#those are my personal ships :3
meezimoo · 1 year
hi guys pls join my friends discord server. its tf2 gay ship centric so if you're into heavymedic or any of those good 'ol ships then come on down!! the server is mostly for jokes and fun so don't take it too seriously.
also just another reminder that i have drawing requests open on this account, just send me an ask if you're interested. rn im particularly invested in tf2 so i'd prefer tf2 requests, but if you have any other fandom in mind im willing to hear you out-! edit: IM SORRY ABT THE PROBLEMS WITH THE SERVER IT SHOULD BE FIXED NOW
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quiddlegoose · 10 months
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I want to stay with them!
[ID: Trigun fanart of Vash, Milly, and Meryl all hugging and kissing a happy Wolfwood. Vash and Milly smile sweetly as they kiss Wolfwood's cheek and head, and Wolfwood's arms are around Vash and Meryl. The background is filled with soft green leaves and pink roses, and above the four is the quote "'In Eden, I'll live with him and the girls.'" End ID]
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ihavesomejays · 12 days
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text transcription:
Many springs ago, I perceived a sea of flowers upon a lake. I thought to myself that those fleeting colors held indescribable beauty.
The next time I perceived those colors was many years later, when the medic’s tent had blinded me to all but red. The radiance of that shining star was lost on my eyes.
Now, my eyes no longer perceive the subtleties in the colors around me.
But I am content.
For I can now see the most brilliant colors in my universe.
anyways yeah why did they fucking do that to jiaoqiu bro
the planning for this experimentalish comic is under keep reading
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veinsfullofstars · 6 months
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“Quit laughin’, ya bastard, I’m dyin’ over here! Get me some starsdamn milk, for cryin’ out loud!”
(ID: Kirby series fanart comic of Dark Meta Knight and Daroach, in which lunch is interrupted by a disagreement on spicy food and some improper use of the Sharing mechanic. Transcript below the cut. END ID.)
Based on a personal headcanon that DMK enjoys spicy food and Daroach vehemently does not.
UPDATE: I foRGOT HIS EYE SCAR?? HeLLO??? (fixed it now but starsdamn it this is why I shouldn't post stuff the second I finish heck dang it all veins get some sleep would you)
Started 04/06/24, finished 04/09/24.
Panel 1
*DMK and DR sitting side-by-side enjoying some lunch together - a sandwich for the thief, a plate of spicy curry for the knight. DMK (his mask pushed up to the side of his head, bits of curry stuck to his face) idly eats his meal with a fork as DR picks up and scrutinizes a small bottle of hot sauce the knight had set aside, a brow raised in disappointment.*
DR: “Ultra spicy,” huh? Blech. How can you stand this stuff, Dark? Like, can you even taste anythin’ anymore? (Besides pain?)
Panel 2
DMK: Aw, c’mon, it’s not that bad. Here, want a bite~?
*setting his fork upright in the curry, DMK pushes his plate aside and turns towards DR with the most mischievous expression, reaching up to grab the collar of his cape. DR turns his head sharply, dropping the bottle and the sandwich, as the knight starts tugging him towards him.*
DR: What’re you-? Hey! No! No! Don’t you friggin’ dare, Dark, I swear to Nova-
Panel 3
*DMK stands up and yanks DR down towards his face, a hand clasped on the back of the thief’s head to hold him there. DR flinches (VFX: two large exclamation points), knocked off his feet and holding his paws out in surprise. A wisp of steam rises from between them, curling into a little pink heart at the top. Text reading “*Face-to-Face SFX*” hovers behind DMK.*
Panel 4
*DR jerks away from DMK, red-faced and doubled over in pain, his eyes squeezed shut and his tongue hanging out with a fresh red burn on the end, steam emitting from his face in puffs. He frantically fans at his mouth with one paw while shoving DMK away with the other.*
DR: (breaking the dialogue bubble in places) AAGH!! Ow! Star-burnin’ son-of-the-void what is wrong with you piece a’- aaaughh dammit stars dammit ow ow ow ow!!
