#to me they are clexa if Lexa was the sky person and Clarke the grounder
lexa-griffins · 1 year
omg don’t make fun of me bc i truly do live under a grain of rice but can i ask where people shipping ranya comes from 😭 if i’m not mistaken i don’t think they even interact once? (idk i barely remember s1 and i’m not rewatching her to check)
They dont interact ever, Anya has actually never seen Raven if I recall, and Raven only called her "grounder princess", that's the extent of their none interactions. But i do think that is where the whole shipping them comes from.
It has been a crackship for YEARS. Raven is close to Clarke, Anya is close to Lexa (canon wise because we also never see them together, at this point half of the characters that are supposed to know each other were never together on screen) and they both have these personalities that me and most people seem to think would mash really well!
Luna and Raven are also pretty popular and while I do like them I entered the Ranya ship and I cannot leave 😂 its just one of those crack ships that really took off and I basically treat it as canon, even if logically i know they never even interacted 😌 such is the shipping world!
(I do like having Luna as that one chick that flirts with Raven /and/ Lexa to make Anya and Clarke jealous zhdnfj)
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butmakeitgayblog · 6 months
Sorry, I really thought about typing out the whole name but then I was like “Nahhhhh… they’ll get it.” 😬 I wrote a piece of fiction for March 3rd this year that I liked, but I think I’d have trouble with a longer story but honestly your encouragement might be enough to get me to try! Another fic idea I had was a sort of Anya Likes Clarke But Clarke Is Too Busy Trying To Get Her People Out Of Mount Weather To Notice triangle, where Anya lives and gets to introduce Clarke to Lexa and both grounders are 100% smitten with Clarke, cause let’s be honest, I think if it was given time to develop, it might’ve happened. The angst that would play out when Lexa chooses to betray Clarke would just be.. mmmmph *chefs kiss*. Anya torn between her duty to her commander and former seken, and between the sky girl that had quickly made a crash landing into the deepest parts of her heart. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m 100% Clexa trash, and only Clexa trash, but I do like seeing the could-be relationships for Clarke played out. Like Princess Mechanic, or Octavia x Clarke (I don’t know if there’s a specific name for that), or Anya x Clarke. Hell, I even saw a short one shot once for an Echo x Clarke and that was interesting as hell to read.
Not to ramble too much but on this idea there’s another great one where Lexa is trapped in the mountain and gets rescued by Clarke instead of Anya. Doesn’t make the most sense, seeing as Mount Weather would not be dumb enough or have such a lack of info that they wouldn’t know who they had, but you need suspension of disbelief with all these things, okay? That one is just more one shot material but it gives us a chance to develop things between the two rather quickly, as it shows Lexa right away that Clarke is loving and amazing and that Skaikru is different from the maunon.
SORRY FOR RAMBLING IN YOUR INBOX. I have like a whole folder full of fic ideas in my notes that I don’t think I could pursue even if I spent nothing but the rest of my life going at it 😂
First of all, don't ever apologize for going off in my inbox. It's fine bby it's what it's there for!
Ok i sat with this for a few days because I really wanted to roll it over in my mind, and I have to just be honest. I am not the target demographic for this fic 😅
Now I'm definitely not shitting on your idea or even the want for this pairing or dynamic! So don't take it as that! I guarantee there are people who would eat this fic tf up ok
But for me personally, I just... I can't get down man. I can't. Because here's the thing, I have a hard time seeing Anya (specifically canon Anya) as anything other than a motherly/sisterly/mentor figure to Lexa. To the point I even wrote about it in my own canon fic that's coming. It's just something that's deeply embedded in my brain - Anya and Lexa are more like family than anything. More specifically, Anya is a kind of maternal figure, if not a hard-nosed older sister type situation.
So for me something like this causes a lot of narrative problems because I have a hard time finding a way to plausibly have it that Anya would ever knowingly go after someone Lexa was interested in. Lexa already had soooo few people in her life that were just there to support her and who she was allowed to love - which I think she did love Anya, her reaction to finding out Anya had been killed was devastation when you filter it through the hardened mask of Heda. So I have a hard time reconciling the idea of having one of those few people compete against her for a love interest. I have a hard time believing Anya wouldn't have seen immediately that Lexa was developing feelings. And when she did see that, I don't see her then ever entertaining the idea of possibly getting in between Lexa and this girl who had captured Lexa's attention.
I just don't think Anya would ever do that. Not only because of her respect for Lexa as Heda, but her respect and love for Lexa as Lexa
Also, and this is a big ALSO in the whole thing for me, going along with the idea of Anya being a motherly/sisterly/mentor figure, I just don't see Anya seeing Clarke as attractive or a viable lover interest. I mean she practically raised Lexa right? That's basically fanon lore at this point. And the thing is.... Clarke is younger than Lexa. By a few years
I just, I can't imagine Anya seeing someone younger than Lexa and not being like, "Ok well that is a fucking fetus. Who gave a toddler a handgun. 🤨"
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alrightsnaps · 5 years
Your dislike for Clarke is inspiring. I haven't watched the show since season 3 I think, but I stopped liking her in season 1, so yah. Raven deserved lead.
Raven had the potential to become the sci-fi female lead.
An impoverished girl that grew up with an alcoholic, neglectful mother and managed to grow into a strong yet kindhearted woman? A downright genius latina mechanic that inspires admiration and respect and saves the day time after time? A disabled woman with chronic pain that simply does not know the meaning of the word give up, because she's a survivor that will always fight for her life no matter what?
She'd be fucking iconic!
Raven is simply too good to be true, and these idiotic writers reduce her to a side character they only remember when someone has to save everyone's asses, torture porn (which is absolutely disgusting) or shoving her with the next insignificant dude that joins the show as a love interest.
But it's not just that Clarke doesn't hold a candle next to Raven of course– though she sure as hell does not. I could handle a character I dislike, we all have one or two of those in every show. It's her sidelining every other character, constantly putting everyone (including Raven and Bellamy that are my favourites) in danger and betraying her people, constantly whining about how she never asked for power yet repeatedly stepping forward as a self-proclaimed leader (and fucking everything up once again) and never ever facing any consequences for her actions.
If you can believe it, I started watching the show more than biased in favour of Clarke. In favour of Bellarke. In favour of Clexa. (you know how hyped up all these are on social media!). As far as I knew when I decided to give the show a shot, it was a surprisingly good teen drama (that many compared to got.... I'm still laughing about that bit) with a badass bisexual lead character. What's not to like?
Needless to say that's....not how I found Clarke. Or the show. By season 3, her arrogance, insufferable entitlement and hypocrisy is so in-your-face I could hardly stand her. (Season 6 is downright comical in that sense, with the writers coming up with a melodramatic martyresque Clarke centred plot to make her come out as the victim, when in last season's finale she sent Raven to get tortured and Bellamy to die in a fighting pit. The lengths to which they'll go to avoid her actually facing the consequences of her actions never cease to amaze me.)
I guess it has to do in big part with how cw shows are in general– no in depth characters that merely serve as puppets to move an action filled plot forward, and zero logical consequence. The 100 feels like watching a Walmart version of the mess that were seasons 7+8 of GoT on a loop. A constant tell-not-show narattive– we'll tell you who's the good guy and who’s the villain, even though our labels don't make much sense as far as the characters’ actions and motivations are concerned.
For example, D&D decide that Dany is the bad guy and start hinting it since season 7, even though her actual actions up to 8x04 directly contradict it. So she's made out to look like an arrogant bitch for not giving some random guy free pass to her resources or agreeing to help him fight some fairytale ice zombies the moment she sees him, her killing enemies in battle after they brutally wipe out her allies is interpreted as some Mad Queen foreshadowing, her not giving North an independence they have no armies to fight for or the skills to negotiate for, is proof that she'll become a tyrant and so on.
And of course the double standards– Dany is mad and too eager to use violence for not mourning her lifelong abuser, killing rapists and crucifying slave masters after they did the same to literal kids, but Sansa and Arya are kweens for smiling after feeding her rapist to his dogs and massacring a room full of people and baking actual human beings into pies respectively. Daenerys shows the signs of a tyrant for executing the men that betrayed their liege lord and butchered their entire House after actually giving them a choice, but Robb barely an imperfect leader for doing the same to Rickard Karstark, without giving him much of a say in the matter either. (The list could go on forever.)
In the same way in the 100 (or in reverse I guess?) Clarke is supposed to be some heroic leader, even though she lets one of her own get executed for a war crime without even demanding (or at least trying to negotiate) that the same price is paid by the opposing side when it comes to their war criminals (especially since this was a war started by the grounders against a group of defenceless teenage refugees in the first place) all to achieve a fragile alliance (btw I'll never forgive the 100 for making me care for Finn McPlainface, whose scenes I could barely watch without falling asleep, but good god, was his death poorly handled. Are these writers ignorant in politics or plain stupid?). After they are betrayed by their ‘allies’ she abandons her people at a crucial time and then.....jumps into bed with the woman that forced her to kill her boyfriend, left them all to die and had her kidnapped (thanks for the quality sapphic rep cw– I hate it). She falls madly in love with her in the span of five days, immediately reclaiming her role as a leader without even asking the actual people she's supposed to lead (and that's just the first three seasons!).
