#tldr fuck those guys for making people feel bad
gayferrari · 17 hours
Idk like Max but when he said don't broadcast the radios he was so right. Most radios aren't even live, just don't broadcast them. No need to be out there policing people like that. It is almost a human rights violation to not let a guy say fuck after he was fucked
OK ACTUALLY THIS IS VERY INTERESTING TO ME. Like, ofc Max was right that if you're so bothered about :// bad words :( on radio you could simply not broadcast the radio.
But more broadly, it got me thinking about the whole live broadcast side of F1 because it's just so interesting to me how those are put together. There's almost a reality show-esque vibe in the way F1 feed directors pick and choose which radios to air on tv when you think about it! Choosing which messages to show on broadcast + onboard views vs camera track view vs garage angles... it all ties into the whole showmanship side of F1 and is part of building a track narrative and it's cool as hell. I'm always impressed by the amount of behind-the-scenes work that goes into the whole spectacle of F1 — imagine constantly monitoring 20 different feeds and having to make split-second decisions on what makes for the most entertainment.
Sorry I went off on a wild tangent! It's just very interesting to me how F1 drivers really have to feel like they work in a fishblown sometimes, because the access cameras and the world at large have to the F1 paddock is kinda unparalleled compared to other professional athletes. But I also get why that happens, because F1 (a very expensive sport) wouldn't be nearly as remunerative or appealing without that constant coverage side It's such a circus and it's so compelling. But ofc you can't "sell" your audience on the whole unfiltered F1 experience and simultaneously get angry over a stray fuck that's gonna get bleeped out anyway.
tldr: he's right but then I had to go wildly off topic about it
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alltimefail-sims · 2 years
@ those twitter piracy discoursers: if you want me to buy the damn game personally give me the $1000 it takes to buy it then
Yes!!! This!! It is simply not an option for everyone to be able to shuck out $800+ dollars on a game, not to mention a game with several issues!!! Like hello!! It doesn't even function correctly if you do have all the packs ffs!
And it's FUNNY these people want to talk about ethics and act "holier-than-thou" while actively profiting off a game they recieved for free!! The audacity to be like "Well if you are poor just say that." Like pal... those people you're calling poor are paying your bills right now, and your "business" of content creation relies on an already existing game franchise that you had no hand in creating and did not pay for yourself... you are a glorified walking paid advertisement. 🤦‍♀️ Just take your money and mind your business! Why they are worried about what others do... I have no idea. All they have to do is shut up and pop out some videos for daddy EA!! It's the whole "if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all" argument.
Then they'll be like BUT IT'S ILLEGAL!! 😲 And okay babe that's true but I don't really see how that is *your* problem if you aren't the one yar-har ship ahoying 🏴‍☠️ the damn game??? I promise it will not impact you in any way. In all fairness, putting your shitty cc behind a paywall for 4+ months (or forever in some cases) is ALSO against the rules set by EA and ya'll have no problem twisting right and wrong then!!! Or supporting people who ignore EAs terms! At least be a consistent virtue signaling keyboard warrior goofball!
And they think they eat every time they come for people... truly embarrassing at best and revealing of just how unempathetic, how absolutely hypocritical they are at worst. Couldn't be me licking the boots of a COM-PAN-Y. But hey, I mind my business and say do what you gotta do 🤷‍♀️. EA will be just fine, they'll make up the difference with their shitty kits that these silly simps are paid to gaslight impressionable fans into buying 👍
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eldrith · 3 days
omg heyyyyy guys!!! <3 tldr for those of you who aren't the stupid cunt still spewing shit in inboxes: thanks for being kind & supportive and fucking normal. appreciate you beyond words, genuinely. my inbox is always open to you.
but to whom it may concern,
i am so fucking serious when i say that you, anon, need to grow up and start talking to real life humans for once in your life.
this isn't a joke. i'm so so so fucking embarrassed for this imbecile who stalks mutuals and any writer or account with decency in this fandom. you're so embarrassing. you are so clearly out of touch, there is something so clearly wrong in your tiny little pebble brain. it's a miracle you can even type words onto a screen because you're so inconceivably obtuse. (btw, you may need to reel in the extent of your lexicon - if you know what that is - for some of the things im about to say)
not only are you so impossibly, functionally incapable when it comes to media literacy - sorry, literacy at all - but you actively seek out to make incorrect points and its so troublesome... you need to learn context, subtext, implicit bias, nuance - honestly, grab a dictionary and look up what the term 'critical thinking' means too. you are SEVERELY lacking. you are deficient in communication and even worse with inference. i could laugh, and i have before.
despite the fact that this is all fictional - the truth is that we are all just people on here who enjoy writing or maybe enjoy a character from a fictional show that isn't even about romance in the first place.
anyways, i digress: the truth is that every single one of my friends on here has gotten this person's weird fucking obsessive comments in their inbox and as pathetic as this person is, i will say this directly to them: you treat writers or other blogs like some sort of sad therapy and you're being embarrassing.
i'm embarrassed when i see the cringey, out of touch shit you say. you act like a minor. i genuinely think you are one. you act like someone who has never had a personal relationship, let alone conversation. i don't think you've had an emotional connection ever. you act like a fucking baby who just crawled out of a sewer to see light for the first time in your life. it's so fucking sad. i would never care enough to say i feel bad for you, but i feel bad for anyone who has ever interacted with you, myself included.
it's so astounding to have to say this, but: WRITERS AND BLOGGERS ARE NOT YOUR FUCKING THERAPISTS. WE ARE NOT A HOTLINE FOR YOU. here, you’re so stupid you probably didn’t catch that: WE ARE NOT YOUR FUCKING THERAPISTS. YOU ARE BEING A FUCKING CHILD.
i beg you - i implore you to fucking block me, to block all of my mutuals who you come to whining in their inboxes, because NONE OF US FUCKING CARE what you have to say. pick up a book. talk to a man irl. ask someone how their day is and try to use empathy for once.
anyways, i love every single person on here who takes the time to be kind, or funny, or care. i love all my writers, all of my friends on here, moots or not - sorry to say this but im tired of pretending that i'm nice to childish pathetic cunts. lol
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locke-writing · 4 months
Okay, I made a rant post about it, but Tumblr posted the draft rather than the finished one, so my points went uncomplete, so let's try again. Yes, this is about the N*zi drama bullshit happening in the EverymanHYBRID fandom.
TLDR; Stop defending Summer. EMH fans are not the problem. EMH itself is not the problem. The problem is N*zi supporters clinging to the N*zi reference and twisting it for their own agenda.
