#this usually only happens with magikarp what the fuck
neonganymede · 11 months
Sobbing uncontrollably about a horde of mimikyu was not on my agenda for the night, but here we are
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smallestapplin · 2 years
Eyyyy what up its me, ya Melli simp, Avena. Would'st thou like Melli mirror fic part 2? It's poorly written and not smutty, possibly ooc-ish? Melli no good wiv words, poor baby. I honestly dont care if its bad cause I wrote something!! Its been 84 years.. or whatever the quote is, I hate the titanic movie. Tah-dah -♡
You had stayed speaking with Adaman long enough for the day to properly begin, the whole settlement was up and busy by the time you got your head around what you had done. The butterfrees in your stomach were only getting worse the more you thought about it.
You needed to make a plan. You also needed to pick some goddamn berries! With all that was happening you had been too distracted to do your one task. Twice! You should pick double the amount you need because you had to go see Melli again and that meant nervous Magikarp feeding. Honestly, you weren't sure why it helped your anxiety so much but from the day you first found them it had been your go to place to de-stress and think. The only downside was it was dangerously close to the Arena. Dangerously close to Melli and to the conversation you knew you needed to have.
Fuck emotional maturity! Why can't I ignore it all? I could run away to the fieldlands, there's Magikarp there and I'd sure as hell be warmer than the goddamn mountains.
Continuing to complain to no one but yourself, you collected all of the ripe berries you could find. By the time you got to the waterfall and the magikarp your arms were practically aching with the weight of the basket, setting it down on the wall of the bridge you leaned over so the fish pokemon would spot you and come and flock to you.  Plucking an oran berry from the basket, you roll it in your hands for a few seconds, lost in your thoughts, before finally remembering yourself and tossing it to a nearby fish.
You had been there for what must have been hours, you had already fed them the majority of your berries and given them all names. You were currently procrastinating by sitting at the waters edge and petting them, singing to them. Silly little made up songs about their cute whiskers and insatiable desire for berries turning slowly into singing your thoughts and love songs from your home time as you desperately tried to calm down your nerves enough to go and see Melli.
Sighing as you noticed it was just past mid-afternoon, you rose from where you were sat and bid your sweet, underwater friends goodbye, beginning your ascent to the Arena. If you left it any longer, Melli would find you on his way back to camp. The thought of him catching you singing about how you feel about him sounded way more embarassing than just apologising to him, as that's what you had decided to do. Apologise and admit nothing. You had already made things weird by proposing, you didn't need to add a stuttered confession to your list of fuck ups.
Inhaling deeply you came to the entrance of the arena, curiously he wasn't at his usual spot by the banners. Hoping the Lord Electrode was doing okay you crept forward into the arena, you felt nervous being this close to the Lord Pokémon without its warden, feeling almost like you were snooping in a place you shouldn't.
After a few steps you stop in your tracks and you hear Melli mumble rambling in the distance, followed by bored Voltorb sounds indicating this had been going on for a while.
"Oh Arceus, why do they have to be so pretty? And so kind to the dumb fish? I swear there shall not be a single berry left for my poor Pokémon between here and the Mirelands, all because they keep feeding those dumb Magikarp. And they were singing to them Today! Like they're little babies! Ridiculous!"
You settle on creeping closer to witness your crush's raving for yourself, despite already knowing his exact facial expressions from previous experiences. It was a harsh thought but maybe, if you could embarass him by catching him mid rant, maybe he wouldn't be so insufferable when you apologised? It was a flawed logic but you could hope at least.
Lost in your own musings, you compeltely overlook most of his words, his confessions to the Voltorbs about his crush on you flowed completely out of your head as he said them. Well almost all. His words hit you as soon as you saw him, sat on the floor with his arms folded, monologing to his audience.
"They were singing them love songs! They never sing me long songs!" Slumping his shoulders dramatically and letting his head fall into his hands he continued, unaware that he was being observed by you. "I just want them to sing love songs to me. Songs about me."
His sorrow, ignored by his crowd of tiny ball Pokémon in favour of soft buzzing to each other as they noticed you. Growing more excited by the second, mischeiviously hoping Melli would day something else incriminating. Gesturing to them as quietly as you could to calm down and stay quiet, you crept slightly closer, not paying as much attention as you should and stepling on a twig.
Melli's head whipped up and towards you  panic plastered on his face, as the sharp snapping sound reverberated around the arena. You winced at the noise knowing you had been caught and looked down at the ground, not daring to meet his gaze just yet.
"How much did you hear?" Melli squeaked, his voice now a whisper.
"Not a lot, truely, but I got the general idea." Removing your foot from the twig you kick it aside so you can delay looking at the man before you.
"And? Will you not apologise to me? For making me feel this way?" He began a tirade of false confidence as was his go to but you were suddenly so tired of hearing it, you had already grown so unacustomed to not being on the receiving end, you had lost your tolerance for it.
"Oh enough Melli" you snapped, harsher than you meant.
As silence fell over you both, each wrestling with your own anxieties, all you could hear was your heart pounding in your ears. Collapsing down so as to sit beside him, just slightly too close, you finally looked him in the eyes. They were watery with tears, scared of the rejection he was expecting to follow.
"I'm sorry, Mells. Adaman told me what making you that mirror meant to you and it was never my intention to make you uncomfortable. Well, truth me told I was trying to annoy you but still. I didn't know that it meant what it does." Your gaze falters and you look away, your thumb unconsciously rubbing the handle of your basket as you fidget nervously. You interupt slightly as you hear him inhale as if to start speaking. "You don't have to forgive me and you can reject my proposal, that's fine, but please, I want to still be friends, at least".
"At least?" Comes his reply, genuinely confused, not expecting you to confess feelings for him but praying to any god that was listening that you would.
Swallowing nervously, your voice cracks when you speak.
"I like you, Melli. And, I don't want to scare you and say that we should get married, but I would like to see if we could be more than friends. I've wanted to tell you for a while but never dared."
You fall silent, letting him process your words. It felt good to finally admit the thing that had been on your mind for months, but your chest felt like it was being crushed the more time passed without his reply. Focusing on your breathing you collect yourself, trying not to have a panic attack as you sit and wait for a response. Any response.
After what felt like hours, you couldn't bare it any longer and began to shift yourself away from the lavender haired man you loved. Attempting to rise from you seat of the ground before a hand caught your arm, tugging you back down.
"Look at me?" Melli's voice was softer than you had ever heard it and it made your heart ache to hear more.
Turning your face back to him you lifted your eyes to meet his, hearing his sharp inhale when your gazes finally lock onto each other. Before you knew what was happening his lips were on yours. His hands hovering over yours not daring to touch, it felt awkward but it was what you'd wanted for so long that you didn't care. His soft lips pressed firmly against yours, still with nerves as his eyes never left yours. Pulling back quickly as if realising what he'd done he turns his face away from you, a blush staining his entire face. You blinked a few times to re-centre your thoughts, finally remembering to breathe.
He'd kissed you.
You both sat there for long time in silence, though this time a comfortable one. Both of you settling down from your nerves, blushes receeding before getting bold enough to look at each other for a breif moment before your blushes began anew. The bizarre situation you found yourself in suddenly dawned on you and you couldn't stop the giggle that left you, pushing Melli to the side gently to get him to join you in laughter, and he did. It was like you had both finally remembered you were best friends, laughing at the blushes on each others faces, both teasing the other for admiting they caught feelings.
"Consider your proposal, undoubtably rejected." He laughed as he pushed you over softly, in retaliation for you pinching his still bright red cheeks.
"Fine, I'll have my mirror back then" Sticking your tongue out at him from your new home in the grass, smiling at him softly with a loving look as he turned away and loomed over his shoulder at you.
"Good luck with that! Adaman helped me fix it to the wall yesterday, well out of the reach of you little people" he flicks his hair over his shoulder to emphasise the little people comment and it makes you smile wide.
Pulling his tunic to get him to face you again, you stayed prone, the grass surprisingly comfortable.
"Well then I suppose you'll just have to pay more for it! But, I warn you my costs are steep." The teasing lilt to your voice and the fact you were still lying almost beneath him had him intrigued, a faint blush threatening to take over his features as he quirked an eyebrow at you.
"Mmhmm. It will cost you one whole kiss.  Right here." You confirm tapping your index finger to your cheek.
"Your prices are steep but I suppose I have no choice"
He re-positioned himself so as to hover above you, stradding your waist, chucklimg lightly as your face scrunched up reflexively has his hair fell in your face. Brushing his hair away from you, he trailed his knuckles against your face faintly before leaning down slowly to press a kiss to your cheek. You smirk, eyes full of devilment as he falls closer to you. Lips barely an inch from their destination you catch his face with your hand and guide him to meet your lips. Your eyes closed in bliss as you feel his lips move against yours, bodies pressed closer than would be decent if someone were to catch you. You swore you could stay like this forever, well, if it weren't for the chorus of overexcited Voltorb.
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andoqin · 3 years
Nan Chan - Rec
So a while ago I made a post on Qiang Jin Jiu (go check it out if you haven’t) and since I looove the main couple and the story in that novel so much (#cezhousupremacy) I decided I would give Nan Chan another chance.
I had tried reading it before a few times, but never manages to get past the first few chapters. Since I dropped Wu Chang Jie though (the rare novel that had me say “yeah that’s too much non con for me”) I thought Nan Chan could make for a nice palate cleanser since it’s not that long and completely translated.
And I am really glad I gave it another shot. This time I got over the initially bumpy beginning and got really invested in thiis world and our main characters and their trials and tribulations. 
If I had to summarise Nan Chan I would say stony faced guy who murdered his own father and his (lvl 80 Magika-) Carp Boyfriend go on a journey and make a very strong case for atheism!
Stony faced guy is Jing Lin, who starts out the story completely aloof from the world, uncaring of anything and seemingly just trying to recuperate after a very bad injury. His only companions are a little stone figure (which can move) and a little carp in a pond that longs to do nothing more than eat him up (literally).
The vore is very intense in the beginning (for me, since I’m not really into that) but thankfully this desire to eat him becomes more and more figurative as the story goes along. Along the way both Jing Lin and Magikarp guy (Cang Ji) try to suss out what happened in the past to get them to where they are now and fight the occasional bad guy (and then Cang Ji opens his Hungry Hungry Mouth and consumes them, usually). They bicker and flirt and what I really appreciate, they do actually fight together at times with the fight scenes being described in clear detail and in a way that usually let me see what was happening very easily in my mind. 
I’m going to put my view on the ending (it’s HE) behind a spoiler cut, but all in all the author shows once again that the way she writes couples just hits all of the right notes for me and I was SO so happy to see them get the happy ending they so badly deserved. 
As a note, trigger warnings do apply, if Dubcon is not your thing between a main couple I would say stay away and if child abuse is something that triggers you, maybe avoid this novel.
All. that being said though, if what I wrote up there sounds good to you and you too would like to enjoy the adventures of Cang Ji and Jing Lin you can read it here 
Now for the ending. SPOILERS: 
So, this might in part be because I was inhaling the last bit and sneaking looks at work because I couldnt stop, but I found the ending a smidgen lackluster, plot wise. Emotionally it still hit the right notes for me (TAKE DOWN THAT FUCKING BUDDHA!!!) and I loved Cang Ji and Jing Lin finally being whole in spirit and freedom to love each other, but I have to admit that emotionally the plot regarting Dong Lin hit me way harder and I wished that the ending could have made me feel that way too.
I think the reveal of Jing Lin’s parentage was not out of left field but coinsidering everything else I was just left a bit cold by it since it didn’t really have much of an impact on the outcome or our characters really. It just kinda felt a bit Aizen HAHA you haven’t even seen my final form. 
I do wish the issues/bonds between the brothers had been explored more, since there could have been some really nice juicy content there but I guess that was beyond the scope of this story. 
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Pokken is probably the biggest Pokemon let down in the history of Pokemon let downs.
