#to be clear that is sarcastic i am extremely worried and everything is Bad
tommysparker · 3 years
Never Forget You [Chapter 4]
A/N: hey y’all. just wanna say sorry for the posting schedule change. life is about to get hella hectic with school and the move sooo yeah. every second Saturday I will be posting! it’ll defiantly give me a chance to write more as well so im not rushing out chapters. anyways ive rambled long enough, enjoy :) 
Warnings: angst. theres fluff too but its fluffy angst?? im not sorry hehe. long italic paragraphs = flashbacks. 
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From an outside perspective, one would assume the four of them were deep in thought, perhaps even communicating telepathically via the Force. They would only be half correct, as all of the Jedi were indeed thinking, but none of their trains of thought overlapped.  
Anakin and Ahoska were in the pilot seats, glancing at each other every other minute or so. They could feel the tension build thicker with every passing planet. The only sound filling the room was the faint running of the engine that kept the ship moving. 
You and Obi-Wan sat across from each other, neither one daring to make eye contact. Apparently, he was quite serious about the “not speaking from now on” agreement. It’s for the best, you kept telling yourself. However, the awkward silence that filled the ship made it harder to believe that. 
Out of all the things that could happen to you at the moment, this was by far the worst. 
On Gyfil, you had grown quite used to the sound of silence. In fact, over time you began to prefer it as opposed to the buzz of the towns. However, this was a different type of silence, one that had you bouncing your knee in anticipation for Anakin to announce you finally landed. 
Master Yoda had called you all for a mission briefing. There was a supposed Separatist group meeting on Ostor, given the intel you received from a client on your previous mission. The four of you were sent to listen in on it. 
“Young Skywalker and Padawan Tano, back up you will be. Great risks on Ostor, there are. Careful, you must be.” He turned to Obi-Wan and You. “Master Y/l/n, guide them you must do. In charge of the mission, I am putting you.” 
A sense of pride filled your body but you quickly humbled yourself. “Thank you Master.” 
Master Yoda smiled and turned to Obi-Wan. “Infiltrate the meeting, you and Master Y/l/n will. Stay together, you must.” 
Obi-Wan would have laughed at the irony. Mentally he still is. Stay together, you must. After the last conversation between the two of you, he had doubts about how that plan would go. However, for the sake of the mission he was willing to lift the deal made. 
You stood quietly, not being able to handle the loud silence any longer. “I’ll be in my quarters until we land,” you announced, making a point not to look at Obi-Wan and keep all attention to Anakin and Ahsoka. 
You left without sparing a glance back. 
He waited until you were out of view to let out a long sigh, running a hand over his beard and hunching forward. 
Anakin was the first to speak. “That was the worst thing I’ve ever had to endure.” His shoulders shook as he made a disgusted sound. “Glad it’s finally over.” 
“Just focus on getting us there in one piece, Anakin,” Obi-Wan snapped, immediately followed by, “apologizes, I didn’t mean to sound so...aggressive.” 
“So much for being able to hide stress, huh?” 
He smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Some things are harder to deal with than others.” 
“Is Master Y/l/n ‘some things’?” Ahoska asked innocently. 
Obi-Wan pondered for a minute, deciding the best way to answer. “Master Y/l/n is...many things.” 
“Like what?” 
Gorgeous. Strong. Kind. Perfect in every way. “They are highly skilled, almost as well as I am, if not better. A fine Jedi and a valuable member to the Order.” He stopped there before he’d say something he’d come to regret. Best to keep professional thoughts. 
“I still don’t understand why the Council sent them away like that. Surely there were other Jedi that could have completed the mission,” Anakin commented. He knew his former Master wasn’t satisfied with the answer they were all given but would never admit it. He had to push him to find the truth. 
“Whatever reasons Master Yoda and Master Windu had for picking Y/n are between them. You must stop questioning the Council’s intentions, Anakin. It will land you in very big trouble one day.” Obi-Wan says as if he hasn’t second guessed the Order as a whole before. Ignorance is bliss, as they say. The less you question things, the easier life is. 
“That’s why I keep you around, old man,” Anakin said in a teasing manner. Hearing Obi-Wan let out a light chuckle made him feel a bit better as they settled into silence once more, this time more comfortable and light-hearted. 
A bit more time had passed before Ahsoka spoke up. “Why don’t you ask Master Y/l/n what really happened?” 
Obi-Wan sighed. He should have known better than to believe she would drop the topic. Like Master, like Padawan. “It’s none of my business. Frankly, it’s none of ours so I suggest we leave the subject alone.” 
His answer, apparently, wasn’t good enough. “I’m gonna go ask them.” Ahsoka stands up to leave but is stopped mid-movement by Obi-Wan’s protests. 
“No!” He looked at Ahsoka’s slightly stunned face, and chose to ignore Anakin’s smug look. “Fine, I’ll ask them. But only once, and if they don’t want to indulge me then that is the end of it. Do I make myself clear?” 
Meanwhile, you sat alone on the bed in your chosen quarters. It made you feel relaxed, in a way. Before leaving, you were extremely extraverted, always going out of your way to make acquaintances with everyone around you. The life forces around you at night kept you alive, it gave a sense of warmth and comfort to lull you to slumber. On Gyfil, there was none of that. You had to rely on your own warmth to comfort yourself to sleep. No lush trees or animals to provide even the smallest bit of connection. It was just You and the Force. Sleeping for the first time in the Jedi Temple after returning felt like a sensory overload. Everything was loud, and rough. You could feel it coursing through your veins at the speed of light. No matter what you did, it was too much. 
You didn’t sleep the first few days. Eventually you got used to the noise, but not enough to get a decent amount of rest at night. There was one sound that sometimes made it impossible to sleep, one Force signature that kept trying to break through the walls you put up to protect yourself when you’re most vulnerable. What scared you the most was the fact your own signature subconsciously fought back against the walls you put. You refused to acknowledge it, choosing to fall into a deep meditative slumber and stay alert as opposed to any actual sleep. Whoever it was would not get into your head so easily. 
Knock knock. Obi-Wan stepped into the room once his presence was made known, gently shutting the door behind him. “Y/n…” 
You looked up and squinted at him. “I thought we agreed to not speak?” 
“Yes, well, that proves to be a bit tricky now doesn’t it?” He smiled tightly and crossed his arms over his chest. 
You huffed out air in a sorry attempt at a sarcastic laugh, shaking your head a little. “What do you want, Obi-Wan?” 
It was neither hostile nor endearing. It was simply his first name. To him you sounded tired, and judging by the way you sat on the cot, leaning back against the cold metal wall with your eyes half opened, he presumed his assumption was correct. He spoke gently, “Anakin estimates we should be coming out of hyperspace and landing soon.” 
“I figured.” It wasn’t your intention to be stoic but that's how you’ve been training yourself to speak to the man in front of you. The faster the conversation ends, the faster he leaves. 
Obi-Wan, however, was not having it. “How are you feeling? I know it hasn’t been that long since you returned from your previous assignment.” 
You shrugged, staring up at the ceiling. “I’m fine.” 
“No one who says that is ever truly ‘fine’ Y/n/n,” he says, taking a step closer to the bed. “I know you. What’s on your mind, darling?” 
You slowly met his gaze, debating whether to open up or keep yourself closed off. On one hand, the idea of exposing your anxieties to someone didn’t feel right to you, letting someone know about your weaknesses and insecurities. However, you knew in order for the mission to succeed you would have to be willing to work with Obi-Wan and to do that a sense of trust had to be built. Rebuilt, technically. 
“If you wish not to speak, I understand.” He hesitated turning his back to you, “excuse me.” He was about to make his leave before you interrupted. 
“Obi-Wan, wait,” You sighed, shifting so there was room for him to sit on the bed. “Sit.” 
He did as he was told, eyeing you carefully. “Honestly, I don’t mean to pry.” 
“It’s fine.” You knew his intentions and as pure as they were you cannot bring yourself to tell him the truth. “I admit that I...am slightly concerned about the mission.” 
It wasn’t the answer Obi-Wan was hoping for, but he was willing to hear anything he could get out of you. “You have nothing to be worried about Y/n/n. You’re an extremely capable Jedi and I have no doubt in my mind you will lead us through it.” 
You smiled, only slightly but a smile nonetheless. “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome.” He smiled back. 
Your eyes locked tight with each other, and everything around you became emptiness. A void surrounded you both and the presence of the other was all that could be felt. 
“Staring competitions are pointless.” You rolled your eyes, sitting up straight and attempting to return your meditative state. 
“No they aren’t!: Obi-Wan argued from his spot across from you. 
“All you do is stare at each other until someone blinks. Waste of time.” 
“Nuh uh. Master Qui-Gon told me that--” Obi-Wan stood up, “--‘The eyes are a window to the soul’--” you laughed at the bad attempt he made to mimic his Master;s voice, “--therefore staring competitions can be a very good battle tactic.” 
“Jedi don’t do battles, remember? We’re peacekeepers.” You looked up at your friend. “Besides, you just want an excuse to get lost in my eyes.” 
Obi-Wan grinned. “You know me so well.” 
So much has changed about the man in front of you, you could hardly recognize him. You never allowed yourself the pleasure to examine what you missed out on. One moment he was a young man who looked like he could take on the universe, and now all you could see was one tired man doing his best. Oh, how the mighty have fallen, is what the old You would have teased. But post-living-ten-years-by-yourself You was different. In a way, you understood. Although you didn’t fight any life-threatening battles and put yourself in the line of fire every week, you have worked tirelessly towards the same goal. 
Like this moment. 
For once, it was quiet. You felt yourself relax slowly, focusing on the one noise that soothed your anxious mind. It felt warm and...close. Something you haven’t felt in a long, long time. 
Obi-Wan leaned closer, his heart reacting faster than his brain. He felt a warmth he had been longing for over a decade. When he reached out, he no longer felt desolate. He wanted to hold on to the feeling and never let go. 
But alas in time of war, small moments of peace only last for so long. 
“Hey! We’re here.”  
reblog and comment what will happen on the mission  👀👀
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writer-ish · 3 years
Hi Kat! Here are this week's questions for E x B!
Not Yet Wed Questions
Note: Great Scott! This week, we are going back in time to MC’s intern year. Think of Ethan’s relationship with them at this point and answer the following questions accordingly. It is entirely up to you when in year 1 this takes place (pre/post Miami, pre/post CH 15, etc). Feel free to answer with dialogue or pictures or both :) Have fun!
No worries. All of this is off the record and HR will never know!
The setting for this answers is:
For Both
When I first saw them, I thought__________
What is your coworker's most used swear word?
Quick: What color are their eyes?
Three people at work your coworker hates?
What is your coworker’s strangest or most endearing quirk?
If they had a crush on anyone at work, who would that be?
(Bonus round! Feel free to skip.)
Never have I Ever:
come into work hungover
had a fistfight
been kicked out of a bar
gotten a tattoo
broken someone’s heart
been in love
For MC (Ethan is not there)
Where do you see him in five years (both professionally and in his personal life?)
What do you find the most impressive about him?
Last thing he texted you?
If he asked you out on a date, what would you say?
For Ethan (MC is not there)
Where do you see her in five years (both professionally and in his personal life?)
What specifically do you find attractive about her?
Last thing she texted you?
If she asked you out on a date, how would you respond?
Thank you to @jamespotterthefirst for humouring me and sending me these questions. I hope that it will help with my OPH/writing rut! I'm so excited to answer them for Brooke x Ethan. 🥰
The setting is: post-Dolores/the Naveen reveal, but pre-Miami.
Let's get started!
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Two doctors sit at a small table. One has her leg crossed, foot swinging lightly. Her face is open and slightly amused. The other has his hands clasped loosely between his open legs. He is blatantly less impressed than his colleague.
Ethan: This is ludicrous.
Brooke: [laughs lightly] Can't you just humour them?
Ethan: Last time I checked, we had a job that didn't involve answering foolish questions for some sophomore publication.
Brooke: They want to humanize the doctors in the hospital. Make us more… approachable. It's not a bad idea.
Ethan: [in a low grumble] I don't want to be approached or humanized.
Brooke [loud laugh] Shocker.
Are we all set to begin?
Brooke: [clears throat] Er, yes. Sorry.
Ethan: [glares]
For Both
When I first saw them, I thought ____________
Brooke and Ethan: [look at each other for a beat, then speak simultaneously]
Brooke: Well, I— Ethan: She, uh—
Ethan: [clears throat] You go first.
Brooke: [shoots him a look] Well. I, uh, was taken aback by your presence.
Ethan: What does that mean?
Brooke: Well, you know, you're very—you command a room, let's just say. And then you got awfully bossy, but it was good because I was panicking. And, uh—that's pretty much it. Your turn.
Ethan: I thought she was very young and inexperienced. And I was proven correct almost immediately.
Brooke: [elbows him] Can't you say something nice?
Ethan: You said commanding and bossy!
Brooke: It was a compliment!
Ethan: Fine. She was…surprisingly competent for an intern.
Brooke: [sarcastically waves a hand in front of her face] My goodness, I'm swooning.
What is your coworker's most used swear word?
Brooke and Ethan: "Fuck."
Brooke: It's not very professional, but—
Ethan: —it is necessary at times. Although I did hear another one from you the other day that I quite enjoyed. "Son of a whore", was it?
Brooke: [blushes] Whoops.
Ethan: You're lucky there weren't any patients around.
Brooke: [innocently] Patients don't swear?
Ethan: [withering look] I'll let you know when patients need to be held to the same professional standards as the doctors who treat them.
Brooke: Well, whatever. I was in the supply closet anyway and it was because I had gotten a cardboard papercut, which is notoriously the worst kind of papercut—[suddenly eyes him suspiciously] I didn't even know you were there.
Ethan: [coughs] I was, uh, walking past when I heard your inappropriate outburst and I stopped to ensure it wasn't a wayward psychiatric patient lost amongst the halls.
Brooke: [dryly] Hilarious.
Quick: What color are their eyes?
Brooke: Oh, blue. Blue-blue. Like, a very crystal clear blue.
Ethan: I think we get it. Brooke's eyes are hazel but they err on the side of green.
Brooke: "Err on the side of green"?
Ethan: Yes. Like when you wore that sweater the other day, they appeared more— [clears throat] I'm not going to sit here and explain the illusion of refractory light. Next question.
Three people at work your coworker hates?
Brooke: [dryly] Just thr—?
Ethan: [cuts her off] Yes, yes, we get the joke, I hate everyone. Brooke on the other hand, hates no one. I believe she should be more discerning.
Brooke: You would.
What is your coworker’s strangest or most endearing quirk?
Ethan: Endearing? I—
Brooke: Oh, oh—the tie thing!
Ethan: The… tie thing?
Brooke: You do this thing when you're trying to get your emotions under control. It's like a [presses thumb against her other fingers in a crab-claw gesture] grab all the way down and then a flat palm just to smooth it again. [mimics a smoothing gesture down the front of her shirt, keeping her face pinched and stoic]. The "double-tie-grab-and-smooth" is what I call it. As of two seconds ago.
Ethan: Fascinating. As for Brooke, I can think of two.
Brooke: Here we go.
Ethan: The first is to ensure she never borrows your pen, as it will be returned to you as though someone inserted it into a pencil sharpener. I don't know how she isn't covered in ink constantly, the way she gnaws on the ends so violently.
Brooke: First of all, it's not that bad. Secondly, [mumbles] I have had a pen or two explode on me.
Ethan: I am extremely unsurprised. And the second is the sheer number of cardigans left everywhere - around my office, the faculty room, patients' rooms, and so on. She leaves them like breadcrumbs in a children's fairytale.
Brooke: [laughing too hard to speak]
Ethan: Yes, very funny and professional.
Brooke: [still laughing] Could you at least…grab one…next time you see it? I'm running low!
Ethan: What a surprise.
If they had a crush on anyone at work, who would that be?
Ethan: [scoffs] A "crush"? The very concept of a 'crush' is extremely juvenile and I refuse to pander to such incongruous—
Brooke: Dr. Harper Emery
Ethan: [splutters] I beg your pardon?
Brooke: [smirks]
Ethan: Well, yours would be that scalpel jockey surfer boy that's always mooning over you.
Brooke: [turns to him, aghast] Bryce? I don't have a crush on him! And neither does he. On me, I mean.
Ethan: On you, indeed.
Brooke: What's that supposed to mean?
Ethan: Hmm? Oh, nothing. Simply that the way he pressed you to the floor in the observation room of Surgery B would say otherwise, that's all.
Brooke: [blushes deeply] You saw that?
Ethan: I see everything, Rookie.
[There is an extended, awkward silence.]
Never Have I Ever:
Ethan: What is this now?
Brooke: [hides a smile] It's a game. A drinking game. You really don't know it?
Ethan: If you're asking if I'm familiar with a college-level excuse to get sauced and forget about my classes for the next week, then no. I don't know it.
Brooke: [rolls her eyes] It's simple. They ask a question. If you've done it, you take a drink. If you haven't, you don't. And [lightly swings her take-out coffee cup in his face] I don't think you'll get drunk on herbal tea, so you'll be fine.
Okay, let's begin. Never have I ever…
...come into work hungover
Brooke and Ethan: [take a drink]
Brooke: Really?
Ethan: I wish I could affect the same level of surprise for you.
...had a fistfight
Brooke and Ethan: [take a drink]
Ethan: [raises an eyebrow at Brooke]
Brooke: [shrugs] Rowdy childhood.
Ethan: [nods] Same. [coughs] Perhaps… rowdy adolescence. And, uh, [another light cough] early adulthood, as well.
Brooke: Dr. Ramsey!
...been kicked out of a bar
Ethan: [takes a drink]
Brooke: Oh?
Ethan: That rowdy early adulthood I spoke of? Yeah.
Brooke: Ah.
...gotten a tattoo
Brooke: [avoids eye contact, takes a drink]
Ethan: [turns to her swiftly, looking shocked, then quickly composes himself] Let me guess - dolphin on your ankle?
Brooke: Shut up.
Ethan: Christ, am I right?
Brooke: No, but you might as well be.
Ethan: [laughs, which seems to surprise them both, then clears his throat] We all have regrets, Dr Spiers.
Brooke: [grimaces and slouches in her seat]
Ethan: [stares at her for a beat longer than necessary, before leaning back in his chair with a thoughtful expression]
...broken someone’s heart
Ethan and Brooke: [quickly look at each other; neither drinks]
Brooke: No? You?
Ethan: What's that supposed to mean?
Brooke: Just surprised all this [gestures vaguely at his face] didn't get the ladies all worked up in—where are you from?
Ethan: Rhode Island. And no, "all this" [gestures to his own face] took awhile to grow into itself, I assure you.
Brooke: [laughs] Oh, big same.
Ethan: [gives her a sidelong glance, a soft smile playing at his lips]
...been in love
Brooke: [takes a drink]
Ethan: Really?
Brooke: What, it's so hard to believe?
Ethan: Well, you said you'd never broken someone's heart.
Brooke: [smiles at him softly, a bit sadly] Never said my heart hadn't been broken, Dr Ramsey. Some people are the heartbreakers, some are the broken-hearted.
Ethan: [splutters] Preposterous.
Brooke: [looks surprised] What is?
Ethan: That you—I mean, that is—that someone— [he pauses, fidgeting with his tie before smoothing it down] It's his loss, Rookie. [clears his throat, looking away]
Brooke: [smiles, bemused yet pleased, a warmth in her eyes] Thank you, Dr Ramsey.
For Brooke (Ethan is not there)
Where do you see him in five years (both professionally and in his personal life?)
Oh, [scoffs out a laugh] wherever he wants to be. He's Ethan freaking Ramsey. He can do whatever he wants. What's the highest position in the hospital? Chief of Medicine? That. [Thinks for a moment] Well, no, actually. He probably wouldn't want to be admin. But whatever he could do that would still have him on the ground, helping people, at the highest level of expertise - that's where he'll be.
And, uh, personally?
Oh. Well. [fidgets, looks away]. I'm sure I don't know. Probably married to some supermodel who will put up with him never being home and always being reticent and grouchy. [Laughs humourlessly]
What do you find the most impressive about him?
Oh gosh. [Pauses] Probably how much he cares. I know you see him now and you think, god, what an asshole. And you're not wrong. But the truth is, he has to maintain this facade of a huge, unfeeling jerk, because the fact of the matter is he cares so deeply. [Her expression goes distant and soft]. Honestly, he cares so much I'm worried it will be his downfall one day.
Last thing he texted you?
[Laughs] He hates texting. But I think it was, "What time is this - redacted - thing again"?
If he asked you out on a date, what would you say?
Ah… [laughs uncomfortably] What, like, right now? The way we are? Or as two… random people in a bar?
Right now. The way you are.
[Blushes and continues to laugh awkwardly] Is he—you said he won't see these?
No, this part will be anonymous and the information gathered will be for statistical purposes, not anecdotal.
[Fake bravado affectation] Oh, well, if it's for statistics— [pauses] I would say yes. In a heartbeat. I would say yes. [Smiles, almost apologetically] I mean, have you seen him?
For Ethan (Brooke is not there)
Where do you see her in five years (both professionally and in his personal life?)
Wherever she wants to be. She's a highly motivated and intelligent individual. I give her a hard time, because I see great potential in her and feel as though, as her mentor, she should be pushed to achieve the pinnacle of success. Which is undoubtedly capable of.
And personal?
I don't presume to know what the future holds for my interns' personal lives. [A long pause] But I would hope… [clears throat, picks non-existent lint off his pants, continues gruffly] I would hope she remains happy and healthy, without anymore instances of [clears throat, again] heartbreak. Of any kind.
What specifically do you find attractive about her?
I'm sorry?
What do you find attractive—
No, I heard you, I just find this sort of question wildly inappropriate and I refuse to answer it.
Okay, so we'll just put down 'nothing'.
Hold on, don't—I didn't say nothing. Just say I didn't answer.
We need some sort of answer.
Oh, for Christ's sake—will she see this? Will anyone?
No, it's information that will be used for statistical—
Fine, alright, I don't care. She's obviously an incredibly attractive woman. Are you happy? [Pauses] I mean, specifically? I would say her eyes. Especially when she smiles and they crinkle up on the sides. Also, her laugh. She's not a woman who 'titters'. Brooke isn't afraid to—well, to simply live. She laughs loudly, loves boldly, defends strongly. [His expression grows thoughtful,] She said I was a presence in a room? When she walks into—anywhere, the entire room stands still. It's like the air has been sucked out of it. And within seconds, they're enthralled. Within minutes, they love her. That's Brooke. [Clears throat] Don't put any of that. Just write down "Her intelligence."
Last thing she texted you?
"Be nice." And then some moving picture image of a dog wagging its finger. [Rolls his eyes] I hate texting.
If she asked you out on a date, how would you respond?
