#tmnt fanfiction requests
yorshie · 10 months
Hi!! I’ve been obsessed with a recent post of yours, about the tmnt turtles and the ways they would confess their feelings, it was so on point? Seriously it has been even helping me fall asleep (dreaming about it lol) on that note, would you please do a scenario or Headcanons of tmnt x reader and their first kiss? Planned? Accidental? In a burst of emotion? Floor is yours
Thank you and hope you have a good day ♥️
Bayverse turtles (separate) x GN reader, SFW (set in 2023 so turtles 24-25)
OH this is RIGHT up my alley. Thank you for the ask! I'm glad you're getting some sleep lol, it was 3 a.m. when I wrote this. Being stuck in a car brings that special kind of tired where you're still jittery, you know? Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading this, and thank you for sending in an ask so I wasn't bored staring at the ceiling fan.
It's not pertinent to the idea but I'm thinking Raph's kiss is a lot longer into the relationship, simply because in my head I keep thinking I wouldn't want to kiss him until he got over his whole angsty phase. If you wanna imagine he's still angsty when the smooch happens, feel free, but hot and cold ain't fun.
Angelo called you on your way home from work for a spontaneous Tuesday night date, and it was with only slight trepidation that you hurried home, visions of the sunshine ball left alone with no one to distract him amid all your stuff floating around your head.
Thankfully, there was no grand chaos when you poked your head through the door, only Mikey in an apron, twirling around your kitchen without a care in the world. He was juggling between three different bowls and the stove, singing along to the music blaring through his phone.
The oven dinged as you were shucking your shoes and jacket, and Mikey brightened upon spying you, tossing his spatula to the side and holding his arms open to hurry you towards him with a raucous, “babycakes! I missed you!”
You went willingly, not quite sure if he was intending to hug you or pull you into a dance, but it ended up being a mixture of the two. He spun you into a dip, hands pulling you upright when your socks slipped on the floor with a goofy smile and a little two step before he grabbed your hips, lifting you up onto the counter next to his work area. 
He broke off mid chorus to offer you a spoonful of whipped cream with a soft, “try this, baby, tell me what you think.”
You tried it without thinking, eyebrows jumping at the cloying taste on your tongue.
“Uh. Angelo, you used way too much sugar in this.” You twisted in your spot, tossing the spoon into the sink and giving a little cheer at the satisfying ‘plonk’ of it disappearing into soapy water, completely missing the mischeiveous smile on your turtle’s face.
“Yea? Here, let me help get rid of it.” Mikey’s words were teasing, and for a moment you thought he was talking about something completely different.
You weren’t expecting the warmth of his hands sliding into your hair. You startled, blinking at him dumbly when he sidled into your space, plastron tapping against your knees and pinning your shins against the counter drawers. 
He grinned, cradling your head, thumbs along your jaw, holding you still as he tilted his head and pressed his mouth to yours.
He was warm, lips soft, moving gently against your skin. He started to churr when you reached up and tucked your hands over the strong curve of his shoulders.
Your lips glided together once again, mouth opening barely under his direction, eyes closing at the little sweet exhale he gave at the motion.
“You taste like syrup.” You murmured against him, and felt his mouth fight not to tip upwards again.
“What can I say,” Mikey moved his thumb to brush over your lips, “I like sweet things, baby.”
You weaseled your arms down between your bodies, hooking around the edge of his shell and holding him closer, pulling a shiver from him.
“Give me another,” he pushed, and you giggled into the press of his lips.
Your nerd was thinking.
You could practically see the steam of over worked processors from where you lounged at the foot of his bed, book tilted far enough up so you could both pretend you weren’t sneaking glances his way.
Donnie was hunched over in his chair, just barely within eyesight around the low dresser separating the main room of the lab from his bedroom. His hands were lax on the keyboard of the refurbished laptop he was suppose to be working on, glasses low on his snout and eyes clearly trained, not on his work, but at the wall beyond his desk.
You entertained the thought of calling out to him, but the chances of reaching him in this state were slim to none even if you laid a trap with coffee for the bait, so you settled back into the book, flicking curious glances his way every now and then to make sure he was still breathing.
Your patience was rewarded, eventually, when he blinked and that sharp golden gaze flickered over to your face.
“I want to try something.” He said without preamble, once he saw he had your attention, and you closed the book you hadn’t been actually reading for a while with a snap to let him know he had the floor.
“Alright.” You scooted to sit at the edge of his bed, feet crossed under you and curiosity building. “What is it that you want to try, Dee?”
Donnie closed the laptop with a soft little click, rolled his chair towards you, then left his seat to shuffle into your space on his knees when he realized he still towered over you.
You swallowed at the abrupt closeness, breathed out slow to combat your sudden nerves.
The tall turtle took your hands in his, smoothed his thumbs softly over your knuckles. “I want… to kiss you. If that’s alright?”
You nodded as soon as the request was processed, gaze skittering to watch his tongue poke out reflexively before he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours in a chaste kiss.
And held them there. No movement, no gentle give and take. You weren’t even sure he was breathing, he was so still.
He pulled back after a moment, light eyes quizzical before they turned inwards, and you could tell you were about to loose him to whatever data he’d collected.
“Ok. Hey. Wait.” You raised your hands, tapped along his cheeks until he glanced back at you. “I want to try again.” 
You kept your words soft, and when he automatically leaned in, you stopped him. “Let me lead, Dee. Just do what I do.”
This time, you used your hands to tilt his head a little bit, and softly touched his lips with your own. Pressed short kisses against him, letting him settle before you moved your jaw and pet your mouth across his.
The steam pouring out Donnie’s ears was back, his hands tightening against your own, and he gave a shaky exhale against your cheek before he responded, mouth slipping over your lips a little roughly as he moved to mirror your grip and tilt your head a little to the back. 
When the two of you broke apart, his eyes opened, and he whispered, “again?”
The quiet times were the best with Raphael. The moments with no pressure, no societal niceties, away from the teasings of his brothers, when he’d look at you and jerk his head in a clear ‘let’s get out of here’ invitation that you’d never be able to turn down. 
Raph would unwind enough to simply exist when it was just you and him, warm and mellow and guard low enough that only affection glanced back when you met his eyes.
You were taking advantage of the quiet this particular date night. He was loose from good food and the way your smaller form sat at his side without fear. So much so, that when you swiveled and tucked a leg over his thigh, his big hand wrapped around your knee without stuttering, grip wide and warm and content to rest on the curve of your joint.