I'm a passionate guy. I love and hate things pretty hard for many reasons and those reasons usually run deep even if they are only a few words. However, sometimes I'll have a passion so deep that it is specifically against the common consensus and will be viewed as "flawed" or "wrong" or "stupid" or "something I should get over". The point is this is one of those things that every time I explain it to my friends who like Pokken that they get defensive and tell me I'm wrong. Thankfully most of the times opinions can't really be wrong now can they? Firstly I would like to express I am not a game designer in any way and my opinions are just that. My opinion and if you don't like it that is fair. We can all live in the same space and not have to come to blows over these things. So why is Pokken the biggest let down at least for me in the world of Pokemon games? That's because Pokken is not what I expected and what it could have been. When I say it could have been better and possibly better than almost every single fighting game known to man as well better than even Smash than you can only assume my expectations were so high on this game that you could say it is my fault for putting them on the highest level and then being sad when the game doesn't even come to half of what I wanted. Let me take you back to the first time I saw a Pokemon fighting game. For many of you, you already know or have seen the game but maybe don't know the name. That game is Pokemon: Type Wild. Type Wild is basically like every single other fighting game in that you get a roster (9) of different fighters who all fight in their own style. Simple enough to get where anyone can pick it up but few could master. It is a simple game that strikes desire into the heart of fighting game lovers. Which I happen to love fighting games. I may not play the greatest amount of them but I am ungodly at Bloody Roar 3 to a point where picking up a controller is like riding a bike. Short side story. My first time drinking I played a drinking game with friends where if you win you take a shot of hard liquor. We had 4 different types of hard liquor such as Sake, Vodka, Whiskey, and something else I can't remember. Eventually I had won so many games that not only was I shit face to the point of barely able to sit up straight, but I drank so much alcohol that by the time I was half way through the roster people quit because I was still winning and they haven't even felt a buzz yet. We ran out of liquor that day. Point is I love fighting games so I for years hoped that we would get a solid fighting game either like a 2d styles Street Fighter or a 2.5d style in the styles of Tekken or Bloody Roar. Instead we got Pokken. So I'm sure you would ask "what is wrong with the game. I like it." and that is just fine. You can like whatever you want and we can again have different opinions. Hell even if you like a thing people think is bad or a guilty pleasure that's also fine. I love infomercials and they are stupid as hell. You are allowed to like bad things. Let's be honest though. Pokken even if a good game does have flaws. It's not perfect by far and in those flaws I find that I don't for its own merits actually like the game. This again does not make it bad. Here are the things I find bad with the game in no particular order. Fights are too short I hate the switch style of fighting and it tends to make certain characters like machamp unrealistic in that he now needs a ranged attack like everyone else thus he becomes like everyone else. This is bad because you have no choice when it'll switch styles as it sometimes happens randomly (or so I assume, it has been a hot minute since I played but I'm pretty positive it happened without me "triggering anything) It's all style and no real substance. It looks pretty but it is kind of just a flash in the pan when you've seen all the moves over and over and over again. As stated before, all the characters are pretty much the same. What I mean by that is all have a long ranged move and basically feel the same. Yes there is some rock
paper scissors but when machamp needs a long ranged move and you just make it punches then it feels more tacked on and the characters don't really shine much. The roster looks alright at best but since there are 2 mewtwos and 2 pikachus it just feels lack luster. Also the dog and the chandelier don't seem to fit. The little support Pokemon don't seem like they add that much. Lastly and the most important part is that the game seems to lack real actual depth like Pokemon games do. That's the real problem for me. You have the biggest franchise in the world and finally make the biggest spin off for it and you make it lack substance? You might be thinking "well what would you do to make the game better?" and I'm glad you hypothetically asked in this scenario I just made up and forced upon you. There are 2 ways to make a good Pokemon fighting game. One is a rip off and the other is my own creation so to speak. The first is simple. Just make another smash. Make the Kanto region its own smash areas with instead of pokeballs and items and so on (you could cut down on all the extra stuff) and focus on making a pokemon with its own move sets. You could give them each their own moves and just make them fight like they would in smash. Is it a unique game? No, but the roster would be gigantic and it would look dope having a person fight as magikarp against a giant group of people. Also think of the amount of Amiibos they could make. The game wouldn't end there. It would get DLC for each region with new pokemon every time. The problem with this is the roster would be 1000 large and counting. So making this, as fun as it would be, seems unrealistic. So let's instead go with my idea. My idea is more or less the same as the actual game but with fighting in it. What that means is you would take every main important mechanic and throw it into this game. Then you would take the game and make it into a fighting game with those mechanics. Let's start small. First we need a story to get the game rolling right? Let's make it simple. It is a fighting tournament where fighting types can come together and fight in the arena. You know, like the episode of where Ash had primeape fight a bunch of dudes. Instead of in general fighting in a ring, they would have a stage where fights would be held. The story is this is where whoever shows up wants to be the best. Let's say each character is going to also be it's own "person" with it's own personality. That way we can have entry comments when they start the fight because they are talking to each other. You can make rivalries happen, you can also in general say these are the best fighters of their kinds. You have options to make this into a grander stage than the original did by making this the first ever tournament of its kind. That's the setting but we need a roster to fill the game out. So the game could start small in that it generally would have a roster specifically of only fighting types. This means that at most we would if only using final evolutions have without different forms, and megas about 32 different characters. Suddenly we now have a larger roster compared to the actual one we got. sure it is only fighting types but if we only have fighting types no one can complain about not getting their favorite. However, I'm not gonna lie, the roster looks like it lacks main villains and leaving out legends kind of ruins the whole every fighting type and lastly, with what happened to dexit I'm sure people would be mad if they can't use megas as well. So let's instead change that roster to have EVERY single fighting type in the game. (only last evolutions though. Don't need no babies and first forms in here) Now we have a total of 52. Let's also say for fairness sakes that some characters have non fighting forms. Let's add those in if they are before a mega evolution changes them. That's 3 more for a total of 55 in the roster. Now let's also have to force a couple more in there for "reasons" such as it is Pikachu who has to be in every single game. So now it is 56 total and since in general
arceus can every type the roster would be a total of 57 characters at the end of the entire thing. That puts the current roster to shame. Sure we miss out on fan favorites but in the end 57 unique characters? That is one hell of a difference. Yeah they are all fighting types but still. It is 100% better than what we currently have. Also this can be done. There are fighting games with over 60 characters and I'm not talking about a roster of "forms" like in dragonball z games where you can change your move set that is basically the same as other peoples. I'm talking about games such as smash with 58, tekken tag tournament 2 with 59, mortal kombat armageddion with 62, def jam fight for ny with 72, naruto ultimate ninja storm with 119. Suddenly you're up there with the big boys. (at least numbers wise) Some people might say that the game would probably have bad graphics and to that I say it has a simply solution. Make the game 2d. Many people would probably say that the best thing about Pokken is that it looks "tight as fuck" or something in that regard but we all know that 3d doesn't make everything better. Old school Street fighter games look pretty good with smooth animations and also fantastic backgrounds and a lot like anime compared to now which just doesn't look the same. Good in its own ways but different. You can have more things in a game with less "graphics" while looking super great while doing so. It wouldn't lessen the game and would make future versions of the game able to add more into the game as well. It would also add for many more things to be added as well. Which is really good since in general the game is supposed to be deep and not taking the game to look amazing means you can add more into it and allow for more cool things. Let's not get into the nitty gritty just yet because there are a few things I'd like to add. Let's take a step back to the roster. Let's say that they started off with just the first gen leading us to have a total of 9 different characters on the roster. That's not bad. This leaves us open to a ton of DLC and also alternate "costumes" to make our characters look better and more in line with who they want to be. The rosters itself would also have 9 unique characters with different strengths and weaknesses compared to a generic roster who is small but also kind of the same. You could also allow for a stage for every single type to shine through aesthetically. Sure we got some nice looking stages but imagine if we had one based on each type. A normal stage on a beach where it is sandy and has a nice tropical sunny feel to it. The only thing that would make that better is if the beach had some interaction to it. What matters in the game is the style of play. Pokken allows for arena battles as well as side to side battles. Both are fine but would make you have to specifically have one main style of art and dimensions. I think that side to side is better in 2d while arena I believe can only be in 3d. This to me means that we would have a side to side fighter but if for example we did get a 3d arena match then we would get hazards on the field. There was a play at doing so in the actual game where there would be spots where vines and other explosions pop up from the ground but imagine an actual 3d arena where you can get thrown into trees, or walk on hot lava spots or something akin to that. Imagine all the actual things you can do with moves such as spikes, or actual entry hazards. The game would take on more depth and allow for cooler fights. Even then having things in 2d isn't that bad. Having the ability to actually fight in a beautiful place with the character you want there allows for better visuals. The real shame is we could have gotten a battle area for every single type of Pokemon as well as a call back to the ???? typing where it would randomly choose a place to fight. This is all visual things that would make the game pretty but the real depth of it comes from how the game is constructed. That is by it being like actual normal main stream games. So what does it mean to
be a main stream game? Let's quantify to some degree what Pokemon is. It's a jrpg with the largest party roster ever. It's a simple one on one battle style but in essence you got the fighter, the ninja, the mage, and probably a few other things. They just sometimes look like eggs or a dinosaur. Either way roster is huge. The second thing is the simplicity of type matchess and even added abilities. Stats are also a part of the game while equipment and moves that you can customize out of a set list are also there. Personalities and breeding make their way into the game. There are so many things that you can do with normal Pokemon that just allows for the most unique playthrough of the game in any way you want and matches against real people have strategies and styles you might not find everywhere else. That is unless you're not playing random children and are playing adults who use the same stuff over and over except that one guy who used pachirisu but that guy is a maverick. So how would all this work? Simple. Just do the stuff they already do. Let's look at Pokken itself real quick. You have the attack and defense stats that in general make you deal or take less damage. You have your ultimate gauge and your support gauge. Pretty lack luster stuff seeing as we get more in the regular stats of Pokemon compared to it. We have special and regular attack. Special and regular defense. Speed and Lastly HP. That's where Pokken ends in customization. Lackluster in comparison as well when you look at all the stuff you can do in regular Pokemon to build a bond with it. So how do we build into the ultimate experience that we never got but wanted? Easily. Again just do like the game. Pokemon has a couple things that it does for you to customize your single little buddy to take on anyone. Let's look at those things. You have levels, types, items, breeding, evs/ivs, abilities, unique movesets, specific stats. That doesn't seem like much but having 8 different things to do with their own large amount of things is huge. To start with lets go with levels. Levels will be exactly that. They will increase the more you use a specific Pokemon. Not to say that the character would change and then have you start at a lower level, but in general you have the 100 levels and the stats on the character would grow to be that of what you finally get. You would also in PVP be matched up to an enemy of an equal level since you would have played that character and at least that long for that level to exist on the character you are using. This means that stats would also come into play. Stats would act like they normally do however moves would dictate that thing. Normal attacks would work with attack strength while special moves that you add onto your character would use the special stat. Not moves that are special attacks but any and every move. So extreme speed and thunderbolt would both use the special stat while a normal punch or kick would be your attack. This would make moves matter and make you want to make the move set how you would like it. Moves and customized move sets would be next on the list. This would allow for you to actually help your character and yeah this would mean that some characters are more optimal in some ways. If you wanted a move based machamp over an attacker than you have the choice and sure, some characters would be horrible with special attack but in the end all moves are special and would allow certain characters who are long range attackers such as Sirfetch'd who has a sword have to get closer to a machamp who uses focus blast to hit. This would allow for actual move customization too so that things such as toxicroak who uses poison moves to really shine since if we are making the moves than we would in general also wanna add the typings into the game as well. Types would allow for certain Pokemon to shine through more. Yes ghost fighting types would be busted, but thankfully there is only one and that would mean that you would want some anti ghost stuff on your character or it would make for you to have to actually
do normal attacks with a special attacker as they are even if named normal attacks not normal type. As in regular punches and kicks. Things like typing would also come into effect because that means the moves would be of the type and you can get added bonuses such as poisoning people and flinching and so on. Which means that abilities would be handy to fight certain people. If you play toxicroak then you are going to poison people with poison point. Which would go back to typing as an important thing since lucario is part steel. You could slow the opponent with electric moves. You could flinch enemies and so on. You have so many abilities to disrupt the enemy. This will make people go and make a huge deal on trying to perfect their roster of dudes they like to not only get skilled at them but also in general make them better. This is good because items and breeding are going to be a thing in the game. If ev's and iv's are in the game with breeding then that means you can actively max out a pokemon in ways you like. You can get points by winning fights and throw them onto a pokemon and just have like levels unlocked points for that pokemon. That way when you get good stuff for the process of breeding a new version of the character you get it in a way that actually benefits you when you choose a new nature and instead of having to grind even more each time you can just in general work hard while reasonably doing so. How would you get these items? That's simple. Either through constant grind which you are already doing or through mini games. Like the ones they had back in Pokemon stadium. People have wanted those again for such a long time. Even if they are small ones where it is training based it would be something fun to do to set off the monotony of grinding a better character all the time. So since everything is unique in that way how would the roster themselves work? It's big and it seems like we wouldn't be able to make them all 100% unique and as true as that is there is one thing to set them apart like you would in a normal fighting game compared to what it seems Pokken does. EVERY POKEMON HAS A UNIQUE FIGHTING STYLE BECAUSE THEY ARE FIGHTING TYPES. If we looked at the roster some of them are going to be in general a little strange but take it from the guy who is passionate about this idea that I can in some ways write down a style for each of them and that's just what I'm gonna do. Pikachu - Let's get the first and most obvious one out of the way and the most blatant problem in the only fighting type roster. Let's just say Pikachu libre was raised by some fighting types. Hawlucha to be exact and it got let in as an honorary member. It would be a fast attacker and have some good jump attacks. Primeape - A berserker style fighter who attacks very well but lacks real use of the special moves. It can still do them, but it may be open to failing. Like the trip mechanic in Smash cause fuck you it's funny. Poliwrath - A heavy hitter who does big attacks. Poliwrath doesn't have a style so much is just a big beefy dude. Would probably make him a little better at doing specials because of his lack of finesse and real inability to kick well. Machamp - Based on body builders and "able to know every fighting style" kinda makes machamp a little bit of an "eh" choice. Instead of making him fully aggressive and E Honda someone with 1000 punches we could also make him have special button inputs to pose and get power ups. This would make him actually stronger on specials if you wanted to do a special attacker or something else of the like. Hitmonlee - A kick boxer style where he would hardly use his hands. He would still be able to do special moves like the punches but in general this would mostly mean he would just kick normally and have extra blocks with his arms. Hitmonchan - If they can make steve fox do dodges with his feet then they can make hitmonchan the exact same way. Galarian Zapdos - Look, it's stupid that it is a fighting type but it is what it is. So let's just roll with it and say he does a lot of kicks.
Like can't really punch but would use his beak for pecks. They wouldn't be flying attacks but in general would allow for a little long range. Mewtwo - Our first non fighting type (not pikachu) to hit the scene and a real boss. See as much as Zapdos is a boss, Mewtwo would also in general be like the larger boss at the end. A real contender for difficult since his stats would push him a little over. The real threat is when you look at his mega form which would not require an item on the boss in the game and would allow him to not be stopped from this form. He also has a different move set meaning he is just in general a different fighter as well. You could also have it to where they don't even need the players to need to mega evolve and they just choose him. Heracross - This would be a little tricky as beetles generally just fling their enemy. He would probably have moves that did that while also being able to grapple well. His mega form would allow him to hit better like he normally does with multi hit moves and would probably have a better grab based move set. Hitmontop - Being short is its own special thing since he would be harder to hit with high attacks but he also has capoera style. Blaziken - Blaziken seems like it would be another strong boss in that it literally gets faster as the battle goes on and his mega does the same thing. It also has muay thai style fighting. Breloom - It's literally a kangaroo. It punches, it kickes really hard with its tail as support. It's a kangaroo. Hariyama - Besides Ehonda strikes it is also a sumo wrestler. So throws would be a thing it can do. Medicham - One of the more difficult to place styles. Its mega form would allow for also easy punch combos but I think this would be one of the more wonky styles of fighting. Each fighting game has a yoshimitsu style of fighter and I'm sure this would be it. Infernape - Monkey style kung fu. Loppuny - Loppuny is strange in that it is not a fighter. So it should have a generic not that strong looking style of fighting but when it mega evolves it learns Tai Bo and generic defense class style. Lucario - Also strange to place but could have something like Tai Chi or something of the like. Toxicroak - A dirty fighter and probably like that of a yakuza. Gallade - Would be really good at counters and uses a gentlemans style of fighting. Arceus - I don't know man, it's a horse. The people making the game would figure it out. Just steal the horse style from the JOJO fighting game or something. Emboar - Based on chinese symbols and also wrestling. This could be a grappler as well with a greco roman style and theme. Conkeldurr - This would have range over most of the others as well as strength, it would be slow moving but could swing fast. It also uses centripital force. Throh - It knows judo and would be good at grapples and blocks. Sawk - It knows karate and would be really good at strikes and counters. Scrafty - Would use headbutts and kicks. Nothing other than what it says since inner city youth generally don't have a fighting style. Mienshao - Shaolin style kung fu. Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion - Each would have the same style of fighting. The difference being is Cobalion would have average speed and attack while terrakion and virizion would be slower or faster while weaker and stronger. Keldeo - Would have a style like the others but with some variations to it. It would be kind of bad in comparison as it is not as old and skilled but it's resolute form would make the style come together and make it better. Meloetta - Would have a buff system like Machamp but could also change style to allow it to do better at fighting but lose the ability to make buffs Chesnaught - It's a noble knight. Give it a graceful style that doesn't fit its huge armor or make it a power house. The choices are up to the developer at that point. Pangoro - Big punches and wild swings. Like Poliwrath but handles different. Hawlucha - Luchadore style wrestling, but has a high jump allowing for aerial attacks. Crabominable - Just punches. It
can't do anything else but it should have strong hard to stop punches. Bewear - Based on bear wrestling and bear hugs. It is your modern wrestler. Since we won't have incineroar in the game this would be the closest we get to WWE style of wrestling. Passimian - Tackles and moving. It's a football player. What else would it do? Kommo-o - Honestly this one eludes me since it just is a fighting type and I don't think it was inspired type wise by anything. Buzzwole - Just like Pangoro and Poliwrath. Would just be a big buff fighter. Pheromosa - Would be a kick fighter like Jenny from Bloody Roar 3. Marshadow - Since it mimics it would just be the random fighter each time. Grapploct - A grappler. Sirfetch'd - Uses his spear/sword for doing long range styles of poke. Shield would help block better. Also is small. Falinks - What could it do? I have no idea. Zamazenta - It has a normal non shield form, and it has a shield form. It could be slower in non shield mode but also when in shield mode be harder to hurt. Urshifu - Urshifu has 2 forms. One which would be single strike which is precise and accurate trying to end the fight in as few hits as possible meaning dealing more damage or something like that while rapid strike form could just be an unending combo like Maxi does in Soul Calibur 2. The real thing to know is that in general certain pokemon could have unique abilities not explained. Such as better blocks where they take less damage to no damage compared to other fighters or even more damage even if at the same number or other things like that, This would also make the boss battles more unique. That's mostly how the game would be made. At the end of the day we lost out on what could be the most deep fighter ever made. What saddens me more is that had we gotten this game it would have probably made Nintendo do better with their online services. Either way we will never know what truly could have been.
