#this wild life band
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This Wild Life - How’d You Forget Us
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greenbirdtrash · 5 months
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im at my fucking limit.
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foxgloveinspace · 1 year
At the end of the day, Vessel gets to go home and take off the mask and be a normal ass man, and go to coffee shops and not be recognized, and me? I have to LIVE WITH BEING A SLEEP TOKEN FAN!!! sure I could be anonymous about it irl, but I already bought the fuckin sweatshirt. Vessel?? He gets to just go about his day, and be like ‘oh Sleep Token?? Never heard of them/not my thing’ and me?? I have to live with the fact that when I say ‘oh my favorite band is sleep token’ EVERYONE KNOWS IM HORNY, DEPRESSED, LONELY AND IN A CULT (basically).
Edit: I feel like I need to say, this post is Not about wanting Vessel to unmask, this is about how I have to live with being a Sleep Token fan. I am very much so an anonymous Vessel supporter (anonymous Sleep Token supporter) and I dont want people to think I am not lmao.
The read more is so this doesn’t ruin the funny goofy vibes of the og post.
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Im just a girl, standing on the edge of tumblr, screaming into the void for more Bill Guarnere content 😭😭😭😭 I’m begging y’all.
He’s everything to me and there’s so little of him I’m dying
(Side note; I will be getting back on track with my WIPS & requests this coming week, maybe that will help)
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sparky-is-spiders · 9 months
I can accept basically any trans/nb reading of Jon however my personal favorites are transmasc Jon who transitioned physically and socially as early as possible and just never mentioned it to anyone cause it wasn't any of their business OR Jon being the most repressed transfem/nb in existence. They'll be talking about gender or whatever and Jon will be like "it's normal to feel totally disconnected from your gender all the time and also vaguely want boobs. That's just a guy thing I think." only for whoever they're all talking to to go "wtf no?? It's not????"
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waugh-bao · 9 months
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pendraegon · 11 months
why is pete wentz important to me?? like him, i was a non white kid who grew up in a very white neighborhood in the chicagoland area and it was exhausting and isolating and so so so lonely it could make your teeth hurt. like him, i’m bipolar and no one has ever quite gotten close to describing what my highs and lows are like, but he’s the only one who has gotten close. (do you know what it's like being so so so manic and you know you're not okay and everything rushes around you and you feel like you're on top of the world but you know it's all a lie? an illusion? do you know what it feels like to plummet down so so so so deep and dark and there's nothing but you and that gaping ache inside of you, reminding you just how hollow and fake you are?) like him, i grew up enthralled and obsessed with rock, punk, the hardcore scene of chicago, and there was nothing and no one there for people like me and people who looked like me in a place and sound that i loved more than anything on earth. i saw him reflected in me and in the most non creepy parasocial way possible, he has been one of the most incredible influences of my life. maybe even one of the possible sunshines of my lifetime for all he is still a stranger to me, and i to him.