He was still engrossed in the movie, though you caught the little flicker of his eyes as he watched for your reaction to his touch, an old gut reaction that you were happy had faded even this much.
When you simply leaned into him, he relaxed further, and you were rewarded with the slow brush of his thumb against the soft skin on the inside of your knee, as though he couldn’t help the movement.
You let him settle through a few more scenes before pushing a little further, thought the amused quirk of his mouth when you finally made your move made you realize you might be a tad predictable to the large turtle.
That didn’t matter so much though, when he made no move to stop you. If anything, it confirmed his trust, at least enough that when you pulled up to your knees to reach him, hands hooking into the upper edge of his plastron, he tilted his head further to meet you halfway.
He was probably was’t expecting a kiss, however, if the little stutter that rolled through him under your hands and the way he gripped your hips was any indication.
The press of his lips were sweet and a little hesitant, especially when how small your mouth was against his broke through even your hazy thoughts, but you tipped to the side to make up for the difference. After a beat he leaned in, following your lead of how hard to press and when to move, softly scrubbing his lips against you as much as you would allow.
His hand slid up your spine, careful and soft, and you shivered at the feeling, pulling away only to dart back in for one more small peck for luck, pulling a little flustered huff from his snout.
When you pulled back for real, he tucked his head under your chin in a fit of bashfulness, even though you could feel his grin against your skin.
“Wanna finish the movie?” You asked, loathed to quit but not wanting to push him too fast.
“In a minute.” He replied, surfacing to press his mouth to yours again.
Story time might be Leo’s favorite part of the day. Certainly it was the part of the day where he let himself relax, as much as he was able, but he coveted these moments where he wasn’t anything more than Leo, the mutant turtle that had found you.
So he soaked it all up, the softness of your back against his chest, the way you fit yourself against him without a care. It should have had his heart hammering, the way it had for hours after the first time he had found himself in this position. But the organ beat slow and steady in his chest, soothed when a shoe didn’t drop, and he became used to all the tiny movements you just couldn’t seem to help.
You were only partially aware of all the things that went on in your turtle's head, but slowly you were peeling back the layers as Leo let himself relax around you. You knew however, that he needed these small moments, and you were careful never to question when he came tired and bruised, to simply drop a book into your hands and lean his shell against the wall. He’d tell you, when he was ready.
You turned a page of the book, barely moving your wrist so the thumb sweeping back and forth across the small bones wouldn’t be dislodged, and continued weaving the story of a small elf looking for the last bit of magic in his world. 
When Leo’s thumb slipped up to touch your knuckles, framing the back of your hand with his palm, you had a moment to wonder if he wanted to hold your hand. When a sigh sounded from above you though, a small sound of contentment slipping out in a rumble you knew you weren’t suppose to hear, you realized he already was.
You glanced up, taking in Leo’s rounded shoulders, his lowered head, his large form practically curling around you. His eyes were shut, head tilted into your space, and an urge pinged hard in your chest at the sight.
You slipped the book jacket between the pages to hold your place, and set it aside, twisting around until you faced him on your knees. Your hands found the corded strength right above his knees briefly to keep yourself from falling over.
His eyes were open now, staring at you curiously, still soft around the edges.
You cupped his cheeks, leaned up against his plastron, and touched his lower lip softly with your own, eyes half lidded to gauge his reaction.
You watched his pupils blow wide, refocused when you pulled back, almost chased you hypnotically before the action caught up. There was a moment where you could see the hesitation, an errant thought, before the decision cemented in his eyes and he closed the distance again.
This time, the kiss was longer, sweeter, and he pushed into your space with a deep rumble in his chest, enough so that you had to hold his head steady to avoid being tipped backwards, stepping in when he faltered to lead him through the movements.
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bouncybongfairy · 8 months
Literally love you, hope you're taking requests! Could you do the bayverse boys with a goth stoner?
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Smoke Sesh
TMNT x Fem Goth Stoner Reader
Summary: After ditching class for a smoke break, you're approached by two men with bad intentions. The TMNTs help you escape the alleyway you're cornered in, you guys have a smoke sesh in their van.
Word Count: 1.0k+
It was second period and the monotone voice of your English teacher was putting everyone to sleep. Even the teacher wasn’t into it, just reading aloud from the book while sitting at her desk. Not even bothering to look up as she did so. You picked up your bag before quietly walking out of the classroom. As long as you were quiet, the teacher didn’t care or notice if anyone left. There were a couple of security guards that you had to pass, you would feed them an excuse about going to the nurse’s office and usually, they bought it. As you walk past the front gates of your school, you pull your black cardigan closer to your body. You didn’t realize it was so cold outside, your nose was becoming sensitive and runny. Stopping in a narrow alleyway between two apartment buildings, you rummage through your bag.
Your older sister woke up late for work this morning and was only able to take a couple of puffs out of the blunt she rolled before leaving. You took advantage of this and hastily threw it in your bag before leaving. Luckily it wasn’t bent or damaged to the point of being unsmokeable. After you finally find the lighter you put it into your blunt and take the first drag. It was like you could feel the weed pushing the anxiety out of your body. The rain was getting heavy but it didn’t bother you one bit. Not only were you being kept dry from a fire escape above you, on colder days, but your make-up also lasted much longer because it wasn’t exposed to extreme heat. You were wearing a long black maxi skirt and a thin long-sleeve, both in black; along with black riot boots. Not being able to resist, you take a couple of pictures. 
“I bet those pictures came real nice,” a voice growled from the left of you. You jumped and whipped your body to see who spoke. Feeling your heart drop into your stomach, you slowly start to back up; trying to gain as much space between each other.
“Oh, my dad is actually about to pick me up, I have to go,” you lied as you began to walk away, you were walking backward because you were scared to turn your back to him.
“So soon, I’m sure you can be a little late,” the creep said, starting to charge you. As he did so you turned but were stopped by a truck that broke directly in front of you. 
“Get in,” one of the passengers said as the sliding door rolled open. You didn’t even look at who was in the vehicle, you were so desperate to get out of the current situation that you didn’t think twice. You took a deep breath and tried to calm yourself down but it was hard considering the severity of what could have happened. After a few moments and tears, you looked up and realized who was in your company. When you saw the turtles you passed out momentarily. When you came to, one of them was fanning you. You immediately sat up but Donnie asked you to calm down. 
“Woah woah, don’t sit up too fast. You had a vasovagal response which means you lost consciousness due to a lack of blood flow to the brain. You are totally okay though and your vitals are normal. Did anything happen in the alleyway that might cause you to need medical attention?” Donnie said, lifting his goggles up so you could see his eyes. 
