#tinka's life
budgie2budgie · 10 months
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tinka's life - earlier - next
[watch me - biig piig]
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rosesncarnations · 6 months
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The babies!!!
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i-might-die-today · 2 months
ज़िंदगी हाँ,
थोड़े थोड़े फ़ासले थे कुछ तेरे कुछ मेरे क्यूँ दरमियाँ,
ज़िंदगी हाँ,
थी जो शिकायतों को कुछ तूने कुछ मैंने सुलझा लिया,
तेरे इशारों पे मैं चलता रहा,
मेरे इशारों पे तू भी चल कभी,
तेरे इशारों पे मैं चलता रहा,
मेरे इशारों पे तू चल कभी??
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gwaevalarin · 1 year
I have tickets for One And Only on Saturday! I'm so excited! I'm going to see Chen Shuo on the big screen!
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niqhtlord01 · 2 years
Humans are weird: The fixer
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)  
The door slowly pushed open and a pair of hooded figures rushed inside before closing the door behind them. They struggled against the door as the pouring rain and strong winds fought to keep it open, but after a moments struggle the figure was able to close it.
Turning back to the room the figures stood by the doorway as they shook off the rain from the jackets before removing their hoods.
Zin and Sho looked around the lobby for a moment. It was neither clean nor dirty, but in some stagnant place in between. A row of chairs lined one wall while across the yellowed tile floor against the opposite wall was a large window with a shutter drawn across it. Beside the window was a worn metal door that led off into some unknown room. The lone light overhead made a constant buzzing sound that hurt the alien’s delicate ears which only further added to their tension.
Neither of them had been to this place before; and for good reason if the rumors were true but they had run out of options. Zin stood slightly taller than Sho and had to lean forward to not hit the ceiling of the room while her son Sho barely came up to her chest. He was still a child in Tinka society, not even 600 years of age, but by the time he reached his first millennia he would experience his own growth spurt.
Just as the pair were to sit down a voice came from behind the shuttered window.
“We’re closed, so piss off and get out.”
The voice was rugged and tired. Zin could clearly identify it as a human’s voice even without having to physically see the speaker. This was the human quarter after all and it wasn’t likely any xeno would wish to stay here for long.
A flash of anger passed across Sho’s face and he made to stand and berate the human when Zin placed a calming hand on his shoulder.
“I am sorry,” she began, “but we have an appointment today with the healer who resides here.”
“Appointment?” came the voice; the word dripping with confusion. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“Forgive me.” Zin said hastily. Despite Sho’s growing anger Zin knew this healer was the last chance her son Sho would have at a better life. “I am unfamiliar with your language symbolisms; I was told to say that by a Mr. Jimmy.”
There was a pause after Zin spoke the name aloud. She could hear some rustling behind the shutter but nothing more before the shutter unexpectedly rose up with a long grinding.
“Jimmy sent ya?” the speaker asked as both Zin and Sho finally got a good look. It took them both great efforts not to scream or gasp in horror at the horrifying parody of a human that stood before them.
The speaker was indeed human, or at the very least had started that way. On their back they boasted an additional set of mechanical arms that seemed to move and jerk of their own free will. In place of a normal face there was a set of six red mechanical eyes built into their skull like a spider’s eyes; each one looking in a different direction now and then.
“That is correct.” Zin replied, trying her best not to stare at the outlandish human. ��He said that you could help us and that if you didn’t he would “Come collect what was owed”, to quote him.”
A low groan came from the human as all four of their arms twitched in agitation.
“You ask for a favor one bloody time…” Zin heard them mumble under their breath.
The shutters slammed shut sending a jolt into both the aliens. Before they could react though the door next to them shutters opened and the human stepped out.
“Right you lot,” the human said as they waved them in, “let’s get this done and over with.”
The pair of aliens did not move as they took in the full unnatural nature of the human before them. He stood no higher than Zin and frail in figure and yet with his mechanical arms made them appear larger than they actually were. Their clothes were dirty and stained with substances Zin and Sho did not wish to inquire about but had an unnerving idea of what they were.
Zin and Sho slowly shuffled past the strange human who promptly slammed the door shut as soon as they crossed the threshold casting them into dark shadows lit only by the light sneaking its way past the shutter slats.
Just as their eyes were adapting to the darkness the human flipped a switch somewhere and power kicked into the room’s lighting. Both of them squinted at the sudden onrush of light and their eyes once again needed some moments to adapt.
“What’d ya need?” the human casually asked leaning back into their chair by the shutters. They picked up a metallic looking bag and Zin watched as one of the robotic arms reached into the bag and removed a strange thin crisp of some sort before shoving it in the mouth of the human.
Sho was about to say something when he heard a soft stuttering sound.
“Hold on a tick,” the human said as they stopped eating and leaned forward, “haven’t I seen you before?”
Zin shook her head as one by one the eyes of the human began rotating and focusing on the pair. “I can assure you that this is the first time we have been in your…..establishment.”
The human was unconvinced and kept his various eyes on the pair. “Nah, I know you from somewhere.”
Without warning the human kicked off the wall sending him and the chair he was sitting in straight towards the aliens. Zin was startled and took a step back but it was Sho the human was focusing on.
His thrust had pushed him directly in front of Sho and before he could react the human was grabbing his face and turning it left and right. The stuttering sound continued and it was then Zin noticed it was coming from the extra eyes implants.
“What is the meaning-“ Zin demanded but the human’s metallic arms snapped in her direction and she leapt back in fright.
“Shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuush!” the human stammered as they continued examining Sho. “Where have I seen you?”
“Let me go.”
A soft click vibrated in the room and the human finally broke his examination to look down and see Sho pressing the barrel of a snub gutter pistol right at his chest.
“Or I shall paint this room in your blood.” Sho finished as the barrel of the weapon pressed against the human’s body and clinked against something metal underneath their clothing. If they were afraid of the sudden turn of events they gave no sign of it.
