#this was supposed to be rlly dramatic and stuff
carbonatedpitt · 2 years
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Zimtober day 14 shattered
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lateatnewyork · 8 months
part I | part II | part III | part IV
Helion x reader, rhysand x sister!reader
Warnings: fluff, making out, honeymoon bliss, suggestive
Summary: In which you and Helion are happy.
a/n most definitely another filler chapter but the one with drama will be out tmrrw and my schools starting in like four days so the drafts will come out slower
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Helion was the best mate anyone could ever ask for. He could cook, he understood my emotions, gave me space, could give amazing cuddles and kisses, he was great in bed but most of all he cared.
In a sense no one had ever done before. When I wanted him home, he was home. When I visited him during a meeting he made me sit in his lap and glared at anyone who decided to mention it.
We had been mated for at least 6 months by now. And it was absolute bliss. Every single day he would wake me up with his head between my legs, every single night he would worship me like a queen. His kisses made my knees weak and my head dizzy.
Sighing at the thought of him kissing me, I continue trying my best at a dish that Rhysand used to cook for me as a child.
Just as I’m about ditch the recipe and head to his office, a strong pair of arms wrap around me.
Melting into his touch, I lean back. He kisses my neck and bites at my soft spot making me moan softly.
“Hey baby,” turning around my hands run through his beautiful hair. His lips find mine almost instantly. My back presses against the counter and I arch into his touch. Pulling him closer my fingers stray to the hem of his shirt.
“As much as I would love to continue this, I have to tell you something,” he pulls away. My kind is still reeling from his intense kisses. Nodding, I ask him to keep going.
“The Night Court wants to negotiate some stuff with us,” he told me.
Raising an eyebrow I beckon him to continue. “I want you to come with me, your first appearance outside of Day Court as High Lady, and I know what you’re going to say, that you’re not ready or you’re not sure, but I know that you’re ready, I also know how much you miss your brother and your nephew,”
He was right, I mean when was Helion ever wrong?
“I suppose Nyx should meet his uncle,” I sigh dramatically.
“Can you help me make this dish, Rhysand used to make it for me,” I ask him.
“Rhysand can cook?” he gapes at me in shock. “You can cook too sweetheart,” I lay a soft kiss on his adam’s apple and start gathering the ingredients.
“I know what you’re trying to make, you relax I’ll make it for you,” Helion says pressing kisses against my shoulder.
He’s elbow deep in flour, looking like an absolute vision. His golden eyes glint in the sun, his tan skin more prominent as the sun started setting.
We had decided to get this house because of its position and how the sun was almost always reflecting some room.
In the mornings it was our bedroom, during the day it was the seating area outside and during the evening it always seeped into the kitchen.
Not that I was complaining, it made the Day High Lord in front of me look softer and almost vulnerable.
“You’re staring, my love” Helion chuckles, his voice oozing smugness. “Is it so wrong for a female to enjoy the view her mate is providing?” I question, teasing.
“No I suppose not, you know I have to put this in the oven for awhile and we have some spare time,” he cheekily suggests.
“What shall we do?” I say feigning innocence. He circles around to the side of the counter where I’m sitting and gently holds my chin, “You’re so innocent right now but wait until I have you begging and writhing underneath me,”
I gulp, his words go straight to my core.
“What are you waiting for then?”
a/n AZRIEL U WISH THIS WAS U anyway don’t think they have ovens in acotar and i js watched the pjo finale and the way luke said annabeth broke me but like my husband looked rlly fine.
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starluvsx · 9 months
★𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭
𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𖦹 𝐏!𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤
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word count:1.4K
WARNINGS:swearing?thats rlly it
A/N:i wanna do more headannons and stuff like this.this was rlly cute and fun to write.also I look wish the baby project was like a thing at my school but we don't even got working lights in some of the bathrooms soooo.
you guys turned to each other as soon as the teacher said you could choose parameters
y'all were so convinced you would be great at taking care of the kid
you were wrong
You guys didn’t know you were supposed to change the baby until one of your friends told you
the first night nick took the baby too his house and left it on the kitchen table for six hours
he didn't realize he left it there till his mom came home from work and heard crying
you left it in your backpack twice
people said you were starting to look like an actual mom because of how stressed you were over this robot baby
almost set the bay on fire then you guys were trying to make pancakes
"so then I told her I was like why the fuck would you-"you began before you realized neither of you had the baby.you looked around before seeing the babies head dangerously close to the fire coming from under the pan in the stove. "Nick oh my gosh!"you said as you shot up from your seat at the table, grabbing the plastic baby from the counter. “you almost killed her!"you dramatically said as you cradled the baby, touching it's now warm head lightly.you didn't let him touch the baby for the next 2 days.
"y/n I have to hold the baby eventually,I don't wanna fail."He tried to negotiate a few days later.
"only if you promise not to put my baby's head near an open flame again."you asked him to do while rocking the baby.
