#this story may be old but please spread the word 🙏
A monster witch who murderer her poor husband: This story makes me sick to my stomach
⚠️Trigger warning: violence, murder, torture, strong language⚠️
I was looking up murder stories because I was bored and I found this. When I read it, I actually cried. It made so mad and so sad. The psychological and physical torture this man had to go through is just horrific and this woman got a pleasure out of it. This worthless fucking whore beat and tortured her poor husband and starved him. If someone did that to brother/cousins/whatever, I’m LITERALLY ripping their teeth out.
Edit: she was given a 32 year minimum sentence in 2010 when she was 28 and IIRC she could possibly be eligible for parole when she’s 60 (though hopefully she never leaves prison)
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magz · 2 months
Fundraiser Vetted and Verified by el-shab-hussein
Original post of video (fahedshehab deleted by Tumblr staff)
Message from Reem Shehab of Gaza from Direct Message:
"Hello, 🌹🇵🇸🍉🍉 I hope you are well. Im reem shehab from palestine gaza.
My Tumblr account has been terminated. This is my daughter account, which I use to send and receive messages I've created a gofundme campaign To collect donations to get my family out of Gaza Please visit my account (blog) and watch my daughter Sahar’s videos in which she talks about the situation in Gaza Could you please help me reblog the post on my account to save my family from the war in Gaza? 🙏
This is one of the videos in which Sahar, my daughter, talks about the situation in Gaza. https://www.tumblr.com/danashehab/751195878749011968?source=share Can you help me spread the campaign among your followers
Our campaign is vetted by : @el-shab-hussein https://www.tumblr.com/el-shab-hussein/749777880017502208/another-fundraiser-i-trust?source=share
I hope you can support and stand by me at the beginning . I hope everyone will donate even a little. I am confident that you will stand with me and support me until I reach my goal and remove my family from the danger of war. Share my story. Pin my story to your page. Everything helps.
Can you share some of my posts from time to time? Maybe the internet will be cut off in my area. Please do everything you can The campaign fell into a state of stagnation and inactivity Perhaps with your help, the campaign will return to activity and we will reach the goal and save my family with your help.
I'm really tired of spending all day sending messages and asking people to repost in an attempt to save my family. I miss sitting with my children 😞 I don't know how to reach donors, please help me 😞 Send my message to anyone you know who has a lot of followers and ask their followers to donate and share the link. You may save our lives by doing so.
For the sake of my children please do something😞🙏🙏🙏 Please share the new post that I published on my blog https://www.tumblr.com/danashehab/755783016398389248?source=share Please write some words to your followers along with the post urging them to donate and participate. I need that because the campaign is progressing very slowly. I don't want to lose hope, please Thank you ♥️ ."
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Hello, 🌹🇵🇸🍉🍉 I hope you are well. Im Reem shehab from palestine gaza. My Tumblr account has been terminated. This is my daughter account, which I use to send and receive messages I've created a gofundme campaign To collect donations to get my family out of Gaza Please visit my account (blog) and watch my daughter Sahar’s videos in which she talks about the situation in Gaza Could you please help me reblog the post on my account to save my family from the war in Gaza? 🙏 This is one of the videos in which Sahar, my daughter, talks about the situation in Gaza. https://www.tumblr.com/malakshehab/752252542231134208/donate-to-save-my-family-and-children-from-the?source=share Can you help me spread the campaign among your followers https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-sahar-and-her-family-to-evacuate-gaza
Our campaign is vetted by : @el-shab-hussein https://www.tumblr.com/el-shab-hussein/749777880017502208/another-fundraiser-i-trust?source=share I hope you can support and stand by me at the beginning . I hope everyone will donate even a little. I am confident that you will stand with me and support me until I reach my goal and remove my family from the danger of war. Share my story. Pin my story to your page. Everything helps. Can you share some of my posts from time to time? Maybe the internet will be cut off in my area. Please do everything you can The campaign fell into a state of stagnation and inactivity Perhaps with your help, the campaign will return to activity and we will reach the goal and save my family with your help. I'm really tired of spending all day sending messages and asking people to repost in an attempt to save my family. I miss sitting with my children 😞 I don't know how to reach donors, please help me 😞 Send my message to anyone you know who has a lot of followers and ask their followers to donate and share the link. You may save our lives by doing so. For the sake of my children please do something😞🙏🙏🙏 Please share the new post that I published on my blog https://www.tumblr.com/fahedshehab-new/755696669631414272?source=share Please write some words to your followers along with the post urging them to donate and participate. I need that because the campaign is progressing very slowly. I don't want to lose hope, please Thank you ♥️ .
[Verified by el-shab-hussein | €23,701 of €50,000 goal]
Hello Reem! We have shared your post, and we would love to help ♥️
Hey everyone, please take a moment to share and donate to Reem's campaign! She and her family of 7 other people - 5 of which are children - are nearing the halfway point of their goal! They have €1,299 to go, so let's aim to get them there by the end of the week. You can even get the chance of winning a special edition of the Wrinkle in Time series if you donate!
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solaria-creates · 16 days
Hello 🖐
I am aya living in North Gaza with my three children, and we are facing starvation in the northern region. We have moved more than 13 times trying to find a safe place, but there is no safety anywhere.
I am asking for your help to protect my children and get us out of this imminent danger😥.
Your donations and sharing of my story will greatly contribute to our survival.🙏🙏
Please go support Aya's campaign in any way possible!! Whether that be reblogging this post, donating whatever you feasibly can, contacting your local politicians about ceasefire, or spreading the word in your circles, we can all do our part to help these people experiencing something I can barely fathom. Below is the description pulled directly from the linked gofundme, please read and reblog!
