#thta says a lot right there
pbaintthetb · 6 months
gosh s1 of the boys was so vibey, been very slowly rewatching it (in a random order) and like yes. Indeed.
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forestdeath1 · 4 months
Re: Dumbledore headcanons reading like conspiracy theories. I one hundred percent agree. People go down some insane spirals, where they remove themselves further and further from any reasonable interpretation of canon events as described.
The thing that gets me most about it is just how inconsistent the theories often are within themselves. Dumbledore is somehow a super genius who knows everything about everybody and his only goal is to... idk, furhter his own fame, I guess? Become more powerful? But then he doesn't USE the fact that he knows everything about everybody and can manipulate any event towards any outcome in order to do thta except to like. Put Harry in uncofortable situations year after year? For what?
This is a man who could have been the Minister for Magic if he had ever indicated that he wanted that position. He's already a beloved war hero and highly respected for his abilities. What, exactly, do people even think he's trying to accomplish by psychologically torturing Harry and probably causing the rise of Voldemort in the first place and, I don't know, sacrificing children to the blood god, probably.
Like, this idea that he knows everything and can predict how everything is going to go all the time is so ridiculous to me. It is very clearly something that Harry THINKS when he is a kid (even speculating on whether Dumbledore wanted him to go after Quirrell) but I've never read that as anything but a childish need to have an adult around who has a handle on things. Dumbledore himself keeps saying in books five and six that he doesn't know everything and he makes mistakes. His ability to predict Voldemort is fifty percent having a spy and fifty percent hard work over a long time to understand the man as well as he possibly can. He simply doesn't have a time to build a dossier like that on everybody he meets.
Sorry for the rant, I apparently had a lot to say about this topic. I always kind of wish that if people want to make him a villain, they at least do it properly: a man who has managed to fool an entire country for fifty years and is widely beloved -- with unexpected, loyal supporters in many places -- despite being secretly evil would be a scary villain to take on. Instead people somehow make him stupid and very easily foiled on top of everything at which point I have to ask... how did he even get this far?
For what?
Obviously, Dumbledore is just EVIL. This EVIL person refused all real positions of power and stays in his shabby Hogwarts, where he can easily be discredited and lose power, and makes genius cunning plans, simply because he’s evil and a psychopath. He makes Harry search for Horcruxes because he obviously enjoys watching Harry suffer. Dumbledore knew everything about the Horcruxes from the start but didn’t want to do it himself. It’s like a hunger game, he sits and watches from above as Harry runs after Horcruxes, a vile manipulator. And Voldemort isn’t bad, Dumbledore made him that way.
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It reminds me of "XXX are ACTUALLY evil and were created by a secret government, you're being MANIPULATED" lmao
I think, most people can’t forgive him for "neglecting" Harry’s emotional state and personal well-being. For them, personal well-being is so much more important than everything else that anyone who threatens someone’s personal well-being isn’t just a person, they are an evil psychopath. According to the narrative, Harry is the only one who can save their lousy world and thousands of people, and they think that Dumbledore should have hidden Harry from all harm and sent him to Mallorca, and then watch as Muggle-borns and Muggles are genocided. Then he wouldn’t be an evil psychopath.
Dumbledore is emotionally detached, yes, and he’s not perfect, but for example, to say that Aberforth is kinder than Dumbledore because Aberforth took care of Harry – what are they measuring kindness with? How warmly you are dressed and fed? They don’t care that people around them are dying, right? Aberforth is not the kindest person, he’s just afraid of moral responsibility and doesn’t really care about the people in the WW.
There’s no such thing as a mass of people, every mass is made up of individuals. But people often forget about it. That’s why people sympathise more with Harry because they see his suffering on every page. But there are also hundreds, if not thousands, of Muggle-borns, half-bloods and Muggles who suffer, die and are tormented every day. But they don’t matter, right? There’s no book written about them.
Sirius, for example, also thinks that the well-being of others is more important than personal well-being (his "conversation" with twins). Harry thinks so too. I don’t understand why people think Harry would refuse to search for Horcruxes. He’s not the type of person who would enjoy life while others are dying. He cares deeply for others, and this sense of responsibility runs right through his heart and it’s clear from the very first books.
The trolley problem is thought to be "unsolvable" among people, but 60% of professional philosophers think that you should flick the lever. This is the essence of moral responsibility for our actions. Refusing to flick the lever and letting five people die instead of one isn’t good, it’s moral irresponsibility. Aberforth actually creates much more evil than Dumbledore. And many studies have shown that about 80% of people will flick the lever. Bit this number drops when this one person is someone close to them. That’s why Dumbledore is an evil psychopath to them, they can’t understand how he could not "care" about Harry (but he actually did care, he just wasn't emotionally close to him).
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ashley-foster-13 · 2 months
Imagine if Thomas was a mortal in Faerie
They swept across the room, eyes glued to each other, small smiles playing across their lips.
"What would you do if I hurt you?" Teresa asked, her skirts swaying behind her in a cloud of deep purple. "Isn't that a test of love?"
Thta wasn't the first time Thomas notice something off about her. Sure, he was attracted to her. Her long brown curls, her thin lips like a pale rose, her ocean eyes, that sly glint in them. Her fragile, gracious figure. Her not so fragile character.
Yet something wasn't quite right.
"Would you cry?" she asked as they turned another circle, "Would you kill? Would you bleed for me, Thomas?"
Yes. Definitely not right.
"If you hurt me," he began carefully, weighing every word, "I wouldn't cry. I would hurt you back."
