#this took forever i hope it passes muster
nicoise · 2 months
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stayed up all night reading @kurtsascot's treading water
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estrellayluna · 2 months
In another life
Nanami Kento
Synopsis : You promised yourself that you wouldn’t have the same unfortunate fate that your mother had gone through with love. Until your whole world comes crumbling down discovering your husband’s infidelity. Through tears and heartbreak you recall your mothers last words.
(We all know he would never!!) (please check out link once you see it for visuals!!!)
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One text message from an unsaved number. One simple message was the reason your whole world came crumbling down in just seconds.
It was vile. The photo. It seemed as if whoever took the photo was in a rush to capture it. A little blurred in some spots but you could immediately make out what it depicted.
Your husband, Nanami having his arms wrapped around a waist of another woman just steps away from his desk. Whoever the woman was, her head was slightly tilted looking up at him with a smile on her face. Arms loosely wrapped around his shoulder blades.
At a loss for words and seemingly unaware the breaths you were holding in, the sudden ache you felt in your chest was growing deeper. Tears forming just before multiple escaping your eyes.
You didn’t want to believe it, but how could you not? The moment you felt the ache in your chest you knew.
4 months earlier
The sounds of monitors and footsteps were faint outside the door of your mothers hospital room. The room’s television on low volume as you peel a bright colored orange.
It has been a while coming but your mothers health has been declining since the last attempt of hope with needed surgery. But unfortunately to no avail.
And as much as you wished for your mother to keep fighting she finally made the decision to leave this world in peace. No more mustering up the little strength she had left to the annoyance of appointments or the continuous failed improvements.
So you devoted your time to spend as much time with your mother as you could.
“How is Nanami doing (Y/N),” your mother asks in a soft voice while looking over to you “he hasn’t come along with you for the past 3 weeks or so. Is everything alright?”
Finally finished with peeling the orange and setting it down you smiled at her, “he’s doing fine mom, just busy at work these days. He actually got promoted up at his office job a few days ago.” You tell her with a smile on your face.
Your mother slightly gasps with joy, clasping your hands with yours she beams.
“I’m so happy to hear that, I’m sure the both of you will continue to live a nice peaceful life together. He’s a good man darling, I’ll be able to leave this world in peace knowing you’ll be well taken care of.”
You smile at her words, a pang of joy and sadness.
Your mother was a single mother raising you all on her own. Your father was in the picture up until the age 11. From then on his visits were some and then eventually no more.
Though you didn’t hate him, you grew up more focused on the fact of trying your best to be a good daughter. Not causing too much stress to your mother.
Your father was your mothers first and only love. Only as time passed by, he became unfaithful. Your mother immediately took action into trying to become the best mother she can be with the so little she had. You grew up to promise yourself you refuse to let the same happen to you. To not let this curse that your father casted upon your mother trickle down to you.
“(Y/N), do you want to know why I always called you my little star,” you mother brings up. you can tell she was growing tired some.
8:30 pm
Visiting hours will end soon.
You hum in response, smoothing out the blanket that lays just between you two.
“Because moths always look for light in the darkness. You are my light and star (Y/N). I will forever be grateful to have had you as my daughter.”
Before visiting hours came to an end your head falls onto her lap, tears streaming down as her hands strokes your hair.
Moths look for the light in the darkness
Everything you had planned for, promised yourself and your mother was eradicated. You wanted to scream. To make a mess of everything in this home you two shared.
But you can only frown at the thought of your mother disapproving those actions.
You had no idea what to do.
More importantly, what to do with the hidden pregnancy test you tucked away inside your side of the dresser.
Wiping your tears away, headed towards your shared room you look for the test.
You tried to recall when it must have all changed. Was it when Nanami was promoted at work that he was moved to the upper level of the office building?
You recall the first couple of times you stopped by to deliver him lunch that he had forgotten.
The atmosphere was not as welcoming as his previous position. You had felt out of place when just simply asking for your husband at the front desk.
Rummaging through your belongings looking for the damn test you heard the front door open to your apartment.
8:45 pm
Though it was somewhat late, you hadn’t expect him to arrive just yet.
You froze, not sure of anything anymore.
A part of you wanted to confront him, and the other part of you just wanted to be comforted, to be told it was a fake. Absolutely anything else other than being told it was true.
Is this the end?
Finally spotting the pregnancy test you sat down in the corner of the king size bed. Holding the pregnancy test close to you, but hidden from anyone else’s view.
You hadn’t bothered to put all the clothing that fell from your frantic digging back inside.
So when Nanami walked in your shared bedroom, it was the first thing he saw.
“What the hell happened in here?” Nanami sighed placing his briefcase aside the room.
Nanami noticed your lack on response and the fact you weren’t facing him.
“I didn’t intend to have you find out like this (Y/N),” your eyes slightly widen in shock. Nanami brought his left hand to sooth the bridge of his nose.
“I don’t know who must have sent that photo to you. And I don’t intend to let that person have the satisfaction of knowing it actually got to you. Though I do have a few people in mind.” Nanami headed towards the closet to find a more comfortable to change into.
If you didn’t think your heart was beating, his lack of empathy causes your heart to break into a million pieces.
How could he be so calm about this..
“Why Nanami,” your voice trembles, your heart beating faster than ever “what caused this to happen?”
Nanami now finally walked towards you, trying to clasp your hands into yours you refuse to budge. The test tightly protected in your hands unbeknownst to him.
Nanami sighs again with a tight stern look on his face. Knowing there’s no longer any chance you’ll be able to come back from it all.
“When your mother passed away you became a shell of yourself (Y/N). It was easy in the beginning to be there for you. But it eventually turned into mindless sex as an escape for you. I did not want to hurt your decisions into avoiding the reality of losing your mother. If you hadn’t ignored your grief,” Nanami continues while taking off his glasses and watch setting them aside, glancing at your reflection at the mirror in front of him. Your eyes finally met “perhaps I could have better helped you understand (Y/N).”
“Who is she? Is she a coworker of yours?” At Nanamis confession, you felt numb. All the anger and sadness you felt dissipated. You wanted nothing more now than to go to sleep and dream of your mom comforting you and feel her hand stroke your hair again even for a mere moment inside your unconscious mind.
“Her name is Kuina. She was employed just a month into when your mother passed,” Nanami turned around to face you, leaning against the drawer head turned slightly down, arms crossed “I didn’t think I would have ever been one to end up doing such a thing (Y/N). I’m sorry.”
‘I’m sorry’
Nanami walked out into the living room closing the door behind him.
6 years ago
“Mom are you alright?” Walking into your moms room seeing her working on paper work for your grandmother. Gathering information about her as needed for the funeral home to work on her death certificate.
Your mom looked frantic and tired. Noting the atmosphere felt different, “hey mom, where’s Karube?” Your mom looked up at you putting up a brave face.
“Karube and I are no longer together (Y/N). He and I just realized we weren’t a match really. No need to worry.”
Karube ended up cheating on my mother around the same time my grandmother passed away.
Not only did you fail in keeping that promise you made yourself all those years ago.
You failed your mom too.
Hearing the faint sounds of the television being turned on just outside the living room, you tried your best to muffle your cries as it all eventually settled inside of you.
‘You were my light in times of darkness’
Hugging yourself to sleep, it didn’t take long as your cries settled you down.
It’s been a week since everything was brought to light. And just 3 days ago you were met with a few documents settled on the main wooden table of the home.
Divorce papers
You sigh with stress laced within. You avoided even looking through everything until the night before your first appointment with your doctor.
Frantically filing everything down, deciding on stopping by Nanamis office before heading to your doctors to drop off the paperwork.
Your walk to Nanamis workplace wasn’t how it was before. Your gentle smiles while walking is now replaced by a neutral toned face. The warmth of the sun is no longer a lovely feeling but a sticky hot feeling all over your body.
You hated to be a burden at such a young age. That night, after Nanamis confession you held out on telling him.
Guilt swept over you as you realized how tragic it all is.
This baby wasn’t due to the love you both have for each other, at least not anymore. It’s due to your wanting to escape from your grief.
Oh how your mother would be saddened.
Walking up to Nanamis now private office, trying your best to keep your head held high. You noticed that some look over at you knowing the gossip that had gone around. And others who seem to not care at all. You were silently grateful for the few.
Reaching his office, you knocked twice. Looking over your shoulder to see few of his fellow colleagues quickly look away from you as if they weren’t popping their eyes at the front seat view they had.
You let yourself in once you heard an approval from the other side.
Whispers soon ensued as the door closed behind you.
Nanami was looking over paperwork at his desk, eyebrows furrowed in whatever god knows what he deals with nowadays.
“I came to drop off the divorce paper work Kento.” Stating as you walk up his desk, your soft footsteps and his quick writing with pen hitting his paper being the silence breaker between the two of you.
Nanami drops his pen on his desk and looks up at you.
The tall windows of his office gently illuminated your face, earrings softly shimmering and pieces of your hair fall front of your face framing a delicate balance to your face.
‘You became a shell of yourself’
You didn’t try to improve your appearance just for him. Matter of fact you did it for yourself. You refused to let his words eat your self conscious.
Plus, your mother always told you how important it is to be presentable to the public. Not for the approval of others but for your own self.
Handing him the folder, your hands softly brush against each others.
Keeping your calm composure, you stood straight ready to turn around and leave.
“(Y/N)-“ Nanami starts but you had cut him off.
“I plan to leave the apartment soon Kento. If approved in just days time, you need not worry about me being in that place anymore,” you ushered as to turn around once again “have a good day Kento.”
Pushing his office doors to open and leave this place once and for all, you open the doors to Kuina waiting just outside the doors.
You should have known his office colleagues were just as wanting to know what must have been discussed behind the closed doors.
As your eyes met Kuina’s, all you had left in you was a smile.
Just as the doors of his office completely closed, Nanami caught a glance at the exchange.
Deep down inside he knew he had caused enough pain when all you did was smile at her.
As the elevator descends to the lower floors of the building it stopped just below the floor that Nanami once was.
As people come in and go, a tall man with white hair and circular dark navy shades shuffled his way to your side as the elevator doors close descending back down once again.
Wood scents, with a note of eucalyptus
You’re familiar with this scent of the man standing next to you. It’s nothing new. Besides you’re fond of the scent. Nothing extreme from what you’ve come across before. Men and their obnoxious amount of sprays.
So you weren’t so sure as to why the man’s scent next to you caused you to almost gag out loud inside the cramp elevator.
Catching your action swiftly your hand goes up to cover your mouth, catching the attention of the tall white haired man.
Looking down at you he asks “you alright miss?”
The elevator finally opens to the first floor and you quickly nod as you try to quickly get out.
“Woah I’m sorry! Was it my doing? Do I smell bad today?” The man looks in disbelief and quite embarrassed.
“No no no,” you try to apologize for your actions “it was actually just me! Im sensitive to smells at the moment.” You tried to explain in embarrassment.
As people continue to pass by the man shyly smile at you, his cheeks turned slightly blushed.
“I apologize then Miss…” he trails off, smiling back once again you introduced yourself “(Y/N) (L/N).”
“Nice to meet you (L/N), I’m Gojo Satoru.”
12:44 pm
My appointment is soon, but almost gagging earlier has given me anxiety. What if I can’t make it in time?
It was like if the man you just met sense your urgency and asked if things are alright.
“Oh thank you for the offer, but I’m fine I can go on my own!” You exclaimed as you start to walk towards the front entrance.
The white haired man caught up to you once again before beaming at you with a flashy smile of his
“No worries (L/N), I don’t mind!”
Looking down at the time you realized perhaps it would be best. You were anxious all week once you made your appointment for the doctors.
Looking around your surroundings before finally agreeing, you smiled back up at him thanking him.
You thought you’d follow him to the parking structure but his car was pulled up by the valet.
As the valet driver approached to open your door, Gojo reassured him letting himself open the door for you. Thanking him before settling inside his car, he was walking over to the drivers side.
Gojo looked up feeling a stare burn behind him, before driving away.
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Y’all idk where this one is going either y’all were supposed to die & be sad.
Part 2? Idk either
(Not proofread I’ve been typing 3 hours straight.)
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hanselate · 3 months
Paper Wishes
Clarisse la rue x Fem!reader
i have like no confidence in my writing and this took forever to finally finish, also not proof read.
In which reader keeps a paper of wises written down in her pocket and it goes missing.
Warnings: none that i know of its just a cute little story
Dividers not by me
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In the hustle and heat of Camp Half-Blood, amidst the clang of swords and the laughter of demigods, it seems you'd lost something of value. A tiny, folded paper with little words, words written like a hopeful incantation. It had things you wished for and prayed for. Always stuffed in your pocket for Goodluck, name written on it and all, to name just a few.
1: The glory that many had hoped for at Camp Half-blood.
2: Clarisse La Rue, the tough-as-nails daughter of Ares.
She was someone you admired from afar. Her strength, her determination, and even her gruff exterior held a strange allure for you. You'd never admit it, nor, would you ever dare to approach her, content with stealing glances whenever she passed by.
One day, however, fate intervened, or perhaps, mischief had its hand. As you reached into your pocket to retrieve your folded paper fingers brushed against emptiness. Panic surged through you as you realized the tiny piece of paper was missing.
Frantically, you retraced your steps, scouring the training grounds and the mess hall, hoping against hope that you might find your lost treasure. But as minutes turned into hours, your desperation grew, and the weight of disappointment settled heavily in your chest.
Just when you were about to give up all hope, a familiar voice called out your name. Startled, you turned to find Clarisse La Rue, standing there, holding the crumpled piece of paper in her hand. Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she approached, her expression unreadable.
"What's this?" she asked, her tone gruff but not unkind, unfolding the paper to reveal your scribbled thoughts.
