#time to write and bike or drive to my house just to put something in my mailbox and not hang out
milo-is-rambling · 1 year
Once again thinking about having a pen pal or a person to write letters to and send physical mail like ugh I want that so bad
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Don't play with fire | - Part 2 - |
Autors Note: I recommend to read Part 1 first. This is going to be a rollercoaster, but I hope you like it. I liked writing it and I'm really happy I started writing again. Now I try writing smut too. If you like the song 'Unholy from Sam Smith' listening to it later on, made the scene better. At least I listened to it while I wrote the scene.
Also as before, english is not my first language, I hope I corrected most mistakes.
Summary: After having a panic attack and realizing that Cooper could be the Butcher., you tried living your life normally again, until you got a text from an unknown number. Should you go to the police? Half a year later everything is normal again, at least you think it is.
-> Writing in 'italic' is supposed to be the your thoughts
Warnings: Dark!Fic, Describing of a Panic attack, Age Gap! (Legal), Swearing! Praise! Alcohol consumption!, drugs!, bit of Smut, Angst!, Arguing
Rating: R
Word count: 7,4k
Tagging: @a-movie-that-youve-never-seen, @amethystblackkchaos, @hereforthehitsbaby, @waywardtigersandwich
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That was your first panic attack you had in your life. You spend that day at the hospital, your mom picking you up in the evening. She didn’t pry for information, although she was very worried. When you got back to her house and sat in the living room over a hot tea, you told her everything– Though more like everything she could know.
You told her about the concert, how you weren’t feeling well because of the crowd of people. So you went home early, then your bike got stolen and your boss fired you after some nasty words. You said you didn’t know how you ended up at the hospital, you were just aimlessly walking and then woke up in the hospital. Remembering a lot of concerned voices around you but nothing more. 
Seeing that you were near tears again your mom started to hug you for several minutes. You let it all out. All those bottle up emotions of the day. You just didn’t know what to do with all these emotions. It was too much, like you weren’t in control anymore.
“You know sweety, you should move closer again. Ah no disagreeing! Think about it. You know my grandparents also had their apartment. Please consider it, I worry about you.” she said, squeezing your shoulders. “You could save so much money!”
“Okay mom. I promise I’ll think about it, but not today. Let me find a new job first.” you tried avoiding the situation. She nodded
“Well, come one you can sleep in your old room today. Tomorrow I'll drive you to the mechanic so you can get your car back.”
“Thanks mom.”, she kissed the top of your head and pushed you towards the stairs. Shaking your head, you went up towards your old room. You could barely say no to anything, when it came to your mom. However, moving back was the one thing you didn’t want. It was stupid. You wanted to live independent and not in your moms apartment, where she probably wouldn’t even allow you to pay rent.
Stepping inside your room, everything looked as you last remembered it. Your mom tried to make it look like your old room. The big double bed near the window, with the one teddy bear on it. A small wooden closet near the wall. You closed the curtains on the window and went to bed. 
On the bathroom mirror you could see a bruise starting to form on your shoulder, where Cooper had gripped it. Clearly you couldn’t wear something without sleeves the next few weeks. 
Before going to sleep you checked your phone. You nearly forgot about it. There was nothing. No new contact, no number saved anywhere, everything was the same. You remember it clearly, he told you he had saved his number, but nothing. You checked your phone completely. Looked through everything, photos, deleted messages, deleted contacts. Still nothing.
‘Had he just been toying with you? Playing into your anxiety?’ After checking your phone for a second time you gave up. Maybe you imagined it, maybe you should just call it a day. As soon as you put your phone down and your head hit your pillow you were out. The events of that day were finally catching up with you. 
Waking up the next day, you still felt exhausted but overall better. True to her word, your mom drove you to the mechanic, and reminded you to visit her once a week like you promised her on her last birthday. No more work excuses. 
You promised, she was getting older and you did want to spend more time with her. She turned 59 this year. You loved her, she always did her best. Recently your grandfather passed away, leaving everything to your mom. Your grandparents had an estranged relationship with your mom, but seeing as she was their only child… she inherited it all. Now your mom could live without worries. She had a house and had a spare apartment. Seeing as they did have a bit of money.
Over the next week you wrote more job applications and went to a couple of interviews. Until you finally found yourself a new job. The company and boss seemed nice and you even got to work from home 10 days a month. Big plus and the pay was decent. You stayed in your apartment most of the time after the concert, fearing you might run into Cooper somewhere. You were quite paranoid. Fearing what he would do to you. Were you going to be next, if he was the Butcher? 
With the new job, came new energy and you started to live again. Step by step you were going outside, to the office, meeting your friends or going out for drinks. Still sometimes, you looked around you. Feeling like someone was staring holes in your back.
The second panic attack came when on a day you were working from home. A few weeks had passed and overall it started like a totally normal day, just a few calls. Not much work to do that day and around lunch time you still wore your pajamas. When you went into the kitchen to cook, you suddenly got a text message from an unknown number. First you thought it was someone from work. Though, the number didn’t seem familiar, so maybe it was a customer? However, none had your private number. You opened the message and instantly knew who sent that text.
–You should watch the news. Unfortunately I must tell you that Spencer didn't seem to be very grateful. Sorry to disappoint you sweetheart. –
You dropped your phone, heart pounding in your chest. ‘Sweetheart– Was that Cooper? So he did have your number… Why should you watch the news?’ Slowly you crept down, picking up your phone from the floor and almost dropping it again. Your hands trembled so much. 
After releasing a shuddering breath, you put your phone in your pocket and stepped towards your living room. One step at time, fearing you might fall if you walked too fast. Holding on to your sofa for dear life, you reached for the remote. 
Turning on the TV, unsure of what you would find, you switched programs until you found the news channel. Your hands still trembling, you took deep breaths trying to calm yourself.
‘Maybe you should sit down?’ – Letting yourself fall onto the sofa you turned up the volume. You saw a lot of police in the background then view switched to the reporter, who started speaking
“Yesterday in the early hours, two hikers found something horrible on their daily hiking trail. We waited for further information from the police and we can now announce that the Butcher has found yet another victim. This marks the 13th victim of the Butcher.”
Your knuckles around the remote turned white from anticipation, your fingernails digging in your own palm. ‘Maybe you should stop with the acrylic nails’ You held your breath. They showed a photo of a young man on the screen. It wasn’t someone you knew.
“The victim seems to be a young man named Spencer–” Spencer.. That was the name he told you that day. You didn’t even listen to the rest of the news. Completely blending everything out, thoughts racing in your head. A sob escaped you, your whole body shook uncontrollably. Gasping for air, crying, you had your second panic attack. It felt even stronger then the first one, but maybe it was only because you were more aware now. 
A part of you felt like you killed Spencer. You had thought he was just playing with your fear. It was your fault. ‘What have you done… you were right all along. Your sixth sense didn’t leave you. Why haven't you gone to the police? Were you an accomplice now? Why haven’t you told somebody? You could have saved him…’ The answer was simple. You hadn’t been 100% sure. Hell until now you thought you imagined most of his weird behavior, were overthinking it, writing it off as anxiety.
Helplessly you wandered around towards your kitchen in the search for a bag. When you finally found one, you sank down against your cupboard. Taking deep breaths with the plastic bag to calm your breathing. After calming down and just sitting silently in your kitchen for 20 minutes, you got up and shut down the TV.
‘You couldn’t go to the police, could you? What if they held you responsible for it because you didn’t say anything until now. You didn’t even know his last name or where he lived.’ 
A dry and humorless laugh escaped you. Putting your face in your hand, trying to come to terms with reality. Finally you pushed your hair back and grabbed your phone.
Pondering if you should write back? Try to get information from him and go to the police? Could you get burned even more? Thinking for another minute you decided against it. Panic and anxiety controlled your actions. Your course of action was going in the complete opposite direction. Simply deleting the message. Deleting the evidence, deleting a small part of your guilt– ‘out of sight out of mind’
You didn’t continue work that day, called in sick, went to bed and just stared aimlessly at the ceiling. Thinking about everything. About the concert, about every small detail you remembered. All the strange things you thought he did, but in the end you thought it was just your imagination. 
This was so fucked up, why were you still alive and not locked up in some basement? Why were you still alive? He knew that you knew. By sending you that text, it almost seemed like he wanted you to know. It hardly made any sense to you. After hours and hours of thinking and getting a headache from it, you fell asleep rather exhausted.
Not even a day after you even changed your number, telling your friends and mom another lie. The excuse, you got too many spam calls on it, seemed to be good enough. You were that anxious that you were one step away from moving back into your mom's house. However you didn't want to exaggerate.
Everything you did, to feel secure didn’t help. The anxiety remained. Whenever you went outside you felt like a scared mouse, always looking around, getting in your car and inside the office building as quickly as possible. At first you looked for a black van, then you remembered that stupid little you had the great idea to reveal to him what the profiler said. Of course he was not driving that van anymore. Perhaps now he drove around in a girly pink car.
‘How could you have been so stupid?’, you wanted to bang your head against the table. You even judged Lady Raven for her naivety and here you were telling the Butcher what car to not drive. What to look out for. You helped him even further, by not going to the police. He must have been laughing at you in his head. What a fucking joke. He also must have realized what effect he had on you, using that for his advantage. That for one you found him attractive, on the other hand you were intimidated by him. You were glad you were still alive, but it also made you nervous.
A month later and nothing new from the Butcher and no strange occurrences you finally started to relax again. Cooper and all that happened was slowly being pushed to the back of your head. 
Furthermore, you moved out of your apartment. You felt spooked and unsafe in it. Living near your mom again gave you a small aspect of security back. Fortunately your workplace had a second office 20 min from your mom's apartment. You rented some transporter and with the help of your friends you moved your stuff into your new apartment within a day. Moving out helped your anxiety a lot.
Another month later, you started to go out with your friends again, didn’t look around every time you left your apartment and became more yourself. Feeling confident. You were slowly going after your hobbies again. Running outside, Swimming, visiting your favorite coffee shop or reading in the park on a good day. All without turning around every few seconds. 
Before you knew it about half a year had passed and it all was a mere memory. You hadn’t had another panic attack in months. Your job was great, you met your friends a lot, also visited your mom every week and you could even listen to music with noise canceling headphones again. It felt normal. Back to how it was before. There was no news from the Butcher. No new Butcher victims, just some mom in a horrible car crash, but aside from that there was just the usual news. 
It was around January, a Saturday, your birthday to be exact, where it began to get strange again. Even though it started out as every other birthday since you were 21. First brunch with your mum, having some good quality time in your favorite restaurant. After that, you went home again and around the evening your friends should arrive to go out. You should be around 10 people later. Normally you would just celebrate at home, but your best friend Simon wanted to party. Who were you to deny his wishes?
You had been Besties for ages, growing up with the same situation of a cheating parent, pushed you even closer together. It was only after high school where you went in different directions. Simon wanted to study, whereas you started working. There he met his better half Sebastian, they’ve been together ever since and when the three of you did something together they treated you like their child. Which you found hilarious. You loved them.
So a couple of friends were coming over and around midnight you would go dancing. When you arrived back at your apartment you noticed something strange. There was a small gift in front of your door. You looked around if you saw any of your neighbors before picking it up and unlocking your door. 
It didn’t seem to have a name anywhere. ’Strange. Maybe it was from that elderly woman on the first floor?’, you wondered. You put it on your kitchen counter, saving it for later. Seeing as you had only a couple of hours left to clean and dress up. Also you needed your makeup done before simon came, or he would go way overboard with his ideas. You already agreed to let him do your hair and change your outfit, if it was “too boring”. 
That was another reason he wanted you to go out. Maybe you would finally find prince charming and you could go on cute double dates.  In his opinion, your ‘no dating’ phase had been going on too long. Looking at yourself in the mirror you felt good. You decided to go with some short black pants, and a glittery black top with an open back. 
By the time the others arrived you totally forgot about the present still laying wrapped on the kitchen counter. Friend after friend arrived, all of them overly punctual. Except for two individuals, as always. You didn’t mind, it was only Lucas, a friend of Sebastian, with his girlfriend Mary. You didn’t particularly like her, Mary needed to be in the spotlight, sometimes you felt like she tried to replace you in your friend group. None of the others saw this most of the time though. She was ‘little miss perfect’. Well, except for Simon and Lizzy, they did see her other side sometimes.  
Putting on some music after everybody sat down in the living room, you went back to the kitchen to help Simon with the last drinks. As Simon was putting away the cake he brought on the kitchen counter he saw the small present laying around. “Who is this from?”
You walked towards him to see what he ment. “Oh, I actually don’t know. I think one of my neighbors left it for me.” shrugging you picked it up.
“Do you know what's inside?”, You shook your head, now you’ve done it. Simon loved a good mystery, something to solve, something thrilling.
“Well then, open it! I’ll get the rest of the drinks.”, he ushered you towards the living room where the others sat around your coffee table. Climbing over the back rest of your couch, you made yourself comfortable in the corner. Simon brought your drinks while you started to open the present. “What is it?”
“It’s…” you frowned. Pulling out a simple small teddy bear, with something silver on top. It was made out of plastic, nothing overly special. It was a Keychain.
“I think that’s something I could put on my keychain? Wait there's more…” There was something shiny at the bottom of the present. 
“A bracelet– Oh, it’s really pretty.” You held it towards the light, it sparkled brightly. It was a simple silver bracelet, with a little charm in the center. A cute colorful flower. 
“Aww how cute. But it seems like it was more for a child? Are you sure your neighbors know your age?” Lizzy laughed and poked you. She was what you would consider your girl bestfriend.
“Or maybe they know that you still have stuffed animals in your bed”,joked Simon and threw a pillow at him. “Hey, be careful, my drink!”, he exclaimed with a feigned outrage. You flipped him off. It wasn’t your fault that you could only go to sleep, while holding something in your arm.
“Don’t pout, come I’ll put the bracelet on. Then we get you a tiara and you’ll be a Disney princess.”Lizzy grabbed the bracelet of your hand and put it on you.
“And put the keychain thing to your keychain–”, Marcus said as they all laughed at your embarrassment. You gave them a look. 
“Really guys, do I have to?”, you whined. 
“Yes, give it to me, I’ll do it. You open the rest of our presents. I promise you’ll like them”, winked Simon and held out his hand. Reluctantly you gave him the key chain and started to open the other presents.
The other presents were way better. You got some games, wine and everybody plus your mom pitched in to buy you a new bike. They hid it in front of your door before. You had tears in your eyes as you thanked each of them. ‘You had the best friends’ 
After eating the cake there was nothing to stop you guys from going all out. Drinking games, Beer pong, dancing or just talking. Later on, Lucas and his girlfriend arrived around 10. At this point everybody was in a good mood and slightly drunk. On seeing the bike, Mary was offended that they hadn’t waited for them to give me my present. 
You were about to tell her that it was your birthday, when some of the others already apologized to her. Telling her they didn’t know when they would show up.Annoyed, you refilled your drink, and went back to the friends playing beer pong. You needed to get drunk more to be nice to her. She wasn’t even here for 5 minutes and everything had to resolve around her.
The party got louder and better, all having a good time. Half an hour before you wanted to leave Mary came to you while dancing, grabbing your arm. “Is that the bracelet you got from your neighbor? The others told me about it. It's so cute. Can I try it on? I always wanted something like this…”, Mary asked you with her stupid baby voice. She immediately tried grabbing it off your arm.
“Ehm, hey wait a second. Here, but I want back before we go.”, You didn’t want any drama today. She nodded her head, waved you off and reassured you that you would get it back in a second.
You did, in fact, not get it back within a second and when you were standing in the queue to the club, you realized that she still had it on. Now it was too late.
Inside the club your friends surprised you, they booked a small area to sit with a table in the middle. Some drinks and bottles, waiting for you in the middle. 
“Guys! You shouldn’t have!”, you exclaimed happily. 
“Only the best for you Birthday girl!” Simon cheered! Hugging you tightly. Celebrating your birthday never felt better. You did a few shots and then most of you went off dancing to the dancefloor for the next hour.
Coming back from the dance floor you sat back down exhausted. Every time you went out you asked yourself the same question. ‘Why did you even decide to wear heels today?’ All of you started to get new drinks and someone suggested to spice things up and play an old fashioned “Truth or Dare”. Without truth of course, because it was way too loud.
You loved these games, it was always fun to watch. Though you didn’t like doing dares yourself, always feeling a bit shy and easily embarrassed. Now with the alcohol you did feel more comfortable. Maybe you would be up to do a dare. As if reading your thoughts Simon yelled at you over the table “Y/N”. 
You looked at him with pleading eyes, your confidence dwindling. “Noo.. Please…”
“No! I’ve waited enough. I dare you to go out there and make out with a stranger!” he exclaimed, pointing to the dance floor. Some of your friends whistled at that. 
Not waiting for you to think about it Simon stood up. “Do you trust me? We go dancing and I promise I won’t let some creep near you. Only handsome guys?” He held out his hand. You thought about it. If not now, when would you ever do it? You needed to get over your own shadow. Quickly you emptied your glass. For the extra bit of confidence.
“Pinky promise?” you asked, feeling bold suddenly and holding out your pinky. He looked surprised and instantly linked your pinky with his. “Promisee.” happily he dragged you to the dance floor. 
“What's your age range? Still someone around your age?” Simon asked, wiggling his eyebrows. 
You rolled your eyes at his behavior. “I don’t know. He can be older… but not above 50!!” Simon pretended to be shocked at your revelation, holding his hand above his heart. 
“Older men! How scandalous!”, you jabbed his side. 
“Let's go before I change my mind.”, you threatened. As you made your way on the dance floor they started to play one of your favorite songs ‘Unholy’.
“As information, I’m going back as soon as I see you enjoy yourself. I’m not watching a full make out session from you.”, he shouted in your ear. Laughing, you nodded. Fair enough, you wouldn’t want to watch him make out with Sebastian either. Both of you started dancing to the music, stealing glances at the people around you. 
More like Simon was looking around, whereas you tried not to think about the dare too much. 
You felt the people dancing all around you. Swinging your hips and moving your arms around your body, you felt yourself getting lost in the music. 
Simon and you danced yourself further into the crowd. Someone bumped against your ass, touching it. Before you could even react somebody else pushed that person away. It was not Simon, seeing as he was still dancing right before you. He raised a brow gesturing behind you. Mouthing the simple word ‘Hot’.
While dancing you turned your head slightly to look behind. You couldn’t see much, all the flickering colorful lights made it hard to recognize anything. He was tall, broad shoulders and his hair seemed to be a bit longer. You continued dancing, Simon nodding at you. ‘Fuck it. Simon better not be wrong’ You trusted his judgment. In the rhythm of the music, you danced backwards until you found yourself practically grinding your ass on him. He didn't move away, dancing in sync with you.
One of his hands placed itself on your hip, pulling you even more against him. You felt a sudden rush of confidence, as you continued swaying your ass against him and felt something hardened in his pants. It felt huge. 
Using this confidence boost and as a confirmation you spun around, still dancing. ‘Could you do it?’ Looking up at his face, sadly, the flashing lights still barely illuminated his face. Looking closer you could make out a few facial features. He also had a slight beard. Even without knowing his exact looks, you felt a certain pull towards him. ‘I bet he is handsome’ You were not one to make the first move, but you were going to fulfill your dare. 
‘You could do it. You looked fucking hot  and you wouldn't see him ever again.’ Dancing against him, his slight erection pressing against you, you took the initiative, steadying yourself with one hand at his shirt. 'Why wouldn’t he take the first step? Why did the women need to take control in this situation?' Until now you were always the more experienced partner, so it was nothing new for you. Even though you would like some change. Him taking control, getting rough or just doing what he wants… Maybe you read too many dark romance books.
