#thomas is a big cuddly teddy bear
pathetichimbos · 4 months
thomas is just a big ass heater. it's unbearable in the summer but when the winter gets real cold there's nothing better than having the large man snore in your ear as he lays all of his weight on you
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xxchumanixx · 6 months
Here's my Magnum PI Thomas x reader request 🤗 it's some kind of the always loved enemies to lovers trope, with hurt reader, an annoyed Thomas with slightly asshole vibes but he improves during the story until we have our beloved cute sassy Thomas with his heart of gold. So let's go (please feel free to change the details, to ignore the request or just use some aspects).
Reader was a good friend of Rick and moved recently to Hawaii
She needs help cause she's threatening due to an investigation she made to write an article (I imagine her as a journalist, but of course you change that)
Rick is worried for the safely of his childhood beat friend and so he is determined to keep her safe. And what place is the safest on the island? Robin's Nest with the 24/7 protection of Thomas Magnum
Thomas is absolutely not amused to play "babysitter" as he refers to it
Reader feels really uncomfortable to intrude and Thomas complaining is making her more shy than she already is
She doesn't want to annoy Thomas more so she tries to be invisible in the house
Thomas often teases her in bad way
I picture reader as a shy but lovely young woman and to make it a bit more dramatic she suffers from bad migraine attacks when under stress and stress is what hee bothers her now. The bad feeling that Thomas hates her and having a target on her head makes her health spiraling
When one day Rick wants to visit his friend and Thomas he notices her feeling super bad (dizziness, nausea, bad migraine) and also explains Thomas the whole situation (her health, the reason she's threatened and her huge sense of justice). Maybe Rick also explain him that she's like a little sister to him etc
Thomas begins to see reader differently and his behavior changes. He takes care for her stops being an asshole
Soooorry I know it's long :D and I've got sooo many ideas but I don't want to waste more of your time. Even if I have another idea for a story in which reader works with Thomas and at first they don't get along sooo great and she hides a severe injury from him....
I hope my request doesn't bother you.
Love your work
Vitamins and Bulletholes
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Thomas Magnum x fem!reader
Warnings/Tags: fluff, hurt, angst, reader has migraine attacks Word count: 4.786 Authors note: Hello love, thanks for the request! I'm always down for some enemies to lovers, so I'm very exited about this idea! I know this problem with having too many ideas, I also have so many of them (especially when I don't have time to write, like when I'm at work, have to sleep or whatever), and sometimes I even mix them up, because I lose focus. Whupsi... So I really appreciate how detailed your request is! Also, I'm a migraine patient as well, so I know how bad these attacks can be... Anyways, lets get going! Enjoy!
It was like breathing the freshest and most delicious air on planet earth.
Fragrances you would nowhere else smell, sights you would nowhere else see.
It was magical, pure bliss.
The birds singing melodies in the trees, wearing the most colorful and beautiful feathers you could imagine.
After your first vacation on the island, you knew that someday, you would move here. Now the time had come, finally having made your dream come true.
Rick, your childhood best friend (and maybe your first crush) had helped you move, accompanied by his friend TC.
TC was like a big, cuddly teddy bear. He didn't have to do much to wrap you around his finger. He was nice and sweet, something you at first wouldn't have imagined, given his size and broad shoulders.
You had bought a house, a very nice one with a beautiful garden. It wasn't cheap, but after saving every penny you could, it made it even more worth the wait.
The whole moving situation, finding a new job and stuff, caused you to suffer from migraine attacks more frequently, though. You were prone to them, especially when you were under pressure or exposed to stress.
After settling in, starting your new job as a journalist, and finally getting to breathe more freely, the attacks luckily lessened again.
That was, until you did something dumb.
Very dumb.
You weren't new to dangerous situations, having your fair share with gangs and bad people, something that came along with being a journalist back in Chicago.
This, was something entirely different, though.
But how did you get into this situation in the first place?
When your boss, an ambitious and eager woman with zero tolerance for failures, told you to bring up something big, you inwardly rubbed your hands.
This was your chance to move up the ladder, to impress her.
That you would have a target on your back by the end of the day, you didn't know then.
Originally, you were supposed to get a statement of a young man, exposing a chemical company that was said to dispose off their toxic waste in a nearby river, contaminating the water and making people sick.
That he was being observed by people hired by said company, neither of you knew - nor even noticed.
But they saw you, and when they broke into your house, threatening your life when you made the mistake to talk back, you slowly realized in what kind of situation you had maneuvered yourself.
That the man was killed only a few days later, gave you the final push to do something about it.
"Y/N, you're on Hawaii for barely a month now, and you already managed to pin a target on your back?" Rick yelled, frustration and confusion clear on his face, as he threw the towel he had used to wipe his hands with on the counter.
Rubbing your face, you sighed, only the more realizing how bad your situation really was.
"I know..." you groaned, sipping your coke, the dull pain behind your forehead returning. "But how was I supposed to know this would happen? I mean, he was at a damn safehouse, they shouldn't have even known where he was!"
Rick cocked a brow at your words, leaning on his elbows, his face inches from yours. "Did they exchange your brain for a dumb one, when you moved here?" he wanted to know, sending you a pointed look.
Rolling your eyes, you pushed him, causing him to chuckle slightly.
"You know how this works, you should have noticed them after being in this industry for the last couple years now." he spoke softly, sighing.
"I know..." you grumbled, rubbing your temples. He bit his cheek, scratching his chin. "Migraine?" he guessed, standing more straight again. You nodded slightly, digging in your bag for some painkillers.
Once you had found them, you swallowed them with the coke, before your gaze wandered through the bar.
"Did I mention how great it is that you own a bar?" you asked, smiling at Rick as you looked back at him. He chuckled, cleaning a few glasses.
"Free drinks for me?" you asked slyly, smirking at him, as you batted your lashes. He laughed, shaking his head. "No, even if you're my sister, you have to pay for your drinks like the others do."
You huffed playfully, emptying your glass, before you slid it over to him. He took it as he shook his head at your attempt. "Even Thomas has to pay for them."
Narrowing your eyes at him, you leaned more towards him, propped on your elbows. "When do I get to meet the infamous Thomas Magnum?" you wanted to know, tilting your head.
Rick had told you about him multiple times, they had served together with TC, were best friends. He was living on Hawaii as well, working as a private investigator.
"Infamous, huh?" someone spoke behind you, causing you to turn towards the source of the voice. "Huh." you made quietly, mimicking him.
Speaking of the devil, right?
He smiled at you, holding out his hand for you to shake. "Thomas Magnum." he introduced himself, as you took his hand. "And you must be the infamous Y/N Y/L/N, I assume."
You nodded, taking him in.
He was even more handsome than he was on the pictures Rick had sent you.
"Rick talks about you nonstop." he told you, smirking. You blushed a little, chuckling. "Only good things, I hope." He nodded, chuckling as well.
"Thomas, perfect timing." Rick mused, drawing Thomas' gaze towards him, as he cocked a brow. "Is Higgins with you?" Thomas shook his head, denying. "What do you need?"
Rick hesitated a second, licking his lips.
"Y/N here, works as a journalist." he started, motioning at you. "And she somehow managed to make some people very mad." Thomas mouth twisted, eyes narrowing. "What type of people?" he wanted to know, glancing at you.
You swallowed, sighing, as Rick answered for you.
"She was supposed to investigate in that case of Cleantec disposing of its chemical waste in a nearby river." he explained. "She interviewed a former employee, that was at a safehouse, because he was supposed to testify in court."
"He's dead now." you chimed in, licking your lip, before you bit down on the cushion.
Thomas' brows furrowed, as he looked between you and Rick.
"The people responsible for his death threatened her. Now we're worried that they're after her as well." Rick continued, hesitating again. "And the only place where she would be really safe at is Robins Nest."
Thomas' eyes widened, mouth agape. "And now you're suggesting that we let her stay at hotel Robins Nest?" he concluded, brows raised. He didn't seem all too happy about the idea.
Rubbing your eyes, you swallowed. Of course you were scared - Hell, the whole killer at your back situation scared the living shit out of you, but you didn't want to be a burden to anyone.
"I'm worried for her safety, Thomas." Rick pressed, sending him a pleading look. "I don't want to be a burden." you cut in, before Rick could have said more. "I can handle this on my own."
Thomas bit his lip, clearly torn between helping and not.
Then he pulled out his phone, dialing someone.
"Hey Higgins." he began, his free hand playing with a beer mat. "Ricks friend, Y/N, is being targeted by killers, and now she needs someplace safe to stay at. Do you think we can let her stay at Robins Nest?"
It was quiet for a few seconds, as Higgins answered him. "Okay, thanks." Thomas then said, before he ended the call. "You can stay." he told you, stuffing the phone back inside his pocket.
Eyes widening, you thanked him, still unsure if you should really do this. But it was better than constantly having to watch your back, right?
"You need to keep her safe at all costs." Rick clarified, leaning foward to underline his words. Thomas' brows rose, pointing at himself. "I'm not a babysitter." he made clear, gaze wandering towards you for a split second.
Ricks eyes widened in earnesty, not believing he heard him right. "She's my sister, Thomas." he pressed, shaking his head. "She needs to stay safe. If you won't do it, I will."
Thomas groaned in discontent, but you cut him off, before he was able to respond.
"Look-" you began, holding out your arms in a gesture of diffidence and surrender. "you don't have to keep a watch on me - I'm sure we can figure this out without you even noticing me."
Thomas sent you a pointed look, having trouble to believe your words.
"And if I bother you too much, I will just go back to my house. I'm sure I can manage just fine."
Rick made a sound of protest, the towel he held hitting your shoulder. "Y/N, you're not gonna be alone until these guys are either arrested or dead!" he told you, determined.
Sighing, you bit your cheek, giving in as you nodded slightly. "Whatever you say."
"Damn right, whatever I say."
Even though he was your brother - you had somewhere along the way of your friendship decided that you had to be siblings, people even mistook you as being siblings when you were younger - you could have hit him, hard.
Robins Nest was much bigger, than you had imagined.
Rick had told you multiple times about it. You knew that Thomas stayed at the guest house and that Juliet Higgins lived in the main house, but he failed to mention that it was this big.
It was intimidating, honestly.
So, when you arrived in your car - which was in no way a comparison to the ones parked up front - you needed a moment to catch your breath and slow down your racing heart.
How were you supposed to not get lost on this property?
Getting out of your car, you grabbed your bags that held the things you needed for your stay.
You just hoped you had packed enough. Who knew how long your stay would get?
Sighing, you walked towards what seemed to be the front door, ringing the bell. It took a few seconds for someone to answer, but when she did, you were sure this was not Juliet.
You somehow remembered her differently from all the pictures Rick had sent.
"Aloha, you must be Y/N." the woman greeted you, smiling warmly and you couldn't help but return the smile. "I'm Kumu. Come in, the others are already waiting."
Your brows lifted, not sure what she meant. "The others?" you questioned, following her, as she made her way through the mansion. She nodded, leading you to an open living room with windows as big as your bedroom was back in Chicago.
In said room were several people gathered: Rick, TC, Thomas, Higgins and Shammy.
Brows furrowing, you sat down your bag, gaze shifting between the people staring your way.
"Am I missing something?" you wanted to know, feeling the uneasiness creeping through you. "No, but mr. insecure told us to meet here." Thomas gave back, sending Rick a displeased look.
Clearing your throat, you noticed how your cheeks grew hot. Suddenly, you wished to be back at your place, immediately feeling unwelcome.
"I'm sorry for all this turmoil, I can just go back home and we'll forget about it." you suggested, feeling more and more uncomfortable. "No, you'll stay." Juliet spoke up, stepping towards you, holding out her hand for you to shake.
"I'm Juliet Higgins. Nice to meet you." she introduced herself, as you took her hand and shook it. "Y/N Y/L/N." you gave back, forcing yourself to smile despite the uneasy feeling inside you.
"The others are here, because Rick told us what happened." she explained, motioning at the others. "Thomas might not be happy about it, but we're not letting anyone down, no matter what happened. We want to help."
She turned more towards you, lowering her voice to a whisper. "Oh, and he'll come to terms with it, just give him a little time."
You nodded almost unnoticeable, swallowing.
"But, how are you gonna help me?" you wanted to know, fingers tugging at lose strings on your jeans. "Thomas and I are private investigators." Juliet spoke, walking towards a table to your right with a laptop placed on it.
"We will investigate in your case."
Eyes widening, you chuckled uneasily. "But, I don't have the money to hire you." you told her, biting your cheek. Suddenly, you felt ashamed, knowing that Juliet seemed to have already begun researching.
"Oh, don't worry." she told you, typing away on the laptop. "It's pro bono." Sighing, you nodded, feeling a little relieved. "Thank you." you said, looking at the others. "Thank you all, even if you don't really know me, except for Rick and Shammy."
You hat chatted with Shammy before, after Rick told you how they met him. He was a little grumpy sometimes, but he had a heart of gold.
The others nodded, even Thomas, though he still seemed grim.
When the others were gone and it was already dark outside, you had settled in one of the guest rooms of the main house. Juliet had the staff ready a room for you earlier, one that was bigger than your living room back in Chicago.
Robin had to have a lot of money, if one of his residences - one he barely visited himself - was this big and luxurious.
But you had read his books, knowing all about the white knight, so you understood where the money came from.
He was a genius.
The white knight had inspired you to start as a journalist, he gave you the strength when you doubted yourself - even if he was just fictional.
Swallowing, you sent the painkillers down your throat, sighing to yourself. You just hoped your stay wouldn't get any more complicated than it already was.
It had been two weeks, since you moved to Robin's Nest - Yes, literally moved.
You hadn't seen your house other than gathering more clothes and the mail. Other than that, you weren't allowed to leave the property of Robin's Nest.
