#tiny homes victoria
tinyhomesblog · 1 month
Embracing Simplicity: The Tiny Home Revolution
In a world where bigger often seems better, the tiny home movement stands as a compelling alternative—a testament to the growing desire for simplicity, sustainability, and financial freedom. Originating in response to the bloating trend of ever-expanding houses, tiny homes have captured the imagination of individuals seeking a more intentional way of living. Let's delve into what makes these diminutive dwellings so appealing and why they've become a symbol of a modern lifestyle shift.
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What Defines a Tiny Home?
Tiny homes, as the name suggests, are compact living spaces typically under 400 square feet in size. They represent a departure from the conventional notion of homeownership, offering a scaled-down alternative that challenges our perceptions of what a home can be. Often built on wheels, these homes are mobile, allowing residents the freedom to relocate with ease and explore different environments.
The Appeal of Tiny Living
Affordability: One of the primary attractions of tiny homes is their affordability. With housing costs soaring in many regions, tiny homes offer a more accessible entry point into homeownership. The reduced size translates to lower construction costs and minimal ongoing expenses, making them an attractive option for budget-conscious individuals.
Minimalism: Tiny living embodies the principles of minimalism—a lifestyle centered around simplicity and the intentional reduction of material possessions. By downsizing, individuals can streamline their lives, focusing on experiences over possessions and cultivating a sense of fulfillment that isn't tied to material wealth.
Mobility: Unlike traditional homes, tiny houses are portable. This mobility appeals to those who crave flexibility and enjoy the idea of changing scenery without uprooting their entire lives. Whether it's moving to a new city or exploring the great outdoors, tiny homeowners have the freedom to adapt their surroundings to suit their lifestyle.
Environmental Responsibility: The environmental impact of tiny homes is significantly lower compared to larger houses. With their reduced footprint, these homes consume fewer resources during construction and operation. Many tiny homeowners also embrace sustainable practices such as composting toilets, rainwater harvesting, and energy-efficient design, further minimizing their ecological footprint.
Financial Freedom: Living in a tiny home often means freeing oneself from the burden of mortgage debt. By opting for a more modest living space, individuals can redirect their resources towards other priorities such as travel, education, or pursuing their passions. The financial liberation offered by tiny homes is a compelling draw for those seeking a simpler, more economically independent lifestyle.
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The Growing Popularity of Tiny Homes
The rise of the tiny home movement reflects a broader cultural shift towards conscious consumption and sustainable living. As societal priorities evolve, more people are reevaluating the traditional markers of success and embracing alternatives that prioritize personal fulfillment and environmental stewardship.
Is Tiny Living for Everyone?
While the allure of tiny homes is undeniable, they may not suit everyone's lifestyle or needs. Families with children, for instance, may find the limited space challenging. However, for individuals and couples seeking a more streamlined existence, tiny homes offer a viable and rewarding alternative.
Exploring the Tiny Home Lifestyle
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For those intrigued by the idea of tiny living, exploring the lifestyle can be an eye-opening experience. Many communities and organizations host tiny home tours, workshops, and gatherings where enthusiasts can connect, share ideas, and gain insights into the practicalities of tiny living.
The tiny home movement represents a paradigm shift—a departure from excess towards simplicity, sustainability, and freedom. By embracing the principles of minimalism and mindful consumption, tiny homeowners are redefining the concept of homeownership, demonstrating that bigger isn't always better. Whether it's financial liberation, environmental responsibility, or a quest for greater fulfillment, the appeal of tiny homes resonates with individuals seeking a more intentional and purpose-driven way of life. As the movement continues to gain momentum, it invites us to reconsider our relationship with space, possessions, and what it truly means to feel at home.
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thexsilentxwordsmith · 9 months
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Coming up with the idea to take Simon out so that he can pick out a couple pieces of lingerie he wants to see you in, his choices really surprise you.
Request from here.
The minute you brought up the idea, Simon was on board, ready to dish out whatever money he needed to spoil his princess. It seemed like a win-win: you get new lingerie and he gets the benefit of picking out a few items that only he would get to see you in. How could he ever say no to something like that?
The first day you were both off you headed out to the local mall, ready to go on a different kind of mission, one that already had Simon salivating and itching to finish so you both could get back with the items in hand. You did promise that as soon as you got home you’d model them for him and there was no doubt what would inevitably come next.
Walking into the Victoria’s Secret all 6’4” of Simon drew a few stares, but he didn’t care; he was focused on you just as he was any time you two went anywhere. Arms wrapped around your middle to hold your back against his chest as you both slowly made your way through the store.
“Remember, it’s what you want to see me in,” you reiterated the rules for this excursion.
“Best believe I remembered, luv,” he said, his gravely voice hitting you ear just right to make you shiver with anticipation. “Haven’t been able to think of fuck all else since you brought it up, but I think that was your fuckin’ plan.”
You passed by several things that you were sure he would have picked up, you did say anything so nothing was off limits and that included whatever string number he may want to strap you in. The point was to get him excited to chose the bit of wrapping he wanted around his present, not that he needed it. He’d take you in a trash bag and still think you were the hottest piece of tail around.
A severe lack of Simon around your body broke you out of your thoughts as he had let you go to walk over to a display off to the left of you. The way he locked on, it was clear something had caught his eye and you followed him over just as he picked up a bra and pantie set and handed them over to you.
Baby pink with a bit of delicate lace lining the top of the cups, a tiny silken bow in the middle along the rib band and the same matching bikini style panties that had a slightly larger bow on the back, that was his choice. It was very sweet and dainty, something a very soft girl would pick for herself.
“Really? This one?” you questioned, eyebrow raised curiously.
“You said to pick one I liked,” he said. “I like this one. Is that a problem, sweetheart?”
It wasn’t a bad choice at all, just surprising. Never would you have imagined Simon pick something so...quaint. In fact you were sure he would have gone straight for the string thongs or see-thru lace bras, so when he chose that one it caught you off guard.
“Not at all, just didn’t think you liked that sort of style,” you backpedaled, not wanting him to think he screwed up.
“I can like pretty shit too, luv. After all, I chose you, didn’t I?” he chuckled. “This is what I want to see coverin’ across that sweet arse of yours... well, until I get to admire it layin’ on my floor.”
Your cheeks flushed bright red. Fuck, how did he always do that? “I was the one that did the choosing,” you pushed the subject as you tried to dissipate the heat in your face.
“Oh, is that so?” he shot back coolly, moving back in close to take your chin in his firm grasp. “The one that still gets nervous probably wasn’t the one callin’ the fuckin’ the shots. Don’t force me to make that blush brighter just to prove my point, luv.”
Touche, he had won this round; you knew he would too, screw being in public. He wasn’t afraid of people staring as they had been staring at him his whole life, might well enjoy himself while he drew the eyes. You gave in and backed down, receiving a quick peck on your lips for your troubles.
“Now, let me finish my shoppin’ so that we can get outta here and get to the actual fun part,” he said with a smirk.
Lord, he was insatiable. That man could have your pussy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and still be hungry for more.
Going through the rest of the place another similar set he found after a bit more of searching, this one a pale yellow with a little silk flower in the same places the bow was on the first set. He handed over everything over to you so that you could double check the sizes and make sure it was correct before he took it back so that he could pay.
Always the gentleman to his girl.
That large palm was plastered to your inner thigh the entire drive back and every now and again he gave it a squeeze. His mind raced as his imagination ran wild with images of what you’d look like in his purchases: beautiful? Always, but these pieces were more delicate than the others you had and so he was curious to see just how pretty you’d look in them.
“You ready?” you asked through the door.
Once you got back, you left him sitting in his chair as you went off into the bathroom to get changed. He had chosen the yellow to go first, saving his real favorite for last. As you slipped everything around your curves, you had to admit that it was actually really cute and surprisingly not too uncomfortable as well.
Good job baby.
“Get out here now, beautiful girl,” he called back.
Opening the door slowly, you stepped out and sauntered your way to him, stopping just shy of the tips of his boots. Placing your hands behind your back, you stood twisting your body back and forth as you let him admire his choice.
Silently Simon eyed you up and down, taking you all in. “Well?” you asked after a moment.
Eyes came back up to meet your own. “Do a spin for me, darlin’,” he said, making a spinning motion with his index finger. “Slow like.”
Turning around smoothly at a steady pace, you came all the back around until you were facing him again. He was leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees, eyes locked to your body.
“What’s the verdict?” you asked again.
The corner of his mouth unturned. “I’ve got good taste,” he smirked. “Exactly what I fuckin’ wanted. You look amazing, sweetheart.”
His approval made you smile, excited that he liked it, even though you knew he would since he was the one to pick it out. That obsessive stare gave you new life; who wouldn’t want to be the object of Simon’s desire? “Should I try on the other one now?”
Simon nodded his head as he adjusted the crotch of his pants and you scurried back off to the bathroom to change, fueled by his intense interest in you.
The pink on slipped on just as easy and you actually enjoyed this one even more as it enhanced your skin tone to perfection and the little details were so sweet you knew why this one would be his favorite; you could hardly wait to go show him how good you looked.
Coming back out again you nearly ran straight into him as this time he was leaning against the door frame as if waiting for you. He didn’t say a word, but you swore you could hear his breath hitch in his chest as he gazed down at you in that soft little pink number. Calloused fingers came up to trace over the thin ribbon detail, following the curves of the mini bow in the center of your chest.
“This one I really fuckin’ like, sweetheart,” he purred in that gruff, low tone that set you alight.
You swallowed hard, your pulse racing in your veins already. “I have to admit you did really good baby,” you said. “Never thought you’d pick something so pretty.”
Fingers traced the line of the band under your breast along your ribcage before they came back up. “Like you in pretty, sweet things,” he said, slipping a thick finger into the top of the band between the cups. “Bows and flowers, light colors, that sort of shit. Suits you best, luv.”
“Aww,” you picked at him. “You going soft on me?”
That finger fully hooked itself into the fabric between your breasts and pulled you forward, making you take a step to bring you in closer until you were flush against his chest. Those amber eyes shimmered as he tilted his head down close to your neck. “All the shit I’ve to deal with at work, don’t ya wanna give this bastard somethin’ beautiful to touch?”
Well, when he put it like that…how could you deny him?
“My pretty little thing, so goddamn sweet,” he said with a groan, exploring hands releasing your bra so that they could run down the line of your back towards your hips before coming to a stop just under the curve of your ass. He cupped the cheeks one in each hand, massaging the meat in a circular motion.
Hungry lips embraced your neck, quick, burning kisses connecting with the skin to leave a trail of fire where he went. His arousal was already pressing up against your thigh as his hands on your ass squeezed harder; he had been worked up all day and seeing you all pretty for him it pushed him over the edge.
“Just wanna fuckin’ corrupt my little flower, ruin her pretty petals with my fat cock,” he breathed against the nape of your neck. His warm breath wafted down your collar bone to the tops of your breasts, making the skin pinprick with goose pimples while his words worked on your nerves to send you into a tailspin.
Were you supposed to stay sane after that? Because it just got really, really hard to think straight. “Yes,” was the only word your mind could form and you moaned it against the side of his head.
Fingers flitted around the waistband of your panties, outlining the band around your hips before it found the band descending between your legs; he followed that with his fingertips as well. “Mmmm, my beautiful girl, you know no one else even comes close?” he groaned. “Got the prettiest little thing around. Sets me on fuckin’ fire, how lucky I am to have such dainty thing at my disposal.”
Desperation gathered in his movements as he pawed at your body, causing you to respond to him as all your nerve ends across your skin began to ignite like he had just lit a match.
