zoe248 · 10 months
Trilobite of the Day 34
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Ampyx cf. priscus (Thoral, 1935) & Euloma sp. Lower Ordovician Ouled Slimane Zagora. Morocco Largest trilobite: 4.3 cm
"Look at these unicorn trilobites march on single file"
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I decided to finally check out the Supergirl comics from the 60’s-80’s, because I was missing Supercorp so much, and boy were a lot of them weird (at least until you get to the mid 70’s). But despite that, the thing I need to talk to someone about was how they handled Lena and her relationship with Kara. Which for the most part, was good! Especially for that era. I’m sorry if you already know about this stuff, but this was the first time I read my way through them and wow. In the classic issues, Lena was raised by her actual mother under the surname Thoral and no one knew she was a Luthor! She was a happy and completely trauma free person, who became Kara’s only friend who knew her secret (because she was the only friend smart enough to figure it out on her own). She went on to become Kara’s greatest confidant. Lena even applied to become an agent for the FBI (I think it was? I’ve read a lot of comics in a short amount of time lol). But after an injury, where she can’t work there anymore — a now wealthy Kara got her a job writing for a Soap Opera in New York (Lena’s second passion was writing and Kara lived in a three bedroom apartment in New York already and was the star of the Soap Opera). Kara never became a reporter here either. Lena also wound up having a kid and the two of them moved in with Kara at her apartment at one point. But of course Lena still finds out she’s actually a Luthor and it devastates her. Especially when she finds out she had known previously but Kara mind-wiped her memory of it (because it caused Lena to have a mental breakdown and Kara thought she was helping her). One thing leads to another, and Lena gets brain damage (along with losing all her hair and going insane). With Kara racing to find a way to cure her. But the entire decade-long arc doesn’t get a conclusion because Crisis On Infinite Earth’s happens and erases both of them from existence! And it drove me crazy, cause the Kara and Lena arc (for the most part) was so good until the end/cliffhanger. Now, I’m trying to brainstorm an au to somehow write a proper conclusion for this arc, while including the Arrowverse Kara and Lena in it.
Ooooooo that's juicy!!! Link me once the fic is up!
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sondangpanjaitan · 10 months
Embracing the Epic Whimsy of "Fish Wielder"
In a realm where laughter intertwines with magic and heroism takes on a uniquely unconventional form lies the whimsical world of "Fish Wielder" by J.R.R.R. (Jim) Hardison. Prepare to be swept away on a journey where the unexpected reigns supreme and where a talking fish and a depressed barbarian warrior forge an extraordinary bond. Let's delve into the enchanting tale that combines fantasy with farce, creating an adventure unlike any other.
🌟 Discovering Grome: A World Like No Other
From the very first pages of "Fish Wielder," readers are introduced to the vibrant and imaginative world of Grome. A land teeming with mythical creatures, arcane magic, and epic quests, Grome serves as the backdrop for an adventure that defies conventions and embraces the extraordinary. The blend of traditional fantasy elements and the author's unique comedic touch sets the stage for an unforgettable experience.
🦄 Meet Thoral Mighty Fist and Brad the Talking Fish
At the heart of this tale are two remarkable characters who shatter stereotypes and redefine heroism. Thoral Mighty Fist, a barbarian warrior, may have the brawn of a hero, but his disposition leans more towards the melancholic. His larger-than-life persona is a stark contrast to his internal struggles, creating a complex and endearing protagonist.
Enter Brad, a talking fish with a sharp wit and a penchant for humor. Brad adds a layer of levity to the narrative, infusing the story with moments of laughter and lightheartedness. As Thoral's unlikely companion, Brad's unique perspective and unapologetic charm make him a character readers won't soon forget.
🍫 The Pudding of Power: A Quest Beyond Imagination
One of the driving forces behind the story is the pursuit of the legendary Pudding of Power. Crafted by the Dark Lord Mauron in ancient times, this magical dessert holds immense power and threatens to fall into the wrong hands. As the evil Heartless One seeks to enslave the peoples of Grome, Thoral and Brad embark on a quest to prevent disaster.
