#tnt hp
rewritingcanon · 5 months
andromeda tonks and ted tonks and nymphadora tonks and druella black are the only ones who can even come close to an eeato au with evelyn and waymond and joy and gong gong
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dogwaterpoopyboy · 9 months
jingy jingle
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gellertalbus · 2 years
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To find greatness you must travel alone.
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howlonomy · 6 months
Idea for dt clover monster
1- 6 shooter, where the board gets split into 6 sections and you have to remember how the rounds were loaded into it
2- buckshot, where clover will shoot the board with a shotgun but the rounds fan out like the astral dreamer attack
3- lasso and lazer where the board is lined up with a double barrel shotgun and the soul is tied to the center having to avoid each shot from each barrel
4- clover will slowly move their talons in and you have to fire at them to keep them away
Beyond that I’m not sure, maybe they use their wings to block attacks?
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yall are way more creative than me with this kinda stuff AHDJSJCN but ill add my own thoughts!!
YELLOW ATTACKS; If you get hit with one of DT!Clover’s yellow attacks, your HP gets sucked out and used to heal DT!Clover instead (similar to Ceroba’s red attacks).
1) Six Shooter —> Russian Roulette: In a very similar vein, you watch a (yellow colored) round be loaded into a revolver; you have like half a second to react to a reticle being put on your soul before it’s fired and it’s either a live round (normal bullet attack) or a yellow round.
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2) Buckshot: Huge shotgun attacks that explodes into stars. The stars explode into SMALLER stars. Very bullet hell.
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3) Prey: Similar to Ed’s attack, you have to avoid Clover’s talons grabbing you; if caught, you are stuck in one place and aimed at by either feathers, stars, or revolver shots. Very difficult to move and avoid attacks if caught.
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4) Blackhole: Extending their wings, their inner wings turn into the void of space, sucking you to the top of the battle box. You must avoid swipes from their claws or shooting stars coming out of their wings.
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5) One Last Hurrah: Similar to Zenith Martlet’s attack where the screen goes huge and she flies towards you (idk the name lmao); Clover’s tail splits into four; they slam it into the battle box, yellow shards spraying. The main attack is DT!Clover’s SOUL charge up an attack and shoot towards you. They swat your bullets away with their tail, you can’t hurt them during this attack.
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EXTRA CHALLENGES: As the fight goes on, lighting surrounds attacks that have things to do with DT!Clover’s physical body; such as their talons or wings. Extra damage, and occasionally yellow! A lot of simpler attacks also overlap, like how Zenith Martlet has like 3 different attacks going on every round. Things like TNT explosions, gunpowder lines you have to avoid (or else it will explode), and gunshots that shatter the battle box into segments (so you’re stuck in one section unless you take damage to move through the cracks).
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You would have to aim for DT!Clover’s soul with bullets to hurt them! No other spot would damage them; just their soul. idk how all this would work in an actually game but this was fun to theorize and think up >:]
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broken-clover · 2 months
Neopets continues to nuke their economy and I welcome it with open arms. One of the most powerful battledome items (a potion that heals you 100% regardless of your level or amount of HP) is being handed out as an event prize. Like you literally don't need to do anything to qualify for it outside of enrolling someone in the volunteer program and waiting for six hours until the shift is done (granted the item is in a pool of twentyish other ones but after doing the shifts back to back you're very likely going to get one eventually.)
Until literally yesterday it was being sold for 300,000,000+ points. Now it's at 2 mil and still dropping. TNT you crazy bastards
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xandr1114 · 3 months
Came up with a Genius MineCraft Block Idea in the Shower Tonight
Dice Blocks
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Its crafted with 5 Coal and 4 Quartz, in the same way you make TNT (comes in 3s, like doors)
When placed or given a redstone signal, it does the obvious, randomizing its orientation
The cobblestone looking one is a Healing Dice, and is made with Dice Blocks and a Glistering Melon in a Brewing Stand. It works the same way as a normal Dice Block, but when a player stands on it, they are healed 2-12 HP based on the top number (It randomizes after healing you, and has a 10 second cooldown)
The 3rd one is called Harming Dice, and it works the same as Healing Dice, but it hurts you, and is brewed with a Fermented Spider Eye
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ambylotl · 1 year
I made some Minecraft sillies based on some cool fish- idk how theyd be added in my hypothetical update, maybe some kind of aquatic update revamp to better fit with tales and trails? Idk, I think it's cool anyways.
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The Flap-fish is a passive mob that likes to sniff out goodies when you feed it fish. It can blend into the blocks below it when it needs to hide, or dig up sand and gravel as if it was suspicious and dig up warm or cold ruin loot. It lives in shallow warm waters and coral reefs. It's breedable with tropical fish and creates up to 4 pups
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Monstro is a massive boss, the largest creature in the overworld. It spawns rarely near deep ocean shipwrecks. It chooses at random 3 phases of attacks every 10 hp, attacking the player outright with it's bite or by flicking it's tail, diving deep underwater and trying to ram the player from below, and running away while trying to heal
I also have some ideas for fighting Monstro, a harpoon that launches tridents, a burning bamboo raft, and a trapped tnt boat. When Monstro is killed it drops a lot of treasure chest loot and a specially enchanted harpoon called "Ahab's Folly".