Currently €11,723 raised of €15,000 goal
A Cry for Help from Gaza
My name is Aya, I'm 29 years old. I'm married to Jihad, who is 32, and we have three beautiful children: Abdelrahman (7 years old), Jori (5 years old), and Adam (2 years old). We live in the northern part of Gaza.
Abdelrahman, Adam, and Jori are the heartbeat of my heart and the light of my life.
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The Harrowing Tale of the Recent War in Gaza
Since the onset of the latest war in Gaza, our home has been completely destroyed, forcing us into displacement. We’ve had to move more than thirteen times in search of safety. During this harrowing journey, we faced severe hunger and malnutrition that nearly took my life and the lives of my children. Additionally, we were exposed to numerous contagious diseases and dangerous epidemics.
Before: This is our home, our dream, and our promising future.
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Unbearable Hardships
My children have to travel long distances just to get water and stand in line for hours to get food. Their mental health has been shattered by the war, their education has come to a halt, and they have suffered from catastrophic hunger that almost claimed their lives.
After: This is our home, built with our sweat and effort, and it has been completely destroyed.
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The Right to a Peaceful Life
My children deserve to live a peaceful life free from fear and anxiety. I dream of your help to support my family and escape this genocide. Your assistance means the world to me and my children.
The cost to arrange travel for an adult out of Gaza is currently between $5,000 and $7,000, and $2,500 for each child.
How You Can Help
Your donations can be a beacon of hope for us. Every dollar can help save my children's lives and give them a chance to live in peace. Your prayers for us to overcome this ordeal and lift the siege are greatly needed.
Jori: my beloved girl, the one closest to my heart, and my little mini-me.
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Abdelrahman: the lion of the house, the helpful and loving boy to his siblings and family.
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Donate Now and Help Us Reach Safety
May God bless you abundantly for your generosity.
Background on the Gaza War
The war in Gaza has left hundreds of thousands of victims, destroyed infrastructure, and rendered many homeless. The humanitarian situation in the region has reached critical levels, with severe shortages in basic necessities such as food, water, and healthcare. Children are the most affected, having lost their sense of safety, education, and normal life.
Your Support is Our Hope
Your donation is the light that can guide us toward a better future. Don’t miss the chance to be part of a story that saves a family enduring unimaginable hardships.
They are the most beautiful duo, playing together, studying side by side, and working hand in hand. More than just siblings 3> .
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Donate Now and Make Hope Possible
Thank you for your support and kindness.
My gratitude
Aya & Family
مرحبا / السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
أنقذوا ما تبقى من حياة آية وعائلتها
نداء إنساني من غزة
أنا آية، عمري 29 سنة، متزوجة من جهاد، 32 سنة، وأم لثلاثة أطفال: عبد الرحمن (7 سنوات)، جوري (5 سنوات)، وآدم (2 سنة). نعيش في قطاع غزة، وتحديداً في الشمال.
مأساة الحرب الأخيرة في غزة
منذ بداية الحرب الأخيرة في غزة، تم تدمير بيتنا بالكامل واضطررنا للنزوح. نزحت أنا وعائلتي إلى أكثر من ثلاثة عشر مكانًا بحثًا عن الأمان. في هذه الرحلة القاسية، تعرضنا لمجاعة وسوء تغذية كارثي كاد يودي بحياتي وحياة أطفالي، بالإضافة إلى انتشار الكثير من الأمراض المعدية والأوبئة الخطيرة.
صعوبات لا تُحتمل
أطفالي يذهبون مسافات طويلة للحصول على الماء، وينتظرون في طوابير لساعات للحصول على الطعام. حالتهم النفسية تدمرت بسبب الحرب، وتوقفت حياتهم الدراسية، وتعرضوا لمجاعة كارثية كادت تؤدي بحياتهم.
حق الحياة الكريمة
من حق أطفالي العيش حياة هادئة بعيدا عن الخوف والقلق. أتمنى مساعدتكم للوقوف بجانب عائلتي للهروب من حرب الإبادة الجماعية. مساعدتكم تعني الكثير لي ولأطفالي.
تكلفة التنسيق للسفر للفرد البالغ إلى خارج غزة تبلغ حاليًا من خمسة إلى سبعة آلاف دولار، وكذلك 2500 دولار لكل طفل.
كيف يمكنك المساعدة؟
تبرعاتكم ستكون بمثابة الأمل الجديد لنا. كل دولار يمكن أن يساهم في إنقاذ حياة أطفالي ومنحهم فرصة للعيش بسلام. دعواتكم لنا بأن يرفع الله عنا هذه الغمة ويفك الحصار.
تبرع الآن وساعدنا في الهروب إلى بر الأمان
جزاكم الله خيراً وبارك فيكم.
خلفية عامة عن الحرب في غزة
الحرب في غزة خلفت وراءها مئات الآلاف من الضحايا، ودمرت البنية التحتية، وتركت الكثيرين بلا مأوى. الأوضاع الإنسانية في القطاع وصلت إلى مراحل حرجة، حيث يعاني السكان من نقص شديد في الموارد الأساسية مثل الطعام والماء والرعاية الصحية. الأطفال هم الأكثر تأثراً، حيث فقدوا الأمان والتعليم والحياة الطبيعية.
دعمكم هو الأمل
تبرعكم هو الشعاع الذي ينير طريقنا نحو مستقبل أفضل. لا تدعوا هذه الفرصة تفوتكم لتكونوا جزءاً من قصة إنقاذ عائلة تعاني في ظروف قاسية.