Without warning you were picked up and brought over to the bed where he set you down carefully along the edge. In an instant he had dropped down to his knees before you, one large hand gathered at the back of your head to pull you into his face so that he could press his lips desperately to yours. Wet, aggressive kisses he greedily stole from your mouth over and over again as he moved up into you.
“Lean back for me, darlin',” he said against your mouth.
Releasing you from his grasp you did as Simon said, laying back on your elbows so that you could still watch him. Hands on your parted thighs to steady himself, he swooped in. His face was at your pubic bone and he opened his mouth, collecting the waist of your panties in his teeth before he was pulling them down your legs, undressing you completely without the use of his hands.
Well damn, you had been curious to see how good they’d look on the floor since he had brought it up, but who could have predicted that they would look exquisite in between his teeth?
…Definitely a good choice indeed.
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hischokehold · 4 months
tw: könig being the biggest pervert ever, watersports, anal, non-con.
Perv!König commiting the most atrocious, disgusting acts to you, his precious girl, knowing you'd let him get away with it♡
Perv!König who coerces you into bending over his desk, tight baby cunt sprawled out for him while he films you, telling you that it's normal for little girls like you to let their boyfriends inspect their privates "It's my right as a man, maus. Don't you trust me?"
Perv!König who only lets you wear skirts and dresses for easy access, slipping his thick, heavy cock in one of your tight holes whenever he so pleases.
Perv!König who gets hard over anything and everything that involves you, rubbing his clothed dick against your cunt like a dog in heat because he saw you sucking on a lollipop. And you don't get to complain, liebling. It's your fault for being such a tease! He can't help it! What's a man like him supposed to do when a pretty girl like you is practically begging to get fucked? You should be thanking him.
Perv!König who one day randomly drags you to the bathroom, yanking you down the toilet, and making you hold his flaccid cock as he pisses, angry red tip twitching as his urine dribbled down the bowl.
Perv!König who gently slaps your flushed cheeks with his dick. "Open wide, darling." His calloused thumb brushes over your cheeks, dragging over your plump lips to part them open. "What's wrong, maus? Don't wanna taste daddy's piss?" He chuckles as he squeezes out the remaining urine from his cock and inside your warm, wet mouth.
Perv!König who absolutely adores the utter confusion on your face, torn between disgust and pleasure. "Good girl. Takin' daddy's cock so well."
Perv!König who uses you as his personal little toilet, taking it upon himself to piss in all your holes, randomly yanking your panties to the side to piss in your cunny- don't think that tiny puckered hole is safe from him either. But you're just too tight for him at the moment maus, he's working on it.
Perv!König who comes home after a long, grueling day, body sheathed with sweat and musk. Then impatiently unbuckles his belt with his calloused hand, letting his big, heavy, musky cock fling free from their confines.
Perv!König who forcibly shoves your nose deep in his heavy balls, nostrils pressed against his pubes, keeping you trapped and smothered with his scent.
Perv!König who ruts his balls against your pretty face, "Oh fuck, takin' me so well, angel -fuck, didn't take you for a fuckin' ballslut." Deep, guttural grunts escape from his parted lips, head thrown back in pleasure.
Perv!König who forces his cock into yourunprepared holes, bouncing you on his dick like a fleshlight, ravaging your poor, tiny body.
Perv!König who can't help but utter words of assurance as he fills your fertile womb with his potent cum. "Love you so much, sweetheart. Did so well for me. Daddy's give you a reward for being so good, yeah?"
Perv!König who despite his vile acts is so so so irrevocably in love with you and gives you the best aftercare; preparing a bubble bath for you, washing your body and hair so tenderly, giving your dazed form little kisses to keep you from falling asleep in the tub. "Does it hurt anywhere?" You shake your head. "Nuh uh."- "Good."
Perv!König who spends the rest of the night making it up to you, drying your hair off and even putting you in his your favorite bunny pyjamas. "I love you, Kö." Shit. Your words make his heart skip a beat and he feels his dick harden in his boxers again. But he holds off, too focused on taking care of you.
Perv!König who takes you out shopping to do all your girly shit the entire day, going to your favorite brands; getting you a purse from prada, some dresses from Miu Miu, and of course, Victoria's Secret. A treat for both you and him. You do a little fashion show for him, twirling around all pretty. Which ended up getting you dicked down in the changing room, tits pressed up against the mirror while he covers your mouth with his big, veiny hands.
Perv!König whose face contorted to a pout when you scolded him for fucking you like that in public and nearly getting caught by the staff. It's okay! Even if you got caught he would've paid them to keep their mouths shut!
Perv!König who sighs happily when his darling clings to his arms, tired from the long day. He shifts the shopping bags to his left hand to hold yours, bending down to giving you a kiss on the forehead. "I love you, sweetheart."
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azlyricss · 1 year
Tiny Houses: Everything You Need to Know
Tiny Houses: Everything You Need to Know
I am writing this article to guide you on everything you need to know about tiny house   However, Tiny homes have been growing by leaps and bounds over the past few years   What is tiny house ?   Tiny Houses are primary, full-fledged dwelling units on a small scale. also tiny house is Typically, tiny homes that are between 100 and 400 square feet. While there isn’t a set standard, a tiny house…
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maybankcore · 3 months
rafe cameron — nsfw alphabet ༝༚༝༚
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context : the alphabet.. but each letter has a new rafe cameron nsfw/sfw concept. this is also bunny!reader x rafe.
tws : smut, nsfw, rafe x sweet/bunny reader, cream pie, voyeurism, brief degrading, brief daddy kink. fingering, porn/nudes, tying reader up, oral sex, a ton of nsfw headcanons.
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A: aftercare • you would tend to get sleep almost immediately after you come, and the first thing rafe does is take you to the bathroom and let you pee so u don’t get a UTI, n he’ll probably wait outside and keep asking “u done baby?” ‘till you clean up. and obviously, after the oh so harddd task of peeing, he’ll carry you back to bed. rafe somehow doesn’t get tired after sex, but seeing you already get lazy eyed, he has no choice but to lay down with his little bun and cuddle up with her.
B: boobs. literally boobs. • rafe loves your tits, and he loves grabbing them even more. he’ll randomly come up behind you when you’re doing your makeup, hair, etc. and just grab ur boobs. he loves the way they fit perfectly in his big palm, and how flustered you get too. “rafe! stop— i’m doing my makeup!!” you’d say, as you wave his hands away, feigning annoyance. “relax baby, their just too tempting.” rafe snickered, smirking. rafe just can’t get enough of them, especially when your wearing the thin, baby pink, lacy top from victoria’s secret.
C: cum • okay, rafe knows that he has to use a condom, blah blah blah. but on those days where he just needs a good, raw, fuck.. trust me, he’d cum inside you, making sure every inch of his hot cum fills you up to the brim. and rest assured, you’d hate and love it at the same time.
D: dirty talk • he’d soooo dirty talk you in public, whispering sweet nothings in your ear, knowing how wet your sweet pussy gets just by the sound of his voice. he’d sometimes say the most vile things about what he’d to you when you both get home.
“do you really think i’m not noticing your blowjob eyes as i’m golfing, huh? y’know.. i’d love seeing those eyes of yours when i’m fucking you endlessly. making you cum so hard. oh god, baby, i can hear those pretty moans of yours already. hmm?” he’d huskily whisper, inches by the shell of your ear. and then, he’d walk off as if nothing happened. leaving you anticipated for the entire day, squeezing your thighs and drinking an excessive amount of water to help with the heat building in your cheeks.
E: experience • rafe deffo has experience with sex. but i wouldn’t call him the biggest man-whore, since he met you in s2 of obx, i’d say he had 4 bodies by then. 2 of them being random hookups and the other 2 being girls from a short term relationship w/ him. i also hc that bunny!reader would have a few bodies, but would act like she’s a virgin just for rafe, similar to how maddie perez did it.
F: fingering • mmm, rafe is a master at fingering. he knows how to get your pussy wet and make it even wetter when he’s touching you. he’d start off with just a few strokes on your clothed pussy, building up tension that you so desperately want to release. n then when you’d get all needy he’d slide your panties down and spread your thighs.
you’d position yourself on his lap, head on his shoulder, looking at him with your big bambi eyes, pleading. and he’d slowly circle your clit in circular motions, taking pleasure in the way your hips jerked and lips parted with heavy breaths. and then he’d sink two fingers in, slowly at first, and then going faster. the cold touch of his golden rings slipping between your lips made you moan. loud. and in amidst of all this, he’d be doing some random thing on his laptop, but secretly taking a voice memo of your sweet moans. to obviously jerk off to later, you really think he’d pleasure you and restrict himself from doing it later on?
G: g-spot • imagine no guy has actually found your g-spot before, they’d just fuck you and you’d get that tiny ounce of pleasure that made you cum, but when rafe first fingered you, curling up his fingers to hit that sweet spot that only you yourself could find, you UNRAVELED. i’m sure he was shocked at how loud you moaned. he had thought you’d never gotten fingered before. but when you told him that no guy had actually fingered you that good, he was both pleased and shook. “what d’you mean no one’s found your g-spot? isn’t that like— the main thing in sex??” but to be honest.. him being the only guy that found your g-spot really boosted his confidence lol.
H: hair • rafe absolutely loves your hair, playing with it, braiding it, seeing how it drapes over your shoulders elegantly. he had never met someone who takes care of their hair like their life depends on it. you’d have serums, hair masks, good hair days and bad hair days, and rafe was all here for it.
(this is for my curly hair readers btw). sometimes when your hair wasn’t cooperating you’d get annoyed and bang your hairbrush against your head, clearly disheveling your hair, and rafe would come over and brush it for you. putting in your gel, mousse and even diffusing it.
rafe also is weirdly obsessed with how your hair smells, he’d bury his shoulder into it, or randomly smell it throughout the day, and once he’d even gotten wheeze to smell your hair.. “her hair smells so good right? i don’t even know how, it just smells fuckin’ amazing.” he’d proudly state, and you not being sure if wether that’s creepy or cute.
I: initials (tattooed) • right on his chest, beneath his heart, are the two letters of your name, more so, your initials. Y/N.Y/L/N written in a bold, italic font. and right next to it is your favorite animal, a bunny. you were struck when he had actually gotten a whole ass bunny tatted next to your initial!!
J: jerking off in ur absence • whenever rafe has trips, or if you’ve been away for some time, rafe deffo jerks off to pictures you sent to him. you’d send a teasing mirror pic of you getting dressed, your hand covering your nipples. and then you’d send a soapy tit pic of you in the shower. but lastly, a day before you come back, you’d send the hottest picture of you in rafes favorite pink lingerie set, playing with yourself and moaning rafes name. leaving him needy and desperate until he lands..
K: kinks • omg the amount of kinks u and rafe would share imagine him fucking you for the first time and slowly starts roughing you up, only to see you cooperate and urge him to do more. the smirk on his facee😩.
L: location (where you fuck) • personally, public sex is a huge turn in for rafe, but being the little slut you are, it’s an even bigger turn-on for you. obviously you’d fuck in his bed or yours, and sometimes i’m the couch or kitchen counter. rafe would also take you on the druthers boat and make you ride his lap, stopping when a boat comes buy, your sweaty face and messed up outfit being evident.
M: marks • rafe would leave hickeys everywhere. stomach, thighs, neck, collarbone, shoulders, tits, even inches away from your pussy. you’d leave bite marks on rafe, scratches illuminating his back, and lipstick stains all over his collar and cheek.
N: nudes • he just has a hidden album filled with your nudes. wether its videos of you both fucking, teasing pictures you’d send him of your bikini try ons, or you fingering your self. he’d also have voice memos of your moans saved. p.s, rafe would so ask you to talk about something random for a minute on voice memos and jerk off to your voice.
