#those were entirely earned and foreshadowed
showsandstuff · 1 month
Ways to make a Dale Dimmadome redemption work:
Hi! So, as a self proclaimed Dale Dimmadome redemption truther, I wanted to make this post explaining why a redemption is, in my opinion, very much possible. (I am not nearly as confident about this as I am pretending to be)
Buckle up, this'll be a long one folks!
First, why do I think a Dale redemption could happen? Let's go through it:
It's still a kids show. I find the conclusion to the story that Dale will never love his son a bit grim for a show for children. You could of course make it work by using the found family trope with Peri instead, plus there are plenty of kids shows that have used the evil father of secondary character/antagonist trope, without the father getting a redemption but I do think a Dale redemption is the most satisfying conclusion for this show.
Even Remy Buxaplentys parents started caring for Remy at some point, so I got hope. Though to be fair, they were incredibly one note.
His past with Vicky makes him a bit more sympathetic. Knowing what he went through in his childhood, it makes sense he probably wouldn't know what a child needs. I'm just saying it means there's room for improvement
He emotionally neglects Dev, but his physical needs are met. Which is something, right? Like Yay... And all...
We don't know if Dale doesn't love Dev. I think there's a possibility that he does care but just doesn't know it because he's taken his child for granted. That's not an excuse of course, but it would make a redemption more plausibel. If Dale genuinely does not love Dev whatsoever, I'll give up on my redemption hope.
How could they pull it off, if at all?
Assuming that Dale does love Dev, deep deeeep down, and just doesn't realize it because he's so focused on his company, the best way to show this is through a choice.
Dev doing things that benefit the company has never helped their relationship, Dale just gets happy because Money and it doesn't make him appreciate his son more, Dev just becomes someone useful to him.
But if Dev causes Dale to lose money, that's a good start to see what Dale truly prioritizes deep down.
Dale choosing Dev over his company is what I need if they decide to redeem him. I need Dale in one way or another show us that he truly cares. Maybe have Dale spend so much money to find and save Dev, that his company goes bankrott? Or have his company explodes and Dale's main concern could be Devs wellbeing. Or Dev goes behind his father's back and intentionally hurts the company, but instead of lashing out at Dev, Dale reflects on himself.
Now... That's all incredibly out of character for Dale and I would hate for an unearned redemption. I'd need there to be a lot of build up to that moment, some foreshadowing that hints at Dale not feeling entirely indifferent about Dev. Small moments, nothing too grand. Maybe he'd be worried if he finds out that he had left Dev with Vicky at one Point, and that could be the catalyst to show us that he isn't as awful as we were shown previously.
And after we had enough of those moments and already have a feel that Dale isn't all uncaring, we get to the grand moment where Dale shows us through his actions that in truth, he cares far more about his kid than his cash. It would feel earned and not be out of nowhere then.
Now before yall call me delusional, I know that this is extremely unrealistic and I'm just setting myself up if these are my expectations. Good thing they aren't. I do expect Dev to have something equivalent of his father's love at the end of the show, but that's it.
Here are some examples of what I actually believe would happen:
Hazel and Dev become friends (again) but this time their friendship is explored more. Maybe Dev also befriends Hazel's friends and finds fulfillment through that. (although I think that'll happen regardless and would be unsatisfying if that was all we got)
Involving Peri in this mess and giving him a character arc of his own would work as well. He realizes that Dev doesn't need a Fairy to be happy because, as Cosmo said in the finale, what Dev truly wants isn't something he can get through wishes. Dev, being super rich, is already used to getting "stuff", but love isn't stuff. So Peri basically becoming a parental figure for Dev, which is what he is supposed to be as a godparent anyway, could work. Besides, Peri already solidified himself in this role in the finale when he told Dev that he cared about him. It was a heartwarming moment. We all loved it so ofc we would want more of that.
Anything involving Irep, another Fairy or even Timmy. Dev needs someone that cares for him. My top three go to characters are obviously Peri, Hazel and Dale, but they're not the only ones that could fulfill that role. We just need to wait and see what the writers do.
So yea, a Dale redemption is my first pick for a season 2 finale (or technically my first pick is a hint at a Dale redemption in the s2 finale and the actual redemption happens way later because slow burn) but I do understand that it's pretty unlikely and would be very much satisfied with Peri becoming his godparent with Emphasis on parent, or even the power of friendship with Hazel, though that'd be harder to execute without it feeling cheap (I got faith in the writers)
So this was very long. And I am going to sleep now. Thanks for reading.
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muzzlemouths · 1 year
two of us
Moon centric / Wordcount: 4219

Moon knows something is wrong within the first ten minutes of your shift.  When your heavy footfall reaches the daycare and you enter through the doors, half-drained caffeinated beverage of choice in hand, looking like an underpaid actor who mistakenly stumbled away from the set of the newest zombie movie right down to the miserable circles beneath your eyes.
In fact, the only thing distinguishing you from someone with a taste for brains is the fact that, until this point, you were somehow still acting in a somewhat functional manner — signing papers, directing customers, and the like — either by way of miracle, or simply in desperation to keep your job. 
All of that falls apart, however, when your evening shift dips into graveyard shift territory, and sees you walking through those big, wooden doors and immediately buying a one way ticket to the floor. 
Certainly not due to the bone-deep exhaustion weighing down your every step, no siree! You choose to lay the blame of your fall on the stuffed toy you discover underfoot, evidently missed in the clean up process between day and night. 
Speaking of cleaning up, the toy is joined by a newfound stain of which the daycare carpet gobbles up like a hungry sponge, the last few swallows of your drink having spilled outside of its flimsy, polyethylene prison in your awkward descent to the floor. 
Worse still, you aren't the only one to notice. The distant ring of bells foreshadows Moon's presence, his familiar voice sounding above and beyond its usual agitation by the time he's enough within earshot to even hear what's being said. A mantra of "Clean up, clean up" hissed just under breath; a remnant of his coding that not even a virus can override.
"Nice to see you too," is how you end up greeting him that night, halfway to your feet again already, "don't get your hat in a twist, there was only a few drops left. I wouldn't have spilled it if this stupid toy wasn't here, anyway."
Not bothering to lift his gaze from the bottle of cleaning spray in his hand, and still diligently scrubbing the stain away with a rag in the other, Moon burns holes in the floor with a narrow eyed expression that implies he cares little for your excuses. "Clumsy, clumsy," he chides, "are you going to blame your tardiness on the toy as well?"
You stiffen in place, bristling around the shoulders, "I'm hardly more than a few minutes late," you defend, "I'd like to see you try to wrestle an entire roll of tickets out of a kid's mouth half an hour before closing. The mother was convinced I wanted him to choke, like I was actively trying to hand-feed her monkey of a child all the paper currency we had in stock. Fuck you!"
This earns you a chuckle, his amiability returning in the form of a shit eating grin. "Sounds like your job is becoming a running gag—" he finally looks in your direction, going quiet just as soon when he sees the state you're in. His smile disappears along with the expectation of a proper reaction for that terrible pun. "What's wrong?"
The abrupt switch to bonafide sincerity catches you off guard. Judging by the way his eyes immediately return to the floor, you think it surprises him, too. "Nothing," is all you manage in response. "I'm just a little tired. It's been a long day."
"Liar," he says. 
You bristle further. "Exactly what part of that is a lie? After the day I've had, I think it's more than fair of me to be a little tired."
"Tired, yes," he stands now with slow, methodical movements, discarding the rag in a laundry bin nearby and kicking the bottle aside so he can properly close the distance between you, "but not only a little." His eyes scan you up and down, judging the extent of damage like a bloodhound sniffing out its target, yet when he's already convinced himself of the answer he still bothers to ask the question, "When's the last time you slept?"
It's a trap. You know this, he knows this, but if you're lucky, he might still accept your word for it without too much of a fuss. "A few hours before my shift started," you lie, "I don't need a nap, Moon. Can we just drop it?"
He doesn't look convinced. Why would he? You're moving at the speed of someone who came here after crawling out of a grave six feet deep. 
Much to your surprise, however, he doesn't push it. Instead he answers you with a quiet nod and an expression you can't quite place, and shoves his hands deep into the pockets of his star adorned pants. "Are you doing rounds?” He asks, an odd tone to his voice, “I’ll join you.”
It’d be a lie to say you aren’t suspicious. Moon rarely if ever gave out free passes, especially when it came to this, and if he did it normally meant getting something out of it himself. There was something else at play here. Ironically, you’re too tired to give it much thought either way — and anyway, why look a gift horse in the mouth? Maybe he was just in a good mood.
“Actually, I’m playing the role of grease monkey tonight,” you correct him, “management wants me to repair a machine in the arcade.”
“You’re qualified for that?” He sneers.
“It’s just figuring out why the tickets aren’t dispensing,” you admit, words punctuated with a roll of your eyes, “they’re probably just stuck behind the machine door again. It’ll take, like, three seconds to fix.”
“And after?”
You answer him with a knitted brow, then a shrug, “That’s the only task I was given after checking the lights in here. I’m on the clock for another five hours, though, so I’m sure I’ll find something to do.” Then, somewhat begrudgingly, “Still care to join me?”
Moon answers you with a shrug of his own. “Might as well,” he grins, voice already dripping with sarcasm, “don’t want you falling asleep on the job.”
It’s impossible for your eyes to roll any further into the back of your head. “Fine,” you relent, sighing as you turn yourself back towards the exit. A shelf carrying pillows and blankets must be passed on your way out, forcing you to avoid eye contact with it lest you answer its siren call of comfort. “And don’t get in my way,” you add, “I want to get this over with quickly so I can spend the rest of my shift pretending I’m home already.”
He says nothing in reply, but you don’t miss the sound of bells that follows you out the door. It’s interrupted only briefly by another sound all together — the creak of metal, like an opening hatch, and then a solid click — shortly followed by more bells. You’re witness to nothing out of the ordinary in the quick glance over your shoulder. He smiles politely, too politely, and makes an expectant gesture for you to continue.
This is going to be a long night.
Moon shadows your heel from the rafters for the whole trek to the arcade, a presence which you do your best to pay no mind to. This approach to keeping your sanity intact works until it doesn’t, when you arrive to find your destination dark as the night sky, and the red glow following in your wake is suddenly accompanied by a voice — that is, a soft and audible hum. You know exactly what he’s doing.
With the escape of another groan, you retrieve the flashlight from your hip and head inside, resisting the urge to flashbang him with it. His only saving grace is the knowledge that doing so will only result in a whole lot of complaining and, frankly, you aren’t eager to encourage an already excessive bad habit of his. Besides, at this hour the DJ himself would be fast asleep on his stage, and you’d hate to wake him by enacting revenge on the little goblin above your head. 
Still, the humming is difficult to ignore and it only adds to the overstimulation already welling inside your brain, loud in the way only television static can be. In reality there’s no real noise to contest with it. The arcade itself is quiet as a morgue. There’s no reason you should be feeling overwhelmed… save for the lack of sleep, of course, but you aren’t about to admit to it with Moon’s eyes on your back.
It’s only a matter of time before these actions would have their consequences. Already, your world is starting to sway.
Well, not starting. Everything had been a little topsy-turvy in the last few hours before arriving for your shift. They say after so many days without sleep, the first thing you’ll start to see are spiders. You don’t see spiders, though. You see ghosts. Silhouettes of people in your peripheral vision which always happen to be turning a corner by the time you look their way. You hear voices that aren’t there, laughter that originates from no where in particular, and again, those damn bells. You’re starting to think those, too, are only a hallucination.
By the time you find the machine in question you’re already reaching a breaking point.
The song in his throat is familiar, but you can’t remember ever knowing its name. It’s a pretty tune, easy on the ears — soothing, even — when you had the energy to appreciate it. As it stands, you’re running on fumes. The gears in your brain are fatigued and barely in operation. When you kneel to unlock the machine’s door it’s an action done with great caution, because if you aren’t careful, you might just be persuaded into staying on the floor until your shift ends.
“Hey,” against your better judgment, you elect to offer Moon the briefest stint of your attention again in hopes that the conversation will help wake you up, “What are you doing up there?”
He falls silent. Then, with a cheeky grin you can hear but not see, “Staying out of your way.” He drops, the sound barely audible, coming to land in the space behind you. “That’s what you wanted, isn’t it?”
“Not what I meant, smartass.” 
Your flashlight beams into the inner face of the machine and focuses in on the ticket dispenser. As suspected, its jammed. You exhale with a particularly exhausted groan and punch your key into a port dial, turning it to the east until the machine’s system roars to life. You only need to clear the tickets stuck in the slot’s exit in order to free the rest.
Moon’s unspoken question hangs in the air. Despite not hearing him come near, you can feel his presence like heat against the back of your neck.
“The humming,” you clarify, eyes still on the task at hand, “I don’t think I’ve heard you doing that before.”
The tickets squirm in place like a printer chewing on its own paper. You grasp onto its parchment tongue and draw the line of tickets towards your chest with a little angled wiggling until the accusing portion frees itself from the confines of the slot. The constipation of tickets spills out immediately after, drawing a breath of relief from your lips. The machine correctly offers five tickets, then ten, then fifteen. You shift on your knee to begin the painstaking act of standing back up.
The tickets stop.
“Don’t know what you mean,” replies Moon at the worst possible time, “I’m just making noise.”
You try to block out the ringing in your ears. The ghosts. The tick tick tick of a clock that moves through molasses as your body attempts to continue functioning on its meager amount of rest. Moon isn’t helping. If he said anything more to you, the only noise he’d be making is that of a system shutdown after you were through ringing his neck.
Back down to your knee, again, you take hold of the stub awkwardly sitting just outside of its narrow cage and recreate the action from before. A little wiggling, a little tugging. You’re decisively ignoring the robot behind you now. Or trying your best to, anyway. He isn’t exactly making it easy.
“Do you need some he—”
“I’ve got it!” You snap before he has a chance to finish, “Just go away and let me do my job.”
Your head thunders, a continues clap, clap, clap of tension akin to someone layering rubber bands on a melon until it pops. The tickets don’t retract with ease, this time, and the violent shake beginning in your hands makes the act that much harder. Is it this irritability that makes them tremble? Or is it the same reason behind your heavy, fluttering eyes, and the palpitations drumming against your ribcage like an animal trying to set itself free.
Stubbornly, you continue, now setting your face a short distance from the slot to get a better look and proceeding to slam your fist against the side. The mass of paper budges, little by little.
“I’m not sure you should—”
A final bang unleashes the trail of currency directly into your eye. The scream dies before it reaches your tongue, forced down again like rancid bile until all that escapes is a pathetic whimper, you chew viciously on the inside of your cheek to cope and angrily cup a hand over your wounded eye as the tickets continue to freely descend.
Something new occurs as a result of this bone-deep frustration. Your eyes wet around the corners, salty and warm. You ignore them desperately and move to stand.
The machine spits and hisses. The tickets stop once again.
This time you do scream, muffling the noise into the back of your free hand, both fists indenting crescents into the soft flesh of your palms. Inevitably, the sound of Moon’s bells reaches your back. “Don’t,” you growl, not having the patience for any of his expected games.
He edges closer despite your demands. You know this by the sound of his fan, the tell-tale whir joining a tinnitus chorus in your ears. You know it by the way he reaches for your shoulder right as you grasp the frail line of tickets and wrench them backwards with all of your strength, realizing your mistake only when it’s too late. The paper rips apart and the entire train disappears hopelessly behind the secondary machine wall. The process sends you a short distance backwards, colliding with Moon.
Again, wordlessly, you find his hand on your shoulder. The other is working to untangle your limbs from each other. It appears he’s attempting to sooth you, but you don’t know for sure. You can’t see him behind the red in your vision or hear him beyond the ring in your ears. He’s saying something to you, that much you know, but not what or why, and you do nothing to find out.
Your anger is boiling. Frustration drags you from the floor and forward, onto your feet, where you take it out on the machine that has continuously fought you by slamming the metal door shut. It connects with such force that the mechanisms spring loose and the door inevitably swings open again, further mocking you.
The rubber bands around your head begin to snap all at once.
Moon says something you don’t hear. His voice is quiet. Blue fingers appear in the corner of your vision.
Your body moves on its own volition, head pounding, heart racing, your palms connect with his chest before your mind has time to catch up. 
The clatter of metal hitting the floor echos throughout the enormous arcade, surpassing even the ghosts and the bells and the ringing. You hear him fall before you see it, before you can make sense of it.
