#tho if someone sees this and wants to rec something hehe
scaryhaven · 2 years
We need more historical romance film/TV adaptations, it's sad the amount of crumbs we are given to swoon over.
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thisdreamplace · 6 months
Hi dream. it’s 😵‍💫 anon. always a joy to look at your page. honestly, life has been sucking as usual. opportunities have arose, but nothing came of it. I actually felt worse after the opportunities. sometimes it feels like there is no hope. the hardest thing is seeing someone I care for be sad like I am. now I’m trying to manifest for her as well. it’s like you can’t escape what makes you feel terrible. ugh. even though I’m down, I don’t want this person to feel the same as me but I can’t do anything for either of us. I just remember a time of crying and then being okay because of possibility but sadly, possibility isn’t enough anymore. seeing this person hurt kind of drilled it in me that I’m here….and I don’t know a way out seriously. I’m sorry for the negativity. I’m always trauma dumping here like a fucking dumbass. the only time I feel open is when I let it all out, but a part of me feels sucky for doing so here. I hope it’s not too much, dream.
I’m just babbling but I went black friday shopping. I kind of found out that I have been buying shit for a second of relief. I get happy that I have something to look forward to. is it retail therapy?? I bought some skincare products so hopefully they work out. for some reason, every time I do skincare, everything just sits there on top of my skin or it burns. like damn 💀
this entire message seems like I roller coaster like you started off sad and then straight into skincare lol? I guess I feel lighter after releasing my words. right now I’m about to go stuff my entire face with leftover Thanksgiving food. happy Thanksgiving btw if you celebrate it. if you do celebrate it, did you do anything? any black friday shopping? it’s really hard not to fall victim to sales 🥲🤣
hiiiii my lovely 😵‍💫 anon <3
its never too much, so don't worry. it saddens me to read how you've been feeling though, especially in regards to your friend. its lovely you want to help them, but truly, you deserved to be help first in your life. you've gotta make sure you're good, then you're best able to help others too.
dont feel too bad about shopping like that. literally, a lot of us has been there. i literally had a shopping addiction a couple of years ago, without realizing it. luckily, i was able to get out of it. hahah so really, its just one of them things sometimes. lol theres nothing wrong w a lil retail therapy though, i mean why not treat yourself ? i hope the skincare works out <3 any product recs ??
and thank you <3 i hope you had a great thanksgiving !! i just spent the time with friends and family, and actually had one of the best thanksgivings i've had in a while hehe and i made a new friend ! i did go black friday shopping, but i mainly shopped deals online which have ~finally~ started arriving recently and i love them sm. youre so right tho, but i was like hey i could def use some things and the deals truly were irresistable in that moment LOL
anyway, i hope youre feeling better now and im glad youre able to come here and vent, and leave yourself feeling lighter in that moment ! <3
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kuroosdarling · 2 years
tag all of your mutuals and put beside it the kind of person they are im really curious :)
oh boy !!! buckle up bc i am ready to pour out my love <33 i love all of my talented moots so i’m just going to say a few things about them and hopefully it answers your question !! hehe they’re all wonderful people and im super glad to know each and every one :’)
i have a lot more newer moots that i’d like to gush about too but i am v shy when it comes to interacting !!! so if we are moots and you’re not here it’s just bc i’m shy about tagging you !! :(<3
@myheroesaretired nesi !! she puts up with all my shit i stg lol she gets so many of my unfiltered thoughts … sry nesi </3 i feel like i’ve known her forever even tho it’s been a couple months pls!! she’s so easy to talk to and i’m v thankful for her support :’) literally think we were twins in a past life tbh !!
@sookisaurus risu !!! one of my first moots hehe risu is so incredibly welcoming and she looks after everyone <3 i love chatting with her any chance i can bc she’s so funny n always has something good to say <3 also whenever we start talkin bout kuroo it’s game over 😵‍💫🤍 we feed into each others brainrots and im always here for it !!
@mattsunkawa echo !! my bubs hehe omg she’s so funny n chill and i love talking to her sm <3 i bug her all the time PLS !! anytime we watch a new anime it’s tradition to yell to each other about it at this point. from aot -> op -> csm + bluelock lol !! i love when we share bits of our writing with each other just to rile the other one up lmfao !!
@oooohno nana <3 literally the sweetest person ever !! anytime we chat or interact i get so so happy!! she’s so kind and literally always tags me in the best stuff 🤧 so incredibly thoughtful to everyone on here <33 she’s sm fun to talk to :) especially when we dive in about our fave characters !
@ohtokki WAH laura !! <3 such a friendly and warm person fr her energy just makes everyone feel at home !!! the type of person i’d love to sit and have some tea with and talk about anything !! (esp video games lol)
@1812p4n K🥺 one of the kindest people on this site!! always spreading love and happiness to everyone on the dash <3 what did we do to deserve her fr 🤍✨
@crescentkaze KAZE !! such a sweetie but also her MIND !! pls anytime i wanna rant about railing fictional characters i run to her immediately !!! we always end up building off each other and idk those convos always make my day :’)
@discordkittenjoestar - kendall pls !! she’s so so funny and i love all of her shitposts sm <3 also super sweet n supportive hehe and im excited to talk to her more O:
@akisbrew SOBS !!! aims !! she is seriously so funny and so down to earth!! such a chill person and incredibly supportive !! she’s someone i would love to sit down and vibe with, chatting bout life and our her mans (jean<3)
@taintedsorrcw milo bby <33 queen of events methinks !!! she always creates beautiful themes, events n masterlists !!! she’s also so so sweet and sm fun to talk to !! :)
@soshiina ina !! SOBS !! so incredibly funny and has such a vibrant energy !! chaotic in the best way possible that makes you wanna just talk to her for hours on end fr !!! <3
@writingbymoonlight luna :)) i always love whenever i get to interact with luna because she is just so sweet !! i feel like she has the best book recs tbh bc anytime i see her post about a new book she got it makes me want to go read it too O:
@satisfactooru bay !! pls !! literally could gush about her all day 🥺 she’s so nice and welcoming !! i feel like she’s good at making others feel heard and appreciated <33 such a kind soul fr hehe
@oomiya anyone that knows haley knows she super sweet 🥺 anytime we interact i feel so warm n fuzzy !! she has a way with words and making everyone feel safe tbh <3
@wakatshi - anytime i think of the word lovely i think of daria hehe she’s so nice and her aesthetic is gorgeous !! (just like her pls!!)
@daiception nini !!! she’s so so gorgeous and i luv her style !! we are newer moots but anytime we interact it brings a big smile to my face <3
@kurootosis lem 🥺 lovely lem !! i always luv seeing her on the dash hehe but i still get shy reaching out to interact sometimes lol !! she has such a cool vibe and she’s someone i would love to sit and talk to at a cozy lil cafe !!
@kurooandkenmasslut nat !! i think we became moots like yesterday lol BUT i love her energy !! she seems like sm fun and im glad we are interacting bc i always need more people to gush over kuroo n kenma <33
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berryunho · 2 years
The early army days were SO bad oml not only those horrible sweatshirts but also the memes… UGH think I just gagged 💀 anytime someone mentions “y0u g°t n• j@ms” or pink Princess Jin or whatever tf it makes me want to revert into my goo goo ga ga era 😭😐
I wouldn’t donate my sweatshirt tho cause even though I no longer stan them, I don’t want someone to see that I’ve ever had that sweatshirt in my possession LIKE ID RATHER DIE
But ohHhhHh starting a longer series like breaking bad is a good idea to pass time! I hear abt breaking bad all the time but I’m not really into the dr*gs or those kinds of crime genres but let us know if you like it and then maybe I’ll give it a try!
I prefer watching anime so if you want any longer anime recs then I’d fs recommend Gintama! (No pressure tho cause it do be a 200+ episode series 💀)
I hope you have a great start of your week tmrw! You still have 2 weeks and a half of quarantine iirc but after this you’ll be able to see your coworkers and hopefully fulfill that overtime request before classes start up again 🤧 or did they start already for you? :0 if not then yay but if so then I wish you all the best with your studies 😭💖
- Love, 🍓 anon
OH ALSO IF I DO END UP REWRITING THE FIX THEN YOULL HAVE TO LOOK FOR IT YOURSELF OR ELSE IT WOULD DEFEAT THE PURPOSE OF 🍓 ANON DKDKDMKD might give you a hint hint nudge nudge tho when I do tho 🤭🤭 also! If you have any ideas of what you’d like to see from it then lmk lolol :P - 🍓 anon
NOT THE EARLY ARMY MEMES..... a shudder went down my spine reading that first paragraph.... dark dark times lol but pls exactly you cant donate it bc it would then be known that you owned it ... horrifying LKSJDLFKJSF
yes i felt like i needed to fill my boredom with something and i was trying to watch some kdramas but like... i couldnt find any that seemed interesting enough to devote hours of my life to LOL i am very much a historical romance kdrama enjoyer (i accredit this to again. early kpop stan days. when i watched moon lovers as it aired for baekhyun. and TO THIS DAY it is my favorite drama and i sincerely believe it to be the best one ive ever seen) and anyways it feels like a good historical drama hasnt come out in forever </3
ive never been much of an anime watcher (besides death note. bc death note is like. one of the best stories ever told in human history. and i stand by that) BUT i looked at the plot summary and gintama does sound interesting so maybe i will check it out!!
hehe thank you but yes i still have 2 weeks of quarantine ... but alas my classes start basically right after i finish quarantine so i wont be going back to work :') but ill definitely stop in to visit before i move to campus bc id be sad leaving without saying goodbye !
hehe i do suppose that that would definitely defeat being anonymous ... but hhehehe if you told me when you were gonna start uploading i could prooooobably find it .... no pressure though of course hehe i wouldnt look if it would make you uncomfortable ! hmmm im always a fan of a love triangle and/or very dramatic confessions of love but you know. you do you ! hehehe
but yeah! thank you for the well wishes as always and uh..... i hope you enjoy the update that ill be posting like. 5 seconds after i post this. KLDFJ:SLKFJD:KSLJF ily <3
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vinnybox · 2 years
Hi,,,, I really like your art honestly it's so cute and cool and well,,,, Talons! Dick hair.... How soft is his messy hair is? Because I wanna touch it,,, would he like it being touched? Oooo does he like head pats or hugs? Uh sorry if I'm bothering ya I love your talon au
Hello there!! :D I see you around in tags and sometimes Tumblr rec your posts on my dash! Glad seeing you here! Dont worry you're not bothering at all! :3 <3
Talon!Dick's hair is pretty soft once he's back with the batfam cause of more proper care!