“No, I’m just shaken up a bit,” you said, sitting up on a seat in the back of the van. 
“I’m sure, glad everything turned out okay,” Donnie said. 
“Yeah because you’re way too hot to die,” Mikey said, plopping down next to you.
“Mike! Sorry, he has impulse control issues,” Raph said as he drove. 
“Dude! Don’t say that in front of my new hot, spooky, witch girlfriend,” he whispered, blocking your view of his mouth in an attempt to stop you from seeing what he said. 
“Is it okay if I smoke in here,” you asked? The van got quiet, the boys looking around at each other without saying anything. 
“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea,” Leo said.
“I don’t know, she just went through a traumatic thing. If she’s used to smoking then maybe she needs it to help her calm down, you know?” Mikey said. 
“What about contact high?” Raph asked. 
“Technically the effects would not be significant unless she was blowing the smoke directly in your face or the car filled with a dense enough smoke,” Donnie explained. 
“So is that a yes?” you asked, putting the blunt into your mouth and waiting for a response before lighting it. 
After nobody disagreed you lit it again and took a drag, you laughed when you noticed that they were all looking at you. They looked away for a second but it didn’t take long before all their eyes were on you again. At this point Raph parked the van and opened the windows. You were making subtle conversation, asking them if they ever smoked before. As expected, they all haven’t and were surprised when you offered them the blunt. Mikey went to grab it without hesitation and Leo stopped him. After a little persuasion, Mikey grabbed it and took a drag. The blunt in your hand was still pretty big but in his hand it looked like a tiny little twig. He immediately started coughing which made his brothers look around in a worried way. The effects were immediate and he started laughing and joking more than usual if that’s possible. This hummored his brothers, lightening the mood of the situation. 
“I just want to thank you guys again for saving me from that situation,” you said again, putting out the roach. 
“No worries girl, I'd always be there for my goth girlfriend,” Mikey said, wrapping his arm around you. 
“I appreciated that,” you joked back, giving him a kiss on his cheek; leaving a black lipstick mark.
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naviaknell777 · 1 year
Hello again!
I loved how you wrote my request of raph x reader.
May i request rottmnt little sister!reader & all of her 4 brothers headcanons? (Reader is about 11)
Type of request: funny/comedy, wholesome, platonic.
Plot: so this happen if reader was the only one sibling attending school.
Reader come home with a basket full of different types of chocolate (probably 15 piece?), at first the siblings thought that reader would give them chocolate because it was meant for them or she would give chocolate to somebody, turned out they were "given " to her... By " boys ".
That when their brother instincts kick in, their little, innocent - probably naive - sister is getting chocolate... From multiple boys... On Valentine's day... That cannot be good for their hearts.
I’m so glad you liked the last one! Thanks for sending in your requests, they’re fun to write! Remember everyone that my requests are open!
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“Valentine’s Day”
Rise!Turtles x Sister!Reader
Code: Y/N = your name, [f/f] = favorite flavor
- So, one day when Leo, Mikey, Donnie, and Raph were walking around at night when they came across a mystic cloaking broach
- They collectively decided that their little sister, Y/N should use it to go to school
- They just wanted a better life for their only sister (aww, they’re very loving brothers!)
- Eventually, Y/N started to go to school, wearing her cloaking broach to look human. It was definately a new experience for her, but her brothers helped her with the huge adjustment!
- She was placed in the fifth grade (as she is 11 years old)
- The school year was going pretty well for her (she even made a friend!)
- However, one very specific day in February came rolling around, and Y/N had school that day
- It was Valentines Day!
- Y/N didn’t really get Valentine’s Day, or didn’t really understand it, because she randomly got a bunch of chocolates from a few people in her class
- At the end of the day, she came home with her lunch box full of chocolates she didn’t eat yet
- So at around 3:30, she made it back home, took off her cloaking broach, and opened her lunchbox, and inside was a ton of chocolates!
- She dumped all of it on the kitchen counter, with Leo and Mikey nearby, and they heard her dump the chocolates on the counter.
- “Aw, did little sis get us all chocolates?” Leo asked, smiling and jumping towards the counter with stars in his eyes
- Raph and Donnie soon entered the room and then plus Mikey also made their way to the counter, asking about the chocolate
- “You can have some, but they’re my chocolates too!” Y/N said
- She opened one of the heart shaped boxes and stuffed a piece of chocolate with [f/f] inside
- “Where’d ya get them?” Mikey asked, taking some chocolate
- “Some of the kids in my class gave ‘em to me!” Y/N responded
- “Aw, well that was nice of them!” Raph said, eating some strawberry flavor filled chocolate.
- Donnie looked at the boxes, and after a moment, he was able to remeber that today was Valentine’s Day
- He looked worried for a second (he hoped though that his theory was wrong, that no boy in her class gave her these chocolates)
- Meanwhile his brothers and sister ate the chocolates happily
- “Say, who gave you these chocolates, my dear sister? Some of your girl friends?” Donnie asked
- Y/N looked at him for a moment and swallowed her chocolate “yeah, my best friend gave me a small one that I ate during lunch” she started
- “But Landon gave me this one” she held up a small square box with plain chocolates.
- “Gabriel gave me this one, I like that it’s my favorite color” she held up a slightly bigger box with flavored chocolates.
- “And Noah gave me this one, I like that it has Pokémon on it!” She held up the biggest heart-shaped box of chocolates she received, with mixed chocolates inside.
- “But the rest I found in my cubby so I don’t know who gave ‘em to me” Y/N smiled, eating more chocolate.
- Meanwhile her brothers…
- They all spat out their chocolate *immediately*
- “Who?!” Raph asked, taking her by the shoulders.
- “Who are those guys?!” Leo shouted, wiping some chocolate that he spit out off his face.
- Meanwhile Mikey was just screaming his head off
- And Donnie just leaned against the counter, shaking his head
- “Do… do you know if any of these boys like you, Y/N?” Raph asked, letting off a bit of an angry and anxiety stench
- The other three brothers also were staring at her, impatiently waiting her response
- Y/N just laughed, responding, “of course they do! We’re all friends!”
Thanks for reading!
All Rights Reserved ©️NaviaKnell777 2023
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Does anyone have any good recommendations for TMNT fics where there are more lasting consequences? (Like repercussions to good genes, Mikey getting stuck in dimension x, Raph getting possessed, etc)
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sweetheartturtle2007 · 5 months
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Sure darling, this is sooo cute 🥺
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You've know the boys for a very long time by now, they save you from getting robed one day and ever since then they became friends with you.
