho they both know he knows what the Chargers are doing. they're very ride or die for each other.
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embossross · 1 year
ahh hi again ross !! it's the anon who complimented your dialogue writing skills in the devotion of the girl in the mirror !! i ended up binging from his mind to yours the next day and ahhhh i'm screaming
like i dont know how i keep finding something new to love about your writing in each of your fics but you managed to do that !! i promise i mean it in the best way ever when i say that you make each of the characters you write seem like your own. like i guess that's the beauty of authors characterising canon characters in their own way but in your fics it's just so much better especially because i can also tell that your hanma in that fic would probably fit in really well in the in the actual tr universe i have no idea if that makes sense but i'll just be rambling if i try to explain myself anymore.
i'll cut it down to me telling you that i see all the tr characters in a new light after reading your fics like the little twists you give to them makes me fall in love with them in a whole other way. and hanma has always held a special place in my heart ever since i saw the live action version of him back when the trailer for the first live action film came out and he got me hooked straight away. anywhooo i really appreciate you being in this fandom and sharing with us your talent in the form your writing, your fics have genuinely been the highlight of my time while i've been off from work due to my illness and will continue to be even when i return to work :')
such a lovely ask to wake up to!! thank you sincerely. you're so very very kind!
i realized recently that in my nearly 10 years writing fic, i've only ever written in fandoms where the characters are underwritten (e.g, hanma, rindou) or there's a big time jump so we no longer know the character (e.g. mikey), and it's 100% because of what you say here. it gives me so much room as a writer to make decisions about the characters to align with the themes, plots, relationships that interest me. i don't have to honor a fully-developed character but to create my own thing. what is so touching is that you think i do a good job maintaining the core of those characters though and making them fit within the canon universe. that is how i judge success, so seriously thank you!
as to what you said at the end...that made me tear up. i'm so glad that you're finding things to be excited about during such a hard time and so honored that my writing is one of them. Thank you so so much ❤️❤️❤️
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nextdoorharry · 3 years
imaaaaagine a world like that..can you? part 2
in which y/n sees a text, harry lies to her, and wants her back.
a/n: ahhhh!!! i feel like the first part of this story was a fan favorite out of all my other pieces! so thank you thank you thank you!!! hope you enjoy!
here’s the link to part 1 if you haven’t read it already!
you were always a light sleeper. you would wake up to a pillow falling on the floor, slight wind coming from outside, or even a phone that’s on silent vibrate. that’s the case when you woke up to a text vibration sound coming from a phone. tired eyes, you wake from your current position and see a love island episode playing. on auto-play of course because you already remember watching the previous episode a few days prior. you guess you and harry fell asleep during the new one you two were watching. with tired eyes, you squint to see harry sleeping peacefully. you miss this, you thought. sitting there in silence and taking in how harry used to sleep, slight snores, mouth a little open. except he’d be right next to you and not across.
your thoughts interrupted you hear the text buzz again. you grab what you assume to be your phone, since you and harry both have simple, plain black cases.
it wasn’t your phone. it was harry’s.
you realized this when you read the text displayed on the lock screen, from olivia wilde.
I miss you, and our casual hookups. Can’t stop thinking about it. it read. you wanted to breakdown and cry right there.
you felt all kinds of emotions; confused, upset, angry, and jealous. why wouldn’t harry tell me this part? no i understand that, but why would he make it seem like he did not enjoy it at all? clearly he’s comfortable doing this stunt if he was hooking up with her. all these thoughts running through your head as you quietly get up, turn off the tv, and go upstairs to your bedroom. leaving harry to sleep on the couch.
you feel tears rolling down your face as you get into bed, quiet sobs erupting from your chest. you loved him. you still love him. you were glad when harry said that it’s all pr. you were glad when he made it seem like its all fake. but now, it was all a lie. sure it was a pr stunt, but harry and olivia seemed to take advantage of that and use that to get intimate. he clearly wasn’t as annoyed as he made to seem about the situation since he got to hookup with her. you may be jealous, but you don’t care that he didn’t mention something private like that to you, because he didn’t need to, it’s his business. but what stings is that he made it seem like it was clear he wasn’t actually into olivia.
you wake up to hear the coffee machine on, and the sound of something being cut against the cutting board. harry’s still here. you felt weird facing him now that you know he lied to you. even though you two aren’t in a relationship anymore, he has never lied to you. ever. nonetheless, you get up and proceed with your morning routine, then head downstairs.
