#this took way too long to think about and summarize it
shining-gem34 · 5 months
Dan Feng/Dan Heng and the Aeons (1)
Note: This is all HC of what I think their opinions regarding the Aeons of Long, Lan, and Yaoshi until otherwise revealed.
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"The Vidydhara, as a whole, do not forget our origins. The hatchlings of the present are not as devout as their seniors, but we cannot forget. Long existence is like a code etched deeply into our souls- A cycle we cannot escape from. Their gift...is both a blessing and a curse." -Dan Feng.
In general, Dan Feng respects Long and understands their importance to the Vidyadhara as a whole. As High Elder, he is required to partake in committees discussing his clan celebrations and give the final word where the planning is directed. In any important rituals, the leading role naturally falls to the High Elder to make sure it goes off without a hitch. Otherwise, in private, Dan Feng very little practices his faith. He holds Long, their Creator close to his heart. But, not so close he considers himself a devout worshipper compared to the other Vidyadhara. However, with the ongoing problem of the Vidyadhara species in slow decline and his personal issues- Dan Feng can't help resent Long just a little bit. After all, their blessing is starting to become more of a curse at this point. But how can he, a mortal, judge an Aeon? Not just any Aeon, but the Aeon of Permanence who given birth to the Vidyadhara. To reject Long, even deceased, is considered blasphemy.
"I do not share the Vidyadhara faith in Long. The reason...Well, I'm sure you understand why by now. Unfortunately, I am that man reincarnation. As long as I hold this power, my encounters with the Vidyadhara will not end here." -Dan Heng
Dan Heng has no love or hate towards Long. He acknowledges their existence, their importance to the Vidyadhara, and their relevance to him. He does not love Long, because he does not worship them- respect them, yes. He does not hate Long, because the ones who hurt him are their children. Besides, what reason does he have to hate an Aeon who ihas long passed away? Despite the Preceptors best efforts to educate him, Dan Heng obviously does not practice their faith in Long. If he must, it will be after the events in Xianzhou Luofu where he's learning more about their culture including the Vidyadhara. Something he never got to do during his imprisonment. Everything he learns and research will go into the databank. But also, it's helping Dan Heng understand more about a place he never saw as a home. Slowly, it may also help him gain a deeper understanding of his past incarnations knowledge and Long.
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"The Reignbow Arbiter, unless summoned, has no reason to appear before us. We are their warriors, raising our weapons, and vowed to eliminate every last one of Yaoshi abominations. Yet, what honor can be gained for losing your life in this eternal war?" -Dan Feng
While Dan Feng is closer to Long than Lan, he respects them no less. The Reignbow Arbiter eternal pursuit against Yaoshi inspired the Xianzhou to take arms and follow them. Their beliefs aligned with Lan determination to eliminate the Abominations of Yaoshi and that hasn't changed even in the present.
Dan Feng is the High Elder of the Vidyadhara. Naturally, his first priority are his clan and the Xianzhou natives second. There are times when it is difficult to make a decision: to find a compromise. Because he is not only Vidyadhara, but he is also a soldier who spoke his vows to the Hunt as many others had done. The war he joins and fight is for the sake of his people AND the Xianzhou.
Is it conflicting when he follows Long and Lan? The simple answer is no, because there is no point in trying to understand what the Aeons are thinking (especially since Long has long passed.)
Dan Feng knows his priorities. It's in the present where his people rely on him for safety and guidance. It's where his friends/families, and his lovers (or fiances/spouse) matter the most to him.
He is the High Elder of the Vidyadhara Luofu, a member of the HCQ, a friend to a selected few, and...a lover to the most amazing people (Yingxing and Jing Yuan) in his life.
Dan Feng is never described as a person with feelings. But his heart, his human bleeds, seeing the loss in the endless war against the Abundance.
That's why he can never understand why so many see it as an honor to die fightning for their homeland. Not when they still have people waiting for them to return home.
And a part of him that he kept locked away resents Lan [Aeons] for this.
But again, Aeons are beyond mortal understanding. What does his opinion matter?
"Before I met Himeko, I was a wanderer. I followed the Hunt, because I felt like I was required to in order to redeem myself. Wherever I went, battles follow and I had to fight to survive. If an abomination of Abundance appeared...I felt compelled to fight and eliminate them. " -Dan Heng
Initially, Dan Heng believed if he followed the path of the The Hunt, then it would distance himself further away from Dan Feng. Not only that, but it would enforce his identity as "Dan Heng". The crimes of his past self had committed should've been absolved after he reincarnated. Yet, it didn't matter in the end as Dan Heng is punished for his past incarnation crimes. As for his opinion of Lan, Dan Heng will admit he is biased. He knows the consequences for seeking immortality; a monster. He agrees with Lan end goal- to kill Yaoshi. By extension, he also agrees with the Xianzhou cause as well. Dan Heng respects Lan and their ideals, but he does not walk the same path as their followers do. Because Dan Heng is an exile, marked as a criminal for a sin his past incarnation had done. But that's alright, because Dan Heng found his place in the universe as a Nameless on the Astral Express.
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"Do not heed the words of Yaoshi worshippers. The Plague Authors mercy is a curse in disguise of a blessing. Their "love" is sweet on the tongue, but they're vile. A disease festering in your core. A parasite slowly eating away your life and sanity as your body rots." -Dan Feng
Dan Feng absolutely abhors Yaoshi, but more than that he hates himself for resorting to use a flesh of an Emanator of Abundance. But he believed at the time he was doing the right thing for the right cause. In the aftermath, within his prison, he feels only regrets and defeat...
"I do not agree with the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus. There's a reason why Yaoshi existence does more harm than good. They bring life, but they also sow discord and suffering. Dan Feng knew that, so why did he...?" -Dan Heng
Dan Heng is absolutely confused why his past incarnation committed one of the Unpardonable Sins. He abhors Yaoshi, any of their children are dead on sight.
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Since I've had a few people asking about megadungeon stuff recently, and I am an avowed megadungeon megafan, I thought it might be fun to walk through an actual example of megadungeon play that exemplifies what I like best about it.
This post is going to be the first in a series talking about a room from a megadungeon that I ran over 20 years ago (brushing past that fact quickly lest the horrors set in.) It was a major room, probably the most complex and important in the dungeon, and the players passed through it frequently throughout the campaign. In this post I'll introduce you to the room, and then in later posts I'll talk about what it does well and how to use that lesson more generally. Below the cut is a reproduction of the map as I remember it.
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Without getting into The Lore too deeply, some dwarves accidentally dug into hell, as one does. Classic trope, nothing wrong with using them. They quite sensibly shut the mine down and sealed if off, but word got out. A human king heard about this, and took over the mine, expanding it into a temple complex to curry favour / barter with hell. It went badly, as such things do.
This concourse connects several wings of the dungeon, spanning several floors. An enormous devil face statue emerges from the northern wall, above the second floor balcony and below the fourth, and a column of light shines through a hole in the ceiling onto the center of the floor. Several floors of balconies overlook the chamber, though the stairs to the fourth floor balcony have long since collapsed.
This chamber was not too far from the main entrance, with the party first encountering it on their second delve into the dungeon, though it would take two more delves for them to gather the courage to enter it. At the time they first encountered it, it was swarming with imps and other little devils worshipping the big face.
I'll summarize the key:
A. Hallway from the Entry Chambers, the first and easiest section of the dungeon.
B. Doorway to the Pilgrim's City.
C. Doorway to the Unholiest of Unholies. Sealed and warded against simple spells.
D. Doorway to the Old Dwarven Quarters.
E. Doorway to the Nobles' Section. Barred from the far side.
F. Portcullis to the Pilgrim's City. The mechanism has rusted out and no longer functions.
G. Doorway to the Halls of the Clergy.
H. Doorway from the King's Inner Sanctum.
I. Doorway to the Archive.
J. Doorway to the King's Inner Sanctum, locked.
K. Doorway to The Indulgences.
Stairway from floor 1 to floor 2.
Light from the hole in the ceiling.
Broken stairs from floor 2 to floor 4.
Big ole devil face. Its eyes are a one-way illusion, allowing anyone within the face to view the room below.
Okay that's a lot, thanks for sticking it out. While I don't want to wander too far off topic into the rest of the dungeon, I'll just briefly note that the Pilgrim's City and Old Dwarven Quarters are easier sections of the dungeon, the Nobles Section and Halls of the Clergy are slightly more difficult, the King's Inner Sanctum, Archive, and Indulgences are very dangerous, and the Unholiest of Unholies is, as one might expect, where the worst things (and best loot) in the dungeon are. This was 2nd edition AD&D, so there was not a presumption of fights being balanced, and traipsing through more dangerous sections of the dungeon at lower levels wasn't uncommon. The players also understood the varying levels of danger fairly implicitly, since the custom at the time was that any time you went a level further away from whatever the ground floor was, things got more dangerous. The only exception to this is the Unholiest of Unholies and I think we can agree that when it's beyond a magically sealed door under a giant devil head the danger is telegraphed.
Next post I'll start talking about what made this room work so well in practice.
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too-many-fandoms-tbh · 6 months
(bruce wayne/batman x fem!reader)
can be read as any batman, but he is described to be a partying bachelor in this
warnings: rough sex, p in v, unprotected sex, jealous sex, semi-public (private bathroom) sex, established relationship, slight toxic undertones?? aftercare
she knew it was for her protection, but god did y/n hate pretending not to know bruce in public. they'd attend events together, and she just had to stand there and watch every time as he flirted with all of the girls who approached him. sure, guys flirted with her all the time, but she never talked to them for more than a minute, and she'd always make sure not to lead them on. bruce didn't care; he had to keep up his "partying bachelor" status. she brought it up to him once, and he of course reassured her she was all he wanted, but that didn't mean it still didn't hurt.
currently, she was stood against a wall, arms crossed over her stomach as she glared at the girls whom were flocked around her boyfriend. she was wearing a long, bright red dress that hugged her curves tightly and had a deep v-neck. there was a slit going up her thigh, which exposed her silver heels and caused her to constantly adjust her dress in fear of exposing herself. the dress was so tight that she couldn't wear her normal safety-shorts without there being lines, so she'd been stressed about that all night.
