#this was gonna end up in a sketch dump
carrinth · 3 months
are you planning on adding to the soul weapons au, or are you done with it? that idea lives in my mind rent free hshshfhsj
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Ooooh I do really like this AU tho hahaha! So here's some more random ideas I have for this AU:
11. Soul Discordance is a thing. It is possible for a Soul Weapon to automatically reject being wielded if the two souls are completely at odds with each other.
12. Thus, Clone Troopers in this AU were created to circumvent that issue. They were beings created allegedly without a soul. Without a soul, there can be no chance of Discordance.
13. Obviously, this isn't what happened and the Soul Weapons very quickly recognized this the moment they were placed in their clone commander's hands. Collectively, clones and Soul Weapons decided to say nothing as the truth might cause all the clones to be destroyed. Fortunately, the ruse held up for the duration of the War. Unfortunately, clones were treated worst than slaves as they were universally considered soulless flesh golems.
14. In this AU, instead of millions of clones, only a handful are made. Much smaller scale.
15. Another reason clones were created was so royalty did not have to risk their lives in the War. Only Padme, Queen of Naboo, stubbornly charged the frontlines with the most powerful Soul Weapon ever forged, the Skywalker.
16. Soul Weapons do not actually spend their whole time as weapons. They are born as normal but have the innate ability to transform into a weapon when someone commands their name. 'Forging' is the training one goes through to truly hone your abilities as a Soul Weapon.
17. Kanan and Hera are soulmates kehehehe 😘
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heres an impulse i drew a few weeks ago because it accidentally turned out better than i expected and im very happy with it
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dizzybizz · 9 months
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hai here is a sketch dump with too many fandoms :) sorry about the ungodly amount of men here i have been going through it and by it i mean gay
ok wait i ran out of tags??? it wont let me tag them all😭😭😭 im gonna have to be sparing with them uhh i guess i will have to ramble under the cut then cus i like rambling in my tags but i cant with this one 😭
(ok im back from the ramble: it is way too long.... proceed forward if you want to see some guy just absolutely talk nonsense for entirely too long)
no cus i swear i have tried tagging more stuff than this before and never hit the limit but whatever
hello i really use this like a fkn blog huh
i just wanted to provide some thoughts on the harper and rosé one first bc its important to me 😌 cus i was thinking abt harper and how in my head and heart of hearts she would be the kid who thought you get pregnant from kissing and i dont think she ever really grew out of that belief. <- this ended up spawning the idea of harper being a sex-repulsed ace and i will die on this hill actually. fight me or die, you die either way actually nvm
this is just a buncha blorbos i dont know what to tell you really. sketch pages like these always end up so weird for me bc for some reason my brain always wants the characters in them to interact in some way. whether that be talking or just reacting to what the other is doing... its something i cant stop with, its so stupid and silly and i hate it and i love it. where else would i see kabru slowly losing his mind with how loud phoenix wright is in court????
I THOUGHT I HAD GOTTEN OFF THE RAILS WITH THAT BUT THEN THE NEXT PAGE HAPPENED. and all i could do was laugh and ask "what the fuck am i drawing??? HOW DID WE GET HERE? WHY IS THISTLE HERE WITH LEOPIKA HELP" LIKE that page started with the big leopika and then i was like "man i miss thistle lemme draw him real quick" but the curse struck and now hes being homophobic so </3
i rlly like how the nic(k) page turned out ... i just have a lot of nicks i like drawing idk.. the lil guy is an oc,,, one day his ref sheet will be finished and itll be awesome but not for now, sorry baby, no can do. im weirdly happy with how the hands turned out for all of them tho?? so thats a W
yotasuke, murai, nick (youll never know which one im referring to. .. jkjk its hoult i love the pose there ehehhe), nic and the entire last page r my favs. i like em all but those rlly get me yknow- the olly too ofc but ive already posted him, dont mind him being here, hes part of the set. AND OVER ALL IVE BEEN HAVING SO FUN WITH SHADING BLACK AND JUST LEAVING SPOTS BLANK ITS SO ?`????
WHY IS THIS SO LONG PLS DONT READ ALL THIS THIS IS STRAIGHT UP EMBARRASSING AGHSDFGSDHJSGD im all like "yeah i dont like talking about myself or whatever" but as soon as i get to my process or blorbos or smth the floodgates fucking break open, not even burst man.
also dont mind how i havent even acknowledged pingas twink pokemon counterpart. hes just here for shits and giggles i dont know the guy like at all, i watched a handful of eps of horizons and that was it RIP
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wombywoo · 11 months
Ok! I've finally decided to put together a (somewhat) comprehensive tutorial on my latest art~
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Please enjoy this little step-by-step 💁‍♀️
First things first--references!
Now I'm not saying you have to go overboard, but I always find that this is a crucial starting point in any art piece I intend on making. Especially if you're a detail freak like me and want to make it as realistic as possible 🙃
As such, your web browser should look like this at any given point:
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Since this is a historical piece, it means hours upon hours of meaningless research just to see what color the socks are, but...again. that isn't, strictly, necessary 😅
Once I've compiled all my lovely ref pics, I usually dump them into a big-ass collage ⬇️
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(I will end up not using half of these, alas :'D)
Another reference search for background material, and getting to showcase our models of choice for this occasion~
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When picking a reference for an actor or model, the main thing I keep in mind (besides prettiness 🤭) is lighting and orientation. Because I already kinda know what pose I'm gonna go with for this piece, I can look for specific angles that might fit the criteria. I should mention that I am a reference hound, and my current COD actor ref folder looks like this:
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Also keep in mind, if you're using a ref that you need to flip, make sure you adjust accordingly. This especially applies to clothing, as certain things like pants zippers and belt buckles can be quite specific ☝️
Now that we've spent countless hours googling, it's time to start with a rough sketch:
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It doesn't have to be pretty, folks, just a basic guideline of where you want the figures to be.
The next step is to define it more, and I know this looks like that 'how to draw an owl' meme, but I promise--getting from the loose sketch above to below is not that difficult.
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Things to keep in mind are--don't go too in-depth with the details, because things are still subject to change at this point. In terms of making a suitable anatomically-correct sketch, I would suggest lots of studying. This doesn't even have to be things like figure drawing, I genuinely look at people around me for inspiration all the time. Familiarize yourself with the human form, and things like weight, proportions, posing will seem a little more feasible.
It's also important at this stage to consider your composition. Remember to flip the canvas frequently to make sure you're not leaning to one side too often. I'm sure something can be said for the spiral fibonacci stuff, which I don't really try to do on purpose, but I think keeping things like symmetry and balance in mind is a good start ✌️
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Next step is just blocking in the figures. Standard. No fuss 👍
Now onto the background!
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It's frankly hilarious how many people thought I was *hand-drawing* these maps and stuff 😂😂 I cannot even begin to comprehend how insanely difficult that would be. So yeah, we're just taking the lazy copy and paste way out 🤙
I almost always prepare my backgrounds first, and this is mostly to get a general color scheme off the bat. For collage work, it's really just a matter of trial and error, sticking this here, slapping this there, etc. I like to futz around with different overlay options until I've found a nice arrangement. Advice for this is just--go nuts 🤷‍♀️
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Next, I add a few color adjustments. I tend to make at least 2 colors pop in an art piece, and low and behold, they usually tend to be red and blue ❤️💙There's something about warm/cool vibes, idk man..
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Now we move on to coloring the figures. This is just a basic block and fill, not really defining any of the details yet.
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Next, we add some cursory values. Sloppy airbrush works fine, it'll look better soon I promise 🙏
And now--rendering!
I know a lot of beginner artists are intimidated by rendering, and I can totally understand why. It's just one of those things you have to commit to 💪
I've decided to show a brief process of rendering our dear Johnny's face here:
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Starting off, I usually rely on the trusty airbrush just to get some color values going. Note--I've kept my sketch layer on top, but feel free to turn it on and off as you work, so as to not be too bound to the sketch. For now, it's just a guideline.
