#the new secret sessions ig
thissmycomingofage · 7 months
I've become so disillusioned by a certain someone that now I can't see any nice thing she does as anything but pr and well crafted com. It's a horrible feeling to experience after years of only seeing positivity and genuineness in everything she did.
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they weren’t the first part 2| finnick odair
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part 2 of they weren’t the first
summary| finnick lost you in the 65th hunger games, but district 13 is full of many surprises
warnings| angst (ig), mentions of past hunger games, mentions of death, no smut but there is a makeup session, talks of Finnick’s past
A/N| glad yall liked the first one cause this was so much fun to write
you don’t know how you get here really. one moment a prisoner of the capital, the next a new member of secret district 13. you don’t really remember how you escaped, you don’t know how you ended up at district 13.
lately it’s been chaos. the bombing of district 12, the influx of survivors, the quarter quell, having to see Finnick’s face after all these years, for the first time in years. 
you wonder if Finnick ever thinks about you, about your games, about if you’re still live. did he feel you move before the peacekeepers dragged you both away from one another? because you remembered him, you’ll always remember him. he saved your life in your games, and you’ll never be able to repay him for it. 
as the quell dragged on, you couldn’t watch. you couldn’t watch cause at any moment your mentor Beetee could be killed, Finnick could be killed. you’d rather live in blissful ignorance for at least a little longer.
it was hot in that basement that day, you’re gray jumpsuit was half unbuttoned, tied around your waist, your top being able to breathe better through your undershirt. you’re hair, pulled back uptop of your head to keep the frizz out of your face. the last time you’re hair was this long it had been cut by finnick to keep you from overheating in the arena after your hair tie broke... you haven’t cut it since then.
you were working on some weapon suspended in the air rewiring part of it. once from district 3, always a smarty.. at least that’s what Coin thinks. Beetee would be proud, you think. When you refused to train during your games, Beetee taught you most thinks he knew because it made you happy. That’s all Beetee wanted to do before sending you into that arena, make you happy. 
It feels like a lifetime ago, being reaped, being thrown into that arena knowing you weren’t going to make it out, meeting finnick, being captured by the capital, escaping, being rescued by district 13. you don’t remember the majority of it all you remember is finnick, finnick, finnick. 
some all you dramatic. it was 10 years ago now, but while everything else feel like a lifetime ago, finnick feels like just yesterday. you’ll never forgot that moment you realized he wasn’t going to kill you when he caught you in that net. you were only 13, never even thought about the idea of love but something about looking at finnick made you fall. Never did you see someone and think of them as attractive, everyone to you was just another passing face, but not finnick. finnick, still to this day, was the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen. you understand why he was a capital favorite, he was sweet and put everyone he loved before himself... that’s why you jumped like you did. you knew finnick wouldn’t kill you and you weren’t going to kill him. jumping was your only option, and hey, you guess it worked out because you’re still here, at least you think finnick would like that. 
“Y/N!” The voice of Boggs startles you, if it wasn’t for the cord holding you up you would’ve fallen. “Apologizes Y/N!” Gale chuckles as he apologizes besides Boggs for them scaring you. You couldn’t put your finger on it but Gale irked you, perhaps it was because he left so many behind in district 12 to die. you think you have a problem with all men near your age, because no one will live up to finnick. finnick would’ve picked up and carried as many children as he could if they didn’t automatically follow him, Gale didn’t. 
“What do you want? I’m busy here!” You call down, returning your gaze to your work, keeping your ears open to listen to whatever Boggs and Gale have to say... well mainly Boggs. “Come down Y/N, this is important.” You look down at Boggs again and the look on his face makes your heart drop. Finnick. you motion for the people on the ground to lower you, shaking you’re barely able to undo your harness. 
“Well speak!” You snap at the pair as you stand in front of them, neither say a word. “Katniss broke the arena.” “What?” “Katniss broke the arena, we sent in a recuse party, they just arrived, they’re in the hospital wing.” run. your brain says but you’re feet won’t move. If you run, and he’s not there, you don’t know what you’ll do. “Who- who did you recuse?” Gale and Boggs look at each other, and your heart sinks even more. “Katniss and Beetee but they’re unconscious.” you gasp at Beetee’s name. “and-” you snap your head to Gale as he begins to speak again, but Boggs elbows him. “and who? Boggs?!” “Finnick is conscious but he doesn’t know-” Without another word your feet finally listen to your brain. and you run.
“Finnick! Finnick!” “Y/N!” In the distance your name is called and the wind is knocked out of your body at his voice. he’s alive. he’s here. “Finnick!” you scream louder, booking it in the direction of his voice. as his calls get louder, you’re feet pick up speed until you freeze in place, almost falling over yourself and the momentum. Finnick Odair in the flesh. you both looked like idiots, just standing in the hallway of the hospital wing. Finnick slid out of a room, Haymitch quick behind him, but at the sight of you he retreated back into the room. 
it felt like you were 13 all over again, seeing finnick for the first time. he was taller, more broad, more built.. obviously he’s a 24 year old man and not a 14 year old boy anymore. however, his blue eyes and blonde hair is exactly the same as when you were just kids trying to keep each other alive... or him keep you alive more specifically, finnick never needed your help. 
“you’re alive!” you don’t know when you collided or who made the first move but you were wrapped in finnick’s arms. it felt strange, someone hugging you. after finnick, you never let other people touch you, let alone hug you. “you’re safe?” you were both frantic. pulling back, looking at each other, grabbing each others faces and bodies just making sure you weren’t going crazy. he was here. “I’m safe? you’re safe.” finnick hands couldn’t stop moving around your face and hair, he couldn’t actually believe it was you. you were here. alive. you looked so much different, but the same. 
your lips collided before you could even process him moving closer to you. last time his lips were on your he was bringing you back to life, you guess you could say the same for this time. finnick was bringing you back to life. a fire lit in you the moment his lips touched yours. the thought of it being your first kiss didn’t even run through your head until he pulled back, both of you smiling like idiots. 
“I guess I always knew you were going to be my first kiss.” you joke, tears of joy running down your face as you cling to him. Finnick laughs at you, his head falling into your hair, kissing your head. Tears falling from his eyes making your hair wet. He pulled back once again, cupping your face, pushing pieces of your hair back behind your ears. “I can’t remember the last time I saw your hair long.” you laugh at the ridiously statement. “you’re here.” you breath pulling him back into the tightest hug. He hugged back, lifting you slightly off the ground before returning you. “and I’m not going anywhere ever again.” 
“How is this even possible?” Finnick still spoke in disbelief as you laid between his legs in bed that night. his arms wrapped tightly around you, your hands tangled in your lap, finnick playing with your fingers. his chin rested on your shoulder, you never wanted to leave his position. 
“I don’t know, I honestly don’t remember.” you laugh at yourself, truly you have no idea how you got from point a to point b to point c. at your response, finnick turns you over to sit in his lap, face to face. 
“What happened Y/N.” finnick’s serenity startled you, and the tears forming in your eyes startled finnick. “I can’t remember.” he wiped the tears the fell into your cheeks, and you turn away quickly wiping them. “I remember hitting the water, and I remember being somewhat conscious when they got us from the arena. I remember this like- this white room and then boom. nothing.” 
“I’m glad you don’t remember anything.” “What?” “The capital is worse then if hell was on earth, trust me I know. I wouldn’t want you to remember anything that did to you or told you.” “What do you mean, you know?” Finnick’s eyes fall, he shouldn’t have said that. “Finnick? Finnick!” finally he looks up at you again, he looked broken and that broke you a little on the inside. “what did they do to you?” “Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about.” Finnick deterred the conversation and you let him. He didn’t want to talk about it and part of you didn’t want to hear it. as you nod, pieces of your hair falls from your ponytail and onto your neck. you hated the feeling, you always have. before he could process it, you were up, across the room to your desk grabbing scissors. “cut my hair off.” “What?” “cut my hair off finnick. I never cut my hair since you did it in the arena, that was the last time I was with you. this-” you grabbed your hair, “isn’t me. so please, cut it off.” 
“I always thought you looked better with short hair Y/N.” you chuckle besides table where Beetee was. ever since he has woken up you and therefore finnick has been by his side. Beetee was the first and only father figure you’ve ever had, working besides him on new technology in district 13 was a full circle moment. “Thank you Beetee.” “I call it the Haymitch look.” Finnick and Beetee laughed as you threw a piece of food across the table at finnick. 
within the next second the sounds of their laughter was quickly covered by the sirens of an air raid. the noise send you into fight or flight mode and you black out of reality. “Y/N! Y/N!” you black back in to Finnick frantically shaking you, and Beetee nowhere in sight. “you’re okay, we have to go!” he grabs your hand and start running to the shelter as you make it through the door, finnick walks behind you, hands covering your ears. 
tucked up against finnick, you jump every time a bomb hits. finnick lays behind you, hands still cupped over your ears as some sort of protection from the noise. boom. “7″ boom. “8″ boom. “9″ as the bombs exploded, you counted. you didn’t realise you were safe, in your mind, you were back in the arena. 9 people dead, 10 people dead, you might be next. finnick caught on quickly to this as you shook more and more with each passing number. you open your eyes once and look to the ceiling, trying to bring yourself back down only to see cracks in the ceiling, quickly with a yelp you flip over, burying yourself in finnick’s chest. 
“you’re okay Y/N, I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” he whispered into your hair, arms wrapped as tightly as possible around you. “I’ve drown in water before I don’t wanna be buried in cement next.”
you were the love of Finnick’s life, he’s done this so many time before, so why can suddenly not stomach that fact that’s he’s doing it. 
“finnick.” your voice and hand pulling him closer by his belt loops pulls him back to reality. somehow a kiss turned into this, you below him in nothing but your his shirt and underwear and him with no shirt on. “mmh?” is all he replied, leaning down to kiss you again, but you turn away from him. he looks at you in confusion. “what’s going on inside your head finnick.” has he really been so far in his head he hasn’t noticed? “nothing, I’m okay I promise.” he kissed you again, this time lowering his hips to meet yours and you let a moan leave your lips, to your surprise. finnick knows you’ve ever done this, hell you never kissed someone until he came along. “finnick.” you voice again makes him pull back, you look nervous. “I’ve never done this before.” finnick chuckles lightly, “I know, it’s okay.” “Have you?” “with no one important.” you at up at his confession, pulling your knees to your chest. “what do you mean?” finnick sighed to himself, he had to tell you at some point. “come here.” he reached out, allowing you to climb into his lap, face to face. “after our games, Snow wanted to keep me in the capital. the people wanted me to themselves, so when I was 16 Snow started selling me to people in the capital for short periods of time. he said if I didn’t he would kill my family, and probably you.” without a word, you wrap your arms around him, hugging him. “Thank you for trusting me Finn, I love you.” at your words he relaxes into the hug, burying his face in your neck. 
“I love you so much Y/N, marry me.” 
5 years later
“Y/N are you okay?” finnick’s voice pulls to back to reality, just like it always does. you turn to see him coming to join you on the balcony of your shared house. it was summer and the other victors and friends were all in district 3 for a summer get together, a yearly thing. every year a new person hosts in a new district and this year it was your and finnick’s turn. 
5 years ago, after the death of Coin and President Snow, we were free to live for the first time in our lives. everyone returned to their home districts to help rebuilt it from the ground up, after finnick had district 4 in order he moved to 3 to be with you. 
your first child, a son, was born shortly after the war ended. not ideal, but it helped ground you both back into a reality without the games. his name, finnick jr, could not be more wrong as he looked identical to you and not finnick. ironically, 2 years later when your twins were born and named joule and techen,  district 3 inspired names, she looked exactly like finnick and techen was the perfect little mix. crazy how the world works. 
