#thrawn is not a human after all
netmors · 8 months
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Very serious and focused Grand Admiral...
Sudden night time sketches. I wanted to preserve the process of working on the admiral's "flying head". Contrasting lighting is always so mesmerizing. Especially when want to create pathos.
And I still can’t decide… Red eyeliners for the eyes or more “alien” eyes???
I really liked the idea of Chiss eyes from @kobadit ✨
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moonstrider9904 · 1 month
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Lose It
Grand Admiral Thrawn x Female Reader
Summary: As Governor Pryce's assistant, you've had to put up with a lot of things and meet a lot of stuck up imperials with flying colors, but when Grand Admiral Thrawn lands on Lothal, you find yourself stuttering upon your words, flustered, and invited to a gala dinner that'll define your career.
Tags/warnings: SMUT. 18+ adults only. Corporate struggles, Pryce being mean, first meetings, alcohol consumption, making out, PiV sex unprotected, fingering. This is my first time in a long while writing Thrawn, so sorry if any of this is ooc.
Word count: 8042
Playlist: Lose it by Oh Wonder - and its Jerry Folk Remix for the smut 👀
Read on AO3 | One-shot masterlist | Main masterlist |
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With your eyes glued to the datapad, you felt as if caf would be the only thing to get you through that morning.
Sunrises on Lothal were beautiful, and yet, you were never able to enjoy them. Your desk on the seventh floor, a place relatively close to the much more humane office destined for your boss, was in a tiny reception room that had no windows; you'd have to walk a good kilometer inside the facility for you to get a glimpse of the outside world. You didn't mind the walking - it was always good for your mind whenever you felt saturated - but lately it seemed as if your boss had the uncanny ability to always demand something new from you whenever you resolved to walk out that door to do anything remotely human. Never being one to be superstitious, when it came to Governor Pryce, you wouldn't give her any more leverage.
You scoffed lightly at yourself. With the boss you had, it was a miracle the cup of caf you were drinking was actually for yourself and not for her. You had a little wager going on in your head to see what else that woman could take from you - so far, she'd already claimed your motivation and a good chunk of your faith in the Empire.
You regretted having Pryce on your thoughts when a notification pushed itself to the corner of your datapad. I'm not available, you thought to yourself, as if that had ever kept you from doing anything that was beneath you before, or worse, getting locked in a task that would absorb all your time and sucked the energy out of you like a leech. There never seemed to be an in between. You scanned the subject and, though you didn't hear alarms being set off in your mind, you did find your interest piqued.
URGENT: Imperial High Command Visit, Subject Classified. All imperial personnel directly reporting to levels SC6 and above must report to direct management for instructions.
And sure enough, you'd have no more peace for the remainder of the morning when you read that. You downed the rest of your caf and mentally braced yourself for what was to come. It wasn't uncommon for you to receive messages like that, but something big usually happened when you did, and you were used to finding out who or what it was about until the very last moments. It looked like it would simply be one of those days, so you grabbed your datapad and left your desk, making your way across the little reception room and into Pryce's office.
One thing you figured you could appreciate about Pryce was that there was never any beating around the bush, and it always made things a lot quicker, even in situations when it felt like you were having a band aid ripped from you. More like a piece of duct tape, but it was quick either way. And when you walked into her office, your back straight and gaze placed directly on your boss, donning what she would deem the desirable posture of an Imperial public servant, Pryce was already standing up from behind her desk with her blue eyes piercing into you.
Only she could make such a beautiful eye color look so menacing.
"You're here not two minutes after my comm was sent," Pryce commented. "I want that efficiency from you every day."
You were that efficient every day, but you weren't about to argue with Pryce about her short-sightedness.
"Put everything you were working with on hold for now," Pryce told you.
You didn't question the importance of the current events, but you never liked it when she told you to cast things aside to make room for her new wishes.
"I need you to send this out as a comm to all staff levels SC5 and below," Pryce handed you a drive, "and then I need you to make sure Congregation Room 2 is set to receive a minimum of seven people, but leave three extra chairs and make sure it's well stocked in refreshments. Put all my comms outside of lines 1 and 2 on standby, redirect comms from lines 4 and 6 towards you, I'm sure those are all things you can handle."
Pryce began walking past you outside of her office, leaving you to follow as you made a mental list of what she was asking.
"Do not answer any questions you're asked by anyone," Pryce continued. "At the most, tell anyone who wants to know to refer to the comm I'm asking you to send out. Now, in that hard drive you'll find the comm, two diagrams, a statement, and a final comm different to the first one which must be sent out only to levels SC6 and above - they are all in the order they're meant to be sent out and the time and date is encrypted in their properties. Stick to them like clockwork, and program anything you need ahead of time. We cannot afford mistakes, I hope I'm clear about that. Once you're done with these duties, find me. I'll need you at my side the whole day."
"Yes, Governor Pryce," you answered with your most professional tone.
Pryce stopped in front of your desk in the reception. "One more thing. Tomorrow night there will be a welcoming gala on the higher levels of the facility. I assume you have something to wear?"
"Ma'am?" You questioned, inevitably puzzled. You were open to many requests from Pryce, and while nearly nothing surprised you anymore, it really sounded like Pryce was inviting you to a fancy event.
"You won't be dancing and fine dining," Pryce sneered. "You'll be assisting me as well as the logistics staff for the event. And, I cannot repeat this with enough emphasis, we cannot afford mistakes. Understand?"
"Yes, ma'am," you answered again.
Pryce was about to leave the reception and finally give you room to work, but she stopped and looked at you again.
"Ah, and refill the caf pots for the entire floor, we're all going to need it," Pryce spat before finally leaving without so much as a thank you or goodbye.
Would you like me to refill the fat cats' caf pots before or after I send out a highly important, classified comm to the entire facility? It was all you could do not to roll your eyes. You didn't want any cameras catching you in the act.
Luckily, you'd gotten very good at prioritizing. The high commands could wait for their caf, and if they couldn't, they could very well brew it themselves. The first thing on the list was checking the drive Pryce had given you so that you could write out any comms and either send them or program them, so you plugged the drive into your computer. You found that one of the diagrams Pryce had told you about wasn't meant to be sent out, but rather, it was full of instructions for you. And according to those instructions, you'd have time to be a professional performing tasks worthy of her level before fulfilling a caf quest that was very much beneath you.
But the other diagram caught your eye - it was a command structure you'd never seen before. You knew many of the names on it, and when you read the one at the top, began to grasp the magnitude of what was happening at Lothal. It seemed Pryce wouldn't be the top authority on the planet anymore, she'd now be answering to someone who carried a title far more imposing than hers.
The diagram was meant to be sent out with the first comm, so you read the draft, and you didn't know whether you should panic, be excited, or hide from anyone who already recognized you as assistant to the Governor who would want privileged answers. Words like Command Structure Reformation, High Level Staff Transition, and Low-level Cost Reduction caught your eye. You'd heard whispers of new projects and seen the factories that were being built on Lothal from afar, and it seemed you were the one being tasked with telling the facility about that. But you had the hunch something like this would only leave everyone with more questions than answers. No wonder Pryce had warned you about people asking you things, but you doubted it was out of any effort to protect you. She'd essentially just asked you to keep from saying anything that might spill any secrets.
You sent out the first comm immediately and scheduled anything else for the day, including the comm about the gala—that one got you wondering if you'd at least be paid extra, but you had little faith in that. When you were done with that, you locked the computer and removed the drive, and you took your datapad with you as well for whatever came up. You were now headed towards Congregation Room 2 to oversee its preparations, hoping to swiftly fulfill the second part of your instructions for that morning, but as you were leaving the reception room and entering the main hallway, you were abruptly almost bumped into by Pryce herself, who rushed down the hall followed by three Imperial men in high-ranking uniforms. Despite her urgency, she stopped to glare at you.
"Do not tell me you're only just finishing the comms," Pryce snarled. "Hurry up and fill the pots! Are you trying to make the staff furious?"
Without any other acknowledgement towards you, Pryce and the other imperials continued on their way. You felt heat rushing to your cheeks with the words you couldn't say to her, such as how perhaps she forgot what it was like to do routine comm writing or basically any other task the commoner would have to do any day and how long some of those could take ever since she got a high horse and an assistant. But you also knew if you stood there pondering, you'd get yelled at again—the fact that Pryce had chosen to do that in front of others made your blood boil, but as much as you didn't appreciate being humiliated as "that aloof assistant" in front of anyone, you had things to do, lowly as they were.
Another push notification presented itself on your datapad, which you stopped in your tracks to look at.
From: Governor Pryce
On your desk I left a stack of binders for Congregation Room 2. Do not forget them.
You added that little detail to the list of things to keep track of.
With each pot of caf you filled, a tiny part in your brain wondered if anyone would notice if you spat in it. The thought amused you, but you also feared Pryce far too much to try any stunts like that. Something told you she'd notice you sabotaging a pot of caf even if she was on a different planet. You let your fantasies of getting away with mischief get you through that particularly unpleasant part of the morning and finally headed back to your desk for the binders from Pryce and then towards the congregation room, walking so fast you would run if you went any quicker. It was a miracle you didn't drop the binders in the middle of the hallway, and you were happy fate was apparently smiling at you that day to prevent any more embarrassment in front of Imperial high command.
When you arrived, you were pleased to see that the room wasn't a mess. The large table in the center was perfectly clean, with no traces of dust, and the chairs had already been pushed in and straightened out neatly. The room had that corporate smell to it that you both loved and hated, and it was so quiet that it was oddly peaceful. You liked the way the blueish-gray walls were embellished by the large paintings on the walls, one on each of the longer sides of the room. You wished you had more time to admire them both, one of the landscapes of Lotha, and the other one far more abstract with bright shades of orange, magenta, some yellow, and hints of gold on a cream-colored canvas.
You set a binder down on each spot of the table, and then you tested the light dimmers in the room. You then placed a bottle of water next to each binder, and finally, you brewed a pot of caf for the Congregation Room that you hoped would be your last, at least for that day. Still, you admitted you could use another cup of fully loaded black caf yourself.
For a while, the sound of the caf brewing was the only thing to fill your ears. You watched the rich, dark droplets falling into the pot and filling it, letting your mind get some sort of rest. You had the strange feeling that you'd been worked to the bone and yet you hadn't accomplished anything that day... that was a feeling you got very often in your job.
"Strange to see two very opposing art pieces put together in one room," a deep, male voice inundated your senses, rich and luxurious like the caf filling the pot in front of you.
Despite the voice's velvet qualities, you jumped up on the spot, startled, and you turned to face its source.
"I apologize, I did not mean to startle you," he said. He was a tall Chiss man in a white uniform, his profile frame facing you as he faced the painting of the landscape of Lothal's countryside. His posture was regal, with his hands placed behind his back, resting in lightly formed fists. "It would seem a more traditional choice to have paintings that are similar to one another, enough for them to complement but not cause any redundancy."
When he finished speaking, the man looked at you, his deep crimson gaze both gentle and penetrating on you.
"Would you agree?" He asked you.
You didn't have an idea of what to answer, and even if you did, you were stunned. You'd never crossed paths with someone like him before - his aura was intoxicating, and the fact that he had deemed you worthy of addressing spiraled in your mind. Any other imperial would have looked at you over the nose and deemed their time too important to waste on a mere assistant.
"I-I-" You paused to clear your throat, cursing your sudden inability to speak. "I have indeed seen that tendency in other places, just not here. Personally, I like the other painting a lot more."
Your mind began to race as you worried whether you were supposed to salute him or do anything, but it would depend on his rank. You figured standing up straight and not making a further fool out of yourself would suffice, but you looked over at the plaque over his chest just to be sure.
It wasn't a pattern or a rank you recognized. Had that man smitten you that hard?
He gave you the hint of a smile before turning around and looking at the other painting, the abstract piece, and he took his time to admire it. You wondered if perhaps you should offer him a cup of caf, ask him if he was there for the staff meeting, comment more on the painting... you had no clue.
But the silence was suffocating you, and you knew you wanted to hear more of his luscious voice. You looked at the plaque on his chest and took your best guess at his rank judging by the sequence of colors - you didn't get to be assistant to the Governor without memorizing imperial structure level well before.
"Admiral," you stammered minimally, "is there something I can help you with?"
Slowly, his frame turned towards you, his lips again curved ever so slightly. "It is Grand Admiral, actually."
You felt heat rushing to your cheeks - even your best guess based on your experience didn't save you from messing up in front of the greatest force of nature that facility had seen in a while.
"O-oh, I apogolize--er, apologize," you stuttered.
You wanted to scream, so you resorted to just doing it internally. It then dawned on you who this man really was based on his rank alone. The reason your morning had been so hectic was standing right there in front of you, watching you squirm. This was the man Governor Pryce would answer to from now on. Grand Admiral Thrawn. You straightened your back at the realization and bowed your head shortly before looking him in the eyes again, and much to your surprise, he seemed amused with you. Not in the high-and-mighty way, but rather, it was almost as if something about you was endearing.
"You may be at ease," Thrawn said. "I would like to hear your thoughts on this abstract piece. You said you prefer this over the other one."
You breathed in before speaking and hoped your language skills didn't fail you again, and you took just a couple of paces closer to him, allowing yourself to view the painting better.
"Well, I'm no expert," you warned.
"You do not have to be," Thrawn mused. "Appreciation of the arts can be enhanced by knowledge, but the true purpose of art is to produce sensations in the viewer. Any insight you may have to share is valuable."
You looked at the painting again and found it in yourself to relax. "I like the warmth of the colors. And their livelihood, too. It makes me think of freedom, and the gold flecks seem to speak about the beauty of that freedom, as well as the luxury of having it."
"This desire of freedom speaks to you?" He asked you.
You then realized you were talking about lacking freedom to an Imperial Grand Admiral, and you felt your already racing heart quicken.
"I'm grateful for my work and I have no complaints," you corrected despite your many complaints about your boss that morning, easing yourself back into what the painting produced within you. "It's just that... the bright pinks and oranges are hard not to notice in the middle of these gray walls... they can become confining after too many hours in them."
"Hm," Thrawn hummed. "I always prefer having a view myself. I share your sentiment."
You figured having a Grand Admiral's agreement on an art matter was the biggest compliment you'd get that day.
"Might I ask," you began, "what do you think of it?"
Thrawn side-eyed you, but the attitude with which he did it seemed pleased, as well as intrigued with you. He then looked at the painting again. "This color palette reminds me of a current I've been witnessing in none other but rebellious efforts. There is a certain diversity to it, as well as the clear nature of abstract art mirroring the rebellion itself. Your observations of the contrast of the color with the gray of our facilities and the need for freedom only confirm to me that I was not far off with my own initial interpretation."
You were dazed, and the need to speak more plunged into you like thorns.
"How interesting," you said with an airy voice. "For these sorts of emotions to be manifested to multiple people in a similar way."
"Yes," Thrawn said. "Though current context may have some influence on this... collective perception."
Before the conversation could advance, you heard the sound of Governor Pryce's voice approaching from down the hall, her words quick and frantic, clashing with your and Thrawn's aura like nails scratching smooth stone. Soon enough, Pryce appeared at the door of the room with a large number of Imperials behind her, and though she was relieved to find Thrawn there, you could tell she was displeased at the sight of you standing with him.
"Grand Admiral, please excuse the lack of hospitality," Pryce said as she glared at you.
"Not at all, Governor Pryce, I have been well-received," Thrawn said; you could have sworn you noticed him glance at you as he did.
Regardless of Thrawn trying to ease some of the weight off you, the last thing you wanted was to have Pryce suspect anything less than decent coming from you. But fortunately, you noticed Pryce scanning the room, hopefully noticing everything was set up exactly according to her instruction. And now that she had come to you, it wasn't necessary for you to go out and look for her like she'd told you earlier.
Pryce suppressed a scoff. "Yes, well, it appears this room has been prepared properly for your arrival." She then faced the rest of the Imperials behind her. "Please come in. My assistant will help accommodate you."
You understood the instruction and acknowledged Thrawn one last time before walking over to the doorway and directing multiple people towards their chairs around the table. Before Pryce took her own seat, she approached you and leaned in close to your shoulder - your mind raced with the question of whether she would congratulate or choke you.
"You are not to be left alone with the Grand Admiral again, do you understand?" She whispered, but the aggression of her tone was anything but inconspicuous.
"Yes ma'am," you acknowledged without trying to offer any explanation in return.
"Stay here at the back of the room," Pryce ordered. "Oblige to any request these officers may have. I don't want slip-ups."
"Yes, ma'am," you repeated.
"And this goes without saying, but none of what you are about to hear us discuss leaves this room," Pryce added. "This is of the highest confidentiality."
You nodded. "I understand, ma'am."
You knew Pryce was mad at finding you alone with Thrawn, but if she still kept you at that meeting, you had no reason to fear you'd be unemployed tomorrow. The meeting took hours, all through which you kindly obliged to whatever was needed from you.
And you felt crimson eyes on you all the while.
The morning after, bright and early, you arrived at your office and noticed a surprise on your desk. Pryce was nowhere to be seen, but on top of the stack of folders and datapads waiting for you to check on them, there was a bag over your desk with a delicate parchment on it that had your name written in ink. It looked large enough to hold a gown, and you remembered Pryce had mentioned something about you having an outfit for the welcoming gala you'd attend that night.
Pryce got me a dress? Employer review season must be coming up.
You pushed the jokes aside in your brain and decided to be more appreciative. Besides, it was far more likely Pryce would rather give you what she wanted you to wear before risking letting you make a poor fashion choice, thus surely rendering the welcoming gala a complete, unsaveable failure.
You took the parchment from the bag and noticed the other side of it had more writing on it.
Art deserves to be appreciated.
You felt your heart skip a beat and the oxygen leaving your head. That dress wasn't from Pryce, it was from Thrawn. It made you all the more motivated to unzip the dress bag and look at what was inside, and you felt your breath leaving your body when you saw the exquisite black fabric of the long gown. The outer layer of the dress was primarily lace, with sequins and beads very discreetly forming delicate flower forms every few inches. You knew it was high couture when your fingertips brushed the fabric, the quality evident under your touch—you tried not to think how much it cost.
Were you even supposed to accept a gift like that? You weren’t sure. It might not even fit, and even if it did, maybe you were expected to return it after the gala.
But who were you to refuse a request from a Grand Admiral? It’s not as if Pryce hadn’t told you to oblige to anything those Imperials the day before, and to your knowledge, that included Thrawn.
That day at work didn’t have you running up and down the facility like the day before, constantly required at Pryce’s side, beck, and call, but the workload didn’t stop. Between comms regarding structure changes, further details being given to the public, overseeing preparations for the gala and familiarizing yourself with the guestlist of the event, and the routine work you always did day to day for Pryce, you were hardly able to leave your desk.
But all that made the end of the day much sweeter, and when you were off your shift, you hurried home with the gown in hand. Quickly, you showered, dried your hair and styled it for the night, dolled yourself up with makeup and perfume, and at last, it was time for the dress. You were suddenly nervous about the dress not fitting, but when you tried it on, it slipped on you with ease and hugged your silhouette beautifully. The crop of the dress was perfect for your body type, and it accentuated your curves in all the right places.
Either Thrawn had someone investigate all your measurements to find the perfect fit, or he was able to eye you up and down and determine that for himself. Either way, your heart began to race. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t like the attention you were getting.
You grabbed a pair of shoes that went well with the dress and added some finishing touches to yourself, and you still had about an hour to spare before the time Pryce had asked you to be at the facility pre-event. You were out your door regardless. You figured, for an event like that, arriving sooner couldn’t hurt if only it meant having a bit more control over it.