"hey there," a voice said out of nowhere. she snapped her gaze away from bruce and immediately replaced her scowl with a polite smile as she turned to greet the man. "you look like you could use a refill."
she paused, eyes looking at the empty glass, provided by the event's servers, on the table next to her. she'd never seen the man in front of her before, but he was definitely handsome, with blonde hair and brown eyes. his tan hands both held glasses of champagne, one of which was being held out towards her. in fear of being impolite, she took the drink with nimble hands. she was a little worried that he might've done something to the drink, but with the amount of security the crowded event held, she supposed she was safe.
"thank you.." she prompted, eyes raised.
"frank." he said quickly, an awkward laugh. "frank campbell. and you are?"
"y/n l/n." she responded, taking a sip of the drink. it tasted the same as the ones she'd had before, and she cherished the flavor.
"what're you doing all the way over here?" he asked. "i'm sure you'd be a hit out there."
she nearly laughed at his attempts of flirting. "i'm just observing." she shrugged.
he turned to follow her gaze and his eyes landed on bruce, whom was still surrounded by women. "looking at wayne, huh? he's got all of the ladies here wrapped around his finger. i'm surprised you're not over there too, unless you have a boyfriend, of course."
how ironic.
"you sound jealous." she swirled the drink in her cup, looking up at him through her eyelashes. holy shit, she was flirting back, wasn't she?
"so what if i am?" he said boldly. "i think every man in this room is."
"and why is that?" she continued, taking another sip of her drink. as she did so, her eyes trailed over to bruce. she knew he'd look over at them eventually, he was protective like that, but now he was straight up staring at her. he looked upset, and for some reason, she was almost pleased with that result. maybe, just maybe, this would show him what it was like to be in her shoes. she winked at him once before turning her attention back to frank.
she nodded along as frank spoke, but honestly, she had tuned out on a lot of it as she was looking at bruce. when he finished talking, she had a good enough idea of what he said to respond.
"so what," she summarized with a slight smirk. if only he knew who he was talking to. "you think you could show a girl a better time than he could?"
"oh, i know i could."
"ah, i see." she set her almost-empty glass down and reached for her handbag off of the table. the small, designer bag was cute, but she hated the fact that it didn't have a strap. she was digging around in it, searching for her small tin of breath mints, when suddenly she knocked the bag over. it toppled to the ground, the contents spilling everywhere. she gasped, carefully falling to her knees in order to collect her things. frank squatted down too, doing his best to help. she could see the way his eyes landed on her cleavage before trailing down to the her thigh, where she was maybe an inch away from exposing the space between her thighs.
"sorry," she laughed awkwardly, suddenly a little uncomfortable under his gaze. his eyes never left her body as he handed her the occasional lipstick or bobby-pin from the floor. she thought she wanted this attention, in fact she'd been craving it all night, but she suddenly felt guilty as she realized what she was doing. apparently, she'd done a better job flirting than she'd thought she did, and now this man was looking at her as if he expected her to come home with him tonight. all whilst her boyfriend was watching.
speaking of bruce, she glanced up to see him staring directly at her, eyes narrowed. to make matters even worse, she and frank both reached for her phone at the same time, their hands connecting for a split second. she pulled away quickly, but frank was already making eye-contact with her, a blush on his face.
"that's everything," he said, finally looking at her face. he stood up, offering her a hand as well. despite the fact that she wanted to get up on her own, she took his hand, standing up as slowly as possible in order to keep her dress intact. the second his hand dropped hers, she was adjusting her dress again, wishing she'd worn the black dress that alfred suggested.
"oh, here," he said. she had no clue what he was doing, but suddenly, his hand was on her face. he brushed something off of her cheek and she stood there frozen. her eyes looked for bruce, and he was dismissing himself from the girls around him. he pulled out his phone as he walked, but she lost him in the crowds before she could see where he was headed. "you had a hair."
"thanks," she forced a smile. her phone buzzed in her purse, and after saying a quick apology to frank, she pulled it out. bruce's contact filled her screen, and her knees went weak as she read his text.
"Meet me in employee bathroom, two minutes. Down the stairs to your left. Don't be late."
"oh my god," she attempted to feign a dramatic gasp, but honestly, she didn't have to try that hard to fake being shocked because she genuinely was. bruce was very rarely that demanding, and if he was, it was only after a hard night out as batman. "i am so sorry, frank, but i have to go. business emergency."
"oh, no," frank seemed a little appalled at her sudden exit. "don't apologize. i hope everything is alright."
"yeah, thanks," she reached over for her glass of champagne and finished it with a long swig, ignoring his confused gaze. "it was lovely meeting you, really. i'll see you around, yeah?"
he seemed a little shocked, but she patted his shoulder once before grabbing her clutch and walking away. she walked as fast as she could in a restricting dress and heels, which, honestly, was quite slow. no one seemed to notice her as she snuck through the unlabeled doors and down the concrete stairs. she really hoped these were the correct stairs, because it took her nearly a minute to get down them without ripping her dress. immediately, a door labeled "family bathroom" appeared to her left, and in smaller letters it read "staff only".
she prayed that it was the right room when she knocked. as quick as lightning, bruce opened the door and pulled her inside. she fell against the door as he locked it behind her.
"well hello to you too," she sassed, ignoring how turned on she already was. if this was something serious and not sexual, then she was about to feel real stupid. "what's up?"
"i could ask you the same question." he said, voice barely controlled. "what's up with campbell over there?"
"oh, so you know him?" she inquired boldly. she could feel the alcohol in her veins, not enough to make her tipsy, but enough to make her words bolder.
"yeah, i do," he grumbled. "nice guy."
she laughed lightly. "that's surprising. he hates you."
"oh, does he?" bruce didn't seem phased. "and why is that?"
she pushed herself off of the door, reaching up to wrap her arms around his neck. "oh nothing much," she smirked up at him. "just thought he could fuck me better than you."
this caught bruce's attention and his eyes hardened. his large hands found place on her waist, pulling her closer.
"and would you let him?" his voice was raspy. he knew she wouldn't, they'd had that conversation before when they were actually being sincere, but he had to see what she'd say now.
"depends," she ran her fingers through the hair on the back of his head. "would you fuck handsy-pansy? i'm sure she thinks she's better than me."
"handsy" pansy was some blonde woman whom seemed to show up at every event, and each time she saw bruce, she'd fawn over him the whole time, laughing at everything he said and always touching him.
bruce pretended to think, watching as she scrunched her face up at him. she knew he was just doing it to get a rise out of her, and she planned to return the favor.
"maybe i'll go and talk to frank after all," she pulled away, pretending to reach for the door. "i'm sure he'd love to have me in his bed after all of this is over."
the next thing she knew, bruce grabbed her hand. he pulled her back, spinning her enough so that their chests collided and he could slam his lips against hers. the kiss was rough and passionate, and she found herself wrapping her hands around his neck to stay stable. his larger hands gripped her waist, slowly moving down to her ass with a harsh squeeze. she moaned in his mouth, arching her back against him.
"fuck you better than me, huh?" he growled, pulling away. he pulled her by her waist, shoving her towards the sink. her hands latched onto the counter and she could see bruce standing behind her in the mirror. she bit her lip as he grabbed the long dress, bunching it up at her waist, where it surprisingly stayed. she watched his breath catch in his throat when he realized she only had lace on underneath. he didn't say anything, simply palming her smooth ass before reaching between her legs. his calloused fingers slid over her soaked folds and she threw her head back, a bright blush on her face.
"you're already so wet," he commented, pulling away. he met her eyes in the mirror. "was all of this for him?"
"no," she shook her head quickly, going against any of her usual bratty instincts. "it's all for you, bruce."
"all for me, huh?" he repeated. as he spoke, she arched her back against him, attempting to grind herself against his thigh. his hands found place on her hips, and her actions were halted abruptly. his grip was rough, but not quite enough to be painful.
"i don't know," he tsked, making eye contact with her through the mirror. "you seemed pretty pleased with yourself out with campbell, acting like a slut, all whilst wearing the brand new dress i bought you."
"god," she whined, biting her lip. the way he was staring her down through the mirror, thumbs caressing her hips, was driving her crazy. "please, bruce! i'm yours, all yours."
"now you're begging?" he asked slyly, fingers moving down her hips and to her thighs, where he then stroked her skin softly. "so eager to be fucked like the slut you are, huh?"
"so what if i am?" she challenged, trying to slyly rub her thighs together. her actions didn't go unnoticed, and bruce roughly separated her legs. she nearly fell, leaning forward onto the sink.
"you beg me to go out more," he murmured under his breath. through the mirror, she could see him unbuckling his belt. "and this is the treatment i get. you want me to fuck you? fine, i'll fuck you. i'll fuck you so good the whole party will hear you, and campbell will know you're mine. that's what you wanted, right? for me to show you i care?"
his words were almost sappy, but his tone was the complete opposite.
"i've cared the whole time," his gruff voice continued. she heard the clink of his pants falling to his ankles. "it drove me crazy watching guys look you up and down, talking about you like you're their next meal."
he didn't give her time to respond, because he suddenly slid inside of her. she let out an airy moan, manicured fingers gripping the counter as she adjusted to the quick intrusion. the momentary pain was quickly being masked with pleasure as he leaned forward, craning his neck to place a soft kiss on shoulder. though the moment was tender, his voice was still a husky whisper in her ear. "god, if only they could see you now, see how you're all mine."
the next thing she knew, he was pounding into her like there was no tomorrow, snapping his hips against her so much that she felt her entire body bounce with each movement. she tried to make eye contact through the mirror, but she couldn't bear to keep her head up. a constant string of airy moans were leaving her mouth, and had she not been about to collapse, she would've brought a hand up to silence them.
"fuck, bruce.." she managed to sputter out. his pace was relentless; it seemed his hours of being batman really contributed to his stamina.