Back with the court, he didn't have time to really do much other than keep himself clean, so he didn't have like, hair conditioner or anything like that other than some shampoo to wash his hair and all the other necessary stuff like soap/body wash etc, but we'll leave it at that since we're gonna do hair talk and some fluff! >:Dc
If you wanna touch his hair, depending on which time period you're thinking of, I'll list down a little progression so we get all the reactions! Hope this is fun to read!
Reactions to headpats:
Dick still with the Court of Owls - While here, the court is very sparse with physical affection, if there's any at all. At most, they only tell him "Good work," with a hand on his shoulder if he did something they deem as a job well done. Attempting to pat his head during this time, usually makes him tense and pull back a bit, mostly because a lot of time, physical contact had been unpleasant. When someone does pat his head, he's, at first, confused, and maybe a little cautious since he's unsure if there's any other intent behind the physical contact. He's like "...??" After confirmation that he's not going to get hurt, he'll eventually let himself relax into the touch and tries to enjoy it for as long as he can. He thinks it's nice and would love to get more even if he's pretty sure requesting this is out of the question. The court would not tolerate insignificant requests.
Back with Batfam - After months of recovery, Dick went from being very tense to physical contact to being able to completely fall asleep to someone petting his head or gently running their fingers through his hair. He'll probably ask for them himself too! Either through body language like scooting closer to someone with his head lowered, or being vocal about what he wants. He very much enjoys hugs too once he has adjusted back to life with the batfam and he's more than happy to return the hug!
Bonus! Imagine Cass playing with Dick's hair and leaving him with cute hair clips. Maybe It even become a little tradition where they trade hair clips every time they hang out! Or each of the batfam sometimes has leftover feathers from Dick hugging them with his wings.
IN SHORT: I think after some readjusting back into a more normal life, he's happy to receive and give hugs and head pats! For the Court era, he's a little reluctant to both, but he'll warm up!
Sorry for rambling haha, I like brain storming possible scenarios for this AU (* ̄U ̄)╭ Here's little treat for you. I'll leave this ambiguous to who's petting his head. Can be you, a member of the batfam, or Wally 👀 maybe even a memory or a dream Dick is having of his parents. Let your imagination decide! Mediocre writing drabble ahead o(-( BUT I did have fun tho hehe!
Upon seeing a shift in their hand, Talon finds himself balling his fists, feathers bristling, and head lowering automatically for what usually came next, only for him to feel fingers carding through his hair gently. He blinks, once, twice, then gathers enough courage to look up and face the owner of the hand currently playing with his messy hair. This... is new...? He's pretty sure he's getting his head petted right now, and he's not sure what to do other than stand awkwardly and try not to fidget. The court almost never did this, and when they do, it usually came with some kind of degrading words. Should he do or say something? Maybe the latter isn't a good idea. Then there's a gentle voice coaxing him to relax, so with some reluctance and silent debate, Talon allows his shoulders to relax along with his body, wings shifting to a more comfortable position. The feathers smooth themselves as he's no longer on high alert for potential incoming attacks that... were never there in the first place. More reassuring words lull him under a blanket of calm, and he couldn't help but lean his head into the touch a little more with a sigh he had been unknowingly holding. If this is happening, might as well enjoy it while he can. It's... nice. Much more than anything he's ever felt. Talon's eyes drift shut to the slow strokes of the hand on his head, and he finds that he's not as tense as he was earlier. For once, he wasn't a weapon or an assassin armed to the teeth with knives and daggers while on a mission. Maybe he's home.
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jikookpancakes · 3 years
JIKOOK FIC RECS that no one asked for (2021)
but im giving anyway because THE TALENT IN THIS FANDOM IS INSANE
long post incoming!! this is probably just part 1 because i wont stop reading anytime soon so i’m inserting that link just in case i do make another one in the future
What’s a Soul Really Worth, Anyway? by thisneedsmorefilth - 130k words, fantasy, demon!jm, witch!jk, listen, this and the next one are my top 2 jikook fics of all time, so well-written, plot so exciting legit reads like a book, better than a lot of books tbh, the world-building is INSANE, jungkook and the gang accidentally summon demon!jimin and chaos ensue, especially for jungkook...and you know why!!!, so funny, angsty, cried so much, happy ending but listen to me: you gotta read the sequel too, YOU GOTTA.
Militat Omnis Amans: The Beginnings by edaen - 92k words, fantasy, werewolf!jk, vampire!jm, forbidden love, super slow burn but super worth it, JIKOOK IN THIS IS MY FAVORITE JIKOOK IN ANY FIC EVER EVER EVER, this is the ultimate all or nothing will freeze hell over for the other kind of love, and the way this is written is just so... how do i describe it. like you can just tell the author wanted to be very realistic with their feelings. you’ve seen the word count, this is SLOW burn. like you will legit feel their struggle to just be able to love each other and while it hurts, it’s also SO GLORIOUS. i love this one so much and if you like reading angst with happy ending but like cranked up to 200% then read this. bonus feels if you read the whole series
Until Dawn (series) by edaen - this is the long series where the previous one above is part of. highly rec if you love fantasy and you wanna read about bts being a rag tag group of supernatural beings fighting evil yay. also it makes the above fic more satisfying because you see more of jikook just being tgt and in love (with bonus angst because of course)
7 Signs by NamHyora - 27k words, secret spies au, abo, alpha!jk, omega!jm who is always used as a raven in their operations aka they use jimin and his attractive self to attract people and gather information or acquire targets and all that spy stuff, and his bestie alpha jk is not too happy about it hehe, friends to lovers, iove this one so much i wish it was longer but i think the author is planning to write a sequel!
Drop Like Confetti by annie_vi - 110k words, ceo!jk, age difference, age swap, ahhh i love this fic so much cause jimin smart and mature and has this no bs attitude, and he can keep up with jk despite the age gap and the difference in status/experiences, jk sexy dilf in this one eheh, i love it cause the drama/angst tackles a very real concern for such couples, like there’s no angst just for the sake of having angst, it really makes sense where they’re both coming from, they’re so whipped for eo too so love that for me
Fold it Up Like Origami by annie_vi - 99k words, gamer!jk, model!jm, same author as above and jk is so boyfriend goals in this one and in all this author’s fics in general like wow my standards are so high now i will legit be single forever just reading jikook fics (with no regrets), secret relationship due to their celeb status, well-written as usual, dialogues/banter in this author’s fics are just YES
The Tournament by kinkmins - 34k words, prince!jm, bodyguard!jk, abo, i’ll paste part of the summary here “Prince Jimin gets ready to hold a tournament where 50 alphas compete for a chance to court him, his father the king hires a new bodyguard who is a little too blunt and a little too talkative.“, i really love this oneeeee
Screwed Up and Brilliant by annie_vi - 113k words, escort!jk, jimin needed a date for a work event and in comes jungkook, escort extraordinaire with a no sex rule and jimin is just dasdkjfhasl, a lot of that “is this real or is he just acting” kinda angst, fluff smut angst
Like Everything Glows by annie_vi - 180k words, merman!jm, aquatic vet!jk, ok this is like my 4th rec from this author just read all their fics you’re welcome, this is their first fantasy fic but soso good, i rec’d this to someone who doesn’t really read fics and she really loved it and said “their love is so pure hhh”, she’s right
Track one: I love you by honeydice - 30k words, they’re “just” best friends, lots of pining it hurts, there’s some yoonmin and mentioned past jinmin in this so just noting in case, angst, denial of feelings, siiiiigh
InYou by edaen - 4k words, pwp :), abo, the morning after jikook mating, more sexytimes ensue + fluff
Falling For You Again by Rose_gold715 - 30k words, amnesia au, jk forgets about jimin and idk just something about this hits right in the feels. btw i don’t support the jk hated jm before in real life agenda so i don’t like this fic for that reason but i like this fic because i love me some good painful angst with happy ending.
The President’s Son by AmeliaBedelia - 55k words, bodyguard!jk, president’s son!jm, jk is assigned to shadow jm bc his life is under threat, and things develop :), jm is jk’s gay awakening :) :)
A Touch of Sin by pettey - 102k words, fantasy au, police officer!jk, supernatural!jm, shamanism, LOOK AT THE RANGE OF JIKOOK WRITERS YALL, this is such an interesting concept, so different from every other fic i’ve read, really well-written, sometimes you come across fics and you cant help but go “someone out there rly blessing me with this art for free”
Tears to the Tide by haromame - 65k words, abo, alpha!jk, omega!jm, honestly there’s not a lot of abo elements it’s focused more on jungkook having ptsd as he just came from war, established relationship jikook, he comes back home to jimin and things have just... changed. except their love ok THEY LOVE EO SO MUCH this made me cry so f much ugh so good tho.
Zero Hour by edaen - 5k words, canon compliant, a little drabble based around rosebowl jikook, it’s part of a series/collection of canon compliant jikook so if you’re looking for more canon compliant here you go!!, also if you can’t tell already i tend to like several things from a single author, i haven’t read their other fics im legit saving for sad days but i am confident enough to say their other fics are also rec-worthy.
