#this took me a while whew!
thebirdsandthebats · 1 year
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Okay @s-p-r-i-n-g-t-i-m-e I’m sure you know plenty BUT I’m going to use your wonderful and hilarious comment on this as an excuse to talk about Bernard, bc I realized recently that there are plenty of ppl who haven’t read most of the comics he’s been in. So get ready for my long overdue:
UNPACKING BERNARD DOWD + HIS TRAUMA (for those who cannot keep up with comics but want to get to know him)
So to start, Tim met Bernard years ago ofc, when they were in high school. It’s established pretty quick that Bernard is an extremely Unserious guy LMAO, the first thing he does is literally circle Tim and try to feel him out socially, see what kind of guy he is. He’s the kind of guy who gets himself in trouble with his big mouth, and seems to enjoy poking at Tim and testing his patience. By the time we meet Bernard again in the recent years, he’s grown a lot, but at his core he’s still the light-hearted, fun, goofy guy with very strong opinions. Just less stand-offish, maybe
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Throughout the time Tim spends at this school though, Bernard does experience some wild shit. He lost Darla (somebody he really cared about), he experienced a shooting at his school, and then Darla came back from the dead, kind of scared the hell out of him, and used him to contact Tim again. It was kind of played for laughs, but like. That’s gotta fuck you up. (Robin #140)
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Obviously this is the kind of thing that maybeee has a lasting effect on you. And BECAUSE Tim Drake: Robin got cut so short and the writer had to rush to wrap up the series, we’re left to fill in a lot of gaps and draw conclusions about the years we didn’t see Bernard ourselves. But we absolutely get some insight as to his life after Tim left that school and we stopped seeing him in the comics. Spoiler alert: it was hard.
In TDR, Bernard discusses the the cult that he’d been in that Tim saved him from in Urban Legends. He says that “he’d accepted himself”, but others hadn’t. Obviously there’s the natural reading that he means his queerness (which has me chewing through drywall), but I think that he’s speaking very broadly too. Bernard is a very odd example of a civilian, because he’s always getting dragged into things much bigger than him. And even before that, he had his big ideas, his conspiracies, his loud personality. He tended to rub people the wrong way in high school. Then in issue #7 of TDR (the Bernard pov issue my most beloved, weird pacing aside) Bernard refers to this “oozy, sticky feeling” that he ALWAYS feels when Tim isn’t around. He says when he’s alone it’s harder to put one foot in front of the other. To keep GOING. To wake up every day.
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I think that Bernard has always felt like an outcast. (Robin #121, he doesn’t fit into any clique). He wasn’t as okay with it as he acted. And I think he wasn’t getting any attention from his parents. (Batman: Urban Legends #5, Bernard’s parents nonchalance to the days leading up to his kidnapping)
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So just like Bernard explained to Tim, that feeling got bad. and he wanted to let go. The chaos monsters, the cult, all of it was a means to an end. But then Tim agreed to see him again, and I think that sparked something in him. Because he started learning to fight. When he was tied down to that alter and Tim was saving him, I think it fully sank in to Bernard that he didn’t want to die. Reconnecting with Tim gave him hope and made him really feel something good for the first time in ages.
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So now that they’re dating after the cult fiasco, we get to know this current Bernard. A less goading, maybe calmer Bernard. But he’s still himself, of course, rambling about his ideas and making bad jokes and sticking to his guns (he has NEVER been a pushover, no idea where people get that idea?). I think a lot of people complained that Bernard mellowed out too much in terms of attitude, but I think if he seems “nicer” it’s because 1) he’s grown now. It’s been a while since we last saw him, and he’s clearly changed a lot. And 2) because he’s dating Tim now. He likes him a lot, and he’s an affectionate partner. He wants to lift Tim up.
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But the fact that he was pulled into a cult still remains. And as lighthearted as Bernard tries to be, that traumatic experience still happened. It said in Urban Legends #5 while Tim was searching for him that Bernard had welts on his arms and legs and had been acting different, so it’s not like he was just snatched up on a whim. He’d spent significant time there. For those who haven’t read much abt the ways cult trauma specifically can fuck you up, I recommend doing a search if you’re in a good headspace for that and want to understand him more. because it’s pretty bad.
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And then! yeah. you guessed it. Bernard gets kidnapped again. Chained up next to a BOMB that’s counting down. RIGHT WHEN HE’S WORKING ON HEALING FROM ALMOST BEING SACRIFICED BY A CULT.
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And surely this can’t get crazier. He’s almost died twice in the past 6 months. except, remember his parents? In TD:R #7, we really see a little more of his relationship with his parents. He doesn’t live up to their standards, and his dad specifically seems to just want to argue with him. The restaurant they’re at is attacked, and everything goes to shit, and. you know, I think these panels really speak for themselves.
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And for the record, when it’s revealed that everyone is seeing their worst fears, Bernard’s parents fears are not about him.
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So now Bernard has to deal with that. And we start to see that Bernard is really not as okay as he’s tried to be. He keeps a baseball bat by his door because he’s been kidnapped twice now. And just when he’d likely thought things couldn’t get worse, he heard the Chaos Monsters were back. I can’t imagine he feels safe. He lashes out for the first time since all this has happened and yells at Kate and Tim, because while they’re doing what they feel is necessary to save more people (AND I DONT BLAME THEM AT ALL), Bernard can’t talk about it.
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And I will forever be sad and insist that TD:R got cancelled too soon, just before we could get into the really juicy stuff, because things had to be wrapped up pretty quick and this was the only comic Bernard was consistently appearing in. But when Tim is giving himself up to the chaos monsters, Bernard goes out and rallies anyone he knows can help. Things were rushed because there was no more time to flesh out the story the way it could have been, but I’m including these panels just because I love Bernard Audacity Dowd using a fucking flashlight and shadow puppet to call Batman. geeking out for a minute. And then leading the battalion to save Tim with a SLEDGEHAMMER. gay people rule.
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So yeah! While I see the vision of how a lot of Bernard’s trauma was meant to be semi-resolved and let him come to peace after saving Tim back, we just didn’t have the time for him to heal properly. I’d give anything to get inside his brain again. UHH IF YOU READ THIS I HOPE YOU LOVE BERNARD NOW and don’t come at me if I left something out, some of my comics aren’t with me rn. Bonus TimBer for the road:
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kinstein-art · 3 months
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cottonii · 1 year
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(extra versions w/o the text and some rose petals i added last minute as well as an alt font for the text. i am very indecisive.)
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magicandmundane · 9 months
What are your thoughts on Arya?
Hmmmm, that’s a loaded question, I think.
I really like her generally. Her growth over the series was really subtle and refined where Eragon’s was more obvious and explosive in nature. I’m always a sucker for a character who relearns how to let herself care about people and have friends (shoutout to Gwen Stacy in ATSV). She, Eragon, and Saphira made quite the fun trio in Brisingr and Inheritance.
Other than that, I don’t have much to say because it’s been almost two years since I last read the series so I only remember the most random details lol.
Anyway, with that said, I’ll leave you with a hot take: making Arya queen and a Rider was actually a really good move.
Why? Because if Christopher executes it properly—and I think he will considering how Murtagh went—it could lead to some really interesting plot lines and even greater growth for her character. It is so bad for Alagaësia’s politics but so good for my drama-loving ass. I’m excited for what he has in store for her.
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enniewritesathing · 1 year
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Davidson Family Portrait
Standing: Jacob (L), Johnathan (R) Sitting: Ian (L), Noelle (R)
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Fav movie you've watched recently?
Hello hellooooooooooooooooo!!! Aaaaaa oh dear, you just opened my pandora's box👁️
Recently I happened to watch lots of 60's, 70's and 90's movies (I'm destined to ever cross paths with vintage memorabilia. and the more I discover. The more I crave.) but some that most made me perk up my eyes and ears (can eyes be perked?) are:
First movie! RATATAPLAN, Maurizio Nichetti, 1979
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I discovered this gem very recently and unfortunately I haven’t even finished watching it (sigh sob sigh I got so little free time rightnow) Made on a very low budget and being the directorial debut for Maurizio Michetti, this film had a huge success when it arrived in Italian cinemas. The story follows slices of the life of the neo graduate engineer Colombo, who through tormentedly absurd comic gags, yet unquestionably full of small human injustices (and social), undeterred, he searches occupations to make ends meet. What made me fall with this story of 'little failures happening in the course of our daily life' -- besides the pure comic skits that come out from every corner while you least expect it (or when you expect it; but you laugh anyway because the consequences are usually an even greater disaster that the one expected) -- is the fact that the film it's almost a 'silent movie', or rather, follows the rules of the 'Mr Bean conlang" (yes, I now created a new term) with the help of of a very narrow Italian vocabulary and excerpts of other languages, all this surrounded by a varied brocade of onomatopoeic sounds "(…) making the dubbing of the film almost superfluous." {source | wikipedia|Italian}
(Also the movie's opening is so incredible , Engineer Columbo is the true shape of our contemporary hero because i say so, also it gives off strong middle seventies vibes
Second movie Miniseries! Orlando furioso, Luca Ronconi, 1975
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Born on the wave of discreet success that arose from the homonymous theatrical version of Luca Ronconi (made after Ludovico Ariosto's chivalric romance epic poem Orlando Furioso), the script meant for the theatre was rewritten to accommodate a television production (divided in five episodes) alas by depriving the work of the original's immersivity that it gained by including the public during the action happening on the stage; while also letting mutiple simultaneous scenes happening in the same theatre's room so the public could personally choose the way to follow the storytelling happening in front of their eyes. {sources |cinemedioevo.net| Wikipedia| Italian} Some of the details that makes the television version so fascinating is that it was shot in multiple castles, basilicas and palaces'… interiors! (Palazzo Farnese, Terme di Caracalla, Basilica di Santa Maria in Cosmedin, Teatro Farnese and Palazzo della Pilotta di Parma. {sources |Wikipedia|Italian}). Maintaining the use of scenography and manners of acting suited for the theatre world, the series creates a sort of epic fairytale dream time bubble, even through the use of machinery for the mobilization of carousel-like horses and mythical beasts (choosing purposely to let the viewer see the 'magic' that makes the beast fly or the horses roll run!). Extreme pantomime, actors flailing arms and bodies like opera singers. This extraordinaire work of art is for those who wish to spend some hours of dreamlike feverish visions of knights, magicians and bridesmaids in otherwordly costumes that seem to have come to life from medieval tapestries. I searched aimlessly for possible dubbed or subtitled versions in other languages than italian. I can only come back from my quest by humbly offering open handed the original.