“mornin,’ sleep well?” harry smiles as he sees you enter the kitchen. his eyebrows furrow a bit as you come closer to his vision. he couldn’t help but notice your eyes look a bit puffier than usual than how it normally looks when you’ve just woken up. he knows its either allergies or that you cried.
you reply with a slight “mhm” and reach for the cupboard to get glasses.
the thought of you crying makes him worried. it always did. you rarely cried during your relationship with him. only when it was a close individual’s funeral, or tears of laughter. or the day you two argued and he broke it off with you.
that’s why he hates seeing you in your state now. because if you were crying, all he could picture is the day you two broke up.
“y/n, y’good? your eyes look puffier than usual, love.” harry asks cautiously, trying to read your face, which refuses to make eye contact with him.
you were stood by the fridge, filling the glasses of water for the two of you when you replied, “m’good, just allergies. cat’s shedding season.” you say with a straight face, looking towards the glasses you’re filling. not wanting to look harry in the eyes. because all you can think about is how he was intimate with olivia, and how he lied. your stomach already turns at the thought.
“take the allergy meds that doctor prescribed you a while ago. remember it works wonders.” harry smiles, setting yours and his plate down on the table as you come and set the glasses down.
harry makes it so damn hard to hate him sometimes. the fact that he remembers the little things has you in awe. but no, not right now y/n.
“mhm, i’ll call in to get those refilled.” you lie through your teeth, acting as if the allergies were the reason for your current state, “thanks for breakfast by the way, y’didn’t have to. my fault for waking up later than usual.” you say sitting down.
harry sitting across from you, senses a different feel to how you were yesterday. you seem a bit off now, and you were never like this in the mornings. he supposes you did have a late night and filled with allergies bothering you, so you’re probably not in the best mood.
he shrugs it off, “no need, i overstayed my visit on accident, and its the least i can do after you helped me with my little uh, situation,” harry giggles, sticking a strawberry in his mouth.
you give him a glare as he looks down. his situation he says. you wanted to laugh in his face.
it’s a silent breakfast from there. harry in his own thoughts thinking about last night. oh, how much he missed you. how much he wanted to cuddle with you. be sleeping in bed with you. waking up to your face. soft kisses throughout. he misses it so much. he senses and hopes you miss him too. he had a good feeling last night. and that’s when he decides he needs to say something. if he doesn’t speak now, he never will. now’s the perfect time. after his tour and new album, he’ll be taking a break. a break from everything. a break to spend time with family, friends, live privately, and hopefully settle down with you. now’s the perfect time to reconcile with you and put the offer out on the table.
“..so,” harry begins. you look up and see harry putting his utensils down, wiping his mouth with a napkin, getting ready to speak. “after the tour ends, i’ll be releasing my album, do some promo for that, and then i’ll be on a hiatus..for however long i’d want it to be..”
you can’t just have all feelings for him disappear in less than 24 hours. so when he said that, you can’t lie to yourself and not feel some happiness. yet, he still better not say what you think he’s gonna say. you’re still mad at him y/n. don’t do this to yourself.
“so what are you saying..” you hum.
“god y/n, you know what i’m about to say.” harry purses his lips and looks you in the eye, hands reaching out for yours, “i’m ready to settle down with you, if you’d have me back that is.” he says with a little smile and gleaming eyes.
the days prior from yesterday of you finding out, you would’ve have said yes. you would have breathed out a finally, and had a sense of relief.
but now it’s going to be a different outcome. he took advantage of your kindness and you giving him advice. he took advantage of your time. maybe dramatic, but that’s how you see it.
you’re mad. that slight happiness you got when he said he was taking a break is gone.
“s’not even like we have to be boyfriend and girlfriend for another period of time! we can go straight to fiancés! we already have trust in each other, i mean we only broke up because of my work. nothing else was to be fixed in the relationship! i’ll put a ring on it right now if i have’ta!”
harry rambling, saying some bullshit about trust, causes you to interrupt him, “harry-“ he still rambles but now about having kids. “stop.” you say, voice grew a little louder and more stern.
harry pauses, wide-eyed. sure he didn’t know how you were even feeling about this, but he was sure the love you two have was still there.