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Can you rant about pkmn sword? Rants are enjoyable to read
Alright, so it took me a bit to get my thoughts in line. Lets start with how I feel about the pricing: I am all for having 30 euro DLC over a third version for the full price, however, I do think that if they do that, as well as with the dex cut, they should quit with having there be two versions. Nowadays, with internet communication, it doesn't really do much for social interaction, it's just another hurdle for those of us who wish to complete the pokedex(and especially when they remove the GTS and make you pay for it later). It's still a scummy tactic, and no one will complain if there's just one version+DLC. It makes a big difference in the pricetag, since being forced to buy nintendo online, or two switches and two games to trade, are both mandatory payments to make in order to achieve one of the encouraged goals within the game. Furthermore, people within one family will likely be using the same cartridge, so if there is only one version, all in all, it'll make a huge difference for people who use a whole switch as a family as well. Also, I do not think that sword and shield are worth 60 euros. I think they're worth 30 at most, since the base game is worse than x and y/sun and moon. They also locked following pokemon behind a paywall, which is bullshit and yeah, fuck that. I think swsh are enjoyable, but not when they sell at the same price as games with way more content, games that look much better, and usually both combined. For what the switch can do, swsh look really bad, actually. There are a few pretty spots, but that's the exception, not the rule. To add on to things that I think are horrible; the raid battles, especially the more difficult ones, in single player. I don't have switch online, and as such, I need to do all raids alone. But, the raids are near-impossible in a lot of cases unless you get really lucky with the npcs and ai. I got two gmax Toxtricity by using wide guard with Zamazenta for over four hours until I finally got lucky for each. This is both to blame on the ai, and the horrible selection of pokemon. Pokemon that should have evolved at level 60, well, they are still in their first form, so you have magikarp and mudbray at a 5 star raid. At least have them evolved. They have good moves, yes, but their base stats are so low that it doesn't matter. Also, the shield mechanic. It is predetermined how much damage you can do, and if you land a supereffective hit, it's not unlikely for it to only do a sliver of damage and then the shield goes up. It's annoying, makes battles extremely difficult because a lot of npcs just won't attack while the shields are up, and it just becomes a waiting game if your pokemon is just there to act as support(such as my Zamazenta with wide guard to prevent Toxtricity from 2-hit ko-ing all my teammates). Also, the fact that even if you beat a gmax pokemon, there is still a chance not to catch them. It often takes ages to even defeat them, and then, 'Congratulations! You just wasted over half an hour of your life! Get fucked!'. I had this happen with Applin t w i c e. Also, the wild area is... It's okay, really. Nothing exceptional, my immersion is ruined by the sheer amount of pop-in, something that happens even when there aren't a lot of models on-screen, the Onyx in Motostoke being a rather infamous example. The trees look like shit, the berry trees look like they don't belong, to put it bluntly, it looks like something a student would make in unity. You'd expect something better from the highest grossing franchise in the world. The ai of the pokemon is often pretty bad, with them just moving in circles, I have seen so many synchronized pokemon at this point that it's just... Egh. Also, the customization options are still so limited? Can't choose eyeshape, can't choose clothes that actually make your character stand out, and you can't even choose your challenger uniform after you become the champion. Why does Leon get a special uniform? I have never seen a pokemon game so set on making you feel like a celebrity after you win, yet you don't get to have much of an identity in the game even after you win. It didn't have to be difficult, just a customization screen inside the dressing room of the Wyndon stadium, perhaps some extra clothing options? As for things I like: I like the atmosphere. The music, though sometimes repetitive, does help my immersion. The gym leader theme is dynamic, shifting with what happens in the battle, making me feel like I'm actually standing there, and the ambient themes work well as well, though those were rarely encountered at all. I love the characters, the trainer cards giving you some backstory on them, they are, together with the Unova leaders, the most present gym leaders today, with a history of their own. It felt amazing to just read the trainer cards(and I enjoyed making my own as well). The towns have their own themes, and while I can't remember the names, I do remember each location well. But. There was so much wasted potential. The castle in Hammerlocke? The large building in the east? Hammerlocke's castle: the vault, 1 room and a roof. The large building? Nothing. You don't even get to see the attraction inspired by the London Eye. Wyndon is so small??? It has a small shopping street, the stadium and the inn and that's about it. Castelia City was bigger than that. Overall, the game feels rushed. The gym challenges at the start were cool, but by the end it's more of "battle these trainers in a row haha". Also, the animations. Gamefreak claimed to need to remake all models(they did not, the 3ds models were used with better textures), and to make better animations(only for newer pokemon, most pokemon used their pokemon amie animations and further animations from the 3ds titles). The animations are still bad, especially for something as powerful as the switch. I enjoyed the lore behind the region, but I really, really dislike Dynamax. I like gigantamax because the pokemon usually changes in a way that is distinguishable, but regular dynamax... Nah. Give me mega evolution back, perhaps update its mechanics so it changes the gameplay more and requires more strategy, but Dynamax just feels like something that is so low-effort. Pokemon but beeg. The curry making, on the other hand, I love. Pokemon should not be a cooking game, but it made me feel like I was actually bonding with my pokemon, that they were present in the mc's daily life. I would love to see more additions like that, the possibility to become the kind of trainer you want. Enjoy swimming? Perhaps go for a swim with your pokemon? It doesn't need to be complex, but I'd just love to see my pokemon interact with each other and with my actual character more. The routes are too linear. The last route is literally a straight line with some trainers, with next to no effort in it. I also think that the handholding needs to be talked about. When you get to Motostoke and have signed up for the gym challenge, a staff member will lead you to the in, which is literally one screen to the left. Such examples are found all over the game, and I hate it. They do let you skip some tutorials, which is a welcome change, but characters are so willing to force you to stop with whatever you're doing and make you listen to their speeches that it still often feels like a slog, especially because you don't get to do shit besides gyms until the very, very end, in which the fucking champion tries to catch a legendary in a regular pokeball, not even a great or ultra ball. The lore is great, but the actual story is so nonsensical that I just didn't bother to pay attention. Hop literally recycles Hau's animations. I would love for him to have his own, so he'd feel more separate, because they ARE different characters, with different goals. But Hop is even more annoying than Hau because he just won't shut up. You walk 5 steps and he shows up somewhere, for no reason at all. Meanwhile, there's this big event going down, a crowd has gathered, you get there and... Leon has already resolved it. You just get a picture, that was what you wanted, right? That sums up most of the game 'the adults will deal with this!' . The picture doesn't even look good. Swsh is fond of just showing you pictures, for example, right before the climax when Rose and Leon are talking. There's no background music or anything, just pictures and the sound of the textbox. It feels so low-effort. Also, if you have a character that is a singer, and he uh, he sings, it MAY be a good idea to include VOICE ACTING. They had someone sing in Black and White 2! Surely they can do it on the fucking switch, several years later? The mouths flapping about just feels incredibly awkward. I would recommend the game if you can find it somewhere for cheap, not for the full price. There is enjoyment to be had, but it's subpar in comparison to other games for the same price. I may rant further depending on how much time I have.
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krreader · 5 years
Monsta X (mafia!au) reacting to meeting you for the first time.
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pairing: monsta x x reader fandom: monsta x warnings: non idol!au ; mafia!au ; mentions of murder ; language genre: angst ; fluff ; crack ; crime
a/n: there you go my love, I hope you like it ♥
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son hyunwoo
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“My, my, my,” you walked into the warehouse with your high heels and your hands clapping as you looked at Hyunwoo and his goons, “Trying to steal from me, weren't you?”
“Trying to take back what you first stole from me first is more like it,” unlike his men, Hyunwoo didn't hold a gun.
He was confident, had his hands behind his back and was smiling at you.
He was a pro, you could tell.
“When my men told me that you came here, I had to see for myself what the great Son Hyunwoo looked like. They say you're capable of a lot of things..”
“And yet you stole from me, knowing that I wouldn't let that slide.”
“You took the bait, didn't you? You're here after all.”
Mafia business was.. complicated. Sometimes asking someone to come and talk to you wasn't exactly going to work, so you had to make statements instead.
And a statement you made.
Hyunwoo was impressed, his grin indicating that.
“Alright, (Y/N). I'm all ears.”
“Wonderful. Shall we drive back to my office, then?”
“Lead the way.”
shin hoseok
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“Do you have any idea who I am?” you asked the man who was about to torture you.
You weren't scared, you were just genuinely wondering if they knew what they were getting themselves into.
If your family found out about this, they'd burn the people responsible and all their families until there was nothing but ashes left.
“I do,” the door got opened and in walked a man you weren't familiar with.
Handsome, well-built, yet his eyes held nothing but hatred.
“You the one in charge?”
“I am.”
“Get to the point, then. What do you want?”
Hoseok laughed and sat down on an empty chair in the room, leaning forward with his elbows on his legs, “You really have no idea.. or maybe.. maybe you weren't even responsible after all.”
“Responsible for what?”
“Four months ago, someone murdered seven of my men and their families in cold blood. I took something that, apparently, had belonged to your family and to show me what happens to people who steal from your family, they made a statement.”
You remembered this, but you hadn't been the one who had done it. One of your father's men had done it.
“That someone wasn't me.”
“Doesn't matter to me now.. even if you didn't do it, you will help me get the one who did it. Otherwise I will send you back to daddy in pieces.”
“You're not scaring me, sweetheart,” you smiled at him, “And besides.. you and I both know you're not the type to do that.”
You knew killers and the likes merely by looking at them. And he wasn't one of them.
And you ended up being right. Hoseok didn't touch you once, he just left you in that room and visited every once in a while.
However, you two ended up talking. A lot. He explained himself to a point where you pitied him. Your father and his men had done a lot of horrible things that you couldn’t agree with, what they did to his men being one of them.
And who would have thought that you'd end up helping him get the man who hurt him so much.. and then even take down your own father because you knew this city was being flooded with blood that your father spilled..
lee minhyuk
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Was this guy for real?
Did he really think storming your base, all alone, would get him anything other than killed?
No.. nobody could be this stupid right?
You raised your hand, telling your men to stand down, then you carefully approached him.
“What's your name?”
“Minhyuk. Lee Minhyuk,” he was pointing his gun at you, but his hands were shaking.
“Alright, Lee Minhyuk,” you smiled, “I don't think you're used to guns, so why don't you put it down and tell me why you're here?”
“No!” and when his arms stiffened, your men were all immediately on high alert again, but you just told them to stand down once more.
“Okay.. okay, then.. tell me what you want, Minhyuk.”
“Three weeks ago, your people came into my family's shop and started taking whatever the hell you wanted. My father tried to stop you and then you started hitting him.. so much until he didn't move anymore. I tried to stop them, but they pushed me and I fell, hitting my head and falling unconscious. And when I woke up, my father was lying dead beside me and my mother was screaming her lungs out.”
This was the first time you heard about that. You hadn't ordered a raid, nor did you order civilians to be killed. You never ordered that.
But your men.. some of them were bastards, no matter how loyal or tough they were. 
“Guns down. All of you,” you waited until all guns were on the floor, then you looked back at Minhyuk, “Look around and tell me if you can see the men that did it.”
Oh, that he did. He’d remember them for the rest of his life.
Five of them. Five of them that you shot without blinking once.
You were ruthless, but only when necessary. Raiding stores of poor families wasn't what you were known for, this was simply power play of some of your men and you weren't here for that.
It wouldn't bring his family back, but he could breathe again afterwards.
“Let me get you something to drink.. it won't bring your father back, but maybe I can help you somehow.. pay for the funeral, money.. whatever you need, you'll get. It’s the least I can do for you”
Minhyuk wanted to hate you, but you weren't like them.
And that's what made him come with you.
yoo kihyun
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Yoo Kihyun embodied everything you hated about this business.
The cocky 'I'm above everyone' guy that thought he owned the underworld and everyone who lived in it, despite his father being the boss of the mafia. Or at least a mafia group.
Because, even though he would probably like it very much, he wasn't the only one who ruled this city. Or at least the underground parts of it.
“Hey princess,” while yours and his father talked, Kihyun finally – unfortunately – decided to talk to you. He was smoking, blowing the disgusting smoke right into your face, but you didn't even flinch, didn't even close your eyes, “Heard a lot about you, you know? My father told me you're very.. skilled with those hands of yours.”
From the way he licked his lips he wanted to insinuate something sexual, but you couldn’t care less, no matter how handsome he looked.
You cocked your head to the side, smiling at him sweetly, “I can kill you in five seconds with 'those hands' and I'm going to consider it if you don't stop blowing smoke into my face.”
Not the response Kihyun usually got from women, that's why he looked so taken aback. But he ended up smiling and did what you asked with a nod, “I like you.”
And with that you walked away.
He liked you so much that whenever he got the chance, he’d approach you. He was annoying, he was a little shit, but nowadays, meetings felt kinda empty without him and his annoying smoking and drinking and smiling..
..maybe you liked him too.. just a little bit though.
chae hyungwon
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“Not to rain on your parade or anything, but.. did you just say your father is the biggest underworld boss there is?” you furrowed your eyebrows, your girlfriends behind you all giggling at that.
“He is,” Hyungwon said with confidence, all of his male friends behind him grinning cockily, “I'm sure you've heard of him.. everyone has.”
“Oh, I have, yes. It's the one my father usually laughs about every day at dinner. He calls him 'Magikarp'. Says he's not good for shit.”
Hyungwon did not hit women, but he was so fucking close to making an exception for you when he took a step closer.
To his surprise, you didn't even flinch, you just continued grinning.
“Next time you try to brag about your family, don't do it in front of me when you know my father is the real boss,” you whispered, gently patting his cheek and then walking away with swaying hips.
And him and his group of wannabe mafia bosses stood there with open mouths, until one of them whispered: “You have to give it to her.. she's amazing.”
They all agreed until Hyungwon angrily turned around and murdered them with his look.
lee jooheon
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To think that the guy in front of you was the same guy that you had messaged for months now, had gotten to know and maybe even love and now you found out that he had lied to you all along and was someone else entirely.
But, truth be told, you had no right to be angry with him, because you had lied to him as well.
He had gotten your number through a friend, said friend had not told him who you were and you hadn't told him either. You said you were normal and he said the same thing. You guys got to know each other as the people you would like to be, not the people you really were..
But now as you were standing across from the other one, you both realized that destiny could be a little bitch sometimes.
“Do.. you.. know each other?” your father asked as you and Jooheon had been staring at each other for at least five minutes now.
“No.. unfortunately not.”
Jooheon had felt so bad lying to you about his life.. he had thought you'd hate him if he told you the truth, but maybe.. maybe you were a lot more accepting than he thought you’d be.
“Maybe we could get to know each other though.. for real.”
You smiled a little, “I'd like that a lot.”
In the meantime, your fathers just shrugged and went ahead with the scheduled meeting.
“I’m Jooheon,” he extended his hand.
“Nice to meet you, Jooheon. I’m (Y/N),” you smiled as you shook his head.
Maybe destiny was a bitch, but a bitch that always knew what she did.
im changkyun
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It was pouring in Seoul tonight. Only a few people were running through the streets, desperate to find a roof over their heads to not get soaked.
And yet there was one person standing in front of your house that did not move, but looked straight at you.
You furrowed your eyebrows, ended up walking away and getting yourself a drink, but only a few moments later, you realized you weren't alone anymore.
“I knew you were here for me.. am I going to end up dead tonight?” always the same.. would they ever learn?
“That depends on you, (Y/N),” he kept quite a lot of distance between you two, was soaked when you turned around a looked at him, “My name is Changkyun. The one who got sent to murder you.”
“And? Are you going to? Like the last five that have tried?”
“That is why I said it will depend on you.”
He wasn't like the last assassin's. He was willing to talk, the others just wanted to kill you straight away.
Why though?
“Well? What do you want, then? Money? Power? Women?”
“Information. You give that to me, I will give you the name of the person who hired me and all those before me.”
“Aren't you afraid that he'll hunt you down?”
Changkyun snorted, “If I give you the name, I doubt he'll live for very much longer.”
Whoever that person was, this game was getting boring. You always killed the assassin’s and you wanted a peaceful night again for once. So this was an easy deal. Whatever information he wanted, you’d gladly trade it for some good night’s rest.
“Good point,” you poured another glass and then extended your hand, “You've got yourself a deal, Changkyun.”
He pulled down his hood with a grin.
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staravya · 5 years
each sect has a primary type determined by the founder (usually based off the type most prevalent in the area), and a secondary subtype determined by the current leader; disciples are encouraged but not required to befriend at least 1 ‘mon that shares either the type or subtype.
uhhh the rest of this is under a cut bc i started to ramble and Could Not Stop
each cultivator has 1 partner and a rotating party of otherwise friendly ‘mon that may or may not decide to accompany them at any point in time; as such, cultivators are more like rangers than battlers. resident ‘mon are often allied to a sect, not to individual people, though they may pick and choose favorites (usually but not always favoring the sect leader). 
cultivators ultimately strive to be chosen by a legendary. most legendaries have gone into seclusion following the conclusion of the battle against necrozma and its ultra beasts that punctured reality at burial mounds. the only known successful person to still have a bond since then is baoshan sanren, who is xerneas’ herald. (eventually, wei ying with giratina will be next)
the yin iron is an artifact that creates an unrefined version of shadow pokemon, thus killing the partnered person’s consciousness and allowing for zombie-like control, along with overpowered and borderline feral 'mon. 
golden cores are still a thing, and are generally considered blessings from both arceus and necrozma as a gesture of goodwill from the two creators after they stopped their war. to destroy one is blasphemous. 
the burial mounds is a place where the torn world and real world intersect, meaning people who go there don’t return and it’s haunted by countless ghost types. when wwx was yeeted in, his lack of a core was actually what allowed him to forge a bond with giratina.
giratina reveals that it has been trapped in the torn world since the damage on reality that arceus and necrozma created when they waged battle. it suspects that necrozma has loathed it and its dark matter and thus only relented in its assault once giratina was sealed in the shadows. it has been trying to leave for forever, but golden cores (and thus also arceus itself) inherently rebuff it because they are symbols of the tentative ceasefire and that relies on gira being sealed. wwx, who happens to have the griseous orb from That Cave (idk, maybe they fought an ultra beast there), goes “oh cool” and makes the vermillion flute that briefly allows giratina to use wwx as an intermediary through which it can be kinda freer ish. maybe.
however everyone’s like “but necrozma will only leave us alone if you embrace your golden core and leave gira trapped in the abyss :00000″ and wwx, very reasonably, with curling tendrils of red-tipped shadows sloughing off his silhouette, tells them to shut the fuck up and tell him where the wen remnants are being held prisoner right now, please and thank you
oh and. the sects: main type | secondary subtypes (enacted by this leader)
gusu lan: flying | ice (qinghung-jun) -> psychic (xichen) lanling jin: fairy | dragon (guangshan) -> normal (guangyao) -> ??? (rulan) yunmeng jiang: water | bug (fengmian) -> poison (jiang cheng) qishan wen: fire | dark (ruohan) qinghe nie: steel | fighting (mingjue) -> psychic (huaisang)
the nie sect has notoriously picked fighting as its subtype several leaders in a row. nhs was expected to uphold this tradition when his kirlia evolved but he went for gardevior instead of gallade and now theyre psychic! haha! wonderful! everyone is confusion.