Their journey takes them through perilous landscapes, tests their courage, and introduces them to a cast of eccentric characters. The narrative effortlessly weaves between action-packed moments and comedic interludes, creating a rhythm that keeps readers engaged and entertained.
📚 Blending Fantasy and Farce: A Unique Approach
What sets "Fish Wielder" apart is its ability to seamlessly blend fantasy with farce. The author's narrative style invites readers to embrace the absurd while still rooting for characters that undergo genuine growth and transformation. The story's self-aware tone adds an extra layer of charm, as it acknowledges fantasy tropes while playfully subverting them.
🌈 Why "Fish Wielder" Is a Must-Read
"Fish Wielder" isn't just a tale; it's an experience that challenges conventions and tickles the imagination. Whether you're a die-hard fantasy fan or someone seeking a unique and engaging read, this book offers something truly special. It encourages us to embrace our quirks, celebrate our differences, and find heroism in unexpected places.
🔗 Experience the Whimsy: Dive into the pages of "Fish Wielder" and let yourself be carried away by its magic. Join Thoral and Brad on an adventure that defies the norm and celebrates the power of individuality.
📖 Read "Fish Wielder": Get Your Copy Here
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🌟 Step into a World of Whimsy: Immerse yourself in the extraordinary realms of "Fish Wielder." Join us as we celebrate a tale proving heroism comes in all forms and laughter is the most extraordinary magic.
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hoteljobber · 2 years
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Thorale Aaba (Restaurant) Address - Second Floor, Vitthal Building, Spicer College Road, Old Sangavi, Pune 💡 Jobs Available 👉🏼 All Rounder Chef 👉🏼 Kitchen Helper Call: 7208984850 #jobrequirements #hoteljobs #hotelstaff #restaurantjobs #resortjobs #waiterskit #workgobiz (at Pune) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjK7Vk7szBX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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peggysousfan · 4 years
New Years Series Chapter 2
Okay, so here is chapter two for day two of the January New Years Series! I already broke my limit of 1,000 words...whoops. The story takes several unexpected turns and is more of a Avengers crossover. There are minor relationships such as Pepperony and Tharol (Or thoral. Which ever you prefer for the Thor/ Carol ship name) I hope you all enjoy! :)
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"We are over! We were over from the second you left!" She screamed.
"I didn't have a choice, Peggy! There were bombs on board and I had to save lives!" He watches her pace around the compound, wearing down the flooring.
"Save lives? Save lives! Don't be an idiot, Rogers. You could have easily set the plane on auto pilot to fly down and then jump out. Its as simple as saying where you were so we could find your bloody body and help rather than you being dramatic and going down with the damn plane!" She shouts. "If you really wanted there to be an us you would have fought for it."
While Carter and Roger indulge in a screaming match, everyone at the Avengers head quarters watch from afar. Romanov, Stark, Potts, Odinson, and Danvers all keep their distance as the two argue; no one has said a word since the shouting started.
"So how long are they gonna do this?" Carol asks "Because I don't  know how much more I can listen to." She turns towards the Avengers and then at Thor, but he just shrugs his shoulder.
"That depends on how angry Aunt Peggy gets," Tony replies. "If Steve keeps pissing her off she's gonna kick his ass. And trust me, you won't want to miss that." He says with a smirk. The only person missing from the crowd was Daniel Sousa, the man Steve Rogers continued to ignore and keep his distance from.
Rogers knew there was something between him and Peggy, but he never knew what it was. The two were always together and never apart for more than 10 minutes; which made Steve mad with jealousy. They were always laughing and smiling and close together; never once did they argue or complain about spending too much time with the other. Ever since Steve learned Peggy was alive, he's wanted nothing more than to talk to her, but Daniel was always around.
2 years during the days when the Avengers tore apart and Captain America, Black Widow, and Falcon became fugitives on the run, many things had begun to shift in the world. Two people who were once at peace in an endless time of rest, now walk among the people of 2019. As their worlds are brought to a new separated light, they walk along the streets in a future they didn't know. For hours they walked from different destinations and paths, making turns and stops different to the other; and yet they find each other. They bump into each other while passing by, and one glance is all it takes before the tears stream down their faces.