Quite the opposite in fact as the gun pressing against his chest suddenly snapped some final detail together in his head and the human smiled.
“Now I remember,” they exclaimed loudly, “you’re that Xenthal Corp ceo’s kid aren’t you?”
Zin and Sho said nothing, but their silence was confirmation enough for the human who started laughing like a madman.
“Well this is not how I expected my day to go.” They let go of Sho and pushed themselves back with their feet away from the armed alien and started spinning in the room.
“The high born must really be desperate to come down here.” They laughed as they continued to spin. Just like before however something else must have clicked inside their head as they planted their feet firmly into the ground and stopped their joyful spin.
“Hold on; what the hell are you doing down here?” they asked puzzled. “You’ve got the dosh to see any fancy doc topside.”
The eyes began stuttering again as they noticed something on Sho’s gun arm and the bandages covering it. “Unless….you need something handled you can’t have top siders knowing about now.”
Slowly inching back to Sho the human leaned forward. “Something that might make daddy not too happy with you and make those corp big wigs look even worse.”
They nodded to the series of bandages covering Sho’s gun arm. “Let’s see it.” The human said, but Sho made no move to withdraw the gun he still had pointed at the human.
“Sho,” Zin spoke softly, “this is why we came here.”
“I do not like this thing,” Sho blurted out, shaking the gun at the human still to emphasize his point “it annoys me to no end.”
The human stopped inching forward and looked over at Zin. “Did this little twat just call me a “thing”?” he asked. The offense was in his voice as there was no trace of the humor that had moments ago radiated from the man.
Before Zin could defuse the situation the human looked back and pointed at him with one of his mechanical arms. “Listen here you little shite; you’re in my goddamn domain so show some fuck’n respect or I’ll gouge your eyes out and attach them to your stupid ass so the next time you say something so stupid you can see the world of shit you just walked in to!”
The pair faced off against each other in silence as Zin felt Sho’s anger rising. It would not be long now before he did something stupid so she stepped in to defuse the situation.
“We need him, Sho,” she said as she stepped in front of Sho, “we need him to make this all go away; otherwise you know what father will do to us.”
She watched as her brother continued holding the gun as if ready to fire before her words sunk in and he lowered it.
“Thank you.” She reached out and began unwrapping the bandages to show the human what lay beneath. “This is what we need you to fix.”
Stepping over to the pair the human casually grabbed Sho’s arm and pulled him closer to look. Sho made to raise his gun again but Zin held a hand on it and kept it lowered as the human examined the wound.
“This looks like a graze from a laser rifle.” They said calmly as if such a wound was as uninteresting as a pimple. “Luckily it’s just a graze instead of a straight through.”
He broke his gaze from the wound to look at Zin. “Laser fire cauterizes the wound so there’s no bleeding or mess, so what the hell do you want me to do with this?”
Zin paused as if confused. “Do you not wish to know what he was doing to get such a wound?” To her surprise the human scoffed at this and casually let go of Sho’s arm in disgust.
“You clearly don’t know how this place works so I’ll spell it out.”
His arms all pointed to himself. “I don’t give a fuck what you stupid kids were doing to get that.” He said mockingly. Sho was about to remark how they weren’t kids but the human continued over him. “I only care that you’ve got the credits to pay for whatever it is you need to be done without anyone else being the wiser.”
He looked up the pair of them before focusing on Zin. “Lucky for you this is a favor situation or you’d be paying double, so out with it already.”
Zin steadied herself and with a casual glance at Sho she spoke. “We need you to cover this up so it does not appear like a laser wound.”
“You could have done that at home.” The human remarked dryly. “But then again from the looks of it you probably would have fucked that up too somehow.”
Zin could feel the hatred and anger radiating off Sho now and were the situation different she was sure he would have killed the human by now.
The human looked at Zin for a moment before turning away and beginning to rummage through several cabinets.
“Do you have one of those plasma lit stoves in your kitchen?” he asked randomly as he pulled out several bottles, sniffing each before putting some back and taking out others.
“We do.” Zin confirmed, but she wasn’t sure why the human would wish to know that.
After several minutes the human returned with several bottles and began mixing the contents into a single bottle one by one.
“What are you making?” Sho asked as the human stirred the contents together with one of his robot hands as if it was a whisk.
“Hold out your arm.” was the only response he got much to his ire.
Reluctantly Sho agreed and held out his wounded arm while the human poured the strange contents over the entire arm.
“Will this cover up the wound?” he asked.
“No,” the human said, “but this will.”
Without warning the human lit a match with one of his free hands and tossed it on to the arm that had been covered in the strange contents. The moment the flame touched the goopy like substance it immediately caught flame and engulfed his entire arm.
Sho made to scream but was silenced by the human as their flesh hand covered his mouth while his mechanical arms firmly grasped both of his arms and kept them apart as the flames began to consume the limb.
“What are you doing?!” Zin shouted as her brother continued to scream in pain. She made to free him but the flames were so hot they forced her back. “You’re killing him!” Zin shouted, not even listening to the human’s reasoning.
“I wish.” The human grumbled under their breath as Zin’s body went limp and they let go to reach for a nearby fire suppression kit to spray Sho’s arm down. The fires took a bit to die down but eventually they were extinguished. Zin rushed to her brother to find his breathing ragged but still there.
“Are you mad?!” she shouted at the human who casually stood over them.
“Laser fire is easily distinguishable when examined unless the entire area around the wound has experienced severe burning.” The human began as they began wrapping up the bandages again around the arm. “This fire will have burned most of his arm and cover up the laser wound under a coat of burn marks so bad they wouldn’t be able to tell anything.”
“Why didn’t you tell him before hand?” she demanded.
The human shrugged. “I needed him to faint from the pain and that’s easier when they don’t see it coming.”
“And this will help us how?!” she demanded as she cradled her pain stricken brother in her arms.
