#this should probably have content warnings
joyfuladorable · 1 year
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Sunshine in the Rain by Carnati0n_bl00m
“Wait, you don’t have a name? What about your parents, didn’t they give you one?”
The man simply raised his eyebrow, a small grin revealing pointed teeth.
“I do not truly have parents.”
“ What!? That’s insane!” Mickey had never been so - so -
WOW OKAY!! This kinda gotta away from me cuz I wanted to TRY doing two (technically 3) scenes. THIS FIC, MAN!! It's got Mikey angst and hurt/comfort! It's got Bishop being an absolute bastard, and I wanna punt him to the moon and back!! It's got Mikey & Leatherhead becoming Besties!!! I read it right after watching the Rise Movie and OHHHH boy, it is GOOD!!!!
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Concepts for Bishop and Leatherhead! Did not draw Bishop much at all, lol. Will probably use the ref for future stuff, though! Also, I took forever finishing these cuz LH's design started becoming Bleh to me, but I had to commit cuz I was most of the way through the naming scene. Will likely tweak the design later!
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hopefullystillliving · 11 months
You ever get lulled into a false sense of security during the first two thirds of a kid's movie that's good with a serious plot but mostly a pretty fun time, only to have the entire final third tear your heart out, chew it up and spit it out, crush it into even finer paste beneath its heel, and add the fine powder your ribs have been turned into by the sledgehammer it whammed you with as a seasoning?
Anyway Nimona was great, 10/10 would recommend, I was crying on and off for what probably totaled 20 minutes of tears.
#hopeful rambling#nimona#cw graphic#i think that's probably the right tag for that description#anyway yes im a little late to the train but i was waiting until i could watch it with my dearest#my takeaway is that they should put a content warning on it for trans people especially bc you will feel punched in the face#that allegory sure can trans.#i think i related to it in a different way than most people#bc being genderqueer yeah nimona going im not a girl im just myself hit home but im not *trans*#so i think i actually ended up projecting onto balistar as someone who deeply loves a trans person (different ways obviously)#being told 'yes you can rejoin the society you betrayed you aren't like *her* you arent a monster everything can go back to what it was#you can be one of the good guys if you reject the freaks'#but they betrayed you first and the good guys aren't good and how things were is worse actually than saying i love you i see you im with you#to the freaks and the monsters who will accept who you are unlike the society that never will always keeping you to an impossible standard#of never being yourself#so yeah the religious/societal prejudice trauma was very felt at some points#and i grieved for nimona not because she was me but because she was my dearest and she was a friend#and she was a thousand people i will never know who decided it was better to die as yourself than be killed as someone you aren't#and didn't have a person to say im sorry. i see you.#anyway. yeah im still crying. altered my brain chemistry is mild i think it rearranged my organs punched a hole in my chest and i thanked it#nimona spoilers
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exdeputysonso · 6 months
started a brad scenes supercuts drive ✨
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will regularly update as i go through more stuff
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 8 months
Hello. I am back. I am stressed, but under significantly less stress. Immortality on my brain, words are foggy rn. Buckle in.
They hadn't noticed how bad it's gotten. It spread over their flesh now. Immortality comes with a cost of living indefinitely, at losing everything. Yet no one dares to think about how it does not necessarily mean immunity.
It had been a long time for Perkeo. Not even they knew when they first came to be. Time stretched and blended together when you have no use for counting it. Counting was for those who didn't have enough time after all.
But now Perkeo sits at home. Unable to do much else. Their skin had darkened significantly, changing dulling into a slightly greyish colour. The flesh sat heavily on their frame. It had gotten oh so bad. How could they have not realized?
They could feel it writhing under their skin. The sensation shooting shivers up their spine, only with the few nerves that were left undamaged. They groaned as they felt their abdominal muscles and organ walls give way, shifting out of place. It started from the inside out.
They couldn't even muster the strength to call in sick today. Well, they probably wouldn't have this position for much longer anyway. Oh, the boys will be so disappointed. You were really glad to have spent at least this much time with them. Heh, you were worried about finding someone who you wouldn't have to worry about 'having enough time'. The joy un finally discovering them must have distracted you.