Wonder by wordcouture - 7k words, im sorry in advance, mcd :( pls take care of yourself, i don’t like sad endings ok i don’t, but this is so popular and i was like, ok let’s see what the hype is all about, i get it now, :((((((((((((((((((((, well-written tho, bc the author will manage to crush your heart in just 7k words ha ha
The Omega Revolution by PinkBTS  - 158k words, abo, alpha!jk omega!jm, dystopian au, the hunger games more specifically mockingjay vibes, angst with happy ending but there’s some...things... lost along the way and i think that’s realistic for a dystopian war au, well-written
Blind Switch - 226k words, jockey!jk, rich spoiled brat!jm, jm gets exiled to his grandparents ranch where he meets jk yeehaw, im sorry for the yeehaw, anyway fluff smut angst enemies friends to lovers hurt/comfort slow burn happy ending, all the good stuff, ugh jk so boyfriend goals, also the amount of fluff in the later chapters thank u writer
Finally by Rose_gold715 - 12k words, abo, alpha!jk, omega!jm, angst with happy ending, jikook mate out of convenience and jimin runs away from jk and his pack feeling unloved and outcasted, but jungkook goes after him :((
Park Jimin’s Guide to Good Housekeeping by Ashlyn17 - 235k words, fantasy au, when i say jikook has the best fic writers i mean jikook has the best fic writers because THE WORLD-BUILDING in this one?, THE PLOT TWIST?, yesyesyes, jungkook is a powerful fae and jimin is assigned to be his housekeeper hehe, listen my entire fic rec has several that could be great netflix shows and this is definitely one of them
A Spell That Reminds Me of Your Name by Chimneycricket - 42k words, wizards!au, enemies to friends to lovers and the development felt natural, well-written plus the author sometimes makes art of their fics and other jikook fics and posts on twitter, both their fics and art are so good, i’ve heard good stuff about their other fics too :)
that’s it for now!
just a quick one about my preferences: idc about tops/bottoms, i read just about anything but i prefer fantasy and multi-chaptered fics, i love established relationship jikook so hmu with recs anytime, i don’t like reading anything with cheating and mcd, i love fics where jk and jm are just so friggin in love they are just IT for eo, and at the end of the day even if there are elements to the fics i wouldn’t normally read, as long as they’re well-written then i’m all for it
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babymilkawa · 3 years
Can you do the haikyuu captions with an S/o who is in their first year (fluffy)
yayy finally have a reason to write for kuroo and bokuto
first year s/o headcanons with:
oikawa tooru, sawamura daichi, kuroo tetsuro, bokuto kotaro
gn!reader :)
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oikawa tooru
at first, you were a little hesitant on letting your relationship out
because some of his fans could be second or third years yk, we don’t want no bullies bullies b gone whoosh
but he is almost always by your side and has even acted annoyed to his fans if they were ever mean to you
having a third year as your bf means that you can get homework help whenever you want
and all your teachers love him
so they don’t mind if he hangs out in the classroom sometimes, as long as he doesn’t distract you
he’ll gush about how you and your little friends are so cute
pull that old man shit and be like “I remember those days, we were young and free~”
dramatic king
whenever you go to one of his games, you’ll always try to cheer louder for him compared to his other fans and he’s got like this big surge of pride
but afterwards he’ll be like “don’t lose your voice honey”
will want you to be the team’s new manager soooo bad
like will beg you on his knees because if you accept the current manager’s offer, you can see your bf even more and he can impress you 
the manager totally doesn't use that to try to convince you
oikawa really just loves how the slight age gap means he has more the reason to take care of you
your first time during a class sports event? he’s right by your side, making sure you don’t feel awkward or lost
yes he’s that type of person who looooves it when you ask questions and he can show off his smexy brain
a lot of times Iwaizumi will hit him in the back of the head if he’s talking with you too much and he’ll just sulk and slump his head on your shoulder 
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sawamura daichi
he’ll always bop his head into ur class
he’s obviously also a teacher’s favorite have u met this guy 
oh wait no u haven’t, rip sucks to be u *sobs*
so the teachers don't mind
ur teachers prolly even gush about him with you, yk like those teachers who lOVE drama/gossip yea them
Nishinoya and tanaka always try to get ur attention bc your Daichi’s s/o and every time, Daichi will yell at them, telling them to not scare you off
but they still do it
tis a cycle
plays 128489x better when you’re around
wait gotta round that so 130000x
we know he’s very encouraging to his teammates but with you around? he’s like Yamaguchi’s personal cheering squad
will go to your house in the mornings, walk you to class, wait there at lunch, walk you home, ugh this man can’t get enough of u
he loves it when you lean against him when u guys walk together, he’ll wrap a secure arm around you and you nuzzle in his neck SHDFKJHDKS
u always help them shag the balls and he’s like “no, no, y/n let tanaka and Nishinoya do it” and those two are giving you puppy eyes
cue Daichi chasing them down
if tanaka and noya are puppies, he’s your bulldog
omg random but y'all know that one parks and rec episode where they’re picking people’s spirit dog? yea Daichi is like a bulldog
but once he turns to you it’s all 🌈🌟💫💝
but he’s genuine
no fakes we don’t want them
if you read my sick s/o hcs you’ll know how much of a “handsome boy” to elderly people he is 
hehe sry for the self promo
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kuroo tetsuro
u already know what ur dates are gonna be like
he’s gonna smexy study with you *bites lip*
yea that’s right Kuroo just leave ur brain and go
this man,,,again I know,,,is adored by your teachers
“Kuroo you’ve still got that same hair!”
yea he’s def like a teacher assistant or smn during his free period
he’ll pick ur class and just wiggles his eyebrows whenever y'all make eye contact
when you’re done with a presentation, he’ll be the first and loudest when clapping
alwaysss is there when you need a pencil or an eraser
this man will literally prepare protein bars for you the morning u have a test, will give you a pep talk, y'all like huddle outside the classroom or something LMAO that’s cute tho
“you’re gonna go in there and you’re gonna kick that test in the ass ok?”
gives you a dad pat, a kiss to ur head and gives you two thumbs up when you glance at him at your desk
p sure everyone in your class wants him to hold a study session
but no ladies & gentlemen, he’s reserved for y/n and y/n only good day ☺️
its kinda impossible for u to fail
to thank his brain, you always show up to his practices and games
you give the team their water, towels, etc and he’s just yea that’s right they’re my s/o
now shower them with praise *holds them at gunpoint*
his schedule is busier than yours and he always feels bad abt it
which is why he’s soooo clingy if y'all sleepover or after hw
it’s hard for him to resist u cuddles during hw tho
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bokuto kotaro
ok at this point we know that all our captains are angels so
*deep inhale*
he’s a teachers favorite
there I said it sue me
so yes he WILL hang around your classroom and talk to the teachers
p sure he does that with akaashi buttt 👀
and if u can’t come out during break he’ll just mope by the doorway while akaashi nom noms on his snacc boccuto
he won’t rly help u with hw, he’ll try but go off topic and whoops why did a pillow hit my face
yea y’all don’t get much studying done so hopefully ur smart
ACTUALYYYYY you just call akaashi
bokuto will litrally be like “ur bad at math? Babe just jump in the pool with me rn with ur clothes on, take a shower and then we’ll call akaashi!!”
it was 1 am 💀
he’s a good distraction whenever you’re stressed out
literally sunshine in human form
if ur there during his practices and matches he almost NEVERS goes into Emo mode bc gotta impress my s/o
will randomly call out to you when he’s on the court
“this ones for you” *hits it into the net*
every time he gets a good play he’ll immediately look into the crowd and ur there jumping for him and he’s jumping back and awww
some ppl r wondering if he’s even older than u like y’all look abt the same age 🤔
he’s just 🍗🍗🍖🍖🍑🍑
if ur not there during practice he’ll definitely just slouch and swing his arms around “where’s y/nnnn”
someone lift his face up and kiss him on the nose
but he knows he can’t act like that during games
he’ll just have to suck it up
and pretend like ur there, pretend that ur voice is there
literally he can only pick out your cheers from a whole stadium of people
but obv u get the best seats ;)
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a/n: aaah this was fun to write ^3^
haikyu!! masterlist
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washymylifeaway · 3 years
Haikyuu fanfic recs for ones I liked hehe
EDIT: I made a pt 2
Anyway, as the title suggests, I am recommending some fanfics for popular(ish) ships that I personally really enjoyed! I’m only doing one or two fics per ship (which in hindsight is KILLING me so I’m just putting the first fics I find and am like I really liked that one LOL) because I wanted to do a shorter fic rec list (tho watch this become super long LOL). I also may or may not be procrastinating finishing a couple other long posts, so there’s that hehe. For the (kinda but not really) public consensus for best fics per ship (by kudo count) check out some of my other posts. Also I’m putting some ships I don’t actually read much of (OOPS LOL) so if you think that there’s a fic that fits my type (if I even have a consistent type) better, pls tell me LOL. Otherwise, pls continue heh :)
As always, pls check WARNINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARIES for fics before reading to make sure you’re taking care of yourselves (since mental health is key!) and stay healthy!
The Loyalty of a Traitor by DeathBelle (E) 76.9k // ok so does me liking this fic make me basic cause I feel basic LOL. I really love mafia fics, and the way the story line developed was SO good, like IN LOVE with this story. This is a fic where you should read WARNINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARY before diving in, but if the length scares you, don’t be. It’s so easy to fall in and get lost in the writing!
the courtship ritual of the hercules beetle by kittebasu (chanyeol) (T) 66.3k // again, basic? Probably LOL but it’s good so I have no shame ;) Again, pls don’t let the word count scare you (cause it scared me LOL), you get really into it after like 2 paragraphs, so just make sure you have enough time to finish hehe.
Thicker Than Blood by kylar (M) 91.4k // are you surprised that there is another mafia one? You really shouldn’t be LOL. Anyway, I’ll just be here pushing my mafia fanfic agenda while you read this monster of a fic hehe :) Definitely read WARNINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARY because there is some very sensitive topics involved! I also adore the oibokuroo friendship headcannon, so more reasons to read, right?