O: only fans acc • a little similar to the one on top ^. but imagine making an only fans account where ur only follower/subscriber is rafe. and trust, he will act like a whole ass fan. he’ll comment on your videos; “omg ur so hot can i request food play” with a +400$ message next to it. youd livestream and he’d be your only viewer, talking you through playing with yourself. and when i mean he’s a fan, i mean this man would literally pay you 1000$ per month as per his ‘subscription’..
P: plushies • whilst fucking you hard, rafe would grab your favorite plushy and tell you to hold it. he found it so fucking hot seeing you cling onto the soft toy, bringing it to your mouth to bite onto to hold back your loud moans.
Q: quickies • yall would deffo have quick fucks in between parties, hangouts, dinners, etc. sometimes if your ovulating you’d practically beg on your knees for a quickie with rafe. “rafeyy, please. if you don’t do anything i’ll go to the bathroom n’deal with it myself!” you whine, nudging his arm to get up from his seat at an event. and obviously, he gives in. every. single. time.
R: riding his thigh • when your extremely horny, and need an immediate relief youd prop yourself on rafes thigh and start grinding. this would be your only option as he’d dismiss your attempts to make him fuck you, so he’d tap his thigh and say “if your really that horny jus’ ride my thigh. cmon, you wanted to come, right?”. you’d get so wet, making a mess on his sweatpants.
S: sucking his dick • messy blowjobs>>. sucking him off after a hard day, at a party when he’s high and needy, or right after you went to his family dinner. you’d look so perfect with your big, glossy eyes staring up at him. head bobbing as you perfectly swirl the pad of your tongue against the base of his cock. him groaning and praising your amazing head-giving skills.
T: tying you up • hands above your head, a belt knotted against both your wrists, restraining you from pushing rafe away whilst he fucks you mindlessly. rafe would be destroying you, pounding in and out as you take the pleasure like a good girl. you are his little bun, after all.
U: unfair • teasing you when your sat on his lap, waiting for him to finish off his work, whilst he slowly and lightly circles your clit. “daddy, i really need you.” you’d moan in his ear. “i know baby, i know. daddies gotta finish this off first, ‘kay?” and so you waited, only for him to go into the shower, not even letting you in.
V: voyeurism • sliding your panties off and stuffing it in his pocket is his favorite thing to do when he’s off golfing whilst your sitting in your garden chair, feeling the coldness of the air blowing against your sticky cunt. not being able to fix the unbearable tension in your pulsing clit, and having to wait till you get home.
W: what/how big is he • a whopping 7.3 inches. a tad bit specific ik, but the way he’d ruin you.. and what’s funny is the fact that rafe knows he’s big!! and he knows that you can take it too.
X: ion know what to put for this one.. so i’m gonna put a random hc of rafe.. • has a weird food play kink?.. i just feel like he’d take ice cream and lick it off your tits, or spread chocolate syrup all over your nipples and stomach and lick it off too. (obviously nothing down there, don’t wanna get a yeast infection).
Y: ‘your too big!’ • lining himself up against you, seeing his big cock already needy of slamming into you, made you worry. your eyes slightly widened at his size, how the fuck is he gonna fit?. “rafey, i don’t think it’s gonna fit.. your too big.” you mustered out, wanting but at the same time not wanting him. “shhh bun, ts’ gunna fit, i’ll go realll slow? okay baby?” he stated, making you ease up and unclench your pussy, allowing full entrance. he slowly slid inside you, already owning a long moan and scatters of whimpers escaping your mouth. he went in further, and you took him in fully. “good girl, i told you it’d fit.”
Z: also have no idea, so another random hc one again! • loves seeing you spit out his cum after sucking him off. just seeing his cum drop down your chin turns him on sm and makes him hard asf.
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bratzforchris · 2 months
Once Upon a Dream
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Summary: A drunken Amazon purchase leads to you and Chris trying something new and more...royal
Pairing: Dom!Chris x girly!princess!reader
Warnings: Smut, princess!roleplay ♡, pet names (princess, darling, my lady), oral (m receiving), dirty talk, backshots, unprotected p in v (wrap it before you tap it!!), kinda breeding kink (?), overall just porn without much of a plot<3
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: Girly!reader is BACK BITCHES. Reader is sort of based off of/her outfit is based off of Aurora, but as always, this work is POC friendly<3 Enjoy!!
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You had never been the type of girl to try anything…different when it came to your sex life. Maybe some would call you vanilla, but Chris was your first serious boyfriend and as active as you two were in the bedroom, you were still a bit hesitant to try anything overly “out there”. Your boyfriend never, ever pressured you, but you also knew that he was a bit more experienced than you were, and that he was also very much into the “lady on the streets, freak in the sheets” act. 
You were drawn out of your thoughts when the doorbell to your and Chris’ home rang. You stood up off the couch, straightening your pink-and-white striped Victoria’s Secret robe. Chuckling and shaking your head as you padded to the door, a clear image of a drenched, shaking Chris standing on your front porch as the rain pounded against the windows because he forgot his keys again. Much to your surprise, it was not, in fact, your lover on the other side of the door. Instead, all that was there was a box from Amazon and a deliveryman who was already hurrying back to his truck, eager to escape the weather. 
Picking up the box, you raised a brow at your name on the label. You didn’t remember ordering anything, but then again, Chris could’ve accidentally used your account. You shrugged and carried the box into the kitchen, eager to see what was inside regardless. You quickly used your pink kitchen shears to cut through the tape and box, your heart swelling when you saw a gorgeous pile of pink lace, glitter, and tulle inside the box. You pulled the item out of the box and practically gasped at what you saw. 
It was a tiny, lingerie bodysuit. The corset ribbing was covered in glitter and pretty lace, while the pink, tulle miniskirt puffed out. It was almost like a mini, sexier version of Aurora’s pink dress from Sleeping Beauty. The set even came with small, lacy, white gloves and a tiny, silver tiara studded with little diamonds. Now that you knew what was inside the box, you had a vague memory of ordering the set last week after Tara Yummy’s one million party, at which you’d had slightly too much to drink. You immediately ran to your bedroom to try the set on, abandoning the box on the kitchen counter. Your soul focus now was what Chris would think of your new look. You had thongs and sexier bras, sure, but you’d never worn something like this. 
You quickly pulled the outfit, if it could even be called that, on, looking at yourself in the mirror of your white vanity where you sat to do your makeup every morning. Even though this was truly the first piece of lingerie you’d ever worn, you knew you looked good. Scratch that, better than good. Your ass hung out the slightest bit under the skirt, but overall, the outfit hugged your body better than the white gloves on your hands. Chris had told you when two had first started dating that he loved how feminine you were, and even now, you knew that the princess dresslike bodysuit and dainty tiara would turn him into an animal. 
Despite the rain pounding against the roof, you heard Matt’s car pull into the driveway, finally dropping your lover home after a long day of filming. You quickly slicked some glittery, pink gloss across your plump lips in the mirror of your vanity before hurrying onto your shared bed. As you began to kneel on the silky, pink sheets, eagerly waiting for Chris to come into the bedroom, you could feel your wetness beginning to soak through the bodysuit, ideas of what your boyfriend was going to do to you coursing through your veins. 
You could hear Chris puttering around the kitchen, chuckling to himself about the leftover remains of your package. He knew you loved to shop, especially online, so the empty box came as no surprise to him. Once you heard him walking closer towards your bedroom, calling out your name, you began to whimper and pout your lips, probing an extra feminine aire. 
“Are you in…” Chris trailed off as his eyes went wide at your erotic look. “Hello.”
“Hi handsome,” You practically purred as Chris eyed you up and down hungrily. “You looking for someone to save?”
Chris’ eyes went wide at the innuendo, the tent already growing in his pants at the sight of you like this. “Come here, darling,”  he beckoned, smirking as the skirt flounced across your ass as you walked towards him. “This is new, but I can’t say I’m mad about it.” the brunette said, grabbing handfuls of your ass as he kissed you roughly, his teeth nipping your bottom lip. 
You moaned involuntarily, which allowed Chris to slip his tongue into your mouth, his own fighting yours for dominance as he kissed you roughly. After a moment, your boyfriend pushed you to your knees gently, undoing his belt directly after. 
“Did you get lost on your woodland walk, little princess?” Chris teased. “Think a knight’s gonna save you?”
By now, he had gotten you all the way on your knees, your pouty, glossy lips and doe eyes looking up at him as he shoved his jeans and plaid boxers down. Chris ran his hand up and down his length a few times, letting out noises that made the pool between your legs dampen. Finally, he thrust his cock towards your mouth, a little sneer on his face as he knocked the tiara off your head. 
“How lucky am I to take the innocence from a princess, hmm?” Chris asked as you began to suck him off, tongue swirling around his tip as you took him deeper into your throat. “What do you think your kingdom would think of this, my lady? Watching you suck my dick like a fuckin’ whore?”
You whimpered and moaned, drooling running down your lips and puddling with your lip gloss as Chris’s dick hit the back of your throat. Your boyfriend was letting out erotic moans as you ran your tongue against the underside of his cock, head thrown back as he bucked his hips towards your face. His length was only continuing to grow as you sucked him off, always loving the way you deepthroated him like a queen. 
“Oh god…’m gonna cum,” Chris panted, chest heaving as the need to climax built in his stomach.  “Better swallow like a good girl, princess.”
You nodded as Chris let his orgasm overtake him, hot ropes of his cum shooting down your throat as he did so. You pulled off his cock with a pop, licking your lips and giggling at the combination of his cum, your drool, and strawberry lip gloss that coated your chin. 
“Who knew that such a darling girl could be so freaky?” Chris tsked, abandoning his pants all the way followed by his shirt. “Gonna go have your coronation in the same dress you got fucked like a slut in?”
You blushed as Chris helped you up, pushing your back against your vanity. “I don’t mind being ruined.” You whispered in a shy, feminine way, still a little unsure of yourself. 
“Oh I can tell,” Chris chuckled, thrusting his hand between your thighs and beginning to rub slow, agonizing circles on your clit through the fabric of your lingerie. “That’s not very princesslike now is it?”
You moaned, bracing yourself against the vanity as your thighs clenched. “P…please, Chris. Need you in me.” You whimpered softly, looking up at him through your lashes. 
The brunette continued to play with the sensitive bundle of nerves, making you throw your head back with a harsh moan, your hair cascading down your shoulders. You were practically putty in Chris’ hands as he undid your outfit, pulling it off your body and throwing it somewhere onto the floor. Before you knew it, your boyfriend had turned you around so that your hips were pressing into the vanity. Gripping your chin, Chris lifted your head so that you were looking into the mirror. It was absolutely filthy; you bent over your vanity like a slut while Chris’ cock pressed into your ass from behind, his large hand gripping your jaw as he forced you to look at yourself. 
Without another warning, he slammed into you from behind, moaning loudly. “God, you’re so fuckin’ wet.” 
“Chris…oh…” You whimpered as he sped his thrusts up. You rutted your ass back to meet his dick, crying out when he hit a particularly sensitive spot inside of you. “Feels so good.”
“This little princess pussy is all mine, huh?” In the mirror, you could see Chris smirking as he railed you from behind, the sound of his balls slapping against your ass, combined with both of your erotic noises echoing throughout the room. 
The only coherent words falling from your lips as Chris fucked you was the sound of you moaning and whimpering his name repeatedly. Every so often, he would pull out, only to tease you and slam back into you with even more force. Your lower stomach was beginning to ache with the need to cum, the image of you and Chris in the mirror of your girly vanity turning you on even more. 
