#those Untouched by my brainrot
fagtainsparklez · 1 year
(inspired by @/proudfreakmetarusonniku's poll here)
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pumpkin-patch-cat · 5 months
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⸸ Savior ⸸
Satan x Fem! Reader (female presenting)
🔞 NSFW. Minors DNI.🔞
Warnings: rough penetration, semi-conciousness, language
AN: Just a little brainrot I've had cookin' in my head and decided to share with the class. As per usual, please pardon any grammatical errors.
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That familiar pain. The burning ache.
‘Not again’
You look to your side toward Satan in desperation as your stride slows, your lungs yearning to take unimpeded breaths of air but each time you breath in, it's as if you're inhaling needles and foreign ozone.
“S-satan..” You croak, hastily seeking his attention by reaching for his sleeve, but the attentive king had already noticed. With no Sitri and Ppyong present, the king couldn't be happier. But not so much knowing this phenomenon plagues you and causes you pain. Pain not inflicted by his own hands, that is.
“Your room. Now” He commands with a knowing smile.
He grabs your hand, you shut your eyes, desperately trying to conjure up the familiar space, but alas, your thoughts are repeatedly interrupted by panic. You simply can not take in a good enough breath to maintain your train of thought.
“Y/n, hurry” Satan's stern voice presses. He grips your shoulders, noting the tears pricking your eyes when you open them in panic once again.
“c-can’t” you inhale as sharply as you can to gather any air that would make it through.
You claw at your throat with one hand while holding his forearm with the other in a silent cry for help.
“Shit” Satan frowns, then scans the area quickly. Most buildings are dilapidated and have fallen to ruin. ‘Damn angels’ he thinks, dragging you further down the deserted street in hopes of finding a space untouched by violence. If he had it his way, he'd fuck you where you stood, but that was reckless.
You continue to take in short puffs of air, wheezing now, nearly losing your footing.
Satan steadies you with a protective grip on your forearm, and when you both come to a stop near a darkened alley, he makes an executive decision.
“Fuck it”
It'll have to do.
It's dark and dank. Musty with the smell of dry rotted wood and moldy, wet brick. A stark contrast to the evening's inviting and dusky setting sun outside of the alley. Satan drags you in deeper, avoiding a few leaky pipes, debris, and puddles, continuously on alert to be sure no angels are on your heels.
Once the man is satisfied with a spot closest to a dead-end, the king turns and graces you with one of his signature kisses without hesitation. In the back of his mind, he's unsure if the transfer of energy will work without the proper head space, but right now there's no time to hypothesize.
His kiss deepens when a pained whimper escapes your lips.
He needs to hurry, less he lose his favorite human.
Through your dazed expression you feel the cold chill and rough surface of something hard pressed to your back.
“I've got you…” He murmurs against your lips and presses you closer against the wall, quickly reaching down to undo and slip your bottoms from your hips, the tell tale sound of a belt buckle and zipper of his jumpsuit follows after. Fabric now left to pool at both your feet.
Even in dire times, his human was still beautiful.
With his boxers at his hips, the king hoists you up by the ass, pressing against you, his dick now free and already impossibly hard knowing your most precious space is currently his for the taking.
Using the wall to keep you sandwiched against his broad chest, Satan pistons your pussy without warm-up or warning; relishing in the tight squeeze and slowly moistening flesh fighting to adjust to the intrusion. He'll apologize later…maybe.
“Argh!” A strangled cry escapes your throat despite the innate lack of air, to which a hand comes down over your mouth to quickly muffle the sounds, forcing you to attempt harsh breaths through your nose.
“Easy, little lamb. You don't want those creatures to interrupt our fun, do you?” he offers quietly.
The only response he receives comes in the form of whimpers each time he re-enters, those red eyes keeping you locked in a dazed trance.
The demon thrusts harshly upward, forgoing a lazy pace and opting for one that's sure to leave your insides bruised. His large hand grips your ass, while his other moves from your mouth to hold your thigh, guiding you up and down.
While the blooming pleasure feels incredible, it's nearly drowned out by your lack of air supply. The energy isn't being absorbed fast enough and your vision starts to go dim. You claw at Satan's shoulder, breaking skin in an attempt to stay grounded and push through the fog, but the tightness in your chest is nearly unbearable.
“Stay with me, y/n. Fuck…you feel so good…That's right, abuse my flesh. Use me!” Satan muses through clenched teeth and pushes in deeper, digging his nails into the soft fat of your ass.
Your body feels like jello. You feel as though you're underwater. Your eyes begin to roll, practically a limp, play-thing in the demon's arms, and it only spurs him on.
The demon shifts his hips in a way that manages to prod against a more sensitive spot deep within your pussy, pushing out another strangled cry from your near empty lungs. His lips connect with yours again to swallow the sound.
“Look at my little human. At the presepist of death, yet drunk off the delicious burn of pleasure…” he coos near your jaw as it goes slack in a silent scream. Your head weightlessly pulls to the side just a bit, only to be yanked back upright abruptly by the chin.
“Look at me, y/n. Hey…HEY. Focus” he taps your cheek a bit rougher than intended, but it brings your fucked out, panicked eyes back to his face.
God, you were gorgeous.
Terror and bliss playing tug of war with your features, and his heart. Fervent groans of both pain and ecstacy continuously escaping your throat. He wished he could take a picture. To freeze the expression on your face in time.
To show you…to tease you…
To piss you off.
The thought of your rage upon seeing yourself in such a vulnerable state of disarray had the demon's eyes crossing slightly, tongue lapping out and dripping with saliva into the space between your bodies. His dick engorged further as he envisioned the twisted, raw anger in your words as you scolded him for his behavior.
A bit of liquid dripped down the side of his face and over his cheek. He licked it away greedily when it reached his lips; the taste salty and familiar - his horns were leaking. He felt heavy against your walls, his balls clapped rhythmically against your ass cheeks to the beat of each relentless plunge within. You were so wet around him, for him, and it only increased the faster he moved. That's a good thing. It meant you were still alive. You were still his.
Despite your slowly deteriorating state, the king could feel the needy squeeze of your pussy keeping him locked deep inside - you were close.
“Just like that.” he breathes, brows creased in concentration.
The muscles of Satan's ass flexed and relaxed, forcing you upward in his grip.
The darkness that licked at the edges of your vision remained, but the familiar burn in your core was smoldering - growing.
“S-satan” you manage to croak again, barely above a whisper. You held on to the wefts of hair on his shoulders like anchors with what little strength you had, managing to catch the glimmer of two crimson, half lidded eyes boring into your face through the glaze clouding your vision.
“Cum for me, little lamb. Let me be your savior. Pray to me. Let me be your God” He grinned above you, face flushed red and wild.
The feeling was damn near torture. Being tugged back and forth between consciousness and a mental, black void that threatened to swallow you whole, but it did not extinguish the growing flame in your gut, nay, it pushed you further; a feeling akin to a taut rubber band.
Satan set a punishing rhythm then, the sound of wet flesh colliding together bounced off the walls around you both. His hips began to sputter, his thrusts slowed to harsh grinding where the tight curls of his pubic hair rubbed deliciously against your throbbing clit.
The moment the proverbial rubber band snapped was the moment an orgasm so forceful--so earth shattering--rocked through your arched body, and set your senses alight.
Your only warning from the demon was a drawn-out grunt that reverberated deep in his chest and his teeth coming down to latch onto your shoulder to muffle his own sounds.
A rush of hot warmth coats your insides simultaneously, and color bursts forth into your vision; air once again floods your lungs with the deepest of breaths.
In the few moments following, the only thing you remembered was a gentle hand resting on your cheek and the words 'sleep now' being uttered before your world went black.
“You did so well. But now you need rest” The king had you dressed, as best as he could anyways, and in his arms bridal style heading for home.
Although the transfer worked and he managed to save you, it was hard to ignore the small sense of dread that bottomed out in his stomach seeing you in distress.
The further he walked, cradling your body against his, your breaths now even, he contemplated.
In the beginning, the possessiveness he felt for you had been brought on by territorial instincts nurtured by your connection to Solomon, but the longer he spent time with you, his idea of who you were had started to change.
You were interesting for many reasons, reasons he couldn't quite put his finger on, and both Ppyong and Sitri had taken a liking to you as well, though in a way that felt completely different from Solomon's time in hell.
Did that make him…happy? It's been a long time since he felt an ounce of happiness, depression was unkind like that. But you. Your presence had started to fan those flames. The thought brought a small smile to his face.
“What are you doing to me, y/n?” He asks quietly, sweeping his eyes over your relaxed, sleeping face. An inkling of warmth tingling in his chest.
Satan wasn't sure what was going on, but in that moment, he vowed to be there when you needed him. To stay by your side and protect you.
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generalsdiary · 2 months
Aventurine x Dr. Ratio
warnings: none
word count: 1.1k~
a/n: this literally played out in my head today and i had to write it down, aventio brainrot is so real, *legato is a term used for playing smoothly and slowly, not beta read, aventurine will come home
description: IPC throws a boring official party, Aventurine feels tired of it all and wants to leave, Ratio makes it happen, they share a moment afterward (more like they share multiple moments during all of it but whatever)
the genius society and the IPC had organized an event, a fundraiser so to speak, although the details are of little matter at this moment. due to their background they both had to attend, Veritas in a dark blue satin suit and Aventurine in a soft velvet one with many different colors such as cyan and splashes of yellow and light gray. one simple, the other full of flair, like a peacock spreading its feathers to woo its potential mate to be.
under a ruse of their conversation being related to a shared task given by their superiors, they chat alone at a tall table with high chairs near the exit. they talk in short sentences, and even shorter glances. Aventurine has his typical smile on his face, shining like the brightest star in the universe. those stars shine the brightest because they are burning, actively burning up... except only Veritas sees how plastic the smile is at that moment, he reads his body language; which shows small signs of tiredness and annoyance of others around them. Aventurine would usually love to form connections or refresh older ones. tonight… he simply, it seems, isn’t up for it in a sense.
the doctor dislikes unnecessary attention yet now, he decides to give him, give them both a quick getaway. being meticulous and intelligent as he is, he knows of a perfect way to leave this dreadful place filled with fake smiles, forced small talk, and ass-kissing.
without sharing this plan, he walks over to the glossy black piano. the instrument sits coldly, untouched for so long, cleaned without a speck of dust and ignored by the party, merely there as a decoration and not as a vessel of emotion and old magic unspoken by anyone there anymore. in calm, large steps Ratio stands beside the piano, unbuttoning a button on his suit jacket, and sits down on the red plush chair. he adjusts his posture, a public performance will surely invite attention and create conversations perfect for them to slip out. Aventurine quietly observed him, wondering what the doctor was doing.
a simple melody, gentle, quiet at first fills the room which, somewhat, quiets down. gazes shift to Veritas as his fingers in a calculating manner glide over the piano keys creating a rather romantic melody to the trained ear. Veritas is very well aware that pianists are typically known to stare at a random dot when they play and he grabs that information tightly because his eyes from the first note moved and stayed on Aventurine’s. his head cocked to the side, shaking slightly due to his lower arms moving as he keeps his eyes on the blond man. Veritas’ fingers move against the keys coldly, much like the keys are cool against his fingertips, yet he gently presses them, a silent letter to his… colleague.
