#tj: at least i have some time to save for the boys ~
reallyrandomtj · 1 year
Me when Baizhu's banner comes out with Kaveh on it: Goodbye. We will meet again ~ *-dramatic exit-* :'D
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
I'm in Control Part 3 (Steddie X Reader)
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A/N: Im such a whore for these 2 <3
Warnings: Steddie relationship and all that that implies ( I regret nothing) Daddy Steve and Sir Eddie (I'm drooling) , Reader does get harassed but our boys save the day <3
Word Count: 3041
“The convention is Saturday in Vegas. Eddie and Steve, you guys will be with Y/N here and she can show you the ropes. Y/N, I’m bringing some of the other ladies as well. Later on, you and I are going to go scouting for some talent, ok? Nothing new.”
You nod as you smile. “You boys won’t get much sleep depending on when you wrap on Friday.”
“Eh, we’re kind of used to it by now.” Steve grins at you as he sighs. “Just grateful to be a part of all this.”
“Speaking of not getting much sleep…”, TJ spins around in his chair. “Your date with Malcolm? Yay? Nay? Wedding bells?”
“Calm down. It was one date.”, you giggle as you collect some things from your desk and stand. 
“Oh, come on. We’re all grownups here. Was the sex at least mind-blowing?”
You look at your boss before glancing over at your clients. Their eyes were full of hope, waiting on pins and needles for your answer. You lightly swat at TJ’s arm as you exit the office. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“Mmmm… I don’t morning well.”, Eddie climbed into the backseat and immediately rested his head against the window, folding his arms as he closed his eyes. 
You scooted towards the middle as Steve squished in beside you. Leaning over the backseat, you grab a blanket you brought and tenderly throw it over you and Eddie’s legs. 
His eyes briefly open as he looks down before turning to smile at you. “Thank you, Sweetheart.”
“Alright lady and gentlemen, hopefully we won’t hit too much traffic. Y/N, I’m sorry, honey. I have everything piled in the front seat and trunk. Are you ok back there?”
“Yeah, TJ. I’m fine.”
Once you guys were on the road, Eddie was completely knocked out. 
“Wow. It didn’t take him long, did it?”
“He really doesn’t do mornings. Being a porn star, musician, and all-around nerd, his active hours are usually after 8pm.”, Steve chuckles.
“Oh, yeah. Mr. Munson here is a huge fan of D & D and most things fantasy.”
That makes you genuinely smile. “What about you? Are you a nerd to?”
“No ma’am. I was definitely a jock guy in high school. I mean… I liked Star Wars. That was fun.”
“Star Wars is good. I’m kind of more of a Star Trek girl though.” His eyebrows knit together in confusion. “You’ve never watched Star Trek?”
“I don’t know what that is.”, Steve laughs at your shocked expression. “What else do you like?”
“I love music and dancing. Um, I don’t really know to be honest. I grew up in a small, tightly wound community. Their definition of fun was vastly different. Everything I got into didn’t start till I moved out here except…”
“Except…porn?”, he asks. 
 “I remember once, when I was a kid, my brother got caught with a porno magazine under his bed. My mom flipped out and called our church pastor. We rushed him down so he could be “cleansed of his sins”. It just never made sense to me. Sex is supposed to be beautiful and fun. How can it be so bad?”
“You’re a fascinating woman, Y/N.” Your eyes lock on his as you both grin. 
Halfway into the trip, you found your eyes getting extremely heavy. Your head lazily fell on Steve’s shoulder as you drifted off to sleep. 
“I can’t believe you’ve never been to one of these conventions before.”, you smile at the boys as you finish setting up the booth for your agency. 
“Technically, I have been to a convention but it wasn’t like this.” Eddie quickly rose from the chair he was sitting in and gestured for one of the actresses who had just come back from freshening up to take the seat. 
“Oh? Was it one of those nerdy conventions Steve was telling me you were into?”
The metal head playfully squints at his friend. “Traitor.”
“Hey, you fell asleep. We filled the time with conversation on the ride up here. Stay awake next time and then maybe you can participate.”, Steve grins. 
You reach over and pat Eddie’s shoulder. “It’s ok. I like that you’re a bit of a geek. I’ll finally have someone to talk nerdy with.”
“Look at all my beautiful people. I love it. Are you ready to come find some talent?” His smile widens when you nod, grabbing your clipboard. “Everyone else, stay here and look gorgeous. Gentlemen, if you could keep an eye on these ladies. We’ve never had a problem before but people can be a bit to…grabby.”
You and your boss walk the floor for hours, finding a few people he would like to sign. While TJ was talking to the stars, you were mingling with the managers. Managers brought talent to agency for a finder’s fee so you knew you guys would have a higher chance of getting more signs if they brought their stars to you.
When you two make your way back to your area, everyone seems to be having a good time. The girls were talking to some fans while Eddie and Steve were mingling with other male porn stars needing advice. 
“My family has no idea I do this but I’m glad I’m able to send my mom money every week to help the bills.”, the young man hangs his head.
“Do you do it just for the money?”, Eddie’s voice is full of compassion as he speaks. 
“Not really. I like… I like the job. I find it exciting.”
“Well, then you have nothing to be ashamed of, man. As long as you enjoy it then fuck everyone else.” 
The boy giggles at him. “Do your parents know what you do?”
“Pfft, my dad would actually have to care first.”, Steve rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, mine can’t even watch porn where he is.” Eddie’s smile falls a bit before he continues. “But my uncle knows and he doesn’t really care. He told me the same thing I told you.”
“Hey, baby.” You extend your arms out to the boy talking to the guys. 
His eyes light up when he notices you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he lifts you off your feet. “Y/N! I was hoping I’d see you.”
“TJ would kill me if I didn’t come with him to these things.”
“She’s right I would.” Your boss smiles at the young man. “Y/N, take the guys and grab some lunch. I’ll wait here with the other ladies and we’ll go when you get back.”
“Ok.” You tenderly cup the boy’s face as you grin up at him. “Remember. You are amazing.”
“How do you know that kid we were talking to? Or do you just know everyone?”, Steve stabs his fork into the Styrofoam container in front of him. 
“I’ve known Avery since he first got here a couple of years ago.”, you cover your mouth as you talk. “He was wondering around the convention with these wide dough eyes. He looked so terrified. I showed him around and answered his questions. He’s a good kid.”
When you looked up from your food you noticed they were both smiling at you. “What?”
“Nothing. You’re just really sweet. It’s adorable.”, Eddie’s grin widens before he puts the beer bottle in front of him to his lips.
“Like I said, this industry has a way and a reputation. I want everyone to be comfortable.”
Your phone on the table comes to life as it vibrates next your plate. You glance over at the it before pushing end. You know when you look back at them, they had read the name on the screen. 
I’m in control.
“So your date with Malcolm went well, huh? You never told us how that ended.”, Steve leaned back in his chair as he crossed his arms over his chest. 
“You’re right, I didn’t.”
“Must have ended rather well if he’s calling her phone while she’s out of town.”, Eddie closed his container, moving it to the side and out of his way. 
“To be fair, Mr. Munson, that’s none of your business. What I do with my private time is none of my client’s concerns.”
“She’s absolutely right, Steve.” You rolled your eyes at his sarcasm. “Now, I’m going to ask a question and please tell me if I’m crossing a client/ agent boundary here, Princess. Do you usually let clients finger you while you watch your other client get head?”
Eddie leaned back in his chair, smiling in triumph as your jaw clenched in frustration. 
“What I do with my private time away from you both has nothing to do with either of you and you have no right to be upset. I can fuck whoever I want especially since you’re allowed to get your shitty blow job and both of you are allowed to kiss on anyone you please.”
Steve turns to Eddie delivering a joking glare. “Traitor.”
“What did I do?”
“You told her I hated the way that girl sucked my dick.”
“Was I wrong?”
“Missing the point!”, their heads turn back to you as you shout at them. “It’s not fair.” You abruptly stand from your chair and start to leave them before stopping yourself, charging back toward the table. “What the fuck am I even saying? Fuck whoever you want. I don’t care. We,” you gesture between the three of you. “We are nothing except client and agent. This is a business relationship.”
Steve’s smile grows as he turns to Eddie who smiles back. “I notice she keeps preaching the client agent thing but has yet to answer your question.”
I’m in control AND I’m fucking angry.
“You know what, Daddy.” You watch with contempt as he straightens up at the name. “I’ll answer his fucking question. No, Sir. I don’t usually let things like that happen. I fucked up but that’s ok because that’s the last time that it will. Especially since I found a man who can satisfy my needs way better than I’m sure either of you can.”
Eddie watches your rant with amused eyes as Steve’s slowly start to fill with annoyance. You lean against the table on your palms, alternating your gaze between their own. “Oh, boys and trust me. Malcolm can sat-is-fy.” You overdramatically roll your eyes to the back of your head as you bite your lip. “I’ve never cum so hard in my life.”
“TJ, today was exhausting. Can’t we just relax?”, Eddie asks with a sigh as he pulls the Metallica shirt over his head.
“Tomorrow, guys. I promise. This is a big party that the host of the convention throws on that Saturday and a lot of important eyes will be there. Speaking of,” he looks them both up and down, “are you sure you don’t want to change?”
Steve and Eddie had changed out of their tight, revealing wardrobe they were wearing that day into more loose fitting, comfortable clothes. A small knock on the door gets your bosses attention. “That’ll be Y/N.”
The guys listen to you and him exchange some words before he leads you further into the room. “See, gentlemen. This is how you should look.”
Their jaws dropped when they saw you in your little black spaghetti strap dress that cut off just above your knees. Your hair was pulled back in a neat ponytail and the heels that you had on made you a couple of inches taller. 
Eddie was the first to regain his composure. “I don’t think a dress like that would fit me.”
You smile as your eyes flick to Steve’s waiting for him to say something. He casually exhaled before leaning back on his elbows from his place on the bed. “Well, definitely fitting for a party full of porn stars.”
Your head tilted to the side. “I sent a picture of it to Malcolm and he said I looked gorgeous.”
“And he was right.” TJ grinned as he threw on his jacket. “Ugh, fine! Come on then.”
The bass in the ballroom of the hotel room beats loudly against the walls. You survey your surroundings from your spot at the bar as you take a sip from your glass.
“Hey there, sexy.”
Not even hiding your disgust, you cringe as you turn to see the man addressing you. You recognized him from other films. He was a popular choice to star in most roles due to his conventional good looks but his personality was absolute garbage and you hated talking to him every time you had to. 
“Hey Jack.”
“You’re here alone again? I will never understand how someone like you comes to these things without a date.”
“Maybe that’s because I can have fun without having someone attached to me.”
He chuckles as he chugs back the drink that was handed to him. “I think it’s because you have a crush on me.”
You scoff as you leave the bar trying to distance yourself from him. To your dismay, he follows you. “Come on, Y/N. I’m single. You’re single. It doesn’t even have to mean anything if you don’t want it to.”
“You’re disgusting.” You shove him away, power walking in the opposite direction hoping to find your 6’3 muscle bound boss. 
Jack grips your wrist and tugs you against the wall, pressing his entire body into you. “You play this game with me all the time, Y/N. I know you want me. Everyone does.”
“Trust me, Jack. I don’t. Now get off me.”
A wicked smile crosses his face as he leans down to try and kiss you. You kick his shin and move around him bumping straight into Eddie. Steve comes from the side and pushes Jack against the wall, holding him by his collar. 
“When someone says no, the answer is no. If you ever touch her again, my friend here and I will make you regret it. Do you understand me?”
“Hey. I was just—”
“I said do you understand me?!”
“Yes! Jesus Christ.”
“Good. Now get out of my sight.”, he lets him go, tossing him away. 
“Are you okay?”, Eddie asks as his eyes scan you over. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Thank you.” They both smile as the he adjusts the strap that had slid down on your dress. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N but we’re tired. I don’t care what TJ says.” Steve sighs as he grabs Eddie’s arm. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”
You hug your arms as they disappear suddenly feeling extremely cold and alone. 
I’m in control.
“Hey!” Your heels smack against the tile as you run after them. “Hey, um, do you guys want to, um, order a pizza or something? I don’t know about you but I’m starving. 
They glance at each other before turning to you. 
“We could eat.”
You cover your mouth full of pizza as you laugh at a story the boys had just told. “Eddie, I had no idea you could play the guitar. I mean Steve mentioned you were a musician but he didn’t say what you played.”
“Oh yeah, Sweetheart. When we get back home, I’ll show you.” Eddie strums his fingers over invisible strings. 
“What about you?”, you point at Steve. 
“God no. I don’t even know popular music let alone how to play it. You?”
“I’m not that cool, unfortunately.”
“I think you’re pretty cool.” Eddie grins at you before your phone vibrates. 
“Hey TJ.”
“Where the hell are you? And where are my stars?”
“I am upstairs getting ready for bed. As for Steve and Eddie, I have no idea where they are.”
“You’re their agent, Y/N.”
“It’s a party! Jesus. I’m sure they both found some pretty girls and are having fun. Do the same!” You chuckle as you hang up your phone and throw it against the sofa chair near the window. “What?! Why are you staring at me again?”
“Sheesh, calm down.” Steve grins as he holds up his hands. “You just always find ways to surprise us. That’s all.”
“Why do you talk like that? Like you’re one person?”
He turns to Eddie. “Are you not surprised?”
“I’m very surprised she didn’t play her agent card and rat us out.”
You tilt your head and turn away from them as you whisper loud enough for them to hear. “They aren’t answering the question…Yeah I noticed that.” You raise your eyebrows at them. “See? It’s fucking annoying, isn’t it?”
“You spend enough time with someone you get to know them pretty well. Remember, we told we grew up together, spent time together in and after high school, and now we work together in a business that requires you to be vulnerable.”
“That’s ironic.”, you respond to Steve with only mild sarcasm. When they both look at you with confusion, you explain. “Since I’ve met you, I think the only time you’ve been vulnerable is on the drive up here. If you were being more open you would have told me you how you felt about me and Malcolm from the start instead of throwing your little tantrums.”
“Oh, you’re one to talk, Miss I’m-the-agent.”, Eddie sits up on the bed giving you more attention. “If you weren’t attracted or didn’t at least feel something for us, you would have told me to fuck off at that party just like you did with that douchebag downstairs.”
“Did you fuck him?” Steve gruff tone froze you both.
“Who Jack? God no—”
“No. Malcolm. Did you fuck him?” You and the man stare each other down, waiting for the other to concede. 
“It doesn’t matt—” Steve’s arm shot out, reaching for your throat before pulling your lips to his. There was a tenderness behind it that you weren’t prepared for but desperately wanted more of. 
His mouth hovered over yours as he pulled away. Your throat moved under his grasp as you swallowed. “Did. You. Fuck. Him?”
“No.”, you breathed out.
“No what?”
I’m in control. I’m in control. I want him to kiss me again. No! Shit. I’m in control. His lips tasted so good. I wonder what Eddie tastes like. No! I’m in control. I’m—
“No, Daddy.”
@gracieluvthemoon @e-munson666 @luna-munson83
@lunatictardis @corrodedcorpses @munsonology
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bordysbae · 1 year
Could you do 53 and 54 combined, with Mark Estapa? Please and thank you 💋
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“can i be your boyfriend?”
mark estapa x fem!reader
53. yeah i like you dipshit
54. i want you, not them
disclaimer: i’m so sorry this is definitely one of my least favorites i’ve written, but it’s been in my inbox for a few days and i felt like i need to write it sooner than later? i’ve been pretty sick lately so i truly apologize if this is actually dog shit ugh. ALSO!!! emma is a fake character, idek if ethan has cousins LOL
you and mark aren’t dating, but everyone can clearly see that you guys like each other, it’s just a matter of time until you both admit it. normally you aren’t one to get jealous, but something clicked tonight when you saw him talking to her.
ethan’s cousin came to visit him at college, and this isn’t the first time she’s been here either. last year when she came to visit for her winter break, which started a week before michigans, she had everyone’s attention. all the guys were swooning over her, but of course she chose mark. at that time you were nothing with mark, just a close friend with all of the guys, so it didn’t bother you. they never ended up working out since mark thought ethan would be pissed, and he didn’t want to do long distance on top of that.
at the beginning of this semester you and mark became very close friends, and you both developed feelings. neither of you wants to admit it, but it’s just sort of a known fact that you’re bound to date. you guys have seen other people, but once you both began hooking up it stayed that way. you haven’t seen anyone else since you guys first hooked up, and neither has he. but now you’re not so sure, since mark seems perfectly content with her obvious flirting.
you begin to chug your drink as she laughs at whatever he said to her. you can’t imagine anything mark estapa said is that funny, so obviously she’s faking it. “you need to relax, he wouldn’t do that to you y/n,” dylan says to you as he takes a sip from his red solo cup.
