#time-travelling Obake AU
drkineildwicks · 4 months
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More BH6
So I’ve been meaning to draw this for a bit, mostly because of the meme (I saw a version of it with Lena and Scrooge on the Ducktales tumblr tag), mostly because I was going through the sequel fic to (Not So) Hated by Life Itself (read now on AO3 and FFN) and got to this bit:
“Well we’ve been having to supervise his caffeine habits after the coffee abomination,” Tadashi told him. “To be fair, that wasn’t the worst offense I did with coffee,” Obake said. “There’s a worse offense what on earth could you possibly do that was worse?” “I was busy, I didn’t really want to do both coffee and ramen I had something else to get back to, so I might have cooked my ramen in my coffee.  Once.”  Hesitate, reflecting.  “Maybe more than once.” “Why would you do that!?” Tadashi demanded.
So sorry Tadashi, Obake didn’t ask for permission. X’D  And yeah he’s been monitoring Obake’s coffee habits since then he’s already reported him to Aunt Cass over the coffee abomination (AKA tea and coffee brewed together).
References include the song “Crazy = Genius” by Panic! At the Disco (being a song I associate with Obake) and Tadashi’s Lamball pajama bottoms and Chikipi top, both from Palworld (the shirt references the fact that my tiny Chikipi keep claiming the big Pal beds).
As for the sequel fic itself, we’re at 306 pages, 23 consecutive chapters, and 122+K words.  We’re making progress....
Find it on eclipse here, as always please be kind and reblog, not repost, thank you! :D
Big Hero 6 © 2014 Disney
Done in Adobe Photoshop.
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atlas-fs768 · 6 days
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So... Fanart of a fanfic during class time cause why not, colored in the dark tho and messed up a bit oops
This doodle takes place in the last chapter and I struggled with cheekbones for a good hour lol
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neighawolf · 1 year
The Silver Souls (meet my beans)
Okay Pinned post time! You’re not here for me, so let’s just get to my beans.  (There’s a few, so bear with me. Pictures for your perception lol) The Silver Souls A group formed by Alexandria and Sorn’daer shortly after the events of Carteneau. Consisting of gathered allies, both echo blessed and not, the Silver Souls are an adventuring and mercenary group with skills ranging from domestic, monster hunting, knowledge gathering and crafting. The Silver Souls eventually met up with the likes of The Scions of the Silver Dawn, forming a powerful allegiance of primal hunting mercenaries, intelligent Archons of renown, and diplomats. The combined force of fighters, thinkers, and support brought together nations, brought low powerful foes of old, and ended the Final Days before their “dissolution” and “retirement”. Many of the members found themselves in romantic relationships and are still occasionally found together.
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Rornir Augurelt
Rornir is the current head and face of the Silver Souls. He is an echo blessed Warrior of Light whose echo allows him to sense or feel, as well as manipulate, emotions. Hailing from the wilds Yanxia and the bank of the One River, Rornir Augurelt was born ‘Habiki Katsumoto’. He was a prophecised heir to a world renowned criminal syndicate which operated heavily in Othard and Kugane. His parents sold him to a woman in Dalmasca as an attempt to free him of the burden and zealotry of his clan. His name, Habiki, means echo. He was thought to be a prophecy which would see his clan rise in power. After his parents sold him, his jealous uncle had them killed and hunted ‘Habiki’ down. By the time his uncle found him, Rornir had chosen his own name and fled a far worse ‘home’ than that of his birth. He joined his family’s organization, become one of the most skilled assassins and earned many nicknames including ‘Yanxian Yurei” “Othard Oni” and “Kugane Obake”. He discovered the truth of his parent’s death and turned from his clan and fleeing to the steppes. There he met a small but fierce Au ri dragoon named Mizuki. The two became fast friends and travelled to Gridania together, where they would eventually join the Silver Souls. Rornir was hesitant to join the Scions, being a viera in such a strange land where strangers were treated unwarmly. He was welcomed, however, with open arms and revered for his unique perspectives. He was thankful for the allies and support during the siege of Doma, where he reclaimed his birth place and returned home. During the events of the First, he fell in love with the resident book keeper, astrologian, and archon Urianger Augurelt. The two remain happily married and enjoy their small space ship moon of small bunny children. 
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Alexandria Knighte
A founding member of the Silver Souls, Alexandria is an echo blessed warrior. Though her circumstances are far more unique than her allies. Alex is a Warrior of Darkness. Created through a struggled life. Her echo allows her to see, touch and speak with the dead and the Aetherial Sea. She is also the sundered soul of the Ancient, Azem. Alex was born in Kholusia on the reflection simple named, The First. She had a younger brother and sister, her mother was a prominent archeologist and historian and her father was a master alchemist. The family lived on a large farm and apple orchard. Her mother was also known as a witch, an intimidating and fierce but kind woman. Alex and her family were well respected and adored. Until the flood of light swept across the land. She was the lone survivor of her family, at the young age of 9. She was saved by a young boy and grew up in and out of homes until one day the sky caught fire and a voice filled her mind. She grew up as a hardened mercenary and lived most of her life alone. After a difficult mission, she sought out aid from another loner and weird man. She lost one of her legs to a blighted attack.Her leg was removed to prevent spreading. She thought her adventuring career was ended, until her mission companion revealed he was a master smith and had an artificial arm. He worked with her to build her a leg and the two soon fell in love. To her surprise they also had a child. But that didn’t last long. On her child’s 9th birthday, a wave of sineaters atacked. Her child was struck down, her husband died protecting her child and she was once again alone. She cursed ‘benevolent’ being who granted her life, again and again while always taking things from her. In her sorrow, she threw her self from the highest cliffs of Kholusia. She found her self floating in the aetherial sea, the voices of her loved ones calling for her. But Hydaelyn had need of her still, and Alex woke up on a ship in a strange new land. She met Sorn’daer, the elezen who rescued her. Sorn’daer is now her brother in law, married to a shard of her sister, who is also echo blessed but not an adventurer. She is in a romantic relationship with Thancred Waters, who is the soulmate sundered shard of Azem and Darion, and a shard of her husband from the first.
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Sorn’daer Vic’Szraen
Archon and Professor, Sorn’daer Vic’szraen is a well known and renowned Mage. A Warrior of Light later in his years, Sorn’daer is a master of Aether, Void and Forbidden Magics including his specialty, Mhach. He has the ability to perceive glimpses of thought and memory. Sorn’daer grew up deep underground in and around ruins of Gelmorra. His family was less than enthusiastic about his birth and treated him with disdain. The only family he really had was his sister, Ril’Ria and his aunt. His aunt was a well know children’s author and a large inspiration for his academic studies into mythology and magic. After helping him and his sister escape, Sorn’daer’s aunt was killed for treason. Sorn and his sister fled their home with no destination in mind and found themselves, after years of traveling, on the home island of Sharlayan. He applied himself with fierce dedication and became a highly praised student and eventually earning himself title of archon and teaching at the Sharlayan Studium. He was even offered a seat on the forum, which he turned down due to their increasingly stringent rules and restrictions. He stuck to his own studies and formed a group of like minded scholars, including some from Sharlayan, to study the depths of Mhachi, Void, and Dark Magic. When his studies were deemed “restricted” and “forbidden” he left Sharlayan, saying “Magic is not inherently evil, but its will is determined by those who weild it. to give fear to it, you give power to those who would wield it for evil while denying its knowledge to counter it.” He left and set sail for faraway seas. On his journey, a dangerous storm took his ship and a woman was found overboard. He helped rescue the woman, named Alexandria, who claimed to be not from this world. He was intrigued by her claims and aided her in settling into her new world. They found each other working similar jobs more than a few times and agreed to work together, becoming close friends and eventually forming a mercenary group. He has since published several books on his studies and applications of aether. He has trained and obtained any ‘jobstone’ associated with “mage” and stranger applications of aether, such as a Machinist’s Aetherbox, a gunbreaker’s aether charges, and pacts with a voidsent as a Reaper. He trades many notes with the Alchemists of Radz-at-Han and the scion Y’sthola. He is married and a father of one.
