#though i typically pride myself on staying as true to the characters as you possibly can with agere
cgetbrmj · 6 months
anyway do u have hcs on cg!Sejanus and little!coryo? I’ll probably be back stalking ur inbox to shove my hc for them in your face but I’m curious of yours and if we have any mutual ones??
peace n love and I’m sorry again for harrassing you-
hahaha never harassing me, I promise!! I adore getting messages in my inbox!! I'm also very hyped by having a mutual who is just as excited about tbosas agere as I am lol please feel free to send your hcs my way I love hearing them
ugh cg!Sejanus 😍😭 I have so much love for him - and Little Coryo is a massive guilty pleasure at this stage. I do have some hcs on them - mostly assuming this is in a littles are known verse (though I do have a couple vague fic ideas on an age regressing Coryo in a non-littles are known verse if anyone cares to hear about that)
Probably gonna put a break here because I'm probably gonna ramble about them for ages lol - this ask has been a great excuse to post hcs on them so - you're getting more than you signed up for lol!!!!!!! Sage feel free to message me that I'm doing too much haha, hoping that you won't mind the rambling but idk just lemme know if it's too much - and also if you like any of the hcs/agree with any!
Despite Coryo being the person defending Sejanus more often than not, Sejanus is so loyal to Coryo and Very protective of him, no matter the circumstances.
Early on (pre tbosas/early academy days) Sejanus is more concerned with protecting big Coryo's representation than he is with considering caregiving for Little Coryo, and totally helps to hide that Coryo is a Little from everyone.
Absolutely found out that Coryo did not have anything for Little him and absolutely immediately started sneaking him gear.
Probably tries to do it in a way that Coryo won't notice and argue against it - gives him a paci when he's practically asleep, hands him a stuffie to keep when he's already started slipping.
sneaks him bite size snacks periodically across a long time until he's confident Coryo's eaten enough to get through the rest of the day without realising Sejanus has caught on to his food problem.
(If in a verse with any kind of headspace suppressants) Sejanus refuses to let Coryo ignore/supress his headspace - will do anything for him but let him hurt himself.
Is really big on hand holding. They're going anywhere? Sejanus is interlocking their fingers immediately. Is Little Coryo much of a runner? Not at all. Is Sejanus giving him the opportunity? Nope. That boy is constantly at LEAST in eyesight of Sejanus.
LOVES playing with Coryo's blonde curls. Mostly only gets the chance when they're both half asleep already but it's such a soothing and comforting thing for Sejanus to do.
I feel like Sejanus would be the type of caregiver to give daily affirmations. Especially with how obvious it is that Coryo overthinks every moment of his life. I can see him trying to get Little Coryo to repeat positive affirmations in the morning and before bed.
I see Little Coryo as an easy crier. He's just so overwhelmed about everything and has barely processed any of it. When things don't go his way, he tends to break down easier because of that.
Not much of a tantrum thrower - but Little Coryo is Very petulant. He's pouty and fussy and whiney, and thinks he deserves anything and everything he could possibly want, and he Will be devastated if that doesn't work out (for like 5 minutes and then will absolutely have moved onto the next thing)
Little Coryo adores Tigris and definitely thinks she's the boss of everyone and that anything she says is always 100% true and never doubts it. Tigris is far too kind a soul to take advantage of this.
Little Coryo is definitely touch starved but also definitely does not realise it or believe it.
Sejanus tries to comfort him by hugging him and totally thinks he's made things worse for a second with how emotional of a response he gets from Coryo from doing it.
Coryo is extremely adamant that he's an independent big kid who doesn't really need Sejanus help with anything - right up until he's a little bit tired and sleepy and has decided that he's done with whatever he's doing, and then he's just about the clingiest thing ever and wants to steal every drop of Sejanus's attention.
Sejanus loves reading to Little Coryo - picture books, children's novels, poetry, (if Coryo is tired/little enough to allow it - touch and feel books/ anything interactive).
Coryo is either very talkative or barely verbal - Sejanus narrates his every movement though and fills in the silence most of the time
As I said - kind of used this ask as an excuse to dump some very random hcs on these two - I definitely have a lot more but that's heading into plot for some fics I'm currently working on territory sooo...
Sorry if this has been unintelligible or a nightmare to read - I am incredibly tired and basically writing this asleep haha but I loved rambling for a bit <3
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not-poignant · 5 months
Hi, Pia.....Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Thanks if you want to answer...
Hi anon!
So... they change and tbh I'm going to forget a ton of characters I love and then scream in my head later like 'oh no but THAT character and THAT character and THAT character' but I'll do my best!
Kiriyama Rei from March Comes in Like a Lion - Probably my favourite character possibly of all time. Introverted, kind of ace-coded right up until the end of the manga when it changes (and since the anime never ended he stays ace-coded throughout that lmao), very human, extremely depressed, and I just think he's a very good depiction of like...what it's like to live with extremely repressive depression and post-trauma while not necessarily knowing you have those things.
Dazai Osamu from Bungou Stray Dogs - He's a brilliant intellect genius with too much ability to know so much about the world that he kind of ends up suicidal all the time due to his upbringing / some of the things he's done and also what he's experienced. I just enjoy him. (Notable runner up here is Nakahara Chuuya but dslkajf)
Felix Harrowgate from the Doctrine of Labyrinths trilogy - Angsty, PTSD, waspish, 'I'm going to hurt you because I was hurt and then hate myself and do very self-destructive things about it but keep that part a secret so I just look like a constant dickhead,' brilliant, very good at magic. Love this dude. Would walk hundreds of miles for this dude, like the song. Would definitely write a long-ass fanfic about him.
Daeshik from Love So Pure - I love this guy SO much. He's a side-story / secondary pairing in the manhwa but I LOVE him because he's so against type. He's dorky but not in a very cute way, he's overbearing, he's SO neurodivergent coded it's painful and sometimes hilarious, he's determined and ambitious, he's not 'hot' in any typical kind of twink way, and I know he's split the fandom between 'god he's so annoying' and 'Daeshik is the BEST.' The whole webtoon is fucking amazing anyway, but Daeshik has my whole heart in his journey from 'dorky annoying overbearing friend' to 'oh I just realised I'm gay and now everything is Pride Pride Pride and I'm definitely crying next to a dildo I bought that was too big for me.'
Presenting Daeshik:
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You'll never guess what he's sitting on sdlkjfas (he fails abjectly and then cries about it in a way that's kind of hilarious honestly).
Dana Scully from The X-Files - I didn't know it at the time, but this was very much my bisexual awakening. I mean I'm pretty heavily ace now, but I'm mostly not into cishet dudes, and I had pictures of Scully up on my wall like how did I not fucking know. Anyway, scientist, smart, 'so done with your shit' and just wry and witty and *clenches fist* so short and tiny and powerful. I love her. (And Gillian Anderson).
Loki from the MCU - Not necessarily every iteration, but I do love how Tom Hiddleston plays him, and I appreciate the queerer representation. Adore this guy. Look at him, what an absolute dickhead of a god. 10/10 would read him in hurt/comfort fics and PWPs again.
Hyunsoo Seo and Youngchan Baek from Perfect Buddy / XXX Buddy - Possibly my favourite manhwa of all time and I really hope that stays true because it's not finished yet. Idk how to describe these characters because they're both very complex as you get to know them better, but basically 'angry wet cat man with past trauma that he hides exceptionally well vs. Gwyn-dimensioned blond puppy dog who is just pretending to be a puppy dog because he knows exactly how threatening he is and is willing to be to protect the people he loves.'
Murderbot in the Murderbot novella series - I think all of us - or most of us - find Murderbot incredibly relatable and that's refreshing as fuck in any novel series tbh. (ART as runner-up though, love that fucker).
Sebastian Michaelis from Kuroshitsuji / Black Butler - Honestly there were a lot of kind of 'extremely powerful but kind of shitty fuckboys' I wanted to put in this category including Gojou Satoru from JJK, Reigen from MP100, and even Louis from Beastars, but Sebastian's gonna win out because I still don't know if he's going to eat Ciel at the end of that series and I very much love not knowing because he's such a devious fuckhead. Love that not-actually-a-man.
Yuurakutei Yakumo (Kikuhiku) from Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu - I just... *flails* Almost no one has seen this anime series and it kind of kills me because firstly the books were written by someone practiced in writing BL and even though this isn't BL you can still tell the vibes are there. Secondly, one of the most ace-coded characters ever. Gender-fuckery abounds, which is fun. Thirdly just, honestly, more folks should watch this?
There were a lot of characters I know I missed but I'm pretty satisfied with this list.
I've just given myself a bunch of stuff to rewatch and reread because of this anon! :D
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flightofaqrow · 3 years
( repost, do not reblog. ) Tell us your favorite quotes from your character. Give us an idea of who they are by five things they’ve said.
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Alright, buckle up, I’m stealing this meme and repurposing it for my own use. Probably more than five, and including some quotes from others about him, though I’m going to try to keep it in groupings, and also not meant to be exhaustive of qrow’s character, but rather, to point out some very poignant lines that have effected my portrayal and... some possibly in an unpopular way compared to what I’ve seen in the fandom? I think Qrow Branwen is more complex than fitting the broody broken boi trope would give credit for (though he at least fits it as an overall stereotype).
1) I’m absolutely sure Qrow had a rough start and transition from the tribe to ‘civilized society’, coupled with typical teenage hormones and mood swings, but generally, Beacon was a good time, and he sees himself as a good huntsman, and (though we may joke about it sometimes) he absolutely does not have an active nor passive death wish.
Yeah, yeah, I know he has a song all about how he self depreciates and carries shame, but that’s a theme of his attitude, not backed up to be every single aspect of his life by actual canon. Quite the contrary. 
I don’t know where fndm gets the idea that he constantly lost his battles (especially to Raven) or was perpetually looked down on or stayed an angsty, broody teenager (who could never possibly have ever even breathed a single happy breath on his own without Summer??) all four years. As if school was hell and he never came into his own until STRQ was a graduated unit or something? If ever?
Leo tells Raven she and her brother are evenly matched. Raven herself - who takes pride in being stronger and more clever than others - describes them as a pair: “we were good.”
“you're talking to a member of the coolest team that graduated Beacon! ...we were pretty well known back in the day. ...hey, we looked good! and I have a number of inappropriate stories to back that up!”
“let me tell ya, these kids are way better than we were at their age. ...well, not better than me, specifically...”
“a professional huntsman like myself is expected to get results as soon as possible.”
The way Qrow talks about his past, as well as carrying a memento of team STRQ around with him, it’s very nostalgic for better times. The way he talks about his work, if not himself, can actually be to the point of being self-aggrandizing, instead of depreciating. He’s even able to admit that his dreaded semblance, Misfortune, “comes in handy in a fight.”
“lots of us thought you were just layin' low. eventually, we just came to accept that you were probably dead. but the stories about you, i based my weapon off of yours. i wanted to be as good as the Grimm Reaper.”
Qrow talks about himself as striving to be better. It seems he never really sees himself as reaching that standard, but it certainly implies he knows he’s not at the bottom - he had an ideal he wanted to reach and likely worked towards. Notice the use of “us” and “we” as well - he talks about himself as part of a group of larger huntsfolk circles. Who knows if this refers to students or licensed professionals or both, but this heavily, heavily implies that he was more than just a sad, outside loner, at least for a time; he chatted with others and traded stories about goings-on and missions and idols.
Somewhat related and leading into...
2)  At least around this blog, Qrow does not have an inferiority complex because of Raven.
Does he have some internalized shame about being soft that he can’t quite shake? A few insecurities about being unwanted compared to her natural leadership and competence? Yes. Does he consciously view himself as lesser than her? No. 
Also... he’s not co-dependent on her. To a degree, for while? Yeah, there was probably an unhealthy reliance going on there. But Qrow and Raven establish themselves with their own identities at some point, they’d have to, to chose different paths so stubbornly. There’s a rift there, eventually, if not always having been at odds in some ways and comfort in others.
“Raven's got an interesting way of looking at the world that I don't particularly agree with. [The weak die, the strong live. Those are the rules.]”
“...they were killers and thieves.”
We are shown that the twins were raised with this weak/strong dichotomy. Raven bought into it, but Qrow explicitly separates himself from that belief. Shown again when he mocks Raven with, “because that was your rule, right?”
He believes in true family, he believes in protecting the weak, he believes in doing good, he believes in standing up for what’s right. He may not like being emotionally vulnerable, but he shows softness and kindness to others, and for as much as he likes his flourish when fighting, he also isn’t afraid to look an absolute fool either.
He is shown de-escalating conflict time and again, even if he also falls back into violent, defensive patterns at times, too. He resents Raven for the choices she made, and as far as I interpret, thinks she’s the lesser one for running away and abandoning her family and her mission. (Meanwhile, she thinks the same of him for turning his back on the tribe.)
He all but spits on the tribe’s way of life, is willing to attack them outright to get the Spring Maiden. Why would he judge himself by those standards any longer? No, he lives by his own code, a huntsman’s code, and even has some pride in that. It’s why he can call Clover out on it. It’s why he folds when Robyn holds him to it.
It’s why it hurts when he finds out what gave him more meaning, aligned more with his own heart, than the tribe’s dogma may not actually have any purpose at all...
