#this shit should be STRAIGHTFORWARD
tswwwit · 6 months
do bill and dipper ever talk about their problems or have serious conversations? We don’t see much of them in the fics— talking about the past, trauma, or insecurities, etc
Getting to that point took them quite a while, but yeah!
Dipper will occasionally talk over or bitch about his life with Bill. Opening up about his feelings. His thoughts. Get a little vulnerable, even, around his husband. It takes a bit before he can do it and get Bill to take it seriously, but that's not a fuckup Bill makes twice.
Mind you, he's still Bill about the listening. Which means about 80% of his 'advice' to Dipper is 'you should totally kill that guy', and 15% is basic commiseration couched in teasing terms. The last 5% is such shockingly insightful advice that Dipper has to do a doubletake to make sure he's still talking to the same guy. One of the perks of knowing the human mind as well as Bil does.
Bill sharing his problems, though? Whoof.
There's a guy who could spend all day whining because the last party wasn't fun enough. Bitch about other people! His day! But getting Bill to admit he has deeper feelings is a billion times worse than pulling teeth. With a crowbar.
If Dipper wants insight into Bill's deeper psyche, he's got to augur the subtle signs of it. Puzzle it out, in fact. He's gotten pretty good at guessing what's going on behind that front - but holy hell does his husband not make it easy.
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I really should sit down and flesh out eyrie’s ex-wife because the two of them were quite close, and loved and understood each other a great deal. even if they did encounter each other as they are now, there would still be that recognition—the whole “despite everything, it’s still you.”
and the two of them could still see how they loved each other—what drew them to each other so long ago. the fragments of the people they were are still there, deep down.
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3416 · 3 months
thank you for sharing the positives to being a leafs fan because it gets exhausting watching the entirety of the hockey world stomp over a team that is dealt with the shorter end of the stick. your content makes me still hold onto faith for a team that isn’t loved.
my question is: do you believe that the leafs hate he justified as much especially in comparison to other teams in the league?
the thing about the leafs is that they have one of the biggest and widest reaching fanbases in the sport (if you go to any games on the road, you'll immediately know what i'm talking about... every arenas like half full of em), but it feels sort of like a love them or hate them in the nhl itself bc of the amount of rivalries and history. that's not even taking into account their surface meme-ability in modern day for being unable to get deep into the playoffs. at least we no longer have to hear a deluge of first round jokes tbh.
i honestly don't think anyone holds as much contempt for the leafs as much as a certain section of their own fanbase so i've never viewed it as a leafs vs everyone else thing, though it definitely is that too lol. i ALSO hate a portion of this fanbase more than i hate any other team or its fans tbh bc of the way they talk about their own damn players. might as well cease to call yourself a fan at a certain point imo regardless of the fact that you grew up with the team or whatever. i don't actually think the leafs are like. targeted or everyone hates them the most (all original 6 teams take a fair bit of heat tbh), but their fans online are the reason a lot of like goofy polls and stuff always read as the leafs being the most annoying/biased/delusional group. it's hard to disagree in some ways. i guess i don't put myself in a position to see a lot of leafs hate in general? i don't follow people who hate them or interact with people who hate them beyond finding ppl in this fanbase who have such nasty things to say, lol, so that colors my perception but. for as much hate as you might see, the leafs are definitely one of if not the most loved team too. center of the hockey world, it's true it's true. you gotta take the hate with the love, but i also think a big part of hockey/sport culture is just chirping and insults in general so fkljdsl. being able to parse what's actual hate and just jokes is also important.
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bumblingbabooshka · 4 months
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Random Romulan Commander in 'Face of the Enemy' I Love You
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kradogsrats · 8 months
thinking again today about Beren going to the nethermost hall of Angband to take one of the three Silmarils from Morgoth's crown for Luthien as demanded by her father and Callum going to (the top of?) the Starscraper to take (one of?) the three quasar diamonds from the Corona of the Heavens for Rayla as demanded to rescue her parents
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wanderingmausoleum · 1 year
most annoying thing i’ve been seeing online lately is ppl in the adhd/autistic communities posting benign relatable posts and being inundated with comments from neurotypicals being like ummm everyone does that and you’re literally promoting harmful self diagnosis :// stop acting like everything is a symptom and it takes all my power not to tell them to shut the fuck up because not everything is about you, is the audhd community not allowed to make funny relatable posts without you insufferable cuntbags assuming the worst and reading shit into it that was never meant to be there
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monmuses · 2 months
I hope this doesn't come off as clingy or annoying or offensive, but out of curiosity, how do you manage to get so active? It seems you always have tons of threads with hundreds of partners, and even though you rely on queuing your threads, and have your queue set to 10 a day, it still takes a week to cycle through to your other partners. (This is not a bad thing, I'm commenting on the amount of threads you have queued.) I've been running a few different rp blogs over the years and am constantly struggling to find people to write with, so even if I reblog memes, post starter calls, inbox calls, or post open starters, I have almost no engagement. I don't want to send in meme after meme after meme because after a certain point, I fear I'm annoying the other person.