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B’astille ‘Bastian’ Tia
Bastian, as he prefers, is a mostly solitary man, and the most reclusive of the Silver Souls. An echo blessed Warrior of Light, Bastian’s talents and skills lie in his exceptional senses. More than just an adept hunter, Bastian uses his echo to hear, smell, track and hunt the most elusive of foes. B’astille hailed from a wandering B tribe of miqo’te throughout the Ala Mhigan and Gridanian border. His father was a disgusting man who rule by fear and other nefarious means. He forbid reading, kept his clan on mind numbing drugs until they developed a dependency and resorted to unseemly means when it came to breeding. B’astille was being taught to take his father’s place, but even in his training he sense the jealousy of his father, that someone else might take the place of everything he’d built. But Bastian didn’t want any of that. He befriended a young girl who had been determined too sickly and weak to remain in the clan. They became best friends and he often snuck out to give her food and talk to her. Bastian refused to kill or mate when he father told him. After a tense argument regarding Bastian’s virginity, he fled his home and never looked back. He and his childhood friend fled and developed a romantic relationship. But sickness and her frailty robbed them of a future together. Bastian lived on his own for over a decade, his only friend being a chocobo he’d rescued in his youth who had returned the favour some years later. Lady Heluva was his best friend. He was pretty feral and wildling, fearing most other ‘civilized’ societies were like his own. He preferred the company of animals, especially birds. Then the sky caught fire, a voice spoke to him, and he watched the red moon, Dalamud, crash into the grounds. A surge of mercenaries and Garleans caused him to seek saftey in other woods, leading him back to Gridania where he was captured. He was accused of being a spy, but once he confused to not being able to read, let alone his very wildling attire, he was released. He was so unaccustomed with civilized life, the city was confusing and he ended up in prison by accident. a mysterious masked man and a rather energetic au ri woman rescued him and offered him a place within their group, the Silver Souls. He was hailed for his skills in hunting, hand crafting, survival and mapping. He is well loved, despite being very reclusive, and he is thankful for his many friends who help him learn to read and adapt to civilized life, especially the newest scion and one of his first real friends, G’raha Tia. They are happily in a relationship. the first words he ever wrote, with G’raha’s help was his own name and “I love G’raha.” He still prefers the wilds and birds over people, and is learning more about his culture and people as a miqo’te.
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R’aurora Vanih
The youngest of the Silver Souls, staring her journey at only 16 years old, R’aurora is arguably the most intelligent Warrior of Lights in the group. Her echo blessing allows her to process information not unlike a machine and she has eidetic memory, meaning she remembers things in extreme clarity. She is an autistic savant, struggling with normal everyday things, but her mind rivals that of the ancient Allagans. R’Aurora Vanih was born in Corvos, during another of the island’s exoduses by the Garleans. She never met her mother, as her mother died in premature childbirth. Her father tried his best to teach her as much about her mother as he could. Her mother had come from a clan of miqo’te who protected ancient Allagan ruins and information, blood running in the veins of the family. Her birth was met with mixed feelings as she had one bright red eye. None knew what to make of it, nor did any have the time to ponder such musings, given the Garlean situation at the time of her birth. she was separated from her father at only the age of 5. During a panic and rushing of crowd, her father lost hold of her and she was ushered on a ship leaving for Sharlayan. She arrived, alone, and when none claimed her, she was sent to the orphanage. When she was caught creating a machine from scrapes and disassembled things, she was tested and immediately had families interested in funding her education, that she might be a boon for Sharlayan, even at such a young age. Her autistic mind led to her teacher’s frustrations and none had the patience to help her. She was discarded, with disappointment, after she had argued another student’s thesis work on Allagan culture. After being told that “Archon G’raha Tia” was a foremost in his field and she’d given sufficient evidence to the contrary, she was shipped off to Limsa Lominsa. A young miqo’te found her crying alone at the end of the docks and brought her to his own adoptive Lalafellian parents and she was immediately taken home. She grew up in Ul’dah with loving Lalafel parents and an incredibly loving and patient miqo’te older brother. her genius was appreciated in ul’dah, as her mind was a power processor for numbers and memory. Her mother, a terrifyingly sweet and scary member of the Ul’dah syndicate was very protective of anyone who tried to use R’Aurora’s mind. When R’aurora complained one day of a terrible headache, the sky on fire, and voices in her head, many in Ul’dah suggested she be sent to an institution. But Sera, her older brother, sought others and found aid in the Silver Souls. One of its founding members, Alexandria, took a very motherly protective approach with R’aurora, stating that she reminded her of her own daughter. R’aurora is skilled with many talents, but because of her age many in the Silver Souls and the Scions prefered to keep her in a support and information role, but she has helped delevoped new technology for the group and submited patents for many new machines and allagan updates. She currently works in the Garlond Ironworks, the Students of Baldesion, the Ishgardian Skysteel Manufactury and runs a lo-fi radio station which reaches out to Garlemald now.
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Sesera Sera
A strange name for a miqo’te, but Sera has made his family proud. One of the members of the Silver Souls who is not echo blessed or a Warrior of Light, Sesera is often considered the “Group Mom”. His skills like more in the domestic and diplomatic. From cooking, cleaning, getting everyone to bed on time and securing new work or working with prominent figures on behalf of the Silver Souls, Sera ensures success of his group behind the scenes. Abandoned mere days after his birth and found in a back alley of Ul’dah near death, Sesera Sera never knew his birth parents. He currently has no interest in knowing either, his true family are the lalafells who adopted him. His father a previous reigning champion of the Blood Sands and his mother a promiment and terrifying figure on the Ul’dahn syndicate. His father is a stern and hardened man, but a patient and kind soul. Sera learned a lot from him and highly respects his father. His mother, despite her status in Ul’dahn society, is a kind and gentle soul towards her family. The two were unable to conceive of the own and consider Sera a gift from the Trader, Nald’thal, himself. They lived a relatively simple life, with hardly any notable mentions outside of Sera’s status in the Blood Sands. Sera’s father was happy to step down from Champion when Sera beat him in combat. It was a proud day for both of them. Sera met his sister, R’aurora during a family trip to Limsa Lominsa, where his mother had unofficial business to tend to. He found a young, scared and crying miqo’te girl crying on the dock, and watched with growing anger as people just walked past her or gossiped as they moved around her. He carefully approached the young girl and offered her water, food, or something to wash her face at least. She turned them all down. He bought a wind up toy from a nearby vendor and handed it to her. He watched as, like a switch, the crying girl stopped and analyzed the toy like one of the maniacs at the Goldsmith’s guild in Ul’dah. She smiled at him and he knew he wanted to her big brother. So he found his parents, the immediately agreed and the family returned home. They continued their simple, quiet life in Ul’dah until his adopted sister, R’aurora, complained of a headache, firey skies and voices in her head. While others in the city were quick to judge and suggest institutionalising her, Sera asked his mother for some of her contacts and eventually got in contact with members of the Silver Souls who explained R’aurora was a Warrior of Light. He’s never known peace sense. He struggles keeping up with the group, not being a powerful hero of legend, but they are always in awe of him, standing toe to toe with them, *without* any blessing. He is currently in a relationship with the leader of Ishgard, Aymeric de Borel and with the Scions’ foremost mage, Y’sthola.