Whenever you can or can't follow all this medieval Italian versify, I would give it a try just to have a peek into this extremely seventies-born madness! Here's an article that talks about the touring theatre version (Italian)
Now a bit of spam
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Mechanical beasts! Mechanical beasts! Hippogriph and the Orca (killer whale) di Ebuda
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Also in this house we stan my sister in Christ (literally) knight warrior Bradamante
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derangedthots · 1 year
I was so surprised to read on here and the notes left on your fics that you have yet to read Fire and Blood because your characterization of Jacaerys is so book canon rather than show canon (which is very insulting to Jacaerys, we are all very lucky that Harry is stunning).
I believe your characterization of Aemond is show only right ? probably a good think, cause to be honest there’s nothing worth ish in book canon Aemond, except for: delusions, misogyny (his obsession with Rhaenyra’s vagina is ugh get a job) and cruelty.
f&b is high on my reading list bc honestly as good of a summarizing job the wiki does, it's not the same as having the whole thing for reference, but i wanna wait until i have a print copy of it just bc i feel like trying to read it online would give me a headache/make me feel like i'm reading another thing for uni (which means i'd end up zoning out on principle).
i'm glad my characterization of jace seems so in line with his book version tho!! i do adore harry's portrayal, it's not as good as what george's written of course but that's on the fault of the show writers/directors than harry himself, and i try to blend show!jace into my characterization as well. that being said, since we're still only on s1 of hotd and even that has given us confusing/contradicting/downright illogical writing choices, it just makes more sense to lean more towards how jace is described in the book. also just, book!jace is so endlessly compelling?? his clear love for his family, his devotion to rhaenyra and their cause, his ability to lead, his cunning+dutiful nature, but also his fierceness and fire (him calling vhagar a hoary old bitch is so personal to me LMAO), his relationship with the dragonseeds, the ultimate tragedy of his life fjsks i could go on and on. the fact that george gives him so many admirable traits while leaving a lot open for interpretation (since f&b isn't written with their povs like asoiaf) also just makes my job as a writer even more fun bc there's so much room to play.
anyway onto the part of your ask that's harder for me to respond to (tbh can it still be called an ask if it's not even really a question? idkidk it's in my askbox so i'm gonna refer to it as such lol)
aemond's characterization is a more complicated affair for me bc while i am heavily leaning into his show characterization (like harry, ewan offers such a stunning portrayal), i also?? don't wanna run the risk of defanging him? from what i've seen of book!aemond, like you mention he def reads as creepy+dirtbaggy (his incredibly gendered fixation on rhaenyra truly makes me want to yak) and while ctf!aemond isn't quite so unbearable, he's also not too saintlike either. bc FMF and CTF are both written from jace's pov, there's a lot that isn't being shown in general but especially with what's going on inside aemond's head and well... let's just say aemond's thought processes aren't all that pretty. in a way, bc of how FMF and CTF are told through jace's eyes and jace already has a lot on his plate to deal with, there's a lot of things he isn't noticing and certain assumptions he makes that aren't as reliable as he thinks.
still, there's a very clear line btwn aegon and aemond in my head while i'm writing (i thought i'd clear this up bc i don't wanna worry anybody and make CTF!aemond seem unlikeable and therefore uninteresting as the male lead). it's just that one of aemond's big appeals to me is how dangerous he is and how, unlike daemon, it's much easier for him to fall on the dark side of the spectrum rather than true gray. he's wrestling with a lot of demons, some he'll win against and some he'll lose, but i believe it was @everythingstucky who once aptly likened my writing of CTF jacemond as jace saying "i can fix him but i won't, if he knows better he'll do it himself and aemond knows better" and to this day, i stick by this description. ultimately, for all his flaws, my characterization of him is steeped in hope for more.
there's a lot of growing aemond's doing offscreen, and a lot of growing he'll be doing with jace, so even though i might not end up writing him as charitably as some people want, i love his character bc he has such a generous capacity for both light and dark. him canonically being kind of a loser for me just means that when he finally does learn, and things do go his way, it feels all the more earned and you can get a sense of pride abt how far he's come/improved
this was all very long and rambly of me but i hope my message came through anyway. and if it didn't, i'm always happy to clarify (barring of course, any spoilers😉)💕💕
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computer-boy · 7 months
1 11 12 13 17 18 19 23 24 29 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 49 51 52 62 63 64 65 72 93 88 89 93 94 98. Uh. Feel free to skip some i’m aware this is a lot. i’m curious.
sorry for taking so long, answers are under the cut!! ill try to answer as many as i can lol
heres the link to the post https://www.tumblr.com/sleepy-kitty-boy/743051716942004224/100-homestuck-asks
oo like... around december this year i think. (when you first got into hs)
11. not counting my fav alpha character, roxy! she's so interesting to me i love her (fav alpha kid)
12. cronus. he is a giant douchebag and i hate him (fav alpha troll)
13. dirk and hal. they're fucked up <3 (fav alpha character overall)
17. jade, but i love them all equally. jade a bit more though. (fav beta kid)
18. sollux!!! no comments he's just great i ove him (fav beta troll)
19. uhhhhdhfhdvh i can't chose sorry 😔 (fav beta character overall)
23. oo this is an interesting one!! i think bro. i want to study him Why is he like that (fav guardian) (edit: i changed my mom i like mom lalonde more now)
24. i don't really know. i don't really dislike any of them in particular (least fav guardian)
29. oo!!! either stylla, tyzias, or tegiri. (fav friendsim character)
31. davesprite or erisolsprite (fav sprite)
33. ohoho this is hard ok. either aradave or solkat i think, although i have also recently been swung onto pale erisol which is interesting! can't forget the classic meowrails too (fav pale ship)
34. vrisrose holy shit they're the kismeses of all time (fav pitch ship)
35. arafef or jaketav :) (fav flush ship)
36. im not sure honestly. i gotta think about auspisticism more man i don't have anything. karkat/jade/karkat is pretty funny though
37. erisol or davekat! (fav vacillating ship)
38. jakehal 🔥🔥 (OTP)
39. jakedirk 👎 (NOTP)
40. sollux and roxy are besties and you cannot convince me otherwise (BROTP)
49/51/52. gonna skip these ones bc i legitimately cannot think of anything? it hasn't been that long since i became a fan so
62. i have!! it was really fun and all the characters are interesting and unique in a way that made me really invested in it. the jade/teal car was so fun but also took me like two days lol (have you played hiveswap?)
63. ive played the first two or three volumes, but haven't had time to get around to the rest. someday... the bits that i played were fun though :) getting locked in ardatas basement was an experience (have you played friendsim?)
64. yeah! it was pretty fun. the darker endings especially were great i fucking CACKLED at the terezi one. there were some great notable moments that ill put in the tags to avoid casual spoilers lol (have you played pesterquest?)
65. no. i might but i don't particularly plan to (have you read the epilogues?)
72. feferi's head fins are axolotl gills!! also i think john can play the ghostbusters theme song on piano. he'd find a way. and roxy loves milo. it becomes her drink of choice on earth c i think :) (character headcanons?)
88. ohoho i have so many. holy shit. just a few: dreaming in binary; space cadet (hello, hello, hello, hello); So It's Going [series]; Love Letters in Digital Ink; things that go bump in the night; 12:56 (favourite fanfics)
89. serfuzzypushover, helmtechnician, missbehaviourOuO, beescake and like. a ton of other people (favourite fanartists)
93. voidbound or therapystuck!! highly recommend both. (fav mspfa)
94. about the only thing i haven't thought of about my trollsona :guaugh: probably two daggers, so 2xdaggerkind? no reason in particular i just think it's cool (what your strife specibus would be)
98. dirk, i think. something something plurality (character you relate to the most)
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indigodawns · 2 years
#whew you know when you've been Going for a while and then you get a break and you're still tired but you're also so so jittery#S WHERE IM AT OHHH MY GOD#luxury problem and it's totally fine but i am crawling up the walls my friends#also update time ig!! took my family to the autism group meeting thing on tuesday bc it was a meeting esp for that#and they kept throwing me glances throughout the info part like lol it's you JDFHJDFH it was v interesting#bc throughout it all it's like... here i have info about autism and here i have my 25 years lived experience without thinking i had autism#and since i wasn't diagnosed as a kid i wasn't as ~obvious about it and i find it hard to reconcile examples with myself if they#don't fit 100% (it's . the autism) so anyways it was v helpful!!!#and my mum was like ah yeah i always had moments where i thought so?? but then it didn't fit the cold white boy stereotype bc i#am empathetic and i have humour etc so she never mentioned it to me bc it's a big thing etc and tbf i wasn't ~ready pre-this year#but now it's like... ah yes i was always upset on holidays and they never got why (the change in Everything)... i was picky with food#and with new shoes and i HATED shopping and it overwhelmed me so much (still does)#i would ask my mum what tf i was feeling and why i was crying and i would analyse social interactions#and i'd have obsessions with media and horses etc. was big know-it-all. was so slow with some subjects at school#like yknow when you had to copy letters 80 times? that'd take me ages and i'd get a fail bc i was being so precise#anyways. enough signs methinks dfjhdjh so now im just trying to see where stimming & eyecontact come in?#i never noticed a problem with eyecontact but im trying to let myself not do it and it's kinda nice?? but idk#and stimming idk i used to suck my thumb for a long time but?? i wanna try things but whew internalised ableism etc#so see then im like so ARE YOU ACTUALLY-- but anyways it seems i am#and my mum made me realise that'd. explain why i suddenly developed depression around age 11 and never got out of it again#so lots of Thinking!!! and wanting to shelve things like ok great figured it out NOW WHAT but noooo#also stupid to do this on tumblr and not rly talk about it with irl friends but what do you say like#hello im autistic? yeah it surprised me too. no i can't really explain how it works for me. no that's not how the spectrum works#so here we are yes#<3
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sapsolais · 4 months
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frankenstheythem · 10 months
"being honest w my therapist" type meme but its me telling my psychiatrist i was abusing my meds and now i have to forcefully """recover""". pain and hatred and agony despair nightmare
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callmemickey · 1 year
Simon Riley fucks intensely and passionately. He doesn’t grab your hair, or spit on your face, or cause you physical pain - my man’s has openly admitted to dealing with violent thoughts/dreams against women and wanting to be better. He might get rough if he’s stressed or angry, but he won’t be, like, throat fucking you for example. Sorry. I just can’t see it. He can be fast, but I don’t think he’s gonna be hardcore or degrading. I think if he gets the mask on, he miiiight be a little more… forthcoming.
Simon Riley finds sex to be the highest level of trust, love, and vulnerability. Don’t expect him to be a quick or easy lay. If he wants you intimately, this is the biggest honor you would ever receive from him. Maybe before he was tortured he would’ve been quicker to engage, but the Simon we know now? Yeah, you gotta work.
Simon Riley… ohhhhh he’s always asking you: “is that alright, love?” “that feel good?” “ahhhh, yeah, you’re a good girl, aren’tcha?” If you’re not feeling it, he’s not feeling it. he wants to make sure you’re into it 100%. the moment you grunt, wince, or groan in pain, he’s stopping to check up on his lovie. he just radiates Soft Dom energy to me (and I want him so bad). Simon loves to see you get all flustered, too. When you beg for him (and you’re a good girl) he will give you anything and everything you want.