Aventurine leaned on a wall beside him, the tall glass in his hand with a dark liquid swirling around as he smiled genuinely. almost like any romantic lead in a rom-com movie when the love interest holds their gaze as they publicly but secretly confess their love. Aventurine’s eyes fall down to his glass, still smiling he takes a small sip, which invites Veritas to shift his gaze lower. oh, they both know how to press each other’s buttons in just the right way, it wouldn’t be fun without the occasional mind game now, would it?
as the melody comes to a close, Ratio closes the lid on the piano keys, the sound of people clapping fills his ears and he disregards them completely, being much less obvious about where he is looking. the tall man walks over to their shared table, their fingers interlocking like fluttering feathers falling to the ground, hidden from most gazes. he leads Aventurine outside of the room, leaving the party fully. questions of how does he play so well, where did he learn, and oh I want to talk to that doctor now, who knew he was so talented in other matters as well fill the now forgotten silence and as their attention shifts to the wishes of talking to the man in the midnight suit, they slip out.
the fresh air hits their skin in a blissful, soothing manner. their hands separate.
“now doctor, that was quite a performance~” the shorter man says with a familiar tone in his voice.
with a nod the taller one answers, “I couldn’t help but notice your distress, it was nothing more than a way to help…” a few more words linger on his tongue, help you, dear gambler.
a chuckle escapes Aventurine, “and you staring at me like a fool in love was also a way to help, hm?” his words teasing the older man who scoffs, he quickly cuts himself off to take a small step forward and quietly whispers, “…thank you.” his eyes close to gather a moment of peace.
“of course.” Veritas’ hand finds Aventurine’s again, lingering around his fingers. furthermore, his hand moves to cup his cheek, his thumb caressing it as he lovingly stares at Aventurine’s face.
Aventurine’s eyes open for a couple of moments before he moves even closer, “could you look any more love-struck, you are being painfully obvious”, he whispers before his lips meet Veritas’.
too scandalous for their own good, the way they move slightly closer to each other and slowly kiss, like lovers who have no rush with one another, like time isn’t always running out for humans. savoring the taste, the warmth, the feeling, like it will fly away on a butterfly’s wings, or disappear like the smoke when the candle burns out. in the slow pace, there is a honey-like taste, a caramel note neither of them wants to let go, it makes them want more. like they are each other’s light and each other’s firefly, dancing like a couple of fireflies around one another. the younger one who fell first, and the older one who fell harder. a hint of desperation in the kiss, it is out of pure need to spend time with the other. to not let go. but the sugary sweetness of the kiss can only stay like that if one makes a break. if their lips separate to exchange a long glance in silence before they meet once again- where the caramel hue covers their lips and fills their chest once more.
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indigo-anonymous · 25 days
I’d love to hear which other songs brain rot you for the fic!!
Yippee!! Time for the Splinter Fractures brainrot song list (which is by no means definitive and can be expanded at any time)! Buckle up, because it's gonna be a long post (I'm halfway finishing this in drafts and it's SO LONG already). I want to go over my favourite lyrics for each of them :D
I'll go over the two that were brought up previously first, to get those out of the way. All links lead to YouTube videos of the songs, since I know not everyone has Spotify.
Just A Man from Epic the Musical - Personally I see this as Sinner!Adam singing to Charlie (mayhaps during one of their sessions?) Some of these thoughts on the lyrics aren't specifically Splinter Fractures (that goes for all of them) but in part my own interpretation of (sinner) Adam :)
I look into your eyes and I think back to the son of mine (Abel) You're as old as he was when I left for war (When he was killed by Cain) Will these actions haunt my days? (nightmares eyyy) Every man I've slain Is the price I pay endless pain? Close your eyes, and spare yourself the view How could I hurt you? (Charlie is like the perfect blend of both her parents, both people he loved. This would be less of a question abt the future and more of a "why did I do that?")
I'm just a man, who's trying to go home Even after all the years away from what I've known (he's homesick for Eden, when everything was still good and happy) I'm just a man who's fighting for his life Deep down I would trade the world to see my son and wife (Beneath everything, he just misses being with the people he cares about)
But when does a comet become a meteor? When does a candle become a blaze? When does a man become a monster? When does a ripple become a tidal wave? When does the reason become the blame? When does a man become a monster? (Everything slowly going wrong, and losing control, to the point where he becomes the monster, the leader of exterminations, killing millions for the protection of heaven.)
I'm just a man... (He needs Charlie to recognise that he's only human. He's not an angel, not someone incredible powerful or untouchable. He's just a man, and he has made a lot of mistakes, because making mistakes is human... But simultaneously, this is regret, and an admittance to himself. He doesn't want to be human. He wishes he was an untouchable angel, but he's not.)
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Monster from Epic the Musical - I've talked about this one in a different post already, so you know the brainrot is reallll. To me this song kind of tells the story of Adam becoming the Lead Exorcist. How he basically gave up his humanity to protect Heaven, both out of a sense of duty and because the people up there (his kids) matter to him and he's afraid of seeing them get hurt.
How has everything been turned against us? How did suffering become so endless? (When they got kicked out of Eden, the rest of their mortal lives was him and Eve against the barren world, nigh endless suffering was their punishment) How am I to reunite with my estranged? (As much as he hates Lilith and Lucifer for abandoning him and making him out to be the villain, he still missed them) Do I need to change? (He believes himself to be the problem)
What if I'm the monster? What if I'm in the wrong? What if I'm the problem that's been hiding all along? What if I'm the one who killed you Every time I caved to guilt? (Cain and Abel </3)
The in-between part here is specific examples from Epic, but there's plenty of similar stories to Adam. Was Lilith wrong to take the apple or was she actually being trapped here by the angels? Was Lucifer wrong for choosing her side, or was he just taking care of someone he loved? Were the angels wrong for kicking him and Eve out of Eden, or did they deserve it?
If I became the monster, and threw that guilt away Would that make us stronger? Would it keep our foes at bay? (This is Adam suggesting the exterminations after the initial uprising. He doesn't really want it to happen, but he feels like it's a necessary evil to keep his loved ones safe) If I became the monster to everyone but us And made sure we got home again Who would care if we're unjust? (His reasoning for why the exterminations aren't evil or unjust: they attacked us first, I'm making sure they can't hurt us again. Especially personal in Splinter Fractures because he just had to see Abel die for a second time) If I became the monster...
I actually drew this part because the brainrot was getting to me. I don't love how it turned out but I spent hours making it so I might as well put it here 0_o
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Then I'll become the Monster I will deal the blow And I'll become the Monster Like none they've ever known So what if I'm the Monster Lurking deep below? I must become the Monster And then we'll make it home (again, he feels like it's something he has to do to keep people safe. To some degree he blames himself for Eden, and original sin, and this is him taking responsibility for what he believes to be his mistakes. He's aware of how all of Hell will perceive him if he does this, and he chooses to do it anyway)
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Don't Save Me by Chxrlotte - Ah yes, a song about giving up, and asking people to just let you drown in your pain. Very much a song of self-loathing which is so Adam to me, especially in Splinter Fractures.
I came from the darkness, hiding on my own Like rain thoughts are harmless, leave me here alone The waking nightmares aren't as bad as dreaming, I suppose (life is a nightmare but the sleeping nightmares are worse)
Maybe I'm wretched and deserve this, I don't know (Adam questioning if maybe he really has been evil all along, it's not like he knows why he's in hell to begin with...) Don't save me, I'm almost glad if this is how I go (Ah... wishing for death... almost)
Look into my eyes And tell me what you see A demon in disguise Pretending to be me (hmmm that mirror scene. Also this is very What Lute Sees and convinces herself to believe. That it's not really him, but rather a demon pretending to be Adam) Bury your surprise And listen carefully He lives inside my mind He'll never let me free (Being trapped by your own thoughts, the insecurities will never leave Adam alone! They'll stick with him forever, buried so deep in his soul that he's unlovable, that everyone leaves, that no matter what anyone says, he's just broken.)
The wasteland never ends and it's killing me Wait and count to ten, but I'll never be Able to live, I can't seem to breathe (just a case of the 'shakes' right? Definitely not a panic attack /s) I'll die fading carefully so don't save me (this whole song is about refusing help, which is exactly what Splinter!Adam did practically every time. He only accepted it when the alternative was living on the streets of Hell and all the horrifying shit that comes with that)
Standing on the edge, it's darker now And it's in my head, I can't hear a sound Facing the storm, I'm cast out at sea I'll drown eventually so don't save me (Adam very much believes that at some point he'll just be kicked out again. That this is all temporary, and eventually he'll drown)
I can't live anymore and I'm the one to blame At night my thoughts, they scare me I can't face another day (I feel like I don't need to repeat myself too much. Blaming himself for things that are, in actuality, not really his fault)
Don't save me I think I'm in hell These walls are talking I can tell I've bathed in fire since I fell Don't leave me on my own (this is right at the start of the fic. He's been in Hell for a while and it has damaged him, he finally reaches out for help for the first time, almost begging Lucifer not to just leave him on his own there, and it kickstarts his way out of his hell-spiral)
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Enemy by Imagine Dragons (solo version) - My favourite on this list, to the point where I want to make an animatic of it so badly but I do not have the time or energy to do so. The lyrics just follow the story of Splinter Fractures so well!!! (I had this one in my brain early, so it's far more focussed on the start of the story)
I wake up to the sounds of the silence that allows For my mind to run around with my ear up to the ground I'm searching to behold the stories that are told When my back is to the world that was smiling when I turned (He wakes up in Hell, and the irony is laughable to everyone who recognises him (just Lucifer at the start, Vaggie and to some degree Charlie later))
Tell you you're the greatest But once you turn, they hate us (this one's all heaven, most evident in Lute and Sera. They tell him he's the best, the first man, absolutely great! ...until he becomes a sinner. Then he's nothing but a lowly demon to them, they treat him with disgust at best, and outright hatred at worse)
Oh, the misery Everybody wants to be my enemy Spare the sympathy (Same as before, asking Lucifer to not leave him there. Asking for the slightest drop of sympathy (he only gets it when he has a panic attack after)) Everybody wants to be my enemy (Everyone in Hell hates him for the exterminations, everyone in Heaven hates him for being a demon now. He's got no allies, only enemies)
Your words up on thе wall as you're prayin' for my fall (every sinner, especially those in the hotel, wanted him dead. They were, in a sense, praying for his fall, and they got it) And the laughter in thе halls and the names that I've been called (I can definitely imagine Adam being insecure enough that he always feels like people are laughing at him and mocking him behind his back)
They say pray it away I swear, that I'll never be a saint, no way (Adam is aware enough of his flaws to know he'll never be good enough to be redeemed into Heaven) A chair in the corner is my place I stay I shake and I think about the powers at play, the powers at play (his deal with Lucifer, knowing that a single wrong move will get him kicked back out onto Hell's streets, it absolutely terrifies him) And the kids in the dark that were doomed from the start The child in the basement, face to the pavement Oh, what a statement, love is embracement Love is a constant, love is a basis (there's a lot of different ways to interpret those last few lines: Adam believing the hotel is doomed (which he does), his feelings on the loss of Abel (twice), the fact that he still loves people, again and again, that he keeps trying even though they always leave him (ouch)) He cannot be, she cannot be, they cannot be changed, but keep on praying (He doesn't believe the hotel will ever truly work. One redeemed sinner is probably a fluke. Sinners can't change and become better... right?)