"bitch im not gonna burn your baby."he joked, making the two of you laugh.you then handed him the baby, still smiling at your best friend's stupid joke. as soon as the baby was in his arms though it began to cry and wail. "Actually you can have your baby back"he said before handing it back to you jokingly.his gesture made the both of you laugh even more.
you guys got a C+, partly because some of the babies' hair was a little burnt.
treated that baby as if it was real.
literally named it Issac
set timers for every time he had to feed it and change it
The baby had a built-in voice box to make him laugh so he loved to make it laugh and giggle.
wouldn't let the kid go
had to stay on the phone with you on the nights you kept the baby
like the whole night
there was one time where you forgot to feed the baby and he literally freaked out
on the last week of the project he realized he didn't wanna give the baby back
you were already done with it though
everyone at school said you guys were like actual parents by the end of it
you didn't even realize how attached he was to the baby until you walked in on him sleeping cuddled ups that the baby
your phone rang from inside your pocket.the gas station you worked at was empty at the moment so you didn't hesitate to answer it. "Matt" read the caller id, confusing you because he knew you were at work but you still picked it up nonetheless. "Hey baby."he said into the phone.
"hi matt, what’s up,i’m at working right now so I can't talk for long" you explained as you saw a car pull into the parking lot.the headlights standing out in the darkness
"Well i was just wondering if you wanted to come over after your shift, i got some snacks but nobody to share em with." he asked cheekily though the phone.the people from outside stepped into the gas stations mom and her daughter.you laughed at his slyness until faint baby cries in the background.
"Is that isaac?did you forget to feed him?''you asked worriedly through the phone.the mom and her daughter looked at you confused as your young face was talking, presumably, about her baby.
"No I just have to change him" he explained through the phone.shuffling could be heard from the other line before you could say anymore.matt letting out a dad like groan while getting up made you smile to yourself.
"ok yea i'll come over in a little, probably like 9:30, is that okay?"you asked through the
phone.he mumbled a small 'yea thats fine' before we said 'I love you's and 'goodbye's and hung up.the lady and her kid coming up to the register once I put my phone in my pocket.
I let myself into the house and was greeted with Mary Lou and Nick watching a movie in the living room. "Hey guys,"I said sweetly, smiling and waving at the pair. They greeted me the same way before I asked "is Matt in his room?"
"Mhm" Mary Lou hummed. I walked down the hall till I made it into his room.i knocked on the door before opening in slowly.i was met with matt sleeping soundly,plastic baby cuddled up to his chest.i giggled a little before taking out my phone to take a picture.
Once I snapped the picture I tapped him on the shoulder lightly to not scare him.he fluttered his eyes open and looked at me tiredly. "oh hey babe" he mumbled out while sitting up and looking around wearily. "Was I cuddling with the baby?" he asked,confused at the doll that was in his now unraveled arm.
"yea you were"I laughed out before moving the 'baby' and climbing into bed with him.
"I was wishing it was you"he said as he pulled closer to him.the little comment making me laugh lightly.
I turned my body to face him before asking "so where are the snacks?" which made him
reach over to his bedside table and grab some chips, candy and 2 sodas.
"right here"he said while smiling and kissing me on the cheek.
you guys got an a+ on the project and your teacher even said you would be “perfect parents one day"
he actually asked you to be his partner instead of it being the other way around
It was way more stressful than you guys thought it would be
First you guys lost the bottle for a whole day
Literally looked up and down to find it but you just actually could not.
Turns out Chris left it in his locker
He def posts pictures of him and the baby with captions and stuff saying “ me and @youruser babyyyy” and “I think she looks more like me but idk” on instagram and snap
Was actually a very good parent despite thinking he wouldn't be
Dropped the baby like twice though
He also bought like little clothes for the baby so she wasn’t just walking around nakedly
you were so confused when he brought them home
when he would play video games you would tease him and ask him to "not swear in front of the child"
both of you ended up very emotionally attached to the kid
was very committed to being an actual dad after the fact
you guys were tired.watching a movie in chris' bed after a long day at school wasn't the best idea for staying awake.but while you were very tapped into the movie, you could also simultaneously feel his eyes boring into you.you didn't know why but also didn't think much of it.he's always been a bit of a starer.
you decided to continue focusing on the movie until it was abruptly paused. "hey why'd you do that?"you questioned.looking over at the boy who had been looking at you most of the night.
"Wanna have a kid?"he asked.the question leaving you stunned and confused at the sudden idea.kids had always been a possibility in both of your minds but it never something that could manifest into a real physical thing.
"Right now, like at this age?"you asked him to clarify.
"well now, in a years, five years, i don't really care"chris answered
"definitely not now, maybe when we're older with a house, a steady paycheck and you know, a high school diploma."you attempted to explain.
"I can't wait that longggg."he whined
"Well I definitely can,"you sassed. "Now turn the movie back on, I wanna see how this ends."
