#this was just an excuse to draw them in pink
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Happy 3 Year Anniversary to the Sonic Movie or whatever
(Please don’t tag as ship)
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synthshenanigans · 4 months
simple soup strawberry for the soul
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Mayhaps will become a full art later.
Heart & Mind ones mayhaps later as well.
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auggiedrawsturts · 1 year
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Currently cooking up an elaborate scheme to steal their genders, I'll let you know how it goes.
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reverend-meat · 3 months
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dumb dumb dumb doodles
young auron + goggles + bike
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kinstein-art · 2 years
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“my hands are freezing” well maybe they wouldnt be if you and your brother had actually rugged up at all in scotland, samuel
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bigbig00f · 1 year
Both Shy guy and Gil are the type of characters that I ship with my main OC. Which means I'm going to be writing a lot of fanfics that I will never post
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sysig · 1 year
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Witchy business, mostly of the bunny persuasion (Patreon)
#Doodles#Original#IZ#Ratt Lad#Witch Bunny needs a name if she's gonna stick around and also my tags are a shitshow but that's the fun lol#Anyhow! Down the line!#Couple'a Minki studies/practice to get back into the groove of drawing her#I also hadn't designed her shoes up to this point so there were a good few scribbles of potential designs lol#I like the version I ended up with it matches her belt :)#I still like her pompadour haha ♪ She's cute#And then all the rest bunny (and some Ratt Lad lol)#The first one was mostly an excuse to use a new tool I got - unfortunately it's a bit underwhelming lol#It's a cute little pink glitter highlighter but I seem to perpetually forget and re-remember every time that glitter doesn't scan well#I mean it's cute! It's just not very impressive lol#All the rest were just for funsies lol#Polite sits! She's perfect for them with her floofy dress haha#I haven't given her a witch hat but I do think she'd look cute with one - not every witch has every feature so she's just fine without one#But dressing up sometimes is fun too ♪#Big central with a broom >:3c Rather similar to her initial doodles which I'm still pleased with ♪#She's a handsome lad#Brief cut-in from Ratt Lad and Ata lol it's the leg type and shortness - one apiece#Man I'm out of practice drawing Vortians as much as I still love those two#Ata like ''I do not look like her!'' (She does) lol#And ending off with a couple more solos ♪#Don't make her mad she has claws#And a little bit of behind-the-scenes of the process of broom-making lol - it serves two purposes!#It files down her teeth and gets those small annoying details without the need of a new tool lol#She sanitizes them before sending them out as well lol
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pwipwipwoo · 2 years
Mayburi AU dumping time; I don’t really have time to write this (trying to work on something else at the moment), so I’m gonna just dump some bits on here for....
The Little Mermaid AU
May is one of the 12 daughters of King Triton (a.k.a. Johnny, King Triton is more of a title than an actual name). Out of all of her siblings she is the most adventurous and the most curious; ever since she was a young, she would sneak out of the castle to play with her friends Chipp the seagull (he knows a lot about humans, but all of his info is hilariously wrong), Chimaki the clownfish, and Mister the dolphin, before being dragged back by her father’s trusty advisor Janis the catfish. But no matter how many times she brought May back, the little mermaid would still hunger to see the outside world; and the world of the humans.
One day, after her 20th birthday, a ship passed overhead while she was out exploring; curious as always, she went up to investigate. There she saw humans, real humans not the broken statues she’s found scattered on the sea floor, for the very first time. She enjoyed watching them dance and sing, but she was especially interested in two humans: the twins, Prince Sinclair (shortened to Sin) and Princess Bridget. She found both attractive, but was especially smitten by the prince. Suddenly a storm rolls up and batters the ship, sending Bridget overboard! May carries the unconscious princess to the shore and disappears before the rest of the party arrives, not before leaving the girl with the memory of a beautiful maiden with eyes like the morning sun and a heavenly voice.
When Johnny learns of May’s obsession with humans, and her blossoming love for Sin, he forbids May from ever interacting with humans again and confines her to the castle. Too bad for him, she is very good at escaping and knows all the secret passageways. Fed up with her father’s overbearing attitude, she packs up her things (including a coral comb she got from her mother) and runs (well, swims) away from home, determined to live her life as she wants and to see the prince again!
Unfortunately for her, she isn’t sure how to get his affections. Maybe swim up to the castle and sing at his window?
(Can’t, she doesn’t know which is his)
Maybe she can catch him while he is underwater and talk to him then?
(Humans and talk underwater. Also he would probably drown)
Jump onto a bridge as he tries to cross it and feign the need for help?
(Now we’re just getting dramatic)
Utterly dejected at all of her ideas crumbling to simple logic, she suddenly remembers a story one of her sisters told her when she was very young; a story about a sea witch who lives in the darkest depths of the oceans. This sea witch can perform a myriad of miracles with their various potions and incantations: make people fall in love, heal all wounds, increase your strength tremendously. They even have a way to give the merfolk legs.
Against the protests of Janis (who followed her in an vain effort to bring her back), May goes to the cave of the sea witch Testament. And despite it looking horribly scary outside, the sea witch is rather pleasant; even offers May a cup of kelp tea (how it works underwater I don’t know, I ain’t a ocean scientist). May tells them her predicament and they have a potion that can help her. The potion will turn the mermaid’s fins into legs and give her the ability to walk on land; if she can receive a kiss from her true love before the next moon (so 1 month) she will become a human forever. However this potion is made from a rare coral that only grows once every hundred years, and if she doesn’t kiss her love by the 1 month mark (or heaven forbid, she breaks it) she will never have another chance to walk on land. Also it comes with a host of other side effects, but those are less important to May.
Undeterred May takes the potion and swims off toward the castle. She takes the potion on the night of the full moon, falling unconscious before waking up on the shore with human legs! Unfortunately she can’t express her excitement to her friends, as she cannot speak except for one word (totsugeki). As she is trying to learn how to walk, she is found by Sin and his retinue before being taken back to the castle. There she meets the king and queen of the country (Ky and Dizzy) and sees the princess again. The royal family takes pity on the girl and takes her in; this works out for May, as she now has unlimited opportunities to woo the prince and get her kiss.
Unfortunately for her this is Sin, so you can guess how frustrating it is to get the golden boy to notice her. At least she has Bridget by her side, silently encouraging her with eyes that make her heart skip a beat. After 3 weeks of trying (and failing) to get the ever-growing wild boy to see her as anything other than a friend, May’s hopes for love are shattered when she finds out that the prince is betrothed to a someone he loves deeply. Defeated, she resigns to go back to the sea but is stopped by the princess, who assures her that she will find her true love one day and not to give up hope (she got the wrong idea when she saw May just walk into the ocean).
It was at this moment May knew, she fucked up; she should have been trying to woo the pretty blonde girl the entire time! Especially since Bridget would go on and on about her beautiful savior and how she wishes meet her again. May and her friends now have a new goal; it is time to capture the heart of the super pretty girl in the next week!
Oh boy, do these kids have their work cut out for them.
Especially since Johnny now knows what May is up to, thanks to Testament and Janis’ inability to lie convincingly to the king. Now May has to try and get a kiss from the princess while her father sabotages her efforts from behind the scenes (how this man could be so cruel as the tip their boat while they were in that romantic ass lagoon is beyond me). And it succeeds.
On the final day before the enchantment wears off a gorgeous stranger with long black hair that has a beautiful coral hairpin in it, has utterly bewitched the princess. Nothing May does can tear Bridget away from the mysterious beauty. On the verge of tears May keeps trying to call out to Bridget, stammering out frustrated totsugekis to no avail, until she finally cries out her name, “Bridget!”. They look at each other shocked; Bridget because she recognizes the voice, and May because she knows the spell is wearing off. Before Bridget can even speak May runs off to the shore, her body crying in agony as her legs start to change back to their original form, the clothes and accessories she wore from her human life falling from her. As May reaches the water she looks back to see a stunned Bridget, verdant emerald eyes wide with shock, and swims back into the depths of the ocean.
Bridget knows what she is now, she knows that May has been deceiving her this entire time. They can never be together now. It’s over.
Nahhhhhhh. Did you really think it would end there? Bridget, determined more than ever to see her love, fills her parents in on the situation and says she is going to get back her girl! The king and queen, while a little concerned about their daughter’s taste in lovers (not because May is a girl but more because of the merfolk bit), agree to help their daughter and gather all the brilliant minds around the kingdom. They gather to build a machine that can take Bridget under the waves to the palace of the sea king and built her a suit so she can walk on the ocean floor.
Months pass, and May has not left her room the entire time; the shards of her broken heart wearing her down in place. Johnny begins to rethink the whole ‘keep your daughter from being with the one she loves’ bit and starts to think if he was the asshole all along. But those thoughts go right out the window as he gets a call from one of the scouts that his castle is under attack! He goes to the battlements, his trident crackling with mystical energy, and awaits the coming ‘giant beast’. From the canyon beyond he sees the beast come into view, its burning eyes shooting beams of light that cut through the ocean’s darkness. He readies his trident and his soldier’s to fire upon the beast when something catches his eye; something tiny on top of the beast shining a small light in a pattern. He holds his men and allows it to approach, everyone staring in awe as the ‘beast’ draws closer, realization hitting them as it floats next to the castle.
This is no creature, but a ship! Like one of those that litter the ocean floor, but with more metal and no open bit on the top.