As Pryce’s assistant, you’d been to the higher levels of the capitol a few times before for events of the sort, but you’d never seen the place decorated like it was now. The burgundy walls looked even more opulent with the warm golden lighting, and there were several tables laid out around a dance floor, each one decorated with similar burgundy, wine, and gold motifs with extravagant floral centerpieces and delicate glassware for each member that would occupy a spot in them. At the head of the dance floor there was an elongated table whose decoration matched that of the others, with exactly seven seats on it. Your chest fluttered when you glanced at the middle seat. Your day of overseeing preparations for the event had made you all too familiar with who would be occupying that spot.
You still had a job to do. You made sure the logistics team was spot on with last-minute arrangements, verifying there was enough food and wine for everyone who would be there. You went to confirm that every sound, music, and holo-projection worked properly and no one would be embarrassed on behalf of technical difficulties. Because of you, everything was spot-on well before any guests started arriving.
Timely as always, the first one to do so was Pryce. She donned an elegant gown, but as elegant as she looked, she still had that authoritarian air to her, rather than the aura of someone who went to enjoy herself. And she looked around the room not turning up her nose at anything; it seemed she was satisfied with your work for the time being. She walked up to you, and although you’d done a good job, you knew not to expect congratulations from her.
“Perform routine checks every fifteen minutes,” she instructed. “Light, sound, refreshments, staff—we need full stock at all times.”
“Yes, ma’am,” you replied.
It was only then that Pryce stopped and looked at you up and down.
“Where did you get a gown like that?” She questioned. “You look like a guest.” “It just happened to be lying around,” you answered. No way were you about to tell her it was a gift from Thrawn.
“Yes, well, good on you for matching the event’s elegance,” Pryce said. “I shall leave you to your duties. I need to receive the guests at the door, but you’ll need to take them to their places.”
If you didn’t know any better, you’d swear Pryce had just complimented you in some way. Regardless, you obliged to her orders and powered up your datapad to view the seating charts, and soon enough, everyone began to arrive. You were grateful you’d chosen a comfortable pair of shoes for the night, otherwise your feet would have already been killing you from walking up and down the room taking everyone to their places. You were unaware of how much time had gone past, but it seemed like you’d successfully gotten almost everyone to their chairs. The next time you were at the entrance to receive your next guest, you glanced down at your datapad to get a clearer vision of how many seats were still empty.
You then looked up to find crimson eyes staring at you, and you were unable to control the smile that curved your lips. In turn, Thrawn’s gaze traced your entire silhouette, and the intoxicating scent of your perfume didn’t escape him. His faint smile held triumph; he was always pleased when his plans worked out according to his machination.
“May I lead you towards your seat?” You asked him.
He nodded and, to your surprise, Thrawn held out his arm bent at a right angle and offered it to you. You raised your eyebrows and looked at him, puzzled.
“A lady must never cross a ballroom such as this unescorted,” he said to you.
If you hadn’t been working that night, you already would have given out.
You obliged to Thrawn’s offer and linked your arm in his as you led him towards the long table at the top of the dance floor. It was hard to ignore the looks you were getting, and you were privy to the confusion in the eyes of many of the people who were looking your way, no doubt questioning themselves why such a lovely lady at the arm of the Grand Admiral was also clearly an employee. You were certain that if they hadn’t already seen you leading them to their spots with a datapad in your hands, you would have been mistaken for Thrawn’s plus one.
You reached the table and gestured at the middle seat, where Thrawn sat in all his regality. With a final nod of acknowledgement, you smiled at him and made your way back towards the entrance, aware of the fact that you swayed your hips slightly more than usual as you walked away.
Hours wore on. Your management of the event was spotless, and everything was on schedule. The food during dinner was warm, and no one was left waiting obscenely long for a refill of their drink. Speeches were made by the staff, including Pryce and Thrawn himself, talking not only about the supremacy of the Empire but also the great plans they had in mind for Lothal—but you’d already heard enough of that during the meeting the day before.
After dinner and all the formalities, the gathering turned more festive and people took to the dance floor to sway to the elegant string music. From that point on, the night also relaxed for you and the rest of the staff, as everyone was mostly just minding their own business. You stood at the corner of the room watching as everyone danced, and you couldn’t help but search for Thrawn with your gaze. A part of you hoped not to find him dancing with another lucky woman, but you shook the thought away. He wasn’t on the dance floor anyway.
In fact, you couldn’t spot him anywhere.
Your thoughts were interrupted when Pryce rushed to you, seemingly concerned.
“You need to get General Perkins some water, now,” she said.
You nodded and pulled your datapad out. “Getting a waiter on it now—”
“No,” Pryce interrupted. “No, the man is drunk out of his mind. I fear what he’ll do if he’s confronted by a waiter. You at least look the part of a partygoer.”
“O-okay,” you obliged.
“Hurry,” Pryce growled before walking off.
You partly understood the urgency; you didn’t want a drunk imperial on your hands either. You hurried over to the bar and filled two glasses with water and carried both on a tray with your data pad on the other hand. You tried to make your way around the dance floor, but everyone was gathered around the tables at the edges, and from afar, you noticed General Perkins already beginning to swoon in his seat, his eyes threatening to close as he laughed absently.
Yeah, no wonder Pryce had told you to hurry. The dance floor wasn’t as crowded anyway—you figured you had better chances going through it.
You came to regret your decision when, halfway across the dancefloor, another less than graceful Imperial general crashed into you. You managed to keep your balance and not fall, but your datapad was knocked out of your hand and slammed to the floor loudly. The water from both of the glasses splashed all over you, and the glasses shattered on the floor scandalously followed by the clanking of the silver tray after them.
Everyone around you took several steps back, leaving you exposed. The general who’d crashed into you disappeared without acknowledging you, and you were the sole center of embarrassment, feeling as the blood rushed to your face. You wanted to hide, but multiple pairs of eyes pierced into you, judging you, whispering amongst themselves words you didn’t even want to speculate.
Pryce rushed towards you and glanced at the scene before glaring straight into your soul.
“You’re fired,” she spat, and as she left, she gestured at two nearby waiters to clean up the mess.
Your chest heaved up and down as you processed what had just happened, and just as you were about to run away from the scene, you felt your hand being taken and an arm gripping swiftly at your waist. You gasped when Thrawn came into your view in front of you, holding you up despite what had just happened, and you could almost feel everyone’s soul leaving their body. Before Thrawn met your gaze, he looked over at the band and with a single nod instructed them to begin playing. When the music resumed, Thrawn’s gaze finally met yours, and he led you across the dance floor, spinning you and waltzing with you, becoming one with the music.
Your jaw dropped, and your eyes on him were dreamy. “Why are you doing this?”
He smiled at you, purposefully spinning the two of you more elaborately. “Dance, my darling. Dance.”
Exhaling all the tension in your chest, you smiled up at Thrawn and let him dance you away.
Around you, couples began to swarm to the dance floor once more minding the waiters cleaning up the shattered glass. In the second plane, you could hear the drunken general already making a mess, but that wasn’t your problem anymore now that Pryce had fired you. You simply let Thrawn lead the way, and when you weren’t dancing with him, you were at his side with your arm in his, holding a glass of champagne in your free hand that you never would have gotten as an assistant, and you actually found it in yourself to enjoy the evening.
When it was late, Thrawn led you outside to the courtyard. You both stopped and looked each other in the eyes—he towered over you, and you loved that. You smiled softly at him, eyes seemingly sparkling in the dark.
“Thank you for what you did back there,” you said.
Thrawn’s faint smile widened almost imperceptibly. “My pleasure.”
You looked down, blushing. “Thank you for the gown, too.”
Thrawn gave a low chuckle. “You look exquisite in it.”
A thought formed in the back of your mind at what he’d just said, and suddenly you found blood rushing between your legs at the idea of you being outside of the beautiful gown.
“Shall I take you home?” He asked you.
Your heart sank, but just as you were about to accept, you noticed Thrawn moving himself closer to you, his hand moving up to your cheek to gently brush your skin.
“Or perhaps… you would like to accompany me?” Thrawn suggested.
You knew you could say no, but every fiber of your body wanted to follow him wherever he could take you. Slowly, you nodded, desire already flooding your gaze, and the transition from the courtyard to his private quarters went by in a blur. You felt slightly out of touch when you stood in the opulent living room, unsure of what to do—you’d never done anything of the sort before. The place was absolutely beautiful, though, with a regal blue and silver color palette and a large window overlooking the entire Lothal skyline. The furniture inside was of the highest grade, and there were multiple paintings, crafts, and sculptures decorating the place. Not even in your wildest dreams did you picture yourself standing in a place like that, but regardless, there you were.
Thrawn gestured at the couch in front of an automatic fireplace that ignited when you sat, and he disappeared for a few moments only to return with two glasses of wine. He sat next to you, handing you your glass, setting his cup on the caf table as you took a sip from your cup. That was the best wine you’d ever tasted.
After a few moments in silence, Thrawn took your cup and placed it on the table next to his. His hands went up to cup your face where his fingertips could gently brush the hair growing out of the nape of your neck, and he leaned in to kiss your lips. You sighed into his touch and let him in. your hands brushed up his arms and past his shoulders, and your arms wrapped around his upper back. Part of you expected him to push forward and take you there on that couch, but you felt Thrawn standing and pulling you along with him, pausing his kiss to lead you across the room towards his chamber. The bedroom’s opulent aesthetic matched that of the living room, and when you both entered, you noticed Thrawn pressing a control on the walls that lowered a solid gray curtain over the large window and dimmed the lights.
It was then that your gaze fell on the large bed at the center of the room, causing you to whimper softly in anticipation. You heard Thrawn chuckle softly behind you as he approached you with his fingertips softly tracing up the sides of your arms, landing at your shoulders. He swept your hair away from your neck and you felt his breath fanning over your skin, flooding you with shivers in the best way possible.
“You are gorgeous,” Thrawn whispered before kissing you just below your ear. He trailed his kisses down towards your collarbone, stopping where the fabric of your gown began only to make his way back up. You sighed in pleasure as you relished in every tingling sensation left by his lips, and before long, you felt Thrawn’s fingers beginning to undo the zipper at the side of your gown.
You felt the fabric of your dress becoming loose on your body, and as Thrawn continued to lavish your skin, he carefully slipped the dress down your curves. Your body was now exposed, with the only item of fabric left on you being a delicate pair of panties. You turned around on the spot and faced him, watching as his eyes brushed through every inch of your body with hunger. His hands were now on your waist pulling you closer to him again, and he kissed your lips with a brighter fire than before. Your hands snaked up his chest and landed behind his neck, your fingertips playing with his skin just above the rim of his neckline. Thrawn looked handsome in his white uniform, but you wanted him to be naked too.
You wondered if he could read your mind, because as you continued to kiss, Thrawn undid the buttons of his blazer and he cast it aside, proceeding to remove the shirt that covered his skin. With a light moan, you let your hands roam free towards his trousers and undid the belt, button, and zipper, and soon enough, he’d lost all the clothing on his body. You felt his fingertips curling around your panties, spreading the fabric enough to pull it down and let it fall at your feet. His hands explored your curves before he led you towards the bed, letting you lie on your back and taking his place beside you, his broad frame hovering over you.
He kissed your lips again, and you sank into the mattress below as you felt your body shiver with his touch. Thrawn’s fingertips had found your inner thighs, tracing ever so softly and igniting your senses, prompting you to spread your legs nice and slow as he continued to tease the sensitive skin leading up between your legs. You felt your pulse come alive in your clit, aching for his touch, hoping he wouldn’t keep you waiting for so long. Thrawn had been such a gentleman ever since you’d met… surely he wouldn’t let you down when he’d already been doing so well.
Thrawn’s lips curved into a seductive smile, and finally, he traced a sole fingertip from your entrance and up your cunt, dragging the wetness over your sensitive flesh. You couldn’t help the ecstatic moan that left you, and Thrawn wasted no more time. With precision, he began to rub circles around your clit slowly, letting you feel everything. As your breath deepened, your body started squirming under him, a sight he welcomed with lust. His lips were on yours again, and you kissed him hungrily. Your pants became shorter with every moment that passed, already nearing your release.
But as much as Thrawn wanted you, he wouldn’t be impatient. He would take his time, do it right, the way he approached everything else. His fingers gave your clit a rest, making you whimper in the absence of his touch. Thrawn emerged from your lips and looked into your eyes as he took his fingers down and placed them at your entrance, sliding one slender, long finger inside you and curling it, pressing your sweetest spot. Pleasure instantly flooded your senses, and you felt as if you’d just had a secret revealed to you of the magnitude of the universe itself.
No one had ever made you feel that way.
You grind your hips against his hand, aching for more friction, and Thrawn obliged. The pace with which he fingered you increased just slightly, applying more pressure to set your mind ablaze, and the rest of his hand pressed slightly on your clit, giving you some very welcome sensations on the pearl of nerves. Your tiny whimpers escalated in pitch and in frequency the closer you got, with your hands gripping his hair behind his head, until soon you felt yourself tightening around his finger and your body quivering. Your whimpers became uncontrollable moans, each filled with burning ecstasy. Your head pressed back onto the pillow, and as your body shook, you felt your wetness dripping out between your legs as you rode out your orgasm, never wanting it to stop.
Before you were overstimulated, Thrawn retrieved his hand and pulled you towards him. Now he was lying on his back and you were sitting on the bed, panting to catch your breath. He pulled you closer, prompting you to get on top of him, and you stopped only momentarily to gasp at his erection, long and hard and ready for you. You placed your hands firmly on his muscular chest, steadying yourself, and you opened your legs and shimmied down until you felt his tip at your entrance.
A short moan escaped Thrawn when you slid yourself down on him. You were slow, taking in every moment you could as he stretched you out inside, painful and beautiful all at once. His length was fully inside you, and with a firm grip on your hips, Thrawn thrust up and down, beginning at a slow, luxurious pace. You threw your head back, moaning, then looked down to bask in the sight of his muscular build clenching and relaxing with his movements. You bent over and let your lips kiss whatever spot of Thrawn’s skin was in reach, and the new position gave you a mind-blowing angle for his length to lavish your inner walls, brushing past the spots he’d already left so sensitive from your previous orgasm. Thrawn’s pace quickened, nuzzling your face so that your lips could find his, and locked in a kiss, you continued basking in the bliss.
His hands then firmly grasped your ass and he turned you over on the bed, now on top of you. While Thrawn’s pace had initially been that of a gentleman, slow and at your service, you could tell he’d decided to let go of any bars holding him. His hips hammered into you faster, his teeth baring in a hungry grimace as a single low growl escaped him, and in return, you whimpered delicately as you let him have his way with you. Thrawn was moving faster than you ever could have thought possible for any man, but even that thought would be erased from your mind when you saw white. Your long, ecstatic moans filled the entirety of his quarters when your walls clenched around his girth and your body quaked underneath him, with his name and his rank escaping you loosely before those words became nothing but helpless little whines.
As Thrawn felt himself approaching his release, he lowered himself down on you to kiss your lips. You whimpered into him just as your second orgasm had died down, escalating obscenely quickly into a third one, the sensations peaking when your orgasm blended with his and you felt him release inside you before he relaxed his body on top of you.
After such an endeavor, you had no headspace left for anything but lying there beside him. You heard Thrawn whisper a few words to you, but you couldn’t make sense of any of what he said. The last thing you could register as you curled up on your side was the feeling of a blanket being draped over you and a pair of lips softly pressing a kiss to your forehead, and after that, you were done for the night.
Your sleep was dreamless, and when you woke up the morning after, you didn’t see Thrawn beside you. As you sat up, you felt a beautiful lingering soreness between your legs, and you couldn’t help but giggle to yourself as you remembered the events of the previous night, not just your time alone with Thrawn, but everything that led up to it. The curtain had been lifted from the window, and you saw outside that the sun was well up in the sky, and yet, you didn’t have a worry in the world.
You got out of the bed with the blanket wrapped around your body, and on the nightstand, you noticed a tray with a piece of bread, a glass of juice, and a tiny vase with a single red rose on it. You grinned brightly and felt your cheeks getting hot, and you reached for the little parchment that rested beside the plate of bread, smiling as you read the fine calligraphy.
Have a beautiful day. See you tonight.
You lay on the bed again, smiling with a dreamy sigh and holding the parchment in your hand as you let your mind wonder what you’d do with your newfound time and freedom until the night came and you could see your lover again.
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Thank you so much for reading! If you liked this, please consider reblogging to support me ❤️
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leofrith · 9 months
ahsoka has no personality, practically no character arc, and probably less screentime than any of the other main characters. in the ahsoka show. sabine can suddenly use the force now because she thought about it really really hard. meaningful character interactions are constantly being cut short or interspersed with quips because heaven forbid we linger on any genuine displays of human emotion. morgan's identity as a nightsister could have been really interesting to explore but instead of doing pretty much anything with that her only purpose was to look like an idiot next to thrawn to emphasize what a genius he is. and then die. what motivation do the nightsisters have to help thrawn? that's anyone's guess! ezra is the only rebels character in this show who actually feels even remotely recognizable as his animated counterpart. and after all that we're probably never gonna get any resolution for shin and baylan because fuck me i guess!!!!!
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vibratingskull · 12 days
Hello ☺️
I love your work, your stories. They are absolutely amazing. 🤍
Could I request a story with Samakro x reader (female)? Something about the way he falls in love with her.
Thank you my dear, have some Samakro the ride or die man ❤️
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art by @jun-c
Samakro x F!reader
“You are a human, you are feeble, you are weak.” Samakro hisses. 
“I am... not weak.” You respond back, completely out of breath, sweaty, and hands on your knees. 
“You are weak. You cannot even last a training session.” 
You straigthen your back and crack your neck, getting back into position. 
“I am not weak!” You repeat with more force and anger in your human eyes. 
“Prove it to me.” 
You launch yourself on Samakro again, punching and kicking his gloved hands as he showed you too. 
“Harder!” He orders. 
You increase your strength, hitting away as hard as you can, as fast as possible. 
“Keep going.” He demands, “Harder!” 
You feel your lungs burning and your muscles screaming in pain. You are not used to such intensive exercises. You are a civilian, not a military member. But the rules are simple: adapt or get debarked on the first planet you come by. 
You don’t know why Captain Thrawn is imposing such rules on you, but since they found you wounded and drifting in space he dictates your life and you have no choice but to abide by his rules. Mid-Captain Samakro is now your new tutor on the Springhawk, spying on what you do at all hours of the day and night. He is merciless, imposing the strict Chiss military lifestyle no matter how tired you appear. 
“Again!” He hisses. 
You give him two powerful punches and a spin kick right into the targets he’s holding. He seems taken aback for a split second before recovering his hard expression. 
“Better. Give me more of that human.” 
You throw your last strength into it until you hear the liberating timer.  
“Time out.” Samakro announces to your relief. 
You fall to your knees, drenched in sweat and without any more breath. You cough painfully, feeling on the verge of passing out after such intense exercises.  
“Hey!” Samakro calls for you. 
You raise your head towards him only to receive a towel in the face. 
“Do not stop like that, it is recovery time. Go on the treadmill.” 
You groan, painfully raising on your feet and leaving the ring to hop on the treadmill. You feel your pounding heart pumping blood furiously and painfully. You hold the two bars on the side so as not to fall as Samakro hops on the treadmill beside you. 
“You did a good job today.” He lets you know after five full minutes of complete silence. 
“Thank you, sir.” You nod. 
“Do not forget to take out the electrodes and the monitor once you’re done.”  
You nod again. You jump off the treadmill and take off the monitor's electrodes off your chest and stomach. You turn to Samakro for further instructions. 
“You have the rest of your day.” He simply announces not even looking at you as he keeps walking on the mill. 