You felt it years ago, but now? Now, there is no turning back. As your stomach acid pools in your gut, shredding the rest of your organs. Muscle tear with every slight movement you make. It hurts, so badly. No blade or arrow ever left you feeling like this. No other 'death' had ever left you trembling like this. But you knew death was waiting for you.
Bones snap and cartilage disintegrates, tendons ripping, blood pooling. You struggle to keep your eyes open now. It's all too much. Your vocal chords are torn from the pained whimpering you wanted to scream. Perkeos organs started failing one by one. None leading to their death, unfortunately. Liver, intestines, stomach, lungs, heart. They continued laying, with barely holding onto consciousness. Their brain had not become dysfunctional, yet. Without the incessant beating of their heart, they were left in silence. Their thoughts were a quiet buzz filling their brain. Slow, but still there nonetheless.
They need you.
You should try to get up.
Hhhnngggg owwww.
Maybe you shouldn't even bother, they'll move on!
It hurts so much.
Atleast I got to spend a bit of time with them.
You never got to say goodbye.
Your thoughts dissipate as the rot takes over. Oh? Yeah, the rot. Your body, although resilient, couldn't deal with repairing itself constantly. Especially after extreme deaths. Ones where it would have to pull together your disfigured and scattered remains. So it did a makeshift job. Just for the time being. You ignored it. Eventually, it would take over, decomposing your body from the inside out. You had essentially been a living corpse lately, worrying Sun and Moon to no end. Well, now they wouldn't need to worry, Perkeo thinks to themselves. Their body had been put through so much, this weakend state was only necessary. It would be impossible to remain in perfect condition, despite its distaste for staying dead. It would eat itself apart, until it collapsed and could rebuild from scratch. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Flesh and bone crumbled away, only to reunite, forming a "new body". A refurbished one, one that will have longer till it inevitably collapses. Before it rebuilds itself again. Thought this process takes a tremendous amount of time, as well as trial and error. Struggling to recuperate itself, Perkeos life being a test of viability. They could die hundreds, if not thousands of times before it is completely functional. This could take up to a millenium to fix. Surely, going to be terminated from their current position before the process is complete.
Their brain agonizingly started shutting down, consciousness leaving them for what will never be the last time. Their flesh begins corroding.
If only they could have found their boys sooner.
Basically Perkeos immortality doesn't mean immunity. They will pay the price with not only pain, death, and resurrection. But their body cannot physically take the strain of healing itself. So it found a way to cope. Rotting. Decomposition doesn't mean death, it's a cycle of life. They will make it back... unfortunately the dca may never see them again.
Imagine rotting from the inside out. Feeling your body collapse and corrode around you, as your mind screams for release. Your brain can't take it. But you can never submit to death. Feeling your flesh, thick with festering bacteria, sliding on your bones, feeling trapped in the skin falling off your body. Your insides dissolving into an acidic burning concoction, sloshing around with every slight shift. Your bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles shredding. Loosing the pretty voice so many of your friends throught the ages held dear :)
(What's bolded is my main idea, the rest is filler. I dont think it was written very well though.)
Hope you like it sunsun, I'm tired and my words don't sound right. I can't express my thoughts, but I hope atleast some of my thoughts came across.
Take a study break honey. Drink something warm, eat something healthy, go to bed, ily.🧡
Wait did I just write gore???
God imagine if they came to find you somehow
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jichanxo · 4 months
(late) sunday six
thanks for the tag @passthroughtime and @overdevelopedglasses! not gonna tag anybody because i'm late to the party as is :P i've mentioned sensei au/fic a lot in passing but i think this is the first time i'm actually talking about it properly in a text post as opposed to like, tags on my art... anyway, it goes without saying that this has lost judgment spoilers. part of the premise for this fic is that kitakata never becomes kuwana because he only barely manages to fix everything at the last possible moment. mitsuru lives, but only because he gets lucky. something like that. the main fic takes place long after this, but i recently had a go at trying to write mitsuru and kitakata on the roof together, since it's obviously integral to kitakata's character even if mitsuru doesn't fall into a coma. i'm still feeling it out, but it's been an interesting one. very different from what i'm used to. but also cathartic in some ways.
anyway here's an excerpt. putting another warning here for lost judgment spoilers and mentions of suicide.
