#to be fair he's like 15
cosy-kit · 7 months
yes i would like to sue Disney because Jim Hawkins is my age yet the boys that are our age all suck. he has risen my standards tOO HIGH-
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innytoes · 10 months
Dark fantasy AU?
-In hindsight, as he's being chased through the forest, hunted by mythical creatures is not where Reggie thought he'd end up when his folks told him they were moving to Los Angeles. Honestly, considering how he used to roam the woods and fields near his Meemaw's farm, the fact that he'd stumbled into a fairy circle near the beach was almost insulting.
-It's not even that he manages to outrun them. It's that one night (he thinks it's night, though time moves differently here and light and dark are all tangled up and is the purple haze of the sky supposed to be dusk or dawn or just a dark stop of the forest?) he'd decided to just... give up.
He couldn't remember how long he'd been running, running from the pounding of hooves and the yapping of dogs that did not look anything like what a dog should look like. He couldn't remember a time where he wasn't hungry, or thirsty, or tired, but something inside of him just kept making him run and run and run
-But he'd had enough. So he just sat down, with his back towards the noise, and hoped they'll kill him quickly. And to comfort himself, he sang the lullaby his Meemaw used to sing when he was scared of the thunder.
-That's what saved him. One of the fae, Caleb, was so charmed by the song that instead of doing whatever it is they did with their prey, he bundled Reggie up and took him to his... castle. Dwelling. Domain.
-He was dressed in finery and made to sing as Caleb and the other fae danced and ate and did things that Reggie very much had not wanted to see, thank you very much. But eventually, they slept, and Reggie met... the other humans who were trapped here.
-Luke, a young boy who had run away from home to become a musician in 1875. He was distraught to hear Reggie tell him it was the nineties now. Even more distraught when Reggie clarified it was the 1990s.
-There was Alex, who had been cast out of his village for reasons he did not want to share, but that Reggie figured out pretty quickly when he saw the way he looked at Willie. He'd fallen asleep near a fairy circle, and the promises he'd been made had been so tempting, he'd said yes before he fully understood the deal.
-And then there was Willie. The boy who had been stolen from his parents, a changeling left in his place. Who had grown up here, a part of this world yet not really. Who did not know what the other boys meant when they talked about years, or America, or really the whole concept of 'family'.
-Luke's the one who tells them of their escape plan. Alex is worried they can't trust Reggie not to rat him out to Caleb, and Reggie is like: um excuse me I was just hunted for sport for who knows how long you think I wanna help that guy?
-But before he can Willie just tilts his head and says: his heart is pure.
-Which is very sweet but also a little creepy.
-Anyway, they do manage to escape Caleb's clutches somehow, and end up back in the human world.
-Being yeeted out of a little ring of mushrooms in the soil of a plant Ray overwatered in the big plant wall of the Molina studio was not particularly pleasant, okay. Considering a real human should not be able to fit through that. But Willie explained that as soon as a fairy portal grew, it was only a manner of time that the fairies would notice it and stake it out to see what they could lure to their realm.
-Somehow, Luke and Alex get thrown clear across the room, Luke slamming against the door, Alex dropping onto the concrete floor.
-Reggie's not sure if him crashing against a pretty wooden piano is better or worse. The sound it made was definitely worse.
-Somehow, Willie ends up sitting crosslegged on the little piano bench, and he turns and quickly crushes up the mushrooms to destroy the portal.
-Julie, of course, is screaming, Alex and Luke and Reggie are screaming. Willie is trying to explain to Julie she over-watered her fern and pouts when she runs away.
-No they're not ghosts but they are changed and they all have weird powers. Luke nearly cries with joy that he can still summon his guitar. Alex is really not okay with this whole 'walking through walls' thing. Reggie is sad he cannot summon a puppy or a pizza.
-Willie can teleport short distances and is shocked to learn humans can't just do that? You have to walk everywhere? Or ride a horse. What's a car? What's roller skates? He needs to see one of these skateboad things immediately, let's summon the human girl back to ask for one. What can they trade for a skateboard?
-They're kind of freaked out at the whole 2020 thing, but hey, Reggie's like: at least it hasn't been a hundred years like when I told Luke about the 90s.
-Queue canon but it's even worse and more chaotic.