People defending Summer are not grasping the full situation and are contributing to sweeping harmful content under the rug instead of doing something about it.
It does not matter what your intentions are. If you draw a N*zi/Swast*ka in a cutesy little art style, it's a hate symbol. It's hateful content and makes you look like a N*zi supporter. Putting anything of this nature in a remotely good light is going to ruin your chances of ever being respected.
Summer drew a cutsy little N*zi in a sexual situation and then turned around with, "I don't support them!!!" Are you actually being real right now? Holy fuck.
I literally couldn't give a rat's ass about talking to Summer about this because holy hell, their "I feel so bad" guilt trippy shit will not work on me. There was no formal apology and no deletion of what was made. Summer is not sorry, they just don't want the heat.
Well, guess what? Brandishing a swast*ka is exactly how you get it, and until those posts come down and it's acknowledged in a non half assed way, you're gonna keep getting the heat.
Summer is making ALL OF US look bad. Summer is scaring people away from joining the fandom.
Depiction does not equal romantization. EverymanHYBRID used N*zis to disgust the audience and make HABIT a universally hated character. It was a throwback to an old media trope that mainstream movies do all the time. "Ooo, N*zi experimentation created a monster, ooo, spooky corny villain!!!" This is not the problem. Movie depictions of these fuckers were always made in a mocking light, and it seems like EMH did the same thing.
HABIT could barely remember who they were and spoke about them like they were shit on his boot. From what I've heard and seen, both the creators and the fandom agreed on minimizing and rewriting this reference out of EMH. You know why? Because people turned HABIT into a slutty fanonized mess of a concept. HABIT was not made to be romanticized for a fucking reason. They thought they were safe to use this trope because they weren't banking on people being ravenously thirsty and then using that reference as an excuse to connect N*zis with the "sexy serial killer" thing. HABIT was not to be sexualized in any way, shape, or form. HABIT was a mockery of real-life evil people. Dehumanizing monstrous people.
And then people turned around and humanized him to a terrifying degree. They made him "relatable," and people are raving about making him the new Tumblr sexyman.
Some of you guys, not all, but some, have no idea what the hell HABIT was made to do and it creeps me the fuck out.
Summer drew HABIT wanting to fuck a Jewish person. They drew a swast*ka next to a drawing of a real-life, non-celebrity, volunteer actor. It's disrespectful and just fucking mean, dude. On top of that, the Amon Göth quote??? The dude ran a labor camp, you've got to be kidding me.
"I'm just a history buff!" All N*zi supporters are history buffs. Your excuses mean nothing. If you didn't mean it, those art posts would be gone.
It's not the fandom or EMH itself. We agreed on being mature about this. Don't pin some 18 year old kid's edgy N*zi bullshit on anyone else but the person doing it.
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symeona · 2 months
💀Ok not to engage in music discourse about Ghost of all freakin things
But eh it's still about art, I have 2 cents. Here's the deal, gatekeeping what good and bad art is, to me, is way more cringeworthy and unnecessary than whatever "ipad kid who listens to ghost and thinks it's REAL metal". Like y'all smell bad, if this is what comes out of your mouth on the regular. Respectfully.
I have listened to 5 Ghost songs so maybe I'm not an expert but their music is literally a vibe. Psychedelic metal fucks so severely what is wrong with y'all. I don't dictate what is or isn't metal, but I'm a huge fan of power metal, as people call it. That said I still enjoy Amaranthe, who is more pop-metal. I don't believe their music is bad just because it's pop. And I don't feel the need to stick to the "good genres" instead of the "bad" ones. I like what I like, particularly songs that have a story in them. Ghost has at least 5 of these lil guys.
If that story is told "badly" or not is irrelevant to me. I can enjoy a "bad" drawing just as much as a "good" one. Cause to me, it's not about that. Yes, there is something to be said about all the work one has to put in, in order to make art "good". For sure. I've put in gallons of sweat, blood and tears, I get it's hard. But similar to my art, I'm sure Ghost's members individually put a lot of effort into their art pieces. Yes, the music itself is still not something I listen to everyday but I can appreciate it from time to time.
Because I find it's more valuable to find something to enjoy about all manner of art, ipad kid metal included. You can be a hater. That's fine. But for the rest, I'd like to ask for a minute where you consider why it's socially acceptable to call art "bad" instead of just owning that you're a hater. Why not say "oof I hate this", why does it have to be BAD before you hate it?
Tldr: I don't think any type of art can ever truly be BAD, but you're allowed to not like it. Just please take ownership of your feelings and be honest, you don't need a reason to not like something. Just like, you don't need a reason to like something.
But if it's about art, I suggest working hard to get on the artist's level before you judge them so severely, like damn. I for one will judge Picasso's fuckshit awful art, his classical pieces are literal dogshit. He did not surpass Raphael, I think he was too busy preying on minors for those alleged 4 years, and I wish I could shove the The School of Athens up his mold infested asshole. And I'm confident I can grab any Raphael-apparently-level art piece of his and paint it better. I'm such a hater, I hope my hate for his art is on my tombstone in writing one day. And I don't have to separate the art from the artist if I hate both✨
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sharpth1ng · 5 months
I need to blow up Mr. Hank Loomis so bad. I'm ripping him to shreds with my mind. I don't like when people say Maureen is the reason Scream happened because it's HANK'S fault. fuck that guy
Yeah honestly the Maureen blaming feels like some unexamined misogyny. They were both cheating. Maureen is the only one that dies because of it.
Also like. Neither Maureen nor Hank is the reason scream happened. It’s either Billy and Stu or Roman depending on how you see it. No one forced them to do that. They chose to react to Hank and Maureen’s infidelity with murder. “My girlfriends mommy is a homewrecker” is not a defence that’s going to hold up in court.
Beyond that Maureen’s only crime is cheating, and in both fanon and canon Billy is also guilty of that (it’s either Stu or Christina). Like if you’re going to hate Maureen for cheating then it feels a bit hypocritical not to hate Billy for the same.
Idk from what we know I think I would have liked Maureen more than Hank as well. Sid seems to have had a positive relationship with her but Billy seems to want nothing to do with Hank.
Maureen was also a scream queen when she was younger like, that’s rad? The titles we get for the movies she was in make them sound like some pretty wild B-movies: Amazombies, Space Psychos and Creatures from the San Andreas Fall. These sound like movies Stu would LOVE.
I also just have some sympathy for Maureen with her past, so much of her backstory is defined by brutal sexual coercion and assault from the time she was 18. Cheating is obviously not good, but also like, she got together with Neil at the age of 21. Prior to that it seems like her experiences were mostly not consensual.
