#to be clear not what you think is cannon just your personal head cannon
notpurple-notaguy · 5 months
Calling fnaf artists
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ldrfanatic · 5 months
Italian Theodore Nott Headcanons
So... by popular request (I think like literally one person commented on a post from ages ago) and also because I'm still working on my most recent part to the '13' Series (linked here) here's some Italian Theo headcanons to keep you sated.
sorry if this is inaccurate it's based off of my own knowledge of italians and what I think Theo would be like
slytherin boys masterlist works
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So, unlike most, I don't think that Italian Theo would be a whore. Let me explain:
Sure Italian men like to flirt, (although Theo doesn't), but they do it because it comes so natural to them and because more than anything, they value their partner.
They're well dressed and take pride in their appearance (something Theo does do) but they don't always entertain the people of the heads that they turn
They also have a natural air of confidence that Theo has and doesn't even have to use
However, just because Theo isn't a whore doesn't mean that he doesn't have his own little clique of fangirls.
In general:
As a person, Theo is incredibly quiet. His English is not the best as he grew up in the Italian countryside and spends his breaks there. He spends most of his time observing, and the rest of his time, mentally translating sentences from English to Italian and vice versa (and yes that's exhausting).
He does however take food incredibly seriously (as most Italians do I feel). His favorite kind of pasta is Paccheri and he will die on the hill that the Italians were the first to make Pizza (who else could make bread, sauce, and cheese taste so good?). He was also incredibly shocked when he found out the drinking age in England was 18. Theo had a glass of wine with dinner every night since the age of ten.
Another thing he doesn't quite understand about England is the frequency through which they drink tea throughout the day. At most, he has a cup a day while some of his English friends have four to five cups a day and usually, one cup with every meal.
Theo also had a very strong connection to his mother. Now that she's gone, he spends a lot of time in his head with his memories of her. It's not all that shocking to anyone really that he doesn't quite have the time or the patience for girls.
As a friend, Theo is a little more open but not much. His two closest friends in the group are you and Lorenzo who's also Italian. He'll talk to either of you and open up a little, but only if no one else is around. He's a bit impartial to Mattheo although he does think the boy is a loose cannon and he actually secretly despises Draco and his blood purity nonsense as it reminds him too much of his father (whom he also hates). So yeah, he spends the majority of his time with Lorenzo and Blaise.
In regards to your friendship with Theo, he's a complete gentleman. He never sits too close in fear of startling or offending you. He opens all of the doors the pair of you walk through and carries your books to class when you have the same class.
In fact, despite being significantly more well mannered than any other boy in your year, the only thing that hinted to you that Theo felt anything towards you other than indifference were small smiles and shared secrets.
Before you even became friends you'd caught Theo's eye. The first time he'd noticed you, you were comforting a crying first year muggle-born that Draco had bullied to tears. You spoke so kindly and softly to the boy. Theo knew then that you weren't like everyone else in Hogwarts. Most people were too afraid to stand up to Draco but the next day, you punched him square in the jaw and told him to stop being such a prick.
The first person to find out about Theo's crush on you was Lorenzo of course. He didn't tease him for which Theo was grateful. Now as stated, Theo is an incredibly quiet person so it's not clear to you that Theo has crush on you.
Also, once Theo has decided that he likes you, other girls don't even approach him anymore. Not after the Ravenclaw incident. A Ravenclaw from your guys' year approached him and asked him out. He didn't even acknowledge her. Just stood up and left.
He does however, make an attempt to spend more time with you whenever her can. He sits with you at meals and during lessons, he asks you for help in charms (even though he's already receiving high marks, but you don't know that). He brings you soup when your sick.
The way that you find out Theo has a crush on you is actually really surprising for you.
Lorenzo came running up to you after Potions one day, completely out of breath. "Y/n! Come quick." He didn't give you any room to disagree as he grasped your wrist firmly and began dragging you down the corridor towards the courtyard. When you got out there, your stomach dropped.
For the first time since meeting him, you saw Theo fight. He had Addrian Pucey on the ground and was currently pummeling the poor boy. The scariest part was that he remained completely calm, cold. Mattheo and Draco were standing on the sidelines egging him on while Theo ruthlessly delivered blow after blow in dead silence. He didn't even wince as his knuckles began to split open and bleed.
Blaise was desperately trying to pull Theo away but he wouldn't budge. Finally, you snapped out of your stupor and approached the boy. As he was throwing punches with his right arm, you approached him from the left and placed a hand on his left shoulder apprehensively. "Theo."
At the sound of your voice, Theo stopped immediately. He didn't look at you immediately. Instead, he stood and kicked Adrian who was on the ground rolling in pain. "Stay away from her." The crowd dispersed as the fight ended. When Theo turned to look at you, his eyes were blazing. For the first time since you'd known him, Theo was burning with rage.
"Theo come on." He let you lead him away in complete silence. Worse than what Adrian had said to you, Theo was ashamed. He couldn't believe that he'd let his emotions take over like that. Now he may have lost you for good. When you finally stopped in a secluded corridor, Theo turned away from you.
"Theo?" He was silent and your concern grew. It wasn't Theo's usual kind of silence, it was a silence that made your heart feel heavy. "Theodore."
Finally Theo turns to you and his eyes are glossy. It was startling almost, to see the normally calm and collected boy tearing up. "Don't do that tesoro. Yell, push me, hit me if you need to, but I'm not Theodore. Not to you."
"What happened?" He sighed.
"I overheard Adrian say something completely vile about... you. I couldn't let him talk about you like that. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me cuore. You are the only light in my dark life."
You reached out and grabbed Theo's hands in your own. "That's incredibly sweet of you Theo. But why would you do that for me?"
"Isn't it obvious! I am entirely and irreversibly in love with you. I cannot live without you and I will not allow anyone to say such things about you."
After that, Theo took you out on a date. Thanks to his Pureblood lineage, Theo's family was quite wealthy. And his father had always taken to making sure he was well cared for financially, perhaps out of guilt from his emotional abuse.
For your first date, Theo took you to a London shopping district with his Black Card. At first you refused to spend any of his money. That is until Theo became resigned to buy you everything that your eyes lingered on for more than five seconds despite all your protests.
To end the date, he treated you to a nice dinner and then brought the pair of you back to Hogwarts.
As your boyfriend:
As your boyfriend, Theo's go-to nickname for you is either tesoro (treasure). He spends a lot of time staring at you which Mattheo teases him endlessly for of course.
He wishes you could meet his mother, but he adamantly refuses for you to meet his father. Instead, he introduces you to his grandmother. She teaches you how to make pasta from scratch and you and Theo often sneak into the kitchens at Hogwarts to try and make it there.
He makes it pretty clear that you're the only girl for him. He even tells you one night how his mother's dying wish was for him to find someone that he loved wholeheartedly and who loved him as much. Theo knows that this person is you, and he has no shyness in telling you.
He hates to see you cry, but if for any reason you're feeling sad, he recites Italian poetry to you in a soft and devoted tone.
Questo nostro amore, vita mia
lo prospetti felice
destinato a durare per sempre.
Dei del cielo, fate voi che lei dica il vero,
che lo prometta sincera e dal cuore,
che si possa per tutta la vita
mantener questo patto inviolabile
(This love of ours my life; I predict will be happy; destined to last forever.; Gods of the sky, do what you deem to be true; that promises to be sincere and from the heart,; which can be for a lifetime,; keep this inviolable covenant.)
When Theo speaks his native tongue it makes you a little weak in the knees. The way that his lips curve around the words and his tongue effortlessly forms each syllable makes your heart swell.
Italian Theo is a complete cutie with impeccable manners and expresses more romance in ten minutes with you than most men express in their entire lives. He sees you as a light that brightens his life that he will do anything to protect.
help this is so bad
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sugarlywhispers · 8 days
b.katsuki x reader (fem) | lava girl!reader, prohero!reader
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The moment Pro Hero Dynamight lands on the scene, he knows something’s very wrong. Not only because of the amount of chaos around but also because fuckin’ Deku is down. Literally, face down, whole body trembling in pain due to the beating he just received, and fuck, that’s not a scene Bakugou encounters often.
Dynamight runs towards his hero partner, hand immediately landing on Deku’s back. Yes, he’s breathing, heart beats gallop in his chest –he is alive. Deku moves, raising his head when he feels Bakugou’s touch. The blond sighs relieved.
“Deku… What the fuck happened?!” 
“The villain’s… quirk…” Deku coughs in between words.
He doesn’t have a chance to completely warn Katsuki before an explosion makes them both fly apart. Dynamight swears loudly, barely holding his stance as the blast pulls him away. When the smoke subsides, he opens his eyes and they widen when right in front of him he sees himself.
A carbon copy of Pro Hero Dynamight comes walking, smiling smugly and evil as his cannon shows the residues of the blast.
“THE FUCK??!!” The real Pro Hero exclaims, completely gobsmacked. And angry. How they fucking dare to copy him?? A villain above all!!
“Kacchan… His quirk copies a person and their quirk! Look out!” 
As Deku yells in his way, Bakugou has to dodge another blast, this time intended completely at him. He hisses as his left elbow caught a bit of the fire. Fuck. This villain even copied the amount of power? By the burning pain in his elbow, Bakughou checks off that as a yes.
He shakes the pain off his brain, standing ready this time for another blow from himself. He’s fucking ready to beat some ass –well, kinda like his own ass.
But as again the smoke dissipates, this time is not himself who Katsuki encounters but you.
It's you.
You stand a few meters away in your hero costume. Dynamight frowns, “Y/H/N?? What the hell are you doing here?!” He intends to walk closer to you, but the evil smirk that appears on your face is so out of your character –especially directed towards him– and Deku’s yell again makes Katsuki stop dead in his tracks.
“NO! It’s not her! It’s the villain!”
A bone-chilling laugh leaves your mouth that makes everyone in the scene freeze in worry as lava strings start falling from your hands, and Dynamight gulps. Holy fuck.
For the first time in his career as a pro hero, Bakugou Katsuki doesn’t fucking know what to do. Fuck, he knows the person in front of him is not you but the villain. Yet… SHIT! FUCK! He can’t fucking fire against his wife! He could fight against anyone… Damn it, even if it was Deku or Kirishima or anyone, he could do it. He knows is the villain. But you?? Hell fucking NO.
So, Bakugou ends up doing what he never does, no matter how beaten up he gets. But this is a fuking emergency. 
“I need backup. NOW!” Dynamight barks through his hearing aid, and the whole agency hears loud and clear as everyone moves towards the scene.
In the meantime, Bakugou avoids every whip of lava the villain in the form of your persona throws at him. He dodges smartly –thanking every possible existing god that you bugged him enough into training with you similar to this a while ago; if not, he doubts he would be this agile against this fucking attack. With every attack, he moves further away from where Deku is –alongside some civilians, ‘cause those noisy ass fuckers are always in the way trying to take a damn picture!– and closer to the river. He needs to find a way to get the villain to make some contact with the water. If this piece of shit villain has your quirk now, it would only take a bit of water and they are fucking out.
Dynamight fails to dodge a particular whip that catches his shoulder, making him groan in pain as he falls to his knees.
“You’re pretty stupid if you think I haven’t realized what you’re trying to do,” you laugh mockingly, your lava whips stopping for a moment. “I thought you were smarter than that… baby.”
The way the villain says the nickname in your voice makes Katsuki want to vomit. It’s so… disturbing and ugly. He will definitely have nightmares after this.
