#tinker twins
riverblossom-valley · 7 months
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collection III of screenshots from round 2 of Riverblossom Valley
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violetrains · 7 months
i love you tinker bell i love you silvermist i love you rosetta i love you iridessa i love you fawn i love you vidia i love you clank and bobble i love you terrence i love you queen clarion i love you fairy mary i love you pixie hollow i love you neverland i love you pixie dust i love you lost things i love you cute little fairy dresses made of flower petals and leaves i love you pompoms on tinker bell's shoes i love you music box with the ballerina that belongs to wendy darling i love you nature magic powers i love you tinkerfairy inventions i love you animal companions i love you fairy humor i love you fairy lore i love you tinker bell soundtrack i love you credits at the end with the cute illustrations i love you disney fairies movies i love you tales of pixie hollow books i love you tinker bell franchise
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twinsoftheday · 9 months
today’s twins of the day are:
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periwinkle and tinker bell from secret of the wings
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tangledinink · 9 months
for the gemini au i remember seeing a comic of donnie sorta comforting leo while he slept and helping him get back to sleep when he woke up and it was so sweet. does leo ever have to do anything like that for donnie?
Leo will absolutely comfort Donnie if he ever wakes up from a nightmare, which usually involves talking him down and helping to ground him. However, this rarely happens. Not because Donnie doesn't have nightmares-- he absolutely does, just as often as Leo does. But since Donnie is constantly staying up to work on projects, Leo rarely gets a chance. And while Donnie is often already awake when Leo is roused by a bad dream, Leo is usually sleeping when Donnie is awoken by his. Donnie would only wake Leo up if it was a particularly heinous dream and he really needed him, but in general prefers not to cost his twin any precious hours of shut-eye.
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angry-brony · 11 months
i need art of chaos sonic and the rest of the eggsibling.
i need art of him annoying the shit of of his twin brother metal.
i need art of him having bratty baby arguments with sage with sage with all "nuh-uh!" and "yeah-huh!"s that implies.
i need art of him roasting his disowned siblings belle and mecha cuz he thinks they're that much better then the rusted mecha failure and the log with legs
i need him bullying orbot and cubot.
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blorbologist · 5 months
Just us, you'll find out
TLOVM pre-canon Vexahra | T | 9k words
Let's be honest: Zahra and Vex are absolutely exes, and I for one want to know what the fuck happened there and how hot was it. Set in TLOVM's canon, but with Take members borrowed from the stream. Title from Sweater Weather by The Neighborhood.
Gift for @rightpastnowhere! <33
Zahra realizes she might have been hit harder than she thought. 
She keeps one hand on her prize - like hell she was letting Aldor divvy up the reward - as she rubs at her eyes with the other.
Nope. Not seeing double: that’s two nigh-identical half-elves.
She carefully feigns counting her party’s gold as they prowl in, forging a straight path to the bar. The one with tits leans up and over, waiting to be noticed, posing just so to prop up said tits like they might speed up the process. Her twin - they must be twins - spies Zahra first, her payment second, and his fingers twitch to grab third. Best keep an eye on that one.
There’s also a bear cub hiding behind the woman’s legs. Hiding is generous - he’s waist high and gangly, snuffling with his nose high. Too young to be without his mother. So why is he with these twins? 
The whole thing sounds like a joke: a half-elf, a half-elf and a bear walk into a bar.
“He won’t pay you any mind, dears - you can’t just saunter in and get served in the Take,” Zahra says loudly. The snoop has enough courtesy to look a little rebuked; his sister, though, she takes a greedy glance of the gold, steals it all with a look alone. 
Zahra expects any number of things when that calculating stare flits up. Shock would be a reasonable one, or disgust, or envy, even curiosity. 
It’s a surprise when hazel eyes burn with more brimstone than Zahra’s blood can stomach.
“We hear this is the place people go to fight monsters,” she says, all sulfur. “Does anyone here know how to kill a dragon?”
[Keep reading on AO3!]
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Idky but I feel like Alador never remembers his kids birthdays and when he does, he gives them an invention which is more to give free publicity to his work than anything meaningful or related to their interests
lmao yeah. like even after the show when he's tentatively making up with his family he just. doesn't realize that it's something they care about. or if he does he doesnt realize it's something that HE should care about because his kids care about it. i do think the ppl of the boiling isles wouldn't allow him within 100 ft of an abomination business for a while after the show bc of All That so if he does make an invention for his kids birthdays, it would just be stuff that HE's interested in. amity seems to be his favorite based on extrapolation from the show and she's already interested in abominations so maybe she'll get something she likes by coincidence but tough luck for the twins.
(i had a scrapped fic idea that involved a comical exchange between emira and alador, where emira points out that he still sucks as a father. em asks alador if he knows when her birthday is, and alador gets the date wrong by like two months. em then asks alador when her brother's birthday is, and when alador has to take a minute to think about it, emira reminds him that she and ed are twins before storming out of the room.)
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dullard · 1 year
more normal guy chil headcanons i dont think hes very good at hiding that meijack is his favorite and he isnt super good at relating to his other daughters. he loves them but his closeness with meijack when she was young stuck around much longer than the others, who gravitated more to his wife anyway because she was more affectionate in parenting style
this also means his most ‘my kids are growing up’ moment was like. cats in the cradle ass thing with meijack i feel like. where meijack was just like working and he went to talk to her Once and she was like. im busy. and he was like. Chip Off The Ol Block....... Wipes Tear
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miusato · 8 days
I'm eating up all of your HS hcs its so fun to read! Just wondering since you mentioned about Minako, Shinji and Aki's living condition, I wondered about other's home situation as well. Is everyone doomed by the narrative or at least one will have the privilege of living in a stable family????