“Because,” the humans spoke slowly and softly, “you are going to take him home and put him in your kitchen.” He then reached over to a piece of paper and scribbled several notes on it before handing it to her.
“You will then set your plasma stove to these settings and let it run for five minutes which will then have it rupture; after which you will call emergency services and report your brother was injured while attempting to cook a meal.”
Zin took the note and read over the instructions. “This is your genius plan to help us?”
“You’d be surprised how often this gets used to cover up wounds.” The human laughed as they took their chair again. “Those plasma stoves might as well be death traps but you high born keep buying them because you think they make you look fancy.”
As if sensing how little Zin was convinced the human sighed and looked at her.
“The kitchen gets you an alibi to cover up whatever he was doing to get that wound and allows him to get professional medical attention. Any strangeness from the original laser wound will be taken for damage done by the plasma stove bursting covering not only your ass but his as well from your father.”
Zin opened her mouth to retort but nothing came out. At worst Sho would be accused of terrible cooking and forbidden from the kitchen for the long foreseeable future; an outcome that was much more desirable when compared to a life in prison for his joy riding in the lower wards while robbing banks.
“You tell Jimmy the next time you see him that we’re square.” The human said lazily as they turned away from the pair. “Now get the hell out of here before I start charging you an overnight fee.”
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My Penny also called my mother hot in my universe. While in my home. In front of Arceus and my skwovet plushie and everything. It's all fine tho, we're still besties, I'm just gonna be sacrificing her to my good friend Giratina now. 👍
(for legal reasons this is a joke)
-Thistle (@team-phantasm)
...Can I please have a life free of embarrassment. For one day. I'm pretty sure I saw somebody posted me literally being possessed yesterday on Tinka-tok...
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wyattoons · 2 years
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New Fakemon inspired by the life of an artist!! Meant to be a counterpart to the Tinka line. Thought it would be fun to draw each one using the tools they hold!
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enviedriches · 22 days
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Basic Information:
Name: Tinka Bell.
Age: 21.
Place of Birth: Ana-Kainga, Kingdom of Dijeuni.
Current Home: Ana-Kainga, Kingdom of Dijeuni.
Affiliation: House Snow.
Occupation: Actor.
Skeleton Bio:
Tink as they prefer to be called is a non binary individual, though they were born with female bits, they do not identify with this choice. It's one reason they go by the name Tink, as they feel that it is a more openly accepting name for any gender. Supported by their friends, they find it easier to be themselves, and thus were able to open up to the world about who they were a bit more by becoming an actor and living their life on the stage with their silent crush Peter Pan.
They can be very thoughtful and considerate, but they do have quite the little temper indeed. Tending to lose their heads at the drop of a hat over some of the silliest things. They are incredibly loyal however, and for the most part they are open minded and selfless.
One of their hot points is when they are not respectfully addressed by 'them' or 'they' but instead as 'she' or 'her'. When this occurs the best person to help to calm them down is Peter Pan, as he is the person that they trust the most, or one of their friends, Rosetta, Iridessa, Vidia, Silvermist or Fawn.
They are a supporter of Snow White, as they see the fight that she has faced in this cruel world and they respect that a great deal. At the same time they feel that if people are willing to stand up and fight with Snow, that when she becomes queen, she will fight for them too, and people like Tink, can find who they truly are and live their lives to their greatest potential.
Face Claim: Yara Shadidi. The face is non-negotiable.
This role is open.
Credit: Chaca.
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cinamun · 1 year
CIIIIIIIN! I need to ban myself from tumblr for a while, or atleast while I’m eating or drinking.
Because you & these gifs be sending me. 😩 I just burnt my damn lip tryna eat my enchiladas. I was struggling to chew, laugh, & scroll at the same time.
Granted, I probably should’ve waited until my food cooled off before biting it but…but…that’s beside the point 😂😂😂😂😂
and OMG…look at our widdle tinka mamas (baby Jerri) becoming apart of the story. 😌 I wuv it here! Lol. I just wanna squish her cheeks. 🥺
& if Karen don’t take her ass on somewhere…harassing folks. 🙄
Also, I knew Kenji was gonna find a way to bring his ass back into the mix. MF always find a way to pop up when you’re happy & living your best life
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But did you make the "HACHAHACHAHCAHAAACHA" sound when you bit it and it was too hot but you kept chewing anyway? LMFAO
Yeah, Chae, the state just wont leave Jerri alone. We know Jerri can dodge the feds like Marcus Flex be dodging child support payments, but this time something just seems off. She seems tired. She been running all her life and now she's an adult and just wants to settle down with her rider, manage other people's pussies and raise a family.
Why can't she just LIVE? Stay tuned tho...
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comicsart3 · 1 year
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Moonbeam has appeared frequently in another of my blogs, Women In Charge, in fm bondage interpretations of covers to the Swedish language comic Solvpilen, or Silver Arrow. The character is a somewhat stereotypical female Native American who is sister and sidekick to the Silver Arrow of the title, wise and brave chief of the Kiowa. Although very sexualised, and frequently illustrated in damsel in distress scenarios, Moonbeam is nonetheless skilled in unarmed combat and not infrequently comes to Silver Arrow’s rescue also. Dressed in a tight, flowing, slit buckskin dress, Moonbeam often graced the cover of Solvpilen, frequently depicted throwing sundry outlaws, Indians and renegade cavalry troopers over her shoulder. She is therefore very much of her late 1970s/1980s time - a strong but not too strong female character, feisty and able to look after herself, but fundamentally subservient to the main man. Moonbeam is therefore not the best example of a strong female comic book character, but her kick-ass abilities do earn her a place in this blog.
The above cover is somewhat atypical in that Moonbeam is shown in customary jiu-jitsu mode, but her garb is less sexy and more realistic. There is also the slightly surreal addition of the warrior maiden’s pet mountain lion cub, Tinka, who accompanies Moonbeam everywhere and never seems to grow up.