You stammered, at a loss for words as you watched her scan the words written in your handwriting. Each sentence laid bare your deepest desires, including your unspoken admiration for her.
Clarisse's eyes softened imperceptibly as she finished reading, a hint of something tender flickering in their depths. Without a word, she carefully folded the paper once more and handed it back to you.
"Keep better track of your stuff," she grumbled, though her tone lacked its usual bite.
You nodded, feeling a mix of relief and something else you couldn't quite name, but still a bit of pink dusted your cheeks. As she turned to leave, you mustered the courage to speak.
"Thank you, Clarisse. I appreciate it." you'd muttered loud enough for her to hear.
She glanced back at you, a ghost of a smile playing at the corners of her lips before she continued on her way.
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If yall find who the divider are, by just notify me so i can give credit
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guccixstyless · 2 months
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Pairing: Sunghoon x Reader
Word Count: 1918 Words
Summary: Sunghoon and Y/n are childhood besties, but Y/n is in love with him although his heart is taken by someone else. What will happen when y/n finally confesses and he rejects?
A/N: Wrote this oneshot on a rush, hope you like it! Please leave a comment, it would mean a lot xx
Jake Sim Imagine
Sunghoon and Y/N had been inseparable since they were kids. They were the epitome of the classic best friends, finishing each other's sentences, sharing inside jokes, and being there for one another through thick and thin. Y/n cherished every moment spent with Sunghoon, but there was a secret she harbored deep within her heart—a secret she could never bring herself to confess. She was hopelessly in love with him.
But there was a catch, he was dating someone else. His girlfriend, Rim, was perfect, beauty with brains as they say. They've been dating for 2 months now.
"Just a little bit of love," Ariana Grande's melancholic melody played softly from the nearby café (the irony), casting a bittersweet spell over the night as the two bestfriends strolled on a Tuesday autumn evening. Y/n's gaze lingered on Sunghoon, the way his eyes sparkled with genuine joy, and she wished she could freeze this moment in time forever.
As they settled into their usual spot at the café, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom creeping into her chest. After placing their beverage order, they both took a seat and she watched Sunghoon's eyes light up as he spoke about his girlfriend, a pang of jealousy twisting in her gut. She forced a smile, masking the turmoil within her.
She watched Sunghoon's eyes, so full of warmth and affection, and she knew she couldn't keep her feelings hidden any longer.
"Hoonie," her voice trembled with emotion, "there's something I need to tell you."
Sunghoon turned to her, his brow furrowing with concern. "What is it, Y/n? You know you can tell me anything."
Yn took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come. "I... I love you, Sunghoon. More than just a friend."
For a moment, there was silence, the weight of Yn's confession hanging heavy in the air. And then, Sunghoon spoke, his words shattering Yn's heart into a million irreparable pieces.
"I... I'm sorry, Y/n," his voice was barely a whisper, laced with sorrow. "I care about you, I really do, but... I'm with someone else."
Y/n felt her world crumbling around her, she knew what would be his response already but still the pain of rejection cutting deeper than any knife. She forced a smile, masking her heartache behind a facade of false bravado.
"It's fine, really! I wasn't expecting for you to reciprocate, I just wanted to let it out you know...couldn't hide it any further," Y/n smiled at Sunghoon.
"This won't affect our friendship, right?" Sunghoon asked worriedly, "I-..Y/n you're so special to me."
"We will be fine, Hoonie." Y/n assured him.
As the days passed after Y/n's confession, a palpable tension hung in the air between her and Sunghoon. She avoided his attempts to plan hangouts, citing various excuses that sounded stupid even to her own ears. Every time she saw him, her heart twisted with guilt and longing, knowing that she was pushing him away despite her deepest desires.
Sunghoon, ever perceptive, couldn't help but notice the change in Y/n's behavior. He could sense her pulling away, but he couldn't understand why. Y/n assured him it has nothing to do with the confession, so why? Was it something he said? Something he did? The questions swirled in his mind like a relentless storm, threatening to consume him whole.
One evening, as Y/n sat alone in her room, the weight of her unspoken feelings pressing down on her like a suffocating blanket, there was a soft knock on her door. She hesitated for a moment before mustering the courage to answer, her heart pounding in her chest like a drumbeat.
"Y/n, it's me," Sunghoon's voice filtered through the door, tinged with concern. "Can we talk?"
Y/n's breath caught in her throat at the sound of his voice, the familiar warmth washing over her like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds. She opened the door slowly, her eyes meeting Sunghoon's in silent apprehension.
"Hey," Sunghoon's smile was hesitant, his eyes searching hers for answers. "Can I come in?"
Yn nodded wordlessly, stepping aside to let him into her room. Sunghoon entered hesitantly, his gaze sweeping over the familiar surroundings with a mix of nostalgia and longing. He cleared his throat, shifting uncomfortably on his feet as he struggled to find the right words.
"Y/n, I... I know things have been weird between us lately," Sunghoon began, his voice soft with uncertainty. "And I can't shake this feeling that I've done something to upset you. If I have, please, just tell me. I can't stand this distance between us."
Y/n's heart ached at the sincerity in Sunghoon's words, the genuine concern etched on his face like a map of his inner turmoil. She wanted nothing more than to throw herself into his arms, to bury her face in his chest and confess her love for him once more, but the fear held her back like an invisible barrier.
"It's not you, Sunghoon," Y/n's voice was barely a whisper, laced with sorrow. "It's me. I... I just need some time to figure things out."
Sunghoon's brow furrowed with confusion, his eyes searching hers for answers that she couldn't bring herself to give. He reached out to touch her arm, a silent gesture of comfort and reassurance, but Yn flinched away as if his touch burned like fire.
"I'm sorry," Yn's voice trembled with emotion, tears threatening to spill from her eyes at any moment. "I just... I need some space right now."
Sunghoon's heart sank like a stone in his chest at Y/n's words, the pain of her rejection cutting deeper than any knife. He wanted nothing more than to hold her close, to chase away the shadows that haunted her heart, but he knew that he had to respect her wishes, no matter how much it tore him apart inside.
"Okay," Sunghoon's voice was barely a whisper, heavy with resignation. "I'll give you the space you need. But just know that I'm here for you, whenever you're ready to talk."
With that, Sunghoon turned and left Y/n's room, the weight of her unspoken words hanging heavy in the air between them like a shroud. Y/n watched him go, her heart breaking a little more with each retreating step, knowing that she had hurt the person she cared about most in the world.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, but the distance between Y/n and Sunghoon only seemed to grow with each passing moment. They exchanged polite greetings when they crossed paths, but the easy familiarity of their friendship had been replaced by a strained awkwardness that neither of them could seem to shake.
Y/n watched from afar as Sunghoon's relationship with his girlfriend blossomed, her heart breaking a little more with each tender moment they shared. She knew that she had no right to feel jealous, no right to interfere in their happiness, but she couldn't help but wish that things were different—that she was the one by Sunghoon's side, sharing in his joys and sorrows.
Meanwhile, Sunghoon couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing from his life, a void that no amount of laughter or love could seem to fill. He missed the easy camaraderie he shared with Y/n, the way they could talk for hours about nothing and everything all at once. He missed the warmth of her smile, the sound of her laughter, the gentle touch of her hand against his.
One rainy afternoon, as Sunghoon sat on Rim's couch in her apartment, she called Sunghoon to have a talk. The sound of the rain tapping against the windowpane like a melancholic melody, he found himself lost in thought.
Rim sighed as she entered the living room and took a seat beside Sunghoon.
"Sunghoon, I like you a lot," she began, her voice trembling slightly with emotion, "but I know you and Y/n are meant for each other. We had a good run of few months, but even we both know it won't last long."
Sunghoon felt a lump form in his throat at her words, the guilt and sadness threatening to consume him whole.
"Rim babe..." He reached out to touch her hand, a silent gesture of gratitude and regret, but she pulled away gently, a bittersweet smile playing on her lips.
"I'll always cherish the memories we shared," she continued, her voice soft with nostalgia, "but I can't hold onto something that was never meant to be. You deserve to be with someone where there is mutual love, Sunghoon. And that someone isn't me. I see how longingly you look at her."
Tears welled up in Sunghoon's eyes as he listened to her words, his heart breaking a little more with each passing moment. He knew that he had hurt her, that he had let her down in ways he could never fully comprehend, but he also knew that he couldn't deny the truth any longer—that his heart belonged to Y/n, now and always.
"Thank you," Sunghoon whispered, his voice choked with emotion, "for understanding. For being so... selfless."
With a sense of determination burning in his chest, Sunghoon grabbed his umbrella and headed out into the rain, the memories of his past with Y/n swirling around him like a whirlwind. He knew that he had to make things right, that he couldn't let fear and doubt stand in the way of his happiness any longer.
As he approached Y/n's house, his heart pounded in his chest like a drumbeat, the anticipation building with each step he took. He hesitated for a moment before mustering the courage to knock on her door, the sound echoing through the silence like a thunderclap.
Y/n opened the door slowly, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight of Sunghoon standing on her doorstep, rain-soaked and breathless. She opened her mouth to speak, but before she could utter a word, Sunghoon took her in his arms and held her close, his heart racing against hers in a symphony of longing and regret.
"I'm sorry, Y/n," Sunghoon's voice was barely a whisper, his words lost in the storm raging around them. "I'm sorry for pushing you away, for not realizing what was right in front of me all along. I love you, Y/n. More than just a friend."
Y/n felt her breath catch in her throat at Sunghoon's confession, her heart soaring with a joy she had never known possible.
"What about your girlfriend?" Y/n asked.
"Y/n, we broke up," he confessed softly, his words hanging heavy in the air between them. "We both knew it wouldn't last long, she was very understanding."
Y/n felt slightly guilty but also she was grateful Rim was such a great soul.
She begin to approach Sunghoon, taking little steps.
She wrapped her arms around him tightly, clinging to him as if he were the anchor keeping her from drifting away.
"I love you too, Sunghoon," Y/n's voice trembled with emotion, tears mingling with raindrops on her cheeks. "More than words can say."
And as they stood there in the pouring rain, their hearts beating as one, they knew that they had finally found their way back to each other—that no amount of distance or doubt could ever tear them apart again.
For in each other's arms, they had found the love they had been searching for all along—a love that would withstand the test of time, a love that would light their way through even the darkest of storms.
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nahoney22 · 1 year
Hey! Hope you’re doing alright and hydrated ❤️ I have a request if possible…I’m a sucker for angst so was thinking how would any of the batch (your choice) would react dying in the way Aunt May died in Spider-Man NWH…like she was right for a second and then it just happened.
It’s ok if you don’t feel comfortable about it, Ty!
No Way Home - Readers Death
All Bad Batch Boys X GN!Reader
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As the request says, boys reacting to your death like Aunt May’s in NWH
warnings: mentions of death of reader, swearing, blood, denial, major injury but not in detail, suuuuper angsty. ALL ABOARD THE ANGST TRAIN 🚂
authors note: very sorry for the delay nonny 💜
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"That was a close call, too close," Echo breathes out, his voice laced with relief as he finds himself amidst the wreckage. You had just rescued him, albeit recklessly, but the danger had finally passed, and it was time to return back to the Marauder. What a mess.
"Tell me about it," you reply, forcing a short laugh despite the heaviness in your chest. As you approach Echo, you grow confused as his widened eyes catch your attention, as if he had witnessed something utterly horrifying. "Are you alright, Echo?"
He hesitates for a brief moment before rushing over to you, swiftly offering support as you suddenly collapse onto your knees. "Take it easy, cyare," he urges, his concern palpable. Confusion washes over you at the intensity of his worry.
"I'm fine, really. Just... need a moment to catch my breath, that's all."
Echo’s hand that was on your back comes forward and both of your hearts thunder at his crimson stained blood. “Is that yours?” You whisper, looking at his hand and tune up at him. But, his face said everything.
“We need to get you back to the Havoc. Now.” He had lost so much already, he couldn’t lose you.
“I’m fine Echo. I just need a second.” But your words were slow, laced with tiredness as your body starts to shut down. “Just a second.”
How many more seconds were you willing to give?
“I’m fine…. Aren’t I?” Your head tilts to the side as you look up at him, his eyes flooding with tears.
“Yes,” he rasps but his voice didn’t carry the strength of truth. “You’re going to be fine.”
“Just a few more seconds.”
And that’s all you could give him. He wanted a forever.
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Hunter caught a whiff of it before he saw it. At first glance, you appeared relatively unscathed, just a bit battered from the recent attack. As always, you mustered the strength to stand up and push forward. But the scent of blood hung in the air.
However, the moment you took a step forward, you stumbled, only to be caught by Hunter. "Tech, I need an immediate extraction. Track my location. Now," he urgently commanded, his words filled with anguish, leaving you perplexed.
"Why the extraction? I simply tripped, silly," you chuckled softly, your nose nuzzling against his—a familiar gesture between the two of you. But as you attempted to sit up, your body betrayed you, and you remained rooted to the ground. His gentle pressure on your side triggered a wave of panic. "Hunter, am I injured?"
"Yes," he replied softly, "but don't worry. Tech and the others will be here soon, okay? Just hold on."
"Why are you telling me to hold on? I'm fine. I feel fine!" you protested, emotions rushing over you, followed by a fit of coughing that caused you to cry out in a pained sob.
"Take it easy, my love, take it easy. You're going to be alright. I won't let you slip away. Never," he assured, his words filled with desperation.
Sadly, even his words couldn't save you.
He cradled you in his arms for what felt like hours, feeling helpless, lost, and consumed by anger. "Please, wake up," he whispered, gently stroking your cheek, his tears falling onto your skin. "Wake up."
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"Are you alright, babe?" Wrecker rushes over to your side, forcefully kicking away the heavy debris that had engulfed both of you during the chaotic mission. It was just the two of you, both bewildered about what went wrong when the onslaught of rubble descended upon you.
