#tickletober- trapped
tickle-page · 2 years
Donatello’s revenge Part 2
🎃Tickletober Day 8- Trapped🎃
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Lee: Raph
Ler: Donnie
A/N: I couldn’t skip this day since it’s the only day I imagine Raph in, so I’m posting it today and hopefully day 9 as well.
Using this post👇
What had happened was Donnie had placed pizza behind the couch. Purposely for his oldest brother to get caught in his trap, and it worked. Raph had his whole upper torso upside down behind the couch, while his lower torso was just hanging upside down above the couch. It’s just a moment of waiting for Donnie to come along, and he did.
“Guys…? Anybody…? Can someone help me?” Raph was a little muffled, but was still audible to the human ears, or turtles, if they have any.
“Hohoho, Dear big brother~ u just walked right into my trap, ain’t that unfortunate?” Donnie pounced on the sofa, making the red ninja turtle shudder.
“Donnie?! Listen, we can talk about this, right?”
“No way, I’m here to make u suffer~”
“AGH!! HELP!!”
“No one’s inside, Raphael. I told them that they’re was a new restaurant selling pizza and that me and u will meet them half way.” Donnie started squeezing his big bulky calfs.
“AGH!! DOHHOHOHOHONNIE!!! PLEHEHEEHEHASE!!” Raph squirmed w/ little room he has left.
Donnie scraped and scratched all over the turtles thighs and calf’s, teasing along the way, “For someone who looks tough, u can be taken down by me just squeezing these meaty calfs alone.”
“U can scream, u can yell, u can shout, no one w/in a 10 mile radius will hear u. No matter how loud U are, it’s just me tickling u for however long it takes for Dad, Mikey, and Leo to continue to find a restaurant that doesn’t even exist.
“What part, that I tricked u into being tickled against ur will? Or I sent our dad and brothers on a wild goose chase?”
“What ever do u mean? I thought u liked being tickled.”
“Well, for starters, u never told me to stop~”
“Dw, I think it’s cute u like being tickled.”
“Nah, Idt I will.” Donnie started rapidly squeezing his thighs.
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nekoma-not-lee · 2 years
Day 8 - Trapped
Siren!Wilbur/Apollo!Tommy PLATONIC
Tommy’s Clinic for Supervillains AU
“Wihihilbuhuhur! Nohohoho!” Wilbur was currently spidering his fingers over Tommy’s tummy, while the smaller squirmed around on the floor, trying to get away. Wilbur clicked his tongue, “You’re so squirmy…Oh! I know what’ll help!” Tommy shook his head, “Nonononohohoho I knohohow whahat yohohou’re thihihinking!” Wilbur smirked, “Put your arms up~” Wilbur’s words were dripping with honey, and next thing Tommy knew, his arms were up against his will.
“NOT FAIR NOT FAIR!” Tommy shouted. Wilbur snickered, “Ohhh Tommyyyy~ you know what would be even worse?~” Tommy looked up at Wilbur and saw the devious glint in his eyes, and immediately shook his head, “NONONONONO!” Wilbur smiled, innocently, “Now stay still~” Tommy’s squirming almost immediately ceased, “Wahahait Wihihilbur, dohohon’t!” Tommy giggled in anticipation. Wilbur’s final warning was a mischievous giggle, before Wilbur’s fingers descended back onto Tommy’s tummy.
Tommy then shrieked and fell into loud laughter, “WIHIHILBUHUHUR!!! NOHOHOHO PLEHEHEASE NOHOHOT THEHEHERE!” Wilbur cooed, “Awwwweee~ aren’t you just a cute, ticklish little thing~ tickle tickle tickle Toms~” Wilbur next blew a long raspberry on Tommy’s stomach, and he squealed, “NONONONOHOHOHO NOHOHIT THAHAHAT!!! SOHOHOHO MEHEHEAN!” Wilbur giggled, “Oh really?~ You wanna know what would be even more mean?~” Tommy shook his head, “NONONONOHOHOHO WIHIHILBUR DOHOHON’T!”
If anyone heard the loud shriek of laughter that resounded from Tommy, nobody mentioned it. But as his loud laughter rang through the Soot house, it brought a smile to Phil’s face.
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thebest-medicine · 2 years
what kind of stereotypical Halloween monster would you most want to be tickled by?
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marvel-m-lee · 2 years
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Words: 2533
Fandom: MHA x reader
Characters: Hawks, Dabi, Y/n
Summary: Dabi and Hawks trapping Y/n for being sassy, as per usual.
You were laying on the couch at the League's safe house. It was hidden below a building and was practically it's own little underground bungalow for the Leauge to stay safe at.
You were a U.A. high student, one of the most hopeful in your class followed by many of your peers. But here you were, scrolling on your phone, in the house of the very people who kidnapped you way back at the start of the year.
This was one of the many reasons you were here. Along with getting so high in the Sports Festival and having such a useful and powerful quirk. There was many reasons which made you stand out among your peers to help with an undercover investigation against the League of Villians, along with Hawks who'd already been on the case a while before you joined.
Of course, it took a lot of convincing to allow you to be a part of such a dangerous game, but surprisingly the League was very warm and opening to you. Like a messed up family. You felt a little bad for your actions, but you knew what needed to be done.
Though there were times like today, where you would have come over to check up and chill out and everything would be okay.
You were scrolling through an app on your phone at this moment, laid out across the couch.
Just then you heard the door shut and heard two very familiar voices. The number two Pro hero put his jacket on a hook, followed by none other than Dabi.
You could hear the playfulness in Hawk's voice, meaning he was most likely in a good mood.
"Im just sayin' you'd look really good"
"No. I wouldn't"
You peaked up from the couch, looking over to see Hawks hanging up his jacket and walking backwards through the door, followed by Dabi who was rolling his eyes.
"Yeahhh! Sure you would. You'd look like a princess" the winged hero teased, bowing down and getting shoved out the way as Dabi walked past him, making him chuckle.
"Good thing I'm not a princess, why don't you go do that"
"I can't, I've already got my outfit prepared-" the two walked across the room and through another door way, not paying much attention to you. They must have been arguing about something stupid- as per usual when it came to Hawk's teasing. Either way you didn't really care, until you heard the kettle boiling.
"Dabiiiii!" You yelled, hoping he would hear you.
"What?!" You heard him yell back. A smirk grew on your face but disappeared again.
"Can I have a tea?!" You yelled back. In all fairness he was actually in the room next to you, you could have used your Quirk or either of you could have actually walked to the other.
You heard him sigh and whisper something before Hawks began laughing. You smiled happily and forgot about it, scrolling through your phone again.
An hour had passed and your cup of tea came and went, but you stay glued to the couch, scrolling on your phone.
Mostly everyone in the League was out doing something or other, and you didn't want to go back to the dorms just yet, though you knew you'd have to be back for dinner.
For the moment you just wanted to laze around in a quiet setting without fear of Kaminari bursting through your door getting chased around by Ashido again. Or hearing Bakugou screaming at Midoryia.
You were laid, sprawled across the couch with your legs on the other arm rest while your head was just below the other one, a pillow there to keep you comfy even if you didn't entirely fill it up.
"Move it" You looked up from your phone, only to look back down to ignore the request.
Dabi was standing by your legs, motioning to them to ask you to move so he could sit down. He had the remote in one of his hands.
He gave you a look when you ignored him, a slight sly grin growing there. You weren't sure where Hawk's had gone off to, but didn't really care either.
"Y/n, move your legs"
"Nah, comfy" you didn't bother to look up at him, just dinner while on your phone, crossing your legs just to be annoying to him.