All of them had something that always make you smile and comfortable. Donnie with his long explications about everything always kept you entertained, Mikey cooking and drawing with you was always fun, raph teaching important stuff about self-defense and responsibility and Leo just being Leo around,Spending time with them was always better than being home alone. They loved your company so they never complained.
You loved to draw and you had a cute lil sketchbook with you almost all the time. The boys were always curious about what you were drawing (especially Mikey since he's the artist of the family), but they didn't want to invade your privacy so they never asked.
Until one day in particular, where everyone was at the living room preparing everything to watch a movie, you wanted to help but they insisted on you staying still in your sit while they prepared everything, after all you were a guest. With nothing else to do you pull out your sketchbook and started drawing. You stayed focus on the paper while you could hear the boy running around in the background, they really did feel like family, your family and you loved that. You were so entertained in your paper that you didn't notice the boys sneaking up behind you.
"what chu drawing?" Oh that voice and that mocking tone was obviously Leo.
You almost let out a scream of surprise, you sometimes forgot they were ninjas.
"what are you guys doing behind me?!"
"Sorry, we couldn't help our selfs..." Mikey said.
"were just sooo curious about you drawing."
"I'm not, I was just trying to resonate with them into leaving you alone"
"yeah sure dons, you wanted to look too"
They started a little argument, seeing them like this wasn't pretty for you so you decided to stop it.
You opened your sketch book and show it to their faces. They felt silent as they looked at the drawing, you were getting anxious, thinking they didn't like it.
"that's amazing!" They said all in unison.
Oh what a relief.
"That's us!, why didn't you show us earlier?"
You stood silent for a moment but then decided to speak up.
"well you see, ever since I met you guys, you always make me feel comfortable, you guys are like a family to me, you know....you're like my siblings and I never talk nor show you the drawings because I didn't know how you guys will react."
"Awww that adorable lil one, you obviously can call us your brothers" Leo put an arm around your shoulder"
"yeah! I'll be super fun to have a new sibling to spend time with!" Mikey hugged you
"I'll obviously accept, as long as you're not annoying" donnie said with a smile as he patted your head with his metallic claw (the one that comes out of his plastor)
"you were always like a sibling to us young one" raph hugged you as well
"Thank you guys, thank you" you said happily, this was going to be such a very welcoming family.
"but I'm obviously gonna be your favorite right?"
Yeah, a very welcoming one.
Here it is darling, hope you liked it, sorry if it's a but rushed but I'm preparing myself for a vacation and I was busy, hope you like it tho ! @baileypie-writes
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taffycandyqt · 4 months
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goblin-mask · 2 years
Biology Is Hot (2012 Donnie x Fem Reader)
Anon Requested: 
 hey! I was wondering if you could do a 2012 Donatello x  reader who love biology? (She/her but if you don’t wanna do that it’s ok!)
A/N: For some reason the gifs aren’t loading. Apologies
“This creature has an extra chromosome...” You say as you look through the microscope.
Donatello looks up at you from across his lab. You both have been on the project for forever. The Foot Clan have been testing out this new mutagen on other people. It started off with lab rats, guinea pigs, dogs, and cats. Donatello just happened to pass by and snagged one. Poor little guinea pig has glowing red eyes and extra arms on it’s back that oozed some sort of substance. You both made sure to sedate it before drawing it’s blood.
“Does it?” He asks walking over to you and standing behind you.
You tense up and feel yourself blush.
“Uh yeah... In my Biology Honors class we are learning about genetic mutations as well as what Chromosomes correspond with it.” You say turning to face him
Donatello is looking at you in a way you haven’t seen before. His mouth was hanging open slightly. You can see the cute little gap in his teeth and his pupils seem to be dilated.
“A-Anyway! The little guy as a disease that affected the change in his DNA. I think that is why he is oozing. His body is trying to reject it... The thing must be suffering...” You say frowning before turning around to write in your notes.
“Can I see?” Donnie asks and you nod.
You go to move out of the way but you find yourself caged between his arms as he leans over your shoulder to look the the microscope. You couldn’t tell if it was your heart pumping or if it was the bass from Raphaels music in your ears. Your face must be beet red.
“Great job Y/N! That’s my girl!” He exclaims as he pulls away from you and messes up your hair.
Your face couldn’t possibly burn any redder. “Y-You’re welcome Donnie!”
He pulls away and smiles a big smile.
“How is your Biology class going? You got boosted to honors huh?”
Donatello didn’t know how to feel about you. You were breathtakingly beautiful. You had a love for science, you were never bored or tired of his ramblings, and holy shell your mind seemed to be on par with his. He can hear you talk about your class now but all he can focus on was your lips and how you moved when you talk. He would kiss you, but who would want to be kissed by a turtle? 
“Yeah! That’s great!” Donatello says trying to add to the conversation.
He finds it very hot that you like Biology and try to take the time to try and understand other types of sciences. He has been sending you cute little science puns but you haven’t been getting the hints, but he will keep trying. He likes you so he will spend the rest of his time with you trying to get you to realize his feels, even if he doesn’t outright say it.
“Well I have to go Donnie! See you tomorrow?” You ask and he nods trying to hide his face of disappointment.
He waits for your hug that you normally give him. You pointed out that he is a tucker, which means he tucks his head into your neck when he hugs back and he does just that.
“Hey uh... Maybe we can...” Donnie draws out jeez this is embarrassing.
“Yes?” You ask. You have this glint in your eyes, but it seems to diminish after he says this.
“How about we hang out and... I help you with you Algebra homework! You have been struggling right?” 
Oh god. He is rambling and your face looks so dejected for a moment until you smile again.
“Sure! We can get pizza as well! Call it a date?” You ask hopefully.
Donnie’s face would be a crimson red out of both excitement and embarrassment. He wanted to be the one to ask you out, but this could work!
“Y-Yeah it’s a date!” He exclaims
You giggle before pressing a kiss to his cheek and dashing out of there.
Raphael just happens to be passing by so he pokes his head in.
“What’s up with her?” He asks
“I my friend have got a date! Now leave! I need to make the lab perfect!” He says before shoving Raph out of the room and locking it.
“I have to make this right...”