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Mizuki Mizunoko
Mizuki is what many would call a “gremlin”. An energetic, enthusiastic, and a bit wild member of the Silver Souls, Mizuki Mizunoko is an Au ri warrior from a mostly unknown tribe high up in the Azim Steppes. While she is neither echo blessed or a Warrior of Light, her fighting prowess is enough to even give dragons pause. Mizu was born in a clan of au ri with a special allegience. Born of a clan chieftan, 7 mothers, and well over 8 or 9 bothers, she was the only girl. She was far from a princess though, always quick to join a playful fight, go hunting with her father, and even sneaking out to play with the dragonlings allied with her clan. Her clan has a long and historic pact with dragon, dating all the way back to the myth of Shiva and Hraesvelgr. They have carried on a long storied relationship with dragons. In what Ishgard would call heresy, an Auri warrior and a dragon form a blood pact, in exchange for strength, power, resistence, and a longer life. Mizu, and her dragon bond, Miyu, can see through each other’s eyes, communicate telepathically and have the ability to shape shift. Mizu can look more elezen and Miyu can turn into a chocobo. The pair are deadly in combat, though Miyu tends to be fairly lazy. Mizu featured prominently during the events of the Dragon Song War. She was very careful with Miyu in and around Ishgard. She and the dragoon, Estinien Wyrmblood had a very rocky start, but have since become good friends. Her expertise in dragonkind, and especially the story of Shiva and Hraesvelgr, aided the ending of the war as she and Miyu proved man and dragon could still be allies. When the scions and the Echo blessed of the Silver Souls were taken, it was Mizu and Sera who held the fronts at home. Other than her pact with her dragon, a gift in itself, she boasts no extra ordinary powers or skills and is still in the top of the fighters between the Silver Souls and the Scions. She is steadily learning to settle down, finding herself in a relationship with the Dark Knight of Ishgard, Sidurgu Orl and their shared ward, Rielle.
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Saoirse Toussaint
Archon and Theologist, Saoirse Toussaint is Sharlayan born and raised. She is neither echo blessed nor a warrior of light. She is a student of theology, mythology and studies the stars and deities. She featured most promimently during the events of Ishagrd. She set forth from Sharlayan on her thesis work on the study of regional astrology and its applications. She had many quarrels with the uses in Ishgard being only for combat and dragons. She departed shortly after the end of the war, not one for glorified pomp or celebrations. She returned briefly to the Silver Souls employ during the seige of Doma, gaining more insight from the Geomancer of Othard, the Eastern equivalent of Astrology. Upon freeing both Doma and Ala Mhigo, Saoirse returned to Sharlay to complete her thesis and earn her Archon’s mark. Throughout her journey, she and the Ishgardian Dragoon had many close encounters and near connections, each time one or the other was busy or arguing. When the Silver Souls were torn from their bodies, Saoirse returned to offer her friends aid and apply her considerable skills as a healer and her knowledge of stars and constellations that might aid in any attempt to travel between worlds or conjure some means of finding them. She worked closely with Krile, Tataru and Master Matoya to keep the Silver Souls and Scions’ aether in check and heal any wounds from the front. She joined the scions more officially around the same time as Estinien and the two are still fledglings in their earnest relationship.
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bh6-fanfictionfeed · 2 years
(Not So) Hated By Life Itself
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/KAvGSfe
by Kineil_D_Wicks
You know those fics where a character gets thrown back to an earlier point in time and has to fix things? Well do this but with Obake, before the events of the movie. He’s got a plan though: sucker Hiro in, prevent the forming of Big Hero Six. Shouldn’t be too hard with only two parts right?...
Words: 4354, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Big Hero 6 (2014), Big Hero 6: The Series (Cartoon)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Obake, Hiro Hamada, Tadashi Hamada, Baymax (Big Hero 6), Aunt Cass, Fred | Fredzilla, Gogo, Honey Lemon (Big Hero 6), Wasabi-No Ginger
Additional Tags: that time-travel obake au, Time Travel Fix-It, Kinda, does it count if Obake accidentally breaks it?, the boi is getting a redemption arc and found family whether he likes it or not, also lots of agonizing and stress on his part, the man had a total death experience and he's processing, no he's not doing a good job of it
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/KAvGSfe
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liza-lilly · 3 years
Obake: So uh.. figured I'd share a time travel AU of Obakei here.. heh-
(So you know what I mean I suppose I could refer to myself in third person.)
Obake is visited by his future self after accidental discovery of figuring out how to time travel. Time has been altered and Sanfransokyo fallen to ruin. But not because of anything he did.
Hiro later gets a hold of the time travel device and when he time travels to go back and see his brother, he disrupts events that made it so particular things never happened. Obake needs to find out what those events are but he doesn't have to do it alone. He introduces Kei to the situation.
Together they have to stop Hiro from making whatever mistakes he did to cause a ruined Sanfransokyo. Not because they want to help him so much as they want to fix the city for themselves and Obake & Kei's future plans for it.
(The city fell to ruin after Hiro went to see his brother one last time. Or even more if time travel would allow. Hiro's mistake was that it prevented Hiro from ever getting to meet Tadashi's friends. Meaning the Heroes never existed. Villains rampaged and Hiro had no means to fight them on his own. Thus the city faced chaos.)
Eventually after some thought Obake decides on how he can use this to his advantage. But he had no idea how to begin, and particular items he required for his plans had been unfortunately destroyed in this AU. Which definitely meant he needed Kei's help in setting the time right.
But not without a little planning and goofing off for awhile through time. But it wasn't just to goof off, it's also how Obake would even learn about the great catastrophe in the first place. Kei would help in stealing needed items and information and even helped in getting the information about where to find Lenore's plans for the machine.
Eventually, with everything they need, they go to save Sanfransokyo by stopping alternate Hiro. Hiro and everyone else cannot remember what happened, but a few old photos and written reminders from Kei and Obake goofing off tell Obake everything he needs to know to set forth his plans for CtC and take the city for himself.
Unfortunately the time machine didn't exist in this timeline and Obake couldn't remember how to make it. After all, it had been an accident. But when he showed the images to Kei, their memories of all the ridiculous things they'd decided to do when traveling came back to them and the two became closer.
(Was it hard referring to myself in 3rd person, somewhat. But I hope it keeps things clear.)
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thelonglist · 2 years
Masterlist - Part 5 - BNHA fan fic recs
Hi! don’t have much to say here but i do have more fic recs! Hope y’all enjoy! I apologize if some of the fics do not quite fit their categories.
Here are links for Part Four, Part Three, Part Two and Part One
For reference:
L - longer fic (100,000+ words)
O - One shot
& - ongoing
# - Complete
! - favorites
Thank you!