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Nibblers are little fish that can be carried in buckets. They are neutral and attack only when provoked- by themselves they do little damage, but they attack quickly and always in a swarm of up to 10 fish. They spawn in jungles and can be fed with a fish to gain a special blessing that increases attack rate an power called Feeding Frenzy
The Blue Snaggletooth follows boats through shallow waters and rivers and love attacking creatures bigger than themselves. They are pricks
They drop shiny scales you can use to decorate your leather armor or something, I dunno
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themagicalghost · 5 months
OK I FINALLY GOT TIME SO this is probably gonna be a series of asks if Tumblr decides to limit my characters (i dont feel comfy coming off anon in the tt community sorry)
First we gotta talk about the Cogs since all of the gag/reward stuff is gonna have to be based on them
.Exes and .Mgrs were a very welcome change. .Exes instantly give every battle some variety in requiring you to think to take them down instead of memorizing a chart of which combos wipe a group (fuck Zap Camp too btw), and .mgrs were a much needed shakeup, away from the 4 main bosses which got repetitive as hell, that allow just about all the gags and prestiges to shine in some way
Skelecogs and Virtuals in the same way as .exes force you to be on your toes thanks to the varied hp and debuff resistance, virtuals in particular being a good choice for the OCLO, sorry v2.0s but you're boring
Cogs do more damage in general, which emphasizes either taking them all out or stunning them, and Content Sync definitely helps with that. Even with how controversial it was at the start, it was a good choice
Ok now onto the gags:
But before each one, even more TTR ranting:
Level 7s, while I miss Railroad my beloved, were really badly done and limited where the game could go
Toon-Up: As stated, Cogs deal much more damage, so TU has much more use, especially in .mgrs. The self heal was also something that shouldve been in the game forever ago, and not just relegated to a prestige. At least the Prestige makes you heal even more now. However, TU MISSING was a shit idea on TTO's part because it was the only way they could get Toons to go sad in the sound spammy lure left kill right meta if everything missed. Now you might be forced to take damage, so your cannon missing would be a death sentence. Thank god they removed that early on in 1.3. also the accuracy buff is AN INTENDED MECHANIC THANK GOD
Trap: Trap FINALLY HAS USE CASES OUTSIDE OF LIKE LAWFICES. First off, it's an .exe killer. The hard counter to them. Bye bye mr .exe. And then Clash gave it Dazed, which made Trap/Drop an intended strat too. But also it's just BIG NUMBER. The Prestige is EVEN BIGGER NUMBER. This means you can oneshot even really big Cogs with like a prestige trapdoor where TTR wouldve needed an organic (also bad) TNT
Lure: Yeah Lure Decay was bad but they learned in 1.3, and instead we have a much better system with the per-gag knockback, which lets you deal even more damage with each throw or squirt gag you use, where instead of a hypno doing the same 50% total base damage as a $10 bill, $10 bills do more damage than hypnos. I legit almost stopped carrying 10 bills in clash entirely and went with like 15 magnets instead UNTIL they changed it like that. Also, using a Group Lure with a Single Lure actually synergizes well, especially with Throw setups in like OCLO, since the damage values vary, you can lure and IOU (more on that later) both, with your main target getting a 50 bill, before nuking them with 4 throws, for at least 400 extra damage (460 with prestige!), ON TOP OF THE ADDED COMBO DAMAGE SINCE LURE KNOCKBACK COUNTS FOR IT NOW BY THE WAY. In comparison to TTR which actually nerfed the most useless Organic. And again, I must stress this: LURE BONUS SUCKS DIIIIIIIIIII-
Throw: I'll admit, when I saw it in the QA patch notes, I was hesitant to say the least, but THROW SWAPPING WITH SOUND CHANGES SO MUCH. First off, NO MORE "you lure and throw, ill wedding *uses bike horn*" GREENING. Second: THROW IS JUST SO GOOD AS A DAMAGE DEALER. Combined with the lure changes above, you can deal insane damage to .mgrs with it and Lure. You could probably do an entire Litigation Team with just Lure TU and Throw if you wanted. But it doesn't stop there. Something i neglected to mention is how ALMOST EVERY GAG HAS A UTILITY ATTACHED TO IT. Throw's is a 10% damage vulnerability, and it allows you to do so much. Fun fact tho, it used to have that damage vulnerability as a Prestige, and it scaled with each throw used, but only for 1 turn, and this was when throw was second to last, so it was only really useful for Drop. Now only one person needs to use it and it affects EVERYTHING past it. Got a higher level cog in the mix with some easily soundable ones? Just hit it with a cream, and now it takes even more damage! Just soaked and trapped a .mgr for the accuracy boosts on drop? Add one more debuff to boost Prestige Drop even more (with a free stun!)! AND THEN you add the cherry on top of the Wedding Cake, the self heal prestige. This was absolutely a welcome change, taking some of the heat off of TU and unites as your only healing, to the point that I'd say you should always have your Throw Prestiged. My only complaint is that Toons should take a bite out of it and say "Om nom nom" to heal before throwing it if it's prestige.
Squirt: Squirt in TTR, Throw's crappier brother. Squirt in Clash? Oh man. I'll go more into it in Zap's section, but Zap alone gives Squirt so much use. On its own though, it's still very good. Soaking is good as a dodge debuff, setting up for quick drops on Cogs. But the SINGLE change that made Squirt so good is Splash Damage. Before 1.3, Squirt soaking multiple Cogs was stuck behind a Prestige, so you were basically forced to either run Pres Squirt or don't run it at all. Now, however, not only can you soak multiple Cogs, but it deals free, non-unluring damage to the Cogs on the sides! You can effectively just chip away at a lured Cog until you're ready to take it down, which like the Throw/Sound example above, allows you to lower the Cogs to juuuust enough in just the right way to where a specific Sound threshold kills. Unfortunately, Prestige Squirt kinda gets the short end of the stick, since unless you're running a solo building, you kinda don't need it for most situations. idk what they could do to fix that tho, it's still fine on its own, just usually overkill.
Zap: And now, the thing that singlehandedly both gave Squirt a purpose and alienated a ton of TTR elitists for the better or worse. Before 1.3, Zap was fuckin weird. Zap could change direction, but only if it was prestiged, jump over other cogs including dead ones, there was no jump pool, just a specific set of 3 decreasing numbers correlating to the order it jumped to, which led to charts getting made for specific groups- it was a lot to take in. Those who were able to master it were REALLY GOOD at taking down groups, but were also pretty toxic usually (hence the "fuck Zap Camp" comment earlier). Also, it was the same as Squirt: either run it prestiged or not at all, which fed into the toxicity even more. Now though? It's pretty good. It can be a few different things, a decent AoE on 3 Cogs with lower damage on 2 of them, high damage on 2 Cogs, with some thought into aiming based on prestiges (for unprestige, aim directly at the target, for prestige, aim at the opposite target for more damage), or a kill confirm on an already soaked Cog. It's way more user friendly now, and I will say seeing Zap Camp's charts be completely ruined gave me a little schadenfreude. Sorry, this was a little community ranty, I again have bad experiences with some of the older members.