"probably with them having a baby."he joked under his breath as he reached for the remote to do what you asked
"chris you've seen this movie before you know how it ends"
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dnfao3tags · 1 year
Masterlist - Mario Anon (mpreg)
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what sort of dnf fic recs blog would i be if i didn't make a mario anon reclist. this is a list of all their fics (which i can find at least).
hello mario anon if you are reading this. im kind of putting you on blast on the jumbotron rn. dorry
— Dream has loads of clout and he gets some non famous idiot pregnant by Anonymous (teen | comp. | 17k)
Apparently famous x non famous is far more beloved than I realised
— Dream and George VS Infertility (DNF mpreg but the m pregging takes a while) by Anonymous (mature | comp. | 28k)
Dnf mpreg and this time there are fertility issues.
— Dream gets George pregnant: pre-visa edition by Anonymous (teen | comp. | 32k)
What it says on the tin
Part 1 of pre-visa/post-visa dnf mpreg by mario anon (idk how to do series titles tbh)
— The Mario Apple DNF Mpreg Crossover Event by Anonymous (teen | comp. | 18k)
George is pregnant, but he has AMNESIA!
note: mario anon and apple anon collab !
— dnf mpreg kinkfic and I will try to make it kinkier than last time because we all know that got too fluffy by Anonymous (expl. | comp. | 21k)
Democratically elected by the Mario Anon Comment Section (as of the time I started writing this)
Part 1 of mario anon kinkfic part 1 and 2
— George gets pregnant but it's more dramatic than usual by Anonymous (teen | comp. | 21k)
i am writing all the time
— george and patches being pregnant at the same time by Anonymous (teen | comp. | 1k)
i cannot write a long fic rn but i CAN do 3 or 4 short scenes of this
— The DNF Mpreg Holiday Special by Anonymous (teen | comp. | 7k)
Dnf mpreg but make it christmas
— Dnf mpreg but sapnap is the main character by Anonymous (teen | comp. | 7k)
when i asked for ideas on my last fic one rlly stuck out to me and i had to write it immediately
— Ordinary Mario Anon Fic by Anonymous (teen | comp. | 3k)
I'm writing DNF mpreg. everything is exactly the same. nothing is different. it is all very normal
— George Agrees To Do YouTube Boxing, You Won't BELIEVE What Happens Next (NOT CLICKBAIT!!) by Anonymous (teen | comp. | 2k)
GNF says yes to boxing but finds out he has had his m pregged by dream
— Dream Steps Up (he is a stepdad) by Anonymous (teen | comp. | 26k)
dream becomes a stepdad to one kid and then george makes him another
— dnf mpreg: pov everyone except dnf by Anonymous (teen | comp. | 19k)
— dnf have a baby together "platonically" by Anonymous (teen | comp. | 28k)
Just guys being pals (bro got homie pregnant and they're keeping it but they're totally not dating)
— Two half finished works and an apology by Anonymous (teen | comp. | 13k)
im literally STruggling
— Uh oh George is pregnant by Anonymous (teen | comp. | 22k)
Same stuff as usual
— Dream and George and a Baby (and also Sapnap is there too) (sometimes) by Anonymous (teen | comp. | 22k)
The usuals
— Dream Knocks George Up by Anonymous (teen | comp. | 17k)
so tired but i can't stop
— mpreg fic but this time its at least 5% kinky by Anonymous (mature | comp. | 17k)
George: horny and pregnant edition BUT i forgot it was supposed to b kinky and it just gets gradually less and less horny and then its just a bunch of fluff instead.
— generic mpreg title by Anonymous (teen | comp. | 14k)
same plot as all the other ones idk
Part 1 of generic mpreg
— more dnf mpreg no one asked for by Anonymous (teen | comp. | 17k)
George has his m pregged by Dream.
— George is pregnant *not clickbait* by Anonymous (teen | comp. | 10k)
Fuck! *m's your preg* I wish this was crack but it's not.
Part 1 of whats wrong with me
— Mpreg (derogatory) but also sometimes its a chatfic not really though by Anonymous (teen | comp. | 9k)
Karl dnf is real :O congratulations!! ... dream dick? George no more. no more please. Quackity HE SENT ME A DICK PIC Karl WhaT WHAT WHAT WHAT Dream BY ACCIDENT Bad okay this is my cue to leave Sapnap DREAM WHY WOULD U DO THAT
Part 1 of how do i get rid of dnf. help
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chubbletea · 8 months
I am currently rewatching s2 (abt halfway through s2e1) and rewatched a canterlot wedding yesterday so these things are likely to change abt this (I will reblog this post with it later!)
iyk the plot of a canterlot wedding, you can pretty much guess where this is going. but still, there are some differences
some time between s1 and s2, petra goes to lukas (her cousin) and shows him the ring and tells him that she plans on proposing to jesse. lukas is very supportive of her decision and encourages her to do it. she ends up proposing to them at endercon! (I imagine beacontown's not that far from endercon). obv, jesse says yes! they are now engaged :]
the days go on like they normally would (for the most part) until the start of s2. I'm thinking maybe instead of the town preparing for founder's day, they're preparing for the wedding (I imagine it's in the order hall!)