Again, I hope this doesn't come off as annoying or offensive, I just want to be able to write, and you seemed like the person to ask. I love your work 💜💚
unprompted asks - always accepting!
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hello hello!! i love these questions, they're never annoying or offensive for me when you just wanna know more. it's totally okay! i don't mind them.
but with being active, it's really just knowing time management and knowing when i can write and if i have enough writing juices to do so. activity is weird for me because i have days where i'll answer EVERYTHING and days where i can barely write one or two words, and it happens. some people are higher activity while others are more in the middle or very low activity. my other partners also run on a queue and a lot of them treat their blogs as a fun hobby, and there's no harm in waiting for stuff.
finding partners is not hard, it's really just "oh you like this? i like this too, let's write!" most people here are SUPER chill and do this for fun. i would look for any promo posts of blogs that are posted by your mutuals or you - those are huge in finding people, same with those roleplay masterlists for various fandoms. some look like these examples here: overwatch, the witcher, cobra kai, scream, ouran highschool hostclub. these are some of the easiest ways to find people because it networks you to other partners of similar interests!
for me, when it came to writing, it really takes a lot of getting out of your comfort zone with talking to people and interacting. as easy as it is to reblog or post inbox calls & starter calls, a lot of it is also reliant on you reaching out for stuff. that requires interacting with their inbox calls & starter calls, sending asks, etc. start small, too, don't try pushing yourself to interact with EVERYBODY, sometimes you can work on just writing with one or two partners, which isn't bad! it takes time to work up that courage and be confident in your writing, because that will help you be more comfortable and getting more interactions that way.
and i promise you are not being annoying to your partners if you're trying to get yourself out there. sending asks is the EASIEST way to start threads and interactions, so NEVER be afraid to send stuff. unless the other partner has said that they prefer plotting & starters over asks or have their askbox closed. you're not causing any harm when you send stuff, because most of the time, people love getting asks.
but yeah, tl;dr work on coming out of your comfort zone and opening up to approaching people, because sometimes you have to. everybody here has some form of anxiety and it takes one person to take that step forward to get stuff going. always know that this is a hobby, so don't treat it like it's a full-time job, it's just something fun! but it takes work to know what you can write, who you write with, etc. you're gonna deal with problems and issues with finding partners, but don't let it push you away!
i do appreciate your kind words though, you seem like a really sweet person! i hope you find decent partners soon for your blog and i hope this stuff helps! ♡
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arsenicflame · 4 months
one of the things that really pisses me off about fandom (in general but it seems 10x worse in the ofmd fandom in specific) is some peoples determination to jump to the worst possible interpretation of any scene with a character they dont like in it. its suddenly not reasonable to read the silly jokey scene as it was indended, we have to assume X character is acting in bad faith because why would he not. if you substituted it with any other person you would not see these readings, but because its someone they dont like we can't possibly read it any other way. im all for reading into the text of the show and analysing and extrapolating from it, but some of the takes i have seen seem so out of left field from the actual show that it feels hard to assume the people writing them are doing it for any reason other than blind hatred of a character.
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cupiare · 8 months
i like. refuse to entertain any thoughts that maybe i just didnt come out right or theres something fundamentally wrong w me cause i don’t want to get caught in a self pitying mindset but i do wonder . what exactly makes me always end up in Predicaments with people why do i feel like the more honest i am and the clearer my intentions the worse they get across
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hjemne · 4 months
Long rant. If my housemate turns up strangled then you're not allowed to use this in court against me or whatever. My genuine opinion is that this guy needs amphetamines and financial hardship, and he's not going to bother getting better without that
Housemate has 6 exams to pass, then one more year of university. Housemate has taken 2 years out already. Housemate goes to Very Prestigious University who very rarely lets people take 2 years out to begin with.
Housemate moves in mid-April. Literally does not leave the house for over a month. Lives off deliveroo. Does negative amounts of housework. Comes out to shower twice a day for 30+ mins with boiling hot water. Otherwise is in his room 23/7. Turned down all offers to socialise 'until after exams' starting two months before exams.
Housemate does not go to revision classes. Housemate does not go to lectures. Housemate does not do anything.
Day before first exam, housemate realises he misread his exam timetable. He has not prepared for the exam the next day. This is somehow not his fault. Housemate decides to take a third year out. Housemate misses the first exam. Housemate's father flies across the world to support him.
Housemate schedules a meeting to discuss taking a third year out. The meeting is at the same time as his second exam. Housemate misses his second exam. Very Prestigious University decides he cannot take a third year out. Housemate thinks this is unfair, because one person in the past was allowed to take three years out. Housemate does not appreciate how exceptional it is to be allowed to take even two years out. Very Prestigious University gives him a very generous compromise of averaging his mark for the final four exams, ignoring the two he missed. Housemate does not appreciate how exceptional this offer is.
Housemate has 6 days between the meeting and his first (third) exam. Housemates sister flies across the world to support him. Housemate decides the day before his first (third) exam that he is dropping out. Housemate immediately gives up at the second first sign of trouble. Housemate wants to change to a different course but stay at the Very Prestigious University. Housemate is fucking deluded about his reality.
