#thx for letting me ramble ur the best
lynnuvo · 1 month
Hi I hope I’m not bothering you but I just finished reading the reenactment fanfics and I was wondering if you’d be open to make one about “Princess and the Frog” or “Mulan” those are the only films that I remember the character having a more “got get it/work for it” attitude and relate a lot to that plus the yans would be interesting to read (to me at least I mean it’s ur writing not mine) anyway thx for the attention hope u have a great day and keep writing awsome fics :>
From 👻 anon
Hello 👻anon! Thank you so much for the touching compliment! I was wondering which fairytale to do next, so I'm glad you suggested either of those. Although it's been a long while since I've watched Princess & The Frog, I'm going to try my hand at that one since I love the story. For those who prefer a male yandere, don't worry! I'm planning on writing another version of this fairytale for you ღ
.·:*¨ ✘- It Takes Two to Tango - ✘ ¨*:·.
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Characters: Yan!Charlotte x Female (Y/N) in Tiana's role In which Charlotte intends to take the only desire she can't buy: her best friend
A Tale in the Baking
When you reincarnated into your new world, you were sleeping soundly in bed with a young, blonde girl who wore a frilly dress that scratched your skin. You were pretty confused and somewhat panicked about your predicament: your childlike appearance drastically contrasted from the mature adult life you've been leading. It wasn't until the end of the week that it finally dawned that you were in the middle of the fairytale "The Princess and the Frog."
Your father, James, had passed recently. Your mother, Eudora, shared his dream of owning a restaurant to you several times already as she reminisced her late husband. Of course, you provided as much comfort as you could. Charlotte visited your home every two days, more clingy than you remembered her being in the movie (likely due to the event).
Now, while you weren't aiming to follow exactly in the true protagonist's footsteps, the prospect of owning your own restaurant sparked a fire in your heart. It was ridiculously difficult to try to own even a car in your previous world. However, there was a key difference in that world and the current one: your family was close with the La Bouffs, the wealthy family Charlotte is from.
As you grew older, you became a confident young woman who didn't dare let a soul deceive her in any way. Because your relationship with Charlotte also grew, you vowed to never let anyone deceive her as well. She was veracious and at times ill-mannered, but you knew deep down that she was also naive. You weren't sure of what the true protagonist did outside of what was told in her tale, but it was your story now. So, you defended Charlotte at every corner & convinced her to tell you of any hardships she had--or of anything, really.
Who knew that such actions intended to protect her would ultimately backfire?
Ever since she was little, Charlotte dreamed of a prince coming to rescue her from trouble. She'd ramble on and on about this dream to you, who listened to her oh so intently. As time passed, this dream took a different turn. She pondered about it often, twisting the idea in her palm left and right while guys fawned over her.
One night, her father came into her room and introduced an opportunity of a lifetime: to marry Prince Naveen of Maldonia. She was ecstatic and agreed right then and there. In that same week, however, she began having second thoughts.
She visited the restaurant you worked at alone soon after. Picking up her sour mood, you took your break early and sat with her at a table, inquiring whatever was the matter. For someone like her to display such an downcast face in public was a rarity. She told you about her worries. Was marrying Naveen the right choice? What if he wasn't as great of a prince as she hoped he would be? What if she wouldn't be happy after all?
After comforting her softly, you chuckled and cheerily reassured her that everything would be well. Marrying him would mean she'd have both her best friend and the prince in her life!
(You were really hoping they'd get married. On top of Charlotte's happiness, the prince would be a great advantage in your career.)
Charlotte left the restaurant with a laugh, but your support left her heart heavier than before.
At the masquerade ball hosted by her father in honor of Naveen's arrival, Charlotte escaped to your side at every chance. As much as you loved her, her constant presence was disrupting the anxiousness you were trying to keep down. The story had already started off on the wrong foot. Where Charlotte was meant to introduce her potential relationship with her father Big Daddy was instead Big Daddy stopping by to eat with one of his clients at your restaurant, sharing the exciting news.
Once Charlotte darted into the kitchen for the eighth time that night with another excuse to talk to you, you gripped her by the shoulders, instructed her to be a good host and tend to her guests, and to not search for you until the night concluded.
Charlotte hated how you pushed away--hated hated HATED it. But still, she'd do it for you. She'd do it because you trusted she'd listen.
In the meantime, you waited in Charlotte's room until a frog jumped onto your balcony. You already knew you were going to be outbid for the mill (just like how it was in the fairytale), so you weren't wasting any time crying over a destined lost investment. When Naveen in his frog form entered the home, you rolled his eyes at his request to help him find a princess and agreed as long as he married Charlotte regardless of whatever was to happen that night. He had no problem with that.
Lucky for you, knowledge from your past life would serve your career well. You told Naveen that because Big Daddy was crowned Mardi Gras king recently, Charlotte would be a princess. All you two needed to do was to wait for the party to end.
Barely Lovely Triangle
As you suspected, Charlotte came running up to you after the ball had concluded. She chided you with tears in her eyes for leaving her alone for so long. You apologized, saying you only wanted the best for her and the Prince and that you being there likely would've prevented any action from her towards him. She begrudgedly agreed before going on to share how wonderful the dance was. She'd never danced like a royal until that day.
You nodded and "uh huh"-ed and dropped compliments as she talked. Once she concluded, you asked her to please listen to what you were about to say. She guessed the matter had to be serious enough for you to possess such a tone, but she hadn't expect an explanation about the frog beside you.
She pointed at him, a corner of her lip lifted in uncertainty. "So he's a prince, the one I was just dancing with was a fake, so I have to kiss that him to bring the prince back?"
You nodded. "Yup. Do you believe me?"
"I....I do. But what's going to happen to the fake one?"
"He'll be exposed in no time. Please, Charlotte? For me?"
Oh, you know she can't resist any request if it's for you.
Naveen, truth be told, transformed right then and there, into a dashing human of royal blood. After talking about you three's lives for a little while, he bid farewell and wished to meet you and Charlotte again soon. Knowing better now, Naveen kept his distance from danger, and low and behold, Lawrence--the man who had disguised as Naveen with the help of an evil talisman--was arrested for fraud.
Surprisingly, that was the start of a friendship trio. You, Charlotte, and Naveen hung out together every now and then in different locations. Of course, you and Charlotte remained closer than ever, but you were relieved to at least have a breath of fresh air. You didn't really have that many friends in city because you were so engrossed in either work or plotting against a destined marriage you didn't want. You were especially glad that Charlotte and even her father weren't keen on getting Charlotte married as soon as possible. Maybe with how things turned out, you no longer needed to worry about the fairytale's plot.
Too bad Naveen eventually falls in love with you anyway.
His proposal came during one of those days where only two of the three in the group were hanging out together. He happened to stop by your restaurant as you finished your shift and offered to walk you home after stopping by another location. You accepted, but you later wished you didn't once the proposal at a beautiful park happened. You rejected him kindly and reminded him that he had a duty to fulfill, and that was marrying your friend. He apologized. You felt bad, but you weren't in love with the guy! Plus, you wanted that restaurant of yours more than anything in that world. No man was going to stop your dream.
You shared what happened the next day to Charlotte at her house. In contrast to the rant you expected from her, she was...eerily calm. She inquired about the person who has your heart, and to that you told her you didn't have anyone. She nodded and recommended you stay away from Naveen for a bit. Men can take rejection quite rough was the summary of her small spiel about men this and men that. And according to her recommendation (even though you were planning to anyway), you didn't pay Naveen's business any mind. He didn't come around as often.
Over the next couple weeks, Charlotte would visit your home more often to hangout. She'd bring up the topic of romance a couple of times, but your answer remained the same: your love was for her and the restaurant you wished to own.
You'd ask about her and the prince every now and then. Her answer was the same: she wasn't as sure about marrying him anymore.
Love is the Secret Ingredient
At last, Naveen's proposal came in the privacy of a beautiful park with a pavilion and crispy lake. He had set up a picnic for Charlotte and him. They chatted as they ate, and once they concluded their afternoon meal, he popped the question.
Although Charlotte had convinced herself for days that she must accept for her dear friend, she just couldn't.
"I'm sorry, but...I don't think I can do this."
To say Naveen was disappointed was an understatement. Not only did the real thief of his heart reject him, but his business partner and friend also did. Charlotte felt guilty, but imaging herself being stolen away from you was a nightmare! And imagining you being stolen from her.....
Without a proposal to the wealthiest family in the city, Naveen was lost. He had arranged the marriage with Big Daddy to combine their influential powers (Big Daddy's wealth & Naveen's royal title despite being casted out by his family). Luckily, you arranged for him to work with you--to start him on the path of someone in your class.
Charlotte, of course, hated it.
She got an earful from Big Daddy for her rejection, but she didn't care. He would soon lose interest in the proposal as well anyway. After all, she was a Daddy's girl, and he wanted her happy.
Charlotte walked you home almost every work day. Her constant attention made you worry for her own health, but she was a ray of sunshine around you. How hurt could she be?
Soon, Naveen stopped showing up to work. The manager told you that Naveen told him he had lost motivation to work and quit. You were stooped, but when you went to visit the hotel he's been staying at since coming to the city, the receptionist shared that he left two night ago.
Charlotte told you that he happened to overhear her talking about a wealthy friend she had in another city. She arranged for him to go meet and live with the friend at his request.
You scowled with a heavy heart. "Wow. He didn't even bother saying anything to me. How shallow."
Charlotte pouted. "Yeah! He dare he! Guess it's just back to us again, huh?"
You smiled. "Yeah. You get me, Charles."
Adoration flowed through her veins. She was worried you might catch some strange aura off of her, but she wasn't lying. The situation was just premeditated. Within a week, Naveen should arrive at the hotel Charlotte had pointed him to just to find out her friend (she gave her a fake name, of course) had already left that hotel present day's tomorrow. There was no way he could afford the trip back to New Orleans. His entire trip to get there was funded by Charlotte herself.
Two months passed before a letter arrived in your mailbox. The mill that you had lost during Charlotte's ball was bought from the previous owner, and the lawyer inquired if you still wanted the property. You didn't waste any time meeting with them. You intended to sign it over to yourself, but the lawyer suggested another property--one that was more spacious and had much more potential. He offered it at the same price, just as long as you took one or the other. You accepted the second option.
Charlotte was elated to see how thrilled you were. Because you used up most of your savings on signing over the new space, she offered to help renovate the place using her money with refusal for objects. She even asked if she could work for you whenever she had time! You couldn't help but be grateful for your dear friend. You were typically too busy for other friendships, but never too busy for Charlotte.
From then on, life was like a fairytale. You worked your butt off at your new restaurant and taught Charlotte the ins and outs of active involvement. She loved it. She loved working with you. She loved watching you negotiate with hagglers and host events to promote the place. Because you were often exhausted by the end of the day, she suggested (quite strongly) that you and your mom move into her home. It was safer that you come home with someone, and her house was so big, you'd have all the privacy you want!
(Don't expect much privacy from her, though).
Suitors weren't a rare occurrence. You became quite a sought after individual as your business grew. But Charlotte knew how you felt and ensured anything causing your stress was taken care of. You tell her everything, after all!
And of course, she tells you (almost) everything. No boy ever became a problem after Naveen. And like always, despite her new insecurities towards being involved in the "working" part of business, no one was to bring her down. For instance, Charlotte overheard an employee of yours discussing her lack of tack to a chef. She mumbled about it to you over dinner, asking if she was a burden to you. The next work day, the employee praised her progress more than twice in one shift.
One night, you both decided to have a sleepover in Charlotte's room. Trying on different dresses and watching movies had tired such pretty girls out. Laying in her bed, you brushed some blonde locks away from her gorgeous face. "You know Charles, these days, I feel like you're my only true friend."
Charlotte giggled and cuddled closer into your arms. "I'll always be silly. Even if the world crashed, we'll have each other to rely on. No one else!"
"You're absolutely right. No one else."
As she drifted off to sleep in your arms, you continued to brush her hair with a smile on your face. Running a restaurant was hard work, but gambling your luck on Charlotte was even harder. It was a relief she didn't reject Naveen due to affections for another guy. As long as you continued to open your arms out to her, you'll be fine, life would be bliss.
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tsukkismoonlight · 2 years
“i’ve been looking for the right time to let you know that i’ve been looking for you all of my life.” (outta my mind by monsune) + jjk! (specifically yuta if you love me thx)
Okay okay okay this gives me like, love at first sight to friends (but obliviously into eachother) to lovers type beat yk
So like, im imagining that Yuta is out and about, trying to enjoy his day as best as possible, cause he's supposed to be like idk patrolling/making sure everything is going well
And like, he's passing a park, and kinda pauses to look at everyone there, watching as they all smile and as the kids run around to play tag and whatnot
And then,, and then he sees you/reader, and ur like, laying in the grass gazing at the sky, and like, yk how Todo does the thing where he imagines a whole backstory for him and Yuji ?? Same thing but in the futre tense
He can see cute dates, surprise gifts, content cuddling on the couch, all of the good stuff. Tho ofc mans is a little too nervous to just, go up and ask for a name or number
So, he goes on his way, and the whole rest of his little patrol he is just thinking about you/reader, and how you had so easily captivated him, even with something so mundane such as watching the clouds pass by.