Fuck! What the hell does he do now?! He can’t– FUCKING HELL! He feels dizzy, the sole image of you makes him want to puke, because he can’t. He can’t shoot you. It doesn’t matter that it’s a villain, it’s the perfect image of you, his beautiful and loving wife, in front of him. He will cut his own damn hands if he ever has to shoot against any form of you. He can’t– He CAN’T– HE FUCKING CAN’T–
As the villain laughs at his pathetic turmoil and a whip of lava stands high in the air ready to be sent at his kneeling form on the floor and probably cut him in two with the burn, a roar comes from under the ground. 
It’s an intimidating deep sound that makes everything tremble. The sound it’s so profound and raucous, filled with rage and determination that Katsuki feels it in his chest.
The ground between him and the villain starts to collapse, a burning heat and lava coming from down there that makes the villain retreat several meters when a wave of lava lunges against them.
And right there, from the middle, you emerge. 
Katsuki shakes his head suddenly realizing what is going on. Shit, it’s some sort of trance.
“You fucking dare hurt my husband with my own quirk?!” You growl, completely blinded by rage at well– yourself.
Pro Hero Dynamight snorts astonished, his heart beating fast and so fucking in love with you. Fuck, he loves it when you defend him, and he will never get tired of witnessing such a majestic view. Lava dancing around you at your disposal and own will, whole body glowing in red heat that chills his bones at how demonic you look. Fucking beautiful. Beautifully perfect. All his.
You lunge again against the villain, this time yourself included with the lava wave; but as you’re about to approach them, the villain changes form again and it’s Katsuki in front of you. It makes you hesitate in your attack as you stop right on time in front of the villain.
The real Katsuki opens his eyes wide as he finally understands.
The villain probably takes the form of one’s loved one to weaken them, not only attacking with their same quirk, but also sinking their mind into a state of submission that prohibits any counterattack. Shit, that’s a fuckin’ powerful villain. But it is just that. A copy. And it’ll never understand each quirk as the owners themselves. Still though, the use of the quirks are pretty lethal, real. Damn it.
“FUCK, NO!” He screams as the villain in Katsuki’s form smirks evilly, less than a meter in front of you, and his canon fires against you.
Howitzer Impact.
The blast flies you away, completely unexpected and unable to control your own body in your flight. And Katsuki is right there to catch you.
The villain cackles wildly, the smoke around blinding him from the real heroes. He looks so satisfied he could land an attack like that, and to none other than Dynamight’s wife. “How’s wifey, Dynamight? She survived? How would like the titles on the news, mh? ‘Dynamight kills his own wife’ or ‘Poor Dynamight couldn’t save his wife’?” He taunts, the smoke clearing the view of the real Bakugou, one knee on the floor and the other flexed as his entire body covers yours in protection.
He’s looking at you, the blast made your lava retreat completely even from your body as you look now in your normal and delicate human form, the fire has burned your face, right from under your left eye down to the neck. When you flutter your eyes open, you encounter the hateful look he has written all over his face as his eyes roar only one word: KILL.
When Pro Hero Dynamight turns to look at the villain, Deku –who finally got closer to the scene with Pro Hero Shoto holding him up with an arm around his shoulder– swears under his breath. He knows that look.
The villain in Dynamight’s form takes a step back when the real hero stands up slowly, a crazed look in his face as he turns.
“Now, this is fuckin’ personal…”
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nat20composure · 8 months
Astarion and Agency- The Necessity of Discomfort to Self Discovery and the Infantilization of Victims
Minor Astarion discourse ahead that mentions the treatment of SA victims post-abuse:
I want to open this post up just with like. The statement that I don't think there is a correct way to enjoy media and that I LOVE to see individual head cannons and takes on characters in media. I think that is also, to a degree, an integral part of video games because of how unique the experience of playing a game will be to every person who plays it. But it has been making me feel so incredibly sad looking through fan content, art, or discourse for BG3 specifically because of how many people have taken the route of infantilizing Astarion.
I understand the instinct to shield or protect an individual that you love and care for. I also understand that because of the nature of the things that Astarion goes through, a lot of people also feel very deep emotional stakes in him. I'm one of the many fans of the character who is a victim of SA and CSA, I really do get it. That is also why for me personally it is so demoralizing to watch so many people treat him like he is a child who cannot make his own decisions or stand up for himself. Part of that frustration stems from it feeling like a media literacy issue, and the other part of that sense of defeat is just because it feels indicative of a broader attitude that people seem to hold towards victims of abuse, particularly those who are victims of SA.
To explain what I mean by people infantilizing him: I see so many people refuse to allow him the opportunity to be hurt, or to feel uncomfortable. They see this character who has been through an immensely horrible and traumatic experience, and their instinct is to try and shield him from anything else that has the potential to upset him. I get that the people who want that aren't doing it with malicious intent, but frankly it is not really...Helpful? To try and prevent victims from Experiencing Discomfort tm. I also think it kind of disregards the entire thesis of Astarion's character and arc.
When you go through something that robs you of your selfhood and agency, the world can become a crushingly terrifying place. In Astarion, that fear presents itself in a desperation for power, control, and at the core of both of these desires- Safety. One thing the game is clear about is that he has a right to kill his abuser. He has a right to escape his situation. A lot of Astarion's personal arc is centered around being able to finally do that. But the game doesn't just leave it off at getting him to safety. So much of it is also about him needing to take responsibility for himself and his actions, with needing to learn who he as a person is.
The inclusion of the Gur children and Sebastian as characters is a good example of ways in which the game gives Astarion the opportunity to take responsibility. I think that if the intention of the arc was meant to be that "Astarion should never ever have to deal with being afraid or uncomfortable again", then the Ascended arc wouldn't Come with such heavy moral ramifications, like sacrificing the other people just like him, killing the victims he lured in, literal child murder. The game infers that he doesn't deserve to die because of the things he Needed to do to survive, but it also makes it very clear that there is a difference between addressing an Active Threat and using your fear as an excuse to hurt others. Breaking that cycle of abuse when he finally gets the chance to is what separates Spawn Astarion from Cazador.
Taking responsibility for himself, and letting himself sit in the discomfort of vulnerability ultimately ends up being a thing that he is very proud of and cherishes. If you tell him you will make sure nothing like that ever again he himself says that he doesn't want you to be his protector. And so it blows my mind when people go into all of these discussions about Astarion with this...Weird moral high ground for never, ever making or letting him make choices that might hurt him?
I see this the most when it comes to discussions about the possible polyamorous relationship with Halsin and the interaction with the drow twins in the brothel. So many people are just...outright angry? At other people engaging with either of those options? And I feel like that anger is one) rooted in the projection of their Own feelings on non-monogamy and what a victim of SA can or cannot look like. and two) Relies on undermining the agency that Astarion BEGS you for at every turn.
When it comes to the drow twins, the game adapts Astarion's response to them based on where he is in his own personal development (a really cool thing imo). Obviously, if he still doesn't feel good or safe about engaging with sex he declines and says you can feel free, though he hopes you aren't just doing it because he hasn't had sex with you. I think this makes sense: He's just gotten out of a situation where his Safety and worth were directly tied to him having sex. I imagine he feels afraid that not wanting to have sex with you makes him replaceable or inadequate because at this point in the game, he feels like that's all he has to offer. The interaction is relatively the same if you ask him for a poly amorous relationship with Halsin: He just asks you to reassure him that you aren't only doing it because he hasn't had sex with you, and then tells you he isn't worried about it otherwise.
A lot of people have taken the expression of that insecurity in combination with him still allowing you to go forward and do these things as him just "sucking it up" because he's afraid of losing you. (I am aware Shadowheart says he wouldn't be able to handle it when you ask her if you can date both of them- But keep in mind, Astarion says she wouldn't be able to either, and THAT obviously isn't true of her. For the purposes of this discussion I'm only including interactions with Astarion as a judgement of his character.) I understand that concern, but I feel this take disregards so many other points of dialogue, and is also continually rooted in the baseline vilification of discomfort.
To further go into it, the way that he speaks about both of these interactions changes significantly if you speak to him about it once he is completely free from Cazador, and has had time to allow himself to start reconnecting with himself and his sexuality on his terms. He has absolutely No reservations about an open or poly relationship with Halsin, and says he trusts that things will be ok because he one) feels secure in Your relationship and two) Knows Halsin is experienced and trusts him to not be a messy bitch about it.
I think that shift, in combination with the in game explanation of why he isn't ok with being in that sort of relationship with the other Origin Characters (for Lae'zel and Wyll, he says they'd never agree to that. For Shadowheart, he says she's not experienced with open relationships and that he doesn't think it'd work out. For Karlach, that it would break her heart. And for Gale, he says you need standards.) is a pretty good indicator that he doesn't actually care about polyamory or monogamy. I think the vilification of that choice relies on you picking and choosing when you do or do not believe Astarion or just outright not liking non-monogamy in the first place. This interaction has more to do with the player's choice and comfort level, and so is not as important to the broader discussion I am trying to have in this post.
The interaction that is more pertinent to not Allowing him to make decisions is, I think, the drow twins. If you interact with the drow twins after the completion of the Cazador questline, he is outright giddy at the prospect of interacting with the Drow twins. Specifically stating that he is excited to see how he likes these sorts of things now that he's free.
NOW- I do NOT think that he enjoys the act. The game makes that abundantly clear, and I'm not arguing that he has a great time. He obviously does not, and dissociates during it. That being said, allowing this interaction to happen does not make a player evil or selfish. You are not playing the hero if you decide to moderate his choices just because you do not think he is ready for it. Once again, no one is evil for Not doing it either, and I am not saying anybody has to want to. I am just saying that treating this choice like it is an evil choice to make relies on completely disregarding what He wants to do.
Astarion says so many times in the game that he is anxious about finally having the freedom to find out what he wants to do, and I think that his excitement for the drow twin exchange is one of the opportunities the game gives him to make a choice. He makes that choice- And it sucks for him. He doesn't enjoy the act, and having done it he would be able to move forward knowing that. I think it's really cool and important that the game represents that facet of recovering as a victim. While you are trying to renavigate who you are, you are going to make a million new choices you never had before. And sometimes those choices are going to suck ass. It would be a different matter if he knew these things would hurt him and went ahead and did them anyway. But so many people expect him to move forward avoiding even the Potential of being hurt, and I think that is extremely reductive of his arc and who he is.
Beyond the matter of interpersonal relationships, the choice between Ascending or not Ascending Astarion is not a matter of choosing the lesser of two evils. It is a choice between his fear and his humanity. Between letting his trauma and his fear define him for the rest of his immortal life, and allowing him the vulnerability of deciding who he is when he isn't running from the world. When he's willing to listen to the parts of himself that want to do right, that wants meaningful connection, that wants to be proud of himself. That wants to meet himself. To confront who he is when someone else isn't deciding that for him.
Astarion as a character is extremely ambitious, inquisitive, and adventurous, three traits that only become more and more evident as he breaks free from letting his own fear dictate how he lives his life. I don't understand how so many people can see him and want to take the core of his character away from him, when he spends the entire game fighting desperately to take it back.
Victims are not casts of the abuse they have gone through. Their shapes may be changed by the hands of others, they may have to relearn how to be the person they want to be. But they are not broken or irreparable or fragile. They do not need to be freed from the grip of one person to be held tight in the grip of another. It is so fucking unfair and self-important to think that your hands will be the ones that fix them. That your hands know better than theirs. I think the kindest thing you can do for a person is to trust them with themselves, and to listen when they tell you who they are and what they want. Please listen to the voices that have only just learned to speak. It is the only way they can get better at doing it.