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space-writes · 5 months
heads up 7 up
tagged by @oh-no-another-idea this time, thank you! have 7-ish lines from claws, wherein Holly has finally met Vivien and is chewing Rainier out about it:
“He gets you,” Holly says, rolling her eyes. “Which just means he does whatever you want and tells you how wonderful you are because he doesn’t know any better because he’s nineteen and you’re almost forty!” “Easy on the almost, Holls.” Rainier presses a palm to his chest. “I’m not that close to the grave yet. He’s an adult. Just because he looks young—” “He is young! You are a fully grown man—though goddess knows you refuse to act like one—and he’s a baby. Did you even check he was legal before you stuck your tongue in his mouth?”
no-pressure tagging @andromedaexists @serenanymph and @sam-glade this time
claws taglist: @belovedviolence @foxboyclit (ask to be +/-)
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jtl-fics · 1 year
There were two other meme options for this chapter but I felt like it really captured the awkwardness of FF but here are the other two I was thinking about:
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nbkdramathings · 7 months
People can have their own opinions, but the discourse around Eun Bin’s acting in Castaway Diva is…odd.
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puppy-steve · 3 months
had my stepdad's funeral today (not my current stepdad) and hoooooo boy the abandonment issues are in full swing :)
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lonelysa1lor · 4 months
Why did i get the random idea for an GF au filled with angst and tragic situations at 3 am. Just chilling and all of a sudden im like 'what if ford got kidnapped by a cult [probably almost definitely Bills] at a young age and got raised with the idea he'd be the one to built the portal and free Bill or maybe be raised as a permanent vessel. It'd be like pre-betrayal Ford but he was told that since he was like 7. What if he wound up leaving for Gravity Falls [either leaving the cult because he found out something bad like idk the destruction of the earth] and MET STANLEY and they'd have to reconsider everything they know. What if Bill didnt know any of it because when you're tryna find some poor shmuck to built you a portal you wouldnt look at your own cult which is already full of idiots
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stars-n-spice · 9 months
Happy national boyfriend day <3
Everyone look at my boyfriend! ! ! !
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running-in-the-dark · 7 months
we're watching Will Trent at the moment (we've seen the first 9 episodes). I don't really like cop shows anymore (for obvious reasons) but. but. that man has been my favourite character for like. 16 or 17 years. I couldn't not watch it. I love him so much
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wounddread · 8 months
hey!!! i followed for the ardyn content!!! but i was curious about your ire tags??? is this an oc??? id love to hear about them!! <3
omg hello fellow ardyn-lover!! <3 ahhhhh yeah ire is my oc 👉👈 she's my oc x canon for ardyn lol that's why you probably see them a lot together in my tags 🖤 SO cringe of me but tysm for humoring me 🖤🖤🖤 i guess to start, she's one of my angel ocs!! and she's my personal fave :) i've got this like. whole huge fic in the works about them i've been writing for years now that my friend @vince-prime REALLY helped me with including adding in his own ocs. we brainstorm together and i do the writing :) ardyn needs someone who would defy the gods for him, yenno? and ire is kinda like. the culmination of that i guess 🤍 and she's also the "he asked for no pickles" wife lol i love ire because she stops at nothing if it means he gets a chance at happiness, gods and devils be damned. she is a force of absolute nature and i find her fascinating because all the angels in my fic have slight human qualities about them, whether it's lust or cruel fascination or curiosity or even selfishness, and she's no different :) but her human characteristics culminate into... persistence and eternity. it's the vibe of like. she'd burn down heaven to keep him warm. and the way love can become a purely neutral force because you won't bend to the laws of fate and whatnot. yeah. idk, i think she's cool lol 🖤 i have an ire aesthetic/ardyn/ffxv blog if u wanna check it out @ire-in-reverence :) all things that remind me of her are under the 🤍 tag and all the ardyn things are under the ♥️ tag. and the "iredyn" tag stands for the ship name i gave them :)
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always-a-joyful-note · 9 months
Tatsumi in !! Music: Aww, look at these kids. Oh, to be young again Me: My brother in Christ, you are 18
Nagisa and Sakuma in Road to Show: Gotta be adults and let the kids enjoy themselves while we grown ups take care of the work Me: Guys, you haven't even graduated from university
Keito to Kiryu: Gotta take care of our child Souma Me: ????? He's just a grade younger than you both???
Knights seniors: Must protect our adorable king from the horrors of the world Me: HE'S LIKE 3 YEARS YOUNGER THAN THE OLDEST OF YOU AND HIS FAMILY HAS ASSASSINS
Kiryu @ Kanata in the anime: As Ryuseitai's mom, you should help out its dad with the kids Me: "Mom" and "Dad" are still HIGH SCHOOLERS
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dracolizardlars · 2 months
ooooough i just checked and Ripley is out now on netflix I'm vibrating crying throwing up
I quite liked the movie The Talented Mr Ripley (adaptation of the same book) which I coincidentally only first watched like 6 months ago, I came out of it with very mixed and confused feelings though. but you see. this Netflix show version of it. Is starring Andrew fucking Scott. and if there's one thing I came away with that movie from its that the main character is exactly the kind of character who should be portrayed by Andrew Scott!!!!!