Goodbye (haha that scene in the lobby of the Heaven Embassy hahahaha... </3)
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What Could Have Been by Sting ft. Ray Chen - This one is a lot more recent. Very much focussed around the chapters where they discuss Eden, and the story of Eden in general. It hurts to listen to sometimes, and has made me cry more than once (/pos)
I am the monster you created You ripped out all my parts (Lilith and Lucifer abandoning Adam broke his heart, absolutely shattered him. They are a large part of the why Adam is 'the monster' that everyone sees him as) And worst of all, for me to live, I gotta kill the part of me that saw That I needed you more (His approach to Lilith wanting to leave him was to pretend he didn't want her either. That he didn't care about her or Lucifer, or whatever happened to them)
I hope you know we had everything And you broke me and left these pieces (Them leaving, and especially Lucifer's words about how everyone will pick anyone else than him, definitely broke him to pieces. He was left to put himself back together, but he never truly healed right) I want you to hurt like you hurt me today and I want you to lose like I lose when I play what could have been (His response to Lilith being made infertile may have been harsh, but it was understandably bitter, as a response to the pain they caused him first)
Why don't you love who I am? What we could have been? (Lilith loving Lucifer instead of him, and the two of them choosing to leave together, rather than stay with him. I can imagine it felt to Adam like there was something wrong with him, that he already felt unlovable even before Lucifer rubbed salt in the wound with his later comment/curse)
I am your ghost, a fallen angel (Adam's appearance in Splinter Fractures certainly looks ghostly) You ripped out all my parts I couldn't care what invention you made me 'Cause I, I was meant to be yours (He firmly believed that him and Lilith were meant to be together forever, that's what made her rejection hurt as much as it did. They were literally made for each other, but Lilith still didn't want him)
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That's it, that's the list (for now)! This post is so fucking long aaaaaa. I hope you like it anyways, and if you don't go through all of the lyrics that's fine, thanks for asking anyways <3
Indigo (finally got this out of drafts)
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seelestia · 2 years
ive been thinking, kamisato ayato with a reader that got their vision taken away. im curious, what would he do and how would he act hwhwwhhhhhwwww
— 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐞.
[ prequel to recover. ]
word count: 0.4k words.
genre: ayato x reader, secret relationship, angst, took place during the vision hunt decree.
thoughts: assuming that your vision was taken away, you must be someone unaffiliated with the tri-commissions or a regular citizen... so, i thought why not make it a secret relationship??? 👀 ngl, i doubled over my seat when i saw ayato's name. (/j) also, i'm not sure if you're the same anon who has sent me brainrots before but regardless, ty for this! have a good day, mwah <3
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it was hard not to break.
as soon as ayato caught wind about the confiscation of your vision, he had to conceal the briefest moment where his heart skipped a beat. no, he must stay calm, he mustn't falter — lest he risks raising suspicion among the shogunate and endangering the reputation of his clan.
but that extremely bitter taste in his mouth lingered still.
to lose one's vision is to lose one's soul. with your convictions ripped away from you, to where will you be headed now? no, you could barely even recall anything — and it pained ayato to see you this way.
the thought of the suffering people was already unbearable for him, knowing their desperate gazes that were laid upon his shoulders. the vision that hung from his waist, one that was called as a blessing from the archons, felt like a tool to taunt those who had lost theirs, even if he didn't mean to seem so.
kamisato ayato may still have his vision with him, he may never experience the loss of his ambitions like the others — but for someone whose lover he partially shared a heart with had experienced it all, he became familiar with the feeling.
"my love," ayato muttered. but you didn't respond, you didn't have any strength left in your body to.
once, when he called you by those two words, it would carve such a lovely smile upon your lips, but now, they were nothing but mere words that fell from his own.
his touch that cradled your cheek was gentle, he held you so gently as if you were a piece of fragile glass in his hand. but the resolve in his chest only hardened itself even further the more he gazed upon your lifeless face.
you had gone to a place far away from here, and the only way to bring you into his arms again was to abolish this decree. and he will achieve it, that shall be his promise.
this time, the commissioner stood up with a quiet flourish of his sleeves. a heavy sigh escaped his cold lips, "i'll be back."
he had no choice but to let go, as much as he wished he could hold your face in his hand for much longer. reality was calling for him and he couldn't ignore it, as much as he wished he could do so.
"my lord?" thoma's voice was a concerned inquiry in his ears. in the corner of ayato's eyes, he caught another glance of you. the last one before he resigned himself to this path of inevitability and betrayal.
your eyes were fluttered close and your chest moved a steady rhythm as you lied weakly on the mattress, thoma's homemade bowl of porridge untouched beside you. it was a reminder for ayato; that he needed to persevere, for you and for the people.
and exactly that, he shall do.
"please continue to look after them, thoma. i have matters to take care of."
"yes, my lord."
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urstruly-ghst · 1 year
vil schoenheit + assistant reader !
note : i caved, i need more soft vil hcs where he's such a model. i promise i'll update on my requests, but brainrot is needed. anyways, enjoy! (ps. that's rocky from astro hehe)
cw : a bit suggestive(?), other than that sfw, not nrc reader, gn reader
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vil schoenheit 
Modeling with him is a challenge he doesn’t take lightly; Vil wants his spotlight, and you ought to give it to him. He knew which angles looked good on him, and he knew a warmer light gave his facial features a rounder edge, Vil is a model, and he walks the walk. On the other hand, you are just an assistant– a secretary for models and clientele. You knew how to handle him, from his tight schedule and temper that lasted for hours. And just him in general; maybe that’s why you got to date the untouchable Vil Schoenheit.
You were always tight-lipped with your relationship with your “boss” (since Vil is superior in your position).HR would hate how two teens fell in love in a workplace setting. Vil feels a bit bothered by that concept; can’t he be as flashy with you as he is in front of the camera? Sure, he knew professionalism, but that glint of being a teen besotted in the foolishness of their first love shines when he wanders his eyes.
While he is professional in any workplace setting, he is anything, but when Vil enters, he is just VIl. The same Vil who feels he can’t be the prettiest, even with the endless praise and approvals to prove him wrong. The same Vil who loves theatrics yet always remains classy of the act– never acting more than needed. And lastly, the same Vil Schoenheit who modeled for everyone with a price but would beg with his heart to let him be a model for your eyes. To show off his vulnerability and the flaws you placed kisses on even when he never asked.
Being professional with you is hard; your poker face fails to conceal anything from him. It entices him to be a fool because Vil takes a chance to break that facade. The flashes of heat that you permeated into his soul seep in when he helps you in your job– those promos don’t stand a chance against you. 
“And collaborations for Mr. Schoenheit are still on end?” You asked on the phone, your hands trembling as you saw Vil watch you like a hawk in your periphery. That gaze burns for two reasons: he wants you to end the call. Two: he needs someone to brandish him with kisses after a long day at work. At the same time, you aren’t required to work beyond the needed hours (it’s exploiting and very harsh for you to work around the clock). 
The words on the phone seemed static when you suddenly felt Vil’s hand on your thigh, warm from the bath he took and soft from the lavish layers of lotion and cream. Panic set course in your heart; you eyed Vil– questioning him with a silent stare. Yet, even if it was an obscene situation, you felt excited. 
Worst of all, Vil knew. He knew how to play the right cards. He has your body memorized down to your last bit of hair. 
“Are you still on the line, hello?!” The client started to yell, obviously frustrated at your lack of response in such a big brand. Vil’s name is a brand, and your staying silent jeopardizes that client’s chance of big cash. 
“Y-yes… I’m sorry, sir. Please repeat your schedule to see if Mr. Schoenheit is free on–” Your sentence got cut off when Vil suddenly set a soft kiss on your hand. An invitation, you knew him well. It was subtle, a kiss on the hand to arrow to signal an abrupt stop. 
“Drop the call.”
In an instant, you did. 
Because you knew Vil, he can’t stand to share his rare personal time with you to work. He loathes work stealing you when it was his job to do so. 
“Ah, hello, Schatz. Let’s lock out work for the outside, hmm? This is our time.”
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lipglossanon · 8 months
IM SOOOO glad u liked the stepmommy stuff i sent it literally makes me ecstatic! i love love love ur writing and i know you’ll write those stuff SO GOOODDDD !!!!! my brain just kept rotting about it,,, like just imagine leon taking a shower and freezes when he feels that his cute stepmommy is right behind him! her excuse is to wash his body really well (she just wants to feel his body) and she makes sure that no spot is left untouched, she takes an extra long time to clean his dick just because it’s so big! rubbing up and down while her soapy body is right behind and pressed up agains leon..! poor leon has to have a steady hand against the wall so he doesn’t pass out from feeling lightheaded from the warm water making it all foggy and the touch of his stepmommy! maybe after the shower they will be having a nice family dinner and leon is being super needy! he blames him being needy for what happened in the shower but also for stepmommy wearing such a tight and a lowcut dress..seems like he’s not the only one who can’t keep his eyes off her (her husband who hasn’t been able to keep his eyes off his beloved wife!) leon feeling annoyed at the lack of affection for him (and attention?) but also finds it a little hot? stepmommy enjoying her food until she notices the tent in leon’s pants..! decides to relieve the pain by feather light touches but turns out it makes it worse..now poor stepmommy has to jerk leon off under the table while not looking suspicious as she talks to her dear husband!
could i also be 🎲 anon if it’s not taken! 🩷
Hi 🎲 anon! (and yes! 🎲 is free for you! 🤭)
AGAJFL all of the teasing!! 🙈 and Leon just being so needy 😵‍💫
But yes! Please feel free to continue to send in any of your thoughts!! 🤭 I love reading them!!
And I love love love the stepson Leon brainrot 😌 like I’m seriously thinking of writing something for him as soon as my break after October is finished 😝
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yandere-fics · 8 months
I kind of imagine their spirit stuck in the item and being a looming spirit, but the reader and the OC are linked mentally. Like in the field while fighting their more focused of keeping reader safe and guiding their actions so they're in the item. While when it's calm, maybe walking through a market then they come have a "body" and loom.
I also have the idea that they have very limited control over the readers body. As well as having different kinds of control due to them being different items.
Like if Abigail sees reader do something that puts them in danger she jerks their arm hard enough to make them stumble back. As if she's grabbed them by the wrist. And when they try to leave to go on some dangerous adventure the hand that she's worn on grabs the other to stop reader from opening the door.
With Elisha who's a hair tie or a choker she might have slight control over the readers mind since she's so close the readers head. Same thing with Theanna and Ainsly.
I also think that when you realize how toxic they are they have ways to stop you from removing them.