It was hard, you had to take time off your job, explaining them the situation as best as you could, hoping they wouldn't fire you.
Meanwhile living with Thomas was... difficult.
Even though he resided in the guest house of the property, working on your case as well as on another one, you still saw him plenty of times.
Either he was plundering the wine cellar, making Higgins furious over the various missing bottles he never replaced, or he was getting himself something to eat or just lounging around whenever he had the time.
You had barely spoken to him, other than about your case or occasionally a hello or goodbye - or him complaining. You sensed his discomfort, knowing that he wasn't fond of your presence, even though you did your best not to stand in his way - literally.
The typical cliche moment of standing opposite each other, both stepping left and right to get out of the way, had occurred more than once.
You had migraine attacks almost every day, already having had to restock your painkillers.
Sighing, you shifted on the couch with your laptop on your legs, doing research. Yes, I know what you might think now, but after what happened, you couldn't just sit by and wait.
You had to at least do some research, using your skills and contacts to help.
That you came up almost empty handed, you didn't tell the others, though. They didn't even know you were doing research in the first place.
Your breathing hitched, heart pounding faster in your chest, as you suddenly felt a presence loom over you. You heard him breathe almost unnoticeable, he was quieter than normal people were.
Smelling his meanwhile familiar cologne, you relaxed slightly.
It was Thomas.
Still your hands began to sweat, heart pounding even faster.
"And here I thought we would do the investigation." he mumbled, causing you to flinch slightly at how close he really was. Taking a deep breath - of course as quiet as possible - you tried to calm yourself, as he rounded the sofa, looking down at you.
"I'm just doing some research." you defended yourself, holding his gaze, as his eyes narrowed slightly. "In case you have forgot, I am a journalist. It's my job to do research. And if I'm able to find something, even better!"
He cocked a brow at you, tilting his head mockingly. "Are you able to find something?" he wanted to know, even though he could already guess the answer.
Taking another deep breath as not to explode - your head already did that on his own - you bit your cheek, breaking eye contact after a few more seconds.
He truly had a way of getting under your skin.
"What do you want?" you tried to stir the conversation away from you, looking back at your laptop, typing away.
It took him a few seconds to answer, as his eyes roamed over you. You were looking uncomfortable, only the slightest bit, but he had a schooled eye - he knew when something was up.
"Are you okay?"
He surprised you with his question, causing your brows to furrow slightly. "I'm fine." you responded, briefly glancing up at him. "Why?"
He didn't respond, only sitting down in an armchair.
His presence made you all the more uncomfortable, his curious gaze burning holes into your skin.
He was handsome, you couldn't deny it, and yes, you would have hooked up with him, if it wasn't for his comments and him being so dismissive towards you.
Rolling your eyes, you tried to ignore him, fingers tapping on the smooth surface of your laptop, lost in thought. You had already browsed every platform you knew, coming up with nothing useful.
Biting your lip, you sighed, closing the laptop.
Your migraine was making it hard to concentrate, anyways.
"Don't you have anything to do?" you wanted to know, giving Thomas a pointed look. He only sipped his beer, shaking his head.
Only then did you notice that it was already dawn.
"What, missed the time?" he quipped, sending that pointed look right back at you. "Maybe you shouldn't waste your time doing research, when your not able to find anything, anyways."
He was hot, but his way towards you, made him colder than the antarctic.
Having lived at Robin's Nest for over a month now, you and Higgins became friends. You got along very well, having a lot of things in common.
Your case stretched on like chewing gum, having no hints or new findings. Thomas grew frustrated, never having had a case that went on for so long.
You hadn't got out of bed today, your current migraine attack causing you to have nausea, barely holding yourself back from vomiting.
Unfortunately, he let it out on you with witty comments and snarky remarks, causing your health to spiral further downwards.
He took every chance he got to pick on you.
You made out voices in the distance, recognizing Rick.
"Where's Y/N?" he wanted to know, his steps getting closer. "She's probably still sleeping, too exhausted from all the research she's been doing." you heard Thomas respond, their voices getting louder.
"What?" Rick gave back, shocked. "What research? I thought she wasn't working as long as the case went on?"
Someone knocked at your door and you groaned, causing the door to be ripped open, Rick barging inside. "Fuck." he breathed out, kneeling down beside you.
Swallowing, your eyes met his. You didn't need to tell him for him to know what was going on.
"Have you taken painkillers already?" he wanted to know, brows furrowing in worry. "Yes." you mumbled, sighing.
Thomas stepped further inside the room, his eyes scanning over you, taking in your distraught face and hunched figure. "What's going on?" he inquired, brows furrowing as well.
"Y/N is prone to migraine attacks." Rick started to explain, his fingers brushing through your hair absentmindedly. "When she's exposed to stress or is having a hard time it can trigger an attack. Sometimes, when the pain gets too much, she suffers from nausea and dizziness as well. She's having a migraine attack right now."
Thomas swallowed, now understanding what was going on with you. He'd been an absolute ass to you, only worsening your condition.
He felt guilty.
It wasn't that he couldn't stand you, in fact it was quiet the opposite. But after he was this way towards you in the beginning, he wasn't able to break out of it.
It had almost become a bad habit of sorts.
Rick straightened back up, motioning for Thomas to follow him as he left the room to gather a hot water bottle.
When you woke up, your head was doing a little better. Blinking the sleep from your eyes, you smelled herbs, causing you to frown.
"I didn't mean to wake you." you heard Thomas say. Looking up, you saw him standing at your bed, a cup in his hands. "I thought you'd like some tea, when you feel better."
Licking your dry lips, you sat up, taking the cup as he offered it to you. "Thanks?" you said, not sure how to react. "Is it poisoned?" His brows furrowed, as he huffed. "No, of course not."
Sending him a small smile, you sipped some of the hot tea. It warmed your body, spreading a nice feeling through you.
"May I?" he motioned at your bed, asking if he could sit down. You nodded, and he did. "I didn't know you were having these migraine attacks." he began, licking his bottom lip, as he looked at his hands, before his eyes met yours.
"Had I known I wouldn't have acted this way. I was a complete ass to you, which only worsened your condition - Rick told me about it. I'm sorry, that wasn't my intention."
You were taken aback by his apology, not having expected that change in behavior. "Wow." you breathed out, stunned. "I didn't expect that."
He chuckled, brushing over his chin.
"Yeah, I know." he gave back, smiling slightly. "Somehow everyone's surprised when I apologize." Rolling your eyes, you chuckled. Your head already felt a lot better.
"I've got you some vitamins as well." he explained, pointing at the package on your bedside table. "Oh, and we finally have a breakthrough in your case."
You sat up further at his words, eyes widening.
He grinned knowingly. "Yeah, we found a lead to the killers. But that's for later. What do you say we ask the cook to make somethin'?"
Your brows rose. "Who are you and what did you do with Thomas Magnum?" He chuckled, shaking his head. "Get up, I'll get us something to eat."
Huffing silently, you obeyed.
Getting out of bed you walked into the bath, as he left. The shower helped clear your mind a little, soothing your aching muscles.
When you stepped into the dining room, Higgins walked in from the other side. "Thomas!" she almost yelled in anger, her hands at her hips as she stopped in front of him.
Tilting your head, you watched them, curious about what had happened now.
"What happened to the ferrari?"
Thomas bit his lip, leaning on the table behind him, arms crossed over his chest. His gaze wandered towards you and he shrugged. "The lead I found might included them shooting at me." he explained, slightly shrinking, as Higgins inhaled sharply.
Eyes widening, you took a step forwards.
"Really, I don't know what to say." Higgins mumbled, shaking her head. "But hey, I've got her some vitamins for her migraine." Thomas added, smiling hesitantly.
"Vitamins and bulletholes." you said, shaking your head. "Sounds like an article I would write."
Even Higgins had to chuckle at that, as Thomas winked at you.
Maybe he wasn't that bad after all.
"Why is it always everyone but me?" Thomas grumbled, watching the dogs chase each other. Cocking a brow, you tilted your head at him. "What do you mean? They are quiet lovely, aren't they?"
He abruptly stopped, his feet kicking up some of the freshly cut grass. He looked at you in shock, spreading his arms. "No!" he gave back. "They are cruel monsters, trying to kill me every chance they get!"
You chuckled at his exasperation, turning back around towards the ocean. The view was breathtaking, really.
He huffed, following you as you started to walk further towards the beach.
Over the last two weeks you and Thomas had talked a lot, after he promised to be nice to you. He had no reason to be harsh or angry at you, he never really had.
Rick's words had shaken him out of his behavior towards you, showing him that you were more than the burden he had first expected you to be.
He had explained why you got into this situation in the first place - yes, you got into this situation when you talked back at the killers, but Rick explained why you had taken this upon yourself at all.
He explained that you fought for a better environment, Cleantecs diposal of chemical waste something you wanted to expose to the public, helping the people that had been affected by it.
The man that had been killed wanted the same.
His wife had been killed by it, her cancer having worsened due to the chemicals in the water. She didn't make it, too weak from the chemo.
You knew that feeling, your mother having died of cancer when you were still very young.
Even though you knew it was dangerous to talk to the man, you still had taken that risk, even when Rick had warned you about it. You wanted peace for him and justice for his wife.
Thomas watched you with amazement, as you walked in front of him, having created a slight distance between you, after he took a moment longer to follow you.
He had a small smile on his lips, as he noticed that he wanted to get to know you better. Even though you had talked a lot and learned a lot about each other, he still had the feeling that there was even more to you.
You turned slightly, as he caught up with you. "Are you going to continue your work as a journalist?" he wanted to know, watching you.
Biting your lip, you nodded. "Yes. Now that the case is solved and there's no target on my back anymore, I think it's time for the next one."
He snorted, his shoulder bumping yours. "I'm not gonna rescue you again." he warned you, chuckling to himself.
Higgins and him were able to solve the case, after Thomas managed to catch one of the killers red handed. You were relieved, now finally being able to sleep again.
As a bonus, you had managed to write that article, exposing Cleantech.
You stopped at a slope, looking down at the water. It was peaceful, the sun shining down on you.
Turning your head, you looked at Thomas, only to find him already looking at you. You swallowed at his intense gaze, the rest of your body turning towards him as well.
He silently stared at you, mouth slightly agape. His scent clouded your senses, heating your body up.
He leaned closer, as your heart hammered in your chest. You couldn't deny the attraction you felt towards him, and the urge to close the gap and press your lips against his, was overwhelming.
His breath fanned over your face, eyes darting to your lips, before he closed the distance, kissing you. Your hands wrapped around his neck instinctively, tugging him closer, as his hands wandered to your hips.
His lips caressed yours, tongue brushing over your bottom lip. You let it in, sighing softly.
Your lips parted, as you both had to gasp for air. His thumb brushed over your cheek, his fingers removing lose strands of hair from your face.
Breathing heavily, you smiled at him and he returned it.
"What do you say we go out for dinner?" he suggested, swallowing. He wouldn't admit it, but he was nervous. Your smile widened, nodding. "I'd love that."
His smile widened as well, sighing in relieve.
"How's your head?" he wanted to know, one of his arms wrapping around your waist, as you started to walk back to the main house. "Good." you gave back, nodding to yourself. "I haven't had an attack in over a week now."
He tugged you closer. "Good."
As you walked, you heard the dogs bark, Thomas stiffening and you chuckled.
"Damn these dogs."
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Ok it's late, but I needed to send you these Thomas x Carrie x Stu thoughts and know what you think.
Carrie slowly growing more confident and showing Thomas and Stu her powers. Stu of course is the first to encourage her and Thomas, although doesn't know how it works, does his best to support his smoll gf. She still has a hard time accepting compliments, but their getting there.
Thomas trusting Carrie and Stu enough to show his face under the human mask. Stu is geeking out, finally able to see the face of one of his favorite slashers, and Carrie just being so sweet and doting and reassuring Thomas that they aren't scared of him.
Stu wanting to show Carrie and Thomas his movie collection, and is more than willing to provide safe arms for her to hide in when there's a too scary scene. Thomas either gets scared as well, or sees what Carrie and Stu are doing and decides he should encompass both of them in comfort snuggles (he's a big guy, he could probably pick them both up and carry them around)
All of them discussing their trauma with their families/lives and overcoming theor fears together (Carrie has her mom, Thomas has his upbringing and possibly his own family, and... Idk if Stu has trauma, but either way he'd still support his gf and bf)
Since Stu is more outgoing then both of them, he's more outward in showing his affection with both of them, physical or verbal. Carrie is shy, but still wants them to know how much she loves them, so she's a little more reserved though she's still sweet to them. Thomas has no idea what he's doing, so he just either follows his instincts, or copies what he sees others do or tell him to do for the relationship.
Stu and Thomas acting like Carrie's bodyguards when she gets overwhelmed/hurt/scared. Yes she has telekinesis... But she is still precious and needs to be protected at all cost (bonus points if Stu is trying to push away some punk who was scaring Carrie, and Thomas is standing behind his boyfriend glaring at the jerk like we can do this the easy way or the hard way and the guy runs away, making Stu think he scared the guy away all by himself)
Stu helping Carrie overcome her traumatic experience with her time of the month (Stu specifically because I'm not sure how much help Thomas would be, even if he wants to)
Stu and Thomas being assessed by Tiffany while Carrie gets ready for their date (plus Chucky in the background debating if he should try to get Tiffany off of the boys' backs or just nope out of this one)
Carrie and Stu sleeping on top of Thomas or just hugging him like a teddy bear when they need comfort, or Thomas needs hugs.
Audrey II letting Stu and Thomas be since their with Carrie and she promised to give them extra meat if they left her men alone.
That's all I've got. Though with how much this ship is loved, there will hopefully be more in the future. I hope you like them ^^
People need to see these and share in my feels overload!!