It was the early 70s, I can’t imagine that she felt like she had a lot of choices. The idea that she would have consensual affairs later in life is unfortunate but also not surprising. I think a lot of people who get married young can end up having this realization later in life that they want to experience things they haven’t, and those are the kinds of things you can regret on your deathbed.
As far as we know she’s a stay at home mom, she has no ability to support herself without Neil. From her perspective the options were probably: get a divorce, split up her family, make herself financially destitute, and have a chance to experience the things that were robbed from her when she was younger, OR stay with Neil and die eventually wondering what she missed out on, OR have an affair and hopefully keep her family together.
So yeah. Cheating? Not good, not excusable. But also relatively understandable in my opinion.
And yeah in terms of Hank we don’t know the most about him from canon, but we know how Billy reacts to him, and we know how Billy and Nancy both are: they’re sexist slut-shamers. Like, Nancy blaming Sid for what Billy did? You can hate Sidney but come on, you can’t argue that his actions were actually justified. All of this tells me that Hank’s views are probably in line with Nancy and Billy’s. Billy had to learn it somewhere right? Misogyny isn’t genetic.
So yeah that’s my monologue. Tldr: hate Maureen if you want, that’s fine, but blaming the Scream murders on her doesn’t make much sense. If you need a villain Hank is right there, and either way the real villains are Billy and Stu.
You can still like them even if they suck, I promise, they’re fictional characters. You don’t need to shift the blame for their actions onto other characters to justify liking them.
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foliejpg · 4 months
thoughts on cokewhore sp patrick ?
i think he was very lost during the hiatus and being as emotionally stunted as he is was (and admits to being) i think it would have been very easy for him to develop bad habits that did more harm than good.
imagine being 25 and suddenly finding yourself totally alone and without your closest friends and trying to make a point about your individuality and begging to be seen as a solo human instead of one half of a whole as you’ve been called since you were sixteen. being so incredibly insecure about your abilities as it is and then realizing that as hard as you try it’s not as easy as you thought it would be to be alone, then you blow all your money trying to make a point that doesn’t land.
and also you just dropped 60 pounds in 4 months so you’re feeling yourself for the first time and shaking your ass bc people don’t recognize you as the lead singer of a chart topping band as often as they used to but ppl don’t like to talk about his weight loss even tho i think it’s important
the hiatus was basically a really bad break up and i think patrick was doing whatever he could do escape the image of him that was forged for him and he probably made some really bad decisions because he didn’t know any better. any attention is good attention etc especially when it comes from someone who isn’t the guy who scooped him up at 16 and didn’t let him go until he was so fucked up that he drove patrick away (which isn’t to say pete did it on purpose or to be malicious he had his own demons to deal with)
this was longer than i intended but realistically given his admitted history of overeating and overdrinking, i don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility to say he was susceptible to substance abuse and looking for attention in the wrong places. plus some of those pics he took with fans?? he was fucked up on something. and bleaching your hair and acting out is typical behavior of someone who just got out of a long (imo unhealthy) relationship.. then going back
tldr: cokewhore patrick is very realistic to me. he was hurt and needed to act out after taking care of an older man with issues for eight years
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girlfailurefelix · 5 days
hellow a little weird what I asked you but what do you think about the glamtony theory? duosdj I mean you are a defender of it I need to know more opinions about that theory,, 😿 btw I love your drawings they seem cute to me✨
not weird haha, dw and thanks! i’m actually still really insecure about posting/drawing at all (i stopped for like a literal decade) so that means a lot :’)
under cut cuz i talk A LOT
as someone who really likes tony as a character, i wouldn’t be mad at the concept and i LOVE the art i’ve seen of it. the evidence posts i’ve seen are incredibly impressive and ngl, i did see one that really got to me. like seriously, tony makes a HUGE point of talking about his eyes for like a whole paragraph pffft.
the thing that throws me off is A) i’m not sure how to fit it into canon (cuz of symbolic shit like the PQ ending) and B) the amount of “freddy is gregory’s dad” stuff. like 99% the second one. that’s the big thing for me, but i think it’s fun as an au and if that didn’t exist, i wouldn’t mind it i think.
i will say though, i like the concept of all of the glamrocks being possessed at some point in some capacity. i know most people think they’re not, but i doubt that will last if they aren’t, considering the VIP book endings (the bodies that are clearly identified as being 12, something devon makes a point out of pointing out. i did wonder if one of those was tony lol) maybe im a bit biased, but i do think tony would be someone who would stick around after death.
i have mixed feelings on how i think he would feel towards gregory though, cuz on one hand i think he would be able to rationalize that it’s not greg (which i would assume is how the glamtony thing works) and see him as another victim, but also i want him to be MAD cuz i think he would be, i mean greg took the one thing he wanted (his future and growing up) and he’s a determined little shit in the book. also ghost stuff in fnaf is complicated cuz he wouldn’t even really be himself atp cuz of how agony (something he would DEFINITELY experience considering what greg says at the end of the book. i think we all ignore the implications in favor of giving tony a better [bad word choice but i hope you get what i mean] death/making greg look a little less.. well.. guy’s a little fucked up considering he talks about how fun it’ll be) affects them.
there was another two possibilities i had thought of for him but that’s a whole other post
tldr; i like the art of it and conceptually it’s cute (and has good evidence when you look at it that way), but glamrock freddy dad shit so i don’t personally think SW would do that probably since they’re pushing that a bit themselves with certain things
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greenerteacups · 6 months
Hi GT, I was reading one of your wonderful responses and you mentioned you don't love what they did to Remus, and I have to say I 100% agree. In my opinion his relationship with tonks is weird (regardless of whether people think he had chemistry with Sirius) like he's at least 10 years older than her and he tries to leave her and it just seems like he goes along with HER infatuation without really caring about her very much. It also puts Tonks back into JKR's frequent dynamic for women, which is "badass who really wants to be with a guy who doesn't seem to appreciate her much" (see Hermione/Ron).
Do you have any further thoughts on that? I always found JKR's writing about women in relationships/who want relationships really weird. You definitely do it better.
JKR has many strengths as a writer, but I don't think anyone would say her romances are one of them. I think a lot of authors either consciously or subconsciously look down on romance as a genre because it's associated with sensuality and frivolousness, but writing and selling the idea that two people should and do want to kiss each other is like, really fucking hard to do, and it requires a certain set of skill checks as an author that not everyone has. Just like writing good horror or good fantasy, good romance has tenets and rules and things you can do to get the audience on board with you, and JKR didn't execute a lot of those things (to my satisfaction, YMMV) in the books. Bad romance is also a high-stakes problem, because it risks flattening out your characters and pitching them into OOC territory if the audience doesn't buy that the dynamic evolution is natural. But again, that's something you don't know if you haven't written romance, or tried to, before.
