#to tell him harry scammed us
thisiskatsblog · 2 years
Best to you, Kat. Always had respect for you. Harry is a businessman; so is Louis. Your love for the fandom shouldn’t be confused with misplaced love for either artist.
Thank you for the well wishes, anon. I do appreciate that you thought of me, wanted to share that with me, and your respect for the love I have given fandom. It means a lot to me that this is recognized. Really. Thank you.
I am afraid the ask doesn't come across to me as respectful as you believe it is, though. There is judgment in using the term "misplaced love" , making it come off as though you think I am naïve about things and you know better.
I am a lot of things - among others passionate, open, and I tend to place trust in others - but that definitely does not equal naïve.
I know all too well that, if you want to make a living as a musician, you also need to understand, and get involved in, the business side of things.
Having grown up in the nineties, I have seen first hand my fair share of artists who detested the "business", and who - to various degrees - fought it or refused to reconcile with it, in view of maintaining their "integrity" as artists. I have zero illusions about how sustainable such objections are. You cannot keep it out if you want to build a long term career in music and the size of your success will usually have something to do with the compromises you are willing to make. And once the success comes in, even if you have not compromised before, the compromises become inevitable anyway. I have also seen that this doesn't necessarily mean you have to let go of all integrity. Several artists of my youth continue to draw big crowds, and manage to connect with their audience, move me to the core when I go see them, even for the umpteenth time.
What I am saying is that I'm not the type of person who believes an artist should refuse to become a businessman to remain credible and preserve their "integrity" as an artist. I believe that every artist has to decide for themselves where they draw the line between business interests and artistic integrity, between how much they want to earn off the back of their fans, and how much it's "all about the music". It can all be done while still making a real connection with the fans. Without making them feel alienated.
I'm also not an idiot and I know that all the boys in 1D were businessmen before they became somewhat credible as artists. They have all fought to overcome the prejudice that they are businessmen before artists, “pop stars fabricated to make money, with little to say as artists,” even. I also know their fights have had varying, and sometimes limited success.
However, I do believe that several of them DO have something to say. I believe what they have to say could be valuable, and I hope and wish they get to say it. While I wouldn't call that "love" for the artist, I do believe in several of them as artists. Maybe they're not the best artists I know, maybe they are not my favourite artists ever, but I believe they have things to bring to the table, I am interested to hear them.
And yes I have a great love for this fandom, and the people, particularly the LGBTQ+ people, in it. This comes first to me and I'm glad you recognized this.
But, insofar this includes any of the artists who might be LGBTQ+, my love goes out to them as well, not as artists, but as young people who deserve my energy to fight for our rights and wellbeing as a community. And it's also in this respect that I feel that Harry and Louis have earned some of my love and trust. Harry's relentless support to the community, from the start; the many songs / videos in which he is or might be referencing some of what this fandom has created (Sign of the Times, Adore You, Treat People with Kindness, Lights Up, Matilda). The pride flag on Louis' stage during my show in Antwerp; and a beautiful song like Only the Brave that has inspired the community.
That hasn't changed with anything that's happened.
What has changed, is my trust in Harry's integrity as a businessman.
You don't need to keep out business to keep your integrity as an artist. You can, for my part, even be a very successful businessman and keep integrity as an artist. But that does presume you maintain integrity as a businessman as well. And THAT is where the past days' events have disappointed me incredibly.
While I myself, would probably have made decisions about my career more like Louis' than like Harry's (the ticketing prices for Louis are much more democratic, and he has definitely chosen the harder road, trying to go more indie rock with his sound), I am not angry at Harry for "selling out" because he has stuck to pop and clearly wants to be “big”. What I am angry about is the lack of integrity on the business side.
I bought a ticket for a seat which the sales information in 2020 told me was at the B stage. For more than two years I did not know what was going to happen for this concert but I did not ask for my money back. I bought what I bought and I trusted that I would receive what I was promised to get in return. I didn't ask for a refund when the US tour was given priority over the EU one, I held on to my ticket. I didn't ask for a refund when a new record was announced and the setlist was not going to be what I expected it to be with this very different album coming out, I held on to my ticket. At the very least, I would have expected the layout of the room, on which the price of the seats in 2020 was based, to remain the same.
What Harry and his team did to the people with 2020 VIP seat tickets for the EU tour, completely lacks business integrity. We were sold a cat in a bag. So yes I have lost faith in Harry’s integrity as a businessman, and that compromises, in my view, his integrity as an artist.
I continue to support everyone who is bringing rainbows to his tour, in support of LGBTQ+ fans.
I continue support everyone who is bringing rainbows to Louis' tour.
I also continue to support Louis as an artist. It really surprised me anon that you wished to extend my loss of faith in Harry to him. There is no reason for it that I can see at this time. And if and when I can muster the energy I do hope to return from hiatus to follow (some of) his tour. We'll see.
I'm also not a fan of cancel culture. Which is to say Harry could probably win back my support and trust by doing better and surrounding himself with a better team, that cares more about integrity in business, and about the way he connects with his fans, a team that is not up for alienating long term fans over money. A team that doesn’t see his fans a short term cash making machine, but as real people with hopes, expectations and feelings. 
You cannot cater to everyone - OK - those are choices you make - but you are also not above everyone and you need to honor the expectations you raise. It's not a small deal to disregard "a few fans who bought VIP tickets 2 years ago" to "bring in more new fans" (who will incidentally bring in shitloads more of money). I hope he is able to understand how that makes a significant number of very faithful fans, who have stood by him all this time, whom he raised expectations with, whom he promised something, I hope he is able to understand how that makes them feel. Because it feels as if faith and trust in him is not valued.  It feels as even our money isn’t valued. Good businessmen know that this is not doing good business. Integrity does matter, also in business. And it matters for you as an artist, or it should, because it alienates part of your fanbase. This Harry and this team makes us feel alienated on a constant basis.
For me, the alienation didn't start with the layout changes, it has long been going on and it manifests in many different things. It's about catering to the American market and disregarding everyone else (and Europe has the least to complain I know this well). It's about everything that comes with catering to this homophobic American market, so that even rainbow projects are organized by homophobes who give your bi flag a nasty smirk while they are handing you their colored piece of paper, ignoring you with disgust on their faces while you try to thank them for organizing this because "its not about LGBTQ people we just want to make Harry happy" (this is the London rainbowhproject I'm talking about). It's about talking about American political issues but not recognizing the very serious and real political issues in the UK (only encouraging people to vote when it's already too late), it's about making fun of fans who want to hear fine line or medicine (in what upside down world does an artist not appreciate that people want to hear the more obscure songs like Medicine, rather than the hits like Watermelon Sugar). Its's about not really connecting, just giving a semblance. And, now that we are at it, on a personal level, it’s also about mansplaining abuse, and instead of saying something really useful about tit, telling people fairy tales ("I know they won't hurt you anymore if you can let them go") but not giving any real support. 
Back to the ticket scam, maybe Harry can content himself with fans who don't understand what was done to them or who don't give a fuck whether they are treated like cash machines or humans, or with only American fans if he so wishes. In which case: fine. But honestly I don't believe that's what he wants. So I hold out a wee bit of hope that things might change. We'll see. Maybe. Maybe not. I've decided I won't be buying tickets to Harry's shows until that time and I'm also taking a break from here to protect myself from feeling awful every time something like this happens. It breaks my heart - Harry has meant so much to me as a person, and some of his music has meant a lot to me too - but coming to these shows hopeful, positive, and coming home feeling completely alienated for the second time after what happened at the London show, I simply don't have the energy for that anymore. 
Back then I tried to keep going but eventually it led me to staying away for a year and a half. I'm too interested in what Louis does next to stay away that long I think, so I'm taking a break now, and I'll see when I feel zen enough to come back and show some interest in other things.
Thanks again for wishing me well in the meantime, anon.
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sweet-creature101 · 2 months
Envelopes and Punches
Harry Styles, a rich and wealthy boy falls in love with a poor girl who scams the rich for a living and simply does not care of what the world has to say about it.
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, violence and swearing.
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Your heart pounded as you ran, your shoes squeaking against the wet pavement. The earphones in your ears blasted songs as you ran. This was your escape, an escape from the life you had at home and school. While running, no thought crossed your head. No thought of how to make money, how to get food on the table or how to get through another day of school full of entitled rich kids.
If there was anything you had learnt in your seventeen years of existence, it was that life has a way of becoming ruthless. One simple law governed your whole life and it was “every man for himself.” Years of living in poverty had taught that the only way to survive is by either scamming the rich or stealing money; food stamps and social security cheques could only bring in so much.
You reach your house after your daily morning run. The small fence gate flung open with a single push. The stench of alcohol and cigarettes reach your nose, it used to make you recoil internally earlier but you soon got used to it. Your mother was lying on the sofa flicking through programmes on the television. You sighed deeply as you removed your earphones and stood in your living room with your arms crossed.
“Mom, it's seven in the morning, stop watching the television.” You took a glass of water and walked over handing it to her. In the distance, through your window you saw a truck unloading boxes and a bunch of people your age handing them out “What's that going on?” You asked your mother.
“Volunteers. Think they can make this shithole better by handing out a few boxes.” Your mother scoffed. “Don’t ya have school?” She added, eying you suspiciously.
“I do.”
School was awful. Being on a scholarship and poor in a school full of rich kids did not work in your favour. The students here did not express their contempt for you in a straightforward manner but you knew it was there, flowing like a steady undercurrent. You knew that they disliked you from the way they easily dismissed you, averted their gaze from you and simply ignored you. You only had two friends, Angela and Zayn. Both of them were on scholarships just like you.
“Did you see trucks outside your house?” Zayn asked, swirling the spaghetti around his fork, slightly grimacing at the sound.
“Yeah, didn't let me sleep. I almost skipped school because of that shit.” Angela said grumbling.
“You always want to skip.” You pointed out earning an eye roll from her.
“That's besides the point. Oh by the way, y’know who's the new football captain? Zayn just loves him.” Angela said, raising her eyebrows, a mischievous smile on her face. “It's Harry Styles.” Zayn said huffing, “I almost thought of quitting but then I realised that the minute I quit, they send me out of here.”
“What's so bad about him?” You asked, stuffing fries in your mouth.
“He’s a stiff. Too nice. All he does is smile.” Zayn said, rolling his eyes.
“That's what you don't like about him?” You asked, your eyebrows raised at Zayn. He flipped you off and poked his tongue at you.
“I need to get to class, can’t get another tardy slip.” Angela said getting up and brushing down her top with her hands. “I’ll walk you.” Zayn got up and stood looking at Angela. “And they say chivalry is dead.” You remarked winking at Zayn who turned into a deep crimson.
You sigh deeply and pick up your bag, your legs groaning in pain from all the relentless running you’d been doing. Walking out the cafeteria you don’t notice the crowd of boys coming your way. You take out your phone and scroll through your text messages, the last one from your mother telling you that she’ll be late coming from work. Too immersed in answering her text you didn’t notice what was about to happen.
You bump into a hard body, your shoulder bearing the brunt of it. “Hey, watch where you’re going scumbag.” One of the boys warned you. You square your shoulders and look him in his eyes, a challenge etched in your burning eyes. “Why don’t you watch where you’re going, prick.”
Harry saw it all unfurl in front of him. Jason always had a way of letting his temper get the best of him, after getting decimated in practice he was left in a sour mood. But here Harry was, watching a girl half Jason’s weight challenge him as she stared at him, her kohl smudged eyes not blinking. Harry knew who you were, the school did. Perhaps that's why no one ever talked to you or your friends. “The band of exiles” is what his friends called you and your friends.
“Keep moving.” A voice called from behind. Harry knew who that was, it was their coach who could see the potential outcome of this. Jason scowled at you and moved. You rolled your eyes and walked ahead.
“Hey, I’m Harry. Sorry about that, Jason’s never been nice.” Harry said, his hand finding the back of his neck as he scratched it nervously. Harry looked at you and thought you were nothing short of beautiful. He didn’t miss the kohl smudged around your eyes, your thick lashes or the curve of your lips.
“I’m Y/N. It's fine, don’t apologise for him although he could use getting his teeth knocked out once a while just to keep him in line once a while y'know.” You said, smiling a bit. Harry chuckled, feeling a warm bubble grow in his chest.
“Of course I’ll keep that in mind.” Harry said nodding, his smile wide and pearly.
“You are the captain after all.” You said, shrugging lightly.
“You know that?” Harry asked you a bit surprised at your awareness of this.
“I’m in enemy territory, I need to keep my eyes and ears open.” You said smiling and looking down at the ground, suddenly aware of the holes in the sleeves of your tee shirt. You immediately hide your arms behind your back.
