#tlt AU august
theriverbeyond · 10 months
When the time comes, it's almost… anticlimactic. The knife goes in, the blood comes out, the baby dies. And the rock remains unmoved.
my contribution to @tlt-monthly-prompts AUgust theme!!! what if Wake survived long enough to bring her newborn child to the tomb, and killed her. And then the baby did not die.
ft: Canon Typical Unkillable Baby Gideon Nav, Wake entering the ring as a strong contender in Worst Parents TLT Edition, and Gideon having perhaps the most horrible first 48 hours of existence one could have but like what if everything after that actually turned out better for her.
Rating: M (for violence) | 1.2k
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tlt-monthly-prompts · 11 months
It’s time to CREATE. THOSE. AUS!!!
Tag us in the #TLTAugustAU tag to show us your favorites. We accept anything you make! Fan mixes, fics, Twitter threads, cosplay, fics, art - you name it, we want to see it!
We'll also be promoting anything added to our handy dandy AO3 collection!
Happy creating!
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fortjester · 11 months
finished my bre fic, now i can write freely again. what shall i make w my tools
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ambiguouswren · 11 months
So as you may or may not know I'm insane and when I joined the @tlt-big-resurrection I planned on doing just cosplay and art but THEN @nightworldlove and @shilominn bullied (affectionate) me into also doing a fic.
So I did.
All three.
AND POSTING IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER. So this is a hype post for all of that!!
Wednesday, July 26th - My fic Strike it While it's Hot is a fantasy/blacksmith AU Griddlehark fic that comes in at a whipping 106k words with some AMAZING art by @youweremyridehome (will tag the other artist once they let me know what they'd like me to use)
The fic will be posted over on my Ao3 here
Wednesday, August 2nd - There's a fic by @flyingfanatic I chose loosely based off This is How You Lose a Time War but I don't want to say more than that quite yet (until they say its ok) I'm doing a sort of art for it. You'll see I'm excited for it.
Saturday, August 5th - I teamed up with @incorrect-house-of-nine for thier amazing steam/chem/desert punk Locked tomb AU Mummyesque/Indiana Jones type adventure (title pending). Y'all have already seen the progress for it (expect more today/tomorrow!!)
Anyways I am sososososoossoososo excited to share everything and as a mod for this event I can tell you the TLT fandom is going to get WELL FED in this Alecto drought. There's so many amazing creatives that have teamed up and the work that's being put out is spectacular.
Now excuse me as I scramble to finish my art and cosplays ahhhhhhhh
(this post may update with new tags/links as I get them)
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klausinamarink · 6 months
okay FIRST OF ALL the snippet you gave us had my jaw dropping that is soooo so good!!!
and 2- TLT Steddie for WIP Wednesday? 🤲❤️✨
I’m glad you loved that snippet! I started working on the au like last week and I’m suffering from emotional brain rot because of it. CANNOT WAIT to share it to the rest of you <3
TLT Steddie coming up! (I started this in like August but work held me back so glad to get back to it!)
Despite the volume of her vocal cords tightening a few veins besides his clenching mandible, Eddie said calmly, “Sister Aeimorta, be silent.” Miraculously, the nun shut up though now she looked at him like she wanted to kiss his hands. Eddie took a quick moment to swallow his agitation and unclench his jaw. As he did, he finally unlocked his skeletal hands from the wide-eyed Third cavalier, though Eddie made no move to help the man from falling to the ground.
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toughtinkart · 2 years
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I posted 84 times in 2022
That's 8 more posts than 2021!
49 posts created (58%)
35 posts reblogged (42%)
I tagged 77 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#miraculous ladybug - 19 posts
#the locked tomb - 15 posts
#sketch - 14 posts
#tlt - 14 posts
#art - 10 posts
#ntn - 10 posts
#ml - 9 posts
#mlb - 9 posts
#nona the ninth spoilers - 8 posts
#nona the ninth - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 108 characters
#but i really like the cool tones on his skin because he’s normally so cool and level headed and calculating
My Top Posts in 2022:
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c’est moi, ma lady. 💜
based on the bakery enemies au comic by @buggachat - thank you for this wild ride!
5,299 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
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accessories sold separately
5,305 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
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“Tell me how to do it, and I’ll do it.”
been having a grand old time puzzling out Nona the Ninth and rereading the whole Locked Tomb series. here’s some warm and cool color variants:
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See the full post
6,723 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
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cleaned up this spy x family piece that’s been sitting on a back burner! gradient mapping really is a fun way to add some quick color 💋
11,644 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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thinkin bout 1970s/1770s crossover fashion 💕
17,853 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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AU where Percy is introduced to the supernatural really young and is curious about everything. He gets most of his powers by asking “Why?” and “Can you teach me that??” Everyone says yes because 1) those adorable eyes, and 2) they don’t expect him to be able to actually do it. Then everyone is stuck in a state of “oh no”
I love the idea but that’s the thing. Percy was introduced to the supernatural really young: he strangled a snake in pre-school, when he was a kid a cyclops stalked him (we don’t if it to watch over him for protection or for devious reasons), and I’m sure there’s more examples but those two are the only ones I can think of on top of my head. 