*DMK cackles, leaning away with one arm held up against the rat’s pushing paw, one eye shut and mouth stretched open in a wide smile, a single incisor prominent within and a touch of blush at the corner. Text reading “HA HA HA HA HA HA HA” hovers behind him surrounded by laugh lines.*
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wisebeth · 6 months
why does the pjo series have to unnecessarily villainize goddesses (hera & athena) or show them as silly ladies (aphrodite & demeter) BUT posiedon and apollo are somehow shown as the coolest/most likeable gods, even though arguably, they're right after zeus on terms of corruption?
ares shown as the worst god after zeus and hera amuses me. last time i checked, he was the patron god of amazons and literally killed a man for attempting to rape his daughter but guess who cursed women for rejection? apollo. guess who raped women when they said no (aside from zeus)? posiedon.
#all the gods and goddesses in the greek mythology are flawed in their own way#it doesn't make sense why the books were so unnecessarily biased towards certain gods?#it bothers me specifically that hera and athena are SO unnecessarily painted as villains#while posiedon is ‘cool’ dad ‘great’ lover ‘decent’ god ‘reasonable’ than other olympians#i get it he's the main character's father of a children's fantasy novel so rick painted him in a good light#but my man? then why are you painting other gods who are arguably just as bad as him as WORSE#shut up i feel strongly about it#i love the percy jackson series#but i hate how the gods are portrayed#is trials of apollo a good series? yes#does it make sense why he's shown as a human-like god with redemption arc#while hera is reduced to ‘evil stepmom’ and ‘bitch to annabeth’ even if apollo is JUST as bad as her?#no#and aphrodite is not some ‘silly fangirl’ whose personality revolves around shipping percabeth#she is powerful terrifying and cunning who can bestow some of worst revenge on those who offend her#demeter is not a silly crop goddess#her love for her daughter was so strong it almost ended the world and destroyed mankind#shes in charge of harvest and agriculture without her humanity will starve to death#shes just as powerful as the big-3 or at least she should be#posiedon is not this cool perfect rational god#medusa would disagree demeter would disagree pasiphae would disagree odysseus would disagree#apollo cursed women posiedon raped yet ares killed a rapist BUT nooo let's make ares the bad one#percy jackson#rr crit#greek mythology#heroes of olympus#trials of apollo
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oifaaa · 8 months
Now that I'm a good ¾ of the way through one piece I'm gonna complain about something that's kinda been bugging me; I don't like how little time the crew has actually been together - and I'm not saying this in the they get split up each island type way I mean in more the Brook was on that ship for a week before the 2 year gap and its not like the rest of the crew is much better from what I can gather from the time Luffy first met zoro til they arrived on sabaody about 6 months had passed if we're being generous I don't know something about the fact that usopp spent more time with that bug man then his crew annoys me so much
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necrotic-nephilim · 27 days
For the ask game
au where brudick happens but they keep it VERY hidden to the point only cass knows but she thinks everyone does cause to her it's so obvious, so one day on their monthly family dinner that no one misses she ask's them why they have different rooms when they always go to eachother during the night. What do you think would happen? Would they deny deny deny? would they ask her what she's talking about? how does everyone else react to this revelation? do the other heroes find out? do they have opinions about it?
for the ask game!
I LOVE THIS SHIT. truly love Cass noticing things she shouldn't and assuming they're common knowledge, it's my fave flavor. this is such a fun idea-
so Cass knows from like, day one. and obviously she never says anything bc she assumes this is normal. in a way, the weird vibes between Bruce and Dick *are* normalized to the Batfam, everyone sort of. tiptoes around their weirdness (even if they don't know it's romantic) so Cass learns to do the same. she doesn't mention it bc no one mentions Bruce and Dick's bond, it's only ever acknowledged with shared looks. it takes years before she has the courage to ask and i think it's fun if she asks for an utterly mundane reason. like, Alfred makes a teasing remark about washing everyone's bedsheets and what a task that is, and Cass just drops it into conversation that Dick's bed is rarely used because he's always in Bruce's, so that must make it easier to handle.