Kusumoto looked away, sat up. He didn’t really seem to care that Kitakata was there, aside from the knowledge that he couldn’t do anything rash with him here, which he resented.
He wiped at his chin, his eyes, but the movements were clumsy, and he couldn’t clean himself off properly. His hair was still a mess, though he’d tried to make it presentable again. Kitakata suddenly wished he had a handkerchief in his pocket instead of a packet of cigarettes.
“I’m not going to kill myself, Sensei. You can leave if you want.”
He wanted to relieve Kitakata of any responsibility to be here. He thought Kitakata was only doing any of this to cover his own ass.
Kitakata hadn’t given him any reason to believe otherwise.
“Oh, well.” He fished for the first excuse that came to mind. “Haven’t had my smoke yet.”
He pulled one out, took his time lighting it. It’d buy him some time. It didn’t matter what Kusumoto thought of him, and he wouldn’t delude himself to expect that he might think that Kitakata was here because he wanted to be. It wasn’t entirely untrue, after all, that he was just trying to cover his ass. He’d made a mistake, and he was desperate to fix it.
He took a drag. Exhaled. Looked to Kusumoto.
“Do you mean it?” He asked.
“Mean what?” Kusumoto mumbled.
“When you said you weren’t going to kill yourself.”
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yama-does-art · 8 months
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Beware of scaplets, especially poorly drawn ones.
To be fair, I was practicing the animation fundamentals.
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aeide-thea · 2 years
there's context here but frankly making a real post abt this would require my brain to be in better shape so this is just the little orphaned scratchpad version, but like
everybody's always on about, like, fanfic is just an amateur peer community so we can't critique it the way we would Real Lit bc the power dynamic is different and everybody involved is tender and delicate
but like. how many readers have to Only Read Fanfic—which like, i have no actual numbers but anecdotally that seems like it's more and more of a thing—before it's like, actually fic has effectively grown up and become the Man it was imitating. also frankly plenty of BNFs *do* in fact have status and influence over their audience, like, yeah they typically are more *accessible* to their audiences than pro authors and if yr going to take advantage of that by addressing them directly it does in fact behoove you to treat them like an actual person rather than an Invulnerable Content Purveyor, as in fact you should be treating *everyone* you interact with on the internet despite all of our facelessness, but like
kinda feels like fic has in fact reached a level of visibility and influence with the reading population where this whole argument that like, it can do whatever it wants while we can't point at anything it's doing as being an issue in any way starts to feel a little dubious to me?
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icedteaandoldlace · 1 year
You ever glance at the summary for a fanfiction as you're scrolling past it, and it's an excerpt of the fic, and it leaves you wanting to scrub it from your brain hours later?
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silverandebony · 10 months
do i go to the small hang out event (two of the people are midly irritating, it was planned Literally Monday, i'd have to leave the house, i'll feel bad if i don't,) or do i stay the fuck home and do gw2 raids with my guild (fun, also some annoying people but i can ignore/mute them, enjoyable, useful, haven't talked to one of the people for a bit,)
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petrichorvoices · 2 years
having Cotards is kinda convenient when you're poor. forget to eat because you’re dead and don’t need to? that’s fine, now you don’t have to notice how few options there are anyway!