Coughing, you nod while dusting off your eyes. "Y-yeah, I'm okay," you groan, joining Wrecker in removing the rubble that trapped your body. He assists you in standing, his arm wrapped around your waist as the two of you make your way towards the exit. But he abruptly halts as something warm trickles onto his glove.
Slowly, he withdraws his hand from you, desperately hoping it isn't what he fears. Unfortunately, it confirms his dread. "You, uh, you're bleeding quite a bit," he immediately informs you, flustered, as you stop and look at him, noticing the blood staining his glove.
"Oh," you manage to utter, but in that split second, you collapse to the ground. You believed you were fine, or at least you thought so, but witnessing the consequences of the mission on your own body triggers sudden pain.
"Fuck, are you okay?" Wrecker drops to his knees beside you, but it's too late. Just like that, you're gone.
"Baby?" he whispers, gently nudging your shoulder and placing his large hand over your cheek. "Hey, come on now. We have to keep going."
He's in denial. You can't be gone. It's simply inconceivable. The others hear him when he comms them, begging and crying and screaming your name. You left his life just as quickly as you fell into it.
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With adrenaline still coursing through your veins after the attack, you and Tech find yourselves surrounded by rubble and debris. Despite the chaos, you can't help but chuckle at the mess when you meet up beside Tech. "Well, that was quite an eventful ride, huh?"
"Yes, but it shouldn't have happened. I'm uncertain about what went wrong," Tech muses, resting his chin on his hand in deep contemplation. However, you reassure him with a kiss on the cheek, conveying that worrying about it can wait and that it's best for both of you to make a quick exit.
But as you continue walking, a sudden surge of pain radiates from your stomach, causing you to clutch it tightly before collapsing to your knees with a thud. "Tech, I don't feel well," you manage to utter through the discomfort.
His face instantly fills with concern as he swiftly approaches you, crouching down to your level. "Let me quickly check your vital signs and see if we missed any injuries."
Tech retrieves his scanner and begins assessing you, but his heart feels like it's about to burst out of his chest, as if it's being stomped upon, when he sees the results. Your minds are hazy, too clouded to fully comprehend the situation, as he urgently speaks into his comm, likely calling for assistance.
His hands gently grasp your shoulders, guiding your head to face him, even though you struggle to rely on reading his lips. Yet, there's an undeniable sense of concern in his eyes.
"Tech, what's happening?" you whisper, your voice filled with both pain and confusion. Your eyelids grow heavy as an overwhelming wave of drowsiness begins to wash over you.
"You're injured. Quite severely, I'm afraid," he responds candidly, wrapping his arms around you as you nestle into his side. He does everything within his power to prevent any further damage from occurring.
"It's not that bad," you mutter, your head lolling against his shoulder. "I'm just a little sleepy. I need a moment or two."
"No," he shakes his head adamantly, his voice filled with urgency. "No, you must stay awake, my love. Okay?"
As your eyes close, you release a deep exhale. "Just a few minutes, okay? You can wake me up soon."
Tech's heartache intensifies as he witnesses the person he loves slipping away right in front of him. His lower lip quivers, his mind desperately searching for solutions, for any brilliant ideas that might help, but nothing seems to work. "Stay awake, my love. List all the stars, moons, and planets for me, like I taught you. You have to stay awake," he implores, his voice filled with desperation.
"I can't," you sigh dismissively, leaning into his chest. "I'm so tired."
"Please... please, don't leave me.”
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"Why are you looking at me like that? Stop looking at me like that!" you exclaim, feeling uneasy under Crosshair's intense gaze. The mission had concluded, and you were both making your way out when he abruptly halted, fixated on your movements, as if witnessing a lifetime's worth of memories in an instant.
Confusion etches your face as you turn to him, repeating his name, but he remains motionless. It takes a shout from you to finally elicit a response.
"You're bleeding," he states firmly, dropping his rifle and stepping closer to you, causing your brows to furrow. You instinctively touch your head, finding a small trickle of blood.
"Well, of course I'm bleeding. A building just collapsed on us. It's just a scratch-" you begin, but he cuts you off.
"No," he interrupts, his tone resolute as he positions himself directly in front of you. He raises his wrist and speaks into his comm, urgently requesting an emergency evacuation.
"Crosshair, baby, I'm fine!" you protest, tugging on his wrist, urging him to keep moving. However, he remains steadfast, unmoving. Instead, a sudden wave of excruciating pain seizes you, causing you to cry out and clutch your side.
As you pull your hand back, your eyes widen in shock at the sight of crimson staining your palm. "W-what?"
Before you have a chance to collapse, Crosshair catches you in his arms. "Shh, it's okay. I've got you. The others are on their way."
"Crosshair, w-what happened? What's going on?" you panic, squirming in his grasp, only intensifying the pain.
The Marksman rarely experienced panic, but watching you in this state was unbearable. He felt utterly helpless, unable to do much except apply pressure to the bleeding wound. "Stay calm. It... it will be okay," he says, his voice wavering as he tries to reassure both you and himself.
"When can we go home?" you whisper, breaking the long, painful silence that had settled between you. He can't find the right words to say, so he simply holds you tightly, knowing that you're in shock and asking questions that may not make complete sense.
"Soon," he replies, his voice stiff, his lips lightly brushing against your forehead as he closes his eyes, feeling his heart shatter within him. "We'll go home soon."
Crosshair was never quite the same after you left for home.
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tags: @nunanuggets @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @cwarssimp @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @oohyesplease @megafrost4 @theroguesully @mustluvecho @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @rain-on-kamino @either-madness-or-brilliance @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @chrissywakingup @kixs-husband @pb-jellybeans @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory y @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @agenteliix @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420 @imalovernotahater @s1st3r @by-the-primes @the-bad-batch-baroness @crystal076 @blustalker @the-good-shittt
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cheesemonky · 5 months
Chapter 1: Fairy or Not?
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pairing: fairy!felix x fairy!reader
Series Masterlist
Word count: 1.5k
summary: A fairy gets their wings once they're 13. A normal one at least. You're 23, and still without any. This leaves you without a mate, because who would love a wingless fairy? So when you decide to leave, it's quite the surprise to find a fairy with a wing missing…
warnings: reader has trauma, swearing, blood, description of reader scratching their back violently?? NOT PROOF READ lmk if i missed anything <3
“I didn’t even know it was possible to not get wings!”
“Ew, don’t talk to her, it’ll give you her disease..!”
“There’s a reason she has no friends.”
And suddenly, you weren’t there anymore. You shot upwards from your bed, panting and wiping away your cold sweat. A different version of the same nightmare, and it never forgets an evening. Your life was not an easy one, that’s for sure. 10 years since that wretched day. Since the day that reshaped your life forever.
“Honey, I don’t know what happened, but she didn’t get any..!”
“A-A fairy can’t not have wings..! Then they’re just a mini human! Does this mean she won’t have magic either..?!”
This was officially the worst birthday ever. Not just for you, it’s the worst in fairy history. It’s common knowledge that, on a fairy’s 13th birthday, they get their wings, which hold their magic. And you had been so hyped for it all. You had told your friends all about it in the past week, and you were sure that yours would look prettier than anything anyone’s ever seen. But now the day had come round, and there was not a single trace of a wing on your back. Not a sprout, not even a glimmer. You broke down in tears that morning, and the look of horror on your parents face was unimaginable. You were facing your back to the mirror, scratching at where your wings should have been, your back all red and raw from the drag of your nails.
They took you to every hospital, every magic healer, every guru but no one could understand what had happened. It was unheard of for a fairy not to have any wings. Hours upon hours of crying, curled up in bed, locked away from your family. It was days before you came out of your room and weeks before you could even muster up the courage to show up at school again. That’s where it was the worst. You weren’t outright bullied, no, they were too scared for that. They were all convinced that you had some infectious disease, and they couldn’t risk having their own magic affected. Even you began to believe that you were cursed. It was the only way to explain anything. And this was just the beginning.
You didn’t know when the nightmares started to feel more real but it wasn’t something you could help. You just hope they don’t get any worse. You shuffled out of bed with a sigh to get ready for another gruelling day at work. Just because you were wingless didn’t mean they didn’t want to hire you. Okay, they didn’t want to hire you but you were the only applicant for a job that no one else wanted. And so, you made your bed, got everything ready for the day and grabbed a pomegranate seed for breakfast on your way out. Stares were usual, though you’d think people would have gotten used to it by now. As you passed your local hospital, you took a peek into the windows of the waiting room. Seats filled with fairies with damaged wings. How could they be so careless with something so precious? If you had gotten your own pair, you swore you’d protect them like nothing else mattered. You tore your eyes away, realising that you were going to run late if you kept staring. After arriving at the office, you sighed internally. You quickly hurried to your desk and sat down, determined to ignore the fairies who began their daily gossip. 
”I’m surprised she managed to get a job at all..!”
”It’s only because no one else wanted to do it…”
”To be fair, literally no one likes dealing with customers, sooo…”
“Y/N? A lady wants to talk to our PR team, and you’re the only one in the team here today.”  You groaned internally before standing up and walking over to the lady waiting at the front office. You plastered a smile on your face and greeted her warmly.
“Hi ma’am, what seems to be the problem?” She eyed you up and down for a moment before glancing behind you.
“Oh.. is there no one else?”
“Unfortunately, no. Can I help you?”
“Whatever… I called this company some time ago and they said they’d get back to me in an email, but I’m still waiting.”
“I’m sorry, but we get a lot of calls and emails everyday ma’am, but you will get one eventually.”
“‘Eventually’ isn't good enough, I need one now. Your customer service is not very reliable.” You sighed. Is it really that hard for customers to understand that there are other people who come to your company? Half the time, they ask the same thing.
“Ma’am there’s not much I can do. There are people who have been waiting longer and we have to get to them first, or it’d be unfair.”
“Can’t you just- get back to me first and then do the rest? I’m a very busy woman.”
“Ma’am, we’ll get to you when we can.” You could see her face fill with contempt as her face took on a scowl. You smiled curtly, turning back to go to your desk when you heard her grumble.
“Tsk, there’s a reason no one loves you, ugly cunt…”
“Excuse me?” You snapped your head back to look her in the eye, but you knew that anything more and you’d break down. She probably didn’t mean for you to hear anyways.
“You heard me. No one loves you, you ugly fucking cunt. Can’t even do something for someone. You ain’t a typa fairy special just because you don’t have wings. Hell, you ain’t even a fairy at this point.” You open your mouth to say something, but not a sound comes out. Your eyes darted around, looking for someone to help you out, but everyone kept on with their usual work. No one batted an eye at the scene unfolding. You held back the welling tears, and managed to choke out a sentence.
“M-Ma’am, I’m going to have to ask you to leave…”
“Gladly. I can’t stand being near you a second longer…” Taking a deep breath, you turned on your heel, determined to keep your face up.
“God, the world ain’t even love you enough to give you wings…”
“Shut the fuck up.” The lady flinched at your words. You didn’t mean to sound so harsh, but something in you snapped. You had spent so much time in your life trying to shut out the voices that told you the same thing. Years spent trying to deal with being told that you were weird and disgusting. And people still think they can pull this shit? Oh no, no, you weren’t putting up with it this time.You stormed out of the room and shoved past a bunch of different people to get to your desk. You grabbed a nearby box from your co-worker's desk, emptying it of its contents. You shoved everything into the box, your files, your books, the little trinkets you had set up. Hot tears streamed down and fell off of your face even as you walked up to your manager. Getting right up in his face, you stuck your finger pointedly at him before whispering,
"I quit."
Soon enough, you were back on the street, walking home with a plan set in mind. You were going to leave this goddamn place for good. At home, you threw your box to the side before grabbing out your biggest backpack. You stuffed your favourite clothes inside as well as some necessary toiletries. Some snacks and rations to keep you satisfied until you managed to gather your own food and the few good memoirs that decorated your bedside table. You walked out your home for the second time that morning, your neighbours whispering louder than before. You ran as fast as you could to the edge of the small fairy town, only looking back once before you stepped out into the Great Australian Bush.
Days passed as you travelled, careful not to be caught by a possum or something of the likes. It took a while, but you learnt how to forage properly, looking for nuts and berries to last you a good while. And you did it all without wings. Perhaps they were wrong. Maybe you really didn't need wings. And it went like that for months. You were a little disappointed that no one came looking, but what were you expecting? You were the only fairy out here.
Until one day, you stumbled across a trail of blood. You were planning on turning and leaving to go the other way but something caught your eye. There was glitter in the blood. A distinct feature of fairy blood. You followed the trail for a while, before finally finding him. He was beautiful. Freckles painted his cheeks like stars, and his presence gave off its own glow. But then you saw it. On his back, one wing was perfectly fine, but in place of the other was a fresh wound. You looked out a bit further and there it was. His other wing, fallen and mixed in with the sticks and dirt.
"Oh shit…"
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taglist:  @mumusreblogs @kai-lee08 @2minstan @painstakingly-juno send an ask to be on the taglist!!
leisel's note: i got a litle tired of the hyunjin one but dont worry, its not abandoned!! but i had a brainwave for this one so enjoy :3 felix will be properly introduced next chap :))
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allllium · 18 days
Hi, Love! ❤️ It’s me again and I came here for Remus and his crazy people 🤪
As I have a birthday (age-should-not-be-named) maybe you could write something about celebrating the reader’s birthday?)