qi deviation is probably Light Sickness from golden cores going out of whack. thanks meng yao this was definitely necessary for,, whatever it is your motive is i dont even remember
wwx’s partner is a zoroark that spent most of its youth disguised as a variety of water types. while he did ally himself with genuine water types he still preferred to have his partner do Whatever (haha see what i d—)
anyway. preliminary possible partners, this has zero thought and is mostly just like, word association
gusu lan: flying (subtype ice -> psychic) lwj — altaria, espeon lxc — lapras lqr —  drampa, metagross lsz — kricketune*, volcarona, dragonite, corviknight (gift?) ljy — chatot, flygon ly (chord assassin) — kommo-o (fuck yeah) RESIDENTS: swablu+, snorunt+, starly+, pidgey+, rufflet+, pidove+, hoothoot+, taillow+, most common birds+
lanling jin: fairy (subtype dragon -> normal -> grass) jgs (garbage) — grimmsnarl madam jin — ribombee jgy (evil) — mimikyu, florges jzx (token het) — haxorus, sirfetch’d, rapidash (g), serperior jzx (cursed dumbass) —  qs (yikes) — eldegoss jrl (babey!!!) — flapple lqy — beautifly RESIDENTS: cleffa+, flabébé+, cottonee+, carbink,
yunmeng jiang: water (subtype bug -> poison) jfm — samurott yz — toxicitry, luxray, vikavolt, araquanid, starmie, cloyster jyl — vaporeon wwx — zoroark, giratina [previous: kabutops, quagsire, swampert] jwy — empoleon, noivern, dragelge, gyarados, feraligatr, toxicitry RESIDENTS: azurill+, chinchou+, lotad+, buizel+, dewpider+, staryu+, shellder+, water starters+, wooper+, magikarp+, feebas+, skrelp+
qishan wen: fire (subtype dark) wrh — charizard*, hydreigon, spiritomb, houndoom, tyranitar wx — sharpedo wc — mightyena, golisopod wq — ninetales, salazzle wql — litleo?? man idk wen ning is such a good egg. volcarona? salamence? hydreigon But Good This Time? wzl — weavile wlj —  RESIDENTS: houndour+, growlithe+, vulpix+, fire starters+, litwik+, slugma+
qinghe nie: steel (subtype fighting -> psychic) nmj — gallade, aggron, garchomp nhs — gardevior, oricorio (sensu), mienshao, milotic RESIDENTS: skarmory+, pawniard+, riolu+, machop+, timburr+, aron+, honedge+
other: ss (garbage) —  bssr — xerneas
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ghostmartyr · 6 years
Pokémon Black 2 Randomized Nuzlocke Run [Part 7]
It is time for badge number seven.
Vertex (Luxray)
Caspet (Gengar)
Nessy (Milotic)
Diego (Gardevoir)
Photon (Rayquaza)
Cerberus (Dodrio)
Squad goals.
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Why won’t Unova Gyms ever just let me leave?
And apparently I’m not going through Twist Mountain? I’m getting a lift on a plane?
If that’s the case, that’s happening later. I think I’m going to get Cerberus up to level 40 in the sad death tower before I do anything else. I don’t want to have members of my team lagging consistently. You will all be useful. I will make it happen.
Also, something I haven’t mentioned yet (...I think, it’s been a while to get this far) is that Pokemon Breeders in this gen seem to be available to fight every single time you enter that route. Not like you can fight them if you want. After beating them, if you leave and go back to the route, they will do the exclamation point thing.
This is annoying.
Route 7, also known as that place before the sad death tower, has one.
It is not irritating enough to conjure up hate for. And yet.
Flash forward into the future a bit later, and we have a team where everyone’s above or at 40 except for... Photon. Photon, my friend, we’re just gonna slap the Exp. Share on you and continue with the plot. Your legendary status means me stacking the deck with levels is less important.
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I can’t believe this place has a purpose in this game. Or that I get to fly in a plane (I assume, my memory on the sequel games is even worse than my memory for Black and White starting out). There’s something weird about using a plane to get around in a Pokemon game. Doesn’t feel natural.
Oh well, too bad so sad.
...Lentimas Town.
I have no memory of this place.
Hey, Bianca’s coming with us! Yay!
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I really have no memory of this place, but there’s some Fire pokemon in Reversal Mountain, apparently, and also Professor Juniper reminds everyone that Black and White happened, so it makes no sense for Team Plasma to be trying to wake up a dragon; they’re all accounted for after all.
My exploits from last game mattered, you guys. They really did happen.
No, but I’m easy to please. Any time the games reference games that happened in the past for the current game, I am made a happy camper. Us and N catching a legendary dragon each is a good thing to keep in continuity.
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I’m starting to maybe remember this place... maybe?
I guess we don’t stay here long, so time to not really care. I do continue to like how the setting is not an exact copy of the previous games, though. There’s a lot of repetition that comes from this being a sequel, but everything’s been thought out well enough that it really does feel like a new journey.
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Now see, my question is if there’s a cave to this Reversal Mountain, and is it marked with a different title. I’m catching something very soon, but do I have the option of picking between outside Reversal Mountain and inside, or do I... perchance... get both?
It’s probably just one and I should just march into the grass.
I don’t wanna.
Ah, but it looks like I have to step through grass anyway. But there is the option of dark grass vs. normal grass.
I am too battle-weary and scarred. Normal grass.
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!!!! A Normal pokemon for the normal grass! Hi Miltank! Let us be the best of friends and not roll each other into death. Photon’s the best bet for not accidentally killing the little lady (I did not check this with numbers and have no plans to).
Only while I was typing, Miltank used Bide, and I missed that, so Nessy with her excellent HP had to go out and deal with the consequences of Photon’s one attack. Nessy and Twister are taking Miltank down at a safe rate. She’s in the orange, so throwing time.
While she’s using Rollout.
Of course.
Hey, first ball! We’re Pokemon Going over here!
Her name is Bessy. Because it is.
But whoops, I need to head back to the Pokemon Center for a hot second and get her out of the Graves box. You’re not dead yet, darling.
Dark grass has Luxio.
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It also leads to a strange house instead of fun cave time.
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See, right there in the title. Can has pokemon?
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Coool. Want to join my gang?
Nessy and Twister seem to be an okay catching combo. Let’s see if we can get it working twice in a row.
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Damn it, Nessy. Your first one left him in the green. The green. Sigh.
Farewell, unnamed shark friend.
(he woulda been bruce)
Ahoy random Gigalith in the upstairs of the house with the moving furniture I can’t cap because these are stills. Sadly I’m not in the mood to deal with Sturdy, so I’m going to run from those instead of harvesting them.
Awww, there’s a Castform downstairs. Plus a Spell Tag.
Then the furniture moves and clears up a doorway. Behind which is a trainer.
I feel like a lot of the NPCs we meet in these games have very hard lives. Hello Sentret in the middle of the room. Are you keeping this one company?
Ludicolo is in the front room.
Caspet learns Dark Pulse. Bye-bye, Night Shade.
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Waaaaaait. Wait. Aren’t you the ghost girl from the bridge in the last games? I remember you! Is this where you get something to do instead of just being odd? Note that it doesn’t count if it’s an event thing that needs a code or internet or special event items!
She’s looking for her parents.
And her Abra.
....Then a wild Abra shows up.
Is that scripted, or did the Randomizer just give me an amazing gift?
Weepinbell back downstairs.
I go through another door, and get a Full Heal for my trouble. With added wild Octillery. Fuck you, Octillery. You are banned from all my runs forever.
Ooooo wild Haxorus. Look at all these things I can’t have. Downstairs has a stray Riolu. The trouble I go through for a... Dusk Stone. Yeah, okay, that’s nice to have. Toxicroak is also here.
Then back upstairs, suddenly Gible. What’s this place usually supposed to have?
The second floor’s chairs have moved, so I go through one of the upstairs doors. Another trainer room. Yay. With a Mr. Mime. Yay.
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I’m really sorry about your life/undeath, NPC Ghost Girl.
Oh, neat. Lunar Wing.
I have no memory of which legendary that belongs to. I want to guess Cresselia, but I don’t know if it’s even in this game. I do know it’s a gen four legendary, which would make sense for the sidequest feel of this house.
Oh wait it doesn’t matter because Randomized Nuzlocke.
...Well fine, but I’d still like to know.
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That makes me feel surprisingly sad.
One last door to check out. Empty but for Golett (want) and a Rare Candy. Time to leave.
Back outside there’s an Exeggcute I wouldn’t have wanted. The normal grass has Whismur.
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There was a cave after all. Ugh. I can’t believe this counts as the same route as outside. Cave and grass should get to be different.
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Heeey! Bianca! Wait, before we team up and I abuse your healing for exp, I need to check the other side of the cave.
Oh. The other side of the cave has a Max Repel and that’s it. Back to Bianca, I guess. And she’s psyched for Heatran, which is a very relatable feel.
Zoroark and Tangrowth for the first encounter of the cave. I say, pretending it matters. Stoutland can also be found here. Knowing their propensity for knowing Crunch, I think maybe something not Caspet can be in the front. Photon, gain your own exp for a change.
Crawdaunt is another feature. It’s a dark, Dark cave.
I was checking to see if Cerberus can learn Acrobatics. No, but he can learn Fly. You know, that classic Dodrio usage. Fly. Which he is absolutely learning.
Aww, a wild Togepi. It’s gone now.
I love getting to wander with someone who handles the healing. It’s so nice battling without stress. Also known as grinding without needing to use up items.
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Haa. See, normally you’d be right, but.
Huh. There’s a Magikarp and a Weedle through a different passage. Neat. You will not be missed. Then we come across a bizarrely gen-appropriate pair of Tympole.
Can Triple Battles not be a thing? I don’t care for them. They make me worry. Arguably I could help myself by arranging my team so I would have a good comp for whenever I fell into one, but where would the fun in that sane choice be.
Dust clouds come with Munchlax. Neato.
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We’re in a legendary’s nest. They’re all like this.
...Why can you find Luxray and Ninjask here???
Ditto for Steelix and Porygon. Yay for Randomizer randomizing every single room of an area. It’s cool, but in the larger places it can be really disorienting. A male Nidoran also says hello.
I don’t know where to find the Magma Stone to get Heatran, so we’re done with Reversal Mountain, I believe. Geez I hope that’s the name of this place. I’m too lazy to check at the moment.
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I have escaped!
And found a Shiny Stone. Win.
I didn’t recognize this place, then I remembered. Water. Bay. Post-game trauma. They messed with the map to keep things interesting.
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My curiosity is piqued.
But I want to get something random in the waves before I investigate.
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Well this is awkward.
Level 39.
Photon should not be out front for this. Nessy?
Okay. Nessy gets Regice in the red. Regice knows Curse and Ancient Power. I do have a Master Ball. I can’t deny that I’m seriously tempted by it, but we’re going to try doing this like a standard trainer first.
Net Ball doesn’t work because of course it doesn’t (I just wanted to use it because Surfing), and Regice knows Superpower. Ah yes, the Regis and their. Stuff. First Ultra Ball doesn’t get anywhere. Same for second. Icy Wind is Regice’s last move.
My team has no Fire or Fighting on it. I miss having those options.
Have I been able to buy Timer Balls anywhere? Those would be nice to have right about now, as my Ultra Ball supply dwindles.
I am out of Ultra Balls.
Look, Pokemon Go legendary catching can be rough. You only get so many balls, and even if you do everything perfectly, it still might run on you.
But you don’t end up spending twenty minutes trying to catch one thing.
Seconds after I type that:
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What do I name it, though?
That doesn’t fit.
Okay, so I have to stock up on Ultra Balls, and possibly also healing options depending on my mood when I look at the prices. Then we go see what Undella Bay and Route 14 have to offer.
The Undella Pokemon Center only has Luxury and Dive Balls. :(
My beloved Timer. Where...?
And then I bought 50 Ultra Balls.
I’m going to sell some stuff.
Okay Bay, what do you have for me?
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Yeah, I can make this work.
Assuming I don’t accidentally kill it.
Thank goodness for Nessy still knowing Twister. Gottem.
His name is now Zentrotta. I think we can agree he’d be happier if I hadn’t caught him. Tragedy at its finest.
Caspet is back up front, and for now Nessy will carry the Exp. Share. She’s not had much to go up against, so she’s lagging a tad.
Aw, there’s a little Deerling on the water. Aaand it’s gone.
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Hello what is this.
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...I have questions I can’t really make myself care about enough to type.
So this guy only moves if we beat him, and before we get the chance to beat him we have to pass some game-acknowledged strength test. I probably need another badge or something. But there’s enough ground to walk back and forth, so what have you got for me, Seaside Cave?
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Cool beans.
Nessy, come help not kill it.
Yay, caught.
His name is Blimperton now. Welcome to the box.
Outside, the deep water spots can be Venomoth. How pleasant.
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Jelli to you too, good sir.
Huh, okay, they just give you a random Jellicent encounter here.
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Game. I was just trying to speed along to the Pokemon Center. Please.
Unfezant down, Simisage down, Vertex can be in for Samurott. Level 41, so I’m. not as overleveled as I usually am except for Caspet. Caspet has reached 47 and I don’t mind her being completely overpowered.
For an update, since I think I’m pretty bad about keeping track of their levels in this: Caspet is 47, Nessy is 43, Vertex is 43, Diego is 44, Photon is 45, Cerberus is 43. Everyone is healthy and alive.
Geez I hate Triple Battles. Random trainers don’t share my feelings. This is an annoyance.
And I can’t continue down through Route 14 because there’s a block of people in the way. So I guess all that’s left to do is check out what the sequel to this route has in store for me.
Last game it did not have anything I wanted.
But this time...!
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Eh. I’ll catch you I guess.
Her name’s Tux now.
Meanwhile, in the dark grass...
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Wormadam, too. Such grass. Much excite.
Off up to Route 13.
New route means yet another new pokemon. ...After we fight a bunch of trainers because I care more about levels than pokemon I’m hoping to never use at the moment.
Several minutes later, the only other trainers are through grass, so let’s go!
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Eyo. I don’t think I’ve had you before.
Cerberus, are you up for helping?
Well, one hit almost took half your health. So let’s say no.
...You know, given the amount of damage it’s doing. I think I’m going to Surf and risk fainting before it kills Nessy. Aaand... yeah. Mienshao out.
This grass also has Sandile. And Cascoon.
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Nothing I have knows Cut. Languish there for all days.
That Ranger wants a Triple Battle.
Why is this route like this.
Hey, a Heatran! Bianca, guess what!
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Oh so you don’t need Cut. Meh. I’m not in the mood.
Professor Juniper and Bianca say hello in town. Bianca, walk about twenty steps to the right so you can find something neat. You’ll love it, promise.
But no, it’s time to listen to an old lady talk about the Giant Chasm. I don’t wanna do that, either. I want my badges. I maybe should have taken the aquarium route to speed that along, but I don’t know if that would actually do anything.
Wait, I was spamming A. Was there a directive in there?
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Hm. I sense plot ahead.
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This villain understands me.
Oh cool battle time.
Russell, buddy, you run almost as much as blondie scarf from gen 4. Take a chill pill. You have won all the good big brother points you possibly could just by caring about a Purrloin this long.
So everything’s telling us to go to Opelucid. For Dragons.
Hard pass, where’s the surfer Gym? Water sounds way friendlier. I’m going to see if that one’s blocked off or not.
The janitor won’t let us pass. ;-;
Okay fine, I guess we’re heading to Opelucid. And plot, probably. The plot is of no interest to me. This is true in pretty much every single one of these games. I’m in it for the pokemon. The human with their human troubles are way less fun.
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New route! What will it have for us?
I had to embrace fun when I saw one of the grass patches shaking. Our first route with a wiggly grass option! And it is...?
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I’ll gladly take it!
...If I can catch it!
...Preferably without anyone dying!
I’m going to let Photon take a stab. Crunch should be super effective, but Photon doesn’t have STAB adding to it, and Metagross has rocking Defense. So this might be pathetically sad, but nothing should die.
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Three Ultra Balls in, I am sad.
But we get it! Huzzah!
Its name is Stormy. :)
Ouch, Caspet’s trying to learn Destiny Bond.
You’re not dying. This is the definition of a useless move.
What else does this here grass hold when it’s not wiggling?
ELEKID. Noooo. Why must we always pass like ships in the night... Claydol is also here.
The dark grass’ first entry is Jynx and Magikarp. Chingling is also here. Buizel too.
Cerberus has learned Drill Peck! Oh happy days!
Normal grass has Vaporeon, Huntail, and Spinda to go with what we’ve already seen.
Vertex is moving up front, and Diego is getting the Exp. Share instead of Cerberus for the time being.
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Another bridge, another route.
Another set of trainers that really make me want to have a Fire type.