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cranberryjuice-posts · 7 months
also guess who’s back can i ask for a athena!daugter reader where it’s kinda like Annabeth trying to tell the reader that “hey clarisse is bad she tried to fucking kill percy she’s evil” and the reader us kinda tries to convince her that Clarisse really isn’t that bad😔
(i love your work girl and your end memes please do more 🔥‼️)
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She’s the only one I got
Pairings - Clarisse La rue x daughter of Athena reader
An- fun-fact clarisse loves Dr Pepper It’s cannon Go read the sea of monsters. She’s literally perfect I can’t
An pt 2 - I Hope this is ok i wasn’t really sure what to write but it’s ok bc I’m just a girl
Pt 1 — Pt 2
Palestine aid link
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“Are you serious?!” Annabeth yelled, a few of your other siblings backing her up.
You however were standing infront of the full length mirror inside your cabin fixing your outfit which was a pair of bellebottoms and a camp sweater. “Look Annie i get your our counselor and your the smartest out of us all but your not the smartest when it comes to relationships”
“And now she’s starting to sound like an Aphrodite kid” Malcom your brother rolled his eyes before returning to his book. You shot him a hateful look. “All right fine Your right I don’t get relationships like you but I do know clarisse”
“Really?” You sarcastically spoke just wanting the argument to be over. Grabbing some hoops you were deciding between the two different pairs. “Yeah, Clarisse is a hateful arrogant and rude person. She makes fun of our cabin with her siblings and didn’t she use to make fun of you to”
Deciding on the star shape hoop you put the earring in. “Fine! Fine ok I get it but I promise you clarisse is not like that ok she’s sweet, she loves me Annie why don’t you get that” you sighed facing your sister.
The shorter girl crossed her arms, leaning against a desk inside the studious cabin. “Because she’s a bitch”
“I’m 12 why are you giving me shit for cussing you cuss”
“Because I’m 16 you’ve still got two years before you morally can curse now stop.. damn about to make me get Luke” you sighed shaking your head. Facing back to the mirror you analyzed your look.
Annabeth rolled her eyes looking away for some time before facing you once again. “I still don’t trust you being alone with her..”
After finally having enough you turned towards the wiser girl. “Know what fine you can spy on us during our date today, then you’ll see she’s not such a terrible person and you’ll finally get off my ass… deal” you crossed your arms looking down at annabeth.
Your younger sister looked around for a moment feeling somewhat threatened by you before nodding in defeat. “Great” you sighed stepping back, grabbing a small drawstring bag and a book on the stars, you threw on your shoes before leaving.
You were sitting in a clearing in the woods, a blanket set out with some strawberries and a pack of Dr Pepper you bought from the Hermes cabin. Annabeth was positioned behind a tree with her cap of invisibility on.
Eventually clarisse showed up. “Five minutes late” you jokingly chastised her.
“Shut up I’m on time” she scoffed sitting down beside you on the blanket. Pulling you into her some she kissed you softly. Her hands finding themselves on your waist
Bringing yourself back you leaned over grabbing a soda, handing it over to the curly haired girl. “Mmhm so how was running around like a fool for the entire morning?”
Clarisse rolled her eyes taking the drink In a harsh joking manner. “First of all its called training and secondly it was actually alot of fun, how was staying up all night to just watch some stupid dots in the sky”
Scrunching your nose at the girl you gave her a sarcastic look. “Yeah you think your so funny huh”
“Yeah I do”
“Mmhm” you knew clarisse was looking at your lips— she wasn’t subtle about it. Tired of her just imagining it you leaned in kissing her again. The playful banter between you two faded away while clarisse deepened the kiss
As much as you wanted to makeout with your girlfriend you weren’t doing it infront of your sister. Pulling back you placed a hand on clarisses arm while darting your eyes to some trees around you with a smile.
The girl furrowed her eyebrows but made a signal to her head almost mimicking a hat. Nodding you knew clarisse understood annabeth was spying on you two.
“Whatever this is stupid” clarisse gave you a teasing look. “What being on a date with your girlfriend? Yeah it’s so stupid” you responded in the same tone.
Clarisse rolled her eyes. “You know that’s not. What I meant” shaking her head you watched as clarisse reached over to her spear grabbing a plastic bag.
Handing it over to you you looked inside. “No way clarisse did you”
“Yeah I did. Your not gonna embarrass me about it if I own up to it” she continued to mess with you. Opening the bag you smiled as your girlfriend made you chocolate chip cookies with the nymphs in the kitchen. “Your the sweetest you know” you becoming flustered while you looked at the treats.
She just rolled her eyes with a smile, laying down clarisse moved around to lay her head in your lap. “Woah careful clarisse you might admit you actually like me a boring Athena kid remember”
“Mmhm Same can be said about you what was that about me being a bitchy ares kid?” She bit back. Flicking her forehead lightly just to get back at her.
You smiled while playing with one of the girls curls. You loved clarisse, wanting to proudly say it but worried you’d scare the girl off so for now you’d settle on just this.. cute dates with her, sneaking into her cabin to spend the night with her and just enjoying the silence with her.
After some time you knew annabeth had left after all she had gotten all the proof she needed. Clarisse knew it to.
“I love you” it finally left your lips. You noticed clarisses body tense making you regret the decision immediately. Clarisse however grabbed your hand kissing your knuckles. “I guess I love you to”
“Shut up”
“Why You Said you loved me”
Annabeth - Fine she’s not a bitch
Clarisse - *having a Stare off with annabeth*
Clarisse - do we have a Problem
Y/n - dude..
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megumisgirl · 1 year
megumi boyfriend headcanons!
— when you guys first started dating, he was no where near the touchy-feely boyfriend. all you got were hugs, kisses on the forehead and sometimes, if you were lucky long deep passionate kisses that came out of nowhere. all in private of course, megumi likes to keep things that is between you guys between you guys, he doesn't tell gojo, yuuji, nobara, anyone.
— when you guys had your first fight, he was super furstrated. screamed a bit and let his hidden anger issues show (you can thank toji for that). in the spur of the moment, out of furstration and pent up sexual-anger he ran his hands through his hair, making you flinch. he immidietly stopped talking and just left the room. the topic you guys were fighting about wasn't cleared up, you both were obviously angry, and now with this, you both were going to have a conversation that none of you wanted.
— the next few days of the fight, megumi would try to talk to you but you would give him the silent treatment. it was a no-win situation, if you tell him you flinched for nothing, he'd feel horrible to even make you think that he was capable of hitting you. if you told him the real reason, a dark looming thought in your mind told you that maybe he wouldn't accept you for who you are. maybe he would leave you. people started to notice that you and megumi weren't together as much.
"meeeegumiiii" gojo cooed, making megumi roll his eyes, "did you and y/n have a fight? you can tell me. im basically your second father. not that im gay. i mean i could be, but like the sex-" "no." megumi stopped gojo, putting his hand in front of him, "we're not in a fight. and its a disagreement. we'll be fine." he'd already said too much for someone who says nothing. but he had too much in his mind, so the words just spilled out.
— after the intial conversation, at first, megumi didn't know how to comprehend what you just said to him. he never had to comfort someone and he was never comforted either, so he based himself on your position and did everything right. my man. he was sweet, gentle, and never judged you.
— megumi got comfortable with affection about seven-nine months into the relationship only because you were so touchy, other wise would've taken four years or smth. and his level of affection is holding-hands in public, and holding your hands above your head in private, if you catch my meaning...
— when he met your parents, he was PROPERRR. mans was dressed in a fucking suit, styled his hair right instead of the spikey usual hair, and showed the barest amount of physical affection to assure your parents their daughter is in the right hands.
— but when you met his, it was CHAOS lmaooo. toji was showing you all the embarassing baby pictures of megumi on purpose to embarass him. his step-wise called him embarassing nicknames like bubbles or pineapples or something and you couldnt believe why megumi was the way he was when they were like this.
truth be told, megumi was made for you (and me).
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NSFW cannons.
— i said this once and i'll say it again. MEGUMI IS A ROUGH DOM!!! man-handles you every chance he gets, whether it's spreading your legs apart so roughly that there are bruises on his hands on your thighs, or flipping you over to pound you from behind. he will do it all.
— favourite position, anything where he can see you. missionary, to some extent matting press? he loves to see you squeeze your eyes, arch your bag and whine inconsistent pleas. he loves to see the full of personality character that he's so into just dissappear as he pounds into you mercilessly. the perfect smart girl becoming a bimbo that he loves to use and fuck.
— has a thing for eye-contact. BEFORE U THROW TOMATOS AT ME... LISTEN OKAY..1!!1!! when you're giving head, he grips your jaw so he can see your eyes as he fucks your mouth, tears streaming down your face, getting mixed with the tastes of his arousal. when its you recieving, he is adamant about eye-contact.
he has been inbetween your leg for hours, absolutely devouring you while making you watch. your eyes are sore, your legs are sore, everything is sore. you cant move an inch without feeling sensitive and your entire body just shakes as he laughs at you, looking at you with his blue eyes. "look at me." he said, the vibrations from his throat hitting your soaked cunt as you whimpered, opening your eyes just enough for new tears to leave your face. making a thin smirk place on his lips. his tounge circled your bud, making you shut your eyes again. "eye-contact, or this stops."
— dirty talker. and not just any dirty talker, the sweet praise ones. "my little slut," "taking me so well, baby. you're such a whore, but.. you're my whore," FHBYIEDWUSOKPX
— ending on a positive note, he's good at aftercare, too. after an intense session, he will draw you a bath and just sit on the edge of the tub, drawing mindless circles on your arm as you rest in the warm bath. ocasionally stealing kisses from you as he watched you take a bath. he's just... perfect.
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opultea · 10 months
Babe, Look at Me!
Things the Genshin men do to try and impress you. ft. Alhaitham, Lyney, Morax (Zhongli), Itto
Fluff - Romantic - SFW - GN Reader (No Pronouns) - Headcanons
Word Count: 0.8k
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So here’s the thing
Alhaitham ain’t a man to show off
He literally doesn’t care about what anyone thinks of him
Expect for a special someone (¬‿¬)
(That’s you boo)
Alhaitham still doesn’t show off in the classic way. Definitely doesn’t go out of his way to make you view him doing certain things
But if the opportunity presents itself naturally… then why not take it?
I’m talking lifting up the hem off his shirt to wipe sweat off his brow when he’s working out with/near you, changing shirts just a little bit slower than he usually would if you’re around, putting a bit more effort in winning a debate he’s in with another scholar when you’re with him, flexing his bicep when you hold his arm
It’s the little things
But boy do they work
Sports a smug little smile when he sees you affected by him
If you get flustered and smack his chest to tell him to stop, he'll just give you a slight smile and tell you he has no idea what you're talking about
As if this guy won't spend ages perfecting that trick where he pulls a bouquet from nowhere so he can gradually pull out bigger and bigger bouquets to give you
He already practices his tricks almost constantly, dead set on perfecting every little thing
But with you on his mind?
