dawndauce · 7 months
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my brain go brrr I think of him a lot
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dogpastra · 2 months
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sitcom au but its alex telling clyde that winfrey is, in fact, in the asylum. if i saw that beast i would run for the hills as if benny hill had started playing
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20001541 · 1 month
saw people talking about afo having heavy eye bags due to his lack of sleep from the nightmares from his quirks and I like it.
I think he would have them covered up with either a quirk or some make up as to not make himself look weak to his enemies as it'll make his lack of sleep obvious and also for vanity reasons.
having yoichi near him while he sleeps helps as he would hold his wrist similar to how he held his wrist when they were babies as they lay next to each other and it would comfort him (thank you kstbj for this hc), I would say he gets an average of 6 hours when he can sleep at this time. not in a row he wakes up often during the night.
after yoichi died he would hold his severed hand as he slept and pretend the real yoichi was there next to him to help him sleep or else he would only be able to sleep when he felt on the verge of passing out from exhaustion. he still gets far less sleep after yoichi died than before, about 3 hours on average. I do imagine during the time when yoichi left til where he realized a part of yoichi was still around he would get no sleep for days at a time. the nightmares of yoichi falling to pieces combined with the regular nightmares would make him force himself to be awake and then hallucinations ensue from the sleep deprivation....
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ghost-draws-art · 8 months
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Can you tell that I'm fixating yet? I drew these last night while I heavily medicated on my sleep aid lmao
Bottom doodle is directed at my friends (and even my mother) who have had to listen to me talk about Dreams of an Insomniac on repeat for the past week or so
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dragonnnfly · 1 year
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meme this screenshot?
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At least one of us gets the Z’s
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daemon-in-my-head · 27 days
I'm of the belief that Gortash is incredibly good at pretending to be asleep.
Like, if you'd see it, you're 100% convinced. Maybe even concerned he's not asleep but dead instead.
I don't know. He just strikes me as that kind of person.
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milimeters-morales · 8 months
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is this a glitch where the game knows he’s using venom but didn’t account for the camouflage?whatever the answer i think this is sooo cool looking ^_^
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nightmun · 6 months
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Here’s a quick little sketch I did a while ago of more Cole harassing people, this one based on dialogue from the janitor in game
Here’s the dialogue it’s based on if you’re curious:
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possessable · 7 months
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more of that oc
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aminojackal · 11 months
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Good news, everyone! I have succumbed to the darkness
So I mighta caved and made a GHS OC ' : > Meet Ceramic Insomniac! A high-strung writer who's prone to overthinking, convinced that if he ever falls asleep, death will come a-knockin'. Swearing to never slow down and render himself prone to falling asleep, he now survives on a solid diet of his special coffee slurry blend with far too much caffeine. (Flavor notes include fear, despair, loneliness, confusion, and an incredibly vague suggestion of hazelnut.)
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doodle-girl · 1 month
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spider-xan · 8 months
Thinking about how Connors asked Harry for Spider-Man's phone number after Peter refused to have the symbiote removed and destroyed so that he could call him and beg him to come back to the lab to do exactly that before it completely took over Peter's mind and wondering how that conversation would have gone bc Harry would presumably have given Curt the number in the hope that the suit would be returned to him, but Curt obviously would have had no intention of giving it back to Harry now that he had confirmation of how dangerous it was, and yet Harry doesn't seem to have known that Connors intended to destroy the symbiote until Peter tells him later during the confrontation at Oscorp, so did Curt lie to him about what he was going to do, either directly or by omission?
Did he try to temper possible disappointment by promising he would work on another cure no matter what happened with the suit, like how Peter tells Harry later that he, Norman, and Connors will develop another treatment for him together?
Also thinking about how Harry would have felt the most betrayed by his best friend Peter, whose life he saved at the expense of his own health, first refusing to return the suit and now intending to destroy it instead of saving his life, but did he also feel betrayed by Connors being the one to decide the suit had to go? Especially since Harry lost the suit during the mission to save him from Kraven and helped create the antidote to turn him back from the Lizard, during which the foundation was destroyed, so Harry sacrificed a lot to save Curt both in order to save himself by getting the suit back and bc it was the right thing to do, and now Curt is seemingly sentencing him to death by destroying the symbiote, even though he is supposed to be Harry's doctor saving him.
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harmonydiaries · 1 year
Giggles and twirls hair
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What can I say I sometimes like my Spider-Men a lil messed up idk
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markeronacomputer · 2 months
Thinking About A DOAI AU
This’ll probably be a Tumblr-exclusive thing and not something I’m gonna put on AO3, at least not until the main series ends, but just bear with me and this concept:
It’s called DoaI: Oneiric Observation, and instead of taking place in a small town in Canada, it takes place in a small town in the US, in the modern-ish day. The Veldigun phenomenon is also happening here, though for unknown reasons, and these ones are, for the most part, completely unrelated to the ones in Eastridge.