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darlinhutchence · 3 months
my god hes such a rockstar
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hella1975 · 1 year
this isn't meant to like. make you give your opinion on Discourse™️ or anything I just wanted to ask, but I keep seeing people upset about taylor dating mr. 1975 and I can't figure out if it's bc he's a terrible person or just a greasy alcoholic 😭😭😭 do you know what's up with that guy??? like on one hand I like not knowing things about celebs and I should keep it that way. but also
i, unfortunately, do know what's up with that guy and it's that he's said something problematic about every faction of society at least once. for me i have some weird, reluctant fondness for him because he is just a train wreck and he's such a twat all the time that at least it's nondiscriminating, and i also like that when he sings about mental illness it's bc he's actually BEEN THERE and been publicly a mess bc of it and been addicted to drugs and acted like a dick, and he ACKNOWLEDGES THAT, but also at no point am i gonna jump on the 'he's an amazing person' parade bc generally he is just a sleazy idiot. it is weird watching people suddenly dragging up every single thing he's ever said to be like 'look! this is why he's bad for our tay tay!' when the running joke with matty healy is that he's just a prick. like u dont need to expose his moral fibre. u can just say he's a prick. and also as funny as the jokes are she's still a grown woman who's been around the block a few times when it comes to dating. i think she will be okay maybe
#idk that's just what i think though. like he's been cancelled more times than he has songs and yet a lot of us are still here#and he acknowledges it like there's a running gag at his live shows where he goes to say a very explosive sentence and then he gets cut off#by the band with a random song it's so funny. like he'll go 'i just think that immigrants- *LOUD GUITAR*' & i think that's a part of it too#is that a lot of people don't get that sometimes he's being ironic? he takes it too far and these days he's annoying#but idk ive seen certain instances where im like. that went over so many people's heads#idk i just dont think he's Evil and Malicious i think he's just a prick. like people can just be pricks even if they're super famous. wild#he's so fucking pretentious but he got famous for being REAL and his music has helped a lot of people because of how real it was#like i made a post a while ago about his song 'give yourself a try' and how the concept of it is literally#'life is a little bit shit to be quite honest with you and you WILL get fucked over by it and fuck yourself over but you're here anyway#so you might as well give it a go' like???? so many mental health ballads are like 'the world is So Beautiful and So Are You'#but matty healy ALWAYS has gone actually it isnt and you arent. whatever though#and i just really like that#ask#also big disclaimer that i dont have an encyclopedic knowledge of all the dumb shit matty healy has said ive just been listening#to the band for a while and have picked shit up along the way. if it turns out he's done some actually reprehensible shit that ive missed#then that's literally bc i do not actively run in 1975 circles and do not intend to ever start <3 so dont yell at me LMAO
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This Wild Life - Last Call For The Heavy Hearts
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army-of-bee-assassins · 11 months
tonight in intro to audiology we all gave each other hearing exams and i officially have noise-induced hearing loss at 4,000 hz lol
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northwestofinsanity · 3 months
Band Incorrect Quote/Scenario -“It’s Too Early For This!” (Happy Daylight Savings Spring Forward Monday)
Provided a bit later in the day than hoped, because Tumblr formatting put up a fight on me… A *long* scenario in an incorrect setting universe far more incorrect than most of my incorrect scenarios -solely for the guilty pleasure and humor of inserting bands into really wild situations that happened at my veterinary hospital job in current-day, in the chance occasions I could see their personalities fitting in.  Featuring the mid/late 80s Squeeze lineup, since the clock fiasco here sort of parallels well to the “Hourglass” music video.  (And maybe that’s the only realistic parallel here -but then, it is an incorrect scenario, and y’all can’t say I didn’t warn you!)
-It’s the Monday morning after the Spring forward to Daylight Saving’s Time, and the 7:00 AM openers (Keith and Gilson) are arriving at what was just formerly 6:00 AM to begin the day-
Keith Wilkinson: *Half asleep on his feet since he’s extra effected by the time shift.  Goes into the pharmacy hall, takes the clock off the wall, moves it forward an hour, and hangs it back up, having to attempt this a few times because the nail in the wall is loose and keeps moving into the wall so there’s not enough sticking out for the clock to hang on.  He finally gets it to stay up, and after waiting a few seconds to see that it isn’t falling and appears stable, shuffles off to help Gilson with other opening tasks*
-An hour later: The 7:30 arrival crew are all in, and mandatory opening tasks are finished.  To attempt to wake up a bit, everyone is going around doing other chores and keeping busy until appointments begin.-
Glenn Tilbrook: *Working on the weekly chore list and cleaning walls and countertops in exam rooms that were deep cleaned earlier in the previous week, then breaks off to load the first appointment that arrives early*
Keith Wilkinson: *Upstairs in the supply closet, getting paper towels and a few other things they need to restock*
Gilson Lavis: *Folding laundry in treatment -Chris got a lot done over the weekend on kennel duty, and the trash bag nested in the bin is stuffed to the gills so that it stands up level with his chest*
Chris Difford: *Setting up and assigning other exam rooms to the other appointments that are coming up next by writing information on the whiteboards on the door and pre-loading supplies that will be needed specific to those appointments*
Jools Holland: *Setting up the lab and pharmacy counter, and reading the appointment information off the computer screen aloud to Chris so he doesn’t have to keep going back to it in between each room being set up*
Glenn Tilbrook: *Comes out of the room he loaded, having gotten all the history he needs to report to the office with*
-As Glenn goes into the office, a baby gate propped up along the side of one of the doctors’ desks randomly slides down and hits the tile floor with a loud clatter-
Glenn Tilbrook: *Winces, because the room he loaded is directly across from the office door, and the walls are very thin, so literally everything in the hall is audible inside the rooms*
Chris Difford: *Gets jumpscared, as he’s spazzy and disoriented from being overtired, then snickers quietly before continuing to prep rooms. He is especially sleep deprived out of all of them, because he worked kennel duty in addition to the time change*
Jools Holland: “Goodness gracious!”