Sound: SOUND IS NO LONGER META. I REPEAT, SOUND IS NO LONGER META. This comes down to Squirt/Zap being good AoE, as well as 2 more changes to Sound itself: 1. Sound swapped with Throw in the gag order (from 1.2 and back, not tto), and 2. Encore and Winded. First, the swap makes it to where if you're using Sound on Lured Cogs, it's less likely to troll, but for a specific reason. And even if it is to troll, there's ways to get around it better, since Throw and Squirt won't be affected now. And then we have Encore and Winded, two sides of the same coin. It's great to use your Encore bonus to deal tons of damage to a single Cog, but you could always risk being winded to take out an even bigger group now at the expense of having to wait to use sound again. This alternating pattern of Sound into anything else, along with the fact that Sound can't just wipe out everything in the game now makes sure Sound isn't necessary to beat most things. It's still kinda meta for Buildings and Facilities, but those are kinda harder to fix. Oh, also the prestige is the same as Trap, bigger number is better.
Drop: Oh boy, another gag with a tumultuous history. I'll go over this in the IOU section (yes im doing rewards), but to be Barry Brief, in the early days of Clash, Drop had a bug that made it do AoE damage, which some toxic players abused to hell and back, cramming Drop into the top spot of gags, before being squashed in the 1.2 OCLO update. As for Drop now, it's a really nice damage dealer. Not so much for normal bosses, where it's typically just a finisher for a big Cog, but for .mgrs it can be devastating given enough setup. Trap, Lure, Squirt, and either TU for accuracy or IOU for damage, then Throw and 3 Drop. Now, if you were running Unprestige Drop, it would only get a slight boost thanks to Throw, and the other gags the turn before were just to make sure it hit. But slap a Prestige on, and a single debuff adds 10% damage, with an extra 5% for each additional debuff, with Throw's vulnerability counting as a debuff, which STACKS with the Prestige boost, so those two turns just got you an additional 20%, on top of what Throw adds on the pile. And then consider Drop has a 30% combo multiplier instead of the usual 20% combo damage, and .mgrs start dying quickly. Most .mgr fights I do, I run Prestige Drop.
And now, onto the rewards.
IOUs: So before 1.3, we still had SOS cards, but these were the trickiest reward to balance, even more than Unites. On the underpowered side, we had the 1.2 SOS: a percentage increase for 2 TURNS. PERIOD. Wanted to setup for Drop? You better do it quick, because if Drop misses on that second turn youre SoL. Not that it'd matter because for a lot of gags it did jack. But then we have the other, darker side. The ORIGINAL SOS CARDS. If you played TTO or TTR, you already know how busted those things were. But do you remember that bug I mentioned making Drop an AoE gag? This is where it originated. SOS Cards inherited the Combo damage dealt to a single Cog and gave it to the rest of the Cogs as well, so you could potentially deal a ton of damage to multiple Cogs just by nuking one with Combo damage and using an SOS to spread it out. Do you remember Rain, that random IOU you get guaranteed in the VP that gives you and a friend a +15 damage boost on your next turn? Yeah they used to be a simple 20 damage Drop SOS you could get (and farm) from Derrick Man. You know, in TTC. Who at the time had only 63 HP, enough for an Opera pre-1.3 to kill in one hit. All that's left is an incentive to use Drop en masse... Oh? Old Drop had increasing Combo damage for every Drop gag used, up to 50%? And every Prestige Drop used added an additional 5% Combo damage, up to 70% with 4 Prestige Drops, or 65% with one person using an SOS? You can probably see where this is going. The only thing holding it back was the fact that it wasnt guaranteed to hit- OH WAIT TOONS HIT EXISTS IN ITS ORIGINAL FORM STILL. It was bad. Like "anyone who deviates from the Meta is bad" bad. I was one such very vocal dissenter of Team Drop, advocating that Throw was a good gag, and I got shit on hard for it, to the point where the people who still had a grudge long after fabricated false accusations and threw me out. Ugh this got too personal, sorry. Where were we? Oh yeah, IOUs! They're pretty good now! The fact that they use flat numbers and last a set amount of GAGS used means that setups are easier than ever, and even if you miss, you can still use it again with the boost! They're good for pumping out big numbers! They also affect things like Throw self heal and Splash Damage, so keep those in mind too! I personally like using a Sid Sonata after firing the first Cog after feeding round in CEOs to save on operas.
Unites: I have mixed feelings on how Unites were handled, but I'll save that for the Forges section. As for Toon-Up Unites in their current state, they're pretty good! The Cooldown is honestly a needed nerf (so much so that TTR has it now lmao), and the fact it's percentage based means the heals are more fair! (though if someone is really underlaffed for a fight, they might still get squashed even with a unite). Pretty gud!
Forges: Rest in Peace, Gag-Up Unites. You were so slept on. Forges are the worse version of Gag-Up Unites. Instead of everyone getting their gags restocked, even by a little at the expense of you specifically getting a decently sized cooldown, you can only restock a single gag at a time, and if that gag is too high, you get put on cooldown. Why. In a vacuum, they're ok, but it just feels wrong. They could have left Gag-Up Alls in the pool and kept them how they were with only level 7s or lower, but no, ALL GAG-UP UNITES MUST GO apparently.
Sues: honestly better than fires, imo. Let me explain. Both Sues and fires remove a Cog from the fight. "But wait!" You say. "Sues dont remove a cog from the fight, they just make a Cog not attack!" In theory, yes, that's all they do. But because they don't attack, they're basically out of the fight. However, they aren't OUT of the fight, meaning they take up a slot. And because they take up a slot, that means you can just ignore it and focus on the other 3 that are there. And guess which gags work very well with 3 Cogs instead of 4. Just remember to give them a tap every now and then and they won't ever bother you. Also iirc theyre meta to deal with oclo phase 1 lmao. However some fights don't let you use them as much, so be careful.
Fires: Despite what I just said, Fires are still really good. It's just their uses are more limited. The main examples I can think of are the first Cog after feeding round in CEO, as stated earlier, the Featherbedder fight, and Major Player's Dance Partners. Killing a Cog instantly is still killing a Cog instantly, after all.
WHEW that was a long one, sorry for the personal bits, I just wanted to share my thoughts on Clash's balance for a long time, and I'm glad I finally got to do so. Clash is in a much better state than it's ever been, and I can't wait to see how things are shaken up later.
Oh, one more thing.