He didn't mean it as an insult but, judging by the way she looked at him, Thomas might have put some cautiousness in his voice that made her uneady.
"Time to change partners," a voice from behind startled them both but in Thomas it awoken a different kind of anger.
Since the beginning, he's been mean to Tom. Always mocking, kicking, humiliating. Doing everything to show him that he was nothing. A mortal.
"Oh, did I steal your line?" the blond prince asked as he placed his hand on Thomas's waist and caught his other arm, clutching a bit harder than necessary.
Sometimes, Thomas wondered if he was mistaken in them both.
Thomas barely held back a gasp as Alby's fist connected with Newt's jaw.
He stumbled backwards, falling on his back. But Alby wasn't finished.
Alby was the first of the princes and, apparently, the only one who agreed to take care of the youngest one. Although "taking care" is far away from the truth, he did give him proper clothes and enough food and a decent bed, not to mention other privileges. It had to count for something.
And wine. Lots of wine.
Alby straddled Newt, holding some sort of wooden sword. Thomas had a weird urge to reveal himself and shove Albert off of the prince.
What a weird thought.
Newt was so cruel to him. Part of Thomas wanted some sweet revenge.
But when the sword hit Newt's leg over and over again, making him yell in pain, Thomad felt strange sympathy towards the guy.
He didn't deserve that much of a punishment.
Minho, Thomas's older brother, met his mortal life love.
Minho wasn't technically his brother. They had different fathers, so the guy was magical. A Faerie.
Thomas did get jealous of him a lot. He never got to be thrown in ragwart horses poop at lunch. Twice that week.
What surprised Thomad was that Harriet, the girl he met, willingly excepted every weird thing about their family.
For example, Janson, their Faerie father, the bloody redcap.
Thomas was pretty sure Minho used glamour on her. He didn't approve of it, but it's not like he had any say in that either.
When Thomas was introduced to the Court of Grievers, it was rather surprising.
There were three of them. Jorge did most of the pickpocketing. Brenda brewed poisons and, occasionally, antidotes. Aris taught him slyfooting.
All of them served to prince Gally. Generous at times, but mostly strict. Once, he made Thomas shoot his own shoulder to prove himself. The wound still stings.
Also, Thomas discovered mithridatism. he would inject himself Griever Serum every night. Weird visions came to him at night, depriving of sleep. It was worth it, though.
Newt: by you, i am forever undone
Newt: kiss me again. kiss me until i am sick of it
Newt: my sweet nemesis, my darling god
Newt: to all betrayers and rule breakers, i offer my husband's hospitality. the hospitality of guns
Thomas: i hate you. i hate you, i hate you i hate you.
Thomas: the true king of elfhame
Teresa: isn't that a test of love?
Teresa: let me run more tests!
Minho: I'd offer our king some tea instead of wine, but I'm not sure which one will suit him best.
Jorge: he'll look gorgeous with both
Brenda: Thomas. Thomas suits him best. Serve both.
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gayerthanevertbh · 2 years
On my life literally, Natty bear just gives off this skilled pussy eater vibes that she doesnt really think about thta much. Like imagine her down on her knees layong comfortably on top of your living room couch, motioning her tongue into you while addictively massaged your kicky thighs with full attention on your pleasure and relaxation
tugging and kneading her unbearable soft hair with the cute black clips falling off. plus her just cherishing at how messy you are. God i’m going insane i need a irl natasha bear >:{
(I wrote the jealous n’ clingy scarlett, im so fixated on natty right now sorry not sorry)
she loves sticking her tongue inside of you while murmuring the sweetest words on your pussy likeeeee PLEASE FUCK ME??? and ugh she does it in a sloppy way that you cum so fast — which turns her on a lot. imagine her just saying “your pussy is so sweet, could suck on your clitty forever” while calling her bear each time she hits the spot
i want her too, you have no idea.
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llitchilitchi · 2 years
ohh the housewife idea is good.. or like victorian clothing maybe, notorious for being v difficult to move around in (and even dangerous with like corsets and stuff, tho a lot of that is misconception it's still something you could definetly use !)
there are particular eras of victorian fashion that I absolutely Adore, so this is an idea that scratches my brain in soooo many ways, but this reminded me of something that I'll put under read more cause I don't wanna spam the dash
so, during covid I did a lot of research into late victorian/edwardian underwear, corsetry but also what goes Underneath, and I have a pretty solid collection of images on pinerest. (and while I do have a thing or two to say about corsets, I'm p sure Bernadette banner would be a lot more eloquent in addressing the misconceptions there)
but! an item of clothing thta rose in popularity were drawers, aka "frilly shorts to wear under your clothes" which could also be combined with the chemise on top as "a pair of combinations"
they look like whipped cream to wear right on top of your body, and while most likely not a Permanent outfit for dream, especially not when he's "playing outside", would most likely be something he wears
here's a few examples!
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(Drawers, american, 1899-1905, MET)
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(early 20th century combinations, America/Europe)
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(combinations, early 1900s)
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(combinations, 1903, part of a wedding ensamble)
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(combinations, ca. 1905, v&a museum)
I know I went a little crazy about these but fashion history is something that I am very passionate about and this is a time period that definitely scratches my brain in the best ways possible
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bulldyke-rider · 2 years
hi i missed all this 'babies in planes' discussion but i saw your thoughts on it and the response against it and one thing that stood out to me was how 'a society thta normalizes children being annoying is more apathetic/supportive towards child abuse'. like aren't we 2 steps away (in west) from children being blessing from god and your only purpose as woman and angels and so on. like we are seeing one of the first generations actually able to say 'i dont like kids and i don't want one' en masse. which is amazing for women's rights to not be forced to have children. and that somehow encourages child abuse??? isn't having pro-child obsessive society where everyone must have kids MORe child abuse prone? seems v dangerous
I think so too especially when the child is seen as an extension of the parent which was a pattern of thinking a lot of people seemed to fall into. Like when I was accused of hating mothers or thinking they're not doing a good enough job because their baby is crying in a situation where literally any baby would cry.