“trust?” you laugh in disbelief. “first off, you’re acting like we took a break. a halt in our relationship until you were ready to settle down. you should know that’s not the case. i’ve been patient throughout our relationship far too long for me to be waiting around on your terms.”
“y/n i-“ he interrupts.
“no, i’m talking. this whole ‘trust’ thing is gone. i’m sorry but last night i woke up in the living room to a text notification. i assumed it was my phone, and since we have the same phone cases, i happened to pick yours up and saw a text from who’s supposed to be your ‘pr stunt’? she’s wanting to hook up with you? again? jesus harry, you should know why i’m mad and upset that you’re saying you want me now. even before you said all this, right after seeing that text, i was mad because you lied to me. look, you of course didn’t have to share that you were intimate with her; but don’t make it seem as if you’re not into her at all. and making it seem like it’s the poor girl’s fault. acting as if she’s a nuisance wanting to be intimate or affectionate, cause clearly you wanted her as well.” you end your speech with a sigh, shaking your head. you take a sip of water, mouth dry from the little speech you said. you wait for him to come up with whatever amusing thing he can say to make it not sound as bad as it is.
harry’s startled. doesn’t know what to say. he saw the text when he woke up, but he told her that it wasn’t for him anymore, that he just wanted you, and it was nice in the moment, but they are after all, strictly just business buddies with a platonic friendship. she understood, she seemed a bit mad, but harry didn’t care. he just wanted to make sure there’s nothing in his way to get you back, and that those hookups he had with her were in the past. he’s going to try to fix this.
you speak up again in a calmer tone, “you didn’t care about my feelings,”
his face turns red. nerves rattling him.
“y/n i feel awful about it, know what i mean i-“
you cut him off. “you made me look really dumb, harry.” you say while lightly nodding your head in order to get him to understand.
he begins to speak again. “look i’ll be honest. i should’ve mentioned it yesterday, and m’sorry for that. i will admit, there was a physical attraction with her at the beginning of everything, and since we were broken up-“
you correct him, “are, broken up.”
his heart hurts when you say that, he nods, “yes, are broken up, i didn’t want to live with any regrets. i felt it was better to just experiment and to take advantage of being in the stunt, seeing if there’s a spark,” he takes a breath. “i would’ve regretted if i didn’t and it was better to do it at the time because i didn’t know if you would even take me back once i came home,” he keeps fidgeting with his feet under the table, nervous on what your response will be; but hopefully understanding. because you always were.
wrong. boy was he wrong.
“so..you still did it with the intention of coming back home, hoping to get back with me?” you caught him. “harry..what are you even saying?”
he gulped. fuck. this looks bad. he didn’t think things through, he thought. “look, you didn’t feel anything rushing back last night? everything that we had, and built together?” face even more red.
“yeah and then today..you slapped me across the face with a lie and embarrassed me.” you spat. “what’s wrong with you? you don’t have any respect for me.” shaking your head in disappointment. “and its such a let down considering if you hadn’t hooked up with her, i would’ve hopped right into your arms right when you said you wanted to settle.”
he regrets everything and anything right when you said those words. why did he hook up with her? god did he really think y/n was going to just be waiting around? of course he thought so. he always did. and that’s why you two were broken up.
he sighed, shaking his head as well, as he’s disappointed in himself. he was about to speak, but you beat him to it. “i’m not mad that you hooked up with her, i’m mad that you don’t have any respect for me. i’m mad about your intentions behind it. and the fact that you lied to me making it seem like olivia is the bad guy saying, ‘s’like she enjoys it!’” you repeat his words he said to last night, when he made it seem like he wasn’t into her. “and just the fact that i gave you meaningful advice because i care about you, once again, you embarrassed me. i feel dumb, harry.”
he feels dumb too.
you still didn’t let him speak, instead, you let him leave.
“something needs to change, harry. until then, please leave.” you say, getting up from the table walking hurriedly upstairs, eyes beginning to water, but you feeling satisfied that you listened to your own advice you gave to harry: stand your ground.
a/n: man really thought y/n would be waiting around for her. smh.
hope you guys enjoyed this part!! still deciding on whether to make a part 3 or not! don’t really know which way i want to go about it.