Sir, this is a Persona 3 00s American Cartoon inspired High School Alternate Universe. Everyone is doomed by the narrative.
Okay first of all, I'm so glad that you liked my cringe AU enough to read it like again, it's crazy that people actually indulged on whatever I made 😭😭😭😭 thank you for even taking the time to read whatever I wrote in this blog it means the world to me 🥲💗💗 Now back to the topic, like I always say I want them kids to be happy but I also want them to go through unnecessary teen angst and drama and be dead inside instead of...y'know...whatever ahem ANYWAYSS, despite this being an AU, I kinda keep at least some elements from canon like how everyone in the dorm has no healthy relationship with any of their parents (or basically orphans) so I'm afraid that everyone is kinda doomed by the narrative here lol.
Anyway just a summary of how everyone's living condition in this AU:
Kotone: Orphan. Lives with her cool but promiscuous aunt (Elizabeth)
Shinji: Orphan. Lives in a foster home with Ken. Foster parents provides only the bare bare minimum which left him to take various part time jobs just for money.
Aki: Orphan initially but somehow gets adopted by an upper middle class family.
Makoto: Surprisingly alive. Middle class family, supportive parents. Parents tried to be involved but he's in his teenage angst phase lol.
Mitsuru: Both parents alive. I have an idea in mind that both of their parents kind of despise each other and used Mitsuru to get back at each other, although Mitsu's dad is much more doting towards her. Her parents' relationship is complicated.
Yukari: Just like canon. Dad's dead. Mom dates various men just to fill in the empty gap in her heart.
Aigis: Parents alive and try their best to be involved in her life. Hippy nerdy parents, think of it like a Cady Heron situation.
Junpei: Shitty parents, deadbeat dad. Rather stay outside of his house and crash other's couches than bring at home. He doesn't deserve his parents :((
Fuuka: Asian tiger parents omg literally takes piano lesson and attends kumon as a child. They have high expectation towards her.
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https-wildchaos · 2 months
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lost twins
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screwnames-ihatenames · 7 months
What the qhar
Anywhizzle very mundane fic idea popped into my head: exploring the teins having ocd.
They would have ocd (trust me leo at the very least has ocd if not both of them)
Omg yeah I headcannon Leo having ocd I read a fic that included it and tbh been aged cannon ever since don’t know about Donnie tho hmmm
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astronomical-bagel · 7 months
hello my beloved mutual have you ever been entranced by pixie hollow. also have you seen lego ninjago.
for your consideration: lego ninjago pixie hollow au
YESSS that's such a good idea oh my god!! they would be so cute as fairies 🥺
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luciality · 8 months
mmm okok im gonna post ab my self indulgent disney fairies au where me and alice are together
Alice is a pirate lol dustkeeper talent who loves studying all there is to know about magic. Not just modern fairy magic, but all types of magic in neverland and the mainland. She reads all sorts of books to learn all that she can and dreams of going on adventures where she could learn more about these other magics in person.
Lucilla is a lacemaking talent who is a bit of a loner and takes pride in her work as the best lacemaker in pixie hollow. She is always in the sewing room and rarely partakes in games or festivities with other fairies. Instead, she prefers to live a small, quiet life and spend any spare time she has reading stories of adventure in the library.
We originally met in the library of the Home Tree. We kept bumping into each other there, and it's such a vast place but also usually pretty empty, so when we keep seeing each other, we eventually strike up conversation. For me, it's love at first sight. She's so beautiful and glowing and the faces she makes when she's reading are so cute. So we get to know each other, talk about our work as well as the books we like to read. We dine together in the tearoom, and eventually she switches with another dust talent so that she's the one delivering my dust every day, just so we have an excuse to see each other.
I love listening to her talk about magic, spells and potions and wishes and all other sorts of things that fairies don't naturally have, and she loves all of the intricate designs I come up with. We slowly become best friends, and then even more. Our first kiss happens in the sewing room late at night while I'm up late working and she's there reading a book, having insisted that I work far too hard and too late into the night and she simply must keep me company so that I don't fall asleep there (again). We're teasing and bantering and just generally being besties, and then she comments on how beautiful the bobbin lace I'm working on is. And I say "oh, well not as beautiful as you" and she laughs and sorta smiles at me, and I tell her I love her smile. And she's blushing a bit and she says "oh really? you do?" with that teasing little smirk and so I say yeah and then lean in and kiss her.
Obviously not much changes after that. After all, this is fairy haven. We have jobs to do and romance isnt exactly either of our top priority (married to work lmaoooo) but we continue to spend time with each other and love each other.
I make her a beautiful lace gown all by myself, and I give it to her as a gift, and she loves it so much she starts tearing up, and she decides to wear it to the upcoming winter wonderland party ^_^ which I happily attend with her.
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nomaishuttle · 1 year
i also liked corpse bride and wallace and gromit wererabbit i didnt mean to make it sound like i didnt... sry... but they werent my huge ones
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imnotyourgirl-mariel · 11 months
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Sunday fun 🧚‍♂️
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rarelysimming · 11 months
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Gilly Tinker Looks
"you don't have to wear that dress tonight."
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