#time to dissappear again xD
yandere-kittee · 1 year
How would Emilia, Aiko and Marie react to a reader who has the patience of a saint give them this look for the first time?
Female Yandere's x Reader
Note: sorry this took so long to answer, I've been so busy because teachers are being mean and giving too much projects. I'm literally drowning in work.
Aiko is very prideful and doesn't want to admit if she's wrong because she's always right her entire life,but when it comes to you, she'll suck it up and apologize if she's wrong.
It's not often though, but you're always so patient with her (and others) that she sometimes may have a hard time taking you seriously because your pouting is just so cute!
But when she did something really bad and you gave her that look, she's dropping everything she's doing and apologizing.
She really doesn't want you to look at her like that ever again.
Emilia will never apologize, even if it's you, she'll always change the subject and get you to drop the situation and change the subject.
She thinks she's too good for apologizing, and besides! You leave her off the hook anyways, so no matter what happens Emilia will only getting a slap on the wrist as a reprimand.
So she's used to tuning out your lectures when you catch her doing something bad or you find out what bad thing she's done.
But when she saw you make that look though...she wasn't prepared for it.
"I'm not mad, just disappointed." You had told her.
That's even worse!
You we're always so forgiving and all! Maybe she crossed the line this time?
She's begging you to forgive her and that she'll never do it again.
Marie is a different case to Aiko and Emilia, she'll find it very intriguing that you acted so differently when she crossed the line and you gave her that look.
"So you can run out of patience! I guess now I know what sets you off! " she laughs in your face.
She'll cling to you and apologize, though you might catch her doing it again because she thought the look on your face was beautiful and wants to see all sorts of faces you'll make in the future.
Very short, but I haven't been in a mood to write but it's night time and all the creative juice flows when it's past my bed time XD so, enjoy this short post, I will surely post again tomorrow? Anyways, enjoy!
*dissappears into the abyss*
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dez-wade · 11 months
I also noticed both Forever and Richas were a bit distant but I thought it was just me. I wonder if it's because of the Paris trip, he spent a lot more time with other people and also his other dads, but maybe it's because forever is acting a bit strange lately? It's kinda like his personality changed, I kinda stopped watching him to be honest because it just feels different... maybe Richas might be distancing himself because his dad might dissappear, just trying to prepare his little heart
Actually, in the Paris trip he was spending more time with Bad than his other parents XD
I remember how awful it was in a sense because Tazercraft just got a bit on the afternoon and then we'd be lucky if Cellbit popped up because he was getting on QSMP 2 hours max and leaving with the exception of the last debate, the Jaidens, and the ending of the timer. The Brazilians were used to always having one of us in the server all the time, so he was missed.
But yeah, it really feels like it after the Paris trip. I was dying to see them finally together again but then nothing of notice really happened. He got way more excited to being hoped into the Jaidens + Cellbit's secret mission and since then we haven't see him doing many projects with Forever anymore. In fact, he's rarely going willingly to see Forever. Forever is the one who has to go out and ask whatever parent he's spending time with if he can take him. If he just waits, Richas only shows up willingly if every other parent is gone. Which is why he was trying to spend time with Tallulah one of these days, that Phil didn't allow. And Forever usually don't like to spend time with the other eggs because he doesn't like to speak English for too long on his stream because of the chat.
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pageofheartdj · 2 years
I give up. I’ll try to make sense out of ‘BI is King’s Dad’ now xD
It doesn’t matter that BI and King look different, they change like frogs, whatever. (please I am begging that Titans can change size, how in the world he would have taken care of molecule sized egg otherwise)
So. Collector was trapped two times. Since we have two disks.
And we have two Titans. BI probably trapped Collector the first time, million years ago. They were probably much smaller and even less responsible with their powers and wanted to play with the egg.
BI made a temple for King, made grimwalkers to take care for the egg, put the glyphs and went after Collector.
But that means that Collector is even more powerful than Titans, if the only thing BI managed to do is trap them? Would he have killed Collector if he could? Or maybe not? And BI planned to trap them temporarely. I mean. BI supposedly died from trapping them? I am not sure. Or Collector managed to land a blow on BI while lashing out from being sucked in?
And what about the second Titan? He dissappeared. Did he jump into different dimension? Will he come back? How did he manage to get to Collector the second time? Oh well I guess Collector is too naive so it’s possible for him to get tricked again.
Maybe that other Titan was the one to put the disk into BI’s skull and make the whole room with the beast and puzzle.
Hmm but how did Collector got free? Did Titan Trappers free him? And made a game of ‘catching’ Titans? Why Titan Trapperes hated Titans so much? Or they wanted more land?
Maybe that’s what happened. The other Titan seeing how Collector’s power was weaponised by their enemies to hunt them, trapped Collector again. Bill says he dissappeared. He probably teleported to the other side of the world. Far away from Titan Trappers. But where is he now?
Did I miss anything? Bill being weird about calling BI just carcas kingdom is just Bill being stupid(and writer’s mistake, I guess we can’t fully depend on them anymore, they didn’t have time to make everything work perfectly due to shortened season 3)
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neorukixart · 2 years
Sorry I tend to dissappear (and leave my main on queue xD) from time to time, is not that something bad happened, is just that I’m either busy or lazy to check social media plus sometimes, I just don’t have content or doodles to share OTL
Anyway, as things looks, maybe more folks will come over here? Just letting you know that I never left~
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wow, I didn’t even realized I was this “close” to reach 5000 followers! Thank you so much for your support! (Also, thanks to those who left tumblr but forgot to unfollow me? XDDDD)
Wish I could interact with you guys more but tbh, I don’t have the energy to do dumb requests any more OTL but if there are enough interested people, I might open commissions (finally) ;w;
For the meantime, feel free to interact BUT, if I reach at least 4800 followers in the following months, I might open requests again like in the old times when I was young and had energy!
And lastly to finish this “break” between the lack of art; finally decided to put my ko-fi account to some use and added to my shop some of my illustrations available to purchase in high quality and watermarkless for personal use only! Feel free to check it out or request any of my illustrations to be added in the store if it’s not there yet ;3 plus, I’m just starting and I haven’t said this is no other place, but for each coffee you buy me, you can get a doodle! Will think on more details about this later once I start to get donations or coffees :3
Friendly reminder for you to check my pinned post for a mobile menu with some of my links and tags uwu wonder if people noticed that I updated my blog theme for desktop long ago :3c
If you read all of this, thank you so much! I love you already uwu
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asb-fan · 3 years
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💚Vecpioweek💜 Day 7: Noir
Annd with that we are done! I had fun drawing these two again (even if Vec made it harder than it had to be xD) I love these dorks 💚💖💜
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So, we saw Sapnap and Quackity's reaction to seeing Karl die for the first time, so... what about the others like Quackity and Sapnap's friends and family (like Kid, Charlie, Schlatt, Bad, Dream and George)?