"Daniel..?" Her voice cracks as she reaches out towards him. He places his hands on both of her arms, holding her to make sure she was real.
"Peggy?" She smiles and throws her arms around him; holding on for dear life.
"Oh my darling!" They squeeze each other tight, never wanting to part. He keeps one hand in her hair and the other on her back, keeping her close. "I've missed you." She cries.
"Me too...meu amor." She chuckles at his use of his mother tongue and proceeds to press her lips against his own.
After 3 months they find their godson and his wife. They visited them nearly everyday to make up for lost time. For two years they lived in the modern world, finding jobs and making a new life. Tony insist on taking picture of them as momentum's, and they don't refuse. They want to make the most of their second chance.
They dance everyday and work less than before. They had the life where work was most important; now it's time to focus on them. When they think they're alone, Tony points to them and Pepper turns to watch. Peggy and Daniel have never seemed happier than they are right now. He takes out his camera and snaps a picture without them knowing. He shows it to Pepper and she laughs.
"They're good together." She says.
"Yeah, I know." He turns to look at her and wraps an arm around her waist. "Where do you think I learned it from?" Pepper smiles and kisses her husband, and then they break apart when the others come in.
"Don't stop on our account." Peggy says with a chuckle.
For those 2 years they all have lives in peace, until one day when Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff stopped by the Stark cabin unexpectedly. Peggy and Pepper were in the kitchen talking and preparing lunch. More so Pepper was cooking and Peggy was talking, and Daniel and Tony were outside with the alpacas.
"Seriously? Tony, come on! You're kidding!" Daniel exclaims in disbelief.
"I swear on my mother's grave." He says with hands in the air.
"Maria would kick your ass if you were lying." Daniel laughs.
"Yeah, I know. That's why I'm not." Tony laughs in return.
Before either man speaks again, they hear the car pull up and watch Steve and Natasha walk out. Daniel's face drops at the sight of Rogers and he rushes into the cabin to warn Peggy; but it was no use. Steve had already made it to the house and saw Peggy before they could make a run for it.
"Peggy?!" He says in astonishment. She turned around slowly to face him, and in that moment, everything changed.
End Flashback.
"I love you, Peggy. I never stopped! Yes, what happened with the Valkyrie was a mistake and I should have tried harder. But you're back now and this could be our chance to-"
"To what? Hm? I hope you're no implying what I think you're implying."
"Yeah, Peggy. I am." He sighs and looks down at the ground. "Please, just hear me out." He pleads, but she wants to hear none of it.
"Alright. What exactly do you have to say that will change my mind? Because there will never be an us, Rogers. That door closed a long time ago."
As the arguing continues, the Avengers sit quietly across the hall lounging and listening. Over by the couches, Carol sits down next to Thor and steals one of his pop tarts.
"Hey!" He exclaims. "That was mine!" She smiles at him while taking the other one.
"You have 2 boxes full of them. I'm sure you can spare 2 of them." She smiles. He glares at her but gives in any way and wraps an arm around her shoulder.
"Very well, but that is all..." He warns. While Thor talks to Carol, Tony steals a packet. "Stark! I said Carol could have one, not you."
"Favoritism much." Pepper slaps Tony's shoulder and looks back at Steve and Peggy.
"I agree with what Carol said earlier. How much longer are they going to keep yelling?"
"Probably till Danny gets back. Then Steve will will throw a fit because he and Peggy will disappear somewhere and then Aunt Peg is gonna kick his ass." Tony smiles.
"Wait, how exactly is she your aunt if you're the same age? If anything she looks younger than you." Carol states.
"She and Daniel are the same age as Steve. They died several years ago but came back somehow. No one knows when or how, they just appeared out of thin air, young and alive again." Pepper chimes in.
"Did SHIELD have anything to do with it?" Natasha finally speaks up after listening to everyone else speak.
"We don't know. They won't say anything. The only thing we do know is that they were brought back somehow and eventually ran into each other on the street and haven't been apart since." Tony explains. "Well since today at least. Uncle Danny went out for something. Did't say why though."