Simon Riley being a Soft Dom… mmm, delicious. I love to imagine him praising and worshipping: “ahh fuck, i’ve missed my girl’s pussy” “so proud of you, taking my cock so well” “you want to be a good girl for me, don’tcha?” “you’re so beautiful when you struggle to fit me” if you’re engaged with him romantically, you’re his everything - man’s invested his entire soul and well-being into you. With that being said, throw him some praise, too! He’ll melt and become putty in your hands; he’ll do anything for you. Tell him how you were made for his cock, that nobody else makes you feel like he does, how you’re sooo good - but only for him. He’s definitely possessive of you - not in a red flag kind of way, but when you talk about how you’re his and only his… whew.
Simon Riley wants to see your face when you two are having sex. Anything missionary, missionary adjacent, cowgirl, it doesn’t matter, just let this man look at you! He doesn’t crave it, he needs it. Eye contact is so intimate, and if you’re shy and can’t maintain it? Ohhh, he’s gonna have fun. “eyes here, love” “don’t cover your face/close your eyes - i want to watch you cum” “you were just begging for my cock, don’t get all shy now” “be a good girl and look at me” he’s either coming inside or on your tummy/chest. preferably? inside.
Simon Riley prefers having a good session as opposed to a quickie. He likes doing things in the privacy of your shared home (because then you can be loud and cry his name as you cum on his cock for the 4th time 🤭). Sometimes, he’ll be desperate though, and this is when he gets a lil impatient. Like this one time, he went with you to your family’s Christmas party while being on leave for only a week, and he needed you. That man took you in the bathroom and railed you so hard you couldn’t leave for 15 minutes until you could stand without shaking (also not me writing this rn).
Simon Riley, upon specific request, will wear the mask in bed. Honestly, don’t expect this for a while, however. The mask serves as his identity - his separation from you. This will take a lot of courage on his behalf as you’re wanting to bring in something containing his countless sins and crimes into such an intimate situation. Like I said!!! It takes a while to get him this comfortable. Try to rush the process and you’re missing out on some pretty intense and animalistic fucking. It’s a rare time you can expect a more vicious kind of dirty talk from him: “fuckin’ hell, you like being a dirty little slut, huh?” “that pretty little face of yours deserves to be fucked” “your pussy was made for me” “shut up and keep taking it like a good girl should” “ahh, begging for my cock like the needy little slut you are”
Simon Riley loves aftercare, and he makes sure you feel loved during that time. Sweet Angel, we don’t deserve him. Massages, baths, checking on you emotionally and mentally, he’ll make you dinner, put on your favorite movie, and relax with you while he showers you with unconditional love and adoration. He’s obsessed with you. Get over it.
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milliumizoomi · 3 months
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☆彡SUMMARY.; Things I believe he would do in a relationship that you’d (us.. all of us..😭) would find attractive
☆彡TROPE.; Established Relationship
☆彡WARNINGS.; mature language, mature actions, a lil bit of Armando’s toxicity shining thru, brief mentions of choking (not in like he’s gonna kill u type of way😭) brief mentions of violence, a little bit of spoilers ahead.
☆彡NOTES.; heyyyy thank u guys SAURRRR much for the love on the last Armando work I posted, I’m glad so many of yall liked it and I will continue to post and write about him 🫶🏽. (And yeah I took that picture on the middle so be free to save.. cause whew lord..). I hope you guys enjoy this one😛💕.
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✬ Armando would keep an eye on you, especially since he’s not a very trusting person to most
✬ He’s like very aware of the space you’re both in so he’d keep you at least within arms reach of him if it’s just a regular kind of day
✬ And he’d also do that thing where if he wants you to move, he’ll grab your waist and either shift you to where he wants you to do, or he’ll do that just to pass behind you
✬ And he a quiet person so instead of using many words, he just stares and expects you to know what he’s thinking
✬ If a situation arises where you’re doing something that he thinks you shouldn’t be doing, he’ll simply clear his throat and stare and he knows you should know what he’s thinking
✬ also this man has no filter whatsoever, so if you’re talking, it doesn’t even have to be to him, you could be taking to his dad or something and he’ll just blurt out some of the most insane stuff in either Spanish or English
✬ (like he did to that girl when he called her fine)
✬ like if you say “im so hot” on a day when it’s scorching outside he’d def say stuff like “I definitely agree” or some shit like that just to embarrass you
✬ He’d also stare at your lips while you’re talking to him, especially if you’re mad at him
✬ and openly stare at your body too
✬ you don’t even have to be in a relationship for this one but just watching him fight
✬ Each movement of his is so effortless and he just looks good each and every time
✬ He’d also probably see you staring and raise an eyebrow at you and tell you to pay attention
✬ would tease you on missions definitely
✬ especially if it’s a mission together
✬ only a bit tho cause he’s very focused on missions
✬ makes you be his backpack on his motorcycle
✬ he’d adjust your hand to where he wants it when riding the motorcycle
✬ drives it with one hand and occasionally taps at your leg with the other
✬ and if he has time, he’ll teach you to fight like he does
✬ in private he’s definitely an attitude fixer
✬ if you do something to piss him off he’ll probably just stop talking all together until you apologize
✬ when that happens tho he furrows and raises his eyebrows a lot while clenching his jaw as a way to not get too annoyed with you
✬ curses in Spanish a lottttt
✬ and when you’re being bratty or rude to him, he’ll literally grab you by the neck and bring you real close to his face then say in your ear “arregla tu actitud antes de que yo la arregle por ti..” (fix your attitude before i fix it for you..)
✬ ofc he’d do that in public too
✬ I feel like he’d be a bit clingy when alone because he doesn’t like pda, so he waits until it’s private and will literally grab all over you
✬ he cooks shirtless (idc it’s true and yes he can cook🤚🏽)
✬ has told you the most mundane every day things in the sexiest voice ever
✬whistles when you walk in a room
✬ and slaps your butt regularly (sue me ik he does🤚🏽)
✬if you’re sleeping in the same bed there’s only two places he’ll sleep, on your butt or on your stomach (no in between 🤷🏽‍♀️)
✬ uses that same condescending voice on you to tell you what to do, when you’re wrong, or to stop acting up
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eugh I love him sm🥹
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powerfultenderness · 1 year
Summary: König’s new neighbor finds out how comfortable his bed is. König falls quickly.
Pairing: König/F!Reader (civilian)
Rated: T+
A/N: Just some fluff. 
Word count: 2947
[Neighbor König masterlist]
It was nice to have his own place. Having been in the military most of his life, König was used to base life. The familiarity of it all was a comfort, but there were some, well, comforts that were always missing. Like his bed. The beds on base were little more than stiff uncomfortable cots, a little too small for him, causing his feet to hang off the edge of the bed. But his bed at home? Large and soft and yet firm enough to hold his weight, with ample room for his height. The pillows were like solid clouds. And the vanilla scented candle on his nightstand would fill his room with its delicious aroma and lull him into soft dreams. 
That’s where he was headed now, ready to eat the take out he was carrying, take a nice hot shower and climb into his bed. But as he rounded the stairs to get to his flat, he was met with a slight block on the stairs. A woman was struggling with a box, bracing it against her knee and grunting with every step she tried to take. 
“Excuse me,” he started in German.
You jumped, and let out an undignified squeak, when someone started talking behind you. The surprise made you drop your box, thankfully it was already low to the step and didn’t drop on your foot or anything. Still you were sure you heard something break. “Shit!” 
With a hand over your heart you turned and had to hold back another startled reaction. The man at the foot of the stairs was big, giant even, and was wearing…some sort of…hood? A mask? What the fuck? It took a second for you to realize he was carrying a take out bag, he must be trying to get past you. “S-sorry, you just startled me.” 
He raised his hands, a gesture to show that he meant no harm. “No, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” He replied, this time in English. “Do you need some help?” 
You smiled politely at the man, “oh. No thank you! I got it!” You chuckled nervously, still a little out of breath from struggling with the box, while you braced your lower back with one hand. 
He smiled, not that you could see it, and gestured to the stairs. “Ok. After you.” 
Right. Shit, right. You were blocking him, the big guy probably didn’t want to just push past you on the stairs. 
You chuckled nervously again and picked up the box, trying to keep your grunts quiet, and heaved it up one more step. You could feel his eyes on you, another step, two more steps, then the landing. Whew! You gently dropped the box and straightened out your back to look up at the rest of the stairs. 
You sighed, the little flight you just made it up was the easy part, now the long part of the stairs. The faint chuckling you heard from the foot of the stairs didn’t help either.
“Miss, are you sure you don’t need any help?” 
“I mean,” you started with a huff, not out of anger, just an attempt to calm your breathing. “I don’t need help, I can carry it! But, help would be very much appreciated, yes. Thank you.” 
He nodded and smoothly moved up to the landing, keeping his movements deliberate. Something he learned to do long ago around civilians, especially around women that were smaller than him, so he didn’t scare them. You showed signs of being wary of him —a good thing as far as he is concerned, as he is a stranger—and took a step back as he neared you. Since his face is covered, he can’t offer a mollifying smile (though he feels himself doing so anyway), and instead simply nodded at you again before he picked up the box.
He chuckled, watching you struggle with the box had him expecting a heavy thing, but, “this isn’t heavy.”
“What!” You squeaked, hands on your hips, “it’s like, fifty pounds!” 
Even with his face covered (why?), you can tell just by the way his eyes darted over to you that he is smirking. “Where to?”
“Oh, not far. I’m at 203.” 
“Neighbor,” he nodded as he started up the stairs. “I live in 205.” 
You turned to him with a kind smile and introduced yourself, “nice to meet you, neighbor!” 
“König,” he replied, now at the top of the stairs, and shifted the box so he was holding it in one hand. He extended his right hand to you   
“Now you’re just showing off,” you say with an amused smile and shake his hand before leading him to your new flat.
He was surprised when you opened the door without unlocking it first.
“You should lock your door,” he followed you in. 
You rolled your eyes a little with a short laugh and spread your arms out in the literally empty flat. “What, you think someone is going to break in and steal my nothing?”
“No. There are other things to take besides your stuff.” He half muttered as he set the box down by the wall.
He looked at you, with your head tilted slightly as you questioned him, and understood. You were one of those civilians. Innocent. He can’t bring himself to put a damper on this interaction, in the back of his mind he realizes that now he’ll have to keep an eye and ear out for his new neighbor. 
“Do you need help bringing anything else up?” 
You gave him a strained smile, nervous, if the sound of your voice was anything to go by, and shook your head. “No, no I couldn’t possibly take up more of your time.” 
