#this was a complete accident
xeenok-laboratories · 4 months
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It was jus' gonna be one page. One panel.
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thevoidstaredback · 3 months
Phantom's Coffee
Enough Caffeine to Kill an Elephant Side Story
There is a lot that comes with being a ghost. Most of that is really cool superpowers. The unfortunate side effect with the whole being dead thing is that he doesn't have need for human functions or sustenance.
It had been a horrible thing to discover, really. The lack of constant need for sleep and food and drink was sometimes useful, but that came with the realization that nothing affected him.
At first, Danny and his team thought it was because he was dead. No blood flow, no working organs, no metabolism. This lead to a lot of experimentation. Drugs and alcohol had no effect, neither did poisons. He didn't get sick anymore, no matter what he did!
And then he realized that coffee didn't work.
Naturally distraught, Danny went straight to Frostbite to figure out what was going on. It's finals season, damnit! Coffee was gonna be the one thing to pull him through his studies!
"From what I can tell," the yeti explained, "your human functions have stopped. Quite the opposite, really."
Danny blinked. "But, I'm dead. Ghosts don't have working organs or stuff like that."
"Indeed, but you're only half dead."
"What difference does that make?"
Why did Frostbite now have charts, and where did they come from? "I can only guess, but when you died and brought back, the electricity jump started everything in your body. It essentially supercharged you. I can only assume that it'll die down in time to the point of non-function, but we can't know for sure."
"Wait," Danny's voice was nervous, "What does that mean?"
Frostbite took a minute to think over his words, looking for how to phrase what he wanted to say. "When you are alive, your heart beats slower than it did before your death, yes?"
"That would be the effects of the ectoplasm that reanimated you. Your heart rate is slower, breathing takes a more conscious effort, your blood flow is slower, your organs are all working at half of what they used to." He took another moment of pause. "When you are dead, your heart beats faster than it did, breathing is faster, blood flow is faster, your organs are working at twice capacity."
Danny's breathing, now that he was very aware of it, picked up. "What- But that- What?!"
"With a high enough voltage, electricity kills. With a high enough concentration, ectoplasm reanimates."
"Reani- but I'm alive!"
"But that doesn't make sense!"
"Doesn't it?"
"Perhaps I should try a different phrasing." Frostbite said. "When you are Danny Fenton, you are more dead than alive in the sense that your body has been killed and not fully revived. When you are Danny Phantom, you are more alive than dead in the sense that your body was revived and not fully killed."
Danny was quiet for a moment. "Reanimated and revived aren't interchangeable, Frostbite."
"In some contexts', no. In others, they are."
"Are they here?"
A beat. "Yes."
Danny knew he was lying, but he didn't call him out on it. That was a crisis for another day, thank you very much.
So, higher metabolism for Danny Phantom, lower one for Danny Fenton. Great.
All crises pushed aside to freak out about never later, Danny's ew mission was to find out exactly how much caffeine would be required to give him the buzz of wakefulness that he was searching for.
Normally, the course of action would to be to measure how much e weighs and look up the maximum caffeine intake his body could handle. It was the first thing he tried, and it failed.
By the tried and true method of 'Fuck It, We Ball', Danny learned that he needs to have 35,000 milligrams of caffeine in a single sitting before any effect takes hold when he's drinking as Phantom.
The calculations running at a 5:1 ratio, caffeine milligrams to weight pounds, the lowest end on the scale of average weight of a small female elephant (3,175 kilos), multiplied by five gives him the 15,875 milligrams that would be enough to give him a low buzz and keep him awake for a few hours. That's enough to kill the elephants on the low end of the scale.
(Jazz vetoed any kind of caffeine that wasn't naturally occuring in chocolate when he's Danny Fenton. She said that he's already died once and that he doesn't need heart problems to kill him.)
(Danny calls bull, but he isn't willing to risk his sister's ire.)
Because he can't let finals get the best of him, Danny decided to take it a step further.
The highest end of the scale for the average weight of female elephants is 4,050 kilos, multiplied by the same five, gives 20,250 milligrams of caffeine.
