#though as of right now i still think i prefer adventure 1
thecoolertails · 2 years
oh yeah also sonic frontiers is fun 👍 excited to see how they improve upon these ideas in the future
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pickingupmymercedes · 6 months
Hi! I love your account. Sm. Like a lot. Would you be interested in writing something for lewis where he casually mentions in his gq interview that he has a longtime gf or wife. Or he recalls a memory of them introducing roscoe to her dog or cat?
Thank you so so much for the ask bestie! I drabbled something short, hope you like it ❤️.
PS: I'm still not over that interview btw, he's such a complex person and I'm so glad he's letting us see this side to him (a LVFH type of thing is something only someone like him could pull it off)
Lewis Hamilton’s drive to continually innovate and push the boundaries of his sport stems from a dual motivation. Firstly, he is determined to challenge and break the often conservative and traditional norms of Formula 1. Secondly, he is laying the groundwork for the latter part of his own illustrious career.
“I went through this phase of understanding that I can’t race forever,” he says, prompting him to cultivate those other passions. “Because when I stop, I’m gonna drop the mic and be happy.” “The difficult thing is I want to do everything,” he says, laughing. “I’m very ambitious. But I understand that you can’t do���actually, I take that back because I don’t believe in the word can’t. To be a master at something, there’s the 10,000 hours it takes. Obviously, I’ve done that in racing. There’s not enough time to master all of these different things.”
As our conversation progresses, Hamilton discloses that he has a kindred spirit who shares his compulsion to explore a myriad of interests. “I’m fortunate to have someone in my life who encourages me to embrace my spontaneous ideas and give them a shot. She might even be more adventurous than I am,” he chuckles. “She’s a bit of a jack-of-all-trades, and always so sure that you can dive into anything and learn as you go.” His eyes light up with admiration and affection as he speaks of her daring spirit.
The usually private Hamilton, who has been discreet about his long-term relationship, contrasts their differing approaches to life. “I need some more time to think things and really plan out how I want them to go. But she’s a jump now, ask later, so she’s most times hyping me to just try it. We balance each other. Sometimes I’m the strategist, and sometimes she’s the one taking the first bite.”
As for his future plans, apart from his endeavors in fashion and film, Hamilton prefers not to rush into anything. “She still has dreams she wants to pursue, so for now, I’m happy to be her supportive sidekick whenever I can. Perhaps in the future, when we both have more time our own family might be on the horizon, but not while I’m still racing.”
He quickly corrects himself though, referring to his bulldog, Roscoe, as his son, and introduces the adorable dachshund who frequently graces Roscoe’s Instagram posts. “My partner’s parents gifted her the little sausage dog a few years ago. Introducing them was a bit tricky as Tete is quite territorial. She wasn’t fond of me at first either, so Roscoe has a head start in winning her over. But now, Baguette gets along with everyone, and we can’t imagine our lives without her.”
Eager for more personal insights, I probe for updates on his personal life. However, when his response to my inquiry is, “Time will tell, when things happen we’ll make sure to update everyone when it feels right” I gracefully pivot to our next topic of discussion.
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yusiyomogi · 2 months
this is the last time i'm gonna interact with this discourse, i promise. i just wanna tell a few things that i've been meaning to tell anyway.
yes, the larger connection you can make between elves and real world imperialism is interesting, canaries are obviously modeled after military forces of imperialistic countries. even if their goals aren't nefarious, they withhold information from local governments, ignore borders and ensure the global power of their own country. the way they deal with the threat also often disregards actual safety of local people, despite their original goals.
but when we're talking about this theme, which is important and interesting, we have to discuss other significant implications of this allegory. like, for example, people from that military force are systematically treated as completely disposable. story itself doesn't shy away from this, even their nickname "canaries" represents how ridiculously deadly their job is - they're expected to die, basically. practice of recruiting convicted criminals to the army because they are desperate and disposable is something that is actually happening in the world right now. recruiting noble kids to the army as an "honorable tradition" to ensure their loyalty and investment in country's politics is another practice that was common in real world. wealthy people are the most dangerous to their government, after all.
if we actually wanna analyze this, we need to take it seriously, not to use it to prove that some characters are "bad" because of it. kui for sure didn't do this, she specifically humanized canaries in her story and showed how participant of the system can be abused by that system (that doesn't absolve them of their wrongdoings though). just how she decided to show racism as something everyone participates in, instead of making some one-note villain characters who are racists. you can have your own feelings about it, but that's how she did it.
the other thing is, if we actually try to analyze it, we can only take it as interesting thought experiment. we can call it "reading through certain lenses". because we're still dealing with fantasy world here. functionally canaries can be seen more as international disaster response, since they don't participate in actual wars. their primary goal is to control and destroy dungeons, which can be seen as analogy to natural or technological disasters. they don't influence local politics, they don't mass murder people, they don't aim to establish their own bases on the territory of the country (at least not at the point we are in the story). so, they are an amalgamation of these two ideas rather than only one of them. we can't have a real analogy to our world, since we don't have the demon that can destroy us all just because some people have tasty desires. that's why working with allegories to real life is a limiting way of looking at the work. it's fine to do it, but it's only one way to interpret it and it's not "the only correct" way. in fact, most authors prefer when their worldbuilding is judged on its own merits.
mithrun does participate in military force voluntarily and it's an important part of his story. it's also important to analyze why he's doing it: he thinks that he's doing a good thing by enlisting to the unit, because he believes that he's the one who can change things. according to adventurer's bible, his main motivation for recovery was what happened in utaya: mithrun could see how incompetent canaries were when they were dealing with the dungeon and the demon, so his thought was literally "if only i was there...", one of the most common army movie tropes.
and he does change things, surprisingly, because we can see that he focuses on efficiency much more than any other elf. he correctly assumes that the faster they deal with the threat, the less casualties there will be. he speedruns the dungeon in 15 minutes, while utaya's investigation took 1 year before it all collapsed horribly, killing a bunch of civilians and soldiers. mithrun does it so efficiently in fact, that even kabru for a second doubts his decision to stop the canaries. mithrun believes that no secrecy is important when the world is at stake, that's why he tells kabru literally everything he knows. mithrun believes that he can change things. he is wrong though.
mithrun is wrong, because he still serves for elven government and they have not at any point demonstrated that they're interested in actually solving the problem for good (for many reasons probably, they're likely still considering that they'll need the demon's power). mithrun realized it in the end, when he decided to let laios do what he wants instead, basically giving up on his loyalty to the elves. much more obvious agent of elven imperialism in the story is flamela, because she stays loyal to the government and her queen, even when situation got desperate. mithrun also eventually left his country to live under short-lived races' rule.
so, it's kinda weird and suspicious why some people in the fandom decided to focus on mithrun as "the main agent of imperialism" when they talk about those things. yes, it's interesting to look at him from this point of view, especially if you wanna discuss how he changes through the story, but... do you really care about him as a character or are you looking for a bad guy? because i've seen both.
it's not fans' fault that they care too much about his personal character arc instead of looking at his background and role of antagonist. blame kui for it, because that's what she also decided to focus on in her story. some people just don’t wanna discuss such things, because it seems disrespectful to real life, the other believe that looking at everything in the story through allegory is limiting. i’ve seen people who mentions problematic elements, while respecting the other facets of the story that we all enjoy, and it’s amazing and i wish i could do it as gracefully.
but a lot of people noticed the tendency in this fandom to turn some characters into villains and people have right to be tired of it. the story doesn't do it, so if you don't like it... i'd advise you to look for another story, but you really can do what you want.
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zahri-melitor · 6 months
What are your hopes and fears about the upcoming DCU?
Hmmmm. This is one of those things where I'm still waiting to get a bit more direction about the next upcoming universe-wide event.
My hopes?
Well, I'd like to see DC find space in the roster for at least one (1) Aqua character to be appearing regularly in a continuing title, even if they don't spin up a new Aquaman title. It's frankly embarrassing that the only things the characters have been seen in is limited run team books, B-stories in anthologies, crossovers, and movie tie-in singles for almost two years, particularly when they just had a movie.
I want a continuation for Hawkgirl, thank you.
I want to see a main-universe Justice League book back (I don't count vs Godzilla vs Kong). It doesn't HAVE to be a JLA; it could be a JLD or a JLI (or even a JLQ though JLQ is mostly a stupid joke they haul out for Pride), I just think the current Titans run is underwhelming as the premier team book.
I want to see a teen or young-adult roster team book, to use literally any of the dozens of underused characters right now in the 14-21 bracket. I would also prefer it not to be a Lost Children book (though the likelihood of that seems to be going down, given apparently Johns is going exclusive elsewhere once the current JSA run finishes up). I also would like for the team leader on the book NOT to be a Robin.
I would really like to see Action Comics return to an A,B,C story layout that's focused on Superfam broadly, and I would like to see Detective Comics join it once Ram V's run is finished for the Batfam, if Brave and the Bold is going to continue avoiding actually using BatFAM characters. Both families support multiple titles but also at least a dozen prominent characters readers want to see each. Use that space to tell stories with them.
Blue Beetle brings Dani Garrett back and has her meet Victoria Kord and they hate each other.
Someone spins up a team that consists of Renee Montoya returning as the Question, Kate Spencer, Cameron Chase and Sasha Bordeaux. After creating the perfect Rucka-bait he comes back and writes me a maxi-series of all of these characters having adventures together, with Director Bones growling at them as Waller is currently too evil and them all largely ignoring him to thump heads together. If they really can't tempt Rucka, give it to Marc Andreyko. (I am aware this is a pipedream, but join me!)
My fears?
Harley Quinn stays on Birds of Prey
This upcoming Waller event is even more character-destroying nonsense that fails to recognise her complexity (oh I know, I'm already braced)
Tim continues to not be anchored onto at least one of the Bat books as a supporting character
Tom King stays on Wonder Woman for an extended run
Someone decides we need another Joker event
Anyone tries to push the reset button too hard in the upcoming event. Currently they've got most characters pretty stable and a lot of pre-boot revival characterisation happening. I really don't want extra multiversal shenanigans right now.
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"The world going by my window" – A Lennon-McCartney Microcosm
Or: Over-analysing the melodic and harmonic structure of one line from The Beatles' "I'm Only Sleeping" (1966) and discussing how it reflects the very essences of the musicians and people singing it.
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Preface: The following is an extremely self-indulgent deep-dive into one of my favourite moments of harmonization in musical history. It is both a relatively music theory-heavy analysis (though relevant concepts are explained with visual as well as audio examples) as well as a free-form riffing on what distinguishes Lennon from McCartney as a composer on the one hand, and what distinguishes Paul from John as a person on the other. Of course, like the duo's melodies intertwine, so did their lives.
DISCLAIMER: I think it's lovely how the music reflects their lives but that doesn't mean I think the music was created because it reflects their live (irrespective of artistic intention).
1. Homesy John and His Strange Close Melodies
"Keeping an eye on the world going by my window" forms the beginning of the bridge of "I'm Only Sleeping". John, the main songwriter and lead vocalist of the track, sings a tight melody, which is sprinkled with several dissonances.