“Cum with me?” You begged your boyfriend, pouting your lips as you panted. “Want you to fill me up.”
Chris chuckled at that, feeling the way your cunt clenched around his dick. Just as he felt your orgasm overtake you, he gripped your hips roughly, enjoying his own release as his seed coated your walls. Your chest heaved as you practically laid against your vanity, legs shaking. Your thighs were beyond slick with the combination of your and your boyfriend’s cum.
“Who knew that such a sweet, darling princess could be such a dirty girl?” Chris chuckled, picking you up softly and walking towards your ensuite bathroom. 
You whined against his chest, cheeks flushing now that the scene was finished. “Shut up.” You grumbled cutely. 
“I know what I’m doing later.” he hummed, starting the shower so that you could both clean up. 
“What’s that?” You asked shakily, your body still tight as you came down from your high. 
“Buying more princess outfits.”
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tags ♡:  @jake-and-johnnies-slut @chrissfavwh3re @suyqa @chrissturnswife @mbsbaby @herxysc-blog @lovingchrissposts @caffeinatedscorpio @spencereidenthusiast @crazychrisl0v3r @sturnioloxlver @whicked-hazlatwhore @blahbel668 @sturncakez @junnniiieee07 @biggesthat3r @sturniolowhore @patscorner @julesgrl @0strawberrysorbet0 @strombolilovr @matt444nixi @remussbitch @devthepoet1221 @mattyblover07 @loisnotaa @mollyquinnxoxo @graysturns @pepsicolapussy333 @ginswife @emmagirouard @athaliahxoxo @bitchydragonparadise @ilydeaky @soggyslugg169 @m00n-0n-paws @books0fever @stingerayyy2 @sunsetsturniolos @mimi-luvzyu @raysmayhem-72 @faygo-frog @oobleoob @billsslutt @aemrsy
note ♡: if you'd like to be added to my taglist, click here <3
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slvthrs · 1 month
bsf!dick grayson and his wonderful obsession with you
WARNINGS: NSFW CONTENT MINORS DNI, fuck buddies type shii, fingering, head, literally everything lol
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Thinking about Dick Grayson, your friend of 13 years and your good friend, picking you up home one night after you went clubbing with your friends.
Your clothes sticking to your skin and you makeup all messed up.
Drinks all buzzing in your head and you hadn't even realized you had butt-dialed Dick until you felt his large hands wrapping around your forearm pulling you into his car, practically fuming at you.
The ride home is quite as you keep your hands on your lap, pushing your tiny skirt down and his hands are gripping the steering wheel and his jaw is lock with his mind flickering being pissed and worried about you and then raking his eyes over your body looking at how arousing you look.
It doesn't take long for you to reach his house and he's pissed- yelling at you about how immature you acted, made him all worried, how could you?
And some how in between the yelling, your making out, and in between each scold he's taking a new article of clothing off, stripping you bare and letting his dick do the talking whilst the only thigh you can do is agree.
Now it's normal for you two.
After a particularly stressful day as a vigilante, Dick will have you on your knees deep throating his cock.
He makes a mess of your face, your chin hitting his balls and your eyes are glossy with tears, your hair in knots from his gripping and pulling.
He pulls out when he cums making sure it covers your face and then he scoops some up with his fingers pushing it back between your lips watching you suck it of his fingers like a porn star.
Or the nights after shitty bad date he has you lying in his bed, in his shirt, bunched up over your tits as he pumps his fingers in and out of you drawing out orgasm after orgasm as he's practically abusing your clit and then finally finishing the night off with the head he's perfected so much.
Then other times when your just trying do something together, laying together on the couch watching one of those movies you did as kids but instead the entire night Dick is groping and pawing at your ass and tits.
He won't kiss you but he will bite and suck along your neck, collarbones and tits leaving marks.
You feel so good that you don't stop him, or do anything really you let him do whatever he wants with you cause you feel so wonderful and you don't have to lift a finger.
Sometimes you both toy the line of being friends and something more.
Like on night he spent about a grand on you at Victoria secret and then dragging you home, taking polaroid's of your ass and body, fucking you and spanking you, then taking more pictures.
He ends up picking one that has you laying on your stomach, looking over your shoulder with a seductive look in your eyes as you have have a low stare in teh care with your arms folded under your head.
As the picture continues you can see your topless and it stops right above your knee with the main focus being on your ass with a cerulean blue thong as it red and marked from all of Dick's love.
He ends up putting that in his wallet.
Despite everything your friends. Strictly friends. But he likes to say it's his job as your friend to make sure you feel good.
He lets you sleep around, he doesn't care, despite sometimes feeling a little pissed, he knows he's the only one you come home too.
After those immature boys fail to make you cum your running back into the arms of your best friend because, "Shit baby, you'll always know where home is won't you?"
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pitchsidestories · 6 months
New Year's Eve Party (3) II Alexia Putellas x Reader
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New Year's Eve Party Masterlist (all previous parts can be found here) I Word count: 2193
On this last day of the year, Alexia sat on her side of your bed, deep in thought. The past year hasn’t been what she expected after her severe knee injury. The recovery was hard, her knee still bothered her and her latest surgery had been only a couple of days ago. All she wanted to do was get back on the pitch and show them that she still was the greatest of all time.
A small voice snapped her out of her thoughts. “Mami, why are you so sad?“, her daughter asked, struggling to climb onto the bed. With a helping hand, Alexia made sure that Victoria was safely seated next to her.
“Oh, it’s nothing, love.“, she forced a smile. The toddler let her head drop down on her mums lap, whispering; “Mama said it’s your knee.“ Carefully, she bent forward to blow the softest kiss on Alexias knee, barely touching the surgery scar. A genuine smile spread on Alexias face; “You’re the sweetest.“ She gently brushed over her daughters hair.
“Nala, come here!“, Victoria called suddenly, patting the sheets next to her. Alexias dog jumped up without hesitation, looking expectantly at the two. “What are you doing?“, Alexia laughed while her daughter pulled the dog closer to her.
You were watching the scene from the bathroom where you were getting ready for the New Years Eve party. “She made it her mission to cheer you up.“, you explained. Your wife shook your head; “I’m okay. I don’t need cheering up.“
You knew this wasn’t true but before you could protest, Victoria watched you with big eyes; “Mama, tell Mami.“ “What?“, your eyebrows knotted together in confusion. Alexia mirrored your puzzled expression; “What are you talking about?“ Instead of an answer, Victoria just stared at you stubbornly.
When you realized she wouldn’t continue talking, you turned back to your wife; “Elisabet will soon be here. We should get you ready for the party.“ “You’re right. We can’t be late.“, she nodded and slowly got up from the bed. “Exactly. Do you want to help her get ready?“, you asked your toddler. She stood up immediately, bouncing up and down on the bed, her tiny ponytail swaying; „Yes!" Alexia scrunched her nose playfully; “Can’t I go in sweats? I bet the girls wouldn’t mind.“
“To a party?“, Victoria asked bewildered. “No, you’re right, love. I can’t go out like this when your Mama looks that stunning.“, Alexia winked at you. You could feel a blush creeping up your cheeks. “No, you can’t! You both have to look like princesses!“, your daughter decided. Your wife let out a soft laugh; “Agreed.“ “What are you going to wear?“, Victoria asked, bouncing with excitement.
After a moment of consideration, Alexia pulled out a forest green dress from her closet; “What about this dress? It matches your Mamas.“ Victorias answer came out as a yell; “Yes!“
“It’s perfect.”, you admitted chuckling. Your daughter was completely enchanted by the midfielder’s transformation which reminded her of the fairytale her Abuela told her about an ordinary girl becoming a princess through a fairy godmother:” You look so beautiful together.”
“Thank you.”, you kissed her cheek and hoped that kiss transported the deep love you felt for her, before you reacted to the ringing doorbell adding, this must be your Abuela.” “Oh, already?”, Victoria looked up surprised, she did not feel ready to let you two go just yet.
“Hello, anybody home?”, Elisabet asked giggling. Quickly your daughter ran to her grandmother beaming at the sight of her:”Abuela!” “Mi Estrella.”, the older woman exclaimed happily, before kneeling down, so her arms caught the running toddler.   “I think you two will have a good night.”, Alexia observed.
A warm smile was playing on your lips: “I think so too.” “Hello Mama.”, your wife greeted her mum with a welcoming hug.  For a moment Elisabet closed her eyes, enjoying the moment between her older daughter:  “Hello Ale.”
Afterwards your mother-in-law went immediately to you, her whisper was filled with curiosity:” Did you told her already?” “No, not yet. I wanted to wait with that after her surgery”, you slowly shook your head. A hint of disappointment showed up in the older woman’s face, but you tried to tell yourself that you had good reasons for being quiet about this until now.
The quiet talk between you both made Alexia show her impatient side, she was eager to know what you had exchanged: “What? What have you two been scheming again?”
Ignoring her daughter, Elisabet said to you:” I mean she’s done with that now.” Truthfully you answered: “Eli, I didn’t find the right time for it yet.” “Maybe you find it tonight.”, she suggested in a hopeful tone. You could feel her gaze cutting through the fabric of your dress which did a good job at hiding the small bump.
Meanwhile Victoria drew Alexia’s attention with an innocent wish:” Mami will you show Tia Mapi that I’m wearing her jersey tonight?” “Of course, I will. Let me take a photo of you for her.”, the midfielder nodded grinning. Excited the little girl confessed:” I love it so much.” “I will tell her.”, Alexia promised who knew that the defender’s injury and hers was saddening her daughter more than she wanted to admit.
Clearing her throat Elisabet decided loudly: “But for now, go and enjoy your party. She needs to get out after her surgery.”
“You’re right. Ale, we got to go.“, you reminded your wife. Alexia looked up from the photos she had just taken of Victoria in her jersey. With pleading eyes, your little daughter looked up to you, her arms outstretched so you could pick her up; “Can you tuck me in first?“ In a swift movement, you lifted her up and carried her into the bedroom; “Of course, love.“ “Thanks.“
While she got herself comfortable in her sheets, you picked out a book to read to her. You knew she loved the story of a young football playing girl, so Alexia and you had started to replace the name with Victorias.
“And that’s when Victoria realized, she could achieve anything she wanted with her friends and with her football team.“, you ended the story. Victoria tiredly blinked up at you; “I like that.“ “It’s a great story, right?“, you smiled softly. With a yawn, the toddler buried herself deeper into her blanket; “Yes.“
She was already asleep when you leaned forward to gently kiss her forehead; “Good night, love.“ “I’ll take over now. You two really shouldn’t be late for your party.“, Elisabet smiled from the door at you. You got up from the side of Victorias bed, while Alexia pressed a kiss on her mums cheek; “Thank you, mum.“
“Go and have fun.“, she replied while swatting at her daughters arm. You winked at her with a laugh; “Oh, we’ll.“ “Come on, we got to go.“, Alexia echoed what you have been saying for the past thirty minutes once again and took your hand in hers.
Still, to your surprise, you were the first ones to arrive at the party. Fridolina and her girlfriend were just finished with decorating their house. Alexia promptly handed you a glass of champagne as the other guests began to arrive. You politely took it, carrying it around with you but not drinking from it.