His eyes briefly go static, then flash between colors, black red black red black red blackredblackredblackredblack. Red. Normal red. You’ve never been more relieved to see the color. He picks himself up from the ground with slow, aching movements, and clutches gingerly at his faceplate, a headache of his own kind surely beginning to form. 
Soon after he peers between his fingers. Obviously, his gaze is furious, an aggression you’re all too familiar with and one you can’t say you’d blame him for, here and now, but the expression on his face changes with time and becomes relenting. Like he just…lets it go.
“Ow,” is all he initially says, staring at you pointedly. Then, with a wince and the barest hint of a toothy smirk, “You’re a terrible mechanic.”
The room falls silent again for fifteen awful, clarity induced seconds. The time it takes you to catch your breath. Finally, the last rubber band snaps and you, too, find yourself coming undone. What starts as dry, humorless laughter quickly transitions into a warble, and then a full-blown sob. You sink to the floor and wail endlessly into your hands as days worth of mounting exhaustion bring wave after wave of tears. Your shoulders tremble, your body hurts. You want nothing more than to be left alone as you break into a million pieces.
Moon, as usual, cares little for what you want.
A soft and familiar click is your only warning before a weight can be felt on your shoulders. Forcing yourself to open your eyes and blink through the tears, you see Moon wrapping a blanket around you, tucking the ends together at your front. The fabric is warm and soft. He’s brought it all the way from the daycare.
This does nothing to stop the waterworks. If anything, you find yourself crumbling against him, your throat going sore as emotions flood from you tenfold. Your forehead lands against his chest and stays there as an apology forms between sobs, again and again and again. Each time he remains silent, doing nothing to stop you, but his hand is gentle as it tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and he is undeniably careful when drawing his thumb across your cheek to rid of the tears.
“How long?” It’s a whisper so quiet, you barely hear it over the remnants of labored breath.
“How long,” he asks again, looking deeply into your eyes, “since you slept?”
Another sob threatens to spill over your tongue. You quell it, and the tears with it, bringing your shirt sleeve over the wet tracks and swallowing around your breath until your voice returns without its tremor. You see little point in lying to him now. 
“Three days,” you admit, and Moon stiffens in place, pleading with a wide-eyed stare, like any minute you’ll tell him you’re joking. But you’re not. “I tried,” you continue, “I keep trying, but I just can’t. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
You feel a little ridiculous like this. Wet faced and sniffling, your forehead tucked awkwardly against his chest, complaining about your challenges with falling sleep, of all things. A nightly habit that most people don't even consider a skill because everyone can do it with ease, right? 
A good book, a cup of tea, a playlist of lullabies, there is an endless list of ways to find rest and none of them work; not always. Not when you need it most. The list of things that keep you up at night far exceeds the solutions. It makes the exhaustion feel like a punishment for something out of your control.
The lack of that control makes you feel all wrong. A little useless. A little broken.
“Can I show you something?”
Moon’s voice drags you back to the surface. You turn onto your cheek, pressing that against his frame instead so you can better see his face.
Just as soon, he averts his gaze. “You can’t laugh,” he says, sounding serious all of a sudden, “if you laugh, I’ll leave.”
You wouldn’t dare. Not ever, but especially not now. For fear of answering him with a croak, you simply nod your head. It isn’t good enough for him.
“I need you to promise,” he says.
Another nod, to show you understand. You can think of no reason not to humor him so, as promised, you raise your pinky into the air with intentions to shake, an act you’ve only ever performed with Sun. “I promise.”
Though he is visibly hesitant, Moon eventually lifts his own finger, engulfing as it curls around your own. If he accepts your promise it’s impossible to tell because, for the longest time, there is only silence and a distant look in his eyes.
Then, undeniably, there is music. A gentle tune, mechanical, whirring in a way that is separate from his fans. You hear every cord, every plucked tooth and prong. A music box. It plays from deep within his chest and to his left, just under your ear. Were he human, you suspect it might sit exactly where his heart is.
“It’s nice,” you mumble, feeling your eyelids grow heavier and heavier.
A grating cord interrupts you, the tune fumbles and clashes inharmoniously, becoming discordant for a matter of time before falling into its proper rhythm once more. Moon winces.
“It’s broken,” he says, “I don’t think it can be fixed.”
Nevertheless, your ear stays where it’s at, cheek pressed soundly into the warmth of his chest.  “I guess that makes two of us,” you mumble, content. You feel him still against you, going rigid until he feels like a spring ready to fly. His arms tuck you close, and all at once, he relaxes.
“Yeah,” comes his reply, barely there at all, “I guess it does.”
The truth is that you would be content to stay like this all night. Sleep doesn’t feel so distant, now. It doesn’t feel scary, or out of reach, or like it might run if you get too close. You feel safe approaching it, and you feel safe here, even if you’d never dare admit the words aloud.
But Moon knows better than to remain here. He collects you into his arms without offering you the time to argue, and you, with exhaustion at your back and music against your ear, do not fight him in the slightest. You hardly feel each step as he carries you across the arcade. You don’t see the expression worn by the DJ, who opens a single eye from his feigned sleep to follow your exit, and you don’t see the nod Moon gives him in exchange.
You do see the glamrocks. Freddy speaks with a staff member not too far down the hall. Chica patrols the length of space separating your current location from the Daycare, often looking for conversation, and any day but today you would be happy to engage with her. But today you have the strength of a child, and your eyes are red, and your face is wet, and all you can do is tuck your head further into Moon’s chest in an attempt to hide yourself. Fresh tears spring at the edges of your vision, threatening to spill over at the thought of being so exposed in front of them when you’re already feeling plenty vulnerable.
Somehow, Moon knows, and understands, and he is wordless as he brings the hat from his head and places it delicately over your face to shield it. Like this, you look like you’re already sleeping, and no one would dare wake you up. His hat is soft and it is warm and it smells faintly of lavender. The bell rolls with a gentle ting along the length of your arm.
The feeling of wind rushing past your skin alerts you to your arrival, the heavy Daycare doors falling shut at Moon’s ankles. He brings you across the room and to the sleeping nook as you finally pull the hat from its position over your face (yet still refuse to release your iron grip on it), struggling to see in the darkness that greets you.
And then comes the feeling of being put down. He is bent at the knee and carefully lowering you into a mound of blankets when you instinctively reach out and catch the ruffled fabric around his collar, causing him to still. 
Now comes the embarrassment — though it is small, far outweighed by the warmth he has to offer and the sleepy lull of your heavy limbs — you still manage to push yourself somewhat away, mumbling, “Sorry, sorry,” almost incoherently through threads of exhaustion. 
But he's already changed his mind, evidenced by the feeling of being hoisted again into the air. He lowers himself into the spot, instead, so you can stay in his lap, and against his chest. The music box skips and stutters, but you don’t mind it at all.
The last thing you remember is a song. Adjacent to the music in his chest, a hum can be heard, ever faintly. It brings a smile to your lips.
“I knew I remembered your voice,” you whisper blearily, grasping onto what little consciousness remains, “I always find my way back to the things I care about.”
Moon pauses just long enough to press a kiss to your head. “I guess that makes two of us.”
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atopvisenyashill · 5 months
I read through your Jonsa meta linked in your bio and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to really love Jonsa but the part where you say J*nerys evidence is weak sauce like I do like the ship but I only want it if it doesn’t go like the show and it also isn’t just some boring king and queen of the seven kingdoms crap but do think what people call foreshadowing for the ship is no stronger than Jonsa foreshadowing but I get dog piled by other J*nerys shippers for admitting this. I do think some common evidence for Jonsa is questionable. Like that GRRM was originally going to have Janos be hung until someone ELSE pointed out that Jon would probably do it the northern way and behead him, or that lady Ashford didn’t end up with the Targaryen suitor. But even still I don’t think that the evidence for J*nerys is strong. Like sorry I don’t think Dany being called bride of fire implies she’ll marry Jon I think she already is the bride of fire. I used to hate Jonsa but I realized that I feel very neutral to it. What I hate is the thought of a love triangle with Jon, Dany, and Sansa. The idea of Dany going mad because she loves Jon but Jon loves Sansa is just so tired and boring and sexist. I understand that a lot of the spite towards J*nerys fans is earned because they can be just as spiteful but my first introductions to Jonsa were in the context of this love triangle and the attitude was so spiteful that it put a bad taste in my mouth for years. But even when I did hate it I felt like other J*nerys fans were being hypocritical when they made of Jonsas for their theories. And I got shat on and accused of being a Jonsa myself for saying so. Like it’s eyebrow raising that George revised his Stark family tree to include a marriage between a Jonnel and a Sansa. Regardless of what George originally wrote, Jon beheading Janos is compelling. I do see the vision even it’s not for me. Jon and Dany don’t know each other exist. I think the only thing that really gives J*nerys leverage is that they loved each other in the show and I’ve always had a hard time believing that George actually gave D&D like two plot points and turned them loose to do literally whatever they could come up with. If the show didn’t exist, you’d be hard pressed to convince me there was a viable chance J*nerys would happen and I really just hate the animosity between Jonsa and J*nerys shippers
I’m gonna take this point by point bc it’s kind of a lot and I want to address it all!!
do think what people call foreshadowing for the ship is no stronger than Jonsa foreshadowing but I get dog piled by other J*nerys shippers for admitting this.
LISTEN i’m glad you agree lmaoooo because my number one bitter hater issue re: the ship war IS that imo the “evidence” for both is kinda opaque, but only one is treated as being legitimate fan analysis. like, people will call sansa’s ghost wolf a reach but dany hearing the lonely wolf is full proof even tho this is the exact same thing. or the entire hullabaloo around how when you use the ashford tourney theory to be about Not Jonsa it's valid analysis but when it is about Jonsa then that's just pushing your ship. it’s the silliness of the argument that drives me crazy, that one take is considered “just starting a ship war” and one is the “proper” reading of the text. we don't know who is properly reading the text because we don't have the entire text yet!!!
I do think some common evidence for Jonsa is questionable. Like that GRRM was originally going to have Janos be hung until someone ELSE pointed out that Jon would probably do it the northern way and behead him, or that lady Ashford didn’t end up with the Targaryen suitor.
WAIT OKAY i'm not trying to convert you here lmao, merely explaining my reasoning for those because I know I talk about the Jason/Ashford thing a lot specifically so - the janos slynt thing for me is less the specificity that jon cuts his head off and more that sansa wishes for someone to kill janos for his hand in ned’s death and jon, without any knowledge of what janos did or how it affected sansa, sees straight to the sort of person janos is and executes him. more so about the idea that sansa is praying for a hero only for the hero to be the bastard brother she had dismissed, the only brother left to her now (or so she thinks). it's about the little ~invisible thread~ tying them together even when they're unaware of it.
as for the ashford tourney theory, i actually do agree that people put a little too much stock in the last targaryen suitor aspect of it BUT. EYE personally have been on that "it's hinting towards brienne" train literally since I heard it, and you can see that in the posts I've made about it, that I think it's about dunk/brienne interrupting the tourney to save sansa - it's just that part of saving sansa includes bringing her to her dark haired targaryen brother-cousin. especially bc imo valarr does feature heavily enough in the original dunk adventure, with his short scene after Baelor is killed, and how both valarr and jon have a lot of issues surrounding not measuring up to The Perfect Heir (baelor/robb), and being known for being kinda prickly, and the whole Doomed By The Narrative aspect of their characters, and this isn't something that valarr parallels with the other targaryen boy, aegon/young griff. BUT also I just think the whole convo surrounding this theory is annoying tbh alsdjf I think there are three concrete avenues it could go down (jon, aegon, or brienne, or some combo of the three even) and I find it. frustrating that this theory started out as a {redacted} theory that is clearly meant to push A Specific Ship And Reading Of The Text but if you apply the theory to literally anyone else, you get accused of doing just that. like are we not all just pushing A Specific Reading (aka OUR OWN READING) Of The Text here??
But even still I don’t think that the evidence for J*nerys is strong. Like sorry I don’t think Dany being called bride of fire implies she’ll marry Jon I think she already is the bride of fire. I used to hate Jonsa but I realized that I feel very neutral to it. What I hate is the thought of a love triangle with Jon, Dany, and Sansa. The idea of Dany going mad because she loves Jon but Jon loves Sansa is just so tired and boring and sexist.
NO YEAH. it's the same with the "blue rose" thing like.....the blue rose/bael the bard story isn't a happy one? "sweet smelling" is often used in this series as a mask for a deadly, poisonous center. I think "bride of fire" is a callback to catelyn's "wedded to his war" more than anything, that like you say, dany is already the bride of fire, she chose the fire when she burned mmd and walked into the pyre, and i kind of bristle at the idea that her being the bride of fire is tied to whatever man she's fucking. the point is that she is foregoing being the bride of a man for being the bride of fire to me!! and also VALID i don't like the love triangle angle, i don't like love triangles because i think they're usually so lopsided where you're clearly supposed to pick a specific leg of the triangle, and i just HATE the idea that either dany or sansa or jon's stories are heading to a love triangle because it's not particularly compelling to me that they're fighting over the same stupid boy (i can call him stupid, he's my son). especially as you say, the idea that dany might turn on jon because she wants his love and he won't give it - bleh. annoying, tired, been done a million times. this is why i'm also not overly fond of the idea of him being the one to kill her (but i like the idea of him taking the fall for it regardless).
I understand that a lot of the spite towards J*nerys fans is earned because they can be just as spiteful but my first introductions to Jonsa were in the context of this love triangle and the attitude was so spiteful that it put a bad taste in my mouth for years. But even when I did hate it I felt like other J*nerys fans were being hypocritical when they made of Jonsas for their theories. And I got shat on and accused of being a Jonsa myself for saying so. Like it’s eyebrow raising that George revised his Stark family tree to include a marriage between a Jonnel and a Sansa. Regardless of what George originally wrote, Jon beheading Janos is compelling. I do see the vision even it’s not for me. Jon and Dany don’t know each other exist.
i bolded that one line because YES EXACTLY it is very eyebrow raising that he revised the family tree to include that. like WHY. WHAT? imo, if there was a like a Jonos Targaryen who married a Daenerys Targaryen in the targ family tree, EVERYONE would be insisting that's Jonerys proof so I think it's funny when people brush over it. Or like, the fact that it's Jon and Sansa that dream of having children. The fact that it's only Jon and Sansa who are referred to as the blood of Winterfell. There's something here that's being hinted at, and it's compelling! I think I definitely do get being initially turned off because of the ship war - part of my initial, idk, aggressiveness towards dany on the reread was the DEADLY combo of YEARS of watching The ASOIAF{redacted but if you know u know] People dogpile jonsas and sansa stans constantly for literally just writing meta, making theories, like every other goddamn person + growing to just completely hate show!dany and emilia's acting specifically. then as i was rereading i was like oh actually book dany is not only vastly more interesting as a character than show dany's writing or acting could ever be, i also just don't have to let all the targ nation stans completely ruin a character i actually really like.
like this theory specifically by stumpy (which is another post that got dogpiled massively for no goddamn good reason by the asoiaf{redacted} people) about aegon being the sun's son and jon being the mummer's dragon set my brain on fire and made me realize so much of what i hated about dany's character was actually just the wank surrounding her. i'd completely resigned myself to the idea that jonerys was gonna happen for so long and i was so depressed ver it because i thought it was a stupid, shitty ending and i was just going to hate a large part of the ending forever and then i read that and i was like "oh actually maybe there's another option??" like who gives a shit, we're never getting the next books anyway alksjdfl. also FOR THE RECORD i also HATE the idea of a love triangle between those three, and i think i kinda break from a lot of jonsas (tho not all) in that i also don't like the idea of jon killing dany (again, i want it to be arya and for jon to take the fall. if jon is killing anyone, i like the idea of it being drogon much more than dany). like, i don't want any hetero targ fucking here. i think there could be something here in that both dany and jon feel they have to be attracted to each other but in reality are just Not Interested (for a variety of reasons) but i don't actually want them to do the deed at all and I've been firm on that since I was like, 16 lajsflkfd.