“dylan you saw how obsessed they were with each other last year, and it doesn’t help that she’s prettier than me! she looks like a fucking instagram model!” you throw your head back as you place the cup to your lips, finishing the last of your drink.
“relax, she’s not prettier than you. she gets botox and her hair color is fake” dylan chuckles.
“oh dylan you’re such a woman, i love you!” you exclaim as you wrap your arms around the boy. he lets out a laugh and scruffs up the top of your hair.
“let’s go get more drinks yeah?”
“oh hell yeah, i need a lot more to be able to watch this shit” you groan, making dylan chuckle. on your way into the kitchen you both run into luke and tj.
“ah my favorite hughes!” you reply, buzzed a little bit. “hi y/n, hey duker!” luke says.
“y/n did you hear em-“ tj begins to say. “shut up tj, yeah i know she’s here. i don’t really care buddy” you roll your eyes and scoff. you excuse yourself from the conversation before you show anymore jealousy.
you cant stand how much the boys talk about her. it’s always “emma this!” “emma that!” like honestly who cares? you assume ethan isn’t very happy with her at the moment either, so you go find him once you refill your drink. you spot him on the stairs looking bored out of mind as he talks to some random girl, so you decide to save him from his misery, “ethan!” you shout to grab his attention. he instantly turns around and excuses himself from the conversation with the girl. “thank fucking god, you’re my lord and savior!” he exclaims, pretending to bow down to you making you laugh.
“why aren’t you with mark? i feel like at every party you’re always under his arm” ethan asks, taking a sip from his drink.
“he’s uh, with your cousin”
“he is? of course” ethan chuckles. although he’d never admit it, ethan isn’t too fond of his cousin. she’s very touchy with all of his teammates and friends, but since she’s family there’s not much he can do about it.
“yeah, they’re over there” you say pointing to the living room full of drunken people vaping and dancing. emma and mark are sat on one of the couches, and that’s when you notice her hand on marks bicep. that throws you overboard, and makes your blood boil.
“oh you’re kidding” you mumble. ethan turns to you and gives you a confused look.
“what’d you say? i cant hear you over the music.” he says leaning down to hear you better.
“ethan flirt with me!” you blurt out, making ethan spit his drink back in his cup.
“pardon?” he asks, thinking he’s maybe had too much alcohol and is beginning to hear things.
“i said flirt with me! i need to make mark jealous”
“you’re gonna get me killed, y/n!” he cries out.
“and whys that? it’s not like me and mark are dating or anything! we’ve been hooking up, i caught feelings which everyone knows about, and now he’s all over your cousin. so i don’t really see why i cant flirt with you!” you shrug
“i cant tell you why but i just cant do that to him!”
“well he hasn’t been a man and told me he likes me, soooo just flirt with me for christ sake! i’ll go find some random guy to flirt with me if you won’t!”
“no no don’t do that, the guys here are sketchy. fine i’ll flirt with you, but if mark kills me you better speak at my fucking funeral”
“attaboy!” you say playfully hitting his chest.
you and ethan begin fake flirting, and it’s only when you lean into his ear to whisper something that drives mark over the edge. you’ve seen him glaring at you both a few times, but now he’s storming over to you guys.
“eddy what the fuck are you doing?” he drunkenly yells at ethan, making ethan’s eyes go wide. “see i told you he’d kill me! get mad at her man not me! y/n explain it to him” ethan proclaims.
“mark can we just go outside” you roll your eyes at him, he nods his head in annoyance and follows you out onto the porch. you sit against the wall and mark sits down next to you. “the fuck was all that? are we nothing to you?” mark says.
“oh you’re fucking funny mark! you’re one to talk! don’t go blaming me for this shit! first of all, we aren’t even dating so i don’t know why you’re so pissed at me! and sec—“ you begin, but mark cuts you off, “well—“
you then interrupt him back, “i’m not done talking shh! as i was saying, second of all, you were all over emma! you didn’t even seem to mind that her hand was on your arm, and that she was laughing at every fucking thing you said! so no mark, this isn’t my fault and dont accuse me of assuming we’re nothing! i like you, dipshit! is that so hard to see?! i’ve liked you for months now! i don’t want you with anyone else, so i wanted to make you jealous! im not used to seeing you with other girls mark, it’s always me under your arm not emma!” you cry out, now standing up pacing the deck.
“i like you too dumbass! i was planning to ask you out on a date and tell you how i felt, maybe even ask you to be my girlfriend, but then stupid emma came back to town and ruined it! i’m sorry i made you feel that way, but it also hurt me seeing you all over my best friend. girls use me to get to ethan sometimes, and i don’t think you’d do that but it just struck a nerve i guess.” he explains, now standing up as well.
“why did you let her be all over you?”
“i don’t really have an answer if i’m being honest. i didn’t even think about it, i’m really sorry. i get it if you’re pissed at me, i would be too.”
“i’m not pissed at all i’m just annoyed. not necessarily at you, just at everyone. they all kiss the ground she walks on and it’s just fucking annoying. i’m sorry for everything mark, i promise im not mad at you” you say, looking up at the 6’2” boy.
mark looks down at you, and cups your cheeks, “i want you, not emma. know that.” he then leans down to kiss you, and you return the act. his hands remain on your cheeks, and your hands find their way to the back of his nec. you both taste like a mixture of alcohols, but you’re both too far in the moment to even notice.
he pulls back for air and smiles down at you and your slightly swollen lips. “so what do you say, will you be my girlfriend? actually no scratch that, can i be your boyfriend?” he smiles cheesily, way too proud of himself for his romcom of a proposal.
“you’re so cringe, but yes i would love for you to be my boyfriend estapa!” you giggle, playing with the hairs at the back of his neck.
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katielovably · 2 months
Listen I made some mistakes but your safe home! Tord said taking off his jacket (which obviously had his technology) before he diving into the pool.
Going deep down. Tom goes to the pool just doesn't dive because of his void eyes.
Tord hoping out on the far side of the pool.
Tom tried to catch his ankle but he was quick.
Will you two cut it out?! The neighbors are watching. Edd said getting between them shoving TJ in Tord's arms, he was trembling.
They teamed up on me and it wasn't fair! TJ said as little Tom peeked around Tom's leg before his ear was grabbed by Little Edd.
Group meeting now! Little Edd said.
Lame. Little Tom said.
Don't care. Little Edd said marching inside.
Tord was to fixated on the ordeal to process his own ear being grabbed under he felt Edd's nail dig in into his ear.
Eep. TJ said huddling against Tord as he and Tom were dragged in and force to sit. Tom in the red chair and Tord at the end of the couch (after they changed under Edd's super vision to insure Tom doesn't kill Tord or destroy a wall... been there done that it's not fun)
Matt, sit. Edd said as little Tom was forced to sit by Tom by Little Edd who also sat.
Ok, first. You, you and you (pointing to little Edd, Matt and Tom) can stay until we figure things out... TJ put up his hand.
They're three, Edd. It not like they can crash here then move on. TJ said.
We'll figure out how to turn back. Tord said.
You've been saying that for years. TJ muttered.
Now what TJ revealed... what are you doing? Edd said as TJ was set in the time out chair.
Tord, you should be sitting there not TJ. Edd said releasing TJ from time out and Tord was forced to sit in TJ's place (oh, the chair was always there it's meant for Tord and Tom when they get in trouble... honestly the first Tord or Tom should have sat in the chair but they were tired)
Tord, why did you put a tracker on Tom?... actually i put you back. Edd said moving Tord to the couch once more.
Simple, he would just leave and get drunk then we would get a call like "come get your boy." From a pub owner and we would have go to every pub searching for him. The night you two decided to to leave us alone he slipped out and it was my job to search for him since he was passed out I put a tracker on him so we wouldn't go threw that again because it was so annoying. Tord said as Tom tried figuring out what was said.
So you put a tracker when... also where did you even get a tracker! Tom said.
I... made it. Tord said embarrassed and ashamed.
It helped us find and saved you so it's ok. TJ said popping up before Edd.
Hum, It did... Matt, what do you think? Edd said.
Um, I'm trying to to figuring it out. Matt said before little Matt gestured to TJ to come. They whispered a bit. Before little Tom who crept up to them. Smacked TJ in the head with a pillow making the two smack heads.
Little Matt started to cry. TJ turned around to face him.
Oh-oh! Little Tom said and ran off with TJ behind. Like Tom and Tord the fish night the two faught until little Edd broke it up.
Ow, ow, ow! TJ complained as his ear was dragged before being forced in Tord's lap before checking if little Matt was ok, bring him one of TJ's toys to play with before trying to get little Tom but he got away.
Come here! Little Edd called chasing him down the hall before you heard little Tom screaming.
TORD! Little Edd said as TJ was already on his way.
Yeah, yeah. I'm coming. TJ said paddling down the hall. Little Matt stood and looked over the couch before going to help.
LET ME GO! Little Tom called.
No! They said.
At least he's sobber this time. TJ muttered.
Shut up, Commie! Little Tom snapped managing to swing his foot, hitting TJ.
Ow... I did not miss this! TJ said dropping little Tom.
Oof! You asshole! Little Tom said as TJ paddled to Tord.
Last time you had any excuse of being drunk far worst then Tom ever were! Now your just an ass! TJ snapped before folding his arms as Tord insured he wasn't hurt.
Little Matt and Edd also made sure he was ok going to Edd and Matt.
Little Matt explained to Matt what TJ told him... before the pillow hit them, even using two dolls to demonstrate.
Ah, I see. But this is hard because TJ is right, if it wasn't for that... *whisper to little* what was it? Matt said with the three year old whispering to him.
Tracker but like little Matt said " this is about now, Tord! You never kept secrets!" What other things he kept. That's why i'm confused on what to think. Thank you, little Matt. Matt said stroking his mini me's head as he smiled proudly.
I never noticed how much you are like a puppy. TJ said from leaning against Tord's chest.
Tord is there anything else or do we have to make TJ reveal it. Tom said.
Nope. TJ said walking away and locking himself into the closet. Little Tom planted himself outside where he could be seen.
I'm not coming out, Thomas! Leave me alone! TJ called.
Hum, you use to be fun to mess with. Little Tom called back paddling back to Tom's chair leaning against the arm.
Let him nap, Tom. Little Edd said yawning before paddling to a green bean bag and falling on it. Little Matt was already asleep on Matt before getting taken to his room to nap.
Hum, weaklings. Little Tom grumbled as the sound of thunder rumbled.
Seems like a storm... little Tom? Matt said as the 3-year-old ran past.
Tord stood and held a controller to Edd.
Let's have an adventure like old times. I got Zombies horde 3. Tord said with a smirk.
Edd looked at it.
The new one? They said.
Hold on your not off the hook. Tom said
I know and you can kick my butt after it rains. Tord said holding out a blue controller.
Fine. Tom said.
Whoo! Edd said turning on the console, holding a green controller taking his seat on the couch.
Hum. Little Edd said.
Tord glanced at him as Matt got a purple controller. He scooped up Little Edd carefully.
Little Tom stood in the entrance of the living room with his jacket.
You got my jacket. Tord said taking it.
Little Edd was laid with Little Matt.
You can rest with them. Tord said to little Tom.
Hmm. Little Tom said, climbing on the bed, laid with them going to sleep between them.
Part 9 (I'm hoping I'm correct on the parts) of ???
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heavensbeehall · 5 months
"The Hunger Games", Chapter 27
Buy the book here.
Part 3: The Victor
Chapter 27. Caesar Flickerman hosts a program where they rewatch the Games. President Snow doesn't like Katniss. Katniss realizes she's being watched. Another interview. Haymitch is relieved. Then they leave. ... and Peeta finds out the truth as they return to District 12.
End of book one!
-- Katniss thinks, "I hear Caesar Flickerman greeting the audience. Does he know how crucial it is to get every word right from now on? He must. He will want to help us." Do we think Caesar Flickerman wants to help them or is he a Capitol shill? The movies definitely make him out to be on Snow's side but Katniss usually has good instincts about people she likes (she is overly suspicious actually so it's odd she isn't of him).
-- Ugh three hours of mandatory viewing one night and then another interview the next. And I thought reality shows in our world dragged things out. If you have ever watched Squid Game: the Challenge and you shouldn't because it's one step closer to the Hunger Games in real life, they put in so much dramatic music and long pauses just to roll dice or something.
Haymitch’s appearance brings a round of stomping that goes on at least five minutes. Well, he’s accomplished a first. Keeping not only one but two tributes alive.
Haymitch has to be on the greatest mentors right? I'm sure the Capitol bookies have stats and stuff like we do for sports, and on paper he probably looks bad because he lost so many before. But getting two out?
Now I see what the audience saw, how he misled the Careers about me, stayed awake the entire night under the tracker jacker tree, fought Cato to let me escape and even while he lay in that mud bank, whispered my name in his sleep.
I just wish we got to see some of this in the movie because it does cut from outside Katniss' point of view at times (mostly for Seneca Crance and Snow). Maybe I am just being overly sensitive to people who are down on Peeta's abilities. He fought Cato and lived though! That's not nothing even they were high on TJ venom.
I don't love the phrase "tracker jacker" as much as I love "nightlock." It sounds kind of juvenile to me. [Here you should yell at me that they are kids' books.]
That’s when I know that even though both of us would have eaten the berries, I am to blame for having the idea. I’m the instigator. I’m the one to be punished.
Snow hates Katniss but seems to like Peeta. ... Or tolerate Peeta. I don't know if he likes anyone. Do we think he sees himself in Peeta? A sweet blonde boy being manipulated by this treacherous girl?
Peeta's actions don't remind me of Snow though. He reminds me of Jessup, protecting his fellow tribute, getting sick because of it, needing her in his agony. Except Jessup dies and Katniss finds a way to save Peeta. (Do I ship Lucy Gray and Jessup? Damnit, self.)
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animation-is-my-jam · 2 years
Can I get some TJohnson headcanons???
(Cracks knuckles)…..okay 🙂
Name headcanons: (this probably very obvious) but T.J stands for Tim Jr.
And Johnson's full name is Joshua Johnson (the "what's your favorite word?" segment helped me with that one),,, everyone just refers to him by his last name because TJ does it so often.
Early/present (to the show's early seasons) ages (6-7):
- TJ and Johnson definitely met in first grade or second grade talking about Wordgirl whenever she first made her debut. I could see the scenario of a very shy, lonely Johnson admiring his classmate's (TJ) confidence and toughness (or what babies back in elementary thought was tough xD). Johnson immediately wanted TJ to be his friend since he didn't have any yet, and TJ being the little shit that he is, very much took advantage of Johnson's determination to be his friend and basically established their fanboy or sidekick dynamic.
- Johnson was very much aware that he was sorta being treated like a lackey by TJ, especially when it came to TJ founding the international Wordgirl fanclub. But both TJ and Johnson thought of it as a play time thing or pretend playing. They already did that a lot when it came to playing out Wordgirl's crime fighting so why not pretend to be a fierce president and a fierce loyal second in command. They took their play time in their roles pretty darn seriously that TJ and everyone else refers to him as Johnson because as president, TJ wanted to address Joshua Johnson by his last name like an authority figure would. Of course he did this so often that others didn't know anything about the shy Joshua Johnson that everyone automatically assumes that 'Johnson' is his first name. Johnson is perfectly cool with this.