Slowly wandering with the other hand up his chest, resting it at his neck. Slightly you pulled his head towards you to push your lips onto him. His lips were rough. At first it was just you moving your mouth against his. You felt him putting away his drink on the high table next to you. 
As he still did not reciprocate the kiss and for a second you thought that you read the signs wrong. At least you fulfilled your dare. However as soon as you broke the kiss and stepped back, he roughly grabbed your face, pulling you back into him. Surprised by the sudden force of his grip, a small yelp escaped you, before he silenced it with a kiss. The action instantly sent a warm fuzzy feeling down to your core. 
Kissing you hard, your mouths moved in sync. His large hand on the side of your face kept your head in place. You winced slightly when he bit your lip, but he hardly seemed to notice. He tried to slip his tongue between your lips, but you denied it. 
Trying to gain control of the kiss and situation. You heard a low grumble from him, he seemed discontented with your attitude. You smirked against his lips, which seemed to annoy him further. Moving his hands down your body, he grabbed your ass, hard. The pain going straight into your core, making you moan into his mouth. He seized the opportunity to slip his tongue inside your mouth. 
This time you didn’t even try to get the upper hand, you liked that he was in control. Finally someone who was more dominant in these things. Giving you the time to explore this new, more submissive side. Letting go of your face he moved his hand down your body. Over your chest, stomach and finally resting at your hips, pulling you against him. Goosebumps traveled all over your body, where his hands touched you. Your brain felt dazed, this was the hottest makeout session you ever had. You didn’t care about his roughness or the biting, you rather liked it.
When he broke the kiss you were both panting heavily. Slowly, almost teasing, he traced his fingers up your spine before grabbing you by your hair and tilting your head upwards to look at him. Your mouth parted slightly, a small moan escaped your lips. It stung where he had his grip on your hair, but the slight pain turned you on even more. Sure you knew you liked reading about these kinds of things, but experiencing them made you feel even more aroused.  
For a split second, you thought you saw his panting expression change into a smirk. Before you could think twice, he kissed you again. Your mind instantly went blank, his kiss was like a drug. This kiss was slower, still rough but he set the tone. Moving his lips against yours, pushing his hand between your legs. You felt hot, everything felt way too hot to bear, never had you been kissed with such passion. You needed to be closer to him. You tried running your hands down his body. 
He removed his hands in an instant, grabbing yours and pushing them back to your sides. You let out a small whine. ‘What was going on with you? You never whined. You felt like a schoolgirl, making out for the first time’ Shaking his head disapprovingly, he turned away to grab his drink. Taking a sip, he held it near your lips, offering it to you. “It’s just water.”
You knew you shouldn’t drink from strangers, though you were way too drunk to think straight or even logically. ‘You wanted to keep making out and if that helped?’ Looking up at him you tilted your head forward against the glass and emptied the whole glass. You didn’t even realize how thirsty you were, and a glass of water seemed like a good option.
“Good girl.”, you heard his deep voice beside your ear. The loud music was making it hard to hear him clearly. The praise went straight to your core. He put his drink away and you began dancing to the music. More like grinding on each other. 
He still didn’t allow you to touch him much and you wanted nothing more than to travel your hands up and down on his body, or under his shirt. He leaned down, grabbing your hips to press you against him. Pressing his hard crotch against your lower stomach, making you inhale a sharp breath.  
“Can I get your number?” his deep voice mumbled against your ear. You pondered. It felt like he was growling. Slowly he began caressing your ear, gently kissing his way to your neck, making you close your eyes, leaning your head back to give him better access. Your legs were feeling weak. Running his thumb along your jawline, he sucked and bit in your neck, as he kissed his way back to your ear. 
“Please?” his voice was a low growl against your ear. Your eyes fluttered open again as you nodded, desire filled your body. You would do anything, if he kept going on like this. 
He kissed you softly this time and you bit his lip as he tried ending the kiss. You wanted to kiss him longer. You missed his warmth already, and also missed the dark look flashing up in his eyes. He pulled his phone out, tipping something before handing it to you. As you grabbed his phone, you felt yourself wobble to the side. Luckily he grabbed you in time and stadied you against his body. Now your back was pressed against his front.
You thought about grinding your butt against him, but as if sensing your thoughts he nudged you towards his phone. Looking at the screen, it was truly hard to concentrate for you. He kept sidetracking you by placing soft kisses on your neck.
Blinking rapidly you slowly made out the numbers. Your vision seemed a bit blurry, your eyes feeling so heavy. ‘You didn’t even drink that much’ After what felt like hours you successfully put in your number. As soon as you were done, he grabbed his phone back.
You were so drunk that you didn’t notice the contact already had a name. - Sweetheart - Turning back to him you nearly lost your balance, falling against his chest. His arm wrapped around your side, steadying you as he began walking you through the crowd of dancing people. You found it so difficult to keep your balance, you felt funny. You couldn’t seem to focus, everything stayed a bit blurred. You didn’t even know where he took you. Was he taking you home?
“Hey, sorry to bother you guys.”, he loudly said to someone over the music as he came to a stop. You leaned your face against his shoulder. You were really tired.
“You are her friends, right? I think someone put something in her drink, one minute she was fine and the next she could barely stand.” Your brows furrowed, ‘drugged? You were fine… when should that have happened? Didn’t those drugs work way quicker?’ Shocked gasps filled the air. 
“I thought I would bring her back to you, so you can get her home.” He had such a calming and sympathetic voice. ‘Why would he bring you back? You were having fun.’ You playfully bit him in his chest, making him tighten his grip on your hip. His lips pressed in a firm line.
“Yes, yes she is our friend. Oh fuck. Thank you so much man!” Four hands grabbed you off the stranger you were leaning onto. You pouted.
“No-o I don’t wa- want to”, your voice slurred, you sounded like a brat. Struggling against their grip, not wanting to leave his side, but they were stronger than you. Also your fight wasn't really that much of a fight as you thought, you could hardly stand straight. You didn’t even knew his name. His jaw clenched as he looked towards you and the two holding you, his eyes lingered on the arm of the girl.
“Yes yes, hopefully you got his number.”, said a high pitched female voice near your ear. It sounded like Mary. You looked around, it was Lucas and Mary who supported you. ‘Why those two?’
 “Why didn’t you tell me you liked older men?” Giggling, you shrugged your shoulders.
“He is so fine, maybe I should talk to him too.” Mary whispered in your ear. ‘What about her boyfriend?’
“Well, thanks again man, I’m Simon, her best friend. We’re taking her home asap, before something happens…” he began, as Lucas and Mary led you away. He gestured for them to stop, but they didn’t look back. Thus you couldn’t hear the rest of the conversation play out. It was a good thing. Drugged or not, your subconsciousness would have freaked out sooner or later.
“No problem Simon. It is what everybody would have done. Call me Cooper.”, he held his hand out for him to shake, which Simon gladly accepted.
“Nah, I don’t think so. Some sick fuck, may have taken advantage of her in a state like that. So thank you Cooper.. Shit, I just wanted her to have a good time on her birthday.”
“Don’t be too hard on yourself Simon. I was glad I could help. Wish her a happy birthday from me, I hope she feels better in the morning.” Simon nodded, turning around to talk with the others and Cooper soon vanished in the crowd. Slowly your friends started to follow the three of you back to the entrance of the club. 
“Hey, Y/N you stay here and wait. Lucas and I get the jackets. Just hold onto the handrail of the stairs or sit down. You can stand on your own for a bit, can’t you? ”she asked, concerned and something different in her voice. You gave her a thumbs up before holding onto the railing again. 
“We will hurry as best as we can, the others should be here soon.” She came closer, whispering in your ear. 
“Also you can stop your show now. Yes it’s your birthday, but do you need that much attention?”, with that she and lucas made her way to the coat check waiting line. 
You let your head fall back as you take deep breaths. ‘Show? What show?’ Deeply breathing in the fresh air that was coming from the entrance. Few people were walking past you either coming in or leaving the club. Still it was hard concentrating on anything, but you were doing okay.
Until you weren’t. All of a sudden you felt something against your back and in the next moment you lost your footing and along with the grip on the handrail and flew down the stairs. Instinctively your body tried not to hit the ground face first. For that you turned around to face the top of the stairs. ‘Was there a man?’ you thought. Blinking once whoever you thought you saw was gone, just panicked bystanders. Did you hear Simon?
Your side painfully crashed first into the stairs, then continuing falling further down the stairs. You tried your best to stop or push yourself up, but failed. Someone behind you grabbed your arm to stop you. The only thing it brought you was, that you landed on your foot, with your butt while also twisting it in a painful way. 
(A/N: You know, I thought about it, Leaving you hanging right here. However a)  I should not end all my chapters the same, you could get bored and b) I’m not evil.)
Pain shot up from your foot, as your tears began to form in your eyes. “Fuck, Y/N.” Simon and Sebastian seemed next to you in mere seconds. Carefully they lifted you off the ground and gently removed your foot from under you. It hurt like hell.
“Is she alright?”, one of the bouncers came towards you from the entrance, having heard the commotion. 
“Hey, can you move your foot?” Simon asked. You gave it a try, whining instantly. Crying even more you shook your head, your brain was way too foggy to come up with a smart ass reply. 
“Where were you?” yelled an otherwise rather quiet Simon. 
“Getting our jackets...” began Mary.
“She was drugged and you left her alone? Are you serious Mary?” Lizzy yelled too, her face enraged.
“How do we know she really was drugged? Maybe she just played it to get away from that man?” Mary suggested in an annoyed tone. 
“What the fuck? Did you look at her? Does she seem like a normal drunk to you? You have seen her drunk before, but never like this!”, came Lizzy's angry reply.
“Also from what I saw in the beginning, she sucked his fucking face off! Didn’t seem like she hated it.” Simon countered. 
“Why did you even leave her alone in the first place? None of this would have happened! Lucas you have no brain of your own anymore?”, Sebastian joined their yelling. The statement made Lucas' face turn the darkest shade of red. 
“Fucking pathetic. Lets get her to the emergency room, someone order an uber?”Simon turned around angrily, and he and Lizzy helped you up. Each of them supported you as you hobbled down towards the streets. The way from the Club to the ER was gone in a blur. You couldn’t remember most of it. One minute you were leaving the club and in the next you laid on a bed in the ER. ‘How did you get here?’
You looked around for your friends, but the room was empty besides Simon who was sitting next to your bed with a worried expression. Your head felt clearer, you cleared your throat.
“So what did the doctor say, Simon? What's the damage?”, better get it over with.
“Well.. bad news first. You have a bruised foot and a hyperextended ligament. As a consequence you have to wear a bandage and walk on crutches for the next month at least.”
You sighed. It seemed like he wasn’t even finished with the bad news yet.  
“You also got a few bruises on your arms, legs and back. Buut the Good news– they've given you something to counteract the effects of the drugs, but you'll probably still have to sleep it off, to fully feel better.”
“Better?” you laughed “I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. Anything is better than this..”
“I know..” he said as he patted your head. “Listen, they want to keep you here overnight, but just call me in the morning and we will pick you up and drive you home, ok?”
Defeated, you nodded, he squeezed your hand and left soon after. Leaving you alone in the empty room. The rest of the night was uneventful. The nurses checking up on you from time to time, bringing you more water. Sadly they also woke you up at 6 to check your vitals again and give you painkillers. After one final talk with the doctor, getting instructions from him for the next weeks and your crutches, you were ready to go home. 
As promised Simon picked you up, he even cleaned your apartment from you and forbade you from helping. He was too kind. He even made Sebastian shop some groceries for you, which he brought over. So you didn’t need to stress about that for the next couple of days. About two hours later they left, telling you to call if you needed something. 
You never had a wild birthday like that before, but somehow trouble seemed to find you. It was just a small consolation that nothing had happened to you the last months.
Still exhausted, you laid back on the couch, still in your yesterday's outfit. Closing your eyes as you enjoyed the silence. The ping of your phone ringing loud through the quietness of your apartment. You grabbed your phone and held it above your face. It was from Simon, he left not even a minute ago. Did he forget something? You opened your Phone.
– I totally forgot to tell you something. I meant to wish you a happy birthday from the man from the club last night. He also wished for you to get well soon. –
A second message followed.
– You remember? The one you made out with? He said his name was Cooper. –
Cooper…You knew that name. There was only one person that came to your mind with that exact name. Alarm Bells were going off in your head, but whatever they gave you in the hospital was working. You weren’t shaking or panicking, you were rather calm, what confused you. 
That couldn’t be true, no. Surely you would have recognized him, even in the dim light of the club. It wasn’t that dark, was it? You rested your phone on your chest and began thinking about last night. Trying to remember, you realized that reconstructing the evening would be way harder than you thought. There were a lot of gaps in your memories and many were quite foggy. Perhaps it was because of the drugs mixed in your drink.
Sighing you closed your eyes, attempting to recollect what the stranger looked like. He was tall, had a small beard, you didn’t remember his eye or hair color, but his hair was a bit longer? You were unsure. You remembered his large hands on your body, holding your head in place while kissing you. He was strong for sure. 
‘Think straight!’ you warned yourself, already starting to feel hot again. Just thinking about it still turned you on. ‘If that was Cooper, the man from that concert. You were fucked.’ 
You tried to arrange your thoughts. Yes, you made out with him, a serial killer, and you liked it, you felt disgusted. ‘You didn’t know it was him. Why would he even be there? The possibility was close to zero’ Suddenly you remembered something. 
Didn’t you drink from his drink? Of course you were drunk before, but after that everything went downhill. Recalling how super drunk and tired you felt soon afterwards. It would all make sense.
Except… Why did he bring you back to your friends then? Perhaps it was a weird coincidence? 
Maybe you should ask Simon if his name was really Cooper. Maybe he misunderstood? That looked like a good option. Opening your phone, you started to answer Simon as a new message came in. 
It was from an unknown number. A simple: – Happy Birthday Sweetheart. –
It couldn’t be, you changed your number. Not many people called you that and you faintly remember Cooper calling you like that. Before you could wonder about it more, a second message from the same number appeared. What you read then made your heart freeze in fear, your pulse increased and hands started shaking, which made reading the message harder.
– You know, you were always nervous and so easily startled, like a cute little doe. Constantly on alert and looking around, to run away, at the slightest noise. Though if there were a little accident to happen. Where will you go now little doe, if you can’t even run? –
(A/N: nvm i am evil)
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lazycats-stuff · 2 years
I love the Jason Todd x Jokers son it's awesome!
I actually have another idea while I lay with my cat lol batfam/Jason Todd x brother reader (like he's the biological son of Bruce but a lil older than Damien) he has a close relationship with Jason compared to his other siblings and he ends up getting captured by Joker?
You got it! I'm glad you like it, I was a bit worried that I didn't write it well, I have never written such dynamic before. Again, let me know how it turned out.
Warnings: Kidnapping, violence, Joker being the Joker, Jason losing his mind, blood
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Jason waited outside of (Y/N)'s school. He wanted to take his favorite brother back home. They didn't have a chance to hang out this week, because the teen was swamped with exams. Jason swore that (Y/N) didn't sleep this week. Poor kids...
He smiled once he saw him at the entrance, talking to his friend. He leaned on his motorbike, crossing his arms. He waited until (Y/N) saw him and then opened his arms. (Y/N) ran into them, hugging his favorite brother.
" Hey mini Bruce. " Jason joked as he hugged his brother back.
" Stop it, I look nothing like him. " (Y/N) said.
" Yeah sure. " Jason said, ruffling his hair.
" How come you came to pick me up? "
" Well, I know you stay later on Fridays. And I wanted to hang out with you. I missed you this week. " Jason mumbled.
" Aww. I missed you too Jay. But if you had a plan to take me out, please don't. I just want to sleep. "
" You got it. I was going to take you home anyway, you look like you are going to drop dead. "
" Wow, okay. " (Y/N) pretended to be offended, sitting at the back of the bike. Jason handed him the helmet and (Y/N) put it on.
" Hang on bro. We are going to be back home quickly. "
Jason turned on the bike and started driving back to the manor. It was a perfect day for a nap too. It was cloudy and if you were from Gotham, you knew for a fact it was going to get rain. So it would be perfect for a nap.
When Jason sat down, (Y/N) wrapped his arms around Jason's stomach to hold on. Jason revved the motor and started driving. It was a quick drive back to Jason's driving skills. (Y/N) had hold onto the bike when they got back.
" I'm not a bad driver. " Jason defended himself watching his younger brother.
" Say that to my legs. Jesus. Next time pick me up by a car. " (Y/N) said, managing to steady himself.
" Come on. You need to eat and then sleep. "
" Can you nap with me? " (Y/N) asked, using his puppy eyes.
" Of course I can. But you need to eat first. I think that Alfred made something with fish. "
(Y/N) nodded and went inside the house.
" Let me take your bag up to your room. "
Jason took the bag while (Y/N) went straight to the kitchen. He didn't find Alfred, but he did find a container with his portion. He let out a yay and took the container and a fork to sit at a kitchen island. He took his phone from his pocket and put it on the kitchen island.
He dug in, happy to eat something. The teen had a small breakfast today, not enough to get him through the day and he was hungry all day, despite the lunch he had. It was a stressful week for his family too. Joker was up to no good, but more than usual.
He still doesn't get it how they still do it. On patrol until late in the night, injured, seeing stuff that would make his stomach turn. Was (Y/N) trained like his brothers? Yes. But he didn't want to become a vigilante, he wanted to be a normal teen. And he didn't consider himself strong enough to become a vigilante.
And... He didn't tell anybody this, but the reason why he was up until 2 or 3 am this week was because he was worried for his brothers and father. There were times when he couldn't sleep until he knew that his brothers and father were in their rooms and even then he either went to Jason's room or Bruce's. He truly didn't know what he would do if something were to happen to his dad or Jason.
" Hey, what are you thinking about? " Jason said, sitting across from him.
(Y/N) was startled by Jason, he must have been thinking about this for so long that he didn't hear him.
" Jason, don't sneak up on me. You scared the living shit out of me. " (Y/N) said, taking an another bite.
" Oh, come on, you will live. " Jason laughed.
" Ha ha. Very funny... Are you free tonight? I need you to drop me off at a friend's house. We wanted to have a sleepover. " (Y/N) said quickly.
" Okay. Is it the brunet guy? " Jason asked, taking his jacket off.
" Yes, but his name is Cody. For the record Jay. "
" Okay, okay. " Jason laughed, smiling at his younger brother. " I will drop you off tonight before I go on patrol. Does the old man know? I don't want him blowing a fuse. "
" I texted him, he said it's fine. "
" Okay. Which bike you would like? " Jason asked, smirking.
" Screw you Jay. "
Jason cackled like a madman, leaning back in his chair.
" Okay, I will take a car to drop you off. Don't worry. "
" You always make me worry Jay. "
It was Saturday evening, a day after the sleepover and Jason was getting worried. Jason went to pick (Y/N) up a few hours earlier, but Cody, the friend said that (Y/N) went already. Jason was confused at first, but then noticed the cameras in the neighborhood. He called Bruce to tell him to get the footage. Something is off. Way off...
He searched the block for any evidence, his gut refusing to believe that everything is okay. What the hell happened last night? Maybe Cody was lying, but Jason could tell if someone was lying. Shit.
And the time for (Y/N) to go missing too is far to weird. Joker wanted something from Wayne Enterprises, they got intel that he wanted to get guns that Wayne Enterprises was storing at the moment. They were old and were supposed to be destroyed, but there was some delay.