King Johnny approaches the vessel, trident still at the ready, before stopping in front of the person standing between the giant lights on the front of the vessel. He looks through the glass face plate of the diving suit; it is difficult to make out the exact details of the face behind the glass, he does note how beautiful the person’s green eyes are. This human doesn’t quiver before him, instead they put away the mirror they had and hold up something that makes his eyes go wide; a comb made of brilliant orange coral that was once a gift he gave to his late wife, later finding its way to May.
He towers above the little human as he takes the comb into his hand, holding it reverently in his palm; he turns to the human and waves them to follow behind him. They go to the throne room and Johnny creates a bubble around the human, telling them they can breathe so long as they stay in the bubble. The human takes off their helmet, shaking out golden hair that floats in the water around her. King Johnny asks the human what she wants and Bridget tells him flat out she is there for May; he scoffs at her, incredulous to the very notion that a human could love one of his kind. But Bridget doesn’t falter, she boldly claims that her love for his daughter is true and asks him if she could have just one moment to speak to May.
Before Johnny can say anything May shoots out from the hallway and barrels  into Bridget’s arms. May holds Bridget’s face in her hands, asking her if she is real or if she’s dreaming; Bridget pinches May’s arm and smiles, asking her if she woke up yet. May tears up and embraces Bridget again, the blonde wraps her arms around May and holds her tight to her chest.
Johnny’s voice booms in the throne room, commanding May to move away from the human, but she refuses! He asks her again, nicer this time, to swim away from the human but May refuses to budge, saying she loves Bridget and she will never leave her side. The water around Johnny’s trident boils as anger courses through him, but a gentle pale hand on his shoulder calms him immediately; he turns and is captured by Testament’s ruby red eyes as the sea witch swims to his side. He opens his mouth but Testament’s finger seals it, and they tell him to put aside his temper and talk with these youths, not bark orders at them as if they were one of his servants.
Johnny relents and composes himself. He apologizes to his daughter for how he has been acting and asks her how she could love this human. She tells him that it was easy, listing off everything good point about Bridget while gazing dreamily into her emerald eyes. Bridget does the same as she entwines their fingers, professing her undying love to May for the umpteenth time. Johnny is unsatisfied; how can May love Bridget if she has barely gotten to know her? They’ve only spent a month together, and in that time she only realized she loved her in the final week of it. He’s concerned that she is going to get into something she can’t back out of; he’s also scared of losing her forever, as he is terrified of his family drifting away from him.
May tells him that his fears are unfounded, as she will always be his daughter and nothing could ever change that. She also understands that her decision to become human would be permanent and that maybe he is right, maybe their love isn’t as unshakeable as they claim it to be; but she still wants to take that chance. She has felt love many times before but none as strong as the one she has for Bridget. Bridget tells her the same, and that she wants to learn more about her, not just the good. She even tells the king that, if there is a way to do it, she will become a mermaid forever and stay in his kingdom so he wouldn’t have to be separated from his daughter.
Testament, however, provides another solution. They take the comb from Johnny’s hand and swims over to May and begins to brush her hair with the comb. May begins to wince as magic swirls around her fin before it splits and transforms into a pair of human legs, they do it again and the legs become fins again. Bridget and May stare dumbfounded at Testament, asking the sea witch how this could be; Testament explains that the comb is made from the same coral as the potion, and she can use it as an instrument to change back and forth.
“How did you think I managed to become human all those months ago,” Testament says as they hold up a familiar coral hairpin. May points an accusatory finger at them as she realizes they were the bewitching stranger! Testament confirms this and says that it was not their idea, but a certain meddling king who will remain unnamed (the water practically boils around the bright blush that burns Johnny’s cheeks right now).
With this newfound discovery, the pair embrace again before turning to the king; Bridget asks him if he would give his blessing for them to continue seeing each other, and May asks the same. Johnny scoffs and tells them to do as they want, not like they would listen to him anyway; May is ecstatic and swims over to her father, peppering his face with a flurry of kisses. He can’t hide the giant smile that spreads across his face as he holds his daughter tight; he looks over her shoulder and tells Bridget that if she better take care of his precious daughter, or she will have to answer to him.
Bridget laughs and tells him that he has nothing to fear as May swims back into her arms. Their eyes lock before the two share their first kiss, that sends everyone in the throne room cheering for the lovers.
Johnny, Testament, Janis, and all of May’s sisters go to the ship to see her off, hugging her and telling her to come back to visit soon. She promises to do that and, before entering the submersible, combs her hair turning her fins back to legs. She boards the ship hand-in-hand with Bridget, the love her of life, and waves back at her family and friends through one of the portholes as they head back to the castle.
Many years later May sits next to a roaring fire with a five year old child in her lap as she tells them the story of how she met their mother. The child, Satsuki, excitedly exclaims they know how the story ends, with May and Bridget getting married then May gave birth to them. Before May can answer a voice cuts in saying Satsuki is half right. They both turn to see Bridget in the doorway, a giant smile on her face. Satsuki hops out of May’s lap and runs up to Bridget with open arms; Bridget catches the child and spins them high in the air, before holding them in her arms and padding up to May to give her a kiss.
Satsuki asks what Bridget meant by them being half right. Bridget explains that even though they fell in love and had a child their story isn’t over yet; they still have many years of adventures and love to share before their story truly ends. Satsuki requests another story with a tired yawn, but Bridget questions whether they can stay awake for another. The child pouts and claims they aren’t tired, despite another yawn escaping their little body. May chuckles and agrees to one final story. Satsuki cheers and hops back down into May’s lap, snuggling up against their mother as she picks up the book sitting on the table next to her. She opens to the first page as Bridget sits down on the chair’s armrest, wrapping her arm around her wife and child as May begins another story.
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kingkatsuki · 10 months
— lush
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It’s no secret to Bakugou that his friends think you’re hot, but he’s never allowed them to act on it before. Until they catch him using a remote controlled vibrator on you—
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x f!reader, implied Sero Hanta x f!reader, Kaminari Denki x f!reader, Kirishima Eijirou x f!reader.
Warnings: 18+, toys, Bakugou let’s the guys control your lush vibe, dub-con (consent isn’t explicitly stated so could potentially be seen as non-con), long distance, sexting, public setting, nudes, squirting, dirty talk, the guys talk pure filth about you.
Word Count: 3.6k.
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Bakugou did not want to be here, and frankly he wouldn’t have turned up at all if it hadn’t been for you. Especially when he knew what was waiting at home for him— you kissed him at the door with a promise to wait up for him when he returned home. Knowing that you’d more than likely fall asleep on the couch by the time he stepped back into the apartment, having to scoop you up into his arms and walk you into your bedroom.
This night out for Sero’s birthday had been planned weeks in advance, and rather than unwinding with him after your long day at work you practically forced him into the shower— alone no less, and made him get ready for drinks at a popular bar in central Musutafu.
Taking a sip of his cold beer as his friends talked animatedly around him in the plush booth, catching up with each other after a few weeks apart. Gathering as Pro-Heroes wasn’t as easy as his days back at U.A. Conflicting work schedules meant that it became near impossible to find the same days, or even evenings off as each other. So this was something to be savoured. Or at least, that’s what you told him as you watched him get ready. Sitting on your shared bed wearing one of his old Dynamight agency shirts and a pair of shorts while he pulled a plain black shirt out of his closet to wear tonight.
Nothing had annoyed Bakugou more than leaving you alone in your apartment to be here, the taste of your gloss still lingering on his lips as he thought about being home with you instead.
You’d made it abundantly clear what your plans were going to be tonight, pulling the little pink toy he’d bought for you out of your magic drawer (as he called it) and settling yourself on your shared bed.
“You put that in I ain’t goin’ at all, sweetheart.” He groaned, leaning against the doorframe as you shook your head with a laugh.
“You’re going,” You reached up to squeeze his cheeks together into a pout, the rough stubble on his face tickling your fingers as you pulled him down into a kiss, “I just need something after the day I’ve had. I’m probably gonna take a bath and wait for you to get home.”
“Then I’m at least controlling that shit.” He growled, pulling his cellphone out of his jeans pocket, “Give me access now.”
Maybe he’d be able to have one more drink before excusing himself early so he could get home to you and sink himself into your warm, wet cunt.
And god, you would be so fucking wet. You’d be soaked from the way his thumb continued to absentmindedly draw patterns against his phone screen. The pink cursor ascended for a few moments before dragging it back down. Picturing how you looked right now with the little toy stuffed inside your pretty pussy as you writhed on top of tussled sheets all because of him.
You[8.59PM]: Kats, stop teasing and let me cum :(((
The notification banner signaled at the top of the screen, causing Bakugou to grin. He’d been teasing you for the last hour with the toy, knowing that the settings he was using weren’t quite enough to have you coming undone for him. But just enough to have you riled up and begging for more—
Bakugou[9.00PM]: You’re the one that wanted to play these games, sweetheart.
You[9.01PM]: Yeah, but I wanna cum :((
The words had Bakugou’s cock throbbing in his pants, pressing against the rough denim as he tried to mask a groan through a tickly cough. Pressing the back of his hand to his lips as he typed another response to you.
Bakugou[9.02PM]: I promise I’ll take good care of you when I get home, baby.
You[9.05PM]: Turn it up a little please, baby? I need it.