"what?" he practically growled from behind her. "you can't take it?"
"i can!" she cried out, head thrown back as she struggled to speak. "i-" her next sentence got cut off by a startled moan as one of bruce's hands left her hips and snaked around to pressure her clit.
she moaned out his name as he continued his assault, his finger now rubbing slowly against the bundle of nerves.
"fuck," he panted from behind her. "you gonna cum for me, yeah?"
she nodded, her body shaking in his arms. she wasn't sure how much longer she could take it before she collapsed onto the floor, but god did she love it.
"i need words, sweetheart." he said, his halting the actions of his fingers. he was still pumping into her, likely because he too was close, but she immediately whined at the loss of contact against her sensitive clit.
"yes!" she choked out, only to then moan again when he twiddled her clit between the pads of his calloused fingers.
it didn't take long before she could feel herself nearing an orgasm. biting her lip to prevent herself from screaming, y/n came roughly, legs shaking so hard she was scared her knees were going to buckle out from under her. she expected bruce to slow down, maybe give her a moment to recuperate, but his pace only quickened to a near impossible state. he was back to holding her hips with both hands, using his virtually painful grip on her body in order to pound into her even harder. she was shaking like a limp ragdoll in his arms, incoherent moans leaving her open mouth. she was even more sensitive than before, and she was sure anyone walking by would be able to hear her.
right when she was sure she'd get whiplash from being jerked around so much, not that she was complaining, she felt bruce let go inside of her, his liquid coating her insides. once he was finished, he slowed to a stop and slipped softly out of her. she almost immediately fell to the floor, but his now gentle grip was quick to grab onto her.
he spun her around to face him, supporting her weight with ease. he gave her an amused smile, and she couldn't help but just stare at him, her face still stuck in a fucked-out haze. her makeup was smeared, and there were many loose, frizzy hairs stuck to her face. she managed to pull her dress back down to cover herself, but it was full of wrinkles, and there was now a wet patch on the crotch.
bruce pulled her into his chest and leaned down to press a lasting kiss onto her lips. she brought her weak arms up to wrap around his neck, and he continued to hold onto her, now moving his hands up to her waist rather than her sensitive hips. the kiss was slow and soft, a large contrast to his actions only moments ago.
"what'd ya say we ditch this joint, yeah?" he said once he'd pulled away.
"but bruce.." she began to murmur, obviously still dazed.
"the gala can wait," he reassured. "i'm not needed there anyways. what matters to me is getting you home."
she frowned up at him, but it really didn't take long for her to give in. she hated to admit it, but with how rough he had been, there was some much-needed aftercare in store for her. and knowing bruce, he was going to make it his life's mission to make sure she is as comfortable as possible.
"alright.." she said eventually. she went to step out of his grasp, only for her legs to buckle under her weight on the first step. stifling a laugh, bruce scooped her into his arms bridal-style before she could even process what had happened.
"you still think he could fuck you better than me?" he teased as he pushed open the door. all she could do was giggle in response, resting her head on his shoulder as he carried her down the corridor and into their waiting car. as she'd suspected, she was showered in warm baths, cozy cuddles, and her favorite snacks for the rest of the evening, and though she was definitely sore, there was not a single ounce of regret in her mind.
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pitchsidestories · 4 months
Darling, hold my hand II Ona Batlle x Lucy Bronze
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masterlist I word count: 1504
a/n: hi, we hope you enjoy this little oneshot, as always this is just fiction, have fun reading. <3
As soon as the final whistle blew and the game against Bilbao ended, the celebratory mood in the Estadi Johan Cruyff set in. FC Barcelona won their ninth league title before the season even ended.
While the fans applauded and chanted their names, the players on the pitch celebrated wildly, hugging each other and jumping around under the night sky. The commanding victory only added to the exuberant atmosphere.
It was chaos on the field when the injured players joined the celebrations. From somewhere a drum had appeared on the grass and Ona and Alexia took turns beating it.
Lucy stood a little farther away, watching them attentively with a smile on her lips.
“Lucia.“, Alexia said, rolling her eyes at her teammate after calling her a second time.
Only then the English defender tore her eyes away from Ona: “Uhm.. What?“
Keira elbowed her in the side and grimaced: “Embarrassing, Lucy.“
“Like a lovesick puppy.“, Alexia agreed before Lucy could protest.
Keiras eye widened, excited by the comparison: “Right?“
Lucy shook her head, unimpressed: “Shut it, both of you!“
Ona held out the drumstick towards her: “Want to try too?“
Instead of Lucy, Cata Coll answered: “Oh, look, Ale. Olga is over there.“ She pointed towards the stands. Alexias head immediately whipped around in the direction.
Cata winked at Ona: “See, Oni? Works every time.“
“She’s so in love.“, the Spanish defender smiled back.
Alexia turned towards Lucy, letting go of the drum: “Here, Lucy. I’m sure you’ll take good care of the drum with Ona.“
Lucys eyes narrowed in suspicion: “Thanks?“
“You’re welcome.“
“Ona, you were right. Ale is so in love.“, Lucy grinned as they watched their captain walk towards her girlfriend and embrace her.
“I told you she’s.“, the smaller defender laughed.
“How does it feel? To be back at Barcelona and winning the league in your first season?“, Lucy asked, subtly placing a hand on the Spanish players waist.
Onas eyes lit up as she looked at the English defender, trying to summarize her emotions with one word: “Amazing.“
“You played amazing. And your goal tonight…“
“Yes?“, you asked, prompting her to continue.
In her typical nonchalant way, she just shrugged: “It was pretty nice too.“
Ona laughed at the half-compliment: “Thanks.“
“You’re welcome.“
For a second, the two football players were unusually silent, soaking in the lighthearted atmosphere.
Sandra Paños came over to take the drum from them.
Ona leaned over, whispering into Lucys ear: “When do you think we can go home?“
“This will take a while.”, the older woman replied truthfully, her voice filled with longing for the time when it only was the two of them.
“Ugh, I feared you’d say that.”, mirroring that want of being alone, the Spanish defender groaned.
Lucy gave her girlfriend an apologetic look: “Sorry. The ceremony hasn’t even started yet.”
“Do you think you can keep your hands to yourself during that?”, Ona teased the English player with an amused grin on her lips.
“You’re the one who came close for a hug.”, the older woman protested smirking.
“And you were coming closer when we had the team photos before the match started.”, the Spanish defender reminded her.
“Not true.”, Lucy countered laughing even though she knew fully well that the younger woman was right about her observation.
“Yes, you did.”, Keira said as she joined their conversation giggling.
“Lies.”, her England teammate responded.
Clearing her throat Jana tapped the older woman’s shoulder:” Excuse me, but I got to steal your girlfriend for now, Lucia.”
“Where are you going?”, Lucy asked curiously.
 “You’ll see.”, the younger defender promised wearing a secretive smile on her face.
“Rude.”, the English woman mumbled, shaking her head.
“Sorry.”, Ona mouthed into the direction of her girlfriend as Jana was pulling her away to some fellow Spanish players who wanted to take a group photo together which afforded her presence.
“Fine then.”, Lucy told her as she was making her way to the teammates who weren’t taking part in that specific photo shooting.
Meanwhile Ona realized what which task was laying ahead of her. “Another round of photos, Jana?”, she whined in front of her friend.
“Yes, come here.”, Jana nodded enthusiastically before they each took their positions to let the photographer do her work.
Afterwards it took Ona a bit of time to find her girlfriend in the crowd who kept celebrating, she let out a quiet gasp as a familiar voice came from behind her back. “Done with your little photo shooting, pretty girl?”
Hearing the English woman saying that gave her goosebumps, but the Spanish woman tried to play it down by saying:” Lucia, stop.”
“I'm doing nothing, no suspicious looks and no touching.”, Lucy objected, smiling innocently to underline her message.
“Just subtle flirting, huh?”, the younger defender raised an eyebrow at her. Her girlfriends face was an open book, not only to her, but for the public as well.
Lucy swiftly changed the topic of the conversation, motioning towards the rest of the team who slowly started to head towards the dressing room: “Uhm, seems like the party is heading elsewhere now. Let’s go.“
While she started walking, Ona followed a few steps behind. “Coming!“
She quickly caught up with Lucy and took a leap onto her back, her arms around Lucy shoulders and giggled.
“Oh, and jumping on my back is subtle, Ona?“, she commented while trying to steady herself to keep them from falling over.
Sandra passed them and remarked with a smirk: “You two are not very subtle, no matter what you do, Luce.“
Ona finally jumped off of Lucy and instead wrapped her arms around the older defenders waist while walking: “Doesn’t matter now anyway.“
“Wait until we’re home…“, Lucy grinned which caused Sandra to grimace in disgust.
She shot her teammate a reproachful look and nodded in the direction of Vicky Lopez and Salma Paralluelo: “Lucia, not in front of the children!“
Barcelonas young strikers both remained unimpressed.
“As if we didn’t know what they’re doing. They’ve been clingy all night.“, Salma said, lovingly poking fun at the older players.
Vicky agreed quickly: “Honestly, we might be young but not naive.“
Alexia appeared between the two of them, ruffling Vickys curls: “Stop sounding so grown up, that’s not okay.“
“We’re adults, get used to it.“, Salma replied, clearly amused by the situation.
Alexia shook her head: “Never.“
“Let’s go, Vicky.“, Salma rolled her eyes and turning away from their unusually sentimental captain.
The young striker followed her: “I’m coming.“
Relieved that the attention had shifted away from them, Ona started to impatiently tug on Lucys hand and quietly said: “Come on, Luce.“
Laughing, the English football player let Ona drag her along: “Alright.“
“Getting Paella on the way home?“, the younger woman asked, blinking innocently at her girlfriend.
Lucy raised an eyebrow: “Really? Food?“
Ona bit back a smile as she quickly admitted: “Actually, that can wait.“
“Good. Because I definitely can’t wait.“
“Me neither to be honest.“ Onas cheeks blushed bright pink.