I think the only thing that really gives Jnerys leverage is that they loved each other in the show and I’ve always had a hard time believing that George actually gave D&D like two plot points and turned them loose to do literally whatever they could come up with. If the show didn’t exist, you’d be hard pressed to convince me there was a viable chance Jnerys would happen and I really just hate the animosity between Jonsa and J*nerys shippers
WAIT WAIT WAIT THIS IS WHERE SNOWSPEAR COMES IN. I can write more on that, I know i've mentioned it before, but I think that show!Dany got a lot, perhaps even most of Aegon's storyline in the books and that includes a relationship with Jon. I'm not saying they'll straight up fuck on page (george is alas too heterosexual for that) but I do think the vast majority of their story arc in season 7 where Jon is going back and forth with Dany and growing close to her while being wary of her is actually a relationship he'll have with Aegon. I think that makes much more sense thematically and also it doesn't piss me off lmao.
I think in general, they took his plot points and just kinda peppered it throughout the character's actions with no regard for whether it makes sense for that character. Or are just being straight up misleading about what it is they got from him - like their insistence that "hold the door" is from him, for example, I think in actuality here George told them that Hodor will be killed while Bran is warging him and purposefully leaving him behind, and they came up with that dumb ass hold the door -> hodor thing on their own. same for arya killing the night king - EYE think arya tries something against dany, but they gave it jon because they thought it would be more romantic (and they already combined dany and aegon) and went "well arya killing the night king would be sick as fuck, that's basically the same right?" like, i think there's something of what george wrote in there, i just think it's both confusingly folded in and also spread around a lot.
i think i even explained that to my sibling once (who doesn't read the series but does like some of the characters) that I think because they combined so many characters, that they wanted this friction between tyrion and jon, between sansa and dany, but had cut so many story lines and disregarded so many characters, that they just changed up the romance a bit (which we KNOW they do because look what they did to Jeyne W. and the entire Dornish plot).
anyways, yeah the tldr is that ship wars are stupid as shit and it's really hard to not become a hater when a large part of the fandom is constantly discounting your opinion because you ship a thing they don't like, and then claiming YOU are the one egging on the ship war when you are just existing in your goddamn corner. like i don't even use the vs tag half the time specifically because of that shit ya know. i'm not arguing whether my opinion is "right" or not with someone who thinks they're superior and smarter than me just because they think THEIR incest ship is valid but MY incest ship is gross and self projection.
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smolwritingchick · 8 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 61- Tense
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Chapter Summary: Still shooked by the dream Jennie begins to feel awkward around Jungkook and her unusual behavior does not go unnoticed
Words: 6,000+
Author's Note: D.E.N.I.A.L lol. Also, If you played Cards Against Humanity (highly recommend), then you know things get suggestive so if you are not about that life, just skip it. Also there is foreshadowing at the end! :)
Jennie didn’t get much sleep that night, still shaken from those events that appeared in her dream. This was not good and she kept mentally kicking herself for letting her mind imagine something so inappropriate about her best friend.
Near morning, she was the first to go into the kitchen and sought to distract herself with a bowl of cereal and games on her phone.
“Morning, sweetie!” Jin’s voice was heard as she looked up with a timid smile.
“You want me to make you anything?”
“Nah, I’m almost done with my cereal. But I’ll help you cook breakfast.” she got out of her seat.
Helping him fix a big meal for the members, they set up plates around the table. Before she knew it, Taehyung, Namjoon, and Hobi made their way into the kitchen to eat. Gathering her dish after eating another bowl of cereal, Jennie advanced her way to place the bowl in the sink.
“Hey, morning!” Jungkook’s cheerful voice filled the room. 
Flinching, she inadvertently dropped her bowl on the floor, causing the glass to shatter.
“Crap...” she quickly kneeled to try to carefully pick up the pieces.
“Aw, hyung! Another thing broke?” Jimin walked in, complaining.
“It wasn’t even me! It was Jennie!” Namjoon exclaimed, pointing at her.
“You all right?” Hobi asked, earning a soft “yeah” from Miss Bangtan.
“Hey, I got it.” Jungkook quickly went to help her. 
Her hand brushed against his, causing her to flinch again. She immediately stood up and cleared her throat. 
Jungkook shot her a worried look. “Hey, you all right?”
“Y-yeah, yeah. Just accidentally cut my finger,” she responded quickly. “I need to use the bathroom, I’ll be right back.” she hastily left while he cleaned up the mess with Hobi.
Walking into the hallway bathroom, she shut the door and placed her hands on the sink, exhaling slowly. She wished she didn’t feel so clumsy around him because of a dream.
‘Should I just tell him?’ she thought to herself. Shaking her head, she added, ‘No way. Keep this to the grave. It’ll take some time but I’ll get over this.’ 
At least, she hoped she did.
After washing her hands, she sat on the toilet seat. She can’t hide in here forever. She’ll have to leave sometime. She just needed some time to regroup and put on a fake smile.
“Ennie, are you all right?” Taehyung knocked on the door.
“Yeah, you can come in,” she answered.
“Let’s take care of this.” he grabbed the first aid kit from under the sink and kneeled in front of her, taking her right hand.
“I could’ve done this.”
“I was worried.”
“It’s just a little cut, Tae.”
“Still.” he placed some antibiotic ointment on the cut and placed a small band-aid on her right middle finger. “There, all better.”
She chuckled as she watched him cutely kiss her bandaged finger a few times. “Thanks, Tae.”
“Now let’s head back to the kitchen.”
“R-right. The kitchen.”
Where Jungkook was...
Strolling back into the kitchen, she locked eyes with Jungkook, who waved. “Jennie, I saved your seat. Sit next to me!” he gave her one of his cute bunny smiles.
“Thanks,” she murmured and sat next to him with the rest of the members around the table. 
Boy, she wished she could hide right now as her cheeks warmed up.
While the members were immersed in conversation, Jennie tried to distract herself by going on her phone. But it was short lived when Namjoon grabbed it and placed it on the table. She shot him a ‘What the hell’ facial expression.
“If Jin had to take my phone away, your phone would be taken too. No phones at the table. We’re both suffering,” he responded.
Jungkook had been watching her the entire time. She seemed...off today ever since she dropped her bowl. 
“Hey, are you all right? You seem jumpy today,” he murmured to her.
“O-oh, I’m fine. It’s just that time of the month.” she laughed nervously.
“I thought it doesn’t start until the following week. We’ve been keeping track, remember?” Jin called out.
‘For fuck sake! Really Jin?!’ she complained in her head, struggling not to glare at him. “It’s irregular today. Must’ve been something I ate. It’s okay.”
“Maybe it was the beef? Does that happen? Females eat something and their cycle acts up?”
“Jesus...let’s stop talking about periods, it’s too early for this.” she rubbed her temples.
For the next few days, Jennie proceeded to be on edge as the members started noticing her change in demeanor. Her voice would go up an octave and she often laughed nervously at the most basic things. There was one time when Hobi had brought a box of pocky and asked if she wanted some. She yelled a loud “No!” unexpectedly, causing him to yelp. She had apologized profusely for it. She couldn’t even look at Pocky because it made her think of Jungkook.
Following dance practice, Jungkook had decided to address her. He regarded that she wasn’t as chatty with him and spent even less time with the other members, remaining quiet. He began to feel jealous of the lack of attention, poking the inside of his cheek when he watched her avoid conversation all day.
“Hey, did I...do something wrong?” he asked, watching her place her bag over her shoulder.
Jennie took a small step back, feeling intimidated by their closeness. “Huh? What you mean?”
“Something is bothering you and it’s starting to bother me. I don’t like seeing you so troubled.” he crossed his arms. 
Concern was clear in his voice and facial features as she nervously looked at him in the eyes.
“What makes you think I’m troubled?”
“I dunno you just seem kind of...distant...I hope I didn’t do anything wrong. If I did, I’m sorry.”
Her eyes softened. He truly was a sweetheart. She was being so unfair to him and she didn’t want him to be upset like this. 
“Y-you didn’t do anything wrong. Don’t worry about it. I’m just a little tired. I’ll be fine. I uh, watched this horror movie, that’s why I’m a bit on edge.”
“What movie?”
‘Crap...’ she thought. “T-The shining. It’s an American movie. Y-you know, hereeeeee’s Johnny!” she started laughing anxiously as he raised a brow.
'Something is definitely off.' he thought but decided to let her slide.
He chuckled and shook his head. “You’re so goofy today. Maybe you should stick with action movies. I also think you ate too many smarties.”
“Yeah, smarties. That’s it.”
The next day, Jennie had tried to get her mind off things by going to a private gym, early in the morning. Wearing her Nike jacket zipped halfway, over her sports bra, she also had the sneakers and leggings on. She sat on the bench, wrapping her hands in a pair of MMA gel hand wraps.
After stretching and running on the treadmill for a warm up, she switched to the weights. Once she was done, she turned to the punching bag to take out all her frustration by punching and kicking aggressively.
“Get! Your! Act! To! Get! Her! Stop! Think! ‘ing! A! ‘bout! Him!” she muttered after every punch and kick.
“How come you decided to go to the gym without us?” Jimin whined, walking in with Jin.
Stopping her punch, she turned to them, trying to keep her nervousness in check. "I-I sorry. I wanted a head start,"
She noticed that almost two hours had passed and her entire body was perspiring and aching. Grabbing a towel, she sat on a bench and wiped her face. Jimin and Jin had begun using the weights while she watched them, occasionally speaking while in their conversation. After her little break, she went to do squats with dumbbells in her hands. 
She shouldn't still be working out for this long but anything to distract her from her mind wandering back to her best friend in her bed.
Jungkook was also located in the gym, finishing up his set of chin-ups on a bar. Looking up, he noticed Jennie, catching a glimpse of her bending down for another squat. His gaze lingered on her rear, watching closely. He didn’t know how long he was staring for but he couldn’t look away.
“Hey, Jungkook!” Jimin patted him on the back, causing the Maknae to jump. “Whatcha staring at?”
“N-nothing.” he stuttered, feeling his face get flushed.
“Staring at her again, eh?” he teased.
“N-not at all.”
Jennie turned around and widened her eyes in alarm when she saw Jungkook speaking with Jimin.
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‘Time to go!’ she yelled in her head, gathering up her things hastily.
“H-hey, where are you going?” Jin called out, getting off one of the machines.
“Something came up! Gotta go! See you in the dorm!” she raced out of the gym.
“W-we just got here! I thought we were going to do Zumba!” he yelled, catching the attention of Jimin and Jungkook.
“What happened?” Jimin asked.
“She just left out of the blue...now, who is going to teach us Zumba?”
“I can!” Jungkook raised his hand.
“Jennie does it better than you, though.” Jimin dismissed him, causing the Maknae to playfully hit him
After working out, Jungkook had gone back to the dorm, to lay on his bed. He couldn’t get that image of Jennie out of his head as his mind began to wander.
It was a summer afternoon in the dorm with Jennie chilling on the couch, in the living room, on her phone. He noticed that she was in her gym clothes and he was too, so he assumed they’d be working out together. Her hair was down, which he always liked. Whenever she put her hair in a bun, he always had the abrupt urge to take it out.
“Hey! There you are. Before we go, I’ve been itching to play this game. It’s called Cards Against Humanity, ever heard of it?” she beamed.
“Yeah, never played it though.” he sat next to her.
“It’s simple, I’ll show you. Seijin isn’t coming to drop us off at the gym for another hour, so you want to play to pass the time?”
“Yeah, why not.”
He watched her get up and get the box of cards from her room. Sitting back on the couch, she shuffled the cards.
“All right, this game can get sexual and inappropriate. It’s not your average kiddy game,” she informed him. “And it can be offensive. It’s been a while since I played this and I’m really bored, so do you mind? Only if you’re comfortable with it.”
Jungkook nodded. “It’s fine.”
“This game is supposed to have at least three players, but let’s just have fun and see what crazy combinations we can come up with. And be 100% real with me. It’s just us. No judging. Let’s have fun, and get our teenage minds flowing. What happens here, stays here. And be as random as possible in this game so I can have a good laugh.”
“All right, you’re on.”
“The black cards are the question cards, which is basically a statement. The white cards are what we can use to answer the statement as you can see there’s a word to fill in for it. Usually, the person with the best white card answer will win the black card.”
She placed a black card on the couch and it read ‘There’s an app for that’
Jennie placed down, ‘Feeding Rosie O’Donnell’ while Jungkook put down, ‘bitches’
“Really...?” she deadpanned.
“What?” he smiled sheepishly.
“That’s a dry answer, Kook. Don’t give me these wack answers.” she playfully scolded.
As they continued to play, their combinations got funnier as Jungkook loosened up and enjoyed himself in the game. Their answers were so random that they had to google what some words meant because they hadn’t heard of them before.
‘And the Academy award goes for...goes to...’ said the black card with two white cards that needed to be placed for the statement.
Jennie placed down ’72 virgins’ and ‘Batman’ for her answer, while Jungkook suddenly placed down, ‘Firing a rifle into the air while balls deep in a squealing hog’ and ‘sperm whales’
“What the actual hell?” she cackled. “Jungkook, what is going on with your mind today?”
“I dunno about that.” she teased.
‘Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s...’
Having terrible cards, Jennie decided to get rid of her ‘Hot Pockets’ card for her answer, while Jungkook chose ‘Sexual Tension’
“So, how does a girl be born with sexual tension?” she asked.
“I guess when she automatically gives the guy sexual tension?” he shrugged.
“Fair enough.”
‘I drink to forget...’
Jen put down ‘Horsemeat’ while Jungkook put down ‘Pulling out’, causing her to stare at him, surprised.
“Wow, Jungkook.” she shook her head as he let out a shy laugh.
‘Why am I sticky?’
Jennie chose ‘Judge Judy’ and Jungkook placed down ‘Fingering’ for the next card.
“Wow. You have a very dirty mind, Kook.” she asserted, checking out her white cards.
Jungkook had felt his face warm up at her statement. 
Well, she wasn’t wrong. 
As they continued to play, Jennie laughed again when Jungkook had put down, ‘Doing the right stuff to her nipples’
“You’ve been hanging around Namjoon too much.”
“It-its just a game! I’m trying here!” he stuttered.
“That’s what they all say. I guess that mouth of yours doesn’t just sing and rap, huh?”
‘If it’s for you, I’ll do whatever you want.’ he thought to himself.
“You wanna kiss?” she asked out of the blue.
“Yes,” he answered immediately.
Taking out a small bag of Hershey Kisses, she handed him a few in a small ziplock bag. “Jeez, you’re really eager for chocolate, aren’t you? Well, I don’t blame you. We all need a little chocolate in our lives. It’s good for the soul.”
‘Oh, this was what she meant.’ he examined the candy. “Let’s eat the chocolate later. We’re going to be going to the gym soon. Don’t want to upset our stomachs.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
While the game continued, Jungkook had randomly placed down the ‘Reverse Cowgirl’
“Huh. You appear to be familiar with that position, Kook,” she spoke in a serious tone, meeting his gaze. “Is there something you want to tell me?”
“U-uh...” he averted his eyes, hearing her giggle.
“I’m just messing! I don’t judge.”
“Y-you need to stop teasing me with the answers I choose.”
“Or what?” she taunted, raising a brow. “What are you going to do Jungkook?”
Part of him was tempted to just say screw it, toss all the cards aside and kiss her but he refrained himself.
Getting back into the game, he put down, 'Bouncing up and down.'
Jennie, out of nowhere asked, “On what exactly?"
Jungshook appeared as he shifted in his seat, unable to look at her in the eyes.
"What? Is it a bed? A trampoline?” 
“Ah, is Seijin here?” he grabbed his phone to change the subject. 
Jungkook sensed something thick in the air and felt flushed all over. As if on cue, Seijin did arrive and the 97 Liners were dropped off at a private gym where they wouldn’t be disturbed. After stretching and warming up, they stood on a series of mats to practice wrestling. Although ISAC was over and she dominated in wrestling, she still wanted him to teach her a few more moves, just in case they have it again.
With the both of them sweaty and trying to pin each other down, they got up close and personal. After their sparring, Jungkook went to go bench press, laying on his back while Jennie told him she would be on one of the machines.
Placing the bar back, he took a break, resting on his back. Promptly, Jungkook felt pressure on his lap. Widening his eyes, he realized it was Jennie straddling him.
“W-wh-at are you do-ing?!” he stuttered.
“I’m aware of what’s going on here,” she responded, placing her hands on his chest, and getting comfortable. “I’ve seen you staring.”
He was so tongue-tied that he couldn’t speak anymore as he stared at the enticing view. Whatever she was starting, he hoped that she’d finish because his self-control was slim to none the longer she sat on his lap.
“I-I’m sorry, I shou-”
“Why are you apologizing?”