During her smalltalk with her team mates, Alexia realized that the level of your champagne hadn’t change over the course of the evening. You could tell from the glance she gave you that she was worried; “What’s wrong, mi amor? Don’t you feel good?“
“No, I feel much better than the past weeks to be honest.“, you admitted, swallowing hard. “You do?“ “I…“, you started, but Mapi tugged at both of your arms at the same time. “Girls, get ready for the group photo!“
“Yes?“, Alexia prompted you to continue, ignoring her team mate completely. “You had so much going on, so I didn’t know how to tell you…“, you admitted. Mapis voice interrupted you again; “Hurry up, you two.“ But you could see in your wifes’ face that she understood; “One second, Mapi. Are you saying you’re…?“
You nodded slowly but delighted; “That it worked? Yes.“ “Wow.“, Alexia breathed. You both were finally pulled into the group photo. “Alexia, always the latest.“, Mapi commented amused like she already had few too many drinks. Alexia replied quietly; “We’re here now.“ “Finally!“ “Let’s just take the photo.“
After they took the annual group photo, Aitana was satisfied with the result:” I think it’s the first time I saw Ale really smiling tonight.” “At least we have proof of it.”, Patri mocked the team’s captain lovingly. This comment made Alexia roll her eyes while defending herself at the same time:”  Let me smile I just heard the best news in a while.”
Before she could explain her reply any further the midfielder answered a video call from your daughter:” Hi love, shouldn’t you be asleep already?” “I woke up again. Abuela said I could call you.”, Victoria pouted.
Immediately Mapi spotted the jersey the toddler was wearing which made her grin even harder: “Love the shirt you’re wearing!” “Thanks.”, the pout on your daughter’s face was replaced with a sincere smile. The alcohol loosened the defender’s tongue as she blurted out in a genuine tone: “I’m obsessed.” “Me too. It’s my favourite.”, Victoria confirmed proudly.
With a playful pained gesture Alexia commented:” Sadly. Hopefully the next one knows which position on the field is the best.” “The next one?”, Mapi looked interested between you and your wife. Your heart warmed up when Alexia explained her sentence prior:” She will be a big sister in 2024.” “I will?”, Victoria asked visibly touched by the news. “Yes.”, you told her, while your heart sank a bit as you couldn’t hug her in this very moment.
But it didn’t seem to matter too much to her as she was running up to her grandmother:” Abuela!”  “Yes, mi amor?”, Elisabeth looked expectantly at the little girl. Your daughter jumped up and down excitedly:” I’ll be a big sister soon!” “Oh, that’s amazing.”, the older woman cried out delighted.
Amused Alexia shook her head:” You knew the whole time, didn’t you?” “Yes, do you know how hard it was for me to keep my lips sealed?!” , her mother groaned. “You knew and you didn’t tell me?”
Apologetically you put a hand on your wife’s arm: “I told her to wait until your knee issue was solved.” “My knee won’t stop me from being a mum.”, Alexia protested with a crooked smile on her lips. Guiltily you bit your lip: “Sorry.” “That’s okay. Maybe I just needed this news today.”, the midfielder reassured you, pressing a heartfelt kiss on the top of your head. 
Meanwhile Mapi declared:” I think it’s time for the first toast?” “Is it?”, Alexia turned surprised to one of her oldest friends in the team. Giddy with excitement the defender rose her glass: “Yes.”  “Alright then.”, she shrugged.
Mapi cleared her throat and announced with a solemn voice; “To Alexia and her family. May 2024 treat you well.“ You all clinked your glasses together. Alexia put a hand on Mapis arm; “Thank you, Mapi.“ “Yes, that was really sweet of you. Especially because 2023 had so many ups and downs.“, you nodded, glancing over to your wife.
The defender gave you a smile full of sympathy; “That’s why I hope this year will be better for you.“ “Thanks.“, you answered, grateful for the friendships in this team. Alexia put her arm around you, tipping her glass towards Mapi; “We appreciate it.“ “You’re welcome.“, her team mate smiled back happily.
The whole display and the thought of your family growing made you slightly emotional. “Love you girls.“, you whispered. Alexia pressed a kiss against your hair and replied; “I love you too.“ “I love you too, Mama and Mami.“, a tired voice added and your attention was immediately drawn back to Alexias phone.
Her screen showed a very tilted angle of your daughter with her eyes almost closed again as if she had fallen asleep with her abuelas phone in her tiny hand. “Sleep well, mi amor.“, your wife smiled before saying goodbye to her mother and ending the call.
Mapis eyes went soft; “She’s so cute. I just want to steal her when you two aren’t watching.“ “There’s no way you will get her!“, Alexia shook her head determinedly. “Damn it.“ Your wife laughed; “She loves you. But she wont leave us.“ “Exactly.“, you agreed. Mapi just shrugged; “I can live with that because I’m her favourite on the pitch.“
Alexia responded by punching Mapi against the upper arm to which the defender feigned a wounded look; “Ouch, that hurts, Ale.“ “That’s definitely a lie.“, your wife replied with an amused eye roll. “It’s not!“, Mapi protested.
You couldn’t stop yourself from grinning. Seeing Alexia smile and joke with her team mates again, made your heart flutter. “She loves you both.“, you interrupted them but silently you loved the bickering. Seeing your wife that happy again might have made your year.
Feel free to let us know if you're enjoying our little series so far 🩷
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disneyprincemuke · 7 months
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midnights, 8 * mv1
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rumours on the paddock have it that max is out and about with another girl on his arm
pairings: max verstappen x fem!reader
warnings: -
notes: only 2 more parts after this,, making me kinda sad ;( i’ve used this as an outlet not to trauma dump irl anymore so what have i gOT AFTER THISSSS
(series masterlist)
(prev) // (next)
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the car slowly comes to a stop, turning your head to stare at the apartment building you used to have memorised. it’s in the louder part of town, a more convenient location for your now ex-lover for when he needs to get around.
you hadn’t expected to cave so soon, but you were lying about in your apartment with nothing to do when you felt a sharp pang of pain in your chest. fueled by the sudden cat shaped hole in your heart, you called victoria up for a request to spend some time with the felines you’ve deemed as your kids.
a soft tap on your window makes you turn your head, a small smile from the younger woman startling you before winding the window down. “hey!”
“hey,” you greet her solemnly, putting the car in park before you climb out slowly. “have you gotten dinner yet?”
“i’ve got food upstairs,” victoria assures you. she turns to the man in uniform, hands behind his back at the entrance of the apartment building. “extra for you as well.”
he sends you a grin. “ms. (y/n)! welcome back.”
you return his gesture with a courteous nod. “hello,” you smile as he makes his way to your car.
valet is something you never asked for, but max had insisted following the incident of you chipping the paint off your car on a wall in the cramp basement parking.
if victoria hadn’t told you that your car was still under the list, you would have taken a taxi.
“sorry for calling you so abruptly,” you chuckle sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck as you follow the younger woman into the elevator. “i just missed jimmy and sassy. so much. i’ve tried staying away, but those two have got my heart in their tiny little paws.”
victoria smiles warmly at you, a friendly hand on your shoulder with a tight squeeze. “i’ve always got your back,” she giggles, shaking you slightly. “you’re my favourite.”
you shake your head. “have they been eating fine?”
“they have! but i get an inkling that they’ve been missing you,” victoria frowns, now leading the way in the empty hallway. “they sleep on your side of the bed when i’m around and start meowing like crazy when i come in. probably hoping it was you.”
that was the conflict you had coming back from the singapore gp to clear the apartment of your things.
you had concluded yourself that packing them up to bring them with you would be too stressful for the cats, which is why you made the difficult decision to leave them in max’s apartment.
on your last night, you gathered them up with you for cuddles while you slept. in the morning, they meowed for you as you walked out, leaving your heart heavier than it initially was.
when you step into the apartment, you try to push away the lingering feeling of breaking out into a sobbing mess. you call for the cats as you usually do, things shuffling and falling over in different parts of the apartment before you see two figures running over to you.
“i’ll prepare you a plate,” victoria grins, closing the door behind her. “i made carbonara.”
she disappears into the apartment, leaving you with the two cats rubbing their heads and bodies on your calves while you take off your shoes. it’s not very like them to be clingy like this, so it makes you grin though they do make it harder to finish your task.
“yes, yes,” you mutter, grabbing jimmy by the torso to briefly move him away. “i will carry you in a bit, baby. i just want to take off my shoes.”
you trudge further into the apartment, trying to make sense of the half empty place you used to call home. you should’ve been here; you should still be here.
if only you can get yourself to call him instead of moping around and falling asleep with his name on your lips like a prayer.
you try to get comfortable by the coffee table in the living room, both cats wrestling one another as they try to fit in your lap. you put your bag on the table. “i’ve got treats for you guys!” you squeal. “but, i’ve got to send a text first. give me a second, okay?”
you turn on your phone, answering your friends with a simple text message. you then get distracted from there, swiping to your home page and opening instagram for a quick look.
suddenly, you wish you never had.
there’s a picture of max, in the paddocks during the race weekend… with her. the bane of your existence then, and still the bane of your existence now even when he’s not yours anymore.
not that there's anything suggestive in the picture that would confirm a relationship. but it is enough to raise speculation now that news has broken that you are no longer together.
they're simply walking side by side in conversation. surely there's nothing going on between them. right?
you feel your heart sink in your chest and your throat closing in. even the presence of either cat isn’t enough to make you want to stay. but you know you have to power through — they’re just cats. they don’t know what’s going on.
you breathe out shakily, tears filling your eyes to the brim as you take out the liquid treats for the cats.
victoria walks out of the kitchen, alarmed by your sniffling and the tears falling out of your eyes. “oh, hey! what’s wrong?”
you shake your head, promptly putting the packet of treat down while jimmy and sassy flock to the familiar scent. you wipe your tears away and laugh dryly. “oh, it’s nothing! i just really missed the cats.”
“no, really. what is it?” victoria asks in a soothing tone, putting down the plates on the dining table before she runs over to you. “what’s wrong? talk to me about it.”
but you can’t. victoria will always be on max’s side — through and through. they’re siblings, after all. it doesn’t matter what happened between you both. no matter how much victoria says that you’re her favourite.
you grin through your tears and force a smile. “it’s just the apartment. i haven’t been here in so long.”
the suppressed emotions from earlier are finally surfacing. it’s even worse now that the universe made you look at the picture of max with kelly.
it all feels too fresh. sure, you were doing fine months after the breakup. but it’s different now seeing him in the first steps of moving on; you were still hoping for that slight glimmer of spark to eventually rekindle and reconnect you with him.
with kelly now in the picture, the possibility to having max back are looking bleak.
victoria holds you in a side hug. “i’m sorry you guys broke up,” she rubs your arm, head resting on top of yours. “i’m here if you need to talk about it.”
you give her a nod with a small smile. you wipe your tears away and try your best to stop crying - you'll just cry on your drive back home. "of course. thank you, vic," you smile, patting her knee. "but i will be okay. as always."
"i'm on nobody's side, if that helps."
you're not sure why victoria felt the need to clarify that. the only possible reason would be that max has not spoken of you and it only makes the tightening in your chest worse.
you let out one final sob, hand on your chest as jimmy and sassy wrestle one another for the liquid treat in your hand. you laugh breathily as you look up at victoria. "if max hasn't talked about it, maybe it's best that i don't as well."
and it left a bitter taste in your mouth saying that. it feels like it's over. you've now completely lost max without any signs of life. there are no signs of max ever coming back.
if max can move forward, so can you.