That spark to do his best grows into a fervent flame like no other
Lynette doesn't complain about his childish wish to impress you as long as it's improving his performance (and making him happier), but she definitely rolls her eyes at him when she overhears him practising his line delivery for when he gifts you the rainbow roses he bought earlier
He personally invites you to every one of his shows, and though he understands if you can't make it every time, he smiles so wide when you say yes that you're tempted to push aside all your other commitments anyway
After the show, he'll pull you aside and ask what you thought, all while trying to appear as if he isn't nervously awaiting your approval
I’ve specified Morax here because this is based in the universe of my Zhongli x Cloud God Reader head cannon (from my Where’s My Kiss? drabbles)
Look, he’s a young, proud, powerful god with his eye on the lovely cloud god that he sees roaming above sometimes, and he can’t help but try to do certain things hoping you’ll be watching from your domain
Morax in his dragon form taking more causal flights around Liyue than he used to, certainly not because he knows you can see his magnificent true form from your palace in the heavens when he flies past
Although he doesn’t often involve himself in battle unless necessary, he’s found himself allowing the yaksha to spar with him with the excuse that he believes it will test their limits (and definitely not because he wants you to see how powerful he is)
You agreed to help him train the yaksha, and as you stand at the side of the small battleground Morax locks eyes with you as he does his finishing move in a 'cool guys don't look at explosions' way
Definitely smirks a little when he sees how it affects you
Actually says the phrase 'Babe, look at me!' all the time
Literally will do anything and then turn to you to receive his head pat and praise
Loves to flex (both literally and figuratively)
Takes extra special care of his horns and hair the night before he's going to see you just to fish for extra compliments
If you don't immediately acknowledge the extra care he took and the extra shine on his horns, he'll clear his throat and place his hand on his head to make you look up at his horns
If you still don't compliment him or act impressed (which you've definitely done just to tease him) he'll get sooo pouty, poor baby :((
But of course, you always act so impressed in the end, often turning it up to eleven jokingly
Itto will take any and all compliments seriously though, no matter how dramatic you're acting with them
"Thanks babe, knew you'd notice."
He acts cool by sweeping back his flowing mane as if he wasn't hunched over pouting two seconds ago
"My horn's are just too cool sometimes, you know? Feels like I gotta reign in my own awesomeness sometimes, otherwise everyone will be all up on me and you'll get lost in the crowd of admirers! And we can't have that, huh? You're the numero uno cheerleader for this numero uno leader!"
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deadghosy · 10 months
BET, also I’m doing my drafts of people who asked me of tbp. I guess I’m back to writing. I’m just taking it slow.
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Summary: some dude is trying to hit on you while your partner/friend watches
Robin Arellano
(he is definitely the type to look not jealous but is)
Robin definitely is watching from afar seething in envy. It’s cause you are giving him attention more than Robin.
You haven’t glance at robin since you entered school. Robin walked up from behind and wraps his arm around you waist, he grips you waist and you squeaked. You turn to face him to see him glaring at the dude you were talking to with a smile and a vein popping out.
The dude looks scared and walks away. “Robin, what’s up dear?” You ask while tilting your head, blinking owlishly. “Nothing cariño..just tired.” He said with a tight smile.
You sensed something was wrong and just sighed..”alright, if you say so.”
After school you can’t get Robin’s right expression out of your head, you had to press him about it.
After finally pressing him at his house he snapped. “OKAY FINE, maybe I was jealous at that dude staring at my amor like that..but it was reasonable because you didn’t even glance at me once as if I was a ghost Bebé!” He stops to collect himself, he never yells at you so he just relaxed and grabs your hands. You nodded understanding and kissed his hand comforting him.
“I’m sorry Robin….I should’ve known you felt this way..” Robin just nods and lay his head on your shoulder and everything was better for Robin.
Finney Blake
(The anxious type to talk about it but does)
Finney is watching from his team at you talking to Bruce, you were giggling and touching his shoulder as Bruce laughs with you with his natural charming smile.
Finney bites his finger anxiously (I headcannon he bites his finger a lot by being anxious or randomly) later after his game finney was quiet as hell when you were walking him home. He wasn’t talking, looking, or anything.
You noticed and asked him, at first finney didn’t wanna say anything at first, he was just so anxious between asking “are you cheating on me” or “do you love me.” The sweet boy just wants to know but he finally gets the guts to ask you.
“Are you cheating on me..?” Your eyes widen shocked as you stopped walking and look at him crazy. “What the fuck….no..nonono.. Finn…babe..why do you think that?” You say asking. Finn starts to bite his fingers but you pull them from his mouth being serious.
“Finney, I know you know I love you..,okay?” “Then why were you being so friendly with Bruce?” He said anxiously… you just sigh and grab his hands, “Bruce is literally my brother… I’m adopted..we was just making jokes..”
And now finney felt embarrassed because you and Bruce don’t have the same last name. And that situation got cleared quick.
Bruce Yamada
(The type to pull you away from the person)
It was all because of some cocky baseball guy trying to get your number, his enemy team of one of his games.
Bruce was in between smacking him with his bat, or hitting his groin on purpose with the baseball bat when he swings.
Your honest reaction was walking away and Bruce snickered but stopped seeing the dude wasn’t giving up, so Bruce walked up and pushed him aside. Putting his arm around your shoulder and walking with you.
Bruce wouldn’t be the very like confronting type like Vance, but he will surly show he means business.
Vance Hopper
(The confronting type)
You and Vance were literally hanging out in the store like usual with you watching him, some guy starts to flirt with you and at first Vance didn’t hear what the guy was saying until this
“Man I didn’t know Vance had a pretty little thang like you…”
Vance immediately stops playing his pinball game and looks at the guy who is flirting with you. You looked as if you were about to punch him but Vance grabs you with a nonchalant face and looks at the guy in front of him. Vance literally puts that guy to the ground with a smug smirk. “What was that?..say it again to my partner. I fuckin dare you, you will taste the floor for weeks if I see you by them/her/him again..”
After that you teased him about being jealous after the guy ran away, but Vance wasn’t ashamed, “hell yeah I was, he can’t be the only one looking at your beauty..” he then kisses your lips gently as you two get slushes
Billy Showalter
(The overthinking type)
Billy seen you with one of the most charming guys he know…he felt as if you were going to replace him? Was you? He didn’t see you try to for months and 1 year of dating..maybe you are just talking to him for a clas project. Right? Right?
He was definitely overthinking it as he closes his in his room at the memory of you talking to that guy in the neighborhood, maybe you were cheating? You didn’t tell him that you were gonna meet someone. He knows and you know that you can see other friends as he is not the controlling type. But he just felt jealous for some reason. And he can’t put into the fact that guy and you seemed so close…
His thoughts stopped at you knocking on his bedroom door before opening it with a smile. Billy swallowed his thoughts and put on a half ass smile, you got onto that smile quick as your smile faded.
“Yo, you okay?” You asked sitting in his bed where he was laying down. He just nodded but that wasn’t enough as you needed a verbal okay. You narrowed your eyes making it clear you want to know what’s up with him. He sighs spilling the beans and you listened and listened.
You comforted him about his feelings and hugged him, you told him that the kid was asking how to get paper boy job like Billy and Billy felt slight appreciated with an adorable smile.
It was an adorable ending with a sweet treat of you and Billy eating ice cream and watching cartoons
Griffin Stagg
(Feels like he is going to be replaced and not loved again until proved wrong)
With you being his older sibling figure and kinda of a parent figure as well, he actually felt jealous when other kids his age got your attention as he didn’t get most of it at home.
This little gremlin holds your hand with a mean stare but you scold him about that so he does it more secretly 💀
You never thought griffen would ever act this way which is weird to you as griffen wasn’t the type to show that emotion.
You had gotten a call from your class to the principal office only to see griffen with a book and the principal just sighing. Apparently griffin had thrown a kiddie book at some kid that was either talking smack about you or just felt a little leapy and just thrown it.
After griffen got scolded from you and the principal, he finally told you his fears of you leaving him for someone else and him not having someone to care for him like you do.
You comfort him and hug him, you guessed it as because of the amount of homework you got into that you didn’t give griffin much attention. But you did tell him to stop throwing books…it became quite a habit for him to do that.
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captain-n-crunchies · 6 months
Miles 42 Headcannons ( We got a man yall 🤭🤭
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Miles 42x Black Reader
Like he not broke broke but, hell shadow box for $5 and win ts. To me I feel he got a little money saved form how his dad taught his savings, and he got a back account because remember he's like a hitman he gets paid, but he's not like rich enough to the point he buys you like Rolex watches, Catier, Dior vintage bags from the 70's spring collection.
Next, I feel like to me evry says hes like some bad boy to me i just think hes troubled but, hes a good kid. In the first movie Miles acted the same way and in the second movie he's more mature I feel like Miles-42 matured faster since his dad died; he could never play with action figures when no action was taken to save his dad
It very sad how they describe him in fics as like a drug dealer bad kid when really, I think he's just a matured yet still goofy version of Miles like imagine Hobie attitude with miles it practically the same!
Also, more on the dating side of things Miles-42 I believe would not trust his s/o til 3 months later or even more. Miles-42 is a hitman, and he may have been taught people are going to burn your bridge when they have the chance so, Miles stays clear of really revealing his inner turmoil's til he can fully trust you.
But, when Miles does open up he's like a little flower all nice and smells good yet can still have you in the bed sick and tired if tried hard enough, I feel like his emotions would turn more gentler like he wasn't neglecting you but he kind of was condescending when you show a lot of affection and until you prove your real, hell just make the relationship picture worthy and not living worthy.
But an opinion I know people would say is true is that Miles both of them cannot flirt. Remember than most likely Miles-42 dad and Miles-1160 uncle died at or around the same time which means they both experienced the same ' I almost messed up my chances with this cool girl because my uncle/dad didn't teach me how to be a smooth criminal' but to me with how he put his hand on Miles-1160 shoulder..that man had one girlfriend in the 5th grade and he's been feelin himself since then.
Now before you two started dating you have crushes, Miles didn't have many crushes to my idea. I feel like he didn't see it like he thought of kids as friends and if he did like smb it would be like quick and over with simply because he would try to be friends more.
Like imagine you tryna shoot your shot with him and he just asks you what your favorite power ranger...that what I mage would happen but he's 15/16 so instead it him saying ' cool but, not interested' like he's not rude about it but, you would feel he not messin with you,
Buttt if he does have like a real crush on you, I feel like he would try to get to know you by socials than irl, like asking Ganke can he ask for your socials and then following you and from there trying bag you by cheesy but smooth texts. He would ask about your day, what was the homework, what clubs you do ask a conversation starter but, if you feelin him hell asking about music because I feel like Miles-42 and Miles-1160 both have a music bone in them, and you know Miles-42 listens to good music (won't ever catch him listening to mf Lil Pump ass) I also feel like Miles would ask about pop culture opinions to see how you are as a person like do you watch any popular tv shows? Ohhhh your favorite is Greys Anatomy... so you have nothing to do in your time? That what hell thinks.
My last little head cannon is more of what he would do if Ms. Rio liked you, which because he respectful baddies she likes us quickly, so What would miles do if Rio likes us 🧐
First, Miles wouldn't tell but shell know simply because Miles never smiles at a text, it doesn't matter if he won $128302 million, he not smiling until he met our lovely baddie reader now, he is giggling and kicking his feet. To Ms. Rio that's not normal, it gives her a sense of his old self and she doesn't pry into his social like a helicopter parent but, she doesn't take a peek over his shoulder and when Miles does get the courage to tell her she just smiling acting like she aint know.
Miles seeing his mom like would take a big relief off his shoulders because he thought about the reddit stories where the mom is crazy and now, he thinks his momma gonna run us over with a truck and blame it on the next-door neighbor (true miles fashion)
His mom liking you also lets him know he picked the right one, mothers know best when it comes to fake people for some odd reason and if Rio didn't side-eye you when she met you then your good and he's inviting you to his house more often. I'm not going to talking about Uncle Aaron because I feel like they not as close like that but that a head cannon for a sad day.