But a hero and a leader she is.
Then there's, once again, the horrifically obvious double standards. How is it possible to blatantly judge your characters based on different standards even within the same season? Clarke can blow up 250+ of her own people to save her ass and nobody even learns about it, much less have her pay the price for her choice. She can literally get into bed with the enemy while insisting on playing leader without asking anyone, and there are no reprecussions whatsoever. But Bellamy’s s03 massacre of an army of people that had repeatedly chased, tortured, killed, threatened and attempted to massacre them repeatedly (and were once again doing that at the time of Bellamy’s actions), will be brought up again and again and again in future seasons because it makes him a Dark Character Beyond Redemption, which the audience isn't allowed to forget.
Or Pike– a refugee that witnessed countless of his own people persecuted and violently murdered by the locals from the moment he stepped foot on the ground is straight up portrayed as shady for distrusting them (never mind Sky people were once again threatened with a massacre at the time). He was literally paralleled to Trump by this hellish fandom (while mass murderer Lexa is supposed to be some Flower Power Badass Queen I guess) and shoved a shitty trope of the xenophobic entitled colonizer, straight up ignoring the show's context (how anyone could make the Skaikru/colonizers and grounders/Native Americans parallels with no shame is beyond me, but apparently some people have difficulty differentiating between colonizers and refugees, as if the two are even remotely close). I'm not excusing anything he did afterwards of course–he clearly went off the rails. My problem is the show portraying him straight up as the Bad Guy for holding actual democratic elections, while the privileged non elected elite that led them to the Mount Weather mess were supposed to be the Good ones. Much like Dany was the Tyranical Dragon Queen from the moment she set foot in Winterfell, because Sansa had prophetic abilities and could predict the clusterfuck of 8x05 I guess!
At the end of the day, I was a fool to trust any recommendations and take a cw show seriously.. if it weren't for Bellamy and Raven I'd be out of this mess loooooooong ago! I'll hardly last this season really, not when every episode is dedicated to praising Princess Clarke Griffin, Bellamy having turned into her hypnotised lapdog with no personality of his own, and her stans constantly attacking Raven for not kissing her ass and *daring* to hold her responsible for her actions.
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starrynightshade · 5 years
Thoughts from my viewing of the 100 Season 2
Thanks to everyone who commented on my season 1 post and helped me learn more about the show and the books on which it was based! Without further ado, here are my thoughts on season 2!
New title sequence is very cool!
I’m gonna have to reconsider my opinion on Murphy, aren’t I? Oh boy. I get that his childhood was shitty, but there’s really not a person on the drop ship that didn’t have some sort of trauma. Also, I understand how mad he is about the injustice that was done to him, but he helped create the mob mentality that put him in that situation and then demanded the death of a little girl.
Jaha, you’re breaking my heart 24/7.
100% here for the Clarke and Anya team up. (Dichen Lachman is wonderful in this role)
Aaaaaand she’s dead.
How many concussions can Clarke get before she forgets everything and everyone?
Wallace has the most confusing moral compass I’ve ever experienced.
Oh shiiiiiit! A wild Lexa appears!
Am I a terrible person if I just... don’t care about Finn? I tried, I really did.
Okay, I cried when he died but mostly because of Clarke.
Somebody save my baby boy Monty! My son is in a cage, people!
This Grounders v. Sky People thing in gonna get a lot of people killed.
Oh look, it got people killed.
Aaaaand there’s a gorilla now?
Alright fine, I’m all aboard the SS Clexa. I’m gay and thirsty, sue me.
Murphy’s attitude of ‘everyone hates me so I might as well go in this suicide mission with Jaha’ is... sort of a mood?
Jaha, honey... you slippin’
Somebody help my girl Raven. She needs to not get screwed over for like five consecutive minutes please.
OMG A DOUBLE CROSS! (I’m actually very curious if Lexa would have decided differently if Clarke hadn’t rebuffed her.)
RIP Maya, she was a real one.
So Clarke is just gonna walk away from camp? Just... wander off into the woods with no supplies and do what?
Oh shit there’s actually something on this island!
You know what? Good for you, Murphy. You enjoy your pop tarts and whiskey.
Jaha, you really in it now honey...
A couple of overall thoughts:
I think the show is really good so far. The main characters are dynamic and the writers do a great job of putting them into impossible situations that force the plot forward.
I’m curious how true to the books the show is. I actually didn’t even know the series was based on a book until halfway through season 1, but I’m interested how book readers perceive the show, or at least the first two seasons.
I think the parallels between Clarke’s story and Abby’s were really nice. I like the idea that Clarke is to the 100 (or however many of them are left) what Abby was to the Ark.
As an Anthropologist and someone who studies linguistics, I have SO MANY QUESTIONS. Mostly about the grounders. First of all, their language! Most of them seem to speak English, so... why does it exist? Also, 90 years is FAST for a new language to evolve. If they invented it for some reason, that might make sense, but linguistic evolution is usually a much lengthier process. Also, they say that Lexa was the first one to unite the twelve clans, yet they all seem to speak the same language? Is it THAT new? That raises even more questions. Someone please direct me to some resources on this...
Along those same lines, their religion/ belief system is... a little confusing tbh. So, Lexa says that she is the same commander reborn over and over. How is that determined? Couldn’t literally anyone just walk up to the clans and be like “I’m the commander reborn” and immediately be obeyed? Do they prove it somehow? I need answers.
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femininenachos · 5 years
👎 - if you could change something in one of your works, what would you change and why?
I’d probably write Ontari’s characterisation a bit differently in DWBYG, since she’s perhaps too similar to Anya in the caustic one-liner stakes.
☕️- favorite passage
From mouth to mouth; I just love the season 2 Clexa dynamic, how unbalanced Lexa is by every aspect of Clarke, and I can never resist a “what if?” scenario.
She makes it as far as the tent flap before something tugs at her, a buzzing at the back of her brain. A voice telling her that she can’t leave it like this, like a coward. Not when Lexa was brave enough to take a gamble.
Because the truth is that as soon as their lips connected, as Clarke pulled in a quick, surprised breath before she sank into the kiss, the pieces finally clicked into place.
Your heart shows no sign of weakness.
Not everyone, not you.
I do trust you, Clarke.
The stares. How they’d thawed from cold and calculating to something altogether different. Guarded. At times exasperated, occasionally rattled and unsure, but always drawn to Clarke. Always observing. Lexa’s gaze following her across the encampment, finding her during tense summits around the war table, while the Grounder generals barely contained their hostility at the presence of a former enemy in their midst.
And Lexa made time for her. After-hours strategising alone in the privacy of the Commander’s tent—Lexa at ease, almost casual, with her coat open and the red sash removed, skin devoid of warpaint. Shared meals together, the angular planes of Lexa’s face softened by candlelight as they conversed long into the evening. The advice and leadership coaching and “you were born for this, same as me.”
Lexa gave her gifts: the padded jacket and pauldron Clarke now wears. It was Lexa who attached the clasp of the shoulder guard, standing so close that her breath dusted over Clarke’s cheek. Eyes glowing, pleased, once she stepped back. The subtle, almost invisible uptick of Lexa’s mouth as they took stock of each other.
At the time Clarke thought Lexa simply amused at a Sky Person playing dress up in Grounder clothing.
Now, filtered through the prism of this kiss, Clarke understands what she’d been too unaware, too preoccupied to notice before.
And the thought makes her stomach flip. It somersaults again when she pivots to see Lexa’s face tipped towards the roof; eyes shut, bottom lip sucked into her mouth. As if she’s trying to physically rein in some runaway emotion that Clarke knows she isn’t supposed to bear witness to.
She isn’t fully conscious of her feet propelling her forward until Lexa whirls at the sound of her approach.
For a second she thinks Lexa’s going to snarl at her to get out like she had earlier today, but Lexa remains rooted to the spot, wide eyes darting between Clarke’s own as she advances. She looks like she wants to flee, like she would give anything for the damn Pauna to come rampaging through the tent right about now.
👻- 2 or 3 sentences from something you haven’t posted yet
She took her name, Alexandria, from the city where she was born.
Her first name—her mortal one—is lost to the sands of time, the memory of it long since crumbled to dust like the Lighthouse and the Great Library of antiquity that she grew up in the shadows of.
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sorrowsflower · 6 years
Chemical Defect (The 100 AU)
This is an Adlock / Clexa / Supercorp AU, and there is no excuse for this AU other than my apparent compulsive need to make one GIANT crossover of my 3 most beloved OTPs. 