[Sighs wearily]
Again, she won't know. It's for statistical—
[Waves hand dismissively before sighing once more] In an ideal world—[cuts himself off and tries again] Look. Any man would be lucky to have Dr. Brooke Spiers as his partner. [Pauses] And that includes me. [clears throat] But we don't live in an ideal world. And a relationship between her and I would not only be inappropriate, but it would also inhibit her potential to achieve the highest levels of success that she is capable of achieving. [Pauses] And I would never do that to her.
[Stands up abruptly] Are we done here? We're done. Rookie! [Leaves to meet Dr. Spiers, who is waiting for him outside.]
The two doctors greet each other with a smile. NOTE: Dr Ramsey immediately appears calmer in the other doctor's presence.
He says something and Dr Spiers bumps him playfully with her shoulder. Dr Ramsey continues to speak, gesturing towards her ankle, and Dr Spiers throws her head back and laughs loudly.
Dr Ramsey watches her laugh with a small smile on his face, before allowing her shove him lightly in the direction that they are meant to take.
They walk side by side, chatting and smiling, until they disappear from view.
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rose-colored-amy · 3 years
So, this is a continuation to my extremely short one-shot Last Moments, Last Regrets, but it can be read as a stand-alone. Regardless, I'll leave the link of that one in here:
Also, thanks to @coeurhh for suggesting I write a second part. You're a sweetheart 🥰
She made a lovely fanart/gif, which I'm also sharing, of course:
Prompt: AU. Sakura's death goes unnoticed to everyone but the squad she protected with her life and Tsunade. Team Kakashi doesn't find out until the very end, when Naruto and Sasuke have already had their fight, and there's nothing to do about it but mourn the absence.
Warning: Mild Sasusaku and lots of angst. Team 7 sort-of-fluff (?)
—Blue Bird, Let Go—
"Hey, bastard... I know they really let us down, the village, I mean."
"Aa... "
"But I really think it's not all that bad. When we were I team, I knew you understood. It felt like having a brother, believe it."
They were watching their lives go by, shadows of unknown faces passing by them, not noticing their pain, or not caring whatsoever. Their backs were touching, but it was all cold and bleak; a bad memory. A clan slaughtered, a demon sealed. Two lonely boys wallowing in their own sadness.
"Well, even if I don't make it, I'm glad it was you, bastard—"
"Shut up, idiot." His voice sounded strained, even for his standards, but Sasuke was so tired he couldn't even bring himself to care.
"We're really dying, ah? Wanna say something? I do have things to say, 'cause there's no way I'm dying—"
"In silence?" Sasuke interrupted, but Naruto payed him no mind.
"Without telling you how much of an asshole you've been! I couldn't even keep my promise to Sakura-chan! She's gonna be so damn mad when she finds out, I'm sure she'll drag me back to life just to cave my face in—" He was rambling at that point, but it was just so comforting and normal to Sasuke that he didn't even acknowledge it anymore.
"Hn. Sakura... She..."
"She still loves you, asshole. I don't have any idea how it can be possible but—"
"I'm sorry..." It sounded rushed, but Naruto heard it perfectly, and in the darkness of their shared consciousness, Sasuke heard a resigned sigh.
"Well, it's not that bad. I cannot imagine dying beside anyone but you, bastard."
"Idiot..." He made a pause. "Me neither."
"You're both a pair of idiots!"
Suddenly, the unreadable mass of unrecognizable faces around them cleared, and one figure stood in front of them, pink eyebrows frowned in annoyance. Though this version of Sakura looked familiar, it was one none of the boys had seen in a long time. Genin, long-haired, Sakura was glaring at them, arms crossed.
"Sakura-chan! What are you doing in here?!"
Her eyes softened. "What, so I'm supposed to let you two die, after everything? No way in hell!"
"You!" She pointed at Sasuke, who flinched slightly at her rudeness. "I don't know what the hell happened, but I don't care. Lighten up and start being your moody self. We love you just like that! Don't act so repented and shit! If you're sorry stop looking like a lost puppy and start doing something about it, you asshole!" Her voice was raising with madness and it was slightly off putting to see what used to be a stuttering lovestruck preteen talking to him like that.
Naruto snorted at that, obviously delighted for not being at the receiving end of her wrath for once. It was short-lived, however.
"And you!" She pointed at the blonde; then crossed her arms. He jumped back in fright. "What is this? How dare you even consider dying after you promised to be the best goddamned Hokage in history?! Here I am, rooting for you, while you lay around like a lazy pig with your edgy bro there. You should be ashamed of yourself!" She scoffed.
Naruto's mouth was so wide open he could have caught a fly. "Lazy pig? Are you kidding?!"
Sasuke raised an eyebrow, half amused, half annoyed. "Edgy?"
Suddenly, the edges of their vision began to blurr, like a genjutsu being unravelled. "Ah, someone came to help you at last." Sakura seemed relieved. Strangely so.
"Hey, Sakura-chan! You know what? You're right. I'll be the best damn Hokage ever, believe it! Just you watch!" He threw a punch to the air.
Seemingly placated and pleased with his answer, she nodded. "I know so." Then, she turned to her other teammate, who was concentrating solely on her face, mismatched eyes softened as they'll ever be. "And you'll make sure he doesn't mess up, right?"
They shared a long silence. There was something strange about Sakura aside her appearance. He could tell. "Hn. I will..."
"Hey! I don't need him watching over—"
"Sure you don't." He countered sarcastically.
"Also..." They turned to her again. "I'm sorry."
"Wha—" Naruto stuttered. "What the hell would you be sorry for, Sakura-chan?! If anything, it's the bastard here who should be apologizing to you!"
"Sakura..." Sasuke seemed to be searching for the right words, but she couldn't let them go without them listening to her. To what she needed them to know. There wasn't much time left after all.
"I'm sorry, because I wasn't what you needed..." She closed her eyes, her pretty minty orbs. Her appearance suddenly shifted, before then now standing her true self, still dressed in the standard shinobi uniform of the alliance. Her forehead protector lost to whoever knows where. "And thank you. You both made me stronger. You made me appreciate what I had. And I'll always, always love you. Our moments together like team seven... I'll treasure them for all eternity."
"I know Konoha wasn't the best to you both, but don't forget the good... The wholesome moments. It's all that matters in the end... Our bonds, the bonds you managed to forge with sweat and blood... The world we live in, the world that gave me the chance to meet you. To me, that's to be cherished. Forever."
The white light started overwhelming the rest. Even Sakura's features started dissapearing.
"Live. Just live." For that, she specifically stared at Sasuke, a soft smile playing on her lips. "And thank you."
Sasuke started racing towards her, hand stretched, a forebonding understanding shaking his bones. "Sakura!"
And then, they both lost consciousness.
When they woke up, aside from feeling like shit, the first thing that crossed their minds what the finality of Sakura's words. Tsunade was beside them, patching them up, with Kakashi beside her, silently watching over them.
"About time, brats! What were you think—"
"Baa-san." Naruto interrupted her, his voice the most serious she had heard him until then.
"Where's Sakura?" Sasuke finished for him, his eyes icy and detached, trying to keep his worry at bay.
But she didn't need to answer. Her chakra flow hesitated, spiking with sorrow. Her eyes glistening with unbearable loss. Kakashi, at her side, stared, eyes widened in comprehension.
She was gone by a long shot.
And they were just finding out.
Everybody had different ways of dealing with loss. Naruto helped rebuild the village along with everyone else, but he skipped his usual meals, his ramen left forgotten in his kitchen counter. His movements when sparring were sloppy at best, not just because of the new prosthetic limb, but also because his mind was clearly somewhere else. Usually, Shikamaru would drag him out his makeship house, like he had done when Jiraija was gone for good. Sometimes, he would bring Ino with him, who was suspiciously skinny and messier than normal. No makeup covering the dark circles under her eyes.
Kakashi spent more than usual at the memorial stone every day, tracing the newly marked name of the girl who once remained him of Rin but that had come to claim a place for herself in his heart. Also, he took more missions than it was allowed in a month, going so far as to pick up his ANBU mask again, which caused an altercation with Tsunade, who hadn't been sober in a long time and had been hoping to hand the Hokage seat to him.
Sai avoided the color pink for a long time.
Sasuke... Well, he dealed with loss the same as everyone else... Longing for the missing person to be there, itching to have the opportunity to say what he couldn't at the time. Wanting to be alone whenever they would reach for him... And he built a tomb for her in hopes to find some closure. Not that official, because there wasn't a body to bury, and it had no name, but it was enough for him. He would bring with him camellias every day, buying them at the Yamanaka's, where Ino would always glance at him in silent understanding.
One morning, on his way to her tomb, he spotted a young shinobi leaving a white lilly for her. When he came by, the child spoke without a care, like they were acquaintances. "This is Sakura-san's, right?"
"Hn." It wasn't really an answer, but the child seemed to understand anyway.
"You know? Mama and big sister are also buried in these grounds... I always talk to them and tell them about my day and stuff I want them to know!" He turned to the Uchiha, a smirk on his cherubic face. "I'm sure she would appreciate it as well." And just like that, he left without another word.
Sasuke sat on the ground, just in front of the stone, mismatched eyes half lidded. Sensing no one in the vicinity, he exaled a shaky breath, and his dam opened up, the words longing to be said broke the silence he had been wrapping around himself since he knew of her death:
"I miss you... I've been missing you since I first left."
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miyuwuki · 2 years
Congrats on 500!!! I’m here for the matchup!
mbti: Infj
Likes: anime & manga, listening to music, going to concerts, playing basketball or almost any other sport (I’m not like athletic but I still think sports are fun), watching basketball and baseball, cats, painting, going to the beach, fashion, sleeping, video games
Dislikes: I have a very strong dislike for peanut butter, country music, close minded people
What I look for in a guy: I like for a guy to have confidence, but it doesn’t need to be his main trait, just needs to be there. I usually end up getting crushes on funny guys, but the last guy I liked was extremely stoic and quiet but it was just amazing when he chose to talk to me. I definitely like an adventurous guy
I would say I’ve got a really sharp tongue that gets me in trouble a lot, and I am very blunt, but I never intend to be rude. I’m really sarcastic. I pride myself on being smart I’m 5’7” so I prefer someone my height or taller but being shorter than me is not a deal breaker.
a/n: hello and enjoy @mochisdoll !!!
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sanada shunpei
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i match you with sanada!! sanada is all kinds of fun! he has all sorts of interests (especially in cooking); expect him to recommend you manga/anime, making you playlists (but you have to listen to it with him, there’s no other way), competitively gaming with you (unless it’s a team game or a chill game like animal crossing), and most of all, play baseball with you! of course he goes easy on you, but sometimes will tease you a little about it. regarding your dislikes, sanada is far from close minded. he will listen to everything you say and really think about your opinion and his before giving it. he cares about what you think so it’s important for him that you care as well. this is so good when it comes to arguments because the communication is there, and lashing out is uncommon. we all know sanada is confident on the field, or anywhere he goes, because he knows he’s good at what he does AND is good looking. he is the whole package. like i said, he can freaking cook. on top of that, he’s funny. gosh he makes you laugh all the time whether it’s intentional or not, and it’s never ever a dull moment with him. if you ever say something rude, he’ll laugh a little tbh. “sharp tongue you got there, babe.” 
takao kazunari
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wow i have done a bit of takao matchups— and here is another one! based on watching both daiya and knb, i feel like him and sanada have similar personalities. takao is not just a basketball guy, he has all sorts of interests, so when he sees you with all of your likes that you have mentioned he gets so excited! he loves talking about manga (he’s the type to totally read the manga after he finishes an anime) and loves loves loves to challenge you on a one-on-one for basketball. he doesn’t underestimate you though, because you’re pretty good yourself (which makes him fall in love with you even more). he loves video games, though i feel like he might be a little bad at it. he’ll often ask you to clear a level for him and then act like he did it himself LOL. on your first date: he takes you to a cat cafe! he likes cats as well and takes so many candid pics of you with cats. he finds you so adorable. like sanada, he constantly makes you laugh. though a little clumsy and aloof, he has the confidence (as he should) and carries himself well. when he catches a little slip up with your words, he has the smuggest look on his face. one day, a couple of guys came up to bother you, making you uncomfortable. tired, you snapped. “bro, your gpa is literally 1.5. you guys keep asking for head but why don’t you use your head first???” takao saw this and started bursting out laughing, engolfing you in a hug. “that was fucking hilarious. bother my girlfriend one more time and see what happens.” EEEE i love. on the occasion where you slip up during the wrong times, like talking back to a teacher, you won’t need to worry about takao judging. he loves that part of you (but if it gets too out of pocket, he will talk to you about it. he won’t let anything SO offensive slide). 
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**✿❀reblogs and likes are appreciated❀✿**
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Some People Wrap Their Lies Around a Cocktail Glass | Damian Wayne
And You Sit Wondering Where You’re Going to Turn
✦ pairing — older!Damian Wayne x female!Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 3.3k
✦ fake dating AU
✦ summary — you need to cover up the fact that your boyfriend broke up with you a week before your step-father’s Christmas party, and Damian needs a date for his father’s New Year’s ball. Both of you are experts at pretending, what could go wrong?
✦ warnings — some angst, mentions of food, Damian and reader are neighbors, a little bit of awkwardness, sprinkles of fluff.
✦ mini series masterlist
Every time your phone buzzed, you hoped it was him. Such a naive and sick logic, one of a teenager waiting for her crush to text back, was nothing compared with the sobering truth.
Your ex-boyfriend was your ex for a reason. And you would have to face the music on your own.
Your mother was going to be disappointed. Not more than you were. Travis had been a good boyfriend, goofy and nice. He hadn’t been the gentlest person in the world, but you learned to accept that he wasn’t perfect.
You could have fallen for him if he had given you enough time.
Your cellphone rang and the fact that it hadn’t buzzed startled you. A handful of people called you instead of texting you, yet you didn’t have to look at the caller ID to know who it was.
That was your luck. What a horrible week. And it was only Monday noon.
Taking a deep breath, you nodded to yourself and swiped your finger against the screen to take the call. “How is everything going?” you softly greeted your mother.
She sighed. “I will be relieved when the planning is over.” She changed the subject, “Did your boyfriend clear his schedule?”
You breathed out a small laugh. “He did,” you lied. Not even sure if Travis had truly wanted to attend, you lied some more, “He’s excited to meet you.”
“We are excited too. Your uncle said he won’t believe it until he sees it.”
You and him both. As she told you about every guest she was skeptical about showing up, you mentally went through your list of feeble romantic relationships.
Jordan was in town, you had heard about them a few days ago. But asking them to be your date out of nowhere would be embarrassing when the last thing they knew about you was that you were happy in a new relationship.
Liam’s bright blue eyes came to your mind, and you almost had the answer. You hooked up a couple of times after breaking up, and you were friendly enough for you to feel comfortable telling him the truth. The problem was that your mother hated Liam.
The list continued getting shorter and shorter, your anxiety levels higher and higher. You shouldn’t have lied to your mother, but pride was a marvelous and twisted thing and you shared such a stupid little thing with her.
“Have you spoken to your father?” she asked, unbeknownst to her only adding to the pile of regrets and worries.
“Brianna said he’s out of town.”
Your mother grunted. It was clear that both of you knew Brianna had lied. “Well, you’ll see him for New Year’s.”
“I suppose, yes.”
She said your name sternly. “He’s your father.”
He didn’t act like he was. “He hasn’t called in weeks,” you explained. “I am not sure he wants to see me.”
”Your father is a busy man,” she told you. It was like a reflex to her, excusing him even though she had divorced him when you were eight.
Adults and their busy lives, wrapped in their lies and inane promises. You had really tried to be different, but caving in was too easy. What a mess.
“I have to leave you,” she lamented. You could hear that she meant it by the emotion that seeped into her voice. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“Have a nice day,” you wished her, voice trembling as anxiety fully kicked in.
The moment the line clicked, you dropped your cellphone onto the sofa. Sniffing, you walked into your bedroom in search of a hair tie.
You needed to keep your hands busy so you could come up with something to say. Or somebody to date.
Damian’s scrutinizing gaze greeted you as he opened the door. You analyzed his stance and attire, trying to assess whether you had interrupted anything or not.
He stepped back without taking his eyes off you, hand still on the door handle. His hair was damp, and he looked extremely comfortable, wearing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.
He would also have looked approachable if his eyes weren’t so sharp.
“Are you coming in or not?”
You reacted, extending your arms to offer a container to him. “I made cookies earlier.”
He looked down at the container in your grasp, then back up at your face. “Get inside.”
You stepped into Damian’s apartment, used to the minimalistic style that you secretly wished you had chosen for your own place.
At the same time, you liked your apartment. Your mother helped you decorate, and she had impeccable taste.
He placed the cookies onto the coffee table, motioning for you to sit.
Sitting down, you watched him do the same just in front of you. His gaze was still sharp, but he waited for you to speak.
When you didn’t, he said, “I know you bake when you’re stressed.”
“It calms me.”
“You baked a pie two days ago. In the middle of the night.”
“And it was good,” you said immediately. “Right?”
He nodded. “Delicious,” he assured you. “Yet I can’t help but worry.”
You gripped your hair, exhaling harshly. “Holiday stuff.”
“Did you finally come to terms with the fact that all those ornaments look awful?”
“They do not,” you said, quite offended. You had spent an entire weekend decorating the living room. Sighing at the memory of choosing Christmas decorations and ornaments with your now ex-boyfriend, you explained your problem, “Travis broke up with me this past Saturday, and I don’t know how to tell my mother.”
Confusion was clear in Damian’s features. You had expected a comment about how you could find someone better, but not this.
“He was going to attend Leonard’s Christmas party with me.”
Leonard was your step-father. Your mother married him when you were a pre-teen and since then you had never skipped one of his parties or events.
He was the only reason why your mother and you were rich, and your biological father hated you for choosing him.
Money hadn’t been the reason why you took a liking to Leonard, although having everything you wanted and needed was nice, but your father wouldn’t have understood even if he tried.
Damian lifted an eyebrow. You could tell he wished you were joking.
“Too soon, I know.”
“I’m just shocked you planned to take him from all people to such event.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You met him on a dating app and your first date was at a bar,” he reminded you as though that explained everything. Your semblance must’ve shown skepticism because he added, “You are not supposed to take somebody like him to your family’s house unless you hate your family.”
“A lot of people do that and their relationships succeed.”
Damian inhaled sharply, shaking his head. “Does Travis even own a suit?”
“I was going to buy him appropriate clothes, a matching tie, get him a haircut... He hates formal attire.”
“I thought you liked your step-father.”
“I do. That’s why I was finally going to take somebody with me so people wouldn’t ask him why I’m always single and make him uncomfortable.”
He hummed, nodding slowly. “So you wanted him to try and explain why his step-daughter was dating a bad boy caricature. Very reasonable.”
“First of all, some bad guys are attractive. Have you seen The Phantom of The Opera?”
“You didn’t just insult Erik’s skills like that,” he said, offended.
“I’m not comparing him to Travis. It was an example.”
“A poor one at that unless Travis smells as bad as Erik.”
You shook your head. Damian was exaggerating when he said Travis was a bad boy caricature — apart from the fact that he loved wearing leather and sometimes took part in street races, he was a normal guy.
“Besides,” he continued, always eager to be right, “a bad boy and a bad guy aren’t the same thing. I thought you were literate in media.”
It seemed like he would never let go of the fact that you had switched careers when film school got unbearable.
“The point is,” you tried to go back to the topic at hand, “that it could have worked.”
“If you say so,” he said sarcastically. “You didn’t tell me what is it that Leonard usually says when people ask about your love life.”
“That I’m focused on my career or that I like to keep my private life separate from big events.”
Leonard had always been nice to you. He never planned to have children of his own, yet he never complained about you. From the day you met, he tried to befriend you, and eventually, he started to treat you as a daughter. He never made you call him dad unlike your father’s third wife who cried when you refused to call her mom — he never forced you to do anything.
Damian offered you a cookie, but you shook your head and he motioned for you to continue speaking as he took a cookie for himself.
“I lied to my mother earlier and I don’t know what I’m going to do or say, but I would rather eat my own foot than tell her my boyfriend chose to break up with me a week before the day he was supposed to meet her.”
Damian bit into the cookie, and you waited for a comment about how good or bad it was. He stared at you, brow twitching, before he once again made a movement with his hand so you would continue talking.
He knew you too well for your own good. And he also seemed to know that leaving you alone with your mind wasn’t such a good idea when you were in distress.
“I considered calling up an escort and have them pretend to be my partner, but I’m nervous,” you admitted, dropping your hands onto your lap for a second before moving them to rest on the couch, one at each of your sides. “What if that ruins it even more? Such a waste of money. And the embarrassment…”
He silently chewed, eyes focused on you. As he swallowed, he pinched his nose with his free hand. “I’ll do it.”
“You want to pay for the escort?”
Unamused, he clarified, “I’ll pretend to be your boyfriend.”
“I can’t ask that from you, Damian. You have your own events to attend! You said you would spend the holidays at your father’s house.”
He stayed silent, not taking his eyes off you. He then licked his bottom lip and said, “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll be your sweet and loving boyfriend in front of your family and Leonard’s acquaintances, and you’ll be my mysterious and charming girlfriend in front of my family and my father’s acquaintances.”
His offer was reasonable. Pretending was easy for you, meaningless. Leonard and your mother were always clear when they asked you to dress in certain ways or attend boring events — they weren’t expecting you to change, just to fool other people into thinking you were different.
They did the same, and that was enough for you.
Leonard’s smile was fake and tight in public when the only thing you could think about the smiles he gave you around the house was how warm they were.
Your mother was the opposite. You had seen her the happiest with Leonard, but she had always been rather cold as a person. In public, she was a lovely woman, always smiling and laughing.
“We can’t be in two places at once.”
“Father doesn’t celebrate Christmas publicly,” he explained blandly. “You just need to buy a new gown and cancel your plans for New Year’s.”
“For your father’s annual ball?”
“I can do that,” you assured him. Or yourself.
That night, as you stepped back into your apartment, you couldn’t help but make a face of disgust.
The ornaments were truly awful. You had gone overboard with everything — at the moment it had felt so good, laughing and drinking with Travis as you filled the living room with colors.
But that wasn’t your style. You didn’t even like colored Christmas lights.
Despite your best efforts, you couldn’t keep yourself from being nervous. The last time you took somebody to one of Leonard’s big parties had been awkward and uncomfortable, a high school boyfriend who was too eager to impress your family.
Everybody understood because teen relationships usually are awkward and over-the-top. Now you wouldn’t have an excuse, you were an adult with a job and so-called social skills.
The first one was spot on. You had a job, you loved your job — and you didn’t need a job so you never felt pressured.
Your social skills, however, worried you. It was the anxiety playing tricks with your confidence, you knew, yet you couldn’t do anything but indulge it.
A part of you wondered if you would be this nervous if Travis was the one accompanying you. Perhaps you would be in a worse estate, or perhaps he wouldn’t have allowed you to worry.
But you didn’t have time to think about the what if’s. The party would take place the next day.
Time had flown by, you had been busy buying gifts and attempting to wrap them while balancing work and your friends’ own Christmas celebrations.