- TJ and Johnson from then on basically do everything together, when it comes to completing classwork or playing, there are no other kids that TJ or Johnson would rather hang out with…(besides Chazz that one time but we'll get to that too.)
- Johnson envies TJ in a lot of ways despite also admiring him. For one, TJ is very confident and proud of his snarkiness. And two, his family life. Johnson's parents are divorced, his mother didn't want to bother fighting for custody so he lives with his father. His dad is a working man and lives in the more forest area of Fair City (like Violet's family does),so Johnson is often left alone while his dad tries to keep the lumber industry alive. (yes I have decided to make Johnson's father a lumberjack). Johnson's father is also the silent type but not shy…just not good with words or emotions. Whenever Johnson comes over at the Botsfords to play with TJ he gets hit with so much familial feels that it's too much. At least the only time where he could feel that similar Familial feeling is when he spends hanukkah with his mom.
- Johnson doesn't actually have the same hype about Wordgirl that TJ does, the main reason he actually acts hyped is because his best friend TJ is really excited and happy that it makes Johnson happy too.
A little bit later/present ( the show's middle and late seasons) ages (8-9):
- TJ has always been both a little stinker and insecure. With how he very much tries to hide his enjoyment for "girly" media, to how he doesn't openly show affection. It's kind of strange considering there doesn't seem to be any restricting gender norms or toxic masculinity at home that could make him act like that sometimes. So one headcanon that I have is that he mainly gets it from his other school peers or other more insecure boys he occasionally hangs out with. (we'll save this HC for later, it will become important 😊)
- Johnson and TJ of course enter the city's little baseball league together, however they're at opposite teams, this dismays them a bit, but soon they find it fun to be on opposite sides as they have another silly pretend game where they pretend to be fierce rivals.
- Johnson at this point starts having a kiddie crush on TJ now. Doing everything not to only keep his BFF but to impress him enough to show his feelings. TJ unfortunately doesn't notice it, thinking that Johnson is just clingy like that and because he's insecure pushes the poor boy away from his hugs or slight affections.
- This discourages Johnson and there's a brief period of time where Johnson ceases on that behavior. TJ feels bad and (misses his affections) so one day he secretly hugs Johnson back. Making Johnson confused as heck but enjoys the hug anyway.
After certain episodes/present ( the show's middle and late seasons) ages (8-9):
- (Oh boy "All that Chazz" time) (recommended watching this episode for some reasonings behind my headcanons XD)
- after the events of that episode TJ does slightly apologize to Johnson as he helps TJ redecorate his room back to its Wordgirl theme. He knows he pushed him aside for a kid who seemed cooler but was not cool at all. That Johnson is a real friend and he promises to never do that again.
Johnson is thankful and blushing as he also promises to not leave TJs side either. (but is disappointed to know that TJ technically doesn't see him as "cool")
- Johnson is starting to feel more comfortable being himself and speaking up more. He's never fought with TJ like that before but he enjoyed standing his ground….even though he was then tricked by Tobey and started crying when TJ wanted to kick him out of *their* fanclub. He knows he messed up on letting Tobey do all his work for the competition but TJ has to admit that he can't be in charge all the time in their play time and friendship. TJ knows this and apologizes. He knows that he should have just admitted that Johnson was right and not try to treat him like a sidekick all the time when they hangout, after all that position is just pretend when they do fanclub stuff…right?
- After this, TJ makes an effort to try and be better when it comes to how he handles those closests to him. Basically after like a year TJ learns about actions and consequences along with some moral lessons as he grows. He doesn't want to be the annoying pesky brother all the time, just a little more mischievous but not rude. And he doesn't want to be more authoritative or troubled by Johnson's friendship/affection.
- ("What would Wordgirl do?")
- Turns out for TJ that not being authoritative or annoying on purpose all the time pays off. He's never really been a tough or mean boy, deep truly down he's much more gentler and sensitive than he wants anyone to see. And that is more present with how his relationship with Johnson has happened. TJ probably at times doesn't fully grasp his own crush on his best friend, but he does know that he can't run the fanclub without him or not be near him most of the time.
- So the boys are closer than ever, meaning that it's no secret to anyone who observes them that they both like each other in the cutest kid way ever. However they don't know what to really call each other then. Johnson, and TJ (a few times) sorta let it slip to each other how they feel, but they're 8 starting 9, they don't know anything about romance. So one day at recess they decide to make another game out of it…boyfriends or better bffs! TJ at least knows what a boyfriend is so he goes with that. They don't know exactly how to act like a "couple" ; it's mostly the label and more hugs that cements this new development...at least for TJ. Johnson is definitely ecstatic, he's wanted this for a while now and he can't wait for what it means in the future…even if they did treat it like another recess pretend game…it doesn't mean it's not real. (Right?)
Later/slight Future (6-7 years pass) ages (13-14):
TJ: A little bit more openly sensitive. Tries to do the right thing all the time as Wordgirl and the Botsford definitely influenced that moral compass in him. Still ever insecure about himself, often fabricating certain things to seem more "cool". Downplays his fanboyish attitude for Wordgirl media as he knows now that Wordgirl is his sister and that not many kids his age particularly care about it.
Johnson: Still soft spoken but he's getting better about his shyness. Wants to be more open about how he truly is instead of
Early Teen dramatics:
- The boys are still best friends, however there are some changes…for one when they entered middle school they quietly and disappointedly dropped the boyfriends title, after all it was only a silly little game they played when they were young.
- Johnson is no longer part of the little leagues or is interested in joining their future highschool baseball team, Johnson tried to be interested in it for the sake of TJ, but he's found his real passion in theater, as he turns out to be a good actor. Plus he never got along with the rest of the boys in their baseball team anyway or "TJ's other friends". They always made fun of him.
- While sad that Johnson isn't into baseball anymore like he is, he still very much encourages Johnson's passion with the theater department.
- Because of Johnson's departure TJ hangs out a little bit more with the other kids at his baseball team…they are not a good influence, but TJ is blinded by their more rude behavior…after all they are a bunch of fourteen year olds. They appear to treat TJ like "one of the dudes" but they totally see him as chump and often make fun of his friendship with Johnson. TJ hears this ridicule and his insecurity on how he behaves around Johnson flares up.
- Even though they aren't "boyfriends" anymore they obviously have feelings for each other, more deeper from when they were young. TJ is aware of Johnson's feelings (Johnson doesn't try to hide it) but TJ is being a dummy insecure boy so he tries to pretend that his own feelings aren't there.
- Before their first highschool semester summer break at a baseball game Johnson pulls TJ aside to confess. Before TJ could even respond the other teammates and students attending hear this and make fun of both of them. Johnson doesn't care as long as TJ agrees that they're being jerks, (but TJ being the insecure crowd pleaser that he is) doesn't agree with Johnson, just saying that the fellas are only joking around and that he and Johnson "are not like that". This heavily offends Johnson. TJ is initially saying that he doesn't return his feelings or that TJ would rather preserve this fake image of himself. So Johnson leaves his eyes getting tinting red.
- TJ immediately knows he's fucked up again and when the other boys try insulting Johnson as he leaves, TJ immediately turns aggressive. A fight breaks out…. Just know that it ends with TJ being temporarily suspended from the team and earning a broken arm.
- after all that mess TJ desperately tries to make it up to Johnson, still not confessing his own feelings but trying to make sure that their friendship is still strong. Johnson though is not accepting those apologies. He's rightfully upset at TJ for once again choosing to be insecure and a follower.
- TJ talks with Becky about this dilemma, and he of course gets a mouthful from her, she's honestly surprised that they weren't dating. Making TJ feel awful as he should have made his true feelings for Johnson more clear and that he should stop caring about what others think about him.
- TJ also gets some out of nowhere advice from Tobey too, when TJ is coming into grips about his true self. Tobey, coming over to the Botsford house to see Becky, catches the young teen outside his backyard in the rain looking distraught. Tobey tells him how he's also struggling with issues of his identity and how to amend mistakes for the people they love. TJ appreciates this advice and thinks that Tobey is not so bad after all…
- It's officially summer and TJ is planning the most of it by having all this free time to make it up to Johnson, and also braven up to confess his feelings that were always there.
- Unfortunately for TJ, Johnson had signed up for a summer theater camp outside the city. In part so Johnson can better his acting, but to also avoid TJ.
- TJ is even more sad since now how would he ever make it up to Johnson if Johnson is away and purposely ignoring him. He vents this to his parents who of course try and cheer him up as they give TJ his first phone so he could possibly keep in contact with Johnson while he's away.
- Before Johnson officially gets on the trip to leave for camp, TJ chases after him to say sorry again, giving him his number if they ever want to talk about their entire situation in text. Johnson laments and tells TJ that he'll think about it, but of course saying how the years of playing pretend hurt him, that of course he'll still see TJ as a best friend if TJ doesn't return his feelings, but if TJ does have romantic feelings for him,,,that he can't be afraid and that they can't play pretend for that…Johnson wants it to be real because it felt real back then. TJ agrees, promising Johnson that he'll tell him all about it.
- they're on better terms now, but of course they're now apart during the summer…time for TJ to sulk and hope Johnson receives his first text message.
- during the summer they do indeed text each other. While Johnson can't be on his phone at all times since he's at camp he tries his best to talk with TJ during curfew. They exchange typical stuff, memes, encouraging words, how their days went. Then TJ gets all mushy, texting him heart emoticons and calling Johnson "Joshua or Joshie" (his first name) as a term of endearment. Johnson greatly appreciates this and also starts being mushy too.
- TJ is starting to be more open to who he is and letting out his emotions more clearly. Not only openly admitting that he likes Johnson but finally sitting down to talk to Becky about him knowing her secret identity, expressing how he low-key resented her for perfection as the golden kid.
- The boys dearly miss each other, TJ texting mountains of admiration words to Johnson as he doesn't fear showing off his feelings. Saying how it's just not the same without him here. Johnson admits the same, while he has met some chill friends at camp nothing could replace TJ's company.
- they just continue to text each other gay soft cringe stuff (/lhj) throughout the summer until Johnson can come back.
- When Johnson does come back TJ doesn't hesitate to meet him halfway, grabbing him to a spinning hug. They agree to grab ice cream together to talk more about their summer. It ends with them holding hands as they usually do but now it means something real.
Officially dating headcanons:
- When they officially begin dating shortly after Johnson returns from camp, TJ isn't bothered to be affectionate, keeping Johnson really flustered as it's uncharacteristic for TJ to be like that sometimes.
- nicknames:
For TJ: Handsome, king, captain.
For Johnson: Hon, sweetie, rubio, Joshie, Johnny, buddy.
- they're both the jealous one, just different ways they perceive their jealousy. TJ doesn't mind speaking out loud about it or being obvious while Johnson is more passive but stares intensely.
- Separation anxiety (yes)
- After all that drama that happened with the baseball team on insulting Johnson, TJ is much more defensive and will not hesitate to fight someone again if they talk bad about his boyfriend. (Johnson has always been TJ's secret bodyguard, his dad has taught him a thing or two in self defense so don't mess with Johnson's boyfriend either).
- TJ shows up to every play that Johnson's a part of and claps the most obnoxiously whenever he appears. This is the same with Johnson as he cheers the hardest in TJ's games whenever he gets on the field.
- so yep when Tj's arm is healed and returns to the baseball team there's definitely bad blood between them. Of course the other boys object to Tj's presence, but TJ is such a good player that the school doesn't want to risk losing a season if they don't have him on. This leads to TJ being very smug around them.
- Johnson and TJ actually have their own rivals…it's Victor Best, Chazz, and Royal dandy(?!) Turns out Victor has joined TJ's baseball team and plans to be captain, as Chazz and Royal Dandy threaten Johnson's position in theater.
- (Johnson: “ Wait a minute, I thought you died years ago?!”
Dandy: “.... Anything is possible ol cap cheerio!!”)
- They of course have a mutual good friend in Rex!! Even though he skipped a few grades up they still depend on him for support… and help on their math homework.
- While Johnson has grown to be taller, TJ is still the bulkiest, carrying Johnson around in ease.
- Often go on dates.
- are kinda trouble makers now too, being all anti authority in school.
- you see I mentioned before how I said that Johnson also lives in that more rural forest area of Fair City like Violet, well since his father often works he has previously been left with the heaslips, making Violet and Johnson develop a brother-sister dynamic. This has Violet and Becky embarrassingly gossiping about TJ and Johnson whenever they are openly around.
- If there was any danger to Fair City and the boys had to pick a weapon for defense, TJ would choose a baseball bat while Johnson the bow and arrow.
- Johnson is a low-key tobecky shipper…. making TJ suffer /lh
- Johnson's other interests come in farming and animals, while TJs are music (DJ over here) and video games.
- First "I love you" exchange happened when Johnson ordered TJ a pickle-less burger and gave him most of the fries. Truly TJ knew that Johnson was the one. /lh/pos
- Both are part of the Becky/WG defense squad.
- Tim and Sally absolutely adore Johnson and can't stop gushing about them whenever Johnson comes over, to TJ's embarrassment.
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becca-e-barnes · 2 years
Omg becs! We need something about son's best friend Bucky because i can't even begin to explain how much it turns me on to think about geting him hard under the table while having dinner all together (and by that I mean my husband, my son and Bucky) and then offering to give gim a lift and driving him home and fucking in the car i just need it
Okay, the THOTS I have about this, I fucking love it 🥵 Like maybe your son tells you his college roommate has really far to travel to go home on weekends so maybe he spends the weekends alone, living off frozen pizzas and instant noodles (and I imagine he looks like precious lil TJ 🥺)
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So instead, your husband offers to invite him over for Sunday dinner. It's not a bother, you always make way too much food anyway and it saves this nice boy from having to eat anymore junk. He'd at least get a good, home cooked dinner and something sweet afterwards and it makes you feel a little better knowing he has some company too.
But the first time the poor boy sees you he's clearly smitten, no matter how hard he tries to hide it. He hadn't been warned that you're nothing short of a milf, wearing a cute little apron and God, he wishes that's all you were wearing. And as much as this boy has fallen for you, he's fallen for your cooking just as hard. He thinks he's died and gone to Heaven when you lean over, offering him a second serving of potatoes because you noticed how quickly he ate what you put on his plate. He doesn't want to think about it but his dick is stirring pleasantly in his trousers, feeling you brush against him, the smell of your perfume overwhelming him in the best kind of way, never mind the sight of your cleavage as you lean over him.
It's not long before Bucky finds himself living for a Sunday. He feels so welcome in your home and he always leaves with cheeks that hurt from smiling, a fully belly and a half hard cock.
Over the weeks, he begins to pick up on the little things, like how you and your husband hardly break breath to each other, how you're left with the dishes every week and how your husband and son often don't even stick around long enough for dessert. Bucky pretends not to notice the heartbreaking look on your face as week after week your husband leaves you feeling unappreciated.
So Bucky does his best to make up for it, complimenting you every single chance he gets. "God, it smells so good in here." he groans one particular Sunday, making his way through the door and straight to the kitchen to greet you as he enters the house, leaving your son to sit in the living room with his father.
"Making your favourite today, Buck. Roast beef, mashed potatoes, peas, carrots and gravy." You smile, knowing already that his response is going to make you feel more appreciated than your husband has all week.
"God, I love you, you know that? I keep telling Ollie's friends that you're my dream wife. Tell them all that someday I'm gonna find myself a woman like you. Gonna give her a couple of cute little babies and make sure she's the happiest damn woman on earth." Your stomach tightens at his words because you wish you were about 20 years younger. You'd give him that life in a heartbeat.
"She'll be a lucky lady, sweetheart. You're a lovely boy, you'll make a great husband for someone some day" You smile warmly, noticing that little cocky smile on his face.