Speaking about the reader, she feels sad about the upcoming age (just because of the number, if you know what I mean) and she is a little bit harsh about it. So her boyfriend (Remus) decided to make a little cozy party with all close friends 😌 so they have fun 🥳
It may be a 18 celebration or they can be older, it’s up to you and your incredable imagination ❤️ I love your writing, so you’re free to everything you want 😉 especially your brilliant jokes 👌🏻
Sorry for bothering you 🥹 I just feel a little bit lonely at my day… my own marauder’s company lost in the time…
~ I'm so sorry this took so long to get to, the writers block is real bad rn 😭 and also I apologize in advance but it ended up a little different than the request, if you want me to rewrite it closer to the ask I would be happy to, but either way I really hope you like and happy late birthday, I hope you had a wonderful time <3
~ WC:1,888 [Hurt/Comfort, Fluff]
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~ Reader celebrates a birthday
“Good morning Angel!” You recognize your boyfriend's voice even as you dig your face further in the pillow to tune it out. “Happy birthday!”
“Let me sleep.” Of course Remus doesn't listen to your plea, opting for dragging you out of bed himself. “No no no.”
“Yes yes yes. C'mon love we've got to celebrate!” When you turn to face him, he looks genuinely excited to celebrate with you.
“Okay let's go.” You give him the best smile you can muster, not wanting to disrupt his excitement.
“Okay great!” He immediately grabs your wrist to drag you out of his dorm.
“Rem, wait, I need to get dressed first.” You laugh.
“I think you look fine like that.”
“I’m wearing pajamas and my hair is a mess.”
“Exactly my type.” You shake your head at him and turn to pull some clothes you've left in his dorm.
“Celebrating can wait a minute.” Or forever you think silently. It's not that you hate your birthday, you would rather just not have it. Why celebrate another year passing by that you'll never get back? Why celebrate another year closing to dying?
“Fine but only one minute, I'm counting.”
“Why are you in such a hurry?” You ask him once you're dressed.
“Because I love you, I want to show you how happy I am that you were born.” His words make you grin, he always knows how to make you feel better especially when he doesn't know he needs to. But why celebrate getting closer to the end of the time you have with him?
“You're a sweet talker Mr. Lupin.” You pull him down for a soft kiss before allowing him to pull you off to whatever he has planned.
“Okay, first hour picnic breakfast.” He tells you happily. Wait what?
“I'm sorry, did you just say the first hour? Did you plan this hour by hour?”
“Of course I did, my angel deserves nothing but the best.” You stop walking for a split second. Why does he care about this so much? It's not a miracle, or an unusual thing. It's just a birthday. All it means is that you're getting older, losing more time.
Remus notices your stillness, “C'mon, love, we have a full day ahead of us.”
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“Alright on to hour Three.” Remus announces as you both clean up your picnic blanket.
“Well what's next?” You ask, a little reluctantly. Spending alone time with Remus is always amazing but you're a little worried about adding more people into the mix. Your anxiety about it has been low for now but you know it's gonna get worse.
“Next is my present for you.”
“Rem this is enough, you've already planned a whole day for me.”
“No it's not, I got you the perfect gift.”
“You are the perfect gift.”
“As flattering as that is, wrong.” He pulls up off the ground, and gives you a quick kiss. “Move it.”
“Woah being mean to me on my birthday.” You joke.
“You'll be fine, angel.” His smile makes the butterflies in your stomach erupt. Maybe a birthday isn't so bad if you have him with you.
“Hmm I want my present.”
“Then hurry up and we can go get it.”
“It's not my fault. You're so tall you walk a million miles an hour.”
“And it's not my fault you're so small you walk at a snail's pace.” You throw a hand over your heart dramatically
“How dare you, this is bullying.”
“No it's not, it's a fact. We're almost there anyway.”
“Where is there?”
“It's in my dorm.”
“No it's not, I looked.”
“And I hid it because I knew you'd do that.”
You sigh dramatically, “I would never.” You defend.
“You just admitted it!” He accuses.
“I did not! Let's go! Faster!”
“Oh so now I don't walk fast enough, make up your mind.”
“I will not. I shall continue to be indecisive.” He lets out a throaty chuckle at your statement.
“Oh you shall?” He questions, still laughing.
“Don't make fun of me, I'm being fancy.”
“You are a lot of things but fancy isn't one of them.”
“Hey, what does that mean!” You smack him lightly on his chest.
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After a walk way longer than it should be, you finally reach his dorm and sit on the bed expectantly.
“Where's my present?” You immediately demand.
“Woah not even a please.” He jokes and stands in front of you.
“Well someone got my hopes up, this better be good Lupin.” He grins at you and orders you to close your eyes.
“This is too good of a hiding spot to give up.” He tells you.
After quite a few moments of shuffling happening behind you and quite a few “oh fucks” as your clumsy boyfriend unsurprisingly bumps into a couple things, a small box is placed gentle in your awaiting hands.
Your eyes fly open the second you feel the strange-feeling material in the palm of your hand. The first you notice is that the box is heart shaped with an engraving on the top, saying “My angel”
“Remus, this is amazing.” Without even opening it you already know this is the best gift you've ever received.
“You haven't even opened it yet, dove.” He sits on the bed beside you, putting his arm around your waist.
“Doesn't matter, I love it.”
“Open it, angel.”
Following his advice you open the heart-shaped box and immediately fall in love with him even more. In the box sits a simple charm bracelet, already adorned with three charms. All right next to each other is an angel charm, a heart charm, and a moon charm, all in that order.
“Do you like it?”
“Rem, I love it. This is the best thing ever.”
“I highly doubt that but I'm glad you love it.”
“Why did you do a moon and not a wolf for you?” You ask him, trying to distract yourself from the rush of emotions running through you.
“Well I was gonna but it looked very dog-like and Sirius said he was honored to be included.” He lets out a deep sigh of disapproval.
You can't help the laugh that bursts out, “Oh of course he did. Thank you Remus, really.”
“Well I would love anything you give me but this is incredible.”
“I couldn't give you anything but the best for this special day.” Special indeed.
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“Welcome to hour five.” Remus declares while you enter the kitchens. After spending hour 3 and 4 in Remus’s dorm gushing over your new bracelet, and demanding his help in putting it on, he rushed you on to the event of hours 5 to 7. You are very curious as to why he pulled three hours out for this event.
He pulls you into the kitchens and you see the counters covered in enough ingredients to make a hundred cakes.
“What's this?”
“Well I wanted to make you a cake but realized I don't know how to make a cake without magic.” He looks down a little ashamed to be asking you to help make your own birthday cake.
“I believe this was a very smart choice, I wouldn't want you to burn down Hogwarts.” You grin at him.
“I'm sorry, I know I should've asked someone else first.”
“I'm glad you didn't, I like baking.” Despite the growing feeling in your stomach, his smile makes you smile.
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After 3 hours of baking, 2 failed cakes, and 1 kitchen covered in cake ingredients that didn't seem to make it into the bowl, you and Remus have successfully acquired a birthday cake. It's not the prettiest and probably not the best tasting, but it's something you have created together and that's more than enough for you.
Hour 8, aka the final hour Remus has planned, is making you freak out. Despite preparing all day for this, the pit in your stomach has continued brewing and now feels too much to handle. As long as it's just you and Remus, alone, it doesn't feel like much of a birthday. Even with the cake and present, and Remus telling you happy birthday every two seconds, as if you'll forget, it feels natural. Not celebratory. Now, however, more people are getting involved.
You shouldn't be feeling this way. All of your closest friends getting together in the common room to celebrate your birthday should be exciting, not scary. Well it's not exactly scary, more of a feeling you can't seem to place.
You and Remus part ways for the first time of the day so you can get ready in your dorm. Once you're ready, you begin to head for the common room, hand freezing on the doorknob. Without thinking, you back up, taking a sitting place on the bed. You can feel the tears forming in your eyes for reasons you still can't understand.
As you sit there trying to cover your strange emotions, Remus comes into your dorm. Without saying a word he sits on the bed and gives you a hug.
“I'm sorry.” You tell him, knowing the effort he put into this perfect day.
“Whatever for love? This is your day, feel however you must.” He gives you a kiss on the forehead and slowly pulls away from the hug.
“I don't understand why I feel like this, it's just an age.” You try to explain. Luckily your amazing boyfriend knows you way too well.
“Because it's scary,” he begins to explain, far better than you did, “and it's new. I mean no one wants to get older but you gotta think of the upside.”
“And what would that be?”
“Well we get a little older, we leave school, we get married and get a ton of plants we'll never be able to keep alive.” He seems to have put a lot of thought into your future together. “Even though it feels like we're saying goodbye to a part of your life, we're also beginning a new part. One that we can form yo be whatever we want.”
“How do you always know just what to say?”
“I speak from my heart, most of it is nonsense.”
“Maybe but it always works. I love you.”
He smiles at you for the thousandth time today but it still gives you that funny feeling in your chest. “I love you too, angel. Ready to go celebrate?”
“Yeah I think so, thank you.”
“Anytime, love.”
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And so you celebrate. A small party with all your friends and everyone you love. But for some reason you no longer have that pit in your stomach. You no longer feel the tears building as you blow out the candles on your perfectly imperfect cake. You no longer feel as if growing older is a curse you can't get out of.
You head back into Remus's dorm for bed. You can't help but keep your eyes stuck on the bracelet dangling off your wrist as you do your nightly routine. As you cuddle in bed next to Remus, you no longer want the day to be done with. Instead, wanting it to last forever as you talk and laugh with him. You no longer worry about the past and instead focus on the future. Now understanding there's still so much more you have to look forward to.
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~ This is actually so relatable to me due to my anxiety, I was actually late to my last birthday party for this exact reason 😭 I hope everyone reading this knows that birthdays are a reason to celebrate, you have so much to look forward to as you age and I'm very glad you were born <3
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factorialsotherfandoms · 10 months
Forever's hands are shaking. They are shaking, and shaking, and everyone is still gone. He reaches for the bottle, and finds nothing there.
A hand takes his instead, strangely gentle for all their fighting these last few days.
"The others are waiting for us; come home."
Forever is tired and cold and angry and he wants to snap, to scream, to fight. The clock is ticking, the timer is running-
Cellbit tugs him onwards, towards the Favela, towards the place that has not been home on so long.
Richarlyson is still gone, of course, and Forever's fingers flutter to his bag again; Cellbit holds both of his hands now. Felps has passed out on a sofa, covered in stone dust and flung over a curled up Pac, who is watching them both with dead eyes.
If only he would -
No, no, they took their son, their fifth, they keep both from them. The happier road is easier, but it will damn them all. Everyone wants hope and leadership from their fucking President, but he has only drug induced joy or world-ending terror left to him.
Forever barely hears Pac's "I'm sorry" as he untangle himself from Felps' sprawl, but he cannot do anything but notice when he is grabbed. Forever panics for a moment, time running faster than ever, before realising he has been pulled into a desperate hug.
Cellbit, too, is being clung to with Pac's other arm.
"Dont leave me," there are no tears, but Pac's voice remains haunted, broken. "Neither of you. I can't- just stay. Family again?"
"We always were," Cellbit says, and Forever has no idea how he is so confident about that, or even if he knows what family means. "And we're back now."
The click is tic tic ticking. Ticking down until it's too late, far too late to save Richarlyson, to find Mike. Soon there will be nothing left. He must-
"There's too many people missing. I can't-" Cellbit squeezes his hand, and Forever takes a breath. "We don't have /time/."
"We don't have anything but time, that's the problem." Cellbit has somehow slipped the hug, and is dragging the pair towards the sofa. "We're going to drag Felps down with us, and we're going to sleep, and in the morning we're going to come up with a plan to get our family back."
"And blow up the Feds." Pac adds, a little seething anger creeping into his tone for just a moment.
"And blow up the federation," Cellbit agrees, something calmer, older, viscous in his tone just a moment. "We will show them why they shouldn't break our family."
Forever wants to do it now, would question why they can't but for the slow realisation of how pale his family is, skin drawn tight and their hands are shaking too. He cannot fix this, he cannot fix anything, he is a puppet on a string and the clock is ticking ticking tick-
Pac lets go, dropping into the pile of blankets and clothes which once made up the Favela Five's bed. They have been six, now they are only four.
Second later, Cellbit pushes Forever down into them too, before yanking Felps from the sofa and into the mess. Pac pulls the two around as he wants, Forever elbowing him when he tugs too hard, while Cellbit sets up security cameras, alert systems, and locks the door.
And then hesitates.
"I should-"
If Forever is being forced into this, then Cellbit must be too. Forever musters up a glare, demanding him into the sleepover pile.
"-... take off my shoes," Cellbir fiddles with his communicator a little first, before kicking off said shoes. There is a brief argument between Pac and Cellbit about the former's prosthetic and taking it off to sleep, which Forever only listens to enough to drown out the ever ticking clock.
They come to a decision, he does not really care which, and then Cellbit is clambering in too. The most obvious absence is Richarlyson, replaced by a pillow Cellbit shoves into Forever's arms, but Mike's is felt too; Pac has his back to the wall and hugs Forever from behind, not his back to Forever and holding onto Mike on the edge of their mess. Cellbit and Felps have always moved dependent on who comes to bed first or last; tonight, despite Felps being long asleep, they are a tangle of clawing limbs both of which cling to Forever's arms.
The clock doesn't leave, and the absences are still felt, but it is quieter. Or perhaps drowned out, by his family's breath on his neck and hands on his skin, and the tangle of limbs quickly tightening in the eternal struggle for the most comfortable position.
Forever isn't sure anyone but Felps will actually get any sleep tonight, not fractured and splintered as they are, but... perhaps in each others arms is the best chance they have.
Perhaps in each other is the only chance they have.
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lailoken · 10 months
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Yesterday, my dearly beloved dog, Byrd, passed away. He had been dealing with cranial bone cancer for about a year, and though he held up well for most of that time, he recently took a very bad turn. I was told two different times in my own divinations that he would require euthanasia towards the end, and while I hoped it might not prove true, I prepared myself for the likely reality. I pled with the Bone Mother, asking for her to take him siwftly when the time came and spare me of having to be directly involved. However, I was informed, in no uncertain terms, that it was necessary for me to take on this responsibility with open arms; partly as a way to honor and usher the spirit of my companion, and partly as a vital piece of my own Chthonic work.