The thing is that the Mist effected Percy. As a kid he could of sworn that man had one eye but he was a young kid then and young kids are imagative. It’s not till Mrs.Dodds attacks him when he’s twelve that Percy, after the attack on his life, starts to fight back on the Mist. 
Here’s a somewhat similar au for you anon: 
I know atla aired when Percy was eleven (because it aired in February and Percy’s birthday is in August) but just imagine it came out a few years earlier. Percy like every other kid would pretend they were a bender and, of course, Percy’s favorite element is water. He pretends he’s a water bender expect he can actually bend water! It takes several attempts for Percy to realize I’m not imagining this. (He then tries to bend the other elements but has no luck with them but it’s okay because Percy still could bend his favorite element that also was the best because it’s the most adaptable. This is something even Uncle Iroh says. Not that water is the best element but it is the element of change and those who bend it are capable of adapting to many things. Iroh also says that the water benders a deep sense community and their love holds them together which fits Percy as well.) 
Percy doesn’t show it off because superheroes have to have secret identities (or  maybe he does to his mortal friends before he went to Yancy and the Mist makes them unable to see it and Percy gets really frustrated at this) but he keeps a water bottle always on him like Katara keeps a water skin on her in atla so she can have access to water. 
By the time TLT begins Percy is lot more capable with using water not only in being able to use it but how versatile he is in using it. (Once Katara was shown able to heal herself in the episode that Aang burns her Percy would try to find out if he can heal himself which he can in canon. Also you can’t tell me Percy wouldn’t look forward to whenever Katara has a fight scene because he can then try to learn that exact thing.) 
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tlt-monthly-prompts · 10 months
How to Participate in AU August
Step 1: create a thing!
Can be a fanfiction, fanart, fan comic, podfic, playlist, icons/avatars, banners, wallpapers, playlists, anything you can think of! So long as it's related to The Locked Tomb, considered an Alternate Universe, and it's first published in August 2023, it's allowed!
Step 2: post it to the AO3 Collection
Step 3: share it with others!
Use the hashtag #TLTAugustAU and we'll add it to our Tumblr queue
Questions? Confusions? Clarifications? Comments? Send us an ask!
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tlt-monthly-prompts · 10 months
Time to answer some of #TheLockedTomb ‘s most thrilling AU questions 👀👀
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tlt-monthly-prompts · 10 months
Question and this may be dumb to ask, but do works submitted have to be 100% completed for AUgust? Or would starting to post chapters on the week it matches be okay?
Hello! There are no dumb questions. Questions help us learn!
So long as fics are first published during August 2023, considered an Alternate Universe, and written for The Locked Tomb Series, then they can be added to the collection.
If you have a multi-chapter fic, the fic does not have to be completed during August. It just has to be first published in August. So if all you got is chapter 1 and chapter 2 is still in the works, that's totally fine!
Hope this helps!
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tlt-monthly-prompts · 10 months
(Or spookIER I guess)
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It’s WEEK TWO of #AUgustTLT!!! Week two of celebrating all things AU with #TheLockedTomb 👀👀
This week we’re looking at Supernatural and Superheroes 🧛‍♀️ 🐺 🦸 👊
Give us your superheroes who are only truly Seen by their rival supervillain.
Stick your blorbo in a small town with a dark and sinister secret.
Misunderstood supervillains who believe in their cause above all else!
Big city detectives with connections throughout the supernatural underbelly!
What will you create?
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tlt-monthly-prompts · 11 months
Poll Time!
We're counting down the days until #TLTAugustAU What better way to do so than with a poll?
(Got another favorite? Drop it in the tags/replies and maybe we'll get a second poll going too!)
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fortjester · 1 year
found the gayest little bit of narration in my notesapp from early this morning, that can ONLY be written for one particular scene in my bre fic. and it's a scene i have already fully written and finalised???? girl!!!!
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tlt-monthly-prompts · 11 months
Can we add our own fics to the collection or do we need to ask permission first? I'm new to ao3 etiquette so I just wanna be sure.
Hello new AO3 person! Any fic (or fanart or podfic or anything else that can be uploaded to AO3) that was created for the event or during the month of August can be added to the AO3 collection. We don't have an approval process — and instead welcome anyone to add their creation whenever it's complete.
Hope this helps!
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fortjester · 1 year
the beautiful thing ive done to myself is been so cagey abt my tlt bre fic plot that i cant vaguepost abt [REDACTED] by sufjan stevens as a companion piece to [REDACTED] plot point
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fortjester · 1 year
actively hit 50k words for my tlt bre fic. this thing is so large. and i have so much left to write. godspeed to the artist who gets to watch this beast grow firsthand pretty soon
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