Jason took his phone and called (Y/N)'s phone. He was back at Cody's building, waiting to hear (Y/N)'s voice. He froze once he heard the familiar ring in an ally. He ran into the ally, finding the phone near the dumpster.
He knelt down, getting the phone. He blinked a few times, trying to fight tears. Jesus Christ... No. Not him. Out of all the people, not him. He called Bruce with shaky hands. His hands never shook.
" Jason? Where is (Y/N)? "
" Taken. I found his phone near the dumpster behind Cody's house. " Jason stated, trying not to cry.
" Okay, I will obtain the footage for the entire block. Is there anything out here that might help us? "
" No, I searched the entire block, there is no signs of struggle. And Cody said that (Y/N) had left already, but I think someone threatened him to go. "
" Okay. Until we get the footage, we can't do anything. Come back. "
Jason hanged up, going back to his car and driving like a maniac back to the manor. He is not going to allow himself to waste a single second. He won't be holding back. Not when it comes to (Y/N). He was protective of all of his brothers, but he was really connected with (Y/N).
He ran towards the cave, wanting to know if there is anymore development. The rest of the family was already there, surrounding the big computer.
" And? " Jason asked.
" He was taken, but we can't connect the kidnappers to any Gotham rouge. " Bruce said.
Okay, an outsider then. That would take some time, but they would get the intel soon.
" Okay. So, we need a suspect. Who the hell wanted to take (Y/N)? " Jason asked.
" Somebody who wants money? Maybe for ransom? " Tim suggested.
" Or someone who hates Bruce? " Dick added his suggestion.
Bruce didn't say anything, obviously thinking. He had a lot of enemies, both as Bruce Wayne and as Batman. So the list wasn't small... Far from it...
A ping on the computer alerted them all. It was from the news, the anchors telling that this is the footage of (Y/N). The family froze, looking at the screen like they were hypnotized.
Everything was fine until Joker came on screen. Jason froze completely, eyes widening. No. (Y/N) was bound to a chair, gagged, with blood over his face. Joker was showing his face, clearly proud of his handywork. Jason's eye twitched.
" Now, I want the weapons from the Wayne Enterprises and I will let the boy live. "
The tape stopped and it returned to the regular program. Everyone slowly turned to look at Jason. Jason took a deep breath, before flipping a table near him. He let out a yell, before rubbing his face.
" Jason, you need to calm down. " Bruce said, trying to calm him down. If he goes out, he will kill somebody.
The boys moved away, trying not to get in the crossfire.
" I will be calm when (Y/N) is back here and Joker behind bars. That's that. And if you need me, I will be out in the city looking. "
" Jason, we need more info! You can't go out this mad! " Bruce yelled after his son.
" Too fucking late! "
Bruce stood up, going to change into his suit. He doesn't want to Jason to kill the Joker, he would regret it and it wouldn't do anything. Tim stayed behind to track down the footage.
They barely managed to catch up with Jason. It took them 15 minutes to calm him. Jason was already a deadly individual, but when mad? Get out of the way.
" Jason, we need to think. We need a plan of action. " Bruce has tried to explain, but Jason laughed.
" A plan of action? We need to get (Y/N) out of there! I can't let him go through what I did! I can't!" Jason yelled, before he took a deep breath.
" Jason, you need to compose yourself. I know it's difficult, but now your judgment needs to be perfect and not impaired. I know you are angry and I know you are getting flashbacks, but you have to... Shut the emotional part out. I know how it sounds, but when dealing with the Joker, you can't allow the emotions to take over. "
Jason was quiet as he listened to Bruce. As difficult it is for Jason to admit this, he knew Bruce was right. He can't allow his emotions to lead him.
" Do we have a lead? " Jason asked, trying to breathe.
" No, Tim is still looking, but we do have all known Joker's warehouses and other similar locations. We can start from there. We will split into two teams and start searching. Jason you are with me. Everyone, stay in contact. The moment you get something, call it in. "
The boys nodded, Jason simply stayed still, seething with anger and adrenaline.
" Come on Jason. " Batman prompted, walking to the edge of the building. Jason followed, still mad and angry. Nothing can calm him down. Absolutely nothing.
It has been hours and Jason was getting angrier and angrier. There hasn't been any leads in regards to (Y/N) and he was losing his mind.
" How can you be so calm? " He asked Bruce, who was calm. It irritated him beyond belief.
" I have to Jason. I can't allow myself to be guided by emotions. I can't make any mistakes. I don't... I don't want to lose him like I lost you... " Bruce admitted, looking away.
Jason was shocked by this admission.
" What? "
" I can't lose another son to Joker. I barely got over your... Kidnapping."
" Really? " Jason asked, petrified by this new piece of information.
" Yes. I searched for you just like you are searching for (Y/N). Despite what the Joker told you, I never stopped looking. "
Jason looked away, away from Bruce's eyes. He swallowed, trying not to cry. He clenched his fists and then released them.
" Hey guys, I managed to track him. Bruce and Jason are the closest to the docks. It's an old warehouse and be careful. Bring (Y/N) back. "
Jason and Bruce agreed and started moving. They are going to get him back now.
Jason paced outside of the cave medical part. Alfred wouldn't allow him to enter. They brought (Y/N) back, but he was beaten, had his nose broken and dislocated shoulder. Jason was only thankful that (Y/N) was under a lot of painkillers.
The mere process of getting (Y/N) back was rather simple. They took out Joker's goons and Jason got some revenge. He found a crowbar and while Batman was busy with freeing (Y/N), he has beaten the Joker. He didn't kill him, he just made sure he would be recovering for the next year. He smiled at the memory. It was etched into his memory.
" Masters. " Alfred said, closing the door.
" And? " Jason asked impatiently.
" He is going to be okay. I reset his nose and shoulder and gave him some stronger painkillers. He is going to be out for a while. I prepared a bed for you too master Jason. "
" Thank you Alfred. "
Jason stepped into the room, taking his shoes and jacket off. He looked at (Y/N), simply sleeping. Now he could sleep and protect (Y/N). With a last glance to (Y/N), he laid down and closed his eyes. Now everything is the way it should be.
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twigg96 · 1 year
Hello my sweet lovelies. I’ve been trying to write some more Daryl X Y/N and thought what better way to get started than doing the Fluffy and Naughty Alphabet HCs! 😊 so please enjoy the start to my little 52 HC journey!
Daryl Dixon’s Fluffy Hc Alphabet:
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A - Attractive (what about their partner do they like most?)
Daryl loves a partner that cares a lot about other people. Those who put themselves before the betterment of the group are not people who Daryl can ever get along with. He finds kindness, compassion, honesty, and openness attractive in particular.
B - Banter (How do they tease each other? Is it always friendly/ flirtatious or does it turn nasty?)
Daryl doesn’t conventionally tease his partner. But in an unconventional world he thinks their version of teasing fits right in. Instead of the jovial picking other couples do, Daryl will often come over and say nothing but simply take a bite out of his partner’s food, smiling devilishly as he continues on his duties. While walking on patrol together, Daryl and his partner will go from walking hand in hand to playfully bumping each other to shoving each other off the path and into the plant life that lives along the side of the road. Neither partner can always read the other’s emotions so if Daryl is in a dark head space he will lash out if his partner tries to tease him. The same however can be said too for his partner.
C - Cute (Cuddles, Handholding, Sweet Touches, Caresses, Sneaky Moves)
Mr. Dixon is not into PDA. He doesn’t like people having the upper hand on him with information that could be used against him. Plus he’s really really busy a lot of the time. It’s not until the pair are alone either in the darkness of the night or shrouded in the forest that he allows himself to become more vulnerable. Taking his partner’s hand when there are no Walkers about he rubs his thumb over the back of their hand as he whispers plans about the day to come.
In the dead of night he’ll pull his lover close letting them cuddle close to his chest. He’d run his fingers through their hair. It would be a peaceful silence with a few shared kisses simply listening to their shared breaths and heartbeats. As sleep over takes them both and the last thing either of them hear is “I love you” from either partner.
But Daryl isn’t all innocent and shy all the time. Sometimes when things are good he’ll come around and smirk at his partner as they work. Walking up as they bed over he pinches their ass and covers their mouth telling them to meet him in the house in ten minutes.
D - Dates (What kind of dates do they like to take their partners on Are they creative with their date ideas?)
In the post apocalypse there isn’t really time for what we would consider real dates. There is no movie theater. No restaurants. No Pools. No beach. No hotels. Daryl couldn’t do the things he really desperately craved to do with his partner and it killed him. This topic has sparked more fights in your relationship than either of you would ever care to admit. Daryl wanted to provide for you and take you out on real dates. You however saw the sweet scenic bike rides you both took as date enough. His partner saw scouting ahead on a peaceful day as a date. Or even just doing nothing within the walls talking about everything. Eventually you both agree to disagree.
E - Eat (Do they have similar tastes in food or do they share food at the dinner table? I. E. Swapping the tomatoes on the burger for the pickles on their partner's chicken sandwich)
There is no room to be picky after the turn. With good food so scarce if someone didn’t like dinner that night they just didn’t eat. But Daryl hated it when his partner didn’t eat. So he went out of his way to find food they liked when dinner was something he knew they wouldn’t like. He’d offer them the stuff they like off his plate and took the food they didn’t like. No problems or fuss. He loved you.
F - Fire (What drives them the most in the relationship?)
Seeing you survive. Daryl couldn’t live with himself if he ever lost you. And he knew that it was unrealistic to try and expect that his partner would live well past when he would live. That he would die long before his partner and be waiting wherever it was on the other side for them. But it made him so sick thinking about the opposite so he simply did his best to keep you safe.
G - Generosity (How do they show their partner they care?)
Daryl was extremely caring in his love. He may not always show it or even say it but he is always thinking about his partner’s wellbeing. He looks for safer paths to take when they scout together, ones they can’t be ambushed on or that are easier to walk on. He always checks you over for cuts and bruises when he sees you before hugging you too tight or kissing you. He is on high alert outside of the camp at all times ready to protect. He gives his food to you when you need it.
H - Hot Head (Are they quick to anger? Are they spiteful in a fight? Will they say things they don't mean just to piss their partner off? Or are they easy going?)
Oh sweet lord. Yes. This man is a hot head. He is like a volcano. Full of anger and negative emotions that when placed under pressure will make him explode and cover other in the anger and negativity. But understand that this is a product of a horrifically broken home. He tries like hell to keep from erupting all over you. But sometimes it just happens and he never means for it to get as out of hand as it gets.
Daryl gets mean when he’s pissed. He gets nasty and spiteful. He will pull up shit from past fights just to fuel the fire of the argument and keep it going until he feels like you’re just as pissed off at him as he is at himself.
Whatever you do… do not give this man alcohol and expect him to be ok. He is an angry drunk and has no self control. He will get into an argument sometime into the night and it will be more than either of you can handle.
I - Interest (What are some of the interests they may share?)
Before the turn you both enjoyed bike rides and the occasional night out.
But now that the turn happened, you both like the time you spend together hunting and scouting. You both love providing for your camp. And you both still love riding.
J- Jealousy (Are they the Jealous type? How would they act if they were?)
Sweet God yes he’s very jealous! He trusts Rick more than anyone in the group but he looses his mind when you walk into Rick’s house alone to babysit Judith alone to just let the ex-cop sleep. One time when you all first moved to Alexandria a guy outside the walls approached you, Daryl, and Aaron asking if you wanted to go with two real men for a night of “fun”, Daryl beat him into a bloody pulp for thinking about it.
K- Kids (Do they want kids?)
Yes. If the world had never changed. If the dead never walked. He would give you all the children in the world, even though the thought of being a dad scared him more than anything. But now. He worried about the life his children would live. He worried for their safety. He wanted them so much but to put them through hell just because of his selfishness… he didn’t know if it was right.
L - Likes (Favorite things about relationship and partner)
Daryl loved waking up next to his partner each morning. He loved looking into his partner’s eyes and knowing that silent communication was all they needed. He loved the feel of their hand on his telling him it was ok. He loved knowing that without gaining to look you always had his back and he had yours. He loved feeling safe and secure for the first time in his life and he hoped with all he had he gave them the same feeling.
M- Marriage (Are they interested in getting married at all?)
At one point before the turn he actually bought a ring for his partner. He wanted to marry them and do the whole family thing. But once the turn happened that all got shoved onto the back burner. And while you and Daryl never really “got married” you both consider yourselves one step above boyfriend and girlfriend in this new life. Whatever that means to you both and no one opposed it.
N- No (Pet Peeves in a relationship)
Daryl refuses to tolerate a partner who intentionally hurts someone he loves. Betrayal is something he’d been through a lot in his life and he can’t imagine if his partner ever betrayed him.
Letting Daryl protect you is crucial. He can’t stand to loose you and if your constantly throwing yourself into harms way even when he advised you not to it will spark arguments
He must truly and fully trust his partner in their entirety. He wants full honesty from them. If they lie once he considers it a complete breach of trust and it will take a long time to heal that.
O - Orange (What color reminds them of their partner?)
Blue - he sees his partner as the color blue. They are truthful, merciful, loving, tranquil. They remind him of the sky on a clear day. They are calming and serine and they always manage to make him smile even when he wants to scream. He thought of you in his darkest times and felt the most free from all his problems.
P - Proposal (How would they or how did they propose?)
If Daryl would have gotten the chance he would have gotten down on one knee in your favorite spot after a long bike ride feeling you pressed up against his back.
But now it was in the Prison that you two talking jokingly about marriage. What it must have been like to do such a thing and have children. Daryl pulls an old ring on a chain out from behind his shirt. It’s aged. A little tarnished. He tells you about his failed plan. Smiling he tells you that he kept the ring as a piece of you to hold close you his heart.
Q - Queen (King) (What traits makes them a KING or a QUEEN?)
He is the ultimate King! Daryl goes out of his way to make sure that his partner is well taken care of and happy.
God forbid the day that the two of you are ever separated either by accident like at the Prison or by force. He will put his body through the ultimate test and hell in order to get back to you. Everything that stands in his way are simply obstacles to overcome. Day and night he will search until he finds you and if someone has you... god rest their soul.
He is always willing to share. Food, heat, shelter, water, medicine... whatever you need in order to survive.
Daryl can communicate with his partner with just a look. He loves them whole heartedly. He can just feel when something is wrong. It's like a sixth sense. No words are ever needed to be said. However he is always willing to listen if you need to talk.
Family is direly important to him. If you ever were to start one with him he would become all the more protective.
R - Rain (What was the most romantic gesture they have ever done for their partner?)
He made you a necklace...
The day that a good friend of yours turned...you were heartbroken and distraught. You refused to leave your cot in the prison for a full day. You had seen it before. You had even seen other friends turn and it affected you but never like this. Daryl hated seeing you like this. So taking a walk and giving you space he started looking. Looking for things that reminded him of you... Of brighter days. It was then he realized... that was exactly what you needed.
And so he started to look for things to brighten you. To make you smile. Things that reminded you of your lost friend based entirely off of stories you told of them. He found a shiny stone deep in a river bed recounting the tale you told him of the day you and your friend went tadpole hunting when you were young, splashing each other with the mud. A blueish black feather laid perfectly on a rock and reminded him of the myths his mother used to say about the crows and ravens bringing peace to those who grieve. A discarded bear tooth reminded him of the first time you had introduced him to your friend, the three of you hunting into the evening only to find a hare and two squirls.
Tying his treasures onto a long piece of twine he fashioned a necklace and brought it home to you placing it around your neck and telling you it would all be alright.
S- Smooches (Who gave the first kiss? When do they kiss their partner? How often do they kiss their partner?)
Having met Daryl before the turn, you both had more than your fair share of kisses. But your first one... well Daryl claims it was an accident. A heat of the moment reaction of passion.
Merle had been hounding you all day. He had known you were dating Daryl but to him it was just a word until he saw the proof. You were outside with Daryl at the time. Watching him work on Merle's POS truck when Merle came home from work on his bike. The older Dixon immediately swooped in and tried to get fresh. Playing grab ass and trying to get you to go inside with him. Daryl flipped his shit. Throwing the tools to the ground Daryl flew into a rage, pushing Merle away from you and into the house. He was still pacing for 20 minutes before you were able to get him to look at you. Before you could say anything he grabbed you by the hips and pulled you close, gripping your hair and kissing you deeply, muttering that you were his and his alone and if any man touched you like that again he'd cut their hand off. Needless to say he didn't get done with Merle's truck...
Now that the world is upside down Daryl tries to be more purposeful with his kisses, he wants them to mean something if they're the last they are ever to share as a couple. It was hard for his partner to understand at first... but he explained that he would hate it if he kissed his partner simply to end a fight no other meaning behind it and something happened. He wanted passion and romance behind his every action while they had the time.
T - Travel (Do they like to travel with their partner? Where do they dream of traveling to?)
God... does Daryl want to travel with his partner. He often dreams of the days before the turn. Dreams of taking you to far away places. Safe places. But the world is no longer that place... and so he tries to stay realistic in his waking life. Safety means stability. If he can have a stable life with you then he can start a family... He simply wants a safe stable place to settle... but he knows that may not always be possible. And so he roams looking for the perfect place for you both to live out your days.
U- Universal (How Public are they with their affection? Are they very open with PDA? Do they brag about their partner?)
Daryl is incredibly reserved. He always has been. He doesn't like the attention that PDA brings. He would much rather recede to the privacy of the forest or a darkened room/hallway than to make his move in front of the others. If Daryl was ever to talk about his personal life it would be to Carol (for advice and advice only about his partner's wellbeing) or Rick (To ask for dating advice/ and maybe to brag)
V- Valentines (First holiday together. How did they prepare? How did they celebrate?)
While holidays no longer exist and have no meaning after the turn, he often thinks to the only holiday he ever got to spend with his partner, properly.
It was Christmas. A holiday he and Merle had long since forgotten. One they had abandoned long before either of them were out of primary school but still knowledgeable enough to decipher that Santa Claus was a classist jackass. You had insisted they each give it a shot. For you. No religion involved just free shit. Daryl was hesitant. He didn't want to be disappointed again. Merle however was defensive. He wanted nothing to do with the holiday and often ridiculed the entire idea of it in it's entirety. But... the two relented after hearing that you would be cooking for them all weekend long. Merle complained and bitched the entire time you decked the halls of their trailer. "This sparkle shit better come out of my God damned carpets! I don't need ta find it in June!" You couldn't find a tree at a price any of you could afford but Daryl cut the biggest limb off a nearby pine and hoped it would be good enough. You were able to make stocking for each of the boys and on christmas eve you stuffed them with gifts and laid their presents under the makeshift tree. In the morning... they both stared at you nervous and akward. Like they both wanted to move and tear into shit but were scared they'd get in trouble. So you sat them down and handed them gifts. It wasn't much. You were working with a waiter's salary... but it was more meaningful to either of them than you ever knew. When Merle growled, embarrassed he didn't get you anything you simply said that spending the day with them meant more to you than any gift and you thought... for a second, that you watched both men's hearts grow three sizes that night.
W- Wicked (What do they do that purposely pushes their partner's buttons?)
Daryl will pull shit up from the past and use it against his partner to start a fight. He does this the most when he's feeling shitty about himself or a situation he's in and can't fix. He wants his partner to be just as upset and angry at him as he is with himself.
He has a really... really bad drinking problem. He is a mean drunk. If he wants he will find alcohol and drink in front of his partner knowing they hate it when he acts vindictive and hateful.