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binch-i-might-be · 2 years
okay these might be crazy ramblings and I was definitely too sleep-deprived and running on too much coffee and also fasting and they probably make no sense but uh here is some shit I wrote :p
John and Patsy bonding and Patsy paints his nails as they share little anecdotes about Alex
Them visiting the places their previous counterparts had been and all the different sites and just getting very bittersweet
George unfortunately has walked on them a lot. Again. Even in this life.
Their rings having like a cute little inscription (no I'm not sharing what I wrote it sounds very weird to me now) or maybe how Alex got the date of their wedding inscribed on the ring so like this time two dates, the previous one and the present one.
Long drives!!!!
Alex! Debate club!
George and Martha look at John and go "Alright you're ours now fuck that stupid excuse of a father" again but tenfold this time.
Also Jacky and John??? like we haven't seen their content in Thin Ice but John getting along with Alex's siblings is something very personal to me.
Jon lives I don't make the rules <3
Okay, the rest are definitely crazy ramblings and I think I've annoyed you enough for one night.
I love crazy ramblings that's the purest form of communication
HELLO?? John and Patsy bonding..... her painting his nails..... omg she's telling stories about this life and John is telling stories from the past one 😭
yes!!! maybe they go on a roadtrip and go by all the places they've been stationed at ahhhh
one thing that will never change: the boys and their inherent need to Get It On in the exact place George needs to be at the exact time George needs to be there
awww they get both 🥺 the wedding dates 🥺 I love them your honour
oh yes the boy needs to Argue
they skip RIGHT past the dislike phase and just immediately adopt the boy. look at him he's 21 he's literally a BABY he needs to be PARENTED
jrhrhdjdjsk very funny that you bring up Jacky and John,,,, because the next installment of Thin Ice may or may not have something to do with that,,,,, *wink wonk*
but YEAH you're correct!!!
also very true. we love to see it 😌
this has annoyed me in exactly zero ways I loved this I love headcanons I am hoarding them and sitting on them like a dragon <3
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
Im gonna just say first, you are LITERALLY carrying the tbhk fandom at this point n you seem so nice ily keep up the good work!!! Second, could I request headcanons of Aoi (female) and Yashiro with a fem!s/o whos secretly an idol/singer? If that makes sense. Ty ty!!
aoi akane x f!reader, yashiro nene x f!reader
a/n: OANFOINFSDN thank you so much;; <33 I’ve been obsessing over TBHK since the day I read the first chapter, and I honestly don’t think my love for it will die anytime soon, so! I’m glad to provide what I can <3 and thank you so much for the compliment, it genuinely means so much!! Ily ily ily, you’re so very welcome, and thank you so much for requesting!!
warnings: none <3
word count: 1,144
Aoi Akane <3
As if she didn’t think you were admirable before-
Aoi always found you gorgeous, almost too beautiful to be with her- how were you not deemed the princess of the school? Really, she didn’t deserve such a title. It should have gone to you.
Your voice? Angelic. She could listen to you 24/7 if life allowed it. No matter how casual she is on the outside, her heart is constantly skipping beats around you, and she’s mentally all over the place. You’re so talented… so beautiful…… she admires you so much….
So, when she goes to your house and sees a few notes, pictures, and cute outfits in your room, she’s instantly curious. Has her beautiful girlfriend’s talent been discovered? In what? What’s up?
“Oh, well- I’m a singer.”
That’s literally her expression- her cute smile doesn’t falter, but her eyes and eyebrows show nothing but… confusion-? No, she knew you were amazing- she was just… caught off guard? How had she not realized it?
You grabbed a picture of you dressed up, and offered it to Aoi. And, honestly? Her admiration went 📈📈📈 if even possible.
“Why didn’t I find out sooner? That’s incredible, (Y/N)! You look amazing, that’s really incredible!”
Hold this moment dear to your heart, because it won’t be often that you catch her off guard and get her to be this excited. She’s genuinely gawking at the photo, asking you a bunch of questions, and looking at every picture you have around-
A princess (of the school) and an idol… it almost sounds like that Barbie movie- except the two of you are in love-
If you have concerts, you’d better believe she’s attending every. Single. One. Who knows how many she missed before realizing you were an idol!! She’s going, no matter what! Standing there, cheering almost uncharacteristically, and looking at you with such genuine love and admiration.
Watching you sing, be it in your room with her, or on the stage, is one of her favorite things. Your love and passion towards it is so sweet to her, and she can practically feel herself falling harder and harder when you’re singing. Your angelic face and voice… your overall stage presence. She almost envied it, in the kindest way possible- in a way where she only looked up to you more because of it.
