#though i’d love to
prtfrmhrtbrn · 1 year
hello hello :) as we all know i am a pretty committed rosewater-er but that does not make me immune to jegulus fever. which is relevant to… what, exactly? the new fic i posted!
it’s an au based off the place beyond the pines, a 2012 ryan gosling movie (that my brother is rabid for and wouldn’t get out of my brain afyer he made me watch it). regulus is a stunt biker at a circus and james is a one-night-stand from a year ago :)
it’s only the beginning of it- i’m having an actual life currently, but it’s not going very well, so i’ve put it up now, because as things are going i can’t see myself finishing it- but it… might get continued? i’m unsure! either way i only posted it because i love the tone. if you read it & enjoy it, i’d love to hear about it!! <33 that’s all, thanku for reading this silly self promo :)
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You're version of Elizabeth is really sassy lol
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At the end of the day, she’s still Michael’s little sister
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bloobydabloob · 2 months
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Whiteboard Aradia too. Why not
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stargirl092 · 2 months
Songs Lucy dacus writes about men are like “yeah I dated this guy when I was 13 and he sucked what a fucking loser” and “I will jump out of this car and walk home 4 miles in the snow” but the songs she writes about women are like “hey, I will kill your dad if you want just give me the word” and “if you marry your dumbass boyfriend I’ll throw my shoe at you on your wedding day”
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waywardstation · 3 months
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Pokemon Masters’ new photoshoot feature is so much fun lol
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theminecraftbee · 5 months
Afterwards, they do a race. They don’t talk about it, but it’s there, between them still. Something settled between them. Cleo doesn’t know how to say it; they never know how to say things like this. Still, they need to, so they wait until Ren’s race is over and then hike through the jungle to go sit on top of Etho’s base and wait for him to show up as well.
He doesn’t. He’d gone to their base. Instead of just showing up for each other, they have to somewhat awkwardly coordinate over text which base to meet at. It forces everything to feel more real.
When they finally meet up, it’s in the shopping district, leaning against the button. A dangerous game in theory, but Cleo’s not fully convinced it can explode at this point, so.
Cleo breathes. They’re both quiet for a moment.
"Okay, so like, are we doing this?" Cleo says.
"I don’t really know, uh, what this is," Etho says, "but I… care about you. I think. So I think we’re doing that."
Cleo nods once. "You know I don’t fall in love, right? I’m not going to fall in love with you, I don’t do that. Might say something about loving you, but it’s not the same thing. Different sense of the word. It’s different, loving people and falling in love, got it? And I won’t do that second thing. I’m never going to do that second thing. I don’t--"
"Okay. I know," Etho says.
"Do you?" Cleo asks.
"I mean, not entirely, but I’m frankly surprised we’re having this conversation in the first place. I never expected you to be in love with me."
"But I’m not," Cleo says. "I’m attracted to you, and I love you as like, a companion and friend or whatever, but I’m not in love with you. I’m. Ugh. I wish I knew the right words. I just--I also don’t let go of things so if we’re doing this you’re going to have to get used to that real fast. Me not being in love with you but me not letting you go, both of those things."
"You're attracted to me? Aw, Cleo," Etho says.
"Don't be an ass," Cleo says.
"Sorry, sorry. It's just, geez, this is--a heavy conversation, huh?"
Cleo sighs. "We'll work on the deflection."
Etho rubs the back of his head and looks away. "Uh, in that case. If I'm maybe a little in love with you--"
"I can't--I can't reciprocate that, Etho," Cleo says, and their voice cracks as they do.
"I know," Etho says. "I just want to make sure it's okay, then."
"You can't help that, can you? Just like I can't help that I still sort of want to kill anyone who hurts you."
Etho seems to think about it for a while. Cleo resists the urge to fidget. She's a zombie. She shouldn't have the urge to fidget; she should be too dead for that. Besides, it's hardly like it's a secret she doesn't fall in love, exactly. It's just... it's only relevant sometimes. Feeling like, as she watches Etho and Bdubs dance around each other, she's on the outside looking in. She'd kill to hold their hands, to protect them, hell, even to kiss them--but that's different. She just can't summon the same emotion of... she doesn't know.