"You think so? Cause I mean, if things don't work out with you and your husband, I'd love to show you how well I'd treat a woman like you. Would make sure you know your worth." You've never heard him be so openly suggestive, usually he never goes further than a little harmless compliment while he's helping you with the dishes but today, he's so much more brazen.
But you laugh it off, telling him that you and your husband have been married too long to call it quits now, hoping that'll be the end of the discussion.
At dinner though, your husband hardly takes the time to look at you while Bucky sits beside you, showering you in compliments. "Fuck, I'll never understand how you get those carrots to taste so good." He groans, helping himself to a few more from the dish in the centre of the table.
"They're just roasted with butter, honey and brown sugar, Buck. Nothing special." You smile, watching as he happily clears the serving he just put on his plate.
"Guess it must just be you that makes them special." He smirks and you can't take anymore. Your son isn't paying attention and your husband certainly isn't so you take the chance, placing your hand on Bucky's knee under the table.
Bucky looks up at you but doesn't react, hoping this is going where he thinks it's going.
And of course it does, your hand eventually creeping higher as he tries to keep his cool, stifling a groan as you work your hand over the growing bulge in his jeans. He's always at least half hard when you're around. You just seem to have that affect on him but the feeling of your hand rubbing just where he needs to feel you most has him throbbing, trying to contain himself.
He registers that your husband has asked you something and he registers that you answered but he doesn't pick up any more than that because your hand is torturing him. He so desperately wants to fuck you right then and there, it's all he can think of. He wants to bend you over the dining room table and make your husband watch how a real man would treat you but he holds himself back.
You barely breathe a word to each other as you wash the dishes and he dries them, all of your usual flirtatious banter has dissolved into an unbearable tension. It hangs in the air, neither of you daring to so much as look at the other for fear of the band snapping, making you give in to the temptation.
But when the band does snap, boy does it snap. Your eyes lock on his accidentally and you both move at once. It's needy and passionate and far too desperate, his hands gripping your waist like you're a figment of his imagination. His mouth is so hungry on yours, his lips sliding over your own, barely leaving room for your breathy gasps. He can't get enough of you and you can't get enough of him as he presses you against the kitchen counter, his hard cock pressed against you as his lips begin to trail down your neck.
But God, you can't do this here. Your husband and son are in the next room but it's so long overdue, you can't stop now that you've started. So it's not long until you're driving him to the store, beyond thankful that he has some excuse prepared about needing to go grocery shopping. Your husband doesn't even listen when you tell him you're going out because if he did, he'd realise the store you told him you were going to is closed on Sundays.
Instead, you find yourself in an empty parking lot, in the back seat of your car, underneath this sweet boy who can't tear your clothes off fast enough. His mouth is on yours, his tongue firm and insistent against your own, his bulge grinding against your core in the cramped back seat.
"You know how fuckin' hard it is to watch you play wife for him? That asshole doesn't deserve you." Bucky's lost in thought, panting against your neck as he tears your blouse off.
"Bucky please, don't wanna think of him. Wanna think of you." You gasp, feeling his mouth latch onto one of your nipples, tugging it with his teeth.
"God, your body. You're fucking beautiful and I bet you don't even know it. Jerked off to you more times than I can count." He admits and it sends want throbbing through you.
"Please baby, just fuck me. C-can't take it. Need feel you fill me up." You sound so needy, shamelessly begging to be fucked that he can't help but groan.
"Oh babe, you can't say shit like that. I'm gonna send you back home with that cute little cunt stuffed full of my cum." His voice is strained as you lift your skirt up, exposing your bare, dripping cunt to his hungry gaze while he pulls his jeans down just enough to free his cock.
"You're so perfect. Know that fuckin' pussy tastes so good but I- I can't. Needa feel you cummin' around me. Been dreaming about it for far too long." He groans, giving himself a few firm strokes before pressing his tip to your eager hole, pressing inside in a way that leaves you both moaning.
"S-so tight and wet oh my God. Gonna treat you right. Want you to cum so hard, you forget everything but my name, you got that? This pretty pussy is mine now isn't it? Tell me I own your cunt." He's growling against your skin as he starts to thrust into you and you can only whimper out a response, overwhelmed by how good he feels and how filthy this sweet boy truly is.
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officialgritty · 3 years
How I Would Humble NHL Players
An essay written by bigboigritty. 
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I would humble hockey players the only way I know how to, by sending them to Australia. Let’s suppose that they have decided to hold the All Star game over here (forget about it’s usual date) (forget that some players I have listed below might not be invited) (and while you're at it, please forget that Australia’s rinks are Not Good).
I think that they would suffer but in an entertaining way so it’s fine. 
First of all, their biggest concern is getting sunburnt. It would effect all of their dumb asses but I’m particularly worried about Pierre-Luc Dubois and Mitch Marner. Boys are practically translucent. Vince Dunn would be fine, he’d probably wear a shirt most of the time which is a very smart decision. 
You may wonder why I didn’t mention Nolan Patrick because I am a certified slut for him, well I don't think he would have a problem. He would spend most of the time inside and when he joins the others, I think his Virgo ass would reapply sunscreen. Maybe he would burn slightly but I don't think it'd be enough to make him uncomfortable. 
Another thing that I think they will gain from this experience is a higher pain tolerance. Now you’re probably thinking, “Zoe they are NHL players so they can handle pain.” Wrong.
Real pain is running barefoot on cement at theme parks while you race to get to the next ride. Also getting into the car and having to avoid touching every piece of metal to not get branded like a cow. Or better yet, when the heat gets so bad that there’s a black out because everyone has their air conditioning turned on.
Don’t get me wrong, I know that other countries have scary animals but I would pay to see them panic over ours. Crocodiles here can grow up to 5.2 metres / 17 feet. We have a box jellyfish season where it’s advised to avoid swimming or wear wetsuits for coverage. Funnel web spiders can survive underwater for hours by trapping air bubbles around their skin. We have several of the worlds deadliest snakes present across the country. 
Listen, I don't want anyone to get injured but the constant fear that they would have when doing anything would be enough to make me happy.
My biggest question is who would survive in the shady areas, who would survive the eshays?
Under no circumstances can you look them in the eyes or cross their path. They are not to be feared individually but in groups caution is advised. I think the players would attempt to assert dominance and that is simply not an option. You are better off to ignore the eshay.
Nolan would have no issues here if im being honest. He is big and I don't think they’d find it worth it to fuck with him. But you know who they would target? Matthew Tkachuk. “Where are you going pretty boy?” “Oi braa did we hurt your feelings ya pussy cunt?” They would make fun of his hair in particular. 
Travis Konecny would be an eshay. I don't think I need to make further comment. (So would Louis Tomlinson but I am not a 1D account and I will continue to repeat that until it’s true.)
I would also give them a few iconic tasks to get the true Australian experience. Activities for the ‘vacation’ include triathlon events, beach flags, bush walking and climbing the harbour bridge. They could attend a cricket match but they tend to like golf so unfortunately they would probably enjoy this :(
AFL is an extremely popular sport here and I think they would loose their shit when they learn the rules of this game. No protective equipment is used other than mouthguards, that's it. That’s all you get. And jumping onto other players for leverage is encouraged. I would thoroughly enjoy the fights that would break out because of this.
Another task would be to use a map to make their way to a servo for a slurpee. The catch is that they will be required to pass through multiple alleyways. Also, the season is Spring, it’s swooping season mother fuckers. Let’s see how brave you are when birds chase you down the block. Personally I don’t think any of them would pass this test, maybe McDavid because the birds may not be able to detect a heartbeat.
Australian food would disgust them, I just know it. Things that they would need to try are a Bunnings sausage sanga, fairy bread, lamingtons, baked beans on toast, Milo and Vegemite. Because I’m me I would give them no butter with their Vegemite. 
An after thought I had was money so I’m editing this to include it. Everything here is EXPENSIVE so they would need to learn how to budget. Upon doing research, Canadians would be fine but the Americans will be mad.
1000 CAD = 1019 AUD
1000 USD = 1297 AUD
Another after thought was the fact that they won’t be able to drive (or at least drive well) here. We drive on the left and not the right, same goes for walking paths too. I can sense a lot of them bumping into people.
Where I think players would live based on vibes alone:
Carter Hart and Vince Dunn: North Shore Beaches, NSW. Daddy’s money. Carter probably did Nippers whereas Vince was a skater boy. 
Travis Konecny: Darwin, NT. Would 100% live there and enjoy it. He would try to conduct crocodile tours but gets assigned to feeding the baby crocs and doing shows for little kids. 
Tyson Barrie: Perisher, NSW. One of the only ski resorts we have to offer, major friendly mountain man energy.
Nolan Patrick: Byron Bay, NSW. @antoineroussel enlightened me, steering away from my original thought of Katoomba, NSW. Byron Bay is a magnet for hippies and links rainforest to the ocean. Chris Hemsworth and his family also live there.
William Nylander: Perth, WA. I don’t know much about Perth other than they wouldn’t shut up about partying while the other states had to quarantine. For some reason, I also associate Perth with Tik Tok. 
Sidney Crosby and Connor McDavid: Melbourne CBD, VIC. These two would live in the same apartment building in the city, Connor one level above Sidney. It’s the most boring looking block of them all and Crosby would send in complaints to the landlord about McDavid pacing during the night.
Tyler Seguin: Surfers Paradise, QLD. Party central, not many people are actually from this area and he would be sure to tell absolutely everyone that he was. I also think he would get a Meter Maid tattoo, specifically on his leg. Has definitely slept on the beach before because he couldn’t find his way home.
Jamie Benn: Hobart, TAS. Tasmania is usually forgotten about. Another one with mountain man energy except he is more creepy than friendly.
Mitch Marner: Fitzroy, VIC. @antoineroussel is responsible for this one too. Hipster central, makes you question how the hell someone so young can have so much money. Would chug $45 wine and not blink an eye.
(honourable mentions include = Sammy Blais: Hobart, Tas. Once again no comment on Tasmania. TJ Oshie: Cairns, QLD. Would do reef tours. Haydn Fleury: Western Sydney, NSW. Haydn would 100% own a ute or a white holden commodore and you can’t tell me otherwise. Roman Josi: Adelaide, SA. Small town history teacher vibes.)
I have attached a handy map for those who may need it.
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In conclusion, the NHL should send their players over here to teach them some manners and while they’re at it, management should bring themselves too. Nolan Patrick could pass as an Australian if he built up a tan. (So does Nylander in this picture but we won’t talk about that.) Come over anytime baby, I’m free. 
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Servo - A service station, also known as a petrol or gas station. Example: 7/11
Theme park - An amusement park. Can be said in reference to both normal parks and water parks and usually means those in QLD. Example: Six Flags
Swooping season - August to October in Australia. When birds attack and chase humans and / or pets for getting close to their babies. Magpies are notoriously bad for this. 
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Bunnings sausage sanga - A cheap feed / meal found at the front of a hardware and gardening store called Bunnings. Made up of white bread, sausage, onion and your choice of sauce.
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Fairy bread - White bread with margarine and topped with 100s and 1000s / sprinkles. 
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Meter Maids - Women who work along the beach dressed in gold bikinis. They top up parking meters to save tourists from getting fined and will often stop for photos. 
Nippers - Surf lifesaving programs carried out for children between 5 and 14. 
Ute - A pick up truck.
Eshay - A person who partakes in drug use, graffiti, listens to EDM and targets victims in groups. Below is the typical style of an eshay. 
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Tagging a few friends so this doesn’t completely flop but feel free to ignore if it isn't your thing. I won’t be offended lmao
@scheifefe @ifiwasshawnmendesidslapmyself @d00dlebob @bowenbyram @kempe @prettyboyroope @quintonsbyfield @travisgermy @pitoftrash @kspitehockey @ballsakic @canadianheaters @bricksatlandyswindow @powerblais @brokeninsidebutnobodyknows @jamiedrysdales
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enchantress-emily · 3 years
Good Omens Fic Recs
I thought it would be fun to do a rec post for some of my favorite Good Omens fics!
But It Wouldn't Be Make-Believe by @ineffablefool
Crowley wants just one visit home to see his mum without her trying to fix him up with some nice young lady. He also wants very, very much to kiss Aziraphale, a lot. If only there was some way for him to accomplish both of these goals at once without having to actually ask Aziraphale out, which he is one thousand percent too chicken to do.
It's hard to choose just one of Jack's fics to recommend! Everything he writes is soft, romantic, asexual, and extremely fat-positive. This one is a multichapter Human AU in which Crowley and Aziraphale are completely smitten with each other, but convinced that the other just thinks of them as a friend.
Demon & Angel Professors series by Ghostinthehouse (@ineffableghost)
They're professors. They're married. Their students don't realise. Cue shenanigans.
An ongoing series of linked short fics (each exactly 666 words!) in which every new batch of university students has to figure out all over again that the terrifying Dr. Crowley (Botany) and the husband that Dr. Fell (Literature) gushes about are in fact the same person. There's also a recurring theme of the two of them helping and supporting queer and disabled students.
The Serpent's House by @hope-inthedark
Aziraphale Fell has been working at Heaven's Gate, Inc for the better part of twenty years as an assessor of orphanages for children with magical abilities. His life had been perfectly normal and beautifully boring until the day he was summoned to the Office of the Archangels and given an assignment that will turn his life on its head.
I've thought for some time that somebody needed to do a crossover/fusion between Good Omens and The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune, and Hope is pulling it off spectacularly! (You don't necessarily need to have read Cerulean Sea to enjoy The Serpent's House, but it's even more fun if you have.) This fic is still in progress as of 7/12/21.
The Rose and the Serpent by Atalan (@brightwanderer)
Quite honestly, sending Aziraphale off into the forest to be held hostage by a giant snake in a cursed castle isn’t even the worst thing Gabriel’s ever done to him, and at least it means a change of scene. But then neither the snake nor the castle turn out to be quite what he’s expecting…
An absorbing, beautifully written Beauty & the Beast AU with snake!Crowley. If you aren't into sex scenes (like me), don't be put off by the M rating; the sex is a fairly minor part of the story and not at all explicit.
The Birds and the Snakes by @lyricwritesprose
Warlock Dowling discovers something that could ruin his life. Naturally, he calls on his godparents. The help that they give him isn't the help that he's expecting.
Teenage Warlock realizes he's gay and thinks that means he'll never have a chance at happiness, until Crowley and Aziraphale demonstrate otherwise. Heartwarming, with some very sweet Warlock-and-Nanny moments.
So You Need To Get Into A.Z. Fell & Co.; Now What? (A Guide For Unfortunate Bookworms) by arkhamcycle
London’s antique enthusiasts and rare lit nerds alike know that if you’re looking for a specific vintage or antique book, you have a good chance of ending up in A.Z. Fell & Co. as a last resort. And if you’ve ever been in (or are currently in) this predicament, you know how much of an absolute nightmare it is trying to even get in the door. Luckily, this handy guide, the fruit of a months-long collaborative effort to create the perfect formula for gaming the A.Z. Fell system, will tell you everything you need to know, complete with a comprehensive breakdown of what, exactly, the opening hours are. Compiled by pageknight and inky of the Rare Antique Forums.
A hysterical in-universe guide to buying a book from Aziraphale! Read the work it was inspired by, too, and then the other works inspired by that - they're all priceless.
Taking Some Pictures or Something by @infinitevariety
On a road trip to the South Downs Crowley gives Aziraphale his phone to take photos of the views. However, Aziraphale doesn't know how the phone works and spends all day accidentally posting to Crowley's Instagram story.
What it says on the tin. Impossibly cute and wholesome!
No One You Can Save That Can't Be Saved by AstroGirl
Correspondence from Ilyrophon, Bureau of Earthly Affairs, temporary field agent assigned to gather intelligence on the angel who shall be referred to as "The Traitor" and his confederate, the Serpent of Eden.
An interesting twist on outsider POV, with Ilyrophon gradually coming to understand and sympathize with Aziraphale and Crowley's love for the Earth and each other.
Blessed/Cursed Retirement by DictionaryWrites
Liam Buttersby, a very normal, nine-year-old boy, makes a friend in the retiree who has recently moved to his village in the South Downs.