"That's because you can't always keep a secret, Tony."
"Wait- You know what it is?" He asks, but Pepper doesn't answer. Instead she looks away and takes some chips from the table "Okay, I see how it is. Fine if you want to play that game, by all means-"
Before Tony can say another word, there is a loud crash from shattering glass. Everyone freezes and shares a look at each other before they all rush towards the sound. Thor calls to storm breaker and Carol turns on her light show. Natasha grabs her pistol while Tony turns on part of his nano tech suit around his hand. When they walk around a corner, they find Steve ducking down and Peggy standing with a deadly glare.
"Burn in hell!" And with that she storms off, but stops when she runs into Daniel.
"Uh..." He looks around and sees the Avengers in battle mode, Steve cowering away in fear, and notices the broken window. "Do I even want to-" before he can finish his sentence, Peggy cuts him off and kisses him breathless. "Okay. That works." She laughs and looks down to see a box in his hand.
"What's that?"
"Oh! It's for you. I thought since it's... you know, that time of year again-"
"You mean our anniversary?" Daniel looks around and then at Steve. "I told him. I'm done hiding everything and catering to other peoples childish feelings."
He nods and gives her the box. When she opens it, she gasps. Inside is a rose gold pendant with the engravings of their wedding day and their initials.
"Daniel..." She looks up at him with a wide smile, grabs him by the hair, and snogs him.
"So...can someone explain what the hell just happened here?" Tony says, breaking their kiss and the silence. "You know, the broken window and stuff."
"Oh that? Captain Rogers needed to learn an important lesson on respect and boundaries." Everyone glances between Peggy and Steve. "He tried to kiss me after apologizing for kissing my great niece."
"Seriously? Dude what the hell!" Carol says from the back and Thor shakes his head from beside her.
"That still doesn't explain the window..." Natasha says as she holsters her gun.
"She threw a damn book at me and it flew out." Steve finally speaks.
"Dodger Roger!" Tony shouts and point at Steve. Everyone turns to him with a bewilder 'you idiot' look. "What? Not catchy? Whatever. You people have no sense of humor."
"Steve...why would you- you know what, never mind. Are you two coming with us or staying here? Tony planned on going to that Italian place Daniel said he loved going to."
"Oh of course!"Peggy says excitedly.
"Anyone else?"
Thor and Carol join in,  and so does Natasha. As they all leave the compound for a bite to eat, Rogers is left alone. Within the coming years they face off with the threats that come, but continue to prevail in happiness. When Tony and Pepper have their daughter, Morgan, Peggy and Daniel visit more often and live out the rest of their lives more in peace than before.
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Okay okay I love lesbian!Carol! As much as the next gay gal but Thor and Carol would be the most iconic duo ever
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release-the-sheep · 3 years
Theris! :D
Full Name: Theris
Gender and Sexuality: cis male, bi
Pronouns: he/him
Ethnicity/Species: tiefling. he is blue
Birthplace and Birthdate: the village of Duoremen. He is uhhh like 26 years old or so? His birthday is November 23rd.
Guilty Pleasures: when he feels safe enough during his roaming travels, he'll bust out his panpipes and play some music. He loves music, but he rarely feels like he can stop and indulge
Phobias: fairies. Not a phobia, just a fear, he hates fairies so much. He's a triplet, and his brother Thoral and sister Thara fell into a fairy circle (almost ten years ago now 😬) and are being held at the Unseelie Court and he just hates fairies so much, they scare him so much, oooooh, he's gonna get them
What They Would Be Famous For: he already is a little bit famous! He and his siblings saved Duoremen from destruction by a rhemoraz when they were kids.
What They Would Get Arrested For: he's really hoping not to get arrested for breaking his siblings out of fairy jail
OC You Ship Them With: I think he'd very much like Mosa, and vice versa
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Glitterbomb. Without a doubt. That's a tricksky little fae right there. They'd eat his heart in the marketplace
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: period drama
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: "you have to go on without me!" no bitch I'm gonna make you better and you are gonna continue following
Talents and/or Powers: he's a very talented archer and an excellent survivalist
Why Someone Might Love Them: he's just a good boy! I know that's sort of what all my answers have been for this question but idk what to tell you it's true!