Liked, Commented and Subscribed by Royal Society of Pandas (Abarcelos) (T) 45.7k // this fic is SO funny omg. I read it and I had to stop so many times just to laugh because I could not stop sometimes LOL. However, there IS angst towards the end, it gets resolved, but it’s still there... But honestly, it just adds such depth and flavor to the fic, so pls read it!
bang! now we're even by Authoress (M) 11.9k // so I’ll be honest, I don’t read a lot of BokuAka (...oops?) and so I wouldn’t consider myself as the best person to be recommending fics for this ship (in general too LOL).... ANyway, I love myself some good spy AUs (was gonna put that IwaOi spy AU but the LIMIT), and Akaashi in a dress? Like the tags might state, what more do you need? The characters are done beautifully, and the story development is SO good, so I give you all my humble BokuAka rec.
Crisis Converted by valiantarmor (M) 60k // man do I really love fighting in my fics LOL. This was super good and the plot itself kept me really engaged (what a twist omg). It does talk a bit about mental health issues, but it’s done so well, and they really did this AU justice!
How to Manage by SuggestiveScribe (E) 39.3k // ok so yea yea we established, I’m basic, BUT can you blame me? This might’ve been one of the first DaiSuga’s I’ve read and I have no regrets. Literally, this fic series is one of my favorites, so OF COURSE I had to add it somewhere :D Honestly, I don’t even think you need to read the first one to understand what’s going on, but I would just cause it has some funny DaiSuga moments too ;) This is explicit for PWP, so proceed with caution~~
Add New Contact by booksong (G) 8.5k // this one! It’s so cute and poor Daichi LOL. He really out here doing the most,,, Anyway, we love tech Suga, and a nice dash of snarky tsukki (LOL is he salt, yes yes he is). It’s very fluff and pine, so if you want to read Daichi having gay panic like 24/7, go right ahead LOL. 
Burden of Blame by DeathBelle (E) 91.2k // ummmm, haha what, another mafia AU? Me, predictable? Noooo, never..... Anyway, this one was so freakin’ good like, love it so much! It’s one of my favorite mafia AU fics, and I love the story line progression. Poor Atsumu being dragged into this mess, but it’s okay because THEY are IN LOVE. Honestly, this fic is Atsumu best boy like he is the best boy. BEST BOY.
Notte Stellata by awkwardedgeworth (T) 20.9k // I ignored all of the other fics I LOVE in this ship (like the pain I’m in rn), but I love this fic with my whole heart. Like I have reread this fic multiple multiple times because I love it so much (tho I might’ve skipped the angst a couple of times cause I didn’t want the pain okay?). I keep coming back, and the second fic in this series is SO funny and cute and I love it here. Please read it, it’s so FREAKING good, angst and ALL.
Team Mom by All_My_Characters_Are_Dead (T) 2.7k // so as I was going through this tag (because that’s what I do LOL), I remembered this fic and I love it. Like yes Yahaba is the fear factor and yes Kyoutani is the DAD. I really like the team dynamics in this one, and the first years make me laugh pls.
Camellias by kiyala (T) 1.9k // IK you’re all like, you’re missing such great fics, like no I’m not I just made myself hate myself by limiting fics to two per,,, I love this fic and when I starting looking for this ship, it was the first one I thought of hehe. I really love magic and their interactions are so cute and the PLANTS ARE DOING THE MOST. Pls read both in the series, cause domestic KyouHaba is best KyouHaba ngl LOL. I love the plants, and if you read the second one, someone tell the trees to stop bullying Yahaba.
This gets annoying fast, Makki by Ink_stained_quills (G) 2.3k // IM IN LOVE WITH THIS FIC PLS I COULD NOT STOP CRYING TEARS OF LAUGHTER. This AU needs more fics PLEASE. It was SO freakin’ funny and the other teams KILLED ME. Like how they all approached the problem differently and how some of them (KUROO) asked for help LOL. Please this is so freaking funny go read it.
boiled frogs by reginagalaxia (E) 91.5k // I told myself I was gonna put my most angsty fics on another post (which I will for my other favorite MatsuHana angst fic which I love), but this fic. Omg I saw it and I was like I have to. Literally I have to. I hate angst, but read it. It, the, plot, omg, I jjfnsfknalkjdnf ljksan. Like I’m not sure you understand. This fic. asjfjfsadnldjb. I never thought I could hate a character SO MUCH,,,, like SO MUCH. READ TAGS, WARNINGS, AND SUMMARIES because some serious stuff really goes down. Bless Iwa-chan.
Accidentally in Love by pancake_surprise (T) 19.6k // JOSE CUERVO strikes. I love this fic and all the chaos in it. The way they were supposed to be the responsible couple (of friends LOL),,, sike. This one is only a slight angst and it’s mostly love and fun :) Also technically this is no longer the first fic in the series, but I’m still putting this one cause the other one is SakuAtsu orientated hehe :)
Spring Secrets by DeathBelle (T) 3.8k // Seasons might be one of my favorite (as all things also seem to be) series of all times. I don’t like rerecommending fics I’ve already said to read, which is why I’m not yelling at you to go read a certain other fic (which is my life and blood). Anyway, this fic series is all fluff barely angst (maybe that’s why I like it) but it’s so freakin good pls read it all ahhhhhh.
Komori/Suna (what is their ship name):
I wish to live in a world by hatsuna (T) 24.8k // ok ngl this fic was so sad and relatable? Like I was like wtf why are you making me cry rn even though like I shouldn’t be? My heart? Pain. (Hotel? Trivago.) Technically, this is END GAME but the main pairing is kinda SakuAtsu???? Something of the sort, but also their relationship (Komori and Sakusa) is written so well and idk guys I think you need to read this fic rn.
Ah the two fic limit hurt me, but fear not I am making ship specific rec posts (LOL I’m so dramatic), so if you wanted more of a ship,,,, its a coming hehe. And yes I did say I’m making an angsty fic rec post, but we’ll see if it gets finished before I side-track with posts like these LOL.
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enchantedtomeethyun · 3 years
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——Namjoon A to Z +18——
Requested by one of my friends! Here ya go hehe
Song rec of the day : the lakes by Taylor Swift
A- after care
He would be shy I think but In a confident way. Like he would laugh for being embarrassed and smile and look down to hide his face but only because he knows he looks good. He would want to make you dinner or something. Read a book to you. Chill out pretty much.
B- body parts
Thighs. He knows his thighs are awesome. He likes curves I think so he would like to see the curve of the body on his partner even if his partner isn’t curvy. He just likes to see your outline. He finds it beautiful. Sometimes he sketches it in paper when he’s writing in his journal.
C- cum
He’s a safe guy. Uses protection always. Never catch him slipping. He will ride his bike to the store if he sees he’s out of condoms and make you wait on his bed. No cumming inside. Sorry bby. But. He will want to have a serious talk about having kids eventually and plan shit out on a calendar.
D- dick
Ok it’s not small but it’s not big. I think it’s more wise then long. So maybe 4 flaccid and then 5.5 erect. Flesh tone and the tip is a lil pink. He’s fun.
E- experience
He didn’t get any pre debut. I just know. He’s all talk. But I think recently maybe he’s had a few small flings but I see him as a serious dater. He won’t go very far with someone if there is no connection.
F-first time
Probably with a girl he was dating for like a few months and then they broke up cause he’s so busy. Was Probably a little after debut. His job is his priority. But when he is older he will be more open to love.
H- hair
He grows it out because he’s like ah no one is seeing this anyways. Then panics when you come over ans is like umm lemme take a shower I just went to the gym and trims himself up a bit. He doesn’t care if you shave or not tbh. I’m sure he thinks that the hair is pokie tho when it starts to grow back but it’s only the feeling he doesn’t like. When you have your leg hair longer he won’t care cause it’s soft according to him lol. His thing is “ you do you baby”.
I- intimacy
He would ride his bike to the Han river and write in his journal about you and then take pics of the trees and send them to you. He’s very close to those he loves but he feels a bit shy at times you have to pull it out of him. Like how he is with jin. He’s like that with you.
J- jerk off
He is so stressed I bet lmao. Probably every other day in the shower cause that’s the only please he can be alone. For him it’s to relieve tension. He doesn’t seem like a sex crazy dude.
K- kinks
My boy is a bit soft I feel. Like everyone is all like ohhh daddy Namjoon but nah. That would freak him out a bit. He likes connecting with others. So I think his kinks would be very much pleasing his partner. He likes to eat you out and talk to you. Talk you to your high. He has a way with words hehe
L- location
He’s a private person. He wants to keep his love life private and will prefer if you have sex when no one is around. Only the bedroom. Maybe the bathroom if he’s feeling risky. But he doesn’t feel the need to show off. He did have a dream once about you two in a field of flowers under a willow tree. After that he asks if you want to go camping. Please say yes. He wants to fuck you in nature baby.
M- mystery box
Camera. He likes taking pictures of your intimate moments. Nothing very dirty, just your bare back with his hand holding yours. Kisses on lips. Your arms around his torso sleeping. He keeps pictures in a locked box under his bed with other memories you two have shared like a movie ticket from your first date. ( you have no idea about this box shhh don’t tell him I told you).
N- no!
His no no’s are anything you aren’t comfortable with as well as anything he isn’t comfortable with. He doesn’t like hurting you and makes him feel like a bad man. He thinks “ how can a woman consent to pain from her lover” it bothers him so much. Nothing super weird like peeing on eachother ya know. He’s a respectful man and will always treat you like you matter. Because you do ;)
P- positions
Ok this is when he gets a little wild. Like when an old lady who goes to church all the time says the word shit and thinks it’s the craziest thing. Doggie( I hate that it’s called that) would be his favorite because he gets to see your shape and he likes how he can position himself. Also the sound kind of turns him on. He can do anything you want tbh you just gotta ask.
Q- Quickies
Eh. Not his thing. He likes to make it like an after dinner thing. Or like a day off thing. He wants to spend time with you and take his time. Maybe play some music and dance around. Drink some wine. Ease into it. No rush.