“A-aren’t you angry?”
“Who said I was mad?” her hands slowly moved up his shirt to take it off. “The only thing I’m wondering about is why you haven’t taken the initiative yet.”
He watched her unzip her jacket and place it on the floor.
“So, I guess I have to be the one to make the first move,” she added. 
Feeling her move against his lap, his breathing quickened.
“I’ll admit, this is a nice view,” she remarked, watching his face scrunch up in pleasure. She grabbed his hands and placed them on her hips. “But it’ll be nicer if you’d relax and tell me what you want me to do.”
And he did and Jungkook woke up, on his bed, drenched in sweat. He regarded a tightness in his pants, quickly making his way to the shower, to take care of himself and clean himself up.
The next day, Jennie managed to avoid the weird dreams of Jungkook, distracting herself with other things to keep herself occupied. 
Unfortunately for her, Jungkook began to notice her distance and spoke to Namjoon about it.
“Jennie is acting strange. I dunno what is going on. She’s not herself and I feel like I did something wrong. Could you...maybe talk to her, Hyung?”
Namjoon had fulfilled his request when he found Jennie in her studio.
“Hey...what’s up?” she asked, taking off her headphones.
Namjoon even noticed she wasn't acting like herself, especially with the way she greeted him.
“Jennifer, I want to talk with you,” he spoke in a serious tone, closing her door and grabbing a seat next to her. 
From the tone of his voice, she knew that she was in trouble with something. 
“What did I do, now?”
“Jungkook approached me today.”
‘Oh God...’ she cringed at his name as all the thoughts came back. ‘I thought I was doing so well.’
“He says you seem on edge about something,” Namjoon added. “We all see it. You've been acting strange. I want to know what is going on. Are you all right?”
She hesitated. “Why is everyone so worried about me? I’m fine, all right?”
Namjoon frowned. “You know you can always tell us what’s wrong. No matter what it is. We’ll work through it together.”
“I know and I will if there’s a big problem. I promise,” she responded truthfully.
Jennie decided to keep it to herself because she wanted to speak with Amber, Hyuna, and Hayoon about it first when she went to meet them. Get a girl’s perspective before taking that risk to tell Namjoon if she feels like she really should.
“Llama~!” Jennie jumped right on Amber’s back, holding onto her like a koala while Amber laughed loudly. 
She met up with her outside of her place. After getting off her back, Amber picked her up and spun her around.
“Smartie~!” she copied the way she greeted her and set her down. “We are gonna have so much fun today. I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too. So, where to first?”
“I want ice cream. Oh, I’m also filming for my YouTube channel, so I want you to be in it.” 
“Okay, fine by me!”
Once Amber started rolling the camera, they walked around. “Ahhhh it’s such a nice day~! Everyone! Guess what!? My best pal, Jennie is here~!” Amber grabbed her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
“Ayeeee! What up!?” Jennie waved.
She always loved speaking with Amber because they could speak English freely and she felt like she could express herself better when speaking in her native language.
“We all know Jennie from BTS, isn’t she amazing?”
“Isn’t Amber amazing?”
“We’re going to get ice cream.”
“Yeah, because we’re very sweet people.” Amber removed her arm from her.
“My body is sore.”
“What did you do prior?”
“I went to the gym.”
“I need to go to the gym more. I’m out of shape.”
“We’re both out of shape. Let’s plan to go sometime together.”
“Sounds like a plan. Ah, have I told you guys that I really love my friends?” Amber asked on camera. “They are my family.”
“I’m your family?” Jennie asked in an emotional voice
“Yes, you are my family, I love you.”
“I love you too~!”
Arriving at a local ice cream shop, they ordered a big banana split with some fruit on top to share. Jennie carried it over to the booth they sat in.
“Oh yeah....get-in-my-belly~!” Jennie stared at the ice cream with love while Amber giggled, filming her. Eating a big spoonful, Miss Bangtan moaned in delight, savoring the taste. Raising her arms, she looked up at the ceiling. “Hallelujah!”
Amber mocked her moan and yelled, “Hallelujah!” which caused the duo to giggle wholeheartedly.
“We’re weird, we know,” Amber said to the camera, setting it down.
“So how’s the upcoming album?” Jen asked with a smile as they shared the ice cream.
“4 Walls is getting together. I love it. It’s going to be great. We have this song called Papi, I want to send you the instrumental so you can practice it to help your DJ skills.”
“Oh snap, that kind of song, huh? Okay, I’ll do that, thanks.”
“How’s Bangtan’s album going?”
“Slowly but surely we’re getting things down. We’ve been recording and stuff. I think this is going to be my favorite comeback by far. Our title song is called Run. I’m not sure what our music video is going to be about yet, it’s too early to tell but the song is really good.”
“Awesome, can’t wait to hear it. Any goals for this comeback?”
“I hope we get to have some wins for the song. And maybe some awards for it. That would be great. Either way, I’m proud of our work so far for it.”
“I’m rooting for you.”
“I should’ve had some rocky road with this. There are no nuts in this ice cream.” Jen pondered about ordering the ice cream flavor.
“Oh, I have some nuts.”
“Deez nuts.” Amber started giggling while Jennie deadpanned, shaking her head.
Grabbing the plate of ice cream, Jennie started eating it by herself while Amber tried to pull it back to the middle of the table. 
“I am so over you,” Jennie called out
“I thought you loved me!”
“Not at the moment!”
“Guys, she doesn’t love me anymore.”
“We’re getting a divorce.”
Amber pouted to the camera. “We will find a way to work this out.”
After finishing the ice cream, there was one piece of strawberry left on the plate and they aimed to grab it with their spoons. They grabbed onto each other’s arms while trying everything they could to take it.
“Hey! Hey! Mine! Mine!” Amber exclaimed.
“Come on, let me have this one, it’s a strawberry.”
“No way, I saw it first.”
They ended up giggling, moving around as they tried to grab the fruit. In the end, Amber leaned down and grabbed it with her mouth
“Weak!” Jen complained while laughing, setting her spoon down.
“Better luck next time!”
After they left, they rented bikes to ride around the bike trail. Amber was standing next to her, continuing to film as they prepared.
“Hamster and Llama ready for biking!” Amber dramatically announced.
“Yeah! That’s how we do!”
“Wow, look at the beautiful view.”
“Me?” Jennie placed a hand over her heart, touched by her words.
“No, the sky.” Amber deadpanned. 
Miss Bangtan dropped her jaw and Amber couldn’t help but snicker at her reaction.
After their banter, Amber set her camera down. “Let’s go, rawrrr~!” she made a funny sound effect as they began to ride around.
“Woo hoo~! When Captain America throws his mighty shield, all those who chose to oppose his shield must yield~!” Jen yelled out, over Amber’s laughter.
Once they went back to her place, Hyuna and Hayoon arrived to spend some time together. The four girls shared stories of what had been going on with their idol lives and Jennie shared the funny stories of Bangtan’s current prank war.
“I plan to numb their toothpaste this time,” Jennie announced.
“That’s evil! I love it! If you can, film their reactions!” Amber laughed.
“I will! I will!” Jennie turned to Hyuna. “Girl! Your comeback! What the hell?”
Hyuna giggled and covered her face. “I’m happy you love it. Roll Deep is so fun. We still need to figure out a date so I can teach you ways to improve your charisma on stage.”
“I’ll keep you posted.”
“Are you ready to go back to school?” Hayoon asked Jennie.
“Honestly, I am a little bit. I kind of like school. The main thing I’m looking forward to is my guitar class.”
“Me too. I found out that Jungkook is in my math class, this semester. Hopefully, the class won’t be too hard.”
Hearing Jungkook’s name caused Jen’s stomach to drop again. As the girls talked, Jennie became tense again.
“Hey, are you all right? You seem distracted.” Amber nudged her.
“Uh...a little. A lot on my mind.” Jen murmured
“Share! What’s going on?” Hyuna asked.
“I hope it’s nothing bad,” Hayoon responded.
“Have you guys ever had...weird dreams about someone close to you?” Jen asked.
“I’m pretty sure we all have weird dreams,” Amber reassured her. “But what’s the deal? Who’d you dream about?”
“I had a dream about Jungkook...”
“About...?” Hyuna gestured for her to continue speaking.
“We were...making out...on my bed and it was very physical,”
“O-oh...oh! Oh dear.” Hayoon widened her eyes, while Hyuna and Amber were just as surprised.
“We did some...sinful shit man...” Jen went on. “I feel so dirty. I don’t even wanna know what would’ve happened if I didn’t wake up when I did.”
“This escalated quickly,” Hyuna murmured.
“Yeah, this was not what I thought about when you said weird dream,” Hayoon added.
“Wow...that is awesome!” Amber called out, applauding.
“Awesome!?” Jennie stared at her with fear. “That’s not awesome! I am freaking the frick out!” she grabbed a hold of Amber and shook her rapidly while she giggled in response.
“Are there more details to this? I want to know exactly how this came about.” Hayoon spoke.
“Yoon, what the hell!? You’re encouraging this!?” Jennie yelled.
“I mean...maybe it’s a sign. Right, Amber?”
“Yep.” Amber smiled.
“Ah...I-I don't think so. I don’t know what to do.” Jen exclaimed, shaking her head. “I should not be having those dreams. It just came out of nowhere and I don’t know why. I’ve tried my best to avoid him-“
“D-don’t avoid him!” Hayoon scolded. “That is unfair to him.”
“What else am I gonna do?! I can’t face this guy! Every time I see this guy’s face or hear his name, I think back to when he was smooching up on me. That is not an image I should have of my best friend, man! Ugh! What is wrong with me? Dirty! This is so dirty!” she covered her face
Hyuna and Amber started laughing at her comment.
“What is so funny!?” Jen called out.
“The way you said smooching up on me.” Hyuna giggled.
“Ugh! He would never do that, that is so not like him.” Jen mentioned.
"You sure about that? You sure about that?" Hayoon asked.
“I mean, you never know what Jungkook is capable of,” Amber claimed. “People shouldn’t underestimate him. He is called the Golden Maknae for a reason.”
“I agree,” Hyuna replied. “I’m sure when he’s good, ready, and comfortable with someone, he’ll be golden in that department of activity, too.”
“There was always this saying that I hear...” Hayoon remarked. “What was it? Oh, yeah, it’s always the quiet ones-“
“PLEASE for the love of smarties! Stop! You’re giving me weird thoughts!” Jennie covered her ears.
“I think you should speak to him about it,” Hyuna suggested.
Miss Bangtan shook her head vigorously. “No. Absolutely not. Hell no.”
“Jennie...do you think you like him?” Hayoon wondered.
Miss Bangtan hesitated. 
Jennie averted her eyes for a moment, thinking about the question. "N-no...why would I?"
Hayoon and Amber glanced at each other with knowing looks before giving Hyuna the same look.
“Say, Jennie do you think the dream meant something?” Hyuna inquired.
Jennie hesitated again. “I-It meant nothing. It was probably just some silly dream. I just wish I could stop thinking about it.”
“I’m gonna say it. I think you are in denial.” Amber announced.
“Wh-what!? No! N-no way! I’m not! I am not in denial! Nothing is going on between us! Okay!?” Jen’s sudden yell caused the three girls to glance at each other, surprised.
“Whoa. Relax.” Amber put her hands up in defense.
“I am relaxed!” she argued.
“Your voice doesn’t sound relaxed.” she giggled, trying to calm her down. “We get it. Nothing is going on yet-“
“Oh my gosh, c-can we just drop it? We’re friends. Always will be. Maybe I just went to bed before my food was digested and a weird dream came up. I don’t like him, okay? We’re friends. Best pals. I gotta pee.” she stood up and went to the bathroom.
“D.E.N.I.A.L.” Amber murmured, taking a sip of her water.
“Yeah...looks like she’s in the denial stage. Sooner or later she’ll realize and accept these feelings.” Hyuna guaranteed. “What do you think we should do?”
“We should plan accordingly.”
“Jennie and Jungkook...it’s going to happen. We just need to remain patient.” Hayoon said. “I know it’ll be worth it in the end but let’s also make sure we don’t force it and let nature take its course. It’s happening but at a very slow pace. It will progress. They will be together soon. So, let’s tread lightly on the matter. She's in denial now...but sooner or later something big is going to happen that will make her see that these feelings are real.”
“Duly noted.”
After the week went by, Jennie proceeded to feel more like herself as she decided to dedicate herself to her work, getting her mind off things. After working on some covers, she jammed in the studio, practicing the guitar notes for Charice’s Before It Explodes, humming the song.
A series of hard knocks on her door made her place her guitar down. 
“Who?” she called out.
“It’s your golden best friend,” Jungkook murmured against the door.
Her stomach dropped at the sound of his voice. Of course, it was him.
She couldn’t avoid him forever. It wasn’t right. But she just couldn’t face him. She felt so ashamed and awkward.
But she knew she had to confront him sometime. Might as well do it now.
Clearing her throat, striving to act as normal as possible, she responded, preparing for the worst, “You can come in.”
Jungkook had stormed into her studio, upset. He noticed that she didn’t even say her trademark, ‘Enter my realm’ comment, which made him angry because something was definitely up.
“What is it-” she was cut off when a sharp breath escaped her lips once Jungkook vigorously grabbed the back of her chair and turned her around to face him. 
He slammed his hands on the armrests, making her flinch and widen her eyes.
“J-Jesus, Kook, what is your problem?” she stuttered, feeling her heart rate quicken.
“My problem?” he scoffed, shaking his head. He grabbed another chair and sat in front of her with a frown. “My problem is you and I’m not leaving this room until you tell me exactly what is going on,”
Averting her eyes, she murmured, “Nothing is going on-“
“Don’t lie to me.” he firmly cut her off. There was a brief pause as she couldn’t bring herself to speak. “Look at me.”
‘Don’t say that please.’ she thought to herself, thinking back to the dream. After a while, she reluctantly met his gaze. “L-look, nothing is going on-”
“You’re avoiding me.” he cut her off again.
“I’m not avoiding you.”
“Please don’t lie to me,” he said softly with a hint of sadness.
“Let’s just drop it. I have some work to do.” she spun around in her chair to face her desk but he turned her back around.
“What did I do so wrong? Tell me. Did I miss something? Was there a special anniversary for us regarding our friendship? Your birthday didn’t pass yet so that’s out of the question. Is something going on back at home? Are your sisters all right? Is your family okay? Did someone try to hurt you? Did another guy try to say something inappropriate? Did I say some-“
“Stop, stop, you didn’t...you didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Then what happened? Just tell me!”
She exhaled loudly. She might as well just say it. 
“Look...I uh...ugh, this is going to be so random but have you...ever had weird dreams about a friend?”
“What do you mean?” he raised a brow.
“I have this friend...she uh....dreamed about making out with someone close to her.”
Jungkook nodded, figuring it out. “So, you dreamed of making out with a friend.”
She widened her eyes and shook her head frequently. “I-I didn’t say it was me!”
“It was you,” he responded calmly.
“No, it was not!”
“I know you. I can tell when you lie to me. I see it in your eyes.”
Jennie felt her embarrassment intensify as she couldn’t say that he was wrong. 
“You need to stop paying so much attention to me,” she complained.
A smile came across Jungkook’s lips briefly. “Can’t help it. So, this is what this is all about? A dream about a friend? Is that it?”
“Well...do you...think it’s weird to have that type of dream? I mean, have you...dreamed of someone like that? The dream was pretty intense. Out of character,”
Jungkook, averting his eyes, shyly looked down as his anger went away. 
‘If only you knew...but you would probably think I’m creepy for thinking of you that way.’ he thought to himself.
His mind drifted back to that dream he had. When he first had a crush on her, once in a blue moon he would dream about what it would be like to date her. Going on arcade dates, picnics, the whole thing. As he got older, falling in love with her, the dreams turned to kissing and more kissing. And then things went way further.
He thought about her in many ways, including the intimacy. A lot of fantasies came to mind. Back at Yamen TV, when Jimin called him the golden perv, he knew exactly who Jungkook was thinking about when he watched those videos that Namjoon would download. Like Jimin had said, he couldn’t help himself. The way his body reacted when he thought of her that way. Jungkook freaked out big time when Jimin caught him months ago. He felt guilty about it but Jimin had reassured him that things were fine and that there was nothing to be ashamed of.
Jungkook wasn’t ready for that type of activity and neither was Jennie he was sure about. However, he always hoped to be her first, doing everything he could to make her feel cherished once he grew more confident in himself.