The title began as Zilverpijl, a Flemish language creation of the Belgian artist Frank Sels in 1970, which rapidly gained popularity in the whole Scandinavia (including Finland), and was also translated into German. The series ran until 1986 but never broke into the English language comic book world which is a shame, as its stories were well plotted, contained much factual information about Native American life, and the cover art in particular, was very dynamic.
The cover featured is to Solvpilen #1 (January 1972)
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budgie2budgie · 10 months
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tinka's life - earlier - next
[the train to nowhere - hemlocke springs]
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anomalousfrequency · 1 year
The Ten-Towns Tour
aka Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden - The Musical
When people ask me for the truth, the whole truth, and nothin' but the truth, I like to start from the top. So, by way of introduction, here's how I started out:
Legend 0f Tha Silvermaul
This is tha tale of tha MC Silvermaul
Badass dragonborn fightin' monsters an' he kill 'em all
Rhymin' fast as lightning listen up to catch it all
Ya might learn something new like how to pronounce ixitxachitl
To tha Silvermaul clan he was tha black egg of tha family
While tha other broods were rumblin' he'd be two-steppin' hammily
Tha adults let it ride, "He'll give it up when he's older!"
But he learnt more moves than there's eyes on a beholder!
When it came time to make his way in tha world
He revealed his dream with a banner unfurled
Singin' C-H-R-Y-S-O-P-
H-Y-L-A-X is me!
But his olds huffed and puffed an' tha dream was rebuffed an' he told 'em, "Get stuffed!"
He ended up cuffed up roughed up by tha broods wearin' hoods and they dumped him in tha woods
BREAKDOWN! Lady Tinka on tha turnaround!
(To the tune of the break in We Don’t Talk about Bruno)
Out in the woods, a witchy witch was lurkin’ (Hey!)
Seen the fallen kid, and all those hoodies all twerkin’ (Ho!)
Teabagging him as he lay down in the dirt… (Ain't tha way…)
Din’t like that hurt. (…it gotta go)
Picked him up, offering a deal, no foolin’ (Alright!)
All the wishes tumbling all around him duelin’ (That's tight!)
Put a magic beat-box right into his willing hand… (This tha MC curse?)
Soon he’ll make a stand! (I gotta rhyme in verse!)
So that' ain't tha end
Don't think y'all lost him
Hidin' in tha woods
With a dream that cost him
He did tha soul-searchin'
And he got a bit brighter
Joined tha Argent Legion
Famous dragonborn fighters!
Tha mercenary life was strict an' hard
But tha pay was OK an' he play a lotta cards
Between tha fightin' an' tha drinkin'
An' tha smitin' there's tha thinkin'
An' tha dream stayed alive an' began to thrive
He got tha drive to survive an' make tha joint jive
But tha year dragged on an' tha MC got twitchy
Tha CO's attitude got rude an' bitchy
Tha MC mustered out of tha Legionnaire crew
But tha farewell drinks got a little too blue
He laid down a rhyme with tha mocking vibes
Tha captain reacted with some spiteful jibes
Tha vibes an' tha jibes split tha Legion into tribes
Some were fans some were haters some were…procrastinators
Tha captain was knocked out, tha MC was locked out
From the bars and tha taverns tha Legion was blocked out
But everyone there said tha joint was rocked out!
Thank y'all very much!
Next up: A meeting in Bryn Shander...
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setimoalem · 2 years
the would-be prologue for my drarry taken!au bcs I'm a sucker for this movie
"Eyes on your opponent Scorpius." It was all the warning Barzilai gave before stinging him with a burning hex. Scorpius flushed angrily and send one back his mentor raised shield against with ease. He was fast for such an old man. "Not on your father."
"He's distracting me." He looked back at the stone bench a good twenty meters away where father sat with legs crossed and face carved in marble. He missed when exactly he had come in — he usually avoided the cellar turned duelling room at all costs — but now that he knew he was there watching Scorpius was tense and unable to focus on any hexes or shields. He wanted nothing less than make a fool of himself in front of him. "What is it, dad? Any pointers?"
The snark went without an answer just as he knew it would. His father raised his brows and kept his mouth shut, gaze alert. Scorpius rolled back his shoulders. He and Barzilai circled around each other like panthers, the runes on the floor glowed faintly sharpening his vision and hearing but not his mind. He could hear the steady beat of his father's heart if he concentrated hard enough and barely anything else.
The instructor struck him again with a stronger hex — painful boils on the back of his hand — and Scorpius swore under his breath. He was making a fool of himself regardless. "Caecusocello!" he cursed and when Barzilai predictively side stepped he hexed again, not letting the man regain footing. "Entomorphis!" And there it was, the older man's eyes grew the size of saucers before morphing into a insect like eyes glistening in a kaleidoscope of colors in the dim light of the cellars.
"Well done." The man said unimpressed and raised his wand to dispell the jinx. To any outsider Barzilai looked like he might need help carrying anything heavier than a melon and couldn't move faster than two paces at the time but in reality the man's was fast as lightening and had an iron strong grip that always startled Scorpius to be in the receiving end of. "Maybe less juvenile next time."
"Next time, sure." Scorpius summoned a water pouch and took a long gulp. "I'm knackered and it's past your bedtime, grandpa."
The man sighed like Scorpius was a past life's penitence, as per usual, and vanished the floor runes away with a wand swish.
"I thought if your father watched our training today I could bring your competitive side out for once." The boy smiled vanished as Barzilai summoned his satchel and shoes. Old grump. "I was wrong. Next class it'll be only you and I again to spare you from embarrassment."
Scorpius flushed and scowled, taking a look at his father who gathered it was safe enough to approach.
"Thank you for inviting me to watch, Professor Barzilai." Draco bowed his head a bit, more respectful with the old man than Scorpius ever was.