Harry wasn’t stupid nor was he oblivious. He noticed what you did and why you did it. The inside of his chest flamed a bit on seeing you hide yourself. “You’re not in enemy territory with me Y/N.”
“We’ll see about that Harry.”
“You have to come with me Y/N. Come on, it’ll be fun!” Angela said, twirling around her room with a dress in her hand.
“I have no clothes Angie, at least none for parties besides I have to make phone calls tonight.” You said, sighing as you flopped on her bed, the broken springs squeaking under your weight.
“You can scam the rich later.” Angela chuckled. She opened her cupboard, which was covered in splinters and had a broken knob but did the job. Although you weren’t sure if it wasn’t infested with termites.
The room had a low ceiling, a single cupboard, a small wrought iron bed and a dresser with an attached mirror. Your room was the exact same, except the fact that even your wooden floorboards were falling apart in some places although you had decorated it with fairy lights all over.
“How am I supposed to pay for food, electricity or even water then?” You questioned her.
“Tomorrow, make as many calls as you want, hell even rob someone. But tonight you’re a free bird.” Angela tapped on.
“Where are we even going?” You asked her, looking at the cracks in the ceiling. Angela smiled triumphantly at her win.
“Niall's house.” She said, wiggling her brows.
“Yeah, we’ve been talking on and off so he called me over at this party he’s having tonight.” She said, looking at herself in the mirror.
You thought over it, you needed the money desperately. You’d just have to call your usual clients (rich men who cheated on their wives) at the party itself.
“Fine. Let’s go then.” You said getting up.
“You can't go like this.” Angela said, eying you up and down. You wore a loose white tank top that had a rather deep neck than what you usually wore, a pair of mini black shorts and your dirty converse that were on the verge of tearing apart.
“Watch me.” You said, crossing your arms over your chest.
“At Least let me straighten your hair. And do your makeup. And lend you my jewellery. And-”
“No, that's all you can do, Ang.” You shot back.
“Okay fine. Now sit.”
It took you over an hour and another thirty minutes to reach Niall's house which was across the city. Of course, the rich wouldn’t live anywhere near the faulty neighbourhoods. Which is why you hated being here, standing near the pool, watching the same people you avoided at school watch you. The drink in your hand didn’t have the effect you expected it to.
Might as well get work done. You thought to yourself.
You brought out your phone and opened the list of phone numbers you had smuggled in from a friend who worked in charities and had a knack for observation about who glanced too long at who. Stalking these men outside The Ritz, the most expensive hotel in town on Fridays also helped your cause. You dialled the first number, waiting for the man to pick up.
“Hello?” A heavy and gruff voice answered from the other end.
“Am I speaking to Raymond Sturgis?” You asked, your sweet as if it were dripping with honey.
“Yes, who is this?”
“It doesn’t matter. I know you meet up with Chayenne every Tuesdays, Thursdays and the weekend outside the Ritz at approximately 6:30, maybe even 7:00 depending on traffic. God knows what your wife would think of that? She’d divorce you, claim her share in the company which- correct me if I’m wrong, is a whopping sixty percent. Oh and also claim custody of your kids.” You said smugly.
“What do you want?” The voice on the other end had become visibly strained.
“Four thousand dollars, cash.”
“I could easily report you. You’d go to prison for this.”
“By time the police reach I’d have already mailed your wife pictures of you and the lovely Chayenne.”
“Fine. Where should I drop the cash?”
You told your usual address, a park fifteen minutes away from your house and to drop the cash by midnight. You sigh and sit down at the lounge chair staring at the water.
“You’re knee deep in enemy territory, soldier.”
You heard the familiar voice, a smile finding its way on your lips. You turn your head and find that all too familiar face smile at you, eyes glazed and a lazy smile with two bottles in hand.
“I see you bear gifts.” You said, smiling just as he did.
“That I do. Beer or breezer or whatever is in this cup?”
“I’ll take the cup and beer.” You said.
Harry sat down next to you, your knees and thighs touching. “Been over a week since I last talked to you, although I keep on seeing you everywhere.” Harry said. You almost choked on your drink at his uncalled confession.
“Why didn’t you approach me then?” You asked him, turning your face to look at him. You thought he looked handsome, handsome in a rugged way. You breathed in his deodorant. Maybe it was the alcohol, although it barely acted but you wanted to kiss him.
“Asked myself the same thing every day.”
The last Harry talked to you was when he needed notes in English. He tried to concoct funny if not odd reasons to talk to you and here you were, sitting next to Niall’s pool where Harry had drowned far too many times.
“I wished you did.” You spoke suddenly, drawing Harry out of his trance.
“Talk to you?”
“Yeah.Wait,” You said, downing the whole bottle of beer in a single breath, grimacing at the taste. “I like you Harry, like talking to you. You’re better than most people here, other than me of course. But you see me, not just look at me. That’s got to count for something.”
Harry felt his heart leap at your words.
“Fraternising with the enemy, guess you’re not that good of a soldier after all.” Harry said chuckling, tucking a loose strand of your hair. He didn't miss the way your cheeks flushed a deep crimson nor did he miss the way you quickly averted your gaze from his eyes to the ground. He would’ve found this change in demeanour amusing had he not been harbouring the intense desire to kiss you.
“Shut up.”
Days of talking turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. You and Harry had been friends for over two months. Two months of drinking on rooftops of buildings you didn’t know existed, two months of getting to know each other, two months of having the bubble of feelings you had for him grow bigger and two months of still wanting to grab his face and kiss him.
And you never wanted to kiss him as much as you did now, locked in a tiny broom closet at Niall's House. The alcohol in your system didn’t help either. Your self control was being tested with every passing second.
“Seven minutes have never felt longer.” Harry chuckled, breaking the ice. You both were standing close enough that you could feel his hand brush yours, his chest leaving a phantom touch.
“Don’t sweat it Styles.” You mumbled.
“You know, I never noticed how pretty you are.” Harry said, a smile appearing on his face. You blushed furiously.
“Shut up.”
“No, that's a lie. I saw how pretty you are the minute I set eyes on you.”
You quickly averted your eyes to the ground, looking at your shoes.
“Y/N, look at me. Please.” Harry kept a finger under your chin and nudged your face towards his.
“Don’t do this Har.” You said, peering into his clear green eyes.
“Because I want to kiss you and we’re both drunk and then we’ll never talk about it and then we’ll forget about it and then-”
“Shh. It’s okay. I’ll kiss you when you’re sober. Promise.” Harry shushed you, placing a finger on your lips.
“You don’t have to promise.” You mumbled against his fingers.
“I want to.” He smiled at you, hooking a hand around your waist and dragging you closer.
“Okay.” You said, smiling slightly.
“But for now,” Harry kissed the corner of your lips.
“Are you always this cheeky?” You questioned laughing.
“Only with you.”
“Move it to the left.”
“Are you stupid mate?”
“Oh wait, move a bit towards the right.”
Out of all the ways Harry imagined spending his weekend, delivering boxes of essential goods to an abandoned neighbourhood in the south side was not what he expected.
“Ugh when do we go home?” Blair asked, looking up from her phone. Loose strands of blonde hair had escaped her ponytail which now came down to frame her face.
“Not until afternoon so sit tight.” Jason said, carrying a load of boxes.
“Jeez, we have to give them a toothbrush too? Like isn’t that three pounds?” The irritated girl said, peeking into the boxes in front of her.
“Less talking, more work. That means you too Blair.” Harry said checking off boxes in this list he carried.
Harry often found his mind wandering to you. Thinking of you, your smile, your laugh, your eyes and anything remotely related to you. He wondered where you were, what you were doing right now.
“Did I tell you my dad got threatened?” Blair said, blowing a bubble of the gum in her mouth.
“What?” Harry immediately forgot about the list in his hand and diverted his attention to the blonde.
“Yeah. Someone just called out of nowhere and told him to leave money in a park or else she’d leak some information.” She said casually.
“A park?” Jason asked snorting.
“Yeah and it’s not too far from here either.” Blair continued.
Harry merely hummed. He particularly didn’t care about what happened to Blair’s dad and certainly didn’t care that he had to bear a bit of damage. From a distance, he saw a figure running. He thought it looked like you but blamed it on wishful thinking.
Harry didn’t realise it was you until he could properly see you. You were running, your hair was bound in a loose ponytail. He saw you were wearing his favourite shorts, short enough to show your legs yet long enough to just cover your butt. The tight black tank top you wore left almost nothing to the imagination.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” Harry called out, smiling wide.
You look at him and his friends like a deer blinded by headlights. Your grip tightened around the envelope in your hand, hoping Blair wouldn’t notice that it was her fathers company logo embossed onto it. You silently cursed that man as a fool once you saw that he sent his company envelope.
“Harry, hi. I didn’t expect to see you here.” You nervously chuckled. Harry walked towards you, slinging an arm around your waist drawing you closer. You could feel his hand go lower and lower.
“Are you here to help us?” Blair asked you, eyeing you up and down.
“Oh, no. I went out for a walk.” You replied.
“In this neighbourhood?” She further questioned you, her eyes narrowed into slits.
“I live here.” You stated firmly, waiting for the taunting, name calling or anything of the sort. You felt Harry straighten behind you.
“Oh.” The taunting never came. You couldn’t decide what was worse, contempt or pity.
“Yeah well I better get going.” You said, sensing the shift in environment. “I’ll see you later, yeah?” You told Harry, turning around to kiss him on the cheek.
Harry blushed slightly, squeezing your waist tighter. “Of course”
You begin to walk, half relieved that no one noticed the big logo on the envelope in your hand.
“Hey! Wait”
Spoke too soon.
You turn around to find Blair looking at you, her arms crossed and her expression morphed into one of accusation.
“Show me that envelope.” She demanded, walking closer to you.
You stand straighter, your shoulders squared. “What’s it to you?” You retort back.
Blair came behind you and suddenly snatched the envelope. “You bitch,” She spat at you. “You’re the one who’s been threatening my dad. How low can you go?”
“It’s nothing he didn’t deserve.” You said calmly.
“I knew letting in people like you in our world was a mistake. You’re nothing but scum. We all know your mom gives blowjobs and we all know that you’re going to carry the family legacy.” Blair taunted, laughing dryly at you.
“Shut up you don’t know anything.” You said, desperately trying to hone the storm inside of you.
“No Y/N, trust me I do know. I know that you’re going to be the neighbourhood whore, like your mom. That’s all you’re good for. You’re a nobody. You always were and you always will be.”
The rage you felt in that moment was blinding. You had to fight back, if not for who you are right now then for the five year old girl you used to be. That small timid girl who would flinch at every noise, every echoing gunshot and everything.
You tackled the girl to the ground and punched her. You keep on punching her, swallowing your sobs as you drained out her screams and everyone else’s around you. You feel hands drag you away from the girl and hurl you to the ground.
“Y/N stop. You’re better than this.” Harry looks at you, with soft eyes.
“Is she though?” Jason asked, carrying Blair to the truck. You avert your gaze to the boy in front of you.
“Yeah, what you’ll beat me too? Try me bitch.”
Bitch. Scum. Lowlife. Nobody. Whore.
“I’m not a bitch.” You say, your voice hoarse.
“Can’t say the same.” Jason curtly replied.
You look at him with angered eyes, certain that if you could blow steam, you would be doing so right now.
“You know what Jason, maybe I am a bitch. Maybe I’m a lowlife, scum, a whore, a nobody or maybe even all of those things.” You said, getting up walking to him.
You punch him square in the face, breaking his nose. You wanted him to hit. You wanted him to hit you hard, hard enough to knock you out. And he did. You felt pain sear straight from your stomach upto your eye, like a hot brand marking your skin.
And then everything went dark.
Radio silence. Three days had gone by since your cards had been laid bare, three days since you had beat up Blair, three days since you had gotten beaten up, three days since you last heard from Harry. It was unbearable, this constant pining and anxiety. Which is why, the second you got the text from Harry asking you to meet him, you didn’t hesitate before saying yes.
You sat on your usual bench, waiting for Harry. There were a million things you wanted to say, a million things on your mind and a million more you wanted to ask. You heard the shuffling of footsteps and knew who it was.
“Hey.” You looked over to see Harry. He looked devastatingly handsome tonight.
“Hi.” You said back, looking down.
“Let me take a look at you.” Harry said, hooking a finger under your chin. You refused to meet his gaze. He felt his heart grind a bit at your reaction. “Look at me, please?” Harry asked softly.
Your eyes met his and you felt tears spring up in your eyes. You bit your lip to keep it from wobbling. “Hey hey, don’t cry. I’m not leaving you Y/N. I’m here for you okay?” Harry said, kneeling down so that he was face to face with you, taking your hands in his.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. You deserve so much better.” You sob, completely breaking down.