So for the next few days he passes the park, hoping you'll be there. And eventually he does see you/reader again, and he somehow manages to go up, and tho he stumbles over his words a few times, he manages to ask for a name, and all that
And honestly its kinda cute and charming in the way that its Yuta
And from there, i can imagine a bunch of like outings to go and meet up, to get to know eachother. And like the two of u introduce eachother to your friends (all of which wanna be the best wingmen possible cause they can clearly tell that something is there)
And eventually, it's probably close to like sunset/some early evening time, and you/reader are about to leave for the night and he kinda just blurts out that he likes u and how he's been trying to figure out how to tell you, and how to explain that he feels like he's been waiting for someone like you, and yeah
I think thats it
I could probably go on and on and on but for the sake of having to read a whole bunch of my rambling, i will save u all from that
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albatris · 3 years
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:D!! yes!! ok!! yes!! please forgive the much-much-much-lengthier-than-intended ramble sorry thank you love you <3
first off, two facts about Noa and Kai:
they care about each other a lot
they cannot fucking STAND each other 90% of the time
they struggle a lot when it comes to teamwork, their personalities don't mesh well under pressure and their approaches to problem-solving differ wildly, so they often end up getting on each other’s nerves and being quite tense when they have to work together :P nothing, like, dramatic though, and nothing that escalates beyond general bickering and annoyance
that being said, on a personal and social level they do view each other as close friends and (can) get along well, though you’d be hard-pressed to get either of them to admit it. they share a lot of similarities (some of which I’ll go into) and both value the other as someone they can be open and honest with and drop their guard around, which is sayin somethin ‘cause openness and honesty are notoriously difficult for both of them lmao
in general I would say hmmmm
Noa views Kai (fondly) as a bastard and a swindler and possibly the most infuriating person she’s ever met, an opinion which does not change even as she grows to consider them a friend. like, genuinely? she fuckin hates their guts. and their ridiculously charming smile. and the way they can sweet talk their way into or out of any situation. she’s a little bitter about the way people just seem to hand over whatever Kai wants just ‘cause they’re a smooth-talker and good at pulling strings, ‘cause that level of uhhhhh sneaky interpersonal finesse is not something she’s ever really been able to access and it strikes her as cheating ahaha
that being said, though she finds their personality grating and their face punchable, they’re a person who cares intensely about people, not in an abstract theoretical all-talk-no-action kind of way, but in a concrete, physical, motivated “hey let me help you with that right now” kind of way, which Noa will never have any beef with. too many people sit around talking about what it means to do the right thing. not enough people get out there in a van full of interdimensional crime and pull off elaborate heists for the greater good
Kai has a similar take on Noa in that regard, as in, like. she’s kind of hardcore, yes. but. there are too many people sitting around talking about what it means to do the right thing, not enough people getting rightfully fucking unhinged and charging headfirst into injustice and cruelty and punching the shit out of it. her methods are a little too impulsive and headstrong for Kai’s tastes but it works for her n they’re cheering from the sidelines lol
but ye, Kai views Noa as. hm. a very very very intense person who is a lot of fun to mess with. pretty much as soon as Kai realises Noa isn’t going to be a threat in any capacity they’re like “sick now I have free reign to be the most annoying person in the universe” and they absolutely follow through. they find her passion and intensity amusing but admirable, and they were sold on the fact that she’s a good, kind person no matter her prickly exterior the second they saw how much she adores her mum c:
so, arguably, half of the next part is just,,,, me elaborating to an excessive extent,,,,, but this info used to be at the start of the ramble so I’d already written it before being like “hey wait a minute” so to hell with it I’m including it anyway
these two don’t get a lot of screentime together till the second half of the book and they have a pretty rocky start imo
like, Noa’s first impressions of Kai on two separate occasions are “that bastard who robbed me while I was on the clock” and “that random weirdo who somehow charmed my best friend into thinking they’re cool even though they sound like the shadiest motherfucker on the entire planet and I’m pretty sure they’re a serial killer”, which then culminate into “oh shit these are in fact the same person and they’re definitely bad news”
Kai never dislikes Noa the same way Noa dislikes them, but they are wary of her and have a healthy degree of fear regarding the threat she could pose to them.......... Kai and Noa’s different career choices put them at odds with each other right off the bat, what with Noa working for the Department of Interdimensional Instabilities and Kai operating a significantly less legal business that’s essentially the antithesis of the DII
plus Noa in general has a reputation for being Kind Of Fucking Terrifying
initially I would say they both view the other as “potentially a legitimate threat” and “not to be underestimated”, but post-mid-story-heist they get to spend some proper time together and form more grounded opinions of each other :P though arguably still for a considerable while the only reason they put up with each other is because Tris is like “:D” at them both and they’re like........ aw no I don’t wanna make him sad
Kai warms to Noa a lot faster than Noa warms to Kai, ‘cause Kai warms to most people pretty quick provided they’re not literal axe murderers. Noa starts to warm to Kai only after careful observation and assessment leads her to conclude the following two facts with reasonable certainty:
Kai does appear to be in possession of a solid moral compass
Kai has no ill intent towards Tris whatsoever
which tips the scale in their favour enough for her to be like “okay fine”
there's a level of distance and awkwardness between them for ages 'cause like, yeah, they're friends they guess but not like, friends-friends, there just seems to be something that's not clicking, n the main reason for that is just like
(handshake meme)
a deep-seated terror of being emotionally open and vulnerable resulting in a pathological need to project a loud outgoing persona that masks every ounce of insecurity and fear and prevents anyone from getting close enough to Know You: Noa 🤝 Kai
as soon as THAT realisation clicks for both of them n they're like "oh shit you're just like me and I know exactly how you feel" it instils a sense of connection and camaraderie between them and solidifies a kinship based on Something rather than simply "mutual friends" and "sometimes we're in the same place"
n like, obviously the others Know about the whole. situation. with Kai’s backstory but Kai’s still pretty cagey about it emotionally speaking.... I’m pretty sure Noa is?? the only person they manage to completely drop their guard around over the course of the story? in terms of like.... having a genuine heart-to-heart about the emotions involved and the fear n guilt
and like. yeah. yeah. Noa hasn’t made a friend besides Tris in like ten years n she’s also notoriously cagey with her emotions and her being genuine and vulnerable is just....... not a thing that happens very often or very easily.... and even less through a lot of the story
idk man. they’ve just got good vibes together
they offer each other a Safe Place and a level of understanding that maybe the others don’t quite grasp. even though the others r still empathetic and care for them a lot n have equally important things they bring to the friendship. Noa and Kai just have a vibe yeah
even though they’d sell each other to satan for one corn chip
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prcmctheus · 6 years
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hurricane katrina ?? more like hurrican tortilla .. am i rite ?? dnajdsl i’m over trying to seem cool 4 u guys to read these hot messes bc we all know it’s just gonna be me rambling nonsense but i need validation bc im a messy b*tch so luv me and my hipster trash son bowie
! ✰ ° — [ RAMI MALEK, CISMALE, HE/HIM ] bowie abaza, aka agent galileo is a thirty-six year old biomedical agent that has been loyal to mercy for three years. they have a reputation of being the savant because they can be steadfast & amicable. but let’s not forget they’re pretty blasé & fastidious. if you listen closely you can hear sunday morning by maroon 5 whenever they walk past. 
full name: bowie abraxas abaza nicknames: just bowie yo hometown: cairo, egypt gender: cismale sexuality: pansexual / panromantic spoken languages: masri ( egyptian arabic ), arabic, english, german & spanish hogwarts house: he’s a hoe ass ravenclaw y’all , caries around sudoko puzzles tattoos: bc i’m weak and idc if this is a feminine aRM he has this rose tattoo on his right arm
so ya Mans bowie abraxas abaza was born and raised in cairo, egypt up until he was 6 years old but moved around A LOT bc his mom is fickle and tbh bowie never really minded bc his a World Traveler by the time college rolls around .. he hasn’t been in a place for long and he doesn’t mind it bc he;s a bit of a wandering spirit or vagabond if u will
but yeah his mom didn’t really come from money but his dad was pretty well off ?? he was an accountant in cairo bc it was a family thing that the men followed suit in and his dad was set to marry this woman bc their families were close but his dad was like lmao thx but no thx and ran off with his teenage sweetheart who also happened to be his neighbor but u can thank his moms deep love of david bowie for his name
i say ran off but lit he dipped 30 mins away to the house he bought jdsbfajf sOOO bowie chills with his parents in cairo until he’s 6 until his mom says she wants to move them to prague and asks bowie for his insight and in his 6 year old wisdom he’s like uHhh yeah sure why not  .. u know as a parent does in big life decisions
but bowie def takes more after his mom in the sense of being p easy going and goes with the flow ?? chilled out most of the time and hardly ever raises his voice or loses his temper ?? hates confrontation and would much rather avoid it all costs nflksdj so u gotta do smth Wild for him to show frustration
he doesn’t take things too seriously or get too attached bc of how much moving he did as a kid ,, which u think his dad would be like nyla pls .. let me have a steady job but he is Whipped and grossly in love but to be fair ,, they both are and bowie hasn’t ever seen a couple more in love after so many years than his parents so it warms his heart a bit
it’s when they’re in prague that his mom gives birth to his younger sister safia ( i have jade thirlwall for a potential wc .. someday maybe idk ) and bowie actually adores his sister ?? thinks she hung the stars in the sky and would Die for her .. until she becomes a teenager and he’s like safia i s2g i will nerf u,, as any brother but he still luvs her
until he’s 15 he bounces around from prague to budapest to moscow before his parents make The Move to san franscisco, california and that’s the last move the abaza clan make just to spare bowie and safia from falling back even further in schooling and bowie was like .. mom pls chill out
bowie did exceptionally well in high school and was the jerk who was just naturally smart and didn’t have to study much bc it just came easy to him  ,, HUGE HIPSTER TRASH im not even sorry ,, likes to smoke weed and hates beer but is a wine hoe .. wears hawaiian button downs unironically, ripped skinny jeans .. big fan of chelsea boots and slip on vans and leather jackets and that still transfers over to his style now
gets along with p much anyone ?? was in the robotics club in high school, on the deans list but weaved between the cliques with ease and probably bc of how chill and down to earth he was ,, helped people out with tutoring n such and just stayed in his own lane
on his 18th birthday he got a giant rose tattoo on his right arm much to the horror of his dad jdfaljk but and he’s v proud of it and has an urge to get a sleeve but now working for Governmental peeps , he mainly wears long sleeve shirts and is wary of mercy’s stance and doesn’t wanna ask
a bit non commital in terms of Relationships ,, v sexually liberal and v pansexual / panromantic and hasn’t even really settled down just bc he feels like he doesn’t wanna settle down into things and make them so serious ?? so he’s just big into the hookup scene but he ain’t the type to dip first thing when he wakes up .. likes to chill and lay in bed and maybe go get some breakfast w u
becoming a doctor was a last minute whim bc he wanted to do engineering but changed his mind and applied to john hopkins for pre-med bc i hate him and he figures why not ?? ya mans gets an early admission and he’s v proud of himself and parents cry bc they're proud of their boy and what he's achieved even with all their moving around !! im emo thinking about it now bye
lit his bachelor’s and then med school . bowie runs on caffeine, multiple existential crises and the determination of elle woods and time flies and he’s 26 and graduates john hopkins med school summa cum laude after internships n such and ya bOY IS SWAGGY !! secures his residency and is living life as a trauma surgeon back in san francisco for a bit before he gets into contact with mercy and bc he's impulsive as fuck he’s the meme of the hand slapping the button that says nUT
accurate representation of bowie jdnfls so he’s been chilling as a biomedical agent for mercy for three years and finds it more thrilling than a trauma surgeon ?? liked being on but there’s something more to being at mercy that while he enjoyed saving lives , he feels a greater purpose at mercy 
p much the middle ground between fitz and misha bc he’s just Chill , kjsdkl that’s the best way i can conjure up thots bc he’s easy going and talks to most people and doesn’t rise up to frustration and just offers solutions and is Unimpressed when field agents try to act tough like calm down chad ur gonna bleed out so shut up and come over here
chose his agent name as galileo bc he’s a science Nerd and i hate him
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Maybe This Wasn’t a Bad Match-part 2
(a/n): Hi guys! I’m back and I am so happy about that! Sorry I've been MIA for the past few months. Everything has been crazy and I started my new job so that exciting! Anyways enough with my rambling cause we all know who really important here. Roan! Anyways the song for this is Wicked games by Urisine ft. annaca: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PoIisbJ7HI
Summary: I just found ur blog and was so fucking excited! (I’m so excited I just can’t hide it) Anyway can I have a Roanxreader where she is from Skaikru and they form an alliance by marriage & it’s their wedding, he doesn’t force anything on her till she comfortable & a month or so she is ready and smut and fluff. Plz and thx - Hey, read all your Roan imagines! I love the “Hunting Skai-Renegades” imagine the most. I was hoping you could do an imagine where the reader is Kane’s Daughter and, to make an alliance with Ice Nation, the commander arranges for the reader and Roan to get married. Please!! Your writing is amazing!!!  
