#to be fair I genuinely get turned off by ‘sexy’ content
sirowsky-stories · 3 months
Lingerie For Beginners
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Summary: Pero wants to give his new lady a present, but he's not exactly at home in the underwear store.
Requested by @suttonspuds
Rating: Mature 18+ONLY Warnings: Pero Tovar x OFC, the images are just for aesthetics, female character is not described beyond being a B-cup, no overt sexual themes but plenty of mentions of breasts and overall mature content. Word Count: 1200
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   His hands are already clammy with nervous sweat as he walks into the store, certain he’s about to embarrass himself, but also determined to leave with what he hopes will be an outfit exactly as the one he pictures in his head.    Calling it that might be an overstatement, however, as he stops and looks around a few feet into the establishment, seeing nothing concealing enough to be referred to as a complete outfit.    Lots of it looks fun, though. While some of it looks downright scary.
   “Can I help you, sir?” a silky voice says to his right, and he looks over to find a middle-aged woman, wearing a polka dot dress in 60’s style with matching makeup and hat, all of which somehow suits her perfectly.
   “Yes, well…” he tries, but the words die on his tongue when he realizes he doesn’t quite know how to describe what he wants.
   “First time in a lingerie store?” the woman guesses, and there’s no judgement or even curiosity in her voice, which sets him at ease.
   He nods while feeling his shoulders relax somewhat, and she smiles in response.
   “Alright, no problem. My name is Wendy, now let me just work out what we’re dealing with here.    Are you looking for something for a new relationship or something to spice up an older one?”
   “New. Three months.”
   “Aw, congratulations,” she offers sincerely. “That means it’s not an anniversary, though. Birthday?”
   “No. She has been feeling down lately, because of her job. It makes her feel ugly sometimes,” he tries to explain, and she immediately gets it.
   “So, you wanna remind her that’s not how she looks to you, and maybe help boost her self-image a bit?”
   “Yes, exactly this.”
   “Honey, that’s precisely what sexy lingerie is supposed to be about. You’ve got the right idea, now let’s see if we can find a good fit for you, and for her, of course.    I assume you have her sizes?”
   “Uh… I know she has a B-cup,” he offers, feeling stupid for not remembering to check more than that, but in fairness, he’s never done this before.
   “Don’t worry, I’m sure we can figure it out. Can you show me by hand-measurement how wide her back or hips are?”
   This he knows without hesitation, because he loves to watch her when she struts around naked or just in her underwear in the apartment. And she’s been trapped beneath him both from the front and the back many times, so he knows her size compared to him very well.    Using his hands, he gives the saleswoman as accurate a representation as he can, and she leads him off down the aisles.
   “Okay, first off: which color did you have in mind?”
   “She looks especially good in white. And I like the lace that you can just almost see through,” he admits, feeling a bit vulnerable revealing his preferences to someone he isn’t intimately involved with.
   “And what about style? What type of bra do you think would best show off her bust?”
   This question he feels genuinely unwilling to answer, simply because discussing his woman’s private parts with a complete stranger seems utterly indecent.    She’s come to a stop in one of the aisles and is perusing a variety of white bra’s, some with lace, others with silk, but she pauses when she notices him turning away and displaying general discomfort.
   “I’m sorry, I know this can feel somewhat invasive. I’m just trying to help you visualize so that you can get the perfect set for your woman, and for yourself.”
   “I understand this, I just… don’t feel good about describing her in such detail.”
   “Well, maybe you don’t have to,” she suggests, and then picks out a cute little bra, holding it up to his scrutiny. “For example, this is a balconette. See how the cups form a straight line when they’re filled? It usually gives the breasts a bit of a bounce and rounds them off really nicely.    Whereas this one is called a plunge, because the triangular shape of the cup means that you don’t conceal any skin between the breasts.    And then there’s the cage-bra, which is really sexy with different kinds of straps, either over the breasts, shoulders, or across the back.”
   As she describes them, she holds each of them up and demonstrates their features, then she emphasizes that each of the different styles come in all sorts of fabrics, so there’s no limit to which one he can pick, if he wants lace.    But all this does, is confusing him even more. He really has no idea what his date might look best in. Hell, he didn’t even know there were so many different types of bras.
   “I don’t like the cage one,” he finally manages to work out. “Too complicated.”
   “Good, now we’re getting somewhere.”
   “Which would you recommend?” he asks then, conceding that he is talking to an expert on the matter and might as well trust her judgement better than his own ignorance.
   “Hmmm… Having only a basic sense of your girl’s body-type, I think I would go for the balconette. It generally makes any bosom look good, provided it’s a good quality piece.    And actually, come to think of it, we have a gorgeous lace version, with a satin/lace hipster panty to go with it.    Let me get it for you, and see what you think.”
   She darts off before he’s had a chance to respond, so he stands there awkwardly while he waits for her to return, idly looking at some of the choices available in the nearest aisles, some of which he can’t even work out how a person’s supposed to get into.    But he also spots something interesting. A teddy made almost entirely from glass crystals, strung together into the shape of a bra which connects to a tiny pair of panties, only the crotch of which is made of fabric, but still see-through lace.    It’s not at all what he thought he might be drawn to, but he can almost see how good it would look on the body he most desires, and he just can’t take his eyes off it.
   “That one’s not as expensive as it looks,” Wendy promptly informs him when she sees where his gaze has gotten stuck.
   “Really?” he hears himself ask before he manages to reel in his racing thoughts. “Uh, but it’s not what I was looking for. It is nice, though.”
   “Maybe next time,” she suggests, and he shrugs, so she proceeds to show him the piece she’s gotten for him.
   “Oh… this is perfect,” he whispers, not sure how his bumbling efforts of explanations enabled her to find exactly what he’d envisioned.
   “Excellent! I had a feeling you’d like it. But just so you know, if you keep the receipt, you can exchange it if your girl doesn’t like it.”
   He pays for the gift while she wraps it for him, in what has to be the most beautiful package he’s ever seen, and before he leaves, he throws one last glance at the crystal teddy, glinting at him from the back half of the store.
   “Next time. Definitely.”
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
Hi! To preface: I don't think there's any one right or wrong answer to my question necessarily, but I value your opinion as a level-headed adult in this fandom who can probably provide sensible input on the issue I'm having, so I thought I'd ask.
If a CC asks for their character not to be drawn (specifically referring to fanart, which they likely saw on Twitter) in a sexualised way, what does that mean for written fanwork content? Is it "wrong" (putting this in quotation marks since that's a loaded word, to say the least) to write nsfw content about said character and post it on Ao3, considering the differences in visibility/CC knowledge of those platforms, as well as the general consensus/expectation that CCs don't generally read fanfic anyway? Where is the line between "you should respect the CC's wishes" (avoiding the word "boundaries" since that's also very loaded in mcyt spaces) and "you can do whatever you want forever; fanworks are created by and for fans, not for the creators" drawn? Does "just don't put it where they can see unless they go looking" (i.e. correctly tagged on Ao3, not on a CC-frequented site like Twitter) apply? Would it be better not to do it at all, or only create and share said content in private spaces like Discord? Or is this all a "there is no single 'morally correct' answer, make your own personal judgement" thing?
(Sorry for the long-winded question but this is genuinely something I'm struggling with right now, lol. As I said I value and respect your opinion and views about these kinds of things in fandom, so if you have anything to say on the matter I'd appreciate your input!)
Alright so, obligatory warning for discourse on this one right at the top, and possibly also long post. These tend to be me rambling.
This is a situation that I think it's fair that a lot of people disagree. Your personal comfort level with making NSFW content in general is not where my comfort level is, we can come to totally different equilibriums. And then you add in creators expressing that they don't like seeing NSFW content of their characters, and people end up in a whole lot of different places, whether that's a complete no on shipping or NSFW, or people feeling fine to consume it but not create it, or only if it's archive locked, or only specific ships or smps, or whatever. I think it's fine that we don't all agree on this, creation is a fickle beast and we are in a weird place as a fandom of being not rpf but kinda cousins, and we can get *really* close to the creators with twitch and twitter, so people's comfort level in meshing all the parasociality and roleplay and real life of it all can end up in a lot of different places.
I just think that the most important thing for the fandom being a healthy place to spend time on the internet is that we don't go aroud sending hate/abuse to those we disagree with. a) i don't agree with internet mobs or suicide baiting or anon hate in general, b) the number of times I have seen internet games of telephone happen when it comes to this subject is unreal. To use an example from literally today, I saw someone saying that Pac of qsmp pacmike was uncomfortable with shipping art and fic and we all should stop shipping immediately, and once I tracked it back to its source, it turns out that what had happened was the creator said that he wasn't a fan that all the art was of him in the jumpsuit that used to be his skin, he has a new skin now, which turned into sexy jumpsuit art was the problem, which turned into pac hates all sexy fan art, which turned into "pac is being bombarded with nsfw art and shipping and he hates it". Now he might actually also not like NSFW art, but that's not actually what he was adressing, but it was certainly what was being circulated! So like, people warning me off of certain subjects— how do I know that they're actually accurate or if twitter just went twitter on a passing mention of something someone said on a twitch stream?
So I think it's way way way healthier for us as a fandom to sometimes disagree on the subject of "what we're drawing/writing about" and when that happens we implement Don't Like; Don't Read, and we just ignore that, or block if necessary. Don't Want To See it? Simply Don't See It. It's a bad idea to start hate campaigns for sinners, and half the time it's based on bad information anyways.
But in cases that you do know that the creator doesn't want to see that, you found an accurate clip? So this is a case where I think that there's no single moral answer to this that everyone is gonna agree on. We're all coming at it from too many different cultural backgrounds and different streamers in mind and comfort levels with NSFW in general. I don't think there is a firm answer that is gonna make you morally safe. But my personal feelings is that in cases where we know the creators doesn't want to see that, I think the important part there is that the creator never sees that, not that we stamp it off the internet entirely.
I do think, personally, ymmv, that you are not necessarily doing anything morally wrong with drawing or writing NSFW of someone's character, even if they think it's weird. There's a long history of creators saying "you can't do [this] with my characters," and it happens to be you can't [make them gay] enough to make me uncomfortable in general principle with saying creator of the character gets to call the shots in all settings forever. This happened with Anne Rice and with the supernatural fandom and like— it's the internet, we get to make the characters be gay together. This is the making sex jokes about fictional characters website, and Ao3 is the making porn about fictional characters website. I think it's fine if it exists on the internet, the question comes down to one of what we're forcing the creator to see, or what we're putting where they'll stumble upon it. Like, examples from real life— if you have a friend who's vegan, it's polite to not spend time rhapsodizing about how good meat is around them, and if you know that meat makes them sick, it's polite to do a meatless meal around them. That's a human person you want to be okay around you. But that's their boundary for their life, not yours, so even when you're being polite you have no obligation to go vegan when they're not around. And they have a politeness obligation to not walk into a steakhouse and freak out because there's meat there. They have a boundary for their life, and I'm going to respect it, but my life is a different story, and they need to take reasonable steps to protect their boundaries and not just expect everyone else to conform to them.
Or walking by someone on the street and waiting till they're out of earshot and then going "jesus christ that guy was hot" to your friends— that's fine. That's normal human behaviour. What becomes rude is when you make it hot guy's problem and yell at him. Being attracted to someone in your own space is not a problem. I'm aroace, I am not going to be in a relationship with anyone. I'm not going to ban having crushes on me, as long as you don't make it my business. Talking about an attractive person in your own space is not a problem. Being sexual in your own space— and again we are talking about fictional characters, the way I see it, these are lies we're telling about folks that are not real, who live in little minecraft worlds— that's fine. The problem is if we start catcalling people about it.
When you walk into fandom spaces you are walking into a space where we all like taking fictional guys and telling stories about them and a good portion of those stories are going to include kissing. That is not necessarily baseline normal for like, all of humanity, but people talk about tv shows they watch as one of the classic work small talk techniques. Fandom takes the "I hope ted gets together with jessica" "no he needs to work on himself first" discussion and writes stories, is all, to share with each other. Privately. On our special private website where there's a button you can click to hide your work from search engines and another one to hide it from logged-out users. If you log into the website and search things up, no tags blocked, what you find is on you for saying "I will see literally anything that exists on this subject in a space meant for literally anything". You will find gore. You will find kissing. You literally just opted in to seeing it. That's on you.
So like, there's my little defense of nsfw work existing in general, I think it existing is not a problem. I do think that we should keep it FAR AWAY from streamers. They get to set the rules for their spaces, and if someone doesn't want to see sexualized fan art, I do think we should make sure that in a reasonable way, they never have to see sexualized fan art/fic.
So like me personally, I'm going to hit that Ao3 button to hide my work from search engines, and anything NSFW (or shippy, depending on the person) is not going to go into the main tags on tumblr or twitter or anywhere I'm aware that the creators ever check that tag, and I'd probably archive lock it if the creator had publically mentioned being uncomfortable with it, and if I was regularly posting NSFW I'd block the creators on social media with any account I discuss NSFW with. I want to make sure that I am talking to my friends about the cubitos, not catcalling someone.
And I would probably err on the side of caution when it comes to social media sites that creators are on? Okay so the fandom has a habit of saying that NSFW and Shipping is BAD and can't exist, on the one hand, but on the other hand it says that anything that isn't Bad Wrong Shipping/Explicit NSFW is fine, which leads to like�� extremely sexy thirst trap art being drawn and then the creators are tagged. People putting family dynamic fics that really pushes that envelope in the main tag. Gahhhhhh????? No? Don't do that?
I think it would be healthier in the fandom if we did a lot more going "this is for the fandom, not the creator" and we don't tag creators on twitter, and we took our little kissing fics, or gore, or kidfic, or neurodiverse headcanons, or anything else it might be not for the creator to see, and we kept it in fandom spaces and away from creators. But Ao3 is that fandom space that you have to opt into, it's literally archive of our Own, for fans, in that space as long as you tag it you're good.
So the TL;DR of this all is that my opinion is that if you tag it correctly on Ao3 you're fine. Maybe archive lock it. Keep it off twitter. Don't make it the streamer's problem, and you're good.
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pedrito-friskito · 2 years
road trip with frank headcanons for your celebration bc i’m a whore 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
if ur a whore i’m a whore 💕
LMAO but really yes you can here u GO this was fun 😏
road trip hc - frank castle x fem!reader
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✨kay’s 300 follower celebration✨
okay so
frank does a lot of driving, right. like it’s a big part of his life, since shit hit the fan, he’s crossed a lot of state lines in a variety of vehicles, even darting up into canada a few times just because that’s where the road took him
but now, now he’s got you, and he likes driving a whole lot more with you in the car, invading his space, coating his senses with the scent of you instead of just stale fast food and gasoline
one thing is for sure: he’s touchy
like, he’s got one hand on the wheel and one hand on your thigh, curled around the meat of it, thumb stroking where you’re the softest. he’s got a shit-eating grin on his face the whole time, walking his fingers up and down your leg at red lights, squeezing lightly at a stop sign
when he goes to park the car (or truck or van or whatever happened to be available) he does that thing where he’ll turn in his seat to check behind him, one hand rotating the wheel beneath his palm while his other arm is thrown behind your head, gripping your headrest or laying behind you on the bench seat. if it’s the bench seat, he’ll thread his fingers into your hair once he’s done, tugging ever so slightly in a way that makes your whole body clench
you’ve asked him to let you drive a few times, and each time, it’s been a bit of a battle
“I dunno, sweetheart,” he drawls, head cocked to the side, “ya might just look too sexy drivin’ for me to handle myself.”
you roll your eyes. “it’s two hours to the next motel, castle. you can handle yourself.”
and he tries. he genuinely likes letting you drive. you’re so focused, both hands on the wheel and eyes glued to the road ahead. you bat his hand away when he tries to tease, sliding fingers under the hem of your shirt or trailing kisses up your arm to your shoulder
you’ve got some serious road rage, and your level of feral nearly matches his if someone ever cuts you off or if people are going too slow in the fast lane. your shouts are filthy, strings of curses that make even frank blush
eventually you get tired of it, much more content to sit passenger and read your book or play stupid games on your phone and feed frank snacks. sometimes you’ll read aloud and frank will just listen
he likes the trucks with the bench seats, cuz it makes it easier for you to get close to him
on long stretches of road, he likes to pull your feet into his lap. he’s got one hand on the wheel and the other curled around your foot, thumb pressing into your arch until you sigh with pleasure; it’s not long until your noises drive him so wild he has to pull off to the nearest hotel, or find a secluded patch of road to park at for a while
when it’s you driving the truck, frank goes full menace
there’s just enough space between your stomach and the steering wheel for his head, so that’s where it goes. he’ll just lie there, knees pressing against the window, watching your face, hand reaching up to pinch your chin or trail his fingers over your throat, watching it twitch under his touch
if he’s especially lucky, and you’re wearing one of those little sundresses that drive him absolutely mad, or loose shorts or a skirt, then he really can’t help himself
he won’t pull it on a highway, cuz it’s dangerous, but when it’s just the two of you on a country road, your hand gripping the steering wheel, then it’s fair game. he’s lifting your skirt to duck his head under the fabric, using two fingers to pull your panties to the side and lap at you with his tongue, groaning into the place where you’re the most sensitive, grunting when you reach a hand down to lock in his hair and yank
it’s less than a mile down the road before you’re pulling over to the side, throwing the truck into park and unbuckling your seatbelt. frank lifts his head just enough to get the strip of fabric off of you, and then he’s yanking on your hips, tilting you against the driver’s door so he has better access to where you’re dripping, your body forever reacting in kind to his
your release comes quick and easy, frank’s mouth more than practiced at hitting all your favourite spots, sometimes using his fingers to draw it out in that way that you like. more often than not though, he’s reaching for his belt buckle, sighing into your mouth as he covers you with him, leaning up and over you and pushing his cock into your soaked entrance
the windows fog up, streaked with fingerprints and dragged handprints, and when your hand flashes out and hits the steering wheel, the truck’s horn echoing across the road, frank just chuckles, grinding his hips deeper into you.
“tha’s my girl. tha’s my good fuckin’ girl.”
I have a taglist! if you’d like to be tagged in future works, please fill out this form!💕
@saintmurd0ck @moonlarking @mindidjarin @freshabogados @steadyasthe-flowers @whosfrankie @ancientbeing10 @currentobsessionrabbithole @grounderprincesslookspissed @simple_lovebot @itwasthereaminuteago @williamjzanders @maddiewinchester @winchestershiresauce @enchantingqueenkitten @lunarpenumbra @minxsblog @bluestuesday @eatommo @a-zterisk @randomwords3000 @i-simp-much @trinkets01 @greeneyedblondie44 @blkwayne @dead-pool-simp @ruhro7 @dropsofprecipitation @mrssarahpaulsooonn @hellskitchenswhore @inthehouse0fflies @happilyheavenproductions @arson-tm
(if your URL is struck through I can’t tag you! check your settings!!)
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allfattenedup · 2 years
I've been in problem-solving mode the last few weeks, trying to figure out what to do for my content going forward. If you're a follower or supporter of any kind, I'd really like you to read this, and I've put some gifs throughout as little rewards for your attention. 😄 Like this one:
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Ugh look at that wobbly hang. 😫😫😫
So here's the thing. Unfortunately many people who sign up to my Patreon have been stealing their memberships. That is, signing up, receiving the month's worth of premium content, then cancelling their membership the day before billing and resubscribing the day after. A few people do this again and again, month after month. I'm actually in shock that Patreon facilitates this, they've been around long enough to close this massive loophole. From what I've read it's a big problem for other creators as well.
By the way, I also have a lot of absolutely wonderful, loyal patrons, and if you've never done this then the above is in no way directed at you. Thank you so much for your genuine support.
But with others, it’s become a problem. It's actually really heartwrenching, especially with the level of production that goes into some of my videos, to pour in hours of planning, shooting, editing, spending my own money to buy supplies, watching my patron numbers climb throughout the month and feeling proud that my work is paying off, only to see an enormous drop right before billing, of sometimes up to half. My subscription is so inexpensive as it is, but with some subscribers finding it acceptable to yank their pledge back at the last moment after I've delivered on my end, to save themselves eight bucks, I end up with a measly sum for the enormous amount of time and effort I put in, and it's not sustainable.