Aoi listens to your music constantly after finding out. Genuinely, the moment she got home afterwards, she was searching for your music, creating an entirely new playlist for it. I don’t see her as the kind to make many playlists, so consider it a big honor.
As a singer/idol, you certainly already know how to take care of yourself, and probably have others to help with it. Still, Aoi is making sure more than anyone that you’re staying healthy and happy, and not overworking yourself. She’ll make you tea if your throat gets sore, give you massages if you’re sore, and will be ready to fight anyone if they dare push you past your limit. You’re her beautiful, lovely, amazing girlfriend, and she’s going to make absolutely sure that everyone treats you the way you deserve (and that way is like a queen).
Yashiro Nene <3
To be honest, she’s slightly less composed than Aoi. But, similarly to her, Yashiro thought you hung the moon even before she knew you were an idol.
As a hopeless romantic, she thought your relationship was enough of a fairytale. She and her beautiful, talented girlfriend- it was like a dream, really.
“Hm, (Y/N). She kind of looks like you,” Yashiro would say, pointing at a picture you had from a concert.
“Pff- that is me.”
“H… HUH-?”
Sits there, looking at the picture, then at you, repeatedly for a few seconds. “That’s- that’s really believable.”
Give her a few seconds, just trust me. Once you explain a bit more, showing more pictures and such, she’s practically bubbling. If you look closely, you’ll see the sparkles in her eyes as she brags on you. Calling you cool, telling you how beautiful you are, how beautiful you look on a stage, how proud she is, how talented you are!! She’s so impressed!!! She’s so swooned!!
Yashiro is instantly a superfan. Buys your music, goes to every concert- rambles about you to yourself, since she knows it’s still a secret- she doesn’t want to risk anyone knowing that her girlfriend is an idol… BUT THAT’S STILL SO COOL AHHHH,,,
She compares it to all the romance novels she’s read! Not only does she have a girlfriend, her girlfriend is an idol! It’s like those where the girl falls in love with a famous person- or a secret identity story! Or, even somewhat secret lovers?! She’s openly dating (Y/N), but she’s not openly dating (Y/N) the singer-!
S,,, sing to her. Do it, I dare you,,
Hearing your singing through her earbuds is one thing. At a concert is another. In person, sitting with her in your room, conversation slowly died out as you both pondered what to do. Cuddling alone was nice, but the moment you suggested you sing a bit of a song you liked, she was 100000000% down.
As soon as your angelic voice starts singing the first few words, she’s… there’s no word to describe what she is- flustered? So very in love?? Feeling like she’s dreaming??? On cloud 9?? Yashiro’s sitting there, side pressed against yours, her face practically on fire as her heart does all sorts of flips. In that moment, all she can think of is how cool you are, and how much she loves and admires you.
If you keep any of the dresses from concerts, please please, do a little dress-up with her,,,, let her try on the dresses, and put some on yourself. Even hold little “concerts” that consist of instrumentals to songs you two like, holding hairbrushes and dancing around your room, pretty dresses swishing around.
When the two of you are dueting like that, spin her around a bit, then pull her in for a kiss when the song ends, should you be feeling bold. The look on her face will be worth it more than anything ever was- her red face, as she attempts to hide her expression in your shoulder. “You- You can’t just do that, (Y/NNNNN).... W-well, actually you can… I didn’t mind, b-b-but-”
Sometimes, she catches herself humming your music, and listening to it when she’s feeling down or can’t sleep. Being around you is ideal, but she knows you can’t see her any time she wants to see you- if that were the case, you’d be with her constantly. So, on sleepless nights, or when her mind gets a little too noisy, hearing your beautiful voice singing such catchy songs can usually calm her down plenty. Or at least provide a lovely distraction <3
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itwoodbeprefect · 3 years
because of the weird order on my disks, today i watched sga 1x08/1x09, underground! rambles:
teyla, saying the very first words of the episode: “they call themselves the genii. they are simple people, but good farmers and fair traders.” OH MY. 👀 [cackles with foreknowledge]
LOVE that rodney is eating a sandwich at the conference table LOVE that john is pulling frowny confused faces at him from the background even before they start talking about coffee LOVE that the entire team gets in on the debate on rodney’s coffee habits (teyla’s judgy face counts! it says A LOT)
tyrus: “my daughter, sora.” / john: “you must be very proud.” / [sora looks charmed, tyrus points out she’s bethroted] / john: “i... wasn’t hitting on your daughter, i just thought-” fjdkfdj canon confirmed: john is great at multitasking. how else would he manage to be gay and ace and still find the time to be a womanizer and look vaguely distressed about it? some people really can do it all.