“Yeah, I just needed a minute.” you turn back to the view of the city, looking down into your backyard you spot Peeta running around with Finn, Joule, Techen and his and Katniss’s two kids, Ember and Mason. they were catching fireflies. you envied your kids, they got the childhood you and finnick never had.
“It’s hard to believe it’s almost been 5 years.” finnick spoke, placing his hands on either side of you on the railing, caging you in. “5 years since we escape hell.” “We did it together, and look, we bought those beautiful kids into a better world.” 
“I love you Finnick Odair.” “I love you too, Y/N Odair.” 
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pinguwrites · 11 months
Our True Nature | Tom Buckley
Pairing -> dom!tom buckley x student!psychic!reader
Summary -> You're different, you always have been; you've know that ever since you were a little kid who made your toys float in the air. Despite your great abilities you've pursued a rather humble life, looking for others like you. Your search comes to an end when you realize that your professor's assistant, Tom Buckley — the one you've been harboring a secret crush on — is a psychic, just like you.
Word count: 4.4k
Warnings: smut (minors dni), dom!Tom and sub!reader, age-gap (not specified, but reader is college-aged), praise kink, slight degradation, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, um superpower play??? telekinesis play??? I don't know what that shit's called, overstimulation, mild breeding kink, tom is wild and says dirty stuff, weird magic lore I made up (you can trust me, I used to write fantasy), mild hamilton reference ig, rough sex but not much emphasis on it
Disclaimer: Red Lights characters, plots, quotes, etc. do not belong to me and belong to the rightful owner(s). This is only fanfiction and this is just for fun.
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When you first saw him it was like the world around you stopped. The rain that had been pouring down like a storm the entire day ceased its brutal assault, and in that week of dull weather and gray skies, the sun finally peeked out from behind the clouds and cast a heavenly glow around his body.
He looked like an angel. Dark hair caressed by sunlight, eyes as pale blue as a glacier, and the most handsome face you’d ever seen. It was all right there, across the parking lot of the university, just waiting to be seen. A god amongst humans, a flower in a field of grass.
But then the moment passed. He walked away, without any word or acknowledgment, like he never even saw you at all. It wasn’t until later on did you realize who this man was — Tom Buckley, your new professor’s assistant.
You supposed that was when the attraction started. You tried to kid yourself and say that it was actually halfway through the year when he started offering private study sessions, or when he made it a point to greet you good morning every day, or even when he insisted you call him Tom, but you knew the truth. You had fallen for him the second you saw him but were only too ashamed to admit it.
A god amongst humans.
It was a silly phrase you used to describe him. He wasn’t a god. Not even close to one. He was nothing like you. He couldn’t see visions of the future, or make a door open and close at his whim. He was just a person, a person you had a silly, undeniable crush on. A person you could not stop staring at.
He was currently leading the lesson today, showcasing a video on how a fake psychic used tricks behind the scenes to fool her audience, but you weren’t paying attention at all. Your chin was resting in your hand, and your gaze was upon Tom like he was the only thing that mattered.
You could barely see him in the poor lighting. The best you got was a figure and a shadow on the projection, but that didn’t deter you at all. All you wanted was to observe him, the way he moved, the way he talked, the way his hands would gesture as he explained the concepts students didn’t understand.
He seemed to notice your blatant staring, because after the video ended and he turned the lights back on, his eyes locked with yours, and he did what he always did: made you stay behind after class.
“Is something wrong?” you asked. It was a routine question. When the students got up to leave you would approach his desk, feigning confusion, waiting for him to say, ‘No, nothing, I just wanted to look over the assignment with you.’
You were sure your friends thought you were dumb. Why else would you need extra help all the time? but that was a much better assumption than the idea that you were fucking Mr. Buckley, so you never bothered correcting them.
“No, nothing, I just . . . ” Tom started but then trailed off. From this distance, you could properly admire the light freckles scattered across his pale face and took a moment to save the image in your head. When he continued, your attention snapped back. “I have a couple of questions.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”
“Yeah. Let’s go to my office.” He looked a little nervous for some reason. The walk to his office was spent trying to deduce why. Maybe something was wrong this time.
You sat down on one of the chairs by his desk. His room was filled with all sorts of odd things, namely technology used to disprove — or prove — paranormal activity. Occasionally, this material would be showcased in class, and he and Matheson would do replicas of former encounters to demonstrate how they worked.
You always paid very close attention to those days, in case you ever need the information in the future. How to Evade Ghost Hunters 101!
“What is it? Have I really done something wrong this time?” you joked, in an attempt to lighten the mood.
He laughed. A beautiful smile.
“Of course not, you’re my star student.” Your heart warmed at that. “I just wanted to test some things out with you. For the curriculum, Dr. Matheson and I were considering adding it to the course, and we want your opinion.”
You nodded. “That’s fine with me.”
He opened a drawer and pulled out a tarot card pack.
“We want to do a lesson on how pictures and symbolism can be manipulated to fit the victim’s life,” he said, shuffling the deck. “Tarot cards are so vague and general — The Fool, for example, represents new beginnings and adventure. Is that not the foundation of everyone’s life? To explore, to be inexperienced?”
You agreed. “And how are you planning on presenting this to the class? Give out a tarot reading to everyone?”
Tom chuckled. “I just want to try it out with you, to prove it.”
He held out the cards for you to pick, but you stopped him. “Aren’t I supposed to tell you what I want to know?”
There was a brief silence, and if you looked carefully, you could see a light pink tinge glaze over his cheeks, and his breathing hitch ever so slightly, his Adam’s apple bobbing. 
“Don’t worry. Whatever you want to know about me,” you offered, amused at his reaction. “Tell me, what are you looking for?”
“I want to know your secrets,” he admitted. “I want to know what you’re hiding.”
“You’ll be disappointed. There’s nothing interesting about me.”
“We’ll see.”
You picked three cards and placed them down on the table. Each representative of either the past, present, or future, or at least, that’s how you were assuming he was doing the reading.
He turned the first card. It was The Star, reversed. 
“Something in the past was bothering you,” he said. “You felt hopeless, like you had no more motivation . . . Am I right in guessing it was the result of something specific?”
“Yes,” you said. Obviously, his reading wasn’t true, how could it be? he wasn’t like you, but he was definitely right about the way people manipulated the symbolism. You doubted he knew the real reason why you had been so depressed.
He flipped over the next card. The Lovers. 
He grinned. “I’m sure you can guess what this means. Are you in a relationship?”
You shook your head.
“Then it’s about a potential someone. You’ll find your complimentary, someone you can balance with — it could be platonic, or romantic, but no matter the type of relationship, they’ll be loving, and supportive.”
You looked into his eyes before returning your attention back down to the cards. Oh, how you wished it was him. 
He turned the last card.
“The Ten of Cups. Your desires will be fulfilled. You’ll be happy, whatever problems you had in the past will be resolved.”
It was silent for a moment. You expected him to ask you questions of how accurate it was, and how quickly you connected his predictions to events in your life, but he didn’t.
“Do you believe in magic?” he asked bluntly. “The supernatural? You either do or you don’t, I can’t imagine you’d be wasting your time in this class if your opinion was neutral.”
You felt like you’d been put right on the spot. You thought about the right way to answer. “I believe in it, in the sense that I’m open about what we don’t know, and am optimistic about all the possibilities.”
He all but rolled his eyes. “C’mon. That was so wordy. I want to hear the truth.”
He leaned in closer. Your faces were inches apart, and you could feel his minty breath on your face. 
“Yes,” you breathed out. “I believe in magic.”
He pulled away, satisfied. “I believe in magic, too.”
You quirked an eyebrow, amused. “Oh? Have you ever seen it in action?”
“Maybe,” he answered vaguely, a grin on his face. “Let me see your palm.”
You wanted to laugh, but you yourself was very eager to comply with his demands, not because you thought the experiments were interesting, but rather you enjoyed spending time with him, and the prospect of him touching you—even though it was only your hand—was thrilling.
Tom caressed the lines on your palms. He was distracted by it.
You weren’t sure what it was about him that made you so drawn. You didn’t believe in love at first sight, it was only something based on lust and looks, but this was more. You didn’t just like him, you found him utterly attractive, in a way that surpassed physicality.
It certainly wasn’t his personality. You thought you two were compatible in mentality, and you got along well, but he was rather boring. He wasn’t fiery nor exciting, nothing that could take you off guard or pique your curiosity. 
He was intelligent. He told you he used to study physics, something you just had to respect him for, but you didn’t know that until just recently, and it’s not like his day-to-day actions showcased his genius. 
You really didn’t know what it was, and a part of not knowing made it all the more mysterious. But it also made you feel vulnerable. In less than a year, you had become so hopelessly, irrevocably, in love with someone. He could do anything and you wouldn’t blink an eye. He had so much power over you, and he didn’t even know it.
“Can you feel it?” he asked softly, looking up at you.
You pulled your hand away, too flustered. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He took your hand again, unrelenting. He gripped it tighter, encasing it in his warmth. It felt so nice.
“Between us,” he clarified, his voice low. He was gazing at you intently.
“What do you mean?”
“Are you like me?” he asked, his tone almost desperate. “I see you do things, impossible things. When you drop a pencil in class it floats back up to your hand, when your coffee gets too cold I see you wrap your hand around the cup and make it bubble. No one else notices, but I do. I see it.”
You froze, or rather, your mind was instantly filled with so many thoughts you couldn’t comprehend them all at once. 
You thought you were careful with your abilities because up until now, no one had caught you. Not since you were a teenager who copied off others during a test, not since you got your first car and put it on autopilot so you could sleep during a drive, not even since you were a little girl who was too lazy to tie her own braid at school. 
“T-Tom,” you stuttered. “I don’t . . .”
And what was that he said about being like him? Was he implying that he could do these things too? That after all these years of searching, you’d finally found another psychic?
Tom’s face fell. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have.” He chuckled nervously. “I don’t know what I was saying. Just forget it.”
He cleared his throat. You still didn’t say anything. It was like someone had pressed a mute button and you couldn’t speak, no matter how badly you wanted to say something.
“You should go,” he suggested. “Thank you, for all the help.”
He stood up, and you did too, mirroring his actions. He lead you over to the exit. “Have a nice day, I look forward to seeing you in class next week.”
You turned around, not wanting to leave yet. “Tom . . .”
He was about to close the door when you stopped it with your foot, budged it open, and leapt into his arms, placing a passionate kiss on his lips.
You didn’t know what you were doing. You didn’t know what you were thinking. All that you knew was that you wanted him. Badly. As you pushed your way back inside the room, you feared for a moment that he was going to shove you off, tell you he didn’t mean it like that, but he didn’t. He pulled you inside and lifted you up, your legs wrapping around his waist, and sat you on top of his desk, returning the kiss with even more intensity.
“Tom,” you all but moaned. You felt confused and dazed, but with the way Tom was nibbling at your neck, sucking and licking, you could tell he wasn’t in the same boat as you. You relaxed, letting everything go. You could let him take care of this—whatever this was. Let him take care of you.
“Can I take it off?” he asked in between kisses. He tugged at your shirt, fingers hovering above the buttons.
“Mhm,” you nodded. “Please, please, please—”
The buttons unbuttoned themselves. You gasped a little in surprise as your shirt was tossed to the side. That was all the confirmation you needed—Tom Buckley was just like you. 
The realization that you had finally found another was lost when he started kneading your breasts through your bra. “Such a needy girl,” he cooed. “Didn’t know she could get like that. Doesn’t want to answer my questions but needs me to please her.”
“Fuck,” you let out, surprised at the dirty talk, but pleased nonetheless. “I just want you.”
“I know you do. Staring at me like a piece of meat in class. That’s all I am to you, hmm? Just a hot teacher to fuck. You tell your little friends about me?”