Abigail constricts around you hand so tight she might end up breaking it. Veronia just wraps around you like a cocoon. If Elisha's a choker she tightens until you either tap out or pass out. If she's a hair tie then twists and pulls on your hair so hard it feels like you're being scalped. Ainsly makes the pendant untouchable whether it her heating it up or electrifying the thing. And Theanna squeezes around your temple harder and harder it feels like she's going to cave your head in.
Again this is just spooky brainrot so if you have anymore ideas feel free in hopping on bus. I'm interested in what you think too.
(I'm so sorry this took so long since I had to gather my thoughts on it but it's finally here, please enjoy.)
♡ Them As Cursed Objects ♡
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Perhaps putting on the faintly glowing crown of the former leader who rose to power through mysterious methods was a bad idea, but with your fellow rebels gathering around you, you could deal with the after effects later. For now the kingdom needed a symbolic leader and you could always relinquish control to a real leader later so you put it on.
She didn't appear immediately, which now you realize was the crown luring you into a false sense of security. She wanted to make sure she got it right with this ruler so it started with your dreams being invaded. Dreams with brilliant ideas for how to lead the kingdom towards peace. Things that made you feel as though it were destiny for you to take control since you saw the perfect way to run things as you slept.
Then the specter from the corner of your eye. She looked to be a noble woman, dressed in the garb of a prince but when you turned to look at her, she was gone. It started as being in the corner of your dreamscape, weird dreams that you always remembered when you woke up and were way more comprehensible than before.
It wasn't long before she appeared in court, invisible to those around her, except you. Almost as if giving the message that she was behind all the peace in your kingdom, that you shouldn't allow the power to taint you. And you, well you were far more respectful than previous kings, it only seemed fair that you leave offerings for the spirit that was so generous to guide your decisions.
You weren't aware that she was tied to the crown until one day you were set to meet another noble, someone who could be your consort, when the spirit appeared and your crown felt as though it was tightening painfully. She glared in your room, and you obeyed, afterall she must have some reason that this one will not work out.
So you tried again, and again, and again, and it was always the same thing. There wasn't really any way to ask the spirit who you should marry since she never seemed to talk except for in dreams, and well in dreams you always seemed to forget to broach the subject.
It wasn't until two years into your reign when you began to discuss replacements, that she finally spoke and you almost wish she hadn't because it seemed the spirit thought of herself as the king and you as her queen. Like you two were romantically entangled and now that you knew that, she was only more persistent in her advances.
"I can not allow MY queen to retire, I swear anyone that you attempt to give the crown to share perish by my hand until you resume wearing the crown." It was in the library, you were looking through books of noble families who supported the rebellion to find a suitable candidate, when those words came out, the spirit shredding your book to pieces.
"That book was property of the royal library, please don't damage any property." You stood up and rushed out of the library, realizing it was kind of stupid considering that the spirit would always be at your location but you had to get out when you considered how possessively the spirit spoke to you.
She seemed to subsist until later in the day when she approached you in your chambers, you now being acutely aware of how the spirit watched you sleep at night. All her gazes as you danced at balls made sense now. When you laughed and got close to your rebel buddies. How angry she looked at your proposal letters, taking them and throwing them in the fire as she read them from behind you.
"I refuse to allow anyone else to be my queen, as long as the crown lasts, you shall be my queen and we shall rule together, darling." Her cold lips gave you a kiss on the cheek as she sat on your bed for the first time since this had begun and beckoned you. And of course, like a fool you followed, afterall who could disobey the spirit who made your kingdom so prosperous.
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The hair tie was intoxicating, cursed artifacts always were but this one particularly so. It had made it's way into your wares and well, you had to know what the item was before you could sell it to your customers. You knew a curse object when you saw one so you felt it was best to try it on to see the effect.
It was only a day after that you generally seemed happier, your sleep was better, you seemed healthier, and your mind was clearer than ever. It was magnificent. Yet, you knew it was cursed for a reason and you didn't want to be responsible for a death by giving someone a product that they don't know everything about. It had to be tested by you, especially as you had warding devices around to ward off anything too malicious.
Some days it changed form, to a simple choker, like it could anticipate what you would want to wear that day, as if the object almost aimed to please? Cursed objects never usually were so friendly but you surmised this wasn't the typical object that you were dealing with.
Perhaps something cursed by accident without malice, an object made for nefarious purpose that had a will of it's own and didn't want to hurt people. Well that thought was disproven quickly, so quickly that you might have gotten whiplash.
There the spirit stood, in the middle of the market place, smiling as she killed the guards that stole all of your wares. Sure your wares were illegal but the only reason you got them confiscated was because you didn't want to pay a bribe. Well now you figured out why the object was cursed, but strangely, you didn't feel the need to take it off, even after seeing her tap the guards with her cold hands and causing them to instantly fall to the ground.
Your first impression of the spirit was that she was clearly loyal to her master, it would make her a great object to keep around, you couldn't sell this, it was too good for protecting your business. The second thing you noticed was she looked cute, the kind of girl that doesn't look like she would do these things, she didn't seem to fit the setting, as if she was born in another world.
You barely spoke to her but she spoke often, sitting next to you at your stall and telling you little secrets about every customer who passed. She never seemed to harbor bad intentions towards your customers either, sure she was protective but otherwise she seemed non-violent.
Or maybe that was the hair tie manipulating you to justify all of her actions. Either way, your life was better now so did it even matter if the spirit was made with malice or not? You couldn't even bring yourself to care about how it had made it's way into your wares or why it looked somewhat unfamiliar to this world. Why the hair tie came with a cute spirit with the power to kill in a single touch. It never mattered to begin with.
At least until a fling of yours visited your room at the inn one night, someone with no malicious intent but the girl didn't see it that way. One tap was all it took and you had a big mess to clean up. Oh well, it really didn't bother you, afterall things were so much better than before, right?
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Coming from a family of sword fighters and not learning to sword fight made you the black sheep of the family. You were much more interested in becoming a proper lady and obtaining the love of a knight, but at the current moment you were from a lesser family ans so the only way to earn your way to court was to be exceptional. That was how you would be able to catch the eye of a pretty knight.
You did have one skill, and that was lore on magical items. Ones that made the wielder invisible on the battlefield, one that would get you exactly what you needed, fame and glory. A handsome lady who would swear a knight oath to you.
And thus began a year long journey to visit any old dusty caves that you could in order to find any object that called to you. Still you found nothing until you were alerted to a cave that had been caved in near your families property. And what is any desperate lady to do except to take a pickaxe and bust your way in there.
Your family would forgive you when your hard work paid off, and paid off it did when atop a pile of untouched goodies sat a beautiful knight, holding a glove and seemingly looking at you.
In truth she had been buried there for years and was unable to wander far from her glove, but before the cave in she would go to the edge and see you reading books of love letters in the meadow, hoping that when you got to court that a lady would swear and oath to you.
Abigail never got to have that in her human life before she was bound to the glove, but if she got you to put the glove on then you'd both get something that you wanted. She knew that knights were rarely loyal even after and oath of loyalty, and she knew your chances of going to court were slim to none, so she'd have to give the pretty maiden what she desired.
It's only fair since you pulled her out of the cave, and this way, you'd be protected no matter what. She'd always be able to guide you out of danger and she'd have complete control over her precious lady so she could guarantee that you wouldn't be meandering with any foolish squires, desperate for a crumb of attention(coochie).
The spirit, she called herself Dame Parley, though said you could call her any name you liked as it had been so many years that she forgot her mortal name, you decided on Abigail, wrote you lover ballads almost every day. You presumed she was just so grateful to be free from the cave.
Sure it was nice to have the attention of a knight but this wasn't what you were expecting, she rarely even allowed you out on the battlefield despite now having enough skill to become a hero. She didn't seem to want you to make your name known, content to stay on your small family estate.
You were the one who wanted a knight to swear their oath to you, and what was a more permanent oath than a cursed glove that promised you would be the only lady in their life and that if you ever died, they would have the glove thrown into a flame to go with you.
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Veronia, the spirit, made a very nice travel companion. She said that she was bound to the coat in order to maintain the original masters health but now that you were the owner, she had to help you wherever you decided to go. You thought of her as a companion that others were unable to see.
She liked you far more than any other fool she had been made to serve, putting in more attention to detail than she had done prior. You actually spoke with her and bantered with her on your journeys, unlike the previous adventurers who had worn her.
Adventurers did tend to be a selfish bunch, you knew that all too well, your travels had been filled with strife before your luck changed and you met Veronia in an equipment store. You got a wonderful deal too since no one seemed to notice she was attached to the coat.
Your most common complaint on the road was having to cocoon in Veronia's coat temporarily so the other adventurers who were destroying your camp would see you, and so you wouldn't see when Veronia made her appearance and slaughtered them brutally.
You always wondered why that was the only time she showed herself to people other than you, but otherwise you weren't too bothered. She was just your companion until you reached the quests end after all and she was good company, minus the murder.
Veronia didn't see it your way. How could she? I mean despite being a spirit, she also had a destined mate and it was you. It did take her longer to discover that then it would have if she had her physical form still, but all that mattered was that at the end of the day, she had finally found her mate.
Now she just had to find a way to broach the news to you. You'd understand right? She was your only companion on the trip, at least consistent companion, others tried joining but were often unsettled by her aura being all around you.
You were also the exception to the people that found her aura to be haunting. Previous users wanted her off as fast as they could, often thinking using the coat was more trouble than it was worth but you had been wearing her for months now so surely you'd accept her as your eternal companion.
Of course, you couldn't even find any complaints with this, being on the road was dreadfully lonely and having permanent company would be a blessing, right? Yeah, let's go with that.
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Ainsley had come to you with the bargain first, the pendant dangling from her hands. You had limitless potentially when it came to the study of magic but very little mana. Ainsley had infinite mana but no body anymore to continue to use it with.
She was property of the magic academy but no one had been allowed to wear her until she decide she wanted you to be her wearer and the academy had to oblige though they were warned not to warn you of any of the side effects.
She'd fallen in love with you as she saw your study, the way your mind worked when it came to magic was incomparable and she knew that you two must be destined for each other. She just had to make the circumstances to make it happen.
It wasn't hard to make the choice to wear the necklace, although you were a little bit bothered by the flirtatious spirit inside, a spirit was all she was so it wasn't like anything could actually happened and you wanted to progress your research before marrying your wonderful fiance so it was a win in your book.
Ainsley really wanted to give you privacy to begin with, she really did, she swears, but seeing you giggle and kick your legs like a schoolgirl when you received letters from home, was just pushing her limits.
For a genius, you were so blind to her advances so she should have seen this coming. She needed to work harder, after all you two were soulmates and with your weird circumstances, it meant she had to push for the relationship much harder. You'd come around.
She had almost free roam of the academy but usually chose to remain at your side, near the necklace so she could guide you in the right direction when you needed a firm scolding. Her free roam would work to her advantage.
The kingdom was desperate to keep her infinite well of mana on their side so they'd do her almost any favor, including sending a woman to seduce your fiance and then send you proof of the seduction so you'd realize that being with mortals when you were on the cusp of immortality, was extremely foolish.