LURE BONUS SUCKS DIIIIIIII- *gets sniped by TTR staff*
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That's a whole novel in my inbox holy FUCK
This is a lot to take in and I love it, some gags and rewards just used to be broken like woah?? It's nice to see how much progress Corporate Clash has really went through all these years to balance the game out to become as fun and good as it is today
I was curious about those Gag-Ups after seeing them from a Multislacker fight stream just a year ago because I didn't know they were still around at 1.3, too bad they don't exist anymore 'cause they would be very useful in longer fights such as with Pace (round wise) and Chip. Maybe there's a good reason for the removal balance wise... hopefully
The SOS cards was something I was wondering about too after hearing someone say a long while ago that they wished those were still around, based on this I can see why they were removed though
Also I don't mind the personal tangents at all, I love hearing about the details of personal experiences and opinions as it puts it on perspective on how things were back then as well as adding to my own knowledge of it. Thank you for the very long info dump :]
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Critical Role Double Life AU
So this would be the player characters and Essek in the world of Double Life (Minecraft Series)
The Pairings (randomized)
Beau & Tary - Daddy Issues
Veth & Ashton - Alcoholics
Fearne & Pike - Hot Girl Shit
Essek & Jester - Everyone has a Crush on Them
Grog & Caleb - Brains and Brawn
Fjord & Dorian - Shy Charisma Boys
FCG & Bertrand - Old Ass Man & Older Ass Robot
Laudna & Mollymauk - Back from the Dead
Vax & Imogen - Loves a Marisha
Percy & Yasha - Oh, So you have White Hair and Trauma?
Scanlan & Caduceus - All or Nothing
Vex & Orym - Keepers of the Brain Cell
Chetney & Keyleth - Animorphs
So same rules as double life, each couple has 3 lives and they share hp, last pair standing wins!
Beau and Tary take a minute to get along, but eventually they work together okay after bonding over their shitty dads. They spend quite a bit of time with Percy and Yasha. I think they would set up a thoroughly trapped base. I think they build a mansion and winery for their base and make a load of potions. They have an enchanting table for sure. Beau is very much the up close and personal fighter whereas Tary is a little more distant. He sends tnt minecarts and squishes people with anvils.
Veth and Ashton are both suspicious of each other at first, but they still get shit done. They get on better as they spend more time, realizing that at least the other won't stab them in the back. They make a bunker for a base, and stock it with booze, bolts, and fireworks. Veth traps the shit out of it. They are a terrifying combo in battle with Ashton up front and center taking hits and destroying people with his hammer and Veth picking off people from a distance with her crossbow. Veth does still spend a bit of time with Caleb on the side though.
Fearne and Pike get on fairly easily. They are both iconic and get shit done. Fearne loves to spy on everyone else and comes home with drama. She is also an arsonist and we love that for her. Pikey is more restrained in her chaos, but she is still out there causing problems. She sets off more traps than she would like to admit, but miraculously survives most of them. She is a bit better in combat than Fearne is but, they are both very good at surviving fights, even if they don't get the most kills. I think they build up a bakery and hide a bunker underneath it. They also just have several lava traps and fire pits around their home to defend it.
Essek and Jester already know each other and get on well. Together they build a beautiful tower, like the one in Tangled. It has several secret entrances and passageways. Jester seems like the type of person to have an army of tamed wolves. So she absolutely does, they all have special collars and are all named. They are both distance fighters as well so their towers works well to keep them out of harms way whilst they shoot arrows and throw fire charges as well as splash potions. Essek is a fancy lad and I fully believe that he has loads on end crystals and obsidian that he uses as his main weapon. Jester somehow got her hands on a trident (she stole it) and is wreaking havoc with that from the tower. Jester also keeps several bees just because she wants to.
Grog and Caleb get on okay at first, Grog is pretty friendly for the most part, but Caleb is wary of him. I think their base is a tower, but this tower has a bunker at the bottom that serves as a quick restock point for Grog since he is out on the battlefield with his axe wrecking shit. Caleb stays up in the tower mostly, shooting his fire charges, flame arrows, and pouring lava down the sides on the tower. Grog is very excited about all the traps that Caleb cooks up and happily uses his supply of end crystals whenever he can. They work well together.
Fjord and Dorian get on well, but is takes a minute for them to actually trust each other. Their base is a ship sat in the sky floating on clouds. These two are quite versatile in battle. They are good at both ranged and close combat. Fjord has several puffer-fish that he uses in close combat as well as his sword. Dorian uses his axe when in close combat. When at a distance they use their tridents and arrows. Fjord can be impulsive at times, but overall these two are some of the more peaceful members on the group. They don't have many traps set up, but they do have several alliances. They are allied with Beau, Tary, Essek, Jester, Orym, Vex, Caduceus, and Scanlan.
FCG and Bertrand get on alright, not the closest, but they do alright together. They do have the most accessible base out of everyone. It isn't trapped at all, but they are mostly left alone, well, their base is. Bertrand is a tricksy guy and manages to rile up many of the other folks. They don't dislike him, but they don't trust him either. FCG on the other hand is pretty well-liked and trusted. They are not the best in combat, but they seem to come out of it alive. Bertrand does know his way around a sword and FCG has an affinity for his crossbow.
Laudna and Mollymauk get on like a house on fire. They have the cutest home on the server. It is a cottage with a patchwork tent attached to the side. It is cozy and colorful. They have matching friendship bracelets that they made for each other and everything. They of course spend time with Imogen and Vax as well as Yasha and Percy. They spend quite a bit of time together as they wander the land together. If you spot one the other is likely somewhere nearby. As they get closer they swap stories about walking up from death. Molly is their close combat expert whereas Laudna is their sniper. Molly goes around with his swords and Laudna shoots from from far away with a bow.
Vax and Imogen are wary of each other at first, but eventually get on pretty well by the end. They share a house atop a hill where they have a pretty good view of several other people. Imogen has a stable of horses as well. They often ride into battle together, striking fast and retreating before people know what hit them. They often visit Vex and Orym, Keyleth and Chetney, as well as Laudna and Molly. Imogen is more of a distance fighter, but Vax is good either close up or at a distance.
Percy and Yasha eventually grow to trust each other but it starts out a bit rocky as they are both quiet around people they don't know or trust at first. They have a nice castle. Yasha has a beautiful garden and Percy has trapped the land around the castle thoroughly and has made several escape passages. He is already paranoid enough coming into this. Together they build makeshift graves to those they have lost after spending a lot of time together. Percy also makes a load of snipers perches around the map. Yasha goes with him and hides little caches of stuff by each hidden perch so that they are always ready for a fight wherever they are. She also stashes some food in his perches so that he doesn't run out of food. He often helps sharpen her blade and makes her a bunch of little things to help in battle.