For a while I thought I might just leave. It wasn't just about the money, it was about being cheated by people who pretended to be supporters. It made me feel like I just didn't want to engage at all anymore, and that wasn't fair on all the wonderful patrons who are genuine. But to be honest, I don't think I can leave. I love this community so much, putting on weight makes me feel so alive and excited and sexy, and showing it off to you makes it ten times better. Gosh I'm sorry this is getting so long, I'll try to wrap it up quickly. Here's another gif:
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So at first it looked like I had two options, and I didn't like either of them - significantly raise my subscription price, or turn on upfront billing. But those would be last resorts, if that, because I really don't want to do either of those. So as I was already developing a new content plan, I started to build in ideas for the ways that maybe the type of content I make could help solve this problem. So here's what I'm thinking:
• Fewer highly-produced videos (not never, I still have tons of ideas I want to film, but maybe not every single month) • More real-time 'insta stories' type content
People have been requesting more raw, unpolished content for a while now, and if I can for example pull out my phone and post a few stories when I've just finished gorging myself and am stuffed to the brim, or moments of me getting dressed into tight clothes, how I'm looking as I go about my day and so on, that may fill that demand and also solve this problem of the people who take my content and run.
The more I've thought about this idea, the more excited I am about it. There are so many possibilities with a more real-time content plan. I could live-post stuffings, show exactly how I'm fattening day to day, maybe even take you out on one of those tight-clothes walks I haven't done in a while. It would be a more intimate, almost feeder-feedee type experience. And ultimately I think the main advantage is that it'll let us engage more. I'm a few shy of 9,000 followers here on tumblr, and the best part about reaching that number is the community that's been created. I love it, it's definitely made me fatter, the encouragement is out of this world, and that's what I want to build on going forward.
In line with that I’ve also made a ko-fi, because I’ve had a lot of people get in touch wanting to sponsor a stuffing or something similar, and we don’t have venmo or cashapp in Australia so I never knew how to accommodate that, so I think that might work. The page is up and I’ll figure out how to start offering that in the next few days. You can DM me in the meantime if you’re interested.
If you've read this far, thank you so much. I'm sorry it was so long but I wanted to give proper background and I also probably needed to vent a little bit. I want to say I'm also open to suggestions and ideas, even other platforms I could try out. Advice from other content creators who've dealt with this problem would be especially helpful, but for now I think this plan is a really exciting way to move forward. I hope you do too!
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throwmethatcello · 4 years
My favorite moments from each member of Vox Machina.
- The whole trash talk pre-battle against Kevdak. Travis WOW.
- "Grand Poobah de Doink of all Thisanthat" and everything that came with that title.
- When he asked Pike to teach him how to read and I ugly cried + "I spend the following years learning how to read" in the epilogue and I also ugly cried.
- “The Grog and Craven Edge show”
- When he was sad because he didn't have a role in Vex and Percy's wedding and then they asked him to be the flower girl and he was.just.so.happy.and.proud.of.himself. “Can I have this job??” Groooog why are you so wholesome :'(
- "I thought he'd never leave" - No explanation needed
- "I open the door COMPLETELY NAKED" - Behold the supreme queen of powerplays, we are not worthy and we'll never be.
- When she went find Kaylie after Scanlan died and convinced her to go see him + Later when Allura told her the resurrection ritual succeeded and she was so happy but she was all alone in that tavern so she just started buying everyone drinks (and spending money????? !!!!!!) and flirting with people out of habit but then she kinda remembered she was with Percy and backed off and went to sleep, lmao what a journey.
- Her wedding vows. Laura Bailey will you please let me live.
- The time the Briarwoods caught him spying on them and he serious and genuinely attempted to fuck his way out of there and in all fairness who can blame him. Truly the bisexual representation I deserve, god bless this dumb horny boy.
- “let's go, you bastard!” and kissed Percy. Thank you Liam O’Brien for my life.
- He really went straight to Percy’s bathroom and got into the tub with him just to share an awkward silence and tell him that he’s like a brother to him and then showed him his ass as he left. Vax’ildan what the actual fuck, brothers don’t do that kind of shit and you know it, why are you like this!!!
- *Masterfully parlays with an ancient green dragon and keeps his cool until the very moment she leaves the room. Proceeds to have a panic attack* Also pretty sure he kinda wanted to fuck the dragon. Anyways this scene is sexy af and I stan a badass bitch with severe trauma and valid kinks.
- When he literally inflicted damage to himself with a kettle full of fantasy menthos to win a cannonball contest.
- Wasted! Percy (ft. Keyleth and the weird marquesian drink)
- "SYLAS!!!!"
- This motherfucker, this absolute agent of madness went and signed yet another soul-binding contract with a demon under the galaxy brain reasoning that "I already sold my soul once, so if I sell it again worst case scenario I get to watch 2 demons fighting over my soul and that would be very entertaining" I'm-
- “It’s going to be FUN, FUN, FUN!”
- Flashcards class with Pike. Just. Amazing. Outstanding. Sam Riegel what you have is called TALENT. 
- “...and it was the METRIC SYSTEM!”
- The time Taryon Darrington spent his first night in company of a lady and immediately decided it was going to be the last one. 
- His “fuck you dad” speech was absolutely beautiful and his explanation on how Vox Machina showed him what it meant to be a family. Sam you can’t just fucking do this kind of shit to unsuspecting watchers, I’m soft. 
- "We are basically gods!" *proceeds to jump off a cliff and die" WE LOVE A DUMBASS QUEEN.
- When she went off on Raishan, just omg Keyleth, the raw power of it all!!!
- "Hey percy you know what would be fun, if I turned into a fucking elephant and you got on top of me so we can go deliver this mask/helmet to Grog in a cool classy fashion. *turns into an elephant* Oh shoot I forgot doors exist, it sure would have been a good idea to polimorph after leaving the room, well whatever, here goes nothing *starts to fucking smash the door with her elephant body* Oh, here comes Grog and Scanlan, hey guys! Wait, why are you attacking me it's me, your good friend Keyleth! Ouch! Ok you know what now I'm pissed, let's fucking go!! If I shall go down in this form so be it. *Rages against Grog and Scanlan and gets fucking decked*
- Keyleth’s epilogue was just beautiful and the perfect way to close the campaign. Much feels. Much cry.
- *Takes a sip of the weird Markesian drink* "Haha I don't feel anything" *Takes another sip of the weird Markesian drink. Passes out automatically*
- Pike: Maybe we should sleep together and see how it goes
Scanlan: O- OKAY????
Pike: No just kidding lol sorry
- “Guiding bolt up his butt” 
- "Sometimes I talk to Scanlan through the earring even though I know he can't hear me" like, Ashley stop. And then she gets drunk and starts actually talking to him like, ASHLEY STOP.
- "You'll leave when Burt Reynolds tells you to leave!"
- "Do you spice?" or "Scanlan spends a whole episode in a quest for drugs. Ends up getting a bag of baking soda for like 400G. Lives with the shame for the rest of his life" Perfect. Spectacular. You just can't write shit this good.
- When he apologizes to Pike for being a fuckboy.
- Every single counterspell this motherfucker has ever casted.
- Basically the whole battle against Vecna was endless epic content from Scanlan.
- You know what, every single Scanlan moment is iconic and we all know it. Let's not pretend we can just pick a few.
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eternally-writing · 4 years
grammys grief | knj
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genre: fluff and angst
rating: G (no swearing or sexual content)
pairing: Namjoon x reader
theme: idol!au, boyfriend!au, one-shot
word count: 1.5k
warnings: none (Namjoon is pretty sad though)
synopsis: After a devastating Grammys loss, Namjoon comes to you for some comfort.
(A/N: Recording Academy if you’re reading this, I don’t like you.)
banner by me!
“I’m sorry” were the first words you said as you opened your apartment door to see a sulky Namjoon.
“I just didn’t want to be alone right now,” mumbled Namjoon as he tossed off his shoes in your entryway.
You get it, or at least if you don’t get it you try your best to. You don’t know what it’s like to be a part of a chart-topping, record-breaking group that just got snubbed by the Recording Academy. You don’t know what it’s like to have the pressure of carrying the image of South Korea on your shoulders, but for Namjoon you’ll try, and you’ll do anything to take his pain away. 
There was a reason Namjoon always came to your apartment when he was sad. He usually tried to pass it off as him wanting to come over because you had a French press and could make his favourite coffee, but the truth was that being at your place felt like home. The caramel-colored walls and small knick-knacks lining your shelves enveloped Namjoon with a strong sense of familiarity. No matter what judgment seemed to face him in the real world, the four walls of your apartment harbored all his secrets and never told a soul, and you did the same. 
Looking over from your kitchen to Namjoon on the couch and seeing him bundled up into a tiny ball made your heart yearn in pain for him. Namjoon always seemed like a big, powerful leader, and you had never seen him look more small than he did at this moment. You wished you could take a photo of him and send it to the Recording Academy to show them how their terrible treatment of BTS affected them. The Grammys milked BTS for every bit of clout that they could with no remorse, and you hated them deeply for it. Of course the biased judgement of the Grammys was no secret, and honestly if the Grammys didn’t mean so much to Joon and the rest of the boys you definitely would just shun the Grammys all together, but this was Joon’s dream and you wanted to support him in any way you could.
Hearing the noises of your French press machine whirring to life in the kitchen, Namjoon glanced at your frame bustling around the kitchen. By the time you are finished and are carrying a mug of coffee over to your living room, Namjoon has already tucked himself into your blankets and curled himself into the corner of your couch. Looking over at you, Namjoon could see the look on your face that was silently asking “are you okay?”. Before the words could leave your mouth, Namjoon already beat you to sharing his answer. 
“It’s all good,” he mumbled as he shrugged his shoulders.
You sighed as you walked towards him. You had dealt with loud angry Namjoon, quiet angry Namjoon, crying Namjoon, happy Namjoon,  and even more. But you’ve never been around this Namjoon: quiet, frustrated, disappointed Namjoon. 
Taking a seat beside Joon on the couch, you laid a hand on his thigh and looked him in the eye. 
“I have watched you say “it’s all good” for the past 6 hours. Every interview, the vlive, and with the boys too. This doesn’t have to be “all good” Joon. You worked incredibly hard, you were successful, and you were robbed of an award that should have been yours. It’s sad, it really is, and I’m sorry this happened to you.”
You cuddled yourself closer into Namjoon’s side, wrapping your arms around him in an effort to help shield him from the negativity which he was facing. Nestling your head into his chest, you continued on. 
“I’m sorry they used you like that. It’s not fair and it shouldn’t be happening. I’m proud of you yknow? You were right about how amazing it is that you’ve come this far. The first Korean act to ever give a solo performance at the Grammys? That will go down in history.”
You heard Namjoon sigh and place a chaste kiss on your forehead. 
“I don’t know it’s just - to come this far and not win? It hurts. I don’t know, maybe I’ve been awake for too many hours and am just upset that I got fully dressed for absolutely nothing. But seeing Jimin so upset that he’s barely said a word all day? Hearing Yoongi crying in the bathroom because he wanted the award so badly? I know I wanted this award so badly, but I know the boys really wanted it too. I just feel like I’ve left them down as their leader.”
You could feel the pain in his voice. The rawness. The emotion. 
Kim Namjoon, the love of your life, was in pain and you felt like there was nothing you could do about it. If you could you would craft a Grammy yourself out of your own bare hands, but unfortunately you didn’t have any magical powers or welding skills that would let you do so. The best you could do is be a comforting voice and lend an ear to listen to his troubles.
As much as you wished you could handle this all by yourself, you definitely needed to call in some reinforcements. 
As you pulled your phone out and Namjoon could see you go to open twitter, he groaned. 
“Please no, Y/N. That dispatch article saying we failed was enough media coverage for me today,” he said as he turned his head away from the screen. 
“No I promise this is gonna be good, babe. Trust me on this ok? Give me 5 minutes and then we can stop if you want.” 
Relinquishing his time to you, Namjoon pulled you closer to him and leaned his head on your shoulder to get a good look at your phone. 
Namtiddie_appreciation: To Namjoon, the most fearless leader:  We are so proud of you. You have and will continue to lead BTS to keep breaking down barriers in the music industry, and it’s the Grammys loss if they can’t see your talent. 
shooky_cooky: I hope BTS knows how proud ARMY are of them tonight. They handled everything today with such grace and respect, and I have never been more proud to look up to them. The world needs more BTS!
Army_for_life613: I know BTS may not have one a Grammy tonight, but they are the reason I am alive today. I don’t think that I will ever be able to repay for the love that they have given me but I will keep supporting them forever! <3 
You looked up at Joon’s face to see the most genuine smile on Namjoon’s face that you had seen all day. 
Taking one hand to wipe the tears away from his face, you smiled at him. 
“There’s more you know,” you said, “I could read these to you all day. Probably for a couple days before I even start running out of tweets. But then we could move to Weverse to read the millions of comments over there too”
The sound of Namjoon’s laughter reaching your ears was the best sound you had ever heard. He stared down at you with a look of awe.
“I don’t know how you do it,” he said. 
“Do what?”
“Make everything ok no matter what. I barely knew how to comfort the boys, let alone myself. But somehow you always say the right things, so thank you.”
“You’re making me sound like a superhero, Joon. And as much as I would love to take credit for this, all I’m doing is reading out tweets. You could probably replace me with a robot if you wanted.”
Namjoon pulled you onto his lap and pulled you into the tightest hug. 
“Sure I could get a robot, but where could I find a robot that’s this cute?” he said as he pinched your cheeks. 
Giggling in Namjoon’s embrace, you continued to scroll on your phone, eventually showing Namjoon another set of tweets. 
“Speaking of ARMY though, they lowkey seem like they’re going to start a riot, not gonna lie. You should put out something to distract them or something,” you said with a chuckle.
With a quick nod, Namjoon pulled out his phone to show you the photo in question, ready to go in his Weverse drafts. 
You chuckled at the photo. That definitely is your sexy boyfriend. 
“That’s perfect babe, let them have at it.”
Soon enough, after posting the gym selfie, Namjoon’s photo had caused Weverse to break yet again (you’re never gonna stop making the joke about him breaking the internet). #BigHitclosethegyms was trending yet again, and you both had the time of your lives reading the funniest comments of the bunch. 
Tomorrow would be the start of BTS’s new journey to win a Grammy, but at least for today it was just about you and Joon reading funny comments and drinking French press coffee. And next year, you were sure that they were gonna win.
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If you liked this, please interact/follow! Thank you for reading ♡ 
- Emily
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noctuaas · 4 years
synopsis; you and me and the devil makes three.
pairing; ukai keishin x reader
content; nsfw/smut, age gap, bad power dynamics, fem!reader, semi-public sex, slight religious reference, unprotected sex
word count; 2.4k
a/n; big thanks to @hazydazyboy for letting me write about his sexy concept in this fic !!
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Ukai Keishin considered himself to be a good man. Sure, he drank and smoked, and when he was younger he got into his fair share of fights, but he was honest, and fair, and good. Everyone would agree. Everyone except you; you seemed to beg to differ.
“Those are bad for you, ya know?”
You always flirted with Ukai: stealing glances for just a little too long; spouting off innuendos when he was just a little too close by; blatantly hiking your skirt up a bit higher whenever you helped with practice. It was all harmless in your mind; Ukai was young and handsome, and it was entertaining to see if he would ever react. He never did. Not until today; not until you stole the cigarette straight out of his mouth, took a drag, and then snuffed it out in the tray.
“Yeah, well. You seem pretty bad for me right now too, missy.”
He said it under his breath; you weren’t even sure you were meant to hear it. But you did. You did, and he realized this.
Maybe the words were a silent committal; a subconscious ‘fuck it’ that signalled you had finally broken him. He was going to play your game. 
Ukai approached, and the intrusion on your space made your grip on the edge of the counter loosen as you sat up straight. Your legs wanted to squeeze together, but instead they were inched apart until Ukai’s waist fit right between your knees. You watched intently where his hips pressed into the countertop—it was the only thing that separated you two—before letting your gaze level out.
He was dangerously close. You breathed the same air, inhaling what he just let out, almost like you stole it from his lungs. When you were this close, you saw more than you ever had. The bridge of his nose had a tiny mark, and crooked to the right almost unnoticeably, like it had been broken when he was younger; there was a spot on his left eyebrow that looked like he had once shaved a slit there, and the hair never grew back perfectly; his caramel eyes were a lot darker than you remembered, though maybe the blown pupils were a result of circumstance.
Your heart pounded, in more than one place. How shameful of you, but you couldn’t help that you might have had a fantasy or two that started like this.
“Well, pick your poison,” you finally muttered. If you were given any more time, you probably would have gone red and hidden your face; a comment that bold was a little out of line for you. But Ukai did not give you time.
Your hands had to grab onto the front of his shirt when he kissed you, for fear that with how far he was leaning into you, you might topple backwards. He wouldn’t have actually let that happen with the hand he slipped behind you.
It was the same hand that drug you flush to the edge of the counter. The little bit of space between your bodies was eliminated quickly, and your breath caught ever so slightly. 
“Now,” Ukai mumbled against your lips, pulling back and waiting until you were looking him in the eye before continuing. “You’re gonna tell me as soon as you want me to stop. Alright, pretty girl?”
He was genuine. You could see it in his eyes. He wanted you, but he would not do a thing you didn’t want him to do. You would not stop him though; you wanted him, too.
It was one more kiss on your lips before he was lapping up your jaw and growling in your ear. You reflected on how his tongue tasted so strongly of his cigarette smoke, yet you didn’t find it offensive; it mixed almost sweetly with a hint of chapstick left on his lips. 
Your mind didn’t linger though, because he was tugging your earlobe between his teeth and slipping his hands around your waist under the thin fabric of your shirt. His fingertips were marred by callouses, a fact you never realized to the fullest in years past. As his hot, open-mouthed kisses travelled down, his hands rose to meet them, your shirt lifting until it was coming off over your head.
Ukai’s mouth trailed the hill of your breasts, following the edge of your bralette. The lower he dipped, the hotter your skin seemed to burn. His fingers slid slowly under the hem of your bra, giving you time to protest, but instead you arched into his touch.
He didn’t bother taking the bralette all the way off of you; he only shoved it up far enough to free your tits so he could latch onto a nipple. It caught you off guard and made you let out a muffled squeak.
“Louder,” Ukai commanded; he barely pulled away, not even bothering to look up at you. Something about the way he said it stirred your stomach and made you clench your thighs around his waist. Your reaction made Ukai grin cockily, gently holding your nipple between his teeth.
When he turned to give your other tit some attention, his hands fell to the waistband of your shorts. He fumbled a little to tug them off, too preoccupied with his mouth to even bother detaching himself long enough to look at what he was doing. Once they were discarded to the floor, you felt everything so much easier. The bulge of his cock through his jeans was so much more obvious, and shit, he was already really hard.
It also became obvious just how wet you were already getting just from this little bit of foreplay; you wouldn’t usually be so turned on at this point, but there was something so hot about the fact that you were hooking up with your friends volleyball coach in his store. What was it they said; it’s better when it feels wrong?
Ukai hooked a finger around your underwear, sliding his knuckle along your pussy.
“So wet already,” he muttered, finally straightening up to look you in the eye. “You think about this a lot?” 
The question made you want to shrink away in embarrassment. Yes, you replied in your head, but you didn’t have to say anything for Ukai to know the answer. Your burning cheeks told him everything he needed to know.
“You’re more of a little slut than I thought.”
The comment made your toes curl and fingers fist into the fabric of his shirt on his shoulders. You took the opportunity to tug at it, asking ever so nicely with your eyes, and pulled his hands away from you long enough to discard it before getting back to business. 
He didn’t bother removing your underwear the same way he didn’t bother taking your bra off; they were simply shoved to the side to expose your needy cunt. And needy it certainly was. It graciously accepted his middle finger, and Ukai swore the feeling alone made his cock twitch in his pants. And then he added another, and you squirmed and whimpered, and he immediately knew we wanted to have you cumming around his fingers.