Harry hugs you tight, holding you until you calm down. “What does a mermaid wear to math class?” Harry asked you.
“What?” You mumble, your face squished against his shoulder.
“An algae-bra.”
You laugh, your head feeling better. “It’s so bad Har.”
“Ah there’s my girl.” Harry said, pulling away, smiling at you. “I like it when you laugh.” He said, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“So, scamming huh?” Harry asked you, sitting beside you.
You sighed through your nose. “Before you call me unethical, I only do that to men who cheat on their wives, it’s easier that way.” You said looking up.
“Well, at least someone’s maintaining the justice system.” Harry chuckled.
“How’s Blair?” You asked him.
“Not as bad as you, she doesn’t have a black eye like you. She’s healing and she’s decided not to press charges.” Harry replied.
“Thank God.” You sighed in relief.
“You wanted Jason to hit you, didn’t you?” Harry looked at you, asking you the question you knew he would.
“Yeah.” You mumbled quietly.
“Because everyone at school calls me a lowlife, scum and what not. It angers me. It makes me want to scream and yell and shout. The only way I escape that anger is when I’m sleeping.”
“So that’s why you wanted him to hit you. To escape.”
“Is that so wrong?”
“No, it’s not but don’t do it again. I won’t let it happen again.”
You scoot closer to Harry, placing your head on his shoulder and holding his hand. You felt safe. You felt happy. You felt at home.
“Y/N?” He called out your name. You look at him, the moonlight illuminating the crests of his cheekbones. You bring a hand up to trace them.
“Can I kiss you?” You ask him.
“You beat me to it.” Harry said, smiling at you.
He suddenly took your face in his hands and kissed you. He kissed you long and hard, like a man starving for food. The bubble in your chest exploded. The world around you suddenly didn’t matter. A mosaic of sensation exploded around you as you kept on kissing him, your hands travelling around every inch of his body, savouring him slowly.
Harry pulled away, kissing the inside of your wrists, your neck and then your nose.
“No matter what happens Y/N, I’ll always be here for you. No matter what the world says. You can trust me and I swear on my life, I won’t hurt you.” Harry told you. You felt your eyes burn again. “Stop making me cry so much.” You half chuckled.
“Great, I still have to ask if you’ll date me. I reckon that’ll make you cry more.” Harry said.
You squealed in happiness, tackling him down the bench as you both fell to the ground. You kissed him long and hard.
“Yes Harry. Yes”
Authors note: So how are we feeling about this? Let me know in the comments if you liked it or not. Talk to me and interact, I love it when you do.
All the love,
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skippyv20 · 9 days
Let’s take a peek into MM’s diary….
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Dear Dairy,
Sorry I haven’t written to you for awhile. I’m so popular and I don’t have a second to myself these days. Everyone…and I mean EVERYONE wants to be my bestie. I am good with that, as you know, the more people I can use and abuse, the happier I am. I must say though, unless I get something out of a bestie…I’m not interested. The Kardasicans, give me a headache. They walk around like they live for money and selfies! I mean please! I know they are jelly (have scrapped the scam jam, and going to make jelly now, see how I did that?) of me, they would grab onto Larry, sorry…Harry in a second. They don’t stand a chance with him though, because they may be trashy…but believe me…I AM trashier. That’s how I won his (heart). Anyways, I am done with them using my mom so they can stay in the news. They need to be able to say…”we are besties with Doria the DuchAss’s mom! Forget it! I told my mom (who happens to be 50% Nigerian) that she needs to be careful with those people, as they don’t even like her….no one does….they only like ME, and use her to get to ME. Anyways, enough about them.
I know people are getting impatient waiting for my long, long, long list of products for my new Scam Company ARO. They are coming….likely in the year 2080. So, something to look forward to. I have great hope for my toilet paper line, dental floss, toothpaste, perfume, and dish detergent. I am really focusing on these items. I do however want to start a line of brooms and shovels as well. Everytime I am on SM (shhh don’t tell everyone)…I see them talk about brooms and shovels, so yeah, I get the message, my public wants me to sell these items. So working on that. The shovels will be tested this week at the local farm. Trying them out in the horse stalls, see how much they can handle. I did get Larry (Harry) to try out a broom. I had him climb up a tree with a broom. He got on a thick branch and stood up with the broom, and jumped thinking he would fly. Sadly, he couldn’t fly with it. Back to square one, and research. Look at him! How embarrassing! Great news though! The broom didn’t break!
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Oh Diary, a sneaky peek at my new Dish Detergent I created….on sale in 2079…I LOVE the packaging…great name too!
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When I was 11 yrs old….i saw a commercial. There was a girl washing dishes! I said NOPE! I wrote to the company and said NOPE, girls have better things to do then wash dishes! Why can’t boys wash dishes! The company changed the commercial…..immediately! Now boys wash dishes….thanks to yours truly, ME! So anyways, that’s why it was so important for me to create my new dish detergent, I can’t recall why I named it Dawn though? Oh, I do recall now….thats the time I usually roll home! My amazing business ARO is a family business, I even have LallyBet doing testing…she will always have a future washing dishes. She will have to earn her own money in life, because….what is MINE…is MINE, and I will spend every penny on ME!
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Oh my trip! Yeah so I was invited to……Nigerian. It was fun. The best part is….they see me as the Princess of Nigerian. They were so easy to scam! (Note to self…send them jam and dish detergent.). They really made us feel welcome, but I didn’t like the food. I didn’t like the way the dressed. I didn’t like the air. I didn’t like the people. I did however, LOVE they see me as influential and a role model for the young ones. I could see in their sad little eyes, they ALL see me in them and them in me. They will never achieve what I have achieved. Sadly, not everyone is a good grifter. I don’t know, maybe if a go there every few months I can change a couple of them into little mini me grifters….I don’t know. I almost fell on my face! My spray tan was rubbing off, or dripping off I should say. Spray tan doesn’t work in extreme heat!!!! No biggie, they know I am 89% Nigeria. It was a privilege for all to meet me, and they paid me plenty…so all good.
Ok, this is a real secret. Larry (Harry) and I are going to Australia. We decided we are going to become King and Queen over there. We can’t get back into the UK, or Kanada..so Australia is the only place left. I want to go there for two reasons. One, they need a king and QUEEN. Two, I love Kalhua Bears. We are going to get a partition going, should be easy. The Aussies have thick accents, and I don’t think they understand English so should be easy to fool them. If they catch on and say they have a King and Queen, we will just tell them they quit their jobs, and told us to go under. Seriously, I think we can pull this off. I will have the biggest tiara anyone has ever seen. Do they have yachts in Aussie? Asking for a friend. I have seen some of the men in Aussie. Oh yeah….they would like me…no doubt about it. Those Hems worth bros are so good looking….yep….I have got to meet them.
Well I guess I should go, Larry (Harry) is crying again, blah blahblahblah……
If anyone happens to read my Diary, please donate to our new charities:
Make Me Richer Foundation
Me Me Me Foundation
Dish Detergents Foundation
Broken Harry Foundation
Also buy MY new books:
I Can Scam Like No Other
The Best Way to Fool Governments
I Know Everyone In The World Wants to be ME
How To Pretend You Have Children
How To Be 89% Nigeria And Get Away With It
I have another 59 books but I will tell you about them later!
Love Me….I LOVE ME!xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
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idrkwhatthisisimsorry · 10 months
Flying to Italy pt. 3
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Description: Y/N finds out her boyfriend is cheating on her with her best friend, and decides to take the trip she had planned with him to Italy anyways, but alone. But she meets Harry along the way, and so it goes... Does she decide to stay with Harry, or is it too soon and too fast? Or will she forgive her boyfriend? Only time will tell.
Warnings: nothing really! more harry, and maybe a little bit of fluff???
Word count: 2.5K (they're getting longerrrrr)
A/N: hey! a new one! I'm glad y'all are liking the series! I've never had more motivation to write a fic, and I really like this one, so I hope you guys like how it's progressing. Unfortunately, I think it's gonna be a pretty slow burn. More stuff to come!
I sat in the backseat of Harry's car with him as someone drove us to his house in ITALY. I almost want to thank Lily and Jackson for what they did to me because it put me in this position. Now, like I said, I'm not the biggest Harry Styles fan out there, but holy shit, it's still Harry Styles. I love his music, and he's obviously a really cool guy if he's letting me stay at his house in Italy for however long he decides he wants me there. I know at least I'm staying there tonight, but it feels wrong to intrude for a whole month, so I speak up for the first time since we've gotten into the car.
"Thank you so much for letting me stay tonight. I'll look up hotels on my computer to try a find a good one that won't 'scam me'." I say, using air quotes on that last part, and laughing a bit because of what he said earlier. "Don't be ridiculous. I'm not inviting you to stay in my house only to kick you out. I was planning on staying for longer than a month, so you can stay your entire trip. It's a nice house, I swear I don't like in a shack. I really don't mind, it gets lonely there anyways." He said, shrugging, acting like a complete stranger staying in his house for an entire month was no big deal. "I really appreciate that, but I don't want to make you feel like you have to let a complete stranger stay in your house for an entire month just because I'm in a shitty situation. Seriously, Harry." I said, really not wanting to intrude.
I didn't want to intrude for a lot of reasons. One, being I know Harry gets a lot of paparazzi surrounding him, and I really don't want to deal with the entire world thinking we're staying together at his house for an entire month. Even though that is what I'm going to be doing apparently, it's going to look entirely different to thousands of fans who are entirely too jealous of every woman Harry is around. And two, I don't want Lily to see that I'm with him. As cool as it would be to see how angry and jealous she would get when she finds out I'm spending time with her "one true love", I don't want to give her a reason to speak to me at all. And I also didn't want to disrupt Harry's life. He came to Italy for a reason, and so did I, and I feel like if I was practically living at his house that would be more than disruptive towards his normal Italy routine, whatever that may be.
"Seriously, Y/N," he said, emphasizing my name, "I don't feel like I have to let you stay in my house just because of your situation. If I didn't want to, I wouldn't. And we're not totally strangers. We talked for a really long time on that plane, and I discovered that I really enjoyed your company, and want to spend more time with you, and it just so happened that I had the perfect solution for your hotel issue, and it also meant I get to spend time with you. If you really don't want to stay there, I would be happy to find you a hotel for your troubles. I don't want to make you feel like I'm forcing you to stay at my house. But I promise you, it is absolutely no trouble at all, Y/N." Harry said, very seriously. Okay. Maybe this wouldn't be as nerve racking as I suspected it would. It's not like there's a lot of paparazzi in Italy, and I really could use a place to stay. I contemplated what he said for a little while before finally responding. "Okay, I'll stay with you. Thank you, I really appreciate it." I said, and he smiled at my response. "But-" I said, and he frowned, "If at any point, any point at all you don't want me there, tell me right away, please. I hate intruding, and I really don't want to." I said, semi-sternly, to get my point across. "I doubt that will happen, but deal." He said, a large smile across his face.
We pulled up to his large house on the coast about fifteen minutes later. My eyes widened in awe at the size and beauty of the house. I didn't even realize I should probably get out of the car until Harry was opening my door and holding out a hand to help me out. No one has ever done that for me before, so I warily took his hand and got out of the car. The driver had taken our bags out of the back already by the time we got out of the car, so we both walked over to take them to bring them into the house.
"Harry. This is beautiful." I said, still gawking at the gorgeous house. It was tall, and a creme color, with beautiful accents of green shrubbery and vines bordering it. The door was white with accents of blue, and it had a beautiful birch porch swing facing out to the ocean. The porch was beautiful, too. It wrapped all the way around the house and had flowers and plants and bird feeders all the way around it. It was gorgeous, and I couldn't imagine the beauty that was inside.
"Thank you. Would you like a tour of the inside?" He asked me as he began walking towards the front door, smiling at me with that signature smile I was starting to discover. "I would absolutely love that." I said, returning a smile with the same brightness of his. He punched in the key code to the door, and on the security system once he got inside. We loaded all our bags into the foyer and he began to show me around.