Also, I know not everyone likes these ships (especially with all my experience as an Adlock shipper) but please don’t shit on my AU if you don’t ship them. You don’t have to read it if you don’t want to. I’m really just putting this up because it just will NOT get out of my fucking head!!!! and I need to be able to focus again.
So, basically an AU where Lexa is an Adlock child. Title is from Sherlock’s whole Love is a “chemical defect found in the losing side”. Which is basically a variant of Lexa’s “love is weakness”.
I adore Irene Adler, and I can’t get it out of my head that she’s Lexa’s birth mother, especially since The 100 never actually shows Lexa’s parents or gives any background from before Lexa became Commander. Here’s my Irene in this AU:
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Not too much of a stretch to see her as Lexa’s birth mother. Also, their personalities are quite similar. They both have a commanding presence. They’re both highly intelligent, ruthless, calculating, and make an art form out of compartmentalizing emotions. And they’re just both really badass. Also, CHEEKBONES.
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So, here we go...
As in the show, 97 years after nuclear war ravaged the earth, and rendered it supposedly uninhabitable, there are 3 groups of survivors:
The Mountain People/Maunon, who live in Mt. Weather, a bunker facility where diplomats and high ranking officials were kept. Three generations on, this is where Irene, Sherlock, John, Mary, Mycroft, Lestrade and Molly all grow up together. 
The Grounders, descendants of people who survived the apocalypse outside Mt Weather. In the show, the higher ups at Mt Weather kidnapped Grounders to use their blood (Harvest Project), since they have the immunity to radiation that the Maunon do not.
The Sky People/Skaikru, descendants of the people who survived the apocalypse in the space shuttle, the Ark.
Anyway, when Irene is in her early 20s, she and Sherlock find out about the Harvest Project, which was initiated by Mt. Weather’s President, Dante Wallace (in my hc, he was quite ruthless and cold as a young man, but became remorseful with age)
Irene distracts Dante Wallace, pretending to ally herself with him, while Sherlock investigates the experiments and tries to find out how to stop them without endangering their fellow Mountain people. Mycroft is part of the President’s advisory council and tries to deter Sherlock’s investigation.
Sherlock brings John and Mary into the investigation but doesn't tell them about’s Irene ruse because of course, John can't keep a secret. They both just think Irene betrayed them all by forming an alliance with Wallace.
Soon, rumors spread that Irene and Dante are lovers, which worsens this betrayal, and even Sherlock is affected by this.
Things accelerate when Irene finds out she's pregnant. Dante thinks the baby is his. Sherlock, plagued by doubt and jealousy, isn't sure what to think.
He thinks, and on some level, knows, that it's his. But there's that kernel of doubt - the grit in the lens - that says it's not. So he forces their hand and reveals to Dante that he knows about the Harvest Project.
This is extremely unfortunate because several months into the pregnancy, Irene discovers that the baby she's carrying has a genetic mutation.
In the show, the Grounders have a Commander, whose spirit they believe is passed from one Heda (Commander) to another. The Spirit/Flame is actually an AI that gets implanted in them
All Commanders, however, are born with black blood (they have to be, for the AI to work inside them). They're called Nightbloods / Natblidas.
During the course of the pregnancy, Irene (with Molly’s help) discovers that the baby is a Nightblood. Maybe a near miscarriage reveals this, when Irene starts bleeding black blood mixed with red, I dunno.
It's unprecedented, a child descended from Mountain people, having Nightblood. Irene knows that she can't deliver the baby inside Mt Weather, because the minute Dante and the others from the Harvest Project find out that Irene is growing a Natblida in her uterus, they'll want to experiment with her and the baby
Also, in my hc, carrying a Nightblood gives Irene an immunity to radiation (don’t ask me why, I have no idea what the fuck is going on in this AU). What this means is, unlike the other Mountain people (including Sherlock and Dante and the others), Irene can actually walk out of Mt Weather without suffering the effects of radiation
So, Irene reluctantly goes to Mycroft for help to escape Mt. Weather, and Mycroft reluctantly helps her (because it’s family, and the kid is his niece).
Irene flees Mt Weather and Sherlock is arrested. Outside the mountain, Irene meets a young native Grounder, Anya of the Trikru clan. I haven't thought up how yet, but she saves Anya's life. In return, Anya hides her until she gives birth.
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^^(Though Anya would probably be much younger when she met Irene)
In the meantime, Dante has Sherlock arrested and wants to execute him, but Mycroft persuades him not to kill Sherlock, but imprison him instead
Dante then begins to hunt for Irene outside, and as he closes in on her, Irene begs Anya to take the Nightblood baby and hide her from the Maunon (the people from Mt Weather)
Before Irene is captured she gives Anya a sigil (from a necklace she got from her own mother) and asks her to give it to the baby.
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It’s the one on Lexa’s forehead: she later wore it there when she was chosen as Heda
Anyway, Irene is captured but she's critically injured in the process and ends up in a coma. Mycroft tells Sherlock she's dead. He also destroys all evidence of the baby being a Nightblood, and for Sherlock's safety, all evidence of his investigation against the harvesting
John and Mary are effectively scared into silence when Rosie is threatened (yes, Rosie is in this). I’m thinking, maybe Mycroft told John that Sherlock was dead too, not just imprisoned, to deter him from investigating as well.
Outside the mountain, Anya takes the Nightblood baby to the Trikru clan, names her Lexa (Alexandria after her older sister), and when she's old enough, brings her before the present Commader so she can join the guild of young Natblidas
When Lexa gets older, Anya begins training her as a warrior, and Lexa becomes her Second.
There are 12 Grounder clans and they were all at war at the time young Lexa joins the guild of Nightbloods
When the Commander dies around the time Lexa is 11 or 12, she gets chosen as Heda when she beats all the other Nightbloods at a Conclave (literally a fight to the death in which she's the only survivor; this is canonical in the show, including Lexa’s age).
Upon her Ascension Day as Heda, Lexa begins to unite the 12 Grounder clans under a single Coalition.
Except when she's around 15 or 16, she meets this girl, Costia, and she falls in love. Lexa is utterly devoted to her
BUT one of the Clans, the Azgeda (Ice Nation) is resistant to Lexa's Coalition. The Ice Queen, Nia, kidnaps Costia, tortures her, beheads her and delivers Costia’s head to Lexa’s bedside.
This is where Lexa begins to see that "Love is weakness" and becomes hardened to emotions. Despite Costia’s murder, she extends an alliance to Queen Nia, because it will unite the clans and prevent further loss of life.
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As in the show, the space shuttle, where the Sky People live, is running out of supplies and oxygen after almost 100 years in space. So to see if the Earth is inhabitable, they send 100 juvenile delinquents to Earth.
Long story short, once they land on earth, one of the Delinquents becomes the leader. Clarke Griffin:
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But at some point, Clarke gets captured by people from Mt Weather, who try and experiment on her to see if they can use Sky People for the Harvest Project too
In Mt Weather, Clarke meets Anya (who was captured by the Harvest Project too). They form a reluctant alliance, and try to get out. While trying to escape, they discover the Harvest Project, as well as Irene. Anya recognizes her.
I don’t know how but Clarke manages to wake her up, and Clarke gets the message to Sherlock that Irene is alive and they all attempt to escape Mt. Weather
Unfortunately, Anya gets killed in the attempt. Before she dies, Anya tells Clarke about the Commander who was once her Second, and that she needs to build a truce with the Heda to keep her and the Sky People and the Trikru safe from Mt Weather
In the meantime, Lexa sends 300 Trikru warriors to neutralize the threat of the Sky People (I mean, from the Grounders' POV, a piece of the sky just dropped down in their lands, bringing 100 potentially dangerous strangers in their midst; Lexa has to answer that threat)
So, anyway, the Mountain People (Irene and company) strike a deal with the Sky People, to help them free all the people in Mt Weather (cos there were other Sky People there) in exchange for blood transfusions, to enable the Maunon (Sherlock and the rest, Irene is still immune), to survive outside until their bodies adjust to the radiation
And since there are both Skaikru and Trikru trapped in Mt Weather, Clarke approaches Lexa for a truce.
So in the show, their alliance is a very fragile one, Lexa and the Trikru being ruthless and distrustful of strangers for their own survival (their clan motto is Jus drein Jus daun "blood must have blood"). A lot of shit happens.
The Mountain People and the Skaikru think the Trikru are savages. But also there’s bad blood especially, between Lexa and the Mountain People because Mt Weather has been kidnapping her people and harvesting them for blood.
When Irene, Sherlock and the rest of the Mountain people first approach Lexa with Clarke to help them bring down Mt Weather with minimum casualties, there's a scene where Irene tells Lexa what happened. That she had a baby who was born a Nightblood, and that her hope is to find her daughter.
Irene immediately recognizes Lexa on their first meeting when she sees the sigil on her forehead. But Irene knows she can't tell Lexa the truth yet on their first meeting, because she wouldn't believe her. Also because of Lexa's animosity towards Mt Weather.