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taglist: @merchelsea @leclercdream @labelledejourr @laneyspaulding19 @lpab @graciewrote @hollie911 @thatsojasminesworld @mycenterfold @princessria127 @ironmaiden1313 @dl-yum @crlsummer @brekkers-whore @minkyungseokie @honethatty12 @barelytolerabled @vellicora @lokigoeschoki @avg-golden-retriever @lokigoeschoki @cherry-piee
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gibberishfangirl · 6 days
WIND BREAKER | when they have a shopaholic girlfriend
Synopsis ✰ head cannons of the boys when they’re dating a girl who loves to shop
Characters ✰ Haruka Sakura, Hajime Umemiya, Hayato Suo, Akihiko Nirei, Jo Togame, Choji Tomiyama
Contains ✰ suggestive, blushing boys, slight teasing, semi-public (implied), cute content of the boys being boyfriends, tiny amount of spice?
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Haruka Sakura ᡣ𐭩
♡ you drag this man to the mall at least twice a week
♡ he personally hates shopping and finds it to be boring but never complains since it’s an excuse to spend time with you
♡ secret confession: he thinks your wasting money but is way too afraid to face your wrath to say it out loud
♡ whenever he asks why you spend so much money on clothes and make up he gets hit with a “there’s a price for beauty”
♡ after he seeing how cute you look in your new outfits he most definitely learns that there is a price for beauty
♡ he will become a blushing mess when you pick out the most revealing outfits
♡ “what do you think?” you asked picking up a skimpy dress and pressing it against your body. his only response is a huge blush that spreads from his nose, cheeks to the tip of his ears
♡ he loses it once you drag him into victoria secret
♡ “don’t you think this would look nice on me?” you teased while picking up crotchless underwear
♡ you absolutely will be the death of this man
♡ he feels like the worlds biggest boy toy carrying all your pink shopping bags and following you into every clothing store
♡ you reward him for being so nice and patient with your shopping by taking him to one of his favorite stores and buying him whatever he wants
♡ wetzel’s pretzels pit stop is a must
♡ you reward him even more by trying on every scandalous outfit you purchased at home in private
Hajime Umemiya ᡣ𐭩
♡ acknowledges that your shopping addiction is a problem and tries to help without making you feel bad
♡ he mostly tries to help you through budgeting, thanks to him you’ve cut down shopping to twice a month
♡ Umemiya personally loves your style, especially with how confident you are in your clothes
♡ he always suggests that you should try on your clothes before committing to the purchase
♡ don’t be fooled, it’s not because he wants you to make sure they fit you, he just loves seeing how cute you look in the new outfits
♡ on some occasions he goes around the store himself picking out the cutest tops and skirts he can find for you
♡ once he picks out the cutest pieces he can find you do him the favor of trying them on while he gets to admire your beauty
♡ you manage to get the very lightest blushes from him when the skirts he picks out happen to be shorter than he originally pictured
♡ once your done doing a number on all the stores he carries all your bags
♡ it always surprises you how no matter how many bags you have ume carries them with a startling amount of ease
♡ ofc you offer to carry some but he insists you shouldn’t lift a pretty finger
♡ every cashier compliments how adorable you two look together
♡ “how cute! you two look like a match made in heaven.” a comment you two often receive a lot
♡ depending on your guys mood you might end the day with a movie night
♡ no, Ume can’t help but keep his hands all over you in the dark theater once he finally has you to himself
Hayato Suo ᡣ𐭩
♡ will always offer to pay for your items
♡ fortunately enough for his wallet, you almost always decline since you prefer to use your own money
♡ has no problem carrying all your bags, does it with a smile on his face
♡ almost every girl who sees you at the mall is raging with pure jealousy
♡ so many of the girls wished they had a boyfriend as sweet as yours
♡ you couldn’t help but glare at every girl in the mall who was checking him out
♡ he quickly noticed your glares which had him gushing on the inside
♡ he was so flattered to know you could be so possessive over him
♡ once you noticed every cashier you got were lingering their eyes on him longer than they should, batting their eyelashes at him, smiling harder at him than you, one of them even winked at him when they thought you weren’t looking, you lost it.
♡ “i want to go home. im done shopping.” you pouted. Suo knew exactly why you didn’t want to shop anymore but still asked “why not love?” “everyone keeps falling in love with you!” you whined before putting your head on his chest. his heart fluttered at the action before he opened his mouth, “don’t pay any mind to them. i’m all yours” reassuring you with a soft kiss
♡ Suo made sure to reassure you with kisses more after the conversation
♡ you made the mistake of leaving him alone while getting a jamba juice drink, you came back to find a girl asking him out
♡ before you knew it your feet were moving up to them, completely ignoring the girl. you grabbed your boyfriends head by the back of his neck and yanked him down to a deep kiss. you pulled away while saying “hey babe”, the girl instantly walked away embarrassed
♡ Suo blushed after the incident while you continued walking to the next store as if nothing happened
Akihiko Nirei ᡣ𐭩
♡ the absolute sweetest boyfriend about your habits
♡ he’s so incredibly supportive while also making sure you aren’t going to overboard
♡ he helps ensure that you’re only buying what you need and not things you’ll get over in a week
♡ he has no bad opinions, tells you everything looks nice since in his head everything does look nice on you
♡ he gets a little nervous whenever you drag him to the fitting room so you can get his opinions on the clothes
♡ he sits in the lounge room anticipating the moment you walk out of the changing room
♡ you treat this as if it were a fashion show making him tell you what he likes about each article of clothing
♡ whenever you get near any lingerie he gets incredibly shy trying not to look
♡ he won’t even look at the mannequins if they’re wearing risqué clothing
♡ such a sweet innocent boy who you can’t help but tease
♡ one of your favorite things to do were joke about buying lingerie for him, holding up a black lacey set you ask “can you imagine me wearing this for you? would you like it?” with a sweet smile
♡ he could never give you a proper response due to fighting back any suggestive thoughts, just blushes
♡ you let out a giggle and made your way to the cash register making him freeze in shock before quickly making his way to you
♡ you purchased it, Nirei was furiously blushing when the cashier smiled at you and then looked up at him
♡ Nirei’s thoughts were going absolutely wild the entire way home just wondering how soon you’d be willing to wear that for him
Jo Togame ᡣ𐭩
♡ he carries all your bag with a significant amount of ease, doesn’t even let you touch a bag before he already has it in place around his arm with the others
♡ Togame doesn’t get shy, jokes about suggestive clothing won’t work on him if anything he’d ask you to wear it for him
♡ this man is holding your hand 24/7, if he has too many bags to hold your hand, you settle with wrapping your arm around his bicep
♡ he loves having such a pretty girl on his arm
♡ he will glare at every man who has lingering eyes on you fighting the urge to go over there and punch both their eyes out of their sockets
♡ he’s the one who drags you into victoria secret, his favorite thing to do is pick out underwear for you to wear later
♡ “these would look so nice on you… while i push them aside to touch your cute little cunt” he whispers in your ear making your face beat red
♡ he’s gotten so used to all your habits and all the stores you go to
♡ he’s mesmerized where all your favorite stores are at so if you ever forget he can easily lead the two of you there
♡ you’re so thankful for Togame’s height whenever there’s an item that’s the last one and is too high up to get he comes to your rescue
♡ he loves to ‘rescue’ you since you always reward him with a kiss and a small “my hero” he loves to hear your praise
♡ you’re a gorgeous girl, ofc there’s always a guy who wants to ask you out
♡ before any guy can even make their way to you they meet Togame’s eyes that holds a dark threatening aura to them
♡ consider every man in existence to be scared off
♡ he personally doesn’t care about your shopping addiction as long as your happy and safe
♡ he ensures that your safety by always being there by your side
Choji Tomiyama ᡣ𐭩
♡ he loves your shopping addiction, he thinks it’s a cute habit of yours and figures if you can afford it why not?
♡ he finds it absolutely adorable to watch you gush over every item at the store
♡ you both always go to miniso first, it’s a must
♡ especially since it’s the main store that provides items you both like
♡ you guys are fascinated by the alarming amount of blind boxes miniso provides
♡ you do some blind boxes unboxing and he always gives you the one he gets if it’s the one you originally wanted
♡ when it comes to clothing shops he loves watching you try on clothes
♡ he purposefully picks out the shortest skirts for you to try on
♡ “try this on for me? yeah?” he was never afraid to ask you to try on something scandalous for him even if it made your face crimson red
♡ Choji is anything but shy he has no problem being bold with you, it’s a blessing and a curse
♡ “i- you can’t come in with me!” you blush as Choji steps inside the changing room. his only response is “no one’s watching us, it’s fine”
♡ Choji is very impatient. he won’t wait until your home, if he wants you he’ll have you
♡ even if that means having to clamp his hand over your mouth to muffle the sweet sounds you make
♡ secret confession: Choji loves to pick out miniskirts for you, it makes you so easily accessible
a/n <3 : i’ve been in such a head cannon mood lately? im having so much fun writing them, im obsessed! expect more to come soon <3
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palioom · 8 months
day twenty-one - panties & lingerie
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pairing: joel miller x f!reader
word count: 818
warnings: 18+ content; no use of y/n; public sex, unprotected p in v
• kinktober 2023 masterlist •
“These just for me, hm?” He asked in that gruff voice of his, pulling down her jeans just a little further to get a good look at the panties she was wearing. 
Pink lace, seeming expensive with a tiny bow on them. Making his mouth water just by looking at her body in them.
“Just for you, Joel.” She said with a smirk, feeling warm at the way his eyes were glued to her clothed pussy. 
“Got a matchin' bra as well?” Joel asked after a beat of silence, his fingers tracing over the frilly hem of the panties, his eyes finding hers again. Knowing she, had just by the way her smirk became wider. “What a lucky man I am.”
What he had planned to be a quick fuck inside this abandoned store, quickly became something slower as he saw the pink lace, then opening her blouse to discover she had indeed found a matching bra. Perfect on her wonderful tits, cupping and squeezing at them as he pressed his lips against her pulse point.
Backing her up against what used to be a cashier till, his fingers already found her clit over the lacy fabric, pressing against it and making her whine. Her back arched into him as she hit the till, a throaty moan leaving her.
He had mentioned just a few weeks ago how hot she would look in some of those lacy thongs and bras, as they walked past the broken window of a Victoria’s Secret. Only briefly eyeing the battered mannequins and their dirty underwear, but she had seen his eyes light up at the idea.
Quickly running back and actually finding a matching set that was left relatively unharmed.
“So fuckin' hot,” Joel groaned, his frenzied lips pressing against hers as he lifted her onto the surface, pulling her jeans down further and freeing one of her legs so she could spread them. “Like a fuckin' present for me, all wrapped up with a pretty little bow.”
Her hips bucked into his touch, still only rubbing at her over the fabric of her panties. His free hand swiftly undid his belt, then opened the button of his jeans before wrangling them down just enough to free his aching cock.
Hard and leaking just from the sight of her in those pretty clothes. 
Joel pushed her down onto the till, then pulled her closer to the edge of it, ever aware of any sounds around them. His fingers pushed aside the lace, bearing her wet and waiting pussy to him, just waiting to be filled.
“Look at that.” He groaned as he swiped the head through her folds, before slowly pushing inside of her. Her moan matched his, trying to keep quiet but feeling unable to with how good he felt inside of her. “So fuckin' pretty for me.”
The sight of his cock sinking into her next to the lingerie she wore only turned him on more, sinking into her again and again, drawing moans and pants from her as her own hands covered her mouth.
His own mouth descended onto her clothed breasts, grazing his teeth over the stiff peak poking through the fabric. Licking over it before teasingly sucking at it, one of his hands pinching and rolling the peak on her other breast.
“Oh God,”, she moaned, still trying to keep quiet but finding herself unable to with how frenzied he fucked into her. He seemed to love lingerie a lot more than she had expected him to, her plan working perfectly. Only that she wished he would fuck her like this at home, somewhere private so they could drag this out. “Joel, fuck! You really love that thing, huh?”