As though he knew you were a ball of nerves, curled up on the couch with a blanket over your shoulders and hands around your fourth —or was it the fifth?— cup of coffee that evening, Damian knocked upon your door.
You weren’t surprised to see him. He had said you would need to go through a few details before Leonard’s party.
You had barely interacted with Damian throughout the week, but he had assured you he was ready. He even sent you a picture of the tie he bought for the party, wanting to make sure the color was the right one.
His eyes scanned the living room as he made himself comfortable. He didn’t make a comment about the new ornamentation, but the fact that he hadn’t scowled was a good sign.
“I assumed you would be baking in preparation.”
“I’m not that stressed.” You folded the blanket and rested it onto the arm of the couch. “Can I offer you something to drink? Water, coffee, tea, alcohol...”
He shook his head. “Thank you. So, you don’t bake for your family?”
“Oh! I do, but on other occasions. Birthdays, anniversaries...” You sighed, shrugging. “Private things.”
A few times your mother had encouraged you to bake your father a birthday cake, but he rarely spent his birthday in town so that was even rarer.
“Have you already made our story up?”
“I suppose we should stick to the truth for the most part. Neighbors, then friends, and then...”
“Are you going to awkwardly tell your mother you’re dating me or are you just messing with me?”
”it’s hard for me to lie to my mother,” you explained, abashed. “It’s even worse if I have her in front of me.”
Damian stood up and opened an arm. “Come here.”
“I don’t need you to comfort me.”
He scoffed. “I’m not trying to comfort you. Come.”
You stood in front of him, looking down at his hand. “You want me to take it?”
“No. Well, perhaps...” He pensively looked at your form. “We have never been close physically.”
It had escaped you that you would need to touch him in order for your relationship to be believable. “So we’re going to practice.”
He hummed. “I’ll have my arm around you for most of the night,” he emphasized.
You stood beside him, expecting him to rest his arm behind your neck. Damian placed his palm on your upper back first, tentative.
His hand slowly slid up, tracing your shoulder blade. As he wrapped his arm around both your shoulders, he grunted.
Turning to look at him, you asked, “What?”
“It’s rather awkward to walk around in this position.”
“Okay,” you breathed out. “So?”
He slanted his head to face you. “Waist or hip?”
You considered the question, thinking about the way your dress would fall down your body. “Which one do you think would look better?”
“I have no clue.”
At least he was honest. Moving his hand off your shoulder, you lightly took it in your grasp. “Let’s stand in front of the mirror.”
Damian didn’t withdraw his hand from yours as you guided him into your bedroom. He curiously stared at the walls, quickly glancing at everything his eyes could fall onto.
He knew so much yet so little about you... you were friends, yes, and he trusted you with things he had never even imagined he would say out loud. At the same time, he was still getting used to his new life.
It wasn’t drastically different, but it was freeing in ways he never expected. With his new life came you, and he was astonished over the fact that you hadn’t met before when you had been forced to frequent the same places. Your presence was refreshing — welcomed from the very beginning.
Damian blinked rapidly. Getting reflective over being at a friend’s bedroom for the first time was new, too.
Standing in front of the mirror, you let go of his hand. Damian surrounded your body with his arm, delicately resting his hand on your waist.
“Is that okay?” he asked, watching you through the mirror as you shifted.
“Yeah. You can lower your hand if you want.”
He did so, pressing his palm against your hip.
“I think,” you mumbled, “your hand on my hip accentuates my stomach a little too much.”
He slowly trailed his hand upward, stopping at your waist once again. “Like that?” he asked in a whisper.
“Like that,” you agreed.
The two of you stood there for a long moment, facing your reflections. You moved first, and regretted it as the temperature changed over your form.
You hadn’t realized Damian’s body was that warm.
Sitting down on your bed, you followed his movements with your eyes as he sat on your vanity’s chair.
“Speak your mind,” he commanded.
“What if Leonard doesn’t believe... us?”
“I believe he has attended a few of my father’s celebrations.” He was stiff as he spoke. “But,” he added, “I have never crossed paths with him.”
“At least he doesn’t hate you.”
“Has he hated people you’ve taken to his parties?”
“Mmmmh...” You tilted your head as you made yourself comfortable by crisscrossing your legs. “Not to one of his parties per se, but he hated the boyfriend I had in college. They had met before.”
Damian’s eyebrows shot up. “You only had one boyfriend in college?”
“No,” you laughed as you confessed, “but my family only met one.”
“I’m more worried about your mother.” He tried to be nonchalant as he said it, but it sounded like a confession too.
But you weren’t. Damian was easy to like. You would have worried if he had to meet your father — he always seemed to think the opposite your mother did. Your father would have told you not to date somebody more attractive than you, or mocked you for supposedly dating a rich guy too.
“Don’t mention her age and everything will go smoothly.”
“I honestly can’t tell if you’re joking or not.”
You shrugged. “Just to be safe, assume I am not.”
He huffed a laugh, mouth twinging before he sighed.
As he stood up, you did too. Damian looked at the time just to be sure that he had to leave already and said, “I should let you get some sleep and get some rest of my own.”
Agreeing, you silently walked him towards the door. You wanted to thank him for doing this, ask if he was sure he was willing to not only do this for you but trust you with returning the favor.
Words didn’t come out of you. They did from him. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
Yeah, you would see him in the morning for what would probably be one of the longest days of your life.
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slvtbible · 4 years
girls need love
pairing: frat!harry x cheerleader!y/n
word count: 2500
summary: just a hot cocky frat boy harry who determines to show you a good time rather than your boyfriend
warning: alcohol and drug use, hints of smut, vulgar language
a/n: i've always been tempted to write frat!Harry for a while now but I don't want it to be a typical high school cliche kind of piece. I’m adding a few different spices to it. Enjoy!
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y/n carefully zips up the short pink skirt she’s wearing for tonight. Straightening the skirt with her hands as she admires through the mirror how good the material looks on her figure. Topping it off with a white fitted crop top and crystal heels. She doubts herself for putting on too much effort for the party but her friends convinced her otherwise.
“You look fucking hot, not gonna lie” her best friend, Luna chimes while applying a lip gloss on her lips. Scanning y/n’s body. “Boys are gonna be all over you tonight!” she squeals excitedly, squeezing the tube back in her make up bag.
That causes y/n to roll her eyes. Boys this and boys that. As if she’s not dressing up tonight for herself. “I know what’s on your mind Luna but that isn’t going to happen. I’m just gonna there, drinking a few glass of Grey Goose or Jagermeister, smoke a few cigs and cuddle up with Brandon… hopefully”
Luna raises her eyebrow and exchanges looks with her other friend, Maria. Who has a ‘there she goes again’ look while brushing her jet black hair to remove unwanted knots.
“He’s a piece of shit. Why are you sticking around with him anyway?” Luna points bluntly, crossing her arms as she stares y/n from behind, who’s busy searching through her favorite pair of earrings.
“Exactly. He gives me bad vibes, y/n. He has a shitty reputation plus that boy only wants you for sex. I’m sorry to say that but we’re your friends and we’re only looking out for you.” Maria adds, putting her brush down before standing up from her dresser. “Jordan told me he’s bad news too.”
y/n sighs, attaching the golden hoop earrings as she hears her friends giving a lecture. “Appreciate it guys. But I can handle myself. If anything goes down south, you guys will be the first ones to know.” she smiles at both of them, messing with her thick long hair that falls above her hips.
The two seem quite unsure about it but let it slide anyway. Luna throws thumbs up to her way while Maria nods with a smile.
“Okay then” Luna says, slipping on her heels and grabbing her bag and car keys. “Come on ladies. I’m looking forward to getting hammered tonight. So y/n is driving” she gives a playful smile before tossing the keys towards her direction,
y/n laughs and shakes her head, easily grasping the keys as the three girls walk out.
As y/n arrives, there are already a few people on the outside. Drinking and making out shameless without any care in the world. The music is pumping loud even before she enters, which y/n can guess the fraternity is putting on Big Sean’s ‘Bounce Back’.
“Another typical frat party to attend. Quite getting tired of this shit.” y/n mumbles as she steps in, the two girls paying no attention to her while scanning over the crowded room.
It’s way too packed. She’s squeezing her way through a sea of sweaty bodies alone while Maria and Luna are looking for their boyfriends. y/n releases a breath of relief when she manages to get out of that. Finding herself standing in the middle of the kitchen.
“Baby! You made it!” She hears a deep voice from behind, spinning on her heels and finds her boyfriend, Brandon. A blue snapback place on top of his blonde hair. Hand gripping a red solo cup and eyes are slightly jaded. She assumes he has been smoking a lot of pot before she came here. “I’ve missed you so much” he mumbles, stepping closer towards her figure and pushes her towards his chest.
She gives a small laugh and hugs him back before pulling away slightly from his grip. Examining his red eyes and large pupils. “How much did you smoke tonight?” she asks straight away,
His hand gripping onto her waist, staring back at her as he shrugs. “Three or five? I don’t know. Why does it matter?” he sips on his alcohol,
“Just want you to be safe. Everytime you get high as a kite, you do something stupid.” she points out the obvious, her hands moving towards his shoulders quickly as he is about to fall. “And i bet this is not the second or the third glass you’re having” she firmly states,
“You’re right. It ain't. But I'm doing perfectly fine. Stop worrying” he says, hand moving down her ass and giving it a squeeze. “How about you and I go upstairs right now? Hm? Wanna fuck you so bad.” he utters against her neck
y/n resists the urge to roll her eyes at him, knowing it’s gonna make it worse. As a response, she shakes her head, moving his hand back to her hip. “Not while you’re like this. Take a breather, seriously. Drink some water” she suggests softly.
Brandon scoffs, lifting his head up and pushes her hands off his shoulders harshly causing her to widen her eyes. Mouth slightly agape at his harsh attitude.
“I didn’t make this party with my boys only for you to always bitch me around about how much I smoked or drank. It’s fucking annoying. Every time you walk in here, you’re always up to ruin my night.” he finishes the drink with a big gulp before chucking the empty cup down the floor. “Here’s a tip for you sweetheart, try to have some fun alright? Don’t come back until you’re ready for me to blow your back out” he snaps, glaring at his girlfriend before turning away to blend with the crowd again.
As she watches him leave, she sighs tiredly. Honestly, that wasn’t the first time she had ever seen him like this. She puts up with his nasty attitude and defends him in front of her own friends countless times because she believes deep down, he genuinely cares about her. When he’s sober, of course.
Because despite everything, he’s 100% different when he’s sober,
Well… okay, not really. She doesn’t know which one is true anymore.
y/n brushes of his attitude quickly and heads towards the fridge. Grabbing herself a can of beer before getting herself completely drunk tonight.
“Perhaps i should listen to Luna more” she mumbles, tasting the cold liquid as she sips it. Leaning her front against the counter, her elbows resting on top of the tiles. Observing the party while bobbing her head slowly to the music.
“That was extremely painful to watch”
She turns her head to where the voice comes from. Seeing Harry Styles, another member of the fraternity leaning against the doorway. His arms crossed causing his muscles to bulge out a little, he’s dressed in his usual attire. A white v neck and blue flannel with the sleeves roll up to his elbows. Chocolate curls tucked into a green snapback that he props on backwards along with dark skinny jeans he put on.
He shoots her a flirty smirk, causing his dimples to pop out. Pushing himself off the wall before walking towards her figure.
“Harry.” she speaks out his name, faking a smile when she watches him getting closer. “Surprised not to see you exchanging saliva with a girl in the corner of the room… like usual” she says sarcastically, moving her gaze back forward and taking a couple sip of the beer.
Harry winces playfully, pressing his hand to his heart pretending to get hurt by it. “Ouch princess” he leans sideways against the counter, propping his elbow on top as he laces his fingers, staring down at her who’s too busy looking away. “Always come up with horrible assumptions every time you see me. Never did once hear you say something nice”
She rolls her eyes, now glancing up to him who’s smirk never leaves his face. His lower lip taking in between his teeth. “Everybody knows you’re a player, Harry. What’s the nicest shit you could possibly gain from that?” she questions, eyebrows furrowing as she tilts her head back.
“At least I never humiliate you in front of people. You know i’m right” he shrugs, referring to what Brandon did earlier as he clicks his tongue against his teeth.
“What do you want, Harry?” she sighs, clearly showing she’s not in the mood to play tonight. “Can’t you see i’m busy?”
He chuckles, scratching his nose with his thumb. “Busy as in, isolating yourself from the party with a beer on your hand?” his finger points at the can, making her drop the can quickly. “Thought so. I'm here to keep you company.”
She can’t help but exhale a laugh, shaking her head. “Don’t act like I'm a damsel in distress. I don’t need a company. I’m pretty much capable on my own.”
“Again, you’re breaking my heart. By rejecting me.” he jokes, eyebrows raising as she watches him in amusement. “A guy wanting to have a chat with a pretty girl at the party isn’t allowed? Are there any policies about that?”
Her heart flutters a bit when he calls her pretty. Yeah, okay she does think Harry is hot. Like, really really hot. Who doesn’t think so? With that charming smile and seemingly soft curls that makes her go crazy a little bit. The vice captain of the football team that has every girl on campus swooning over, making it easy for him to flirt with a girl way into her panties.
“I’m flattered, truly I am. But flirting won’t get you anywhere Mister.” she tsks, wiggling her finger at him. “Especially flirting with a girl who already has a boyfriend. Another bad image for you, Styles.” she mutters, watching him chuckle with his green eyes staring back at hers.
“I am very much aware that you’re taken. But come on, harmless flirting? You’re gonna snitch on me? To him?” he asks, moving closer to leave a small space between them,
y/n takes a sharp breath as she feels how close they are right now. Clearing her throat and regaining her posture. “I might” she plays along, biting down onto her lip,
She sees how his eyes flicker down to her mouth, puffing out a deep breath from. Finding it hard to remove his gaze from her soft plump lips.
“You’re making it harder for me now” he mumbles, grabbing a cup filled vodka before chugging it down his throat. “I’m blaming it on you.”
“Harder to what, exactly?” she curiously asks,
“To not want you.” He replies bluntly, his flirty tone changes into a deeper one. Eyes lusting over her face and down to her body.
She feels herself swallow a lump on her throat, crossing her arms as his back leans against the table now. Eyes never leaving hers.
“That’s not the right thing to say to your best friend’s girlfriend.” she slowly stands in front of him now, hands on her back. “What happens if he heard you? You don’t want that.”
“I’ll take my chances” He smirks, putting the empty cup down. Standing up straight as his palms firmly plants on the table. “Besides, Brandon is way too drunk to care right now, princess. He’s fucking shitfaced.”
She giggles, nodding to herself. “Don’t need to see it for myself, I know you’re telling the truth.”
“He treats you like shit. Do you know that? Or are you on that ‘blinded by love’ stage at the moment” he queries in a serious tone. Searching for an answer on her face.
With a sigh, she nods. “I’m aware. I just. . . don’t like being alone. Seems like every cheerleader must have a frat boyfriend, kind of like a thing somehow. I don’t wanna miss out” Honestly, she sounds quite stupid with the reason she’s giving him but it’s actually the half truth.
He looks at her quizzically, finding it hard to believe every word she said. “You’re making no sense. Brandon maybe my best mate but he’s still a fucking asshole” he responds, standing up straight, looking down at her. “I fucked girls, yeah. But not as many as you thought and certainly not as heartless as you thought, y/n. Believe me.”
She feels her knees weaken when his lips are inches away from hers. Pressing down her lips as her eyes look over his shoulder.
“I can treat you better.” her eyes bug out at his confession. “Been watching you over the past couple years and goddamn it y/n, you’re the most beautiful thing i’ve ever seen. Not to mention, sweet and smartt.” his fingers softly tucking a hair behind her ear. Grazing his knuckles gently against her bare arm,
“I can fuck you better too” his voice fills with lust, hand moving down to grab her hip gently. Thumbing the material of her skirt. “I know you’ve been thinking about me. Your sneaky glances aren’t exactly sneaky at all, baby” he whispers.
y/n already knows how wrong it is to be in this position. With his hand gripping her hip and her not halting his actions. Brandon might be the biggest ass she has ever encountered, but that doesn’t mean she’ll cheat on him. Despite how bad she wants it from Harry, she needs to stop. Yet she doesn’t. Why?
Because she actually wants this as bad.
“Is that a promise?” she flirts, flickering her stare back at him. Brown eyes glinting with desire and lust. Feeling his hand moves towards her cheek, cupping it gently as his thumb brushes against her light glossed lip. “Would be a shame if you’re nothing but an all talk, Harry”
The way she rolls his name off his tongue is causing his cock to twitch in excitement. Especially with that sexy stare she’s giving him, eyes wide and a naughty smile on her beautiful face saying how she’s ready to give it all to him.
‘Fuck you Brandon, your girl mine now.’ he thinks to himself cockily,
“Oh I promise you, darling.” he speaks slowly, pulling her close against his chest. “By the end of the night. The only name you’re going to remember is mine.”
He speaks so confidently and that causes her thighs to squeeze together as she feels her panties to slightly dampen. The sexual desire in her begins to grow even more, and she knows he feels the same way.
“I like the way you talk” she tells him, soft fingers running up and down his heavily tattooed arm.
He gives her a large wicked grin, leaning down a bit to brush his lips against her ear and whispers, “I want you to go upstairs and stay inside my room. You know which one. I expect your clothes are already on the floor once I get there. I’ll be up in fifteen.” he pecks her soft cheek, hearing her let out a soft whimper.
“I’m gonna wreck you tonight, darling.”
this is short i apologize but tell me if you want part 2 to this! hope you all liked it!
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catacomb231 · 3 years
Customer Service|Hawks x Reader
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Your job wasn't a really excited one, but it paid well so you didn't care.
It's not like you have a great quirk that would allow you to become a hero even if you wanted to so you were fine with it.
Your job was to supply pro heroes small essentials that they ordered. Such as giving pros a healthy lunch if they forgot it, capture rope for villains, etc.
But you also did other things like photo shoots for magazines, artwork, etc.
For the most part, you didn't care who came in even if they were a popular one, as they were always nice and paitent with you. Even when they weren't the nicest, you didn't have a problem with them.
But for some reason, there is one pro hero who you can not STAND! And that was the Number Two Pro Hero Hawks.
You had never met the guy but just from the talk shows he would be on or what you read in magazines, and how he acted, it just made you so annoyed for some reason. You thought he was a bit of an idiot.
But since you never met him you didn't care all that much.
That was until one very slow and boring Friday at your store.
You were just packing up another lunch into a bento box and in a brown paper bag for the next hero that would come in, when you hear the front door ding as someone walked in.
"Welcome to Hero's Spotlight! How may I help-" But you stop mid sentence when turn around and see the one person who you couldn't stand.
This day just got less pleasant. You think to yourself.
You do your best to keep your friendly smile on as he walked over with his usual smirk. "Hey there. I'm here for a photoshoot for Hero Daily." He tells you. "Oh I see.. well the just step over here for me!" You reply pointing towards the photo equipment.
You grit your teeth as you kept smiling as you don't want to give bad Customer Service otherwise your boss would chew you out with it.
You position him so he's facing the green screen sideways and he stood straight with his hands stuffed in his pockets and he stares off ahead of him.
You were about to take a picture when you noticed his wings wouldn't stop twitching and moving. "I need you to be still! That includes your wings!" You tell him in the NICEST tone and smile you could muster.
"But I can't stay still for long!" He complains. Knowing him, that is entirely possible, as he lives in a fast moving world. You honestly think he goes TOO fast and doesn't take time to stop and enjoy life around him.
"It's just for a second! You'll be fine!" You tell him and he sighs returning to his position. This time he was able to stay still and you got a couple of good shots.
You got a few more pictures in different poses until he was finally done. "Done! Happy now??" You ask, a little bit of hostility in your tone as you didn't want to spend much more time with this guy.
"Finally!" Hawks says with a sigh as he follows you back to the front desk. "I will send these pictures to the editor and that will be ¥1300!" You tell him as you stored your camera down below the counter where it usually went.
"Yes ma'am." He replies giving you the money before heading out of your store. You sigh of relief, glad it was over. Now it was nothing but smooth sailing for the rest of your work shift.
You hoped at least.
The next few days, Hawks kept coming back for either more pictures, or capture rope, or a lunch cuz he forgot to make one.
Each time he visited, you got less and less paitent.
Eventually, you couldn't take it anymore! The day you snapped you were already not having a good day. When Hawks came in and rushed you to get him a special requested lunch packed, you just couldn't take it anymore.
You were tired of his annoying "flirty responses," sarcastic remarks, and pressure of rushing you to get it.
Once again moving in his fast paced world.
"That's it! I'm already having an AWFUL day and I don't need YOU coming in here rushing and stressing me out! I know your world is fast, but you NEVER stop to appreciate it and rush into everything!! But I DON'T like being rushed so could you just be quiet for one second?!"
You tell angrily and immediately guilt had over taken you as Hawks' am, turning to a frown, and h had a blank expression, but you could see the hurt in his eyes.
You sighed and finished packing his lunch before handing it to him. "I'm sorry. Just take your lunch. It's free." You reply as you bowed, not daring to look up at his face as you were ashamed in yourself.
You expected Hawks to reply with his usual optimistic tone.
"Don't worry about it!"
"Nah don't sweat it! It's fine!"
But no. He didn't say anything. You just heard his footsteps walk away and out the door as it rung. You sigh and hide your face with your hands.
That was the worst think you could possibly say.
He was the NUMBER TWO HERO for heaven's sake!
But what was done was done. You couldn't reverse it.
A few weeks pass and Hawks never once returned to your store. You knew why. You knew he was disgusted with you, or hurt by your harsh words and tone. You were immediately regretting how you treated him.
Good news is, your boss hasn't approached you about it so at least he didn't report the situation to her!
But feeling the guilt was worse than any punishment you could ever get from your boss.
One day though, on your day off, you were walking through the relaxing and beautiful park near your apartment complex. You figured by now Hawks probably forgot all about how you yelled at home but even if he did, you could never.
You could never forget the hurt in his eyes and the fact he walked out silently.
You hoped a walk would help clear your head. But low and behold you saw Hawks sitting on a bench a few feet away, looking around.
He had his content smirk on and had casual wear on. And you hadn't realized until now, but as the sun's ray hit him at just the right angle, he looked like an angel from heaven.
You quickly pushed that thought away though as you felt a slight blush appear on your cheeks. You were about to turn and walk the other way, as you couldn't even bare being near him afraid he may yell something hurtful at you.
Which you probably deserved anyway.
But you knew you couldn't run from this any longer, so you decided to take it. You walked over to him and stood in front of him. From the way his smirk disappears again, you knew he recognized you.
You then look down and then get on your knees and bowed to him. "I am very very sorry for how I had treated you at my store. I just ask for your forgiveness! If you want to yell at me, I deserve it." You tell him.
You didn't care if people were watching now, you just didn't want to live with this guilt anymore.