Thanks for the ask!
Let's go through this one by one.
Kid: he read through Karl's stories but he disregarded the ones where Karl died as fantasy. I feel like he's gone numb from so many strange situations that he wouldn't freak out right away. He'd see Karl die and dissappear and be in disbelief for a few seconds before breaking down crying. Everyone has a limit and Kid is still just a kid. Karl comes back quickly and comforts Kid. It's a lot of gentle explanations, tears, and comfort.
Schlatt and Charlie: He accidentally shot Karl when he portaled into their house above the casino and thought he was an intruder. Realizing that the wound was 100% fatal and Quackity was absolutely going to murder him, he went and got Charlie to show him and so they're both freaking out. And then Karl does the smoke dissolving thing his body does when he dies and they freak out even more. All this commotion brings in Quackity, who's ready for an adventure with Karl and Sapnap. Instead he finds his two closest friends having mental breakdowns and debating telling him something. Karl comes back a few seconds later and acts like nothing happened but he does make a few death jokes. (Schlatt: "I-I killed you." Q: "What?" S: "I THOUGHT HE WAS AN INTRUDER SO I SHOT HIM!") Karl isn't offended at all, killing him is like accidentally knocking him over, it happens sometimes it's fine. Quackity is a little worked up over but Karl's fine, the other two have already worried themselves to death and back, and it was an accident, so he let's it go.
Bad (and Skeppy): I don't think they'd really ever witness it first hand. Perhaps someone poisons his drink? Doesn't matter, it happens and Karl dies in front of them. The moment they figure out what's happening they call for a doctor. Karl disappearing into smoke does leave them shocked into silence but they find their voices again once he's back (it's the only time anyone has heard Bad say what the fuck and he will deny it to his dying breath). Bad lifts him up and carries him back to the infirmary, scolding him about being a muffin head and "you can't die before the wedding darn it". Once they're sure he's not dying again, they listen to the explanation. It's strangely comforting, to know their son, someone who spends so much time protecting others, is dating a man who can protect him as well.
Dream and George: I think they'd find out at the same time, during a manhunt, where Karl has joined as a hunter and Dream is the hunted. During a risky move, Karl falls and gets impaled by some sharp rocks. Immediately, the hunt is called off and everyone goes down to hopefully get him some medical attention but he smokes away before anyone can do anything. Everyone is confused and looks over to Sapnap, who should be horrified and inconsolable but is instead looking very tired and mumbles something about telling them earlier. Than Karl reappears and tries to tackle Dream. The hunt is called off and they all sit down and talk about it. Dream and George are in disbelief but suddenly, all of Karl's vuage stories that have the character die at the end are no longer just stories told for shock factor. They're true. Karl suddenly goes from a really strange yet gentle soul with a occasionally dark sense of humor to a potential massive power house that could possibly fight XD and win.
@inkytrinket-irii anything to add on or change?
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kaypeace21 · 3 years
Stranger things is about mental health & trauma- deal with it!
I’ve seen a lot of people claim anyone who mentioned this topic immediately be gaslit and told they’re “just crazy” and “rudely projecting their own issues on to the characters.’ Like- no you don’t have to believe my  Will DID/Lonnie theory ( I could be wrong). But to claim one of the show’s central themes isn’t about mental health/trauma (screams either complete lack of lit comprehension or denial cause you have your own negative biases towards such people). So let’s just go into what’s literal text-not subtext/symbolism. Just the super blatant stuff.  RIGHT IN THE SHOW!
-We have El when she first appears on screen  asked by Benny if her parents starved and hurt her and if that’s why she ran away. Benny then calls CPS to say El “may have been ab*sed or something.” After this Lucas says there is “seriously something wrong with her-wrong in the head. She’s probably from the NUT-HOUSE in curly county.penthurst” We also see El  cannonically has PTSD-all of s1 she’ll see something benign (a cat, a coke commercial, a closet) and is triggered to see a traumatic flashback. That’s literally ptsd.  There’s also hints throughout the seasons she’s developmentally behind in both language, telling time etc (neglect like El’s irl can cause an intellectual disability-analysis on El/that subject here).The real pethurst in pensylvannia (not the one in stranger things/ Curly county)  closed in 1986-  it was a facility for people and mostly  kids with intellectual disabilities (it wasn’t technically a psych facility like the one in st)-but it was infamous for it’s abuse of these intellectually disabled patients kept there. We also have Brenner be a ab*sive psychiatrist.
- Hopper after suffering from the loss of his daughter. Is popping pills like candy, drinking and smoking constantly. He later says he used to hallucinate and forgot what was real -seeing and hearing sarah and says if he didn’t confront the pain he’d “fall down a black hole he couldn’t get out of.” NO... subtext here about what the void represents nope.
- Both mothers (Terry & Joyce) are dismissed as being mentally ill and simply grieving the loss of their kids . But both end up being right about the supernatural.
- “Terry pretends Jane is real. i mean it’s all make believe. you know the doctors all say it’s a coping mechanism.”
- While with Joyce the whole town pre s1 already questioned her mental health. Jonathan says “She used to have anxiety problems (pre s1).” And Jonathan, Hopper, and Lonnie all assume she’s hallucinating: talking to Will via lights, seeing a man without a face, saying Will’s body is fake -due to grief. Plus Lonnie mentions the fact Joyce’s aunt Darlene also used to hallucinate as a possible reason  (terry’s aunt also had mental health issues mentioned in s2 by Becky). Lonnie even says everything Joyce is seeing  is “all in her head.”  Hopper and Jon both say she needs to sleep and accept reality and Lonnie says she needs to see a “shrink”.  Hopper “i’m not saying that you’re crazy”. Joyce : “no, you are.” Joyce also says to Lonnie “Stop looking at me like that... like everyone else like i’m out of my damn mind.” Hopper also says about Joyce she’s “on the edge”. Callahan says in response , “she’s been on the edge for a while now” (referring to her mental health- even before Will’s dissappearance)”. While Lonnie says Jonathan is “feeding into her hallucinations ... you’re going to push her right over the edge.” In s2 Hopper says “ I think everyone is on edge- you, me, Will most of all. (when talking about Will’s ptsd/trauma)” 
- in s1 They claim Will just “fell” over the edge of the quarry’s cliff. Later the only other queer coded character (Mike) jumps off the quarry cliff (where Will’s body was found) cause the homophobic troy forced him too jump. Troy even says earlier dead-Will is “flying with all the other fairies all happy and gay” (to Mike). And Troy says to Hopper El made Mike “fly” after jumping off the cliff. Friendship saved him from jumping off the edge metaphorically ( and he’ll prob eventually be happy and gay too).