There’s dark grass on one side of the bridge, normal grass on the other. A pass through on my bike didn’t get anything to pop out of the dark grass, so normal grass wins the prize for this route’s catch.
Before that, there are trainer battles.
Of the Triple variety.
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Ooooooh. I like this. I like this a lot.
Vertex, do not murder.
Vertex follows instructions, paralyzes Vileplume, and dodges getting poisoned twice. This is why he’s allowed to live. One Ultra Ball later, and new friend acquired.
Named... Bongo.
Geez, this grass also has Mamoswine. We’re not fighting that. The water’s dark spots get Zebstrika.
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So she shoves me out.
Rude. I’m the protagonist. I go where I want.
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I’m starting to rush a little since this part is getting long and I haven’t even hit the badge town, but hey! I do remember this sequence! I remembered it belonging to a different game, but A for effort, right?
Made it to Opelucid.
Since the game itself suggests via Iris to go to Route 9 first, I’m guessing I should clear up anywhere that offers trainers to fight before trying the Gym. Dragon is a pain anyway. I don’t have anything except Nessy’s Twister that’s super effective against it. I think even at the level I’m at, it should be okay, but I also think it could go incredibly badly, which I don’t want.
But before that, Route 11 didn’t force me to go through any grass, so I still have a pokemon to catch there. Let’s watch.
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Huh, interesting. ...Vertex, let’s swap you out before something unfortunate happens. Though it is level 36, and he does know Crunch... Yeah, we’re going to be stupid. Magnitude 7 doesn’t do a threatening amount of damage. Yay.
She is caught, and her name shall be Winn.
Now the other side of Opelucid, after healing up.
Miltank! But we have a Miltank. Next.
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I like.
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Vertex. Critical hits are for trainer battles. Sigh. Farewell, Route 9. I think we could have been great together, but alas. Now to go through all the everything else to do in this route and then go finally get the seventh badge.
Hm. I think maybe I’ll just get everyone on the team up to 50, then go for it. Nice, even number.
Other things of note: I have found a Mart with Quick Balls. The world is bright. But for now, grinding. ...Against Torchic and Deerling, apparently. Maybe I want other grass. Oh, but dude. Glaceon in the dark grass. Nice. Ha, randomized and still offering super effective options outside scary gyms. Golduck and Nidorina are here, too. And Braviary and Pansage.
-winds the clock forward a few hours-
K, we’ve got folks at level 50 now. So, Drayden?
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Cerberus is going to sit in first for a while. He’s on the fragile side, but his Attack and Speed are good, and Flying should be neutral to everything in the Gym. Same cloth as Caspet, only physical. Nessy might take over just for the comfort of tankiness, but this is where we start.
First person in the Gym has one level 46 Fraxure.
Dragons are scary.
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Oh fuck you.
Fuck. That’s partially on me. If I had used Drill Peck instead of Fly, Fraxure would have been busy Dragon Dancing and would have done zero damage. But I used Fly to try to hit Fraxure hard while avoiding any of its attacks, and.
Look, the screencap’s right there.
Nessy’s going in, under the theory that nothing on my team is going before Dragon Dance x2 Fraxure, but Nessy’s the most likely option for surviving.
It uses Taunt so it doesn’t matter.
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Cerberus, I like Dodrio. An Adamant Dodrio? Wonderful. You will be missed. Fly will be missed. Many things about this feel awful.
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Stormy is a Jolly Metagross that’s a little quick tempered.
Welcome. You’ll be given the Exp. Share while your new friends try very hard to make it through the rest of this Gym without casualties.
-drums fingers-
With Dragon Dance being a move everything in this Gym is probably going to know, I do not want to play the long game with any of the trainers. I want to go in and kill everything in one hit.
...Caspet is in front.
-hides eyes behind hands-
-gives Caspet a Spell Tag-
One trainer down as planned.
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IIIIIII hate this gym.
Druddigon has Crunch. Things to keep in mind.
So now we have the most obnoxious part of this Gym. I get to choose between Rotation and Triple Battle for the next peg up it. My usual path says I do both. In case you haven’t noticed, I hate Triple Battles. Doing one is not high on my list of desired outcomes.
But I’d feel weird avoiding it. Famous last words. -sigh- Caspet, Vertex, Nessy. That’s the order. Let’s do this.
Easy part done. Rotation Battle win. Ugh.
For the sake of my sanity, I’m giving Caspet all three of my Rare Candy. Yes, I have a favorite, yes, it’s the closest thing I have to a starter. If I’m putting her so close to the chopping block, I’m going to make sure she’s fully equipped. Druddigons are surviving to attack her right now, and that’s no bueno.
Triple Battle. Weeee.
It ends in a round because Caspet wins at life. Awesome. Okay.
All that’s left is Drayden.
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This guy’s face is a lot less scary when it isn’t up close.
Sooooooo. Level 46 Druddigon is first. Shadow Ball finishes it. Flygon is next. ...That one, I think I can trust to Nessy. Flygon isn’t as much about hard hits.
Level 46 again. Crunch gets a critical hit that just barely keeps Nessy in the green, Nessy uses Surf. Surf brings Flygon to a sliver of red, so I go with Surf again. Hopefully Flygon’s other moves don’t do more damage than a critical hit Crunch, or Drayden feels like healing it.
Yeah, Drayden goes with a Hyper Potion.
...Flygon’s next Crunch gets a critical hit too, what the hell.
Surf after that faints it, though. So that’s two out of three down.
Drayden’s last pokemon is Haxorus. Nessy’s too far in the red to keep in without healing, and Haxorus is high on the Dragon Dance strat list. But if Caspet can’t get it in one hit, I’m pretty confident in Haxorus’ ability to fuck Caspet up.
But I’m honestly pretty confident in Haxorus’ ability to fuck my entire team up. Caspet would be the best bet for ending it fast. ...So, you know. Caspet. Go. Go. not die.
Level 48 Haxorus. Yaaaaaaaaaaay.
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cerastes · 7 years
So i've read a fair amount of Arthurian literature but I've never seen anything mentioned about Percival wearing a dress? Not that I don't believe it but I'm just curious where you read that
In Perceval, le Conte du Graal (1135).
Percival’s father was King Pellenor, who died in combat. His brothers were Tor, Aglavale, Lamorak, and Dornar, all of who became Knights of the Round Table. His mother Did Not Like This Shit because they all were in danger of dying at any moment, because being a knight in Arthurian mythos was a “you are either Goku and you’ll rock or you are Yamcha and you will die really fast” kind of deal, so Percival’s Mom took him and his sister to live away from civilization, where he learned all sorts of cool Non-Knight shit like crocheting and sewing and basket weaving, and definitely not swords or kite shields. He was also raised as a girl and wore an exquisite silk dress along his sister.
One day, Percival is cooking some amazing stew when he hears some shit outside his Away From Civilization Castle Hidden In The Forest, and whatddya know, it’s some knights, wearing armor, swinging swords, being cool, and Percy’s all like “SWEET, YO MOM LOOK AT THOSE” and P-Diddy’s Mom is like “Aw Fiddlesticks. See, Percy, dear, those are ANGELS, and the only way you’ll ever be one of those is when you DIE”.
But, see, Percival was so ENTHUSED with the idea of being a knight that he goes to his sister and outright asks her to kill him. Reasonable lass as she was, she immediately says “What In the Fuck is wrong With You” and doesn’t, so P-kun is like WHATEVER and sneaks out of the castle to go hang out with them. So he does and he has Presence Concealment B+ because he just sorta eavesdrops on them for a while but then accidentally scares their horses, and the only thing louder than fire truck’s siren in this world is a scared horse, so the knights get prim and proper STARTLED and then they see this kid wearing a dress and are like “U GOOD?” and Paypal is like “I didn’t know ANGEL HORSES could get scared” and they are like “what the fuck dude we are not angels we are KNIGHTS”. So P is like oh! cool! can I be a knight? And Knight-san is like Fuck The Off kid you are 12 and also wearing a dress, you gotta grow up first, get some hair on that chest, then maybe.
So Percival is like YAY OK I WILL so he does his best to grow up, which is not too hard because the passage of time is a constant, PSYCHE, it IS hard because as soon as he got home and told Mom he wanted to be a knight when he grew up, Mom used Panic Ploy and convinced Percival that he was going to be 12 forever, because Percy is not the brightest crayon in the box. This goes on for Four Whole Years and Percival is now 16 but still thinks he’s 12 because his mom sucks, but mostly? ‘Cause he a dumbass.
Now, in Ye Olde Arthurian culture, 16 is the year in which it is socially acceptable to start performing crude neurosurgery with swords and axes on people you dislike. As it would happen, a bad knight storms his Child Castle and flops out his huge knight dong, ready to train it towards P-Diddy’s mom and sister, but P was having None Of That Shit, so he rolls up his silk sleeves and goes to the knight like “Hey, I Contend With That Attitude, Sir”, and the knight is like “you are the ugliest fucking girl I’ve seen in my life, what is wrong with this household”, and see, here’s a thing you gotta know about Percival: His superpower is having IMMENSE RAW POTENTIAL, like this dude is the embodiment of a Magikarp, except, he was already Gyarados by the time he was 16, because he, and I paraphrase, grabbed the evil knight, who is a grown ass man wearing a full set of armor, and just outright chucks him outta the castle, over the wall. No, he didn’t wrestle him or push him, Percival straight up lifted the knight with his mighty 16 year old arms, and threw him, proving once more that when people say that GBF’s or FGO’s take on the Round Table is “too anime”, they are WRONG, they are not anime enough, because Arthurian Mythos is the first shonen franchise in history.
So Percival’s like yaaaay and his mom is like nooooo and he’s like I can be a kniiiiight now I killed a dude and his mom is like haha go to you rooooooom.
So some time passes and then a Cockatrice shows up, so like, for the uninitiated, a Cockatrice is basically a Basilisk Chicken Chimera Fuckhouse that can and will feast on whatever part of your still living body it that hasn’t been petrified it can find. This would USUALLY be a problem, except Percival’s a Strength Main, so he just went, uprooted a whole tree, and speared the fuck outta Deathchicken with it. This kinda convinces Percival that maybe his mom was lying about a lot of things, so he outies outta that household of LIES.
So Percival is hitting the road and happens upon a scrap metal merchant, who has a wagon full of piss ass metal with no use, and Percival is like hey dude do you know where I could sell this priceless dress I have on? And the merchant, whose eyes are dollar $igns, says “WELL I AM A GOOD MAN AND I WILL HAVE MERCY ON YOU, if you give me that dress that could buy three mountains, I will give you this wagon full of shit and the donkey that pull it, KILLER DEAL” and Percy is like “YOU ARE A SAINT” and so he finally does away with the dress and makes a SHIT ASS LVL 1 “ARMOR” out of the scrap metal, and uses the donkey as his trusty steed, EXCEPT HE DOESN’T because the donkey is old and worn out, and he’s too heavy for it, so whatever he WALKS. 
2.8 seconds later, in a town nearby, they arrest the fuck out of the merchant because he HAD to have swindled that dress, no way he had The Ultimate Silk Dress, being a poor fuck as he was, but before they can lynch him, Percy walks in and defends him, saying “Make no mistake, citizens, I am a moron and I did trade it to him legitimately” and thus he does his First Just Knight Action, and that’s how Percival’s dress is important into the making of Gyarados Muscle Kid.
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shalegas34 · 6 years
Pokemon of the Month - Frynai
Written for PU Creators Collective
My name is blades, and I am a level 45 Daikatuna. Why no capital letter on ‘blades’? My teammate Shalegas would say it’s because Ari is a fucking degenerate, but I like to think their finger just slipped.
Despite the sword which protrudes from my forehead, I think of myself as a pokemon of peace. I battle only to help Ari win money and overcome deeply entrenched security issues from a childhood of abandonment (that’s the gist I get from their chronic drinking and a few pieces of gossip from kitty). Despite an obvious natural flair for it, I find little enjoyment in slicing other pokemon into pieces.
I turn in my pokeball and listen to the voices assaulting my ears from elsewhere in the bag.
“The fuck is going on out there,” Shalegas snaps.
“The fuck should I know,” kitty drawls in reply.
I lower my sword in concentration. Now that I think about it, the bag is bouncing around more vigorously than usual. I consider the possibilities. Either Ari’s friend Theo is carrying both bags, or Ari is running… I admonish myself for letting such a absurd thought enter my head. Theo is definitely carrying both bags.
“Guys, back to our discussion about the physics of relativity and time dilation,” a voice whines from behind me. That’s Tracton. Half the words Tracton says don’t make sense to me, or anyone else for that matter.
“Dilation,” Shalegas snickers, like Tracton just said ‘69’.
I jump in to save everyone. “Tracton, let’s talk about that later,” I say, propping my sword back up. “Shalegas, tell us the story of your capture.”
I can feel Tracton rolling its eyes, but I know it loves this story, just like the rest of us. Shalegas in particular enjoys a retelling.
“So I’m just chillin in my field, doing my thing…” Despite myself, I zone out. I start thinking about my own capture. As fake as it sounds, I relate most to Shalegas out of all my teammates, even though it’s a total nutcase. You see, the other two were bred in captivity. I, like Shalegas, was once a pokemon of the wild.
I grew up in the shallow waters east of Rochfale Town with my numerous brothers and sisters. We don’t have parents (that’s a fish thing; they don’t hang around after dropping their spawn. Kind of like Ari’s parents, come to think of it…). My siblings were normal for Frynai – they partook in the yearly Magikarp hunting championships, always fought with each other to sharpen their fins, and ate like incinerators to fuel their growing muscles. This gluttony led to many being hooked by members of the Rochfale Fisherman’s Club.
“You are a loser, 413,” a gang of my brothers said to me one day. I was tending my patch of kelp in the shelter of the cliff, trying to attract Shrimputy so I could steal a gun to woo a partner. Seeing as all Frynai had this obsession with violence, but I couldn’t demonstrate any myself, I felt like I had no choice but to obtain a weapon by other means.
“Yeah, 413, why do you never fight like the rest of us?” One of my brothers shoved me and I crashed into the rock fragment I was using as a shovel.
“Go away,” I said. “I’m not bothering you, so don’t bother me.”
“You do bother us.” My sisters had flocked over to lap up the drama. “Everyone knows you’re related to us, and it’s embarrassing.”
They closed in as they talked. Soon, I was completely encircled by my bloodthirsty siblings, with no way out. I gulped. Surely they wouldn’t really attack me, one of their own…
“Get her!” 1 shouted, the first hatched and biggest of the lot.
The swarm descended on me in an explosion of air bubbles, and I swung out my fins to defend myself. I felt them make contact with flesh, a repulsive feeling. Suddenly, the unbearable crush lifted, and I opened my eyes to see what had happened. Four or five of my siblings lay dead on the sea floor around me, and the rest were backing away, terrified.
“Fuck me,” one of my brothers whispered. At that, they all turned around and fled.
That was the day I discovered my adamant nature. Just like that, I became even more of an outcast in the community. I had the most desirable nature for a Frynai, and yet I refused to use it for competitive means. Everyone resented me for it. 1 started a rumour that I was a witch, and younger fish were scared to venture near the cliffs as a result.
A huge jolt snaps me out of the reminiscing. Shalegas lets out a string of curses. I try to make out the words being shouted outside the bag.
“…Keys!” is all I can decipher. I sigh. All I want is to live in peace. I lie back in my ball and try to relax.
BOOM! The floor drops away beneath me and light assaults my eyes. Oh no. Ari has released me from my ball. I land in some shallow water with an almighty splash, my back fins crunching into the sea bed in a hard landing. A split second later, Ari has leapt onto my shoulder, gasping for breath. Have they actually been running?!
Three boys are standing on a nearby jetty, one taking a puff from an inhaler. “We just want the boat keys back,” the asthmatic one says.
Nothing Ari does fazes me anymore. As the boys climb onto my back and I start swimming where Ari directs me, I let my mind lapse back to our first meeting.
As a rumoured witch, I spent the next few months living in isolation. Nobody talked to me, nobody served me at the market, and I certainly had no hope of attracting a partner now. I grew increasingly depressed. All I wanted was a friend. I had a pleasant temperament, but only anger and violence were valued in my community.
Eventually I realised I needed a change of scenery. I bid a sad farewell to my kelp farm under the cliffs, and prepared for the long journey towards shore. There was nothing left for me here. 
As I swam, crowds parted for me, but out of fear, not reverence. The further I swam, the sparser the Frynai became. I passed the odd adventurer, but mostly I was surrounded by Brailip and Folerog. This was a bad sign; the fattened fauna meant I was coming up on the Rochfale jetty, just outside the Fisherman’s Club. I made a sharp corrective turn to the south, and at that exact moment a gargantuan splash tore up the water above me. I sucked in a mouthful of water in shock, and with it came a piece of bait and a hook. I was caught.