3) There’s so much to unpack here:
“No one wanted me... I was cursed... I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world... I thought I was finally doing some good... Meeting you... was the worst luck of my life...”
No one wanted him? I believe this means the tribe, maybe even Raven, maybe trying to make friends, but no one until Oz? Does this include STRQ? I have trouble reconciling that one with everything else we’re shown. I still maintain he was part of bigger circles, but we get confirmation that these were probably fleeting or superficial. He knew people and was known, but no one stuck around.  Also more confirmation of his values. Gave me a place sounds like so much more than refocusing to me. It’s not gave me a direction, not told me what to do, it’s took who i am and gave that person a place to thrive - despite the bad that comes with - to work towards something better. Just like he always wanted.
But then he backtracks. What is it he regrets?  We do know how he likes to go into dramatic hyperbole about these things when he’s upset. [eg. “we’re not family anymore.” “i shouldn’t have come. i shouldn’t have let any of you come.” “we can kill the man who put us here.” “gone. like everybody else.”] (I love that crwby lets their characters do it. we all say things we don’t mean in the moment, give voice to those intrusive thoughts.)
I’ve talked before about how I picture him having flashes of all the lives he could have had instead. Would he have gone back with Raven and at least still had her? Would he just have been a normal huntsman defending people from Grimm without the crushing extra knowledge? Might he have been able to have a relationship or family of his own had he not signed up for the vagabond spy life? Does he just resent losing Summer and Raven because of how things went down? We don’t know, and I think the point is that he probably doesn’t either, but the weight of sacrificing all those alternatives and putting so much faith in Ozpin, stacking so much of his life’s work and identity on being part of the inner circle, comes crashing down on him all at once. 
also quite fitting...
4) "Nice place to raise a family. ...If you're ...into that sort of thing."
This is from his World of Remnant narration, talking about Patch, but it hits so damn hard. The softness and warmth in the first half of the statement, followed by the harsh need to qualify it in regards to his own outlook... We learn all we need to know about his opinion of the subject. 
We see the conflict right there - the possibility of such a thing brings a wholesome lilt to his voice, yet he implies that it’s not something he personally intends to pursue. Is that because he doesn’t want it or because he thinks he can’t or shouldn’t have it? I don’t think that’s clear, and he may not know either. 
At the very least, I fall into the camp of him believing he doesn’t want it. Combine that with the fact that he does pick up that spy life, which makes keeping his distance a necessity, and makes settling down near impossible, and then he definitely knows it’s not in the cards for him. 
So I think it ultimately falls somewhere between. Why would he make the commitment to being a lone spy if he had dreams of love and a family? ...But then why would he resent making the sacrifice of that possibility later if he didn’t? 
Having his nieces around probably softened him up to the idea, but he’d already made his decision by that point. He’s also solid and generally happy with his choices at the point it would most matter. He’s married to his job. He’s fulfilling his missions well, in well-suited ways for his strengths and flaws. He has his nieces around as a balm on any sort of biological clock. He has his purpose with Oz.  Until he doesn’t.
This is an incredibly long-winded way of restating that one of the headcanon hills I do stand to die on is: Gray-romantic Qrow.
5) “some people are just born unlucky... my semblance isn't like most - it's not exactly something i... do.”
I am constantly confused by the amount of people trying to do character analysis around Misfortune and Qrow based on standard semblance lore, when he has yet again stated explicitly to the contrary. We all have carte blanche ya’ll. We can do whatever we want with this, because he’s already told us his semblance breaks the rules. 
My full headcanon for it is here and my opinion about the direction I hope it takes is here but tl;dr
Unless we learn otherwise, there are very, very few ways I believe Misfortune is a reflection of Qrow’s soul, if at all. This is from the first headcanon, but it’s worth restating, because it’s important to me, aaand fits the theme of pulling in some quotes from other characters:
Everyone likes to quote Ren and his description of someone’s personality being incorporated into a semblance. I don’t buy it for qrow. Here’s the FULL quote: “A common philosophy is that a warrior’s Semblance is a part of who they are. Some say your personality and character can define your Semblance while some claim that it is the other way around. Of course, there are still many who don’t see a connection at all.”
So unless we find out otherwise I will also die on the hill that qrow is an example of the middle part. Qrow’s personality/soul has nothing to do with why his semblance is what it is, but being forced to grow up and live with Misfortune has defined him tremendously.
OKAY, there are some smaller quick ones, but I’ll stick to my five points like I promised at least, and maybe do a lesser version some other time. :]
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anika-ann · 3 years
WINSoD - Epilogue
We’re Tied Together (Always and Forever)
Type: series, soulmate AU series  (part 1, part 2, part 3)  
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader  Word count: 3750
Summary: In which you reach the end of the line. Is it though? The end?
Warnings: battle with Thanos no.2, blood and violence, character death, religious motives, mention of afterlife, language
A/N:  Do you ever look at your fic and are like… you know this was supposed to be a cheesy one-shot, right? Soulmate meet-cute one-shot to be precise. Well. That work out splendidly... Anyway, here – the epilogue! Enjoy! Oh, and prepare tissues :-*
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Part 6
Waking up in a comfy bed was surreal; mostly because you knew that after falling – or half-jumping – from a cliff, this wasn’t what was usually happening. You didn’t have much experience, but you still had some common sense left.
Why did nothing hurt?
“Hello, Little One,” a voice greeted you, startling you enough to roll over and fall from the bed – only to land back in the cushions, confusing the Hell out of you – or perhaps you should have thought Heaven.
Because this was positively Castiel‘s voice. Castiel as an angel. Angels, as far as you were concerned, belonged to Heaven.
Was it possible that… that- this was--?
“Yes, you’re in Heaven… again,” he hummed nonchalantly as if it was perfectly common to just die twice and he seated himself on the edge of your bed.
“I killed myself,” you blurted out the first thing that came to your mind, instantly slapping your palm over your mouth. It sounded terrible, hearing yourself say it out loud, just throw it out in the open as if it was not a big deal.
Which in fact, it was. Since when suicidal people went to Heaven? You never had been good with the whole faith thing, but this sounded a bit sketchy.
“To save half of the Universe,” Castiel questioned, frowning. “Or would you say your soulmate belonged to hell after had once forced the plane down, expecting to die in exchange of saving millions?”
Silently admitting he had a point, you let the issue alone for the moment. Instead, you blinked, taking his appearance in. He was wearing his typical trench-coat, making him look like an accountant, dorky for a celestial being. He fitted in here though – bright room, white sheets, no windows…
“You’ll get a better room soon, less prison-like,” he explained as if he could hear your thoughts. Which he as well might, because he was an angel, you were in freaking Heaven, again, which what the Hell, if you had been before, how could you not remember that-- and everything was so confusing and… lonely. “But I thought you’d like to see your soulmate first.”
Your heart stopped. Later, you would question why did you still have a fucking heartbeat, or why did it feel like it, but did he just say-
“What the Hell is Steve doing here?!” you shrieked in horror and Castiel sighed, possibly at your swearing, but you didn’t give a fuck. What was Steve-
“He’s not here. But a battle with Thanos occurred and I thought you might like to see.”
You ran your hand down your face tiredly, relieved beyond words. Steve was alive, still on Earth – probably.
Christ. Castiel sure didn’t know how to talk to a girl who had a superhero for husband. Or he in fact did, since he was willing to show you.
It took one single snap of Castiel’s fingers and a scene of horror – fire, ash and blood – unfolded in front of you. There was nothing but smother from the debris where the compound had used to be, the Titan with an enormous space ship probably the one to blame.
And barely three defenders of Earth stood against him and his endless rows of army, thousands of monsters ready to take the half of population one by one, just waiting to be released from the ship.
Where were the others? And… Thanos! They killed him! What-
“The Avengers gathered all the Stones. Hulk snapped this time, bringing everyone who had died in the original Snap back. Unfortunately, a spy infiltrated the team and led Thanos from the past to the present,” Castiel explained patiently, but you were anything but patient, suddenly angry as gnawing fear bit into your stomach.
“Then why are you here?! There’s… there’s Tony, Thor and Steve, three people—sorta people – facing a fucking ARMY FROM SPACE!” you yelled at the angel, a being powerful enough to drag your ass from Heaven – which you didn’t care for in the slightest.
How could he just... sit here with you?!
“We cannot interfere-“
“The fuck did you just say?!” you spitted out, rising to your feet. “Aren’t angels supposed to be guardians? You-“ you continued your verbal assault in attempt to get him moving, only to freeze when a blinding lightning hit Thor’s hammers (plural?!) and the infamous trio threw themselves into the battle.
You barely had few seconds to feast your eyes on Steve in one piece; he was glorious, standing straight with his chin up, jaw clenched in determination and all you could think of was how strong he was, carrying on with the mission.
You knew it wasn’t that he didn’t miss you, that he didn’t grieve you; he was simply the bravest person you had ever met, just like you had told him before--- ugh, before you had died.
If you only weren’t so terrified for him.
Where was everyone? If the Snap worked and people had been brought back, where was the whole bunch of warriors from Wakanda? The rest of the Avengers’ crew?
Breathless, your heart pounding in both your ribcage and temples, you watched as Thanos tossed the three figures around, almost as if he was playing with them despite their best efforts.
“Get up, Stevie. God, please, get up, get up, be okay,” you whispered urgently with your throat swollen at one particular blow that had your soulmate landing on his back and lying down with his breath knocked out of his chest, his eyes closed in what could only be agony.
With horror, you saw his body turn almost limp, your nails digging into your palms.
GET. UP. Don’t you dare to stay down and get yourself killed!
He clenched his jaw, glint of something that twisted your insides in genuine fear in his eyes. This wasn’t determination anymore. This was madness. He pushed himself on his feet and you couldn’t quite make yourself to feel relieved despite him fulfilling your earlier silent wish.
Determined Steve was a great Steve. Mad Steve? Mad Steve did crazy-ass decisions that could cost him his life. You had that in common.
Your jaw slowly went slack when your very husband grabbed Thor’s Mjölnir as if it was not a mythical weapon from the legends only Thor could lift and… banged up the Titan as if he had been fighting with it his whole life.
Incredulous chuckle escaped your lips when a flash of lightning connected with the hammer as Steve… charged it, only to aim its power at Thanos.
“I told him he could lift it,” you murmured despite yourself, letting yourself to feel a tinniest bit of hope and pride.
There was only three of them now, but surely the people who had been dusted were on their way. Steve, Thor and Tony just had to keep the Titan occupied-
Then the army stood, exiting the ship in a deadly march, no, in a deadly race and Steve got himself into trouble.
You grinded your teeth, unable to look away, but present enough to be pissed as Hell at Heaven and its angels and let them know.
“Do something! He’s gonna-“
A circle of amber-coloured sparkles appeared on Steve’s left and you could cry, recognizing Strange’s handiwork. The back-up was there. The army. The King of Wakanda with his badass sister. Sam. Bucky. Strange, Peter, the Maximoffs. Carol Danvers flying through the alien spaceship as if it was made of cotton candy. Even Natasha emerged from the debris with Clint and the others, causing you to breathe out in relief.
Now the true fight would start.
You weren’t calm by any means. But you were hopeful. Just glancing at the briefest encounter of Natasha with Sam was sweet enough to bring tears in your eyes.
“Kick their asses,” you whispered encouragingly, swallowing thickly and actually praying.
It was nearly impossible to follow the battle then; too many fronts, too many people, half-people and alien creatures. You saw the gauntlet they were trying to protect, you kept your eye on Steve, finding Thanos and his momentary enemies when you had the capacity to do so.
You honestly couldn’t tell how the fight was going, if it was in your favour or not, there was so much blood and smoke and noise… and then something caught your attention with painful clarity.
Several things happened at once; Carol, literally glued to Thanos, who had somehow got a hold of the gauntlet with all of the stones in it (oh God, oh my God, this couldn’t happen again-), was thrown away as if she was nothing but an annoying fly, Tony registered a part of his armour having been ripped away – his hand-piece – and found it with his gaze at Steve’s feet as Stephen Strange raised one shaky finger towards Tony, who suddenly had an expression of utter defeat on his face.
Your slow, terror-struck mind didn’t do the math when Steve jumped on Thanos’ arm, forcing his fingers away so he couldn’t snap his fingers. Something red and flashy glimmered in the mess of limbs, but you didn’t pay enough attention to make the connection. Peter, Spider-man, managed to web the gauntlet, helping out Steve and you almost breathed out the air suffocating your lungs.
Because the next moment, Steve was tossed away like a rag-doll, much like Carol had been.
Like in a slow motion, the infamous effect in movies to add dramatics, you saw the Titan raise his hand with a smug smirk; and you noticed, unlike him, that his gauntlet was, in fact, empty of the Stones. But-
“I am… inevitable,” he exclaimed, a dull mechanic snap following his statement.
Nothing happened, except for the huge and ugly purple head whipping towards his useless weapon in confusion.
And that was when you saw it. The glow of the stones in a red piece of armour, Ironman’s armour, that was no longer worn by its owner.
All of the puzzle pieces fell into place, clicking with a painful clack.
Strange’s gesture. Tony’s expression. Crowley’s words of one future, matching the story of the contemporary Sorcerer Supreme. And the red flash when Steve had been fighting Thanos.
“No,” you whispered breathlessly, remembering with startling clarity what Steve had told you about Thanos – the Titan, stronger than all of the Avengers together – looked like after he finished his mission. He had nearly died.  