Truth being, he really wasn't all that bad! You were just overreacting! Maybe sometimes he annoyed you but nothing extreme.
That's when you hear Hawks laugh and you look up to see him laughing and smiling before looking down at you. "I was never mad at you! Why would I be mad?" He tells you, and as relived you were by him not being angry, you felt yourself a bit annoyed.
He was never angry yet you suffered the past few weeks, feeling awful and thinking he was mad!
"Look I get it. Everyone just has those days, so I don't care! Infact I'm actually taking your advice now! I decided to slow down today and just enjoy nature." Hawks tells you while he grabbed your hands and helped you back up to your feet.
You then sat down beside him as he stared back at the bright green trees. "You were right about just taking a moment to enjoy life. It relieves a lot of stress as well." He adds while you just stared at him.
You were not only glad he wasn't angry or upset with you, but he also took your advice! You also couldn't get over how he looked like an angel in the light. A handsome one at that.
You felt a light blush before looking forward as well. What were you thinking?! This was the Number Two hero! Even if you did like him, he was busy with life and didn't have time for a partner. Plus you barely knew him.
But you guys talked for the rest of the afternoon before you both get ready to part ways.
"Well this was nice!" You tell him. After getting to know him better, you realized he wasn't at all that bad of a guy. "Yeah! But I never actually got your name." He points out. "Oh right! It's Y/N!" You reply.
"I see. Well, call me Teigo." He says writing something down before handing you the paper. "There's my number so we can keep chatting. See ya around!" He says before walking off.
You blush and close your eyes.
The guilt finally gone.
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xuxszx · 4 years
sofa | Henry Cavill
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Pairing: Henry Cavill x Reader
Henry has been home for two weeks. He saw that something was wrong with Y/N. She greeted him with a short kiss and didn't even let him hug him. Not to mention sex. She was cold. She kept her distance. And Henry wanted to know what was behind it. What happened. What could he do wrong?
Y/N was jealous.
Seeing Henry in the Netflix's 'The Witcher' was amazing, but seeing Henry kissing Anya with his language, the way he looked at her and his hips brushing her crotch in known scenes - all this made Y/N was furious. She had never felt this way in her life.
She'd been hiding her feelings for the whole two weeks, and now that she had her period, she just exploded.
Y/N was sarcastic all day. Whenever she saw Henry, she rolled her eyes at him. Under her breath she still called him an asshole.
In addition, she lay in the living room on the sofa with Kal and watched Apple's 'Defending Jacob'. Being part of this series was very important to her. It turned out that playing Chris's wife was extremely easy, and Evans was charming. In no case could he compare to Henry.
No one could compare to him. Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill was the man of her dreams. Always charming, caring, loved and compelling. He was all she wanted. Y/N wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. Give him children and love him every day, and when the hard time comes, support him.
Y/N was a mess. She was so jealous and so mad at herself, Henry and Anya. At herself, because watching Henry with another woman she felt insecure and not worth the man like Cavill. At Henry, because he kissed Anya the way he should only kiss Y/N. And at Anya, because she spent time with him when Y/N missed him like never before in her life.
"Honey, I'm going for a run" she heard Henry, who was putting on his running sneakers in the hall. As usual, he was wearing a London Rugby Team cap. It was already evening, so the fact that Henry was going to run at this time instead of morning clearly indicated that something was wrong.
"Go to hell" she muttered, still furious. Kal shifted uneasily at the tone of her voice. And she scratched his ear in response and Akita was calmer now, just the opposite of Y/N.
"Can you tell me what's wrong with you? You've been acting like you've been having a problem for the past two weeks and I'm jumping like an idiot around you and I don't even know what's biting you," said Cavill, nervous. Frustrating such an oasis of peace was difficult. Damn hard. However, Y/N has mastered it almost to perfection.
"Of course, because I make the problem where it is not," she snapped. Emotions took over her. She couldn't control us. "Anya would probably be more forgiving, huh?"
"Is that it? Are you jealous of her?" he asked, worried. They had been together for almost four years and never showed jealousy for a moment. They both knew that what they felt was too strong for either of them to ruin. No one could separate them.
"I'm not fucking jealous!" she shouted loudly, and scared Kal fled from the living room to the kitchen. Henry and Y/N almost never argued. Even if something bad appeared in their relationship, they always solved it. Bad emotions tame in the bedroom for several long hours in their arms.
"So what's going on?" he asked again, rubbing his forehead with nervousness. Henry didn't like vague situations. And Y/N has always made it clear and transparent. And now something was definitely bothering her and Henry wanted to know what.
"You're going on and who else?" she replied. Pissed to the limit, she got up from the sofa. She had had enough for today. When she wanted to walk past the man without even looking at him, Henry grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him. Y/N bounced off his chest and looked at him sharply. They both looked at each other furiously.
"You can't just leave the room, Y/N!" he warned her. Henry has never wanted to get her over her knee so much and take care of her naughty ass. "Talk to me, damn it."
"I don't feel like it," she growled and wrenched her hand free from his grip. A moment later, Henry was alone in the living room, and Y/N locked herself in their bedroom and seemed to be sleeping separately today.
It was literally the middle of the night when Y/N still couldn't sleep. Next to her, Kal snored loudly, who was tired of the day like her. Her eyes ached from constant rubbing and crying. In fact, her anger was over and now she was just sad. She knew that she had caused Henry a fuss over her stupidity and uncertainty. She should apologize to him. She should explain it to him. But how was she to tell him that for the first time in her life she felt too small, too not perfect to be with someone like him.
She swallowed more tears and went downstairs to the living room. Henry looked asleep. He had one hand behind his head and the other on his stomach, and his left knee was sticking out of the sofa. His eyebrows were drawn and his hair was disheveled. He was shirtless.
"Are you sleeping?" she asked, pushing his thigh with her knee. Henry, without a word, picked up a piece of blanket that was covered, encouraging Y/N to lie next to him. The girl did it right away, put her head on his chest, and put her leg over his hips. Henry covered her with a blanket and wrapped his arms around her. And now Y/N burst into tears like a small child.
"Shhhh. Don't cry, honey," he said, kissing her forehead tenderly. He patiently wiped tears from her cheeks.
"I'm sorry," said Y/N when she calmed down a little. "I just ... I don't know why I was jealous. I already saw you kissing other women on the screen. For example from Amy. I had no problem and now I don't know ..."
"I kissed Amy before we were together," Henry interrupted. "And now we are together and this is my first role, where I kiss a woman other than you," he said. From the beginning of today's quarrel he knew that Y/N was jealous. He just didn't know why. And he understood that now.
"There is something to it. I just ... When I saw you kiss Anya with this tongue and so passionately ... I don't know something burst in me. And I was afraid ..." she murmured slightly embarrassed. Admitting any weakness was not her strength.
"Were you afraid?" he asked surprised. Henry did not think that he could hurt her with his behavior. After all, it was just taking a role in the series. Nothing but friendship united him with Anya.
"Yes. That I will lose you. That you will understand that I am not good enough," she whispered. Her blush was getting bigger every moment. After all, she was always confident. She knew what she could and couldn't do.
"How much of what has come to your mind is caused by the hate of my supposed fans?" Henry asked. Since he told the world that his girlfriend is Y/N, some of his fans, especially the female part, did not leave a dry thread on her.
"A lot," she said, burying her face in his chest. "There is no day that I don't see a comment somewhere that I owe everything to you. That because of you I got a role alongside a star like Chris. That if it wasn't for you, nobody would be interested in my paintings for the foundation," she calculated. Recently, she received more and more negative messages. People criticized her at every turn. Even when film critics rated her acting at a very high level, people said that he owed everything to his relationship with Henry. For all of them it was not enough. And so she finally felt.
"Bullshit," Henry snapped. The night was definitely not the best time for such talks. They were both already tired. Y/N's face resembled a large, swollen tomato, and Henry did not know how to force people to stop being so terrible to her. "Y/N look at me. You are the best woman I have ever fallen in love with. Has my friendship with Chris in any way helped you gain this role? No. You went to the casting and they decided that you were good. Did I help you get the role of Mera in 'Aquaman'? Neither. You must learn not to bother about people you don't even know, honey. Otherwise it will lose you, "Henry comforted her." I love you just the way you are. Even on your hard days during the period, "he added, laughing loudly. Y/N wrinkled his nose funny and puffed his dissatisfied mouth in response. Henry pulled her even closer and kissed her breathless." You really could have chosen another day to argue. How will we reconcile without sex?" he laughed and Y/N hit him playfully in the shoulder. Sometimes he was impossible.
A moment later, they both heard Kal barking and his loud claws stamping on the stairs. Akita jumped without an invitation to the sofa and settled himself comfortably at their feet. He looked at them for a short while and he was pleased.
"Do you know that I was going to propose to you?" Henry murmured, gently massaging his beloved's shoulder. Y/N almost fell asleep, but hearing his words woke up immediately.
"So you don't want anymore?" she asked.
"I was sure you would break up with me. But now I will have to come up with something spectacular," he kissed her forehead again.
"First of all, I would be the stupidest woman in this world if I broke up with you. Second, after today's day of impressions, you can probably let it go with something spectacular," Y/N said and snuggled into Cavilla like a little koala. "Henry?" she asked after almost twenty minutes.
"I'm listening, Y/N" he murmured tiredly. It was almost three in the morning and they were still awake. Only Kal snored like the huge bear he was.
"If this sofa breaks someday ... Promise me we'll fix it ... That we won't throw it away."
"I promise. We'll fix whatever goes wrong," he promised. Henry knew that this request wasn't just for the sofa. Y/N was still scared to some extent. And Henry promised himself that he would do everything so that this would never happen again.
Let me know what you think ❤️ Well, I have mixed feelings 🤷🏻‍♀️
Tag list: @hatedyoufromhello @hnryycvll @honeychicanawrites @honeychicana @wondersofdreaming @thethirstyarchive @yespolkadotkitty @onlyhenrys @avengersandlovers @supersweetstache @dangerouslovefanfic @fumbling-fanfics @laketaj24 @littlefreya @viking-raider @beautifullmelodyxx @mary-ann84 @mrsaugustwalker @speechlessxx @deactivatedyssb @fishcustardandclintbarton
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Diabolik Lovers GRAND EDITION for Switch ;; More, Blood ー Yuma Ecstasy [Prologue]
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By the time I was finally released from the punishment room,
I had made two more comrades,
aside from Kou.
One smart and dependable guy,
and another fellow who’s kinda creepy and always covered in scars,
but somehow I can’t bring myself to ignore him.
It felt somewhat different from my relationship with Boss and the others,
but strangely enough,
I genuinely thought of these dudes as my companions.
I’m sure it’s because we all had the same goal.
The four of us gathered together,
and came up with a plan to escape this Hell.
And one evening, 
we finally made up our minds.
Bear: When are we putting this plan into action?
Ruki: Tomorrow evening. We won’t take any luggage with us. Leave everything behind. Understood?
Kou: Yeah!
Bear: Roger.
Azusa: If you guys…say so…
Bear: ( I don’t know if my luck is good or bad, but I survived till now. )
( Boss, I’ve made up my mind. I’ll take your dream upon me instead. )
( I’ll change this country, so please wait just a little longer. )
( ...To fulfill said dream, I’ll definitely escape this place. )
( Don’t worry. Right now, I have comrades who are just about as reliable as you guys were. )
( I’m sure...It’ll go well. )
Bear:  ( ...In just a few more hours, the night will fall. )
( We can’t get our timing wrong. We won’t get a second chance if our plan is exposed. ...We only get one shot. )
( Right, I should prepare to set the fiーー )
Youngster: ...! Oi, you!
Bear: ( ...Che, did he find out!? )
Youngster: I knew it! Thank god, you survived!
Bear: ...? Who are you?
Orphan A: It’s me, Leo! I lived in the village next to yours! We often went fishing in the past, remember?
Bear: Leo...?
Orphan A: Well, we were still children, so I guess I can’t blame you for not remembering. We’ve both changed as well. I didn’t recognize you at first glance either.
But I was worried about you this whole time. After what happened to your village...Your home was burnt to the ground as well.
Bear: Burnt...?
( What’s this? It rings a bell... )
( ...Right! That dream! When Boss had only just picked me up, I would often have dreams about fires! )
( Don’t tell me, this is a guy I knew in the past I can’t recall...!? )
Say, Leo! There’s something I want to asーー!
Orphan A: Guah...!?
Bear: ...!? Oi!
Orphan A: ...Uu...
Bear: Fuck...What do you think you’re doing, bastard!?
Gang Boss: Excuse me? ...Isn’t that my line? Right, Bear?
Bear: ...Che, look who’s back. You’ve made your return earlier than I expected.
Gang Boss: Thanks to you, yeah. (1)
Bear: What do you want now? Have you come to get beaten to pulp?
Gang Boss: Yeah, exactly. Howeverーー
You are the one who’ll end up beaten and bruised!
Bear: ...You’ve gathered some comrades because you know you can’t win by yourself? Whether you bring nobody or a whole gang, the end result won’t change.
Gang Boss: ...Per usual, you know how to run your mouth.
Anyway, your prolonged life ends right here. It’s been quite a while since your Boss died, but time has finally come.
Bear: You piece of shit...Why today out of all days!? You’ve got shit timing.
Gang Boss: Enough talking! Your beloved Boss is waiting for you in the afterlife!
Bear: Che...!
Kou: ーー Bear!!
Bear: Kou!?
Ruki: We were wondering what was taking you so long, but what are you doing!?
Bear: Don’t blame me! They’re the ones who started this!
Kou: I’m pretty sure you take some blame too though.
Ruki: That doesn’t matter! Hurry up and finish your quarrel! If we let this chance slip by, we’re done for!
Bear: Oh, I’m well...aware!
Ruki: In that case, we’ll use this commotion to our advantage. Kou, you light the fire instead!
Kou: Roger!
Ruki: I’ll lure in the guards from one side. You guys make as much of a fuss as you can! However, make sure they don’t get the upper hand on you!
When I give you the signal, we’ll dash through the gate at once! Understood!?
Bear: Piece of cake!
Azusa: Can I be the one getting punched...?
Bear: That’s no option! We’re gonna be the ones doing the punching! ーー Let’s go!!
ーー In the end, the plan we spent days setting up,
did not go as planned.
However, luck was on our side,
and we succeeded,
at making our escape from that Hellhole.
ーー Spread out in front of my eyes once outside,
was an almost transluscent blue sky.
Seems like it is sunny out today.
It has been a while since I gazed up at the sky.
Perhaps that is why, the usual blue sky and white clouds,
seemed extremely beautiful for some reason.
I couldn’t help but think,
that the world is beautiful.
We may have escaped prison,
but the world we would have to live in now,
is most definitely rotten.
I will change this country, change the world. 
For that reason, I desperately kept on running.
Regardless, the clear blue skies,
were so beautiful, every time I raised my head,
I somehow grew emotional.
ー The flashback ends as the scene shifts to the living room
Ruki: How have things been going as of late?
Yuma: ...No change, really.
Ruki: You’ve been sucking her blood, no? Have you not been experiencing any signs? Of Adam?
Yuma: ...Don’t think so? Not sure tho.
Ruki: ...Yuma.
Yuma: Shut up, I know! Stop remindin’ me over and over, it’s annoyin’!
Ruki: ...Are you rushing?
Yuma: ...
Ruki: Rushing will not make you Adam. That is up to Eve’s blood to decide.
Yuma: ...I know that shit.
Ruki: Then don’t rush. Even if you are in a hurry, it will not benefit the situation.
However...I am sure you are aware that things cannot remain like this forever?
Our objective is not to become Adam. It is to return our favor to that man by doing so.
If you continue to not show any signs of awakening, then we’llーー
Yuma: Don’t say that!!
Ruki: ...Judging by your reaction, seems like you have realized as well. Yuma. ...That we are unable of becoming Adam.
Ruki: ...Either way, I’m glad you seem to understand at least. Either way, I am not asking you to act upon this right away.
However, as soon as we receive an order from that man, I will take action as well. Do not forget that.
ー Ruki steps away
Yuma: ...Givin’ her to those Sakamaki’s? Don’t be kiddin’ me.
...I will become Adam.
No way I’ll let those damn rich people steal Boss’ dream as well...!
ー The scene shifts to the kitchen
*Chop chop chop*
Yui: ( ...There we go. Now I just have to put all the ingredients inside and let it simmer. )
( Ah, right. I’ll add the cabbage we got from Yuma-kun’s garden the other daーー )
ー The screen suddenly fades to black
Yui: Eh!? 
( W-What!? Things suddenly went dark...Hold on, somebody is covering my eyes!? )
Yuma: Keep still.
Yui: That voice, Yuma-kuーーNn!
( He covered my mouth as well...! )
ー Yuma bites her
Yuma: Hah...Nn...
Yui: Ah, ow...!
( W-Why did he suddenly bite me...!? )
Yuma: Nn...Nn...!
Haah...This side’s up next...Don’t ya dare tense up.
Yui: ( N-No...What is he doing!? I can’t tell since I can’t see a thing!. ...I’m scared...! )
Nn, nnnn...!
Yuma: ...Che, you’re so noisy. But it’s no use. Stay like that.
A humans’ remainin’ senses grow more sensitive when one is lost, right?
So by taking yer vision like this, I’ll make ya focus on only my fangs.
I’d love to take yer hearing too but...Nn...
Yui: ...! Nn...!
Yuma: I’m pretty sure it’ll be more effective...If I let ya listen to the sound of me devourin’ ya, mixed in with yer own sounds.
Yui: ...Hah...Hah...!
Yuma: There ya go. I’ll release yer mouth. ...Cry out all ya want.
Come on, concentrate. Focus on only yer ears and body.
My fangs are the only thing you’re allowed to feel.
If ya feel it with yer whole body, ya should figure out that I’m Adam already. Right...!? 
Yui: ...Ah...!
Yuma: ...Hurry up...Hurry up and realize, Eve...!
Hurry up and make me Adam...!
ーー Ever since that day, 
Yuma-kun became more aggressive than ever.
His irritation continued visibly growing,
and all of said frustration was pointed directly,
at my skin.
The bite marks which increased with each passing day,
made me experience his impatience first hand.
Translation notes
(1) おかげさま or ‘okage sama’ is usually used to thank someone for their help, but in this context, it is obviously meant in a sarcastic way.
<- [ Maniac Epilogue ] [ Ecstasy 01 ] ->
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lonelysoul029 · 3 years
His Hufflepuff Secret ~ Twelve
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<- Previous Chapter
"Earlier today Professor Moody placed the tri-wizards cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now as Mr Diggory and Mr Potter tied for first position they will be the first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr Krum..." Dumbledore continues to explain the last task to the champions and the audience.
"It's just a bloody maze," Draco leans to his side for Y/N to hear amongst the loud cheering, "What's the worst that could happen?"
Y/N ignores him and soon, the cannon goes off. Cedric and Harry enter the maze.
"Go Cedric! Go Harry!" She cheers along with the crowd. Viktor Krum then enters the maze, with Fleur Delacour following soon after.
"Oh would you look at that," a sarcastic voice speaks from next to her, "The Beauxbaton girl is out already."
He gets hit on the arm. It seems as though it has become a regular occurrence for Draco every time he says some insensitive remark.
"Will you stop being so inconsiderate of other people's feelings?" She glares at him.
Draco raises his hands in surrender, "Alright, alright."
"Thank you," she rolls her eyes, "I think Fleur just lost her focus since the Second Task. She probably blames herself for everything that could've happened to her little sister."
The pair continues to watch in silence. Then, Harry comes out of the maze, walking with Cedric on his arm. Deafening cheers erupt from the crowd. Y/N joins in, but after getting a closer look at her friends, she realises that Harry is carrying Cedric.
"Oh my god," she watches in horror as Harry lays Cedric's body down on the ground.
"He's back! Voldemort's back!" the Harry repeats over and over. "He almost killed Cedric," he says through tears.
"Fawley, I'm sure he's fine," Draco says as he sits on the end of his bed.
Y/N has been pacing back and forth across the room since they got back. She tried to visit Cedric in the hospital wing but Madam Pomfrey said that Amos Diggory would like to be with his son alone. So, here she is, in Draco's room, helplessly worrying about her friend.
She stops in her tracks and turns to face the boy on the bed, "And what if he isn't? I mean, if Harry's right that You-Know-Who is back and that he almost killed Cedric, what's to stop him from finishing the job?" she sniffles.
Draco gets up and walks over to Y/N, cradling her in his arms, "Shh, it's okay, sweetheart."
He leads her to the bed and sits her down. He takes her hand and rubs circles on the back of it with his thumb. Draco doesn't really know what to say so they both stay silent for a while, save for the occasional sob.
After a while, Y/N speaks up, "C-can I stay here tonight?" she whispers.
"You never have to ask me that," Draco tucks her hair behind her ear and kisses her forehead softly, "You're always welcome to stay here."
She gives him a soft smile. He'll be okay, she tells herself, although she's not completely convinced.
"Hey, Draco?"
"You said you had a surprise for me up at the astronomy tower," she turns to him, "Maybe you could show me now. Just to take my mind off of Cedric."
Draco nods, "Alright. Come on then," he offers his hand out to her and she takes it.
They make their way to the tower. As they reach the top of the staircase, Y/N gasps. Strings of fairy lights illuminate the space. There is a blanket with piles of pillows and other blankets on top of it.
"I put a charm around the tower to keep the snow out while we're here," Draco gestures towards the pile of blankets then tells her to get comfortable.
Y/N does as he says. "What are we doing up here, exactly?" she asks, her eyes following his movements as he takes something out from a trunk in the corner.
"We," he turns around with a basket in his hand, "Are going to have a little movie date under the stars."
He picks up one of the sheets on the blanket and pins up on two of the pillars.
"Is there going to be popcorn?" Y/N grins.
"Do you want popcorn?" Draco raises an eyebrow at her and she eagerly nods, "Then popcorn you shall have."
With a flick of his wand, a bowl of popcorn appears in front of him, which he passes to Y/N.
"It's enchanted," he tells her, "So you can eat as much popcorn you want and it'll keep filling up."
"Fantastic," she smiles.
Draco continues to set up the little projector and points it at the white sheet he put up. He settles down next to Y/N and wraps a blanket around their shoulders.
"I don't care what you say," Draco stops to fold his arms over his chest as Y/N folds up the sheet that acted as a screen for their movie date last night, "Jo should've said yes to Laurie. Not that prick, Professor Bhaer."
Y/N just rolls her eyes playfully and smiles at him, "You're getting extremely worked up over a muggle movie, my dear."
His face turns red, both in anger and embarrassment, so he turns away from her so that she wouldn't see.
She places the folded sheet inside the trunk and wraps her arms around his waist from behind, pressing the side of her face on his back, "It's not a bad thing. I think it's cute that you're so passionate," she giggles slightly.
He turns in her grasp and moves her arms so that they're wrapped around his neck instead then places his own arms around her waist. He kisses her nose which makes her smile. "I'm surprised you're not as worked up as I am. I mean, Laurie ends up with Jo's youngest sister instead of her? It's downright absurd!"