"Now, I may have fibbed a bit about the size of the house, but I do have plenty of guest rooms. Six to be exact, in case you were curious. But there is a bathroom for each room, so you will have your own bathroom, don't worry." He said as he walked me upstairs to show me the bedrooms. They were all pretty identical, having the same beautiful king sized bed in each one with a gorgeous canopies over each of them. More gorgeous birch flooring that matched the porch outside, much lighter, though, due to the lack of weathering. It was gorgeous, all of them. The last one he showed me, I assumed, was his bedroom. "And this one is mine. You can pick anyone you want to stay in except this one because, as you can see, it has already been claimed." He said, chuckling. His bedroom was so very him. It was a dark gray, but not dark enough to make the room itself dark. He had art all over the walls, and the bed was very simple. Just a simple bed with a black headboard with posts on all four corners. He had a record player on top of the dresser, and from what I could see from the doorway, he had about twenty records next to it, The Beatles, Fleetwood Mac, Joni Mitchell, Bowie, all the good stuff. If this is what he had in his vacation home, I was dying to see what his regular house's record collection looked like. "I love it. Too bad it's already taken." I said laughing, and he laughed in response as well. "I think I'll take the one at the end of the hall." I said, smiling up at him. "Sounds good." He said looking into my eyes and smiling, lingering there for a bit before clearing his throat and looking away. "So, uh, do you want the tour of the rest of the house?" He said, and I nodded enthusiastically.
The house was beautiful beyond belief. There was a pool in the backyard, and while Harry was in his room, unpacking his things I assume, I decided to put my bathing suit on and make my way downstairs and outside and go for a swim. It had been ages since I had the time to go swimming, and I missed it. I walked outside and dove right in, loving the feeling of the water flowing through my long hair and across my skin. I must've been swimming for thirty minutes before I finally came all the way up to the surface for a quick break, and saw Harry sitting on the edge of the pool, feet in the water.
"Wow, you really like to swim, huh? You've been out here for probably an hour now." He said, looking at me, smirking. "Oh, uh, yeah I do. It's been forever since I got to do it so I guess I just got carried away." I said, looking down still treading in water, looking up at him again to ask him, "How long have you been sitting there?" "Just about twenty minutes. It's like you're in your own little world when you're in the water. You're like a little fish." he said, chuckling, making me laugh, too, at his comment.
I swam over to the steps of the pool and walked over to him as he stood up as well. "You hungry? I know this really great cafe. I visit it every time I'm here at least ten times. My treat." He says, smiling at me. "I'd love to go, but I'm definitely paying for my own food. You letting me stay at this amazing house is enough of a treat. I'll go get changed." I said, as I walked into the house and rushed upstairs to take a shower and change.
Me and Harry walked into the cafe he recommended, and since I didn't know the exact dress code, I decided on the mid-length baby blue dress I packed, and decided to leave my hair down. When we walked in I noticed it was a sit down cafe, so I knew it was going to be expensive, but I saved plenty for this trip, so I knew I was going to be able to cover it, but if I kept going out to eat with Harry who knew how quick those savings were going to run out?
We sat down at a cafe, and the waitress came over to us, not seeming phased by Harry Styles sitting down at the restaurant she worked at, but more like familiarly happy to see him. "Hey Harry, haven't seen you in a bit! It's nice to see you!" She said, smiling at him. "It's good to see you, too, Sarah. This is my friend, Y/N. Y/N, this is Sarah." Harry motioned to me, introducing the two of us, and I waved to her. "Nice to meet you! Usually Harry just comes here by himself, so it's nice to see into his actual life. What can I get for the both of you."
We ordered our food, and it was expensive like I expected it, but Harry apparently had a card on file, and managed to secretly tell our waitress that both of our meals would be on him. I thanked him, but still told him that just because he's rich doesn't mean he has to pay for my food, and he just smiled. As we were leaving we decided to just go for a walk around the small city and watch the sunset and the people around us, and get to know each other a bit better since we would be spending the next month together.
"So.." I started, as we had been walking in silence for the past couple minutes since we left the cafe. "So..?" He responded. We got along well on the plane, but now once that it was really starting to sink in that I was in the presence of Harry Styles, I didn't know how to really start a conversation with him. "Uh.. what made you want to buy a house in Italy?" I asked, finally coming up with things to say. "Easy. It's beautiful. Every time I used to come here and didn't buy my own place I wished I had. It's nice to be able to completely settle once I'm here, and not have to worry about where the fridge is, what's in the fridge, how comfortable my bedroom is going to make me feel. So I bought my own place here and made it mine so I could love Italy even more. What made you want to come visit Italy?" He asked. "I thought I already explained it, but I guess I forgot when talking about everything that made me take the trip alone. But, uh, I just always thought it was gorgeous, too. It was always on my bucket list, but with the lack of money, and then college, an then working my way up in my career, I've never had the money or the time until now. I wasn't going to let those assholes screw up this dream for me." I said, not looking at him. "I don't blame you. Italy's a great place to come to forget about things. Can I ask you a question?" He said, stopping to look at me. "Sure." I said, nervously, unsure of what he was going to say. "How did someone as bright and as full of life as you manage to end up with the worst best friend an boyfriend? It just doesn't add up. I'm sorry if that's too personal, you don't have to answer that." As he said the last part, he turned away and began walking again. "Well, it's not really as simple as that. I know I told you they cheated, but I've known them both for so long, and I truly don't think that's always been how they're like. I just think they weirdly grew into the people they became. I've never had any issues with either of them ever. No big arguments, hardly any little arguments. I had no way of seeing it coming. They never even have hung out alone, to my knowledge, before they did what they did. They even used to fight with each other a lot, and only really became true friends again a few years ago. And I'm not as bright and full of life as you say I am. But I appreciate the compliment." I said, still looking ahead as we walked. "I know I don't know you very well yet, but I think you're wrong about that."
Me and Harry just made small talk here and there for the rest of our walk until his driver came to pick us up. I'm usually good at reading people, but he was a closed book. I had no clue what he was thinking until he said it. He confused the hell out of me, and all I wanted to do was understand him, to be able to read him. And I couldn't help but feel guilty about it. I've never had to understand someone new. I've always had the same people in my life, and it felt so different to let someone new in. Not a bad different, just different.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 3 months
The Telegraph finally focuses on the Unsussexfuls & Misan Harriman's Photogate. The attacks on Catherine are hypocritical and disproportionate. When will media examine other past obviously botched photoshopped Sussex s with the same scrutiny? by u/wontyield
The Telegraph finally focuses on the Unsussexfuls & Misan Harriman's Photogate. 📸 🤥 📸The attacks on Catherine are hypocritical and disproportionate. When will media examine other past obviously botched photoshopped Sussex 📸s with the same scrutiny?
Original article link: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-family/2024/03/13/meghan-pregnancy-photo-claim-doctored-willow-tree/
Archive link: https://archive.is/2024.03.13-095528/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-family/2024/03/13/meghan-pregnancy-photo-claim-doctored-willow-tree/
The OSINT work of this sub has presented evidence of the botched edited Sussex photos for years. The media, both 🇬🇧 and 🇺🇸, have continued to ignore OBVIOUS deceit on part of the Sussexes and their minions, Liebrows Scobie and Misan Harriman. The media is complicit is Sussex 📸 scams. Major news outlets have continually propped up Sussexes lies by pushing their revisionist history via lies in articles and obviously edited images. 🕵️‍♀️
See link to Negative_Difference4's previous posts about the edited Sussex willow tree pregnancy announcement photo and other discrepancies in pinned comment.
Excerpts: One of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s own official portraits is said to have been edited with the insertion of a large willow tree.
The claim prompted accusations of hypocrisy after a source close to the Sussexes criticised the Princess of Wales, insisting that Meghan would “never” make a picture editing mistake and would have been “annihilated” for releasing a doctored family portrait.
However, an image released to accompany the announcement of Meghan’s pregnancy with her daughter Princess Lilibet on Valentine’s Day 2021 appears to have been heavily doctored, amid suggestions that a large willow tree was edited into the shot.
Mr Harriman took the picture with an iPad from his home in London and it was shared with no indication that it had been digitally altered.In 2022, he was asked during an appearance on BBC Radio 3 podcast Private Passions how he had created the photograph and admitted: “It’s amazing what you can do with technology.”
The presenter asked him: “They weren’t actually under a willow tree, they were lying outside in a meadow, weren’t they, Harry and Meghan, when you took the photograph of them?”
Mr Harriman said the image was his “most famous virtual shoot” as he described how he had used technology that allowed him to communicate with the Sussexes and tell them how to pose, before he remotely “pressed the shutter button” thousands of miles away.
‘Sussexes’ camp are hypocrites’
Angela Levin, Prince Harry’s biographer, told The Sun: “The Sussexes’ camp are huge hypocrites.”
A tree was doctored in their photograph to create a special backdrop so how dare their camp say anything about Catherine’s?”
THIS PART IS HILARIOUS!!!*🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Meghan spoke about her dislike of having certain features airbrushed out of photographs after posing for a People magazine cover in 2017.“
To this day, my pet peeve is when my skin tone is changed and my freckles are airbrushed out of a photoshoot,” she said.
There is no suggestion the Sussexes edited the photograph themselves.
A spokesman for the couple has denied commenting about the Princess’s picture. post link: https://ift.tt/gXdz5qD author: wontyield submitted: March 13, 2024 at 12:20PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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thetoaddaddy · 3 months
A funny little thing about fandom and fandom spaces. Especially if you are new to these spaces:
I got a friend who is fairly new to fandom spaces. She sends me screenshots sometimes of people in her fandom like being dramatic about shit and I’m not really phased by it cuz I’ve been in fandom spaces since I was like 12.
I gotta school her and tell her all these fandom lores. Like the fact Lord of the Rings had a gay fanfiction cult that scammed people out of money with promising amazing meet ups and were lack lustre, including flying out jed brophy and having his partner having to sob confess to him that she didn’t have enough money to fly them back home and they met Sean Astin several times for charity events and even got him to make the proposal between the cult leader and his main victim/“partner”.
Or that one time in the Hamilton fandom with that one white chick who pretended to be a woman of colour who had aids via sex trafficking but was in fact a white girl with a normal middle class upbringing. All to validate her fanfic about the aids crisis in the 80s with an age gap ship. Which she had no reason to do, like girl made a problem about nothing. And used this marginalized voice she crafted to scam money from people with sickbaiting. But the story then got watered down to the girl who exposed her did so cuz of a rival Hamilton mermaid cannibal crack ship… and then the call out poster then doxxed the scammer after promising not to. Honestly, what a damn mess that was.
The mass shipping wars between harry/ginny traditionalists vs the unhinged proshippers on the other side who shipped anything and everything(which is whatever i’m more proship at the end of the day its just fictional characters and they’re tagged properly, if you interact with it that’s on you). They fr had turf wars and an exchange of harassment(not to mention mrs scribe and her socks). Hello Draco’s Leather Pants I see you. Or the Snape Wives who astral projected sex with Snape via their husbands.
That bible self insert fanfiction writer who went to hell and back to try and claim they wrote my immortal. But he was bad at covering his trail, claimed this multiple times, tried to (shocker) get money and fame from this.
The sonic fandom in its god damn hayday was on a whole different level of insane. The ocs the edits the tracing. In general most spaces were toxic.
Clown meat fandom.
Or when Naruto fans harassed and sent death threats relentlessly to kishi for not making their ships canon at the end of the Naruto manga. We’ve seen things. We have lived through scammers, freaks, and extremists. There always will be in fandom.
I think whining about people who take their favourite character too seriously is not really looking at the full picture of what raving fans will do. Especially in young fandoms. Fanatic people have and always will act the fuck up. They’re the loudest of their fandom usually. But they don’t define their community as a whole. Just let them be. Nothing you can say will change them. They gotta go through the ravenous phases of fandom themselves. Then they become fandom elders like I… Like most of us are. We like what we like. We get friends from it. We make new headcanons and expand upon the blanks the canon materials left out. The ravenous do this too but they tend to have a sort of tunnel vision.
Regardless I don’t think antagonizing them is the right call. Fandom will always fandom. I think it’s just the natural life cycle of the fandom space. We’re all cringe. Ain’t none of us better than anyone else.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
the way this fandom have trouble with ANYTHING jimin related is sickening. First, the obvious mistreatment with all of jm's releases. Then, we have "ot7s" accusing focused jimin accs of being solos. When jm's fanbases organizes streaming parties and recomebacks, its hell on twitter. Now, that person who was the guide for the jimin tour on that harry potter place is being accused of being a tae anti. Why the hell people started to search her tweets about tae in the first place, even tho she has the little seven on her dn? Just because she saw jm and said he is the most precious human being? Btw, her tweets about tae werent problematic at all. She just metioned things that TAE DID, like his paris date with jennie. Some "ot7" started to say she was tae anti and boom, people believed it and taes solos started to send death threats to the poor girl. Just because she was saying that we should normalize the members being treated as the grown man they r, men that can make their own decisions. ADULT decisions. If she had been a guide to any other member, i wonder, would she receive this hate?