R- risk
See location for details. Hehe
S- secret
He accidentally stained your fave blanket one time cause was jerking off when you were in the shower and wasn’t paying attention and his wrist knocked over his coffee lmao.
T- Tempo
He has a weird rhythm but it works. Ok. Just trust me. You’re gonna be confused but you’ll be fine. I promise.
U- unfair
The only thing that’s unfair is that you know he will treat you so well that after you’re like damn he better be my husband. He laughs when you say that.
V- volume
I see him as a talker and a grunter. Moaning when he cums ya know. It’s obvious when he’s having a good time ya.
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kris-p-banana-bread · 3 years
Here DOAFP fandom, have some organic, locally-sourced, home-grown pain. This is basically just me, a scarred older sibling, projecting on Bobby, another scarred older sibling. I really reached into my post-loss psyche for this, so I hope you enjoy the headcanons and meta (AKA I hope you shed at least one tear).
It won’t let me link it here so the post that inspired this is under the read more at the bottom ✨
- When I first watched doafp, I couldn't understand Elena's aversion to Sam becoming a prominent figure in her mom's and her life. Now I understand it almost too perfectly. There was never supposed to be someone after Robert. He and Gabi were deeply in love and happy. Robert was it; he was the first and true love of Gabi's life. Sam showing up probably felt like a huge and utterly disrespectful slap in the face of Robert's memory, because he wasn't even supposed to be there. I don't know if that's as eloquent as I wish it was, or if it makes sense, and it probably sounds really mean to Sam, but it's not even really about him. It was always supposed to be Robert; Sam hasn’t earned the right to be apart of or associated with her family
- After Robert dies, Gabi and Bobby make it a habit to find and keep photos and recordings/videos of Robert, even if the latter only has him saying one sentence. They won't make Elena join them for the search, but after they find some of those old audios of Robert, they'll sometimes play them back for little Elena
- Bobby put up the keep out sign (I credit this to a few other blogs for discussing this tho) because that's where he would cry sometimes. He actually used to be pretty close with Elena, but after he put up that sign and started distancing himself from them a bit so they wouldn't see the times he cracked, he got a little more short and jaded with her. It's that, plus just growing into a teenager and stuff. And I'm not saying that he and Elena have a bad relationship, but he's become more snappy and has more walls up than he used to
- Sometimes Elena feels bad because she doesn't always remember her dad's voice. She was pretty young when he died, so even though she recalls it a bit, and the recordings help, it's been a while since she's talked to him in person, so of course she doesn't quite remember what it's like to actually talk to Robert and she's forgotten some of his mannerisms. She likes to think she's all done (she marked the stages down in her grief journal after all) but grief isn't linear or all that rational, so it hits her hard sometimes
- I keep reading as an action close to my heart because that's a strong bond me and my mom shared. She would rec books to me, and we would joke and talk about them, or she would hint to some future event and then refuse to tell me until I caught up to that part. So Elena and Bobby do something similar in their grief. Elena has writing and words, because that's something Robert loved if I remember correctly (but if I’m not and that’s not canon, then I now declare it so) and Bobby has tennis. But besides tennis (I sent a couple anons to @freshlybakedfandoms about it but I'm not sure where she went) Bobby also was taught to play guitar by Robert (I liken it to Devi Vishwakumar and her harp) so when he misses his dad or is just sad, he'll take out his dad's old acoustic and strum
- (This next one is something I also think a lot about so this is pretty much 98% projection) Bobby thinks sometimes about the fact that he was never able to come out to his dad. He hadn't really started growing into that part of himself yet, and he never got to show it to his father. He wonders what he would have thought of him. Would he be angry? Would he dismiss him and say it was just a phase? Bobby didn't think so, but a little part of him insisted that you could never be too sure. After he comes out, Gabi and Cami assure him that Robert would've been so proud of him and would've loved him regardless (Since we know virtually nothing about him, I maintain that Robert was one of those dads who teases their kid relentlessly about their crushes and I think he would've done that with Bobby and eventually Elena)
- When Elena's quince rolls around (if she chooses to have one of course), Sam dances with her during the father-daughter dance. A part of her still hurts, still aches and wishes that Robert were dancing with her too; still knows on some fundamental level that he and Gabi had planned for this day, but he had simply never made it. But she's known Sam long enough that she feels comfortable here. Nobody can replace Robert, but Sam is her family, and it feels right like this.
- I might do some more research and deliberate, but for the moment I'm saying that Robert had cancer, I’m thinking along the lines of colon. My mom was terminal, but idk if I should make Robert terminal? Maybe towards the end. Or maybe he was diagnosed as incurable early on but Gabi kept it from the kids because, tbh, being told your parent is balancing on that kind of edge is traumatic for them. So anyways, I’m going on that assumption for this last point, and I’ll see if I can recover some of my old knowledge and talk about technical stuff later if anybody would like to hear it
- Elena and Bobby were both pretty young. Bobby understood about PET scans and tests somewhat, and knew generally what different answers from doctors meant. Elena mainly just understood what was happening by reading her parents' and brother's expressions when getting lab results in from the doctor. They both remember on some level what it was like when Gabi would leave the kids with Cami and take Robert out to the car (later she would have to help him) and they would all feel like they were holding their breath until they got back and confirmed that everything was ok (and later, the little shocks of fear when the answers were no longer as positive and there was more apprehension and risks. After all, cancer doesn’t deal in absolutes)
- Bobby can still remember Robert when he had to stop walking around a lot. He still remembers the phone call that Cami got from his mom, saying that something had gone wrong, and if this last treatment didn’t work, he wouldn’t have much time before he passed. Still remembers Cami rushing into a room when she got that call, and trying to hide what was happening until Gabi could get home and explain it; but Bobby was a sharp kid believe it or not. He heard about the treatment, heard Cami crying. He still had hope... but when Robert came home in a gurney, when he could barely stay awake sometimes, when his voice was quiet and his skin was a little jaundiced, Bobby felt incredibly empty. But Robert always had a smile for his wife and his beautiful kids, even if it was small and very tired, his eyes still crinkled the same. He always had a smile; right up until they had to say goodnight and get some sleep one night. And then... he passed.
- After he passed, the Cañero-Reeds needed help, and a lot of Gabi’s coworkers would bring food or materials if they were running low. Cami and Danielle would babysit and would distract the kids when Gabi needed a good cry.
- Like you’d imagine, and because of what is sort of implied in canon and in my own head, the kids dealt with it in different ways. Bobby put up that sign, and withdrew. He wasn’t awful, but his patience with certain people got a bit shorter and he was a bit quieter. And he was a really good helper when he had the energy and he cared deeply, but he would sometimes get physically and emotionally exhausted after helping Gabi/Elena/Cami/anybody else with something and would go into his room or mentally tap out to recharge. He took comfort in things that seemed natural and that he sometimes took for granted before, like video games and skateboarding (hehe bobby skateboards. Anybody second me on this?) and clothes etc... and other stuff. A lot of materialistic things or experiences that he would skip out on before. But they bring normalcy back to his life now so he loves them for that.
- Bobby doesn’t wanna think about big themes or anything anymore, which I can’t remember but I think it was Vi (freshlybakedfandoms, again, idk where she is and I hope she’s ok) who said he was a math and science person and I think that as much as that could transfer over to those subjects as well, it’s much harder to avoid existential and emotional themes in English and History class and Bobby doesn’t like it as much as Elena does for that reason. He had to live with the back and forth of his dad’s treatments and tests, so math and science is comforting because it’s more concrete (There could be a million arguments for why he would distrust math and science because of his dad’s passing though, I realize) Ultimately, though, it reminds him of Robert too much.
- On the other hand, after a period of shock and confusion, Elena threw herself into new things. First it was a grief journal, to make sure she was going through the motions. Then she read a lot, and when she felt too alone or like she wasn’t doing enough, like she was stagnant, she’d just find something to focus and persevere on again. That feels like her personality type to me; something is wrong so let’s fix it right away. But that could also transfer sort of negatively into “Something feels off or I’m very sad, let’s get this thing done and be productive so we can put off having to confront that but at least we get work out of it” but I could be entirely wrong (this is based off some of my family members and how they dealt with the loss.) And Elena throws herself into history and english because her dad loved it, and she wants to remember more of him. Because she believes words have power and history is a lesson and that’s incredibly interesting for her
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cheolbooluvr · 3 years
Hi Chris!
first of, CONGRATS for reaching the 50! 🎉
I'm so excited to see your blog growing bigger by the time even tho I've been here since just a few days as well :D
It makes me so happy that my feedback made you happy and motivates you to continue writing - srsly there is nothing what could make a reader happier than a positive reaction to their feedback (except for an update on their fav story) - at least in my opinion ^-^
Writers blocks are the worst and I'm sorry you have to experience it right now, but I hope you'll get rid of it soon :(
And if not, you could maybe try to write something completely different, unrelated to the story or something you haven't tried before. A few weeks ago I participated in a workshop and we got a sentence to begin with and then we could continue however we wanted. After that I got motivated to write again so maybe that could be of help :)
May I ask if there are any songs you would reccommend from SF9 or WG? I haven't listened to them before but I'm curious to explore :D
And maybe IU I only know a few songs from her.
And do you have a favourite kdrama/romcom? 👀
I recently finished Minho's latest drama "Lovestruck in the City" and I don't really know what to watch next D;
Sorry for the long ask, I hope you're okay and take good care of yourself <3
OMG 🌙 anon HI💗
Thank you so much!! I am so happy to have someone who will be here with me basically since the beginning so thank you you joining me on this ride T^T And thank you for that advice omg maybe I should just do some writing exercises. I have 2 WIPs I'm working on rn for the blog and 1 that's just for me haha but I'm stuck on all of them like agsjdlflgkl so maybe you're right and I should revisit them later.
And boy oh boy do I have song recs for you!!