"I think you should take it up with the writer," Y/N shakes her head, "Although I have to agree, it's absurd that Amy marries Laurie. She was too young for him."
Draco chuckles, "I'm glad we're on the same page."
"Right," she pecks his lips then pulls away, "We should finish packing up here. I want to go to the hospital wing to see if Cedric's feeling better."
"As I told you last night, Miss Fawley, Mr. Diggory isn't allowed visitors," Madam Pomfrey states, making Y/N groan in frustration.
"Can you at least tell me if he's woken up?" she pleads.
Madam Pomfrey sighs. Her eyes pitying the worried girl, "I'm sorry, dear. Whatever curse it was that struck Mr. Diggory was a strong one. He won't come into consciousness for a while."
"But he will wake up, right?"
The matron looks at Y/N, then to the beds behind them, "I'm afraid I don't know the answer to your question, Miss Fawley."
Tears threaten to spill from Y/N's eyes as she looks at the bed where Cedric lay. His father has his head down next to him. Her heart breaks at the thought of Amos Diggory losing his son. That and she might not be able to see her friend alive and well.
She clears her throat before facing Madam Pomfrey again, "Thank you for your time Madam Pomfrey," she starts to leave when she remembers, "Will you please inform me when he wakes up?"
Madam Pomfrey nods, "Of course, dear."
With that, Y/N gives her a smile, though it doesn't quite reach her eyes, then heads down to the library where her friends were waiting for her.
Next Chapter ->
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endof-theline · 3 years
Day 30- Tropetember: Free Space (Soulmate)
Last day of super early Tropetember with Soulmate for Free Space! In a world where Soulmates couldn't lie or harm each other, it made Tony's search extremely easy as most of the people around him were either lying to him or attempting to hurt him.
(The document all of this series is in totalled 113 pages worth of writing in the end!)
On Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32925826
In a world where Soulmates couldn't lie or harm each other, it made Tony's search extremely easy as most of the people around him were either lying to him or attempting to hurt him. Those who were actually close to him, Tony immediately asked for them to pinch his arm to make sure.
Being Howard Stark's son and following him into the business world meant that people were always lying to gain his favour, so the genius got very good at being able to tell when people were lying to him which came in handy when he met Agent Coulson and was forced into the world of spies.
As much as Tony had wanted Natasha to be his soulmate when they first met, but Tony quickly found out that she was lying to him and then later was harmed by her so it was pretty clear that they were definitely not soulmates, much to Tony’s dismay at the time. It was a good trial run before he met with the rest of the team, every time he met a new teammate he hoped that they would be his soulmate and every time he would be lied to or he would be hurt so by the time he met their leader, he had given up slightly.
“Mister Stark, they’ve told me a lot about you” Captain Steve Rogers said with a smile, offering his hand out for Tony to take while Tony quickly decided that he had no longer given up hope.
“Likewise Captain, though Howard had already told me most of it” Tony shook his hand with his own grin on his face, he noticed Steve’s surprised look before it was covered back over “Dad never shut up about you, actually”
“They told me he was the one who kept searching for me in the ice” There was an odd look still on Steve’s face but it wasn’t the surprise from before so Tony ignored it as he dropped his hand to his side.
“That’s right, he was out looking for you all the time when I was a kid before he let Shield take it over” Tony was still smiling even as he was mentally panicking, he had never told anyone about how much Howard had been invested in finding the frozen soldier and he wasn’t quite sure why he was telling said frozen soldier all of this now “Anyway, you’re leading the fight with Loki?”
“I am, and I hear you’re joining us” Steve nodded as he gestured for Tony to sit down with him, the blonde sitting down first as Tony paused for a moment to really take in the height difference between them “Iron Man, right?”
“I didn’t choose that name, but you’re right, me in my armour” Tony sat down and barely reacted when Natasha snuck up behind him, placing her hand on his shoulder so he looked over with a raised eyebrow “I’d say this is a private conversation, but I know you spies don’t have that sort of thing”
“Certainly not here, we don’t” Natasha smirked at him before nodding to Steve who was looking between the pair of them curiously “Captain, Director Fury is looking for you, he wants to discuss Loki and his army since Thor has opened up about it”
“Of course, it was nice meeting you Tony” Steve stood with a small sigh that Tony could barely hear, he gave Tony a smile still however before he started walking away.
“Back at you, Cap!” Tony called over his shoulder, waiting until the man had disappeared behind closed doors to turn to Natasha with a grin that she knew all too well “I’m in love”
“You’re an idiot” Natasha replied just as quickly, resisted the urge to smile at Tony’s dramatic gasp as he held his hand over his heart “You just met him and you think he’s your soulmate”
“No one ever says it’s nice to meet me and actually look like they mean it without being sarcastic, you were here, do you think that was a lie?” Tony asked quickly, moving from sitting in the chair to sitting on the table in a flash, feet on the chair and arms crossed on top of his knees as he leant forward to Natasha with a grin on his face.
“Just because he wasn’t lying to you doesn’t mean he’s your soulmate” Natasha argued as Clint walked through the door, Tony didn’t worry about the archer hearing the conversation because he was fully aware that Natasha told him everything anyway.
“Who does Tony think is his soulmate now?” Clint asked as he came over and sat beside Tony on the table, Natasha rolling her eyes at the grown up children in front of her.
“The Captain”
“You would be really cute soulmates” Clint commented with a shrug before Natasha groaned and Tony cheered as he threw his hands up in celebration “Cap’s all big and serious and Tony’s small and fun, they would be great!”
“I’m not small!” Tony yelled.
“That’s not the point!” Natasha shouted at the same time.
“Whatever, I’m just saying that they would be cute together” Clint shrugged once more before Bruce, Thor, Steve and Fury all charged into the room, Tony and Clint hopping off of the table and into chairs before either Steve or Fury could scold them for it. Natasha was contemplating smacking Tony when she noticed the soft look on his face as he watched Steve sitting opposite him, she was sure he wasn’t paying attention to what he was saying but just staring at his face instead.
Everyday leading up to the fight with Loki, Tony tried his best to trick Steve into lying to him or riling him up to try and provoke him to at least try to slap Tony away. Nothing was working, Natasha was bragging about how she was right while Clint was brainstorming ways to help Tony in his mission.
It wasn’t until the night before they predicted Loki, Tony got his answer. It was getting close to one in the morning and Tony had given up the thought of being able to sleep through the night so he decided to get up and grab some coffee before going back to sleep for nightmare number four, it was in the kitchen that Tony found Steve with his back up against the wall, head between his knees as he had curled into a tight ball as he sat on the floor.
“Steve?” Tony called out softly, not wanting to spook the man if he was going through something but also wanting to check in on him. When Steve didn’t make any indication of even hearing Tony, he came to his side and waited for a moment for the man to look up “Steve?”
Still nothing. Tony gently reached down and touched Steve’s shoulder before everything happened all at once. Steve jerked at Tony’s touch before he jumped up and shoved Tony’s arms behind his back as he pressed him to the wall. Steve's eyes were hard but glazed over for a second before he shook his head and stared confused at Tony who was trying hard not to panic himself.
“Tony? Why-? What happened?” Steve’s voice was so lost that it made Tony want to cry for the man. He tried to worm out of Steve’s grip but found it too tight to really pull away without possibly hurting the other man.
“Think you might have been a little caught up in your head there, Cap” Tony teased to try and ease Steve’s confused, sad look off his face but Steve just frowned at him even more “Flashback, maybe?”
“Shit, I think you’re right, I’m sorry” Steve hissed under his breath as he dropped his head down, his grip going loose so that Tony could turn around and look up to the lost Captain “Did I hurt you?”
“Not sure you could” Tony laughed but there was little humor in it, luckily Steve didn’t really take the hint as he seemed to be lost in thought again “You worried about tomorrow?”
“I didn’t think so, maybe I am if I’m screwed up so bad” Steve huffed as he fisted his hair, eyes screwed shut before Tony reached up and took hold of his hand gently, a flash of panic running across Steve’s face before looking like he realized something and calmed back down again “I’m- I’ll be fine, Tony, thank you though”
“Did you just try to say I’m fine to me?” Tony asked quickly, he recognized that defeated look from his own face and he knew what he always told Pepper and Rhodey whenever he looked like that and it was always a lie.
Steve paused for a second before nodding slowly, his eyes going wide in shock as he stared down at Tony “Are we-?”
“I think” Tony squeaked, he hadn’t imagined it ever getting it this far so he didn’t know what to say now “I mean, if you can’t hit me then it’s true”
“I don’t want to hit you” Steve refused quickly as he stepped back and pulled his hands away from Tony’s, Tony matched his steps with bright eyes and only slightly aware that he probably looked more than a little crazy.
“I honestly think you won’t be able to” Tony said confidently as he held his head high, chin out and almost looking defiant “I want to know before we go into this fight, please try even if you end up hitting me!”
Steve stared at Tony for a long moment before sighing slightly and holding his hand up, Tony just clenched his jaw and managed not to flinch when Steve’s large hand swung down towards him, his hand stopping inches away from Tony’s face like there was an invisible barrier in front of him.
“Can’t hit you, feels like a wall” Steve whispered before dropping his hand and moving to cup Tony’s cheek instead making Tony blush and Steve grin as he felt the heat in his hand “Guess you’re the reason I stayed frozen for so long, waiting for you”
“Just wish it didn’t have to be so rough for you” Tony hummed softly as he couldn’t help thinking that Steve would be the first person in his life that wouldn’t lie to him, he would be the first person Tony wouldn’t have to worry about getting hit by. Even if something awful happened during the war on Loki and his army, Tony would still be happy that he finally found his soulmate and that his soulmate would be by his side while they fought. Even if the worst happened to Tony, he could die happy knowing that he had met the one person who could tell no lies or do no harm to him, his soulmate.
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emy-loves-you · 4 years
Wrong Numbers and Useless Gays Chapter 4
Sad Boys and Fun Facts
Patton’s a sad boi but Virgil has a distraction
Chapter 3 | Masterlist | Chapter 5
Three weeks had passed since Virgil had first texted Roman. In those three weeks, Virgil had learned a lot about his new friends.
First, there was Patton. God, did that man love puns. Virgil also loved puns, but he preferred reading Patton’s puns over making his own. Remus had caught Virgil blushing at his phone and made a comment about his new “friends with benefits” (Virgil had been unable to respond. He was too busy trying to hold back his giggles from one of Patton’s pun tangents). Patton also made it clear that he was the “Dad Friend” of the group. Virgil couldn’t type a single self-deprecating comment without Patton threatening to physically fight him. It was rather terrifying, really. He also made sure that everyone was taking care of themselves. Once they learned that they were in the same timezone (They hadn’t shared cities yet. Friend or no, Virgil was telling where he lived in that quickly) Patton made it his goal to check in and make sure that Virgil ate at mealtime. One last thing about Patton was his… struggle with technology. He tended to send almost everything directly to the group chat instead of private messages. Logan said that he tried to teach Patton how to do so, but the lessons never seemed to stick.
Speaking of Logan, the nerd had his own quirks. He didn’t type much, usually only responding when someone required everyone to respond. The other time that he typed was during debates. Nine days into their friendship, Virgil had mentioned saying “you too” to a cute barista and claimed that he ruined any chances with his new crush. While Patton and Roman offered words of encouragement, Logan remained silent. Virgil had assumed that Logan agreed with him but didn’t want to upset his boyfriends. As soon as their conversation ended, Virgil received a private text from Logan, requesting to debate. They argued over cognitive distortions for a whole hour before they reached a compromise. Logan had called the debate “lit” and asked if they could debate again in the future. That was another thing about Logan. Apparently, he had vocabulary cards for slang words. When he was talking out loud, he would hold the card up so the others knew what slang word he was attempting to use. When texting, he would put quotation marks around the word. It was adorable, in Virgil’s humble opinion.
Then there was Roman. Princey was known for his dramatic flair and Disney references. When he was feeling especially Extra™ , he would use “thees” and “thys” and call people peasants. He also had a love for nicknames. Patton had very few personal nicknames, with most of them being terms of endearment like “honey” and “amor.” Most of Logan’s nicknames pertained to him being a nerd, such as “pocket protector” and “Microsoft Nerd.” He seemed to have a limitless number of nicknames for Virgil, with most of them referencing his emo-aesthetic (how Princey had discovered that so early in their friendship, Virgil had no clue). He never repeated Virgil’s nicknames; the only exception was “storm cloud,” which he tended to use at least once every conversation.
Virgil had become extremely close with the trio over these three weeks. That wasn’t the only thing he did, just the thing he did most often. The Dark Sides had finalized their contract with Thomas, who set up a tour almost immediately. Virgil really should have seen that coming. Their band had become extremely popular over the past few years, and they had only done one tour before this. Performing across the country would help boost their popularity even further. Virgil sighed, his anxiety spiking at just the thought of seeing all those faces in the crowd. That was why he used the persona Anxiety. Anxiety wasn’t afraid of anything, he was fear. Being Anxiety allowed Virgil to be confident and suave without worrying about judgment. They judged Anxiety, not Virgil. The case was similar for Janus and Remus. Deceit was elegant and mysterious, while Duke was loud and over-the-top. They didn’t have to be rejects wanting to fit in with society. No, they were Rockstars. Society wanted to fit in with them. And Virgil was just fine with that.
Vigil glanced over at his phone. He was in Los Angelas right now, around halfway through his tour, which put him 3 hours behind his new friends. He glanced over at his clock, 9:45 PM glaring at him through the dark. He turned back to his phone. Why are they up at 12:45 in the morning? I know Logan keeps them on a rigid sleep schedule.
P- (9:45 PM) Ro? Are you still up?
V- (9:45 PM) Pat, why are you still up?
P- (9:45 PM) Why are you still up, kiddo? It’s almost 1 AM! Don’t you have a hangout with your friends today?
Virgil sighed, thinking of the concert he had tomorrow. He glanced over to his sketchbook. Patton had been really impressed with his sketches, so he had been practicing less gory drawings to show him. It had evolved into something almost therapeutic. Knowing how he worked, Virgil would probably sketch until around 2 in the morning, then sleep until 8 AM. The concert wasn’t until 7 PM, so he had enough time to sleep in if necessary.
V- (9:46 PM) First of all, you know I’m in California right now. It’s 9:46 for me. Second of all, we’re not hanging out until tomorrow night, so I can sleep in if needed. Third of all, you’re avoiding the question: What are you and Roman doing up at 1 in the morning? I thought you guys had work in the morning.
P- (9:47 PM) We do. Roman got a burst of inspiration at around 10, and he usually refuses to sleep until he writes it all down. He probably fell asleep at his desk, that silly billy!
V- (9:47 PM) That doesn’t explain why you’re still awake. And why didn’t you get up to check on him? I thought you guys lived together.
P- (9:47 PM) We do! I just couldn’t fall asleep tonight. And the bed’s too warm to get up!
V- (9:48 PM) Well, Princey’s probably being a “sleeping beauty”
Virgil frowned at his phone. Patton hadn’t responded to his text. Sure, that wasn’t a very good pun, but it was still a pun. Patton laughed at every pun he saw, or at least followed it up with another pun. He could be asleep, but didn’t he just say that he had trouble sleeping?
V- (9:50 PM) Pat?
P- (9:50 PM) Yeah, Kiddo?
V- (9:50 PM) Are you okay?
V- (9:52 PM) Patton?
V- (9:52 PM) I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. Just because you didn’t answer my pun doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong with you. I’m sorry that I sounded like an asshole.
P- (9:52 PM) No, Sweety. It’s fine! It’s nice to know that someone cares about you!
P- (9:53 PM) I’m just a little sad today.
V- (9:53 PM) Do you wanna talk about it?
P- (9:54 PM) I’m fine, Kiddo! This just happens sometimes. No need to worry!
Virgil sighed, thinking about how much Patton reminded him of Janus. Janus grew up neglected, and was taught to convince everyone that his life was perfect. By the time Virgil had met him, Janus was 19 and a compulsive liar. Virgil wasn’t much better, having just gotten kicked out of the foster system. Virgil lived with Janus (and soon Remus) until The Dark Sides had enough income for Virgil to live on his own (technically Janus had more than enough money for that- his parents were loaded. But Virgil wanted to have something that he earned. He wasn’t just some charity case). When they first lived together, Virgil could never tell what Janus was actually thinking. It took a lot of time and trust to separate Janus from Deceit. Now, he was still heavily sarcastic, and he tended to close himself off when he got upset, but Janus had come a long way.
Virgil looked back to his phone. Patton didn’t seem to have it as bad as Janus did, but you could never tell. At least he acknowledged that he wasn’t okay. There is the chance that something really is bothering him, but Virgil had to trust Patton on that note. It is entirely possible that Patton is just feeling down today; God knows how many times Virgil would question why he should get out of bed. He bit his lip. What helps me when I feel sad for no reason? He smiled, remembering when Remus would spout the most obscene things to distract himself from his own negative thinking. A distraction.
V- (9:56 PM) Did you know that giraffes can clean their ears with their own tongues?
P- (9:56 PM) What?
V- (9:56 PM) “Rhythm” is the longest word in the English language that doesn’t have a vowel.
V- (9:56 PM) Elephants are the only mammals that cannot jump.
P- (9:57 PM) More like Elecan’t!
V- (9:57 PM) Haha :)
V- (9:57 PM) Without food coloring, Coca Cola would be green.
V- (9:57 PM) A 3-year-old boy was elected as mayor in Dorset, Minnesota
P- (9:58 PM) No way!
V- (9:58 PM) Yes way! His name was James Tufts.
V- (9:58 PM) 7 different dogs have been elected as mayors in the US.
P- (9:58 PM) I love dogs! They’re such good boys!
Virgil smiled, adding Loves Dogs to his mental list of Quirky things I like about Patton Morale. They continued to talk about dog mayors for a while until Patton ended it abruptly.
P- (10:14 PM) Why are you doing this?
V- (10:14 PM) Doing what?
P- (10:15 PM) Why are you going out of your way to try and cheer me up? You should’ve stopped talking to me 20 minutes ago. Instead, we’re laying here at 1 AM talking about dog mayors! I would have been fine on my own. Why are you wasting your time on me?
V- (10:16 PM) Pat, if you tell me that I’m wasting my time talking to you, I’m going to have to physically fight you. You are my FRIEND. I care about you. When you’re sad, I WANT to cheer you up. When you’re happy, I WANT to laugh along to your punny jokes. Because I know, at the end of the day, if I was sad and needed someone to cheer me up, you would do it in a heartbeat. You, Lo, and Princey are amazing people, and my time spent with you will NEVER be a waste. I swear.
Virgil sighed, dropping his phone on the bed. He might’ve been too forward with that last text. But it was true. While the four of them weren’t nearly as close as Virgil was with Janus and Remus, he still cared about them a lot.
P- (10:18 PM) Thanks, Virgil. That really means a lot to me
P- (10:18 PM) I’m gonna try and get some sleep now
V- (10:18 PM) Alright Patton, Goodnight
P- (10:18 PM) Goodnight
The next day, Virgil saw a postcard in the window of a gift shop. It had a puppy with sunglasses on the beach, with cartoonish letters saying “Having A WonderFUR Time!” He took a picture and sent it to Princey.
V- (1:08 PM) What’s your address or PO? I wanna send this to Patton.
R- (1:09 PM) Say no more, Hot Topic!
V- (1:09 PM) Aw, you think I’m hot.
Taglist: @bisexualdisaster106 @self-taught-mess @itawalrus
42 notes · View notes
lalahbug · 4 years
Can’t You Love At All? - Levi x Reader
Fandom: Attack on Titan Word Count: 2,222
My Masterlist
Warnings/disclaim: general It’s got some PG-13ish stuff,
Author’s Note: Originally posted on DeviantArt, under the same username, on 01/22/2017. Revamped/edited in 2020. 
___ is a blank for your name/oc/whatever you prefer Written in 3rd person
Line/header is to separate paragraphs to indicate time skips, as Tumblr hates my formatting. 
Story under cut
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          Levi watched her intently, as she sat with her squad, chatting about things from the training that day. He watched her walk over once Hange called her over.
          “Why don’t you sit at the Squad Leader table, like you're supposed to? Do you like your squad more than us?” Hange whined. ___ stared at her blankly. She was always calm, composed, rare smiles, and giggles. She was so very kind and caring, but it was clear, after being in the Survey Corps for years, she didn’t have much emotion left to her.
          “I have to make sure they know me, trust me. My last squad didn’t, that’s why I lost all but one of them. I can’t make that mistake again.”
          “You care so much about them, but I never see you look back with regret.”
          She glanced at Erwin. “If I let one death get to me, they all will. Erwin taught me the hard way.” She looked back at Hange, pushing some hair from her face. “You need a bath, you stink.”
          “Well, thanks, Levi.” Hange joked at her.
          “Personal hygiene shouldn’t be a chore, Hange. Take care of yourself sometimes.”
          “I can say the same to you.”
          “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
          “Relax! Go find someone to hang with besides your squad, go visit your sister on your days off. Take some time to yourself.”
          “I don’t need things like that. I am writing to my sister. I don’t need to visit her. I do my paperwork, train my squad, take care of myself, and read before going to bed.”
          “Don’t lie, we all know you don’t sleep.”
          “I sleep as much as I need. I can’t help that.”
          “Awww, I want you to find someone special though!” Hange leaned on ___, glancing at Levi, knowing of his crush on her.
          “There’s not a man on this planet I can trust to stay alive long enough for me to do so. Get off, I need to get back to my paperwork.” ___ pushed Hange off her before leaving.
          “Shorty! You’ve got to tell her.” Hange whined.
          “Tell her what?” Erwin asked.
          “That he likes her!”
          “Shut up, Shitty Glasses.”
          “I didn’t know you like ___,” Erwin commented.
          Levi rolled his eyes and left.
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          The next day was much of the same, but the conversation carried into relationships. Mainly past ones. “What about you, ___? What’s your favorite memory with a past lover?” Hange raised an eyebrow at her.
          “I don’t have one.”
          “What?! Why not?”
          “Because I’ve never had a lover.”
          “You’re funny!” Hange pushed her shoulder, but she just looked at Hange like she was stupid. “What! Really? Does that mean you’re a virgin?” Everyone looked at ___, wanting to know.
          “None of your fucking business.” ___ glared.
          “You are,” Mike commented, which made ___ blush a bit. A rare sight, everyone stared at her in awe.
          “What? How do you know, Mike?” He tapped his nose. “Are you saying you can smell out virgins? That’s gross but very interesting!” Hange leaned closer to him.
          “I’m going to bed.” ___ stood up and left.
          “That’s a bit shocking because of how pretty she is,” Erwin commented. “But then again, she never wants to get too close to anyone.”
          “Don’t you want to jump her Levi?” Hange giggled.
          “No.” He deadpanned, he stood up and left as well.