Mostly, you have to really lean into the vulnerability of the thing. Romance is silly and goofy and embarrassing. It makes you say dumb things and act in dumb ways. It can't be ironic or chilled or demure. At some point, to make a real human connection, someone has to get down, take off their dignity, and bare the rotten core of themselves. When we propose, we kneel on the ground. We get dirty. And all authors have a great terror of embarrassing themselves. They're doing something tremendously vulnerable; of course they want people to think they're cool and intelligent. It's embarrassing to put yourself in the head of a 15-year-old boy with a crush. It's embarrassing to write about a suitor earnestly confessing their love, because — what if this is too much? What if it's corny, what if it breaks the audience's suspension of disbelief? What if my readers are laughing at me? What if I'm the butt of the joke?
Anyway, I think a lot of really great books have terrible romance subplots for that reason. In The Great Gatsby, we never actually see Gatsby and Daisy alone together. We get their story second-hand, from people who can deliver it in a cool, reflective tone of mystery; we don't see them undressed, undone, emptying their hearts to one another. And Nick and Jordan, the romance we actually get to see develop, are easily the weakest plot in the book. Meanwhile, authors like Tolstoy have an incredible gift for writing romance that feels right, and is sensual without verging into purple prose. But Tolstoy is one of the greatest writers of all time. JKR wrote some very good books that a lot of people loved very much, but for her, the romances were accessories to the story. They weren't a focus. I'm certain she cared about Remus and Tonks's relationship, in the same way she cared about Ron and Hermione's relationship. Both take up too much space to explain otherwise.
TLDR: Writing romance is hard because it's really easy to fuck up, even if you care about it. I don't know that JKR put all that much thought into selling us on chemistry and interpersonal dynamics of the couples she threw together; I think she writes for plot, and the couples emerged as a part of that. That means the couples that don't necessarily make sense on paper lose out majorly because the audience doesn't know exactly what they're rooting for, and the couples that do make sense on paper lack a certain... I dunno, va-va-voom.
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kalinara · 7 months
Oh for fuck's sake. Please don't tell me "warning" discourse is coming back.
Look guys, I don't fucking care if you decide to use warnings or not. If you're an author who chooses not to use warnings, I may or may not read your fic, depending on my mood at any given time, but that's not a value judgment.
But can you not be a pretentious asshole about it?
"Books and movies don't have warnings!"
Really? Movies don't have warnings? What do you think that big "R" is on the advertisement there (if you're American, anyway, but as far as I know, most other countries use rating systems.) It might not be an explicit, spell-it-all out warning, but you're generally not going to see a graphic rape scene in a fucking PG movie.
Books? Generally no. Though there are exceptions. And many bloggers or goodreads reviewers will happily warn for readers who are concerned. That said, you can draw some conclusions based on genre, publisher and imprint. A romance reader generally knows where to find the really hard shit. You're not generally going to find a lot of strap ons or ball gags in Harlequin.
"Warnings didn't exist/weren't common practice before AO3!"
That's a fucking lie. I started reading fanfic on the internet in 1997, when I was young enough that I had to lie about my age to get onto the good mailing lists. And you know why they were the good mailing lists? Because they had explicit stuff. Because they had passwords to the best archives.
And those archives generally did have warnings! At least for the really big shit. Rape? Torture? The phrase "non-con" existed long before fanfiction.net, let alone AO3 was a twinkling in anyone's eye.
Because here's the thing, it's common courtesy. Fandom is a community experience. Isn't that what everyone always says when the topic of negative reviews come up? We can't make the author feel bad! Traumatizing a reader though with something that they don't know to avoid though, that's perfectly fine.
What AO3 DID invent, as far as I know, is the brilliant "Author chooses not to warn" tag. That's a great idea. It means that a concerned reader can go through the no warnings needed tag with reasonable confidence that they won't be hit with the most common triggering subjects. And if they go into a "chooses not to warn" fic, then that's their risk to take.
(Personally, I've never read a "choose not to warn" fic and thought "god, I'm so glad the author didn't spoil this rape scene in the warnings, losing the element of surprise would have ruined the story!" but that's just me. There might well be one out there, and even if not, it's the author's call.)
I don't really have a point to this rant. I just really dislike people who decide to raise their lack of consideration for others into some sort of intellectual high ground while touting blatant misinformation to support it. I also never get tired of ranting about fandom hypocrisy, so there we go.
TLDR: do what you want, but don't be a self-congratulatory dick about it.
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megabuild · 10 months
what is aoyuer? is that an acronym for something?
okay so i meant to make a big doc explaining what aoyuer is like months ago but then i started working on different projects and put it on the back burner.. and then i got ill and now i don't have much time to work on stuff at all. but not having the doc sucks and means anything i ever say about it is very confusing. so i'm so sorry anon for using your ask as an excuse to just dump as much aoyuer lore as i can without reasonably spoiling it but also thanks for reminding me that i have a lot of followers here who have never heard of it. a sobering thought
tldr; aoyuer (as of yet untitled empires rewrite) (sorry bree) is my au rewrite of empires smp that aims to connect seasons 1 and 2 as well as after life, new life, and a bunch more inbetween, with a major focus on pixlriffs' story. it also ties up a lot of loose ends and is generally darker and more adult-aimed than the original series. technically that's all you need to know but here's the no spoilers plot rundown for those interested
so aoyuer is built up of ~7 arcs but only 4 of them are like Super important
arc 0: this is just afterlife smp and a ton of early worldbuilding, the crash of the great stags, etc; what's most important from this is that oli exists and has for thousands of years, probably
arc 1: empires season 1! set in the 1500s, the world is going through a sort of renaissance period with massive technological advancements. pixlriffs the copper king (cprk) is working a boring little library job and spending most of his time kicking himself and being mad he hasn't done anything with his life (he is only like 30 but the idea of feeling old and unaccomplished even when you're young is a major theme for arc 1). enter fwhip! who is his annoying ex-roommate ex-bestie ex-boyfriend from university that left him on pretty bad terms. he has a way more accomplished job and as part of that he has been allowed to head The Empires Project which is a major journey intended to further some distant colonies while also investigating the land they're on. the land has some weiiird properties which fwhip thinks could be harnessed to create functional immortality (which was the subject of pix's thesis). he wants pix to come with him and investigate. pix feels weird about it but agrees to come along and be the "emperor" for the desert colony while he does his research... and then things get fucked up and scary! its a high fantasy that switches between a metaphorical dissection of their horrid will they won't they relationship and both of their issues aaand a more Literal dissection of the land and things living in it. including people and animals. at times. and also involves pix accidentally awakening a curse for a billion million years which sets the rest of aoyuer in motion.