“NO!” you repeated with more force, horror filling your very being, dimming the world around you, a violent tremble attacking your body at the glint in Steve’s eye.
It was the one that had shaken you so much before. The mad spark.
Do whatever it takes, consequences be damned.
His raspy voice broke your heart in two, tearing your soul when you realized the implication of his words:
“No. You are only dust. And to dust you shall return.”
The snap of Steve’s metal-clad fingers echoed in the room and in your head, the sound seeping into your bones as you were blinded by the streak of colours, the white swallowing the whole world for long seconds.
You were sure that this was what actual death looked like. Nothing but emptiness.
You reflected several of your last words to Steve, wanting to rip your hair out. Why had you told him such nonsense? Why would you tell him that God had wanted it this way, that you had only played your part in His grand scheme?
You finally understood the words Sam had told you so many years ago, about similar people in a relationship being a disaster in making. Steve had embraced your belief in being only a tiny wheel in the God’s great plan.
That was the meaning of the words he said. A famous line from Bible, reflecting how much he believed in God’s work at the moment.  
You are only dust. And to dust you shall return.
In the critical seconds, Steve believed he had been chosen by God to be the tool delivering Thanos his defeat.
And to very likely to pay his life as a price.
Your eyes adjusted to the once again dark scene, where the hostile army started indeed turning back to dust. You desperately searched the only figure that mattered, finding him with his back resting against a random vertical flat surface, his chest barely rising.
The sight on half of his body severely burned, multiple spots on his skin blacking as it already died, had your eyes squeezed shut, your knees giving out as the sob shook your whole body.
The scene was burned into your brain, an image carved into your eyelids, sharp and precise as if you were still watching with your eyes wide open. You whimpered, shaking your head to chase it away. Vainly.  You didn’t remember looking into his eyes, yet you saw them hollow, blue and green always so brilliant misted. Dead.
A hand landed on your shoulder and you winced, releasing another whine, sobs braking through your palm that at some point covered your mouth – whether to be silent of not to throw up, you couldn’t tell. The hand gave you a gentle squeeze that did nothing to sooth your grief.
Oh God, oh you ignorant God, why are you such a DICK?!
“Why? Why did-- it have to--- be him?!” you choked out, avoiding the post-battle sight and instead shot Castiel a glare that could murder.
Your chest hurt. They just tore your heart away, easily as that, hollow gaping space in its place and you couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t breathe and hear and see-
“I don’t know, Little One. It was as it was meant to be. You wouldn’t want to see him suffer through your loss again anyway, believe me.”
“That doesn’t make it right!” you spitted out, disgusted at such implication. As if this happened to make you feel better! You were suffering. Hurting. But most of all, you were so fucking angry. With God. With Castiel. With… with yourself. Maybe if you hadn’t told him— perhaps- oh God, oh Satan, let the pain go away… let him rest at least. “What happens to him now?”
“Watch, Little One. He’s not gone yet,” Castiel encouraged you kindly, but you couldn’t- couldn’t—what was happening? Was he trying to tell you that they might be able to save him?
The flare of hope ignited in your body died as fast as it caught fire; why would Castiel say that you wouldn’t want to Steve go through losing you again if there had been a chance to save Steve still?
Steve was about to die. If he wasn’t gone yet, then he must have been in so much pain that your own, this paralyzing feeling, must have been nothing in comparison.
Why were you forced to witness his last moments? What kind of a twisted Heaven was this?
“You fucking idiot,” Tony rushed to his friend’s side, pissed and resigned at the same time.
“We won,” Steve breathed out weakly, only one eye following the movements around him. You buried your nails in the flesh of your palm, choking on your own spit as the sob tried to fight its way out of your chest.
“Yeah, we did,” Bucky confirmed softly, kneeling to his brother; they were nothing less than that. Hesitant hand curled around Steve’s seemingly unharmed bicep and he made a lame attempt at moving his arm to return that gesture. Bucky clenched his jaw, a tear appearing in the corner of his eye. “Don’t call him an idiot, Stark. That’s my job.”
His voice broke at the end of the sentence and your heart shattered as you felt his pain as your own. You couldn’t see anymore. The image was so blurry, but now new fear controlled your body, the fact Castiel never answered you and that meant something horrible awaited Steve in death and this was in fact your last moments of seeing him and— God, oh God, who had ever dared to call you merciful?
“I’m talking to God,” Tony specified and you wordlessly thanked him. “Clearly, he’s a dick for making it this way.”
“Nah. ‘s smart. S-sam?” Steve choked out, voice barely audible and the therapist (with wings now, having returned to his previous job) was instantly by his side, his eyes glassy as well.
“Yeah, Cap?”
An attempt at shake of head was given, you assumed, but barely a motion was the result. “You Cap now. Will ya’?”
If you had any capacity for being astonished left, you would have been at the request. But you were far too gone, drowning in misery.
“…yeah. Of course. I will if that’s what you want.”
“ ’sanks.”
Thor’s enormous figure took a step closer, thunderous voice uncharacteristically quiet. “We’ll remember you, brother. Both of you.”
A faint smile appeared on Steve’s lips, only one corner capable of rising, and yet he closed both of his eyes for a long moment, clearly struggling to stay conscious.
That’s a lie, your mind whispered. Not just conscious. Struggling to stay alive. And losing!
Only one eye opening, Steve managed to cast a half-lidded glance in Bucky’s direction, flickering to Tony for a second.
His next word was crystal clear. “Home.”
Natasha sobbed into her palm, but her delicate fingers curled around Steve’s arm as well, right next to Bucky’s, giving her friend a tight-lipped pained smile.
“Yeah, Steve. It’s okay to go home. To her. Tell her we say hi, yeah?” she pleaded lowly, keeping her voice without a crack despite few tears escaping her eyes.
You stopped breathing altogether and prayed. God, please, let him find peace. With me. And if not with me, at least give him the peace he deserves, I beg you.
Clint fell to one knee, bowing his head.
At first, you didn’t realize it wasn’t just grief sucking the strength out of him. No. Bucky, Sam and Nat instantly followed, mirroring his position precisely.
They were paying their respect to a fallen comrade, you realized.
You couldn’t take it anymore as you noticed everyone else doing the same. Not when during the process Steve’s chest ceased its motions, the life leaving his body.
And your heart left with him, along with your sanity.
Nothing made sense anymore. You fucked up, God himself fucked up and Castiel, and angels and Universe and-- and it hurt. Steve had said that they had won, but you lost. You lost everything.
Your vision was clouded by both tears of sorrow and anger, your body numb from all the pain.
Castiel’s hand slid from your shoulder, finally, but instead, you were pulled into an embrace.
You wanted to push away and run and punch and curl up on the floor, but the arms around you held you too firmly, your head was buried in your captor’s chest. You wanted to fight it, refuse the lame attempt at comfort, and you breathed in furiously to brace yourself to free your body-- but the sudden familiarity, faint cologne and warmth, body large enough to engulf yours, lips in your hair…
“S-st-steve?” you choked out, disgusting gurgle sounding in your throat, but in that moment, you suddenly couldn’t bring yourself to care.
The way you said his name was more a question, but you didn’t need an answer. You would recognize him anywhere.
You husband. Your soulmate. Your Steve.
The arms around you tightened, his embrace turning nearly crushing, his chest expanding with generous inhale as his face buried in your hair further. Your lips curled up in a tight smile and you let out a hysterical laugh, sorrow and joy, pain and relief.
“You’re here,” he mumbled to your scalp, hot tears following his words and you found yourself lifted from the floor, your body nearly merging with his and you could finally breathe again, your heart fluttering in your chest. One of his arms held you securely to his form while the other fisted in the mess of your hair. “I was so afraid you wouldn’t be here.”
“Then why did you do it?” you asked him, the anger seeping through despite the delight at the encounter you could have only prayed for. He was here. “I’m so fucking mad at you.”
“So am I at you,” he opposed, but the growling of his voice was too soft for you to believe him that his rage was larger than his relief.
And so you let go of your own anger too.
This was all beyond your control. Deep inside, you knew that. You had been just playing a part; neither of you had asked for that. You surely didn’t ask to be approached by Crowley and being given the mission, while there was little Steve could do differently when the weapon had been thrown to his feet; a literal throw of the gauntlet that was impossible to ignore.
There was a large scheme of the inevitable put in motion. Who were you to challenge fate?
No point at being mad at each other. Especially when graced with this opportunity to… whatever this was.
“Truce?” you quipped hesitantly and Steve chuckled, a watery sound that made your chest ache, yet filled it with warmth that could never be replicated. For this sensation, so unique, you needed your soulmate only.
And you had him. Forever, perhaps?
Steve withdrew a fraction, his hand caressing your damp cheek as his own glistened with salty drops, but the magnitude of his love, the amount of affection written all over his face, took your breath away, making you forget all about ugly crying.
One look into his twinkling eyes, full of devotion, and nothing else mattered.
“Yeah, doll. Truce. I love you.”
You didn’t get a chance to tell him the same, since he kissed your nose, your watery giggle having his lips spread in the boyish smile you adored.
“I love you too,” you whispered then, planting your own kiss on his lips, chaste and short.
He wouldn’t take it. His mouth locked with yours in a searing kiss instead, emotion pouring from each tiny motion of his lips against yours and you gave in, engaging in the dance of love, your fingers tangled in his locks.
Now this felt like Heaven.
“We’re okay. Everything is going to be okay,” he breathed into your mouth then, fresh tears spicing your kiss.
You didn’t care if you sounded like a child, you asked anyway. “Promise?”
Steve retreated as little as possible to be able to look into your eyes, his own still glassy, but serious and heavy with a vow.
S.R. masterlist
Am I forgiven? Technically, this could be considered a sort of a happy ending, right? To a point, of course. I mean. Morgan still has her dad. No soulmate pairs were split… :)
Some awesome readers on AO3 suggested that the Winchesters then bullied Cas into bringing the lovebirds back to life, fixed them a cabin in the middle of nowhere, and granted them an actual happy ending. Well. If that makes you feel better, roll with that :-*
BTW, about the scene where they honour the fallen Cap: that scene (with Tony, obviously) WAS supposed to be in Endgame, how dare you, fix that at instant!
I love you if you read this till the end, till the last line. Thank you with my whole heart for your support 🤍
Also, while I love Steve to bits (in case you couldn’t tell) and I was happy for him because of the ending he got in Endgame, understanding the arc the writers made, the more and more I think about it, it was kinda out of character and… maybe I would have been more satisfied if heStevewas the one snapping and taking Tony’s fate. I mean… I would have cried my eyes out, sure, but… but.  Sorry for the ramble O:-)
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xmagicxshopx · 4 years
Love Bytes - Prologue
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Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Romance, Mild Angst, Slice of Life Rating: PG-13 (M for future smut) Warnings: none for the prologue Pairing: Jungkook x reader, Taehyung x oc (Ebony) Notes: vampire!bts. Not idol!bts. Other groups might appear. Single quote marks ‘ ‘ are for thoughts and double “ “ are for talking. Additional Notes: to get an understanding of the boys, you might want to click on the link below that says meet the clan~
Tagging: @grxnadxs​
Summary: They say if it’s too good to be true, it usually isn’t. You and your roommate Ebony are struggling. But that may soon be over with the help of seven men that call themselves Bangtan. But there’s always a catch, right? Being two maids to seven men can’t be all that bad, though.
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In an abandoned location somewhere in South Korea, seven young men who also just happened to be vampires, found themselves staring on with pride as they took in the sight of their new home.
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“Not too shabby if I do say so myself.”
“You? What did you do besides make a better paperweight?”
“Hey----It’s called delegating. It’s an important job, thank you very much.”
Namjoon found himself subconsciously scratching at his head as he side glanced his older brother Jin. The two were watching the pair of fellow vampires as they bickered back and forth. Yoongi, who had been called the paperweight, was insisting that he contributed to the reconstruction of the abandoned mansion while Taehyung felt otherwise. Of course it was all in good fun. Everyone truly had put in their fair share of effort into bringing the old structure back to it’s former glory.
It was perfect for them, really.
It fit their old fashioned taste and yet they were able to revamp where it was needed. Jin insisted that the kitchen be completely upgraded with stainless steel modern appliances but Jungkook wanted to keep some of the character it held. The common room was modernized with a huge flat screen smart TV to make it look more like an every day living room. Not to mention there was at least three different gaming consoles for family nights.
After assessing all the original rooms in the place, they were able to knock out some walls here and reconstruct walls there and once it was all said and done, each vampire had his own bedroom with an en suite bathroom. Jungkook, being the resident laundry fairy, got dibs on deciding where the laundry room would be. The others gave him whatever he wanted because one, they appreciated him doing the laundry. And two, he was their baby boy who got everything he wanted.
Since some of the boys enjoyed swimming laps as a form of exercise, it was decided that they would have not only an indoor pool, but an outdoor pool as well for in the summertime. Because believe it or not, the Bangtan Clan was a different breed of vampires. But we’ll get to that later.
Namjoon, with his love for all things nature, took it upon himself to rid the estate of all the overgrown weeds and other trash that had floated cross country into their territory. In its place, he had planted various flowers and shrubs along with various fruit trees. Again, not your typical run-of-the-mill vampires. Ever heard of a fruit bat???