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you shake with nerves as you wait inside, behind the double doors that lead outside. That is where your fate awaited you. Where your future with Roan began. You couldn’t deny that everything was absolutely beautiful, even your dress and white furs was perfect. It was a dress that had been made from the finest fabric an apocalyptic world could find. On the ark there were no weddings like this at all, just a bunch of paperwork that needed to be filled out and, that was all there was to it.
   You hoped to get this over soon before you lost your nerve and, as if The first commander, Becca, had heard you the doors open and there Roan was, dressed in his finest clothing and furs that matched my very own. He stood tall and proud, you could tell he was eager. You could feel his impatience and excited from the doorway but, suddenly you became aware of all the eyes staring at you expectantly and, you froze in place. You stand there for a minute, you could tell Roan had become worried as he shifted his feet and took a slight step towards you. He was probably worried you would bolt like a deer and honestly you didn’t blame him at all. Half of you wanted to be selfish for once and do exactly that.
   Finally you closed your eyes, took a deep breath and open your eyes once more. Your eyes were determined and fierce, showing no sign of hesitation as you began to move, powerfully, down the aisle. You could see Roan visibly become more relaxed as you got closer to him. Finally you reached him and he quickly took your hand in his, just to pull you closer to him as you stood on the altar together. The priest came forward so you could speak your wedding vows and, boy he couldn’t read them fast enough but finally you got to the ‘I do’s’ and you quickly spoke them before Roan pulled you into a passionate kiss. It was awkward and strangely natural for you but for him it was everything that he dreamed your wedding kiss would be like.
   After letting him enjoy it a little more you swiftly pulled away so you both could face the cheering crowd. This was it done. As of right now you were married to Roan and were now the official princess and future queen of Azgeda. You looked at Roan to see him already looking at you and he slightly smiled as joy danced in his eyes before he turned back to the crowd. You did the same after it finally sank in what had just happened.
You thought to yourself, ‘This is it. This is your new life now.
And there was no escaping it, ever.
You and Roan sat at a table on a dais as everyone below drank, ate and, danced to the rhythm of the beating drums. You had seen grounders act wild and crazy before but not in a way that was non-threatening and, at first, it had scared you a little till you realized they weren’t going to kill you. Roan sat beside you with his hand on your upper thigh as he talked to one of his fellow azgeda warrior, who had congratulated him on marrying such a beautiful and strong woman as he glanced at you. Roan hand tightened on your thigh as you gave a stiff nod in acknowledgement of the complement. You saw Queen Nia making her way to the dais and the warrior quickly left with a fleeting goodbye and, he bowed his head in greetings to the Queen which she ignore as her eyes were set on you. She came to stand in front of both of you, her eyes never leaving yours.
“Hello, my dear,” she spoke, to which you quickly greeted her back as you glanced at your family on the dais below you, who were watching carefully. “So how does it feel to be the princess of azgeda and it’s people.” she chuckled, as she looked at you with what almost looked like mischief in her eyes.
You opened your mouth only to close it, for the first time you were at a loss of words. You thought you had been so prepared for this question as you were expecting it but, as of right now she had stumped you and you just sat there staring like an idiot. She lightly laughed again and waved her hand dismissively.
“I’m only teasing you, little one, It’s a lot to take in. Trust me I would know better than anyone seeing as I was also in an arranged marriage.” She said, knowingly. Your eyes widened upon hearing this, you wanted to ask her more but she spoke before you could,
“Well, I only came to give my son and his beautiful blushing bride my best wishes. So may you have a long and happy life together.”
Roan nodded and stiffly said his gratitude as did you as you let your mind wander.
When Queen Nia left, you were brought back to the present as Roan motioned a guard over and told him not to let anyone pass so he could spend time with you. The guard nodded his head and went back to his post as Roan turned toward you with a small smile. His hand left your thigh and came up to hold your hand as he spoke,
“Are you enjoying yourself, ai hod?” You nodded your head as you glanced down at your food shyly and he let out a deep chuckle that you could see rattling his chest. He lifted his other hand and took her chin gently only to turn your face to his. His eyes held kindness, “there’s no need to be shy, ai gona, I am your husband now. Speak your mind, ai hod” he said.
You took a deep breath and spoke soft but strongly, “I want this marriage to work out more than anything.”  he made a sound in agreement. “I’m just worried i won’t be what you expected and decide you don’t want me anymore.” you finished.
He shook his head as he tenderly cupped your cheek. “I would never do such a thing. I-” He stopped short before continuing, “I care for you to much to do something so stupid!”
You nodded as you looked at him and you opened your mouth again to speak of your deepest fear about this marriage. “And then there is the whole wedding night to think about now-” Roan quickly interrupted your rambling,
“I would never pressure you into something as important as this. I want you to be completely comfortable. I want you to want me too.” he spoke softly for only you to hear. You searched his eyes for lies. You found none and for the first time since all this began, you smiled a true smile. His eyes lit up as he saw your smile, to know he was the cause of such happiness brought a smile to his face. That’s all he want. To be the reason that his love was happy and content.
You nodded your head as you look down then back up to him. Then you finally understood the feeling you got when you looked at him.
‘I’m falling in love with Roan.’  You thought.
You looked back to the crowd to see Nia staring at you with a knowing look. She slightly smile, and it remind you very much of someone. You looked back to Roan. You found he was already staring at you with something in his eyes that you finally understood. Love.
Maybe you could be happy. Maybe this wasn't a bad match at all.
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chenlays · 7 years
I hope this is what you wanted :”) ilysm💖 ⭐️ requests are open !! ⭐️ masterlist
can you make a cute artist!au w renjun bc that is probably the cutest and softest au ever :’)
art class is!! really fun
u basically got to do ur own thing on an assigned project and chat n have as much fun as you wanted
and 👀👀
there’s renjun
he’s a rly cute and soft boy who absolutely loves that class
and watching him draw or paint or just mess around was pure joy !!he would space out a lot with the end of his pencil in his mouth,, just thinking about what to do next
and sometimes he would just smile sO bright because of how funny a line or feature looked
a lot of the time he was more quiet and to himself, just sketching away and humming and occasionally looking up
but u never really paid attention to what he was looking at 👀👀
one day when u were going to get ur snuffs
he was smiling really wide to the point where u could see his lil snaggle tooth 🤧🤧 (REST IN PEACE)
he was drawing in a very awkward position so he could cover the paper with his arm
and u were rly wanting to see it,, ofC
so u peeked over his shoulder and saw a really really pretty sketch :”)
but there was hearts and stars and flowers all over the background
nicely blended also
he didn’t realize you were there until you complimented him
then he waS SCREAMING
“OH hello,,, uHm may I help yOU??”
“yEa, wHAT were u drawing 👀👀”
when u ask him he gets all blushy and cute and closes it really fast
avoiding eye contact as much as possible too,, and lots of shaking
he says smth really dumb too
renjun w t f
he had a crush on u and u couldn’t see it smh u eggo
bUt then u just left him alone because he obviously wasn’t comfortable with sharing
and then the day after in art
he found the courage to sit beside you and watch you paint the scenery instead of letting you watch him
and when u weren’t looking, he just smiled so softly and did a cute laugh if u messed up
and then said encouraging words to make you feel better about the wrong stroke or bad blend or failed technique
“messing up just makes your art ten times more beautiful!!!”
after a week of just helping you and keeping you company, he stopped you after class on a Friday probs and gave you a SOFT and nervous smile and it conCERNED u a lot
and he was stuttering quite a bit probably :(
but he ended up asking you about his art
hMmm “could you come by my house sometime so I could get help with a drawing????”
oFC u said yes,, if u said no I would’ve hunted u down ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
and he wrote his number on ur hand rly fast with his special tracing pen
and zoomed out of the room bc he was so nervous
iT WAS cute though !!! soft shy baby boy
after school tho
he probs texted you right away n made it nice!! And sent lots of hearts n smiley faces
“du trist edderkopp 👺”
he was so cute and awkward n,, u just lov him
even though it was making u anxious n whatnot (pROBABLY I mean,, renjun is so cute how could he not make you nervous
you went over to his house for whatever he needed
I feel like his house would feel reALLY welcoming
nice flowers at the front n a fresh lawn and a lil porch decoration
and then he answers the door in pajamas bc he fORGOT and he was just screeching into his sketchbook or smth and stressing about this very moment
you’re trying not to laugh bc CUTENESS and he’s so embarrassed
it’s awful,, poor bby :(
he’s rUNNING while saying you can come inside and just leaving a trail of tears
but in like 5 minutes he’s back with a presentable outfit and those glasses that make him look so precious :”)
and he still has messy hair which makes him 29389292x cuter so u don’t say anything
but he just sets his sketchbook at a table and pulls out a chair for u 🤧🤧
“hEY do u want anything???”
“UHm 👀👀 can I have water ??”
his smile omg
probably smiles n runs to his kitchen,, ready to make u the best glass of water you’ve ever had
his sketchbook was one of those rly aesthetic ones !!!
the front was a little old and torn at the corners and it had lots of dirty on the edges and papers shoved in between pages
it looked so tempting to open :”)) but u had to rESPECT
he comes running in with some water and a tiny plate of cookies or whatever u prefer
“you mentioned it while you were sketching your background!!” 
while ur drinking ur water,,,
“uhh renjun??? why did I come over??”
“oH, I needed help with drawing someone!! you both have similar features and I needed an example!!”
as he was drawing and looking back n forth from u and the paper, you couldn’t help but notice how happy n determined he looked
he started making small talk with you after like five minutes so you wouldn’t be bored and you both learned a lot
and soon, he was done with the sketch and had asked for you to come back another time
it happened to be the following saturday
and throughout the whole week in art, both of you talked the whole time about so much
he was a good friend of yours at that point, and he was so much more interesting
he paid attention to all of your quirks and habits and literally fell in love with them all
if you liked to chew on ur nails or smth
he would laugh a lil and grab your hands and give u a warm smile
or if you liked to ramble a lot and stopped in between to say “sORRY I’ll stop :>”
he would frown n ask you to keep talking so he could work better
he paid attention to it all and remembered every little thing you said
you like flowers?? he’s already painting 20940 different kinds !!
when u went over again,, u went in his tiny art room
it was cozy and bright in there with lots of supplies on shelves and art hung up all over
and it was aLL his art !!
he probably had a painting of moomintroll and snorkmaiden tBH and when u asked what it was he snatched
“UH that’s just an old kid thing I liked sry wrong number ://“
“renjun wtf ur literally speaking to me”
but u both just sit and he gets his work done while u rant abt world issues and opinions and he also does too while aggressively cOLORING
and when he does finish
he shows you!!!
it’s yOu though :o
ur screeching bc “omg I thought u wERE USING ME AS AN EXAMPLE THIS IS AMAZIG ILYSM YOU EGG”
ur just showering him in compliments and love and tears and he is so flustered and happy that you like it
but it gets overwhelming so he drops everything and hugs you sOO tight
and then he steps away from you and covers his face,, and u can see marker stains and pencil lines on his hands and he looks sO cute n like he’s conquered his life goal istg
messy hair n messy artist renjun is my aesthetic
wOw he’s so cute,, trying not to look u in the eye and still form words so he can tell u how he feels 🏌️🏌️
“snjdksk I drew you because you’re beautiful and I’ve been trying to draw you since our very first art class but I never could :’)”
and he gives u 2993 moomin stickers he made himself
after that he holds ur hand all the time in class when he can 
and draws hearts all over ur stuff YES
and always gets paint on ur clothes so pls 
also hums while drawing in class since it calms both of u i’m tearing u p
aNd u need to date thx
the art teacher is assigning a partner project next term for that sole purpose
“date or u get an F”
thank u ilysm
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emypony · 7 years
Every number, lol
ily lmfao
gdi lina
((now i gotta open my own goddamn tumblr to find it smh))
i’ll do edits throughout bcs i go on other questions and i legit like, answer them and go back and add stuff
1. first anime you ever watched
tbh i can’t freaking remember?? Though it might’ve been something on animax. I don’t count pokemon rly bcs i rarely watched it. I think watched thoroughly…???