With that text you’d sent an attachment. He’d been hiding the screen of his phone beneath the table all evening to avoid any prying eyes or accusatory questions, but this made him shield the screen from any unsuspecting gazes. A photograph of you staring up into the camera with needy eyes, your glossy lips curled into a cute pout as you pulled your shirt— his shirt, above your chest as the fabric bunched together to reveal your perfect breasts.
God, you were so fucking perfect.
Bakugou decided to take pity on you, his fingers pulling the circle up the screen to increase the vibrations. His free hand reaching forward to grab his bottle as he downed the rest of its contents. Determined this would be his last drink before excusing himself to come home to you, not that he’d have to think of any particular reason.
“Work still trying to contact you, bro? It’s gone nine.” Sero asked, leaning his forearms against the table.
“You have been on the phone a lot, is everything okay?” Kirishima looked concerned.
“He’s probably texting his girlfriend,” Denki practically sang.
“Shut up, idiot. Everything’s fine.”
Slipping his phone back into his pocket as he stood from the booth, smoothing his hands down the black denim on his thighs as he made a beeline towards the bar.
“It’s your round yeah, Kats?” Kirishima called after him, the sound drowned out by the loud bustle of the bar as Bakugou leaned against it waiting to be served. He could feel his phone vibrating in his pocket, knowing that it was texts from you. But he didn’t want to unlock it to read them now, not when anyone could look over his shoulder and catch a glimpse at what was his.
Forgoing a tray as he held the neck of the beer bottles between his knuckles as he carried them back towards the booth to a cheer and raised arms from Denki. Sharing them out as he resumed his seat and wrapped a palm around the cold base of the bottle, distracted as he pulled his phone out to finally respond to you.
You[9.21PM]: I can’t cum with this, baby. It’s driving me crazy.
You[9.23PM]: You are the biggest tease I swear, Kats. My clit is throbbing :(((
Bakugou grinned as instead of responding to your messages, he left them on read. Opening the lush app as he went back to dragging his thumb across the screen, increasing the vibrations to give you some much needed relief. Except this time Sero was quick to notice the app on Bakugou’s phone screen, quick reflexes snatching the phone from his hands.
“Is this what I think it is?” Sero’s eyes sparkled with mischief as his mouth settled into a wide grin, “No wonder you’re talking to us even less than usual tonight, Bakubro.”
“Give it back, tapeface.” Bakugou practically snarled, reaching across the table to try and grab his phone back. Knocking his beer bottle over in the process, which Kirishima’s quick reflexes managed to save with minimal spillage, the head foaming up from the movement.
“What is that?” Denki asked with curiosity as he leaned over Sero’s shoulder to look at the screen.
“You guys ever seen this app before?” Sero turned it to face the table, the circle still sat in the middle of the screen. An indication of the consistent hum of vibrations pulsing through the toy for you right now.
“No, what does it do?” Kirishima tilted his head slightly, “Is it like a game?”
“It’s an app for a remote controlled vibrator,” Sero explained, “So unless it’s inside you right now, man—”
“Piss off.” Bakugou snarled, baring his teeth.
“Then I’m guessing it’s inside your girlfriend.” Sero surmised, turning the screen back to face him.
“Oh,” Kirishima’s lips parted in surprise, and Bakugou could see the cogs turning in his mind as his thoughts clearly went to what you looked like with this little toy stuffed inside your pussy.
“Wait” Denki’s brows were furrowed as though deep in thoyght, the cogs turning in his mind, “So that means she’s got it in right now?”
“Looks like it.” Sero held the phone in one hand as he used his pointer finger to drag the circle down to the bottom of the screen, stopping the vibrations completely, “How many times has she cum already?”
None of your fucking business, Bakugou thought to himself as he sneered across the table. But he hoped you hadn’t cum at all, wanting to return home and experience the luxury of you coming undone on his cock firsthand.
“Oh fuck, man.” Denki whined, “Your girlfriends so fucking hot. How did you get so lucky?”
“Maybe you should give that back, Sero.” Kirishima shuffled beside Bakugou, clearly intrigued with the conversation but he tried to ignore the dark, depraved thoughts that were running through his mind at this moment.
“Yeah, give it the fuck back.” Bakugou snarled, swiping for the phone again as Sero held it over his head and away from Bakugou’s reach.
You[9.30PM]: Baby, why’d you turn it off completely that’s so mean?
“Oh shit,” Sero read the text that came through from you, “Happy birthday to me.”
“Give me the fuckin’ phone,” Bakugou practically snarled, venom laced in his tone as he hoped you wouldn’t try and send another selfie.
“Come on, man. Five minutes,” Sero pleaded, offering the phone back to Bakugou as a peace offering, “It could be my birthday gift, you know?”
Having his friends fawn over you like this had a warped sense of power rolling over him. It was debauched, depraved and downright scummy but Bakugou found himself falling into the sovereignty.
Bakugou knew he should call you to let you know that he was surrendering control to the app to his friends, or at the very least send you a message to let you know. But deep down he knew it was something that you would probably enjoy, maybe a bit too much, if you knew. Often talking to him about uses for the toy, and whether he’d ever share access with it with his friends. The thought of going home to tell you who had been controlling it just to see the wide-eyed look on your face had his cock throbbing beneath his jeans in anticipation.
“Five fuckin’ minutes.”
“That’s the spirit, happy fucking birthday to me.” Sero grinned as he began to slide his finger against the screen, “You shoulda brought her with you, that woulda been the best gift.”
“You’d never be that fuckin’ lucky, tapeface.” Bakugou snorted, taking a sip of beer as Sero’s tongue poked out from between his lips in concentration. Swirling his finger along the screen with such precision, but Bakugou was certain he had no real clue what he was doing.
“A girl online gave me her code to one of these before,” He grinned across the booth, “Let me watch her on video while I did it too—”
“Don’t even think about it.” Bakugou would rather blow his phone up completely than let his friends see you on video.
“How do you even know she’s got it in right now?” Denki asked, “You could just be messing with a dead toy.”
“She sent a text begging me to turn it back on.” Sero grinned, “He’s probably the one that put it in her, lucky prick.”
Bakugou wished he was the one that positioned the toy inside you, although he definitely wouldn’t have made it to the bar if he had. There’s nothing in this world that could’ve torn him away from your pretty little cunt.
“Can you get her to send us a picture?” Denki continued, “Do you have pictures?”
Bakugou had multiple pictures, and videos, of you using the toy. It had originally been a way for him to help you climax whenever he was called away on long missions, a fun addition to the already steamy video calls you’d have at random hours. The time differences were often large as he’d find himself fisting his cock for you on camera at four in the morning, helping you to cum just before you were getting ready for bed.
“Shut up, asshole.” Bakugou growled.
There was no way he was going to show them a picture of you, especially how hot you looked right now. Remembering the photograph you’d sent him just as he made it to the bar, of you spread out against soft sheets as you gave the camera a sultry gaze. Man, he really was a fucking idiot coming out tonight and leaving you at home.
“Oh, he’s definitely got pictures,” Sero smirked, “Look at the look on his face. I bet she looks hot in them too—”
“Don’t you dare, you fuck.” Bakugou made a swipe for the phone, but Sero was quicker. Handing the cellphone off to Denki as he leaned forward to pick up his bottle of beer with a chuckle, taking a large swig from it as he leaned against Denki’s shoulder to watch his friend play with the app.
“Have you used this when she’s out in public?” Denki asked, looking across the booth at Bakugou while his finger criss-crossed over the screen with speed— probably torturing your poor pussy with the intense changes.
“No.” Bakugou answered curtly. Neither of you had really toyed with the device outside long distance, but it’s definitely something that you’d both talked about before. You’d even suggested he wear it one night, so he could feel exactly what it did to you for himself.
“Man, that’s so boring.” Denki pouted, “If she was my girlfriend I’d have her wearing it to the grocery store.”
“That’s because you don’t know how to make a girl cum by yourself.” Bakugou scoffed, taking another sip of his drink as Denki scrunched his nose in response.
“Yeah I do,” Denki turned the screen to face him, giving anyone in the bar who looked over a glimpse at the adult app on the phone in use right now, “In fact I’m gonna make your girl cum without even touching her.”
Bakugou hoped you weren’t coming right now, especially with how intense Denki had the vibrations. He knew you were already riled up and desperate, and this was exactly what you needed to have you tumbling over the edge. But he’d never live it down if Denki was the one to make you climax, he’d never hear the end of it.
“You should invite her next time, man. We could do this with her here.” Denki continued, his finger pausing on the screen while the dot was sat at its highest point. Indicating that the vibrations were on the most intense setting as Bakugou pictured you writhing against the sheets while the toy buzzed inside you. Picturing the creamy slick that drooled out of your hole at the sensation and stuck to your plush thighs. Wishing that he was there to clean you up instead of fantasizing about it. His cock jumped at the thought as he palmed himself subtly through his jeans while shifting in his seat.
God, he had to go home and bury himself inside you.
“Can I have a go?” Kirishima mumbled shyly, his cheeks glowing as red as his hair as he fisted his beer bottle nervously.
“Knock yourself out, man.” Denki held the cellphone out to Kirishima like it belonged to him, the dot still sat at the highest point on the screen.
What Bakugou hadn’t been expecting is the amount of teasing Kirishima was doing for you. His thumb barely moving the circle above the slowest setting, the low rumble of the toy inside you would’ve been barely enough for anyone and Bakugou knew it had to be driving you crazy right now.