-Will is seeing a therapist . And we are told he has ptsd and will experience the anniversary effect, personality changes,nightmares, having episodes, etc. And things “will get worse before they get better”.  Mike also asks if what Will is seeing is “real or like the doctors say all in your head?” And Will continues to see hallucinations of the mf/upsidedown that only he can see initially.
-Hopper also agrees with owens mentioning how he knew guys with ptsd . joyce : “it’s not like he’s describing a nightmare. He talks about them like they’re real.” Hopper: “Yeah, because they’re not nightmares they’re flashbacks.I think he’s right about trauma.I think everyone is on edge (bringing that s1 ref back), Me you, Will, most of all.Nothing’s gonna go back to the way that it was. But it’ll get better.In time.”
-Nancy suffers from survivor’s guilt and drunkingly says she killed Barb. Jonathan says like Nancy he has “a weight that you that carry all the time . i feel it too.” (cough depression). He also says he tries to be there for Will but says about Will “he’s not the same. maybe things can’t go back to the way they were. (mirroring Hopper’s words earlier that season)”
-Jonathan said in s1 Joyce had “anxiety issues” than Nancy says in s3 “you really are your mother’s son... you worry too much.” Then we see him look worried after the comment.
- in s2, Axel & a scientist both call El and Will “schizos” because of their powers. In s3 mrs driscoll isn’t believed about the supernatural cause she’s schizophrenic-but like Joyce/Terry was right.
- Kali saves a woman named Dottie (a british slang term for crazy)  from a mental hospital and then compares herself and El to dottie. saying her non-powered gang is “Like us ...outsiders... society discarded them.”  In graphitti we even see the title “obedlam” a british poem about discarding the mentally ill and leaving them homeless.  El before this sees a mentally ill man screaming “we’re all dead!” Kali’s friend says to El, after this encounter they were “dead all of us” until kali “saved them here” (points to head) “and here” (points to heart). Pointing to the theme of love and friendship helping those with such issues. Similar to the cliff analogy.
-The cycle of ab*se. Max in s2 says she’s afraid of becoming like Billy (her ab*ser). We see Billy mimic his ab*ser neil and inflict pain on max. In s3 we see the roots of his behavior are linked to mimicking Neil- Neil in a flashback says  about baseball “what are you scared?”  “ did i raise a p*ssy for a son”. So young Billy later in a fight says to a boy “ what are you scared to fight me? fight me p*ssy. (as he beats the boy)” Deflecting his anger of his father on to someone else. In s3, We see as a kid he used to say to Neil “don’t hurt her” (his mom)-specifically after  Neil backhand slaps her -but we later see possessed Billy backhand slap Max (just like neil).  The resentment to his mother leaving - festered into how he views women and max negatively . And his attraction to mrs wheeler prob is linked to him subconsciously missing his mother. Max in s2 even says  he can’t take it out on her mother so he does so to her instead (we even have Billy hallucinate hurting mrs wheeler).We see in s2 the cycle of abuse is there- Billy mimics Neil, and then Max mimics Billy. Billy harrasses Max and yells “SAY IT!” (mimicking Neil).  Max like Billy later  yells “SAY IT” and uses a bat /violence to stand up for herself against Billy- which earlier she said she was trying to combat … explaining she can be angry like Billy sometimes but she never wants to be like him (her nickname symbolizing this: aka ‘mad max’).  Billy’s last dying words were an apology to Max- for becoming her neil. And we hopefully will see Max break this cycle.
- Will says his now memories (that he describes like dreams) are “growing “, “spreading “,and “killing”. While Kali says they need to face their father and (as Brenner) says El has to confront her “wound” or else it’ll “grow”, “spread” and “eventually it’ll kill her.” Kali says she used to be like El . She used to bottle her pain away and it “spread.” But she then says  “I confronted my pain and I finally began to heal (from those wounds).” We also see with jonathan and nancy when describing “shared trauma” zoom in onto the scars on their hands. The wound heeled into a scar so to speak.
both have Hopper do a speech that delves into dealing with trauma/depression but still finding good along the way.
-s2 Hopper outside the snowball: “how are you holding up? Yeah, that feeling never goes away. It is true what they say, you know. Everyday it does get easier.”
-s3 Hopper monolouge : “ Feelings jesus. For so long, i’d forgotten what those even were. I’ve been stuck in one place,in a cave you might say , a deep dark cave (cough s2 supernatural cave). For the first time in a long time, i started to feel things again. I started to feel happy. Life... yeah sometimes it’s painful .sometimes it’s sad, and sometimes it’s suprising... happy.. And when life hurts you, because it will .remember the hurt . The hurt is good. It means you’re out of that cave.”
BUT YES- St has nothing to do with mental health/trauma, we’re just “crazy” and “projecting”. It’s not like some of ya’ll  act pompous when you just have a bias and get pissy at the idea of relating to characters you “other” as “crazy” or “damaged” irl or anything (so attack people for pointing it out). Or (benefit of the doubt) you are just like.... oblivious... or just a kid who doesn’t know better XD
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kimarisgundam · 3 years
You still love vergil even though he's a deadbeat dad that owes nero 20 years worth of childsupport money? XD
He owes Nero 20+ years of child support? He owes ME 15+ years of child support >:T
Imagine being 8 year old me, unable to complete DMC 3 cos I couldn't beat Vergil in the final boss fight
Blissfully unaware of what happened to him cos I didn't see the ending scene in DMC 3, and cos I didn't play DMC 1 and 2
By the time someone gave me DMC 4, I was already 14-15. I still remembered my childhood crush on him and was looking forward to meeting him again in DMC 4
"Ooh Dante's new outfit looks cool! I can't wait to see Vergil's new outfit!"
"Nero..? Ah he's a cool new character! I like him! But I can't wait to play as Vergil!"
"Okay... the game is ending soon... Where is Vergil..?"
"Vergil..? You're coming to see me soon right ;_;..?"
Where's my child support money Vergil 😑. You left the house to "go buy milk" after beating me up when I was 8 and never came back 😑. Then you have the nerve to show up almost 15+ years later in DMC 5 when I'm already in college to try beating me up again 😑
I was actually really looking forward to fighting him again in DMC 4 cos I wanted to see if I improved 😑. Thanks dad, I really appreciate how you dissappeared for 15+ years of my life 😑
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siren-of-redriver96 · 2 years
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remember how I said Bella and Alice could have been a better Twilight?