The retiree in question claims to hate it, and is a liar.
A fun Book Omens fic where Crowley becomes unexpectedly popular with the neighborhood kids.
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Hey guys...I have an idea if you aren't sad enough yet. I was struck by a painful comparison sort of crossover idea. It would never be canon, but  I'm mourning the end of Campaign Two, and I want to be sad and over-dramatic. Essek, but as Eliza from Hamilton in “Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story.” But, it’s for the entire Mighty Nien. Some of the lyrics are so on point for a poor Essek who will probably outlive all of his friends (Elves still generally live longer than Firbolgs by a good 200 years). Anyway, enjoy.
Every other founding father's story gets told
It occurs to Essek, during one of the many periods without one of the Mighty Nein (the time that he dwells on them the most), how unfair their whole situation is. They saved all of Exandria, and no one knows. They are amazing, and odd, and frustrating, and no one knows. They will die loved deeply, but not widely. He knows they prefer it that way, all things considered. But, everyone else who saves all of Exandria becomes legends, while the people he loves best will be forgotten, remembered only by him.
And that. That sounds unbearable. 
So, in-between the times he sees the Mighty Nein, he begins to gather accounts. He writes down stories from those they helped, or simply left an impression on.  The people who have met the Mighty Nein have an air about them that he gets good at detecting. They attracted the oddballs and the outcasts. And if they're entirely normal (whatever that means), then they usually get a certain twitch if you ask for stories about interesting strangers. About half the time, a certain blue tiefling pops up in them. He almost has a heart attack when he hears  “go fuck yourself,” in Jester’s cheerful voice, when he knows Jester isn’t anywhere near there. He ends up getting the kenku’s story, and the voices of his friends are weaved into it. Essek thinks the Mighty Nein are the best people in the world, in their own rambunctious way. Part of him wants the world to love them as he does, or at least have the option to. Everyone should have a chance to get to know them, even if it's just through tales. The world would be a better place for it.
...And when you're gone, who remembers your name?
Who keeps your flame? 
Who tells your story?
Who tells your story?
Who tells your story?
Once there is only him and Caduceus left, this becomes a more prominent part of how he spends his time. After...after a long, long period of mourning. He has so much life left to live without most of the people who made it worth living.
I put myself back in the narrative
I stop wasting time on tears
I live another 50(0) years
He stops hiding his past and bears his sins and his story to the world. Essek tells his story so their story can be appreciated to the fullest; his part in their story emphasizes the depth of their compassion and chaos. He tells his story, but not as himself. Essek continues to drift from town to town under a vast number of aliases. Everywhere he goes, he spreads his stories of his friends, some serious, most silly. He disguises himself so he can stay alive to do a little more good, tell a few more stories, to truly live the life his friends wanted for him.
...I try to make sense of your thousands of pages of writings
You really do write like you're running out of time.
Eventually, he gets his hands on some of Beau’s journals, Jester’s diaries, and Caleb’s research. Well, he always had the research, but he gets to the point where he can share it with the world. He slowly begins to share and explain their thoughts and personalities with excerpts from those. Maybe he also has letters that he shares parts of (though most of those, those words specifically for him, he keeps to himself, for himself). He wonders if they'd be angry at him for spilling their private thoughts. But neither Beau nor Jester filtered their thoughts very much in the first place, and he keeps anything truly painful out of the public eye. Caleb, well, Caleb was always about sharing his knowledge and research, provided it wasn't dangerous. And they were all dead anyway.  One of the last things they told him was to be happy. And talking about his friends, learning more about his friends even after they were long dead, that made him the happiest he'd been in a while. So he hoped they wouldn’t begrudge him this small joy he’d managed to grasp and forgive him, should it be necessary.
I rely on Angelica
While she's alive, we tell your story
She is buried in Trinity Church near you
When I needed her most, she was right on time
Caduceus isn’t particularly interested in being well known or famous, but he never shies away from telling a story about any of his friends. Plus, he thinks it’s a good project for Essek. It's a way to continue to show his love for them and keep them alive in the only way they can be now. When Caduceus eventually passes away, he joins the eight other graves (Veth refused to be buried apart from Yeza) that lay in a tucked-away corner of the Blooming Grove. There is one space left, nestled between where Caleb and Jester lay, but it will be empty for a long time yet.
And I'm still not through
I ask myself, what would you do if you had more time...
...You could have done so much more if you only had time
And when my time is up, have I done enough?
Will they tell your story?
He keeps adding to his tale; he stretches it longer and longer with every shred he can remember. But, even his memory, as long as it is, runs out eventually. And their story finally ends, but he doesn't. He throws himself into activities that remind him of them. He does a lot of gardening ( mostly tea, poisonous plants, and flowers). He teaches children some rudimentary dunamancy in his spare time, for Caleb. He messes around with alchemy a little. Eventually, he publishes the last of the research that he and Caleb worked on together; ones that took him decades to solve by himself. He even finds himself drawing a surprising amount of dicks on random surfaces near the very end.
Oh, can I show you what I'm proudest of?
...I help to raise hundreds of children
I get to see them growing up
The time that doesn’t go towards his now worrying amount of hobbies, he spends doing what he has done since the beginning: caring for the Mighty Nien’s true legacy. He looks after and visits their children. He takes care of descendants of Luc, of Jester and Fjord, of the random teenager that Beau and Yasha seemed to adopt completely on accident, of TJ, of the Clays, and of a lovechild of Kingsley’s that found out who his father was and then somehow found Essek himself to learn about him. In an embarrassing show of sentimentality, Essek always keeps at least one offspring of Caleb's very first cat. There is a very funny story about Caleb thinking the animal was spayed when it was, in fact, not. He visits the different generations every couple of years or so (he has a schedule). The drow makes sure they know the stories of their ancestors, the adventures of the Mighty Nien; he tells them it's all real. He gives them ways to contact him if they’re in danger, or need any kind of help really ( he has funds to spare at this point). Every once in a while, a few of them will get it in their heads to write him yearly updates. It’s nice.
In their eyes, I see you, Alexander
I see you every time
And when my time is up
Have I done enough?
Will they tell your story?
It is strange and painful to see the attitude and mannerisms of the Nein in the descendants who have never met them. It is wonderful too. His stories of the Mighty Nein have become well-known tales that no one can decide how much is truth and how much is fiction (it’s true, it’s all somehow, hilariously true). He preserved them in his own way, in the right way (time travel is something he thinks of with a growing hunger the more years pass between when he last laid eyes on his friends). But in these men, these women, these children, they are truly alive.
One little half-orc girl has Jester’s mischievous eyes and infectious joy. Another halfling man squints just like Veth when she's trying to figure out if someone is bullshitting her. There’s a boy who charmingly bumbles his way through most social encounters, as Fjord did. A firbolg woman who has Caduceus gentle smile. A tiefling girl with all the audacious bravado of Kingsley. A man with eyes just as piercing as Beau’s, and a tongue just as sharp. Even Yasha’s kind and gentle demeanor somehow shines through in one small boy, despite her having no direct descendants. He gets to see these flashes of his friends in those who survive them, and it thrills him as much as it cuts him. (Sometimes, when the current cat has ruined some item of his, the pleased look it wears resembles the quiet glee Caleb exuded after he pulled a successful prank, but he’s pretty sure that’s just fanciful thinking.)
One of the last things Essek does before he dies is fully publish, in print, the entire tale of the Mighty Nein. How they came together, every person they helped along the way. The love, the loss, the kindness, the chaos, every moment he could recall or record was put into this one account (necessarily stretched out into several separate books). There is only one set, and he hands it over to the Library of the Cobalt Soul in Rexxentrum. Then he goes on his lonely way.
Oh, I can't wait to see you again
It's only a matter of time
There are now ten graves, each one as unique as its owner, nestled in a small corner of the Blooming Grove. One grave has the dirt still fresh around it. And somewhere, beyond the Divine Gate, there are cheers and laughs and cries of joy as the Mighty Nien become the Mighty Nine once more.
It’s my head-canon that by the time Essek dies he’s practically a mythical figure among the select families he looks after. It's  to the point that in certain locations ( that have a lot of Nein remnants) he becomes a local legend, the guardian angel of nien (no spelling specified and with no real distinction of what that means), with skin like the night sky who drifts (literally) through towns and helps those who meet a certain requirement, unknown to the general populus. There are rumors that certain people have bestowed upon them a token they could use to call upon the angel’s aid. Of course, the people who have the tokens (sending stones or something similar. IDK how he would get that many wondrous items, but I focus on satisfying narrative not, like, plausibility) know Essek and know that he has died and that the tokens no longer work, but for a while they keep them as heirlooms, to show the love of one drow wizard for the friends he had long, long ago. Eventually, one of Veth’s descendants sells off their set because sending stones are worth A LOT, and the money seemed more practical. They have their stories; those are enough. 
And before anyone complains about the Kingsley bit, I felt compelled to add a smidgen of Kingsley content because Essek loves Jester and Jester’s with Fjord and Kingsley is with both of them for years. I’m sure they get to know each other well enough that seeing traits of Kingsley is vaguely nostalgic and warming, even if it lacks the depth and love he feels for everyone else. Also, there’s no convincing me that Molly/Kingsley doesn’t have at least one illegitimate child running around from various trysts, he was basically the Scanlan of this campaign. It goes with the hedonistic vibe he gives off.
Also, is it normal that I completely designed the Nein’s burial site in my head because I did? Like I imagine they’re all spaced out in a circle. It’s almost like a stone gazebo but there’s not really a roof; it’s just a group of nine pillars that support a stone circle. The entrance is the Traveler’s door with dicks around the edge, and each of the nine pillars/supports is designed to look the knowing mistresses staff. The stone circle is covered in carvings of storm clouds and lightning. Wires are strung across the center of the stone circle to form the symbol of the Cobalt Soul. Not that you can see the wires, because vines have been grown all around them. Once you step through the Traveler’s gate, you’ll find yourself on some kind of rough mosaic floor, with depictions of a peacock, a pyramid, a snake, a sun, a moon, and (oddly) a pirate ship. The mosaic is made up of buttons of various materials and shapes. In the center is a saltwater pool/spring (depending on how magical we can get idk) and floating above it is an eternal flame encased in some sort of dunamancy magic that doesn’t  actually exist that keeps it floating and eternal. Look I'm running out of ideas.
I can’t imagine what everyone’s grave marker would be, but I’m pretty sure Yasha’s is a simple stone that says "YASHA NYDOORIN: wife of Zuella and Beauregard Lionette," and the place where’s she’s buried is just covered in wildflowers that spread outside of the gazebo to encircle the structure entirely up to the gate. Also, everyone has a stone tarot card by their grave with the picture and designation that Molly gave them. Beyond that grows a weirdly dense thicket of trees and bushes that make finding the Nein's resting place rather hard. It’s said only the descendants of the Nein’s family or those favored by the Wildmother (or Traveler, Or Ioun, or Storm Lord) can find their way to them. And one tree, directly behind Yasha, is dead, struck by lightning who knows how long ago. 
And they’re buried in this order: Yeza/Veth, Caleb, Essek, Jester, Ford, Kingsley, Yasha, Beau, Cad. I know there’s a good chance that a) Kingsley would just eff off and die somewhere unknown and b) Cad would probably want to be buried with the rest of his family, but shhh let me dream.
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lovetenya · 4 years
𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬: 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞
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pairing: tenya iida x gender neutral reader!
warnings: none, just fluff!
word count: 800-ish
author’s note: let’s hope i get through the other five in a timely manner, because my 14 other works in progress are getting kind of lonely... also, if you’ve read this before, don’t worry! that’s because it’s a rewritten version of a now-deleted post of mine from another blog. i hope you like it!
loving tenya iida is red.
it’s the pull in his chest and the heat in your cheeks when you brush hands, even though you’ve been together for a while now. 
he wonders if that feeling of eager nervousness will ever go away, and he’s only satisfied when he feels your hand prodding his. his thumb gently swipes over yours, and you feel connected more than just physically. the vivid red of your new love is more than skin deep.
 the weight of your hand in his comforts him, and reminds him that you’re right there. your heart beats red, perfectly in time with his.
red is the gingham picnic blanket he brought on your first date; it’s the same one his parents used all those years ago on their first date.
 so what if he’s a romantic? he’s allowed to be sentimental about these things. 
he didn’t tell his parents (or his siblings) that he had a date, but they had a feeling something was up when he specifically requested the “good luck” blanket. tenya thought that maybe, just maybe, it would make him a little bit bolder. it was a token of his parent’s love, and to have this piece of home with him while building the relationship that could one day be his home felt so special and so right.
walking with you, he holds the picnic basket in his left hand, and wishes he was holding your hand in his right. maybe someday, he thinks. 
later on, you spill lemonade on the blanket and apologized, saying “oh-i’m so sorry! i didn’t mean to--”
he tells you, “it’s okay, sweetheart. it’s a washable blanket, it’ll come right out in the wash and— why are you making that face?”
he was startled by your expression, which had your eyes averting his gaze in a soft and flattered embarrassment and your mouth in a shy smile.
“tenya, i.. i liked that.”
“you liked what?”
“i liked it when you called me sweetheart.”
“i’m glad, sweetheart.” he put emphasis on it this time, knowing inside that he had found a sweet weakness.
he could never see red, never in anger, never over you.
you walk down the hill together, not worried about how the sun is setting and it’ll be dark in an hour. you have plenty of time. plenty of time to get to know each other. plenty of time to enjoy the light sky fade to orange, then fade to red, then fade to black.
red is the color of the hard cherry candies you receive on valentine’s day. tenya asked shoto for an idea on what he should do for you, figuring he’d have something romantic in mind and shoto sarcastically told him he should buy $20 worth of school candy grams, not realizing that tenya totally would.
tenya figured it was a better idea than what tensei recommended, which was that he bring you three red roses.
appalled, tenya replied, “that’s totally inappropriate. don’t you know what that means? we haven’t even said those words yet.”
“which is exactly why you should do it now,” tensei teased.
tenya opted for the candies. 
when the candy deliverer comes to the classroom door, she saves yours for last. she lists the amounts as she hands them out, publicly broadcasting the itemized list of how much was spent on each person. some consider it a display of popularity, some consider it torture.
“okay, here we go. I have two for jirou, one for kaminari, two for tokoyami, one for sero, two for momo, six for kirishima, three for midoriya, four for bakugo (he just had to get more than midoriya, didn’t he?), four for uraraka, eighteen for todoroki (from his various secret admirers), one for koda, four for iida (newsflash: they’re from you) one for ojiro, six for shoji (one for each hand, duh), four for ashido, eighty for mineta (he bought them for himself. everyone recognized his gross, scribbly handwriting and he was embarrassed), one for sato, one for hagakure, three for tsu, four for aoyama (also from himself), aaaaand last but certainly not least..... FORTY FOR Y/N!?” 
in unison, the girls went “awwww, y/n!!! who are they from???”  and the guys went “huh???”
you held the bag of candy in your hands, seeing that tenya’s neat handwriting filled out all of the little cards. your cheeks turn a bright shade of red when your class gapes at the large bag, wondering “who the heck bought all of those??” you quickly shove the candies in your bag, embarrassed but pleased by tenya’s sweet gesture. 
(izuku offered to help tenya write them all, but he refused, stating that his hand cramp was minor. it was worth it for you, after all.)
red is the color of his eyes, the ones that contrast so beautifully with the blue of his hair. they’re normally shielded by his glasses, but right now, it’s just you and him. you’re lying together in your shared bed, just enjoying what little time you have together. although you’ve spent a few years together and you’re both pro-heros now, it’s still special to just be you and him. together. the moments are rare, and deeply cherished for this exact reason.
it’s just you and the boy who still, even though you’re married, asks “can i hold your hand?”
the boy who asks you “my love, are you okay?”
the boy who somehow just knows when something is up and knows exactly what to do to make it all better.
the boy who cares, so passionately, that it is red.