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This next stage may look like a huge jump, but it's really just adding more to the foundation. I try to think of it like putting on make-up in a way~ Adding contours, accentuating highlights. This is also where I start adding in more saturation, especially around areas such as ears, nose and lips. Still a bit fuzzy at this point, but that's why we keep adding to it 💪
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A boy has appeared! See--now I've removed most of the line layer, and it holds up on its own. I'll admit that in order to achieve this realistic style, you'll need lots and lots of practice and skill, which shouldn't be discouraging! Just motivate yourself with the prospect of getting to look at pretty men for countless hours 🙆‍♀️
I'll probably do a more in-depth explanation about rendering at some point, but let's keep this rolling~
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Moving forward is just a process of adding to the figures bit by bit. I do lean towards filling in each section from top to bottom, but you can feel free to pop around to certain parts that appeal to you more. I almost always do the faces first though, because if they end up sucking, I feel less guilty about scrapping it 😂 But no--I think he's pretty enough to proceed 😚
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They're coming together now 🙆‍♀️ Another helpful tip--make sure you reuse color. By that, I mean--try to incorporate various colors throughout your piece, using the eyedropper tool to keep a consistent palette. I try to put in bits of red and blue where I can
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Here they are fully rendered! Notice I've made a few subtle changes from the sketch, like adjusting the belt buckles because I made a mistake 😬 Hence why you shouldn't put too much stock in your initial sketch~
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The next step is more of a stylistic choice, but I usually go over everything with an outline, typically in a bright color like green. Occasionally, I can just use my initial line layer, but for this, I've made a brand new, cleaner line 👍
And the final step is adjusting the color and adding some text:
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Tada!! It's done!
All in all, this took me the better part of a week, but I have a lot of free time, so yeah ✌️
I hope you appreciated that little walkthrough~ I know people have been asking me how I do my art, but the truth is--I usually have no clue how to explain myself 😅 So have this half-assed tutorial~
As a bonus, here is a cute (cursed) image of Johnny without his mustache:
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A baby, a literal infant child !!! who put this wee bairn on the front lines ??! 😭
Anyway! peace out ✌️
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kozachenko · 4 months
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Here's a digital sketch dump of some pose/anatomy practices and some 2hu doodles, I think from now on if I don't have any big final piece to post, I'll just post sketches I liked that I did digitally (might also reblog some drawings of mine that I want more people to see, maybe idk).
Artist's Notes:
Ok so after the recent Hifuu fanart I did, I've been hoping to experiment more with how I draw faces, how I render, as well as how I stylize things. In some of the earlier sketches I did, I had an idea for a pose that I wanted to try drawing, so I took a ref pic of myself doing said pose (the leaning one btw) and then did a sketch over top of it just to get an idea for the shapes, negative space, and silhouette. After that, I wanted to do some simpler breakdowns of the shapes so I can get better at simplifying the body (these ended up being the bottom right sketches in the post). I also did some experimenting with how to push certain parts of said sketches to create a different body type (via liquify and then a more refined version based on that sketch), as well as figuring out what makes a pose feel natural and not stiff. This was also a bit of a foreshortening practice just so I can get more confident with it, and I ended up using the arms from the liquified version for the coloured Zanmu sketch I did since I liked them so much (dw I'll get to that).
The next thing I wanted to try and draw was Hisami, mainly because.... I am very bad at drawing her in my style. Last time I drew her I made her look really creepy and spindly, and it is my headcanon now that she can switch between a more human, and more creepy look whenever she wants. I'm liking where the face is going a lot, might have to refine a few things about it in the future, but it's cute (I also made the blush purple which I think is what I'm gonna do with her face from now on). I also like how her hair in the sketch turned out a lot, but the outfit..... not as much... Ever since I started changing my style to something less cartoony, I've had a hard time drawing her outfit in my style. Especially the flower veil thing she has on, which, I did try to find a way to draw, but I ended up deleting that sketch because I didn't like it. I'm also not a fan of using the colour purple, like, pure purple, magentas are fine, indigos are fine, but not strict purple. I also have a hard time with drawing all the little pattern details on her dress. I also need to find a way to draw the flower veil in a way that looks good because everytime I try it ends up just looking off (very similar to whenever I try to draw Zanmu's blue spears). I think the only solution to this problem is to do what I normally do and make my own version of the outfit, but with adjustments to suit my style while still trying to keep core elements from the original design intact (like I do with Zanmu and Keiki, and yes I am going to get to that Zanmu drawing just gimme a minute).
Ok next up is Keiki, my favourite Touhou character who I haven't drawn since the beginning of the year. Since my style has changed a lot, I wanted to just do a face sketch of her to get a hang of drawing her again, and I..... really really like how it turned out! When I drew her eyes, I realized that a good way of keeping faces too same facey can be via varying the sizes of their pupils, so that's an idea I'm gonna keep in mind from now on. I had a lot of fun with her hair, I initially was gonna do it like how it is in the official art, but I ended up not liking it, so now I'm gonna draw Keiki with wavy heir like this because it's fun and it looks nice. I also included my base sketch for Keiki's face since I was initially struggling with drawing her bandanna, and in the coloured sketch I added some more detail into her hair.
Now to finally talk about the sketches for Zanmu. Good lord was I having a tough time with her face. I also did this sketch before I figured out how I wanted to draw hair, so that's why the rendering on her hair is different (I did this soon after the Hisami sketch actually). Since I changed my art style a lot, I had to find a way to translate her face from my more cartoony style to my more detailed style, so while the face shape, nose shape and mouth was fine, I was really struggling with the eyes. I did get somewhere eventually though, and I am super happy with how it turned out. I wanted to lean more towards the androgynous side of the gender presentation spectrum, mainly because I think that makes sense for her character. Also made sure to include the silver hairs and some wrinkles just to bring some signs of her aging into her face because those are just staple features of how I draw Zanmu at this point lol. You will also notice that I gave her some scars on the right side of her face, and that's because I am a Zanmu-with-scars truther, I fucking love it whenever I see someone give Zanmu visible scars like that it just adds so much omg (I also tried to put a wolf bite mark on her arm in the full body drawing but idk if it reads well). While you can argue that her not having scars sells the idea of her being this "powerful, untouchable mastermind who is impossible to defeat," I'd say that instead of those scars representing times she got injured, they represent everyone who has failed to defeat her.
As I was drawing Zanmu's face, I referenced my sketch of to help with contrasting their features since I made Keiki's face more traditionally feminine. I also didn't mention this in my commentary on Keiki's face because I wanted to save it for here, but giving Zanmu scars also plays into the fact that she used to be human, wheras Keiki doesn't have any scars because she's a god who doesn't follow the rules of normal human biology. Plus I'm thinking about the two of them interacting again (return of Zan/Keik??? (I'm a multishipper btw) maybe???) so drawing their faces together will definitely help me in the future if I wanna draw them together (again, maybe as a ship? I've kinda been ironing out the kinks in their potential interactions (romantic and non-romantic) for a while now so idk maybe expect that in the future lol).
And now for the full body drawing, when I was doing the face sketch I did this little snippet of an outfit, had a vision, and the made it into a reality. I'll admit, part of me was worried that it would end up looking too much like Yuugi's outfits in the spinoffs and mangas, but I feel like I made enough changes to differentiate them. I tried to keep a few of the major details in Zanmu's design (i.e. the red tassles and yellow lining on her shirt) while putting a new spin on it. I also dialed up the scars to 11 since without them the whole thing kinda looked incomplete. Also, while I could say that the leaves on her kimono are "a nod to the fact that technically she should be a tengu because back then people belived that corrupt monks would turn into tengu but no Zanmu is an oni and they're maple leaves because...tengu...ahahahaha" what really ended up happening was that I looked up clothing patterns from Sengoku era Japan, liked the leaves the most because the red picked up on the red from the rest of her design and just ran with it. I also always had the idea to put Zanmu in men's clothing from Sengoku era Japan and while the accurate thing to do would be to put her in a Buddhist's clothes from that era.... from a character standpoint, I don't think Zanmu is pious enough to strictly wear the proper monk uniform, and also since she's basically the king of Hell, she would probably dress herself like royalty from that era. TBH, I probably could've been a bit more historically accurate, but again, this was mainly for conceptual purposes because I had a vision and I needed to see it through.