"Right, comfy" the smirk on his face grew without your knowledge as his voice always seemed so monotone, but then suddenly you felt something big drop onto your shins.
"ooF- what the-" you looked at whatever it was on your legs from behind your phone, only to see Dabi sat back happily leaning against your feet/ankles with one elbow, resting his head as his other hand began to scroll through the channels on TV.
"Get off me" You gave him a deadpan look, no longer finding the humour in the situation of annoying him.
This time the fire villain ignored you, scrolling through news and Peppa pig episodes.
You tried to wiggle your legs, just wiggling around beneath his ass as he tried to stay still to watch his show.
"ooF, you lump get off me!"
You continued to wiggle around, wiggling your feet so he would loose balance from leaning on your hand. You burst out laughing as he did so, his head very comedically falling down and having to grab the sofa to stop from falling.
You were laughing as he turned to stare at you, a grin wide on his face from your confidence to mess around with him.
"Oh you think that's funny do you?" Suddenly you felt a hand on your waist, wiggling it's fingers into your side.
"Hahah-HEYHE! Gehet off!"
"Nah, comfy" Dabi's shit eating grin was always a bad sign whenever it came with his playful side. He continued to tickle your side until you were literally halfway off the couch, still trapped by his weight on your legs.
However instead he gave you a break for a moment, making you catch your breath and sort yourself out again. You rolled your eyes at him, calling him a name until you saw that glint in his eyes.
"Oh, we're not done" then suddenly he had one hand run up the sole of your foot. You yelled, pushing yourself upwards and falling back down again with a yelp.
"Ooo- fun reaction" he grinned. You gave him a look, feeling as your cheeks heated up and trued to wiggle your legs free.
Then again though, he decided to start tickling your feet with one hand while watching TV, completely ignoring you as he wiggled his fingers up and down one of your feet, and on to the other, back and forth.
"SHIT- DAHABI!" You burst out laughing, wanting to wipe the smug look off his face as he ignored you and your kicking from beneath him. You tried to scrunch up your toes to curl your feet but no matter what you did he didn't stop tickling you, making you hold your waist and laugh hysterically, kicking and trying to stop him anyway you could.
However he paid no attention to you, even yawning while watching one episode of Peppa pig on the TV and rolling his eyes at it.
Nobody would ever see this side of him, nobody other than the League. And as much as you hated it, it was also one of your favourite parts. He was usually so dark and gloomy, like a teenage boy going through an ever lasting emo phase. But sometimes he was like the big brother you never had. Whether it was buying you icecream at the shop every once in a while or being a massive dick and trapping you with tickles without mercy. It was always something kind in his own way.
Though he was definitely malicious.
You arched your back, laughing as he wouldn't let up, a smirk on his face growing as he gave you the side eye.
You jumped up in a final attempt to stop him, leaning over him as if making a Dabi sandwich with your body.
And in that moment you fell into yet another one of his traps. He grabbed between your neck and shoulder, right between in one of the pressure points and squeezed it a couple times. You jumped and yelled, pushing him with a wide smile across your face.
It tickled like hell, but of course it was Dabi, he changed spots to your sides making you laugh hysterically and quickly dive your arms to yous sides, scrunching yourself up.
"You alright Y/n? You're a bit jumpy, not comfortable anymore?" You could hear the smirk smacked across his face as he taunted you, you just wacked him off, giggling and laughing as he had you trapped beneath him.
"GeEhEt OhoOHFF!"
Somehow lady luck was on your side and you were freed of the tickling, though he never moved off of you. You just slumped back in your original position, laid across the couch with Dabi sat on your legs.
You were very giggly and wiping all the ghostly tickles off your body. You hid behind your hands and heard the elder laugh before going back to watching his show, now Dora the Explorer on TV.
You'd never understand how Dabi worked, buy turned your head and watched from between your fingers. This lasted a few minutes before suddenly there was another lump on your thighs and hips, making you grunt again.
"You're too close"
"You love it"
You just looked up to see now another person sat on you, this time it being the winged hero, happily sat nexted to Dabi with a packet of popcorn which the other snatched a handful off and threw in his mouth.
You just looked at them both, flabbergasted.
This had to be child abuse. Of some kind.
"Get off me?!"
"Noisey couch" Hawks teased, talking to Dabi as if you weren't there, poking your belly making you yelp.
"You should have heard it a second ago. Very wiggly" Dabi teased, tickling your foot again and making you wiggle and laugh, holding yourself and begging him to stop quickly.
"Oooo! That was cool, has it got settings to do that again?" Hawks teased, looking at Dabi, telling him to do it again.
"Yeah, here" this time he reached under him and tickled your shins, gripping them and squeezing them repeatedly to make you jump and wiggle around in laughter.
"FhUhUCk! DAhAhBi!"
"Woah! Language kid" Hawks looked down at you, breaking chatacter a little but sending a feather to your nose making you scrunch up before it ran down to your neck and made you shake your head with giggles.
"Sohorry- sHIHIT DABI- HAHAWKS GET HIHIM TO STOHOP!" Again the devilfish young adult had a usual evil grin on his face as tickled your feet again, this making you jump up again and fall back down after failing an attempt at getting him to stop.
The sudden movement made Hawks burst out laughing, leaning back and watching you lean over to attack Dabi or at least save yourself, to no prevale.
You fell back down when a feather ran down your neck, as if falling into a fit of giggles as the two continued to bully and torment you to no end.
"StAHaAp! aAgH! I caHaAnt-" you called out, now Hawks having a hand on your waist and Dabi enjoying his own torment on your lower half.
"We're Baaack!" There was a voice that called out, along with a door closed and multiple sets of steps.
Toga skipped in, followed by Twice and Spinner. Dabi and Hawk's both stopped suddenly and you laid back, half dead, blushing and hiding your face with a pillow so Toga and the others wouldn't see.
"Hey Toga" Dabi grinned, knowing how embarrassed you would be whilst Hawks gave a tiny wave with a smile.
"Why are you guys sitting on Y/n?" Spinner asked, putting a bag on the table and giving you all a weird look.
"She was comfy, and we wanted to watch TV" Dabi shrugged. Suddenly Twice jumped over the couch and landed right on top of you too, excitedly look at the TV.
"I hate this show!?"
Of course he argued with himself for a moment before actually realised he was sat on top of you, making himself jump up and ask whether you were okay.
You just grunted a yeah from behind your pillow and felt as Twice sat down in front of the couch, watching Dora The Explorer intensely.
You were trapped for another half an hour or so, for some reason everyone crowded around the couchtk watch Dora The Explorer together. Something nobody would ever expect from a group of killers, but here you were, tickled half to death by at least one of them.
By the end of the episode however, you had to head off and go back to the dorms. Hawks deciding to take you back as it was getting late and also a way to catch up with the mission. You waved everyone goodbye as he got his coat, Toga and Twice were playing Mario Cart against one another and giving you a wave goodbye while playing and Spinner was sat in an armchair on his phone, smiling and waving goodbye.
Dabi however was stood in the doorway with a drink, either tea or coffee, you weren't sure. You gave him a smirk and a look, which he happily returned back to you by ruffling your hair as he passed you to go to his room.
"Cya bird brains"
Hawks rolled his eyes as Dabi flipped you both off on his way off, even with his back turned you could tell he was smirking either way. Lighthearted banter for even villians.
Hawks and you both left, a benie on your head and stepping back out into one of the many alleyways in the city.
Hawks closed the door behind you both and you both walked down, seeing your breath as the weather had been getting colder and colder recently.