“No!” You whined when his hands went underneath your bra and pinched your nipple. “Ow! I’ve never told anyone.”
“Ah, I knew you were a good girl.”
You whined again and nuzzled your head in the crook of his shoulder, not wanting him to see how flustered he was making you. 
“Pretty girl,” he murmured, unclasping your bra, watching your breasts fall out. “Beautiful girl . . . Can I suck?”
“Yes!” you said impatiently. You found it sexy that he kept asking for permission, but also annoying—he needed to get straight to the point, and stop teasing you.
He latched his lip onto your hard nipple, swirling his tongue around the bud, occasionally nipping on it. While his mouth was occupied, his hands were roaming your body, up to your face and down to as far as he could reach, which while you were sitting down, was all the way to your ankles.
He switched nipples and went to your other breast, making you release a sigh of satisfaction. He eventually let go and gave you another kiss, his tongue slipping inside.
You looked down. He was hard, subtly trying to grind himself between your legs. “Mmm,” he moaned against your lips. 
His moan was wonderful. If not for your own pleasure, you wanted to continue this just so you could elicit another sound out of him.
In a bold move, you reached down and squeezed his crotch. He let out a sound, more strangled this time, and pulled away, a string of saliva connecting you both.
He placed his hand over the hand that was palming his cock, encouraging you to keep going, with eyes shut and nose scrunched up. He then moved it to lean on your shoulders.
“Do you like it rough or vanilla?” he asked. “I can do both.”
You tried to hide your grin. “Rough.”
He knew that by saying that you didn’t want it completely that way. The actions, yes, but you still wanted to hear him praise you, to caress you, to whisper sweet things in your ear.
“You sure?”
“Okay.” He picked you — handsome and strong — and laid you down on the couch. It wasn’t that large, but at least it was more comfortable than his desk, and you didn’t want to wait any longer by going to his place or yours.
“I want to let you know,” he started seriously, “that this isn’t a, uh, one-night stand. I don’t want that, not from you.”
“I don’t want that either,” you said. 
“And I don't do this often. Well, I don't do this at all. With other students, I mean. You’re the first. I don’t want you to think that I’m just, how do you say it? playing you?”
You giggled. He didn’t seem like the playboy type at all. In fact, when most men and women flirted with him, he usually got all uncomfortable and quiet, a fact that boosted your ego, as he never felt that way around you.
“This is serious for me, too. Let’s keep it a secret until this semester is over. And when I’m out of your class we can make it public, okay?”
He nodded, and leaned down to kiss you again, soft and delicate. 
“Take off your shirt,” you demanded.
He smiled at your behavior. It took a minute, because he was wearing his suit, but he managed to get it off with your help. You didn’t want to damage his clothing, it was probably on the more expensive side, and he looked so exquisite in it. 
You admired his chest. He was lean, but you could still see some faint muscles. After all, he had carried you to the couch. He was perfect. It was just what you had hoped for.
This moment didn’t feel real. How was it that you had gotten so lucky? You were here with the man of your dreams, in his arms, and you were about to make love. 
“Get on your knees.”
You did as he asked. You had done this a couple times before, so you weren’t really worried. You could even take cock all the way in, but when you saw his size, you gulped.
He guided your face to it. You licked the tip to the base to the balls, wondering how you were going to make it fit. You reasoned with yourself that if you couldn’t you could just use your hands for the rest.
That was, until he slid his cock inside your mouth and pushed it as far as he could. You controlled your gag reflex and started bobbing your head up and down, the sensation causing your eyes to tear, but not in pain. 
He wiped them away. “Are you okay?”
You didn’t say anything, not with your mouth filled. You showed your answer by sucking him, fondling his balls, looking up at him through fluttering eyelashes.
“Ohhh, you take it so well. So well.”
He pushed your head all the way down, keeping it there for a few seconds. You breathed in through your nose, trying to keep yourself under control whilst still making the experience pleasurable for him. He seemed to like it, with the way he was rolling his hips against your mouth, even though there was nothing left to fit inside. 
Then, suddenly, you felt something rubbing your clit through your pants. You tried to pull off of Tom, concerned at what it might be, when you realized it was him. He was the one doing it, making you feel this way. 
He kept your head in place, a pleased smile on his face. “Like that?”
You moaned. You couldn’t concentrate on him, not when your body was being pleasured so good. How much practice had he had with his abilities? How could he focus when you were going down on him? It was probably the age. He wasn’t that much older than you, but he was older, and surely that came with more practice. 
He pulled you off of him after a few minutes of you squirming and gagging, placing you down on the couch. He made sure your head was in a comfortable position before taking off your pants and pulling out his cock. Your pussy was still being rubbed, by whatever invisible force he was using, and it was about to make you come.
“I—I’m gonna—”
“I know,” he shushed, pressing his cock at your entrance. 
“Let me make you—”
“No,” he growled. “I’m going to come inside of you. Don’t think, just let your professor handle it.”
You knew he wasn’t technically your professor. He was just the TA, but it was still sexy to hear him say that. It reminded you of your student-teacher relationship, the forbiddeness of it all. 
You came just as his cock slid in. He sighed, feeling your pussy flutter and your cream leak out on him. He looked down, taking in the view, before pulling his cock out and slamming it back in, taking you off guard. 
His pace was unrelenting. You didn’t know he could be so animalistic. He was panting and groaning in your ear, holding your body in place even though you weren’t going anywhere. He was still rubbing your clit — technically — but you didn't mind. You could take another orgasm.  Besides, you weren’t sure if he would stop even if you asked. He looked so blissed out, like he was in another world, the only thing driving him his primal instinct.
“Gonna fill you up so good,” he said, increasing the intensity of his pace. The couch was now shuffling a little, moving forward a little bit each time, but Tom didn’t seem to notice. “You need it so bad. Just want me to take care of you, yeah?”
“Yes,” you cried out, rather pathetically. It was crazy to think how submissive this man could make you. You had never been like this with any of your other partners, but with him, you felt safe, like you trust him with anything.
“I can imagine — you in class, giving me one of those eyes you always do. Fuck — the other students don’t suspect a thing, but both you and I know that I’ll have you over my desk by evening.”
The thought alone made your mind whirl.
“I should fill your panties with my cum, make you walk around in it,” he said. That shouldn’t have aroused you as much as it did. He noticed your reaction. “Oh, you enjoy hearing me say those things? Those depraved, dirty things.”
He hit that spot in you, the one that made you go crazy, and you cried out, clutching his shoulders.
“There it is,” he said, mostly to himself, as he kept ramming that spot over and over again. The added sensations made you go limp in his arms. You could feel that familiar coil in your stomach, the one that told you you were going to orgasm again.
You threw your head back, looking up at the ceiling as you came, but your peace of mind didn’t last long. He grabbed your chin and forced you to look back at him, beating that same spot again, all while continuing the assault on your clit. “Look at me, I want to see your face.”
You looked right into his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes, and you could tell an orgasm was coming for him, too.
You felt a little ashamed that in such a short time he had made you come twice, and you hadn’t at all — at least, not yet — but like he said before, he didn’t want you to think, so you didn’t, and let whatever thoughts you had left bouncing around in your head leave.
“You’re wonderful,” he praised, kissing you again. He couldn’t get enough of it. Your teeth clashed briefly, but neither of your cared. He just wanted to taste you. “I can’t wait to be with you.”
With that, he came inside, filling you up to the brim with his hot seed. He kept his cock in, holding your hips in place, until he was satisfied and pulled out.
He laid on top of you on the couch, caressing the side of your cheek as you both recovered and took your breath. 
It was silent. Just the two of you, in his office. You had finally found the one. The one you were sure you were going to spend the rest of your life with, all happy and in love like a fairytale.
“I didn’t . . . I didn’t think I’d ever find another,” you finally said.
“I didn’t either. I’m glad it was you. I’m glad it’s you I get to share this with.”
“Hey, what was with the cards? Were you just testing me?”
“Yeah.” He turned to face you. “I wasn’t sure if I was just seeing things. I mean, you get up so early and go to work, sometimes you just imagine a kid opening a door on its own or playing tricks with her assignments. I had to be sure.”
“So, you weren’t intending to tell my future?”
“You can’t actually do that,” he said.
“Yes you can.”
He blinked, surprised. 
“I know you said the interpretation is very broad, but it still works.”
“You can actually tell the future?”
“Yeah. It doesn’t have to be with Tarot cards only. But whatever methods, I don’t do it often, I feel like it messes with things. But sometimes I just get these images in my head, and I can’t stop it.”
It hadnt occurred to you that even though you were both psychic, your powers, or at least, the direction you went with them, were different.
“If you weren’t reading my future, what were you doing?”
“I noticed that objects imbued with magic, especially artifacts, radiated energy—a feeling, one that only I could sense. If I gave the same impression on those cards, and you happened to pick them, it would either be a huge coincidence or it would mean you were drawn to them, albeit unknowingly. It was just something to give me more confidence.”
You weren’t aware that was something a person could do. You supposed there were plenty of things you didn’t know. You were looking forward to learning from him, and teaching him as well. You were both in uncharted waters, not knowing where this would lead you both. But it was okay, as long as you had him by your side.
You did worry a little that this intense connection you felt with him was only in an otherworldly sense, that you fell for him because of this magic, but you shook the thought away. That wasn’t true. You wouldn’t let it be true. You loved him and he loved you—and that was it. Nothing more. 
“I can do another round,” he said suddenly. “You?”
You grinned and nodded. “Yeah. But this time, I want to ride you.”
He laughed and flipped you both over so that you were on top of him. “Show me how you get off, babygirl.”
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agaypanic · 8 months
They're open yay omg!! Ok I had a cute idea for Rodrick Heffley if you're up for it! :)
Rodrick x Male!Reader where reader sings him 'boyfriend' by Big Time Rush the same way that Rodrick sang 'baby' by Justin Bieber for that one girls birthday (I literally don't remember her name lol but also it doesn't have to be his birthday) but like, it doesn't end as badly as it did for him lmao
Idk if they should be an established relationship between him and reader or if this is like readers confession so ill let you choose what you feel like writing for!
Boyfriend (Rodrick Heffley X Male!Guitarist!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: While waiting for your friends to show up to band practice, you decide to show Rodrick a new song you’ve been working on.
A/N: this is my first time writing for rodrick so pls lmk how i did! au where reader wrote ‘boyfriend’ instead of btr (with a few tweaks). rodrick and reader are in the talking stage (i dont wanna say situationship but ig that works lol) but their friends dont know about it. the only instrument i know about is the violin so sorry if i get anything wrong. also i think doing singing in stories/fics is kinda weird/awkward but whatever lol
You always cherished the few minutes you had alone with Rodrick during band practice. Sure, you liked your other friends. But there was something about being able to watch Rodrick not put on the whole ‘bad boy rocker’ persona that he was used to wearing. Around you, he felt like he could wind down and not think as much.
Although, he didn’t think too much in the first place.
“I think we have a real shot at winning this talent show,” Rodrick said, drumming a beat on your thigh as he watched you tune your guitar. “We just need to practice more.”
“Well, I think we sound fine right now.”
“We don’t need to sound fine; we need to sound great!”
“Chill out, Roddy.” You said gently, putting a hand on his shoulder. “It’s a month away; we have plenty of time.”
“Don’t call me that.” Despite his words, the corner of Rodrick’s lip twitched up at the nickname. You were the only one who called him that. At first, he didn’t like it; it wasn’t a hardcore rocker name. But soon, he found himself getting giddy at the softness of it. “I guess you’re right, though.” 
Rodrick strummed his fingers across the strings of your guitar, laughing when you slapped his hand away.