Instead, to prove that she had indeed given birth to a Nightblood, Irene slices her own hand open in front of Lexa to show the black blood mixing with her own red blood
This is older Irene, btw:
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In the show, Clarke and Lexa grow closer as they plan their assault on Mt weather. They're basically teenage girls called to lead their people,  with enormous responsibilities on their shoulders
Lexa, has been Heda longer than Clarke has been leading the Skaikru, so she offers Clarke advice. At times, the lessons she teaches Clarke are harsh and ruthless, but as she tells Clarke one has to make tough decisions to be a good leader, one her people look up to
One of my favorite scenes in the show is when she tells Clarke "The truth is, we must look into the eyes of our warriors every day and say, 'Go die for me'."
There’s a mutual respect between them and even if Clarke feels that Lexa's decisions are harsh, she knows they're right. That they have to make sacrifices in war for the greater good of their people
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In the show, Lexa eventually betrays Clarke. On the night of their assault, Lexa and Clarke get separated, and one of the men in Mt Weather offers Lexa a deal, to get the Trikru inside out safely without casualties, if she'll deliver Clarke and the Skaikru to him. She took the deal, because it results in no casualties for her or her warriors or the Trikru hostages. As she says, Clarke would have done the same thing. Lexa leaves them at the Mt Weather, and Clarke is forced to irradiate everyone inside
I DO have a version where this happens, BUT for this AU, I prefer my other version, WITHOUT the betrayal because I just need to give my little baby gays a hug:
They develop a plan of attack that gets the Trikru and Skaikru out alive. (I feel like with Irene and Sherlock's help in there too, they could achieve that). It helps that Mycroft is still inside and quite high up the chain of command in Mt Weather.
As a compromise, since they helped take down Mt Weather, Lexa spares them (Sherlock, Irene, Mycroft and everyone else who helped) and all the children. Everyone else she has killed in a giant pyre.
They begin talks to make Skaikru (and the surviving Maunon) the 13th clan in Lexa's Coalition.
Lexa takes Clarke and several of the Skaikru/Maunon delegation (including Irene and Sherlock) to Polis (the Coalition’s capital city) to seal the alliance.
Quite a few things happen in Polis. 
First off, Lexa names Clarke the Ambassador for the Skaikru, and Irene the Ambassador for the Maunon. (The scene where Clarke kneels to Lexa, hell yeah, that’s happening).
THIS most definitely happens:
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Also, shortly after this (because I keep wanting to spoil Lexa’s happiness), I have a scene where Irene tells Lexa the truth about her.
"That child I spoke of in our first meeting,” Irene’s voice is cautious. Quiet but firm. “The Nightblood child I bore and surrendered in exchange for her life..." Lexa holds her breath. Everything freezes, and she knows what the Maunon will say even before she speaks the next words. "Do you know the name of the Trikru girl I left her with?" Lexa holds up a hand, to stem the flow of words that make dread settle in her stomach. But Irene forges on. "Her name was Anya kom Trikru. She promised to care for my little girl. She promised to protect her with her life." Lexa whirls around, dagger in her hand, its tip pressed against the older woman's throat before she has even finished speaking. "Lies!" Lexa hisses, her eyes flashing dangerously. She has killed bigger prey than this slender Maunon with her fragile body unhardened by the harsh punishment of Trikru lands. "All lies!" Irene’s eyes are calm, displaying the same unshakable certainty that Lexa so often exudes with her own gaze. "You can kill me, but you know the truth. Just as I knew it when I first saw you, sitting on your throne with that sigil I left Anya on your forehead. I was so proud to know you were my daughter, just as I am proud of you now..." Lexa grits back tears as she presses the dagger's tip closer, but her tears are not summoned by affection or pride, but by denial. She all but spits out the next words at the older woman "You lie! I am not Maunon!"
Sherlock interrupts them before Lexa can harm Irene, bringing news that an Azgeda messenger has come with a message from Nia.
The Ice Nation disagrees with the Skaikru/Maunon becoming the 13th clan, and even though they brought down Mt Weather, the Azgeda see it as a weakness on Lexa's part - her teaming up with Clarke and the Mountain People and the Sky People to accomplish this. 
Also, her sparing some of the Mountain people is also seen by the Azgeda as weakness (since "blood must have blood")
Also, Queen Nia's always been out to destroy Lexa and wrestle control of the Coalition from her (which is why she killed Costia) so she's just looking for a way to ruin her
Nia sends some of her Azgeda soldiers to attack and kill Lexa. Lexa is shot in the chest with a gun, to make it seem as if it was a move from one of the Skaikru or the Mountain People (Grounders don't have guns) and she falls down a very high waterfall (no, not Reichenbach)
Everyone thinks she's dead. Including Clarke
(Because of course all Adlock children must "die" and come back to life at some point, otherwise their DNA is questioned)
Clarke is wrecked, after what happened to Lexa. But she knows she has to make sure that the Coalition and her people are safe.
In the show, Lexa trains her own guild of Nightbloods, to succeed her as Commander upon her death
In one version of this AU, Lexa's favored successor is an 8 year old Nightblood named Lena
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(Because of course I need Supercorp in this as well)
Lena is Lexa's most promising Nightblood. She's a little prodigy, just like Lexa was. She has a sharp, strategic mind, she’s been training with her fellow Natblidas since she was a little girl and is quite mature for her age. Lexa sees a bit of herself in Lena, when she was that age.
I have a scene where Lena and Kara are playing together, along with the other Skaikru kids (Alex, Winn, and James. I’ve decided Brainy is a Mt Weather kid. Nia is Trikru and Sam is maybe Azgeda), and Lexa appoints Lena as her temporary successor in Polis before they attacked Mt Weather, which I might post later (this thing is getting too long as it is).
Upon Lexa's "death", Lena is appointed successor to protect Polis until the Conclave can begin, and a new Commander is chosen
But since little Lena doesn't have the Commander's Flame (the AI, which is still in Lexa's body), her power in Polis and the Coalition is fragile, so Clarke rushes to help her.
Lexa made all her Natblidas promise to honor her alliance with the Skaikru and the Mountain People, so Clarke has to protect Lena's place as the new Heda to secure it
Sherlock, Irene and John join the hunt to find Lexa's body, ostensibly so the Commander's Flame can be secured. But actually, Sherlock and Irene are still hopeful they can find Lexa alive (even though it seems impossible she could have survived the fall) and they bring John with them because he's a doctor
Molly and Mary stay behind to offer Clarke support and protection (respectively). Clarke decides to make a deal with the Ice Nation for safety of the Skaikru and the Maunon, as well as the rest of the Coalition.
Molly asks her why she's making a deal with the woman who had Lexa killed. Clarke responds "I'm doing what Lexa would have wanted. The same thing she did when her lover was killed by the Ice Nation. She would want her people to be safe."
Irene and Sherlock manage to find Lexa and rescue her from the waterfall. John has to dig the bullet out of her and stitch her up. He insists that she needs to rest, but Lexa is determined to go back to Polis. The other three accompany her.
Meanwhile, Clarke is attacked in another ruse by Nia, who knows that as Lena’s self-appointed protector, she is the biggest obstacle to the her takeover of Polis.
Basically, Lexa returns from the dead by saving Clarke SEE VID 1 (let’s just imagine those are Azgeda attacking her; I just need a badass return for my baby without actually KILLING her off): 
After it’s revealed that Lexa has “come back to life”, she calls out Nia as a traitor and issues a challenge to end their conflict. Nia summons her son, Roan to fight Lexa for her. (Also, that scene where Lexa says “I am the Commander. No one fights for me.” oh yeah, that’s totally happening) SEE VID 2
OH MY GOD, I finally got all of it out in one fucking long-ass post. At least I think that’s everything. I might post that scene with little Lena and Kara later, and then hopefully I will be rid of this AU for now. Congrats to you if you got this far down the rabbit hole. If you did, please tell me what you think, thanks!!!!!!!!
Now maybe I can get some work done. See y’all next time!
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closetcasefabray · 6 years
ccf rereads loso /7
chapter thirteen: the adopt-a-skaikru program
Some of the older Sekons joined in Monty and Jasper’s impromptu drinking game. A group of gonas started teaching some of the 100 the words for a dirty song in Trigedasleng. A Skaikru girl started flirting with one of the TonDC youths who was part of the wrestling competition going on and their groups of friends began talking. It was a look at how the world could be this time, hopefully. It was just… nice.
i LIVE for drunk arkers & grounders at a bonfire. LIVE FOR IT! it’s just beautiful.
Lexa simply orders her gonas to shof op when they complain: Clarke doesn’t have that option. So she’s spent the whole day helping to settle minor quarrels and mentally cursing everyone for speaking too loudly.
hungover clexa shouldn’t be this damn endearing. like since heda never shows weakness, peacetime post-loso hungover lexa must’ve been so dramatic & extra in front of clarke. “go on without me! leave me” / “lexa, im gonna get you water & if you have to puke there’s a bowl next to the bed.”