Of course he teased you, making you gibe him a soft punch. He raised his hands in defeat and laughed, both of you heading off into the roads now off to the train station. He ruffled your hair and waved you off, checking you were okay before you almost missed your train.
"Cya round (nickname)"
"See you, bye"
As you sat down on the train however, you looked through the window to see Hawks waving at you, a ting smirk on his face which confused you- right until you felt something tickle around your midsection making you burst pit into giggles, covering your mouth so- hopefully- nobody would notice.
You gave Hawks a death stare as the feather shot out from under your shirt and ran back out the train doors right before they shut. Hawks was stood outside waving and laughing where as inside you rolled your eyes at him.
That was the last time you would mess with either of them.
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lilianlay · 2 years
Tickletober day 8 - trapped
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Ace and Deuce
- Deuce! Remove your boiler immediately! - Ace was lying under the cauldron, which was conjured by his classmate.
- I'm trying, but it doesn't work.
- You are kidding me?! - redhead began to beat his hands on the floor and wiggle his legs to try to get out of the trap, but nothing came of it.
- You're trapped.
- Thank you, I can see it without you. - Ace rolled his eyes. - Help me!
- If you ask nicely. - dark haired folded his arms.
- What? Are you kidding?! - but still the redhead sighed. - Deuce, dear, please, can you help me get out of this cauldron that you have conjured and cannot remove. - he speaks in a mock voice.
Deuce rolled his eyes.
- Okay. It is better. - dark-haired squatted down and grabbed his leg.
- I don't think it will help. - redhaired said skeptically.
- Do you have other options?
- Hmph
Deuce began to pull him to the side.
- Ow ow ow, it hurts!
- Be patient.
- What does that's mean?
- That's what it means.
Dark haired's hand touched the side of the trapped one, and he heard giggles.
- Hm? Ace?
- N-no, shut up, don't say anything! - redhead covered his mouth with his hand.
Deuce chuckled.
- Are you ticklish?~
- I'm not! - he began to wriggle very strongly.
- Hmmm - Deuce began to quickly tickle Ace's sides.
- Nohohohooho! I'll kihihihihill yohohohohou
- First stop laughing and get out of the trap~
- Yohohohou ahahahare tehheheherrible.
- Hehe, no, you're just being very ticklish. - he began to tickle faster, from which the redhead did not scream. - Wow, that's the reaction.
- Stohohohohop stohohohohohop! Okahahahay, sohohohorry me for swehehearing at yohou. Juhahahast stohohohop, I cahahahahahahan't.
Riddle appeared in the hallway.
- Hmm, what are you two doing?
- Oh, dorm leader. - Deuce stopped and the cauldron instantly disappeared. - I tried to help Ace get out.
- You know this spell perfectly. - said Riddle and went on.
- Perfectly?! - redhead looked at him.
- Um, I'll explain everything.
- Better run!
And the chase began throughout the academy.
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amazingmsme · 2 years
Junk in the Trunk
AN: I know it’s late, but oh well. This was so much fun to write, I love the show Imposters! If you haven’t seen it, I really recommend it. & for everyone in this community, there’s a scene y’all will really like ;)
It has to have been at least over three hours since they climbed into the trunk of the junker car. Richard and Ezra had no idea how Jules and Poppy were holding up in the other car, but they themselves couldn't be crankier. The first hour wasn't too bad: some fidgeting and complaining here and there, but they managed to keep themselves entertained by telling each other stories from their youth. The second hour, the tension started to build. Their limbs were falling asleep from having little space to move, and it was starting to get hot. By the third hour, they were practically tangled in each other and kept shoving and kicking the other as they tried to get comfortable.
A foul stench met Ezra's nostrils and he held back a gag, pulling his shirt over his nose. He jammed his elbow into Richard's ribs, yes on purpose, and flopped over to glare at him. "Dude what the fuck, did you seriously just fart in here?" he scolded.
Richard wouldn't meet his eyes and he had a guilty look on his face. "I'm sorry I couldn't hold it in. I should've warned you."
"No, should've just held it in! We're in the trunk, there's not much fresh air in here and you just ruined it with your stink!" Ezra's voice was snappy and fed up. It was rare for him to be actually angry, but the circumstances in which they found themselves in were extenuating ones. Richard couldn't blame him though, his family's life was on the line, and he was pretty sure his mild claustrophobia was starting to get to him.
"Whatever man, the smell's already gone," he said. Ezra grumbled something he couldn't quite make out. Five minutes of silence passed, or maybe longer. Or maybe it was shorter, who the hell knows. "Is it just me or is it not as dark as it was, like, an hour ago?" he asked.
Ezra squinted. "Y'know, I think you're right. Our eyes must be adjusting."
Richard nodded. "Nice. Like a bat." Ezra looked at him quizzically. "Bats can't see in the dark. They have horrible eyesight," he deadpanned.
"Then how the hell can they fly around at night doing acrobatics and shit?" he asked, seemingly genuinely confused.
"Dude they use echolocation, they can't see anything," Ezra said, exasperated. Richard furrowed his brows in the dark.
"Echolocation? What even is that?" he feigned stupidity. He knew if he could get him to start trying to explain something, maybe he could distract him. It had nothing to do with the fact that he was incredibly bored and loved fucking with him. Ezra gave him an unamused look. "That's a made up word. You just made it up," he said, unable to keep his smile at bay.
"No it's not! I know you know what that means, quit playing dumb," he said, not in the mood for his shit. He turned back around, facing the trunk door. There was a tiny bit of sunlight from where the door shut, and you could feel a bit of airflow. Suddenly, Richard was leaning over him, shoving his face right in front of the small crack. Ezra shoved him off harshly. "Dude what the fuck?"
"I can feel a little bit of air, and I'm burning up in here. Just let me cool down," he said, sighing as he got a sliver of relief from the stuffy heat. The trailer carrying the cars hit a bump, and Richard used a hand to brace himself, gripping Ezra's hip slightly.
And Ezra screamed. Richard fell off of him, startled. Then he started laughing.
"Shut up."
"Whahahat the hell wahas that?"
"Shut up!" he admonished even more.
"What noise was that? I don't think I've ever heard you make that sound before!" Richard exclaimed. Even in the dark, he could see Ezra's flushed cheeks. "Wait man, are you-"
His grin grew even wider. "You totally are!"
"Hey, I am not!" Ezra snapped defensively.
"How did you even know what I was gonna say then?" he arched a brow with a smirk. Ezra's mouth gaped open before closing, trying to come up with a smart retort.
"Because I know you," he justified.
"Okay, since you know me so well, why don't you tell me what I was gonna ask? Hm? Finish my sentence," he said, and it was so hard not to sound as cocky as he felt. But he was sure the sugary sweet innocence in his voice had the same effect.
Now Ezra's blush was even more noticeable. He stuttered out a small, high pitched croak, but no audible words followed.
"Oh my god... you can't even say the word!" Richard burst into bright laughter. Ezra glared at him, but couldn't bring himself to deny it. Knowing Richard, he'd make him say it. The hand was back on his hip, squeezing and this time it didn't let up. He burst into bubbly giggles, twisting and squirming his body in an attempt to escape.
"Richard wahahait aha second!" he just barely bit back a squeal. There wasn't much room to move around or escape, and with Richard's crushing weight on top of him he was sufficiently trapped.
"No way, I've been bored outta my mind and this is the first real entertainment we've had since climbing in this God forsaken trunk. You'll thank me later,"  he quipped, flashing him a dazzling smile. Ezra's eyes flew open and a choked scoff managed to slip out.
"Thank you?" he cried indignantly as he snatched Richard's wrists to keep his wicked fingers at bay. Richard's grin nearly split his face in two.
