#those i typically ignore
non-stick-pansexual · 2 months
If your trans activism ignores, excludes, infantilizes, or actively targets trans men and transmasculine folks, you need to re-evaluate your activism and your stance as a trans ally.
You do NOT get to ignore and exclude trans men just “because they are men”, that’s antithetical to trans activism and actively harms the community as a whole. As a trans community, and as a greater queer community, we need to do better.
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housemarcellus · 5 months
To all those elementary school teachers who would say "don't you be smart with me" in response to me asking a question that was (apparently) offensive: I apologize for my genuine confusion and saying "I... thought you wanted me to be smart?" You know, since you're a teacher?
Now that I'm grown, I realize that was the wrong thing to do. What I should have done was kick you in the fucking shins.
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manawari · 1 year
Han Islat. Yes, that's the whole post.
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threedaycharter · 3 months
i love when people follow canon but then i also love when people interpret characters wildly out of character because sometimes it is entertaining and i feel like i am watching a telenovela or k-drama adaptation of my favs
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thissmycomingofage · 7 months
I've become so disillusioned by a certain someone that now I can't see any nice thing she does as anything but pr and well crafted com. It's a horrible feeling to experience after years of only seeing positivity and genuineness in everything she did.
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trainerethan · 6 days
In my world oak isn't a malicious abusive bastard. But he is unintentionally greens villain origin story. And I don't think I will write about green being the bigger person and forgiving oak for constantly being obtuse and seeing the worst in green for no good reason. Sometimes people write their conflict as "maybe we were both wrong...you made me miserable during my developing years but....I WAS rude as an 11 year old with no parents and a grandpa who was always scolding me and telling me he's dissapointed in me so...I guess is deserved it..." Especially when oak never actually apologizes or realizes how he hurt green. But it's just like "okay we're good now :)" I refuse. That said I think I am obligated to write them eventually having some sort of heart to heart and good relationship once green is an adult. I don't want him to be miserable forever and in pokemas green gets excited when you bring him up so i don't want to make their relationship seem worse than it actually is. Granted this is also a fanfic where green is an autistic she/him lesbian so canon doesn't matter THAT much but y'know. Still.
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blurred-cat · 7 days
my vibe has changed.
the dogs want to be near me so fucking bad they go insane about it now and i'm talking, to levels of pulling their owners along just to get near my hands fucks sake. what. why? and when they finally get to me it's all sniffs and joy. their barking and whining even stops. there's no aggression only YEARNING. please.
and the little kids no longer approach me with enthusiastic screaming, it's turned into curious uh? reverence??? perhaps??? they whisper to me. they stare up at me in wonder. they give me things from their grubby little hands. they absolutely HAVE to tell me something they've been doing today or just did. i say it's good. and they say "thank you" as if i have just bestowed a blessing onto them and i have No Idea What This Shit Means
the teenagers continue to stare at me as if i am the goddamn mothman tho i tell ya what
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
I hate when I look up ref for sharpshooter outfits, it's all either Halloween costumes or RDR2 AAAHHHHH
What would Nando wear as an outlaw 🤔🤔
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what if we got Zeus pregnant
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Idk if I've complained about this on here before, but it drives me up the fucking walls how male isekai stories mainly have the protagonist doing and accomplishing great things in the "outside world" while female isekai stories have the protagonist healing from past trauma and/or dealing with family matters (even political dealings)... like, even if the female protagonists are in the public sphere, it reeks of "public vs. domestic spheres" and "women belong in the kitchen/home. "
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hella1975 · 1 year
hella idk what to send to you for aftg im either bored or annoyed and I don't wanna just say bad things about it 😭 like that's just rude and yall obviously like it I DONT WANNA BE SOME DEBBY DOWNER MDMWKEM
I looked at the anti aftg tag too to see if I could intermingle there and last I checked it was a mix of fans obsessed with the series and haters being just a tad harsh imo, so i couldn't even do that RIP. I'm so lonesome in what is maybe a whole group of people gaslighting me 😔👊
honestly ive said this before and i always have to tread a very fine line with it because this isn't me saying it's OKAY or like. promotable. but i do think to an extent that aftg's problematicness is actually an aspect of what draws people in a lot. like the characters and their reactions to things feel real for who they are, what they've been through and the environments they were raised in if that makes sense? and then you go in the anti-aftg tag and it's just again and again 'they said THIS thing and acted THIS way in response to THIS scenario and it was PROBLEMATIC' and like. yeah. outside of the internet bubble you're in people do actually do that. like that behaviour exists. it IS problematic, well done. you pointed at a wall and called it a wall. but like? in real life people - PARTICULARLY deprived, traumatised people that typically don't ever get therapy or community or someone telling them why something is bad - DO act this way. ive said half of my love for andrew is literally just because he took an awful backstory and let it make him a complete cunt and ive NEVER seen a character do it as shamelessly as him before. and yeah there's the argument for how it's never resolved in the book where nora ties it with a bow and points at the bad behaviour so the readers can go 'see, this is wrong' and we all clap, but idk it just for me feels that when people point at the aftg characters and go problematic! problematic! problematic! it's like they're missing the point a bit.