تبرع الآن واجعل الأمل ممكنًا
شكراً لدعمكم وكرمكم.
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vampirerequiems · 2 months
🛑pleas don't scroll ‼️Hi, I hope you are well. My name is Mohammed Atallah, I live with my parents, six sisters, a little girl named Malak and a little boy named Ameer in North Gaza. I created this link to fund a bone graft in my left hand which was shot by an explosive bullet, to rebuild our destroyed home and to evacuate my family from Gaza to a safe place.And donate any amount to safe life .. I will appreciate your help❤️ Can you please help as much as you can . Press all buttons on my wall , I beg you to visit my page, view it, and donate via the link in the bio💔Donate and share widely 🆘🆘 Every euros will make a difference 🙏I urge you to donate. Even the smallest amount can make the biggest difference. Not only he needs to evacuate with his family, but he is in dire need for surgery! The IDF has shot his arm with an explosive bullet. Not a regular one. AN EXPLOSIVE ONE. So he needs to get it treated right away! Otherwise, he will get an infection and it may lead to amputation. WE DO NOT WANT THAT TO HAPPEN, DO WE DO?So contribute! Make sure to reblog and share his story if you are unable to do so.Help my family. War is devastating. There is nothing left to live. No schools, no universities, no home, and no dreams. All dreams have been shattered. I hope for help before it is too late Please share on Twitter and tumbler and Instagram The campaign has been documented @90-ghost
help mohammed atallah afford an urgent bone graft and restore his home in gaza!
at the time of me writing this, 17-year-old mohammed atallah has reached €5,553 out of his €82,000 goal. this matter is urgent, and he needs as much help as you can provide!
while bringing aid to his family, he was shot with an explosive bullet in his arm, which led to nerve loss and his bones being shattered. due to the deficit medical care in gaza, he cant get the critical assistance he needs. he needs a bone graft, and the estimated cost of the procedure is €35,253, added onto the funds he and his family need to rebuild their home and evacuate gaza in order to recieve proper support.
if you're like me and cant donate, please share this fundraiser, repost, and spread the word. even the smallest donation can make a difference and help him. we will live to see a free palestine, and the people of palestine deserve to live in peace and happiness— not fear and dismay. do not turn a blind eye to genocide. from the river to the sea 🍉❤️🖤🤍💚
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ak1w1i · 11 days
Dear Friends, 🌹❤️
I hope this message finds you well 🙏. My family in Gaza 🇵🇸 is enduring unimaginable hardships 💔, and we are in desperate need of your support 🌿. I’m sharing our story along with some photos 📸🎗️, hoping that you could help spread the word to reach those who may assist us 🥀.
We're currently working to relocate Ibrahim's family to a safer place 😔, and any help, no matter how small, would make a huge difference 🍉.
Please reblog this post on my account 🙏🥺.
Thank you so much for your generosity and support ❤️.
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medievalcat · 10 days
Dear Friends, 🌹❤️
I hope this message finds you well 🙏. My family in Gaza 🇵🇸 is enduring unimaginable hardships 💔, and we are in desperate need of your support 🌿. I’m sharing our story along with some photos 📸🎗️, hoping that you could help spread the word to reach those who may assist us 🥀.
We're currently working to relocate Ibrahim's family to a safer place 😔, and any help, no matter how small, would make a huge difference 🍉.
Please reblog this post on my account 🙏🥺.
Thank you so much for your generosity and support ❤️.
Hello Ibrahim, thank you so much for messaging me. I have reblogged your post and am posting this message with your gofundme link so people can see and donate .
I pray for you and your family <3
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beserkerjewel · 2 months
Hello, 🌹🇵🇸🍉🍉 I hope you are well. Im Reem shehab from palestine gaza. My Tumblr account has been terminated. This is my daughter account, which I use to send and receive messages I've created a gofundme campaign To collect donations to get my family out of Gaza Please visit my account (blog) and watch my daughter Sahar’s videos in which she talks about the situation in Gaza Could you please help me reblog the post on my account to save my family from the war in Gaza? 🙏 This is one of the videos in which Sahar, my daughter, talks about the situation in Gaza. https://www.tumblr.com/malakshehab/752252542231134208/donate-to-save-my-family-and-children-from-the?source=share Can you help me spread the campaign among your followers https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-sahar-and-her-family-to-evacuate-gaza
Our campaign is vetted by : @el-shab-hussein https://www.tumblr.com/el-shab-hussein/749777880017502208/another-fundraiser-i-trust?source=share I hope you can support and stand by me at the beginning . I hope everyone will donate even a little. I am confident that you will stand with me and support me until I reach my goal and remove my family from the danger of war. Share my story. Pin my story to your page. Everything helps. Can you share some of my posts from time to time? Maybe the internet will be cut off in my area. Please do everything you can The campaign fell into a state of stagnation and inactivity Perhaps with your help, the campaign will return to activity and we will reach the goal and save my family with your help. I'm really tired of spending all day sending messages and asking people to repost in an attempt to save my family. I miss sitting with my children 😞 I don't know how to reach donors, please help me 😞 Send my message to anyone you know who has a lot of followers and ask their followers to donate and share the link. You may save our lives by doing so. For the sake of my children please do something😞🙏🙏🙏 Please share the new post that I published on my blog https://www.tumblr.com/fahedshehab-new/755696669631414272?source=share Please write some words to your followers along with the post urging them to donate and participate. I need that because the campaign is progressing very slowly. I don't want to lose hope, please Thank you ♥️ .
