#this song is so sad
frances-baby-houseman · 6 months
I wouldn't marry me either
a pathological people pleaser who only wanted you to see her
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baxteravenue · 2 years
Just To Keep You Satisfied
Well, all we can do is, we can both try to be happy…
Sometimes you write stuff that makes you sad, this is one of those times lmao.
You had been sitting at the dining table for what felt like hours staring at the thick unopened envelope. You knew what it was but you refused to open it in fear that all those years, all the love, and the kisses, and the memories would be over like nothing.
You quickly pour yourself a shot of tequila before opening the envelope looking over the first page, your heart dropping at the bold letters at the top.
You thought back, to the first time you met Jack, the first time you two went out on a date, the first time you two kissed, the first time you both said I love you to each other, every milestone the two of you achieved together. You swore he was the love of your life.
Where did everything go wrong?
“And you can’t just sit in the corner all night Y/N!” Your friend groaned, grabbing you and trying her best to pull you to the dance floor.
You shook your head laughing, “I can't dance Mia!”
Mia quickly pulled in a random guy, who looked just as confused as you were. “Jack cant dance either make a full out of yourselves together but no wallflower bullshit.”
“Why am I catching strays cause you can’t dance?” Jack looked over at you with a small smile on his face.
You raised your brow at him, “Uh not the shade, let me see you dance then?”
“Dance battle right here then,” Jack stepped up closer making you fall back laughing.
“I can’t dance, I just said that I don’t want to battle you.” You shook your head, in a fit of giggles. “Plus I know this is just a way to make you look better at dancing.”
Jack was smiling at your laugh, it made him want to laugh. “Nah, I just wanted to dance with you.”
You looked up at Jack, a small smile still on his face. “I can dance like Vinny from Jersey Shore.”
“That’s kinda a turn on?” Jack laughed, “No yeah that’s definitely a turn on. Let me see those moves girl.”
And even though the music that was playing did not go with the theme of your dancing it didn’t stop you from doing every dance you had seen on Jersey Shore. “This gets you going?” You spoke out of breath as you jumped up from trying to do the jersey turnpike.
Jack was in hysterics, tears were coming out of his eyes as he laughed. “Where have you been all my life?”
You wiped a tear off your cheek as you continued looking through the thick pile of papers, trying your best to just get through them as quickly as you could and move on with your life, the same way Jack was.
For you to understand what this means, I shall explain…
The haunting sound of Marvin Gaye played through your house speakers, making you want to cry even more.
“Jesus, not the time right now.” You mumbled.
I stood all the jealousy, all the b*tchin’ too…
“I really did.”
You thought back to the night of your third anniversary, March 12th 2021. You had woken up so happy because even after touring so much you’d finally get to see him. See your boyfriend who you loved with your entirety.
That night was supposed to be special, he promised it would be but with Jack… when work called he went running. So instead of a romantic and intimate dinner you had somehow ended up at a club for an appearance.
At the time, you didn’t care or at least you had forced yourself not to care. All you wanted to do was be with Jack and if this is what you had to do for that, you’d do it. You were hopelessly in love with him.
You sat to the side watching as Jack performed to the packed club, and you watched as multiple girls made their way behind him, and you watched some more as he smiled at the brunette in the middle.
You recognized her, he followed her on Instagram.
After Jack’s appearance all you wanted to do was go home with him, if you couldn’t have your special day that was what you wanted. To fall asleep in his arms.
“Have you seen Jack?” You asked a couple people, losing Jack in the crowd as soon as the music stopped.
Multiple people shook their heads, and some pointed you into the direction of the bathroom. You nodded, thanking them for helping you.
“Jack?” You spoke as you walked into the empty restroom in the VIP area, “Baby?”
Your heart dropped as he walked out of a stall, adjusting his pants. “What’s up baby? Ready to go home?”
You looked over his shoulder, “You’re in here by yourself? I–“
“Baby, I was taking a piss.” Jack smiled, pulling you into him and walking you out of the restroom, “C'mon let’s go home, tomorrow we have to wake up early so we can spend the entire day doing what we wanted to do.”
You nodded, smiling. “Okay.”
“Love you baby.” Jack placed a kiss on your cheek, letting you catch the scent of perfume that you didn’t wear, along with some sort of gloss on his neck.
“Love you too.” You responded, not mentioning what you noticed because you didn’t want to fight. Not tonight.
Yes, I’d forget it all once in bed with you…
Being home with Jack, in the bed the two of you shared, it was all you needed. And at the time it made you feel better about your relationship with him, because as pathetic as it sounds it all didn’t matter because he loved you and he came home to you. You were his, and in your own way he was yours.