"You're welcome! See? I knew you'd come around!" he taunted, easily slipping out of his grasp. He dove straight for his ribs, scribbling over each bone as fast as lightning. Ezra threw his head back with a snort before frantic giggles began to pour out.
"Ihihi wahasn't actually thahanking you!" he griped. Richard gasped, tickling faster.
"Well that's just rude! You tell a man thank you and then you don't even mean it? Who does that?" he asked in a taunting tone. He wore a shit eating grin as his hands worked their way over his ribs and just started to worm underneath his clamped arms. Ezra snorted before loud cackles filled the crammed space of the trunk.
"Richahahard quit ihihit! Ihihi cahan't mohohove!" he protested, trying with all his might to squirm away, but there was nowhere for him to go. Richard wore a shit eating grin as he continue the ticklish assault.
"I don't see how that's my problem. In fact, it makes my job a lot easier," he teased casually. Ezra let out a giggly whine that was cut off by an embarrassing snort. Richard laughed along with him, reaching up to flutter under his chin. He shrieked and slammed his chin down to protect himself, but only succeeded in trapping his hand there. His laughter reached new heights when he tickled behind his ears. He shook his head back and forth in a desperate attempt to dislodge his fingers, but to no avail. He kept giggling and squealing, and it was getting too damn hot in this God forsaken trunk.
Richard knew when enough was enough and released him. Ezra panted and shot him a glare that was met with a cheeky, smug grin.
"You're the worst. How much longer do you think we have?" he asked, annoyance clear in his tone. Richard let out a low whistle.
"Not sure, could be a whole 'nother hour. Why?"
Now it was Ezra's turn to wear an evil grin. "Just seeing if I have enough time for revenge."
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ticklygiggles · 1 year
Miya&Mia's Tickletober Day 3 - Villain
Solomon x Reader
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A/N: I still think this drabble came out a bit too silly, but I hope you enjoy it everyone!
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"Nothing will stop me from having my revenge. Not those demon brothers. Not the angels. Not even the Demon Prince will save you from what I will do to you."
"Chihihill out! I juhuhust tihihickled y-you! Ah! NAHAHA!"
Solomon chuckled to himself, his hands burying under your arms to tickle you mercilessly. "You will get exactly what you deserve for doing so. How dare you touch this sacred body to make me become a laughing mess? Hmm?"
You shook your head, his silly words were making you blush as your head tipped back, loud, hysterical laughter bubbling out. "SOHOHOLOMOHON, PLEHEHEASE!" 
"Cry for mercy all you want," he said, grinning mischievously at you. "No one will ever save you!" 
You shrieked with laughter. It looked like his villainous act was far from over, you wondered if you would ever survive this tickling or you would end up dying of laughter, but to your surprise, Solomon stopped suddenly, pulling out his hands from under your arms to grab your wrists and pull your arms up above your head. 
"NAHAHA! P-Plehehease, nohoho! S-Sohohol! I'm sohohorry!" You giggled nervously, pulling at your trapped arms as he easily gathered your wrists in one of his hands.
Solomon smirked at you. "Ah, now you ask for forgiveness, but weren't you so happy while you were tickling me?" 
You laughed. Well, you really did get him good. His face was still pink from laughing so much, his clothes were messy and his hair was pointing in all directions possible, but you did it for a good cause! He had been obsessed about making dinner for you both. You appreciated the gesture, you really did, but… would it be worthy to die like that? 
You loved Solomon tenderly. With no doubts, he was the love of your life, but his cooking skills, or more like the lack of them… were simply too much for you. So you were in desperate need to stop him from entering the kitchen. 
At that moment, you were facing your consequences. He was acting like the villain of a movie and though it was cringy, you could see he was having fun and his bright smile was something worthy to die for. 
"You've got no place to go now," he said, pushing your arms higher. "And you can't stop me either, so brace yourself, beautiful."
You shook your head, your eyes wide as you grinned nervously. "S-Sohohol! P-Please! I'm s-sorry! I wanted to see your s-smihile!"
"And now I want to see yours," he said and with that, his free hand descended back to your exposed armpit, making you shriek before breaking into loud, howling laughter. 
He jumped from one underarm to the other, making you jump and shriek as you laughed and laughed and laughed, but Solomon didn't just tickle your underarms, he also tickled your ribs and your neck and then moved down to your tummy and your hips and even your upper thighs. 
"PLEHEHEASE!" You cackled, squirming as best as you could. "Sohohohol, plehehease!" 
Solomon hummed, "I think… I could show a bit of mercy if a certain someone gives me a kiss?" 
Solomon laughed, "oh, how lucky! I was thinking that that someone could be you, actually!" 
He stopped and you collapsed against the floor. He let go of your wrists not before kissing them tenderly. He then proceeded to kiss your forehead and the tip of your nose before he stopped millimeters away from your lips, still stretched into a little smile. 
"Evil always wins." 
You giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck. "You're a silly sorcerer. Kiss me now before you change your mind." 
Solomon giggled and finally leaned down to kiss you. Even though you were tickled to tears, you survived another day without dying of food intoxication!
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ticklish-n-stuff · 11 months
Tickletober day 30: Caught
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Chuuya x Dazai (interpret as you wish)
Lee: Dazai
Ler: Chuuya
Warnings: Tickles!
"Goddamit!!" Chuuya let out an annoyed growl, struggling to take the fake fangs off. All while his "partner" laughed at his misery.
"Oh Chuuya, I didn't think you could look even more ridiculous!" Dazai clutched his stomach, his face full of glee as he could practically feel the anger radiate from Chuuya.
"Oh shut up, asshole!" the ginger huffed in annoyance, until a mischevious idea popped up into his head. "Oi, Dazai. How about I give you something to really laugh about?~" a cocky smirk made it's way across his lips.
"Huh-" Dazai didn't have long to react, he was too busy in his hysterics to stop Chuuya from tackling him into the ground. He may not be able to use his gravity, but his weight was enough to keep Dazai trapped. And perhaps the brunnette was curious to see what his partner would do...
"What's wrong? Don't let me ruin your fun~" with that, Chuuya leaned his head down towards Dazai's neck. His fake fang quickly finding the soft flesh and sinking into it repeatedly, albeit EXTREMELY lightly. Almost like a feather brushing up against the skin, and it was enough to send Dazai into hysterics.
"EEK!—" the brunnette instantly squealed in surprise, he definitely didn't account for this in his innitial plan. "PFFT! AHAHAHAHA! C-CHUUYA..!" Dazai breathlessly called out his attacker's name through his boisterous laughter.
"Aww, already begging for mercy?~" Chuuya whispered against his ear, sending goosebumps all over his body. "How disappointing. And to think you'd still be this sensitive on your neck, it must be my lucky day~" with a smug grin, Chuuya went back to nibbling all over the sensitive skin of Dazai's neck, occassionally brushing against the shell of his ear to earn a surprised squeal from the taller male.
"Hmhm~ Since you don't seem too eager on escaping, perhaps I'll keep this going a while longer~" Chuuya swore he caught a faint blush creeping up Dazai's cheeks at his words, but it was true. Dazai could've easily escaped by now, as much as Chuuya hated to admit it, and yet he hasn't. Maybe he could fool everyone else, but the ginger certainly caught that sparkle of joy in his eyes from the tickles, and maybe Chuuya was having fun himself, not like he'd admit it in a million years.
"Now... prepare to scream~" Chuuya had the most devilish smirk on his face, as his onslaught of playful nibbles sent Dazai to his fatal demise full of laughter.