If I were to draw her in this sort of outfit again, I should probably try and use more references, although now that I look at it, if she were to wear it properly this would maybe, probably look a bit closer to a Kyūtai sugata (a very huge stretch, but it just kinda reminds me of that) just without the layers under and over the main piece of clothing (In the website that I searched up to try and compare the outfit in my sketch to, they name the outfit pieces but don't label them on the image, so I don't know 100% what everything is called) so I will definitely have to use that style of clothing as a reference going forward.
Also, I was kind of inspired by the ToTK design for Ganondorf since I have finished the game a while ago and I absolutely love what they did with his design (it's just so fucking cool omg) and I thought that sort of look would look good on Zanmu, so yeah got some inspo from that.
And those were all the notes for each of the sketches, I'm motivated to draw rn but kinda art blocked, so doing these little coloured sketches helps a lot.
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bytedykes · 8 months
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[ID: Avatar the Last Airbender sketches.
Azula, smirking condescendingly, drawn from the chest up in her book 3 armor.
Book 1 Zuko wearing casual robes and happily eating a bowl of noodles.
Zuko and Aang meme redraw. Zuko has a hand on Aang's shoulder and winces as he says, "sorry aang i think we're gonna have to kill this guy." Aang looks dejected and horrified as he says, "damn".
Doodle of Aang's head, very stylized, he has big shiny eyes and makes a pleading expression. He's captioned "do you wanna be friends 👉👈"
Side view of Toph grinning as she speaks. Her eyes are hidden by her bangs.
Sketch of Toph frowning in disgust or confusion. She's captioned, "Goddamn."
Short comic. Toph frowns and says, "Ughhh Jesus Christ." Aang looks at her in interested confusion, the eyes and question mark emoji doodled by him. He says, "What does that mean?" Toph is silent for a moment, thinking, before she says, "Huh I actually have no idea." /end ID]
atla doodle dump lets gooo
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ameliaenya707 · 3 months
Could i have a short fic of tattoo artist!dabi with a user who comes to get tattoos from him alot, and user wears alot of bold stuff, is sarcastic, flirty. Maybe after some flirting Dabi ends up on top of her in the backroom and pounding into her :3
Tehehe this was so fun to write omgg! I adore tattoo artist dabi or even piercer dabi! Hope you enjoy annon 💙💙💙
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☆ Tatted ☆
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It had to have been the fifteenth time he'd heard the bell and seen you walk into the shop. This time you came in, only wearing a hot pink baby-tee and shorts. The weather was getting hotter afterall. You walked up the the front desk with a bright smile as always.
"Hey Dabi!" Your gold earings shone in the light coming through the window.
"Hey doll, been awhile since I've seen you round here,"
"Yeah well my therapist said if I was good I could get another tattoo and I think I've been pretty well behaved so here I am!" You giggle, running a hand through your hair to push it out of your face.
"Take a seat, you know the drill,"
"Yeah yeah" you chuckle while sliding into the smooth black leather tattoo seat. Watching as he got prepared. "I was thinking something on my wrist, I ain't entirely sure though what..." you hum holding out your wrist.
"Get whatever speaks to your heart, doll"
"Well in that case I'll get your name on my wrist, in tribute of you always putting up with my bullshit and late night walk-in appointments," you smile, not failing to see his eyes widen slightly before returning to normal.
"Whatever speaks to your heart..." he mumbles beneath his breath although you just barely catch it. "Wanna just do it free hand, no sketch or nothing?"
You pause for a moment in consideration. If you were going to get the damn mans name tatted on you may aswell have it in his handwritting. "Mm, yeah sure!"
It took max five minutes. The fancy asshole did it in cursive but you had to admit it made it look really pretty.
"You know, I also do piercings...if you're ever interested,"
"Oh really, how bout a christina piercing?" You burst out in laughter when you hear him choke on his spit and sputter for a moment before composing himself.
"Well um yeah, I guess...jacobs ladder, prince albert etcetera, although those two aren't exactly applicable to you," He chuckles, taking his gloves off and dumping them. You watch idly as he sanitizes the needle he used on you.
"Mm, question is if you would actually gimme one..."
"Well I'd have to close up shop while I do it, don't need some rando walkin in while you have your pussy out,"
"...let's do it!"
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You never ended up getting the piercing. The minute he flipped the sign to closed and took you to the backroom to do it, the moment you slide your panties down, he'd been fingering you as you panted and whimpered. He was hot, and you'd have to admit the reason you kept getting tattoos was maybe because of the hot guy giving you them.
"Gonna cum for me, doll?" You nod feverishly, gasping every time he curled his fingers to hit that sweet spot. In moments you were falling apart for him, squirting on his fingers, your head thrown back in ecstasy. You panted, coming down from your high. When your eyes fluttered open you could see him unbuckling his belt, and taking his pants and boxers off. He was big. And pierced. You giggled like a drunk girl when you saw his jacobs ladder and prince albert adorning his cock.
"What's so funny, baby?"
"That's gonna feel really good," you say, nodding to his pierced dick, chewing on your bottom lip.
"Damn right it will," he chuckled, lining his cock up with your entrance before pushing in. Gasps and moans filled the room, lewd squealching accompanying it.
You'd have to get some more tattoos, that's for sure.
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wuntrum · 11 months
do you have any tips for an artist who wants to start making one off comics? i really enjoy your artistic direction and style of story telling so i’m very interested in your thoughts on it
yes, definitely!!
-read lots of comics! and a variety of them, too--both ones in the sort of genre/style you'd like to make, but also ones in completely different genres, lengths, places of origin, traditionally/indie/digitally published, simple to experimental formatting, etc
-in relation to the last one, if a comic you read really speaks to you, take some time to study some page layouts from that comic! how do the panels vary from page to page? how much space is the text taking up? what sort of "shots" (to borrow from cinematic language lol) are they using? these shouldn't be fancy, just little thumbnails, but i find it really helps. here's a few i did from a guest in the house by emily carroll
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-start smalllll. its really important to build up your stamina, just like with any new sort of skill. if you wanna make a graphic novel thats 200+ pages long, you should make some comics that are 1, 20, 50 pages long and see them through to the end before taking on a super big project.
-this is related to the last point, but i think keeping your cast of characters small at first can also help build up your comic stamina. signals was the first longer comic i made, so i specifically really wanted to focus on just jeanne (and occasionally her parents and peers when they showed up)
-character sheets are helpful, but i also think the easiest way to start getting your characters drawn consistently is through actually drawing the comic! there's also gonna be panels where they look "off" or whatever, and its literally fine, i promise
-through the smaller comics, experiment with how you go about writing your story! theres no right or wrong way to write/plan out a story so, it takes some trial and error to figure out what will work best with your work flow. for me, i've found success in making a timeline of events for the story -> loosely guessing how many pages i'll need/want per section of the story -> freewriting (trying not to edit too much, just dumping all the words out) -> thumbnailing/loose sketching/editing text (all sort of happens in the same step; i find i need the layouts in front of me to understand what i need/don't need from the text i wrote) -> tight sketching -> final . but, if that flow doesn't work for you, try something else! i know a lot of comics people find success in writing a script first, with indications of page and panel-by-panel breakdowns
-take shortcuts often and without guilt. its a lot of work to make a comic! theres just a lot of drawings involved, that most people aren't gonna look at for very long! i especially recommend for infrequent/difficult things, like buildings or crowds or cars or bookcases, using some sort of 3d asset/brush to make your life easier. if you can reuse a drawing and change the crop/expression, do it!