Essentially, the lower end of the scale would give him the same effect as 99 (and a bit) 473 milliliter cans of Rockstar Energy Drinks in one sitting. The higher end of the scale would be 126 (and a bit) 473 milliliter cans of Rockstar Energy Drinks in one sitting.
All that was left to do, now that he has the maths for the desired effect figured out, was to mix that in his favorite drink: A Red Eye.
Truly an abomination for the ages.
After way too much brain power, Phantom's completed coffee order looks like this:
A large Red Eye with 20,250 mg of caffeine
2 tablespoons of cinnamon
1 tablespoon of honey
1/8 cup of chocolate syrup
and 3 mint leaves or 1 teaspoon of mint extract
(he added 4 shots of vodka when he turned 21)
Danny is gonna kick his finals' ass, and be hyped up on caffeine while doing it!
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fiddlehead-soup · 5 months
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In one life, my OG Tav is the main character. In another, she is Raphael's puppet. 🫢
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apollos-boyfriend · 6 months
something they don’t tell you about being autistic is that every character you write WILL end up autistic/autistic-coded whether you like it or not
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shrewmingledotcom · 9 months
i wanna pull for navia so fuckkng ibard rn ownahioh;oaihndnxkn a;warew
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lunarsapphism · 11 months
took the funniest accidental photo of my dog today
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odinsblog · 6 months
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The crew of a massive container ship that crashed into the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore early Tuesday warned of power issues before the collision, which caused the bridge to collapse into the frigid Patapsco River, officials said.
Maryland Gov. Wes Moore said the warning from the ship’s crew likely saved lives.
“We’re thankful that between the mayday and the collapse, that we had officials who were able to begin to stop the flow of traffic so more cars were not on the bridge,” Moore said. He called those officials heroes.
Moore noted that the bridge was up to code at the time of the collapse. He said the collapse was a “shocking and heartbreaking” event for the people of Maryland who have used the bridge for 47 years.
(continue reading)
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emacrow · 1 month
The Gods were ecstatic, Their very being were quaking with excitement minus Zeus whom was put in the time out corner.
They been waiting for eons for a New Godling to form since Arthur and Merlin, but the new generation of humankind can't even do one simple translation of the supposed dead language that until Spirit Piece of Kronos now named Clockwork mention a godling of Balance and Space will form between the living and the dead that has gotten Hades's interest peaked.
So begins the ritual once more on whom get to care for the baby Godling once or hopefully This child will be complete his prophecy quest with the Ancients Gods and Goddess watching over form above and below. In hopefully anticipation..
Seeing the ghostly child defeat many infinite deceased spirits of long passed gods including helping kindred spirits such as Pandora, Frostbite of the Frozen Giant Yetis, Wolfe and even Clockwork to the point of defeating his evil future self, beating the tyrant mad infinite king, and saving the very planet from a world ending asteroid that was due to certain someone accidentally sneezing.
The time has arrived as he had completed his final trials to the point that the Three Sister of Fate see that his string that translucent into a beautiful woven of blinding gold mixed with blue and green together into a neverending infinite so like the infinite string yet seemingly finally merging and slowly changing into one a godling, one of both living and deceased never one or the other.
A perfect balance.
As the time of being with mortals was now over as Danny whom just went to bed after a year of the supposed world ending asteroid, disappeared in a vanishing of golden stardust.
Only to wake up in the middle of a very large table on a ridiculous soft space designed cot meant for baby, only to noticed his hands were small and pudgy before noticing that he had a audience discussing or arguing on who get to raise the Godling
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trashmammal-7 · 3 months
I'm fucking sobbing over this
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First of all, what business did Spot have being anywhere near a transporter. Second of all, the transporter can do what?? "Yeah sorry about your cat. We sent her through the transgender operation transporter. Yeah.... sorry again." I'm in tears.
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scribblestatic · 3 months
So, you know how lanolin smells really nice to cats?
Well, Narinder is super standoffish after he's indoctrinated, but as time goes on, he finally starts putting some of his barriers down.
He sleeps in his own hut for a while, but he can't sleep well. He's not used to sleep. The Lamb only does it because "it's comforting" or something, but he hasn't done it in so long. So really, he's just been awake the whole time and increasingly cranky about it.
So Lamb, seeing him struggle to stay awake while working in the garden, pulls him over to their hut to talk out why he's not sleeping.