Frick. Deltora Quest (??) ((god I just remembered I need to hype that too crap)) but I’ll be proud to say front to back as a really long anime is going to be Inazuma Eleven. God I was so trash for it. Saw a few eps on Disney and decided “i want to see this but without this crappy romanian dub thx”
I can’t remember any other anime I watched but amongst the first ones were: Shugo Chara, Princess Tutu (I NEED TO DRAW THIS AS WELL AUGH LINA WHAT’VE U DONE) uhhhhhhhh, Kaleido Star? Zero no Tsukaima (VERY BAD ANIME TO START WATCHING WHEN UR LIKE 13) and other trash stuff like Oran Highschool Host club, Toradora (I didn’t watch the last ep gg me), Brother’s Conflict (another harem AND I DIDN’T WATCH THE LAST EP EITHER GG OMG) and this is all I can remember great…
look at me i can’t even do one question without rambling this is gonna be long asf
EDIT:::: Shaman King was the first. Used to air dubbed on some non cartoon channel over here and I got hooked.
2. first anime crush
Shun from Bakugan. I’m trash. (yes this was after I found out that it was originally japanese. I think i wanted to watch the jap dub but i couldn’t find it anywhere and i couldn’t take Dan having Naruto’s voice either thx)
Then i discovered Spectra (aka the Brother of that girl from the 2nd season) and i cried bcs how could I choose
3. favorite anime character
Tsurugi Kyousuke and you know it girl
TSUNA FROM KHR (in his more serious form)
4. least favorite anime character
fricc. uHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH…(inazuma eleven makes everybody lovable I mean…)
5. list all anime you have ever watched (do non finished one count too thx)
NOTE: The ones with * means I didn’t finish them.
Mob Psycho 100
Shokugeki no Souma**  (in prcess of watching)
Oban Star Racers
Sword Art Online
SMILE PRECURE - it’s so clichee but I love it
Kaichou wa Maid-Sama
Fruits Basket!!!
Sukitte Ii na yo
edit: Noucome
Dog Days!* (i can’t even what is this anime)
Beyblade (newer series tho)*
To Love-Ru* (wasn’t my thing but i saw a bit of it)
more Pretty Cure series which I can’t remember tbh
Gugure! Kokkuri-san*
6. popular anime you didn’t like
Vampire…s-something with Vampire? With the Subaru and stuff. 
Naruto (I mean first seasons are nice and all but like, it becomes confusing)
One Piece, Fairy Tail, YURI ON ICE , HETALIA ((MISS ME WITH THAT SH*T THX)), Death Note, Attack on Titan, Tokyo Ghoul, Clannad, Boku no Hero Academia, Dragon Ball Z (and what have you), Kuroko no Basket, Haikyuu, Free!, Bleach, Inuyasha, YuGiOh (i’ve seen a bit but meh..), Mirai Nikki, 
//inhales Sailor Moon
idk just not for me, though maybe I should give it a chance??
7. anime you are currently watching
I guess Shokugeki no Souma since I’ve yet to finish s3
But I’m still in IEGO hell rn, rewatching it for the lolzies
8. anime character you are most like
Tenma, ofc. 
9. favorite anime child
Tenma. ;;w;; he’s so precious and doubts himself and I think he’s great  ahhh 
Konoha. She loves animals and she’s kinda cute ouo
idk if there’s more i am really not recent anime trash sorry
10. favorite anime animal sidekick
Kili who’s Jasmine’s(?) -idk if that was her name in the jap version too- crow
I frkin love crows holy danm
Sasuke is such a cute dog save me
11. anime you didn’t expect to like but did
Inazuma Eleven (I don’t even like soccer) , Princess Tutu (I don’t like ballet and it was old af so I literally put it off for watching Shugo Chara), uhhhh idunno anymore
12. anime that should get more attention from others
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
13. funniest anime you have watched
the one anime with the guy who had to make decisions or else
Noucome? (wikipedia: short for My Mental Choices are Completely Interfering with my School Romantic Comedy) Yeah that’s the one.
Shokugeki no Souma
14. saddest anime you have ever watched
PRINCESS TUTU (screw me, right?)
15. anime you never get sick of watching
16. 10 best animes you have watched
Inazuma Eleven
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Princess Tutu
Deltora Quest
Sugar Sugar Rune
Shokugeki No Souma
Shaman King
i don’t know another one save me
17. biggest anime crush
18.10 worst anime you have watched
how can I even- 
19. favorite anime ships
YuuiChi ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ;)))))) furiously winks)
Ibuki x Shindou ((idk the name of this together lmao))
i don’t have anything more tbh x’D
20. least favorite anime ships
ShinKyou (I’m sorry but how?)
Fakir x Rue (Princess tutu. But like y these 2 srsly they hate each other)
21. anime that made you cry, when
Inazuma Eleven, not sure when but it did. I’m p sure it did
fricc. Princess Tutu defs at the end
22. age you started watching anime/person who introduced you to it.
idk how the hecc I found it but i think i was like 11/12?
23. unpopular character you love
I mean c’mon we only see him a few times like give the poor guy some love
24. popular character you hate
Idk just… :^) not ma’ thing
25. anime you would recommend to someone who hates anime
i can’t?? my anime choices are literally trash
26. manga you have read all the ways through
i…didn’t read mangas xD
((yes you’re free to kill me now :^))
(((TBH THERE IS ONE. And that’s Nana to Kaoru I think..but it’s nsfw sorta but it was nice as well? like you don’t see that often)))
27. anime you plan to watch in the future
uhhhh crap good question. I had some lists somewhere but idk
28. most upsetting moment in anime, why
When Shun from bakugan cut his hair but damn he was still hot
29. anime that deserves another season
i can’t think of more
30. one anime conclusion you would change
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A day in the (theme) park - Power Rangers Fanfic
Based on my headcanons post
Read it on Ao3
Thank you to @rwbyfreak for helping me beta and to @giantallergyball for being so supportive and helpful during my writing process, it really helped to have a friend that is so lovely and willing to help me with my weird writing needs! <3
Group Chat names are as follows:
Hot Stuff: Zack
Boss Man: Jason
tinyballofrage: Trini
Little Boy Blue: Billy
Princess KimBIrly: Kim
Two weeks after their battle with Rita and the team's energy was drooping. Jason can tell his team needs a break, the final straw was when all of them even Billy refused to go into the kitchen to retrieve their donuts. After another wasted training session, he decides to put a plan into action - for a much-needed break. When he explains his idea to Billy, the two set about compiling a list of ideas for activities they could all do and then came the task of rallying the others. He pulls up the group chat, rolling his eyes when he sees that Zack has once again changed the group name.
      Zack Taylor  has changed the name to  Zack's Bitches....and Billy ;-)
Boss Man: Dude! Stop changing the name.
Hot Stuff: It wasn't even me man.
            Princess KimBIrly changed the name to  LIES AND SCANDAL 
Trini: [evillaughter.gif]
Hot Stuff: U guys R mean
Little Boy Blue: What did I do? :(
Hot Stuff: Billy ur my only true friend
Little boy blue: :D
Princess KimBIrly: Trini <3
                         Hot Stuff changed Trini's name to tinyballofrage
Tinyballofrage: FUCK YOU ZACK!
Hot Stuff: *kiss emoji*
                     Tinyballofrage changed Hot Stuff's name to Dead Man
Dead Man: Not cool bro.
Tinyballofrage: stfu
Boss Man: Guys come on, every time! *annoyed emoji*
Tinyballofrage: blame Zack he started it.
Dead Man: dUDE.
Dead Man: Kim pls kiss ur gf
Dead Man: So she'll stop being mean 2 me.
Princess KimBIrly: You're an idiot.
Dead Man: Help a bro out Kimmy. *sad emoji*
Boss Man: Alright listen up, training is cancelled for tomorrow.
Tinyballofrage: Why??
Dead Man: who cares. PARTAY!! [confetti.gif]
Little boy blue: Should I tell them Jason? :)
Dead Man: Tell us what bro?
Dead Man: Tell me
Dead Man:  J
Dead Man: A
Dead Man: S
Dead Man: O
Dead Man: N
                  Dead Man has changed Boss Man's name to Abs of Steel
                          Dead Man changed his name to BabyGotZack
Tinyballofrage: U R AN IDIOT.
BabyGotZack: LUV U 2 Crazy Gurllll <3
Princess KimBIrly: Jace please just tell us b4 Trini murders Zack.
Abs of Steel: We're going to the theme park tomorrow
Little boy blue: I made us all maps and my mom made us sandwiches to take :D
BabyGotZack: Jasonnnnnn *heart eyes emoji* ma dude
BabyGotZack: U R MY HERO
Princess KimBIrly: Should be fun. wbu babe? <3
Tinyballofrage: Kim, I am sitting right next to you.
Princess KimBIrly: So?
Tinyballofrage: Yes, dork.
BabyGotZack: Trimberly4lyf<3 #relationshipgoals
Tinyballofrage: don't make me hit u
Little boy blue: Please don't fight again :(
Abs of Steel: OK. We r leaving @ 9am sharp.
Princess KimBIrly: Why that early?
Little boy blue: The park opens at 10am and if we want to get to all of the rides then we should leave at 9. the journey takes 40 minutes from outside the school without factoring in traffic or pee breaks.
Princess KimBIrly: K. Thx billy
                                    Little boy blue changed the name to  
                         Yay Ranger Trips *clapping emoji* *grinning emoji*
 Jason and Billy are the first to arrive. Billy sits in the passenger seat of his Mom's van whilst Jason drives. Jason patiently listens as Billy recites their itinerary and they pull into the school parking lot. 
He unlocks his phone to check the time, sighing when he sees several messages (mostly from Zack.) He decides to open Kim's message first.
  Kimberly [received at 8:35am]:
On our way. We're bringing donuts, won't be long x
  He sends a thumbs up back before moving onto the spam of messages he has from Zack.
  Pain in the ass [received at 8:22am]:
Yo wot time did u say 2 meet
Pain in the ass [received at 8:24am]:
Nvrmind I got it.
Pain in the ass [received at 8:25am]:
Pain in the ass [received at 8:25am]:
wot do I wear
Pain in the ass [received at 8:37am]:
why u ignorin me
Pain in the ass [received at 8:42am]:
I expect donuts
Pain in the ass [received at 8:47am]:
Eyyyy I just saw Trimberly K-I-S-S-I-N-G 
Pain in the ass [received at 8:53am]:
Trini hit me. *crying emoji*
  Jason can't help but smile at the image, pocketing his phone as he waits. Billy quietly rambles, going over the plan and showing Jason his blue colour coded map.
  "My dad used to make maps like this." He happily chimes, shaking the map in emphasis.
  Jason smiles softly, content in his friend's happiness. "Your maps are great Billy."
  "I made sure to include food places. See on Zack's map I circled the hot dog stand and- and on Kimberly's map I highlighted a cafe that sells pizza, I noticed that Kimberly really likes pizza. Though she often steals from Trini who acts mad but I don't think she minds."
  Jason nods along, noting how Billy perks up when he sees the others approaching. They can both see Trini and Zack shoving one another as they walk, Kim close by Trini's other side rolling her eyes at the pair and their antics. Jason gets out of the van to take the box of half-eaten donuts in Kim's hand and the sound of squabbling fills his ears.
  "You're such a fucking moron." Trini snaps, shoving Zack slightly harder.
  "Don't be such a sourpuss." he teases, ruffling her hair as she practically snarls in response. 
  Zack grins pulling a face at Trini as she grumbles. He goes to follow her but Jason's hand on his shoulder instantly stops him.
  "It's early, give it a rest eh Zack." Jason cautions, hoping that he didn't sound too strict and instantly relaxing when Zack only rolls his eyes before smirking.
  "Aye Aye Captain." He raises his hand in a mock salute winking at the red ranger before moving around the car to say hello to Billy.
  Jason coughs quickly getting in the car so that Kim can't see his deep pink blush - she would never stop teasing him. He convinces himself she didn't notice though the giggling between the two girls tells him otherwise.
  "Hi guys." Billy waves at the other three, clapping his hands excitedly as they get in the car.
  There's a bit of huffing as Trini and Zack start to trade insults back and forth, resulting in Trini almost thumping Zack. Kim decides to play peacemaker and sits between them as they clamber into the back seats.
  Zack already has his phone out, using the camera as a mirror as he starts to fix his hair. 
  "It still looks a mess." Trini sneers.