The immortality was just a fun little surprise she'd tell you about later once you finally were rid of the mortals who were holding your studies back. Afterall, only those with a use were good enough to be near her baby girl.
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bastetwastaken · 5 months
So I'm writing an original story....
and I've been brainrotting over the OCs I created for it so hard, but I haven't shared all that much because I've been worried about suddenly dumping original stuff here on a blog where I usually post fanfic.
However, the brainrot is too strong, so I'm just going to do it. They live in my head rent-free and so now I'm gonna make them your problem too. So here's a way-too-detailed fact sheet for the first of my OCs, a True Deorum, the prince of Tuath Dé, Akoni <3
Full Name– Dagda Akoni Lugh, of the True Deorum, Prince of Tuath Dé. 
Preferred name – Akoni 
Age– 2045 (equivalent early twenties) 
Gender/Pronouns– He/Him 
Sexuality– Pansexual 
Species– Deorum
Ethnicity– Tuatha Dé Danann 
Likes– Making friends, socialising, travelling (wishes he could travel properly outside of pre-arranged visits to other kingdoms) 
Dislikes–  Being held above everyone like he’s untouchable and people not speaking to him like he’s an actual person. 
Personality (positive and negative traits) --Positive— Kind, Open minded, Attentive, Intelligent, Trusting, Easy to talk to. --Negative— Chaotic (Can be dismissive, but not on purpose), doesn’t think things through, Trusting. 
Hobbies – Hunting, sparring, reading. 
Occupation– Prince of the Kingdom of Tuath Dé 
Strengths– He’s a divine being by all rights, he has a great amount of power and is very strong physically too, his kindness makes him more open to the world. 
Weaknesses– Chaotic nature, Lack of foresight, Impatience, arrogance, willingness to take risks. 
Height– 7ft 5in 
Weight- 250lb
Hair Color– Mahogany 
Hairstyle– Mid chest length, often worn partially tied back or in loose curls.  
Facial Hair– None 
Face Shape– Kind of oval shape. Sharp and strong jawline, full lips, almond shaped eyes. 
Marks– Covered in the markings of the Deorum, golden lines cover all of his body, for the most part they have no real distinct pattern, they appear like cracks in the skin. The only ones which have a pattern and meaning are those he has on his back, down his spine. The ones which mark him as a True Deorum 
Scars– None. 
Eye colour– Carmine red Iris with flecks of gold which become more vibrant when he uses his magic. 
Skin Tone – Golden brown
Body Type– Muscular, toned. Broad shoulders- typical Dorito shape man. 
Dominant Hand– Left
Posture– Impeccable 
Birthmarks– Markings of the True Deorum on his back.
Piercings– Lobes and two on the helix 
Teeth– Perfect
Voice-- Deeper pitched, smooth and confident. 
Sense of fashion and style– Varies depending on the activity but all of his clothes are very finely made and detailed, usually blue or purple in colour (until he finds out a certain someone really likes green) -- Ball wear - fancy af, showing his markings on his back. Lots of gold and fine fabrics, deep purple in colour, fitted and well tailored. -- Formal wear- Dark clothing with a coloured overcoat, well tailored again, leather boots. Colours are usually deep red or blue, maybe even a deep green (when he realises a certain someone really likes that colour). Or if it’s a ceremony/duel/event then he dresses more “revealing” armour style clothing but obviously not really meant for battle. Bracers of coloured leather and gold, fitted tunic open across the chest (to show his strength apparently) mostly dark coloured but with a deep red or deep blue trim and sash around his waist. --Everyday wear- lighter coloured clothing, beige or white with lots of gold still and a coloured cloak where needed.
Languages known– Latin (first language), Draconic, the language of the Daoine Sí, very basic Lucetan (Elvish regional dialect)  
Personality Type– Myers Briggs test- ESFP-A type. Extroverted, observant, pragmatic, Values emotional expression over thinking, good at improvising, flexible, assertive, self-confident - Strengths:  -- Bold- won’t hold back, willing to experience everything there is to experience. Doesn’t mind stepping out of his comfort zone. --Original- Traditions and expectations can be secondary to him if he really really wants something, he loves to experiment where he can.  --Practical- He wants to feel and experience the world, not just observe it. He wants to do the things rather than just learn about them.  --Observant- Acting mostly in the here and now means he picks things up quite quickly.  --Excellent people skills- great talker, but also loves to pay attention to people. Witty, talkative, and loves to be around people. - Weaknesses:  --Sensitive- Very emotional and can be vulnerable to criticism. If he feels as though he’s backed into a corner he can react badly, but he’s way better at hiding this when acting as a prince than he is acting as an individual/with someone he trusts.  --Conflict-averse- He would rather ignore conflict, even though he understands that sometimes it’s necessary to get results and his own actions can definitely cause conflicts if he doesn’t watch himself. He will tend to say and do as needed to get the most out of a situation then move on.  --Easily bored- Can turn to risky behaviour and self-indulgence if he gets bored.  --Poor long-term planner and can be unfocused- He takes things as they come rather than stop and think about where they might lead. He will happily fall into something without actually thinking about where he’ll end up. 
Cultural Background– - The Deorum were created by the light gods in order to save Miotas from the threat of the Fomorians, beings which live on the plane of darkness. They have the power of the light gods, chaos and darkness in them but a condition of their creation was that they are tied to the mortal plane, they can never leave unless permitted by the light gods. They won’t ever have access to the realm of the gods or the plane of darkness because it’s believed that being able to be there would unleash their true power and make them too powerful. The light gods actually fear just how much power the Deorum have and pray that they never choose to work out how to use it. - The Deorum are bound by celestial law, set out by the light gods, to protect Miotas. They have no "army" in the traditional sense, as they’re not allowed to declare war on anyone unless explicitly threatened or instructed to do so by the light gods. If that day ever came, every Deorum would fight. - Tuath Dé was where they decided to settle, as it was built for them by the first Deorum and is the place they’re tied to. They can travel to other realms in Miotas, but they’ll need to return to Tuath Dé often as that’s the seat of their power. A Deorum who is away from Tuath Dé for too long will cease to exist.
Myths and stories: 
The forest of Gaoth Dhiga (Divine Wind) is the subject of a lot of lore and myth. It’s rumoured to be the exact site of the famous battle of Cathal, the trees which grew to cover the site were fed by the blood of fallen Fomorians. It’s said that on nights when the moon is full, you can still hear the anguished screams of the Fomorians and the battle cries of the Deorum echoing between the trees. Some believe the trees themselves contain the souls of fallen Fomorians. People have heard calls for help coming from within the dense trees, but once they go in search of those in distress, they become easily disorientated and very rarely do they return. 
The battle of Cathal- The story of the creation of the Deorum, an account of how the light god Aodhan created the Deorum and drove back the dark forces which wished to destroy the light gods.  
Aodhan the fearless- A story told to Deorum children which tells of the light god Aodhan and his eternal bravery and strength. A story to encourage the children to become their best selves and show strength and courage in every aspect of their lives. 
The missing Deorum- A cautionary tale which is mostly for royalty and nobles about a Deorum who decided to use their power to get what they wanted. They were eventually subdued and imprisoned by the light gods in a kind of stasis where they remain to this day.
Speech Patterns– Formal until he’s more comfortable with someone, then he’ll drop the act a little. 
Most Used Phrases/Words– Probably “Oh, great.” 
Title– Prince of Tuath Dé/ True Deorum. 
Birthday– Lughnasadh (August 1st) 
Fears– None. He has very little to fear as a divine being. 
Phobias– n/a
Mannerisms– Chivalrous, will always bring someone into a conversation rather than just talk at them, confident but not in an abrasive way.  
Intelligence– Higher than one might think at first. He’s very well educated as a prince, he needs to know what's going on but the chaotic nature of his species might lead people to assume he’s not very intelligent. 
Interests– Nature and the ways of the world, celestial observation. 
Problem-solving skills– He just rolls with things mostly…
Emotional Intelligence– Will let his emotions win out in most cases, but he can reign that in if he has to make an important decision, he just finds it hard to do. 
Creativity– Not really relevant? His chaotic nature usually leads him to make a decision without really having to think creatively about the solutions. He’ll just take the most direct route to a solution and fuck the consequences. 
Introverted or extroverted?-- Extroverted. 
Pet Peeves– General rudeness, people looking down on others/talking down to others regardless of social standing.
Mood– Usually quite upbeat. 
Political views-- As a prince, he will always try to do what is right for his people, he will support his fathers decisions and feels a strong sense of loyalty to his kingdom. However, he does regularly question why they have to feud with Luceras when no one even seems to know what the problem is anymore. 
Religion-- He’s connected to the light gods and is a divine being himself, so religion isn’t something he really observes although he does take place in and carry out the rituals which the Deorum believe improve their lives. 
Core Values-- Integrity, resilience, empathy and compassion. 
Alignment– Chaotic Good. 
Beliefs about morality and ethics– Values fairness as far as possible and can distinguish right from wrong, those things just may be tainted by his own wants and needs in any given situation. 
Beliefs about happiness and success– Success to him would be taking the crown when his father is ready to step down and rule fairly. Happiness would be having someone to share that success with. 
Beliefs about the world and society– Values personal freedom, even though he’s a royal, he doesn’t believe that monarchy should be absolute in terms of power. The Deorum prefer a more democratic society but the royals are there to make sure things run as they should, and to continue to be the link between Miotas and the light gods. 
Personal Philosophy– The best way to find out if you can trust someone is to trust them. 
Self-perception– Sees himself as pretty perfect honestly.  
Motivation– Doing what is right. 
Biggest Secret– The fact that he’s dating the son of his fathers sworn enemy. 
Biggest Dream– To just exist. 
Deepest fear– His own nature and what that actually means. 
Inner Conflict– He wants to fulfil his duty and also wants to follow his heart and leave it all behind to be with his lover. 
External Conflict– His fathers hatred of the race his lover belongs to. 
Regrets– Not speaking out against his fathers hatred of the Lucerans. 
Desires– A life with his lover free of conflict and judgement. 
External Pressures– Good wine, good food, good company. 
Insecurities– None. 
Legacy– The decisions he makes as prince and eventually as king. 
Enemies– By virtue of the feud, all Lucerans. 
Rivals– None really. 
Significant Other– Ilua, Luceran prince. 
Family-- Adamaris (Father, living), Deanna (Mother, living), Darragh (Uncle, deceased), Aoife (Aunt, deceased), Tiberius, Niamh, Oisín, (Cousins, living) 
Professional Relationships– The members of the court, his fathers council and other nobles are all people he keeps contact with professionally. 
Mentors/Mentees– His father taught him all he knows. Knowledge is passed directly from father to son for the True Deorum. 
Past Romances– Nothing that lasted (or that his father knows about) Just casual things here and there. 
Best Friends– Niamh his cousin. They get along very well and find it amusing that the Deorum people think they’ll marry soon. 
Close Friends– Tiberius and Oisín, his other cousins. He’s also close friends with the son of the head of the guard who acts as his personal bodyguard, Daithí.
Role Models– His mother and father. 
Supernatural Abilities–If needed, the True Deorum would take their true forms in battle.  