“Oh... Thank you sir!” You answer joyfull and heads toward the communal showers. 
Samakro keeps walking rapidly on the treadmill until he hears Thrawn’s steps pattern entering the gym of the Springhawk. 
“What are the results today?” Captain Thrawn asks evenly. 
“Let’s discover it.” Samakro responds. 
The two men approach the laying monitor and plug it into a questis, running the data on the screen. 
“This is her results on her first session and here is her progression’s curb.” He explains to his Captain. 
Thrawn remains mute, observing the data on the screen, detailing every high and low, the picks and the depressions. 
“Fascinating.” He finally lets out, “Almost the same as a Civilian Chiss curb.” 
“Indeed, the results are uncanny.” Samakro adds, scrubbing his face with a towel. 
“And what of her mental? Her dispositions?”   
“She did not understand the necessity of the exercises at first, and I think she still does but she submits to it.” 
“Do you push her to her limits?” 
“Yes. She doesn’t like to be looked down upon, it gives good results.” 
“Do not destroy her mentally. I have more tests to run on her.” Thrawn advises. 
“I am careful, she seems to hold on well.” 
Thrawn looks back at the results with interest in his inquisitive red eyes. 
“Humans... Fascinating.” 
Samakro silently looks at you over his questis. You are fully focused on your test on your own questis. 
Obviously, you don’t know Cheuhn, but you are proficient in several trade languages and writing systems the Chiss use outside of their realm and displayed your polyglot talents early on. He concocted a series of tests to measure your mental plasticity and  I.Q. And you’ve been going at it since 6 am. 
Some maths and logic problems with dissertations in different languages, a philosophical question, and a moral dilemma. 
It is actually an IQ test that the entire Springhawk crew had to take at some point in their career, he simply translated it into a trade language and script and took the liberty to take out the General Knowledge questions about Chiss culture and literature for obvious reasons. 
He is already checking your responses from this morning, comparing them to the average Chiss responses. 
Your I.Q. is average, nothing really special to note, but your way to the responses is truly... alien. You are coming from a completely different thought system and it shows, you are creative in your responses in a way that the Chiss test has difficulty measuring. Your responses to the philosophical and moral dilemmas are completely misaligned with Chiss values but are terribly interesting if they are standard for your human species. 
When he thinks back Chiss and Humans used to trade and exchange millennia ago and everything stopped after the supernova explosions, erasing all hyperspace lanes of the Chaos and cutting all communications.  
How did humans evolve deprived of the wisdom of the Chiss? 
“Five minutes left.” He announces. 
You grumble, taking your forehead in your hand, he can almost see the smoke of focus escaping your ears. He should compare your responses to the archives about humans they have, Captain Thrawn will also be interested. 
Samakro wonders for a second what was his results for those tests, they never communicated them to the candidates. If he reached the rank of Captain it means he must have done good. 
You would never reach the rank of Captain. You are not made for war, neither in body nor in mind. You would surely be a good historian or archivist, a scholar career where you classify data seems perfect for you. 
But on a Chiss warship, you have little to no value. The only civilian job in it is caregiver for the skywalker and they surely won’t let an alien approach their precious little girl any time soon.  
He keeps looking at you discreetly. He remembers lying to you, telling you that if you didn’t obey they would debark you on the first wild planet they found and leave you to die there. 
Which is obviously false for several reasons. They are not barbaric monsters and mostly Captain Thrawn and the UAG are terribly interested in meeting a Human after so many millennia. All your test results are sent to the UAG  for them to get a foretaste of what they will work on once they send you there. 
But you refused to obey and sit down and he had to resort to menace to force you to submit. Are all humans that rebellious? Do you all have problems with authority? A Chiss would have never posed such problems... 
If the current mission wasn’t capital for Chiss security, Thrawn would have ordered the Springhawk to go back to Csilla to offer you to the lab as his new catch. But fortunately for you, they must keep going, you escaped the rat lab existence. 
But for this time only. 
The scientists of the UAG are drooling at the idea of studying a human after so much time and they keep sending them new tests and procedures to experiment on you. Samakro doesn’t understand this fascination for aliens, for him they are all the same: 
Not worth his time and attention. 
But Thrawn thinks differently and locks himself with you in his office for long discussions every day. He is learning the maximum he can on this “new” species, evaluating the level of threat you will pose or not. He is less invasive in his questions and remains courteous with you but you shouldn’t get used to it. 
“Time is over.” Samakro says. 
You sigh and fall back in your chair with a defeated look. Visibly maths is a serious adversary for you.  
“May I go now?” You ask, visibly tired. 
“No. Remain.” He orders sternly. 
He looks at your new results while you are forced to wait in silence. It is obviously another test, how well do you do when things don’t go your way?  
He takes is sweet time comparing the results with the archive and while he isn’t a scientist something is very clear to him. 
You’re going to be a problem. All humans will. 
You are unruly and disorganized, messy and libertarian, prone to rebellion. 
He hardly sees what good would come up for the Chiss to align themself with humans.  
You’re just going to be a pain in more ways than one. 
He now knows how humans evolved without Chiss’ wisdom... 
“Senior Captain Samakro? (Y/n) (L/n)?” Thrawn enters the little conference room, “I need you.” 
Samakro jumps on his feet, ready for action while you look put out, only wanting to enter your bed for a good night’s sleep. 
“Is there a problem, Captain?” Samakro inquires. 
“We crossed paths with new aliens. I would like to have a word with them to test the water.” 
Samakro frowns turning his head to give you a look. 
“Is her presence necessary?” He asks in Cheuhn, earning a bad look from you. 
“Indeed. She is more fluent in their language than I am and I would like to observe their reaction to a near-Chiss individual.” Thrawn responds in the same language, “Who knows, maybe humans already are in contact with this species.” 
Samakro nods obediently. 
“Follow us (F/n)” He orders you. 
You sigh but obey. 
“I need your talents in a specific language.” Thrawn lets you know in a trade language. 
“Other humans?” You ask, accelerating your pace to place yourself next to Thrawn. 
Samakro fights the urge to grab your shoulder and yank you backward. Nobody walks alongside a Captain, even his bodyguards remain two steps behind. But Thrawn doesn’t seem to care in the slightest.  
So Samakro remains silent but mentally adds “Impertinent” and “unable to follow protocols” to his list of cons about humans. 
“Unfortunately no. A group of alien nomads of whom our archives are incomplete.” 
“Nomad? Are they numerous in the region?” You inquire curious. 
“Indeed there are a few clans. Most of them are bounty hunters and mercenaries, selling their services to the most generous.” 
 “Oh... I mean... Should I really be here?” You worry. 
“Everything is going to be fine. I simply need you as a translator no harm will come to you.” 
Samakro remains silent. A group of mercenaries with whom the alien they happened to have rescued and helped can speak with? The timing is a bit suspicious. He received the orders to tutor you but he also had to honor his duties as Mid-Captain, who knows how efficient the officers he gave you to were in their surveillance? 
Did they invite a snake in? 
Thrawn must also have these suspicions and take the opportunity to test you. 
You all enter the new conference room where the Aliens are waiting. Samakro remembers reading some archives about them but they are quite obscure, but he remembers them being known to undergo heavy surgical operations to make their entire bodies a weapon.  
And evidently, Thrawn lied to you. He mastered this language years ago, Samakro heard him use it so many times as he is himself quite fluent in this one. It allows them both to fact-check what you are translating to them and to the Aliens. 
Up until now, you have diligently reported the correct info, not trying to subtly twist Thrawn’s words or veil info from the aliens... But that is not enough to erase suspicion. 
As for the aliens’ pretense as to why they are on Chiss territory, it is clearly a lie. Those have something behind their minds. Samakro subtly caresses his charric at his hips. They took out the Aliens’ weapon but something in his mind was telling him to be cautious. 
“They ask if you could draw them a safe route for their travel. Their navigator died.” You explain. 
But Thrawn takes out his questis where a map of the Chaos appears. He hands it to Samakro to give it to the Aliens that are on the other side of the room, a long table separating them from the Chiss. Samakro takes it and heads toward the group.  
Suddenly, when he is mid-way through and away from Thrawn the aliens jump on their feet with their hands in their mouths, dislocating their jaws in an impressive fashion, to take out hidden miniguns off their throats. 
And fires. 
And in a flash, it is over. When Samakro recovers his senses he has his fuming Charric pointed at the now-dead aliens, the questis now exploded on the floor. 
A suicide commando. Surely the Grysks. 
A good chance Samakro and Thrawn’s bodyguards are fast. 
He spins towards Thrawn to see if he is all right. He discovers him kneeling with you in his arms. 
“What happened?” He asks kneeling next to his superior. 
You have been hit, the smell of burning flesh rising to Samakro’s nose. It is not pretty. They both lay you down on the ground, Thrawn taking his comm to call for the medics while Samakro applies pressure on your bleeding wound. 
Warrior, if they lose the UAG’s new toy... 
If they lose you... 
“She took the fire for me.” Thrawn explains. 
Samakro freeze. 
You what? 
He raises his eyes to his Captain, incredulous. 
“An alien did that?” 
“Apparently. Keep applying pressure Mid-Captain.” 
Quickly the medics comes to take you away in the medbay, leaving Thrawn and Samakro to investigate the scene. 
But Samakro’s mind keeps coming back to you. 
Why did you do that? 
It doesn’t make any sense. 
Why would an alien risk its life to save somebody else? He wouldn't have taken a fire for an alien. 
“Mid Captain, you are not listening.” Thrawn’s voice calls Samakro back to reality. 
Samakro shakes himself. 
“Sorry Sir, you were saying?” 
Thrawn lets go of the alien’s shoulder he was holding to get a closer look at their face. 
“Go to her.” He simply orders. 
Samakro raises an eyebrow. 
“Why would I do that?” 
“Because you are evidently disturbed and unfocused on your task.” 
“I am mostly disturbed I wasn’t able to protect you.” 
“You shot them. You did your job.” 
“An alien had to protect you and this is a failure.” 
This time it is Thrawn who raises an eyebrow. 
“After all this time you are still calling her an ‘alien’?” 
“This is what she is.” Samakro responds, not understanding his superior puzzled expression. 
Thrawn tilts his head. 
“Is she now?” 
Samakro opens his mouth to close it back immediately. Where is Thrawn going with all of this? 
“How curious... I thought your relation deepened after all this time.” Thrawn ponders. 
“She hasn’t been here long.” Samakro argues. 
“She has been with us for 8 months.” Thrawn informs him. 
8 months?! 
Impossible. He feels like they discovered your ship three weeks ago, how has it been already 8 months? 
Samakro remains mute in shock, taking the info in. 
“Time flies in charming company, does it not?” Thrawn notes with a tight smile. 
Samakro exhales though his nose. Ridicule! 
Absolutely ri-di-cule! 
“She is a task you gave me, nothing more.” 
“I asked you to look over her not send me an extensive list of her food’s likes and dislikes.” Thrawn says almost mockingly. 
“I thought you would have appreciated to learn humans’ nutritional habits.” Samakro defends himself. 
“I would have simply asked her, Mid-Captain.” The Captain tries to gently guide him to the obvious conclusion. “I also heard you kept deterring colleagues from her.” 
“I was not going to let them defile themself with an alien sir!” Samakro explains like his outrage made sense. 
“Why immediately assume they had a romantic or sexual interest in her?” Thrawn asks more and more amused. 
This is a new side of his Mid-Captain he is discovering, and he is terribly curious. 
“Because she....! Because...” Samakro tries again to justify himself only to have no sound arguments. 
Indeed, why his first fear was that his Chiss colleagues would be interested in her? For what possible reason? Why did it displeased him so much he had to push everyone, male and female, away from you? 
Samakro stretches his lips in a thin line at that bomb, trying to make sense of all the moments he had with you.  
Could he...? 
“Go see her Mid-Captain. I can investigate the scene by myself.” Thrawn finally says, turning his back to Samakro signaling him that his words are final. 
Samakro bows and leaves the room. 
He entered confident and exited it in shambles. 
Obediently, he goes to you, trying to silence that little voice bugging his mind. Of course, he isn’t smitten! That’s ridiculous! What does Thrawn even know about love anyway?! 
He enters the med bay ready to chastise you for merely existing and being in his way but he looses all of his energy seeing you in this state. 
You are dressed in bandages, lying on a bed with a painful expression on your face. 
Maybe... this is not the right time for chastising. Later. Yes... later. 
You wave at him forcing you to smile through the pain. He comes close, sitting on a stool next to you. 
“Why?” He asks. 
“Why what?” 
“Why protect him? Why not let him die?” 
You look at him confused. 
“Isn’t it your job too to protect him? Why are you mad at me?” 
“I am not mad. I am trying to ... Understand.” 
You shrug like he isn’t making any sense. That’s the second person looking at him like that today and one was already enough... 
“Do I truly need a reason to save someone in danger?” You ask him, genuinely confused. 
“We are not the same species. You had no interest in protecting one of us.” 
“I don’t need to be part of the same species to empathize. Captain Thrawn is an honorable man, it would pain me if he died.” 
“Really? Would you have done the same for any of us?”  
“Why not?” 
“Even... me?” 
“Yes. Every life deserves to be protected, alien or not. Do you not think the same?” You look at him with a clear gaze. 
He purses his lips. No, he doesn’t think the same, he is a warrior, a cannot fodder meant to die in battle, Thrawn too.  
But you’re a civilian.  
You’re what they die for. So why put your own life on the line for them? The roles are reversed. 
Does he have to add ‘selfless’ to his list of pros for humans now? 
“We are soldiers. Dying is our job.” 
“Your job is to protect, not die.” You counter with a soft voice. 
“Easy for you to say.” He grumbles. 
You take his hand in yours and gently squeeze it with a contrite smile. 
“Yes, I would take a hit for you, Mid-Captain Samakor.” You repeat. 
He snarls a scoff, incredulous. 
Why would you do that? Since the first day he had the bad role, ordering you around, forcing you to obey him, imposing you a lifestyle different than yours, prevented you from forming meaningful relationships with others. He is a jailor, your torturer. 
You must hate him. And he is fine with that, Thrawn ordered him to look over you and he will do it even if you despise him. 
And then... 
Your hand releases his to cup his cheek gently, inviting him to raise his head and look at you. 
“Come on now. This is not you Mid-Captain Samkro.” This time your smile is wide and franck, “Where is your Chiss attitude?” 
He can’t help but chuckle before quickly hidding  his mouth. 
“You call that an attitude? I call this honor.” 
“Meh. I’m not big on the military things. Call it what you prefer.”  
He should push your hand away, not tolerating a single act of promiscuity or even friendliness. 
But he likes the warmth of your palm... It is incredibly soft and smooth. 
When was the last caress he received, and when was the last tender act toward him? Long ago in his childhood. 
Maybe he will not add “selfless” to the pros human list, but yours. 
And this one is longer... 
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@bluechiss @Thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar @thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @elise2174 @debonaire-princess @twilekchiss @pencil_urchin @ineedazeezee @mssbridgerton @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @Cortisolcosplay @obbicrystaleo @germie2037 @leo4242564 @davesrightshoe 
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howtofightwrite · 11 months
Speaking of martial competence, do you have any examples of characters that are actually written with this in mind?
Loads. Some actually even make good on that.
So, there's different kinds of martial competence. There are characters who are proficient in combat directly, there are well written strategists, there are characters who excel at military leadership, and when they're written well, you can actuallylearn some things from them.
I'm going to give some examples, and at least one cautionary example.
For, just, raw combat prowess, I still go back to Robert E. Howard's Conan short stories. It's easy to meme on the character, especially 90 years after the fact, with the cultural persona that's grown around him, but Howard's original writing is excellent. The character would not have survived Howard's early (and, frankly, tragic) death if it was just the one note gag you might expect, if your only exposure to the character was through cultural osmosis and the films.
Howard's fight scenes were shockingly well written. To the point that it is still absolutely worth reading if you want to write a fantasy fighter.
For strategists, three characters come to mind, but only two are literary, and all are Science Fiction.
Grand Admiral Thrawn is probably one of the best villains Star Wars has ever produced, it's part of why he's one of the few characters that's migrated from the original EU to the Disney era. My personal take is, as a character, he's lost a lot over the years, but the original incarnation from the early 90s novels is a very solid model for a strategist. Particularly in how he takes time to understand his opponents while looking for potential weak points to exploit.
His practice of studying a culture's art to understand their psychology might sound a bit goofy, but the concept does have a real basis. (At least, until it metastasized into a superpower, in later adaptations of the character.) Being able to psychologically assess your foe is an incredibly valuable element of strategy, and one that you probably want to consider when you're writing a character who is supposed to be a “strategic genius.”
When writing fiction, you want to consider all of your characters as if they were people, rather than as hollow, plastic toys. And, yes, the obnoxious villain who knows exactly what your heroes will do because of authorial fiat is going to be a more compelling character than the ambulatory goldfish villain who exists as a prelude for your heroes showing off how badass you think they are.
Granted, even in Heir to the EmpireThrawn was already drawing strategic insights that strained credibility, but understanding your foe is an element of strategic thinking that is often forgotten in literature. So, even as a villain in a tie-in novel (we're not done with tie-in fiction yet), he is worth looking at. At least when written by Timothy Zhan, Thrawn was a well written character, and even if he bordered on a Mary Sue at times, he escaped a lot of that stigma by justifying his competence.
It's also probably worth mentioning in passing that he's one of the few Imperial leaders in Star Wars who isn't also criminally incompetent.
The non-literary example of a strategist would be John Sheridan from Babylon 5. Unlike Thrawn, Sheridan's main strategic focus is on situational exploitation. A little of that comes from his knowledge of enemy procedures and psychology, but at lot of it comes from a rather ruthless approach to technical limitations. An alien race is using technology that blocks human targeting systems? Set up a nuclear mine and then send out a fake distress single to lure them in. Need to deal with a significantly larger, more dangerous ship? Lure them into a gas giant and and let the planet's gravity well drag them past crush depth. Bruce Boxleitner's performance helped sell the character, but Sheridan is a really solid science fiction strategist, who really exemplifies how technical limitations can have enormous strategic considerations.
I'm not citing Sheridan as an excellent example of a leader per se,it's certainly there, but it is harder to unpack from Boxleitner's performance. It does have some good payoffs much later in the series when he starts making some orders that cause his subordinates to sit up and stop what they're doing. And that is a consistent theme even back to his introduction, but, it's a tangible consequence to an intangible cause.
The last example is a negative example, both for strategy and leadership. And, as much as it pains me to say this, at least Orson Scott Card understood that Ender was a bad leader. At least in the original novel. To be blunt, Ender is a mediocre strategist at best. His highlights in the book involve, “inventing armor,” and creative movement in micrograv. That's setting the bar exceptionally low, and while it is reasonably within the range of what you could expect from a pre-teen, that's not much of a justification.
Again, I'm not a fan of Card, and I'm reallynot recommending Ender's Gameto anyone. However, if I didn't mention it, you know there'd be a reblog going for twelve hundred words about how Andrew Wiggin is the best strategist in literature, which, yeah, no.
Do you want a goofy, tie-in fiction, literary suggestion for the best leader in sci-fi? Too bad, because I'm pretty sure Ciaphas Cain is not that person. The Ciaphas Cain novels by Sandy Mitchell are unusual as leadership recommendations, because of how much Cain internally processes the social manipulation involved in military leadership. He's not a great leader, but he is exceptionallygood at explaining to the reader how he's creating that illusion to motivate the soldiers around him. In fairness, some of that is an intrinsic character flaw, he is incredibly insecure, and desperately trying to hide that fact. And the difference between being a great leader, and effectively creating a comprehensive illusion of a great leader is: There is no difference. As a serious complement, it is one of the few times I've seen an author treat leadership as an actual skill, and not simply an extension of a character's charisma. Which is why I'm singling this one out. It might sound like a joke inclusion initially, and the books are quite funny in a Warhammer 40k kind of way, but there is quite a bit of  value to be had.