You reached out and touched his forearm, intending to remind him of his dinner that he was carrying, but only drawing your attention to his muscles. “Oh. Wow.” You mumbled under your breath, before realizing that you’re essentially feeling him up and quickly drew your hand back. 
König blushed at the soft touch, and again at your mumbled admiration. Not for the first time in his life he was thankful for the mask that covered his face. 
“Uhm,” you cleared your throat and focused, “this was the heaviest box! I thought it would be best to start with that one! So I got it, really. Thank you, though.” 
You smiled at him again and König decided then that he liked seeing you smile. “The food can wait. I don’t mind helping.” He offered one more time, that seemed to be the pattern with you.
Honestly, why were you even saying no to this hunk of man? Sure, you couldn’t see his face, but the form fitting long sleeved shirt he wore did little to hide just how fit he was. So you hummed and hedge, “I really don’t want to be an imposition-” 
“You won’t.”
You smiled again, not a kind polite one like before, but bright and happy. He definitely liked your smile. “Well, in that case, König, I’d love your help!” 
His stomach flipped at your words and smile, and he felt himself blushing even harder. He knew why. It wasn’t often that cute civilian women smiled at him like that. It was nice to have the attention of a pretty woman, even if nothing more came of it, as he expected. 
“Let me put this down,” he lifted the bag of food a bit and you nodded, “sure!” 
Out in the hall he paused and waited for you to lock the door. You scoffed playfully and obliged him, “really, someone taking those broken plates off my hands would be a blessing.” 
He smirked but didn’t humor you, he wasn’t going to encourage your carelessness; what if something happened while he wasn’t around? 
With König’s help it didn’t take long to bring up the rest of the boxes. The man doubled up on boxes on both trips while you carried light bags and just opened doors for him. 
As he set the rest of the boxes down in the living room, you were rummaging through one of the bags you carried up, until you pulled out a wallet. “Thank you so much, König, let me pay you for all your help.” 
“No.” He shook his head and raised a hand to refuse your payment, “it was my pleasure.” 
Pleasure? Damn, where was this guy when you were moving out too? 
“König,” you draw out his name in a small pout. “How can I repay you, then?” 
Once again a wave of excitement rushed through him. He couldn’t help the inappropriate thoughts that ran through his mind for a second, that influenced his answer. “Have dinner with me.” 
Normally he wasn’t so forward with women, and never with civilian women. But you were nice, and didn’t seem to be scared of him, and besides, he saw you checking him out at least once! 
You were a little surprised by the request but smiled nonetheless. “Dinner? Sure, when-” 
“Now?” Well now you’re really surprised. “König, are you offering to share your dinner with me?”
He looked around the apartment, the only thing you had were a few boxes, and shrugged. “What else will you eat?” 
Oh. He had a point. You’re sure if you dug around in one of your bags, you could find a forgotten energy bar somewhere, but you didn’t have any real food around. “Well, ok. That’s true. Are you sure I can’t pay you? I feel like the person roping others into helping them move is supposed to pay for dinner.” 
You shrugged, “well, alright then. Let’s go. Oh, unless you want to eat here? I can offer premium seating on the floor!” 
He chuckled and moved towards the door, holding it open for you. He once again waited for you to lock the door before leading you to his flat.
205 was a different layout than yours. It was one of the bigger flats with two bedrooms, two baths, a spacious living room and open kitchen. His place was nicely furnished, one of the first things that caught your eye was the big leather sectional in the living room. It was one of those deep couches, which made sense, considering how tall he was. 
The table and chairs that he motioned for you to sit at were also clearly chosen to accommodate his size. You practically had to climb into the chair, and could easily kick your feet while he grabbed the food and some plates.
He had been so efficient in helping you, that even with the short delay, the food was still warm. You thanked him again and started to dig in when he set a plate in front of you. It’s only after your first bite that you noticed he was eating by lifting his mask for every bite. 
Oh. “I’m sorry.” 
He hummed, confused by your sudden apology. “Why?” 
You gestured to your face, “you probably take off your mask when you’re alone in your home.” 
Warmth bloomed in his chest. You were concerned about him? Of course you were, you were nice. A pretty, nice girl who didn’t want to be an imposition on him, who worried about his comfort, who didn’t lock her door. 
He shook his head, “don’t worry about that. It is not a problem.” 
There was something intense about his stare as he answered you, so intense that you dropped the matter and quickly finished your meal. He matched your pace, finishing his meal just as you finished yours.
You opened your mouth, you were going to thank him again and bid him goodnight, he was sure, but he spoke first. “Want a beer?” 
“Oh. Sure.” 
You smiled at him again, causing his blood to thrum in his veins. He wanted to remember your smile for the next time he was on a mission. The other men would brag about their women, and he had no one to think of, but now your pretty smile would keep his mind company. 
Once you had your beer, you glanced around the apartment, taking it in. He had nice taste, the furniture was high quality, and even the TV looked like it was on the expensive side. Whatever he did, he was doing well for himself. But your eyes kept getting drawn to the couch. Maybe because you were currently lacking furniture yourself, it just looked so comfortable.
“König,” you started, not looking directly at him, “can I sit on your-” 
Face? Dick? Yes, whatever you wanted, “yes.” He answered as you finished your question, “-couch?”  
Oh. He deflated and took a breath to calm down. Of course you weren’t asking him to fuck you right now. 
You set your beer down and moved to the living room. “It just looks so comfy.” You explained as you sat down and pushed yourself back into the firm cushions. You chuckled to yourself as your feet hovered off the ground when you were seated all the way back. Yea, this couch was definitely meant for taller people. 
He grabbed your beer and set it down on the coffee table in front of you, to which you flashed him with another brilliant smile. He grabbed the TV remote and turned it on, “movie?” 
You looked at him as he sat down next to you, his knee gently bumping into yours. “Dinner and a movie? Careful, König, I might start thinking this is a date.” 
He laughed, boisterously, nervously, but relieved that you laughed with him. 
The movie was of no consequence, but he felt encouraged every time you giggled at one of his jokes. By the time he was done with his second beer, he wasn’t even paying attention to the movie, instead he was telling you stories about his missions, nothing classified of course, but the way you stared at him with wide eyes, shining in anticipation as if he were more interesting than the handsome man on the television fueled him. At one point he even rolled up his shirt to show you a nasty scar on his side. 
You gasped, eyes wide and looked up at him a little flustered as you asked him if it had hurt too bad.
“Ah, it was nothing! I barely felt it!” He assured you and cleared his throat as he rolled his shirt back down. 
“Wow! That’s crazy!” You exclaimed as you shifted in your seat too.
His eyes flickered down for a moment and he noticed the way your thighs squeezed together before you found a comfortable position. You were closer to him now, and when he draped his arm along the back of the couch, his fingers brushing your shoulder, you didn’t move or give any indication that you were uncomfortable. He grinned to himself, nervous adrenaline finding its way into his blood and he had to actively stop himself from bouncing his knee.  
And that adrenaline faded as you nodded off to sleep next to him. Well, you had mentioned that you’d been driving all day, moving. So naturally as soon as you were comfortable you fell asleep. 
He was only slightly disappointed, it was still a better night than he could have hoped for otherwise.
You woke to the sound of your phone buzzing. Your morning alarm. You sighed, you still had time before you really had to wake up, so you snuggled right back into bed. It was so soft and warm, but the temperature in the room was bordering cold, which made the warm and heavy blankets even more inviting. The subtle scent of peppermint and vanilla-
You quickly sat up, eyes wide in confusion as you looked around a room you had never seen before. It took a moment for last night’s events to come back to you. Oh! This must be König’s room…but he was nowhere around.
You straightened out the bed, feeling slightly guilty about climbing into such a nice bed in your street clothes.
“Good morning!” He called from the kitchen.
You followed his voice, glancing at the couch on the way to the kitchen and saw that there was a pillow and blanket folded neatly on one of the cushions.
“Did you sleep on the couch?” You asked once you were near the kitchen, stopping on the other side of the island counter. Like you, he was dressed in the same clothes as last night, mask and all, probably hadn’t wanted to wake you.
“You should have just woke me up. Sorry I kicked you out of your room. Did you carry me to bed?”
“Yes. Breakfast?” He asked just as he flipped an egg.
You glanced away and fought down a blush. What you’d give to have him carry you to his room while you were awake! 
“No, thank you.” 
“Are you sure?”
“I still have a lot of stuff to take care of, I should get started.”
“Oh.” He sounded so disappointed, and even his shoulders drooped a little.
You chuckled, “but thanks to you, I’m starting the day so refreshed!”
“Yea.” You nodded and smiled at him again, just like you did last night. “Your bed is so comfortable!”
“You like my bed?” 
“Mmhmm!” You flashed him a devious smile this time, “maybe next time you can join me.” 
The clatter of the spatula falling to the floor and him scrambling to grab it, echoed over your cute giggle. By the time he was standing up again, you were already by the door. “Bye, König!” 
“G-goodbye!” He stuttered after you, already dreaming of what next time would entail. 
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sylustful · 2 months
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ A Slice of Heaven for the Sinner.
"there is no love purer than mine."
he is heartless, unforgiving, and cold. he takes and takes and takes because it's his given right. you are no exception. when the two of you meet in a nightclub, he watches you with intense interest, his eyes devouring your soul without even touching your skin... but when he does, there's no going back for you.
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ TAGS: vampire! Sylus, pure but bold reader, corruption, dubcon (reader secretly gets off on being scared and forced), size difference, manhandling, pet names (ie. sweetie, babydoll, princess, slut, whore, kitten, etc.), overstimulation, biting, blood drinking, spanking, praise, degradation, bondage (he binds your hands with his belt), belly bulge, creampie, marking.
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ MIKI’S NOTES: Whew! this took forever to write lmao. i know the tags seem intimidating but i promise, you’ll enjoy it! i’ve been reading so many smut x reader fics with this man that i’ve just been dying to write my own, so i hope you enjoy it! if you want more, dm me your requests or follow me for updates on new Sylus fics! enjoy!
here is part one.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ WORD COUNT: 3746
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you are fucked. almost quite literally, at this point. with Sylus’s fingers digging into your pussy through your panties to the point where it almost hurts, a voice in the back of your head tells you to yell stop or to slow down or something, but that thought quickly gets overturned with his other hand reaching under your blouse to squeeze your breasts over your bra.
“you say you need me, yet i don’t hear specifics, Kitten,” he teases in an almost sadistic tone, or maybe it’s just what you want to think. the stupid, masochistic part of you wants him to be mean.
you grate against your teeth and throw your head back, trying to clear your mind before looking back at him. “you know what i want from you, Sylus,” you say through gritted teeth.