But also, I think viewing child behavior as age appropriate and natural is very anti-childabuse. Children are naturally annoying. They can't help it. And so it's completely fucking insane to harm them for that shit.
And I think it's probably gonna save some kids for us to tell people "listen, kids are fucking annoying. If you have kids, they will be annoying. You won't parent them into not being annoying"
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yumeross · 2 years
everytime i think of saying this to an editor i look up to i end up feeling embarrassed and. not sending the ask UFKSJRJSJTJD but. anyways. just wanted to drop on here and say that i look up to you a shit ton, the way you edit is always so clean and beautiful and you always manage to make colors look right and HEJAJJTWNTNSN IDK MAN I JUST. REALLY LIKE THE WAY YOU EDIT GAH... yeah just wanted to say thta uhmm *explodes*
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planetorigo · 10 months
I LOVE music statistics of something that doesn't matter so I'm doing a deep dive of my Obscurify with all of you. Take my hand.
Reminder: I live in Canada so it's set to that by default and I would still say it accurately describes my music tastes.
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So while the top genres hardly surprise me, I also need to know what the hell "pov: indie" stands for. If it's meant to describe music that puts you in a specific perspective of something and it's independent music, then I don't know how accurate that is. Primarily because I know why I have indie and indietronica on here. (I was wrong - I thought pov: indie was because of Chonny Jash but checking, he doesn't have a genre labelled to him - it's actually from Mother Mother and IDKHOW)
Also I have literally never heard of "alt z" as a genre. What is that. That's a keyboard command as far as I'm concerned.
Now on that poll, I saw that my music taste is 94%, meaning I'm a pretty unique Canadian with a music taste. However, what I'm more interested in is the summary because it's got this
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Honestly impressive Madeon got that high up this year. Like - Chonny doesn't surprise me in the slightest and that's primarily because I've seen my last.fm. Spotify Wrapped will confirm that for me too. But man I've just really been into Madeon. I listened to him more than I thought but maybe I shouldn't be surprised - Pay No Mind is a bop and I'm glad I finally listened to Adventure.
Tracks are fun to look at. Two Marianas Trench songs and I know exactly why it's those two specifically (OC playlists. That's why.) StopRewind is for a similar reason but not so much villain and Villainous Thing but I did listen to them a lot.
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Current is also interesting to look at because aside from the tracks, the artists is literally just the same as it says on last.fm right now. ...In all-time. But keep in mind, I didn't know how to actually connect my Spotify account onto last.fm until this year and a month after I made thta account and even if it wasn't a month, it was definitely in August which I'm reminded more and more is a little less and more time than I think.
Funny enough, this is also less unique by 1% than my All-Time.
Next section is "Most Obscure" which immediately gave me a laugh because for Artists, it looks like this.
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Ah yes - three members from Aqours, Aqours as a whole and Mr Marianas Trench himself and suspected Loverboy member by Todd in the Shadows, Josh Ramsay. He sticks out like a sore thumb it's really funny.
But then I have a question about the tracks...
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Why is Razzmatazz on here? 'Cause just by like - you know. What I know - I know for a fact more people have listened to IDKHOW than Chonny (I actually don't know with Circus-P to be honest but I'm confident in IDKHOW compared to Chonny). And Razzmatazz is such a weird one to be on "most obscure" considering it's the title track of an album, and even if it's the singles version (because of how Spotify works), I still don't get how that can be considered the most obscure??
Fuck - let alone IDKHOW being there at all??? What - it couldn't be Right As Rain? Another Chonny song? I know there are songs on CCCC that not many people listen to compared to others.
Anyways I'm skipping artists and songs 'cause I have nothing to say about them. They're less interesting to me.
Here's what I think is the funniest.
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SO for one thing, don't worry about how I'm doing. I'm mostly fine.
However I'm confused by the wording here. Not the idea my music taste is getting sadder or angrier - but what "Your favorite example means". Does this mean it's my favorite example in how my music taste is getting sadder... or is it my favorite example in how happy my music taste can be??? Because I don't know if Zamza by Nightcord ft KAITO is the greatest example.
By the way this isn't the only time Zamza by Nightcord ft KAITO appears.
It's in Danceability too
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Considering Chonny is Mr Slut for a Keychange, I'm guessing that's on him. Though it's funny to once again see Zamza being used as my favorite example. Like - twice in a row? Awesome.
It has absolutely nothing to say about me listening to upbeat music by the way. That hardly surprises me as I prefer my music with a lot of energy in it. And coincidentally, that typically involves more electronic sounds.
Though I suppose according to this, my "perfect example" for Acousticness is "Up to No Good" by The Hoosiers. Interesting...
Anyways taking a look at everything else, that's about all I'm interested in sharing. Bar the fact it says my favorite decades of music is the 2010s which I thought was neat but I think it was mostly because that was the time period I got Spotify so of course I'd focus more on stuff there. Also the 2020s aren't done yet.
Okay post is over. I hope this doesn't suddenly become long for people despite there being a Read More. I know I have a Ramblings tag but I don't want to use that anymore. It became hard to distinguish between that and this.