You[9.40PM]: I told you to stop being a tease. I was about to cum. :(((
“Oh, she’s texting you.”
Kirishima showed him the screen as he read the text, and Bakugou had never been so happy that Kirishima had managed to seize control of his phone and the app before Denki had a chance to actually make you climax.
Breathing a sigh of relief as he grinned in satisfaction, certain he’d never hear the end of it (from you or Denki) if he’d managed to make you cum.
Kirishima was gentle and cautious as he continued playing with the app, barely letting the vibrations go above the middle of the screen. But thick fingers continued to make it constant, pushing down to wiggle the line every few seconds as he began to make almost swirling patterns against the device.
“Come on, man. Turn it up to the max.” Denki whined, his arms going across the table in a silent plea to get the phone back into his hands.
“So you can make her completely numb?” Sero scoffed, “You know she’d stop being able to feel anything with you.”
“She’d be able to feel a lot.” Denki grabbed at his crotch crudely as the men sat at the table began to laugh, even Bakugou snorted as he took a large swig of his beer. He had to get home to you soon.
“You ain’t ever made a girl cum in their life so what makes you think you could make my girl cum?” Bakugou deadpanned as Denki pouted.
“I have too!” He whined.
“Oh yeah? When was that?” Sero pried.
“Come on, man. Don’t be on his side—”
“The girls on those camsites don’t count, I’m pretty certain they fake it too.”
“I don’t even use those anymore.”
“Oh wow.” Kirishima breathed deeply when Bakugou turned his attention back to his best friend. Noticing he’d opened the texting app and now a photograph you’d just sent sat open on the screen.
“What the fuck, man?” Bakugou grunted, grabbing his phone off Kirishima has he shielded the screen with his body. Curling over the table as he held the device beneath it.
“I’m sorry, it’s not my fault. I saw the notification and I clicked it—” Panic was evident in Kirishima’s tone as he begun a feeble attempt to explain himself. An attempt that would’ve been easier were it not for the alcohol currently circling through his veins, his voice slurred as his eyes glazed over. Trying to commit the picture he’d just seen of you to memory, as though he’d just had a near death experience and had witnessed the pearly gates.
“Let me see,” Denki practically begged, “God, dude. Please— let me see. Eiji got to see, it’s not fair!”
“Shut up,” Bakugou cut both men off, trying to focus on the picture you’d just sent.
It was a photograph taken from above your body, between the gap of your thighs and your chubby mound as he noticed the dark stain that now splashed across your bedsheets. Bakugou sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth when he noticed the text message that you’d sent with it.
You[9.45PM]: You just made me squirt omg
You[9.46PM]: You’re cleaning that up when you get home it’s not my fault :(((
“Fuck, she squirted.” Bakugou mumbled, eyes roaming your exposed skin and the mess you’d made on the screen.
That’s it, he was going home to you now.
“What?!” Denki gasped in surprise, practically jumping over the table in the booth to read the messages, “You made her squirt?”
“Clearly it was me that got her close enough to do it,” Sero grinned, “Eij just got lucky to get her last.”
“And she sent a picture? Can I see it, man? Please.” Denki looked as though he was about to cry, his knuckles turning white from gripping the edge of the table, “Please just one pic.”
Bakugou chewed the inside of his cheek for a moment, debating on whether to show the personal picture you’d sent. A picture that had clearly been intended for his eyes only— but he’d explain to you later.
Turning the screen to the rest of the table, ensuring it faced away from the busy bar as his friends leaned in to look at it. Eyes darting across the imagine to try and memorise it in the few seconds that Bakugou had given them.
“Holy fucking shit.” Sero grinned.
“That’s not fair that you get to go home to that,” Denki threw his head against the back of the booth with a groan, “I’d lick it off the floor.”
“You’re such a fuckin’ freak.” Bakugou sneered, scrunching his nose at the debauched comment.
Locking his phone before leaning forward to pick his beer bottle up to down the rest of its contents, slamming the empty bottle back down on the table as he grabbed his jacket.
“Well, you’ve seen what I’ve got waiting for me at home, I’m out.” Bakugou fist bumped Sero as before shrugging his jacket back on.
“Any chance at a video call?” Denki pleaded, clasping his hands together as Bakugou shot him a glare, “What? I’m just asking.”
Bakugou text you as he left the bar, moving quick on his feet to get home to you as quickly as possible as he hailed a taxi.
Bakugou[9.52PM]: I’m not cleaning that up when I get home, I’m making it worse.
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shotmrmiller · 2 months
written on phone, excuse mistakes.
ps!ghost is spent. physically exhausted. there's an ache in his lower back that he can feel up to the base of his skull. his hip flexors burn with overuse. his head pounds, an unrelenting hammering behind his eyes.
he's working too hard to keep himself in the zone when at work. his co-stars, while so breathtakingly beautiful, aren't his favorite girl. the one with the soft, quivering thighs that glisten with arousal in every video. the one with the pretty tits and even prettier pussy that somehow takes him (technically him, that toy is based on his cock) so nicely, every devastating inch.
he can feel himself thickening at just the thought of you climbing on top, nails digging into his chest as you sink onto him, watching your face through half-lidded eyes as you finally feel the real thing. would your bitten lips part as you draw a sharp gasp? would your eyes roll to the back of your head once his tip gently presses against the plug of your womb? would you let him take you over the peak with just the pad of his thumb rolling little circles over your swollen clit as you try to sit still?
the muscles in his groin tighten, his now hardened erection straining against the metal teeth of his zipper. he rearranges himself from the outside, a palm wrapping around the thick of him when he looks at his watch.
he supposes he's got enough time to squeeze in one last wank. not like he has any issues getting to his finish line, not with your pretty pussy in his mind's eye.
pulling your page up on his phone, he slowly begins to undo the button on his jeans when he notices that you posted a brand-new video. just minutes ago, back when he was still in his driveway.
he leaves an impatient trail of clothes that leads to his bedroom and lies back, head sinking into the soft pillow, his hand lazily tugging his length when—
he springs up, spine snapping straight, eyes widening but pupils narrowing as he takes in what you're wearing. you managed to get your hands on a mask, a skull balaclava to be exact. he's worn that before in older videos.
even though he can't see your face, he can finally, finally get a look at your eyes. long lashes frame them, like feathered wings, like brushstrokes from an artist's hand. your eyes reflect the bright luminescence of the ring light behind the camera, a circular glow that encircles the center of them in a perfect halo.
if he wasn't enthralled before, (which he definitely is, he'd buy you an airplane ticket to come see him in a heartbeat) he sure as hell is now. and he's even harder than before, almost painfully so. ghost leans against the wall, spreading his muscled thighs shoulder-width apart and presses play.
it starts slow, as always. your hand wraps around the base of the toy, the tips of your fingers barely touching. he takes minor pride in that. you're not a teeny thing, he's simply bigger in more ways than one. you give it a couple of pumps, spreading the lube over it when you lean forward— your pretty, perfect eyes looking straight at the camera— and with a thumb, you lift the mask up just enough to—
you spit on the toy. there's a clear glob of saliva trickling down the plastic thing, trailing a warm path down to where your hand is. the wave of heat that rushes through his body, painting his cheeks a rosy hue with embarrassment (because he's seething with jealousy over a bloody inanimate object, for fucks sake) is swallowed up by the molten rush that courses through his veins.
his usual pink tip is flushed a much deeper color as it pre-cum beads up at the slit.
"fuck, do tha' again." he rumbles quietly. "c'mon, love, do tha' again." you've even got him talking to himself, that's how crazy he is about you.
it's as if lady luck smiled upon him because you do it again. a quick drag of your hand, up down, up down, and you lick the side of it with a flattened pink tongue before spitting on the head.
perfect. you're perfect. what he wouldn't do to be there instead.
he sucks in a sharp breath through his clenched teeth when you move around until your sex is hovering over the spit-slick toy. ghost chokes out a groan, a low noise that comes from deep within his barrel chest when you begin to lower yourself onto it.
your greedy cunt swallows it whole in one smooth movement. puffy lips spread wide as it stretches to take it all, walls wrenched apart by the girth. he bets you're squeezing down on it like a vice. ghost grips himself tight, hissing at the feeling. you'd probably be tighter.
he strokes himself in sync with the pace you've set, a slow but firm rise and fall. the sounds your cunt makes is music to his ears— audible squelching, a sticky viscous note. there's a creamy froth around the widened base, slowly dripping onto the floor like pearly drops of sweetened honey and milk.
saliva pools in his mouth, enough to have to swallow.
he bets you'd taste as sweet as you look. like a ripened fig. like the warmth of amber.
another swallow.
a familiar heat begins to flare in his groin, a quiet hum beneath his flesh, tiny pinpricks on his tender nerves. the tell tale sign of his end.
"c'mon sweetheart, come with me. let me—" he bites down on his tongue, meat between his molars when his core pulses, flaring white hot. let me feel you around me. give me wha' i want, wha' i've earned.
my reward.
he hears your breath hitch, snag in your throat, and—
your eyes flutter closed, eyelashes akin to a butterfly's wings. vulnerable. delicate.
he just knows you'd look so beautiful in your surrender.
white-hot, like a star's core radiates from the inside out, a seething inferno beneath his skin, pushing outward, pushing against the threshold— a dam that holds back torrents of euphoria. a crack appears with each stroke, each tug of his cock until he exhales a quivering breath, like fallen leaves rustling in the wind.
it bursts, cascading over him. it's indescribable— pure ecstasy. sublime. it comes in bursts, pulse after pulse. warmth covers his hand, drips down his balls into his bedsheets.
he grumbles as he gets out of bed to clean himself up, making a mental note to ask his manager to email you instead.
it's high time he got his hands on you.
or yours on him.