I love them as a throuple so much ^^ <3 ^^ Stu being the privileged horror movie fan that ends up in love with two of his absolute favourite, hard-done-by horror movie characters and taking care of them (The best he can XD ) !! Giant, scary Thomas basically imprinting on these two little sunshine creatures and wanting to keep them happy and safe !! Sweet Carrie finally finding people sort of like her who love her and care for her and open up her world in different ways who she would protect with her powers !!
Carrie gets the popular guy in the end?? Plus the giant scary one??? Two tropes I love XDD
Plus they're all the cuddly types, so that works XDD (Usually in horror couple I notice one is a touchy type and the other is a get the fuck away from me type [Examples being Frason, Ghostmyers, Billy/Stu, etc] so this is wondeful for them ^^ <3 ).
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michellebill · 2 years
Three types of dwarf sunflowers
Today I will introduce three types of dwarf sunflowers for you guys, they are Sunspot, Teddy Bear and Topolino.
If you grow yours only in containers, or just want a manageable size for a flower bed, dwarf sunflowers are a popular option to choose.
A close up horizontal image of small dwarf sunflowers growing in little terra cotta pots on a balcony.
In some cases, they produce substantial flower heads on stems and stalks that attain a height of just 12 to 36 inches. Other dwarf varieties have petite blooms.
Don’t overthink the name of this cultivar! The flowers are not blotchy or dark like the spots on the sun that Galileo and Thomas Harriot first identified more than four centuries ago.
A close up horizontal image of a Helianthus annuus 'Sunspot' growing in the garden pictured in bright sunshine on a soft focus background.
This mighty-but-tiny plant produces extra-large flower heads, on sturdy stalks that reach just 18 to 24 inches tall. It draws bees and other pollinators, too.
While it’s ideal for container growing, I’d also encourage you to experiment with ‘Sunspot’ as a low-lying blooming hedge along walkways.
Or, grow it in front of taller cultivars that have contrasting colors, like ‘Velvet Queen.’
Like all of its open-pollinated H. annuus relatives, ‘Sunspot’ sports edible petals – as long as you grow the plants without using chemical sprays.
A close up vertical image of a seed packet for Helianthus annuus 'Sunspot,' with text to the left of the frame and a hand drawn illustration to the right.
They taste just a bit bitter, like young dandelion greens, and make a pretty garnish for leafy salads or sprinkled in tiny shreds atop cakes with creamy icing.
2.Teddy Bear
With fuzzy, double-petaled, bright yellow blooms, ‘Teddy Bear’ seems kind of cuddly.
A close up horizontal image of a bunch of teddy bear sunflowers growing in the garden pictured on a blue background.
And it’s also a space saver. It grows two to four feet tall, yet produces flowers that are five to six inches across.
They take about 75 days from seeding to start blooming, but that flowering spree may last for five weeks.
This sweet little yellow cultivar does what the big guys do, only on a lower plane.
‘Topolino’ produces loads of bright, single-petal blossoms on plants that top out at 16 inches tall.
Among popular dwarf varieties, it’s unusual because it branches out instead of growing on single-stem stalks.
A close up square image of Helianthus annuus 'Topolino' plants growing in the summer garden.
The branching trait is nice in a small-size sunflower if you plan to use it to fill in annual beds in midsummer, or if you just want a variety that will look healthy and spread to the corners of a container planting.
That's all about three types dwarf sunflowers introduction, tomorrow I will introduce another two types of sunflowers, Let's look forward to it!
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slasherhaven · 3 years
Hi! Could we possibly get some slasher's reacting to their S/O giving them really sappy pet-names? (Like "pumpkin", "love", "sweetiepie", etc?) The idea of big murder men getting called "teddy-bear" or something is just really funny to me <3
Mixed this with another request for ‘random compliments’!
The Slashers reacting to a S/O giving them Sappy Pet-Names and random Compliments: 
Thomas Hewitt
When you first started using pet-names, Thomas found it very endearing but they always managed to make him flustered.
Your pet-names only got sappier, each new pet-name making Thomas blush.
He loves them, he just thinks you’re sweet, and that they’re sweet.
Luda May also thinks your pet-names for Tommy are really sweet. Hoyt teases you both about it, though...but who cares what he thinks.
Any and all of your compliments make Tommy smile, and sometimes get a little flustered.
You give the compliments so randomly that they nearly always catch him off guard. 
At first they really make him falter for a moment, needing to collect himself while he dwells on your kind words.
Later on he gets a little more used to them, and they just make him smile rather than throwing him off for the whole day.
One time you told him that he had pretty eyes, and he just melted. The compliment surprised him but it meant a lot to him.
Michael Myers
Acts fairly disinterested and unbothered.
However, he is a surprised and even a little amused by them.
He’s Michael Myers, the Shape, evil personified, and here you are calling him by the cutest of pet-names.
He doesn’t understand how you can refer to him as such things but he allows it.
He becomes used to them and becomes suspicious when you refer to him by his actual name.
He has a similar feeling about the compliments as he does about the pet-names.
People believe he is the personification of evil, but you clearly don’t think that.
The compliments come so easy and sincerely from you, it’s confusing but he also allows them.
He even starts to become slightly fond of them.
Jason Voorhees
Adores your pet-names, the sappier the better.
He just thinks they’re so sweet and make his heart flutter. They’re adorable and loving and he can’t get enough of them.
He likes if you start using one pet-name more than the others, especially if it’s a more unique one, it feels more personal and he adores it.
Any compliments get Jason pretty flustered but in the best way!
He loves them.
He likes the reassurance that he’s being a good partner to you and that you love him. 
Anytime you call him handsome, he just melts, feeling all fuzzy from your compliments.
Brahms Heelshire
He likes the more common pet-names like “love” and “sweetheart” but does prefer the cuter pet-names like “sweetie”, “sweetpie”, “sweetpea”.
Absolutely melts when you call him something like “your very own teddy-bear” while you’re cuddling.
Your pet-names just make him smile and feel a little giddy, he loves them!
Brahms lives for praise and compliments.
Of course he wants to hear you tell him how handsome he is, how smart he is, how good he is. 
Whatever it is, if it’s a compliment, he could listen to them all day.
Bo Sinclair
You’re going to have to be cautious and slow when it comes to pet-names, Bo isn’t going to allow anything too sappy too quickly.
Start with more common pet-names and he’ll let it slide, even liking when you call him “love” or “honey”. 
Then you start to throw in the occasional, much sappier, pet-names and Bo will roll his eyes at you.
Really, deep down, Bo think you’re sweet, just adorable, but it’s not a very good look in front of his brothers.
The first time you complimented him was when you were watching him work on a car. You didn’t sound like you were in awe or anything, you just saw that he knew what he was doing and had complimented him on it in slightly impressed manner. 
He brushes it off.
But then you started complimenting him on other things, starting with a simple “you look nice today” and things like that.
You have to ease Bo into sappier compliments. 
He might start of suspicious of your compliments at first but they soon start feeding that ego of his.
Vincent Sinclair
The first time you use any pet-name for him, his head perks up in curiosity, and he’s probably blushing slightly behind his mask.
You can tell that he likes it, so you quickly continue to use them and try new ones. 
He just thinks they’re cute and sweet, just like you, and they just feel affectionate. Especially when he realises that you only use those pet-names for him and not his brothers.
You mostly compliment him on his artistic skills, but you can’t help it, he’s just so impressive at times!
You’ve compliment his skills since the beginning, and they’ve always filled him with pride, loving to hear your thoughts and compliments.
But your compliments quickly turn to other aspects, whether it be his appearance or personality, all of which he loves just as much.
You just fill him with confidence.
Lester Sinclair
Lester is a little surprised when you start with the pet-names but they make him smile, he likes them.
He thinks they’re cute.
He never gets bored of them, and you just keep throwing out new ones.
He doesn’t care if you refer to him by the pet-names in front of people, happy to have you calling him the sappiest of pet-names in front of strangers, and not caring about the teasing he’s bound to get from Bo.
He really doesn’t get complimented much at all, so it’s almost surprising when you start complimenting him, especially when you do so, so sincerely. 
Every time you compliment him, he is just beaming.
Bo has definitely asked him “what are you smiling about?” after you had complimented him once. He just can’t help it!
Bubba Sawyer
The more pet-names the better. The sappier, the better.
He loves when you call him “teddy-bear” just because he’s so cuddly. He loves cuddles and he’s more than happy to be your personal teddy-bear.
Every one else in the house hates you both, rolling their eyes at just how cute the two of you are but Bubba couldn’t care less.
Please, please, please compliment him. He absolutely loves them.
They make his face turn a little red but he’s practically made giddy by them.
He’s not too used so such sincere (and definitely not such sweet) compliments and praise, but he quickly learns that he loves them.
Billy Lenz
Billy enjoys your cute pet-names, he just loves being called them.
The cuter and sweeter the better, they just make him giddy.
They get him a little flustered, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink as his breaks out in a smile.
They’re just so affectionate. You must love him so much to refer to him in such ways so consistently! 
Your compliments also make him a little flustered, whether you’re talking about how handsome he is or just how wonderful he is.
Once he gets a little red or flustered, you’ll comment on how cute he is, only getting him more flustered.
He lives for your compliments, and if he gets more when he helps you with things (no matter how small) he makes sure to do it more often.
He just wants to hear your pet-names and compliments as much as possible, they never grow old to him.
Asa Emory (The Collector)
For the most part, Asa doesn’t really care.
He does think you’re cute and the pet-names are fitting in that way, but he doesn’t care too much about what pet-name you use for him.
If he doesn’t like one, he’ll tell you.
If he prefers one or two more than the others, he tells you.
If he wants you to refer to him as something, he’ll let you know, you don’t need to worry about that.
Asa definitely isn’t going to stop you from complimenting him, no matter what you’re complimenting him about.
If you’re feeding his ego and talking him up, he’s going to let you.
Early on, he might be a little suspicious of compliments, but soon realises that you mean every word and then it just makes him smirk to himself.
Jesse Cromeans (Chromeskull)
Jesse doesn’t mind the pet-names. He doesn’t let any sort of ego get in the way of letting his partner call him by sweet pet-names.
He hopes that you feel free to refer to him as such when you feel it suitable to do so. 
You’re calling him such things because you love him, who is he to complain?
Plus, he just thinks you’re sweet for it.
He does find some of the sappier pet-names amusing but he’s not going to tell you to stop.
Jesse is never going to stop you from complimenting him. While he doesn’t need you to feed his ego, he certainly isn’t going to complain when you do.
He doesn’t really care what you’re complimenting him about, he’ll take it, he just thinks you’re his sweet s/o who likes to show your love for him.
It’s not one-sided either, he compliments you a fair amount as well.
Otis Driftwood
When you first start with the pet-names, it amuses Otis. They’re inappropriately sweet for who he is and the environment you’re all in.
But they’re endearingly sweet and out of place in his life, he doesn’t mind it much. 
Acts much more annoyed by them than he actually is when you call him such names in front of other people, but you know how much he doesn’t mind them in private, how you’ve even made him smile a little with them.
Absolutely adores when you compliment his ‘artwork’, feeling like you really understand him.
He gets used to the compliments, smirking whenever you give him one.
Honestly likes whenever you compliment him about anything.
He normally throws one back at you, one far more inappropriate than yours, but at long as it gets a reaction out of you.
Baby Firefly
Baby is a fan of pet-names in general, whether they’re playful or sappy.
She already has a few for you but you only encourage her to use more.
It’s almost like a competition of who can come up with the best (arguably worst) pet-names.
If Otis ever hears you both using sappy pet-names, he will roll his eyes and complain. You two are so sappy, it’s gross.
Baby eats up all of your compliments.
She tells you to “carry on” when you stop, with a playful smile on her face.
And it’s definitely not one sided, she lays the compliments on thick too.
Yautja (Predator)
Pet-names are new...but he likes them.
Doesn’t quite understand why you’re calling him things like “pumpkin” and “sweetpea”...he is not a vegetable, why are you calling him this?
But he comes to understand that all of these pet-names are terms of endearments, and that’s why he likes it.  
He sees any of your compliments as some form of praise, which pretty much makes sense, and he loves it. 
Purrs with pride whenever you compliment him, it’s endearing.
The best thing to compliment him on is anything to do with his strength and how capable he is, it just fills him with pride knowing that he is a good mate who you are proud of having.
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manusass · 3 years
Categorise the Bayern team according to their sexualities. (I do think Leon gives strong bi vibessssss)
Well I can only tell you what energy they give off in my opinion. But here goes..
Manu: he seems like he would date anyone he likes, so I can imagine him being pan
Thomas: him and Lisa are the ultimate dream couple 10/10 I love them so much 💓💓 but he wouldn’t hesitate to date a man if he happens to fall in love with him
Leon: definitely bi, can’t imagine him being straight
Joshua: straight as an arrow, but would kiss a man on the mouth in front of homphobes just to piss them off
Serge: doesn’t care for gender or sexuality norms, just does what he wants. Maybe pan?
Robert: straight or bi, can’t decide. Anna gives off big bi wife energy tho
Leroy: straight, but is a soft cuddly affectionate man, which leads to people often thinking he’s involved with someone
Niklas: straight, but also big soft cuddly teddy bear
Benji: I don’t know much about him tbh, but he gives off gay vibes
Bambi: Baby.
Marcel: again, I don’t know much about this man. Could be bi, but gives off more straight vibes
Upa: straight Angel
Choupo: straight, but would fight anyone who dares to be homophobic
Nailsman: 100% supportive straight dad
Again, this is just my opinion on what vibes they give off in my eyes tho!!
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girl-with-cat-eyes · 5 years
Tale As Old As Time (2/?)
Years ago, an unlucky prince fell victim to fate and was cursed to spend forever as a beast. He hid away in fear of what he'd become. In a nearby town, a young man struggles to care for his ailing father. In the ultimate sacrifice, he agrees to live with beastly prince. Can our anxious beauty melt this beast's heart? AKA Thvi beauty and the beast au.