“Work on anything new lately?” He asked, looking up at you from his hunched-over position. Along with being the guitarist, you were one of the main songwriters in Löded Diper, having many one-on-one writing sessions with Rodrick. That’s how the two of you grew closer, going from childhood friends playing on slides to somewhere between friends and something more, playing songs. Secret handshakes turned to lingering touches, and loud laughs turned to whispered jokes.
You were a bit hesitant to answer. You had been working on some new songs, but they didn’t exactly fit the Löded Diper brand. They were love songs, most, if not all, written with Rodrick in mind. 
“Kind of.” You finally say, picking at a frayed edge of your jeans. Rodrick perked up, always loving your new material.
“Yeah? Show me!”
“It’s not exactly like the stuff we play.” You argue, a bit anxious at the thought of Rodrick hearing what you had been toying with recently. “Besides, it’s not finished.”
Rodrick just shrugged, leaning back in his seat.
“Show me anyway.”
You hated how you could never say no to those eyes. You sighed and finally agreed, fiddling with your guitar while trying to remember the chords.
“No laughing.” You say.
“When do I ever laugh at you, Y/n?”
“All the time.” With that, you started playing. You gave Rodrick a nervous glance before clearing your throat and singing.
“Have you ever had the feeling you’re drawn to someone?
And there isn’t anything they could of said or done?
And everyday I see you on your own
And I can’t believe that you’re alone
But I overheard your friends and this is what they said”
Looking over at Rodrick, you saw him intently listening. Any other time, you’d be prideful of the fact that all his attention was on you. But right now, it made you wanna run. But you stayed planted in your seat and continued with the song.
“That you’re looking for a boyfriend
I see that, gimme time, you know I’m gonna be there
Don’t be scared to come put your trust in me
Can’t you see all I really want to be
Is your boyfriend
Can’t fight that
Knock me down you know I’m coming right back
I don’t care at all what you done before
All I really want is to be your
You let the last chord ring out before you set your guitar down and cleared your throat.
“So, yeah…” Rodrick kept staring at you. “That’s… the song.”
Rodrick scooted closer to you, and you lifted your head to face him eye-to-eye.
“Did you write that about me?” He asked, tilting his head to the side. You bit your lip, watching how his hair fell from the movement.
“Depends.” You say, taking a deep breath. “Did you like it?”
Suddenly, Rodrick laughed. It made you stiffen, but you soon relaxed when he put a hand on the back of your neck.
“You’re so corny, dude.” He said before closing the gap between you. 
After the shock washed away, you gripped at his hair and ratty t-shirt, wanting to keep him close. You had come close to kissing Rodrick a few times, mainly while drunk at parties that you shouldn’t have been at or during writing sessions that eventually got interrupted by Rodrick’s younger brother Greg. But those close moments didn’t prepare you for how good the real thing felt.
When you parted, you rested your forehead on Rodrick’s as the two of you caught your breath. You opened your eyes and moved back a bit so you could see him clearly.
“So…” You start, not knowing what to do from here. “Are you looking for a boyfriend?”
“Sure.” Rodrick snorted before kissing you again.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Can I request Bayverse Leo with your prompts 4, 44, and 45?
I'll see what I can do! Just saw the second movie so I may make this take place around that time or after? Hope you enjoy regardless :) As usual, the build up is poor but I was trying. I'm better with in the moment kind of stuff.
Yandere! Bayverse! Leonardo Prompts 4, 44, 45
"My heart belongs to you, I'll adore anything you do to it."
"Your tongue is so sharp... wouldn't it be a shame if I had to silence it?"
"Stop screaming! I can't take it!"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, His brothers accidentally encourage him one time and things go wrong, Stalking, Slight overprotective behavior, Kidnapping, Threats, Forced relationship, OOC Leonardo, I struggle with Bayverse Ig 🤷‍♀️
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Leo knew it was wrong to fall for a human as a mutant. He used to think it was bad news when Mikey showed feelings for April. At the time, he didn't get it.
Now he did.
Leonardo had met you through April and Casey. A human friend who managed to be a good help to them against the battle of the Technodrome incident. It was this big event that made the stoic leader grow curious of you.
After the battle the turtles were accepted by the community for the most part. This made interactions with you easier, which only fed into his growing feelings. He's happy he doesn't have to hide himself from you.
Although there is certain aspects he does hide from you.
Leonardo tried to keep his attraction to you hidden. For now, he's fine being a friend and a hero to you. He often got to speak with you during hang outs with April and Casey.
Leo may be able to hide his attraction from you, but his brothers know him well. Leonardo doesn't try to be impressive or stutter around anyone. It may have partially been Donnie and Mikey's fault for encouraging Leo....
After all, the two encouraged Leonardo to get your number.
It was innocent for the most part! Leonardo passed it off as just wanting to keep in touch. You're friends and a great team... might as well call and text once in awhile?
Being used to the mutants after the Technodrome incident, you accepted Leo's request with a smile. After all he is nice to talk to.... You trust him and his brothers as heroes of New York, after all.
You didn't expect much to come of it.
Phone calls were often exchanged back and forth. Hang out sessions were often set up late at night. You two became close.
Leo's brothers often overheard him talking to you around their home. Leonardo often shed off his stoic leader persona to talk to you casually. Based on the amount of chuckles and compliments, they knew their brother enjoyed his time with you.
They also knew he's leave late at night to meet you. Sure, he could see you in the day now, but night felt so much more natural. You two would still talk and have fun for hours regardless.
For months after the big battle Leonardo stuck beside you. It's been going on for so long his brothers saw it as normal. They can't tell much if Leonardo is doing anything bad at first.
He is.
Leonardo's behavior around you appears relatively normal. He still leaves late at night, he still texts and calls, he's done so for months!
Leo... tends to be secretive.
His brothers, your friends, even you don't see the pictures on his phone. No one ever sees him watching you in the shadows. With his growing feelings... his obsession... he's stealthy with it all.
Leo feels comforted when he watches you at night through your window. There's times he wishes to slip in and watch you closer. He promises he won't do anything weird.
Leonardo wishes you'd be susceptible to his feelings someday. Whenever he looks at you... he feels a yearning in his chest. He doesn't care if he sees you from afar, his phone, or right in front of him... he still wishes you could be closer.
It's a crush, a similar crush he thought was strange with Mikey. Although, his was much stronger than those small feelings. Leo's feelings drove him.
Drove him to do... dishonorable things.
There's signs that slowly start to bleed through. Leo's more touchy when you hang out, often trying to excuse it. He just... wants to hug you, is all.
He also just gets... upset when you turn away. He's upset when you look at one of his brothers or your friends with more affection than him. Do you... not like him? You talk all the time! Surely you must feel similar to how he does by now, right?
He tries to hide things but truthfully... he can't much longer.
You have no idea what he'd do for you... he wants to be yours so bad...
Maybe... it's time you learn just how much he loves you?
This is love... isn't it?
This... wasn't how love was supposed to go for all. He knew he was being eager yet... ugh, this isn't how a leader is supposed to act! He's... kidnapped you.
The worst thing?
The only thing he hates is your screaming.
He was just trying to show you how much he loved you! It wasn't meant to be kidnapping! He just... brought you home to hang out-
Then he confessed to you in his room... you turned him down. Something snapped in him and he ended up locking the door.... Then you wouldn't stop screaming.
Even when he moved you to a more secure and hidden place to work things out, you kept screaming... calling him a monster over and over again.
You wanted to be let go... he couldn't bring himself to do it.
Your screaming makes him so upset. He hates that he's scaring you but he also wishes you went along with this. Why didn't you accept him...
Now he really is a monster to you.
"Stop screaming! I can't take it!" Leo snaps, gaze staring down your frightened body. He... didn't know he could get so angry. You had the right to be scared....
"No! Let me go you freak! I TRUSTED you! You were my FRIEND! Now look at you! Kidnapping me because of what!? Let me go-!"
"Stop it!" Leo growls, stalking closer. He grips your chain and pulls down. You freeze when you see the gleam of a katana, the turtle in front of you grins. "Your tongue is so sharp... wouldn't it be a shame if I had to silence it?"
Leo looks into your crying eyes and quivering lips. Oh... he was only getting worse, wasn't he? He couldn't handle you not loving him to the point he was hurting you...
This isn't him...
This isn't the Leonardo you should love.
"... I'm sorry, baby...." Leonardo murmurs, releasing his grip to stroke the top of your head. "I scared you... you scared me, too. I promise I'll be gentle now. I didn't mean to lose my cool.... This isn't how a leader should act... this isn't how I should act towards the one I love, huh?
"Leo..." You whine softly. "Let me go... please...."
"I can't, baby... you know that." He kisses the top of your head and you cringe. "Not in the meantime, at least."
"You're scaring me...."
"I'm sorry." He holds you in a rough hug. "I just... love you more than anything." He then pulls away and holds your face with a smile.
"My heart belongs to you, I'll adore anything you do to it." Leo sighs, pulling away to look at you in your binds... your tear stained face engraving itself in his mind. "Even if you hate me after all of this..."
Leonardo holds your hands, blue eyes glinting with adoration. It looks to innocent to be coming from him. He's betrayed you, after all....
"I'll love you no matter what happens."
The kiss he forces onto your lips afterwards feels like poison dripping into your mouth.
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arminsumi · 1 year
hi bae<3 i know you have many requests but i have this scenario for days🥹🥹 can you write some headcanon s about Armin with a famous gf? like her as model/singer/actress yk
btw I love your works day to day, you're the best💋💋
ANYTHIN FOR YOU MEIN SCHATZ💕🥺appreciate ur words sm
˗ˏˋ꒰ ⭐ ꒱ STARGIRL
░ 🐬 Armin x fem!gf!reader ♪
⚠️Cws; fluff, a teensy bit of angst
Notes; modern au
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░ ⭐ Armin's there in the crowd at your open-air concerts. He looks up at you admiringly, feeling your voice reverberate in his chest. It makes his heart pang when you sing the songs that you wrote about him.
░ ⭐ Sometimes it's hard to have to share his star with the world. After every show, he's eager to get back to the hotel with you at his side. All he wants is to just crawl into your lap and rest his head there, while you sing for him and only him.
░ ⭐If you're tired after shows/shoots, he'll pamper you at home and make your favorite food. There's nothing like cozying up in the living room of your penthouse with your favorite boy in the world massaging your tired body. Sometimes you'll put in one of the oldest films that you were cast in and have a good laugh – good grief that cast was awfully bad at acting, but memorable.
░ ⭐ He's so proud when he sees his pretty girl on the big fashion ads across New York and LA. It feels special when he sees the outcome of the photoshoots that he tagged along for. There's something fascinating about watching you model; he feels like he's marveling at the descendant of a goddess.
░ ⭐H-hot makeout sessions in the dressing room before shoots 👀 y-y'know the ones where Armin has his hands firm on your hips as you sit in his lap. Your stylist comes back confused as to why your lipstick is smudged.
░ ⭐ Your fans can't get enough of you two, you're one of those power couples that everyone swoons over. Whenever Armin pops in for an IG live, the chat goes so fast that you can't keep up. It cracks you up to see people asking when are they getting married? 🤭"I don't know! Min, when are we getting married?" you tease him. Armin goes pink in the face and stutters. It takes a few seconds for his wit to kick in, "T-tomorrow." he jokes.
░ ⭐There's one particular IG live of you two that sent the internet into a frenzy. It's when you leaned in for a big kiss to prove that your lipstick was smudge-proof, but you ended up giving Armin a kiss mark. He went so red in the face that he almost matched the shade of your lipstick. "Oh... well, I guess it's not smudge-proof after all." you laughed. The chat was going wild.