(it would’ve been with azgeda villages bc their fayowada would be strong bc they drink regularly in the cold climate & they kept offering her more & more in appreciation of her generosity & how she’s helped them survive in comfort, and wanting to be courteous lexa couldn’t say no & that’s how lexa got fucking hammered so much so clarke laughed & put lexa to bed & just loved seeing lexa be something like the young person she is)
Once they’re in Polis Lexa steers her into her old ambassador room, and tucks her into the bed in a way that’s not at all Commander-like. “Sleep, Clarke,” she murmurs in her soft voice. “Get some rest.”
the softest fucking lexa. tucking sleepy clarke into bed. i just can’t.
She tries to get out of bed but instead just manages to roll onto the floor (well done, Clarke) and calls out “Come in” anyway because she knows it’s Lexa and she doesn’t have to be too dignified with Lexa.
It’s not Lexa.
Gustus bows his head for a second, then raises it again and looks at her in a way that’s not at all as docile as the gesture of respect made him seem. “Good morning, Clarke kom Skaikru.”
😂 clarke is just a beautiful, graceful sky princess
Lexa moves into view. She looks far more awake than Clarke as well.
Clarke wonders if it’s being a Nightblood, or being used to very little sleep after years of being the Commander, or if it’s just one of Lexa’s personality traits. Then, when Lexa gives her a slightly-too-amused look at her dishevelled appearance, she stops wondering and just focuses on glaring at Lexa.
why is this the sexiest cutest thing????
She’s not sure who she could sell the idea of being a sanitation worker or something to (though the thought of forcing Murphy to do it is kind of enjoyable. And since his nose is still broken, the smell wouldn’t bother him).
i forgot to mention i loved clarke kicking murphy’s ass: i loved clarke kicking murphy’s ass.
When I die, the Commander spirit will pass on,” Lexa answers her. “It will choose one of the Natblidas, as it once chose me. One will be the new Heda.”
“Which won’t be for a very long time,” Clarke says, a little too harshly, and makes herself calm down. She forces a smile. “I need your spirit right where it is.”
Lexa’s amusement shows in her eyes. “After all, I may be heartless, but at least I’m smart?” You can tell from her voice she’s quoting.
Octavia’s looking at them oddly. Clarke coughs and looks away from Lexa. “Something like that.”
you smitten idiots. octavia is observant af. also quoting past shit in a sweet way is my favorite thing. also generally a sucker for distinct canon quotes appearing in fics.
“Well that was weird,” Octavia says, as soon as Lexa’s gone.
see? O suspects. also is a hilariously annoying assistant & i love it
chapter fourteen: polis brutality
Lexa knows there will never be a day they owe nothing more to their people – this is a beautiful fiction. However, there will be minutes, hours, even days she can steal for herself. She would not have stolen so much time from her duties in the previous world, but when she lay dying there she did not think of her people. She thought of Clarke.
hahahahahahaha fUCK ME UP SMORE JFC
But now the Trikru see them as children, barely capable, and this means the strangeness of their ways is seen as funny instead of something to be feared.
And the Skaikru seem to be dealing well too – Lexa has waited outside for most of the checks, but has still seen a boy named Miller scowling in concentration as he learns how to perform a basic punch. She has seen a girl named Monroe kneading bread like it personally offends her. She has seen a girl named Harper examining a basic hunting bow as if it is something rare, a boy named Jones sharpening a blade like it's something precious. They seem to desperately want to learn, to be useful, to contribute. This is not a view she has had of the Sky People before.
crying bc this is everything i wanted for the delinquents & it’s beautiful
- bellamy teaching seven-yr-olds english is the gentlest thing & wonderful in contrast to the monster the show made him.
Lexa nearly jumps when she feels Clarke’s hand clasp hers. Octavia is watching Bellamy, and the guards look outward, but she still did not expect Clarke to show affection in public. As always, Clarke's touch burns her a little, makes her overly warm, makes her lighter. “Look at this,” Clarke whispers in her ear, sounding so happy that it nearly makes Lexa smile as well. “We did something good. Whatever else happens, this is something good.”
omg this just makes me think of them as parents. so so proud. but also awwww hand-holding is just perfect. i want all the clexa touches!
“But there will not be blood,” Lexa interrupts. She dislikes fighting with Clarke, but she cannot back down on this one. “If punishments for crimes are to be lessened, it must be decided on for all people, and announced so that they know. I cannot just begin handing out lighter punishments to your friends.”
“Hardly her friend, she broke his nose the other day,” mutters Octavia, and Lexa feels a swell of pride in her fierce Clarke.
lexa’s right. the punishment is harsh but for polis to not see her bend to skaikru is important.
lol same, lexa.
“So your people do not punish this harshly for theft?” Lexa asks, honestly curious.
There’s an awkward pause. Octavia coughs and looks to the side. It is all the answer Lexa needs. Clarke hesitates, looking faintly guilty, then opens her mouth, no doubt to begin explaining that whatever the Ark does, they should be striving to be better down here.
At this moment, Lexa is in no mood for it. She has been doing nothing but striving for better in the past week, and this has involved cutting out and sidelining her own people, people she cares for. In fact, it has also involved giving unearned trust to people she knows to be dangerous, simply because Clarke cares for them. “I see,” she says, voice arctic. “Like always, you expect more of my people than you do of your own.”
She turns and leaves. Before she closes the door behind her, she hears Octavia say, “What does she mean, like always?”
while i don’t like them fighting, this is hugely important. god this conversation should have happened in the show. it’s important not just to suture the divide between arkers & grounders, but clexa as leaders. jfc this fic is just so impressive & why i’m rereading it.
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keitrinkomfloukru · 6 years
In @entirelytookeen’s wonderful clexa fic "The White Queen Running", Clarke finds herself in a parallel universe where she's the queen of the Ice Nation instead of an Arker. Early on there's a conversation ostensibly in Trigedasleng, for which the author naturally used a translation convention. As practice, I decided to see if I could translate it into actual Trig.
There is a version here with side-by-side Trig and English parallel text. The English version is not @entirelytookeen’s original English dialogue, but rather a re-translation of my Trig back into English, because my translations couldn’t always be literal. The original fic can be read on AO3 here.
Clarke is opening her mouth to apologize for not knowing Trigedasleng when she suddenly realizes she does know it; has the whole repository of the main Grounder dialect at her disposal. That is never going to stop being unnerving. She switches with unthinking ease. "Moba, ai nou don ste figa en ai... bilaik hedswimen."
The girl shrugs, which is not exactly accepting the apology. "Chit yu gaf?"
Maybe she’s some kind of curator, standing guard and helping the curious. The lack of introduction is a little off-putting, but Clarke can’t imagine Ice Nation warriors are well received in the capital despite everything. "Nofodon. Won na led au poulis, tondisi, en stegeda mous raun der."
The girl rests one hand on her hip. She’s imposing, even without warrior’s clothing. She has no tattoos that Clarke can see, no weapons besides the requisite knife at her hip. Her presentation would be completely unremarkable, except for a large silver ring on her right thumb. Somehow, she still manages an air of authority that catches at Clarke’s attention. A whisper of deja vu. Clarke shakes free of it. There are more important things at stake.
(You wish to balance out the death you have brought into the world.)
"Yumi na hon dei kaina nofodon in?"
The young woman folds her arms. "Ron ai waines op."
"E, oso ste hukopon nau. En," Clarke rushes to add, "yu heda na gaf em in."
A dark look flashes across the woman’s face, and for a second Clarke is sure she’s said exactly the wrong thing. Then she gives a small sigh, shoulders slumping as the barely-concealed hostility leaves her frame. "Sin daun," she says, turning to the small stepladder and climbing up to the second row of hanging maps.
Clarke obeys. "Mochof," she says. "Ai's gei bilaik yu ste sisfou." The girl doesn’t turn from where she’s turning the sections. "Ai tagon laik --"
"Ai get in chon yu bilaik." There’s no more suspicion, she’s merely factual.
"Ait." Clarke licks her dry lips. "Yu mema tongkola kom azgeda klin seintaim."
"Ai don laik fossopa raun langeda twin yu tof en ain. Bilaik taim ai nou ge don frag op kos ai mema yu tongkola klin." She raises an eyebrow in Clarke’s direction, looking back over her shoulder. "Ba bilaik yu biyo, oso ste hukopon nau."
"Ou." Close proximity to the Ice Nation would go a long way in explaining her attitude, especially if she’d served before the Coalition was in place. Perhaps she could help Clarke to understand just what she’d gotten herself into. "Skyumi, ba hanch taim yu laik fossopa?"
Her hands pause only a moment in perusing the maps. "Fai yiron, kom taim ginteik kom chilnes."