The professor sighed again. Scorpius took the opportunity to skunk away, taking off the upper half of his leather training gear and draping it without care by the armorial. Tinka always came back to organize everything after training, it was useless to try to place it anywhere himself, and grabbed his shoes to walk back upstairs when he caught on what they were saying.
"...More intensive approach. I have a friend in Pristina who offers a four weeks long training camp..." The old coot was saying and Scorpius tensed, grinding his teeth. He wasn't going anywhere, that was for sure. "...Discipline with kids his age..."
He couldn't hear it anymore, he spelled the door opened and ran up the stair two steps at the time. He hated not being able to apparatate inside the Manor, he always took too long to reach his room all the way up in the third floor.
His father wouldn't send him away, he knew. The paranoid bastard didn't let him go to Hogwarts, for Merlin's sake. The only time he was ever apart from his father was during his week long holidays at aunt Daphne's house, but he always took Barzilai's word for truth. What if... What if this time...?
No, he wouldn't. Scorpius would ran away if so.
He knew exactly where to, anyway.
The thought put a small smile on his face, he knew it was risky to sneak out midweek but now he was too wound up to care. He slammed his door shut and took the rest of his clothes off, hoping on the shower for a quick clean up.
He knew his father well enough to be sure he wouldn't look for him tonight even though he knew Scorpius had also heard Barzilai's advice and must be throwing a tantrum in his room. The man called it "giving time to cool off" and would probably only tackle the issue during breakfast next morning. Well, easier for him.
Tinka popped up timely while he was dressing in his most muggle attire — black suit and tie, his father had said it was bespoke amongst them and he didn't have enough outside world knowledge to contradict (for now, anyway)— asking if he wanted anything to eat, he told her no with a smile and she shook her head at his clothes before leaving him to be, probably assuming it was one of his playtime's dress up; the tiny elf treated Draco like a naughty teen and Scorpius like a straight up infant on most days. He supposed for an almost two hundred years old elf everyone was that young.
He grabbed his wand and shoved on his sleeve feeling almost giddy with nerves. The novelty of sneaking out haven't wore off yet, even after weeks of secret escapades. He spelled his shoes silent — a weird pair aunt Daphne had brought him from muggle Paris, odd looking with long white shoelaces and some green and blue drawings. It didn't match the suit at all, muggles were so odd. — and careful with his steps sneaked down the corridor.
It wasn't hard to avoid him, the man always worked way past midnight in his study on the second floor. He just had to avoid the elves. Tinka was his personal one, he trusted her to not tell father anything he didn't explicitly ask. Monty was the problem, the elf was overeager and a babblemouth, always getting Scorpius in trouble. He was the one to tell father he was putting his greens inside a rolled a napkin on his lap last year and father was not amused.
He snuck past the kitchen to a hidden backdoor he found by accident during his nighttime walks. It lead to a soil patch of wild grass and high weed, he followed by the barely there stone path almost completely covered in dirt and grime. It was a long walk until the iron fence of Malfoy Graveyard, than thrice of that time to walk beyond the property to the small village on the other side but Scorpius had learned a few tricks by then.
The first time he found the cemetery, he didn't have his wand on him to unlock the gate, which he was thankful later because he would probably have tried to do so and would have got caught right away by the master of the property; the very man he was trying to avoid. No, he was smarter than that; the first time he had climbed over, tearing his shirt in half on the pointed top and walked through the creepy dead land shirtless and shivering.
The small village had probably been part of the Malfoy state in medieval times for how close it was. Probably less then two hundred people actively living there, the couty was small and picturesque. A single one of everything: one school, church, health center. The houses were built so similar to each other the whole place felt like straight out of a storybook.
And for some funny twist of fate, it was completely muggle.
The first time he stepped a foot on the small town square, half naked and lost one old lady had gasped and pulled him inside of a tavern to warm up with by the fire. She had been righteous and furious "Where are your irresponsible parents, child? Why are they letting you out without a shit?" Scorpius had snarked right back, never the one to let people bad mouth his father. He was still chilly and guarded with uncle Blaise for saying his father could barely take care of himself in school and that he had been a mindless boy. It doesn't matter if father agreed, Scorpius had not found it as entertaining as his uncle was aiming for. Nor he found the woman's worried tone agreeable.
Then, he met her; she had been drawn by the commotion like everyone else. Her huge curious eyes were on him for half second before Scorpius had found them and forgot how to speak, his mind blanched completly.
Simone, he found later, was the daughter of the bakery owner. She had a long curly hair Scorpius couldn't stop thinking about even days later back in the Manor. The thought of her plagued his mind so constantly he snuck out the next weekend to see her, properly dressed this time.
She stayed at the backery after school and was a year older than him, she told him timidly at first. Her hair was braided this time, for his disappointment. She looked like a princess with her hair down.
She had brown skin which contrasted drastically with his when they were close and she was almost as tall as him. Her shampoo smelt sweet and odd, like a fruit he didn't know but didn't want to ask in risk of sounding like a creep.
She found him funny, for some reason, always smiling secretively at him or snorting at things he said especially when he didn't know basic things like what internet meant. She called him "eccentric" and avoided the word "weird" even after Scorpius suggested it himself. She was sweet like that.
His name was another matter entirely. Simone had not believed Scorpius was his actual "government" name and not a "street" one. She was determined to give him a nickname after finding out it really was. He never had one so he couldn't suggest any, his father loved his name (his father thought he was the most special and unique kid ever birthed so he usually took his opinions with a grain of salt) and never thought of abbreviating it at all. Score or Scion, she suggested but he did not like those. She took it as a challenge and kept coming up with a different one everytime he visited, he couldn't control his giddy excitement on whatever silly one she had come up with since the last Saturday they spoke and it often distracted him from his rigorous study and training time.