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dramawithmira · 2 months
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Hi! My name is Mira! I’m a beginner writing and live breath and inhale reader x character one shots. I do still do ships, as long as I can see them work! I post my Oc x reader story’s on dramawithshira (my wattpad account) and will probably post some things on here. I have like 36 Just in mha it’s kinda crazy
My favourite characters in the whole of history has been;
Tokoyami fumikage-Mha
Mezo shoji- Mha
Atsuhiro sako- mha
Noah sterecra- total drama
Gwen- total drama
Donatello- Rottmnt
Zane- ninjago
Skylor- ninjago
I might not do or decline some of your requests if they don’t follow my boundaries..so here are my boundaries;
I don’t do smut, I hate writing things like that. The actually thing makes me so uncomfortable. But I will write suggestive things or things leading to it. But I won’t write the actual thing. I’m really sorry but I won’t write about ships I don’t ship or understand. I respect your ship but I can’t find inspo for it that actually helps me.
I write about shows I know, examples are; tmnt, ninjago, mha, total drama island, Hazbin hotel, Hazbin hotel/helluva boss, glitch tech. And more but I don’t exactly remember TvT.
Might add more info as I go own but this is how I’m starting it. Remember I’m a beginner so I’m not the best, any advice is good advice as long as your not insulting me y know.
Have a really great day! Remember you are loved and adored! Have an amazing and never forget you are your own person.
Mira’s out! See ya later!
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rottmntsimp · 9 months
You guys can call me simp, cuz I'm not creative w/ names for sideblogs >:]
I use They/Xe pronouns!!
Casey Junior
(more might be added soon~)
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What I will and won't write + taglist under cut
Canon x Reader
Platonic AND romantic
Oneshots (if im in the mood)
Series (unlikely but i might if its a very good prompt)
Character matchups [CLOSED]
OC x Canon
Canon x Canon
Incest / t-cest (I consider april x the turtles t-cest so pls respect my decisions)
@lemme-be-cringe-damnit @sleepytime-fics @ray-of-midnight-storm @hamthepan @charismakat @flapajacker
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Calling all TMNT fans‼️‼️
I am officially REOPENING my inbox, send me some requests and suggestions and I'll answer them! We back in business baby
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haziel-luz · 2 years
How about 2007 Leo and raph (separate) with a strong fem s/o who’s a boxer and has won belts 🥊 (and is like a couple of feet taller than them)
Sure, I'm so sorry it's been so long. But here you go! ;3
The Champ:
(2007!Raph x fem reader)
"Another victory for our favorite Red Champion!" The referee swings your hand up with enthusiasm. The crowds cheers endlessly, the camera flashes almost blind you, but you smile despite it. You're definitely not gonna feel the injuries until later.
"Nicely done!" The referee exclaims while the crowd cheers over his praise.
You couldn't help but smile, you didn't give a damn if you were bruised or bleeding. Not only did you win the fight, but you won the bet.
After you we're bandaged and changed your outfit, you went straight to the rooftops with a grin on your face. Once you found your loving shorter terrapin, oh you were so ready to wave your belt around.
"Guess who got the strap!" You put your belt in front of you like you were a kid showing off.
"Yea, yea, congratulations. Let's get goin'." Raph grumbled defeatedly, and ready to leap.
"Nuh uh, remember our bet?" You walked closer to him and bent forward a little to his height.
"...I'm not gonna do it." Raph looked away determined.
"Raphael." You pressed with a slight frown. You're hoping that he'll honor the deal, otherwise you'll go home disappointed. Raph took one look at you and he swiped a hand down his face in irritation.
"Ugh, fine! I'll deal with my end of the damn bet." Raph stepped down from the ledge. He can't believe he's doing it. Why did he have to challenge her to pull off a move in the ring? Of course she was gonna deliver it on a silver platter.
"Love ya, Snapper." Your nickname for Raph always hit a soft spot, whether he liked it or not. You'd never say it with his brothers present, they would never let it go.
"Just get it over wi-HEY!" Raph was taken back by the sudden hug. The type of hug that would lift him inches above the ground. He hated how insecure it would make him feel. He loves you no doubt, he just accepts hugs that don't make him feel like a damn doll.
"Just five minutes without complaints. I've been in that ring far longer." You nuzzle your face into his neck. You held him close enough to feel his leather skin on your bruised skin. It felt cool to the touch, smells metallic from his Nightwatcher suit.
Raph felt you relax, he took the moment to observe your figure. He can already tell how exhausted you are, you trained hard on your own when he demonstrated the move once. You were a natural in the ring, it made him proud how independent you were with your fists up. He admires your will to get back up when you get beaten down.
He slowly wrapped your arms around you, relaxed, and gave a soft smile.
"I'm proud of you sweetheart." For the first time, Raph gave in to the air hug. Something you have been trying to do for months.
You put him down on the ground and let him go. Raph on the other hand felt that it was too fast.
"I thought you wanted five minutes." He raised a non existent eyebrow. You smirked at him and giggled.
"I know, you just gave me eight minutes." You witnessed his eyes widen a bit. He coughed and went back on the ledge. Raph turned back to see your signature grin whenever you win something.
"We don't talk about this, okay?" He looked away, embarrassed.
"Lips sealed." You zipped your lip with a smile and joined him on the ledge.
Raph was quick enough to change the scene by carrying you bridal style.
"Hey!" You yelped, this took you by surprise.
"Exactly, how ya feeling now?" Raph chuckles, turning the tables on you always made the things you do to him worth it.
"Yea, well, my height makes it difficult to move around." You wrap your arms around his neck despite your claim.
"If Donnie could wield a staff, then I can handle my girl." His comparison to you and Donnie's staff made you laugh.
"Oh god, I hate you." You hit his arm lightly.
"Love ya too Champ." Raph gave your cheek a kiss before jumping off the ledge.
The Greater Woman
(2007!Leo x fem!reader)
"Man I'm beat!" You stretched right when you dropped your duffle bag at the bottom of the stair case.
"(Y/n)! Want a slice?" Mikey spoke up holding up a pizza.
"Please, I'm starving." You happily took the slice for your empty stomach.
"Maybe boxing with an empty stomach isn't the best idea." Donnie gave you his slice, concerned.
"Aww, thanks Donnie, but you should tell that fact to this!" You lifted your sweater to reveal your champion belt.
"Awesome!" Mikey got a closer look at the belt. You took it off and let him inspect every detail.
"Well would you look at that, Donnie's little lecture slaps his own face." Raph smirks and leans back on his chair.
"I wasn't, I'm just worried about her self-care. Last time I had to fix her rib." Donnie explains with a frown. You put down the slice and hug him with one arm.
"And I'll forever thank you for that." You thanked for what felt like the thousandth time.