Glenn Tilbrook: *Picks the gate up* “Well, that’s something to wake everyone up with!” *Gives the history to the doctor, then starts to duck back into the other room he’s working on cleaning*
-Not even two seconds later, before Glenn can even make it back to his cleaning supplies, a huge, multiple-crash clatter resounds from the hall, ten times louder than the baby gate falling, as the clock finally jumps off the wall, takes the wall-mounted phone out with it, and both attack the computer on the pharmacy counter below-
Gilson Lavis: *Still around the corner in treatment folding laundry* “WHAT in the bloody HELL was THAT?” *Sets down the sheet he was working on and goes around to investigate*
Chris Difford: *Gives off a single cackle nearly a full octave above his typical voice tone and goes into hard, silent, wheezing, hysterical laughter*
Jools Holland: *Briefly flinches and recoils back away from the clock that fell just inches in front of his face, then turns toward Gilson with a deadpan expression*
Glenn Tilbrook: *Turns straight back around toward the hall, just one second too late to see the action, but just in time for the immediate aftermath*
-The pharmacy wall clock is on the floor right in front of the counter.  The phone, which usually hangs on the wall under the clock is also down -the body with the cradle, dial-pad, and intercom are on the counter, on top of the computer keyboard, and the phone receiver is on the floor, dangling by the curly phone cord stretched down the front of the cabinets.  The computer screen is spazzing out with a hundred error dialogue boxes, due to the phone cradle actively holding down keys, which already got smashed when the clock went down-
Glenn and Gilson (in unison from opposite ends of the hall): “LORD have MERCY!” *Both chuckle*
Chris Difford: *Leaning over the counter over the sink, still shaking, gasping, and wheeze-laughing, with tears in his eyes.  He’s visibly too weak to do anything but brace himself by his hands on the edge of the counter and lean against it to stay upright, and try not to look at any of his mates, because if he does, it’s going to set him off harder… He knows deep down this shouldn’t be this funny, but in his overtired state, it is the best thing in the world, and he is GONE!*
Jools Holland: *Picks the phone hook up off the keyboard, looking unimpressed; grabs the mouse and starts dismissing the errors* “What is this day?”
Glenn Tilbrook: “It’s hardly begun yet!” *Picks up the clock and starts fighting with the nail to try and get it hung back up again, having it shrink back into the wall on him multiple times. This causes the clock to fall again, only he catches it this time, with a priceless, wide-eyed, open-mouthed expression of surprise as he reaches to snatch it out of the air*
Jools Holland: *Finally cracks and starts laughing at this, which sets Chris off again and takes him further* “Well, shit!”
Glenn Tilbrook: “First the baby gate, then the clock and the phone jumping off the wall -our first patient is probably wondering what on Earth is happening here!”
Jools Holland: “That’s it, it’s official!  *Goes into his dramatic announcer voice* Our clock says that it is WAY TOO EARLY for this!” *Flinches as the computer throws up another error box, because it is big-mad after having its keys pressed so aggressively.* “And apparently, now this does, too!” *Shuts the whole thing down so it can be restarted.*
Chris Difford: *Points to Jools in agreement, then shakes his head, still in hysterical laughter, and runs out around the corner into treatment, leaving the room to go pull himself together where nothing else can get to him*
Keith Wilkinson: *Comes around the corner scooting a huge Sam’s Club package of paper towels along the tile in front of him with his feet, while having a six-pack sleeve of Kleenex boxes tucked under one arm, a roll of trash bags under the other, and with fingertips wrapped around the handle of a half-gallon refill bottle of hand soap, only leaving one barely-freed hand for him to have held the rail while getting down the very steep stairs in the back* *Freezes in place and does a double-take at Chris running out in hysterics and Jools and Glenn trying to get the clock and phone back up, then unceremoniously sets down the soap bottle and tissue boxes, since they’re nearly falling out of his grip, anyway.*  “What on Earth’s happened?  I leave for five minutes and I’ve come back to this!”