 “do you dress as they do of your own accord?” tyrus asks, starting an interesting conversation that’s never explored very deeply in canon. later in the episode, too, teyla acts grateful while talking to sora that the earth people have “accepted” her, which is... interestingly naive, almost? in a way that teyla usually isn’t. she seems a little blinded by the power of the earth people’s technology.
rodney and john have a tiny conversation about the lack of a sense of humor on the part of the genii and john’s like “they can have yours” and rodney fake-laughs and says “oh, you slay me” and then we hop to tyrus in the foreground talking to the (GASP) modern technology hidden under his sleeve, but in the background the team is still walking away and we faintly hear john say “i’m thinking about it” and that just makes that entire exchange with rodney way funnier, especially because they’re in the middle of a wide open field and walking so close their elbows keep bumping.
ahhhh gosh! john and rodney’s iconic lost-in-a-field trip. “define strange.” “you don’t know what strange means?” “i know what strange means, rodney.”
they find a HUGE metal hatch under a barely-there layer of fresh straw in a shed and rodney’s like “i wonder if they even know it’s there”. greatest mind in two galaxies.
i mean. i mean this is too easy, but when they’re talking about the radiation from the genii’s nuclear experiments and rodney tells john “we’ll be fine. just uh, as long as you weren’t planning on having children” and john pulls a complicated face, that does work as the face of a man who knows that was pretty unlikely to begin with if he keeps trying to run away from every woman that shows an interest in him.
not to ever question teyla ever, but while her decision to tell the genii that the genii plan to attack the wraith during hibernation won’t work because they have already awakened is probably a good one, she uh. could have done that without also mentioning that it was the atlanteans she came with that caused that problem.
john telling ford “hold the fort” is exactly my kind of humor, and the tragic bit is that i don’t even think it was supposed to be funny, gosh.
tyrus’s “the wraith must not know we were ever here” argument against teyla’s desire to save the cocooned people on the hive ship is funny to me because it makes me think about whether the wraith actually would notice or not. do they keep a record? it seems likely. if they do, does that mean there are wraith accountants? do they carry a little suitcase made of human skin? does it contain an abacus with human teeth in different colors of yellow to help them keep count?
fjdkf okay so maybe tyrus is just a little out of his mind with the freakiness of being on a wraith ship. “if we save him they will know that he was taken!” he says, and then shoots the guy asking for their help, with his very loud shooty gun, making sure the wraith definitely know there’s someone on their ship. (obviously part of the whole tyrus thing is setup to make teyla not look heartless when she leaves him after he’s captured by the wraith he attracted, which is itself necessary to explain the deeply complicated relationship between the genii and the people of earth later on, but still.)
the team and callen run back to the jumper and there’s this shot of that happening from pretty far away, where they all one by one disappear into the cloaked jumper, and they would have known where it was because ford was holding the fort ( :D ), but do you think they ever just... think they’re about to step into the cloak and miss? like when you’re expecting there to be another step at the top of the stairs but you just stumble on air, except you may also have just stepped into the realization that you lost your car.
“sixty ships. or more.” OH if they only knew, at this point. better they didn’t, perhaps.
last thought: i think the genii are interesting, particularly in this episode, because they are clearly the bad guys in this narrative at the end of the day, but that’s only because the story has already sided with the atlanteans. the genii respond to what happens in ways that are very often exactly what the people from earth might do if they had been in the genii’s position, and that showdown at the end of the episode is a fairly grim example of that (the jumper lands, it’s revealed the genii were laying a trap with a lot of fire power, then it’s revealed the earth people were laying an even BIGGER trap with even MORE fire power), even if it’s presented like a “ha, gotcha!” moment. mostly feels kind of sad to me - here’s the people inhabiting this new galaxy you say you enter in peace, and you keep fighting them at every turn because they’re doing what you would do and you don’t like it when someone else does that.
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