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toastingpencils37 · 8 days
Dear Friends, 🌹❤️
I hope this message finds you well 🙏. My family in Gaza 🇵🇸 is enduring unimaginable hardships 💔, and we are in desperate need of your support 🌿. I’m sharing our story along with some photos 📸🎗️, hoping that you could help spread the word to reach those who may assist us 🥀.
We're currently working to relocate Ibrahim's family to a safer place 😔, and any help, no matter how small, would make a huge difference 🍉.
Please reblog this post on my account 🙏🥺.
Thank you so much for your generosity and support ❤️.
Ibrahim's gofundme was vetted by @/gazavetters and is #25 on their vetted gofundmes list (here)
His campaign is currently only at €498 of his total €10,000 goal, so PLEASE donate to him if you can!!!
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hollowslantern · 10 days
Dear Friends, 🌹❤️
I hope this message finds you well 🙏. My family in Gaza 🇵🇸 is enduring unimaginable hardships 💔, and we are in desperate need of your support 🌿. I’m sharing our story along with some photos 📸🎗️, hoping that you could help spread the word to reach those who may assist us 🥀.
We're currently working to relocate Ibrahim's family to a safer place 😔, and any help, no matter how small, would make a huge difference 🍉.
Please reblog this post on my account 🙏🥺.
Thank you so much for your generosity and support ❤️.
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sydatrixva · 6 days
Guys, your money will go to save my family😔🇵🇸
Hello I'm Eslam frome Gaza i'm a mother of two girls, Hanaa, 5 years old, and Alma, 1 year old. My house, my car, and my job were destroyed. I lost 11 people from my family in GAZA'S GENOCIDE and I cannot bear to lose more.
Imagine that my 5-year-old daughter surprised me by saying that she feels that she will soon die from a missile that will tear her apart.
Is it fair that my daughter dies while she is still dreaming of life?
Asking for help is not easy. 🥺🥺
I am asking for a small donation of 35$ or 50$ from each person to save my daughters from extermination.
I need your help if you can 🥺😢
Please donate any amount you can.🙏🙏
🇵🇸🍉 https://gofund.me/a2ccf744 🍉🇵🇸
Don't worry my friend, I'm on it!
Eslam is a mother of 2 girls, and she is currently stuck in Gaza. She is asking us to help her out, and that is what we are going to do! She needs money and attention, so we are going to give it! Please. As Humans, it's the least we can do. She lost everything, don't let her children be lost too.
Eslam, my friend, we hear you. We see you. And we will help you. I am so sorry that all this happened, and that you have already lost so much. Please know that we stand at your side. If you ever need anything, just ask me. Ask any of us. I may be unable to donate, but I am going to spread the word of your story so others can see it too. Please stay strong. We love you!
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cybersyndicate · 9 days
Hi 👋 🚨plz don’t scroll 🚨
Iam writing to you, appealing to our shared humanity, to help me to share and reblog my story and my family’s fundraising campaign. 🙏
Iam Samer Abu Ras, my wife Shorouq, and our three children, including a baby 👶🏻 who is not yet two years old.
We are enduring unimaginable suffering due to the ongoing war, constantly moving from place to place in search of safety. We live in harsh conditions within tents, having lost our home and everything we owned. Our eldest son, Qusay, has had heart problems 💔since birth and urgently needs medical 💊follow-up after undergoing several surgeries. I humbly request a donation of 50 kronor more if you can my friend and if u can’t just support us enough for me.🌹 to help us travel to a safe place where we can continue Qusay’s treatment and provide a better life for our children.
In conclusion, my family and I thank you 🌺from the bottom of our hearts for accepting our message. ❤️🌹❤️
Note: My friend, if you wish to donate, note that the currency used in the fundraising campaign is the Swedish krona. Every 50 kronor is equivalent to 5 $dollars, 100 kronor is equivalent to 10 $dollars, and so on.
My friends, my appeals may seem repetitive to you, and I apologize if my requests cause any inconvenience. However, I need your continuous support. Thank you for your understanding.🙏🌹❤️
For those who are able to donate, here’s the gofundme link!!
Spread the word, help out if you can, and encourage others to do so.
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tasaq · 2 months
Hello, 🌹🇵🇸🍉🍉 I hope you are well. Im Fahed shehab from palestine gaza. My Tumblr account has been terminated. This is my daughter account, which I use to send and receive messages I've created a gofundme campaign To collect donations to get my family out of Gaza Please visit my account (blog) and watch my daughter Sahar’s videos in which she talks about the situation in Gaza Could you please help me reblog the post on my account to save my family from the war in Gaza? 🙏 This is one of the videos in which Sahar, my daughter, talks about the situation in Gaza. https://www.tumblr.com/fahedshehab-new/754901997665370112?source=share Can you help me spread the campaign among your followers https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-sahar-and-her-family-to-evacuate-gaza
Our campaign is vetted by : @el-shab-hussein https://www.tumblr.com/el-shab-hussein/749777880017502208/another-fundraiser-i-trust?source=share I hope you can support and stand by me at the beginning . I hope everyone will donate even a little. I am confident that you will stand with me and support me until I reach my goal and remove my family from the danger of war. Share my story. Pin my story to your page. Everything helps. Can you share some of my posts from time to time? Maybe the internet will be cut off in my area. Please do everything you can The campaign fell into a state of stagnation and inactivity Perhaps with your help, the campaign will return to activity and we will reach the goal and save my family with your help. I'm really tired of spending all day sending messages and asking people to repost in an attempt to save my family. I miss sitting with my children 😞 I don't know how to reach donors, please help me 😞 Send my message to anyone you know who has a lot of followers and ask their followers to donate and share the link. You may save our lives by doing so. For the sake of my children please do something😞🙏🙏🙏 Please share the new post that I published on my blog https://www.tumblr.com/malakshehab/755695509374746624/trapped-family-in-gaza-appeals-for-help-to-survive?source=share Please write some words to your followers along with the post urging them to donate and participate. I need that because the campaign is progressing very slowly. I don't want to lose hope, please Thank you ♥️ .