"Ait." Clarke searches her memory. "Raun yiron kom gon."
This causes the young woman to stop and turn, giving her a hard look. "Tu yiron kom gon. Taim yu don kom au haiplana."
"Ait."  Clarke agrees, trying to cover with a smile. If anything, the other girl’s expression grows more suspicious. Oh, screw it, Clarke thinks, and blurts out: "Chit don gon daun hashta naya?"
"Haiplana fou yu?" She turns her whole body, reaching up on either side to secure her perch as she faces Clarke, who can’t help noticing the gorgeous musculature of her arms. There’s definition all the way down to the precise turn of wrists. It draws Clarke’s attention to her hands and the unique shape of her ring: cut at an angle, so that a broader piece juts out above her knuckle before the band tapers around the base of her thumb. "Yu."
"Ai -- chit?"
"Yu gaf get in taim ai get sontaim in?" She turns back to the maps, movements jerky this time as she rifles through them at a slightly faster pace, even callous in how she flips from one to the next. "Embi ge maya op raun tagen podi kom ogeda fyucha azgedon. Yun ron skruwen op: taim hedplei kom naya ge foto en haken, yu na bilaik skrudon na lid yu kru in gon chilnes."
Lexa never talked about the Ice Nation -- not if she could help it -- but the other warriors had, in whispers and with warning looks. They were a strange people, they told the Arkers. They lived on the roof of the world, closer to the sky where spirits lived, and the whispers of those beings filled their dreams. Their lives were filled with rituals and prophecies and strange power. Clarke had only cared inasmuch as how effective that kind of psychological warfare must be, and how Nia must wield this fear like any other weapon.
"Yu renon don laik shouna kom naya en yu nontu don sad in na kod haiplana in ona disha mesej bilaik lomon. Em don vout in mebi naya na bilaik moubeda heda en den kep em zodon we. Steda, naya don teik bleirona gon em tombom en swega klin bilaik yu na ge wan op fou deimeika bag au dei sintaim." She finds what she’s looking for, starts to unhook the map from its securings.
Clarke knows she should be paying very careful attention right now, only her eyes keep snagging on the ring. There’s a pattern etched into the surface, on the broader section, but she can’t quite make it out from where she’s sitting. When the other girl lets the heavy map fall to the table it makes Clarke jump, and she ends up looking straight into the young woman’s eyes.
"Yu don teik naya daun snap," she says quietly. "Ai don sen in bilaik em wamplei nou laik sou snap." She turns back to the map and begins to unfold it to the full expanse, the oilskin rustling with each careful movement. "Haiplana klark kom azgeda: gada bilaik komba raun kom skaikrasha. Ai don tel yu op, ai get in chon yu bilaik."
Clarke searches the girl’s expression, taking in the strong line of her jaw, the tension in the way she holds it. "Ai get yu in?" she asks gently.
"Yumi nou don hit op nowe. Ba taim em don komba raun kom yu haisiden, em don tel ai op ogeda hashta yu."
"Em?" But she’s already looking down at the table, at the girl’s hand as it rests there, and the ring. Which bears -- not a pattern, a symbol. One she can never forget, even though she only ever saw it balanced between the eyes of a girl she knew for a handful of days.
“Yu laik kostia,” Clarke breathes, and the bottom drops out of the world.
Noncanon words used in this story are listed below. Some of these were coined for this translation, others were already in my noncanon lexicon.
bag … au [bæg … aʊ]: v. go to bed;  from c. bag
embi [ˈɛm.biː]: n. augury, prophecy about a person's fate;  from "MB (Myers-Briggs) type"
gei [geɪ]: adj. [predicative] happy, glad;  from "gay"
haisiden [ˈhaɪ.sɪ.ɾɛn]: n. coronotion; haisidon op v. crown; ge haisidon op adj. crowned;  from c. haisidon
hedswimen [ˈhɛd.swɪ.mɛn]: adj. disoriented, dizzy, faint;  from "head swimming"
hukopon [ˈhuː.kɔː.pɔːn]: n. ally;  from c. hukop
kod … in [kɔːd … ɪn]: v. to share;  from  "cut … in on" (USAGE NOTE: the direct object is the recipient, not the item)
langeda* [ˈlæn.gɛ.ɾə]: n. border, boundary;  from "line-place"; langeden adj. bordering
led … au [lɛd … aʊ]: v. display, put on display;  from "laid out"
lomon [ˈlɔː.mɔːn]: n. warning;  from c. lom op
maya [ˈmæ.jə]: n. augur, oracle, soothsayer;  from "Meyers-Briggs"; maya … op v. soothsay, cast an augury
nofodon [ˈnɔː.fɔː.ɾɔːn]: n. map;  from "no-fold-one", lit. "thing that won't fold up"
podi [ˈpɔː.ɾiː]: n. ceremony, ritual;  from "party"
renon [ˈɹɛ.nɔːn]: n. parent;  from the nonbinary term "ren"; renonplei n. [gerund] parenting
skrud [skɹuːd]: adj. fated, cursed, destined, doomed, hexed; skrudon n. one who is fated, etc.; a "chosen one"; skruwen n. fate, destiny;  from "screwed"
skyumi* [ˈskjuː.miː]: interj. excuse me, pardon me;  from "excuse me"
tagon√ [ˈtæ.gɔːn]: n. name; tagen adj. naming;  from c. tag laik, tag op
twin [twɪn]: prep. between; in the middle of;  from "between"
waines [ˈwaɪ.nɛs]: n. intention, purpose, reason;  from "why-ness"
c. canon Trigedasleng word * credit goes to Slakgedakru √ canonized
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coeurdastronaute · 7 years
Essays in Existentialism: Alone
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Ever consider writing canon Clexa after Clarke returns from fixing the Pike problem and they're alone together for the first time? Lexa is worried and nervous. Maybe Clarke changed her mind about them. Maybe it was a one time thing for Clarke. She doesn't know where they stand and how to broach the subject. Just want to see your take on what Commander self-control would do :)
The fanfare was minimal. It was nonexistent. But there were glares and angry muttering, scowls and snarls, absolute hatred poured upon the returning sky people as they came, once again, with promises and hope for peace with a people who were not eager to be near them, let alone speak of truces and partnership.
But Wanheda was different. She had proven herself to be different. She returned after once again fixing the problems in their clan, despite it not being ultimately enough to assuage any justice in the Grounders’ eyes.
Though the new law of the land was against retribution, there was still a need for a certain kind of justice.
Clarke felt the weight of it upon her shoulders, and even with Pike dead, even with others jailed and put on work crews, she knew in her heart it wasn’t enough. She knew, deep down that she didn’t believe it was enough.
But still, she returned, and she grew more nervous as she approached the tower.
Preventing all out war once again, preventing the annihilation of her people, again, and all at the cost of her own personal life.
The nerves were about seeing Lexa again after the… after the whole… the sex. She killed a man and returned for peace, but nothing else, she lied to herself. Except the sex was really good, and Lexa was… Lexa was quickly becoming a problem.
Lexa was the first thing Clarke did for herself. She was the first thing that felt like a decision, whereas everything else was nothing more than a series of events that continually happened, back to back, all at once.
“The Commander will see you shortly,” a guard muttered before closing the door to the throne room.
All at once, Clarke realized it was too late to run back home. She would have to see her again.
The reception had been cold. That was done on purpose, as a form of protection against the potential of the meeting and the expectations of the rest of her people. But Lexa did her duty. She sat in her chair and she listened once again to Clarke’s bleeding heart, and she said her peace, to affirm her commitment to peace and how the policy was going to experience growing pains, however it was not to be trifled with again.
As expected, Clarke nodded and agreed and swore allegiance.
Lexa existed simultaneously between two distinct regions. One of which was absolutely dying to look at the girl who fell from the sky and who liked it when Lexa swirled her tongue around her nipple. The other was absolutely fearing what seeing Wanheda might mean or do or change in their own private history.
And so, the leader of the thirteen clans didn’t do either. She scanned the room, let her eyes flit to Clarke’s face and away again before anyone could be the wiser. It was an exhausting battle that left her feeling drained once she dismissed the court and renewed the vows of all clans within the coalition.
Some days, it felt good to take off the clothes and the paint and the mantle of Heda. Some days it felt as if it couldn’t leave. But on this day, Lexa was grateful to disappear from the burden of being herself.
She went through the motions of getting rid of her day as the sun finally began to set on her torture. To see Clarke again after knowing her, after kissing her, after hearing the noises she made when she was touched and kiss, after actually feeling like she had some control over the wild creature with a stubborn streak larger than anything that ever existed. For a moment, Lexa was all Clarke wanted and needed, and to be filled with that kind of knowledge was alright at first, and yet terribly daunting and scary when faced with never feeling it again.
To be near Clarke alone was a rush akin to battle, and Lexa knew it was just as life or death.
Piece by piece, she took off the the title and the requirements of her place. The armor was placed on a ledge, the sash hung, the paint scrubbed clean.