You were thankful he was the only one who worked the store. Even in the back, a spare employee could have heard his fingers pumping in and out of you; it only took a few minutes for you to be wet enough that your pussy squelched with every movement. 
You weren’t sure how he got you so close in such a short time. His pace was nothing brutal; in fact, it was borderline leisurely, but he curled his fingers in just the right way that had your knees already lifting and walls tightening. Ukai certainly knew what he was doing.
Ukai dropped to his knees. Not that you noticed with your eyes screwed shut like they were. You didn’t notice until his left hand was keeping your underwear out of the way as he lapped at your clit. His tongue moved in rhythm with his fingers, pushing you to the cliff that was your orgasm, until you were teetering over the edge.
“Fuck, Coach Ukai!” you gasped out when you finally crossed the threshold. Your arms almost gave out, and the only thing that kept your thighs from clamping around Ukai’s head was his left arm that braced against your leg. Instead, your hips bucked against his tongue, forcing him to ride you out on your high (not that he wouldn’t have done it on his own).
One hand had instinctively shot into Ukai’s hair when you came, causing his signature headband to fall away as you gripped onto him for dear life. You let him go as he rose to his feet again and his blonde locks fell into his face. 
He looked unlike anything you had seen before; eyes dark and vast like a trench under the ocean, and they told of a hunger from deep within; hair ruffled and messy, reminiscent of a wild animal riled up after a fight; and chin dripping liquid sex, his tongue flitting out to make him appear like a parched man downing water after being lost in the desert.
“Just Ukai,” he said before parting your lips with his slick-coated hand. You opened your mouth, relishing in your own taste on his fingers. “Got it?”
You hummed your understanding. It was an honest mistake that you had called him ‘Coach’; you were just so used to it.
“Good girl.”
You hadn’t expected to get off from this little adventure, let alone before Ukai did. You could practically see his cock throbbing through his jeans, and found your hands fumbling with his belt without a second thought; you wanted his cock, now.
Holy shit. You didn’t know what you were expecting, but it wasn’t that; there on the underside of his cock, right below the reddened head, was a barbell piercing. Curiously, you wrapped your hand around his dick and ran your thumb over it. The metal was surprisingly shiny, and despite being shoved in his pants all day, still slightly cool to the touch.
“Ever seen one?” Ukai smirked when he asked the question. 
You shook your head ‘no’.
“I think you’ll like how it feels.”
Your gaze flitted back down to his cock momentarily. There was excitement in your eyes.
“Alright, pretty girl, stand up. Over the counter,” Ukai instructed you. He turned to grab a condom from a shelf near the counter—having an array of products in stock was a perk to running a store—but before he could even crack open the box, the sound of you clearing your throat had him turning back. You had your chest laid on the counter, peering over at him with your lip between your teeth as you shook your head ever so slightly.
His cock twitched at the prospect of going in on you raw. He knew it wasn’t a great idea, but then you told him you were on birth control, and he gave in to temptation. 
Upon his return, Ukai kneaded one of your ass cheeks in his hand, holding your underwear to the side again so that he slid into you with ease.
“Fuck,” he groaned. If he hadn’t been so absorbed with how warm and tight you were around his cock, he would have heard the way you whimpered and gasped below him.
His thrusts started out slow, trying to make sure you had time to adjust, but in practically no time he snapped his hips into you rapidly; how could he not when you felt so much better than he ever could have imagined? Despite all the sex he’s had, no one else had ever felt as much like heaven as you did. 
If your hips were the altar, your precious cunt was the tabernacle. You sang like the choir every time he moved, and he would be content to listen for the rest of his life. 
“Ah, Ukai, deeper please,” you moaned and whined and cried your hymns. The higher your voice got, the closer he felt to those holy gates; ironic, really, because when he snaked an arm around you to grip your throat and pulled you back against his own chest, he had never been closer to hell. 
“You have no fucking clue how long I’ve wanted to do this,” he growled into your ear. It was true, no matter how ashamed it made him. The first time you ever stirred something disgusting in Ukai, you weren’t even quite 17 years old yet; it wasn’t the first time you had helped with practice because Kiyoki couldn’t make it, but that day, when you bent over in that hiked up school skirt to grab a ball, he caught an eyeful of ass cheek (and maybe a peek of underwear between your thighs). 
Ukai almost didn’t catch himself in time; you started clenching your walls around his dick, and he was done for.
“Shit,” he hissed, pulling himself out of you as fast as possible. It was all he could do to cover his head with his hand and shove himself between your thighs. His grip pulsed around your throat as he came, three hot ropes of cum seeping between his fingers. 
Once he caught his breath, he placed a kiss on the side of your head and let you lay back down. You seemed to need a little more time to even out your breathing. He couldn’t help but note how pretty you were after being made a mess of.
Ukai Keishin was decidedly not a good man. The rest of the world might disagree, but they didn't know what he was doing right now. They didn’t know that every time the high school girl that crashed practice every now and then dropped by, he paid a little too close attention to you; they didn't know that one time you appeared to him in a dream, and try as he might to forget, it was the one that stuck in his mind most clearly; they didn't know that he was pulling his pants back on as you laid folded over his store counter with your underwear tugged to the side. You might be graduated now, and a legal adult, but this was still wrong. If he was a better man, he would have continued to ignore your flirty comments and pretty grin. 
But Ukai Keishin was not a good man.
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juniorgman187 · 4 years
2 Truths & a Lie (Spencer Reid Imagine)
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Summary: A game of “Strip 2 Truths and a Lie” helps heats things up between SSA Reader and Spencer. 
Prompt: “Ladies first.” Couple: Spencer Reid x Female Reader Category: Fluff Content Warning: Alcohol consumption, stripping  Word count: 3.5k
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
“Strip poker!” Garcia slurred. “Let’s play! Let’s play! Let’s play!” 
You had to interject. “No way! If Reid’s playing - I’m not. That’s so unfair.” 
Morgan agreed with you. “Yeah, I’m with Hot Stuff over here. He’s banned from three casinos for a reason.” 
All eyes turned to the aforementioned man, whose smug smile reached from ear to ear. “Fair enough. What can we play then?” He asked. 
It was your turn to scream like a giddy Garcia. “Two truths and a lie!” You jumped up from your seat on the floor. “It’s totally fair cause we’re all profilers here. So it’ll either show how good of a liar you are or show how good of a profiler you are.” 
“Excuse me, Girl Goddess. Need I remind you - I’m not a profiler.” Garcia butted in. 
JJ made a disapproving noise against the brim of her red solo cup. “Hey, hey, hey - you’re like the first to tell when someone’s hiding something.” 
Garcia simply smiled at this. “Ah, you’re right, Jayje.” 
So it was settled. You and the BAU were gonna play “Strip 2 Truths and a Lie.” 
But to make things a little more interesting, you changed up the rules.
The order the players would take turns went in a clockwise circle. Garcia, Morgan, Reid, you, Prentiss, and JJ. (Hotch and Rossi bailed last minute. Apparently, being invited to Garcia’s wasn’t an offer they couldn’t refuse.)
Instead of players guessing what the lie was and stopping once someone guessed correctly, you were all going to guess at the same time. Garcia took the liberty of handing each of your sticky notes and once the player said their two truths and one lie, you would write your guess on your post-it and put it in a pile for the “liar” to read. 
Then the “liar” would declare who was stripping based on who guessed incorrectly. And just for some more fun - the “liar” wouldn’t explicitly tell what the real lie was. You profilers would just have to use context clues to do that. 
Since each player was guessing on post-its, Garcia gave you each a different color to distinguish who guessed what. Granted, it was Garcia, so she had every shade of the rainbow. She gave herself the red, Reid got the orange, you got yellow, Prentiss - green, Morgan got blue. And JJ - purple. 
“I’m first!” Garcia sing-songily said. “Alright - I had a guinea pig named Cerulean when I was little . . . my mom knew how to juggle, andddd, OH! I lost my virginity to a guy I met online with the gamer tag ‘FastAndFurious79.” 
Morgan almost spat out the drink he was nursing from his shock at the last one. “Babygirl, you did what?!” The pitch of his voice sent the rest of you into a frenzy as you each wrote your guesses on your sticky note pads. 
You guessed the lie was the guinea pig. And using your peripherals, you saw that Prentiss thought the same. You folded your yellow sticky note and placed it in the center. Eventually, when the rainbow was complete, Garcia began reading them. “I hate you guys! It’s no fun being friends with profilers.” She pouted. 
“You lost your virginity to a guy with the gamertag ‘fast and furious?!” Morgan screeched. You and the team laughed so hard, your stomach started hurting.
The game continued for an entire round until it was Morgan’s second turn. 
“Alright, growing up my favorite movie was Kindergarten Cop . .  . um, I used to be a lifeguard, and my body count is higher than my age.” 
Reid was quick to jot down his answer, but you took a little time with yours.
“What’s the problem, Hot Stuff?” Morgan teased. 
“Mmm, I dunno. You’ve genuinely got me stumped on this one.” You admitted. Morgan just shot you that infomercial worthy grin as a response. 
Hesitantly, you finally wrote down that he was lying about his favorite moving being Kindergarten Cop. Your sticky note was the last to go in the pile, so you just handed yours to Morgan to speed up the process. He chuckled while going through most of them and looked back up at all of you with that same smug look Reid had earlier. 
“Looks like Pretty Boy and Hot Stuff are the first to strip tonight!” He declared, making you roll your eyes. 
“Your body count isn’t higher than your age?!” Reid squeaked. Morgan laughed and shook his head no. Now that - that was shocking. 
“Alright, what can I take off that counts?” You clarified. 
“Any piece of clothing that covers your legs, arms, and torso.” Morgan happily informed.
It wasn’t fair. On a normal workday, you would have a blazer, pants, or sometimes a skirt, and a blouse or shirt underneath, but today was collectively your guys’ day off - so you only had on a fitted tee and jeans. Whereas the genius to the right of you wore a sweater vest, button-up, tie, belt, and his pants. Before, you would make fun of him for wearing so much on a day off, but now you were envious. 
“Not fair! He’s got like 80 pieces of clothing on.” You whined. The rest of the group, including Reid, laughed at you. Not a single one of them offered mercy. Looks like you were just gonna have to strip off what little clothes you were wearing.
“Ladies first.” 
Reid teased as if he was being a gentleman by saying this. His voice made it sound so subtly seductive that your cheeks heat up. He even said it with the side of his mouth, making his plump lips form a smirk. 
You raised your brows at his cockiness. You wanted to make him eat his words, so you stood up - first, unbuttoning your jeans painfully slow. All eyes were on you as you stuck your thumbs inside the waistband and wiggled your hips, while simultaneously pulling your jeans down. You made a little show out of it, milking the situation. You dragged the denim down while arching your back to flaunt your butt as it was unhurriedly revealed. And just for fun, you angled yourself, where Reid could get the full view. When your jeans dropped to your ankles, you stepped out of them, bent over to retrieve them, and for a finishing touch - you dropped them right onto Reid’s lap. 
“They don’t call me Hot Stuff for nothing.” You flirtatiously remarked. 
“WOO-HOO-HOO! That was sexy, Mamas!” Morgan cheered. The girls all had faces of admiration or surprise on them - mainly admiration. Whereas Reid appeared like he’d just discovered porn or something - like a whole world of possibilities opened up. 
“Hello? Earth to Dr. Reid?” You joked, sitting back down beside him. 
When you felt the floor’s rug against your thong, it shocked you a little, so you moaned at the feeling. Not loud enough for everyone to hear over their laughs and cheers but just loud enough for Reid to. And he most certainly did. Because you caught his tongue sweeping over his lips while his eyes looked at yours. If you weren’t in a group setting, you would’ve straddled him right then and there and kissed him, but you weren’t gonna lose control like that. The question was - would he? And secretly - you were hoping he would. 
“Wow, Y/N. You’ve rendered him speechless. I don’t think that’s ever happened before,” Prentiss quipped. “You should do that more often.” Everyone erupted into another fit of laughter. 
Reid shook his head as if to re-enter reality. “I, uh, I - I’m just gonna take off my belt.” He concluded, fiddling nervously with the buckle. 
“Need some help there?” Before you even finished the question, you put your small fingers around the clasp, making him shiver.
“N-no!” He whimpered, grabbing your wrists in one hand and moving them away from his groin. He continued to unbuckle it and neatly place it behind him. 
The game continued on for many more minutes with Morgan losing his shirt and consequently, Garcia losing her shit (which was understandable because Morgan was RIPPED.) JJ removed her belt, while Garcia took off her cropped cardigan. Prentiss was the only one left who was fully clothed, while you and Reid still hadn’t lost any more articles of clothing since the initial time you did. 
“Alright, alright! Me again!” Garcia giggled, while she downed the rest of whatever was in that red solo cup. “Let’s see. Oh, I got it! Okay, my hair has been dyed every color except for green, I’m the president of a secret club for people that love sea otters, and I’ve had sex more times on the floor than in the bed.” She squealed. 
You weren’t buying that she’s never dyed her hair green, and after a quick side glance to the right, you saw that Reid didn’t buy it either. You folded the paper over your answer and placed it confidently in the center - waiting patiently for the verdict. Garcia zealously scooped up all the post its and scrutinized them. “Uh oh, I think Boy Wonder and Girl Goddess might be out of a job once Sir Hotch finds out how bad they are at detecting lies!” Garcia got so excited she started jumping up and down. You pouted and faked sobs once you heard this. 
“Take it off! Take it off! Take it off!” The group started cheering. 
Just to be the center of attention once more, you stood up and put your right hand under the hem of the left side of your shirt, and you put your left hand under the hem of the right side of your shirt, making your arms cross over your tummy. You pulled the shirt up (sucking in your gut once it was uncovered) all the way until it was finally over your head. You were left in your maroon push up bra and your black lacy thong - a set that didn’t match, but when you looked down at yourself, looked decently good together. 
The “crowd” gasped at your figure in its entirety. Encouraging words were spewed at you, making you smile. 
“Alright, your turn.” You nudged Reid. He simply slipped off his sweater vest, quite ungracefully might you add. But little did you know that he lost all coordination after seeing you so bare. 
“Here.” He whispered, removing his tie from his collar. He began unbuttoning his dress shirt, which you didn’t understand why, until he shrugged it off of himself and helped you into it. You weren’t surprised in the least when you saw that underneath his white button-up was a cotton tee. Of course, he had even more layers than you previously thought. 
“Aww, look at that.” Prentiss said with awe at Reid’s actions. 
While Reid rolled up the long sleeves until he saw your hands peek through, all you could manage to do was look at him. He bit his lip while he did this, showing how focused he was on the task. He was absolutely adorable. 
“Do you want me to button it for you?” He quietly asked. You shook your head no. “It’s okay. Thank you.” If you could’ve seen yourself, you would’ve seen that your eyes had hearts in them. You were the epitome of lovesick. 
“Yeah, of course.” 
When he stopped helping you dress, you couldn’t help but notice the outfit he was left to wear. It was a plain white tee with gray dress pants and his classic black converse. How he managed to look so good in such a simple outfit was beyond you. It was quite unfair actually. You thought his normal quirky attire suit him pretty well but this outfit made you feel something you’d never felt before. Your eyes drifted up to his hair, which since he cut it last year, was growing out again but was still short. It was the perfect length and had a little curl and unruliness to it - just the way you liked. It looked so soft that you were overcome with a sudden overwhelming urge to run your fingers through it, but you willed yourself not to.
“I think someone’s in love over there.” Morgan pointed to you, making you snap out of your trance. 
“What? NO!” You shrieked. 
“Oh my god, you totally are.” Prentiss giggled. 
“Somebody likes Reid.” JJ sing-songily teased before sipping at her drink and looking away. 
“OK, enough with the crazy talk. We’re all a little too drunk to be making such claims.” You concluded. “I think maybe it’s time to go home.” You hastily said, trying to change the topic. 
“Mmm-mmm,” Morgan disapprovingly shook his head. “None of us should be driving right now. Even Reid.” Reid looked slightly offended at the comment, but he couldn’t deny it. He’d only had one drink, but everyone knew Reid was a lightweight. 
“Why don’t you guys just crash here?” Garcia slurred. No one objected, so the sleeping arrangement was made. Morgan and Garcia would sleep in Garcia’s bed. JJ on the beanbag. Prentiss on the loveseat. And you and Reid on the couch. 
“Me and Reid?” You asked Garcia. 
“Uh-huh,” She nodded rapidly. “You’ll fit. Just spoon!” She said with joyful elation.
“Uh ohh, Reid and Y/N sittin’ in a tree. C-U-D-D-L-I-N-G.” Morgan jested. 
“Shut up!” Reid chucked a pillow at Morgan’s face - which he caught before it even touched his head. “Don’t worry, I’ll just sleep on the floor.” Reid told you.
“No, don’t be silly. We share the couch on the jet all the time.” You told him. Covertly, you were hoping he wouldn’t argue against it. There were certainly worse things you could do than cuddle with Reid. Just as you wanted, he didn’t contend. 
“Here.” He handed you your jeans and t-shirt, which you took but didn’t put back on. 
“Do you mind if I stay in this? There’s no way I can fall asleep in my jeans,” He blinked hard as if to process what you were saying but didn’t dispute. “I’ll be back.” You disclosed while walking to Garcia’s bathroom to put on your shirt and take off your bra. You came back out, feeling a cold breeze. Unbeknownst to you, the cold air hardened your nipples, but this was not lost on Reid. He let himself get a glimpse of the sight while he laid on the couch, waiting for you to join him. 
“You’re really gonna sleep in your pants?” You asked him, not even trying to imply anything sexual. 
“Would you mind if I took them off?” He shyly questioned. 
You shook your head as if to say, “No, not at all.” 
He slid them down before you took your spot on the couch. While Reid’s back was against the backrest, your back was right up against his chest. This was the position you’d normally be in if you were on the jet. Something that surprisingly - the team never teased you for. It was as if everyone just accepted it as something normal. Something totally natural. 
Except in this instance, Garcia’s couch was surprisingly not as wide as the jet’s, so you had to scoot back a little to fit. However, you didn’t anticipate how close Reid already was to you. So when you backed up, (for lack of a better term) you made ass-to-dick contact. 
“Oh my God! I’m so sorry!” You nervously blurted. Reid uncomfortably laughed it off. 
“No, no. You’re fine.” He reassured you. It was enough to convince you to settle back down and cuddle up to Reid again. 
Despite doing this countless amounts of times before, there was something about this time that made you feel differently. You thought that your heart might sooner beat out of your chest. The rhythm vibrated through your entire body, and you honestly worried that the beat was so loud that Reid could hear it. After 30 minutes of this, the whole house was knocked out - except for you. You harbored too much nervous energy to fall asleep.
“Are you feeling okay? You’re breathing really hard.” Reid murmured, his quiet voice shocking you. Damn it, he wasn’t asleep either? Leave it to him to pick up on your unnatural breathing patterns. You told Reid it was nothing, but he didn’t leave it alone. “How can I help you sleep?”Once more, you told him you were just fine. “Can I just try something? My mom used to do this for me when I couldn’t fall asleep,” You reluctantly agreed. “Turn around.” He softly commanded. 
You did as asked, turning towards him. Now that you were face-to-face, Reid took his arm that was by his side before and put it over your body, with his hand on your back. You felt his warm touch move from between your shoulder blades, down your spine, all the way to the small of your back. He moved up and down repeatedly, sometimes adding pressure along the way. Your eyes closed at the pleasure. 
“Does that feel good?” He asked sweetly, but even then, you couldn’t help but imagine him asking that same question in a very different scenario. 
You couldn’t be bothered to speak real words, so you hummed in tranquility. 
He kept doing this until he noticed your breathing started to slow down. It was working. 
The last thought you had before falling asleep completely was of how you never wanted this moment to end. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
“How long should we wait until we wake them?” You heard JJ ask. Her voice seemed so distant for some reason. “Mmm, I give it five more minutes.” Morgan’s voice chirped. Now his voice seemed to be closer. 