Please donate and share! Anything helps!
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orchid-bud · 2 months
Hello, 🌹🇵🇸🍉🍉 I hope you are well. Im Reem shehab from palestine gaza. My Tumblr account has been terminated. This is my daughter account, which I use to send and receive messages I've created a gofundme campaign To collect donations to get my family out of Gaza Please visit my account (blog) and watch my daughter Sahar’s videos in which she talks about the situation in Gaza Could you please help me reblog the post on my account to save my family from the war in Gaza? 🙏 This is one of the videos in which Sahar, my daughter, talks about the situation in Gaza. https://www.tumblr.com/danashehab/751195878749011968?source=share Can you help me spread the campaign among your followers https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-sahar-and-her-family-to-evacuate-gaza
Our campaign is vetted by : @el-shab-hussein https://www.tumblr.com/el-shab-hussein/749777880017502208/another-fundraiser-i-trust?source=share I hope you can support and stand by me at the beginning . I hope everyone will donate even a little. I am confident that you will stand with me and support me until I reach my goal and remove my family from the danger of war. Share my story. Pin my story to your page. Everything helps. Can you share some of my posts from time to time? Maybe the internet will be cut off in my area. Please do everything you can The campaign fell into a state of stagnation and inactivity Perhaps with your help, the campaign will return to activity and we will reach the goal and save my family with your help. I'm really tired of spending all day sending messages and asking people to repost in an attempt to save my family. I miss sitting with my children 😞 I don't know how to reach donors, please help me 😞 Send my message to anyone you know who has a lot of followers and ask their followers to donate and share the link. You may save our lives by doing so. For the sake of my children please do something😞🙏🙏🙏 Please share the new post that I published on my blog https://www.tumblr.com/fahedshehab-new/755696669631414272?source=share Please write some words to your followers along with the post urging them to donate and participate. I need that because the campaign is progressing very slowly. I don't want to lose hope, please Thank you ♥️ .
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plagued-melodies · 2 years
Could you write about an Reader that is close friends, almost family, with Diluc & Kaeya? In particular how Kaeya and Diluc's falling out would affect that. I'm equally happy with fluff, angst or a mix of the two! :)
Ahhh! YESSS! I love this so much I may actually finish this within a reasonable time frame!!! Hope you don't mind if I just made the reader just their younger sibling.
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Characters and dynamics: GN!reader, Diluc, and Kaeya as siblings
Warnings: SPOILERS for Diluc and Kaeya's stories, mentions of a corpse, mental breakdowns, mentions of Akeya and Diluc fighting, grief
Sorry if this, at best, is incomprehensible. I may have made too many questions which may or may not give the feeling of distressed grieving .
Please let me know if I messed up on anything grammatical or spelling wise! 🙏
You, Diluc, and Kaeya, a trio of siblings that were once thought to be inseparable. Both you and Kaeya were children taken in by Crepus and were raised as though you were his own. However, you were slightly younger than your two elder brothers.
You three were always getting into trouble, especially when you were considered old enough to wield your polearm and spar with your two contrasting siblings, though Crepus was always very wary of how rough the three of you get, but he knew they would never hurt you on purpose. Even if you attempted to use all the strength in your ten year old bones to fight fiercely. At times, being the youngest sucked. Like, really sucked. Sometimes the contrasting pair didn't want to play with their little sibling (you weren't even that younger than them for Pete's sake!) and would sometimes leave you at the manor with Adeline and/or Crepus and did their own thing.
You could point to any time in your young childhood and smile fondly, having your two older brothers there made even the dullest moments far more enjoyable and you treasured each moment. Each holiday, each cup of juice, each birthday, all of it was paradise. A fond memory to wake up to.
You remember the excitement in your brother's eyes as he grew in status as a knight, and eventual captain at such a young age. You remember the pride in your father's eyes as he watched your brother, his son, accomplish what he couldn't. You remembered the world around you shattering at the news of your fathers death.
You were barely 15 at the time, it was Diluc's 18th birthday and word from the new head of the estate of Crepus' passing had spread quickly. Conflict broke within the family, with you being caught in the crossfire.
Diluc blamed many people for Crepus' death, he blamed the knights, he blamed the ratio, he even blamed Kaeya and himself. But despite your neutrality in their feud, he could never blame you. You were just as much a victim. Diluc and Kaeya were adults, you were still a teenager, having seen the corpse of the man you saw as your father, neither could bring themselves to hold the same resentment as they held for each other.
You watched in horror as the two fought, each brother scraping by the skin of their teeth in not getting killed by the other. Pyro energy enveloped the air around you, the sickening clash between fire and ice making the air damp and humid. When did things go so wrong? Weren't you three just planning Diluc's celebration last week? How did the two turn on each other so quickly, were there any signs you could have missed?
It was also that day that both of your brothers gained a vision, a mocking from the gods.
You were barely just processing everything when they realized you were there, seeing the world around you fall apart. Neither said anything as the two trudged away from one another, the world had a silence just as deadly as the battle you watched.
You didn't see either of them for several weeks after that, you got word from Captain Jean at the time of Diluc's resignation, leaving his vision behind as he travelled to somewhere unknown. Within the weeks both were missing, it was Adeline and the other maids who took care of you.