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machetemaiden27mcx · 2 years
I hate strangers comong round especially if they ring my doorbell. It reminds me of the day i thought i was gonna die.
I had this neighbour, lets call him cunt. Cunt was nice at first. I knew he had mental health problems as one day rthe police did a welfare check on him. I wanted to help... very typical of me. So i befriended him. We werre hangin out when we heard that prince philip died. It was strange but it kinda brought us togther and i looked out for him more after that.
Then one day cunt knocks on our door and ask for baccy (tobacco) and papers. Being the nice neighbour i am, i oblige. Then i realise hes really drunk. He tryna hug and kiss me as i attempt to escort him out. He tries to touch my boobs and pussy.
I am horrified and go through a major psychotic episode. I walked for miles in a total daze. Sigma found me and we returned home. I got so drunk everything else was a blur until the next day
The next day i still wasnt in my right mind so when the doorbell ramg whilst i was home alone i foolishly answered. It was alpha. We made some small talk as i let him in, rhen he revealed to me that he was mad at my neighbour and there to "have wordz with him". Being infuritated at what happened to me and kinda attracted t0 the guy standing before me, i told him what happened
My neighbour nearly died that day he got beat so bad. I wish i could say im sorry but im not. Alpha brought him to my door, all bloody amd beaten, forcing him to say sorry. And like a pyscho i refuzed his apology, grinning at alpha before he led cunt away.
Thtas when it all hit me. I started crying but i also felt vindicated. I felt scared yet almost amused. I was so scared of alpha, i still am, yet i befriended him. I kinda dated him online to gain information. It wasnt hard, he was kinda my hero in a fucked up way. I got threatened a lot by people for assocating with alpha but i had started to really like him and believe it was worth it.
He almost murdered someone and i kinda enabled him. I was scared, i thought id die. I thought it was my only chance to save myself and my loved ones. I was scared hed come for me,especially if he knew i was workin with the police
I barely see him nowadays but sometimes still have a panic attack upon seeing him. I flirt a bit and smile a lot and he leaves me alone. I dont know if i did right, i just wanted to apease alpha and his friends enough for them to leave me and my family alone
#storytime #rant #trauma #op
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Guys seriously i understand the sentiment to argue against it but sometimes negative aspects of mental illness can make you a bad person. Like, yes. Sometimes paranoid delusions can make someone racist. It happens. And all that really means is the person need medical attention. Delusions can be quite powerful especially if your sense of reality is that distorted by paranoia. It doesn't mean that everyone with mental illness is a bad person but negative aspects can absolutely turn someone into a bad person if they do not have the access to people who can help them.
I have personally known someone who's morals were unfortunately destroyed by horrible paranoia and trauma and took a lot of racist stuff to heart because when you're that far out of your mind you can be INCREDIBLY SUSCEPTIBLE TO PROPAGANDA (especially if you've been singled out by a nazi already because alt right are known manipulators thru self admittance and take advantage of unstable people constantly, like it is a researched fact). this is not to say a person can't be held responsible. What it does mean is they need to be helped into a place where they can heal, reflect, and learn about why and how their past beliefs are wrong and dangerous. And they can reflect on all that and grow without having to be forgiven for their past.
If you are going to hold an addict accountable for deplorable actions done while searching for a high without demonizing their disease, you can do the same for mentally ill people who fall into this trap.
ALSO BEFORE ANYONE ACCUSES ME OF SAYING I SUPPORT YE OR ARE SHRUGGING OFF HIS ACTIONS. NO TF IM NOT. IT SUCKS. WHAT HE DID WILL HAVE VERY BAD RAMIFICATIONS. BUT there are better ways to talk about this than to claim that mental illness never ever makes people do very bad things when it absolutely can.
I can say my uncle did a shitty thing in stealing a motorcycle and stealing from me and my mom but I can ALSO SAY THAT while understanding that addiction can make people do MANY HORRIBLE THINGS. There is an aspect of personal culpability AS WELL AS BLAME ON THE BAD PARTS OF BEING AN ADDICT; and I can expect the same thing for people who are mentally ill.
Just because I'm autistic doesn't mean I should be allowed to punch you if you are loud near me , but it is ALSO something that I HAVE done in the past. Am I proud? No. Did I apologize? Yes. Is it something that was an unexpected action for me to take at the time? Fuck no. Looking back now I fully get why I did it, but I also understand that it was not right. And now I have ways to curb thta bad behavior before I hurt someone, because someone I cared about stepped in and got me help and access to better ways to cope.
Hope this rant makes sense.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
"Man is the least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth" - Oscar Wilde
Ok, last weekend was shit. But I loved this chapter. Just some points:
Raphael being the real MVP as always 😎
Magnus prefers to be sun-kissed.
And the LA sun doesn’t just kiss you.
It full-on makes out with you.
Idk why I laughed so hard 😂😂
God, the photoshoot looked great😍
I kinda like you, random sir hdgsjdhdj
The thing about boundaries was soooo on point on the way things went for him!!
The way he knew he made the right decision even if it hurted😭
This doesn’t sound like his heart making shit up. This sounds like his heart. SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP JFHDIDJDK
Magnus not taking shit about the company us badass behavior😎
“If you like her so much, then you should date her.” “Oh, I wish.  But I’m tragically heterosexual,” Have I said I love Catarina in the last 5 minutes?!? She is just🥺 🥰
When will this man stop walking in on everyone?!?!?! Honeslty this scene was so funny tho😂😂
I love Luca ok?!?!? But also yes, raisins are bad!!!