when romeo transforms into jesse at the end of s2e3, he has NO FUCKIN CLUE that jesse is supposed to be getting married in like. a week at most. he finds out by petra coming up to him and talking abt it, much to his confusion
now, ofc, jesse is down in prison with radar (and jack?) and VERY MUCH MISSES THEIR FIANCEE. they know they're supposed to be getting married soon and is very nervous abt it bc they don't know what happened to petra!! and hopes she's okay!!!! generally worried abt the wedding and what could happen and if they will even have one at all :(
petra eventually catches on to quote unquote "jesse" not being themselves. in their panic, "jesse" brainwashes petra, similar to how chrysalis did to shining armor in the episode, which turns her eyes a similar color to romeo's, but duller.
the wedding plan goes on. jesse is miserable, radar is slightly less miserable, petra is brainwashed. but where is everyone else in all this? lukas is the main person who goes "HEY WTF?", so he kinda plays twilight in this case, but no one rlly does anything abt it bc they're just like "eh I think they're stressed", which would be understandable in this case tbh
eventually lukas tries to confront "jesse", and obv, this goes poorly. I don't have an exact idea on how it all plays out, but it ends with lukas crying bc He Fucked Up and "jesse" pretending to comfort him, he apologizes, and he sends his ass to the Shadow Realm (sunshine institute)
after a while of searching hopelessly for a way out, he comes across the real jesse (and radar). he tackles jesse, despite their protests, thinking they're still the fake, so jesse has to convince him that they're the real jesse, so they bring up the time where they gave him their cookie in the dirt hut wayy back in s1e1, and he's like "HOLY SHIT! I'M SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU" and they hug and radar's like "aww" and then they move on (again, a reference to a canterlot wedding)
they find a way to escape, yadda yadda yadda (THIS DAY IS GOING TO BE PERFECTT /lyr), and just as "jesse" and petra are gonna get married, lukas, radar, and the real jesse bust in and stop the wedding DRAMATICALLY.
then I imagine it plays out similarly to how the episodes actually went and they defeat romeo (like I mentioned earlier, haven't seen s2 in a hot second, SOO). petra's brainwashing is removed (somehow. still figuring that one out), and then jesse and petra can get married! yayy!!
oh btw I did make wedding outfit concepts for jesse and petra! here they are;
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found all the stuff on pinterest. I also made "jesse" and brainwashed petra in pt;
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and! here are the wedding roles I have planned;
radar- officiant
ivor- ring bearer
jack- bride's (petra's) escort
lukas- petra's best man
axel & olivia- jesse's best man & maid of honor respectively (it's a non-traditional wedding I can do what I want)
like I said, I imagine the wedding takes place in the order hall, and I may write some vows at some point, but that's basically it. I have some vague ideas on what wedding photos, the cake, the reception, etc. look like, but yk. I'll get there
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lalasknives · 9 months
hi I’m asking you take down what bapacontents said please. she’s one of my good friends and it just hurts to see her post here. I get a lot has happened as of recent but like if you could ever be so kind to take it down would be good. u don’t have to like her so don’t worry about that. and I forgive u for this.
I rlly don't like doing this but I have to keep the post up, especially since they don't seem to have any remorse for what they said.
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Trust me when I say that I would 100% have took the post down if they showed even the tiniest amount of regret.
I'm not gonna stand by and let someone dehumanise a 16 yearl girl who just wants AND DESERVES to live her best life, away from all the creeps.
They talk about choosing to be a "public figure" as if she could stop. Being an actor is one of the few jobs in this world that you can't totally step away from, because you are going to get recognised even after you quit. Take actors like Tom Holland, who might not have quit, but still is on along break from acting, yet paparazzi are still following him around.
If this rlly is your friend as you say, then pls educate them and teach them better, because that's what friends do, they hold each other accountable.
I won't go in their dms and educate them, simply because it's not my job to educate ppl who are so clearly in the wrong.
Since I created this account, me and all the ppl on this platform have been warning yall about not sharing stuff you aren't supposed to share, just because you can and it always "df tumblr is so dramatic🙄🙄" or something like that, yet when it came back to bite in the ass, some ppl rlly wanna act entitled.
I'm glad the acc who posted that acc, has deleted the pics and has also owned up and apologised, genuinely. I hope this was a valuable lesson to them and to the whole fandom.
However, this is not a mess I've gotten myself involved, so it's not fair for me to play peacekeeper for someone so stubborn, who can't actually grasp the fact that a 16 year old girl would want actual privacy (and tbh this is the only acc who said this as far as I am aware).
Again, if you want to educate this person, go ahead and honestly wish you the best of luck but I'm sick of this situation as it is, because where for some ppl this started a couple days ago, df tumblr has been repeating the same thing for a good year now.
Not my circus, not my monkeys.
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b00m-b0mb · 25 days
Something really funny that's occurred to me is the way Joe talks about Maccie is like she's some catastrophic event that happened to their family "I can't believe she's been here that long." / "Everything's been different since she was born" / "Everything changed." / "She changed everything."