He gives the best silent treatment in the entire apocalypse. He could exist completely silent for literal weeks. (please do not mistake his need for space with the silent treatment. He gets over stimulated a lot and needs space)
Straight up disappears for days without ever telling his partner where he's going or when he'll be back. This gets worse after the Sanctuary.
Calls them pet names they despise (this is normally in retaliation to pet names they give him)
X- Xylophone (What song fits the relationship?)
Y- Yearning (When do they miss their partner the most? What do they do to placate themselves in the mean time?)
Daryl misses his partner so much when he's out on a run that lasts longer than a day. He worries about them constantly. If he can't bring them then he tries to bring a part of them, something to remind him of them. A trinket he can worry until he can get home. But if he can't or it's an emergency and he didn't have time. He always has a matching tattoo on his arm that you both got on your one year to remind him to come home to you...
Z- Zipper (Do they let their partner pick their outfits?)
If you find clothes that fit him out on runs he'll look at them and choose to wear them or not. Sometimes you bring home baby clothes to pick on him when he's being a big baby bitch. Other times you bring him clothes you know he's never going to wear just to fuck with him. He never says it out loud but he thinks this is funny.
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pinkjako · 4 months
Midnight rides
sfw sebastian sdv x gn reader
word count: 870
author’s note: hii i’m new to writing fanfics and whatnot so this isn’t super good but i’m working on improving my writing and stuff also this is pretty short so… enjoy!!!
after a long day of killing slimes and getting beaten up by cave bats, all you wanted to do was to go home. barely walking, you decide to take the shortcut next to robin’s. not paying attention to your surroundings and focusing on how many parsnips you’ll need to sell to afford a house upgrade, someone calls out.
“farmer! hey, um i’m going for a ride.”
you turn and it’s robin’s son, sebastian. you’ve seen him a few times and even played a game of solarian chronicles together, but you’ve never really hung out together — alone. the only conversations you had together were mainly just small talk, but you always end up walking away with butterflies. something about his pretty eyes and his cheeky smile makes you want to throw up (with love obvi.)
“uh…do you want to — go on a ride…together? like right now.”
his words snap you out of your trance and like a lightbulb your face lights up.
“on your bike? oh um yeah sure!”
play it cool. play it cool. you secretly hope that sebastian can’t tell how fast your heart is racing or how sweaty your palms are or how you’re about to vomit all over him. you leave your backpack next to his front door and sebastian picks up a helmet for you.
“what about you? you’re the one driving, you need a helmet more than i do.”
“i don’t want anything happening to you. i’ve gotten in to multiple crashes so my body’s used to it. i would never forgive myself if something happened to you.”
he muttered that last part under his breath while putting the helmet on you and securing it in to place. luckily for him, you didn’t hear. you were too focused on how the his hair looks so soft and how good he smells.
“how do i look? badass, right?”
“epic. get on and hold tight.”
you’re beyond grateful for this helmet because your face is bright red at this point. it takes you a few tries to swing your leg over his bike properly, but when you do, you secure your arms tightly around his waist and he pats your knee to reassure you. sebastian kicks the stand and you’re off. giggling as you pick up speed, you rest your head on his shoulder. you don’t know it, but he’s smiling like a schoolgirl and his heart feels like he’s about to explode. the prettiest girl he’s ever seen with her arms wrapped around him on his bike on a romantic ride in to the night. both of you are oblivious to the fat crushes you both have on each other. the bike slowly comes to a stop as you reach the cliff. you both get off and sebastian leads you to the edge.
“beautiful, isn’t it?”
“that’s zuzu city, right? wow, bigger than i thought.”
“yeah, it’s amazing. i’ve always had plans on leaving this crappy place, moving to the city and getting a real job.”
“what’s stopping you?”
your heart literally stopped and it felt like the world was about to collapse. you were staring at the city, attempting to build up the courage to look at him. eventually when you did, sebastian was standing there with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. a conversation with leah replayed in your head and you remembered her telling you that a bouquet means that someone wants to have a relationsh- wait a moment. your face is burning red as you realized what was happening. you literally felt like your insides were becoming outsides and your palms are sweaty and your face is melting and you are melting but there’s this beautiful boy in front of you with the cutest smile and the prettiest face and all you want to do is kiss him. and that’s what you do. cupping his face and pulling him in. it takes sebastian a moment to realize what’s going on, but when he does, he matches your pace and kisses you back. one hand holding the bouquet and the other hand gently on your hip, he kisses the tip of your nose and you both lock eyes for a moment.
“um…i’ve liked you for a while now and uh i wanted to give you this bouquet and i don’t really know if you know what it means but — it means that i want us to be um…together. sorry, i’m not really good at this…”
you’re smiling and blushing like a fool. sebastian’s face is as red as yours. two lovesick idiots confessing feelings for each other. how romantic.
“i also really like you. and yeah um, i accept!!”
he gives you the bouquet and you kiss again, this time one hand is cupping your cheek and the other is on your hip, bringing you closer. both of you wished the night would never end. neither of you felt like going back home so you both sat on the edge of the cliff and talked. his arm was around your waist making sure you wouldn’t fall and his other hand was holding yours. this night was perfect — he was perfect. sebastian wasn’t completely sure if he wanted to stay in the valley, but this night made his decision very clear. no matter what, he’ll never leave your side. and you knew that you’d never leave his.
thank you for reading!! this was my take on the 10 heart event and i kinda wished that like the towns people could ask the farmer out…but it’s fine!! anyways, thanks for reading :))
reposts, likes and comments are greatly appreciated!!! <33
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keeksandgigz · 11 months
a shot in the darkest dark
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steve harrington x commitment issues! fem!reader
i fucking love writing angst and this is also my very first steve work! tiny little blurbie for now cause I've been obsessed w Steve and this song
cw: unrequited love, reader has committment issues, one instance of self deprecating language, no physical description of reader, just lots of rly sad stuff
word count: 1.5K
"Awww, Steve, look! It's such a nice desk" you'd said, pointing at an oakwood desk while absentmindedly looking at furniture at a big Indianapolis mall.
Steve seemed to be in his own world, as he paced around the aisles, looking at tables, chairs, patio decor. He'd taken you out of Hawkins for the day, a little date that didn't involve movies or aimlessly walking around the small downtown area.
You hadn't been dating for too long, and to your wishes, he was taking things slow with you. You'd been so lovely to him, though and him to you.
He'd take you out on dates and pay the bill, drive you around when you needed to clear your head and kiss you goodnight at your doorstep. It was too good to be true.
For the past six months, Steve Harrington had been at your beck and call at every hour of every day, eager to see you, be with you, literally do anything as long as it was with you.
His only flaw was falling in love too fast.
"Oh yeah, it's really nice. I can get it for our first apartment" he dug into your side, smiling. The future was all he worried about, his beautiful picket- fence dream that he'd always wanted.
It made you uncomfortable, how easily he was able to talk about moving in together, starting a family, getting married. Your mind didn't work like that. You took a step away from him, an awkward laugh escaping you.
"I need to get a scarf, it's starting to get cold in Hawkins, come with me?" you'd said, swallowing the guilt that came from dismissing his dreams.
You'd thought you could have made it work. Steve was a lovely guy, so devoted to you he'd damn year kiss and worship the ground you walked on. But everything was too good. It wasn't something you thought you deserved.
You'd paid close attention to him, for any flaw that could have given you an excuse to go, but he was too perfect.
"Yeah, uh- of course, honey. Maybe we should come here during Christmas, I heard they do some really nice markets. I could get you something nice" he'd suggested, putting his arm around you. You breathed through your nose.
"Yeah- yeah that sounds nice." You whispered, as you walked over to Sears.
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The day went about the same after that. He'd come across a little baby onesie with stars on them.
"Look honey, isn't it so cute?" he smiled. You had to hold back a grimace at his implication.
He looked at the window of a real estate agency, taking account of what a four bedroom home in Idianapolis would cost. Planning to save his money from his shiny new accounting firm job.
"Ooh" he cooed "that house is real nice, don't you think baby?" he pointed at a white picket- fence light blue home with a big front yard.
"Yeah, it's really nice" you said "Steve, I'm kinda tired. Can we go home?" you'd protested, hoping he'd just drop you at your house and you could cry it out, wondering what was wrong with you for not wanting what many girls your age wanted. Stability. A family.
"For sure, honey. Want to stay over at mine's? We can grab a movie and get some pizza or something" he said, kissing your temple.
The fact that he was okay with you taking your time didn't mean that he took his. He was a speeding train running at full speed ahead, while you felt like you were biking behind him, feeling left out from this feeling of love and devotion that he continuously showed you.
"Uh, no, thank you, Steve. I have work in the morning" you lied. You didn't want to see him. The guilt would have only grown stronger, until you could not have taken it anymore.
The drive home was surprisingly quiet. Steve chalked it up to you being tired. He knew crowded places overwhelmed you.
After an hour and a half of complete silence, he pulled up in the street where you lived.
"Oh look, baby, a dog! I've always wanted one like that, maybe we can get one-"
"Steve just fucking stop it!" you'd interrupted him, banging on the dashboard. He braked hard in the middle of the empty street.
"Jesus, babe, what's wrong?" he said "Sorry for braking this hard" as he parked up the curb.
You breathed "Sorry, Steve. I-I can't do this." you whispered.
You breathed "Sorry, Steve. I can't do this. This is moving so incredibly fast” you exhaled, letting the boulder weighing on your chest slowly crumble, and you with it. 
“I’m sorry, I’m- I’m not sure I understand. Can’t do what?” he said, nearing his head towards yours. Wanting to be close to you, wanting to hear your thoughts. You retracted from him, now heaving.
The air in the car felt so incredibly stuffy as you unfastened your seatbelt and got out, heading towards your front porch. He followed you suit, cursing yourself for wanting to let him go.
You were leading him on with false hopes of a future you didn't want. You needed to free him before it was too late. The crisp November air turned your breaths into vapor, tinging your noses red. He'd forgotten his coat in the car.
"I just- I can't do this. I can't do us. This is... too much. The moving in and the house and the kids and the dog and the family stuff. I can't Steve I don't want this" you rambled. And that's when the waterworks started. Mascara running down your cheeks, loud sobs populating the otherwise quiet cul de sac.
He got closer to you, but you backed away once again. He didn't need to be that close, not when you were trying to let him go.
"Baby... what- I- I had no idea, I just- I" he was helplessly stuttering. Your chest was aching watching his eyes gloss over ever so slightly, you swore you could hear his heart break.
"I'm so sorry, Steve. I tried. I tried so incredibly hard to see what you saw and I fucking hate myself for not being able to. You're so great, you've been such a lovely boyfriend and I need you to know, because I don't wanna lead you on. I care so much about you but-"
"You don't love me" he interrupted you. A whisper. Barely audible, but loud enough that you could hear the hurt in his voice "It's been six months. You don't love me?" he continued. A breath caught in your throat as you tried to answer that you did try, you did care for him.
You just didn't love him how he did. You knew you were doomed since you'd started going out.
The world went quiet, but not in your ears, a loud whistle kept you on alert, wishing you could crawl inside and hide under your bed forever.
Steve's eyes became clouded with tears as the silence between you became the loudest response he could have ever gotten.
He didn't want to let you go, but being led on for six months had hurt more than he'd expected. He wanted you to tell him that this was just a silly joke, to come inside, cuddle and watch a movie.
Steve waited. He waited for a negation, for an I love you, Steve. An affirmation that never came as you looked at him. You felt embarrassed and he felt like you'd stabbed him.
He was the first to break the silence.
"So I guess it's over then" he croaked out, a burning ball lodged in his throat that didn't allow him to speak. Or breathe for that matter.
"I'm so sorry, Steve. I just- I didn't want to lie to you any longer. Even if I loved you, I'm not good for you. All I'm gonna do is pull you back from this great dream you have. You can't have a picket fence with me, I'll only tear it down. And you can't just put it back up, Steve" you said, taking as many steps back to get away from him. From the guilt of losing him.
"I'll put up as many picket fences as you need. I just want you" he pleaded, one last prayer. Don't go.
"I'm sorry, Steve. Please go home. You're gonna get sick" your voice a thin iron string settled in between your throat. You loved him, but didn't deserve it. Didn't deserve him.
And so Steve turned around, grabbing his broken heart off the floor. You watched him from your driveway, quiet, with his head hung low. A love like his should not have gone wasted on someone like you.
Steve reached his car door, looking at you for one last time, eyes watery and dark. Hoping, praying for your thin voice to speak up, to tell him to come back to your driveway. Tell him to stay.
Don't go.
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findafight · 2 years
Au idea I'll probably never write:
Steve as seven au, BUT he escapes at the same time as El in season 1. They get separated after Benny's, when seven tells eleven to run and definitely kills a couple government agents to give her more time.
So the a plot of will being missing and Mike finding El? Standard canon except El is ALSO looking for her brother and is worried about him. She sees that he's mostly safe and tries to help find will but also insists she go to her brother soon.
B plot of barb and Nancy...idk I haven't really thought about how that'd work without Steve's kickback. Maybe they go to a party (like actual party not the five person hangout) together and get separated and no one notices barb disappear from the edge of the lawn. Idk
The C plot is seven, kinda bloody and definitely cold, wandering out into the middle of the street, and one Robin Buckley almost running him over with her bike. She immediately clocks "guy who seems pretty fucked up" about him, and offers him a ride to her house. But Robin has never been the most coordinated of people and biking with a(admittedly probably too skinny) teenage boy sitting in her package rack is hard, and combine that with a guy driving like the devil's after him, they end up swerving of the road.
Eddie steps out, apologizes profusely, and offers them a ride. seven is sceptical, especially when both of them pause when he tells them his name, but does end up in the van. He finally gets a chance to breathe once they get to the Buckleys', and Robin gets him some leftovers.
He sits in front of the tv set to a blank station, tucks his head into his shirt instead of blindfolds, and tries to see El.
He sees her older, with flowers braided through long hair, laughing. Too far. He sees her with short curls, a patterned button down, eating something in a cone beside a mustachioed man. Too far again. He sees her tiny, scared, holding his own small hand. Not far enough.
Finally, finally, he sees her as she knows her now, mostly, standing beside a group of children and in front of a monster in a large room.
Eddie and Robin have no idea why their new friend? Has turned the tv on to static and is hiding in his shirt, but figure he's had a rough day. He pops his head back out, blood dripping from his nose, and grins, telling them he knows where his sister will be.
Anyways blah blah blah El sees where people ARE Steve sees where people have been/will be (based on where/who they are right now. Futura is constantly in motion etc).
Idk season 2 would happen very similar as canon minus stancy break up (they never date and are just friends) (also Steve tells Robin and Eddie he and El are safe and they pass it on to the kids) El finds Kali, Steve fights demodogs, etc etc.
But I want a (pre?) season 3 scene where Robin and Steve are hanging out as soulmates do, door closed because they are discussing Sensitive Subjects (gay shit) and giggling like schoolgirls. Hopper, in all his disappointed dad glory, opens the door and starts in on a rant about keeping the door open three inches.
Steve, bitch that he is, just tilts his head to the side and says "but that is for when we are with people we date. I am not dating Robin."
Hopper, not yet picking up what's happening, sighs. "Kid. It's about propriety. You can't be alone with Robin, because what if you do start dating. Then it's. You have to set an example for El!"(it would be a nice move bringing up Older Brother Responsibility, except...well.)
"but we aren't. I am dating someone else?"
"still need the door open three inches, pal. When El is home, at least"(El is almost always home)
"we do! And you complain about the loud music!"
"wait. Who are you dating? I thought Nancy was dating Jonathan still. She barely comes over." Hopper please pick up what Steve is putting down oh my god.
(hop has forgotten Robin is there and she is trying very hard not to make noise but Steve keeps meeting her eye sometimes because dear god. truly an iconic moment in friendship history.)
"yeah obviously. Eddie comes over all the time, though."
"what does Ed- oooh. Ah. I see. That's why you keep the door open even though he complains."
Steve nods like Hopper is the dumbest man on the planet. He might just be. "Yes. Because you said El had to and she asked why I didn't have to so then I started to leave it open when Eddie was over. At least Eddie doesn't laugh at you to your face"
"Eddie laughs behind my back?"
"he said you didn't know we were dating but I told him of course you knew, the door is open three inches."
Hopper clasps Steve's shoulders and looks him in the eye. "Steve, I need you to keep telling him that. And not mention this very awkward conversation we had."
"because he was right."
"he doesn't need to know that."
That's all I got lmao (also check the tag ramble I added lol)
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n14-4cko · 3 months
Okay I’m going to ramble hold on right
* Skul loves reading at the local library and one day meets author Gordon edgley, starts reading his books, and later wins a contest because he predicted the ending with the clues given throughout the series or something. Gordon finds him a bit cheeky but daring and clever nonetheless and after skul keeps following him at book meets for more answers and predictions, Gordon invited him over to talk more about detective work and they grew close (uncle/nephew type thing)
* Skul is given the same advice in the funeral and Val gets the house and what not. Not sure how to add beryl, fergus, carol and crystal :(
* Val doesn’t use a wig and sunglasses often, instead uses a bike helmet and is wearing that when the house gets broken into. (later gets the facade)
* Val has the powers she has currently and throws lightning not fire on the guy who broke the door down. (the guy also can use lightning since in the book he was impervious to fire. So now it’s lightning i suppose)
* Skul is at Gordon’s home. He picked the locks after the funeral to try and get closure to feel better, he’s sat reading when the break in happens.
* Doesn’t faint at seeing skeleton Val, but asks lots of questions. THEN faints.
* Val doesn’t have a hat to steal, but she has tire marks to follow. One of skuls brothers is obsessed with bikes so he has minor knowledge and, he somehow figures out where she lives and demands to be brought along with the cool lightning throwing biker skeleton
* wife and child - girlfriend and sister (melitsa and Alice
* Val drives a 1949 Vincent 998cc Black Lightning Series-C. One of only 34 ever made (bike)
* Darquesse and lord vile also swapped places. Though darquesse was/is her anger and alter ego for 5 years and lord vile is the true name, seen by seers and by skulduggery in the book of names.
* Most things and people stay the same (for now lol)
* The first time Val brings Skulduggery on a mission/investigation he puts on his best suit w bow tie and converse. When asked he insists he wants to be practical and taken seriously and to look the part. He’s just a huge doctor who fan. Later meets ghastly and gets a proper suit and shoes. Likes it more.
* Skulduggery is the one who insists at first about finding out about Gordon’s death (he’s vals great great great nephew or something and still writes books)
* Val is openly known to have lots of powers, less than book Val but is stronger and had much more practice focusing on less powers.
* Instead of Solomon giving Val permission to use his cane, skulduggery doesn’t ask and throws spears of darkness. Doesn’t enjoy it but is willing to learn more. Not necessarily from Solomon but will listen to Val and others.
* Val isn’t a detective specifically but is still very good at getting the job done like in the books. Skulduggery quickly becomes the brains and likes to deduce what’s going on and slowly becomes very talented at it.
*im not certain on whether the facade has the random face like skul or if she’ll have her own permenantly. I like the idea of both tbh so she can be herself and blend in inconspicuously if need be.
I’ll either change this or add more (or both) but these are my initial thoughts.
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Melissa x Teen!reader - you’re family
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So if you won’t write this, I totally understand. Could you do parental Malissa with a reader who is part of Scott’s pack but their parents are abusive (or just horrible) and Scott brings the to his house to ask his mom if they can help reader? - @theafterofnevermore 💜
Sitting on the curb, you sighed as you looked at the bag next to you and your busted phone on the road in front of you.
Getting up, you grabbed the phone and pocketed it before grabbing your bag and walking aimlessly around the empty streets.