░ ⭐Though he may be scared of flying, he loves travelling with you to special photoshoots or sets for your acting roles in different countries. There was a time in Italy where the paparazzi were really on your tail, so you and Armin escaped to a tiny village that wasn't even on the map. You got lost there. Neither of you spoke Italian. But you made good memories at a hospitable family's home in exchange for helping to groom their vineyard.
░ ⭐At red carpets, he always keeps a proud and possessive hand on your waist. He looks like a star himself when he's dressed so well. It's kinda like you two are in your own little bubble, even at extravagant events like red carpets and met galas. Expect him to steal you out of the limelight for a few secret kisses.
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bernadettelogue · 5 months
#48 - How to Strengthen Your Self Love & Spiritual Connection
If you've struggled to accept yourself and love yourself, and you've found this whole notion of "self love" confusing... like - what does that mean? How do I actually do that? I try to be loving to myself but I just don't feel love for myself. This episode is for you.
AND if you're also on a spiritual path and have wanted to deepen your spiritual connection... then doubly pay attention to our guest in the episode Dr Margaret Paul. Your self love and spiritual connection are deeply related!
This is a brilliant session for understanding what it actually means to strengthen both self love and spiritual connection, and WHY we have a lack of these in the first place!
Free Gifts from Dr Margaret Paul
Free eBook - The 6 Reasons Why Loving Yourself is Essential for Inner Peace, Joy, and Loving Relationships
Free Webinar - 3 Secrets to Loving Yourself and Others
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About Dr Margaret Paul
Dr. Margaret Paul is a bestselling author, popular MindBodyGreen writer and co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding® self-healing process (www.innerbonding.com), and the related SelfQuest® self-healing online program – recommended by authors Marci Shimoff and Dr. Sue Morter, actress Lindsay Wagner and singer Alanis Morissette.She has appeared on numerous radio and television shows (including Oprah). Her book titles include Do I Have to Give Up Me to Be Loved By You (and subsequent titles Do I Have to Give Up Me to Be Loved By God, and …By My Kids), Healing Your Aloneness and Inner Bonding, and the recently published, Diet For Divine Connection and The Inner Bonding Workbook.Margaret holds a PhD in psychology, is a relationship expert, public speaker, consultant and artist. She has successfully worked with thousands and taught classes and seminars for over 50 years. Margaret lives in Colorado on a 35-acre ranch. She has three children and three grandchildren. In her spare time, she loves to paint, cook delicious healthy food, read, make pottery, and joyously live her life as a Golden Girl with her best friend.Margaret is a member of the Transformational Leadership council started by Jack Canfield.
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wawek · 1 year
Could you write something about your dnd character/s? Love hearing about other people's ocs!
hehe i finally have a moment to answer >:3c this is gonna be long so im gonna get a read more involved
my only character thats actually from dnd (my online group plays other ttrpgs) and "active" (we played two sessions 3 months ago ;w; but! might play again) Is Yeshe :3
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Its a mdzs inspired campaign... im pretty sure, i havent watched it... so i based her off of tibetan folk clothes and ofc off of a pallas cat. She hadnt had time to shine as a character yet and her backstory and motivations are bit murky =w= but the gist is that she takes care of her magically gifted little sibling (another player character, my sketch attached), they were raised in a remote commune and are now going to the big city.
Now, the character from a finished campaign of City Of Mist (really cool system!!!) thats been on my mind a lot recently is my beloved Theooooooo
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He was originally an oc completely detached from any specific setting, then I put him with my beloved Rochelle (in the blue dress, she started out as a dnd character but got only like 2 sessions back in 2020 :'3) in my own version of feywild (ill get to it later).
And then!!! I decided to play him in that CoM game and it was the best decision everrrrrrrrrr he was so so so so sos ososoosososos fun :3. CoM is urban fantasy where people become "rifts" for mythical beings and are able to use their power.
Theo was a Detective and a Fey and i really enjoyed playing an absolutely devious, controlling and charming guy =w=. His main motivation was power, he thought most people (except for his wife rochelle altough they have a tomshiv thing going on) are beneath him and mostly there for him to order around like chess pieces. And something that made this campaign insanely fun for me was that in order to get more powerful he had to do a task for the fey queen - kidnap and deliver a singer to her. A singer which also happened to be the person we had to protect during our investigation... dm and me kept it secret.
It was so insanely fun to walk into every scene thinking of how to find an opportunity to do that... in the end I managed to, in a very tense scene (the greyscale sketch at the top, the girl smiling behind theo is one of the fey messangers). The other PCs didnt stop him because they had some trust in him... got away with it completely :3. Tho I agreed not to play him in the next campaign (even tho id love to >_<) bc his jig was kinda up. Great character tho, and thanks to my dm i finally get warlocks, i might play one sometime!
Now, still in the city of mist im playing Valerie :3
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Her mythos is "Vampire" but she refuses to drink blood... she gets all sorts of issues bc of that, has trouble keeping down frineds and jobs ect... Still very early in the campaign but shes pretty fun :3 tho i prefer chracters who are a bit more commanding, i made her more of a follower to let my group breathe after theo but i kinda naturally fell back into organising the party again last session so i think i just need to stick to making charismatic characters next time sidugfsd. shes a nice change of pace tho, im excited for whats in store for her.
My feywild!!! It's a setting ive had in my head ever since i made Rochelle, Its sort of an early modern france mixed with Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell which sounds pretty lame and ig it is isudgfsd.
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Theres a lot of ideas and a lot of characters that i dont really have time to develop and am prolly gonna rework a million times =w= but its fun, and its fun to make plalists for random archfey.
Last character I'll mention =w= even tho i never got to play him because the campaign fell apart before the fist session, as they often do, I really love Byk and I wanna show you guys...
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Tadeusz Byk born in 1880 in Poland, Emigrated to the usa (boston then moved near new york) with his mother and grandma when he was 13... Operates a temporary house for immigrants that his mother started. Now 40, works as a tailor and sells moonshine on the side. Depressed, repressed and with a big heart... hope i get to dust him off for something someday...
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allamericansbitch · 1 year
A somewhat random question, but what do you consider to be a "swifitie"? I tend to use the term in a negative aspect. I have been a fan since Fearless and a major fan since 1989. I consider her my favorite current musician. I listen to the new albums at 12:01 am, collect all the vinyl, spent more than I should have on the eras tour, etc. But I cringe at the thought of being called a "swiftie" because I feel that word has a very specific history with it. Legions of swifties demanding everyone know the lore, the insane parasocial relationship they have with Taylor, having a very constrictive view on who is a "real" fan, sycophantic behavior so they can be followed by her and invited to secret sessions, attacking people on the internet (including doxxing) if they anger Taylor in any way (like flocking to the IG of the WOC actress from Ginny and Georgia to hurl insults and demand she "respect Taylor Swift" after Taylor's stupid tweet), etc. This sort of deranged behavior is what I think of when I think of a swiftie. But I also know lots of level-headed people who call themselves that who would never do any of those things. They just love the music. So I was interested to see what other people thought of the term. Have you ever called yourself a swiftie?
I would describe a swiftie as someone who is actively a part of the fandom, knows and forced the lore onto others, views every song through the lense of what they believe to be Taylor’s personal life, and really only care about Taylor’s personal life and don’t really see her as a person.
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I'm cracking up. Perry's post was not meant for Tobin. Everything she said could have been said privately. Perhaps a FaceTime session. Shoot off a text. When people post on IG it's for the public, let's be real. So for whatever her reasons, Perry wanted the public to see her declaration of love and admiration for her sister, Tobin Heath.
The very public declaration was interesting. Maybe she just wanted all of her new neighbors in Georgia to know her lil sis is a GOAT. 😂 She also has vid of herself wearing a Re-inc shirt. Secret agent influencer Perry.
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sweetswesf · 2 years
Check In
What I Did Today
TOO much social media & online videos
Successfully fought the urge to get a new IG
Assigned people in my professional engineering squad their secret santa recipients
Fought urge to order out & actually ate what I had in my kitchen
Watched an AlgoExpert video
Got some sun & grocery shopped
Saw the girl who invited me to an event held by the only dudes I have slept with (one of whom is now engaged) was let go by sadi dudes; I offered her support and tried to relate without being like "I HATE THOSE GUYS TOO"...she kinda gave me a weird response...immediately regretted reaching out...seconds later, one of the said damn dudes reached out to invite me! I wanted to say, "So we just gone act like it never happened huh!?"...I don't know what to respond with...part of me is like, "let it go," the other part of me is like UGHHHH why can't I escape this!? I mean I could if I blocked them...I guess a part of me wants them to feel bad for what they did or apologize, which I know, from history, they'll never do...I could also just meet someone else there but idk...I've NEVER met anyone of promise at any of these stupid mixing events...I just always leave with a weird encounter...
Rented Alice & Wonderland...I've been trying to watch it for years...I may watch it in my "downtime" this week
First meeting w/my new therapist
Bought a gift for my secret santa recipient
My literal thought process ALL...DAY...LONG...: "Eat, then hop into work...okay maybe just watch a video...okay, one more and then get to it...okay, at least sit a the desk...*goes to YouTube, Twitter, etc.*...okay, find that series you like to watch...okay one more Great British Baking Show episode...what if you get tired while you're working...what if you're too cold...what if the heater is making you tired...okay meal time again...okay try to start again...*watches more vidoes*...what if I'm too old...what if I should try something else out...man I wish I had more fam support...what if I don't need to study this crap...am losing all the progress I've been building...UGH! get to work...will I be single forever...all these layoffs, if they don't have it, they'll be sure I don't get it...oh shoot...it's time to meet for the study group soon...you can't work, just start tomorrow...okay, it's after 7:30 PM, at least try to knock this one lesson out since she's doing it too, you don't want to be embarrassed again...should I work out tomorrow or just make up for lost time today..."
Added website blocker & time limits back to my desktop & phone
What I Learned Today
Linked lists...including doubly, circular, and doubly circular linked lists
This staying focused thing is harder than I thought it would be...I need to build a bit more discipline
Apparently not scared enough to study as hard as I need to
Slightly paranoid about being vulnerable to YET another person who may not handle my feelings the way I need them to
Proud I did not NEED a nap today
Can y'all pray for me, please
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I'm going to get there
I need to get up & move more during my day
I really appreciate the friend that took me out to Black Panther, suggested we start doing a bake exchange, and, today, encouraged me by telling me in our study session that she'd watch the same video I set out to watch...I wasn't going to do it, but that added pressure was just enough pressure I needed to do it today...mind you, she's going through a stressful time...we both are, but we are confiding in each other, helping each other along, and I am grateful...as someone who has been losing people left & right, I am grateful
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How I Got Myself Out of a Rut Today
Confiding in a friend
Trying new creations
FINALLY finding a site that streams full episodes of the series that got me interested in Netflix in the first place years ago, The World's Most Extraordinary Homes...looking at that, I said, "Why NOT me!?"...then recommenced procrastinating for hours after that, but, it did get me up...I'm going to live in something like this one day:
Goals Completed
Found a therapist
Stopped listening to people worried about their own circumstances and remembering God works on his own time and that I am in no rush...