arc 1.5 is sort of Not important but iwlike it a lot. there's not much to be said for it without major spoilers but it's set a little bit after arc 1 and comprises of fwhip being very upset about how his stupid project fell apart and trying to write up an Official Report on why everything fell apart while also coming to terms with him being the worst guy to ever have lived or something. much of aoyuer is like thinly veiled metaphors for mental illness but this one is just about mental illness
arc 2 sends us years forward into season 2 in the 1800s and our protagonist is professor pixelle riffs, lorekeeper (lrkp) who leaves his job as an archaeology lecturer to go and study the ancient capital and The Machiiine. because the machine set up WAY too much cool stuff to just ignore. sculk infection/possession is a big part of this arc. however while he's doing all this he meets oli! remember him? who has crash landed in S2 (basically the same way he did in canon) and is now regularly butting heads with pix. they eventually become friends and then umm something more :3 a lot of this remains the same as canon except the sculk arc gets a proper conclusion and ties into the ghost stuff. it ends with oli's finale where he still fakes his death (the goblin stuff is going to be changed but it's up in the air right now) and pix is devastated but pretty certain there's something not quite right so he picks greggory up and goes off in search of his lame ass boyfriend.
arc 2.5 actually takes place mid arc 2 because it's the hermpires crossover, which is less different dimensions and more different times (hermitcraft is our present and the rift facilitates time travel). when pixelle the archaeologist steps through the rift it causes serious time fuckery and so he sort of gets. forcefully ejected from his body and becomes a ghost possessing pixl riffs of the hermitcraft recap (rcp) who stumbles out of the rift very tired and very confused! there's a lot of fun mistaken identity stuff between him and oli and this is generally the most like. comedic and casual of the arcs though it still has some sweet moments.
arc 3 is just new life smp. where pixelle finally ends up in nl, finds that his lame ass boyfriend is still alive, and has relationship drama with him Except on top of that the land that new life is set on has similar properties to the land from arc 1 (functional immortality except it has some different effects, aka. going through drastic physical changes every time you "die") and so pixelle starts investigating that and maybe finds out that his whole life and his ancestors and descendants lives might be caught up in a time loop because of the copper king. forever and ever. this hasn't got much for it because i was going to work from new life canon as a base but then both pix and oli stopped playing on it LMFOHALDH but anyway.
aaand arc 4! final arc! which is set in the present right after pixl (the recap one) returns home from the hermitpires crossover. except the weird ghost voice of his ancestor in his head.. isn't going away? or rather its been replaced by a different one who is sending him on The Heros Journey. along with zloy and lyarrah and modern fwhip. this is basically the long awaited Conclusion to the curse that the copper king put in place and a lot of bullshit happens that icant really explain but it ties up all the loose ends and is generally just pix consistently having the worst time. hes the only pix who goes through hell without bringing it upon himself like he was just born.
and um. that's aoyuer! obviously there's more for all the arcs and i am happy to answer Basically any questions even though i get a little nervous sharing stuff about it because im shy. But iwhope thag explains at least a bit for everyone. My dream is to write this all into various fanfics but that looks kinda unlikely rn but it means a lot to me and you can kinda safely assume if I'm ever talking about or drawing empires there's a 99% chance it's actually aoyuer because I forget canon exists .AOYUER WORLDWIDE
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arsonisticscholar · 6 days
I’ve officially seen every twilight movie
As much as people make fun of it they’re not objectively bad movies
I didn’t love it
I don’t like the two love interests, I never liked Edward’s personality and as much as Jacob’s started out great it just went downhill from when he joined the wolf pack. I also hate how they “fixed” the love triangle by making Jacob imprint on a fucking infant. I guess Edward and Bella’s relationship was stable by the end of it but the movies didn’t do a great job at showing their actual emotional connection and just put emphasis on how often they kiss and fuck and as much as Bella and Jacob had such a good dynamic in the second movie it just wasn’t it bc at that point Bella was already set on Edward even if she did end up loving Jacob as well
There were like three major female characters and one was the protag so it felt very…. Idk how to describe it but yk what I mean
However I did love Bella and Alice’s relationship and I LOVE how they fleshed out Rosalie’s character and tbh she might be one of my favorite characters in the whole thing. As much as she didn’t like Bella at first she’s still a girls girl when it comes down to it and I love that she a, was willing to go against the family if there was even a little doubt that Bella wanted to become a vampire and b, DID go against the family when she said she wanted to keep the baby. If I go through with reading the books it might just be to see how fleshed out her character really is because oh boy the development in this one
I also just generally love the concept of vampires and where wolves and I feel like the movies really didn’t do it justice, like there could have been so much world building potential to be fleshed out and really make it feel like a real world, but other than when Bella was researching vampires at the start, it was only touched upon when immediately relevant and I could tell that it only skimmed the surface of what it *could* be and it was really disappointing when they wasted all of that potential
In the last movie I LOVED the sequence where Alice was showing the leader guy the battle sequence, it was such great execution and absolutely amazing storytelling and was such a shock when they revealed that none of that battle happened and the whole thing was a vision being shared, that one was something that I really really enjoyed especially going into these movies basically blind, I was shocked when I thought carlac died and then 100x more shocked when it turned out actually none of that happened and it was honestly great
I thought it was cool when Bella figured out how to harness her powers and I liked that the child with a name I will not say or type isn’t the only one of her kind, I like that it’s something that (to some) is a known reality and not necessarily a once in a lifetime occurrence. I also like how yes the vampires with the abilities are more powerful than those without, it doesn’t take away from the fact that even without special abilities a vampire is still a vampire and is very strong and fast and all the things and can possibly take on one with a power
Tldr: the movies weren’t great and there are enough things that I disliked that I wouldn’t watch them again however due to the potential of the characters and worldbuilding I might consider reading the books since my mom already owns all of them
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nerves-nebula · 8 months
Sorry bout this thing but I kinda wanted to tell my thoughts about your stuff. Im kind of hoping this will get drowned in your inbox honestly, since this is just a really long unsolicited rant of mine.
Sometimes when i scroll through your account and I encounter csa, incest and mentions of suicide in your posts I get uncomfortable but then I remember that one phrase that goes something like "Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comforted" and I just feel kinda bad bout myself.