A few months earlier, I might have struggled. But I simply didn’t care anymore by that point. Looking back, I miss the freedom of roaming the seas, but at that moment I was too lonely to appreciate it.
I was dragged up and out of the water, and landed on the wooden jetty. I looked around in bemusement. Was this what all my captured brothers and sisters had seen in their final moments? A large creature covered in green grass and steel plates was lying on the jetty, sunbaking. Another large creature covered in golden alloy was standing with its backside facing me. Finally, what looked from my angle like a plate (don’t tell Shalegas I said that) hovered overhead, smacking the hand of a human. I closed my eyes and waited for death, but all that came was the sensation of being sucked up by a strong vacuum.
“Hello?!” I called out. All I could see was a sort of blue murk, which looked somewhat like the deep sea.
“Don’t panic,” a whiny voice came back. “You’re inside a pokeball. It’s where humans keep us when they’re carrying us around.”
“515?” I said, confused. One of my sisters had a whiny voice like that.
“What the fuck?” a new voice piped up, and something smacked into the side of my ball, making the deep sea scenery shake a little. “What the fuck is 515?”
“My sister,” I replied.
“Uhh… You’re weird,” the voice replied. “The name’s Shalegas. Ari – that’s our human – will give you a name too, probably. Don’t complain, you can’t change it.” I heard a slight bitterness in Shalegas’s voice.
“My name’s Tracton,” the whiny voice from earlier said. “We’re all steel types. What about you?”
“I think I am,” I replied, trying to remember what I knew about type classification. “I’m a Frynai.”
“Oh sick!” Shalegas yelled. “You gotta show us some sword moves next time they let us out.”
“I don’t like fighting,” I said sadly.
“I didn’t say you had to beat anyone up,” Shalegas said pompously. “That’s my job, and kitty’s.” I heard Tracton sniff. “You can swing your sword around though, right? Like a sword dance? I’ve always wanted to see that shit.”
And, just like that, my life changed again. Five minutes earlier, I hadn’t cared if I lived or died. Now I had a family.
I liked Shalegas best from the start (again, don’t tell it I said that). Kitty was a good laugh to have inside the bag, although that didn’t happen very often. Tracton explained that kitty was Ari’s starter, and therefore their favourite. Kitty got to walk around outside the most. Pyrite was quiet but nice, and I learned everything I could ever want to know from Tracton (apart from Ari’s personal issues, which are still kitty’s area of expertise).
I came to realise that my strength could be used for good and glory, not just bloodthirsty hunting and murder. I felt a weird sense of pride that time I helped protect Ari and Solana from the ninja in Maskara Channel. I’ve finally found friends, and a place where I belong.
I crash into the side of a boat. Being the Daikatuna I am now, it’s the boat that gets a dent, not me. A weight lifts off my shoulders as Ari and the three boys climb off. I gaze around at Venesi City before Ari sucks me back into my ball.
Onwards to the next adventure.  
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drgnrder82 · 5 years
Fictober 2019: Day 2
Fandom: Pokemon / Detective Pikachu
Rating: Teen and up (For language)
Trigger Warning: Mention of injuries (nothing graphic)
Characters: Tim Goodman, Harry Goodman, Cubone, Pikachu, OC’s Alison Angeles and Bernie
A/N: These snippets follow after the events of a fanfic I finished called Heart of Gold that can be read in full on AO3 here
Some nights all Alison was up for was sitting on the couch with a League match on tv and reading, this was one of those nights. He’d read the book three times now and there was no need to read it a fourth time but her notes were...so insanely accurate. And funny.
Em curled up between her feet, snoring, as the rain pattered on the window and a rerun of last weekend’s Indigo League match flashed on the tv.
“You’ve been on that page forever.” Always perceptive. “Just ask.” Carefully untangling herself from the blanket, making sure not to wake Emolga, she wrapped her arms around his neck, nuzzling in and not so secretly reading the page he was on. “Seriously?”
“What happened?”
“Your father happened.”
“But what happened?”
Trying to distract him with a peck, slyly turning into a little nibble on his ear, he would not be deterred. “Fine. Have you ever followed him?”
“Did you get arrested?” Oh. “Ass kicked?” Yeah. “Almost killed?” His silence spoke volumes. “Yeah. Thought so.”
“But I kind of want to hear the story about this one.”
“Of course you do.” Before she could let out another annoyed sigh, Tim spun her around to land on her lap in a fit of giggles. “Fine, fine. It actually started with Bernie.”
“Bernie!’ Cu threw the light debris everywhere. The front desk had been demolished. All the furniture sat in ruins but none of those had blood pooling underneath. Alison had a flashlight out, reaching under what had once been a counter. “Bernie, are you there? Can you hear me?”
A weak groan was the only response she got before a flurry of, “Cu! Cubone!”
“The ambulance will be here soon.” Harry careened through the place the door should have been.
“Where’s the fire?”
“We put out the fire.” Moving Cu to the side, “Help me get the counter off.”
On the count of three they hauled the counter several feet away, a new cloud of dust and debris making them cough and sputter.
“What happened?” Harry stripped off his hoodie, pressing it to Bernie’s bleeding shoulder.
“Team Flare happened!” Testing the rubble, Cu smashed the broken pieces of counter further. “Someone decided not to treat one of the ‘mons! I told you what would happen!”
“I don’t treat Teams.” Great time to get all high and mighty.
“And this is what happens!”
“Ok, enough!” Harry had reserved the hard stare for her, not Bernie, which was completely unfair. “The ambulance is on it’s way!”
“Who was it?” But she shrugged at him. “Who? I know you know.”
“Yeah, maybe.” Harry was pressing her, really? Just after she’d left Team Skull. Really? “Mr. G.”
“Alison Angeles.”
“Still sounds weird.”
This was a bad idea. Like, absolutely terrible. “Do you know who Xerxes is?” __________________________________________________
After Bernie was safely aboard the ambulance and on the way to the hospital did Harry return to their conversation.
“Xerxes?” Rarely did Bernie cause a stir, but when he did...wow. Like every transgression she ever got Harry involved in did not amount to this.
“Witness protection, new identity. Like the only way.”
“Let’s go.”
“You are not seriously walking up to the psycho who thinks he is the flower child of freaking Xerosic and trying to finance his absolutely asinine little science projects!”
“Which science project would that be?” Damn. He was fishing. And then...then he said those fucking words. “Just follow me, I know where I’m going.”
“Do you know what you’re doing?” Because she had a knife and Cu and he had his Pikachu and some sort of twisted type of valor that was going to get them killed.
“Of course.”
Harry Goodman, did not know what he was doing. There was no plan. Because if he did have one, if he seriously knew what he was doing, nothing would have ended up like it did.
Both of them stared sadly at the crumbling facade of a former warehouse. For such a young and new city this building looked like it had been here for centuries.
“Someone did not get the memo if they want to join Team Flare.” Harry even laughed at his own joke. “Not nearly enough flare for Team Flare.”
“I’m not going in there.” Rarely did she respond to his jokes anymore.
“Yes, you are.”
“No, I’m not.”
“You’re my backup!”
“I’m 17! You brought a teenager as backup?”
“Why did you follow me?”
“Morbid curiosity about how you are going to die.” The truth hurts.
“You’re going in.”
“Only to see how you...” Harry started toward the front door, like an idiot. “Oh, not that way.” Alison stuck a finger in the air, not the one she usually reserved for Mr. I’m-so-smart-I’m-going-to-run-in-and-get-myself-killed Goodman.
“The roof.”
“Cu and I will watch from the vents.”
He did it. That stupid son of a bitch walked right in the front door and right up to Xerxes. Faded red suits of a few former grunts for Team Flare circled him as they’d discussed new genetic modifications to test. Unlike city ordinances, there were plenty of pokeballs around the makeshift lab. Their crawling through the vents meant her and Cu had missed his grand entrance.
“I’m sorry, who are you again?”
“That’s not exactly important.” Harry’s ad lib hurt, physically hurt her. Pikachu even seemed unsettled because he knew he was going to end up having to fight his way out of this. “What is important is what I can do for you if you leave the medic alone.”
“Medic?” Xerxes consulted his grunts. “What medic?”
“Sir, the one who would not treat the Larvesta you liberated from Team Rocket.”
“Ah, yes. Did we dispose of that useless man?”
“We tried.”
“Tried is not succeeding. Dad will not approve.” “Have you talked with Xerosic recently? I mean....you are his son, right?” Dangerous slope he’d started on. Was this even considered a plan? Xerxes, though, was at a loss. “Call off your next attack on my associate and I can get you in contact with dear old dad.”
While Xerxes pondered this concept, Cu heard something scuttling toward them. Clang. Clang. Clang. As it got closer Alison knocked a vent cover off. There were lots of legs traveling fast towards her and she was not battling in a vent.
“What have we here?” Xerxes drawled.
Slipping a knife out of her pocket, Alison tumbled out of the vent just as Spinark shot her and Cu with a web, slinging them to the vent. Upside down, Alison glared at Harry not to say it.
“Great backup you are.”
Oh! She’d get him back!
“Cubone!” Several grunts shouted and the room filled with light as partners were released from their balls. Houndour, Kriketune, and the likely cause of the fire at Bernie’s clinic, Magmar.
“You’re famous.” Harry groaned.
Wriggling as much as she could, Alison tried to cut through the Spinark web, knowing full well that it would be impervious. The motion, though, made her and Cu swing a bit and look more flustered than she was until the vent above them started to cave.
“So, you caused my grunts all that trouble.”
“Shouldn’t have messed with my friend.”
“Cubone!” He helped her swing, hoping that they could snap the web over something to cushion their landing.
That was when Harry enacted his plan, because there had been one. The shell of one. Pikachu’s electricity circled him in a frenzied arc, building and sparking.
“Do it, don’t hesitate.” Which if Harry was saying that meant he already had been hesitating. The Thunderbolt struck the vent toppling Alison and Cu right to the floor behind Xerxes. Pikachu rammed himself into the ‘head’ of Team Flare, knocking him and all his greater than she’d expected weight on top of Alison.
“Aaargh!” Her arm snapped like a twig over a corner of the fallen vent.
Xerxes, however, kicked with all his might, even trying to stand while stuck to the Spinark web.
“That was your plan?” She yelled at Harry through the pain. “That’s barely a plan!”
“Wait, what happened?”
“Your dad had called the Lieutenant and kept him on muted speaker phone during the whole thing.”
“What happened to you?”
Alison twisted her arm around, a nasty surgical incision scar, far different than her other cuts and stabbings that had scarred over. “Compound fracture. I went to the academy in a cast after surgery to have pins and a plate put in.”
Pikachu dashed in, shaking off the rain. When Harry hung up his coat Tim shook his head vehemently, “How could you!”
“What did I do?”
“You gave her a compound fracture to get a guy from Team Flare arrested?”
Harry looked just like a Magikarp gasping for air, “That was six years ago!”
“You need to buy her ice cream.”
“I agree. You need to buy me ice cream.”
“I just got home! Pikachu doesn’t want to go back out in the rain.”
“No one said Pikachu was going anywhere.” She’d already wrapped him in a blanket.
Harry gaped at them but they just glared back. “That was six...years...fine.”
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #203
"The Bad Trainer, The Mammoth Ride, Arden and Splender”
-The figure gets clearer and it's obviously a pokemon trainer, he has a garbage bag tied to his waist-
[Doc] What? Can't I play my part as a dragon to the hilt now and again? I have a fair and naked maiden and a baby to defend.
[Sweet Alex] Oh, it's someone helpful. Good job.
[gem] -swims over to her pokemon and start petting them and giving them berries-
-The trainer scowls at the group before noticing the vulpix in Lie's arms in his arms-
[Trainer] - Where did you get that vulpix?
[Herabrine] Why is it any of your business?
[Trainer] - Because that's my Vulpix...  Give it back!
[AVulpix] Growls-
[gem] if it's your then how did she catch it
[Doc] Cranes hir head over near the human. - Nope. Push off. I remember you.
[trainer] Takes a step closer- Give me my pokemon!
[AVulpix] Opens their mouth and blasts off a burst of ice which creates a sheet between it and the trainer-
[Doc] Uses the tip of hir snout to give him a shove - Get lost.
[Trainer] Throws a punch at Doc-
[Doc] Is punched but doesn't move. - That's all you've got? I think you're out of your league buddy.
[Herabrine] That's a gentle puff of air compared to Cp I'm sure
[gem] -growls- if she was able to catch it that mean you let it go which mean it's not yours anymore now get lost before you do something you will regret
[Lie] - Leave, this pokemon was taken from you because you abandoned it!
[Sky] Can I eat him? -Bored tone of voice-
[gem] that's my job
[Alexsezia] You can do the huge mouth thing like the normal Enders Sky? That's kinda terrifying.
[Sky] If I want to, definitely. Feels a bit weird but probably looks weirder. Kinda like unhinging your jaw, but.. Excessively.
[gem] and I have a jaw that can break though any bones try me trainer or should I say former trainer
[Doc] I don't know how this game would handle someone actually dying....
[Alexis] - Go away kid, adults are having relaxing time
[Doc] But I'm still pissed at you for trying to cook your poor Feebus.
[Trainer] - It was a worthless fish!
[Doc] You're the one that's worthless.
[gem] no pokemon is useless
[Alexis] - My boyfriend rather likes it
[Sweet Alex] And he actually takes care of his pets. You're a meanie head.
[Herabrine] Rolls her eyes- you tell em Alex...
[Deer] - Leave or we'll call Officer Jenny
[Sky] Or I'll eat you, if she's not fast enough. -grin-
[gem] sky that's my job
[Sky] You're not the only one who eats people, Gem
[Alexsezia] Look kid, we're nobody you want to tangle with. Just walk away.
[Trainer] Growls but turns around and storms off-
[gem] true
[Doc] Jerk. Fuck people who are mean to animals, honestly.
[Lie] Gently cradles the vulpix-
[gem] I am more confused how he was so chill with a dragon in his face
[Sky] Probably dragon like animals here?
[Deer] - Well considering all the different types of creatures here...
[Doc] But they usually don't talk...
[Lie] - Who cares, at least he's gone now
[Sky] True, true.
[gem] exactly that and my looks well I have never seen any Pokémon that even closely looks like me
[Alexsezia] How is Feebas anyway Alexis? Learned any moves yet?
[Alexis] - It usually just swims around in it's little pond, sometimes it splashes
[Herabrine] Maybe they get visitors from other games rather frequently here? We're not the only digital entities in the multiverse.
[Doc] I thought the splash was a move? Or is it flail? Silver told me about a weird type of orange fish pokemon that evolves into a gigantic sea serpent. Just go's to show you never know what experince can turn someone into.
[Alexis] - True
[AVulpix] Is sliding around on the ice before it melts-
[gem] doc your thinking of magikarp
[Doc] That's it! I saw a picture online, it looks so silly. I would never have guessed.
[Deer] Sinks lower into the water again-
[Yaunfen] Yawns-
[Sweet Alex] So how are our creepypasta pokemon trainers faring?
[Doc] Honestly I think Deerheart talks to them more then I do. Since she's home more often. Aww, you getting itred little one?
[gem] they are hard to train and is mostly a mockery because they only know splash which does nothing but I have seen someone beat the whole game with just one
[Sweet Alex] That's really inspiring Gem!
[Deer] - They seem to be okay, but I still can't really get through to Strangled...
[Sweet Alex] Maybe I should hug him too?
[Doc] You're such a perfect cinnamon roll, never change. - Xe pats Alex's head lightly with one paw.
[gem] this is why I said no pokemon is useless if the battle is failing it's because of the trainer
[Doc] I agree absolutlely. They just need love and attention and tons of exercise.
[Herabrine] Is that why you're up at the asscrack of dawn jogging with yours lately?
[Doc] It's mostly the Goomy. Keeps it from trying to fight everything and everyone.
[Lie] - Sits back down with a sigh- Good Vulpix's
[Serperior] -gets closer to the regular vulpix-
[Doc] I don't know what to do with Strangled. But at least he isn't destroying the house. He just hates my guts.
[Herabrine] He hates the rest of you too.
[Doc] Gee, thanks.
[RVulpix] Hides away in Lie's arms-
[Serperior] -tries to nuzzle regular vulpix-
[RVulpix] Whines, it's very skittish and scared-
[Doc] Gem, I think the little fox is scared of your giant snake...
[gem] come here Serperior -serperior comes over and she pets them-
[Doc] Silver was having a similar problem, his Zweilus and his Sylveon don't get along at all.
[Lie] - I don't think that's the case, I think it's just scared of everything, especially after everything it's been through
[Doc] No I mean, it might be type difference too? Do grass types get along with fire types?
[Lie] - I don't know
[Doc] Lifts Yaunfen easily in hir paws and sits back on hir haunches to cradle them - This game is so complicated. I keep meaning to read up on this but never get more then one or two articles in.