Got back on the ball
Being kinder to myself and stopping guilting myself if my energy isn't always on 100%
Goals After Today
Strengthen my relationship with God
Understand the main concepts I need to from Interview Cake, AlgoExpert, etc. in 6 months, NOT less than 3
Drop my body fat percentage to Marion Jones, Michaela Cole, or Jade Cargill levels
Consistently fight urge to fill up my time with social media/YouTube
Fully forgive my family & build a great relationship with them
Be more confident & faithful
250 steps/hour & 10k steps/daily consistently
Drink more than 64oz a day consistently
Go on a date with a guy I actually like who actually likes me too
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383: 11 Health & Beauty Secrets for a Better Second Half, as taught by Liz Earle
"My years working in wellbeing have taught me that it's about living life in a daily, achievable balance. The one thing that counts above all else? Consistency. It doesn't have to be much and it doesn't have to be hard, but it does have to be consistent." —Liz Earle, author of A Better Second Half: Dial back your age to live a longer, healthier, happier life — Sharing my secrets to looking and feeling better than ever
With forty's arrival five years ago, I gradually began to see subtle, very subtle changes in my skin, hair and physical body; however, as someone who has always been curious at a young age about staying healthy regarding what I eat, how I care for my body and skin, etc., I wasn't necessarily surprised, but I also knew I wanted to become even more of a student learning how to best take care of my entire body and mind to prevent anything I did have control over, delay anything that while inevitable, need not be sped up by ignorant lack of care-taking, as well as prolong the quality of my living experience as cognitive and physical health and strength are key components to deepening the quality of everyday living, connections, opportunities, etc.
Ever the student, I ask questions incessantly, of any expert in their field I have the good fortune to work with, interview or schedule sessions with, and when I don't know someone personally, I reach for books written by experts who have done research in their field of study. As well, reading content by someone, a woman, in this instance who has experienced and lived and is living through the changes of our body and skin and mind, has tried and knows what works in a healthy approach is very much looking up to a wise sister, aunt or mother. So when I learned that Liz Earle, a long-time veteran in the sustainable beauty and wellbeing arena beginning in the early 80s, she, now in her early 60s and not only looking amazing but is living an amazingly full and inspiring life (here is her personal IG account), had written a new book that is already a Sunday Times bestseller, but more importantly, it is worthy of that achievement because it is a book full of nuggets of valuable information to give you the keys to indeed living a better second half of your life, I purchased it, and read it in two nights. Now, I would like to share an introduction to 11 nuggets of valuable information she shares, and if these speak to you as well, I am confident you will appreciate all that the book includes.
Explore the Show Notes for episode #383 - https://thesimplyluxuriouslife.com/podcast383
Learn more about TSLL's Contentment Masterclass - https://thesimplyluxuriouslife.com/contentmentcoursefaqsintro/ 
Tune in to the latest episode of The Simple Sophisticate podcast
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jasperlovesstarss · 5 months
VERY old Candy voice claims!
(I know Actor wasn't in there I'm sorry)
ima make new ones, suggestions are 100℅ welcome bc I have no idea😭🙏
NEW DESIGNS IN CASE THEY HELP WITH DECIDING!!! (except for Opposite Candy, I'll work on her redesign)
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Og Candy Cupid~Sweet, bouncy, always excited about something, really tries to be nice even if she ABSOLUTELY DESPISES YO AHH-, super loud and obnoxious sometimes, lovey dovey, hates Barnaby with a damn passion
Opposite Candy Cupid~Always angry at some mf (mostly Op!Wally-), loud, sassy, idk what else to put, just the opposite of Og ig💀
RF Candilyn Cupid~Mature, calm, collected, kinds quiet unless she's royally pissed off, scary asf
Actor/Actress Candy Cupid~Sassy mf, literal queen (period😒), pretends really sweet when she's actually a ***BIT-***, only person she doesn't pretend to be sweet around is Wally bc they always beefing over some shiiii
Og: Hates Barnaby bc he suspects something bad of her/Is suspicious of her, evil as flip, killed some of her friends in the old neighborhood because a demon (Arthrós) forced her too, kinda like Home & Wally in those animatics when WH was js starting lol, Evil but not @ the same time??
Opposite: Actually not pure evil, just fighting for her family. Got kicked out of the Cupid society (exiled) is now a heartbreaker (theres a difference between those who are exiled being anticupids, and heartbreakers, anticupids are vengeful and want the Cupid society and the gods taken down), anticupids start a war Candy is forced to fight in and she feels bad and runs away, but is guilty for leaving her friends and family (her sisters were anticupids)
RF: Actually insane, maniac, mental, wtv tf you wanna call her at this point she probably is. Also a cannibal 🤩, only likes kids (REALLY LOVES KIDS :3 not in the Drake way though...), spent 10 years in the factory trying to save her kid (Devin, who was 14 by the time she saved him), runs the terminal (secret place under tha factory where all the super dangerous experiments even Wally can't handle are sent, only person higher than Candy's authority in the terminal is Arthrós, who was evil but became nice (Father figure demon anyone ⁉️)
Actress: Sassy and mean to Wally only but really super nice to everyone else, divorced her husband (Brutus. Also she's the only one who left Brutus, NO, RF DOESN'T COUNT, SHE *KILLED* HER BRUTUS, THERE'S A DIFFERENCE), literally the hottest-💥🔫
ALSO, if this helps in any way-
Og: English, Roman, Greek
Opposite: English, Roman, Greek
RF: English, Roman, Greek, Russian (hints of German but only like 1℅)
Actress/Actor: English, Roman, Greek, Japanese (only a little, like 10℅ or so)
Alrighty, thank you for coming to my yapping session *dramatic bow*
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minx-scribbles · 3 years
secret thoughts
warning: nsfw 18+, suggestive language
pairing: high school au! connie springer x fem!reader
synopsis: elite football senior connie just can't keep his hands off the junior girl that comes to all his games...
tags: choking, slight public sex, dirty talking, fingering (a lil ig?), penetration, size difference
notes: this is my first tumblr post lol, i'm new :')
word count: 4.2k
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the cold wind swept your hair out of the way of your view of the large field in front of you. the sun dipped behind the bleachers, casting a shadow over the set of large bleachers you stood on. the bundled up crowd around you cheered as your high school football team intercepted the passed against the other team. there was only 10 seconds left to make a run for a touchdown to win the game, the score 23-24. we were losing but you knew in your heart that the boys would find the final strength to pull this game together for the win.
but there was one special person you were looking for on the field. from your position, the boys looked like little ants in the grass. hard to pinpoint where the gray-haired boy was, you strained your eyes over the countless heads in front of you to get just a slight glimpse of him.
finally, you found the person you were looking for.
he caught the receiving pass from the quarterback and he made a break for the opposite end of the field. cheers deafened your ears and the bleachers rumbled under the feet of the excited fans. they yell and scream for the whole time he ran with the ball, pushing him with their words. you stand silent, mesmerized by the boy you had crushed on forever.
but that fantasy would never come true… for you were just some tutor while he was some college recruited football player at your high school. two different paths with no intertwining of fates.
or so you thought, until the mighty connie springer came into the library during your open tutoring session. he was failing pre-calc, and failing means no scholarship to the big boy university that was willing to pay for his tuition if he played for them.
he came in with a cocky demeanor. or maybe it was a facade, you could never tell. he walked straight to you, like he just knew that you were the tutor on duty that night. he plopped down with one notebook and his textbook, looking at you expectantly.
you both sat there in awkward silence for a moment before he finally opened his mouth, “so are you going to help me with my math or what, doll?”
at that exact moment, your heart seemed to skip a beat. was it because the neck tattoo he had scared you? or was it because his ringed fingers were so close to yours that you caught your breath in your throat? you never found out. but you did find out that at that tutoring session, is that you couldn’t stop studying him.
the parallel was obvious, he came to you to work on grades and studying, while you went to him to study him. the way he moved, talked, and the way he tried to play the strong and reliable teammate. you became the manager for the football team for a year before focusing back on your studies. but during that year, you seemed to learn so much about the mysterious football player.
some nights you would stay up thinking about how he would touch you, hold you, or fuck you. plain and simple. and these thoughts blurred your brain during the day. every time you saw him, you would heat up, your body filling up with nerves, or was it desire?
the game ended with connie making the winning touchdown. everyone cheered, congratulating him on his last high school win. he seemed to relish in the attention, but he looked distracted. the short haired boy looked around with his narrowed hazel eyes. he appeared to be looking for something, or maybe someone.
since the game was over, the boys ran into the locker room to change and then to celebrate on the bus home. at the same time you had to use the ladies room. so you rush into the school building searching for the restrooms.
it seemed to be around 15 minutes before you decided to give up. the hallways seemed to circle back to the same place every turn you made. you decided to just make your way back to your car. you thought about how maybe tomorrow you will build the courage to congratulate connie. after not talking for over a year since your last tutoring session, you were scared he had forgotten you. you reassured yourself that he probably had. he had more pressing matters to worry about other than the girl who helped him learn basic math.
huffing out a short breath, you started towards what you thought was the exit.
“that’s not the way out, by the way.”
the husky voice startled you. you freeze up and slowly turn around. you face an empty hallway, with a tall, and noticeably muscular, connie springer - in all his glory of course.
you swallow some saliva that had been caught in your throat before speaking, “i’m not very familiar with the school.” you blush and scratch your arm in nervousness.
his eyes bore into yours, before they rake down your body. as if he is the one studying you. he had on gray sweats and a blue zip-up hoodie with some sneakers. he seemed to just got out of the shower, with water dripping from his short gray hair, making the hoodie slightly wet around the collar.
you realized you were staring by the way he started to smirk at you. and that made you feel exposed. he knew that he had some effect on you. ever since he went into that tutor room. the room that you two would spend hours on some pointless math he would never use in the future.
he knew that you became a football manager just to see him, to see him work. to see him drenched in sweat, while he was huffing, catching him breath. he knew he drove you crazy. crazy enough to come to every single one of his games. silently cheering him on since the first day they met.
“i can see that. if you would like, i can help you out.” he said it with a glimmer in his eye. you couldn’t put your finger on what he could hinting at, but the sight of him off guard in his sweats made you think inappropriate thoughts. “not safe for a pretty girl to be roaming around a random school at night.”
caught off-guard, you blubber out some incoherent words, “i- i guess.”
his smile looks like one of the cheshire as you walk up to him, letting him rest his hand on your lower back. he uses this as force to make you follow him; to keep up with his long legs. it didn’t seem like the way back to the front entrance, but you felt an odd trusting towards the boy. like he wouldn’t hurt you, like he wouldn't lie to you.
he took you to some unknown back hallway, the lights halfway lit down the opposite end of the hallway. it was unfamiliar, why would he take you down some random hallway? you stood in front of each other, looking at each other with some kind of expectation. like someone was supposed to make the first move
connie says the first blunt words, “i know why you became the manager for the football team last year.”
you feel heat rise to your ears and neck. was it that obvious as to why i did it. i didn’t think it would be that big of a deal.
“i don’t know what you’re talking about”, you whisper, not looking him in the face. you couldn’t bear at the thought of him seeing you flustered, because you knew it was true. you joined the management to see him. to see how he works, how he socalizes. to see his muscles, to give him his water, to take notes of the games. “i just wanted to help out.”
connie realized that this wondrous girl was lying to him. she was embarrassed of wanting to be around him; and he feel some unknown feeling he had never felt. why would she lie? wouldn’t she want to be around him? “c’mon doll, you don’t have to lie. i don’t necessarily like liars.”
the last sentence made your hair stand on end. you still couldn’t find out if he scared you, or you desired him. you wanted to find out, but how? how can you figure out if you are scared of this cocky, attentive boy - or are you just attracted to the thought of something foreign. his tattoos, his demeanor, his rings, his piercings. those all gave you tingly feelings in your finger tips. like you wanted to run your fingers across the metal and skin that lay on him.
connie’s eyes were narrowed, he was serious about not liking liars. “‘m not lying…” you mumble finally meeting his eyes. you tried to seem strong, that you pulled yourself together. but in reality, you were shitting your pants. he towered over you. he was easily 6’1”. his shoulders looked as though they were carved with stone, strong and firmly set in place. like they were tempting you to grab onto them. to rake your hands and nails down-
you scoffed and shook your head. why are you thinking of such thoughts at a time like this. all alone in a hallway with the man you have been dreaming of since sophomore year. he is right in front of you and all you are doing is dreaming of him still.