As he walked to the village he wondered almost irrationally what his father would say if he took Simone to the manor for a visit. He would be shocked, he supposed. Angry at him but not at her, he would make sure she wasn't hungry, keep the elves out of her line of sight and would clumsy try to answer her questions without giving magic away. Then, she would leave and Scorpius wouldn't be allowed to leave his room without Tinka trailing after him.
Yeah, that was never happening.
He smiled at the first signs of light down the hill, stomach fluttering at the thought of getting to see her. He wanted to ask Simone to be his girlfriend but they never even spoke about anything romance related. Sometimes he felt like she wasn't interested in him at all, treating him like she treated every other boy in the village but some other times she would look at him from under her lashes and laugh at his unfunny jokes like protagonists in romance novels and he'd feel unsure all over again. Was it an all girls thing or a Simone thing? He never met any girls his age.
Maybe he could ask if she had any interest in boys first to avoid making a fool of himself.
The townspeople greeted him with a cheery wave or a shout-out, already used to him. He waved back with a big smile and a warmed heart, making a beeline for the back of the still open bakery. Simone usually up late helped her father kneading bread for the next morning and being a Thursday she obviously wasn't outside waiting for him.
He took a deep breath before stepping inside the warm bakery.
"Simone?" He called. The front unusually was empty. The crime rate was next to zero here but still seemed a bit extreme to leave the shop unattended.
"Scorpius?" A much surprised voice called back, he grinned as her fast footsteps approached from the back room. And there she was. Beautiful with a curly and loosen ponytail and knee long yolk yellow dress. Her brown skin was impossibly flushed at the cheeks as she tried to smooth her stubborn hair down. "What are you doing here? It's not saturday."
"What are you doing not here? It's thursday. You can't leave the storefront empty Simone, even a hermit like me knows that." He picked a salt and pepper shaker from one of the indoor tables curiously as he approached. Why would people need salt and pepper at a bakery?
"Put that down, please. And don't call yourself hermit. You're just introverted." She sat down at the tall chair behind the counter. "And there's no robbery here. You're paranoid."
He snorted. "It's funny, you say that because you never met my dad."
She grimaced, emphatically. "Is he giving you trouble about coming here?"
He hummed but didn't answer. He would be giving trouble if he knew, as it was the only trouble was Scorpius own guilty conscience and Monty, who couldn't keep his mouth shut ever.
She gasped, finally registering the implications of his presence. "It's too early for a nickname!"
"Does that mean you haven't thought about any?" He smiled and he leaned close as close as he dared on the counter between them, which wasn't very much at all.
"I have a list, if you must know. I write them down as I think, but if i tell you one now then I'll have to give you two this week and put myself in a disadvantage."
"That's presumptuous of you. Who said I'm coming on saturday too?"
"You are. Who the kids will walk all over if you don't come? They ask after you all the time, you know?"
He face softened even more. There was a group of young kids that usually followed him and Simone around on Saturday looking for more people to play. Simone had a competitive streak that would make his father's look tame and did not ease up for them in any sport or play.
Scorpius on the other hand had a rather soft spot for them, he always wanted siblings. He let them win and climb all over him to touch his hair or ride on his shoulder. He refused to let Simone shame him for it.
"You, of course. I've seen you giving those weird looking sweets to them when you think I'm not looking." She blushed. "I'm always looking, you should have known."
"They call me a witch behind my back." She confided with a funny smile, Scorpius freezed. Heart suddenly beating fast. "Damned kids."
"Why would they call you that?" He asked tightly trying to keep cool. He knew muggles had heard of ghosts and believed they were fantasies but he never thought this knowledge extended for magical folk too.
"They say I'm mean. Um... You know how witches are usually green and eat bad behaved children?"
Scorpius blanched and started to sweat, how the devil muggles knew about hags and why it didn't count as a breach of the statue of secrecy? "Witches only eat children if they're bit by a hag and even then it's reversible if you get them to help fast enough. Did they teach you that at school?" He asked carefully.
She was looking at him a bit strangely now. "No, of course not. It's just a kid's tale."
He nodded still of guard and scrambled his brain for a subject change after an awkward pause. "How about a walk?"
She nodded eagerly and jumped off the chair and rounded the counter to follow him out.
"You know things would be easier if you had a phone. We could talk during week too." She said while closing the bakery's door behind her. He was still sort of uneasy leaving it empty but she assured him no one came in that late and she was just waiting for the next batch of bread to be ready so she could close up and go home for the night.
"It doesn't work in my house. I told you." Though it warmed him that he wanted to. They had new phones at the ministry now, big odd looking things but they had taken a long time to be keyed into the wards and to this day still clashed horribly with the active magic there, multiple of them had even spontaneously caught on fire before. He could ask his dad for one, sure but then he would have to explain why he wanted one in the first place if everyone he knew used floo. It was safer to only talk in person.
"Your weird, misterious house. What do you called it...? Palace? Manor?"
He groaned, she wouldn't let him live his slip of the tongue down.
"It was a manner of saying. I don't live in a manor, that's absurd." He lied.
"Liar! I know you do. You seem like the type to own a manor. You're wearing a suit and real gold jewelry. And I'm sure the studs on your ears are actual emeralds." They were, damned aunt Daphne never doing things halfway. They had pierced his ears together and she had told him she would pick a discreet one, promise. Only to go out of her way to find a slytherin green one so they could match.
"They're not. It's all fake. Let's change the subject." He said and she laughed, doubling foward and almost losing balance. He held her arm in reflex to keep her up.
"Because that was subtle. Do you have horses? You look like the type."
"No." He answered, relieved at telling the truth again. He let go of her, embarrassed to have touched her without permission. She didn't seem to notice. "Not a single animal."
She hummed. "Does you house have rooms no one uses?"
That sounded fairly normal for everyone. He nodded.
She smiled again. "You, rich boy."