More ideas!
in the second installment here (Eclipse), there could have been some backstory about Jasper’s past (again, he’s no former confederate in this version - and we could include that he didn’t just come across Maria, but that she raided parties with prisoners of war because people would think they had died in battle) - aka how he thought that a long-term relationship with her could make how he really felt stop, because he had been told that love comes with the years in a marriage
but when Peter freed Charlotte (or Charles) he either realized Maria would never have done this for him, or that he never will want anything else than a man who loves him like this
and that this story turns out to be almost exactly what is happening to Riley. He was born much later, but into a non-supportive surround... and when Victoria turned him, she quickly realized that she couldn’t seduce him, but also that he struggled with the truth, so promised that vampires had ways to “help” and she could if he helped her - a lie, of course. Bella and Alice investigate on his dissappearence much earlier as latter sees him in a vision and eventually “confront” him in battle (more or less, they reason with him and try to get across they’re not the enemy). Edward helps here, seeing his thoughts and telling him there is another life for him, and that he doesn’t need to be scared (him and Jasper show their rings). Riley thinks quick and comes across a similar thought as Jasper - how would she react if he didn’t fight? - and torn between what he can feel is the truth and a last cling to Victoria’s promise, he realizes there is no other way - he runs. When she orders other present lackeys to kill him, he realizes her true colours (add battle where the Cullens and the wolves defend him).
The Volturi show up, but the alliance (most prominently Bella, Alice,  Jacob and Leah) argue that killing the surrendered army vampires despite the fact that they had been turned against their will and fed false information on purpose would be an act of cruelty that would ring very wrongly in their world
The Volturi begrudgingly agree, also being cautious looking at this new alliance between the Cullens and the Quileute wolves - the surrendering vampires are given the choice to “redeem” themselves, either by joining the Volturi’s personal army or to go with a party of the Cullens to Alaska to become vegetarians and, via that, potentially return to a kind of normal life eventually
Riley chooses Alaska, as does Bree, who in this version has started to bond with the Cullens, most prominently Rosalie, who considers adopting her once she’s fully vegetarian
And then, the third installment
the alliance could still cause the Volturi to decide they take issue with this potential threat and still wish to encompass some of the Cullens into their rows - this problem is solved by the Quileute coming up with a new treaty which states that the vampires must leave Forks to avoid war for everyone - to which they agree, welcoming to grant their new friends a normal life again and keep everyone safe - the fact that no vampire must enter the area of Forks is established as a law by the Volturi
and no, it’s probably still not done with them, but what’s life without a little excitement? XD
the whole triology ends with a beautiful wedding (btw I imagine Bella in a lovely checkered flannel suite while Alice got to live out all her dreams with her wedding dress) where everyone gets together one last time
Leah and Jacob say their goodbyes and then start their own lifes, finally being able to choose with a wide open future
the last song is “Living next door to Alice” XD
(also add a scene where they return Bella’s cactus to the Arizona desert and kiss as the sun rises - yes cringe, but why should the straights get all the soppy romance XD)
Edit: Running all the way back to the first book, making Alice the one who stops the car with one hand would have been slightly more impressive because she looks so nimble and skinny
In relation to this, she’s mentioned as “dancing” everywhere instead of walking - this could have led to Bella remembering and bringing up that she used to take ballet lessons and the studio much earlier (foreshadowing)
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lesbiancarat · 2 years
Yay for the wrists feeling better!! Take all the time you need, thank you for doing any sort of updates at all!
Yes, yes I saw ruby is indeed apart of the TTT series, FINALLY xD I was getting a tad bit worried svt and pledis lowkey forgot about it lolol. I am curious on who can be next, interesting if seungcheol. I wonder what he will do (because woozi and ruby surprised me SO much like not in a bad way, because as he said in the weverse interview. He did the most not woozi thing but it was still a woozi thing and that suns up ruby I think!) Like they can legit probably make a song in Russian and it can be apart of TTT xD
Ot13!!! Ahh i screamed in happiness watching the livestream for the performances like I liked them all, can we talk about cowboy svt though xD this still makes me giggle like out of all the outfits, stylist said "yehaw carats" but most important of all *slams hands on tables* WE GOT PANG STAGE PERFORMANCE!! my fav song of svt ever and it was performed with hao and jun being back, i wanna cry.
And svt confirmed for rythym hive!! And ngl I feel a bit...meh? Now don't get me wrong, I am happy after 3,000 years we finally got the boys in a music game again but I am not that much of fan of the recent updates to the game. So the game plays similar to the superstar games, imo It is still tricky of a game because they have an extra hard mode and introduced how you want to see the notes appear (aka they dissappear at the end so you have to go by memory in tapping or similar to superstar where it kinda appears faded at the beginning) but many game features is just confusing to me? Like the big thing the game sells is you play against others in real time and not true. Its bots, same way as the Mario kart game on your phone. Takes actual usernames but has bots. So you might be thinking is there a ranking system? Like in superstar where you go up the levels. Yes and no. At first they didn't have that but they added one yet it is pointless to me? So you have a ranking and can see the top 100 players and you can get rewards but there is no ranking to say go up (i.e gold 2 to gold 3) like it just resets. There isn't like a reason for me to really play, I liked the superstar ranking system because you get this excitement for moving up especially when you upgrade cards or get better with songs. And th card system, oh my God it is confusing. Now it functions the same but their last big update switched things around a bit. Cards are done in order like in superstar for your group but you legit cannot view them by newest so good luck trying to find the new cards you got. But to upgrade these rare voice cards, you are supposed to collect these mics and even If you get the materials, no guarantee you get that special rare card. Then there is this card collector progress system that Is confusing because despite I get new cards for said collection it doesn't go up so I am confused. The biggest con for me is they separated artist. Instead of keeping all of them like in superstar, to view others you have to go into settings and change your fav artist and I do like svt plus other hybe artist so I have to take more time to collect stuff for that artist one by one. It makes sense in theory if someone plays for one artist like svt but not so much for multifans. Now not all is bad. Superstar improved say getting icons. All you need is diamonds and viola, got a cool icon you like. Getting cards seems easier, upgrading seems easier. The gameplay is similar, some Beatmaps are identical to the bts one I played. They do get time to get used to but easy to hop on. The svt update brings in a new addition of a diary (?) So things may change.