-use some sort of tracker to track your progress on how many pages you've sketched/inked/finished. even if you don't have an external deadline, i think it's still good to give yourself some sort of timeline to work on (i recommend setting "ideal" goals and "realistic" goals, especially if you're working/still in school/etc). for signals, i used google sheets, because you can set up columns to be attached to little circle charts, so as you check off your progress, you can really easily see how much you've done/how much you have left to do (as i type this i highkey forget how i did that before, with signals, so...you might need to do some sheets experimentation to actually do this lol. but there's probably other trackers you can use too)
-understanding comics and making comics by scott mccloud are both great books, highly recommend them (easy to get second hand/from your library/🏴‍☠️)
-lastly, haveee funnnnn
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shiemori-writes · 2 years
Hey there Quinn! Since the request are open, I would like a Jack, Leona, Sebek and Floyd x reader (separately), where the boys find the reader’s sketchbook, and when they open the book, they see a bunch of doodles of them and in the end of the sketchbook, there is drawing of the boys and the reader, holding hand or something. Headcanons. Fell free to ignore. Thank you!
(This request might get spammed, Tumblr is eating my messages.)
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—doodles of us ♡︎
the boys find your sketchbook sketches of them! <3
characters: jack, floyd, leona and sebek! ♡︎
includes: sfw, really fluffy, gender neutral reader as always, and mutual pining! went a little bit overboard with leona whoops
notes: hello to you to anon!! ahh this was such a cute prompt!! heehee thank u anon <3 ALSO WOOO I HAVENT WROTE IN SO LONG THIS IS SUCH A TREAT!
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"—Wait prefect!! you forgot your.!..sketchbook...?"
you guys had just finished your little study (date) session in his room and was done for the day, you had just gone back to Ramshackle when he noticed that you had forgotten what seems to be your sketchbook, wide open.
Initially, he was in awe at your artistic ability, even by the doodles that were less polished, he thought they were adorable (he'd never tell you that though, hehe)
But then he saw doodles of what seems to be..him and you...ok ok cool.. him and you- wait— him and you?!
The doodles ranged from just doodles of his name surrounded by hearts, to him in chibi form, to tiny-him and tiny-you holding hands, god you were too adorable
He really couldnt stop his tail from wagging, nor the smile that was slowly spreading on his face, you were really cute y'know that?
At the bottom of the page he saw a different doodle, it was more of writing but from what he could tell, it was ai-ai gasa, which he could vividly remember you swooning to him, about how oh so romantic it would be with your crush,
And surely there the two of your names was, written under the little umbrella you had drawn, a little love-charm you like to call it, and while you had said you didnt believe it, you mainly just wanted to do it for wishful thinking.
He always wondered if he was the one you were talking about but now..
He felt his heart skip a beat and then another one, and another one..
He was thankful he was in his room right now, because he would absolutely die if someone saw him like this, red faced tail wagging at sonic-speed with an absolute love sick expression
He tried to calm his racing heartbeat with ease, (he is a runner after all) and when he finally calmed down he felt content, he was gonna return the sketchbook to you that's for sure, and maybe something more
He confessed not too long after <33
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He had just woken up from a long-cat-nap when his eyes wandered to your slumbering figure, clinging onto his arm, a calm look on your face
unconsciously smiling at the sight 'cute' he thought. He was glad he convinced you to rest, that damn bird was dumping his work onto you again, it was a pain, you need more rest, really.
He sat up, uncharastically-careful to not wake you from your state of slumber, stretching his muscles and letting out a yawn when he noticed the sketchbook beside him, open and what seems to be unfinished,
Curiously he took a little peak, wouldn't hurt right?
He flipped through the pages, feeling a smile curl on his lips when he saw how passionate you were for art, he was glad you had something you loved, but also hated how soft he was feeling rn, seriously herbivore what spell did you cast on him?
Hes just a softie in denial mwuehehe
Anyways, he stopped skimming through the pages when he noticed what seems to be..Him? Oh, ohoho he was gonna tease you so much for this herbivore. (bastard)
While the thought of you being flustered entertained him, he really did appreciate the way you saw him, and..oh? Was this a doodle of you and him? You really are a sap arent' cha herbivore? (lovingly)
He chuckled, finding enjoyment at the way you'd doodle you and him holding hands, or the way you drew his names surrounded by multiple hearts
'cute' he found himself repeating in his head
Looking at the bottom of the pages, he noticed the way you'd consistently draw an umbrella along with your names on it through every page, ai-ai gasa as you call it. He found himself remembering your ramble about how cute it was, thinking he wasnt listening as much, but he was, he always found himself listening to your voice, as sappy as that was (really herbivore your sappyness is getting to him ugh)
Seeing his name and yours doodled under the umbrella sure was somethin', he remembered you joking about how you'd try it with him as it was commonly reffered to as a "love-spell-charm" of some sort in your world
frankly he thinks it was dumb, why do that when you already have his heart hmmm herbivore? And do' ya really think a love spell would work on him?
^ but you didn't know that, maybe that was partially his fault for not being too forward but he blames you too for being dense (wow rlly leo? smh../j)
Closing the sketchbook, he found himself grinning from ear to ear, tail flicking from side to side in delight as he peered back at you, still blissfully unaware of his discovery, heh, he'll tease ya for sure, but for now, he's gonna cherish this peaceful moment with you, after all, time spent with you is his favorite time of all (apart from sleeping)
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"Ko~e~be~ CHAN!!!"
He sang through the empty hallway, pouting when he didn't see you
He couldnt find you anywhere!!!! It was so annoying!!! it was terribly boring too!! which!! he!! Hates!! Where's his koebe chan >:(
Angry eel later turns to sad pouty eel :(
(poor azul had to deal with his outburts)
Huffing in annoyance, he tried to work at his shift at the monstro lounge, to everyone's surprise, floyd leech????? Working??? The world must be ending!
But no, he just was hoping maybe, maybe his little shrimpy visits him, I mean, you did visit yesterday, so he now automatically assumes you're gonna do it everyday! And if not, well then he's just gonna squeeze someone, maybe that will make him feel better. Hmmph.
YOU DO VISIT YAYAYAYAYAY!!! (Jade and azul practically begged you at this point bc he was being so aggressive to the customers)
Upong seeing you his frown immediately turned into a bright grin, running towards you to give you the biggggesst squeeze!! ever!! because his koebe chans here! <3
He squeezed you tightly, (but not too tight! He knows his koebe-chan is fragile) and gave you the biggest kiss, a loud "mwah!" Was heard as he kissed your cheeks, giggling at how flustered you seem! koebe chans so cute!! hehehe!!
Ok maybe bringing you in was a bad idea cuz now floyd refuses to work...(cue azul ripping his hair out in the bg)
He grinned at Azul, waving goodbye as he dragged you out of monstro lounge with jade sighing and Azul screaming at him to COME BACK.
Asking where he was taking you, he just shrugged, "somewhere fun!!!" he replied, ah of course, as vauge as ever, you sighed, but couldnt help the fond look on your face when he looked so excited
(you just hoped he wasnt taking you for another swimming lesson hhh)
Annndd we've arrived!! To...Ramshackle??? Huh, you expected something more from Floyd, noticing your confusion, he simply smiled, letting himself in with your hand in his
"I saw shrimpy drawin' lotsa stuff!! I wanna see!!" He gestured to your sketchbook, like a child excitedly pointing his gift out for christmas
You were skeptical at first, but after he promised not to ruin anything, you gave him the sketchbook, with him asking questions about your drawings, whether it be a doodle or a finished piece.
He went silent
Were those,..doodles,,, of him??? :O
He started giggling like a little schoolgirl with a crush, finding more and more doodles of you and him holding hands or just being rlly cute!
Then he saw the umbrella thingy doodle, it was your name next to his!! He was floored! secretly glad his shrimpy loved him just as much as he loved shrimpy<3
Curious to what he was giggling at, you redirected your focus onto your sketchbook and was absolutely mortified at what he found, trying to desperately take it from his hands, dang it how did you forget you drew those?!
he however didnt give you the sketchbook, instead setting it ontop of the highest shelf (bastard p2)
He couldnt stop himself from giving you the biggest hug ever (part 2) Only this time, you can tell it was filled with more love and adoration, with him peppering your face with kisses
"hehehe! Dont be shy shrimpy! its really cute!! This means you love me right?? I love you too!!" He swooned, his face being coated with a lovely-pink color, he smile uncharastically bright and genuine. It wasn't the twisted smile he'd display when he was squeezing someone, or when he got amusement to tormenting goldfishie, (poor riddle lmao) but a genuine, awestruck smile.