(+ fat fucking tip, atp he's about to buy a wedding ring someone help him!!!)
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E̴N̴T̴W̴I̴N̴E̴D̴ - Series - Part 5
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x f/reader
Warnings: F!nger!ng sesh with BB and fluff!
Notes: IDK how they expected me to watch one ep. per week like... I watched them all yesterday and now one month to go... Thank you for reading this story. Can we not talk about Tilly Arnold? thanks
WC: 3.9K
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You were featured in Lady Whistledown a few times now and those times, she talked about your persona, describing it as just, kind and friendly. This time as your eyes scanned the page you wondered why she didn't use more scrutinizing words against you and the situation. She was talking rather fondly of you, nothing compared to your Mother who made sure to silence your father quite often now.
You read the paper again and bit your cheek. Lady Whistledown has made sure to explain the situation and collect the evidence of Lord Coxingworth's harsh behaviour that in reality he was being antagonized by her very badly.
"My dear" you father looked for your mother's face "Is this not what we wanted? Our only daughter is getting married"
"But how is she getting married?" she huffed, angry at you "Debuting" she pointed with her hands "House calls" she indicated "courting a man!" she winced "not two, Y/N!" she touched her stomach "and finally marrying him but your daughter has made sure to add scandal in that process"
"It is not a scandal, Mama" you said, knowing well enough to keep the tone respectful but firm.
"I beg to differ, Y/N" she hissed.
"It is not like I met Benedict while talking to Lord Coxingworth" a very subtle smile tried to curve your lips
"But oh dear, you have met him at the Bridgertons"
"Never unchaperoned" you pointed out, your cheeks turning a deep shade of pink
"I do not care, Y/N, you ruined my debut plans"
"Mama" you breathed, not believing her words. "My debut happened and you helped me achieve it flawlessly"
"I know"
"And things... well, things turned around for the better"
Your Mother had enough. You were giving her logic that her hysteria could not chew for now so that is why she excused herself leaving you with your father. His beard already turning white by the roots and his elegant attire wrinkled as he sat down in the drawing room.
"Come here"
You moved from the window and approached your Father who was patting his side. You did so and he sighed "My beautiful daughter... have things turned around for the better?"
"yes" you admitted "I would not say it if it wasn't right"
"Mr. Bridgerton is a good man. I know" he nodded more to himself "I of course do not enjoy the scandal this will hold until well, the wedding but I am good at deafening them here" he pointed at his head "Your mother is not. Be kind to her, particularly these days"
"Of course, Papa"
"Also..." he smiled at you and reached for your hand "I want you to know that I am happy. Very much"
"Really?" you tilted your head to the side, your heart warming.
"I was not sure of the Bridgerton boy, at first" he chuckled "I do not think your Mother likes him"
"I know, Papa"
"But he is a Bridgerton after all and I see Edmund in him."
His words inked deeply within you as your day passed by. The day rather than join in celebration of the engagement being solid, was spent apart which gave you time to… no, not that.
You did your things. Played the pianoforte. Talked with the maids. Did needlework. Anything, everything to keep your mind busy and away from desire. You wondered if in the near future there could be a way of communication that does not require a servant holding a letter and handing it personally.
Of course not, how can it be?
You kept on going. Dinner reached its course and as silent as it was more because of your mother than anyone else you enjoyed the moment. You will be soon married, married you smiled.
Mrs. Bridgerton. You blinked at the meat pie in front of you and imagined a house. A family. Children. And of course, a husband.
You smiled, your hand reaching for your glass and as it was filled with wine you noticed a piece of paper sticking from the pocket of your dress. Your eyes widened as you tried to hide the blush from your parents and quickly reach for it.
The handwriting was messy and hurried but the words were clear enough.
Bring the poetry book to my library.
You questioned why so seldomly you clenched your thighs. Your breath hitched and your eyes darted to the window where you could see the dark night sky, the moon and the stars shining in a way that felt so magical, so ethereal and so the so-called pious girl routine commenced and when you brushed your hair as the last step of it your long forgotten your bed.
Waiting you did and went outside your house through the back door. The odd guilty feeling felt more at ease, now you were going to meet your future husband, not your… your… what was he before?
When you reached it was a matter of time before turning to the vast garden however the entrance lit up and you hid behind the stone pillar.
“...And from who are you hiding from?”
You grinned and turned around to see Benedict with his sleeping wear and holding a candle.
“No one”
“Good because I only live here”
“And the staff” you reminded him
"The staff won't say a word" he bobbed his head "Fancy greeting your fiancé properly?"
His impeccable quick wit made you nod and he plucked his lips ready to savour you but instead, the proper greeting he expected was an arm slap and a giggle from you making him chuckle in return.
"I brought the book" you mentioned
"Right... I do not care about the book"
Your brows joined in a frown "May I remind you that this book" You showed the thin copy "Was what made us... this?"
Benedict locked the door and put the candle on the entry table "I do enjoy its contents and do know the meaning of that stolen book" he made you roll your eyes "But I may remind you that I harbouredfeelings for you long before your crime? I do not wi to speak for you but-"
"I had them before as well" You tried to slap his other arm but he swayed away to the stairs "Where are you going?"
"I have a bedroom"
"Good for you"
"A comfortable bed" he snorted
"Do you have these things?" he pointed around
"I had them back at my house"
"And you don't have them if you stay down here. Follow me"
You slowly grunted not in annoyance because who are you but a smart girl who knows that whatever might happen behind those doors will be for your benefit? But you grunted in fatigue. You saw Benedict waiting for you to walk inside his room, the crimson colour in your face was ignored by the darkness of the night but you certainly perceived the heat of it.
"Please" he closed the doors and then bit his lower lip and exclaimed "Oh!"
You flinched at his frantic movements and saw how he jumped at his bed, papers around, some chalk, more papers "Busy today?"
"Quite... I... Well, I have taken Anthony's role until he comes backs from his honeymoon and I didn't have time today to sketch"
"And now that I am here I'm afraid I will take your sketching time away"
Benedict placed all his papers on a desk and shook his head "Unlike the immature boys you have encountered, I do know when my number one priority has entered the room"
You blushed and looked around "May I sit... or?"
Benedict tilted his head and sighed "Y/N... this is going to be your bedroom"
The idea made you blush harder "Mine? Are you saying you will move? Isn't opening one of the multiple bedrooms for me easier than transporting your items?"
"What are you talking about?" he scratched the top of his head, moving slowly to his bed "This will be our bedroom, not just mine"
"I thought there were separate rooms for every couple"
"And who would like to sleep away from you? Not me!" he laughed and so gracefully landed on his twisted duvet and took the opposite corner to open the spot next to him "Come here, have a taste of the future. A time machine"
And you clearly were not stupid to reject his invitation, perhaps what happened in this room a day ago might happen again and oh... you were using your damned pantalettes. He hates them. Nevertheless, you jumped and giggled feeling the flannel of the linen and the heaviness of the satin duvet.
"There you go" he puffed the pillow for you and leaned on his arm to face you, his head resting on his palm "Tell me, what did you do today?"
Your hand was certainly halted as your fingertips were clearly already letting loose the waistband of your pantalettes. You softly frowned and recomposed as he bombarded you with a normal question.
"Oh, well, my day was quite dreadful"
“I hate needlework”
“Iugh” he stuck out his tongue “Yes I hate it too”
“But you don’t have to do it”
“I’m hating what you’re hating” he shrugged “What else?”
“Pianoforte, Italian, talking…” you huffed “You making me say out loud makes it all sound so dull” You shifted and took your robe out of your body, you threw it to the end of the bed “I don’t like coming to London”
“Don’t you?” He asked and then laid on top of his pillow “I thought the season had its charms”
“It does but when I go back to the countryside is far better. Freedom. You do not care about not using your rib-breaker”
He frowned “rib-breaker?”
He chuckled “Then let us go to the countryside and burn all your rib-breakers. Of freedom you seek, let me also benefit from it”
You felt the blush again coming and you looked at his eyes “I am not wearing one right now”
He swallowed thickly and bit his cheek, his chest raising and lowering faster. He did not expect this information. Not that is not welcomed.
“Clearly you would be mad if you slept with it”
Your hands grabbed the ditched collar of your sleeping gown, and the courage to show what hides underneath crept in you but you were met with both of his hands as he sat upright.
“What a-“
“My love” he tried to smile “I do not wish to be seen as someone that calls upon you only for mere passionate encounters” You opened your mouth and he shook his head “Although I am filled with lust for you I am also filled with love” he stopped and he blinked, the word has never left his lips until now “there are things that give another type of pleasure,” He said, his fingers moving up to your cheeks. You blinked, his words and his actions were softer than the silk you wear or the butter you taste in the mornings.
“Have you shared those other things with someone else?”
Benedict thought about your question deeply “…no, not quite. I for once never asked a woman to join me in bed to talk” he laid back again on the bed “or slept all night with someone… of course it was me who stood up and left”
You were silently startled, your eyes wide open as your hand moved to rest on his chest, feeling his heart beating. He looked at you and his thumb moved to caress the apple of your cheek.