Ships: Thvi, Logicality, Demus, Romile
Chapter Summary: When we last left the boys Virgil had agreed to live with Thomad in order to heal his father. Now he will get to meet his new roommates and we see Thomas' reaction to all of this.
A/N: This took forever for chapter 2 but I'm happy with how it came out. We were originally going to have the kusoc incorporated but that proved beyond our talents. And remember prompts are open!Remember R&R and enjoy!
Love, @girl-with-cat-eyes & @forever-forgotten-angel
Thomas tried not to stare as he led Virgil into his home, well it was theirs now. He couldn't believe that he'd agreed to live with him until the flos insidias magicae fabrica bloomed again. That a beautiful man such as this would willingly choose to live with a beast like him. 
He shook those thoughts away, swallowing before turning towards the other. "I can show you to your room and then I could introduce you to the others if you'd like." 
He chuckled. "Yes. Did you think I lived here all by myself?" 
Virgil shrugged. "Truthfully I thought this place was abandoned until I saw you. That's why I didn't just knock on the front door."  
Thomas led him through the hallways, a room already picked for him. "I prefer it if people think the castle is abandoned. Keeps away unwanted visitors."
Truthfully it kept everyone away, as sad as that was. But it for the best. Sure Thomas hated being alone like this, but he'd hate it even more if people came just to stare at him. Or even worse formed a mob. It was the only possible outcome surely; he was a monster. 
Finally they were at the doorway Thomas had in mind. "Here's your room." He turned towards the other. "I'll let you get settled in, and I can introduce you to everyone later. And maybe we could have a late dinner? If you want to of course. Or I could have dinner sent up here for you. " He probably would want to dine alone. God knows why anyone would want to eat dinner with a beast like him, let alone this beautiful, kind man. 
Surprisingly, Virgil nodded eagerly at the mention of dinner. "Yes. I'd love to have dinner with you. And to meet everyone of course. Are they your family or friends or...?" 
"Technically they work for me. But they're like my family. Or friends at the very least." He smiled at the thought of his friends. He didn't know what he would do without them. He'd had to stop talking to everyone after he was cursed. Of course, Thomas felt guilty that they had been cursed for his mistake. They didn't deserve to spend their lives the way that they now did because he'd accidentally insulted that enchantress. 
He shook his head, trying to clear those thoughts. They didn't deserve it but it was too late now. "Right. Well I will let them know that you are living with us now and to start preparing a late dinner. I'll be back in a bit to show you to the dining room. This place can be confusing if you don't know the lay out." 
He nodded up at Thomas. "Alright. I'll um.. unpack my things." That's when Thomas saw the small grocery bag of clothes and toiletries that Virgil held. It wasn't much. Clearly he hadn't intended on being gone long. He made a mental note to get him some new clothes. 
He watched his new houseguest enter his room, giving a soft wave as he shut the door. Thomas sighed. He was adorable! He had a handsome, adorable roommate for the next 6 months at least.
Giving himself one more moment to compose himself, Thomas made his way down to the kitchens to tell everyone of their new roommate. 
Thankfully, Logan was still awake when he got there, the clock holding his family close. "Well?" He asked. 
Thomas clicked on the lights, hearing soft groans. "Everyone." He said. "I have news." 
Virgil looked at his new room. It was bigger than his one at home, and far nicer too. Up front near the door was a small couch with a chair and a coffee table in front of a fireplace. Clearly meant for visitors. Then in the back was the more 'bedroom' area. There was a simple vanity sitting across from a wardrobe. And sitting along the back wall was a four poster bed with a canopy and a footrest in front of that. Yes the room was nicer than anything Virgil had ever stayed in before. 
He sat his bag down on the footrest before laying down on the bed with a sigh. Getting a thought, the man pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to his father telling him he loved him and to remember to take his medicine. 
He already missed his father so much. Virgil had never been away from Dee for long periods of time and 6 months felt like an eternity. But he reminded himself that this was all worth it. Virgil would get the flower and get it back to him. And possibly get to flirt with that cute beast in the process. 
Thomas seemed nice enough: he'd not only offered to let Virgil have the flower for free come spring, but he was letting him stay here free of charge until it bloomed. Not to mention he looked like a cuddly teddy bear. 
Virgil was shaken from his thoughts by a knock on the door. He rolled off the bed, going to answer the door. Thomas stood on the other side with a sheepish grin. "I told everyone. And they all want to meet you… And afterwards we could have dinner?" 
Virgil nodded. "Ok." He followed the taller man…beast..whatever. He followed the other out and downstairs. "You said they worked for you?" 
"Yes. And they're.. Well they're like me. I figured I should warn you now so you aren't shocked." He nodded at that. Alright he was living with multiple beasts it for the time being. 
Thomas lead him into what seemed to be a kitchen, giving him a nervous smile as they entered. To Virgil's shock, the room was empty, only a few household items sitting around. "Where is everyone?"
"We're right here, kiddo!" 
Virgil jumped and looked down. There was a teapot looking at him. And the teapot could speak. Oh boy. Suddenly a clock moved to beside the teapot and spoke. "Patton, dearheart, please be careful. You could have shattered getting off of the trolley!" 
The teapot turned towards the clock with a sweet smile. "Oh sweetie pie, I am being careful. But you can't expect me to stay on the trolley my entire life." They were both talking. The furniture could talk. These were the people Thomas had been referring to. 
Virgil swallowed. "You can all talk." 
A candelabra moved forward, grinning and bowing. "Of course we can talk!" Virgil starred as the talking candelabra tucked one of it's candles under its base in what he could only assume was a rather dramatic bow. "I am Roman, at your service. The brightest star of this household and master of romanc-" 
"And I am Remus. King of Trash and far superior to my flames for brains brother up there." Virgil looked down to see a fancy trash can give him a somewhat salacious wink. Strangely this was not the oddest thing to happen to him tonight. 
"Well.. This was unexpected but it's nice to meet both of you." He was going to ask for the names of the others when a little chipped teacup bounces into view. The clock scrambled forward to steady the cup.  
"Hi! I'm Chip. Uncle Thomas says you live here with us now. Are you going to be my new uncle?" He gave a big grin. Virgil felt a smile grow on his own face at how adorable this little guy was.  
The clock moved closer. "Charles it's not po-" 
"Absolutely. I'm your uncle Virgil now." He locked over to the clock and teapot. "I didn't catch your names. I'm Virgil. And you are?" He prompted. 
The teapot spoke first. "Well, kiddo, I'm Patton but most folks call me Pat or Dad." He smiled up at Virgil. He found himself returning the gesture and meaning it. 
The clock besides Patton sighed. "The only person who calls you 'Dad' is Charles. Which makes sense since he is our son." Patton shrugged and the clock turned to face Virgil. "I am Logan. Patton's husband and Charles' father." 
Virgil was about to speak when he heard some clanging come from the entrance. Before he could ask what was making that sound a feather duster appeared in the doorway, followed by an armoire. “We’re here.” The feather duster exclaimed. “Oh! Is this him? Hello. I’m Emile! Gosh, what you did for your father is truly brave.” 
The wardrobe rolled its eyes. “Gurl stop. You’re overwhelming him.” He gave a smirk. “I’m Remy. The most fashionable bitch around here.”
Virgil gave a short nod, trying to come to terms with everything. He would be living with a beast and living furniture until the flower bloomed. Ok. He’d dealt with weirder. And this couldn’t be too bad; they all seemed nice enough considering that he had broken in. Besides they could all be awful and he still wouldn’t leave until spring. He would put up with anything to cure his father. He ran a hand through his hair before speaking. “Right.” He sighed. “Well, I’m Virgil, um he/him pronouns.I’m going to be staying here for a while, until I can cure my father. But I’m sure you were already knew that. It’s nice to meet all of you. I hope you won’t mind my staying here.” 
They all smiled at him and Virgil felt relieved that they didn’t seem too mad at his intrusion. This could certainly work. Come spring, he’d have the cure for his father and maybe some acquaintances. Or maybe even friends? He felt warm and happy just thinking about it. “Well, have you eaten yet? We could make some dinner for you if you’d like. And maybe you could tell us about yourself.” Said Patton. 
Virgil nodded. “That sounds great.” He looked at Thomas. “You said you wanted to give me tour?” He nodded and offered out his hand. Virgil took it with a soft smile. It was so soft. 
“Yes. I’ll show you around while dinner is cooking.” He returned Virgil’s smile. “Shall we?”
Thomas tried to focus on showing Virgil the rooms, but it was hard when his reactions were so adorable. He couldn’t help but watch the awe on the other man’s face as he lead him through the castle. His face lit up as they moved through the rooms, eyes widening at the size of his new home. 
“It’s not much.” He explained. “But it’s my home.” 
Virgil raised an eyebrow at him, clearly disagreeing. “Not much? This place is easily as big as my home village!” 
Thomas shrugged. “I guess I just haven’t thought about it like that. I grew up here; it’s all I know.” He turned to look at the next room. “This is the library. I spend a lot of time in here, if you ever need me come here.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “You’re welcome to use the library as much as you want. I mean the entire castle is free for your use of course.” 
Virgil looked at the room in awe. “There’s so many books here, it’s amazing. I work at a bookstore and we don’t have anywhere near the number of books that are in here.” He turned back towards Thomas. “You mean it? That I can come in here whenever I’d like?”
Thomas smiled. “Of course. There’s quite a few books in here I could recommend for you if you’d like?” Virgil nodded. “Alright. Dinner should be ready by now, shall we head back? You must be starving by now, I’m sure.” 
He shrugged. “I mean I guess? I haven’t eaten today if that’s what you mean.” Thomas stopped to look at him.
The response threw him through a loop. He felt worry course through him, but tried to hold it back. There had to be a logical reason for this. “Why not? Too busy driving?” He was met with another shrug.
“Ehh.. More like I was rationing out the food. I needed to make sure my dad was able to eat. God knows he needs to keep his strength up.” And the worry was back stronger than before. Virgil must be starving if he had be rationing out their food. 
“Oh. Well you must be starving then. We should definitely eat.” Thomas began moving again with a quicker pace. The faster they got to the dining room, the faster this poor man could eat.
“I mean it’s not the first time I’ve skipped a meal. I do it all the time back home.”
“I’ve skipped meals before. Saves money that way. Then we can afford my dad’s medical treatments and he can still get 3 meals a day. It’s a huge load off my shoulders to know that he’s getting enough food. He really needs it with him being so sick; it’ll help him keep his energy up.”
Thomas blinked. Virgil had been ... starving himself so that his father had enough food. This hadn’t just been a one-time thing since they were traveling. He apparently did this often. Worry coursed through Thomas’ veins and burned like acid. He swallowed. Virgil needed to eat right away. The poor thing, god knows how long it had been since he’d had a real meal. Thomas was determined to change that.  “Well, I can promise you, Virgil, that you will never have to miss a meal while you’re here. You won’t have to worry about that.” He gave a soft smile before leading Virgil to the dining room. 
Thankfully it was a short walk from the library to the dining room. Thomas had wanted to carry Virgil there, but he was unsure if the shorter man would be ok with it. Instead he chose to guide him there, hand on the small of his back. 
Virgil had been just as impressed with the dining room as he was with the rest of the castle, his eyes lighting up at its sheer size. Thomas had to resist a smile as he took it all in. He shook his head slightly; Virgil needed to eat. "Please sit down. I'm going to see how dinner is coming." 
Virgil sat and he went back to the kitchen. He needed to make sure everything was done. "Is dinner ready?" The others all turned to look at him. 
Roman spoke first. "But of course. I was thinking that I could perform something first-" 
"You can perform while Virgil eats. He hasn't eaten a proper meal in almost 3 days." Patton gasped at that.  
"The poor kiddo. He must be starving at this point." Thomas nodded in agreement. 
"And apparently he goes without food all the time. He needs a proper meal. So food first." With that he went back into the dining room. 
"Dinner is almost ready." He announced as he sat down, trying not to stare at Virgil's pink tinged cheeks. Alas it did not work too well for Thomas. He was but a simple gay. And the panic was starting to set in. He would be living with this cute guy for the 6 months? There was no way he'd survive it. 
He had just sat down when the others brought out dishes of food as well as two place settings. Thomas sent them a thankful look as they set down the trays of food before going back into the kitchen. Reaching forward, Thomas served both himself and Virgi trying to keep in mind that he would most likely want less. 
Virgil smiled and gave a soft thanks. “Thank you.” He swallowed. “For everything. This… It means everything to me. This flower is the only thing I’ve found that could cure my father. He’s all I have.”
Thomas nodded thinking of his own parents. They’d been so close before everything. He could still remember his mother tucking him in at night. It had been so long ago. He quickly shook those thoughts away and turned his attention back to the conversation at hand. "Well I'm glad to help." He paused. "So tell me about your life before now. I really don't get to go outside much." 
Virgil seemed to grow more comfortable as he talked about his job at a bookstore and how he used to love to write and wanted to become a writer before his father became ill. Thomas sighed. He could do this. He could spend the next year living with this sweet and cute man. He just had to remember that it was to save his father's life and not get attached. 
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knowltonsrangers · 5 years
[a/n: smooch headcanons with some of the boys! I love you all sm , enjoy! 💕]
Nathan Hale kisses like there’s no tomorrow.
• he’s got diamonds for iris’s. The prettiest blue eyes and long thick eyelashes.
• will kiss you until you have no air in your lungs.
• he treasures you. And he will be damned if the whole world doesn’t know.
• two words: forehead kisses.
• Nate 100% wears fruity chapstick (idk I just think he would like how it tastes lmao)
• sweet and endearing kisses.
• immediately afterwards has to pull back and hold your face in his hands.
• loves loves running his thumbs up and down your rosy cheeks.