[Glitchy] -Actually happens to be passing by, Shiny pokemon in tow.- Fire types have a type advantage, but if the pokemon in particular know eachother they can get along, but the grass type might be wary. -softly.-
[Deer] - Glitchy?  What are you doing here?
[Doc] Hey Glitchy! Come to replenish some PP?
[Glitchy] Just passing through? This kind of is part of my series... No, not today Doc. Just looking for a gift, is all.
[Lie] - A gift?  For who?
[Glitchy] One for Strangled, another for Purin. I already picked one up for Silver. -scuffs heel a bit- I was thinking of picking up a few eevees for shits and giggles too.
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[Lie] - Purin?
[Doc] How many Eevee types are there Glitchy?
[aven] speaking of pokemon aven was looking to catch one
[Alexsezia] What was she wanting to catch?
[Herabrine] Something that isn't a water type!
[aven] bagon
[Glitchy] Another pokepasta. -pause- ... Not sure if she actually still counts, honestly....
[Glitchy] Well, currently there's about 8. Of course if you count glitched, you could have a lot more. I have a full set but really keep Flareon most.
[Glitchy] Why?
[Doc] Why would they not count as a pokepasta?
[Glitchy] Well she ended up taking the place of someone in the next generation and stopped their shit, I liked her. She was pretty cool. Gave me a Lopunny.
[Doc] Oh, so she's an NPC in one of the games?
[Glitchy] Takes the place of one, yeah.
[Glitchy] Hard to explain, really. But yeah. -Waves hand a bit- I'm here to hunt down gifts. Probably going to hop to a different gen after this.
[gem] like which one?
[Yaunfen] Tries to climb farther up on Doc
[Glitchy] Gen 4. Or, I could do any of the games just after this one like Emerald, Fire red or Leaf green...
[Doc] Yeah, I feel you... - Xe clambers out of the water and lays across a large stone. Xe puts Yaunfen up a bit so they can crawl all over their parent to their hearts content.
[Yaunfen] Crawls up into Doc's mane to settle down-
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[Yaunfen] Flops closer-
[Glitchy] Been meaning to check out the Ranger games too...
[Sneasel] -Walks over to Doc to look at hir, head tilted-
[Alexsisezia] What's Ranger?
[gem] I use to have the first pokemon ranger game
[Doc] Looks back at the pokemon - You're an odd little one.
[Glitchy] A different version of the games but with different mechanics. No pokeballs, but there's this little device that lets you temporarily befriend a pokemon. Sounds very inefficient, honestly.
[Sneasel] Snee. -Pats Doc's face-
[Doc] Good pokemon. Anybody got a berry?
[Sweet Alex] I like befriending critters, sounds like fun
[gem] I do -holds one out for doc to take-
[Doc] Thanks- Xe slides a paw over to pinch it in hir claws and offers it to the sneasel, which has much smaller, but much sharper claws of it's own.
[Sneasel] -Scrutinizes the berry a bit before taking it and popping it into it's mouth- -Approving nod, turns and returns to Glitchy-
[Glitchy] If you want to try it, I could probably hunt down a catridge and a system. I like using those first so I don't find a messed up game.. -Shudders-
[Sweet Alex] Messed up?
[Herabrine] You mean like BEN's haunted copy of Majora's Mask, don't you?
[BEN] Shudders a little as he's feeding Hyrule-
[Glitchy] In a way, yeah. My game was pretty fucked up too. Really badly damaged games make me.. very sick. My own game was really glitchy. Really, really glitchy.
[Doc] A little bad code is fine, too much is nauseating, I agree. I once made the mistake of taking pixels from a deteriorated game. I was really sick. Scared the fuck out of me. I was homeless and friendless at the time.
[gem] -sink to the bottem on the spring and lays there before starting to make planet necklaces again while below the water-
[Glitchy] Honestly, considering the state of my game, I'm lucky I'm solid and wasn't any worse off than my eyes...
[Doc] Aww. I would have fixed it for you. You know I live to mend broken pieces.
[Deer] Notices that Yaunfen is fast asleep and giggles a little-
[gem] -the first one she makes looks to small to be worn but looks like its made of stars- hmm -puts it on her head like a flower crown it fits perfectly-
[Doc] Has been fanning hir tail tip to dry the hair and puts the warm fluff over hir baby. There's a bit of a rumble as xe purrs softly.
[Lie] - Do you think the guys are okay?
[gem] -starts to make crowns and make a one that looks the planets look like flowers and come up quickly to put it on lies head before going back down-
[Lie] Is surprised by the sudden weight on her head-
[gem] -is making more at the bottom of the spring-
[Herabrine] We'll come back to them all worn out from drinking and fighting and sprawled all over the damn spawn.
[Lie] - Hopefully CP doesn't try anything
[Alexsezia] I'd be just as concerned with Mb....
[Lie] - Good point
[gem] -makes another that looks like fish and water drops and puts it on hera's head  quickly before going back-
[Sweet Alex] Thankfully Gk is usually too busy playing with Endrea's babies to make mischef...
[Herabrine] What the Nether?
[Deer] - He certainly does love them
[Doc] Who knew he'd make such a fantastic uncle?
[Herabrine] Snorts- Unclebrine
[Glitchy] well, if that's all you've got to ask I should be going now..
[Lie] - Oh come on Hera, I bet if they could swim you'd play with them just as much
[gem] -makes one that looks like a bow and arrows and puts it on alexsezia's head-
[Doc] Glitchy? What do you do when your pokemon get burned? Is there something special?
[Alexsezia] That's weird... um, thank you Gem.
[Glitchy] A brn heal should work. Do you need one? I keep some on hand because flareon likes to burn everything .
[Doc] Yes please. In fact, if you can get me examples of the different healing medicines I'll trade or make you whatever you want for them.
[gem] your welcome -makes one that looks like it's made leaves and vines and put's it on deer's head-
[Deer] Giggles a little-
[gem] -makes one that looks like cookies and hearts and put's it on sweet alex-
[Glitchy] I couldn't accept anything, strangled would probably lose it. I'm already a filthy packrat as is. The bags are bigger on the inside so you can put shit like bikes in here. -starts taking out different potions, status healing things, and revives, handing one of each over while saying what they are for-
[gem] -makes one that looks like lighting and doctor crosses and puts it on doc-
[Doc] Thank you Gem. And if you're sure Glitchy. I can just make copies so I'm not leaving you poor for the giving. - starts clicking around-
[Glitchy] If I think of anything i could need I'll be sure to ask.
[gem] your welcome -makes a candy base one and put's it on yaunfen-
[BEN] Is rocking Hyrule- There, all fed and changed
[hyrule] dada wa-er baff
[BEN] - No, how about a horsie ride?
[hyrule] wa-er baff
[BEN] - How about the horsies?- Starts heading outside
[hyrule] baff
[BEN] - Horsies- He heads for the horse pen, the sight of the animals making his heart ache a little for Epona
[hyrule] baff
-A horse trots over to them and sniffs at Hyrule-
[BEN] - See?  Look, a horsie
[hyrule] baff
[Nia] Comes out- BEN, it has been a couple days...  And babies really should be bathed every day...
[BEN] Groans- Nia, I'm not giving him a bath
[hyrule] baff
[BEN] - No Hyrule, come on, let's get on the horsie- He enters the pen and carefully climbs onto the horse so as not to jostle his child
[hyrule] dada baff
[BEN] - Shhhh, no, now come on, I know you like to go fast- He urges the horse into a gentle trot
[hyrule] -is pulling at bens shirt- baff
[BEN] - Hyrule, no- They end up riding out past Lie's house and towards the village
[hyrule] baff
-There's a bit of a commotion as a giantic mammoth charges past BEN, there's someone clinging desperately onto it's back-
[BEN] Moves quickly to keep the horse under control- The fuck!?
- The mammoth turns and gives a light buck, kicking up it's giant feet as nimbly as a pony-
[BEN] Looks to see who's on it's back-
[Steve] Looks elated and determined with a clump of hair in each fist-
-The mammoth stops suddenly and turns to BEN, it's eyes are bright as stars under the hair-
[BEN] - Don't you fucking dare I will not hesitate to drown you, you overgrown ball of fur!
[Steve] No! It's okay! He doesn't mean any harm!
[BEN] - Normally I'd be laughing my ass off over this, but you ALMOST RAN INTO US!
[hyrule] dada baff
[Steve] Sorry. We were just playing.
[Mammoth] Pats BEN's head with it's trunk tip-
[BEN] Growls at it-
[Steve] Just laughs - You want a turn?
[hyrule] -trys to reach up ad grab the trunk-
[BEN] - NO! I'm trying to take Hyrules mind off of things
[hyrule] baff
[Mammoth] Lets Hyrule play with the tip of it's trunk.
[Steve] Oh, is he stinky again?
[BEN] - No, he's not!
[Mammoth] Snuffles and draws back with a pained expression. - Chuff!
[hyrule] -takes the trunk and wiggles it back and forth-
[Mammoth] Eyes watering-
[BEN] - Come on Hyrule, let's keep riding
[Steve] Yeah.... that's stinky-
[hyrule] -lets go of the trunk- wa-er baff
[Mammoth] You really need to get used to the idea of bathing him...
[Steve] Agreed.
[BEN] Almost falls off of the horse- THE FUCK!?
[Mammoth] Big grin with huge square teeth. - Looks like I haven't lost my touch... Your face was priceless.
[BEN] - Fuck off
[Steve] You're just mad cause he suprised you.
[BEN] Glares-
[hyrule] dada
[BEN] Attention immediately on his son as he speaks more quietly- Yeah?
[hyrule] baff
[Steve] Okay.... we'll go. We just needed to blow off some steam. I'd stay out of the village for now.
[BEN] - What did you do?
[Mammoth] They need some space...
[BEN] - And no, Hyrule
[hyrule] baff baff
[Steve] We told them about what happened to our NOTCH, and that meant telling them about Markus...
[BEN] - And I wouldn't want to see this, why?
[Steve] There's not much to see. They kinda split up into quiet groups to discuss their feelings. It's pretty subdued.
[BEN] Grumbles- No fun there
[Mammoth] We're you expecting a full scale rebellion or something?
[BEN] - Something
[hyrule] -sees the pond aqua is in and points to it- wa-er
[Mammoth] They do trust me and Steve you know.
[BEN] - No Hyrule
[hyrule] wa-er
[BEN] - How about we try Lightning again?
[hyrule] -points again- wa-er
[Flicker] Wanders up, She has three tiny creepers in her arms- Lord? Father?
[BEN] - Light-ning
[hyrule] baff
[Mammoth] Oh... sure, hang on. - The mammoth curls down and reforms into TLOT with a bit of fog fading around his boots.
[Steve] Gets gingerly down from his shoulders.
[BEN] Watches with interest as he rocks Hyrule a little-
[Flicker] I can't speak for the others, but I'd like to meet this... Markus. And I could use a bit of a hand...
[Creepers] making lots of unhappy fizzing sounds.
[TLOT] Of course Flicker. On both counts. What's wrong with them?
[Flicker] Upset tummies. I think they snacked on something they shouldn't have but I don't know what it was.
[BEN] - Don't they only eat dirt?
[hyrule] baff
[Steve] I have one of Doc's basic healing potions... - Fumbles a bit for the bottle-
[TLOT] Well fertilizer... and dirt...
[BEN] Groans- Hyrule....  No.
[Steve] Helps Flicker tip a bit of the liquid into each of their tiny frowning faces.
[hyrule] baff
[Creepers] tis tis tis
[BEN] - Come on, let's keep riding Hyrule
[hyrule] baff baff
[BEN] - What can I give you that would make you stop saying that?
[hyrule] baff
[BEN] Facepalms-
[hyrule] wa-er baff dada
[BEN] - How about no?
[hyrule] baff baff
[Arden] Is pacing around the spawn with a small phone - Why are you telling me this now?! When I'm.... Out of town! And I can't do anything about it?
[Splender] Is taking Pinwheel on a walk and notices Arden and tilts his head at Arden-
[Arden] Yes I know, I'm sorry we haven't talked much apart from chat... my webcam has been.. broken.
[Splender] Steps closer quietly, keeping pinwheel out of striking distance of Arden-
[Arden] What do you mean I can't tell anyone... this is amazing! Yes, I'm aware you almost got killed....
[Arden] Oh... yeah, I guess that would be bad, but... okay... okay... dammit... You're killing me here Ever... No, I don't know when I'll be back.
[Splender] From behind Arden- Who are you talking to?
[Arden] Hang on... I'll... call you back... I need to think about this anyway... fucking hell... - clicks the phone shut and runs his fingers through his messy red hair. - Splender... he's just a friend. Someone I met online a few years ago...
[Splender] - What was he telling you?  You're not as happy as usual...
[Arden] His.. girlfriend is into some really weird shit... fuck it, it can't hurt for you to know. She made some kind of monster and it burned their house down.
[Splender] - Oh dear, we should go help them then!
[Arden] There's nothing to help, they ran from it and left it in the dust. They're safely away but still... it's pretty horrible. Even though I know it was dangerous as hell... I almost wish I could have seen it...
[Splender] - Well...  Would you like to see your friend?
[Arden] No, it's okay... we've never actually met in person. And I don't want to just pop out nearby. Somehow I don't think his girlfriend should know about all.. this... Especially if she's preforming exorcisims on herself.
[Pinwheel] Bites Splender's tendril-
[Splender] - Are you sure?  It wouldn't be difficult at all...
[Arden] I think I'd be guilted into bringing them back here, and that would be bad...
[Splender] - Alright...  You said one of them was performing exorcisms?
[Arden] Yeah... she had some kind of inhabiting spirits. She's been making shells and filling them with the unwanted visitors in her mind. I thought it was just a psychosis but.... Ever seemed so genuinely scared, and after everything I've seen....
[Splender] - What do these shells look like?
[Arden] Different things. Birds, human shapes, one's kind of like Lapras without the shell. They're like animal shaped bags.
[Splender] - Interesting...  Can they talk?
[Arden] No. I think that was intentional...
[Splender] - Hmmm, oh well, either way, be happy.  Sour emotions don't taste very good.
[Arden] I'm happy they're safe. Fuck, I'm happy I'm safe.
[Splender] Laughs a little- Zeke is always really happy when you're around, his happiness is thick and rich
[Arden] He is a really good friend. He's shown me such amazing things.
[Splender] - Stick with him and he could probably show you more, just, don't ever run from him,, promise?
[Arden] Run from him? Oh-okay...
[Splender] - Promise me Arden
[Arden] Is rather intimidated by Splenders earnestness - I-I promise...
[Splender] Gives off a burst of happy energy- Good!  Now a promise is a promise so don't you dare go breaking it!
[Arden] Has a inadverdent flash of what Splender could do to him and swallows, - I wouldn't dare. Hey... um... I read something about your big brother and.. do you mind if I ask you a question about him?
[Splender] - Go right ahead!
[Arden] That old story about Slenderman taking peoples organs out and bagging them individually and then hanging the bags high in trees....? Was that actually him, or just a serial killer? And if it was him, why? Does Insanity get to him too sometimes?
[Splender] - Yes he does do that, either to scare any remaining victims or to act as a warning.  You can only do the same thing for so long before you start trying to figure out ways to spice it up a bit.  He doesn't do it as often anymore since he usually gives the organs to EJ now.  Plus it made the humans super wary of the woods, wondering just what could do that
[Arden] Shivers- no shit... I thought it was partly to show how tall he is by putting something super out of reach without leaving ladder or tree climbing marks or broken branches.
[Splender] - What else would you like to know?
[Arden] Do I even want to know who Ej is and why he would want human organs?
[Splender] - EJ was originally human like you, he was a med student who was, as far as he can remember, sacrificed to some sort of cannibalistic god
[Arden] Oh... I have experience with paranormal stuff, not so much with creepypastas. What do you guys normally do when you encounter monsters? Is it just a live and let live thing?
[Splender] - Most will leave my brothers and I alone, and others learn that the other pasta's are under our protection and so will not mess with them, this includes the proxies as well
[Arden] Did you already know about the manwolves that attacked my group?
[Splender] - I believe Offender mentioned them, tore them apart and made sure none escaped...  And then did his thing to them
[Arden] His thing...? Oh... No! I don't want to know! -shivers-
[Splender] - That's alright, I understand- He pats Arden on the head with a belled tendril
[Pinwheel] Bites at Slender twice in rapid succession-
[Pinwheel] Hisses at Arden-
[Splender] - Pinwheel no!
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doublenuzlocke · 8 years
Entry #2: Fallout Double Nuzlocke
Year- 2274 CE
After the world was destroyed by nuclear weapons where all vaults such as New Bark Town and Pallet Towns had people living underground all their lives. However, at age of 10 years old where the young venture into harsh environment that everything will kill him. Most did not make it, but there’s few became living legends.