Glenn Tilbrook: *Goes off in one of his guttural, mirthful cackles* “Too much!  That’s what’s happened -too much!”
Jools Holland: “Too much at this hour, that’s for sure.  Even without being an hour ahead!”
-Twenty minutes later-
Glenn Tilbrook: *Notices that the clock is twenty minutes behind, approximately where it was when it fell down* “What?” *Takes it back down and tries to check that the batteries didn’t come loose, then realizes he can hear it ticking, though the hands aren’t moving, and in trying to turn the knob on the back to adjust the hands, realizes that they came detached from the internal mechanism with the glorious impact* “Oh, shit -great!” *Tries to fix the clock one more time, just in case, before leaving it on the manager’s desk*
Chris Difford: *Places a note on the clock stating ‘It jumped off the wall and broke’ and finds the office instant camera to commemorate the most chaotic Spring Forward*
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omg-hellgirl · 4 months
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The Jaggers: a bearded Michael Philip, younger brother Chris, proud parents Eva and Joe. He described his mother as "very working class" and his father as "bourgeois."
Christopher P. Andersen, Mick: The Wild Life and Mad Genius of Jagger.
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wordswhisperinthedark · 5 months
Currently having so many emotions about Tamada Shunji ❤️(ಥ﹏ಥ)
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redrattlers · 6 months
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blazingphantom · 2 years
Wendell and Wild writing prompts part 4 We got your back!
Kat was never an easy nut to crack. Especially when it came to no good kids who thought they were being so cool insulting another. These three kids 2 girls 1 boy. Always waited outside the shop she went into. Rustbank had been repaired and was full of life once more. But with that? Came newer kids. Kids from all over the world, mostly. But these guys? They came from the big city. Kat didn't know exactly why, but frankly, didn't care. Weekly, mostly to scavenge up sweets and drawing pads for her newfound friend Raul. And yet, there were always there. Making rude remarks about her fashion- even going so far to insult her skin color. But Kat never reacted angrily, always biting her tongue, and snarking back at them. Relishing in the fact they looked shocked and taken aback. She wasn't some damsel in distress and could easily handle herself. Too her, they weren't even the best at bullying. Always making the same bitchy insults. Both of them making ugly like noises that Kat thought had to be laughing. Well, it was all good. Till one day Kat was walking down the street, donning a ripped black shirt, and long baggy shorts that stopped at her knees. With a silver chain that dangled down from a belt, and it gleamed in the sun's rays. Wearing her famous monster heel boots, but instead of a scowl. A contented expression replaced it. She was still hurting but the aid of her new friends helped her deal with the loss EarPods nestled in her ears comfortably, blasting a song from Bad Brains from her phone. Hands in the shorts pockets, strolling down the pavement. But there they were. Waiting for her, as always. It was no surprise. Mentally Kat scoffed, showing no fear only annoyance and closed the gap between them. Taking out her earpods, and switching off her music. Meeting them head on. It all went good. Until. They said something awful. "No wonder your parents died." That hurt Kat. More than she imagined. She was usually so stoic faced. But this broke her down, breath hitching, tears pricking the corner of her eyes. Clearly content with their accomplishment, they began to torment her some more. This was all too familiar. They reminded her of the kids at the orphanage. Kat pushed them back and fled the scene, almost tripping on the curb as she ran across the road, heading toward the demon's bro's house that was situated in a quiet neighborhood. (They made enough money from the Dream Fair and finally bought their own home) Luckily, she had an extra key and could let herself in.