For those who don't know, dissonances occur either due to a dissonant interval – that is, when two or more notes that don't "go together" are played at once – or when a note that is not part of the current key is played.
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In this example, the dissonant interval (on the left) is a second, that is the two simultaneously played notes are very close – so close that stacking their notes on sheet music becomes awkward, as seen above. The dissonant note is a B note (on the right), which has been elevated up a half-step from B♭ (in the middle), through usage of the ♮ symbol, preceding the note. B is not part of the usual 7 notes of the key, and thus adds a feeling of displacement within this harmonic context. You can listen to the interval as well as the transition from B♭ to B in the following file and notice the sense of discord these note combinations tend to invoke in a listener.
Now, back to John's melody:
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Just looking at the score, we can see how close together John keeps everything; there are no larger jumps. He favours small intervals, even using dissonances to reduce the distance his voice has to travel to a minimum. The dissonances give a feeling of strangeness to the overall melody.*
*(arguably it isn't that strange, since he is following a blues scale, which includes notes considered "dissonant" in classical music theory; that being said I would argue that the frequency of the note-usage in this particular line is still of note in the context of this song and The Beatles' general discography.)
This is, in my opinion, one of the staples of John's melodies. Think of the intro to If I Fell, or even the siren-inspired wail of the I Am The Walrus verses. These are all close melodies that have at least somewhat dissonant qualities.
It is also an interesting reflection of him and his mid-60s situation. With his early-twenties behind him, John was known to have become more reclusive during this time; going out less often, preferring the comfort of his private home. Simultaneously, his interests became more eccentric and he began finding it more difficult to relate to "ordinary" people, for reasons ranging from disillusionment with society as a whole to mental health and addiction issues. Just like his melodic lines, he built a strange surreal world for himself, without stepping too far out his comfort zone.
2. Adventurous Paul and his Warm Leaps
"Keeping an eye on the world going by my window" is also the moment in the song where Paul, who up until this point was a mere co-background vocalist, is briefly promoted to co-lead. For the first part of the line – up until the word "world" – he joins John in unison, before breaking off to find his way to the highest note of "I'm Only Sleeping".
Unlike John's melody, Paul's unique part is much warmer and features no dissonances. This doesn't make it less complex though; for one, it covers a range that is two half-steps wider than John's melody and features the largest interval jump: a perfect fourth ("my win-[dow]").
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Paul's songwriting is known for its wide tonal palette, his outstanding vocal range making melodic climbs and leaps second nature to him when compositing. At the same time, his tunes have over the years, it seems, almost been faulted for how intrinsically pleasing they are to the ear.
This, in turn, contains traces of Paul's personality; a constant thirst for life, a great skill of adaptability, an ambition that verges on destructive over-zealousness – he has risen too high, where no one can follow, perhaps inadvertently left someone behind. Yet, through it all, he maintains a pleasant sweet nature.
3. (Never) The Twain Shall Meet
Both of these aforementioned melodic lines combine to form a whole in the song (note that because they begin in unison at first only one note is played at a time – that's how pianos work sadly :-( ):
Now before we take a closer look at what happens in the score when these two melodies are united, I'm gonna need to give some background on harmonic arrangement.
Typically, when harmonizing, the most common interval between two melodies is a third (minor or major). The third is considered to be a very pleasant-sounding interval; the notes are as close to each other as possible without sounding dissonant and overall the tone is warm.
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See above two melodies set exactly a third apart at each note. It's an adaptation of a Mozart piece I played a few years ago and can be listened here:
The second most typical interval for harmonies is the perfect fifth. It's a bit more "hollow"-sounding, one might say, less warm generally, but does not, as such, sound "wrong" to the Western ear.
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(asterisk elaborated further down)
The above sequence can be heard here:
You may be wondering why the two notes in the middle are not a fifth a part. This is because, for hundreds of years, Western music theoreticians have discouraged the use of parallel fifths. This is when two melodic lines maintain a perfect fifth interval between each other over multiple consecutive notes. It's considered to have a harsh and slightly strange sound, and also dilutes the wanted distinction between both melodies.
Here's the same arrangement as above, only this time utilizing parallel fifths.
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Again, an audio example – however, this may not sound especially harsh or strange to an untrained ear. (Just know that if Johann Sebastian Bach saw any of this, he would tear the score to pieces!)
Now with all this acquired knowledge, how do the John and Paul's individual melodies in fact form a whole?
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(grey highlight denotes unison)
Look at that.
Paul, once mirroring his partner flawlessly, suddenly stubbornly refusing to follow John – whether it be to Surrey, Greece or that natural D-note. Instead, he lingers on the E♭ for a few more beats, as if contemplating. John, on the other hand, repeats the first half's walk-down, marinading in his strange claustrophobic world. Together, they create a dissonant second, two notes in a row, a disturbance.
Then, Paul jumps, and they are both singing in opposite directions; Paul upward and John downward. Only suddenly, it's almost like they've created a healthy distance, a perfect fifth apart.
Next, they start moving in tandem again, both rising, utilizing a dreaded parallel fifth. But it works here – and, notably, sounds a lot better in the song than on my piano recording. As mentioned, one of the problems with parallel fifths is that they keep the melodic lines too similar; however, these lines are not being played by perfectly tuned instruments. These are two men with voices sometimes so distinct from each other, they're described as polar opposites. They bend their notes and the rules of composition to create an otherworldly beauty. The harmonies seem to accentuate the contrast between their vocal styles, but this doesn't worsen the sound in the least. Instead, it seems that it is in their opposite nature that they find each other.
And then, as if coming down from a high, Paul jumps down to join John, a beautiful, warm third above him.
They are one; they are so close they bring out the worst in each other; they drive each other apart; they reach for each other even when distant; and then, when all is said and done, they fall back together in the end.
To finish off I recorded a slower version of the harmony. Come bask in the infinite glory of every single note with me!
"Keeping an eye on the world going by my window."
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September 2023 WOTM: lilyoffandoms
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Each month CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers, and this month’s writer of the month is @lilyoffandoms. We hope you will enjoy learning more about them and their work below! The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page.
This month's Writer of the Month was selected a little differently than normal. We announced that we would be selecting the WOTM from the participants in last month's Writer Appreciation Event. But the eleven writers involved all agreed the honor belonged to Lily. Lily has been a staple in the Choices community for so long, and they continuously go out of their way to support creators and spread positivity while continuing to inspire and create themselves. We couldn't think of anyone better suited for the honor, so please join us in congratulating Lily... September's Writer of the Month!
Quick Links:
Tumblr Blog Name: lilyoffandoms Blog Masterlist
How do you want to be known on Tumblr? Lily is fine (they/them preferred)
1- When did you start playing Choices? What was the first book you played? 
Best guess would be back in January of 2018. It was a joke at first since a friend saw one of their god-awful ads and said we should both try it. Next thing you know, we were both arguing over which books were better and regretting our decision to start. Though their opinions on what constitutes good books are almost as bad as the Choices ad that got us to jokingly play (and I say this most lovingly because they are awesome and I love them). I started with Most Wanted, and my friend started with The Freshman. 
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
Oh gods! I joined back in March 2019. I know I’m a Tumblr baby by most everyone’s standards, but that feels like a really long time. I joined when Open Heart book one was released. I had lurked, reading fanfics, for a few months before biting the bullet and creating a blog and actually posting. Only joined because I was taking my editor’s advice and writing something entirely outside my norm to break a particularly bad case of writer’s block. Thought I might as well share those silly things if I was taking the time to write them. Maybe someone would enjoy them. Never did plan on sticking around, but found so many lovely people that I’ve come to call friends.
3- How did you pick your blog name? 
It was lilyofchoices. My name + Choices because I am super creative like that with those sorts of naming things 😅 I changed it to lilyoffandoms when I left the Choices fandom for a bit. I’ve thought about changing it more times than I can count but I can’t bring myself to actually follow through on it. How do y’all’s change your blog name with each new book release? You are a crazy different breed of tumblr and you fascinate me.
4- Pull up the first post in your archive, and tell us about it!  
I deleted the first one years ago. It was my first drabble. Currently, as it stands, the first thing in my archive is this post about Desire and Decorum, and it still makes me giggle.
5- How long have you been writing fanfiction?
I’ve only been writing fanfic since I joined Tumblr. I never really tried writing fanfic before that. Some nonfiction personal things before that but never anything like this world. It's been an adventure, to say the least haha
6- What is your favorite Choices book, and what is your favorite Choices book to write about?
My favorite book is probably Blades of Light and Shadow, book one, but there are plenty that are really close behind. This is also the book I’d say I enjoy writing for the most because it is my favorite book, contains my favorite LI, and has one of my favorite OCs (Maiele) in it.
Though recently, I’ve been writing more for Crimes of Passion because it's more of a challenge for me. It's a different vibe between the MC and the LI and it's one I don’t often explore so I’m here for that right now. But I have a sneaky suspicion once Blades 2 drops I’ll be back on my bullshit with that again.
7- Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it, or would you change it if you were writing it today?
I don’t think it exists on this site anymore. Maybe in someone’s reblog? I still have it in my files. It was an Ethan x MC drabble featuring my MC, Merida. I still like it. I’d not change it cuz I’m a firm believer in writing it and don’t look back haha.
This is it:
He swallowed the lump forming in his throat, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to form in his eyes. There it was. He had told her. Dr. Banerji was dying and Ethan was at a loss as to what was ailing his mentor and friend. Ethan stared at the young woman in front of him and then to the floor. He cleared his throat and made a small motion to turn back into Naveen’s room but froze instantly the moment he noticed her take a step towards him.
She threw her arms around him and hugged him, wishing to take away all of his pain, all of his loneliness. Silently willing him to understand that she cared for him. Cared deeply for him and much more than she should. “Ethan. I’m so sorry,” she whispered, one hand stroked through his hair while the other grasped his neck and slowly bent his head toward her shoulders as she raised herself to her tiptoes to meet him halfway.
He tensed upon feeling her arms around him. Arms, he thought to himself, that he had imagined holding him for a number of weeks now. Ever since that night spent sitting up with her watching little baby Ethan. “Merida,” he sighed as he gradually relaxed into the embrace.
She didn’t let up on the hug, squeezing him to her just a bit more tightly. God, she had wanted to comfort him when Dolores died but she didn’t know how he would respond. Now, he was facing the possibility of another friend dying and she couldn’t help herself.
He responded to the increased pressure of her hug and tightened his own hold upon her. Finding himself tracing circles up her spine and imagining what it would feel like to move his hands to tease along the skin of her back where her pants met her shirt.
Her breath caught when she felt his hands move lower. No longer making gentle movements along her spine but increasing their pressure upon her body, nearly massaging their way lower. She brought one of her own hands around to his chest, lightly bunching his white coat in her fist to try and pull him closer to her.
A loud crash echoed down the hall. “Shit!” a construction worker cursed. The two doctors jumped back from each other both staring into each other’s eyes seeming to question if they had both felt the same in the other’s arms. She blushed slightly. “I should see to my other patients. Dr. Banerji’s condition stays between us. Understand, Rookie?” he stated, his eyes narrowing. She nodded and he turned and marched down the hall.