  Zack scoffs, clutching his hand in mock offence. "Excuse you, I am a queen." 
  She sniggers shaking her head at his dramatics before nudging Kim and turning her attention back to her girlfriend. Kim smiles at her letting their fingers brush against the other as Trini's other hand untangles her earphones. They each have one and the music is already blasting before the car has even set off. 
  Jason starts the drive, it's peaceful for a few moments - all of them content in their own little worlds; that is until Zack starts on his snapchat shenanigans and suddenly the van is filled with his loud voice as he poses for the camera.
  "For all my fans out there, it's your boy Zack recording live from this lame ass van." At Billy's little offended noise, he quickly adds a "No offence Billy."
  "He's such an ass." Trini mutters as Kim hums her agreement. Which is a bad move because Zack then turns his attention to her.
  "You gotta take selfies with me Kimmy." He cajoles.
  "I'm busy Zack." She answers with a sigh but then he starts in with the pleading and she knows she's going to crack.
  "Come on, pleeease. You know pink and black are the best colours. Plus, we are both looking hella fine today," he bumps her shoulder, waving the phone in her face and finally she relents with a small smile. 
  "Did you just say hella?" Kim laughs as he grins in victory.
  "You're damn right I did. Now smile Princess." 
  Kim feels her heart warm at the familiar nickname, it's one that both Trini and Zack deemed appropriate and they insist on calling it her at any given opportunity.
  "We look so good! Yo Crazy Girl you need to get in a picture with us."
  Trini glances at them for all for a second before she's snatching the other earphone from Kim and resting her head against the window, eyes closed completely missing the matching pouts that Zack and now Kim sport.
  "W O W. Rude." 
  "Again?! We've already stopped twice." Jason complains as he pulls in at a gas station. The car hasn't even stopped before Trini is darting out with Kim hot on her heels.
  "Get me snacks!" Zack hollers to Kim's fleeting form.
  When he only receives her flipping him off he huffs, removing his seatbelt and swiftly exiting the car. 
  "Zack get back in the car!" Jason calls after him in exasperation. To which Zack ignores him as per usual. 
  Jason rests his head against the steering wheel, already losing patience. It's Billy's voice that pulls him out of his funk.
  "We've driven exactly 16 miles, which means that we should arrive at around 10 past. We have 17 more miles to go." Billy explains.
  "Yeah I got that Billy." Jason doesn't mean to sound so short with him but he's tired and the others are taking their damn sweet time so he's cranky. He doesn't even look at Billy, eyes closed as he thumps his head against the wheel - he instantly regrets it when his head hurts, his hand moving to rub circles over his sore temple.
  "If we keep to the speed limit then-"
  Jason cuts him off with a tired wave of his hand. "Not now Billy."
  It's quiet for a while but then Billy is speaking and this time his words make Jason lift his head, looking at his friend in shock as Billy continues.
  "I know you wanted to get there fast and stopping is annoying but shouldn't we just focus on spending time together. Everyone is having fun, even Trini is smiling. You've been saying that we needed a break and I like that we can all relax."
  Billy shuffles the papers again, looking back at Jason with a small smile which he instantly returns. Glad that Billy was there to remind him of what's important.
  "You're right Billy." He hesitantly moves his hand to rest on Billy's forearm waiting for the little nod before actually touching him. "We're cool."
  Suddenly the back door is opening, Kim slides in first and then Trini. She speaks first with a simple. "Billy is cool." 
  "But you, not so much." Kim adds directing a teasing smile Jason's way just as Zack struggles to open the door, armed with enough candy to feed an entire football team.
  "Should we help him?" Billy offers.
  He receives three unanimous no’s in response.
  After almost dropping several packets of cookies Zack finally manages to open the door, clumsily dropping most of the treats into Kim's lap as he clicks his seatbelt into place. 
  "Got you something J Man." Zack flings a packet of red Twizzlers at Jason's head, smiling when Jason turns at the last minute and with lightning speed precision catches the packet with two fingers.
  "Thanks man." The two share a small smile before Jason addresses all of them. "Alright, let's go and have a great day!"
  When he starts the van again it's full of chatter, Trini's headphones now rest around her neck and Jason catches her watching Zack and Kim sing with a fond smile. Billy drums his hands against the dashboard in time to their song with a content smile on his face. Kim's voice is so beautifully in key whereas Zack's is a mess of loud and over-enthusiastically trying to reach all the higher notes.
  Trini hums along as Kim and Zack start getting more into the song, singing the lyrics and pointing to one another.
  "I'm too hot," Kim starts.
  "Hot damn." Zack echoes.
  "Called a police and a fireman,"
  "I'm too hot, hot damn." They both sing looking at one another with matching grins.
  The rest of the journey is the two performing each new song with as many self-assured smiles and over the top gestures but it keeps them all entertained and by the time they reach the theme park gates all of them are singing along to a Disney medley that Zack insisted they sing because "come on, you're Princess Kimberly for fuck's sake."
  It would have been okay - all they had to do was find a parking spot which was simple in theory but when five people all start talking over one another it suddenly becomes the most complicated problem in history.
  "Dude there was a spot right there." Zack complains.
  "Jason, there are two spots in front of you and you also missed the three empty spots to our right." Billy points out.
  "I can see that Billy." Jason retorts, trying his best to ignore them as he moves towards one of the empty spots only to get cut off by a silver sports car swerving in before he can get there.
  "MOTHERFU-" he trails off, shaking his head as he moves towards a different spot.
  "Could you drive any slower?!" Kim groans as Jason ever so slowly starts to back into the spot.
  "Moooove it!" Zack drawls the word out. It takes him a second to realise how it sounds, it's when he catches Trini's eye that he starts to cackle. The two of them sniggering and making obnoxious cow noises as Kim bites her lip to stop her own laughter from bubbling out.
  "Really funny guys." Jason huffs as their laughter gets louder. "You want to shut up so I can concentrate?!"
  "Oh, now he wants to concentrate." Trini mutters just loud enough for the other two to hear her.
  "Yeah let him concentrate, it must be so hard to park the damn car." Kim snaps.
  "If you think you can do a better job then maybe you should drive Kim." Jason fires back, shooting her a glare through the mirror.
  Kim raises her eyebrow in challenge, moving her fingers to release her seatbelt.
  "Kimberly, you shouldn't take your seatbelt off until we've stopped." Billy reminds her, a hint of concern edged in his tone.
  "She's not taking it off Billy." Trini insists, giving Kim a disapproving stare.
  Jason resists the urge to respond with a snarky comment and after more manoeuvring (whilst he ignores Zack and Kim's moaning) he finally brings the car to a halt, parking it almost perfectly - apart from one of the back tyres sticking out.
  They all clamber out of the car, Zack and Kim still bitching about Jason's driving skills. Jason coughs loudly shooting them both a glare before responding.
  "I got us here, didn't I? If it wasn't for Trini's weak bladder we would have gotten here earlier."
  "Way to throw me under the bus there, White Boy." There's no real malice behind her words but she can't help but smile when he has the decency to look guilty.
  "Just face it Jace, you drive slower than a snail." Kim counters, moving to wrap her arm around Trini's shoulder.
  "I bet the stolen cow was faster." Zack quips, smirking as Jason clenches his fist in response.
  "Shut up Zack!" Jason shoves him.
  Zack steps closer, stopping with his face a few centimetres away from Jason's, his brown eyes burning into Jason's as he speaks or rather challenges, "You gonna' make me?!"
  The two glare at one another, silently daring the other to make a move. 
  "Guys don't," Trini objects moving to place herself in the middle. Zack goes to push her out of the way but Kim is faster, her hand on his arm makes him freeze.
  "I wouldn't do that if I were you." She warns, holding his gaze as she stands protectively in front of Trini.
  "Please don't fight." Billy pleads, eyes frantically darting between Kim, Zack and Jason.
  "Sorry Billy." Jason speaks first, moving away from Zack as he shoots an apologetic smile Billy's way.
  "I'm sorry too man." Zack relents even though he directs his attention more towards Trini. She nods her understanding and he visibly relaxes.
  "I'm going to go get the tickets, Billy why don't you come and help?" Kim suggests, relief instantly washes over Billy's face as he nods, eager to get away from the tension. She continues pointing at Zack and then at Jason, "try not to kill one another. Don't make us revoke your tickets."
  With that she turns and heads to the ticket desk, Billy following closely behind. There's an awkward silence that falls when they leave and Trini's left staring between the two boys as they stubbornly refuse to look at one another. After another minute of the silence surrounding them Trini decides to break the silence.
  "God you guys are such children." 
  Her arms go to her hips (her stance reminding her of the way Kim addresses them all when she's annoyed) only continuing when she's satisfied their attention is on her. 
  "I can feel the sexual tension between you two from here, maybe if you just admitted it we wouldn't have to watch you guys fight like idiots."
  Both of their eyes widen, Jason's face flushing a deep red whilst Zack's mouth falls open comically wide. They both stutter for a good few moments and Trini can't help but smile finally managing to render them both speechless. 
  "Alright, now stop with this macho crap. I may be small but don't doubt that I won't beat both your asses if you don't stop acting like a bunch of babies."
  They both stare at her with a mixture of awe and a hint of fear knowing how serious Trini can get. With a sigh Jason turns to Zack, eyes full of remorse as he speaks - his voice much softer than before.
  "Trini's right. I'm sorry for shoving you."
  "It's cool man it didn't even hurt." Zack brushes it off with a wave of his hand, a small smile appearing when Jason laughs at his comment. "I'm sorry too. You know how much I respect you, right?"
  "Yeah I do." 
  Zack's smile is softer this time and Trini think that if she weren't there they might kiss, except she is there and she'd rather not be left to awkwardly watch as the two resolve the obvious tension between them. She clears her throat and the two seem to snap out of it, turning back to her with grateful looks. The three start to engage in conversation about which rides they're most looking forward to when Billy and Kim return holding five tickets.
  "What took you guys so long?" Jason enquired. 
  "The guy at the counter was very talkative. Kimberly asked for the tickets and then he told her that he liked her shirt and kept asking her questions and when he finally handed her the tickets he asked for her phone number." Billy explains, blissfully unaware of the side eye Kim is giving him.
  She glances back at Trini whose eyes have narrowed to perfect slits, her jaw tightened as she looks past her girlfriend staring at the guy gawking at Kim from the desk. The sight of him openly staring at Kim sets her teeth on edge and before she can stop herself she closes the distance, standing on her tiptoes as she cups Kim's face and crushes their lips together. Kim mumbles something against her mouth startled for all of a few seconds before she reciprocates and kisses back with just as much passion. Trini is aware that the boys are still there but all she can think about is how soft Kim's lips are and how Kim's hands lace down to the small of her back. It's only when Kim nips at Trini's lower lip eliciting a quiet moan that she remembers their surroundings and pulls back. Kim chases her lips pouting when Trini steps back, both of their cheeks flushed as they look around at the awkward expressions on Jason and Billy's faces. Zack gives them a smug grin, raising his hands in mock surrender when Trini goes to whack the back of his head.
  "Shall we go in?" Jason motions to the gates. They all smile when Billy claps his hands and practically skips to the gates leaving them all to trail after him.
  After several debates over which ride to start with Billy handed the group their individual maps, they all wait patiently as he starts to explain.
  "I mapped everything out for us. This park has 40 rides in total, 10 prize stalls and 7 different places for food. We need to start here," he points to a small doodle of a boat located at the top of his map before pressing on, "after the pirate ship we follow the path round to the rocket ship, the walk should take us precisely 2 minutes and 12 seconds."
  Billy starts to recite the rest of the plans for the day in excruciating detail, Jason is quick to jump in effectively stopping Billy's rambling with a reassuring smile. "That's really helpful, thanks Billy." 
  Billy nods and with that they calmly start their journey to the first ride but as soon as they see the short queue waiting for them their walk turns into a light jog. They all sport matching excited grins as they wait in line. Billy bounces on the balls of his feet waiting eagerly in anticipation, and Zack lets out loud whooping noises as they reach the front of the line. The ride comes to a stop and the second the gate opens Zack is making a mad dash for the back seat dragging a helpless Trini (who in turn drags Kim) with him. Billy races after them happily sitting beside Kim with Trini and Zack on her left. Jason sits on Billy's other side smiling when he wiggles, clapping as the bar slowly slides down signalling the start of the ride.
  "Jason! Jason it's starting!" he exclaims tapping Jason's shoulder enthusiastically.
  Despite the ride being somewhat tame Jason can't help but laugh as Zack starts to whoop, screaming far too loudly to be genuine. Billy cheers beside him smiling when he catches Jason's eye. Jason looks over to Kim smirking when she tries to hide her bored expression with a toothy grin. Trini doesn't cheer but she has a content smile as Kim wraps an arm around her shoulder and kisses the top of her head. The sight of his fellow rangers so relaxed assures Jason he made a wise choice in giving them the day off.