When I was a kid my nannys bf forced me to kiss him in the lips whenever we met. I was 6. It was uncomfortable. I never did tell my nanny about it. My parents are both police people and my mother had long explained the concept of rape and how unconsensual touch is bad and you shouldnt allow that but something prevented me from telling anyone what was happening. I dont know why. I know they would immiedietly jail that guy if they did but somehow it felt like no one would believe me. I never told them until now, then when I was what, 6-8 years old? I cant even remember. Yeah somewhere around that, he molested me when my nanny was few feet away and asleep and for the next 4 years of my life i felt dirty. Desecrated. Stupid. I couldnt even look down at my naked body when i shower back then, but somehow I managed to trudge on living by trying to forget the fact it happened. Its been 8 years since Ive last seen him. Ive told anyone who I knew who doesnt care enough to be friends with me but cared enough to listen about it but my Parents are none the wiser and i plan on keeping it that way.
Also. Im a year away from being legal now. Ive thought about killing myself or just generally not wanting to exist anymore many times since then, cuz lifes equipped with motolov cocktails of "get fucked dumbass" and i somehow managed to get a coupon for at least a million of them.
(I hope that line made you laugh if you read this).
Coming back to the phrase i mentioned earlier, it feels weird whenever i feel something similar to the feeling of being triggered while looking at csa being depicted. By definition, i would be considered a victim, and id of course would be comforted by seeing similar experiences happen to people because relating to something usually induces a positive feeling. I dont. I see your art and it guts me. It guts me and the fact that it does also guts me, because what does that mean? I am supposed to be the comforted? Despite the fact that I was taken advantage of as a child and spent night after might thinking how stupid i was and why I let that happen to me even when I was equiped with the information that makes me less vulnerable than other children? So i do I correspond more with those who are defined as comforted then, was i not disturbed after all? Was i victimizing myself all along? Am I a bad person for thinking i was? No wait, that doesnt make any sense at all. Its all wrong. Why am I so guilty about this? Why am i subjecting myself to this?
And then it repeats.
I still go through your blog because well, i love tmnt, i love your artstyle, i love the way you tell stories, I love how you dont sugar coat csa, incest and other darker topics like body horror, erotism and sadism, i hate how much it haunts me, i love the fact i can relate, i hate how much you hurt them, i love the fact that you dont hold back, i love how you show the ugly sides of healing, i love how you depict how much people can change and struggle. Its comforting to me. Its discomforting to me. I stick hand into the fire knowing I would be burned, then I do.
And i like it. I like it somehow, like taking a nice smoke break when you have mild asthma, but like, better. Its a nice change of pace to feel so conflicted like this, its a nice change of pace to feel anything at all really.
But yeah. Tldr. Sorry for the trauma dump and your art makes me feel complicated. Its neat 👍
lot to reply to here! also, unfortunately for you, i check my inbox obsessively and dont get nearly as many asks as you seem to believe i do.
so firstly, no snappy saying is meant to encompass all of human experience, and you certainly shouldn't judge yourself for not fitting into it. easier said than done, i know, but still. i'm gonna try to address some things here, not gonna touch on all of it, but just know that i appreciate you sitting down to write me this.
(I hope that line made you laugh if you read this).
it made me smile, but i laughed at this, because it's a very sweet look into you writing this. puts into perspective how, even though this is public, it was written TO me. like a letter in victorian times or something. that's sweet, i like that.
and id of course would be comforted by seeing similar experiences happen to people because relating to something usually induces a positive feeling. I dont.
you're making a lot of assumptions here that are kind of wild in that "this thought process was clearly designed by your mind to upset you specifically" sort of way. I mean, would you say this to literally anyone else when they feel uncomfortable or triggered about viewing media that relates to their trauma? There's really no telling what a survivor will feel comforted by and you aren't Doing It Wrong by having a different reaction.
there's a reason i tag it as "csa tw" and that's so people can AVOID it as well as search it up.
how stupid i was and why I let that happen to me even when I was equipped with the information that makes me less vulnerable than other children?
i know you recognize at the end of the thought process that this is not true, but i feel the need to reiterate: there is no such thing as being less vulnerable than other children through your own actions. you can try to equip kids with knowledge that might protect them, but that doesn't make them any less vulnerable.
my dad told me about rape and molestation all the time, but he never accounted for the kinds of scenarios i was actually the most likely to fall victim to, partly because i don't think he actually knew much about childhood sexual abuse, and partly because he was more obsessed with the idea of me being kidnapped and raped/murdered than he was about forms of sexual abuse he'd consider more "mild"
No wait, that doesnt make any sense at all. Its all wrong. Why am I so guilty about this? Why am i subjecting myself to this?
i can't answer that one, unfortunately. personally, i like to feel gutted, it's cathartic to me. might be something like that to you, based on how you go on to describe it, but you might also be doing some kinda self harm.
I stick hand into the fire knowing I would be burned, then I do.
saaaaame. i triggered myself into a breakdown in class once cuz i'd been reading fucked fanfiction before class and i got SAD lol.
Its a nice change of pace to feel so conflicted like this, its a nice change of pace to feel anything at all really.
we are shaking hands over this.
anywho, no need to apologize! i am glad, if nothing else, to provide you with a strange and upsetting experience that is not entirely bad.
I really do adore hearing how my stuff makes people feel. it's like, a solid one third of the reason i do this. i still make stuff that doesn't exist to be shown off but WOW showing shit off and getting a response feels FANTASTIC. like, i'm in your head now!! you have been CHANGED by my ART. it's maybe the best part of being alive.
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anxiously-awaiting · 4 months
tell me about the greater themes applied to lancelot riot I would like to know 👁️
im so sorry addie i autismed for like 2 hours writing this its SO longklfjds
Okay so, before I start, i neurotically need to give my disclaimer: all of this is primarily based on how I handle lancelot's characterization both in my original content and with fan-content related to the Fate series, i'm not trying to claim that this is Fate's intention with the character, nor am I trying to claim that this is a theme of the original arthurian tales. While my themes did come from a lot of those stories, I'm not a historian nor a medievalist nor particularly smart in general, i'm just Some Guy who thinks about knights till they get nauseous.
The general thematic throughline tied to lancelot in all of my stuff is. Objectification primarily. He's socially objectified by a society that deems him greatest of all knights, reducing him to a knight and bringer of violence before a person. He's objectified by people who view him first and foremost as a handsome "man"^ before a Person. When he's having his multiple mental breaks, he's often viewed as a madman to be pitied before a person to be helped.