I went off with this, im sorry BUT I hope the new year is kind to you and everyone!!
of course! I'd miss this blog if I weren't updating 🥺
yeah it will be really interesting to see what they do with the rest of the TTT series!
yes!! the cowboy outfits were so fun it kind of made me want them to do a full concept like that... cowboy svt... And I'm literally OBSESSED with pang live performance, I'm so glad they kept the little scientist aesthetic, and they used some of seungkwan's freestyle choreo for it too... just absolute perfection that stage ought to go down in history dkjfhgdk
ooh I appreciate your breakdown, I've been curious how rhythm hive stacks up to superstar, since I've only seen some bits and pieces of people talking about it. and I didn't really want to download the app until svt is actually added. i feel like difficulty is somewhat subjective so I feel like I'll just have to see myself if i like that aspect of it, but that's so dumb about the bots and the ranking :/ tbh if it's like that i'd almost rather not have a ranking system. i also really liked superstar's ranking, because it motivated me when i was playing it a lot. the only thing i didn't like about superstar's ranking system is if you didn't play it put you down a rank. I kind of wish superstar's system was more like duolingo's where if you log on and play but don't rank high enough, then you go down, but if you don't log on for that week then you just stay at the same rank. but i digress kdjfg
oh god, I was originally really confused about the cards in superstar when I first played it, if rhythm hive is even more confusing idk what I'll do 🤣
that's really interesting that they separated the artists like that. with any rhythm game there's going to be people playing it who are mostly interested in one artist and those who are interested in multiple. so from the developer's perspective you'd think they'd find a way to balance that, but it seems like they're just catering to people interested in one artist. superstar's setup seemed like more of a balance, I mean it definitely encouraged you to play the other artists with the missions, but if you were only there for one artist there was nothing stopping you from just playing that one artist. you'd also think rhythm hive being set up like that is to hybe's disadvantage. i feel like rhythm games are a great way for people to discover new music and artists under the same label, it's good for marketing if used right. like ssp was how i ended up listening to a lot of nu'est, after school, and orange caramel songs for the first time, and i started listening to their discographies a lot more after that. personally, i'm pretty much only interested in seventeen on rhythm hive for the time being, i might have played some txt songs too if they were more accessible, but it's not a huge turnoff for me. but it's definitely interesting to me that they did that bc it doesn't feel like they're catering to their full userbase that way
the update bringing a new feature is another good point, rhythm hive opened up what, last year? it's still a pretty new app and there may be updates in the future that fix some of the complaints. it's just annoying because... a lot of it is stuff that we already had with superstar. we had to wait a whole year almost after ssp shut down for svt to even be added and on top of that we have to wait and see if some of the features on the new app will be updated/improved. not to mention we don't know if/when other pledis artists will be added. anyway... i've said all this before, i don't need to keep running it to the ground dfjfg
happy new year! it's almost the end of january, i hope the first month of the year went well for you!
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darth-bagel · 4 years
OC Interview -- Sylvas Sha’ael (1/4)
I was tagged by @swtorizz @inventedbyawriter @shanfamilydrama and @theniveanlegacy (that's why there will be 4 parts, get ready xd)-- thank you all for tagging me 💙✨
Hello there! My name is Bagel, and I have some interesting people coming in today to answer questions, our first guest is an already infamous chiss smuggler!
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(Artwork by @sentinelapologist 💙✨)
► Name? ➔  They smile charmingly as they plop down in their proper seat “At this moment in time? Sylvas Sha’ael.”
► Are you single? ➔  They chuckle “Hah, it’s complicated, but I’d say yes”
► Are you happy? ➔  “I’m good, there are refreshments, and no one’s shooting at me yet”
► Are you angry? ➔  “Nah, you’re good”
► Are your parents still married? ➔  They cock their head to the side, calculating for a few seconds “Pret-ty personal there, huh. I don’t know, you tell me”
► Birth place ➔  They shift a bit to sit cross-legged “Corellia, or so I’m told”
► Hair color ➔  “Black. Mostly. ”
► Eye color ➔  Their eyes narrow a bit “...Red”
► Birthday ➔  “29th day of 6th month, and yes I stopped paying attention to years a while back”
► Mood ➔  They flip their legs up on the armrest and sit sideways, more lounging at this point “I’m peachy, thank you~”
► Gender ➔  “Nah”
► Summer or winter? ➔  “I hate when it’s too hot so, winter. Easier to counter-act too much chill than the other way around”
► Morning or afternoon? ➔  “Morning. Surprisingly, considering I love sleeping in. But on the rare occasion, I vastly prefer it”
EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE -- “Dear gods, okay” They laugh and stretch a bit more.
► Are you in love? ➔  They raise one eyebrow and smile knowingly “Maybe”
► Do you believe in love at first sight? ➔  “Not really, no. Attraction or infatuation at first sight? Yes.”
► Who ended your last relationship? ➔ They wince and smile bitterly “A sniper. No, I won’t elaborate”
► Have you ever broken someone's heart? ➔  “I wouldn’t put it past me, I always try to be upfront about my feelings in those situations but-- probably”
► Are you afraid of commitments? ➔  “Not really. It is complicated tho, considering I like having multiple partners-- takes negotiations”
► Have you hugged someone within last week? ➔  They straighten up and sit normally for a second to think  “I didn’t actually. That’s unacceptable!” They jump out of their seat and run backstage. There is some commotion, a muffled yelp, and laughter following it. Sylvas returns to their seat after a few moments with a huge grin and after cleaning their throat they continue “Yes”
► Have you ever had a secret admirer? ➔  “Oh yeah, multiple. And usually not that secret honestly.  I still get messages and gifts from time to time. It’s very flattering, my ego loves it”
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔  Their wide smile recedes slowly into a thin line “It’s hard to say. Let’s skip this one”
► Love or lust? ➔  “Both is best. I let my lust be tinted with love, even for passing partners, or maybe not love. Adoration, infatuation. I really like making people feel good in my company. Am I romantic at heart? Maybe” They wink at the camera and lean back more comfortably.
► Lemonade or ice-tea? ➔  “Mix them!”
► Cats or dogs? ➔  “Droids” They keep a straight face for about 10 seconds before starting to chuckle “Joking! Both are great, but I’d skew towards cats”
► A few best friends or many regular friends? ➔  “A few best friends, I like having a limited, trusted circle. Safety reasons” They smirk but it has a sharp edge to it.
► Wild night out or romantic night in? ➔  “ A wild night out followed by a stay in, possibly even a sleep-in” They shrug “I like both, it’s a theme”
► Day or night? ➔  “I like day. Nights are great but, I tend to stay up late with occasional insomnia and it gets lonely… too much space to overthink things. Days are full of movement, I prefer that.
► Been caught sneaking out? ➔  “Yes, I did. Multiple times. That’s why I now have a stealth generator”
► Fallen down/up the stairs? ➔  “... Yes. Once, and then out the window. It’s a long story. No, I won’t tell it” They have a shit-eating grin on their face.
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔  “I’m not used to denying myself what I want but, there were a few times…” They trail off for a few seconds, eyes unfocused, before smiling apologetically.
► Wanted to dissappear? ➔  “Few times. Curiously I actually did manage to disappear for real”
FOUR PREFERENCES -- “Wait, wait, wait! Where’s the fifth ‘Have you ever’? I’m not that bad at counting you know…” They lean in and smile wider “Are you blushing, Bagel?”