“I’m sorry for the brash stories. I do not intend to do so with you”
“I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to know” you confessed “I always wondered what you did away from the Bridgerton House”
“I did not do that all the time. I painted, drank good brandy… danced…” he smiled “occasionally danced within the sheets”
“Danced writhing the sheets” you mocked him and turned around to stay at your side as you stared at him “I don’t know what that means?”
“You don’t?” He somehow snorted “I know you have read biology books, love. So you must know something”
You rolled your eyes and slapped his shoulder, making him laugh and shake his head.
"I know that for a baby to be made a man and a woman are needed and that there is a special moment when the woman might have more chances. That is w-“
“Please don’t say full moon. Please don’t say full moon…”
You gulped and with a very quiet voice you said “Full moon…”
Benedict loudly laughed so that his voice hit the ceiling of his room, he squirmed in the bed making you laugh in return "Y/N!"
"No, no, no... those are just tales. Please tell me what are marital encounters?"
You were never questioned like that before and your chest felt sweaty with the amount of heat you were starting to feel "Things..."
"Things of... married people"
Benedict so cutely hid his cheeks in his hands "I cannot t-"
"Things!" your exclaimed trying not to be embarrassed "Things like uhm" You bit your cheek and with the same quiet voice, you added "Kissing"
"Kissing" he repeated.
"And touching and uhm..." you sighed "I'm not sure. I do know you have in you some essence but somehow the act itself was not written in the book"
"Was not written or did someone rip the pages?" he asked for himself and sighed, he saw your genuine eyes and pulled the duvet further so your shoulders were hiding now "So much to know of this world and still women are being concealed of it"
"Not all women"
"True" he nodded "Society women are treated so poorly and that is a lot to say. They might be close to diamond jewels and so far from actual and factual knowledge"
"That's why I say I like the countryside better, you read whatever you want as long as no one sees you"
"Is that how you found those biology books?" you nodded at his question and then went back to bed "I'm sorry I have taken your sleeping time"
You looked around "you expect me to sleep here?"
"I thought we already ta-"
"No, as of right now, tonight"
"Yes" he pouted and circled your frame with his arm, his head crashing on your shoulder "Yes, of course, and... we can wake up early so you can go to your house" his voice suddenly turned slow "if you get caught is not like... we are" he yawned "strangers. The worst they can do is make us get married"
"But we are going to get married"
With his drowsy voice, you also allowed yourself to close your eyes. That night, even though there was no recollection on your part of your sleep, you knew that it was by far the most peaceful you have ever gotten apart from the fact that you blinked in the middle of your slumber and felt the ardent heat coming from his body. A man his size truly doesn't need a furnace.
You tried to unlock his arm from you and felt your gown sticking against your skin with mild sweat. You slowly and softly moved around and reached the end of the bed to stand. You leaned on the end to put your slippers and that is when a hand grabbed your wrist.
With the most sleepy face someone could have, his chestnut hair a mess and his voice croaked he said "Where are you going?"
"No..." he said and tugged your wrist and he opened his eyes, his other arm moved the duvet aside "There is no light outside"
"And that is good" you mumbled "When there is light it'll b-"
"Sssshhhh you talk too much, come" he let himself fall against his bed and moaned "Comfortable bed" he then opened an eye and saw you "I mean it come, husband orders"
Your shoulders deflated as you climbed the bed again "Husband orders... wife orders..." you muttered and laid again "There?"
"Turn around," he said and moved closer to your frame. You did as he said and he circled his arms around you, his leg resting on your thigh and his face nuzzling against your neck, his hair tickling the space behind your ear "Closer"
"That is the closest"
Benedict growled and was drowsily moody as he took your shoulders, turned you flat on your back, growled more and laid again next to you. His head trying to hide somewhere. You smiled at the sight and the softness of the moment and the fact that he was not thinking and was just following his sleepy desires.
You kissed his forehead and he smiled, his nose pressing harder against the spot under your jaw. You closed your eyes yet the pressure on your jaw increased and like a snap you opened your eyes to see Benedict staring at you with a smug face, his chin now on the pillow and his lips kissing your neck.
"You are awake"
"I am" he said and licked your neck, his tongue tasting the saltiness of your skin "You woke me up"
"No, I didn't-"
"You did" he smiled and kissed your cheek "I'm awake"
"What is that?" he purred and his hand moved to your leg, the tip of his fingers caressing the bare skin of your thigh.
"Benedict" you said and closed your eyes, your mind was not helping, his fingers were moving further and you felt his lips kissing yours.
You felt the soft fingers tracing the seams of your pantalettes and you gasped. He smiled and kissed your lips, his tongue slowly tracing the contour of your lower lip. You sighed and he did the same.
"Do you want me to stop?"
"No" you whispered
His lips were back again against yours, his tongue gently asking for entrance and when you complied, you felt a wave of bliss hit your body. His tongue was hot, his taste was a hint of cotton, yes, cotton and you didn't know why. Perhaps you're dreaming.
You felt his hand turning to the waistband of your pantalettes and clear as water his hand was underneath now.
"Ben" you said in a gasp
"Y/N" he groaned and kissed your cheek and neck. His hand moving between the soft material and his knuckles brushing the apex of your legs. Your breathing became erratic as the tip of his index finger explored your folds.
"Ahhhh..." you moaned at the sensation, you had explored there but him? His fingers, as foreign as they were still made perfect sense they were there. How do you know? You just do. Your hands grasped the side of the linen under you and you tried not to tense as he kept tracing up and down, his thumb gently pushing and rubbing on your little nub.
"I will take them off"
"Please" you nodded as you breathed in
He smiled and slowly took them off, the material stuck to his wet knuckles and he saw his hand coated with your "Essence" he grinned and received a soft slap from you "Uhum" he hummed and took your neck as his captive.
"Do not think" he whispered
"I can't"
"Yes, you can" he smiled and his finger traced a line, a line that felt like fire. And you moaned again "Be here with me as I touch you, God, you're so beautiful"
You closed your eyes as he kept kissing you, his mouth, his tongue, and his teeth were all over your face and neck and that tracing stop made you frown until your lips parted at the sensation of his finger strangely close to your... what is there?
"Breathe for me, dear"
You did. In. Out and then you felt his finger factually inside you and it was not strange as feeling it outside. This was warm and this was new.
"Ah" you breathed out and his hand rested on your stomach, his eyes looking at yours and the way he was taking the whole thing. His finger was exploring the depths of your walls, the way it felt, the warmth and tightness of it. "Ben"
"Ben" he repeated and kissed the back of your ear "Never call me Benedict again" he moved his finger and you felt it curve and he stop your body from wiggling, his free hand moved to his side of the bed and took a pillow.
"I am going to use the pillow, my love"
You didn't have time to react because the second after the pillow was under your hips, his finger was back again. You moaned loudly and your hand moved to cover your mouth. Benedict frowned.
"Why are you doing that?"
"They could hear"
"Sssshhh no one can"
"If you keep quiet I will add a finger"
"How can I if I-"
He stopped you with his kiss and he started moving again, you moaned and moaned and you were sure that the moment he introduced a second finger was the moment when your legs started to move, jolt, and shake at the sensation.
"Oh, my love, oh" he groaned as he saw his fingers coated with more juices, he wanted to taste it, he really did but this was not about him. This was about you. "You are taking this so good"
"Keep going" you groaned and arched your back at the craze. Benedict smiled and kept moving, his lips were peppering kisses on your neck and his thumb was now adding more sensation to your clit.
"You like that?"
You were a mess of groans and moans. You were trying not to scream but you felt this fire inside you, a fire that was becoming bigger and bigger and more intense and Benedict could see that, feel that, and hear that.
"Let go, Y/N, let go"
Your hands were clawing at the linen, your legs were shaking and then you felt like the world had exploded, the room was spinning, and there was no sound coming from you apart from the erotic splash and clammy sound of his fingers going faster and harder deep in you.
Benedict smiled and slowed down, he saw the way your body was now limp and he was enjoying the view. You were panting and sweating and the glow was there.
You tried to answer but nothing came out of your lips. Benedict chuckled and kissed your cheek, his fingers leaving your core and he saw the way you were dripping on his hand and your thighs. He groaned.
"My love, I cannot wait for us to marry"
You laughed so deeply at the orgasm you just had, your smile so wide as you turned to see him, his eyes were glowing, his lips were pink, and his hair was a mess.
"Because I cannot wait to be buried deep in you and making you feel better than this"
"There is better than this?"
He nodded and licked his fingers. Your eyes widened at the action and you saw the way his eyes rolled at the taste, his lips licking each digit and his tongue cleaning his hand.
"You have no idea, my love"
"I would love for you to show me"
"Of course" he smiled and his head rested on the pillow "I hope this has been a good experience for you"
You nodded, and your fingers caressed his cheeks "This has been the best of my life"
"Then you are not living enough"
"I will"
"You will"
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luveline · 8 months
hi miss jade <3 if it hasn’t been done already, could you possibly write poly!marauders with a depressed reader? maybe she’s having a particularly hard time lately and she’s trying to hide it from them but they notice she’s been really quiet recently. then one day while they’re all just sitting together, one of them looks over and sees a tear rolling down her cheek and they comfort her </3 if this isn’t something you’re up to writing i understand! thank you nonetheless lovely <3
thank u for ur request lovely!
modern au 
“No,” Remus is whispering, “that's the other actor.” 