"Eh your right Don, sorta reminds me of our fearless leader." Raph chuckled and bit into his pizza.
"Speaking of, where's Leo?" You asked, looking around the living room.
"Most likely in the training room." Donnie answered. You didn't ask why he was there, you just figured he needed more time to training.
Arriving in the training room, you see Leo sitting in the middle of the room. He must be meditating for hours. You just want to relax with him after your matches, so you did what you barely do. Meddle with his meditation. Without a second thought you walked closer to where he's sat and laid down with your head on his lap.
Leo flinched a bit from the sudden interruption. He cracked open on of his eyes and looked down at your smiling face. He chuckled and closed his eyes again.
"Aren't you supposed to be relaxing on a couch?" Leo smiles, but tries to keep his focus back to his meditation.
"Shouldn't you be eating pizza with everyone else?" You reached out to mess with his bandana's.
"Touché." Leo simply gave up on meditation and began to stroke your hair.
You knew he meditated more than usual when something wrong.
"Did anything happen during the stakeout?" You finally asked, he doesn't bring up his times during the missions. It's not that he doesn't trust you, he just doesn't want to relive those times. That's what you would think.
"We failed to get the experimented mutagen Baxter cooked up in the lab. Ambushed and surrounded by Foot soldiers, we had to retreat." Leo explained it in short words, very plain in fact. You sat up and faced him with a smile.
"Well, at least you know what your up against for next time." You gave him words of encouragement. You needed to brighten him up a little.
"It was our one shot to get it before it gets shipped across the country." Leo sighed before getting up, taking his position to train with his katanas. You give him a moment to train until you have a thought. Good idea to you but...maybe not so much to him.
"What if you heist the while it's being shipped? I know it goes against your moral code, but it's for a good cause. Plus, Casey, April, and I could tag along." You suggested, when you included yourself Leo stopped immediately.
"Your not going." Leo's quick response had you raise and eyebrow.
"And why not?" You sat up straight. "You know I can handle myself right? I'm a wrestling champion for god's sakes."
"That's far different from going against ninjas, mad scientists, and possibly other mutants. I'm not gonna risk it." Leo gave you the 'please drop it' look and went back to training.
"Leo, I'm not fragile, we've been through this, I'm not just a civilian, I'm a fighter. I've handled a fair share of what you go through when things get rough. You promised you wouldn't let your protectiveness bench me when you needed me." You lectured him like the way he lectured his brothers. He needed to understand that you were an equal, even if he is the leader or your boyfriend.
Leo stopped once again and turned his eye towards you, his face may be stoic but you learned to read his eyes. Part of his body language betrayed him too. He was tense with worry. He thought for a moment, the silence was tense but progress. At least he didn't keep saying 'no'.
"Fine...we can plan a mission, but you have to promise me that you'll be careful." Leo put away his katanas.
"As long as you promise to trust me." You answered with a smile and stood up. Leo smiles and takes your hand to his lips to kiss it. It was the closest access without having to reach, it's a sweet gesture.
"I promise." Leo responded softly.
"You know, just because you fail, doesn't mean your the worst, you just keep forgetting to bring your girl." Your statement made him chuckle, "What was it you used to say? Behind every great man-"
"There's a greater woman. I meant every word." Leo suddenly lowers his hand behind your knee, and swiftly pulls you down to his height by bringing your leg around his hip. You gave a surprised gasp and blushed.
"Someones suddenly happy." You chuckle at his grin.
"You have no idea, now how about we celebrate your win." Leo pulls your other leg over his hip and carries you to his room, out of sight of his brothers.
Hey there everyone, I didn't think it would take this late at night to finish it. But hey I made the deadline. Now the other requests may take a little longer, only because I have other stuff to post soon as well. <3 I will remain keeping updates about answering new requests and their posting days. They're still open.
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yorshie · 11 months
Dunno if you still take requests. But maybe for when you feel like it? (No pressure tho. You can totally ignore this if it isn't up you alley.)
How do them turtle dudes like to romance their honeys? Like who uses strategy (badly)? Who goes with the flow (also badly)? Who just blurts it out the first moment they realize what they're feeling (so SO badly)? And who just buries it behind heaps and heaps of repression (the absolute worst)?
And what about after being assured that their feelings are reciprocated? Is there a change in behavior or demeanor?
Cupcake Nonnie, I am so sorry. I have no excuse. I have no idea why this was so hard to write, or why it took so long.
I decided two birds one stone sort of thing with this one, a blurb about how exactly starting a relationship with each turtle might go, followed with headcanon style of what they would expect out of a relationship, how it would progress, and how a good relationship would affect them.
As always set in 2023 so turtles are 24-25, SFW
By the time Michelangelo asked you to be his girlfriend, you low key thought you’d already been going steady for about a month. The turtle shows up like clockwork every Friday at your place, with a pizza and a soda, and the two of you stay up late watching movies while cuddling on the couch. Several times, you’ve woken to him stealing a hug or a nuzzle before leaving before the sun’s up. 
So when he turns from the movie unexpectedly one night, the last item on your ‘what is Angelo about to ask me’ bingo card was a sheepish:
“Hey, babes, would you- will you be my girlfriend?”
You stared at him for a whole scene, taking in those baby blues, before you blurted out your own question. “I thought I already was?”
“Oh. Ok. Cool.” And he grinned like it was nothing, turning back to the tv, leaving you still staring at the side of his head like he’d turn back around with a ‘gotcha’. 
Needless to say, you didn’t pay attention to the rest of the movie. Mikey, to his credit, picked up on your mood during the credits, and you had a long conversation over what exactly the two of you wanted to be to the other.
Mikey’s love language is physical touch and quality time spent together
Angelo loves PDA. Soft kisses and nuzzles, hugs, you name it, he’ll try and get away with it. One of his favorite things to do, because he’s a little shit, is to see how many innuendos he can fit into a conversation while still maintaining decency, just to make you turn red and his brothers sigh in exasperation. 
Lowkey though, he doesn’t expect much from you other than your affection, and doesn’t have an overarching game plan. Sure, he celebrates anniversaries, but all the big milestones are simply tackled without him making a big deal out of them. One day you’ll just look up, realize you can’t tell where his stuff ends and yours begins, and have to come to terms with the fact that somehow the two of you are living together with no conversation about it happening.
Sunshine turtle approaches romance the same way he approaches life, with the firm belief that fun is the most important factor. Get ready for movie dates, late night parkour trips, canoodling on rooftops, etc. Just as often though, he will want to stay in. He’ll cook for you, cuddle while you while playing video games or watching a movie, include you in schemes and plans to drive his brothers crazy, anything to include you in his life or show off your bond to others. 