^this is also slightly tied with the theme, because lancelot is NOT a cis man, but despite how he feels about his own gender, he's repeatedly viewed as one. He's repeatedly described as being handsome, broad shouldered, perfect muscles, an ideal man, and the one thing that people describe about his body as being "imperfect" is his chest being broader than it "should" be (in my lancelot, it's gynecomastia, something that he never viewed as a problem or even knew was "abnormal" until he left the Lady's lake and entered the wider society of camelot/england). (i was going to add a screenshot of the book section here that i referenced but i straight up can NOT FUCKING FIND IT i spent like half an hour looking for it but i didn't make it up i prommy)
Like he gets kidnapped a fucking LOT, to the point of becoming desensitized to it. He's repeatedly seen as a Thing to be taken as a bargaining chip rather than. Y'know. a Person. He's seen as a sword for Camelot- and even Galehaut, at first, sees him as a gorgeous bringer of violence before a person- though he does desire to know the person behind that violence. Even his son, at first, sees him as a great knight to be defeated and prove that Galahad is greater than him (demonstrated in my stuff with Galahad's knighting fight, wherein he chooses to fight Lancelot to prove his place at the round table not too long after first arriving, and in the fight, takes advantage of a weak point of Lancelot's, kicking in his bad knee, causing him to best Lancelot- but at the cost of like Genuenly causing him a shit ton of pain).
(tw for discussion of sexual violence below)
And that's not even mentioning Elaine of Corbenic. He's very obviously not interested in her, and Elaine, only wanting the the object of her affection, rather than the person, drugs and rapes him TWICE, under a thin viel of using "fate" and "prophecies" of bearing the grail knight as an excuse. I straight up do not give a fuck if people try to claim that she's "morally grey" or whatever. Die.
(end tw)
But so that's like the pre-emptive context of My Lancelot Themes, tldr; He's repeatedly objectified. Everything past this point is Strictly about my headcanons for specifically Fate's versions of Lancelot (Both saber and berserker), as well as Chevalier Mal Fet, a third variant of Lancelot made for my fanlostbelt Doggerland.
This theme is EASILY applied to berserker Lancelot, like, what's more objectifying than becoming a shadow of your purest, most violent self. He's repeatedly called a mad dog, and other names alluding to being only capable of violence in this state, with his madness enhancement only making his mental state Worse. Even one of his Noble Phantasm's, For Someone's Glory, whittles him down from "Lancelot" to "Berserker", hiding his identifying marks, leaving only a literal shadow of armor. (which, this also ties to The Gender Thing, because berserker lancelot LITERALLY SAYS "this body is not something to be idolized" or smth to that effect in fate/zero i'll get the screenshot and put it below with the direct quote.)
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Now with saber Lancelot it's. A little more complicated. Since saber Lancelot is specifically from Fate Grand Order, and is thus subject to an insane amount of flanderization depending on who's writing him and if he's in an event, im going PRIMARILY off of the lancelot we see in the camelot chapter, as well as just. a lot of personal hcs.
Saber lancelot, somewhat similarly to Berserker, has kind of given in to the objectification for a lack of better words? In one of his lines, he specifically refers to him and his blade as being one, and saying that all he has is his swordsmanship. He defines HIMSELF as only being good for his sword, and even literally says Out Loud With His Mouth that he dislikes himself, and his only wish would be for Arthur to pass judgement on him for the whole affair thing. His bio even references that he believes that berserker should be the only class suited for him.
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Saber lancelot doesn't have any specifically gender-related stuff so this is fucking. ALL Riot's fun zone for this next paragraph but lancelot's repressed. like REALLY. REALLY repressed. He cloaks himself in manhood like armor, fearing what might be seen underneath- and that manifests Literally in his armor. His exaggerated pauldrons give him an even more broad shouldered silhouette emphasizing a more "masculine"^ body shape. ^Not that broad shoulders are or should be considered masculine in and of themselves but it's moreso feeding into how other people see him in a ouroboros of dysphoria.
Literally. I have a whole fucking rewrite of the agartha singularity in my brain with the subplot about him recognizing that it's like Okay if he's not a man, and finally starting to allow himself to reckon with and start to heal from the Elaine-related trauma.
And all of this leads to Chevalier Mal Fet. Oh, Mal Fet.
For context, his name comes from one of Lancelot's bouts of madness, where he referred to himself only as "Chevalier Mal Fet", meaning "the ill-made knight".
Lancelot is summoned into the Doggerland lostbelt by the counterforce or whatever, (saber or berserker, it doesn't matter. The outcome's the same either way.) and he's found by Dr. Moreau.
Moreau is just another in a long, long line of people viewing Lancelot as a Thing rather than a Person, but Moreau sees Lancelot as something more than just a knight or a bringer of violence or a sexual object.
He views Lancelot as a guinea pig. It isn't uncommon to see dogs used in medical testing- Moreau's a doctor, a scientist, after all.
He's a pet project for Moreau to take apart and put back together, murmuring to himself that this knight is ill-made indeed. But he knows how to fix him, make him something better.
Moreau's human, after all, he knows better than some silly dog.
Moreau has always been one to push beyond what others may think is impossible. Using Mal Fet, he attempts to do a forced class switch, giving Mal Fets the strength of a berserker with the rationality and delicate swordwork of a saber. It worked- but only on a technicality. Rather than Mal Fet being both a saber and a berserker at the same time, his damaged and unstable spirit core rather oscillates RAPIDLY between the two classes, the only thing keeping his core from shattering and letting him die and return to the throne is Moreau, of course.
Lancelot, the person under the armor, is reduced to an object once more. A spectacle, a guard dog, a test subject.
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curious-l1ght · 7 months
Took a break bc I had a short lived panic attack and calmed myself down so it wouldn't worsen but I'm back with a message for Ivorii
Leave me the fuck alone. I don't understand why targeting me and thinking you can just apologise is something you can do. I'm literally scared of you after you targeted me. Just so you know, I BARELY GET SCARED OF PEOPLE!!!
And the fact that you are the reason that I'm hurting myself is a fact that I REALLY need you to know. You KNOW I was suicidal at one point, YOU KNOW YOU MOTHERFUCKER.
Getting that message was why I had a panic attack. AND I WILL FUCKING LEAK IT. HERE YOU GO
Tldr is at the bottom
Okay, look. I fucked up, I know I did. I lied, and I was, so wrong for it. But, about my heart problems, they are hereditary, but my heart problems are not like yours, I didn't have to get cut open. It wasn't an open heart surgery like yours, it was originally going to be put in from my wrist/groin area, but it was changed to my esophagus area due to it being more "uphill". I know I caused you hell and that I probably scared the living shit out of you.