“Should I take another picture?” Garcia asked. Wait a minute - her voice was louder now too. 
You groggily opened your eyes, wincing at the brightness of your surroundings. 
“Oh, I think Hot Stuff’s awake.” Morgan’s words sobered you up enough to lift your head and examine your surroundings. 
Reid’s face was buried into your chest, while your hand was in his hair. Your leg wrapped around Reid’s lower body, with his hand hooked on the back of your knee, hiking it up even further and keeping your leg in its place. You began realizing just how provocative the scene was, so you startled yourself out of it. Like the clumsy goof you are, you rolled out of Reid’s embrace, but with no extra space to roll over onto, you tumbled to the floor gracelessly. This woke up Reid and made the four viewers hovering over the couch die laughing. 
“Not funny.” You groaned, clutching your side in pain after collapsing onto the floor. 
“What happened?” Reid yawned. 
“What happened was you and Hot Stuff got pretty comfortable on Garcia’s sofa.” Morgan sounded way too happy to tell Reid this. 
You looked back at Reid with a frown, noticing how he looked like he was a child that had just been caught doing something bad. 
“Maybe next time we play Strip 2 Truths and a Lie, they’ll finally admit they like each other.” Prentiss giggled, mentioning you and Reid as if you weren’t in their presence. 
“Be quiet!” You and Reid simultaneously yelped. 
You buried your face into a throw pillow that had been discarded on the floor, probably from where you and Reid took up all the space on the couch. As you hid your face in embarrassment, you heard the quartet move away from the scene and into the kitchen, leaving you and Reid to your devices. 
“Sorry about them.” He finally said. His voice was all raspy from where he’d just woken up and all you could think was - YOU’RE KILLING ME. How did he make everything he did so sexy?
“Me, too.” You uttered, removing the pillow from your face to hug it in your arms like a child hugging their toy. From behind you, Reid sat up and swung his legs to the front of the couch to stand up and help you up from your sitting position on the floor. 
“For what it’s worth, I don’t regret anything,” He told you when you’d risen to eye level with him. You smiled to suggest that you felt the same way. “You know, maybe we could do this again . . . without the audience.” He cocked his head backward to gesture to the rest of the group. 
“Only if you promise to give me back rubs again.” You beamed. 
The look on Reid’s face was priceless. It was as if he’d just been told he won the lottery. You walked away from him with the same stupid grin on your face that he had on his. 
“Hey, wait I’m gonna need that shirt back!” He called out from behind you as you moved swiftly into Garcia’s bathroom to change. 
“I guess you’ll have to come pick it up from my apartment tonight.” You yelled back to him, lingering in the doorway. His smile was your answer.
Well - looks like you have plans tonight.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
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catgrump · 4 years
"Get on your knees" for.... uh.... Soudam? Maybe 👉👈 You are so good!!!
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Oh yes I do anon. Yes I do.
I’ve been wanting an excuse to write this specific scenario so thank you for this gift.
This takes place in My Specific Theatre AU BUT this piece has nothing to do with theatre and can be looked at on its own. But for context: they attend university together and share a 2-bedroom apartment. This takes place around the start of “Maybe This Time”, my Theatre AU piece on AO3, if you need to know the timeline
Read it under the cut!  Warning for sexual content!
The movie was over. Netflix was asking if they were still watching.
The beer bottles and wine glasses weren’t going to clean themselves up
So why was Kazuichi still lazing about— with his head in Gundham’s lap, no less?
It’s not like Gundham seemed to mind, oddly enough. He took strands of his roommate’s damaged hair in his fingers, twirling it and bringing it up and down through the air
“I’m glad it had a happy ending,” Kazuichi said to anyone who would listen (and since he and Gundham were the only ones in their apartment, he sure was hoping Gundham would listen), “It was like... there’s someone out there for everyone, you know?”
Gundham could tell Kazuichi was tipsy. Hell, Gundham was tipsy, too. He had his fair share of wine to get through that ridiculous teen rom-com. They originally started watching it to make fun of it, but the more beer (and some of Gundham’s wine) Kazuichi put in his system, the more genuinely invested he became.
“Yes, I suppose that’s a fair takeaway from the... shoddy script,” Gundham replied, continuing to mindlessly toy with the flourescent hair in his lap
“If there’s someone out there for everyone,” Kazuichi said, his words seeming to spill out of his mouth, “Why don’t we have girlfriends, man? I mean, look at you; you’re hot as shit.”
Gundham scoffed as Kazuichi lifted his arms up in the air to emphasize his statement. “Well perhaps it’s because you still say things that imply you think everyone around you is heterosexual,” he retorted
Kazuichi slowly picked himself up and turned to face Gundham, his shoulders slouched over, “C’mon, man, you know I’m still trying to get used to that. I’ve only been out for like a year and a half,” he whined
“And I understand that eliminating the ‘Straight is the Default’ setting in your brain can be challenging, but you live with someone else who is bisexual,” Gundham elaborated, “We’ve lived together for years.”
Kazuichi chuckled, “Remember when I thought I was straight in freshman year?”
“I was amazed how in denial you were.”
And now it seemed like Kazuichi couldn’t stop laughing. The laughter was slow, almost sounding deliberately rhythmic. “Hey, Gundham... can I tell you a secret?”
He had a stupid grin on his face. After living with Kazuichi for so long, Gundham knew he got... silly when he’s had a bit to drink. “You have to promise not to tell anyone,” Kazuichi added
“I won’t tell anyone.”
Kazuichi shot himself up, pointing a finger toward Gundham, “AND you have to promise not to get mad.”
After living with Gundham for so long, Kazuichi should know that Gundham is blunt when he’s had a bit to drink. “I won’t be angry with you,” he said. He meant it.
Kazuichi’s grin extended, practically reaching his ears. “Have you ever maybe uhhhhhh jacked off while thinking about your roommate? Cuz I have! Multiple times!”
Kazuichi was stifiling laughter, and almost missed Gundham’s rather immediate response. “Oh. Sure, I’ve done that a few times.”
“Haha, good; I’m glad I’m not the only one,” Kazuichi swayed back and forth, as if he were on a boat, smiling obliviously
If Gundham had wanted to— as Kazuichi so eloquently describes it— get shitfaced, he would’ve taken another swig of wine in disbelief during the silence they shared. Instead, he just shook his head.
Then, Kazuichi seemed to instantly sober up. “Wait.”
Kazuichi must’ve remembered that Gundham loses his filter when he has alcohol in him. But he didn’t ask Gundham to elaborate. Gundham didn’t need to go into detail about the times he’s had to control himself when Kazuichi walks around shirtless. He didn’t need to go into detail about the times he’s moaned Kazuichi’s name when he was home alone. He didn’t need to go into detail about the time he heard Kazuichi masturbating through the wall seperating their bedrooms, and got himself off on the sounds of his pleasure. He didn’t need to elaborate on any of that. He grabbed Kazuichi’s shirt collar in his fist and pulled him close. “You are such a fool.”
Regaining his balance, Kazuichi latched on to Gundham’s arms, feeling how toned they were for the first time. He looked up at Gundham in awe, seeing his hair down, framing his defined face.
As soon as Kazuichi looked him in the eye, he couldn’t hold back any longer. Gundham brought his hands to Kazuichi’s face and they kissed with more intensity than they had ever kissed anyone before.
Kazuichi’s hands gripped Gundham’s biceps, then frantically migrated across his chest and back, wanting to feel every muscle he didn’t know Gundham had.
Within seconds of their lips meeting, Gundham felt Kazuichi’s tongue asking to be invited inside, and Gundham instantly accepted, being sure to hold on to Kazuichi’s jaw and neck as they explored
Kazuichi tugged on the hem of Gundham’s shirt as he gently bit Gundham’s lower lip. Gundham grunted and grabbed Kazuichi’s wrists.
“You like that?” Kazuichi teased
“I do,” Gundham’s low voice reverberated through Kazuichi’s body as he whispered in his ear before he was suddenly pushed backward, his back landing on the seat of their couch
Kazuichi was not expecting to be, but he was instantly hard. Gundham throwing him down like that, followed by him taking off his shirt himself, shaking out his hair after he tossed it aside... Kazuichi felt like he needed air to prepare for whatever was in store.
Kazuichi had seen Gundham’s naked torso before. The moments were brief, but he— willingly or not—committed the images to memory. Suddenly, Kazuichi was feeling that body against his own as Gundham kissed him again. Kazuichi brought his hands to Gundham’s back to pull him closer, wanting no separation between their chests, stomachs...
Gundham pushed Kazuichi’s hair away as he created a path of kisses, trailing from his lips to his jaw to his neck. Kazuichi gasped when he felt Gundham steadily increase pressure on his neck. He was going to leave marks. Kazuichi craned his neck to give Gundham more of a canvas to work with.
Gundham was multi-tasking. As he sucked on Kazuichi’s neck, he was unbuttoning the shirt Kazuichi had on. It would only be fair.
Gundham pushed Kazuichi’s shirt aside, exposing the torso he’d always wanted to touch, never breaking contact with Kazuichi
One of Gundham’s calloused hands found its way to Kazuichi’s pecs, and his chest felt incredible in Gundham’s palm; against his fingertips
And Kazuichi bit his lip as he writhed in even the simple sensations of Gundham’s mouth on his neck and Gundham’s fingers grazing a nipple. God, how long HAS it been since someone ELSE touched Kazuichi like this?
Gundham had moved to Kazuichi’s collarbone and bit. Hard. “Fuck,” Kazuichi was so tempted to reach for Gundham’s belt
But if Gundham wanted to leave marks, Kazuichi thought Two can play at this game.
Kazuichi dragged his fingernails across Gundham’s back, slowly, and that got Gundham to lose his composure, practically collapsing on top of him. He gasped and shut his eyes tight, muffling moans into Kazuichi’s shoulder
There was no mistaking how turned on the other was. When Gundham brought himself down to be flush with Kazuichi, they both took notice of the other’s hard-on
And while Gundham gave in temporarily, he relished too much in making Kazuichi squirm to let him take over.
He resumed his assault on Kazuichi’s neck, taking hold of his hair in his fist, and pulled as he grinded his hips against Kazuichi’s.
The friction was driving Kazuichi insane. His curiosity was overwhelming him, too. He had to find out how big he was.
Kazuichi bucked into him, doing his best to tell Gundham he wanted to take things further without saying anything.
But that wasn’t enough for Gundham. “Tell me what you desire,” he whispered a demand in Kazuichi’s ear, nibbling on his earlobe after he spoke
Gundham ran his hands over Kazuichi’s pecs and shoulders, rolling the fabric of his shirt further down his arms. “Y-you,” Kazuichi nervously muttered
“What was that?” Gundham’s hands moved lower and lower, tracing Kazuichi’s waist and his remarkable hips. His fingers played with the waistline of Kazuichi’s pants, making Kazuichi bite his lip in desperation
“Gundham, please,” Kazuichi felt embarrassed being candid, especially with Gundham straddling him with a sexy smug smile, his hands pressed against Kazuichi’s chest
Gundham ran his hands across Kazuichi’s body again, and drifted his hands lower, rubbing them into Kazuichi’s inner thighs. Kazuichi needed them to get naked. Now.
“Use your words,” Gundham beckoned, inching closer and closer to Kazuichi’s dick
Kazuichi’s face was red. His whole body was hot and he felt way too restrained with his clothes still on. He shut his eyes so he didn’t have to look at Gundham when he blurted out “I want your cock”
Gundham huffed out a laugh as Kazuichi brought his hands up to his face to try to conceal his embarrassment.
Gundham brought himself up and Kazuichi peaked through his fingers when he heard the buckle of Gundham’s belt come undone.
In a bit of a frenzy, Kazuichi sat up and pulled his clothes off, casting them to the side in a chaotic pile
He couldn’t help but notice Gundham look down and smirk once Kazuichi’s dick was out
But Gundham’s pants were still on. His legs were spread across the seat of the couch, and his arms draped across the back. “Get on your knees,” he commanded
Kazuichi quirked his brow, but didn’t have any doubts in his next move once Gundham revealed what Kazuichi had been waiting for. He’s hung.
Kazuichi’s horny ass did as Gundham asked and got inbetween his legs, putting a hand on Gundham’s thigh, only slightly disappointed it wasn’t skin-to-skin contact.
His other hand took hold of Gundham’s dick, and brought it to his lips, relishing in Gundham’s sighs as Kazuichi wrapped his lips around the tip
Gundham grabbed Kazuichi’s hair again, biting his lip as he felt Kazuichi envelop his cock in his mouth. It was warm and every time Kazuichi sucked Gundham had to resist thrusting
And Kazuichi’s dick twinged every time he felt Gundham’s dick twinge inside him. Using the hand that was on Gundham’s thigh, he took hold of his own cock and started pumping, using his pre-cum to self lubricate
As he worked himself while sucking Gundham off, he couldn’t help but moan against Gundham’s dick. And that sent Gundham over the edge. He lost control of his hips and grabbed Kazuichi’s hair tighter
Feeling Gundham trying to fuck his mouth only made Kazuichi work harder. His head bobbed back and forth as quick as his hand went up and down his own dick. He was so close just from Gundham’s cock in his mouth.
“Kazuichi, wait,” Gundham moaned, and Kazuichi bucked into his own fist hearing Gundham moan his name, muttering a few curse words himself
Kazuichi released Gundham and looked up at him. He watched Gundham swallow as they made eye contact. “Yeah? You okay?” Kazuichi asked
“Allow me to do something for you,” Gundham requested
God dammit, he was so close and NOW Gundham’s offering? And Kazuichi was sure Gundham was about to finish, too.
Gundham stood up from the couch, and started walking out of the living room. “Are you going to join me?”
Kazuichi blinked and quickly left the floor to follow as Gundham walked through the hall and into his bedroom, and gawked as Gundham finally finished undressing, taking in the new sight of his toned thighs and firm ass.
His eyes grew wide when he saw Gundham reach into a drawer in his desk and retrieve what was so obviously a bottle of lube. He was officially in uncharted waters, and that excited him and wracked his nerves simultaneously
Kazuichi had kissed men before and gone down on men before... but he didn’t have any experience with what could come after.
Gundham climbed onto his mattress and propped himself up on his knees. He looked to Kazuichi and used his eyes to invite him to the bed
Kazuichi swallowed as he mirrored Gundham’s position, and pursed his lips as Gundham put a coat of the lubricant on his fingers.
Using his dry hand, Gundham grabbed Kazuichi’s ass and pulled him in close so their bodies were flush. Kazuichi yelped as he caught himself on Gundham, pressing his hands against Gundham’s chest.
Kazuichi’s heart was practically bursting out of his chest as he anticipated what was about to happen. Gundham had a devilish grin as he watched Kazuichi try to hide his nerves
His lubricated hand grasped on to Kazuichi’s ass as well, and he was sure to slide his fingers close— “Fuck!” Kazuichi gasped out
And Gundham paused. “Kazuichi... have you never done this before?”
Kazuichi was taken aback by Gundham’s surprise. His face turned red again as he said, “No...” and then Kazuichi had a sudden thought, “Have you?”
Gundham simply replied “Yes. A couple of times now.”
“What? When? With WHO?” Kazuichi pulled back, feeling sudden... jealousy?
“Do you want to know that, or do you want to cum?”
That sent shivers down Kazuichi’s spine. He was back on track, and he didn’t just want to cum: he needed it.
Kazuichi fervently nodded his head.
“Yes what?” Fuck, he’s doing it again.
Kazuichi felt every part of him except his boner shrink. He mumbled “makemecum”
“Don’t be shy, Kazuichi,” Gundham’s deep voice was so fucking sexy when it was breathy in his ear
“Gundham, please—“
Gundham’s dick twinged whenever he heard Kazuichi beg. He took a hand off Kazuichi’s ass and took hold of his cock, and Kazuichi instinctively shut his eyes and bucked his hips into Gundham’s hand. Kazuichi had been waiting for too long, but Gundham relished seeing him like this. “Tell me what you desire.”
“For the love of god: make me cum, please,” Kazuichi succumbed, burying his head in Gundham’s shoulder
“With pleasure,” Gundham cooed into Kazuichi’s ear. Kazuichi melted feeling Gundham’s voice against his body
And he trembled feeling Gundham’s slick fingers practically trace circles around his asshole. Kazuichi picked his head up and took a deep breath, attempting to relax
Gundham was stroking Kazuichi’s dick with his other hand, basking in Kazuichi’s body anticipating his next moves.
Kazuichi gasped and lurched forward, clinging to Gundham’s arms as he felt a finger be pushed inside
Gundham repeated Kazuichi’s taunt back at him as he continued pumping his cock and slowly thrusting his finger, “You like that?”
Kazuichi pressed his forehead into Gundham’s chest and moaned “So fucking much.”
Gundham took that as his cue to add another finger, and Kazuichi practically keeled over with a shout. He reached under Gundham’s arms to take hold of his back. This time his nails digging into Gundham’s skin was because they couldn’t get any closer
Kazuichi’s face was buried in Gundham’s shoulder again, muffling every sound Kazuichi made, and he wasn’t shutting up. It was difficult for Gundham to keep quiet, too. Hearing Kazuichi’s cries of pleasure made him wish he had a free hand to help his dick out. Kazuichi was too overcome to do anything but take it.
The instant Gundham curled his fingers, Kazuichi cried out his name and dug his fingernails into Gundham’s shoulder blades, making Gundham’s cock twitch against Kazuichi’s skin
“D-do that again,” Kazuichi whimpered against Gundham’s neck
Gundham didn’t need to toy with him anymore. He did as he asked and found Kazuichi’s prostate again, feeling Kazuichi’s hips follow his motions, taking pride in knowing this was Kazuichi’s first time experiencing this sensation as Kazuichi continued to moan and swear and call his name, digging deeper into his skin with his fingers
Gundham picked up the pace. Kazuichi was panting. Gundham heard his name muffled into his shoulder over and over and over again and knew Kazuichi was close.
Third time’s the charm. Gundham curled his fingers once again, slowing down the motion as one last tease, and Kazuichi cried out as he came. Gundham continued to use his fingers through Kazuichi’s orgasm but switched to rapidly pumping his own cock, not needing much to finish himself— the sounds Kazuichi made and remembering the feeling of Kazuichi’s mouth around him were plenty.
Their breathing eventually relaxed, and they pulled away to look at each other.
Their hair was destroyed. The hickies on Kazuichi were already turning purple. And they were covered in each other’s cum.
And all they both could think was What now?
Prompt from This List: feel free to send a request!
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Here’s my submission for the Forget Me Not collab for Anisylum! Please note the TW as it is VERY heavy. This piece is entirely SFW though!
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Ship: Tsukishima Kei x GN! Reader Genre: Angst, but some fluff in some places. Word Count: 2.2k  Trigger/Content Warnings: near death experience, hospitalization, COVID-19, vomit mention, amnesia after hospitalization, a suicide attempt is briefly mentioned, swearing because this is by me Sexy Sexy Masterlist: here!