Fighting Style– Extremely well trained, courageous but also a little wild in the way he wields weapons. He does it with skill, but also an element of unpredictability. 
Skills/ weapons training– Sword, spear and daggers. 
Magic– Wielded effortlessly along with weapons, an extension of those weapons and also a way for him to shield himself and others if needed. 
Physical Strength/Endurance– Unrivalled. 
Persuasion Ability– Can be very persuasive.
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everlastiingiimmortals · 10 months
✮ ━ top three favorite muses that you’ve played
Mun related symbols! Accepting!
Across my whole RP history? All 7 years? good lordt okay
In no particular order:
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Magnet Man - Mega Man 3 (Megamix manga canon)
Mags is 1) my favorite Robot Master 2) a major comfort character of mine and 3) the canon character I've written the longest. I've spent a many good years developing him and fighting for him, and I can say with a lot of pride that I'm the longest lasting Magnet Man writer I've seen on Tumblr. Seven years!!! I'm currently taking a break from the fandom but I can feel my MM muses returning, so I'm very excited to pick things back up.
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Moon Woman/Cosmic Moonfall - Mega Man/Mega Man X OC
My baby girl. Moon's been with me for 11 years now; I made her when I was 10 and she's lasted throughout my entire RP history, and long before then. I have countless AUs for her and have poured so much blood, sweat and tears into her, some of those being very literal sweat and tears (thankfully no blood yet!). She means the world to me, and nearly every fandom I've touched I've left a piece of her there. She's been through several rewrites and redesigns and I am finally, finally happy to say I've found a story for her main verse that I'm proud of, after 11 years of development and growing up alongside me. I can't wait to share her with you all through Yingyue and Meiyu!
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Jing Yuan - Honkai Star Rail
Of course I have to include my current brainrot!! Fuck you for clocking me on the nose like that, firstly. That was so rude. "There's someone in the third world who's going to be your favorite, I'm not telling you who it is. You'll know immediately when you see them" like BRO?? THE AUDACITY and you were so correct, I love you so much. You know my taste so well aslkfjsdalfkhaflkhjafsd
Jing Yuan has so many traits that appeal to me so greatly, if I were to list them all we'd be here ALL day so I won't but just know I love him even more than I love Zhongli and that's saying SOMETHING bc you've BEEN there for my zl brainrot
Honorable mentions because you can't keep me at just 3!!!:
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Quick Man - Mega Man 2 (Megamix manga canon)
So initially I picked Quick Man up out of spite, because someone I had a bad history with used to RP him and I went "I bet I could write him better." So I did. What I didn't expect was to actually end up liking him so much!! Quick's a very quiet character who doesn't talk, like, at all. He was actually very challenging for me to write at first because, as you know, I don't shut up. :D
But I've put a lot of time into his development, and I'm really happy with where he's at! I had no idea I'd have so much fun with him. His character even spawned two OCs, both of which are (sort of) on this blog: Quinn's two alts!
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Miles Williams/Veturas - OC
I honest to god do not remember if I've shown you that first FC of his. I was so close to actually rping him on Tumblr on god DLAKGFJHADSLKFJHA. His FC is so funny I can't for the life of me remember his name but he comes from an idol manga/anime and there was a gacha game for it too. Absolutely hilarious
You and Jade are the two who know Miles best here, since it was in our server that he got the most development even if it wasn't where he started. He's my third oldest OC and honestly the one I've struggled the most with in terms of striking a balance I was proud of. It's... hard for me to drum up his muse now, thanks to [she-who-shall-not-be-named], and it's a little painful to try to write him, but thankfully Veturas has remained untouched. He's easier to bring out. Despite that, though, I do love Miles very dearly. I miss him a lot; he was my favorite OC for a very long time. I'd like to go back to that time some day, if I can.
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Blues/Proto Man - Mega Man 3 (Megamix manga canon)
Blues was a character I picked up as homage to one of the very first people I met through RP (who I did manage to rekindle contact with!! after 5 years!!!! holy shit!!!!!!!!) because they were the person who'd introduced me to the manga written and drawn by Hitoshi Ariga, as well as the person who introduced me to my most favorite ship in the MM fandom. He's always been a favorite character of mine, but I wasn't expecting his muse to spiral out of control like it did. He's now the origin point for a number of OCs of mine, including one (1) special spooky Elder Dragon hybrid! The theme of people living longer than they should who've peeped the horrors and the evidence lies in their eyes being fucked up looking goes strong here.
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Ehe. When ur eyes glow so bright they can be seen through ur shades <3 oopsie
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x-tetrodotoxin-x · 1 year
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Okay gonna carry this ask over here from my main bc it is omg *chef's kiss* brilliant. I love involving religious themes and undertones bc I got religious trauma myself and its something that worms it's way into all of my works.
The idea of Enji fucking Touya at his own shrine. God, it's fucked. It's so fucked and like incorporating in some religious guilt themes, like making him apologize to the people he's killed (starting with Touya, his first victim if you will) and begging God for forgiveness for his sins. Just. Pleading for salvation and Enji just "Louder. He can't hear you mumbling like that."
I've got brainrot now. Tbh I haven't given much thought about whether or not the altar and his old things are still up in TIMH or if it's all been taken down, moved to another part of the house, etc. I haven't established that yet. But i do feel like it was either one of those situations where his things were left untouched for years aside for seeing the shrine, or it was all taken down and packed away somewhere. But now I'm heavily considering adding some aspects of this at the right time, if not just... Keeping it on the back burner for a oneshot someday
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hirudou · 1 year
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ik it's on my caard but ... siofra.. my beloved
Siofra is fae, and a member of the autumn court. Nobility by blood; her inheritance is a beautiful twilit grove, caught in a perpetual state of fall, it's leaves red, the grass hues of greens and yellows. It is but a small portion of the pasture of autumn, but no less important. Home to countless beasts and their prey. Anyone who hunts in this grove will be met almost exclusively with dire animals. Though finding it is no simple task-- to do so is a feat within itself truly. And harder still, is managing to find your way home when you're finished.
Siofra frequently wanders this grove as a great white wolf, with piercing eyes.
She in particular specializes in dream magic, and manipulating thoughts and emotions. Many autumn fae can use hypnotism, but siofra is especially talented at altering subconscious thought and dreams. It is much easier to do on those who are already asleep. But she can do the same to anyone who is awake. The stronger someone's will is, the easier it is to fight off her influence.
Siofra is an enigmatic, ethereal, and strange woman. She speaks with older English terms and grammar, her tone clear, with a soft rasp around every word. Despite her seemingly untouchable demeanor, siofra is quite playful.
yes she has a twisted/wonderland au because i have brainrot.
Siofra's role in twst is based entirely on the old grimm's telling of little red riding hood. Her particular line descended from the very same wolf in the tale. A tale she has grown to resent deeply. Siofra believes nature should never been trifled with, and if you enter nature's domain-- you should be prepared for the consequences.
And because I love making more work for myself, she has her own dorm. Located within the very grove she is meant to inherit. Wyldisling( a mix of the word wild and the gaelic word for dream. wild - eh - sleen ) Due to Siofra's fluid nature, she is allowed to attend NRC, though she is does not appear at class in person very often. In her stead, Rudi Ulfir takes them for her. Rudi, or often times called red, is Siofra's second in command. He is obviously inspired by none other than little red riding hood herself, though he is a wolfwalker, not entirely human.
Rudi is a diligent individual, and very loyal to Siofra. But he can get distracted when he is making trips to and from his dorm. Making them almost twice if not three times as long as they should be. Despite this, Siofra very rarely punishes him for it, and still managed to finish classwork and maintain good grades.
To note: a lot of students do not understand her, and actively avoid conversation with siofra. As the way she speaks makes it challenging to wrap around what she means. Plus there is the added bonus of her joking about hunting and eating others for fun. It's all a jest of course....to her anyway.
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wickdcreatures · 1 year
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Salem brainrot, so here we go:
I realized recently that I haven’t really gone into detail about Salem’s experience with the paranormal, specifically when he was young before he moved to San Fran and started his online ghost hunting show. It might get kinda lengthy so I think I’m gonna hide it under a read more.  uwu 
A little bit of backstory and worldbuilding:     Salem grew up in a small California town nestled in the redwood forest, where they built buildings and structures around the beautiful redwood cathedrals. This made the layout of the town really strange, weird buildings jumbled together — in the heart of town was a large IOOF ( or independent order of Odd Fellows) building, used as a home for orphans and the sickly back in the day, now changed to a sort of community hall. Up the hill a ways was the historic IOOF graveyard where the Odd Fellows buried the dead, and right down the hill from that was Salem’s elementary school.
— Salem was a very lonely child, not having many friends in elementary school. One day, while he ate his lunch under his favorite willow tree, he saw a few children his age come down the side of the mountain. They came right over to him — he was the only one that would pay attention to them, the others on the playground didn’t seem to notice they were there. He would share his lunches with them, specifically pizza crusts and apple slices, and play make believe in the willows mighty roots. Teachers and other students started giving Salem weird and worried looks around this time, that was when he was called into the school counselor's office for the first time. This is when he was told that no one else could see the children he played with at recess. He knew nothing of the graveyard that lay just up the hill.
— as a teen, Salem moved a lot, though he always stayed in the same county. Though he was lucky enough to stay at the same school, he was moved from house to house, the longest he stayed in any one house being four years max. With all of this movement came lots of new houses with old, lingering energies. Whether it was the energies of old loggers or gold panners, or even more recent energies of those from the seventies, Salem was sensitive to it — when the rest of his family were generally untouched, Salem would get his hair pulled, words whispered to him in the dead of night. Cabinets would open on their own in his presence and no one else's. He felt like he was going crazy.
— at sixteen, while family stayed with them for the holidays, Salem and his cousin Cassie fashioned a homemade Ouija board. It was written on some loose watercolor paper, the planchette an old bottle cap. Neither of them thought it would work until they got a definitive response. A girl's name, Emily, and a greeting — H I S A L E M. Thoroughly creeped out, both Salem and Cassie when to sleep. The next morning, Salem decided to walk his cousin up to the elementary school he went to so they could explore the grounds, and that's when he found it — the graveyard, tucked behind large looming redwoods and double fencing. It wasn’t hard to break in, and once they did they explored the graves. To Salem’s shock he found a gravestone with a picture. The little girl shown looked just like one of the kids he played with as a child. Her name was Emily, and on her grave were pizza crusts and apple slices. He didn’t sleep that night. 