• you calm him. He’s got enough tension to power Coventry Connecticut.
• can u imagine just snuggling on the couch with him omg omg
• gives you kisses and hugs just because.
• there’s no rhyme or reason for them, because in his eyes you deserve them for all eternity
• song: The Silence - Bastille
Benjamin Tallmadge kisses like you’re in a movie.
• got a whole new sense of humor when it comes to you
• teasing kisses, kisses that turn into giggly smiles
• has to hold you
• absolute favorite place to kiss ya is your temple
• cause then he can do the thing where he holds your head to his chest and just- 
• heart? melted
• runs his calloused fingers through your hair and just locks eyes with you
• takes Ben like forty years to just peck your lips
• pull him down by his tie he can and will die on the floor right there.
• Benny boys cologne isn’t that strong but whenever he kisses you it somehow always rubs off.
• no complaints here
• loves to be a tease, but literally cannot leave the house without a kiss from you.
• pretty boy
• loves to hold you & just sway back and forth. doing nothing but that.
• oh wow he’s so soft
• song: Brown Eyed Girl - Jimmy Buffett
Marquis de Lafayette kisses like you’re the air he needs to breathe.
• loves. loves. Kisses.
• favorite form of affection
• is it bc his French? Maybe
• but also bc he’s naturally a very warm and gentle person and that I would imagine he really really melts into the contact
• hugs and kisses are his weakness
• also really likes holding your hand.
• Laf’s got baby lips and he kisses you so softly
• got lost in Gordon Ramsay’s sauce there for a second.
• sitting on the couch, practically on top of each other
• breathless kisses that erupt you in a small fit of giggles
• ur laugh is contagious bc Laf will join in and give you a big hug with a squeeze.
• sweet sweet sweetie pie
• kisses are always on the menu :D
• ‘nother thing he likes is kissing the corner of your lips just cause it’s cute as heck
• song: Lover (remix) - Taylor Swift
Ensign [Thomas] Baker kisses you like you’re his entire world.
• he’s got the most delicate kisses u can possibly imagine
• Thomas really is into the mushy gushy stuff. Not overbearingly so, but enough that elicits many laughs from your lips.
• favorite place to drop a kiss? Top of your head.
• cuddly soft and beautiful
• actual tall boy™️
• like Laf, really likes to hold you. I think if he could he’d super glue your hands together
• favorite pastime is you and him on the couch, and a good book.
• kisses are never sparse in the privacy of you alone.
• In public he’s still got your hand in his, but the affection is a little flustered and shy.
• AIGHT AIGHT BUT imagine his good-bye kisses
• soft and entirely special bc he LOVES U SO MUCH and he will miss you so much
• when he gets home Tom can and most certainly will hoist you up in his arms and give you all the kisses he lost in the hours of the day.
• absolute unit
• SUCH A SOFTIE but so so gentle and understanding
• song: Come On Get Higher - Matt Nathanson
[ tag list! : @shieldblacksailsonfrontier  💕 @thefanficnerd  💕 @simvez  💕 @viper-official  💕]
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The Southsider (pt. 9)
Sweet Pea x reader
Chapter Summary: As y/n prepares for an important event in her life, her humor stirs up some interesting reactions from those she cares for.
Word Count: 1978
Chapter 1 • Chapter 8 • Chapter 10
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Toni taught you the main moves, and you were determined to perfect them. Some of the dance had to be from your own creativity, which you figured out along the way. This had to be perfect. Not just for Sweet Pea, but for you. "Alright, I think we could take a break. And by break I mean we're going lingerie shopping."
You nervously nodded. When you got there you just felt like none of them would look good on you. You felt awkward there. If you felt uncomfortable in a crop top for one person how were you supposed to wear this stuff in front of a group of people?
"Have you found anything?" Toni asked, poking her head out of an isle row.
"No. I don't think I'll look good in any of these." You sadly looked at the items.
She walked up to you with a few outfits in hand. "Why not?"
"I don't know. Just never been a big fan of my body I guess. It was only a few years ago when I had to cover up to hide the bruises covering my body."
She put a hand on your shoulder. "But there aren't any more bruises to cover up. Your dad's gone now and your body's thriving. You should be proud of having control over it. Now c'mon, I found a few things for you to try on."
You went into the dressing room, trying on each of them and showing them to Toni. Toni reassured you that you looked good in all of them, but you both agreed that none of them were really perfect for you. "This is stupid." You called through the dressing room.
"No it's not, now come on out. This is the last one anyways."
You stepped outside. Toni looked you over, nodding her head. "I like this one. I like it a lot."
"Yeah. This is the one." She grabbed your hand and spun you around. "Let's see that dance." Toni joked.
You hopped around, overexageratily rubbing your arms. "I'm not used to this much air hitting my body!" You partially joked. "It's so cold in here." She laughed and pushed you back in the dressing room.
You changed back and paid for the outfit. "It's getting late. Hopefully FP and Jughead will be asleep and won't see this."
You both walked back to the trailer park. As you both stopped at Jughead's trailer, Toni then said. "Y/n?"
"Pea's gonna love it." You blushed and playfully pushed her. She laughed at the reaction and walked back to her trailer.
You opened the door slowly. The lights were off. As you closed the door the lights clicked on, and you saw the two boys sitting on the couch. "Hey guys."
"Now where have you been?" FP asked.
"With Toni, like I said."
"What's in the bag?" Jughead asked.
"Nothing important." You put the bag next to your duffle bag and laid down on the small air mattress that was set up. "Night."
"Y/n." FP said in a harsh tone. You sat up, knowing he wasn't in the mood for games. "Where were you?"
"With Toni." You urged. "You could even ask her grandfather Thomas."
"That bag doesn't look like English homework to me."
You sighed. "Look, I went over to Toni's, learned some stuff, then we made a quick shopping run. I worked for the money that I spent, if that's what this is about."
"Were you with Sweet Pea?" His asked loudly, ignoring all that you said.
You gave him a really? look. "No."
"See? I told you." Jughead said. He started to get up. "We stayed up for nothing."
"Sit boy." He pulled him back down. "What's in the bag?"
You didn't want to argue or get him mad, so you grabbed the bag. FP tried to snatch it your hands, but you pulled it back, handing it to Jughead. He looked into the bag, before yanking his hand out right away. He got it. "Dad, she was with Toni."
He ripped the bag from his son's hands. "Give it here boy."
He pulled out the lingerie and stood, throwing it to the ground when he realized what it was. "What the hell is that?!"
"Careful, it was pricey!" You exclaimed. Jughead held in a laugh.
"So this is what you're doing now?" You nodded your head, a little confused. He didn't get it. "You used to be smart and open eyed, and now this is what you're doing? Sweet Pea's got you doing this sort of crap?!"
You bursted out laughing. "You think that Swee-!" you cut yourself off laughing more. You sat next to Jughead, putting a hand on his shoulder. You calmed down a bit, pointing to FP and the lingerie. "He thought that I got that for Sweet Pea~!" You started laughing again. Jughead couldn't help but laugh a little bit as well.
"Someone wanna tell me what the hell is so funny?!" FP was getting angrier.
You calmed yourself down. "Thank you for that laugh, it felt really good." You then sat up straight. "No, I did not buy that for Sweet Pea. I bought that for the serpent dance."
He put a hand to his mouth, digesting what you said. "The Serpent dance?"
"So you're gonna become a serpent?"
"Just like mummy." You gave him a cheeky smile.
"Oh." He let out a big sigh. "I just figured, cause it's Sweet Pea, you know?"
"No, I really don't." You turned to Jughead. "Why does everyone see Sweet Pea as some dark, controlling person with a knife kink or something?"
"I honestly don't know." He responded. "I don't see it either."
You nodded. "You think he'd like the outfit though?"
FP cut the conversation short. "Bed, now." You and Jughead lightly laughed as you all then went to sleep.
The next morning you woke up a lot earlier than the other two. Whenever you slept in a place you weren't used to sleeping in, you always woke up very early. You decided to make the most out of the time you had, and went to your duffle bag.
Jughead woke up the best way he could. He smelled bacon. He walked into the kitchen, groggy and tired, to see you practically shining. "Morning." You smiled at him. "I made pancakes, bacon, and sour bread french toast. What would you like?"
"The works." He sat, a plate of stacked food put in front of him. You knew him too well. He dug in as FP came out of the bathroom and sat down as well, a plate being put in front of him.
He turned off the stove and plugged in a small fan to not make the whole trailer hot. "Where'd you learn to make all this?" FP asked.
"Practice at my house. When it's just you, you don't have to feel bad for screwing up someone else's meal. I got better overtime."
After breakfast you washed the dishes as Jughead combed his hair. "So, you ready for our double date?"
You made a face. "Ugh, that's today. Why was Betty so excited for it?"
"I don't know. She's been talking about getting to know Sweet Pea because one of our best friends is dating him. She said it'll be good for the Southside to stop hating the Northside so much by southsiders getting to know her."
Oh Betty. Such a sweet heart of gold.
When you got to school Kevin immediately came up to you, linking arms. "Oh my God, we have so much to talk about."
"So you heard?"
"From Veronica, who heard from Betty, who heard from Jughead. I knew that wrinkly, sack of bones aunt was evil. Okay, no offense, but her inside kind of shows on her outside."
You laughed. "None taken. I agree, when I look at her I see my mom if she was buried in pet sematary and came back."
He laughed as well. "As much as I love talking about the Wicked Witch of the West and the Good Witch of the South, I wanted to ask you something."
"Go ahead."
"As you know, I'm directing the musical for this year, which I have selected to be Carrie: the Musical."
You nodded. "And a good choice too. I think we all know who's going to be lead."
"Pretty much, but there is another role that I think will be perfect for a certain person."
"Which is?"
"I want you to play the role of Chris Hargensen!" He smiled brightly as you, anxious. You loved musicals, but you weren't much for performing in front of others. However, seeing the smile on Kevin's face caused you to give in. You would do anything for Kevin. He was your best friend.
"Sure." You smiled back.
He excitedly hugged you. "Oh my God, this is perfect. It's a good thing you said yes, because I already wrote down the cast list and was on my way to post it on the bulletin board."
"Gee thanks."
"It's fine, Veronica was going to be my backup in case you said no." Kevin took out the paper from his satchel and posted it, people shoving past the two of you to see the list. "First meeting starts tomorrow after school."
The bell rang. "Alrighty then. I'll see you later."
The day went by a little too quickly for your likely. School ended, and Betty told you to meet them at Pop's at 4. You walked out of the PE locker rooms, which happens to be your sixth period, to see Sweet Pea waiting for you. "How are you so quick?"
"I'm just that good sweetheart." He smirked.
You laughed and lightly nudged his shoulder. "No need to brag. I was close behind you." He only responded with an unsure sounding Mm. You fake pout.
"Put the pout away." He hugged you from behind as the both of you walked to his motorcycle. "I'm here." You snapped your head and looked at him with a wild smile. He didn't know whether to be confused or nervous.
"That was the most adorable thing I have every heard! I fell for a teddy bear."
He felt offended. "I'm not a teddy bear, I'm a serpent. Nobody adorable would have a neck tattoo."
You giggled. "So cute."
You made it to his bike, and he grumpily let go of you to hop on, but you grabbed his hand to stop him. He sighed and leaned on the bike. You leaned onto him, his hands unconsciously finding your waist.
"I know you're not just a cuddly teddy bear. You're tall and dark and brooding and a mystery that people can't seem to solve. You're a badass who has a neck tattoo. You're a serpent. I know all that, but I also know that you can be a softie sometimes, and there's nothing wrong with that."
He then gently said, "I'm only soft for you."
You were about to kiss before you heard laughing. You pulled back and saw Fangs standing right next to the two of you. "I'm only soft for you? Yeah, that's something any chick would want to hear." You both stared at him, Sweet Pea fuming. "Oh, right, I'm not here."
Sweet Pea then quickly got up and chased Fangs through the parking lot as you patiently waited for your boyfriend while leaning on his bike. When he came back breathing hard with ruffled hair you smiled. "You good now?"
He walked straight up to you and pulled you in for a deep kiss. You were surprised, but quickly reciprocated. When he pulled back you were gasping for breath.
"All good. Let's go to that damn double date." You were still in a daze and extremely flustered, so all you did was nod and grab onto him as the two of you sped off.
Author's Note: Sorry that this was a little shorter than usual, and not much really happened either.
Tag list:
@madaboutlili @sireennotsiren @elsie2018 @greyfairie @iamaunicorn4704 @wanna-plan-world-domination @whenallsaidanddone @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e @live-love-bailar @thecraziestcrayon @cvvlxx @grim-adventures58 @official--fangirl @jesus-jagiya @skeletalwolfcat @theunofficialduke @punkrock-cinnamonroll @rhi-an-onn @amongthewildthingss @apocalypticriot
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Agere Deceit Headcanons
Regresses ages 1 to 3
Can be fairly shy about his regression, esspecially around Patton, Virgil, and Thomas
Cuddly little snake, essepcially when he's sleeply
Is scared of the dark and cant sleep without some type of nightlight (little or not)
Also really scared of thunder and lightening (the others found this out the hard way)
Loves 'pink milks' (strawberry milk)
Is exetremely attached to his paci, which he attaches to a necklace type thing so he wont loose/drop it
De is the shortest side, which really helps him feel little
It also means its easier for the others to pick him up and carry him around
Deceit will climb anything. The fridge, bookshelf, cabinets. It scares the heck out of the others.