  When the ride finally stops they rush off in an excited mess, this time it's Trini who points out the next ride; her hand intertwining with Kim's as she pulls them towards the waiting area. The boys aren't far behind and as soon as the line fades they all run in different directions grinning as they jump into the aeroplanes with their respective ranger colour. The ride starts and each time they dive up and down spinning round they smile at one another, sharing their perfectly private in-joke. As the ride spins around once more Zack catches Jason's eye pointing towards a ride in the distance with a huge grin.
  "THAT'S OUR NEXT RIDE!" Zack hollers over the ride music.
  Jason follows his finger pointing, turning to look at which ride Zack is pointing at. The ride had two rows of seats and proceeded to drop and swing, stopping once and then twice over little spouts of water, making sure that anyone in the front row got splashed. Upon seeing the dangerously daring dip the ride took he gulps, flashing Zack a shaky smile as he tries to hide his apprehension. It doesn’t help that after the ride ended Kim and Trini decide to give it a miss promising to take pictures instead.
  Kim smiles as Trini stood on her tiptoes using Kim's shirt to pull her down, their faces inching closer and then their lips were brushing against one another's and all thoughts of taking pictures soon left Kim's mind. Using a little burst of ranger strength, she spun them around gently pushing Trini into the nearest fence, fingers tangling in soft tresses as they continue to kiss softly, there was no rush or pressure and Kim loved that she could simply be with her girlfriend and no one batted an eyelid (well at least out there school was a completely different story). They start to get lost in one another when a piercing scream breaks their spell, both pulling back to see Jason screaming as the ride plummeted down, beside him Billy has his hands over his ears and Zack hysterically laughing as Jason clutches onto the safety bar as though his life depends on it. 
  "We should have gotten this on camera," Trini whispers to herself.
  "One step ahead of you babe." Kim nudges her girlfriend and flashes her a smug smile before turning her attention back to her phone, zooming in as the ride swings down and Jason gets a face full of water. 
  The two lose it when he lets out another deafening scream and when he trudges back to them with shaky legs and damp hair they can't contain their laughter. Jason huffs as Trini, Kim and Zack snigger, replaying the video of him screaming on a loop. He finally begins to laugh along when even Billy can't stop a smile forming, all five of them giggling as they make their way to the next ride.
  Everything has been going great - they have been on lots of rides already and they are all having a good time, no one has been severely traumatised yet but then the log flume happens and Trini is slowly losing patience. The queue had taken quite some time to die down and she was getting grumpy, though it doesn't last long not when Kim kisses her and holds her hand but then they make it to the front and the arguing commences.
  "I am not sitting in the front!" Kim snaps.
  "Aw come on you have to." Zack pleads.
  "Why don't you sit in the front?!" Kim retorts, folding her arms.
  "Zack is sitting in front of me." Jason cuts in, stepping back when Kim shoots him a frosty glare.
  "Maybe I could sit at the front and then Kimberly could next and then Trini and-" Billy starts to ponder out loud, none of them really listening to him as they continue to talk over one another.
  "You're such a baby Kimmy, come on take one for the team." Zack teases.
  Kim's eyes narrow and then Jason is holding her waist to stop her lunging at Zack.
  "Get off! Put me down Scott." 
  Jason shakes his head making sure she is way out of Zack's range before releasing her. Kim scowls at him before turning her attention back to her girlfriend, her brows furrowing in confusion as she sees Trini stepping into the front of the ride.
  "What are you doing Trin?"
  "Waiting for you losers to get in already." Trini bites back staring at them all expectantly.
  They quickly spring into action, Billy pausing to shoot an apologetic smile towards the park worker controlling the ride. With a little pushing and shoving they clambered in behind Trini. Kim wraps her arms around Trini's waist, letting her chin rest on Trini's shoulder as she places a feather light kiss to Trini's neck. Trini hums in response, chuckling when Zack starts chanting as the ride started. 
  "My butt's all wet." Zack complains.
  "That's why it's called a log flume you idiot." Kim fires back, smiling when she hears Trini coughing to cover up her laugh.
  His complaining morphs into excited whooping as they slowly make their ascent and then they are racing down, all of them cheering as they plummet down and a rush of water crashes over them. Zack cackles as the water attacks Trini the most, drenching her from head to toe whilst the rest of them manage to survive with minimal damage. He regrets laughing when they get off and Trini proceeds to shake her dripping hair at him. Her attack halts when she hears a clicking sound, pivoting around to see Kim trying to subtly slide her phone back into her pocket.
  Her hands are on her hips as Kim starts to back up holding her hands up in mock surrender as Trini levels her with a fierce glare.
  "It's not m-my fault that you look so c-c-ute." Kim stutters out, hoping the compliment would soothe her girlfriend's rage. It does nothing, especially not when she can't resist teasing "my drowned grumpy cat." 
  Her eyes widen as Trini lets out a growl and then she's running as fast as she can or well as fast as regular humans can. 
  "Oh yeah you better run Princess!" Trini shouts, speeding past the boys as she chases after Kim.
  The boys watch as Trini and Kimberly disappear amongst the sea of people in front of them.
  "Should we go after Trini and Kimberly?" Billy asks.
  Jason smiles but shakes his head.
  "I think they'll be okay Billy. We can meet them for lunch."
  Billy perks up after that, walking contently beside Jason with Zack on his other side. It's quiet and they enjoy a comfortable silence for a few minutes - until Zack sees the bright flashing lights and his face lights up like a Christmas Zord. He continues to grin, wiggling his eyebrows as they walk towards a prize stall section of the park. 
  Jason can instantly see what has captured Zack's attention and it's almost second nature for him to fix Zack with a stern look, shaking his head disapprovingly. 
  "I didn't even say anything." Zack huffs.
  "You didn't have to. I know you and the answer is no." Jason points out earning an eye roll from Zack.
  "Dude you are zero fun today," Zack whines adding in a pout for good measure. 
  "Why is Jason zero fun?" Billy questions.
  Zack throws another dirty look Jason's way and then turns to talk to Billy.
  "You'd let me play some games, right Billy?" he tilts his head and starts to flutter his eyelashes, stopping when Billy only blinks at him in response.
  "I can't make your decisions for you so if you wanted to play some games I wouldn't stop you."
  "and that is why you're my favourite B." 
  Billy smiles watching as Zack scampers off towards the first stall. 
  "Alright, I guess one game wouldn't hurt." Jason relents, trailing after Zack's giddy form.
  "Are you going to pout all day Princesa? Trini asks barely able to keep the amusement from her tone.
  Beside her Kim stands with her arms folded looking at her girlfriend with disdain.
  "I can't believe you would do that to me." Kim exaggerates, looking down at her now damp appearance with an unimpressed pout.
  Trini smirks rolling her eyes at her girlfriend's dramatics. 
  "It was only a hug." she shrugs.
  "You shook your hair water all over me!"
  Kim continues to pout as Trini laughs, moving to wrap her arms around Kim's waist and hug her from behind. Kim's pout soon turns into a soft smile, unable to stay upset when Trini is willingly hugging her.
  "Alright," Kim hums "but you better win me a prize."
  "If I say yes, will you stop pouting at me?” Trini asks.
  "Probably not." She answers with a smug grin, already knowing she's won.
  Zack shrugs his jacket off carelessly tossing it on the floor; wiping his forehead as he marches to the next stall with determination. Billy hastily grabs the jacket dusting it off before he joins Zack and Jason by the ring toss booth.
  The guy manning the booth doesn't look up, too engrossed with his phone to really pay attention. He briefly looks up when Billy gives a polite cough, giving the three of them a once over before placing five rings in front of Zack as Jason begrudgingly hands him the money. 
  "Piece of cake," Zack declares ignoring Jason’s scoff as he prepares for his first shot.
  It misses the pins and bounces off the counter. 
  Zack puffs his chest and shrugs, "Nobody gets it on the first try." 
  Jason smirks pretending to humour him as he pulls his arm back and flings the next ring. Again, it misses as does the next attempt. 
  Zack folds his arms starting to size up the pins. Jason laughs pushing his friend out of the way as he grabs one of the two remaining rings.
  "Watch and learn." 
  He lets the ring glide with a confident smile, watching with a smug grin as it falls back down - only to miss the pin by mere centimetres.  His face falls as Zack laughs a little too hard.
  "Oh, I'm sorry was I supposed to be impressed?!"
  "Shut up," Jason mumbles trying to hide his embarrassment and the fact the tips of his ears had started to go pink.
  "Why don't you make me?" Zack fires back with a flirtatious eyebrow wiggle causing the red ranger to flush brighter than his suit as he stumbles over his words.
  "Well m-maybe I m-m-might, if you'd like that I mean- what?! I wouldn't like that, why are you staring?"
  Zack smiles at the boy's rambling stepping a little closer. Their eyes drift down to one another's lips and for a second they start to lean closer but then Billy is clapping excitedly and they snap back to reality. Their jaws dropping as Billy jumps up and down pointing eagerly to the only pin with a ring successfully around it.
  "Holy shit Billy you did it!" Zack is too much in awe to be mad and Jason has a proud smile. All three turn to the booth worker expectantly.
  "These games are hard better look next time," He says in a monotonous voice without looking up.
  "Well it's a good job we won, then isn't it?!" Zack boasts unable to keep the smug tone from his voice.
  "So, our friend would like his prize now," Jason finishes, completely ignoring the guy's shocked expression as he turns to look at Billy. "Which prize do you want Billy?"
  Billy's eyes light up already knowing which one they needed to have. The other two can't contain their smiles when Billy is given his toy hugging it close to his chest as they walk away. 
  "This will go great in our ship!" Billy whisper-yells and Jason can't help but agree, looking down at the donut toy clutched in Billy's hand and being reminded of how fitting it is, so he smiles at his friend and nods in agreement happy that at least one of them won a prize (though he is a little bitter that his aim was so skewed). 
  When the boys see the girls again none of them can contain their laughter at the sight before them: Kim walking with a victorious expression as a giant tiger toy follows her - they could only see Trini's legs as she tries to navigate her way towards them clutching the tiger which was nearly as big as her whole body. Jason tries to stifle his laughter but Zack erupts almost falling over as he completely loses it, tears streaming down his reddening cheeks as he cackles each bubble of laughter getting louder as Trini gets closer and closer.
  "Has anyone seen Trini?" Zack grins when he hears a muffled grumble from behind the tiger.
  "Woah there she is! She looks different don't ya think?" Zack continues his teasing. "Actually, now that I think about it she looks a little fluffier."
  "That's because Trini is holding a large stuffed animal." Billy points out.
  "It was a joke Billy." Jason sighs.
  Seeing Billy's frown in response Kim moves closer loosely wrapped her arm around his shoulders, nudging him playfully as she speaks "Don't worry billy, Zack is awful at making jokes."
  After he gives her a small smile she turns to the other two boys folding her arms and fixing them with a pointed look. The boys meet Kim's eyes and instantly know that they have messed up, nothing can compete with her "mum mode". Satisfied that they look sufficiently chastised she moves on.
  "Is anyone else hungry?" Kim asks receiving three nods and a quiet 'yes' from Trini. 
  Without waiting she turns on her heel walking straight ahead, smiling to herself when she hears footsteps quickly following. She doesn't have to look to know 3 out of 4 rangers are walking with grumpy expressions - Billy walks a few steps behind her with a peaceful smile. It doesn't take him long to close the distance and then his arms are around her, if Kim is surprised by the action she doesn't show it; letting herself sink into Billy's arms with a content sigh. He whispers a soft "thank you" and then lets her go happily walking beside her as she gives him a loving smile. 
  By the time they reach the food section, their spirits have perked up again even Trini who had somehow managed to get Jason to take pity on her struggling form and is now tiger-free holding Kim's hand whilst Jason struggles not to drop the stupidly large tiger toy.
  "What do you guys want to eat?" Kim asks, rolling her eyes when everyone answers at once. "Geez one at a time please. What do you want to eat T?"
  "Sure. Ask your girlfriend first," Zack whines holding his hands in mock surrender when Trini glares at him.
  "Hot dogs are good," Trini suggests immediately regretting it when Zack starts talking.
  "Hell yes. I never doubted you Crazy Girl, you totally read my mind! This is why we're besties." He exclaims bounding over to Trini and squeezing his way between her and Kim so he can wrap an arm around Trini's shoulder.