The two defenders followed the other players into the dressing room and got changed. In a quiet moment, they left the continuing celebration as inconspicuously as possible.
The whole drive home, Ona could feel the impatience radiating off of Lucy. The Spanish defender smiled to herself. Teasingly, she put her hand on the inside of Lucys thigh while she drove, slightly faster than she should.
With a cheeky smile Ona loosened her braid, so her hair fell in long waves, knowing all too well how much the English player loved this look on her, who tried her hardest not to stare because she’s been the driver tonight.
The younger woman opened the window of the car on her passenger seat side, letting the still warm night in and enjoying the wind in her hair as she leaned outside to feel it.
The adrenaline of the win running through her veins, Ona let out a small victorious scream, only causing Lucy to drive faster as her patience has her limits.
When they stepped through the door of their shared appartement, the Spanish defender turned around to look at her girlfriend expectantly:” You can kiss me now?”
“Now.”, the English woman repeated, her voice leaving no doubt that she was done with waiting.
“Yes. No one is here watching even Narla and Coco are asleep.”, Ona replied, pointing to the little dogs who were each sleeping in their small beds.
“Come here.”, Lucy said, opening her arms before hugging the smaller defender.
“We’re campeonas.”, Ona mumbled against the English woman’s bare skin, making her shiver underneath her as she pressed a few kisses on it.
Clearing her throat Lucy lifted the younger player’s chin, so she could look into her green eyes darkened with desire:” We’re.”
With that said Ona gave her a passionate kiss before the English defender lifted her up to carry her into their bedroom to celebrate the league win in the way they wanted to do for the whole evening.
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slackerlifewhere · 4 months
In defense of Deruth
Fair warning, there will be some SPOILERS so if you haven't finished the first novel or you care about spoilers, I suggest you don't continue reading. Thanks!
I'm a reader of fanfics, manga, manhwa, manhua, and novels. I basically consume different stories whenever I'm bored (which I usually am).
But the things I've read most often involve parents, which I'm not really looking for but it's there so whatever.
I had to read stories with basically the same plot but different...ingredients but the thing I notice is that most stories involve abusive or neglectful parents. And it's weird to me. Like can't heroes or villains have good parents and they turn out the way they are because of other circumstances? Obviously, it's because authors want us to root for the character but for me, it's just lazy writing.
So imagine my annoyance when, after reading the first volume of TCF, I see several fics hating and trashing Deruth Henituse and saying he's the worst father in existence.
I get it. He's not the best father. His wife, who he loves very much, died and left him as a single father. He has responsibilities as a count and soon marries Violan who has Basen by then. They have another kid soon after, which is Lily. He seems to entrust the responsibilities of the heir to Basen after OG Cale's reputation took a nosedive. In a sense, he appears as if he doesn't care about OG Cale's feelings and reputation and looks like he's focusing on his other children.
BUT he's not the worst father either. Listen, you may hate him for whatever reason, whether you've consumed too many stories with bad parents or you see yourself in OG Cale, BUT he's an okay parent.
Let me list the top three fathers that are absolutely disgusting compared to him before I explain why I think he doesn't deserve all the hate he's getting:
1. Marquis Stan
We all know what happened to Taylor Stan and while we can blame it on Venion, it's also because of their father. Their father is basically an asshole who wants to see his children fight for the heir's position. And he doesn't care if they end up killing each other for it. It's basically like watching sports for him at this point. He's mainly the reason why Venion grew up into a twisted bastard. While yes, Venion is not innocent in any shape or form after what he did to his brother and Raon, it's obvious he became that way because of his father.
In fact, Taylor is also a victim of Marquis Stan's abhorrent parenting. He's not evil like his family but he learned to be independent and to fight back because he doesn't want to become like them. He died in the original story.
So yeah. Marquis Stan is absolutely disgusting and no one can change my mind that he's the worst existence among all the fathers in the story.
2. White Star
The only reason why he's not number 1 is because he's not a literal father but he does pose as one for DHB. If you know what he did to dragons, then I don't need to summarize it for you. For those who don't, you need to read the novel because it's going to be a long explanation. All I can say is that he's also the reason why DHB became so crazy. And honestly, I'm glad that even if Cale is very guarded at DHB, he still gave him the freedom to choose and repent later on.
3. Zed Crossman
He's the lesser evil of the two but he's kind of like Marquis Stan but tamer.
He basically has his three kids fight for the throne while ignoring or favoring one over the other. And he doesn't even try to hide that he doesn't care too much unless it involves his plans.
He basically wants to see who is more fit for the throne but he doesn't stop them from sabotaging one another.
Honestly, I put all the effort on Tasha and Obante's part that Alberu became a better person. Zed is completely useless.
So...is Deruth a bad father?
Before I answer that, here's the thing about OG Cale. He's a complex character who is grieving most of his life and wants to protect his siblings in his own twisted way. In order to do that, he needs to act like he's trash and push everyone away. But is that Deruth's fault? Eeeeh kinda but not really???
They both lack communication as father and son. In fact, the moment KRS, now Cale Henituse, was forcefully transmigrated into OG Cale's world, it's shown that Deruth is trying to communicate with his son.
The first few chapters show that he cares for his son in his own way when Cale sits down to join them in breakfast. He attempts to talk to Cale even though he was hesitant. He seems surprised but happy when Cale answered. Yeah, it's shitty that OG Cale's family and Ron didn't notice he got switched but in all honesty, it'll be hard for a normal person to come to the conclusion that a God was involved. If I were in their shoes, I would find it suspicious (probably thinking that something happened that changed that person's actions and personality) but I wouldn't think of transmigration or God of Death. Conspiracy theories aren't the first thing I'll think of. That's just dumb to use as an excuse for hating the Henituse family.
People, fans, want family drama but in all honesty, they're just ruining OG Cale's character in the way they do it. It's actually disrespectful to his sacrifice for his family. He made that deal with God of Death not only because he wants to see his mom but also because he wants his family to live after they all died in the war against the White Star. He lived through that war with him as the sole survivor of the whole family. That sucks. He could've stayed but he didn't want to and also because he already died in the future anyways. If he wants to help them as himself, I doubt he'll shut up about it to the God of Death, regardless if it's a literal god he's gonna argue with. Let me remind you that this guy is so stubborn, he made a trashy reputation to help his brother.
Instead of doing it himself, he chose to let KRS (who didn't know he's going to be involved in a war in another world btw) save his world and family in exchange for seeing his mother. He chose to leave not because of Deruth (not completely, at least) but because he simply wants to. And he's content with his decision, regardless of his regrets.
By the way, his mom, Jour, is also not pretty great if you think about her decision before she died (my unpopular opinion but whatever). I do think her final conversation with him and her following death traumatized him in a way that I can't help but feel angry for him. It's mainly the reason why he hates the Harris Village that Choi Han ended up in. It doesn't excuse his reaction to the village later on but it does explain why he hates the place, even if it's not their fault his mother died. So yeah, I don't like his mother (I'm not talking about her reincarnation btw. She's a kid). That's not the way to care for your son, ma'am.
Deruth is obviously trying but a relationship needs to work between two people and not just one. That's what you call a one-sided relationship, guys. It's why OG Cale and Violan are not close. Both of these characters don't try to be close, maybe not because they dislike each other but maybe because of a misunderstanding or whatever (who knows).
Cale only got close to her because he actually treats her with respect (also because...you know...he's an orphan and was abused as a kid so deep inside, he thinks Deruth and Violan are good but not the best parents). And whenever Cale gets hurt or is in a bad situation, we sometimes get their reaction. They're worried and angry for him. They want him to stay away from danger. In fact, the last few chapters are basically Deruth getting angry at Cale for endangering himself (completely understandable).
You can also argue that Deruth didn't try hard enough. Well, let me just tell you as someone who's been depressed since I was a kid that whenever my parents try to ask me what's wrong, I usually reply with "nothing" or "I'm fine." So for parents to try harder doesn't usually end up with a heart-to-heart talk unless the other wants to talk.
So yeah, I think KR novels and manhwa are basically the reason why some readers immediately jump in defense for the character they like because of possible abuse and neglect from parents. Without thinking about it properly. Like please, if you hate a character, at least try to understand them first and list down the other worst characters before you actually say that they're the worst.
Side note: The worst thing that I also notice is fans also target Basen and Lily. They include the whole Henituse family and write a fanfic about how abusive or neglectful all of them are. BASEN AND LILY ARE LITERAL KIDS. WTF ARE YOU GUYS THINKING. They didn't do anything to OG Cale??? They're just there?
Did I just create an account to rant about how stupid some fans are? Yeah, pretty much. You can hate on Deruth but don't include the kids. They're kids??? Without any involvement with OG Cale and Deruth's drama?
Reminder: I haven't read the second volume because I'm planning to read it when it's completely translated. That way, I won't have to wait too long for the next chapter.
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samandcolbyownme · 8 months
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This will contain how I think coming into a poly relationship with Sam and Colby would go, just summarized.
This is purely fiction, not facts. Please don’t come at me if you think something doesn’t sound right. Thank you and enjoy.
You’ve been friends since high school and developed a friendship that other people arce envious of.
“How long have you known Sam and Colby?” The interviewer asks as she looks over at you. You shrug, “I’ve known them since, soph- no.” You correct yourself smiling as the first time meeting replays into your head, “I’ve known them since freshman year of high school and they’re two of the greatest friends I’ve ever had.”
You crushed on them on and off throughout high school, but since you all were friends, you didn’t want to make it weird. You would just talk to your best friend about it, hoping to get over it as soon as you possible could.
“Do you like Sam, or do you like Colby?” You friend asks with a slight smirk. You shrug, “I love them both, obviously. Besides you, they’re my two closest friends.” You sigh, “Key word, being friends. I just don’t want to fuck it up and ruin my friendship with them, you know?”
Once high school ended, Sam and Colby’s channel grew big, and you grew with it. They made sure not to forget you, and that meant moving into a house with them.