“Welp. Now that all of that is done, who’s gonna be the designated house maid that keeps this place spic ‘n span?”
With a bright, boxy smile and hands on his hips, Taehyung turned to the rest of his clan and gave them an expectant look. They all gave him about the same blank look in return as some of them even blinked slowly in thought. Clearing his throat, Jin took a step forward with a hand over his chest as he said casually,
“I’m the cook so don’t look at me.”
“And I’m already doing laundry for everyone so count me out.”
“And I’m allergic to cleaning supplies.”
Everyone gave Yoongi a deadpanned look as he just shrugged and stuffed his hands in his pockets before proceeding to take a walk inside their new home. It would seem the Bangtan clan was at a standstill. Sure, they had put in tons of money and time and hard work into restoring the mansion, but did the world really expect 7 bachelors to maintain the place and keep it clean and tidy??? Naaaah.
“We could always just hire some people to help around the house and keep it clean. It’s not like we don’t have the money. The Bullet phones are a huge hit with our latest release of updates.”
Jhope was right, they weren’t exactly low on cash flow. You see, Bangtan has been around for a long long time. Dating back from centuries when gentleman with manners were the real men of the world. But over time, the world changed and Bangtan had to try and keep up with those changes. However, they always stayed true to themselves. Boys will be boys but they could and would remain as gentlemen with manners and be humble.
With the world changing and some of the most popular material items being these things called cell phones, the boys knew they had to do something or else they were going to fall behind and fall victim to their own old fashioned ways. So after several years of schooling in computer science and business management, the seven young men were able to join together and create what the modern world now knows as the Bullet phone. A cell phone ahead of it’s time. Hence why they aren’t hurt for money.
“Good point. Perhaps it’s something we should look into.”
And so that’s how the group of men agreed that for now, they’d do their best to try and keep the place as tidy and clean as they could till they could find some hired help willing to put up with seven young men.
As the others began to trickle back inside to get settled into their new home, Taehyung walked up beside the youngest of the clan and gently put him in a headlock. Which of course he knew was stupid because despite being the youngest, Jungkook was also the strongest.
“Wanna go grab some pizza for the guys so that Jin hyung doesn’t have to cook on our first night settled in?”
Easily overpowering his older brother, Jungkook swiftly managed to put Taehyung in a headlock as if he had done so a million times before while he replied with a cocky smirk,
“Yeah sure. Considering as how we have no food in the first place and Namjoonie hyung has only just now planted the fruit trees.”
After the two were done rough housing around with each other, they quickly went inside to inform their older brothers that they were going to grab some pizzas and other snacks from town. Immediately the older men relayed their own special requests which left Jungkook playing the Golden Secretary as he jotted it all down on his phone.
“Alright. We’ll be back shortly.”
Not really having a need for a vehicle but deciding it would be best to look normal and blend in with society, they decided to hop in Jungkook’s car and head to town. Vampire or not, with their popular status of being the young geniuses behind the Bullet phones, it was still going to be difficult to blend in with society. But they’d do their best as they parked their expensive car on the street.
“Okay so Jin hyung specifically asked for------”
Taehyung was just about to ask his little brother if he was okay before he too suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. It was evening and the middle of the workweek so not many people were walking the streets but something, or rather someone, had caught the two boys attention.
But......it just didn’t seem possible. For years it had went on like this without a trace and now suddenly......it’s happening. The legends that their Namjoon hyung had talked about when they were just fledglings was real. Before it was just a bedtime story but now......it was suddenly very real.
“What does yours smell like, Kook?”
“Bananas. I think I’m salivating. Oh god. What about yours, hyung?”
“Fresh cut strawberries.”
Both males took one look at each other before starting to follow the scent of their favorite fruit. This was crazy. Just absolutely crazy. It was supposed to be a myth. Just a fairy tale told to young vampires of their kind to help them have good dreams at night. However, it didn’t seem like such a fairy tale now that they were walking like they were two men on a mission to find the holy grail.
“Mine went this way. You text me, maknae!”
“I will, hyung! Good luck!”
“You too, kid!”
Taehyung used his amazing sense of smell to help him track down where the strong scent of strawberries was coming from. In all his years of consuming the juicy red fruits, he had never smelled any quite like this. It was like someone had took the freshest strawberries ever to be grown and shoved them under his nose. It nearly knocked him out when he had first gotten out of the car.
By now, he had wandered several blocks away from their vehicle and was on a much quieter part of town. Then again, it was getting late. The sun was still out but dusk was quickly approaching. That worked for him. The sun wasn’t painful but it tended to give him a dull headache if he stood out in direct light for too long.
The scent was getting stronger and it only made the handsome young male walk faster. Soon enough, he found himself staring at the storefront of what appeared to be an old antique bookstore that someone tried to remodel and revamp but had little success. This was it. He could smell the scent rolling from under the door in waves.
His mate was through this door.
Jungkook lost all sense of direction and time as he simply kept following the scent. Gosh it was so strong he could taste it! It tasted like the best carton of banana milk he had ever had in his life! Trying not to choke on his own drool, he sped up in pace when he could tell the scent was getting stronger and stronger. It’d be real fun to try and find his car later. But that was the least of his worries right now.
What felt like hours but was really only about 20 or 25 minutes, the young male halted in his tracks as he came across what appeared to be a modest looking diner. The neon lights had just turned on as the sun was continuing to set. Subconsciously licking his lips, Jungkook slowly approached the door to the diner and opened it; hearing the little bell chime of his arrival.
“Good evening! Will it be for here or to go?”
“Bloody hell.”
It was you. With your bright smile turning into a confused one as you heard the two words he mumbled under his breath. God you were beautiful. Your hair all tied up to keep it out of customers’ food and that cute frilly apron that made you fit the cookie cutter diner waitress role to a T. You were perfect.
And you were his. All his.
“Hello. Welcome to Shin’s Bookstore. Is there anything I can help you find?”
Taehyung stood there at the front register where she sat. Her. The girl who smelled like fresh cut strawberries. She was just sitting there with her laptop but to the male, she was like a goddess sitting on her pedestal of perfection. He knew his mouth was hanging open but there was nothing he could do about it. So captured by her beauty he was that it left him completely immobile.
The guys weren’t going to be getting their pizza any time soon tonight.
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eiriini · 4 years
Meta: Personality Analysis
Disclaimer: I, in no way, am a psychologist nor claim to be good at this. This is purely for fun, and for character growth. Also, this is based on the way I write Kamui/Corrin. Some of her personality is divergent from canon, due to past interactions in the four+ years I’ve written her. 
Edited: August 15th, 2020
Also this got even longer and I’m sorry.
Enneagram: Nine
Nines are accepting, trusting, and stable. They are usually creative, optimistic, and supportive, but can also be too willing to go along with others to keep the peace. They want everything to go smoothly and be without conflict, but they can also tend to be complacent, simplifying problems and minimizing anything upsetting. They typically have problems with inertia and stubbornness. At their Best: indomitable and all-embracing, they are able to bring people together and heal conflicts.
MTBI: ENFJ “The Protagonist.”
Protagonists are natural-born leaders, full of passion and charisma. Forming around two percent of the population, they are oftentimes our politicians, our coaches and our teachers, reaching out and inspiring others to achieve and to do good in the world. With a natural confidence that begets influence, Protagonists take a great deal of pride and joy in guiding others to work together to improve themselves and their community.
Four Temperaments: Sanguine
Your temperament is sanguine. The sanguine temperament is fundamentally spontaneous and pleasure-seeking; sanguine people are sociable and charismatic. They tend to enjoy social gatherings, making new friends and tend to be boisterous. They are usually quite creative and often daydream. However, some alone time is crucial for those of this temperament. Sanguine can also mean sensitive, compassionate and thoughtful. Sanguine personalities generally struggle with following tasks all the way through, are chronically late, and tend to be forgetful and sometimes a little sarcastic. Often, when they pursue a new hobby, they lose interest as soon as it ceases to be engaging or fun. They are very much people persons. They are talkative and not shy. Sanguines generally have an almost shameless nature, certain that what they are doing is right. They have no lack of confidence.
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good, "Rebel"
A chaotic good character acts as his conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of him. He makes his own way, but he's kind and benevolent. He believes in goodness and right but has little use for laws and regulations. He hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. He follows his own moral compass, which, although good, may not agree with that of society.
Chaotic good is the best alignment you can be because it combines a good heart with a free spirit.
Chaotic good can be a dangerous alignment when it disrupts the order of society and punishes those who do well for themselves.
Astrology: Taurus
Strengths: Reliable, patient, practical, devoted, responsible, stable
Weaknesses: Stubborn, possessive, uncompromising
Taurus likes: Gardening, cooking, music, romance, high quality clothes, working with hands
Taurus dislikes: Sudden changes, complications, insecurity of any kind, synthetic fabrics
Practical and well-grounded, Taurus is the sign that harvests the fruits of labor. They feel the need to always be surrounded by love and beauty, turned to the material world, hedonism, and physical pleasures. People born with their Sun in Taurus are sensual and tactile, considering touch and taste the most important of all senses. Stable and conservative, this is one of the most reliable signs of the zodiac, ready to endure and stick to their choices until they reach the point of personal satisfaction.
Taurus is an Earth sign, just like Virgo and Capricorn, and has the ability to see things from a grounded, practical and realistic perspective. They find it easy to make money and stay on same projects for years, or until they are completed. What we often see as stubbornness can be interpreted as commitment, and their ability to complete tasks whatever it takes is uncanny. This makes them excellent employees, great long-term friends and partners, always being there for people they love. Earthly note makes them overprotective, conservative, or materialistic at times, with views of the world founded on their love of money and wealth.
The ruler of Taurus is Venus, the planet of love, attraction, beauty, satisfaction, creativity and gratitude. This tender nature will make Taurus an excellent cook, gardener, lover, and artist. They are loyal and don't like sudden changes, criticism or the chase of guilt people are often prone to, being somewhat dependable on other people and emotions they seem to be unable to let go of. Still, no matter their potential emotional challenge, these individuals have the ability to bring a practical voice of reason in any chaotic and unhealthy situation.
Taurus – the Wandering Bull Being the one who betrayed their best friend, goddess Hera herself, this is an unfortunate being that has to wander the Earth in order to find freedom. As if something was always poking them behind their back, reminding them of happiness that once was, stinging and pushing forwards, they close up in their own worlds, lonely and separated from their core. To find love, a Taurus has to travel the world, change perspective or make a shift in their entire belief system and their system of values.
There are some contradictions in these results, but overall, it is her at a basic premise. She tends to be very strong with her foundations, doing whatever she can to keep by them. Most of the time, she will listen to what others have to say, for they can hold more wisdom than her. However, there are just some things that she won't change on. Her Nohrian family knows this the most, and there are some thing that they've tried to change about her. Especially Leo ( sorrcerii ).
When it comes to the vices, she holds those in as much as possible. The insecurity, the side of her that may be uncompromising -- her reaction to sudden change that isn't what she planned for. Things like that. As a tactician, she likes to be as many steps ahead of her enemy as possible. In mundane life, she tries to put that side of her away. But there's always going to be a part of her that takes notice of every little thing. She notices how someone reacts to a gift, a conversation, and logs it away. However, unlike the standard, she tends to be rather lenient. She's also like clay; she picks up on traits. For example: because of Jeanne's ( noircisaint ) influence, she has more of a backbone than the 'standard' Avatar. With Zero ( echoedfates ), more of her playfulness comes out. He’s shown her that it’s OK to be a bit of a prankster -- well, more than she was before -- and it’s OK to put the title away when it’s just them. That there’s a difference between ‘princess’, ‘general’, and ‘wife’. 
In her Type Moon verses, Makoto ( dekirukoto ) and Yi ( einhcrjars ) have taught her it’s OK to let her guard down. Especially while in Chaldea, and around them. That it’s OK to love, and even though it may hurt when they are returned to the throne, that things don’t have to stay at a standstill. That, hey, it’s OK to be you -- even more now than you were. 
However, that doesn't mean she'll bite the bullet on it's first fire, and will always try to resolve a conflict before it arrives. Her anger is one of a slow fire, unless you pour the right amount of gas. 
Kamui also holds in a lot more than most people. Even around those she calls her confidants and her retainers, she rather watch herself burn and suffer than those around her. She's very much a 'the world must be saved instead of myself'. Yet, over time, she's grown to understand that some people don't deserve it. Later on in the game, and depending on what route/verse, she will show some aggression to those who she deems deserves it. Which, as we know, is extremely small. ( Base game alone, Anankos, Hans, Garon, and Iago are the ones who get no special treatment from Kamui. And if she's acting nice, it's an act. ) 
There are times where she’ll return to a child-like state as well. There were many things that she didn’t get to experience, which lead her to have an imaginative mind and, at first, such a naive personality. Even during and after the war, she still retains it, since it’s so ingrained. It’s hard to ignore, hard to hide, but over time she comes to accept it. This is why she’s always reading; always wanting to learn; always wanting to experience what others have. A void can only be filled so much.
However, even though she may not seem it, she is rather intelligent. Because of lack of human contact outside of her retainers and teachers, she can come off as an 'airhead' or 'aloof'. Over time, that fades, and her true colors begin to shine more. She's able to find hoops she can jump through, but only will if the time seems right. Calculating outcomes begins to come second nature to her.