What the fuck is wrong with this fandom. Why, even the "ot7", have such a big problem with jimin? I really dont get it. I dont think its a exaggeration anymore when we say that the only real ot7s r the ones that have jimin as bias. When we see fake ot7, always is someone who have other members as bias, and that shades jimin. On the other hand, more and more we have jimin biased army becoming solos because of all this hate he receives. And i dont judge them. I mean, i dont like solos, but i can understand the urge to defende jimin of everything and everyone, because, in the reality, we can't even trust the people on our own fandom. This solo bts era is a mess, and i'm so sick of all of this. I'm happy members r happy discovering who they r as individuals, and i'm loving what they r showing to us. But i'm afraid this fandom is worse and worse everyday.
I remember when this lady got attacked. Best believe me and my friends were right there backing her up among other people who were doing the same. She got many DMs all telling her to kill herself simply because she said V is an adult and can smoke if he wants to. Their real issue was that she met Jimin and praised him for being the beautiful, kind human that he is.
This is why this discord is important. More people need supporters in their corner. When 50 tkkrs are attacking you it can be overwhelming and that's why people leave twitter. But if you have other people fighting them off and encouraging you to stay and block them, it can make someone feel better about having people in their corner.
This girl had back up and she's strong so she stayed. The vermin are the scam of the earth. And I for one I'm done watching them ran havoc and get away with it. My friends and I have been fighting them for months and we will continue to do so with or without people's support.
Of course it would be nice if more people joined us but if you let these big tumblrs get in your head just because, then things will continue like they have been and what good has that done? You can yap about Jimin abuse all day. You can shout at the rooftops about JK being used as a shipping tool by tkkrs. You can cry all day about Jkkrs getting attacked and ran out. And u can complain about ot7 accounts being tkkrs that allow Jimin to get dragged. But if you're not doing anything about it then what good does that do?
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For everyone who has something to say about what we are doing; If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. You can deal with things your way, that's fine. But if u don't want to join the fight then keep it moving. If you don't want anything to do with this then just, let, us, be.
Anyway anon. Chapter 2 has been a fucking mess. Makes me wonder what will happen when all of the Tannies enlist and the fandom is left without supervision. Then what?
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Discord still here. All welcome.
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newkatzkafe2023 · 7 months
Male Holli Would X Sadistic Female Manga artist reader
(Name) Y/N L/N Deebs later Y/N L/N Would
(Age) 20
(Gender) Female
(Occupation) Manga Artist
You are a 5'9 female with (e/c) and long (h/c). Your a Curvy young Women your mostly seen in puck-ish street wear, you also wear baseball Caps and Sneakers. You also like to put on lipgloss and pink nail polish. When out in the club you wear
Personality: You Ms thing are a Sociopath and dirty rotten women. You are manipulation, Tricky, Sleazy, untrustworthy, and very Vague. Like your so good at lying that you can make it look like it was the other person's decision. You are are quite spoiled Considering you are younger than Your Brother Jack and are Very intelligent so you can easily get what you want. You can be Arrogant and Cocky when push comes to shove and you can be short-tempered when things don't go according to plan. You also have some child-like moments especially when Watching old Cartoons like Looney tunes or Betty Boop. Your Also Amazing at finding a Liar Since your good at being one so their no tricking or lying to you. You also Can be sarcastic and jaded as you had a pretty rough beginning before being adopted, and finally you have some Narcissistic Traits and love Torturing people especially your brother and other Noids and doodles.
Jack Deebs: He's your Adopted Brother, Emphasis on adopted. To you he's your Punching bag, Lackey, Errand Boy and sometimes wallet. He was never a Brother to you. you and Holli use and Abuse him for your own Benefit. Now you wouldn't say you hate him but you clearly don't think Much of him and Only see him as a tool and someone you can torture
Holli Would: Now Honestly you to get along Amazingly. You both have similar interests and ambitions and want in on the other's life. Sure you didn't trust her as far as you can throw a picture of her but, it's not all terrible. You both learn from each other as well like she taught you how to Dance and you taught her how to Scam some people for Money. You both don't think Much of your Brothers and she understands how Clingy and Needy her Twin brother is especially when he's in-love.
Hal E Would: OK SO GET THIS You knew Hal as long as you can remember wonder why because he's the main Character to your the Manga series HIMBO. This guy has made you very Famous for his looks and his Shenanigans fueled by Stupidity. Since you hate men his Manga is a series of ways to torture and humiliate him on the daily basis and became very popular for Is feminist and female divorcees but received backlash for males. Now you never dreamed of meeting him in real life but it's been a Nightmare He's Annoying, loud, flirty, Needy and Blindly in love with you. Finally he gets in the way of everything You need to ditch Him at Once before something unfortunate happens to you.
Detective Frank Harris: Yo this guys is a fun sponge let me tell you that. He always bugging you and telling you things you could careless about. Even though you took note on somethings he said that actually sound important like that laws of cool world he keeps bringing up. He still annoys you and you hate him because he's a bossy uptight man but you Tolerate him more than your Jack and Hal.
Hal and Holli's Doodle Goons: You and Jack remember drawing these guys but they listen to you more then they listen to Jack.
Catchphrase: Do We have a Deal?😈
Trivia Fact:
Well You remember Holli Would is the main Antagonist well your the Secondary Antagonist in this Story you already know that your a Lousy person
Holli wants to be a Noid
While your Goal is to become a Doodle
You hate men because of the bad relationships you had and the fact that you were abandoned
Because you watch alot of Cartoons you sometimes say things or act like the Characters you saw on television. Although you grew out of it but it happens for time to time.
You are a Foodie so when you get back to the real world you take Holli and Hal to a bunch of Restaurants and food Festivals
You don't use Curse words unless your truly fed up with a Situation
You and Holli both Dislike your Brothers and think of them as tools
Your Theme Songs:
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Leave comments please and tell me what you think of your character🥺
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richardsphere · 2 months
Leverage Redemption Log: The Pyramid Job
Well either we're going to Egypt (not in the budget) the louvre (not in the budget) or a Bass Pro Shop (in the budget, unlikely). That or its an MLM. --- Woman is telling her MLM bosses about how she needs to leave the MLM. They tell her success is definitly on the way.
Huh an MLM that has a return policy. (i mean its definitely a shit policy that scams them but thats better then most MLM's)
And they reverse psychology the woman back into the pyramidcult. --- Scene opens with a person in an old london flat-cap getting thrown into a container of hay by Elliot. (this guy is so london that i'd be suprised if this doesnt somehow tie into the "Sophie Backstory" that is being slowly woven into the season-arc.)
Pick London Tweeds pocket full of diamonds, fund a school, pay off debts. Denouement for an off-screen adventure.
Huh, im right. Its just not the same guy but this "Billie the Gent" fellow is also wearing a flatcap (and this guy is even wearing something tweed-like) So i assume this scene is taking place in a London warehouse (the beautiful thing about warehouses, they're pretty standard regardless of geographical location. No need for expensive on-location shots)
Billy is worried about his daughter (she was a baby when Sophie sent him and Arthur to prison)
Elliot dated someone who bought the product.
Billie is doing a bit of a guilt trip, and Elliot doesnt trust him. So expect a third-act betrayal of some sort. --- Con starts in-medias-res. Breanna is an accountant. She does not like how much firewalls they've put around comic sans slideshows of babies.
The point of the Con (at least for now): Get a virus on the server. Automated "return true" to all attempts at a refund.
I dont think that the people working at the datacenters of an MLM are usually in the "level"-based structure. So we need a Diamond key... well if they're all on the funky little wristwatch-drives like Saphire here has? Thats a simple Parker Pickpocket. (seems that she's thinking along the same lines).
Also daily, streams from the boss bitch? Thats gonna make a return, and knowing the standard Leverage MO: That is gonna be her Confession Cam
Sophies scheme for Richard: Divide and conquer by convincing him he needs some more Toxic Masculinity in his life. But like, only a smidgen. So its a Harry job, not an Elliot.
--- Sophie arrives at the cult-fundraiser thing. (Parker is in situ as waitstaff) Thank god this show is willing to drop the C word. (Cult. Though though the other one might be apropriate as well) Ok so apparently the company just steals downlines whenever they want?
Richard exists stage to let Debra shine. Do some pseudo-inspirational brainwashing. We have found Billies daughter Miranda. Parker offers up the Venezuela Protocol. --- Operation Bromcom is initiated. I do not like the Tom Selleck stache on Harry.
Bromcom makes it into Phase 2 no problem. --- Debra reads through Sophies accent and really puts her on the spot, also she puts the spots on her. Cut for comercial as if Sophie doesnt have an earpiece. --- Ok we're not even bothering with the earpiece, Sophie is just gonna StageCultBS her way out of this.
But yeah Debra is onto Sophie. Which isnt really a problem? (Sophie is only here to keep an eye on Miranda and create an opening for Parker to do her thing. Being in the spotlight is kind of the point) --- Back with Breanna, Saphire very much is starting to see the dawning light Re:Pyramids. It's far from noon yet but its definitly twilight.
Ronald has a real "they've got skulls on them" moment when he sees the Teletubbies sunbaby on a giant pyramid in the logo. --- Sophie has Parker feign a pregnancy. (she named the kid after Hardison)
And we've just (temporarily) screwed over Miranda. (look there are no stakes here)
Seriously how many glass pyramids are on this table Miranda is standing at?
"I dont have a tissue but you can use my sleeve". 10/10. Well looks like Parker has succesfully convinced Miranda to leave. --- Meanwhile Billy is talking on the phone with someone in a foreign language. Meanwhile Elliot, not involved in our Con, is keeping tabs on Billy. Turns out Elliot can see a narrative throughline when its in his face and is gonna punch it out of Billy before the concequences of Sophies past come to blow our heroes' faces off. --- Back with Harry, Parker tells him to play the "manly emotional insecurity card". ("If only my dad had been able to tell me he was proud of me when he was still alive") Richard has a safe and Parker is ready to go. (so we're switching Diamond-bracelet targets from Debra to Richard) --- Back with Elliot, Billy is remniscing about old times. (turns out food works just as well as punches)
He doesnt trust Sophie, but also he doesnt have any grudges against her. (he understands that she didnt sell him out, he was going down anyway and he doesnt resent her, unlike Arthur) --- Back at Cultcon, Sophie is being politely interogated by Debra. (Debra sees a kinship/rivalry i think?)
Oh i see. (perhaps a bit late). its a maternity cult, about parenthood. And Sophie was always very maternal basically taking all of 2 episodes before becoming an all-out mom to Parker in the OG run. We're about to drop the "you abandoned your child" revelation aren't we? The narrative throughline of the season isnt the Duke she married, its the current duke/duchess that's gonna be the season finale. --- Back to Breanna and Robert, turns out the cheap bracelets cost 200 USD. Also he wants to play Jazz. Breanna knows where the Yes Virus needs to go (penthouse computer) --- Parker tells Harry to move it like a madagaskan lemur. Gold bars, land title deeds in Uzbek... (close enough to russia that it might have been a something Billy was covering up. Except then a reveal that Elliot knows he wasnt speaking russian cause Elliot speaks Russian.)
Oh god he's working with Billy. Thats our 3rd act complication isnt it? (yes a "sophie had a child" reveal would be a twist but it wouldnt be a complication to the con. But a betrayal by Billy...)
Richard challenges Harry to a duel. (who has spotted the bracelet. its in the mancave.) --- Oh Sophie is doing exposition about Nate, i thought we were gonna get into the Duke. (Or it could be both)
Richard just knocked Harry's earpiece out (quick, tell him its a hearing aid. You've spent too much time around loud cars and payed the price. He'll fall for it!) --- Back from commercial, It seems Harry is going for the lie i came up with (im starting to really get feel these writers)
Parker is compromised with her fake belly, and unfortunately Richard isnt buying the hearing aid story (worth a try) --- Breanna is so pissed that Harry's sword-fighting a viking and she's stuck as an accountant. (Ronald has gone home, grabbed his trumpet, returned to tell Breanna and now he's off again) --- "your brandy is watered down and your cubans are fake" hitting him where it hurts him most.