There isn’t a big difference to Mikey’s behavior after he knows you’re into him, though now when he gets in your space he doesn’t hold back from touching you. Turtle was a flirt beforehand, he’s a flirt afterwards. The only difference is, now when he says something you know eventually he will get around to trying it. He says something flirtatious that gets a reaction? He’s not gonna forget, and he’ll bring it up at a later date. 
He will stop flirting with everything that walks by eventually however. Guess calling you babes/babycakes/angelcakes in private had some spillover connotations (ie he can’t say it without thinking about you and it makes him gag trying to say it to anyone not you)
Donnie’s blurted out his feelings for you in the middle of the Lair during Sunday Football. You’d arrived to find the turtles acting weird, leaving the room whenever you entered to grab snacks, suddenly making excuses and disappearing so every time you were left with an increasingly nervous Donnie who seemed to trail you around the Lair. By the time kick off happened, Raph, who seemed increasingly edgy, asked you to bring him another beer from the kitchen. You readily agreed, but when you turned from the fridge with the cold can Donnie blocked the way back to the others.
“Hey Don. You ok?” You asked, giving him a smile, craning your head back to meet his wide eyes.
“I like you.” He blurted out, practically looming over you.
You tilted your head, fighting the blush, convincing yourself not to read too much into it. “I like you to, Dee.” 
When you went to move around him though, thinking the moment was over, he caught your hand, grip slightly sweaty. “No, I mean…” He waited for you to meet his eyes again, and he visibly swallowed. “I- I like you.”
You eyes widened, a second before your smile followed. “Oh! Dee…” You set the beer to the side, covered his hand with your own. “I like you too.”
His answering smile lit up the whole room.
Donnie’s love language is gift giving and quality time. 
This turtle wants affection, but he doesn’t always know how to ask for it. You’ll have to pick up on his little cues to catch what he wants. Such as, if you notice him standing over you for periods of time before moving off and then returning, he might want to cuddle, and is just working up to asking for it. If you want things to go smoothly between the two of you, it’d be prudent to make a list of things you’re comfortable with and things you aren’t. It’ll stop him from worrying over things like hand holding and kisses, if he knows you’ll welcome his advances, and it’ll save you some headache trying to parse out what his nonverbal cues are if he is given free reign to just tell you what he would like. 
Dee’s idea of romance is to spend time with you, in whatever way you’ll let him. If you want to park your butt and watch him tinker in his lab or the garage, this turtle is all for it. If you mention there’s a play you want to see or a museum you’d like to go to, he’s already scheming on how to get the two of you in. The turtle disguise doesn’t work as well on him since he’s so tall, but he can sit in the very back and turn into a ninja statue just for you. 
He makes gadgets for you to stay in touch when you’re not with him, and readily goes into tangents about things you’ve said or done, or projects he’s working on for you. His brothers have learned to tune him out to various success. 
As far as changes after the two of you start a relationship, it’s easy to say that that it’s leverage over him and his habits. If he needs to eat, sleep, or just get away from his computer’s before the blue screen fries his brain, his brothers send in you. He gets in a snippy mood and clearly needs a night out or a break, you’re the only one that can convince him to go. Ooo, feel the power.
With you in his corner, Donnie blooms. Yes, he’s a genius and a sarcastic little shit beforehand, but now he has a cheerleader, a partner in crime, someone to fuel his crazy schemes and to be his rubber ducky on occasion. Anytime any old doubt trickles in, he only has to turn to you and be reminded that someone is always there for him, through thick and thin.
You ended up confessing your feelings for Raph long before he’d gotten the courage to say anything. He probably would have continued to ignore his feelings, if you hadn’t cornered him in his weight room and spelled it out, angry that he’d been successfully giving you the cold shoulder for weeks.
“Hey, you wanna tell me what I did wrong, or are you gonna go sulk in the corner?” You asked, arms crossed and hip cocked, blocking the entrance to the weight room.
“M’not sulking.” Came the instant reply, though Raph didn’t turn to address you directly. “What’re you doin’ here?”
“Leo said I could find you here.” You narrowed your eyes as he rolled his.
“Course he did, stickin’ his nose into-”
“Your brother isn’t my concern, you are.”
“Yeah?” He grumbled, still not looking at you, moving to rack up the manhole covers on his bar. “Why’s that, princess?”
Normally, that nickname made you feel special. Now, it pissed you off. Made you stupidly, sarcastically honest. “It’s probably because I’m not into him, I’m into you, dum dum.”
The weights clanked loudly together, and he turned just his head, glared at you. “Oh, real funny. Don’t go jokin’ about that.”
“I’m hilarious.” You answered. “And I’m 100 percent serious, Raphael.”
He turned to face you fully, head cocked, eyes slowly going from defensive to wide the longer you stood your ground. “You serious?”
You nodded emphatically, and he snorted, ran his hand over his face. “Damn. That’s fucked, babygirl.”
“It is not!” You started angry, but the wide smile on his face broke you out of the emotion.
Raph’s love language is verbal affirmation and physical touch
Yea this turtle can’t decide which is worse, telling you how he feels or seeing his large hands next to your small ones. But he so desperately wants to find the words, so desperately wants to ask you to hold his hand. Expect for him to start coveting private moments with you. He’ll agonize over what to say, what to do. You’ll have to lead the way most of the time, at least at the beginning, until he gets over waiting for the other shoe to drop, for you to change your mind about him and all the issues that come along with him. 
Date nights with him are simple. He doesn’t like people, doesn’t like to be out of his comfort zone. He’d rather stay in with you, or up on the roofs where no one can see the two of you. He is very aware of how he is different from a human though, and so he will go out of his way to make sure he can bring normal things to the relationship. His gut instinct is to turn down anything new immediately, but all you have to do is pull out the goo goo eyes and he will bend. He wants to be helpful as possible to you to make up for the things he can’t do, and it’s up to you to make sure he understands how appreciated he is.
He loves to hear you voice your feelings for him, but he won’t outright ask for confirmation. Expect quiet moments where the two of you simply exist in the same space, or maybe cuddling while talking. Raph doesn’t like to be reminded of how different the two of you are though, so you might spend some time reassuring him that you love him, without telling him you don’t care about how different he is, because he will not believe you, or worse will get upset.