Luca and his raisins can suck it. OMFG
“I know that,” Alec chuckles. “I just meant, like, it makes no sense. We are just saying random shit. Cute buttons and cold shoulders.” This man gets me😌
I love that video with my soul jdhdjdhdkjx
I read some comments analysing the way Max and Rafe are scared of Alec and Magnus, saying thta they aren’t scared of their anger, they are scared of their saddness and I just- 😭
“I’m actually surprised that Max is scared of me,” Alec chuckles. “Little shit doesn’t act like it.”Its all about pretend honey jdgdjjd jk, jk
Max a lot of potential, but as that snippet said, sometimes you dont know what to do with it!!
Honestly, I love her!! She could step on me and I would thank her😍😍
"She is the kind of person who doesn’t need to be told twice." Like the badass she is😎
Anjali be like: Yall are a mess and you did fucked up, fortunately you have me to smack some sense to you and that is very sexy of her😌
"He stayed with you every day after that. That was his choice. So, don’t you ever fucking question whether Rafael loves you. Don’t ever question my Rafael’s love. Not when that’s all he knows how to do.” 💙💙💙💙
The scenes with Ben were actually amazing and really sweet!! I hope my boy finds the love he deserves!!! He took care of Rafe and he is his friend and I am emo🥺
Even amidst all the chaos and pain, he looks perfect and beautiful. This boy knows how to have a break down. Anjali sighs dreamily.  Honestly sams Anjali💕
Magnus and Ben talking about Alec is something I didnt know I needed but absolutely loved it!!!
“Okay. Don’t ask me how I know this. But I technically can. It’s called parental kidnapping and it’s illegal in the state of New York.”👀👀
“Max carries a lot of pain too. Just because it doesn’t look like yours, it doesn’t mean it hurts him any less.”  they are both hurting and it is hurting me too!!!
“I sometimes wish I was like him,” Rafael says quietly. “I wish I could do instead of think.” BITCH THE WAY I RELATE TO THIS BOY IS WRONG JDHDISJ
Rafael, baby, please take care of yourself and dont be so hard on you. You are doing already amazing. You are allowed to take a break and rely on others!! As someone once said "You gotta practice that self-love, honey!"
"I only wish I had known how to stop. I wish I had looked at you and told you that you’ve done enough." Don’t mind me. Just going to make this another quote that will live 24/7 in my brain🥰
“You are not weak. You are tired,” Magnus smiles. “Enough now. It’s time to rest.”
“My Rafael,” Magnus whispers. “I wish I was half as strong as you are on your weakest day.”
“Because if there is one thing I know for certain, it is that Alec loves me more than anyone,” THE RANGE THAT THEY HAVE OMFG<3333
Let's get this babe some sobriety, love and therapy🥰
Welp, this days have been horrible honestly, I can't even begin to infodump jdhdjdjd so I haven't read the new chapter, but I just wanted to say tlnd has actually been a way to distract myself and help me get through this shit. Thank you for that💚
I hope you are doing fine. I'M SENDING THE BEST PRODUCTIVE VIBES YOUR WAY!!! I have like 3 essays to submit, so I feel you jdhdkdjd
Song rec: Call out my name, cover from Ruel (I have been listening to this on repeat)
This is an OFFICIAL threat to god to give you a mf-ing break or i will unleash my wrath :)
I hope you feel better soon. I'm glad this chapter helped and reading your thoughts made me so emo.
Call out my name *THE RUEL COVER* is literally how TLND came to be. I was listening to it and came with the idea of magnus not being able to call alec alexander anymore and alec not being able to call magnus baby and hence tlnd was born. THE POWER OF RUEL >>>>
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It's fundamentally true that we have some major issues to work out with true crime content. There are a lot of content out there that is disrespectful, reckless, and callous out there, and it's not wrong to want ot interrogate that.
Thta said, my frustration with the anti-true crime crowd is that so often, they seem to give the most bad faith interperetations regarding WHY people create and consume this type of content. Often, they make assertions based on their emotional response to it's existence, but don't fully comprehend the implications of what they say or the consequences of a world in which they get what they want. They want to abolish it all-together, rather than deal with it's issues.
Speaking as someone who's family could have featured in this type of media, it's...I kind of find myself rolling my eyes at the people who morally panic about this.
Even the person in my family directly impacted watches true crime regularly.
True crime is inherently cathartic. I'm sorry, but that's just the truth. People feel a need to delve into the darkest aspects of life, the things they don't necessarily come into contact with often. There is catharsis in letting yourself vicariously experience fear, pain, horror, etc. in a safe environment. It's the same reason we make horror fiction. True crime gets directly to the heart of things more viscerally, because it is real. Sometimes we feel the need to see what that reality looks like. It gives us a sense of vulnerability and then power over the things about humanity that scare us most. Knowing what it looks like helps us process it.
And I'm just gonna say right here: I think that's okay. I think it's very human to need to feel and experience these things from a place of safety. You are not bad for consuming true crime. You are not inherently getting off on the suffering of others.
There's also a reason why impacted families accept interviews and egage with this type of media: many WANT their stories to be heard. They want the world to see and aknowledge what happened. They don't want to live in a world where their experiences are erased.
Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if everyone knew and understood my family. Shit like this doesn't just impact you once and then goes away. It remains, and has a ripple effect on life's little problems. It's like an earthquake that causes tsunamis. The water comes still comes for us sometimes, and people outside of that experience rarely understand why it's happening to you, or what's wrong or strange about you that causes you to gasp for air sometimes.
I get why people tell their stories.
When we shame true crime for existing, we tell these folks that A) they are getting off on or profiting from their loved one's suffering (or their own pain), and B) that they should shut up, because they are poisoning the world with fear.