Harry gets to catch punch out a guy with a sword and catch a thrown axe with his shield. He's really getting into Phase 4. --- Meanwhile back at Sophie, we're she's stalling for time with expositiondumps to Debra. And the clock strikes (i think it was 4?) and Sophie turns the tide from reluctant admisions of past trauma to goading and baiting Debra into a confession. Oh she's calling for security after she just confessed to her actions on her own daily livestream? I do wonder what'll happen when we get back from commercials --- So yeah she was on broadcast (cause of course)
Breanna used Harry as a distraction to put her virus on Richards Wristband (man, if only Debra hadnt insisted on a Nuclear Missile-type 2-key situation she could've stopped all the returns from happening right now)
Harry runs into the Denouement looking like a fool because someone has to explain the logistics of the financial fallout (also he put in a call, the repoman works fast) --- Back at the theatre the Selleck Stache has been glued to a mixer. Parker is keeping the baby, and Harry is keeping the armor (it reeks but its probably expensive)
Richard spilled some beer in the car (which, is anticlimactic as far as "you ruined my car for the mission" jokes go), and Richard is playing jazz outside the theatre. ---
YES I KNEW THAT IT WASNT RUSSIA! It was the Uzbek deed after all! So our next mark is presumably this Ramsey guy. (if he's into runways, he's probably a plane-based smuggler) Final camera pan upwards to a devil-like statue. (not a Gargoyle as it isnt a waterfeature, and its mouthes and orifices are closed so it also isnt a grotesque)
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do another severus snapes daughter basically in her seventh year secretly selling potions to anyone because she's amazing at potions like her dad and the golden trio ending up going to buy stuff from her and basically doing a double take and ron bein like shell tell her dad and she says he doesn't[t know, so don't you dare tell him or ill hex you
In The Shadows - Severus Snapes daughter x Golden trio
Warnings: none
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"C'mon Hermione!" Ron begged fast walking down the corridor to catch up to her. "Ron, No! How do you know they won't just give us something that could make you incredibly sick?" Hermione reasoned; her hair becoming more puffy with her growing feeling of agitation. "As long as it's not Draco selling these potions, then I think we should be safe." Harry muttered. They all turned and walked into the restroom.
"Look, Hermione. It takes a month to brew that stupid potion just for it to last a few minutes. Don't you think it'll save us a lot of time to just buy it?" Ron fussed. Hermione sighed in frustration. "Because Ron, we don't know who's selling it. All we know is that the potions are being sold by a slytherin. That could be anyone. For all we know Crabbe and Goyle could just be scamming the younger students out of their money!"
"The only way we'll know is if we try." Ron suggested. "Fine, then. If I'm right you have to help me make hats for the house elves." Ron stood there and leaned against one of the sinks behind him and contemplated for a few seconds. "Fine, and if I'm right, you owe me three chocolate frogs."
The following day the three friends decided to find this mysterious slytherin student. "I don't even know where they would be selling these potions. Why don't we ask someone who's bought from them before." Hemione suggested and the two boys just followed. They walked around the school searching for someone that had just made a purchase. They searched around the courtyard nearly losing hope when just their luck, there was a ravenclaw student taking a vile of a calming drought.
"Excuse me, where did you buy that?" She asked pointing to the now empty vile. The student leaned in and whispered "She sells them in the shadows near the main stairs when Snape and McGonagall take their break." Hermione quickly said a thank you and walked back to Ron and Harry to tell them what she had heard.
The waiting was taking longer than they thought now that they knew exactly where to go. They were all a bit excited to know who exactly would be the one to selling the potions. The hours slowly rolled around and finally it was time to go. They secretly walked down to the main stairs and made quick amd quite strides to the dark corner where it was hard to be seen at a certain angle.
There she was sitting down on the floor in the shadows next to a box full of assorted and organized potions. Severus Snapes daughter. They all looked stunned to see her there. Hermione's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of her skull. Harry and Ron looked mortified afraid that it was some sort if ploy for them to get into more trouble with Professor Snape.
"Are you here to buy something or are you just going to stare at me like a couple of morons?" She glared. Her black hair. Her Slytherin robes. Her pale skin. She was also a potions master. A carbon copy of her father. "Can we get three polyjuice potions?" She looked at them with confusion. "I've never been asked for that potion before. You're lucky that I have four. That'll be three knuts each." Harry hit Ron to get his attention and he quickly pulled the money out of his front pocket still in shock.
"So, does your father know you do this?" Harry asked with nervousness coating his voice. "No, are you kidding? He'd kill me. You three better swear not tell him or I'll never sell to you again, no better yet. I'll hex you if you tell my father." She looked dead serious as she let out the threat. Ron and Harry nodded almost to scared to speak.
"Good, enjoy the potions, and try not to get caught." That's all she said before closing her box of potions and walked away leaving the three of them just standing there. "I guess you owe me three chocolate frogs then." Ron spoke matter of factly. Hermione didn't say a word the whole way back to the dorm.
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silverlining317 · 2 years
Like Home
For @hinnyfest, prompt #26:  'You are my home''
It was difficult for me to follow the order of the prompts with this scene in mind and I had to write it down. I think it is a fanfiction of many fanfiction that I read. There's something  about hinny in OOTP that feels real special.
The first sentence is from the movies***
"Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember. Allow it to fill you up… Think of the happiest thing you can." -said Harry
The thread of smoke that came out of Luna's wand began to swarm into a tail. One hop. Two hops. The rabbit began to dance in the air.
-''I did it''- Luna smiled
"Brillant" -Harry said approaching the next student. He was such a good teacher, Ginny shook her head. It was not time to return to that fantasy. It was enough that her brain took advantage of when she was unconscious to dream about him. She refused to daydream about his teaching abilities too. She had to focus on her happiest memory. That was the important thing at the time.
-"Can you choose the shape of the Patronus?" -Lavender said shaking her wand as if hitting someone.
-"No." -Harry said, replicating the correct wrist movement once more.-  "It's linked to the personality of the person who casts it."
-'' But if I change my personality''- Lavander said giving softer strokes now.
"I'm not sure that will work." -Harry said- "A Patronus is unlike any other spell. It comes from intense memories. It's as if the magic infiltrated into your most sincere emotions and beliefs.  A part of you that you didn't know or didn't want to admit existed.''
"That was so sweet Harry," Lavender said.
-''Regarding the wrist movement''- Harry  tried to divert the attention.
Don't think about him. Ginny repeated herself. She closed her eyes, and from the green of his eyes, she brought back the color of the grass after a summer dew. Fine drops adhered to the grass. Grass on which she would later fall after several attempts to maneuver one of her brother's brooms. The room of requirements began to emanate the aroma of dawn and little by little Ginny felt herself back in the burrow. Happier than ever...
-'' I read the other day in Volume II of Defense Against the Dark Arts, that the Patronus of soul mates is linked. It can even take the same shape''- said Hermione intruding into her fantasy
"So that's why you were so happy that Ron's Patronus was a Jack Russell?" -Ginny said with a smirk.
"Perhaps." - said Hermione with a beaming smile.
-"Now what we're all wondering is:  Behind what a stag runs after?" Ginny said, watching as Harry approached Cho from behind.
"Ginny... your boyfriend is three students away" -said Hermione.
"Whatever." -Ginny said, too disgusted by the scene she was seeing between Harry and Cho to think of anything remotely happy.
"I'm telling you. Thar Ravenclaw uniform must have something" Ginny said without being able to take her eyes off Harry's lips that were now very close to Cho's ear-  "They scammed us with these colors. Red and gold. Who thought it was a good idea? Blue complements the skin way better.''
-'' Ginny, concentrate. You have to keep working on your Patronus''- said Hermione- ''I can help you''
-'' It's a swan!''- Ginny said shaking her head- ''It's a bloody swan!''
The bird spread its wings. Padma and Parvati stood before the celestial image with their mouths wide open.
"It might be pretty, I give her that one. But it won't scare anyone" -Ginny said trying to look away as Cho and Harry hug each other. -"I mean if a dementor comes and sees a swan. A strutting swan...''
"Ginny, focus," said Hermione.
"Also, I might be wrong. But, I don't even believe swans and stags cohabit in the same spaces. Ha. Even their Patronus notice how mismatched they are" - Ginny said, waving her wand from side to side.
-"Just because Patronus can adapt to match each other it doesn't mean they always do." -Hermione said rolling her eyes. "Besides, it's not always a sign of love. They can also evolve to match the shape of another person's animal for darker reasons. Like when love became an obsession.''
"WHAT?" -Ginny's wand fell to the floor and she hurried to pick it up "How did you wait until this point to share that piece of information, Hermione? So wise yet it did not occur to you what could happen if I managed to make a corporeal Patronus?''
-''Ginny...''- said her friend
-'' A huge stag or doe could have come out of my wand without any warning''- Ginny said very slowly, over pronouncing each syllable-'' I don't need this. I truly do not. I'm making an effort to get over him. I don't want the whole DA to know how obsessed I truly am...Michael is over there. I  can't have my boyfriend seeing that for merlin's sake! ''
"Stop it. Your Patronus isn't going to be a stag. Not a doe" Hermione said. "Actually, it's not going to be anything, if you don't stop distracting yourself."
-''I'm trying''- said Ginny dropping her wand again
-'' I don't think you are obsessed either. ''- said Hermione- ''Just a little bit too infatuated. Which its bad. Because your boyfriend over there has been trying to gain your attention for half an hour now''
" To be honest I don't care about Michael. Not since yesterday when…" - Ginny started to speak but halfway through her face began to freeze- "A lot, I care a lot about him. I'm thinking right now about our first date to focus on the Patronus. How joyful it was. I fancy him so much''
Harry leaned against the wall and nodded. In the same way that Professor Flitwick did when he wanted us to close our mouths and show him the progress. Hermione smiled at Ginny, murmuring something along the words: "you can do it.
Ginny closed her eyes trying to return to the lawn of the burrow. Wind on his face. The aroma of the wood. Unprecedented happiness bristled his skin, and suddenly. Suddenly the image of a stag appeared between the trees that guarded the Quidditch field of her home. No, no Ginny couldn't do that to herself. She wrinkled her nose and instead searched inside herself for the saddest moment she could imagine. She needed to stop that Patronus from shaping. 
From the damp earth to the frozen floor of the Chamber of Secrets. Blood splattered like a crimson lake. The wounds of  Harry.  Harry, who was there despite not knowing her. Willing to risk his life and save her in the most heroic way.
 As if her mouth didn't respond to her commands, her lips muttered the charm. Ginny dug her nails into her palm. Think about the Chamber, she said. The diary. Tom. Something sad to prevent that stag from appearing. 
From the tip of her wand, a silver mist began to rise taking the form of four legs. Ginny started to shake. That couldn't be happening to her. Be sad, she repeated in her mind. Be sad, she orders herself. Her father on the hospital after the snake attack.
The legs recoiled, vanishing against the haze of a misshapen Patronus.
-"You looked like you were in pain." Harry said walking up to her.- ''Something happened?''
-"It's hard for me to think of anything good with everything that's going on." -Ginny lied. To the extent that just having him this close was enough for her to be able to conjure a thousand Patronus. 
-'' Trust me, I understand you more than anyone''- said Harry- ''Still, I'm sure that growing up in the burrow must be like having a neverending source of happiness''
-'' Yes''- Ginny smiled, fleetingly remembering a hundred of them- ''But...''
"Keep that in mind" -Harry said close to her- "Focus on the details. The scents, the colors, the sounds...''
Ginny nodded. Imagining her 9th-year-old birthday. Money was scattered. Her parents explained that they could not afford to buy her the present she wanted. She went to sleep crying only to woke up and find all of her brothers in the kitchen waiting for her to present the Weasley's version of that explosive cards game. They spent all night crafting and enchanting it for her. 
"Expecto patronum," Ginny said, and back again a huge four-legged animal began to emerge. Ginny turned to see Hermione who was looking at the scene with a face of absolute terror. It was shaping like a doe. The symbol of her obsession. She need a distraction. Ginny looked at Cho, and just like that, the fog vanished into nothing but air. 
-"You're very close to it." -Harry said.- "Maybe you need to try another memory''
-"Yes, that must be." -Ginny said- "I'm a little tired. I did not sleep well. Can we call it quit ?''
-"It's like you already have it and somehow you sabotage yourself in the middle." -Harry said.- "Maybe it's the noise."
"As I told you, I'm tired," Ginny said with a pleading look at her friend.
-"Just one more time"- Harry said, his green eyes sparkling with excitement. How could she say no?
-"It has to be something that  gives you hope. Something that makes you feel like home" Harry said brushing her arm without notice.
-"Harry, maybe we should try again, next week. " said Hermione. Ginny never loved someone so much.
-"Next time then." -Harry said reaching into his pockets, "Maybe it would help to ask others what memory they have used."
-"Yes, that's an excellent idea," Ginny said, nodding her head and then nodding back once more in an attempt to camouflage the disappointment she felt at her cowardness. 
"My life isn't that transcendental either." -Ginny added in a desperate attempt to break the silence created by students who were starting to leave.