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arctrooper69 · 8 months
Don't Forget
Crosshair x Inquisitor!Reader
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For the @clonexreaderbingo prompt "Don't forget"
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Warnings: Mentions of torture (both mental and physical). Generally dark theme.
"They left you. They betrayed you. They hurt you."
It wasn't just the constant mental barrage of half truths and words twisted ruthlessly until you could no longer decipher your own thoughts. You could still feel the physical pain long after it was over - the electric agony coursing, stinging, burning through your veins. The smell of your own scorched flesh still lingered everytime you took a breath.
"Do you hate me now? Don't forget how angry that makes you. Let it fill you. Let it consume you. Let it grow until all you can taste is vengeance."
And it did. You let the anger fester inside of your veins like the chemicals they pumped to muddle your mind and dull your senses.
There is only much pain the human body can take before you become numb to everything else. There is only so much anger you can hold inside before you explode. When you explode, there's nothing left of who you were before and no one to pick up the pieces save for the one who made you this way in the first place. All the atrocities in the galaxy can be committed guiltlessly if you believe they wronged you first.
Crosshair knew this better than anyone but it still made him angry. It made him angry to see what they did to you. It made him angry to see how they broke you and built you back up in their own image. Just like him.
Empire. Inquisitor. Good soldiers follow orders either way.
"Don't forget that they left you. Don't forget the pain they put you through."
Don't forget.
Don't forget.
Don't forget.
"Remember the pain, the suffering, the anguish. Don't you want it to end?"
Don't forget who you are.
Crosshair sat on the cold, durasteel floor outside of the ray shielded cell they'd put you in. Force-binding shackles encircled your hands and feet. His brothers hadn't known what else to do. Your red-rimmed eyes starred at him, face contorting with rage. Maybe someday you'd come back to him. Maybe someday you'd forgive him.
"Do you remember who I am?" he asked softly.
Once again, if you're supposed to be tagged and did not, please shoot me a message and I'll fix it!
@zoeykallus @ttzamara @nahoney22 @merkitty49 @viva-la-whump @thrawns-teef-weef @dumpsters-little-matchbook @nekotaetae @ladykatakuri @loverofclones @heyitsaloy @padawancat97 @jambolska-grozdova @flyingkangaroo @melymigo @rain-on-kamino @jiabae @my-own-oracle @dragonrider9905 @queenofspades6 @ordinarylokix @jupitersaturnapollo @queencousland101 @vampire-rouge @southernbaguette @staycalmandhugaclone @dalu-grantkylo @dangraccoon @aconstructofamind @blueink-bluesoul @kixs-husband @pb-jellybeans @atomickidsoul @caitnotfound @temmiegailg @skellymom @freesia-writes
If you want to be on my taglist, feel free to send me a message! Also, asks are open! Reblogging is very much encouraged and it makes me do a happy dance every time any of my writing gets reblogged 😂❤️
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thrawns-babygirl · 1 year
The Gallery (Thrawn x F!Reader 18+)
SO! A few things before we get started.
I know nothing about art. I tried my best to make this seem somewhat believable but I'm not an artist, nor will I ever be.
The "dates" I used were in the form of the 'Coruscant Reckoning Calendar' or C.R.C since the battle of Yavin hasn't happened yet and I hate BBY and ABY as in universe measures of time. However they aren't real dates I just threw random numbers into the format and hoped it looked semi believable
I am aware this is really derivative and I'm sorry in advance lmao
This is my first time writing Thrawn, and while I read copious amounts of Thrawn fanfic, I'm still nervous about how I write him so constrictive criticism is encouraged.
I hope y'all enjoy this, I had fun writing it. Been over a month since i wrote anything and it shows.
Rating: E (18+) Word Count: 3800+ Warnings: Unprotected PiV, Oral (F receiving), the tiniest breeding kink if you squint and tilt your head sideways, Art
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You looked around the halls of the Imperial Palace and sighed. These galas were boring, atrociously so. But alas, if you wished to maintain funding for your gallery you had to at least make an appearance, rub elbows with the Imperial elite, sweet talk some moderately intoxicated senator or delegate into agreeing that your program was in fact not a waste of credits, and was actually something that the Empire should foster. A civilization without the arts was barely a civilization at all. You sigh, swirling the obnoxiously expensive drink you have in your hand as you stare up at a large canvas painting on the walls of the hall.
Pre Republic era, oil on canvas, looks to be-
“Coruscanti in origin, an interesting blend of ancient human styles native to the planet with a Duros influence, I’d date it around 3591.39.5, what do you think?” as smooth, calculated voice drawls from beside you.
You hum in thought, as you continue looking up at the artwork. “Perhaps earlier, the dot work is absolutely indicative of Duros influences, maybe even around 2280.124.43, when Duros traders started using hyperspace routes to explore the galaxy and foster trade” you turn to face the mystery man and stiffen as you notice the crisp white uniform of a Grand Admiral, but perhaps even more intriguing was his cerulean blue skin, and more intriguing than that, his red eyes that glow softly.
Without taking his eyes off the painting he continues “an interesting theory, however, I would date it after that. The artist was obviously human, their style indicating that they grew up around humans, the brushwork is similar to most works of that period, however the Duros influence would indicate it would have been some time after Humans had made contact with other races. Humans of that era were exceptionally isolationist, their artwork reflects that, this piece shows of an artist who is comfortable with outsiders enough to incorporate them into their medium” the man takes another sip of his drink before turning to you, fixing you with those enchanting eyes “what do you think?”
You’re taken aback, this man, this Grand Admiral, knows what he’s talking about, in fact he may even know more than you about the topic, you scramble to think of something, anything to say. Your face heats up as you think back on human art and history from that era and realise, he’s right. You take a sip of your drink to steel your nerves, warmth flooding your cheeks that you hope he doesn’t notice as you turn back to the painting.
“I think you might be right; I forget about how isolationist humans were back then; it would have taken a long time before they would have taken on facets of other species art in their own” you say thoughtfully as you look up at the painting. It really was a beautiful piece of art. You look back at the stranger to find him also gazing up at the painting with a thoughtful look on his face. Perhaps this art enthusiast of a Grand Admiral was the person you were looking for this whole time? Steeling yourself again you turn and give him your name.
“I curate the Royal Imperial Gallery here on Coruscant, a pleasure to make your acquaintance” You incline your head respectfully as he turns to face you again.
“Grand Admiral Mitth’raw’nuruodo, however you may call me Thrawn, and I am aware of who you are” Thrawn takes another sip of his drink as he turns his gaze back up to the painting. You eye him curiously as he drinks, his throat bobbing as he swallows and turns back to you.
“You do?” your tone slightly more accusatory than you wanted it to be, Imperial Grand Admirals tended to be the types of people who rallied against your requests for more funding, claiming that the money could be better spent on the Imperial Navy or the Stormtrooper Corps.
Thrawn’s mouth quirks slightly, as if he were attempting to stifle a smile before he speaks again, his voice low “Of course, I am a regular at your institution, I also appreciate your holo galleries so that I may appreciate new instillations while I am away on long campaigns. It is obviously, a crude imitation of having the original piece in front of me, but I will make do with what I can” he eyes you seriously. “I especially appreciated your most recent display of Pantoran tapestries. Pantora is a hub of so many different species and cultures, their art always provides an interesting challenge to see what visiting species influenced what pieces”.
You stare at him wide eyed as he speaks, this man, this Grand Admiral, was an art enjoyer, no an art enthusiast. Perhaps this meeting was destined, perhaps he was the one who would help you retain funding for your gallery before it was all syphoned off and spent on warfare. You open your mouth to speak but it’s like he could read your mind. “I have already spoken with the Emperor, he agrees with me that maintaining the fine arts is important for any society. Your funding is secure” he turns back towards the painting and takes another sip of his drink.
He spoke to the Emperor himself? And the Emperor himself agreed to maintain your funding? Your head was spinning. This is not at all what you expected when you came here tonight, you were expecting to have to plead your case to stuffy senators and businesspeople for them to even consider the possibility that your gallery was worth it. You shake your head as you realise you’ve been staring at him in stunned silence for longer than what would be considered polite. “I… Thank you Grand Admiral. That is… that is wonderful news” you fight to keep the emotions out of your voice, finishing your drink quickly “I don’t know how I can repay you” his lip quirks again in that almost smile before he too finishes his drink.
“No thanks is necessary, and please call me Thrawn, although I would love to hear about what new instillations you are planning for the gallery in the coming months, I have some time planetside and would be remiss to not attend a new display should you be preparing anything exciting” he waves over a serving droid as he talks and takes two more glasses of the overly expensive amber liquid, offering you one which you politely accept before he takes a sip of his.
And just like that, the hours melt away as you walk with Thrawn around the hall, speaking quietly to one another about the intricacies of the art hanging on the walls, from paintings to tapestries to the small statues lining the hall, Thrawn had something to say about all of it. For a military man, he was very, very well educated.
And very, very handsome.
You shake your head as you finish your drink, maybe you have had one too many glasses of Chandrillan Sweet Wine you think to yourself as Thrawn continues speaking about the techniques used to weave a particularly intricate tapestry the two of you were standing in front of. You wanted to listen to him, you really did, but watching the way his lips wrapped themselves around the words he was speaking combined with the melodic sound of his voice had your mind wandering to places that could be considered vastly unprofessional.
As if sensing your fleeting attention to what he was saying he turns to face you, raising a single eyebrow as his lips quirked once again in a ghost of a smile. “Apologies my lady, I do tend to get ahead of myself when discussing art, if you wish to take your leave I will not be offended” you falter slightly because no, you don’t want to leave, you could spend forever listening to his peculiar accent and you rack your brain for something that would keep him in your presence. So, you decide to take a small risk.
“No Thrawn, not at all, in fact I was just wondering if you would perhaps like to join me for a small excursion to the gallery. I could give you a sneak peek of the next exhibition we will be opening in the coming weeks, provided traditional Rodian woodwork is a topic you would be interested in?” you say hopefully, willing the heat away from your cheeks as you place your empty glass on a passing serving droid.
He smiles this time, not just a slight movement of his lips, but a genuine smile that has your heart beating slightly faster and your face burning. He too places his glass on a passing droid and gestures with his hand towards the door. “Lead the way”
The speeder ride towards the gallery is quiet, the lights of Coruscant illuminating the cab as the pilot droid takes you both towards the gallery. You shift in your seat, gazing at his profile from the corner of your eye. His long nose and pronounced cheek bones illuminated by the slight glow of his eyes. You wish you could think of something to say as you fiddle with the hem of your dress, but he doesn’t seem to mind the silence, in fact he seems to be the type that enjoys comfortable silence over inane small talk, so you keep your lips sealed, willing yourself to stop acting like a blushing schoolgirl as the cab stops in front of the gallery.
The gallery is dark, quiet, giving it an almost eerie quality as you walk through the halls, you unlock the door to your office and step to the side to allow Thrawn through, turning on the lights to reveal a small room, a moderately sized desk with a few shelves and a window that looks over the city.
“We haven’t gotten all the pieces yet, so this is only a taste of the style of art we will be displaying soon” you unlock another door that leads to a storeroom, pulling on some gloves, passing him a pair and grabbing a few of the intricately carved wooden sculptures to show the Grand Admiral. He takes them off you and studies them closely, his intense eyes scanning over every detail of the wood before moving over to another sculpture, then another. At the last sculpture he pauses, studying it even more intently than the others before looking up at you. “Do you know the importance of this piece?” he inquires as he holds the small wooden figure towards you.
You take it off him, studying it closely, noting the ridges and bumps. Unfortunately, Rodian art and wood carvings in particular have never really been your area of expertise, although you have a feeling that you’re about to learn. “Unfortunately, Thrawn I am not very well versed in Rodian woodworking, I have a few on staff that would know more than I do” you place the statuettes back into the storeroom and lock the door before turning back to him only to find him looking at you intently.
“That particular sculpture is known as a ‘Prwiss’ it was used as part of a fertility ritual on Rodia centuries passed. The statue would be placed near the bed of the couple attempting to conceive as they partook in intercourse in order to increase the likelihood of fertilization” he explains evenly.
You feel heat rising to your cheeks. ‘Definitely too much wine’ you think to yourself. The words ‘intercourse’ and ‘fertilization’ shouldn’t have such a visceral effect on you. All you can think of is having such a statue over your own bed as Thrawn runs his large hands all over your body, as he thrusts in and out-
“Do you know of my species?” Thrawn asks suddenly. You shake your head, mouth dry as you respond “No… I don’t” his shoulders rise and fall slightly, something that could potentially indicate a chuckle from the stoic man.
“I am Chiss” he says slowly walking towards you “and being Chiss has many benefits” he continues approaching you, in any other context, you could almost compare his slow steps to a predator stalking its prey.
“My eyes for example, I am able to see things that humans cannot. Heat for example” he says as he stops directly in front of you. You blush again, a fact made worse now knowing he’s been able to see your blushing so clearly the entire night the two of you have been together. You swallow, not trusting your voice as he stares you down. You take an unconscious step backwards, Thrawn following you until the backs of your legs meet the solid material of your desk.
“At first I simply thought that you were flushed from the alcohol but… now I have come to a different conclusion” he leans his face closer to yours, you can feel his warm breath against your lips as he holds his lips above yours. A moment for you to back away should you not wish him to go further.
You stare into his bright eyes as your face warms further and heat pools between your legs. Would he be able to see that beneath the layers of your dress? Your thoughts are abruptly cut off as he places his lips over yours, one hand coming up to cup your cheek as he presses you against your desk. You meet his lips in a passionate kiss, the heat from the night reaching a boiling point as he removes his gloves and places his hands on your hips, following his lead you do the same before tangling your hands in his soft hair.
After what feels like an eternity he pulls back, his lips slightly swollen from the kiss and a faint dusting of purple along his sharp cheekbones. He presses you further against your desk and you get the hint, moving some small items out of the way before sitting on the desk.
Thrawn attacks your lips again, a hunger present behind his movements as he situates himself between your legs, his fingers digging into the skin of your hips as he begins kissing along your jaw, down your neck. You gasp as you feel him suck a dark mark into the skin just above your collarbone, you tug at the soft strands of his hair eliciting a low growl that rumbles through his chest as he moves his hips against your core. You can feel a definite hardness in the front of his pristine while uniform pants as he moves his body against yours, dragging small sounds of pleasure out of you.
His hands begin moving all over your body, running up your sides around to your back where he begins unfastening your dress, his movements pausing for a moment as he looks at you. You answer his unspoken question with another fiery kiss as his hands work methodically behind you to unfasten your dress, letting it pool on the desk as he moves over towards your breasts. His long fingers tweaking and pinching at your nipples through the thin material of your bra as his other hand moves down your side to help totally remove the dress from you.
He pulls the dress over your head, pausing to haphazardly fold it and place it on your desk before his hands are all over you again. One runs along your thigh while the other expertly unclasps your bra, he pulls the fabric away from your body before moving his lips to your jaw and neck again. You move your hands to his hair again as he kisses down your neck towards your chest.
“Watching the blush crawl up your skin” he mumbles against your neck, voice husky “is truly the most beautiful thing in this entire gallery” he says before taking one of your nipples in his mouth and sucking, rolling the nub around his mouth, his tongue lathing over it. His tongue has an odd texture to it, you note, as he shifts his focus to your other breast, and you can’t help but wonder what that tongue would feel like against your clit. You arch into his touch as he kisses along your chest, lightly biting into the soft flesh, leaving dark marks against your skin as he slowly begins moving to his knees, kissing down your body as he goes, pausing at the fabric of your panties and placing a long passionate kiss on the damp fabric before he pulls the delicate material to the side and sinks his tongue into your cunt.
You moan, throwing your head back in bliss as he eats you like a man starved, lapping at your juices with fervour, your hands finding their way back into his soft hair as his tongue works magic against you. He alternates between rolling his tongue around your clit and shoving it as deep inside you as the muscle will go, bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
You tug on his hair causing him to groan into you, the vibrations making your walls clench as he focuses extra attention on your clit and suddenly the wave of pleasure crests as you climax, your eyes screwed shut and hips moving on their own accord as you all but ride his face through the precipice of your orgasm.
As you come down you open your eyes and look down at him, noting the sound of flesh on flesh and the movement of his arm another white-hot wave of arousal runs down your spine as you realise, he’s stroking himself.
A Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy, on his knees in your office, touching himself while pleasing you with his mouth. The thought alone is almost enough to send you over the edge again.
His glowing red eyes look up at you, and he slowly stands from his position kneeling on the floor. You hold your breath as he rises, trying not to look too eager to get a look at what is between his legs. Do Chiss look like humans? Is he totally alien down there? Your eyes widen as your question is answered, despite the colour and a few, quite pleasurable looking, ridges, he looks remarkably human. Remarkably human and remarkably large.
The vision of the stoic Grand Admiral, still dressed in his white uniform with his trousers open and his rock-hard length on display is enough to make you lick your lips, your pussy clenching around nothing as fresh wave of arousal washes over you.
He takes himself in his hand, stroking himself a few times, placing the blunt head of his cock against your wet entrance before pausing. “A moment” he says as he looks around your office, retrieving your key card from the desk next to you before walking over to the storeroom and taking out the statue he had spoken about before and placing it on the desk next to you before taking his place between your legs at your entrance again.
He places both hands on your hips as he lines himself up with your slick cunt and slowly pushes inside of you. His uniformed chest rising and falling as he struggles to maintain his tenuous control over himself. The feeling of his girth stretching you open has you gritting your teeth, and screwing your eyes shut. Each ridge of his cock rubbing perfectly against every nerve making you see stars.
You’re both panting as he bottoms out, a low rumbling groan coming from deep in his chest as the feeling of your walls choking his length has him gritting his teeth as you wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him even closer, even deeper.
He lets out a hiss as he begins moving his hips, you resist the urge to close your eyes at the pleasure, wanting to watch each reaction you could earn from the usually pristine grand admiral. Watching the way his jaw clenches, the muscles around his neck tensing, the way his nostrils flare as he struggles to maintain his composure is like a drug to you.
You moan as his thrusts begin to become more forceful, the sound of flesh against flesh filling the confines of your office. He leans over your body, his lips finding yours again as his hips move with more purpose, harder and faster, the ridges of his girth causing you to cry out, his mouth swallowing your sounds as his pace continues to get more intense, more passionate.
He brings one of his hands down in between your bodies, his long, skilled fingers expertly finding your clit, drawing tight circles over it as he pounds relentlessly into you. The sensations becoming too much too quickly as another orgasm begins building in your core, your muscles tensing around him as your walls flutter and tighten, forcing his mouth to part from yours as he lets out a low moan of your name.
Hearing his voice, full of hunger and desperation moaning your name is what does it for you, pleasure cascades through your body as you wrap your arms around his back to ground you, the course texture of his uniform heightening the experience as wave after wave of pure ecstasy rips a harsh moan of his name from your lips.
His pace becomes even more forceful, his hips slamming almost painfully against yours as he chases his own high. His mouth finds your neck again, biting down as you feel his muscles tense, letting out a long low groan against your neck as he finishes inside you. You feel each throb and pulse of his cock as he fills you, his hips moving in short thrusts as he rides out his own high, his breathing ragged.
You both stay there, panting, bodies entwined as you come down. He gives you a long, passionate kiss before extracting himself, pulling out slowly, he looks down at your cunt, his cum slowly beginning to leak out of you and his mouth quirks again, into that ghost of a smile, like he’s proud of himself, before he moves your panties back into place and begins to straighten himself out.