I get why some content creators default to humor, too. It's probably for the same reason my family can joke about the shitty stuff in our lives. You guessed it: it's fucking cathartic. It gives you a sense of power over the darkness. It's relieving, because otherwise you would just be wallowing.
To be honest with you, I think anti-true crime sentiments are in themselves fear-mongering. It's just another puritanical call for expressions of darkness and human suffering to be whitewashed into silence, and imo it's just as potentially damaging as any other one of those movements. Humanity needs to express and experience it's darkest self safely, otherwise we will repress it and silence victims.
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mr-and-mr-diaz · 4 years
@yelenabelous tagged me via proxy (Anyone who wants in, right? ;)) so here we go!
911 Verse this or that - tag 10.
Buck or TK. No hate for Ronen, but Oliver is by FAR the stronger actor which means his scenes are richer and allow me to connect way more with Buck.
Eddie or Carlos. My darling single dad!! And his beautiful son, need I say more...? Love you though, Carlos, and you deserve more screen time!
Bobby or Owen. Bobby brings his team up. Owen tends to drag his team (and the show) down.
Chimney or Judd. The dad jokes. THE DAD JOKES. Also the way he dealt with the f’ing dramatic Buckley secret still slays me. Shout-out to Judd though, he’s so f’ing solid, love you!
Hen or Marjan. Marjan’s energy is the just pure, unadultered awesome. She totally ignores the haters and just is her best self! I’m in love with her vibe. Love you too, Hen, you’re inspirational, but Marjan edges you out here!
Maddie or Grace. Again this is such a close one, but in the end it’s gotta be Maddie. Buck Begins did very little for Buck, but it made me appreciate Maddie in a whole new light. Shoutout to Grace though, you also need more screen time.
Athena or Tommy. ATHENAAAA!!! YOU SMELL LIKE LOOOVE! On a serious note, she just amazes me. And Angella Bassett plays her to perfection! *chef’s kiss* Also, beautiful surrogate mom to the 118, I love when she hangs out with them.
Albert or Mateo. God help this sweet human, he makes me laugh, but I also adore him for the sweetness he brings when he’s around. In any dynamic he’s that little bro who still thinks Santa exists and screw anyone who wants to say differently!
Michael or Paul. They need to give this man even more opportunities to play comedy (and without the weird “spying on the neighbors but it isn’t creepy?” notes) because he SLAYED ME!
118 or 126. My original babies, I fell in love with them in season 1, fell in love with them all over again when Eddie joined them in season 2. The 126 is slowly coming into its own, but for me, it’s 118 ALL THE WAY
California or Texas. This is still something that irks me about LS, but their take on Texas is so f’ing wierd, like you can tell this was written or at least heavily influenced by a bunch of LA writers who have never actually been to Texas and got their idea of what it’s like from Hallmark Christmas movies and The Lone Ranger. Jesus...
Buddie or Tarlos, I feel the chemistry of buddie so much more keenly than Tarlos. It kills me to say this, because he’s the sweetest guy ever and I’m so glad he got this opportunity, but... I largely blame Ronen for this. Raf is a brilliant actor and Ronen just... his acting is not good and it kills a lot of Tarlos moments for me. That and I much prefer slow-burn romances over insta-love, which is essentially what we got with Tarlos. There was never a will they/won’t they, no building that burning desire to see them finally get together with the audience. They jumped into bed at the begining of season 1 and jumped into COMMITTED at the begining of season 2. Eh.
Tsunami episode(s) or Tornado episode. This whole arc was brilliant, with the members of the 118, Athena and Maddie really getting a chance to get out there and take care of as many people as they could, pulling out all the tsops in ingenuity and care. Sometimes with 911 you start to appreciate the scale and set pieces over the moments themselves, but that was SO NOT the case here, despite the fact thta this is probably the biggest set they’ve ever done. Also there’s nobody in this world I trust with my son more than you. NEED I SAY MORE?!?!!?
911 or 911 Lone Star. It’s still the OG for me by quite the mile. Having said that I hope they do more spin-offs in other locations (AND PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF CRAP SPEAK TO THE F’ING LOCALS INSTEAD OF JUST ASSUMING WHAT A PLACE IS LIKE TO FIT YOUR NARRATIVE, THE CRINGE!) Like, if we ended up with a... I hesitate to call it a 9-1-1 TV-verse, but essentially that? Yeah Id be happy with that. And the crossovers would be EPIC!
I don’t know who’s already been tagge here, and don’t want to double-tag anyone, so I’m going to extend my 10 invites to ten people who eally want to do this challenge but haven’t been tagged yet. Go for it, my loves! ^3^
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aw-eather · 4 years
Heather Watches Stargate SG1: Upgrades
I have some rare time off and deicded I would like to spend it writing another post because its been a long time and I love this show and it’ll help me be less stressed about life and work!  We all love Upgrades so I thought this could be a fun one to do today! I also just love how much you guys enjoy these posts so thank you for being wonderful  As always, I’ll almost defienitly swear so consider yourself warned. 
Nice shot of the gate
Tok’ra are starting to annoy Jack and honestly same
“Don’t get me wrong Carter, your dads great, love him like a brother”
What about a father in law???
just a thought
Boys stop gagging over a pretty girl
Ew Daniel thats so gross
“Looks like trouble to me” ew
Sam’s fucking face
She’s so C U T E
Daniel stop flirting with every woman you meet
Anise annoys me tbh
Sorry not sorry
No shit Daniel
Jack is judging SO HARD
I’m actually a fan of the caterpillar on Teal’c’s face. 