Meanwhile, I have sat 6 exams in 8 days at the same Very Prestigious University, representing over 60% of my final grade for my entire 4 year degree.
Housemate has ADHD and depression. I have ADHD and depression. Housemate faced close family bereavement last year. I faced close family bereavement two months ago. Housemate is sad because 5 years ago he was 'falsely accused of rape' and lost friends. I was raped by my domestic partner last year and could only start processing it a few months ago when my housing no longer depended on staying with my rapist. Housemate thinks he has suffered more than Jesus on the cross and so should get special exemptions to university rules (he also thinks he should get his third year off because he misread the single paragraph rule around taking time off). Housemate doesn't seem to consider that other people also have things going on in their lives, but which they have to push through and deal with by actively engaging in the support available instead of months-long self-imposed isolation. Housemate told the university staff who have been helping him that it's the university's problem if so many people are struggling. Which may be true but is a bold fucking move from the guy who has done nothing for multiple years and then expects the university staff to bail him out last minute and do what he wants them to do.
Housemate is also a terrible housemate. Housemate continues to misgender NB housemate. Housemate owes NB housemate hundreds in unpaid bills that he forgets about. Housemate got me alone in his room at 2am and tried to kiss me despite me giving zero indication that I in any way wanted that. Housemate does not do the very very simplest of household tasks despite multiple verbal, texted and printed reminders. Housemate leaves blood (from acne) in the bathroom for others to clean up. Housemate is so goddamn useless and willfully, deliberately ignorant that he doesn't bother trying to unload the dishwasher "because he doesn't know where plates go" my brother in Christ you have spent four months in this house and it is a tiny fucking house!!!!!!! Use your eyeballs you obtuse motherfucker!!!! do you not have a shred of curiosity or independence?? Is there truly nothing going on upstairs?? It's not even that he needs everything spelled out for him, because no matter how many reminders he gets, he still doesn't do it. He needs everything done for him. He doesn't even get his groceries from the shop 5 mins away bc he gets everything delivered. He is 23. He has actively and deliberately cut himself off from others, and then moans about not having a 'proper university experience'. He genuinely seems to believe in his own self-importance, genuinely seems to believe that rules should bend around whatever he wants to happen. He thinks he's the world's specialest and most persecuted little guy when he's really just an incompetent man who cannot function without being coddled by mummy or without being bankrolled by daddy, who is driving himself further into his mental health spiral by refusing to face up to responsibility or reality or consequences. And he can afford to do this because his family are extremely wealthy, so he can always find an escape from doing anything even slightly hard. Because family money gives him the ability to do nothing at all! And so he wont! Because he's not even attempting to manage his ADHD, and so he will always procrastinate until the last minute, then use his money to wiggle out of it anyway. It's destroying him!! And he's destroying my sanity!
I'm going to start tearing him limb from limb with my teeth.
Only positive is that I now look incredible in comparison. Doesn't matter what grade I graduate with, because I at least will graduate
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girlitfeelsgood · 4 months
Writing an essay in swedish when the course literature is in english has me really fucked up like idk if I should use the swedish spellings/variants of names of people/gods/places/concepts etc or if I should use the form of the words that's in the books I'm referencing. Cause it feels weird to write the form of the words used in english in a swedish text but it also feels weird to use different terms than the ones in my source?
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catboysalmon · 7 months
Ok angry anon
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roseband · 11 months
....u literally do not get to complain about being "overwhelmed" at work, and try to push work onto me
when you tried to design an entire line of baby onesies......breaking all brand guidelines, u need to follow brand guidelines as a fucking graphic designer......??? like that's graphic design 101?
like i fixed this once 4 months ago, dealt with licensing depts to fix it but never again, we have pdfs and .ai documents filled with guidelines.. which fonts...... which colors... what sizing and proportions allowed
nope, not dealing with someone else's mess
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nickcassldy · 1 year
wanna scream
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victimized-martyr · 2 years
15 and 27 for the ask game!
15.Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
my unpopular opinion uhhhh
Ginger Cow ain’t a good episode. I personally don’t count it as canon and try to forget it exists. Cartman’s entire emotional investment in Kyle depends on his fiery attitude and willingness to rise up to whatever challenge faces him. Kyle ain’t afraid to throw hands and Cartman loves it when he fights back (I think in part, bc he wants his attention. But a good chunk of it’s because he blows up over the smallest shit and it’s so funny to see). As soon as Kyle leaves the picture, or worse, gives in, Cartman gets bored. So why is it that Cartman enjoys a submissive Kyle in this episode?? It doesn’t make sense to me.
I think also, Cartman and Kyle’s dynamic in the ep isn’t fitting for an ep so late in the show’s run. Cartman and Kyle had a lot of development between seasons 10 and 18, so it’s weird to see a season 7 level of animosity between the two here.
I can talk more reasons why I don’t like Ginger Cow but i don’t wanna talk about Ginger Cow more than I need to so it just… the episode leaves a bad taste in my mouth. ‘s like eatin fart or somethn.
27. answered!
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