Why Someone Might Hate Them: he has. a bit of a one-track mind. I imagine it could get old.
How They Change: he becomes more introverted and also finds that he doesn't Need his siblings to be whole, even though he does eventually reunite with them
Why You Love Them: he's my sweet darling blue boy. I love his design, and his accent, and his upbeat personality
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lefeusacre-editions · 5 years
Apportez-moi cette tête...
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Comment faillit s’appeler Le Feu Sacré à sa création en 2011 ?
Venez le découvrir le jeudi 4 juillet à la librairie Le Monte-en-l’air, Paris 20, dès 19h, en présence de Simon Thoral, Thomas Bizzarri, Steven Lambert, Aurélien Lemant et leurs invités.
Mot de passe : zéro.
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thefleshmustgrow · 5 years
ugh. why is shit like this uggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
sigh. okay. so like. if i dont do the wisdom teeth, but still do the jaw surgery cosultation, and then go back to the orthadontist to talk about it more thorally this time, i should be okay right?
no big deal. its not like my teeth are gonna fall out /that/ soon
in the meantime get my dental clenaing. get a new job, renew my public health insurance.
scan me and my dads t4′s so he can do the taxes
schedual my doctors apointment to get my percriptions renewed
ok...... that dosnt feel as overhwleming anymore now thsat i wrote it down....
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nikhilpatilfilms · 2 years
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Vishrambaag Wada✨ - One of the best place to visit in Pune✨ A fine mansion situated at central Pune's Thorale Bajirao Road, was the luxurious residence of Peshwa Bajirao II, the last Peshwa of Maratha confederacy, in early nineteenth century. . . . . . Follow Me @nikhilpatilfilms . . . . #vishrambagvada #pune #punekar #punerikida #assalpuneri #visit #travel #photooftheday #photography #photo #mobilephotography #capturethemoment #punediaries #punecity #puneinstagrammers #lovepune #mansion #instalove #instapic #instagram #instaphotography #likeforlikes #followformore #placestovisitinpune #shanivarwada #punelife #shaniwarpeth #shaniwarpethpune #nikhilpatilfilms #nikhilpatil18 (at Vishrambaug Wada) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSMgJWrDjhh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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smitsv · 6 years
im so conflicted between this user and thorales................ i love thor and tchalla and miles i dont know what to do
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hoteljobber · 2 years
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Thorale Aaba (Restaurant) Address - Second Floor, Vitthal Building, Spicer College Road, Old Sangavi, Pune (Contact Hoteljobber.com for More Information) #jobrequirements #hoteljobs #hotelstaff #restaurantjobs #resortjobs #waiterskit #workgobiz (at Pune) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChrX6dBhM_m/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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punetimes · 4 years
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An aerial view of Budhwar Peth, Pune. Budhwar Peth is one of many commercial localities in the old city of Pune. The area has a high number of electronics shops, is known for its red-light district and is located in the heart of the city. For some period, Pune was ruled by the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb of Delhi. When Aurangzeb attacked Pune, he inhabited Budhwar Peth in 1660. In his era, this Peth was known as Mohitabad or Moheyabad. Thorale Madhavrao Peshwa made developments and renamed it as Budhwar Peth when he got the power in their hand. Tulshibag, Belbaugh and Gramdevata Jogeshwari are the historical proofs of Budhawar Peth. Today, Budhwar Peth is a business area particularly for electrical goods market, books and traditional items. Places of interest include; Jogeshwari Temple, N.M.V High School, Laxmi Road, Appa Balwant Chowk and Dagadusheth Halwai Ganapati temple, which is believed to be the richest amongst all Ganesh Temples with the Lord Ganesha icon laden with several lakhs of rupees of gold, and worshipped for obstacle removal. The place also boasts of being the producing hub of automated taxi meters for most of the autos/rented car in India. Courtesy: @yasshvardhann _____________________ Want to get featured? 🎯 - Follow us on instagram @PuneTimes - Tag @PuneTimes or use #PuneTimes. - Join whatsapp broadcast: Link in bio.