You have no idea what to say as he tucks himself away and smooths his hair, after a short time, he looks immaculate yet again, barely a hair out of place, nor a crease on his uniform, meanwhile you look like well fucked mess, hickeys and love bites litter your neck and chest as you move off your desk on unstable legs to grab your bra and dress, you pause as you see the small statue, the ‘Pwriss’ as Thrawn had called it sitting on your desk. You blush as you move to put it away in the storeroom again.
Thrawn is standing, back straight as he looks at you from across your office, hands clasped behind his back. “I appreciate you taking the time to show me the artwork the gallery has to offer” he inclines his head politely “I’m glad the sculptures were to your liking” you smile at him as you redress.
“Oh yes, I suppose the sculptures were lovely too”.  
Not tagging my usual Crosswhore taglist because IDK how many of you are interested in Thrawn, but I'm tagging some people I think might be interested. Let me know if you don't want me to tag you in the future.
@khapikat222 @vibratingbonesbis@al-astakbar
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ceapa-mica · 6 months
The First Date 💌 - a Thrawn headcanon
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I got so many views for my NSFW alphabet, I couldn't keep myself from writing another Thrawn headcanon! 🤗
This one is SFW, there's no mention of Reader's gender.
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When Thrawn tells you he would like to get to know you better and asks if you want to spend the evening with him you agree without having to think twice.
Later you find a box on your bed containing a beautiful dress. Somehow it's exactly the right size and in your favorite color. You never told Thrawn either and are not sure how he could have known.
There are two places where a date with Thrawn could take place. One being his quarters on the Chimera and the other a not very well known city on a backwater planet.
Let's start with the scenario on the Chimera.
Your dress turns some heads on your way to Thrawns quarters. It's not regulation after all and the entire 7th fleet will gossip by the time your date is over.
Thrawn wants his private life to remain private. Unfortunately for you, that means lots of secrecy. He won't share words of love and affection in public, no physical touch beyond what is considered ‘professional’ either. You keep a strictly professional relationship during working hours.
Tbh either way, your relationship will be the biggest open secret aboard.
Thrawn assumed the dress would suit you well, but when he sees you wearing it in the flesh his heart skips a beat.
He ordered the good food, none of this mess hall mush, and a large portion too! It's the best food you've eaten since you joined the Imperial Navy. Along with that a bottle of fine Alderaanian wine he kept for special occassions - the expensive one!
Thrawn is suave af, and sincerely interested in you. When he said he wanted to get to know you better he meant it.
You are the first human he ever dated. It's a new experience for him and it fascinates him how different it is from dating a Chiss. Humans are just so much more expressive with their emotions. While this could be seen as a weakness by others of his kind, he admires it. He admires you.
You tell him about your life away from duty. Your family, your hobbies, your dreams and aspirations.
When, in return, you ask him about his life he starts talking about art. His favorite artists, art of cultures he admires etc. You're a little bit disappointed he leaves questions about his family and general heritage unanswered and skillfully turns the conversation back to your interests or his interest in art and warfare.
This is your first date, what did you expect? Thrawn has a mysterious aura for a reason. For him to tell you about his home you need to establish a relationship first.
It was a pleasant evening. He insists on taking you back to your quarters.
When you arrive at your door and make sure it's just the two of you, he leans in for a sweet kiss.
His lips are softer than you imagined. He tastes like the dinner you just ate and like something that's so distinctively him.
Being so close to him, you notice for the first time that under the scent of standard issue Imperial soap™ and aftershave lies his very own musky scent. He smells different from humans, somehow crisp like a winter breeze.
That moment of closeness passed too quickly for your liking. You wish each other a good night and he leaves you alone in your quarters.
Let's say you won't be able to sleep for a while, his kiss being the only thing on your mind for the rest of the night and the days after.
Now let's look at the other option - going out with Thrawn - a date away from the Chimera.
You meet at a small shuttle at the Chimera’s hangar. You notice it's the first time you see him unaccompanied by his death troopers outside his office.
You blink in astonishment at his attire. Instead of his pristine white Imperial uniform he wears a black civilian suit without the chest candy indicating his rank.
He refuses to tell you where he wants to take you. It's a surprise, but a welcome one.
The city he visits with you is only a short hyperspace travel away. The planet is relatively unknown, but it's rich with culture.
Before you leave the shuttle he takes out a pair of green shaded sunglasses. It takes everything in you not to laugh at his appearance.
He explains that he wears it for safety reasons. Leaving the safety of his fleet puts a target on his back, and being seen in public with you puts one on your back as well.
He takes you to a picturesque part of town to a small restaurant where you sit in a dimly lit corner.
You chat about basically everything I have already named above.
The food served in the restaurant is exotic, unlike anything you've ever tried before. You and Thrawn choose anything that sounds delicious from the menu. The food is better than anything the kitchen droids on the Chimera could ever cook.
Thrawn tells you he heard of this place’s excellent cuisine last time he visited the planet incognito to attend an art exhibition.
Slow jizz music plays in the background and it feels like time has stopped completely, at this moment it's just the two of you, you've only got eyes for each other. (He took off his shades since the corner where you eat is quite secluded) Thrawn feels the same and it intrigues him.
You're a little tipsy from the wine by the time you leave the restaurant. The date night is far from over though.
He takes you to a historic building that houses an art gallery.
It's the middle of the night, but Thrawn notified the owner, who he knows due to his past visits, and they let you in. You have the entire gallery for yourself with no prying eyes.
He explains different art styles and points out details you wouldn't have noticed without him.
You eventually come across a painting by an artist you've never heard of. You love the style, the image itself and how the colors compliment each other. It speaks to you in a way you can't explain.
Of course Thrawn knows all about said painting and answers all your questions.
You wonder why he has become a Grand Admiral and not an art critic.
You tell him how much you appreciate spending time with him. For once not occupied with destroying rebel cells, you get a glimpse of the man behind the stoic facade.
Your words mean so much to him. There's a romantic tension in the air, so thick you could cut it with a knife.
Once the chance presents itself, he pulls you into a dark corner behind one of the large curtains, your faces are close, his gaze wanders from your lips to your eyes for consent.
As soon as you nod, his warm soft lips are on yours, the kiss gentle, but it quickly turns passionate as he deepens it, his tongue begging for entrance.
His hands start roaming your body. It feels like he's everywhere all at once, his unique scent surrounding you and his taste on your tongue. He's respectful though, keeping his hands away from intimate areas. It's your first date and you're still in public, remember?
During your little makeout session you lose your sense of time.
Tbh you wish this moment would never end.
Once you separate for air, he caresses your cheek. For a fleeting moment there is a softness in his scarlet eyes you've never seen before.
From that moment on he calls you 'ch’eo ch’acah' when you're alone with him. You don't know what it means at first. One day he will tell you, and it might be just the first of many Cheunh phrases you will learn from him. (it means 'my darling/beloved')
The evening went by way too fast for your liking. You both agree though that you enjoyed yourselves and want to go on another date in the future.
You return to the Chimera and he drops you off at your quarters before heading to his own.
You don't know where this blossoming relationship is going, but it definitely feels right.
Please keep in mind that Thrawn keeps your relationship secret to keep you safe from harm. Only at the point where your relationship is serious enough (like engagement) will he admit to it to others.
One more thing: A few days after your first date in the city you receive a package. It contains an exact replica of the painting you liked so much. It comes without a note, but you don't need one to know that your feelings for the Grand Admiral are in no way unrequited.
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Let's visit a Thrawn relationship headcanon next time! This was only the first date.
Feel free to add to this headcanon! ❤️
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contentment-of-cats · 6 months
Thrawn, age, illness, and injury.
Ahsoka talk below.
Fandom can be shallow and disappointing. First up, it's possible to dislike the representation of the character without shitting all over an excellent actor whose body of work is more than Disney can bound with contracts and Filoni's scripts. Disney got a full on smack in the face with Jon Boyega (who like Kelly Marie Tran got the shit end of the stick in 2 out of 3 of the sequels), you can bet that there are NDAs and 'you can't say mean things about us even if they're true' clauses.
Mostly I want to talk about age, illness, and injury and the way that people take it as a personal insult to their existence.
Let's start with the man himself. According to the Official Timeline (because everything eventually gets retconned and there is no actual canon) Thrawn was born 59BBY. He was 59 (two years older than I am now) when the space whales yeeted himself and as yet unknown other ships into the dark. Counting forward from the official timeline, he is at the very least 68 years old. He was in exceptional shape before the space whaling, yes. And no, he is not fully human, but is 'near human' - the Chiss evolved from human origins, their blue color explained in canon by something in the Csillan hydrosphere.
But let's look at this.
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That is pain.
I'd guess about a 7 or 8.
Those tentacles are tight enough to hold him still, the twisting could induce torsion injuries to the spine and pelvis, cause spiral fractures to bone, dislocate joints, and compress/crush organs. Even with my Chiss physiology headcanon, I can't see anything but pain, crushing and twisting injuries, possibly with internal bleeding.
Additionally, I think that there could have been some kind of brain injury. While some of it could be the makeup and the lighting (or unlighting as the case may be), I think that the droop of one side of his mouth could be from nerve damage somewhere. My mother had a droop like that after a 'baby stroke' - transient ischemic attack.
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He and Ezra were alone on the bridge, and he shot Ezra. Further, I can't see Ezra doing anything to help Thrawn after the credits roll. Once those Imps break through the blast door, he's going to be lucky to survive the fist minute.
In the great in-between that moment and the new canon?
So Thrawn, at the end of nine years is not just nine years older, but has managed to get his ship operable without a shipyard, not starve to death after the two years of consumables were gone, and not die of his injuries. (I've posted my theory that the survivors went into coldsleep to preserve the supplies.) Filoni has retconned bacta treatment into a magic potion - except when it isn't. The man is so inconsistent and wishy-washy that I could drive a 1960 Cadillac Eldorado through the smallest plot holes.
Y'all were expecting the buff blue daddy after all that. Elon Musk and 'dad bod.' I get it though, a lot of people invest in the concept of youth and health, go to extremes to hold onto it, even worship it - and denigrate the people who visibly age, are ill, or injured, or disabled. So many of the posts about Thrawn's portrayal in Ahsoka carry the stench of ableism and ageism. As for hating the character for his portrayal, blame Filoni instead.
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flilisskywalker · 8 months
I guess what keeps me up at night is asking what's the point of Sabine's search for Ezra, like... as an emotional arc.
(This text is an adaptation of the thread I wrote on Twitter)
Because when I rewatch the fourth season of Rebels, I get the impression that they are paired together in many episodes as a way to prepare us for a hurtful goodbye between the two at the end of the show, which is to me the same reason why they decided to go heavy on confirming Kanan and Hera's romance because they knew he was going to die.
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I don't really know if the parallels between Sabezra and Kanera are intentional considering how Filoni talks about the former, but Ezra does become Kanan (even has a whole stretch arms sacrifice) and Sabine does become Hera (Deep grief for losing him) and not in a "The kid got this from his/her parent." sense, but in the sense of that the situation is really similar, which is interesting because it wasn't like this originally.
Ahsoka made Sabine's grief towards Ezra not being by her side all the time a thing.
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Instead of simply letting Sabine's mission be about bringing Ezra home like in the original animated epilogue, Filoni complicates things a little bit by implying that Sabine is not doing this for Ezra, but for herself. Beyond that, almost every character notices how devoted she is to him and it even confuses some of them.
Thrawn, for example, has studied Sabine. He is well aware that Ezra is her compatriot and friend and yet... he is confused by her choice. Sabine states "You wouldn't understand." and then accepts to be stranded on Peridea just to see Ezra again. Once she found him and even after hearing he wants to get home, she did not say a word about Thrawn being his only ticket home. Instead, she simply enjoys time with him.
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If you know Sabine Wren, you know that she would never ignore a huge Imperial threat and put in danger people like Hera, who is definitely an older sister type of role model to her, or feel that Ezra is the only family she has, so I do understand why people think she is very distant from the original show.
There might be a reason for all of this. A reason that I'm not sure Filoni wants to dive into, but the way he's been writing Sabine, the vagueness every time Ezra is the conversation's topic, feels like she has fallen in love with him during his absence and honestly? This makes far more sense than any other explanation.
We've seen in Star Wars before, fiction in general, that love is blind. Sabine's focus on finding Ezra is described by Baylan as something that blinds her. Not only this would justify her out of character attitude, but also the parallels with Kanan and Hera.
Star Wars live-action TV shows this year have been interesting to decode. In both The Mandalorian season 3 and Ahsoka season 1, there's a lot of subtle implications that characters want to build a life with somebody.
Mando does this in Chapter 22 - Guns For Hire, an episode surrounded by romantic love, where a droid bartender tells Din and Bo that human life is so short and then they look at each other. They want to be together, but that has not been verbalized yet. It is still very much in the subconscious.
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Ahsoka does it in Part 7 - Dreams and Madness, by showing Sabine's lack of urgency regarding Thrawn and simply enjoying Ezra's company. It really implies that this was what her mission was all about: Be with Ezra. Her real desire is build a life with him, but that desire is still in the subconscious.
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I believe Favreau knows all of that when it comes to Din and Bo.
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merakimaiden · 8 months
A Whole Lot of Love
Pairing : Thrawn x fem!reader
Genre : Fluff
Word count : 816
Summary : After getting a gift for your close friend, you and your lover stumble upon a photo booth and decide to make some memories.
Warnings : None other than extreme sweetness
A/N : I am back once again and I’m clearing my drafts (academy thrawn got me kicking my feet in the air)
Translations : visahot (darling), ch’eo bat rcati (my beautiful star)
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You hadn’t known Thrawn for long. Maybe for about a year or so, but you felt like you knew everything about him. The way his eyes lights up when he talks about his art, the slight curling of his lips when he found something amusing, the way he chooses his words- he’s like a magnet that you can’t help but attach yourself to.
Thrawn, being the only non-human in the Empire, was bound to be popular. Many people admired him and hated him. You didn’t even know how you managed to pull him all to yourself, and eventually dating him for almost four months now. However, despite dating him rather than admiring him from afar, you were yet to kiss him or say the three words.
You loved Thrawn. You really did. It was just so hard to spit them out as there were always distractions, or you just couldn’t muster up enough courage to do it, kissing or not. He has never said it either, but from the way he takes care of you and treats you, you know he feels the same.
The both of you met through a mutual friend, Eli Vanto, who is your childhood friend. Your friend’s birthday was approaching fast, so you and Thrawn headed out to Coruscant’s best gift shop to get a token of appreciation for him.
After a while of wandering around, finding a perfect gift for Eli, you and Thrawn checked out and held hands as the both of you walked towards the exit of the store.
On your way out, you abruptly stopped in your tracks, causing Thrawn to bump into you, confused. He was about to ask you what happened when you spoke first.
“Thrawn, look! A photobooth! Can we both go please?” you shrieked, and put on the best pout on your face as you bounced in place. Thrawn said nothing except a nod and a smile, making you grin as you dragged him inside the photo booth, drawing the curtains beside you after settling inside.
Your fished your pocket for some credits, immediately putting them in the credit slot to start the session. Then, you leaned on Thrawn’s side, smiling widely and shaking in excitement. He let out a soft chuckle by witnessing your actions.
Words popped out on the screen in basic.
[ Press OK to start photo session. ]
“Are you ready, visahot?” he asked you for confirmation, making you nod in return. Thrawn pressed the button, starting a countdown.
You held Thrawn’s bicep, holding on as you snuggled closer into his shoulder and smiled at the camera, his head resting on top of yours.
You quickly changed poses with Thrawn, scooting upwards to loop your arms around his neck and kiss his jaw as Thrawn held you close by your waist. Thrawn shut his eyes this time, enjoying the feeling of your lips on his face.
You snapped your eyes open, ready to pose for the next picture when you saw Thrawn, with his eyes still shut.
Serene, at peace- like the azure hue of his skin, how the colour is always linked to the blue of the ocean. It felt like time stopped for a moment, no clocks ticking, no movement, not even the countdown of the photobooth.
Just you and Thrawn.
You held his face with both hands with so much gentleness, causing his eyes to flutter open.
Thrawn however did not notice you staring at him, he was posing at the camera with a faint smile.
“I love you, Thrawn.” you blurted out.
Thrawn snapped his head towards you at your words, with his mouth agape.
He said nothing, for a few moments. Just boring his beautiful red eyes into yours, causing you to squirm under his gaze, wondering if you did a wrong thing.
He tilted your chin with his slender fingers and kissed you passionately.
Your eyebrows relaxed and eyes closed as you deepened the kiss, your hands finding his wrists. He tasted like the sweetest nectar you’ve ever tasted, with a hint of nostalgia you can’t put a finger on. The kiss was messy but sweet, rough but soft- filled with yearning.
The both of you didn’t bother about the pictures anymore. It was just you and Thrawn at this moment, with a whole lot of love.
Thrawn pulled away hesitantly at the sound of the photo machine printing out pictures. His forehead rested on yours.
“I love you, ch’eo bat rcati. I’ve been a coward to hide how I feel about you. I couldn’t find words to express how I feel” he sighed, his face turning darker as he looked down in embarrassment.
You placed your finger on his jaw, tilting it upwards slightly to meet his eyes.
“I couldn’t say anything either, but I finally did.”
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Reblogs and feedback are appreciated :)
+ Beautiful fic art by the sweet @pencil-urchin <33
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jedimandalorian · 10 months
The Third Letter to the Church of Ezrabine at Tumblr:
Greetings faithful Sabezraites!
Today I bring you another image to contemplate, this time with figures from the 3 3/4” toy line. (The photo is from JL Toy Stories on X.) I have entitled it “Sabine and Ezra, Just Sitting on the Couch Trying to Watch Spaceflix and Chill But Adorable Murder Droid Wouldn’t Give Them Any Privacy.”
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Lo, and behold! True believers, I bring you a sign of encouragement: Sabine Wren’s friend/ally Ezra Bridger has been updated to “possible love interest” on the Hero/Protagonist wiki.
After watching the first four episodes of Ahsoka, it is apparent that Ahsoka, Hera, Ryder Azadi, Baylan Skoll, Sabine’s loth-cat, and probably most of the galaxy are aware of Sabine’s attachment to Ezra Bridger. One can assume that Thrawn’s brilliant mind has probably already deduced it from her artwork. Sadly, the only person who still might not know how Sabine Wren feels about Ezra Bridger is Ezra Bridger.
The heartbreaking decision Sabine had to make in episode 4 shows just how much she is willing to risk to find Ezra. Sabine’s decision wasn’t the Jedi way, but it was her way, and an all too-human choice was made.
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Do not lose hope, faithful shippers. The story isn’t over yet.
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starsinmylatte · 1 year
Do you have any thots about the blueberry man lately ? ❤️
Ooooh anon, my beloved…. Let’s see what my brain comes up with for our fav Grand Admiral. As always, we do a bit of legends/canon Thrawn mix (but tbh, this probably leans way more legends)
Pairing: Thrawn x afab!reader
Tws and tags: size diff, belly bulge, cockwarming, face-sitting, oral (f!receiving), voice kink, men who eat it for their own pleasure, Thrawn is an alien with alien bits (human variant, no tentacles), no proofreading we die like clones
18+ ONLY below the cut. Minors DNI
Alright, alright, now hear me out:
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Chiss anatomy is similar to human anatomy… but not exactly the same. The first time Thrawn takes you to bed, he warns you that it could be a bit of a tight, painful fit at first.
You quickly learn that he definitely isn't being overdramatic. Nothing about Thrawn is small. From his ego and intellect to his cock the man is big.