You attempted to go forward, to not let grief take hold of you. It hurts, yes, more than anything. You kept walking downstairs every morning expecting all of this to be some twisted nightmare. To walk downstairs one day and see right where you three left off in planning the perfect 18th birthday for Diluc with Crepus wandering the estate just months prior.
But that never happened.
Luckily you weren't left to grieve alone for too long on your own. When the steadily rising knight, Kaeya, heard that Diluc had practically dipped off the face of Teyvat, he made no hesitation in coming to the estate immediately. Apparently avoiding anything having to do with the pyro red head. You were an emotional mess.
Your emotional state was entirely dependent on this routine you built. Wake up, eat and brush your teeth, practice sparring, continue your studies, rinse and repeat until nightfall. Never confront the issue. That's what you told yourself. So long as you never face your problems, your problems will never face you!
So why is that when you woke up at the ungodly hours of the early morning, met face to face with Kaeya who seemed more than frazzled, everything broke down? All the tears, the screaming, the cursing, and the denial flooding out in treacherous waves of grief. Kaeya was never all too great at comforting people, only knowing how to do the bare minimum. For all his jokes and self-assurance, it never seemed to shine through in moments like these, opting to awkwardly assure someone it'll be okay. Yet, despite that initial shock and awkwardness, he kneeled down and held your sobbing form in an attempt to calm you down in some way, rubbing soothing circles into your hunched form. Your painful wails soon softened into hushed cries as the two of you steadily stood back up. Adeline, having heard the commotion came rushing to the door, leading the both of you inside.
Needless to say, Alberich was not happy. He was angry! Not at you, of course. You were a kid in all this. He was angry at the missing third in your broken trio, Diluc. Where in Teyvat was he? How could he just up and leave his teenage sibling all alone in the manor?! Kaeya silently cursed himself for doing virtually the same thing, but honestly, what was he supposed to do? He was under the impression Diluc would be sensible enough to stick around. Now it was he who was picking up the pieces Diluc left behind.
He was even more upset at the fact you were perfectly fine with it, but how could you blame either of them? It hurt and sucked, but you can't exactly scold your older brother(s) for grieving the way they do. Diluc had witnessed (and supposedly been somewhat responsible) his father's death. That has to take a toll on a person, especially someone who is just barely an "adult" at the time. Whatever he was doing, he had to have a reason for it, right? You'll just wait for his return and hopefully understand him better, apparently you don't understand your brother's as well as you thought you did.
You never did find out what he was doing for all those months, why he did what he did, or why he continued to live what seemed like a completely second life while still living in the same house as you. All of it remained unanswered and as time went on, he only ever seemed to grow more distant. Even up till the day you turned 18, he wasn't cold or hostile toward you, by no means no! He was just... Distant. It was like trying to wade through a river towards someone only for a wave to drag you back to where you started.
Kaeya, although more involved, was similar in a way, he was still removed in a way, he was just better at covering it than others. You began to notice... Little details. Such as the way his brows slightly creased when you brought up the red head, but it never seemed to be out of hatred or disdain like Diluc when mentioning the cryo visioned knight, it seemed more like regret. You decided that, after seeing how the two fought and butted heads all the time nowadays, it was best to not say anything.
When you were halfway through being 16, that the moment you turned 18, you'd leave. Leave the Manor, leave the city, and leave Mondstadt. You didn't hate it, no you loved this city! But you felt isolated. You were just the unfortunate sibling of two distant but once close brothers of a dead father. You didn't have the chance to make many friends, and with how things were now, you didn't feel like it was possible to make any after everything that happened. You were already branded as someone to either pity, or avoid.
The only person you informed of your departure was Adeline, the closest thing you had to a mother. It was just a month before you turned 18 did you say anything. She was heavily concerned if you planned to just... Drop off the face of the Teyvat, you assured her that you'll keep in touch, that if anything goes wrong, you'd come home. Years to turn months, months turn to weeks, weeks turn to days, days into hours, and before you knew it, you were 18. Second thoughts, doubts, and early regret began to stir in your gut, but all of those feelings dissipated when you noticed the empty manor.
Aside from you and Adeline, who was sweet enough to see you off, the manor was silent and void of any life. Your breath hitched and your heart sunk, not like you planned to say goodbye anyways, right? Diluc was gone again that night. Completely closed off on what he was doing, headed towards the city where he'd surely stay until the dawn breaks across the winery. By then, by morning, you'd be gone. Hopefully far into the lands of Liyue where you'd continue southeast through Sumeru.
The darkness faced back into you, its call beckoning you further. With one last string of doubt snapped and resolve being threaded, you turn around and give one last goodbye to the only mother you've ever known, her lips kissing your temple just like she did when you were younger, and you left.
Growing up, you, like many children, were terrified of the dark. But right then, as you trudged southward towards the marshes just passed the stone gate, you couldnt help but feel a sense of... Comfort from its envelopment. For once in years, you felt free.
It was later that morning, dew drops from the vineyard dripping into harmonious puddles, along came the trudging dark night hero of Mondstadt. His body hunched from exhaustion and eyelids swollen from strain, he didn't think twice when entering the silent manor.
It was still relatively early in the morning, and while usually you'd be up by now, he figured you decided to sleep in just a bit. He smiled at that thought. He knew you were stressed as of late, how hard you work and he was happy you were taking it easy today. It was your special day after all. He internally tells himself to tell you happy birthday once he wakes up again later that day.