8- What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
I love asking this question of others but don’t like it asked of me. I’m so bad at self-rep and advertising my wares 😂 But if I had to pick one, I’d say this one. It was so far outside my comfort zone when it came to writing that I almost abandoned it two paragraphs in. But I’m a stubborn person, and I refused to let it beat me. Plus, I had been wanting to write a noir fic for this book since it was released. Furthermore, I adore Hayden’s work too much not to gift a little something back for all the art he shares with us, so I knew I just had to make it work.
9- Do you have a fic that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to be but found could use a little more love?
I didn’t expect last year’s Luck of the Draw fic to garner much love. Attention? Maybe. But not love and definitely not the response I got. I really enjoyed writing that one. 
10- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
Fluff. I’m a sucker for happy-ever-afters and an endless hopeless romantic. Give me the fluff. All the fluff. 
I pull a lot of what I toss into my silly drabbles from real life. Always been a believer in writing, most often what you know, and sprinkle that all with a dash of the stuff you don’t as a treat. And my life is pretty fluffy thanks to my incredible partner. 
However, I do so adore angst I’m just not able to write it often because it hurts more to write. But I’ll always always read it. That pain is *chef’s kisses*
11- Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
Maiele, my Blades MC, is most definitely me coded. His whole personality, his choice of partner when it comes to personality, his constant flirting with said partner, his sense of humor, his lack of a filter most times, it’s all pretty much me. Gabriel, my CoP MC, is me when it comes to romantic gestures and Valentine’s Day. I may be a romantic, but I get weird when it’s aimed at me 😂 
12- What element of writing do you struggle with most?
Editing. I refuse to do it. I hate it with the burning light of a thousand suns. Those of you that manage to edit your fics have all my admiration. I honestly don’t know how y’all do it. Doesn’t it just bore you to no end? 
13- Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
I have more drafts than I care to admit. I would like to complete a series I started long ago for Ethan x Merida, but I don’t know if I’ll ever do that. I’d settle for finishing one of my drafts 😅
14- If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first? 
Nope, haha, I’d not be able to do that. If I were that brave, I’d recommend this one maybe. I do so love Flynn. Or this one, mostly because I do so love the idea of Gabriel just pouting on the couch.
15 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing?
Not really. I mean all of em probably. I read a lot of books in a lot of genres. Mostly I use my drabbles as morning warm ups for my day job. 
There are definitely fanfic writers I admire around here that encourage me to share my silly things everyday. Especially all those queer writers out there that have a rather thankless existence sometimes around here but keep sharing their stories! They are all my heroes!!
16- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
Any and all of my Maiele and Tyril stories. I just love them sooooo much!!
17- Do you write original fiction? 
Yes, but until recently, I wrote mostly nonfiction.
I do have a fic I began a few years back when I was still teaching. I had a student who hated their writing class, so I promised to write a short story alongside them and read it to the class like all the students had to if they gave it an honest go. 
They did and so I did too, and I was asked the following year to do it again by more students and so I continued the same story. I’ve since continued that same fic, and maybe someday I’ll actually go looking to publish it. 
18 -  What other hobbies do you have?
I love the outdoors. Hiking, spelunking, kayaking, gardening, camping, anything and everything outdoors. My other favorite hobby, which I've done for years and years, is fencing. I still am part of a club and teach a few levels. 
19 - What’s your favorite emoji? 
😅 because it’s legit my state of existence at this point in life. 
20: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
I want to send a special shout-out to all the absolutely lovely participants of August’s writer appreciation event I hosted. I still cannot believe y’all did this for me. 😘 These are each of my favorite fics you’ve written. Thank you for making our fandom a little brighter each and every day!
@aallotarenunelma Bathed in Sunlight @coffeeheartaddict2 Moths to a Flame @karahalloway A Leviathan Surprise @jerzwriter A Mother's Journal @ladylamrian Ma Cherie @mydemonsdrivealimo Run, Run @peonyblossom We're Gonna Get Married @petiteboheme Familia @storyofmychoices Passing Shower @tessa-liam All is Fair in Love and War @trappedinfanfiction What's In a Name? Lily's Top Three Commissions can be found here:
Crimes of Passion by @javsarts
A Year of Kisses by various artists: @lethendralis-paints @cashweasel @kundool @deheerkonijn @javsarts @weetlebeetle @kollapsar @mooreaux @rosefuckinggenius @/ArtbyAinna (IG) @littlestpersimmon @callmebeem
Trystan x Noel by @rosefuckinggenius
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utilitycaster · 11 months
Re: Em Friedman, I personally always got the impression that they're just a big fan is Aabria cuz I think Aabria was one of their first guests(?) in their TTRPG class
And that's why to me all the coverage about Acofaf, WBN and now Burrows End reads with kind of a biased perspective
Like, I love WBN but as you said, it's not really doing anything innovative per se, and the whole coverage and hype about the Bear episode in Burrows End really made it anti-climactic when the episode aired
Idk, maybe I'm wrong, but a lot of the Actual Play coverage from Polygon (not just Em) seems kind of like D20 and WBN circlejerk while they're more than happy to throw CR under the bus
Oh interesting. Like, I do get that Actual Play is not a particularly massive community and I could see how someone who interviews players regularly might end up becoming close to them and generally that maintaining distance and journalistic integrity is uniquely difficult, but also like. Here's the thing. I know Critical Role is The 800 lb Gorilla in the actual play space; no one else is selling out Wembley Arena. I don't mind if they're not getting the same boosts from publications, because they don't really need it and people love an underdog and all that. It's still not great, that this bias exists, but Critical Role is much harder to keep up with because it is at this point 8 years of content to fully know what's going on in Campaign 3, whereas you could have someone binge watch ACOFAF in a long weekend.
What gets me is that it's not just fawning and biased. It's ignorant of the actual play genre and claiming things that are flat out untrue. "Critical Role isn't as good as Dimension 20" is an opinion. I don't agree with it but it's a valid position for someone to have, and even journalists are entitled to preferences. But like, again: TAZ Balance started at level 1, with the party obtaining a legendary and dangerous artifact at a low level, and it started in late 2014. NADDPod campaign 1 also started at level 1 and ran up to level 20, and it began in early 2018.
Longform D&D/Pathfinder are also not new. Both of the examples above ran over 60 episodes; NADDPod's first campaign was an even 100. Rusty Quill Gaming ran an impressive 218 over 8 years, though they tended to stick to about an hour long per episodes so it's closer to NADDPod in actual hours of gameplay. Obviously Critical Role, while unedited and not a podcast primarily, has had 100+ episode campaigns. All of these were also set in homebrew worlds, though TAZ was extremely loosely based on Forgotten Realms to start, and RQG was essentially a divergent history of our world. So what, precisely, other than the Children's Adventure, makes WBN different? Like...I know fandoms struggle to understand this but it does not do anyone a single fucking favor to act like well-executed but traditional formats (or solid but par for the course work) is radical and innovative genius! It doesn't make me say "wow, WBN is clearly groundbreaking." It makes me go "wow, Polygon's coverage is written by a fucking idiot who's unfamiliar with the landscape of actual play."
What gets me about the bear episode is that it was also, in my opinion, very well-executed and an interesting battle, but it was not like, any different from another battle map except that the production team did a really good job making it slightly gorier than the norm. That's it. And as for the twist...look, again, I'm reserving final judgment, but I keep thinking about this (regrettably it is from Orson Scott Card, who is both a homophobic asshole, and also wrote "How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy" which was my introduction to Octavia Butler and genuinely informs my understanding of the genre to this day):
"If you are using a known foreign language, by the way, take the time and effort to get it right. Among your readers there will always be someone who speaks that language like a native. If you get it wrong, those readers lose faith in you - and rightly so. Wherever you can be truthful, you should be truthful; if your readers can see that you're acting by that credo, they'll trust you, and you'll deserve their trust. But if they catch you faking it, and doing it so carelessly that you can easily be caught, they'll figure that if the story wasn't worth much effort to you, it shouldn't be worth much to them, either. They may still like the story, but you have blunted the edge of their passion."
This is both what I'm worried might end up being true re: Burrow's End (except instead of a foreign language I speak like a native, it's How Radiation Works) but it's also true in that like...all of those longform campaigns? I've watched or listened to them in full. Acting like it's innovation to...do a thing that's been done by so many other prominent actual plays is not even reading to me as bias. It's reading to me as a combination of wildly misplaced priorities (genuinely I think between this and the ask meme I'm like "hmmm have we considered that we're asking a huge amount from a niche medium and acting like it is the responsibility of a bunch of actors with dice to constantly reinvent the artform in which they work and dismantle the kyriarchy and prevent us from getting into arguments with our friends, instead of, as WBN's own page says, play games to make stories out of sound?") and also just. Ignorance. This is a person who is talking about something they genuinely don't know about. Why should I listen? I mean the bias doesn't help, but really it's the ignorance that kills it.
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miniminininiminim · 3 months
This is a rant about JoJo fans' emotional intelligence, "reading comprehension", and "can't 'Just Listen to the Song'.
To all those who chose to read this rant, hello. I'm miniminininiminim. Honestly, this was supposed to be for content for my alternate account (as a Vtuber). I'm also scared of the sexism and racial things going on ( I know I know these things are light for you for some people but the amount of being scared of things isn't always the same for different people right?). Please, Please, Please take this with a grain of salt again this isn't a generalization of people in the fandom nor the totality of the fandom itself. You can always love the series on your own or not interact with the fandom's likes, dislikes, rants, etc. I do not have any relations with Araki (though my bloodline is also fucked up due to colonization) so any of the "this is said by Araki" are from the interviews, and written works of him I read online. This is my opinion as a reader, writer, and fan (slightly).
For those people who are just passing through, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (which is a fancy way of telling JoJo's Strange Adventures they actually changed it to Bizarre) is a manga series that was released on Shounen Jump and eventually Seinen in which the demographic of the readers might also affect the plot as it is released. (Much like any novels ya read *coughs looks over Twilight who have drafts that were totally removed from the book*). Thank you for reading this anyway. And have multiple parts that is run by one generation much like your typical government (just kidding).
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This is a simple plot. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's doesn't need to be complex. It doesn't need to have strings all over. Much like fairy tales and short stories. I think even without the other parts (if Mr. Araki stopped from part 1) this very much stands on its own. Although you can say that oh Part 5 is just a simple story of a person who is a descendant of Dio Brando. There will be some tiny questions here and there if the watcher/reader can't turn their brain off for a while (although honestly we sometimes need to do that cause sometimes in fiction there are different morals that are standard in society in the fictional world). Like who the hell is Dio Brando? Like even if you ask this on Part 3 y'all still get questions that only Part 1 can answer. Questions like: "Where did that wrath from Dio come from?" "Is he always that prideful?"
The audience for Phantom Blood isn't made for audiences during this time. If Araki had done it today it would have changed some things.
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As a reader, I appreciate the background stories and details that weren't mentioned in the anime. It gave a sense of more background on why Dio's blood boils over Danny (just to mention one instance).