And it's just rlly funny to me. I want to up the dramaticness of his words at some point. And anyway, he's talking to the Samurai/Ronin for the first time and I'm wondering the impression he's getting lmao
Joe is certainly expressive to me, but only when he's given the chance. And I think w Ronin, he just started letting a lot of stuff out bc thus guy is gonna go on his way anyways.. but then he's like wait!!! Actually let me go?? For a little? (Platonic yearning so bad)
Ronin like 》^. "I suppose.. Alright, curious karate man, I'll accompany you a little longer."
Or something I'm messing around UGH
#the reason everything changed is bc joes mother passed away either shortly after Maccies birth or during#that started the strain w joe and sr but they also had.. her yk? its just sillay#dysfunctional karate family ily <3#sr isnt a terrible father he is just narrow sighted and firmly believes he knows best. he doesnt give his kids the room to grow- but he#really loves them. he just wants to protect them in a way i think.. he just lost his wife and i think that made his parenting way more#overbearing. buT ALSO. JOE JUST BEEFS W MACCIE BC YK SJXNXNX theyre siblings#espexially when they were younger. teen joe is sooo funny to me. teen angst ft this baby i dont want in my room KGLZLGKXMVKKC#in current theyre much much closer and Joe has remained Maccie's favorite person. but Joe still gets really annoyed / tired of her sometime#SRRY ugh ily karate family#also also ronin and maccie dynamic so real. i like ronin being patient with children. except maccie is wayyyy more antagonizing to him than#like my oc the lost girl. so fun!!!! sorry#karate maccie#rh head canon#< new tag#karate joe#sr isnt a bad dad on purpose agenda. sr could have the possibility to apologize and fix things one day.#maccies only ever known this version of her father and she doesnt have the capaxity to try and forgive him for certain things joe will#maccie is the golden child but she is also the problem child. she uses her favor to her advantage and to rile up her dad sometimes#just bevause she can and she has a little bit of a problem with him sometimes bc.. you know? shes a very ambitious teen and she doesnt wsnt#to be shackled..... and she doesnt like thinking of Joe as that way and UGH#i love them im normal#to elaborate a tiny bit more i hc joe as having chronic fatigue like myself. hes low spoons and he pushes himself despite it.#but his disability holds him back sometimes snd its like.. you know? he doesnt want to be the weak memver of the family so he keeps pushing#but he also cares about karate too. its not something negative to him. and stuff. even if its hard. its avtually good for his body / health#when he doesnt overexert himself anyway
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solar-halos · 10 months
basically i’ve been thinking a lot abt lucy gray’s makeup. idk if this is interesting to anyone else but here are my thoughts
• no false lashes only bc idk where she’d even get them. in my mind tho lucy gray has long and thick enough eyelashes for mascara to make them look pretty, even if it’s not something that jumps out to u when she’s actually on stage
• if doing dance has taught me anything it’s to have hella dramatic eye makeup that consist of neutral colors, but i think it’d be rlly fun if lucy gray wore colorful eyeshadow. like a shimmery green! or a pastel pink! or just like close her eyes, point at a spot on her dress, and match her eyeshadow to the color she lands on. i think this would also help balance out the fact that her lashes are naked
• speaking of eyeshadow, i think she’d use black eyeshadow to do her eyeliner instead of an actual pencil / liquid liner. OR, if she does have neutral colors for her eyeshadow, maybe some colorful eyeliner?? 👀
• rosy cheeks!! yk how ppl who wear makeup kinda have a signature look? like for example for me the first thing you’d notice abt my makeup is my lashes, for one of my friends you’d notice how absolutely cunt their contour is, others their cool looking eyeliner etc etc. for lucy gray it’d be her blush. maybe some on the tip of her nose too. like stage makeup is supposed to be rlly dramatic anyway so the audience can pick up on it but i think her blush would be esp dramatic
• speaking of a signature look i think she’d skip out on highlighter / anything that makes her skin look dewey. maybe it was just a me problem but before performances my highlighter would look good but then after performances i would get gross and sweaty and my face would look more greasy than dewey no matter how i prepped it beforehand. but in the event this rlly is just a me problem i think she’d dab some on her brows too i love when girls do that
• also, glitter!! my current fave thing to do rn is take a gold shimmery eyeshadow and brush it across my under eye area. also maybe a white pencil across her waterline not completely sure tho.
• also not completely sure if she’d draw on freckles but i DO know that it would look cute esp since she’s a country singer bc i feel like country music and freckles are literally one in the same
• lipstick! anything that has a glossy finish, tbh she’d rock any color
okay that’s it! disclaimer that i haven’t done this makeup on myself so me being like “this would look so good!!” is purely based on the vision i have in my head and not from actually trying it out. also tbh i’m not rlly sure how restricted their makeup use would be. considering that they’re performers it’d prob be something they’d want to invest in, but idk how much of a market there would be for that kinda stuff in d12. but if anyone else has thoughts on this i’d looove to hear them!!!