Sand clung to skin and the harsher rays of light that usually cascaded and burnt you had died away into a fading tangerine glow. You perched comfortably on the sand, taking note of the undulating waves- they were like you in the sense that while you could crash down hard on the opposition, you would shy away in a fragile manner when faced with gentle treatment. Perhaps it was that you felt you weren’t worth such luxuries that you found it hard to make friends through your first few years of high school. Perhaps it was trying to push people away because you were afraid yet alarmingly aware of your mortality. Perhaps it was something else entirely, something you weren’t quite ready to come to terms with. What you did know was that you weren’t alone in the violent struggle through high school to make friends while you had your walls up. Next to you was someone you never thought you’d share your favorite place with; in any terms you found this boy appalling with his behavior. So appalling, you saw yourself in the way he closed himself off and cut those close with tongue lashings. You knew this only through another friend who took issue with him as you went to another school in an entire other prefecture. Words mauled their way out from your throat, breaking the silence between you and Tsukishima Kei. “I won’t ask you why you tried to do what you did today. But I will ask if there’s anyone you can talk to in your life.” You didn’t understand yourself. Why would you say that…? You don’t remember anything like this at all… His response was equally incoherent and odd. “Okay, but I’ll kill you if you go back on it.” When you opened your mouth to reply to him, the ground around you suddenly reared up like a defensive serpent. A pillar of beach sand forced its way from the ground into your throat, suffocating and trapping your lungs in permanent fullness. You could only gag and cry, unable to even see Tsukishima past the torrent of sand breaking into your body with the intent to kill you slowly…
You woke up once more in that dull grey-blue and white room with the only sounds you could properly process being the beep of a heart monitor somewhere behind you. You had managed to halfway curl into somewhat resembling the fetal position, but something kept making you cough and gag as your throat was caught. You move your hand to whatever is catching and about to make you vomit- a tube. This tube, you followed, was in your nose good and solid, and you felt it deep enough in your sinuses you didn’t dare try to pull it out. Moving your hands felt foreign like you had forgotten how to process being human and natural motions like that. You testingly ran your right hand down the tube, taking care to not tug and cause discomfort. Your other hand came to rest on your face. It was slick from sweat, likely due to whatever the fuck you just had a dream about. At the corner of your lips was another tube and when you followed where it led it was taped to the side of your face. You lick your lips and manage to almost fall into a haze until you see movement for the first time in what feels like forever. To be fair, it is one of the most jarring appearances of a person you’ve seen in your whole life to what you can recall. A person in a full-body hazmat suit enters your room through a door you hadn’t even processed was there, then greets you as casually as they can through a plague-resistant suit. “Hey there.” You squint at them. Yeah, you have no fucking idea who this cosplayer in a hospital is, and while you should probably be polite, you feel like you got ran over not once but twice.  You try to speak to them, but you can’t. You don’t have the air for it, it’s like you have no control over your breathing. Clarity washes over you. You’re hospitalized. These are tubes because you were asleep and weren’t breathing or eating right. The realization must show on your face because your nurse speaks up again. “Don’t worry about me too much, we’re just gonna check your vitals and if you feel up to it, we can see how you do without the ventilators.” You try to manage out a “whoopee”, which unimpressively comes out as some form of odd wheeze, and your nurse begins by grabbing the blood pressure cuff covered in protective plastic while they wear a sympathetic expression.
Once you were off the ventilator, the nurse informed you about what had happened. Apparently, an ambulance was called when you were unresponsive and nearly blue in the face, sitting in front of your refrigerator with the door open. You were diagnosed with a severe case of COVID-19, something you had feared would wipe you out entirely and turn you past tense since its spread in your country. This fear wasn’t entirely irrational, either- you were immunocompromised and have been since you were a child. You grew up with being careful around others and hearing of a highly contagious new strain was something that filled you with so much paranoia you seriously considered quitting your current career and instead adopting a hermit lifestyle while completing college at home. Of course, such a thought was squashed by the slowly impending thought of rent, bills, due dates for assignments, and your bitch of a manager who lets people get close to you without a mask on. It’s not a big deal, (y/n), she once said to you. You wanted to shoehorn some tubes down her throat just to survive, see how that felt. It didn’t help that human resources wouldn’t listen to your complaint. They brushed it off since you were just a lowly sandwich maker at a chain sub place. If you had enough scraped together for lawyers right about now, they’d be totally fucked, you thought to yourself. Even more jarring is that it seemed you lost a handful of memories while in the hospital. You could remember basic outlines of people in your head- your very tall and incredibly testy roommate, your younger sister who wore glasses and was much smaller than you, and… a foggy memory of a man with messy black bedhead who had an arm wrapped around your shoulder. It hurt to think too hard. The doctor soon came by to give you test results, to check your vitals again, and to look over your records. He was a bit terse, but you can’t make the best judgments of people when they’re in plastic suits. “We’ll need to get you cleaned up by tomorrow and you should be able to head home,” he’d said, looking over your chart. You didn’t necessarily feel too ecstatic about your trip to your apartment. You remembered your roommate and how finicky he was, and you dreaded for him to belittle you over your condition. You dreaded it enough to even feel a knot of anxiety form in your stomach, wrenched in between your ribs without the intent of ever coming out. “We’ve already contacted uh…” The doctor squints at the screen, “Tsukishima… to come to pick you up tomorrow at noon. We’ll have care instructions printed out. You still have to quarantine for about a week more since your immune system isn’t at its most prime currently.” You agreed, it probably wasn’t a good recovery idea to make a couple of sammies for the public while you were recovering from a virus that had you intubated. He seemed grateful that you were lucid and cooperative, at least.
You, predictably, didn’t sleep well after being in a medically induced haze for several days. Even more predictably, you found yourself awake from anxieties of the future. Tomorrow was only a few hours away, and then you’d be home. Home… what did that look like for you? The fog in your head was thick initially. You do remember coming home from classes at a different time than Tsukishima, how when you entered he’d often be reading over homework. You remembered how sometimes he would be in the shower and the scent of cheap green apple soap filled the living room connected to it. You remembered… You remembered holding his thin frame in your arms on a bridge, pulling him back from oncoming traffic. You remember how you both collapsed and how the cold autumn air stung your lungs. You remember wide golden eyes staring back at you, as tears slowly filled them, then his normally impartial voice breaking as he hiccuped a sob, “Why? Why did you have to be in Sendai right now?” You felt tears stinging your eyes and a lump form in your throat. You found yourself in distress of your new emotions. Maybe… maybe you can sleep this horrible feeling off. Maybe this fog in your head where you need to know how deep your relationship ran will lift once you get genuine sleep.
Finally, a knock on the door encouraged you to rouse from your sleeping state. And eloquently, you spoke your true feelings in your sleep-deprived state,  “No.” You hear the doorknob turn and the door open. There’s a lack of a greeting from your nurse nor a quick apology from your doctor for interrupting your sleep. Actually, if you’re gonna use logic, what nurse or doctor is gonna wake up their peacefully sleeping patient in recovery? Thought of it being your doctor or nurse practically evaporates once the intruder has a seat on your bed. They still haven’t spoken, so now you’re remembering what tricks of self-defense you learned online to give this person a proper ass-kicking for getting way too close. You crack your hazy eyes open to get a look at where they’re sitting and you stop dead in your thoughts as wary gold eyes peer down at you. Your eyes widen out of reflex and butterflies bloom from your stomach at seeing what you now remember is your roommate. “I knew you were awake,” He said, a wry smile on his face. His expression was betrayed by his concerned gaze, though, “Wow, you look like shit.” You don’t know entirely why past his comment feeling not as an insult, but almost as a compliment, but you smile a little, “I feel like it too.” His expression doesn’t change. He runs a large calloused hand through the tresses of your hair, though, as if to soothe you. The doctor walked in and apologized for interrupting the moment between the two of you, unsure if it was something serious. You told him it was nothing because that’s what it was to you.
The car ride wasn’t filled with the snarky banter you had been expecting. Instead, there was plentiful comfortable silence as Tsukishima drove. You didn’t know whether to be grateful or not for the silence- you still felt quite feeble and needed way more bed rest before you could get ready to do anything for anyone. Despite the wholesome silence, you felt those round gold eyes focus on you occasionally. And even though it was comfortable, you felt a melancholy twinge in the atmosphere as he inspected you. “I know you’ll give me shit for this… but you look like you’ve lost weight. I uh…” He gripped the steering wheel harder. You glanced over at him. A shade of baby pink dusted itself across his cheekbones and nose as he focused on the road. “I’m worried about you.” Fuck, there go those butterflies again. Something in you pushed to help- to comfort- but the logical side of your brain brought you to a halt. You’d weighed it in your head a couple of times. You two act closer than just roommates, and it’s not entirely clear how or why you got up to this point… but you had a solid hunch you might be dating this guy. Maybe? You closed your eyes and rested your head on the car door as you thought. You remember how sand clung to your body and you could hear the roaring of the sea. How you watched Tsukishima focus on the waves to regulate his breathing. You vaguely remember your words breaking away from your throat and catching the salty sea air. “Why don’t we stay together?” His lanky body stiffened, then he looked at you with disbelief. “... you wouldn’t want that. I’m fucking annoying and mean.” Your eyes creased with familiarity at the line. “Yeah? So am I. We can butt heads until we balance each other out.” It looked like he wanted to cry, but his pride wouldn’t let him cry in front of you anymore today. “I won’t ask you why you tried to do what you did today. But I will ask if there’s anyone you can talk to in your life,” you reached a careful hand over to rub his back, “Kei, if there isn’t, let me be that person.” You felt how his breath shuddered. To save his pride, you looked to the ocean and watched its hypnotic movements. After a few deep, shaky inhales and exhales, he replied. “I don’t understand why you’re being nice to me. Why you didn’t let me die. I will probably come back to this point in my life several times and you’re trying to say you’ll put up with it?” There was some bite to his tone, he was trying so hard to put up walls when he had no will to do so at the moment. How long had he pushed others away from being close? If he was anything like you… it was since grade school. “Let me be your support for when you’re in pain,” You tried once more, “I’m stubborn as shit so I know I won’t give up on you.” “You’re not getting it, you fucking idiot. I’m always in pain, that’s just been life,” he snapped bitterly, glaring at you now.  “Then I guess I’ll be by your side forever.” You’d said it without thinking that day. It was like the ocean grew quieter with your words as if even Poseidon became interested in your proposition. You felt heat rise to your face at the implications of what you said. He stared at you with raised eyebrows and the slightest hint of a champagne pink hue on his face. He averted his eyes almost in a panic and watched the ocean again, suddenly very aware of his own expression. You carefully peered over at him again to see he’d only grown redder, now mirroring you. “You… don’t mean that,” He said as if it were a statement. “I do. You’re a good person inside, but you’re defensive and hurt. I’ve seen that from you in the past and I’ve learned more about you today. I want to be there for you as long as you’ll have me. Will you let me?”  He picked at the sand as if thinking it over for a moment. There was a brief pause as waves rolled over each other in front of both of you, the sound of their impact being the only thing to grace your ears. Finally, his cynical tone returned as he regained some form of his prior composure. “Okay, but I’ll kill you if you go back on it.”
“Hey. (Y/n), we’re home,” Tsukishima gently shook your shoulder to rouse you from your sleep. You opened your eyes slowly and groaned out a swear. Tsukishima felt a hesitant smile creep up his face as he opted to just try and maneuver you into your shared home himself. He remembered how waking up was hard for you. Once he opened the passenger door you nearly fell out onto the pavement, only saved by your seatbelt and the giant himself. Your face fell awkwardly into his hip, and you grumbled at the interruption to your sleep. “You sleep like the fucking dead, christ,” he mused out loud and sat you up so it was safe to unbuckle your seatbelt. He urged you to get up more- it wasn’t that you were heavy, he just really wasn’t in the place to lift you at the moment and didn’t even know how to go about it. Regardless, he held you up by a shoulder and crouched to make it easier for you both to walk to the apartment. In some part of your sleep, you began to speak, “Kei.” He kept his gaze trained forward at the front door and struggled to grab his keys from his pocket, “Yes?” “Are we married?” Kei dropped his keys, then shot you a look of concern, “... No…?” He had to hold himself back from saying not yet, unsure of what you were getting to. He reached down to grab his keys and he focused back on the door. “Why are you asking?” He unlocked the door and threw it open, getting you both inside finally. He set you on your couch and sat on the floor in front of you. You looked at him suspiciously, now roused from your sleep. The only thing on your mind was that dream- it had to be a memory! You refused to understand it as anything but that. You prodded, “On the beach, I told you I’d be by your side forever.” He seemed to weigh your thoughts heavily in his mind, “... did you forget about us?” You didn’t expect what felt like cold water to hit your back so hard and so suddenly at his suggestion. He didn’t seem hurt at the thought, instead, he found himself occupied with your reaction. His hand reached out to rub the side of your face as you looked at him with wide, guilty eyes. “Don’t worry about it. Your sister told me this kind of thing might happen…” His calloused thumb traced over your lip, and he offered a smile the best he could, “I’ll try to explain it.” Tsukishima explained that what you remembered happened about four years ago and you had been living together ever since. He motioned to photos on the walls of the two of you and people who you could just hardly remember. When you rested your index finger on an individual who was much scrawnier than most of the people there, sitting on the bench with you and watching you speak with admiration, Tsukki put his hand over yours. “That’s your sister. She took most of these pictures, but she usually sits next to you when you have a space available.” You nodded and closed your eyes. You began to remember summers you spent with her in childhood and her yelling at you to do your homework when you bothered her as you got older. You smiled a bit. Once your eyes opened again, your finger traveled to possibly the tallest person in the room. He was big, but you remembered something warm and comfortable about that man… “That’s Kuroo. You both went to the same high school and you were in his friend group.” You both went on like that for a while until you’d cleared everyone in that picture. Once you did, you sat down to think over the new cluster of names you’d picked up. “... when you promised you’d be here with me forever, did you remember what I promised to you?” Kei asked as he sat next to you. “No… I just remember what happened on the beach up until you threatened to kill me if I took back my promise.” “Oh, right. I was going through that phase,” He seemed displeased with the comment. You found it almost funny but refrained from laughing for his sake. He continued, in a quieter tone, “I promised that if something happened to you, that I would always be here for you, too. That I’d get you back into shape.” His larger hand gently entwined with yours, “... so if you remember that promise and you’ll have me, I’d love to marry you once you get your memories back. … If you want to. I-” You cut him off with a hug to his side, trembling a bit as your emotions got the better of you. You smiled up at him. “I can’t promise I’ll be better fast, and I still feel like several trucks ran through me at once… but I’m happy,” you managed out. You didn’t know what your face looked like right about now and you didn’t have the nerve to look up into Kei’s glasses to check your reflection. He wrapped his arms around you in return, pressing the side of his face against your head. “Please, don’t give me an answer yet. You’re not in the right mental state. I’ll wait for you until you’re ready.” You ran your hands up and down his back. You weren’t exactly afraid of remembering things, but you were quite anxious for what tomorrow might bring for both of you. Despite that, you felt safe recovering in his arms, and you were sure you’d feel that way for a long time.
Have a link to the sexy sexy masterlist down here as well. Unless you’re done reading, then have a good day. But if you’re not there’s some fire stuff in that bad boy.
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jellyluchi · 4 years
La Squadra x Desi (South Asian) Reader (gender neutral)
A/N: I thought this would be cute and funny since I don’t see a lot of south asian centered content about jojo in general! I hope desi and non-desi jojo fans alike enjoy these hcs and if there’s something about desi culture you’d like to know more about I’d love to answer!
- My first thought with him was that he starts wearing a lungi around the house as soon as he finds out what they are
- starts using gamucha for his workouts! they’re really convenient
- Loves to hear you sing in your language! Desi ballad music sounds beautiful to him especially coming from you!
- Is willing to try desi food and will not complain about the curry smell at all, won’t mind that you eat with your hands
- He loves spicy food so he most likely enjoys any curry but especially loves how spicy vindaloo
- willing to watch bollywood movies with you just to spend time together
- If you ask him to learn your language he’ll be happy to, won’t even ask you to learn his unless you really want to
- your family would probably be scared as hell of him and the aunties might talk behind your back but he pays no mind. They eventually like how polite and helpful he is.
- overall, indulges in your culture as much as you want him to! He’d also be happy to share his culture should you be interested
- He probably asked you to learn Italian so he thinks it’s only fair he learns some of your language as well
- gets suuuper into the cuisine, he loves the beef curry and even though it’s a bit basic he loves biriyani lol (especially kacchi! the beef is so tender)
- gets into desi hair oils lol
- might judge you just a bit at first when you eat with your hands but not for long
- he loves classic noir films and that means in any language so he’d enjoy bengali noir but not much bollywood
- complains that curry stained his finger nails yellow lol also might complain about the house smelling like curry too so he makes sure there’s a lot of ventilation
- like to learn desi recipes with you! finds the flavors intriguing and may even help you cook your fav desi food
- fits in with you family the most out of them all, he is THE typical desi auntie already criticizing everything and everyone all the time lol so he’d get along with them fine. They’d like how good he is with house chores and how he always tells you to be responsible. Smokes with the uncles and gets into their heated political debates
- will buy you traditional clothing that you like, probs likes to see you in panjabi, saree whatever you prefer 
- asks you to ask your family about skincare, especially anti aging remedies lmaooo
- is actually quite excited to learn your language! in fact, he might bring it up first because he thinks it’s a great bonding activity and he’s intrigued
- lovesss the fish curry dishes the most and wants to learn about fishing culture from your country
- doesn’t mind you eating with your hands and gets you to teach him as well
- loves mishti!! rasgolla, rasmalai, barfi, sandesh, lassi you name it as a milk lover he’d like almost any desi sweets since they’re all made from milk
- doesn’t much understand bollywood and finds it a bit ridiculous but will watch it if you like it
- another person who likes desi ballads, if you sing to him he’ll melt and thinks your voice is the sweetest! is also into just vibing with the music on
- I hate to say it, but aunties will most likely judge him for how he looks : ( but they’ll soon realize he’s actually super sweet and might dote on him. Probably gets intimidated by uncles but it’s alright he gets along with your cousins the best!
- also uses gamucha when working out and uses it during hot days when fishing as well!
- only wants to learn swear words in your language LOL and only teaches you italian swear words
- desi cuisine is pretty good to him but he absolutely LOVES the street food the most
- fuchka, pani puri, chatpati, whatever it is he’ll eat it, the spicier the better. Will challenge you to fuchka eating contest lol
- also likes paneer! hey he’s gonna like cheese in every culture lol
- at last, a person who actually gets into bollywood for real. He loves the drama, comedy, ridiculous action, even the songs!
- gets into bollywood dancing too like literally will go off in the living room dancing to the Dhoom soundtrack with you
- loudly comments when watching bollywood and sometimes enjoys the cheesy romance lmfao
- Your family will know he’s the thug immediately I’m sorry, but my be able to charm them with how much spirit he has when enjoying a good desi function
- another one who smokes with the uncles and also another one who enjoyes wearing lungi at home
- may want to hear your language slip out in bed haha
- absolutely intrigued by your culture and asks you the most questions about it out of all of them!
- gets into desi astrology lol he probably didn’t know a lot of modern astrology is borrowed from a history of astrology in south asia
- another one who wants to learn how to eat with his hands! He thinks it’s fun and different and likes it better than using utensils
- another person who also likes the sweets! but he gets into desserts like pitha, patishapta, kheer the most
- Also like biriyani quite a lot when it comes to savory food
- doesn’t get into bollywood films but loves the music a whole lot! catch him dancing to saki saki in your living room lol
- another one who also loves traditional wear and thinks you look sexy in it
- gets into desi natural skincare products and remedies, he’s got a bunch of vicks vapo rub and inidian healing clay bottles lmfaoo
- at first your family might get creeped out by him but then finds out his background in biology and immediately asks why didn’t you also become a doctor KJBSDSD chats with the aunties the most!
- asks your grandma and aunties for their skincare secrets
- Probably thinks you speaking your language is beautiful and would get into how poetic it is, probably believes it’s a language of love just as much as any European language
- Also likes the spicy food! but mostly loves paratha because of how versatile it is and because it’s like a pastry that you can eat with anything
- might need to get used to eating with hands but eventually likes it more than he realized he would
- actually appreciates bollywood for what it is, genuinely gets into the drama an might even get secretly emotional at the sad stories
- actually has favorite bollywood movies too
- immediately goes to gossip with the aunties they’re surprised at how tall he is but also how much he already knows??
- he’s also polite with your family and they really like his height and compliments him on it that boosts his ego lmfao
- another one that gets into desi hair oils, probably swears by coconut and amla oil now
- also gets into desi fashion himself along with you he genuinely thinks its stylish
- demands to know your language and also demands you learn perfect italian, if you’re looking for a linguistic debate buddy in your partner he’s right there
- actually not that partial to desi food and may think italian food is better but he indulges in lentil type dishes (probably like daal makhni a lot)
- yeah he’s another one who would look at you strange for eating with hands but doesn’t mind it eventually when you tell him your culture
- WILL scream at how ridiculous some bollywood films are and how he doesn’t get the humor it’ll get even funnier if you watch desi soap operas and he starts talking about the gfx and sound effects
- but actually loves watching whatever with you because he likes spending time like that
- will listen to you rant in your language without understanding anything but still nod along and agree, you’ll probs do it when he’s ranting in italian lolol
- likes to play desi music out loud when you’re going for a long drive he likes how it creates a serene ambiance it helps him calm down
- yet another gamucha user, he’s skeptical about using it at first but loves how it feels on his skin after a goo workout
- don’t let him hear the aunties gossip he might quip back something rude and absolutely do NOT let him debate with the uncles it’ll turn ugly fast, just try to keep him calm in a desi function lol he might get along with cousins as well!