Being a watcher, it still gave a smooth thing as a SIMPLE story (again a story needed not to have all strings of reasoning/plot to be a story). But with the change in media and of course what is being served, the preferences of the consumers also change. I had an experience of a person arguing with me in a TikTok video I posted and they bragged they read all the parts and said they've read it more than me (which is slightly insulting but like I don't take it to heart) and that David Productions didn't cut scenes. I understood the cut scenes reduce the budget but I still hope that people would have read it without any cuts. It fills more gaps and gives some characters even more character like Erina's growth of being careful, Jonathan's likes and dislikes, etc.
But then again it will always depends on the willingness of the individual person.
In the plot, all I can say is what may be good for now doesn't mean it'll be good in the eyes of the future people.
Look Part 1 isn't my favorite part but I can truthfully say as a simple story (for a later than planned as a trilogy (yes it is only supposed to end on Part 3) this is a good short origin story/prologue.
People often criticize a hamon as boring or something but always remember that Araki is just starting to this kind of system (well he did some like Gorgeous Irene and the one with Poker on its title). And when you read Part 7 it is still tied to the nature that was brought up in Part 1 with of course the system that people now enjoy cause it is visual (hah, I'm really tired from this shit- Like why- why do you need to be always be drawn when- hah anyways I understand- I understand- there are different kinds of learners(I studied that shit in school).
I understand.
I completely understand. We have different opinions.
This is honestly taking all my energy.
See these types of learning are different. And these might be the issues these part truthers face.
And then back to the emotional content.
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If I were to tell you this the first time I read the JoJo manga. I would have told you their background stories were the same but it was slightly twitched.
No one understood them as a kid and even outcasted. Then they eventually found their own family, ambition/goal and place.
I can concise their story with that. But when you think about it some people like Tenmei "Noriyaki" Kakyoin more than Giorno "Haruno Shiobanna" Giovanna.
It is because again of the demographic and the personal experiences. We can never like something if we can't relate to them and we cannot dislike something just because we cannot relate to them. Ya, get me? It is based on the preferences of people.
But there is something to think about this. The lack of emotional empathy is just giving: "Oh this guy is powerful uh must have a tragic story and must be the reason why they're trying to huhuhu ugh wait- wait I don't care about that- I only care about the plot/power (or literally whatever)" Like bitch the fuck- Concise-ing a character just because of their power is an insult to the writer (maybe it's just what I believe).
I'm just kidding do whatever the fuck ya want. We ball.
But reducing Giorno, and Jolyne to just they did nothing?
Ya know, there is a thing called law of inertia.
"an object or mass will remain either at rest or in motion in the same direction, unless acted upon by an unbalanced force"
I think it applies to these characters.
If it wasn't for Giorno, Bruno Bucciarati would have succumbed to his grief and can't do anything. Same with the other members. That's why it's golden wind ya know. People always say that Bruno is the mom of the group. I see Giorno as the one who filled the gaps that Bruno forgot. An instance is when Narancia got scolded, Giorno pointed out the brighter side of it. Fugo understands that Giorno isn't the kind of man who just spewed out words. (Hello JoJolands fans! I know you've read this kind of line from Dragona to Jodio).
Literally me when my brain is actually braining and I thought I cooked:
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Jolyne became also a catalyst with the arrow as a tool to make the characters gather of course with different missions they wanted to achieve in life.
Emotional empathy and reading comprehension may work together in a story. If you understand the plot, and the characters then you should understand the emotions and feelings that are shown in the story itself. A person may have strong reading comprehension skills and fully understand the plot and characters without experiencing a deep emotional connection to the story. If one lacks the other that doesn't mean the person who doesn't have one component doesn't also mean they cannot do the other thing.
Having empathy isn't a forced thing nor it is innate to us neither reading comprehension. We might and may not experience it cause it is indeed subjective, and also reliant on our whole totality as a person.
Much like Araki's works being interpreted like how the song from "Just Listen to the Song" a manga by Mr. Fujimoto was interpreted to different things such as political message etc. when it is just a song intended for the person he likes. Mr. Araki's works could be interpreted as political messages when it'll come out as an anime shortly or a religious message/threat. And now when JoJoland came out the scene where Dragona is being sexually harassed or the scene where Jodio calls Dragona "he". The people would impulsively react to these without even rereading considering the culture is different from that of the West. Impulsivity leads to misunderstandings and overanalyzing might lead to different truths the author never thought about opinions happen.
Araki once said that he didn't thought that his art in Part 3 predicting an incident in America (if you know ya know). I myself as an author have written stuff that I was surprised cause it became true but I didn't think of it that much when writing I just thought about "the reality".
We don't overthink. Then again interpretations will always be different no matter how we said no.
I'm getting philosophical gee
Being ignorant to these things that i mentioned about is a good way but then again ignorance isn't always a bliss. This is merely my opinion. I decided to declutter my mind. And I honestly thought I'd lose my shit and get whole ass angry when writing this. I'm slightly calmer hahah.
But like I hope ya get me.
My opinions may or may not change tomorrow or in the future but then again. This is my opinions for now.
Thank you so much for reading this. I'm honestly sleepy writing this. I need some peace of mind. Please consider reading these stories, and always keep an open mind for different opinions. Thank you for reading my yappings.
Sorry for the grammatical errors, I'm not a native English speaker.
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kramerblogrealgood · 7 months
Comic books that you should read!!! Yes you!!! Right now!!!
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These are comics I really enjoy! I'm trying to stick to slightly more obscure comics, preferably stuff that's a little newer, but that's by no means a rule! This is my list baby, I make the rules!
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#1: Local Man (Image Comics, 2023)
Local Man follows Jack Xaver, who was once the superhero Crossjack before being unceremoniously kicked out of his team and legally barred from any vigilante activity. Moving back in with his parents in his destitute former hometown, Jack starts to unravel a conspiracy that has ties to both his old team and his old town.
It rules! It's funny and heartfelt and thrilling and if it were a TV show you'd never stop hearing about it. It's also one of the few modern original Image series that actually takes place in the "Image Universe", so it's packed with references to characters like Shadowhawk. You don't need to know all these guys to enjoy the comic by any means, but it's fun for long-time fans.
Most of all, I'm a fan of the basic conceit of this comic: it looks at The Dark Age of Comic Books with the same reverent-yet-critical eye that so many other comics used on the golden and silver ages. I think that rules! A lot of this stuff deserves reappraisal!
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#2: The Wrong Earth (Ahoy Comics, 2018)
The concept for this is pretty simple: what if Adam West's Batman got sent to the world of the Nolan trilogy, and Christian Bale's Batman got sent to the world of the 1966 TV show?
They hit all the dramatic and comedic beats you could imagine coming from this premise, and a few you probably couldn't think of. It's not just a one-dimensional parody, though: really sharp writing and an engaging mystery elevate what could easily be, like, a Dorkly video into something special. Which is to say: if you think this premise sounds good you'll love this comic, and if you think it sounds stupid you'll probably still like this comic.
There are some cool character designs here, but my favorite is the villain in both universes:
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His name is Number One, and he's a crime boss with an egomania/numbers gimmick. (Sorry for the compressed jpegs)
I imagine "design an original 1960s villain, and then design his edgy 2000s reboot version" would be a difficult prompt for an artist, but Jamal Igle knocks that shit outta the park. Number One really feels like he could fit into Batman's rogues gallery, but he's not a riff on anyone in particular- he's kind of like all of them. The "1"-shaped scar is an especially great touch.
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#3: Ice Cream Man (Image Comics, 2018)
(This image isn't from any cover as far as I can tell, it was posted on instagram by writer W. Maxwell Prince.)
Hey, another from Image Comics! And it's my favorite genre, too: horror anthology. If the pic I chose didn't tip you off, this one gets SPOOKAY! The basic premise is that every issue is a one-shot that features a character going through some kind of horrible misfortune. Tying all these tales of woe together is the enigmatic Ice Cream Man, who seems to be somehow torturing all these humans for his own amusement. We eventually learn that he's an evil god-type thing named Riccardus, and he has a good counterpart who's trying to stop him- all the lore stuff is a little vague, but that doesn't mean it's not interesting! The art style used by artist Martin Morazzo is almost uncanny-valley, it reminds me of The Shivering Truth.
Some of the "horror" in this comic is really personal and upsetting, by the way- the one about dementia made me cry. Actually, a lot of these made me cry. Full on snotty gasp-sobbing. 10/10. Riccardus has real sexyman potential if the freaks on this site would ever read something besides fuckin Wayne Family Adventures.
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#4: Wayne Family Adventures (DC/Webtoon, 2021)
What? It's cute, fuck you. "eeuuuhhh it's out of character" you sound like a dweeb man
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#5: Eight Billion Genies (Image Comics, 2021)
Just like The Wrong Earth, this has a killer elevator pitch: what if every single person on Earth got exactly one wish, all at the same time? Also like The Wrong Earth, it takes it's premise in every angle you can think of- there's wish trading, wish stealing, cities that are kept safe from the chaos of the outside world but you have to give the city government your wish to get in, you name it. No wonder Amazon bought the rights. Keep an eye out for that movie/series, I guess.
Ok, I need some non-image comics.
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#6: Giant Days (Boom! Studios, 2015)
Anime fans, this one's for you: you know all those series you love about groups of cute girls just going through their daily lives? Well imagine if those cute girls were over eightee- hey wait where are you going come back
Giant Days is a slice-of-life story about three young women facing the challenges of college life. Apparently it's a spin-off of a webcomic with like 15 years of strips, but I don't care about all that and neither should you! It's a little like gilmore girls in terms of tone. The dialogue is snappy, all the characters play off each other in ways that's fun to see, and there's this 7 foot tall Australian rower chick who's completely obsessed with her reedy loser boyfriend. It's just comforting. It's like a big plate of mashed potatoes, this comic.
Hey, speaking of slice-of-life:
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#7: Megg, Mogg and Owl (Indie/Fantagraphics, 2013ish)
This has the honor of being the only comic on this list that's been adapted to another type of media, in the form of a segment on Justin Roiland's weird kinda-shitty Hulu halloween special. Not much of an honor, I guess.
Anyways! MM&O is about a group of "friends" who live together in drug-addled squalor. Megg is a chronically depressed witch just waiting to die. Mogg, Megg's boyfriend, is a talking cat who just wants to keep the degenerate lifestyle they've built for themselves stable, and Owl is a neurotic sex addict who wants to make something of himself but doesn't want to lose his only companions, and Werewolf Jones is a drug-dealing sociopath. It's like Peep Show! I absolutely love this comic, I reread it constantly, but I'm having a hard time pitching it.
If Giant Days is a plate of mashed potatoes this is like... a gas station hot dog eaten over a storm drain or something. Still kind of comforting, just in a different way. Let's cleanse our palette with some capeshit.
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#8: Planetary (Wildstorm/DC, 1998)
Planetary rocks. We follow an amnesiac immortal named Elias Snow as he travels the globe with his top-secret Planetary Investigations team to uncover the secrets of the Wildstorm universe. Think of it like... The X-Files crossed with The Venture Brothers. X-Files in that they investigate weirdo mysteries, Venture Brothers in that every genre of speculative fiction- from Doc Savage-style pulp heroes to Kaiju to James Bond superspies- all exist, or existed, in some form.