I’ll add more once I go but these are the major brushes with the paranormal he had as a kid, only to realize he is a full fledged spirit medium at the tail end of high school uwu also, a little side note; his experiences with the paranormal mirror my own, but i will leave it up to you to wonder which of his experiences are fake and how fake they really are :))) did i embellish the truth? who knows! lmao
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monamipencil · 7 days
Hi bb 💖 how are you?! I've been in such a mood ever since the cheers to youth mv dropped and reading imperfections was just the cherry on top😭 i was about to cry while reading it fr... oh to have such love that make the insecurities go away even if its for a second... sigh
I'm loving the new theme too!!! Jihoon is just a fine ass man i need him in ways that god cannot comprehend 🫠 i cant stop thinking about how dk has been slowly breaking him down with his affection during concerts bc man finally got to kiss him during the left and right bridge without him pulling away 🥹 not quite corruption but imagining inexperienced!jihoon in a new relationship or smth being awkward and cute is going to be the death of me, ill never shut up about that man woozi
hiii, i'm fine! how have you been??? i've been like that since the mv too 😭. i had something like this in my old blog (not the last monamipencil one. i had one before that.) and i wanted to do the same for svt. so yea, my wip list is just ... untouched. :)
hehe, i've been in such a jihoon brainrot. omgg, i saw those too. man, he's such a fucking tsundere and i love him so fucking much for it. and dk living up to his name, dude kisser, lmao. but, i get what ur saying! inexperienced! woozi sounds like such a concept. sigh, pls dont shut up about him.
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fvckbeom · 2 years
[6:10AM] - switch!yeonjun x afab!reader
CONTAINS - smut!, pwp, mommy kink, marking, slight body worship, overstimulation, orgasm denial, hair pulling, multiple orgasms, praise+degrading kink, humiliation, biting, dacryphilia, unprotected sex, cumming untouched, junnie cums in his pants:(, cum eating, pet names(baby/pretty boy, sweetie, doll, baby), use of the name “slut”, insecure yeonie</3, choking, nipple play(m receiving), basically just filth.
WORD COUNT - 4.0k (this started as a drabble-)
A/N - i’m absolutely weak for subby yeonjun also the intro is shit sorry LMAO but the rest is okay i think- i mean it’s kinda just brainrot, evidently by the “6:10am”. if there’s any spelling errors im gonna kms.
© to fvckbeom. no translations/reposts.
[WARNING! - explicit sexual content! mdni!]
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it was a completely innocent action but god it turned you on so much, yeonjun was sprawled out on your shared bed when he abruptly stretched, a moan-like noise slipping past his lips and his body arched up off the sheets, his shirt riding up to expose his stomach a little and you caught a glimpse of the marks you’d left there a few nights ago, they were faded and almost unnoticeable. you felt bad for sexualising such a simple thing such as a stretch but could you be blamed? yeonjun was the prettiest thing you’d ever seen and seeing him like that drove you mad.
“yeonjun, c’mere sweetie” you beckoned him over as you stood up from your desk chair. he shuffled over and sat at the edge of the bed without a second thought, god he was such a good boy. “mhmm?” his big doe eyes looked up at you as you now stood over him, just drinking him all in, admiring what belonged to you. you raised your hand and gently held his chin, “you’re such a pretty boy, aren’t you sweetie?” yeonjuns cheeks immediately flushed pink as he avoided your intense eye contact, “eyes on me baby.” you raised an eyebrow at him, his eyes nervously meeting yours again. “i asked you a question. i expect an answer.” your voice dropped to a slightly lower tone and yeonjun visibly swallowed, “y-yes…” you took his jaw into your hand and raised his head to look at you directly, “yes what, doll?” teasing him was always fun, he always gets so shy. “y-yes i-im a…pretty b-boy” his breathing was slightly more ragged than before and his voice higher in pitch, that’s how you knew he was turned on.
“good boy” as soon as those two words passed your lips yeonjun let out a whimper as he shifted where he sat. your eyes trailed down his body and just as you thought there was a very obvious bulge in his sweats, another whimper slipped out when he realised that he’d been caught. “you’re already hard and i’ve barely done anything to you? what a slut, hm?” yeonjun let out a high pitched moan, his thighs pressing together as tears welled up in his eyes. “i don’t even have to touch you, you’d probably cum in your pants if i kept going hm? how pathetic.” he immediately nodded, the abrupt movement causing tears to spill down his cheeks, “p-please m-mommy please t-touch me” yeonjun whined, hips raising off the bed, chasing any friction as he pouted up at you.
“i want you to make a mess of yourself baby, i’ll make you cum but i won’t touch you, not where you want me to. you’re gonna do exactly as i say, okay baby?” your hand slowly caressed his cheek as you spoke softly to him, he nodded quickly in response and bit his lip to keep himself quiet. “that’s my good boy. now, on your knees on the bed, shirt off.” you took your hand away from him and watched him do exactly as you’d asked, quickly pulling his shirt over his head and dropping it to the floor and then kneeling in the middle of your bed, no questions asked.
“you’re so obedient for me baby, such a good boy” you gently got onto the bed with him, mirroring his position, making sure to take your sweet time scanning every inch of his skin, yeonjun began to get ansty under your gaze, he shifted and fiddled with the waistband of his sweats, his head dropping to look at the bedsheets instead. “what’s wrong sweetie? too much?” your facade immediately fell as it always did when yeonjun seemed uncomfortable or upset, no matter how far you went you always stopped as soon as there was any sign of discomfort or the safe word was said. “a-are you…disappointed?” yeonjun looked up at you through his eyelashes, his head still low. “disappointed? why would i be disappointed? you’ve done nothing wrong?” you cupped his face in your hands and made him look you in the eyes and that’s when you noticed he’d teared up, “hey hey, what’s wrong? did i go too far? tell me what’s upsetting you baby, please” you began to get worried that you’d hurt him as your nerves set in, “y-you looked a-at me for a long t-time, ‘m sorry i gained s-some weight, i-i-i’m sorry i-if i d-disappointed y-you…” your heart sank to your feet as he sniffled, tears streaming down his face. “oh my god no, no no no baby that’s absolutely not why i looked at you for so long, i love your body so much, everything about you is so pretty, i’ll never be disappointed in you sweetheart, especially not for gaining weight, i’d still love you if you were two times the size you are now or half, you’re my pretty boy, no matter what, okay? c’mere baby” you pulled him into you, wrapping your arms around him, his face buried in your neck and hands gripping your shirt, stroking his back until his crying became small hiccups and sniffles.
“do you want to stop or keep going? it’s completely up to you” you spoke softly as you tucked a piece of his grown out hair behind his ear. “wanna keep going, wanna be a good boy for you mommy” he pouted up at you as he gently rutted on your knee by accident, a moan spilling out as his head dipped down to rest on your collarbone. “okay then baby, sit back for me then” and he did without hesitation. you leaned forward and pressed your lips against his and you immediately felt him melt into you as he sighed into your kiss. the gentle kisses quickly became rough and messy as yeonjun got needier, his tongue slipping into your mouth as he moaned. you began to run your hands up his sides and across his chest, yeonjun pulling away with a small gasp when your fingers brushed past his nipples. you raised a brow at him, “you like that baby? you want mommy to play with your nipples til you cum?” your voice dripped with honey as yeonjun frantically nodded, his hair falling over his face.
yeonjun was a whimpering, moaning mess under your touch as you pinched and played with his oversensitive nipples while you kissed and marked his neck and collarbones. he was rutting into nothing, his hips moving against his control, subconsciously chasing any sort of friction. “m-mommy i-i- ‘m g-gonna-” yeonjun whined, his hands gripping the bedsheets as he began to tremble, he couldn’t even form proper sentences, his constant whimpering and moaning making it impossible but you understood what he was trying to say. “you gonna cum baby boy? go on. make a mess of yourself, cum in your pants like the dirty boy you are hm? mommy’s dirty little slut” that was all it took to push him over the edge as he reached his high, shaking in your hold as a few stray tears rolled down his cheeks, “such a good boy for mommy, you look so pretty when you cry doll” you ran your hand through his sweat-coated hair and smiled at him, “should i get you cleaned up baby?” yeonjun immediately began frantically shaking his head, “n-no, want m-more, ‘n’ w-wanna make m-mommy f-feel good t-too” your heart melted as he held onto your shirt looked at you with his big doe eyes, silently begging you for more, who were you to say no?
“of course sweetie but first you need to get these off, it must be uncomfortable hm baby?” you pointed to his sweats with a large dark grey wet patch on the front and he nodded, shifting and now realising how uncomfortable he was with it getting cold against his skin. he made short work of his now soiled underwear and sweats as you stripped as well, leaving your clothes wherever they fell, it didn’t matter to you, not right now at least.
yeonjuns size never failed to take the air from your lungs momentarily, you rember back to your first time and the way your jaw dropped, eyes bulging out of your head, he was long and thick and he filled you so good. “you’re so big baby, too bad you’re too dumb to know how to use it hm? have to get mommy to do it all for you, isn’t that right?” you smirked down at him, your voice condescending as you straddled his hips. “mhmm ‘m y-your dumb s-slut mommy” his eyes were closed, head thrown back, whining as your hands roamed his body, “god i love your body so much, so pretty baby, all of you, every fucking inch, all for me hm?” he opened his eyes to look at you as your lust-filled eyes covered all of him that they could as if it was the last time you’d ever see it, “y-yeah i-i’m all y-yours m-mommy, y-your t-toy” his voice was airy and high pitched as he moaned and whimpered at your words. “such a good boy for mommy baby, so good for me” you spoke into his jaw as you left open mouthed kisses over his already marked skin as he moaned out incoherent pleas.
“m-mommy- mommy p-please- n-need you s-so bad” you’d been teasing him for about ten minutes now, just touching him everywhere except where he needed it most, playing with his now swollen nipples and marking his neck and chest so everyone knows who he belongs to, “what do you need baby? tell me” you specifically began to focus your teasing on his nipples because you knew the way it affected him, “n-need- need y-you t-to t-touch m-me please p-please m-mommy i’ve b-been g-good please” tears began to spill from his eyes as he desperately begged you to touch him, he was painfully hard and leaking so much precum that it was dribbling down his stomach. out of nowhere you impulsively bit down harshly on his collarbone, purely just to gauge his reaction but yeonjun let out a string of loud moans as he came without warning and without being touched at all.
“did i tell you that you could cum?” you pulled back from him, taking a chunk of his thick hair into your hand and pulling his head up to look at you, he was heavily breathing, his tear stained cheeks flushed red as he continued to whimper, “i-i ‘m s-sorry m-mommy d-didn’t m-mean to i-i didn’t k-know- ‘m s-sorry” he hiccuped in between every word, tears still flowing down his cheeks as he shook and trembled under you, his hands gripping the sheets so hard his knuckles were white. “i think you deserve to be punished baby, y’know what? if you wanna cum without my permission then you’re gonna cum as many times as i want you to and look at the mess you made, it’s all over me, be a good slut and clean it up.” you scooped as much of his cum off your stomach as you could in one go and held your fingers to his lips, “go on then, slut.” he opened his mouth and tentatively licked some of it before taking your fingers into his mouth and shyly licking them clean but you weren’t done yet, you scraped the rest up and instead just thrusted your fingers into his mouth and he once again cleaned them, moaning around your digits as he lapped at your fingers, his plump lips wrapping around them beautifully.