He smirked against her breast, biting her again.
“I fuckin' do, darlin’.” He was close, too, hips stuttering as he kept giving attention to her nipples through the lace. “Makes your tits look so fuckin' fine.”
A particularly harsh thrust followed, throwing her over the edge she had been dancing on, making him follow closely behind as her pussy clamped around his dick.
But instead of spilling himself inside of her, he swiftly pulled out, his cum landing all over her belly and the pretty panties, seeping into the material.
The sight made him want to go for another round, quietly groaning at the way she looked like this.
“And now you’ve ruined them.” She laughed breathlessly, looking at the mess he made. Seeing the look in his eyes, she knew he didn’t quite seem to mind.
“Gonna get you new ones.” He rasped, a noise somewhere behind him making his ears perk up and look over his shoulder. “C’mon, baby. Let’s go.”
Joel quickly helped her dress again, haphazardly wiping some of the cum off of her before hiding the pretty pink fabric behind her clothes once more.
Already knowing what his next supply run would entail.
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ferrstappen · 1 year
hi!!! could you write something about max and reader dating and its winter break and reader gets sick. basically its just cute fluff of max taking care of her. thank you <333
this is great because its cold af (where I live) and I'm sick (both physically and mentally <3)
chicken soup l Max Verstappen blurb
You denied it.
Your brain tried denying the swelling of your throat, the heaviness of your limbs, the dizziness.
It made sense after visiting Max's family during winter break; one of the kids was sick, which meant Victoria woke up with a runny nose, Sophie with a headache, telling you and Max to go back home a bit earlier since neither Max nor you had any symptoms.
If only... the moment the small plane landed in Nice, your legs carried you to the tiny restroom, emptying your stomach, your head was spinning so bad you didn't notice Max holding your hair and rubbing circles on your back. at least, the best he could on the restricted space.
It didn't take two seconds when his phone vibrated, his sister letting him know the kids were now nauseous and dizzy.
No shit.
Max drove slower than usual, not wanting the bumps on the road to upset your head or stomach, constantly turning his head to see your eyes closed, breathing not so smoothly.
In his head, he made a plan for everything he'd do once they got home: ask if you wanted to take a shower, helping you change, choosing the best pajamas, defrosting some chicken so he could make you soup, remembering if any of you had bought some chamomile tea.
That's exactly what he did. You probably weren't aware you leaned on Max after getting out of the car, your body touching the bed and falling asleep in minutes.
It was dark when you woke up, head still pounding, forehead still warm, throat still closed, but the smell of soup was enough to drag your feet from the bedroom to the kitchen.
It was empty, no sight of Max, but a tray was already arranged with a bowl and his not-so-secret mix of green tea, honey and lemon, just a couple of teaspoons he always said, so the lemon wouldn't be too harsh, just enough to soothe the pain.
You could cry from the sight of everything Max did in a short amount of time, now you were realizing you weren't wearing the jeans and cardigan, but fluffy white pajama pants and oversized, navy blue Red Bull hoodie with his scent.
Then, you heard his voice. He was speaking with someone else, probably streaming or something, but the need to thank him was enough to open the door and carefully walking towards his seat, making sure to not show on the camera frame.
His head turned around and his eyes softened, arms reached for you instantly, making space so you could seat on his lap, your legs dangling over his legs and your face hidden on his face.
user1: i am so soft for them like... she is wearing red bull merch and he instantly reached out for her
user2: does he realize he's muted but still streaming???
"How are you feeling, schatz?" Max placed his hand on your forehead, forehead wrinkling after noticing it was still warm.
"I'm better, but you are definitely getting sick as well," You replied and Max laughed, body slightly shivering from the feeling of your breath on his neck.
"Good thing there's soup for both of us," Max kissed the top of your hair, telling you he was going to say goodbye and end the stream.
He didn't pay attention to the comments or anything, just unmuting himself and saying goodbye, carrying you to the bedroom and placing you on the bed, making sure you were comfortable before going to the kitchen.
"No, stay here," you told him, almost sounding like a toddler, even stretching your arms so he'd join you. "We can have soup later, when after your stomach starts feeling funny"
Max found his usual spot on the bed, letting his body cover yours from behind, trying to keep you as warm as possible, tightly gripping the duvet, noticing the little hairs standing up with the familiar feeling of his breathing on your neck.
He was definitely getting sick, but it'd be worth it.
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hotchfiles · 4 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ❝ [CHOICELESS HOPE] ❞ — four. delicate.
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pairing: aaron hotchner x bau!reader. summary: the moment leading up to the kiss, the drumroll, is as good as the kiss itself. it's certainly more innocent. it's completely harmless. content warnings: canon divergent. emotional cheating (not on reader). angst. right person wrong time. a bit of daddy issues on this one. no use of y/n. word count: 900+ .a/n: me taking my least engaged fic and making a series out of it? more likely than you think. summary based on himym's victoria and her theory.
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    Aaron knocks on your door even though that is the least effective way to show you he’s there, hoping in some way this would delay the terrible thing he was about to do. He wishes he could pretend he didn’t know what you felt for him still existed rooted deep in your heart as it did his, and Aaron surely wishes his heart didn’t beat that fast as he heard Jack’s laughter and your voice about three times rougher than usual, apparently pretending to be some sort of monster. 
    He tried to be honest, but being honest to himself meant admitting that night was a succession of terrible choices only he could be blamed on. He was the one to ask if anyone at the BAU could watch over Jack as his sitter had been sick and Jessica was busy, he thought JJ or Spencer would offer to, but you did. And he accepted it knowing fully well he was leaving his son at your house so he could have a date with his girlfriend. 
    Your eyes were always your tell, he saw the hurt in then the moment he dropped Jack off, knowing clearly by his outfit that he was going on a date, a special one even.
    That was another terrible choice, not explaining before why he needed someone to babysit Jack. You told him he looked nice and your voice didn’t crack but the fake smile you gave him made his heart break. And the one you gave Jack was even worse, watching you so genuinely happy taking him in your arms as if Aaron wasn’t being the biggest jerk was enough to throw him off balance the whole night. 
    His date wasn’t good, he was silent, more than usual, and it wasn’t fair. Beth was a good person, he loved her. Beth made him believe in something he thought he would never again, that little spark that faded the moment you left and crumbled when Haley died. Beth brought it back, she wasn’t some sort of placeholder as he waited for his true love to come knocking at his door. She was love, and stability. Someone Jack adored, someone he had built a relationship long lasting enough that Jack got accustomed to.
    And his final terrible choice that led him to your door again, cutting the date short. Much shorter than Beth expected as they had planned it for weeks before. But he couldn’t face her. He couldn’t talk to her with the attention she deserved because all he thought about was your sad eyes to him and your warm smile to Jack. 
    He was a mess. He was hurting himself. And Beth. And you. And inevitably he would hurt Jack if he kept acting like that even though he was acting like that because he couldn’t change Jack’s life upside down again. It was always an impossible situation with you. 
    You know something’s wrong by his face and by the time he shows up at your door, he looks defeated, so you pull him inside instead of calling Jack to go home. You don’t ask him what’s wrong, you don’t want to know, you don’t want to hear him talk about his love life, instead you smile at him and place your hand on his cheek, rubbing the signs of age on his face lovingly, he closes his eyes and hold that same hand, leaning into it for just a moment. 
    “I gave Jack ice cream twice already so he’s in a hell of a sugar rush.” Your confession makes him laugh and breaks the intimacy of the moment, thankfully so. It was your intention after all, you couldn’t afford more than those tiny minutes. His eyes are accusatory, his mouth expresses his shock as he shakes his head in disappointment. “What? I want him to like me, everyone at the BAU has years of family time with him and I don’t.” 
    Jack comes from the kitchen yelling, the amount of daddy daddy daddy leaving his mouth per second probably breaking some record, Aaron takes him in his arms, throwing him in the air just high enough to get the boy giggling. 
    He forgets his dilemmas for that night, Beth’s messages and calls ignored on his phone as the three of you played together. Hide and seek, catch and even a bit of karaoke before it got too late. 
    Sleeping is hell when he gets home. He keeps thinking about everything he ever did wrong, how he almost cheated on Haley with you and then he let you go, and how he made Haley’s life miserable after that, so much so she ended up cheating on him–he couldn’t judge her for it. And how he was again on the same destructive path. 
    Fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree, his fidelity to the women he loved seemed to always come back as a question the universe begged to have an answer to: Are you really that different from your dad?
    If it wasn’t for you, for your restraint, for your respect for his commitments, would he be able to defend himself from such accusations his own mind threw at him at night? If you didn’t leave the unit, if you didn’t leave his lingering hugs first, would he be a faithful man? 
    Would he be the man he wished Jack would grow up to be? The man he wished his own father was? Or would he just prove what his mother would constantly say, that he was merely his father’s son? 
    Those kept him awake until his mind couldn’t handle it anymore.
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angel-of-the-moons · 3 months
Moon Boys (Jake focused) x Mama!Reader (Feat. Khonshu and Victoria!)
TW/CW: fluff!
A/N: This just popped into my head because i suffer from this as well and God damn it I needed fluffy Khonshu
Note: This ties into my mini-miniseries, "Small Surprises". Just a drabble on Khonshu's tough bitchy exterior chipping away because Victoria is adorable and he's secretly a big ass softie
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It was a dreary day. Another storm sweeping over London, blotting out the sun's rays behind the angry dark clouds.
You and Jake had run out to gather things to make for dinner, and Victoria didn't want to venture out with you. She had a bit of a fever and a sniffle, and you were hesitant to leave her behind.
You and Jake were flabbergasted when Khonshu had offered to babysit her.
Jake was hesitant to leave your precious child alone with him, but... even he had to concede the point when you told him that as a protector of the innocent, he would never hurt Victoria.
He had sneaking suspicions that something else was going on with you in particular, as even Steven was far more protective of you than usual.
But... here he is now, with your sickly daughter who sniffled and rubbed at her eye as she huddled beneath her desk, her plush scarab clutched against her chest as though it could ward off the booming thunder from outside.
The power had blinked out, so the flat was dark, only the dim light from outside provided any illumination, which seemed to frighten the child more.
He kneeled down, peering at her.
"You can come out. It's only thunder." He said, trying to keep his tone gentle and quiet. She was a child after all, and it was natural for children to fear things outside of their control, and things they did not yet understand. Especially children like Victoria (and Steven).
Victoria shook her head and cried softly, burying her face in the stuffed toy, her feet curling and rubbing together again, and again as she rocked back and forth, noises bubbling up beneath her tiny sobs.
"Little one--" Khonshu's voice was cut off when a loud crack of thunder shook the flat.
He looked towards the window to see the heavy rain pelting the glass with loud patters, the wind shaking the glass.
This was a bad one, he couldn't help but wonder what triggered this.
His head snapped back to look at Victoria when she hiccuped and began wailing, rocking back and forth, her breathing so quick and ragged he was afraid she would faint.
Her face messed and streaked with... ugh.
But... he couldn't deny something inside of him tugged at the sight of her so tiny and helpless, afraid of what her little psyche could possibly label as some sort of monster outside her home.
Khonshu sighed and reached down, his voice low and soft.
"Come here, little one." He says gently, his large hands curling around her tiny body and pulling her out from her hiding place.
He wasn't surprised when she squirmed and cried, trying to get free to go back to her "safe place". He let her flail, to fight him, until he sat back, cross-legged and cradled her against his body.
She sniffled, her breathing broken up by little sobs as she finally relented, body tense as Khonshu held her, his robes flowing around the two of them, creating a buffer between Victoria and the storm outside.