Especially when poor Virgil and Patton walked into the living room to find a regressed De hanging upside down on the ceiling fan WHILE IT WAS ON
Has a stuffed snake of the corresponding colour for each side
His favorite stuffie is a brown teddy bear half his size, which he named Freddy, that Remus gave him shorty after he found out about his regression
Logan is the StrictYetCaringMomTM
Remus is the DadTryingHisBestTM
He is soooooo ticklish, exetremely so
When Deceit regresses particularly young he'll go nonverbal and only make small noises, squeaks, and giggles
Deceit doesnt have very good self care so even when he's big Logan and Remus (Logan esspecially) will watch over him and try and get him to eat regulary and sleep more then 2 hours a night
When little he doesnt usually tend to fight naptime or mealtime (unlike when hes big)... usually anyway
Little Deceit LOVES Monster High. Its colorful, has powerful messages, and the characters are realtable
Characters from the movies can look kinda human but not completely. Some have scales, like De. Their 'freaky flaws' arent seen as bad, and it makes Deceit feel a little less alone
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{Headcanon} Butcher Boys
I~ love Leatherface. I doubt that’s a surprise to anyone at this point, but what may be a surprise is--well actually I don’t have a good segue from that point to the point that I want to write about him, today. I’ve been obsessing over him again, so I wanted to talk about him because he doesn’t get talked about enough.
Anyone could likely guess that’s why I started paying attention to him in the first place. Boy stirs up my Mama Bear like nobody’s business for lots of reasons.
Now, I should mention I sort of split things up a bit differently than what is considered “canon” in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre universe--there’s actually two Leatherfaces: Bubba Sawyer, and Thomas Hewitt. In my head, when it’s just me and my embarrassing thoughts, I merge the two together because it’s easier, but in terms of roaming about the Haus, Bubba and Thomas are both here. Why, you ask?
Because twice is nice, and two adorable Leatherfaces are better than one, why are you asking me stupid questions.
I’m planning on doing dual headcanons so I can talk about the difference and similarity between the two boys, and really just allow me to gush about them because I need to. I’m going to be writing them with the ‘you’ perspective being a random member of the Haus wanting to read more about Leatherface; I’m not sure how Moni feels about the boys (they absolutely adore her already, but I told them they have to wait until I get the all-clear) so I won’t throw her onto their laps...
L E A T H E R F A C E The Texas Butcher
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First things first, we need to talk about the physical differences between Bubba Sawyer and Thomas Hewitt, because it’s one of the easiest ways to tell them apart, and that way you’ll know who I’m talking about when I refer to them by name for the rest of the headcanons.
And just, you know, because staring at them is nice. ♥
Bubba Sawyer
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Bubba’s a big boi
He’s doughier than Thomas is
Round belly and thick thighs, this Texas Cinnamon Roll is A+ for cuddles
Bubba runs hot (boy’s practically a furnace 24/7) but doesn’t seem to notice the heat
0/10 affected by the cold
Don’t let the squishy boy fool you, though; he hauls meat for a living and he does heft a full-sized chainsaw around every single day
There’s fat, but it’s just insulating muscle
Bubba’s got biceps to make any man jealous, and those thighs may jiggle when he walks but they’re tree trunks that have to support his towering frame on top of the bodies meat he hauls day in and day out
If you’re worried about Bubba’s physique being a hindrance, don’t
Bubba’s hair is shorter than Thomas’s, but that’s mostly because it’s curly
Thick, bouncy, unruly dark brown curls that he doesn’t do a thing with
Seriously, someone needs to wash this boy’s hair, I promise it’s worth it; he’ll giggle and try to sit still, but he’ll bounce a little, excited just because you’re paying him attention
Bubba wears a full face mask, always made of someone else’s face/skin, held together by thick leather twine that he ties at the back fo his head
Thomas Hewitt
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Thomas is another Biggun
Thomas appears taller than Bubba, but that’s because Bubba is wider
Thomas would argue he has more muscle than Bubba, but there’s really no way of telling; this argument is touted mostly just because Thomas’s muscle is easier to see
Another round belly boi, though Thomas’s chest is broader and his gut is smaller than Bubba’s
Arms, arms, arms
Thomas’s forearms are the stuff wet dreams are made of; thick and veiny, because he’s another butcher who spends his days hauling meat and victims back and forth
Legs like tree trunks, a back broad enough to sleep on, and since Thomas is heavier-handed than Bubba is, his fists really carry the appearance of sledgehammers
Thomas has the power and desire to back that up
Thomas’s hair is longer than Bubba’s and it’s straight--except during humid weather, when it gets a little wavy
His hair is black, not dark brown, but just as thick as Bubba’s
Like Bubba, Thomas doesn’t give two shits about his hair and you’ll need to wash it for him if you want it done
And he does want you to do it, because that means you’ll be close to him
Thomas wears a partial face mask, that has to always at least cover his deformed nose, jaw, and chin. Unlike Bubba, Thomas will wear regular leather, and since it isn’t a full face mask, it doesn’t have facial features, simply an open slit for his mouth
What makes them both Leatherface:
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Both Thomas and Bubba suffer from facial scarring and disfigurement due to a degenerative disease and self-mutilation
Bubba’s scarring is more pronounced, as his disease is more aggressive and he’s more prone to self-mutilation than Thomas
This is due to two reasons; one, Bubba is an abuse victim with horrific self-esteem issues, and two, he’s a masochist who enjoys the sensation of pain
Both men suffer from heavy disfigurement in their noses, which leaves their noses all but gone--
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Bubba is easily the shier of the two when it comes to his face; he wears a full face mask vs Thomas’s half-mask, and he will not be seen without it if he’s not around someone he loves and trusts
Thomas also wears his mask faithfully around the Family, but he seems to exude a different aura than Bubba so one might assume he isn’t as shy--don’t let the Big Guy fool you. If you’re not one of the two people he loves and trusts, any attempts to take his mask off will result in aggression
Growling, squaring his broad shoulders, and glaring as he pushes your hand away from his masked face
Bubba will just blubber and whine, and duck his head out of your grasp until you stop
Any attempts to remove either of their masks from anyone outside of the Family will get the motorized end of the saw
Bubba is the teddy bear of the two; he’s squishy, cuddly, and eager to please. Because he’s been abused the majority of his life that’s led to a Pleasing Complex, where he is constantly, desperately searching for acceptance and to know he’s done a good job
Thomas comes from a family that was more supportive and he doesn’t have Bubba’s pleasing complex as a result, but that doesn’t diminish Thomas’s need to provide for the Family and ensure he’s doing his part
Thomas is more the quiet protector or enforcer out of the two; he observes, he’s defensive and overprotective of what’s his, and he is dangerously unforgiving
Loyalty and Family are both incredibly important to both men, and neither one will hesitate when it comes to killing to protect or defend anyone who calls the Haus home
Because of the abuse in Bubba’s past, he is quick to over-correct bad behavior and will overcompensate to correct even the slightest mistake
Both Thomas and Bubba share an incredibly strong work ethic, which has been ingrained in them by their original families for years and years
Both men are mute as a result of their degenerative disease
This has led to incorrect assumptions that either or both men are slow or retarded; there’s been no proof of this.
Bubba cannot read as his family never tried to teach him (as they themselves treated him as though he was retarded) and Thomas never put much stock into school (he didn’t/couldn’t attend due to his disfigurement) but he is able to read simple words and sentences
Bubba can recognize his own name when it’s printed
Thomas knows ASL but most aren’t aware as he doesn’t usually sign back--this is by choice, by the way, not because he can’t
Despite not being able to speak, Bubba is a noisy boi
Giggles, sighs, inquisitive noises, moans--Bubba likes to express himself and will do so in any way he can
Thomas is the quieter of the two, as Bubba prefers to babble like a toddler, expressive even though he can’t actually speak
Some mistakenly believe Thomas can’t make noise but that isn’t true. His noises are deeper than Bubba’s, and he prefers grunts and groans to giggles and soft sighs
Bubba is not afraid of expressing emotion
Thomas is more reserved about the showing of emotion, but if he is shown emotion he will reciprocate immediately
Bubba answers to any variation of his name, but sadly he will also respond to any negative names people call him due to his family taking to call him “Retard” when he was growing up
Do not call Thomas anything negative if you like your head where it is
In fact, just call Thomas by his name; no nicknames outside of Tommy, just to be safe
Both men answer to Leatherface
Quirks / Traits
Both Thomas and Bubba prefer chainsaws over any other weapon of choice and it’s become something of a security blanket for them both, as it’s a way for them to defend themselves and the Family
While he’s working, Bubba prefers hammers and butcher knives
Thomas prefers meat cleavers or his bare hands
Bubba is an excellent cook
Seriously, let this boy cook for you and you’ll have a belly to match his in no time; he’s been responsible for cooking for the Sawyers for years and it shows. He knows his way around any and all cuts of meat, and if you praise him a single time over his cooking he’ll be trying to feed you constantly
Thomas knows how to cook, but he prefers to prepare the meals and leave the actual cooking to Bubba or someone else. It’s not that he’s against cooking, it’s just he’d rather do the hacking and slashing. He likes his hands dirty
That is also where the boys differ
Bubba was raised to believe it’s Family against the world, and was taught to murder through abuse and thus was never actually taught it was wrong. Any attempts to tell Bubba that killing people is wrong will be met with confused puppy head tilts and blubbering to the contrary
It can’t be wrong if it’s for the Family!
As a result, Bubba is fiercely protective of the Family and the Famlly property, and he’s a saw first, ask questions never kind of guy
Be patient with him, he doesn’t know any better and he thinks that’s how it’s supposed to be
Thomas, on the other hand, knows better. He was raised to understand right from wrong and he knows that, on some level, killing and cannibalizing people is “wrong” in the eyes of the law
But the law is wrong
Thomas won’t care if you try to change his mind about that; he likes the way people taste and he doesn’t care about anyone who isn’t Family, so you may be wasting your time trying to convince him otherwise
Besides, Thomas is a butcher, and he slaughters farm animals all day. There’s no way that’s right but killing people is wrong. He’s a simple man but he’s not stupid
Bubba does not leave the Haus properties; he has a wide array of masks but all of them are made of human flesh and he can’t exactly leave the safety of the Haus properties wearing someone else’s face
Thomas will leave the Haus properties; he might get weird stares wearing his half-masks but he’s a hulking behemoth anyway, so he’d be stared at regardless
Bubba enjoys classical music, especially when he’s working
He knows he’s hideous (why do you think he hides behind someone else’s face?) but the music is so pretty it makes him think of pretty things, like flowers and sunshine, and for a little while he can forget his own face while he sits and listens
Thomas prefers bluegrass or rock
He needs something loud, and he likes that some of the songs he can relate to on a more emotional level. Music can help him express himself as he can’t speak, and he likes the way it feels
Bubba only likes cold drinks; sweet teas, sodas, milk!!!, and beer
Thomas is fine with anything; he will drink black coffee, and he prefers darker ales when he’s drinking beer
Both boys are absolutely touch-starved and crave affection, so there’s never a worry anything is considered “too clingy” for them
Bubba is unused to positive touch at all, so he’s going to be over the moon with the smallest gesture
A pat on the head? He’s cooing
A hug? Hope you don’t have anywhere to be as he’s not letting go
A kiss on the cheek? You’re not crying, he is
Bubba will openly seek out and ask for affection, and he’ll be clingy even when he shouldn’t be, as the boy isn’t afraid of being hit or pushed away
Unlike some abuse survivors, Bubba isn’t discouraged by anger or shows of aggression, so even if you try to push him away, he’ll shuffle to the side and then immediately try again
You’ll have to forgive him; he’s touch-starved and in desperate need of some TLC, preferably 24/7
Thomas doesn’t come from an abusive background (per se) but he also was never really given affection so he’s just as touch-starved as Bubba is
Thomas won’t seek out affection like Bubba, but he’ll make it clear that’s exactly what he wants
Oh, you were putting your hand there? Well, his just happened to be there before yours
Were you going this way? That’s nice, so was he, and you won’t mind if he walks close to you, right?
You’re going to bed? He’s already in bed waiting for you, you’re the little spoon, good night
Thomas is always the Big Spoon; that’s just his preference as he prefers to curl his body around yours, one arm beneath your head, his other arm curled completely around your middle, and he’ll sleep with his cheek against yours
Thomas sleeps between you and the door always, because he’s distrusting and overprotective, which makes for an overbearing combination so i hope you don’t mind being smothered and also never out of this man’s sight just in general
Thomas is a wall of muscle and he’s pretty intimidating up close, especially since he can’t speak...and he likes to stare at you until he falls asleep
You’re just...the prettiest thing he’s ever seen, and he’s a man who has known a lot of ugly in his life. You can’t blame him for wanting to appreciate beauty now that he finally has it
I hope you used the bathroom before you got in bed, because Thomas’s grip is like iron. You’re not getting up without him
Bubba will switch between the Big and little spoon; depending on how his day went or what mood he’s in when it’s time for bed
When he’s the Big spoon, he prefers to sleep with you facing him, but given Bubba’s a big boi he’s plenty tall enough to bury his face in your hair, his arm around your lower back and the other around the middle of your back, keeping you locked to him all night
Remember when I said Bubba’s a furnace? This boy generates heat
You really won’t need any covers with him, but he likes snuggling under them with you anyway
Please don’t try to leave him in the middle of the night; if he wakes up without you, he will panic, and he will be a blubbering mess by the time you come back to bed--it doesn’t matter if it’s just to go to the bathroom, wake him up to tell him because the fear of losing you terrifies him
If Bubba’s the little spoon, he still prefers to sleep facing you, so anytime he opens his eyes you’re the first thing he sees. He sleeps with his head buried in your chest, his arms cinched tight around your middle
Other sleep arrangements include--
Sleeping on Thomas’s chest
Bubba half-crushing you by insisting he sleeps on top of you (especially if you are prone to getting out of bed without telling him)
Being wedged between both bois, trapped with zero hope of moving until both of them are awake and ready to let you go for the day
You don’t need me to tell you, do you?