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UA Fun
Mortality VS Morality (And Other Things To Know About Fighting Villains) - &
The Problem Child and the Teacher’s Pet - O #
Hidden Heroes - O #
(What's) Under the Surface - O # past revealed mina's pov
Speak of the devil - # demon izuku makes a deal with 1A
staying power - O # izuku & shinsou
snap - O # izuku & shinsou
achilles' heel - O # izuku & shinsou
Adaptation week - O #
normal? what the hell is that? - O # personality swap prank
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Haunted OFA
They Were What?!? - O#
A Good Man Never Dies (not in a way that matters) - & DFO ghost yoichi
hello, nine - O # haunted ofa terrorizes haunts 1A
The Acquisition - # Kid izuku w/ vestige parents
Sharing is Caring, Except When It's My Body So Get Out - &
Flashing Lights - O #
Sounds of Laughter, Shades of Life (are ringing through my open ears) - &
seeping through - O #
haunted (glimpse a truth) -  O # shindeku
Eldritch Horror or Haunted? - O #
One for all is... sentient? - Series &
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I'm dying to know how this ends - &
! My Hero Apocalypse - &
Last Man on Earth (+1) - O # bakudeku
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Izuku isn’t human
local gay realizes he's a monsterfucker and falls in love, more at 12 - series - & shindeku also eldritch
Summoning a Demon (on accident) - & demon Izuku Shindeku
that ocean is not silent - O # eldritch
Cosmic Confluence  - O # shindeku grim reaper
Across The River Styx - O # 
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A Night For Trying Something - O # IzuMomo
playing the game (i'll break the rules for you) - O # Bakudeku
Cute Nurse and Unruly Patient - O # bakudeku
Dance With Me - & izuocha
Pieces of Heart - O # izuocha
Sweet deception and its benefits - O # Rody/Izuku
Down the Rabbit Hole - O # dustbunny
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Grown up au
You Put the Lie in Library - O # Vigilante Deku Shindeku
! Trust Fall - &  Shindeku
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Time Travel
Through the cracks - # time travel 
that time long past - O # time travel
Aizawa's School Daze - O #
! I’ll Be Back - #
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No Quirk AUs
The Obake's Soulless Boy - O # spirits
to have and to hold - O # kiribaku
Foxfire - & spirits DFO
A spark, a breath, a life. - & DFO cyborg AU
A Blast from the Past - O # bakudeku
Perfect Match - O # bakudeku
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The House Seven Stories Under - O # dfo vaulted izuku
always just out of reach - O #
We tried the world; good god it wasn't for us. - & lady nagant is cool
One Horn - # 
backstage - O # izuku is trained by the HPSC
Repurposed - & noumu izuku
You Can't Run - O # villain izuku made me so mad and sad in the best way possible
in my remains - O # de-aged dabi this one hurt real bad
vii. isolation - O #
That Paradise is Buried in the Dust - O # de-aged shigaraki
Post Mortem (Post Mortal) - & ghost deku
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A Hair Raising Experience - O # USJ
Stupidity is Not a Crime so You’re Free to Go - O #
the road to heaven is paved with bad intentions - O #
Smile Through the Tears - O # Dfo big bro tomura, midoriyas’ crying issue
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Quirk causes plot
Headphones, Calluses, And A Capture Weapon (All The Things That Make You Safe Here) - O # dadzawa
Into oblivion - O # timeloop shindeku
the light is fading (but i'm still here) - O #
silence is what i do best - # truth quirk
the only way out (is through) - &
You look different, but not - O # dabi/hawks
yesterday i died, tomorrow's bleeding - H time travel
photo album - O # de-aged izuku
The Only Constant in the Multiverse: Novelty Keychains - & dimension travel
Little do you know (why we are sorry) - O # amnesia
Scorpions and Chains - # bad memory coma class 1A finds out abt izukus past
! Corgizuku - O # izuku is turned into a corgi and unwillingly adopted by shigaraki  
walk a mile - O # bodyswap quirk shinsou & izuku
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Cute as fluff!
! one foot in front of the other - O # kid izuku meet yagi and fanboys to him abt all might
! smiles are reserved for those in need - O # big bro touya
Wanted: A Dad To Be Here For Me And Mama (Someone With Dark Hair And Red Eyes, Pretty Please?)  - O # dadzawa
Watermelon, Sakura, Katsudon (Home Is Here) - O # dadzawa, sis eri big bro izu sickfic
baked s'mores & joint pain - O # izuku accidently gets to high shindeku
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
I love izuku
parlor tricks - &
Shadow's Whisper - O # izuku is a demon who haunts tartarus
!!Fear No Evil - # 3rd movie au dfo, dadmight
Masks (both literal and metaphorical) - O # dfo forced villain izuku
!!Beyond the Broken Horizon - & L
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
The only full smut fics I have ever completed
Perfect Enemy - O # fuck or die fem!izuku Midoriya Izuku/Shigaraki Tomura
What're Friend's For? - O # tododeku hit by a quirk
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
HPSC being crappy
The Price of Peace - & unhealthy dadmight 
A Straight Shot - O # kid izuku & lady nagant
No Solace Left to Spare, Not Painted in the Blood We Bare - O #
backstage - O # izuku is trained by the HPSC
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Miscellaneous AUs I love
How to train your Terran - & Space AU humans are space orcs
What is this feeling? - O # kid izuku and bakugo puppy love
Mob Mentality - & izuku is arrested
Open your eyes (Intoxicate) - & shindeku vigilante izuku
burnt to the core (who is left behind) - O # izuku and touya are quirk trafficked and become brothers
first number i'd call (after my real first, that is) - O # nana and gran torino
In a Future's Woes - Series & Izuku sees the future
put your teeth into it - & Izuku and hitoshi friendship, hitoshi pretends he is quirkless
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
First (real) Date - O # AFO/Inko
Grandma Nana and Dad for One AU - Series &
Inko Midoriya: Loved By Many, Feared By All (for one) - & DFO
Alike as Opposites - O # dfo
Gravitational Pull - Series & DFO Space
A Good Man Never Dies (not in a way that matters) - & DFO ghost yoichi
A spark, a breath, a life. - & DFO cyborg AU
The House Seven Stories Under - O # dfo vaulted izuku
Smile Through the Tears - O # Dfo big bro tomura, midoriyas’ crying issue
!! Fear No Evil - # 3rd movie au dfo, dadmight
Masks (both literal and metaphorical) - O # dfo forced villain izuku
Foxfire - & spirits DFO
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koopa-arts · 4 years
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Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo are lost, travelling humans, who unexpectedly find themselves in the spirit world. With the help and guidance from supernatural creatures known as yōkai, they’ve got to find their way back before it’s too late.
[I’ve been working on this au for a few days now, inspired by Spirited Away, Yokai Watch and things like that. It isn’t very detailed right now, and I’ll likely change things along the way, but I like where this story so far :-)
More character info under the ‘Read More’]
Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo: Three humans on a journey of self-fulfilment. Wilbur had been traveling for the longest but along the way was trusted with the responsibility to take care of Tubbo and Tommy as he took them on his travels.
Philza: A tengu- humanoid creature with avian features. He took it upon himself to protect Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo from harm when they entered the spirit world and help them find a way back to the living world.
Technoblade: A bakemono- can transform from a giant boar to a human. A feared and respected swordsman, Dream’s rival. Mostly hangs out with Philza.
Dream: A tsukumogami- a mask who, after 100 years, had obtained a spirit and a humanoid form. Technoblade’s rival and only match when it comes to sword fighting. Isn’t as feared as technoblade is, and is mostly seen as a bit of a celebrity.
Georgenotfound: A noppera-bō- a human-like spirit with no face. Spends most of his time with Sapnap and Dream. Practically inseparable from Dream as he was the owner of the mask before it gained a spirit.
Sapnap: An Onibi- a ghost light. Used to be human a long time ago, but has since died and became a vengeful spirit. Has incredible fire powers but doesn’t use them unless seriously angered.
Badboyhalo: A yurei- a ghost. A headless, shadowy demon who despite the hard life he had endured, is far kinder than he looks. Quite protective of children and enjoys their company.
Fundy: An obake- can transform from a kitsune to a human. Very creative and intelligent. An inventor who enjoys building interesting, random and even useless creations. Despite his talent, he isn’t respected nearly as much as he wishes he was. He is also quite mischievous, and enjoys pulling pranks on humans and yokai alike.
Nihachu: A futakuchi-onna- a woman with a second mouth in the back of her head. Very sweet and caring. She owns a bakery and loves giving people her treats, though much of the food is always eaten by her second mouth.
Eret: A rokurokubi- a human-like creature with a super stretchy neck. A very laidback, friendly individual that gives great advice. Often found in Niki’s bakery, smoking a strange concoction from his pipe.
Quackity: A Kappa- a turtle-like demon. Chaotic and slightly conniving. He offers to help row people across rivers for a negotiable price. Despite being small and relatively weak, is one of the few people who can stand up to Schlatt and isn’t scared of him.
Jschlatt: A dragon spirit. Feared by most and disliked by others. He was an old, powerful emperor who had drowned in a sacred river, causing him to become the spirit of that river. Can transform into a massive dragon to a human. He’s infamous for a terrible natural disaster he had caused on earth as a spirit. Due to his power, he is seen an almost ruler of the spirit world. He is somewhat friendly with Quackity and is fond of Wilbur, having secretly known him before Wilbur even entered the spirit world.
[EDIT: These characters pictured in this post]:
Purpled: A regular human who ended up in the spirit world, just like Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo. However, he stayed in the spirit world for too long, causing him to forget his past and his identity, and also become a spirit himself, meaning he could no longer return to his life in the living world. He usually sticks around Ponk.
Ponk: A kodama- tree spirit. The spirit of a giant, sacred, lemon-bearing tree that grows in the living world. A number of people living world worship his tree, as whenever they were cut down, he would curse the perpetrator before growing a new one in it’s place. He is an alchemist and a healer, but is also unpredictable and a bit scary.