There wasn’t many people out at this time of night, which made harder to find a place to eat, but you found a small diner that was still open and ordered some food while you sat in the booth at the far back.
The waitress brought over your food, and she frowned a little bit as she looked at you.
“Are you alright? Do you want me to call anyone for you?” She asked gently.
“I’m okay… I Uhm… I don’t know any of my friends numbers off by hand… sorry…” you mumbled back.
She just smiled at you and shook her head.
“No that’s fine, do you want some help cleaning that cut on your cheek and your knuckles?” She asked.
You shook your head.
“No I’ll be fine…”
“Alright darling, let me know if you need anything.”
She walked away and you nibbled at your food, simply getting lost in your mind as you tried to figure out what your next step would be.
No doubt your parents would call the sheriffs department tomorrow claiming that you ran away, so you had to find one hell of a place to hide.
Sighing, you pushed your half eaten food away and placed some cash on the table before slipping out the door once again.
Pulling your jacket across you a little more to beat the breeze, you started to aimlessly wonder around, ignoring sounds of someone driving past.
You stopped when you noticed the bike stop not far in front of you, and you were getting ready to run when you realised you knew who it belonged to.
Walking over, you stuffed your hands into your pockets and watched the driver to his helmet off.
“You’re driving around pretty late Scott, what’s up?” You asked.
“I was actually looking for you.” He replied.
“Huh? Why?”
Scott pulled out his phone and showed you the last message you had sent to him, asking him if he could pick you up straight away.
Putting his phone away, he gestured to the back of the bike.
“I’m sorry I took so long, I was sleeping. I checked my phone when I woke up to get a drink and came straight out to find you.”
“It’s fine, can you just take me to a motel or something?”
He handed you his helmet and waited for you to climb on the back of his bike.
“I can bring you back to mine if you want? I can set up the spare room for you.”
“I don’t want to intrude Scott it’s fine.”
“Nope, you’re coming to mine, motels aren’t safe, and it’ll waste your money.”
“Do I even get a say in this?” You sighed.
You just sighed and waited for him to get to his house before you climbed off his bike and handed the helmet back.
He gestured for you to follow him, and did.
He led you upstairs to the spare room and showed you where everything was and he leant against the doorway as he scowled a little bit.
“What happened this time (Y/N)?” He sighed.
“Nothing, forget it Scott. It’s fine.”
“It’s not, look my moms gonna be home any minute, she can help.”
You shook your head and crawled into the bed.
Scott sighed and left, he wasn’t going to make you let his mom help, but he still told his mom about what had happened so she knew you were in the house.
When you woke up the following morning, you quickly changed and made your way down the stairs to the kitchen.
It wasn’t the first time you stayed at Scott’s house after being kicked out, he was like a brother to you, so he always took you in.
“Morning (Y/N).” Melissa smiled.
“Morning Melissa, is Scott awake?”
“He had to go to work, but he said he’d be back later.”
You nodded your head and sipped from the cup she had given to you.
You weren’t really paying attention to Melissa while she wondered about the kitchen, you were too busy trying to rub the dried blood from your hands without her noticing.
When she placed something in the table, you looked up at her.
“Can I see?” She asked.
You held out your hands towards her and she got to work on cleaning them.
“What did you do?”
You didn’t reply.
“That’s fine, you don’t have to tell me. They’re alright though, just a few small cuts, can I look at the one on your face?”
You nodded and she walked over, carefully inspecting the wound on your face and cleaned it up.
“It shouldn’t need stitches, but if it reopens I’ll have to stitch it up is that okay?”
“Yeah… thank you…”
Melissa binned everything, and put the medical box away before she came over and sat next to you.
“The sheriff called here earlier looking for you.” She said.
“Did you tell him I was here?” You asked quietly.
“No, I didn’t. But he’s going to realise you’re here eventually.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll leave in the next hour. I don’t want you to get in trouble.”
You got up to leave but Melissa quickly stopped you.
“No. That’s not what I mean.” She laughed softly.
You turned to face her and frowned a little in confusion.
“Scott and I know that your home life isn’t good, and I don’t want you being taken back there, so Scott helped me write this up. If you want to stay here you just have to sign it, and then they can’t take you back, okay? You’re old enough to make your own choices, and this states that both you and I agree you’ll stay here.”
You took the paper from her and read it over.
It was simple, but it was a written contract none the less.
Looking at Scott’s mom, you tried to find the words to say to her.
“I wouldn’t be bothering you?” You asked her.
“You’re never a bother (Y/N), you know I like having you here. And with everything going on right now, I’m sure both you and Scott would love the company.”
You quickly nodded your head.
You would much rather stay here then go back home or live on the streets, so you quickly scribbled your signature.
“I swear I’ll help with shopping and dishes and I’ll do everything you ask!”
Melissa laughed a little and set the paper aside.
“I just want you to have fun and enjoy yourself.”
She opened her arms and you quickly ran to hug her, letting all your fears and worries melt away.
You knew Stilinski wouldn’t force you got go back home, and that the paper was essentially just to stop your parents demanding him to bring you back home.
“Now, I’ve got the day off, so let’s go get you some new clothes and stuff to decorate your room.”
You were practically bursting with excitement at the thought of being able to decorate and finally wear what you wanted to wear.
Melissa couldn’t help but smile at you, you were always like her child, she did everything to take care of you and try make you feel better.
She was going to be the mom you deserved, and her and Scott were going to show you the happiness of a family
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pbrbateson · 1 month
Random life update 🤍
I think I am going to take a break from therapy for awhile. I've been going for over 3 years now. It is okay. I never feel good about it but I never feel bad about it either. At the point in my recovery, I am low risk and while I know a crisis will occur before long, it seems like I am just talking to the air. Could I dig deeper? Could I labor my emotions? Sure, I just feel I am good for lack of a better word.
Health-wise - I'm the best I've been in recent memory. I eat what I want but not too much of it. I drink maybe once a week and make efforts to reduce my consumption of animal products and saturated fat thanks to some less than stellar cholesterol numbers (I blame the chocolate).
I run three times a week/10 miles a week and lift for no less than hour per week, more if I can. My sleep in on a set schedule even on weekends; minus the few days before my period when I can't seem to close my eyes until 4am because every little sound sets off an alarm in my brain.
I want to write more - I miss it. Even if its trash journaling online - it feels good to type out something more than a professional email or Slack message. This goal is extremely attainable because the word "more" is subjective so anything above once every few months is "more".
Austin finally started going to therapy, I've been waiting for this for the past 3 years but never asked it of him. I knew he had to make the choice for himself -- he is getting on some meds that we hope will help his anxiety. I have my doubts but I also have hope because why the hell not.
He wants to move again because we can't stand our garbage neighbors. A family of 4: the mom, the daughter, the daughter's live-in boyfriend, and a teenage son (of the mom). The boyfriend owns a black GMC SUV with dirt-bike racing stickers displayed above the front windshield and the letters "D + H" soaped on the back. The vehicle barely runs and when it does it is loud and obnoxious. There are three dogs living in the house, two Chows and an mutt that looks like William H. Macy. They rarely leave the house except to get late night fast or work on said junk SUV. The conversation between members consists mostly of the word "fuck" and drama similar to what you might see on mid-day television courtroom television.
To be fair, I mostly don't mind. I've had dubious neighbors before like the drug dealer that lived below me and threatened his girlfriend so loudly one night, I called the cops. It's all part of living in the world in my book. Can't change it so just let it be.
I really want to find a home someday. Columbus is my home, yes. But I've always got my mind halfway somewhere else. I've felt it forever, probably since I moved here- it was just temporary. It wasn't supposed to be 15 years. I came for a job, stayed for relationships and a job, and continue to stay because of similar items.
Home right now is where the cat is and the cat lives in Columbus.
I do love how green it is here right now. Driving along 315 last night, I thought about how all the leaves would be gone in just a few months, and the sky would be the grey-grey blue that only exists from November - March in Ohio. I feel grateful to live somewhere I feel safe and know better than any other place on the planet. I never remained planted in one place for very long growing up, I remember. Staying put allows for roots, but someday the roots can overgrow the pot, and it is time to to transplant somewhere new.
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📖 its me again 😈 do u mayhaps have any more ideas,,,
Sure do!~ here's a few more!
1: (Untitled) A Red Son x Reader LMK arranged marriage/rivals to lovers where Princess Iron fan and DBK are unconfident in their son's ability to do anything right- including finding a spouse worthy of carrying on their great family line. so, they pick one for him. you are the finest soldier in the demon bull corps; smart, strong, capable- you have never failed an assignment, and that's not about to change anytime soon. they assign you to their son's side so that you can grow closer under the guise of you being his aid in attempting to retrieve the monkey king's staff- killing two birds with one stone. Unfortunately, you aren't exactly Red Son's biggest fan, finding his haughty attitude beyond irritating. this wasn't fair to either of you, like hell you would let it go forward. Since Iron fan and DBK hadn't told their son what they were up to or straight-up forced him to tie the knot with you, you guessed that they wanted him to choose you of his own free will- something you are certain would never happen. Your plan was to put everything you had into getting that staff back and absolutly nothing into getting red son to like you. Of course youll have to fake some sort of repour when prying eyes are watching otherwise the jig is up and your bosses will find out your disobeying orders. But it should be fine, your confident that you can manage. You can beat up one measely deleviery boy. You can tollerate Red son for as long as you need to. You can get him to cooperate with the neritive without clueing him in. You wont lose.
2:(Untitled) A Micheal Afton x OC FNAF. Riley moves in with her grandparents after getting kicked out of her old school for getting into a bad fight with the principals daughter. she hates it. she liked her old school and her old friends just fine, most of all she liked her old house. but she doesn't have must of a choice in the matter, her mom cant drop everything to drive her two hours every morning with her hospital jobs hours, so moving in with her grand parents who live within walking distance of her new school is the next best thing. her first night in town, she goes boarding and accidentally knocks some guy off a bike. they don't make a great first impression on each other, but they'll have to learn to get along as long as they're classmates. the more time they spend together, the more they begrudgingly realize they have in common. this leads to a lot of rivalry, fighting and an unrealized awkward tension between them. also, they meet right before Even/CC dies so... yeah :) angst. :)
3:(The Right Path) a Laard Nar x Navigator Invader Zim fic where Nav saves the massive from sailing into the Florpus at the last second by going against the Tallest's command. everyone lived! however, the tallest we not too pleased with his disobedience. so, they had him thrown in a holding cell and scheduled for a Pak wipe. of course, having literally been born to pilot the massive, he knew the ship like the back of his hand. he escaped to a random planet on a stolen voot cruiser. on that planet he wanders, until he comes upon Resisty HQ by complete coincidence.
BONUS! 4: (All Hail Queen Bee!) a Miraculous Ladybug Re-write/Fix-it where Chloe gets to keep the bee miraculous and her character development because I'm bitter & petty. i... i could give a run down about it but there's just so much and yet not nearly enough to talk about. if i tried, id just end up ranting, it honestly needs its own post but i just wanted to let ya know it exists in my brain.
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itjazzbicch · 10 months
Long Night
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Pairing:  Takeomi Akashi x Fem Reader 
First time writing for Takeomi, so I hope I did well! 
Summary: Returning home after years of living in a different country, the reader ends up racing a stranger who turns out to be her old friend Takeomi. Reuniting and hanging out together for a night ends up being a long night as certain feelings create a tension that is quickly shattered...
Warnings:  SMUT! (18+ ONLY! MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DNI! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!) Smoking, drinking, racing w/a slight cop chase, unprotected sex (wrap it before ya tap it!), slight spanking, praise, pet names (baby & good girl), creampie, a bit of rough sex
Word Count: 2.4k 
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It was good to be back home from across the world. I already had a furnished home, and had some things to settle in the night, but it felt good to hop on my bike, having to drive through the city to get home.
Of course, I hit every red light on the way home and wasn't even halfway there. While waiting for the light to change, a bike next to me caught my attention.
It was nice! The other driver had a helmet on, too, hiding their identity, but I supped them and gave a thumbs up to their bike as a compliment. Their response? They revved their bike at me.
Looking at the lights, it was about to change at any moment now. So, I got ready and revved back at them. They only revved back, and I did the same, our back tires smoking as the light turned green, and we both took off.
There was nothing like racing that made my blood pump and my adrenaline rush. Whoever I was racing indeed had experience and guts. Little did they realize I did, too.
We were neck and neck, swerving past other cars, drifting through an intersection; my tires left behind dark tire marks, running through a red light.
I had to laugh at the driver as they looked at me like I was crazy. Even with a helmet on, I could read their expression, but I started thinking. The direction we were heading showed that they were familiar with how some gangs raced around here. I wondered if I knew them, ready to lift the visor on my helmet to speak, but we both looked back briefly as we heard sirens.
"Shit!" I groaned to myself, throwing up a peace sign to the other driver before taking some alleys to get away from the cops.
It didn't take long for me to get in the clear. I needed a second to breathe and get my heart to stop pumping so fast; I headed to an old parking garage that not too many people used, just to find the same person I was racing in the garage, too.
Now, this was too coincidental, saying before taking off my helmet:
"Yo, do I know you?"
"Y/N?" They surely knew me, taking our helmets off simultaneously, seeing that it was Takeomi.
"Takeomi! Holy shit, bro!" I couldn't believe it, smiling and giggling as we hopped off our bikes to hug each other.
"I should've known it was you," He laughed, swaying as he hugged me, "I only know a few people who drive like a maniac."
"Oh, you're one to talk!" I laughed, playfully shoving him, "Just be grateful we avoided the fuzz, dude!"
"Good point," He chuckled, pulling out a cigarette to light up, "Gonna let the heat die down a little before I head back out."
"Same," I sighed out of relief, no longer hearing any sirens; another thought popped into my head, "You got any plans tonight? I haven't seen you in forever! We got to hang out or something!"
"Just your luck, I'm free," He smirked, blowing out the smoke and ashing his cigarette, making me smile more:
"Sweet! You can come see my place."
Nodding and finishing his cigarette, we hopped back on our bikes, winking at him before putting my helmet back on:
"Just follow me if you can keep up."
"If it weren't for the cops, I would've won," He spat, laughing at him:
"Just wait till we can race again! I'll make you eat your words!"
As much as I wanted to race again, I kept things calm and took the back way to my house, leading him into the garage, parking and putting my helmet on the shelf against the wall, then grabbing the door:
"You want a drink or anything?"
"Sure," He followed, looking around my house and complimenting, "This is nice."
"Thanks," I smiled, heading into the kitchen, "It's all one floor, but I like it."
Nodding and leaning against the island, I could tell by the look on his face that he would ask me a particular question, answering before he could ask by pulling out an ashtray and sliding to him.
"Read my mind."
"Be grateful that I like you," I teased, opening the fridge and offering, "So, normal drinks, or do you want the hard stuff?"
"You know me," He smirked, laughing and grabbing the liquor, going to the couch:
"C'mon, nothing like a drink with an old friend."
"Can't argue with you on that one," He smiled, bringing the ashtray and joining me on the couch.
It was lovely to sit and chat, joke around, and reminisce. Takeomi, Shinichiro, and I were one hell of a trio when we were younger, and it felt like those times again. The more we talked, the more time passed, not realizing it was already late in the night.
"We've been drinking, and it's pretty late," I realized as I looked at my phone, "Just spend the night, 'kay?"
"'Kay," Fixed on his cigarette, I got our glasses and returned to the kitchen to clean up. After washing the glasses, I put the bottle back, bent over as I was fixing some things in the fridge, and noticed the red ring of his cigarette burning in the corner of my eye, but he wasn't ashing it.
"You burn my couch with that, and I'm gonna kick your butt," I warned, looking as he pretended to hold it over the couch, joking:
"What a shame that'd be. This is a nice couch."
"That's it," Standing and marching over to him, I was able to snatch his cigarette, only playing around, "You lost your smoking privileges."
"Hey! I was messing around!" He groaned, trying to get it back. There wasn't much left of it, and I was laughing while trying to dodge him, putting the cigarette in my mouth and pressing his hands into the couch, practically straddling over him as I had his hands pinned with my knees.
"Oh no," I inhaled, blowing out the smoke and ashing it in the ashtray beside me.
"Thought you gave up smoking?" He murmured, fixed on my lower half, "Also, that hurts."
"I have one every once in a while," I huffed, fixing my knees so they weren't hurting his hands anymore, sitting on his lap, "Better?"
"Yeah," He hummed, squeezing my thighs before settling on my hips, his head falling back a little as he smirked, whispering, "That's a lot better."
"Oh, I get it." Retracing my memory, I realized he was staring at me while I was bent over; thus, why he wasn't paying attention to his cigarette. Chuckling, "If you want something in particular, why don't you just go for it?"
"Bold of you to assume that I wasn't going to," Sliding his hands down to my ass and taking a hard squeeze, our lips smacked together; just a few parts of our lips later, his tongue explored my mouth before biting my lip, spanking my ass as he growled, "You don't know how long I've been waiting to tap this ass."
It was so long ago already since we last saw each other, my lip popping free from his bite as I stood up, starting to take off my clothes and give him a little show:
"Sorry that I kept you waiting so long."
"It's alright. Just make it up to me," He grinned, looking me up and down before his eyes followed me as I stepped out of my pants, headed to the door that was for my bedroom, my back facing him as my bra fell next, then my panties.
"I can in here if you want it," I teased, shaking my hip at him before laughing and heading into my dark room.
"You're gonna get it," I could hear his clothes dropping with his footsteps, turning on the lamp as he came in shirtless, joggers sagging, standing at the end of the bed as I was under the covers, teasing him with a finger:
"C'mon, baby."
Tossing his box of cigarettes, lighter, and keys to the nightstand, he quickly stepped out of his joggers and briefs, his cock standing against his stomach, my mouth watering as I was so fixed on it, squealing as he ripped the blanket off the bed, taking me by the ankle and dragging me down, set in the middle.
"Think you'll tease me like that, then be in charge?" He growled as he crawled on me, still holding my ankle, taking the other and snickering, "Just when I was thinking about being sweet with you."
"You know I'm no saint, Takeomi," I blew a kiss, sucking in a deep breath as he brought my legs together, pushing them toward me to expose my dripping cunt, slapping his cock against it before trailing down to tease my entrance:
"I know. I always called you my little baddie, remember?"
"I r-remember," My breaths were already hitched as he spread my legs back open, setting his tip in.
"But tonight? You're going to be a good girl. Got it?" Feeding an inch, my eyes closed softly as I moaned at the slight stretch, but that slightness turned into what felt like a small tear, his hips bucking into mine and slamming his cock deep, taking me by the jaw as a sharp moan shot out of me, nose to nose as he repeated, "Got it?"
"G-Got it-t," I stuttered out, jaw hanging as he pulled back and slammed his tip into my sweet spot, spitting out, "I'll be a good girl."
"Good," He hummed, hooking his arms under mine, his thrusts slowing down, his whisper making me break out in goosebumps, "I've been waiting for years. Wanna take my time with this sweet, little pussy."
"'m sorry I made you wait so long-ggg," I breathed carefully; that tearing eased away, and I was still so full but now wholly submerged in ecstasy.
"It's 'kay," With his mouth leaving marks all over my neck and chest, he was only driving me crazier, tongue swirling over my nipples once his hickeys formed, his pace picked up, electric heat tingling from my head to my toes, "Worth it. You fit me like a glove, baby."