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longagoitwastuesday · 2 years
I'm reading the Cyrano and what a JOY. Literally shaking and giggling and laughing and rereading, and then reading again but out loud making faces and gestures, and then reading again but in French, and then again making more faces and more gestures, and all the while shaking even more
#I should probably delete this later#I talk too much#Cyrano de Bergerac#It's been a long while since I last read something for the first time that I enjoyed this much. I'm having a blast#He is even more adorable than in adaptations and is even more desperately in love#and way more insecure#I like her and their relationship before but no adaptation I've watched (not even new stories inspired by it)#make justice to the relationship Roxane and Cyrano have#They are so so so close. The best scenes are between them as they are#They feel so natural and so honestly close and honestly having a good time together#They are so open with each (ironically XD) and I adore when they joke and tease each other#And Cyrano reads so obviously enchanted so clearly enamoured so openly enraptured in the middle of the chitchat the jokes and the teasing#that it feels you can see his face between the lines#And in the middle of the chitchat the jokes and the teasing at times something makes him break for an instant and he has to recover#after the shock the fear or the pain#and it hits you like a punch in the guys every damn time#The relationship he has with his friend Le Bret is the other thing I'm enjoying the most in the play#I love him. I love how he smiles bitterly at Cyrano's feats because he worries he's making so many enemies#I love how he reprimands him over this several times and warns him over and over and cannot help#but not be entirely diverted or content with it as the other characters are because he honestly loves Cyrano#And I love that he loves him so he really cannot see why his friend should doubt himself so much when clearly he's not unlovable#And see? That girl that gave you one grape and would have given you the entire table obviously regarded you in kindness and love#Why wouldn't Roxane? You love her so and she is so fond of you just tell her. And his support is so that Cyrano actually half listens#And then the tenderness in those lines about how he could cry in anger and pride as much as he wanted but quietly tell him the truth#which is that he had found out Roxane didn't love him? I can't I love him and I love them#I like Christian as well but thus far for me it's Le Bret all the way the one who has the best dynamic with Cyrano other than Roxane#I'm really really loving this play. And I'm so glad I'm reading the French version alongside the translation#Because really no translation in any language I've found make it justice#And I say this as someone with mediocre French who hasn't used it much at all these years. I wish I could read this with native French eyes#It's fantastic truly. Fantastic. It honestly had me shaking many many times and my pulse rushed most of the time
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yourthirdparent · 2 years
how is jason both an older brother figure and a father figure? good question. have you ever played obey me
#unfollow me rn i'm hyperfixating#i won't share content about it other than this post but i can't promise i won't randomly hop in the tags of a post and mention a character#but if i say lucifer it's referring to my friend luci i do not give a shit about the obey me character and will never mention him#not tagging fandom or character#sorry about all the tags rip#allfatherly guidance#also yes i know there are. issues with obey me. i've played the game. i've seen the problems. i'm hyperfixating anyways#whatever i'm practically a pjo blog you guys are familiar with media with Oddities c'mon#also to that one person who follows me who's dni includes obey me fans i'm so sorry#bonus pologies for tags tag#also i will elaborate on what the fuck this means if asked OR if i feel like it#bonus BONUS pologies for tags tag woah#i cannot shut the fuck up wow#still into jj though! if i make original posts or reblog any fandom content it will probably still be about him#i will come out of my shitty demon dating sim induced haze if i see him he's more than just a character to me he's like a person#it's like how i'll reappear from the woods if i hear my children calling my name yk#wow i literally don't shut up i should make a tag for when it gets this bad so people can block it so tumblr will warn them of my tags#or so they don't have to see what i rambled about for so long it needed a tag ever again#i want it to be a reference to this post actually but like so stupid that nobody who knows this post or even the context would get it#so not even i'll get it later#so uuhhhhhh block uhhhhhhhhhhh#the devil is the father of fathers and brother of brothers and god is satan's chippering son#← block that one that's for if i ramble on for like 20 fucking tags like now that's my shut the fuck up god tag#literally just block it and never read the rambling it's not worth it the post wouldn't be worth it#i should make a pinned post just to tell people to block that tag#could explain anything about who i am (probably should considering i haven't even officially posted my name) but no#it's just gonna be like ↓BLOCK THIS TAG↓ and the only tag is that#actually i'm gonna make that pinned. first i have to figure out how to pin a post
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crimsonblackrose · 2 years
Wait...wait what? I thought my blog was just getting a fluke in a spike of activity. I thought the activity was like people finding their way through the middle of nowhere because of my posts and being like hey thanks. Not...not big name author’s assistant asking me if I interview authors on my podcast that I stopped doing like two summers ago.
Cue panic. 
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thedragonboi · 2 years
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Hey not to diet shame or whatever but I need to know what’s in tumblr’s algorithm to think this is remotely similar to my likes
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ciaoteamo · 2 months
Milk and Water Pt. II
pairings: doppelgänger!Milkman x fem!Reader
summary: the aftermath of letting him in
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(art credits: @yunonoaii)
warnings: 18+ content
“…what. the. fuck.” You mutter to yourself, watching the scene before you unfold.