Also on the team besides Snow are The Drummer (who has some kind of information-based power I never really understood) and Jakita Wagner, the super-strong ADHD daughter of a Tarzan expy. It's hard to do it justice in a post like this, buy a copy! Or pirate it, if you don't want to give Warren Ellis any money!
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#9: Bad Enders (Indie, 2020)
Hey, this one is free! Check it out here: https://beany-tuesday.itch.io/bad-enders-pilot-issue
Bad Enders is a shonen pastiche with all the humor and charm you could expect from a @beanytuesday joint. It's great! It follows a burnt-out twentysomething who once had ambitions of becoming a demon hunter, but has since resigned himself to a life of filling out excel spreadsheets. Beanytuesday has stated there probably won't be any more Bad Enders content, but he has another comic called GUE (https://beanytuesday.tumblr.com/tagged/gue/chrono) that takes place in the same universe.
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#10: G-Man (Image Comics, 2009)
i bet you thought i was done with image huh
Anyways, this was my jam back in like 3rd grade and you know what? It holds up. When they say "all-ages" they fuckin mean all ages, I'm a grown man and I can enjoy this.
The story of this entry is that I wanted to end on 10 instead of 9.
The story of this comic is that a kid named Mikey G gets his hands on a magic blanket that allows him to fly, but his brother ALSO uses the magic blanket to fly with and they become, like, rivals, but this other kid can also fly and he starts fucking with them... better than it sounds. There's also this crazy arc later in the series where they have a baby brother but- hold on, I'll show you
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See? Nuts.
Ok, that was all of them bye
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lolahaurisfw · 5 months
: ̗̀➛ Abigail: Fluff Alphabet
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Your adventurer’s spirit. Her parents are more traditional and boring, she’s always longed for a life of excitement and adventures. And you offer that exact lifestyle she craves. 
The secret forest, the sewers and mutant bug lair, the quarry mine, the skull cavern, the volcano. You’ve unlocked an entire new world for her to explore and experience with you.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Your chest, especially if it’s on the larger side. This may be the fluff alphabet, but i’m mentioning this specifically because if you’re a man, your probably bound to develop some nice pecs with all the laborious work you do, and she’s totally into it. I just feel like she’s very into curvy or muscular people. (but she’d love your body at any size/shape)
More pg answer: you’re legs/thighs, esp if you’re curvy/plus size.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
I don’t know if there’s a special name for it, but she loves the laying down and hugging position, both of you having your legs intertwined and arms wrapped around each other.
She also loves the classic “head on your chest” 
If you’re sitting though, she’ll be on your lap until you get up.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
I can think of a couple she’d love.
Camping in the Ginger Island jungle, near Leo’s house.
Picnic and music by the lake near Robin’s shop, specifically in the summer, where it’s warm and there’s fireflies out.
Coffee and shopping at the Night Market.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
At times she can be a bit immature, growing up she learned to be defensive and quick to assume (graveyard cutscene). Maybe in the beginning of your relationship it was more of a problem, but you learned to be patient with each other and now she’s usually pretty good at speaking her mind clearly and maturely. 
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
I really don’t think she wants kids. She doesn’t want to be tied down by parenthood, she’d rather just enjoy your company and live a life of fun and adventure.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
Loves receiving gifts, it’s a major love language of hers. She likes being gifted snacks and drinks the most. She doesn’t seem like much of a collector or decorator. But she does give me the vibe of someone who likes eating/snacking a lot.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
She’s not much of a hand holder, she prefers hugs and kissing. But she does like to grab your hand and drag you around places with her 💀 
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Immediate panic, you would have to calm her down and tell her your okay lmao.
Once she’s calmed down she’ll run and get the first aid kit for you, repeatedly asking if you’re okay or need to see Harvey.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
She loves joking around with you, and unfortunately for you, she also loves pranks. If you ever got seriously bothered by it or asked her to stop, she would do so and apologize. But otherwise, she’ll absolutely pull little pranks on you at least once a week or so. 
Whoopie cushions (a classic)
Moves every piece of furniture an inch to the right while your gone for the day.
Once in a while, she’ll randomly text you “where are you?” or “ETA?”, you always see the text and freeze, thinking “Oh shit, did we make plans? What am i late for?” but then she texts you again and says “just kidding!” so you can calm down and laugh about it.
One Easter she labeled 9 eggs 1-10, purposely leaving out one random number, making you think there was a missing egg you could never find. You still wonder about it today, and occasionally do a smell check around the house. It cracks her up every time she sees you do it, but she’ll never fess up.
Her favorite long running bit is this though: 
She keeps a hidden extra bottle of your most used condiment in a mini fridge in her room, and every time the one in your kitchen fridge gets about empty, she refills it just enough so theres some to use next time. 
You always think to yourself, “why does this bottle never run out? I could’ve sworn i finished the last of it yesterday?” 
Eventually you’ll figure it out though when you go to put something in her mini fridge because you’re out of space in the kitchen. 
She absolutely loses it when she gets home that evening and sees the condiment bottle sitting on the kitchen table, she knows immediately that you busted her for it.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
I’ll be real, her favorite way to kiss you is just straight up making up. Doesn’t have to be sexual or lead to something sexual. She just wants to kiss you for as long as she can. 
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
Showing interest and being involved in your hobbies. 
Examples: Reading every poem/story you write, brainstorming ideas with you when you’re experiencing art block, helping you hold things together during a diy project, surprising you with new exotic seeds or gardening tools in your fav color, being your sparring partner if you do martial arts, randomly ordering & gifting you new toys/figurines/etc for your collection.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
The day you gave her a bouquet. She spent all day kicking her feet and giggling about it, and then daydreamed about you till she fell asleep. To her, the day you asked her out was the beginning of your new life together.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
You turning out to be traditional like her parents. 
(This may seem dark, but irl, there’s absolutely a possibility for someone to completely switch up after marriage/engagement) (i’m also self projecting because i’m so much like her lol)
She hates how she was raised with expectations to be a “proper young lady”, when she’s the definition of being a free-spirited tomboy. So i think deep down she’d be scared about ending up with someone who expects her to be a housewife and a SAHM. Because should that happen, she’s either stuck in unhappy marriage, or she’s forced back to her parents house. No happy ending in that scenario.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
Eats rocks bruh
But seriously, here’s a personal hc of mine:
When she finds out pirates visit the island every other day, she’ll sneak off and go to the cove, challenging them to duals, playing games, drinking. They would probably really like her weirdness and adopt her as their daughter lol. 
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
Babe, cutie, hot stuff.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
Gemstone hunting, late night talks in the graveyard, swimming in the lakes at the mountains, goofing around on Ginger Islands beach, fighting monsters, movie theater dates, museum/library dates, playing video games, watching tv, playing with her guinea pig.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
Avril Lavigne: Girlfriend & Complicated
Evanescence: Bring Me To Life
Fefe Dobson: Ghost & Stuttering
(i just think she’d like these songs a lot tbh, seems like stuff she’d listen to)
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
There isn’t a single thing she keeps from you, she tells you every little weird, sad, goofy, and happy thought she has lol.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
Not long, six months at most. She definitely falls fast 
(i mean she doesn’t have a lot of options, can you blame her for wanting to jump into a relationship quickly)
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
Very affectionate and caring, she’ll big spoon you and tell you everything's gonna be okay. Later she’ll make you your favorite food for dinner and then turn on whatever show you want to watch. (and while you're watching tv, she'll bring David to cuddle you)
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
She likes showing off her progress on her swordsmanship. And yes she absolutely loves showing you off, she’ll go on and on about you to everyone, all the time (much to Seb’s dismay). It’s to the point her friends feel like they’re dating you too with how much they know about you LMAO.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
She loves that you fight, it’s very cool and exciting to her. And ofc she would fight with you, she actually really wishes you’d offer (please teach her to use a sword).
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
Moderately well, i think she sometimes might be oblivious to others feelings (like if your upset about her pranking you, she might not realize till later because she's distracted by laughing about it), but most of the time, she can read you really well because she knows you really well.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
She wouldn’t, she’s actually waiting for you to pop the question.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
Rainy days, music, ginger island, the graveyard, walks in the mountains, your house/farm, you in general, reading in the library, hanging out with sam & sab in the saloon.
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tabitha42 · 5 months
The Wizard's Apprentice - Chapter 9
Saffron is just a lowly apprentice with barely a successful firebolt to her name. So what chance does she have with the arch mage she's slowly falling in love with?
Gale x Tav, slow burn, eventual smut
Chapter 1 Previous chapter Next chapter
Saff stared intently at the tattered sleeve of Gale’s robe as she sewed it up as best she could. They’d managed to get all the blood out of it and now she was patching it up. The bracer was completely beyond repair though, for her at least. Perhaps a proper leatherworker could fix it or make a replacement. 
Unfortunately not only was it quite difficult to repair, but she was also getting very distracted by the thought of Gale bathing in the river behind her. She tried to tell herself not to think about him. How would she like it if the tables were turned and he was thinking of her while she bathed, imagining the water running over her slick, naked body?
She’d quite like that, actually.
Again she shook her head, for the 10th time. She forced herself to focus on the sewing once more, yet as she did she found herself wondering how far down his body that tattoo on his chest extended…
“How’re they looking?” 
She almost yelped in surprise as his voice snapped her out of her thoughts and she desperately hoped it hadn’t been obvious she’d been daydreaming about him. 
“Wha- how, um, how’s what looking?” she stuttered, looking up at him. 
“The robes,” he answered, stifling a chuckle at her flustered response. 
“Oh! Um, yeah, mostly done,” she answered, holding the sleeve up for him to see. He sat down opposite her and took the robes to inspect the damage. He was wearing his camp clothes now, and though she couldn’t see much of the tattoo anymore, she could still see the lines reaching up his neck. Sometimes she swore it looked like it somehow continued under his skin up to his eye, though she wondered if that was just some oddly prominent veins. She should really ask him about that tattoo at some point and if it meant something. 
“That gnoll really really did a number on this, didn’t it?” he mused as he handed it back to her. “Thank you for offering to fix it.” 
“You’re welcome, though I’m not sure I’m going to be able to do much more than this. It’s always going to be pretty bad, unless you get someone to remake the whole sleeve.”
“Well, what’s an adventurer without a bit of battle damage?” he chuckled. 
“Not looking forward to getting my battle damage,” she replied, half-jokingly. 
“With any luck you won’t have to, and I won’t have to get any more. We should be far at the back, out of the range of fire. They call wizards glass canons for a reason, after all.” 
“Mmm… easier said than done, when goblins are swarming round the whole group,” she murmured, remembering the one that nearly got her before Gale took care of it. 
“Do you know Misty Step?” he asked, frowning a bit as she looked at her.
“I know of it, but I’ve never tried to cast it.” 