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thanks for reading! love, tj. 🕯
link to my masterlist -> here 🌟
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cadykeus-clay · 3 years
Would you mind sharing your thoughts about vex and Beau being cross campaign foils?
so!!!! first things first: apologies for taking weeks to answer this, finals + having adhd sometimes makes my brain turn to mush and forget every ask ive ever recieved. second of all, i’m assuming you sent me this bc of what i said in my vm vs. m9 how they view the world meta. and i’ll be real with you. i have exactly 0 memory of what was going through my head when i wrote that line, so i am simply going to type out a bunch of thoughts that i have on the similarities and differences between beau and vex and i hope that lives up to what you were expecting jsdflksjdksld
I'll detail some specifics in a moment, but overall, I think beau and vex share a very similar kind of trauma of exclusion in their formative years, that's caused them to have a lot of similar traits that manifest in different ways - for vex, she maintains control through her material posessions and beau finds an emotional control in her asshole-ness. I've broken this down into 5 points on which I think comparing the two really emphasizes that claim:
1. daddy issues: both beau and vex have awful no good terrible very bad dads. both syldor and thoreau can suck my ass. they both raised their kids with little love and impossible-to-meet expectations, alientating them and leaving them with lifelong feelings of inferiority and unbelonging. If beau and vex were to meet, i think they would have a very friendly toast to shitty dads, and then have a good drunk vent about it an hour later.
but, at the same time, the actual minutae of their trauma and the ways it manifests are nearly polar opposites. syldor wanted nothing to do with vex, or else wanted her to somehow become a full elf. her issue was that she would never be able to belong, despite her desire to, and as she grew up it lead to her being overly protective and even possessive of the people she found who DID accept her as she was. 
With beau, rather than exclusion, her father created an environment of toxic inclusion. He created a role for beau to belong in, disregarding her distate for actually fulfilling it. And, as such, she ended up making herself into someone who could have no expectations and pushed away anyone who tried to set them up for her. In the end, they both came to love themselves by abandoning the woman their father wanted them to be but for vex it was the laying down of an impossible dream and for beau it was the picking up of a mantle she had feared to wear.
2. brothers: now, on the topic of family, I also think its really interesting how their interactions with their brothers play out. We've got vex and vax, tied at the hip til the very end and then some; and then we've got beau and TJ - decades apart and with beau barely acknolwedging TJ's existence. But, even that distance between beau and TJ didn't stop her caring for him when they actually met. She gave him lucky Jade, and she entertained the idea of kidnapping him to get him away from her stinko dad. 
And I'd espeically like to talk about what she said outside the hag's hut - "I think Luc and TJ could be best friends", in comparison to the way Vex reacted when Vax told her was going to Zephrah with Keyleth for the year break. There's an aspect to the way they interact with their brothers that lets them slip back into those bad habits they formed growing up (NOT that i'm claiming vex and vax were like toxic for each other. but even good relationships can have unhealthy moments). 
With Beau, when she offers to give her happiness so TJ can grow up safe, she's trying to take on the role she's ""supposed"" to fill - the big sister, the protector - because she failed to fill the one her father set out. And with Vex, when she grows jealous of Vax, it's because she's afraid that his leaving with keyleth is a sign that she no longer belongs in his inner circle, and she falls back on that childish, desperate desire to do anything to be accepted unconditionally. 
3. romance: spoilers for 5 or so most recent m9 eps (115-120)  if you haven't watched them ahead!!!! at this point, both vex and beau have an endgame romance - percy and yasha respectively. Obviously as the m9's campaign is still playing out, that could change, but like. yasha wrote her a love letter and they're officially going on a date so i'm counting that as at least endgame-track rather than just random flirting. What's interesting to me is that they both seem to flip between the SAME roles between their (in-game) general perception and their actual pursual of romance. 
Vex gets characterized as a pretty big flirt, right? She's got the winks, the casual "darling". She's flashed grog her boobs on multiple instances with little prompting. Beau, similarly, has easily the most game out of anyone in the m9. She's slept with two guest characters and at least one more npc in the events of the game. Caleb made her a fuck mirror in her room in the mansion. And yet, in both of their actual romantic endeavors, they became the shy, uncertain type. 
Vex only confessed her feelings when Percy was laying dead before her, and not an hour of game play before percy kissed her in the woods, she had a talk with vax about how she was pretty sure he didn't like her that way and she didn't want to pursue it. Beau, similarly, spent a very long time convinced that yasha wasn't looking for love after zuala, especially not in anyone like her, asked everyone in the party if they thought yasha ACTUALLY liked her, just to be safe, and then still terrified to ask her out after recieving a literal love letter. I'd argue this shift comes from that same sense of unbelonging - they're very good at pretending they fit a role but doubt their actual right to take it when the opportunity is presented. This time, the role is the lover rather than the daughter.
4. authority: Both vex and beau grew up shunned by the upper crust of society, and grew to mistrust those kinds of people. And yet, both of their arcs result in them assuming such a position. Vex, thrown out of high society gets her place as a baronness, and Beau, running from leadership of her father's business ends up a top member of the Cobalt Soul. There's not a lot here, but I find it interesting how both of their stories involve them shedding their baggage regarding authority and power and assuming it in a way that they feel comfortable in - invitation by someone she trusts for vex, and a promise of freedom of will and control for beau.
5. their deadliest sins: this is the point at which their similarities culminate and transform to a fundamental difference. despite everything they share - shitty childhoods, the small piece of family that's still good, flirtiness masking shy love, and a mistrust of those in power - vex and beau are such different characters because of their biggest vices. Vex, both in game and out, is "the greedy one". She's stingy with money, she haggles for everything, she mourns the loss of physical objects. Beau is "the mean one". She cares little for people's feelings if they're not in her immediate circle, she focuses on her tough guy image, she laughs at things she knows she shouldn't. 
And, over the course of the campaign, as they find unconditional acceptance, they grow away from these traits (I won't say they grow out of them) because they heal from the things causing these vices to begin with. I've always been vocal about vex's greed being a manifestation of her class insecurity, and beau's asshole-ness stemming from her fear of being forced back into another position of complacency. And I stand by that now - all the similarities in their backstories are what tally up to these different women.
Despite her careful tally of party funds and her reflexive bargaining, vex is not cruel. she is not angry on her own behalf. She saves two boys from the market in the city of brass at great personal cost, she relinquishes an entire dragon's hoard to the devastated city of Westruun, she took the time to save a baby bear from a cage when she could have just cut and run after escaping her own. She's the first one most people go to when they need a shoulder to cry on, and she's devastated when they don't (thinkin about when Scanlan left). She carved "forgiveness" into the bow she stole from a man after killing him by proclaiming how much she loved someone, because she knew anger had no place in her heart.
And Beau, Beau is a bitch and she's harsh, but she doesn't hoard or protect like vex did. she spends her money without much of a second thought. She pitches in to help her friends buy a ton of glowsticks, and she loves to indulge in material desires like drink and good food and the nicer inn room. She's a member of an organization that's about making knowledge public rather than guarding it. And, though this may be controversial, I think her position with bowlgate of "its not our problem what cali wants to do with it", her long-standing mistrust of their alliance with the bright queen and  and more recently with the tomb takers of "i want to go in and talk, rather than assuming they're antagonistic, even if it puts us at a disadvantage" are both examples of this non-possessiveness too - she has no need or desire to get involved in controlling what other people are doing.
so, i guess the general conclusion here is: vex struggles to let go of things, of money, of people. beau struggles to let herself be known in case she gets wrongly interpreted again. they both fight feelings of inadequacy, they both fight the feelings of not belonging, of 'doing it wrong', they fight the perception of them as shitty people because of the shells they hide in despite their absolute hearts of gold.  but at the end of the day, vex's story is one of having to lay down what could never be hers so she can carry what is, and beau's story is one of allowing herself to be known so a place can be made for her.
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Story #11
Patrick, Dan, and TJ opened the door of the laundromat, Patrick and Dan lugging in large laundry bags of clothes behind them. Usually they did laundry at their house, but there was an issue with the washing machine. When they tried to call the man that usually took care of their plumbing and miscallaneous handyman needs, he refused to come in. When pressed why, he told them to ask Walt and Christian, who refused to elaborate on the matter. TJ didn’t live with them, but was on the university swim team with Dan and watching the guys do laundry seemed like a welcome alternative to statistics homework.
After they walked in, Dan and TJ noticed their swim coach, Coach Gallagher, on his way out. Well over six feet tall and with a build that allowed him to keep up with some of his collegiate athletes, the only thing that about him that indicated he was over 40 was a head of gray hair. Thick hair, but gray hair.
“Have a good day, boys.” He walked out with a bag of clean laundry, not realizing that he dropped some of its contents on his way out.
After Coach Gallagher had left, TJ laughed as he realized one of the items left behind was a pair of green and yellow plaid boxers.
“Guess we know what old Coach wears.” He waved them in front of Dan’s face, who swatted them away. “I swear, these things are like granny panties for men.”
“You think those, and not briefs or something?” Patrick asked. If it wasn’t for an incident that occurred about a month prior, he’d be wearing similar boxers under his jeans right now.
“At least briefs can show off what you got,” answered TJ.
“Even I own a couple pairs of briefs,” interjected Dan. “I wouldn’t be caught in tighty whities or whatever the hell these are though.”
He reached into Patrick’s laundry bag and pulled out a pair of lavender Calvin Klein briefs and he and TJ had a good laugh. About a month ago, Patrick had lost a video game tournament with these guys, and his punishment was that they got to pick out a pack of embarrassing underwear for him to wear until one day they pantsed him. However, Patrick, unlike his housemates, spent most of his time in his room studying (aka, not ideal pantsing conditions), so he’s had to wash these things quite a few times at this point. He really missed the boxers.
Patrick yanked his bright colored briefs out Dan’s hands and tossed them into the washing machine. He looked around to make sure no one saw. The laundromat was empty save for a few girls that went to their college and two men that looked nearing thirty, and neither group was paying attention to these hijinks.
But even if no one was paying attention to them, TJ was pretty interested in the group of girls. And he thought he had an idea to get their attention. He started removing his shirt.
“Bro, what are you doing?” Dan asked. When someone liked TJ started undressing in a public place, both guys and girls were going to notice.
TJ leaned over to his friends. “I don’t look good because of all that swimming, I swim to look this good.” He was basking in the looks the girls (and the guys, for that matter) were giving him. “Let’s give these ladies a show and do some laundry.” He tossed his shirt in with Dan’s clothes and started unbuckling his jeans.
Dan, not to be outdone, took off his baggy sweater to reveal some washboard abs underneath. He tossed in with his clothes. TJ now had his jeans off and was wearing silver Adidas underwear with bright blue piping. Patrick had to do a second look, because they initially appeared like briefs, but after TJ tugged on the legs a little bit they revealed themselves to be very short trunks. Dan was putting both his and TJ’s clothes into his washing machine, and as he started the cycle they both stood there in nothing but their socks and underwear: TJ in adidas trunks, and Dan in some orange Hugo Boss boxer briefs. They were now the centers of attention.
“C’mon Patrick, give the ladies a show,” his friends urged him. Even though Patrick didn’t swim with his friends, he was able to keep up with their gym workouts when joined them and he had nothing to be ashamed about. He relented and removed his shirt, tossing it into washer before pressing the cycle. He should’ve predicted what would happen next.
With all the eyes on them, Dan yanked Patrick’s jeans to his ankles, exposing some Calvin Klein yellow and blue checkered briefs. Whatever spell the strip tease had put the laundromat under was broken, as everyone except Patrick erupted into laughter. If he at least had a shirt on, it might’ve covered the skimpy briefs, but they were on full display. Not as accustomed to being pantsed as the other guys, he stood there frozen for a second. Dan and TJ shared a nearly naked fist bump; embarrassing their friend was worth losing the attention of the ladies.
“Fellas? Where are your clothes?”
Dan, TJ, and Patrick looked up to see Coach Gallagher had returned to the laundromat to see all three of them with their tight underwear on display.
Patrick snapped to attention and pulled his pants back up, way past his bellybutton. Dan and TJ went bright red. Dan finally understood just how context was key with all these underwear exposures that have been going on lately. Showing off to some strangers? Kinda fun. Your coach seeing you in a public place with nothing but your underwear on? And your tight underwear on? Not good. Not good at all.
“They’re uh-still in the wash,” TJ had one hand over his crotch and used the other one to pull down the legs of his trunks; in all the commotion, they had started to resemble briefs again. “What are you doing back here?”
“I got home and realized I left some laundry here by mistake.” He stopped talking and looked at Dan. “Son, why are you clutching my boxers like that?”
Amongst the confusion, Dan did not even realize that he was holding Coach Gallagher’s baggy boxers in front of his crotch area to preserve some modesty. Mortified, he handed the coach his underpants. Coach Gallagher looked like he was about to say something, but then just shook his head and left, boxers in hand.
The laundromat erupted in laughter. All eyes were still on the shirtless Patrick and the nearly naked TJ and Dan. Patrick smiled; now that he had been pantsed, per the agreement of the bet, he could go back to wearing boxers. He turned to his friends.
“Call them granny panties all you want, but I bet you wish you were wearing them right now.”
Dan and TJ looked at the washer; there were still 40 minutes before they could get their clothes back, and an hour more if they didn’t want to be wearing them sopping wet. They really did wish they were at least wearing boxers.
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lgbtyrus · 4 years
A Tarty fanfic? In October of 2020? You bet!!! This is a gift for @delicatesleeper who deserves the world’s most patient person award <3  Enjoy!
Words: 3068
High school was fun because you saw a lot of different things. Kids chanting Lick it! Lick it! to another kid going to lick a weird stain in the science building. An artsy kid having a break down in the middle of math. TJ Kippen fighting another boy in the locker room.
“TJ is fighting Carson!” Marty’s best friend, Tony, announced to him in one corner of the locker room. There was dozens of voices echoing throughout the stuffy place, and Marty could feel his heart slam against his chest every step he took towards the scene. But by the time he got there, their PE teacher had already separated the two. TJ seemed to get in a good hit as Carson hid his blood nose under his arm, not realizing blood was already dripping down at his chin.
“What in the fucking hell were you two thinking?!” their PE teacher’s voice boomed over them. “You’re both going to get kicked off the basketball team.”
“He started it!” TJ yelled, looking furious. His face was read. Marty didn’t know TJ that well, but he knew he wasn’t violent. Sure, he had a temper. But dating Cyrus Goodman for a while had to have done something good to him. Then again, break ups completely reprogram a person. Marty would know. He’s been through five.
Marty was sitting in detention, leaning back on his chair, balancing a pencil on his nose. It was him and the other kids who were regularly in there. Marty tried not to get detention so much he got kicked off the track team, but he also didn’t like doing his homework.
The teacher who looked over detention wasn’t in the classroom yet, so everyone in there was just talking and scrolling through their phones. They only looked up when someone came in, but it was usually someone they all recognized or knew pretty well.
Then TJ Kippen walked in and the pencil fell into his hand. Marty watched him walk inside the badly lit classroom, look around, and sit in the desk next to him before realizing he hadn’t stopped staring. TJ raised an eyebrow at him, making Marty panic and look away, pretending his pencil was the most interesting thing. He felt like if slightly turning his head would kill him.
Mr. Rosas walked in, whistling with a book and paper under his arm like usual. “Alright, people. Phones away. You can take them out after thirty minutes of homework.” He went to the front and put his book at the empty desk for whoever was overlooking detention. The room was in a trailer lot in the corner of their school, and it was hard to find if you never got in trouble. Mr. Rosas started reading the names of the roster, some kids saying here, some kids being recognized by him.
“TJ Kippen?” Mr. Rosas looked up. Marty turned his head and saw that TJ raised his hand. He had a heavy frown on his lips. “Aren’t you in basketball?”
“Not anymore.” TJ sighed, leaning back into his chair.