  Kim gives him a disgruntled look throwing her hands up in defeat as she moves to stand with Billy. Quick to make sure no tempers rise again Jason offers to buy the food taking Billy; stopping to rescue Trini from Zack's excitable clutches and pulling Zack with them by his collar - he couldn't risk Kimberly killing the boy. Kim watches as Jason manoeuvres the tiger in one hand whilst gently pushing Zack forward pointing to the hot dog stand with the other, she can't help but smile when she sees Billy pointing to the menu and doing his happy clap as Jason and Zack nod along. It's Trini's voice that snaps her out of her daze.
  "Planning on joining me anytime soon Princess?" The soft husk in Trini's tone never fails to make Kim blush, the colour of her cheeks almost the same as her ranger suit.
  Kim lets Trini pull her towards an empty picnic bench sitting down together - well Trini sat down Kim lay with her head in Trini's lap; eyes closed as Trini rubs her forehead.
  "You okay?" 
  Kim hums in response relaxing under Trini's touch as nimble fingers trace patterns across her temple.
  "You're coming on the rollercoaster with me, right?"
  Again, she receives a simple hum and as Kim's breathing evens out Trini realises just how tired her girlfriend looks, she files it as a mental note to make sure Kim gets some rest on the drive back. In the meantime, she'll just have to keep her energised, with a smile she starts to lean down her lips ghosting Kimberly's as the table suddenly becomes a lot louder. Trini pulls back with a frustrated huff as Jason gives her a sheepish smile, offering a hot dog to make up for the interruption. Kim opens her eyes pouting up at Trini who gestures to the boys with her hot dog, smiling around a mouthful when Kim doesn't even try to hide her disappointment grumpily snatching one of the many hot dogs left. 
  Zack catches Trini's eye and then he's moving the drinks out of the way. 
  "What's going on?" Billy asks looking at Kim who shakes her head at the two of them.
  "They're being idiots again." she answers taking another bite of her food as they watch Zack and Trini size one another up; Trini cracks her knuckles as Zack sits up straighter. 
  "You'll be sick," Kim warns but neither of them listen to her.
  "Give us an intro Jace." Zack bats his eyelashes smiling when Jason starts to speak.
  "Ladies, gentleman and others today is a very special event. We have two great contenders competing for the grand prize of- um...a sense of pride."
  At Trini's scoff and Zack's disappointed look he quickly continues. "I mean for the prize of $5-"
  "That's more like it!" Zack interrupts "Billy, if you'd do the honours my man."
  Billy quickly sorts the remaining hot dogs into two piles setting them in front of Trini and Zack. Once they are evenly set up Jason resumes his commentary.
  "In the left corner we have the boy in black, reigning champion of the last three pie eating contests it's Zack attack." 
  Zack starts to chant for himself nodding his head to an imaginary beat and waving his hands to greet his non-existent fans. Jason laughs and rambles on.
  "-and in the right corner we have the lightning bolt herself, the ultimate underdog and today's challenger it's Queen T!" At this point Jason is using his water bottle as a microphone and their table has more than a few eyes staring.
  "Who's on the timer?" Trini questions.
  "I've got it," Kim says with a reluctant sigh, sometimes she wonders why she's friends with this rag-tag bunch of weirdos but then Zack's cheeks are puffing out like a hamster as him and Trini speed eat at least ten hot dogs and she wonders how she ever managed without them.
  Kim did warn them which was why it was her idea to go on the teacup ride directly after lunch. Trini at least lasted the whole ride before running to the nearest trashcan, Zack on the other hand threw up after the ride had made its first turn, spewing multicoloured chunks on an innocent 5-year old in the next cup. The child's parents were definitely not impressed and Zack spent a good half an hour hiding in the arcades just to avoid their wrath. So that’s how they end up near the performer's stage, music blasting and soft singing or it would have been soft singing and dancing had it not been for Zack's need to outperform the actual paid performers.
  They try to stop him but none of them could beat Zack's shoulder shimmy as he jumps up and starts to copy the dancers. Trini has her face buried in her hands groaning from the sheer embarrassment as Kim and Jason try to pull him back down. As if his dancing wasn't bad enough he starts to sing at full volume attracting an audience of concerned families covering their ears as he continues to screech over the performers.
  "Zack just be quiet." Jason whisper-yells but of course Zack ignores him as he starts moving his hips so wildly that they are afraid he might break them.
  "You're just jealous because I've got sick moves." Zack retorts shimmying his way past them as he gets closer to the stage.
  Kim and Jason look at one another with matching mortified expressions, darting up in a frenzy to try and stop him from going any further. Trini and Billy follow unsure how to react. It's Trini that encourages Billy to capture the moment that Zack is dragged away by security guards (just as he's making his way onto the stage) on camera and it's Kim and Jason that manage to talk the guard into letting Zack go with just a warning. Jason manages to drag Zack away from the stage chastising the still giddy boy.
  "Dude you can't just pull crap like that."
  "I needed to express myself." Zack protests.
  "Next time save the dancing for when you're with us, I'm pretty sure families paid to see the hired performers not your attempts at freestyle." Jason reiterates.
  He instantly regrets it when Zack smirks, wrapping an arm around his shoulder as he implies "don't be jealous man, if you wanted a private show all you had to do was ask." Zack winks at a flustered Jason before strutting (yes, he actually struts) over to where Billy and Trini are stood waiting. 
  Kim's teasing lilt brings Jason out of his flustered state, "Red is really your colour Jace." 
  Needless to say, Jason blushes more after that.
  Kim pays for that particular comment when Jason drags her onto the haunted house ride with him and Zack. She is sat in the middle and at first she's fine but then the ride starts and she instantly wants to get off. Jason sits smugly watching as Kim jumps at every little thing clinging onto him for dear life as Zack imitates her screams and tries to smack each skeleton that springs out at them.
  "What's wrong Kim?" Jason asks with mock concern. She turns to glare at him but then a model ghost drops down from the ceiling just as they are turning the corner; Kim screams louder than before and Jason sits with the biggest grin on his face. Neither of them notice that Zack had been silent for a few minutes too long and just as they pass the camera flashing out of the corner of Jason's eye he sees Zack hastily pulling his pants back up. 
  Jason doesn't have to ask what Zack has done when he hears several giggles coming from the photo print desk. When they approach the desk Billy and Trini are already waiting, Jason can tell by the look on Trini's face that their photo must be interesting to say the least. As they look over the photos Jason's grin gets wider, beside him Kim groans as she takes in the sight of her face mid-scream as a plastic ghost sprung down. Zack cackles pumping his fist when he sees that the camera did in fact get him mooning right as the light flashed so now they could see his perfectly round ass glistening in the light. Jason was looking directly into the camera smiling like he's on The Office. All three of them speak at once with a mixture of pleased, disgusted and confused reactions.
  "This is the best picture ever!" "Why does my face look like that?!" "Zack why?!"
  "I'm buying 10 copies!" Zack announces starting to reach into his pocket when Kim slaps his arm and shrieks in response.
  "Don't you dare! I look awful Zack!"
  "I think you look terrifying," Billy says and it takes everything Kim has not to snap at him.
  "Sick burn man!" Zack gives a confused Billy a high five and pushes Kim aside to talk to the man at the desk.
  "this is the worst" Kim groans approaching Trini ready to hide forever when she sees the items in Trini's hand, her jaw dropping as she points helplessly.
  "Please tell me you didn't," she pleads, practically begging Trini with her eyes.
  "I just wanted some souvenirs, I figured they'd go great in the ship...or whatever." Trini tries to act nonchalant but the twitch of her lips gives her away.
  "Traitors!" Kim gasps looking at them all with utter betrayal. "This is mutiny!" 
  All four of them laugh at her dramatic antics and despite some huffing and whining Kim eventually cracks a smile. They make it up to her by letting her pick the next ride and of course she picks the roller coaster.
 "Why is this line so long?" Zack complains for the fourth time since they entered the line. 
  "Lines are always long for roller coasters. The ride allows at least fifteen people to occupy and it would go on for around 5 to 10 minutes which means if we continue at this pace we should be at the front of the queue in precisely 51 minutes and 47 seconds." Billy explains, showing them his watch to emphasise his point.
  Zack, Trini and Kim collectively groan as Jason gives them sympathetic smiles.
  "Maybe we should just go on a different ride and-"
  "We are not giving up!" Kim cuts Jason off with a snappy tone completely ignoring his hurt look and turning to address the others.
  "Okay so this line isn't getting us anywhere," they grunt in agreement and she continues with determination "I have an idea." 
  Jason and Billy look on somewhat confused as Kim wraps her arms around Trini and Zack bringing them in for a weird huddle, Jason can hear her whispering something not fully sure what they were saying but when they pull apart with matching grins he knows their plan must be bad.
  They stay content for a while the line doesn't move and then Zack is speaking.
  "Yo Crazy Girl you might want to put that tiger in one of the lockers."
  "Zack's right babe, they won't let you one the ride with it." Kim adds.
  Trini nods with little reluctance and starts pushing her way past the crowd to find the exit, shouting "Save my spot!" back to them just as the line moves all of an inch forward and she disappears out of sight.
  "What are you three up to?" Jason asks shooting Zack and Kim a suspicious look. 
  "Who us?" Kim replies clutching her chest as she flashes him an innocent smile. 
  Jason knows they are up to something - not that he can tell what exactly but he knows they are simply by the all too innocent smiles on Kim and Zack's faces. He's about to speak again when Billy reminds them how much time they have left showing Jason the time on his phone, at least he knows Billy would never participate in their silly shenanigans. 
  They are about a fifth of the way through the line, Trini has yet to reappear whilst Zack and Kim keep giving each other strange looks. Jason gives up trying to figure them out and instead engages in a conversation with Billy about the history of roller coasters; which is when Kim and Zack enter stage two of their plan. Within seconds Kim is engaging in the boy's conversation making sure to block Zack from sight.
  "And so the riders would go down the slide crash landing in sand piles, they were called the Russian Mountains invented in the 16th and 17th centuries." Billy finishes as Jason smiles at him in awe.
  "That's really cool Billy. Do you know any other facts?" Jason prompts.
  "Woah that's really interesting Billy," Kim offers.
  "I have more..." Billy continues to ramble on only stopping when Jason holds his hand up, his eyebrows raising as he looks around.
  "Hang on a second," He surveys Kim's slight smile and looks at her expectantly "Where's Zack?"
  Billy shrugs and looks at Kim, she smiles at him and then refocuses her attention to Jason. "I don't know where he is." That was true she technically didn't know where he had gone.
  "Oh come on you're telling me that Zack and Trini both disappear and you have no idea where they are." He says incredulously.
  "Trini went to put Kim's tiger toy away." Billy reminds him.
  The line moves up a little and before Jason can interrogate her more she starts to speak or well bellow! 
  "Kim what are you-"
  "TRINI WHERE ARE YOU?!" she repeats it again and to Jason's shock she starts to push past people. 
  "Excuse me," she slides past a man motioning for Jason and Billy to follow her as she continues to shout out Trini's name.
  ohmygod  Jason mutters to himself her plan now becoming crystal clear. 
  "Excuse me, pardon me, coming through."
  Kim takes charge ducking and darting through the crowd with Jason and Billy hot on her heels. Seeing Zack she smiles and quickens her pace, when they approach a cluster of girls she stops causing Jason to almost run into her. She stands with her hands on her hips glaring at Zack as she speaks.
  "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"
  All the girls turn around revealing Zack standing in the middle with a guilty expression.
  "Uhh hi Kim." Zack stutters which only serves to confuse Jason more.
  "Don't you ‘hi Kim’ me. We were supposed to leave for dinner with my father an hour ago."
  The girls look confused glancing back and forth between the two of them. One girl gaining some courage as she pipes up from behind Zack. "Who is this girl?" she was met with Kim's steely glare shrinking under the intensity.
  "Who am I? I'm his girlfriend! Who the hell are you?"
  "What on earth?" Jason squeaks out, wincing when Kim elbows him.
  "You didn't tell us you had a girlfriend." Another girl huffs turning on Zack who starts to stutter out an explanation.
  "Well yeah I-"
  "Make that ex." Kim spits out turning on her heal and marching off further forward in the crowd, every onlookers parting like the red sea - none of them wanting to get in the way of the visibly angry girl.
  "Kim wait!" Zack pleads pushing past people to start chasing after her. 
  "Do you have any idea what's going on?" Jason asks Billy as they follow the others, he's surprised when he's met with a knowing smile confusing Jason further.
  When they finally catch up with the others Jason notices they are almost to the front of the queue which is when he spots Trini waiting right at the front surrounded by several confused people stood behind her. 
  Kim flashes Jason a grin and then she's screaming Trini's name again only this time Trini is answering in the same loud manner.
  "KIM I'M OVER HERE!" And then Trini waves in an uncharacteristically cheerful way and Jason must have gone insane because he has no idea what not being confused feels like.