“are you laughing at me, doll?” connie’s familiar smirk turned down into a scowl. he didn’t liked being laughed at, not being taken seriously is his biggest pet peeve.
you straightened your frown out. “no i’m not, i’m sorry”. that made you look down again. how could you being ruining the one time you had a chance to talk to him. you are making a fool of yourself right in front of him.
unexpectedly, you feel two fingers lift your head up to meet his eyes. the same hand that lifted your head wrapped itself around your throat with no pressure - just there.
“do i have to ask you again?” connie seemed bored, his eyes hooded and his head turned back. he looked at you as if he was disgusted, wanted to rid of you. but this didn’t make you turn out of his grasp. you stayed, staring into his yellow orbs - waiting for his next move or word. “are you laughing at me?”
his hand closed over the sides of your throat. not enough to cut off supply, but enough to make your face flush red with blood. your heartbeat was in your ears. was this seriously happening? you weren’t complaining per se, but you didn’t think he knew of your secret feelings. those same feelings driving you to see him every chance you had. of course he would know, you scold yourself. how could he not notice how you were always in his shadow at school, on the field…
“n-no, i wasn’” you gasp out. with the little airflow you were receiving, you didn’t feel lightheaded. it felt… nice. you had never felt this way with a man. no man had touched you this way, and all he had was a hand on your throat. this very action could determine whether you could breathe or think - and your brain was going numb. but it didn’t hurt. no, it couldn’t, he would never hurt you. right?
connie’s usual smirk played on his lips once more as he closed the final distance between your bodies. his lips daringly close to your ear as he whispered, “if you aren’t going to lie to me, doll, why don’t you tell me what you would do if i fucked you right here, right now?”
your eyes widen at the thought of the connie springer, top rated football wide receiver in the state, school dickhead, and the boy you tutored, taking you in the hallway of the team he just beat at state. the thought brought butterflies to your stomach and shocks to your core. it was overstimulating; his hand on your neck, his body so close to yours, the thought of him fucking you in a random hallway.
you were so confused as to why he would want you of all people. a random nerdy girl at his school that really only had a handful of real conversations with him. he could get any girl he wanted, and he seemed to want you. was it because you were easy to him? was it because he liked the thought of a girl giving everything to him? the thoughts were degrading but you felt good. this felt good. it didn’t bother you if he thought you were easy, isn’t it a good thing you got this close to a boy who is going to college for a sport? you internally shook your head at the thoughts. stop overthinking.
“i- i don’t know” you admit to him. you have no idea. you were so confused with this whole situation. the only explanation would have to come from his mouth, with his own words.
“ahh, you have no idea?” his hooded eyes met yours again. his face, his lips millimeters away from yours. “doll, you have caught my eye since the first time i saw you in that tutoring room all alone”.
he moved his hand that was on your throat to palm your collarbone, to feel your skin. his other hand trapped you between the lockers and him. he loomed over you easily, making you feel trapped. but you didn’t run. you wanted to see what he was gonna do next to you.
“you were wearing a button down, your cleavage literally calling out to me to look. and a blue skirt, just begging me to ride it up and see what lies beneath. god, my cock was just begging to feel you” he looked at you with innocent eyes, like what he just spit out wasn’t crude, or even close to perverted. but it made you squirm, your legs rubbing together. “do you remember?”
you couldn’t, you were a blank slate. you couldn’t think, nothing would come to mind. even though you thought of the day over and over everyday.
“i couldn’t stop thinking about you after that day. i saw you everywhere. nothing could stop me from thinking the dirty things i thought about you. things i would do to you if given the chance.” with that last sentence he pulled down the shirt collar you were wearing so he could get a peak of your soft bulbs of skin poking out from your laced bra. “just like i imagined, so perfect.”
you gasp at the cool skin hitting your chest. you wished he would just touch you, anything. you wanted something to happen. “please..”
connie looked at you, surprised that you were begging for him. “please what angel? use your words.”
“please, touch me.”
there was a pause. you were embarrassed to say the least, but he was purposely teasing you. seeing how far you could go. and you didn’t do well with the pressure.
connie slowly brought up his pointer finger and tapped your lips twice, as if asking you to open up. so, you open your mouth slowly. he guided his digit in, “suck.”
you close your mouth with care and you begin to rub your tongue on the underside of the finger, paying some attention to the pad at the tip of his digit.
you heard him groan, and he pressed his knee between your thighs to part them. he took his finger out and brought it to your skirt, lifting it up and slightly touching your panties.
you let out a sigh and rut your fingers against his hand. the tiny touch doing wonders to your mind.
“such a dirty slut, wanting me to finger her in the middle of the hallway. they could be looking for me y’know, and i’m spending my time with a slut like you, begging for me to touch her.” his words sent shocks down to your core. he was right. his teammates could be looking for him right as they were doing sinful things, but lust took you both over. “well, we can’t stop now.”
he pulls his pants down, leaving his underwear in place. “is this okay?” you were shocked he asked. but he looked equally lust-filled as he was concerned. worry set in his brow.
you smile a little, “yes, god yes.” you pull your panties down, to show that you were okay with this, for sure.
his smile was crooked, but you loved it. he brought himself to you. sealing the desire with a kiss. a passionate one. one that heated both of you to the core. each other’s hands in your hair. saliva ringing between you as you part to take a breath - but it lasts a second before the gap is filled again.
during the mess, connie picks you up and you wrap your legs around his waist. you could feel his rod on your thigh, showing how much he really wanted you. the kisses were so feverish, you were sure you felt your peak rising faster and faster. his lips were like soft clouds, they were so plump. his hair short but soft, enough for you to grab hold and pull a little at the nape of his neck.
he lets out a groan, one that comes from his chest. he seems to hold in his pleas because he holds his breath while you tug at his hair.you loved the way he sounded. how you made him whimper and groan from your touch alone. you basked in it, enjoying every moment.
connie pushed his hips into yours to feel some type of release. he felt suffocated by his boxers. nothing felt good enough, he needed to feel you. and with that thought he pulled his last piece of pants off with a hand, never letting you go.
now, you could feel just how big he was. the size alone just looking at it scared you. how would you be able to fit that in you? but you pushed the thoughts away as he pulled your panties to the side.
connie rested his head on the locker doors behind your head, his forehead was on your shoulder. he didn’t pull his full length in yet. he had little self control, but he wanted to make sure you were ready for what you guys were about to do.
he wet his dick with your slick. “fuck, you’re so wet angel. who made you this wet, huh?” he kept sliding his dick back and forth on your lips. he could do this all day if he could. you were just perfect.
you couldn’t form words. every rock of his hips brought more pleasure to your sensitive nub. when his hips meet yours, you whine out. those few moments of meeting felt so good that you couldn’t feel your legs. all nerves shot, you could only feel your core and all the places his skin met yours. you have never felt this on edge, this on fire. every piece of skin was aflame. it felt so good. you never wanted this to end.
but at the same time, you weren’t completely satisfied. you wanted more. more and more from this boy. he wasn’t giving you what you truly wanted. you wanted him all and you only have a slice of what could be the best sex you could ever dream of with him.
nothing you ever imagined while touching yourself could bring you as much pleasure as touching this man. his slick mixing with yours drove you crazy, his breathy moans making your head spin. your core tightened on nothing but it felt so good. imagine what it could feel like with him in you.
“oh my- you. y-you.” you finally answered after catching your short breath. “more, p-please more.”
connie’s head rolled back with a strained groan and the sight of him struggling to control himself drove you mad. you reached to his exposed skin with your soft lips, kissing where his shoulder met his neck. licking and sucking on the sensitive skin. now you were driving him over the edge. he felt as though he was on top of the world. but he wouldn’t cum without you finishing first.
so, he pulled back and set his dick in place to fully push himself in you. “are you ready?” you look each other in the eyes when you nod. the only form of communication you could muster. you felt spent. without even cumming.
he let out a long breath and pushed himself past your strained walls. “fuck..” his whispered, biting his lip.
he felt huge, and you felt as though you were gonna be split in half. but with that one movement, you let go all over him. both of your thighs were soaked with your wetness. but he didn’t stop. he thrusted in you slowly at first and then faster. so fast that you could feel yourself wanting to cum again.
you go to touch your abused clit when he slaps your hand away. “no, want to” is all you hear from his mouth.
he draws slow circles on your throbbing nub. you couldn’t catch your breath, every one coming out shorter than the last, moans and curses falling out of your mouths like a waterfall. you felt your eyes whell up with salty tears as he thrusted into you without a stop. it felt so good, you couldn’t fathom all the feelings your nerves and skin were receiving. the pain and the pleasure, all mixed together beautifully. the slow circles to the fast paced hips. it all made you dizzy, but you could feel yourself coming to a familiar edge.
you didn’t want to stop it, it all felt so good. but you both could hear the boys yelling for connie. it had been longer than he hoped. but you both didn’t want to stop. this moment was different, special for you both. though you barely knew each other you knew you had to meet again, and again, and until you both were satisfied would you stop.
you could feel him coming to his fall, his breathy groans turning into weak moans as he laid his head on your shoulder. his thrusts slopier, but his relentless flicking on your clit never stopped. he came hard with a long moan. he let himself go, letting himself be weak and vulnerable to the pleasure you gave him and you enjoyed it, so much to where you couldn’t hold yourself back. you could feel him pulsate in you. and it felt oh so good. so you let yourself go a moment after him, cumming together.
you both tiredly fought to catch each other’s breath as you held each other. held each other like you were lovers never letting go. but you knew better and you let go of his neck to look into his handsome face.
he seemed spent. so spent that he looked exhausted. he looked like he couldn’t walk. but you shook him out of it. “hey, your friends are looking for you.”
he opened an eye as the voices grew gradually louder. “right.” he didn’t look too particularly happy.
you both let go, not that you wanted to. but you two had to. it felt wrong to let go. it felt so right how you molded into each other in the embrace. but that was the reality. the difference between you two was large.
you both quickly got dressed and fixed each other’s hair. connie looked at you with tired eyes, his eyes hooded. “c’mon, i’ll show you to the front.”
you giggled as that was what got you to this point, but you didn’t say anything about it.
as you two walked down the hallway, the other football guys found you. they probably had an idea of what happened but by the look on connie’s face they didn’t say a thing. “bro, the buses are leaving soon, let's go.”
connie waved them off, “i’ll meet you guys there.” they shrugged and took off, laughing.
connie turned to look at you, he looked sad, awkward almost. “hey i wanted to say thank you for tutoring me and helping me out with everything. i never got to say it before.”
it warmed your heart knowing he appreciated your help, “of course, anytime”. you smiled at him.
he gave you a small smile back. it felt different with the space between you guys was so far. “i’m new at this but i don’t want this to be our last meeting.”
the cocky boy looked shy, he avoided your gaze and rubbed his neck.
you were shocked he felt so similarly to you. all that just happened felt so special to you that you couldn’t describe the feeling. you wanted to see him more, but not just see him, but talk to him. get to know his fears and hopes. you could say you had a major crush on the football player, and maybe he had one on you.
“this won’t be, i promise.”
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lexiluvsfez · 3 years
sweatshirt // fez x lexi
— pairing: fezco x lexi // rue x lexi (platonic)
— type: fluff ig??
— request: yes!
— summary: lexi and fez has been in a secret relationship for a while, then rue goes to fez’s apartment while lexi is there then rue found out about them.
— a/n: to the anon that requested this, i hope you like it! 
tw // swearing
From the moment Lexi had met Fez on New Years Eve, she knew he would be in her life for a long time. She wasn’t sure if it was his easy-going demeanor or what, but she knew from that moment that he was special.