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almightyhamslice · 2 years
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“Good work, Spyro. Use the stones to get to the Dojo. Remember Spyro, find the dragonflies before Ripto.”
Spyro begins his journey to find the missing dragonflies. He is off to Dragonfly Dojo, guided by the ferryman, Miyagi. Though... neither of them have any idea what’s happened to the other dragon elders at the dojo while they were gone. 
Their little orange and pink friend here is Ember (like from A Hero’s Tail! except not rlly); she tags along with Spyro because she’s completely lost in the Dragon Realms, and Spyro is the only person she can recognize... Though, Spyro does not recognize her. Miyagi suggests that Ember has amnesia, but Ember assures them both that she can remember everything QUITE clearly, it just all changed suddenly, leaving her behind. Enchanted Forest? Cutthroat Cove? Baked Alaska? Gnorcs?! None of it makes any sense to Spyro. Even so, Ember clearly needs his help, so he lets her follow him around. Besides, two dragons are better than one, right?
.... ok so I will admit I have been INCREDIBLY hyperfixated on Spyro: Enter The Dragonfly ever since I watched Mr. FO1′s documentary abt it LOL. I suppose I like it for the same reason a lot of people liked Crash Twinsanity-- there is a vast amount of cut content from the game and it’s RLLY interesting to me! So I think I might make a habit of drawing these ‘Spyro and Ember’ illustrations depicting ETD’s gameplay/world in... unconventional ways. I am also considering adding Flame from A Hero’s Tale to this story as well, but I feel like he has no reason to be here-- Ember was originally designed for ETD, Flame was not. But I find Flame interesting because he was redesigned to be more generic, just like Ember was. What would he have been like if they didn’t dumb him down like that?? Perhaps I can explore that...
Ember and Miyagi’s designs are ‘personalized’ in a way-- I wanted Ember to be orange like she was originally supposed to be, but the feathery wings, dark horns, and spots are all just stuff I added bc I thought it’d be cool. Miyagi, on the other hand, has a unique design because I wanted to differentiate him from Chow and Patton. Chow is probably the leader of Dragonfly Dojo because you meet him last, but Miyagi is the only dragon you can find in the hubworld... so I wanted him to feel kind of authoritative and wise, because Spyro was originally supposed to take runes to the dragon elders so they’d help him use them iirc. So I thought, hey, what if Miyagi knew about the runes? So as such with his more integral role in the story, he has the most dramatically different design. I like to think he, Chow, and Patton are brothers.
I am pretty excited abt this little ‘project’ of mine but I will admit. I am rlly NOT excited for whenever they get to Crop Circle Country because I dONT want to draw the fucky looking human npcs lol!! HELP? They are so freaky I dont like them
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cubedmango · 1 year
okay its naina losing her fucking mind and doing unnecessary amounts of Thinking hours again so heres every single shot from the trailer (not the voice lines bc theyre different sometimes) paired with which part of the manga its from + speculation and stuff ok enjoy
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4 shots from .... well.................. the very beginning aka chapter 1
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im guessing this scene being extended means theres going to be a little more setting up of the magic besides just adachi going "so i have this now huh" but probably not drama/rd amounts where half of the first ep was Just setup. maybe a few mins at most ??
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also chapter 1. almost all of these are gonna be ch1 btw lol
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also was anyone gonna tell me fujisakis hair isnt actually black or was i supposed to find that out for the first ever time yesterday
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p much the same im gonna assume
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ok this one im not super sure but i think its either somewhere in this section from ch1
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or this part from ch 4
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thought it might be him working overtime at first but theres ppl in the bg so it cant be that, and i cant rlly think of any other scene where he'd be making that kind of expression so .??? yeah
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Prelude to Elevator Scene........ also dont think anythings gonna be changed here (except their office building girl it looks fancey.... what happened to the windows tho)
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the icon. the moment. the visionary. i dont think any adaptation is legally allowed to change elevator scene so
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first one maybe ch5.4 . other three ch5.3
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these guys exist. im here for animated udon where is she. end of comment
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back to ch1
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really funny how they animated this bit . adachi u dramatic bitch never change please (also dont think anythings literally gonna change here)
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HES WEARIN THE PJS..!!!! ok two things 1) this specific shot will probs cut to kurosawas side of things . maybe 2) im thinking ch1 and 2 might both be in ep1 which will be A First for any version but with the lack of any exposition and how fast ch1 ends im assuming theyll have ch2 for the second half of the ep
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theyre not even standing that close in the manga wh . two bros 5 feet apart come on
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end of ch1
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its literally the same. also anime adachi w the cup looks unfairly cute what the fuck. anyways ep1 might not be ending on this iconic scene actually rip.... at least its still there
end of post. also bonus but adachi screaming at the end is probs not from this last scene but during the overtime scene . ok bye
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goat-shoe · 5 months
Ooooh what I do for stuff like that is I try to write smth rlly short and on Purpose make it unrealistic and overly dramatic and that helps bc if it’s Super over the top then it’s like hehe I am playing with dolls !!