“Let’s put that at the top of our priority for the next lesson, then. An extremely useful spell every wizard should know. As soon as combat starts you want to find a safe spot, preferably on the high ground, where you can pick off enemies but they can’t reach you. Misty Step will take you right there. It’ll also get you out of trouble in a pinch.” 
“It’s quite a bit more difficult than just standard cantrips though, isn’t it?” 
“It is, yes. But I think you’re up to the challenge.” She couldn’t help the smile that came to her lips, and Gale mirrored it as he continued. “I know you said you were out of magic for the day, but want to give it a quick try, just in case?” 
Well how could she say no to him?
After showing her the movements and the incantation, the two returned to the river bank and stood a few metres apart. 
“Now focus on the spot in front of me,” Gale called to her. “Have this spot in your head as you cast the spell, think of nothing but moving here. And remember, use the momentum of your movements to imagine yourself moving too,” he called to her. She nodded and took a deep breath to prepare herself. Finally, she lifted her arms. 
“Inveniam viam!” 
As usual, nothing happened the first time. But she didn’t let that deter her. She tried again, and again. Gale called the odd suggestion to her, a slight change in her position or change of pronunciation. Soon she started feeling a brush of magic with each attempt, growing stronger and stronger… til suddenly she felt a lurch and a flash as she said the words. In an instant the ground fell away, her body was pulled in one direction and her mind another, then suddenly she was back on the beach, stumbling forward disorientated, completely losing her balance. 
Before she fell suddenly she was caught and she found herself in Gale’s arms, her hands on his chest as she leaned against him. 
“Woah…” she whispered, looking up at him as the world spun around her. 
“That’s it, you’re ok,” he said softly. “It can be a bit disorienting at first, but you did it!” 
“A bit…” she laughed, feeling like Gale was wildly understating the extreme dizziness she was feeling right now. 
“It’ll pass, don’t worry,” he assured her. She rest her head against his chest, feeling like she couldn’t stop her head swimming right now and needed to force it to stay still. After a few moments, as promised, the dizziness began to die down, and only then did she realise what position they were stood in. 
She lifted her head and looked up at him, her hands still on his chest, his hands still on her waist where he’d caught her. Feeling his hands there, holding her so tenderly… it almost made her feel light-headed again, and this time not from the magic. As their eyes met her breath caught in her throat and her heart skipped a beat.
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“Feeling better?” he asked softly, the tenderness in his voice sending excited shivers down her spine. All she could manage was a small nod. Then she could swear, just for a split second, his eyes flicked down to her lips. Her heart raced in her chest as slowly, almost subconsciously, they drew closer together
There was a noise to the side and they both turned in surprise to see Astarion sitting on a large rock nearby, watching them. 
“Oh, please continue, don’t let me stop you,” he said innocently. He then let out a yelp as two mage hands suddenly pushed him off the rock. 
They returned to the tents to find the others just arriving - it seemed Astarion had walked on ahead a bit. But before Saff could think about her annoyance towards him any more, her attention was taken by the tiefling walking along with them. 
She was incredibly tall, well-built, wearing black leather and carrying a greataxe, one horn broken off while the other curled around her dark hair.
Suddenly Saff recognised her. 
“Wait, isn’t that-?!” she gasped, the words coming out before she thought about what she was saying. 
“Yes, it is,” Wyll said with a sigh, knowing what she was getting at. “Turns out I was misled. Karlach is no devil, she is a tiefling, and infected the same as us.” 
“You guys must be Saff and Gale!” Karlach said happily with a big grin. In the visions she’d looked terrifying, but now she had the warmest, most welcoming smile.
“A pleasure to meet you,” Gale said, walking towards her, lifting his hand for a handshake. “Woah now, wouldn’t do that soldier. Not unless you wanna burn your hand off,” she warned, taking a step back before he got too close. Saff frowned as she followed Gale towards her. 
“What do you mea-” 
The pain, again. She saw Avernus, devils and imps, the Blood War… and felt Karlach’s fear as she cut through them all, desperate for escape. 
“Arg, forgot that was gonna happen again,” Karlach said as the vision ended. 
“We did try to warn you,” Wyll laughed.
“Yeah yeah, well I guess I can’t complain too much,” she said, turning back to Gale and Saff. “Without this little worm, that one would never have believed my story,” she explained, pointing to Wyll. 
“I like to think I’m a good judge of character, but I fear you may be correct,” Wyll admitted, clearly not proud of it, but not going to hide it. “And what a mistake I’d have made. Heh, who’d have thought the tadpoles would prove useful?” 
“Suppose I’ve got two things to thank the mind flayers for then,” Karlach joked. “Seeing people’s memories when I meet them is definitely a new one for me!” 
The others chuckled and agreed, though Saff’s smile faded as a realisation suddenly dawned on her. 
With a gasp she turned to Gale and found him looking back at her with a slightly nervous look on his face. He knew what she’d just realised… 
With wide eyes she stepped back instinctively, and by this point the others had clearly noticed, and soon Gale felt all eyes on him, wondering what Saff was reacting to. 
“Ah, yes, I wondered if you might ask about this…” he started, before Lae’zel interrupted. 
“Ask about what??” she demanded, not wanting to be left in the dark. Meanwhile, Astarion looked quite excited.
“Ohh, we’ve only just got back and already there’s drama,” he whispered to Karlach, who happened to be standing next to him, and who looked significantly more concerned about all this.
“I didn’t see anything when I met Gale…” Saff whispered, the fear in her voice evidence of her fears about the reason behind that. “There was no connection, not like with everyone else…” 
“Did everyone else not see Gale’s memories?” Wyll asked, trying to remember what he’d seen when they’d met. “I saw books and a wizard’s tower.” 
“Those were my memories,” Saff said, knowing exactly which memories they’d seen as she’d seen them as well when their minds connected. 
“If you’d just let me explain-”
“Kaincha!” Lae’zel spat, drawing her sword. “He’s lying! He’s not infected at all!” 
“I assure you I am not lying!” Gale said quickly, holding his arms up in front of him defensively. 
“What, then? Speak!” 
“I just blocked it out! It’s not so different to Detect Thoughts and other such similar spells. I blocked out the tadpole the same way I would block out those spells.” “Ch’k, you expect us to believe you can just block out the tadpoles with such ease?” Lae’zel sneered, not believing him. Shadowheart clearly thought similarly. 
“The tadpoles are powerful magic,” she said, implying he wouldn’t be able to overpower them. 
“And I’m a powerful wizard,” he replied, the hint of a threat at the edge of his tone. “To control one’s mind and defend it against such threats is basic training at any good wizardry academy. I won’t claim blocking out the tadpoles is easy, but it is possible.” 
There was a moment of uneasy silence as they each weighed up whether or not to believe him. 
“Bah, enough! I will settle this!” Lae’zel declared, then strode towards Gale. For a moment the group thought she was going to kill him there and then, til she stopped in front of him and the pain ripped through their heads once more. 
They all felt it - Lae’zel trying to enter his mind. They felt her slashing the walls of his consciousness, trying to force her way in, as if trying to bash down a door… then suddenly they were all ejected as Gale’s defenses dropped like a portcullis. 
“Out!” Gale shouted, holding his head. He glared at Lae’zel, and she at him. 
“Ch’k, it didn’t connect. You have no tadpole!” 
“I stopped you connecting!” 
“And why should I believe you?” she demanded, raising her sword again in a threat. 
“If you want me to prove it then just ask, don’t start trying to force your way in!”
“Very well. Prove it to us,” she demanded. Hardly the polite request Gale had meant, but better than having his mind forced open. At least this way he could control what they saw… he hoped. 
“Fine…” he murmured, taking a moment to gather himself, before closing his eyes. 
The feeling returned, but this time it wasn’t painful. Not like their minds suddenly clashing together, but instead of his mind willingly opening up to them and sharing with them. He tried to focus on an unimportant recent memory, but quickly found the tadpoles seemed to gravitate towards rather more impactful memories. He could focus it somewhat, keeping it to recent memories, but couldn’t control exactly what they saw. 
The vision that came to them was that of a forest, though they felt his anxiety - then came the gnoll, jumping on him, throwing him to the ground. They saw its teeth, gnashing and tearing, sinking into his arm, blood and bile, searing pain, nothing but hunger behind the gnoll’s empty black eyes…
Then a blast of wind and thunder as the gnoll was thrown back. A blink and Saff was stood in front of him, protecting him as she hit the gnoll with everything she had, attack after attack. They felt his pain, his fear, his adrenaline… and maybe something else as he looked up at her…
The vision disappeared and they were back in the present. For a moment the group was quiet, some of them feeling a bit bad about turning on him so quickly when he’d been telling the truth, til Lae’zel spoke. 
“You were attacked by one of those creatures?” she asked, a hint of familiarity in her tone - they’d faced them out on the road, too. 
Gale lifted his sleeve and showed the bandages on his arm. 
“I was. And I wouldn’t be here right now if it wasn’t for Saff,” he said, turning to her. For a moment she blushed as the rest of the group looked at her. Astarion and Lae’zel in particular looked surprised, having seen how she’d reacted to the goblins the day before. Astarion’s look of surprise turned to a smile as he stepped forward. 
“Well then, a toast to your saviour is in order, is it not?” he said, taking his pack off and pulling out a bottle of wine. 
“Fuck yes!” Karlach agreed, happy both about the fact that the misunderstanding between her new friends had been settled, and that one of them had a surprise bottle of wine in his bag.
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micheya · 1 year
The Sound of Music | Genshin x Reader
Part 1: Cyno and Albedo Part 2: Dehya and Fischl (out soon) Part 3: Razor and Yanfei (out soon)
"Eggo, what instruments do you play?" "piano, cello, guitar, electric bass, double bass and ukulele"
Of all the instruments you play, what's their favourite?
Content warning:
No pronouns mentioned. Second Person. Can be interpreted as platonic or romantic
Genre: Fluff
Word count:
Cyno x reader - 1009 Albedo x reader - 969
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@favonius-library my submission for the gift exchange for @egnengg
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Cyno - Guitar
Leading on from the previous windblume festival and his quite strange but fun insistence to committing to his role as an adventurer, he thought it was perfect that you knew how to play instruments, even if you didn't get round to performing often, you had immediately acquired the role of "Travelling bard, tenacious and tactful with every touch made when playing their instruments." quite literally his words.
In any case, a guitar was just the most practical of the instruments you played. Carrying a double bass and piano around certainly wasn't efficient, and asking for someone to carry them or for a carriage to travel across the nation would be expensive. "That and we're supposed to be experienced and seasoned travellers,” he'd say, but really what's a TCG match without you playing some good background music as he once again takes Tighnari and Collei down. (You still didn’t know what being seasoned travellers had to do with you carrying what instrument. You assumed, maybe he was trying to say travellers don’t carry more than they can handle, and are efficient in terms of travel weight).
While the ukulele had the same benefits, and was technically easier to transport, he just much preferred the heavier sound and diverse range of a guitar. It would fit his range in voice when singing, and honestly it sounds a whole lot more dramatic when monologuing at the beginning or near the end of a match. 