His footsteps are heavy going up the stairs, energy is depleted from his body as he slowly begins to strip the pieces of clothing from his body. Gods, he just needs to sleep right now, he would kill for a sound nap today. However, he has responsibilities and he must reap the consequences he sews. His eyes scrunch in confusion when he notices a neatly sealed envelope sitting daintily on his desk. He pays it no mind, quickly nothing how it was your handwriting. He'd read it later, it was most likely regarding whatever plans you held that day in the city when you awoke. It should be fine to put it off for just a few more hours, right? He doesn't think about it too much, his body and mind are exhausted
Well, when he finally awakens later that night, silently cursing himself for having missed the entirety of your birthday, does an uneven knot form in his brain. Its silent, very very silent, too silent. Surely, by now you must have been up and around, and usually you're up and around the mansion but all that could be heard was the buzzing sounds of the world outside.
"Y/n?" His voice echoes across the hall, uneven and unknowing. He makes his way to your room, lightly knocking on the old worn wood in an effort to have you hear him. "Y/N, are you there? I was wondering if tomorrow you'd like to do something in Mondstadt for your birth-"
However, when Diluc's knuckles go to hit the door once more, it opens slightly. Feeling like something was wrong, he opens the door wider. The room is barren. a good amount of your clothes, your bag, money, and gear are missing. He feels panic fill his mind as he rushes back into his own room in search of your letter.
Damn it! What if you were hurt? Did someone, or something, take you? Where were you?
His answers are found in your last words to him. A numbness spreading through him.
"To my older brother, Diluc,
By the time you read this, I'll have been gone for a while. I know just how much you hate idle chit chat so I'll be forward.
I left.
This is nobody's fault. It isn't yours, it isn't Kaeya's, and it isn't Mondstadt's. I made this choice on my own accord. Truth is, I don't fit in with the city, I don't feel happy cooped up all alone in the manor and I needed to get out. I'm at a standstill in a wave, it just isn't working.
Im sorry I couldn't say goodbye, you're busy and I understand, but I also fear that if I made my plans known to you, that I wouldn't have left.
I understand if you're upset with me, angry even, but please know that I still care about you greatly. Please do forgive me, I won't be gone forever, and Ill still try to keep in touch. I just need to see somewhere that isn't as... Isolating. I can't quite describe it, even in my writing.
sincerely, Y/N"
Diluc's hands were trembling, tears that once pricked the corners of his eyes threatened to spill. Only ever cascading down when he regains his body and rushes through the manor in a haze. Was this a joke? Some cruel joke on him? All these questions rush through him as he scans the manor room by room, crevice by crevice. When he confirms that it wasn't, he makes haste in preparing to find you. You couldn't have possibly gone far. Maybe to the next nation over if not further on slightly.
When he opens the door he's met with Kaeya, whose eyes are wide blown, hair in disarray as he holds a letter he most likely only recently received.
Despite all searches nearby, you were long gone. Determined to keep hidden as you explored the world.
It was only about a month later did they hear from you, your location still anonymous but at least they could confirm you were alive and well.
You sent letters often, telling of your new experiences. It came in steady flows, so when either one of the pair heard nothing but radio silence, they'd put aside their growing disdain for each other and confront the other brother.
It's been years since that happened. You're now nearing 23 and life has only gone up from that troubled point in your life.
After 5 long years of being gone, you found yourself entering the nation of wine wind and freedom. Your chest felt light, your head dizzy with recognition, your hands instinctually reach for the Anemo vision at your side and clutch it tightly.
While your brothers heard from you, you haven't heard anything from them in over 5 years. It was impossible. You never stayed in one place long enough or revealed where you were while you still dwelled there.
But here you were, tracking along a long worn trail you often once took while heading into the city as a mindless teen, before everything crashed. The city hasn't changed much. It was still as worn and cozy as ever. A sense of relief washes over you at the thought.
Whistling a tune to yourself you approach the gates of the city you remember growing up in decorated to the nines for Widblume, a knight speaks up.
"Mondstadt welcomes you, are you here for Mondstadt's yearly celebrations?" You nod slightly.
"Yeah? Sort of? I just so happened to visit during so, so may as well have a few glasses of some of Teyvat's best wine am I right?" He gives a hardy laugh at your comment.
"Why indeed I can attest to that, well if it weren't for our festival that drew you to Mondstadt, may I ask what caught your attention?"
You scratch the back of your neck in response, "Ah well, honestly? I have a couple of family members here that I haven't seen in a while. It just so happened that it landed on this festival so I doubt I'll be able to see them for very long before they're swept up by the hectics of it all..." Your voice trails off in thought, yeah maybe you should have kept better memory of the date.
"Agh, don't worry, I'm sure they'll make time for you, nothing can break a family bond after all!" You internally wince at the comment at how unaware he is of your history.
"Heheheh.... Yeah.. anyways, I should probably be heading into the city then...." He waves a quick goodbye to you as the knight turns to greet some other incoming tourists.
You didn't think this through, you really REALLY didn't think about this. Diluc is more than assured to be busy with winery dealings, especially during a Mondstadt festival and Kaeya, if rumors correct, is a cavalry captain who has to oversee the knights during special events.
Besides, would they even recognize you? It's been half a decade, countless changes have occurred. Where once was clear unblemished skin, now lays scars of burns, cuts, and many other injuries alike. Evidence of your journey. You now wield a vision and wear clothes of a foreign nation, better suited to your life of traveling.
"Y/n!" A voice all too familiar drowns out your questions, turning around when you see her, Adeline, standing there with what seems to be some essentials for the manor in her basket. Her eyes brighten when taking in your form, a smile gracing her lips.