^^; if that works for you i suppose
IMHO, i cant subject my characters (real people!!) to short and miserable existences :/
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icedmetaltea · 1 year
HelO am back. So yesterday we waited 2 HOURS IN WAITING ROOM and then I got shuffled into the containment™ room, spent about 5 hrs there sitting on a bed and talking with like 5-6 ppl. Despite it being a scary environment (it was a bland room with grey walls ((the grey walls were the best part, they were the perfect shade of grey and I loved it)), there were beds with a pillow and nothing else, there were other ppl walking around, one guy screaming and hurling profanities at staff occasionally, overall rlly loud cause ppl kept walking in and out) the staff/counselor were super nice. Nobody made me feel like I was being dramatic or anything.
They got me hooked up with new meds that same day and should contact me about a counselor within the next few days (which I've been stressing abt nonstop but apparently they accept medicaid so I won't have to worry abt surprise fees), gave me food to bring home, gave me a sheet with 100 coping mechanisms as well.
Ultimately they said I should be fine to go home that same day since the type of self-harming I was doing wasn't with the intention of killing myself but dealing with guilt and rlly fucky emotions due to the friend breakup/hopelessness abt future/mega anxiety, plus I'd always care for the wounds afterwards so that signaled it was more a subconscious cry for help that I'd been ignoring for too long, BUT that I should maybe spend the next night or two with family and possibly long-term if the stuff with my sibling worsens or if my mental state in general declines again, so I spent the night with my older sis who drove me there (we cuddled and watch the Mitchells vs. The Machines lol... it's been so, so long since I've been able to do that with anyone. Didn't realize how touch-starved I was)
Everybody was really reassuring that I'd done the right thing and that I wasn't at all overreacting and hhhhHHHH I guess I rlly needed to hear that. After the whole friend breakup thing I've been feeling like the cruelest, most manipulative, horrible person in the world after having that sentiment floating around in the back of my mind for months due to many things and it turns out it's a mix of shock from such big changes in my life (breakup with close friend, possibly moving, possibly transferring college, hell even climate change and constant political strife) and clinical depression™ (like I knew I had anxiety but turns out I was wayy more depressed in general than i thought... like washing dishes isn't supposed to be something I have to syke myself up for for for days)
So yea I started the day entirely hopeless and ready to jump off a bridge and while I still have a lot of shit I'll have to work through in therapy, I'm so, so much better now now than I was.
I also got 1 hr of sleep last night since I was so exhausted from it all (funny how that works) and the fact that it was loudly storming all night, so ima slep now g'night
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bladelineage · 2 years
sword of frost concept art
think of this post as kinda a little artbook for the fic! sword of frost underwent a ton of revisions like i keep saying so i wasnt entirely sure where to take it at first. not to mention writing is v hard for me so my preferred method of brainstorming was drawing! without further ado. writer’s commentary and an artbook :)
to begin with: originally the fic was supposed to be about void dream instead of the snow queen! the idea being that dante was put to sleep by void dream and faust manifested her personal ego to save him- but i ended up going with snow queen bc i saw some sick art on twitter of someone’s employee saving another from snow queen (i wish i had the link bc it was rlly cool, and i’d like to credit them in some way) and i decided that might be a little easier to write for, surprisingly.
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up next we have the art for chapter 1! there wasn’t a lot of it but just the stuff i wanted to do with it. i wanted to make this a bigger piece but having to like. paint the prisms pissed me off so i decided against it lmao. the reason for dante wandering into the containment in the first place was originally supposed to be that an employee’s lamp weapon enchanted him from afar and he kept chasing the light until he came upon the snow queen, but i realized he could also. just walk in there on his own lol
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the actual csp file containing the layout of the facility + the groups i split everyone into was unfortunately lost in a computer moment so. its just the main group here! i chose everyone based on who i wanted to write and interpret- nothing against the other sinners, i had just been itching to write these ones in particular.
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The Fight. i rlly like how i did this one still! writing this scene was also super fun bc i got to use my imagination and mimic how the movements would go :)
but now here’s the wildin part: chapter 2 was supposed to be very different! originally the idea was that dante woke up fine, but changed. kinda like how in the original tale of the snow queen kai became jaded and hated everything he saw, bc the mirror was in his eyes and the snow queen was the only thing he found beautiful- dante was supposed to become competent and uncaring, but hollow inside. the little shard of ice inside his heart wasn’t fully gone, and a kiss could undo it! i found myself struggling with how to pull that off in a satisfying way so i opted for something cooler instead, bc i wanted to make the fic less predictable and maybe more memorable.
there was supposed to be a scene in dante’s office, so i wanted to imagine what it would look like! plus a brief sketch of an ego based on the roses
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dante was supposed to unbutton his shirt a little and reveal the ice shard still lodged in there (bc the Tension yknow?) and ryoshu and faust talking abt how dante’s clearly changed.
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cool art of the shard from when i wanted to practice single color shading that i liked quite a lot!!