It pans back to Sylvas very happy with themselves, back to lounging across their seat. “Let’s continue~”
► Smile or eyes? ➔  “Ugh, decisions, decisions-- I like both, kay?”
► Shorter or taller? ➔  “Either is fine. I do appreciate taller tho, can be lots of fun~”
► Intelligence or attraction? ➔  “Attraction at first, but damn it--  both again. I’m predictable I know”
► Hook-up or relationship? ➔  “I do both, at the same time too. With everyone involved in the know, alright? Both is a different kind of fun and let’s leave it at that” They scoot around a bit, ending upside down with legs over the back of their seat. “What? Continue~”
FAMILY  -- There’s a prolonged whine “Do I have tooooo?”
► Do you and your family get along? ➔  It’s hard not to smile at them sitting like that “I guess we don’t really talk. Becuz, ya know-- I don’t know them. But I do consider Liz and Rilfaen my family so we are pretty good. Didn’t see them for a while but we write and holo-call, they are busy ladies after all”
► Would you say you have a 'messed up life'? ➔  “My life is… interesting. But nah, some had worse”
► Have you ever ran away from home? ➔  “I did quit my apprenticeship to jump ship with some smugglers out of Corellia-- but I already was an adult, well. Kinda. And just sneaking out doesn’t count”
► Have you ever got kicked out? ➔  “Not from home!” They laugh and nearly fall over, but catch themselves on the armrests.
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends?➔  “Nah, I have a handy name for people I hate. Enemies, ya know. I usually have trouble with hiding my ire towards someone, so yeah”
► Do you consider all your friends good friends? ➔  “Yes, I do”
► Who is your best friend? ➔  “Again split between Liz and Rilfaen, they are very important to me”
► Who knows everything about you? ➔  “I’d like to say no one, I try to keep some secrets to myself-- keeps things interesting”
“Are we done? Lovely” They stand up and stretch, sure to make their shirt ruck up a bit as they wink at the camera. Music starts playing over the footage but Sylvas and Bagel talk and smile, laughing at something or other. In the end, they scoop Bagel into a tight hug, picking them up.
(I’ll tag @whoever-would-like-to-do-it @chaoticspacelesbians​ @kyber-heart​ @dragonheart-swtor​ -- if you want obviously, no pressure from this Bagel~)
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So like I have a few ideas for Oc's that I'll prolly never develop but like I also like them so now u gotta read about it... unless you stop, that is, which is cool, I ain't gonna make u read shit
1. So like gonna be a basic bitch and have that canon sibling thing. So like Gerdaline is a big ol girl. Like. Gigantic, mostly because she's a giant. And as it turns out, good ol Gramps decided to yeet her on the bandits and basically she grew up with ASL untill, of course as demaned by angst, she gets kidnapped. She frees herself but is too far from home to go back, so she just, chills, I guess, joins a crew n shit until one day she just appears outta fuck all and kicks, literally kicks Akainu away from her bros. Happy reunion!
Amd these two were legit made from one off jokes n ideas
2. Raisin gets married! Yay! Said wifey has some whack ass powers that knock out Mama every time she gets angry. V useful, they live a long n happy life with many smooches n a dog called Yapper
3. The only idea I have for her is that Wire's cremates just beg him not to piss off his gf after she just demolished an army of enemies with just a touch of her hand and a throw. Wire is looking respectfully
That's it, that's all there's to em, now I shall dissappear into the night and never be heard from again, making people wonder if I ever existed in the first place, only to strike again years later
'Course I'm gonna read it like I always say I'm excited to see what OC's other people cook up👀🙏🏻
A giant named Geraldine sounds incredibly friendly and wholesome ngl. And I've seen many ASL sister OC's but I don't think there was ever a giant among them?!?!?! Lmao she probably could have kicked all their asses as kids🤣 While struggling with 'simple' stuff like hiding or running away because she's so big that enemies can spot her from far away? Lmao imagine a giant girl crouching after ASL to avoid being detected, or ripping out a whole tree to hide behind pffff
Wait what number 2 got ass powers that knock out Big Mom- hold up you're not saying,,,, no way,,, fart devil fruit awufnwqlsöslwmwn-?!?!
And a kickass girlfriend for Wire!!! Hell yeah! Of course he's only looking respectfully I would too with such a kickass gf by my side huhu XD
Altogether your OC's sound real fun, thanks for sharing them with us^^!!!
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It’s the anon again! I loved your rambling about Russingon! If I may, would you like to do the same for Daemags? (Or another ship, I’m really not fussy)
hmm...Daemags… two options:
Crack: enemies to lovers in .01 k words. (They’d like it to be a angsty slow burn, but both are too prone to dramatic declarations/speeches for anything longer. They’re like Hamlet, and are very aware they’re in a play. They just don’t realize its a crack play)
The other one would be a slow thing in the second and or third age and it’s actually really interesting to me. A narrative where they learn to be part of society again, to accept they’ve done wrong that they cannot undo (A certain M named person’s done a considerable amount more wrong but hey thats not the point) but realizing they have to move forwards anyways.
But wait! you say, Daeron didn’t choose to leave, he got lost. That’s valid, but I really don’t see how someone can get *that* lost in their own forest without choosing to. So I imagine that he went into the forest searching for his sister, and on his way back thought about the shame and grief of his family and it just seemed easier to exile himself, and to disappear rather than face that.
Now I’m not saying big grand redemption arc cause idk those often get cheesy. Nor am i saying “oh its been a long time so we’re good now.” Just,, Daemags ensuring that the later half of their lives creates a positive influence (big or small), I’m saying they help eachother let go of the grand aspirations from the past and maybe eventually face up to the consequences of their actions (again Maglor’s got some more actions to have consequences for but tbh at this point im not interested in what they’ve done, I’m interested in the guilt they harbor that so completely removed what could have been 2 very powerful entities from the later narrative)
Thanks for the ask, Anon! (gonna name u… Captain Anon!)
Also no worries about asking too much stuff, if I need a break I’ll just not answer for a bit XD    and I’m so hyped to talk about the Nerds next ask.
ok so clarification point on Daeron: I’m on the canon that he’s Luthien’s brother because it provides me lots of space for projection, which is also why things might not smell very canon in this post.