“mmm, how about letting me in now? promise i won’t bite you too hard” His eyes were dangerously seductive.
Your desktop fan and the slight rustling sound of (what you could only assume was) him touching himself filled the eerie silence of your office space.
However, he could still tell that you were hesitant to let him in, especially considering what he just did to D.D.D.
“how about this, sweetheart we-“
“if i open this door.” You cut him off. He shuts up quickly and halts his movements with a blank stare. His eyes watching you intently.
“you come straight to me, or else i swear to fuck. it will not be a good time for you. you copy?” Your hands were firmly grasping the edge of the desk as you stared the man in his color changing eyes.
“i promise” He kisses the window and you give him one last short lived glare before unlocking the door for him.
He slowly turns away from you and walks toward the door and you felt relieved to hear a light knock a few seconds later before he let himself in.
“see? you can trust the milkman” He grins.
He was a mess. Between the torn clothing, the blood, and his unzipped slacks that displayed his black briefs holding back a huge bulge, he honestly looked like something out of a wet dream.
“this is quite a small space… you think i’ll be alright in here?” He closed the door behind himself and strides toward you.
“you don’t have any choice but to be alright” You retort and he chortles.
“i love this mouth of yours… i’ve never crossed paths with a human as bold as you…” He tilts his head, placing a hand under your chin to lift it a bit.
“unless you’re actually scared… and using this boldness as a tactic..?” His irises turn white once again and his grip on your chin tightened slightly.
Though you were enduring a near death experience right now, being that you were this close to a doppelgänger, you were unbelievably horny.
“tactics?” You start. You already knew that you probably wouldn’t be able to get out of his grip just by moving, so you used a more… inappropriate approach.
You took a step closer to him, closing in the 2 foot gap that sat between the two of you and you placed your palm over his hard-on.
His grip immediately loosened a bit and his fingers twitched against your skin. What a reaction that was…
You feel more confident, realizing that he’s just another horny good looking guy. “is there a reason i should be afraid of you?” You ask, hand squeezing around him and a finger rubbing his tip.
He shudders and his hand falls from your chin and rests around your throat. His forehead tapped against yours, and your eyes were fixed on each other. “…you really are something”
“wish i could say the same for you“ You start, breaking the eye contact to look at his lips and sharp canines. “you’re just a slutty and messy excuse of a monster” Your words would probably be venom to anyone else, but this only riled him up more.
You felt his throbbing under your palm and grin to yourself before being greedily pulled into a kiss. For a brief moment, you could taste a metallic bloody taste on his tongue.
You moaned at the warmth of his mouth and felt his hands rested on your hips, rubbing circles into the area.
You release yourself from the kiss with his bottom lip between your teeth and a smile. “desperate, are we?” You tease.
“painfully…” His eyes glistened. “what’ll it take to get those pretty lips to go a little lower?”
“show me what yours can do first and i’ll see about returning the favor” You challenge. His eyes go back and forth between yours before he kisses you again.
This time however, he started to undo your uniform. Groaning so deeply that you felt the rumble in your throat. His skilled hands loosened your belt and your slacks came down and off.
Next he lowered himself and lifted you a bit to get off your socks and shoes, making him get more sloppy and needy within the kiss.
At this point he was squatting and you were standing over him, holding both sides of his face. His hands travelled up and down your leg as he stayed in his position and this time, he’s the one to break the kiss.
You were both breathing heavily, and staring each other down. You almost forgot your resolve and let him fuck you right then and there.
But you had to stay strong, for both of you guys’ sake. You take a deep breath in and til your head.
“well, you gonna show me? or are just sit there and look delirious from a simple kiss?” You teased.
“…may i?” He asks with a slightly raised eyebrow, gesturing toward your leg.
“go ahead”
“hold on to something right”
“why am i h- shit!” You would’ve fell right to the ground if it wasn’t for the shelf behind you that held last months documents. Albeit, they’re scattered over the floor now.