But Narinder starts dozing off within moments. Because Lamb's hut smells like them. Smells like their wool. Smells like lanolin.
And it's got him slumped on Lamb's couch, third eyelid partway over his squinted eyes, pupils blown wide as he purrs and sinks his claws into their cushions.
When he wakes up several hours later, he doesn't know what the hell happened.
Lamb simply smiles and sends him back home with a new blanket, made from a recent sheer.
Narinder calls the blanket gross.
He yowls like he's going to cause Armageddon if it goes missing.
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colfy-wolfy · 10 days
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hello again I'm insane. I will never not love drawing slugcats hugging and cuddling. but my md hyperfixation hasn't stopped yet so it's nuziv
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Prompt 169
Danny is from a world where everyone has wings, even if most have long since lost the ability to fly. Something about loading and aspect ratio, wings being too small, body too heavy, now mostly used as display, whatever. 
It doesn’t matter even if he had blueprints from when he was like six of a jetpack to help fly. It won’t work anyway and hey, he has his ghost form! Which uh, might be perhaps, affecting his wings which were maybe sort of scorched black and practically down to the bone thanks to the accident. 
It doesn’t matter, he swears. Though he’s admittedly relieved to see the new feathers growing in are different from Dan’s angry sunset. Even if they’re not even supposed to be able to grow back. Alright, this is fine, no one is going to notice! It’s not like everyone knows about the poor Fenton kid whose wings were absolutely destroyed thanks to an accident! It’s fine. 
He’s not flying in a half-panic towards the Far Frozen while crying because his wings are coming back and he’s so scared. He didn’t panic and instantly fled the moment Jazz pointed them out while changing the bandages. 
He definitely didn’t trip over something while wiping away said tears and blacking out from all the stress and all of his problems that he definitely mentioned to someone and isn’t keeping a secret. Definitely. 
Hawkwoman and Hawkman would like everyone to know that neither of them were expecting a very small child to be spat out of the villain of that week’s machine that should definitely not be a portal. A very small child, maybe nine or ten, with a multitude of concerning wounds both old and fresh. Which isn’t even beginning to touch on the wings. 
Feathered, like baby down despite the gnarled scars, unlike their own metallic, with the beginning of tiny specklings like stars amidst the darker fuzz peeking from the wounded flesh. 
Who?! Who dared?! It’s (at least to the forever reincarnating duo) a literal baby! They still have down! Tiny baby fuzz! Was it the portal?! Oh this villain is going to taste their maces for causing this if that’s the case! 
The rest of the Justice League would honestly like to know what just happened and are honestly unsure on if they should stop the two…
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lazylittledragon · 1 month
oK so after like?? 3+ years of trying to treat my IBS i just found out i almost DEFINITELY actually have RCPD??? no wonder nothing was working it's not the food it's my FUCKING BODY that's the problem!!!
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jaratedeguadalupe · 10 months
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i love the trope in tf2 fanfics where the mercs get banned for life in every single establishment they enter
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st4ngray · 5 months
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Wanted to experiment a bit with my technique and colouring by doing the lineart traditionally aa
Lineart under read more btw aa they’re a bit wonky since I rarely do traditional :””))
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ladyofrosefire · 4 months
Companions by how likely they are to call Jaheira "mom"
or mum. or some other variant.
Karlach: I think there is a party banter line of hers that actually has her do this. Regardless, yes, she has. Repeatedly
Wyll: he called her 'father' and that is somehow worse
Shadowheart: not as frequently as certain party members, but it just makes everyone so sad
Gale: more than once, entirely accidentally, and he immediately followed it with such a deluge of other words that no one noticed
Astarion: he insists he was being sarcastic
Minsc: he did this exactly once, ages ago. The only person who talks about it is Boo
Lae'zel: far, far more likely to call her commander than mother, but she does it in a tone that might as well be "mom"
Minthara: no one can decide if it's scarier if she was making a joke or if she was flirting
Halsin: no, thank every god. He just teases her good-naturedly about the others
Isobel: on more than one occasion, and the first time involved some crying
(thank you to notaficwriter and capitola for joining me in composing this list over on Haven)
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