 Fez thought the same from the moment he laid eyes on Lexi. He thought she was the most gorgeous girl in the entire world. The two had made small talk and Fez even asked Lexi for her number. She found herself constantly texting him from that day on.
And that brings us to present time. It had been a couple months since the two first met. They both obviously knew that there was some sort of connection between them, so when Fez finally had the courage, he asked her out. Of course she said yes; she was falling head over heels for the man. 
Lexi and Fez had been dating for a little over 2 months. The only issue was that nobody else knew except for Ashtray. Lexi hadn’t bothered to tell Rue because she knew her best friend would make a big deal out of her best friend dating her dealer. 
It was a normal Friday night. Lexi was currently packing a bag to spend the night at Fez’s house. As she began packing her pajamas, her phone vibrated to see an incoming call from Rue. 
“Hey Rue” Lexi said to the phone after she had placed it on speaker so she could multitask. “Yo Lex, can I come over?” Rue said, sounding as if she was slightly high off her ass. “Uhm I’m actually hanging out with a friend. Maybe tomorrow?” Lexi said, remembering that Rue didn’t know about her and Fez. “Aight. I’ll text you tomorrow then. Bye” and with that, Rue hung up. 
2 hours later…
Lexi had arrived at Fez’s house and they were watching a movie in the living room. Lexi excused herself and went to the bathroom for a moment. She was wearing some jeans and suddenly didn’t feel all too comfortable in her attire. She went through Fez’s sweater drawer and picked out a dark green sweatshirt. She swiftly removed her outfit and placed his sweatshirt on her body. As she began fixing her hair into a messy bun, the doorbell rang. “I’ll get it!” is all she heard from Fez before she heard the front door close and get locked. 
Lexi walked out of Fez’s room, wearing his dark green sweater over her body. As she looked up, she froze when she saw Rue standing at the other end of the hall, staring directly at her. 
“Oh uh hey Rue…” Lexi said before taking small, slow steps towards the couch where she previously sat. “Lexi? What the fuck are you doing here?” Rue questioned. After receiving no response from Lexi, she said “I thought you said you were hanging out with a friend tonight”. “I am. Fez is my-” Lexi couldn’t finish her sentence before Fez interrupted her.
“Boyfriend. I’m her boyfriend.” Fez said, looking directly at Lexi. Lexi’s face turned red and Rue couldn’t help but smirk at the couple. “WoW oH mY gOd. ItS fExI i ShIp It So MuCh” Rue interjected before receiving a laugh from Fez and Lexi. 
“Shut up, you clown” Lexi said as she threw a pillow at Rue’s face. As Rue was about to throw the pillow back, she looked at Lexi’s outfit and paused. “Halt. Pause. CuT tHe CaMeRaS.” Rue said. Silence taken over the entire room as the couple looked at Rue. “Are- are you wearing his sweatshirt?” Rue asked in a questioning tone, that stupid smirk still on her face. 
Fez immediately looked at Lexi and smiled. “Oh uh yeah.” Lexi said as she blushed, pure embarrassment taking over her. Fez jumped onto the couch and quickly grabbed onto the girl, embracing her in a soft hug. 
“No need to be embarrassed, ma. You look fucking amazing.” Fez reassured Lexi. Forgetting Rue was still there, the two began having a quick lil’ makeout session. “Y’all nasty as fuck. Get a room. I’m out this bitch” Rue yelled as she shut the door behind her. 
Fez and Lexi laughed at her dramatic exit. Once the laughter stopped, Fez looked at Lexi. “Ma, I’m so sorry for telling Rue about us. She was gonna find out regardless and we didn’t really have a plan.” He said, his eyes staring directly into Lexi’s. 
She grabbed his hands into hers. “Fez don’t be sorry. I was scared of what her reaction would be but thank you for telling her for us. I love you” Lexi said, looking into his blue orbs. “I love you too, ma. I love you forever.” He said as he snuggled into her body. 
The two ended the night by falling asleep on the couch while watching ‘Beauty and the Beast’. Both of them were glad that at least one other person knew about them. Lexi and Fez both knew that this was a forever thing. 
The end <3
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shadyteacup · 3 years
Congrats on 300 followers! You really deserve it cuz you're so talented and amazing. Can I request a angst prompt 11 with dazai thank you ❤️
Hola amigo! Thanks sm :D
Here's some sad angst... n no, it doesn't have a fluffy end... :(
Osamu Dazai + “Tell me you don’t want to leave. Say I’m enough to make you stay. I know it’s not true, but please just say it.”
Warnings: Angst, strong language. || Word count: somewhere around 1600, ig..
Get Out
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You were an observant person. You were pretty sharp and thoughtful. You weren’t dumb. In fact, you were smarter than the average John or Jane Doe. You never ignored any signs or forewarnings that your brain threw at you. You always reported if something seemed fishy. You have never ignored someone’s wrong doings before.
But then again, there’s a first time for everything.
Sighing, you opened the door for your boyfriend.
You said as you turned around almost immediately, ignoring his smile. Walking inside, you sat back at your desk, resuming your work.
Dazai stepped in, confused and worried. He had a lot on his mind as of late. He had to maintain a perfect balance between home and work, and it was taking a toll on his wellbeing. He hoped it wasn’t affecting your mental state. Maybe seeing him depressed all the time was lowering your spirits? He dearly hoped that wasn’t the case, for he was trying really hard to relieve his stress before coming home. He tried his best to stay happy and come home with a smile.
He threw his coat on the couch, kicking his shoes off and getting himself a glass of water. He was tired and parched.
As he gulped down the heavenly liquid, he observed you from the corner of his eye. You were staring at the screen, hands frozen above the keyboard. You were thinking about something. It worried him. Your random zone out sessions made him question his behaviour. Was he being rude or mean to you? Was he the cause of your constant worry?
“Y/N?”, he called out to you, trying to get you to snap out of it.
You flinched slightly, peering at him through your lashes.
He walked over to hug you from behind, but you got up, effectively avoiding him.
“What’s wrong?”
He furrowed his brows, reaching out to grab onto your sleeve.
You froze at the contact.
“Why don’t you get changed? We can have dinner then.”
Dazai held onto you, determined to get an answer out of you.
“Y/N, what’s wrong? Why are you ignoring me?”
“I ordered Thai food today. Its from that new restraint around the corner. Riddhi really recommends it.”
“Stop ignoring me. And who’s Riddhi?”
“My friend. You haven’t met her.”
You tried pulling out of his grasp, but he pulled you forward, holding onto both your arms, now.
“Look at me. Y/N.”
You sighed, avoiding his gaze.
“Why don’t you get changed? I’ve picked out a shirt for you. It’s on the bed.”
Dazai was fed up with your aloof behaviour. You had been acting strange and distant for weeks now. Everyday was the same. He would come home to you acting weird, you would ask him to change, and only then would you let him touch you. He was tired of this bullshit. He had tried asking you politely and patiently, but every time you evaded his questions. He was done with beating around the bush.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you acting like this? What the hell have I even done?!”
He shook you, trying to pry an answer from you.
“Answer me! Tell me! What is it? Whatever it is, I’m sure we can figure it out. But you must tell me first. You have to speak. Say something!”
You ignored him, looking down at the carpeted floor.
Dazai sighed, letting go of your arms.
“Do you even care about us?”, he asked you.
“Tell me you don’t want to leave. Say I’m enough to make you stay. I know it’s not true, but please just say it”.
You whispered.
Dazai stared at you, confused.
“Of course, you’re enough. Tell me if you care. Do you even love me?”
You stepped back, trying to control your emotions.
“You’re the one going around fucking others. Unlike you, I actually care, Dazai.”
You whispered, afraid to look him in the eye. It had been weeks since you had smelled that perfume on him. It was sweeter than his own but had a musky undertone to it. That, paired with the random marks all over his body, was enough to convince you that he was having an affair. He was smart; he had tried subduing the perfume by carrying his own cologne with him and reapplying it after the deed was done. Whoever he was with probably supported him, as they always bit near the marks you had left. Your marks and their marks coincided.
Only you knew which marks were fresh and which were old. They didn’t know this, and often nipped at partially healed skin, reviving the bruise and giving it a nasty purple hue. That was a clear indication.
What disgusted you is that the person Dazai was sleeping with knew that he was cheating on his partner, and was supporting him by playing along with his plans.
The extra hours were also a clear give away. You had even called Yosano and Kunikida to ensure that the agency had called it a day. Both of them had told you that everyone had left the office, while your boyfriend claimed to be in a client meeting with Kunikida.
It was laughable how incompetent he considered you to be. Did he really think his half assed attempts at covering up would fool you?
“What the hell are you saying-”
“Don’t act dumb. I’m not stupid, you know that.”
Dazai continued his act, hoping to prove you wrong by putting it all on you.
“I’m a loyal partner, Y/N. Just because I’ve been having more work load lately, doesn’t mean you go around assuming shit about me. I honestly thought you were better than this.”
You sighed, finally meeting his gaze.
The dead look in them proved to him that he was caught. He could not do anything to fool you. You knew.
“It started three weeks ago, on Monday. You went to work at eight, came home around eleven. Work hours end at 6. You were smelling different. It was distinct. You never wear perfumes that have a sweet undertone.”
You stared at him dead in the eye, shutting him up with your gaze. He would not dare to come up with stupid excuses. Not with you looking at him like that.
“You had a hickey on your neck, on a spot that I hadn’t covered. You tried covering it up with makeup, but it wore off pretty quick. Ever since then, you have been visiting your secret friend daily. I’m guessing you go at least three rounds, since you come home so tired.”
“That’s just disgusting!”
“I thought so too. But it does tire you, doesn’t it? That’s the reason you come home so worn out. You go around having sex, and you’ve been trying to hide it from me for three weeks now. Tell me I’m wrong.”
His lack of reaction and the look of guilt plastered all over his face was as loud as a confession.
“Whoever it is, is blonde.”
He looked at you shocked.
“I found strands all over your coat.”
He rubbed his forehead with his palm.
“You like them, don’t you? Its not just physical, is it?”
You asked with a sad smile.
“How do you know all this?”, he asked, devastated at the fact that you knew everything going on.
“I know you too well. I actually paid attention to our relationship. I cared.”
He ran a hand through his messy locks. He had been so stressed lately, he had to find an outlet. He wasn’t one to stay in any relationship for long, but he actually cared about you. He hadn’t meant to hurt you, which is why is never broke up with you. He was bored of the thing you both shared, but he knew that you cared. So, he pretended to be equally invested.
“Why didn’t you say anything earlier?”
“Because I wanted to continue this thing for as long as I could. But not anymore. I’m done.”
He widened his eyes at you. He had not expected you to end this. He might have been bored, but he still cared for you. He loved you. He didn’t want to let go yet.
“Y/N, we can work this out. Please don’t leave.”
He begged you, trying to come closer to you. You stepped back.
“Please don’t. I can’t handle your smell. That scent repels me.”
He gasped, finally realising why you didn’t let him touch you.
“The perfume is a constant reminder of my...”
“And you tolerated all that, for so long. All for us.”
You nodded, turning away.
“But it doesn’t matter anymore. Thanks to your intense questioning, I’m finally free.”
“It doesn’t have to end, Y/N! We can work this out!”
“No, we can’t. I’m not enough for your boredom, and I’m not willing to become someone else just to please you.”
“Y/N, I’m sorry, please don’t- ”
You smiled bitterly at him, before opening the door of your apartment, signalling to him.
“Get out, and only come back to get your stuff. Goodbye, Osamu.”
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This story features one of my close friends, Riddhi. I had fallen short of names to use n though why not write about an actual friend? She's not on tumblr, unfortunately. Damn I miss going out with her... anyways, hope u liked it! N sorry for the rant :p
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