Dick was try to play it off as a joke. just the mention would make Bruce go silent, for once finally not having a contingency plan on how to handle something. he and Dick were never supposed to happen in the first place, it was so accidental he's never considered the possibility of someone finding out bc they're so careful, though in hindsight, of course he should've known Cass would've figured it out. Dick would awkwardly laugh, try to say something to the effect of "very funny, but we're not *that* close haha" just to break the tension. Cass doesn't give in, though. she's not the best at social cues and doesn't understand the desperate look Dick is giving her, trying to get her to drop it. she pushes on and corrects Dick, insisting she doesn't judge them for it. Bruce would finally snap back into reality and give a more serious denial, quickly changing the conversation before anyone else can press.
the issue is, the minute Cass says it out loud, it becomes *so* obvious. especially to Tim, who has the biggest "oh my GOD" lightbulb moment of his life. there is no unseeing it. it takes him a while to process how he feels about it, the same with everyone else. for a week, there's an obvious tension. no one will say anything, but everyone knows and is trying to sit with it to decide how they feel. it's not a simple situation to feel one way or another about. that's when the questions start. Tim asks Dick questions, Alfred asks Bruce questions. how old was Dick, how did it happen, all the things Dick and Bruce have never wanted to have to answer. bc none of the questions have clean answers. it was a slow and gradual relationship. sure, they can say the first time they slept together, but that doesn't *really* count as the start of things. the start goes back to when Dick was still a teenager, probably underage. even if nothing happened, they both knew. and the way they dance around the questions makes that obvious.
most of the Batfamily i think, would begrudgingly accept it. it's too late to convince Bruce and Dick out of it now, and at the end of the day, Bruce and Dick will always choose each other over anyone else. fighting it just increases the chances of getting ostracized and pushed away by the two of them. feelings vary. i think Alfred would be the least happy about it because he was there when Dick was just a 10 yr old. everyone else only has memory of Dick as an adult, but Alfred watched Dick grow up, raised by Bruce, so he just can't shake that image. Tim sees it as one of those things you just have to accept about Batman, and carefully considers his role as Robin and makes sure he focuses on making sure Dick is happy/safe as well as Bruce. if nothing else, Tim will put his feelings aside to be the Emotional Support Child. Barbara would distance herself from the Batfam for a while just to sit on it, because she also saw Dick as a kid and it sits wrong with her. long talks with Dick convince her to let it go, but she does keep a *much* closer eye on Bruce to be sure this doesn't become a pattern. i think she'd enlist Cass to make sure Bruce never shows romantic/sexual attraction toward other Robins. Steph and Jason are equally apathetic toward it, being the ones who are most negative toward Bruce. they just shrug and go "yeah sounds like some shit Bruce would do". Damian's a bit of a toss-up. i think it'd really throw him for a loop and he'd be far more critical of Dick in the beginning, but once he approves of Dick, he'd *really* latch onto him.
i do think the rest of the hero community would find out. not on purpose, but the leak happens. Babs vents her feelings about it to Dinah, Helena, and Zinda. Tim mutters about it to the Titans. and Jason will tell anyone who asks because he doesn't have a rat's ass to give about Bruce's precious reputation. (if anything, he'd purposefully try to ruin Bruce with that info) the hero community... varies. i think Oliver would be the *most* pissed. Oliver is very similar to Bruce, in that he's taken in his share of strays, but he was objectively a lot better at it than Bruce. it causes a minor public scandal when Oliver drinks too much at some gala and just. publically beats the shit out of Bruce Wayne, incoherently talking about something to do with him being a creep. i could see Oliver rallying support from people like Barry and Arthur who also have young sidekicks and would agree it being fucked up. i don't think Bruce would be entirely ejected from the hero community, but he would be quietly removed as a chair member of the Justice League and have most of his power as a team leader stripped. no matter how much damage control Dick does, insisting he was an adult when anything real happened and he consented, no one can look at Bruce the same. sort of a bittersweet ending, Bruce and Dick are together and no one can take that from them, but there's still realistic reaction and blowback to it, which i personally think is a lot of fun.