Awesamdude: An Oni- an ogre. Lives in far off mountains and is known for tinkering and making interesting contraptions. Despite his scary appearance he is very friendly and incredibly resourceful.
Karl: A nukekubi- a human-like creature with the ability to make his head float around. He tends to stay out of conflict and enjoys relaxing in other people’s places or making tiny model buildings. Tends to hang around Eret.
[I also want to include Antfrost andd Skeppy. But I don’t know enough about them to know what else to do with them. 
Anyway, I hope you like what I’ve got so far. I’ll keep developing this AU and maybe do something with it once I’ve created a decent (coherent) story.]
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mozaikrolez · 3 years
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some random headcaons for kyojuro rengoku’s fantay!au that is unrelated to demon slayer & can be used as an open verse for rps . 
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kyojuro is a yokai , specifically an obake . from what i have gathered , an obake is a yokai that can shapeshift . in this case kyojuro can shapeshift into a fire breathing dragon ( though i’ll carry on his preferred term of flame breathing in this au & he’ll be a stickler about it in this verse too ) . 
his dragon form will be that of how mystical dragons are depicted in japan .
he’s still a swordsman who essentially protects humans & other yokai who’s lives are being threatened . 
he & his family have been around for many years , kyojuro specifically is about 180+ years old .
his mother was killed by yokai hunters who harvest mystical dragon body parts for profit . their goal was to capture shinjuro , senjuro or kyojuro for their unique appearance , but with shinjuro not home at the time of the attack , ruka was left to protect her sons .
he really wants humans & yokai to live peacefully together but due to stigma that both sides have towards each other it’s a hard war to fight with one person .
kyojuro is pals with my fantasy!au shinobu ( she’s a seelie court fearie — more info on that on her own headcanon post soon ) .
the sword he wields is a yokai as well ! the yokai type is called tsukumogami & they are objects ( any object , like a umbrella , shoe or pot ) that gain some kind of spirit or life after reaching 100 years old . some literature has written them as becoming alive as to have its own consciousness while few present them as able to take any form , even that of a person when they so please —— the latter being the case for kyojuro’s sword . 
below i have written some headcanons & included an fc for kyojuro’s sleepy sword who is more or less an npc but will have her own blog for selective interactions !
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fc used : amira rashid — of monster prom . blog @mozaikblade
her name is hotaru okudaira . her last name was taken from the man who made her over 200 years ago , hisao okudiara . her first name was given to her by kyojuro when he woke her spirit upon unsheathing her . her name means firefly , a name he immediately thought of on the spot . 
her skin has a golden / bronze glow to it — something kyojuro noticed which gave him the idea of naming her hotaru . on top of that , fireflies symbolize love & war .
the flame guard on kyojuro would be something of a gift in hotaru’s eyes when it was something he was gonna put on his katana regardless . whenever she goes into her human form the guard can be seen hanging on a string around her neck .
like in kyojuro’s original verse , his sword still has the ‘ destroy evil spirits ‘ on the blade . in this verse hotaru’s sword form was suddenly engraved with a japanese style dragon along both sides on the blade when kyojuro first used her — something that wasn’t there initially .
going off the last point , the kanji for ‘ destroy evil demons ‘ presents itself as a tattoo in between her breasts & japanese traditional style dragon full leg tattoo on both her legs . the left one starts at her waist while he other on her upper thigh .  ( example —— this is just to show placement ) 
she was forged with pieces of meteorite that had fallen in egypt . many of it’s pieces had travelled far & wide , one of them landing in the hands of hisao who made her with it .
her memory is really foggy , having little to no memory about hisao , only remembering his voice & him talking to her during the process of being made . during this time , he spoke about his life to her as if she was an old friend . 
hisao wasn’t one to keep the swords he made — he wasn’t a swordsman just a swordsmith , but he kept her believing that the special material made the blade priceless , though he believed that the right warrior would claim her eventually & put her to good use .
hotaru was referred to as a male before she turned into a yokai . her feminine appearance was more or less how her spirit wanted to be seen but she does have the ability to change her appearance drastically . 
at first she confused her creators last name for hers before realizing she had no name .
she’s usually sleeping even when kyojuro uses her in battle .
voice claim ... thinking ryuko matoi .
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sam-roulette · 4 years
Recommending Free Old School RPGMaker Horror Games based on what Entity You Vibe With The Most
The Hunt: The Crooked Man. You play as David Hoover, a man going through a rough patch in his life who feels as though he has little prospects for a future and who cares for a mother who doesn’t even recognize him. After realizing that his house is haunted, he goes on a quest to see if he can find the previous owners and figure out what’s going on, all the while chased by a monster called the Crooked Man...
This ironically enough also applies as a recommendation to Martin kinnies. This is also one of the few games on the list where you’re expected to fight back.
The Slaughter: The Witch’s House. You play as Viola, a girl who must find a way out of the woods she’s trapped in. She eventually ends up having to enter the constantly warping witch’s house, where she has to figure out the mystery of the witch before the house kills her...
The character that’s being slaughtered is you. Literally anything can kill you and if you so much as look at an object wrong a random death will trigger. It is trying to hurt your character specifically all the time.
The Spiral: Yume Nikki. You play as Madotsuki, a recluse who refuses to leave her small apartment. When you go to sleep is when the game begins; your goal is to open 12 doors into a myriad of strange and unexplained worlds and collect artefacts which distort the main character’s body beyond recognition. I don’t know what else to say honestly; this is just as Spiral as it gets.
The Flesh: Porterminus. You play as Julie, a spunky teen who ends up getting controlled by an eldritch cat into fighting a myriad of terrifying flesh abominations to stave off an equally eldritch plot. A lot of the enemies look genuinely gnarly (especially since most of them used to be human) so big body horror warning on this one.  
The Lonely: Escaped Chasm. In this game by Temmie Chang (and the prequel to Dweller’s Path), you play as a girl who is wholly alone, waiting for her parents to come home as reality begins to fall apart around her. This one isn’t particularly long, but the atmosphere is genuinely lonely enough to make you ache, and there’s no save function, meaning you have to finish in one shot. The cut scenes also happen to be fully animated and are absolutely gorgeous.
The Eye: Your Turn to Die ~Death Game by Majority~. You play as Sara Chidouin, a kidnapped high school student who suddenly finds herself in the midst of a life or death game with ten other people. The name of the game is simple, really- after being given challenges with which to build trust and camaraderie, all contestants must vote on who among them will have to die, debating on the merits of each person’s life using all the information you’ve gathered at your disposal.
This one narrowly avoided being classified as The End by the virtue of the death game itself, which you discover more about as the characters try to plan an escape- the people running it just want to see what happens. And you, as the player, may just want to see how things play out as well.
The End: Mad Father. You play as Aya Drevis on the night of the anniversary of her mother’s death. She and her mother knew that her father was experimenting on humans, often using people deemed of little value to perfect his work in attempting to overcome death. On this night, his subjects come alive and attack, and it’s up to Aya to save her father- if he even deserves to be saved.
This one is mostly in The End for the theming of it- there’s a large theme running throughout the game, especially if you do side quests, about the meaning of life and helping people pass on to their deaths, and whether someone has the right to decide whether to hasten the inevitable.
The Dark: Forest of Drizzling Rain. You play as Shiori, a college student with amnesia who goes back to her hometown in an attempt to illuminate all the gaps in her memory. The village is haunted by the legend of Kotori Obake, said to be the ghost of a woman looking for her child, and whose arrival is always precipitated by rainfall... It’s up to Shiori and the mysterious museum owner, Suga, to figure out how to escape the spirit’s clutches.
This gets to be the Dark due to the fear of the unknown, which this game has in spades. This one also happens to have the plus of one of the protags, Suga, actually being mute but not a silent protagonist (as he communicates primarily through notes, which are displayed on screen), which was a really nice touch.