His thoughts were interrupted by her voice.
Getting his thoughts together, he chuckled awkwardly. He should be honest with her. 
“It’s...not as weird as you think.”
“Have you...”
“Y-yes, I have.” he could feel his face warm up as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Really?” she asked, surprised. “Wow, I’m not the only one?”
She watched him nod in response. It made her feel much better but she still felt a little weird for dreaming of him in that way.
“Do you think your dream meant something to you?” he asked her.
“You know...my mind is saying that it didn’t. But something else is screaming that it did. I think what frightens me most is I get this lowkey feeling that it did mean something, no matter how much I don’t think it should.”
“Who did you dream about?” he asked curiously. 
His question made her hesitate. She just couldn’t tell him. 
“I...don’t want to answer that, Kook. I’m just...confused, right now. My mind is all over the place.”
Jungkook decided not to pry her about it. He wouldn’t be able to tell her that he dreamed of her anyway. Jealousy crept up on him again as he thought about Kevin and Bam Bam being the person she might’ve dreamt about. He hoped she wasn’t catching feelings for either of them. While he was in his thoughts, he noticed that she was rambling.
“...and that dream was too fast-paced.” she met his gaze. “Ah, I dunno why I’m thinking about it but with making out with someone or whatever, I’d want to take things slow. I’m not used to this kind of stuff. I’m not even ready for any of that type of intimacy. But when I am ready, I just hope it’s special.”
“I’m sure you and your guy will learn a lot about each other together once you begin dating,” he responded. “He’ll be patient with you and I know that you will be with him, too. Don’t worry about it too much. You’ll be fine.”
“Thanks, Kook. I’ll trust your words. I just hope that whoever I end up with...he’ll wait for me until I’m ready.”
“He will,”
A chuckle escaped her lips. “You’re so confident with your answer, Kook.”
“Nine times out of ten, he probably will want the same thing you want. He’s probably not ready for that either and wants to go slow, too.”
“You think so?”
“I know so. He’ll wait for you.”
She smiled softly and nodded. “And what about you, International Playboy, you seem to be interested in anyone these days?”
She regarded his body language change and noticed his face getting pink. 
She widened her eyes and playfully hit his arm. “You do! Tell me!”
“Ah, I will when I’m ready. Not today.”
“Do I at least know her?”
“Is she pretty?”
“Pretty isn’t even the word to describe her.”
“Does she have your heart like IU does?”
He smiled softly. “She has my heart more than IU.”
“Wow, this is serious then. Nothing comes in between you and IU. I have to wait to know who she is? Why not just tell me? What’s the problem?”
“I just...think about your reaction when I end up telling you.”
“Because when I tell you, it’ll change our friendship forever.”
She looked at him earnestly. “Kook, I’ll be happy either way for you. Nothing is going to change. What can you possibly say to me that would change our friendship forever? You’re fine, don’t stress over it, too much.”
As much as he wanted to tell her right then and there, he didn’t think it was the right time and he thought about rejection. He feared it. There would be times when he felt like he wasn’t good enough to be her boyfriend or ruin a great friendship because of his growing feelings for her. He didn’t want to lose her. He cherished her so much.
He had negative thoughts about her reaction. And if she did reject him, it’ll just be awkward and it’ll take a while for them to act normal again. When he was ready, he wanted her to take time to think about it and not give him an answer right after he told her how he felt. He knew it wasn’t going to be like it was in the movies.
With Jennie, deep inside, she felt a bit...disappointed that he was becoming interested in someone. It also bothered her that she felt this way because she shouldn’t feel this way. She should be happy for him. 
Another part of her felt hopeful because she thought maybe this could help her get over that whole dream situation.
They were great friends and she appreciated that in the group. She felt as though she should not be dating anyone around here. She should stay professional and focus on BTS. Jen thought it would never work if she had dated anyone in the industry. And with these crazy “fans”, she didn’t want whoever she ended up with to deal with any drama. The way “fans” reacted to Kai & Krystal dating, Baekhyun & Taeyeon dating, Tao’s departure from EXO and various other breaking news on K-Pop sites that were claimed as ‘scandals’, it’ll only be ten times worse for her, she assumed.
She wouldn’t even call them fans because they were so ruthless with their reactions to idols dating. It made her angry because fans should be happy for their beloved idols. And when she does date, she vows to never apologize as some idols have done for dating someone.
What was there to apologize for? 
For being happy? 
Never would she bring herself to do that. Idols are human and deserve love.
Jungkook noticed her expression change into a frown while deep in thought. “Hey,” he grabbed her hand as her head swiftly turned to him, surprised.
“You okay? You look angry.”
Her pondering about those negative fan reactions had gotten her worked up. “Sorry, deep in thought again.”
They sat in a comfortable silence, pondering about random things.
“I wonder when you’re ready for that stage with whoever you’re interested in if you have any idea how you want it to go...” Jen blurted out randomly, thinking out loud. She looked up and shook her head. “I was just rambling. You can just ignore me.”
After a pause, Jungkook spoke after looking up at the ceiling. “Yeah...I thought about it.”
“It’s not how it would be in the movies,” she recalled as they locked eyes.
“Yeah, nothing like the movies. Thinking about it, I just...want it to be special for the both of us. Away from the Hyungs that's for sure. A nice place alone...with a comfortable bed. I would want to plan it all out. Decorate the room nicely. I'd want it to be romantic if I could. Maintain eye contact when I’m with her. Take my time for sure, let her know how much she means to me with my actions, not just my words.” he said, thinking about it with a smile. "I hope that one day, I’ll grow more certain in myself and can show her how manly I am when we’re both ready. When we are, everyone can continue calling me a baby but she’ll know that I’m far from that when we’re together behind closed doors.”
Jen looked at him, astonished. For a second she thought he was speaking to her directly.
She lowkey wished that she could have something like that one day. She even tried to fight the little thought in her head that she wished it was her he was talking about.
They don’t seem to make guys like Jungkook anymore. He was always so sweet and respectful. She never wanted him to change. She adored everything about him.
“Do me a favor...” she spoke.
“Don’t ever change. For anyone. If someone can’t accept you for who you are when you’re not portraying your stage persona, then that person doesn’t deserve you. You are great just the way you are. Your shyness included. We’re all a work in progress, sprinkled with unique traits. Your future girlfriend will appreciate you for who you are. I’ll admit, I’m lowkey jealous.” she spun around in her chair, going back to her computer.
Jungkook let out a soft chuckle, smiling as he watched her.
‘There’s no need to be jealous of yourself, Jennie...’
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queenveela · 2 years
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Hogwarts legacy MC bio/headcanons
Avian Grey was born to a Welsh witch in the Pyrenees, France (close to Beauxbatons) she does not have any memory of her parents. She was raised by her mothers sister and research partner “Aunt Efa”.
While researching magical creatures in the Pyrenees, Avians mother had an affair with a man from one of the local villages, all Efa knew about him was that he was from a family that had strong Veela lineage. Avians mother passed away not long after giving birth to her.
Ave and Efa had a very nomadic lifestyle traveling from place to place for purpose of Efa’s research. She gained a lot of experience fighting due to run ins with poachers and other undesirables during their travels. Perhaps it was due to her fate as a wielder of ancient magic that the constant traveling caused her to be late in her admission to Hogwarts, and enter as a fifth year.
Her patronus/potential animagus: A hippogriff. Powerful and dignified, once you earn her trust she will protect you fiercely. If you cross her she will fight you.
Coincidentally her name is French for “bird like”.
I like to think the hippogriffs appearing in her storyline are immensely symbolic having to do with those she trusts. For example during her first trip to Hogsmeade with Sebastian two hippogriffs flew out of the forest, perhaps foreshadowing her relationship with him. Especially as they shared their first kiss after she took him to ride highwing (see fanfic for full story). Additionally the creatures have shown up in situations that involve Natty and Poppy.
Her interests:
-flying and magical beasts, love kneazles and has an entire vivarium just for kneazles. Despite her princess like appearance she likes to play as a beater during quidditch, after all she loves a good fight.
-She gets a high off of fighting. During 7th year her and Sebastian spends alot of their “dates” raiding poacher camps, not only because she wants to save beasts and loves fighting but they both find it insanely attractive watching each other fight (hence why their first duel in Hecat’s class is when they started to like one another) their kink is raiding different poacher camps and then doing it in the empty tent afterwards
Her strengths:
Excellent duelist
Highly ambitious and competitive (can also be a flaw if it gets out of hand)
Fiercly protective of those she loves.
Her flaws:
-Slight temper
-Jealous and sometimes manipulative but she’s better at hiding it than Sebastian. If she sees Sebastian talking to another girl she’ll use subtle tactics to get his attention might take her hair tie out for a second to adjust her hair, he doesn’t get to see fully undone often (until they become official) so it gets his attention, she also might loosen her tie and unbutton the first button of her shirt exposing more of her neck. If she’s feeling extra ambitious she’ll go talk to another student who isn’t Ominis, Poppy or Natty and be mildly flirtatious in asking them for help with something.
-Not always the most trusting..better with beasts than people. However she adores Poppy, Natty and Ominis.
-Easily distracted by anything having to do with Sebastian. Will drop important tasks to spend time with him.
After Hogwarts:
After Hogwarts Her and Seb elope in a quiet ceremony with only their close friends present. They start off as aurors but after Ave nearly gets killed while pregnant with their third child they calm down with the fighting obsession and settle for a more quiet lifestyle. They end up taking over Brood and Peck when Ellie decides to relocate and spend a majority of their lives taking care of magical beasts. They eventually wind up having a total of four daughters and three sons, out of which is a pair of twins (boy and girl like Sebastian and Anne). Because they lost so many of their family members when they were younger, a large family is important to them. Their family goes on to be a very well respected wizarding family throughout the decades. Newt Scarmander visits their shop regularly and they’re really fond of him, usually selling him beast-care tools at a high discount. They also see Poppy regularly as she is the care of magical creatures professor at Hogwarts.
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kitkatt0430 · 5 months
So having only watched the mess that was Armageddon from Flash S8, I've mostly gotten my info about that season second hand and none of it really puts me in a rush to see the season despite the return of Ronnie (expect not really) and a heroic version of Eobard showing up.
And I admit, I'm still trying to piece together an alt take on the season that would have enticed me to watch after Armageddon. Just as a thought exercise for now, but it could easily be for fanfic purposes later.
Setting aside the first five episodes of the season, the only four things I hear about when people talk about S8 is that the episode focused on Nora & Bart is cute, the Ronnie psych-out plot was rushed, nothing really happens with the Iris time sickness plot until the end of the season, and the heroic Eobard plot (where Eobard gets one of Barry's love interests from the comics and also the face-ripping off thing that comics!Eobard did to comics!Barry) was also rushed. And it seems like the biggest problem the season had was pacing.
I am... not surprised.
So according the Arrow wiki, S8 was broken up into three main arcs. Armageddon, Death Revisited, and It's All Negative. There's a two episode interlude between the first two arcs, and a three episode interlude between the second and third arcs.
I'd have to say, looking over the plot summaries for Death Revisited, they spent too much time foreshadowing and not enough time focused on Ronnie & Caitlin & Frost. If the heart of the story line is supposed to be Caitlin's grief over Ronnie being dug back up and the sisterly love that's grown between Caitlin and Frost, then they needed to commit to it and build those two aspects of the storyline up first.
If the interlude were cut down to just one episode, then we keep Impulsive Excessive Disorder as the post-Armageddon breather but end it with a teaser about Eobard Thawne (Matt edition) showing up in present day Central City, found by Meena. With the third arc foreshadowed as being a result of XS and Impulse's time travel, the second arc starts. It also takes the second arc from six episodes to seven.
Cutting out Marcus, Caitlin's quickly forgotten about boyfriend would probably help with the pacing a lot more too. Instead Caitlin's issues with Frost/Mark become the very valid point that Mark hasn't actually done anything to earn Caitlin's trust, but also jealousy because she's reminded of what she had with Ronnie. Underscored by Caitlin having started dreaming about Ronnie lately and flashbacks to her relationship with him when she sees Frost out with Mark. The three of them wind up looking into a recent death of one of Caitlin's colleagues - and friends - who'd recently been on the same panel as Caitlin at the science & tech conference from the Armageddon arc. This winds up being their first encounter with the Black Flame, which Frost notes rather uncomfortably seems drawn to Caitlin.
By the end of the episode Mark would have demonstrated that he really is trying to be a better person, not just to earn Caitlin's trust but because it's what he wants for himself. And Caitlin having a heart to heart with Frost about how their relationship as sisters is what helped Caitlin overcome her heartache over losing Ronnie and move on with her life, though she's not sure she'll ever truly stop grieving him entirely - the episode stinger would have the black flame appearing in somewhere in Central City with Ronnie stepping out of it.
The next episode, Caitlin's seeing Ronnie everywhere while the Black Flame goes after more people. Frost is concerned about Caitlin's mental well being and when the episode culminates in Ronnie showing up 'for real' and asking for Caitlin's help in stabilizing him without Martin, Frost is very suspicious. But the entire team helps Caitlin reprogram the quantum splicer to help him return to normal. Afterwards all his scans show Ronnie as being a perfectly normal human. Caitlin is elated and kisses him, but Frost is worried that's still not Ronnie, which she confides in Mark.
The third episode has Ronnie creating a rift between Caitlin and Frost as he needs Caitlin's entire focus to be on him. Her love for Frost and her friends is a problem but Frost in particular is holding Caitlin back. As far as he's concerned, anyway.
Frost would probably be the one to figure out that Ronnie was actually the source of the Black Flame in the fourth episode but by the time she figures it out, Caitlin's already left to spend time alone with "Ronnie" forcing the team to look for her frantically. Episode five would have Caitlin learn the truth but by then she's been 'poisoned' by her proximity to 'Ronnie' and her rekindled love for him having given Deathstorm the in he needed to start transforming her into another of his kind. By the time the team finds them, Caitlin has accidentally manifested black flames herself.
Episode 6 would focus on Ronnie and Frost's fight over Caitlin with Caitlin ultimately choosing Frost but in doing so the transformation she's going through begins to kill her. If Deathstorm can't have Caitlin, no one will.
Episode 7, Frost knowingly risks dying to save Caitlin. As she puts it to Mark, she was created from to protect Caitlin but has become so much more. Because Caitlin loved her, Frost became her own person and has learned to live for herself. She no longer sees protecting Caitlin as an obligation to run from, but a choice she makes out of love. When Frost dies after absorbing the hellfrost powers as well as Deathstorm's powers, she's seemingly absorbed back into Caitlin. Which would make Caitlin's certainty that Frost is alive within her later on make more sense.
The next interlude is the funeral for Frost but from there I'm not sure where to go. Iris' time sickness never totally made sense and I still think it should have been wrapped up as part of Armageddon.
Obviously Eobard would get introduced a lot sooner and take part in several episodes proving himself as a hero, only to make it more tragic when EoWells either intentionally or unintentionally utilizes his more heroic self to facilitate his return for the season finale.