When the time came, I was quite sad and afraid, but I carried out my promise with all the grace and faith I could muster. Ultimately, he slipped away within less than five seconds—totally at peace and surrounded by love—despite being told that the process generally takes between 1 and 8 minutes to run its course.
After bringing him home, we carried out the rites we employ for our beloved dead, such as washing the body, anointing it with holy oils, and then lovingly adorning it with hand-picked flora in a ceremony of remembrance. Mourning portraits were also taken, as a way to reframe our final moments with the dead as something beautiful and meaningful. I share those portraits here now, as a reminder of the sanctity and beauty that can be found in death, if you open your heart to it.
I will forever cherish the blessing of your memory, my darling friend.
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alpydk · 19 days
The Wedding (Part One)
This monster turned into over 6000 words and I didn't even write a reception or vows! You'll are insane.
Either way - Part one, announcing it to his mother. My head cannon is that she's quite upper class, bit too close mother to a son type behaviour. I'm sure you know the type. She's largely based on my ex's mum.
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Gale and Nana sat in a clearing of a forest on route back to Waterdeep. She was excited to see the city after the stories he had told her, after the illusion of the tower and everything that followed. Sitting beneath the break in the trees had been like any other night on their adventure, the stars twinkling above them, the cool evening breeze passing over them as they lay on the grass together. Attention split between the surroundings and each other, her little finger lightly hooked over one of his.
“I’ll tell you that I love you...”
She heard his voice whispering quietly; the poem uttered between them often since their victory over the Netherbrain and she continued the words. “That you’re my moon...”
“And star...” Glancing over at him, she could see the smile curling up on his lips as he finished the line. His voice always took her mind to dreams and peace, and tonight was no exception.
“I’ll wait for you, no matter what...”
“And love you as you are.”
The silence rested over them both, fingers becoming more entwined, eyes still on the stars above. She wasn’t sure if she had heard him speak at first or if it had been a figment of her imagination as she lay in the glade of tranquillity, but as she saw him turn to her from the corner of her eye, she knew exactly what it was he had asked her.
She’d said yes out of a combination of what was expected of her and a lack of understanding of the situation. Nana had, of course, heard of marriages and weddings; she wasn’t a complete recluse, at least not now anyway, but she still hadn’t understood the true purpose of it all. Asking questions to Gale had been met with long poetic descriptions of vows sworn from the depths of their hearts and the binding of souls together under the gaze of the goddess and this has been enough for her to accept that maybe it was something she wanted. She knew mostly that she wanted to be with Gale forever. That much was true, and yet as the days passed, as the world seemed to swirl around her, she began to worry that maybe she’d made a mistake in saying yes to marriage.
Gale had agreed not to tell his mother or Tara of Nana’s true nature as a changeling, instead letting them see her as the young human ranger with the scarlet curls and emerald green eyes he’d originally met her as and this had been working out fine. Tara was suspicious and often watched Nana from the comfort of the fireplace, and Gale’s mother, Morena, had been as equally protective of her son. Nana felt as if she was always on the back foot on meeting them, her lack of social skills always leading to one faux pas or another. Announcing their engagement would most likely be no different an occasion. At least she hoped it wouldn’t.  
The four of them sat together in the living room of Gale’s tower, the satin red curtains wide open, letting the springtime sun wander onto the oak coffee table. Tea had been prepared, steam rising from the pot, which stood at the ready, and each of them waited for the first to speak. Nana sat close to Gale, her hands resting on her lap, a distraction from her chaotic mind threatening to ruin any chance she had of joining his family for good, her inner monologue being held back with as much effort as she could muster up.    
“A trader, you said?” The words dripped from Morena’s lips sceptically. “And what exactly did you trade?”
Nana cautiously peered over to Gale and hoped he would save her from the inquisition. When he gave his gentle smile, prompting her to continue, she racked her mind looking for a suitable lie. “Trinkets?”
His mother lifted a teacup in aging yet firm hands, her well-manicured nails resting on the soft white porcelain. “You don’t sound so sure about that, my dear.”
“Well, trade is hard to manage... sometimes people want trinkets, other times magic boots.” Gale, save me. For the love of Mystra, get me the hells out of here.
Nana shuffled uncomfortably in her seat, trying to look for an easy exit without drawing attention to herself. She spotted how even though Tara had curled up on a purple cushion - I bought that for him, cat! – chartreuse eyes watched her with curiosity. She could avoid the questions of one, but not the eyes of the other.
“Hm, and you plan to continue your trade here in Waterdeep?”
Gale interrupted the conversation, and Nana breathed a sigh of relief at the respite.
“Actually, mother. Why don’t we skip the doldrums of business and focus on more pleasant subjects? We have some news we’d like to share.” He stood and approached a nearby cabinet behind him, drawing from it a large off-white box. “But before I divulge such revelations, I feel it best I offer something to sweeten the moment.” Opening the box, released the scent of coffee into the air, a layered tiramisu the source of the aroma.
“Well Gale, you did not have to spoil us like this.” Morena’s eyes lit up in a way they had never done to Nana. Her son, clearly one who could do no wrong.
The dessert was shared out on to plates and both Gale and Morena sat with silver forks in hands, a smile being shared between them both with memories only the two of them dwelled in. Nana picked up the fork, eyed it dubiously, before placing it down again and started to pick at the tiramisu with her fingers, pulling each small layer from the one beneath it. After each bite, she licked her thumb and forefinger to remove the cream, making sure that little had caught under her nails. It was only after a few repeats of this that she got the uncomfortable feeling of being watched. Lifting her head, she saw Morena eyeing her with contempt and Gale shaking his head subtly whist trying to hint that the fork was the correct utensil for the job. So, fingers are good enough for some things, but not others. Where’s the consistency?
Morena glanced over to Gale, unspoken messages being sent to him, as if asking him if he was sure of this one. Nana excused herself, using the reason of handwashing to get out of the room as quickly as possible. Standing in the bathroom alone, she morphed into her natural changling shape, her white hair, longer than she liked, hanging beneath her pale-skinned chin. She pressed her back to the door, her heart beating more intensely than it had in any battle she’d fought, and closing her eyes, she longed to teleport away to more peaceful lands.
“She’s an interesting one...” Morena uttered as she took a small slice of the cake to her lips.
Gale smiled to himself, knowing the full truth of his love’s quirks. “That she is, but it is those interesting qualities I find the most irresistible.”
Chewing the cake behind thin lips, she contemplated the next question. “She’s not pregnant, is she?”
Gale sputtered on the tea he’d just taken into his mouth, surprised by the sudden words from his mother. “By gods, mother. No!” He calmed himself, dabbing his lips with a cotton handkerchief, and upon hearing the door to the bathroom close, he knew Nana would be by his side again soon. After all that has happened, it’ll be my own mother that is the death of me. He rubbed his hands down his thighs, trying to relieve the tension his body was now holding. “But no; children are not on the cards. Not any time soon, at least.”
Nana sat beside him, and he brought his hand to hers, offering comfort. She was still as beautiful as the day he’d laid eyes on her, though he knew what lay beneath was more perfect and pristine than he could ever have imagined. Her hands were soft, the bow scarred fingers still unhealed because of her insistence on continuing to adventure. She’d returned to Waterdeep with him but rather than take up a job at the academy as he had offered, or even stay at home living the life of luxury, she’d chosen to take up tasks and errands posted in the local taverns, sometimes being gone for days at a time, but always returning with a smile on her face.
Morena placed down her fork, delicately wiping her mouth with a napkin, keeping up the appearance of a proper upbringing. “So, Gale. What is this news you’re so eager to share with us?”
He looked to Nana for approval and, as she nodded; he breathed deeply. This is it... “Nana and I have decided to be married.”
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dc-and-arfrona · 11 months
Fatal Wounds - Batboys Headcannons
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Batboys! x GN!Reader
Type: Angst
Word Count: 2.2k+
Summary: Fatal Injuries
Batman / Bruce Wayne
Gotham City had once again plunged into darkness as the night settled over its towering skyline. Bruce Wayne, haunted by his past, had taken to the streets as Batman, the Dark Knight, to fight crime and bring justice to those who preyed upon the innocent. He patrolled the alleys and rooftops, ever vigilant, until a chilling cry for help echoed through the darkness.
Following the desperate plea, Batman found himself at an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city. Inside, he discovered a fierce battle raging between a band of dangerous criminals and a mysterious figure fighting to protect the innocent. As he got closer, he recognized the figure - it was Y/N, a skilled and brave vigilante who had recently appeared on the streets of Gotham.
Caught up in the heat of the fight, Batman joined the fray to assist Y/N. Together, they fought with an unyielding determination, but the criminals were relentless and heavily armed. Despite their best efforts, they were outnumbered, and the odds were against them.
In a moment of distraction, one of the criminals managed to land a devastating blow on Y/N. Batman watched in horror as Y/N fell to the ground, fatally injured. He rushed to their side, his heart pounding with fear and concern. He knew that time was running out.
With all the strength they could muster, Y/N weakly smiled at Batman. "Looks like I underestimated them," they said, their voice barely audible. "But I won't... regret... standing up for this city."
Batman's voice was filled with urgency as he tried to staunch the bleeding. "You're going to be okay. I'll get you to Alfred. He'll take care of you."
But Y/N knew the truth, and their smile grew fainter. "No, Bruce. I can feel it... This is the end for me."
Tears welled up in Batman's eyes as he held Y/N in his arms. He couldn't bear to lose another ally, another friend. "You can't die," he pleaded. "You can't leave me."
Y/N reached out to touch Batman's face, their gaze filled with warmth and admiration. "You're stronger than you think, Bruce. You're the light this city needs. Promise me you'll keep fighting... even without me."
Batman's heart ached, and he nodded, tears streaming down his face. "I promise," he whispered, his voice breaking. "But I can't do it without you."
As the life began to fade from Y/N's eyes, they offered a weak smile. "You're never alone, Bruce," they said softly. "Remember that."
In that moment, Y/N passed away, leaving Batman devastated. He clutched their lifeless body, feeling a deep sense of loss and regret. He had lost someone who had become not just an ally, but a true friend.
From that night on, Batman fought even harder, driven by the memory of Y/N's sacrifice. Their words echoed in his mind, reminding him that he wasn't alone in this endless battle against the darkness. He honored Y/N's memory by being the symbol of hope and justice Gotham needed.
And though the pain of their loss never truly vanished, Batman found solace in the knowledge that Y/N's spirit lived on, guiding and watching over him in the shadows. Their legacy became a part of his crusade, and he vowed to protect Gotham and its citizens, just as Y/N had done.
For the Dark Knight, Y/N's memory would forever remain a beacon of courage, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, the light of hope could shine through. And so, Batman stood firm, an eternal guardian of the city, his shattered heart forever carrying the memory of the lover he had lost.
Nightwing / Dick Gayson 
Nightwing, the former acrobat turned vigilante, had carried the weight of protecting Blüdhaven on his shoulders ever since he took up the mantle. Guided by the teachings of Batman, Dick Grayson had grown into a skilled and compassionate hero. But the darkness he faced on the streets was nothing compared to the shadows in his heart.
One fateful night, as he patrolled the city, Nightwing received an urgent message from Y/N, a fellow vigilante and his closest confidant. They had discovered a sinister plot that threatened the entire city. Putting aside their personal feelings for each other, they had become an unstoppable team, relying on one another to survive the dangers they faced.
Following the message's coordinates, Nightwing arrived at an abandoned warehouse. The chilling air was thick with tension as he found Y/N, deep in battle with a group of merciless criminals. Without hesitation, Nightwing leaped into the fray, determined to protect Y/N and end the threat.
Their teamwork was seamless, and together they fought back the criminals with precision and skill. But as the fight intensified, Nightwing noticed Y/N growing weaker, struggling to keep up with the onslaught. Despite their fatigue, they continued to fight with unwavering determination, refusing to back down.
In a moment of distraction, one of the criminals took advantage of the situation and aimed a deadly blow at Nightwing. Y/N saw the impending danger and acted without hesitation, throwing themselves in front of Nightwing to shield him from harm. The blade meant for him found its mark in Y/N's chest instead.
Time seemed to slow as Nightwing watched in horror as Y/N fell to the ground, their life slipping away. He rushed to their side, his heart pounding with grief and disbelief. "Y/N, no! Please, don't leave me," he pleaded, his voice breaking.
Y/N managed a weak smile despite the pain, reaching out to touch Nightwing's cheek. "I had to protect you, Dick," they whispered. "You mean everything to me, and this city needs you."
Tears filled Nightwing's eyes as he held Y/N close. "I can't lose you," he whispered. "I can't go on without you."
With a soft, reassuring touch, Y/N stroked Nightwing's cheek. "You're strong, Dick. You'll find a way," they said. "Keep fighting for the city, for us."
Nightwing couldn't bear the pain in Y/N's eyes as their life slowly faded away. "I love you," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion.
"I love you too," Y/N replied, their voice barely above a whisper. "Always."
As Y/N's hand slipped from Nightwing's grasp, he felt an overwhelming sense of loss and sorrow. Their sacrifice had saved him, but it left a void in his heart that nothing could fill. He knew he would never be the same without them by his side.
From that day on, Nightwing fought with even more determination, fueled by the memory of Y/N's bravery and sacrifice. He honored their memory by being the hero they believed in, by protecting the innocent and fighting for justice. But deep down, he carried the pain of losing someone he loved so dearly.
In the depths of night, Nightwing would often visit the place where Y/N fell, silently paying tribute to the guardian who had given everything for him. Their memory became his source of strength, their spirit a guiding light that kept him going.
