elementalsight · 4 years
Aaaaah!! I waited on tenterhooks for the last chapter to drop! Can I ask wha Mizuchi traded for Izuku's name to the Crows?
Mizuchi being a dragon had both power and clout to trade, so he basically rolled up to the Crows and was like, look, I want to give Izuku back his name. You are going to give it to me for X power, because it isn’t doing YOU any good, and if you piss me off you’re pissing off The Whole Clan and do you really want to risk that for something that isn’t going to give you more clout? And so the trade was made. If the crows could have kept using Izuku’s name they probably would have fought to keep it, but honestly it’s a bit like having all the monopoly money against someone who refuses to play. They get equal power for it, and no one really wants Dragons pissed off at you. They’re, to borrow a phrase, ‘kindof a big deal’. XD Mizuchi is actually smaller now, because of the exchange, but taking 20 feet off of a dragon that is, at his full size, 200+ feet doesn’t really show up, and ergo when Mizuchi is at more human-managable size, Izuku doesn’t even notice.
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arr-jim-lad · 6 years
Where would you recommend starting for someone who wants to get into Jojo?
DEFINITELY at the beginning, it’s a generational story that needs to be watched in chronological order to make sense. Or, well. “sense”. Because it’s Jojo.
Start with the 2012 Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, it includes parts 1 (Phantom Blood) and 2 (Battle Tendency)
Then continue with Stardust Crusaders from 2014 (which has 2 seasons), Diamond is Unbreakable from 2016, and Golden Wind from 2018. I just started Diamond is Unbreakable recently so I’m not caught up yet.
There’s also an older OVA of Stardust Crusaders that is, in my opinion, very much worth seeing even though it cuts a lot of the story, because the animation and style are absolutely wonderful. It has two parts; from 1993 and 2000. If you watch it, watch the 2000 one first, because... for some reason they decided to cover the SECOND part of the story in 1993 and then.. the FIRST part of the story in 2000? I don’t.. I don’t understand...
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suzie-guru · 6 years
Zodiac, poison, lightning, microscope, parachute!
microscope: zoom in – describe the little, insignificant details about an OC.
Here’s a collection of little details about Rose!  
Rose is both a mirror image and a negative of her mother - she has her complexion and big eyes and long cascading waterfall of hair and delicate features and overall beauty, but with completely different coloring. 
When she frowns, she looks just like her father. Having his thick eyebrows doesn’t help. 
No one knows how she came by her red hair. Her freckles can be explained because she basically lives outside, but her hair? There are theories, some kind and some not, but no one knows for sure…
Also, when (and how) the hell did she get so TALL? 
She tells stories to anyone and anything, including herself.  
When she was a wee thing she would try to pet bumblebees all the time. 
She does most of the heavy lifting when it comes to the work in the woods. Girl is strong, and it shows. 
Any and all animals instantly adopt her, and she them. Her mother and father have long made peace with her drifting off to sleep with all sorts of beasties tucked into her shift and bedding. 
She LOVES her honorary aunts.  
She couldn’t choose just one favorite color, but she favors blue in pretty much any and all articles of clothing. 
She can turn anything into a bookmark - a leaf, a deck of cards, a piece of toast…
No one is more surprised than she when she turns out to be a natural at fighting. 
She is the biggest homebody ever. 
Her patronus would be a bear. 
lightning: who’s the most impulsive character? and who is their impulse control?
TATTER. The whole crew has to act as her impulse control, basically. And Greg and Ash have learned to curb their impulses, but they both watch out for each other as well. 
poison: vices/bad habits? what are they? how do they affect your OC?
Let’s focus on Tatter for this one! 
Tatter…she’s an odd duck. She doesn’t consider the vices she has as actual vices, because she doesn’t see how they hurt anyone. The fact that they might end up hurting her or mess up her life is neither here nor there in her opinion, because she lives in the moment and she enjoys her drinks and her food and her drugs and her sex and her fights when she’s doing them. To worry about them before or regret them afterwards is time wasted, and Tatter refuses to waste her life. 
And because she’s so cheerful and upbeat and gusty and bold and brash and confident and over the top, no one really thinks to question her behavior? “Yeah, she’s outrageous, but she doesn’t seem to messed up by whatever she chooses to do.” 
But the fact is, Tatter is very hedonistic and impulsive. She likes to have fun and she likes her adventures and she always wants to be the one at the pub telling a ripping good tale, so she makes sure she has loads to tell. I haven’t nailed all the facts down, but she self-medicates and represses a lot. People see her as the Outrageous Fun Wild One, and she’s almost convinced herself she needs to be that. 