This is especially true when in Conquest, where she goes and knocks out almost all the Hoshidan soldiers she fights, just to put on a show for King Garon. In the end of that route, TECHNICALLY, she committed treason and blasphemy against Nohr. But thanks to Xander, she was absolved, and history wrote it to be that King Garon was dethrone on the basis of madness and insanity, dying in a battle in the Hoshidan capital.
And that’s it on this segment of, “Carrie adores Kamui too much, and has a problem.” Back to your regularly scheduled fluff! Thank you for reading this, and I’m sorry this turned out so long. asdfg
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8bityeol · 7 years
Who Are You?
Summary : The first letter you receive from Happiness Delight simply demands you to respond, and knowing full well you shouldn't, you write one back. 
Word count : 5.6k
Genre: Fluff / Angst 
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You stumbled up the stairs with your hands braced against Molls shoulder for dear life. The puddles your heels had had the unfortunate fate of meeting were lit by the orange glow of the street lamps, but still, you stepped into another. Molls nearly slipped on the cobblestone, but your hands were quickly at her waist.
"Shit, how are we gonna get inside!" she said. "Fucking wet stone. Who thought of this?"
Your hand aimed to place a finger at your lips, but the digit ended up somewhere along your cheek. "The neighbours!"
"I'm being quiet," her voice was an oddly loud whisper.
Stood before the door, your hand dug inside your bag until you felt the cold but familiar set of keys. Suddenly feeling the chill biting at your exposed skin, you wedged the door open. You stepped in and Molls fell into you, closing the door on her way.
"Take off your shoes you idiot," You said as she absentmindedly pushed you.
"No, I'm going straight to bed," she said. "See you in the morning. And thanks for letting me stay."
You shook your head and watched as she disappeared up the stairs in a clack of heels. Stupid, you thought to yourself the moment you heard a soft thud, either she'd found your bed or she'd slumped down on the floor somewhere. She was always somewhat of a ditz, but her clumsiness doubled by tenfold with the odd glass of wine or gin.
"Don't throw up on my bed!" You said. "And you're welcome."
"I won't!" She shouted.
You slipped on your slippers and walked to your living room, realistically, you should've joined Molls and crawled down into bed, but you were still buzzing with euphoria. You'd made it, you'd made your mark in the most cutthroat industry, who could sleep after that?
You reached down to the book that lay half open on your coffee table. The Flowers of Mist. A psychological mystery novel set in a seemingly idyllic neighbourhood. Winner of the Debutante Award, rated 4.5 stars by the Daily Mint and called the next Stephen King.
The best part of it all? All 427 pages were written by you.
Today your publishing company had held a dinner in your honour. The feeling of going to a party honouring your novel could only be described as surreal. For years you'd been in the background, swinging back the wine at other people's celebrations, watching in bitterness, but every writer felt like that, it's natural. You'd just smile and congratulate the writer and then go back to mulling over your glass. Long gone where those days.
Falling down into the couch, you slipped the pins out from your hair and let the flocks fall around you.  You were settled between the cushion, reading over the dedications when you noticed the small stack of envelopes beside a mug of stale coffee. Then it clicked, the letters! Giselle, your editor, had dropped them off at your apartment the other day, but amidst your bumbling around for the party, they'd slipped from your mind.
The stack was wrapped up in red ribbon and a note hung from the side.'Your fans want to talk to you!' The stack had been slowly accumulating since the public release of your book and for some reason you'd yet to become numb at the thought of people sending you letters, praising your book or some criticising. The people writing could well be the same people that shoved you in the train, or possibly the ones who'd lend you money for parking. It was an odd feeling but you loved it, and so, you tore the first one open.
Dear M,
To be honest, when I first saw your book online I thought it was going to be another Gone Girl, but, I'm pleasantly surprised! Monroe Estate gives me Stepford Wives vibes and I love it, not that I'd want to become a Stepford wife but I loved it! Can't wait till your next book.
From Angie
Smiling, you slipped the letter into its torn envelope and placed it at your side. You wasted no time in opening the next envelope.
Dear M,
CAN I SAY SHIT?! and I don't mean the bad shit, I mean the good type! I don't even know if you'll get this letter or if I'm even gonna write the right address on it, but that was one of the best thriller's I've read. Keep up the good and is there a sequel in the works.
From Jay.
Admittedly, this one had cooked up a small laugh from you. You'd write back to this one tomorrow. You picked up the next letter.
Dear M,
I'm not a fan mail type of guy, I actually cringe at the stuff and prefer to admire my idols from afar, but I've just finished Flowers of the Mist, literally, and I took out a pen and paper. FUCK ME WHEN I SAY YOU GOT ME! I was so sure it was the Guildford sister, they seemed to fit the bill but best believe I nearly screamed when you revealed it was Sandra P. I really should've known, anyone who gardens that much could truly be sane.
As much as I loved it, I have to say you totally forgot something. I know it's not a big deal but I'm anal about stuff like that. Ok so, what happened with Joel? You practically had whole chapter dedicated to him but, he just went away. Oh and, I think you wrote the wrong location for Mainstay bridge, Apple Tree Yard is located on the east of the river not the west.
Still, the book was amazing.
Meaningless question, but, do you listen to The Mace? It's a true crime podcast, please listen to it! It's on Spotify.
Yours sincerely, Happiness Delight.
You held the letter in your hand, mulling over each word. You couldn't help but snort, this Happiness Delight person was a real piece of work. However, as much a it pained you to agree, you did happen to forget about Joel, but Joel was a minor character, some to throw the scent off, so did it really matter?
You placed the letter at your side and reached to the notepad and found a pen somewhere in the crack off your sofa. You used the back of your book and put pen to paper. There was something about Happiness's Delight's letter that demanded you to respond, even though you weren't allowed to respond yet. Giselle had this rule that any author must not respond to fan-mail during the press run. The rule was put in stone after a scandalous fiasco with Young Adult Author, Katrina Howell. However, with the alcohol in your blood the rules were null and void, surely you wouldn't become the next Katrina Howell.
Dear Happiness Delight,
I'm not really supposed to be responding to you yet, but I've just read your letter and I had to respond. Call it a urge or something, but I had to. First of all, I'd like to say thank you for reading and buying Flowers of The Mist, it's my pride and joy and the thought of someone buying it makes me happy. I'm also delighted by the fact that the twist blew you away so much so that you just had to write to me. It took a lot of time coming up with it, and I've spent too many mornings with my cat deliberating if it should happen, so hearing it surprised you made me smile.
Onto the good bit.
First off all, don't kick yourself for being an anal person, it's what the writing world loves. Here's the thing about Joel, he was really just a scapegoat character and I didn't want to develop him into anything. However, if I did have to give Joel some kind of resolution, I feel as though he'd have made up with his Aunts for framing him. After all, they did raise him. In regards to Joe's Diner, I've only ever been there once so forgive me for my mistakes. You certainly have a keen eye.
Sorry, I don't really listen to podcasts, but I might check it out some time soon. I'm a true crime buff myself.
From M, the writer of thrillers.
You folded the paper and placed it on the coffee table, you'd mail it before heading into the vet. You took one final look at the rest of the unopened letters and placed them back onto the table, you'd read them tomorrow, as of now, your eyes were straining to stay open.
You awaken by a scratch to your feet. You cracked one eye open and looked down at the culprit. His beady eyes stared back you with vigour.
"Monsieur...what are you doing?" Your voice was croaked and dry. Monsieur, your cat, was busy as your feet tapping the painted toes with his paws. "You surprised to see me down here? God how did I even fall asleep here."
You threw the blanket off your body,but then realised you hadn't fell asleep with a blanket. The identity of the blanket culprit was solved the moment you had the crash of metal in your kitchen. Molls.
"Don't mess up my kitchen, I just cleaned," you shouted. "What are you making?"
"Eggs and sausage, it's the only thing you've got," she said. "Do you go shopping, like ever?"
"I shop for two, me and Monsieur," You said, scooping him it your hold. He struggled ever so slightly in your grasp, but that was typical of Monsieur, he was a man that didn't like to be handled. You scratched behind his ear, earning you a pleasant purr. Before you could do anymore, he leapt from your lap and dived towards his toy.
Minutes went by and before you knew it, Molls walked into the living carrying two plates. Monsieur, the greedy pig was already at her legs having been drawn by the scent of food. "Shoo Monsieur, I've already fed you." she said, nudging him to the side ever so slightly. "He's getting overweight."
She handed you the plate and sat by your side. "He loves food too much."
You prodded the scrambled eggs with your fork, you preferred a sunny side up. "He's not overweight, but I am taking him to the vet. He just needs to move a bit more."
"A bit?" She said before biting a sausage. "What with the letters?"
"Which letters?" You asked.
She pointed to the stack on the coffee table. "Oh, yeah, those are the fan letters Giselle gave me. I only read through like what? Three, but I'm gonna read the rest."
She picked your notepad up. "You're writing back already? Giselle's gonna kill you...Dear Happiness De-"
You snatched the notepad from her fingers, "It's not for you, fan only. Don't tell Giselle, she's gonna lecture me on Katrina."
"I won't but speaking of the devil, did you see Kat giving you evils at the party?" she said, smirking into her glass of water. "She wishes your book would've sunk."
"Hey, leave the poor woman alone, she made one mistake-"
"She sent a fan nudes." she said. "Was that really a mistake?"
"Writers have needs too," you said before taking a bite off your half-burnt sausage.
Sometime after the second cup of tea, Molls boyfriend better yet, boy toy, arrives to come pick her up. You wave bye to her and promise to meet up for lunch on Wednesday. With her gone, you decide to head up stairs and scrub off the remnants off makeup which hadn't smeared onto the cushions. Refreshed from your shower, you dressed and scooped Monsieur into his cage. You placed the sloppy letter you'd written into your bag.
During your drives you listened to whatever was on the radio, but today you'd decided to connect your phone into the speakers and play episode one of The Mace; The podcast Happiness Delight recommend. Monsieur growled in his cage, obviously not used to the voices of two men speaking about crime, he preferred the top 40. Each episode was twenty minutes and you found yourself going through them quick. In the waiting room with Monsieur you'd reached the fifth episode. Park and Jun were the hosts of the show and their wit had you hooked.
On the drive back, you stopped by the post office and sent the letter with a note telling Happiness Delight to reply to your PO box instead. The last thing you needed was Giselle forcing the Katrina story down your throat.
A week passed before you got the first reply back. You'd almost forgotten about Happiness Delight until your postal company messaged you about a letter. After an interview with Times Morning, you headed down to the postal office and retrived the letter.
Once in the comfort of your living you tore the letter open.
Dear M,
First of all, holy shit! I didn't think you'd reply and thank you for taking the risk, it was worth it. I'm surprised you wanted to write back so quick, I guess I do have some charm, right? The twist was amazing and I think i'm gonna rave about it for the rest of my life...well that is until you release your next novel. (Since I'm your favourite fan, can you drop some hints on the next book?). A cat? Dogs are superior.
Thanks for clearing up the Joel situation and I totally get what you meant. It's weird to think he would've made up with them but human psyche is a weird one (if you listen to The Mace then you'll know what I mean). Haha, the keen eye is the result of eating every burger off the menu, college was hard. Since you're becoming one of my favourite authors, i'm gonna give you a top tip. Next time you go to Apple Tree Yard, ask for a Mango-slaw burger (I'm assuming you're not a vegetarian). It'll be the best thing you ever ate.
Have you listened to The Mace yet? Nonetheless, it's always great to meet another true crime buff.
Yours Sincerely, Happiness Delight.
By the time you'd read it over again, the black fluff that was Monsieur had pounced on your lap and began pawing at the letter. "Monsieur honey, no!"
He meowed backS and leapt at the letter you were now holding up high. "Honey, this is an important letter, you can't rip it apart."
When Monsieur had finally resigned his reign of terror on Happiness Delight's letter, you took your notepad and pen from the coffee table.
Dear Happiness Delight,
Gosh you make me feel like I'm a celebrity, I'm just a measly little writer. Hmm, not to sure on the charm part but I'll let you have it for now. Just make sure not to accidently send your letters to the publishing House! If I could tell you when my next book will come out, I'd be a psychic. Favourite fan? that's a bold statement but I'll go along with it again. Well, my dear favourite fan, I have about fifty different ideas about the next book, but I'm thinking about a faternity gone wrong or Angel of death. How does it sound?
I totally agree, the human psyche is wild and unpredictable, I guess that why I write thrillers. Now that i think about it, it might be why I cheered the villians on in cartoons. I hope I'm not the only one who did that. Burgers aren't good for the health but I will check out the Mango-slaw.
I've actually listened to the podcast, I went through five in one day and i'm on the twelfth episode. I would have gotten further but, my week's been jam packed.
From M, the writer of thrillers.
"We're having lunch here?" Molls under her breath as she followed you into Apple Tree Yard. "I fucking hate you. You literally said we're having lunch at Rain's."
You grinned back at her. "Change of plans, it's a bit nostalgic coming back here."
"Remember when Tom took me here," she said. "I'm shivering just thinking about him."
You both found a cozy little booth my window, it overlooked the almost barren car park and you could see the bridge from here. "He killed me that day, who orders turkey dinosaurs on a romantic date?"