the point being? that we need to be putting WAY more heat on the author. i really dislike her and a lot of her writing choices and her insistance of using slurs that aren't hers to reclaim and just because it happened to make the characters feel just that bit more authentic i can still acknowledge that she CLEARLY wrote it without characterisation in mind and just added all that problematic shit anyway. like i never get why there's so little focus on nora's writing decisions and thousands of posts just fucking CRUCIFYING the characters themselves and 'let's explain in detail why this behaviour is Morally Reprehensible and they should be Locked Up Forever'. like if u want to focus on the characters so bad and pretend they're the sole reason why aftg is Problematic and Bad then why is it so hard to acknowledge that someone raised the way they were might have some misinformed, ignorant beliefs. idk lol
#but i do also think im prone to viewing these characters as TOO real and i understand there's a line to be drawn between media and reality#like at what point does 'life imitates art' become just a genuinely shit piece of media#and at the end of the day im fully aware which end of the spectrum aftg is on LMAO but this is my 2 cents#like ive met so many people that have said absolutely heinous things that the internet would eat them alive for#like homophobic sexist shit you name it they've said it and it IS problematic and uncomfortable to listen to#but i also know that while teenagers online that would call them problematic were busy claiming some new fucking buzz word to throw around#those people were actively just fucking trying to survive. like they weren't learning about why misogyny is bad#because they were fucking addicted to drugs or living through poverty or some shit like they had BIGGER PROBLEMS#like not everyone got the education or life experiences you got and while it's valid to assume someone saying horrible things#is horrible themselves there's also the times it's just genuinely a misinformed ignorant person#like they'll say 'problematic' things and i'll point out why it's bad and they'll literally go 'oh i never thought of that.' that's it!!!#like i have this childhood friend whose life has been an absolute circus start to finish like COMPLETE instability i wont even get into it#low and behold she had NO ONE educating her about things and one time i had to explain to her why having abortion rights was important#bc she just out of nowhere said she was against abortions. and i initially was outraged and disappointed that this came from her#but i didn't patronise her or shout i just explained my angle on why i think they're good and she was on side immediately#cause she always had bigger problems than researching ethics and no one to guide her so she just absorbed the first opinion she came across#and in a small town from a working class family that opinion is typically not the nice woke answer the internet demands#and with aftg particularly andrew bc he's the one who gets a lot of slack for being violent and generally unreasonable#you have someone who has literally not had someone treat him kindly a single time in his life and each new person is a genuine safety threa#like the average person just does not have to deal with that! ofc they have more time to decide their political and moral compass!#and that's so relevant to real life! popularity for the monarchy is highest amongst the working class! the people voted for brexit! trump!#the lower classes and marginalised simply do not have the resources that higher classes do#and someone fighting for survival is not going to be reading twitter threads on cancel culture in their spare time#so many issues in the world can be eased so much quicker by kindness and patient non-patronising education#than just. pointing and calling 'problematic' at anything remotely uncomfortable#idk where this came from its 2am i should go to bed and instead im ranting not even about aftg anmore this is completely it's own thing now#i feel like i worded this badly too im gonna wake up to anons in the morning accusing me of like. condoning spiking#also gloomy i am SO sorry you are the true victim of this i went ENTIRELY off piste on this one please ignore this 😭#ask
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elisedonut · 6 months
man hearing my workplace talking more and more about upscaling and getting more hours for more help when I'm over here like
"the best days are the ones where we only have two of us on the floor and the manager with me is stuck in the backroom"
really sucks
like i knows its kinda inevitable
we keep making our sales goals but god do i hate that idea
like i don't care how busy we are i will always prefer bare minimum people on the shift over more then like 3
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dan-crimes · 1 year
I love writers I love when they ramble on abt characters and their motivations, their core values and the reasons why they react to things in certain ways and having character interactions work off of each other due to their differing ways of viewing the world and in general I just love character analysis