It wasn't right of me, at all. I feel bad about it everyday. I shouldn't have lied either, and I don't wish harm against anyone. I never did and I never will. I was a bad influence and a bad person, but I'm working to change. I know messing with any of you guys was the worst thing I could've done, and I feel so bad about it! If I had a second chance to go back and undo it, I would. I promise that I'm not a bad person, or a liar. I just didn't to get the attention I wanted, and I very immature when did it. I have remorse for everyone I hurt, and this isn't the first time I hurt someone(s) like this. But I have bigger apology to give out to you guys [Kris, Izzy, Candied] because you guys are minors, and you look up to those older than you, and I was the complete opposite. I probably know you won't see this and that you'll never trust me again, and it's understandable. I wouldn't trust myself either, but I'm working on being better, and trying to change. It's lonely without you guys, and I hate it. I hate every moment of it, and I hate that I did what I did. I hate not being there when you guys joke, or to celebrate holidays. I really want a second chance, only if you'll allow it. I'm so sorry for making you hurt, I'm really am a better person than this, I swear! I can try again, only if you'll let me. I acknowledge my wrong-doing, like an adult. I'm turning 20 this year and I'm acting like it. Just please don't tell Warden or the others that I'm here! I'm still very scared of them, and when I'm ready, I'll talk to them, but I just needed you to know.
I'm not a person, and I'll never make a foolish mistake like this again. Also, to clarify about my heart problems, but also apologize while I'm at it. I hurt you, and I never want you to feel a pain like that again. Just know I regret everything. I swear. You don't have to respond, I just needed to get that off of my shoulders, and hopefully off of yours too.
My response:
You targeted a minor, someone who just got tumblr a few months ago, and pretended to be someone else. I wanted to stay as far away from this stituation as far I possibly could but you pulled me into it. I'm actually fucking terrified of you now. You broke everyone's trust and ruined your reputation. You have caused me to hurt myself because I wanted a distraction from this and wanted to deal with a different type of pain. Targeting minors because you'd think they are more naive or whatever the fuck went through your rotting brain is downright wrong and its manipulation. Leave tumblr and never come back. Fuck you.
Taking it apart to respond better:
Okay, look. I fucked up, I know I did. I lied, and I was, so wrong for it.
You're damn right. You fucked up big time, and everybody knows that.
I know I caused you hell and that I probably scared the living shit out of you.
Yes, you really did. You scared me so bad I'm properly scared of you as a person.
It wasn't right of me, at all. I feel bad about it everyday. I shouldn't have lied either, and I don't wish harm against anyone.
Then why did you do this? Oh, right, ATTENTION.
I know messing with any of you guys was the worst thing I could've done, and I feel so bad about it!
Think before you act, fucker.
I promise that I'm not a bad person, or a liar. I just didn't to get the attention I wanted, and I very immature when did it.
Hard to believe you're turning 20.
But I have bigger apology to give out to you guys [Kris, Izzy, Candied] because you guys are minors, and you look up to those older than you, and I was the complete opposite.
You targeted minors. Think about that and get it through your thick ass skull.
I probably know you won't see this and that you'll never trust me again, and it's understandable. I wouldn't trust myself either, but I'm working on being better, and trying to change. It's lonely without you guys, and I hate it.
Yeah, I don't trust you at all anymore. Nobody does. And you're gonna have to deal with being lonely because of that.
I really want a second chance, only if you'll allow it. I'm so sorry for making you hurt, I'm really am a better person than this, I swear! I can try again, only if you'll let me. I acknowledge my wrong-doing, like an adult. I'm turning 20 this year and I'm acting like it.
Who is gonna give you a second chance? Are you really a better person? You act like a fucking 6 year old with your shitty lies and the fact that you constantly return and try to reconnect when we clearly don't want you around.
Just please don't tell Warden or the others that I'm here! I'm still very scared of them, and when I'm ready, I'll talk to them, but I just needed you to know.
I'm not a person, and I'll never make a foolish mistake like this again. Also, to clarify about my heart problems, but also apologize while I'm at it. I hurt you, and I never want you to feel a pain like that again. Just know I regret everything. I swear. You don't have to respond, I just needed to get that off of my shoulders, and hopefully off of yours too.
"I'm not a person" this typo is fucking hilarious. You didn't clarify anything about your heart problems in this last paragraph. You hurt everyone. This made the weight on my shoulders worse.
Sorry, the tldr was still really long ;-;
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pray4saint · 1 year
big big psa guys
tw // almost a call-out. talking about people romanticising mental health issues. swearing bc i'm pissed off. my own trauma is sectioned off to be easily skipped through; although it includes topics of self-harm, suicide, bad mental health, & loss.
holy shit i cannot believe i actually have to make this post. if you disagree with anything in this post, please get off my blog because you're not welcome here.
tldr; don't send in requests for weird shit.
some of my mutuals have received asks surrounding a ”mentally ill reader” & dating a cc inside of a mental hospital/psych ward and uhm. excuse me??? what the actual fuck??? why do you think this is okay and normal? 🤠 why did you think that would be a good idea?? (you know who you are & trust that your block button is looking quite wonderful to the entire publishing house)
i consider myself fortunate enough not to have received those bc i know how triggering they can be and for anyone viewing my blog, so to anyone and everyone who has seen those asks and been triggered by them, i'm sorry. that's not something that anyone should have to see from a stranger on the fucking internet, or at all really.
i feel like i shouldn't even have to say this, but uhm, don't romanticise issues you clearly have no business dealing with? is it really that hard?? if it really is that fucking hard to just not be creepy about real issues, then get offline. this kinda shit is the reason some of mine and my cousin's favourite writers have left tumblr, and it's unfortunate but i understand their frustration.
joking about your trauma with your close friends is one thing, but asking a stranger on the internet to talk about it? that's a big fat no.
– > trauma below
this shit makes me so fucking outraged, especially as someone who's had friends go in and out of wards, who's lost people to suicide, and dealt with horrible self-esteem, body image and self worth issues because of it since the ripe age of 12. it's so invalidating to see it used as a story arc. these are real issues, that real people go through every goddamned day.
i've done things i'm not proud of, things i'm reminded of every time i look at my body. gone through things i wish i didn't have to, and as judah said in her post, i have the right to deal with and cope with my trauma as i wish, i've earned it. but i'm not hurting others. that's the difference.
– > trauma ends here
before sending in asks on any blog, take a moment to think; 'how will this be received?', 'based on their rules, is this okay?', 'is this something i would want my younger sibling reading on the internet in a year?' think before you speak. please.
as i said at the start, if you disagree with anything in this post then get off my page because you're not welcome here. clearly, you're not mature enough to stick around here. i don't care if i sound like an asshole, it must be said.
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