The divorce papers were never ending, and you were getting so sick of it. Moving from the kitchen table to your bedroom, finding yourself disregarding the stack of papers and looking at old pictures.
You smiled at all the pictures you had of Naomi, your daughter you shared with Jack before feeling the need to cry as you came across yours and Jack’s wedding album.
“The Harlow’s did in fact not live happily ever after…” You mumbled. How could you have gone from the happiest day of your life to this?
You set my soul on fire, my one desire was to love you and think of you with pride…
You were nervous, maybe the most nervous you had ever been to be in front of Jack, along with 200 of yours and his closest friends and family. But you were ready, a year ago Jack had proposed to you and since then you felt like you were living in a fairy tale.
You’re All I Need To Get By by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell started to play softly as the doors to the chapel opened and you were revealed to everyone.
The song choice was not random at all for you, and by the look of Jack’s face he knew too.
“Now we’ll have the bride and groom share their vows, they have chosen to write their own.”
You stared at Jack, “If you would have told barely twenty year old me that I’d be standing here in front of you I don’t think I would have believed it. Mostly because at the time I thought I scared you off with my horrible dancing.” You spoke, making everyone giggle, “But I’m so unbelievably happy that I am, you mean everything to me Jack and I’m so glad that you allowed me to see you for who you are, and I’m so happy to love you. I promise that from the moment I met you, till now and forever that I will cherish you and trust you, and always listen, I promise to love you and care for you no matter the circumstances. Before you I felt like my world was colorless and like I was moving through the motions and suddenly I saw you and it’s like the sun came out and the clouds went away and for that I’m eternally indebted to you. I promise that when I say forever I mean forever.”
Jack was crying, overwhelmed with emotions especially seeing you in your white dress and the words coming out of your mouth, he had no idea how to top that and even though he knew he had written his vows down he was ready to freestyle it like he did with his music. “Y/N, since I saw you I knew that you were the woman for me, my life isn’t easy and it especially wasn’t easy for you when you were thrown into it but I’m so grateful for you and the poise and loyalty that you have shown me these past years even when I didn’t deserve it.” Jack took a second, feeling his voice crack. “Before you, as corny as it sounds, I didn’t believe in love. I didn't think I was capable of feelings like that. But then you stood up and said that you could dance like Vinny from Jersey Shore and I knew I was in trouble.”
You laughed, wiping away your tears not wanting to mess up your makeup.
“You have shown not only what it feels like to love someone so much that it hurts, but also what it feels like to be loved so much. I can only hope that I get to experience this feeling for the rest of my life with you. I promise from this day forward to love you and only you, to care for you, to love you, and to grow old with you.”
“Well by the power vested in me by the State of Kentucky, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Groom you may kiss the—” The officiant could not even finish before Jack had you wrapped around him, his lips immediately finding yours.
This was the happiest you had ever been. The two of you broke away, taking a moment to look at each other before the crowd. “I love you Jack.”
“I love you more, baby. Here’s to forever.” Jack smiled back at you, still holding you.
“Ladies and Gentleman, may I present Mr. and Mrs. Harlow!”
Leave you? I never meant to…
It took one year after your wedding day for shit to blow up, bad.
“No Jack, I can’t keep doing this shit! It was one thing to cheat on me when we were just boyfriend and girlfriend but we’re married!” You screamed. “I’m done!”
“So that’s it you’re just gonna leave? Baby I’m sorry I was---”
You shook your head, throwing random clothes in a bag, “No! You’re not sorry, you say that all the time but you’re not! How many times do I have to go through this? How many times are you going to embarrass me like this?” You were now sobbing on the floor of yours and Jack’s bedroom, “I’m tired of this Jack.”
It broke his heart to see you like that, it really did. He didn’t know why he kept doing it, why he kept letting these girls get him alone and he didn’t know why he let them touch him, and he didn’t know why he let himself touch them back. He stared down at his wedding band… he was a piece of shit. “Y/N, baby…” He bent down to the ground, trying his best to comfort you even though he was the cause of it all.
In the midst of sobs, you managed to collect yourself standing up and walking to your dresser, pulling out the third one and digging deep inside it for something you were going to surprise Jack with. You wiped at your face, taking a deep breath in before handing him a pregnancy test. “I’m pregnant Jack…” You breathed in, “And I want a divorce.”
You and Jack were separated for two months, and during those two months he had begged and begged. He was ready to change, especially after the news of his baby daughter. He wanted to be the husband you deserved and he wanted to be the dad his daughter deserved.