And so, Nightwing continued to protect Blüdhaven, knowing that Y/N's sacrifice would forever be etched in his heart. They had given their life for him, and he vowed to make every moment count, to be the hero they believed him to be. The night was long and the road ahead uncertain, but he knew that wherever he went, Y/N's love and sacrifice would always be with him, pushing him forward in the relentless battle against darkness.
Red Hood / Jason Todd
Jason Todd, once Robin and now the anti-hero Red Hood, was a force to be reckoned with on the streets of Gotham. His life had been marked by tragedy, but through the darkness, he had found a connection with Y/N, his partner in the relentless pursuit of justice.
One night, they received a tip about a dangerous gang holding hostages in an old industrial complex. Jason and Y/N wasted no time, rushing to confront the criminals and rescue the innocent. They entered the dimly lit building, their footsteps echoing through the empty halls.
As they made their way deeper into the complex, the sound of gunfire erupted. Jason and Y/N moved with lethal precision, disabling their foes with calculated skill. However, the gang had anticipated their arrival, and in a cruel twist of fate, they managed to take Y/N hostage.
"Drop your weapons, or your partner gets it!" the gang leader sneered, holding Y/N at gunpoint.
Jason's heart raced with fear, his eyes never leaving Y/N's trembling form. He knew he couldn't let them come to harm. Slowly, he lowered his weapons, trying to buy time to come up with a plan.
Y/N's voice was filled with bravery despite their perilous situation. "Jason, don't listen to them. We can handle this."
The gang leader's laughter was cold and menacing. "I don't think you're in a position to negotiate, Hood. You're nothing without your precious partner."
Jason's grip on his weapons tightened, his mind racing with desperation. He knew he couldn't let fear dictate his actions, but he also couldn't bear the thought of losing Y/N. He had grown to care deeply for them, and they had become an essential part of his life.
The stand-off continued, tension hanging in the air like a thick fog. Jason's mind raced with potential plans, but before he could act, a gunshot rang out. Y/N's body jerked as the bullet found its mark, causing them to cry out in pain.
"No!" Jason's anguished scream echoed through the complex as he lunged towards Y/N, desperate to reach them.
The gang leader cackled with delight, believing he had won. But he underestimated the fury that burned within Red Hood. With a newfound rage, Jason retaliated, dispatching the criminals with ruthless efficiency.
Finally reaching Y/N, Jason cradled them in his arms, his heart breaking at the sight of their bloodied form. "Hang on, Y/N. Please, you can't leave me," he pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion.
Y/N's grip on his hand was weak, but they managed a faint smile. "Jason, I... I believe in you," they gasped. "You'll be okay... without me."
Tears welled up in Jason's eyes as he shook his head, refusing to accept the inevitable. "No, don't say that. I need you. Gotham needs you."
Y/N's voice grew softer, their breaths becoming shallower. "You're strong, Jason. You can do this alone," they said, their words becoming fainter with each passing moment. "Remember... you're not... alone."
Jason clung to Y/N, desperate for more time, for a chance to save them. But it was too late. Their eyes met one last time, filled with love and acceptance, before Y/N's life slipped away.
From that moment on, Jason Todd was forever changed. The loss of Y/N left a void in his heart, but their final words became his guiding light. He embraced the legacy of Red Hood, a protector of Gotham with a fierce determination to honor Y/N's memory.
In the shadows of the city, Red Hood fought with unwavering resolve, knowing that Y/N's sacrifice had given him the strength to carry on. Their love and partnership had left an indelible mark on his soul, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, the bond they shared would never truly fade away.
Red Robin / Tim Drake
Tim Drake, the brilliant strategist and skilled detective known as Red Robin, had always been able to find a way out of even the most dire situations. But on one fateful night, fate dealt him a devastating blow he could never have prepared for.
Y/N, Tim's beloved partner and confidant, had become entangled in a dangerous web of intrigue while investigating a particularly elusive criminal organization. Tim had warned Y/N about the dangers, but their determination to uncover the truth was unwavering, and they had brushed off his concerns with a smile.
One night, as they were pursuing a lead, things took a tragic turn. Y/N found themselves cornered by the criminals they were investigating. Tim received an urgent distress signal from Y/N's comm device, and he immediately sprang into action, rushing to their aid.
As Red Robin arrived at the scene, he saw Y/N surrounded by armed adversaries. Time seemed to slow as he took in the gravity of the situation. He needed to act fast and decisively. With precise movements, he incapacitated several of the criminals, but there were too many of them.
"No! Stay back, Tim!" Y/N's voice rang out, filled with concern for him even in the face of danger.
Tim's heart raced as he fought back the overwhelming fear threatening to consume him. "I'm coming for you, Y/N. Just hold on," he called back, his voice tinged with desperation.
But the criminals were ruthless, and before Tim could reach Y/N, a gunshot echoed through the alley. Time seemed to stand still as the bullet found its mark, hitting Y/N with deadly accuracy.
"Noooo!" The anguished cry tore from Tim's throat as he watched in horror, unable to reach Y/N in time to save them. He felt like he was moving in slow motion as he rushed to their side, his hands trembling as he tried to apply pressure to the wound.
Y/N's breathing was labored, and they weakly smiled up at him, their voice barely a whisper. "I'm sorry, Tim," they said, their gaze filled with love and regret. "I wish... I could've... been stronger."
Tears streamed down Tim's face as he shook his head, his voice choked with emotion. "No, don't say that. You're the strongest person I know."
Y/N's hand reached up to cup his cheek, their touch feeble but filled with tenderness. "You'll... you'll keep going, Tim. You're... you're the hero this city needs," they said, each word becoming harder to utter.
"I can't do this without you," Tim whispered, his heart breaking as he held onto Y/N's hand, unwilling to let go.
But Y/N's strength was waning, their breaths becoming shallower. "You're... more than... the hero... you think," they managed to say before the light in their eyes began to fade.
In that moment, Tim's world shattered. He had lost the person he loved most in the world, and the pain was unbearable. He cradled Y/N in his arms, feeling the weight of their loss engulfing him.
From that night on, Tim Drake fought with a heavy heart. The memory of Y/N's sacrifice haunted him, driving him to be an even better hero, but the pain of their absence was a constant ache in his soul. He carried their memory with him always, a silent guardian watching over him as he continued to protect the city they both loved. And in the silence of the night, he often found himself whispering their name, hoping against hope that they somehow heard him from beyond the veil of darkness.
Robin / Damian Wayne 
Damian Wayne, the current Robin and the son of Batman, was known for his formidable skills and unyielding determination. His devotion to justice often led him to act on impulse, but he had never encountered a situation that would test the consequences of his actions more than the night he endangered the life of his beloved, Y/N.
Y/N, a brave and capable ally, had joined Damian in his crusade to protect Gotham City. They shared a deep bond, one that extended beyond their partnership in crime-fighting. Damian cared for Y/N deeply, and their presence gave him a sense of belonging he had never experienced before.
One dark and stormy night, Damian and Y/N received intelligence about a dangerous new villain terrorizing the city. Damian's eagerness to confront the threat got the better of him, and without fully assessing the situation, he decided to charge in without backup. Ignoring Y/N's cautionary words, he rushed into the confrontation headlong.
In the heart of the confrontation, the villain unleashed a powerful energy blast. Damian, with his nimble reflexes, managed to avoid most of the blast, but his impulse put Y/N directly in its path. Y/N valiantly jumped in front of Damian, shielding him from the full force of the attack. The blast hit them, sending them flying against the wall.
"Dami... I had... to protect... you," Y/N managed to utter, their voice strained with pain as they struggled to stand.
Damian's heart sank as he saw Y/N's condition. They were gravely wounded, and it was all because of his recklessness. He knelt beside them, guilt and regret consuming him. "Y/N, I'm so sorry... I should have listened to you," he whispered, tears welling up in his eyes.
Y/N managed a faint smile despite the pain. "It's not... your fault," they said, wincing as they tried to take a breath. "You... you can't control... everything."
Damian's hands trembled as he tried to staunch the bleeding, but he knew it was too late. He had put Y/N in harm's way, and now they were paying the price for his impulsiveness.
As the moments passed, Y/N's strength waned, and they reached out to touch Damian's cheek. "Don't blame... yourself," they said, their voice barely above a whisper. "You're... a hero... Damian."
Tears streamed down Damian's face as he held Y/N close, feeling the weight of his actions crushing him. "I can't lose you," he said, his voice breaking. "Please, don't leave me."
Y/N's grip on Damian's hand was weak, but they mustered a small smile. "You'll... you'll be okay... without me," they said, their voice filled with love and reassurance. "Keep fighting... for Gotham."
With their last ounce of strength, Y/N reached up to touch Damian's mask, pulling it down to reveal his tear-stained face. "Remember... who you are," they whispered. "A hero... and my love."
As Y/N's life slipped away, Damian was left in the darkness of his own remorse. He had lost the person he loved most in the world, and he blamed himself for their fate. He mourned their loss deeply, and the pain of his impulse haunted him.
From that night on, Damian Wayne fought with a heavy heart. He vowed to be more cautious and level-headed, honoring Y/N's memory by becoming a better hero. Their sacrifice became a constant reminder of the consequences of his actions, shaping him into a more thoughtful and compassionate individual.
In the quiet moments of the night, Damian would visit the place where Y/N fell, silently paying tribute to the one who had loved him unconditionally. Their love and sacrifice would forever remain in his heart, guiding him as he continued to protect Gotham, knowing that Y/N's spirit would always be with him, even in the shadows of regret.
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wantsobadminsung · 7 months
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Pool Party. 🩱🍹 🤽
It was a hot summer day, and I couldn't contain my excitement as I pulled into Minho and Jisung's driveway. Today was the day of their epic pool party, and I had been secretly in love with both of them for what felt like forever. My heart fluttered nervously in my chest as I stepped out of my car and walked towards their house.
I wore my favorite bikini, a vibrant red one that hugged my curves in all the right places. It was my secret weapon, the seductive attire that would hopefully catch their attention. With a deep breath, I rang the doorbell and waited anxiously.
The door swung open, and there stood Minho, his eyes widening in surprise as he took me in. "YN, wow! You look stunning!" he exclaimed, a hint of a blush spreading across his cheeks. Jisung appeared from behind him, his mouth slightly agape. "Yeah, you look amazing, YN!" he added, his voice filled with admiration.
I couldn't help but blush at their compliments. "Thank you both," I replied, trying to contain my excitement. "I couldn't resist joining the pool party. Mind if I jump in?"
They both grinned and gestured for me to follow them. As we made our way to the backyard, the atmosphere buzzed with laughter and music. The smell of food wafted through the air, and I couldn't help but smile at the sight of friends having a great time.
As the day went on, I found myself casually flirting with Minho and Jisung, gently dropping hints of my interest. I laughed at their jokes, leaned in a little closer during conversations, and made sure to showcase my swimming skills.
The sun started to set, casting a warm glow over the backyard. The pool party had come to an end, and everyone began disembarking from the water, gathering their belongings and starting to leave. Sensing the perfect opportunity, I approached Minho and Jisung, who were wringing out their wet hair.
"Hey, do you guys need any help cleaning up?" I asked, innocently but with a hint of mischief in my voice. They exchanged a quick glance before nodding appreciatively. "Sure, that'd be great, YN!"
Together, we picked up discarded cups, folded up towels, and tidyed the pool area. As we worked side by side, I found myself stealing glances at them, hoping they'd notice my efforts and appreciate the closeness we shared.
The conversation flowed effortlessly as we cleaned up, jokes and laughter breaking the silence. It felt like an intimate moment, one in which I relished being in their presence. As the last item was put away, Minho looked at me with gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you, YN. You're a lifesaver."
Jisung chimed in, grinning mischievously. "Yeah, you've definitely won some major points with us today!"
My heart swelled with delight as I let their words sink in. Maybe, just maybe, my subtle attempts at seduction were not in vain. As we all retreated back into the house, a familiar feeling of hope ignited within me. With every passing moment, my love for Minho and Jisung continued to grow, and I knew that this pool party was just the beginning of a beautiful journey.
As the night deepened, Minho and Jisung invited me to stay a little longer. We sat on the patio, enjoying the cool evening breeze. The soft glow from the string lights created an enchanting atmosphere, and I found myself lost in their captivating presence.
We shared stories, dreams, and passions, deepening our connection with each passing moment. The more I got to know them, the more I discovered the depth of their personalities, their quirks, and the genuine kindness that radiated from within. It only intensified my feelings for them.
As the conversation slowly died down, I mustered up the courage to express my true emotions. "Minho, Jisung, there's something I need to tell you," I said, my voice filled with a mixture of nervousness and vulnerability.
They turned their gaze towards me, their eyes filled with curiosity and anticipation.
"I...I've been secretly in love with both of you for a while now," I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper. "I couldn't bear the thought of hiding it anymore. You both mean the world to me, and I couldn't imagine my life without you."
Silence hung in the air as they took in my words. Their expressions shifted from surprise to a mix of contemplation and affection. Finally, Jisung broke the silence, his voice gentle yet sincere. "YN, we had no idea. Your presence in our lives is incredibly special, and we cherish our friendship with you."
Minho nodded, his eyes filled with warmth. "You are an amazing person, YN. It's an honor to have you in our lives."
My heart swelled with a bittersweet mix of emotions. While I had hoped for a different outcome, their acceptance and appreciation for our friendship brought solace. It was a reminder of the incredible bond we shared, regardless of romantic feelings.
Together, we sat under the starry night sky, content in each other's company. The weight of my unrequited love began to lift, replaced by the knowledge that our friendship was strong enough to endure any revelation.
As the night grew quieter, we decided to call it a night. I bid them farewell, a sense of relief washing over me. I walked back to my car, reflecting on the events of the day. While my heart still longed for something more, I realized that what I had with Minho and Jisung was precious.