I genuienly don’t hate it
Of course it doesn’t work on the Tok’ra. 
Why would anything 
Wow Anise you seem awfully suspicious with how desparate you are to get those bands on our space babies...
Sorry Sam is so beautiful 
They’re so boring this season no offence 
she looks so fucking good omg 
her HAIR
Anise go HOME you’re so ANNOYING 
Jack’s neck I-
Jack and Teal’c fighting is cute
I love their friendship
aw poor Teal’c
he’s out cold 
Jacks hair is messy and cute
Janet is not impressed at all
“I’m sorry”
“no you are not”
“You’re right about that!
fucking Jack making a comment about his strength and Janet’s face I love them
Jack reading super fast and Daniel not being able too is hilarioius to me
Mostly because I dislike Daniel
Lol “want me to read it to you?”
Sam sitting in the dark
Janet visiting her with her messy hair and looking so cute and wonderful
I love her
lemme protect her
she’ll need it
Sam, I don’t trust Anise
Jack chil you’re gonna break the machine 
that fucking beanie
i hate it
Jack broke the ball
I’m quiet during this scene because I Do Not Care TM about Daniel and Anise
Janet looks so annoyed 
and I don’t blame her
I agree with Janet
take them off
ah but they can’t 
janet and hammond are ready to slap anise and I’m HERE FOR IT
Jack might not be concerned Teal’c, but I am
jack what did that punching bag ever do to you, you dork
SAm is WRITING  a BOOK with her new found power I hate her
Sam and Janet are beautiful 
and their friendship could have been beautiful
if TPTB knew how to write decent women
“its just so damn exciting sir” I love him
poor Siler omg
why is it always him
can’t he catch a break
aw they’re all locked up
defying a direct order but who cares
Jack there is a large, huge MASSIVE difference between steak and earth
the story about that shot with the pool is always funny to me 
he is a geek
Daniel don’t do it
oh he did it
Sam’s even telling him not to do it
bloody hell 
can we have a chat about how hot Jack and Sam are? 
Not make them stupid lol 
they were already stupid, Hammond 
they’re space babies
they’re looking so sory for themselves 
no you can’t Daniel
more of a scuffle sir
the fucking sass
bitch  you brought those arm bands there so they could do stuff for you
the Tok’ra are always out for themselves and no one else
they barely do anything to help the taur’i and it pisses me off
Sam looks so cute
Hammond, every mission is a suicide mission 
sam is SO CUTE
Thta was a lot of science talk 
aww the little hat 
look at em go
kicking jaffa butt
speeding around the place
wow thats a big ship
arm band is no longer working 
surprise surprise it happens in the middle of an important mission 
oh Hammond is MAD MAD 
Anise and you can bugger off
Janet’s face is like “did this bitch really just say what I think she just said”
i got a new computer today and the SOUND QUALITY IS SO MUCH BETTER
Aw Sam woke up first 
lol he wakes up funny 
he’s gonna do anything he can to help her
“you gotta get out of here sir”
“so do you” 
Look at that little jump over the rock
they’re in soooo much trouble
the fact these space babies didn’t get court marshalled a mllion times still shocks me 
that had to hurt
nice camera work
i fuking love Teal’c 
what a sweetheart
i love him
could be a little less sarcastic to the Tok’ra Jack
I hate them as much as you do but no need to make things worse for yoruself 
this is why they never help you 
cause you are sassy to them
Final Thoughts: 
I love this episode
I love the silly space babies
I love Sam and Jack’s outfits when they go for steak
I love Sam’s hair
A lot
I love Sam in red
its a good colour for her
I genuienly hate the Tok’ra 
they’re useless
Jacob is ok
Martouf is mostly ok
the rest kinda suck tbh
Janet Deserved Better
all in all its a fun episode and I love it and it gives me the giggles which is what we all need right now
So tell me, beautiful people, what is our favourite moment from Upgrades? Lemme know and thanks for reading! 
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indie-vixen · 4 years
✨ Ten Character Tegs ✨
Rules: make a new post, name 10 characters from 10 different fandoms that you like, and then tag 10 people.
Note: I am not part of so many fandoms so I filled the list as much as I could, but I still kept it relevant, considering I absolutely adore everything on the list.
Thank you so much @sherbetcoloured and @dialovers-translations for the tag, I know it may seem like nothing, but I'm actually really happy since I'm still quite new to tumblr ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
⚠️DISCLAIMER⚠️: I'm pretty sure no one will read this BUT just to make sure it is known, this top may include some spoilers. Also, the characters are in no particular order.
.•° ✿ °•.
1. L Lawliet
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Death Note was the first anime I have ever watched and I'm actually planning on rewatching it since quite some time passed (about 3-4 years?). I related to L a lot during the anime (especially to the fact that he has a huge sweet tooth) so I was very affected by the scene of his death T^T. And don't get me started on what a genius he was.
2. Matsuoka Rin
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To get it started with, I absolutely adore Rin. My phone's theme is with this guy and I absolutely love it. I love how challenging he is, but still kind and caring. His character developmemt from season 1 had me shook to the fullest. Ngl, Free! has a very special place in my heart and made me cry several times through out the whole 3 seasons and the movies. It's just, their friendship is the kind we should all experience, but it gets rarer and rarer to find truly dedicated people. Free! also brought back my love for swimming (I could relate to the characters regarding this as well) so I really hope I get to go to the beach this year as well (considering covid).