I just last night went to see National Theatre's Vanya for the second time (in the cinema) bc it blew me away so fucking much I had to get my boyfriend to watch it as well and AAAAAAAAAAAAA
Decided right then while watching it the second time that I NEED to watch every single thing Andrew Scott ever appears in because holy fucking shit wow.
So yeah. Never been as excited to watch a show as Ripley. (Even though I am also slightly afraid for my feelings and mental state.)
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im2tired4usernames · 3 months
My parents should be fuckin ashamed
#you borrow 80 bucks then can only find me 21 back then i put that 21 into good for your kids then spend the rest of my paycheck getting#diapers pull ups medicine more food for kids and then i fill up the 15 passenger van and then when dad asks why i don't have money to eat#on my lunchbreaks at work like I'm some over spending wild irresponsible bitch when he's the one going to concerts and paying for fancy dat#s and jewelry for his gf and buying groceries for her but you know it's fine#take all my time and energy#so that i literally am a zombie and fall asleep on the very very very limited free time i get#(after doin extra chores to earn said free time)#wo that i fall asleep half way in which isn't fair to my partner and isn't fair to me#take all my income so i cant afford anything#take all my time#take all my energy#YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED YOU GROOMED ME AND MESHED THE FAMILY'S ENTIRE LIFE STYLE FOR ME TO BE LIKE THIS#I CANT MAKE HEALTHY FRIENDSHIPS BECAUSE I JUST CAN NOT FUNCTION IF I'M NOT GIVING EVERYTHING TO SOMEONE#IT SUCKS I HATE IT#THEY'LL NEVER ADMIT THEY FUCKED ME OVER#EVER#THEY'LL NEVER DO ANYTHING TO FIX IT OR CHANGE#AND I HAVE NO HOPE FOR ANY CHANGES#MY LITTLE SIBLINGS SEE WHAT I DO FOR THEM AND THEY HUG ME AND TELL ME HOW MUCH THEY LIVE ME#'thank you so much for taking care of us' that tell me all the time 'you do so much for us'#it breaks my heart i wish i could give them the world i love them so much they deserve so much better#my mom lost her chance to be decent my dad better learn soon otherwise all his kids minus his favorite will hate him#i love ny parents#and i know they live me and my siblings#but they groomed me into the most miserable personification of elder daughter syndrome and they should be ashamed for what they've done#and be ashamed that they sucked so bad that they're own child had to step up
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pericci · 4 months
I do like how I went so insanely bonkers for my OC Anathema that even though I haven’t drawn her in like 3+ years she still has about 60 more pics on TH than ANY of my other OCs
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vilnan · 4 months
i'm so bad at this game i can't get rosy's approval above 30% sksksksnwb
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bangcakes · 4 months
#in the past i would have given up but now im like#oh right if i want something..... i gotta go for it and make it happen HDJDJDJDJDJDJ#itd be easier to give up tho LOL. god....#idk im just................ what if like. nothing even happens n i spejt all this time liking him like that would SUCK. hhhhhhhhh#i should just see if him n my ither friend wanna hang out but im ANXIOUS ABOUT ASKING#BC. GOD. the longer i dont see someone the more im like.... oh they probably didnt even like me that much JDJDJDJD#like this even happens with ppl ive been friends with for 15 years like i am just THAT insecure????#maybe not insecure.... idk. i think i just.... dont wanna get hurt so i tell myself that ppl dont actually like me. but thats like so dumb.#bc thats like... borrowing grief from the future right????? and like hhhhh god#idk i just like. sometimes its better to have 0 expectations or hopes??????#idk romance has never worked out for me b4 so why would it this time#tho to be fair this is the first time ive actually like wanted stuff to keep happening.#prev guys ive been like oh god oh no this is so fast#and its like. just them wanting to talk constantly#but now i have this guy that i talk to like. every 1 to 2 weeks LOL GOD#im trying to hang in there#i think its just that its passed 2am#idk idk#im just.............!!!!#and like what if bc im not moving fast enough.... he moves on JDJJDKDKDKDKDMDMMDMD#but then its like.... ok it wasnt meant to be then....??????#god this is so JDJDJJDJDJDJD#be careful what u wish for bc like. i said i always wanted a friends first slow burn and LMAO.......#hhhh n e way#im also like maybe i jynxed this whole thing by talking about it too much 😭😭😭#ugh whatever... im so JDJFJFJDMDMMD#personal
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