-'' It could be something simple''- said Hermione- ''I for example imagined myself the first part of my Christmas break. When I went skiing with my parents. ''
Liar. Ginny told herself. They both knew very well that she had been imagining her first visit to Hogsmeade with Ron. But she couldn't blame her when she kept saving her from being face-to-face alone with Harry, who for some reason refused to go. He must be waiting for Cho. Ginny felt that two more seconds thinking about her would be enough for her to create a corporeal antipatronus.
-"I used a memory from this Christmas too" -Harry said.
"Snuffles?" Ginny guessed.
- '' Well, yes but then I was thinking about the four of us playing exploding snap the night before returning to the castle.'' - said Harry
Ginny froze. The four of them? Like them? Ron, Hermione, Harry and her? Ginny start to remember each day from their stay at Grimmauld Place. Trying to find some other time when Harry might have shared that game with four players. Someone else that didn't involve her. He didn't. So that means she was a  part of a memory that he had used to create a Patronus?
 A cold air climbed up her neck, bristling every inch of her skin. Like energy overloading Ginny's body, she need to channel that emotion.
-"Expecto patronum" Ginny reached out for her wand and spoke the words before she could even think of their implication.
A huge animal began to gallop across the room.
"It's beautiful," said Hermione.
-''Brillant Gin''- Harry said- ''I knew it would be easy for you to achieve that spell.''
The horse kept galloping through the air until it approached its owner to give her a little caress.
"I told you" whispered Hermione.
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your-mom-friend · 2 years
A lesson in Credit Card safety, brought to you by my dad
I say credit card, but this also applies to debit cards. This is also mostly about scam callers
Cards from any bank have a common code. For example any credit card from Bank A would start with 0123. any Debit cards from Bank A could start with 0124. A credit card from Bank B might start with 4321.
Point being, a scammer can call you saying there's an issue with your account, and that you card number starts with, say, 0123. It gives the impression that they know what the other 12 digits of your card are. They do not. It's an attempt to bait you into telling them. If it's your bank then they'll be able to tell you all but the last 4 digits. the last 4 digits of your card, and the 3 digit code at the back of your card, are known to you and you alone. Give this to nobody. take no pictures and the only record of it's existence should be the card itself. If you tell the scammer "I have a credit card at Bank A" then they'll be able to tell you the first 4 digits. don't give them anything else.
There are a lot of things scammers might do to get your card number or phone number. Recently I got a call from someone claiming to be police, and I got out of that by saying I don't have any bank account, after which they ended the call.
Scammers will do a lot. They'll, and I say this from personal experience, try to get your sympathy by having a crying kid in the background to give the impression of a harried work-from-home parent that needs a break. Don't fall for it.
If you are on the line with them in the "I'm from the bank to fix your account" scenario, they might send you a One-Time-Password (OTP) and tell you to give them the OTP, and this'll give them access to your phone.
On one occasion, a scammer called a little kid, claiming to be his dad's friend. The kid said his dad was asleep, and the scammer got the kid to take out his dad's wallet and give him the credit card information and the next day his account was cleared entirely. He was able to report the fraud and get his money back but the point still stands.
If the call is from any legitimate source, they'll be able to give you information themselves. If they ask for you to confirm your email ask them to tell you the email they have on record and you can confirm it. Same goes for phone numbers and card details. If they're actually from a bank they should be able to confirm it themselves.
You can also, like my dad, just be a bastard about it. My dad once got a call saying that they were from X Bank and they were going to close his account, and he just said "okay do it" and ended the call. then he looked me dead in the eyes and said "I don't have an account at that bank".
All of this might sound like obvious information to some, but if I've learned one thing, it's that sometimes the obvious doesn't strike us, and sometimes we don't have someone to teach it to us. So I'm gonna pass along this wisdom to y'all.
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goongiveusnothing · 1 year
in regards to that weird fine line photoshoot, and even red carpets, i think the biggest issue is that harry doesn’t know how to pose or give face. most of his outfits never suit him because they’re just worn by him for the shock value and so it seems like he’s this fashion icon. but the clothes wear him EVERY time. he always stands so awkwardly or has this dead stare with no type of emotional expression which both end up killing all his looks. he never seems connected with his body or clothes and it’s so obviously not his style that he can’t pull it off.
he has a terrible modelling face which is to say he has none at all.
he just gives off a weird fart face and that's it. he doesn't change his expressions or poses ever. he even poses like that in his videos and in his acting career, which is why i suspected he'd struggle. he has absolutely no idea how to look normal in a photo.
people can go look up other iconic stars, fashion people, actors, musicians, etc and see how incredible the diversity and authenticity in their expressions were. james dean managed to turn a completely average photoshoot of an up and coming actor into one of the most iconic photoshoots of all time, with no stylists, no hair people, nothing. just his own personality and charisma. harry's also a fan of the clash (supposedly) and they also managed to turn very normal photoshoots into things that are iconic because of their own fashion sense and ability to pose in a photo.
harry has all the money and luxury and designers and stylists and hair artistes in the world and still always looks blah and dead behind the eyes wearing an outfit he clearly has no connection to and has no real vibe with. the fact he's immediately removed both his red carpet outfits for something that more fits him in his recent events just proves the point. can you imagine MJ or prince or madonna or bowie showing up in an ugly ass outfit and then taking it off for the main show to sit in something more normal? there's no authenticity to him and that is clear in everything about him, which is also why i think people are so repulsed by his outfits. there's nothing real to him, nothing there to him, he does not feel like someone who is giving us anything of himself. he feels like someone constantly trying to data mine us for money. because we can tell it's all a sham and he's scamming people.
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mariacallous · 1 year
Shortly after announcing his indictment last Thursday, Donald Trump posted a video to Truth Social complaining about persecution. Over the course of four minutes, he claimed multiple times that he’d won his reelection bid, asserted his innocence, called the Russia investigation a plot engineered by Hillary Clinton, and insisted that every investigation into his conduct was “a hoax and a scam.” His speeches over the weekend featured a torrent of false claims.
During his arraignment yesterday, in contrast, the former president said nothing. According to reporters, he sat silently with his arms crossed while his lawyer entered his plea of not guilty. There would be more bombast yet to come at a speech later that evening. But for that brief period in court, the lies ground to a halt.
Trump has built a political juggernaut out of shameless lying. Or perhaps not even lying. It’s practically a cliché at this point to refer to the philosopher Harry Frankfurt’s definition of bullshit, which Frankfurt describes as distinct from, and worse than, a lie, in that the bullshitter doesn’t even care whether or not what he’s saying is true. Trump is a consummate bullshitter—but the courtroom is an inhospitable place for that sort of bluster. It’s an environment designed for careful, systematic evaluation of meaning and argument. In court, Trump is no longer on his home turf. In that sense, the Mar-a-Lago indictment represents the latest collision between the legal system and Trump’s insistence on defining the terms of his own reality.
Trump’s own accounts of what happened with the classified documents he allegedly brought to Mar-a-Lago are characteristically fantastical. Often, he says that he declassified them before leaving office—a claim for which there’s no evidence. Sometimes, he insists that his enemies are unjustly persecuting him despite their own supposed record of absconding with sensitive materials. (There’s no evidence that they’ve done so deliberately, much less that they’ve then refused to return them.) Recently, many of his posts on Truth Social about the case have appeared in all capital letters, as if he’s shouting through the computer screen.
The indictment, in contrast, is a quiet, controlled document. It walks through the case against Trump and his aide Walt Nauta with brusque efficiency: Trump took government papers that didn’t belong to him; he lied and refused to give them back when the government came calling; and in doing so, he put the country at risk. At times, the indictment punctures Trump’s bluster by using his own words. In one exchange reproduced by Special Counsel Jack Smith, Trump tells a staffer that “as president I could have declassified” a document, but “now I can’t”—a direct rebuttal to the many times Trump has claimed in public that he declassified the records in question during his time in office. Elsewhere, the indictment repeats paragraph after paragraph of comments made by Trump during his campaign and presidency, insisting on the importance of protecting classified information. The indictment is a refusal to yield to Trump’s desire to shape the world around whatever truth he happens to like best at the time.
Trump, Smith alleges, ignored laws about the handling of classified materials because he didn’t want them to exist—and when the government came looking, he repeatedly tried to rewrite the facts by hiding additional documents away and encouraging the people around him, including his lawyers, to lie to government investigators. “Wouldn’t it be better if we just told them we don’t have anything here?” he said, according to his lawyer’s notes. “Well look isn’t it better if there are no documents?”
Just like Trump’s lies about winning the 2020 election, these suggestions were an effort to reshape reality to his will. By refusing to relinquish control of materials that he could legally access only when president, he was also maintaining the fantasy that he still holds that office by right.
The government, though, was unimpressed. The indictment makes it clear: “At 12:00 p.m. on January 20, 2021, TRUMP ceased to be president.”
For all that Trump loves to file lawsuits against those he claims have wronged him, the courtroom represents a space perhaps uniquely hostile to Trumpian falsehoods. Lawyers can’t lie before a judge or make assertions with no grounding in law or fact. They have to set out the reasoning behind their claims, instead of just insisting that something is correct because they say so. As the philosopher Jeremy Waldron puts it, law represents “a mode of thoughtfulness that allows rival and competing claims to confront and engage with one another in an orderly process … without degenerating into an incoherent shouting match.” It’s hard to think of something less Trumpian.
Already in the Mar-a-Lago investigation, this aspect of the law has limited Trump’s ability to lie. Shortly after the FBI searched the Palm Beach, Florida, estate in August, Trump sued to prevent the Justice Department from accessing the seized materials. He was employing a familiar tactic, buying himself more time by throwing up legal barriers for his opponent to surmount. But in doing so, he also provided the government with a platform to set out its case against him. In a preview of this month’s indictment, the Justice Department responded with a lengthy, devastating account of how Trump and his team repeatedly hindered the government’s efforts to take custody of sensitive information. Trump, meanwhile, had to hold back in court from claiming that he’d declassified the documents in question, as he and his legal team insisted on television and social media. He couldn’t make that argument before a judge, because it wasn’t true.
That was far from the only time the Trump team has arrived in court unable to substantiate the former president’s wild claims. Over the course of efforts to challenge and overturn the 2020 presidential election, lawyers representing the Trump campaign or sympathetic groups made arguments about supposed election irregularities on television and social media that failed to hold up. “While there are many arenas—including print, television, and social media—where protestations, conjecture, and speculation may be advanced,” wrote one judge, “such expressions are neither permitted nor welcomed in a court of law.” Many of the lawyers who chose to advance such speculation anyway, including Trump’s former attorney Rudy Giuliani, are now facing ethics investigations.
Elsewhere in the legal system, litigants are using defamation law as a tool to undercut the Big Lie of 2020 election fraud; Dominion Voting Systems, for example, was able to secure a hefty settlement from Fox News. “The truth matters. Lies have consequences,” said a Dominion attorney after the settlement was announced. Trump, too, has faced this strategy, in the context of E. Jean Carroll’s successful civil case against him for sexual abuse and defamation after he denied her claim that he’d attacked her in a department-store dressing room.
So United States v. Donald Trump will not be Trump’s first confrontation with what we might call the anti-bullshit properties of the judicial system. It may also not be the last, as Smith continues to investigate Trump’s potential legal culpability for the January 6 insurrection. On the state level, there’s the potential of charges in Georgia for the former president’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election there, as well as the New York State indictment of Trump for coordinating hush-money payments to Stormy Daniels in advance of the 2016 election. It’s tempting to look at that list and see the possibility of a resounding victory over Trump’s blather, a triumph of accountability that insists that facts matter and words mean what they say.
But Trump has a Houdini-like ability to extract himself from legal and political traps. The special counsel had an early stroke of bad luck in the judge appointed to oversee the case—Aileen Cannon, who also oversaw Trump’s lawsuit to hamstring the Justice Department’s investigation last year. Cannon botched that case so thoroughly, upending normal legal principles in service of an outcome favorable to Trump, that the conservative judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit were forced to step in and set things back on track. If Cannon handles the prosecution of Trump like she did his earlier suit, she’ll have an enormous amount of discretion to make the special counsel’s life difficult in prosecuting the case.
The story of Trump’s confrontation with the law is also the story of his confrontation with various rule-bound institutions: the Justice Department; two special counsels; judges in black robes; and, during both impeachments, the House and Senate. Cannon’s presence, though, is a reminder that Trump was able to reshape many of those same institutions during his time in office. She is one of many judges appointed by Trump in his successful quest to remake the federal bench. In this respect, there’s an irony in how the courts and the law have been celebrated by some progressives and Trump opponents as a space privileging truth, even as Trump’s alliance with the conservative legal movement has pulled the federal judiciary sharply to the right and precipitated a growing crisis of public trust in the courts.