3. Sakamaki Shuu
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I swear this was the hardest decision in this top. Diabolik Lovers is the only place where I don't have a no. 1, but 3 no. 1's. Shuu, Laito and Subaru are my top favourites and even though I've been in the fandom for nearly 3 months now (wah, so much time passed. About Shuu, I absolutely adore how he's a not so desperate pervert and is so elegant(?) whilst doing it. He knows what he wants and has quite some self control and that's attractive as hell. Not to talk about his voice, that has me w e a k.
4. Jumin Han
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I love him. And he's not what the usual me would go for, but I aboslutely adore him. I especially love his character development as well. His 2nd bad ending affected me quite a lot, since I really thought that getting as far as the 9th day meant good ending, but oh boy I was wrong. I was so sad thta I played the Valentine's Day dlc afterwards to cure my broken heart XD. Nonetheless, the good ending was a very nice one, this man is incredible and didn't fail to amaze me regarding the way he announced his and mc's relationship ♡.♡ . The way Sarah and Glam Choi were tricked was pure gold XD
5. Ichinose Tokiya
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I'll start by saying that I didn't watch Utapri yet so I can't say a lot about Tokiya and it may sound bad, but I liked him immediately after seeing him for the first time because I thought he physically resembled Jumin >.< (and their personality, likes and dislikes also match?)
However, I really really can't wait to watch Utapri because it honestly seems amazing and I'm super curious of what will happen. (also, the seiyuus tho; ngl I got so much into Mamo after watching Free! And seeing he's Tokiya's seiyuu as well I was shoooook to the fullest; and the intros T^T , I absolutely adore Orpheus)
6. Dazai Osamu
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Oh man, Dazai is something else (I know he's also voiced by Mamo, I suppose there may be a pattern going on in here). I absolutely love his personality a lot and added with his looks, he's d e a d l y to me. I have only seen a season and a half so far, but man, his past self was so cruel and it made me realize why many things took the wrong turn (for instance, maybe the way Akutagawa was after Dazai joined the Armed Detective?). The anime is soo good that I can't get enough of it.
7. Vera Nair (Perfumer)
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I don't know how many of the people I follow know about Identity V, but I recommend this game from the bottom of my heart. Getting back to Vera, her back story is really interesting and sad; also, her in game skills proved to be useful. Her looks are very nice, though she kind of lacks skins, unfortunately. I remember when I started playing and started adding up clues for her, man that was quite a journey, but I absolutely adore her as a character and I'm not sure how good of a player I'd be without her perfume.
8. Usui Takumi
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This boy right here was probably my first anime crush and I regret nothing. He is absolutely stunning and his teasing is amazing. The way he accepts to keep Misaki's secret is genuinely kind and their relationship is everything. I also like the fact that she's not your average anime girl, since she hates boys and is actually feared by them, thing that contributes to the funny side of the anime.
°•. ✿ .•°
This is the most I could put in the top, respecting the rules as much as I could. I couldn't fill it completely. On another note, there were a few other mentions I didn't include. Other favourite characters: from Free!, Makoto, Ikuya, Natsuya, Kisumi; from Mystic Messenger, V/Jihyun; from Bungo Stray Dogs, Atsushi, Ryunosuke, Chuuya, Akiko, Kyouka (and I could go on with most characters); from Identity V, Joseph Desaulnier (Photographer).
I don't think anyone would take the time to read this, but it was really fun and I'm really really thankful I got tagged. I tag @dixlov and @dirtydiabolikloversconfessions , since I'm curious of how they'd do theirs (if they have time, of course).
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dangan-happy · 4 years
(it’s an avocado...thanks)
possible TW: gaslighting/verbal ab/se
hey, Leon. Or anyone really for that fact. So i’m in like, a lowkey highkey toxic relationship right now and i really don’t know what to do about it. like, every time i try to communicate the fact that i’m uncomfortable by something my partner says, they automatically turn the situation around and start venting to me about how much their life sucks and how i triggered them and all that before dipping for a few days and doing god knows what. It’s just really unhealthy for the both of us and i’m trying to figure out how to end things smoothly because i don’t want to hurt them too much. I’m sorry if it’s a lot but like, do you have any advice or kind words or something? i just really feel like this is all my fault for getting myself trapped here and i really don’t know what to do. thanks a million and i love you so much/p
A toxic relationship, shit, alright anon, no problem. I’ll do my best to help you out and I really hope you can get something out of this and it’s not just me rambling while making absolutely no sense.
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I’m barely getting the first sentence and it already sounds like they’re gaslighting you, it’s really wrong of them to turn the situation around immediately and start talking about their problems. And conveniently when you start venting too. You’re probably thinking that it can’t be gaslighting, well, it sounds like they’re trying to manipulate the situation by telling you about their issues and why their life is awful. You know? Hell, I think it’s kind of victimizing that they are making it sound like they have it worse.
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I know you want to end things smoothly without any problems leftover but the truth is, there’s no easy way to just break up with someone. It’s a rare thing to happen and honestly, I’m glad you understand thta you need to end it. Being in a toxic relationship is awful and the longer you stay in it, the more it will affect you in the long run. Giving advice for this is pretty tricky, mainly because I can’t really think of a way to end things without it getting bad. But not like bad as in they’ll do something bad, but as in not without them feeling hurt. Either way, you need to explain that this isn’t healthy for either of you, being trapped in this relationship where it’s sinking in toxicity. 
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But what I can say for sure anon, it’s not your fault. You have every right to feel like this and your mental state is something you’re trying to take care of. You’re valid. Make sure you remember that, ok? I know you didn’t ask, but, mind if I give you a hug? Maybe that can put a smile on your face. Love ya too, I’ll keep you in my thoughts. 
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