"Him," she said. "Why did you even bring us here? You haven't mentioned this place for a good twenty years and now you decide to?"
You hold one finger up, "Actually, it's my book. However, I was persuaded to come here by a certain fan."
"That Happiness something? And you're still writing back. "
You nodded."Delight. Happiness Delight. He's actually quite interesting and he's got a good taste in podcasts."
"Podcasts! Since when do you listen to podcasts? I've literally been trying to get you to listen to Agony Jen for like a good five years!" she said, shaking her head in disbelief. "Snake."
"I listened to one episode and it was a mess. Most the problems could be solved by simply ignoring said person or finding a hobby. I don't know how you can suffocate it."
"Honey, I write borderline erotic romantic novels; I live for that shit." she said, cracking a mischievous grin. "How this podcast of yours like?"
"Good, it's dark, true crime but the hosts are funny. It balances out," you said, opening the menu. Your eyes looked around burgers section, searching for the highly commended Mango-slaw. "Molls, do you see a mango-slaw burger on here."
She narrowed her eyes and took one menu. "I don't think there's ever been a mango-slaw on this menu. And what the hell's a mango-slaw?"
You shrugged. "Some burger Happiness recommend-"
She shuts her menu. "We came here for a fucking burger that might not even be real?! I'm telling Giselle before it gets out of hand."
You rolled your eyes. "Oh come on, you're overreacting."
"We'll see if I'm overreacting when you end up on the news," she said. "Lets just call the waitress before I die of hunger."
"Nothing bad's gonna happen," you lifted your hand and caught the eye of a waitress. The waiter, who was vigorously chewing bubble gum, walked to your booth notepad in hand. Molls ordered her meal, spicy chicken wings and a side of chips and then the waitress turned to you.
"Do you have mango-slaw?"
She furrowed her eyebrow, "Mango-slaw? Miss, we don't serve that here."
Your face instantly became heated, had Happiness Delight tricked you? That scheming ass you thought. Molls looked as though she was on the brink of laughing. "Oh really...ok, um, I'll just have a cheese burger with chips. And one Seven Up."
She nodded and wrote your order down, all the while looking at you with caution. She probably thought you were crazy. "I'll give these to the chef."
"Thank you," your voice was meek.
Twenty minutes later, the waitress came back bearing the burgers and chips. You went through the meal silently cursing Happiness.
When you stopped at the postal office, you decided to make an amend to your letter. You wrote under the last paragraph.
Were you tricking me with the Mango Slaw? I was at Apple Tree Yard and I asked for one but the waitress looked at me crazy. If so, you're a good trickster Mr Happiness Delight.
Once happy with it, you folded the paper back up and sealed it into the envelope for posting.
Dear M,
You're a celebrity to me and I'll take it, but don't be amazed when my charm grows on you. And I just want t say my highest achievement so far is you naming me your favourite fan, I'll write it on my tombstone when I die...hopefully you would've released twenty more books in that space of time. Personally I love the Angel of Death idea, it's always fascinated me. Ever heard of Harold Shipman.
You're not alone in the cheering villains on front. While everyone else was cheering Hercules on, I was on Hades' side.
In regards to the Mango-slaw event, I probably should've been more clear but don't ask the new waiters, you're gonna have to go the chef. Specifically one called Kyungsoo...now, he might try to throw a pan at you but he will make it.
Since you've listened to the podcast, whose is your favourite host?
Yours Sincerely, Happiness Delight.
Dear Happiness Delight,
I think your charms already growing on me! Don't forget to tell me what plot you'll be on, I'll come visit you and take a picture of it. I hope i'll be able to get through twenty books, it took me too long to write Flowers of the Mist! And yes I've heard of Harold Shipman, what true crime buff hasn't?
Oh see there we've got a problem, I was on Hercules side and that's only because Hades scared me. I was an easily scared child.
I hope you're not playing a trick on me, but if I ever do get time I'll go again, hopefully when that waitress isn't working.
I don't know if this is overstepping boundaries but, I have book signing coming up. Please come, if you can. Since you know Apple Tree Yard then I'm guessing you live around here, so if you can make it, please do. It's at Vick’s Bookstore from 3pm to 5pm. We'll be having lunch after.
For some reason, I think Park is my favourite. He's very funny, not that Jun isn't! Maybe it's the deep voice...I don't know.
From M, writer of thrillers.
The postal office receptionist watched you in growing annoyance as you stood at the desk reading the words. Was it too early to casually invite him to your book signing and dinner after? Furthermore, what if it all went wrong and you were possibly inviting a stalker into your life? Every writer had heard the horror stories of writers having stalkers, some made the stop writing or worse. Maybe it was pure foolishness and naivety, but you trusted Happiness Delight.
"Uh, Ma'am...will you be sending the letter?" The receptionist voice caused you break from your stupor.
"Sorry," you said, shoving the paper back into envelope and passing it the receptionist.
As you left the office, your phone rang, it was Giselle on the line. She talked about finalising the details, now would've been the best time to tell her Happiness but you shut your mouth in better judgement. When he came to the dinner, that's he if came, you'd tell her he was just a friend.
"God, you're shaking like a leaf" Giselle said. She handed you a glass of white wine but you refused. Your stomach couldn't handle alcohol this early.
"I'm just nervous," you said. "It's my first book signing so...Yeah"
"You'll be fine, you just gotta smile but you might be holding quite a few babies," she said, slapping a hand on your shoulder. It's meant to be a gesture of comfort, but pain surges through your muscles. She had a hard hit for a fifty-something woman.
"I don't mind babies," you said. "I just don't want to disappoint anyone and there's just so many people out there."
You peeked out of the glass windows, there was a steady line of people stood outside the doors, some carry books and some purchasing the book from the store. There were all types of people, but you looked for one person. Happiness. Would you know who was happiness the moment you saw him? You'd built a picture of him in your mind but you didn't even know his name for crying out loud. This was stupid.
You wouldn't have been this nervous if he'd replied. Usually, it took him a week to reply and that's understanable, mail takes time. But it was now two weeks since you'd sent the letter. You'd gone to the PO box near enough daily, but nothing was there. Molls had said it might have been lost, but it seemed so impossible.
"Sweetie, they're gonna open the doors," Giselle said. "Do you want some water?"
You nodded as she led you to the front of the store.
"Hey, you! Can you get her some water. Bottled." Giselle said to some young employee.
You took your seat at the table they'd decorated with a stack of your book and a picture of yourself. It wasn't the best of pictures. You thanked the employee and immediately took a gulp of water. You placed the bottle down as you watched the line of people stream in. You clicked the pen two times, just to check.
"Hey, I just want to say I love your book," A girl handed you her copy.
"Thank you so much, it took some time to write. What's your name?" You asked, opening the book on the first blank page.
"Farrah, it's my name," she said, her pock marked face was wide with a smile.
You wrote a small message addressed to her and signed your own signature. You handed the book to her, "Thank you so much for coming."
The next person came, a man. Your heart raced for a moment, what if it was Happiness Delight? You took the book from him and signed it as Andy. He didn't seem like Happiness Delight. If Happiness Delight did turn up he'd probably tell you who he was.
As the fans continuted to flood in drones, your eyes continuously flew over to the clock on the wall. It was nearly time for a break and still Happiness hadn't come. It pained you to admit it but you were losing hope. Maybe it was like Molls said, the mail had gotten lost.
You took your break in the store's staff room. It was only a small break and you spent most of it on your phone, anything to put your mind off him. But the longer you sat there, you'd began to grow angry at yourself. This was your first signing, people had travelled for good knows how far just to get your signature and a small chat. As you walked back into the store front you told yourself not to think about him, just smile and appreciate it, not every one got to do a book signing.
The second half moved quick and you joked more with your fans. And you'd taken the odd picture with a baby and someone's child. You'd been stretching your hands when Giselle tapped your shoulder, she leant down to your ear.
"This is the last bunch, we're going after these," She said.
You nodded and turned back to the next person. "Hello, how are you?" You asked, smiling up at the man.
"Good, I think" He said, you couldn't help but notice he was nervous. He was holding the book with a near white grip. "You?"
"Good too," you answered. "Shoud I sign your book?"
"Yes, of course," he handed you the book and you flipped to the blank page.
"Who should I address it to?" You asked, the tip of your pen touching the page.
"To H-no...sorry, just Chanyeol," he said. "Just Chanyeol."
"Beautiful name," you said, writing his name before the small note and your own signature. You closed the book, "Here you go."
"Thank you so much, and I love your book," he said.
"Thank you too."
He opened his mouth to say something, but quickly closed it. You watched him smile then leave the line, his lanky body weaving in between bodies and before he got the door, he cast you a fleeting glance before walking out into the rain. You looked up to the next person.
"Hi, how are you?" you said to them.
When the last person had walked out the door, you released a breath you didn't know you'd been holding. It was over, the fans had come and he hadn't.
"You good?" Giselle asked.
"Just peachy," you said. "Which resturant we were going to again? Oh, and my plus one won't make it."
The Mace, episode 37 played in your car as you drove to Apple Tree Yard. As you took the next exit your phone pinged, a message. You peered down at the screen to see who it was from, your heart skipped a beat when you saw it was from. Angelo, he'd interviewed you for the Daily Mint. You'd run into him at grocery, you'd been looking for a certain brand of cat food since Monsieur was picky. In the brief conversation you'd had while trying to find the food, you'd ended you exchanging numbers. You'd text him back when you were in the restaurant.
You pulled your keys from the ignition and made your way inside. You'd come at a busy time, the high-school kids from the neighbouring school had invaded near enough all the booths and you couldn't bring yourself to walk down the aisle. Teenagers had a knack of scaring you. So, you settled down at the bar, from here, you could see the cooks flipping burger meat, one flame grilling steak and another chopping onions into fine pieces.
"what you having doll?" the woman behind the bar asked.
"Can I get the cheese burger please, with a side of chips and mango juice." you said.
She scribbled your order down, "sure, would that be all?"
"Yeah- actually, sorry but does a chef called Kyungsoo work here?" you asked, the question had been a split second decision. You can just wanted to out the whole Happiness Delight debacle to rest. Molls had been so convinced that Happiness was simply a fantasist.
The older woman furrowed her brows and for a second you thought Molls was right along, but then she nodded. "Yeah, he works here. You need to talk to him or something... Wait, you're not a cop right?"
You almost laughed in relief. "No I'm just a normal citizen. I just want to ask him about something."
"alright, I'll bring him over."
Your fingers tapped the wooden counter as you waited forher to bring him. Minutes later, the woman came back but with a man in tow. He was wearing his chef gowns and curious look on his face.
"Hi, I'm kyungsoo. You are?" he asked.
You told him your name. "I'm sorry for the bother I wanted to ask you something."
"No problem, I wasn't doing much," he said.
"Well, that's good. This is gonna sound stupid but someone told me to come here before and they said something about this Mango-slaw burger."
"Mango-slaw?" He stopped for a second then sighed hard. "Chanyeol that bastard...he sent you here didn't he?"
The name rung familiar but you couldn't place it. Was this Chanyeol character Happiness Delight? "I'm sorry, but who's Chanyeol?"
Kyungsoo face contorted into one of confusion. "Park Chanyeol, well Chanyeol Park but that doesn't matter. He's the only idiot that orders this burger." He paused to look at your equally confused face. "Was it not him? He's like too fucking tall, big ears, and an idiot."
You tried hard to place a name to the description but you just couldn't. "I don't really know."
"Then who else- Wait, lemme show you a picture," he dug inside the pocket of his uniform, then scrolled through his phone, "Here's a picture of him."
You squinted your eyes at the picture. Where did you know him from? He looked so familiar but the memory was so blurry. The picture of Chanyeol was a guy wearing a large hoodie, hair tousled. He looked to be in some kind of recording studio, but you really didn't know, he just had a mic in front of him. If the microphone in front of him was anything to go by.
Wait a second, that guy. guy who'd come for a book sign, the one who was acting weird. It had to be him but his hair had changed, it was now a dark auburn colour. You thanked the forces that you'd' been sat on the chair, if not, you're certain your knee's would've collapsed. That man was Happiness Delight. He'd came.
"Do you know where he is? I really need to talk to him," you said.
"Uh I don't know where exactly he'd be right now, but I can give you his number," He said.
"That'll be amazing."
He took a piece a paper from behind the counter and scribbled Chanyeol's number down. "There you go. Oh and do you want the burger?"
You shook your head and took the scrap piece of paper. "I don't think I can eat."
You had the paper in your pocket for a good three days, looking over the numbers over and over. Two months had passed between the last letter you received, and you hadn't even opened it.
You pressed the numbers into your phone, pausing a moment you pressed call. The phone rang three times.
"Hello, who's this?" The voice asked.
Why did he sound so familiar? How was it so that you'd recognised his voice than you did his face.
"Uh...hello? Is anybody there. I can hear you breathing?"
Park, it was Park's voice. You felt as though the air in your body had been forced out. Of course, Park Chanyeol. Happiness Delight was the voice of the man you'd been listening to for the last few months.
"Happiness Delight?" Your vocie was feeble and you'd almost doubted he'd heard it.
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rockleefangirl987 · 7 years
What You Love...(For Rock Lee Birthday Month!)