Everything is bigger in Texas
You don’t need to worry about any disappointments in the bedroom when it comes to the Sawyer boys, because the downstairs matches everything else
Girth, length--it’s all designed to leave you shaky, sore, and pregnant
Bubba’s cock has more girth, but Thomas has him beat in length
Bubba will stretch your walls to the point of discomfort and he won’t know any better, because he’ll be too busy burying his face in your neck to stifle the needy, wanton cries he’s making because you’re so tight
Thomas will knock your bottom out and he’ll take your scream to mean it’s good, he’s good, keep going--and he will, because he can’t stop now that he’s finally, fully inside you
Bubba, despite being raised on a farm, has very limited sexual experience. He’d seen his uncle’s magazines that had been stashed under the bed when he was living back home, but he didn’t understand what he was looking at
But what Bubba lacks in experience, he more than makes up for in eagerness
This boy is a pleaser in every sense of the word, and you’re going to have a fight on your hands if you’re wanting to please him for once, because he can’t keep his hands, his lips, his body off of yours long enough to understand there’s things you can do to him
Thomas has a little more experience than Bubba; he was also raised on a farm, but he paid more attention to the animals and he knows what breeding looks like
And trust and believe, Thomas will breed you
You’ll barely be able to get ahold of the edge of the mattress to steady yourself on your hands and knees before Thomas is drilling you into it, perhaps misunderstanding that the deeper he is, the more likely you are to be pregnant
You’ll have to forgive him, he’s just so needy...
Bubba is a S/switch, but he’s predominantly a submissive
Bubba’s kinks include praise, humiliation (abuse has unfortunately warped his masochistic tendencies into thinking this is love), S&M, littlespace (Bubba is both a little and a Daddy, depending on the situation/day) edging/orgasm denial, incest (Bubba comes from a close Family), forced feeding (you’ll be on the receiving end of this, every time), lactation, roleplaying (he’s got a wildly overactive imagination, so he’s extremely good at this), marking, necrophilia, and cannibalism
Bubba will pretend that he doesn’t like when you fight him, but he’s spent his whole life chasing down victims; he gets a thrill from the chase and the capture, so if you run from him, he will chase you down
If you don’t expressly tell him not to, he will chase you down with his chainsaw
But don’t worry, he won’t hurt you with it! He’ll just make you sit right on top of it’s vibrating handle until you’re a shaking, sticky mess, terrified of the spinning blade and trusting the iron grip around your middle not to let you slip and be split right in half
After-care is hugely important for Bubba even after normal sex, especially if he had his mask off during
Kisses, cuddles, letting him hold you as tightly or as closely as he wants, taking baths together, eating together--it doesn’t matter what you do, just be there with the Big Guy and he’ll be happy
He just needs you
Thomas is a Dom. Full-stop, he does not submit and he will expect you to, eventually
Thomas’s kinks include DD/lg (Thomas is a strict but caring Daddy Dom), edging/orgasm denial, S&M (Thomas is both a sadist and a masochist), forced feeding (again, this one is entirely you), breeding/forced impregnation, rape, necrophilia, marking, cannibalism, pet play (Thomas has a thing for collars and leashes) and bondage
Bubba doesn’t exactly like you in his workspace (it’s dangerous! What if you get hurt?!) but Thomas likes you down there--but on his terms. You’ll either be strung up on a meat hook (hung by a rope, not impaled--unless you tell him you want to be) with your feet barely touching the ground, so he can touch/fuck you as he likes while he works, or you’ll be lying in a pet bed beside his workbench so he can drop onto his haunches and feed you scraps through the day
Like Bubba, Thomas enjoys chasing you down, and even if you tell him not to...he may still chase you with his chainsaw. He’s pretty attached to the fucking thing, and he likes how wet you get when you’re scared
Thomas loves when you fight him, so go right ahead
Thomas takes aftercare seriously, and please don’t forget that he’ll need some of that, too. Thomas is a Dom but he’s also a man with a broken soul, so he’s going to need you to stay close to him, to stroke his hair or let him brush yours, to take baths together or let him slowly come down by marking you as much as he wants. It makes him feel better, to know you’re his
No matter the situation, the boys will have rules for you, and they do expect you to follow them
Bubba’s rules include do not talk to strangers, no leaving the Haus property without telling him, do not eat without him, do not go to bed without him, do not get out of bed without him, and no going into his workspace without him
Thomas’s rules include no talking to strangers, no leaving the Haus without him, do not go to bed without him, do not get out of bed without him, do not leave his sight if you are not with the Family, do not cover up his marks
Punishments for rule-breaking generally means a spanking, and both boys have hands calloused and large enough to count as a paddle, so you’re really not missing out on anything since they don’t use toys
Bubba prefers to bend you over his lap, but Thomas will bend you over any surface or even force you against a wall
If you continue to break the rules, the punishments will escalate to orgasm denial, branding (yes, that kind of branding), being tied to the bed/restrained, forced orgasms, and even forced impregnation
The boys will never punish you in a way that separates you; neither of them could stand the separation
Bubba doesn’t actually like punishing you (well...maybe he does, a little) but Thomas is entirely fine if you want to challenge the both of them left and right. They’ve both got a heavy hand--
But you knew that, by now, didn’t you?
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mihrsuri · 6 years
Oh. The Boleyn-Tudor-Cromwell Kids or Lil’s Self Indulgent OCs. (I know more about some of them than others)
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Elizabeth, Duchess of Pembroke & Northumberland: marries Robert Dudley for love - principal patron of artists, writers and scholars. One of her brother Thomas’ most trusted and astute advisers. Corresponds with many of the most prominent intellectuals of her time. (fancast is Sophie Turner, but with dark eyes)
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Thomas, Prince of Wales: honestly Image Of Henry (and has his athletic ability, grace and charm/deft ability to people) but inherited his mothers elegance, intellect and kindness and his papa Thomas’ political and policy skill. Still considered a great and a good king even to this day/by modern standards. Ended up marrying Mihrimah Sultan (who was born later in this universe) who became Queen Margaery I and privately kept her Muslim faith. They had six children and a love marriage - their eldest son married the daughter (in this universe) of Mary Queen of Scots, uniting the two kingdoms. (My fancast for him is James Norton)
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George, Duke of York: My Bi Son (tm). Patron of Shakespeare, talented poet and diplomat - takes extremely after Cromwell (but has his mothers nose and eyes) in looks if you know where to look. Has composed several of his own written and musical works. Very much in love with his wife. (my fancast for him is honestly okay there’s this picture of a young James Frain and that’s George, pretty much)
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William: Extremely Red Haired One. Sportsman. Champion Jouster. Loves dancing and also fashion. Traveller. (fancast is Damian Lewis)
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Margaret: Also Extremely Red Haired. She loves hunting, hawking and archery - very close to William and played sword fighting with him. Later Queen Marguerite of Denmark. Extremely good commander honestly. (my fancast for her is Karen Gillan)
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Owen: Shy, cuddly. Very close with his sister Mary - the theologian of the family. (my fancast is Luke Pasqualino)
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Edmund: My Favourite Giant. He and William have a lot in common. Really just a big teddy bear who loves his family and food and having a good time. (my fancast is Richard Madden but Extremely Tall)
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Philippa: Tiny (it’s especially apparent when next to her twin). Long black curly hair, black eyes, olive skin. Reminds people of Elizabeth of York in personality. Some of her embroidery still survives and it’s beautiful. Gentle and strong. (my fancast for her is Golshifteh Farahani)
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musiclover1001 · 7 years
I don't think you answered the slashers with a shy s/o before.
esNote: They would all be super over-protective and really find them cute. BC I said so.
Michael: He’s tough in public, but this huge cuddly teddy bear in private.
Jason: He’s just as shy, so really, there’s just this big ball of shyness and adorableness.
Thomas: Super shy, so he gets it, and he’s just a puddle of shyness and dorkiness. 
Freddy: He constantly finds a way to embarrass them, but it’s fine bc they’re so cute. 
Hannibal: He constantly tries to ease their discomfort. 
Pinhead: He really knows that they’re shy, but he really can’t help but embarrass them whenever he gets the opportunity. 
Billy: He loves to embarrass them by kissing them and hugging them in public or in front of people they know. 
Stu: He tries not to do anything to embarrass them, and really tries to ease up their shyness in public by being really protective and sweet.
Norman: He’s pretty shy, so he really tries not to embarrass or make them too shy. 
David: Like Michael, he is this big intimidating guy in public, and a huge cuddly teddy bear in private. But he tends to be more aggressive in his over-protective behavior. Aggressive towards other people I mean. 
Herbert: He tries to ease up the discomphort in public by putting and arm around them or trying to tickle them slightly. 
Carrie: She thinks they’re adorable and she really just forces them to stay by her side in public, and, like Michael and David, becomes a terrifying protector in public, and a big cuddly bear in private. 
Samara: Samara is kinda shy herself, but that really dissapears when her s/o is being shy in public. She becomes this really intimidating little thing that will glare you down, without glaring you down. 
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tomhollandqt · 7 years
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Prompt: We were childhood friends but since you moved, we haven’t been in contact in years. And my family keeps bugging me about dating, so I lied and said I was in a relationship with you. But all of a sudden you come back to visit and I don’t know how to tell you that everyone thinks we’re dating. _______________________________________________________________________
Hurriedly you made your way down the road as cars hummed in to action around you and the early morning sun began to warm your skin, but the only thing you could focus on was that message. You stared at your phone as you continued on your way, paying so little attention to the world around you, you marginally missed walking into someone, sending your feet stuttering around the corner and causing one of your shoes to be left several paces behind you before you had regained control of your feet again. Slipping your shoe back on again, you made your way up the road, reading each forking road sign so that you didn’t miss the road you were looking for. Finally you came across New Park Avenue, and turned left, slowing to the pace of the snail as you re read the message for what must have been at least the thirtieth time:
“Hi Y/N, I’m visiting home for the summer holidays and have rented a small apartment on 16 New Park Avenue. I’m apartment 5. Can we meet up, haven’t seen you in aaaaagggeeeessss and I’m BORED OF OTHER PEOPLE! Tom :)”
“Maybe.” Had been your response.