Anyways Daeron’s is really interesting to me once I’ve over projected and made a ton up: I imagine his pov going something like “ok there’s this dude my sister’s infatuated with and like,, first of all no.” (and yeah there’s jealousy involved here too, idk maybe he’s thinking that’s his sibling, and she’s supposed to hang out with him, not some mortal) Then she wants to go on the quest designed to kill the mortal?? So yes, once again appealing to the higher authority here. And lo and behold it works out even worse than last time. Fine fine time to be Helpful. Then he dissappears into the woods. Eventually he gets the news Luthien’s dead, and like maybe a little part of him that he hates is like ‘haha i was right she shouldn’t have dated that guy’ but mostly it’s like ‘hey if I’d stayed at court would she still be alive’ 
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lemonadebloodsworld · 4 years
Tw: ED (??), sh, depression, suicidal thoughts, abuse (??)
So yeah,
It feels weird to come back here even if it's a more recent account. The first time I made a tumblr account was when I was 13 and back then I was already really depressed because of trauma, my relationship with my parents and the fact that they were always saying that I faked being depressed and was just being dramatic and other shitty stuff.
Back then they thought I was a gay girl too but yeah I'm a bi trans boy and it makes everything so damn harder because everytime I try to talk about my mental health my mom just says that it's JUST because I'm trans and I should just be patient and wait to be 18 to start a transition while yes, dysphoria and the fact that my family isn't really supportive make me sad but my mental health has been getting so damn bad.
I've never really been a happy child, my parents divorced when I was 3-4, my mom found my stepdad who has always been an asshole to me and my little brother because we are not his "real" kids and would always yell at us and hit my brother and my mom has always been depressive and mentally ill (Ed, depression and trauma) so she is scared of him ig, anyways, she just never said anything about it, even when she noticed that we were really scared of him.
My bio father was supposed to take us at his place every weekend but after a year he stopped coming and dissappeared for 9 years. At the same time I started to get bullied at school by older kids and some kids in my class and I didn't have any friends because it was a shame for them to be friend with me.
At 11, I have been sexually assaulted by an older kid (he was 15 or something) leaving me with trauma.
At 12 I changed school and found friends, I was so unused to it and ashamed of my past that I spent my time lying to them so they'll like me and think I'm cool, I also started to smoke and drink in secret because I felt so much pain and the intrusive thoughts started to get loud.
At 13 my bio dad came back in my life because he owed a lot of money to my mom and wanted to use us to make my mom feel bad about it. I started self-harming lightly and depression started to settle in but I wasn't really understanding what was going on because the "hypomanic" phases and intrusive thoughts were getting more present causing me to lose the only friends I had and yeah I just didn't understand what the hell was going on. I tried to talk about my mental health to my parents but they told me that I was being dramatic and it's a normal thing to feel bad because I was an adolescent and questioning my identity (I came out as a lesbian back at this time) and decided to just punish me and take my phone away because I was spending too much time alone in my room and didn't do the chores.
At 14 I started to have a lot of anxiety and panic attacks while being in depressive episodes, I started an ed (feeling shameful for eating even a little amount of anything and purging, I don't want to give it any name because I have been diagnosed and yeah), I also began to self-harm more and deeper (still not bad, I don't want to lie for that type of stuff xd), I broke down one day and told everything to my parents (sh, depressive tendencies, smoke, suicidal thoughts etc) and once again they were like "yeah nah it can't be that bad, you just lie to have attention and have an excuse to stay in your room and just being stupid" but my mom saw my arms and thights and then was okay for me to go see a psychologist. So for a year I had the opportunity to talk with a professional who was really amazing, she prescribed me light sleep pills because of my insomnia while in depressive episodes and "hypomanic" (don't have a diagnosis but I have all the symptoms but then again I don't want to self diagnose because it could be wrong and be something else) ones but my mom always refused to give them to me. At the end of the year she wanted an appointment with my mom to talk about my mental health and the importance for me to go see a therapist to be diagnosed (bipolar disorder 2 (she was still questioning it) , anxiety disorder and depression or whatever, she just wanted me to have the help I needed) but then again my mom said no because I was surely just faking it all and I just had to make efforts to be happy. I was so tired of everything and just wanted to feel better so I started to steal my mom depression medication (mostly Xanax and calming pills).
At 15 I met my first serious girlfriend, I fell in love so hard with her and for the first month she really helped me to stop sh, pills, drinking and everything was great until she started to verbally abuse me using my dysphoria and fragile subjects I told her about (she would say that I'm annoying and selfish for always feeling bad and that u was too sensitive and not a real boy if I cried) once I wasn't agreeing with her, slap and hit me if I said something she wasn't okay with or when I would have anxiety attacks or talk to her about my suicidal thoughts while in depressive episodes and yeah she used me like if I was a dog, if she wanted something or think in some way I would have to give her or do whatever she wanted or I would get threatened, insulted or ignored for a long time or other icky stuff. After 6 months of making me feel guilty for not letting her touch me in a sexual way she one day decided to start taking advantage of me while I wasn't in the appropriate head space or without my consent and then making fun of my body and making comments about the way I look. She in fact, made me really anxious and feel bad and it made me start to binge eat, at the end of the year my weight was 78 kg, before our relationship I was 59 kg, people noticed it but just told me to stop eating and go on a diet.
At 17 (this year) I finally broke up even if she asked me to do it because she didn't want to be seen as the mean one for letting me while I was clearly depressed. It was hard but I could finally meet new people or get back with people she didn't wanted me to talk to (especially my amazing actual partner and my bestfriend) who helped me a lot realizing all the shit she did to me and they have been amazing at making me feel loved and cared for and to be honest I don't think I would be there if they weren't in my life right now.
Now my mental health is just fucked. Like I said when I broke up with my abusive ex I had gained almost 20 kg and it reminded me all the bully I've been through as a kid (they most of the time used the fact I was overweight to bully me) so I started to starve myself or purge if I felt like I ate too much (I started to count calories) I was at 78 kg at the start and in 2 weeks I was at 65kg, it was during quarantine so i didn't have any friend or people noticing what I was doing or see me fainting. I started to drink almost everyday and smoke a lot.
In June I got in a relationship with my actual partner and to be honest it's the only good point I can find this year. They (genderfluid) are an angel and I just don't know what I would do without them, they help me a lot even if they are struggling with mental illness themself and anyone has ever cared for me and made me feel so loved before. Today it's been 4 months officially and it makes me feel happy and I just want it to never stop. My mental health is at its worst, I've been having a lot of intrusive thoughts, i have a self destructive comportement, in September I started to sh again (a lot deeper) after 2 years clean, I often call them in the middle of the night (well in the middle of the day for them cause I'm in Belgium and they are in Texas) because of really bad dreams and suicidal thoughts, I am bullied and made fun of by the people in my class for being trans and having a different style (alt-grunge), I barely eat or purge if I try to have a meal, I have these "hypomanic" phases that make me getting really angry at nothing and do a lot of stupid shit because I feel invincible and better than anyone, almost godly and yet they never made me feel like I was a burden or like I should just stfu or like I was being dramatic and they are actually the first person believing me and not saying I fake everything.