          Levi ran a hand through his hair, what everyone didn’t know, was that he had already confessed to ___. Almost a year ago, she flat out denied him and walked off. It still stung his heart to think about it. A knock at his door irritated him.
          ___ opened his door. “Erwin said you had my half of paperwork. I came to get it.” She walked up to his desk, scanning it.
          “You could just fucking help me with it. A lot of it will have to come back to me for approval anyways.”
          “Alright.” She sat down in the chair across from him. Extending her hand out. “Give it here, I’ll get it done then leave.”
          Levi silently handed her the paperwork. He relished moments like these. They were extremely rare, but he was able to enjoy her presence. Glancing up at her occasionally. Her posture was really cute, all curled up, writing away on the stack in her lap, bored eye and lips slightly parted.
          A few hours had passed before Levi looked up at her again. Shocked to see her asleep, her head resting against her fist, relaxed, softly breathing. He couldn’t help but smile at her, ignoring his annoyance that she fell asleep while doing paperwork. He noticed her breathe deeply before slowly opening her eyes, scanning her lap. She continued working, as though she never fell asleep. Levi loved this, but hated it at the same time, his feelings for her were only growing stronger.
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          ___ adjusted herself up onto her horse, Hange had finally got the funds to capture and test another Titan. Levi was behind, staring at her back, she glanced over her shoulder at him. She had felt his eyes on her. He looked back over to Hange.
          Everything was pretty calm while they set up the traps. ___ and Levi were sent out to go draw in some Titans. She was spinning a leaf in her hand looking down at the Titans on the ground. “Oi!” She glanced up at Levi. “Pay attention, brat.”
          “I am, I’m just doing something to keep thoughts at bay.”
          “Just don’t fuck up. I don’t have time to deal with Shitty Glasses and saving your ass.”
          “You’ve never had to save me before. Don’t get your panties in a twist, I can take care of myself. If I get in trouble, just let me die from my own stupidity.”
          “You’re a bitch.”
          “Proud to be if it means staying sane and alive.” Her face was as emotionless as his, which pissed him off.
          “Brat.” She shook her head a bit.
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          A flare was spotted so ___ shot off, not waiting for Levi, knowing he could easily catch up. Levi clicked his tongue in annoyance before going after her. His eyes widened as a variant jumped up and pulled down on her wires, throwing her into a tree.
          “Fuck.” She grumbled while slowly standing up, looking at the Titan, eye to eye. “That was just fucking rude. You could have broken my gear!” She scolded him, she had no fear of the Titans, which is why she got along with Hange so well. Moments later, Levi came by, taking the Titan down.
          “I told you to pay attention! Now you’re getting blood everywhere!” He lectured her, he was worried about the amount of blood gushing from her head.
          “It’s a head wound, there’s always more blood than necessary. Let’s just finish this and head home.”
          “Tch. Can’t you be more careful?”
          “Nope.” She gave him a sarcastic smirk, before shooting off.
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          While heading back with the captured Titans, Levi made sure to keep ___ close to him. She protested, but Hange could see how the blood loss was getting to her. Since Hange was in charge of this mission, ___ listened. So she sat in front of Levi on his horse. He tried very hard to focus on anything but her and how she would occasionally bump back into him.
               “Get off me. I’m fine.” ___ waved off a nurse trying to wrap her arm because of the scraps from hitting the tree.
          “You’ll get infected, hold still, brat.” Levi lectured her, she glared as the nurse wrapped up her arm.
          “Can’t you mind your own fucking business?” She spat at him, he gritted his teeth until the nurse left the room.
          “Can’t you love at all?” Levi growled at her, which caught her off guard for a moment. She gave him a softer look, pulling her eyebrows together with a mix of concern and annoyance. He sighed at her, he loves her too damn much to stay mad. “Do you not remember?”
          “What are you talking about?”
          “Are you fucking serious?” He glared at her. Scanning her face, seeing how her hair was a bit messed up from the bandage wrapped around her forehead.
          “Are you talking about that half-assed confession you gave?”
          “What do you mean, half-assed?”
          “You just walked up, said you loved me then just stared at me, no emotion. Of course, I’m not going to respond to that weak ass shit.”
          “Well, what the fuck did you expect?”
          “A man.” ___ deadpanned, Levi took a deep breath and decided to leave before fighting with her.
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          “Hey, Shorty. How is ___?”
          “She’s a bitch.”
          “What why?”
          “A year after confessing to her, she fucking tells me it’s because I’m not a man.”
          “Wait! She already knows?” Hange squealed.
          “I told her last year.”
          “What happened?!”
          “What the fuck do you think happened, she blew me off!”
          “Something about a weak confession.”
          “You didn’t kiss her or pull her close?”
          “What? Of course not.”
          “Well, that’s why Shorty! If you love her, don’t be scared to show her. That’s why she didn’t accept you. She likes you, I know it.”
          “Are you fucking serious?”
          “You’re so aggressive and certain in everything you do. How could she trust your confession if you couldn’t show her your normal passion? Can you even show love at all?”
          “Fucking, brat.” Levi turned on his heel to go back to the infirmary.
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          “Where the fuck is she?”
          “Hello, Captain. Squad Leader ___ checked out to go to her room for rest.” He clicked his tongue before heading towards her room.
                    Levi threw open her room. “Oi, brat!” He barked at her, but froze in place, noticing she was in the process of taking off her shirt. Her face flushed.
          “Get out!” ___ hugged her shirt to her chest.
          “What the fuck is that?” Levi closed her door, pointing at the wound on her side.
          “I got cut when the Titan threw me.”
          “Then why didn’t you tell the nurse?”
          “It’s not that bad, it just needs cleaning. It doesn’t even need to be patched. Now git!” She barked at him. Levi walked towards her, which was making her back up until her bare back touched the wall. “Go away, Levi!” Her face was burning up.
          Levi placed his hands on either side of her face. “I like it when you blush. It’s so rare but very enticing.” He kissed her neck, she pushed him off, causing her shirt to fall from her hand.
          “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” She demanded an answer. She could feel her heart hammering inside her chest. “Levi!” She squeaked as he pressed her up against the wall more.
          “Oh, if I would have known this is how you would have reacted. I would have done this a long time ago. I never could have imagined your reactions like this.” He chuckled before kissing her neck more.
          “Levi! Stop!” She placed her hands on his chest, trying to push away.
          Levi stopped for a moment, looking into her eyes. “I love you, ___.” He pressed his mouth to hers, not waiting for any rejection. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tightly against him. She still struggled against him a bit. “Let me love you.” He whispered, huskily, still not giving her time to respond. He pressed his lips against hers again, then nipping her bottom lip. ___ let out a strangled whimper, gripping on his shirt. Levi’s heart jumped at her reaction, shoving his tongue into her mouth, pressing his body against hers, so there was no space between them. They fought for dominance, ___ won for a brief moment, but Levi grabbed her ass, distracting her long enough for him to dominate her.
          Levi pulled back and rested his forehead against hers, ___ kept her eyes closed while she tried to catch her breath. Levi drank in her flush face, slightly parted lips, and noticed how long her eyelashes are. ___ opened her (e/c) eyes, meeting steel blues drinking in her face. Levi wanted to stare at her all day, this the closest he’s been to her in years. If it weren’t for that one day in training where he wrestled her to the ground, he never would have noticed how soft her skin looked.
          He put a cool hand on her cheek, she shivered slightly at his cooling touch. He examined how the small peach fuzz on her face stood up as he ran a thumb across her cheekbone. He smirked when he noticed the glance she did at his lips. Her heat radiant off of her face at the sight of his smile.
          “I love you, ___,” Levi whispered, he wanted an answer now.
          “I can see that.” She gave him her rare breathtaking smile, they always made his heart jump.
          “Brat.” She giggled and rubbed her nose on his. He couldn’t believe he was getting to see this side of her. It was so heartwarming.
          “You can’t die, now. You’ve taken too many of my bricks.”
          “I didn’t plan to. If you die. I’ll fucking hurt you.” She giggled at his stupid joke.
          Their faces resting back to their normal places, but they were both extremely content holding onto each other.
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shhhhyoursister · 4 years
okay im gonna post this right before i go to bed because i havent posted new stuff in a while and its like AHH but okay so here is the first of the unfinshied/unedited things ive written, and the first of the two lets say..... niche aus i have.....very niche and very exposing of how much of a loser i am!! 
i mentioned this one a few times and before everything got bad in the world i had so many ideas but here yall go here is my beloved davenzi pokemon au i hope all you other losers enjoy
(also please excuse all the brackets i write things out of order but always need to make notes of what happens in between)
Matteo pushed the door open, still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, and let out a loud yawn as he stretched an arm over his head. He raised the glass of Pinap juice to his mouth and took a sip, smiling around the rim as he looked out at the large meadow behind his house.
The berry trees were growing tall around the perimeter of the fence, patches of grass at various lengths sprouting out of the ground. The large pond off to the side had its own waterfall, a feature his mother was extremely proud of, and he could admit that it added a little something special to the space
It wasn’t much, but they  did what they could with what they had. It was enough for the Pokémon they cared for, at least. 
At that thought, he felt something tugging at his pants, and he glanced down and smiled at the Vulpix at his feet. Its teeth were caught in the fabric but he reached down to pat it on the head anyway, knowing that was just its way of greeting him. It let go and stood next to him, like it was expecting something.
“What do you want?” he asked, poking it lightly in the side with his foot, and laughed when it rolled onto its back and latched onto it with its paw, and tried to secure its hold with the leg that was missing one. Matteo got it off easy and it sprung back up, ready to play.
He rolled his eyes, and walked further out into the meadow, the Vulpix trotting along happily beside him. There were a few Pokémon that he needed to check on before breakfast for himself or the rest of the Pokémon roaming around the property, and he wanted to get it done fast because the Tauros with the bandage over its eye was snorting at him from over in its usual corner. He quickened his pace.
He was looking for the Luvdisc that his mother had found a few days before, alone and hungry in shallow water, and his eyes scanned over the mostly clear water, trying to catch any sign of the pink water-type swimming around. He saw it just as it darted around a Buizel and behind a rock, seeming to be in much better shape than the day before. He was about to turn and head to the small shed in the back where they kept some of the Pokémon in more serious condition, but he looked up when he heard the door slide open, and his mom call his name.
“Matteo, Jonas is here to say bye!” She yelled out, and he turned and started making his way back.
“I didn’t get to look at the Pachirisu yet.” He said, jogging up to her. She was smiling softly at him, her long brown hair pulled back in a bandana. She was holding a bowl in her arms, no doubt the breakfast she had been making for the Pokémon when he had come downstairs that morning
“Don’t worry about that, go see your friend, and wish him luck!” she said, walking out the back door, “He’s going to battle his next gym leader!” 
“Yeah, yeah,” Matteo muttered as he walked past her, setting his glass down as he went. 
He found Jonas by the front door, six Pokéballs attached to his waist, and a large bag on his back. He had his Jigglypuff out of its ball by his side, and it started bouncing when Matteo got closer.
“Hey, Luigi!” Jonas exclaimed, pulling him in for a hug, and Matteo squeezed his arms around his backpack. The hug was bittersweet, and he almost didn’t want to let go. He didn’t have many friends in his little town, and his responsibilities at the Pokémon Sanctuary made it difficult to go too far.
“You feeling ready?” Matteo asked, knowing what Jonas was going to say. He had always been confident, and was getting through the gyms at a rapid pace.
“Of course, bro,” he said, grinning and punching Matteo in the arm, “I feel ready to battle anyone after beating that ghost-type gym leader. That was rough, it took me four fucking tries!”
Matteo nodded as Jonas went off. Matteo had heard the stories many times, not just from Jonas, but similar ones from other trainers in his town; the gym leader that happened to be the closest to them also happened to be one of the toughest. His Pokémon were strong, he was strong, but most importantly his connection to each of them was strong. He was admired, envied, and heavily respected.
Nobody knew anything about him, though.
The gym was off deep in the woods, off of one of the random routes running through their town. It was not only hard to find, but hard to navigate, as once one entered it was quite clear that the house was designed to keep people out. There were traps and dead ends and looping hallways that all just led back to the beginning, and Jonas said it took him hours to even find the staircase that led to the gym leader.
“I should be heading off if I want to get to the city before it’s dark,” Jonas said, and extended his arms for another hug. Matteo squeezed him again, and said his own goodbye before Jonas ruffled his hair and went out the door, the Jigglypuff following close behind. Matteo let out a sigh, and walked back through his house. 
“Matteo, can you come here a second?” he heard his mother call from the kitchen, and he sighed again and poked his head into the room.
“Yeah, mama?” He asked, itching to get back outside. He had been making progress with the skittish Ponyta that hid whenever anyone else came near it, and he had been wanting to see if it would eat out of his hand that morning.
“You seem sad,” she said, and he stopped himself from rolling his eyes and walked further into the kitchen as she continued, “you’re not usually sad when Jonas or your other friends go off to battle.”
“Yeah, well, I’m going to miss him,” he said, knowing that wasn’t all, “last time he left he didn’t come back for a month. And I haven’t seen Abdi or Carlos in longer than that, and I don’t even know where Amira is right now.”
His mother nodded. She had heard him say that before, note that as the reason he was upset anytime the idea of gyms or badges or battling was brought up. She walked over to him and put a hand on his cheek, and smiled gently.
“You know, if you want to take a break from this and train,  you can.”
Matteo closed his eyes. It was something she had offered before, and he knew that there was almost no way he would be willing to take her up on it. The sanctuary was too important to him, no matter how much he might’ve wanted a party of his own. He didn’t need his own Pokémon when there were dozens that needed him right at home.
“I’m not going to stop helping you here, mama,” Matteo responded as usual, “this is more important than winning a few gym badges.”
“You wouldn’t even have to stop if you don’t want to,” she said, patting him on the cheek and moving back over to the stove where she was cooking their breakfast, “if you want to do both, find some Pokémon from the sanctuary. I’m sure some of them would be more than happy to battle with you.”
Matteo laughed sarcastically, and then actually thought about what his mother said, and his mouth drew into a line. He didn’t know if he wanted to put that burden on any of the Pokémon that they were caring for, even though he knew in the back of his head that some would be willing and able. He thought about that little Vulpix that would follow behind him and nip at his heels, and the Butterfree that would always swoop over his head and chirp happily at him, and even the Tauros with the eyepatch liked him as long as he was fed.
“I don’t know,” he settled on, and then turned to the door, “I’m going to check on the rest.”
Later that night, Matteo was sitting out on the roof outside of his room, after climbing through the window. It looked out over the entire sanctuary, but it was too dark for him to see much. He could see some small ripples in the water in the pond, but beyond that the only thing he could make out were sounds. He could hear something, probably a Rattata or Sandshrew, scratching and digging around the grass, and the melodic chirps of a Kricketot. He heard the same Noctowl as before cooing quietly in one of the trees, and he closed his eyes as a breeze blew by.
They were the sounds he had grown up with. Matteo was raised out in the sanctuary more than he was inside his own home. His mother and father had opened it soon after getting married, had built it into something highly respected in their community. They had a large staff working with them and they would get multiple calls each day from people finding injured Pokémon out in the wild.
There were photo albums full of him as an infant being stared at by a confused Pikachu, being (very carefully) held by a Kangaskhan, laughing as a Ledyba flew overhead. Once he was old enough he started working alongside his parents, and everyone in town loved the Florenzi’s, the couple that would save wild Pokémon with their wild son by their side. 
When Matteo was around twelve, things went a little sour. His dad started talking more about battling, and gyms, and how cool it would be to go out and see the world beyond their small town. He tried to convince Matteo that they could go off and battle together, father and son, and when Matteo refused, his father had gone quiet. A few days later, he came down for breakfast to his mother crying, his father’s stuff gone, and six of the Pokémon from the sanctuary missing as well.
He took a deep pull from the joint in his mouth, remembering the fierce promise he had made to himself that morning; he would never, ever, leave his mother like his father did. Battling and gym badges weren’t worth it.
But there was something in the back of Matteo’s head that was starting to get louder as he sat there. Something saying that just going to one gym wouldn’t be the same; he could work at the sanctuary during the day, train with (willing) Pokémon at night, and in a few weeks make the short trip to the ghost-type gym. He wasn’t expecting that he’d win, no matter what gym he went to, but the desire for something more was unfortunately undeniable. Matteo hated what his father did, but could understand the urge to run away. 
He stubbed the joint out and took one more look at the sanctuary before going back inside and getting ready for bed. As he climbed under the covers, he realized he made up his mind. His first task for the morning, alongside his usual morning chores, was to see which Pokémon wanted to, and were able to, battle. 
[Matteo makes a party and its kind of a mishmash of misfits but it’s the best he can do because he doesn't want to go out and catch wild Pokémon especially when he has some that want to battle with him]
[He spends a few weeks training and it's really tough and they aren’t amazing but they're better than he expected, and he doesn't really get why they love him and listen to him the way they do]
[One day he decided that he's ready and he promises his mom that he's gonna be back that night and he goes off to find the ghost type gym]
[He finds the gym and it looks completely abandoned and he has to climb over a gate to get in but he does it and then he has to walk through this super creepy dark place and he's having a rough time and he's getting more and more scared and worried that he's in the wrong place and that what he's doing is a bad idea and that he should just turn around when-]
And then finally, a staircase.
Matteo saw it at the end of the hall and sighed in relief. He was exhausted, glad that his Pokémon were in their Pokéballs so they weren’t as tired as him. He wiped the sweat off of his brow, and then tied his bandana around his head to keep his hair out of his face as he walked towards the stairs. He placed his foot on the first one and winced at the loud creak that came from it. He walked up the stairs carefully, seeing a door as he got closer to the top.
He finally reached the top of the stairway, and his shoulders dropped when he saw the door. There was a board across it, blocking it off, and Matteo felt anger start to bubble up inside him. He had spent hours trying to find the fucking place, had banked on Jonas mentioning a staircase, and had gotten so hopeful when he saw it. He huffed and, like a child, kicked hard at the door. His jaw dropped when it swung open.
He carefully made his way inside, his eyes scanning around the large room, too dark for him to make anything out. There seemed to be a fog making it even harder to see, and he waved his arm in front of him to see if he could clear it away. He took a few steps, and then a few more, and was about to take another when he heard a quiet, “I’d stop there if I were you.”
Matteo’s head snapped up and he froze, unable to tell where the sudden voice came from. He could feel his breathing pick up, and he could even hear it in the silence that followed the voice, and was about to turn and bolt when he heard, also quiet but with a bit of a laugh under it, “I didn’t mean to scare you, I just didn’t want you to fall in.”
Matteo whipped his head around, trying to figure out what he was about to fall in, when it seemed like the fog seemed to thin. He looked around the room as details became clearer, the blueish-green tiles on the walls and the white, chipped paint, and he looked down at his feet and stumbled back a few steps; he was standing right at the edge of what seemed to be a huge, empty, swimming pool.
Well, almost empty. As the fog cleared, Matteo could make out a figure on the other side, who seemed to be sitting on the edge, their feet dangling into the empty space below. He watched the figure kick off the edge and land with a quiet sound a few feet below in the pool itself, and then they started coming closer.
Matteo felt himself get nervous. Not scared, like he had been initially getting to the building, and wandering around in the dark, and when he had first come into the room and seen the fog. He was nervous, because there was no way that this person wasn’t the gym leader, which meant that he was about to battle a gym leader. 
“Are you going to come down here?” The voice asked again, definitely coming from the approaching gym leader. 
Matteo took a breath before looking around and spotting a ladder that led down into the pool. He made his way over on shaky legs and got himself down as carefully as he could, landing hard on his feet and stumbling a little. He righted himself just as he heard the gym leader stop, and he took another deep breath before looking up.
And he huffed out that breath, because the man standing in front of him had to be a dream, or maybe there was a Pokémon there that had some kind of power that was making him hallucinate, because there was no other explanation for how he was so beautiful. And Matteo knew that he shouldn’t have been focusing on that, but he was only human, and he was very, very gay.
“You’re quiet,” the gym leader said, crossing his arms over his chest and smiling, “you are here to battle, right?”
“Yes, I am,” Matteo said quickly, grabbing a hand around one of the Pokéballs around his waist, “my first one.”
He wanted to slap a hand over his face for saying that. He didn’t think that was good information to tell the person that he was about to battle if he wanted to seem confident, not that that wasn’t already out the window with his obvious panic. He watched the gym leader smile bright, and he wished it didn’t make his stomach jolt the way it did.
“Aw, you chose me to be your first?” he asked, placing a hand over his heart, “I’m honored.”
Matteo smiled. He was funny at least, even if he was going to beat Matteo and his Pokémon within six rounds probably. 
“Mostly just out of convenience, this is the gym closest to me.” he explained, not really knowing how much he was supposed to be talking. He had no idea what he was doing, at all, but the gym leader didn’t seem to be rushing anything along.
“That makes sense, I’m not usually the first gym people come to. I don’t know why that is, though,” he stepped back and threw his arms out, “I try to make it nice, you know?”
Matteo snorted, “Yeah, that fence you have to hop to get in is really welcoming, and the board across the door really makes me feel at home.”
The gym leader laughed, and Matteo let himself laugh with him, losing a bit of the nerves he had coming in.
“Well, I’m glad you like it,” he said, and then grabbed a Pokéball seemingly out of thin air, threw it up and then as he caught it turned to Matteo and asked, “so, are you ready for your first battle? I’ll go easy on you.”
He said it was a slightly patronizing grin, so Matteo grabbed his own Pokéball in his hand, tilted his head with a sweet smile and said, “Don’t worry, you don’t have to.”
David looked happily surprised and nodded, and before Matteo could react he threw the Pokéball into the air, and a Mimikyu landed on the ground in front of him. Matteo looked at it in shock.
“You have a Mimikyu?” he asked, wanting to get closer to look. The Pokémon was looking at him, or at least the disguise part was, gently flopping around on top of the Pokémon it was concealing inside.
“Yeah, it was one of my first,” the gym leader said with a small smile, and then shook himself out of it and grinned cocikly, “which means it’s one of my strongest.”
Matteo nodded, and threw his own Pokéball into the air, Vulpix springing onto the ground in front of him. It looked ready, stanced and nose pointed at the Mimikyu in front of it. The battle started when the gym leader called out his first move.
And Matteo lost. Badly, and quickly, and if he wasn’t so worried about getting home so he could tend to his Pokémon he would've been more embarrassed. He dropped to his knees next to his Sandshrew as it trembled on the ground from the last attack laid on it by the gym leader’s second Pokémon.
“That was pretty good for a first try,” he heard echo through the room, and he looked up and pushed his sweaty hair out of his eyes.
“It wasn’t good. I wasn’t meant to be a trainer, and these Pokémon weren’t meant to battle. I should just give up.” He sighed, and held the Pokéball out so the Sandshrew could return to it and rest. He got up and dusted himself off, and saw the gym leader standing much closer than he had been.
“It’s not that you weren’t good, you just weren’t ready. You have a connection to these guys. I can see it.” the gym leader said earnestly, reaching his hand out. 