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tokiro07 · 1 year
Undead Unluck ch.155 thoughts
This just might be the outright funniest chapter in Undead Unluck’s run, not necessarily because any of the jokes on their own outshine the previous funniest moments, but because there are just so damn many
Nico puking from the zero-gravity training in the background, Sean running off crying with a pun on his name (”chikuShon” or “damnaSean”), Sean thinking that Gina is interested in him only for her to just move on with the conversation, Gina telling him to make his weight appear to be zero and thinking she’s telling him to die, Sean calling Gina a liar when she says everything went as she planned, Nico’s expression when he sees the stowaways, and of course, the piece-de-resistance: Gina’s face when she realizes that she has no plan
Tozuka has definitely proven that he knows how to get a good laugh, but this chapter makes me think he could probably carry an entire gag manga if he wanted to, perhaps something along the lines of Saiki Kusuo or Magu-chan. I don’t generally like gag series, but Tozuka has more than earned my faith as a reader, so if I heard his next series would be a gag manga, I’d be on board with his sense of humor
I don’t think there’s really too much to say about this chapter that others haven’t already said: Sean and Gina make a surprisingly fun duo, and the two of them insisting on joining the team even if it means defying orders makes a lot of sense for their characters. Sean’s need to stand in the spotlight and desire to have a place to belong were evident in the previous loop when he defied Rip’s orders and got himself killed, so of course now that there’s the opportunity for a mission as unique as going into space he’d want to be a part of it, especially when you consider that he only just joined the group midway through the previous mission. Now that he feels like he’s found his tribe, being left out so quickly would naturally feel reminiscent of the rejections he’s so used to receiving already, as if he’s immediately fallen back into his old patterns. It’s an inferior complex, plain and simple, and the timing of a mission that he’s not suited for just makes it harder for him to grow past those feelings
Gina, on the other hand, has always been the jealous type, easily swayed and motivated by her own emotions. She wants to be the most important person in the eyes of her most important person; it’s how she was with Andy in Loop 100, and it’s how she is now with Fuuko. She understands and appreciates that Fuuko wants her to recover from the strain of the previous mission, but she’s also let it get to her head that she’s technically the most powerful Negator in the Union (not counting Billy’s ability to copy her powers), so she won’t trust anyone else with protecting Fuuko when she knows that no one is as capable as her. Unfortunately, because she was still recovering and clearly isn’t the type to consider all of the factors, her condition is almost certainly going to catch up to her over the course of this mission, and that is going to necessitate that she grow and change from her current, arguably bratty mindset
I imagine that this is going to end up being related to or centered around Sean, as we’ve already had it foreshadowed that he’s going to get flung out into space during this mission. Fuuko’s fear was that Sean’s ability would change without anyone knowing it, and that’s exactly what’s come to pass- he’s gained the ability to trick the senses of machinery, meaning that the infrared goggles likely won’t work on him anymore. How Gina’s growth might play into saving him, I’m not sure, as it’s not like Unchange can work on the nothingness of space, right?
I guess she might save him as he’s about to fly out of the ship, perhaps making his suit Unchanging so that it stays in place or something to that effect? I don’t really want to hazard a guess, as I’ve been known to be wrong pretty often
It’s also possible that Phil’s Unfeel will somehow be relevant to saving Sean, but again, I’m going to keep my mouth shut for now
Speaking of being wrong, last week I said I was worried Sean wouldn’t get much more focus going forward, so I’m really glad to see that I’ve been proven wrong so quickly. I’m still not convinced everyone is going to get this much attention, but I’m really endeared to Sean, so I’m happy to see him getting worked into the story when it seemed like he was going to kind of fade back into the background
My biggest worry right now is that the extra weight on the ship will somehow cause damage or otherwise be the reason that something goes wrong. Gina and Sean didn’t get the necessary training, and Gina didn’t even secure herself and Sean in the cargo bay with Unchange, so I’m quite confident that whatever goes wrong will technically be her fault
Still, it’ll all work out, it’s not like anyone’s going to die, so while there’s definitely going to be drama like with Nico almost getting hit by Disk, I’m sure that this space arc is going to be a ton of fun overall. Looking forward to it!!!
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folklorianhaze · 2 years
In Wait
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Pairing: Some lightly implied/foreshadowed Feyre x Rhysand, but there’s not really a lot of shipping going on in this
Rating: T
Tags: One Shot, Introspective, Character Study, Pre-Canon
Word Count: 2918
Summary: "You were born on the longest night of the year. You were meant to be at my side from the very beginning."
On the day that Feyre Archeron turns sixteen years old, she's certain no one remembers it's her birthday. She tells herself she's okay with it, that she doesn't want to be remembered.
Little does she know that somewhere else out there in the universe, someone is listening.
Short oneshot I wrote in celebration of our High Lady's birthday! Happy winter solstice!
Read it on AO3 here!
Feyre left the cottage just before first light, as she always did.
What had once been powdery snow, now turned to unforgiving ice in the bitter cold of the previous night, crunched underfoot as she started down the winding path from her family’s ramshackle little home into the woods nearby. Cold dampness pressed in through the soles of her worn-out boots, and she found herself immensely grateful that she’d thought to layer as many socks and fabrics as she could find in order to protect her feet. 
Perhaps if she found something today in the forest, if she could manage to take down an animal with enough hide to trade for a new pair of boots — or, at the very least, to earn enough coin to her name to buy some . . .
She expelled a slow sigh, already tired just thinking of it.
Her breath plumed in front of her face.
Winter had been particularly brutal this year, and her little family had begun to feel the strain of it in full this month. Long nights spent huddled around a weak, sputtering fire, their father’s face wan and expressionless in the flickering light; Elain and Nesta bickering over who would get whatever spare money could be had from whatever was left for Feyre to sell in the market; all three sisters clambering into their one bed together, kicking and squirming and fighting for warmth until falling into still-resentful sleep. The nights had grown longer, and with less daylight there was not only less refuge from the cold, but less time for Feyre to hunt safely in the woods. Thus, less opportunities for anything to eat.
Feyre swallowed past the dryness in her throat, stuffing her fingers beneath her underarms to keep her body warm as she walked. She tried to think of soft, luxurious blankets and roaring fireplaces, tried to imagine sweltering summer nights in some far-off desert kingdom, tried to picture herself sprawled out in the sun in a sparkling oasis. Anything to ward off the chill that seemed to bleed into her very bones.
And, most importantly, she tried very hard not to think about the fact that today was her sixteenth birthday.
It seemed like such a trivial thought to entertain — as if becoming a year older were some significant accomplishment to shout from the rooftops. And in any case, with all her family had to worry about these days, with the constant press of the elements against their little hovel, it seemed selfish to fixate on a birthday, of all things. She’d rather not squander an entire full day of hunting by demanding that everyone acknowledge her, celebrate her.
She huffed a dry, humorless laugh at that, hardly able to suppress a shudder at the thought of what Nesta’s face would look like if Feyre actually attempted to suggest her eldest sister celebrate her.
And she had to admit, given their family’s current deplorable state, her birth date made it difficult for anyone to be in a particularly celebratory mood. The longest night of the year — the winter solstice. Even though she’d been quite young when her mother had passed away, Feyre could still see those grandiose parties at the edges of her memory, the manor house draped with holly and evergreens. Nesta and Elain, especially, had always loved those, always jumped at the chance to throw a ball and preen among the nobility that their mother had loved so much. 
And now they had nothing — now Feyre had nothing to her name but a scrap of a promise she’d made to her mother on her deathbed. 
With the memory of all that still so fresh, looming over their heads almost mockingly, why would any of them want to muster up any festive spirit at all? It was fine. Perfectly fine. And if none of them happened to remember, if they didn’t stop her on her way back into the cottage tonight and instead let her simply slip by unnoticed . . . well, all the better. She certainly didn’t care. One bit.
Feyre’s boots thudded rhythmically through the snow. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.
Blinking, she drew herself to a halt, only just realizing how loud she’d gotten. She needed to keep her steps light, as Isaac Hale and the other hunters had taught her, lest she scare away any potential quarry. And where she stood now, just on the edge of where the open path gave way to soaring evergreens and gnarled old birches that sliced against the pale gray morning skyline, any prey would certainly be able to hear her.
Including faeries, if the rumors about them being so close to these woods were as true as some in town claimed.
Feyre pressed her mouth into a thin line, busying herself with her limited hunting gear as she scouted for a proper tree. Doing anything she could to avoid thinking too deeply about the idea of faeries, the idea that chilled her down to her very bones. She’d heard whispers of what just one of those ancient beings could do to an entire village . . . it was an effort not to shiver at the thought of what one could do to a sixteen-year-old alone in the woods.
At the very least, she had a bow and arrow. She may not have a fighting chance against one, but at least she certainly wouldn’t go down without swinging. She chuckled a bit at the absurdity of it, especially when contrasted with the almost serene silence of the forest.
It was beautiful, she had to admit as she scanned her usual clearing for any signs of movement, even as part of her raged against that side that still looked for all things lovely in the world. What use was searching for beauty when colors and light and the way the snow sparkled in the sun wouldn’t help her to survive? Looking for details in her surroundings that mattered — now, that was useful. That could get her to live another day, to see as many sunrises as she liked.
Even if she never appreciated them again with her whole heart the way she used to. Even if it was so hard now, to see the world in the way she once did.
As she hoisted herself up onto the sturdiest-looking branches of the tree she’d chosen for the best vantage point, Feyre groaned and settled herself in for what was sure to be a long morning. The first few watery rays of sunlight were trying their hardest now to fight past the slate-colored clouds on the horizon, a lazy, slow-arriving dawn. 
She wondered if Nesta and Elain were still in bed, if their father had said anything to them at all beyond his usual blank stares and careless hums. She knew the answer to that without even thinking about it.
What a wretched mess they all were. Her father, broken and hiding inside their cottage, never looking up from his wood carvings, never letting his daughters see or know what he might be thinking, feeling. Her sisters, lost and certainly frightened of this new life they led, grieving the riches and comfort that had been so abruptly swept out from underneath them. Nesta raging, wrapping herself in her anger as if it were the cape of a warrior-queen, Elain searching for safety and beauty within her flowers and never daring to see if she might do anything more.
But there had been nothing for Feyre back at their old manor, anyway, even if she did miss the warmth and stability, the knowledge that they’d always had whatever they might need. She’d never felt, even back in the height of her family’s success, as if she’d really belonged anywhere. Perhaps she truly didn’t. Perhaps she was every bit as sullen and strange as her mother had always suggested.
Perhaps that was why she’d been born on the winter solstice, of all days.
“Well, if there are any faeries out here following me about,” Feyre huffed to herself, in a voice she barely dared to pitch louder than the faintest whisper, “it’s my birthday.”
And she neatly, unceremoniously fired an arrow at a rabbit rustling through the edges of a nearby bush.
There was no light in this place.
There was only a constant, ancient drumming from the massive throne room beneath the mountain, a song that bellowed from the very depths of the world itself, from creatures who had been here since the dawn of time. There were only the wall carvings of long-dead Fae, reveling and cavorting, sliced almost spitefully into the stone of the sacred Mountain by the one who styled herself High Queen of this land.
There was only a barked command from the woman who sat upon the mighty throne leering down at them all, nothing but pure malice glittering in her dark eyes.
“Rhysand! Come here.”
The sound of his name upon her lips slashed through the clamor of the great antechamber, knifelike in his sharpness. A few High Fae and faeries alike cut conspiratorial glances in his direction, a secret judgment gleaming in their eyes that these days, he did his best to ignore. 
It was enough, he thought, to remind himself of all that waited beyond this place for him. Of all he sought to protect. Enduring this was worth it, if it kept their eyes away from the one place, the people, who truly mattered.
He clamped down on that thought before it could fully take form, before it could wound too deeply. It had been a good long while since he’d allowed himself to think of Velaris in any capacity. His beloved city blanketed with stars — nearly against his will, he found himself wondering what it would look like tonight, what it would be like just to see that night sky stretched out over his head again, if only for one last time.
You will have that time, and more beyond it, once you’re free from here, he tried telling himself. 
Tried, and failed to entirely believe it.
As memories ran unbidden through his mind, threatening to pierce him straight through to his very core, he fought to keep a bored malevolence on his features. The same practiced, calculated indifference he’d perfected over his years serving in Amarantha’s demented court — and in her bedroom. He knew what they would all see as he strode slowly, purposefully through the crowd, making his way to the foot of the massive dais upon which the dark queen’s throne was perched. They would see what they wished to see — they’d believe it because it was what was expected of the Night Court, of his people.
It made his job all the easier, he supposed.
“You called?” he asked when he had at last approached, holding her gaze, refusing to reveal where his thoughts truly lay. He dared to arch an eyebrow, to tease her with that glorious boredom that he knew by now she secretly loved.
A huntress to the very end — Amarantha enjoyed the fight for a lover’s interest.
His stomach twisted unpleasantly.
“I grow bored of tonight’s festivities,” she answered, waving a hand artlessly to signal to the musicians. “Keep playing,” she commanded them, and then, returning her attention to him, added: “I find myself wishing to retire early.”
He swallowed hard, ignoring the oily feeling creeping down the back of his neck at that predatory look in her eyes, the intent he read there.
“Oh?” he could only say, inwardly coaching himself to look just intrigued enough to capture her attention, but removed enough that she could have her fun.
Amarantha chuckled, the sound rich and deep. “Don’t tell me you would rather stay here and indulge in the celebrations?”
The glint in her eyes told him everything. Perhaps he hadn’t been as subtle as he’d thought; perhaps there was a sense of punishment beneath her toying, a way for her to assert power over him in whatever capacity she could. She knew he thought of home, and perhaps thought this her chance to wring the information from him.
He would not allow it.
“Not at all, my lady,” he said smoothly, gesturing with a hand to the hallway that led to her chambers. “It would be my pleasure to accompany you.”
Hours later, when Amarantha had decided she was done with him for the night, he at last returned to his own personal chambers, entirely drained and greeting the all-too-familiar hollowness in his chest as if it were an old friend.
Even this, the only place in this gods-forsaken mountain where he might have been granted any privacy, did not feel like a space of rest or sanctuary. Certainly, it was likely one of the more luxurious rooms here — Amarantha did love her toys to live in style, it seemed — but it lacked any warmth. What did it matter, ultimately, how comfortable his living space was, if it had been so long since he’d even felt the wind against his face?
He sat at the edge of his own bed, elbows propped on his bare knees, very deliberately not looking at the tattoos he knew he would find there. Instead, his gaze remained honed on the flickering embers of the dying fire in the hearth, as if they held some answer within to some secret question, some hidden problem over which he’d been puzzling forever. But they provided nothing, only danced briefly before threatening to fizzle out entirely. 
Even the flames seemed to retreat from the darkness and cold here, it seemed.
He saw it then.
Or, rather, he supposed a more accurate way of describing it was that the images flashed through his mind, sudden and blurry and confusing. As if they’d been quite rudely dropped there by some passing, mischievous breeze — as a matter of fact, he could very nearly hear the tinkling, whispered edges of some unfamiliar, husky laugh on the other side of it.
He’d never heard it before, that laugh. That voice.
But if he closed his eyes in that instant, it was as if he were actually standing there. Viewing somewhere completely different, somewhere far beyond the reaches of this mountain, through an unknown, hazy veil.
It was a meadow. Silent, buried in piles of glittering white snow, icicles hanging off bare, twisted branches. The forest didn’t stir. It simply held its breath, as if watching. As if it were indeed waiting for him to arrive, to see who lingered here for him.
And before he could study the details of the scene before him for too long, he saw another flash — the briefest flicker of an image, of pale hands with chipped fingernails digging into frost-covered bark, the grunting noises of someone pulling their entire body weight up. Someone — a woman. Hauling herself up into the branches of a tree like they were a cradle, as indifferently as if she did this every day, as if swinging herself through treetops were a completely ordinary activity.
There was an endless silence, and he forgot his bedroom Under the Mountain, forgot the evening he’d spent pretending he hadn’t wanted to kill Amarantha right where she’d lain in bed, forgot everything except those visions of falling snow and a peaceful meadow on a side of the world he might never see.
Who are you? He wanted to say, but there was nothing there, no mind for him to look into, or perhaps that haze was blocking his way in.
Perhaps he’d simply finally cracked, and after all these years spent locked in darkness and confined to the ground, had started seeing things, imagining snow-covered fields that weren’t truly there.
But no — there was her voice again, and he couldn’t see her face, but somehow he knew, knew with such a bone-deep certainty that it frightened him, that this — she — was real.
“. . . if there are any faeries out here following me about,” she was saying, and her voice was full of sardonic, self-effacing humor, so much that he found himself smiling without even thinking about it, “. . .it’s my birthday.”
And there, before he could stop it, were tears stinging the backs of his eyes, falling in clean lines down his face. He wasn’t sure where they came from, nor did he know entirely why something in his gut seemed to twist within him at the sound of her voice. He could only hold close to the knowledge that she was truly out there somewhere, this strange girl, that she had shown him just one beautiful thing left in the world on a night where he’d sorely needed it. 
She had shown him a clearing sparkling with snow — shown him that the world still existed beyond the stone, that there was still sunlight and fresh air and . . . and a beautiful world for the people he cared about to enjoy, as long as he kept trying to keep them safe.
So he spooled into whatever void might be listening to him, whatever force beyond his understanding that might possibly allow him to give a response. And he sent the girl an image of his own, bright and clear at the forefront of his memory.
The night sky above Velaris on the night of the Solstice, dappled with stars over the winding Sidra. The night sky, for the girl whose birthday was the longest night of the year.
And into the darkness, with his eyes closed as if to preserve the image for her, the High Lord of the Night Court whispered:
“Happy birthday.”