Trump has folded the indictment into his quest for reelection, demanding a chance to deal out retribution against those who have wronged him. Cannon’s role in the courtroom suggests another way to understand the stakes of a second Trump presidency. Given another four years, he’d be able to further refashion institutions in his image—and, in doing so, limit their ability and willingness to hold him to account again.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 month
Nigeria’s Role in Invictus Games
Time to review some facts as Harold & M book another private jet to another continent. Hopefully some publications will engage in some research on this.
So how many African nations have attended the Invictus Games (IGs) prior to 2023? ZERO.
In 2022 Meghan Markle unexpectedly announced to the world that she was 43% Nigerian. Ibble Dibble does an excellent job debunking this btw here https://youtube.com/watch?v=0CYNcie-PAs&si=AJ5IF8qLod4KGyda
Setting aside that Meghan’s claim was false, Meghan still announced this on her Archetype podcast episode on “Angry Black Women” featuring Ziwe Fumudoh who is the daughter of two Nigerian immigrants. The highly profane comedienne also attended Northwestern, although it’s unlikely she was in Meghan’s white sorority. Ziwe was, predictably giddy, and the two instantly bonded. Not sure where her jelly post is.
Nigeria “mysteriously” applied to join the Invictus Games also in 2022, but wasn’t eligible to participate until last year’s IGs in Dusseldorf. They brought ten participants. The question is, which is the chicken vs egg? Based on her family’s ancestry records we know she can’t be 43% Nigerian, so did Harry tell M about Nigeria wanting to join the IGs and M thought “great!” I can be Nigerian, realizing no other African countries participate? Or did M make up the Nigerian DNA story and Nigeria latched on to gain more legitimacy and access some stale royal stardust? Or are we supposed to believe her fake story about being Nigerian in 2022 was purely coincidental to Nigeria applying to the IGs in 2022, when zero other African countries have shown any interest?
In January 2024 Harry & Meghan flew to Whistler, BC to attend some IG ski vacation boondoggle that cost IG tens of thousands of dollars for just H&M’s private jets and very luxurious accommodations, to say nothing of the staggering funds spent on this mini vacation holiday for the entire IG staff, Archewell staff & a very small group of competitors, which included a high society dinner with Michael Bublé serenading a large banquet hall of VIPs, including the Nigerian Chief of Staff who invited H&M to swan about Nigeria. Apparently the vets weren’t invited to that dinner, but they enjoyed all the other perks. That Chief of Staff brought some Nigerian participants with him, none of whom seemingly had any experience competing in winter sports, so it seems shockingly wasteful to squander so much money for a “pre-IG trip just so the Chief of Staff can say he met Michael Bublé.
Harry describes this May 2024 Nigerian trip thusly:
”His visit to Nigeria will include cultural activities and will “consolidate Nigeria’s stronghold at the games and the possibility of hosting the event in later years,” Gusau said.
Nigeria has NO stronghold at the games. They only fielded ten participants and have only attended ONE IG. One. That is not a stronghold. So what is the real purpose of this trip? To bribe Harry for a future hosting gig for the IGs? Bribery involving government officials is the most common form of corruption in Nigeria, according to Nigeria. And we all know how big their scam and bots industry is. That means bribery, although technically illegal in Nigeria, is also very commonplace. Wasting money seems like no big deal for them either.
However, the thought of Nigeria hosting the IGs is laughable. Nigeria has travel warnings throughout Nigeria due to widespread terrorism, kidnappings, armed gangs and general crime. The participating countries are advising against travel to Nigeria https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/nigeria-travel-advisory.html
Aside from putting other nations in extreme danger, it would cost Nigeria over $40M to host this week long party. Nigeria’s entire military budget of $3.1B is .003 of our (US’s) military budget. Basically a rounding error. Yet spending over $40M on a week long party for 500 vets from 22 non-US countries is still hefty enough that it merits a lot of lobbying here, since basic vet needs are not fully met. Yet Nigeria wants to cough this much money up so that 98% of the non-Nigerian prticipants can party in Nigeria? Why? Are all there other veteran needs being fully met? What else is in it for them? This can’t be what this trip is really all about
For Harry & Meghan this is all a win-win. They get to have another faux royal International trip where they cosplay still being royals with royal authority & privileges, which they no longer possess. They will be treated as VIPs, staying at the finest Nigerian hotels and riding in armed motorcades, which is apparently the thing Harry misses most about his former life as an actual senior royal. Meghan gets to rub more heavy bronzer on her race card while working to cement her presence as. co-host for all the future Invictus Games with Harry, who is only a patron, btw, and has zero official corporate authority for the IGs. She will be their Lolo waving her Nigerian flag. Harry seeks to throw his weight around proving that he can bring in nations that will pony up the giant hosting fees
There are rumors that the IG Foundation is considering replacing Harry as their patron. Harry believed his big Netflix Heart of Invictus series would stave that off, but that series didn‘t do that well. Perhaps he believes he can bring in all of Africa. I doubt that will work out well. I think this stunt smells like overwhelming desperation.
The Invictus Games Foundation needs to stop this out of control train wreck. Harry & Meghan going rogue on these projects only brings on more intense scrutiny. Will this charity survive if the amount of money spent on H&M is ever made public? If the US hosts the 2026 IGs I can assure you FOIAs will go out to the DOD. If Birmingham gets it I assume the UK will also FOIA the snot out of the records. The truly big waste isn’t in the IGF’s paltry budget it’s in the $30M to $40M plus sponsorships that goes completely unreported on. MSM, please do your duty!
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author: AM_Rike
submitted: April 29, 2024 at 03:32PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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krissiefox · 1 year
Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog - The Case of The Missing Hi-Tops (Screenshots & Review)
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Watching this episode ended up being a bit tricky, because the power went out when I got home from work today. But, thanks to my Aosth DVD collection and my laptop, I was still able to! Thank goodness for physical media.
The episode starts with Sonic and Tails being chased by this shows weird version of buzz-bombers. Looking at them again, they stand out as odd compared to a lot of the other shows badniks - most of Robotnik’s minions have a very cute design to them, but these things look more sinister and akin to something you might see in SatAm instead.
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Since most badniks in the show have a very cute design, the buzz bombers actually look kind of aggressive by comparison. Through some burrowing and fancy tricks, Sonic is able to take them down. He then notices in a newspaper that there is going to be a Sonic Appreciation event in town! Unfortunately for him and Tails, it's actually a cover for someone's unscrupulous plan....but our heroes won't know that for a while.
Sonic and Tails head to the event and look around in wonder, it's cute seeing them so amazed and happy at people appreciating ...well, Sonic, at-least (they should give some love for Tails too! He's a little sweetheart!) The first person the encounter is a bird fellow named Harry The Huckster, sporting a funny stereotypical "old man" voice.  He's very clearly clearly a Scam artist along the lines of Wes Weasely, but with less charm. Dude even pulls on Sonic’s nose, what a jerk! At-least Weasely doesn't beat up his suckers, er, "customers".
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There’s a lot going on here! Angry eye brow underwear, some random bikini lady, “pickled Sonic jelly”, and then some actual Sonic merch I probably would have loved to get as a kid. Also, it does me a giggle that the scam artist character is selling bibles. Someone on the art team must have been an atheist... Anyway, Harry persists for quite a while trying to sell stuff to Sonic, claiming to think Sonic is just a kid in a mask. Eventually he finally realises he's talking to the real Sonic, and gives Sonic a free bookmark before departing. Next to arrive - is Scratch and Grounder?! They're not here to appreciate Sonic, but to attack him. After busting up their mech, Sonic then sees a woman jumping off the roof a building!
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Thankfully, he is able to catch her, but quickly finds out that she is one creepy and messed up lady who makes even the worst of Amy Roses writing seem believable by comparison. She smooches on Sonic without his consent and just openly brags about stalking him. She even changed her name to “Sonette” sound more like his. Creeeepy! When Sonic finally tells her off, she vows revenge and runs away. Yeesh, what an asshole!
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Sonic and Tails now finally get the chance to go and check into a hotel in town, but while in the lobby they get interrupted by yet another person. His name is Hodgepodge, and he is a large and rather brutish rabbit who used to be friendly rival with Sonic, as they both enjoyed racing each-other. Sonic and Hodgepodge have a friendly race together, after which Sonic passes by Coconuts in disguise.
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This reminds me of one of the scenes from Sonic CD’s ending.
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As Sonic and Tails head to bed, we get a meanwhile scene where Robotnik is playing poker with one of his robots and shoots it in the chest when it beats him. Scratch and Grounder arrive home, telling Robotnik about the event Sonic is at, so he orders them to go and steamroll the town.
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A pigeon-toed chicken?
Back at the hotel room, Sonic and Tails are sleeping peacefully when a strange hose comes in from under their door and gases the room. It seems to be some sort of knockout gas, as when Sonic comes to in the morning, he finds his sneakers are gone! Tails is excited to solve the mystery of who stole them, and Sonic is reluctant, saying he prefers action to thinking (which is odd as he's quite clever in this show), but eventually agrees to take it easy and help Tails search.
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Sonic quickly learns that running without his special sneakers results in burnt tootsie footsies....
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Tails is excited to solve the mystery! He seems to also share this “detective” trait in that “murder of Sonic the hedgehog” game. The name of that makes me uncomfortable because it reminds me of all the awful edgelords I’ve encountered in the My Little Pony fandom, but I know the game is actually quite cute and innocent from all I’ve seen and heard.
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The first "clue" they find is Coconuts, asleep in their closet. They interrogate him and ind out out that Coconuts was already in the hotel, hoping to ambush them in their sleep, but when he saw the sleeping gas hose appear, he decided to lay low and ended up dozing off (which means he must also be more of a cyborg like Scratch and Grounder, it seems).
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I like Coconut’s Robotnik watch. Pretty cool!  😄
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Figuring that Coconuts is innocent of the shoe theft, Tails then decides it must have been Hodgepodge who stole them. He's so sure of himself that he goes outside and attacks the big bunny! It's cute seeing Tails go all gangster on someone for messing with Sonic, but it turns out that Hodgepodge wasn't the culprit either. He may have been jealous of Sonic’s speed in the past, but is over it now and his feet would be too big for Sonic shoes anyway.
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Mobius’s toughest four year old!
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Sonic starts to feel discouraged and sits on the side of a fountain with Tails when he sees the creeper lady from before, Sonette. He goes to confront her, and she confesses to stealing from him, as well as breaking into their hotel room (I think it's time for a restraining order). But, it turns out that while she did steal some things, they weren't Sonic’s shoes but rather a chili dog wrapper and a bookmark.
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Scratch and Grounder arrive with a steamroller, but Sonic makes quick work of them. After he puts them in an envelope and seemingly mails them back to Robotnik, he goes to confront Harry as he has put all the clues together and found out that Harry was indeed the culrpit. He explains to tails how he figured everything out, and it's neat to hear it all as even my own grown-up self didn't catch all the subtle clues throughout the episode. Harry confesses to the crime, and Sonic calls for a cop to arrest him  -personally, I think he should have told the cop about his creepy stalker Sonette, too...
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For some reason Tails’ pose and expression here makes me think of Wooly from Amanda The Adventurer... In the episodes final scene,Sonic sends a very impressive "talking Sonic t-shirt" as a gift to Robotnik. The image of Sonic on it even moves! I kept expecting it to actually be Sonic on the shirt somehow, but I guess Mobius just has really hi-tech t shirt fabric!
In the Sonic says segment, Sonette, once again being a huge creeper, sneaks into a room where she thinks Sonic is showering and tries to steal his shoes. A little "angel" and "devil" appear on each shoulder ( a trope I really do not care for), and pressure her according to their established stereotypes. She eventually chooses not to steal the shoes, and apologizes to Sonic. It's a good lesson to teach kids to steal peoples shoes, but I think the episode could have done more to also address that pretty much everything Sonette does to Sonic in this episode is horrifying and not okay! I guess that's what the well-known "That's no good!" Sonic says is for...
This episode was really fun! For a show that is usually very silly and simple, it's cool to see a rather cleverly written mystery with lots of clues for attentive viewers. Tails eagerness to solve the mystery is adorable, as is a lot of the art in this episode. My only real complaint is that I would like for Sonette's behavior to have been addressed as being as creepy as it was by, well, anyone. She gets off way too easy for all of stalking and physically assaulting of Sonic.
Til next time Sonic enjoyers, stay cool, and don't be a creeper like Sonette! Also, get a flashlight so you can see when the power goes without having tow ear down your phone battery....*rummages around her house* I swear we had a flashlight SOMEWHERE....
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