I am struggling and it becomes so damn hard to live but I will do my best not to give up and just keep on fighting for them and maybe try to recover and seek for help when I turn 18. I already try to make little steps and stop self harming, drinking too much energy drink XDD so yeah let's just try and be positive I guess.
Sorry its actually so damn long hhh I don't even know if i will post It one day or keep it as a draft eheh I hate venting
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Haven't been able to watch the "Ladybug" episode yet but I sure as hell have seen half of the Fandom theorizing that Adrien is a Sentimonster.
Okay first of all that is one bomb ass concept, I love it! Thank you whoever came up with that. But I'm still not sure what to really think of it because that is ALOT and it would be kinda weird for Marinette to end up in a true love relationship in the end when Adrien is a freaking Sentimonster. Still tho if it somehow ends up being correct, well, I can fuck with that in respect tbh
But now to my actual point because the moment I heard of the concept that one of our characters is a secret Sentimonster I inmediadly went
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If there is a Sentimonster plot twist, this is the one I find the most possible. Think about it:
He doesn't have an actual name
He doesn't talk (I know Sentimonsters are capable of speech but not all of them)
And his protective feelings of Adrien and his dedication to keep him save and sound are, well, Sentimonster level if you wanna put it like that
Even the time frame of Emilies coma can match up. The origins episode 1 hinted that Adrien only started modeling after Emilies dissappearence and Adriens Instagram account basically confirmed that with this:
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He's around the same age as now. When we take this as Canon (which Im genuinely leaning towards because the ml Instagram accounts are surprisingly interactive and well thought out, I wouldn't see how and why the instas would give out wrong information about such a critical topic. Also this cover needed to be produced non the less and its not like its completely impossible that the Instagram people know what's up or at least get told what to post from a reliable source)
When we take this as Canon Adrien started becoming famous after Emilie dissappeared and therefore would have only needed a bodyguard since then. So possibly the gorilla only came into Adriens life after Emilie.
We basically still know nothing concrete about the Agreste backstory but let's just go with this for a moment.
Emilie used the peacock before. They found it in the (Tibet) vacation we have seen Adriens childhood picture of in "the collector"
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That was roughly 10 years ago.
Let's say after Emilie found the peacock and while using it for something she found out about something bad, making her basically locking her child up and isolating him out of overprotectivness. 10 years later something happened that at least THEN made her reuse the peacock again. Like, whatever bad was out there 10 years ago that made her lock up Adrien, it came back and she tried to stop it.
For that she and Gabriel went back to Tibet looking (and finding) the butterfly and the Grimoire. It's impossible to say what happened there but obviously it put Emilie into a coma. So let's say the "bad" came there too, also looking for the butterfly and the Grimoire perhaps (something miraculous related definitely I mean DUH). But Emilie couldn't stop them/only fight them off (Gabriel definitely didn't use the butterfly back then the origins made that quite clear). So she ends up at the end with her strength but she's still somewhat conscious.
Gabriel (after getting the butterfly and Grimoire) brings a weakened Emilie home (I mean they/Gabriel somehow had to have been able to transfer her back to Paris without anyone noticing her being in a freaking COMA! She had to be at least somewhat conscious for that)
Back in Paris she's put into the underground room and into the tube. There (or somewhere before) both she and Gabriel make a promise ("style queen"). But before she fades she transforms one last time creating the gorilla with her last strength as a protector to keep her child save from whatever is out there she couldn't stop. Or maybe the gorilla was already created when Emilie had to be brought back to Paris to support and protect Gabriel and then she gave him a new mission with protecting Adrien and keeping him safe and sound
Look I don't know how plausible this is but I'm calling dips on the gorilla being a Sentimonster, that's all xD
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nxsuper · 4 years
here the big boy one !!!
FIRST !! @blobtheartist  GUYS GUYS , THERE IS BLOB !! THE BESST OF THE BEST, MY BEST FRIEND EVER! i haven’t find someone so funny, so creepy and so amazing in all my life! i adore him so much that i have adopt almost every o.c he make XD! I ADORE YOU!! your way to say thing, your answer, your draw. (sometime iw as hoping to be your brother XD shhh, i would have spoiled you a lot)  and now he have minecraft :shhhhh secret XD: we share project, rp, and problem is very fun. thanks!!!!!! not only blob rp are one of the best i see in all my life but he put those small details that make me shiver, i adoreeee you!!! @wildstarfan  HERE ANOTHER BIG BOY ARTITST ( i swear, i’m seeing to much pewdiepie) GUYS,she is amazing:her story a must ! her personality unique as blob,the time spend with her perfect and fun (she blush a lot if you compliment her art and XD i love do it because is the true) i have spended a looot of time talking with her and i can confirm her pure heart but care she have a boyfriend so if you think to say something weirtd to her ill chock you first. ..coff coff.. i mean ill make you eat those ask back uwu she got small commission but amazing go to her :3q    @arimation-aj SHE IS THE MIRAGE SENPAI! appear from nothing,dissappear like nothing and make awesome art and awesome joke, i can’t say much aside: guys we need to cheer her so she will appear again!! senpai commission are amazing go to her , she funny as fuck boy @mlzthecat  soooo meep meeeeep meeeeeeep meeeeep meep, meep meeeeppmeeepp...meeep.mmmeep.. i think this descirbe her i could add her amazing art, her amazing doodle, her funny laugh :3q but mjeep  (eheheh got you buhahahaha) and she have commission go check shhh, i haven’t tell you that @calista-222  yes!! she is back and she talk with me ;w;!!!!yeeeee yeeeee yeeeeeee.she keep spam emoky and i adore it XD!we draw together and i have loved every single second , thanks senpai !!! @devogamer what can i say? love the art,love the design, love the personality. i mean is hard don’t adore him and well i mean , WATCH HIS BLOG IS AMAZING AND FUNNY ! respect this senpai and guys he have commission open, run to him ! he is amazing !!!!! i have XZD assault him to many time for commission and i will again after the break :3q and now a small thanks to a person much special but much hard to find @camilieroart  MERRY CHRISTMAS little devil shaped in a sheep with a sugar rush, the college is hard but we will wait you :3q , text me sometime and is all...bye!!! ah! i got you XD!!! let’ s not forgot my dad @ravnicawatchwolf  i adoreeeeee you, adoooooooooreeeeeee you :3!  dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad , i make you mad a lot but i adoreeeee you , good  thing we are child and father XD!!!!!merry christmas AND WITH THIS I CLOSE, THANSK TO EVERYONE!! THANKS AGAIN! yes i miss some person but they don’t use tumblr anymore or they will see this at march (so ill run and write to them directly :3q, good  happy day !!)
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