“Here.” Colby walks up to you, taking your box from your arms, “I got it.” You smile up at him, “Thank you.” You bit your lip, watching him walk up the steps. You jump slightly when you feel Sam’s arm snake around your waist, “Well, honey. We’re home.”
The feelings you had for them in high school were coming back stronger. You started to really like Sam first, the way he made you smile. The way he made you feel. Everything just felt right with him, and when you were finally mustering up the courage to tell Sam, you were blindsided and left confused on what to do when the same feelings you had for Sam, popped up for Colby, too - and those too were strong.
You sat on the couch, chewing on your lip as you were trying to find the right words to put in to the tell all message you were planning on sending to Sam. As you stared at the cursor, watching it blink as your mind raced, Colby comes down the steps, “Hey, sweetheart. Have you seen my black sweatshirt?” You lock your phone and get up to walk over to the dryer, “I washed it for you.” He walks over, standing close to you, “Thank you, sweetheart.” He gives you a smile and brushes his hand against yours as he takes it, and all it took was one little word and you were hooked on him, exactly like you were hooked on Sam.
There was constant flirting. With them separately and even as a group and the longer you lived together, the more it really seemed like you were together. For a while, you just kind of went with it, but when you seen relationship rumors about either one of them floating around on the web, you’d get jealous.
“Wear something pretty for dinner tomorrow night. We’re going someplace fancy.” Colby smiles at you, giving you a wink before leaving the doorway of your room. You smiled at him, biting your lip as you felt all giddy inside. That was quickly ripped away when you scrolled down through twitter. Your eyes scanning over the multiple tweets replying to ‘So does Sam have a new gf because if so.. I need to know who she is’. You felt almost sick, mainly because you loved him at this point, and it was getting harder to conceal your feelings for not only him, but both.
After a few weeks of continuing to suppress your feelings, it only took one night and a few drinks with your best friend to finally comes to terms with what you wanted to do.
“I think..” you take the final shot of the night, putting the lime wedge between your teeth to bite before dropping it on the napkin, “..I’m just.. going to do it. I’m going to tell them.” You laugh slightly, looking up at your friend, “What should I do?” She rests her lime on the napkin and leans in, “I think you’ll be surprised by what you hear.” You give her a confused look, getting distracted by your phone lighting up. A text from Sam lets you know that they’re there to get you - Once you’re home, your friend goes up to your room and you walk over to the couch, Sam and Colby behind you. They make small talk with you, asking how your night went, etc. etc. You lean forward, mind still dizzy from the shots, “I have to tell you something and it might affect the way you look at me from here on out but I have to say it.” They stare at you, nodding to allow you to continue. You feel like you could puke, but it was from your nerves. You turn towards them, looking down before you take a deep breath, “I like you. Both of you. I don’t know how it happened, when it happened, but I do.” You look up at them and they both look at each other, smiling as they laugh slightly. Sam smirks, “Why do you think we brought you with us?”
This is all I could think of, so I hope you enjoyed it!
I have a Sam one that I plan to do like my first Colby one, but if you have any ideas, let me know!
Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated! 🖤
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chosotallgf · 1 month
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SUMMARIZE.. y/n never bothered getting to know choso after the shibuya incident happened and he became an ally to jujutsu high but what happens when he decides to try and get to know her on a personal level and they start getting put on mission together
TAGS.. choso x fem!reader, shibuya incident arc spoilers!!, post shibuya incident au, character dearth mentioned, slow burn, smut, angst, reader is a sorcerer, oral sex, masturbation + more
A/N.. hi this is my first fanfic ever also I posted it on A03 under the same username. keep in mind I’m a beginner at writing lol. like & rebolgs are appreciated | DONT NOT REUPLOAD :D
you and choso where out having lunch discussing your plans for an upcoming mission later that day. It’s been half a year since the shibuya incident, even after the many deaths that took place that night you ended up finding yourself making a new connection later down the line
choso become an ally for jujutsu high short after the incident, first it started off with you two getting place together to go on small missions together outside of Tokyo. When you first heard of the idea of you and choso being partner up you weren’t a big fan of it, everyone seem to connect well off of first interaction and start to enjoy choso company especially after finding out that he is yuji half brother but you? barely even talk/avoided him outside of missions.
“what are you thinking about”? choso asked as he saw your blank expression as you two were waiting on the food to come out “Huh? oh.. just that how much I hate working with you that’s all” you softly smirk at him. you love teasing choso so often that become y’all daily thing to do to each other. One day after you and choso got back from a mission you were about to head out of jujutsu high until you heard fast steps catching up to you.
“hey.. um y/n you have a moment?” choso asked awkward while scratching the back of his head. you then turn around and sign “yeah what is it?” choso honestly wasn’t sure how he should approach you, when y’all get sent on mission its just strictly about the mission no personal stuff about each other lives, nothing.
he kinda took the hint that you didn’t want to conversation about anything outside of that 3 weeks after the incident when you both were on the train headed to koyto and he asked how long you been a sorcery at jujutsu high and you responded with “why do you care just let’s just do our jobs, the faster the better”
every since then choso didn’t dare to bring up anything after that until the day he generally was curious and had enough of this ‘only talk during and about the mission thing’ he wasn’t a pushy person but he can bet there has to be more to you than this nonchalant mask you are pulling because of the story’s yuji told him when he himself first started out and you and gojo teach him. he had to know why you were so casual with everyone but not him
“Sorry to bother you y/n, don’t take this the wrong way but did I genuinely do something to offend you? every since I came to jujutsu high and going on mission I feel like you been bothered by my presence of that makes any sense” your response could go south either way choso though he didn’t know if you would just curse him out or just turn around and keep ignoring him like you been. “Are you that much of new puppy that you need everyone attention and become friends?”
“hey wait a min don’t go yet” as you turned your head a little bit choso could see your eyes get glossy. “Let me go pls” you barley spoke. A single tear fell down your face. “I’m sorry if it’s becaus-“ choso was about to finish his sentence until gojo loudly interrupted them.
“Heyy choso how have you been? Oh y/n you there too? did you file the last mission yet I haven’t seen it yet if you did” gojo said when he got a glimpse of your hair behind choso back as he was walking up to y’all. as soon as you heard gojo voice you quickly pull your wrist back from choso and he let go.
you then quickly rush off campus and into your car. “Hey come back” choso shouted. You thought how embarrassing that was,now you wouldn’t even dare show your face in front of choso now after he seen you in that state. “I guess she really doesn’t like doing reports after all” gojo said confused.
part 2 coming soon… don’t forget to like & reblog :)
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Transformation Letter: Mikey
Hi, I'm Mikey. I'd like to transformed into a more masculine guy, not an object. I'm a 20 year old bi guy from England, 177cm tall with fairly pale white skin, average build (not muscular but not exactly twinkish), short brown hair and not much facial hair to speak of.
A new transformation letter! There's no harm in wishing to be a bit manlier, right?
You have heard the rumors about these special transformation letters and decided to give it a try. Sure, there were reports of twisting wishes and not getting *exactly* what you asked for, but those were probably just exaggerations. It's the internet, after all.
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So, you quickly summarized who you were and what you wanted to become - "more masculine" should suffice - and sent the letter.
You were just on your way home a good one and a half week later when you suddenly felt strange. The first thing that was almost immediately noticeable was your height, which increased quite a few centimeters, to a good 1,85 meters. That wasn't too bad for your trousers, they were only noticeably too short now, but your shirt and jacket were almost uncomfortable now. You looked around, and, after making sure nobody was there to see you, slipped out of both.
You can hardly believe what you are seeing! It worked! Where before you were a normal guy, you now looked down at a somewhat defined body! A visible six-pack and the subtle bulges of muscle on your arms and chest gave you a lean build. As you touch your face, you notice a difference there, too. Some stubble has formed on your chin, and your jaw has rearranged somewhat, becoming a bit more masculine. Looking further down, you see another new bulge that you didn't have before - at least not this big. Apparently, your privates have grown as well, making you well-endowed down there. When you took a careful sniff, you noticed a faint but manly musky smell emanating from you, especially your exposed armpits. Not really intense but enough to add to your newfound masculine charisma.
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Giving your cock a squeeze, you began to hurry home. You could hardly wait to see the full story!
You made your way home quickly. However, as you are just entering the apartment, the feeling from before returned, stronger now. You watched your torso stack on more muscle, now growing into a clearly muscular and fit form. Your biceps strained the skin on your arms, and you can even see some veins popping up on it. As soon as you let out a "Woah", you recognized that your voice, too, has changed. It was a much lower tone than before, enough to send shivers down the spines of other men. On your even more defined abs and your juicy pecs, you could see a light coating of hair. Not enough to be clearly visible on a picture, but definitely there - everywhere actually. The little hairs looked shaved, and you briefly wondered how they would have looked if you let them grow out. The thought was thrilling, and you felt your cock chub up. When you looked down, however, the bulge it formed in your pants is almost obscene. You were a long way from being fully hard and yet, it looked like a pair of socks stuffed into your underwear. Apparently, you also had grown another few centimeters, since your pants were riding even higher now.
Finally finding a mirror, you were almost shocked to see your face. Your eyebrows have grown bushier, and your eyes had gained a new, almost predatory quality. The musk you now exude made you irresistible, filled with raw sexual energy.
You like this, you concluded. Perhaps it was even a bit much, but it's still manageable. You were definitely manly now.
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Just as you were thinking that thought, another rush of transformation set it. Your arms ballooned out with more and more muscle, making you look like a bodybuilder - or a steroid junkie. The veins on your arms were clearly visible now. At the same time, your body hair growth accelerated again. The new coating of hair was now clearly visible, even though you somehow knew that you had just shaved a few hours ago. You had to shave twice a day now, body and face, to keep it at decent level and not look like a cave man in the matter of hours. Your stomach turned into a cobblestone washboard, displaying at least an eight-pack. You were beginning to have trouble judging that however, since it was getting more and more difficult to see past your shelf of pectoral muscles that sat on your chest like a piece of plate armor.