“Oh. You’re one of those two basketball players from today, no?” Mr. Rosas asked him. TJ nodded, looking embarrassed that everyone knew. Marty had been hearing everyone talking about TJ and Carson all day long, and it was making him really curious to know what happened. Nobody knows what happened. The two went inside the locker rooms laughing and then TJ threw the first hit.
Mr. Rosas finished taking attendance, and Marty realized that Carson wasn’t there. That usually meant an extra two days of detention. Marty forced himself to stop thinking about TJ and Carson and pulled out his algebra homework. Some kids were chatting with their work out on their desks, and Mr. Rosas didn’t seem to mind. He was in a good mood that day which basically meant they could do whatever they wanted. He said he always had a soft spot for misfits because he basically lived in detention in high school but had a good director that helped him get into college.
“Hey, Marty,” someone called out. Marty turned around the room, looking for the voice. “Right here, dude.” Marty made eye contact with TJ who was holding up a piece of paper. It was their homework. “Can you show me how to do four?” Marty looked at him, in shock for a bit. “Your name is Marty, right?”
“Um, yeah,” Marty said. He cleared his throat and looked down at his homework, trying to remember his steps while a storm brewed in his brain. “I dated Buffy freshman year.” Really? That’s what you say? Dumbass.
“I know who you are.” TJ told him. Marty didn’t know how to reprogram himself to work, but he cleared his throat again and held up his math sheet to him.
“Let me walk you through it.”
TJ only needed help on two other problems after that, and Marty gladly helped him even when he was done with his homework. His moms had gotten mad at him for not taking AP classes, but he didn’t like to be challenged in academics. They weren’t interesting enough.
Mr. Rosas stood up and shut his book. “All right everyone, you’re dismissed for the day. Don’t come back.” Without hesitation, everyone scrambled out of their seats and made their way out of the classroom in a line. Marty’s track practice started at 4:30 because his coach knew a lot of the kids on the team had a knack for getting kept for detention or they had other clubs besides sports. Marty just had detention.
He made his way towards the locker rooms by the gym and track field, and after walking for a moment, he noticed TJ was right behind him. Marty decided against walking faster and instead met up with TJ who gave him a head nod in acknowledgment. “Where are you of to?” Marty asked him.
“I’m not sure. I’ve never left school this early.”
“You should go to Rita Donuts. She has student discounts on Wednesdays.”
“Good to know.”
“So,” Marty said. He cleared his throat. He didn’t know how else to keep the conversation going. “What happened in the locker room.”
“What have you heard?” TJ asked him.
“Honestly, everything.” Marty crossed his arms, walking a little closer to TJ who was now heading towards the school gates, opposite of the locker rooms. Instead of saying anything, Marty continued to walk besides him.
“He said something homophobic. I punched him. That’s that.” Marty couldn’t figure TJ out. He was stoic and saying everything like he hadn’t just gotten kicked off the basketball team- the one he was captain of as a junior.
“What?” Marty asked. He had heard many things except that. Something like that wasn’t even a possibility at their high school. “And you’re both off the team?”
“He’s suspended and maybe expelled. I just got off the team because of the no tolerance policy. They said they’ll make sure I can play next year, though.”
“Well, I guess that’s kind of good?” Marty said, still not understanding how the school worked.
“Yeah. Honestly, it’s fine,” TJ admitted to him. “I can focus on actually getting good grades for now. I’m scared I’m not going to pass algebra.”
“I can tutor you,” Marty said without second thought.
“Really?” TJ smiled at him. Marty blushed crimson and nodded dumbfoundedly. “Thanks. I have you on Snapchat, no?”
“Yeah,” Marty nodded again. He couldn’t say much of anything else. He wasn’t even that good at math.
“Cool. I’ll hit you up,” TJ told him.
“Yeah,” Marty said. He looked at the time on his phone. “I’m gonna head to practice now. See you.”
“Later.” Marty smiled at him once more and ran towards the gym with his heart slamming against him like he wasn’t a trained runner. Math just got interesting.
Marty didn’t know what he was doing, why he was nervous, or why he even had a brain if it wasn’t going to work and save him from humiliating situations. TJ was going over to his house on Saturday to get help for their test on Monday, and Marty wasn’t exactly a wizard. He got in his shower after his six mile run from that morning and dressed in eight different things until deciding to wear a track shirt and jeans.
He didn’t have time to do his hair when his mom called from downstairs that TJ was there. He slid across the second floor in his socks and ran downstairs, TJ waiting for him at the door. He was smiling and talking to his mom, wearing a plain white shirt, basketball shorts, and slides. Marty definitely felt overdressed.
“Hey,” Marty waved at him.
“Hey,” TJ said, bringing his backpack higher on his shoulder.
“You can wait in the dining room,” Marty said, pointing at the entryway. “I need to get my backpack.” TJ gave him a thumbs up and walked over as Marty ran back upstairs, his heartrate a complete mess even when he ran back down.
“Do you run everywhere?” TJ asked him when he sat down in the chair next to him. Marty nodded, taking in counted breaths.
“It’s faster. You should try it.”
“Maybe when I’m back in shape.”
Marty stifled a full laugh. “You’ve only been out of basketball for like four days.”
“I breathe hard when I go up the stairs now. Four days was all I needed.”
“I run at least six miles every.”
“You’re addicted to track.”
“Sounds about right,” Marty smiled. He took out his binder and homework.
He didn’t know how he did it, but he got TJ through the course work and got him ready for the test. Marty had never studied that much on his own before since math was just a regular subject to him. Studying with TJ was fun, though. Whenever he tried to study with Tony, they ended up messing around and playing video games because they got bored.
But everything about TJ kept him grounded, like he was scared he would miss years of his life if he looked away for even just a second. It was too much for Marty to try to process sometimes, and he often tried to rub the heat away from his cheeks.
Marty and TJ hung out more outside of tutoring. TJ had a lot of time on his hands, and his friends were still going to basketball games so Marty would invite him to hang out with Tony and a few other boys. Tony raised his eyebrow one time when Marty was sad TJ wouldn’t make it to bowling, but when Marty asked him what, Tony just laughed and shook his head. That’s how Marty knew he was fucked.
TJ was in that stage months post breakup where he wasn’t gloomy about it anymore and he was back to functioning like normal again, but you could tell he had put a barrier up. There were times when TJ would almost talk about his home life or his family or even how he felt about certain things, but there always something blocking him. Like if he remembered he would only talk about those certain things to a certain someone who broke his heart.
Marty approached TJ with as much caution as much as he threw himself at him. He felt delusional and crazy, but there were times he felt like TJ was starting to like him, too. The proximity in which they would walk side by side seemed to close in even closer every week, and Marty wasn’t the one inching next to him. But even though they were becoming good friends, Marty knew there was going to be a lot more walls to break down.
One day at the park, Marty broke down the first obstacle and asked TJ why him and Cyrus had broken up. “We just didn’t click anymore,” TJ said. “He broke up with me, and I just said ok.” Marty watched TJ fiddle with the basketball in his hand for a moment, about to speak up before TJ started talking again. “I wish I would’ve asked him to stay, though. But… I could tell that he just didn’t want me anymore.” Marty didn’t know what to do with that, so he just patted TJ on the back.
“Sorry, bud.”
“That’s just the way it is.” TJ threw the ball at Marty, and they got up for another game. The entire time Marty wondered if TJ would go back to Cyrus if he could.
Marty figured he had nothing to lose and asked, “Are you over him?” In that moment, TJ stood still with the basketball in his hands. He stared at Marty, making his breath hitch for a second as those green eyes looked for something. “Yeah. I basically am.”
Basically. Basically am. What does that mean? Marty asked himself that over and over that night, and it was starting to drive him insane. So much, he just gave in and called Tony at one in the morning.
Tony was half-asleep when he answered. “Hello?”
“Okay,” Marty jumped right into it, “you know how I like TJ right?” There was a few seconds of silence.
“So, I asked him if he was over Cyrus, and he said he basically was. What does basically mean? Like he doesn’t want to say he is because he’s lying or he is in the process of fully forgetting him?”
“Um.” Tony yawned into the mic, hurting Marty’s ear with the buzz. “Both?”
“Tony that’s not helping.”
“Dude just tell him you like him.”
“I can’t do that.” Marty’s head was filling with air at just the thought of doing that. “It’d just ruin our friendship.”
“Hmm, I don’t know, man.” Marty knew that tone.
“What do you know?”
“What do you mean?” Tony repeated back. He was cornered.
“What are you keeping from me?”
“Nothing,” Tony’s voice got louder which meant he was lying.
“Just tell me and you can go to sleep.” Marty heard Tony sigh. It didn’t take that long to get him to crack. “He told one of the guys who told me that he thinks you’re… cute.”
“Cute?” Marty didn’t know what to do with the information.
“Yeah. Goodnight.” Marty didn’t even get to say it back as Tony hung up, leaving Marty with the most explosive words he could’ve left him with.
TJ always asked Marty to hang out before he had gotten the cute bomb dropped on him, so Marty told himself not to act any different or to pick apart every little thing TJ did like a fetal pig. Doing so was starting to give him a heartache. But when him and TJ were doing homework in Marty’s kitchen, there was just too much gut to not pick at.
TJ had lightly bumped his foot into Marty’s and then just kept it there. He told Marty he had nice handwriting (a lot of people told him that, though). He told Marty his hair looked nice, and Marty didn’t know how to react so he just ran his fingers through his hair and accidentally ruined it so TJ could jokingly say never mind. And at one point, TJ took the ring he had on his hand and slipped it on Marty’s finger, his race redder than it had ever been. TJ noticed it.
“Why is your face so red?” TJ asked, still holding Marty’s hand on the table. Marty looked between TJ’s face that held a sneaky smile and their fingers that were grazing on each other.
Marty hid his face with his free hand and said, “I think it’s just allergies.” Dumbass! Dumb! Dumb! Dumb boy. Allergies?!
TJ chuckled and pulled his hand back slightly. “I didn’t know allergies did that.”
“Yeah,” Marty tapped his ringed hand on the table. “My moms say the doctors don’t know what to do with me.”
TJ looked Marty in the eye as he whispered, “I don’t know what to do, either.” Marty looked at TJ with his eyebrow raised. It was his turn to make him spazz out.
“Are you trying to kill me?”
TJ raised an eyebrow, a smile twitching on his face. “What kind of doctors are you doing to?”
“I think they’re vampires. It works out so I don’t have to miss track practice during the day.” TJ rolled his eyes but not in a rude way. In a you’re not that funny way. But he was still smiling warmly. Marty looked at TJ, realizing how close he had him and how his green eyes were just diamonds on his face. His face was full of sharp features, and he wanted to run his finger on all of them. He reached out and touched TJ’s hand again, making him look at him with wide eyes. Marty was about to retreat his hand, when TJ grasped it, fully holding it and tapping on of his fingers on his ring.
“Do you like me?” TJ asked him. Okay so this is happening now!
“What do you think?” Marty said, showing him their hands. TJ laughed a little.
“I think you do,” TJ said quietly, looking at him with a small smile.
“I know you think I’m cute,” Marty couldn’t help but say. “A little birdy told me.”
TJ had a victorious look on his face. “I knew those two would snitch. I planned it out like that.”
“What?” Marty asked. “You told someone you thought I was cute so that they would tell Tony to tell me?” They both laughed after Marty tried to piece it together in the air.
“I don’t know how Tony got involved, but yeah. Something like that.”
“Why not just tell me?”
“Just in case you didn’t like me.” TJ shrugged. “Can’t really know if someone really wants you despite their words and actions that say they do.” Marty’s heart seemed to sigh as he realized what TJ was talking about. Marty stood up and go closer to TJ, leaning down to kiss him. TJ kissed him back, his hand squeezing his harder.
Marty pulled away and pressed his forehead against TJ’s, their eyes in each other’s worlds. “Well I definitely like you. A lot. And if you’re willing to, I’d like to take you out sometime.” TJ gave him a small kiss.
“I’d like that.”
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calypsoff · 3 years
Twenty Four.
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I broke and let Robyn do what she wanted to do with my clothing line, and it’s been busier then ever, I can’t keep up with the demand, I have been Canada to drop Drake off more gear, I have met people that I didn’t think I would ever meet. I went to Malibu to drop Diddy some gear too, like I am getting to know these people. Diddy invited me to his party too, this is all down to Robyn which made me busy and then also Robyn has been busy, but we promised each other we would meet in Virginia, she is coming to my family’ home finally, after all this time. She said she wants a break away; I want a break away too. Just some peace with my loved ones. My boys are also here, they coming to see their own family, but we all got a tan from being in Malibu, Diddy is a cool dude. We hit one hundred thousand followers on my clothing line page but my page, that is on five hundred thousand, it’s amazing “where is she? Didn’t she say she would be here by now?” Barry questioned, we are already here at the airport, been here for a while now “I think she said she would be in the SUV already, she would call me when she is ready” I know they fed up of waiting “I am still not over Malibu, must be hard for you that you can’t taste these delicacies. By far the best night, these ladies just be doing anything. I felt like a prince, you must be bored” shaking my head laughing “nah, I am happy with Robyn. No girl can and will take that place. Girls try it though, like they do try it. They be in my messages constantly, but I can handle myself. Who the hell is badder then Rihanna? Come on nigga, not even the big titties get me. Like with the whole thing, you know what happened. We haven’t had sex, it’s been months and yeah I am struggling but I ain’t that type to do that to her” TJ snorted laughing “that’s love, I would slap you if you did too. Got love for Rihanna, she is the sister” funny to hear that from TJ “look at him, Tina really got you hooked huh? You not got any from them?” he shook his head “I am saving my soul for her, let Barry do it on my behalf, proud of him” my phone started ringing in my hand, Robyn is here then. Answering the call “Twin” answering the call “I am in the SUV outside, come” I assumed so “are you alone or is Tina here? TJ is asking” rolling my eyes “tell him my assistant is here yes, also Rich is here for Barry” I busted out laughing “not telling him that, I will be out” Barry would be offended.
Rich dapped me meeting me outside the SUV “been a while” I said to him “go on then, y’all sitting in the back” I said to Barry and TJ, the driver took the bags to put in the back “busy, but now I am going to be bored here. I heard it quiet over here” nodding my head “nothing much be happening here” I guess Robyn is keeping Rich around, getting into the SUV “poppa had a haircut, oh my god. You look so handsome” shuffling down the seats “I missed you so much” Robyn hugged my torso as I tried to take my backpack off “I missed you more and” the word sex was going to leave my lips but it didn’t, we haven’t been sexual since the whole miscarriage, she hasn’t been sexual with me like that for a while. It’s been so hard for me since, I am struggling. Months without sex, no sex. I have to jerk off to pictures of her and now I am on Pornhub, it has to happen, but I miss her sexually “you good?” wrapping my arm around her sitting back into the seat “better now I have seen you, I am so proud of you. Like what you have done, I didn’t do anything but put out a word. Did Drake treat you well? He better have” nodding my head “he played ball with us, it’s crazy like to have his number and he was cool but let’s forget about that, I have missed your touch so much” attacking her face with kisses, Robyn let out a giggle “I love you so much” hugging her tight “how you been?” I said in her ear “good, been keeping busy. Just like you” I groaned out, yes Robyn racking her nails on the back of my head, I needed that.
My head shot up; oh we are in the car still “did I fall asleep?” I think I did “you did, you was out like a light. You not been sleeping” moving back from Robyn while rubbing my eyes “too much partying” stretching out “no never, I was vibing that is it” the SUV slowed down “thank you so much Robyn for dropping me off outside my home though” oh yeah this is TJ’ home “it’s ok, treat my friend nicely. I swear TJ. And you better keep Seiko away from her” I forgot about Seiko “get up then nigga, so we can get out” I am still half asleep “oh yeah” I said groggily opening the door, lazily getting out of the car “Joyce’ boy! I know that face, you better come here and give auntie a hug” oh god, TJ’ mother is outside “oh yeah, what’s up momma Dukes!” walking up his path “don’t what’s up me, you tried to ignore me. Give me a hug” I chuckled hugging her “you out here being famous, you boys. Oh my god. Barry, you are looking so chubby!” she screamed out “hey, you good?” hugging TJ’ sister “yep, is Rihanna in there?” she said in a whisper “I would have to kill you if I told you this information” she giggled “anyways I got to go, keep in contact. Ma Dukes, love you” waving her off “welcome home baby” everyone knows me “hey” I smiled, I think I know her “how is Clinton? I have not seen him in so long” I wish I knew her “he good, he bald as hell” I laughed “good seeing you” saluting her as I walked off “celebrity I see” sitting inside the SUV laughing “nah, I wouldn’t say that but you know how it is, small place and stuff” I am tired and horny right now, this mix is not good for me at all because Robyn is just there, she is there waiting to be devoured.