“You really thought such a move would work on someone as well versed as me?”, “I commend your efforts, you fought valiantly, but alas fell an inch too short.” and “And now begins yet another fateful match, another block in the road I have yet to carve a path through. I will emerge victorious.” and…
Well, you get the point.
Tighnari is almost resentful with the way you’ve been enabling him, groaning in displeasure whenever Cyno was or wasn’t playing. He seemed to always have something to say when near a TCG match. You’d think every once in a while he’d pull a book worthy quote, then he’d pop a joke right after and you’d instinctively stop playing to wallow in your disappointment. “I thought it was funny.” 
And some were! 
“Just not this one” you’d reply. Putting your guitar to the side for a bit, to relieve yourself from the ache of that day’s session. 
When your hands would ache on the journey of your collective vacation, he’d often stretch out your hands, while massaging ointment onto them. You didn’t necessarily need the help, but it sure did feel nice, and getting free supplements for your skin at the request of Cyno to Tighnari surely could be counted as another win. Especially when he’d be the one insisting you play, “If our tactful and tenacious bard could play some battle music for the oncoming duel, we would be most grateful.”, “Y/n, how are your hands feeling, up for some practice with your guitar?”, “I really like that last song, could you play it again?”, “I found this music sheet being sold by a merchant, it looked like it’d sound good so I bought it. How about you give it a go.” 
He was your biggest supporter, along with Collei and Tighnari, almost too big of a supporter   (though in your heart you don’t think it’d ever be possible). It was endearing, and you were happy to have someone anticipate your next little performance, no matter whether you played perfectly or made a few to many  mistakes.
When asked of any hobbies outside of Genius invocation TCG, he’d smile fondly and answer playing guitar with his family. Collei had one day gone to Cyno talking about wanting to learn the guitar after watching you play for so long, she thought it’d be fun, she didn’t know if she’d be interested in the instrument in the long run for herself but figured it would be a fun way to bond and also help with the rehabilitation of her fingers. 
He nodded, humming thoughtfully too, he had often wished for the opportunity to play with you, the thought of spending more time with you never ceasing to warm his heart. So plucking up the courage to ask you to teach them, the two bashfully yet filled with a steadfast determination, approached you with their newly bought guitar’s. 
 ‘Why not?’, you thought, “You already have your guitars, and this would be good for Collei… Let’s make a schedule.” and therefore began what would be a weekly session with Collei and, if lucky, bi-monthly Cyno would join due to his work schedule, (with Tighnari popping in to watch with some snacks). 
Off duty, the way Cyno would express himself would sharply contrast with the deadly aura he’d exude when interrogating wrongdoers. His neutral expressions on and off duty, while similar, would often have his co-workers tilt their heads trying to play ‘spot the difference’. His eyebrows would ever so slightly relax their barely seen creases now completely unseen, the slight downturn in his lips instead changing into a slight upturn. 
Many couldn’t put their finger on what exactly on his face had changed, but then again the fear that they had done something unknowingly wrong for the general Mahamatra to even be in their presence often clouded any sort of thought process they had going on. 
“What brings you here today, General?” 
“Be at ease, I’m just here to report on my latest mission. The perpetrators have been turned in, and so I’ll be taking my time off for the next two days.”
“Ah, so that’s why you’re in a good mood.” The Professor unknowingly let out a sigh with his chuckle, that’s why he seemed a bit different.
“Yes, I wasn’t expecting it to be so obvious, but really it’s to be expected.” Unable to hold back his smile at the thought of the next guitar session with you and Collei he nodded, “I was very particular in finishing this job quickly, as I’ll be going to visit my family.”
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Albedo - Ukulele
 One of Albedo’s most recent wonders in his life is how you make his synthetic heart beat with joy when around. It’s always a joy to spend time with you, even when he’s busy with his experiments and hardly sees anyone all day. Those little passing-bys he manages to squeeze in when in Mondstadt for work has him counting himself fortunate. 
Especially when he knocks on your door to be greeted by the sound of small excited footsteps and a joyful, “Y/n! Y/n! Big brother is finally here!”
Whenever he hears that, he’s only reminded of Klee’s answer when he had asked how she could always tell it was him at the door. “Wow, Klee, you were right.” You smiled standing behind her as she leapt onto her brother’s leg in a tight hug, “He does knock to that rhythm. You really do have a good memory, huh?” You praised the little girl as she nodded an even bigger smile on her face.
“I know my brother the best.” Letting go of said brother she puffed out her chest, arms by her side to further showcase the pride she held. It was endearing, and she almost seemed to glow in the afternoon sun that peered through the doorway.
“I’m grateful to have such a caring sister like you, Klee,” Albedo said, patting her head, before finally entering your house, “So, what have you been up to today? Drawing? Learning some new music?” 
Barely finishing his sentence, Klee grabbed his hand and dragged him through the building, with a “Follow me!”, taking him to your music room where pillows, crayons, drawings and instruments lay on the ground. “Look, look..! This is me….and this is Y/n and,” The ‘and’ was elongated, “we’re playing in front of a crowd, and” again the ‘and’ elongated, “We're singing a song-” She dropped her picture and picked up a ukulele, one of two, Albedo’s eyes followed her, a soft smile instinctively making way, as he took two of the stray pillows on the floor, handing one to you and sitting down next to you who soon followed suit. “We’re singing this.” 
Klee took a breath, a little cough rumbled to clear her little chest, as she sat down (more like suddenly dropping her body weight without caution) and wiggled a bit more to adjust herself. One more exhale escaped from her with closed eyes before she slowly opened them with a smile again. 
Clumsy, but clearly well practised, fingers played a C chord, her first ‘down down up up down up’ strums, a little slower than the original tempo, but in the beat (which she was proud of) it was supposed to be in, “...You are my sunshine-” An uncontrollably bright smile appeared on your lips, as you swayed and nodded along to her, even with the little pauses between the change of chords. “You make me happy, when skies are grey…” 
Albedo glances between the two of you, seemingly pausing, despite there not originally being any movement. He feels warm, and overcome with an overwhelming fondness to the situation, a stark contrast to the type of intrigue he feels when researching new alchemic breakthroughs. Truly a different type of revitalisation, he thinks when watching Klee fumble but finish the performance nonetheless, glowing at the applause, hi-fiving and running back to the image she was previously explaining. 
It was a bit longer than a pass-by greeting (He would have to apologise to Timaeus for the late report), the three of you ultimately eating lunch together talking about anything and everything. All taking turns listening intently to the topics of interest each person had. It was more than just a normal pleasant afternoon stroll, there was an emotional connection strengthening with each visit, an invisible link formed with every activity spent together and a bit of time invested into learning more about the other person, with making an effort to get along with those they also loved. 
“So, Klee, what song will you be learning next?” Albedo asked. His body shifted ever so slightly, inclined towards her.
“I want to learn piano next. Twinkle twinkle little star.” She replied, mouth still full of food, “Can we, y/n?” 
“Oh, really? But you looked particularly good at the ukulele, are you already done with it?” He frankly was a tad bit disappointed, he thought she looked especially cute when playing it, and thought he’d be able to see future performances with it. 
“Don’t worry. You can see Klee play ukulele more another time.” The young girl responded, “I just really really want to play the piano this time. It looks soooooo cool!” 
“You really do know me well, Klee” Albedo once again smiled.
There seemed to be no shortage of those that day. There also seemed to be no shortage of those same smiles the next time he dropped by for Klee’s next performance, which was as cute as the last. He supposed that it wouldn’t matter what she played, she'd still look adorable. However, he knew he still held a bit of bias to how her voice sounded when singing along to you or her playing the ukulele. Maybe it was because that was the instrument he had seen her playing first. The one he first witnessed you teach her, and the instrument out of size and cost convenience she bought to learn along with you, kicking off this new implicitly agreed on rendezvous.
Yes, he was quite fond of watching you play your other instruments. But the ukulele held a slightly different emotional weight to it, he figured it was also these little bits of bias held within the heart of a person that made them human. On days like these, any doubt of him being anything but, would fade away.
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A/n: Please reblog :')
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marlows-pkmnirl · 7 months
//currently inactive. may get changed to a pkmnirl hub
hi, i’m vivi!! i’m a new trainer on my journey through unova, and i’m using this account to make new friends and keep track of my adventures!
i’m 15, my pronouns are she/her, and i’m from nacrene city. my journey started on 1/10/24! <3
here’s my trainer card!
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andddd here’s an old picture of me and my starter! (this is the only way i could get it to format right)
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now, the most important part… my team!
prancer - sawsbuck - he/him
adamant, alert to sounds
my starter! he’s a breed-standard sawsbuck except that he has blue eyes. i got him when i was 8, and he was a sort of ‘bodyguard’ for me. that has turned into some overprotectiveness, but we’re working on that! he prefers being out of his pokeball (i haven’t figured out exactly why) so we pretty much always go places together
salami sandwich - krokorok - she/her
hardy, loves to eat
100% breed standard krokorok. either salami or sandwich, i use them pretty interchangeably. we met at the desert resort when she snatched my sandwich straight out of my hand. she and prancer had some hostility issues, but they’ve been mostly resolved. she’s extremely food motivated, and will eat (or try to eat) anything you put in front of her mouth.
twiggy - emolga - he/him
rash, highly curious
breed standard emolga, except for a white-tipped tail, and my most energetic pokemon by far. he’s also very social, and loves forcing my other pokemon to play with him lmao. he’s especially fond of prancer, hitching rides on his antlers all the time, and is a terrible influence on pepper
pepper - eevee - she/her
naughty, somewhat vain
a shiny eevee crossbred with shinx, she likely came from a shiny mill situation. she has narcolepsy and some immune issues, and hatched on 2/9/24. loves stealing/hiding my stuff and getting brushed. she really enjoys playing with twiggy and being poorly influenced by him
and.. hm.. i’m not sure if it counts, but my rotom phone is named buzz. sometimes it posts, but it only uses emojis to communicate
@fenneky-fox eebydeeby irl, fennekin sleeby
@warrior-wandering cursed chosen
//ooc info!
mod uses they/them pronouns <3
i’m not a minor but vivi is. the most nsfw this blog will get is biology class or maybe a dirty joke here and there
pelipper mail is on! magic anons are off!
pretty much anybody, including sapient pokemon, can interact, but vivi will assume they’re just role playing. she will go with the ‘bit’ though
everything is low stakes, cause i don’t have time for that sort of stress in my life
my canon is a mix between anime and the games, with some real world biology thrown in there (so in other words, i’m making shit up as i go)
also in my canon legendaries are rare and most don’t have any reason to interact with humans. mythicals are more likely to interact with humans but still rare
i love and encourage nosy people. ask vivi (or me) anything (that’s appropriate)
you can send an ask from literally any ask game ive reblogged as long as you also include the question! i have them all in #ask games
i’ll add more when i think of it ^-^
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mochidreambubble · 1 year
From Golden Grove, Love Sunset Bird
[ongoing fic]
Ao3 link
Chapters on Tumblr ~ 1 2 3 4 (you're here!)
previous - next (WIP)
{Baxter doesn't know it yet, but when he's back from his dance circuit, he owes you the biggest milkshake.}
[I left a long note on the previous chapter so it may be worth looking through that if you'd like to know about how this fic may be going on forward?