Not all life was killed, there was many pokemon were saved during the vaults and often raised as companions for those to venture into the unknown wasteland. Some make it and others did not. In Kanto, Vault Pallet Town has three legendary kids who venture into the unknown where they had faced dreaded Team Rocket, evil Mercenaries who exploited the local populace.
Red is more a melee fighter while Green is a weapon specialist. Blue, however is more thief with a heart of gold. After meeting the Brotherhood of Steel Kanto Chapter, they have defeated Team Rocket who under payroll of Enclave. The three decided to become merchants and venture into the wildness and helping out others despite both Red and Green wonder why Blue is ripping other merchants off.
Year- 2277 CE
Three years after the Kanto event, Johto is about to receive its own heroes. Vault New Bark town has three kids who lived in the vault except for one who want to leave the vault. Gold, Crystal, and Lyra were those heroes who were about to enter the dreaded wasteland.
It all happen when Crystal’s mother went out of the vault and Crystal decides to go after her only for Gold and Lyra to enter the wasteland with their companions. They saw Johto is now scarred wasteland where they must face various mutated creatures especially mutated fusion Pokemon, raiders, slavers, and Team Rocket Remnant. The trio strumble upon a certain red hair individual wearing power armor named Silver. He was looking for his teacher, Lance who founded Brotherhood of Steel Johto chapter.
They continue their adventure into the ruins of Goldenrod city to Blackthorn settlement. In this AU, all gymleaders are mayors of what’s left of civilizations. The Team Rocket remnants are hunting the trio as they discover that Silver is no other than son of Giovanni, leader who was defeated by Kanto heroes. Silver swore to bring them down.
During their time in Maghoney town, they stopped Team Rocket’s plans to continue mutate magikarp and save Lance from the clutches of Team Rocket. He offers them intel of their operations during the past three years since their supposed disband. Lance leaves with Silver, but Lyra wants to tag along as well. Lance takes Lyra as a new recuit. Gold makes a comment that Lyra has a thing for Silver.
After strumble upon Olivine City, Gold and Crystal found Crystal’s mother was working a project to restore environment from nuclear fallout been around for 200 years. However, enclave with support of Team Rocket arrived to take the project and claimed it for their own. Brotherhood of Steel appear and saved the heroes and Crystal’s mother as they fled away from them.
They went to their headquarters in Blackthorn that they have set up operations. Crystal’s mother has told them about the information, but need supplies and equipment to make it happen. All items that was needed was from Professor Oak in Vault Pallet Town. Crystal’s mothers beg Crystal to go there and retrieve the items. Crystal accepts the mission, but Gold volunteers to help her out.
Lyra helps out the project as she becomes a scribe for Brotherhood of Steel Johto. Crystal worries that she might messed up, but confident that she will do fine on her own. Both Gold and Crystal go into the Kanto region as yet the unknown danger awaits for them. Along the way, they have met both Green and Blue who tells the duo that Red had disappeared three years ago and nobody has ever seen him.
They reach to Vault Pallet Town as Professor Oak told them about the project that Crystal’s mother was working on, but his machine was taken to Mt. Silver, where it used to be a military installation by United States during time of Sino-American War. Then he said about Red was taken over by a mysterious being which both Blue and Green mention something that during their adventures that Enclave given a task to Team Rocket to create a Pokemon bioweapon under their control.
Then radio was heard that Team Rocket is trying to reach Giovanni as they stated that enclave is coming to give Team Rockets weapons and power armor. No time to lose, they heard to Radio Tower in Goldenrod city ruins where they fought Team Rocket and their enclave allies. After defeating Archer and Silver found Giovanni.
Gold and Crystal told Brotherhood about Mt. Silver was once a military base and the machine build by Oak is there. As they venture into the mountain only to find more mutated pokemon, they entered the heart of the fortress where it was holding massive treasure of weapons, power armor, medical supplies, and vast food stockpile reserves to feed army of 10,000 for ten years. Gold collected good weapons and got his hands on older, but efficient power armor. Crystal was looking into computer files only to find that Oak and her parents were researchers for project Ho-Oh.
They wanted to use Ho-Oh’s ability sacred Ash to recover the lands was destroyed by Nuclear weapons. However, things went wrong as the recording is showing figure destroying the lab with its pokemon. The video ends with a startling with fear and horror. There was a slight chill in other side of the lab as it reveals way to the top of the mountain. What’s way ahead of them was that figure is no other than Red who is taken over by Bioweapon, Mewtwo.
They both managed to defeated Mewtwo and saved Red on time. They found the machine within the lab as they managed to take it back to Blackthorn as they managed to help the machine to produce little of Sacred Ash. Next step was to use the ash on Ho-Oh who died during the Great War. Ho-Oh was recovered and fly all over the lands to help recover the lands was scarred by nuclear war. 
Bonus side- Enclave prank
During their time in Kanto, Gold and Crystal are looking into the research complex where Crystal is using the computer into the files. Gold comes in as he trying to look for more stuff.
“This sucks. This place has barely any stuff for valuable.” Gold whined.
“Well, all science books are more worth than caps. I need to go another room. Don’t touch anything. I will be back.” Crystal said as she heads to the next room. Gold being Gold decides to type into the PC as he turns on to find various codes until suddenly…
“Enclave here. Why isn’t your video feed working?” Enclave soldier wondered as the video appear before him. This gives Gold an idea since his face not appear before him.
“We’re working on the visual link right now. I just wanted to test it.” Gold replied which Enclave is curious to know why.
“Well, your unit still doesn’t appear to be operational,, Pal. Who is this?”  Enclave soldier is wondering why this doesn’t make any sense. This gives Gold an idea to give a response.
“I’m Chosen One.” Gold smiled as he looks away.
“Chosen One, huh? Well, uh, pardon me for not blowing shushine up your ass, but I’m little too busy for this your highness.” Enclave got annoyed by that remark.
“Uh, I meant I was the one *chosen* to fix the comm-unit. Seems like nothing works anymore.” Gold responded as it was true that he has to deal with electronics on daily basis.
“Huh, ain’t it the truth. Just don’t let anyone who’s got the President’s ear hear that. You’ll making cattle-runs to New Reno ‘til the end of time, pal.” Enclave soldier doesn’t want to deal with his boss.
“president?” Gold wondered.
“Yea, you know how unhappy he gets when people complain. He takes it personal, like it’s loyalty thing. Maybe that just goes with being President of the United States. Or what’s left of ‘em.” Enclave soldier remembered as how President complains and bitches about everything.
“The President of the United States?” Gold asked again which it might be a good response.
The President of the United-Fucking-States of-America. Who’d you think I was talking about? Who the fu - who is- What - I should kick your fucking ass, who is this?“ Enclave soldier is confused of the question which he’s enraged about this.
“You’re not important enough got that information.” Gold said as he’s just trolling with him.
“Oh? A wise guy, huh? Look, I’m tracing you right now, pal. We’ll see how smart you feel with internal security all over fucking ass, dickhead.” Enclave soldier is not lying on that part as it made Gold pissed off about it.
“I’ve got your trace for you, and I can show you just where to shove it.” Gold remarked which Enclave soldier least surprise by it.
“Ah, a few more moments and I’ll have your sorry ass in a sling. Hey, wait a minute. This can’t be right.. I’ve got you somewhere on Japan.”
“That can’t be right. I’m at the comm desk right across the hall from you…” Gold said as Enclave soldier suddenly realized what he meant.
“Made you look. What a rube.” Gold laughed his ass off which only enraged him except something hit him in the screen.
“I’ve got you, at Kanto region, Bill’s lab. Ah, well, why don’t you just sit tight and I” order up a little celebration for ya. Including fireworks.“ Enclave soldier got the trace on him which Gold gulped.
“Oh, goodie. I just lo-ove fireworks. Send me a lot.” Gold remarked that he hopes to grab more stuff.
“Yeah well, whoever you are, I just dispatched a verti-assault team to your location. Have a nice day.”  Enclave mentions it which Gold begs to wonder.
“And what are they going to do?” Gold begs the question.
“Usually they just go in shooting. They let someone else sit though the ashes to figure out what was going on.” Enclave soldier described on what they do.
“Oh, now you’ve got me all scared, I need to change my undies.” Gold sarcastic responded which nothing guffs the soldier.
 "Goodbye. Next news on you will  be when I read the after-action report.“ Enclave hopes they kill him.
"Hey, you just went on my list.” Gold swore he’s next on his list to kill for his pokemon to do. 
Several minutes later
Both Gold and Crystal are trapped by Enclave soldiers who ambushed the duo. Crystal looks at him wondering what caused this to happen.
“What did you do!?!” Crystal shouted as they fight back against Enclave soldiers.
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survivekohsai · 7 years
QuilLynn’s Responses
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Jury Answers:
My favourite moment in the game was when I got the opportunity to mutiny. I was in a bad spot on my tribe with the majority of people on it wanting to target me and because of my losing streak I was in a really bad place. - I had to go to every pre-merge tribal other than the one I was exiled for and then the round after I mutinied (not to mention one of the tribals I didn’t go to wasn’t a tribal at all due to kelsey striking out) which proved to me I made the right decision. It also reconnected me with my closest allies, Jackson, Akito and Trixie. Up until the mutiny I was feeling really defeated and getting the opportunity to do that breathed new life into me in this game.
As for which tribal I felt I had the most control of, this is difficult, because Mo’s and Akito’s blindsides were the only tribals I went to where I felt I didn’t have control. A lot of tribals were orchastrated by me and Jackson so I don’t know if there was a time where we were on the same tribe and one of us would have had more control than the other on a vote. I do think however that Jackson is only here right now because of me and how loyal I ended up playing with him. There were multiple opportunities where I could have flipped on him or made moves against him. I could have forced rocks the night Richie left which, no matter what, would have left us with a very different final 3. RYAN M:
I don’t really understand what your question is, but let me explain myself to you in this game. I was actually excited at first that maybe this time we would have a chance to work together, but for some reason there was just an underlining distrust between us. Still recovering from your idols in crayola I felt that the smartest thing was to not be completely honest with you incase you did have something you could pull out your ass like tyler did in the Mo blindside. You then decided you wanted to block everybody on our tribe, so I literally couldn’t pm you anyway and to be honest I don’t know if you ever unblocked me? I also know that you wrote my name down at tribals, so there was no point in trying to reconcile with you even if I could at that point. If you want to base your vote on relationships from ebola or who we voted at the end then thats on you, you’re a juror I’m not going to sit here and tell you what basis to make your decision on and as pathetic as I personally think that would be it is entirely up to you. RYAN P:
Akito- Skitty, because skitty is one of the cutest pokemon and one of my favourites, "it is very popular due to its adorable looks and behavior."   Ryan M- Seviper, because there is just something about this pokemon that reminds me of you, can’t quite put my finger on it though, "It has been bitter enemies with Zangoose for many generations.” - i must be a zangoose huh.
Ryan P- Unown, because we like barely ever talked or got to know each other so I know virtually nothing about you other than what others have told me, "Unown is an extremely rare Pokémon that lives in its own dimension and rarely ventures outside."
Linus- Magikarp, it’s just the fucking memeiest pokemon there is. <3 “It is usually overlooked by Trainers because of its perceived weakness: even in the heat of battle it will do nothing but flop around."
Richie- Charizard, because you’re strong and loyal and I’m sure would be a fan favourite, "This Pokémon flies in search of powerful opponents to battle, and its fire will burn hotter as it gains experience."
Bryce- Pikachu, because you’re widely loved and a great companion, “Pikachu is arguably the most recognizable and adored Pokemon by fans of the series"
Eric- Houndor, because he’s small and cute but still has a lot of bite, "Houndour is an intelligent Pokémon that forms packs to hunt for prey, and shows unparalleled teamwork” RICHIE:
Yes my opening statement sucked, I was blackout drunk at a halloween party and had to find time to write it lol. The reason I let Jackson be the one that everyone saw being in charge was because I wanted to play this game completely different than I’ve played before. I usually play openly making big moves and letting my self be a target, that strategy in the past has only gotten me to the end one time where I lost 7-2 because that was the way I played the game opposed to who I was sitting next to at the time who played a more seemingly under the radar game. With that loss fresh on my mind I knew that in the end phase of this game I wanted to appear like I wasn’t making waves and to let someone be more vocal than me, the best thing I could do was to appear as a goat and let Jackson believe that he’d have an easy time beating me in the end, because I wouldn't hold my ground and express that I actually played a good game. I feel like he bought that and I think I was able to convince everyone that I was just playing for second when thats not the case at all. In the Rocks situation I did contemplate flipping and risking getting rocked out to change the game, but what really was the deciding factor for me wasn’t actually the risk of me going home, it was the fact that I knew 100% Trixie and Jackson were going to take me to the end of this game, although I was still confident in the bonds I had made with you and Bryce these were two people I knew I could trust and potentially beat at the end. If I did take you out in that vote I was taking out arguably the biggest threat in the game, because I knew you had a great shot at winning, I knew that if I was on jury I’d vote you to win so everything lined up and made sense to take you out. This game I focused a lot of gameplay around the social aspect of the game, I met a lot of great people and made great friendships, there was only one real pre-merge tribal council that I didn’t have to go to and I was able to get out of that one because I used the twist of being able to mutiny to my advantage. I survived more tribal councils than the people I’m up against tonight, I feel like I fought the hardest to be here out of us three, of course not competition wise, because I knew I was terrible at comps so I had to make up for that in another way and I do think that I was able to play a killer social game that got me to the end without ever needing to rely on an individual immunity. AKITO:
Out of the 3 of us sitting here I don’t think it would be fair for any of us to take full credit for a move that went down during a tribal council, because that’s just not how they worked this season. Due to the amount of idols in question and strategizing that had to go into these votes they all had to be a group effort. Any one of us could sit here and spout off about how, for example, the Rafael blindside was our move, but it would be BS. Each tribal we all held the same level of control of what was going to happen and we discussed and talked thru each move before it was made. There were only two tribals where I was genuinely shocked at the outcomes and those were Mo’s blindside and your blindside, in a strategical sense the 3 of us played nearly identical games, but as I said before I believe my social game is what made me stand out from the competition.
For your second question, I feel like it could definitely apply to multiple people on the jury for me. Firstly I’d say Ryan M, because in the last game we played together we were always working against each other even though he seemed like somebody that I would have actually been able to click with, unfortunately feelings from our last game carried over and we still never got to connect, especially after the whole blocking incident. RTP is someone that I heard good things about before coming into this game, and I feel like we also never got a chance to connect so he is someone I would have liked to get to know more. I feel like everyone else on jury I had built good relationships with, I would say too though, that if I had Bryce and Richie on the same tribe with me from the jump I feel like I wouldn’t have been as down in the first few rounds of the game as I was and, on a personal-nongame related level, it would have been nice to spend more time with them as well. So overall if I have to just pick one I would say Ryan M, because I really wish we could have squashed any beef we had had prior to this game. LINUS:
1. Social butterfly!! Never met anyone with such a stellar social game, you left me quaking! Competitions? King! You carried our tribes, honestly idk how you got out, it had to have been a rig. Strategy? you were the master of flipping! you full on murdered akito at tribal! Ruthless, cutthroat, iconic, unstoppable, legendary! also.. "Now listen here, thot! Why would I want your smelly vagina when my best bud’s anus (no homo) is right around the corner for fresh tasting and sampling!” that earned you the win day one.
1. Akito - Mari Takahashi, because she was adorable, had good potential and deserved way better than the placement she got. 2. Ryan M - Russell Hantz, because you’re good at finding idols and feel like based on you blocking everyone your social game wasn’t that great. 3. RTP -  Michelle Dougan, because although I didn’t get to develop a close relationship with you, you were always a nice person and I know you like Australian survivor and I loved Michelle and feel like you both were sorta underdogs in a similar way. 4. Linus - Courtney Yates, because she was super funny and I feel that like her you were some well needed comic relief on the season 5. Richie - Nicole Franzel Kelley Wentworth, because she was an absolute queen. I definitely see her as a hero, and think that you would be the number one hero of Koh Sai 6. Bryce - Cirie Fields, because she is just such a great person, and an absolute fan favourite! 7. Eric - Abi Maria Gomes, annoying goat that makes it far, but still very entertaining and memorable.
Because it is almost halloween I wanted to do a horror genre theme with your fictional characters, so I decided to compare you to the cast from one of my favourite shows, Scream Queens!
1. Akito - Grace Gardner: Brave, intelligent, kind. 2. Ryan M- Chanel Oberlin: Stubborn, rude, funny. 3. RTP - Chanel #5: Often forgotten, low-key hilarious, underrated. 4. Linus - Hester Ulrich: Crazy, high-key hilarious, charismatic. 5. Richie - Zayday Williams: Iconic, caring, a great friend. 6. Bryce - Chanel #3: Good sense of humour, fan favourite, a true legend. 7. Eric - Chad Radwell: Energetic, obnoxious, lovable.
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