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yoink! the plan was always for a kiss to thaw the ice but i wanted to do something cool and dramatic for art that night i think.
now abt this point i realized i wanted to do something different, so i went back to an EGO dante thing i made for a server request! i absolutely loved how i did this one, so it ended up being the basis for his corroded form in chapter 2.
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as for the final bits of concept art, it was mostly from when i decided to change chapter 2- just stuff to plan the actual concept and get it down before i started writing.
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i ended up not liking the second “redesign” of the corroded form as much, so i went with the one i drew before. and finally. the art i posted of snow queen dante not long before i finished the fic proper!
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so that was sword of frost! v interesting to write but certainly will not be my last limbus fic lmao. i hope to get more things done before the game drops!
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salsflore · 2 years
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5th feb : what media do you and your F/O enjoy engaging with together most?
for childe & zhongli i think it’d be silly to idk indulge in over the top and dramatic reality tv shows. i actually love them but i rarely start any unless they intrigue me in some way lol just ... chilling on the couch poking fun at them .... zhongli would be less likely to do that but he’ll still be a little amused. probably. i don’t know i’d watch it with or without them
i honestly don’t think either ‘luc or that BITCH and i would really have much in common in this regard ;;; but i like the idea of reading with alhaitham ( there’s one book i keep on-and-off reading because i find like ebooks and stuff to be hard to focus on lol ) of course it’ll probably have to be those kind of books though.
6th feb : do you have a song or playlist for your f/o? does your f/o have a song or playlist they associate with you?
hmmm i have a playlist for all of them combined. it’s pretty hard to come up with a good amount of songs if i were to make separate ones and i rather not have a lot of playlists in my library — so they’re all mixed together but its ok i know who i intended it for HSKFKSJD
and um um i don’t think zhongli diluc or alhaitham would rlly make playlists but they all have their own little things that remind them of me? i suppose. as for childe,, again, no to the actual playlist thing but he’d have a couple songs of his own i’m sure !!
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lemonstars8583 · 2 years
I’m rereading your doors posts again since I can’t get enough of them and I have just some more thoughts
Seek’s chase is all dramatic, things fall apart, fire everywhere, eyes watching everywhere and hands reaching out for the player. The lead up to the chase is a grand hall that’s just a touch but longer than usual and ya boy appears from the ground and gives chase.
And there’s the warning signs of eyes appearing on the wall when the player gets closer to the chase with closet falling down and lights flickering without rush or ambush coming.
I have reached the conclusion that Hide and Seek are both dramatic theater kids and they spending most of their time planning out cool chases and setting up everything.
Hide manipulates the background objects whilst Seek is the main show. No one else is allowed to interfere with their show.
though they’re also the ones responsible for the clean up. Hide probably has a couple dozen fire extinguishers on hand ready to fire so they don’t accidentally burn the hotel down. (This also is the main reason why they don’t want anyone else to join. They trust each other to not try to burn the hotel but not rush)
Seek is apparently also fire proof?? I dunno how he ran through the fire when you turn around to watch him. This also means screech could also be fire proof which I’m not sure is a good or bad thing.
YESSSS i see hide as being like rlly shy and kinda grumpy n stuff but like. when in its comfort zone with ppl it trusts it will let the more fun and creative side of its personality show?? incredible. love it. i can see rush wanting to get in on the fun like "hey come on we both kind of chase the player let me help" and then it results in all the fallen bookshelves the player needs to crawl under to be on fire as well which seemed like a good idea at the time, it'd be crazy and stressful and make catching the player easier because it'd hurt to crawl under. but after setting that up and the bookshelves were lit on fire... soon everything was on fire. oops. after that rush was banned from helping and had to be the one to clean everything up before seek and hide kicked it out.
OH ALSO on the topic of rush, me and my friend encountered a room generation glitch. the exit door was blocked. dont as me how. there was no exit to the room, the light above the door youre supposed to leave through was above a blocked door, there were no other exits, so me and my friend were talking about "how did rush (who we had to hide from in that room) get out??" so we joked that rush barricaded the door from the inside like "haha yes now theyll never escape", realized now it was stuck in here too, then just hid somewhere in shame waiting for us to disconnect lmfao
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theouijagirl · 2 years
So far I’m the only one who I know whose thought this but I’ve been on YouTube trying to find you tubers who genuinely do ghost hunting and a few years ago I found Sam and Colby, now at the time I thought they were doing ghost hunting and it really seemed like it until like a few years later where I started to notice they rlly play on the whole “tHis lOcAtIoN iS dEmOniC” card and they over dramatize EVERYTHING like deadass in their new video they were screaming bc someone said 77 bc they had a friend that usually has this like number of 17 and idk it amazes me that ppl believe they’re being genuine, even tho every video something is happening whether that be scratches, doors opening n closing n I just wanted to know what do you think on it? They also did like a video series where they were supposed to help a friend get rid of a ghost “haunting” them but that friend still made ghost videos afterwards I think
If it seems fake, it is. If it seems sketchy, it is. Stuff like that is for entertainment and not meant to be taken seriously.
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