SF9: RPM (the whole mini bangs!!), Now or Never, Easy Love, all of the 9loryUS album
WG: the queens of iconic 2nd gen TTs!! Irony, Tell Me, So Hot, and Nobody are classics, and Reboot, Why So Lonely, and Wonder World albums are full of incredible B-sides
IU: Her latest album is so good, I love Coin, Lilac, Flu, and Ah Puh!! Others I love are Palette and Modern Times albums!
I have so many recs but I think those are good places to start if you want ☺
I could also go on for DAYS about fav kdramas and romcoms so maybe I'll make a separate post for that!! But currently I'm watching Vincenzo which is great and patiently waiting for Hospital Playlist szn 2 to come out :D
Thank you for this ask hehe don't worry abt it being long it was so fun to answer! I hope you're doing well, staying safe and hydrated, too!!🥰
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smittenwithlouis · 5 years
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Happy Birthday, Emma! 💓 @lads-laddylads Thank you @pupperlouis for this cute af drawing! 🤟🏼 Okay, so where do I start? I always say I’ll make these little birthday posts short and sweet but they always end up being long and emo af. I’ll try again this year but I make no promises. Firstly, I just want to wish my little croissant the happiest birthday ever! I’m proud that you won’t open my gift early so I won’t mention anything to not ruin the surprise but at least you enjoyed the 1D duck taped box it came in hehe. So look at us! Another year and we’re still closer than ever. On the internet, a year of friendship is like 10 years irl so yay! lmao. Gosh, I genuinely don’t remember what I did before I ever talked to you? My life was probably deprived of true joy :/ Seriously though I’m always forever thankful for your friendship and of always having some to laugh, discuss, and argue wiff rip. You’re extremely bright and a total sweetheart and I just wished more people were aware of just how amazing you truly are. Thank you for always being a great friend whos ALWAYS teaching me something new. Whether it be some random facts or educating my dumbass with anything political. Even tho you’re such a fucking brat and I can’t believe I always have to yell at you for going out alone at night 😒 it always amazes me how sharp-witted and hilarious you are. I think that’s why I enjoy your long audio messages no matter what topic you cover. I always look forward to talking to you and I’m just honored we got to be friends in this lifetime. (I truly think we’re unintentional twins hehe) 💞 Ew this got too sappy too fast so ima move on :/ This year we’ve bonded over a bunch of angsty af TV shows and Idk why because we’re always so emo about them afterward but it’s always fun commenting and sharing our thoughts about it. I think the funnest part of about us watching (or attempting to watch) the shows at the same time is that it always ends up being a complete and total Shit show. I’m always behind, and you somehow ALWAYS end up being ahead…totally unfair. Btw much like your birthday card (you’ll see when you open it) this essay has no structure and is all over the place so DEAL WITH IT. Moving along, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank u for always reccing me some gud fics ESPECIALLY when they’re weirdo fics :/ and I know you hate that I take forever to read them but I honestly do appreciate it tremendously. Anyways I guess I’ve made this long enough. I’d just like to quickly say how much I LOV U! You’re truly someone I hold very dearly and close to my heart. I can’t wait to finally meet you irl next month so we can go on an adventure and I can force you to eat a bunch of yummy food you think is nasty :/ At least the universe was by your side this year and gave you your birthday on nacho day. SO ENJOY IT! 🤪 FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS, BOO! 🥐 DON’T FORGET YOU’RE A 🌟 Love you to the moon and back 👽🌙 P.S. Hope you enjoy this drawing of you, Lou, and the deem 😼 Xx.
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washymylifeaway · 3 years
Haikyuu SakuAtsu fanfic recs: series edition ;)
As I was making that cursed SakuAtsu fanfic rec post (it really is cursed, but it’ll get done eventually cause I do love the SakuAtsu too much, when tho? only god know LOL), I decided that if I’m gonna finish it, imma have to break it up. SO that’s why this is our lovely series edition post LOL. Originally, it WAS writers, tags, series, then single fics BUT I decided to scrap tags and even then I was like it’s too long..... And so, this post materialized LOL (mayhaps writers next? who knows anymore cause I certainly don’t LOL). These are ONLY some of the series that I absolutely adore, and I say some because 1) the tag is literally like 4k fics long and I was on like page 20 something and I have SO many tabs open rn for SakuAtsu, so chances are I missed one or five LOL :’((((( and 2) my ao3 account hasn’t been made yet (should’ve done this a looooooong time ago) and so I don’t have them all saved anywhere :( (these just sound like excuses LMFAO) So these are just the ones I saw and was like OOP I LOVE and then added LOL (and so they’re in no particular order hehe). I also didn’t *** any of them cause they’re all so freakin good and even if you randomly chose one, you will not be disappointed.
As per usual, pls check WARNINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARIES for series and each individual fic before reading and make sure you’re taking care of yourselves (since mental health is key!) Stay healthy loves <3
I would also be more careful cause there are a lot more TW in these fics than other ships!
Terminal Curiosity by favspacetwink, moonlumie (E) // CHECK WARINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARIES!!! this is one of the BEST series I’ve read for this ship and even though I tend not to read WIP, IT’S WORTH IT! Please read ALL the tags before going into any of the fics in this series because there’s some real spicy stuff that may not be your cup of tea!
your highs and lows by astroeulogy (T,M,E) // this fic made me go on a roller coaster of feels from start to (tentative) finish :))) It’s great and I love it AHHHHH The progression in their relationship is just so ajfkjsf, and I just adore how Atsumu just broke(?) during that first fic and the number of double takes he did, v relatable LOL.
Different Kinds of Dysfunctional by DeathBelle (T,E) // I LOVE the entrance to this fic and how it flowed so well. I think Atsumu is characterized really well throughout this series (I could totally see Atsumu bringing the same thing up over and over again LOL), and his development was done beautifully (You just want to make me say it.,,, Kinda, yeah.). I really freakin love this series so please go ahead and read it don’t be shy hehehe.
we call everything on the ice, "love" by awkwardedgeworth (T) // I LOVE this fic omg,,, it’s in series, but it’s only two fics LOL... Anyway, Notte Stellata is one of my favorite SakuAtsu fics and I have reread it way TOO many times and the fanpage fic IS SO AMAZING (AND FUNNY ASF PLS). I really love ice skating AU’s too so this really made this ‘series’ all the more better <333333
know you better & related stories by theglitterati (T,M,E) // this is definitely one of the best relationship development series I’ve read, I love it so much! It really touches all the bases, and the progression is just SO good. It really is the fic version of the get along shirt, extended edition LOL.
flutterbird (a collection of sakuatsu one-shots) by wordstruck (T,M,E) // this series is such an easy pick up because it’s a bunch of one-shots (esp. if you’re not into smut cause there is some), BUT all of them are def worth a read. Personally, the third one, the sakusa kiyoomi listography, is my favorite (cause imma sucker for Sakusa), but that’s just personal preference hehe :)
Atsumu + Sakusa + The National = ? by isaksara (syailendra) (T,M) // this is another stand alone fic series but with AUs :D I don’t even know like most (ie. all) of the references (LMFAO), but I still read all of them LOL. Again, a personal favorite (without any references LOL) is the second one, famous angels (never come through england), it’s really funny and good and I just love it okay?
Better For Us Both by abrandnewheart (M) // (this was CP from my angst fic rec post LOL tho it is slightly edited cause istg my writing style changes every post LOL) THE MUG FIC. There is a sequel and when I saw it, it took me another week to read it cause I was like,,, am I ready to have my heart break again? No LOL. But the sequel is actually not as angst (but there’s still angst), so if you want to be like semi-broken or whatever, just read the sequel LOL (also it’s Sakusa POV HEHE). It’s so sad and it made me physically hurt every time someone even mentioned mugs afterwards (LOL why am I so dramatic but it’s the truth :///). Go ahead and hurt with me. You should read it even if you don’t like angst because you know what they say, no pain no gain :’)
parallax error: angle of inclination by min_mintobe (T) // okay so technically this ‘isn’t a series’, but it is two fic that are related, and what is that if not A SERIES :DDDDD Anyway, I really love this fic enough that I would find loopholes in my own dang post to recommend it LOL. I really love the service ace bet between Sakusa and Atsumu (I do think it is a superior headcannon (it’s hc right?)) but I also love what’s left unsaid by both in each other’s POVs hehe. If you want to go straight to Sakusa’s POV (cause their different POVs of the same fic), here it is parallax error: line of sight. You can read either first, but I recommend you read both eventually :)
to make any other mistake by honeymilktea (rosevtea) (T) // I, myself, am a very big fan of college Haikyuu (tho idk if it seems like that LOL), and this fic is very much up my alley hehe. I really like the idea that they are both TA’s and that Atsumu would totally bribe Sakusa into fake dating him as well as Sakusa wearing his brightest outfits to spite Atsumu.
How Do You Know? by awkwardedgeworth (T) // these fics are both so funny omg. The google search histories, the trial and error, and just everything in these two fics gives me so much dopamine LOL. There’s one POV for both end of the ship, though their tragedies are slightly different.
the human disaster chronicles by firtree (G,T) // is this another Atsumu gay panic fic? Yes, yes it is and I have absolutely no shame in recommending it hehe. I realllllllly like this fic and Atsumu having a break down cause Sakusa didn’t follow his routine? It is the move. Anyway, pls read this series cause like the title suggests, it really is a disaster (but at least there’s love right? LOL).
I Love You (Though it's Inadvisable) by Anubis_2701 (T) // okay the series itself is a wip (as in only one fic for now LOL), but the fic is so good, I couldn’t leave it off :))))) First, I do love a good soulmate AU and although I’m not a big fan on the body switching AUs, THIS one was SO good!!! It gets really cheesy and fluff at the end, but the beginning of this fic was just so immaculate, that we’re gonna ignore how much the ending made me want to stick my head into a hole (cause it was so FLUFF OMG).