For this small town, there is no equivalent to the Lankmann Foundation to be able to protect them: instead you have the main protagonists, the Oneiric Observers, a group of well-dedicated paranormal enthusiasts that are doing everything in their power to solve the mysteries of the town.
Or at least, that’s what they say.
When I was coming up with the Oneiric Observers, I designed them to be the foils of the Lankmann Foundation. As such, they have to be different to them, but must share similarities as well. The OO and what they’re doing has the potential to be incredibly dangerous: just for different reasons.
In truth, the OO aren’t “professionals” at all: just a bunch of regular people looking to get famous by using a series of tragedies to their advantage. They have no idea what they’re doing, the danger they’re putting themselves in by trying to “solve” these cases, and they don’t take the threat seriously until after the damage is done.
Which is especially deadly, because these six Veldigun are very intent on covering up their tracks. If a tree falls in the woods and nobody’s there to hear it- nobody alive, that is- does it make a sound?
The story of Oneiric Obervation is one about how social media influencers sensationalise crime, destroying people’s privacy and letting known to the world secrets that should have been kept buried.
Like I just said, especially deadly in this case, given how badly the Veldigun can warp and distort people’s minds. If enough information- or, god forbid, footage- of them started popping up online out of nowhere, especially given the fact that it’s likely hopelessly inaccurate, who knows what it could cause?
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Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (PS5) Thoughts - Beginning At The End
No photos this time (I might add a few later). But I've got a lot of thoughts (and photos) about this game now that I'm finishing it up, but I just got finished my last sidequest in the postgame and I wanted to gush about it.
Spoilers, by the by. Quite a few of them.
The Mysteriums were a lopsided a pain the ass but man am I glad I saved this quest for last.
I've been thinking a lot about how much this game seeks to embody why Peter's beliefs in having empathy for the people he fights and getting to know who these villains are as people matters, and this quest - as well as Quentin Beck's final words to cap off the story - are such a perfect capper to that.
Nothing is as it seems, especially when you look at heroes and villains. Anything can change for anybody faster than you could ever realize it. When you take the masks off, it's all people making decisions. A good person can go down a dark path, a bad person can decide they no longer want to be that person any more. Not everyone is going to, but it's important to know that such a thing is always possible.
Heck, this game has an almost ''unprecedented'' number of reformed villains for a superhero franchise: Sandman, Mysterio, Tombstone, Mr. Negative, Prowler technically Lizard, all people who understand they did wrong and whose only motivation now is trying to make their way in the world going forward.
Jonah has a podcast early in the game where he insists that people never really change (about either Sandman or Lizard, iirc), advocating for criminals to be just kept in prison in perpetuity (which, I like this version of Jonah, but goddamn is he hard to like sometimes). Wraith advocates just killing these guys because naturally they're never going to change and they might as well be removed from the equation. And naturally, Symbiote Peter eventually starts considering the idea that maybe the best way forward is just to kill everybody who could be a threat.
But this game doesn't just counterpoint that by having its ultimate evolution be monstrous like most superhero works: instead, this game makes a strong point of why that mentality doesn't work - this is a fantasy story, but it's also a good point for real life.
Coming from a law family where I had a lot of interaction with formerly incarcerated people, and living in an inner city relationship where - again - anything can happen to skew a person's life in ways nobody thought they would go, it's not just a more realistic point - it's an essential point: people always change, and any belief otherwise is just an excuse not to examine the world around oneself. They can change for the worse, they can change for the better, or just kind of laterally shift, but they always change. A failure to recognize it is a failure of the self, not the other.
There's a strong trend of former villains in this game being taken advantage of by other villains, with the new villains doing so with the expectation that nobody will come to the former villains' aid, trust them, or aid them in any way (Mysterio's partners try to frame him, Tombstone and Negative get abducted by people who were sure no one would come for them, Sandman gets driven mad and dumped onto the city to be tossed into prison). And it's absolutely amazing to be Spider-Man in this game and be the one who fights tirelessly for everybody, even the people who have spurned their chances before, because that's who Spider-Man is.
Even if their stories still don't always end positively. Because it's still the right thing to do it, and it's a worse crime to stop.
Man, I love Spider-Man.
As a final note, I especially like that none of the former villains really expect to be forgiven and several never are. This might be the philosopher in me talking, but it's not in forgiveness that one finds redemption, but in the capacity of change in and of itself.
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godzexperiment · 9 days
the slight revamping of my multi making me get an oc idea that im like 'that kind of deserves its own sideblog' (i really dont have the bandwidth to do so but i've got a whole backstory for them forming etc)
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