It took you three months to go back, not without a fight and not without seeing change though. You agreed to move back in and work on things on your conditions, which involved sleeping in different rooms and therapy until you felt like Jack was actually ready.
Though the many happy times we had…
“Happy birthday to Naomi, Happy Birthday to you!” You sang to you newly one year old with Jack and all of your close friends and family. “Happy birthday Naomi!”
“Bite the cake baby!” Jack held Naomi in his arms as you held the cake up to her face, letting Jack gently push her face into it.
“She’s laughing.” You laughed as her face sprang back up, a cakeful cheesy smile on your daughter’s face.
Jack turned her back to him, “Are you laughing, pretty girl? Are you laughing at the cake on your face?”
You smiled at your husband and your daughter, “My cuties.”
“Daddy likes Mommy’s cake.” Jack baby talked Naomi, “Yes he does.”
You shook your head, “Jack do not tell her that, “Don’t listen to Daddy baby he thinks he’s still 23.”
You watched as everyone ate cake and chatted as the kids played, grabbing some dishes to wash.
“Hey Momma Bear.” You heard Jack’s Mom’s voice come up from behind you.
You smiled, “Hey Maggie.”
“You two look like you’re doing good.” She gave you a gentle smile. Maggie knew all about the problems with Jack and all the help the two of you had been getting in the past two years, “You guys look happy.”
You nodded. “I am happy, we’re happy. I feel like all the ugly is really over this time, and I trust him. He’s shown me that he’s an amazon dad and that he can be an amazing husband too.”
“He’s releasing a new album soon though, and going back on tour soon though right? How do you think he’s gonna do with that?”
You stopped the dishes, turning and giving Maggie your full attention. “We have a baby now, he’s not only my husband but he’s Naomi’s dad and I believe that he sees things differently now. He told me doesn’t want Naomi to grow up and see all the mean and horrible things he did, especially not to me. I trust him, he earned that and so as much anxiety I’ll probably get from it, it’s what he loves. I trust him, and I love him, and he loves me and Naomi and I can only hope that will be enough for him.”
Maggie smiled, “You two are his favorite girls in the world.”
Can never really outweigh the bad…
Four years after the wedding, and three years after the birth of his baby girl Jack Harlow cheats on his wife! Click for scandalous pictures and texts!
You were numb.
It was done, you were done, the marriage was done. You wanted nothing more to do with Jack Harlow or his last name.
“Please say something Y/N.” Jack spoke from the other side of the couch.
You had no words, you didn’t feel the need to yell anymore or fight. You had done so much of it already with him and now at this moment, at this time in your life, and after ten years of being together and four years of being married, you were done with this marriage.
“I want a divorce.”
Now it's time for us to say farewell, farewell my darlin’...
You had finally reached the last paper in the stack, signing for the last time.
After years and years of love, heartbreak, betrayal and everything in between Mr. and Mrs. Harlow was no more. Even though you could feel what was left of your heart break you had come to realize that not everyone is meant to be together and not everyone can be kept satisfied.
Because let's face it, it’s too much just to keep you satisfied.
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belacottie · 6 months
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Oh oh oh lake street dive you always know how to tear apart my heart <3
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alltoowsll · 1 year
to kiss in cars and downtown bars was all I needed 😔 you drew stars ✨ around my scars but now I’m bleeding 🥲
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she’s a 10 but she’d have to think about it if they came to her in her home with her three kids and asked her to leave, to be with them and split..
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stolen-atlas · 2 years
james “i worry i’ll die young” potter and sirius “i worry i’ll grow old” black and remus “i worry for all the time i spent worrying alone” lupin
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bobatealie-archived · 2 years
toumei answer makes me tear up omg
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astearisms · 9 months
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fionna and cake drawings before and after watching the episodes so far. it’s nostalgic and somehow cathartic and poignant and relatable and—it just started
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slavhew · 3 months
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lover-of-mine · 1 year
I knew what i was signing up for but this edit is so sad for no reason 😭😭😭
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solarockk · 2 months
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Im oh so normal about real life smp and gaslight gatekeep girlboss
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pyreshe · 1 year
okay but hear me out; affiliated ocs based on the song "p.ancho and l.efty" by t.ownes van z.andt,
Well, the poets tell how Pancho fell Lefty's living in a cheap hotel The desert's quiet, Cleveland's cold So the story ends, we're told Pancho needs your prayers, it's true But save a few for Lefty, too He just did what he had to do And now he's growing old
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felsicveins · 5 months
I'm so lonesome all the time
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Some sweet day
Gonna take away
This hurting inside
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designer-sadness · 1 year
What doesn't kill you, makes you fucked up in the head
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