Length is only a little more than what is "normal" for a human but stars the man is thick and ridged in a way that makes your mouth water indecently.
So, every time he truly takes you, Thrawn spends so much time preparing you.
Sex is never really a fast event for him anyways. There is the odd chance he will pull you in to quickly satisfy a specific craving (i.e., calling you into his office to ride his face before a meeting because he needs to taste you right then). However, if he is to indulge, it will be done properly.
Other men with his..... gifts would likely just brag about how big they are and try to force it in with little-to-no actual preparation..... But, yeah, that's not how Thrawn operates.
The Grand Admiral draws much of his satisfaction from your pleasure, and he'd be appalled by the idea of actually hurting you. At least in a way you didn't consent to.
This also means that if he actually fucks you, it's a whole event. You might as well write off the entire night because you won't be leaving the bed. Of course, it doesn't help that walking becomes very difficult after.
Your first orgasm is always on his tongue. Partially because the man loves to taste you and partly because he wants you adrift in a haze of desire and pleasure as quickly as possible.
"Oh, ch'eo ch'acah... You taste divine," Thrawn practically purrs against your soaked cunt. His muscular arms wrap around your legs as he reclines between them, one large hand splayed across your hips to keep them from arching off the bed. The other wraps around to part your lips for his deliciously torturous assault.
His fingers join the mix after your first orgasm. They stroke the bud of your arousal languidly, trailing down just enough to circle around the entrance to your core teasingly as Thrawn leans back to see you whine for his touch.
Thrawn's red eyes glow with lust in the darkness as the fist finger slips in, but it isn't enough... it will never be enough. Your walls flutter and clench around the digit, drawing a low groan from your lover as he hears your shameless cries.
"Patience, darling," he chides, slipping in a second finger and stroking them against the spongy spot nestled inside. "You'll get your wish soon enough."
Your second orgasm has Thrawn bringing his fingers to his lips to show you just how he savors the taste of your arousal. He licks it off, and you moan again at how raw and shameless his desire is.
Multiple orgasms later, it's finally time. You are already a wreck beneath him, absolutely dripping with arousal and begging for more, but Thrawn still takes the time to pull a small bottle of lube from his nightstand.
You can feel every single ridge as he slowly pushes in with a growl. Thrawn lavishes kisses up and down the column of your neck as your back arches at the exquisite burn of being stretched and filled so completely.
There is still a brief moment near the end when you tense up, and he immediately stops to remind you to relax. His own body is shaking, voice low and rough in your ear as he fights back the urge to just sink all the way in. "Breathe... Relax...... You're doing so well for me."
Stars, you were always a fool for his voice. With another low moan, your body obeys, and he finally bottoms out, the blunt head of his cock nestled against your cervix.
Sometimes all you need is to grind your hips up and down as he stays still and talks you through another orgasm, your walls clenching at his sinful words and rubbing against the thick ridges. Either that or he will sit in his command chair as he works late at night and have you warm his cock, lifting your hips up and down every so often to draw out your arousal.
Thrawn loves to tease you like this, even though it just drives him insane too. He will run his fingers over the thick outline of his cock nestled in your lower tummy, pressing against it in a way that has you whimper and beg.
After everything is said and done, you can expect the most thorough, tender aftercare from him.
Tagging some friends! If your name is crossed through, please consider updating your username by sending me a message. Join my taglist here.
@saradika @djarrex @thefact0rygirl @firelordillyria @superfunething @thefireflyreader @mysticalgalaxysalad @babygirl-leon-kennedy @justanothersadperson93 @14mcmd112 @ele-millennial-weirdo @thestudyofwhyiexist @mittheresabosen @kurosakiyami @vibratingbonesbis @idkwhatimdoinghah @hereforthesunrise @darth-papi @ashotofspotchka @handbaskethell @my-awakened-ghost @ironandglass @amyroswell @chaosjedimaester @cassandrablacker
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vibratingskull · 3 months
Hello!!!! Hopefully this witn come off as annoying (idk when you posted the tranw stranded fic btw because Tumblr won't show me-)
But- I beg you, if it's okey, could you please write part 3 of what happens after they're rescued 😭😭??? You don't have to if you don't want to! But my heart it just- AHHHH
I love it, I screamed, 😭😭
Idk how to end this 😭
It is not annoying at all dear anon, it is in fact flattering that you liked this silly story to desire it to continue! 🤗🤗🤗
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Part 1 - Part 2
Tags : Angst/hurt, abandonment, medical examination, semi-descriptive birth
“Your blood pressure is good and the blood test came back correct.” The droid says, praising you with its weird chanting voice.
The droid takes the blood pressure monitor off your arm as you remain silent, eyes focused on the ceiling. 
“We will do an ultrasound.” The medic comes to you, their datapad in hand.
Another medical examination…
Since you all embarked on Thrawn’s ISD, the Chimaera, Thrawn's first order of business was putting you and Thaishi in the medical bay, subjecting you to numerous medical examinations.
Clearly he didn’t trust in the Frog people medicine a lot, and now that you had access to modern medicine again he immediately forced you two to run a battery of tests. Blood tests, shots, weighting, fetal heart rates, glucose tests, ultrasounds, scanners... The whole nine yards.
Thaishi was absolutely terrified. She never saw any droids, never saw the white blouses of the medics, never got any shots, never saw all of this machinery beeping all around and she was thrown in this white sterile room suddenly, getting stripped down to have nodes of a cardiac monitor on her little chest, getting manipulated all around to get her vitals checked. You would have run to her to console her if you weren’t plugged in to so many monitors yourself! But Thrawn stepped in, entering the bay after his long shift he immediately got to embrace and comfort her, hugging her on his laps when she gots her shots. The little sweetheart never saw a medical needle before, even less have it piercing her skin. She cried and whined with big tears on her cheeks, begging her father to not let the droids or the weird humans touch her. 
Thrawn cradled her, soothed her patiently with his deep melodious voice, singing her a Cheuhn lullaby to dry her tears and took care to explain to her in detail every medical procedure that was happening for her to understand and calm down. He remained with her during the end of her examination, holding her little hand or keeping her on his lap.
Unfamiliar with Chiss vitals, the medics compiled every data and asked Thrawn’s opinion on the results, making sure Thaishi was healthy and wasn’t at risk with the new germs her organism never encountered before. 
The results were very comforting, she was strong and healthy, only a very mild-case of flu resulting from the encounter of the human germs, but her antibodies were already at work. The shots would do the rest.
So tired from having screamed and cried so much, Thaishi fell asleep in Thrawn’s arms, hugging him tightly, so he came to you with her in his arms, caressing her back tenderly. You were still examined, laying on the sterile bed. He took and squeezed your hand, sitting down next to you, listening to your own results.
The baby seemed healthy, they grew very well, maybe just a heartbeat a little weaker than the norm, but nothing alarming said the medic. After listing everything up, the medic put on their most magnificent brown noser smile and asked.
“So, do you want to know the gender?”
You looked into Thrawn’s eyes and shrugged. He nodded, understanding.
“We will keep the surprise.” He announced.
“Oh… Okay…” The medic responded, disappointed to not be the one bringing good news to their Grand Admiral.
Once an Empire’s dog, always an Empire’s dog…
“ Lady (Y/n) needs peace and quiet.” The chief medic said, looking darkly at his intern to keep them moving.
Thrawn nodded again, careful of your and your baby’s health. He remained with you for half an hour, squeezing your hand, caressing your forehead, kissing your cheek and speaking sweet nothing to you.
But you didn’t let yourself get charmed.
You knew very well where that attitude came from.
Soon they will come to take your children away and Thrawn will let you go, leaving you to go back to the Rebellion and resume war between you two.
And your family will definitely disappear, torn apart across the universe.
You looked straight into his carmine eyes, with a harsh gaze, trying to convey your strong will.
You still haven't forgiven him.
He only looked at you back with even more tenderness and his caress became even more softer, his thumb caressing your cheek tenderly.
“Do not look at me like that.” He invited softly, “You stab my heart.”
“You know very well what you did!” You retorted lowly but harshly to not wake up Thaishi.
“I know Ch’acah. But I needed to come back.”
You only frowned and remained silent, too tired to start an argument.
“The medics told me the baby was healthy.” He continues with his soft melodious voice, “You take such good care of them, thank you.”
“The village’s healer helped a lot.” You recalled him.
“We have true medicine now. My team will take over, do not worry about anything.”
“I was not worried back at the village!” You retorted. “Everything went well for Thaishi!”
“Here nothing will escape us.” He closed the matter. “Sleep, Ch’acah. Build up your strength, the term is close.” 
He kissed your forehead a final time before going back to his shift, not before dropping Thaishi in her new bedroom for the night.
How many hours did he already spend on the Bridge? No matter because he was ready to go back on duty immediately.
You spend the evening alone, eating alone at the grand table of the Grand Admiral suite. The plates were rich and expensive, worthy of Thrawn’s standing, but it had no taste for you. You got to bed early,  only to turn and turn in the bed, never finding sleep. You pretended to be deeply asleep 5 hours later when Thrawn slid silently in the bedroom, sneaking under the covers to hug you tight like he used to…
And days let place to weeks, traveling through space towards the Empire’s territory. Closer and closer to the end of your life… Thrawn buries himself in his work, sparing little moments for you and your daughter, while you spend all your time with the Frog people like those four years of bliss, when your family was whole. You did not waste any time to be an annoyance to the Imperials, making their days difficult, loudly advocating for the community’s rights on the ship, negotiating more spaces on the Chimaera, more time in the enlisted mess hall, freedom to come and go anywhere you please on the ISD, so on and so forth… Even if you have to recognize, the treatment of the community was royal in contrast to what you feared.
But apparently welcoming and taking care of a Grand Admiral for four years gives some rights on his ISD. You’re not delusional, you know that if they were any other alien community they would have traveled in cells. But Thrawn  would have never accepted his hosts to be treated like animals… So overall the Frog people have nothing to complain about, really.
That doesn’t prevent you from fighting for more to stick it up to those imperials.
And to their horror, you being Thrawn’s wife give your words weight and power here. A thing that seems to piss off Commodore Faro immensely.
She knows she is walking a thin  line with you, you may be a civilian but you are her Grand Admiral wife, she knows that if she says no too much you will go straight to Thrawn. So she does her best to mediate any situations to the best of her abilities.
It’s a shame she is an Imperial, she could do so much good in the Rebellion with her talents! But you know recruiting your husband’s officers will be a big no no! So you let her be.
Until you have another complaint to scream everywhere in the Chimaera!
So you actually rarely let her be.
To her utmost annoyance.
“The baby is fine.” The medic calls you back to reality. 
You blink, turning your head to the screen to observe your baby. You see them agitating themself inside your belly, giving little kicks and punches around.
“Do you want to listen to their heartbeat?” They ask.
You nod, putting on the headphones to listen to the little drum, beating rhythmically and you refrain from a sob.
What a wonderful sound…
The most wonderful music you ever heard with Thaishi’s laugh. You caress your tummy with your eyes glued to the screen to observe your sweetheart. The heartbeat is indeed weak, but you can feel it beat through your veins!
Your baby is determined to come into the world and meet you.
You know it!
“Can I get an ultrasound image?” You ask, trying to keep your voice stable. 
“I will send it immediately to the Grand Admiral.” The medic accepts.
You greet your teeth. You wanted the image for yourself, and share it with Thrawn later down the day. But they all tend to bypass you, only taking Thrawn’s desire and orders into account despite your pleas. ‘Are you sure the Grand Admiral would want this?’,’Grand Admiral Thrawn would never accept that!’, ‘I will ask Grand Admiral Thrawn’s opinion.’ and so on and so forth…
To them you may be their Grand Admiral wife but you’re also a lowly rebel and they have no qualms letting you know.
“We didn’t detect anything abnormal.” The medic announces, “You simply have a light iron deficiency. A slight change in your diet should mend your vertigo, no need to worry.”
“I am not worried.” You clap back, “Thrawn pushes me to come to the med bay at any signs of light weakness.”
“The Grand Admiral” He corrects, “... Simply wants to be sure his baby is healthy.”
You don’t like the emphasis on ‘his’.
“Well I know Our baby well, I knew nothing was wrong.” You retort.
You look black in each other's eyes in silence. 
Now you’re both pissed off.
“The images.” You order.
They sigh and shake their head.
“Right away…”
You stir your food with your fork.
This isn’t really good.
You lay down your fork and slouch on your seat, observing the mess hall reserved to the enlisted and ensign. There aren't a lot of people at this hour which is both a blessing and a curse. With so few people there are not many people to shoot you down with their gaze but you also cannot feel the lively and busy activity of a community, which is why you came here in the first place.
The frog people are not here anymore.
They have been disembarked on a planet of their choosing. You lost friends when Thaishi lost everything she ever knew. She hugged Lei really hard, refusing to let her go, her mother and you had to separate them. They both cried, refusing to say goodbye to their bestfriend. The Chiefs saluted you and Thrawn, thankful for letting them pursue their goal and having the opportunity to fly freely in the universe once again after a millenia. They shared a respectful handshake with Thrawn and pulled you into a hug, congratulating you again for Thaishi and the baby, promising to keep you in their hearts.
You would lie if you said you didn’t shed a tear as you saw them disappear on the planet surface, getting smaller and smaller as the Chimaera was flying away in space. Thaishi cried her eyes out and you had all the pain in the world to calm her down, hugging and cradling her.
You felt how the tension in the Chimaera’s crew suddenly lifted like a fog disappearing. 
Finally the weird alien community wasn't here to soil their precious Imperial ISD anymore!
You used to eat with them at noon in the enlisted mess hall, and now you’re all alone.
Without any friends and community on a ship with a crew that hates you, a busy husband and a dependant 4 year old child.
Busy… To not say outright absent.
Since you came inside the ISD Thrawn is consistently on the Bridge for long, long shifts. You only see him at noon one day out of 5 and feel him enter the bed past 3 or 4 a.m to rise back at 6 or 7 am. You're not dumb, you know he buries himself in his work to not face the fact that his family will soon not be anymore.
It was his idea to send your children to the Ascendancy,  and while he knows it in his heart to be the best solution it doesn’t alleviate the pain for all that.
So he works.
And works.
And works.
To the point that you feel like a single mother.
You sigh, massaging your temples when Karyn Faro appears in the mess hall, pissed off, holding Thaishi, in tears, by the hand.
“Lady (Y/n)!” She shouts, for everyone to hear.
“Thaishi!” You raise on your foot, “What happened, sweetheart? I thought you were sleeping already.”
Faro lets your daughter go and she sprints into your arms, burying her head in the crook of your neck.
“Your daughter entered the bridge!” Faro lets you know harshly, “This is not the place for a child!”
“I just wanted to see daaaaaaaaad…” Her little voice breaks down in terrible sobs. “I miss him!”
You hug her tight and caress her back soothingly.
“I hope it won’t happen again.” Faro bites.
“Or what?” You clap back, “What will you do? Throw her in a cell? She is 4 and the daughter of your Grand Admiral!”
She frowns harder and her nostrils flare and for a second you expect her to explode and scream her rage in your face and for everyone present to witness.
But she inhales and recovers her calm, speaking with a deadly cold voice.
“The Grand Admiral himself is asking you to make sure this incident does not happen ever again.”
She lets that sink in and you take the stab in your heart.
You look into each other’s eyes, angry and gauging the other down.
“I will speak with him about that.” You let her know.
“Dot that. In the meantime, keep an eye on your daughter, she could hurt herself roaming around the Chimaera like that. So many corners are treacherous…”
“Are you threatening my child?” You demand, ready to claw her throat, not believing what you’re hearing.
“I simply do not want to discover your precious child bleeding out in the machine's room.” She simply responds with a false smile.
She stands to attention and leaves you in the middle of the mess hall with your child in a mess.
You sigh. What a bitch.
You carry your daughter the best you can with your heavy pregnant belly to lay her down in her bed. She stopped crying but sniffs and sighs, her red eyes still wet with tears.
“I don’t like it here, mom…”
“What are you saying? You have a large bedroom just for you, you always complained you wanted your own space back at the village!” You try to make her see the good sides of the situation.
There aren't many, you admit…
Thrawn placed her in the bedroom next to the Grand Admiral suite, and you know in your heart he meant well. Thaishi complained so much to not have a bedroom for herself he thought she would be happy like that. And back where Lei and the other kids were here she could accommodate herself seeing her father less, but now she feels truly alone.
She sniffs loudly as you tuck her in her large, maybe too large bed, holding on to the covers.
“I miss Lei and everyone! Can’t we go back and take them back?” She pleads.
“No sweety.” You try to soothe her, “They resumed their nomad life. We do not know where they are now and we ourselves are heading towards our new home.”
“I liked the village!” She complains, “I don’t understand why we have to live on a ship!”
You caress a strand of hair out of her face tenderly.
“I know sweetheart. But you’ll see, you will meet a lot of children there, you’ll make a lot of new friends, go to school with a lot of kids, start a new life. Isn't it exciting?”
“Nooooooo…” She whines. “I liked how it was… And I don’t see dad anymore!”
“Didn’t you see him on the bridge?” You ask.
“I was immediately stopped by the adults.” She explains, “I called for dad but he didn’t even turn to me.” And she broke down crying again.
You lay next to her and hug your child tight, letting her wet your shirt with tears.
“Mum, I want to go home…” She cries,” Everyone is so mean here…”
You kiss the top of her head tenderly, pressing her against your chest, against your beating heart.
You didn’t tell her.
You couldn’t bring yourself to tell her that soon, once her sibling is born in less than three months, she will be sent away with them in the Ascendancy.
Never to see you or Thrawn again…
You start crying with her and you hug each other.
Mother and child alone in a cold bedroom on an hostile  imperial ISD, with the sole ending to be separated forever…
You end up sleeping with Thaishi in her bed, holding her tight in your arms. You don’t feel how someone comes inside the room to pull the covers back over Thaishi, kissing her cheek tenderly and lifting you up to carry you.
You wake up at the sensation of being cradled softly, only to meet white and a military plaque. You raise your head to see Thrawn, carrying you bridal style to your bedroom.
“Sleep, my sweet.” He softly orders, “You need to gather strength for the birth.”
“No.” You immediately step your food down, “No. We need to talk.”
He lowers his carmine gaze to you, but remains silent.
He enters the suite and heads towards the bedroom, only letting you go to lay you down your shared bed. As he rises back to go away you seize his arm immediately to force him to stay.
“No. You will not escape this conversation.” You warn.
He looks at your resolute gaze and sighs, sitting down on the edge of the bed, fixing the wall. You both remain silent for a moment, not knowing how to start. You get a quick glance to the alarm clock, informing you it was 4 am already.
“Thrawn…” You sigh.
“I know.” He simply says, “Believe me, I know.”
“You didn’t even turn to her?” You ask, flabbergasted. “She just wanted to see her dad.”
“I know, Ch’acah.” He admits, lowering his head lightly, “But I walk a thin line. I cannot let the most minuscule slip off happen.”
“She cried for two hours for Maker’s sake!” You start to feel ire raising in your blood.
“If I let them see anything, you three could get hurt.” He explains, “I am held at gunpoint, if I show any weakness towards any of you two they will devour us all. Thaishi and the baby included.”
“Another reason to defect.” You remark coldly.
“We already had this discussion, Ch’acah.” He patiently says.
“I know…” 
But that doesn’t mean you accepted the situation for all that! You can only see the good he could do if he joined the Rebellion, all the lives he could save and improve…
“I need the Empire’s resources.” He continues almost to himself, “Even if I have to make the sacrifice of myself.”