I wrote this last year as we had a challenge for Rock Lee Birthday Week. I thought I would post it again, and this was in answer to the challenge made by @sausage-fist. I thought it was a great way to start it out. Here was the challenge:
Lee has a passion for training and becoming stronger!! It’s what he strives for every day. What is your passion? What do you strive to become? Create something that involves you telling him or showing him the thing you are most passionate about whether it be sports, drawing or even comedy!! Show Lee what you train for every day.
What I train for? I try to write each day, as I have since I was too young to even know why. My inspiration included the Bronte sisters, Jane Austen, Margaret Mitchell and Daphne DuMaurier, because they wrote the books my mother loved and taught me to love. I wanted to tell stories full of unbridled passion and real human beings with all their little problems and life not always turning out as we hoped. I wanted my readers to visualize everything as though a movie was playing before you. So as a writer, you struggle with all the right words and...
Well, Lee, this is for you - one more time. 
I...I do not...I do...not...understand,” he said between deep gulps. I watched his head bounce up, vanish, bounce up again, then drop out of sight - over and over as it had for the last ten minutes. No matter how often I saw him perform his push-ups, the idea of him managing a conversation and performing a countdown in his brain astonished me to no end.
“What do you mean? What don’t you understand?” I replied, drawing one leg underneath me as I readjusted myself in the large wicker chair.
The fall morning was too beautiful to stay indoors, even if your work engulfed you, preventing a full enjoyment of the day. Still, it was nice being close to one’s muse. One’s overactive muse...We had been out in the garden for hours, me with my writing and him performing what came naturally. At one point there were pull-ups and rotations from a stout tree limb fifteen feet off the ground. On another occasion, he did nothing but run. For the two of us, it was typical.
Once more I asked, “I know sometimes I feel like I’m talking in riddles.”
“No...No...it...it is not...not that. You said you...you were...having...problems.”
“But...what you are doing...it seems simple, right?”
Twirling my favorite pen as one might a baton, I stopped before launching into one of my habits: clutching the instrument between my teeth. How many times did I have to remind myself: you don’t know where that pen came from? Even if I was the only one handling it. Even if I kept it safe within any of my numerous notebooks. I snatched an antibacterial wipe from a nearby container, and while I cleaned the pen, concentrated once more on what he asked.
I couldn’t help smiling at the notion. From others, I might have taken exception, but from him? The innocent expression indicated one thing: his questions were because he was curious and cared about my well-being. For the last hour, I had grumbled, scowled, buried my face in my hands, torn one sheet from the binder, then another, doodled terrible stick figures - a couple with bushy eyebrows (seeing those made him giggle as he joked ‘I do not look like that, do I?’). Still, I wondered how I might better explain so he’d comprehend, not because he was stupid, but…
“Yeah, I guess it does seem simple.” Smiling, I tapped the notebook resting on the portable writing desk in my lap. “Every time you see me, I’m putting words to paper.”
“Or typing...typing away...on...your...computer. Sometimes...you never stop.”
“Neither do you.”
He paused, considered my words, then returned to his routine. “That is true...But...But is it that...difficult?”
He nodded a response.
Chuckling, I used an index finger and thumb to massage the insides of my eyes. “You wouldn’t believe how hard it can be. Not all the time, but...I don’t know...It just feels like it’s all stuck up here.” I pointed at my head. “And it doesn't want to come out! I see it...I can hear it...Everything! Descriptions, what everybody says to each other, what characters are thinking or feeling! Then I try to write it, and I read it, and I think…”
“What do you think?” after I didn’t respond for several moments.
“That it’s the most godawful garbage anybody’s ever written.”
“Two thousand!” he shouted.
Was he already finished?
“But I have seen books in bookstores. I tried to read excerpts.” He sat cross-legged on the ground near me. “And I told Guy-Sensei the writing was so painful I thought I was going to cry. Tenten is more explicit. She said the authors should be locked in a room and forced to listen to the pain they have inflicted on their readers.”
I snickered, rolling my eyes, nodding in agreement.
The chunin continued. “And some of those books have been made into movies. Although truth be told, the filmed versions were not any better than their source material.”
I laughed again. “Who died and made you a movie critic?” Shrugging, he responded with a smile I'm certain he prayed would make me feel at ease. Under normal circumstances, it might have. Right then, nothing I felt empty, lost in the problems of my own making. “Yeah, well, I’d like to be a little bit better than that. Not that I’d sneeze at a million dollar contract from a publisher or a movie studio, but my name’s going to be on it. I’d like people to look back at my stuff and think ‘Wow! Another Gone with the Wind! Another Pride and Prejudice!’ Not ‘Oh my God - take away that woman’s laptop and paper and pen and break her hands so she never writes again!’”
There came that soft giggle which never failed to make me smile. I couldn't help it. “That is so silly. I have read your stories, remember? No one would ever accuse you of writing...well…some of the books I have seen. You do not write about vampires or werewolves or fifty whatever.” A blush came to his cheeks. “You write about...people, life.”
“I try,” I muttered, exhaling. I was frustrated. I had been working on one chapter for three weeks - bits and pieces here and there. What should have been a basic, informational few scenes stressing the heroine’s dilemma bogged me down a third of the way through. In that time frame, I rewrote one scene more than a half-dozen time. Another key scene faced four times under the knife. Each time I looked at the words, I groaned, cursed (I never did that in front of him), and either hit the backspace key or drew several furious lines through the sentences on the lined paper. That second scene annoyed me to Hell. It sounded stilted, forced. Characters I’d handled for almost a year fell to pieces. I imagined them glaring at me from my Chromebook screen or my notebook, each of them thinking ‘What in the world is her problem?’ I honestly didn’t know, so in the meantime, I returned to previous chapters - the chapters I loved, chapters over which I had also once struggled.
“You are seeking perfection.”
I looked up and into those large dark eyes. “I guess.”
“Of course you are! You have shown me so many wonderful chapters, and I am always honest and tell you how they are. They are good. No, how great they are. The old adage is right. You do have a way with words.”
I ducked my head. That was something I had heard since my school days.
“And then you return and tell me, ‘I redid this. What do you think?’ It will be the same scene, but you have added more dialogue, removed this or that, changed a phrase about, added a new thought...and it is still good. Then you work on another chapter or scene, but you keep returning to the other, although I did not think anything was wrong with it in the first place. But you know what?”
“No, what?”
“No matter how many times I read it when you make the adjustment, whatever that might be, it is even better than before, although I did not think it possible...But you must realize, the time is going to come when you cannot make another change. That it is as good as it will ever be. Otherwise...you will never finish.”
He scooted closer. “You have been working on our story for a while.”
“I just want to get it right.”
“I know. I appreciate that. But you joked the other day you have barely scratched the surface and you have written...sixteen chapters?”
“Eighteen, nineteen,” I confessed. “Some of them don’t have chapter numbers yet because they come later in the story. And a few are so long, I could split those down into another chapter or two.”
“Yes...They are good too, you know.” He gave me a thumbs up accompanied by a toothy grin. “I especially like the one, you know, the one where…”
“I know.” This wasn’t the first time he told me he did. Every time he read that part, tears filled his eyes when he finished. “It’s kind of my favorite too.”
“How many revisions?”
“I deleted a sentence last night.”
“Not again!” It was his turn to sigh in frustration. “If you have not scratched the surface yet, it will be another year or two or three before you write ‘THE END’, and it will not be the actual end because you will revise and rework and rephrase it and…”
“Yeah I know, I know!”
It happened before I knew it. Pen, notebook, and portable desk were thrown to the ground. I was upset with myself, not with what he told me. He realized that too, having seen my temper flair before. He also said nothing when he saw me tear up, reaching down to touch the cherry wood of the lap tray he’d given me as a birthday gift. If I damaged something which came from his heart…
With great calmness, he picked up the items, placed them on the table in front of me, then raised the lid on the Chromebook.
“When I said I did not understand why it is not simple when you are writing, I was wrong.” He maneuvered the mouse, digging deep into the carefully organized folders in the Cloud. “When someone has a passion for something, and it means everything to them, others should not tell them they must give it up or lower their goals.” Although I observed him in profile, he was smiling. “I ought to know.” He turned briefly, winking at me. “This is what you work hard for. This gives your life meaning. It is your code - your Ninja way. I have made a promise to support you as best I can, just as Guy-Sensei still does for me. I am sorry if I do not always appear to understand.”
I shook my head. “No, it’s not you. A lot of times, you’re the one who gives my brain the jumpstart it needs.” I gave the lap desk a quick once over, pleased there was no damage. “I’m sorry.”
“It is alright.”
“But it’s not alright. You gave me something special and I…”
“Your passion got the better of you.”
“That wasn’t passion. That was me and my stupid temper.” My voice dropped lower. “Lee, what are you looking for?”
“It is fine. I have found it.”
I saw that the folder he clicked bore the tentative title of the story I had given my nearly undivided attention to these last eleven months. “But I don’t…”
“Your writing means the world to you. One day you will finally show everyone what I consider myself privileged to read. But until then…” He squatted in the chair next to me. “Start it again. I want you to hear how good it is, and I find that reading it aloud can make a great difference.” When I hesitated, he gave me a slight nudge. “Go on. Remember, nothing ventured, nothing gained.”
Black letters against a white background were plastered across the screen, meaningless when I first took a look at them. All of that came from me. The inspiration was the person at my side. Giving him a peck on the cheek, I smiled and began to read the words familiar to both of us.   
@ten-all-over @fruitysmellz @sausage-fist @samlovesmaitogai @shock777 @nejicanspin @sincerelysinclair17 (is that you @Morganknightos), @teacher-monica @strikeelectricart and all you other Rock Lee fans. 
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thebookrat · 5 years
Disclaimer: a review copy of this book was provided by the editor for review purposes. Affiliate links are not used in this post, but are used on this site. All thoughts and opinions are honest and my own. Edited to add: as you can see in the banner below, this post was supposed to be up yesterday, but I apparently don't know how to 'days of the week'... That is entirely MY BAD, sorry about that, internet!
You may have already seen me talking about this book online, as I listened to it while I was decorating for Christmas, but today -- before we dive into a guest post from one of the book's authors, Amy D'Orazio -- I'm going to dig a little deeper into why I loved Yuletide, an anthology of Christmas-oriented Jane Austen stories. And love it, I did! Generally when I read short story anthologies, I skip around to whichever story is calling my name most, with little care for the flow of one into the next. I also tend to only read them in bits and pieces, fits and starts, and never cover to cover. But because I was listening to Yuletide on audiobook*, and because I was flitting around the house, clipping evergreens that were politely pilfered from my neighborhood (ahem) and working them into wreaths and such, I just hit play and went along for whatever was in store. *it is still possible to skip around to stories in an audio anthology, btw. Chapters still exist. And man, I enjoyed this. The first story in the book actually gave me butterflies, but even when stories hit a flat note (which was rare), the immersive experience of listening to someone tell me Christmas stories about characters I love (who at this point feel almost like family, I've sent so much time with them), while working on Christmas myself? SWOON, it was so enjoyable. Harry Frost's narration was excellent, as well, even if I did occasionally chuckle at his "American" accent. ;) I'm not going to give you my whole spiel about how short story anthologies are great for discovering new authors, or as palate cleansers between books, our any of that (except I kinda just did), but as Austen anthologies go, this is one of the stronger ones. Each story felt entirely unique from the others, while still cohesive in context of the theme, and the different approaches mean that there's likely to be a story here to suit most Janeites. The book feels tightly and thoughtfully curated, and I did, in fact, discover some authors whose JAFF I now want to look into! And the best part of all? Proceeds from sales of the e-book and paperback go to benefit Chawton House! This mini review was turned out to be less mini and more review, but basically, I recommend this book, and I especially recommend reading it in the wintertime, when there's snow on the ground and the days are short, when your brain has turned towards Christmas but you're out of new Hallmark movies to watch... 10/10 experience, would recommend. And now, a piece from our special guest, Amy D'Orazio!
Eight Reasons Why Writing Modern JAFF Adaptations is so Much Harder than Writing Regencies 
by Amy D’Orazio (contributing author to YULETIDE “The Wishing Ball”)
The Yuletide anthology [collection of five Regency era and two modern holiday stories] explored some new ground for me — it is the first time I have published a modern adaptation rather than the regency-based stories I typically write. Part of that was because this story was originally part of a Christmas challenge at A Happy Assembly. The idea for it came from fellow author Pamela Lynne who challenged me to write something to do with Christmas ornaments.
I know many people believe writing a modern adaptation is easier than a Regency. Both have their challenges but of the two…? Writing moderns is harder, in my opinion, and here are my reasons why:
1. Prejudice. Okay so this is a big one and often one I find takes a good modern and makes it shaky. Heaven knows there are plenty of things people are prejudiced about in this day and age but translating that into a feasible Darcy & Elizabeth-type situation isn’t easy. Elizabeth Bennet wasn’t poor—yet— in P&P. She was part of the upper echelon of wealth in England, but Darcy was, by comparison, stratospheric. So, a story about someone wealthy marrying someone else who is uber-wealthy? —not really anything notable today
2. Location, location, location. The first challenge any modern author faces is where to put their main characters. Jane Austen put hers in various spots around England, and when I am writing a Regency, I feel comfortable enough with my research to do likewise. But modern day? I’ve been to London a few times but that’s about it—I would have to do a LOT of research to find the exact restaurant on the exact street or the specific house with the certain features I need for my characters. The chances of getting it wrong are so much higher! In my story in this anthology I placed Darcy and Elizabeth in New York City (gasp… they’re American!)