“such a dirty boy hm? swallowing your own cum like a little slut. open up then, show me that you swallowed it all” yeonjun opened his mouth, sticking his tongue out to show that he’d swallowed every drop. you were surprised actually, considering you’d never tried that before but yeonjun had always been keen to please you so it was expected that he’d do almost anything if it meant you’d fuck him. “good boy, such a good slut for mommy” you slowly began to grind your bare pussy on his length, he immediately let out a broken moan, it was almost overwhelming for him considering this was the first time he’d been touched all evening.
yeonjuns head was thrown back as he let all his pretty noises out, too far gone to even try to keep any sort of dignity, i mean, he did just swallow his own cum. you took the opportunity and trailed your hand slowly up his body until you reached his neck and carefully wrapped your hand around it. yeonjun quietly gasped as he felt your cold hand on his hot skin, he’d always been too shy to tell you to choke him but now that you were doing it yourself he didn’t need to but you could tell by the way his cock twitched and his whimpers got louder that he knew he was into this but just hadn’t told you. “keeping secrets now are we baby?” you leaned in and spoke breathily in his ear, your hand tightening around his neck causing him to let out a strangled moan. “i-i w-was too s-shy to t-tell you” you could tell that he was getting close by the way his voice sounded and how he thrusted harder against you.
both your and his movements got more erratic the closer you both got to your highs. yeonjuns length was slick with your arousal and his own making it effortless for you to grind over him, his cock sliding between your folds, teasing your clit every time. “m-mommy i-im close, c-can i c-cum? p-please please c-can i?” yeonjun wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his head in your chest as he began to tremble, his hips rutting into you on their own, his body subconsciously reacting to his fast approaching orgasm. “n-not until i do, okay? can you hold o-off for me baby?” you couldn’t help but stutter a few times, the jolts of pleasure causing you to let out small gasps. “i-i can b-but p-please h-hurry” tears welled up in his eyes again as he had to fight his own body to not cum right then.
you picked up the pace once again, causing the bed to move and create a dull banging on the wall, you’d feel bad for the neighbours if it wasn’t for the fact that you could practically taste your release as your thighs began to shake, “f-fuck yeonjun- just a l-little longer” you leaned back and gripped his thighs, moaning and gasping as yeonjun held onto your hips, grinding you down on him as he thrusted into you. “fuck m-mommy i-i” yeonjuns whiney, lust-filled voice was the last straw as your high crashed over you, strangling out the word “now” as yeonjun came all over himself and you, moaning your name so loud you’d probably have to apologise to the neighbours.
as soon as both of you had caught your breaths you grabbed yeonjun by his wrists and pinned them by his head, his eyes blew wide a confused look crossing his features, “oh did you think i was done? what a dumb baby, i won’t be done with you until you’re sobbing.” you smirked when you noticed him gulp, the look of worry very contradictory to his cock hardening against your thigh. you took both his wrists into one hand and reached down to stroke his length making him immediately whimper from how sensitive he still was but you knew he enjoyed it.
once he was fully hard you lined his length up with your hole but only teased his tip at your entrance, watching him squirm under you. “p-please mommy please j-just f-fuck me” his hips raised off the bed trying his best to get you to just fuck him but you pulled away and leaned over him so you were eye to eye, “you really want it that bad?” you already knew the answer of course, “mhmm w-want it so bad mommy” a mischievous grin crossed your face, “then beg for it.” yeonjun whined, knowing that he had to or you would simply leave him like that and not allow him to touch himself but at this point he was so needy and worked up that he’d beg for it in front of all his friends and curse himself to eternal embarrassment. “please mommy p-please, i n-need y-you so bad, i’ve b-been good i-i’ll be good, p-promise, please j-just fuck m-me, u-use me p-please please mommy- f-fuck p-please” tears began to fall from his eyes for the nth time and you made a mental note to get him lots of water afterwards. “you sound so pretty when you beg baby, how could i say no?” the words were barely out of your mouth when you sank down on him to catch him of guard, an almost pornographic moan falling from his lips immediately as he stretched you out, no matter how many times you fucked him you’d always have to take a minute to adjust to his size.
both of your highs approached faster than usual considering you’d just barely came down from the last time. yeonjuns thrusts quickly got rough and desperate the closer he got but what you didn’t see coming was him gripping you by the hips and flipping you on your back so he could control the speed, rutting into you like it was the last time he’d ever get to touch you. your eyes started to roll back and you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into you as he caged your waist in his arms. “f-fuck yeonjun im g-gonna cum” this only egged him on more as he released his grip on your waist to instead grip the back of your thighs and push them up to your chest to get a deeper angle, the new position making you screw your eyes shut and open your mouth in a silent scream. yeonjun had never even attempted to take any control in the bedroom and you didn’t expect to like it, nor did he but now you were regretting never trying it sooner, the way he pounded into you, his throaty groans and skin slapping echoing throughout the room along with your whimpering and moaning.
yeonjuns thrusts began to get sloppy and out-of-rhythm which indicated that he was close. “cum with me mommy” his words were a complete contrast to his deep, breathy voice and grunts and the way he still called you mommy even though he was in control you made your mind feel fuzzy as you teetered on the edge of cumming. “fuck w-why didn’t y-you dom s-sooner” he just chuckled at you and abruptly pressed his thumb to your clit, making you gasp and grip the sheets, throwing your head back against the pillows. “i-im s-so close god y-yeonjun” he let got of his grasp on your thigh and hovered over you, gripping your waist with his large hands and pounding you into the mattress with all the effort he had left.
you were gasping and moaning, tugging on his hair while he mouthed at your neck when he uttered the word “now” you knew he was mocking you from earlier but you didn’t care as your orgasm hit you like a truck, the air knocked out of you and the feeling of his hot cum filling you to the brim sending you into overstimulation as you shook in his hands, your chest arching up to meet his, tears now falling from your eyes and not his. yeonjun continued to shallowly thrust into you until you squirmed up the bed away from him. you lay on your sweat-covered sheets desperately trying to catch your breath when you felt yeonjun shift, assuming he was going to clean up until you from something warm and wet on your core, your eyes shot open only to see his head between your thighs, his eyes locked with yours as he teasingly licked a stripe up your pussy, collecting his and your own cum on his tongue before he brought himself up to you and pressed his lips to yours, passing it to you for you to swallow before he made his way back down and continued his abuse on your pussy.
yeonjun has eaten you out before but not like this, not the way his tongue was thrusting into you, his thumb rubbing fast circles on your clit when it wasn’t sucked between his lips, his hands holding your thighs down to the bed, your hands buried in his hair as your back arched up off the bed just like his did which caused all of this. you were gasping for air when you came for the third time all over his tongue as his pace didn’t falter, if anything his movements only getting faster before you had to push him away again, shaking and trembling as he held your thighs, leaving wet kisses along them as a way of praise. “n-no more p-please y-yeonjun” you were still shaking from the overstimulation, the thought of having to cum again making you want to cry. “i’m done, don’t worry babe i know your limits” you smiled at his words as you heard him leave the room, your eyes closed as you felt sleep slowly creep up on you.
yeonjun gently cleaned your body with a warm washcloth, massaging your body and leaving small and gentle kisses everywhere at the same time as if you’d break if he was too rough. he disappeared again and when you heard the door open again you finally opened your eyes, he must’ve got dressed in the bathroom because he suddenly had clothes on as he held two glasses of water, “drink this, you need it” you shakily say up and took the glass from his hand as he set his down and went to your shared drawers, pulling out one of his shirts and a pair of underwear for you and bringing them back to you, you went to take them from his hands but he pulled away, “nono i’ll do it, you’re sore, let me” you giggled and playfully rolled your eyes at him, “yeonjun, i’m capable of dressing myself, i got dicked down not hit by a car” he didn’t budge though, insisting on dressing you so you gave in, raising your arms for him to put his shirt on you and then stepping into the underwear and letting him pull them up for you. “that reminded me of my parents dressing me as a kid, never do that again.” you were only half serious but yeonjun just laughed at you and crawled over your side of the bed so he could get himself comfortable.
once you were both in bed he made grabby hands at you with a pout on his face. you just shook your head and shuffled over to him, pulling him into your chest as he swung his leg over you and grabbed your waist, snuggling down into the bed before he leaned up and gently kissed you a few times as you giggled at his antics. “i love you” he whispered just loud enough for you to hear because the room was silent. you smiled and pulled him closer, leaning your chin on his head, “i love you too” and that was the last thing either of you heard before you both fell asleep in each other’s arms.
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chocoenvy · 3 years
in regards to the god!reader having a lover from their world, how would the archons or whoever you want react to god!reader somehow bringing them into tevyat? (not the same anon btw)
If this were to happen i feel like it'd be a bit like this ofc it'd be different im just a tad bit obsessed with this atm
I brainrotted so hard with this thank you
The archons would be mega jealous but you love your lover so much. You're so happy when they smile, hold your hand, kiss you, no matter how jealous they may be they can't get upset.
You were so sad without them too, that when they finally came to Teyvat the entire world felt how happy you were.
Not to mention that they know you best, been there before you were deemed a god.
When they're first brought to Teyvat they're very confused about your new deity status and are threatened 24/7 by the characters to treat you with respect
To which you scold them because your lover doesn't have to do that.
Eventually they get the hang of it but I feel like the teasing potential they have over you is too great
They'd probably tease you about all the characters you're down bad for.
They'd be like, "Hey remember when you spent your money to get Thoma? A four star?"
"When you saw Yae Miko and went 'Excuse me, mommy? sorry mommy? sorry, mommy-?"
You have to be careful though because your acolytes can and will take threats to your spouse literally.
"I'll push you off Amakumo peak if you don't shut the fuck up about my gambling addiction-"
Meanwhile your cult is already planning their murder but they have no clue how to get to Amakumo peak.
if you catch onto their plans for murder you have to tell them that your insults and threats are loving. It's how you showed your love for people back on your world because they didn't treat you like a god.
Some of them are confused, unable to imagine you as anything other than a god, but others understand.
Eventually you have to make it excruciatingly clear to all of your acolytes that your lover is untouchable. Not to be hurt no matter the circumstances or what you say. You make a rule book just so the number one rule can be to not hurt your lover no. matter. what.
You lover saying so much obscure shit. They make it their mission to make you laugh at the stupidest inside jokes and memes that none of the cult members understand.
You: *Being serious*
Your lover: It was never about the wandering traveler...
You: Shut the fuck up-
Your lover: "It was about THE METS BABEY-"
Singing tar-tar-taglia lover of Snezhnayan queen together and Childe isn't sure if he should be touched or not.
Cute dates in all of your favorite places. All those places you'd take pictures together you can now stare at for hours together.
Y'know how most of the time we shorten names to make it easier to type? Like Barbara = Barbs?
Doing that and saying all of their names wrong
Calling Kokomi negative crit rate and she's not too sure what that means but she's hurt.
You getting homesick and you're tired of being treated like a god and they're right there for you. Grounding you, being your home, and being the place where you don't have to be a god.
They're just a beacon of comfort for you and you them so you're stuck to each other 24/7 much to the dismay of the archons
They'd love to get to be closer to you but your lover takes up all of your time
But you're so happy, you never smiled that much before they came. You enjoyed Teyvat much more when they were around.
It hurt the archons, but they knew that you were happiest this way. They could tell with every breath of Teyvat that you were giddy when your lover was around. To which, they couldn't argue them taking up all of your time.
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