The Corruption: LiEat (1, 2, 3). You play as the lie-eating dragon Efina and her guardian, a con-artist whose name changes each game, as both travel from town to town to solve the mysteries surrounding a horror story. Each game centers around a different mystery, but the common thread is how Efina eats lies: by being in proximity to a liar, she can make lies appear as creatures to eat, and if the liar has deluded themselves enough, their lies will consume them and turn them into oil-smeared monsters.
These games are a little more tame compared to some others on this list, and are honestly a great ride for if you love parent-child interactions. (Fun fact: we loved these so much, we actually loosely based our eye-eating dragon Jon au off of it!)
The Buried: Mermaid Swamp. You play as Rin Yamazaki, a woman going on vacation with three of her friends when the car breaks down in the middle of the mountains. While they’re able to find shelter at an old mansion near a damp and dirty swamp, things start to go south when their friend Mika comes down with an unexplainable illness and a constant feeling of being drowned...
I’d go a little more detail into the Buried themes of it, but, well, that would run right into spoiler territory. Please heed the trigger warnings provided at the link.
The Vast: Witch’s Heart. You play as Claire Elford, an ordinary woman suddenly swept away into a manic search for the fabled Witch’s Heart. While every version of the story is different, every story has the same thing in common: the Heart has the power to grant someone’s deepest wish. Claire, now trapped in a mansion in the heart of the mountains with four others, must fight her way through a variety of monsters and spectres to try and find a way out, all the while exploring vast spaces hidden through portals throughout the house...
This one is Vast less because of the heights and vast places (though there are many here) but for the everpresent feeling that no matter what you do against the vastness of the universe and fate, it doesn’t matter. Getting further into it would be spoiler territory, and I feel like it’s best experienced without knowledge :)
The Desolation: OFF. You take control of the Batter, who has the sole mission of “purifying” the entire world of evil. The entire world, as it turns out, is also just incredibly unsettling.
It may not exactly be a horror game, but  it’s extremely disconcerting and you genuinely cannot get more desolate than this game. I don’t want to spoil the ending (even if the game is like over 10 years old at this point) but suffice it to say, when the credits rolled and “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” started playing for the first time, I felt like everything someone ever loved was burned to the ground, and like I couldn’t do a damn thing about it.
The Stranger: Ib. You play as the titular Ib, a child trapped in a haunted art gallery who has to try and get to the real world alongside two friends she finds along the way. That’s easier said than done, however, with everything in the gallery coming to life and trying to kill you...
There are a lot of things that mark this as a Stranger game, but to avoid touching on the twist, the most genuinely frightening part is That Doll Room. You’ll know it when you see it.
The Web: Close Your Eyes (Original). In this one, you play as a bouncy little Marshmallow Monk who has just escaped death row and is currently running for their life. Before too long, they find themselves in a constantly changing, distorted world, egged on by a mysterious entity called the Narrator who watches their every action and guides their every movement. The goal: get out of this alive.
This one also very narrowly avoided being branded as The Eye due to the eye imagery, the spider, the manipulation, and the Narrator, who is fully voice acted. 
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drkineildwicks · 2 years
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More BH6
So if you’ve been following me on Tumblr then you’re aware of a time-travelling Obake AU I’ve been working on—these were some drawings I did for one of the subplots, where Hiro decides to make a robotic remora to track sharks and as such gets way focused on sharks in general.  So meet his stuffed buddy Sammy—so named because same, the Japanese word for shark, is pronounced similarly.  That’s spyhopping they’re doing in the sequence on the right, by the way, and is something sharks will do sometimes.
Did this in my new sketchbook we got the last time we went out, which is a nice sketchbook that has some nice teeth (pun not intended).  The only problem is it’s too big for my scanner, so I had to take a photo of it and then do some doctoring in photoshop to get it looking right.  Ah well, still fun. :D
Find it on eclipse here, as always please be kind and reblog, not repost, thank you! :D   Happy Thanksgiving Eve! :D
Big Hero 6 © 2014 Disney
Done in pencil, pen and colored pencil.
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karmiro-trash · 4 years
Um... I have a Karmiro AU that I've never really talked about.
Basically, things are similar to how the series is, but Karmi doesn't become famous for her fanfiction or chibi web series. She isn't even a student at SFIT in the beginning. She's an alt-pop idol and the darling of San Fransokyo. She still knows about Big Hero 6 despite being busy with tours, recording sessions, award ceremonies, etc. And she still has her massive crush on "Captain Cutie". What she doesn't know is that "Captain Cutie" is not just a huge fan of her music, but has a crush on her as well.
Obake is still out for Hiro, and Hiro is tired of constantly being afraid for the safety of himself, his friends and family. He wants to skip town for some time to get the crazed man off of his back, and this idea becomes reality when Big Hero 6 is contacted by Karmi after she receives an anonymous threat before a big tour. Hiro joins her, going undercover as a guitarist so he can protect her. Over the course of the tour, the two grow close as first friends, and then as significant others.
It's getting late so this is all I'm gonna spam about for now...
ASDSGFJ THIS SOUNDS SO SWEET AWW.😭😭 And yesss these two doing a world tour and travelling together and then falling in love is just everything ;__;
We’ve already heard Karmi sing and she does have potential❤ Also just imagine Hiro as a guitarist 👀
This would make for an amazing multi-chapter fic!! Pls tell me you are writing one bc I would read the HECC out of that
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nullanythorm-ao3 · 4 years
Just Some Random Fanfic Concepts
So I was going to wait and see if anyone else was interested in me posting up some of my general fanfic ideas. However, I’m bored and struggling to work with the CiM update I’m working on right now. So I’m just going to do it? Also, a heads up to look out for another post coming later, because I want to share some of my Variro YouTube playlist, too.  BUT FIRST, story ideas. You’ll get some working titles for the ones I HAVE working titles for, but otherwise I’m just winging it cuz there are a lot of them. These are in no particular order. Things being higher or lower on the list doesn’t mean they’re more or less likely to be worked on. 
#1 - A continuation for Land or Sea (title pending)
So a little background on this one. I got the idea for this one at the same time as I got the idea for Trust is Something Earned. I put which one I worked on first up to a vote on the Tangled Amino. 
It’s a mermaid(merman/boy??)!Varian AU that centers on the idea: What if, in Queen for a Day, instead of coming up with a solution that created the amber when interacting with the rocks, Varian creates a different one and winds up getting himself turned into a mermaid instead?
It’ll feature 4 OCs: two created by me, and two created by a friend. The perspective will shift between Varian and an OC that belongs to a friend of mine named Charlotte, Varian’s childhood friend and love interest. 
Without spoiling too much, it takes place primarily during the events of season 2 (and maybe stretches into season 3). It switches perspective between Varian, who’s sent to live in the ocean after the accident and becomes friends with an adventurous merboy named Caspian who helps him rediscover his passion for science and alchemy, and Charlotte, who’s left behind in Corona and is trying to rediscover her sense of self and direction after losing her best and only friend. Charlotte’s perspective will help show how the premise changes events in Corona, while Varian’s is wholly original. 
The other OCs that will be involved in the story will be my OC Adrian Claire, who followers of TiSE will know, and my friend’s OC Henry. 
#2 - Stitched Together (originated from Ragdoll)
Okay so the original premise for this was for it to be a Variro story. The focus was Hiro living a double life: a college student in San Fransokyo who realized the existence of the several magical realms that ran parallel to his home after discovering he had magical blood passed down from his mother (maybe even throwing in superhero and making it a triple life - poor Hiro). He finds what’s known in the multi-realm as a living doll - a doll that gained a soul either through devotion and affection of a previous owner and desire to become more human, or having a human soul literally shoved into it. 
Varian, his doll, is the latter. Due to crimes against his home realm of Corona and his own uncontrollable magical talent, they forced him into having his soul magically “stitched” into a rag doll, until Hiro’s magical talent allowed him to awaken.  However, because of his nature as a living doll, Varian now depends on and is subservient to Hiro, but the two soon grow a bond much closer than expected. 