The Germaphobe and the Asshole by metaandpotatoes (T,E) // so this series is also actually a WIP, but it’s okay I only read the first and the last one anyway cause they’re basically stand alone’s LOL. This series focuses a lot on Sakusa’s mysophobia, so if you’re not a fan of the hc, you should prolly pass hehe. TBH, my favorite is the third one, Avoidance Behavior, but that’s mainly cause I really like SunaOsa and I love the brother bond in it!
you are the cause of my euphoria by SugarHighs (T) // ajsfljksadhjkdfk is my first thoughts while reading this series cause ATSUMU WOULD. He would start posting thirst trap pics (which really reminded me of Wonho) in order to prove he was the most good looking member of MSBY. Tho, we do love the clowning of one Sakusa Kiyoomi, as done in the third fic (PLEASE NUMBER 17 AND Cheezel). Even if you can’t get yourself to read the other fics, read the third one, 5 Ways To Tell If The Person You're Dating Is The One, for the free serotonin boost plsplspls.
'basis' - noun. the underlying foundation for an idea or process. by auvelli (T) // like I said, college AU is a great AU, love it. This one, I do love indeed. We do stan having microwaves and mini fridges hehe. I support the ramen endeavors but oatmeal is gross, I said what I said. Anyway, I love the tags in the second fic, so even if you don’t end up reading it, read the tags,,,, they’re funny okay?
and i press you to the pages of my heart by volchitsae (T) // I LOVE THIS ONE, teehee again the college AU makes another appearance LOL. I REALLY love this writer, and this one is so funny but cute at the same time. It’s another two POV fic, but you’ll want to read this one in order hehe. Again, the ending is so FLUFF, that my head wanted to take a visit to the underground BUT ITS OKAY.
affection and acid reflux by volchitsae (T) // so the first fic is ~angst~ but IT GETS BETTER OKAY, happy endings. HAPPY ENDINGS. Anyway, there’s some really cute Sakusa in this one (esp. when he talks to the boy at the village LOVE HIM) and a healthy amount of angst as well. I really like this fic and guess what it is? Say it with me, COLLEGE AU LOL.
how big the hourglass, how deep the sand by volchitsae (E) // did I just recommend the same writer three times in a row? Yup and I think that says something LOL (tbh I like some of their stand alone fics more tho LMFAO but that doesn’t mean these series are bad nononono not at ALL (this sounded sarcastic but that was not the intention LOL)). This one is ~magical~ (v literally) and has some kinky stuff (holy water ftw) in it, so tread carefully :) I would make sure to read the tags before each one because it gets kinda steamy LOL.
^^ if I had to choose between these three, I liked and i press you to the pages of my heart the most just cause the plot was my type LOL. But they’re all good hehe.
a study on you(th) and reverie by sieges (G,T) // this series is such a sad series :( The first two are the only SakuAtsu but the third one is an angst Osamu one so there’s that LOL (and ofc the fourth one is KuniYama (is that their ship name idk)) But the first one is a moving on fic (which I liked) and the second is like basically a fake break up (which I liked more LOL) and both have some nice shares of angst and fluff so choose your battles wisely (or just read both LOL).
Burden of Blame by DeathBelle (E) // CHECK WARINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARIES!!! ah yes, the mafia fic LOL. I REALLY LOVE THIS FIC. I felt so bad for Atsumu the entire fic and yes it is, ATSUMU BEST BOY time. Did I really just recommend this series AGAIN for the THIRD TIME in THREE SEPARATE POSTS? Apparently LMFAO I didn’t even know TBH LOL. I just really like this one,,,,,, okay? But pls Atsumu just here for the ride man cause he BEST BOY. Anyway, if you want to see my other comments of this fic that I forgot I did links here :D (links and here are two separate links to two separate posts LOL).
OKAY so that’s most of the series that I saw and was like gotta put this here LOL. And do you see how long this is (I know I’m missing so many series I like istg when I find them later imma cry or just make another post LOL).... Can you imagine how long my actual fic fic one is LOL (i’m not kidding tho it’s so long I might just do fics with their actual summaries instead of adding my invalid, piss poor reviews :/). Ugh the more I think about it, the more I lose motivation to finish LMFAO, so imma go be no thoughts head empty, but I hope you enjoyed reading these series! I love SakuAtsu SO much, so there’s lots more to come (is that good or bad idek). I know I was kinda lazy on the warnings (my bad), so I hope you all were attentive and made sure to check before reading! Also if there are any errors, send me a message/ask! PLS, they’re v embarrassing LOL. (Also tell me if I forget to cap my I’s bc I do that sometimes and I can’t tell cause of the font LMFAO.) The way my posts get slightly more chaotic every time I post LOL.
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luvdsc · 4 years
i think its always so weird to meet someone your age who grew up completely different from you? i feel like thats when you really notice the difference and omg youre so brave haha i would never dare to go on a motorcycle 🤧 id rather just walk hehe oh, my parents told me similar stories!! even tho they grew up there and everything, they barely recognise the city anymore which is kind of sad to think about :( and, yes, that was my first time meeting my grandparents!! it was kind of weird (1/4)
because i had never met them before, but it was really exciting and great to meet them for the first time!!! and, NO, i have never visited farms before for school lmao we dont really farms around and SAME, my relatives just had chickens everywhere!! it was so weird and funny afsadfa and, no, there are barely any asians around me 🤧 its weird because i just always grew up feeling incredibly out of place at times and i dont know, i felt so at home in vietnam 💕 and i LOVE b99 too!! (2/4)
ive only watched the first five season of it tho because the other seasons arent available here!! but ive watched b99 soooo many times now that its truly insane haha and, yes!! you should definitely watch rpdr 🤧 its sooo dramatic and fun sdfsdfs oh, sad to hear that the ghibli films arent available in your country :( i hope they will be soon because the ghibli films are truly great! and, yes, the heir is the one with krystal!! whatd you think of it? and youre right, asian dramas are a (3/4)
whole new level of drama, but i feel like that makes it soo great? and, yes, id take that money any freaking day!! i mean couldn't they just use that freaking money and elope or something like that?? and im trying to get into painting because i used to do it a lot more when i was younger and i wanted to pick it up again!! what about you? and the last book i read was all the bright places!! im looking for books to read!! youve got any recs ? have a great night/day too 💕💕(4/4)
✿ ✿ ✿
ooo yeah i get it! i really love meeting new people and learning about new cultures and differences in growing up! and it’s also really cool to hear about the similarities too :’) the motorcycle was a wild ride, literally, but i was like “when else will i get to experience this?” jaslkjfdhasaf i did enjoy walking around though because it’s so beautiful 💕 omg yeah it’s really sad to see that so much has changed in the city that it’s unrecognizable for them, but meanwhile, the villages have basically stayed the same after all these years ): and that’s awesome!!! i hope you had a good time with your grandparents 💛
ahh i think i’m just used to seeing farms if we drive a bit outside of the cityscape, and quite a few of my school field trips were to farms, but omg you should visit one sometime maybe! it’s really fun meeting all the animals and interesting to learn about how to run a farm. did you get to collect eggs from the chickens in the morning? that was the fun part for me LOL and oh gosh, i can’t even imagine ): i hope you get to visit vietnam again soon 💛💛 do you want to move elsewhere after college? or will you stay in your hometown?
omg well season 6 and 7 are just as amazing and funny as the previous seasons!!! they won’t disappoint :’) i see all the memes from rpdr and i’m like yes, i must watch this. ah yeah, unfortunately, i have to go through those sketchy websites to watch studio ghibli. i’ve never watched it before i came to college surprisingly aksdjfhlkasjdf one of my suitemates made me watch a few with her when she found out LOL omg it’s been so long, but i remember thinking “damn they’re supposed to be high schoolers????” aslkdjfhalskf i also really like rachel in the drama and the actress that played her, so i watched fight for my way because of her :’) also i liked the friendship between the two main characters’ mothers! and minhyuk was such a good friend, and i thought the on air radio confession between krystal’s character and his was really cute akjdsfas
omg i think they’re a bit too dramatic for me asjkldhfalsjkdfas like if some guy grabbed my arm real hard like that, i’d be like “get tf off me now before i pepper spray you”  oh, but i really liked age of youth!!! i preferred the actress from the first season for eunjae though. and yes!!! also they were barely in a relationship to begin with? as yuta says, i can find love but i can’t find money. omg i love painting! what subjects do you like to paint the most? which medium do you use? i’ve been busy with painting for my quarter project and working on my coding assignments for class rip. and oooo i just searched for that book and found its pdf online; i’ll bookmark it to read later! ahhh i haven’t read a book in so long, but i really love fangirl by rainbow rowell and any poetry books by lang leav! i hope your week has been going well, honey bee 🌸
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cxsmicmyeon · 3 years
hi hi! it's your bestie 😉 hehe sorry i had too much screen time and needed a break 😂
oh my goodness his fried rice waffles 👁👄👁 he also called himself a culinary genius and i'm wondering how kyungsoo deals with jongin's kitchen adventures lmao or even minseok since he's such a clean freak?? baek just updated and said he's doing well in a strict routine! but for everyone to stop sending mail/email/gifts to his training centre bc it's overwhelming them 😂 so to just tell him everything using a specific hashtag and he can feel the love when he's finished. can you imagine how much they're getting??? lol
i've always used the excuse it's still that date in america soooo technically it's still my birthday 😀
OMG YES PLEASE WRITE THAT!!! that's so cute and domestic stop lol 💞 i feel like a bunny would be a lot less maintenance especially if you're out often! unless you adopt? a puppy is SO much work. ..maybe that's why mine is such a baby. he's almost 6 now but still acts like a puppy we just brought home yesterday 😂 omg that time chanyeol had toben and sehun had vivi? the chaos that was toben LMAO
i sometimes want to start a fic rec blog..but i'm so unorganised i'm not sure how to go about it. i do so much reading and there're so many good fics out there i want to share 😭
we pretty much are but there's some random clusters here and there. plus the newly returned overseas but they're quarantined in a medi hotel. yeah i've seen a lot of news from the us about people refusing to wear masks and stay home. but then turn around and complain that things aren't getting better 😶 yes please keep safe!! ❤
i think the cheaper one is a flip book album! which ofc will be mega cute, i can already imagine! i want sm to bloody release the details though. why are they so lazy when it comes to their best sellers?! is it tomorrow for you yet? 😂 DID YOU GET IT!? omfg yes lol i CAN'T WAIT for your asmr HAHA 👉👈 tbh your voice sounded so sweet i felt comfortable messaging you 😂 when you were fangirling about myeon hahaha that's exactly what i'm like when someone asks about yeol hehe
LOL THE WAY I THOUGHT HIS FRIED RICE WAFFLES WERE HASHBROWNS- ngl though it looks good though i'd eat it...😳 kyungsoo prolly had a mental breakdown when he saw jongin making the waffle LOL
OMG WAIT I CRIED WHEN I SAW BAEK'S VIDEO- HE SAID HE'S GONNA BE UPLOADING EVERY 17TH???? AND CHAN UPLOADING EVERY 27TH??? WE DO NOT DESERVE THOSE TWO AT ALL😭😭😭omg i can't imagine all the mail he's getting- i think something similar happened to junmyeon and he had to go on and say stop sending me mail cuz it's too much ahsgdj,, my popular boys🥰
I WILL WRITE IT!! i just need to get through school and finish my final paper lol!! and also finish my requests lol!! thank god school's over next tuesday for me lol! i need a BREAK omg... agh yeah i have heard puppies are a lot of work but they're SO CUTE THOUGH😭😭omg toben and vivi are both of my personalities🤣🤣they're literally the cutest things omg
lol i actually was considering a fic rec blog too! cuz my post is rly long and i feel bad for all the tags the authors get LOL but i'm lazy and i don't want to annoy the authors EVEN MORE LLMAOSODNDNJFHF i love life😃👍🏻
ugh yes i have a lot of family who is anti mask and won't get vaccinated and don't take covid seriously and it just pisses me off🙄🙄but thankfully most of them don't live in my area so i don't have to worry about seeing them a lot lol! and i have both of my shots for the vaccine and i'll be fully vaccinated after next week!