Tatter is a complicated character, and I’m still exploring her, but for someone who takes a lot of pride in how free spirited she is, she’s definitely carrying some major fucking baggage. 
parachute: who does your OC(s) trust the most? who makes them feel safe? who would they do absolutely anything for?
Let’s focus on Ash for this one! 
Given her life and line of work and certain events in her past, Ash makes Trust No One pretty much her credo. At least, that’s what she says. But what Ash says and what Ash does are often very different things indeed…
No matter how much they bicker and tease and tell each other they would sell the other out for a pint of warm beer, Greg and Ash are pretty damn ride or die for each other. It took a while for them to get there, but there’s no going back now for the either of them. 
Meredith is also one of the few people she trusts, mainly because Meredith took her utterly by surprise by almost immediately trusting her. Meredith also happens to be one of the strongest and selfless people Ash has ever known, if not THE strongest and most selfless person she’s known, and Ash fucking values that. 
Rose, in time, becomes another one of the few people that Ash truly does trust, but that’s because Ash is more concerned with protecting her and caring for her. It’s rather like a parent realizing they genuinely trust their child with/on something. And then said child goes on to become your general/ruler…
On the other hand, Sander has a lot of fucking work ahead of him before Ash doesn’t sleep with one hand on her sword when she’s with him…
Tatter…she likes Tatter an awful lot. But liking someone ain’t the same as trusting them. Both of them know that, and they’re fine with that for now…
Ash knows that safety is an illusion - she’s always going to court danger, never know peace. But Greg and Meredith keep that illusion alive, and she can recognize it’s a dream but still appreciate it at the same time. 
As for those she would do anything for, there’s obviously Greg and Meredith and Rose, she would lay down her life for any and all of them. 
Of course, the character that truly captures all three of these aspects is Pumpkin. God Almighty, Ash would do ANYTHING for Pumpkin, her partner in crime, her best beloved, her Ol’ Bastard. And that horse knows it. 
zodiac: what’s their sign? does it influence their personality? do they care about astrology?
Oh my God, I just realized that as much as I love astrology and head-canoeing the signs of characters, I have never sat down and legit planned out the actual birthdays and signs for the Fire Frost & Fable crew! Shame on me, I must get to this! 
That being said, right off the bat I feel it’s pretty safe to say that Meredith is a Pisces, Greg is either an Aries or a Leo, and Rose is a Scorpio. But don’t quote me on that, that’s very very very likely to change! Seeing as I haven’t even thought of sitting down and planning out their signs, I won’t say that their signs influence their personalities - it’s more like they tie into the personalities. 
I can see Rose and Meredith being intrigued by astrology and giving it some thoughtful consideration, Greg and Ash not giving a rat’s rump about it, Aurora completely believing in it, and Zelle flip-flopping on it, depending how it serves her at the moment. 
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pitviperofdoom · 7 years
Head-canon that when Deku becomes a pro, Rei starts distracting people want Deku is walking up to a group or a person so when they turn back they're startled by Deku just being there suddenly. Same deal for him leaving. So he get a reputation of being where you dont expect him to be, fighting or not. "The Startling Hero, Deku!" and Izuku is a bit like WTF Rei, but also finds it hilarious and so he let's her keep doing it.
I mean I already love the idea of YUTS Deku pulling a lot of Batman-esque “he’s here!” “he’s gone!” moves so. I have no objections to Deku gaining the reputation of being even more of a spooky stealth master than he already was.
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DA:I, companions and councillors reacting to the Inquisitor bringing home a crate fill of baby nugs, or mabaris, or your choice of small cutbaby animal. You guys do great work!
Cassandra: “We don’t have time to…” She stops and stares at the yapping and waggling puppies, some of which are trying to reach her for attention. Her eyes widen, slightly, and she gingerly pulls one out of the box. After holding it for a moment, she sighs. “Alright, we can take them back to Skyhold to be given to some of Cullen’s men. This once.”
Blackwall: He lets out a hearty laugh and insists on carrying the crate. He plays with the puppies a lot, and is sad when they’re given up for adoption to other Inquisition members.
Iron Bull: “Oh, look at the little guys!” He grins and sits down, allowing the puppies to amble up to him, crawling up on him. “Look at them! Gonna grow up fierce as dragons!”
Sera: “PUPPIES!” she cries as she picks up a wiggling puppy to give it a hug and a kiss. “Look at their smooshy little faces! Can I have one?”
Varric: He grins. “Well, would you look at that?” He strokes their heads and watches them for awhile.
Cole: He loves them, because they’re happy and they make almost everyone who sees them happy. “They’re so happy. Everyone should have puppies. Maybe demons wouldn’t be demons if they had puppies.”
Dorian: He instantly smiles at the sight of them. “Well, what do we have here, Inquisitor? New recruits?” The puppies like him, a lot, much to his surprise.