[sorry I couldn’t add sorbet and gelato i’m not yet sure about their characteristics :( ]
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forever-rogue · 4 years
Of Princes & Berries - Part 1
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A/N: Yeah, so I have like zero self control, and I’m so deep in my Pedro feels and Oberyn is one of my og loves. In this family we throw canon out the window. Canon? I don’t know her. Anyways, this will probably be like 2-3 parts, y’all will get some sexy times, so hold tight. As always, feedback and comments are welcome, and if you’d like to be tagged, let me know! xx
Pairing: Oberyn Martell x Reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: slight language
PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7 | PART 8
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Popping a few of the fresh, succulent berries into your mouth, you received a tut and playful glare from the chef that was busy preparing various foods for feasts throughout the day. You gave him an innocent smile before putting a finger to your lips.
"Those are for the prince," he reminded you playfully, passing a jug of wine towards you, "those were imported just for him, best not eat them all."
"Oh relax," you gently bumped him with your hip as you loaded everything onto your serving tray, "our esteemed guest won't be missing a few of them. Besides, these are so much mode delicious than the ones we have here. Ours are so lackluster and have no flavor. These are practically bursting with juice and flavor. Maybe the best I’ve ever had!”
"Why do you think he specifically asked for them?" he turned back to the pot he was stirring, giving you a little sigh.
"Because he's the fucking prince of Dorne?" you started to lift the tray up to carry it to the gardens where he was no doubt waiting, "and he's got impeccable taste. Looks, taste, people throwing themselves at him left and right? What a life he leads.”
"Just make sure this gets out to him," he insisted and you gave him a small salute as you headed out of the dim kitchens, “and no detours to eat more berries!”
A small sigh escaped your lips as you stepped into the daylight and felt the sun's rays hit you and instantly warm you up. Everything felt lighter already. Most days in King's Landing were overcast and not this beautiful, at least not during this time of year, and you planned on taking full advantage of it. Perhaps later, when you were done with morning duties, you’d go and set by the sea for a while. It always relaxed something deep within you.
As soon as you spied the prince, staring out into sea, a smile grew on your face. You'd spoken to him a few times here and there, mostly in passing, since his arrival at King's Landing. He was a bright spot, a welcome interruption in our normally monotonous and drool days.
He always spoke to you in a kind manner, taking the time to ask your name, how you were doing, small things. But unlike most people in the court, he seemed genuine in his actions, kind even. He truly listened when you spoke, rather than just blowing you off.
As you approached him, a smile stretched across his handsome features when he realized it was you, causing a small flutter in your heart.
"Good morning, Y/N," he stood and offered you a small bow as you set the tray down on the table in front of him. It was a sign of respect; reverence. Proprietary would have you bowing to him, but he never was one for rules, "how are you on this fair day?"
"Your highness," you beamed at him, pushing a plate of berries at him, "I dare say my day has been much improved. What good luck it was that they sent me to serve you."
"Good fortune, even a wonderful twist of fate," he sat back and watched you intently, "or perhaps I made a simple request."
"A request," you raised an eyebrow as you sneaked a berry, which just made him chuckle at you. Normally, with almost anyone else, you'd never be so bold. But with Oberyn...it felt normal, right even, "you asked for me?"
"You sound surprised," he mused as you leaned against the table, trying to soak up as much sun as possible, "why does it surprise you so?"
"I don't know," you said quietly, "I just never thought I'd make that much of an impression on anyone. I prefer to pass by quietly, generally."
"You've made quite the impression on me, sweet girl," he said softly. You caught your bottom lip in between your teeth as his words fell over you, "I'll take every opportunity I can to look at that lovely face."
"You flatter me," but a content sigh escaped your lips nonetheless, "it is I who am in awe of your beauty, your highness. Surely."
“Now you’re just flattering me, fanning my ego like everyone else,” he waved his hand at you laughed at him, “I didn’t specifically ask for you just because you fall in line like everyone else.”
“I’m sorry then,” you playfully stuck your tongue out at him, “I shall never flatter you again. Nothing but complete honesty.”
“A simple request, no?” he teased, letting his fingers linger near yours. You studied his hands, the few scars that had marred the warm, tan skin. He was really was beautiful, such a sight to behold in your otherwise dreary life, “can I ask you something...perhaps too forward?”
“Yes,” permission was given without hesitation, and worry. Nothing about him worried in you in that sense. Sure, he was the Red Viper, deadly, feared, and brutal in his own way, but you saw past that...he was also kind, gentle, surprisingly soft spot and quick as a whip, “anything.”
“Have you been with a prince before?” 
“I’ve been with many men who call themselves all sort of things,” you shrugged your shoulders as you poured more wine into his goblet, “kings, princes, knights, lords. You name it and I’ve been with one.”
“And have they lived up to your expectations?”
“Hardly,” you grabbed a berry and popped into your mouth, and raising an eyebrow at him, “the only time I’ve experienced true pleasure, it has certainly not been at the hands of a man.”
“Yes,” you sat down across from him, far overstepping any boundaries that remained. But Oberyn was different; he wasn’t like all the other princes and lords who spoke down to you like you were some sort of mere peasant. He treated you like an actual person. That in itself was enough to keep you intrigued; his delicious, warm accent didn’t hurt either. It was like music to your ears, sweet like the wine that flowed freely throughout the court, and much more pleasant than the harsh accents of the King’s Landing that you’d have grown accustomed to.
“You prefer the company of women?”
“I do enjoy the company of women,” you gave him a lazy half smile, “very much so. They’re beautiful creatures, soft, and warm, kind. Unlike men, they know how to touch other women, how to make love and make it a pleasurable experience, not just spend five minutes pounding into you until they’ve found release like a common barnyard animal. And then again, if all else fails, there is also the undeniable pleasure you can give yourself.”
“Very valid points,” he eat a few of the fresh berries, his dark eyes never leaving yours. A smile played on his features as relaxed in his seat, letting the sun warm him, “clearly you haven’t been with the right men.”
“Do you think you’re different?”
“I know I’m different.”
“Hmm,” you mused, “you’re very sure of yourself, my prince. Is your reputation well deserved? Are you as good of a lover as they all say?”
“I am,” a small smirk played on his lips as he crossed his legs, gauging your every reaction closely. He was curious, almost deathly curious to see what you hid under your cool exterior. You acted like you belonged in the court, under the direction of the Lannisters, but he could see through right through you. He knew you weren’t fully invested in your job or life here; hells, anyone that spared you more than a passing glance could see that much, “do you care to find out?”
“I appreciate the forwardness,” you gave him a wicked little smile of your own, “but surely you’ve got better things, and individuals, to shower in your worship. I am a simple servant, not worthy of anyone’s time, something I am made sure never to forget.”
You didn’t wait for a response before standing up and brushing your skirts off as you turned to head back inside. You’d been gone for some time now, surely you’d be attracting some unwanted attention any minute. You’d only been meant to serve the prince, not converse as though you were fast friends, shamelessly flirting in the open where anyone could stumble upon the two of you.
Oberyn was a welcome change to the cold atmosphere of the court you were used to. He brought a certain liveliness, warmth, and you swore more sunlight, with him. You could only imagine how wonderful it must be back in Dorne, where he got to spread that same radiance day in and day out. 
“Where are you from?” he asked as you turned to leave. You paused and tensed up, surprised by the sudden question. He didn’t move as he waited for answer; part of you was tempted to pretend that you hadn’t heard him, but you knew better than to defy the prince.
“I’m just a servant, your highness,” you gave him a saccharine smile as you watched his expression falter slightly. It wasn’t the answer he was expecting, “I am from wherever I am situated. My job isn’t to have a personality, it’s to serve others.”
“That’s not what I asked,” he grabbed a particularly plump looking strawberry, took a bite before standing up and striding over to you. His caramel gaze was focused on yours as he gently grabbed your jaw with one hand raised the berry to your lips. It was a question of sorts, to see if you trusted him. Without hesitation, you parted your lips slightly, letting him pop the berry into your mouth. You let the juices coat your mouth before swallowing, your eyes never leaving his. Oberyn traced his thumb delicately along your bottom lip, wiping away the small bit of lingering juice, “where are you from, my sweet girl?”
“Your highness-”
“It’s a simple question,” he let go of your jaw, his face moving into a softer expression as his eyes slowly raked over you. If it had been almost any other man, you would have been disgusted, but there was some gentle about when it was Oberyn. 
“Honeyholt,” the name of your birthplace fell off your lips almost like a whisper, and your eyes darted around to make sure no one had heard. When you worked for the Lannisters, personal matters as such were best left unsaid; they paid you, albeit barely, for your service, not to moan about your previous life. 
“That’s rather far from here,” he mused and you shrugged lightly. You were a a child, a mere young thing the last time you had visited your place of origin. You didn’t remember enough of it to truly miss. King’s Landing had been your home since, “what brings you here, to the harsh life of the court?”
“I didn’t have a choice,” you bit your lip, unsure of how far he wanted you to go into detail, “I...was brought here by parents. They needed the money, and I was their only source of commodity. For them it was an easy decision. I haven’t seen them since.”
“I could tell you were not from this forsaken place,” you wondered what he meant, how easily he could tell you were different. You’d spent most of your life trying to blend and not stick out, you’d thought you’d been doing a fairly decent job. Most people didn’t spare you a passing glance, unless they desired something from you.
“And just how is that, if you don’t my asking?”
“You’re much too beautiful to be from here,” he answered and your entire body suddenly felt like it was on fire. You turned your head, gaze intently trained on the cracked ground of the aging palace as you avoided his inquisitive looks. He reached over and with a few gentle fingers tilted your chin up to face him, “do not shy away from your beauty.”
“I do not,” your voice was but a whisper, “people do not usually show me such...reverence.”
“You have kind eyes,” he carried on, “the sweetest smile, hair fair more beautiful than the Lannister gold they love so much here. Your accent gives you away, it is very slight, but anyone with a keen ear will be able to pick up on it. These barbarians here no doubt have come to ignore it.”
“You...” no one had pointed out that fact that you have a slight lilt to your voice in years. You’d lost the majority of any accent as a child, having come to court as such a young one, and being surrounded by nothing but the gruff voices of the crownlands.
“And if you don’t mind my saying so,” he took a step closer and ran a gentle hand down your body, fingers grazing down your side and sending a shiver down your spine, “a figure that any man or woman would be blessed by the gods to know. Beautiful breasts, a round bottom, lovely thighs, I can only imagine how exquisite everything I’m not seeing is.”
His large hand gave your ass a firm squeeze, and a small sound escaped your lips; a mixture of surprise and pleasure. He was forward, there was no doubt about that, but nothing about it felt...wrong, or unwelcome. You could tell he was making sure every touch and word off of his lips that he was making sure you were okay with it. And you were. Everywhere he went, women, and men, fawned over him, dying for even a bit of affection and attention from the prince. Here you were, having down nothing and you were the object of his desire. 
“You flatter me far more than I deserve, your highness,” your cheeks were on fire as he smiled at you, trying to reassure you that his affection was well deserved.
“Please,” he insisted, bringing a hand back up to your face, “enough with the formalities. Oberyn.”
“Oberyn,” you repeated, enjoying how it felt on your tongue, so sweet and foreign, much more interesting than anyone you encountered through your daily duties.
“What was your name?”
“It doesn’t matter,” you insisted, but he was not fooled by your attempts at deflection. Instead, he leaned against the carved marble pillar, arms crossing his chest as he analyzed you, “you know my name.”
“My dear, sweet little one,” you sighed lightly at the sound of his voice, so rich and warm, hitting each last nerve within you, “everyone has a name. It means something, even if that of a bastard.”
“What if I don’t want to have a name? What if I want to be no one?” you shrugged as you leaned against the column facing him, “what if I want to hide in the shadows?”
“Y/N,” your name had never sounded more lovely or magical than when it came off of his lips. It sounded pretty, beautiful almost, “it matters. You should be proud of who you are...unless you are some sort of monster, which I already know you are not.”
“You already know my name.”
“And you know exactly what I’m referring to you. I am a prince, sweet one, not a fool.”
“Flowers,” you gave him a soft smile, “just like all bastards of the Reach.”
“But you’re not a bastard,” he pointed out as you nodded, “so why do you claim the name?”
“So I can be no one.”
“You, my sweet girl,” he was by your side again in no time, leaning only mere inches between the two of you. He smelled warm and sweet, likes spices and exotic fruit. Enchanting. Lovely, “are destined to be so much more than no one.”
“I assure you, it doesn’t matter,” you said after a few beats of silence, “my family was once one of the many great houses, just like so many others. But they fell and were broken apart over the years. The remainder of them are common merchants now. It’s easier to claim the name of a bastard than to receive pity for your family’s misfortunes from the likes of Lannisters and Starks and whomever else.”
“I am sure you far outshine them in every way,” he pushed a few locks of your hair out of your face, “your kindness is fair greater.”
“I...I know why you’re here, your hi- Oberyn,” you were scared that you had overstepped your boundaries, but weren’t able to hold back your tongue. He was so forward and open with you, surely he wouldn’t mind if you did the same. 
“And why is that?” his curiosity was piqued as he tried to read your expression.
“Your sister,” you answered softly and he shifted on his feet, shoulders tensing slightly, “I used to work for her...when I was just a child...before. She was the kindest woman I had ever met, gentle and sweet to everyone she ever encountered. Beautiful to no ends and her smile could light up the entire kingdom. Her babes were just as sweet, they would grown up to be the kindest people.”
“You knew Elia?” he was quieter now, and had a soft pang to his voice. He still missed and longed for his sister. Even though she had been gone for some time now, he still mourned for her and her children every day.
“She’s probably the reason I’m still alive,” you admitted, “she took me under her wing when I was brought here. I miss her too. I cannot imagine the sadness and burden it must have placed upon you and I would not dare to imagine. But I know how hard it was on someone like me, just a servant.”
“I think of her every day,” he admitted, “I know I cannot get her back, but it doesn’t dull the pain; Dorne has mourned her loss every day. Instead we must honor the memory of those we’ve lost, instead of letting grief consume us, no?”
“Yes,” you agreed, placing a small smile back on your face. You hadn’t meant to bring the mood down, but you wanted to let him know where you stood, that you were on his side, “I...I blame myself some days. When they attacked...I just ran and hide. I ran and ran and ran until it felt like I couldn’t breathe and then I hid and waited, waited till the smoke had cleared and it was safe to come out. I didn’t even try to help her or her babies. I just wonder if...I had stayed if I could have done something.”
“You were a child,” he could imagine the horrors you had seen, all the thoughts and emotions that had stayed with you throughout the years, “it was not your place to do anything. You protected yourself; it is our instinct to flee and hide, especially as children.”
“I was a coward.”
“You were a child,” he repeated firmly, “you were not a coward and it was not your duty to protect anyone. They should have protected you.”
You weren’t even aware of the fact that a few tears had rolled down your cheeks, but Oberyn was quick to wipe them away. He brushed a thumb over your cheeks, in such a soft and intimate gesture, offering you a small, reassuring smile in return. You put your hand on his wrist and gave it a firm squeeze, “thank you.”
“Y/N,” you almost jumped out of skin at the sound of Cersei’s grating voice. Swiftly wiping the rest of your tears away with the back of your hand, you took a step back from the prince, who seemed completely nonplussed, “surely you’ve got other duties to attend to. I’m sure the prince’s wine and berry need has been satiated for now. We know where to find you if we want more. Go on and apologize to his highness for your folly and distraction.”
Your eyes widened in surprise as you let out a shaky breath and gave her a nod. She had her trademark smirk on her face and you wished you could slap it off of her pinched features. She really was cruel down to her core, and you often wondered when the last bits of humanity had left her. You wondered how much she had seen or heard. Hopefully not enough to warrant any sort of punishment. 
Instead, you gave her a nod and small bow before turning back to Oberyn, “I apologize for my indiscretions, your highness. Please let me know if I can be of service at any time.”
“What did I tell you, my sweet girl, call me Oberyn,” he was not bothered by Cersei in the slightest and her jaw dropped in surprise. You couldn’t hide the small smile that crept onto your face, “and do not apologize for a conversation I have initiated. Surely even the lovely Cersei can understand that people enjoy conversation.”
“I...yes,” you returned his warm smile, unable to contain yourself and enjoying the little thrill that defying Cersei had placed in your bones. He reached for your hand and placed a kiss, chaste kiss to the back of it. You knew Cersei must have been dying on the inside at the exchange, frankly, so were you, “thank you, Oberyn.”
“I’ll see you soon,” he promised, making it a point to look directly at Cersei, who was fuming silently. If she had been a kettle, steam would have been exploding out of her ears, “I’ll find you.”
Just before you could turn to return to the kitchen and go about the rest of your daily duties, Oberyn trailed his fingers over your face, letting his gaze linger on your lips, “until later, dear Y/N.”
You turned to go back inside without another word, a bounce in your step at what had just happened. But just before you got inside, you heard him call after you, “I’m glad you enjoyed my berries, sweet girl!”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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bts-hyperfixation · 4 years
Window Pain
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It was late. Well passed the time you should’ve gone to bed. Your parents had said good night hours ago. It’s not that you hadn’t tried going to sleep, but there was a lot running through your mind. You were heading off to college in the next few days and memories of this summer were keeping you awake. The most cliched, amazing summer of your life.
Every moment that wasn’t spent saving money for college was spent with friends doing things they do in the movies. BBQ’s, bonfires, beach trips, all of it. Unfortunately, some of your friends had already had to move on to the next chapter in their lives, Taehyung being the next to go.
He was due to leave first thing in the morning, you’d already said your goodbyes earlier that day. It didn’t feel like enough. He had been your best friend for most of high school, glued together. You’d taken all the same electives, a lot of the same extra curriculars, even the same part time jobs. Now he might as well be moving a million miles away. It was going to be beyond weird to have to branch out and make new friends, he was always better at it than you were.
After trying and failing to fall asleep for another twenty minutes, you hear a soft tapping on your window. Attributing it to a bird or a branch, you roll to face away and pull a pillow over your ears. When the noise doesn’t stop, you start to get a little concerned. You contemplate fetching your dad from the other room to investigate, but soon realise how silly you will seem if you wake him just to shoo a harmless animal.
Taking a deep breath you wrap your duvet around your shoulders and shuffle towards you window. Tentatively you pull back the curtains, shocked to find someone else staring back. The sudden scare made you trip on the corner or your blanket landing you in a heap on the floor, staring up at a laughing Taehyung. Recovering quickly, you unlatch the window, and he pushes passed you inside.
“Are you insane?!” Your voice hushed to make sure your parents stay asleep.
“You’re an actual idiot, could you not have text me? I thought I was going to die.”
“Do murderers usually knock?” he says the question with such a straight face anyone else might’ve thought he was serious.
“What do you want Tae?” you ask, moving back to your bed and curling into your blanket.
“I couldn’t leave tomorrow without seeing you again Y/N.” he sits cautiously on the edge of the mattress. “Not after four years of this will they/won’t they feeling.” Too overtired to take in the full weight of his words, you just stare back clueless.
“Tae being your best friend, I can usually follow any train of thought you are on, but this time you’ve really lost me.” Your brows knit together in confusion as you watch him try to think of a way to better way to voice his problem. It’s so endearing to watch him think. His lips go pouty, and you can see every cog turning in his brain. He meets your eyes, and you can see the exact moment he figures out what he wants to say.