No matter where life took us, whether romantic feelings blossomed or not, I knew that our connection would withstand the test of time. And as I drove away, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the beautiful moments we shared at the pool party—moments that would forever hold a special place in my heart.
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seishuswife · 1 year
Three Times Feelings Went Unspoken, and the One Time It Was (Bucky/Reader)
Cross-Posted on my AO3
[Main Masterlist] | [Marvel Masterlist]
Probably my favorite trope, wrote this one so long ago tho!
Warnings: fluff, fluff, more fluff
++The First Attempt++
Bucky Barnes paced back and forth in his room, rehearsing the words he wanted to say to Y/n, his heart pounding with nerves. He had developed strong feelings for her, but every time he tried to confess, his tongue would tie itself into knots. Tonight was going to be different.
As the team gathered for a casual movie night, Bucky found himself sitting next to Y/n, their shoulders occasionally brushing against each other. Gathering his courage, he turned towards her, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Y/n, there's something I've been meaning to tell you," he stammered, his palms sweating. But before he could continue, his mind went blank, and his words failed him. Y/n looked at him curiously, waiting for him to continue, but all he could manage was a weak smile with a slight shake of his head and turned his attention back to the screen.
++The Second Attempt++
A week passed, and Bucky couldn't stop thinking about his missed opportunity. Determined not to let his nerves get the best of him, he invited Y/n to a quiet coffee shop. As they sat across from each other, sipping their drinks, Bucky took a deep breath.
"Y/n, I... I've been wanting to tell you something," he began, his voice trembling slightly. But once again, his anxiety overpowered him, and he stumbled over his words. Y/n leaned forward, her eyes filled with concern.
"Bucky, take your time. I'm here for you," she reassured him. He managed a small smile, grateful for her understanding, but disappointment weighed heavily on his heart.
++The Third Attempt++
Bucky decided to take a more casual approach for his third attempt. He invited Y/n for a walk in the park, hoping the relaxed setting would ease his nerves. As they strolled together, admiring the scenery, Bucky mustered up his courage:
"Y/n, you know you mean a lot to me, right?" he asked, his voice sounding more confident. Y/n nodded, a gentle smile on her face, encouraging him to continue. However, just as the words were about to leave his lips, his fear gripped him once more, rendering him speechless. Instead, he settled for a sigh, small smile, and yet another slight shake of his head, feeling even more frustrated with himself.
++The Fourth and Final Attempt++
Time passed, and Bucky couldn't escape his feelings for Y/n. He knew he couldn't keep hiding them forever. Seeking advice, he turned to his best friend, who listened patiently.
"Buck, sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith," Steve said, giving Bucky a reassuring pat on the back. Emboldened by his friend's words, Bucky decided it was time to make his final attempt.
He invited Y/n to a quiet rooftop, their favorite spot to watch the city lights. As they sat side by side, Bucky took her hand, his heart pounding in his chest. "Y/n, I've been trying to tell you something for a while now, and I don’t think I can keep it to myself any longer," he confessed, his voice steady and determined.
Y/n's eyes widened with anticipation as she squeezed his hand. "Bucky, what is it?" she asked softly.
Taking a deep breath, Bucky looked into her eyes and finally let his feelings flow. "I'm in love with you, Y/n. You're the most incredible person I've ever known, and I can't imagine my life without you. I understand if you don't feel the same way, but I just need to be honest with you."
Silence enveloped them as Y/n processed Bucky's confession. Slowly, a smile crept onto her lips, and she reached out to cup his cheek. "Bucky, you have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear those words," she whispered, her voice filled with affection. Bucky's eyes widened in surprise, his heart skipping a beat.
"You... You feel the same way?" he asked, his voice barely audible.
Y/n nodded, her eyes shining with joy. "Yes, Bucky. I've been falling for you too, but I was too afraid to say anything. I'm glad you finally did."
Relief and happiness flooded Bucky's heart as he leaned in, capturing Y/n's lips in a tender, long-awaited kiss. In that moment, all the failed attempts and nervousness faded away, replaced by the warmth of their happy love.
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vermillionwinter · 1 year
Fever Dream
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Civilian f!reader
Summary: How many chance encounters can you have before you decide fate has intertwined your threads? With the 141 on leave pending an investigation, you appear to Simon, a lighthouse in the distance calling him to safety.
Warnings: Mutual attraction, slow-burn series (our boy's got a lot of work to do), Spicy thoughts-not explicit.
Note: I haven't had the will to write like this in years, but Simon Riley has reawakened a beast, and I need to get all the words out. So, this is a very rusty piece of work, but hope y'all find some enjoyment! Tattoos are the only physical descriptions I believe. the 2nd POV's are bringing me back to middle school Quizilla days.
Quiet. Everything in Simon’s Manchester flat was too fucking quiet, and the air stagnant when he was home. And that silence gave his thoughts the freedom to creep and dance to the murkiest valleys of his subconscious. Wrapping its tarry tendrils around the very memories Simon wanted to keep locked behind the chained door, dragging them out of him to relive every excruciating moment the darkness saw fit to unleash. 
Sitting in the single chair of his small, round table, Simon could catch wafts of soil and decay wrapping him in the tight confines of the damp wooden coffin. His lungs tightened, constricting the oxygen he needed. The fear of no escape webbed its way through the calm fog the prior glass of bourbon provided. It was as if the darkness narrowed in on him, boxing him into the point of full paralysis. The arms of his chairs he gripped tightly in his fists began to transform into the feel of the corpse that once was buried with him. 
Simon’s eyes shot open, and he took the deepest breath he could muster as his lungs got used to the feeling of a full inhale and exhale. His eyes darted around in panic taking in every detail of his barren flat. It was sparsely furnished with essentials, one of them being a bed large enough the behemoth of a man could stretch upon comfortably. As comfortable as one could get when they're accustomed to the hard ground or the scantily padded cots.  
Simon shot back the bourbon he originally poured to savor and appreciate relishing in the slow burn it made down his esophagus. What he wouldn’t fucking do to get back out on the field. 
“As soon as we're back, gents, we are boots on the ground finding these bastards. We’ll find Shepherd and every lost Shadow.”
Ghost hadn’t been deployed since he took the last shot at Hassan in Chicago- weeks have passed. Bloody fucking investigation into Shepherd’s and Shadow Company’s off book deals called that all operators on the ops related to Graves’ and Shephard’s stolen missiles had to take mandatory leave pending investigation. Shadows were still getting wrapped up for questioning. There were few still on the run. But they’d find them. They didn’t deserve the courtesy of living their lives in fear. The face of death is all they were due. 
Betrayal. Betrayal got his family killed. Got Simon Riley killed. And now good soldiers lie dead in fields, their graves forever empty; and families lie dead in the streets of Las Almas. Innocent lives taken by those he once defended, defended the 141. 
Glass shattered against the opposite wall before Simon realized he threw the blown sand from his hand. Shoulders sagged, defeated, depleted, ready to give into the quiet of his home. The benched operator stood from his chair and made his way to the shower. He’d clean the mess later. He was alone after all. Always alone. 
Simon walked through the small crowds, prolonging the journey to his destination to walk to a path he didn’t have to squeeze through a throng of people. Wisps of the fresh air sauntered over him, releasing threads of tension into the open. Easing him from looking over his shoulder and checking his surroundings more often than they stayed in front of him. To his relief, no one was following him. Venturing out into society felt like an op in its own way. Having to blend in when you lived your life in anonymity. He wore a different mask in the calm of the world. One fewer people were familiar with than the ominous mask he donned on the field.  
And Las Almas was proof of why. Shephard was a loose-end that needed to be handled yesterday, and Simon couldn’t shake off the constant feeling he would be found. Just as Roba had found him. He couldn’t very well walk around with his most distinguishing feature on full display, a beacon where to strike next. Simon had to stay vigilant. For himself, but most importantly for them. Nothing could get to them. 
Sleep was an elusive luxury Simon would not allow himself since he was dismissed on leave, not that he had the best slumber before then. Running on cat naps, caffeine and spite. The blame and guilt eating away at him, letting those bastards go unseen. And all he wanted was five minutes alone with Shepherd. Ghost wanted the ex-general begging for his life as it left his very body. 
All of Simon's plans of vengeance were halted when you stepped out onto the patio of the bakery he found a form of solace in on leave- emerald lace dress billowing around your body, combat boots peaked through with each step you took. Ethereal. A goddess among man. You were divine and entrancing as you stepped lightly, despite the clunky footwear you chose. He was in the door before he could notice where you sat, but hell he found himself praying at your altar you would be in perfect view. 
La Gouter was one of the few havens Simon had found in the area. The crowd was moderate, but constant. Tea was always fresh, and the man could not resist the warm, buttery treats. Today he sat with a chocolate croissant with his black tea- two sugars, no cream. Balance. 
A book tucked under his arm, he leaned against the mural of Paris- where he had a clear view to the left, right, patio door adjacent to his table, and the entry of the cafe itself. Which also gave him the view of his tea shop muse, and a sudden warmth rushed over him when you looked towards him, eyes honing in on his eyes. Target locked. 
Looking down quickly, he cracked open the book that accompanied him. Laying there waiting to be read, to transport the reader to another realm. A world where he didn’t have to be Simon Riley. Now he could get lost in the spice filled sands of Arrakis. Simon let his eyes settle on the pages behind the orange cover. 
Twenty pages in, half the tea gone, he felt his eyes drifting again. Black nails adorned your lithe fingers-wrapped around a pen you used to write in the notebook splayed on the table. Legs shifting, the slit of your dress exposed more tattoos scattered on your smooth leg. Wouldn't it be nice to run his fingers over the lines of each piece of art that was displayed there? To feel those hands wrapped around him instead? To lay you out in front of him the way your notebook was exposed to you. Lines of intrigue covering both flesh and paper. He wanted to know the webs of thought spinning from your head to paper. The sounds your lips would release at his touches. Were they soft and airy? Low and rough?
Fuck, he shook himself from the lasvicious thoughts (swirling in his head) throwing back the rest of his tea that he dearly wished was bourbon, and left for the gate. But as he threw his trash into the bin, he had that feeling. There was an energy when eyes bore into you. Watched your every move, like you were prey. Their target . Taking in even the smallest of twitches.
Chalked it up to being on edge after Las Almas, but fuck he needed to get back to his flat now. What if Shephard had found him? Ghost had no shortage of enemies that would crave nothing more than to spill his blood. Were the others still alive? Gaz. Price. Soap. But Simon wasn't met with a bullet when he turned around to face whoever was trailing him. No. Simon found curious eyes glistening in the sun- following his every move. Down to the smallest twitch.
Simon felt his heart stutter, a catch in his throat when you flashed a disarming smile, painted in dark red. Stomach in unfamiliar knots, he froze for a moment soaking in your warmth in the moment of vulnerability. He wanted that warmth to blanket him in its softest rays. It was terribly disarming. Blinking out of his stupor, he found tantalizing eyes paired with a shy smile greeting him. But, the brute didn’t know how to respond; his mind was still in conflict. And he left without another glance in your direction, all the while wondering how someone could glow in the dull skies of London. There was enough sunlight to bathe you in its golden rays. The shimmer upon your skin was like nothing Simon had ever seen, your beauty enraptured him. 
You watched the giant of a man turn-hands shoved in his pockets-and leave the cafe, and you couldn’t help the appreciative gaze as your eyes roamed the backside of the man who stopped dead in his tracks and stared at you for an agonizingly small amount of time. Whom you had caught staring at you minutes ago. His gaze, through red lenses, overwhelmed you, a vehement aura exuding and reaching.
He was statuesque, a gargoyle in the flesh wrapped in the darkness of his fabrics, sitting at the small metal table against the bright paints of the Paris mural. You certainly appreciated the contrast. Auburn beard covered a strong jaw, but his face was mostly obscured by the black Everton cap and red lensed shades. The hoodie did little to conceal the firm bulk of his arms, broad shoulders. When he broke eye contact to read his book, shades went to his hat, but angled his face to further obscure your view. A shiver chilled you. Why was he hiding? But you didn’t let your attention linger, though you did want to. You wanted to watch him read, and immerse himself in whatever tale he was venturing through.  
In. Out. In. Out.
The mantra on loop to keep his thoughts focused. Singular. Not focused on red lips pressed against his neck. Teeth grazing a path over a protruding vein. So he ran faster. Faster. Faster, until all he could think about was how to get enough oxygen to his lungs, Lamb of God blasting through his headphones. The opening notes of Walk with Me In Hell leading him through the end of his run. Spent. Overexerted. Exactly what he needed. He’d finally sleep, and just not fucking care what happened next.
Simon released a breath he had not realized he was holding until it left him. Disappointed relief. The tea shop siren was absent from his visit. It was strange. The wanton desire to be in the presence of another being. He was used to alone. It was easier to work when you didn’t have the reminder of how many lives were in your hands. It was effective, and he was damn good at it. You had his mind in a whirlwind of confusion. Not even the women he's fucked stayed with him the way you have. You've never even said a damn word to him, and he was crumbling. Under a spell you were unaware you cast. Synthesizing his dreams to your every whim.
“Fucking Christ.” A soft growl met his ears, eyes slid toward the culprit. And there you were, just as gorgeous and warm without the infrared glow of the burning star above. Even with the snarl across your painted lips, coffee spilled in front of you as you picked up the few items you dropped. The espresso color accentuated the shape of your plush lips, and he wanted to know what the supple flesh felt like between his teeth, tongue sliding in sync with yours. And fucking hell he’s heard your voice, further fueling his mind. Simon’s base instincts were bleeding through more than he would care to admit. Like some horny school boy seeing tits for the first time. He didn’t care for it, wanted it gone. Made him feel compromised. It was consuming him in a time he couldn’t afford distractions. When could he ever?