He cringed, not so normal then. They rounded the pebbled townsquare. There wasn't much place to walk around in the village, the whole place was smaller than the front gardens at the manor, so they usually rounded two quarters and went back the other way.
"Be honest. Is your dad from the mafia?" She peered at him curiously and he shaked his head, smiling. That word he knew, thanks to aunt Pansy.
"A criminal? Why would I tell you if he was?"
"He isn't, then. You would have gave it away. Ok, is he a politician? It would explain the suit."
"No. Let's stop guessing." He tried to cut her off but she was determined. They were almost back in the backery, for his disappointment. Their hands had brushed against each other twice from how close they were walking and he was itching all over with the urge to hold her hand but squashed the urge down viciously. Way to be a fucking creep, Scorpius.
"He's a CEO then. Also explains the suit."
"There's nothing to explain about the suit! I like it." He wouldn't wear it anymore that was for sure, maybe pijamas and a coat would be more appropriate for a nighttime walk.
She laughed again and they were silent for a bit. He took a deep breath, it was now or never. It was a simple question, she either liked boys or not. And if the answer was yes if she would accept to be his girlfriend. If the answer was no he would keep coming back, regardless of how awkward it became. He valued her friendship too much by now.
"Simone..." He breathed, and swallowed hard. She hummed in response, distracted by something down her sleeve. "Do you..."
"Scorpius!" The boy freezed, heart in his throat. There was no mistaking that voice.
They both turned to look at his father, dressed in black robes and angry like Scorpius had never seen in his life.
"Dad." It was a weak attempt and Simone gasped at them both, like it wasn't already obvious for the matching moonlight white hair. He prayed to Merlin himself to keep the girls mouth shut. His stomach was tied in knots, his father would never hit or punish him physically, he knew. But he could make Tinka guard him like a prisoner and that he would never accept.
His face was stone cold as he jerked his head. "Let's go."
The thought of never come back gave him more bravery than sense.
"No." Shut up, he told himself. What the actual fuck are you doing. "I won't."
His father was taken aback by the disobedience. Scorpius felt actual anger bubbling under the surface this time. He was tired of it, of obeying, of being good.
"Scorpius I'm not asking again, we're going home now."
"What? So you can actually lock me there this time? Prohibit me from going out entirely? From seeing people?" He closed his fists. If felt good to say it, and even better to see his father so surprised.
"We will discuss it at home." His father extended his hand right hand — he rarely touched Scorpius with his left where the dark mark was, Scorpius had only caught a glimpse of it once — and seeing it made him grind his teeth, how could this hand that had brought him so much comfort now made him unreasonable angry now?
"Why don't we discuss it here?"
"You never asked to come, Scorpius. You never even warned me. Did you know the hell you put me through when I looked for you only to find you weren't there?" Scorpius heart constricted but he refused to feel guilty for trying to leave. For trying to live his life.
"I knew what your answer would be! No! It's always no!"
"You don't know that." The man never raised his voice but Scorpius could tell he was getting agitated.
"I do! I do know that! You never let me do anything. Your paranoia is ruining my life!"
"I'm trying to protect you Scorpius. That's all I ever did or want. Everything I do is thinking about you and your safety."
"But don't you see it's making me miserable?!" He forced out, surprised to find his eyes stinging. "You're making me miserable dad. I refuse to be. I won't go back."
"And what you will do then?" He father sneered, a shadow of the vicious boy he once was passing through his face before he got a hold of it again, smoothing down to a closed, cold expression. "You're a sheltered boy, how are you going to provide for yourself if you're not going back? Do you even have your wand with out, you inconsequential child?"
"And whose fault is that? That I'm sheltered and weird? You crippled me to the outside world to make sure I wouldn't run away from you! And now are acting surprised that I actually like it here? Far from you?"
His father took a step back in shook, Scorpius wasn't even registering what he was saying anymore, the anger and resentment blinding him to anything else. It was too late to stop now.
"Are you surprised to hear this? It's been a long time coming, dad. I hate you! I hate you more than anyone else in the world. I wish I was never born. I wish you weren't my dad!" He sobbed suddenly, he hadn't realize he was crying at all and held his head in his hand, finally cooling down enough to register Simone was still there looking shocked and lost.
He was pretty sure they had mentioned magic in front of her. It was silence for a few seconds.
The reality of the whole thing was crashing down fast. Simone's memory of this conversation would have to be wiped to protect the statue of secrecy, his only parent must hate him by now and he was probably homeless.
What had he done? He looked back at his father, face blank but a suspicious shine on his eyes. He had done that; he made his father cry, he waited for the satisfaction to wash him like a wave but it never came. Instead he felt shame unlike anything he felt before, hot and curling in his gut like a disease.
"You can hate me Scorpius. You have many reasons to but we are going back to the manor now. You can hate and yell at me all you want from there." He stepped towards him, probably to grab him when them away when they heard the crack of apparation.
He freezed as Simone gasped and tried to step back only to trip and fall. Two hooded figures were standing less than 10 meters away. Scorpius tried to step back too but was too startled to move. Draco had been faster, he grabbed both Scorpius and Simone and pulled them behind him and he raised his wand, casting the first hex.
"Scorpius, take the girl and run. Now!" Knowing Simone must be out of her mind with fear took him out of his stupor, he held her hand tight and took his wand out of his pocket.
"It's okay Simone. Dad will hold them back, okay? Don't worry. Let's go." He pulled her up and away but one of the figures materialized in front of him.
He pushed her away from him as the person grabbed the lapel of his suit.
"Scorpius, no!" Simone shouted and his dad turned his way but it was too late. He felt the pull of apparetitation on his navel and the ground disappeared under him.
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blondrichclosetwitch · 9 months
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First convo with God 1/14/17
(to cat)
Move your tail
(exhales) It’s 7 am (more exhaling)
 I believe that this is God coming in?  but i’m not sure
( she waits awhile) 
Is that you, God? 