But, at the end of the day Miles wants us bad 🤭🤭
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citysweet · 4 months
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— relationship head cannons (?) + plot
ෆ idol!chan x idol!fem reader
ෆ tw: none
ෆ wc: 1k+
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| meeting
you met by mcing together, specifically around your debut so you're kinda nervy but excited nonetheless. especially since you're working with someone so attractive?? 
he's so sweet when he notices how you fiddle with your hands, twisting the rings on your fingers. “you’ll do good, yeah? don't be nervous.” 
one of y'all's first shows and everyone already loves it. chanyn trending everywhere, cute pictures of yall in your color coded outfits 
and with both your groups having comebacks, you're both getting teased endlessly. but it's only the beginning so you brush it off.
| crushing
then once you two become comfortable around one another, the skinship comes easy to you two. from leaning on one another to adjusting each other's jewelry/clothes (which is all seen on the bts of music show). but that's all it was, friendly, co-workish touching. at least that's what you started telling yourself when butterflies filled your stomach every time he walked into the dressing room. 
the camera the staff had given you captured all the games you played together while waiting for your schedule to start. the rock paper scissors, the hot hands and how you’d both lean into one another laughing. the way neither of you would let go right away. you two sharing whatever snacks and drinks you brought along for the long hours. ‘it’s just a crush that’ll go away.’ 
which leads to your crush only growing. minutes before you’re set to go on stage to declare this week's winner, you feel his hands rest on your shoulders. he stands behind you, leaning in towards your ear so you could hear him over the music playing. his breath on your skin sends a shiver up your spine and you straighten out your back. “who has your vote?” 
suddenly everything he does makes you feel a certain way. you force yourself to ignore it, caught up in thinking there's no chance he’d like you back. that god forsaken smile of his really did it, you’d catch yourself looking to make him laugh just to see his pretty dimples form. you always looked away once he’d look back, missing the way his eyes fill with admiration at the mere sight of you. 
“what?”, you ask the first time you notice his eyes on you. he flushes pink, looking away and shaking his head. he clears his throat, tweaking with his mic. “nothing.” the first person to pick up on your little crush is your manager (who you’re quite close with). you shrug it off, still stubbornly denying it. and not to your knowledge, chan was also dodging every attempt to talk about you from his members. 
| realization
it really starts to set in for you both when you reach your last show together. its comeback season again for your group and you sit with your members in the dressing room after winning. a knock on the door silences the conversation and someone gets up to open it. on the other side stands chan with a bouquet of flowers along with your name written on a card hidden between the stems. all the eyes turn to you and you quickly move to stand outside the room with him. he nervously hands the flowers to you. your fingers brush against his and your eyes lock. 
you then remember what you had gotten him and quickly turn around, opening the door and picking up the bag with a small cake inside. chan hesitates when you stick out your hand, insisting you shouldn’t have gotten him anything. your hand reaches for his wrist, placing the bag into his grip. your touch sends a sheen of heat across his body. you two bid your goodbyes when his group comes prancing down the hallway. you wave to them, thanking chan for the flowers again before slipping back into the room. 
| communicating
since then, the fact that chan didn’t go any farther had been eating him up. it had been nearly a month since he’d seen you, unsure if you even read the heartfelt note he left. not necessarily a confession of any kind, but him sharing how happy he was to have worked with you specifically. which you had read it, more than once actually. however, in all the time he spent with you, numbers were never exchanged. and with such little free time, the only chance you had to mention it was on live. 
“ah! i just remembered,” you say before jumping up and grabbing the vase containing the somewhat healthy flowers off your desk. you pull them into frame, taking out the card. “channie gifted me some flowers on our last day and he left me a card..” 
“they’re kind of dying now,” you laugh softly, “but i never got to thank him for the card. its funny cause we worked together for so long, but we never exchanged numbers.” you flip open the card for the nth time in the last month, smiling when your eyes scan over the words. 
“so channie if you see this, thank you. it was very sweet.” you say looking into the camera before folding up the card and tucking it back into the vase. “ ‘he’s so nice.’ ”, you read aloud from the moving messages on the screen in front of you. nodding, you reply “mhm! he is.” the smile on your face slides past no one, leaving plenty of room for speculation. 
the fans made sure to get the clip to chan, to which he responded on live as well. 
“i saw uh-..y/n’s live..yeah we had so much fun together we completely forgot about sharing our numbers.” he says as his hand rubs up against his arm in the black sleeveless he had on. (that thing he does iykyk)
“i’m glad you liked it! i wasn't sure if you had gotten it…and the cake was really good.” ‘cake?’, “yeah, y/n got me cake. the kids ate most of it though,” he laughs, “it was very thoughtful of her, be nice to her guys, okay?” 
| bag secured
later on, when you two do finally see each other again its around award season. which meant a handful of rehearsals and thankfully your times lined up. so while staff got all the technical stuff ready, you two made conversation. chan’s nails pick at his fingers nervously as doubt racked his brain. the boys had convinced him to ask you out (after forcing the fact that he liked you out of him). after a little while, the tension is eased and you’re laughing and joking just like before. 
someone comes over and hands you your mic pack, he immediately offers to help you, not waiting till you say yes. he loops the wire around your waist, plugging it into the small box and clipping it onto the hem of your pants. as he secures it, a sudden boost of confidence dawns on him and he goes for it. “do you wanna go out with me?” when you freeze up before turning around, his hands drop to his side and he goes pale. 
“yeah...yeah i would.” you say, failing to bite back a smile. he lets out a dry chuckle, nodding. he clears his throat, “we should probably get each others numbers, yeah?” you laugh, nodding along before pulling your phone from your pocket and handing it to him. you take his, putting in yours. you swear your knees almost buck when he looks at you with that shy smile, dimples ever so prominent. 
later that evening, after the long day you’ve had, you open your contact list. your phone pings and your heart nearly jumps out your throat.
channie 💙 : hey, when are you free?
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ෆ my annual fic longer than 1k omg omg
© citysweet
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infiniteimaginings · 4 months
Hi!!! I was just wondering if you could do general dating hc with Andre or Robbie from Victorious! It's alright if you can't have a good rest of your day/night!:)<3
We look good together (Andre Harris x GN!Reader)
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Summary: The students of Hollywood Arts talk about what it's like seeing you two together. Pronouns: You/Yours, They/Them Warnings: None Word Count: 2.3k A/N: I don't write head cannons! Sorry I'm just bad at them! I had an idea of how I was writing this in the beginning and then it turned into something completely different, lmao. Here's the friend group talking about how healthy the couple is lol! <33
André Harris was the guy everybody liked. He was handsome, he was kind, smart, musically talented, supportive, and one of the most laid back people at Hollywood Arts.
No one was surprised when André started dating you, it was going to happen at some point. They were mainly surprised with how the dynamics of your relationship worked.
The relationship everyone was used to, wasn’t the best example for relationships. Jade and Beck broke up multiple times and the entire school was still questioning how and why they were still together.
Regardless, everyone was rooting for you guys since your relationship seemed to be the opposite of theirs. In other words, you’re a couple that people actually enjoy inviting places.
The main group: Tori, Beck, Jade, Cat, and Robbie, (and Rex), all sat at their typical lunch table, waiting for you and Andr é.
Jade groaned, placing her hand in front of her eyes, “Why are we waiting?” She asked, face in it’s typical neutral fashion but, it was clear she disliked having to wait in order to get lunch. 
Tori scrunched her nose at Jades current discomfort, “We’re waiting for André and-” 
“Yeah, yeah, his obsession. What do they have to do with anything?”
Beck looked over to Jade and put his arm around her shoulder, “They’ve been dating for months.”
“Yeah, get over yourself.” Tori told her, moving her bag to grab her phone. She began typing out a message to André, asking when he would get there since Jade was already antsy.
Cat ran her hand through her vibrant red curls, adjusting her top. “I think it’s sweet, they look cute together.”
Jade tapped her fingers on the table, “You think everything is cute.”
The redhead simply laughed, showing her dimples as she shook her head, “You don’t think anything’s cute!” 
A voice from the end of the table spoke up, “You’re just mad that everyone likes their relationship more than yours!” 
The comment caused everyone to turn to that person and Robbie was looking down at…Rex. 
Jade smiled with closed eyes, “Shut your puppet up or I cut off all his little limbs and run his plastic head over.” She spoke, eyes widening slowly before narrowing into a nasty glare.
Robbie rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand, “He’s not really wrong, it seems like you don’t like them coming together because they get invited to more things than you.” He mumbled, cowering under the dark haired girl's gaze.
“Why would I care that they get invited to places? I barely like anyone here.” She grumbled, leaning into Beck with a roll of her eyes. “Besides, I unfortunately hang out with the same seven people everyday.”
As she said that, a voice spoke from behind them, “They get invited because they bring the energy up instead of dragging it to the dark parts of our memories that we don’t want to touch.” The voice caused everyone but Jade to jump. 
When they all turned, they were met with the oddest friend they’ve ever made at the school, Sinjin Van Cleef. They had no idea whether that was against their will and he was just around a lot, or if they knew him by choice. They never questioned it. 
Beck shook his head at the typical antics of the boy, “What do you mean?” He asked.
Sinjin lit up and moved his way in between Beck and Tori, “I am so glad you asked.” He spoke, already beginning his story, “Just last week…”
It was tech week, preparing for the next show was a usual occurrence at Hollywood Arts. What wasn’t a normal occurrence was Sinjin being the only person to work everything for a few hours since his crewmates had a project during that period. He was the only person with a free period and had to work on the tech since it was currently a disaster.
As he was trying his hardest not to get frustrated and ultimately give up, you and André walked in, smiles on your faces as you talked about anything and everything. André left his phone during practice before the bell, so you guys decided to get it during your free period instead of interrupting class.
You had continued talking to André, looking around at the lights on stage until you looked up and noticed the curly haired boy tapping on his board for some portion of the tech. You tapped on André, bringing his attention to the seemingly irritated boy.
“Hey Sinjin!” He called, grabbing the boy's attention. Sinjin took off his headphones and gave a half wave to the two, “Hey guys.” 
You waved back but, both of you could tell something was wrong. 
André walked a little closer, Sinjin leaning over the rail to keep eye contact. “What’s up man?” André asked, concern lacing his voice since he could see Sinjin's face was blotched with red, as if he was about to cry.
Sinjin sighed, rubbing his eyes and explained the situation. “The rest of the tech crew can’t come in for this period because of some project.” He began, you and your boyfriend nodding along as he spoke. “We have checks tomorrow, so I have to get all this done before the period ends or we’ll have to delay the show.” 
You hummed, “What all are you guys getting checked?”
“Mics, lighting, and the electric steps.” Sinjin answered, reminding them of the scene where the two characters run up the moving stairs, singing with each other. “Without the crew it just takes longer to hear the feedback from mics, to test the steps and see if they really work, and if the lighting hits right.”
You and André looked at each other, almost having a silent conversation before shrugging and turning back to your friend.
André put his phone back on the chair and took your hand, leading you to the stage. 
Sinjin stood to look at you guys better, “Um, what are you guys doing?”
You shook out your nerves a bit and tilted your head, “What does it look like we’re doing?”
“We’re going to help you set up for checks tomorrow.” Your boyfriend answered, walking to the table on stage with the mics. He handed you one of the mics, strapping his own on, “Do all the mics need testing?” He asked, adjusting his hair so the mic would sit comfortably. 
Sinjin sighed with a smile, relief filling him when you guys said you would help and he shook his head. “Just mics 4, 7, 19, and 23.” He informed, to which the two of you nodded. 