As you edged along the road you realised it was only 7:43am…and Tom was not a morning person. At all. You almost kicked yourself. There was no point in you going home though, your family were surprised you had weren’t spending the summer with Tom after you’d told them you were supposedly dating. Ten, twelve, fourteen, sixteen. You stood in front of the short apartment block. Red bricks, some potted plants on a few of the balconies to make it look easier on the eye. Pathetic, you almost laughed out loud. Approaching the door you rang the bell for number 5. It rung and rung and rung, as you awkwardly stood there shuffling your feet, twisting your hair and pretending to text people on your phone. You decided to phone him to wake him up, he always had his phone near his bed, and it was his alarm so the sound would have to be on. You called him, and rang the bell again, double whammy you thought, smirking to yourself. Finally, after several rings a groggy voice sounded through the speaker; ‘Y/N, I am actually going to batter you.’ ‘Well, Thomas Stanley Holland, you can only do it if you let me in, which I would highly recommend unless you want me to ring the doorbell again?’ You put on a tone as sweet as honey. 'OKOKOK! Just come up, I’ll let you in, but don’t expect any breakfast.’ You shook your head, smiling to yourself as he hung up and as you were let into the building, climbing the stairs to apartment 5. You stood there taking a few seconds to adjust yourself and catch your breath, before knocking politely. When there was no answer you went to give the door a hard bang, and as your arm swung down, the door opened, causing you to punch thin air and fall into a hysterically laughing Tom’s arms. 'I HATE YOU SO MUCH!’ You shrieked through tears of laughter, as he stood you up. 'I missed you too.’ He chuckled. Stepping back you looked at Tom for the first time in one year and eight months…but something was slightly off, he wasn’t the Tom you remembered physically, his hair was a bit lighter, styled in a certain way, a slick wave? He was more muscly than you remembered too, and slightly more tanned. 'So, care to divulge why my best friend wasn’t leaping to my apartment door as soon as you found out I was visiting?’ You didn’t answer. 'Don’t tell me you’ve secretly always hated me because I will make you like me again, and if that means giving you breakfast,’ he let out an exaggerated, exasperated sigh, 'I suppose I will.’ 'Well…’ 'Or I can get you a big cuddly teddy!’ He wrapped his arms around himself and hugged tightly, making his tight T-shirt scrunch up. 'Ummm…’ 'OR EVEN BETTER, AN ACTUAL BOYFRIEND TO GIVE YOU A BIG HUG HIMSELF!’ He threw his arms around you, squeezing you tightly in a big bear hug, causing you to giggle as you hugged back. 'Yes, yes that would sort out everything!’ He pulled back from the hug, walking further into the flat and invited you to sit down on a tired looking couch as he sat on an armchair perpendicular to you. 'So, tell tell, what’s been happening while I’ve been away?’ He wiggles his eyebrows, a mischievous glint in those warm chocolatey eyes, 'and why didn’t you want to visit me?’ He asked, slightly quieter this time just as you’d been taking an intake of breath, those warm chocolate eyes slightly melting. You could see the hurt. He was tearing up behind all those smiles and hugs. You had a choice, you could lie…tell him you’d been busy, applying for jobs, going out with people, making connections, a visit from him wasn’t your top priority. But that was a lie. He was so special to you…so so so special in fact, you woke up each day wishing he was here, missing him like hell. You couldn’t lie to him like that, it would break you. Or you could tell the truth, how you’re parents had been constantly on your back about your relationships and how you hadn’t found anyone yet, how you weren’t trying or how you were ruining your life, all of which you didn’t believe and honestly thought was just parents trying to look out for their child…but in a moment of madness you had snapped and told them you and Tom were dating. You lifted your eyes to his and met his gaze, your eyes beginning to melt with his. 'Tom…look, basically….oh I’m so so sorry, it was so stupid of me!’ You almost cried. 'Hey hey hey!’ He was by your side in an instant with his hanky he’d had since you’d known him, the little wonky green ’T’ in the bottom left corner still there. He dabbed your tears, and said the most Tomish thing, and it was beautiful, 'Whatever you’ve done it’s not going to be as stupid as when you thought alcopops didn’t have alcohol in them and you ate about eight, and then wandered to the park, tried to climb the wall, got stuck on the fence, and I found you dangling upside down fifteen minutes later and we had to call the fire engines to cut you down.’ There was a pause. Followed by side splitting laughter from both of you, causing more tears to roll down your cheeks, from the laughing and from the fact you may have ruined this beautiful friendship in a moment of idiocy. Taking a deep breath, you looked at him. 'Ok, so,’ you giggled childishly, 'my parents have been going on at me for not having a boyfriend.’ 'Riiiiiigggghhhttttt….’ 'So, there was this one day when they wouldn’t shut up about it,’ you mock clenched your fists and gritted your teeth as you remembered that day, 'like 'when are you getting a boyfriend?’ Why haven’t you got one?’ You’re going to die alone.’ Etcetera, etcetera.’ You flourished your hands dramatically. 'I feel like I know where this is going.’ 'So, in a moment of madness, I said…well, not said…probably more like screamed at the top of my lungs at my mother 'me and Tom are dating!“ 'Ohhkayyy.’ He winced comically. 'And you’ve been avoiding me because?’ 'Well it’s just awkward! I mean, as soon as my parents found out you were here they were surprised I wasn’t staying with you or vice versa, and I didn’t want to ruin our friendship and stuff…’ you trailed off. 'Y/N, think of the amount of times we could’ve said 'I HATE YOU” and decided not to be friends anymore…I don’t think a little rumour about us dating is going to ruin us.’ 'Also…it’s not just my parents that think we’re dating.’ You looked sideways and giggled nervously. 'What?’ Came his flat response. He hoisted himself onto the couch next to you as you turned to face him. 'Well, obviously my parents were overjoyed that I had a boyfriend…so it kinda spread around and stuff.’ You mumbled the ending. He blinked in mock shock. 'So as in, if it wasn’t awkward enough for me to see you,’ you continued, 'any time we now leave the house we’re going to have to pretend we’re dating and be all lovey dovey and stuff eeeyuck.’ You said, exaggerating how awful it would be to have to pretend to be his girlfriend. You let your mind wonder slightly, what would dating Tom be like? Would it be that much different than just being friends? Obviously the distance was something, but really, it would probably be the exact same as you both being best friends, maybe with more time spent together, or even living together if you moved with him? Maybe it could even open up a whole new world for you? There’d obviously be more Tom hugs, which you weren’t opposed to, you adored them. Then there might…no there would be kissing. Sneaking a quick glance at him, you acknowledged him gazing into the distance, his face crinkled slightly in thought. He slowly turned to face you and his features softened drastically, revealing that raw caring expression you knew so well. 'Well…I can pretend if that’s helpful?’ His eyes flickered anywhere but your eyes, they almost seemed nervous. It must just be the awkwardness of the whole situation. 'Yeah. It would be. Thanks.’ An awkwardly long silence followed. He started playing with his hands as he always did when he was in an awkward situation, or didn’t know what to say. You flicked your nails rhythmically. 'Um, so, Y/N?’ Tom cleared his throat, and looked at you out of the side of his eyes. 'Yes.’ You took a nervous breath, but you didn’t understand why you were nervous, well you did, you just didn’t want to admit it. You turned to face him, encouraging him to do the same. 'Well, say after a week of pretending to be dating, well, say we really like it, do you want to continue it…without the pretending.’ Neither of you blinked. You both stared at each other in shock one of you’d finally admitted it. 'Can you ever say something simply?’ You quirked an eyebrow up, a small smirk creeping up with it. 'You know that’s almost impossible.’ He wrinkled up his face and shrugged his shoulders carelessly. 'We can if you want though…I wouldn’t mind.’ You said carefully looking at him again seriously. 'Really!’ He bounded over the one cushion divided like an overexcited toddler, and threw his arms around you, squeezing you tightly. You could see him smiling. You felt safe, and comfortable, it felt a bit like two jigsaw pieces had finally connected that had been missing for years. You hugged back, smiling ear to ear and feeling whole.
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wololonowurgay · 6 years
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New Picture GIF gif, cute, dancing, lol, excited, wow, baby, omg, adorable, gifs, rugrats, aww, snapchat, agree, learning, turn around doctor, app smash, turn around effect, turn around, dr. donna, dr. donna thomas-rodgers, turn around tip, turn around risk, dr. donna thomas rodgers, teddy bear, jamming, cuddly, gif sticker, facetography, diaper, be a real leader, the turn around doctor, bfd, gif stickers, apply today, cutie pie, the turn around effect, the turn around, gif api, appsmash, app smashing, happy feet, appsmashing, lil baby, become a real leader, how cute, gifd, how adorable, baby einstein, little einstein, i'm a big kid now, look at the wil baby, coongradulations, look at the lil baby via Giphy https://ift.tt/2q5eu5j
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the-grumpy-panda · 7 years
Call The Landlord... There's A Goomba Afoot!
A fun (arguably speaking) mix of sweet and salty, moist and crunchy this time around! I'm still only about half way through all of the junk aligned on my counter top. Lots of crackers and chips and frozen treats and doughnuts to be reviewed at some point. My intent was to go sweet first, then savory/crunchy, but as it turns out, I care not about formulated decisions, and merely pounce onto whatever strikes my fancy when I feel like a snack. So dive in with me as we discuss... My dormant plumbing skills! Who knew? My Kitchen Sink Basket (it's a thing!) was old, faulty and leaking. I replaced it! I did it! It was rather simple, really, so don't call me for a real plumbing emergency, but for a guy who rents his abodes for the express purpose of never having to fix anything he didn't personally break, I'm quite pleased with myself that I decided to just be proactive this time. As a reward, I ate... -Firework Oreos! With popping candy! Well, if you're going to keep upping the ante on junk foods, this is certainly one way to do it. First off, no matter how you eat this, it will end up tasting of a regular Oreo, so if there's any fear about trying this one, fear not. In order to obtain the effect of the popping candy, it's best to just eat the cream on its own. It takes a small amount of time for the cream to give way, but the finishing notes are the fizz and pop you're looking for, and that's it. No other flavoring at play, and the fizz/pop is quite weak. If you put a whole cookie in your mouth and let it dissolve into a sludge consistency, the pop and fizz will show up at the very end after you've swallowed and if there happens to be some candy left on your tongue. Obviously, the cream and cookie parts get in the way of what the candy is supposed to do. Your level of enjoyment will depend on how much effort you want to put into it. I wouldn't say this one is a dud, as ultimately you're eating an Oreo, but it's certainly not as fun as one would hope. -Mountain Dew Spiked Lemonade from Taco Bell! I'm throwing this in here because of how yummy I found it to be. Grown men say yummy. Shut your mouth. I didn't know this was a thing until someone handed me one. If this were a permanent Dew flavor for mass market sale I'd probably keep a case on hand during the summer months. The Taco Bell website tells me it's a Dew lemonade spiked with Prickly Pear juice. It's lovely, and has a wonderfully tickling carbonation level. Grown men also say wonderfully tickling. Shut your mouth double. I had the soda version, but it also comes in a Slurpee like version. ***Quick addendum. I've just learned that this Dew lemonade, along with a raspberry version are available in singular, 16 ounce cans. Be on the look out! -Little Debbie Red, White and Blueberry Creme Rolls! It took me a moment to pin point exactly what the smell and flavor of these reminded me of. Then days after trying it, it finally dawned on me out of nowhere. The taste of the cream is very reminiscent of blueberry yogurt. Make what you will of the fact that part of my days were spent pondering a snack cake. Yogurt in a cake roll, though? Does it work? Yeah, it's alright. It's a cream consistency, though. I don't want anyone to think it's as runny as yogurt. The blueberry is a bit too artificial tasting, and it's not the best Little Debbie has offered, but as a weird little attempt to have a new item to offer, it's worth a purchase to try. This is a very solid item, too. It's thick, bulky, and surprisingly dense. One roll will definitely do ya. -Little Debbie Maple Buns! Whoa... quite an aroma to this one. Upon opening it your face is smacked with a cloud of cheap syrup smell. Taste wise, it's essentially a honey bun dipped in some cheap syrup, so exactly as promised. Your level of enjoyment will vary factoring in your appreciation of honey buns and cheap syrup. I wouldn't make this my go to choice, but if all else failed, I'd have no problem eating one again. -Little Debbie Peanut Clusters! A salted caramel and peanut cookie, covered in chocolate and halved peanut pieces. A nice sized cookie. A very dry treat, all things considered, but the cookie part maintains a pleasant crunch even though it's topped with caramel and chocolate. I won't dare scan the ingredients to see how many chemicals make this possible. I think this would be better if it were a caramel and peanut butter layering on the cookie covered in chocolate, but it still serves it's purpose, and I do find the crunch of the cookie satisfying. -Marshmallow Fruity Pebbles cereal! I have no clue how new or old these are. I had never seen them on shelves before, so it's a new product to me. Not much to say about them, really. It's Fruity Pebbles with essentially Lucky Charms marshmallows tossed in. I liked it, but I do think I prefer my Fruity Pebbles without accompaniment. What can/should be discussed is the marshmallow shapes... and what they actually look like. The Sharkasaurus looks exactly like a dolphin. Which when broken down, is actually a bit impressive. The Starfish... well, alright. It looks like a star, hard to muck that one up. The Giant Clam looks like a UFO or a kid wearing a helmet. You decide! The Jellyfish looks like a flower. The Shark's Tooth looks like a piece of broken off marshmallow dropped on the floor and found two weeks later. The Turtle looks like... I don't know, but distinctly not a turtle. And what this grouping of "shapes" has to do with Fruity Pebbles is beyond me. -Thomas' Banana and Chocolate Chip bagels! What type of tomfoolery is this? There is no banana taste, there is no chocolate chip taste, even when I decidedly take a bite that has chips in it! None of what's supposed to be here comes through in the flavor profile whatsoever. This tastes merely of a plain bagel. So much so, that I double checked the label, and inspected each of the bagels in the bag. All the same, all festooned with chips... but with NO FLAVOR! Luckily enough, I like any kind of bagel, so it's not a loss. All things being what they are, if a bagel complaint is the roughest my day gets, I should keep my fool mouth shut and enjoy this cushy existence. -Utz Sweet Corn potato chips! No weird or obnoxious smell upon opening the bag, just a normal chip smell. No corn flavor is really apparent either. They almost taste like a regular chip, but there is some sort of dusty coating to them that comes into play. I imagine this is supposed to be the sweet corn flavoring, but it just simply doesn't come across at all. We're left with a chip with a weird coating that neither adds or detracts from the chip. So... just buy a bag of regular Utz. This is just simply a dud, which makes me feel a bit bad, as it's not a failure that is revolting, it's just... a chip that inflated its resume and got caught. Tsk tsk. -Wise Grilled Cheeseburger potato chips! Smell of those microwaved one dollar burgers you can find in the frozen food section, which simply can't be anything but processed chemicals, right? Taste like a chip dipped in a weird sauce made of cheap ketchup and leftover burger grease. To my surprise, though, I found them to be okay. Not to the point where I'd eat a whole big bag, and there's something a little cheap about these, but they luckily weren't as disgusting as a chip that tastes like greasy ketchup could have been.   -Wise Korean Barbecue potato chips! Pretty big smell of old fast food restaurant ketchup wafting out of this bag. Taste wise, they merely taste like a salt and pepper potato chip, and if you try real hard you can sort of taste a wee bit of onion as well. Mix up at the factory, Wise? A little disappointed there's not something weirder to rave on about. Although I think I've learned I'm not a big fan of Wise potatoes. I think it's safe to assume most potato chips are made relatively the same, but there's something a little off about the Wise brand. Maybe its the kind of oil they use, maybe the soil their potatoes are grown in is a little more acrid (or whatever, I don't know agriculture, my junk food grows right on the grocery store shelf all packaged up as far as I know) but their chips just come across as weak and cheap. Still perfectly edible, of course, but not a brand I'll ever make my first choice. -Hostess White Fudge Ding Dongs! Sooo many puns and innuendos waiting to be made. I'll keep it classy, however. I don't know what all makes up the white fudge Hostess uses, but I think I'm a fan. The other treat utilizing the coating was a white fudge and marshmallow Twinkie, which was delicious. This Ding Dong is also quite tasty and very moist. It consists of a yellow cake mixture, whereas a normal Ding Dong is a chocolate cake. Maybe therein lies the secret to its tastiness. Come on now, Hostess, how long will I have to wait before you give me a regular, chocolate Ding Dong with a white fudge coating??? Oh me, oh my but that sounded salacious as hell. Why do I now want a wearing nothing but an apron Daisy Ridley to mix me up some cupcakes while I, uh, "watch?" -Let's end this one how it began... with cookies. Always cookies. Cookies and soda, the undeniable crutches that keep me teddy bear soft. But that also makes me cuddly. Come on, Daisy, put away the cupcakes and cuddle me. Wait... bring the cupcakes with you and cuddle me. What was I thinking? Anyway, we now have Waffle And Syrup Oreos! Hmm. These are actually quite tasty, although I don't think I could pin point waffles and syrup if pressed. They smell and taste a lot like the Cinnamon Bun Oreo. Or maybe even a little like the Gingberbread Oreo. Hmm. (two Hmmm's in one paragraph. These are a thinker!) I'm going to go with my first instinct and say these are right on par with the cinnamon bun one. So they're good, but not the flavor we were promised. Which sums up my life! Thus concludes another adventure-less adventure. Time now for a nap and a cuddle. Come on then, me, you lovable oaf.
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