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starlight-write · 1 year
Tickletober Day 3- Cuddles
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Requests: OPEN :)
Summary: All Jirou wanted was to spend a nice night watching movies with her boyfriend. Everything goes well until Kaminari starts to tickle her out of the blue. Now she has to teach her boyfriend a lesson.
Pairing: Ler!Jirou x Lee!Kaminari (Romantic)
"I'm not going to ask you again. Stop."
"I told you, I'm not doing anything!"
Kaminari was really getting on her last nerve. But what else did she expect from her hyperactive boyfriend when she made him sit down for an extended period of time? All she had wanted to do was to snuggle up next to her boyfriend while they binged horror movies while they both had a night to themselves. But of course it could never be that simple.
The two of them sat bundled up on Jirou's bed while flashes of light and corny screams burst from the TV. Jirou sat content in Denki's lap with his arms wrapped around her waist and they stayed like that for the better half of the film until Kaminari got the bright idea to annoy his girlfriend by prodding and pinching her stomach every few minutes.
"I know what you're doing you bastard. Now cut it oUT!-" She yelped as he poked her belly once again. She grabbed his wrists and turned to face him with a huff. Only to be met with a bright, innocent, and fake smile. The little shit.
"Do it again. See what happens." She said, still keeping her grip on his wrists.
That was all the invitation the boy needed as he quickly tried to twist his wrists out of the girls hold as they lurched towards her stomach once again. But Jirou had had enough of his antics and decided it was time to teach her boyfriend a lesson.
She had jumped out of his lap and tugged both of his wrists towards her causing the electric hero to fall face first onto the mattress. The boy let out a small yelp as he quickly tried to turn around and fight off his attacker but it was too late as the girl had already positioned herself on his lower back, effectively pinning him in place.
She watched him struggle for a few moments. Doing everything in his power to try to get free but it was no use. "Baaaabe c'mon I was just messing around! Get off, pleeeease?" He tried begging even though he knew it wouldn't help his case in the slightest.
"I tried to warn you but you just couldn't keep your hands to yourself could you? All I wanted was a nice night with my boyfriend but no. You just. Had. To keep. Poking. Me."
Every phrase uttered was emphasized with harsh pokes to the boys sides. He let out a squeak as he shot his arms down to protect himself and buried his face into the mattress.
"I'm sohohohorryyyyyy! I promise I wohohon't do it again." He pleaded as he giggled into the covers.
"Nope. Too late for that. Now you're just going to have to suffer." She said as she wormed two of her fingers under his arms. The boy let out a loud squeal as he squirmed underneath her.
"Wait! Wahahahahahahahahit! Stohohohohohohop! This isn't fair, pleahehehehehehehese!" The boy wailed as he tried to squeeze his arms to his sides but only succeeded in trapping his girlfriend's evil fingers under his arms.
She leaned forward and whispered into his ear. "Uh uh. You brought this upon yourself. You wanted to play this game and lost. Now you're going to have to deal with the consequences."
"But- But I- AH! Jirou NO! No Stohohohohohohohohop ihihihihihhiht! HahahahahHAHAHAHAHA."
His laughter grew in pitch as Jirou had suddenly started fluttering her fingers all across his neck. Causing the boy to thrash below her as he brought his arms up to grab her hands hoping to escape the unbearably ticklish feeling.
He succeed and tried to pull her hands away as he tried to catch his breath only to be sent into a hysterical fit once more as the girl blew a giant raspberry on the back of his neck.
"AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA JIROU-! JI-STOHOHOHOHOP!!!" The boy wailed and lost his grip on the offending hands as he thrashed and kicked and twisted and bucked. Jirou had just used her freed hands to hold his head in place as she placed another agonizing raspberry in the exact same spot.
"Please! PLEHEHEHEHASE! NO MORE! NO MOHOHOHORE!" After a few more seconds she finally lifted her head away from her screaming boyfriend. Rubbing his back gently as she allowed him to catch his breath.
"Thahahahat- thahahat was uncalled for." The boy complained and took another shaky breath as he brought his hands up to cover his burning face.
"I honestly forgot how ticklish your neck is." She giggled. "Guess I should keep that in mind from now on, huh?" She said as she smiled down at him.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. Let me up." The boy said with a pout.
"Hmmmm not yet." Denki could hear the evil smile in her voice and automatically tensed up again. Jirou got up for just a moment. Pressing her hand on her boyfriend's back so he wouldn't get any ideas about escaping as she repositioned herself to face his legs.
"There's just one more thing I have to do before we're done."
Kaminari froze at her words. He already knew what was about to happen and he nervously started kicking and thrashing once more to avoid his fate.
"WAIT! WAIT- Babe. Babe Please! Please don't I'm serious! I'll stop okay? I'll do whatever you want just hold ON- AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA-"
"Damn right you will." She said with a smirk as she continued to ruthlessly scribble her nails on the backs of his knees.
Kaminari's laughter had gone silent rather quickly. He desperately thrashed and kicked around but it did him no good and he eventually resigned to pounding on the bed furiously as he lost himself in his hysterics.
Jirou finally took that as a sign to stop. She lifted herself up off of the giggly mess on her bed and laid down next to him.
Kaminari tried hiding his bright red face behind his hands once more but they were pulled away as Jirou planted a sweet kiss on his cheek.
"You okay?"
The electric boy took in a few more giggly breaths before answering. "No! Yohohou almost kihihihilled me!"
"Oh hush. I wouldn't tickle you so often if you didn't like it." The girl said, giving him a sweet smile.
The boy huffed and buried his face in the covers. "Yeah, whatever."
Jirou just rolled her eyes and gave an amused huff in return before sitting up and collecting her boyfriend in her arms.
"C'mon doofus. Let's finish this dumb movie." She said as she wrapped her arms around his waist. "And no more funny business, got it?"
Denki just sighed as he snuggled into her embrace. Smiling as he rested his head on her shoulder. "Got it."
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alixlives · 1 year
tickletober day one— anticipation.
ler!tubbo (he/him), lee!tommy (he/him) (CC’s)
I’ve been in this community since 2020, and made my blog in april of 2022. This is my first time ever participating in tickletober. 😭
In Tommy’s defense, he really did not think this would happen.
Sure, he believes in facing the consequences of your actions, but he didn’t think this would be his consequence.
Rewind a little. Tommy and Tubbo were doing an IRL stream together, and Tommy was just being a complete, total nuisance.
He’d make fun of Tubbo’s height (lightheartedly), randomly jump out and scream to scare Tubbo anytime he’d left for just a few minutes. Tommy spent half an hour just mimicking every word Tubbo said, either silently with his hand or aloud. Tubbo was surprised his eyes hadn’t rolled to the back of his head with how much he would roll his eyes at Tommy’s antics.
Tubbo had repeatedly told Tommy, “I’m going to murder you.” But Tommy would only laugh, seemingly not noticing the way Tubbo would smirk with a hint of mischief glistening in his eyes.
Now they were here, Tommy hiding under a bed—original, right?— and covering his mouth so his anticipatory giggles wouldn’t give him away.
“Oh, Tommy~” Tubbo dragged his name out with a teasing tone, and Tommy felt his face heat up. “Where are you~?” Tubbo’s footsteps were slow as he wanted to make Tommy wait. He opened any closed door he passed by, pretending to look before finally stopping in the doorway of the room Tommy was in. He watched as Tubbo slowly made his way to the bed. Tubbo grinned, “Tommy~ I only want to tickle you, man! You can’t possibly be afraid of a little tickling, just some wiggly fingers scribbling all over your stomach, squeezing your sides and drilling into your hips. You, the big man TommyInnit, afraid of some tickling? Hm~?”