You put your mic on, André making sure it was on right. “So, two runs with the mics, alone. Then we could do…” You trailed off, André finishing your aloud thoughts, “A couple runs with mics and lighting, then a few with the stairs.”
And that’s exactly what the two of you did. The two of you knew the choreography since you were in the performance.
You both helped Sinjin with everything he needed and even a bit more with your personal sights, even going as far to hear from outside the door just to check the feedback. All three of you spent the free period finishing up what Sinjin needed.
Once he reached the floor where you guys were packing up, he adjusted his glasses and thanked both of you profusely.
You waved your hand, “Don’t worry about it, anything to help!”
André shook his head, “You’re our friend Sinjin, if you’re ever in that situation again just text us.”
“He’s serious, and so am I. We’ll always be free.”
 Sinjin finished the memory with a sweet smile on his face, “I have never been helped like that.” He told the group, hands clasped together. 
“That’s because you’re a borderline stalker.” Jade replied, head bobbling as a thin smile painted her face at how Sinjin's expression fell.
Beck sighed, huffing out a breath, “Stop it.” He mumbled to her and she rolled her eyes and shook her head, placing her chin into her palm.
Tori hummed a bit, “I think they’re just helpful people on their own.” She shrugged, playing with the holes in the table. “As a couple they just have a different type of…energy.” She tried to explain, which everyone understood.
Cat nodded and smiled widely, “That’s why I think they’re so cute together! I mean have you seen them when they’re near each other?” She asked, remembering each time she’s seen the two of you together.
You were practicing choreography for a project you had with two other students, in one of the empty practice rooms. André was helping with the original music aspect, and he was the only other one there since Cat and the other person in their project hadn’t arrived yet.
When Cat finally did get there, you were near the end of the choreo, and she felt terrible. She entered the room quietly, trying not to interrupt.
When you did finish the choreography, André stopped playing and turned to you with a bright grin, his eyes shining as he looked at you. You walked over to him with a matching grin and stood in between his legs, hands on his shoulders.
“That was absolutely amazing choreography.” He whispered to you, rubbing your sides.
You were breathing a bit heavy but chuckled nonetheless, “Your fantastic original song is why it feels so put together.” You whispered back, your comment causing him to laugh a bit.
The two of you stayed in that position, whispering sweet nothings to one another as you both felt the warmth from each other's hands.
André pulled you in a little closer, lifting his head up to meet your gaze in that position and you lifted one of your hands to cup his face. You leaned down and placed a small kiss to his lips, humming against them when you pulled apart.
Cat couldn’t hear it well but she was sure she heard the two of you whisper,
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
Tori poked her bottom lip out as her eyes were wide in adoration, “That is so sweet.”
Cat pointed to her before clapping a bit, “I know! It was so cute!” She responded, smiling and shimmying her shoulders.
Robbie didn’t quite understand, and he tilted his head, “I don’t get it.” 
“Of course you don’t get it, you have no romance in your life…ever.” A ‘voice’ called from below him, belonging to Rex.
Robbie shook his head and ignored the puppet, “I mean I don’t get it, they’re supposed to like each other. So what if they do it in private?” He asked, his point getting across to all of them.
Tori tilted her own head, “It’s not just in private though. They show that kind of affection all the time and…” She paused, trying to find the right words.
Beck apparently knew the right ones as he swooped a hand through his hair, “Their affection towards one another extends to how they treat other people.” He explained with a nod of his head. “Therefore, making them an extremely likable couple.”
Jade pursed her lips, “Those are just two experiences, for all we know they probably don’t even…what is it..” She mumbled, “Communicate, or whatever.”
Tori raised her brow, pulling up her phone before showing Jade a few pictures. “They got André a custom guitar and a keyboard that his favorite artist used in concert.” She began, holding her finger up when Jade tried to speak, “And his grandma likes them.” She nodded along with her own words, dropping something everyone was surprised about.
“That doesn’t mean-”
This time, Beck actually cut in, “André pulled strings and got them as a backup dancer for their favorite singer's music video.” 
“But do they communicate? You don’t know.”
Cat pursed her lips to the side, “I’m sure they communicate if they’re still together.”
“I mean Beck and Jade are still together, so clearly communication doesn’t mean much.” A voice from Robbies direction spoke out.
This apparently brought Jade to silence as she clenched her jaw and her eye twitched. That was until she suddenly stopped and she blinked at the group with a weird look, “When did this become a share circle?”
“When did what become a share circle?” A voice asked from the side of the table.
You and André sat at the end of the table, it was a little cramped and once they all realized, the main group's eyes went straight to Sinjin. The curly haired boy stood with his mouth in a line, waving goodbye as he walked away.
André’s arm was around your waist and you were holding both of your phones. “Sorry we’re late, the teacher held us back for a minute.” You explained, André confirming with a nod of his head.
“What were you guys talking about?” André asked, raising a brow at everyone, minus Jade, smiling at them.
Tori stood up and shook her head, “Nothing.” She spoke suspiciously with a smile, everyone standing up after her, including you and André.
Jade rolled her eyes, “They were all talking about what a great couple the two of you were.” She spoke, her expression neutral.
The two of you looked at each other and then back at your friends, “What?” You asked simultaneously.
Beck walked with Jade, his arm around her shoulder still, “You two just look good together is all.” He spoke, walking past you. 
The rest of your friends agreed, beginning their walk to the restaurant you guys decided you were going to for lunch.
The two of you were a little shocked so you were stuck, hand and hand, standing in the lunch plaza of your school.
You looked at your boyfriend and shrugged, “I mean, they aren’t wrong.” 
André laughed and shook his head, “Nope, they’re not.” He hummed, walking with you to catch up with your friends. “We do look good together.”
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solemnvelvetangel · 3 months
"Everybody wants a taste, that's why I still get jealous" - BSD jealousy head cannons
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June 30th, 2024
Characters included:  Atsushi Nakajima, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Chuya Nakahara, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Saigiku Jouno.
Word Count: 1,383
GN! Reader
Content Warning: Insecurities, anxiety, brief mention of a lobotomy in Fyodor's.
These are purely self-indulgent head cannons of some of the BSD characters I think would be the most jealous in a relationship. Enjoy <3.
“I don't like the way he's lookin' at you. I'm startin' to think you want him, too…”
Atsushi Nakajima
As sweet as he would be, I believe Atsushi would be very jealous when it comes to his partner.
Because of years of abuse and neglect he faced in the orphanage he was raised in, he has barely ever had positive attention.
So naturally, as soon as he started to get that positive attention from you, he instantly began to treasure the feeling and became protective over you.
He takes your relationship very seriously because he feels that you’re one of the first people that he was able to form a deep connection with.
So, when he feels like your relationship is being threatened somehow, he starts to feel a certain type of way about it.
He’s not controlling or anything, he just sinks too far into his own thoughts and starts to get really intense feelings of inadequacy.
He will often become visibly distressed when gets too in his own head.
But he’ll deny it until he can no longer hide it.
He has very low self-esteem, so if he thought that someone that he saw as more attractive than him was trying to come on to you, he would probably get really upset and worried.
Especially if it’s a recurring event with the same person.
If someone was straight-up flirting with you in front of him, he’s going to be so annoyed beyond belief.
Passive Aggressive. He’ll try to be polite, but his irritation is going to be clear in his tone.
He mostly bottles up his feelings until he lets them out all at once when you two are by yourselves.
He feels really weak for being a jealous person, but he can’t help but feel it.
“Protective or possessive? Girl, call it passive or aggressive…”
Ryunosuke Akutagawa
… I don’t even know where to start, because this man has so much emotional baggage.
He’s very similar to Atsushi, in which he bonds with someone he cares about deeply and becomes protective.
However, Akutagawa is more overwhelmed by his feelings of inadequacy.
Instead of it just being when he feels like his relationship is being threatened, it is a constant feeling for him.
It only gets worse when he feels like someone is trying to take you from him.
You’re his person, to every extent of the word: his lover, his best friend, the person he trusts the most. You’re his, and he’s not afraid to protect what means to him most.
Calling him “protective” would be an understatement.
He’s more like a terrifying angel of vengeance that looms over you when people get too close for his liking.
People are so afraid of him, that they don’t typically approach you anyway.
He’s not passive aggressive, he is straight-up aggressive.
It’s kind of like this: they make him uncomfortable, so he makes them really uncomfortable.
He gets nauseous if anyone gets too touchy with you. Not out of disgust, but out of anxiety.
He hates when people try to touch him (he doesn’t even like shaking people’s hands for business purposes), but your touch is something he loves and he finds it sacred.
So, if someone tries to touch you too much or in a non-friendly way, he’s going to be very upfront with the person about how feels about it, whether it be through words or by punching them in the face.
He can and will shove someone away from you.
“It’s not your fault that they hover, I mean no disrespect…”
Chuya Nakahara
He’s jealous, but he’s more respectful and mature than most would think.
All of his life, he has never felt human or felt like he could be loved.
So, when you two got together, you became the most important person to him.
He began to fear that someone who is more “normal” than him will catch your attention and you’ll leave him.
He doesn’t really understand why you love him, which just fuels his insecurity.
Him being the host of Arahabaki doesn’t really help his feelings.
He knows that it’s not your fault if people are attracted to you, but he can’t help but feel protective.
He’s jealous in a very quiet manner, despite being so head-strong.
Because of his ability and Arahabaki, he was afraid to touch you for a very long time.
Even if he knows someone is just hugging you platonically, he can’t help but feel bitter because they can hug you so easily without the fear of hurting you.
He’s also jealous of people who have a very calm demeanor.
He feels that he’s often too harsh and rough-around-the-edges, which causes a seed of doubt to be planted in his brain.
In summary, his jealousy stems from his own insecurity of not feeling human.
“You can call me obsessed…”
Fyodor Dostoevsky
When I say he is obsessed, I mean that in every sense of the word.
He’s obsessed. Consumed by adoration. Immensely intrigued by your existence. Enamored, even.
In other words: he is horrendously down bad.
He won’t admit that, though. Even though he’s in love with you, he will always keep you at a certain distance.
That doesn’t make him any less jealous, though.
He knows that being in a relationship with him is anything but normal and it’s difficult, so the possibility of you leaving him because you find someone more expressive with their feelings or more gentle is something he thinks about more than he wants to.
The thought literally haunts him.
He’s naturally suspicious of literally anyone who tries to get close to you, whether it be platonic or romantic.
It’s mostly because of his profession that makes him skeptical of people that try to get close to you.
To be honest, the only three people he trusts around you are Nikolai, Sigma, and Ivan.
Nikolai because while he’s crazy, he's not crazy enough to cross that line.
Sigma because Fyodor knows that he’s inexperienced in love and insecure about his humanity, so he knows he won’t try anything.
Ivan because… well, he’s Ivan. He literally has no thoughts in that lobotomized brain.
Platonic relationships he can tolerate, he is suspicious, but he tolerates them to the best of his ability.
He is completely intolerant of anyone who takes romantic interest in you.
He will make it clear to anyone who shows even the slightest bit of attraction to you that he doesn’t play games when it comes to you.
If it’s a normal person that he doesn't know very well, he’ll just use simple intimidation to get them to back off. He doesn’t really waste his time on them.
Now, if it’s someone he knows very well or an enemy of his, he is going to be a menace.
He’s going to make sure that they know they  can mess with him all they want, but he’ll be damned before they ever try to get close to you in any capacity.
“It’s my right to be hellish, I still get jealous…”
Saigiku Jouno
Hunting dog? More like a guard dog.
Jouno is sadistic, teasing, and hot-tempered behind a calm demeanor.