We are close to my home, I can’t wait “you nervous about seeing my family? After all this time, I have really missed you” rubbing my hands together “I am a little nervous, I haven’t seen your family in forever. But I wanted to ask, did you have fun? Like did you see other girls there” she is asking about other women of course “Robyn, why are you asking about that? I am not interested in that at all, yeah Diddy had other girls there but all I cared for was you and I was there for work. Had some laughs, there were some cool girls there, and just had fun. You ain’t got nothing to worry about” I know she can see I am doing more; she is probably nervous about that “but also I am not giving” frowning in confusion “what so you mean?” I questioned “sex Chris, I am not stupid” least she mentioned “yeah about that, I need to bust a nut. I need sex Robyn” Robyn shook her head “yeah but if I didn’t then what huh? You will cheat on me?” here she goes, oh my god “I am going on tour Chris, I won’t be around. While you have been around doing things I have been preparing for a tour” here this tour shit again “right” I mumbled “it’s ninety six dates” I felt like she just punched me, my eyes bulged out “what the fuck!?” I spat “so you expect me to not have sex and then you go for a fucking tour!? Ninety six fucking dates! You are fucking joking; you are fucking having a laugh!” I am so angry “what do you want me to do!?” she shouted back “fucking have sex with me! It’s been months! What don’t you get, I am a man. I can’t fucking wait for that time!” I can’t do this “then leave me” not this again, and we are here outside my parents’ home “great, fucking great!” I got out of the car; I am frustrated.
Robyn is joking, she is a joke. I get it, she didn’t want sex at first because of that, and I waited but now she needs to give “what do you want me to do? Of course I was going to go on tour. I have been rehearsing, you haven’t ever ask what I was doing. You are playing the good act right, but you called me at stupid times and then have the nerve to say I am the busy one, when was the last time you asked how I was? We need to talk, you’re right but I am going on tour. Next month” she is funny “you had to tell me this before seeing my mother? I mean that is clever isn’t it, yes I have been busy, but I have been talking to you, I have been calling you” we are actually doing this outside on the streets “you have but you have always turned around and said I will call you back, you didn’t ask how I was doing, a five minute call is nothing! I have done nothing but miss you, I have been nervous telling you this because we have been apart for a while now and then telling you it over the phone was wrong so generally it was never a good time, right?” she is funny, I think I am more annoyed because I want sex, I haven’t had it in so long but I need to calm down “let’s just go inside, are you coming in?” I said to Rich, he nodded his head. I guess he has too, you never know with Virginia “well my parents’ home is not grande” walking off.
It’s annoying me, we can’t just come here and be all moody because clearly we are “you know what, we can come back here later because I am not in the mood” I really don’t want to be here “Christopher! My baby, you’re here” oh my mom has seen us “hey mom” putting on a smile turning to her “look at you, you look so well” hugging my mom “yeah, thanks. I missed you mom” she rubbed my back squeezing me tightly “I love you so much my boy” moving back from the hug “my second daughter, Robyn! How are you!” my mother spat and ran at her like her life depended on it “dad” dapping him and then he hugged me “son, welcome home. You bought home a girlfriend finally! A girl you like!” my dad is funny “yeah, this is Robyn” I pointed out “Tootie not here” I asked, it is quiet “work and Desean is at school. Come in, this is too public for her” nodding my head agreeing “oh I am so happy, you both are here. Welcome, this is your home too” I really don’ want to be here right now, this is bullshit “I am going to get a drink” I walked off, I am sure my mother will keep Robyn company. I am pissed, how she going to go on a ninety six date tour when that shit stresses her and then I will never get to see her, it’s bullshit.
I was excited for today, I say was. I am not so much, I must have been in the kitchen for what I would say ten minutes now “taking your time?” my dad said, pulling open the back door and leaving to stand outside, my dad can just leave me alone. Like I am annoyed, it’s just too much. She does nothing sexually anymore, not even phone sex “son, hey. Come here” my dad waved me over “what? I want a blunt” can he go “what happened?” well I am going to blow so I am going to say it “Robyn suffered a miscarriage; this was months ago now. Time has gone by; we haven’t seen each other since New York. I have not had sex since; it’s been months and then she comes out with she is having have ninety six date tour! I can’t fucking deal” I snapped “wait, son. What? A miscarriage? No” I forgot he doesn’t know “it happened but she needs to move on now, what about my needs” my dad is in shock “I am shocked that happened to her, I am so sorry” waving him off “do not tell mom, it was a mistake telling you but she is playing stupid now” waving off my dad “son, a woman going through that can be a lot on her. How about you more sensitive to her?” is he stupid “I have! I have been with so many women around me, but I have been waiting to see her and then she plays in my face” I am annoyed.
My dad is shocked, he is still here just floating around “just makes me think, if she didn’t want to have sex with you this stay does that determine if you want to be with her. Sex is something you both want and crave” my dad acting like I don’t know that “well she will have to put up with my bad mood, it’s hard for me! The lack of sex and be around beautiful ass women” my dad stared at me “that shouldn’t matter, she was carrying your baby and then she lost it, that should matter. If you want sex that is something you coax her into, be a man not a boy. This attitude is horrible, she might be going through things. You both haven’t seen each other in a while. I need you to take that I don’t care attitude and think of her feelings. If your mother lost a baby, I would be consoling her” rolling my eyes “I did, I was there for her. Now it’s time she is there for me, but she isn’t because she is going on a fucking tour and tells me now” I scoffed “do you want to be with Robyn? If you do then you need to start being more caring towards her Chris, I get it. I do. Lack of sex, being around women that are attractive can be hard but when you love it’s not. Just calm down and come back in” I feel bad, I do but it’s annoying.
I took forever to go back inside, I just needed to calm down and just think about my action and how I speak to Robyn and just calm down about it, she told me that and of course I jumped, I wasn’t happy about it. With my hands stuffed in my pockets, I made my way into the living room “sorry to interrupt but I need to speak to Robyn, if I can borrow her” my mom looks displeased, unless Robyn has told her “we will go upstairs” I said walking ahead of Robyn, I am going to be much calmer about it because I do love Robyn and I will always support her the way she wants me to do but it’s just a lot, I need to speak on it with her “I ain’t been in this bedroom since I left so my bad if it’s a mess or there is nothing in it” I said but pretty much speaking to myself, I mean of course Robyn is going to hate me, she is going to be unhappy with the way I have been with her so let me just keep it mutual, reaching the top of the steps and turning to my room. Opening the door and entering my bare room, just a bed that isn’t even made “you can sit on the bed if you like” closing the bedroom door “I don’t want too” she mumbled “you are so rude to me over sex, don’t you think I worry about these things. I have been worried about it since meeting you, I am thinking I haven’t had intimacy with him since and he will stray away, I was frantically looking and watching to see if you didn’t, nothing came up. I shouldn’t feel this way Chris but I do, I am insecure with you because like I said to Mel you haven’t lived your life and you are now, you have a proper girlfriend now, you haven’t had the chance to fuck other bitches, to have this luxury life which you’re getting now, you’re lumbered with me that has been through a miscarriage and now I am not intimate because I can’t” I swallowed hard “you can’t or you won’t?” I retorted “I am not sure” sitting on my bed sighing out “I am not being rude to you Robyn, you threw a tour at me out of nowhere. You know what, yes I was with beautiful girls. I would be lying if I say I wasn’t, we was having fun but you know what, they wasn’t you. They aren’t you Robyn, because I do love you, I really do. I at times react in stupid way, that is just me. I need guidance, I don’t know what to do to help you? You seem sexually not there with me” which she isn’t “you haven’t even tried Chris, just because on facetime you said show me a boob doesn’t really conclude that. I can’t tell you what to do Chris, but as much as I am feeling this way so are you Chris, I feel it from you” clenching my jaw “what if I get you pregnant and it happens again, I don’t want that for you, I also don’t want you to think I am putting a condom on because I don’t want a baby, you know?” this is difficult “I have just finished my period so I think I will be good, it’s not just me. You also are to blame because you have that stance, you’re more frustrated at yourself then me. Things like that need to be spoken on and things like miscarriages can happen, it can happen again, as much as I pray it won’t ever it can” nodding my head “I am sorry Robyn, I mean it” I said with my head hung low, Robyn walked over to me. My head resting just on her stomach.
My nephew is in love with Robyn, he can’t believe his eyes at all and it’s nice to see my family getting along with Robyn and also Rich, he is sat here part of the family but it’s nice that Robyn is integrated into the family, just like the old times “I always assumed you both dated when you used to come here after school, I said to Clinton you think we should tell them they should use protection” my mom is stupid “mother please” I mumbled rubbing my face “it’s true” can she drop it as stubborn as he is Joyce, as much as I want to cry until he listen and as much as I hate him as times. I do love him, I know Chris does love me because he does listen to me but I love you like my own mother, I really do and I am unsure if Chris has told you but I went through a miscarriage, and it’s posed issues between Chris and I not in the way you think but it’s just, it has bought us together more then ever but it’s hard and I told my mother, she was heartbroken and I just want to tell you because Chris and I seem like we are disagreeing but we haven’t seen each other for a few months” my mother would cry “don’t cry, you’re going to make me cry” Robyn said “it’s horrible baby, I went through it myself. I hope he treated you well. I am so sorry Robyn” holding Robyn’ hand “it’s getting easier to speak about, but Chris has been there for me, he scared me because he was so adamant in saying he doesn’t want a baby, he doesn’t want it so when I said it. I expected him to leave, because I knew he didn’t want it, but he stayed with me, bought me flowers. He pulled me out of a dark place, I needed him, and I thank him for that, but we still have things we need to speak on” my mom is a wreck “it’s hard for couples’ baby, I felt a different woman. And even though it was my second child, it still hurt me, but I am here for you” I wonder why Robyn wanted to tell.
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girlysword · 3 years
Manifest: Pre-Season 3 Predictions and Thoughts
Now that the season 3 trailer is out, here is an overview of my holdover theories from the last two seasons and any new thoughts sparked by the trailer
Death Date and the Major: I was not expecting these conflicts to be resolved so quickly, although new conflicts were introduced. Adrian believes 828 is a sign of the apocalypse, he will probably stoke the fire of 828 hate. Also, since the key to the Death Date seems to be “follow the callings, no matter what,” our heroes may be torn between doing sketchy things and possibly dying (especially since the trailer seems to confirm that they did die and were saved by the supernatural callings [and that the plane blew up in season 1 because there couldn’t be two planes at the same time]). As for the Major, someone will inevitably take her place and will be more guarded than she was. There is also the question of whether this was just her pet project or does this go higher up? If, say, the President called Vance and told him to stop helping the 828-ers, would Vance betray his new friends?
Disappearances: Cal’s kidnappers disappeared, suggested that they went the way of 828. This would be the 4th time after Zeke, Griffin, Fiona and Billy Daly. Are these disappearances increasing in frequency, suggesting an imminent apocalyptic event? Or have these disappearances always happened, it’s just widespread info in the modern age and the fact so many people disappeared with 828 that highlighted the phenomenon and this has always happened? History buffs, find mysterious disappearances where the person suddenly reappeared. Here’s hoping that the Agatha Christie disappearance was an 828 event and her novels published after her disappearance hold clues. I still believe the fortune teller Olive met had her own 828 episode. There is also still the question of how Al-Zuras is tied into this. I predict TJ will return from Egypt, riding on a white horse, with critical information just in the nick of time (which means he’ll probably be absent, bar Skype calls, for the first half of the season, but sometimes quality is better than quantity).
Xers, Meth Dealers and Kidnappers, O My!: If there is a time jump between seasons, the first episode could see the return of Cal’s kidnappers. It would be cool if their Death Date were the end of the season, so the finale’s tension is waiting to see whether or not they croak (like a villainous version of the tension of the season 2 finale, wondering whether Zeke was gonna die). They could feed into Adrian’s doomsday theory if it seems that they are following their Callings. The Xers are still a threat, Tamara may take on a leadership role with her brother in jail and the group may team up with Adrian.
Saanvi: She is not a danger, but boy is she in a lot of danger. Her attempt to cure the Callings/Death Date will definitely continue to have side effects and it may have even ensured that the Death Date kicks in. She also murdered a high ranking military officer. She’ll definitely be laying low if not in complete hiding at the start of season 3. Thankfully her shipping prospects provide her with enough plot armor that I don’t think she’ll die in season 3 (I am worried about her after that, though). As it is I think we’ll see a storyline divide between her and the other main characters. She and Vance will team up to take on the government and the other characters will deal with the supernatural stuff, with Ben bridging the gap.
I still think that Jared and Michaela are going to get together at least one more time, that’s just how shows like these work. Hopefully it’ll be brief and then it’ll be done. What could lead to troubled waters for Zeke and Michaela you ask? Well, a couple of things. Now that Zeke no longer has a ticking clock pushing his self-betterment, he might fall back into bad habits, and/or Zeke and Michaela could become complacent in their marriage, letting all the other drama in their lives take precedence. Be on the lookout for either or both of them starting to keep secrets from each other, the best part of their relationship in season 2 was their honesty and immediate airing of any possible issues. I do hope that Zeke and Michaela are endgame, because when their relationship is good it is great. I also hope that Jared and Drea get together because I think they could have a really fun dynamic. They would be the sarcastic couple that gets exasperated with their psychic friends (just think of the background side glances!).
I definitely think Benvi is going to happen but it is definitely a slowburn, so I don’t expect them to get together until the end of season 3 or even until season 4. We haven’t even gotten to Ben coming to the realization that he might have feelings for Saanvi, which I don’t expect to happen until either right before or during the straining of his marriage to Grace. I predicted before that Grace might lie about Eden’s parentage to protect her, and I still think that’s a good theory, especially since Grace’s first Calling was telling not to get a DNA test. Ben would understand, but that would still be a tough situation. Also, Grace was 100% supportive last season, but last season also showed that Ben’s obsessive tendencies can get him into trouble. Grace and Ben might fall out over the interpretation of a Calling, particularly if the well-being of their kids is concerned. I am starting to think that Benvi might not be good for Saanvi’s health. Saanvi has picked fights with a supernatural force and the US military, it would take some serious plot armor to protect her from the serious danger heading her way. I feel like the writers might kill off Saanvi after her and Ben get together to twist in the knife. But, I was wrong about Zeke’s chances of survival, maybe I’m just a pessimist.
Olive and TJ are flipping cute together and I hope that they are a relatively drama free couple to provide a breather from the other couples. One of my favorite things about TJ and Zeke is how well they fit into the family, I feel like if OlivexTJ or ZekexMichaela ever broke up TJ and Zeke would still be close friends with other members of the family. I really hope that TJ becomes Ben’s son-in-law someday (with Zeke’s dad in the background shouting, “I called it!”).
Olivia: I hope Olive doesn’t go to college (I don’t have anything against college, I loved going to college and i believe that people should continue to learn after high school, even if its just Skillshare. I just don’t think it’s a practical choice for everyone and that it would be interesting to watch Olive follow a path different from the “norm”.), beyond taking mythology classes and the like at community college. I still think that she’ll take over the Church of the Believers, especially since Adrian thinks the 828-ers are harbingers of the apocalypse. The Church could split between Adrian and Olive.
Ben: Believing that they died on that plane is not going to help him chill.
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