Your morning started out shit, and seemed to become progressively shittier. You had an assignment due by midnight. The internet at your place was out, and the company had been very little help with an ETA. It had been your day off, but Deana was out with some virus her kid picked up from school and you were the lucky winner to be on rotation that week for the store. All you wanted was the comfort and warmth of a white chocolate mocha, and now that was also ruined as the caffeinated beverage seeped into the porous concrete of the patio. 
You had been set and determined to complete your assignment covering the impact commercial farming has had on the environment and global economics. Then, you saw him. Shades sat atop his same hat, the once full beard had been trimmed, hugging the shapely jaw. You liked it, so much so that you stumbled on a table, coffee slipping from your hands.
You wanted to scream, cry, kick the chair, but instead you blinked back the tears and picked the empty cup from the puddle of cream, sugar and caffeine. Feeling like a bloody idiot for being that damn distracted by a bloke you’ve not actually seen yet. If he walked around without the hate and sunnies, you’d most likely not realize it was him. But hell if the mystery wasn’t all the more enticing.
 You sighed, paying no more mind to the gargantuan on your left-dizzy from the distractions- and set your workstation. Three hours. That’s all you had before your shift at the shop.
You sat with one earbud playing music as you began cycling through your notes finding topic points and sub plots for your outline. The angelic voice of Florence Welsh guiding you through the motions of the ebb and flow of your homework routine. And deep in your concentration and will to see this task complete, you did not notice a dark figure leaving its perch. 
“Excuse me?” you looked to see one of the younger baristas standing with a coffee. “Uh…some dude ordered this for you, and wanted me to bring it out to you?” 
You quirked a brow taking the drink from the nervous kid and thanked them. When they skittered back into the building you took a look around seeing Paris missing one of its Gargoyles of Notre Dame.  A jolt of excitement warmed you when the sweet velvet flow of the caffeine hit your tongue. A perfect coffee to lift your spirits from a perfect stranger.
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evscribe · 8 months
“So it’s like when female ghouls are in heat?” Aether asked. 
“What? No!” They said, a pained groan quickly following. Y/N crumbled into the large pillow in their lap.
“But you said this happens because your body wants a baby.” His dark eyes looked at Y/N utterly confused. 
“That’s an oversimplification.” Their voice muffed by the soft fabric their face was buried in. Aether sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He wanted to understand so he could comfort them and make them feel better. Who wouldn’t want to when your partner has been a crying and pained mess for going on four days? 
“It feels like it could be a heat sometimes but it’s not. Something about my uterus shedding so a new egg can attach.” Y/N explained. Their head lifted and teary eyes met his. 
“There’s an egg?” His brows furrowed as he reached over to wipe away the tears that streaked across their cheeks.
“It’s a microscopic thing that turns into cells and then later into a baby. It's not what you think.”  They explained, hands clutching the pillow so hard their knuckles were white. A small acknowledgment leaves Aether’s lips, before his hand moves to rub their back. A gesture of comfort that typically Y/N loved. His warmth, even through the shirt they wore, seemed to alleviate an inking of the ache in their back. A soft sign left them. For once they were grateful for how warm the ghoul ran. Aether notices this and pulls them into his lap. Their back pulled firmly to his chest. 
“I guess neither of us have a good grasp on the other's anatomy, huh?” He asked, resting his head cautiously against theirs.
“I guess not.” They comment before another wave of agonizing cramps washed over them yet again. It’s moments of silence before the pain starts to diminish. Aether’s strong arms wrapped around Y/N’s waist start to unwind before they stop him. Their smaller hands halting his movements. 
“Please don’t,” It was a quiet request. Had the room not been silent he likely would have missed it. “Your warmth and pressure are the only iota of relief I have right now.” 
“We can go to the infirmary. The nurse will have something to help.” He recommended. There was a tinge of desperation in his voice. Y/N shook their head. Aether knew of their history and understood their decision, but he hoped they would make this exception. 
“Is there anything else that could help?” He couldn’t help the tilt of his head.  
“Not unless you have a blunt,” they said before a small groan left them. “or two.”
Aether thought for a minute. He rarely ever smoked outside of the parties he and other ghouls threw and it was always within the comforts of the ghouls’ shared den if not here in his room. 
“Cirrus or Sunshine might. Will you be okay if I go find out?” Y/N gave a nod in reply before inching out of his lap. When they are out of his grasp he rushes to the ghoulettes quarters not far from his own. Y/N could indistinctly hear a conversation outside of Aether’s room, but couldn’t muster enough energy to listen. Y/N curled into themself willing that the agonizing cramps and torturous ache throughout their body would cease. With a small creak of the door Aether had returned. Y/N eyes find his face , a proud smile there with fangs almost glinting in the low light of the room. 
“Cirrus sends gifts.” He tells them, holding two carefully wrapped blunts delicately between his pointer and middle finger. 
“Blessed be.” Y/N murmurs, sitting up again. Aether finds a spot on the unmade bed yet again, producing a lighter from his pocket before passing it and the blunts to them. They set one on his bedside table before putting the other between their lips and lighting it. Y/N couldn’t help the greedy inhale they took before passing it to Aether. The slow haze starting to course through their body and mind. The blunt was effortlessly passed between the two for what seemed like forever and no time. The pain of cramps faded into a dull twinge and the body ache paused by the time the expertly wrapped blunt had become a meager example of what it once was. Aether put out the barely lit roach between his pointer and thumb. 
“How ya feelin’?” Aether asked, his head cocking to his right.
“Better.” Y/N admitted with a smile. Their eyes were now cloudy and half lidded. It was a refreshing difference from the past few days. 
“Can I ask you a likely invasive question?” Y/N asked, almost mindlessly.
“Sure.” Aether says with a chuckle. Y/N loved information and where capable Aether loved helping them fill in the gaps. 
“You said female ghouls have heats, right? Is it fair to assume males have ruts?” They asked. Had they not been high whilst asking this question they would have been a blushing mess, avoiding his eyes like the plague, and tugging at their sleeve, but there was no tinge of shame or embarrassment in their voice. 
“Yeah, once every moon cycle. Mine typically hits around the first quarter.”  Aether admits off-handedly. 
“Is that why you disappear for like 3 days each month?”  Surprises and amusement registers across their face. 
“Yeah,” he said with a chuckle.
“Holy shit,  I never would’ve guessed.” A hazy giggle from them makes Aether’s heart skip a beat. 
“What did you think I was doing?” He asks, leaning back on his elbows.
“I dunno, “ Y/N shrugs. “Whatever ghouls do I guess. 
“What do you think ghouls do, Birdie?” he asked, feigning incredulousness 
“Varying amount of fuck shit.” They said falling over, bursting into laughter. It was contagious and made his chest swell. Their smile was almost all teeth while their hair now gently splayed over their face, eyes screwed shut with amusement. Something about seeing them so unabashedly happy after days of misery made him sentimental. Aether couldn't find it in himself to look away even when their laughter came to an end. Y/N raised a brow at him questionably as they sat up again. Their eyes meeting his. 
“What's up?” They asked softly, a lingering amused smile still on their lips.
“It's just nice to see you feeling better.” He admitted. It was only a half truth and Y/N could see through it easily. 
“There's more to it than that. Fess up.” They said as they eyed him in playful suspicion. 
“Are you calling me a liar?” He asked as he placed his hand over his heart in feign hurt. 
“Lying is beneath you, Aeth, but I know you definitely aren't being entirely truthful.” They admit straightforwardly. He seemed to contemplate how to respond as his hand took their's. He let out a sigh before speaking again, 
”I love you, Birdie.“ He admitted softly before pressing a kiss into their palm. A wide smile cracks Y/N's face as they reach towards him to pull him close. Their faces are mere inches from his. 
”I love you too.“ They admit proudly before pressing a kiss to his lips that he almost instinctively reciprocates. The two only break apart when they find themselves out of breath. 
“Yanno you're the most sentimental ghoul I've ever met.” Y/N tells him as the smile returns to their lips, causing him to laugh. 
“I'll take that as a compliment.” 
”As you should.“ Y/N says. 
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maddithefangirl · 1 year
Things Unsaid (Part 4)
Warnings: AnGsT, floof
a/n: hey all! thank you so much for your patience on this part! it has taken me so long to write this due to mental health and school, but here it is. (: love ya!
“I- You weren’t supposed to see those…” 
“Well, I did, and now we need to talk,” you said quietly. The wind really started to stream through the windows as he quickly got dressed. His ass was more muscular than it had been the last time, more proof that he wasn’t taking care of himself. You force yourself to look away as the conflicting feelings overwhelm your senses. 
“Az…” you said. 
“Hmmph,” he sounded. This had been what he’s been waiting for for months, and now his mouth was dry and his mind was empty. 
You looked down into your lap, not realizing that you were sat down on the side of the bed until now. Looking up at him felt like home, but you had to do everything in your power not to pounce on him and give him the love he had been missing. You loved him. No matter how much you wanted to deny that, you couldn’t. 
As you dared to look at his face again you noticed how far the day has crept into the room, highlighting his face in the most magnificent way. You missed this. He was sitting at the end of the bed and you reached your arm across to grab his hand in yours. 
You didn’t realize you were missing him this much until now. Your heart began to ache with the thought of him hurting. 
“Az. Did you really write to me every day?” You asked. 
There was a pause and then, “yes, my love, of course. There was no other way to ease any of the pain. Well besides the bottle.” 
His eyes stare into yours as you frown. This was not the same male that you knew, and that brake your heart almost as much as he did. 
“You know that that does not make up for what you did, right?”
“Yes, of course not, but I hope it shows you how much I need you in my life. I- I can’t do this without you.” 
You took that with a grain of salt to keep your sanity. 
“Az, I’ll be here for a week in the House of Wind… make the most of it, or I’m gone forever.”
Two days had passed, and you had not seen him. You didn’t know what to do, so you wanted to track down Cassian to see what he knew. These days have been nothing but confusing. You half expected him to be by your side constantly and never let you go, but you knew he would resort to self-loathing and give you space. 
The day was growing long, so you figured someone would be about around this time and went searching the House of Wind. 
Cassian was out on the terrace overlooking the city below. As you made your way to him, he spoke, “If you’re here to ask me about him, then I haven’t seen him.”
You chuckled, “Of course, bro code.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing, sweetheart.”
You push him away as you join him holding the railing overlooking the beautiful city. It was the evening, so the lights were starting to brighten below as the sky went darker. It was your favorite time as you loved to watch the transition from day to night when the stars were just starting to show. 
“How did it get this bad?” he asked.
You sighed. “Well, he fucked up… big time. But after that… I don’t know.” 
“I get that, but… he loves you… you have to know that, right?”
“Yes. Unfortunately, I do.” A slight smile crept onto your face as a tear welled in your eye. 
“Just… hear him out, okay?”
“Mhm.” That was all you could muster to get out. 
The mood was heavy over you both as you heard wings flapping from behind you. When you turned around, there he was, almost panting, on his knees before you. Your jaw dropped as he took your hands into his, “I- I’m sorry.” 
You were in shock. He had never let his guard down more than he had in that one moment. He had tears in his eyes when he looked up at you. Tears began to well in your eyes as well. 
“Y/N, angel,” he huffed, “I came as fast as I could. When I saw you with the letters… I didn’t know what to say. You have infiltrated yourself into every ounce of me, and now you knew that. I got scared that maybe that was too much for you. I left after our talk. I went to the cabin. I needed some time away to really think without having you be so close. I didn’t want to face another rejection. I was terrified. In the cabin, I was able to think, and I came to the conclusion that I will stop at nothing until I get you back. You are all that I have to live for. I have lived for over 500 years, and that would mean nothing if I didn’t get to spend any more time with you.”
“Az… baby… I can’t lie to you. I came here to end things.” 
The air seemed to escape the room as silence encapsulated you both. He looked down to the ground in defeat. 
“But…” he mumbled. 
“But, I’ll reconsider. The letters and the time apart has shown me how much I really missed you and still love you deeply.”
Tears filled his eyes as he stood up to face you, “What can I do to win you back? You once said that love wasn’t enough, but what is? Can we start over at least?”
You stood there dumbfounded. What was enough for you? Could starting over work? 
There was a long pause before you replied, “I would love nothing more to start over, but this is it for me. No more secrets or lies.”
The largest smile you have ever seen appeared on his face. He picked you up and spun you around as you laughed. 
That was the first time you’ve really laughed in months. 
You spent the rest of the week you planned on staying in Velaris gathering up your things from your Summer cottage and bringing them back to your new home. With the money you saved up, you were able to find a little cottage on the outskirts of town. It was beautiful with greenery covering the outside and a small fireplace in the hearth. It was perfect. Besides the fact that a part of you was missing ever since you pushed Az away. He was how you made your life whole. In body, mind, and spirit. 
You were sitting in your nook reading a book when a knock came to your front door. A small smile crept onto your lips. When you opened the door you found Az standing there with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. 
“Would you like to come in?” you asked. 
“Yes, thank you.” 
You gave him a glass of water and sat at the table with him. It was a little awkward. You didn’t know how to start over. But he took a sip of his water and ended the silence. 
“So, angel, would you happen to have any dinner plans?”
“Well, no I don’t.”
“Perfect, I’ll pick you up at 7:30.”
You smiled, “Sure, Bat Boy.”
He chuckled and left as fast as he came in. 
The moment he reached outside he went to the skies. He was elated that he was one step closer to getting his partner back. He flew for so long that he lost track of time and had to be issued back by Rhys, who of course, had a short mission to send him on. 
By the time it reaches 6 o'clock, you are already ready for his arrival. But little did you know that you would be waiting for a very, very long time.
Taglist: @psychobookaholic @sydneyhasdepression33 @feysandzoyalailover @fanfictioniseverything @marina468 @mis-lil-red
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