He’s anything but chill when it comes to you.
You know the saying “there’s plenty of fish in the sea”? Yeah, he doesn’t believe that. You’re his fish and he’s not throwing you back.
Jouno has seen terrible things and has met many terrible people with terrible intentions, so he’s pretty good at reading people.
So, when people try to flirt with you, it’s on sight.
Especially if they’re being very sweet to you. 
He tends to show his affection through teasing you. So, when someone is being overly sweet and complimenting you, he feels like they’re trying to take you from him.
He’s pissed and jealous, and he’s gonna’ make it their problem.
He’ll give off a really threatening aura and he’ll insult the person almost endlessly.
He’s really passive aggressive. More aggressive than passive.
He will be touchier when he’s jealous, it’s sort of his way of keeping himself calm.
He’s dreadfully aware that he has someone good, and he won’t let anyone threaten your relationship.
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thefandomdirtymind · 1 year
How about opla!sanji being completely in love with the reader the moment he sees them?
It just hits him, bam, love at first sight. He plans to marry them kinda moment. Maybe they are in need of rescue or part of a rival crew.
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A/N IMPORTANT:  Hi Anon ! Thank you for your request. I had so much fun writing it and playing with the idea of Sanji just planning his own wedding cake at the first of the reader. I assume by your use of Them that you wanted it gender neutral so I did my best and I hope you will like !
I though I knew love
OPLA - Vinsmoke Sanji x Reader Gender neutral (Them)
Sanji series : SFW Shiny Offering - NSFW The Small Favor - SFW The Mermaid Dream - SFW The Magic of a Kiss  - NSFW Casual
* English is not my first language, I tried really hard to correct myself but, I hope you will excuse me if some mistakes are still there.
Love is a strange thing. Leading you to have affection for a thing, a pet, a person, multiple people at once, maybe, one more that another or felt head over heels for somebody at first sight. 
Not that you could tell yourself. Your love life hadn’t nothing to be told if not the term “boring” was the best to describe it. You had ,of course, a certain attraction and affection for your previous partners, but in your experience, the big true love was only things existing in books and short stories. 
However,the last thing you wanted to think about right now was love. The chain retraining your wrist was starting to get itchy, the little drop of water falling from the ceiling every ten seconds slowly gave you headaches and you could smell it in the air. The crew of Marines had become a little bit more nervous since they brought you a new cell companion, an unconscientious pretty orange haired girl. Maybe she would become your key to escape that rat hole of a ship. 
As if your thought had summoned it, you suddenly heard the blast of cannon and the scream of an eminent battle. Your brain working at full speed, you immediately start to search for a way out of that damn cell. Never you will allow yourself to be caught again, neither by the marine ,who’s without no doubt will execute you, nor by those pirates. You didn’t escape the circus or Buggy to come back in this nightmare. You prefer to drown. 
Kicking the door as hard as you can, targeting the rusty corner of the keyhole you abruptly stop when you hear heavy footsteps in the stairs and a face you had hoped never see again. 
“ They finally caught you hm ? “ Zoro nagged you, taking a look at Nami who slowly was regaining consciousness. “ Welcome back, I'll get you out in a minute. I have to decide what we do with your little roommate here. ” 
“ I suggest you let me go and forget my existence. I did what I did because I was in debt with Buggy, go hunt him down instead “ You replied,already knowing that the pirate hunter wasn’t the kind to let you go so easily.
“ I could, or you could win your freedom. Fight me and I'll let you go “ He offered, opening the door, but still blocking you the way. 
Sanji was right behind Zoro, clearing his part of the deck, kicking with all he had. Somewhere between a missing punch from a Marine and a successful attack of this part against a kneecap. He had nodded when his green hair crew member had informed him that he will go downstairs to help Nami. But, he hadn’t come back since and Sanji didn’t like it at all. How many times he will have to save the life of that ungrateful mosshead.
Getting down the stairs, the blond chef never passes the last step. What was in front of him was simply unreal.  
Sanji, though he knew love, had felt love before. But, as you succeed to push Zoro in a full blast, he realizes that he, in fact, never felt it that way. Seeing you still enchained, but still so beautifully strong, trying to defend  yourself as furiously as a tiger, with the only help of the loose chain of your restraints bracelet. Makes him feel as if he receives himself a punch in the guts. From somewhere he could hear the wedding bell and almost see the magnificent cake he will bake for the event.
Maybe a Lemon quatre-quart or a simple sponge vanilla cake with pieces of strawberry in it. Are roses will be too classic or a cascade of fresh tiger lily accros the cake would make it look to bold.
He sadly couldn’t finish his delicious pastry though. When, as in an attempt of escaping what could be a mortal blast, you enter in full collision with his body.  
As you try to get up, your eyes finally meet his. In the most stressful moment of your life, you feel yourself caught in the bluest gaze you've ever seen. And just like that, the idea of love at first sight didn’t seem to you like some literature mirage.   
“ Hello there “ Sanji smiled, laying under you, his head gently resting against a step, letting you free to decide your next move. Sure if you decided to step on him to break free, it would probably permanently break his heart, but if it would save your life, he will accept it gladly. 
“Hi…” You nervously replied, trying, and failing pathetically to not smile with him. 
“ Hey waiter, stay out of that ! The fight isn’t over come back here Y/N “ Zoro groan. 
“ In fact I think we should all get out of here “ Nami declared, as a boom and a big crash came from upstairs.
Finally untangle yourself from the blond man, still on your guard in front of Zoro, but unable to snatch your gaze of Sanji. You nod of the head and proceed to get up the stairs. 
The whole ship was a mess, every Marines on the deck was unconscious, the mainmast was down and as you can see, the only person still standing was a way too joyful young man wearing a straw hat.
“ Hey ! Did you find another crew member !? “ He asked, like if you aren’t still unchained and clearly under the dark gaze of Zoro. 
“ More like a lot of Berries in warrant “ The young swordsman replied. 
“ We can’t collect a warrant while being yourself a pirate Zoro and you had to admit it was a great fight you had. “ Nami contributed, offering you a smile. “ I was mostly unconscious but I heard you had escaped from Buggy, we are different, we could need your help in our crew.”  
“ I will gladly welcome them in the crew if they want to join, “ Sanji answered, smiling at you, a tenderness you hadn’t fully understood in his eyes. “ I can’t wait to cook you your favorite meal.”   
“ Well, I...if Zoro will not kill me in my sleep I guess that I will stick with you for a while. “ You answered, curious to discover the meaning of this strange feeling you felt earlier with the tall blond. And the woman, Nami, seems right. Even in the clown crew, you hadn’t seen nothing like their good chemistry.  
“ Whatever “ The ex-pirate hunter mumbled, clearly not happy but ready to follow ,what you surprisingly guess, is his captain.  
“ Yahoo !  I’m Monkey D. Luffy, we are the straw hat crew and I will be King of the Pirate ! Let’s get back to the ship, those handcuffs would be really uncomfortable ! “
Later that night, free of your chain and well fed for the first time in a while, you stay a little longer in the kitchen. 
Sitting at the table, the soft noise of Sanji cooking and the waves crashing against the hull . You absently dried the table knife you were previously cleaning. 
“ Y/N can you try those and tell me which you prefer ?” Sanji gently asked you, putting in front of you two slices of cake. 
A lemon quatre -quart and a vanilla sponge cake with strawberry pieces. 
At first surprise, you gave them a try, not sure of the last time you had cake. 
“ I can’t choose…They are both delicious ! “ You answered, finishing both slices. “ What is it for ?” 
“ Oh it’s for an event I plan for the future…” He simply replied, taking away the empty plates. “When we will be ready”
You didn’t know exactly why, maybe it was his soft smile when he was talking about that mysterious future plan or the gaze he was laying on you. But you couldn’t help yourself to feel your cheeks warming up a little, excited to discover more about that plan and which role you will play in it.
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bsverryin · 1 year
: ̗̀➛ How much HSR men loves you.
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╰┈➤ Jing yuan, Blade, Gepard, Welt, Dan heng, Sampo
╰┈➤ you as their special someone <3
✎ This is REALLY SHORT!! HEAD CANNONS ONLY!! Idk Sampo well..I'm running out of ideas Huhuhu and I'm getting busier day by day too 🥹 I'll still try my best to post cuz I love writing. I always forget to say this but dm me If you need a friend I don't bite!!🫶
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Jing yuan makes sure that you have everything that you want or need. He's sad when you're sad, he's happy when you're happy because you're his world, his one and only. When he makes promises he makes sure to fulfill them no matter what it cost.
When you're sad, he always makes sure that no one bothers you and he'll give you all the time and space that you need until you ask for his presence and when you're happy he makes sure to take a note of it so the next time you're sad he knows what to do. <3
: ̗̀➛ BLADE
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Blade is not the best when it comes to loving someone, so when he had you he felt a little overwhelmed because everything was just new to him and he's scared to hurt you too. He still lets you do everything that you want to him, he doesn't get mad like before, he got used to you and it's in a good way.
Blade is not that romantic but he makes sure that no one hurts you or ever lay a hand on you. Whenever he sees you with someone, he'll immediately grab your wrist and when you ask him if he's jealous he denies it, he just wants you to be safe at all times or he's just the overprotective type and plus he swore to the whole world that he'll always love you as long as he's breathing.
: ̗̀➛ GEPARD
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Gepard is the overprotective type just like blade the difference of them is just that he wants to study about love just so he knows how he can show it to you, you'll always make him blush and give him gifts which makes him feel really appreciated, and when you do that he would always message his sister what a girl would want.
He returns everything that you give him by showing you how much he loves you like he clears his schedule so that you can date together, he cooks in the morning before he leaves and makes sure that you're always cuddling in the night. He's really cute and loving when it comes to you and only you.
: ̗̀➛ WELT
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Welt is actually a loving person and you didn't expect it You thought he's the non-chalant type but he really tries his best everyday to be there for you. He gets used to you that he doesn't like it when you're not together, he gets all gloomy when he's not with you or even tries to distract himself alone because you're not there to distract him on whatever he's doing.
He tries to do things that make you happy, like having matching clothes and stuff he doesn't think is necessary but he still does it for your sake and he grows to love it especially when you're with him. You bring out the best of him and he loves you no matter what.
: ̗̀➛ DAN HENG
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Dan heng is not the best when it comes to showing how much he cares for you but he's trying. He doesn't want you to feel like you're the only one who's trying to make the relationship that you both have to work so there's times when he's clinging into you. He wasn't the clingy type at first but then he just finds himself clinging into you because he loves you.
There are times when he can't understand how you feel that he doesn't really know what to do but everyday he tries his best to get to know you better so that he can understand and read you immediately but there are also times where he just comes out from nowhere and gives you the warmest hug you ever had.
: ̗̀➛ SAMPO
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Sampo was the most happiest man alive when he found out that you loved him too. He makes sure that you're happy all the time and he's giving you the love that you deserve, there are times that you're sad and he'll do EVERYTHING he can just to make you feel better.
He's the fun type that you never get jealous of because he knows you too well, like when you're sad, disappointed or happy. He knows your every mood, and it was because the only person that he cherishes is you and only you that's why he gives you so much attention. You're the one that he need and want forever and ever.