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tsururoach · 7 months
The thing about Ryomina (mlm or mlf) is that I hesitate to say I "ship" it because I don't really consider them solely in the 'romantic' side of things.
Like, to me their whole deal is more on the conceptual scale of things. They exist on many planes, they can be romantic, they can be platonic, they can be the same person, but there is still emotions there regardless of what you do.
Death delivers all, death is all encompassing, death lived inside of them until one day, it leaves. Something that was in them for 10 years leaves him. It should've felt empty, like something wrong. And yet that thing, that concept, that person was no longer stagnant. It saw the world from you, and it grows. It becomes a person, it becomes human. (You also, learn to become human)
It starts off someone who knew only that single point of view, to someone who was able to change. Change themself- and change you- no longer restricted by that tie to you. And yet, the bond you have was strong enough that he was still led back to you.
I think the 'love' that would hypothetically exist between the two of them would be the 'love' someone could have for a concept. An Abstraction and mixed with simple human affection. The love of the life that lived next to the protag. The protag to me would love Ryoji, the way one would love life.
Funny how that is: Loving death like life.
I consider Hamugis more generally romantic than Ryomina but thats also because they also have less fuckassery. But i still also do consider them in that nebulous relationship status area.
Don't get me wrong. I love love love hamugis. Actually let me add a sidetwt doodle here while I can.
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Okay heres the thing about my preferences in Persona 3 ships. I'm actually okay with most of them tbh. Like generally I usually don't get other people's interpretations of certain ships, but i still on some level kind of like. Get it.
The only one is like. Junpei and anyone who isn't Chidori; or at the very least with anyone who redacts chidori entirely. I like jundori okay. I like Junpei. Junpei's #1 defender.
But I do on a level instinctively prefer the mlm ver of ryomina over mlf, and the flf ver of hamugis over mlm. (I do actually overall prefer aigis x protag over ryomina in general in the normal terms of 'ship' but we already talked about that)
Now I'm well aware technically I could make the protaganist's character whatever but we've come far enough that a lot of "insert" protagonists already have a general kind of personality okay. I do sometimes err away from canon portrayals, yeah but hey.
Anyways I feel like... Hamuko and Aigis form a stronger bond together. It's not just the difficulty of the love itself that changes things. It's the approach. Hamuko is generally portrayed as more headstrong and more outwardly optimistic, which, yeah.
I feel like... While Aigis benefits from someone reaching out to her, inversely, Ryoji benefits from reaching out to someone?
And then when Aigis is forced to reach out...
Anyways, what I'm trying to say is I feel like the bond overall has more meaning. Like I did say Aigis' relationship with the protagonist is also still in that conceptual air, I'm kind of rehashing what I said before. Aigis is coming to terms with her own humanity .
I lost the plot of this psot.