#as someone who loves humans and human behaviours and figuring out why people react to things the ways that they do#uhhh I'm actually surprisingly really bad @ writing characters with those same traits 😅#unless it is smth I can connect to on some sort of level like a few of my characters have issues that I specifically relate to#thereforee I can understand the ways they act in certain circumstances#BUT when it comes to characters that are like almost entirely outside of my wavelength it's pretty hard for me to understand how they work#and it's pretty basic habits and behaviours I just fuckin lack them in general#like the concept of clinginess or abandoment issues or wanting to stay around people who treat you badly or jealousy or missing people#also love like I understand my type of love but my type of love isn't typical from what I've seen from others#even some of my own past issues like dealing with trauma have kinda been lost on me especially bcuz I'm the type to ignore stuff#like I just ignored it til it came back to bite me in the ass and had to just kinda struggle with it and go completely numb#until I got tired of feeling that way and pulled myself outta it step by step and my various negative ways of thinking elude me#since I just gradually built myself up and rearranged my brain so that all negative thinking eventually turns into dust#whether be positive or purely neutral until I'm able to handle it better#REGARDLESS I try to get a sense of what these other traits are like and how exactly they work for people but it is VERY difficult for me#bcuz the stuff is just such an alien emotion to me like people get REALLY emotional about things that simply aren't a problem for me#and I wish I could understand why and what goes on in the brain that causes that but my brain just doesn't work that way#SOOO me trying to make characters of typical issues I see people having DOESN'T really work when I have no idea what's going on#like IN GENERAL my characters need to have more emotion behind them but the emotions I need them to have are#like I said before. something I totally lack ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so I have no idea how to do it#I mean I think I need like a check list I need to make a list of traits my characters have in general cuz I never write anything down#it'd be easier to figure it out if I had words to go along with it and then I could figure out the behaviours behind those words#plus I need to draw my characters cuz I'm very much a visual person I can't get as good of a feel without some visuals along with it
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curiouschaosstarlight · 5 months
Does anyone else get into a mood where their brain is stuck on a past experience and then they can't really process anything else
#not important#specifically thinking about the time when i was in a discord server#and this one person kept INSISTING my main ship (one that was very controversial and no one else liked)#was queerplatonic because i mentioned that i dont really write romance/romantic crushes the “typical” way#(not that the ship was inherently queerplatonic but “oh it's okay if you write them queerplatonically!” “i dont” “it's okay if you do!”)#(like kind of trying to get me to agree i didnt REALLY write romance and oh thank you for being a safe space for me to not be into romance)#something i had been thinking about because i was constantly writing ships (particularly the main one) into my stories#and they were constantly being looked over because...again the signs werent the typical ones#and everyone in that server was constantly looking to downplay how much of a shipper i actually am#i still dont do the typical signs of romance in my fics#characters dont usually have confessions or dream about getting married#this doesnt make them *not romantic* or *inherently queerplatonic* they're just written by an aromantic with highly vibe-based writing#it's one of those things where if you're in the correct mindset you go “ohhhh oh no these characters are DOWN BAD for each other”#but im a weirdo and most people will never be in that mindset...sigh#nothing wrong with queerplatonic ships in fiction or actual relationships irl mind you#and of course they're not lesser than romance or anything like that#it was just hurtful to have it implied that i was lying/wasnt performance romance “hard enough” for them to not ignore#and it felt like i wasnt allowed to define my own stance on my own stuff and just have that accepted#a bit ironically i have no problem writing out typical romance stuff in rps it just doesnt quite happen in my own standalone writings
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nomaishuttle · 1 year
rambled too long so im continuing
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mejomonster · 2 years
truly shocking how good the yakuza games Can be. i mean, of course a game can be good. but when i’ve played games like dragon age inquisition that wasted 60 hours on meaningless fetch quests without even the reward of interesting story, games like yakuza like a dragon where i’ve spent 50 hours and the entire time doing only stuff i wanted to do and enjoyed? fucking incredible
i don’t want a long game if it’s going to waste my time with things not designed to be fun for the players sake. story is nice to me, so the quests of Nier Automata and Nier Replicant were generally a fucking delight, because even if sometimes they were just fetch quests, you got regular story from them and it was interesting story (not to mention the Nier games reward you with Weapon Stories if you’re just spending time grinding to upgrade weapons, so even that potentially dull task has an interesting benefit besides just a stronger weapon). minigames i personally Enjoy Playing are enjoyable to me, so when Spyro has me do a bunch of minigames its not a waste because they’re Fun. when yakuza offers minigames, they’re nearly ALL optional, and i spend hours on them because they’re just personally Fun to me (and they often do reward with Story at certain milestones which is an additional fun part for me ToT).