..How on Earth can Tubbo be so teasy!?
Tommy’s heart skipped a beat, watching Tubbo take a final step and stopping right next to the bed he hid under before deciding to just sit on the bed. The anticipation was horrible. Tubbo went on to list exactly how he’ll tickle the blonde he “searched” for, knowing exactly what he’s doing, knowing that Tommy is entirely flustered out of his mind.
“Maybe I'll blow a few… no, a lot of, raspberries on your stomach while I squeeze and taser your sides. We both know that’s practically death for you! Or I could scribble into your underarms, and then vibrate my fingers when your arms come crashing down to inevitably trap my hands. Ooh, I could scribble on your knees, or on the backs of them? I’ll make sure to sit on your legs so you can’t kick, though. You’ll be trapped, unable to escape from me.” Tubbo teased, he could hear Tommy’s muffled, flustered giggles.
Tommy thought that he could escape, it’s worth a shot, right? He turned to face the opposite way as silently as he could, slowly beginning to move out from under the bed before feeling Tubbo grab onto his ankles and drag him out, quickly moving him over and pinning him to the carpeted floor. The brunette held his hands in the shapes of claws over Tommy’s sides, wiggling his fingers dangerously close to the boy.
Tommy swore he was going to die.
“Tuhubbo! Cohome ohohon!” The blonde whined, covering his squinted eyes with his arms.
“If you say so,” Tubbo grinned innocently, digging his fingers into Tommy’s sides, scribbling, squeezing, and tasering while he leaned down to blow raspberries all over Tommy’s stomach— just like he said he would.
Tommy’s screams rang throughout the house as Tubbo wrecked the blonde until he was practically begging for mercy.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
TickleTober Day 12 ~Bites/Nibbes~ (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Light spice warning for this one! :D
Dazai’s lips were hot against his own, his hands in his hair as he pulled him closer. The alleyway smelled of mold and piss, but Chuuya didn’t care. All he wanted right now was the man before him pinned against the concrete walls.
“Mmm- Ch-Chuuya?” Dazai gasped out when the redhead moved down, working kisses across his jawbone leading to his neck. “Chuuya-”
“Shut your mouth, Dazai. You’re mine now.” He growled against his skin, finally reaching his neck. Feeling bold and possessive, he sank his teeth in as he worked the buttons on his vest.
…What the hell? Chuuya blinked at him, raising an eyebrow at Dazai’s wide eyed flush. He expected a variety of sounds to come out by his action but…a giggle? “You good?”
“Y-Yeah, yeah! Just a bit tickl-IHIHISH!” Dazai spasmed again when Chuuya returned to his neck, a new gentleness in his bites. “Chuuhuuhuhhuuhya, wahahhhahit it tihihihihihickles!”
“Heh- talk about a mood killer.” The redhead didn’t sound bothered though. If anything the discovery amused him greatly. With barely any restraint, he triggered his gravity manipulation just as Dazai tried sliding down the wall, leaving him in the perfect position for more tickles. “It’s fine- I found a new way to entertain myself.”
“Chuuhuhya- Chuhuhuhuhuyahahhahahahahahaha! Aheahhahahhaha no fahahhahhahir!” Dazai squealed, unable to scrunch up as Chuuya pressed tickly kisses and bites into his neck. The bandages did nothing to protect him- all he could do was laugh. “Plehahahhahahse stahhahahhahhap!”
“All this time tickling me, and you think I’m gonna stop after I’ve learned you’re ticklish? Think again, Dazai!”
“Buhuhuhuhut ihihihit’s so fuhuhuhun to tihihihihckle yohohohohou- Eheheheheheh stahhahap not thehehehhehre!”
“Do you really want me to stop? If so, undo my gravity.” Chuuya waited for Dazai’s body to slump, for arms to grab him and a breathless “Ohoohkay!” But nothing came- Dazai remained in his trapped state.
“Didn’t think so.”
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tickletastic · 1 year
Fandom: DC/Young Justice
Ship: Birdflash <333
Summary: A glimpse into Wally and Dick's teenage years; the first time Wally realizes why, even as a billionaire, Bruce refuses to give his son candy. Day sixteen of Miya and Mia’s Tickletober: sweets!
Wally has never really used his height against Dick. He’s always been taller, but he is also older, and speed was always more of his thing anyways. He was fine with Dick flipping through the air, cartwheeling down the halls of the Young Justice headquarters.
When Dick had suggested they go to Wayne Manor and steal some of the Halloween candy that Bruce had started stockpiling for the trick-or-treaters, Wally thought it was a great idea. Free candy and he gets to chill in a mansion? It was a done deal for him. 
It was all fun and games when he thought he and Dick would just steal some candy and watch a movie, before he realized that Dick rarely, if ever, eats candy. It seems like the Dark Knight goes all out for Halloween, but rarely lets his own kid have any sweets. Wally can see why.
Dick is practically bouncing off the walls, running around in circles in the screening room, begging Wally to let him put his costume on so he can fight crime, saying he feels it’s time to “break bones and take names.” 
Wally, despite really wanting to see what happens, tells Dick no, he is absolutely not leaving the room in the state he’s in. Dick pouts, and he does puppy dog eyes, and he begs, but Wally stands his ground. He finds it incredibly difficult, of course, he’s had a crush on his best friend for like three entire years, but his worry for Dick’s safety outweighs the cuteness of his puppy dog eyes. 
Dick instead takes to jumping across the room’s chairs and couches, doing somersaults and cartwheels, doing triple backflips and handsprings. Wally, with his ability to practically watch seconds tick by in front of him, is having difficulty keeping up with how quick Dick is moving around the room. 
“Walls, I am totally whelmed right now,” Dick says in the middle of a front flip off the couch, “like, absolutely, completely whelmed.”
Wally laughs, speeding over to stand next to Dick, “even if that were a word, I don’t think that's how you’d use it.”
“No, no,” Dick says, shaking his head while running towards another couch, “it totally would be. I made it up so I get to choose how it’s used. 
“That’s totally not how language works, dude,” Wally says before finally deciding it might be time to reel Dick in. His flips and tricks are cool, but Wally is seriously worried that the sugar rush is going to cause him to trip over himself, which would be bad news for both of them. 
Wally runs and grabs a blanket, wrapping it around Dick and bringing him over to one of the couches, all within the blink of an eye. Dick attempts to wrestle out of the blanket, but Wally continues to tangle him up in it. Eventually Dick manages to get completely covered, his body disappearing under the Superman themed throw blanket. 
“Wally, let me out!” Dick laughs, muffled by the fabric.
“No can do, bird brain, not until you’ve got a little less pep in your step.” 
Dick continues to struggle, arms flailing and poking out as he tries to reach for Wally to push him away. Wally, of course, has the benefit of sight, and decides to start grabbing Dick back. The two of them engage in this awkward, partially blind wrestling match for a minute or two before Wally grabs Dick and Dick recoils with a squawk, squirming under the blanket. 
Wally does it again, and this time it produces a giggle, Dick’s hands coming up to produce a barrier, though he still can’t see Wally’s next move. 
Wally makes a grab for Dick and manages to wrangle him into a hug, the human burrito now trapped in his arms, and he makes quick work of skittering his fingers wherever he can reach, getting a wheeze and high-pitched giggles from his best friend. 
“Wahahally nohoho!” Dick squeals, unable to struggle due to both the blanket and Wally’s arms trapping him. 
“Aww, does that tickle?” Wally asks when he starts rubbing his head into the crevice of Dick’s neck and shoulder, “Is someone’s neck ticklish? What about your ribs? Does this tickle?”