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velvetwarfare · 9 months
while my fever lowered a bit I wanna talk about the differences between my bb girls long post ahead
I differentiate them by both icon border and by referring the default to Betty whereas COS is Bethanne ✨
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- A humanoid strand of vampirism. She was willingly turned by an ancient vampire in an effort to save the Leathe townsfolk better, growing tired of her squishy, mortal body and watching her family constantly die around her.
- LARP based. More crack shit friendly. Lighter themes.
- Stats ✨
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- Shavali (homebrewed version of Vistani). Slavic-Romanian. Speaks mainly Russian.
- Victorian gothic aesthetic. Feminine lean. Can dress androgynous, prefers dresses and makeup more. Very elegant and fanciful, likes to douse herself in jewelry and wine to feel more uppity (PTSD from her past).
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- Her backstory consists of formerly being a bard in Al’Hazir, practicing jests and crude humor only to earn extra coin rather than produce her own content due to the rich despising how light hearted it was. Because of her poverty and lack of home as well as family, and due to her intense desire to survive no matter the odds, she unwillingly changed her entire persona to fit her boss’ needs. Eventually, she went mad with how many times she had to strain and break her true self in order to just live, and came across the last performance for Deity’s Eclipse (Halloween). Seeing that the richer folks could afford prosthetics and costumes, Betty was only left with a dingy vampire cloak and begging for any sort of fangs. Being denied and told if she fucked up her performance in front of the neighboring city’s higher ups, she’d be cast outside to die in the winter, Betty resorted to shaving her canines into fangs herself with only a nail filer. This proved to be foreshadowing for when she became a true vampire — nobody telling the difference due to her canines having already been shaped to be fangs.
- Melancholic, pessimistic, has an awful view on humanity. Covers it all up with crude humor as a defense mechanism. Severe BPD. Doesn’t know how to take shit seriously because she has been masking for literal decades. Secretly VERY empathetic and gets attached easily from loneliness. Mentally incapable of not being a downright bitch with sharp sarcasm 90% of the time (ingrained defense mechanism). Wants her own children but can’t biologically create one as an undead so she’ll just adopt any fucking person she deems worthy LOL. Pansexual, no lean. Likes to sleep around. Does not give a shit about social normality.
- The Forgotten Realms brought out her serious side though — blood magic and becoming a sort of general and all to a bunch of Skaven. She’s very much used to violence and death due to this. Doesn’t bat an eye at bloodshed. Isn’t opposed to it either. Just don’t ruin her carpet or attire.
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- H.arley Quinn, H.ormone Monstress, and S.pinel coded.
- Noel’s Lament as a theme song. Memory by Cats is her human theme.
- Easy to ship with. Easy to interact with. Very laid back and flexible.
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- An unwillingly turned vampire spawn with a heavy strand of animalistic Nosferatu (beast-like spawns turned from a beast of a vampire lord, the most severe and fatal out of all the covens. usually, people don’t last long as this version of undead due to how it wrecks the body and mind. those who live are absolute killing machines.) . Lived in a very healthy vardo and settlement before they were slaughtered by her vampire lord.
- DnD (Curse of Strahd) based. Dark themes present. Both controversial and touchy subjects. A grim turn on the default Betty.
- Vistani and highly spiritual, doesn’t care for the Gods (they both share that tbh). Speaks in Patterna and Romanian. Has Celtic traditions. Was never a city folk, she has 0 idea how to socialize with people, was raised off the grid.
- Stats and bio ✨
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- Very androgynous. Muscled as fuck. (see s.triga or k.arlach) Literally just wanted to be a pretty princess before her body got disfigured and cursed as all hell. Extremely insecure over her appearance due to the looks she always gets from people (unwillingly intimidating). Barbaric and vintage vampire aesthetic. War paint. Envies other vampires for looking more normal and humanoid. Her wild shape is corrupted as well — to be a giant bat beast just like her vampire lord. Dreads how monstrous she is, just wants someone to find her pretty again.
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- Bethanne grew up in a decently small sized vardo and settlement before being turned. Mama Andreá, a small elderly woman, was a psychic who ran a traveling business where she would read fortunes and read people’s souls. Catarina was her elder sister who taught her how to read nature and defend herself in the dark forests. Florin was her younger brother, who she mainly raised when Andreá fell ill. They all made up who she still is today — and without such humane love, Beth would have fell complete victim to the fatal strand and turned fully into a beast. Any souls that Noctus takes will never rest in peace due to his curse — and Bethanne is prophesied to be the one to behead him and set all the souls free due to escaping from his grasp and actively fighting the strand that’s always trying to corrupt her body.
- Pessimistic tendencies, but tries to stay optimistic for the sake of her party and hope to lay her family to rest by killing Noctus (her vampire lord). Any modern reference goes right over her head. Any social aspect goes right over her head. She is so fucking confused by society, I swear to god. You’re going to have to teach her everything normal. She knows how to read and write though, she loves to write poetry to vent. Excellent crafter, made all the toys for her vardo. Excellent at weaponry and archery. Knows tarokka. Was given a deck by Cassandra (Strahd in disguise as a Vistani woman, but no one knew it was her at the moment) as well (on request, but she already knows how to use it due to Mama Andreá having been a literal psychic who dealt with fortunes and divinity.) Humanity treats her like shit out of fear due to all the undead attacks, but she still loves humanity and continues to protect them despite her reluctance to. Highly and openly empathetic but has sarcastic tendencies. Usually pretty stern and serious, exhausted 25/8. Literally dreads her own existence because of how tiring it is to live with the curse and constant death around her. Everyone she’s loved so far has fucking died so she firmly believes her existence is a curse in itself that causes anyone who gets close to ultimately die. Is petrified to love. Wants to be loved so bad it’s ridiculous.
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- When I fucking tell you she is HELLBENT on the hero complex. Not only was she forcibly turned, forced to leave her vardo at the City of Judgement, got this heavy ass prophecy shoved into her arms, and gets the nastiest backlash from the living just for existing as a vampire spawn, and having everyone she loves die around her, she believes that saving her loved ones and setting the souls free will be enough proof that she’s fucking worth something other than misery and failure. It’s not going well LOL this is COS everything goes wrong. She protected her first love interest until the very end until he caught feelings for her then got straight up kidnapped by one of the main antagonists — where he’s been actively tortured and experimented on slowly in an unknown location. She just found out about Cassandra and her true identity and is about to beat her ass silly for forgetting her Vistani ties but then she’ll try to save her ass too. It’s even worse because Vistani are so built on this foundation of acceptance and love and these two were originally two innocent Vistani women who may have even known each other in the past before getting entirely DESTROYED by vampirism and status. They both have the WORST mental health and PTSD too rest in pieces holy shit
- Hates violence but will instigate it over a short temper. Jokes about needless violence just to be a cunt with her weirdly dry sense of humor. Verbally harsh as hell and dangerously outspoken. Her intimidation comes from both her tongue and appearance. Has made a kid shit his pants before, and that was actually unintentionally JGHFHCVCH ,, has told a God and a devil to go fuck themselves, regrettably told Cassandra on their first meeting to fuck off because she was in a real shit mood at the time and Cass was joking about the fates not telling her if Beth would be tall or short (she’s 3 inches taller than Beth and Beth apologized later on and said she’s a train wreck to which Cass just stares at her and asked if the only reason she wanted to speak to her was to say she’s a train wreck and followed it up w it’s obvious you’re a train wreck and Beth just dead panned and asked her if she’s always such a cunt I fucking LOVE them LMAO) , has threatened an ENTIRE FUCKING AREA OF ROYAL GUARDS with her axe because one of them was being racist and threatened her party’s safety, threatened Ireena’s fucking brother too because he was just as bad as the guards and she HATES authority. Vaguely threatened the council of Ravenloft for corrupting Cass in conversation only. probably will threaten them in person honestly, especially if it’s just a group of pompous dudes. she hate hate HATES men in power — and so does Cass LMAO these two are going to be HORRIFIC
- Low key C.armilla coded, M.erida, K.arlach, A.lucard, and E.da coded.
- All the Saints of Notre Dame theme. The entire Brave soundtrack. Any Celtic or Viking song. Skål by Fuimadane.
- Not that hard to ship with, she’s just heavy baggage and looks like a monster for the most part so not many people cared to ship w her.
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Sooo Lavinia? Thoughts? And if you could, is there anything you'd change about how they handled her character?
Ooh. Hm. Alright, full transparency, not the biggest Lavinia fan. And it's a shame really, because her route and her character did have a lot of great potential to it. My main issues were how the general plot with the flower charm felt recycled from Ezra's route (not the writer's fault, it likely wasn't planned for her to have a route at the time it was written), but it still felt kind of cheap. Also wasn't a fan of the way the lore and underlying plot of the series was glossed over. Yes, I'm aware that the purpose of Lovestruck was romance first, but when the rest of the routes focus a lot on the plot, having one that doesn't really makes it stand out in all the wrong ways. That and the way Lavinia was characterized left a lot to be desired. As an immortal powerful queen, you'd expect her personality to reflect that. However, throughout the route, she felt more like a whiny teenager going through a rebellious phase. Which sucks because again, she had so much potential. Still, I mean no disrespect towards Lavinia fans, she's clearly very popular so maybe it's just an us thing. But I'd much rather read Ezra's route, and I'm saying that as a lesbian lol
I can appreciate how positioning a "villainous" character like Lavinia as a love interest helps us see the main cast from an opposing point of view, to showcase their flaws and a contrasting side to them, likely poising to make a statement on morality. It often was very entertaining to see everyone butt heads! I was really curious to see how she would have grown from villainous to perhaps virtuous, so I'm disappointed we'll never know now.
I have to agree with Lightkeeper in that a lot of Lavinia's route seems to borrow from Ezra's. Their relationship dynamics certainly resemble each other. Both began adversarial and argumentative, and through those arguments the LI warmed up once FMC earned their respect. Though Lavinia's feelings for FMC shift from respect into devotion when FMC proves she's a rare individual who extends her compassion and benefit of the doubt, and even faith in her ability to become a better person. EAA's overall theme of the transformative power of love rears its beautiful head once again. (At least, I hope I'm remembering their dynamic correctly.) Maybe upon closer reading, and a long overdue reread, of both routes, I'll be able to better appreciate the differences between Ezra's and Lavinia's romances.
Taken by itself, Lavinia's characterization was fun, as your sort of archetypal delinquent/bad girl hiding heartbreak this time with a fairytale twist, but it was sadly that—just sort of archetypal. Considering she's a centuries-old entity with fairy blood lacking a piece of her heart, I think it would've been really cool to see that reflect in the way she relates to and is seen by humans. Ethereal, whimsical, dangerous? Creepy and unsettling, imposing and mysterious and utterly alien. A force of nature rather than a petulant, brooding rebel without a cause. Anything to justify her fearsome reputation and the main cast's prejudice against her? (Unless that was based off nothing but hearsay, as it was with Ezra, which could have been the entire point! but that would undermine the theme of her story as outlined by her route summary)
Put simply, I wanted to see her character concept taken further, particularly her fae heritage, which would have made the route more fun for me in a few ways. This would have 1) more heavily foreshadowed the Titania twist and made the reveal more satisfying; 2) raised questions about nature vs nurture (after all, what is Lavinia's major?); 3) distinguished it more from Ezra's story, which is about a fundamentally good person whose reputation is smeared by a third party, and made it about someone whose bad reputation is deserved and who must earn her redemption; and 4) allowed us to witness a struggle to reconcile who Lavinia initially is with the image (FMC's image?) of an ideal partner, and from that starting point, watch her become that more suitable partner.
But this is a university setting, and a fluffy romance story. If molding the Ice Queen into a figure you'd be more likely to meet at university was the goal, then I would've liked to see some clearer justification for or exploration of why she's this emotionally stunted for an ancient queen. Something to do with her missing heart shard? Maybe that was coming down the pipe. Again, we'll never know.
Overall, I wasn't terribly fond, since I do have pretty specific tastes and I readily admit that I have my own strong biases. I'm sorry to disappoint anyone looking for a more wholly positive viewpoint! But I'm glad there are people who do love her.
– Pathfinder
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ablupen · 2 years
Thoughts about Arcana Twilight
So, I've had Arcana Twilight downloaded on my phone for about maybe a month now, and I finished the current floors about maybe four days ago, so I just want to share my progress and my thoughts ^^
Firstly, my cards:
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I spent a lot of coins on levelling and gems on buying amplifier stones for the last three chapters lol. The gems really carried me through everything XD
These my current affection levels:
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Funnily enough, my favorite characters are actually Vega and Alpheratz, but alas, it's expensive to level up and I got the Spica card before the Alphie one. Now that I'm finished with the current story though, I'll be grinding more on Twilight mode.
Speaking of the characters, these were my initial opinions on the game itself and the characters:
The game itself: I played this game after finding out about Obey Me. Funnily enough, the Play Store actually recommended me THIS game first, probably because I like fantasy stuff and AT happens to be kinda high fantasy. However, I saw some reviews about some bugs and I wasn't entirely sure about playing it yet, so I played Obey Me first after seeing someone talk about how it was "a mix between Obey Me and Mystic Messenger" (which, I'll also talk about at some point because they're really cool) and enjoyed that, so I finally downloaded this one.
Mmkay that was a lot of exposition but not a lot of thoughts. So, I didn't find those bugs the reviews were talking about, which made me happy. It was uncanny at first how similar the appearance and stuff were to Obey Me at first, but I got over it pretty quickly. I enjoyed it beginning to end :)
Arcky: bean. looks like sunshine, is sunshine.
Spica: Serious, but in a nice way. I like this dude. Kinda looks like Kartein from Eleceed on Webtoon ngl. He must need lots of coffee in this school lol.
Alphie: I like his voice tbh. He's pretty nice, I think. Lmao he kinda made me wanna know what other Tharavals are like if he's the opposite.
Poll: Omg he's like a Chihuahua. Also, heterochromia? Looks cool!
Sirius: Sus. Just one line and he's already suspicious. The two signs of suspicion: 1. Openly talkative or friendly 2. Not really around. I LEARNED THIS FROM BELPHIE YOU CAN'T FOOL ME. But since I forgive easily and I wanna make as much allies as possible, I'll tolerate it. Cool eyes.
Vega: W h o a buddy- you look really cool but put the sword down. Something's up with him tho for sure.
And then, these are my final thoughts:
the game: Really good! Love the aesthetic, everything works, and things can be earned back easily. Gacha is wack, but tolerable. Can't wait for the next floors and I'm starving for AT content qwq
Arcky: Still a bean!! He's so optimistic but he really needs to stop overworking himself twt. I wonder who made him forget us.
Spica: He can actually be pretty sweet sometimes. In terms of story choices, I do usually tend to go to "wtf is this?" And he usually agrees in more elegant terms XD.
Alphie: Let the man sleep lol. Also his relationship with Schedar is so funny lol. Also the fact he went to the meeting room just to intercept him lmao. And the fact he deleted us from Schedar's contact lmao. 2nd favorite character, I loved resting in a tree with him. I want him to be ok.
Poll: Bean no :( I feel so bad for him at the end when Alphie became unconscious. Also the fact he fired first :(
Sirius: Sirius, are you frocking serious?? I expected something but I- ugh. Fine. I'll help clean after this mess. That twist and foreshadowing better be good.
Vega: *inhale* awww! Dude he actually shows a lot of affection compared to other characters in the later floors 🥺. And the fact he used to be our childhood friend??? 🥺. He's such a sweetheart I love himmm 🥺. Favorite character, and there's a reason my AT OC has part of her hair dyed white. Dw Vega I'm not leaving you again
So... ending thoughts.
Tips for Ppl trying to complete?
Buy Four Season amplifier stones
Grind in Twilight levels
3 star everything in a floor for more gems. Go backwards if you need to
Try not to use your gems for scouting
Level up cards as much as you can and also complete as much of their Milky Way as possible
Quick clear boss levels a bunch to advance to the next floor. Also use gems to refill energy if you don't feel like waiting. You'll get a ton of material like this, especially coins.
... actually that all sounds really standard and I got kinda lucky with 2 SSR cards. Welp.
Thanks for reading all this if you read all the way! I'll probably talk some more about AT and OM bc they're fun ^^
Might also write fics and headcanons or whatnot
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retphienix · 1 year
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I beat the main plot (to my understanding there's still like 4 "main" quests to wrap up what the dragon foreshadows, which I'm doin', but the wiki still outlines things like the dragon is the Main Plot) and I WANT to talk about how cool the cutscene was showing the consequences of us defeating the dragon, or finding out another layer of why this game is so "replay / NG+" heavy because defeating the dragon Dragon Forges all your equipped gear which is sick!