  The remaining people in front of them quickly dart out of the way as Kim rushes over to Trini and embraces her in a hug. Zack is next his hand reaching for Kim's shoulder and then she's hugging him too. They pull apart when Jason and Billy join them whilst the rest of the people in the queue look around dumbfounded at what just happened, not that they're sure what genuinely did happen.
  "I cannot believe you guys just did that." Jason hisses loud enough for the others to hear, rolling his eyes when they exchange high fives.
  "We're at the front, aren't we?!" Trini remarks as Jason shakes his head. 
  "Nice job at distracting him B." Zack says with a proud smile as Billy fist bumps him.
  "Billy was in on it too?" Jason asks, surprise written across his face as they all beam and nod at him.
  "Well...I've gotta say I'm impressed. Award winning performances." 
  Kim and Zack bow repeating 'thank yous' and the five of them laugh amongst themselves right until it's their turn on the coaster.
  Despite the many signs saying not to run they couldn't help themselves cramming into the first row as they wait for the other rows to be filled. All of them scream as the ride dips and spirals down, though some more than others (Jason being the main culprit). Kim and Zack are having a wild time hooting and cheering as the intensity increases, Billy claps and wiggles around in his usual excited fashion and Trini though a lot quieter than the others still has a smile on her face - although when they reach the part where they sped inside the dark tunnel the guard rail may have become a little dented. Kim holds her hand and spends the rest of the ride repeating calming phrases and pressing soft kisses to her forehead.
  It is an all-out war during the bumper cars. Zack had been the primary target but then several small children decided to insult them and they spend the rest of the time chasing them around and using their combined cars and strength to back the children into a corner. They all walk away with smug grins completely ignoring how they'd reduced a bunch of 8-year olds to tears.
  After they were all pooped out Kim drags them to a photo-booth determined to get some new pictures for her room. It's not like any of them can resist the famous Kimberly Hart pout (Billy totally can but she said please and he will do anything to make his friends happy). The boys get shoved outside waiting for Kim and Trini to stop kissing long enough to retrieve their photos. They finally do when Billy suggests they buy ice-cream on their way out. How they all manage to get a flavour with the colour of their power coins is still a mystery, even Zack because "Licorice is the best flavour, you can have your boring lemon Trini!"
  The sun is starting to set as they make their way through the car park, none of them remembering exactly where Jason parked the car. It takes them at least 20 minutes to find their spot but none of them care. The journey back is quieter, the soft hum of the radio the only sound audible. As promised Trini lets Kim sleep on her shoulder the stuffed tiger toy resting at her feet. Zack takes a picture of them and sets it as his contact photo, he really does love them but they don't need to know that. Billy sits in the front seat texting his Mom to inform her of the fun day out they had. There's country music playing on the radio and Billy claps quietly before resuming his text update. Jason has a content smile as he drives them back to Angel Grove. The sunset is a mixture of pastels and soft tones and as he looks through the mirror at his friends he's so glad he made the decision for a day out. He catches Zack's eye and the two share a smile and for the first time today Zack is the one who blushes looking away with unusual shyness. Jason turns his gaze to Trini who smiles mouthing a "you did good" before pressing a kiss to Kim's forehead and letting her eyes flutter shut and as Jason drives back into town listening to quiet snores and old country music he knows that he definitely did do good. 
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chuuyaaf · 8 years
Could I have witch!reader meeting vampire!dazai please? Thx u mom ur the best
Lol this was back before the Discord server died. For any of you that are confused, I was rambling on about a vampire!AU and was being extra and told someone to send in a request hehe. I’m siphoning lore from the Vampire Diaries because that’s the only vampire fictional verse that I actually like.
~Admin Kat
To Dazai, you were just a human with no abilities that was trapped in a world of danger. No one could question the tenacity of the Port Mafia’s vampires and everyone knew that any human that was affiliated with them eventually wound up either dead or turned. 
Dazai was obsessed with keeping you as far away from the action as possible. You had vervain in your necklace that he made you wear. You had vampire blood in your system at all times in order to make sure that if anything ever did happen, you’d come back. 
To him and the rest of the Port Mafia, you were just a human. You were just a regular human with no significance other than being an executive’s lover. 
But they were oh so wrong.
The one enemy that vampires couldn’t deal with were the werewolves. If they were just any group of wolves, they’d be dead within an instant. But these had the ability to change even when there wasn’t a full moon. These had supernatural abilities. And these were specifically hired to eradicate as much of the Port Mafia as possible. 
“Make one move and she’s dead. Really wasn’t a good idea to bring a human into a party filled with supernatural creatures, hmm? If she even had one drop of blood spilled, the newer vampires would have destroyed her.”
You were currently held up against one of the werewolves attacking the Port Mafia. They had sniffed you out as a human and immediately used that to their advantage. Their hand was wrapped around your throat, their claws extended, giving them the ability to rip your throat out at a single wrong move. 
You looked into Dazai’s eyes, your boyfriend’s eyes filled with worry outwardly for once. Dazai was meticulous with his enemies and he never showed them any type of vulnerability - but of course, when it came to your life, things were different. 
You never wanted to reveal who it was that you were. You had left that part of your life behind. 
But this time, you didn’t have a choice.
“Phasmatos morsinus pyrox allum...” you chanted under your breath, drawing the magical energy from the supernatural creatures in the room to magnify the pain infliction spell. 
That’s right.
You were a witch. 
The werewolf that had you as a hostage let you go and held their head in pain. As soon as he let you go, Dazai rushed over and picked you up, speeding away. 
“Are you okay?” Dazai looked you up and down, making sure that there wasn’t even a scratch on your body.
You nodded, nervous about your boyfriend’s reaction to what just happened.
He let out a sigh of relief as he pulled you into a tight hug. “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
You hugged him back, taking in his scent as you ran your fingers through his chocolate locks. 
“I never thought I’d had to use it again...I left that part of my life behind and plus I didn’t know how you’d feel about dating a witch and-” 
Dazai quickly planted his lips onto yours, holding you tightly to him as if he was going to lose you any second.
“Nothing can change my love for you, _____. Now...Let’s show these dogs who the Port Mafia really is, hmm?”
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taeboos · 8 years
baby daddy! taehyung
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 okay so like i was gonna work on my prince!taehyung oneshot but i kept thinking about tae being a dad and i just got so emo and here are my ramblings
let me just start off saying that tae would be like the best husband in the entire world like he’d love and care for you with his entire being 
he’d spoon hug you at night time and hold your hand  and whisper how much he loves you in that deep voice by your ear until u fall into a deep sleep while being caressed in his arms 
hes like that kind of guy who would just love to wake you up in the moring tho 
and your like 
its like 7:30 wyd 
and he’s just like the sunshine himself like he shines so bright in the morning and literally he wants to get up early bc he wants to cherish every moment of you being beside him 
jfdklsfjlksdfjls and like!!!!! you’d complain bc like.....ur not the moring type yah know sleep is gr8 and he’d ultimately win bc he has this puppy face and would take ur hands and play with them and swing them to wake you up 
he’s basically a grown child 
okAY and so like why do i not see him being the type to romanticize the whole doing the ‘boom-boom’ 
i feel like he’d be the type to just like rush into it like ‘bAbE I WANT kIDS liKE ASAP’ 
but then again he wouldn’t rush you or pressure you or anything he’d wait for you 
and like one night you did it ok you did the boom-boom alright and like it was great obvs 
ill let u be dirty by yourselves im not going to go into that rn this is a fluff post 
quench ur thirst elsewhere 
anywhoo a few weeks pass and like you are getting that morning sickness yeah? I mean i never been preggers but im going off basic knowledge?? 
so okay like you wake up in the middle of the night like 3 in the morning and like tae wakes up of course and you are like in the bathroom spilling your guts out and at first ur like super confused and tae is worried as hell
but then his eyes just light up out of no where and ur like ??? 
“ARE YOU PREGNANT”??? like the question just busts out of him like a popped balloon ok he’s like half excited and half anxious and worried for you and he starts pacing the bathroom 
and ur like babe??? calm down idk if im pregnant ok i might just be sick?? 
and he looks at you and gets on his knees alright and looks you in the eyes and he just like “im going to walmart” and ur like 
that boy is already out the door with his pajamas still on ok like he gives zero fucks like he needs to know noW 
he slams that pregnancy test on the conveyor belt and he’s legit jumping up and down bc he wants to get back to his wiFE 
and the cashier lady is tired asf and like “whats dis mofo doing here kjdsklgjls” and then she smiles and says “good luck~” 
sO tae gets back home ok and he hands u the thing and ur like alright alrigHT 
and that boy will not leave ur side ok u better know it and ur like tae??? ummmmm can i please pee on this thing in peace thx 
and hes like oh shit sorry 
so u pee on the stick and guess whattttt 
ur preggers 
u kinda just exit the bathroom with a sly smile on your face
and tae has bulging eyes waiting for a response 
“im pregnant” 
you better bet your sweet little ass he’s gonna be all over you he’s gonna be swinging u around and kissing your face and crying 
and seeing him crying makes u cry and next thing you know the next morning your letting the fam know
everyone is just like congrats!!!!!
and now comes the nine months where tae is legit your body gaurd like he is so protective 
he was protective to begin with but now its like he took some super dad power pills and he is always attached to u like everywhere you look tae is there like a leech attached to your back 
hed be feeding you breakfast every morning and go throughout your day eating healthy meals 
gotta make sure that baby is nourished!!!!!!
im crying ok omg breAK 
back ok liSTEN 
you would get that baby bump and he’d rub your belly all the time and he’d jump out of his skin when the baby moves or kicks and he’s just “!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” 
and your lauging and he wants to cry again bc he is so in awe like ?? thats his baby moving around in there 
and he’d want to sing to the baby all the time like 
youd be lying in bed and hed start singing little nursery rhymes and your heart just swells and the baby can detect that sort of thing??? and it starts to move around around and you tell tae that the baby likes his singing and that makes him do it even more often
also not to mention being pregnant is effing painful so he’d always be there to rub your aching back and give you butterfly kisses all the time to ease your pain
okay and then you go and u find out the sex of your baby and like you think its gonna be a boy but tae thinks its gonna be a girl idk why i just feel like tae would want a girl 
so u go and you find out that it’s a girl!!!!!!!!! and tae won’t leave u alone abt how he was right 
and u decide on a name and no doubt its cute ofc 
okay so your whole pregnancy goes like this and so then 
ur water breaks 
oh shit amiright 
tae freaks the fuck out but like not as much as you were 
like your in pain and hoLY FuCK they baby iS coMING nOW 
and yout screaming and tae is trying to be calm but he’s runnning around and trying to get you into the car and he’s freaking out while driving like 
he’s like speeding down the highway to get to the hospital ok 
this boy has got zero chill 
he half carries you into the hospital and everything happens to fast
hes sitting beside you holding your hand tight as your screaming your lungs out giving birth 
and tae is half-way feeling guilty that you’re going through this pain 
but fAST foRWARD and your healthy baby girl is born!!!! 
and like at first tae was about to bounce on the doctors like he wants his kid now but they had to go clean her up 
and when they finish tae holds her little body in his arms and he’s crying 
“look at her” 
“she’s so beautiful” 
“it’s my baby” 
he looks at you then with tears gleaming in his eyes 
and he brings her over to you and your holding her and you can’t believe you did it 
as ur baby girl grows up like tae is such a protective father 
he’d proababy want to cry if she ever got hurt 
and you notice that as she grew that she had tae’s sparking eyes and gleaming box smile that you always adored you 
she had your cute nose 
and face shape 
Tae would try so hard to make her look so cute like braid her hair and pick out cute clothes and you’d just smile and let him be 
him being happy with your child was enough to make your insides melt 
he’d be that dad who’d volunteer to change the diapers and get up in the morning and your just like babe!!! i got it its fine!!!! im ok i can do it!!!! 
and after seeing you go through that pain for 9 months he wants to repay you back and in turn he also gets to spend time with his kid and he is happy doing it 
youd both play with that baby all the time and be all over the floor with that baby ok and the squeal of joy that erupts from that childs mouth is what fuels tae and you to keep living in this beautiful world
when it comes time for her to go to school hed be so scared like hes letting his baby girl go off alone??? nO 
and ur like tae its alright babe its ok its good for her and he gets that but still??? 
also your daughter would have that same laugh that tae does and every time she does it your stomach gets butterflies 
and whenever she cried tae would be like the first one at the scene 
and whenever she had her temper tantrums he’d be the one to baby her 
and your like tae we cant do that we gotta have disipline 
and hes not having it
that baby is gonna be so spoiled rotten omg 
lord help us all 
but the thing is that baby will have the best parents in the entire universe like nothing can change that fact at all 
that baby is gonna grow up living a happiness filled life ok 
i really hope ya’ll enjoyed it!!!!
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