Bewildered, you can only hide your face at the crook of his neck, mumbling complaints while he laughs, kissing the top of your head when you eventually said 'I love you too'
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Who would have thought, Sebek, the retainer of the soon to be crowned prince, befriend a magicless human like you?
Well..As much as he hates to admit it, there really was more to you then he gave you credit for, you'd always survive no matter what anyone throws at you, all without being unkind, and pushing through everything, and most of all, you liked him for him, and listened to him no matter what was on his mind, and that, he thanks you for, albeit clumsily (and very loudly)
You made it a routine to hang out everyday despite your busy schedules, often in the library (he got kicked out though, so you didnt stick for long) or in the comfort of his room, after all, diasomnia provides a more...comfortable space, no offense (name).
Anyways, during your normal sessions, you happily chatted away with Sebek, as he recounted tales from his childhood and the Valley of Thorns, a content smile on his face.
You hummed, sketching away while looking at the time, gasping when you noticed how late its gotten (and how hungry grim must be)
Noticing your sudden distress, he questioned you immediately, showing concern in a..very sebek way!
"Human!! What has gotten you so alert! Did I say something to alarm you?" He yelled, frowning at you.
You waved your hands, chuckling nervously, "Ah- no Seb, its really late- I'm afraid I need to get back to grim" you replied sadly, as he let out a quiet "oh" pouting at his unfinished tale
"Well-alright then!! I shall continue this story tomorrow human!! Be- be careful alright!! It is unsafe!!" He fussed over you, blush forming on his cheeks (which he denied he had) "Actually- I'll just escort you so I can-" "Ah its fine Seb!! I can handle it!" you cut him off, knowing he still has duties.
He huffed, "fine. B-but text me when you get there so I can ensure your safety!" He replied, to which you nodded. "Got it! bye sebek! i'll see you tomorrow?" "Of course."
And with that you shut the door behind you, leaving Sebek to clean up his room, when-
He furrowed his eyebrows, really out of all the things you forgot it was the thing you were always carrying around? Humans really are forgetful, tsk tsk, Not to worry human, he!! Your greatest friend and fae shall make sure your!!..hmm? Is that him??
Now he didnt mean to peak but..It was wide open! and- were those doodles of..H-him and you?!?!
Congrats for once hes speechless! Flipping through the pages whem curiousity got the better of him, staring in awe at how simple it was but..admittingly cute. Hmph. Humans!! Theyre just so!!..augh.
He found himself blushing more and more as he found more and more doodles, whether it was his name with heart scribbles, or him and you holding hands..It affected him more than he'd like.
The last straw was when he saw your scribble of an umbrella.. He knew this trope all too well, as embarrassing it was to admit, he's seen it before in the novels he'd read.
His heartbeat was going crazy
Did you really wish to court him?! Human how come you've never told him!!!
Huffing out in fondness he carefully examined the paper, feeling a wobly smile display on his lips. He was going to answer this strange courting method of yours human!! Just you wait!!
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end notes! "ai-ai gasa" translates to "love-love umbrella" which symbolizes sharing an umbrella with your soon to be lover/crush since sharing umbrellas are considered to be very romantic! it's also a love charm/spell of some sorts, though its not believed to work, its mostly done out of wishful thinking, and bc cmon its so cute! i decided to add that since technically it is a doodle! and ive seen tropes like this and its adorable imo, anyways thanks for reading! i hope you enjoyed!
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inkyvendingmachine · 8 months
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Moving Pieces Season 4, Episode 2
💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀 Call of Cthulhu Season Four Masterpost (Coming Soon)
Warning: This campaign is an edited version of  a Call of Cthulhu scenario from the Tales of the Crescent City book. While a lot has been changed, there IS spoilers for it throughout these posts.
The boys are going through a normal one.
Can you tell I recently played Betrayal for the first time,
Art Credit: @inkdemonapologist : sketching + inking @inkyvendingmachine : concept + colouring
Joey wakes up to Sammy bursting into his office and demanding an explanation of why he didn’t come home last night. Bendy happily lets Sammy know that Joey tried to do a dream spell, which just sets him off more. They go back and forth some, Joey confirming that yes, he did that, but he was just trying to see what the general feel of Y was right now… and he doesn’t seem to be like Moonlight had been before. It seems like he’s just… doing his thing, discussing possible options with some dream-version of his sister, and not that he’s specifically scheming or anything. 
While they’re doing their usual arguing dance, Sammy is suddenly interrupted by Prophet… urging him not to submit to the call of the yellow king. This is when they both notice that Sammy had actually been going for the ink faucet in Joey's office???
Joey takes this opportunity to turn the argument around on Sammy, asking if Prophet isn’t going for the ink, then why is he being called towards it? IS THE INK GOING BAD?? DID SOMEONE MESS WITH IT AGAIN!?!??
Bendy clarifies that the ink isn’t tainted, but it does seem to be resonating with something nearby… and that Sammy is sensitive to it. Sammy calls Prophet out to confirm this, as well as confirming it’s def yellow king stuff, before fading again. With that as solved as it could be, Sammy heads to Music to catch Jack up on these developments, while Joey goes and info dumps all the same info on Henry. During this he kinda talks himself thru realizing that maybe Y’s sister is not as dead as they expected… since they don’t really know what sorts of immortal properties come from making yourself an ink body.
Joey goes back to his office and gets in contact with Peter to make sure he’s still alive, gives him a command to check in at the end of day and immediately hangs up as Peter is trying to complete a response. Sammy and Jack try to find Norman to get him up to speed, but find he's called out for the day. And of course, he gave some outlandish excuse, so nobody really knows why he’s staying home. Joey calls Norman and, surprisingly, he actually picks up?? Norman admits part of the reason he’s staying home is because he’s noticed some weird shit is happening again. Joey gives him an update, which is cut off by him asking, “So when’s the trip to New Orleans? That’s where it started, right?”
That’s… a good point. 
Joey hangs up on Norman and calls Grace Fowler. He plays off the reasoning as wanting to thank her for the holiday gift, and catch up with her daughter Estelle, who’s also interested in catching up with him.
Especially because between an odd dream Estelle had, where her father showed up and told her to both be careful and stay away from New York, and that night of yellow mist, she thinks Joey’s calling because there’s something weird happening. Joey confirms this, he’s not gonna lie to a child that he likes, and manages to learn from her that a strange man had also been asking her about odd happenings recently. Joey asks if he looks like how he remembers Avedon, and Estelle is extremely impressed that he’s exactly right. 
So maybe this is why Norman is waiting at home for a call…
Joey promises to send her a present and tells her to keep up the good detective work, along with reinforcing not to worry her mother and stay safe and all that stuff. (the present is going to be a very good quality notebook that he gets Henry’s help to doodle Bendys and Friends on the page margins throughout it, and an engraved pen to go with it.)
Their strongest lead, at least as far as Sammy's concerned, is that weird performance of Sammy's old improv last night -- so with half a day of work done, Jack, Sammy and Susie head out to one of the clubs they remember some of that band from the charity event tends to frequent. They manage to easily get in, being recognized from their speakeasy days and Jack and Susie being their usual charming, talkative selves. People probably tried to talk to Sammy too, but he’s just interested in chatting with the Jumps after their set. Until then, they get to grab some drinks, sit back and actually enjoy the music for a while. It’s actually… kind of nice? No terrible haunted songs being played, no ink spread throughout the city gnawing in the back of Sammy’s head, no gun fire.
When they do get to talk with the band after the show, it’s immediately apparent that the clarinetist from the charity event is not there. That’s… interesting, since Prophet’s prophecy mentioned a “black wood” and Jack has noted that could be slang for a clarinet instead of a forest… Jack does remember some of these fine folks though, and starts off the conversation, only for Sammy to interject during a lull and ask where they got the music from the other night.