The differences in Raph are a long way down the line. At first, he might be even a little more standoffish, doubt and worry overtaking his usual responses. You’ll have to be dedicated to get anywhere past the initial ‘there’s no way this is gonna work, we’re both crazy for thinking this would work, you’re crazy for liking me, and I’m crazy for listening’ phase that will grip him hard. If you can weasel past that, however, be prepared to have someone that will never give up on you, ever. You’ll have a significant other that will come to your aid at the drop of a pin, at the first sign of trouble. 
He’ll mellow out over time, become a little softer around the edges and a little less ‘the world is out to get me and mine’. He might even tolerate his brothers’ teasings over the two of you, as long as they do it where you can’t hear, trading huffs and denial for small smiles and easy laughter at their pointed questions.
You found Leo waiting at your window, the same way you’d found him countless times. This time however, when you let him in, you were concerned at his formal movements. He was always careful, but now he was watching you as though waiting for something.
“Hey, Blue?” You asked, moving automatically to start tea, the way you had every time he came to visit. “Are you ok?”
“I’m fine.” He answered, and you could tell it was a knee jerk reaction, but you let it slide.
“M’kay, well, I was just about to start dinner? How does that sweet chicken with the rice I made last month sound?” You asked, already knowing his answer, moving to grab the ingredients.
He surprised you by moving into your space, catching your hand. “Can we talk, for a moment, first?” 
You turned to give him your attention, careful to keep your movements slow as you took his hand. “Sure. Of course.”
Leo stood there for a moment, petting his thumb over the back of your hand, before he took a deep breath. “Stop me if I’m overstepping, but I need to speak my mind.” 
At your nod, he continued. “I like you, more than a friend, more than I should. I wanted- wondered, that is, if you could feel the same for me?”
If he had lifted his head at all, he would have seen your answer in the high wattage smile plastered across your face.
Leo’s love language is verbal affirmation and quality time spent together
This turtle has thought of everything. He’s intimately turned his feelings for you over and over in his mind, viewed them from every angle to inspect for marks or imperfections before he even accepts how he feels for you. Once he’s accepted them, get ready for slow burn romance. He has a sequence of steps the two of you must dance through in his head, and if you try and skip any steps he will want to backtrack to correct it. You want to hold hands for the first time and share a first kiss? He’s not going to turn down smooches, but he might not even notice you are posed for one, considering he’s too busy marveling at the feel of your much smaller hand in his.
Dates are simple things, he’s too paranoid to sneak into movies like Donnie or Mikey, instead he’ll go for walks with you, try and spot stars with you through the light pollution. If you want to do nothing but watch movies and lay against him, he’s in heaven, but he absolutely loves to hear you read from books out loud to him.
Expect lots of talks with Leo, but it’s less about sharing information and more he just wants to hear your voice, turn his brain off and simply exist for a moment where no one expects anything from him. Not to say he doesn’t listen, and not to say what you tell him isn’t important, but its calming to listen to simple workplace gossip after dealing with crime fighting and high stakes espionage. On the flip side, there will be times when he comes to you clearly lost in his head. In those instances, he just wants to be reminded that you care for him, that you’re by his side, that you willingly chose to be with him.
Most of the changes with Leo are the two of you are together happen privately, after all he is a very private person. The others don’t get to see him unravel, set aside everything bothering him. The first time you realized you cracked the code, is when Leo told you something that was bothering him, without getting defensive. Like he knew even if you disagreed with him there would be no judgement. After that, the two of you were inseparable. 
The only outwards change, that everyone picks up on, is his sense of humor. Before, it only came out in high stress situations, during fights, one-liners to goad others into making mistakes. But after meeting you, it morphs into quiet, humorous observations. The first time he dropped a joke in the middle of dinner just to make you snort into your soup, his brothers froze, wondering what the hell was happening. Raph legit asked Donnie if body snatching was a thing and if they needed to quarantine Leo. 
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orang-urtle · 1 year
im thinking of making a rottmnt fic... idk..
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tydoodfriend06 · 1 year
Hey there friends I’m Ty and I do fanfic requests (also willing to chat with anyone who messages me)
I am a biromantic and asexual silly goose
Also will do headcanon posts
I write for the SFW tickle community sometimes ❤️❤️ (NO NSFW) sexualise me and I’ll steal your lover
I’m very friendly to others and I’m 100% down to make friends here
❤️: love to write for
🤍: can only do it for specific characters/movies
💜: unable to write about for now
Request rules:
Fandoms I know/am a part of:
-Total drama ❤️
-Doki Doki literature club ❤️
-Ridonculous race ❤️
-Pixar movies 🤍
-Disney movies🤍
-Pokémon 🤍
-Madoka Magica ❤️
-The mr men show ❤️
-Steven universe 🤍
-FNAF ❤️
-undertale ❤️
-deltarune ❤️
-borderlands 🤍
-the Simpsons 🤍
-bobs burgers 🤍
-mlp 🤍
-DC 💜
-Marvel 💜
-SpongeBob ❤️
-Saki k 💜
-Stardew valley ❤️
-Danganronpa trigger happy havoc ❤️❤️❤️
-danganronpa goodbye despair ❤️
-danganronpa killing harmony 🤍
-danganronpa udg 🤍
-genshin impact 🤍
-Evengalion ❤️
-scooby doo ❤️
-SCP 🤍
-monster high (og only) ❤️
-Diary of a wimpy kid 🤍
-Uramichi oniisan 💜
-My hero academia 🤍
And more..
All the friends:
Some more about me:
-I’m a switch but lean slightly towards being a ler
-I’d consider myself to be nonbinary
-I’m a college student taking health and social care
-I plan on becoming an author
-I like people in general
-I am diagnosed with autism :p
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s74rf1sh · 6 months
Hello fellow humans ٩(ᐛ)و
I’m a new writer that finally found the courage to post and tell the world that I exist.
I will be writing fanfictions of mainly reader insert (fandoms are below) though before I even begin to list them I have to make some disclaimers…
꧂ DO NOT expect me to write non con/rape/pedo relashionships or smut, those things disgust me. ꧁
꧂ Major character death can be requested, but I can’t guarantee that it’ll be 100% in character. ꧁
꧂ I absolutely will write smut and some kinks, but forget about explicit gore in seggs because it won’t happen here. ꧁
꧂ English IS NOT my first language, expect (very frequent) spelling mistakes. ꧁
꧂ I won’t post everyday, this is just a fun thing so don’t expect overly serious activity from me ꧁
꧂ I will be writing lesbian and gay fics upon request, but never character x character. ꧁
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thank you :)
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