Also chapter title will say step ‘1.2’ because this happens the next year after Step 1. A short interlude of a chapter if anything. Chapter title makes sense in context, I promise.]
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Out of all the seasons, you can say for sure you like summer the least . No amount of pictures or pretty postcards of Sunset Bird in this season would deter you from that. 
It was your first summer in your new home though, so that was something. Summer, when you lived in the city meant trips to the pool sometimes, and small carnivals set up in the parks. You mainly got dropped off at the library or at dozens of art or drama week-long day camps before Mama had to make a mad dash to work.
At least things were going to be pretty different this summer. You even had a camping trip with the Murrays coming up soon! A little weird to be spending summer break with a teacher, as both Tamarack and even Qiu would remind you, but it was going to be so much fun! You had your school activities too, but you were mainly looking forward to all the sleepovers and adventures your two friends promised to do.
Well, it wasn’t really gonna be different from what you three usually did, but summer break just made it extra special. You knew that all three of you would still prefer the season that came after, but it's not like it could be autumn all year round after all.
As you think of the two of them, the fact that they weren’t with you made itself known even harder. Qiu had promised to hang with Darren and Tamarack had left a note for you that she was helping out Granny today. Mama still had work to do, and with no activities on your list, you decided it was time to get some new postcards and stationery. Maybe some stickers too! Anything to distract that you were by yourself today…
You liked the cosy post office of Golden Grove, and you’ve been there enough times since you moved in that the people working there knew your name. They even knew you were sending letters to your pen pal! 
You were skipping to your destination when you spotted Mr B.A.W, looking at a window display of the bookstore. You can’t say for sure if Baxter liked you. He was always really nice, and he was never mean to you or Tamarack, but it felt different from how he treated the original members of the Boys Club.
Baxter recently dyed his hair, the dark grey now unmistakable to be black. He was still dressed in muted tones, just like the first day you’ve met him. You haven’t seen him in anything as eye-catching - blue beanie aside. 
He didn’t seem to notice as you walked closer, so you stand on the tippy toes and whispered “Hey Baxter, watcha doin’?”
If you caught him by surprise, you couldn’t tell. He simply smiled and turned to you. “Simply browsing the new books that came in. Hello to you too.”
You on the other hand, liked him quite a bit. You both had the same two favourite colours and Baxter always had the best taste in books. He had recommended quite a list when you asked and enjoyed them thoroughly. 
You bounce back and forth from your toes to the back of your foot, swinging as you look at the window display too. “I’m surprised you aren’t hanging out with Autumn and Darren today.”
Baxter gives a small snort and sighs. “I’m afraid biking with the two of them right now would not be the best of ideas, considering the dance circuit is around the corner.”
Oh right, Autumn had mentioned something about that too, that Baxter was going to be away for a little while. “Right, around California and some other places nearby, right? Make sure to bring back snacks for us.”
“If I can manage,” he simply shrugs.
“You don’t sound very excited.”
“Do I? Hm, it’s simply another round of contests, so it’s not as if I’m travelling to play.”
“Boo,” you stick your tongue out at him. “Where’s your sense of adventure, Baxter? C’mon, think about it for a bit! Dancing out of town, new places to be!”
You clasp your hands in a sudden thought. “Oh, oh!” You felt like glitter and starlight as you pictured it. “What if you, like a mysterious stranger, sweep someone off their feet and you start some type of fairy tale?”
He raises a brow, one side of his mouth upturned. “I had forgotten for a moment that you’re quite fond of such romantic ideals.”
“I’m serious Baxter! You fit the look of a prince, you know?”
He snorts again. “Mm, I suppose I do have the family fortune for it.”
“Not only that silly! You dance, you’re charming. Whose to say you won’t be someone’s Prince Charming, hm?”
A car honks catches both of your attention before he could respond. It was one of the Ward’s family car. Baxter looks back at you apologetically.
“It may not be midnight, but it seems my pumpkin calls, fair friend,” he gives you a bow and you laugh, returning it in kind. “See you when I get back.”
He turns to enter the car as you call out. “You owe me a milkshake or something if I’m right! You’re totally gonna meet someone!”
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Your Mama wasn’t back yet, so you went up to your room to unceremoniously dump your shopping bag into your bed. You’re half tempted to call your Mermaid pal, but you weren’t sure if they’d be home. Their summer always seemed to be filled with activity, more so since Cove arrived. 
Calling them up seemed to be a more common thing between the two of you these days, but that didn’t mean you stopped sending them things. There was just something different about a letter, postcard or package. It was nice when you got to hear their voice for the first time, and Cove was there too!
Last time you managed to check in with your Sunset Birdies, they had just returned from a short road trip. Apparently, some silly loft-sharing shenanigans and pretty nature walks were in the mix. You were promised pictures of trees from said walk.
“Mine won’t look at good as yours but you asked for them, so no complaining!” Your Mermaid friend had always insisted the pictures from you were always nicer somehow.
Said letter had yet to arrive, sadly. Your own letter was sitting on your desk, still blank. Not much had happened on your break, mostly the same ol` same ol`. It’s funny you can say that when it hadn’t even been a full year in Golden Grove, but Tamarack and Qiu had managed to make a stable rhythm in most of your day-to-day.
You ponder for a moment, wondering if you should write about your short encounter with Baxter. You’ve never really mentioned him to your pen pal at all. You’ve written about Darren a few times though. With a shake, you decide against it. It be kind of out of the blue to start talking about your elusive kind-of a friend. Pity, as Baxter would be in California for a short bit too. You’re not sure when would your letter arrive anyway, and you don’t know when and where exactly Baxter would be during the dance circuit. 
You think it be kind of funny if the two of them met by chance though. But what even were the chances of that happening anyways?
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[last note from me: sweats in: look this was gonna be a Cove/OL1MC fic but since the last time I wrote this fic at all like… Uh…. A lot of Baxter related stuff happen and uhhHHHHH so Maybe it will also Baxter/OL1MC fic also. IDK, I haven’t added the Baxter ship tag on Ao3 yet-]
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sarascamander · 4 months
Final finished with the last book in the series!
1. First of all, I want to say WOMEN 🛐🛐🛐. All of them are wonderful, badass, legendary, absolute icon. If it weren't for the women in the series, Tedros can kiss his crown goodbye lmao.
2. Baby Merlin is an absolute cutie I wished he stayed that way longer. Calling Aggie Momma — aghagah my heart
3. The gays win in this one y'all! Japeth and Aric confirmed and when Japeth asked for that kiss — I was holding my breath, I was anticipating it. I needed it. I'm so disappointed that it was actually Tedros 😭 Then there's Anadil and Hester being wives since day 1 with unconventional love confession. Tedros basically admitted to being bi, William and his bf I forgot the name. Love all of them omg.
4. My favourite scene in the book is probably Sophie's scream that almost killed Japeth. Like go Queen! And speaking of Sophie, my wife has many amazing and badass moments as she should (her ripping the scim from her ear also deserve a standing ovation. Truly witch of the woods beyond.)
5. Hort and Sophie relationships are better and i understand why people ship them... But I still would prefer if he was dead lmao. They're cute but maybe I'm not feeling them since I'm still hung up on Rhian.
6. Overall though, I actually enjoy this less than the other books. Idk why, maybe because it's the last or that it's so packed with action that we didn't really get any relationship moments. Or maybe I'm just sad that it's over but it's still satisfying to read about the characters and I'm happy with how it all ends. I certainly love The Camelot Year more than the school year. So I give this one 3 stars.
Okay, maybe there's clear things about what I don't like
1) I think Japeth and Rhian being Rafal's son made sense but at the same time it don't. Like... I really don't like the way people are randomly sleeping around in this one. I can't imagine Rafal messing with Evelyn, I can't imagine Arthur and Lady Gremlaine literally doing it a day before his wedding. It just rub me the wrong way
2) they pushed Japeth in the background when I found him and his brother as villian really interesting and different. But now instead of going against Japeth, it's about solving the Quests so we don't really get any development on Japeth which is a shame (and the way he dies is so anticlimactic it's not even satisfying)
3) it focused on Tedros too much and I liked him but not enough lmao (probably the reason I love book 5 so much, he's barely in that).
4) Again, the actions are so packed and sometimes repetitive (Sophie's chapter finding the sword and then we turn to Agatha's chapter and find the same revelation).
5) when that crown land on Agatha, I really wished she was crowned for real at that moment instead ngl.
6) the pacing and the setting? We are going left and right from one adventure to the next and in my previous review I said i don't quite like adventure books with traveling and stuff. I found book 4 interesting and book 5 grounded but this one is just all over the place, I can't always keep up what's actually happen. Maybe this one is just me.
If I have to rank the book
1) A Crystal of Time
2) A World Without Princes
3) Quest for Glory
4) The Last Ever After
5) School for Good and Evil
6) One True King
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Two years ago around this time I finally watched Digimon Adventure in the original Japanese with subtitles. It was a pretty different vibe than the dub but I still felt like all the important details of the story were covered and nothing of value was missed. The biggest advantage the original sub had was a much better sound track, and of course less censorship. So to me, the ideal version of the anime would have been an uncut version with Japanese audio but english voices
Last month I started watching a fan-made edit of the anime. It wasn't exactly what I wanted, but pretty close. It used the RAW footage of the Japanese version, and it used the english dub audio, except for the opening and ending theme, the commercial break card, and one or two pieces of footage where english audio simply couldn't work. It was awkward in a few spots. Some areas more than others. Joe explaining the terrorist bombing was probably the worst offender, which is weird because i'm pretty sure english audio of that part exists on the DVDs, but the awkward bits are easy to look past.
In any case, it's dual audio, so you can just switch to Japanese audio and turn on subtitles. I had subtitles on anyway because I just prefer having them due to APD and most movies doing terrible sound mixing for home video release.
But having subs for the japanese script over english audio kind of helped highlight the contrast between the dub and the sub, and also helped highlight the ways in which it's pretty faithful. I will say after watching it this way, even though i'm fond of the added humor of the dub, I do think there's a lot of moments where it just does not feel appropriate for the situation and can ruin the mood. I think even most dub defenders wouldn't defend the way they did the Apocalymon final battle.
But this is still probably going to be my ideal way to watch the series from now on, because frankly, I usually feel like I need to multitask when I watch TV, ad subtitles do not permit that. I think the sub is an overall better viewing experience, but unless i'm watching it with a friend, i'm likely to not watch anything with subs unless it is at a very slow pace.
I don't know what my point is in making this post. Happy Odaiba Day I guess. Last year I watched Digimon Adventure 02 subbed with a friend starting on August 1. I was hoping this year it could be Digimon Tamers, but I don't think that's in the cards for me this year for reasons I won't go into, but the people who made the fan made edit of Adventure did the same for 02, so I might just do that next. And maybe i'll just watch the Tamers dub, but i'm going to do this at a more casual pace since currently i'm going through a comics obsession and not watching anything very much right now.
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