3. Show of hands—who has had a family member voice an expectation that you should marry your cousin? But it was an important custom then and had super important implications for bloodlines and fortunes and etc. So, it’s sort of a hard issue to translate into a modern circumstance even though it was an important part of many of Austen’s books.
4. Or for that matter —who has really allowed their family members to have much say into their marriage at all? I mean, sure, I wanted my family to like my husband but if Aunt Martha didn’t…well…I guess we’d have just cut her off the Christmas card list.
5. The whole Lydia-Wickham and Georgiana-Wickham thing. Let’s be honest, in modern times, the only proper place for the likes of George Wickham (age 26/27) is jail for being a sex predator on teenagers. Would the military even take him? Let’s hope no one would force one of his victims to marry him! It’s storyline that is very tricky to translate to the modern era!
6. Modern life changes fast which brings with it another pitfall of books set in modern eras (not just for JAFF but any modern story)—when you have your hero check email on his Blackberry, or your heroine snap her Razor phone closed, you automatically dated your story. If you mention a song, a book, a news event, or a particular celebrity, five or ten years from now someone reading your book might not get what it is you’re talking about. Horse technology, on the other hand, rarely changed throughout the Regency period and the main forms of communication—writing a letter or walking to your neighbors house to talk about it—were the same. 7. By far, I think the most difficult thing about modern translations is how the characteristics of the our main characters are when placed into a modern setting. I’ve seen some intriguing takes on this — Elizabeth’s wit becomes almost supernatural intelligence, Mrs Bennet’s illiberality becomes racism or homophobia, Emma’s tendency to matchmake turns into a wedding planning business. To me, this is where writing moderns can really be tricky—in a Regency you don’t have to decide all of this but in a modern, you need to decide how you’ll bring it all into a modern era. 8. Marriage. By far the trickiest part of creating a modern is the aspects of marriage. In modern times, there are dates, there are non-monogamous relationships, there are engagements that end with no dreadful outcome to either party—in short there are many complexities to modern relationships that didn’t exist back then (for better or worse). If you’re writing a Regency and your hero and heroine dance twice, have a whispered conversation behind a potted plant and then decide to marry— sure! True love! But a modern couple? I think most of your readers would think it was a bit unrealistic! So, there you have it! It should be noted of course that all the opinions expressed herein are solely those of me, the author! Love to hear your thoughts on the subject below! AMY D’ORAZIO is a former scientist and current stay-at-home mom who is addicted to Austen and Starbucks in equal measure. While she adores Mr. Darcy, she is married to Mr. Bingley, and their Pemberley is in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She has two daughters devoted to sports with long practices and began writing stories as a way to pass the time spent at their various gyms and studios. She firmly believes that all stories should have long looks, stolen kisses, and happily-ever-afters. Like her favorite heroine, she dearly loves a laugh and considers herself an excellent walker. She is the author of The Best Part of Love, A Short Period of Exquisite Felicity, A Lady’s Reputation and various anthologies. Below you'll find an except of Amy's story in Yuletide; find samples from the rest of the anthology here!  ABOUT THE BOOK:
Yuletide: A Jane Austen-inspired Collection Of Stories, edited by Christina Boyd  190 pages / audio 5 hrs and 50 mins Published November 26th 2018 by The Quill Ink, LLC BUY HERE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZPBZSFB ttps://www.audible.com/pd/B07ZP9R3QW?
“I went up to the Great House between three and four, and dawdled away an hour very comfortably...” –Jane Austen  A holiday short story anthology with some favorite Austenesque authors, YULETIDE is inspired by Jane Austen, PRIDE & PREJUDICE, and the spirit of the season. Regency and contemporary alike, each romance was dreamt to spark love, humor, and wonder while you dawdle over a hot cup of tea this Christmas.  Stories by: Elizabeth Adams * J. Marie Croft * Amy D’Orazio * Lona Manning * Anngela Schroeder * Joana Starnes * Caitlin Williams Edited by: Christina Boyd  All proceeds from e-book and paperback sales to benefit Chawton Great House in Hampshire, former manor of Jane Austen’s brother Edward Austen Knight and now the Centre for the Study of Early Women’s Writing, 1600-1830.
via The Book Rat
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Ask me: all
JESUS answers under the cut hopefully bc holy shit [[READ MORE]]1) What images do you have set for your desktop/cell phone wallpapers?I'll do cell phone since I'm on it right now: lock screen is a duck and her ducklings, home is sylveon2) Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?Nope3) What was your last text message?Tbh something personal to my friends expense so not gonna copy and paste 4) What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?I'd like to be helping my communities. I have several dreams... Photoshoots for trans kids, bringing ASL further into the spotlight and performing musicals in asl, making clothing lines for plus size and trans people5) If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be?Cuddling in bed in some gay ass nerds arms 6) What was your coolest Halloween costume?Lmao I never really had 'cool' halloween costumes but the funniest definitely was this year where my friends and I all went as different aesthetics/ tropes- "emo" "hipster" "jock" stuff like that and then "space gay" "plant gay" and I was manic pixie dream girl 7) What was your favorite 90s show?"Friends" or "Freaks and Geeks" 8) Who was your last kiss?Ex and he forced me lmao so it was uncomfortable and my friend had to intervene9) Have you ever been stood up?I've been on like two dates in my life so no10) Favorite ice cream flavor?Chocolate with brownie chunks and fudge- so basically chocolate on chocolate on chocolate 11) Have you been to Las Vegas?Nop12) Your favorite pair of shoes?My Converse I hand painted a galaxy on 13) Honestly, have you ever cheated on your significant other?Nope. One time someone grabbed me by the hair at the back of my head and kissed me and I shoved them off but I've never been an instigator 14) What is your favorite fruit?Pear or apple, I'm boring :v 15) Have you talked to anyone on tumblr that you could see yourself dating/having sex with? If possible?I already did that twice so... yes16) Are you into hookups? Short or long term relationships?Nope I'm Demisexual so hookups aren't a thing for me. Long term typically, but if I know it's really not working out I'm not afraid to end things. 17) Do you smoke? If so, what?Nop18) What do you do to get over your anger?Bike, mediative breathing, kick boxing 19) Do you believe in God?Eh? I believe in several deities and powers and ideals 20) Does the person you're in love with know it?I mean I'd hope so I've said it a million times 21) Favorite position?Cowgirl 22) What's your horoscope sign?ITS THE AGE OF AQUARIUS, THE AGE OF AQUARIUSSSSSSS- AQUIRIUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSSS...... AQUIRIUSSsSsSsS 23) Your fears?Being manipulated, being raped, someone breaking into my house, being followed, running into past people who have hurt me 24) How many pets do you have? What kind?Right now I just have Luna my cat who doesn't meow but just yells really loudly 25) What never fails to turn you on?Grabbing or biting 26) Your idea of a perfect first date?Seeing a movie, walking on the boardwalk and going to a fun restaurant (good food, not stuffy and fancy) and walking on the beach feeling the water and sand on our feet 27) What is something most people don't know about you?That I suffer/ed from an eating disorder and I'm mostly recovering 28) What makes you feel the happiest?Laughing with my friends 29) What store do you shop at most often?Does Amazon count or...? 30) How do you feel about oral? Giving and/or receiving?I think it's a way of showing you care about your partner and their pleasure so I'm for it; I like both 31) Do you believe in karma?I think that people should strive to do what they believe is right without harming others, but I don't think the universe goes around righting wrongs considering so many who do wrong never face punishment32) Are you single?Not really? I'm not officially in a relationship but I'm also not looking33) Do you think flowers or candy are a better way to apologize?I think that either one can serve as a good way to apologize in addition to an actual thought out apology; provided the flowers or candy are thought out 34) Are you a good swimmer?I've swam since I was like 6 months old so yes 35) Coffee or Tea?Depends, I love both though. Typically I only like homemade tea and cafe made coffee 36) Online shopping or shopping in person?Online shopping I hate irl shopping 37) Would you rather be older or younger than your current age?If I had to choose, older 38) Cats or Dogs?Both? I guess cats if I had to choose because I like cuddling 39) Are you a competitive person?Yeah but I try not to be by avoiding competition40) Do you believe in aliens?Definitely 41) Do you like dancing?Fuck yes I'm always dancing 42) What kind of music to you listen to?Honestly I listen to a really wide spread I like a little bit of everything, only thing I can't always get into is screamo and similar genres 43) What is your favorite cartoon character?Marinette maybe? I have many 44) Where are you from?Florida 45) Eat at home or eat out?Depends what I have st home lmao 46) How much more social are you when you're drunk?Don't know don't drink 47) What was the last thing you bought for yourself?Rainbow boxers yesterday st pride! 48) Why do you think your followers follow you?Memes 49) How many hours do you sleep at night?Typically 6 50) What worries you most about the future?Succeeding in my field 51) If you had a friend that spoke to you the same way you speak to yourself, how long would you be friends?I would drop them so fast fuck 52) Are you happy with yourself?I think mostly I am 53) What do you wish you didn't know?Knowledge is power so I don't regret that, I only wish certain things hadn't happened perhaps 54) What big lesson could people learn from your life?Recognize when you're being manipulated and stay true to yourself 55) If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be?Maybe the Gilmore house from Gilmore girls? It's such s beautiful house and I love the aesthetic of the town 56) What's your favorite Website?Shopmissa if not a social media website 57) What's the habit you're proudest of breaking?Cutting58) What was your most recent trip of more than 50 miles?I think Gainesville s few months ago for my sisters graduation 59) What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store?2.50 blazers at good will 60) What do you order when you eat Chinese food?Dumpling soup, egg rolls, crab Rangoon 61) If you had to be named after one of the 50 states, which would it be?I already am sort of, kali and cali(fornia) if not I guess Dakota? It's a pretty name 62) If you had to teach a subject to a class, what would it be?History, psychology, sexed, or any kind of art lmao? 63) Favorite kind of chips?Sour cream and onion or plain salted kettle cooked chips 64) Favorite kind of sandwich?Turkey, muenster, honey mustard etc 65) Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus?Dictionary 66) Have you ever been stung by a bee?Nope I've never been hurt by any animal67) What's your favorite form of exercise?Dance or swimming 68) Are you afraid of heights?Maybe a little but not really 69) What's the most memorable class you've ever taken?Informal geometry it was a fuckin messssssss 70) What's your favorite breakfast?Waffle, eggs, toast, hash browns, coffee, bacon. Aka what I get every time o go to Waffle House 71) Do you like guacamole?Fuck yeah72) Have you ever been in a physical fight?Not really no, I've been hit though 73) What/who are you thinking about right now?Not gonna lie I'm just thinking about how periods suck but I'm so glad I'm not pregnant 74) Do you like cuddling?Most of the time yeah but I have to be very comfortable with that person 75) Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?Probably I have a lot of trauma 76) Have you ever experienced one of your biggest fears?Almost all of them77) Favorite city you've been to?Gainesville, it's so beautiful 78) Would you break the law to save a family member?Depends on the law and depends on the family member- maybe for my older siblings 79) Talk about an embarrassing moment?Oh god I had one yesterday. So I was with friends and I was taking a bunch of pictures and my friend next to me and I starting goofing around and I took a bunch of silly pictures of them and after they grabbed my phone and deleted them and then went to my deleted photos and I was screaming for them to give back my phone and like I'm 99% sure they saw my personal photos I had in there sooo I wanted to die 80) Are there any causes you strongly believe in?LGBT rights, Deaf rights, Autistic and Aspergers people's rights, Black lives matter 81) What's the worst injury you've ever had?I had to get a really shitty surgery in an emergency hospital for an abscess on my labia minora and I was screaming in agony with no anesthesia as doctors flooded in and out. It was really traumatic and painful 82) Favorite day of the week?Saturday. I get to sleep in, be productive in the morning, hang out with friends, have time for myself, and it's very stress free 83) Do you consider yourself sexually open minded?Very, even though I'm Demi once I am comfortable with someone I'm open to try anything almost and I have a lot of kinks 84) How do you feel about porn?I think that while the industry is fucked up and corrupt I support sex workers and sex work in general as a form of entrepreneurship 85) Which living celebrity would you like to know?Maybe Emma stone? 86) Who was your hottest ex?I haven't dated a lot of people really but someone who isn't quite an ex? 87) Do you want/have kids?Not sure. I've gone back and forth but I know I want to experience my life first before I do anything. 88) Has anyone ever told you that they wanted to marry you?Yes89) Do you get easily distracted?YES90) Ass or titties?titties all the way 91) What is your favorite word?Prejudice 92) How do you feel about tattoos?I think they're a beautiful art form 93) Do you have any pets?Yes 94) How tall are you?5'2 and a half 95) How old are you?17 96) 3 physical features you get complimented on a lot?Eyes, boobs, ass 97) Is there anything you're really passionate about?Activism and cosmetology 98) Do you have trust issues?Yeahhhh a little bit not gonna lie99) Do you believe in love at first sight?No not really? I think that you can have attraction but you have to get to know someone to love them 100) What are some words that you live by? Why?Everything happens for a reason. Because while shitty things happen in our lives we can learn from them to make the world a better place. I've had a lot of shitty things happen to me and they have only driven me further in life to help others.
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