Scanlan and Caduceus get on well enough. They respect each other. Caduceus is pretty calm and lives in a small cabin by Scanlan's mansion. Cad keeps a small mushroom garden and makes a load of potions that he shares with most anyone. They don't have any true enemies as they are just kind of vibing. There is usually music playing at their base. Scanlan gets a load of fire charges and end crystals from people just by asking. This man has a silver tongue and he knows how to use it. They don't have many traps, but the ones they have are weird and effective. They have several animals just roaming around their base. Scanlan is ruthless once the get into battle and so is Caduceus, after all, death and violence are very much parts of nature. They are oddly terrifying because of how fast they switch from being welcoming to just killing.
Vex and Orym get on pretty well. They work together extraordinarily well together. They make plans and stick to them. They are another ranged and close combat duo. They share a regular keep, nothing super fancy but it is nice and functional. They have several traps as is to be expected. They know what they're doing. They are good at using terrain to their advantage. Vex perches with her bow and Orym slips through battles causing damage as needed and catching hits on his shield. Vex keeps a few potions on her at all times just in case. They are prepared but not overly so and adapt as needed. Orym respects Vex and she is just happy to have someone who will actually follow the plans she makes, but will make ideas on the fly by himself as needed. They compliment each other, especially in battle.
Keyleth and Chetney take a minute to warm up but they get there, eventually. They have a base that is a huge oak and their basement is a hollow surrounded by roots. They are a bit worried about how flammable their base is as the days pass, but they store most of their better stuff under the earth anyways. They are an absolutely terrifying combo in combat. Chetney is always a wild card and an absolute menace, whereas Keyleth is terrryfying in her raw power and switch from being her more socially awkward, charming self, into a lean, mean, killing machine. These two often talk about their lengthened life spans what that means for Keyleth on top of Chetney's experiences. He gives her a bit of confidence she didn't have before and his rough edges have been softened a bit. They trust each other in battle completely. Sure Chetney will spy on people, dig tunnels under others bases, and steal from people, but he is her ally and they work well together.
Randomized Death Order
Vex & Orym
FCG & Bertrand  
Percy & Yasha
Essek & Jester
Grog & Caleb
Fearne & Pike 
Grog & Caleb  
Fjord & Dorian  
Essek & Jester  
Chetney & Keyleth  
Beau & Tary
Vax & Imogen
Fjord & Dorian
FCG & Bertrand
Laudna & Mollymauk
Grog & Caleb
Vax & Imogen
Scanlan & Caduceus
Fearne & Pike
Scanlan & Caduceus
Laudna & Mollymauk
Chetney & Keyleth
Veth & Ashton
Vex & Orym
Chetney & Keyleth
Laudna & Mollymauk
Scanlan & Caduceus
Vax & Imogen
Fjord & Dorian
Beau & Tary
Veth & Ashton
Percy & Yasha
Essek & Jester
Fearne & Pike
FCG & Bertrand
Vex & Orym
Percy & Yasha
Veth & Ashton
Beau & Tary - Winners!
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Feel free to ignore, but-
Do you think it's wrong or hypocritical to be excited for the HP reboot? Like, I am beyond excited and really hopeful that it will turn out well since they can go in depth more for the books, but of course, JKR has kinda... gone off the deep end. again, I want to watch this show unironically, and I am so happy we get new content, but I hesitate to show excitement because of JKR and her opinions. IDK it's just something I've been thinking about a lot recently. I don't want to seem like I support her, because I don't, but at the same time the idea of a reboot fills me with a lot of joy and excitement.
Hello, anon, and thank you for your question! I have been thinking about it as well, and it's a discussion I've seen on Discord, here on Tumblr, and elsewhere in the world. To answer your question, I am going to give you a long-winded answer. I will provide you a short tl;dr of my opinion and then get into it below the cut.
The tl;dr: I don't think it's wrong or hypocritical to be excited about the reboot, as long as you're conscientious about the way you engage with new merchandise and media. I see it the same way as how we interact with most evils of the world. Is it cheaper/easier/faster to buy on Amazon? Oh yes. Does it line Jeff Bezos's pockets? Also yes. Is it avoidable? For most people, yes. Not for everyone, and not for everything. Ditto for Walmart in the USA. The key difference I see with the HP reboot is that it's associated with HBO Max and Warner Brothers, so there are these two entities involved, that, if you truly wanted to boycott and not support any finances going to JKR, you'd have to cut off these services. That being said, it can be done. No one needs HBO Max or WB to live. However, because it's part of this bundled service that provides other media/goods, it requires closer examination. Moreover, there is value to engaging critically and conscientiously with the intersection between institutions, cultural phenomena, and social justice. The world isn't morally black and white,* and our engagement with it shouldn't be black and white either.
And now for the essay, below the cut.
Have you ever seen The Good Place? It's one of my favorite shows. There's this one clip about the point system, meaning the way people go to The Good Place/The Bad Place, or a Heaven/Hell equivalent, and one of the issues is that no one has been good enough to get to The Good Place for hundreds of years. Why? The world is smaller and more complicated. This clip will show you what this means.
Why mention this? Well, it helps to explain what our role is, or could be, in a world in which cooperation with one entity or person necessarily means cooperation with more forces around us. Take HBO Max, whose parent company is HBO, whose parent company is Warner Media. WM also owns CNN, CartoonNetwork, DC, TNT, TBS, Warner Brothers, adult swim, etc. If you choose not to see the HP reboot and dissociate yourself completely from any entity that puts money in JKR's pockets, you need to avoid not only HBO, but anything Warner Media produces. I'm not saying you can't or shouldn't do this - it's up to the individual to determine what they deem acceptable and morally good.
We have to go further. Take CNN: their money goes to Warner Media, which helps to fund the HP reboot. Does this mean that any establishment that plays CNN in the background (hotel, restaurant, bar, etc.) should be avoided? If we're going to be very strict about this, then yes. CNN isn't a necessary good. You can get news from other sources, and you can stay in hotels, go to restaurants, etc., that don't play CNN, or just ask them to change the channel.