"Oh Y/N it is you!" Her basket is forgotten when she places as nearly as she could before wrapping her arms around you in a boar trap tight hug. You return the gesture ten fold. You take note of how your arms are firmer than the last time you hugged her.
"Adeline! It's been forever since I've seen you last!" She pulls away from you slightly to get a better look at you.
"My! have you grown! Look at you! You're about as tall as your brother's..." Her eyes show unfiltered fondness towards you before she turns to grab her abandoned basket once more.
"You shod come by the winery, Diluc and Kaeya would be thrilled to see you again!" Your form perks at this, a buzzing question about to leave your tongue before she continues.
"Unfortunately, the two still don't get along. However, those bone heads are willing to quit their squabbling if the sake of Mondstadt is in consideration." Her voice switches between fondness and irritation of a tired mother.
"Eh?! Are you sure?! Would they even recognize me? Do they even want to see me after I just up and left?" You whisper that last sentence, not expecting the maid to hear you.
"Y/N don't be silly, they'd be happy to see you, thrilled even! Don't you worry about being recognized, if I could tell it was you, then they will too." Her voice is kind, just like it was the time following Crepus' death. A sad wave of nostalgia fills you, you comply and urge her to lead the way (not that you need it really).
The walk outside of the city is quiet, it's strained but not uncomfortable. Your and Adeline's footsteps being the only things you hear trailing behind you. Noises of chatter and laughing of the festival falling dim. Adeline clears her throat.
"I never did say to Master Diluc about that night." She pauses, "when he realized you were gone, he went into a frenzy. For the first time in years, both Master Diluc and Kaeya cooperated with each other. All in hopes of finding you. Master Diluc tore himself up about it for weeks after it, I'd say even months. It took a while to understand that you left of your own choice, even with your letters saying such as."
You know she didn't say this to make you feel bad, but it sure as hell began to create a pit of guilt in your stomach.
"I'm sorry. I was hoping that leaving while he was gone would have been easier on both of them..." Lame excuse, you know. But what could you say? You were 18, not the smartest pea in the pod but hey, what's done is done.
"Yeah well you're back now," Adeline laughs, "be it for good or temporary, I'm sure they're gonna be ecstatic." As if to punctuate her sentence, you both stop, the Dawn Winery leaking from the distance.
You swallow a nervous lump in your throat as you both draw closer to the manor. Nerves prickle your skin like lightning as you help the older woman with the door, her hands preoccupied with the baskets.
"Master Diluc and Master Kaeya, I'm back!" She announces as she places the baskets of goods on a nearby table. She turns to you, a sense of mirth in her eyes, "And I brought someone who wants- cut that- who you both would like to see!" You panic slightly at how abrupt she was but quickly calm down.
You hear bickering from within the kitchen, the familiar voices of your brothers growing closer as they approach.
"Now I'm just saying that you could afford to be a bit more...hospitable, after all we are family." Diluc's fiery red hair comes into view as he exits that room before the blue haired captain.
"And in saying that you are hardly a welcomed guest here, if you want hospitality, you can go ahead and book a room for the Goth hotel and leave this manor." Less than a minute home and you're already deadpanning at the theatrics.
He breezes by the both of you, Kaeya in tow, not registering Adeline's words due his bickering nature with Kaeya.
"Master Diluc, must I repeat myself in stating you have a special guest over?" Diluc waves a dismissive hand while his back is turned to you. Kaeya scoffs before turning to give a gesture of goodwill before freezing as though his vision took hold of him.
"Well, I can't see how important this guest truly is if they didn't even bother to schedule a proper meeting with me." He continues to sort through papers, his voice edging on irritation but only slightly.
"Diluc." Kaeya's tone is flat as his eyes stay completely trained onto your form, as though if he dared to even look away you'd vanish once more.
"Honestly, if this meeting is truly that imperative you're just going to have to wait. To try and walk in on such a busy and hectic time such as Windblume is hardly a good look on yourself in this moment." You don't blame him, you can see the stress visible on his features, clearly overworked with whatever he's been up to the past few years.
"Diluc." The knights tone is firm. Far less languid as it usually is as he tries his hardest to gain the others attention.
"Kaeya whatever you have to say, you can say without needing my complete attention-" he turns around swiftly to chide him for repeating himself before he freezes up all the same.
"Y/n?" His once harsh and sharp tone taken with your brother is now much softer when in reference to you. Disbelief drawn onto both their features.
You stand there awkwardly, shifting your heart from one foot to the other in a tense and silent battle. You let out a breathy laugh, Kaeya following suit as you raise your arms in mock surrender. Diluc is frozen still as the other lurches forward to wrap you in a death defying embrace that never falters. You laugh once more as he scoops you up. Diluc, having jumped out of his own stupor walks forward in opposing silence. He reaches a hand out to slightly tug at your unkempt hair.
You struggle to swat his hand away as the cavalry captains hold only tightens. You resign yourself before you belt out a joking remark.
"I'm back! Did you guys miss me?"
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ohlawdthebirds · 19 hours
Hello 🕊🙏, 
I’m Hani from Gaza 💔, 26 years old. My family and I are living through a humanitarian disaster due to the war 💔😭. We lost our home and all our belongings, and my elderly father 🇵🇸 can no longer support us. My mother is chronically ill and requires constant care 🍉🙏.
Can you reblog my 📌 pinned post on my account? 
Every share 🕊❤ helps spread our story and brings us much-needed support 🙏💖. Thank you so much to everyone who helps us by spreading the word.
Please help if you can, may you and your family stay safe!
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