James leans into his side. You've successfully crammed yourselves onto the three seater sofa, all four of you. You're on one arm, Sirius the other. If Sirius and James sit together during a movie they won't stop talking, and if you and Remus sit together you'll spend the entire movie telling each other what other movies the actors have been in. 
James and Remus seem to have found a loophole. Sirius tries uselessly to reach over their shoulders to touch you, but James blocks him by accident, head tilting back in a laugh. 
You aren't in the mood for movies. Not their fault, not anyone's, but a melancholy has its hooks in you, and you'd excuse yourself to spend time alone with it if it didn't immediately draw their attention. You're not sure you want to be alone, either. 
James reaches for your hand even as he speaks to Remus excitedly, “He's Ryan Gosling, right?” 
“Yeah, James,” —said with love— “that's Ryan Gosling.” 
You hold James' hand. It's a very real, very gentle tether, but eventually the noise in the room turns white. You lay your cheek on the sofa arm and watch the movie pass by in colours. Dusky orange, pink, blue rain. Your hard times recently have felt longer, deeper, and you've floundered in them helplessly. 
Though the boys couldn't make it worse, their devotion tends to hurt. You feel like you're letting them down whenever you can't fight your lethargy. Even now when you're together for a normal night, you're stuck under the weight of it. You could be playing with James’ hair the way he loves, or telling Remus something interesting about the movie. You could crawl across the two chatterboxes and ask Sirius what he did at work today while he draws shapes into the back of your hand. But you're not. And everything begins to feel worse. 
The TV flickers. The room hums. The tear that slides down your cheek is hot as the drag of a pin. 
You shift down into the arm to hide it as more follow. James pulls his hand away, and you assume he's just getting comfortable, but he puts it on your shoulder, the sofa whining as he leans in. “Hey…” he whispers, nearly too soft to hear. He must've been watching you. They've been doing that more and more lately. 
Your shoulders shake as the first sob brews. They aren't overly loud, you aren't wound tightly enough to really cry, you're just defeated. Tired and scared that this feeling is forever. 
The contented atmosphere in the room drains quicker than snapped fingers. “What's wrong?” Sirius asks. 
You curl away from James. You can't pretend you aren't crying and you don't really want to, but something about his touch feels raw. He comes closer, leaning into you, hand chasing around to your front where it rests over your heart. “It's okay,” he says soundly. “Oh, honey, it's okay.” 
James isn't as heavy with the pet names as the other two. When he does use them, they're genuine but said in high spirits. Almost like a joke, his ever-present humour shining through. He's warm and steady behind you, his lips brushing your ear as he hugs you to his chest. “It's okay,” he whispers, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek. 
Remus says your name unhappily. They know better than to converge on you, and James has always been good at comforting people. Maybe his solidness in both physicality and personality does him credit, but more likely it's his unending patience. He doesn't rush you into feeling better. He just stays right there at your side until you stop shaking. 
“Sorry,” you say again, voice in fractured layers, “I don't know…” 
“I know,” he says. “Let's sit up, okay? Sit up.”
Remus gives you a look with just enough heartbreak that when he holds out his hand, you raise yourself up, knowing James will take you by the waist and help you over his lap. You smush in between their legs as Remus wipes your face dry, and Sirius meets your eyes around his shoulder. It all works to lift the weight from your chest, not fully, but enough to breathe. 
“You don't have to explain.” 
“Just don't cry more,” Sirius begs. He really hates tears, doesn't know what to do with them. “You're too lovely for tears.” 
“Unless you need to,” James says. 
“Right,” Sirius agrees through a wince. 
“She's okay,” Remus says, rubbing your cheek with his knuckles, “hmm? You're alright.” 
He isn't pressuring you into pretending things are better than they are, he's encouraging, and he knows as you know that you're not very well, but you'll manage in the end. You sink back into James arms and smile at them weakly. 
“I'm okay. I just wanted James to rub my stomach, that's all.” 
“Theatrics in the name of attention,” Sirius says proudly. “As you should.” 
James wraps his arms around your front, giving your abdomen a squeeze as he leans down to say, “I'll rub your stomach all night if you want me to,” with a warmth so tender it escapes words. 
Remus drops back into Sirius rather aggressively. “Make haste.” 
“Make haste?” Sirius presses his nose into Remus’ curls, his voice dripping with a feigned contempt, “You make haste, you sick freak.” And then he raises his hand to cover Remus' stomach in mirror of James’ touch. 
You breathe out long and slow, eyes closing of their own accord. “I'm not going to sleep, okay? I'm just tired.” 
James gets comfortable underneath you. “Do what you want, babe. I'm here for the night. If I need to pee I'll just hoist you into Moony's lap for a bit.” 
“I can fit two, thanks,” Sirius interjects. 
“Fine. I'll hoist you into his lap. Though I've no clue why you'd want to spend any time with that bossy bastard.” 
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freyito · 2 months
ɢɪʀʟᴅᴀᴅ ʙᴏᴏᴛʜɪʟʟ
★ summary: booty as a girldad...
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also i dont normally write stuff like this but oh my fucking god HE HAD A DAUGHTER. here's the fluff i promised after blue veins i guess. dont get too comfortable with it ;)
✦ like my work? feel free to send a request !
🗒 cw: gn reader, written before boothill release/2.2, BOOTHILL LEAKS, he's a good father. sorta, not proofread
✎ wc: 932
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Boothill’s censorship comes in handy with the new addition to the family. Granted, he’s really good with watching himself around kids, regardless. He’s really good with kids, he becomes a softer person around them, even softer than he is with you. He’ll let them hang off his arms and draw things on his body, pick them up, and do that thing where he’ll throw them up in the air, spin them around, anything he can to play with the kids.
He starts to come back from missions faster, and spends more time with you and your daughter. He goes from ‘Trouble waits for no one!’ to ‘Trouble can wait a couple more days…’. He makes any little excuse to see her, and by Aeons, if you need a break, he’s more than happy to step in.
He is a total fashionista, too. He loooooooves dressing his daughter up in cute little dresses and overalls, braiding her hair and tying it up in bows. He’ll also let her play with his hair, no matter how frazzled he comes out. He’s content being her model, allowing her to put makeup on him as well. Sure, he’ll look silly, the brightest light blue eyeshadow caked on his eyelids, baby pink cheeks and deep red lipstick, but he feels pretty.
Of course, Boothill still can’t stay around as much as he’d like, he doesn’t want to risk the IPC finding him. He doesn’t want to risk the IPC finding her, specifically. He is too afraid of reliving the same scene, he often dreams of it, and there are times where he cannot tell the difference between his little girl and what was.
That means he’s protective. Even a little scrape and he’s worried, but he tries his best not to suffocate her. He’s worried, yes, but he gives himself space, for his sake and hers. He knows nothing good can come from an overbearing parent.
When she first started to walk he damn near cried, it was the first time you’ve seen him so soft and sappy. Yes, it was an ugly cry. He told everyone he knew that she WALKED! She walked to him! And he almost cries every time.
He’s also managed to keep the guitar he had made for his daughter, and he gifts it to your guys’ daughter. Not because he hopes that she will grow up to be what was, but because he believes it’s a nice memento. Somewhere out there, she’s watching you two build a family together, and she’s watching your little girl dance and play and giggle and even strum that guitar. And she’s happy.
Speaking of, he loves teaching his daughter guitar. Having her sit in his lap while he just strums, or showing her where to put her tiny fingers for certain notes. She’s not quite able to get it, but she laughs all the same, and that couldn’t make him happier.
Keeps every little drawing she makes up on the fridge. You’re starting to run out of space for magnets. Even if he’s not there, he wants her to know she’s an ARTIST. In every sense of the word. From preschool finger painting to elementary school drawings and so forth. Also keeps some folded up drawings in his wallet. His favorite is a stereotypical children’s drawing of you, him, and the house. Except he’s riding a pretty damn cool metal horse, (she named it ‘verminantor’, because she said it was cool. not ‘terminator’, no. ‘verminator’. make sure you get it right. Yes, Boothill named one of his bikes that) shooting his guns towards the sky. A pretty accurate depiction, you have to say.
He’s also really competitive for her. If she’s in any sports, he’s the dad screaming at the top of his lungs to ‘GO GET EM!!!!’ or ‘WIIIIIN!!!!!!’. He’ll get into verbal scuffles with other parents when they ask him to be quieter, because his baby deserves the best, and if the best is the loudest, then that’s what he’ll be.
Boothill is also an amazing storyteller, he can prattle on and on about whichever star system he’s been in for hours, it’s really handy when sending your daughter to sleep. Other kids really like his stories as well, he does his best to keep away from the violent parts (about 70% of his stories), and focus on how beautiful the planet was, or something like that. Most of the time he’ll pepper in stuff about a prince or a dragon or knights (which turned out to be true) to keep it entertaining, but pg for the kids.
He also spoils his daughter ROTTEN. He’ll come back from his little ‘sidequest’ with a bunch of gifts for both of you. He’s got all sorts of stuffed animals for his daughter, shirts, rocks, literally anything he could find that reminded him of her. Anything he could find that he knew she’d like.