Your legs were snatched from underneath you and each one was hooked over the man’s shoulders. His warm breath against you felt sinister. It sent a slight chill up your spine.
His eyes stared down at your sex and he licked his lips, looking more excited than you did for this. “don’t let go” He says before using gis fingers to spread you sticky lips.
His tongue pressed hard into you and drug from your hole, up to your clit. You bit your lip at the warmth and felt your back arch against your will.
“ha~ this all you got? Thought you said you’d be bet- anghh~!” Your eyes widen and your mouth drops at the new feeling below.
“you were saying?” He mumbles into you. His tongue was longer with a pointy tip, and his lips were wrapped tightly around your clit.
The pleasure was almost overwhelming. You could definitely admit that he made you eat your words and replace them with loud endless moans.
As you felt yourself getting closer you began to grind your hips over his face, chasing after your high.
“don’t stop” You could barely get out the last word before the wave of immense overstimulating pleasure came over you.
You curse and take in a few deep breaths, calming yourself down a bit, and only then did he let your clit go with a ‘pop’, making your legs to twitch.
“that wasn’t fair” You jokingly glare at him, the sweat making your skin shine and chilly from the fan air.
“i told you i was better” He wipes his chin with his thumb and licks it clean without breaking the eye contact.
“you have to be some sort of… sex demon” You shake your head in disbelief.
“maybe i am?” He lets you tug him closer by his tie and give him another sloppy kiss. The change in size of his tongue being just below too much for you as it explored your mouth.
“well let’s see how long you can last then… hm?” You ask, beginning to leave a trail of light kisses on his next before a harsh bite.
You could feel him shudder and decided to have him sit in your office chair. “let me borrow this..” You say, undoing his tie while he sat.
You spin the chair around and bring both of his arms to the back and tie them to the chair. When you spin his back around, his had such a mischievous grin that you went ahead and addressed.
“yes, i know you could probably get out of that in a heartbeat” You start and roll your eyes. He chuckles, amused at your awareness. “but, will you?” It was your turn to put on the sly grin now. The second he managed to break free from his restraint, would be the moment you’d send him off.
“…” He read your face, bit knowing if he should say something sly or not.
“right, thought so” You smile and give him a few taps on the cheek.
You kneel between the man’s legs, finally addressing the large and throbbing penis before you.
“god you’re hard… you weren’t kidding when you said you needed help” You joke, rubbing his wet tip through his boxers with you finger.
He grunted a bit and readjusted himself in his seat. You look up at him before pressing harshly on it with your thumb.
“oh fuck you~” He throws his head back and you giggle.
You reach for the hem of his briefs and tug at them, signaling him to lift his hips. Once he’s exposed, you could really see the girth and length of him.
He was veiny, thick… bright pink tip, and god knows how long it was.
You put your hand around the base, it was warm and nearly pulsating. Your pace was moderate, giving him just enough to work with. You knew it was a nice steady pace when his hips slightly jerked up for more friction.
“needy boy wanting to fuck my hand? this wasn’t even the main event you asked for, love” You coo, strengthening the grip you had on him by a smidge.
“i can’t help that you know how to use those hands of yours so well” He remarks, still facing the ceiling.
You pump your fist higher up and use your own skilled tongue to drag along his vein.
“@$?!~” He moaned and immediately looked down at you with a snarl. An almost threatening one telling you that he wanted more.
And were you planning on giving it to him? Absolutely not.
You stare right back at him and smirk, using the same motion and occasionally sucking the pre cum from its leaky pink source.
“i’m gonna cum” Your eyes welled a bit at the large shaft triggering your gag reflex. But he was close so you would endure the slight pain.
His thrust his hips up a few times and you force your head as far as you could before completely stopping.
“fuck- why’d you stop” His voice was almost a whisper and suddenly thick white ropes shot into the air and landed on his thigh.
“oh i’m sorry, i’ll keep going” You reach for his most sensitive spots, overstimulating him into a nervous laughter as he begged you to stop.
It was fun watching him experience more than he could handle, but all good things come to an end.
He sighs in relief, sweaty, heaving, and dazed.
“can i be freed now?” He asks.
“sure, why not. looks like you’re done here anyway” You shrug.