Once she vanished from sight, they all snickered cruelly. Little did they know two specific people were watching them from beside the building. "I'm gonna kill em-" Wild whisper-yelled irritably too Wendell who had a scowl on his visage, bunching up his hands in fists, about to walk over and beat some sense into the bullies. But was prevented by Wendell who was clutching his wrist. "No Wild- we need a better idea." Wendell reminded him, analyzing the 3 closely. "I got it." A smirk appeared on his angular face. Later that evening. Kat was watching something on TV- nothing too amazing. Just some cartoons. She still hadn't shaken off that remark. It cut her deep like a knife, leaving a mental scar. Looking at the boombox that sat idly on the coffee table. She lifted up her phone checking through messages. One piqued her interest; It was a new text from Siobhan. Heyy Kat! I'm having a party next week! Wanna join? Kat hummed, smiling briefly. Siobahn was really sweet. Parties weren't exactly her forte. But she'd swoop in for a while. Oh sure! Was all she texted, hitting send. When Wild and Wendell got in, they shifted back into their demonic forms. Greeting Kat happily, hugging her tightly. They weren't dumb, they easily caught on something wasn't right. They had seen it go down after all. During dinner that consisted of fish, peas and chips served on a plain china plate. Wendell was making sly conversation. He specialized in being inconspicuous. Asking the usual questions, 'how was your day' ect. Kat just glumly responded, using her fork to poke at the battered fish blankly. "What would you do if the bullies vanished?" Wild suddenly said, and in return Wendell harshly elbowed him. Kat paused and looked up, a frown on her face. "What do you mean?" Wendell cleared his throat awkwardly, giving Wild a glare. "He means- exactly what he said. Like, if they somehow vanished from existence." Wild nodded along, happily shoving the whole piece of fish into his mouth. Kat gave a roll of her eyes at their bumbling. Not in a mean-hearted way, but it always amused her.
"Well, I'd be happy." She told them, eating a few chips. Taking a swig of her water that sat on the mat.
Wendell gave Wild a knowing glance. "We can do something about it." He said, trying to fight back an intruding smirk. Kat huffed clearly not believing them. She would in time though. That night Wendell and Wild got to business. The next day Kat headed down to the town's supermarket, half expecting and half dreading to spot the 3 there leaning against the window. But they weren't. She exhaled quietly with relief. Mirthful that they weren't going to bug her. But something about it, nagged a part of her brain. Making her slightly suspicious. Well, Kat had the right to be suspicious. Because that night Wendell and Wild came clean.
"Okay, I appreciate you two getting rid of them- but where the hell are they?" Kat grunted, folding her arms, glaring at them with a firm glint in her eye. Wild made a face, awkwardly scratching at his arm. Not really wanting to Kat the truth. Wendell who was usually the more honest brother was quiet as well. "You killed them!?" Kat exclaimed, throwing her arms up in the air. She hated her bullies, but murdering them was too much. Even for her. "N-no we didn't do that!" Wendell squeaked, appalled at such an accusation. "We made them disappear!" Wild butted in a proud grin on his face. Kat paused, frowning to herself. Disappear? What did that mean- Oh. OH. "You- you did that for me?" She murmured out, looking at them with wide eyes. "Uh huh." Wendell and Wild nodded in unison, smiling softly. Kat gave a sudden laugh. "And they're-" "Gone and gone." Wendell informed her with an impish smirk. Making a surprised noise as Kat's arm snaked themselves around his waist, hugging him tightly. He lifted his hand and gently patted her back, consoling her. "No fair- I want a hug!" Wild complained and lumbered over hurriedly, standing behind Wendell and lifting the two in the air in a crushing bear hug. Kat emitted a delighted laugh, her expression bright. It was a lovely sound. And it made the brother's heart swell with merriness and joy. ------------------------------------ "So which one of you vile kids insulted my son's friend?" Buffalo Belzer frowned, an enraged grimace plastered on his facial features. The 3 children trembled with barely contained terror. As they stared up at the goliath overlord. "All of them." Sister Helley spoke up, perched on the giant's shoulder. Leaning against his bearded cheek, arms folded against her chest. "Let's make this a time they'll never forget." The two shared a waggish grin, side-glancing each other.
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