i’m just so beyond irritated with games that tote 40+ hours of gameplay (or god forbid 100) but most of those hours aren’t gameplay you’d want to fucking do. either make the game 20 hours of genuinely good fun stuff to do, or make the other ‘added’ hours of gameplay optional so people who’d rather not do 60 hours of harvesting/collecting things can at least ignore that portion. (yes this is also about FFVII Remake’s 10 hour long Reactor dungeons, which was to me the biggest flaw of the Remake I couldn’t manage to overlook... some other changes were A Choice sure, but the Reactors that took 15 minutes to 2 hours at a stretch in the original, took 7-10 hours in the Remake, with nothing happening during them additional but just more grinding battle after battle. it felt like a way to pad play time. i’d have preferred a 20 hour tight game with fun interesting things happening every 1/2 hour at least, over a game padded with a lot of 5 hour chunks of nothing but grinding. I get it... the makers spent Forever on VII Remake... so they didn’t want to show they’d wasted all those years on only 20 hours and the first 1/3 of the game lol. But i’d have preferred 20 hours of a really solid Remake. i get why they made the decision though. it just makes me really Not want to replay the Remake part 1, despite all of the other parts i genuinely loved and liked. At least when i replay the original FF VII I don’t ever feel like its wasting my time. And yes I klnow long hours spent grinding is a pet peeve of mine specifically, and it is perfectly neutral or enjoyable to plenty of others - which is why a lot of people like FF13 fine whereas i quit every time i hit the required 10 hour grind section, and the reason people enjoy many a jrpgs that Are 100 hours of gameplay with a significant portion of grinding, that i’ve mostly never played cause the jrpgs i like tend to be paced more on the ‘if you do no grinding and only the battles you run into on the core path, you’ll generally always be leveled up enough’.)
back to my point. Yakuza Like a Dragon really is a well made game. At least so far, as of chapter 11. Its paced fairly well, its got a story you can follow tightly, with a lot of room to fuck off and do whatever side stories or mini games you enjoy if you want a break from the crime drama Angst story/cutscenes, its really nicely thought out AS a turn base job classes rpg game (I was really happily surprised all the goofing off i do bonding with my party members and playing side quests and minigames actually affects my job classes and what Ichiban can do in other parts of the game - meaning i get a reward for the UFO catcher besides a cute plushie lol, unlike previous games). I love that while it’s clearly designed after Dragon Quest, I can see how the designers thought out how an rpg concept would work FULLY integrated into what a yakuza game IS. They could have easily placed a turn base rpg fight system on top of the existing Yakuza game structure, instead they integrated the minigames and side stories and how bosses Work and how friendships work. I also see a lot of references to other games besides Dragon Quest - Dragon Cart feels like a blatant rip off of Crash Team Racing (one of my fave games ever - or maybe they meant to rip off Mario Cart which is conceptually the same), but i love that in my Yakuza game I can go play one of my favorite Racing games lol! And I love that the racers you compete against come with their own funny little side story the same way the Cabaret Girls game in Yakuza 0 did. I love how the bonding with party members is a lot like how you romanced/befriended cabaret girls in prior games, but being friendship focused it provides a permanent sort of feeling to the bond story deepening - since they’re constantly in your party commenting, and warmer in future cutscenes, and constantly in the game (unlike the cabaret girl sidestories in prior games). i like that because the bond stories are all treated equally, i didn’t have to worry the yakuza writers would make weaker stories for the girls (which generally didn’t happen in cabaret girl stories, but did tend to happen with some lead women in Yakuza games especially in Yakuza 1 and 2 who’s stories got a weaker written once romantically/closely tied to Kiryu). Since they’re all written fairly equally in terms of quality, Saeko’s story feels as solid as Adachi’s, etc, and I appreciate the quality improvement (and I appreciate the way the cabaret girls dating sim got combined into the party mechanic and jobs/level up system). Even the Corporation side story, which is 1 optional if you want it to be, and 2 if you enjoy it like you enjoyed Yakuza 0 Kiryu’s business venture game, then they did a pretty good job of making the Stockholder meetings work a lot like the Turn Based regular combat system, again making the element from another game feel more integrated into THIS Yakuza game specifically). I just... fucking love how much work was put into designing this Yakuza Like a Dragon game so that all the game design elements interweave so well. On top of that, it’s of course got the usual Yakuza game balance of mandatory angst crime drama fight story, and lots of optional side story content and minigame content that is up to you if you want to play and how much (except now these side elements will benefit you a bit more in the main-story portions in some ways if you choose to do some of them - like the party member bonding). 
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