Martyn had almost gotten it, for all he didn't get anything else, in the end. Scott was never going to fall in love with her in the first place, for obvious reasons. Whatever attraction she and Pearl have going on, it's definitely not love.
But this...
"Okay," Etho says.
"That's it?" Cleo says.
"I mean, does it need to be anything else?" Etho says. "It's not like we can just... not do this. I think it's too late for that. Whatever 'this' is. I'm in love, and you aren't, but we'd both be pretty upset to lose this, right? So I'll... figure it out."
Cleo swallows. They feel small. "Will you? Do you understand?"
Etho shrugs. "I understand that it's you, and it's you that this happened with, not anyone else."
"Okay," Cleo says. "Okay."
"Is it okay if I kiss you? Just to try it, I mean. Not like, as a--this is a bad time, actually, I don't want to try to make any kissing we do romantic, I mean, you just told me this won't be romantic, I--"
"Yeah, sure, you can kiss me," Cleo says, and he leans in to kiss them. It's nice. A little soft for what they'd want, really, but nice. He leans back. He looks them in the eyes.
"I get it a little more now."
Cleo is baffled. "How? Kissing is just like, a thing we did? How does that have anything to do with any of the rest of this."
Etho laughs. "I definitely get it a little more now. What do you want to tell the others? I know they're definitely gossiping."
"Ugh. Can we just, like, not?" Cleo says. "I don't want to have to explain it."
"I'll just be confusing then, got it," Etho says, and Cleo can't help but laugh themselves.
"This is why you're my favorite," Cleo says, and they think maybe this will work out okay, after all.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Advanced Hall Monitor Technique: Go To Detention
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againstme · 6 months
hello my fellow autistics. i’m asking you a question and giving you two options only sorry but i’m curious if this is just a me experience or just not liking my ex lmao:
i personally thought i would be all about smooching and making out but like. lips are slimy. and i never know what i’m doing sowwwy. 🫣 also my ex used to bite my lips, very hard. what the fuck was up with that
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abigail · 10 months
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some of y’all asked to see so here’s one of the dresses I got yesterday vs how I styled it !! <3
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darkxsoulzyx · 1 year
Enemies to Friends (To Lovers? 👀)
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togrowoldinv · 3 months
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cardinal-hexation · 28 days
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Stealing hearts 💔
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keri-mcberry · 9 months
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I was surprised to see my follower count the other day! Where did you all come from?? Um… hi 😳
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve done a “Meet the Artist” post. I’ve been having so much fun meeting people on here and talking Hogwarts Legacy. I’m so happy that you all enjoy my art! Thank you so much 💕
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luckthebard · 9 months
One of the funniest disconnects with actual play to me is how much the viewers/fandoms have a much broader awareness of everyone’s mechanics than the players themselves - and often assume for some reason that all the players have that same total awareness.
Funniest examples I can think of off the top of my head are when Laura was convinced Caleb (AC 11 wizard) had a higher AC than Yasha (AC 15 Barbarian) - likely influenced by fear for Yasha in Ashley’s absence and Yasha’s position in melee meaning she was hit more by default. Another was when the entire CR crew aside from Laura revealed in the campaign wrap-up that they seem to have spent the entirety of C2 under the impression Jester had a very high Charisma score (her CHA was 12).
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fudgecake-charlie · 1 year
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cosmic harbingers!pearl brainrot YET AGAIN. i literally cannot stop thinking about her!!!!!! an official-ish ref for her outfit and a very old WIP piece that I’m not gonna get round to finishing. I will do some complimentary grian drawings some time! I hope!
I’ve also been thinking a little bit about false’s design and much less on martyn’s but! They both have a solid place in the AU (mumbo too! gem also a little!) and have their own plots sort of worked through. subject to change since this AU has flipped its vibe like 3 times since I first started it.
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boomerangguy · 3 months
Sukka? Wonderful.
Pajama onesies? Cozy.
Foo Foo Cuddly Poops? Adorable.
Sokka and Suki in their Foo Foo Cuddly Poops pajama onesies???? Perfection.
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Thanks so much to @jasminedragonart for the commission!! 👏🤌🙌
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