Everyone laughs and agrees that Sammy is still Sammy - A whole hecking gunshot weird cultist nonsense goes down and Sam’s here asking about where they sourced their music. Well, to answer that question, yes it came from a guest they were playing with that night, and yes it was the guy playing a mean reed. His name is Alan Leroy, and they’ve got a lot of nice things to say about him that can also be taken in an extremely concerning way, like how he can make sounds come out of his instrument they’ve never heard before.
Yay! That’s exactly the kind of descriptions of musicians we love to hear about!!!
Jack manages to get the information for where Alan lives, along with some of his friends. Sammy is content with this and attempts to head to the door (in entirely the wrong direction) while Jack winds down the conversation… finding out that also they haven’t been able to contact Al since the other night. He’s probably at home??? But he seemed so shaken up by that guy yelling nonsense at him…
Jack and Susie catch up to Sammy to lead him to the right door, but when Sammy opens it, it… IS the right door? Susie thinks so at least, but it seems odd to Jack, who thinks that they definitely entered through a different door, and Sammy isn’t sure what to think. Things like this haven't been reliable for him for an exceedingly long time, and he can't tell if this door is any different. Something might really be wrong if Prophet’s navigational skills are working with him and not against him…………
But outside, everything seems chill. Normal… Susie even thinks this is the same door, but Jack is very sure they were not on this block earlier. And when he turns to head back to the car, he notices a certain unmoving, pale face in a different car passing down the road. And it’s looking right at him.
Joey and Henry do a tour to check in with people after work, starting with Peter. He’s gotten in contact with his old paper and confirms the weird mist was down in NOLA. He also talked with the police and got confirmation that the shot was fired by some gangster named Johnny Nero, and some places they could look into to find out more about him.
Oh and also there was this weird guy. Peter saw him across the street during lunch, unnaturally pale, dark suit… but he didn’t get to see much more before he just up and vanished. Just a wee bit odd fella, that’s all.
Neither Joey nor Henry are feeling good about this info.
Maybe it’s time to install the buddy system again.
Joey also ends up just calling Norman instead of stopping by, from Peter’s phone of course, and updating him on what’s been going on, as well as asking him if HE knows what’s Avedon up to. Norman says he hasn’t been able to get ahold of him, but it’s good to know he’s out and about. 
The other three meet up with them at Peter’s place late that night and updates are had all around. We keep splitting up so you’re gonna hear that sentence a lot this season I feel. This is what happens when our DM has given us multiple NPCs we enjoy so we keep forcing her to take them along with us. c:
Anyways, between all these comparisons, Joey is starting to think that maybe their previous experiences in Carcosa-like situations in NOLA is perhaps giving them a different view of events than say, Susie, who’s very sure that the door they left out of was the same they went in. With this information in hand and a pretty good inkling that apparently things are moving around and there’s a weird pale guy following them, the boys decide they want to go and try to talk with that Alan guy tonight.
Arriving at a pretty nice house in a pretty nice neighborhood, the boys all shuffle out of their new fancy red Mercedes to go wake Mr. Leroy up in the middle of the night. Instead they get his… butler? Who is not too happy about our middle of the night bothering. After some standard Joeying Up, he admits that Alan hasn’t been home for a few days, but also that’s not unusual. He can give us some information of friends Al usually stays with and stuff, and Joey hands over a number to be called if he returns home soon. (A number for a second phone line he got installed over the last year. It goes directly to his office and is listed under an alias, specifically for situations like this where maybe he doesn’t want to lead every gangster and cultist back to JDS right away.) 
While Joey is doing his Joey thing, the others start hearing a lady around the side of the house chatting excitedly. Perhaps in a conversation with a beloved? But it seems to be just one side of it… like, WEIRDLY seems to be just one side of a conversation.
The group heads out from the house, around the corner and finds… the car isn’t there. However, there is another Mercedes up the street. Almost the same exact car, just parked somewhere different and now a stunning new colour!
It’s brown.
(well i guess they were out of blue ones.)
After closer inspection, they confirm that it is indeed their car. This is just a wee bit disorienting, and while four boys puzzle over this, Henry tiredly notices that apparently a lady has wandered up to him in the meanwhile. She takes his arm and starts talking about how she’s looking forward to when he gets his own ship, and when they sail away to spend their life together.
Henry just mumbles back “I’m married..?”
Jack and Sammy recognize her as the lady they heard earlier. Joey feels like he’s on the edge of remembering something about her, but none of them actually know who she is so. Uh.
Everyone awkwardly shuffles into the car, since it seems about as safe as anything else around them now, and drive off as the lady continues to monologue and wave Henry into the distance. 
Joey asks Jack to drive directly away from the water, and watches the car as they move out of the mist.
It’s still brown.
(also Joey is still taking the middle seat as he usually does, he’s just leaning over Sammy to stare out the window.)
While they could head out to the other addresses in the middle of the night, it’s starting to feel not very safe to be split up and looking for clues with these sorts of changes happening. They pull over and Henry makes a phone call to Linda, telling her he’s not heading home tonight since it feels like eldritch nonsense may or may not be following them, and they’re gonna stay in the studio tonight. He also sees… a familiar pale face in a black suit… reflected in the glass of the phone booth… but of course, when he turns, it’s gone. The group makes their way to Norman’s, wanting to check on him and Susie in case they’re actually getting Carcosa’d.
When they get there though, Norman and Susie seem to be perfectly fine, and don’t understand why Joey is insisting on them looking at the car. It seems to Norman a very odd midnight activity, to have him look at their new paint job.
Susie’s confused. Paint job? It’s always been brown.
Welp. That seems to confirm the suspicions. Whatever’s going on, it seems only those who touched Carcosa in some way have been able to tell that things are different. Anyone else is seeing these changes as if that reality had been true from the start. Susie isn’t pleased about being kicked out of the Oddly Affected Club (or the Oddly Unaffected Club?), but it is nice to have someone they can get reality checks from. Joey states they’re gonna go back to the studio for the night, but Norman declines the invitation. He’s still waiting for a call.
Alrighty, good luck with that.
The group gets back to the studio and starts pulling some cots out of storage, Jack sits down with Lurks and chats some, while Joey goes and starts to prepare a dream spell. When Henry questions him on this, he talks about wanting to try and reach out to Fowler?? Like… up until now, they had been running with the idea that Fowler wasn’t able to be communicated with at all. But if he reached out to his family through their dreams… then maybe Joey can reach out to him in his?
Henry offers to help, because he’s actually had dreams and communication with Fowler in the past, and they both have a sort of understanding with each other. Joey can’t deny that it’d probably work better than him trying on his own, so he sets up the spell for Henry.
And Henry finds himself in a very misty dream. There’s really nothing to see, except three lit corridors going off in different directions… Henry calls out to Fowler, and sort of hears someone in the distance call back? So instead of walking into any of the lit areas, he follows the voice into the fog, and calls out once again, letting Fowler know it’s Henry…
And suddenly, from all around, a very loud booming voice shakes Henry to the core, telling him to get his family out of New York, before it’s too late.
Henry sits up from Joey’s lap and immediately goes for the phone, saying he’s sorry, he didn’t get much information but he needs to call Linda. Telling Joey what he heard as he dials, a freshly awoken Linda gets an exceedingly serious sounding Henry telling her to get the kids packed up and get out of New York ASAP. of course, her first question is about whether or not he’s coming too. 
“How do you know you’re going to be safe then?”
“I’m not.”
and gives her an actual explanation of the situation. Something’s following them, tied to Henry, they’re trying to get it untied from them but the longer Linda and the kids stay in New York the more likely they might also get wrapped up in it which will be worse for everyone, Henry included. He’s not doing any dumb sacrificial bullshit, and Joey promises he will do everything in his power to keep Henry safe.
She knows he wouldn’t let anything happen to Henry if he could prevent it.
With that all actually said, Joey hands Henry the phone back, and he’s able to apologize for being dramatic instead of informative. With a soft I love you exchange, Henry hangs up.
And he goes and gives Joey a hug.
[Next Episode] (not yet released)
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averageartistamber · 5 months
Low Quality Godzilla sketch dump incoming
Yeah, so once again I don't have much to share, so I thought I'd try posting some sketchbook drawings. A lot of these are either random memes or very early and rough concepts for what some of the monster designs might look like (if I get around to the character depicted.)