"Uh huh," My head dipped back further and further the quicker he went, his arms fixing on the sides of my head, loving the fucked out expressions on my face, gripping his triceps hard and whining, "Take-"
The orgasm coming for me had me shaking with need. Not being active for a long time and then getting the life nearly fucked out of me had my body losing control much more quickly. All that could be heard was my moans mixed with the slaps of wet skin, the slaps growing louder as I repeated:
"What? Need a little more?" Slithering his hand down to find my clit, my moans got lumped and stuck in my throat as his fingers were quickly soaked, slipping but still rubbing, my clit raw and the jolts all over had my vision blacking out, just feeling his hair, arms wrapped around his neck as I started kissing him, even when I couldn't keep my mouth shut, then back to gripping his arms, digging at his skin as my orgasm was so earthshattering.
It was so intense that he dropped whatever was left of the act he pulled when we first started, our chests meeting and I was able to feel how hard each of our hearts was beating, how heavy our breaths were as he was groaning, my legs latching around his waist and trying to crush him with my thighs.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I babbled, whining sharper as he was still fucking me, my grip pulling him deeper each time, panting to him, "I need that again."
"We have plenty of time," He panted softly, pulling out so he could drop to his back, guiding me on top of him, "I wanna see what you're made of, now."
"Give me just a second," I breathed, letting my nerves die down some before sitting on the tip of his cock softly, whining at how much stronger the friction was this time.
"Easy," He cooed, holding my hips, whispering as I rolled my hips, falling closer and closer to his base each time, "Fuck, you're so tight. That's what I like."
"You like that?" I cooed back, dropping on all his cock, bouncing then grinding against his hips, gripping at the sheets and biting my lip as I moved faster, whining again as I felt his cock throbbing against my walls.
"Cum for me real quick, baby," His voice was low, thumb at my clit again, rapid this time, and the intense shock from it almost made me fall to his chest, my hands pressing hard against his chest while I tried to keep going, feeling myself getting close, but my hips kept jerking and trying to give way on me.
"It's s-soo h-hard, Take," Back to biting my lip with my nose flaring from heavy breaths, head down low, his other hand guiding my hip up and down on his cock, getting his tip back to my sweet spot.
"Cum. I know you're right there," He was right, forcing myself up to rock back and forth faster, not knowing how hard I was rocking, even when my ear started ringing, his pants and groans sounding dim, "Got damn, baby."
"God!" I was truly out of my mind, feeling worn out and clenching harder than before. I thought my first orgasm was overwhelming? His cock, our thighs, my brand-new bed sheets? Drenched. And somehow, I was still bouncing on his cock that was throbbing more than the first time, crying out to him, "Why's your dick so good, Take?"
"Why's your pussy so good?" He pulled me down to him, one arm wrapped around my head, the other keeping my ass still as he picked up his hips a little, his thrusts a little sloppy but still had speed, "You just want me to fill you up with how hard you were riding me, huh?"
"You can," Just those two words had him tensing up, grunting more as I sounded so sweet in his ear, "Fill me up, baby. Please."
No more words; I buried my face in his chest as warm strings of white seed coated my walls, leaking out even while still stuffed with his cock. We both just laid there panting till he reached for his cigarettes, lighting up, rubbing my back, and blowing out the first puff of smoke:
"Don't wanna let me go, huh?"
"That and I am beat," I chuckled, looking at him, "That was incredible, Take."
"How long has it been since we've seen each other?" He breathed, brushing back my hair, smiling, "All that tension was bound to break soon."  
2023 �� itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome 
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pairing: Steve Harrington x Byers!Female Reader
genre: follows show plot lines, but will diverge from canon at times
WC: 9.2K
warnings: cursing, a boring conversation about textbooks, i don’t think there is anything bad but let me know if there’s something i should add.
summary: Halloween is just a day away! Ready for the costumes, the candy, the movies, and the monsters?
A/N: ALL PARTS UNDER THE TAG -The Byers Harrington Story-
series masterlist
not sure if i’m gonna put two episodes together like season1 moving forward, but if i only do one episode it will be with the official show title.
please reblog if you can or leave a comment and tell me you enjoyed it. i need some validation for my writing!
a very gracious thank you to @alecmores​ for being my proof reader.
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“(Y/n)! Come on, I don’t want to be late!”
“Will, if you keep shaking me, I’m going to choke on my dinner. And then you will be significantly late, as in, not going to the arcade.”
“You eat like a sloth.”
“Will, what the hell, man?”
You were sitting at the dining table, the only one still eating, you might add. Jonathan was out late doing…something, you weren’t paying attention. Joyce got off work just an hour ago and was looking a little tired on her feet, so she headed to bed a little early, you made sure she at least ate something before knocking out. Will was the only one at the table with you eating dinner in comfortable silence until the landline started ringing. 
Upon answering you heard Mike’s squeaky voice on the other end, passing the phone to Will and then going back to eating. Overhearing the conversation you heard Will talking to Mike about the arcade, eating dinner with you, and a “see you in 30,” before he slammed the phone down. You then took notice he was eating his half-full plate of food just a bit faster, you were worried he was going to choke on a piece of bread that he didn’t chew all the way. He then hurried to wash his plate in the sink and then rushed to his room in a blur, leaving you just a bit confused as you continued to eat through your portions. Will then came back after ten minutes in his room, he was wearing the clothes he wore for school that morning instead of the comfy pajamas he changed into the second he got home. 
He then proceeded to convince you for the next five minutes to drive him to the arcade so he could hang out with the party. You knew he needed a ride, Joyce doesn’t want him or you for that matter to ride your bikes at night anymore, Will didn’t even ride his bike much now. The three of you are always driving him to school or the Wheelers, or just anywhere in general. You were getting a little tired, and you had some homework to do before going to sleep, but you saw how excited he was about the arcade so you pushed away the fatigue catching up with you. Although, apparently, you were taking too long to eat, he just started to shake you. Seeing that he wasn’t going to let up with the act, you had to hurry and clean up the table and dishes before leaving, “Will, if you help me clean, this would go a lot faster.”
That little trick worked, or at least you think it did. He usually helps with the clean-up after dinner anyway. Whatever, at least he stopped shaking you.
In a rush of grabbing both your coats and the keys, you both hurriedly locked the door and rushed to your mother's car. Turning the heat on just a touch to fight off the October chill and with the headlights beaming straight into the house, the car left the driveway and out onto the empty highway. With the radio playing some old fifties song it filled the car with noise, Will was too excited to make conversation, and you were too tired and focused on the road to start one.
“Can you stay at the arcade?”
You turned to Will and saw he was already looking at you, he looked…he looked… “Yeah, I can stay, but we’re only staying for about two hours at most. I’m tired and we have school tomorrow.”
He nodded his head then went to look out the front window and stared down the highlighted highway. You stayed focused on him for a few more seconds, trying to gauge his emotions, but you weren’t fully awake to analyze anything.
Pulling up to the Palace Arcade, the giant glowing sign spinning on its pole, you could see from the line of cars parked outside and the people, that it was a busy Monday night. You got one of the last parking spots just as Dustin, Lucas, and Mike rolled in on their bikes. You and Will both hopped out and walked onto the curb as they were chaining their bikes up.
“What’s she doing here?”
You gave a nasty glare at Mike, “what’s that supposed to mean, Wheeler?”
“Just- I just thought that this would be like- like a boys' night,” he replied exasperated. With a roll of your eyes, you replied “you guys have those almost every day. I just don’t want to drive back and forth.” You didn’t want to add that Will wanted you to stay, he probably wouldn’t have appre-
“Also, I asked her to stay,” Will spoke up.
With a look in his direction, he looked happy about you staying with them, it made your heart beat warmly. You wonder if he heard you that day, the day of his birthday when the both of you were just laying in his bed in the morning glow shining through his curtains. How you just stroked his hair to lull him back into slumber and you joined just before you whispered out, “please don’t grow up, for me.”
He would hang out with you when the both of you were home, well you always hung out, but it just seemed like he was joining you in meaningless tasks more often these days. And if he did hear you and that’s why he’s acting this way, you’ll enjoy it for however long it will last. This is your small act of ‘selfish greed’.
You looked back to the three boys, Dustin and Lucas looked pleased as well with you staying. Mike looked okay with it after Will said he asked for you to stay, you didn’t take it much to heart, Mike sometimes just had a sass that slipped from time to time. So, with that whole interaction finished, the five of you- well, the four boys rushed inside and you followed a few steps behind giving them their space.
You looked at the different aisles containing many choices of games, Pac-Man, Dig Dug, Ms. Pac-Man, Centipede, Galaga, Asteroids, Tempest, etc, along with some pinball machines lining up the back wall. You took notice as many different kids and a few high schoolers were crowding over different games and groaning as someone lost or whooping in glee at beating a level or a boss. The only game you were pretty good at was Pac-Man, and that’s not necessarily a challenging game (coming from Dustin).
After taking a lap around the crowded arcade you finally went in searching for the boys to make sure they stayed within your eyesight for the night. Just as you rounded a corner of one of the Tempest games you saw the four boys huddled around a certain arcade game, and just as you were closing in on them you could hear the sweet, angelic voice of Princess Daphne of Dragon's Lair.
“To slay the dragon, use the magic sword.”
You quietly watched from two steps behind Mike and Will as they all watched Dustin on the joystick.
The way Princess Daphne moved her body, fluttering her lashes with that purple shadow covering her lids, and then the black sheer dress that didn’t leave much to the imagination; she further proved that you found girls attractive.
“Oh, Jesus! I’m in uncharted territory here, guys!” “Down! Down! Down!,” Lucas was chanting.
“I’m going! I’m going!”
You watched the screen and saw the dragon and the brave knight fighting, the knight breaking free while the dragon spits fire, but was crushed by rocks that had collapsed onto its head. Princess Daphne jumped in surprise as the knight began to run away, passing what looked to be a giant jewel.
The four of them started to scream in delight, “I’m going! I’m going! I’m going!” Dustin chanted to himself.
You weren’t able to make out much more of the small game screen as Mike was closing in closer to Dustin. The three boys were talking over each other and you could see in Dustin’s shoulders that they were starting to stress him out during the game.
“Okay. Shut up. Shut up! Shut up!”
Then Dustin must have clicked some buttons he wasn’t supposed to because the four of them then went silent, and you could faintly see the brave knight get destroyed by the dragon’s flames. “No. No. No!” Dustin cried.
“No! No! No! I hate this overpriced bullshit!” he continued in his anger. “Son of a bitch! Piece of shit!”
“You know,” you speak, making them jump from your unknown presence, “for a bunch of 8th graders, you sure do swear a lot.”
Dustin just rolled his eyes at your comment.
“You’re not nimble enough. But you’ll get there one day. But until then, Princess Daphne is still mine,” Lucas joked to Dustin.
Dustin just shrugged off Lucas’ joke, “whatever. I’m still top on Centipede and Dig Dug.”
“You sure about that?” a voice spoke behind you.
‘Christ’ you thought with a hand jumping to your heart.
The five of you turned to the new player and saw it was Keith, he was snacking on a bag of Cheeto puffs a few steps away from your group at Dragon’s Lair.
Keith worked at Palace Arcade and Family Video it seemed, at least you would see him behind the counter over there sometimes when you went to rent a tape. He was a guy in your grade, you’re not sure if he’s flunked or what because he is someone who doesn’t look like a high schooler. Either way, high schooler or not, he was a bit creepy and he made shivers run over your body, and not the good kind, the kind that comes from Steve only. No, it was the kind where he would look over your body like it was some type of trophy he couldn’t wait to have sitting on his shelf or his hand as he got himself off.
The shivers came back just at the thought.
“Sure about what?” Dustin questioned.
Keith didn’t answer his question, just placing another puff into his mouth. Dustin looked at the boys then made a break for Dig Dug to try and decrypt Keith’s threat, “You’re kidding me. No, no, no.”
You all followed behind Dustin like he was the mother duck and you were the babies. You followed to try and lose Keith’s gross gaze over your figure. You’ll probably take a shower when you get home tonight.
Dustin was yelling at bystanders and slightly pushing them, “Move! Move! No, no, no, no, no. Hey, no! No! No!”
He went from one game to another and looked at the high score. The four of you surrounded Dustin as he stood in shock at the information being presented to him at this moment, you stood behind and held an impressed expression across your face.
“751,300 points!” Will read off the number placed above Dustin’s old score.
“That’s impossible,” Mike shot back.
The five of you turned back towards Keith. Dustin shouted his question, “Who’s Mad Max?”
“Better than you.”
“Oh shit, need ice for that burn Dustin?” you giggled.
He just flipped both you and Keith off, you giving one back to him.
“Is it you?” Will pointed to Keith.
Keith scoffed at the accusation, “You know I despise Dig Dug.”
“Then who is it?” “Yeah, spill it, Keith!” Lucas and Dustin fired back one after the other.
Keith just continued to eat the puffs grossly, his fingers covered in the dust and light specks around his mouth, “If you want information, then I need something in return.” He said it in a way like he was a villain or he was asking for something that was way out of line.
You kinda got the answer to your suspicions when the boys looked at Mike, “no, no, no. No way. You’re not getting a date with her.”
“Mike, come on. Just get him the date.”
“I’m not prostituting my sister!”
Then Keith took a look at you standing behind the four of them and that creepy smile crept back on his face. Lucas and Dustin noticed because they then turned to you with a pleading sort of look in their eyes, now they were trying to prostitute you out to Keith just for shitty information. Will stepped closer to you, his head pressed against the middle of your stomach, and he held his arms out in a sort of protective gesture. With your hands placed on his shoulders, you squeezed him in lieu of a thank you.
“It’s for a good cause, Will,” Lucas tried to coerce him into their bad plan.
He stood his ground and just shook his head ‘no’. At least Will and Mike cared about their older siblings, well, Lucas and Dustin didn’t have older siblings so...whatever, still, they tried to prostitute you and Nancy to Keith.
“No, don’t get him either date.”
“Wasn’t gonna agree in the first place,” you retorted.
“Know what? He’s gonna spread his nasty-ass rash to your whole family, Wheelers and Byers.” “Again, wouldn’t in a million years.”
“Acne isn’t a rash and it isn’t contagious, you prepubescent wastoid,” Keith shot back.
“Oh, I’m a wastoid? Nancy wouldn’t go on a date with you, (Y/n) would rather die than go on a date with you.”
‘Little harsh, but the point still stands’
“You make, like, what $2.50 an hour?”
“Nice perm,” was the only comeback Keith had. “Gonna make fun of my hair?”
You were so wrapped up in Keith and Dustin’s petty arguing that you didn’t notice Will slipping from your grasp and leaving your group. You looked all around you to try and see if he was just at a different game, but you didn’t find him. Then going up and down the aisles and the back wall, slowly you looked at each kid that could be him, but none of them were Will. Going back to the boys you turned Mike towards you.
“I can’t find Will,” you were starting to get anxious and worried.
Mike noticed your growing panic state and tried to keep you from having a panic attack, “I’ll, uh, I’ll go check outside, yeah. He’s fine, (Y/n), Will is perfectly safe.”
You just nodded your head as Mike walked away, probably to check outside as he said. You kept mumbling Mike’s words of reassurance to yourself, ‘Will is okay. He wasn’t taken again. Probably outside for some air. Will is alive an-’
A voice snapped you from your worried thoughts. You turned around and looked at Mike who had an arm around Will’s shoulder. You released a breath you didn’t know you were even holding in the first place, your chest moving in a harsh rhythm. With a small stumble in your steps, you threw yourself into a body-crushing hug, grasping onto Will like he was your air supply. A hand on the back of his head and your fingers threading through the strands calmed you just a little, but the stressed tears escaped.
Kneeling on the floor you pulled away and looked at Will, the new height making you see eye to eye with each other. With your busy hands running from his hair, and then to his cheeks, they finally rested on his shoulders.
“Will, please, don’t try and do that again. I don’t- I, just please don’t wander off again, ‘kay?”
You could see the glassiness forming in Will’s eyes, his eyes holding an apology within. He just nodded his head and then went back in for another hug which you reciprocated with reassurance and anxiety.
When the next day rolled around, you were trying to keep your eyes open.
You and Will didn’t get home until nine-thirty, and then you had to work through the homework you kept putting off all day yesterday, and you weren’t done until one am. Then you took a quick warm shower ‘cause you swear you could still feel Keith’s eyes crawling over your skin and if you couldn’t rip your skin off your bones, might as well just scrub until you're red.
Then you were awoken by Jonathan shaking you from sleep and telling you that they had to leave in ten minutes. So you rushed through your usual morning routine, brushed your teeth, washed your face, the whole process. Digging and pulling out drawers you tried to find an outfit that was good for the weather and something that still looked a bit put together, finally, you just settled on something when you checked your clock, you had two minutes. Throwing your homework and other school supplies back into your bag and slipping your shoes on without tying the laces yet, you made a quick grab on an apple and then ran to Jonathan’s car which was already running.
Jonathan and Will, who were both in the front, turned around and looked at you.
“Drive,” you pointed to Jonathan, your breathing heavy.
Jonathan took a glance at Will and then shifted the car into reverse. With your breathing returning to its usual normal pace, you were able to bite into the apple you grabbed off the kitchen table. As you chewed your pieces you fumbled around in your bag making sure you didn’t forget anything in your room. In search of something important for a class today and not finding it at the first glance, you begin to dig through the thrown-in contents.
With a huffed sigh, you placed your head in your free hand and slammed your back against the leather seats.
“Crap,” you whispered, forgetting the book you needed for class today.
Looking out the window and eating your apple, you zoned out. Not wanting to think about what a hardass Mr. Fry is about the books for class, not wanting to think about the looks Jonathan and Will gave you when stepping into the car, and not wanting to think about seeing Steve and Nancy in the halls. Honestly, you were just looking forward to working this afternoon, Bob was someone who could keep your mind off the bad distractions.
With a slamming noise, you tuned back in and saw Will walking away, him turning back around for a second so he could wave the both of you off, the both of you sending him one back. Watching as Will joined the other boys was when Jonathan pulled away from the middle school and drove further down the road and pulled into the high school parking lot.
As he drove to his usual spot, you spotted the maroon BMW that was parked in Steve’s spot. You couldn’t see directly into the car, but you could tell he and Nancy were talking in the front seats. Steve being with Nancy meant that he was starting to take school more seriously, which, sadly, wasn't going to do him much good seeing as he was in his senior year and his grades before were kinda low. Honestly, as long as he graduates, that’s good enough.
“Hey, do you have Mr. Fry?”
Jonathan parked the car and turned the engine off before replying, “No, I got Miss. Davis, why?”
“I forgot the book I need for class, and he’s a pain in the ass about ‘bring the supplies for class’ type crap.”
“You could ask Nancy, I think she has his third period,” he turned to look at you.
Running your teeth over your bottom lip you took a peek back towards the maroon car. You could barely see shadowy figures hunched close to each other. That certain feeling was making its way into your stomach, a feeling you didn’t want to acknowledge at this time.
You just gave a nod while still facing the car and then grabbed your belongings. Just as you placed a foot onto the cracked pavement, the loud sound of a car revving its engine caught your attention. Seems like it caught a few eyes since a handful of people watched a blue Camaro roll through the parking lot and pull into a spot.
When the noise of the loud engine died both doors opened revealing two different people.
Stepping out the driver’s side was a boy.
He was wearing what looked to be black-heeled boots, which added a bit of height to his character. Wearing denim jeans that hugged his lower half, tighter than what was probably comfortable, with a black belt around the waist. Paired with the denim jeans was a denim jacket  thrown over a white shirt. His blonde hair was a mess of a mullet. He grabbed a cigarette and lit it, holding it to his lips for a few seconds he finally released the smoke from his lungs as he looked at the watchful eyes.
Now the other person stepping out the passenger side was a girl.