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"For particularly important things, it's always more reassuring to write them down like this." - Zhang Beihai
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[ID in alt text]
#my art#three body problem#3 body problem#zhang beihai#三体#章北海#i've been meaning to draw three body problem characters and actually post them on my blog for quite some time!#so if anybody wants me to draw any specific character from the series feel free to reply here or send an ask as a request!#beihai is my top favorite and he resonated with me more than i expected! i rather liked bits of consequentialist philosophical ideas in him#anyways incoming ramble/infodump in the tags about various subjects pertaining to him#all you need to know about me is that i often lurk in chinese language fandom spaces and you might see commonalities in designs#if you see fanartists draw him with the broken eyebrow and mole then that's due to the 我的三体 (my three-body) donghua adaptation!#admittedly i was introduced to the series through that adaptation years ago because it seemed rather absurd (minecraft haha) but oddly good#at least check out the third season (haven't seen the fourth one yet but that's ongoing actually) or listen to 夜航星 (night voyager)#i'm rather curious how fanartists on tumblr might tackle character designs since i mostly see the two live action adaptations here#i want to diverge my designs from any particular adaptation but my beihai design takes a lot from 我的三体!#now about beihai- i really enjoyed his characterization and i'd like to bring up a maybe unintentional parallel and foil with the eto#hopefully that's something new to add to the discussion about zhang beihai and here's what adaptations don't get about mike evans#in the book he's a character you mostly only hear about from others and he's known to be a private person#he conceals a lot of his thoughts from even people like ye wenjie + he taught the trisolarans about deceit#then his strategy to kill luo ji was to keep it low and make it seem like an accident which those obfuscations of thought parallels beihai#then evans says: “but… it's obvious now that everywhere is the same” which is similar to beihai's “it doesn't matter. it's all the same”#the contexts differ but i think they're good foils about human nature “being the same” with evans's quote being about futility#then beihai's was about how regardless of if he survived or not- someone else would be able to carry on with his work#i have many other thoughts about beihai like how chu yan's (captain of blue space) group approach with the voting contrasts beihai#while beihai tried to bear the weight of attacking the other ships in solitude- chu yan made vengeance against trisolaris a group effort#(which that action goes against how the swordholder was a solitary role instead of a group one which is neat to me!)#i'd discuss more but i think that's enough to show that i really love zhang beihai (feel free to discuss the books with me though)
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rwby-confess · 3 months
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"It's good to have a crows' feather with you before travelling to foreign land, due to the good luck it will bring for the journey."
Mythology prompt for Qrowin week 2024
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sigmas-lover · 9 months
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we bungou on the stray till they dogs or something
Doodle thing Whatever for Christmas :3
Nikolai & @gogolsbf
Sigma & meeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Atsushi & @chiakiselfships
Ryuunosuke & @kittycatkissez
Chuuya & @taintedloveletter
Osamu & @starshroom-doodles
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wayfinderships · 3 months
Peak Panchi behavior is is liking a fictional man for years and being filled with feelings of yearning for him almost every month without fail...and then not adding him to the f/o list-
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unanchored-ship · 4 months
can you pls give me ur favorite fact abt shrewsbury.... i dont care if i already know it i just wanna knows what fucking Gets you about him
you cant just ask me to give you one 🤧🤧
biggest reason is obv cuz hes a TWINk. A GREAT WHUMPEE. BUUUUT this is too broad since there are many twinks. lets narrow it down.
Tragic backstory, eh? Papa died cuz mummy liked sucking balls too much. Now you are forever cursed with chronic nervousness. Hmmm.
Oh yeah adding onto his papa dying, guess whose brother also got fucked in a duel. Lmfao. Shrewsbury loses. Do I need to discuss the emotional impact this most likely had on him??
Like... the guy was constantly nervous, arguably cowardly, timid, and jumpy.. but at the same time charming, generous, dignified,... you list the virtues. This is a very cool combo of traits!!
Also he was HOT AF but never took advantage of it. so points for that. (Although in the Nicholson/Turberville book it mentions in his younger years he had "moral delinquencies". but i dont know what its referring to i may have to do digging.) (Oh and in Weyman's Romance Berry's "wild and boyish days" are mentioned. Still dont know exactly what that mean..) "KING OF HEARTS" 😍😍
There is something seriously wrong with his relationship with Nottingham. He got sick cuz of personal jealously of Nottingham. Had useless shouting matches with Mr. Finch in the House. He wanted to resign cuz of Nottingham so bad Burnet had to prevent him from seeing William cuz he feared Shrewsbury would GO TOO FAR with William. That man was FUMING. You see where the secretaries ship comes from.