“who’s done?” He stands up, simply snapping the tie apart.
“oh… you’ve still got more in you?”
“im the milkman, i never run out” He suddenly picks you up and sits on you on the desk. Jesus, these things are strong.
You wrap your hands around your neck, suddenly feeling the arousal for another round yourself.
His hands find your slick entrance, teasing the outside and slipping two cold slender fingers into you.
“mmm!” You mean into the kiss, holding onto his forearm as he fingered you at an inhumane pace. You break away and cat h your breath trying to slow him down a bit.
“i don’t want to cum from this, put it in” You say.
“yes ma’am” He lines himself up without your entrance and slowly pushes himself in with a moan. You could every centimeter of the stretch as he went deeper.
You tapped the back of your head onto the window behind you and felt him kissing on your neck and collarbone.
“fuck you’re big” Your voice slightly shook as you stated the obvious.
“and you’re so warm and wet inside, i ashamed to admit that i almost came putting it in” He chuckled before biting back another groan.
You snap your head in the direction of the phone and see D.D.D. calling.
“stop, i have to take this.” He halts his thrusts and you grab the phone. “hello?”
“agent number” A deep voice says over the phone.
“5 5 8 4 3 7” You state clearly.
“thank you agent (Y/N), we’re calling about a few M.I.A. cleaners? it says in our system that you were the last to call. is everything alright?”
“ye-es~” You feel something rubbing your g-spot and look over at Francis. ‘stop, now.’ You mouth silently. He just smirks and speeds up.
“are you sure? you sound like you’re being threatened” The man on the phone asks.
“mhm~, im fine sir, just a little shaky” You put your hand over the phone speaker and look at Francis.
“what the fuck is wrong with you??” You ask, interrupting yourself with a few moans.
“just a little thirsty for some water” He thrusts harder, causing him to hit your g-spot, and your clit back to back.
You cover your mouth with your shirt and moan into it, hearing the buzz of a voice on the phone. Honestly you should be scared, they could show any minute, but right now, you could care less.
“im gonna cum” You whisper, still being mindful of the potential listeners.
“yeah?” He grabs a young and stands straight up, slamming you down into his cock. You let out something just short of a scream into the crook of his neck and find yourself twitching and shaking in his grip.
You heard a splash and felt him fill you up with his seed. You both were a moaning, groaning mess, heavily breathing in place.
“(Y/N), do you copy?……. we’re on our way” The phone then hangs up and the low buzzy voice is replaced with a prominent beep.
“you have to go, they’re coming” You lazily try to leave his strong hold with a tired push against his chest.
“but first” He puts you back on the desk where you rest your back against the cold glass window. “a drink..” His tongue grows longer right infont of you, and cleans you from your ankles to your navel, and of course he ran it over the bundle of nerves he’s been abusing all night, making your body jolt.
“you’re so delicious… i wish i could always taste you” His tongue goes back to its normal size.
“well i’ll get going now… i’ll be seeing you again soon, love. i’ll try not to cause too much trouble next time…” He gives you a peppery kiss on the nose and leaves.
Well, that’s one way to end your day shift…
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elvesofnoldor · 9 months
honestly it truly is fucking nearly impossible to adapt interview with the vampire (1976) into any sort of visual medium that is 1. honest to the source material and 2. not triggering as fuck to watch. The only adaptation of IWTV that i will accept is a MAG style found footage audio drama of the entire book told as the conversation between Louis and Daniel. It'd be presented as the cassette tapes that the conversation was committed to, so it'd have the cassette tape audio effect the way that MAG episodes had. It'd also have the sort of eerie non-diegetic ambient mood music that MAG has, and the soundtrack would played over passages that's most revealing of Louis' true character. Different than the book, Daniel would interrupt Louis when Louis describes Claudia in very gross and p*do language, asking him to clarify, so that audience is more directly called to ask to question what kind of person Louis really is. And instead of ending in Daniel asking to be made into a vampire, this audio drama would end in Daniel questioning the narrative that Louis presented and Louis' intent for inviting him home after spotting him at the bar, angering Louis and prompting Louis to attack him. The cassette tapes would abruptly end with the attack. The End.
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