A red-headed girl. She wore a red Adidas zip-up jacket over a shirt and sported loose denim jeans compared to the boys’ tight ones. Her green sneakers pushed against the ground as she threw her skateboard down and headed in the direction of the middle school.
They didn’t exchange any pleasantries before going their separate ways.
You looked at Jonathan with a curious look in your eyes due to the two people. Taking note that he was looking in a different direction, you followed in his actions and looked to whatever stole his attention. With raised brows, you saw Steve and Nancy outside the car. They seemed to have watched the same interaction you just did, but now the both of them looked at the two of you. Both Nancy and Steve gave a greeting in the form of a tiny wave, you returned the gesture to both of them not knowing Jonathan only returned his for one person.
“I’ll, uh, I’ll see you after school,” You barely turned your head at Jonathan before jogging over to the BMW.
Meeting Nancy halfway from the car you placed a hand on her elbow, “Do you have Mr. Fry?”
“Yeah, third period. Why?”
“I forgot my book for today and was wondering if I could borrow yours? I have him second period so I could just wait for you after class is over.”
“Uh, yeah, that’s fine. I just gotta stop by my locker first.”
“Well, we are locker neighbors, so I’ll join you.”
You took notice that Steve caught up to the two of you.
He was wearing a blue jacket, somewhere between navy blue and a light blue color. You could see the dark red polo he was wearing beneath, the shirt hugging close to his torso. His denim jeans hugged his thighs so nicely you had to make sure they didn’t stray further down. His hair has been getting longer over the summer, but it looks like he got a trim recently. The ends were still a bit longer compared to last year and the products are back in place to sculpt the signature style. You missed his longer and product-free summer hair, but that was summer. It was fall now and so, like the seasons, things changed.
“Got room for one more body?” he asked teasingly.
“Always, Harrington,” you replied with a tight smile.
The school day came and went in a flash thankfully.
English was fine, there was a pop quiz in Math, History was boring as usual and washed of actual events that happened, you wanted to die in P.E., and you were barely passing Spanish. With a new pile of homework assignments sitting in your bag, the stacks of books you needed from your locker were waiting for your approaching figure. You walked up to your locker just as Nancy and Jonathan were leaving their class together. You could just barely make out whatever Nancy was talking about to Jonathan, “No, no way. You’re gonna be home by eight o’clock, listening to the Talking Heads and reading Vonnegut or something.”
“Sounds like a nice night.”
“Well, what if (Y/n) wanted to go?” Nancy posed whatever they were talking about now, throwing you into the mix.
“What if I wanted what?” You respond, leaning against your locker and watching the two of them sport a surprised expression by your sudden unannounced presence.
Nancy looked between you and Jonathan, “I was just talking about Tina’s Halloween party tomorrow night. Jonathan says he doesn’t want to go, but what about you? Any exciting plans that rival Jonathan’s?”
You thought for a moment, “Well we were gonna go trick-or-treating with Will, and then I would go over to Robin’s for the night. Scary movie marathon and stuffing ourselves full. Exciting stuff.”
Nancy nodded her head slowly with a tight smile. Again she looked between you and Jonathan, “Well, it’s just- I don’t know. You guys might have fun, and who knows, you might even, like, meet someone at the party.”
You took a look at Jonathan and, at the same time, you heard Nancy shriek beside you. Turning to the noise you saw Nancy being set back on the ground with Steve behind her, his arms circling her waist, and for some reason, he was wearing black ray-bans. The sounds of the laughs mixing made that funny feeling come back into your stomach, you almost feel like throwing up. Nancy turned around in Steve's hold and now her books were resting against his chest, the cheeky smile plastered across Steve’s face grew another feeling, one in your heart.
“Oh, my god! Take those stupid things off,” Nancy jerked to the glasses perched on his nose.
He just laughed, “I missed you,” he then took the glasses off to look directly into her eyes.
The loving gaze swimming in his irises was one you could only dream about one day.
“It’s been, like, two hours.”
“Tell me about it,” and then he pulled her into a kiss with his left hand caressing her neck and his thumb just brushing against her ear.
You and Jonathan made eye contact and the both of you could tell the other wanted out, right away. So, quickly and quietly the both of you snuck off down the hall and out the door, neither of you watching as Steve and Nancy snuck in a deep kiss, and neither of you noticed when the both of them watched your backs leaving through the double doors. With the both of you outside, no one else around, you decided to speak about something that's been on your mind for a while.
“So…you wanna talk about it?”
“What are you talking about?” Jonathan replied monotone.
“Oh, I don’t know, just that you might…have certain feelings towards Nancy.”
He didn’t respond, that was the only answer you needed to your burning question.
“Well, what about you?”
“What about me, what?”
“Oh, I don’t know, just that you might…have certain feelings towards Steve,” he copied your phrasing.
Now it was your turn to not respond.
‘Checkmate Jonathan, checkmate’  
Work was quiet, as usual, but you enjoyed the quiet.
The store being slow and quiet allowed for you to do some homework, you can take naps in the back closet (Bob allows it), and you and Bob get the time to talk with each other and continue knowing more about each other, and he also helps teach you certain things about advanced tech.
Not to mention that Joyce broke the news just a few months ago that she and Bob started to see each other, and you couldn’t be happier for the two of them. Jonathan and Will were a little mean, not rude mean, they were just being stupid boys. You liked Bob and he was a good man for Joyce. She needed someone who was the complete opposite of Lonnie, someone who cared for her and her three children. Someone smart and doesn’t try ‘fixing’ problems with their fist, someone who understands that Will is a sensitive child.
Bob Newby is someone you can easily see as your father figure, and that was a bit of dangerous territory to walk.
“Oh, math! I love math!”
You looked away from the complex equation printed on your homework and up into the bright face of your boss who was staring down at the pages. Bob was fantastic at math, especially because part of the work involved coding on the computer- something he tries to teach you, but it’s so foreign that you can’t grasp much of it.
Pointing the tip of your eraser at an equation written in your textbook you’ve been staring at for twenty minutes, “You think you can walk me through this? I zone out during math sometimes.”
“(Y/n), you gotta pay attention, math is something you use in everyday life! It would also help with work,” he tutted.
“Bob, I’m more of an English girl. I love reading, getting to interpret different meanings from the story, and getting to imagine love-like romance books one day. Love a good Jane Austin in my free time.”
The both of you just grinned at each other after the interaction. 
Bob made you feel safe, you weren’t worried he was ever gonna yell at you because you don’t think he’s capable of yelling. He gives hugs like a giant teddy bear and his laughs are so contagious you can’t help to join in, even if it’s after a bad joke he threw out. When you hung around Bob you didn’t think about the broken family you had or the trauma stored away inside your mind, no, you just saw a bright future ahead.
“So, any plans for Halloween tomorrow?”
“Jonathan and I are gonna take Will trick-or-treating with his friends, and then I’m gonna spend the night at my friend Robin’s. There’s this party happening that night, but I’m not sure if either  of us want to go.”
“Well, even if it’s not the best idea, I think you should go.”
You threw Bob a curious look, usually, adults don’t want kids going to parties, especially cause they pretty much already know there will be alcohol and maybe some weed. Well, it is Hawkins, Indiana. There isn’t much to do in this small town anyway.
“I just- I never went to any parties when I was in high school, I wasn’t even invited. I just think that even if you end up hating it, at least you got to experience it. You can always say you went to a party during high school, the first time for everything and all that.”
You took in his words. He was right, you may not end up enjoying the actual party, but you’ve never been to one before. You probably won’t go to one in senior year, this could be the one chance to ‘be normal’. To get to be a stupid teenager, maybe even get drunk- not stoned. Not after…
“Yeah, I’ll think about it.”
He seemed satisfied with your reply, “Oh! What’s your costume?” he blurted out.
“I’m going as Wendy from Peter Pan. I found the perfect dress at the thrift store last month, and it’s also a simple costume to put together.”
“Well, I can’t wait to see you all dressed up, I’m gonna be a vampire!” he said the last part in a horrible Romanian accent.
A smile spilled onto your lips.
“Well, I’m gonna take my last fifteen. I’ll be over at Mendle’s, need anything while I’m there?”
Bob shook his head no, and with that, you left the store and walked past the few other store signs before pulling open the doors to Mendle’s. You didn’t see Joyce right away upon entering so you just walked to the counter and hopped up waiting for her to come and keep you company.
The ringing of the bell alerted you that someone has entered the store. You continued to look for Joyce on the sales floor, but you didn’t see or hear her at all. You’ve seen her handle purchases so if she doesn't come back soon you’ll just deal with the customer. With your head down and back facing away from the door you didn’t see the customer, you didn’t see that it was the boy who always snuck his way into your dreams. The boy who took your breath away and he didn’t even know, the one you wish for just a moment he would look at you like you created the universe
Steve Harrington walked down the aisles of Mendle’s quietly, not wanting to make a sound. He wanted just a few seconds to observe you in your simple state. Leaning with your hands behind you to support your body on the counter, the red vest you wore over the shirt he saw from this morning at school. How your lips were in a pout and sometimes you would pull your bottom lip between your teeth, or you would stick your tongue out and lick your lips wet.
“Byers,” you jumped from the sudden deep voice.
“Christ, don’t do that-” you dropped off your sentence when you saw who startled you.
He had the cheeky smirk playing on his features, and your breath was stolen without him even trying.
“Whatcha’ doing here?” Steve leaned against the counter.
“I’m on my fifteen and I wanted to bother my mom, but it seems that she’s busy working. I could help you checkout with whatever you have.”
The both of you just stewed in the silence, enjoying the other's company. After summer ended the both of you still hung out, but it wasn’t the same. During the summer it felt like it was only the two of you at the community pool, no one in sight or sound for miles. It felt like you got lost in each other when you were just in the other air bubble, at least it always felt that way for you. But once the bright and hot summers turned to earlier dusk and fleece coats, it felt like Steve pulled away a bit. Sure, you didn’t constantly reach out to Steve, but to you, it still felt like a dream. Like if you were to call him randomly one day and ask if he wanted to hang out he would scoff over the phone and reply with a curt, ‘and why would I want to hang out with you in my free time?’ or he could respond, ‘I’m not your boyfriend, back off!’ So you would end up only seeing Steve at school mostly, a safe distance for your heart and brain.
The two of you wrapped up in the other, you gazing over Steve's delicate features that are hidden away from a passerby, and Steve whose eyes were glossed over and the smile never leaving his face, the both of you failed to hear the approaching footsteps.
“When did the both of you get here?”
Jerking both your heads in the direction of the voice, Joyce was carrying a box of whatever, it had to be something a bit hefty because she looked like she was struggling to keep a hold. Just as you were moving to jump from the counter to her aid, Steve rushed forward and easily held the weight of the box from her smaller frame. You could see the tightening of his coat around his arms and shoulders, you imagined in your head you were drooling a bit at the sight. Subconsciously, you raised a hand and made sure you weren’t drooling at the sight.
“Well, I was here to bother you on my fifteen, but I think I have to head back in a couple of minutes,” replying as your feet hit the ground.
“And what about you, Steve,” Joyce turned her attention to him now.
“I, uh, I actually forgot what I came here for. Sure it will hit me again once I park my car at home,” he chuckled.
Together they walked to the counter, Joyce behind and Steve on the other side dropping the box onto the brown countertop. You stepped closer to Steve and took a peek inside the brown box, “more Halloween stuff? It’s tomorrow though.”
“Some people are last-minute shoppers, honey,” Joyce answered while reaching inside.
You completely forgot that you were standing close to Steve, part of your chest brushing against his back and arms. The warmth he radiated was almost like a furnace, it made you want to cuddle with him in bed and dreamily doze off into your fantasy land. You stepped away once your mind went there.
With a cough to break the tension, you looked at both Joyce and Steve, “Well it was nice seeing the both of you, but I have to get back to work. Bob’s gonna try and teach me some computer coding again,” and you were off.
With the dinging of the bell signaling your exit, you released a shaky exhale. When you were just a few steps away from Mendle’s you faintly heard the bell again, then rushed footsteps slapping against the pavement. You turned around to be met with Steve, the wind toying with strands of his hair and the fabric of his jacket. Stuffing your hands into the pockets of your work vest, you cocked a brow at Steve’s sudden rush to follow you.
“Your-your mom asked if I could-could give you a ride home? Said she was gonna have to stay behind a little longer, and she doesn’t want you going home too late.”
“So you want to wait two hours, to take me home? I could always ask Bob, he was coming over tonight anyway.”
“Wait, your mom and Bob are…” he trailed off.
You just nodded for your answer. His face went through a few quick emotions processing this new information. He was staring at something behind you and then focused back on you, “yeah I could wait. I already told your mom I could. It's no big deal anyway, I don’t have anything until later tonight. Rather stay away from my empty house for as long as possible.”
You turned your body back in the direction of the store, but looked beside you to see Steve following you, “Your parents on another business trip?”
With his hands tucked into the front pockets of his jeans, he kicked at loose pebbles on the sidewalk and gave a curt nod to your question. A frown tugged your lips down, Steve didn’t talk about his parents much and you never pushed for the information, but anytime he did mention them they were always seemingly out of town. And it seemed that he was always home alone, in that big house, no one showing up to show that they cared about his well-being and safety. You wanted to extend an invitation to him, saying that if he ever wanted to drive out you would sneak him into your room, or you could bike to his house and keep him company. But that was something you could only do if you were in a relationship with him or if Steve was single, him being with Nancy, that’s another line you can’t cross in this friendship.
“Well, we’ll be keeping each other company for the next two hours. I’ll see if Bob can let you behind the counter. Maybe you can watch as he teaches me coding, it’s going to be an entertaining sight.”
The two of you chuckled at your joke.
You could feel the fabric of his coat brushing against your arms again, neither of you moving away when you realized how close you were walking together down the street.
A bubble of just the two of you.
“Again, you didn’t have to do this.”
“And again, (Y/n), I don’t mind taking you home.”
The drive from Radio Shack to your house was pretty quiet. You said your goodbyes to Bob and he just told you he’ll see you later, it was movie night. When he started the car he adjusted the radio volume and set it low enough where you could still hear the trending music, but you didn’t have to worry about shouting over each other. And then he did that thing, you know the car thing. Where he threw one arm behind your headrest and twisted his body so he could make sure he was clear to reverse out the spot, it gave you such a clear view of his side profile, how his jaw was a bit tensed. You let your wondering eyes focus on the moles dotting his face, the ends of his hair that tucked just under his ear.
He looked beautiful.
“So, what are your plans for the evening?” “Huh?” “You mentioned you had something later tonight, is it something you can talk about?” You don’t know you were being nosey all of a sudden, you try to stay out of other people’s business.
“Ah, well Nancy and I are going to the Holland’s for dinner,” and this is why you don’t ask.
“Oh. How are they holding up?” You knew it was a stupid question. They lost their daughter, and they don’t know the actual truth behind her death. The three of you could have ended up in that position with Will, but he somehow managed to survive over there, Barbara never even got a chance to fight.
“You probably already know the answer.”
“Yeah, I don’t even know why I asked.”
The radio filled the silence for a while. Switching between different decade songs, some sixties, and then would hop to the eighties, then switch again to the seventies. You kept your eyes on your fingers that were clasped tightly on your lap like you were restraining yourself from reaching out and touching him.
At some point, you might have to completely shut your brain off if it kept going in a certain direction when it came to Steve. You were hurting yourself with these thoughts and dreams, but you were also unintentionally hurting Nancy with your dreams and desires. Just because you weren’t extremely close with her doesn’t mean you should be doing something that could ruin their relationship or your friendship with either of them, you’re not a homewrecker.
“You die over there?”
Turning your attention away from your hands and up to Steve’s face, you noticed he was already looking your way before back at the empty road.
“Yeah, yeah, just- just a bit tired. Sleeping has been a bit hard these past few months,” you tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“Are you having nightmares?”
“Uh, yeah. Seems I can’t escape them,” you tried to joke.
“You know, sometimes, I have them.” You focused back on Steve as he kept his eyes forward. His right hand held a steady grip on the lower half of the wheel while his left elbow rested against the window, his hand rubbing against his chin and jaw, then it went slack. He looked to be in thought, trying to sort through his next words, not wanting to say something that might come out the wrong way.
Finally, “One of the dreams I have always taken place at your house, all four of us fighting the monster,” “Demogorgon.”
“Whatever, the Demogorgon. It comes after us, one by one. The order always changes, but I’m always the last one to get killed, so I just have to constantly hear the three of you scream in pain and terror. We would try and help each other, but- it never works in the end. You all die and I’m the last one to go.”
Absorbing this new information, you looked back to your hands. His nightmares were similar to yours, always at your house, watching people die because of the monster, not being able to do anything in the situation but watch. Always the last to be killed.
“What about the other one?”
You looked back to Steve and his brows were furrowed in the middle. You clasped your hands tight, the desire to run the padding of a finger over the crease to smooth it out was alert. Taking notice of the way that Steve’s eyes made a glance at you in your seat and then back to the road, you could tell it was something he didn’t want to mention.
“You don’t have to tell me, the one is fine.”
The rest of the drive was silent.
You and Will were sitting on his bed and drawing as you waited for movie night to start. With the faint commotion coming from the kitchen where Joyce and Bob were working on the snacks, a discrete smile appeared. Turning away from your terrible drawings of whatever you were going for, you peered over Will’s pages to see his work. It was a boy with green skin, twigs sticking out of his hair, and pieces of flesh ripped open allowing him to show the muscle and teeth within. You took a glance at the writing beside the boy.
“Who’s zombie boy?” “It’s me,” he responded quietly.
A furrowed brow, “Where’d you come up with that? Did someone say it at school?” You started to get a bit defensive now.
“Might have been mentioned at school, but it’s not a big deal. It’s true anyway.”
“Yeah, but, they shouldn’t be calling you names over this? Plus they don’t kn-” “(Y/n), I’ve been called worse. I think I can handle zombie boy,” Will blurted.
You moved away from the close space you created, allowing for the both of you to take a minute. Will didn’t always talk about the things that happened at school, but you could always tell that most of the kids treated him and the party horribly. You and Jonathan understood to an extent of the school bullying, both of you were seen as outcasts and freaks in the popular kids' eyes. But kids messing with Will after his whole experience made you extra protective of him, just because they didn’t know the stuff he went through shouldn’t allow for them to start picking on him and calling him even worse names than before.
A knock at the door disrupted your sentence.
Jonathan walked in holding three VHS tapes and looked between the both of you, “Hey. I didn’t know what you’d like, so I got a variety. Take your pick.” It was Will’s night to pick the movie.
“Whatever you want,” you could hear the tension playing at his vocal cords.
He just went back to coloring his zombie boy. You ran a hand through your hair and looked at Jonathan just as he met your eyes, he could also tell something was up with Will.
“All right,” he sat beside Will’s feet. “What are you working on?”
He peered at the pages just like you did a few moments ago, “Zombie boy? Who’s zombie boy?” He looked hesitant to tell Jonathan, “it’s Will,” you blurted out.
Jonathan looked between the both of you. You could see the bit of anger rising in Will’s eyes.
“Did someone call you that?”
Will just sat quietly and continued in his coloring while you and Jonathan looked from each other to Will. It hurt that he wasn’t opening up to either of you about this, stuff that’s happening at school, and how he’s doing. The two of you still sometimes meet up during the middle of the night when awoke from a nightmare and can’t sleep right away, but he isn’t vocally telling you what’s going on in his head.
“Hey. You can talk to me, to us. You know that, right? Whatever happened? Will, come on, talk to us,” Jonathan pleaded.