Now, after working on the lore and world of the story, I’ve grown its scope a little. Rather than simply being a crossover with Tangled and Big Hero 6, I want Stitched Together to be a bigger-scale crossover, including How To Train Your Dragon and the Tales of Arcadia series as well. 
It’s going to be Hiccup/Hiro/Varian, along with Jim/Claire from ToA being close friends with the trio. They’re all going to be young wizards from different realms, with different magic specialties studying in Arcanum, the central realm that connects all magically advanced realms. Other characters from each series will show up as well! You’ll see a bit of all of them, it’s a pretty enormous project.
#3 - Maybe some Hogwarts Shenanigans?
I’d really like to do a short, maybe 7-chapter story on the Hogwarts Headcanons for the OT3 I did a while back. The big issue is I’m still trying to figure out where I stand on posting Harry Potter/Hogwarts content after the whole J.K. Rowling thing. 
It’d be a chapter focusing on each year the three spend at Hogwarts together, some key moments through the years, and things like that. Just a small, random story about some kids at Hogwarts having fun. 
Might do it, might not, we’ll see. 
#4 - Time Travel Variro Fic (title pending)
This is another one sort of meant to run alongside season 2 of TTS, and maybe s3. It also replaces the S3 of BH6 the series. Just cuz. 
Basically Varian escapes after being put in prison, and decides the best way to save his dad is prevent the amber from capturing him all together. Vindictive, feral little villain raccoon decides that if he can’t have his happy ending, he won’t let Raps have hers and plans to make a time machine so he can go back and prevent Eugene from rescuing Raps. 
Unfortunately, a slight user error and hiccup in his plans (namely the fact that Ruddiger doesn’t appreciate being left alone and hops in the machine with him and all the noise and flashing lights of a steampunk-medieval time machine spook him) causes him to catapult into the future instead. 
Meanwhile, Hiro’s dealing with his friends moving on to find work, his own internship at KreiTech while attending school, and being fifteen and struggling with hormones and his sexuality finally starting to rear its ugly head after being dormant for 15 years of being in an ongoing relationship with SCIENCE (aka he’s seeing guys, thinking ‘he’s cute/handsome’, and he’s PANICKING). Then, as he’s on his way home from internship one day, a random af raccoon tugs at his pants leg until he finds a boy in weird clothes unconscious in an alley somewhere
Varian, after being woken up, and unsure if he should bring up that he’s from the past or not, makes up a fake story about running away from a small town. Hiro, feeling there’s something more but empathetic to Varian’s story, invites him to stay with him at the Lucky Cat and introduces him to Cass. 
Varian is stand-offish at first, absorbed in his “pet project”, as he calls it around Hiro. Basically, the machine didn’t time travel with him, he’s stuck, and is determined to get home and continue his plan. Hiro, however, is drawn in by the mysterious boy and tries to reach out to him and open him up.
Varian catches on to modern technology and science pretty darn quickly. He’s a smart boy. He also stays holed up in Hiro’s lab or the room they allowed him to borrow reading all day. Until finally Hiro cracks him out of his shell, he starts attending SFIT, and meets the rest of the BH6 crew.
There’s more to the story than this but that’s all I’m saying for now. Lots of drama, tension, etc, and just a fun time as boys discover their sexualities, learn where they can call home, and all that good stuff. 
#5 - In Someone Else’s Shoes (Time Travel Team Awesome Fic!)
So this one is kind of meant to work in tandem with the Variro fic. While the Variro fic explores Varian failing in his plan and getting catapulted into the future, this fic shows the results of what would happen if the time travel worked.  
It centers around Team Awesome! Varian travels back to the past, and tells Eugene that he dies if he hides in the tower. He convinces him that he’s his partner in his future, by knowing his name and stroking his ego a bit. But inform him that the crown will lead to nothing but trouble and his death (conveniently leaving out the part where he meets the love of his life and gets brought back from the dead because of a magical healing flower). 
The alteration to the timeline erases the former Varian’s existence and overwrites the Varian of the new timeline with his memories - giving him the memories of both the former and current timeline. He wakes up in bed at the palace, being woken up by his personal attendant Flynn (Eugene, who only allows Varian to call him by his proper name when they’re alone) and told to get ready for his coronation as crown prince. It turns out, in this timeline, because Eugene and Rapunzel weren’t there to stop him from his running water experiments, the devastation on Old Corona caused the death of his dad and several others. Since he was the son of an old friend, and they longed for their missing princess, Frederic and Arianna take him in as their son, and monitor his scientific hobby to prevent him from causing more trouble. 
Of course, this won’t do. He confides the truth to Eugene, that he was trying to save his dad by returning to the past (but again, keeping out key elements), and the two decide to work together to rebuild the time machine and alter the past without the catastrophic results. 
Won’t spoil too much, there are some wild twists and turns here. But it’s one I’m really looking forward to, again!
#6 - Maybe some Percy Jackson/Camp Half-Blood shenanigans
I’d just really like to make some Camp Half-Blood AU stuff. It’d be more a series of one-shots, or just a story that jumps around in time in the course of it. 
Crossover with Tangled, Big Hero 6, Tales of Arcadia, and How to Train Your Dragon with a focus on (as usual) Hiccup/Hiro/Varian. 
Not going to say too much about it though, because I want to do an AU Headcanons post with some details on this one! I have lots of ideas.Some you might expect, some you might not. 
#7 - Hercules Inspired Variro Fic (Title pending!)
So this one is wild. Basically, after the events of BH6 s1, Obake escapes. He stays on the run, escaping to Germany, and finds a young boy of genius on par with Hiro, but in the field of Chemistry, and takes him under his wing.
Varian is distraught after his father, who’d contracted an incurable disease, falls comatose. The government does nothing to help him, even though he has friends that hold political power, and Obake uses that to lure him into becoming his protege. 
The pair lie low for a while, wreaking a little havoc in Germany while Varian looks for a cure for his father. The boy dabbles in all manner of fields while trying to help his dad, and before long finds out that the last component he needs is in America, in San Fransokyo. 
Varian, now in his early 20s (which means Hiro is too!), Varian travels to America. He’s currently working as a villain under Obake while daylighting as the head of a German medical research company. 
He meets Hiro by chance. He flirts a little, but tries his best to keep his distance while trying to achieve his goals. Unfortunately, Obake notices how flustered Hiro gets around Varian, and has Varian continue flirting with and pursuing him as a form of distraction, and confides in him about Big Hero 6 and their identities. Varian is against it at first, but goes along with his mentor. 
Varian continues flirting with Hiro, gets in with the group as a friend, and begins distracting Hiro and sabotaging Big Hero 6 while working on a plan to steal the last component he needs for his cure - a solution being stored under high security at KreiTech - where Hiro works, partnered with Krei.
It’s Hercules inspired so there’s a bit more to it, but that’s all you need to know for now!
#8 - Phantom Thief Varian! (Title Pending)
Similar to the time travel one, this one KIND of links with the Hercules-inspired one. It’s not necessarily meant to link narratively or thematically, like the two time travel fics, but it has some similarities. 
Namely the fact that Varian came to America after forming a company to research a cure for his terminally ill father. Whether or not Quirin is comatose in this one, I don’t know. 
But it’s hard for a small company to get the influence or money Varian would need for his research. So, he steals valuables and rare compounds and materials to fund his research and keep him going, under the name “der Waschbär”, which Google Translate tells me means “the Raccoon” so I’m rolling with it.
He meets Varian in a business meeting with KreiTech, or one of those fancy business parties or something along those lines. They become infatuated with each other pretty quickly (as adults that are more sexually aware, I always picture these two precocious kids being pretty flirtatious when attracted to someone so they just kind of click pretty quickly). 
It’s basically the story of Varian, the charming phantom thief who worms his way into Hiro’s life, and Hiro, the superhero aiding the cops in his capture. All while being completely oblivious to each other’s identities and flirting/pursuing each other constantly on the side xD I just like phantom thief stories okay?