Your shoulders had broadened incredibly wide and the combination of that and your heavily muscled arms disallowed for any reaching around your back now. At the same time, your pants started to feel really constricting. Not just the front, but the whole length was stuffed to the brim with muscled legs that yearned to be free.
With some difficulties, you peeled out of the tight fabric, standing only in your underwear in front of the mirror now. Your once wide and comfortable briefs were little more than a poser now - stretched by your wider muscled hips and filled with your manly bulge so much that it didn't even touch your hairy legs anymore. Your voice has turned into a very low growl now, almost more animalistic than manly. Your musk has grown so strong, it fills any room you walk into, a raw, primal scent that has men weak in the knees.
This is entirely too much. You needed to call someone to reverse this madness! How are you supposed to continue living your live like that? Before you could react properly however, you felt the next wave of change approaching, sending you deeper into manliness still, never stopping...
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Oh dear, seems like Mikey got more than he asked for. Will he ever stop growing?
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lucysarah-c · 2 months
Sometimes I get kinda sad going rereading the manga and remembering how much of Levi’s substance they cut from from the anime in favor of his “knight in shining armor” image. I feel like that’s where a lot of the discourse always comes from. People interpret his character from so many different perspectives and if you haven’t read the manga it’s actually so hard to get get a clear look at his character because the anime is just not complete.
Like, especially the scene where Levi tells Historia to become Queen. I will forever be mad they cut it. That was such an important point to his character because if Historia had outright refused, everything Levi had done in the name of humanity, all the people he’s killed, tortured and everyone he’s lost, it would have all been for nothing. I just don’t think he would have been able to live with that.
I love the gritty parts of him. It’s what makes him so well written and probably why he’s been one of my favorite characters for 10 years.
Hi, love!
Oh, you might be referring to my post about how it's hard for me to write Levi perfectly and how I might portray him too harshly, right?
Honestly, I agree with you. I always say I write "manga Levi" and not "anime Levi." Anime Levi is like a simplified version of him, I believe. In Spanish, we would say they took all his "spice," to be honest.
Manga Levi is far from perfect as a hero, but he's hilarious. He's a sassy little man, and I adore him. In the English official translation, they didn't capture this, but in the Spanish one (or at least the one I read back in the day), when he meets Eren in jail, he says (I'm translating), "you have amnesia and your daddy goes missing, so convenient."
The idea of Levi standing next to Erwin, meeting Eren, who is his long-time fan, and saying "daddy," is hilarious to me. It was so funny that I had that panel as my phone wallpaper almost my entire high school years. Manga Levi is funnier, has way more facial expressions than just stoic ones, and he has a more pronounced personality. There are a bunch of panels of him either having great sassy moments or literally having a facial expression that shows he's thinking, "this bitch…"
Regarding the scene with Historia, I understand why some people don't like it, but I actually did. Levi is not perfect—I love him, don't get me wrong. He saw almost every single person he loves die, Erwin is about to be executed, their lives are hanging by a thread, he's fighting the only person he considered family, he tortured a man, etc. They are informing this girl, who is very young, that she will be queen, and she's like, "hell no." After everything he did, after everything he sacrificed, the only thing Historia has to do in Levi's eyes is sit her ass on a throne and live a peaceful life full of privileges… I would have gotten mad too.
This is why I say that the canon time is not our society. I try to write Levi as I believe he would truly be in the society inside the walls. He has issues that he probably won't be able to fix because it's not modern society. It's completely alright if someone likes and prefers another interpretation of Levi's character. I simply enjoy writing him the most when he's flawed and lovely at the same time.
Ugh, sorry for the ramble, I just have a very hard time summarizing ideas.
Love ya <3
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prettyinpwn · 2 months
What is your opinion on Filbrick Pines?
Oh boy... long story short, my opinion on him is pretty low, not gonna lie. I went into his character a lot in my analysis post on Ford's writing (found here), since Filbrick had a large effect on Stan and Ford's characters, even if only in subtle ways. To summarize my points on Filbrick:
Definitely abusive, in my opinion. I don't think physically, but for sure emotionally and mentally. He's the type of father who provided materially, but otherwise didn't seem very good at it.
Was way too focused on money. Now, I think it's very possible that Filbrick could have a great backstory reason for this. My biggest guess is a life of poverty and wanting to provide better for his family, but the cruel irony is that in seeking wealth, he hurt his family (e.g "Stanley, by "sabotaging" Ford you hurt our whole family, because he was going to make us millions, so I'm gonna throw you out, ignoring the fact that by throwing you out I'm currently hurting the family in the way I'm accusing you of."). He also hurt Ford. The way Filbrick treated Ford was like a Willy Wonka golden ticket. "Oh, you're smart? This college might make you a millionaire? I'm impressed!". He didn't care about what Ford wanted, he cared about what Ford's brains could get him. Case in point: he didn't seem to give a rat's ass about Ford's brains or college dreams until the principal implied it could make money.
Iirc, according to Hirsch, the quote Stan says in Little Gift Shop of Horrors ("Movies are great! You watch the movie, you scare the girl, the girl snuggles up next to you, next thing you know you gotta raise a kid. Your life falls apart. Forget that last part.") was actually something Filbrick used to say. Like DEAR GOD Filbrick said that in front of Stan and Ford? "Hey kids, my life was great until I got your ma knocked up with Shermie, and then my life was pure suck after that.". Like... who... who just says that in front of their kids? Who even THINKS that about their kids? Yikes.
The way Stan and Ford are named. The code at the end of A Tale of Two Stans is played as a joke, but when you think about it, it's... kinda sad. "A STUBBORN TOUGH NEW JERSEY NATIVE, FILBRICK WASN'T TOO CREATIVE, HAVING TWINS WAS NOT HIS PLAN, SO HE JUST SHRUGGED AND NAMED BOTH STAN.". Filbrick did not give a single f*ck. "Oh, I have twins? Eh, I'm too lazy to think about a name, just call 'em practically the same thing.". What father does this?
In the post I linked above, I also hinted at how I thought Bill's manipulations of Ford almost were a mirror echo of Filbrick (even in their character design, it's odd how they both have yellow brick and blue with hats themed designs, he's got the literal word 'brick' in his name, etc). Because when you think about it, what did Ford's father teach him but "you are a puppet to be used by me to get what I want"?
There's a reason Ford and Stan are incredibly broken people, and it all started with Filbrick. He's the one that taught Stan to believe he's worthless and a f*ckup, and the one that taught Ford that he's a tool to be used. So... nah, not a fan of the guy, if I didn't make that obvious already lol. BUT... I will say this, as this is something I did give him credit for in my Ford analysis post: a lot of Ford and Stan's positive qualities are things he passed down to them, namely their protectiveness of family and "toughness". But unlike Filbrick, who manifested that in toxic ways, Stan and Ford took a heavy albatross necklace of generational trauma and turned it around to a positive.
This goes even further when Stan passes the lesson to Dipper. Dipper learning to "fight back"? That's a family lesson that comes from Filbrick, originally, when he signed Stan and Ford up for boxing. Some have criticized the way Stan taught Dipper that lesson, but you can't argue with the end result:
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TL;DR: Filbrick mostly sucks, but... like most well-written characters, he does have some gray area. Was he a good father? No. But the gauntlet meat grinder he put Ford and Stan through - worth it or not - made them the tough family protectors they are as adults. I will give him that, at least.
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chunkypossum · 4 months
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Azris Week 2024 Master List
I knew I wanted to participate in @azrisweek this year but I think I went nuts. Tried to make sure I planned only one shots but a couple of things will be WIP. I have also decided that I hate everything I have ever written but you’re getting it anyway 🤣
Going through final edits the next couple days. Here's a rundown….
Ps… I’m the worst summarizer EVER…
Day 2: Familiars || Once Upon A Dream
14k words || READ ON AO3
Elain is nice, quiet and easy to be around. Azriel and his shadows find solace in her company. When her powers as seer become evident however, Azriel is forced to reckon with a familiar part of his past that is about to take on a whole new meaning.
Day 3: Contact || Between Us
9k words READ ON AO3
Physics and the Immortality of the Soul . The most ridiculous notion Azriel could have picked to build his career around. He had spent half a lifetime tasking himself with impossible questions which very few people took seriously. A strange nostalgia for things he didn’t understand manifested after a childhood accident. This set his life on a path that one day leads him to the front doors of a strange library full of precious and one of a kind books and an even stranger connection to someone completely unexpected. One of which might finally give him the answers he was seeking.
Day 4: Free Day || Just for Tonight
9k words READ ON AO3
New High Lords are extremely vulnerable. It’s a well known secret that as the new magic enters their bodies they have no more protection than a newborn. When Eris finds himself forced to take the throne, becoming completely helpless, he goes to the one place, and the one person he thinks may just save him.
Day 5: Slice of Life || The Trees Told Me About You
8k words READ ON AO3
A few months after their mating frenzy “activities” in the dirt of the Autumn Court. High Lord Eris finds himself drawn to the very woods he and his mate had shamelessly rolled around in. 
What he finds there shapes their lives forever.
This can be read independently but if you want additional context and did not read Kerosene, you can read the first half of this chapter
Day 6: Changes || When Even Moonlight Burns
Chapters 1 & 2 (WIP) || 10k words READ ON AO3
The long list of things Eris had found to be grateful for over the years, not so surprisingly, didn't exactly feature a quiet, unassuming existence. The thrill in what he was, demanded pride and exhibition, and gods was he good at playing that game. Well, he had been good at it. Now, as much as he loathed to admit it, there was an odd satisfaction to be found in the simplicity he had agreed to. Unfortunately, as Eris quickly finds out you can't always have the brutes you want... and eat them too.
Day 7: Solstice || What we Deserve
Chapters 1 & 2 (WIP) || 13k words READ ON AO3
Once upon a time, Eris thought that he and Azriel could be mates whose bond just hadn’t settled yet. It didn’t make sense for him to be so drawn to the male when they were at odds in every other way. It had to be the Mother, had to be fate. Now he knew for sure, it had been none of those things, only simple, stupid want. What happens when Azriel finally finds his mate but it isn't the the male he is already in love with?