“you want what every woman wants from a man,” he replies, tearing your panties and stuffing it into his pocket. “i’m just asking you for your full consent.”
fuck him. he doesn’t even know he tore one of the only panties you had, now you have to wait until your next shitty paycheck to buy more. you sigh, lying your head back onto the floor of the trunk and trying to ignore the teasing trails of his fingers around your slit. you try and sit up, but Sylus keeps your back to the floor with his hand on your shoulder, glaring at you.
“you know what? i’ve had enough.”
Sylus then flips you over with ease, yanking a yelp out of you as he rests your stomach on his thighs. you turn back to him with an infuriated expression, trying to wiggle out of his hold before he leaves a god awful hand print on your ass. you yelp again, clenching your fists in pain. you know what he’s going to do, and it fills you with dread. Sylus then massages the cheek, making sure to dig his fingers into the hot and stinging skin before tapping it a few times playfully. he then uses his other hand to grip the back of your now messed up ponytail, pulling you back up to him and straining your spine.
“i’ll give you my fingers because i know goddamn well you want it, but you don’t get to say anything until i’ve had my fill,” he says into your ear with a harsh tone before throwing you back face-first onto the floor of the trunk.
and so, he does what he says. although, there’s a somewhat gentleness in his ministrations, inching one singular finger into your soaked cunt, making sure to watch your expressions for any sign of discomfort. he knows not to actually be rough like his victims, but he also knows you like toeing the line between pain and pleasure. how does Sylus know? well your cute little ass is pushing against his hand, your body begging for him to put more into you. no matter how much you deny him, Sylus knows you. eventually, slowly, he puts more in, now stuffing three fingers into your used and abused pussy like the whore you are, all the while your tear-stained cheeks sob and sob about how you can’t take anymore. your juices soak the floor of his car and down the back of it, dripping onto the concrete below and leaving a puddle. your body shakes and twitches violently as you struggle between crawling away and pushing his fingers deep into you.
“see, that wasn’t so hard, right?” he cooed, turning you back over so your back lies against the floor. he reaches out, wiping a tear from your lid and licking it with his tongue, groaning at the saltiness of your tears. “your debauchery is stunning, Sweetie.”
you weakly reach out to grip his wrist, shaking your head. you don’t know how many times you’ve cum at this point, and it’s actually starting to hurt. “i can’t… please, it- ah!- it hurts,” you cry, bucking your hips into his hand.
Sylus shushes you, pulling you into his lap and holding you still by your waist, this new angle providing him with deeper access into the walls of your pussy, the tips of his fingers pressing against the frontal wall. you clench your thighs around his wrist, shaking your head again and gripping his shirt. “just one more, i promise,” he whispers, kissing your tears away and rubbing your sides under your blouse. “make that gorgeous pussy of your cum for me one more time and i’ll stop.”
his voice is like an echo in your mind, his words muffled in your ears with how muddled your brain is. he said how many more? more? he wants more from you? you whimper, feeing the tips of his fingers brush and push against your front and scissors, stretching you out. eventually, you understand his words and muster a weak nod with the little strength you had and his smiles, kissing your forehead and praising you. he whispers into your ear with gentle promises, telling you how beautiful you are, how strong you are, how your pussy was the best thing he’s ever seen and felt. your body alone was his temple and he was your devout worshiper.
he moves his other hand down your thigh and uses his pointer finger to rub circles on your clit. first clockwise, then counterclockwise, alternating between the two and causing it to swell beneath, a silent encouragement to move faster with more fingers. you buck again, hiccuping as you cry into Sylus’s shoulder. he’s gentle with you, you know that, but this softness is agonizingly slow. he told you he wanted you to cum again but how can you do that when his ministrations are making your head spin with his sudden changes in speed? fast. slow. fast. slow. it’s all the same! you decide that it’s enough for you and you straddle him on shaky knees, causing Sylus to pause his movements and move his fingers away from your clit, gripping your hip. you want to yell at him for losing that stimulation, but you hold your tongue.
“just fuck me already,” you hiss, looking directly into his ruby eyes and pushing your hips down, biting your lip at his fingers pushing deeper inside of you.
Sylus merely chuckles at your demand, his thumb rubbing up and down your stomach. “such crude words, Kitten. who knew you could speak like that?”
you groan in frustration at his teasing, resting your forehead against his. “i know you’re hard, Sylus, so just fuck me and get this over with.”
he frowns at your words, smacking your ass again and you yelp, leaning into his shoulder. “as much as i think your demanding attitude is cute and all, i like to take my time with prey that i catch,” he explains to you, ripping his fingers out of your cunt and smacking it.
you jump, whimpering at the harsh slaps and you wrap your arms around his neck, blubbering out apologies against his skin. Sylus sighs, stroking your back and shushing you once more. it’s fine; it’s not like this will be the last time he ever fucks you again, so he doesn’t have to take that much time. he then pulls you back so you’re facing him again, moving his soaked fingers up to your mouth.
it’s a simple order, yet your mind reels at his authoritative tone and your eyes can’t help but stare at his pruned skin. you drenched him, drowned him in your slick and a sense of pride riled up in you. you keep your eyes on him as you stick your tongue out, swirling it around the digits before fully enveloping your mouth. you’ve never tasted yourself before but it’s kind of metallic, with a hint of sweetness. he grins at your expression, watching you hollow your cheeks to take his fingers deeper. if you can deepthroat his fingers, you can surely take his cock, and Sylus can feel himself straining against the confines of his jeans at the thought.
“surely a dirty slut like you can take it deeper down your throat, right?” he asks, your tummy fluttering at his degradation.
you want to please Sylus. though, when you hear his words, you can’t help but feel there’s a double entendre. you nod your head anyway, giving Sylus permission to shove his fingers past your uvula and down your throat, almost choking. tears prick your eyes again but you keep still, gripping his shirt tightly. it doesn’t last long, and when he takes his fingers back out, you cough hard to the side, trying to regain your breath.
“such a good girl for me, babydoll,” he praises, pulling you back to face him by gripping your jaw and kissing you deeply.
your head spins and your heart beats faster. the mix between degradation and praise has your mind reeling and your pussy clenching around nothing, begging to be filled once more. not by his hands but by something bigger, harder, and hotter. you gasp and pull away from his brutal kisses and push your hand into his pants, eliciting a groan from him and he quickly grips his hand around your wrist. you look down and your pussy clenches again at the difference in size of your hands, how easily your wrist fits in his hold and how probably, he could hold both of your wrists with one hand.
“easy with the paws, Kitten,” he says through a shaky breath, his cheeks flushed as he chuckles. “i’ll give you what you want.”
you frown, pawing at him again, your fingers fiddling with the belt and loosening it. “careful with your words, little bird,” you reply, giving him his own nickname and pulling the belt out of the loops with your free hand. “this kitty’s got claws and she isn’t afraid to bite.”
Sylus stares at you for a few moments, making you immediately regret your words and try to pull away out of embarrassment, but he just laughs. he quickly lets go of your wrist and binds your hands together with his belt, restraining you, before setting you on your feet and turning you over. you squeak at his actions and he moves your hands to grip the railing, effectively bending you over. the wind blows under your skirt, the coldness making you shiver and your pussy clench again. behind you, you can hear Sylus unzip his pants and shrug them down just enough to pull his cock out. curiosity buzzes in your skin and you turn your head just enough to peak over his shoulder and-
what the fuck.
you quickly turn back, your mind racing with thoughts. how can a guy even be that fucking big? is it even normal for guys to grow to that size? how the hell does he walk around with that thing in his pants? no wonder Sylus was fingering you so much - even with your own natural lubrication, there’s no way you can take him into you! you’re afraid you’ll not even get him halfway in before he realizes his mistake in choosing you to fuck him. it’s not even your fault-
you scream at his hand smacking you across the ass, sharper this time, the sound cracking throughout the empty parking lot and forest like lightning. “i would appreciate it if you aren’t in your fucking head when i fuck you, Darling,” he says with gritted teeth, holding your hip in a bruising grip.
you quickly nod your head, forcing yourself not to overthink this and just go with the flow. you know it’ll hurt if you freak out and not relax enough for him to sink into you. Sylus taps his dick on the flesh of your ass, making you jump at both the heaviness and your skin stinging. he chuckles behind you, rubbing the head up and down your slit, teasing you like the asshole he is. you want to tell him to just shove it in already, a part of you impatient and needy for his cock, while another was thankful for Sylus taking his time with you. but all this waiting finally pays off when his fat head pushes between your folds and into your soaked hole, making you bite your lip.
fuck, he’s big. he’s so fucking big.
you hiss, digging your nails into the railing as he slowly pushes into you, stretching you out like never before. you’ve fucked big dildos before, all of your previous boyfriends never reaching the places you knew made your head spin. but with Sylus? he found places within your cunt that you’ve never felt before, causing you to moan unabashedly and step on your tiptoes, fighting yourself on whether or not this invasion in your body was worth the pleasure. Sylus however, keeps you grounded with his hand on your hip, pushing your feet flat on the ground again.
he makes sure to be slow, even if every cell in his body is screaming at him to just plow into your cunt and not care if it hurts or not. he will one day, but not tonight. he wanted to savor you, to savor the warmth and wetness and tightness of your walls wrapping around him like a blanket. your body was made for him, he thinks - no - he knows you were made for him. it’s the only explanation as to how you were able to take him so easily, fitting his cock like a glove. he eventually sinks in enough to the hilt and he lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, his hips flush against your ass. Sylus’s hands grip your hips like a lifeline and he takes deep breaths in, his heart beating wildly with excitement vibrating throughout his veins. he wants to fuck you. to breed you. to fill you up and fuck the cum into you. he wants to keep you plugged up in his dick all the time.
“fucking hell, Kitten,” he all but groans behind you, moving his hands up and down your back. “you feel like heaven.”
the dichotomy in his words makes you snort but even laughing feels too much with how full you feel. it’s like you can feel his cock in your stomach, bullying his way past your intestines to fill you as much as possible. and when he pulls out and pushes back in, your breath gets caught in your throat, and you grip the railing with all your might. your juices coat his cock and drip down your thighs, making a puddle between your legs and you whimper. you weakly push back against him, trying to meet his thrusts but he holds you still, tutting his tongue.
“no, no, no, Princess, stay still for me,” he cooed, rubbing circles into your hip and setting a steady but slow pace in his thrusts. “don’t get greedy now.”
he says that but in reality, he feels as though if you meet his thrusts with yours, he’ll bust into you immediately - something that has never happened before considering how much restraint he has normally in sex. but it’s you here. it’s your angelic body that questions everything Sylus has ever thought about sex. he never thought he could be gentle; he never thought that actually taking the time to become one with someone could feel so intimate and special. your expressions, your sounds, your eyes; it makes him rethink ever wanting to fuck anyone again. a small part of him, a part he never knew of, wanted to make love to you next time. to sink you into his bed and connect with you, both body and soul. he shakes his head, cursing under his breath as you hold still like he asked. you were so good for him, so pretty and obedient. he grunts, slamming his hips against your ass and laughing breathlessly at your squeak in surprise. he looks down, watching your cunt swallow him whole and squeeze him when he pulls out. it’s like your body was begging him not to leave, to keep you full and happy. Sylus moves his hands down, using his thumb to spread your folds as he grabs your ass.