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Ended up trying to edit them on my computer to make things more readable (and to reduce file sizes in the upload, think I ran into issues on my phone). Doesn't look great, and I apologise for that. This type of post is probably gonna be kinda rare as a result.
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a return to the monsters and mommies au designs, this time properly lined and in color! :D posted in the middle of the night just like last time though because i have problems <3 there are some small changes to these designs, but for the most part i was pretty happy with them so this was mostly just to give myself a color reference for them all lol
gonna ramble about small decisions i made below the cut, but its not necessary at all to understanding the designs! just wanna dump my thoughts somewhere :P
for the most part, the kids' designs are the same as i do them for normal canon, but there are some small differences. i've never really done a proper reference for their kid designs either though, so i guess no one would even notice LOL
freeman family: well, firstly - nick's last name is freeman in this au LOL but its easier to refer to him as nick close so people know who i mean as opposed to nicholas foster. usually, i draw nick close with blue hair (i think he goes through a range of colors, but blue is my default), but i do this because he does it to honor morgan. since she is alive here, instead, his default is pink because thats his favorite color to dye it! morgan and nick both have various bead jewelry because i like to have the headcanon that morgan is really into pony bead jewelry; this is also why all of my nick and nicholas designs have the same trans pride necklace, morgan made it for him :] both nick and morgan wear glenn's old clothes, both of them are wearing his shirts in this piece. aaand morgan has subtle heterochromia as a reference to the split timeline! she always has it, it doesnt just magically happen or anything, but its just a small nod to that.
wilson family: its real important to me that grant got his dad's exact coloration except for his gray eyes, which are all carol. why is this important? i dunno! its just interesting to me. also, carol doesnt usually leave her top buttons undone, but upon entering the forgotten realms, she unbuttons it because otherwise her shirt will pop open while she's doing things (to be honest, as a person with a larger chest myself, her shirt probably still pops open but it does help-!). usually i draw grant with a gay pride necklace, but since he doesnt come out pre-forgotten realms in this au, i tragically had to drop it. i miss my rainbow grant. please come home, baby.
oak-garcia family: i always forget to do mercedes's tattoos in my sketches because tbh i never know exactly what to give her. but! but. this time i just went for it. these tattoos arent necessarily set in stone, but i think theyre cute. the tattoo hidden by her skirt is an oak leaf for henry :] her gem necklace is also the same color as his eyes! her skirt is supposed to be, like, tie-dye or maybe more bleach washed, but i dunno how to draw that so whatever. the twins are, like, 100% the same as usual, i just gave sparrow a pink bead necklace instead of the multi-colored necklace i use for my default canon design lol. also, i think i drew the twins slightly too tall here, which is funny because theyre the only ones who are notably shorter than their mom HDFJKGHK
stampler family: i struggled a lot with what colors to give samantha, because i wanted her to have a bright color palette but not anything garish or patterned. originally she was gonna have a white shirt, but then i realized that would make it so all the moms had white shirts and i just couldn't have that LOL so i ended up landing on red for her! it matches with terry junior, so i thought that'd be cute :] terry's design is probably the most different from my default for him? which still isn't a lot but i swapped his dark blue flannel for a black undershirt instead. i cannot explain why i did this. it just felt right in the moment. i gave him a sweet revenge shirt instead of the usual black parade shirt i give him because... well. if you know, you know. and finally, terry gets a little concert admission bracelet!! i always do that, but i just wanted to point it out because i think continuing to wear an admission bracelet for ages after a concert is a very teen thing to do. i always felt so cool doing that in high school hehe
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bugfayce · 18 days
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Amelia and her pseudo-daughter thing Carrie (Carrie belongs to @lymriith !!!) The digital sketch is an older drawing which is why her design is outdated lmao
more shitty Amelia school doodles and some info abt her below the cut (just so i dont take up too much space on the tags)
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Word dump time because I love Amelia sm and I need to talk about her or I'll die, tried to keep this brief but I think I failed lmao:
She LOOOOOVEDDD going to parties when she was still working as a researcher. Dressing up, drinking, drugs, dancing, music she loved it ALL.
Born in the UK (haven't decided where exactly just yet), moved to America when she was 19 to study medicine, science and other subjects along those lines. (extra note: Only reason I made her British is because of that one video where a guy is screaming about how much he hates Birmingham)
Fiercely independent to a fault: She can still ask for help and other such things (though not without having her ego a little bit bruised), but when it comes to interpersonal relationships, she tends to keep to herself. Despite that, she still maintains a decent "friendship" with her old colleagues and sometimes talks to them through the glass after a trial, though they don't always respond back.
Secretly a huge hopeless romantic lmao. She would rather die than admit it. Has a couple romance books she stole or smuggled in, a lot of her favourite songs are love songs or have romantic lyrics. I think it's a funny contrast with her constant "grrrr I hate everyone >:(" attitude. If you try to confront her about this, she'll either try to gaslight you, or just straight up kill you depending on who you are.
With the mask on, her voice sounds really staticky, similar sounding to how your teammates voice sounds when you're far away from each-other in trials.
Adding onto her favourite songs: She likes slower and calmer songs. Loves The Ink Spots especially. I'm working on a spotify playlist with her favourite songs, so I'll probably share that one day once I finish it lmao.
Being a woman who sought higher education in the 30s-40s, I imagine she'd have faced a lot of sexism which could contribute to her incredibly closed off personality.
She does have the capacity to care for people but she refuses to acknowledge it, instead trying to convince herself that they're only a means to some kind of end.
Got turned into a Pusher after accidentally inhaling too much psychosis gas and killing 2 other researchers. She seemed abnormally calm after coming down from her high, and later was deemed too high of a risk to keep around as a researcher. Even after being fully integrated into the trials, she seems somewhat sane, but there's always just something off about her.
This is all I got for now but there's gonna be way more later once I get struck with more beams of information from nowhere.
done being cringe now okay bye!!!!!
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elviraaxen · 5 months
ive really been loving the pacing of your story and i enjoy the concept and the bits that have been released about the plot! youre doing really well, and i admire it greatly!!
ive been having trouble figuring out an overall plot in my own work, i just have character ideas and the vaguest idea for a storyline. i try to just write but then i usually end up taking a break (re: dumping it) because i don't have anymore ideas for how to complete the plot. i've laso been curious about how you go about writing for a comic (do you write then do thumbnails? do thumbnails then go back to figure out dialogue? a third thing?) so i was wondering if you had any advice or resource tips for writing? both for comics and for overarching plots, if that's okay
if you don't have any ideas tho, no worries. i was just curious. good luck with Felt World! i love everything that's coming out so far, thank you for gifting us it!!
Oh thank you so much!! I can't say I'm a comic book artist at heart because I really don't have much experience, I was only an illustrator for a short while and never wrote anything myself, but learning from past mistakes (i.e. I don't stick to plans), I've so far done this and it seems to work:
I'm one of those that don't like to plan strict layouts for the entire thing, because chances are I will not stick to it, so what I've done for felt world is just write a sketch for the overarching plot, the b-plot and c-plot, with rough estimates in what order I want the major plot points and settings to be. My current sketch looks like this;
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(which is done in Miro) and as you can see there aren't that many plot points, because I want to have the wiggle room to come up with something on the spot. And also, my comic focuses a lot on interpersonal relationships, character development, and themes rather than the plot, which means it needs to be concise or else the comic is gonna take 6 million years to finish.
And now,, I think this might just be how I work, but I think it's easier to be creative when you have strict restrictions rather than all the choices in the world.
for me, personally, I restrict an update of 10 pages tops, because instagram only allows max 10 images per post! This means I have to 1) fit all I want to say in 10 pages, 2) it has to be concise or else I infodump on readers, and 3) I have to answer some sort of question within the update, or else I said nothing and I start over.
As for scripts, I tend to write one or two sentences of what's going to happen for the update, and then I get to thumb-nailing and sketching right away! I come up with most of the dialogue on the spot too.