He raises a rough n rowdy kid, essentially. The kind of father to let her roll around in the mud ‘cause she’s just havin’ fun’, who brings bugs home just for fun and names them all sorts of cowboy-esc names, (her favorite being Buck Bucksley– ‘it sounds like pa’s favorite word!’ she says, and you shoot him an angry glare. He looks away and shrugs it off, with a ‘I didn’t do nothin’.’) who’s favorite activity is looking for worms in the dirt, a kid who gets up quickly and dusts herself off when she scrapes her knees. And Boothill’s damn proud of her, absolutely gleaming with joy at any little accomplishment.
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© freyito, 2024 | masterlist | queue | kofi | star header by roseschoices DO NOT REPOST AS YOUR OWN, REPOST ON ANY OTHER PLATFORM, OR USE FOR AI/AI CHATBOTS.
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endotwrites · 5 months
more of the toxic!fwb ghost who got reader knocked up pls!!!!!!!
situationship!simon who is reluctant to be at your baby shower
clad in pink whilst simon grudgingly wears a navy blue shirt, you sit with a group of your closest friends in your apartment. simon’s eyes bore into the TV who’s volume has been significantly lowered so you and your friends can converse. “i’m hoping for a girl. i don’t know, a mini me with si’s personality would be kinda cute” you say quietly, more as a thought spoken out loud. your friend’s heads nod slowly, with one taking a long sip of their drink.
simon was never fond of how your “peers” treated you - demanding on nights out to split an uber home when you’d rather have simon pick you up and spending the night and resistant in seeing each other around birthdays. even this “baby shower” which was completely organised by you, you just about got all four of them to show up.
you clear your throat to fill the awkwardness. “uhh well, i’m just hoping they’re healthy,” you smile meekly, mindlessly rubbing your hand over your stomach and peeking glances at simon to watch for a reaction. with an uninterested expression marking his face, you can tell you both regret this day. you because your friends couldn’t have one day off without indulging into their own fantasies with your unborn baby and simon with your friends. period.
tears begin to blur your vision as the girls quickly turn the conversation into what their next hangout will be, most likely with alcohol involved which you see as your cue to excuse yourself and head to the bathroom.
you exhale loudly as you click the door closed and only stare at your stomach in the reflection. attempting to recover so you can make a reappearance, your chin only quivers and elicits quiet sobs from you. a detached friends with benefit who’s now turned baby father and people who merely keep you in their lives as a place holder for the next, you can only draw quicks breaths at how depressing your life sounds.
as you’re in your head, you hear the bathroom door twist open “sorry, i’ll just be a min-“ simon steps into the bathroom and shuts the door behind him. you don’t turn around but only stare into his eyes through the mirror. your face is blotched with tears that now silently stream down your face and your knuckles white from gripping the counter.
simon doesn’t bother to question you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and pulling you into him. you tip your head back to meet his shoulder with simon’s hands now caressing your sides and the underside of your heavy tummy.
“s’alright, i think she’s a girl too.” you smile softly whilst simon placing his chin atop your head.
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cabotwife · 7 months
Can you do a Johanna mason x fem reader grumpy x sunshine and it’s katniss and petas as first time meeting but sunshine x grump not abuser x sunshine. I feel like Johanna would be kind to her gf
thank you for the request! i hope this is up to your standards?
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You Are My Sunshine
Johanna Mason x Fem!Reader
warnings: slightly hinted ADHD coded reader, ooc Peeta(?)
word count: 661 (sorry it's short i had a hard time figuring out where to go with it)
the pure smile on your face is inerasable as you follow behind your girlfriend, your hand interlocked with hers as you both leave the training center.
"Johanna! hey!" a voice calls out, breaking the tranquil silence that had surrounded the two of you. Johanna turns around, your hand slipping from hers as you both pivot to face the source of the voice.
a short blonde boy approaches the both of you, with a slightly taller dark-haired girl trailing not too far behind him. you recognize them as Katniss and Peeta from last year’s games.
Johanna raises an eyebrow at the pair, her gaze primarily fixed on the boy. "what do you want?" she asks, her voice laced with a hint of skepticism as she crosses her arms over her chest.
the blonde’s cheeks turn a subtle shade of pink as he stammers, "just wanted to talk about being allies." the statement leaves his mouth as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. "you seemed pretty fond of the idea yesterday-" his voice trails off as his gaze shifts to the other woman, who is now squinting at him.
your chuckle escapes you at the sight of her expression, drawing all eyes onto you. as you notice their stares, a blush tints your cheeks. "hi.." you mumble, your eyes flitting up to meet Johanna’s.
“you want to be allies with us?” Johanna redirects the attention back onto her, and you, overwhelmed by the sudden attention, bounce on the balls of your feet, your eyes darting around the hallway as you look for something else to focus on.
“us?” Katniss questions, her eyebrow raised.
Johanna lets out a frustrated groan, "us." she motions between you and her. but you remain distracted, your attention diverted as you watch Finnick and Mags leave the training room. "y/n." Johanna interrupts your thoughts, placing her hand on your shoulder and pulling your attention back to her.
you turn your head to look at her, a playful smile dancing on your lips. "hmm?"
Johanna chuckles at your reaction, following your gaze over to where you were previously staring. "go," she instructs, motioning for you to leave.
Katniss furrows her eyebrows as Johanna shoos you away.
“thank you, babyy,” you drawl out, leaning up to press a gentle peck to her lips before darting off towards your best friend.
Peeta is left staring at Johanna, his mouth slightly agape.
Johanna turns back to the two of them, irritation painting her features. “what?” she snaps.
“nothing!” Peeta quickly defends, his hands raised in surrender as he locks eyes with the taller woman.
rolling her eyes, Johanna lets out a groan, pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration. “yeah, we can be allies.” she finally concedes, crossing her arms as she once again meets their gaze.
Johanna, caught in the middle of an uncomfortable silence, carefully scrutinizes the two figures standing before her. neither Peeta nor Katniss utters a single word, a thick tension hanging in the air between them. she narrows her eyes slightly, pursing her lips in an obvious sign of annoyance.
after what feels like an eternity, she finally releases a heavy sigh, her voice dripping with sarcastic humor as she says, "well, this has been a great talk. enlightening, really." she adds an exaggerated raise of her eyebrows for good measure. "now, if you'll excuse me," she continues, her tone shifting to something more sincere, "i need to catch up with my girlfriend." without giving them the chance to respond, she swiftly walks past them, her boots clicking against the hard floor as she heads in your direction. 
you, meanwhile, are standing a little way off, engaged in an animated conversation with Finnick. the sight of her approaching brings a smile to your face, a stark contrast to the slightly dumbfounded expressions she leaves behind on the faces of Peeta and Katniss, who are still standing in the hallway, processing the interaction.
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superkirbylover · 7 months
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FINALLY!!! the VERY final refs for the ponified cast of pizza tower. everypony has the same name except for pizzahead, who's called pizzahoof. pizzahoof was also designed by @c0met-dr01d!! go check them out :]
under the cut is me rambling about their cutiemarks (or lack thereof) and other design choices
gustavo's cutiemark is a pizza with three mushroom toppings, because he's a chef, and earlier in pizza tower development, he was a gnome! this isn't the case anymore though, but i still like to think he is. that, and i just associate him with gnome forest, so it felt fitting. plus, i suppose it adds to the mario comparisons lmao
peppino's cutiemark is a pepperoni pizza alongside a pizzacutter. i know people are raising eyebrows at the pepperoni, but my excuse is... uhh, they're not actually pepperoni. it's like, some vegetarian alternative. probably made of flowers or some shit. the pizza is obvious, he's a chef and he cooka-da-pizza. the pizza cutter isn't just to hammer that in, but it's also a callback to the various times throughout pizza tower development where he used to have a pizza cutter buzz-saw! especially in pizza massacre
noise's cutiemark is a bomb with its fuse lit, because it represents his explosive personality and he often uses bombs. dude is wacky, unpredictable and can be a feral fucking thing. also something about acting, being a mascot or being in the showbiz somewhere in the mix. he has a tail, but it's just... in his suit. he's a dumbass
noisette's cutiemark is a ruby chocolate bar. she runs a cafe, and while she presumably has Really Weird Taste, i figured it would be a really cute fit for her. it's sweet, just like her! and pink. just like her!
fake peppino deliberately does not have a cutiemark. it's to add to the sense of "failed clone," where many aspects of peppino have been successfully recreated (body type, hair color, coat color, outfit, facial hair) but other small things have been muddled or changed by mistake (height, eyes not staying in their sockets, hair being more smooth looking, face shape). not to mention, he's made of dough, like his original clone counterpart. in the show, it's established that only ponies can have cutiemarks. while he looks like a pony, who's to say he really is one?
stick's cutiemark is that television hud you see when you have enough money to buy a boss gate in pizza tower. i chose this cause on top of being a tv, a reoccurring object throughout the game, it also has some modifications to make it more... stick-y. it has his hat and a propeller coming from the top, and if you know stick, that man likes to make shit, specifically to sell and make money. that's also why there's a money sign in the tv. stick has a tail stub but i never really draw it myself. he's completely bald. mind you, he still has his coat, but no mane, no tail. zilch. he's a bald motherfucker. also stick's magic color is green
pizzahoof also does not have a cutiemark. he's a fucking cheese pony, why would he need one? dude just exists to be silly and whimsical. giving him one i feel would go against his character of just being clownish, doing what he wants when he wants, regardless if it means others suffer because of him or not. also, he's MADE of CHEESE!!!
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