“your body is like nirvana, sweetheart, you know that?” he says gruffly, watching his cock go in and out of your soaked cunt with ease, your body now used to his size. “a fucking gift from the gods themselves.”
you moan again, your stomach fluttering at his praise and clenching around him. you look down in embarrassment, biting your lip to try and hide further noises, failing miserably.
he hisses at the tightness and leans down next to your ear. “i can feel you tightening up at my praise, doll, don’t hide from me,” he teases you, bullying his cock impossibly deeper into you and speeding up his thrusts slightly.
he fucks you like no other. bringing you to heights of pleasure you didn’t even know existed and molding your body to fit his. you’re afraid that he’s ruining you, corrupting your chances of ever finding a man who can make you soar the skies like this - you’re afraid that because of him, you won’t ever want to fuck anyone else again. how did this even happen? how in the world can one night with this man destroy any possibility of you being with any other man? you don’t know and probably won’t ever want to if it means he can fuck you like this for the rest of your life.
his hand moves from your hip to your stomach, feeling the indent of his cock inside of you and groans, resting his forehead to your shoulder. “do you feel me? do you feel my dick in your stomach like this?” he asks, pushing his fingers in the indent and causing you to gasp, nodding your head and moaning wantonly.
“i want to bite you,” he huffs, kissing across the upper part of your back and shoulders and back of your neck, sliding his tongue across your skin. “tell me i can, Princess. tell me i can mark this body of yours.”
you couldn’t even refuse him even if you wanted to and both of you knew that. Sylus then bares his fangs, sinking them into your shoulder and you hiss, surprised at his sharp his teeth were and you clench around him, the man groaning. he knew you liked pain, but god, it’s like you were fated to be bound to him. your blood tastes like the finest wine of all time, the ultimate sin a man can make and Sylus wanted to drink you dry. your blood spills from his bite and down your arm, but he catches it in time with his finger, not wanting to waste a drop. he laps at the wound, kissing over it and moving to the other side, sinking his fangs back into your neck. even if it hurt, it was like some kind of magic that flowed from his fangs into your bloodstream, dizzying you and melting you into him. fireworks light up in your cells and your skin tingles with frenzied tremors. he marks up your skin with bite marks and hickeys, puncture wounds in your shoulder and neck and upper arm, he drank from you like a starved man because he was. the hunger that Sylus felt all this time was hunger for you, for your blood, for your body that made him feel alive and whole again.
“give me this fucking cunt,” he growled into your ear, his thrusts now harsh and unforgiving, bruising your hip with one hand as he smacked your ass once more, gripping the other hip to steady himself. “i fucking earned this and you know i have, you know i deserve to do whatever i want with this damn body.”
“i know,” you wheezed, your breath stuck in your throat and you nod, tears pricking your eyes. “all yours. fuck, fuck, fuck!”
hearing you curse without restraint has Sylus grinning with pride, and he rewards you with his right hand hooking around you, using two of his fingers to circle your clit, relishing in your buck against him and loud moan. he feels you tightening, that all to familiar coil in your abdomen threatening to spring and explode everywhere. he keeps his thrusts steady and at the same tempo, encouraging you to cum around his cock, to give him your orgasm.
“you can do it, i gotcha, cum for me,” he says, kissing your cheek and wrapping his hand around your throat, pulling your back flush against his chest. “this orgasm is mine. i made you this dripping fucking wet on purpose. i want it. i earned it.”
this causes the coil inside you to snap and you all but screamed, gushing like a waterfall and squirting around his cock, causing Sylus to grit his teeth, groaning into your neck. “that’s it. atta-fucking-girl. fucking cream all over this dick.”
his orgasm is not that far behind, and Sylus forces you still and just take it. even with you begging him to slow down and that you were to sensitive, he just covers your mouth to silence you and chases after his own high, finally slamming you onto him as he cums inside you. his cum is thick and heavy and hot. you can feel him filling your womb and all up inside you, spilling down your thighs and mixing with your own arousal. your eyes roll back and you shiver against him, ragged and uneven breaths clawing out of your lungs and through your nose, spots of light blurring vision.
he then sits down in the car, moving his hand down from your mouth to wrap both arms around your waist. you splutter and cough up a storm, your body struggling between not having enough oxygen and having too much. but he keeps you still, allowing you to gracefully fall down from your high, steadying his own uneven breaths. the silence between the two of you is comforting, a silent contentment of what just happened and acceptance.
what happened tonight is something you’ll remember forever. your body now forever tainted and manipulated into only being satisfied with this dangerous and powerful man called “Sylus”. a sinner who dragged you out of the pearly gates to fall into the depths of hell.
and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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honeyedmiller · 6 months
A Burning Desire part three
firefighter!joel x f!reader
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series masterlist
rating: 18+, minors dni.
warnings: joel miller au, firefighter!joel, reader feels anxious for a bit, feelings, fluff, the miller brothers line dancing (that deserves its own warning bc whew... anyway), the cowboy hat rule!!!, slight smut (joel and reader get touchy and rub up on each other, making out, fingering), no use of y/n.
word count: 5.6k
synopsis: joel invites you over for a barbecue, and you end up unexpectedly meeting sarah while also rekindling with someone from your past. it isn’t until you talk about joel aloud to someone who isn’t your sister that you realize how deeply you feel for him.
a/n: thank u to @endlessthxxghts for letting me brainstorm about this chapter, and giving me the cowboy hat rule idea... ;)
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You were nervous. 
Nervous as hell. 
The slightly anxious part of you wanted so desperately to back out of today’s plans, but you promised Joel you’d be at his place. 
He was throwing a barbecue at his house and had invited you, and originally, Sarah wasn’t supposed to be there. Her friend got sick, so she ended up staying home. 
You hadn’t known Joel for more than a month at this point, and the prospect of meeting his daughter and being introduced as the “woman he’s been dating but not quite his girlfriend” terrified you. 
The last thing you wanted was for Sarah to dislike you, because you couldn’t bear the thought of the one person in Joel’s life who’s opinion mattered most to him not being very fond of you. 
Joel said she’d been okay with him dating and only wanted to see him happy, but wasn’t it too soon? The last thing you wanted was to wedge yourself between the father-daughter duo. 
Then again, your feelings for Joel had hit you full-force, and you were in it with him—for him. You’d cried to your sister over the phone about being scared of feeling things too fast, but she reassured you: if you know, you know. 
Nobody has ever made you feel the way Joel makes you feel. Your thoughts may’ve been repetitive with what you felt, but that’s how you knew you were so sure about him. He was a breath of fresh air in a place full of smoke (no pun intended). 
You were just worried what Sarah would think. Some might think it’s ridiculous to let a fourteen-year-old’s opinion matter so much in this circumstance, but that girl was Joel’s whole world. Her opinion of you mattered and could quite literally make or break your relationship with Joel. 
You’d be devastated if it didn’t work out. 
You nervously tapped on the steering wheel as you stopped at the last stop sign before turning onto Joel’s street. 
The quaint neighborhood just outside of the city was chalk-full of cookie cutter homes, looking like it belonged in a friendly neighborhood magazine. 
Several cars were parked in front of his house, but he’d texted you to park in his driveway beside his truck. It was sweet that he saved that spot for you. Another truck was parked in the driveway as well, and you assumed by default that it was Tommy’s. 
You grabbed the tray of cookies out of the passenger seat after you’d gotten out and smoothed your sundress to straighten it out. Joel said everyone at the firehouse loved your cookies, especially him and Tommy, so you made them as a surprise to bring for a dessert option today. 
Nerves coursed through your veins as you made your way up the front steps of his porch, ringing the doorbell. The chime went off in the house with a muffled “I’ll get it!” coming from the other side of the door. 
A few seconds later, the door opened and you were met with a smiling Tommy. 
“Hey there sweetheart, c’mon in.” He stepped aside and you thanked him as you entered the house. It was your first time over, so you took a second to take in your surroundings. 
Many family photos clung neatly to the walls, the leather couches in the living room adorned with quilted blankets, an array of DVD’s scattered around the entertainment center, a well-worn but gorgeous coffee table that sat atop the huge area rug, and the mantle above the fireplace full of trinkets from past trips and a few of Sarah’s soccer trophies. 
You smiled as you took in the scene before you, really admiring how cozy the home looked. It looked lived in and well loved, and it was all very much Joel. Simple, yet homey and functional. 
“Ooh, are those the same cookies you made for us back at the firehouse?” Tommy motions to the tray in your hand, bringing you back to present time. 
“They are. Thought I’d surprise you and Joel with these again.” You laugh as Tommy’s eyes light up, leading you to the kitchen. 
“Don’t blame me if these are all gone by the end of the night. You should give your recipe to Sarah. She loves to bake.” He groans as he takes a cookie from the tray, biting into it. 
You have to stifle a laugh at his genuine reaction. You knew your cookies were decent, but not as good as the Miller brothers made them out to be. 
“Speaking of, where’s your counterpart?” You teasingly ask, too shy to go into the backyard and introduce yourself to the array of people chatting and having a good time. 
You didn’t do too well in new settings, so it would take you a little while to warm up. 
“Ah, he’s cookin’ on the grill.” Tommy jerks his head toward the sliding glass door that leads out the backyard, and you follow in his footsteps as you walk up to the main man of the gathering. 
“Oh Jooooeeellll,” Tommy calls out with you in tow, “Found your girlfriend for ya.” He teases, and your heart skips a beat at that. You’re just dating the man. It wasn’t anything official yet, and somehow it just seemed so fitting. 
Joel didn’t correct Tommy either, which you took note of as his gaze averted to yours. A smile immediately spread onto his lips and he pulled you into a hug, kissing your forehead. You took a second to study the contrast of his tan skin against the white linen shirt he was wearing with the first few buttons undone, and the Raybans that sat comfortably on his face. You held in a groan, because fuck he looked so good, once again. Does this man ever look bad? 
“Hey baby.” 
Your face heats at the public display of affection, but it dawned on you that he was never trying to hide you or keep you a mystery like you were doing to him. 
Well, your sister knew about him of course, but everyone else in your family didn’t have the faintest idea. They were too overbearing sometimes, and you wanted to be official with Joel before you even said a word to anyone about him. 
“Hi handsome. I brought some cookies but left them inside. Thought I could surprise you again with them.” You grin at him, and he smiles as he pulls you into his side. 
“I’m gonna let you two lovebirds have a moment to yourselves. Gonna go find my lady and introduce you to her.” Tommy pretends to tip an invisible cowboy hat and sends a wink your way. You huff a laugh and shake your head at his wit. 