But then, where's CNN getting their money? We ought to look at their advertisers and see which companies we should boycott. Among such advertisers: Humira and GEICO. Now you can say - wait, Humira is an important medication for lots of people. GEICO you could do without, there are other insurance companies. I haven't even touched who the CEOs are for these companies and what money they're paying lobbyists, consultants, and other entities to keep their market share. Humira keeps getting new patents and indication uses on it so Abbvie can charge a premium and not give its formula away for generic production. They're making shitloads of money to keep the product patented.
Now you may say, Celeste, what does this have to do with trans rights? Abbvie makes money, pays money to advertise on CNN, CNN gives some of that money to Warner, Warner uses that money to make HP reboot. Money flows in and out. I will grant you this: it is very remote, but think about every entity that flows in and out of this cycle.
I ask my students about this all the time: is there any possible way to be completely free of ethical or moral complications in a world like this? The answer is obviously no. So the question becomes what can we do about it, other than retreating to the mountains and living as hermits (and by the way, that's actually a terrible decision, because if you subscribe to the belief that I do that we have a moral duty to help others, you're certainly not helping anyone by disengaging from the world and avoiding problems because they make you feel uncomfortable.)
So what is it that we can do? Let's think seriously about what it is we struggle with. We don't want money going to JKR, but as I just demonstrated, you'd have to go to various possible lengths to do this. It's possible, but let me ask another question: is the time, effort, and energy you're putting into this actually improving the lives of trans people? Is it actually improving the local laws and policies that put trans people's lives at risk? It's easier to pinpoint one person as our problem and the face of evil, but that gives too much power to one person. In fact, the power sits more with you than with her.
That doesn't mean it's a bad thing to feel uncomfortable. It doesn't mean it's a bad or even a pointless thing to avoid the HP reboot and all its associated entities at all costs. You are most welcome to do so; you are also welcome to watch the show with a very critical lens/eye on the world around you.**
I would ask, if you're of the inclination to avoid all the associated entities of the HP reboot (CNN, Humira, GEICO, and all its other associates), what would happen if you invested the same time and energy into local groups, charities, and organizations that support/help trans rights? it may seem smaller, but consider the impact you as an individual can have on a real-life human being in front of you, who needs help, rather than spiting someone else who lives an ocean or more away. You're welcome to spite and help the person in front of you. However, as a comment on human limitations, we all do have to decide our own most personal important issues.
For many of those on Tumblr and younger people on the internet, it can be trans rights. For others, it might be workers' rights. For yet others, nuclear disarmament and peace. Clean water. Clean energy. We all have our pet projects, and that doesn't mean we should neglect other issues, but if we take on everything so strongly, we will not be able to act.
This brings me back to The Good Place and the character of Chidi Anagonye, the moral philosophy professor who cannot act because of his anxiety. He ruins his life, and others', by his indecision over moral quandaries, which appear everywhere.
No, you're not going to be perfect. That's ok. As long as you are trying, in my opinion (which is based on years of studying morality, philosophy, and ethics), you are moving in the right direction.
My on-the-ground moral recommendations: it's OK to see the HP reboot if you're already subscribing to HBO Max or plan to for other things. I might also recommend doing on the ground, in person or monetary efforts to help trans people with basic human rights like housing, food, and personal safety. That, the personal connections and improvements we make, will be far more effective at making the world a safer place for trans people than continuing to center the argument on JKR. She is but one person, and so are you. You may not be as wealthy, but you have a voice, and using it in your own locality/context will do far more good.
You're most welcome to send questions or ask for clarifications.
*(I will add, as an aside and more of my own opinion, that the black and white thinking I find among people of all backgrounds is more or less a defense mechanism against having to critically reflect/think deeply about what makes us uncomfortable and navigating confrontations or things that challenge our worldviews. Human beings are really terrible with cognitive dissonance and we don't like looking at ourselves in a bad light, and I mean that in the way that white people can sometimes get uncomfortable with the concept of white privilege. It's not a slight against the individual white person but rather a phenomenon to sit with, reflect on, and pledge to improve.)
**I would also like to address the contrast between the HP reboot and Hogwarts Legacy. Unlike the HP reboot, HL is its own entity and far easier to avoid, because you have to buy the actual game. But again, if you want to avoid any/all money going from Hogwarts Legacy and its makers to JKR, you'd have to avoid gaming systems, stores that sell the game, and all those involved in creating it. That being said, HL and the reboot are QUITE different because one must be purchased as a separate entity while the HP reboot will presumably be available via streaming, which means it's bundled with other shows and services, which is what complicates this. If the HP reboot were only available as a DVD or online purchase, I would have further questions, and I think it wouldn't sell for that reason exactly, based on the backlash to HL.
Edits, a few hours after the original post:
After doing some discussion with valued fandom friends, I thought it important to add a few considerations.
First, an immediate consideration: deeply consider the way you and others are discussing the show. Though it might not seem like a big thing, enthusiastic support, without considering the ramifications the show has for people in the trans community, and/or trans allies, will distance those people in the fandom. One way to do this is to keep discourse private among friends, and/or to refrain from discussing it at all in public spaces. Think of the message it potentially sends to trans folks/trans allies to be enthusiastic without considering the underlying messages you are sending in support of JKR and her views.
Second, a longer term consideration: one way to curtail or curb the success of the show (though highly unlikely) is to wait to see it until it is cancelled or complete. That's a long wait, potentially, but it would reduce the immediate views and support for the show. That's not necessarily a perfect solution, but it might be the one that says "we're not going to give this our immediate attention, and we are willing to wait until it's not as profitable or important." This isn't necessarily a perfect solution, but it may be one of the most ethical ones if you're very interested in seeing the show.
Please do send questions and comments if you have them.
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shonpota · 11 months
Boycott Israel Products Starts Today! Please reblog! I
We need western market consumers to abandon Israel too! Abandon if you are pro humanity!