“It’s like that.” He is just pointing at you now, leaving you even more in the dark than before. You relinquish the warmth of your covers and shuffle to sit next to him.
“Tae, I don’t get…”
“You can’t not get it! You keep saying stuff like ‘You’re my best friend.’ or when people see us together you say, ‘He is just a friend’!”
“Did you climb in through my window just to yell about us being friends?” genuinely concerned for his mental stability now, you raise you hand to play with his hair like you always have done to calm him down.
“No, I just…. You just… you keep saying we are friends but then you look at me like that.” This time instead of just gesturing at your face, he places his hand on your cheek and forces you to meet his eyes properly.
“Look at you like what?” it’s barely above a whisper. You know what he is talking about. Of course you do. It has been blatantly obvious to everyone in your grade that you have been in love with Taehyung from the moment you met. You just never thought he had noticed.
“Look at me like… like you might feel exactly the same way I do.” His eyes are so full of hope. It would be hard to break eye contact even if he weren’t holding you there.
“I’m scared Tae.”
“Don’t think about it, just kiss me.” He presses his lips against yours. Its everything you ever thought it could be. Explosive fireworks and soft contentment all rolled into one. The kind of kiss that would make a girl’s foot *pop* if they were stood. The kind of kiss that shattered friendships. You back out of the kiss when the realisation hits. There’s no way to go back from here.
“I can’t lose you because of this.” It’s a genuine fear. The main one that’s held you back all this time. Why you never told him when you met, when you went on the school trip to Paris in junior year, earlier today when all you wanted to do was scream for him not to leave you. It took all you had to supress these emotions. If you were to go any further than this there would be no way to shut them away again. It’s either him forever, or never.
“You won’t lose me; you can’t lose me. And I can’t go to college without telling the girl I love that I love her.” The anxious twist in the bottom of your stomach explodes into butterflies. Every word you’d ever fantasized him saying to you was coming directly from him. Unless you weren’t having as much trouble sleeping as you thought. Before you get a chance to pinch yourself and wake up, he is kissing you again. Pushing you back onto the mattress and entwining your hands above your head. You’re not sure you could protest if you wanted to. He is far stronger, and your vocal cords have long since left the building. Luckily, you are exactly where you want to be. Content with anywhere as long as its in his arms.
His mouth moves from yours and trails along your jaw line, little whimpers falling from your lips in response. Something this simple should not be this sexy, and yet….
Each warm press of his lips against your skin sets you on fire. You long to touch him, run your fingers through his hair, drag your nails along his arms, anything, but he keeps your hands out of his way for now. It’s no secret that Taehyung has more experience than you. There had been the odd boy in your attempts to keep your feelings at bay, none of them ever made it passed second base though. Taehyung, on the other hand, had his fair share of cheerleaders and music girls hanging around him. its not something you guys had ever talked about in too much detail, but you were certain he had lost his virginity a long time ago. Like you said, Taehyung made friends very easily.
He finally releases your hands when he gets to the collar of your pj’s. you use your new-found freedom to bury into his thick curls, tugging lightly as he pushes your top upwards. You let go just long enough for him to take the shirt over your head. You don’t see where he throws it, too preoccupied with the fact his face was once again parallel with yours. Using the fabric of his shirt you pull his lips back to yours, using the momentum to flip yourself on top. He hits the bed with a small oof, caught off guard by your sudden assertiveness. You tear yourself away from him to take in the new view; his dumb boxy smile shining up at you.
His hands trail up your bare sides, cupping your breasts as he reaches them. His thumbs play with your nipples. Unconsciously, you grind down onto his hips. You feel his cock stir against your bum and can’t help but giggle at the sensation. You wiggle your hips again in hopes of receiving the same reaction. This time you are rewarded by a small escaping his lips. His hands leave their resting place on your chest and tangle into the mess that is your hair. He tugs you back down to meet him, shoving his face into your neck so he can bite on the sensitive skin there, marking you as his. With each rock of your hips, you feel him start to rock back. The friction added to the slight pain in your neck was amazing. You reach a hand down to play with the fly on his jeans. Before you get a chance to slide the zip down and explore further, he stops you.
“Y/N? have you done this before?” he brushes the hair back out of your face, the softest expression on his face, completely juxtaposed to the position you are in.
“No.” you admit sheepishly, suddenly feeling very insecure.
“Me either.” His admission surprises you, and apparently, it’s obvious as he laughs. “I could never get over the thought that it should be you. All of my first should have been you, but at least we still have this.” You nod and move to continue from where you left off, but he stops you again. “but not now.” You can’t stop the noise of protest as it escapes your throat making him laugh again.
“But you’re leaving tomorrow, and I don’t want to go to college without showing the boy I love that I love him.” you echo his words from earlier, hoping to gain brownie points at the same time as expressing how you feel for him. you’ve never been good at talking properly about serious feelings.
“I’m not going anywhere yet, I told my parents I needed a few more days here, I leave the same day you do. I want to take you out, on proper date before we go any further than this.”
“Fine but you are going to pay for the blue balls at a later date.” You kiss him once more before clambering off of his lap and settling into his side. He pulls the duvet over the two of you, shielding your topless form from the world and you find yourself drifting straight off in to the best sleep you’ve ever had.
A/N: sorry for the blueballs this was getting a little long
Feb request prompts - still open
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nikanndros · 4 years
I just want you to know that I think about From Eden at least once a week and I've lost count of how many times I've reread it. If you ever wanna share what comes next amd what other ideas you had for that universe i'm here to listen op 👀
Thank you, I love you! When I first wrote that fic, I had two other parts (at least) that I wanted to go with it, and since they’re partially written I’m happy to share those bits with you:
From Eden Part 2
“It’s just unfair, you know,” the girl said. Her words were slightly slurred. To be fair, they were in a nightclub after midnight. Everyone was slurring. “I was there for him, and I paid his bills while he went through college and now! He has a real job and he dumped me for his secretary.” She started sobbing.
Damen, who was six foot three, strongly built, and also carrying a loaded weapon, took her hands and made a sympathetic noise. “Lykaios,” he said, because he --unlike Laurent-- had actually listened when she’d introduced herself. “I think the best thing for you now is to forget about him. He didn’t deserve you.”
Lykaios sniffled. “You think so?”
“Of course I do,” Damen said. “I’ve only known you for a few minutes and I already can see that you’re incredible. Right, babe?”
“Right,” Laurent deadpanned. He glanced at his watch. “It’s quarter to.”
Damen nodded. Still holding Lykaios’ hands, he turned to Laurent. “Security?”
“Just the two.”
“Great.” He looked back to Lykaois. “Listen, doll, we’ve got to get down to business, but I want you to remember what I said, okay? You’re worth a lot more than that guy gave you.  And your mascara is running a little. Maybe you should go fix it up in the bathroom and wipe your tears?”
“Okay,” Lykaois sniffed. “Thank you.” She left.
Damen gave Laurent a grin, the crooked, teeth-baring one that appeared whenever they were about to do a job. “Ready?”
“You never call me doll.”
“Do you want me to?”
“Try it sometime and see.”
Damen yanked him in by the jacket and kissed him, slowly and bordering on indecent. “Alright,” he said, after he pulled back. “Show time.”
As Damen disappeared into the crowd, Laurent grasped his --still full-- drink, turned, and threw its contents at the roughest looking guy in the place.
“Hey, what the hell?” The guy squared his shoulders; he was intimidating even covered in lemonade.
“Fuck you,” Laurent replied. 
At this point, three months of travelling and stealing and, most importantly, Damen, Laurent had become pretty efficient at inciting fights. He didn’t need to see the punch coming to know that it was, he just sidestepped and let the man stumble into the back of another patron. It took less than thirty seconds before half the clientele were involved in an all out brawl.
The two security guards rushed in, and were immediately overwhelmed enough that the only bartender -- a youngish lad with a crooked nose -- had to join in to get everything under control. Laurent punched him.
Eventually, the fight got calmed down enough for fingers to point to Laurent and the lemonade clad man as the inciters, and guards hauled them both out into the parking lot.
“Let me go!” Lemonade guy yelled. “I’ll fucking kill him.”
“You can try,” Laurent said, a lot more willing to be subdued by the guard that had him by the arms.
“Don’t make us call the police, man,” his guard complained. “The both of you can go your separate ways, come on.”
The door behind them opened. 
“Sweetheart,” Damen said, chidingly. “I step away for two minutes and you get yourself into trouble.”
They go back to a motel after this and Damen reveals the money he stole from the tills while Laurent was being a distraction. Sexy times ensue. Damen eventually falls asleep and Laurent stays awake with the tv on. The news comes on and an interview is shown with Lykaios being interviewed about the robbery at the bar -- she gives a completely inaccurate description of what Damen looked like, and Laurent reflects on how easy it is for Damen to charm people to taking his side.
From Eden Part 3
Their most recent car was a much older model. The aircon was busted and they had to wind down the windows themselves, but at least the radio worked. It was hot, despite it being a couple of hours past sunset. 
Damen was singing with the radio. He wasn’t going to win any awards, but his voice was deep and he had a nice enough sense of the music. He grinned at Laurent. He was always happy. It was part of what made him so magnetic. 
Laurent smiled back. After two years with Damen, the expression felt natural.
Except for them, the road was empty. Damen reached over and took Laurent’s hand in his. 
“Watch the road,” Laurent said.
Damen laughed. “But you’re my favourite view.”
“I won’t be happy if you kill us in a car wreck.”
Obediently, Damen looked back to the road. And then, because it was Damen, the car sped up.
Laurent’s hair flew about chaotically, longer than it had ever been when his uncle had been keeping a hand of Laurent’s appearance. It needed a trim, but as much as Laurent trusted Damen, he didn’t trust him to do that. Damen had offered to take him to a salon, somewhere quiet where there was no chance he’d be recognised, but Laurent wasn’t fond of the idea of being trapped in a chair like that. He was too used to freedom by now.
“Left here,” Laurent instructed.
They’d had to slow down once the got near the town. It was best to avoid anyone’s attention for as long as possible. (An admittedly difficult feat when traveling with someone like Damen).
They drove a little way past the house, until they found an obscure little dirt road to park down. It wouldn’t do for someone to see the car. They grabbed their things, and looped back to the house on foot.
Quietly, Damen was still singing. 
“Stop it,” Laurent said.
“You love it,” he replied. “This is your birthday present, baby, at least look like you’re having fun.”
“This is literally the worst place we could get caught.”
“No it isn’t,” Damen replied. “I checked out the police station last time I was here. Breaking out of the cells would be too easy.”
“You know that’s not what I meant.”
“There were no lights on when we drove by. No one is home.”
That was true. And they’d timed it perfectly, assuming schedules hadn’t changed in the last two years. The house was silent when they got to it, not a light in sight as promised.
Laurent took a deep breath.
“Chin up,” Damen said. “Let’s go rob your uncle.”
The spare key wasn’t where uncle used to keep it, so they went around the back and Damen fucked with the lock until it opened. It was almost hard to walk into the house, full of so many bad memories, except it had never truly been Laurent’s home and he could just tell himself this was another job. 
“The study,” Laurent said, leading the way.
They crept up the stairs together, torches on their lowest settings.
The study was a formidable room with the big, mahogany desk, and the shelves of books that existed solely to make visitors feel stupid. “Look at this,” Laurent said, pulling out one of the books. “War and Peace in Russian. He doesn’t even know Russian.”
Damen reached past him, and nonchalantly, tipped a stack of books off the shelf. They clattered noisily onto the floor. “Oops,” Damen said. He turned away. “Where’s the safe?”
“Under the desk,” Laurent replied. He was busy searching through the books, finding any early editions to pilfer. They’d probably be able to sell them to an antique store for a bit of quick cash. 
Damen worked away at the safe for a bit, guessing potential codes Laurent had told him about. “None of these are working, sweetheart.” The safe made a beeping noise. “Oh, wait. Got it. Wow, he really deserves to be robbed.”
“I’m sure he thought I’d never come back here.”
Damen made a vaguely angry noise. He didn’t like reminders of what had happened to Laurent in this house. He’d even tried to convince Laurent that they could just murder his uncle while they were here. Laurent wasn’t sure he wanted to add cold-blooded murder to their repertoire just yet though. However tempting.
Damen stood up, suddenly. Hands full of Laurent’s uncle’s emergency cash. He grinned.
“Happy birthday - to - you,” he crooned.
Laurent couldn’t help it. He laughed. “I love you, you beautiful fucking bastard.” 
Abandoning the books, Laurent moved in and kissed him. Carefully, Damen put the money down on the desk so that he could cup Laurent’s face in his hands. It was always intoxicating to kiss Damen. There was something about him that made Laurent forget himself until there was only the press of their lips.
“I love you too,” Damen whispered, pulling back a little. He’d stopped smiling; it was a moment of complete genuine emotion. He did that sometimes, always out of the blue, and it always made Laurent want to clutch him tighter and maybe cry. 
“Let’s finish up here,” Laurent said, “and then we can go find somewhere nice and fuck under the stars.”
“You always know just what to say to seduce me,” Damen said.
They bagged the money, and the books Laurent had picked, and then they made their way down the stairs again.
“Wait,” Damen said.
“I’m hungry.” He turned into the kitchen and opened the fridge. “Oh hey, chocolate.”
Actually, that was an idea. Laurent followed him into the kitchen and went straight for the pretentious temperature controlled wine fridge. “Pinot noir or Shiraz?”
“Whatever is more expensive,” Damen replied. He was adding strawberries and oranges to the bag as well. Cream?”
“It’ll go warm too fast.”
“I feel like we should unplug the fridge before we go, at least,” Damen added. “If you’re still against me putting bleach in the milk.”
“Wouldn’t that make it curdle?”
Damen shrugged. “I don’t know. I had a cement mixer in a bar once but that was lime juice.”
“You can unplug the fridge. If he dies from food poisoning, that’s on him.”
Damen started to look for the cord to the fridge.
“Wait,” Laurent whispered. “Did you hear that?”
They froze, listening.
There it was. The soft sound of the stairs creaking. Fuck. Silently, Laurent gestured towards the back door. Damen nodded. He was carefully reaching over to the knife stand.
“Renaud?” came a small voice.
A young boy, no more than thirteen, stepped into the kitchen. He was wiping at one eye sleepily in a childlike gesture. Less childlike were the bruises on his arms. Laurent knew he and Damen had matching expressions of horror.
The boy’s eyes widened as he took them in. “Who are you?” he said.
Damen’s expression was one of barely concealed fury. He looked at Laurent. “I’m not leaving until that man is in a shallow grave.”
“Don’t scare the boy,” Laurent admonished. He turned to the child and tried to look as non-intimidating as a late-night home invader could possibly look. “What’s your name?”
“Are you Renaud’s friends?” The boy asked.
“No,” Laurent said. “Definitely not. I’m Laurent.”
The boy was frowning. “You used to live here.” 
“Well,” he straightened up, suddenly hostile. “You’re not allowed to come back. He doesn’t want you anymore; I’m better.”
“Where are your parents?” Damen asked.
“We’re not giving him back to parents who-”
“They’re dead,” the boy said. He didn’t sound upset.
The boy is obviously Nicaise. They hear a car in the driveway and Laurent locks Nicaise in the pantry. Laurent’s protective instinct rears up and he insists they kill the uncle now. Damen is fully down for it. Murder ensues. They let Nicaise out and keep him away from finding out that the uncle is dead in the next room. They tell Nicaise to pack a back and discuss what to do with him. Damen suggests dropping him off at a hospital or somewhere like that where someone can get help for him (since they can’t exactly go to the cops). 
Nicaise overhears and says that he doesn’t want to have a new foster parent; at least his current one has a big house. Laurent hearing that feels too wary to risk Nicaise getting another bad household. Damen is like, well I guess we can keep him if you want??? Laurent agrees. They go get in the car and drive away. 
Anyway this AU was directly inspired by the film clip for Hozier’s ‘From Eden’, you should watch it bc that’s the story I intended to write 
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
In my previous post, I shared my thoughts on what I think is Jikook's love language, specifically Jungkook's; and how in my estimation Jimin is the only member within BTS that speaks it, comes close to speaking it and most importantly makes the effort to speak it.
In this post, I attempt to outline what I think is Jimin's love language and show the various ways I feel JK speaks it or comes close to speaking it more so than the others in BTS.
Now I have to state for the record that I do not know or purport to know Jimin or Jungkook or any of these members herein mentioned in any way special and personal other than through the content we all consume on them.
Nor do I intend to be malicious or disrespectful towards them with this post, to intend to strip away their individuality for the sake of shipping symmetry.
Thus, I reiterate, everything I express in here is my thoughts, my observations and my opinion and I pray you treat it as such.
Let the records show, also that, I will bug spray any fake woke wannabe edgy shipper with a Tuktukker complex that takes my words out of context, misconstrue it to suit their own agenda and then turn around to call me out for it. In the name of Jesus, I will avada kedabra your ass. Seriously.
I've always been fascinated by Jimin. By the person he is. And although I do not have a comprehensive understanding of this man's inner workings, he's got to be the most complex and frankly interesting character I've come across in all my shipping years.
His duality is confusing and coupled with his Libra energy, his character and personality can be and is quite often misconstrued and misinterpreted within the shipping community.
He is friendly, cute, funny, beautiful and ship compatible with anyone.
Very often, I find, most people cannot tell his personality from his idol self slash persona or even his love language from his affectionate nature; thus resulting in these bizzare fallacies and ridiculous assumptions about him such as: he is a flirt, hoe, clingy, homewrecker, attention seeker and a plethora of slurs and sobriquet that's defamatory and slanderous at best- its ridiculous.
I get that not everyone likes him and as such wouldn't hesitate to filter his words and actions through arbitrary metrics to arrive at conclusions that profits them and does nothing but help them make sense of their hate- Y'all don't love yourselves enough.
Not to say he is my bias therefore he is perfect. That would be a blunder. He has his shortcomings, he is human after all. What I'm saying is most people don't get him and as such read him wrong?
What's more discombobulating, is the stan who swears up and down they know Jimin well enough but don't see him treating JK any different from the rest of the boys in BTS therefore Jikook isn't real- insert shook pikachu face.
Then there are those stans with genuine shipping concerns about the love dynamics between the two:
Those that feel JM gives more to JK than he receives back. That he is more supportive of JK than JK is of him. Very often, these people would bring up the issue of JK not promoting Promise when it first came out as evidence of this- it's been years let it go.
JK not being as vocal and open about his feelings and interest in JM the way Jimin is and has been about JK is also another area of concern for these stans. If you try to explain to them its because JK is/was shy they will kick- your- ass. Hell, I will kick your ass too. I'll explain later.
Some people also- I know I have at one point- have described JK's interest in and descriptions of JM as a bit shallow and vain compared to how the other members speak of Jimin.
To them, the other members usually talk about how smart and intelligent JM is, how kind and nurturing he is. How much of himself he gives to them. That the way the members talk about Jimin often helps give us a glimpse into the real Park Jimin as distinct from the persona we see on the screens.
But then there is JK: JM hyung is sexy. He has pretty eyes. 'I want you.' Then he proceeds to drool over the Jibooty, squeeze them legs shut tight while struggling to sit through a Jimin solo dance without popping boners left right left around Jimin- Bless him.
I mean, dude nearly snapped his neck trying to catch a glimpse of the Ji-abs in the middle of a performance? Damn.
To be fair, the other members don't talk like this about Jimin and sexualise Jimin as often as JK does because, they don't want to screw Jimin's brains out? Cough, cough. Hashtag save Jimin from JK. Lol
If JK is sexually attracted to Jimin, how else do you expect him to express that? Never mind that he's done some of these things subconsciously at times. You know what...
Y'all need to give this man a break!
He was a hormonal teen- he is still relatively pretty young. It's ridiculous to expect and demand such high level of maturity from a 16/17 year old experiencing a nonplatonic love for the first time in his life and more so in an unforgiving and invasive environment such as that in which he found himself.
Jk and Jimin found each other before they found themselves and it's unreasonable to think that that didn't have a toll on their relationship dynamics. They are human.