“Right now you are sacrificing your daughter. We barely saw you last month, you stopped eating with us, you come back to the bedroom when everyone is sleeping and rise back earlier than everyone else. I feel so… We both feel abandoned.” 
He lowers his head to fix his hands with intertwined fingers. He murmurs something so low you cannot hear it.
“What did you say?”
“I cannot face you both.” He repeats.
You look at the back of his head, how hunched over he is, how… fragile he seems at this very moment.
“The pain is too great.” He lets out in a breath, “Seeing you reminds me of what I will have to leave behind. Work helps me to forget, to not suffer for a few hours…”
“Is that why you take so many shifts? To avoid us?” You ask with a nicer tone.
“Yes.” He admits, raising his back straight, “I am a coward… It was my idea.”
“You’re not a coward.” You say softly, “But you are making a mistake, do not drive your daughter away from you. Thaishi needs her father to guide her, to love her.” You take his shoulder and squeeze it, “Please, do not turn your back on us…Thrawn, we need you as much as the Ascendancy needs you. Why can’t you see it?”
Thrawn turns to you to meet your gaze. You see so many emotions flashing in his carmine gaze despite his aloof expression.
“Do not reject us…” You beg.
He takes both of your hands to kiss your knuckles tenderly, reveling in your presence.
“I am sorry.” He finally says, “I indeed made a mistake. I put myself before the needs of Thaishi and the baby.”
“Stay with us tomorrow morning.” You propose, “Faro is competent enough for you to take half a day for yourself…” You squeeze his hands.
“Will you forgive me?” He asks, pleading with his eyes rather than his tone.
“Will you spare more time for Thaishi?” You ask.
“Yes. I will also accompany you to each of your medical appointments. I will spare you more time.”
You put your forehead against his, breathing deeply.
“Thank you…” You sigh.
His hand comes caressing your cheek delicately, tilting your head to capture your lips in an infinitely tender kiss. One since a long time ago… 
He kisses you lightly, like you could break at any moment and you respond, relieved to have your husband back.
At least for the three last months…
He leans forward to kiss your pregnant belly reverently, caressing it with his large palms, murmuring sweet nothing to your unborn baby.
“Hello you, I am back, sweet thing.”
You cannot help but smile, caressing his hair as he talks to your baby for long minutes. He finally rises to kiss you chastly.
“Sleep, cheo vir. It is terribly late.”
“Will you stay?” You demand, worried.
“Yes. I will.” He promises.
You nod lightly, satisfied for the moment. Thrawn helps you out to put on your pajamas, take off your shoes, gently massaging your sore foot. You sneak under the covers as Thrawn leaves the suite, promising to come back immediately.
He actually comes back with Thaishi, sleeping soundly in his arms and he lays her down next to you, kissing her forehead. You caress the tummy of your daughter as Thrawn takes his shower and comes into bed, Thaishi between you both.
He takes her delicately in his large arms and hugs her tight, a hug that she gives back eagerly despite being asleep. You stay awake a little more to admire this wonderful scene, father and daughter, hugging each other at last…
When morning comes you are relieved and pleased to see Thrawn sitting in bed, caressing Thaishi’s back softly as she sleeps still. You extend your arm and caress his cheek with your knuckles and he turns his head to you, a light smile coming to grace his lips as he sees you, eyes pouring love for you.
“Good morning, Ch’acah.”
“Hi you…” You smile back.
This moment is peaceful and tender, your whole family reunited.
But you both know.
It cannot last…
You groan, holding the low of your back. Your spine is crushed and your baby is kicking and punching relentlessly, preventing you from sleeping correctly for the last two weeks. 
Your term is not now, you still have two months to wait so your child just decided to get feisty with you. You remember how stressed you were with Thaishi, she kicked so little you started to fear she died in your womb. What a relief you felt when you heard her first scream.
Your baby may have a weaker heart but they appear determined to fight to live, and right now they’re fighting you.
You rise from your bed, in pain, feeling like you are about to wet yourself with how squeezed your bladder is. You walk slowly with very little step when you receive a formidable kick in the stomach.
“Ouch!” You groan, “You sure are full of energy, little one.” You laugh through the pain.
You enter the living room of the Grand Admiral suite to discover Thrawn trying to correct Thaishi's terrible table manners, and she seems too happy to give him a hard time now that she has his attention. They both turn to you, Thaishi with her mouth full, and greet you.
“Welcome, Ch’acah.” Thrawn immediately stands up to meet you, “Did you sleep well tonight?”
You sniff and purse your lips in response.
“No. Your baby keeps kicking me around.”
He presses his large palm on your stomach, circling your shoulders with his other arm. He smiles lightly as he feels a hit against his palm.
“They are so vigorous.” He notes, pleased, “They seem to be in a rush to be born.”
“You don’t say!” You huff, “They punch me all to their heart content.”
 He kisses your cheek with a low purr.
“I thank you for going through all of this for our family.” He praises you, “You amaze me everyday.”
You gulp discreetly. A family fated to disappear, sooner than later now… But you both keep the act before Thaishi, to preserve her. When she is not sleeping in your bed with the both of you, Thrawn is holding you all night long to comfort you and dry your tears. 
But you cannot cry in front of your daughter.
Thrawn wanted to tell her, but you formerly forbade him. You wanted for her to live as peacefully and fully as she could, without a ticking time bomb over her head and an imminent sense of doom. You just wanted her to live like any normal little girl.
“Thaishi, do not take such large bites” Thrawn chastises her, “You will choke yourself, little one.”
She looks at him defiantly, pushing another bite in her already full mouth, making her look like a hamster. Thrawn sits back in front of her to teach her while you serve yourself some caff. You groan again, folding forward when another kick comes punching your rib, cutting your breath.
“Are you alright, Ch’acah?” Thrawn asks, ready to jump into action.
You smile painfully, gesturing to him that this is nothing out of the ordinary as you come to sit to enjoy a breakfast with your little family.
Thrawn already filled your plate with your favorite, pushing it to you, intimating you to eat something. You wince, not hungry in the slightest with your stomach so squeezed.
“Be reasonable.” He says softly but firmly.
“Be reasonable, mum!” Thaishi repeats with her mouth full of brioche, “Be reasonable!”
You wrinkle your nose, but accept nibbling at your food to appease him. He took your plates away once you ate half of your portion, satisfied.
But if you had listened to yourself you wouldn’t have eaten a quarter of it.
“I must go.” Thrawn announces, putting on his white jacket, “Do you need help to dress first, Ch’acah?”
“Already?” You say, disappointed.
For the last month he took care to be more present in your life, staying as late as possible in the morning, putting Thaishi to bed himself even if it was in the middle of one of his shifts, helping you bathe or take a shower even after a full, long day of work and massaging your foot and shoulders before bed.
Faro holds you personally responsible for that, you could feel her shooting you with her glare furiously, but Thrawn was still the Grand Admiral of the ship, still efficient and hard working, never slipping off… So she has nothing against you, factually.
But today he wants to go way earlier than your new routine.
“This area is infested, I want to oversee any possible combat” He explains.
You immediately tense up.
Infested by who? The Rebellion?
You are ready to make a scene to prevent him from going to fight your comrades but he immediately understands your weird gaze.
“Pirates, Ch'acah.” He lightly smiles, “They are numerous in this part.”
You immediately relax.
“Oh… Okay. Good luck, love.” 
He leans forward to capture your lips in a surprising demanding kiss, you remain unresponsive for a moment, taken by surprise by such eagerness.
The birth is near, he is on edge as you are even if he hides it well.
“Urk…You are disgusting” Thaishi complains mockingly.
Thrawn and you both laugh at her reaction and he comes to kiss her cheek to say goodbye.She circles his neck with her arms and squeezes him tight.
Once he leaves the room, she immediately turns back to the table to take another bite, already throwing out what he was trying to teach her. So you lightly slap her hand away.
“No, young lady. Finish your plate first.”
She sticks her tongue out but finishes her plate nonetheless. You take a sip of your caff, observing your blue jewel in silence as she eats eagerly. She is growing and starving all the time, you have difficulty holding her in your arms now.
But not Thrawn.
He can still lift her and carry her like she weighs nothing. 
You remain still as you drink your cup, not showing how your baby is literally demolishing you from the inside, punching hard in your stomach. But when you have the guard of Thaishi you refuse to show your pain, you must be a strong mother for her.
But those kicks are really strong and… painful.
“What do you want to play this morning?” You ask her.
“I won’t have lessons today?” She asks with sparkling eyes.
You tuts, shaking your finger.
“Do not dream too much, young lady. You will do your homework as every other day, but today you can play a bit first.”
 She sighs in response but appreciates the prospect of games before lessons.
You are in so much pain. It feels like a tool gripped your stomach and twisted it in knots before pulling on it like it was trying to rip it off of your body. You greet your teeth as you pretend to make your doll walk on the make believe doll house in the suite. Too lost in her game, Thaishi is fully focused on the figurines in her hands, mediating a negotiation between a client and a market gardener. 
You hold your stomach, breathing deeply through your nose. You ate something bad for sure.
“Mom?” Your jewel asks.
“It’s alright, sweety. Just dizziness, it will pass.” You smile through the pain, refocusing on the game of your little girl, you wouldn’t want to trample on the nascent romance between her dolls for anything in the universe!
Your doll is about to join the negotiation for some samara fruits when the entire Chimaera trembles suddenly and an alarm starts blaring out. Thaishi yelps in surprise and fear, losing her balance. You catch her in your arms and you hold each other tight.
“What’s going on?” She asks terrified.
“Pirates, most probably.” You answer calmly, trying to keep our own anxiety at bay.
“Are we… Are we going to die?” She raises her eyes round in fear up to you.
She never knew battles or war, and always lived a peaceful life in the village. You look into her eyes, flashing memories of your battles against Thrawn.
How he used to win with such talent and brio each time!
“No. No sweety.” You soothe her, “Your father is leading the battle. That means we are going to win.” You caress her back, pulling her on your lap.
“I am scared!” She whines, snuggling against your breast.
You hear people running in the attending corridor, the battle alarm still screaming in the loudspeakers. They are all rushing to battle.
“Thaishi, look at me.” You say authoritatively.
She looks up to you again with questions at the sudden change of tone, but listening carefully to you.
“Your father is the Grand Admiral Thrawn. Unbeaten and invincible.” You expose clearly.
She is way too young to know about all of that, no use to go into details, just enough to reassure her, “He is the tactical genius of this generation. There is no safer place in the Universe but his side. Do you understand me?”
You bite the inner of your cheek at how the humiliation you suffered at his hand, how many times you had to flee the battlefield to escape death and destruction. The long hours spent forming a new strategy that could take him by surprise.
To no avail.
Despite all your and your comrades efforts, Thrawn never showed any weakness in battle and wiped out all your attempts at assassination. 
If one could win no matter the odds, it is him.
“Do you understand me, Thaishi?”
She slowly nods, hugging you tighter. You smile comfortingly to her face soaked with tears and hug her.
“You have nothing to fear, my sweet. Your father is here to protect us.”
A light explodes outside of your bay window, a missile you determine, illuminating the bedroom harshly. You raise on your feet immediately to lower the blinds and protect your daughter from that spectacle but you don’t even take two steps you fall down on the ground, holding your stomach.
You’re in so much pain! You feel your blood boiling and flewing furiously in your spasming muscles.
What is going on?
“Mum? MUM?!” Thaishi runs to you.
You feel another contraction spasming your entire body and you gasp, all your air kicked out of your lungs.
“Mummy! Mummy!” She shouts, powerless, kneeling next to you.
She suddenly turns her head and jumps on her little feet and runs out of the room.
You’re in too much pain to just hear the battle outside or the commotion in the corridors. You bite your lower lips, drawing blood, curling over yourself pathetically on the carpet of the large bedroom when someone bursts inside the room.
You are suddenly being lifted up in the air and you cannot help a scream of pain in response. All your southern muscles are contracting and convulsing while you feel a wet and warm sensation spreading along your thighs, soiling your undergarment and dress.
Did your water…?
But it is too soon!
Way too soon!
The unknown officer, soldier or ensign is speeding in the corridors with you in their arms. Your baby had to come in the middle of a battle! 
When Thrawn is away.
They finally reach the med bay and enter without consideration for the other patient, shouting that the Grand Admiral’s wife was twisting in pain on the ground. You are being laid down on a bed as carefully as they can, a medic and a droid arriving at your side immediately.
“Her water broke.” The medic calmly says, “Let’s place her in the operation room.”
You wriggle on the mattress, each heartbeat getting more and more painful.
Your bed is pushed in a white, sterile room and someone transfuse you with something.
“Thrawn…” You gasp, “Where is Thrawn…”
“He is leading the battle, lady (F/n).” They coldly announce.
Where is everyone?
Why are you alone?
With Thaishi, Thrawn and all your friends were here to support you.
But today you are alone… In a cold room with droids and machines and imperials
Where did all of your life go?
You scream again as a new contraction stops all your thoughts. The medic chief enter the room, seemingly pissed off.
“What do you mean her water broke? The term is two months away!” He harshly announces.
“Labour started chief, she is fully dilated and the contractions get closer and closer.” Someone responds.
He hisses but takes his place as you wince in pain.
“Prepare an incubator! The baby is premature at 28 weeks, they will need intense care.” 
You close your eyes shut as a new wave of pain washes over you. 
“Thrawn! Where is Thrawn!” You demand.
“He cannot make it to you, lady (F/n). You will need to do it on your own.”
As to punctuate his words, the Chimaera is shaken again. The bed trembles, worsening your pain. You feel your sweat soaking your bed and dress.
It is so uncomfortable!
“Prepare everything, they may needs respiratory assistance, surfactant in an intubation tube. Their liver and kidneys aren’t formed yet. Keep an eye on the vitals and stand ready. Lady (F/n) you can push.”
“No! No, I want Thrawn!” You cry, “Where is he? He must be here!I can’t do it without-”
Someone slides their hands in yours and squeezes it tight and a female voice rises.
“He is fighting to keep us all alive. You must be strong and do it without him. We are all here to take care of your child, focus on your labor.”
You squeeze back her hand, the pain is so great the flashing white lights blind you completely, preventing you from seeing her face.
“We are all here for you right now!” She assesses.
You feel the tools pulling on your organs again, signaling you that you simply cannot wait for your husband to magically appear in the room and support you.
You’ll have to pass this trial alone.
So you start pushing, greeting your teeth and pressing her hand with yours with all your strength. You curse as the morphine is taking its sweet time to kick in, but you have no time! Your baby is coming now!
You scream as you push, feeling like your organs get tearing apparts in millions of shreds.
Maker, you forgot how hard it was…
You feel her circle your shoulders to help soothe you as you push.
“We have a head!” The medic announces, “Keep pushing, Lady. One last time!” 
You dig your nails in the metal bar you are holding and the soft hand of the woman supporting you and push hard!
“Come on!” She encourages?
You keep pushing and pushing, pain ravaging your inside.
Until you feel a mass passing through your inner muscles. And suddenly…
No liberating scream of a baby.
Just dead… silence.
“Install the respiratory assistance and put them in the incubator, we must stabilize their temperature.” The chief orders around.
You feel dizzy and weak but still have the sense that something went wrong.
“My baby…” You moan, “Give me my baby…”
“They must go into intensive care immediately. Your job is to rest and prepare to take care of a premature baby.”
Your bust fall with a ‘oof’ on the bed, too tired to do anything anymore.
“Good job!” The woman congratulates you.
You turn your head lazily to her, and open your eyes round in surprise.
“Commodore Faro?” You ask, bewildered.
She nods in response.
“What are you doing here?” you ask at the end of your rope.
“I was running to the bridge when your daughter burst out the Suite in tears, screaming at the top of her lungs that you fell. I simply carried you here.” She explains.
You lose all your words.
She hates you.
Why would she do that? Why would she help you?
“But…” You shake your head, weak with the loss of blood.
“Grand Admiral Thrawn would have killed me if I turned my back on you at that moment.” She simply explains. “He could forgive me for not reaching the bridge for a battle, but not for me not helping you, especially when you are giving birth.”
“It… It doesn’t make any sense…” You insist.
“Because you’re weak and dizzy.” She finishes.
“Thaishi… Where is my daughter!?” You have a flash of clarity in your fogged mind.
“I ordered an officer to take care of her in the the Grand Admiral suite. She is well.”
“Go get her…” You order weakly, “She must be so worried I left her, my jewel… My daughter…”
She prevents you from trying to stand up, pushing you back gently against the bed.
“I’ll ring the officer, do not worry. I-”
She is shushed by the door opening.
Thrawn enters, immediately spotting you. He places himself at your side and takes your hand, caressing a strand of hair out of your face.
“Ch’acah. How are you?”
“Tired… The baby…”
“Is in intensive care, I know. I am sorry I was not here, my love. I failed you.”
“My baby…” You feel tears coming back, “They didn’t let me hold my baby… I want them in my arms…”
He presses his forehead against your, caressing your cheek tenderly.
“Be patient my love. The medics are taking care of them.”
He rises back up and turns to Faro. She stands to attention immediately.
“I thank you, Commodore Faro.” He ceremoniously says, “Thanks to you, my wife and baby are safe.”
“Of course, Grand Admiral.” She respectfully bows her head, “How did the battle go?”
“Very well. Some resistances that held on against us, but we rose on top.”
“As always with you, Grand Admiral. I will take my shift if you don’t need me anymore.”
“Of course, Commodore.”
They nod to each other and she leaves. Thrawn turns back to you and sits on the edge of the bed.
“Ch’acah.” he starts, “You must have been scared.”
You wipe your tears off, sniffing.
“I want my baby.” You insist weakly.
“I want to see them too.” He assures you gently but seriously, “But we cannot right now. Rest a little, it was a lot of emotions for you.”
“Stay with me!” You demand, afraid he would leave you now.
“Of course. I left the bridge to my officers and Faro will take command for now. I can remain with you.”
Your eyes are fixed on your baby inside her incubator.
Your sweet little girl.
Your little warrior.
Nothing is yet won, so much could still go wrong. But she is taken care of. Thaishi is pressed to the incubator, observing her little sister intently, absolutely hypnotized by the blue baby sleeping soundly.
“Do not poke the incubator, sweety. Let your sister rest.” You say, laying in your bed.
You’re still in the med bay in a private room. You refused to sleep away from your premature baby. You wanted to be here at any signs of illness or bad reaction, to jump into action at any bad signs. Besides, you have been judged too weak to leave yet.
Thaishi stops poking and jumps in the bed to slide between your arms, snuggling against you.
“What’s her name again?” She asks.
“Thauko.” You say again with a little smile.
“Thauko…” She repeats lowly, “Why is she in that weird crib?”
“She is premature, she needs a lot of care.”
“She is born too soon, her development hasn’t stopped yet.”
“Is that… Bad?” She asks with her years old words.
“Yes… But we have skillful medics and she is a Chiss, like you. She will survive.” You say assertively.
You both remain silent, eyes fixed on the incubator, listening to all the machinery helping your baby staying alive. You sigh and bury your nose in Thaishi’s hair to inhale her scent for comfort.
That’s when Thrawn decided to enter your room.
“Daddy!” Thaishi shoots, already forgetting your demand to remain quiet for the baby.
“Thaishi, my little one.” He takes her in his arms, “Did you come to visit your little sister?”
She puts and winces, displeased.
“Yes, but she doesn’t move, she only sleeps! That’s so boring!” 
He chuckles lightly in response.
“It is normal, she needs to build her strength to grow and heal.”
“Well it’s boring!” She insists.
He comes to the incubator, passing a hand through one of the designated holes to gently, tenderly caress the tummy of his baby. You observe him observing his daughter with so much love in his gaze. She wriggles at the warm sensation of his large palm on her body, her tiny, tiny hand trying to seize one of his fingers to keep him here.