Solas: He can’t help but crack a smile at the puppies. He can be found sitting and watching them with great interest.
Vivienne: She acts like she’s not interested, but the Inquisitor sees her eyes flicking over to them and her lips curling upward as they yap and just be adorable in general.
Josephine: She squeals in delight at the sight of them. “Ohhh, they’re so CUTE!” she exclaims as she hurries to greet them.
Leliana: She wishes she could spend all day with them, but she has to work. Later on, though, a scout finds her at her desk with a snoozing puppy on her lap.
Cullen: He’s at their side instantly, offering to help however they need. Dog food? A kennel? Anything so the puppies can stay. They seem to lessen the effects of his headaches.
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skygemspeaks · 5 years
Peter B. Parker!
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite
Peter hoBo Parker is my soul relatable af and I fucking love this man!!! He was such a good mentor figure for Miles throughout the movie. I love how free he (and all the spider people) were with their affections, and I love that he was open to learning life lessons from someone so much younger than him, because we all know those adults who think “you’re a kid so i’m obviously smarter than you”.
I really like that at the end of the movie he cleaned his life up, shaved, and worked to get MJ back. What a great man, and what a great depiction of healthy masculinity!!!
send me a character!
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Safety Sigil 🛡
“I am hidden and safe.”
Requested by @thisredshrine
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Feel free to use, like, and reblog, but please don’t remove my tag.
Open for commissions via PayPal, so feel free to reach out.
If you like my work, please consider buying me a coffee at: ko-fi.com/thegraywitchsigilist (not linked because Tumblr kills linked posts)
Blessings ~ 🌙
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neon-ufo · 8 years
Can I ask what the setting you had were to get that beautiful watercolor look?
Hello!Sorry it took me so long to respond, I didn’t have my computer with me for the past few days, but these are the settings I used in SAI for this watercolour look;
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(brush setting)
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(layer setting)
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risto-licious · 10 years
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arr-jim-lad · 7 years
Not America ask, 1,3,7,13, & 15! :) 💙
1. favourite place in your country?
i love every place i lived in, which includes my home town, Ljubljana and now Maribor. I also have very fond memories of travelling to some castles in Slovenia, Predjama castle among them. Slovenia is just all around a gorgeous country tbh.
3. does your country have access to sea?
we do but the croats keep bitching about it and trespassing with their fishing boats as if they don’t have over 10 times as much sea as we do like seriously fuck off
7. three words from your native language that you like the most?
answered here
13. does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
I wasn’t sure what is or isn’t believed by other countries so I googled it and two things I am aware of came up;
If you see a chimney sweeper you have to hold your button for good luck
If you hear a first cuckoo of the year and have money in your pocket, you will be well off that year
This might be just something my family says bc i couldn’t find anything on google but, if we saw a flock or crows on the ground in early winter, we would say they are concocting snow (they haven’t been doing a great job at it in the past few years.....)
15. a saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get?
answered here
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suzie-guru · 6 years
It's pronounced Gwin-gan-bresil. And it's actually the name of one of the vassals of an opponent of Sir Gawain in one of the Arthurian stories.
Oooooh, fascinating! I love names rooted in myths and legends. 
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daxarve · 11 years
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A thing for thisredshrine for the Goddamn Secret Santa! I hope you like it!!!!
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suzie-guru · 6 years
I always loved the name Finnbar for a boy, and Finnigan for a either. One of my friends was almost named Guinganbresil, but her mom vetoed it.
Finnigan is a GREAT name, oh wow. And oh my goodness, Guinganbresil...is that pronounced how it’s spelled? Gu-in-gan-bres-il? I wonder what nicknames could be made from it...?
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arr-jim-lad · 7 years
I always get pizza without the sauce because i can’t stand the taste of it, or anything else that contains tomato.
My brother claims that a sauce-less pizza is hardly a pizza and I must say I disagree. My unpopular opinion is that a pizza without the gross sauce does in fact still count as pizza.
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suzie-guru · 7 years
B, G, U, and V!
B. Best Sequel Ever
God, this is tough. I’m gonna cheat and declare the entirety of the Anne of Green Gables series the best sequels ever simply because as a child I had no idea the first book was part of a series! G. Glad You Gave This Book A ChanceThe War for the Oaks by Emma Bull (one of the BEST depictions of the Faerie I have ever read) and The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende. Both are now some of my absolute favorite booksU. Unapologetic Fangirl For
Harry Potter!V. Very Excited For This Release More Than Any Other Can I count all the Harry Potter books for this (NOT Cursed Child)? The final Harry Potter book was the one I legit stayed up past midnight for. 
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suzie-guru · 7 years
Best of luck to you!!
Thank you!
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