She dipped a cloth into the water and began wiping away the day. It was methodical, and it was routine, a perfect way to become human, or at least as human as she would allow herself to become when no one else was around to know any different.
For days, for weeks, ever since Clarke disappeared, Lexa dreaded being alone as much as she dreaded seeing her again, though both were inevitable. When she was alone, she replayed every interaction, debated every future one, had thousands of conversations in her head. The weight of her position made her stern against the Sky People. The weight of her feelings for Clarke made her desperate to see her again.
It was just the one time, she told herself It was just the one time thing because they were leaving, because she was weak. That was it. Weakness.
Night settled by the time she took a seat and picked up a book once more. It was dark and the fire was a warm glow against it in her room. But all of the words didn’t mean anything, didn’t form any actual ideas because though she stared at the page, she could only think of how Clarke was in the same building, just two floors away. For weeks they were nonexistent to each other, except as dirty thoughts that wormed their way through the mundane days. And now…. They were real once more.
The knock at her door made her jump, but Lexa knew, before she opened it. She knew already.
“Clarke of the Sky People,” she smiled politely enough.
“We need to discuss the sanctions and stipulations against my people,” Clarke barged through the opened door.
All Lexa could do was smile to herself at the carelessness of the other leader, that which she almost greatly admired.
“I think they’re more than fair, but please,” the leader shook her head. “Come in and tell me why they are not.”
The room felt different now. Not like it did before, not like when she was alone or even the last time Clarke was there, but different. Lexa reminded herself that she was not weak, that she was the leader of her people, that she had many cower before her and that she ended lives because she was mighty in the way that thunder is just a noise but can rattle a house.
From her spot near the door, Lexa tilted her head and surveyed the girl who she knew tasted like salt and fire and rain. She watched her pace and find a spot across the room to stand and stare and play the game she was too impatient to win.
Clarke had a knack for tough decisions, she had a gift for protecting and sacrificing, but she didn’t know anything about herself or how to be that, and so Lexa watched her debate how to exist at all.
Being together in the same room made Lexa’s heart feel like it was sprinting.
“You looked at me like you didn’t even know me,” Clarke finally muttered as she crossed her arms and looked away.
“I didn’t know what I was going to say to you, or if we’d be alone again.”
“I didn’t know that I’d ever see you again at all.”
“What we did… the last time. It wasn’t--”
“You don’t have to… We don’t. You said you had a complaint about sanctions?”
Lexa swallowed and looked at Clarke yet again, hoping for some kind of roadmap to her unpredictable mind. It would have been easier to toss herself from the ledge outside, but still, she just stared at the stranger who wasn’t.
“What do we do?”
“You have to observe the sanctions and there will be monitors that I trust surveying and keeping track--”
“What do we do with this,” Clarke corrected, motioning between them, though an entire room sat there.
“I wouldn’t be… I couldn’t be as bold as to think that this… you said not yet. I don’t want anything from you that you won’t give freely. I didn’t--”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you speak so much.”
Flustered, Lexa swallowed more words and took a deep breath. Before, as Clarke was worried and anxious, an amused smile toyed with the corners of her lips. Someone not versed in the intricacies and who had not collected her smiles and movements might have missed it, but Lexa was a lepidopterologist, addicted to the very moth-like movements of muscles and lips ghosting along her face.
Clarke took a step and watched Lexa swallow before tilting her head as she did when she was most unsure of herself, a betrayal of her concern through bluffing.
“To know you is torture, but to be near you and have known you is painful.”
“I know,” Clarke nodded.
“If we just get one moment, then I am glad it was good for us both.”
“Maybe… we get more.”
“Do we?” Lexa sighed. The question was heavy and laden with the knowledge of finality and hopelessness.
Clarke took a step and watched Lexa stare back at her, searching for something, calculating chess moves without knowing the rules.
“I want more moments.”
Clarke took a step and watched Lexa look at her lips. She placed her hand on Lexa’s chest, moved her fingertips to her chin, gently ran them along her lips, amazed to have memorized them so well already, amazed to have missed them so eagerly in the span of a few weeks.
“We’ll have to fight for them,” she whispered.
“I’ve seen you fight,” Clarke smiled slightly.
“Not like this.”
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lexathorn · 7 years
🤫🎅hey buddy. Hope you had a great weekend. I’ve been busy making toys & checking my list, so I haven’t had chance to create you something new. I’m gonna ask you some Clexa related questions today instead: (1) if you had to be stuck on a desert island with Clarke or Lexa, which would it be & why? (2) which version of Lexa is your favourite - sweaty, open coat or glitter? (3) what’s Clarke’s best feature - GEC, blue eyes or husky voice? (4) what’s your favourite Clexa scene? 🤫🎅
Hey santa. The past weekend was fantastic, I hope you had a nice weekend too. Making toys and all that ;)
Oooo fun questions. I haven’t taught about these before. 
1) Lol okay part of me is like, who is more likely to know how to survive? And another part of me is thinking, who would look better in a coconut bikini? XD Personally, I think the answer to both would be Lexa.
2) Hmm I do love Glitter Lexa, but my pick is for Open Coat Lexa. I feel like Open Coat Lexa is so uninhibited. It’s nice to see those ‘Heda Walls’ come down with people that she trusts/ environments that she’s comfortable in.
3) Also a hard one. I’m not much of a GEC person to be honest. I’m gonna go with blue eyes. Clarke’s from the sky and Lexa’s eyes are green and she’s a grounder, it’s just perfect symbolism imo. As a person who’s a little more visually inclined, blue eyes for sure. 
4) This is the hardest question by far. I really wanna say the bow scene. It’s so beautiful. It has all the qualities of a great Clexa scene. It’s romantic, emotional, developmental for both characters, it’s political, there’s sooo many candles. But, I also love their first kiss. I love that it’s amidst season 2, my favorite season. The beginning of their relationship was very exciting. To think that the leader of the sky people and leader of the grounders fell in love? And are both strong women? It just was so right even if Clarke was all like, “no, not yet”. Ahhh i don’t knowww. I think my fav is the kiss by a hair followed by the bow. :]
Thanks for your questions! I had fun answering these. 
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Someone: Why are you still into that fandom when you don’t like that show anymore? - Me: Have a seat, this may take a while...
This is all from a fandom that had our ship for 2 years. #LookWhatWe’veDone
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“Lexa was the one for her.” “Lexa was her soulmate.” “Lexa was the love of her life.” “Clarke will never love anyone the way she loved Lexa.” “Clarke will always be grieving Lexa.” - Eliza Taylor (Clarke Griffin herself). Clexa didn’t just kiss, they didn’t hook up, they made love. Doesn’t get more canon than that :) 
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It’s more than a fandom, it’s the lgbtq community. Multiple full size billboards were put up, bringing attention to the “Bury your gays” trope. Unlike others who only think about themselves, we actually did something positive in the real world to benefit the lgbtq community, we helped raise over $162,500 in charity for the Trevor Project. We got the television industry to recognize their use of tropes and inspired The Lexa Pledge by showrunners to do right by their LGBT audience. We got “LGBT Fans Deserve Better” trending worldwide, staying in the top 10 for hours with over 276K tweets.
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We trended worldwide 55 times in the weeks following Lexa’s death. Fans from all around the globe were devastated. “Lexa Deserved Better” spread across the world with hundreds of fans sharing their pictures from more than 200 cities and over 55 countries.
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We dominate in the polls, there’s no other way to describe our 47 poll wins so far, and 7 more polls we’re currently leading. Did I mention we only had our ship for a total of 15 episodes, plus the fact that alot of these polls were won with “half our ship dead” as haters like to point out... just shows how powerful Clexakru is because we continue to win even with fandoms teaming up against us Lol It’s been nearly a full year since Lexa died and we’re still winning polls :D
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Me: Okay Google, what is “extra”? - Google: The Clexa Fandom.
Yes, we legit made up an entirely new character, Elyza Lex, and ship her with Alycia’s character on Fear, Alicia Clark, to make our spinoff ship Lexark and dubbed the show “Queer the Walking Dead”. Working with the Clexa material we got in the short time span, we built an empire on fanfics, fanart, comics, etc, created by some of the most talented fans. Plus all of the character social media accounts, if you're not following @confusedlexa on Twitter you are seriously missing out :D Meanwhile we made Jason Rottenassberg’s follower count drop faster than The Loo ratings. The outrage at The Loo isn’t just limited to our fandom, it’s shown by the many articles written labeling The Loo as one of the worst shows of 2016. It’s days before the season premier and the public is still dragging the show, it’s won polls for “Biggest Disappointment”, “Show You Gave Up On”, and more... talk about karma ;) Eliza’s openly asked fans for Clexa fic recs and admitted that her mother has a Lexark picture in her home. We really couldn’t have a more dedicated Captain of the Bitanic, a year later she’s still the biggest Clexa shipper <3 As if that wasn’t enough, how many characters have such an iconic look that they got their own SnapChat filter and Sims makeup? And to top it all off, we have a star, a real star in the sky!