But instead I have to admit this entire quest was hilarious to me because this, right here, the end of the main plot, was when I found out the game was keeping tally for a romance companion the entire game lmao
I have done absolutely nothing to romance anyone. Not once.
Apparently the "main" people the game wants you to mark as your beloved are all the characters with questlines and finishing those questlines maxes your affinity- so it's intended to naturally happen.
But uh.
Wasn't how I played lol
I would have guessed Quina would have gotten the spot since I did a lot of her quests and she started the game alongside you.
But apparently I didn't do all her stuff or maxed two people and the game put her lower on the list because I ALSO did a lot of quests for this shmuck because his quests were simple and he's a simple-ton so I figured he could use the help.
He won. Apparently.
I just thought it was really funny because the last thing I did with him was send him off likely to his death at sea after saving his worthless ass like 13 times in other quests.
Apparently the dragon went "Look, man, you clearly have feelings for him" to which I went "Uh.... No?" and the game said "Yeah you do" so I got a post-dragon scene of him pushing me down to make out as if he earned that in the slightest.
It's just funny because there was like, negative chemistry in my opinion. The only "romance-adjacent" scene was the finale of his quests where we drank some wine and I listened to him talk about his interests while I felt my eyes glaze over. I guess he earned the spot according to people other than my protag and me lmao
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
There’s something I’ve talked about before, that clearly shows in Phil’s pov: the title. Or more, the lack there of. As I said, I’ve talked about them being on different wavelengths with the lack of titles. But having an interaction side by side really shows it off.
Phil starts out the conversation without title as usual. This is his justification: [He made it a point to not use the title of ‘prince’ on the boy anymore. It wasn’t necessary. They both knew the game they were playing. Phil had always thought those formalities were fucking stupid anyway.] Phil then proceeds to delight in the progress he’s making because Wilbur doesn't even nod in greeting.
Meanwhile, from Wilbur’s pov: [No title. Just Orpheus. Again, all pretences of respect had disappeared.]. It’s clear they have a very different idea of what the title represents. To Wilbur it’s respect. It’s the one thing he has to keep him thedered to Eldingvegr. The lack of title means that Phil doesn’t respect him, just like everyone else. Meanwhile, Phil sees the title as a roadblock. It’s something that stands in the way of achieving his goal: getting closed to Wilbur and becoming his mentor. He doesn't need to use the title to show he respects Wilbur, because he knows he does.
He claims both of them know the game. He thinks Wilbur is aware that removing the titles puts them on common ground. It’s the same with the formalities and the etiquette. He thinks he’s making progress by getting Wilbur to drop it because Wilbur is just rising to the challenge and disrespect he thinks he’s getting. There’s still progress, Wilbur knows he doesn’t have to hold his tongue. And Phil quite likes it when he doesn't. But it’s a big miscommunication. If I remember Phil does catch it and know not to push to the personal name. Or he wanted to earn it, I can’t remember.
Also, while I’m reading over the Themis bit, there’s some nice foreshadowing for Themis not giving a damn and that entire phone call. Phil was planning to get permission go yoink one of there princes as a protegé, but then it was clear Themis cared and he joined him as a little more than that. His whole, it’s better to ask for forgiveness then permission mentality is interesting too. 1. Because he’s smart enough not to apply it to Themis (which shows how big of a threat they are) and 2. Because that’s exactly what Wilbur does when using his Voice on Jack.
Side note: [This game was no fun if the other player was too afraid to make any illegal moves.] I wonder if he still thinks illegal moves are fun when Wilbur pulls the entirety of chapter 26. Tbfm he was pretty proud, but also stressed as hell.
i LOVED contrasting phil's idea with the titles to wilbur's. that's one of the reasons why I never wanted to switch to a different pov in stars itself, because it would be extremely obvious that wilbur's suspicions about phil's motivations were a bit off. it changes the tone. to phil, this is a mind game yes, but it's one he thinks they're both aware of. even though they're not on even ground, it feels a bit more even at least if both players know what's going on.
wilbur doesn't know this though. not like phil assumes he does. he thinks the lack of a title is a sign of disrespect, when it actually isn't. he thinks it's a power move, when phil thinks of it in an almost opposite way. this pov switch really shows off how unreliable aspects of wilbur's narration is.
themis is a huge threat. I always felt like I wasn't able to convey that super well in wilbur's pov, because while wilbur understands the threat themis holds, they're never a threat to eldingvegr because they don't want to lose access to blaziphane. sure, they don't give a shit about tommy and wilbur specifically, but the real danger of themis always came from the threat they hold over other planets. because when you have an army of people who can control others with a few simple words, war is childs play. no one wins a war against themis. even phil won't fuck with that.
(the bit about phil and wilbur both having the mindset of it's better to ask forgiveness than permission was certainly an unintentional parallel, but I'm thrilled about it nonetheless)
oh yeah phil definitely got what he asked for with chapter 26 lol. he was so proud of wilbur but he also wanted to strangle him. damn kids.
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warriorcatsamino · 2 years
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October may now be over but that doesn’t mean that the spookiness of the season has to be over yet! Throughout the entire month of October, The Warriors Amino shared in the festivities of Halloween with trick-or-treating events, contests and raffles. The creative clans of this amino also took part by assigning more spooky fall-based prompts for weeklies, biweeklies and monthlies. For those unfamiliar, the creative clans on amino are a community of individuals who share a common interest, whether it be artwork, writing, arts & crafts or even cooking! These individuals every few weeks or months are required to make a post with their original work based on a prompt given by the people in charge of the clan. The piece depicted above, illustrated by @pilvikaupunki, was created for one of these clans, Alterclan! Alterclan, according to their official wiki on amino, is a clan “all about asking the question "What if?"”. The members & leadership team take scenarios and major choices from the books, and create art, stories, or theories about what would happen if the characters had chosen the other option, or if the story had gotten a different outcome. The clan basically uses the butterfly effect to analyze Warriors. The butterfly effect being the idea that a simple event leads to more events that creates a story or plot line. 
The prompt for the month was October was “What if medicine cats were given the power to see how cats in their own clan would die?” @pilvikaupunki mentions in their post that they were listening to the song ‘Let you Down’ by Cyberpunk Edgerunners while working on this piece. Lyrics like “Sorry I let you down” served as inspiration for them when creating. The idea of medicine cats bring death prophets is nothing new in Warrior cats. Almost all medicine cats have seen visions of future events, and some have even seen visions predicting deaths. For instance, in the New Prophecy, Leafpool receives the “Blood will spill blood” prophecy which foretold Hawkfrost’s death at the paws of Brambleclaw. Likewise in the Power of Three & Omen of the Stars, Jayfeather experienced Fallen Leaves’ death first hand. He also had a vision of the cats closest to him dying when he wanted to remain in the past with Half Moon. Probably the two most notable examples of these death visions in seen in the Broken Code arc and newest arc, A Starless Clan. ⚠️ Be mindful that ahead is spoilers for both arcs, if you do not want to be spoiled then please stop reading. ⚠️
Just for some background, Frostpaw is the medicine cat apprentice under Mothwing who serves as a POV in A Starless Clan. In the first book of a Starless Clan, It is revealed that Frostpaw earned her rank of medicine cat apprentice due to a vision she received. This vision was of her father Jayclaw leaving her in camp by herself. This is significant because shortly after it was revealed that Jayclaw had passed away. The book never explains how he died but this scene gives evidence to a theory many fans have started to consider about Frostpaw. This theory is yet again supported later in River, when Frostpaw has a vision determining Curlfeather as the next leader of Riverclan. During the journey to take her mother to the moonpool to receive her name and lives, they are attacked by dogs who end up killing Curlfeather. Many fans interprets Frostpaw’s leader vision as foreshadowing Curlfeather’s death. If this assumption is correct, that would mean Frostpaw saw visions about two deaths that occurred. However, this connection could be seen as reaching as Frostpaw didn’t see (in her vision) or expect that her parents were going to die. Hopefully with the next book of A Starless Clan, Sky, some of mystery behind her visions will be revealed and fans can finally confirm or refute this theory. 
On the other hand, there is a cat whose visions are more obviously about death. Coming from the Broken Code arc, this character is actually depicted in the piece above. I’m talking about the one and only Shadowsight! Again for context, Shadowsight is a current medicine cat of Shadowclan, Puddleshine’s apprentice. His parents are Tiger(heart)star & Dovewing, making him the product of a half-clan relationship. Shadowsight’s siblings include Lightleap & Pouncestep along with Birchkit & Rowankit. Shadowsight, at a very young age, experienced violent seizures that would cause visions, usually of what was to happen in the future. His most notable vision as a kit told him to run out into a flood so the clans had to work together to save him. Later as a medicine cat apprentice he hears a voice that he interprets as Starclan. The voice (Ashfur) tells him how to heal the ill Thunderclan leader Bramblestar and Shadowpaw follows orders. This leads to Bramblestar’s death and Ashfur’s possession of his body. At the end of the arc, it’s revealed that Shadowsight’s visions never did come from Starclan. All the visions he has received in his life came from Ashfur which means seeing the future was all Ashfur’s doing. So, in a technical sense, Shadowsight isn’t really a death prophet but he did somewhat predict the death of Bramblestar without meaning too. 
Honestly I think that Shadowsight would probably suffer a lot if he had this power, I feel like all medicine cats would. But I want to know what YOU think. Do you think this would be a beneficial power for medicine cats? Or do you think this ability would make it difficult for them to do their job? What other power do you think would be interesting to see in Warriors? Do you think Warriors should have powers at all? Leave all your thoughts, opinions and feedback in the comments below. Me and the rest of the team always loves to hear what the community has to say. Wait! Before you scroll past, Did you like this artwork? Did the style speak to you? If you answered yes to any of these questions then I highly recommend checking on the original piece on amino and leaving a like. Directly supporting the artist with likes and follows greatly benefits this account. It encourages more creators to allow the team to post their work. Are you interested in seeing more Warriors based content? Join the Warriors Amino where we have an active community who posts daily about these battle cats.
Original Post linked here.
Original Artist linked here.
~ 🍵🥔
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lastofusfan13 · 11 months
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My Theory For The Series (Season 2 TLOU2):
I consider this as foreshadowing of the past so let me explain this.
As I played through again to finally earn my Platinum Award I noticed something big.
So when The Aquarium is found in The Last Of Us Part ll looking into the past, Owen and Abby find paintings of children that used to live there on the walls. They find a castle made out of a box that Max created (the boy who used to live there with his family). Owen makes a comment to Abby, "I'd love to meet this kid". And Abby says, "I mean he's a scar. Maybe you have". And Owen replies with, "Ah Jesus I sure hope not".
If you noticed before this game play while playing as Abby now in the future on your journey with Mel, Alice, and Manny (boat repair yard) you begin to enter a building with Manny by climbing the roof. Before that while exploring the boat repair yard comments are made such as this:
Manny: "We let our guard down and they strung up an entire squad". (Referring to the Scars taking out some Wolves).
Mel: "That was in retaliation to us shooting those kids". (Referring to killing Scars).
Manny: "Okay...but those KIDS attacked our guys. What would you do?".
Mel: "I don't know? But not riddle them with bullets".
Manny says he would rather save his people as to which Mel says they are only kids. And Abby says those deaths are on them.
WHAT IF.....the kids they are referring to are actually Max and his brother who left the Aquarium to join the Scars?!
This is just my theory but does anyone else think this is possible?
Abby and Owen wouldn't have known what Max and his brother looked like. If the kids attacked the Wolves they were dealt with by the group right away with no conversation between the two groups. Do you think the Series might explore this idea?
Honestly I think that it could be a major possibility given the fact that there is a lot of rivalry between the Wolves and Scars so they could have came across one another at some point. Maybe even at this point.
Also, maybe there's a possibility they are still alive and we will meet them in the Season 2?
What are your thoughts on this?
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Muhammad Ali – Man, Athlete, and Humanitarian
While the name Muhammad Ali may be synonymous with strength, speed, resilience, and every adjective that defines athletic greatness, the person behind the name based his life on three pillars of integrity that transcended boxing and ultimately became his legacy: Muhammad Ali the MAN, Muhammad Ali the ATHLETE and Muhammad Ali the HUMANITARIAN. Muhammad Ali embraced each of these titles from the onset of his career, proving time and again that greatness comes from within.
Muhammad Ali’s 6 Core Principles, Confidence, Conviction, Dedication, Giving, Spirituality and Respect, were not only the doctrines by which he lived his own life but the ideologies that influenced thousands of others to become better. By living these principles day in and day out, he proved to the world that fighting for his livelihood and fighting for humanity were not mutually exclusive ideals.
Muhammad Ali the MAN was born Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. on January 17, 1942, in Louisville, Kentucky. Amidst the struggles of a still segregated south, he began boxing at age twelve and quickly advanced to Olympic Gold status during the 1960 Games in Rome before the age of twenty. But beneath his rugged boxer exterior was a prolific poet who would coin lyrical phrases that have become synonymous with his name. “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. The hands can’t hit what the eyes can’t see,” is just one small example of his poetic prose at the ripe age of twenty-two, referring to how he would approach his quest for World Heavyweight Champion against Sonny Liston. When he won, the upset clinched his rapid rise to greatness. But his foundation stayed rooted in spirituality and respect. Shortly after he earned the championship title, he changed his name from Cassius Clay to Muhammad Ali. The new name, meaning Beloved of God, was bestowed upon him by his spiritual mentor and remained with him in perpetuity.
“It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.”
Muhammad Ali the ATHLETE emerged as a force both inside and outside of the ring. Carrying with him his core beliefs of confidence and conviction, he quickly rose to the top, making history as the first fighter to hold three World Heavyweight Champion titles. Legendary fights, such as the 1974 “Rumble in the Jungle” vs. George Foreman and the “Thrilla in Manila” vs. Smokin’ Joe Frazier one year later, became etched in the minds of fans and followers for generations to come.
There was no shortage of accolades and awards during his accomplished career, among them the 1970 Dr. Martin Luther King Memorial Award, 1974 Sports Illustrated Sportsman of the Year, 1990 induction into the International Boxing Hall of Fame and his 2005 Presidential Medal of Freedom. But perhaps one of his most memorable and momentous honors was lighting the Olympic Torch in Atlanta in 1996. As he became more and more decorated, blazing boxing trails for years to come, his ideals separated him from the pack. And as his celebrity and success grew, so too did his conviction as he so eloquently articulated: “It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.”
Born from these steadfast ideals was Muhammad Ali the HUMANITARIAN. His fight for global, economic, and racial equality flanked his hours inside the ring. Muhammad Ali’s civil rights activism in the 1960’s procured an entirely new following that he fully embraced. He fought for black equality at the height of resistance, a foreshadowing of today’s Black Lives Matter movement. His core beliefs of dedication and giving translated into a personal mission for equality, both domestically and internationally. Even before he won his first heavyweight title, he donated proceeds from his fights to help those in need and continued to donate millions to charities worldwide throughout his life. He traveled the world promoting this message of equal rights through global goodwill missions, from Afghanistan to North Korea. He provided one-million dollars in medical aid to Cuba and had a hand in releasing fifteen American hostages in Iraq during the first Gulf War.
Aside from his mission to help heal the world, he travelled the globe to embrace and acknowledge different cultures and religions. His legacy of promoting world peace and diversity continues today through the Muhammad Ali Humanitarian awards at the Muhammad Ali Center in Louisville, which celebrate global humanitarian efforts.
The many sides of Muhammad Ali were born from humble beginnings and evolved into a world stage that he utilized to promote messages of respect, hope and understanding. His inspiration to adults and aspiring athletes around the world was unparalleled. Even as he battled Parkinson’s Disease for thirty plus years, it did not define him as he continued to spread his message of inclusivity and defying limitations. He died in 2016 at the age of seventy-four from complications due to Parkinson’s Disease, but his spirit is alive and well at the Muhammad Ali Center in Louisville, Kentucky and soon at the Muhammad Ali Experience in Los Angeles. The Experience will allow guests to step into the legend’s shoes and experience his many layers of greatness: Muhammad Ali the Man, Muhammad Ali the Athlete and Muhammad Ali the Humanitarian.
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