Clothing & Fashion Accessories
Source Sandals (Tekking and hiking sandals)
Elie Tahari
TNT (clothing)
Tzomet Sfarim
YVEL (Necklaces, Rings, Earrings, Bracelets)
Leibish & Co. (Natural fancy color diamonds Fine jewelry)
Fox (Clothing)
Gottex (Designer swimwear)
Naot (Shoes, sandals)
Food & Dairy Products
Nestle: Maggi, Milo, Nescafe, Nesquik, Perrier, etc
Caxmel Agrexo
Jordan Plains
Karsten Farms
King Solomon Dates
L’Chaim Vodka
Landwer Coffee
Lone Tree Brewery
Max Brenner
Mey Eden
Neviot (Spring water)
Noblesse (cigarette)
Osem (company)
Rabl (company)
Strauss Group
Tara (Israel)
Tempo Beer Industries
Time (cigarette)
Tiv Ta’am
Vodka Perfect
Wissotzky Tea
Angel Bakeries
Bamba (Snack)
Berman’s Bakery
Bissli (Israeli wheat snack)
Carmel Agrexco
Carmel Winery
Cow Chocolate
Eden Water
Ein Gedi Mineral Water
Galilee Green
Klik (Candy)
Drugs, Health, Medicine & Food Products
Teva Pharmaceuticals
CardiacSense Ltd
Teva Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
Other stuffs
Taf Toys
Tiny Love
Other brands:
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Israel barcodes number, don't buy anything that has numbers like these:
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hyukalyptus · 11 months
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HES FUCKING EVIL!!!!2!/)28!\£\’
OMFG I WAS JUST ABOUT TO SEND THESE YO YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!! he’s so broad and his fucking adams apple TnT PLEASE SOOBIN LET ME CHOKE U!!
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sbknews · 1 year
Torres takes crucial pole for penultimate showdown
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The Championship leader heads Casadei on the grid, with Ferrari sixth as yellow flags interrupt the shootout for pole in Barcelona. Jordi Torres (Openbank Aspar Team) found exactly what he needed in FIM Enel MotoE™ World Championship qualifying in Barcelona, taking pole for the penultimate round and turning the tables on closest challenger Mattia Casadei (HP Pons Los40) after the Italian topped practice. Andrea Mantovani (RNF MotoE™ Team) completes the front row, with Matteo Ferrari (Felo Gresini MotoE™) – currently one point behind Casadei – set to start sixth.
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Yellow Flags out following a crash for Eric Granado (LCR E-Team) played a key role in Q2. The Brazilian found himself in Q1 after a crash in practice but comfortably topped the session to move through into the fight for pole. As he headed out of pitlane at the start of Q2 though, he suffered a strange crash at low speed that still flipped him over the highside. Rider a little winded but ok, but out of that fight for pole – and the Yellow Flags meant no one else could improve for some time either. Torres, who had hit early to take to the top, remained unchallenged even after the track was clear, with no one able to make any big improvements in the final couple of minutes. Still, Casadei is within a tenth, making it the top two in the standings ready to start top two on the grid. Mantovani alongside them will be looking to get in their way.
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Kevin Zannoni (Ongetta SIC58 Squadra Corse) came through Q1 just behind Granado and heads Row 2, ahead of previous MotoE™ Barcelona winner Miquel Pons (LCR E-Team). Ferrari completes that second row, looking to move forward once the lights go out. The same is true of Granado as the Brazilian was left a frustrating P10 on the grid due to that early incident, despite his Q1 lap being two thousandths off front row speed. So that’s the grid(s)! On a super Saturday for MotoE™, Torres could clinch the crown. But with 15 points in hand it’s a long shot, and Casadei is perfectly position to try and cut that gap. Can he – and Ferrari – keep gaining ground?
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Check out the full session below and get ready for Race 1 at 12:15 (GMT +2), before Race 2 at 16:10. You can tune in to MotoE™ via your MotoGP™ coverage provider! For Italy that’s Sky Italy with Race 1 live and Race 2 live or on delay, in France CANAL+SPORT 360, and in Spain both races are live via DAZN. In the UK, TNT Sports 2 shows Race 1 live, and often Race 2 – depending on programming. Switzerland’s coverage is across SRF/RTS/RSI, and viewers in Brazil can watch on ESPN4. From Down Under with Fox Sports Australia to the northern tip of Europe with VIAPLAY across Scandinavia, look for MotoE™ with the MotoGP™ broadcaster in your territory, with the full list of our partners HERE. MotoGP™ media partners broadcast MotoE™ live or on delay on their linear or digital channels, and everyone can also tune in to watch both races live and OnDemand via VideoPass on motogp.com! For more info checkout our dedicated MotoE News page Or visit the official MotoGP website motogp.com Read the full article
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Título Original: T.N.T. Jackson
Año: 1974
Duración: 72 min
País: Estados Unidos
Dirección: Cirio H. Santiago
Guion: Dick Miller, Leonard Hermes, Ken Metcalfe
Música: Tito Sotto
Fotografía: Felipe Sacdalan
Reparto: Jeannie Bell, Chiquito, Stan Shaw, Max Alvarado, Pat Anderson, etc
Productora: Coproducción Estados Unidos-Filipinas; HPS Productions, New World Pictures, Premiere Productions
Género: Action; Drama
0 notes
graemepark · 1 month
In this week’s Long Live House Radio Show:
Fingers Inc. feat. Robert Owens
Todd Terry
Fouk feat. Debórah Bond
Melé & Kilimanjaro
HP Vince
Talking Heads
Nitro Deluxe
Rose Royce
Sub Sub
Soulsonic Force
Ian Dury & The Blockheads and more. 
Title (Mix), Artist
It’s Over, Fingers Inc.
Wonderland, Todd Terry
Loving At First Sight (Vocal Mix), Fouk feat. Debórah Bond
Give It Up, Medlar & Stu Clark
Musica (Mildlife's La Musica Remix), Mildlife
Odo Kakra Sika Kakra (JKriv Edit), Nana Tuffour
Don't You Want My Love? (Vocal Mix), Birdee
Musica Especial (Sebra Cruz Mix), Elasi
Yoruba Riddim (Original Mix), Melé & Kilimanjaro
Jack Had A Groove (Vinny's TNT Mix Instrumental), HP Vince
Percy, Medlar
Amazement (Main Mix), Khyenci
Odoru (Unreleased Version), Watanabe
Das Model, Kraftwerk
String Free (Revisited) (Kiko Navarro Re-Edit), Phortune
The Kinda Love (JKriv Original Vibe Remix), Prospect Park
Helyom Halib (Vocal Acid Mix), Cappella
Once In A Lifetime (Gigamesh Remix), Talking Heads
Let's Get Brutal (Norty Cotto Afro Tech Remix), Nitro Deluxe
Is It Love You're After?, Rose Royce
Somebody In The House Say Yeah, 2 In A Room
Space Face (Techno Todd Dub), Sub Sub
Everything She Wants (Todd Terry Remix), Wham!