(exhales again) 
Good morning …it feels so strange to say that, because of Judy Blume. 
Did you hear the question in my head just now? 
Are you a he? 
Um, …is my brother suicidal? Is what katie has been tellling me, is it accurate information?
So i can trust katie as my guide. 
You are going *very very very very* vehemently yes. 
That’s what i thought. 
That’s how i feel too. 
That’s why when the death doula said to go to you, i feel that katie is my way to you. 
(emotional) Do you agree? 
I am reaching you through her (crying) because she’s so close to you. 
And i know that. 
Do i need to continue with the death doula? (transmission) 
I need less voices right now. 
What about…..was _____ texting when the accident happened.
“She was on her phone.”
Do you want me to tell John that
Oh God..oh God. you’re saying that so big, you’re saying that so big.(( Breaks down into sobs)
(receiving transmission)
You want me to write it in a letter.
After the court date for this guy.
(shaking) in this letter…you want me to tell John because…his anger will make his..will be bigger than his sadness
“Because he’ll be able to look it up…and prove it. And it will keep him on the earth.”
(She takes a breath and thinks)
Should I tell my mother that I’m doing this? 
Should i tell her that you and i have had this conversation? Should i tell her that (crying again)  he is so sad? 
When is he planning on doing it. When he goes on this trip? 
Ok ok ok
In this letter to explain to him…should i explain about katie and i and the past life? 
And how i was a Holocaust victim
And how i put a plastic bag over my head, rather than let them kill me in a gassing chamber
But that she was the love of my life
(laughing) and that Katie told me this whole story
Will katie be able to help me find ..her past life with him before the 20th? 
And i should put that in there. 
Should i put in the part about dad abusing me as a child? 
And how Katie led me to it? 
And how I need John…to be alive to help me get through it 
And that the whole reason that i started doing tantra was because of losing the baby..and that Dad told me to abort the child because…(breaks down) 
(intense transmission)
Yes, I *need* to put that part in (overwhelmed) 
And i should tell him about thepsychic  opening in September…..
“And the accident”--oh my god this is going to be such a monstrous letter. It’s gonna be, like, the letter of my lifetime…to save my brother’s life. 
Has he already bought a gun?
Does he know…that i have..does he know that i have this connection to katie?
Does he know that i’m able to talk to her?
So basically i’ve got like, 6 days
I’ve got a week…to write it. 
What about Blond & jakk? 
I know what i’ve got to do for John, ….i can do it 
Will he talk to me after he finds the text information? Will he forgive me?
I know he’ll be mad at first
He won’t talk to me right…that’s how he’ll first respond. But then he’ll find the stuff. 
And then he’ll call me?
(stressful sigh) 
Are you *sure* that she was on her phone.
He *will* find the proof?
so(drinks tea) …..
Did she do all those spells on me? 
And Jakk? 
(tense) Does he have a letter waiting for me at lafayette
(long pause) 
And her spells on him….are they working? 
Does he know that she’s still doing spells on him? 
Can i do anything to stop her?
 The same spell again? 
(The spell on New Years Eve was to “set us free”) 
Ok. ok. 
Does her mother know?
 Should i contact her? 
Is her mother *expecting* to hear from me? 
(writes something) 
Is it so he can’t get out of the marriage? Are they still having sex? Does he want to be having sex? 
 (transmission/visual involving Blond in a brunette wig, him calling her Tinka) 
She’s  bringing me into their sexlife??
Is this true? (Starts fucking with her phone,  freaking out typing) “ you cannot let Blond bring me into your sex life. Do not let Blond bring me into anything, do you hear me? KEEP ME OUT.”
(She then writes another message) laurie.. Meet with you….Tinka….confidentially..
(She walks around) I’m going to fucking…(trails off, angry) 
Ok so let’s get back to this with Blond. 
She’ll see it. 
It’s true though. 
Is she gonna be mad that i told him?
So wait are jakk and i actually able to communicate telepathically?
I just did a cord cutting on him! I mean, i guess we could go to the roof today. We don’t have to wait til midnight. Can i just do it in broad daylight? 
Ok. ill do it today. 
I’ll have to have those pictures re-done. 
Hi hi hi my fat tiger (to the cat) 
Not at 5 am. (typing) 
 (end  of tape)
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wallamascotas · 9 months
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❣️Tinka en adopción ❣️ Soy una gatita guapísima 😍, ronroneadora 💓, mimosa 🤗 y juguetona 🧸. Me llevo bien con gatos 🐈 y perros 🐕. Solo busco la oportunidad de encontrar un hogar 🏡. Estoy en Vélez-Málaga, pero puedo viajar🚛✈️. Si te has enamorado 😍 y estás interesado en que forme parte de tu vida, escríbeme✍️ 💓🧸💓🧸💓🧸💓🧸💓🧸💓🧸💓🧸💓🧸 ❣️Tinka for adoption ❣️ I am a gorgeous kitten 😍, purring 💓, cuddly 🤗 and playful 🧸. I get along with cats 🐈 and dogs 🐕. I'm just looking for an opportunity to find a home 🏡. I am in Vélez-Málaga, but I can travel 🚛✈️. If you've fallen in love 😍 and you're interested in being part of life, write me ✍️ Read the full article
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kishoremehta · 1 year
In what is an unfortunate turn of of events, one of our Girl Power members Evelyn (Top Tinkaton Trainer) was assaulted and kicked out of her home by her father following outrage about her queer identity. She is 19 and does not have a long term place to live, and while is temporarily safe thanks to one of our Girl Power members housing them temporarily, she will need funds to restart her life detached from everything she has known.Being removed from your home, your family, and your life because your identity is devastating, and she is going to need help to start a new one in a stable area and become safe long term. The goal is to get her enough to put a down payment on a place for rent, and allow here expenses for 1-2 months. Anything you can give is appreciated, and all proceeds go directly to Evelyn.
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