“He always that charismatic?” You question, and Joel laughs. 
“It’s even worse when he’s drunk.” He rolls his eyes, and you bury your smile in his bicep. You wrap your arm around his back as you watch him work the grill, flipping hamburgers and chicken that are seasoned to perfection. 
“‘M glad you could make it today, darlin’. Was startin’ to miss ya real bad. Those twenty four hour shifts kick my ass, I tell ya.” He sighs and gives your body a light, playful shake. 
“Of course, Joel. I missed you too.” You gave his shoulder a kiss before Tommy called your name to avert your attention to him. Your eyes flit to the woman he has his arm wrapped around, and your eyes widen in shock. 
“This is my girl–”
“Maria?” You interrupt Tommy, and her smile spreads wide. 
“Oh my god! Hey you! How long has it been?” She’s laughing as you two embrace each other while the Miller brothers give each other a confused glance. 
“Four years I think? How are you?” You grin, separating from her, holding onto her forearms. 
“Wow I can’t believe it’s been that long. I’m great! Just dealing with this guy over here,” She juts her chin over to Tommy, and his eyes flicker between you two. 
“Sooo you two know each other?” He asks, and you both laugh in unison. 
“We used to work together at the same company. Our cubicles were across from each other.” Maria explains, and you nod along. 
“Well I’ll be damned. Small world!” Tommy grins, patting Joel on the back harshly. Joel glares at his brother and rolls his eyes, turning back to the grill to take the food off and place it into the foil pans next to him. 
“Dad, is the food done yet? You hear a voice call, and you stiffen up immediately. Maria notices your change in demeanor and gives your arm a squeeze of reassurance, which you exchange for a weak smile. 
A curly-haired girl with bright green eyes comes into view. He turns to look at her and nods, motioning to the foil pans. 
“Lemme fix you up a plate. But first, I want you to meet someone.” He says, and he holds his hand out to you. Maria releases your arm so you can step forward and grab Joel’s hand, and Sarah’s bright green eyes meet your gaze. 
“This is the woman I’ve been datin’. Darlin’, this is my daughter Sarah.” 
You extend your hand to her with a sincere smile, hoping she didn’t pick up on your nerves. 
“Ah, so you’re the woman my dad can’t stop talking about!” She laughs, flashing you her gorgeous smile. 
“Oh really?” You quirk an eyebrow up and look at Joel, nudging him playfully. 
He raises his hands in defense, “Guilty as charged.” You huff a laugh at Joel and shift your gaze back to Sarah. 
“It’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you as well.” 
“Do you mind if I steal her for a second, dad?” Sarah asks, and you can’t help but feel extremely anxious. You genuinely don’t think a fourteen year old has ever made you so frazzled with nerves like this before. 
You follow her to the lounge chairs by the pool, taking a seat across the one she sat in. 
She slaps her thighs with her hands, a small smile evading her lips. 
“So,” She starts, seemingly collecting her thoughts. “This isn’t some ‘what are your intentions with my dad’ intervention, I promise. But, like, I really hope you’re serious about him.” She looks at you with apprehension in her eyes, and you’re a bit taken aback by her words. 
You could’ve guessed this was coming. Judging from what Joel has told you about their relationship, it was only fitting that she’d be so protective of him.
“I’ve seen him get hurt before. Not just by what my mother did, but with other women, too. I honestly think you’re the first woman who didn’t skip out on him after finding out he has a kid.” 
“That would never make me run. Your bond with your father is something that’s so strong, and I would never want to come between that. I can promise you that your dad has a better chance at breaking my heart than I do breaking his.” 
“He won’t. He’s a good man and he deserves someone kindhearted like you. I can tell you are. I’m glad you two found each other. I haven’t seen him this happy and relaxed in… a long time.” Sarah laughs, and you can’t help but smile at her admission.
“I pinky promise I’ll treat him great. He’s a real special guy, and I like him a lot.” You hold your pinky out to her, and with a beaming smile, she hooks her pinky with yours and gives it a little shake. 
“I know. It’s just nice to finally see him getting his feelings reciprocated back to him. Most women only romanticize the uniform he wears and not the person he actually is.” 
“Well, I gotta say, they all definitely missed out on an amazing man.” And part of you was thankful for that, which is something you didn’t want to admit aloud. 
Because if it weren’t for those women in his past that didn’t work out with him, you would’ve never had a chance with him. You glance over at Joel, and he was chatting with some other guests. You couldn’t help admire him and his calm, happy demeanor. 
As if he senses you looking, he turns his head in your direction to meet your gaze and winks. You offer him a soft smile before turning back to Sarah. 
“They are, but something tells me you’re here to stay. Not saying that to like, I don’t know, scare you off or anything, but you and him really do make a nice couple.” 
“Actually,” You huff a laugh and glance over at him once more, “He hasn’t asked me to be official or anything yet. I am here for the long haul, though, and I want you to know that I respect you and your relationship with your dad. I wouldn’t ever want to overstep any boundaries.” 
Sarah groans and huffs, rolling her eyes as she looks over at Joel. “This man, I swear. Want me to yell at him for you?” The mischievous glint in her eye tells you she would actually do so. 
You shake your head with a laugh, and she puts her hand on your shoulder as she leans forward. 
“Also, you don’t need to worry about overstepping. It’s… nice having someone else around. I appreciate you saying you respect our relationship, though. Dad was always apprehensive about bringing women over because my opinion means so much to him. You’ve got my approval in the bag, though.” 
“I appreciate that, Sarah. I’m sorry if meeting me was too soon or awkward for you. I wasn’t expecting to exchange pleasantries today.” She grins and waves her hand between your bodies at your words. 
“Nonsense. I’ve been pretty excited to meet you, seeing as you have my dad crushing like a teenage boy again. I just want him to be happy, and I know he is with you.” She throws her arm over your shoulders, and you immediately reciprocate the hug. 
Admitting to Sarah that you were in this for the long haul even shocked you. It’s not that you didn’t want to be, but your love life in the past hasn’t exactly been to your liking. Joel is different, though, and seeing that he has people in his corner who love and care about him tells you that they’d go to great lengths to protect him. 
It was crystal clear that both of you wanted whatever was going on between you two. You were apprehensive to put your all into it. 
You’ve been known to pull back when things got serious. It was a defense mechanism to protect your heart and peace. 
You knew you were falling, but the million dollar question still remained: would Joel catch you? 
You were pulled out of your thoughts when Sarah separated herself from you. 
“I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.” She says, and she coaxes you to follow her back to the grill where Joel and Tommy stood. 
“Everythin’ good?” Joel asks, slinging his arm around your shoulder. You nod and offer him a smile. 
You were about to go after you plated your food, but Joel shook his head and gently pulled you back to him. 
“Uh uh, where you goin’?” He has a goofy grin on his lips as he pulls you in, giving you a kiss. You can’t help but laugh against his lips and gently push him away. 
“There’s people here, Joel!” You playfully tsk, and he squints his eyes. 
“What, I can’t kiss my girl?” 
My girl. The phrase made butterflies swirl in your stomach and heat to rise to your face. 
“Never said that, but technically, I’m not your girl yet.” You quirk an eyebrow at him. 
Tommy laughs and nudges Joel, “Damn brother, you haven’t asked her to be official yet? Hell’s wrong with ya? Hop to it!” 
“Coming from someone who didn’t settle down until like a year ago. Shut up you little shit.” Joel huffs, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Was watin’ for the right one! Then this beauty changed my life in the best way possible and put me in my place,” Tommy pulls Maria into his side, kissing her cheek. She rolls her eyes and nudges him playfully, walking back into the house before Tommy points at you. “‘N this missy right here is gonna do the exact same for ya. Don’t be ‘fraid to put him in his place, sweetheart, he needs it.” Tommy howls with laughter as Joel glares at him.
“So fuckin’ dramatic.” Joel mumbles under his breath.
“So what, you don’t want me to put you in your place?” You’re enjoying seeing him squirm a little as your hand traces circles over the white linen that clings to his back. 
“Nah, it ain’t that. You can put me in my place anytime, baby.” He winks, and you immediately pick up on the innuendo behind his voice. 
“You’re fighting with fire, Mr. Miller.” You murmur to him, and his hand moves down to your ass to give it a subtle, playful squeeze. 
“‘S my job, baby.” 
“Don’t think this is one you can put out.” You wink at him before walking away to join Maria in the house.
“Okay, you have to tell me everything,” Maria situates herself on the couch with a glass of wine. You sit down next to her and tuck your legs under yourself, smoothing your dress out before leaning your head on your fist. “How in the world did you and Joel become a thing? What happened to that one guy that you used to tell me about?” 
You laugh at her enthusiasm toward your love life, inhaling a deep breath before diving into the story about your shitty ex and all the stupid trust issues he gave you. He really did a number on you, which is why you were so content with being single and thriving. You told Maria that you kept your guard up to protect yourself and your heart, because the last thing you wanted was to give your all to someone once again, only to be burned. Maria put her hand on your knee as a reassuring smile spread across her lips. 
“Honey, I can promise you that that man standing out there has it bad for you. Doesn’t matter how long you’ve been seeing each other. I can see it in the way he looks at you,” Your gaze trails out to the backyard as Joel sips on a beer, talking with Tommy and a few others who you presume are the neighbors before Maria’s voice pulls your attention back to her, “Joel is a good man, and despite the way you both have been hurt in the past, you still both found each other and gave this,” She waves her hands to gesture between you and him, “A chance. Lord knows that man could use a good woman like you in his life.” 
You felt the sting behind your eyes immediately. Maria’s words were nothing short of assuring, and she smiles as you wipe your tears with a small laugh. 
“Baby, just because you finally got the flame on your candle to burn bright again, doesn’t mean he’s going to dim yours. His is finally strong on its own, too. I know that you’re so independent and you’ve been used to it for some time now, but let his flame make yours even stronger. You can be stronger together.” 
And you knew she was right. The clarity blindsided you, but you got your answer: Joel would one hundred percent, undoubtedly catch you. 
A few hours later, the sun had started to set and the neighbors went back to their respective homes, leaving you, Maria, Tommy, Joel and Sarah left. You and Maria insisted you help clean up even though Joel and Tommy both told you it wasn’t necessary. You both waved them off and got everything put away and washed in less than an hour. 
Maria refilled her glass of wine as you poured yourself one and both went to settle back onto the couch, Joel and Tommy in tow. Sarah came running down the stairs and up to Joel, a pleading look strewn across her features. 
“Kelly invited me over to a night swim and slumber party. Can I go? Please?” She had a hopeful look as she clasped her hands together to shake them, silently begging Joel to say yes. 
“I thought she was sick?” He asked, running his hands over the stubble on his chin. 
“No dad, Sasha is the one that’s sick.” 