Will jerked his head up when Jonathan reached hishand out, “Stop treating me like that!” he raised his voice.
The two of you were taken aback by his voice, “What? Like what?” Jonathan asked.
“Like everyone else. Like there’s something wrong with me.”
“There’s nothing wrong with you Will,” you spoke, “but you went through something- something traumatic. We’re just trying to look out for you.”
He huffed a sigh, “It feels like everyone is hovering over me, waiting for me to crack or something.” “What are you talking about,” asked Jonathan.
“Mom, Dustin, Lucas. Everyone. They all treat me like I’m glass, like I’m gonna break. Like I’m a baby. Like I can’t handle things on my own.”
You scooted closer to Will, but kept a breath of space between your bodies, “Will, we’re just trying to help you.” “Well, it doesn’t help. It just makes me feel like a freak.”
“You’re not a freak,” Jonathan stated.
“Yeah, I am. I am.” He then went back to harshly coloring the pages.
Breathing in and closing your eyes, you took a minute to take in Will’s words. You didn’t realize that your hovering caused him this much distress. All you want is for him to be safe and to go back to living his life, his normal life.
“You know what? You’re right,” Jonathan stated.
You opened your eyes and Jonathan was looking directly at Will and he was doing the same. You were curious about where this was going.
“You are a freak.” “What?” “No, I’m serious. You’re a freak. But what? Do you wanna be normal? Do you wanna be just like everyone else?”
The speech made you think of that day on the bleachers with Robin, “do you ever feel…do you ever wonder what it would feel like to be- to be someone normal?” How you told her that you also liked girls, how you thought for the longest time that liking anyone who wasn’t a boy made you a freak, not worthy of society. Robin telling you how she doesn’t see you any different just because of this. You constantly think of how to be ‘normal’, but being the standard is boring and just not achievable. Maybe being a ‘freak’ is the best thing about you, about the Byers family.
“Being a freak is the best. I’m a freak, (Y/n)’s a freak.” “Hell yeah, I’m a freak.”
“Is that why the both of you still don't have any friends?” Will looked between the both of you.
“Hey, I do have friends, thank you very much,” you pointed a finger between yourself and Will, “don’t know about Jonathan though.”
Jonathan chuckled, a little nervous, “I have friends, guys.”
“Yeah, who are these mystery friends? I never see you hanging out with anyone at school?”
“And why are you always hanging out with me if you have friends?”
The both of you just stared down Jonathan, you were trying so hard to keep the smile and giggles from breaching the surface. He looked a bit exasperated with you as he ran his hand through his hair.
“Because you’re my best friend, Will. You’re both my best friends, all right?” “Actually, I think Robin is my best friend, Will’s my second best friend. Sorry, pal.”
“(Y/n),” he sighed.
“Sorry, just continue.” He looked back to Will, “I would rather be best friends with zombie boy than with a boring nobody. You know what I mean?” Will didn’t respond.
“Okay, who would you rather be friends with? Bowie or Kenny Rogers?” You asked in substitution.
“Ew,” Will stuck his tongue out like just the question left a bad taste.
“Exactly. It’s no contest.”
“The thing is, nobody normally ever accomplished anything meaningful in this world. You got it?” “Well…some people like Kenny Rogers,” Will added as an afterthought.
“Kenny Rogers.” The three of you looked to the doorway and saw Bob standing outside the threshold, “I love Kenny Rogers.”
You looked at each other, a smirk playing on your lips, and the three of you each released a tiny chuckle. You smack Jonathan on the knee and gave a quick flick to Will’s right ear to make sure their giggles stop.
“What’s so funny?” “Oh, nothing,” you feign innocence.
Bob reached for the tapes Jonathan left on Will’s dresser, he looked at the top on and smiled, “Mr. Mom, perfect!” he whoops in glee.
Once he left the three of you couldn’t contain your giggles at that display. You then pushed the boy to get off the bed.
“Okay, let's go, freaks! Movie night!”
Once movie night was over everyone headed their separate ways.
You got changed and ready for bed, but you stayed up a little longer to finish more of the homework that you put off. When you had most of it complete and went over it twice to look for any mistakes. Satisfied with how they look, you put everything away neatly inside your bag and then shut off your lights.
Tonight it seemed no dreams or nightmares snuck into your mind. You only had the darkness and the quiet as your lullaby for the first time in a year, the ghost of a smile gracing your lips. As you were slowly and slowly inching closer to a full deep sleep the creaking of your door caught your attention. With your back to the door, you rolled over and leaned on an elbow to try and make out the dark shadowed figure. With your eyes adjusting to the dark you started to see the tiny figure of,
“Will? What’s up buddy?” He stepped further into your room and shut the door behind him. You started to get worried so you sat up and reached to turn the light back on. With the illumination, you could see the shake racking through his body, the terror penetrating his corneas, and the slight drops of sweat beading from under his hair.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” You pulled the blanket back as an invitation for him to climb in.
He pressed a knee into the mattress slowly, and then he leaned into your figure. Both of you clinging to each other instantly, his arms thrown over your shoulders and yours wrapped around his tiny waist. His head was tucked deep into your neck and you moved a hand to keep pressure against the back of his head. You could feel the wetness of tears touching your skin, your own eyes watering at the thought of Will being hurt by something.
“Hey, can you tell me what’s wrong?”
He sniffled his tears before pulling away just so he could look into your eyes, “I saw it.”
A furrow of brows, “saw what?” “Upside Down,” was all he said.
Instantly you pushed his head back into your neck and laid the both of you down onto your mattress. Caressing the strands of hair, you shushed and cooed into his ear, “it’s okay” “you’re safe”, anything to calm him down, even if they might be lies to both your ears.
Soon his body stopped shaking and you could hear his breathing slowing down and going shallow, he finally let sleep take his hand and walk him into a peaceful dream, anything to keep him away from his reality.
“It’s gonna be okay, Will. It’s gonna be okay,” you whispered to yourself.
A lie is sometimes more important than the truth.
taglist: @heartyhope / @preciousbabypeter​ / @dessmxsworld​ / @piper3113 / @animiacorn​ / @burn1ngw00d​ / @drxwstxrkxy​ / @m-rae23​ / @noisyeggsmoneystatesman​ / @yournan69​ / @thats-s0-ravenn​ / @ameliabs-world​ / @mayonesavegana​ / @gracella0709​ / @gengen64​ / @alecmores​ / @choclate32 / @stvrdustalexx​ / @redheadedfangirl​ / @agustdeeyaa​ / @yappydoo / @liberhoe /
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docwritesshit · 1 year
A Dragon can't Fall from its skies, not for you
Pairing: Mei x Reader
Genre: Ehh angst w/ fluff ig?
Blurb: You weren't about to let your feelings ruin your friendship, at least ... that was you though
Authors note: this was fun! Slowly getting back into writing, still in burnout so still NO REQUESTS
It wasn’t… It… how did things end up like this?
You took a breath, closing the door behind you. It… why… You huffed a bit, feeling the heat rush to your face. Her smile came to your mind, and you shook you head to get it out. Then her laugh rang in your ears, and you held your palms over them. You needed to block them out.
You didn't need this right now… she didn't need you. You certainly didn’t need for your heart to feel like this.
Your phone chimed, making you pause and look at the notifications to see her text.
“Hey, up for the arcade later?”
You sighed, texting a thumbs down. She would get the message you were tired.
You sat on your bed, looking up to the ceiling. You let your mind wander. Her emerald eyes and scales paired with her raven black hair with those cheesy green highlights flashed in your vision.
You smiled to yourself as you recalled the moment you realized your feelings ran deeper than you thought.
It was just another motorcycle drive. You held onto her waist as you sped through the night, the streets empty with only a few stragglers here and there. It was one glance, just one. Her eyes sparkled with joy, with… something wonderful.
It was a miracle you didn’t fall off the bike then and there, and a bigger sign of the gods above that she turned around just as a blush erupted on your face.
Then the distance started.
You were a part time barista as you went to college, while her parents were loaded and she was a fucking dragon. It wouldn’t work…
You pulled away, only hanging with her if you knew someone else was there with you. You talked less, and needed to be repeated at a few rimed for you to respond.
Was it kinda dickish? Yeah… but what else could you do?
A knock from your front door brought you back to reality. You raised an eyebrow, and looked down at your phone.
“Well then, I’m coming to you.”
You started to scramble a bit, wondering if you could try the fire escape before you heard the knob turn and the door open. You facepalmed yourself, your dumbass forgetting to get back the keys you lent her to house sit.
“I know you’re here, your shoes are by the door.” She called out. You groaned lowly, opening the door to your bedroom to face her.
Mei’s short hair was still in its place, even after you spotted the motorcycle helmet on your living room table. She crossed her arms, pouting.
“What the hell is up with you?” She asked. You froze for a second, before forcing a smile.
“What do you mean?”
She raised an eyebrow, giving you a look that screamed she knew that you were aware of what she was talking about. You sighed, and looked away.
“Look, it's.. fine. I'll be fine. I just… need space.” You said. Mei’s eyes widened, backing away.
“Shit, did I do something? I’m so sorry-“
“No, no. You didn't do anything… It’s me, mostly.” You assured her. Her brow furrowed a bit, and she stepped closer, hands raising then pausing in mid air.
“Can I?” She asked. You nodded your head before your brains could process what that would mean. She wrapped her arms around you, holding you close. You hugged her tight as well, tears pricking your eyes.
“You don't have to tell me… but I care for you. And I will be here for you, no matter what.” She stated. You sighed, resting you head on her shoulder.
“That’s the problem…” You muttered. She paused, pulling back and looking at you with a puzzled look.
“What?” She asked.
And it all.. spilled out. You cried as you confessed, stepping away from her as you explained. After it was done.. you looked away. It was silent… until she lifted you up and spun you around, laughing merrily.
‘Oh my gods, gem! I didn’t know you felt the same!” She cheered. Your head spun as she put you down, and you looked to her.
“The… same?” You questioned. She smiled
“Duh! I’ve liked you since… well, I forget when I realized but it’s been a minute.” She smiled. You chuckled, the tightness in your chest loosening.
“I see we both aren’t good at this…” You commented. Mei smirked, leaning in close.
“No, but we could get better~” She teased. You blushed again and looked away.
This was… gonna be interesting.
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nroibdodyl3e1r · 2 years
Tumblr media
Olive's baby-sitter
Chap 3 " movie night"
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, hurry up!!” You think. As soon as you get out of the store, you drive as fast as you can back to high school to give Tia her bike back.
You almost fall off the bike when you get there, out of breath you give Tia her keys back. You pause for a few seconds to catch your breath and say "Thanks Tia... I have to go... otherwise I'll be late". And just as quickly you ran off to get Olive.
Dwayne watches the whole scene from a distance thinking "what the f- is going on". It's the first time he, Tia, and Soph have seen you do so much sport.
You arrive at Olive's elementary school, almost passing out.
When you get home, you let Olive have her snack and you take the opportunity to put Dwayne's gift on his desk.
Then you go to Olive’s room and suggest you watch her favorite DVD, a beauty contest from last year. This is your strategy, not brave, to avoid seeing Dwayne and be completely embarrassed when he will find your gift.
When you hear the front door open your heart stops for a moment. You think you're going to die of stress but suddenly the phone rings and you hear Richard answer, your soul returns to your body.
"Can we go to the garden? I want to show you my new moves!" Olive asks and you immediately agree, you won't survive this fear a second time and in the garden, you won't hear anything.
As usual, as soon as Dwayne gets home, he goes straight to his room. He stops when he sees something on his desk; "American Idiot" by Green Day with a little note: "I thought you might like it. Thanks again for everything :)". His cheeks turn instantly red, and he can hear his heart pounding in his ears. You don't know it but he has a crush on you, it was almost love at first sight. Dwayne decided to ignore his feelings until they fades but it's been getting harder and harder to hide them. He sees the boys in high school talking about you, and Grandpa's questions. All of this makes him jealous and scared... He has decided to be nicer to you, he doesn't know yet where it will lead him but it’s worth taking the risk even if he is convinced that you will never see him as more than a friend.
When you walk back down the hallway with Olive, you see Dwayne lying on his bed with his headphones on reading a book. You are relieved that he likes your gift but you dread the moment when you'll have to face him. In your eyes, this gift is almost a love confession but for Dwayne, who has friend zoned himself, you did it out of pure friendship.
You are drawn out of your thoughts when you hear Sheryl and Richard start to argue in their room. You leave Olive with Grandpa and go to start making dinner (you sometimes do this when Sheryl has had a tiring day). When you're done, you call everyone and you all start to eat in awkward silence. It is broken by Sheryl "You know your uncle Frank is in the hospital and well tomorrow he is coming to stay with us for a while. Dwayne, you will be sharing your room with him" she said in a tone that implied that he had no choice. You could see the anger rising in him as he began to write frantically on his notepad. "It's unfair! This is the only place I have to myself!".
"You don't have a choice Dwayne, he can't be left alone and your room is the only place where there is room. The discussion is over." You can feel the tension crushing you. Dwayne smashes the table as he gets up and storms off to his room.
You clear the table with the rest of the family still in silence. Sheryl and Richard start to argue again. You wait for a second and suggest to Sheryl that you take Olive home to watch a movie, to save her from the stress of seeing her parents yelling at each other. It's also for you, your parents have been fighting a lot since you were a little, and it gives you a lot of anxiety to hear Sheryl and Richard fighting now. She agrees so you go to Olive "Olive do you want to come to watch a movie at my house?" "Oh yes! I'll get to see your house!". "Get ready then, and take a jacket it's cold at night."
You think for a second and wonder if what you are about to do is a good idea. You knock softly on Dwayne's door before going inside. "Dwayne, I- I don't know if this is the right time, b-but Olive and I are going to watch a movie at my house since my parents aren't here. Do.. you.. want to come?" You're having a hard time talking under the shyness. With a slight nod, Dwayne agrees and then stands up.
On the way you hardly speak, you are so shy after giving him this gift. Olive outranks you by a few feet. You think this is the best time to talk to Dwayne about your day. "I hope the CD made you happy. I wanted to give it to you and I hope I chose the right one. Hum, I...I noticed that your behavior towards me has changed, and even tho I don't really understand why it makes me happy." You say, looking down at your feet to hide your completely red face. You look over and see Dwayne writing. Your stress is at its peak. Without a word he hands you his notepad, "I'm glad it makes you happy. "
You're pleased, and you're getting pretty confident, "I don't want to sound like I'm bragging, but I'd like to think that you don't hate me as much as the rest of the world." You say with a laugh. Without realizing it you arrived in front of your house. You open the door and Olive, bursting with joy, says "Can you show us your room? I really want to see it! "Sure," you reply with a big smile. Your room isn't very big, posters cover your walls, and your impressive comic book collection surprises Dwayne. "Is that your makeup?" Olive comes to you with a box.
"Oh yeah, I haven't worn it in a while" That's right, since you got to high school you stopped wearing it. "If you want it, you can have it."
"Really?" She asks, with stars in her eyes.
"Really." you laugh. You know it makes her happy. She’s always wanted some since she started watching beauty pageants. "Will your parents agree?" you ask Dwayne. In response, he shrugs his shoulders as if to say "I don't know". After Olive is done looking at every corner of your room you three go downstairs to the living room "What do you want to watch?" you ask as you take out the DVDs. Olive has the last word and chooses Finding Nemo.
While Dwayne puts on the movie you go and make some popcorn. The three of you sit on the couch, Olive on the right, Dwayne in the middle, and you on the left. You put the popcorn on the coffee table and start the movie. You can barely concentrate on the movie because you are so nervous about sitting so close to Dwayne. Your couch isn't very big, so your shoulders are touching. About one hour through the movie you start to fall asleep after all you have a very, very tiring day. Without realizing it, your eyes close and your head falls on Dwayne's shoulder, startling him. Now he's the one who can't concentrate on the movie. You are sleeping on his shoulder and he is so happy. Not wanting to wake you up he doesn't move at all, he hardly breathes just in case.
At the end of the movie, he gently wakes you up. He shows you a note written in advance "The movie is over, we have to go before it's too late. Thanks for the evening, it really cheered me up. We can do this again someday if you want to.” You don't know it but he thought for 10 minutes before writing this. Half awake you answer "I do". 
"See you tomorrow. Good night you two." You give Olive a hug and Dwayne a fist bump. As the door closes behind them you smack your forehead, "A fist bump, you dumbass! Oh my god, this is so embarrassing !!!"
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bardicbeetle · 1 year
sitd snips - the frustrating ordeal of the monstrous being human
Can I ask you something?
It takes Isaac three hours to send the text and the second he does he can’t stop moving.
He paces the house until his uncle shouts up the stairs to cut it the hell out because he’s disturbing customers. When that happens he climbs out onto the fire escape and makes his way into the street. He can’t sit still.
He can’t let himself think.
What do you need, Red Cross?
Fuck, fuck the wave of relief that comes with Daniel’s response is more than it should be.
He can’t take three more hours to form another non-question.
He needs to do this face to face so he can stop being a coward.
If I ask to meet somewhere, will you come?
Isaac walks fast, he’s halfway to Battery Park by the time he gets a response.
Depends, social or hostile?
Reading it startles a laugh out of him, he supposes he can’t blame Daniel for asking.
Still up for debate. Lets assume social. Sure. Just tell me where.
People walk past this section of the park often enough, even at night. Isaac takes a seat on the wall that overlooks waterfront park and the lake below. He waits. Tries to breathe.
He does not expect to see Daniel within a couple of minutes.
And yet…
“Isaac.” He still can’t figure out if it’s unsettling or just annoying that Daniel is so… normal. That he’s just some guy.
“Hi,” it’s stiff and his throat is tightening again. He can’t keep putting this off. “I—”
“—Let’s walk.” Daniel says, cutting gently over Isaac’s words before they start. “If you’re anything like me the stillness is driving you up the—literal—wall.”
Isaac tries not to think about the fact that he’s entirely correct. Bites back an insistent immediate urge to spit I’m nothing like you. Because he knows it’s not really true.
He slides off the wall and falls in step beside Daniel.
And they walk in silence towards the lake.
Daniel doesn’t speak, doesn’t press, he’s watching the street while they walk. Cars fly past at twice the speed limit because they think nobody is out to see them. Drunk college students and people on bikes and the occasional passerby with a dog.
“Why didn’t you die?”
Why the fuck does that make him smile?
“Because Alex didn’t ask me to.” He says it so easily, like it was always going to be that simple. “Remind me why you aren’t dead.”
Isaac grits his teeth.
“I don’t need to.”
“Right, you called me out here to ask a single question, get an answer you already knew, and now you’re satisfied.” Daniel shakes his head, “Isaac I would sooner believe you telling me Alex hadn’t been drinking your blood again.”
“Fine!” Isaac snaps, stopping abruptly. They’ve hit the edge of the water. “Why did you save my life? Why did you stop Alex from killing me? Why did you give me your blood? Why are you so fucking human?” He has to pause, has to remember to breathe, has to—shit, he hadn’t meant to do it like this. “I shouldn’t be talking to you, I shouldn’t be talking to Alex, I should have just left you that last bit of blood and forgotten about all of this, I should have said no when you asked for my help—”
“—What do you want, Isaac.” Daniel halts his increasingly frantic words. "Want my life story? An excuse to kill me? Or Alex? An excuse not to?”
“I want my choices to make fucking sense again!” He’s shaking now, properly. “I want to stop spending every second playing a game of how much am I willing to push my own rules.” He stops, glaring at Daniel who is still frustratingly at ease. “And I want you to stop looking at me like you’ve crawled inside my fucking head.”
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