If anyone would like to be tagged, please just ask! <3
Holla at ya boi if you want on or off the Azris tag train : @talibunny30 @iftheshoef1tz @born-to-riot @fell-in-luvs @fieldofdaisiies @aktrain @honeysuckle-daydreams13 @secret-third-thing @acourtofladydeath @pippsmcgee @youvereachedthenearest-lovergirl @baileybird71 @skyesayshi @yanny-77 @areyoudreaminof @unanswered-stars @futurehunt @ninthcircleofprythian @matrixsss @going-through-shit @c-starstuff-man0 @jules-writes-stories @the-darkestminds @krowiathemythologynerd @cauldronblssd @hieragalbatorixdottir @yourlazykitkat @hellolordling @climbthemountain2020
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tinytennisskirt · 29 days
summarizing my favourite fics that I've written so maybe if you haven't read them, you find reason to. Not in any specific order.
More Than Anything- Art Donaldson
I love this one a lot personally. It was a request and although I had to stretch to make ends meet, I am a huge fan of friends to lovers. I love childhood best friend! Art so much. He's a cutie. But thats what this is, childhood best friends to lovers but the platonic doesn't change. It just alters. The miscommunication, the misunderstanding of Patrick's words to reader are hurtful and they change things but Art fixes it and brings it all back together? I was already in love. It's worse. A kiss ending with a HUG ending is a weakness for sure.
Cottage Culture- Art Donaldson
It's an Art fic but it definitely doesn't lack Patrick. I love the dynamic I wrote for reader and the boys- its very established that they are long time friends and are very comfortable with each other. There's a lot of casual touching which means a lot to me. I love it. But Art who has feelings ugh love him for it. It's that thing with the trio where the connection between reader and Art is just a little bit more intimate in the ways that matter. Just a hint, but it makes so much difference. Plus a kiss in the water? Need. This fic takes place at a cottage away from the world and takes place over the course of a few days, so there's so many instances of attraction and so many POVS. It's also very summery so if you're feeling like a cottage getaway with your two fav challengers boys, this is perfect.
Let It Linger- Art Donaldson
I think I'm probably most proud of this fic. It took forever to write and I actually gave up twice, but it got completed. It's like an AU of the movie itself, but it bounces back and forth like a tennis ball on a court from Art's time at MRTA to post-canon divorced! Art who is searching for his old best friend at their 15 year high school reunion. I really really love this one because it's very friendship and yearning oriented. How close reader and Art get to being together before they fall out and into no contact for fifteen years but he sees her again and talking to her again feels like no time has passed? Finding out that fifteen years ago, reader liked him too? I really like writing super non-romantic romantic scenes like the simple things and the simple conversations between reader and Art that are so specifically somehow intimate though they're trying to make it feel like it's not. It's friends to lovers but in a way that isn't exactly satisfied. It's honestly so fucking good, I loveeee this one.
Sweetheart- Patrick Zweig
an AU where Patrick is a girl dad is just the perfect universe. He's a single dad in a cluttered house with an absolute angel genius of a daughter and reader is considerably younger than him. She's twenty, he's nearing forty. It's not inherently romantic at first, it's just banter, but he's soooo dirty. He can't help but think about her in a way that isn't exactly holy. And she's got some semi-innocent crush on him. He goes on dates but every night he comes home and has his little bits of banter with her and things get increasingly harder to manage over time. He might actually like her which is crazy, but I never specifically wrote that he does like her in any way that isn't sexual because I wanted the reader to kind of be in the not-knowing because why would anyone expect his character in this to be ACTUALLY into the twenty-year-old babysitter? This one is a smut and it's honestly really tasty and rough, but the ending is what is supposed to get you like 'ah, I see. feelings.'
Best Friend Patrick Zweig who is Totally Not In Love With You
This was my second headcanons list and I somehow ended up giving it a plot, so it's not just headcanons. It's a list of things Patrick does as your best friend who has feelings for you. The list format is loose, it's a headcanon and then it's like... written dialogue underneath the headcanon to explain it so it's more engaging. I really enjoyed tapping into my autism like 'yeah, he'd do that'. It's got all the good stuff like some jealousy, some quiet yearning, He's repressing his feelings which I love because it's so him. He and reader have a good dynamic and it's NOT ONLY x reader but it's also NOT ONLY headcanons. It's a good mix!!!
Those Three Words- Patrick Zweig
I'm honestly a little unreasonably obsessed with this one. It was such a small but well-written request I just HAD TO make it extra. I honestly never really plan out the way my fics go other than knowing the basics. But the aspects are always just as I go. Patrick going from a player to set on ONE girl for the first time in his life is wild and crazy and he likes her and gets her number but they're friends for months before they start dating. Reader becomes one of his best friends and it's lovely and fun and he's so into her. Surprisingly so. Like even takes him by surprise but it's so fun to write Patrick who is actually IN LOVE for the first time WHAT SO CRAZY. I love domestic life kinds of romance and yeah he says I love you so soon, but he means it. And he gets a bit of a monologue and it's funny and he's soft with her which I love and adore.
Just some behind the scenes thoughts. All fics are linked at their titles! Also just a sly little reminder that I LOVEEEEE comments. Your thoughts and feedback mean the world to me. Also, requests are open always <3333
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ohwaitimthewriter · 2 months
Would you be open to writing another pota Caesar x human!reader? whatever you’re comfortable with, love your blog! :)
Hi, hi 👋🏻
Thank you so much for asking it and I'm also sorry it took me a hundred of years to answer your request!
But I got a little something and I hope you'll enjoy it! I might write a bit more about it, I don't know yet, but here we go!
Enjoy your reading!
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Title: Under one sky
Pairing: (slightly implied) Caesar x human!reader
Warning: the kind of fluff which holds some melancholia.
Summarize: You long for a friend who looks at the same sky above you without knowing it
Words: 596 (a small one!)
Planet of the apes Masterlist.
It was a peaceful night. One of those rare nights when only the ambient sound of fireflies would stroke your ears in a restful lullaby. The little fire you'd lit to warm your body had long since gone out, but your mind had never wanted to sink into the arms of Morpheus. With your gaze glued to the glittering black immensity you could see between the shadows of the highest branches, you silently counted the stars.
It had been perhaps an hour or two since you'd given up trying to sleep, your head full of images of a past you'd been trying hard to reclaim. A past that had been snatched away from you overnight, and which had only collapsed, like a small stone triggering an avalanche.
You'd never been able to forget him, and ever since the day he'd never come to join you in the wooden shack at the back of your garden, he'd left a void embedded in the space where the childlike heart you'd once been was supposed to be. And you'd grown up with this space to be taken and never given to anyone else, yet how could you ever replace him? The only friend who had turned your dreary days into a ray of sunshine and thanks to whom you could now claim to have had a happy childhood.
You kept dragging that damaged heart of yours around with the sole certainty that you were living under the same starry sky as he was. It was perhaps the only thing that kept you looking for him, despite everything, despite the virus, despite the tiny chance of finding him in this forest, sharing the same sky became a warm comfort that stitched the ripples of your torn heart.
And you pictured him, somewhere, perhaps looking up at that same sky, wondering if he ever missed you, as much as you missed him, without knowing that Caesar was looking up at this very same sky, the same question venturing into the meanders of his thoughts. Thoughts preoccupied with the safety of his own people. A security he would have liked to be able to grant you, if only he'd been able to return to that little wooden hut. In that place where you had first found him in his younger days, when all he wanted was to find something to play with and amuse his childish heart.
Caesar wondered what had become of you. Had you survived? Perhaps he'd rather not answer that question, when the answer was surely no, as the virus was taking humanity in its wake. He gazed up at the cloudless black sky, where multitudes of stars shone freely, reminding him that today, apes were also free to build their lives in this part of the forest. The twinkling white stars watched over their brothers and sisters with black and brown fur as they evolved under their distant gazes.
Then, a star, brighter and stronger than the others, caught Caesar's eyes, and in a silent agreement, he wished to see it watch over you, wherever you were, since he could no longer do it himself. Were you thinking of him as much as he was thinking of you? Despite his constant worries, that face of the child you used to be always managed to find its way to him, and in front of that star, he hoped that the version of you he didn't know could see it too. And if you could, he hoped you'd know he was the one who'd sent it to watch over you.
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miundy-again · 4 months
Oh man, i have been wanting to submit an ask for a while, but i was also wanting to double check if any of my future ask ideas have already been asked lol
When, where, and what was the moment that ignited Frisk and Chara's feelings for each other?
C: Are we really going to answer to this?
F: Chara loved me even before they got their body back i think ;)
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I can take this opportunity to talk about the story I imagine them in most of the time and never got to talk about...
It can be long… when I started drawing those two, even before the Charisk happened, (it happened naturally while I was working on the thing) the story was this. I’ll try to summarize but sorry if it’s long. ;v;
When Frisk first escaped the Underground, Chara’s spirit left them. They tried again many times in many ways to change that until something worked. Since, they share the soul.
The first years were kinda chaotic you could say, Chara didn’t like Frisk very much…
Frisk was waiting for Chara to claim their soul anytime but it was never coming. Chara were just sorta happy and chill to live again through Frisk. They also learned to tolerate and even – if I dare- like them. (they do.)
The two lived like that for years until Chara decided they had overstayed their welcome enough and requested Frisk to let them finally go. Which they did. (By this point. I’m pretty sure Chara LOVED Frisk.)
It didn’t go so well after that for Frisk.
They were sure they were gonna be ok without Chara, and they were at the beginning. They were a grown-up, they were responsible, they were strong-willed!
They couldn’t remember how they were living before falling down, alone in their head. They had lived alongside Chara for years, and their absence left a space in them where something nasty could grow. After just one year it started to gnaw away at their sanity. So, they decided to reset. They wanted to try something else, and for the first time felt they could be selfish about it.
This time they wanted to try to get Chara’s body back. And they succeeded!
But they had to get back to when they were children, and start back from here, once more.