She snuggled against him instinctively, drawn in by the warmth he exuded, but still made little noises and groans as the thunder roared outside.
Khonshu cradled her back with his hand and pressed her a little tighter against his chest, feeling her rub her cheek on his robes and bandages in a manner similar to how she would stroke her cheek on you or one of your lovers.
"Hush." He murmurs softly, petting her curly hair in an effort to calm her. "You are safe."
She didn't respond. She didn't usually talk when she was having a meltdown, often only rocked and made odd sounds in an attempt to work off her frightened or nervous energy; and it was difficult to break through to her mentally when she was like this.
Khonshu sighed.
And then... began humming.
It was a small melody, but one he remembered well. Hathor would often pluck her harp and sing it to him before he was sent into exile. He remembered being present during the feasts and festivals in her honor, her followers often sang the same song and performed it in the streets.
His deep, vibrating voice seemed to soothe her, little bit little, judging by how she relaxed against him, the tension in her body loosening as he gently rocked her, humming the heavenly song to her.
While this moment was happening, however, he didn't notice the monitor in the corner, the little red light blinking.
He did not know that it automatically switched to battery mode when the cord was disconnected or the power was switched off.
Jake squinted at the bottles of vitamins, trying to figure out why one bottle was more expensive than the other when their ingredients were the same.
"Ay, paying for brands is so fucking stupid." He growled, ignoring the weary looks from people as he cursed in Spanish.
He plucked a bottle of the shelves and held it up, clearing his throat so the pregnant young lady next to him would look.
"I don't mean to be rude or anything...." He said awkwardly. "But which bottle of these is better? Would you say?"
The young woman seemed a little nervous at first, until she spotted the bottle on question, and realized he was looking at the same shelf of vitamins she was.
Her left hand rubbed her belly as she shyly took the bottle from his fingers, turning it over, and looking at the facts on the back of the bottle.
"Oh! For these, you can just get generic. They have the same stuff and are cheaper." She chirps.
Jake sighs with relief as he replaced the bottle with the recommended one. "Sí, that is exactly what I was saying."
"You're.... shopping for someone?" She asked.
"Ah... Yeah." He laughed a little stiffly, dropping the bottle in the basket he clenched in his fist.
"My fiancé."
"Aw... how far along is she? Er--I mean, I don't mean to assume, I was taking prenatals before I got pregnant just for the health benefits, uh..." She floundered.
Jake flashed her a charming grin, his beard creasing around his plush lips. "She's due sometime in the summer. Only found out a week or two ago."
"Oh! Congratulations!" She smiled, relaxing a bit.
"Gracias," Jake chuckled. "Our little girl is going to be excited--we hope--when we tell her."
"Aww... I hope everything works out for you guys." She giggled, grabbing a bottle of vitamin gummies for herself as well. "Well, maybe see you around!" She chirped once more before cutely waddling away.
Jake grinned again, he couldn't wait to see you waddle like that. Like a cute little penguin.
"Jake! Jake!" You panted, apparently having run with the shopping trolley just to find him. The panicked edge in your tone had him immediately on alert.
"What's wrong? What is it?" He asked, dropping his basket in the trolley to hold your arms in his palms.
"The power's out at home." You heaved, holding up your phone.
He felt the hair stand up on the back of his neck. Did something happen? Was Victoria all right? Did Khonshu do something--
"You have to see this." You say, interrupting his thoughts as you swiped your password in, opening the app to the baby monitor. You weren't out of range just yet, as the shop was relatively nearby, and you'd purposefully purchased that expensive monitor because of the large signal range it had.
You turned your phone around, a face-splitting grin on your face as you showed him the most recent clip recorded. The monitor, when you weren't looking at the receiver at your bedside, uploaded clips in five-minute intervals to the app for storage for you to look at later.
Khonshu and Victoria were highlighted plainly in the night vision mode. Victoria was curled up in his lap and Khonshu was... was singing to her. He didn't understand the words he said out loud, assuming it was some ancient language that Steven could only decipher; as his large hands patted her hair and back, rocking and soothing her like one would do for a baby.
"....See? Who was right? Told you she'd be fine with him." You grin slyly, a hand over your ear, awaiting the inevitable.
"Okay, okay, mierda." Jake ran a hand through his curls, shaking his head at you. "You were right. Maybe the old bird is... coming around."
"Victoria has a way of charming everyone." You giggle, looking at the recording with a glimmer in your eyes.
He sighed and wrapped his arms around your waist, his hands resting on your belly, thumbs tracing your soft curves beneath your shirt.
"Yeah, well... I'm willing to bet her sibling will have the same charm."
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yanderecrazysie · 9 months
Hello can give Is it crime part two please 🙏
This was also requested a ton on Quotev and Wattpad. Don’t know why lol.
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Title: Is It a Crime Part 2
Pairings: Todoroki Shoto x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, light swearing
Summary: Shoto isn’t fond of the quirk marriage his dad has arranged. At least, he didn’t think so at first.
Part 1: here
“Is it a crime
That I still want you?
And I want you to want me too
My love is wider, wider than Victoria Lake
My love is taller, taller than the Empire State
It dives, it jumps, and it ripples like the deepest ocean
I can't give you more than that, surely, you want me back”
-from “Is It a Crime” by Sade
You’d never seen Shoto so desperate.
The red-and-white haired man was near tears when he arrived at your door and, in wordless shock, you let him in. The typically emotionless male had never shown this much emotion to you and it made you feel a little unnerved.
“I made a mistake,” Shoto said, “Please, sign the wedding contract again. We can get married and… be happy together.”
You only miss people when they’re gone. That saying rang true here more than ever. You had left his sorry self behind and he must have regretted driving you away. 
But that didn’t take back what you’d heard from him and how you’d been treated. It didn’t take back the feelings of disappointment and humiliation, the constant wishing that things would be different and the depression that followed when you realized things would never change.
Every day in that mansion had been awful, pointless, and heart-breaking. As soon as you had gotten home, you were sure you were in the right place.
You never thought you’d see Todoroki Shoto ever again.
Who’s to say that, once you went back, everything would be fine? What if everything went back to the way it was? What if he was only asking because you were a live-in maid and chef to him, and he just missed that? 
Either way, the answer was clear.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t do that,” you said softly, “I don’t want to marry you.”
Shoto flinched like he’d been shot. His eyes went wide for a moment before narrowing in anger.
“You’re going to sign the contract,” He reiterated. 
“No, I’m not. I’m not going back to that life, Shoto. I was miserable in that mansion and I’m not going to willingly walk back into it.”
Shoto stopped for a second, then spat, “Who said anything about ‘willingly’?”
Your expression turned stormy and you spun around, ready to walk away from him. He was a lost cause- a child throwing a tantrum. No way were you going to stick around and humor him.
Suddenly, a wall of ice appeared in your path. Shocked, you turned around to find Shoto with his right arm out as though he was pushing something invisible. 
Fury shot through you like a white-hot knife. Reaching your own hand out, you pressed it against the smooth ice and focused your energy into it.
The giant ice wall shattered into millions of tiny pieces in an instant. You felt a rush of grim victoriousness when you saw Shoto’s wide-eyed expression. He had never bothered to ask what your quirk was, and you had never bothered to tell him.
“If you don’t mind,” you said hotly, “I’ll be leaving now.” 
Shoto responded with a low growl and an air push from his left hand. Now, a wall of fire blocked your path.
“What the hell, Shoto?” you screamed, “You’re going to burn my house down!”
“I don’t care,” came the cold response. Shoto’s heterochromatic glare bored into you and you felt tears well up in your eyes. This was your childhood home! Your parents lived here! You lived here!
You ran to the kitchen and searched for a bowl big enough to fill with water. You had to put out the fire and fast, before it got out of control and burned this place to the ground. But as soon as you had surfaced, holding a mixing bowl victoriously, Shoto made a wall of fire that cut you off from the sink. 
You fled the house, tears running down your face as you abandoned the place you grew up. There was nothing you could do now except run away from Shoto.
But there was no escape. Every way you turned, you were met with fire, until the only way to run was to the red-and-white haired man. Tearfully, you trudged back to him, disappointment weighing heavily on your shoulders.
“You still can’t force me to sign that document,” you said sharply.
“We’ll see about that, (Y/n). We’ll see.”
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sadesluvr · 17 days
Platonic! Lemon + Tangerine Headcanons (GN!)
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aka the babygirlification of two assassins (i literally birthed them it’s true)
You come across the twins as a civilian - in this case you work at a coffee shop. When they walk up to the counter you’re a little shocked, not because of anything they’ve done but the fact that one of them is bleeding. 
“Woah, are you alright?” You say, gesturing to the dark-skinned man’s shirt.
“What? Oh, I’m fine. I don’t bleed.”
It’s in your better judgment not to question it. The man next to him - classically dressed and spouting a moustache - sighs before smiling at you and ordering: one black coffee, and a hot chocolate with a chocolate chip cookie to be precise.
From behind the counter you can hear the moustached man mention something about his friend ‘eating all that sugar’, whilst he brushes it off, going on about ‘rewards’ before somehow talking about Thomas the Tank Engine?
The man isn’t even halfway done with his drink when you can see his eyes brighten, snapping his fingers with every sip.
“Ah, mate…You’ve gotta try this, init? That barista makes it proper - good layer of milk and cream, the right temperature for sipping…None of that hot water shit they used to give us in school!”
You smile to yourself, and once he’s done he comes up and thanks you personally, leaving a generous tip :)
The rest is history:
Lemon is the type of guy to come back to something when he enjoys it. When the Twins are in town, he’s definitely coming to your store, and you’re the only one who can make his hot chocolate. No exceptions.
From there you actually learn their names - Lemon and Tangerine. Tan is cordial enough, but you definitely click with Lemon the most
They ask you about your day, if you’ve been busy, all of that. It’s nice to have a familiar face in their line of work
Sometimes they stay until closing time, and if you’re shutting up they ALWAYS walk you home
Thomas the Tank Engine initiation rituals…The engine Lemon decides to give you is forever stuck onto your uniform as a badge of honour
Making fun of Tangerine for being grumpy and only liking black coffee… He orders a muffin just to shut you all up
“Would you two grow up, would ya? Can’t beat a classic Victoria sponge anyway.”
The one time you offer them to have a meal at your house it’s the sweetest thing ever: takeout or home cooked, they lap it up whilst they tell you crazy stories about their travels
They would LOVE home baked/cooked goods in particular though, it makes them feel 'normal' and like a family
They'll always bring you gifts from the different places they’ve been!! Ex. A Momomon from Japan or a snowglobe from Switzerland
I feel like Tan gets comically angry if he opens your fridge and sees that you only have oat/almond milk…He can’t get over the fact that it’s a ‘fucking NUT, it’s not proper milk’
Lemon using you as a parent, telling on Tangerine for everything- "I'm telling them that you stole from that vendor. You said you were trying to kick that habit, mate."
You figuring out that ‘outside contractors’ means something shady, but you don’t care bc they’re your friends
Tangerine is better with pets than Lemon, who isn’t really fond of them. Your animal will either love Tan or hate him, and there’s no in between
Being worried when they disappear for long periods of time :(
They're not the best at comfort (Tangerine in particular) but they try. Lemon suggests a relevant Thomas episode to help you get through it
Your watchlist is filled with animated/children's films
If there’s a stray/abused animal they find on a mission, they’re bringing it back to you. Surprise, you have a pet!
Them having your back. Tangerine is definitely beating up someone for you, and they’ll give you a bit of cash if you’re ever running behind on rent.
Them having a tiny photo of you in their jacket/wallet to look at and remember the good times missions <3
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