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t1red-twilight · 9 days
through the ages
part 1
content/warnings: gn!reader, fluff, doesn’t follow cannon super closely (i’m stupid), cursing, mentions of spencelle (bc i said so)
notes: lmao finally got this out
word count: 2.0k
masterlist series masterlist
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hotch opened the door and brought you in. spencer took note of everything; the curve of your lips, the way you walked. he had never been so enamored with a single person before. sure, he’d had crushes. but never once had he immediately needed to know someone.
aaron’s introduction of you was wordless; the world lagged as spencer gazed upon you but desperately tried to avoid eye contact. every spot of your face, every imperfection had him speechless.
you had just graduated, masters in criminal justice and a minor in sociology from princeton. full ride scholarship, spencer later found out. (your writing was exquisite; very insightful. he looked it up in the hotel later that evening.)
it had been a normal day in the office, as normal as it could be. then, his world stopped when he saw you. after elle had left something in him felt sort of numb; maybe, you could give him a spark.
you sat in the chair directly to his left on the opposite side of the table. one elbow leaned on the desk, and you wordlessly mouthed words he couldn’t make out as the case was described. your eyes flicked over to him, and he quickly looked back at hotch. had you caught him staring, or had you wanted to catch a glimpse of him? he knew that this could maybe mean that you were trying to look at him from the same motivations that he was, enamorment, or maybe you had just sensed him staring like a frog at a fly: quickly, insignificantly.
the only issue was that it seemed you liked morgan.
las vegas, nevada was where the team was headed. being here reminded spencer of things, memories he didn’t care to recall. he noticed how you were hesitant to speak up, a feeling he had been familiar with a few years ago when he first joined the team.
the police station was incredibly stuffy, typical for the las vegas summertime. if you looked out into the road, you could see mirages. the police station had ac, but it was not helpful by any means at all.
spencer looked over at you. your hands were in your lap, and you were intently focused on something that morgan was saying. morgan was sitting on the table in the centers of the conference room, and you were looking up at him.
the stretch of morgan’s muscles underneath his shirt made spencer’s chest pang with envy. what did you think about morgan? was morgan your type? oh, god. maybe spencer didn’t even have a chance.
he didn’t see hotch approaching. “you find anything on the geographical profile, reid?” spencer blinked rapidly in an effort to clear his mind. he turned around to face the map that he had been leaning on. “distracted?” hotch’s eyebrows raised in what spencer knew to be amusement, though he was never hyper-expressive.
“uh- no. i’m alright. all the murders were in the same police jurisdiction, and all within a mile of each other. the focal point of these suggest that the unsub might live-“
you couldn’t stop your hands from shaking. this introduction could make or break your relationship with the bau team. it didn’t help that you were so young and inexperienced. hell, you were still working on your phd.
aaron hotchner guided you into the room and recited your name and qualifications. however, your eyes were glued to the wall right above the shoulder of a tall man, who had a goatee.
when you peeled your eyes away from the wall, you saw him. he had light brown hair, and starry eyes that were behind thick-rimmed glasses. one of his plump lips was tucked between his teeth.
once hotchner finished, you sat down paid attention as much as you could to the case that you were being sent on. baptism by fire, you guessed.
every now and then, you’d look out of the corner of your eye to look at the man in glasses. hopefully he wouldn’t catch you trying to memorize every freckle and line on his face.
you stayed mostly silent on the jet. you figured that you could mostly shadow the other people on the team before you got the hang of things. the chairs on the jet were not super comfortable; or maybe, you were just ridiculously tense.
you had only been to las vegas one or two times, and one of those times was just driving through. the police station was crowded and full of typical police assholes. that, you were more than used to. a bead of sweat dripped down your back.
when you sat down to look at the police reports one more time, you heard the table creak as someone sat upon it. looking up, you saw the man with the goatee from earlier. “so, where’d you work before you landed this gig?”
you exhaled a breath you didn’t know you were holding. at least he was being casual. still, you dropped your hands to your lap to fiddle with your fingers. “i was an assistant at a firm up in jersey,” you said, pausing briefly. “remind me what your name was again?”
“i’m morgan.” you followed by telling him your name. he must’ve seen you glancing over at the man in glasses repeatedly. he was raptly describing the geographical profile to agent hotchner. “that’s reid, if you didn’t already know.”
“that’s good to know. this morning was a little rushed.” your eyes trailed over agent reid. the way his fingers moved across the map with intense dexterity was enticing.
morgan chuckled and rolled his eyes playfully (even though you couldn’t see it, your gaze still locked on reid). “he’s single,” morgan purred, jumping off the table to return to his previous task.
you felt like a deer caught in the headlights, but morgan was gone before you could protest to what he was alluding to.
the case had gone by smoothly. but spencer could hardly even focus when you were within fifty feet of him. he was inexplicably drawn to you.
the jet was much cooler than vegas had been, and the entire team felt relieved. you were the last on, spencer quickly sat upright. were you walking towards him?
you spoke in a soft tone, “can i sit here? all the other seats are taken.” you clasped your hands together, likely out of nerves.
spencer nodded vigorously before he answered. he almost forgot to respond verbally. “yeah!” he said loudly. shit. he didn’t want to seem too eager, he might embarrass himself. “yes, of course you can.” this time, he spoke as quietly and calmly as he could muster while simultaneously scooting over to make room for you on the couch.
he tried to avoid eye contact. luckily, you weren’t even looking in his direction. if you had been, you might see the red creeping up his neck. you had a light floral scent about you, one that reminded him of simpler times when life was less hectic.
“agent reid, right?” you murmured. even though it was just his last name, he loved the way you said it, rolling off your tongue so smoothly and delicately.
he shrugged and leaned back on the couch slightly, trying to relax his shoulders. “doctor, actually, but you can just call me spencer.”
your tongue swiped your bottom lip before you spoke. “spencer. that suits you.” oh god, it did sound great when you said it. it sounded downright angelic; almost as if you were the only person meant to say it.
a silence followed. while being slightly awkward, spencer wasn’t too concerned about it. at least you were sitting next to him and not derek. “did you have a job before this one?”
“yeah, i was a lawyer’s assistant.” your voice was more soft than it had been. spencer looked over at you for the first time since you sat next to him.
“you like the bau so far?”
“how long have you worked for the bau?” you both spoke over each other; you turned and met his gaze. your eyes were beautiful, the lighting of the jet illuminating your face in a perfect way. spencer gestured for you to speak first.
“yeah, it’s alright.” a small smile adorned your lips. spencer wondered what they tasted like, before shutting that thought down completely. he couldn’t be thinking that about his coworker, let alone one he met less than forty eight hours ago.
you mirrored his gesture. “i’ve worked at the bau for a couple of years now.” what a dumb response. why couldn’t he think or speak properly?
his mind kept wandering. “you like it so far?” he whispered.
“yeah, it’s pretty cool.” pretty cool? who even says that? “just let me know if you need anything.” you gave him a warm smile and nodded. the way you smiled made him giddy and filled his stomach with butterflies.
being last on the jet didn’t work out well for you. every seat was taken, and the few that weren’t had feet propped up on them. in the back, you could see the couch still had space. perhaps spencer wouldn’t mind?
you walked over hesitantly to the couch. he didn’t notice you right away. “can i sit here? all the other seats are taken,” you noted, rocking on your heels.
he looked up at you, responding brightly. “yeah!” he moved over and spoke more quietly. “yes, of course you can.” there was a good six inches between the two of you, but it was as if you were brushing up against him with how your nerves were treating you.
small talk sucked, but you figured it would probably benefit you in getting to know your coworkers. “agent reid, right?” you recalled morgan’s anecdote from earlier, at the police station. it would really suck if you had somehow managed to forget his name in the time it took to solve the case and fly back to quantico.
“doctor, actually but you can just call me spencer.” shit, you totally just disrespected him. if only agent hotchner had properly introduced everyone when you were introduced.
trying to hide your increasing embarrassment, you tried, again, to be casual. “spencer. that suits you.” you should have apologized. not knowing what to say, you sat in the silence that consumed the rest of the jet. your knee bobbed up and down, you pulled at your fingers, and breathed deeply.
“did you have a job before this one?” he cleared his throat. did everything he did have to be attractive?
“yeah, i was a lawyer’s assistant.”
he had been looking at you, you realized. how long had he been looking at you and you were too skittish to look at him? how could you, with his gorgeous starry eyes.
in another circumstance his ‘interrogation’ would have intimidated you but, you only felt anxious from trying to impress him. “you like the bau so far?”
“how long have you worked for the bau?” the two of you interrupted each other. a laugh was shared and you relaxed for once, your posture looking a little less like you were constipated.
the chill of the jet was setting in; that, or spencer was just giving you goosebumps. he waved his hand in a motion saying that you should respond first. “yeah, it’s alright.” you actually really liked it (despite the morbidity, but that you were used to). but, you had to seem cool. chill, not like you were analyzing every thing he did and said to see if he liked you.
copying what he did, you silently urged that he was good to respond. “i’ve worked at the bau for a couple of years now,” he nodded as he spoke.
small talk did suck, a lot, but at least you were talking to spencer and not alone with your worried thoughts. “you like it so far?” you asked.
“yeah, it’s pretty cool.” his adam’s apple bobbed. “just let me know if you need anything.” you smiled at this, his comfort proving successful. the tension in your spine finally dissipated. it was good that you were at least on good terms with the bau member closest in age with you.
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vadersassistant · 1 month
For My Adventures Clark, what about head-cannons and/or fanfic on what he does to make his girlfriend laugh & smile?
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Gender neutral headcannons! How Clark comforts you, cares for you, tries to show love, and cheer you up.
Clark is observant, that much is clear. From X-ray and enhanced vision to super hearing, he uses all of his Kryptonian abilities at his disposal when it comes to you.
He could be halfway across the city stopping an entire robbery. All of the sudden you say something along the lines of being in pain and he's moving at unregistrable speed to get to you as soon as possible (of course after quickly finishing what he was doing). And yes, you are the only person he willingly listens in on.
Clarks always alert with how you're feeling, even if he's far away, he prioritizes your well being like you do his.
Feeling overstimulated/overwhelmed? Clark helps you get away from all of the commotion. Whether that's going up above the clouds and flying for a bit, or finding you a secluded spot to cool down and leaving you be.
He pays attention to your habits, along with common expressions you make when you're feeling a certain way. Especially when zoned out, Clark gently tries to get your attention to keep you grounded and helps in any way he can.
If he's really busy he might text you something random like 'look up'. You do, and suddenly you see a massive heart drawn into the sky, watching him wave to you from far above before going back to saving the city.
Clark loves to leave you notes too, things hidden in your office drawer, or in the lounge room fridge with a small sticky note attached.
He always gets you fresh flowers from a florist that gives him discounts. The thing is though, they're always hand picked, with different combinations and thought out reasons for as to why he chose those specific flowers. Maybe it reminded him of your eye color, or that specific flower stands for something. Whatever it is, the vase that sits on your desk always gets exchanged frequently, and is always taken care of.
Clark also loves picking you up, spinning you around and hugging you. He's very careful not to hurt you though, but those moments are often filled with mutual laughter.
A major part of Clarks love language is understanding and accepting his partner fully due to his own circumstances as a Kryptonian. While he may be aware of habits and or disabilities you have right off the bat, he wants you to tell him yourself when you’re ready, but he is your number one supporter.
He always tries to make you feel more comfortable in your skin, knowing what it’s like to be rejected and out of place in his own. You each teach one another about your different culture, and Clark takes it upon himself to do a good amount of research if it means getting to know you better!
Clark also loves physical touch, especially small gestures like hand holding. Even if you two had argued, or if you're upset, he always tries to reassure you by softly squeezing your hand, thumbing your skin, etc. His hands are quite large, and I like to think holding his partner's hand grounds him just as much as it grounds you.
I love writing for him, please feel free to request more!!
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