Dick shrieks, going limp against Wally and trying to figure out any possible way of escape. He hears when Wally decides to count his ribs, and he desperately tries to get out of the redhead’s grasp.
“Dickie, you gotta hold still,” Wally teases, “counting them from under the blanket is hard enough, if I lose count I’ll have to start over!”
Of course, Wally loses count about five times, each time starting a new round of tickling on Dick’s upper ribs, which gets him crying out through hysterics. 
“Aww, where does it tickle?” Wally asks when he’s ‘forced’ to restart again, “Does it tickle here?”
He goes back in to get Dick’s top rib, and Dick shrieks, begging for Wally to stop, promising that he’ll finally calm down.
When Wally feels as though Dick has been positively tickled silly, he finally stops, releasing his grasp on Dick, allowing him to fully reveal himself from under the blanket. 
Dick comes out with his hair a mess, curls falling in his eyes. His face is red and he has a huge smile plastered on his face, tears trickling from the corner of his eyes. He looks happy, and Wally thinks that he wants this to be the last thing he ever sees, Dick smiling at him, joy written across his face. 
Dick pants, throwing a fake glare Wally’s way, “you’re-”
Dick is interrupted when Wally leans in for a kiss, soft and timid, and it takes him a second before he even realizes, before he’s kissing back. 
When they pull away they’re both smiling, sharing identical, smitten looks. The fondness in Wally’s eyes, Dick realizes now, had always been there, he had just never taken notice. 
“Dude, I’m-”
“You’re whelmed, aren’t you?” Dick asks with a little smirk on his face.
Wally just rolls his eyes, going in for another kiss. 
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intheticklecloset · 11 months
TickleTober Day #21: Thunderstorm
RanPoe (Bungo Stray Dogs)
It was a dark and stormy night…
No, no! Poe scratched out the line with his pen, shaking his head at himself. He was letting the real world influence his writing again; he really needed to learn to be more original. He’d never stump Ranpo if he kept up with clichés like that.
A bolt of lightning lit up the office, followed by a crash of thunder that made Poe jump even though he was expecting it.
“What are you doing here so late?”
Poe jumped again, this time letting out a yelp as he spun around to see Ranpo hovering in the doorway with a curious look on his face.
“Ah! You scared me,” Poe muttered, turning back to his paper. “I’m writing. Or trying to, anyway.”
“Something new?”
“Are you going to stump me this time?”
Poe clenched his fist over his paper determinedly, staring at the one line he’d written – the one he’d crossed out.
“Damn right I will.”
“Good!” Ranpo said enthusiastically, making his way across the room to him as another bolt of lightning lit up the space. “It’s about time.”
Poe realized the detective’s intentions a split second too late. He glanced up just in time to see Ranpo’s eyes scanning the words he’d written and crossed out, shooting his arm out to cover up after they’d already been consumed.
“The storm is influencing you, I see.” Ranpo grinned at him. “Maybe I can influence you, too.”
“You influence me all the time,” Poe muttered, then slapped a hand over his mouth, horrified with himself for saying that out loud.
Ranpo looked shocked at first, then flattered, then amused. “Wanna say that again, Poe?”
“Aww, come on~” Ranpo poked his ribs. “I wanna hear you say it louder~”
Poe jolted and slapped his hand back over his mouth to muffle his giggle, swatting at Ranpo with the other.
That was a mistake.
“Holding out on me, huh?”
In the next moment, Poe found himself trapped in his own seat as Ranpo hugged him from behind the back of the chair, digging his fingers into his ribs and teasing, “Come on, I wanna hear it again! Say it again, Poe! Come onnnn~”
Poe couldn’t help but let his laughter slip out of him as he frantically grasped Ranpo’s arms, kicking his legs uselessly in reaction to the ticklish sensations shooting through his body. “Ahahahaha nohohohoho! Ranpohohohoho!”
“Say itttt~”
“Okahahahahay, okay!” Poe squealed, slapping the table with one hand while digging his fingernails into the detective’s arm with the other. “You infuhuhuhuhuence me all the tihihihihihime, you mehehehehenace!”
Ranpo – much to Poe’s dismay – did not stop tickling. “Hmm…I don’t recall the ‘menace’ part being in the original text…”
Poe ended up laughing himself silly until the thunderstorm outside fizzled away into the dark.
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thebest-medicine · 7 months
just binged the stocks series on ao3 and AAAAAAHHHH i’m dying to see caleb get wrecked in those stocks im fhjsjfjsbgkdk🫣🫣
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infrequent-creator · 1 year
DAY 1 : Trap
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DAY 1: Trap
Ler Aizawa , Lee Shinsou
((So I couldn’t decide who’s tickletober to do …
So I did a little bit of everyone’s! Miya&Mia’s , Crow’s & August’s!! So excited ! ))
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lopsicle · 1 year
Writing is hard when your so full of tired sleepy
I got creative with the prompt and I’m not sure if this qualifies as a chase but oh well, I really like this one anyway
Flyer Derby
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Tickletober Day 6: Chase
Fandom: The Owl House
Characters: Lee! Hunter, Ler! Emerald Entrails
Summary: Willow makes a bet with Hunter to see if he could beat the rest of his team. Shenanigans and hijinks ensue. (I love those words :3)
Warnings: Tickle Fic, light restraints at the end, not proofread.
It was becoming increasingly rare that the Emerald Entrails would have the chance to ever practice or play together, which was surprising. Their teammate, Hunter was literally living in the school now but most of them seemed nervous, like they were in the calm before the storm. The Day of Unity hung over them all, their worries about it only becoming worse as Hunter revealed it’s true nature to the rest of Hexside.
That was exactly why it was so important for them to just let loose even if it was just for a little while. Just one evening where everything would be okay, so they could actually experience the calm they’d been so desperate to receive.
This game would be a little different then all their other causal matches of Flyer Derby however. Willow had made a bet with Hunter, the reason unknown to him, maybe she just wanted to see how good of a player he was or just wanted to see him get tickled silly. The idea was Hunter would play against all four of his teammates, the catch being they were only allowed to touch him by tickling him so it was a little more fair, or unfair depending on how you view it.
Hunter, terribly flustered by the idea since he knew his own sensitivity, still accepted for whatever reason. Maybe he wanted to get tickled by Willow, or maybe he just wanted to show up his team in anyway he could. He was probably just too flustered to reject the idea entirely, barely able to word his agreement to her.
And now here he was, standing on the opposite side of the lengthy, trap filled pitch to all his friends, seeming pretty eager to wreck the poor blonde. Anticipation was threatening to plunge deep into his heart as he readied himself, not able to shake that light nervous feeling that buzzed in his mind. The Grimwalker had a tight grip on his staff, his cardinal Palisman sat motionless at the end. It was a bit reassuring to know at least one of his friends was on his side for this game.
‘Don’t you lot have a plan for this?’ Viney asked, leaning back on Puddles as she stroked the Griffin’s neck. ‘That guy is..well was the Golden Guard, do you really think we can just swoop it and steal a victory from him?’ She fretted, but wasn’t met with much worry.
‘Well, maybe we wouldn’t win against any other Golden Guard, but our one happens to be real ticklish, there’s no way he’ll be able to resist this!’ Willow smiled at Viney, placing a hand on her shoulder casually.
‘Oh, and go for his ribs, that’s a killer spot!’ Gus said loudly, making sure Hunter heard, making his cheeks already to a dark shade of red. He squeaked a little under his breath, already thrown off guard and just anticipated would what happen next. Flyer Derby was nerve wracking enough but mixing it with something as silly as tickling…he was just glad he didn’t have an audience, something he’d been fairly insistent on since he wasn’t fond of being tickled out in the open.