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karyarambh · 3 years
पापा मोदीच्या बंधुने अंबाजोगाईतील देवस्थानाची जमीन ढापली
भूषण मोदी यांच्या नावे देवस्थानाच्या जमीनीचा सातबारा असल्याचा गंभीर प्रकार उघडकीस आला आहे. प्लॉटिंग असलेल्या या जमीनीचा सध्या दोन एकरचा सातबारा असल्याचे कळतेय. पण प्रत्यक्षात खूप मोठा जमीन घोटाळा यामध्ये दडल्याची शक्यता आहे.
आ.नमिता मुंदडांची जिल्हाधिकार्‍यांकडे तक्रार बीड : अंबाजोगाई नगरपालिकेतील भ्रष्टाचाराची अनेक प्रकरणे चव्हाट्यावर आल्यानंतर आता मोदी कुटुंबातील सदस्याचा आणखी एक कारनामा चव्हाट्यावर आला आहे. अंबाजोगाईचे नगराध्यक्ष राजकिशोर मोदी यांचे लहान बंधू भूषण मोदी यांच्या नावे देवस्थानाच्या जमीनीचा सातबारा असल्याचा गंभीर प्रकार उघडकीस आला आहे. प्लॉटिंग असलेल्या या जमीनीचा सध्या दोन एकरचा सातबारा असल्याचे…
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onaubade · 5 years
Othetha Wil Oshena
Unknown Author Obscure Serenade text, transcribed but untranslated
Othetha wil oshena. Ohqwëlu ra ona hi læsë ishæ? Lisœ shathu æna ün vëthö le. Nina asmifa alih sæ li lawe. Rutœ imathæ lænö ësasithe untwisünan œlsetarulo ihæ irsamhenti æli üsha. Wosh læpo ohye önësh wæ nölel esano fi æsæ. Mi tomakse wëth huthath afi. Na uni alæl œleh menasæn iöhæ. Wunæ sæmtë re foha keravi nœthö a nal ë. Liro ëthu cypo sa æsë önis. Risan söhoh nöla ila. Erqwööl kemyo ratha œloh eslo! Aknu hi oksash si reli. Œru vohaloshu shœnæn semlœ asisæ syunœ. Vi öva we ö ri wesu. Ëmi lëhiso nenal ælma isaskœ öshü. Lanolæ fe pi va venë. Nenu la isu æsi nasæ sushi mewa. Anæ nilonælol rahœ lina anë tëfa. Erunüh risa nël. Hwil lüs i nin mume orsewüthi. Tülesi esnüpwetü sæ lüth salüno fashö shathon ane. Resho nasho u alœl shisera ihlalæ? Pa æthun hënë wenu vahi the. Œfla cœnœra sokœ milen onüpol vœ. Æpra aqwesh hwæ se fula luhæ ilo. Önnema ëmysome ha ërse akœmtati fu. Ö shanöh narilu isyihas. Wamethath sæhul lüso læshol ëlushi œmath. Risho nelin tasimyh.
I œrsælæto e nëran asimasœ iso ü. Thohö sufan rawi öpulö lë. Ësæsö eplüw uœl re unü osha. Ohas lalœ emi amlülilo nalol ano ië. Ehu muroha onla cëkë? Lœnæ fi hwa tyhœthunë ulœshafi enpasë thenæ. Ë u apæsho ycæsömo næ okufrisho tirasiso shel elufle? Imas re thityasë keshœ a söpohœ thehi. Fufa sal antwæraro læ pilü! Usy e ulöshwusë ëmuhino ülimesu lipynü. Oshævowël ëmi iltwunü. Ifate atin wawiroha nalöl öhæ lunësö. Sæl qwu unhatë nyœ aselsan! Nilavas hütho varomelœl mol pwa? Qwiw le onnæ æki shihalæn! Shilæ thal lafi efi nu. Qwöth funashirtæ qwani æ œhe mesis. Li lena emo arsë e ni. Tho wæ re. Sömkë æpö œsæn kamesu ali ansæ. Lonani lohsani hœ owutha lofu fa ima. Na elöh renünæ athi sætena qwælas. Ti malöh mani. Li qwölu isanish iæ liæn mofamothœ. Ulo ethqwanil asö valo lath. Artivö se pëku elya talyol lola læ iœn! Hæwa sivo lœvœ thël ha uvæ? Lëthi pöha loplœ ohëvoh la wanæs lümamiro mo hi. Hinü u thoral tolynu. Lül nohi üho pœhiwa tino a e püru!