“Hello, Thauko.” He salutes her respectfully, like he would an adult. “My brave and courageous daughter.” He says almost to himself.
“Our little warrior.” You add with a sad smile.
“Indeed.” He hums approvingly.
You cried in his arms, terrified for the life of your daughter. But he remained assertive that she would survive, that you will all surpass that trial together. He was so adamant you had no choice but to get convinced that she would make it, no matter the odds.
But that is how he operates. Always choosing hope no matter what.
The feeble baby seems to burp, trembling in the crib with tubes in her little nose.
How much would you give to be able to hold her against yourself, to hug her tight and shower her with love and warmth. 
But your human body isn’t warm enough for her, preferring Thrawn’s warmth. He delicately grazes her plump cheek with his knuckles, blue skin on blue skin.
You silently admire that scene.
Your husband giving love to both of your daughters, hugging one and caressing the other gently. He retracts his hand off the incubator to leave your baby at peace and his gaze travels to yours.
“They are coming.” He simply announces.
You shudder.
He needs not to precise who, you know very well who he is talking about.
But now?!
In this situation?!
Did he lose his mind?
“With a premature baby?!” You demand, digging your nails in the cover.
“They have been properly warned and prepared in consequence.” He continues, “They are en route.” 
You open your mouth to retort but Thaishi beats you to it.
“Who’s en route?”
Thrawn affirms his grip on her body and turns his gaze to her, deadly serious.
“The Chiss Ascendancy.” He explains, “They come to pick you up.”
She tilts her head slightly, not understanding.
“I thought we were heading towards an Empire?”
“Me and your mother. You and Thauko will go your own way.”
She remains silent for a second, like she failed to understand.
“...What?” She asks with a trembling voice.
You give Thrawn a black look, warning him to keep his mouth shut but he slightly shakes his head to you, telling you he made his decision. He comes to sit on your bed, keeping her in his arms.
“Thaishi, you and your sister will join the Chiss Ascendancy. You will grow there and become adults, form your own families and serve the Ascendancy at the best of your abilities. This is for your safety.”
“You are coming with us… Right?” She inquires.
“No, my jewel.” He informs her, “Me and your mother have unfinished business at the Empire. Dangerous business, improper for children so young. The Ascendancy will welcome you, raise you and educate you in civilized ways. You will join a new family and walk towards a brighter future that we could not give you here.”
Her little hand that held his sleeve fall down to her side, gawking.”
“You will… abandon us?” Her voice is toneless with incomprehension and fear.
You rise in a sitting position to hug her.
“No, my sweet, no. We pondered this situation, this is the best solution for your safety. Our… respective works could never permit us to meet your needs and offer you a stable family. You would only suffer.”
“But… But… I don’t want to go…” She insists
“We know, little one.” He continues, “And we do not want to let you go either. But your safety and well being is our ultimate priority, the best solution is to send you to the Ascendancy.”
“But… No… No!” She decides, shouting, “I don’t wanna go! I wanna stay!” She starts punching his arms but he easily seizes her little fists to stop her as she cries.
“This is for the best, Thaishi. You may not understand now, but once you grow you will accept and recognize our decision was for the best.” He asserts.
She wails and screams and cries, refusing to calm down.
He hugs her tight, preventing her from punching and hurting herself, his head resting on her own little head.
“I don’t wanna! I wanna stay! Why are you abandoning us!?”
You press yourself against her, both of you holding her, letting her express her frustration, anger and fear through her tears and whines.
Your heart bleeds at those odious sounds. You only want to hear her laughs and giggles, those sounds are just so painful to you.
“They are coming to bring you to a better future.” He gently insists, “You will understand one day.”
“I wanna stay with you!”
“Once an adult, you will be free to come back and meet us once again. We could talk longly about anything you so desire. But before that, you will remain safe in the Ascendancy.” He keeps talking with his melodious, soothing voice.
You all three remain in a tight hug, consoling Thaishi, knowing the scars on her heart will take years, i not decades to heal.
Your legs tremble, feeling like jello. Thaishi holds on to your hand like a buoy in the open sea. Thrawn remains stills next to you, his hands clasped behind his back as always.
Before you a large Corvette is slowly opening its ramp.
Thashi digs her nails in your flesh when the ramp hits the floor, revealing Chiss with hard gazes. They silently and haughtily descend to join you, like they own the place.
Thrawn takes a step forward, with a respectful and polite expression.
“Admiral Ar’alani, I hope your travel was safe and good.” He asks in Sy Bisti.
“Grand Admiral Thrawn.” She responds coldly, “It was uneventful, which is quite surprising. Where are they?”
You flinch, squeezing Thaishi’s hand in yours. Thrawn take a step to the side, designing you two to his fellow Chiss. She walks up to you assuredly, gauging you up and down.
“I assume you are the mother.” she continues in Sy Bisti.
By instinct you place yourself before Thaishi, feeling yourself trembling before that woman. Her gaze lazily falls on your daughter, observing her intently.
“What is your name?” She demands.
Thaishi hides behind your leg and you caress her head.
“Your name, child!” She insists harsher.
“Thaishi.” You interject, trying to appease her, “Her name is Thaishi.”
“Thaishi…” She repeats before turning towards Thrawn, “The Mitth will not appreciate that name.”
“I fail to see why?” He responds, tilting his head slightly.
“Of course you don’t.” She turns back to you and your child, “Thaishi of the Chiss, it is time for you to say your farewell and come with us!”
You feel your daughter flinching behind you, oressign herself tighter behind you.
“A moment…” You ask, kneeling to her.
The woman named Ar’alani breathes through her nose and joins Thrawn to speak with him in Cheuhn. Your level isn’t good enough to understand the discussion.
You look at Thaishi, checking the zipper of her coat was up.
“Are you ready?” You ask softly.
She shakes her head.
“No… I don’t wanna go.”
“I know, my sweet. But it is for the greater good. You’ll see, everyone will be like you there, you’ll make a lot of friends and have a lot of fun.” You try to smile at her.
“But you will not be with me.”
“Thauko will be with you. Take care of your little sister, you are the eldest, she will need you.”
She sniffs in response.
“Mom… Can’t I stay?” She tries to plead again.
“Oh my sweet, I don’t want you to go either. But you would never be in security with us.”
You take her in your arms.
“Mum…” She insists.
You look into her red eyes. You see she is trying really hard to be strong and assured but you feel how close she is to broke. You squeeze her in your arms, reveling one last time in her.
“I love you so, so much Thaishi. Never forget that, please.”
She buries her head in the crook of your neck.
“It is time.” Thrawn announces, coming closer to you.
He kneels to Thaishi, holding her cheeks in his large hands.
“Thaishi, be strong. Obey the adults and work hard, do not neglect your education and look over your younger sister.” He says assuredly, the last orders from a father to his child, “I love you.”
He hugs her and she hugs him back, circling his neck with her little arms. You look at them, refraining a sob. You raise your head as you hear the wheels of the incubator, you stand up and press your hands against the glass, observing your baby.
You rarely had the occasion to hold her in your arms, she so rarely got out of the incubator. You gently take her out and kisses her forehead tenderly. Thrawn come caressing her head delicately and kisses her cheek. You press her against you one last time and put her back inside the incubator.
“Let’s go.” Ar’alani says, taking Thaishi’s hand and pulling her towards the corvette.
The Human medic pushes the incubator to who you assume to be a Chiss medic that take it and roll it towards the ship. Thaishi nervously turns back to you, falling behind Ar’alani.
“Mum.” She calls.
You wave at her, trying your best to smile comfortingly, hiding the pain you feel deep inside you.
“Mum…” This time her voice cracks.
She pulls on her hand, freeing herself and runs back to you. You immediately lower yourself and embrace her. Ar’alani looks at her, flabbergasted.
“Thaishi.” You broke.
“Mum!” She cries. “Don’t let them take me! Mum!”
You squeeze her hard in your arms when you feel getting snatched away from you. Ar’alani stands back up, holding Thaishi in her arms and turns back to the ship.
“Mum! Dad!” Thaishi screams at the top of her lungs, extending her hands to you, “Dad!”
You feel Thrawn kneeling next to you, circling your shoulders, as much to comfort you as to prevent you from running after your children.
You dig your nails in Thrawn’s flesh, fighting the urge to sprint after that Chiss woman and take back your daughters with your teeth and fists.
“MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM!” You hear her final scream as the ramp closes back on them.
And then the Corvette takes off…
And disappears away.
And you break.
In a million pieces.
You scream, clawing at Thrawn that tries to keep you whole. You tear up his uniform in your pain, tearing his blue skin to blood.
But he holds on.
Embracing you in his large arms, caressing your hair, speaking sweet nothing in your ears.
But you are just deaf to his words.
And you cry.
Suddenly your fight for the Rebellion feels so insignificant, and you wish you would have gone with your children.
Thrawn opens your collar for you to breathe better as you wail, cradling you tenderly.
“Breath, Ch’acach.” He tries to calm you down, “They will be safe there, not harm will come to them. Breath.”
You sob and gasp, right in the middle of a panic attack. Thrawn caresses your cheek with the back of his hand, holding you close.
“Calm down, (Y/n). Calm down.” He keeps chanting lowly, only for your ears. “I am with you.”
Your mouth is open to swallow big bowls of air but they never reach your lungs, getting stuck in your throat.
“Today I am with you to catch you.” He continues gently.
But he wont be for long anymore… In less than a week you will reach the Empire's territories and he will let you go back to the Rebellion.
And you will be alone.
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@bluechiss @thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar@thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @elise2174 @debonaire-princess @twilekchiss @pencil-urchin @ineedazeezee @mssbridgerton @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @Cortisolcosplay @obbicrystaleo @germie2037
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the-hidden-empire · 1 year
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How they are as fathers:
Not proofread. Don’t kill me! iPhones hard to type on (my computer is slow and my iPad is getting repaired)
- Proud girl dad 100%
- Keeps his daughter on her toes
- Would always hold her as a baby. Even on the bridge of the cruiser.
- You would wake in a panic not being able to find you’re infant, you ran out of yours and Thrawns sheared chambers into his office.
- You found him holding you’re daughter, gently bouncing her as she cooed at the starts from her dads office window.
- You didn’t want to interfere with their bonding time, so you left them be, and went to bed with a smile on you’re face.
- He’d want more then one child of you are up for it.
- The moment you birthed you’re daughter, he fell in love with you all over again.
- Watching you hold his baby girl, he couldn’t help but find you beyond beautiful in that moment.
- You two are his pride and joy.
- His world evolves around you both.
- Will teach his daughter about philosophy and the art of the galaxy
- He’s make sure that when she is old enough she is well educated.
- Will teach her about the universe and it’s history.
- He’s a perfectionist so they may butt heads.
- His daughter will be a total dads girl (sorry mom)
- She’s identical to him, you wouldn’t even know she was part human.
- Doesn’t let any of the droids hold her after he birth, he only would let medical staff hold her. That’s if he felt it was necessary.
- Is her mentor.
- When she is born she is beyond tiny, and seeing how she could almost fit in his palm made his heart melt.
- She would grow up smart her then her pairs.
- He would make sure that she knew she’d be heir to the empire someday.
- After he came back from the unknown regions, his daughter was born two days after we came back to you.
- You and your daughter was his motivation to get back home to you.
- He couldn’t afford to miss her birth, let alone missing out on her growing up.
- He’d make her ahead of her own cruiser someday.
- He didn’t think he could love you anymore, that’s till you’re baby girl was born.
- Of course he trained her in combat. She was a brute force to be reckoned with.
- If you felt sick he would take her for the day while he lead his destroyer.
- Take you both to his home world.
- Would stand guard over her aa she slept till he felt she was safe.
- Was the most amazing father you’re little girl could ask for.
- He’d be beyond strict with her romantic life.
- He may be biased but he’d prefer she end up with an admiral of her own.
- When you were tired, he’d automatically take over without even saying a word.
- After you have you’re daughter, he’ll check almost every couple hours on you sense he still has to work.
- Wants to be with you both constantly.
- Having the grand admiral as her dad gave her slot of privilege that others never had.
- But she deserved it all, she was his first born and his mini clone.
- She was his best friend along with you.
- All he needed was you two.
- He was proud of himself when he found out you were pregnant.
- He wouldn’t show it of course though.
- He couldn’t say no to her.
- She gave him purpose (outside of you)
- And you had given him the greatest piece of treasure, he couldn’t ever thank you enough.
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readsalot1 · 7 months
I would like there to be a fic where the "three solobrats" and early love interests (YJK, JJK era, so A/T, J/TK, J/Z) end up time-travelling to the prequel era (probably shortly after Geonosis), and the Organa-Solo kids are excited to meet their not-evil-yet granddad.
This goes off the rails when Tahiri freaks out as soon as Anakin 1.0 enters because that is the monster of folklore who slaughtered a whole tribe of Tuskens, down to the youngest baby.
Because you can't convince me that in this AU a) Anakin doesn't go down as some sort of ghost/horror story in Tusken culture, and b) curious baby force-sensitive Tahiri didn't wander off at some point and end up seeing the echo of the slaughter.
The prequel-era council obviously freaks out about 1. the time travel, 2. some of the time travelers are Anakin 1.0's descendants, 3. Anakin 1.0 apparently committed genocide (note: the fandom doesn't view this with the right amount of horror, even in light of his second genocide--the Jedi), and decides to temporarily suspend his duties until they can perform an investigation of sorts into his decision-making capabilities.
Anakin 1.0 is initially thrilled because OMG GRANDKIDS and one of them is named after him (wahoo!!), but quickly becomes pissy because the friend of his mini-me (EW, she was raised by Tusken Raiders [careful Ani1, your racism is showing] even though she's human) gets him in trouble with the council.
Anakin 2.0 now has even more issues/worries about his namesake, and turning out like him [note: this was a big plot point in his early appearances].
Jaina & Jacen are kinda worried about this because now their granddad was bad from an earlier point??? and they don't know what to do with that. (Jacen is jumping from joy because a bunch of animals that went extinct during the Empire's rule are still alive; Jaina finds out there were apparently seven lightsaber forms before Knightfall, and decides to crash all the basic training classes. This is hilarious because she's older than the enrolled students for the more basic forms like Shii-cho.)
Tenel Ka and Zekk are along for the ride:
("Wait, she's the heir to the Hapes Consortium?" "yes" "and they're letting her be a Jedi too?" "yep" "politically is that allowed?!?" "I mean her mom's from Dathomir?" **jedi padawan noises of imploded worldview**)
("so Zekk what about you" "oh, I'm a Coruscanti street rat :)" "ah ok, so the order found you easily!" "I guess your version would, but the Jedi got massacred, so I didn't start training until I was a teenager :)" **choking noises** "oh yeah, Emperor Palpatine was a total hardass, I'm so glad my friend's parents got rid of him, I'd probably be dead or totally evil if he was still in power" --at this point the padawan(s?) they're chatting to [maybe Barriss; she seems politically aware enough to worry about the heir of a major political power also being a Jedi--she's probably also read about Xanatos] decides to bring them to the council)
It goes something like "Didn't they mention, Darth Vader & the clones slaughtered pretty much the entire Order. Some of the younger padawans escaped (their masters died for them (and oh, doesn't that hit hard)) and ran until dark siders who served the Emperor hunted them down (this can be vaguely compliant with some Rebels content; assume the Rebellion-era is more fusion with new canon, except Thrawn doesn't engage as much with the Lothal cell, and thus is around for the Thrawn trilogy on to proceed (thus inquisitors exist and so too do the Hands--maybe Mara is Palpy's spy in the inquisorius's ranks; Starkiller can be Vader's; Death Star plan theft follows TFU more than R1) it hits hard that some of their own (their children, their future) work to destroy the vestiges of what they were).
Then they find out that Darth Vader, the Sith Apprentice--the emperor's attack dog, his right hand--is Anakin (1.0), the boy they took in, the one they protected, the one some viewed as their savior, the boy winning battle after battle, the one shining bright, the Hero With No Fear, the boy whose fear of losing everything, everyone he cares about is slowly tearing him to shreds, the foolish, foolish boy who will doom the galaxy to save one person and fail at that, the buy who burned and burned, scorching those around him until he was alone, and still burning, until he burned himself to save another foolish boy, the younger burning like a candle, steadily, warmly, rather than like the sun, and Anakin (they can't bring themselves to hate him, even knowing what he will do--they see the sweet child who loved his mother, who wanted to free all the slaves in the galaxy), seeing the warm, kind candlelight of the other boy, the brave, foolish child, his child, his son, and knowing he will burn him, sees the vacuum of space (the cold, cold man who made him burn everyone, who made him lose everyone, until only the vacuum was left behind, the only one he could not burn away), sure to take the air around the lone, kind candle, and the sun (Anakin) burns itself (himself) out, becomes a supernova to push the vacuum (empty, cold, always hungry) away from the candle (the son), and saves the brave, foolish boy who came to help him, but he feared burning most of all (the burning sun of Tatooine burns himself out, after burning with hatred for the better part of two decades, for another desert child, one who burns with warmth, like a hearthfire, and asks for the girl who burns (with the passion of justice, with compassion, the girl who is like him but not for instead of burning the world for those she loves, she who would burn herself out, the girl who would burn her enemies (those who seek the harm the world) for any who deserve kindness, who burns internally, but is willing to burn others as well) to forgive him, and she does, eventually, she names her steady hearthfire of a son after him, and hopes against hope that he (her son, one of her three suns) will have a happy ending, that he will not burn himself out like his grandfather, his namesake [Anakin, her son, he burns too: for his siblings (they will burn as well, his brother like his grandfather--maybe he should have been Anakin instead--and his sister, burning, the one to put out her twin's light, twin suns of Tatooine, one snuffed out the other), his friends (they break apart, the group splintering, fragmented after the war is won; even before), his love (she breaks, in a way not even being shaped by the black holes, put under pressure in the hope of her becoming one, can do; for a while she fades away to almost nothing, invisible, until the brother, seeing the broken, invisible girl takes her, and tries to make the broken puppet of a girl dance for him; it works for a time, building more cracks in her skin until she shatters, and the people who loved him, Anakin the second, the bright boy who burned himself away too soon, see the girl again, no longer invisible, and try to help her [pray they are not too late to put her (shattered, porcelain, crushed spirit, a shell of her former bright self) together again]), for the galaxy; but at this part of the story we don't know his fate, to burn and burn until there is nothing left, until the force takes him away, to burn so hot, so bright, so light, that his enemies (true voids in the force--black holes--not like the cold, hungry vacuum that desired, took the sun of his grandfather) burned away as well; he burns away, but as a hero. This does not stop his mother from her agony; it is all his father can do to hold himself together to stop her shattering like the girl everyone forgot, the invisible girl who loved his son, who would (and does) do anything for the memory of a boy who left the galaxy too soon].
This is the story they tell: of the angry sun who burns everyone (especially even those who offer him kindness), the boy-candle, the girl who burns with the heat of a thousand suns but never harms those undeserving of that fury, the scoundrel with the hard exterior who inside is kind, the brave wookie warrior who lives [and dies, though they will not know it for a time] to protect them, the saviors of the galaxy;
and others as well: the girl who was almost snuffed out by the vacuum, who burned as a quiet ember, whose flame was reawakened by the boy-candle; the boy who parallels her, who was trained by the angry sun to burn like him but refused, who burned out over and over again trying to prove himself, and, in the end, burned out to save the galaxy, who sent the message to the rebels that worked to end the war [the message, that, too late for some, still saved billions, perhaps trillions of lives, had it not been sent (how many worlds could have shared Alderaan's fate?)].
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