Gus then cast an illusion of himself, to act as a makeshift announcer to the centre of the field as the two teams stepped forward closer to the centre of the pitch.
‘The rules for this one are a little switched up to how we usually do it, folks,’ Gus’ illusion smiled widely, keeping his hands behind his back. ‘Hunter will be trying to steal our teams flags, and if he manages that, he wins the bet! Our team, the better team, can only interact with him by tickling him until he surrenders, which is when Willow will win the bet.’
‘If,’ Hunter said, ‘If Willow wins!’ He smirked, trying to alleviate some of his tension by getting competitive.
‘Good luck with that, blondie!’ Skara shouted from across the field, not wanting the opposing team to get the last word in. Hunter just made a ‘hmp’ sound, readying his staff to his side, while his eyes narrowed on the prizes in front of him. Four flags dangling on his friend’s staffs, all he had to do was grab them quickly and he’d be spared from the merciless tickling he was sure to be forced through in this game. I mean, he could handle that, right?
‘Three,’ Hunter hopped on his staff.
‘Two,’ He watched the other side do the same.
‘One!’ In a split second, all four of his friends had managed to split up in other directions, with Gus summoning a cloud of smoke just to make it even harder for him to keep track on who was who. Hunter gritted his teeth a little, feeling a little better now that the game had actually started, but still had the ever looming threat of tickling hanging over him.
The boy quickly took up in the air, his eyes were first set on Skara who seemed like the easiest to take out. Hunter quickly found himself following behind d the bard student, gaining on her at high speed. The girl squeaked as she realised she was a target, sourly regretting trying to get in the last word now.
Hunter waited until just the right moment, keeping all his focus on the flag in front of him, before blipping through the air with the help of his Palisman, grabbing Skara’s flag before she could even process what happened. Once she did though, she immediately plunged towards Hunter, not to regain her stolen item, no, she decided to be petty and tickle him for the Hell of it.
Skara’s nails scratched down from the back of Hunter’s knees down to his calves, making the poor blonde squeal as he kept his legs as still as possible, not wanting to let go of his staff. He sped up, just causing her nails to trail further down his leg, ending up at the top of his left boot which she managed to pry out, letting it fall to the ground.
Hunter huffed as he managed to get away, looking a little flustered now that he was more exposed but at least he was far away enough from Skara now. All he had to do was find the others and-
‘Gotcha!’ Viney yelled triumphantly, wrapping one arm around Hunter’s waist securely. The boy fell back on his staff a bit, having to lean against Viney’s side for support; a parasitic way of pinning someone.
‘Viney, no fair!’ Hunter whined, still trying to wriggle about in her grip but he was quickly shut up by a couple fingers scribbling against his tummy.
‘Oh hush, Hunter, we both know your loving this, you wouldn’t of agreed otherwise!’ The brunette smirked, snaking her hand around his back to squeeze at his sides, forcing him to crash into her even more.
‘N-nahahahaah, I dihihihhidn’t!!’ Hunter tried to protest but it was hard to take him seriously through all his cackling and the fact that his face was just getting redder and redder. Getting teased really threw Hunter off his game, it was like he couldn’t fit clearly when being tickled.
‘Coochie coochie coo, gigglebug!’
Unluckily for him, Viney caught onto this pretty quickly. The babyish teasing was almost too much for Hunter to bear as he felt his ears start to heaten from all the teasing. He curled his arms to his sides and wriggled about in her grip as much as he could but he just couldn’t get away from her.
Gasping, Hunter reached out to his Palisman, Flapjack, and let him return to his normal form, causing his staff to disintegrate right from under him. Hunter swiftly grabbed Viney’s flag as he began free falling, sticking his tongue out at her as Flapjack flew right back down to him, turning back into a staff as Hunter caught him.
‘Ha! I had no idea that would work!’ He smiled, repositioning himself on his staff as he quickly got back into flying around, not wanting Skara or Viney to catch up to him.
Now came the part he was dreading the most. Willow and Gus. Gus’ illusions could cause a real problem for him, he had to be checking just to make sure the flags he had caught so far were real and he was sure the boy was planning something. And Willow…was Willow. The boy had a crush on her for crying out loud, he’d shut down if she even got the chance to tickle him.
Luckily he wouldn’t have to find her, as Willow would find him first.
‘Oh, Hunter! Behind you!’ The girl sang, causing Hunter’s blush to immediately return as he shot around, though he saw Willow just standing there. Standing on her staff.
‘You should be more careful with your illusions, Gus.’ Hunter pointed out casually, immediately darting for ‘Willow’, feeling more confident now that he knew it was just a disguise. But, as he drew near, he failed to realise how well his friend’s mirages has developed as he had not only created an illusion of Willow to throw Hunter off but was concealed just a couple feet to the left of it. And when Hunter drew near, he pounced on him.
The boy jumped from his own staff to Hunter’s, letting his chameleon Palisman nestle up on his shoulders. With a crash landing, he immediately clung onto Hunter, a little scared he would fall.
‘Oh, come on, you totally stole my- mahahahahave!’ Hunter barked with laughter as his friend began squeezing his hips, making him yelp and jump all about. He did consider doing his staff disappearing trick that he used with Viney, but he didn’t want to hurt Gus, probably something the boy planned by jumping onto his staff. The only thing Hunter could really do was sit there and take it.
‘Come on man, just give in, you know you can’t beat me and Willow!’ Gus cooed from behind him, finally beginning to prod at those sensitive ribs of his, making Hunter Damm near shriek and madly thrash about on his staff.
‘EEEK!! WAIHAHAAHT, NAHAHAHA GUHAHAHAHAAHS!!’ Hunter nearly screamed in laughter, barely able to keep a hold of his staff. Gus gripped onto him a little tighter, not wanting either of them to get tipped off. Gus would keep at it, scribbling and scraping at Hunter’s ribs with no mercy and just when the blonde thought things couldn’t get worse, it did.
‘Your really doing a number on him, aren’t you, Gus?’ Willow giggled, flying down next to the sight of the two boys. She casually reached over and took back Hunter’s stolen flags.
‘NAHAHAHA FAIHAHAHAR!!’ Hunter bellowed with laughter, leaning hunched over on his staff to try and get his ribs away from his friend. In return, Willow wriggled her nails against the back of his neck, making him arch right back upwards.
‘Poor boy, I almost forgot you were THIS ticklish,’ Willow chuckled, prodding along one set of his ribs while Gus scratched at the other. Hunter, who had just lost all his progress and was now having his worst spot tagged team by two skilled lers, caved in almost immediately.
With that, Gus hopped back on his own staff while Willow gently helped Hunter back down to the ground, it being a bit hard for the tickled out boy to fly.
‘You know, you handled all that really well! I mean, you managed to best two of our team members and looked good doing it! I’m proud of what you did today, Hunter!’
She smiled at him as the boy blushed more, his smile practically beaming.
‘T-thsnk you, Captain, that, uh, means a lot!’ Hunter cooed as he hopped off his staff, Willow next to him as the rest of the Emerald Entrails stood around them.
Though almost immediately as Hunter stood on the ground, two vines wrapped around his wrists and pulled them behind his back, beneath his shoulder blades. A couple more gently pulled him down onto his knees, all while Willow smirked at his confusion.
‘Don’t tell me you forgot our bet? I’m pretty sure we agreed that if you lost, I get to tickle you for ten minutes!’
Hunter’s whole face went beet red as Willow kneeled down across from him, his eyes wide with anticipation.
I am so shleepy
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