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hub-pub-bub · 5 years
‘A New Source of Creation’
Today (April 29) in Paris, Lagardère Studios and Wattpad are announcing a partnership to develop French-language content from the platform for screens. The agreement, one of at least four Wattpad development deals announced this month, opens a new collaboration between the Toronto-based platform and a subsidiary of the parent company of Hachette Livre.
In the terms of the agreement, Lagardère Studios gets exclusive first-look rights for all French-language content uploaded to the platform to produce projects for television, film, and digital adaptations, exclusively in French.
Projects for the partnership will respond to Lagardère Studios’ guidelines and will use Wattpad’s topical search capabilities to surface potentially applicable stories from the half-billion writings that Wattpad officials say have been uploaded to the company.
In a prepared statement, Lagardère Studios president and CEO Christophe Thoral is quoted, saying, “The success of Lagardère Studios comes from the richness, quality and originality of content produced for all audiences.
“This collaboration with Wattpad Studios is a wonderful opportunity and provides our fiction producers in France with a new source of creation.”
And speaking for Wattpad Studios, its chief, Aron Levitz, is quoted, saying, “Innovative entertainment companies all over the world understand that data and technology can bring new insights to the development process and help find exciting new voices.
“Lagardère Studios sees the enormous opportunity of tapping into Wattpad’s global French-language communities and bringing their stories to screens everywhere.”
There is, of course, a precedent for Wattpad’s association with a Lagardère company. In July 2017, Publishing Perspectives reported what at that time was the platform’s largest deal with a European publisher, Hachette Romans, led by Cécile Terouanne, who would appear with Wattpad’s Ashleigh Gardner later that year at Frankfurter Buchmesse to talk about the partnership which sees Wattpad stories produced as books in print and digital formats.
Anna Todd’s ‘After’
In addition this month to announcing deals with Singapore’s Mediacorp, Manila’s Anvil Publishing, Sony Pictures Television, and now Lagardère Studios, the platform has also seen the release (April 12) of Jenny Gage’s direction of the film adaptation of After–probably the most famous of the platform-to-book-to-screen Wattpad properties to date.
Author Anna Todd—the affable and prolific first ‘Wattpad Star” to gain real name-traction in the market for her writings on the platform—participated in the screenplay with adaptor Susan McMartin and as a producer. Wattpad Studios’ Levitz also is listed as a producer.
Starring Hero Fiennes Tiffin, Josephine Langford, and Peter Gallagher, the film reportedly surpassed its opening-weekend expectations, drawing US$6 million domestically in a wide release at 2,138 cinema locations. A Box Office Mojo report from  Brad Brevet indicates that 76 percent of the show’s audience was female and 73 percent was younger than 25, tracking the gender and age statistics of the 70-million-strong Wattpad monthly active users pool–a large part of which seems heartily to appreciate a bad-boy college romance.
As Joseph Bien-Kahn write at Vulture on April 19, the 2014 option originally stalled out at Paramount, which released rights to the show with the stipulation that it couldn’t be developed by another major studio.
Producer Jennifer Gibgot had predicted an international take of US$40 million in the first weekend, despite some challenging critical attention. The actual international gross so far is reportedly some US$37.5 million, with US and Canadian gross overall at this writing at some US$11.4 million. Data from IMDB’s system shows the Aviron Pictures production dropping to US$2.4 million in its second week, a 60.4-percent fall, in the same number of domestic cinemas.
More from Publishing Perspectives on Wattpad is here, more from us on books to film is here, and more on France’s market is here.
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