Hideaway (World Mix), David Morales feat. Blondewearingblack
Planet Rock (Claptone Remix), Soulsonic Force
Reasons To Be Cheerful Pt. 3 (12" Version), Ian Dury & The Blockheads
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frostbite-the-bat · 5 months
do u have any tips for the high roller fight shes so mean to me...
OKAY! SO! IM AUTISTIC AND HAVE A SPECIFIC STRAT I USE WHEN I DO THIS FIGHT A MORBILLION TIMES (48 defeats..... not enough im gonna kms im not getting to 69 funny number at this rate with burn out)
ANWYWAYS THIS IS JUST KINDA HOW I DO IT AND HOW I Rember IT! OK! ok. most of this is for stage 3 bc the first 2 are short and not that difficult imo. well. i fucking hate stage 2, but it is only 5 rounds long, and requires lots of focus, but it's Guaranteed Short. can always take the safe route with luring and tooning up... but you WILL NOT get a good damage boost for stage 3! (the more hollys u kill the more damage buff u get for hr)
One thing to remember! if all cogs are under 360 hp and everyone has enough pips for opera, just use that, you'll clear all cogs.
if you wish here's my gay little sound note i have on my wall. it doesn't go to the lower lvl gags but in early rounds you may use them too, makes shit faster. the cogs there got baby levels
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pls know in the fight i also use a calculator! i highly suggest using one especially in any round you'll be using sound in. i just use one on my phone while i play!
using 4 dice for power ups isn't necessary in stage 1 unless you get nasty fucking spawns later in the later rounds (got a 1000 health cog there once i'm sure? ?christ almighty)
absolutely more necessary in stage 2, though, usually the spawns there are nasty. go for zap, i usually go for it to at least *try* and wipe out as many hollywoods as i can. weakening is okay too because with enough luck you may be able to use sound. careful with laff though it may be risky since this typically includes saying fuck it killing the worst ones and leaving one alive to hopefully wipe out easier next round
healing before stage 3 isn't as important (GOOD IDEA TO BE HEALED UP FROM STAGE 1 TO STAGE 2, THOUGH).
in stage 3 what i do is i target one silhouette at a time, all with cakes. gives a good self heal! do it in like... worst priority order? however if you miss and lose a lot of laff it's good to 2 dice, lure, and all toon up to stall a bit. if you have green on board then focus on that and tooning up at the same time
uhmmm. purple is worst because punishes healing. my kill order is usually purple > red/green > cyan (though i've been taught the trickery of cyan and i like it being wiped out early too. depending on what's in the fight i may target cyan first or later) > orange > everyone else (i dont worry abt anyone else besides they do nothing)
cyan worries me a bit less since it likes fucking with drop gags the most, and i dont use it. you can clear everything with 4 weddings. one by one tho. it works for me like 85% of the time except from when hr is mean to me and makes me miss wedding 3 times. 80% hit rate, everyone
leave one silhouette alive and grind to get some ious (focus on getting trap and drop. everyone having drop Good). do old strat, pre trap hr and the silhouette. make sure you spam 4 dice. if you dont get any wait until a good round when everyone can use 4 dice. hard to coordinate in voice, but incredibly easy (but maybe stressful) in quads (all toons controlled by you)
4 dice increase power, very useful. will make tnt on hr stronger even if the damage WILL be significantly weakened. before you do anything tho, check who has highest tnt damage. whoever does, they tnt hr. one person uses a weak trap on the silhouette. (make sure to weaken it first, my safe range is like 1100 hp. typically just double wedding it, and then later next round using a weaker throw)
you dont need to lure right away, you can spend some more rounds to toon up and regain pips. then, get whoever has weakest drop to lure (if they have a 2 dice and/or rerolls to get 2 dice and use a weak group lure to save pips. if not, just use a stronger one and pray it hits. or just agree to get whoever has 2 dice to lure.)
one person lures, everyone else piano's hr. use 4 dice too to increase damage. necessary if you want this done in this one silhouette round. rng based tho. wait till everyone has 4 dice or rerolls, maybe. hard to communicate thru text, easier in vc, easiest when quadding
the trap you set on the silhouette earlier. it'll die, and high roller's gets normal damage in the same round! pray all pianos hit.
you WILL get hit by high roller's ace, but at this point hr SHOULD be around like... 10000-20000 ish hp? out of 44444. good range!
then what i do, for safety, get some 2 dice maybe? use 4's, also. just watch carefully to like. still have pips for max gags. whoever has strongest throw, uses wedding. everyone else pianos. kill her.
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that's gg's !
basically kind all to remember..? what i do in this fight? uhmm any other tips. if ur not a fan of trivia unlike me, keep this tab open! like me. i keep it open always ( LINK TO TTCC WIKI GG HR FIGHT TRIVIA ANSWERS )
if you have adhd and can unfocus your eyes like i and there's a shuffle round just like. remember which one it is. stare at the middle. use your powers dont move your eye but like Look At Which One Is Being Shuffled. works even in harder rounds! normal people uhmmm Suffer
uhmm be careful with pips in general? if you can save do save.
oh yea, shouldve said earlier - the way you stall in the 3rd stage with hr and the silhouette is just. all or just 2 use megaphone toon up. every 2 rounds when you can try to use an iou dice. yknow. 5 dice !
pass if low on pips, but if any toons get lower laff then use more megaphones or just single toon up each other. i typically space out in this stage so i just 4 megaphone always but saving pips by skipping i n some turns can earn you quite a few spare pips lol.
but srsly i space out for most of this and chat offtab or just talk abt shit in vc. then i pay attention only when its Time To Kill.
that's that! thanks! im autistic about this fight. idk how good my strats are, i hate talking abt em publicly bc i know some nerds gonna go in and go ERMM THERES SOMETHING MORE OPTIMAL
stfu i dont care im doing my own autistic thing (fun fact i gotta lead everyone always not only bc im like trusted with this fight but also if things dont go my way my brain implodes on itself and i cant focus on shit)
please look at this NOT OLD STRAT piano damage. colossal damage
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