Well, as for THE question.
It took a little more time for Frisk to notice the nature of their feelings. Of course they liked Chara but the realization came when they were around 12 I think? Despite all the flirting they do, they were quite dense, poor thing.
As for Chara, as said before, it was already here, muffled. And having a body again and get to grow up made Chara experiment some new things. Like. Puberty. Things that go with it. Mess of feelings. Whirlwind of too many things not under control. Gross :D
All of this to say that it took some time. And it was gradual. Also, puppy love is cute af.
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theficpusher · 5 months
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My Little Poet by Thingssicant | G | 1861 Louis is a librarian and someone keeps ruining his books
don't be shy, i'm your guy by winterPearls | nr | 4658 "...Harry wondered if this pixie of a boy with crinkles by his long lashed eyes had a personality as addictive and loud as his laugh that reverberated around the otherwise silent library..." or AU where Harry is a cute librarian that really likes one of the boys that is a regular and he just wants to talk to him but he's shy and it's cute honestly i just suck at summarizing
Just Jump by jaerie | E | 9748 Finally, after years of suffering alone, the insurance plan at Harry's new job covered omega heat services. As a grown omega adult, it finally felt like the right time to try it out. And, since taking an entire week of heat leave would really put him behind at work, using a service to shorten it seemed like a responsible decision. At least that’s how he rationalized it. He was nervous about his decision but it was too late. The doorbell rang. “Hi!” The alpha said again and Harry took the hand he offered and shook it firmly. “I’m Louis from Omega Services. It’s nice to meet you.”
Record Your Fate (and Write Me In) by LadyLondonderry | T | 13012 Harry is the Archivist, it's his job to record what happens in the universe. He's only a few days into the job when things take an odd turn. Suddenly, the small blue eyed boy seems more important than writing about crowning dignitaries.
If the Surface Begs You Home by QuickedWeen | T | 17752 Harry is a mermaid from the underwater kingdom of Mercadia who is a little too fascinated by life above the surface. He's kicked out of his home after he winds up pregnant, and has to figure out how to make his way in the world. Louis is the darling of the small neighbouring seaside village who came home after university to take over their local library, and can't seem to stay away from the mysterious pregnant mermaid his friends introduce him to.
Checking Them Out?: How To Use Your Library Science Degree To Get an Alpha by InsightfulInsomniac | E | 19965 When a flirty, attractive alpha patron checks out an entire shelf of literature on omega behavior and omega rights, Harry can’t help but wonder why the man is so interested — is he a really attentive partner, or is he just a creep? It doesn’t help that this alpha visits weekly to exchange his books… and that he smells absolutely divine. Whether he likes it or not, Harry has a crush.
The Library Universe [Series] by allwaswell16 | E | 33825 Harry Styles has a great life. He’s a children’s librarian at the New York Public Library, he’s got wonderful friends, and he loves cooking, green tea, yoga, and his collection of bow ties. He doesn’t mind that his life seems a little structured, maybe even a little boring. But when Louis Tomlinson joins the library staff as the new Installation Coordinator, things become a lot less predictable. Louis gets under his skin right from the start, bossing Harry around, making noise during story time, and eating the last cupcake in the staff lounge. Louis may be almost offensively attractive, but Harry will not be succumbing to Louis Tomlinson’s charms, even if the rest of the library staff have.
i was yours (i wish you were mine) by staybeautiful | E | 56283 “Harry Styles!” His name rang out clear through the city streets. He turned quickly back to the bar, startled by his own name and startled by the voice that called him. Standing in the doorway to the bar, back lit and glowing slightly was Louis. Not an eighteen year old apparition dressed in the same low slung blue jeans and t-shirt with swooping bangs that was always the image in his mind. No, he was Louis now. or Ten years ago Harry dropped his best friend and high school boyfriend off at the train station and never saw him again. Now, he's twenty seven, living in NYC, and dreadfully unlucky in love. He can't stop wistfully thinking of Louis promising that they'd see each other again in ten years time. A chance meeting outside a bar has them tumbling head first into a summer of music, milkshakes, and maybe each other.
Through Eerie Chaos by MediaWhore | G | 102104 For as long as anyone can remember, Old Hillsbridge Manor has always been believed to be haunted. Everyone in the village agrees and keeps a respectful, fearful, distance. New in town after a bad breakup and an internship that led to disappointment rather than a permanent job, Harry Styles figures taking pictures of the decrepit building could be a great new creative project. Or at least a much-needed distraction while he searches for a job and crashes at his parents’ new house. No one warned him about the apparitions though; about the music, the laughter, the people who flicker and vanish when you call after them, the echoes of a past that should be long gone… Harry has never believed in spirits but even he can admit that there’s something weird going on. What starts as mere curiosity evolves into a full-blown investigation and soon enough, Harry finds himself making friends with an aristocrat from the 1920s and struggling with finding the best way to tell him that he’s dead. The Ghost Hunter AU where Niall lives to prove ghosts are real, Zayn is a skeptical librarian and Harry gets caught up in a century-old mystery and catches feeling in the process.
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i was thinking about what late night talks with bucky would be like (call me crazy), and it got me thinking:
other than dying (though arguably some are not afraid of dying), what do you think some of the mota men’s greatest fears are? i could write a hundred essays on each of them, they all are so different!
Gosh, this is an incredible ask and it got me thinkin. Too hard, probably. And while I didn’t summarize thoughts for everyone I did think of them for Bucky.
So much so I wrote a little blurb on it. Sorry Nonnie if you’re not even into this universe, I totally get it but I found fic to be a more enlightening method for exploring this. I wanna hear those thoughts of yours! Send them, I beg!
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Greatest Fear
They got a bit existential as the weeks went on and their nights got more conscious. Ida and Bucky’s minds grew restless in the cold now that their bodies were healing. Huddled in their bunk they had debated baseball vs football endlessly, and argued regarding the accuracy of each other’s training anecdotes, the morality of mobsters and who was the better boxer: Braddock or Baer.
They’d ended up talking of the war, and both being sick of the dead end that the question of the future brought, they circled back around more concrete -if troublesome- thoughts. Most hairy landings, worst sounds either heard from their crew over the radio and what flashed across their minds when they had to finally press that abandon ship control.
And finally, Bucky ended up asking her what her worst fear was. And when Ida didn’t have it readily to hand -too used to suppressing any such thoughts even to her own self- he clarified: “Besides dying, I mean. If you’re even scared of that. Knowin’ you, maybe you aren’t.”
“I’d rather not.” she admitted.
“So? So what gets you scared?”
“This your way of fishing for another ghost story?” Ida teased.
“No. Just feels like sometimes you gotta remind yourself what it’s all about. Scared of dyin’ means you like livin’ enough to rather not stop. That sorta thing.”
“You’re saying love for one thing drives fear for another.” She summarized.
“Dunno. Just mullin’ it over.”
“I’d go through anything not to lose John.” she conceded, “Funny enough I’m positive he feels the same, so what a snarl.”
“I know he does.”
“If they put a gun to Buck’s head I’d tell ‘em Roosevelt's address and his favorite drink order, too.” Bucky expounded, tongue loosened by her tiny admission of frailty. “And he’d hate me for it.”
“All different kinds of loves out there.” Ida murmured consolingly, thinking hard on how her brother had been in a rage at her condition when he first saw her, and yet one of his first questions was whether she’d given anything up. Her Johnny knew she couldn’t live with herself if she had and he wouldn't've wanted her to. And nothing about that struck her as cold. Just as Bucky’s dangerous devotion to Gale didn’t strike her as weak. Just different.
“I saw a train.” Bucky began a thought but his voice died out with such finality Ida wondered if he’d ever pick the subject up again. But after a long moment he did, with some far away quality present in his voice that she’d never heard before, “On the way here. We were on one set of tracks and it was comin’ up the other.”
Ida had memories of trains, a lot of them. Going south all alone, first trip down to the uncle and aunts during the worst year of the depression. Old enough to know her own folks couldn’t support her, old enough to question how a ticket could be arranged but not supper. There had been trains that took her to training in Texas, then on to Iowa and Nebraska. Trains that took her deeper into Germany. One entire train car just for herself and too many German soldiers. Then the train that took them away from Ravensbruck. Ida felt an unsettled anticipation around trains that the peaceful rightness of flight had never caused her.
When Bucky mentioned trains and didn’t go on, Ida folded her hand into his huge one and squeezed it tightly. “What about those trains, John?”
“Heard ‘em before we saw ‘em.” he clarified, nodding his head conversationally as he was want to do, like he was gaining momentum towards a hard saying. Ida braced herself, squeezed just a little harder. “Not the engines, the screams. Car after car, and nothin’ but arms and faces reachin’ out. Screaming.”
Bucky’s bruised eyes were fixed, downcast gaze somewhere in the vicinity of her throat, but Ida knew he was seeing something far away. “I think I saw where they take them.” she muttered before she even had time to weigh her contribution to this horrid tale.
His eyes focused again and he looked at her with silent inquiry. “They took us to a labor camp first. Before here. Apparently one of the nicer ones, they had intentions of treating us as civilians.” Ida had been preoccupied with her aching body and her sharp terror of failure while at Ravensbruck, but not so much as to not notice the haunting vestiges of humanity answering roll beside her. “I felt like I was in Hades, the cold hell. Where the living damned can peruse each special misery waiting for them when they die. Called it a labor camp but I don’t know how skeletons like that could produce anything. Last bits of human resilience used to put together some industry to keep their oppressors fed, equipped. What an end.”
“Scares me shitless.” Bucky replied vehemently, and Ida realized they’d gotten full circle in their talk, that he’d dragged more out of her than she ever intended. Somehow neither his statement of fear nor her own felt weak in the moment. “That folks could get so hard they could do that to each other -I don’t know what to do with that, Ida. How’s it get to that point. Why’ve you got Fritz and then you’ve got…that? Same country, same sauerkraut, same uniforms. Scares me shitless.”
MOTA taglist, I only have one so ignore if this is not the universe you signed up for:
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