You tried to stifle a laugh at her ‘duh’ tone, so you just bit your lip and stared at him. He sighed and looked at you, his demeanor changing in the slightest. 
“Sure, but please check in with me every few hours or so. Do I need to drop you off?” He asks, resting his beer bottle on his thigh. 
“Thank you!” She throws her arms around him, and he grunts as he returns the hug. “No, Kelly’s mom offered to pick me up. She can drop me back off tomorrow, too.” She says, and before Joel can get another word in, she rushes back upstairs. 
Joel sighs as he leans back into the couch, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“Teenagers.” He grumbles, taking a swig of his beer. You pat his thigh and lean into him, giving him a smile. 
“Well now that it’s just goin’ to be adults, why don’t we get the real party started,” Tommy wiggles his brows, and all three of you look at him in confusion. “‘S a joke, people. Sheesh. How ‘bout some music, though.” He connects his phone to the speaker sitting on one of the shelves, playing a mix of late 90’s and country music. 
Joel finds himself leaning into you as one of his hands slips below the hem of your dress, drawing circles into the skin of your thigh. His touch sends a shiver down your spine and he looks at you with a quirked brow, clearly pleased with your reaction to his touch. 
You got turned on so easily now. It wasn’t fair. Just one look alone from the older Miller brother could have your panties around your ankles in milliseconds, and you truly weren’t above begging him to touch you. 
The smug smirk on his face told you he knew it, too, but you both agreed to take things slow. You couldn’t even remember why you agreed to such a thing, because the tension between you two had been through the roof since your date at the fair. You truly didn’t know how much self restraint you had. 
Maria’s laugh had ripped through your thoughts, earning your undivided attention. 
“No way. I don’t believe you.” She says, laughing at Tommy. 
“‘S true! Joel and I are a couple ‘a Austin’s finest line dancers.” Tommy shrugs, looking over at Joel. 
“Those days are long over, brother.” Joel groans, leaning his head back onto the couch. 
“Bullshit. Betcha still know how to dance to Brooks & Dunn.” 
“Even if I did—”
“C’mon cowboy, show us what you got.” You tease, and Joel shakes his head. 
“Mm mm. Won’t do it unless you ladies do it with us.” He negotiates, and your eyes flit to Maria who smiles upside down and shrugs her shoulders.
“Wouldn’t hurt to learn.” She says, and you nod in agreement. 
“It’s settled then.” Tommy slaps his thighs, standing up and offering his hand to Maria. Tommy tosses Joel his Stetson off of the coat rack which Joel catches with ease, putting it onto his head as he grins at you, offering his hand to help you stand up. 
“Hey dad! Kelly’s mom is here– oh god, are you and Uncle Tommy line dancing again?” She groans, and Joel holds his hands up in defense. 
“Uncle Tommy coaxed me into it and these lovely ladies here wanna learn. Not my fault.” 
Sarah rolls her eyes and looks between you and Maria. “Good luck with these two knuckleheads. It was nice to meet you!” She says as she heads for the door. 
“You too!” You call back. 
“Text me when you get there, please.” Joel calls out to her, and she says ‘kay!’ before the front door shuts behind her. Tommy plays the familiar tune of Boot Scootin’ Boogie, and Joel stands next to him before they start to dance in sync. They both hold on to the front of the waistbands of their pants where their belts would presumably be as their footwork syncs up perfectly. 
You and Maria watch in awe as they move together effortlessly, mentally noting the moves they’re repeating. Maria nudges you and you look at her with a shit-eating grin on your face. 
“Girl, are you seeing this? Got damn near ten degrees hotter in here just watching my man dance.” 
“Tell me about it. If Joel and I weren’t taking it slow, I’d probably jump his bones right now.” 
“More power to you. I couldn’t do that even if I tried my damndest.” 
“Trust me, it’s hard. Especially when he looks like… that.” You stare at Joel as he lets the familiar movements flow through his bones, dancing on beat to the upbeat song. He looks at you and shoots you a wink, making you bite your lip to hide your smile. 
“C’mon ladies.” Tommy waves you both over, and you both join in with them. It takes a couple of tries to sync up with Joel, but you’re eventually moving with him. He takes your hand and spins you, pulling you into him as he presses you flush against his chest. 
You smirk at him and pluck his Stetson off of his head, putting it onto yours. Joel moves his hand to the small of your back, causing you to practically grind into him while you dance. You bite your lip and bat your lashes as you can feel the tension in Joel’s body that desperately needs relief. He shakes his head with a chuckle, leaning in as his lips brush your ear. 
“Ever heard of the cowboy hat rule, baby?” His voice is raspy and low. He noses at your jawline before leaving a kiss below your ear, pulling his face back into your view. 
You shake your head no, and as the song ends, he gives Tommy a look before intertwining your hand with his to lead you upstairs. 
“Joel—” You start, but as soon as you step into his bedroom, he closes the door and locks it. He cages you in between both of his strong arms, hands resting on either side of your head as he pops his knee out. It’s dangerously close to your aching cunt, and if you moved forward just a bit, you could easily grind yourself onto him. 
The thought was tempting but your mind went blank, the close proximity between you both making your head spin. 
“The cowboy hat rule,” He starts, leaning down to kiss your neck, “Is when a lady takes a man’s cowboy hat off of his head n’ puts it on herself. Means that the lady wants to be with the man and essentially wants to do more with him.” 
“M-more?” Your breath catches in your throat as his hot tongue glides over the warmth of your neck. You’re beginning to pant harder, hands twitching at your sides, aching to touch him. 
“Mhm.” He slots his thigh between your legs, and you can’t help the soft moan that bubbles in your throat at the delicious friction. 
“Had a whole romantic thing planned in my head on how to ask you to be my girl, but fuck baby, I can’t wait no more. I know it ain’t been long, but I really want you to be mine. ‘N I sure would love to be your man.” 
Your brain starts to function a little better, so you bring your hands up to cup his face. You can’t help the grin that spreads on your lips, Joel mirroring you. 
“Don’t need fancy. Just need you, baby. I’d love to be yours, Joel.” 
And he steals a searing kiss from you, arms wrapping around you as he moves you both backwards toward his bed. He takes his hat off of your head before setting it on his dresser, sitting down on his bed as you follow suit and straddle him. His hands hold onto your thighs, teasing you as they move underneath the hemline of your dress. 
His lips separate from yours and he buries his face into your neck, kissing and licking your soft flesh as he grabs a handful of your ass. You can’t help but grind yourself into him like last time, the carnal desire for him shredding through you as your self-restraint dwindles down to nearly nothing. 
“I-I know we said slow, but baby, can I touch you?” He asks, and you fervently nod your head. Your thoughts were so jumbled that you couldn’t be bothered to form a coherent response. Your senses were all-consumed by this man under you—your boyfriend. You smile at the thought before your jaw goes slack when his hand moves your underwear to the side, fingers sliding through your slick folds. 
You bite your lip to stifle the whine that shoots through your chest, heart leaping into your throat. You knew it wouldn’t take much for you to come undone if Joel kept teasing you the way he did. 
“Shit, baby, you’re so fuckin’ wet. This all for me, pretty girl?” He asks, his Southern drawl as thick as honey, darkened eyes meeting yours. 
“Yes.” You cry, rutting your hips against his fingers.
“Can I?” He asks, prodding the tip of his fingers at your entrance. You nod once again, gripping onto his shoulders as you begin to leave kisses across his neck and collarbone. He slides a finger down to the knuckle in you effortlessly, and you can’t help but nip at his neck as the sensation courses through your body. 
His one finger alone could reach places yours never could, and it made you dizzy. He slipped another finger into you, the stretch stinging in the slightest as you rocked onto his hand. 
“So fuckin’ tight, baby. There you go.” Joel guides you as he begins to move his own fingers, curling them in your warmth. He was hitting that spot that you could barely ever reach, making your eyes roll to the back of your skull as your head fell back, panting his name repeatedly as you felt the coil already tightening in your core. 
“So fuckin’ pretty, hm? My girl is so gorgeous like this, gettin’ herself off on my fingers. Look like a fuckin’ angel, darlin’. Such a good girl.” Joel praises you, and your head snaps up as your eyes meet his. He has a devilish smirk on his lips as you thread your fingers through his curls, smashing your lips to his. He groans into the kiss and picks up the pace of his fingers, your arousal now dripping down to his wrist. He felt your pussy clench around his digits, and he was coaxing you to come undone. 
“That’s it baby. Can feel ya, I know you wanna cum. Give it t’me.” He says, and he swallows your moans in a kiss as the band snaps in your core, body convulsing as you ride out your orgasm. 
You’re breathless as you slump against him, kissing his neck repeatedly as you try and catch your breath. 
He slowly slides his fingers out of you and you moan at the loss of fullness, gaze meeting his once again. He slips his fingers coated in your arousal into his mouth, eyes fluttering shut as he tastes you. He leans in to kiss you, and you can easily taste yourself on his tongue. 
“So fuckin’ sweet. Can I taste all of ya?” He asks, and you don’t even think twice before you nod. He flips you around onto the bed, kneeling onto the floor as he hooks both of his fingers into the waistband of your panties. You’re about to lift your hips so he can slide them off of you when a sharp knock on his door sounds. 
He groans and sits on his haunches, forehead falling onto your thigh. You giggle and sit up, running your hands through his curls. 
“What, Tommy?” Joel calls out, and Tommy laughs on the other side of the door. 
“Jus’ lettin’ ya know Maria ‘n I are gonna stay in the guest bedroom. The hell are you doin’ in there?” 
Joel gets up with a grunt and stalks toward his bedroom door, unlocking it before swinging it open.
“None of your goddamn business. That’s what.” Joel rolls his eyes, and Tommy raises his hands in defense. 
“Shit, my bad!” He looks past Joel and winks at you, and your face heats up immediately. 
“You have five seconds to get out of my face before I beat your ass. Fuckin’ cockblock.” Joel grumbles, glaring at his brother. 
“Fair. Carry on. Wrap it before you tap it!” He turns on his heel and trudges down the stairs, and Joel turns back around to look at you, face beet red. 
“Ignore him.” He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“Noted,” You pat the spot next to you and he rejoins you on the bed. “Now where were we?”
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tags: @ilovepedro ; @nostalxgic ; @endlessthxxghts ; @punkshort ; @pamasaur ; @clawdee ; @pascalpvnk ; @bensonispunk ; @merz-8 ; @darkblue-tennesseee ; @buckyispunk ; @untamedheart81 ; @picketniffler ; @fluffygoffpanda ; @paleidiot ; @typewriter83 ; @lizzie-cakes ; @sawymredfox ; @keylimebeag ; @nandan11 ; @pedropascalsbbg ; @pimosworld ; @yxtkiwiyxt ; @anoverwhelmingdin
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divider by @saradika-graphics
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