i'm not picky at all when it comes to albums lmao! like even if i don't get a jun photocard i don't complain that much bc i still got a photocard of a member!! like i have a jun, yeol and minseok photocard (and baekhyun poster and jongdae slide thing from obsession) and honestly i'm still happy to get the merch cuz it's exo and i love exo!! :D
AND AGH IM SO SAD IT SAID IT'S COMING LATE😭😭😭like it was gonna originally come on saturday but then usps said thursday (today) and i checked the tracking number and it said "coming late" )): agh but we'll see 🤞🏻 i just hope it comes soon!!
AGH i need to prepare for the filming😭😭i need to find a tri pod and clear my desk and make sure my family doesn't interrupt me AJDHJDH and AAA i hate my voice so much i was so shy when recording!!! but i turned my phone around and spoke from the heart and i felt more comfy!! i may not speak in the asmr tho i'll just let my glue on manicure do the talking LOL!! i love hearing nails tap on stuff so it'll be fun to do!!
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riskeith · 3 years
heya! <3
yes! despite everything bkdk understand each other very well which usually only happens by being around each other for so long and growing up together. not to go back to that ep again but what bakugou is basically saying throughout the episode is that he now sees midoriya as a threat (someone equal). aaah man i really miss that ep now. and that makes sense! todobaku is such a force to be reckoned with shsjsjsj. at the end of the day all those ships are great on their own. and yeah! i’d say kiribaku has been my main from the get go. i just Love their dynamic yk? how bakugou acts around kirishima just ahh.... <3
literally bruh... we have to wait a couple days for that like come on... give us the floating babies man. that sounds so cool?? he’s like towering over us? also why did that give me villain vibes? like corrupted chongyun.. yes please.. DON’T SAY THAT I’LL CRY. PLEASE DON’T SAY THAT I’LL LITERALLY CRY. ilysm just the thought ahh...
your barbara is like: ready for battle! and you’re like sweetie just gimme your bandaids please.. thank you now go back home... <3 i respect that. DILUC IS SO HOT. he’s so confident and cocky like ugrhrh 🥴 if not sexy why red themed? 🥴
no males here! feminist rights! bennett is our little special boy whom we love... <3 now that you put their names next to each other, i feel like xiangling would be such a good sidekick to the boy scouts don’t you agree? like you know how some friend groups have that one person that clicks with their dynamic well? that could be her! sjsjdksj can’t believe we’re making up whole ass headcanons about this game on tumblr asks.
that elements ranking is super legit. i agree with it mostly tbh!! maybe pryo higher though because everything burns and it’s pretty useful. i’d switch it with cryo tbh! otherwise we’d have the same ranking i believe... <3 and the diluc comment!! same!! this is based of the little characters i have and what i’ve seen on youtube tbh shskshdk so that might change when i get more characters.
oh no!! 😭 i’m actually super sad for you aaah you were so excited. hopefully you get him anyway and the gacha gods back you up hehe. honestly these 4 star characters seem so weird though? like noelle and xiangling...? that’s so odd. and no i need to save for venti i only have like 1k primogems rn so even i wanted i couldn’t haha.. i do like xingqiu but nah.
172 is super average here that’s even like... a bit on the smaller size KSKSSJSK (at least the white people ofc it’s different depending on the ethnicity) i’m not that ^ tall but i’m close! 167 cm! and god you’re so tiny holy shit my little pocket sized cluna...... you’re adorable my word 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 btw when’s your bday? just wondering 😏
notes app like the proper gay i am! i just think it’s gay culture to write everything down in the notes app tbh. (i don’t wanna say us bc i don’t know your sexuality but if you relate then change the i am to we’re hskshdskdh)
interesting. how long does your writing sessions last? do you write, write, write or do you have more of a set schedule?
i just listened to control and GOD???...... literally clone shiro tbh? can you find the edit perhaps? i’d love to see it. ok i took a break from writing this response to listen to show & tell and ooooh??? i LOVE this song instantly going to my playlist kshdjdksms. melanie has such dark pastel vibes how eerie. thank you for the recs!
yes ya books!!! i don’t think there is a series i haven’t read of those popular ones. dude i still only read ya books tbh shskdhdkdb. i find it harder to visit a library though so i can’t read as much anymore but i still love them. have you read carry on? simon and kaz has that relationship dynamic we oh so love.
xiao x venti has such a large fan base on twitter it’s so Insane. not complaining tho they look perfect together. idk if you’ve seen but look 🥺 https://twitter.com/bambzart/status/1346115096045441024?s=21 can’t believe we went from not knowing about ships to sharing daily fanart of ships shskjdjdk help
love u xx m.a.
hi hi~~
AHAH honestly talking about it makes me want to rewatch it too idk that i’ve ever done that in full.. yeah I get you! well deserved kiribaku is a good ship 😤 if not canon why so many good moments? lolol
omg wait villain vibes... corrupted chongyun.. YOUR BRAIN??????? FHDSKJFHSDKJ i legit wanna try!!! need to offer something anyway and surely changing the colour from white to black won’t be that difficult... that being said i’m still just playing the game rather than doing literally anything else lollll
LMAOOOOO yeah i really am sorry barbara.... but I really do appreciate being able to heal! since I don’t have a healder on my normal team it’s like wow? I don’t need to eat food or always visit the statues? LMFAO. HFDJFHKS IF NOT SEXY WHY RED THEMED!!!!!!!!!!! you’re so correct and you should say it .
yes!! xiangling would get along so well with them... the boys would probably love guoba too 😩😩 ugh that reminds me I saw someone say xiao’s banner should have had xiao + xingqiu + xiangling + xinyan.... could you imagine 😭😭. FSKFHDSJ look. we’re having fun and that’s all that matters!
everything burns but so do you!! hfkdsjfkhsfd. but nice nice nice you 🤝 me having the same rankings.. I’m just Attached to cryo bc of chongyun and also bc i went around with both him and kaeya in the same team for so long hfskdfjs.
yeahhh not sure LOL but people are saying they rotate the 4 star rate ups and it’s just their turn now.. hm. AHAH yes save for venti!! and then by the time he returns youll have like 200k primogems 🤪🤪
FSHDKSKJF yeah i was gonna say... i feel like people from sweden are probably pretty tall..... bc white people... HFKDSJFHDSFJKSDHFKSD. god that’s a solid 10cm+ compared to me..... wow story of my life........... hfsdkhfkdsjfhsdfks. and my birthday is october 20!! spring babie 🍃 when’s yours!!
(hfkjdshksdh it’s kinda complicated.... LOLOL but i appreciate the effort/offer hfsdkjfhsdkfjsdfhks)
hmm that kinda depends? if i have the time i’ll continue writing until it’s the AM hours and i force myself to go to sleep fhskjfds. but sometimes if i’m not particularly feeling it i’ll just stop and go to something else instead AHAHHA. (actually i do that even when i’m motivated lmfao) but yeah no actual schedule! if i’m writing a fic in response to something (a trailer, a new chapter, a new ep etc) I’ll just drop everything and write until I’m done with it. hbu?
IT IS LITERALLY!! CLONE SHIRO!!!!!!!!!!! i wish i could but i’m pretty sure it got deleted :(((( i had it saved back in the day but could never find it again so :(((((( fdhskfjs she does!! like it’s definitely a different mood for sure.. and no problem! it makes me happy you liked them 🤗
FJSFLJDKS i mean they’re good tho so makes sense 🤪 oooo do you always borrow your books? and no i haven’t!! but i’ve heard so many good things about it....... (have you read the legend series? i don’t think it’s as popular as the other YA novels out there but it’s definitely one of if not the top favourite of mine)
AHAHAH that’s what we call growth and character development! hfdskfs. and yeah i’ve seen that one!!! i remember twt going crazy that day over xiao and his flute.... also look at this https://twitter.com/yilong0416/status/1348383649050324992 <33333 (if you ever want ship arts of a ship - mostly xiaoven lol lmk i have some bookmarked!!)
loveee u 2 <33 c.r.
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