They are each growing and maturing at different paces. Their relationship has suffered through its growing pains; Certainly, one person is going to appear lacking in one or two areas in one way shape or form and at any given point in their love journey. That doesn't make them less real.
Again, their careers and the pursuit of it haven't exactly given them the space, time or normalcy to explore what they are and who they are in a functional way, in my opinion.
Everything is moving fast in their world, everything is highly exaggerated and highly scrutinized. Kpop is not exactly a healthy space to foster a healthy relationship and it would be a miracle if any of them should come out unscathed.
Neither one of them went searching for this love thingy nor were they even experienced enough to look at their relationship beyond the convenience of it and the excitement of it- The orgasms were enough reason for them, I think.
I get uncomfortable when some Jikookers, out of good intentions, claim Jikook knew what they were doing, should have known therefore could have known the consequences of them coupling up in a group like BTS before entering into their relationship- let me stop you right there!
While this assumption may seem like a compliment to them it also perpetuates the adultification of early days Jikook which I find disturbing.
They were teens not grown adults when they fell in love. We can't expect and demand such level of maturity from them at that age as cool as that would have made them.
They don't need to be cool to be real. They don't need to be mature to be real.
Jikook is real regardless of whether they were thoughtful or not thoughtful about the consequences of them choosing to date in a group setting, or a homophobic society at the onset of their relationship.
It's ridiculous to dismiss what they are now on the grounds that S.K is a homophobic society or that dating a coworker is not inconsequential.
People date their coworkers all the time and there are gay couples in S.K.
Jikook were too young to comprehend the consequences of dating because which teen worries about all of that before popping one off for the lord? On which planet, sir/ma'am??Were they thinking with their 'ducks?' I believe so. But again, that doesn't make them any less real.
From what I can tell anyway, 2018 was the year Jikook had anything resembling a serious thoughtful contemplation of the status of their relationship- Well, 2018 and this later half of 2020 as some of you might have already noticed. More on this later.
But yes, this adultification of early days Jikook is absurd and needs to stop. And what's equally disturbing is the infantilization of the adult day Jikook- you can't expect Jikook dynamics to remain the same throughout the years. That's bizzare.
Don't expect them to be their same jeonlous, Jimlous, possessive selves. They are growing. They are evolving as individuals and as a pair.
I side eye the fuck out of these fake woke shippers and 'grown ups' who filter Jikook interactions through adult lens and tag moments like Jimlous and Jeonlous as toxic and unhealthy without taking into context where they were at in their love journey or even their age. What y'all think this is? Fiction? Get the fuck outta here.
Jikook have had to learn and grow on the Job and around their job and learn to love eachother under the scrutiny of severe cameras and weird Ahjummas. Leave them the fuck alone or I swear I will petrify your ass for an entire comeback season. Lol
[Rant over]
All that being said, I get it. The way JK talks about Jimin isn't exactly special or unique from the way the other's speak about Jimin. But it isn't exactly superficial either...
And yes, it's quite unsettling that he doesn't describe Jimin in a way that gives meaningful insight into Jimin's personality as distinct from the others', given as he has exclusive access to Jimin more so than any of the members- we have a lot to unpack today, don't we?
Then on the other hand, there are those who think the exact opposite and see JK as the one who gives more to their relationship. That JK takes their relationship more seriously than Jimin does. They see Jimin as a bit wishy-washy when it comes to his commitment to their relationship- this breaks my heart.
Often, such people will cite Jimin's flirty nature, his lack of boundaries with others amongst other things, to prove their point...
Grab a seat, this discussion is going to be a long one. Smiley face.
Jimin first got on my alt-ship radar in Rookie King when he was given an opportunity to air any and all of his grievances accumulated over the years against any member or staff of BigHit but instead chose to use that opportunity to talk about JK and how JK's actions had been hurting him.
Prior to this, he was just my bias and I would casually ship him with Suga, V, RM and basically all the members- except JK. I just couldn't ship JK with anyone.
Back then, I had a vague sense of JM's personality but felt I knew enough about him to theorize on his love language and JK was the last person I thought of as capable of meeting those emotional needs of Jimin's.
Rookie King changed my mind.
Jimin wasn't just trying to squash his differences with JK, he was trying to get closer to him. To get emotionally intimate with him- this is one of the things that sparked my interest in their dynamics.
Because it wasn't as if they weren't close. They were. They had a skinship between them. Skinship, or lack of physical boundaries as I like to call it, is one of the means through which BTS achieve intimacy amongst them.
Jikook had that between them at the time, they went everywhere together, woke each other up- they were close.
Yet Jimin felt they weren't close enough. That there was a wall between them. Now, I see a lot of people misinterpret this period in the Jikook timeline as that Jimin was crushing hard on JK. He wasn't. In my opinion.
You see, Jimin was the last person to Join the band. This was bound to have an effect on his relationship dynamics with the rest of the members as he had missed out on two years worth of emotional connection and camaraderie with them.
He had had only one year to bond and get to know the others away from the cameras and in a way that could help him develop a sense of belongingness within the group.
Within this one year, he had school, voice training, and other activities that possibly got in the way of him truly building an intimate connection with the others.
He is the only member out of the seven whose intimacy journey got captured on camera. He had to foster a connection with the others with the cameras around.
But building a connection with people even in a platonic sense is quite an intimate and private process. It takes vulnerability, honesty, a willingness to submit and subject oneself to varying degrees of humiliation, a sacrifice of the self, ego and pride in a way that just strips you naked- metaphorically speaking.
And in Jimin's case, he had to go through this stage and process openly and with the cameras around- the second hand embarrassment I get from watching early days Park Jimin!
He literally had to be the clown of the group, the hufflepuff, the clingy one, the flirty one, the one with the abs, the loud and chatty one as well as all the tasteless epithets people now weaponize against him.
I believe, all he was trying to do at this stage was breach the barriers he felt existed between him and the others as the newcomer of the group so he didn't feel like an outsider.
That is his first love language- the need to belong. He has a strong desire to feel connected with people. He cares about people and connection. He's reiterated this throughout the years and even more loudly in the recent Japan interviews.
He wanted to be part of BTS both physically and emotionally. He wanted to fit in, to belong with them, to be accepted and viewed as one of the boys- BTS.
You could see this in the way he had adopted the mannerisms of the group- the skinship, the love language of the group if you will.
It is why when Suga complained about him not liking him as much, Jimin immediately drew closer to him and wrapped his hands around him, initiating skinship between them to show he liked him.
Jimin tried to speak the groups love language so he could bond with them but he also began to infuse his own love language.
If you've seen his relationship with his father you'd understand that Jimin expresses his love through giving, nurturing etc. It is how his primary care givers showed him love and so how he also shows and conveys his love.
The members have talked about how he would encourage them to talk, to open up, how he would listen to them, be there for them and give them gifts- the birthday gift exchange culture in BTS didn't exist until Jimin arrived in BTS.
What I'm trying to say is, Jimin has a distinct way of showing love that is unique from how everyone else in the group expresses their love. That, there is also an established love parlance within BTS that everyone speaks and that is skinship.
So when Jimin does skinship with any member he is not acting 'clingy' he is just speaking the love language that the group understands. But when Jimin nurtures and acts supportive and what not, he is speaking his own unique love language.
Now I have talked extensively about how Jimin expresses his in my last post so I will be focusing mainly on how he receives loves or what gestures he interprets as love.
And since there is a general consensus that VMin have an emotional connection, I will be referencing their relationship a lot for comparisons sake.
Tae is the only member Jimin got to spend the most time with around predebut without the intrusion of the cameras. This i feel allowed Tae room to strip back and be fully vulnerable with Jimin without reservation as is required of intimacy- which was not the case for Jikook hence JK shying away from interacting with JM in front of the cameras.
Jikook wasn't accorded the luxury of privacy VMin had to build their bond. Jikook had to build their bond with the camera's trailing them. How many times have we seen JK give death stares to the camera people for invading his me time with Jimin?
Not to be psychoanalytic but I feel, this is what induced the exhibitionist tendencies we see in them- or perhaps I'm wrong and this is just them being extra. Bless them.
Within the one year JM was trying to connect with JK through skinship, JK was also only coming around to understanding what skinship meant to him. They were evolving at different paces.
JK has the most walls in BTS. He wasn't just physically closed off to skinship in the early days forcing Tae to strip him naked in the bathroom, he was emotionally closed off too.
He is still pretty much emotionally closed off- he likes to put up walls. He had his own room at the dorm, does his own laundry, barely keeps in touch with the others or pick up the damn phone when they call etc.
Jk barely partakes in the group's established way of life except for perhaps the skinship. In my opinion.
It took JK a while to understand this culture of skinship though. And the members, all of them, had to push his boundaries further back in order to connect with him.
For instance, Jin pinching his nipples to wake him up, Tae doing- well, all of it. Go watch Taekook sexual tension edits, I dare you. You'll understand.
These members had three years off camera with JK to build a connection with him and even they were met with some resistance from JK.
All Jimin had was a year with JK. I feel Jimin lowkey coveted what the others had with JK and perhaps wanted to have that with him too. Why? Because of his need to belong and connect with people. Watching JK's dynamics with the others probably made him feel left out.
I also understand how this could have been overwhelming for young JK who was having both his physical boundaries and emotional boundaries breached at the same time by this person whom he he'd known for only a year.
That's just one of the major differences between Jikook and Taekook: while Tae was busy breaching the physical walls between him and JK, Jimin was attempting emotional heist on him. Bravo Jimin, Bravo.
So do I think at this point in 2013 that Jikook were falling in love or had fallen in love? NO. But what I took from that moment was that Jimin wanted and needed to feel a sense of belongingness with JK.
Mind you I said he wanted to belong, not owned. Freedom is a component of Jimin's love language. In as much as he wants to be kept he wants to be set free- To be be given the room and freedom to explore options and take risks without judgement and without sanctions.
This need is often misconstrued as him being noncommittal.
His need for freedom, I believe, stems from his being raised in a conservative home with parents that directed and dictated every facet of his life and wouldn't even allow him to pursue his passions until later. It took a while for his father to give him the go ahead to pursue his dream- which is performing on stage.
This is why I said in my last post that Jimin has a need to be in control of the decision making in a relationship. Being able to do as he pleases is important to him. Being able to control his own narrative is important to him. And the only person in BTS that permits him to have such authority over him is JK.
Now, I know you are going to say 'but JK is a bit possessive yadda yadda yadda'.
Listen, Jimin's need for freedom is inextricably linked with his fear of judgment and repercussion. What this means is, although he wants his freedom he is often afraid of what will happen if he should go for it.
As such, very often he wouldn't do anything without permission. Especially if he feels it's going to land him in trouble.
I fist noticed this in the 2014 Jikook bangtan bomb when he said he was starting to take a liking to JK but then right after he asked if JK was ok with that. Suga have also said, Jimin doesn't go out of his way to do things that makes people hate him- See this is why he needs JK. He could use some rebellion in his life.
However, this fear of sanctions often makes him complacent to and an accomplice in toxic behavioural patterns.
For instance, until recently, he would enable JK and encourage his acts of jealousy and possessiveness and even incite them at times. He would hold on to the thorns if it means keeping the rose.
But I see him asserting himself and demanding space within their relationship at times but when he does and JK withdraws he would act clingy around JK.
It is what Manila was about, what August 2019 was about and what April/May 2020 was about. I know some of y'all don't agree with my analysis on these moments, but I'm gonna have to stand by it.
Jimin is all about the balance of scales. The balance of needs and wants. The balance of fears and desires. It's just the Libra in him. Give him too much freedom and he will feel unwanted, hold on too tight and he would feel suffocated.
'I value my relationship. Spending time with my friends is gold' remember this shade?
Jimin's fear of Judgment comes from being a perfectionist and also being raised in a conservative home with a lot of expectations of him to be the model son as the elder male.
Thus, he instinctively gravitates towards people who are less judgy or have too much expectations of him.
Also, because he believes he has to work hard to achieve the things he wwants he wants to be loved, it would mean a lot to him if he didn't have to work hard to have someone love him.
It makes sense then that he would gravitate towards JK.
Jk embodies all of Jimin's wildest desires. I call this the allure of the Golden Maknae. Jk doesn't conform. He doesn't care about people's opinions of him and lives his life on his own terms- something Jimin is striving for.
No member in BTS is as free spirited, or as rebellious as JK is. When Suga told him not to get a tattoo because the fans would hate it- he's gotten it anyway hasn't he?
The best part, JK fell all on his own. And you damn right. he fell hard.
Still on the subject of fears, another fear I feel Jimin has that speaks to his love language is the fear of being a burden.
It is why he gives and gives and keeps giving. He'd rather give than receive. Which by the way, JK is the only member I have seen Jimin demand back what he gives him. Emotionally speaking.
Because he gives a lot of himself, he burns out quickly and feels emotionally drained quite often.
He has admitted himself that he used to drink by himself in his room whenever he felt drained. I assume he drank by himself because he didn't want to be a burden to others. Aka JK.
You see, JK is an empath. He feels people's pain as if they were his own. You just have to see him tear up while watching JM cry to understand what I mean by this. Jimin is a nurturer, he knows what it feels like to listen to someone's pain.
And if Tae is the one he goes to when it becomes overbearing then what does he need JK for? Glad you asked!
What JK offers Jimin is nourishment. A safe space for him to heal and reboot. JK replenishes Jimin. It is why he constantly wants to be around him.
Jk has been a canvas in their love dynamics from day one. They've both had to negotiate their needs and wants to make their relationship work. Which is something I find unique about their dynamics and why I believe they are real.
JK's lack of experience in dating, meant he had gone into their relationship without any preconceived notions of love. He's had to learn to love Jimin the way Jimin wants to be loved.
Coming from the background he's coming from, and having been denied his ambitions for such a long time, I see why Jimin would be drawn to people that are quite ambitious.
And even though, JK wasn't this person at first, Jimin has had to hype him up to the task. He pushes JK to be more ambitious.
When it comes to JK, I feel it's more about his potential to be everything Jimin wants in a partner and JK seems more than happy to comply with this.
Because of Jimin's duality and as a natural nurturer, I feel Jimin would also be attracted to someone emotionally open to recieving his love but not too emotionally dependent on him- the balance of scales I mentioned earlier.
It is why VMin wouldn't work, in my opinion. Tae is too emotionally dependent on Jimin. He ends up taking too much than he gives. On the other hand, Suga isn't emotionally dependent enough.
Again, for a man who's battled insecurity for years, it's safe to assume security, certainty and stability are an intricate part of his love language.
He seeks validation of these needs through the most random of things. In my opinion. He wants to be the one that knows JK the best. It matters to him if their clothes match, if their hair colors match, if JK meets his eyes in the middle of a serious comeback interview, if he checks all of JK's answers- hell, dude be whispering sweet empty nothings in JK's ears most times, talking about they are destined to be together and shit. You are me, I am you. Shit.
As annoying as some of these behaviors may be, JK is very considerate and tolerant of them and consideration is another one of Jimin's love language. This goes back to having been denied his dreams by his father. That denial flowed from a lack of consideration of his needs.
And as much as emotionally connected he is with Tae, Tae barely takes his feelings into consideration. And you see this in the letter Tae's written to Jimin. Or even in the dumpling incident where Tae put his want above Jimin's.
Not to mention the moments, JM have had to walk out of rooms because- Tae won't stop playing with JK's dam hair! Lol. They are cute.
People take from Jimin without reservation. But Jk is considerate as Jimin is of JK's needs.
Jk wasn't the 'exhibitionist' in that pair. He's a very private individual from what I can tell.
That PDA, that exhibitionism we see in them, that's all Park Jimin. He kinky. Dude freaky as fuck- we ain't mad at that. Bless him.
He enjoys public displays of affection. It's how he receives love. But PDA is not JK's love language, in my opinion. Yet he goes out of his way to show his affections for JM openly.
The best example I can give of this is Rosebowl.
JK understands that in order to be intimate with JM he has to allow himself to be influenced by him.
And Jimin understands that, as much as he wants to be close to JK that he doesn't have to rush him or force him into giving him the things he need from their relationship.
They are both very considerate of each other's needs, as random and ridiculous as those needs may be and cater to them in a way that is uniquely them.
Take the New Jersey live 2019 for example. Jimin seemed exhausted. Didn't want to be on another Live that night but JK clearly wanted to be seen on a Live together with him so he was there.
Another instance is the rock bison incident, where JM exchanged his toy for JK's just to make JK happy.
Listen, Jimin is in love with Jk no matter how imperfect you think he is.
No matter how much you think JK sucks at expressing his feelings for JM, Jimin loves him. No matter how close JM is with the other members, aka VMin, Yoonmin, Minimoni and the others; no matter the lack of emotional and physical boundaries between him and the others he will always fall back on Jk because none of those relationships fulfill him as much as JK does.
Jimin's constant need to be around JK could only mean there is some he gets from JK, a sense of fulfillment he gets that he doesn't get from any other member.
Keep supporting Jikook.
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randomoranges · 3 years
bonjour-ho i have returned with this au. i so want to finish this au. there is so little left to this au. lets make it happen, fried-ends.
fair warning for like mentions of sexy times, but just in passing. 
rock back au
part 39
It turned into a thing after that night. Edward wasn’t about to complain, really. If anything, it added to the monotone of the day, considering the pandemic and such.
 He’d do his own thing, Étienne would mess around on his keyboard, they’d go for a walk to stay sane and get some fresh air, sometimes Étienne had a live session with his other band mates, Edward would assemble some dinner, Étienne would help, they’d watch something on TV together if they didn’t have other occupations to tend to and then – they’d retire to Edward’s room for sex.
 Really great sex.
 Edward had no idea if it was all the pent up energy from being cooped up, lust, or something else, but he wasn’t complaining. If anything, he would have gotten some really good sex during the lockdown. He didn’t care if this was a temporary thing, he didn’t care if it was a means to an end, the only thing he did care about was the fact that every night, without fault, safe for that first night, Étienne would always leave once they were done and return to his own room. Edward didn’t mind, but – he also liked waking up next to Étienne. Liked the companionship. The tousled way Étienne’s hair looked like first thing. The way he stretched like a cat, before starting the day. The way he sometimes slumped back into bed and hugged a pillow, face furrowed in it, for minutes on end – content.
 It was really endearing.
 Obviously, if Étienne really wanted to return to his own room, he would respect that, but if Étienne was leaving under the assumption that Edward wanted him gone... that wouldn’t do.
 Therefore, he was going to put a stop to this tonight. If the world was going to burn and end, he was going to wake up next to a man, thank you very much. He’d waited long enough. He was going to take full advantage of this situation he had somehow or other found himself in.
 Like clockwork, late that night, once Étienne had made sure that Edward didn’t want to go for another round, he started gathering his clothes, slipping some of them back on. Edward watched him for a moment, and then, just as Étienne was about to get up, he reached out for him, grabbing him by the arm.
 “You know you can stay, yeah?”
 Even in the near darkness, Edward could make out the surprised expression on his face, as if he had never expected such a request.
 “Are you sure?”
 “Of course, silly,” As if to prove his point, he moved over and patted the spot beside him. Étienne hesitated for a moment longer, before he made himself comfortable again in the place he’d been occupying moments before.
 “I’m not – overstaying or something? Feels like I’m taking over. I don’t want you to feel obliged to – babysit me or be with me just because. I understand if you want your own space.”
 Edward would have laughed, had it not been for how genuinely sincere Étienne sounded.
 “I appreciate your concern, but this is more than fine, really. I’d let you know, if I wanted my own space; promise.”
 “Alright, alright, if you insist – but, fair warning, I’m a cuddler.”
 Edward already knew, based on that first night a few days ago, but – he wasn’t about to complain. It had been nice – less lonely.
 As if to prove his point, Étienne managed to snake himself around Edward, one arm splayed on his chest, face furrowed in the crook of his neck and legs twined together, and when he started to fake snore, Edward couldn’t help but laugh.
 “You’re such a dork.” He said, wiggling, trying to get comfortable himself.
 “Shh, it’s time to sleep.”
 For good measure, Edward bopped him on the top of his head, before he settled himself and oddly enough, drifted off to sleep soon after.
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