He's such a bitch to his uncle. next
he married such an interesting wifey!! she was known as an eccentric, an outcast in English society. Except Anne and George I LOVED HER. Like she was crazy in the eyes of the people but crazy and genuine is good when you're surrounded by liars and power-hungry ones. I love Adelhida she's my spirit animal.. also her brother is so fucking stupid and I'm here for it. They make a great family :3
Oh and going off of that marriage... Berry and Hida never had children. I have this peculiar thing for aristocracy peoples that don't have children. It's my asexual ass isn't it
He held some rlly powerful positions and was really critical in the government... while at the same time despising high positions. I love it when a non ambitious person is in a position people would die for.
In particular I like how Nicholson/Turberville refers to him as Harley's "tool". like. he's not ambitious. but he's got a massive amount of power(he was known as the nations favorite for a while lmao), which can be used to fucking sway the direction of England when utilized. Harley you lucky shit
So yeah hes got a really interesting personality, really interesting people he surrounds himself with, a tragic backstory yada yada
I just really really really like how he looks okay end of story
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34saveme34 · 5 months
I kinda expressed that with my opinion on why I don't think marware is abusive
and I genuinely think it has the most potential
but I really don't. think that other pairings are as bad as some people put them
as in, calling them proship
like I said it before, you can make any ship problematic if you try hard enough
like I'm specifically talking about 3ware here
I don't ship it, obviously I sold my soul to marware but
it genuinely does have potential and I think if you'd take it in the right direction, it could be really nice
especially cuz they could end up relating to each other over feeling lonely cuz 3 was very much lonely before he joined the crew
also just. your plans not working out
It would be very interesting if 3 turned out to be the guy to help Puzzles get redeemed or something and I feel like with those 2 the theatre nerd that I just. can't believe isn't there inside 3 would come out
I think it would be really fun, if stuff went in a positive way, they could be friends in my eyes
and before you're like, ugh, but Puzzles did Bad Things and that is hilarious because 3 did some BAAD things too and if you think that bad people can't change well- feel free to join Thomas Astruc, I think director of Miraculous Ladybug who said that Chloe, a 15 year old girl can't be redeemed because she'll always be mean or whatever, although this is a more extreme example
but yeah I'm tired of pretending 3 didn't do shit and that maybe in some aspects 34 absolutely had some vibes where you could've shipped it in a toxic way. so are THEY proship now because there's the possibility of them being in a toxic relationship? I mean, I did see someone on twitter say that that they would be (ughh)
also like. I know, we like healthy relationships but... the toxicity can be one hell of a drug, even while yknow, knowing that hey, this isn't like, couple goals, but you can OBVIOUSLY still explore relationships like that without making it your ideal
like I describe The Hunt thing with marware, with Mario chasing Puzzles till the end of the Earth to get his Entertainment
like. that's OBVIOUSLY not a healthy relationship but it's still fun to think about and discuss. I think yandere shit also has like, the same appeal
and all the while, I'm actually kind of a collected person in a happy relationship where I practice openness and looking out for boundaries like a normal fucking person. while I sometimes look at not entirely happy or healthy ships and admire their dynamic in a character studying way
like I think some of yall need to put down the pitchfork about Puzzles ships, block some tags, ask people to tag ship (which is why I tag marware btw!! I'm thinking about people and their comfort because I know not everyone likes it even if that's kind of sad to think about!)
so yeah like, chill out, let people ship weird things
this is also not to say that I condone like, noncon or any of the sort, I just want to say in case someone starts to think that
I'm just saying that when someone ships 4ware and makes art of them being evil together maybe you should just block the ship's tag if it makes you feel so uncomfortable instead of going on the person's post and accusing them of vile things and telling them to end their life
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ifwebefriends · 1 year
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So what did we think of the episode today besties?
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kakusu-shipping · 4 months
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Thought it'd be fun to fill out the Monster Lover Bingo by @sparklebrainz but couldn't do it normally. I wanted everyone to know which monsters checked what boxes.
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