“That doesn’t mean they should be battling,” he sighed, “they’re all from the sanctuary me and my mom have. I shouldn’t have made them do this.”
“You weren’t making them do anything,” the gym leader said quickly, “seriously, you can tell they’re enjoying it because they’re doing it with you. I’ve been a gym leader for a while, you should trust me on this. I know Pokémon.”
“Well, so do I,” Matteo said with an angry huff, making his mind up again, “and I’m done battling.”
He turned, ignoring the disappointed look on the face of the gym leader, and climbed up the ladder before hurrying home.
[Matteo really doesnt think hes gonna go back but the pokemon were having fun and he kinda wants to see david again so he starts training again, gets a bit stronger and goes back]
He found it easier the second time, and made his way through it easier the second time too, as if he actually remembered the way through the crazy maze inside. When he got to the top of the stairs and saw the boarded up door again he snorted, and took a deep breath before pushing his way into the room again.
He was greeted by the same thick fog, the same tiles around the walls, the same chipping paint, but he knew to not take too many steps in. He figured the gym leader knew he came in, as the fog started clearing again once he was in the room, and he saw the same figure seated in the same spot on the edge of the pool.
“Oh, the boy from the Pokémon sanctuary!” the gym leader called out as he jumped down onto the pool tiles, “I’ve been expecting you.”
Matteo laughed and said, “I didn’t think I was coming back, how could you have been expecting me?”
“I could see it in your eyes,” the gym leader took a few steps closer, “you want to win. Or you want to prove something. No matter what it is, you have a reason to be here.”
Matteo smiled before making his way down the ladder and into the pool. His feet hit the tiles and he turned around so he could the gym leader, who he was getting very tired of only referring to as ‘the gym leader’.
“What’s your name?” he asked quickly, before he could think better of it, “Like, I know your whole thing is being mysterious but I have a feeling I’m going to be coming back here again.”
“Oh, so we’re already on a first name basis?” the gym leader asked, spinning around and a few steps towards the wall he had been sitting on, and he leaned his back against it, smiling.
“I just figured it’ll save us time later. Easier to do it now than in a month when it’ll be awkward.” He shrugged, offering a half smile. He tried to play it off as a joke, but he wanted to know.
He watched the gym leader smile, and then bite his lip and look down at the floor. He tapped his foot on the ground a few times before kicking off the wall and saying, “Okay, then. I’m David.”
Matteo smiled, nodded, quietly responded, “I’m Matteo,” and took a Pokéball off of his belt. 
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yandere-lovehotel · 4 years
Warning this includes mentions of stalking. It is implied that Reader gets changed and bathed while unconscious.
You have been warned.
(Y/n)= your name
(H/n)= hero name
Agreeing to work with Endeavor had been a mistake.
At first you had been excited to work with a high ranking hero. You yourself were only just starting to rise in the ranks after being so low for a while that working with the number two hero was considered an honor.
It was something higher ranked heroes did every now and then. Worked with lower ranked heroes that started to climb the ranks and helped them develop into better heroes. It was good for the general population to have more competent heroes. It helped ease the burden of top ranked heroes to have more strong heroes to help out. And it was also good publicity for both low ranks and high ranks. So you are happy to have THE Endeavor be the hero you worked with. That was until you met the guy.
At first he was content to ignore you and let you do as you pleased no matter how nice and polite you tried to be but slowly he began to start criticizing you.
The man was already a taskmaster but he seemed to be especially hard on you. He was never happy with anything you did. Always too slow, too weak, too stupid. It pissed you off, his high and mighty attitude. He corrected everything you did. From your hand to hand combat, to the "proper" use of your own quirk, hell even to the way you made your coffee! He was insufferable and it was pissing you off more and more as the days went by.
It all came to a head when he forced you to stay away from yet another battle. Saying you were too weak to fight the enemy. You had ignored him and fought anyways, which lead to a very loud and very angry argument once it was over and you were both in a private place.
"What was that (h/n)? I specifically told you to not get involved with that fight." Endeavor hissed.
"Screw that!" You snapped. "I'm a hero! I don't sit back and watch when I can help. Besides it's not as if this was some big threat. It was an easy battle!"
"It doesn't change the fact that I gave you an order! I told you to stay out of the fight but you intentionally ignored me! How can you be a hero if you can't even follow the simple order of 'stay put'"
You grit your teeth together in anger at that, "How can I be a hero at all when you won't even let me fight?! How can I be a hero if I'm not helping anyone?! I became a hero to save people, even if I'm not the best or the strongest. I'm not about to let some high and mighty asshole like you tell me that I have to 'stay put' when I know I can help."
Endeavor took a step closer to you, glaring at you."Just because you think you can do something doesn't mean that you can. You're weak (h/n) and you have no experience in battles like the one I fight."
"I know! I know that I'm not like you or all might or any of the other top rank heroes. My quirk isn't that powerful, and I'm still new enough to be making bad calls but how can I gain the experience and training necessary if you won't give me a chance? How am I supposed to become a better hero if I can't BE a hero?"
Enji smothered the growl that was building in his throat. You just didn't get it, did you? You just didn't see why he was doing this. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if you got hurt. If you got hurt he would lose it. If a villain ever managed to hurt you, he wasn't sure he would be able to hold back from seriously injuring them. God forbid if YOU were ever seriously injured. The offending party could very well become nothing but ash.
This...obsession with you has grown wildly out of his control and the worst part was that he didn't care anymore. Sure at first it downright disgusted him. The urge to follow you and take you and keep you was wrong. But it never stopped him. He had met you not long after he and Rei had divorced. He was content to just ignore you but your unwavering determination to be nice to him drew his attention. It was a downward spiral from there.
He wondered if you ever noticed how he would stare when he thought you weren't looking. How he would glare when he saw you get too friendly with someone. How he hit villains harder if they made threats towards you. If you ever noticed him following you.
He knew almost everything about you. He knew your favorite food. Your favorite places to go when not at work. He knew who you hung out with. He knew what you hated and what you liked. He became intimately aware of your personal life and it gave him the strangest sense of satisfaction. He didn't want you to be a hero. He couldn't stand the thought of you fighting and getting hurt. Of you being seen by others. Of you spending time with people that weren't him. But he also knew that this was the only way for him to spend time with you and the only way to buy time to carry out his plan. It would be too strange if he was seen with you. It would draw too much attention. He wasn't done with the preparations yet.
He drew his attention back to your tirade. God even angry you looked amazing. "If you can't respect the fact that I'm a hero then why am I even here?! I may as well go somewhere that will actually let me help!"
Enji felt his heart freeze. While logically he knew it would be better if he cut all ties with you so as to lower suspicion when he acted out his plan, the idea of not being near you every day...hurt. he couldn't let that happen. He drew a breath and knew that it was time to swallow his pride if he wanted. " You're...right (h/n)."
You paused, dumbfounded. You had been prepared for a sarcastic or cruel remark. Not...that.
"I've been treating you...unfairly. I haven't been giving any thoughts to your development as a hero and was more concerned with the fact that I believed you incapable of handling yourself. You are working with me and I fight dangerous battles. I was worried that your lack of experience in these types of situations would get you, me or someone else hurt. So I made you stay away. But now I see that it has only stunted your ability to grow as a hero. And for that I apologise."
Speechless you watched as Endeavor bowed slightly at the waist. He...he was really saying sorry? That wasn't something you really expected. You had been fully prepared for him to say 'leave then'. For him to tear you down verbally. You were... pleasantly surprised.
Enji hid the irritation from his face. Truthfully he wanted you out of this profession as quickly as possible so he could take care of you. But he had to wait. Wait for the right time, the right place, and the right villain.
After the argument, much to your surprise, things seemed to get better with Endeavor. He was still a critical, standoffish jerk but he finally started let you participate in battles. Your name was finally getting out there.
You were both surveying a mostly abandoned area where a villain was reportedly last seen. Someone with some kind of explosion quirk. He had gotten his hands on an experimental gunpowder. Extremely dangerous in hands like his.
Endeavor was, at first, unwilling to let you tag along. This time you could understand at least. You were a bit iffy on this as well, if you were to be honest. This wasn't just some chump, wanna-be villain. This was an honest threat with a high probability of serious injury or even death if handled improperly. There was little room for error and you weren't sure if you yet had the skill to deal with a situation like this. But a threat of this magnitude, even in an area with far less people, required him to be found as quickly as possible. Whoever found him was to contact the other heroes as quickly and discreetly as possible.
You and endeavor had been the closest, so you both naturally started patrolling for him. You had hoped that back up would arrive before you found him. Unfortunately it seemed like he was looking for the two of you.
"Well, well,well lookie at what I found." came a sneer from behind both of you. You both tensed, turning quickly to face the voice.
Everything hurt. That was the first thing you noticed. The second was that you were on a bed. You opened your eyes blearily. Everything felt sluggish and tilted on an axis. You attempted to sit up but your body quickly protested the movement. You settled on looking around what appeared to be a room.
It was windowless. The walls were a nice shade of red with the floor being a complimentary dark wood. A vanity, a dresser and three doors also decorated the room. A glass of water sat on the night stand next to you. Honestly, if you weren't in pain and quietly freaking out over where the fuck you were, you might have admired the decor. As it was, you were in pain and you were quietly freaking out over where the fuck you were, so you ignored the decor and tried to figure out how you got here.
The last thing you remembered was the battle with that villain.
After he spoke Endeavor wasted no time going after him, while you attempted to contact the other heroes. Only to find out that your device wasn't connecting to anyone. Once it was clear that you wouldn't be able to get a hold of anyone, you joined the battle.
The villain called himself Mayhem. He had a strange device mounted on his wrist that you very quickly discovered held the experimental gunpowder. The device allowed him to control the blasts for long range offense with hugely explosive results. Neutralizing it was the main imperative. You and Endeavor realized going in close was your best option. He wouldn't be able to use powerful explosions without risking his own safety which would hopefully give one of you an opening to disarm him.
The fight was difficult. Mayhem seemed to be no slouch when it came to hand to hand combat and just because he couldn't use more destructive explosions didn't mean he couldn't use small ones. In the end you had caught a blast in your side and were sent flying into a wall, knocking you out. And then you woke up here.
'Did Endeavor lose? Did mayhem win and bring me here to hold as a hostage? But that can't be right. Why would he put me in a room like this?'
Your thoughts were cut off when the door opened. And to your utter surprise it was Endeavor himself who walked through the door, holding what looked to be a small basin. He caught your eye and smiled.
"Ah so you're finally awake. Good, you've been out for a few days now. I was getting worried. The doctor I had take a look at you said you just needed to rest but I was still a bit worried. Your injuries were pretty bad." He said casually.
"En-...deav-...or?" Your throat felt dry and scratchy. It hurt saying even a single word. "Wh-...e-..re-"you cut off into a coughing fit, feeling like needles were stabbing your throat.
Endeavor quickly put down the basin and cloth he was holding and grabbed the glass of water, helping you sit up to take a drink. "There, there (y/n) don't overexert yourself. You're hurt and have been out cold for the past few days. You should keep resting."
You were surprised at the use of your name. Even when you were both off duty, he would refer to you by your hero name. Even more surprising, thought, was his soft tone. He was being very gentle right now. With anyone else and in any other situation it might have been comforting. But right now it just made the hairs on the back of your neck raise. You felt uncomfortable and anxious.
The water helped to ease your throat, which allowed you to get that burning question out.
"Whe-where am I?" You croaked."What happened?"
"You're in my home." He stated plainly.
You felt yourself go stiff with panic. "W-why am I in your house? S-shouldn't I be at a hos-hospital?"
"Why it was time for you to come home my dear. Besides, what use is a hospital for a dead person." He stroked your face lovingly.
"Wh-what." Fear began to tingle down your spine. Your thoughts ran wild 'Did…..did he bring me here to...kill me? Why? What did I do?' You started shaking as you thought of all the horrible ways he would kill you. You were injured and unable to fight back.
He seemed to have noticed your fear because he quickly began talking in a hushed tone. "Hey just relax okay? There's nothing to be afraid of? No one's going to hurt."
"Th-then w-why am I-I h-here? W-why di-did you say I w-was a de-dead person?
He chuckled "You're here because I brought you here. The truth is that I've been interested in you for awhile now. I've..grown feelings for you. When I realized that, I also realized that I hated the thought of you getting hurt. The thought of other people looking at you and getting close to you. I wanted you for myself, wanted to keep you safe and away from others. So I brought you here."
Slowly mounting horror froze you, rendering incapable of words. You wanted to scream and yell. About him being crazy. About how this was fucked up. But the words wouldn't come out and your body was still. He kidnapped you.
"As for the dead person part, well, faking a death is difficult. Faking the death of a hero is harder. But it's nothing that the right people and a bit of money can't accomplish."
He turned his attention towards the basin he had set down. "Oh it seems like the water has gone cold. I'll go get some warm water. Don't want to wash you with cold water now. You might get sick" he said. Your gut churned at the thought that he's probably been bathing and changing you for days now.
Endeavor leaned over, planted a soft kiss on your forehead and eased to lay down once again. You put up no fight. You couldn't put up a fight.
He stood gathered the basin in his arms and walked towards one of the doors. It revealed a bathroom when opened. He went in a closed the door. Leaving you to your thoughts.
Enji breathed a quiet sigh of relief as he closed the door. He was glad that you hadn't fought him. You were still injured and he didn't want to risk you hurting yourself further.
As he turned on the faucet and waited for the water to warm, he thought back to that day.
After you had been knocked out by mayhem he had stopped the fight. The villain had done the job he was told. As he began moving you to a hidden car, mayhem began to pester him.
'so when am I gonna see the money?'
'what'd they do that made ya so mad anyways?'
'how're you even gonna get away with this?'
He had told the fool not to worry that he got what he was owed and to not to worry about. He had the perfect cover up. Once he had placed you in the trunk of the car, he grabbed a crowbar, out of mayhems view. He turned quickly, bashing him across the skull he dropped like a sack of bricks, out like a light. He took the firing mechanism off of his wrist and handcuffed him inside of a warehouse. He made sure that it and the surrounding building were empty
He got in the car and drove carefully away so as to not jostle your injuries. He wasn't too worried about being seen. It had been easy to mess with your device, making it incapable of contacting anyone. He had carefully made sure that you had all been in an area where no one would hear the fighting, even with the explosions. The cameras had also been cut off, which he would later blame on Mayhem, once he was finished taking care of him. After all, he couldn't leave a loose end like that fool. He was too unpredictable and was too risky and volatile to put on his payroll. He didn't want to risk mayhem trying to blackmail him for more money later down the line.
Once Enji got you back and in your new room, he had the doctor take a look at you and heal you somewhat. Not all the way though. He jumped into a different car that had a prepared cadaver in it and returned to where he left mayhem.
The cadaver was incredibly convincing. It had taken the use of several specific quirks but now it was almost impossible to tell the fakes physical features apart from the real. It would even bleed. He had already paid off the necessary people to make this believable. He wasn't worried about them. They were professionals and this wasn't the first time they had done something like this. They could care less about what he's doing and didn't ask unnecessary questions.
He placed the cadaver in the correct spot and began pouring a small amount of gunpowder next to mayhem. Just a small pinch was needed for this step of the plan.
At this point mayhem started to wake.
"Wh-what the? Where-where am i? What happen?" He slurred, head wound making it difficult to talk. He tried moving his hands only to find them handcuffed to a pole behind him
"Wha-what the fu-fuck is this shit. What are you doing?"
Enji laughed quietly. "You didn't actually think I was just going to leave you to your own devices, did you? I can't have someone like you running around with the kind of information you have. So it's time to dispose of you now that you've done what I needed. I've already contacted the agency and told them that you've been subdued. They're on their way to pick you up now." He started walking away from the fool.
"You sonavabitch. We had a deal! They take me and I'll talk, I swear I will!" Mayhem snarled
Enji grinned at his words, stopping just far enough away for his next action. " I said that they were on their way to pick you up." A small amount of fire lit in his hand."I never said that they'd get you alive."
With a casual flick of his hand, he tossed the fire towards the pile of gunpowder.
The rest had been fairly simply after the resulting explosion. He had, after all, been planning this for quite some time now. He had made sure that he was far enough away to receive minor injuries but was ultimately unharmed. The cadaver was placed near enough to mayhem that death would have been an immediate result.
The story he gave the agency and the law enforcement was that he and (h/n) had been ambushed by mayhem, not giving them enough time to contact anyone. They had both worked together to take him down and handcuffed him after knocking him out, Endeavor then proceeded to contact the agency. After that mayhem woke up and used a suicide technique, blowing himself up. Endeavor had been far enough away to survive but (h/n) had unfortunately been too close.
He played the part of the upset hero well. Made the people believe that he was angry at himself for being unable to save you.
The medical team that gathered the fake body had been paid off by enji. As had the person who performed the autopsy. And the doctor he had take a look at your injuries in his home. He had taken every measure to pull this off and it finally came to fruition. The papers hailed you as a tragic death, the life of a promising and brave hero ended too soon. You family, friends, and fans mourned you.
You were finally all his.
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gothpanda · 4 years
A Little Bit of Attitude Ch.22: Some Visitors
A/N: The flashback is for my own pleasure as i just found out Motley played at my small ass town in ‘83 
TAGS: @madamsixx​
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April 12, 1984
Laredo, Texas
The sound of Ozzy could be heard throughout the west side of Laredo. The Bordertown getting a taste of rock music for once from its usual Mexican bands. It was already warm like summer down in this part of Texas, making Sammi feel at home. The warm air pleased all the guys, breaking out of the winter clothes finally. Laredo's venue was the most different from all of them, seeing a high school right next to the Civic Center and two different types of buildings. One being an auditorium for ballet, and the other just open space for the guys. In the stone courtyard in the middle of everything, Sammi sat on the fountain, hearing the water cascade down while smoking her first cigarette of the night. She could see the small crowd of kids her age at the gate of the civic center, hoping for a chance to either meet someone or listen to music. Sammi felt a light hand push her head down, turning to see Nikki smirk down at her.
“May I sit?” asked Nikki, Sammi nodded silently. He sat next to her, staying silent as he pulled out a cigarette for himself, flattered to see a light already waiting for him to take. They stayed silent for a while until Nikki began coughing uncontrollably.
“You okay there, Nik?” asked Sammi, patting Nikki on the back to help him in some way.
“Yeah. Yeah I’m good,” answered Nikki, clearing his throat. “Just getting smokers lungs faster than I thought. I thought I had a good two years left! Cruel world!” Nikki yelled out into the night sky, shaking his fist in the air and proud to hear Sammi giggle. She playfully shoved Nikki’s bare shoulder, shaking her head at him. “Idiot,” mumbled Sammi, stepping on the small cigarette bud.
“Hey, it takes one to know one. Have you met Tommy and Vince? Don’t get how you and Mick don’t want to hurt us,” said Nikki.
“Oh I know I do, but I don’t feel like getting yelled at by my parents. Or get arrested for domestic violence,” joked Sammi, smiled right at Nikki, her pinky lightly grazing Nikki’s. Nikki felt his body become stiff for a moment, looking away at the girl.
“I would pay to see that fight between you and blondie. Might help you,” uttered Nikki, finishing his cigarette for the night.
“Of course you’d be up for that. It’s not like he’s your friend or anything,” provoked Sammi, poking Nikki’s cheek.
“He’s barely even my singer. I only tolerate him because of you fucking Bass siblings,” said Nikki, shoving away Sammi’s hand.
“Why don’t you like him?” asked Sammi.
Nikki raised an eyebrow to Sammi. “You really wanna know?” Sammi nodded. “Maybe because the son of a bitch got something I wanted, but I could just take it from him if I tried hard enough,” answered Nikki, lowering his face right to Sammi, seeing her eyes change from teasing to nervous.
“Nikki… don’t,” begged Sammi, slowly moving away from him.
“And why not Princess? There’s a nice difference between us. I stay with a girl I like,” said Nikki, tucking a piece of hair behind Sammi’s ear. “And Vince has wandering eyes if you haven’t noticed yet,”
Sammi swallowed hard, “I trust him. Please just leave it alone for now,”
“Alright I will, but you’ll always know where to find me,” said Nikki, kissing Sammi on her forehead before disappearing back into the sound of Ozzy. Sammi bit the nail of her thumb, thoughts running at a rapid pace. She didn’t even feel Vince slide right next to her, making Sammi jump when feeling his hands.
“There’s my girl. Are you okay? You look like you have a lot on your mind?” asked Vince. Sammi nodded, kissing Vince before he can think of any further questions.
"Of course I am. Let's just stay here," whispered Sammi, pulling Vince for another kiss, this time harder to make him truly forget any questions.
July 1st, 1985
On the nightstand by the bed, a clock reading 7:45 rang out in the spacious white bedroom. Sammi tossed onto her side, slamming the clock to stop beeping while letting out a morning groan. Sammi rubbed away the sleep from her eyes, aiming to not fall back into a deep sleep. When Sammi started to feel more awake, it dawned on her the silence in the room. No one was snoring in her ear. Rising slowly, Sammi turned to find an empty spot next to her. The duvet looked almost done as if Nikki made the bed before he left. A note from a torn notebook paper laid on the pillow, messy handwriting in black pen yet still blurry for Sammi to read. Sammi put on her glasses, bringing the piece of paper close to her face.
‘Sorry I had to leave, Princess. Didn’t want to wake your pretty face up. Thanks for the special attention. Call you later- Nikki”
Sammi scuffed at the note, a tiny smile crawling on her lips. She tossed it by her lamp, rubbing her face slowly to stay awake. “At least he left a note this time,” muttered Sammi, ripping off the heavy blue blanket, jumping off the bed to seize the day. Sammi looked at the black mini pencil skirt and purple blouse that hung on the closet door, happy with her professional wardrobe. Cascading down the small apartment hallway, Sammi entered her bathroom to head straight to the shower, the water running cold as Sammi liked it. She carried on with her morning routine of applying light makeup and curling her hair, halting as the phone in the bedroom rang out. Sammi ran into the room, jumping on the bed to quickly pick up the telephone, holding it up against her ear as she deeply scrunched her eyebrows.
“Hello?” responded Sammi, sitting on her bed.
“Good morning, Sammi. It’s Doc, how are you doing?” said Doc on the line.
“Oh, I’m doing good, just getting ready for work. What’s going on?” asked Sammi, checking her clock as reassurance she wasn’t wasting time.
“I just wanted to quickly let you know, we are going to Elektra for a meeting. I don’t know if Mr. Harrison told you,” Sammi closed her eyes tight for a second, trying to not mess up her done hair. Sammi knew Mr. Harrison told her last Friday about some meetings, but she completely blocked it out after drinking the night away. She didn’t feel the need to ask that day. Now Sammi wished she could take a sick day.
“Uh yes. Yes he did Doc. I’m one of his secretaries, remember?” said Sammi with sarcasm, smiling a small bit with nerves setting in. Nikki was beginning to rub off on her in his mannerisms. Sammi questioned if this was a good thing for her.