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With just 2 brief mentions, we made Costia into more than just a name, we brought her to life, unofficially decided to cast Nathalie Emmanuel for the role, and headcanon Lexa’s first love as a beautiful sapphic woman of color. 
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We have Elycia, Eliza & Alycia, BFF’s in real life. Without them, we wouldn’t have Clexa. Alycia’s moved on to a better show, like many other cast members have done. Eliza will move on to bigger and better things as well when The Loo gets cancelled and she’ll finally be free from all the ... “shit” ;)
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Clarke Griffin, Wanheda, The Ambassador of the 13th clan, Klark kom Skaikru, Fleimkepa, Leader of the ungrateful sky brats <3 “You bring them justice.” “I know you’re just trying to help.” - Lexa to Clarke. “Clarke elevates herself... she’s special.” - Lexa to Titus about Clarke. Lexa was the only person who never berated, belittled, or blamed Clarke.
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Lexa, Heda, The Commander of the 12 clans, Leksa kom Trikru, Soulmate of Clarke Griffin, also known as Alexandria Woods in fanfics <3 “I want you!”, “I love you.”- Clarke to Lexa. “We loved her.”- Aden to Clarke about Lexa. The girl who was taught “love is weakness”, was loved by many.
*Those great Clarke and Lexa gifs were made by @amgirl01
This is just too amazing not to include, check out @miselizasjane Grounders trailer. Things like that are why I’m so into this fandom and always will be. I have other wlw ships, some of them I really love and have shipped for years, some more recently. But none of them mean more to me than Clexa, I’ll always be Clexakru, because it’s about so much more than just a ship or a show.
 #ClexaIsLegendary #We’reStillHere #NoOtherFandomCouldEver 
*Credit to - @lgbtfansdb / @lgbtvdb-why-it-matters / @lexadeservedbetter-ww  / @thecatsbian / @clexarikleimt / @clexacon / @luxysims / @clexasource / @debnamcelery (twitter) 
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kane-and-griffin · 8 years
What's your opinion of Jason, given all the BTS drama, the disaster that was s3 and what went down with C/exa and now Bella/ke? (what if that ship doesn't sail? even with all the social media frenzy around that one now) Is it possible you're being an apologist for him?
Hi anon! 
If your assumption is that I am an apologist for Jason, I’m going to assumeyou’re probably new to this blog (welcome!) and have not listened to thepodcast I co-host, Meta Station.  We recapped all of 3B here and I suspectif you listen to any of the episodes that will put that matter to rest prettyquickly.)
If you are new, you might have missed my “I’m no longer taking anons askingme to defend why I still like this show” policy (which you can read here). I answered that question once, at great length, here,and I try to avoid repeating myself where possible.
My opinion of Jason is that I’m done just kind of bitching about himrecreationally, tbh.  I have draggedJason, you have dragged Jason, we have all dragged Jason, it has been agloriously unifying fandom pastime, and there was a time when we probably allfound it cathartic, but I no longer think it serves us and I don’t think itmakes this fandom a better place.  I am only human, I may slip up fromtime to time, especially if he does something really boneheaded, but I amtrying VERY HARD to get myself out of the dragging Jason Rothenberg business.
That said, if you have a particular, specific question about how I feelabout a writing choice, a character choice, or something concrete like that,I’m always happy to take those.  On our podcast, Erin and I critique hisstorytelling choices at LENGTH and have never been quiet about the places wherewe think the writing has been lazy, irresponsible, thoughtless about tropes,fandom-baiting, or just bad storytelling.  In addition, I think based oneverything we all know and hear coming out of the continual BTS rumors, as I’vementioned many times in recent posts, it sounds like for at least a couple ofthe cast members he creates/has created a really difficult workingenvironment.  And yes, I think there were some catastrophically badchoices in S3 - not just Lexa (whose death I have blogged about before here),but the character assassination of Bellamy, the fridging of Gina, the erasureand the death of Lincoln coupled with the way it sounds like Ricky was beingtreated personally, the gross Murphy/Ontari thing - and I think it’s wise that the network brought in a newco-executive producer as a tactful indication that they know Jason needs alittle reining-in. 
That said, I don’t think he’s Satan, I don’t think any human being deservesto have people tweet “kill yourself” at them over and over, and I am cautiouslyoptimistic that he has learned some really key lessons from the fallout ofS3.  We’ll see how S4 progresses, and we’ll know what we know when we knowit, but I’m hopeful and positive that this season could be great, and I’m notinterested in apologizing for that.
If your assumption that I’m an apologist from him stems with some of therecent posts in response to fears about cancellation, what I have been sayingover and over is that the NETWORK continues to support Jason, believe in hisvision, show enthusiasm for the stories he is telling, and speak positively ofhim and the show.
I do want to point out, however, that it sounds to me like the question youare at heart asking is “Jason fucked up Clexa and might fuck up Bellarke, whydon’t you hate him and this show more,” which I am happy to answer because thisgives me a chance to remind you that you have sent that question to A KABBY BLOG.Whether Bellarke or Clexa or neither is endgame isn’t why I watch this show, soit is not a dealbreaker for me. 
I have said this before, many times, and I will say it again, VERY LOUDLY,in boldface and italic type:
it is very frustrating for all the rest of us in the fandom who don’tlabel ourselves as “Bellarke” or “Clexa” to be addressed as though absolutelynothing else on this show matters except those two ships. 
I plan to continue watching the show with enthusiasm.  It’s fine if youdon’t.  That’s a personal choice.  But I loved a lot of things in S3that had nothing to do with Bellarke or Clexa, and I am sure I will find a lotof things in S4 to love that have nothing to do with Bellarke or Clexa, becausefor me this show is not about Bellarke and Clexa.  If it is for you,that’s fine!  We all consume media differently.  But I don’t thinkit’s being an apologist for Jason to feel, for example, that the show is stilltelling really important stories about all kinds of different representation thatdeserve to continue to be dignified, and I don’t think it’s erasing the crappystuff he’s done to say that he’s also done a lot of things really, really well.
Here, in no particular order, is a list of just some of the many things Iloved about S3 that I want to make sure are not erased or drowned out by thenegatives of S3:
Literally every single moment Kane or Abby wereonscreen, separately or together, especially THE KISS and THE PRISON SCENE and THE CHEEK KISS andTHE FINALE HUG and BEING PLOT-RELEVANT
The whole City of Light/ALIE storyline,especially its connection to Grounder mythology
Lindsey’s performance in “Nevermore”
There were a lot of big writing/editing problems in the Bellamy/Pike/Kane storyline, but hot damn those performances were fantastic
Becca and the Polaris flashbacks
Roan and Luna
Kanetavia/Rebel!Dad with Harper and Miller
Jasper’s PTSD arc
Monty getting a new level of nuance and complexity
Sinclair getting all the dialogue they probablywrote for Wick and getting to really flesh out his bond with Raven
The Griffin women finally getting the chance toteam up and save the day
Multiple Wells callbacks
Jake callbacks for both Abby and Clarke (especially “I can’t do this again”)
Murphy’s entire arc (obviously not counting the creepy Ontari sexual assault/consent violation thing), especially the Indra/Piketrio and his finale teamup with Abby
Raven’s entire arc – running from her pain, thenpushing through it, then becoming a superhero without her injury ever beingdismissed or minimized
The new Arkadia sets, the Rover, and the waythey depicted the Sky People gradually settling in and building a home
Jaha’s slow-burn three-season good guy tovillain arc
I’m excited and enthusiastic about S4, as is pretty much everyone I know inthe Kabby fandom.  It’s okay if you aren’t.  That’s a personalchoice.  But the fact that I’d never take a job working for JasonRothenberg because he sounds like a really awful boss doesn’t mean I’mobligated to hate the way he tells stories or want his show to becanceled. 
I gently encourage you to let go of any assumptions you may have that thepeople who continue to enjoy this show are doing so blindly or stupidly, thatliking the show is a blanket endorsement of all a showrunner’s worst personaland professional choices, or that people who like a thing you don’t like do sobecause they’re not as smart as you are and they haven’t figured out that they’rewrong for liking it.  
I love this show enough that I have never kept my mouth shut when thewriters make choices I object to.  I lovethis show enough to believe it can bear the weight of a substantial amount ofthoughtful criticism from a wide and diverse range of perspectives, and Ibelieve doing so is vital.  
If you just want to tell me Jason is a garbage person and you’re annoyedthat I still like things he’s doing, then I’m afraid I can’t actually help you. If you are here to be an informed, thoughtful critic of this show and are interested in debate, you will always be welcome.  I would just ask you to maybe consider, for next time, the limits of this binary assumption that Clexa and Bellarke are the only aspects of this show that anyone cares about. 
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