And also, I think what's most important, is that you take your damn time! If you aren't immersing yourself in your own world, how do you expect your readers to do the same?
I'm very much a believer that the stories you are telling are something that comes to you naturally if you just sit with it and listen rather than demand that it makes itself known to you. When I brainstorm for felt world I quite literally sit in my bed and go "omg!! And then what? :0" TO MYSELF LMAO as if I'm not making everything up myself! I think that's extremely important that your story is engaging to you first and foremost!
And as for more practical tips
carry a notebook with you or use your notes app AS SOON as you get ideas to write them down! No you will not remember, lol.
set rules of what you're not allowed to do with your story so that you don't fall into lazy trope territory! You can do that when you brain storm, but finesse the story post brainstorm to just make it.. smarter.. if that makes sens For example, don't kill your gay characters, don't make sensitive men the butt of the joke, don't make your women fight over men (unless it's the point), etc.
set physical restrictions! For example, max amount of pages per upload, max amount of pages for the whole story, max amount of characters, etc.! That literally forces you to problem solve, which by definition is creativity! Like, oh you can't do this the obvious way? Do it the creative way! That's way more fun!
I could probably go on, but this is too long already! But I hope it at least helped somewhat!
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arikihalloween · 9 months
Wakfu art dump because yes
This post is gonna be super long because I will ramble IN DEPTH today
So huh if you like my rambling or my art just read ig, otherwise scroll away idk what to tell ya
Showing some of my art and ramble because wakfu is part of my current big 3 hyperfixations ( along with WH and Trolls )
So huh enjoy my growing insanity ( I compiled it in one post to not annoy people too much :')
Presenting my oc Sharm !
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An (very pink) Eliotrope
She's based on my in game character but I kinda gave her lore and a story so
⭐INFODUMP about Wakfu in general ! ⭐
Basic infos for those who don't know anything about Wakfu :
Wakfu is a french animated serie made by the studio Ankama, who also made several mmorpg games ( and way more, like the amount of content and lore is crazy)
Most of the stories will take place on the World of Twelves, populated by 12 main races (with many variation)
And there is a 13th "main race", the Eliatropes, which is the race of the main character of the anime, Yugo
Eliotropes ( with a o instead of a) are a subrace of the Eliatropes ( lore is explained in the serie but I don't wanna spoil, so to boil it down, Eliotropes are unstable pale copies of eliatropes) [ they are playable in the game wakfu]
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So, what about Sharm ? Well she was born a pretty regular Eliotrope. She had two "brothers", Chance and Vitali, who unfortunately ended up fading away with time ( mechanically, when an Eliotrope die, his/her essence will go to the nearest Eliotrope to allow them to live longer)
So Sharm was left alone for very long, and stayed in Eliatropes ruins she found. Those were overgrown by stasis ( type of crystals, very bad, generally associated with corruption and destruction)
However, the essence she got from her siblings passing could only last so long
One day, in a desperate attempt to not die, Sharm took stasis and...ate it. Chewed on the mf crystals, and surprisingly, an interesting reaction occured : it stabilised her essence. It also made her basically frozen in development, Sharm cannot grow anymore and her power levels are quite limited in quantity, unless she uses stasis.
So my girl went through the ages, she kept on researching on the remnant of the eliatrope race ( wiped out aside from a few) and became sort of an archeologist
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Nowadays, Sharm travels from a country/city to an other, often with mercenaries she hires as bodyguards . The other two ocs in this sketch page are the said mercenaries
And the cat is called Noiraude !
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Sharm needs protection because she is stupidly useless in combat
And also I have fanarts of Nora !
And also, it's time for the gremlin mode
The worst of the ramble
I kinda just need to scream for a moment
Beware, big spoilers for the serie ahead ! Stop now and go watch Wakfu !! It's all on Netflix ( season 1, season 2, then the 3 oav, THEN season 3 and you will be ready for season 4 :D)
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So, this character is Nora (second drawing is a headcanon version of her)
Who is Nora ? She is the sixth eliatrope of the Council ( Eliatropes are rules by the six first borns of the race who can reincarnate along with their dragon twin)
Nora appeared for the first time in a flashback the episode "Quilbi" in season 2
In 2011
And back then she was in a flashback, so presumed dead from the war that wiped out the Eliatropes
Lately, as clips and trailers of season 4 of Wakfu has been released
It's confirmed that Nora is there
She's alive
She's in season 4
*grabs u*
She has been my favorite character of Wakfu since her one and only appearance, alright ?
And now
12-13 years later
She is real
*maniacal laughter*
I will not shut up about it
Prepare for the fanarts
*retreats to the shadows*
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2haetls · 2 months
Can you do Dogboy Chiaki/General Chiaki hcs (both sfw and nsfw!!!) Mayhaps....
character hcs with chiaki morisawa
sfw nsfw under read more
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i had to make a header this is kinda fun might do thus more ofennbfyhhn....
sketch info: sex, just headcanons i guess!
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chiaki morisawa is passionate, very passionate about things he likes, and he likes you! puppyboy chiaki would be way worse, too. He talks about you like you're a virus, in a positive way, of course, and he gets really touchy cause.. yknow? He's also a really big pda guy, holds your hand, kisses you, pets your head, and enjoys taking you out on dates n stuff... yeaaah.. there are no sad moments with this redhead or brunette.. i dont know what he is, but he is a great boyfriend!
this boy is a crybaby. it's horrible. whenever he's happy with you, tears, whenever youre sad, tears, whenever youre angry with anything, tears! its cute, and you can tell hes being sincere with it. chiakis spirit is so endearing and it encourages you, but your heart gets as heavy as a feather every time he looks at you when hes proud of anything. his eyes shine so bright, like stars!
Dogboy chiaki's tail is constantly wagging, no matter what. around you or the other group member, it's really funny cause when he hits his tail on other things, he jumps and is like, "What? huh?" and then keeps doing it, hes just so happy! and i know hes a smart guy, taking care of you and literally forcing you to look up to him. feels kinda... hot? idk lol, but when you flip it around on him and do things for him, Again. forcing HIM to look up to you, he feels so loved but so confused lol!!!
takes you on movie dates, goes to the park with you and stuff, its cute AND THEN HE POSTS THEM ON HIS SOCMEDS SOFT LAUNCHING YOU😭 and baseball games are a must with him, he introduces you to so much new stuff and its amazing AND THE INFO DUMPS ARE CRAZY.
but there are some times when his self-esteem gets low, and he NEEDS you there for him, He'll ask first, though, but he knows he doesn't need to. because you love him. reassure the sweet boy and kiss his forehead
i dont know what else to add im too focused on dmnd stream, sorry!
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Chiaki is definitely passionate, can't you tell? his eyes look like they've got fire in them when he looks at you, he will bite your lip every time you kiss, yes hes a loser, no hes not bad at sex.
While he fucks you, or if you roll that way, if you fuck him, he needs to be so close to you that neither of you can think. his smile is so charming while doing it, it feels like hes teasing you. speaking of teasing, i feel like he would rile you up on purpose, just to get a reaction of some sort out if you. pinching your nipples, nibbling at the shell of your ear.
and he has some embarrassing habits after sex, i feel he would say something stupid to lighten the mood, or end up talking to himself.
he overworks himself, and whos there to take care of him? you. somnophilia is also a yes with him. use him or have him use you, fuck him to sleep!
toys are one of the things he would use on you, or you would use on him very often. subby chiaki cries easily and cums so messily whenever you tease his cock. speaking of dick, haha.. his is thick and slightly longer than average n his balls are heavy, so full :v + hes uncircumcised.
puppy boy chiaki is even more enthusiastic about sex because he wants to make you feel good, yknow? He's uncontrollable, humping your thighs to get off while you're busy, making you suck him off even when you're busy, but i know he's doing his best. he holds your hand whether youre fucking him or hes fucking you, either way, hes still feeling good. tug at his tail n he's just gonna melt, chiaki gets submissive very quickly with you and jus wants to take care of you rather than you take care of him. he gives up easily though!
and im giving up right here, i gotta keep drawing enstars bodies
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sorryyy im getting sleepy!!!
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