“Right. Of course. I only wanted to give you a heads up about Vince before your day started. Since it could be very difficult to see him in person after a while,” said Doc. Sammi smiled to herself, lucky to still have Doc care for her.
“I really appreciate it, Doc. Thank you for looking out for me,” sincerely said Sammi, “So, I should probably give you a heads up so you don’t go in blind to the meeting,”
“Harrison still worried about the boys?” asked Doc.
“It’s more him being worried about his money going down the toilet than anything else. You really need to be prepared to get your ass chewed or get a cold man,” said Sammi, pressing her lips tight together. She saw the time begin to creep up again, eyes shooting wide. “Doc, I really have to be getting ready. I’ll see you at the meeting,”
“Okay, thanks Sammi. See you soon,” said Doc, cutting the line before Sammi could. Sammi shut the phone, dropping back onto the bed, smothering herself with a pillow as she groaned out loud. Her nerves became setting in more while thinking about seeing Vince for the first time. Sammi began thinking of excuses to not participate in this meeting, rushing to the kitchen for some breakfast. Her mind was turning almost empty, going into autopilot as she got ready for the rest of her day.
Sammi looked out the car window, eyes following Sabrina walk out of her apartment building, coming straight to the passenger door. Sammi smiled in a blink second at Sabrina, driving off into the busy morning traffic. Silence filled the car ride, unusual for the two on their carpool rides. Sabrina eyed Sammi for a moment, changing the radio station to get a reaction for the music. Nothing. Sabrina narrowed her eyes at Sammi, seeing her only focused on the freeway.
“You good? Did Nikki piss you off this morning?” asked Sabrina, relaxing in the passenger seat.
“What? No, we’re fine. why?” replied Sammi, glancing at Sabrina quickly.
“Well, you just seem quiet for a morning. Did you get into an argument with Athena?” said Sabrina.
“No, we’re fine. She hasn't done anything to annoy me for a while,” replied Sammi.
“And she’s not asking Emma 100 questions?” asked Sabrina again.
“No, Emma is doing a pretty good job at hiding which I feel kind of bad for,” muttered Sammi, tucking a hair behind her ear.
“Yeah but Athena doesn’t need to know about Nikki if it’s not serious business. Emma can handle holding a little truth to Athena. She would’ve spilled already if she couldn’t,”
“Oh, by the way, we are gonna have some visitors at work,” mumbled Sammi, staring up at a traffic light. Sabrina raised an eyebrow to Sammi, “Motley’s coming for a meeting with Mr. H,” added Sammi with a glare.
“Oh shit. That’s gonna be fucking awkward,” muttered Sabrina.
“Thanks, S! You know how to lift my spirits in times of need!” sarcastically barked Sammi with a fake smile.
“I’m sorry, but come on you know how bad everyone is towards each other. It’s not like Motley is a happy family band that don’t piss people off especially not each other,”
“Yes I know, but you couldn’t be optimistic as we’re pulling up to work?” asked Sammi.
“You really want me to give you extremely fake hope?” Sabrina uttered blandly, almost hurting to say words.
“Fine! Things could be completely great and Mr. H won’t chew their asses. It is all good!” shouted Sabrina as Sammi pulled into an empty parking lot space of the office building. Sammi rolled her eyes, glaring at Sabrina who didn’t want to sugarcoat things so early on this Monday morning. Turning off the ignition and opening the door, Sammi left Sabrina hanging but hearing her catch up behind. Sabrina’s long legs made it easier to speed walk right by Sammi in comparison to her short stature. “Okay, maybe the meeting won’t be the worst thing ever. Do you know what they’re gonna be discussing?” asked Sabrina, opening the glass door for Sammi as they entered the building. The girls did their routine of polite smiles to anyone that passed by them, heading to the elevators. Sammi smashed the up button, leaning against the wall. “I have no idea, Mr. Harrison really doesn’t explain in great detail to anyone,” uttered Sammi. Sabrina was about to speak until more people gathered around the two girls, entering the elevator with them. Sammi and Sabrina glanced at each other, stuffed into the cramped elevator with unknown people.
In a short time, the girls were finally alone again, walking out to their respected work areas. “I just don’t want them to make a fucking scene to anyone. I’m expecting the worst reactions when Mr. Harrison orders them around,” muttered Sammi to Sabrina. The girls came to a halt in the middle of cubicles when suddenly, a young intern came walking fast, holding a notepad against her chest. “Hi, Sabrina! Hi, Sammi!” said the intern with enthusiasm.
“Hi, Jessica…” the girls said in unison, almost groaning at the sight of her. Jessica smiled happily, Sammi not understanding how someone could be so cheerful this early in the day.
“How’s your guys morning going? It’s such a beautiful summer day!” exclaimed Jessica, having a pep in her step.
“Great. What do you want?” asked bluntly Sammi, crossing her arms as Sabrina withheld a smirk.
“I came to tell Sabrina something. We’re needed in the conference room right now to set stuff up for a meeting. Apparently, all of Motley Crue is coming!” excited Jessica was, only making Sammi sulk more, infuriated.
“Why me? I’m not gonna be an intern anymore after next week,” asked Sabrina. Scowling at Jessica.
“But you’re still an intern… come on if we finish early maybe we can catch Motley walking in,” said Jessica, bouncing on the balls of her feet with a smile.
“A little too excited to see a band, aren’t we Jessica? It’s not like you haven’t seen one walk around here before” teased Sammi, giving a smile that made Jessica scared of the girls. Sabrina biting down on her index finger, not caring if Sammi hurts someone’s feelings today. It was fun to see sometimes.
“Well, they are a cool band. Plus they aren’t bad to look at, especially Nikki. That’s all,” mumbled Jessica, feeling small to Sammi even when being the same height.
“Sorry to burst your bubble Jess, but I don’t think you’re very much Nikki’s type. Trust me, we’re pretty close,” said Sammi, patting Jessica on the arm, hearing Sabrina chuckle at them. Jessica pressed her lips tightly, shoulders falling a bit.
“Besides I already get to see Motley on a normal basis anyway. They’re not that rare to see after a while,” added Sabrina.
“I’m gonna head to my desk. Have fun arranging water bottles,” Sammi told Sabrina, walking from the two without caring of Jessica’s feelings. Jessica looked up at Sabrina with big eyes only getting a shrug from the taller girl.
“You really should’ve seen that one coming, Jessica,” said Sabrina walking past the redhead to her desk. Jessica only followed the girls' footsteps, ready to work.
Sammi knocked on the heavy wooden doors, MR. HARRISON displayed on a gold plaque.
“Come in,” Mr. Harrison announced, Sammi pushing the door open. “Oh good morning, Samantha, how are we doing on this Monday?” asked Mr. Harrison, peeking above his leather notebook while sitting behind his expensive glass desk.
“Pretty good. I’m just happy to start another week, and be with my favorite boss,” said Sammi, smiling as she stood right in front of Mr. Harrison with perfect posture.
“Oh you flatter me, Samantha, but that please save it for when you’re trying to leave early on Fridays. I hope you remembered the meeting I told you on Friday. You’ll need to write down everything I say because I have a feeling I’ll be too busy talking my head off,” said Mr. Harrison, shutting his notebook tight to hand over to Sammi. Sammi took the notebook in her hands but began thinking for a moment.
“I’m sorry sir, but don’t you think it could be more beneficial to have an intern write your notes. Take Jessica for example who can get more practice since she just started,” explained Sammi, still putting on a generous smile for more convincing.
Mr. Harrison frowned hard at Sammi, his forehead wrinkles becoming deep crevasses. “Are you sure you aren’t just coming up with excuses to avoid this meeting with a certain band?” asked Mr. Harrison.
“Of course not, sir,” uttered Sammi.
“Well while I appreciate your care for the interns, you are going to be at the meeting right next to me rather you like it or not,” ordered Mr. Harrison, making Sammi drop her shoulders for a moment. She nodded, beginning to head to the doors until Mr. Harrison interrupted her walk. “I do have a question, Samantha. What are you going to do now that you have a degree?” asked Mr. Harrison. Sammi walked back slowly as she thought of an answer.
“I really don’t know. I’m just going to be working until I feel I should go back to school,” answered Sammi.
Mr. Harrison nodded slowly, “Well if you need any help, I do have connections with people in different medical branches. All you need to do is ask,”
“Thank you, Mr. Harrison, I appreciate it,” said Sammi, turning around as a gentle knock came from outside of her bosses office. Jessica peeked her head behind the heavy door, shuffling into the office.
“Sorry to interrupt but Motley Crue is here Mr. Harrison,” said Jessica in a small soft voice.
“Huh, they’re on time for once. Thank you, Jessica. Come along, Samantha,” said Mr. Harrison, fixing his blazer as he stepped to the door, smiling at the two young girls. Sammi rolled her eyes, grabbing a pen from the desk to act as an employee with no connections to this band. Jessica stood by the doorframe, eyes following Sammi get closer to her. Sammi scowled at Jessica staring at her, halting in front of her.
“Can I help you with something? Or are you just gonna keep staring?” barked Sammi, walking away from the nervous young girl.
Mr. Harrison marched down the halls of the office floor, Sammi being his shadow all the way to the conference room. Sammi straightened her posture, balancing perfectly in her work heels while entering the vast boardroom. She almost held her breath from seeing the band seated down, quickly noticing her designated seat being occupied by Tommy. Doc, Vince, and Nikki all sat to the left of Mr. Harrison, not seeing Sammi walk. Samm couldn’t help but give small glances to the blonde man when he wasn’t looking. Mick and Tommy smiled shortly at the young girl, Sammi flicking Tommy’s ear to make him move down a chair. They give each other a kiss on the cheek as Sammi sat down finally, her sight carried out across Nikki who looked almost asleep behind his dark sunglasses. She stayed clear of making eye contact with Vince, feeling the stare once again.
“Okay let's get this meeting on its way,” announced Mr. Harrison, sitting at the head of the table like always. “I’d first like to tell the boys congratulations on the album, even after the many many delays, people love it. You’ve managed to fix one thing,” said Mr. Harrison with firmly pressed lips, giving a cold stare to everyone. The silence could be cut with a knife, Doc already thinking of what to say to make things civil. “Because of the new album, you must now go on tour for promotion. Also because it is written on the contracts, and you must all still follow it,” ordered Mr. Harrison.
“I believe this would be great for the boys to hit the road again. They’ve had plenty of rest for a good long tour,” said Doc, nodded along, eyeing Sammi from across the table, writing everything down at lighting speed.
“I’m not so sure  rest  is the right word for their break of touring. I’m also not sure about a long tour for these men,” said Mr. Harrison. Sammi stopped writing for a moment, switching glances between her boss and the boys. Nikki would clear his throat every so often to drink water, while only Vince seemed to be paying attention. Their eyes catching each other for a split second before Sammi looked down at her notes. “We will only make North American dates ranging from the beginning of August to the third week of November, pretty easy for you rockstars,”
“Mr. Harrison with all due respect, I do believe these boys can do more than just North America. These men can go to Europe or Asia right after November,” said Doc. “The album has been doing great for the first week. You said it yourself,”
Mr. Harrison leaned back into the desk chair, crossing his arms as he glared right at Doc. “Doc. You really think Motley Crue can tour by themselves for more than four months without messing something up?” asked Mr. Harrison, only seeing Doc slowly retreat.
“They’ve had their moments, but yes. I do think we can just pick up after Thanksgiving,” uttered Doc.
“By moments you mean the multiple things that have been brought to my attention that raise concern. Tabloids with pictures of Nikki & Tommy intoxicated at almost every single day on my desk. The incident happening in one of the recording studios. A singer who has a bigger record than all my other talent. Do you know I’ve never had to deal with any of these things in my lifetime in this industry?”
Vince, Tommy, Mick, and even Nikki all turned their eyes on Sammi, Sammi looking only at her notes or boss. Sammi only gave the proper secretary to look for everyone to display. Mr. Harrison snapped his fingers, gaining the attention back to him from everyone. “Do not look at Samantha. She’s not your friend. She’s not your sister. She’s doing her job right now. You all pay attention to me. You are all lucky I’m even allowing a headlining tour. If you all don’t lose me money, I’ll allow a European extension at the beginning of the year,” said Mr. Harrison. Sammi stays quiet, looking back at Nikki having trouble keeping his head up. “We will go as I said starting in August. Any further questions or interruptions?”
“I have my court date the second week in September,” said Vince, speaking up for the first time. Everyone became silent again, switching glances between Harrison and Vince. Sammi gave a sympathetic look to Vince for once in a long time.  
“We will make sure there is a week off in September for you to come back, Vince. Anything else?” asked Mr. Harrison.
“Everything will run smoothly, Mr. Harrison. I reassure you on that,” said Doc.
Mr. Harrison scuffs at Doc. “I’ll believe it when I see my money back in my wallet,” Mr. Harrison stood up from his seat, buttoning the middle of his blazer once again. “Samantha, there are documents in the back of that notebook. Please give it to Peterson in legal. Meeting dismissed,” ordered Mr. Harrison to Sammi as he left the boardroom. The weight in the room soon lifted, Doc dragging a hand down his face. Sammi relaxed her back, slumping in the office chair as she sighed loudly. Doc rose from his seat, reaching over Vince to smack Nikki in the head to wake him up. Nikki only groaned, resting his head in the palm of his hand.
“You all better listen to everything your boss just said,” said Doc, standing up to grab a bottle of water.
“Don’t worry I barely listen to everything my boss says,” muttered Sammi getting a chuckle from Tommy and Mick, Vince withholding a smile.
“Everything is gonna be fine,” slurred Nikki, yawning out loud. Sammi couldn’t help but keep an eye on Nikki from his demeanor.
“Yeah, I fucking doubt that,” mumbled Vince.
“Things would be fine if you all just acted like adults for once,” remarked Sammi, glaring at Nikki and Tommy who didn’t care.
“We got it covered. We can pretend to be responsible for a good while,” said Tommy, patting Sammi on the head.
“If only we had Sammi tour with us again to keep us in shape,” croaked Mick, readjusting his sunglasses. “We could really use you, little girl,”
“Yeah fuck that. I’d be unemployed and broke then be on a bus with my ex for a long time,” added Sammi, flipping her hair to one side. Everyone from Doc to Mick switched glances between Sammi and Vince, seeing Vince’s discomfort. Sammi raised an eyebrow at every, curling her lip. “What? Someone had to fucking say it. He’s here at my work bothering me,” grumbled Sammi, pointing a sharp finger at Vince. Vince shook his head, pulling on his earlobe.
“So you’re not even gonna say my name anymore?” barked Vince, crossing his arms. Sammi rolled her eyes, not caring if she looked rude to Vince. “I thought at least here you’d give me something, and not keep ignoring me,”
“My god you’re so dramatic,” Sammi mumbled under her breath. “Alright, here's something! Can you kindly shut the fuck up, Vince? Last time I checked I told you I wanted to be away from you,” bossed Sammi, staring coldly at Vince. Vince flared his nostrils, knocking his knuckles against the hard wooden table.
“Enough you two. Boys you’re free to go. I don’t want to hold Sammi from her job any further,” said Doc, grabbing his briefcase and stepping into the hallway. Vince was the first to jump out of his seat, not caring to say goodbye to anyone from his band. Mick squeezed Sammi’s shoulder before he left, showing his usual form of compassion. Tommy stood up, stretching out to feel his long spine crack seeing Nikki just stay quiet.
“Hey Sixxter, I’m gonna hit the restroom. Wait for me in the lobby,” said Tommy, getting a groan in response. “See you later Sammi,” Tommy kissed Sammi on the forehead before disappearing in the hallway. Sammi waved Tommy a goodbye, keeping her eyes on Nikki’s silence. She could hear him begin to lightly snore, making her finally walk over and take the empty seat right of him.
Sammi shook his shoulder roughly, hearing more groans in return. Nikki slowly turned his head to Sammi, staying hidden behind his dark sunglasses.
“What?” croaked Nikki, slumping in his seat and crossing his arms.
“What?” mimicked Sammi, raising an eyebrow to him. “What’s going on with you? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Everything’s-” Sammi interrupted Nikki, pushing his sunglasses above his head. Immediately Sammi could see something was entirely right. Nikki’s eyes looked dull and dark. Dark circles under his eyes as if he hadn’t slept in years, the whites of his eyes almost turning pink all around. Sammi frowned at Nikki, Nikki pushing her hand away to hide behind his glasses again.
“You’re not fine. Seriously Nikki what’s going on with you?” asked Sammi again, softened her expression with compassionate eyes.
“I haven’t been feeling the best lately,” uttered Nikki, taking his glasses off to rub his eyes. “I haven’t been able to sleep… for some reason,” lied Nikki. He knew exactly why he couldn’t sleep at night anymore. Unlike coke, heroin made him awake at all hours even when he didn’t shoot up after a while.
“How long have you been like this?” asked Sammi, putting her hand on top of Nikki’s. Nikki could help but feel a little ping in his chest from the small act of affection. Nikki knew he had to make up a lie fast to not lose the small affection he likes from Sammi.
“Going on a week? That’s why I left last night. I didn’t want to wake you up by accident especially when you have work,” said Nikki, shooting a lopsided grin to Sammi. Nikki silently prayed Sammi bought his lie, lying to himself it was going to be the last lie. Sammi pursed her lips, looking between Nikki and the desk for some room to think.
“Alright, I guess that makes sense,” cautioned Sammi. “Thanks for leaving a note by the way. The princess appreciates it,” smiled happily Sammi, making Nikki’s frown turn upside down for a moment. Nikki lightly snaked his hand behind Sammi’s neck, pulling her in for a surprise kiss. Sammi’s eyes went wide, pushing Nikki away to look back at the open door. “You really like to get to the edge of getting caught don’t you?” smirked Sammi.
Nikki smirked at Sammi, “Admit it. It’s pretty fun. Especially when you’re looking sexy in this outfit,” Nikki’s hand crept up Sammi’s thigh, bringing her chair closer to him with his foot. Sammi’s heart began to race, feeling Nikki’s hand feature between her legs. She gripped his wrist tight, stopping Nikki from any further moves. Sammi looked deep into his eyes, trying her hardest to resist kissing away the smirk on Nikki’s lips.
“I’m at work. And you should get some sleep,” said Sammi, pushing herself away from Nikki. Nikki shrugged his shoulders, putting on his glasses as he rose from the seat. “Oh, I’m gonna go out with some guys tonight. Don’t be surprised if I come knocking on your door. Maybe then I’ll sleep,” said Nikki, kissing Sammi on the cheek. Sammi shook her head, smiling slightly to herself, looking over her shoulder to Nikki leaving. Sammi fell back against the chair, huffing loudly. She could feel the nerves in her body calm down, noticing her palms were becoming sweaty. Being in complete silence made her process the sight of Vince, being right in front of her. Was she being too hard on him? Should she talk to Vince finally after months of this? The questions that always played in Sammi’s head, played louder than ever today. Sammi only took a deep breath in and stood up to be a grown-up like she’s supposed to be.
July 5, 1985
“Sammi, I don’t think I can keep lying to Athena,” said Emma, pouring three glasses of white wine from Sammi’s collection. Sabrina and Sammi each placed a bowl of food on the small glass dining table, sitting down for their Friday dinners together. Sammi took a sip of her wine before even thinking of what to say in this conversation. “I get it. I’m your best friend, but Athena is also my girlfriend,” pleaded Emma, serving herself a portion of cold pasta salad.
“What is she even asking you, Em? I doubt Sammi’s making it obvious,” said Sabrina, grabbing a piece of chicken with her salad.
“I know she’s not, but Athena can’t help but keep her nose out of Sammi’s life. Almost every single time I say we went out, she asks if you got with someone,” shared Emma, eating with a touch of annoyance.
“Well tell her to stay out of it. I already told Athena I didn’t want her or Tommy anywhere near my love life,” spat Sammi.
“It’s a love life between you and Nikki?” asked Sabrina, smirking at Sammi with a quizzical expression. Sammi shot a glare at Sabrina, making her giggle amongst herself. “Maybe you have to remind your sister again, Sam. Say it isn’t nice to be badgering her girlfriend because you two are friends,”
“I’m glad we keep you around. You solve all our problems at record speed,” joked Emma, raising her glass to cheer with Sabrina. Sabrina gladly clanked her wine glass with Emma’s, Sammi playfully shaking her head. “I second this reminder. You’d also be helping out me and yourself,”
“I would love to, but Athena never learned to listen if you haven’t already figured it out,” mumbled Sammi, drinking the chilled wine.
“That’s probably the one thing I don’t like about her, but in this case, it comes from a place of love. Please still try though,” told Emma to Sammi, giving her a lopsided grin.
“What really is the worst thing if at least Athena knew about Nikki and you?” asked Sabrina.
“Athena would tell Tommy, Tommy would tell Vince, and Vince would yell at my ass. And a mad Vince is the last thing I want in my life,” informed Sammi, refilling for a second glass of wine.
“You really care what Vince thinks or you just don’t want to deal with his shit?” added Emma, scrunching her eyebrows at Sammi. Sammi thought about it for a moment, not knowing if she just never wanted to hear from Vince ever again.
“It’s more of I’ve been a bitch to him for 6 months, so I don’t want him to think I’m two-faced. Because I know his mind will run wild like it always has with Nikki,” admitted Sammi, shrugging her shoulders.
“You can’t be two-faced if all you did was have sex when you were single. You chose Vince and he fucked up. He still needs to know that and be reminded from time to time. Like at the meeting,” said Sabrina.
“The one moment I wished I worked at that fucking office,” utter Emma, gulping her last bit of wine. “Since we are on the topic of Vince, have you ever thought about talking to him? You don’t think you deserve some answers?”
“I have but I don’t know how to talk to him without sounding like a bitch anymore. It’s almost as if he made me get an attitude and Nikki made it worse,” pondered Sammi, pushing the last of her around with a fork.
“Like that poor poor Jessica girl you read to filth?” joked Emma, giggling louder at Sammi scowl to her. Emma shrugged her shoulder with a playful smile.
“Maybe you could write down everything you want to know? It could help you keep your thoughts in order instead of going off from your emotions,” suggested Sabrina, wiping the corner of her mouth as she finished her food.
“Emma’s right, you do solve our problems at record speed,” answered Sammi with a soft smile. “I guess that would be a good starting point, and talk before he leaves again… But it’s so nice being mean to him!” whined Sammi, pouting at Sabrina like a little girl. Sabrina shot a look at Sammi that made her quit the pouting and straight her shoulders, almost like a mother. “Fine, I’ll try my hardest to be civil and demand answers with kindness,”
“Atta girl,” encouraged Sabrina, lightly punching Sammi's shoulder. “It could bring you some great closure,”
Sammi smiled to herself, beginning to clear out the dining table with Emma’s help. “Or maybe it’ll just make me sadder than ever,” shouted Sammi, dropping the dirty dishes in the sink to wash later as she drank her wine.
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