#9 - POKEMON!!!!!
Yeah, I still want to do something with these pokemon headcanons
I’m still not entirely sure what kind of pokemon thing I’d want to do. Similarly to the other ones centered around my headcanon posts, it would probably be something I write in short bursts or one-shots and such. 
I’m not sure if I want to do something focusing solely on Corona as a region and the Tangled Characters, or continuing the Hiccup/Hiro/Varian that the headcanons focus on. 
#10 - The VTuber AU
Yes, I’m doing this! I’ve fallen neck-deep into the VTuber pit, and I love the idea of a VTuber Varian. I feel like his avatar is probably a combined effort between him and Rapunzel, who would probably be the artist behind his character. He’s probably an independent VTuber, streaming on his own with his own model - either because he was genuinely curious about the boom and wanted to try it, or due to the influence of his friends (whether a bet or something along those lines).
As stated in a previous post, I feel like his vtuber character is super steampunk, and probably raccoon-temed. There are a lot of VTubers that use the animal-ear look after all. His VTubing character is super chaotic, and tends to fly solo when streaming. 
Hiro is a pretty big gamer himself, but never got big into VTubers. He felt it was just a fad attached to regular streamers, and never really got into watching other people play games, so vtubers make it even weirder really. 
He was looking for help getting past a certain point in a hard game, though, and in his search came across Varian(in the fic, his VTuber identity will have a separate name! I just haven’t htought of one yet) streaming the game, and stuck around to see what he did in that part, and wound up staying because he was chaotic and fun to watch. Before long, he realized he was watching clips from previous streams and catching his streams regularly. The others start teasing him about it. 
Meanwhile, Varian, who’s recently joined in with the group after having started SFIT the year or semester after Varian (maybe Year, since Hiro can be watching it while the others graduate and start looking for work, since he doesn’t really have any other friends in SFIT so he just kind of falls into it to pass time)
Still dunno how he figures out Varian is a VTuber, and whether it’s before or after they start planning though. I just rcreated this one it has work to do.
Anyway that’s about it. There’s probably a few smaller ones I put off to the side of my brain for the time being that didn’t get added here. I forget which ones I start planning a lot and I almost never write them down, I just plan them in my brain as I go and the ones that stick are just keepers. Hope you like these though! Curious to see what everyone things and which of the ideas the, like, 20 of you that follow me like. 
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smolvoidling · 8 years
The Tengu and the Kasa-Obake || Blood Moon AU
// A little more about Smol and Wynn’s Blood Moon selves, since I’ve only vaguely talked about each.
Smol is a Youkai very heavily based on a Tengu,; his appearance is a mix of both the long-nosed, more humanoid variation and the bird/crow-like variation. However, should one look under the mask, they’d find a much more bird-like face underneath.
He’s averagely tall, if a bit on the short side for youkai, reaching roughly 6ft when standing straight. Covered in a crimson fur and soft feathers, he’s incredibly soft to the touch-- and if you can convince him to let you pet him, he’s surprisingly weak to being pet. Especially ear scratches. His eyes are quite sharp like a hawk, even in the dark, and he relies primarily on his sense of sight as opposed to hearing. It’s hard to sneak up on his from the front, but it’s significantly easier to overwhelm him if silently approaching from behind.
While lacks much in the way of physical, brute strength, he’s gifted with near unrivaled speed and dexterity and minor control over wind. With the concentrated flap of his wings, he is able to summon strong gusts of wind that can slice or blow away enemies. Of course, particularly heavy youkai, or those who are immune to/can cancel magics are more or less immune to the winds.
He’s not young, but he’s not old either. While generally wise enough to not go antagonizing violent or overwhelmingly powerful youkai, he is a horrible trickster at heart and loves to play. However sometimes he takes his playing a little too far and gets into trouble more often than not.
Wynn is something of a Kasa-Obake/Karakasa-Obake, and is closer to a tsukumogami, a ‘tool youkai’, than a normal Blood Moon youkai. Not born like many others, he’s actually an umbrella that acquired a ‘spirit’ and human form after existing for a long time-- the large umbrella he carries around being his ‘true’ body, though greatly distorted from both age and magic. Should the umbrella be badly damaged or even broken, his ‘human’ body will suffer potentially lethal wounds.
Reaching at hardly 5ft tall without the tall geta sandals he wears (and only just reaching 5′6″ with them), not to mention his human body being quite thin and willowy, he’s hardly an intimidating sight or a threat. His only means of defense are small will-o-wisps and causing rain, otherwise he tends to flee when attacked. With only one eye, sight isn’t his strongest sense, especially when in the rain. He doesn’t have a face behind the partial mask, and since there is not one present on the mask he doesn’t have a nose, and so by extension lacks a sense of smell. Hearing is his best sense outside of touch, but even that is closer to a human’s sense than a youkai’s.
He’s rather young by youkai and tsukumogami standards, only very recently having become a Kasa-Obake. Tsukumogami are have said to obtain spirits at 100 years of age, and the small creature was only spotted recently, hardly making him older than 110 years. He’s cautious enough to sense hostility and stay away, but he still has a genuine curiosity when it comes to others.
While familiar with many human concepts and habits after living in human homes for so long, there are still many things that are new to him. He is shy to approach both humans and yokai alike, but is generally curious and kind. In particular he enjoys keeping people company in the rain, and will follow individuals while it’s raining to share his umbrella while they travel. Tsukumogami are usually known for deceiving and scaring humans, but he has no interest in that, because lots of the humans are scarier than he is.
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liza-lilly · 3 years
Obake: Okay just kind of based off a time travel AU I was thinking about with Kei. The art is sloppy on purpose, I was having fun with it.
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Hope you enjoy this one @barely-nok
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drkineildwicks · 7 months
BH6 Snippets - 2/29/2024
Happy Leap day! Oh hey we made it it's March! :D Now back to my two pages a day with fewer late nights....
Anywho--did more work on the time-travelling Obake sequel (and I think some on season 3 for it too), but in the meantime, more from the episode "El Fuego":
Tadashi was pretty blunt in his opinion of the El Fuego fight. “Seriously?” Hiro demanded as Tadashi put his armor up.  “We’re supposed to let that guy get away with badmouthing Baymax?” “That guy’s opinion doesn’t change Baymax’s purpose,” Tadashi told him.  “I’m not turning my healthcare robot into a battlebot because some jobless wrestler called him out on TV.” “Help,” Hiro said to Obake. “Not acting makes him look the buffoon,” Obake told him.  “The man is full of hot air, there’s no point in inflating his ego.” “Seriously!?  Okay I’m going over to Honey Lemon and Fred they have the right ideas about this.” “On the one hand, it’s nice that we’re agreeing on something,” Tadashi said to Obake.  “Also, Fred, before you suggested the time and place I was trying to talk him into forming a new wrestling league under the Fredricksons.” “Oh dude that would be awesome and I’m sorry I messed that up,” Fred said, popping the lid off his costume. “And we lost Fred,” Hiro sighed.  “Honey Lemon?” “Sorry Hiro, it’s different when it’s outside the ring and people could get hurt,” Honey Lemon said, wincing. “Seriously!?  Does no one agree with me on this!?” “I’m all for solving our problems with violence, but the guy didn’t call me out in public,” Gogo said.  “Probably knew he’d lose.” “Okay we need to talk,” Wasabi told her.  “Because I feel like there’s a fine line between confidence and committing manslaughter.” “If it makes you feel better I take it out on the punching bag over there so I don’t cross that line.” “Knowing you’re aware of said line doesn’t, actually.”
So in canon Hiro takes the insult to Baymax way personal because of him being Tadashi's legacy (which, in reflection, is setting up the second arc being focused on Legacies and puts the rest of season 2 arc 2 into perspective) but with Tadashi alive in this AU he's able to act as the voice of reason and hopefully keep Hiro from dressing up in a mech suit and fighting a guy outside his weight class.
Anyway now that the month's over that's the last y'all will see of me here outside of the occasional art post or fic announcement--see you next year!
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